#i'm so glad this game out as a variety of things and not just like 10 metric songs
kerubimcrepin · 5 months
Dofus: The Production - what is left of the old movie
Originally, the movie was supposed to tie in with the game and the Welsh & Shedar series, and be a trilogy.
As we had already explored on this blog, this did not happen for a variety of reasons.
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Welsh and Shedar got cannibalized by other projects due to its cancellation, and the script of the movie "Dofus Book 1: Joris Jurgen" had to be completely rewritten from its old plot;
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In that movie, Joris was likely supposed to be a street urchin, who survived together with Lilotte, who was a rogue, and the trailer we have for the older version of the movie reflects that:
As we can also see from the trailer, and the poster featured earlier, proto-Kerubim is also a part of the movie, and Khan was not yet meant to be a boufbowler.
(And considering the posters, the cat that inspired Kerubim's design was also a part of the movie. I wonder if it's related to Welsh's cat from Welsh and Shedar? But maybe I'm just crazy.)
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Subsequently, the movie came out at a much later date than planned originally.
(two images included because, bizarrely, there are two versions - one with Joris's tail censored, and the other with his tail uncensored. This proves that already at this point they had a draconic backstory in mind for him, though we do know that at the time of Wakfu season 1 (and, likely, the cancelled DS game, as was noted in my post about it) it was not the case.)
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Also, interestingly, it is the only art of this time to include the tail. A possible error on Xa's part, or something that was considered very briefly?
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In the end, Kerubim (as well as Simone) swallowed up not just the design of Welsh's cat, clothes, and Ecaflip friend;
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He also got the role Julith was supposed to have, both metaphorically, and also literally.
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Or not entirely — considering the fact that Joris was supposed to spend time with him anyway, since we have art of Joris on his mount from that old draft.
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It's quite interesting, to think of all that could have been different in the 2009-2012 version of the movie!
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But even during the making of the second draft of the movie, a lot of things have changed. From the first idea of Joris winning Kerubim back at a pachinko machine, to the concept art of Joris's non-possessed appearance.
The movie was being actively rewritten at the time of the making of Aux Tresors, so some of the early drafts were already tied in with its canon — taking place in Astrub, to be specific — but not with its ending, because the show was still ongoing.
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At one point there was supposed to be a whole cast of Huppermage characters, and judging from the fact one of them is mentioned in the following text, they did play some sort of role in the plot:
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It is likely that from this early draft it was decided that Joris would be a boufbowl fan, which was then worked in as a plot point in Aux Tresors.
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(Stélina may be a proto-version of Bakara.)
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It also seems that at this stage, it would be likely that Lilotte was reworked to be the Princess of Bonta, before eventually becoming the Ouginak we know and love.
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After this Ankama once again returned to the concept of Lilotte as an orphan, though — even when the movie was still set in Astrub!
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And it seems that the draft involved travel between Astrub and Bonta, judging from the usage of a Zaap to attack Luis.
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And even at this point they have come up with the tragically cut "Joris and Khan go to adult industry workers and Joris (10yo boy) engages in depressed underaged drinking" scene.
(I'll never forgive Ankama for cutting this. I still argue that it's in character for Khan, our detested/beloved turbovirgin, to do this — as long as he doesn't get together with any of the women due to thinking himself "too good" for them.)
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Also, at some point the gods were supposed to play a role. And personally, I am glad it was cut — it feels a bit too grand for the first movie in what was supposed to be a series.
I don't have any grand statement, or conclusion, but it is interesting to see all the ways the movie has changed.
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eldritch-spouse · 7 months
HI AGAIN. Ever since I found your blog and also sent a totally normal ramble abt cannibalism I've been just. Gently tossing your guys back and forth in my head. You're a wonderful writer and I'm always excited to see you on my dash!!
Gonna throw my hat in as asking an actual question- How would your guys fare if their obsession had a particularly weird or morbid interest? I get the vibes that some of them would most certainly encourage it but I also feel like Vinnel would hit me with a hammer if I panic infodumped about ebola-
[Hellow, glad to see you again! Also, I know you probably just forgot, but "your guys" encompasses way too many characters to talk about at once, so I'll assume you were going for TCE staff.]
Morell especially likes hearing about your cannibalism infodumps. They're actually useful to him, since he's going to be living with you, and he needs to know what he can and can't feed you, as well as a possible child between you. It's actually interesting stuff, he'd like it if you talked about it to his family too, you're a smart piggy. Any other topics are usually met with less enthusiasm (unless kitchen/food related), and he'll ask you to quit it if you start talking too much about mushrooms. Overall, it's nice background noise to work to.
Patches is all about infodumping. In fact, you're subjected to it often too, even if he doesn't always stop to explain basic concepts you'd need to understand his rambling. He'll give you a recorder he has, so he can keep the sound of that boundless enthusiasm in your voice forever. He's much more participative than the others, asking various questions and tossing random scenarios at you that'll prompt you to learn even more. There's a potential he'll get distracted and stop working to just research this with you the whole day.
Gallon loves a weirdo -No offense- Feel free to dump all that morbidity on him, he soaks it up like a sponge (so does Martin, be careful). Although he prefers to let you speak unhindered, only egging you on when it seems you're getting passionately angry about things, there's a chance Gallon may begin his own little tidbit sharing regarding a variety of poisons and toxins. He's selective with what he lets slip, but figures it could interest you.
Santi likes listening to you. Doesn't matter what it's about. There's only one thing he doesn't want you to morbidly talk to him about, anything featuring kids. Other than that, you think a rant about the intricacies of cannibalism's effects will kill his mood? Hah, nice try. He usually doesn't have anything smart to say, but may actually pitch in with some first hand details if you mention something sexual and morbid.
Let's face it, this is going in one of Grimbly's eardrums and out the other. Unless, you can talk like you're in a true crime podcast, then he's all ears. Grimbly typically responds to these interests by bragging to others about how his Mommy's "so smart" and "cultured" and he learns so much with you! You should start a YouTube channel!
Nebul likes to hear what you think is morbid. He'll let you ramble when you've been good enough to earn his attention, or if it allows you to keep obeying him. He has his own morbidities to share with you, as a wraith who has seen the darkest parts of many a mind. Surely, you of all people would be fascinated to know how the brain reacts to very invasive types of trauma only some monsters can inflict...
Vinnel will use this to his advantage during shows. You're placed in dangerous games where the whole goal is for you to explain said morbid concepts to the audience while Vinnel or Jingles try to destabilize you so you'll fall into painful contraptions or get cut/bruised/undressed. Sometimes Vinnel pays attention to your infodumps, other times he openly doesn't, it's a coin toss.
Belo sincerely discourages you from seeking such dark information in your brain. A lesser's mind is like a canvas, and it shouldn't be furnished with such desolate knowledge... If your morbid interests somehow can shine a glimmer of positivity or utility, the angel will be a little more inclined to letting you keep pursuing these topics. Otherwise, Belo actively attempts to distract you.
Sybastian doesn't understand about 80% of what you're about to tell him, but he has all the time in the world to sit and listen to his favorite person spit words. He's not verbally communicative during these episodes, but he may clap depending on how impressive the information is, and he remembers things you say enough to sometimes present you with paraphernalia vaguely related to the topics of your morbid interests.
Fank-e is a good bet because he can add onto your information in real time, or correct small detail you may get them wrong. He's generally happy to give you links to more information sources and try to match your level of knowledge, uncaring of how dark the subject theme may be.
If there's one thing you can infodump to Krulu about, it would be diseases. Plagues and ailments of several types are his specialty, the chances of him imparting bits of knowledge you absolutely should not possess on this matter are high. Another thing you may infodump to him about is corvids. It gets him in very favorable moods, surprisingly.
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shuttershocky · 1 year
So what's Gigantic?
One of my favorite games ever made, and one I thought lost forever until now.
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Gigantic was a free to play 5v5, third person action game released on PC back in 2017, though I first played the game back in 2015.
A weird and wonderful mix of MOBA mechanics, platforming, and third person action game combat, a match of Gigantic tasked each team with destroying the other team's Guardian to win the game.
Now in a traditional MOBA like Dota or League of Legends, this objective would be a building. In Gigantic however, the objective is a massive kaiju, willing and able to squish you underfoot. How are you supposed to slay a beast the size of a building you ask? Simple. You use your own.
Each match in Gigantic is a race to empower your Guardian faster than the other team. This can be done by capturing checkpoints and placing a creature on it to start mining for power, killing other players to steal their power, or the ballsiest move—attacking the enemy Guardian to steal the power it's already got, preferably avoiding the laser beams it fires from its eyes to fry you on the spot.
Empower your Guardian enough and it will rampage across the map, bulldozing over enemy players and smacking the enemy Guardian with an earth-shattering strike. While your Guardian has the enemy Guardian pinned down, you can then attack it to deal damage without it being able to fight back. However, even an empowered Guardian cannot keep the enemy's Guardian pinned for long, and once it breaks out your own Guardian retreats, and the power race begins anew.
But a MOBA game is nothing without its cast of characters, and on that end Gigantic had among the best in video games. These were just some of the many incredibly varied, gorgeously drawn faces you could find.
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These guys made the most out of their medium being in 3D rather than the isometric top down view of most MOBA games, with many having skillsets greatly inspired from a wide variety of different genres, from first person shooters to fighting games.
