#i'm still so overwhelmed
lazylittledragon · 2 years
this week will forever be cemented in my mind as “that time a bunch of people on twitter paid for my top surgery”
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wardingshout · 7 months
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instead of brain there is Link's Awakening
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saltpepperbeard · 8 months
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fully losing it over these frames from the beach kiss btw
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manderleyfire · 17 days
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I will do all this, I will get all this blood on my hands, and you are able to plead naivety.
#welighttheway#hotdedit#larys x alicent#larys strong#alicent hightower#larycent#alicent x larys#alicenthightowerdaily#hotd#matthew needham#i fuckng need to tag the man himself because all those quotes? still! so! striking! HONESTLY i pepper his brain with kisses#'he makes himself indispensable to her ties them together in blood in this extraordinary act of will'#'he can see what she’s capable of and he wants to draw it out. they’re both outsiders among the natives'#'she gets to say 'i didn't want it' and i KNOW she did'#'that’s the thing about assault like that it makes the victim’s body the scene of the crime'#rent fckng free forever#larys wants her to feel the same shame wants to break her chaste royal placid exterior and peel the layers off. manually#he wants to creep inside of her mind and rearrange what he finds there#and mr needham is the only larycent fan who gets it to the core!!!!!!!!#THE matthew of the cast i'm so sorry *or am i??*#is this my way to ignore the leaks??? who knows#tbh i was overwhelmed by the urge to give our tiny larycent circle SOMETHING before the new season starts#for better or for worse i am not sorry for my crime#sooooo i'm afraid this post is not for normies it's for sickos#LIKE CALLS TO LIKE#dolores <3 mariana <3 alyssa <3 bia <3 val <3 nina <3#trashfam *affectionate*#game of thrones#shitty things i do for love#me in s1 DON'T FEED THE RAT ALICENT!!!! me now: FUCKNG FEED THE RAT ALICENT *before this particular determined rat chew its way through*
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eggplantgifs · 6 months
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Kazuki Tomono: Halston » 2023 Japanese Nationals
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mcmuppet · 2 months
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guys it wasn't a dream 🥹😭🧡
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millenniumscreampuff · 5 months
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suguruuuuu-chan · 1 month
T4t Zosan save me....save me t4t Zosan...
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lookninjas · 2 months
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aurosoulart · 1 year
one of the things I wasn't prepared for as a trans person in a big industry was the absolutely OVERWHELMING emotions around being accepted for who I am. ;__; some highlights from the past couple months:
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a prominent speaker at a UK media company showing my work to his son, casually saying: "Do you like this picture? Ewan drew it." I've never spoken to this man, but he respects me enough to not only show my work to his child - but to future students as well. these kids are going to grow up knowing the work of a publicly trans artist, and with any luck it will be normal to them.
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Tilt Five publicly replying to my TDOV post with THIS, from their official corporate account.
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Tilt Five also featuring me in a blog post on their website, and using they/them pronouns!!!!
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and even more Tilt Five positivity: being INVITED TO DEMO IN-PERSON AT GDC FOR HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE. I'm in this picture but you can barely see me because of the crowd. again, I'm visibly trans here - long hair, stubble, voice deepened by testosterone... and it was a non-issue.
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and lastly: not only being able to publicly fundraise for LGBTQ+ causes like the Club Q healing fund without fear, but actually receiving support & donations from my employer while I do so. technically, I get PAID to fundraise as long as I use Figmin XR, like with Cover The World With Flowers!
and that's just a handful of examples!!! there was also the whole getting accepted into AR House thing (where I'm one of MULTIPLE trans people in the community), and then PERFORMING LIVE at the Marriott HQ, and then my art making it onto Adam Savage's youtube channel???!?!
I keep saying this, but I legitimately don't have words for the level of gratitude I feel. I've had other trans folks reach out and say that my visibility gives them courage, which makes me want to fight even harder to show that trans joy is REAL and POSSIBLE and that there is still so much love, despite everything.
I don't want to take for granted that it is still very much radical to just exist publicly as a trans person - and even more radical to exist publicly as a HAPPY trans person. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared being in this position, but at least I know I'm not alone. there are still so many good people fighting for us.
