#i'm pretty pleased with the hands in this tbh
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starrseeker · 2 days ago
Sweet Smoke
Drug dealer!azriel. Modern AU. Fem! reader
Warnings: Drug useage. Drug dealer Azriel. Smut. Fingering. Oral F! Rec. praise kink. Dirty talk. slight degradation at the end. unprotected sex (wrap it up people). Explicit language. Not proofread.
A/N: I've had this idea for a while. Az just seems like he'd be a lowkey dealer tbh, atleast in my head. I haven't wrote smut in a while so hopefully it's not terrible. Please let me know if i missed any warnings, I did my best to include them all. Enjoy!
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Why I had agreed to Tara bringing me to this party, I've got no fucking idea. She always knows how to get me to agree to shit last minute. The loud bass was beginning to hurt my ears as I tried squeezing past drunken idiots and people who really needed to find a room.
Finally I found a door that led outside. Stepping out onto the wooden porch, I pulled out the spliff I rolled before leaving the house. Exhaling the sweet smoke as I closed my eyes. Enjoying the break from people as I stood in the night breeze.
I'd lost track of where Tara went an hour ago. After a long hard day at work, I wasn't in the mood to babysit. I took another hit as I gazed up towards the stars. Night time was always my favorite. Especially when the moon was full and at its highest peak.
A cough startled me. I turned to my right, finding a man sitting on one of the lounge chairs. "Shit, sorry. Didn't realize someone else was out here." I lifted my shoe, ready to put out the ember on the sole. I hated leaving my ash on people's property. The velvety voice that spoke had me pausing,
"Nah, you're fine. I was getting ready to do the same. Care to join?" He offered as he had a fresh joint twirling in his hands. My eyes caught on the rugged scars that marred them. I averted my gaze quickly, holding up the burning substance between my fingers.
"I'll match you?" I offered. The stranger smirked at me before jutting his head towards the chair next to him. I took a puff as I walked over, settling in the chair. I handed him the spliff, his fingers just barely brushing against mine.
"Azriel" He said before inhaling a considerate drag. Glancing at me sideways.
"Y/N" I replied as I leaned my head back against the chair.
"Pretty name." He complimented as he handed it back. Smoke escaping his mouth as he spoke. The sight was one to behold. Even shrouded in the shadows, I could still make out dark soft curls. A glimpse of the tattoos that probably went up his arm whenever he reached over.
"You don't seem like you're interested in being here." He commented as I took another pull. I blew the smoke out before answering.
"Not particularly. Somehow my best friend managed to convince me though. No clue where she went though." I shrugged. Taking another drag before putting out the small roach that was left. I pocketed it, I hated wasting weed.
Azriel pulled out the joint that he stuck behind his ear. The flick of his lighter filling the air, the low glow of the flame lighting up his features. He was handsome. The light only giving his features an otherworldly glow. He exhaled once the joint was lit. It really shouldn't be so attractive for someone to smoke.
I took it from him when he offered. His eyes were hazy, heavy, red rimmed when he looked at me. The sight filled my mind with sinful thoughts before I shoved them away.
"So what brings you here then? Not many people come to a party just to sit outside by themselves." He chuckled at my question.
"Good thing I'm not technically alone then." He teased, i rolled my eyes playfully. He shrugged slightly. "Had a few deals here tonight. Parties are good money." My eyes widened slightly.
"So you're a dealer." I stated as I took a drag. My mind was already becoming clouded by the sweet smoke.
"That I am, princess." I could make out a faint grin tugging the corner of his mouth. His tongue darting out to wet his lips. Cotton mouth, it was the worst.
I handed him the joint. "I'm good on that." I muttered as I sank into the chair. I didn't want to get too faded. Especially with not knowing where Tara was. I'd probably be walking home.
My phone dinged from an incoming message. Speak of the devil.
"Heyyyyy. I'm going home with some hottie. Don't wait up."
I let out an annoyed huff. Of course she'd leave me here. I responded back with a simple okay before standing up. Brushing my pants from any lingering ash that may have fell on me.
"Well thanks for including me in your circle but I better get home. Gotta work in the morning." I was already dreading the walk back to my apartment. It was easily a twenty minute walk.