That woman with the eyepatch? That's Imani. A classic sniper character, her gimmick was that her skills changed what sort of ammo she carried, from regular crossbow bolts, to freeze bolts, to fire bolts, to bombs. Imani's unrivaled range meant she could take over parts of the map that were too open, while her ammo types gave her utility to help her team with rather than simply be a DPS bot.
The frog? That's Wu. A proud fighting game reference, he could do a tatsumaki, a rising flip kick, even a shoryuken for his Focus move (ultimate).
Now the thing about Gigantic's combat is that rather than go the MOBA route of building items and increasing stats as you level up to get stronger, Gigantic instead went for the action-game approach. There were no item builds or gold to consider, and rather than mana, every character had a stamina bar that was used to activate skills, but also allowed each and every character to dodge, sprint, and jump around. Levels were merely to put in more skill points that added new features to your existing moves rather than to increase your stat lines. Good stamina management and clever movement could allow you to dodge an entire team's worth of skills, and the lack of gold or items meant you could never be too far behind to outplay a stronger opponent. I've come back from near impossible matches where my Guardian was on a sliver of health while the enemy's Guardian was untouched, all from the team rallying and playing to the absolute best of their limits.
If you would like a more visual explanation, here's a quick introduction to the first character in that picture, the acrobatic assassin Tyto the Swift.
And over here is a video of a full match featuring somebody playing that character as a hypermobile assassin, leaping all around the map, making fine use of verticality and enemy blind spots to swoop in, deal damage, and get out.
I'm so glad Gigantic is back. it can't be allowed to die again.
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oinonsana · 9 months
cross disciplinary training in gubat banwa
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so, GUBAT BANWA is a big martial arts game of esoteric martial arts. of beatdown and bone breaking. bakbakan at suntukan, pangamot ug pagdaug. it focuses on martial arts and the culture that surrounds that. during ancient seasian times (the main foundation for this game), formal categorized schools didn't exist: participating in your culture was you learning its martial arts, or a random hermit in the sea cave could teach you a secret martial art, or your family could have its own secret martial art, etc. etc.
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so martial arts classes (in gubat banwa they're called Disciplines) are expressions of culture and tradition. from a mechanical side, I knew I wanted to make Gubat Banwa a multiclassing-first game, a la Lancer, for multiple reasons
I like multiclassing, I almost always multiclass
You get access to more of the game and the game's lore (much of Gubat Banwa's lore is in the disciplines)
You get to write a plurality of classes that deal with a plurality of playstyles
It makes writing Disciplines easier--they become small packages of power instead of the long Narrative Playbooks that they are a la D&D 4e's classes. this also makes making Disciplines easier as you don't have to write one for a 12 Level long progression
it creates a more emergent character progression (a Mangangayaw learning Sword Saint techniques for example might be a raider who raided a Virbanwenyo settlement and got the resident martial artist to teach him a thing or two, or it could be that they started picking up how Virbanwenyo Penitents fought)
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however, Disciplines were more than just classes, they're also martial arts in their own right. So as I deepened my understanding with the Martial Arts I also found further justifications for multiclassing [which we like to call crosstraining]). these are from my and GB's Art Director Dylan's experiences from Filipino Martial Arts:
to become a true grandmaster is to learn or observe a large variety of styles (see: Johnny Chiuten, Anciong Bacon, etc.)
most real grandmasters that began their own FMA schools are those that studied and learned techniques from a wide variety of martial arts (Anciong Bacon knew Boxing and Dumog, for example. Johnny Chiuten knew multiple Chinese Martial Arts and trained in Balintawak and Lapunti, GM Filemon Caburnay learned both the arts of blacksmithing and of multiple arnis styles as he traveled across Visayas and Mindanao, and learned Kung Fu from Johnny Chiuten, before going down the path of perfecting his own fighting style that became Lapunti Arnis de Abanico)
even my own master in Lapunti who started with Lapunti was exposed to other Arnis and Martial Art styles so he was able to build his own style around it, and was able to contribute his own moves into modern Lapunti. i can see a bit of Chinese Martial Art influence in his movements now, a bunch of balintawak progression
very often if you're a student of violence, you will be learning multiple combat arts both out of necessity and out of love for movement. a balintawak warrior might have their movements augmented with jiujitsu training, a lapunti could benefit from learning sikaran, etc. etc.
kadungganan are meant to be nascent grandmasters, especially those that reach legend 12, so this is the main justification for the multiclassing instead of just having 1 martial art that you perfect. in real life this doesn't really happen, especially if you want to perfect your own fighting style. the assemblage of multiple techniques from 12 Legends worth of progression is there to facilitate the fantasy of a Kadungganan perfecting their martial art style, like the grandmasters of old
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i knew since the earliest stages of gubat banwa that i wasn't going to compromise the multiclassing aspect, i just find it very serendipitous that crosstraining fits so well into the martial arts fantasy. it makes me pretty satisfied and happy, and i'm glad i didn't bend to internal talking and thinking about making a "pure discipline" progression possible
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fluentmoviequoter · 1 year
The Freak and The Princess (I)
Summary: Eddie lets you walk by during his rant in the cafeteria, stumped by your quietness and manners toward the town freak. He then decides to be the perfect gentlemen. [Part 1 of 5 depending on if anyone actually reads it.] 2k+ Words
Warnings: none! Just more fluff than a Pomeranian. There is also a very good chance Eddie is OOC but Imma risk it (if you get that reference, we should be friends).
A/N: (I'm terrified to do this.) This is the first thing that I've ever posted so constructive criticism is welcomed and appreciated! I've been writing stories like this for years but have been too scared to post them for a variety of reasons, but I love writing and reading so if one person can get a little joy from this, then my goal is reached. I edited this and proofread it, but please point out any errors or things that you like! And please send requests; all the characters I write for are under my tag #characters! Hope you enjoy! :)
The Freak and The Princess
Part One: My Princess
Being as quiet as I am has its pros and cons. 
Pros: I don’t get noticed often, can easily observe everything around me, and can escape my real life whenever I want. 
Cons: when I do get noticed, it gets real. 
I’ve lived in Hawkins since eighth grade. Now I’m a senior. I don’t have any consistent friends, although Steve Harrington came to be someone I knew I could trust and talk to after dealing with the Russians side by side last year. The only person I noticed for myself was Eddie Munson. He was a big, bad high schooler when I moved here, and I guess that hasn’t changed. Since he’s two years older than me, we’ve never talked or met, but I know who he is, and he’s one of the few people who can make me smile without even realizing I’m there. 
I was walking through the cafeteria, trying to get outside away from all the noise and people, when I heard a voice I’d recognize anywhere say, “But as long as you’re into band, or... science. Or parties. Or A GAME WHERE YOU TOSS BALLS INTO LAUNDRY BASKETS!!”
I watched as he walked down the Hellfire lunch table, stopping at the end and responding to Jason’s comment with fake devil horns. He continued talking, jumping off the table and finishing. He stepped back, motioning for me and another girl ahead of me to walk by him. 
“Thanks,” I whispered, smiling as I met his eye. I felt his eyes on me as I walked by, and I decided he was trying to figure out who I was. I waited in an empty classroom until most people cleared out before walking to my locker and gathering my things. 
“Hey,” someone said beside me. I jumped slightly before turning to see Eddie leaning against the lockers and looking at me. 
“Hi, Eddie,” I said quietly.
“You know my name?”
“Who doesn’t?”
“Man, now I feel bad. Let me guess?” 
I laughed lightly and nodded, closing my locker and picking up my bag. 
“Marcie? No, that doesn’t fit. Kelsey? Too cheerleader-y. Princess?”
“That your final guess?” I smiled. He nodded, a proud look on his face. My watch beeped, and I pressed it to silence it. 
“That’s my cue. See you around, Eddie!” I said, walking out the door. 
“See ya, princess!” he called. I blushed, glad to have my back to him. The next day I went to school as usual; until lunch. I walked into the cafeteria, on my way through as always, when I felt someone walk up beside me.
“Hey, so I haven’t seen you around before and wanted to introduce myself. I’m Jason Carver.”
I kept walking, not talking to him. “What, I can’t even get a name? Pretty girl like you has to have a pretty name!” I was at the door when he grabbed my wrist, “Look, I get that you’re shy. All I’m asking for is a name, beautiful.” 
He was surprisingly cordial, but I knew there had to be a catch. 
I thought quickly, deciding to say, “Arwen.” 
I pulled my hand from him and rushed outside. After my last class, I walked to my locker, hoping to see Eddie again, but soon my watch beeped, and I headed to work.
“Hey, kiddo, how was school?” Steve asked as I walked into Family Video and pulled my vest on. I shrugged and started stocking tapes. I heard the door open then close before Steve spoke to me again. “Something happen?” I shook my head no. “I’m gonna go check on Robin. I’ll be right back,” he said, moving past me quietly.
“Princess?” I heard from the other end of the aisle. 
I looked over to see Eddie with two tapes in his hand. I smiled at him and quietly said, “Hi.”
“Fancy meeting you here. Should'a known The Hair got to you,” he smiled, standing closer to me. 
“Take it easy, Munson,” Steve warned as he returned to the counter. 
