#i'm slightly panicking
dorkycreature-89 · 10 hours
i'm sorry.....those sketches were LEAKED??????
ohhhh my fucking G O D. that has to ABSOLUTELY be the most shittiest things you could do to an artist. i didn't know the gregpearl sketches were leaked until now. and since it happened AGAIN, i......i have no words
i......i don't wanna sound like i'm trying to stamp on anyone's fun but i feel like we're too excited for any ounce of su content, we're just ignoring the fact that these were posted without sugar's permission. i feel like as an artist, that's the most disrespectful things you could do to them since YOU thought it'd be right to post it without their knowledge. and it just annoys me a bit that people are just talking about the content of the drawings rather than the fact it was fucking leaked
i've always had a problem with leaks and this is just atrocious as an artist myself. and yeah, i'm probably overreacting. i do that a lot. i just......i don't know. i'm kinda freaking out as an artist rn
i'm a bit panicked and i don't know what i'm doing
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supernaturalkickparty · 4 months
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I've been laughing and crying
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newsworthy-rust · 1 year
guys I'm pancking my really long draft for the fic exchange was on my school account (IDK WHY) and my phone will NOT let me access it and my cats ate my computer cord so I can't turn on my computer and I ordered a new one a few days ago but it got delivered to the WRONG ADRESS and the new one comes THURSDAY so I have to start all over on my PHONE 😭
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littlesmartart · 1 year
I've been thinking about this song + JGY for a long time ("I get my hands dirty, I show up so early, they show me no mercy, so I just keep working" hello???? hello??????), and I would like to personally thank ZZJ for his wonderful face and brilliant acting 🙏
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qvietspvce · 4 months
heart stopping moment thinking i had lost mum's dog when actually he's been sleeping under a shrub in the back garden for an indeterminate amount of time
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topsyturvy-turtely · 1 year
so apparently when you go to a concert when you are actually kinda sick (sore throat, etc.) and scream-sing along to the songs...
you will not have any voice the next day. literally. i can barely whisper...
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daz4i · 3 months
i'm def doing it wrong bc the whole point of acting is to bring your own feelings into what the characters experience so you know how to express them. but i'm kind of going at it backwards bc. the reason i'm good at acting is i am simply autistic lol i was almost doll-like as a kid and didn't show emotions or talked much so i had to learn how to do it like others did and then start faking it. and that's what acting is 👍
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kurooscoffee · 1 year
Anyway... I'll wait a day or two for the air to clear out before I post what I wanted to post 😅
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fazcinatingblog · 6 months
Good night Tumblr xx
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soulsxng · 1 year
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When close to Enoch, one may notice their heartbeat quickening ever so slightly. Goosebumps raise along their arms, and they find themselves holding their breath. It feels, perhaps, similar to excitement. Anticipation.
If they meet his eyes, those feelings quickly ebb into something warmer. Something that feels almost familiar. Comforting, even...but in a way that they can't quite put their finger on.
His smile is inviting, and he gives some small greeting or another. Maybe it's his inflection, or the clear, quiet confidence in his voice that makes it hard not to hang on every word he says. Before they know it, it's as though most other noise around them has faded into the background.
It's easy to watch him. To be around him. Each movement easy and precise; a purpose to each and every one. He leaves himself little room to make a mistake, but it doesn't appear as though he's trying to force perfection, either. (even if he is) A comfortable in between that has that feeling of familiarity growing. As if those gestures and mannerisms are something they know. That they've heard and seen a hundred times before.
They come away feeling as though they know a few meaningful things of him. Like the end of a well-loved novel, it leaves both a feeling of satisfaction, and a craving to know more.
Many animals and beasts are said to be good judges of character, though. And though a vast majority seem drawn to Enoch in much the same way as other beings are, it's the opposite for others.
For these beasts, there's something more to it. Those first feelings they become aware of aren't excitement. The anticipation is different. It feels like eyes are on them. Something is watching. Something is waiting, like a predator who, despite having already had their fill, is debating on one more meal.
