#i'm sorry velma
coolsvilleprincess · 7 months
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Wanted to draw a bunch of different pairings so here we go!! I wanted to draw them on how I imagine their dates with each other would go.
Fred and Shaggy started out on a walk but halfway through Fred saw a place they caught a bad guy once and started reminiscing on their good times spent together and who is Shaggy to complain, they definitely went to get food after it though.
Daphne and Fred went to a screening at the Coolsville local cinema where they were showing one of the first ever 3D movies. When the movie is over Fred spends the rest of their date talking about how impressive the improvements to 3D films have been since they were first invented. Daphne doesn't mind that much since she still gets to cuddle and they also probably went to get food after it where Daphne assigns their friends roles in the movie they just watched.
Shaggy and Daphne went to a football game where Shaggy gets to eat very many football game foods such as Hotdogs and whatever else they eat at football games. Daphne isn't even rooting for a team cause at first she wasn't sure about going but it hits halftime and she's caught up in the atmosphere and uses the celebration of any of the teams scoring as an excuse to kiss Shaggy.
Velma and Daphne are working on very important mystery solving and journalism career things on their laptops so they don't have time to go on a date date HOWEVER that will not stop them from flirting through messages as they work. Daphne sends Velma things like videos and songs that remind her of her and Velma can't flirt back so she just sends hearts like a disaster lesbian, good for her tbh.
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saiscribbles · 2 years
You know what? Fuck you.
[does your shitty humor better than you]
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nemmet · 1 year
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moony-mai · 4 months
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✨🌈Happy Pride Month! Never be ashamed of who you are!🌈✨
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rubenesque-as-fuck · 4 months
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Somebody ✨awesome✨ sent me a new plant shelf and grow light from my wishlist, for my ever-expanding leafy wonderland 🌿🥰🌱
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Oh I forgot to mention both also rely on twerking as a source of humor because that's what the kids think is funny these days, right?
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norvillc · 11 months
A little more had been haunting Shaggy than he would let on lately. He should be in the best place he'd ever been, mentally, but his mind had been feeling heavy. Guilt over how long it had been since he'd seen his parents, how many holidays he'd celebrated without them, even if it was out of his hands; more guilt that he didn't really want to. The secret he was keeping from all of his friends, his fiancée, the realization that because of what he'd done, what had seemed like a good idea at the time, his dog would one day have to live without him. Nightmares, featuring some... really creepy dude he swore he'd seen around town. Anxiety led to self doubt, questioning his own character, and while he tried his best to brush it off, to hide behind the jokes he cracked, he found himself every night in the same place. Was he just selfish? Was he wrong, for wanting to be here, to not deal with another stuffy Christmas with his family, another disapproving glance? Did he always put himself first? If he loved Velma, truly loved her, should he have never made a move? What if the best thing he could do for her was to never get in-between her and her family? If she was his best friend, shouldn't he encourage her to not sell herself short by choosing him? Another nightmare had him slipping out of bed, taking a walk around town in the middle of the night while his little family slept peacefully. Something he would never consider back in Coolsville, but he felt safe here, ironically, with the mystery that shroud them all. He didn't get very far before the thoughts became crushing and he found himself turning back around, anxiety tightening his chest. He knew he should communicate all of this before it got out of control, but as he found himself placing a hand on Velma's shoulder to wake her, he lost all of the bravery he had mustered before seeing her lying there. "I'm sorry," he murmured, placing a kiss on the top of her head, "I just wanted to say... I love you."
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inc0gnit0-m0de · 2 years
just wanna get some opinions bc I hate this show as much as everybody else
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scooby-unsolved · 2 years
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hallween is on monday
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symbioticsimplicity · 2 years
Reboots are essentially fan fiction, having an AO3 account should be part of the application process.
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duchesscutlery · 2 years
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coolsvilleprincess · 8 months
All it took was trying to draw in the style one time for me to decide that me personally, I enjoy the vibe of the Be Cool art style, it's goofy and silly and fun and I had great time trying to capture it. Except Scooby himself, because his proportions confused me and it stressed me out
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I was already offended Frank Welker isn’t playing Fred in HBO’s Velma but there’s NO SCOOBY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
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drilovskyclan · 2 years
I remember while trying to figure out how to write fir my KND fanfics I came across Indian women saying that they feel represented by 1 type of girl in media and the Velma series got me thinking about that again.
I try to write the Lincoln/Reddy family without that, the closest I ever get if I'm successful if Rita being self conscious and Jordan being self conscious. Both pretty much due to personality or mental health reasons though, it has nothing to do with being Indian. Max and Natassja can get upset when people don't recognize that they're half Indian but really they just celebrate their heritage. I don't want "that person is POC and that's why they hate themselves" to ever be a thing in my writing EVER. It makes sense for someone to have trouble seeing themselves in a confident light with how media portrays POC but it is true that POC seem written to ALWAYS hate themselves to the point of being destructive and I don't wanna contribute to that in any writing I ever do.
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spkyscry-a · 2 years
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Scared smol creacher...
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Devious. Plotting. Already conceptualized your defeat--
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whimsicalcotton · 11 months
okay but Be Quiet Scooby Doo is def like top 3 episodes for me. It's so fucking stupid like from second one they're having one of those "can you knot?" conversations and it just keeps getting worse. And then when they're down in the caves and they can't talk out loud so you just get everyone's increasingly ridiculous internal monologues while they wave around incoherently at each other. Velma's science is beauty breakdown that leads into her budget Sabeleye cosplay and her many failed attempts to parkour around the caves, all while still trying to be dead quiet. And everyone is just staring at her like "girl what the fuck is wrong with you." The elevator scene that devolves into a repeat of the opening. Fred finally teaching them his elaborate system of hand signals and then they still find a way to mess up the plan. The extended montage of Velma falling that goes on far longer than you actually see her fall in the entire episode. The fact that everything just comes crashing down at the end anyways. Truly a masterpiece
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