Eddie rolled his eyes, causing me to laugh lightly. His smile widened, and he held two movies from the new release pile. “Which one?” I gestured to The Goonies, watching as he nodded and slid the other back where he’d pulled it from. 
“Didn’t see you at lunch today. You race through the cafeteria again?”
“Munson, leave her-“ Steve started before stopping when he heard me talking.
“Got corned by Carver and had to make a run for it,” I answered.
Steve jumped the counter, pointing at me as he rounded the corner into the aisle. “Did you just answer him?” Eddie and I nodded, Steve’s jaw dropping further. “How long have you two known each other?”
“Uh,” Eddie looked at his watch, “thirty-six hours.”
“And you’re already talking to him?” Steve asked incredulously. I shrugged in response, continuing what I was doing. 
“She talk to you?” Eddie asked Steve.
“Yeah, but it took her a lot longer to start.”
“I just have a welcoming and calming persona.” I laughed, shaking my head. Eddie walked past me to check out the movie, still bickering with Steve. He turned to me as he walked out, waving. 
“Let me know what you think,” I said, pointing to the tape with my chin. 
“Absolutely. See you tomorrow, princess.”
“Did Eddie 'The Freak' Munson just call you ‘princess’?”
“Yeah. He didn’t know my name, so he started calling me that.”
“Why didn’t you tell him your name?”
“Couldn’t. I don’t mind though.” I fell silent again, ignoring Steve’s questions and comments. I went home a few hours later, finishing my homework and hoping to see Eddie again tomorrow.
I exited my fourth-period class, ready to sit by myself for lunch. I walked into the cafeteria, taking a new route the other way around to avoid Jason. I ended up closer to the Hellfire table, smiling as I saw Eddie in a heated conversation with the boys.
“Hey, beautiful,” Jason said, slinging an arm around my shoulders as he came up behind me.
I was too far from the door and knew I couldn’t speak more than a few words. I only had one choice. I shrugged his arm off me and made a beeline for the Hellfire Table. There was an open seat by Eddie, so I slid into it, looking at him as they all silenced, staring at me. I flitted my eyes toward Jason, who glared at me and Eddie. I was shrinking into myself, wanting the floor to swallow me, when I felt Eddie grab my hand, his thumb rubbing the back.
“Guys, this is my princess. Princess, these are the guys,” he said. Then leaned in and whispered, “I won’t let anything happen to you, ‘kay?”
I nodded, squeezing his hand slightly. Jason stormed off, and I breathed a sigh of relief but didn’t move to leave, choosing instead to silently listen to the guys talk about their new Hellfire campaign as I played with Eddie’s rings. Walking out of my last class, I saw someone leaning against the locker beside mine.
“Thanks for the help at lunch,” I said, walking by him and opening my locker.
“Anytime, princess. You working today?”
“No, I’m off the rest of the week. Scheduling error by my idiot boss, Keith.”
Eddie nodded. We both looked out the window when a loud crack of thunder sounded, and rain started pouring down.
“You have a ride?” Eddie asked, pushing off the locker as I closed mine.
“No, but I don’t live far.”
“Absolutely not. I’ll give you a ride.” He slipped his jacket off and laid it over my shoulders. 
“Eddie, you don’t have to. It’s completely fine. I’ve walked home in the rain before.”
“A princess should never walk home. Let alone in the rain. As long as I’m here, it won’t happen again.” He extended his hand, “Milady.”
I placed my hand in his, our fingers interlacing as I said, “Why thank you, kind sir.” We ran to his van, and I gave him directions to my house. “See you tomorrow?” I asked, beginning to take his jacket off as he parked in my driveway. 
“Of course. Keep the jacket, you still have to walk in.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I can pick you up in the morning if it’s still raining like the forecast said.”
“I’d really like that. Thanks for the ride, Eddie.”
“A pleasure, princess.”
I ran to my front porch, shaking the rain off and unlocking my front door. I waved to Eddie as he backed out, then went into the empty house. There was one more day, then solitude. At least I had Eddie and Steve to make the days more tolerable.
Eddie kept his promise, pulling up in front of my house as I stepped outside. I moved to return his jacket, but he shook his head, “That’s yours until it stops raining.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yep. Have to keep my princess dry and warm.”
‘My princess.’ His princess.
We walked into school together before going our separate ways for classes. I walked into the lunchroom, setting my sights on the Hellfire table. I was just a few steps away when Jason stopped me, standing between me and the table.
“You have a lot of nerve ignoring me,” he said loudly. I saw Eddie pick his head up and look over, making eye contact with me over Jason’s shoulder. He stood up but didn’t move toward me, waiting. 
“You gonna say anything? Can you even talk, Arwen?” I heard a few laughs before Jason continued, “What? Did The Freak sell your soul and your tongue to the devil?” I clenched my jaw, starting to see red. “Just a matter of time until he sacrifices you. Or worse,” he whispered. He backed up with an evil grin. Now everything was red. 
“How do you know he hasn’t sacrificed your soul? Oh, that’s right, your head is so far up your butt you’d notice the extra room,” I responded quickly.
The whole cafeteria broke out into yells and clapping. 
“What’d you just say to me?”
“I said to get your ears checked. Your ego seems to be clogging everything up.”
“Who do you think you are?”
“Not half the person you think you are.”
“If you want attention, baby, just come out and say it.”
I saw Eddie step toward us but gently shook my head, stopping him.
“Maybe I do want attention. But I promise I don’t want yours. So, if you’d be so kind as to move out of my way, I’d appreciate it.” He took a single step to the side. “Oh, and if you so much as look at me or any other member of Hellfire again, I will shove my foot up your butt until your heart stops. Got it?”
Jason nodded and rushed out of the room, everyone cheering again as I walked toward Eddie and grabbed his hand. He nodded, following me to an empty classroom. 
“Why did I do that?” I groaned as I sat down, burying my face in my hands. 
“Because you’re amazing.”
“Now people know who I am, and they’ll talk to me.”
“I’ll become your personal bodyguard. Nobody will be able to talk to my princess.”
The bell rang, and we reluctantly returned to classes, meeting by my locker at the end of the day. 
“Let’s drop by Hellfire real quick.” We entered the room, and he dug through a box before pulling something out and turning around, unfurling one of the signature Hellfire Club t-shirts. “This should fit. You called yourself a member at lunch and we have a very strict policy regarding verbal agreements.”
“Oh, of course,” I smiled and slid it over my other shirt.
We stopped by Family Video to return Eddie’s tape, Steve’s eyes widening as we walked in together, asking, “What’s happening here?”
“Someone stuck it to Carver today, in front of the whole school,” Eddie smiled. 
“Good job, babe,” Steve said as he began returning the movie, “How ya feelin'?”
“I’m ok,” I shrugged, “hoping this doesn’t lead to people trying to talk to me.”
“Well, keep hanging with this freak and it won’t be a problem.” Steve smirked at Eddie.
“Whatever, Hair.” Eddie playfully rolled his eyes. “Let’s go, princess.” He wrapped his arm around me, and I waved to Steve before walking toward the door.
“Take care of my girl,” Steve yelled.
“I’ll take care of MY princess,” Eddie yelled as the door closed.
A/N2: If you read this far, thank you so much! Please leave a comment or send me a message with any recommendations or requests (or if you're interested in more parts of this story). :)
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If you dont mind the ask, what are some of your favorite pokemon cards by moveset, design, and/or art?
Ooh, I like this ask, I think I'm going to dig in and make this my post for the day and put some work into this.
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Electrode was the coolest Pokemon in the first generation because blowing up to what would become 2 of any Energy let some cool strats with otherwise slow Pokemon work. It's a shame that it was so weak to Energy Removal, but at least Lass existed to help.
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Kabuto from Neo Discovery goes in the art category. Was the first of the clay Pokemon by Yuka Morii that I ever got, and those cards are adorable. I'm glad there was a series of these throughout the years.
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Town Volunteers was one of the first Supporters, which was a very positive change to the game, but was also used for art in the Lumiose Museum in XY. I love that they used old cards in that.
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This was probably the first deck I used that was really, really good, as I actually got all the cards together for a functional version of it. I couldn't go to many events for various reasons but I'm fond of it anyway.
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Flygon here had a lot going for it. It was one of the Delta Species, which was a very cool concept and one I wish they'd go fully back to someday. Tera does some of that but misses out on the Weakness diversity within a type thing, which I know they're actively trying to avoid now. It also let you play with a variety of Delta Species at once with that Poke-Power, so it was fun to mess around with.
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My favorite Pokemon may have never been good in the games (does ADV ZU count as good? Probably not) but got one of the best cards of all time. Any deck could use this as 2 of any color of Energy, though you had to return an Energy back to your hand so it worked best alongside things like Blastoise ex or Meganium ex. Those decks could just work with any Pokemon that needed 2 or fewer off-type Energy, so that translated to the vast majority of Pokemon in the game. It was still useful in decks without that to an extent. Oh, and it was also a starter Pokemon for basically any deck running a lot of Delta Species Pokemon, even if it was just the Basic versions to evolve into something else. Incredible card.
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Crystal Beach isn't here for design or what it does, it's for story reasons. One person that could possibly read this will know what I'm talking about here.