He raised a brow at me. "So soon huh? Need to take your friend home?"
"No. She actually left already. Something bout meeting a guy." I shrugged. "Anyways, I gotta go. Its a considerate walk."
He shook his head, standing. "Let me take you home. No reason for you to be walking in the dark at eleven at night. Just asking for problems." I opened my mouth to protest.
"Don't even. Lets go." He was already opening the door to walk back through the party. I let the argument die in my throat as I followed him. We didn't speak to anyone on the way out thankfully. Tara always took twenty minutes to tell everyone bye and I despised it. When I was ready to go, I was ready to go.
I was two steps behind him as we exited the house. He approached his car, opening the door for me. I slid into the leather seats as he shut the door. Leather and the lingering smell of his cologne hit me. It was oddly...comforting.
He slid into the driver seat before handing me his phone to type in my address. The engine turned over, the soft purr of it reverberating in my chest before he shifted into gear and drove off.
"So, you know my job. well my side business anyway." The side of his mouth twitched in a smirk. "What is it you do?"
My hands rubbed together, a nervous habit I had. "Uh, I work at a dealership. Parts specifically."
I could feel him look at me in the peripheral view. "Huh. Would not have guessed that one."
"Well if dealing is your side gig, whats your main one?" I shot back. Heat rushing to my cheeks for some odd reason.
"Tattooing." He stated plainly. I looked at him, my eyes roaming over him. Yeah, I guess I could see that.
He turned down my road. My apartment complex coming into view. A small part of me was disappointed our time had come to an end. Knowing my luck, I wouldn't see him again either.
He stopped infront of my building. "Thanks for the ride, and smoking with me." I said quietly before reaching for the door.
"Wait." His voice had me pausing. His hand was outstretched. "Let me give you my number." I debated it for a second before handing him my phone. He quickly typed before handing it back. "If you ever need grass, or maybe a smoke session, just send me a text. I'm free most of the time unless I've got an appointment set up."
I nodded before opening my door. "Thank you again, Azriel. I'll uh see you around." He gave me that smirk that made my heart flutter.
"Yes. you will."
I shut the door and watched him drive off. A small smile etched itself on my face and didn't leave even after I fell asleep.
A couple of days had passed since the party. I still had yet to text Azriel. I wasn't sure what to even say. Writing and deleting messages over and over until I'd eventually give up.
Until one day when I came home from work. I'd set my bag down on the kitchen island with a sigh. Pulling my hair out from updo I threw it in, in a hurry to get to work. Walking into my room to grab my rolling tray when I realized I was out of flower.
I let out a frustrated groan. Rubbing my hands over my face in irritation before sucking in a breath. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, finding his contact and hitting text messages.
Anxiety swirled in my gut as I typed.
"Hey, it's Y/N. Mind helping a girl out with some flower? I got cash."
My thumb hovered over the send button. Contemplating on whether this was a good idea or not. I hit the blue button before I could back out. Throwing my phone on the bed before standing to grab a change of clothes. After the day I'd had, I wanted a hot shower.
I stepped out of the steaming bathroom when I was done. Already feeling ten times better than before. Throwing on a oversized tshirt and spandez shorts. I grabbed my phone, a message from 5 minutes ago showing on my screen.
"Be over in 20."
It was simple and straight to the point. My eyes widened suddenly. Shit. I had 15 minutes before he was here. I scurried around my apartment. Double checking that everything was tidy and neat. My hands were clammy as the nervousness came back tenfold. Why was I acting like a teenage girl seeing her crush? I heard my phone ding again.
My thumbs moved with lightning speed.
"Unit 101. Door's open."
I let out a breath, hoping to calm my fraying nerves. A knock sounded on my door shortly after. "It's open!" I called from the kitchen, trying to find anything to busy myself.
I grabbed a glass of water before turning around. I damn near dropped it. He seemed taller than I remembered. He shrugged his leather jacket off. His black t-shirt fit snuggly on his chiseled body. The muscles in his arm seemed to make the fabric stretch more than it could handle. Dark jeans and boots to match. I was right when I wondered if he had tattoos up his arms. Swirls of dark ink contrasted against his golden brow skin. An eyebrow piercing I somehow missed adorned his left brow. He looked absolutely delicious.