They catch his eyes, and it's too late. The predator already has them in its maw. It's suffocating, and they only have one move left to make before teeth close over them, and they're swallowed up.
...Only to be let go again just as their fate seems imminent. Maybe it wasn't hungry after all.
Or maybe that was a warning. Pry into something too intently, and it's likely to snap shut on you when you least expect it.
Like a mouse in a trap.
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camellcat · 7 months
I love captioning, you guys! what do you mean you don't? (oh god I'm dying guh my BACK my eyes I can't feel my legsss my fingers are so stiff ohhh I'm going to faint I need to eat WHY is my water all the way on the other side of my room where did the sun go oughhh my back)
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dolce-tenebra-toscana · 10 months
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Il riassunto di tutto sto casino dallo scorso anno 😅
If i talk about that person to my therapist again i think she's gonna slap me like in a low budget telenovela 🤣🤣
But yeah this javadoodles reel i found on ig was perfect to describe how i'm feeling right now lol, it has been a long process but now i'm waaaaay less angry and sad than before ✌️
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i can't hide everything.
mom's not gonna be happy about it. she's definitely gonna scold me.
scared. but.
it's fine.
it's the internet!! there are things that can't be blocked or hide. it's fine.
it's going to be fine. just try not to panic. just don't panic.
you're old enough to handle things. stop crying.
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sunstainedpages · 2 years
just a little nervous🥲😅
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scattered-winter · 2 years
my most stressful essay: done
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Hello! Welcome!
This is technically a blog for the older people of tumblr (aka please no 17 and under people here as that's the kind of stuff likely going to be seen here is unsuitable for yous if your under 18.)
I made this fanblog to dedicate a place for everything relating to @heartfullofleeches on Tumblr!
Because I'm a paranoid little shy person and decided that this was the best way to cope and be able to share stuff from them without consequences that probably don't really exist but they do to my brain!
I may post a few things of my own but this is mostly to shower support and compliments their way!
Incase anyone wants to know more then here we go!
I'm an 18 year old adult who really enjoys and adores yanderes of all/many kinds and really into horror too. I don't mind the more romantic side of things when it comes to yanderes as technically they are (most the time) living too!
I also love the yandere x reader type things. Which is two reasons I really like and still love heartfullofleeches stuff and one reason I really felt like making the blog.
The other reason being paranoia with possible other things with it that makes me unable to feel uncomfortable sharing certain things with others without separate areas for them. Also this does help with my shyness too as it helps me to channel all the stuff into one.
Normally I don't make a pinned post/introductions especially not within such little time of creating a blog so this was a bothard to find out what to say.
I may post art here, however it would probably end up being heartfullofleeches OCs because that's something I've wanted to do but resources I got make it hard.
I may also post a few of my own yandere OCs here but I also might just post those under a different blog called @hiddeninsideaninsanemind which handles most my writing.
Oh and uhm if you want I can also send you to my main blog but it's more of a for everyone blog not just 18+ like this one. That main blog would be @blueshykitsune-blog and from there you can find a list of other blogs I have if you're interested in that...
I'm forcing myself a bit into making myself link those accounts but I said I would to myself so I did and I only did that because I never know... this is oddly enough not the first time I've had paranoia and such other issues with creators and stuff I liked which is why I have a pretty big list of blogs as of now. This is just another one added.
Oh and please don't just think I am making this blog only for myself! Because I really want to show support and add my own thoughts to posts made by heartfullofleeches. However whenever I like things it will only pop up my main blog, same for asks. So I may not give asks off anon but I might tag the blog so I still get the notification that says the asks sent and such. Or I may not.
My mind likes to disagree with itself at times so if you ever see like 50 different reblogs of the same thing with like 50 different inputs that might be why.
I hope I covered everything. Oh uh, when I get time I will change the pfp of the blog, but right now it's a photo of an eye of a weird toy thing that I had on my phone from like 2019 I think that was the year... maybe 2018?
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