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I didn't get to play a ton in the DP era but I do remember this being silly. 90 for no Energy was such a fun concept, and it was actually pretty good at the time.
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The attack is called Everyone Explode Now. What's not to like?
I think I should stop here for now, got out of hand a bit. I think I'll put out a second edition of this tomorrow evening with later cards since I rarely write anything after therapy anyway and that'll be a fun easy thing. Can go back to normal posts Wednesday. Thanks for the ask here, that was fun to do!
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genshinincorrectly · 1 month
Hello, I'd like to say first that I am extremely interested in all cultures, and I love to learn about everyone's culture despite skin color. The culture of Natlan is especially interesting to me, especially because of places I've been able to visit when I was young here in America. I'm very glad I know as much about certain cultures as I do because it's very interesting to relate it all to genshin. I cannot stand racism at all, but I'm going to be completely honest, I don't think what Hoyoverse is doing with Natlan is completely racist. When Sumeru came out, I was completely surprised at how dark they made some of the characters. Because of where Hoyoverse originates from, I didn't actually expect there to be that many, and I'm actually extremely grateful that they're putting as many dark characters as they are in Genshin. I think it's amazing that they're representing so many cultures as well. I think this is a huge thing for a mainly Chinese company like Hoyoverse. I don't think they're gonna make the skin colors any better, though. I am a bit upset that some of the Natlan characters are completely white, and I'm worried about what it means, but the quests haven't come out yet, so I can't say if it's good or not. I think that the skin color situation in Sumeru is acceptable because of the circumstances in the lore, and I'm hoping that Natlan is similar. Because of what Natlan is about, I think there will be multiple groups of characters, and some of them just may be lighter for the sake of separation. I also don't think the dark characters are to light. I personally think that the response people are having to this stuff is extremely selfish, especially facing a company based in the culture it's in. I wish some fictional characters were darker, but I still think Hoyoverse is doing an amazing job of representing cultures without including skin color.
i don’t think this is the place to debate whether a notoriously racist company is being racist yet again, but i’ll address all of your points in order because you seem to be well meaning enough
1. ever since the Natlan trailer, people of every single culture meant to be “represented” have been very upset. the general consensus i’ve heard is that many people are excited their culture is going to be in the game, but are upset at the portrayal. for example, i have a Hawaiian friends who loves Mualani, but is VERY upset at the amount of racism present in her character.
2. the “darker” skintones in sumeru are actually incredibly pale. for example, cyno, a character that many consider “dark skinned” has a similar skin tone to me, a white person. the darkest skin tone of the playable characters is barely even brown, and there are new enemy npcs in Natlan who are much darker than any of the playable characters.
3. the boycott is not only about skin colors. it also includes removing of racist caricatures (dori), the removing of the blackface art on a wall in zzz, and the renaming of Arlan’s skills.
4. when it comes to the skin color situation in Sumeru, i am inclined to listen to SWANASA people, who have been saying it was colorist since the beginning. there is no “lore reason” these characters should be paler, considering the real life equivalent of Sumeru is a wide range of countries, cultures, and ethnic groups.
5. calling people of color “selfish” for wanting their culture to be represented accurately in media is incorrect and racist. furthermore, skin color is a very important part of representation, especially when it comes to the cultures Natlan is supposed to be representing, as many of the people of those cultures have darker skin. again, i’ll use Mualani as an example- Hawaiians tend to have darker skin, so it would only make sense for that to carry over. if you genuinely believe wanting a variety of skin tones is selfish, i believe you should take a look at yourself and reexamine your biases.
i’d also like to point out that during the Sumeru beta, there were several npcs who had pale skin that where later changed to be darker. the same thing also happened with the chief of Mualani’s tribe (i forgot her name). also, the open ended question on surveys have been removed, and the moderation behind the Honkai Impact 3rd twitter account has been hiding replies related to the boycott. so, they know about it. i don’t believe the boycott is pointless, and i don’t think those of us who are not a part of the cultures that have been whitewashed or misrepresented have any right to ignore this. those who are impacted directly by hoyoverse’s racism have called for a boycott, so it is our duties as allies to participate.
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 8 months
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Heart, Exposed by an Aphrodisiac 2
This is simply a fan translation and is not intended as a replacement for the game. Expect grammatical errors.
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Isaac asked me to prepare a variety of snacks for the many people who would eat them the next day.
(Sandwiches, quiche, financiers, and cookies—maybe I went a little overboard?)
As I packed the snacks into lunch boxes, I suddenly wondered.
(I wonder what Galileo likes.)
If I deliver the snacks to his students, there might be a chance for him to have some as well.
(I'd be happy if he tried at least something.)
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After delivering the snacks to Isaac, I went to the front of the neighboring lab and took a deep breath.
I knocked, and the door opened.
Student: "Yes? Oh, you are..."
Mitsuki: "Um, Professor Ayscough asked me to bring these for everyone."
Just as I said that, a voice exclaimed from inside.
Student: "Thank you! Please come in!"
(Eh? Is this really okay?)
Despite my doubts, I stepped inside to find the students and Galileo.
Student: "Actually, we all got through the crucial moment yesterday, so we've decided to have a little celebration with the snacks we received."
Mitsuki: "I see. Well done, everyone."
As I placed the lunch boxes on the table, the students began chatting and enjoying the food.
(I'm glad they're happy with it.)
While watching them with a smile, I suddenly made eye contact with Galileo.
Mitsuki: "I apologize for barging in like this."
Galileo: "It was the students who requested the snacks. There's no need for you to apologize."
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Galileo: "However, I can't quite comprehend your thoughts on preparing these foods for students you have no connection with. Your dedication goes beyond mere conscientiousness."
(Ugh. He's as strict as ever, but...)
Mitsuki: "It's true that I don't have a direct connection with them, but I've seen them working hard every time I come to the university."
Mitsuki: "I'm just glad to be able to help in this way. You're welcome to join us if you like."
Galileo: "Unfortunately, I don't have an appetite."
I felt disappointed inwardly at his curt refusal. Then—
Galileo: *coughs*
Galileo suddenly let out a small cough.
(Huh? What was that just now?)
Mitsuki: "Could it be that you're not feeling well?"
(He does seem a bit pale.)
Galileo: "No, it's nothing."
Galileo: *coughs*
Despite denying it, he coughed again.
Mitsuki: "I think you're sick."
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Galileo: "I'm fine. Don't concern yourself with me."
Mitsuki: "Okay, sorry."
(I might have overstepped again.)
Feeling rebuffed, I couldn't help but be concerned about his apparent poor condition.
On my way back from the university, his face popped into my mind again.
(Despite his denial, he did seem unwell.)
(If he's been staying overnight for several days, it wouldn't be weird for his health to suffer, but…)
Maybe he was pushing himself because this is the most important time for the students.
(If that's the case, maybe there's something I can do to help him feel better.)
(Oh, I know! Maybe I can get something if I go to Faust.)
I immediately visited the church where Faust was.
Mitsuki: "So, do you have anything that can help him feel better?"
Faust: "I have just the thing."
Faust: "Some of the children are not feeling well, so I concocted a liquefied herbal remedy that even children can drink."
Saying so, he handed me a small vial of liquid.
Faust: "You can mix it with any non-alcoholic beverage."
Faust: "It also has preventive effects, so you might want to give it a shot."
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Mitsuki: "Wow, thanks."
(Galileo should be able to drink this even if he has no appetite.)
I put the vial I received into my bag and headed back to the university.
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I tried knocking on Galileo's research lab, but there was no answer.
(The students said they were already done with their work, so maybe Galileo has already left.)
Thinking so, I reached for the doorknob, only to find it unlocked.
Mitsuki: "Excuse me. Um, Professor Maury, are you here?"
A little nervous, I peeked inside and saw Galileo leaning on the chair.
Galileo: ".........."
He was clearly in an unusual state and breathing heavily.
Mitsuki: "Galileo?"
Mitsuki: "Um, are you okay?"
Concerned, I instinctively touched his body.
(He's hot!)
Galileo: "Mitsuki, I told you there's no need to worry about me."
Mitsuki: "This isn't the time for that! You're running a fever."
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Galileo: "I said it's fine. I just need some rest. You should go home."
Mitsuki: "But..."
I felt a pang of loneliness at not being depended on, even in such a situation. But more than that, I was worried about him.
Mitsuki: "Then let me at least make you some tea."
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Part 1 ╎ Part 2 ╎ Premium ╎ Epilogue
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brightest-stars-if · 2 months
Hello! Just played the new chapter and had to come here to say how much I loved it!!! I got so invested that I just had to replay it trying the different Lux-MC combos, since the changes in dynamic are so interesting! Not only between them, but also with the family. Reading Lux's POV at the end was also great, and I couldn't help but notice and feel sorry for the difference in f and m versions of Lux- the f version being much more acquainted with shame and so. Also the scene with Isolde made me feel so sorry for her! It's just outright awful.
Talking about the family though, I must say I loved their scenes more than I thought I would! Each of them feels distinct, and in the brief interactions we've had so far you can already tell the core aspects of their personality and their relationship with the MC. I particularly liked the scene where a parent comforts MC after a nightmare. Thank you for making family dynamics that are not black or white- they feel complex, just like in real life. MC deliberating whether to be honest bc they know their parents' personality but still wanting comfort was way too real.