His deep voice drew me out of my thoughts. "Hey."
"Hey." I replied. Watching as he took in my apartment. It wasn't much. Simple couch with the coffee table. Small tv mounted on the wall. Pictures hung sporadically.
"Nice place. Just you here?" He questioned as he met my stare. It felt like the air had been sucked out of my lungs.
"Yeah. Not particuarly into the thought of sharing my space with someone." I shrugged, feigning calmness. "You want anything to drink? I got water, tea, coffee, liqour?"
"Water's fine. Thanks." Azriel shifted on his feet before walking into the kitchen with me. Standing on the opposite side of the island, his toned forearms leaning against the surface.
I slid the glass over to him, ice clinking against the sides.
"So, how much are you wanting?" Azriel asked after taking a sip. I'd almost forgotten why he was here til then.
"Oh. An eigth would be fine. I can normally stretch it two weeks unless i have a terrible day." I reached for my purse, grabbing my wallet.
"Don't worry about it." He told me as he pulled a bag out of his pocket. "Consider it a first time buyer discount." That damned smirk pulled on his lips as he looked at me.
My brow furrowed slightly. "You sure?" It seemed wrong to not pay him, especially after he gave me a ride home a few nights ago. His shoiulders lifted into a shrug.
"Yeah. As long as you're willing to indulge me in a smoke session?" Azriel flashed me a smile then. My knees almost gave out right then and there.
"Oh, yeah. I can do that." A smile of my own appeared. I tilted my head towards the back patio door. "Go ahead. I'll grab my rolling tray and be right out." I scurried to my room. My mind racing with so many questions and thoughts. Was this a good idea?
The night air eased some of my nerves as I stepped out on the patio. Setting the tray down on the small table I had before lighting the citrus candle in the center.
Azriel grabbed the tray off, setting it in his lap as he started grinding flower up. I couldn't help but watch. His fingers prepping the paper before spreading out the flower. The motion was hotter than it should be. He brought it up to his mouth, darting his tongue along the seam. His eyes met mine as he did so and I thought my heart would stop right there.
I averted my gaze quickly, hoping the shadows hid the blush that covered my cheeks. Heat building in my lower gut. I heard the flick of the lighter once, twice before the flame came to life. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him sealing the seam.
"You're awfully quiet over there." His voice startled me slightly.
"Just thinking is all. I get into my head a lot." The air between us felt tense. Charged with something I couldn't put my finger on.
He sparked the joint to life. That musky sweet smoke hitting my nose. He took a drag before passing it to me. Our fingers brushed as I took it from him. The action making that heat return to me.
"Bad day at work?" I could feel his eyes on me as he asked. Taking a couple drags before nodding my head. Bad didn't even cover it. I passed the rolled flower back to him.
"That's an understatement. Sometimes I wish I'd never gone into the auto industry. Too many entitled assholes, people love to argue with me over things cause I'm a woman so that immediatley make me incompetant." A scoff left me at the memory of today. An older gentleman wanted to prove I was wrong until my manager had stepped in. The customer had quickly shut up when he realized I was right.
Azriel let out a hum of agreement. "Men love to tear a woman down whenever they can. I see it far too often to one of the girls at the tattoo shop. Most of the time we throw them out." Smoke escaped with each word he spoke.
Those amber eyes met mine then. "If I was your manager though, I probably would've socked the guy in his mouth."
His confession made me flush. He reached over to hand me the joint once again. My mind was already beginning to feel it, my eyelids becoming heavy and tingling. My breath caught when his touch lingered on my fingers for an extra second. His eyes never once straying from me. I took two puffs to calm down my erratic heart rate. The substance was almost burnt to the filter. I handed it back to him.
He used the ashtray to put it out. Leaving it on the side of the glass bowl. We sat in silence for a moment. Enjoying the calmness of the night as the candle casted a warm glow over us.
"Y/N?" He broke the silence.
"Hmm?" My eyes were heavy, and my mind was fuzzy.
"Mind if I go in and grab my water?" I turned my head to gaze at him.
"No, actually I'll go with you to get mine too."
We stood from the chairs. I blew the candle out before walking in with him. Suddenly feeling exposed in my shirt and shorts as I walked in front of him. Almost as if I could feel his eyes roaming over me.