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palettepainter · 6 months
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I have a suspicion that the Undertale community likes the way I draw skeleton sirens
You know what this means..........Siren Red will be coming soon~
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Hey.... Heyyyyyy.... How y'all doing.... take the Nimona headcanons that have been rotting in my notes app for the past four months
Ambrosius has kept track of the weirdest things he’s signed for a fan
At the very tippy top is a dinner plate a dog crate and a baby
And by baby I do mean living breathing crying baby
He tried really hard to find something else to sign but for some reason the parents were really insistent on it being their baby
And for some reason he did it
There are hundreds of photos of this infant with a signature on his forehead 
And that kid to this day will whip out his baby photos and show people that he was that baby 
Multiple knights (cough cough Todd) tried to recreate that situation but it didn’t have the same effect 
I feel like Bal gets really bad migraines (which kind of comes with the territory of using your head like a bartering ram) 
And when they do happen Nimona and Ambrosius do everything in their power to make sure that it doesn’t get worse 
I feel like Ambrosius is stupidly good at video games 
I have this little headcanon that books and games were kind of an escape for him
His own personal little oasis from being the golden child with a million expectations and responsibilities on his back 
He's not very good at playing with other people tho because he was always scared people would figure out who he was just based on his voice alone (and he’s not wrong for thinking that)
Nimona is also really good at video games (I mean she’s also half of the reason they were invented but that’s a long ass story) 
So because I’ve been away for so long I wanted to bless you with my friend's reaction to the movie
Just for some context tho it did take us months to finish because we all have work and school and we couldn’t see each other for a while so if I missed some stuff I’ll add it later
“Aw boyfriends” (When they were on the catwalk)
“Why are they so cute” “they’re literally my otp” and “they have cute banter” (The entire time before the knighting ceremony)
JB: “Oh she’s got Daddy issues huh” Me: “why do you say that?” JB “cause why else would she follow a man”(As they’re walking through the kingdom)
JB: “God what a fake fucking bitch I hate the way she talks” (As the director is scolding the knights)
“He knows him so well”(He hates freestyle jazz)
“It’s his boyfriend” “aw bae why’d you throw a smoke bomb at me” “look how frantic he is to find him” “he can’t shoot look at that face” (the entire subway/market scene”) 
JB: “I think this scene is curing her daddy issues and yours” (the alley scene)
(Same scene) KO: “why is he acting like it’s hurting him more?” Me: “Cause that’s his kid” KO: “wow this really is healing your daddy issues” 
JB: “What am I even watching?” “I fucking knew it she was such a fake bitch” (The squires video) 
“Oh my god he’s so embarrassing” “is he really jealous of a kid” “oh my god the director really doesn’t give a fuck huh?” “He didn’t say that out loud” “but does she?” “No” (Ambrosius freak out) 
JJ: “oh my god this is like Archane” Me: “shut the fuck up about Archane” (in my defense he kept mentioning Archane the whole time)
“If I could turn into a dragon I’d never turn back” “same I’d love to breathe cereal” (during the fight) 
“He’s so embarrassing why is he dying that dramatic” (proceeds to make fun of Ambrosius' “death” the whole time) 
“Did they really upload her confession to their version of YouTube” “is his account name really BalliSTAR?” “Why are they dancing?” “His username is Loins_of_gold? Why is he such a dork??” 
JB: “Awe nachos are totally their thing” “he remembered he’s allergic he still loves him!” 
JJ: “he’s a knight?” Me “have you been watching this movie with your eyes closed?” 
And then we freaked out about Ambrosius saying I love you and Bal not saying it back 
We said nothing when Bal pulled a sword on Nimona they kind of just sat shocked 
JB kept mentioning the flashback and after it happened all I said was “you wanted the flashback there’s your fucking flashback” while she sat in sad silence
They also just kept saying in shock “that’s her? That’s Gloreth” while I laughed 
We kind of spent the rest of the movie in silence until Bal and Ambrosius kissed at the end and then everyone collectively lost their shit
They lost their shit again when Nimona showed back up and JB went upstairs because even tho Nimona came back to life she was still sad
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auroras-void · 9 months
Looked in the mirror just now, realized I can't even *make* myself see the boy anymore. I made it, and I'm beautiful, I'm me. It feels... awesome.
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
I can't believe I just had to explain my last Zolusan (more Lusan/Sanlu than anything but yeah) fic to somebody because they said it was normalizing unhealthy behavior when it comes to starting poly relationships. As if the monster trio would talk things out like normal people. Seriously.
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Please NEVER leave a comment like this on a fanfic. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it. I am not here to educate people!! I am not your parents!! This is a fanfic site!! Don't expect me to write a manual on how to have a poly relationship, especially when it would be out of character for the main couple.
I'm gonna leave the link to the fic here and what I told them about it because now I am extremely anxious other people won't get what I want to express with this fic and I feel the need to share my thoughts:
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manasurge · 2 months
Even though I was too distracted and didn't get screens during the main party, I got some screenshots during the after party where me and Eira got surrounded by big beautiful women <3 (and other friends too!!). I just HAD to get the perspective of everyone from down here, hehe. Then it eventually evolved into a big charr cuddle pile <3
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. Also this meme made courtesy of @twilightdomain bc it fits the situation perfectly and it absolutely sent me lsjflksfj. Ilu friend!! ty for this gift, I love this so much adjlksdjf
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misspoetree · 2 years
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KinnPorsche + Text Posts: Porchay Edition
[Character Editions: Pete Part I & II | Tay | Vegas Part I & II & III | Tankhun Part I & II | Porsche Part I & II | Big | Kinn Part I & II | Kim | Chan | Macau | Pol]
[ Themed Editions: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | ? ]
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