As a last note, I like how from so early on our relationship to our "faith" is already being calibrated. There were some options back at the ceremony last chapter, but with the prophecy ritual in this one we really get to mold how devoted (or not) our MC is. It felt immersive.
Thank you for the update and I'm so looking forward to play more!
I'm so glad you liked Chapter 2, anon! And I'm even more glad that you played with multiple Lux-MC combos. I totally get that not everyone is interested in playing with an MC who doesn't match their own gender, or playing with an RO who doesn't fit their sexuality, but I think the variety is worth giving those things a shot.
Good catch with male and female Lux's differing familiarity with shame! I slipped that in as a little tidbit, but it says so much about them as characters, and I'm glad it's being noticed ;). As for Isolde, yeah, she's... absolutely awful. Both to f!Lux, in ways you've seen in the demo so far, and to m!Lux, in ways that haven't been shown yet in the game. She sees far too much of herself in f!Lux especially, and she hates her for it. Which is going to be really fun -- for me, not for poor Lux -- to dig into to as the story goes on.
As for the MC's family, I love writing them a lot! They're such an important part of the MC's life and will continue to be, and so I'm taking extra care to flesh them out as much as possible. Alaric and Eulia are certainly complex people, and their respective traumas can make it difficult to connect with their children. But they are loving, as is seen if the MC decides to confide in them. Complexity for the win!
And lastly in terms of piety, that's a really difficult thing for me to balance in terms of both realism and giving the players breath to calibrate their own level of faith. Because the prophecies are unquestionably real, making the MC a complete atheist isn't possible. But I do try to give the players some leeway in how their MCs view the faith as a whole.
Thanks for playing, and I'm looking forward to writing more 😁
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torahoes · 3 months
(IDOLiSH7) Haruka Isumi - An Idol's Daily Life Rabbit Chat: Part 2 - Presents from fans
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Haruka Isumi: Takanashi-san, thanks for telling me about that app the other day
Haruka Isumi: It's super good
Haruka Isumi: !
Tsumugi Takanashi: Good work today! It's very easy to use, isn't it?
Haruka Isumi: Yeah, it gives a ton of advice based on calorie counts and nutritional balance
Haruka Isumi: I showed it to my grandma and she loved it too
Tsumugi Takanashi: I'm glad to hear that! It also suggests seasonal menus and keeps track of expiration dates, so I find it very useful
Tsumugi Takanashi: It's really satisfying when you can use up all the ingredients perfectly...!
Haruka Isumi: I totally get that! Yesterday, I managed to use up all the food in the fridge, and it felt amazing!
Haruka Isumi: It was like when you match blocks in a puzzle game and they all disappear lmao
Tsumugi Takanashi:
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Haruka Isumi: I was also trying to figure out what to do with all those potatoes, so that app came in really handy!
Tsumugi Takanashi: Potatoes?
Haruka Isumi: Yeah, when my members and I did a farm harvest shoot, they gave us a bunch of potatoes
Tsumugi Takanashi:
1) What are you planning to make?
Haruka Isumi: I'm planning to make buttered potatoes. They're easy to make — you just have to boil them. Plus, I always end up buying them at food stalls. Touma loves them too; so much that he always searches for buttered potato stalls first lol
2) What dish are you good at making?
Haruka Isumi: Probably fluffy rolled omelets. Everyone who's tried them says they're delicious. Whenever I bring them in my lunchbox, Yotsuba always takes one lol. I'm also skilled at making rice balls. I've been making them with my grandma since I was little.
3) How was the potato harvest shoot?
Haruka Isumi: The potato Touma was trying to pull out was the only one that wasn't coming out easily for some reason. He exerted so much force that he stumbled backward. It turned out there were a ton of potatoes under there lol. We were all so amazed lmao
Tsumugi Takanashi: So you're in charge of dinner today!
Haruka Isumi: Yeah, 'cause I'm free from noon onward today. I want to get some chores done too while I'm at it.
Haruka Isumi: Like organizing the storage boxes in the closet to get out my summer clothes.
Haruka Isumi: Even though I said I'd do it, my grandma tries to do it all by herself
Tsumugi Takanashi: She probably wants you to take it easy and rest... > <
Haruka Isumi: She shouldn't worry about stuff like that. She has a bad back, so she should just leave it to me
Tsumugi Takanashi: You're truly kind, Isumi-san.
Haruka Isumi: Not really, isn't this is normal?
Haruka Isumi: Besides, I was already planning on organizing things because a shipment from the agency is arriving soon
Tsumugi Takanashi: Could it be fan letters?
Haruka Isumi: Yup, I always look forward to reading them
Haruka Isumi: Since the broadcast of "Welcome to the Kids Room," I've been getting sent a lot of T-kun merch too
Tsumugi Takanashi: The Gao Gao Saurus photo, right? You looked so happy showing T-kun to the camera! It was very memorable!
Tsumugi Takanashi:
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Haruka Isumi: Wow
Haruka Isumi: Why do you remember that so well
Tsumugi Takanashi: It was very cute...! I understand why fans want to send you T-kun
Haruka Isumi: I'm not a kid, so I don't play with T-kun anymore, but when I think about how they chose it specially for me, it makes me want to cherish it
Haruka Isumi: The fans always put in a ton of thought for us
Haruka Isumi: The other day, during a variety show where we showed our personal items, Touma had a Haniwa keychain [1]
Haruka Isumi: Now he's been getting sent a lot of Haniwa goods from fans
Tsumugi Takanashi: Does Inumaru-san like Haniwa?
Haruka Isumi: No, he just picked up the keychain from a game center on a whim one day on his way back home because he thought its face looked funny when he saw it
Haruka Isumi: He didn't even really talk about it; it was shown just for a split second, but apparently many fans still noticed it
Tsumugi Takanashi: That's amazing...!
Tsumugi Takanashi: So does that mean Inumaru-san's house is currently filled with Haniwa?
Haruka Isumi: They're all lined up in his entrance lmaooo
Haruka Isumi: When I visited him recently, there were some that moved in response to sound, and it seriously freaked me out!
Tsumugi Takanashi: Ah, those toys! The ones that mimic sounds while dancing, right?
Haruka Isumi: Yeah, those!!!
Haruka Isumi: When I said "excuse me," one started moving, then they all started moving in reaction lmaooo
Tsumugi Takanashi: That must have been really surprising...!
Haruka Isumi: I tried to turn them off in a hurry, but they fell over like dominoes lmao
Tsumugi Takanashi:
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Haruka Isumi: Touma sucks at tidying up. He should organize his stuff a bit more
Haruka Isumi: Though I'm not really one to say
Tsumugi Takanashi: It must be tough with everything piling up like that > < The IDOLiSH7 members also have their own storage tricks...!
Haruka Isumi: I need to figure something out too
Haruka Isumi: Even when I try to organize my old toys, I can't bring myself to throw them away
Tsumugi Takanashi: I understand, it's hard to part with things you have an attachment to...!
Tsumugi Takanashi: When I was little, I named all my stuffed animals, so it was even harder to say goodbye to them > <
Haruka Isumi: What names did you give them?
Tsumugi Takanashi: Usa-chan, Nyan-chan, and Poko-chan!
Haruka Isumi: Hold on
Haruka Isumi: I get the rabbit and the cat, but what is Poko-chan?
Tsumugi Takanashi: A raccoon dog!
Haruka Isumi: Oh, because of "Pom Poko" [2]
Tsumugi Takanashi:
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End of Part 2.
[1] Haniwa: Simple, terracotta clay figures shaped like humans, animals, and objects. They were made in ancient Japan, typically during the Kofun period.
[2] Pom Poko: A Studio Ghibli animated film from 1994 featuring tanuki (Japanese raccoon dogs).
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stoopid-turtle · 1 year
Consuming Candies Pt 2: DD ❤️ GG and GG ❤️ DD
Intro post for this series
Once I convinced myself that DD and GG are some variety of gay, the rest is honestly not hard to conceive of. Two gay guys filming a BL adaption on a set that was open to same-sex relationships who got on really well...it's not hard to believe they'd "get together".
3. DD and GG had "a thing" around the time of the TU production. This could include the time period during filming and through the promo period. Actual timelines and details of the nature of the relationship are secondary.
If an actor and an actress hit it off as well as DD and GG did, it'd be easy for people to see that they were an item. For some reason, people struggle more to see that with two men (okay, I know the reasons, but I'm not getting into that here).
By the time I'd established 1 and 2, I'd seen enough bts and other footage to buy in to 3, as well, but here's the list of moments/candies that just nail it for me. It would be impossible for me to list out all the moments that simply scream "They're in a relationship!!!" because there's, just, a lot. So here's the short list, again, in order of most inarguable to more open to interpretation.
a) Old cow eats young grass.
That's it. That's the clip. There is no het explanation for that. I guess you could maybe claim DD was referring to GG liking younger women, but that doesn't flow with the rest of the conversation they're having. Especially with GG's comment about paying for new brake pads,
They did the gay together. More than just casually. They were an item at this time. Hands down. Case closed.
(Again, I'll get to the argument that this is all fabricated fanservice at another point)
b) The bts of DD getting into costume where he's quizzing the costume-jiejie about what GG said about him in an interview.