The low lighting of the kitchen caught on his eyebrow piercing, catching my attention. He eyed me over the rim of his glass before taking a sip. I felt hot, extremely hot. Maybe it was the grass. Yeah It had to have been the grass. Definitely not the way his eyes roamed over my bare skin.
I took a sip of my water. The liquid doing nothing to satiate the heat building under my skin. I watched his adams apple move as he swallowed. Wondering how it would feel to skim my lips over it. Nipping at that golden skin with my teeth.
"See something you like Princess?" His eyes held amusement, catching me staring at him. My cheeks reddened at the pet name he'd used before.
"Oh I- uh." I stammered, unsure of what to say.
He chuckled lowly at my stumbling. "You know, I spent all four days after the party wondering when you'd grace me with a message." His bloodshot amber eyes met mine. Darkening when he saw the redness of my cheeks. His tongue darted out, wetting his lips. I couldn't stop myself from looking. Wondering how that tongue would move against me.
"Imagine my delight when you needed me. Though I can't lie, I was hoping it was for more than tree." He stepped around the island, coming up behind me. His hands grasped the edge of the island on either side of me, caging me in. I could feel the heat of him on my back. The hair on my neck standing up when his warm breath hit my skin.
"Tell me princess," His lips brushed against the shell of my ear, sending a chill down through my spine. "Is that all you wanted? Just some flower?"
I couldn't control the way my body instinctively leaned into him. My back hitting his chest. My eyes fluttering at the low octave of his voice. Desire building low in my belly.
"Need an answer darling." His voice was a hum as he leaned in closer. I could feel the ghost of his lips along the side of my neck.
"No." The word was quieter than I intended. I was almost afraid he didn't hear me.
"No what?" Azriel questioned, his right hand coming to rest on my hip.
"No, I didn't just want flower." His hand snaked to my stomach, pulling me flush against him. I leaned my head back against his shoulder, craning my head to the side for him.
"Thank fuck." Azriel placed a featherlight kiss on the side of my neck. The feeling sent sparks over the sensitive skin. His free hand came up to my neck, gently grasping it. He tilted my head back to look at him. My back slightly arching from the position. Those amber eyes seared right through me.
"Cause I've been thinking about all the things I could do to this pretty body since the party." The words dripped with pure sin. The heat in his eyes only serving his point. My thighs clenched together to satiate my growing need.
"That what you want princess? Want me to worship this body? Have you screaming and writhing in pleasure?” Wetness pooled between my thighs at his words. Images flashing in my mind of him being on top of me, back muscles flexing with each thrust.
My response was breathy, needy. I didn’t even hesitate with my answer. “Yes.”
He twirled me around quickly. My lower back against the edge of the counter. He pressed himself against me, one of his hands tangling into my hair. The other reached down to grip my backside as he captured my lips with his in a hungry kiss.
His hard cock pressing against my inner thigh as his tongue swiped my bottom lip. A silent request that I accepted when my tongue tangled with his. His lips dominating mine. The kiss was harsh, dominating, filled with hot desire. A muffled moan left me at the taste of him. Smoke, mint and something I couldn’t place. It was intoxicating.
He smirked against my lips as he pulled my bottom lip between his teeth. “You’ll be begging for mercy when I’m done with you sweetheart.” There was a dark promise in those words.
He untangled his hand from my hair before reaching down. Lifting me effortlessly in his arms before crashing his mouth onto mine again. I could feel the stickiness of my panties at this angle. The pure need that coursed through my veins.
He walked us to my room, kissing down my neck with each step. I was thankful that I didn’t have roommates in that moment. Azriel laid me on the plush surface before climbing over me. His pupils blown wide with primal desire, I’m sure mine mimicked his.
His hands found their way under my t-shirt, the ridges of his scars giving me goosebumps. He touch was gentle, caressing. A drastic change to the way he was just kissing me. Azriel let out a groan as he palmed my breast, realizing I wasn’t wearing a bra. His thumb skimmed over my hard nipple.
“No bra? Were you planning for this princess?” Azriel’s voice was gravelly, lust filled as he stared down at me. His other hand pushed my shirt up, up, up until my chest was bared to him. A low growl reverberated in his chest as his eyes roamed over me.
“Look at you.” He praised as he took both of my tits in his palms. Kneading them with a possessive grip. “All of this just for me.” He muttered, as if he wasn’t going to let another man touch me after this.
He leaned down, taking my right nipple into his mouth. His tongue flicking and swirling. “Azriel” I gasped when his teeth grazed the sensitive bud. My back arching off the bed, a silent plea for more. A deep chuckle left him before letting me go with a small popping sound.
“Oh I’m just getting started baby.” I had no doubt about that as he turned his attention to my other breast. His hand kneading the one he’d already teased. I could feel him leaving bruising marks with his mouth. Biting and sucking harshly. Claiming me with his mouth.
“My god, I could stay like this all day.” He groaned when he sat back to admire his work. Sure enough, hickies littered my chest. Different sizes and colors that told anyone who’d see that I was clearly taken, even if only for the night. The sight only made my thighs clench together again.
He pulled my shirt over my head, throwing it to somewhere in my room. He placed teasing soft kisses down my sternum, my belly, to the curve of my hips. Azriel’s teeth scraped along the bone that made a whimper escape my lips.
I tangled a hand into his hair. The dark strands felt like silk between my fingers. He let out a grunt of approval when I tugged gently. His teeth biting, actually biting, my hip when I did so. The action made me gasp from the harshness.
I could feel his hot breath hit my skin in a silent laugh. His hands toyed with the waist band of my shorts before slowly, so slowly dragging the spandex down my legs. Taunting, toying with me. Building the anticipation of what he’d do next.
Azriel’s hands rubbed up and down the outside of my thighs before spreading them. My lace black panties covering my drenched pussy. He swiped a teasing finger up my clothed core. “Fuck. I’ve barely touched you and you’re already drenched baby.” He muttered as he situated himself between my thighs, throwing a leg over each shoulder. His breath hitting my core as he looked up at me.
“What do you want?” The pad of his thumb replaced his finger, just barely pressing down on my clit as he waited for my answer. The pressure made my breath hitch. My hips bucking upwards. More, I needed more.
“I need words, babygirl. Otherwise I’ll stop.” He taunted. His thumb slowly retreating.
“You. I need you.” I panted out. My body felt like an inferno, aching for release at this point.
“Be specific. What part of me do you want?” He was drawing this out. Enjoying the fact he was making me wait for it.
“Your tongue. Azriel, please.” The words were a needy whine as his thumb pressed down on my clit again. Harder than before. The pressure was just enough to give me slight relief but that’s all he did.
“Yeah? Want me to eat this pussy? Make you come on my tongue over and over?” His filthy words only made the wetness worse. It was almost uncomfortable.
“Please!” I cried before I heard lace ripping. I couldn’t find myself to care about the fact those were my favorite panties.
“Who am I to deny you after you beg so prettily.” Azriel’s mouth descended on me before I could reply. His tongue flattening out to lick a stripe up my pussy. Flicking my clit perfectly that had my eyes rolling back. The hand in his hair tightening as he ate me like a man starved.
Those large hands holding my hips down. Not letting me escape from his brutal mouth. His tongue flicking and sucking on my clit. Teeth gently scraping against the bud that made a strained cry leave me. My vision clouded by stars as he drove me to my orgasm. “Azriel. Oh god. Just like that. Don’t stop.” I begged under him.
He pulled back for a moment. My juices glistening on his chin as he stared up at me. One of his hands released me, only to slip a finger into my pussy. The intrusion made me free hand grip the sheets. The ridges of his scars making it feel heavenly. “Oh trust me darling. Your pussy tastes so sweet, I don’t think I could stop even if I wanted.”
He dove back in. His tongue ten times more brutal than before. His finger plunging in and out of my tight hole before adding a second. I cried out as I raised my hips. Chasing that sweet release that threatened to snap in my belly. “Az- oh god…” the squelching sound of my pussy echoed in the room, only adding to my desire.