This is straight-up, cliche, 'shows up in freaking romance novels' behavior when you have a crush. Nobody's that concerned about what their friend is saying about them in interviews. You only care that much when you're trying to get a feel as to their feelings for you.
Also, the costume-jiejie is hilarious about it. Asking him about his response in an interview and then teasing him about not remembering what GG said about DD. She clearly has served as a sounding board for DD about his crush before, and she's amused and encouraging and teasing, all at the same time. Hats off, costume-jiejie.
c) Happy Camp moments: jealous!GG and the necklace.
I don't usually put much stock in the jealous GG/DD stories, but the instance with GG going grimdark as DD wriggled through the hole with another guy is just...again, I'm struggling to think of a context that would make sense that isn't "they are together and GG is jealous".
(I don't find jealousy cute, tbh, so I'm not jazzed about the moment. I don't know what was going on between them that led to that, but I'm glad they seemed to clear it up).
This leads to the other Happy Camp moment, seen only in fancams. The ox-head necklace that DD had been wearing scratched up his neck during the game. GG's stunned reaction to DD's injuries and his concern, plus clearly telling DD to take it off...none of this makes sense unless GG gave DD the jewelry.
Like, okay. I have a necklace my bff gave me, and I wear it a lot. It's really meaningful and sentimental. But if it were scratching up my neck, I'd take it off. If she were there while it was scratching up my neck, she'd joke about it and agree that I should take it off. She wouldn't look distraught.
My wife, on the other hand...
c) DDU's 11th anniversary episode
There's no way to describe this episode except that it really felt as if DD was having his new partner meet his fam. The fact that DDU stopped throwing women at DD after that speaks volumes.
From a), it's clear that their relationship was pretty serious (and extended after the end of filming), and having GG meet DD's DDU brothers is another indication of where their relationship was at. That's not a trivial thing.
d) GG's lack of chill during promo interviews.
I get the vibe that if they were in a relationship, GG was a lot more scared/nervous about it than DD was. He also had less experience with interviews and such. There are numerous moments where GG misunderstands, overreacts, or just acts weirdly during interviews that are hard to explain away.
- The "It's been a year" video, where DD points out that the camera is recording and GG balks at whatever he'd been saying. Cue the nervous laughter and whispered conversation between them. - The backwards pants interview question. - An interviewer asking him if being in a relationship means the end of his career (right after asking about his marriage plans--a question that made dd mad). - His weird denial of DD's waterfall story
In each case, something startles GG into a panicked silence. Then DD usually intervenes and so then GG has some nervous laughter.
Plainly, there's something he's afraid of being revealed in interviews. So much that he's seeing danger, even when it doesn't exist. Given the nature of the questions, we can see that the "thing" he's afraid of is
- him being in a relationship - something involving DD and him and a waterfall - and accidentally wearing someone else's clothes.
All involve DD. In all, DD is the one who relieves the panic and calms him down while smoothing over the interview.
It's not a leap to guess that he's in a relationship with DD that he's afraid people will find out. Sure, he'd want to hide a het relationship too, that makes sense. But then there's the pants question and the waterfall question. And the only way GG and DD's reaction to the question of whether being in a relationship would be the end of GG's career is if...GG and DD were in a relationship.
e) Hot pot.
Okay, this is where I start sounding crazy if I discuss this without prefacing with everything above ^^^. But the fact that their tastes in hot pot shifted over time to more align with each other is significant. I've read about the regional differences and how DD's sudden taste for spiciness could only really be attributable to GG, who's from an area with spicy hot pot.
This resonates with me, especially, because I was a hella picky eater when I met my wife. Like, embarrassingly picky. But then I met my wife, and she cooks and is a foodie and eventually, my palate just expanded. Now I'm a freaking foodie (and a vegetarian, like her), and our eating habits are pretty closely aligned.
Merging is real in longterm relationships. It looks like this. In my case, my wife demystified food for me with her cooking and likewise, it seems as if GG taught DD how to handle spicy stuff.
This wouldn't be significant on its own, but in conjunction with everything else *waves hands*...well, it's convincing to me.
In summary, it is blindingly obvious to me that they were a committed couple at some point after TU filmed and aired (when that commitment started is unclear, but I'm not gonna get into that here). Even after 227, it's clear that they're romantically together. I'm 100% convinced of this. Since I started drafting this, I've come across older mentions of (now gone) bts that just...there's no doubt. They weren't hiding it on set. They were just out there, exhausting everybody around them with their chaotic flirting/mating dances. It's insane and I love it.
4. DD and GG are still together.
Me: So I've been watching behind the scenes for The Untamed, and I think the two actors maybe had a thing? There's just...a lot going on there. My wife: Sounds gay. Me: I mean, some people seem convinced that they're still together because of shoes or something. That gets real out-there. But I definitely wouldn't be surprised if they had a thing during filming. My wife: (who only watched the show) I could see it. They had that chemistry.
(2 weeks later)
Me: Honey, I swear I sound crazy but I'm not. These two guys were totally together and I think they might still be together. My wife: Because of shoes? Me: I SWEAR I'M NOT CRAZY, HONEY, JUST BELIEVE ME My wife: Yes, dear. Their shoes make them gay. Me: *sobs*
When I first started dipping into things, I felt a great sadness watching older videos of them, because I'd heard that they weren't allowed to interact in public, that they probably didn't even talk to each other anymore, etc etc. YouTube's full of this, and the fans who say they're still together look, well, crazy.
It's easy to conclude they're not together anymore given that so much early evidence of their relationship is based on videos/audios. The bts, joint interviews, fan meetings, etc. We were spoiled with up-front and personal visuals of their dynamic. It's not a surprise that in the absence of that, most people just assume they don't talk or interact much anymore.
Not to mention, wandering in some years later, you get a massive dopamine hit with the bts and the promos and then there's a drop when you try to look for more recent stuff. When we could see it, their relationship seemed to alive. So real. So undeniable. But in the absence of that, the immediate instinct is to assume that lack of visibility = lack of existence.
But we have only ever seen a small slice of their lives, most of which has been selectively shown to us by them or by production companies. Both DD and GG have full lives when we're not around to see them. They each have their own career trajectories. They have vastly different hobbies and both of them have their own friend groups. We only get a glimpse of all of that, but that doesn't mean that's all there is. Especially now, when they're sharing fewer personal posts and China is cracking down on the entertainment industry.
No doubt, we only know the tiniest, most tailored portion of their personal lives these days. But back in 2019-2021, they were clearly together. Their relationship was clearly serious. They joke about shared financial decisions, get introduced to each other's on-screen and off-screen family, visit each other's set. Both of them seemed in it for the long haul.
Given that, I don't see why we should assume they have broken up just because we're years later and we don't get the joy of seeing them together anymore.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think a break-up is impossible. Couples break up. Even couples that have been together for a while. Even couples who adore each other and try to make things work. It happens.
But there's no reason to assume that they're broken up just because we haven't seen them together recently.
I do have a couple "reasons", but this evidence won't convince anybody who doesn't believe they were ever a couple. It's only when you accept that, yeah, these 2 BL actors are actually gay and in a long-term relationship, that this seems reasonable.
a) The bone necklace.
I'm pretty well certain that the ox-head necklace was a gift from GG. The timing of the bone necklace's appearance, plus DD's attachment to it (similar to his attachment to the ox-head necklace), makes it a decent guess that the bone necklace was also a gift from GG.
We can kinda guess at the meaning. I've only seen one clip where GG has called DD gouzaizai, so I don't know if that's an actual "thing" between them. (though it's not outside the realm of possibility that they are influenced by bjyx fandom).
In any case, the bone necklace is still around. Still being worn. That's notable to me.
b) They could end this ship if they wanted to.
They have both had other pairings shut down. The fandom wars between turtles and solos is intense and causes disruption, something neither of them need. The solo fanbases are huge and it'd be a no-brainer to jettison the CPFs if you want to cut down on the type of fandom upset that gets unwanted government attention.
But they haven't.
They could have the supertopics shut down. DD could avoid being anywhere near the number 3. They could both dive into a bush rather than be around the color yellow or a turtle. DD could take a video of himself melting down the bone necklace or giving it to a pretty woman. They could starve the fandom.
But they haven't.
They keep around their gay CP, despite not publicly interacting with each other in years. They take down articles about them breaking up, pull down hot searches about them with actresses, and continue to feed the fandom with candy.
Most recently, GG went to work late on the days DD was out sick. That's not even an intentionally thrown candy. That's just us noticing a couple taking care of each other. If they weren't together, then GG, whose team certainly knows about DD being sick, could have avoided doing anything that would make it seem like he was involved with DD during that time.
But he didn't. Either their teams don't care about turtles, which seems difficult to believe given the conflicts that have arisen within the fandoms, or the teams (notably, gg and dd) want to keep turtles around. At this point, years past the point the show is out, years past the time the two have even been seen together, there's no rational business reason to hold on to the turtles.
That's not neutral. They're not keeping turtles engaged for economic reasons. They're not keeping turtles engaged just for shits and grins (the joke has run a little long for that). They're keeping turtles around because they're getting something of value from having us around.
Honestly, I think having a huge contingent of cpf cheerleaders is probably comforting when they aren't allowed to express their feelings for each other publicly. It's probably weird and sometimes probably intrusive, like most stuff with fans, but they still have millions of people who embrace them as a couple when they live in a country that is hostile to their relationship. Who in that situation wouldn't want to keep that?