“No God here baby. Just me.” His mouth curved into a wicked grin as he watched me writhe beneath him. “Now be a good little girl and cum for me. I want your sweet juices on my tongue.” He sucked my clit between his teeth, his fingers curling in a come here motion. It was too much. “Azriel!” My back bowed off the bed as my orgasm hit me. Hot, white pleasure blinded me as he licked me through my release. My thighs were clamped around his head in an effort to make him stop but he didn’t care. Not until he lapped up every last drop of me, even licking me off of his fingers as he stared down at me. The sight was erotic.
“So good for me baby. Think you can give me one?” He pulled his shirt off. My eyes greedily took in his physique. The tattoos on his arms came up over his broad shoulders, dipping down onto his chiseled chest. Abs that I so badly wanted to run my tongue over. With harsh b lines that dipped beneath his jeans. I could feel myself salivating at the sight. I nodded eagerly at his question.
He gripped my chin between his index finger and thumb. His eyes sharp, dark with so many emotions. “Words, Princess. I wanna hear you.”
“Yes.” I whispered. Feeling like putty in his hands.
“Good girl. Now lay back and let me take care of you like I promised.”
I watched as he undid the button of his jeans. Anticipation clawing at my chest as I watched his every movement. One thing I’m learning about Azriel? He loved to take his time. Draw out every moment that he could, leaving me to want for more.
He stood up to kick off his jeans and boxers. His hard cock springing up to his belly button. My tongue darted out, licking my lips as I took him in. He was long, and girthy. The tip was an angry red as precum was beginning to build. I so badly wanted to taste him. Wanted to gag on him til I couldn’t breathe.
He must’ve seen the look in my eye. “As much as I’d love to feel those pretty lips wrapped around my cock,” he stalked forward to the bed, lowering himself on top of me. “I need to feel your pussy clenching around me.” My god where did this filthy mouth come from?
I spread my legs to welcome him. His chest rubbing against my hard sensitive nipples, sending a ripple of pleasure through me. His breath fanned across my face as he stared down at me. His cock pressed against my dripping pussy. My hole clenching around nothing as I waited.
“You sure you want this?” His tone had turned softer, his gaze searching mine for a hint of hesitation.
“Yes. Please Az. Wanna feel you.” His eyes flickered between mine for a moment, but when he didn’t find any hesitation that damn smirk came back. He reached between us, lining himself up with me.
“Good, cause I really don’t wanna go another minute without feeling this pussy.” With that, he plunged into me. The sudden action make my head fall back against the bed as a cry left me. The stretch of him was a little painful but nothing compared to the pure pleasure I was feeling.
My walls tightened around him, pulling a groan from him. “Princess, you keep squeezing me like that?” He panted for a moment. “I’m not going to be able to last.” He started moving then.
His cock dragging against my gummy walls before thrusting back in. He set a harsh pace. Hitting deep inside of me to that sweet spot that made me see stars. One of my hands tangled into his hair again, the other holding onto his shoulder.
“Fuck…” I whimpered as he angled his hips just right. Hitting the wall of my cervix.
“Yeah? Feels so good doesn’t it baby. God, you’re so fucking tight. Just clenching around that cock.” I cried out at his words, my pussy clamping down around him. Causing him to release a guttural groan.
That coil in my belly became tighter and tighter with each thrust. My eyes rolling back as i lost myself in him, his touch. “Eyes on me Princess. Wanna watch you lose yourself on my cock.” My eyes snapped to his. My vision fuzzy as I stared up at him.
He placed a hand on my neck, gently holding me in place. The action sent a thrill through me, he must’ve seen the look in my eye.
“You like this?” The tips of his fingers squeezed the sides of my throat. Cutting off my air just slightly, my body clamped around him in response. “Yeah, you like that. Naughty little thing aren’t you?” His thrusts were becoming harder and harder. I was so, so close.
“God I can feel you tightening around me. You gonna cum princess? Gonna make a mess all over my cock?” He grinned down at me, the look in his eye was absolutely feral. “Come on sweetness, cum for me. Be a good girl.”
The hand that wasn’t on my throat reached down, splaying across my lower stomach before pressing down. Adding pressure to where his cock slid in and out effortlessly. His thrusts came faster, driving me home.
“Azriel!” My scream echoed in the room, my head falling back as my mouth opened in a silent cry. My eyes rolling back as my orgasm rolled through me. Pressure in my lower abdomen built uncomfortably.