In sum, I had to get past the "too good to be true" hurdle. The automatic dismissal of BL fangirl fantasies. I mean, BLs often market to those fantasies, so a healthy dose of skepticism seems reasonable. I don't honestly blame people for dismissing it when they only have a passing familiarity with the whole thing.
It took a lot for me to see past that, and to see that this is the one case (that I'm aware of) where the fantasy is real. I think it's notable that this "fantasy" doesn't actually look like the fanservice fantasy often served up in BLs. I mean, ggdd have their moments, but they're also snippy, jealous, possessive, lewd, awkward, and just plain weird sometimes. They're real and that's messy and that makes it even more real.
In the next part of this little series, I'll talk more about the fanservice question, plus fanfic, and The Timeline. That post requires more editing, so it probably won't go out until next week.
Just remember it's all fake and nothing I say is true.
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mrsbsmooth · 5 months
I’ve been so turned off by what fusebox has been putting out lately that I haven’t even opened the app in a year or so, but I’m glad that people seem to be liking s8 so far!
I’m super curious to know how you would rank it against past seasons and what your thoughts are overall ❤️
omg okay. way to make my night. I'm supposed to be writing. Let's fucking gooooooo.
[Noting based on my recent post, this is my ranking for if you're pursuing a male LI. WLW rankings would be very different].
So, to me, I think there are two main criteria that define a season: Love Interests and Gameplay.
Love Interests can be further broken down into:
Sprite Design: How good they look overall as a cast. Are they proportionate? Unique?
Variety: How different/unique are they to previous seasons? Are they all models and carpenters and finance bros?
Fandom Impact: This one is silly and subjective. Are people still talking about them years later? Do they have fanfics and art? If you don't know this person, are you missing out?
Gameplay can be further broken down into:
Quality of Plot Drama: How it's written, how impactful it is. Is it stupid manufactured shit, or is it important and moves the game along? (Cherrygate? Great drama. Suresh wanting to 'give Lulu a chance' after he'd been all in for us? Shitty, awful drama).
Challenges: Are they engaging and interesting? Do they move the plot along?
Replayability: Are there enough unique aspects in the routes that you feel the need to replay?
So, based on these two criteria, I assigned rankings to each season, with Season 2 being the best that fusebox can possibly do. (We already know that it is).
These are completely subjective, but this is what I came up with.
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Some brief explanations:
Season 1:
Not the best art style, but overall the proportions were spot on, the body shapes and types were different and unique. Personalities top tier (Tim? Jake? sigh.) Cherrygate, dunking challenge etc.
Season 2:
The best the fandom can do in terms of consistent art style, poses, challenges and replayability. Every route is unique. Characters are overhwhelmingly gorgeous. Some may not like the drama, but I think it's just enough.
Season 3:
I thought things were ranked too high but then remember Tai? Rafi? AJ? The waterfall date, the water balloon and tent challenges that meant something and caused drama?
Season 4:
Lost points for the NaJamUno character merge, but gained points for Youcef and Oliver. Great characters, poor challenges and drama points. Dylangate was dumb and so was making us sleep on the daybeds.
Season 5:
The less said the better. But the sprites were hot af.
Season 6:
The great character merge was atrocious. But the drama from Casa, the Marshall&Ozzy plotline, and HAMISH oh my god, he gets a bonus point for drama all on his own.
Season 7:
Personally very forgettable season. Some of the sprites were lovely. Evan was a highlight and he's gorgeous. But given how quickly everyone forgot about this season, it's loowww.
Season 8:
Gets a high ranking for fandom impact purely based on the immense amount of art and interest that's come about this season. Even with up to a half-point deduction to account for recency bias, this season ranks highly.
This gives us an updated ranking of:
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Third? THIRD? Season 8 is THIRD?!?!?
This gives us an average season rating of 6.4. We could remove the outliers, but we're trying to plot how good each season is against the average, so let's not. If we then plotted this and threw in a bar to show the average:
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It says the only seasons that are 'above average' are Seasons 1, 2, and 8. Which, honestly, given my adoration for Bruno, Ciaran, and Lewie, rude. How dare I hurt myself with my own chart!!!!!
I'm sure one of the maths people could do something statistically significant and make this fully mathematically valid, but this is just me latching on to a silly ask and being an idiot about it.
I like S8 a lot. It's worth playing.
In other words:
Yes. Play it.
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theinstagrahame · 7 months
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This is the post where I show off the stuff I've gotten in the last month-ish. And it's been another good one!
(I mean it's always a good one, I have excellent taste)
Coffee and Chaos: I'm tickled by the concept of a coffeeshop AU, and I know that this game isn't explicitly for that. But it's also not *not* for that. Comes in a like conference-style folder, with all the bits you need to play tucked into the sides, which is also a great presentation that I felt deserved a shout-out!
Far Horizons Guide to Cults: I'm friendly with some Far Horizons folks, but wanted this book because it's awesome. A book containing notes and pre-made cults that have goals and drives beyond just "Be A Cult". I am intrigued by the occult, and I hope this gives me more nuance.
Neurocity: Picked this up on vibes alone, but I'm hearing more and more rad things about the creator. It's dystopic, a little cyberpunk, and the book is dripping with style. Can't wait to dig deeper.
You're In Space and Everything's Fucked: Station and Struggler's Guides: The title alone sold me, but I like what Dinoberry Press puts out in general. This is a solo survival space horror game with a cool respawn mechanic. I also splurged on the fancy version because the covers are very cool.
Dead Belt: The pleather folio for this honestly is what sold me, but the game itself is really cool. Salvage ships by laying out cards, exploring, and managing your air and tool resources. Try not to die. I haven't really succeeded at that last part yet...
Exquisite Corpse in the Maggot's Keep: Technically, this isn't a TTRPG, but it's go so many TTRPG folks in it that it might as well be. It's a choosable path adventure written by a variety of people in (if I remember the pitch) exquisite corpse style.
Best Left Buried: Throne of Avarice and In Calamity's Wake: As we already know, I'm a SoulMuppet fan (as in, I've written for their other big series, Orbital Blues). The main book, Throne of Avarice, was written by a creator whose work I've been trying to get more of. I haven't read Best Left Buried as fully as a game, but I am really excited by the excuse to dig in.
Between Clouds: I like air islands and big monsters and found family. Partially, I grabbed this because a friend got really excited about it, and it seemed like it could be fun to run a campaign with them, but I'm also curious about the Year Zero Engine, and glad to see people using it.
Kitchen Knightmares: Grabbed this as an add-on for the You're In Space crowdfund, but I'm glad I got it because it's loosely inspired by This Discord Has Ghosts In It, and that game rules. I might be able to pitch this to my friend group, who enjoyed Discord Has Ghosts.
In a Mirror Brightly/Handbaskets: First off, plug for the RTFM podcast, because it's very good. This two-games-in-one book is created by the two hosts of that show, who are great designers and seem really lovely. But, two wildly different vibes in a single volume is a great idea.
You Meet in a Tavern, You Die in a Dungeon: I've been following the creator for this since some of my earliest days in the RPG scene, so I was happy to help make this a reality. Feels very tropey, and I mean that in the best way possible.
In Other Waters: Tidebreak: Honestly, I have barely scratched the surface of In Other Waters, the PC game this is based on. But this is a Mothership solo hack that returns to that world, and it had me curious based on that pitch alone.
Aaand because I'm a doofus who forgot to include it, here's one more book! PLUS A guest appearance from my new desk mat.
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Teeth: Been into Forged in the Dark lately, and as much as I enjoy Monster of the Week, the pitch for this seemed like it was more my speed. You're monster hunters, trying to keep the occult under wraps, while keeping secrets of your own. Plus, horror comedy!
The mat is the cover art from Friends at the Table's current season, Palisade. It's an Armor Astir campaign following up on some of the characters from their Partizan series.
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maverick-werewolf · 5 months
Hi! I suck at sending asks so I hope I don’t come off in any kind of bad way
I know you very briefly mentioned Van Helsing (2004) in one of your ‘Vampire vs Werewolf’ posts, but I wanted to know your thoughts on the werewolf designs in them. I was doing research for one of my characters, and I’m not really sure if drawing inspiration from their designs would fit/work with the actual folklore.
Maybe you could even list some of your favorite designs or good places to reference from, if you know any?
— House 🩵 (I love your blog so much it’s a literal godsend for Vamp and Wolf research)
Not at all a bad way; thank you for sending in an ask! And I'm so glad you enjoy the blog, thank you for the kind words! :D
I actually love the werewolf designs in Van Helsing, overall. They're very cool - they're big, scary, muscular, and wolfish (all traits I personally love), but they are also varied according to character...
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This is concept art from the film. Notice how they all look like wolves and have a coherent common design while also having unique and characterized features and builds. I really love that. You may not have even noticed it a whole lot in the movie itself (I did, though), but it really makes them feel more like an individual turning into a monster instead of just someone turning into a standardized creature like a transform ability in a video game.
I'd say they're a good starting point for any werewolf concepts that want to go for the big wolfish humanoid look while still being scary and characterized!
Designing werewolves after folklore can be tricky and even odd, given folklore varied very widely and also wasn't always very specific. Most werewolves in folklore turn into wolves, which leaves a lot of room for interpretation. Some also had paws they used as hands (does that mean they had hands? etc) and other variations. Some even looked quite ridiculous and not even very wolfish, with things like a tufted lion tail and red hindquarters! It got wild in folklore.
Personally, I wouldn't restrict yourself to trying to stick too closely to folklore specifically. Design something cool, and most importantly, have fun with it and make it yours. My recommendation is just to stick with what you like and think looks cool and things that look wolfish in some way. Don't do like a lot of designers and tell yourself that a wolf is the last thing you should be drawing reference from; that's just silly. They're still werewolves. Granted, since you're interested in folklore and enjoy my blog, I doubt I need to say that, lol. I have other personal preferences, but at the end of the day, that's my advice to others.
My advice might also sound a little bit canned, but that's how I feel. My werewolves in Wulfgard have a variety of designs per individual and other factors in the story/world itself and many other elements; their designs are something I have hashed out over the course of literally my entire life, so it isn't something to rush. I like a variety of designs, and curses are complicated in my world, and I've adapted that into the entirety of werewolf designs themselves. I'm really proud of what I came up with - be sure to check back to my blog in November for some big news in terms of my own werewolves and their designs... Sorry - shameless plug! I've got a big thing coming.
Hope this helps, and hope you're having a great day! :)
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thesmumbo · 2 years
Smumbo's top 10 games he happened to play in 2022
Not necessarily games that were released in 2022, just my favorites that I played for the first time last year.
10: Night in the Woods (2017)
by Alec Holowka, Scott Benson, and Bethany Hockenberry
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Peak fall vibes game. Night in the Woods features a compelling mystery and some great spooky moments. The setting and characters really resonated with me, so I got a lot out of it.
9: The Pedestrian (2020)
by @skookumarts
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Pleasant puzzle game inspired by the signage that surrounds us in our day-to-day lives. Some of the puzzles were quite difficult, and I kind of dislike the direction the game took in its last act, but it was still a very fun and unique experience.
8: South of South Mountain (2022)
by @colorbomb
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Cute & hilarious visual novel with a fantastic art style. I could not stop laughing throughout the whole experience.
7: Portal Reloaded (2021)
From a pure gameplay standpoint, this was a very satisfying sequel to Portal 2, and it's possibly the closest we'll ever get to a Portal 3. Portal Reloaded introduces a third portal which allows you to travel to the same place at a different time, so certain things have been moved/removed. It gets really complicated, and I’m amazed this was able to be created as a free standalone mod for Portal 2.
6: Frog Detective: The Entire Mystery (2022)
by Grace Bruxner and Thomas Bowker
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Approximately 3-4 hours of pure, unadulterated joy and whimsy. I can’t believe it took me this long to play Frog Detective, but I’m so glad I did. Everything about these games resonated with me strongly.
5: OneShot (2016)
by @girakacheezer, @nightmargin, and Eliza Vasquez
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A transcendent experience. Explores the unique ways in which video games can tell stories, and the nature of free will. Features some interesting meta game mechanics which require you to interact with files outside of the game. The visuals and soundtrack are spot-on as well. Weird how there’s so many great RPG Maker games which work so well in spite of the engine.
4: Scorn (2022)
by Ebb Software
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An incredible audiovisual experience. I liked the gameplay too, even though it seems like a lot of people were disappointed by it. I'm amazed that a game like this even exists. Absolutely oozing with atmosphere and symbolic meaning. The story spoke to me on an incredibly deep level despite lacking words, or even any semblance of humanity.
3: What Remains of Edith Finch (2017)
by Giant Sparrow
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One of the greatest games ever made. All of the vignettes and set-pieces throughout the game are flawlessly paced, with a wide variety of gameplay and visual styles. Packed with detail, made with love, and so emotionally resonant. I loved this game.
2: Bloodborne (2015)
by From Software
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For years, I would try to play Bloodborne whenever I had access to a PlayStation 4, but I wasn’t able to do a full playthrough until 2022. It lived up to the hype. This is my favorite From Software game, and it’s already one of my favorite games of all time. I really hope this gets a remaster/PC port some day. It’s a masterpiece.
1: SIGNALIS (2022)
by @rose-engine
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One of the greatest horror games I’ve ever played. Amazing visuals and atmosphere, fascinating world and lore, and a captivating, mind-blowing cosmic horror sci-fi story. I especially loved the evocative UI designs throughout. Highly recommended if you like Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Dead Space, PS1 style games in general, or if you have even a passing interest in survival horror. This is my #1 game of 2022.
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channel-eclair · 1 month
Pokemon Horizons is so GOOOOOD- I just now finished Ep20 and loved it!
Anyways time for a whole essay on why I love this show already
I've grown up watching Ash and the Pokemon anime and I've rewatched some Pokemon animes many times (I've watched DPPT, XY, and Sun/Moon upwards of 5 times each I'd say!) and am so attached to it.. but I really think Horizons is like. The best thing to ever happen to the Pokemon anime. It is just a great SHOW in general and I love it's characters and original stories and ideas but also the way it shows the world of Pokemon it is SO GOOD
Anyways some thoughts on the recent episodes I watched (AND I GOTTA SPEED UP CUZ PART 3 JUST CAME OUT OH MY)
-The entire arc with Dot exiting the ship to help find Liko with Iono helping was so wonderful! Liko, Roy, and Dot all battling together against Spinel, but also Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly all being together was just SO GOOOOOD ITS SO GOOD THESE EPISODES WERE AMAZING!! The first part we were introduced to Liko, Roy, and occasionally Dot from her room, and saw them all grow as characters in this adventure, and HZ015 and HZ016 really felt like a defining moment of Horizons as the three team up together I LOVE IT
-HZ018 was really amazing! I loved getting a look into Friede's past and this episode made me care so much more about Pikachu and Charizard as Pokemon species and characters! Friede is really wonderful!
-HZ019 was super charming but also fun to me bcuz I made a joke to myself about "wow we learn something new about friedes past every episode, i cant wait to randomly learn hes been divorced or something". The shock I felt when I learned MURDOCK WAS THE ONE WITH A DIVORCE
-Also between HZ019 and HZ020 I really appreciate the attention given to Galar. I'm not a huge fan of SWSH (even though Legends Arceus and SV are some of my favorite games) but Journeys robbed it so much of proper anime time, I'm really glad Horizons is picking that up
My three favorite unevolved Pokemon are Litwick, Sprigatito, and Hatenna! So like.. Sprigatito as the main Pokemon, Litwicks all over HZ020, AND THE NEXT EPISODE IS CALLED "THE LONELY HATENNA" THANK U HORIZONS
I love the Rising Volt Tacklers so much. I love the airship and how we have a cozy hub area that goes across the regions- and I love how they actually show the adventure by having training or other type episodes while the Brave Olivine is on its way to a new area. The Brave Olivine gives me that same kinda comfort that say, Beach House from Steven Universe gives me and I love that
Also back on the Rising Volt Tacklers but WOW what a great cast of characters! I really appreciate when an animated show has adult characters, as I feel it opens up a lot more connection for older audiences (shout out to The Owl House and Gravity Falls for wonderful characters like Eda and Stan!). Friede is a delight, Mollie is absolutely wonderful and I love her, Murdock is so sweet, Orla is amazing, and Ludlow sure is fishing and I love him for that
Liko, Roy, and Dot also are just amazing characters! Liko is a fantastic protagonist and I honestly would say I prefer her over Ash! I find her character really amazingly written and relatable in a lot of ways! Like being socially awkward and trying to find her dream and purpose, or even smaller traits like "avoiding putting too much on her sandwich so everyone can have ingredients" LIKE YEA ME TOO I FEEL THAT LIKO 😭
I also think they fantastically handle the Pokemon variety. Journeys was "90% Kanto 10% other stuff" which really hurt the idea of all the regions together.. but Horizons KNOCKS IT OUT OF THE PARK. The Paldea starters are the main face, our adventure is in Paldea quite often, but the airship has other gens of Pokemon from Noctowl to Metagross to Rockruff to Alcremie, and we see Pokemon like Beheeyem and Oshawott in other episodes. The variety is PERFECT to where Paldea is clearly the focus but the other regions still have a role in the anime and its so GOOD
The variety is so well done, I love Pikachu and Charizard here! I would usually be a bit bored of these two, but the variety and focus on Paldea is so amazing that these two are wonderful additions! CAPTAIN PIKACHU IS AWESOME!!!
And the story is so interesting too! Searching for the ancient adventurers Pokemon and whatever secrets Terapagos may be holding. I already resonate so much with the characters I'm so excited for their adventures! I love the Explorers too! I love Team Rocket, but I think that they can often be repetitive and mess with the flow of the show, often cutting episodes short or ruining interesting episode concepts. With a new enemy, the episodes feel a lot more COMPLETE and fluidly flowing into one another, and it's such a nice refreshing change of pace!!!
This show really is just... wonderful!
I geniunely think that even only 20 episodes in this might be my favorite Pokemon anime. I've been so slow watching it because I actually wanna just sit down and properly focus on every episode (which is hard for me but this show deserves that much attention!)
I love this, and I'm so excited to watch more!
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