“God damn, look at you. Squirting all over me. Sucking my cock back in like a needy little slut.” His voice was rough, gravelly as his thrusts became needy. Chasing his own release.
“Fuck I’m gonna cum princess.” He groaned right before his body tensed. His muscles growing taught as he let out the most sinful moan I’d ever heard. His hot seed spilling into me as he kept dragging his cock against my walls, prolonging our pleasure.
Our heavy pants were the only sound for a while. Both of us too out of it to speak as we came down from the intense high.
He leaned down to press a kiss against my forehead. “You did so good for me.” He whispered against my skin. A tired smile tugged at my lips.
He slowly pulled out, wincing slightly from the loss of him. He laid next to me, pulling against his chest. I leaned my forehead against him, savoring the soft moment.
“We’ll have to do that again sometime.” My voice was raspy from over exertion. He chuckled before tilting my head back to look at him.
“Oh we’re definitely doing that again Princess. I just need a break.” His eyes gleamed with the promise that he wasn’t done with me just yet. “I still wanna feel those pretty lips around my cock.”
After he caught his breath, he ravished me until the sun peaked over the horizon. There was absolutely no way I was going into work now.
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elv-arts · 3 months ago
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Was doodling + made an attempt to figure this guy out in a more "realistic" style. idk
+ bonus fidds doodles below
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535 notes · View notes
alackofghosts · 2 months ago
i need some lying face down time, have a timelapse
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cerealbishh · 4 months ago
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"So... I should have called you when Kathryn came home sick. I just hate this every-other-week mom thing, you know? So when Kat needed me, I just had to show up for her. And I know it doesn't make sense-"
"No, it- it does make sense. Why do you think I let them eat ice cream at midnight? And look, I overreacted too, because of my weird-ass relationship with my father..."
#cbs matlock#matlock reboot#matlock 01x02#olympia lawrence#julian markston#julympia?#olympian?#olympia x julian#please... not the cheeky little eye squint they both do at each other in the second gif! that felt the teeeeeeeniest bit flirty to me#he knows her moves!!!#he stared at her for quite a bit in the 4th gif and i like that he doesn't hold her back from doing her job but that's a low bar#the way she laughs with him in the last gif! it makes me feel like... in a weird way she's most vulnerable with him(and elijah)#her smile when she says ''seems like we know each other pretty well''#and the way he got her to break into a laugh when she was trying to maintain a straight face#also the way he nudges her leg with his hand#i love them being friends... but i mayyyybe sense something more#i think maybe julian was close to turning his dad in and that's why his dad doesn't trust him??? but maybe i just have a jason ritter bias#matlock spoilers?#skye has said that daddy dearest is trying to pit them against each other... so i feel that that's why there's some mistrust going on#i love that in both episodes it sort of ends with him being there for her so i'm scared of when that won't happen#they kinda make me miss don and nyla#skye also said that one of the biggest reasons olympia loves julian is because he gives them both have the space to work and be a family#matlock spoilers#they kinda are giving parent energy in the last gif#tw: food#they're both just trying their best tbh#skye p. marshall#jason ritter#i changed the third gif because i liked that you could sort of see olympia smiling and REEEEEALLY see julian just shaking his head
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pa-pa-plasma · 8 months ago
genuinely not kidding when I say that Tears of the Kingdom is not only a bad Zelda game, it's just a bad game in general. it's inaccessible to casual gamers who previously could play Zelda games because of their structure. there is virtually no plot, & what little plot there is sucks ass, is predictable in a bad way, & doesn't make any fucking sense, with the absolute lack of emotional reactions from the characters making it all the worse. the references are only there to distract from the absolute nothingness, despite a main timeline Zelda title being the perfect game to have them as a type of storytelling (what happened to Skyloft??). the sky islands are just rocks with nothing on them except fruit, or maybe a chest if you're lucky. the underground is a walking in the dark simulator. the overworld is the exact same shit as in Breath of the Wild & I already explored that twice so why do it again. the caves are pointless. they didn't add much to the game besides that (the shrines & towers are just reskinned, do not fool yourself) & what they did add is just more sidequests to fill the gaps between the bits of non-existent plot. the dungeons suck. the boss battles are okay which is just sad for a Zelda game. it's just a $90 DLC & if that doesn't explain why I'm so mad about this idk what the fuck will. maybe the fact that this "new formula" is a severe step down from the old one, where you had an actual full fucking puzzle game to play with an actual fucking characters & a story that wasn't just more MCU "cameo! reference!!" bullshit
#sorry to people who enjoyed the game. raise your standards#i feel like the people who think this is a good game either are new to zelda or can't look at things objectively#or are in a fuckton of denial cuz my guy..... this game?? this game???? please tell me you're joking.....................#i cannot begin to describe how fast i got bored with totk#at least botw had the benefit of being new. totk is just botw slightly to the left. & shittier if i'm being honest#it's literally just botw reskinned. except it got rid of guardians so it doesn't even have a cool scary enemy#''but the hands!'' i got over that pretty fast tbh. guardians haunt me to this day. the hands are an old zelda enemy#so i count those as just another reference because that's all anything is in this game#they spent waaaayy too much time on that stupid ultrahand & not enough time on the actual fucking game#& btw this isn't like. new. nintendo games have been getting shittier in all the same ways#like. you can track it. they're not doing a new formula. they're not trying out a new interesting way of doing things#they're becoming lazy & cheap. instead of setting up a storyline they just throw you into a big open world#that takes like 2 irl hours to cross & hope you don't notice the time not being spent being told a story#in botw a lot of stories were told via environmental storytelling. you go by Lon Lon Ranch & Know what happened#you visit an abandoned & destroyed town & you Know what happened#totk doesn't have environmental storytelling so that big open world is useless#there's nothing to tell. so the overworld is changed superficially to make it slightly different but that's it#there's no environmental storytelling in the sky or the underground where it'd be best used#they just Tell you things & there are no hints at anything they don't tell you#uuuuuggggghhhhhh this stupid game frustrates me so fucking much & i hate how no one seems to have a brain about it
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fstbmp-a · 2 years ago
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Anyways, managed to catch Sonic Prime S02 today because my High Priestess had time, so.. pog!
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drugs-and-daddyissues · 1 year ago
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𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐎 You're the pretty little wife of President Coriolanus Snow, but he needs an heir to his legacy, someone to pass the Snow name down to. After all, his children will rule the great nation of Panem one day.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 Snow is his own warning tbh, P in V sex, unprotected sex (wear a condom ya ding dongs), creampie, Snow shoving his cum back in with his fingers, breeding, lowkey possessive Snow, he's kinda down bad for you but that doesn't stop him from being mean to you, dom/sub undertones, dom! Snow, sub! reader
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 Coriolanus Snow x f! reader
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"That's it, fucking take it" He grunted as he thrust into you. You were laid down on the bed, with him on top of you, your legs wrapped securely around his waist to keep him here (as if he would even dare pull out). You were moaning with each of his thrusts, his fat cock feeling like it was splitting you open in the best way possible.
He attached his lips to your neck, sucking lightly, marking you as his property. "Mhm, just like that, gonna fill up this tight cunt with my cum, gonna get you pregnant" He mumbled out, pussydrunk on the way you were fucking clenching around him, like you were made for him.
He just kept sliding in and out of you, his hips smacking against yours, the scent of sex and the sound of skin slapping together filing the room. "Feels so good, Coryo, don't stop! Please don't stop!" You cried out as his cock slammed against your g-spot, your gummy walls stretching around his length.
"Not gonna stop, not until I've fucked a baby into you, love" He rasped, his orgasm approaching, and he could tell yours was approaching as well. "You're getting close, hm? It's okay, let it all out baby. Scream my name if you need to" He chuckled, nipping at the skin right beneath your earlobe.
With a loud moan, you came hard around his cock, whimpering all sorts of nonsense as his rhythm didn't relent, going just as hard and as fast as before as he desperately chased his high. "Coyro, fuck.. 's too much" You whined as the overstimulation started to hit you, but he wasn't fucking done with you.
He pulled his face out from your neck, gently brushing your sweat soaked hair off your forehead, "So close, pet, just a little longer. You can handle it, be a good girl for me" He whispered, his cock throbbing inside you, desperate begging for release.
With one final powerful thrust, he emptied his seed into your womb, his rhythm slowing as he kept his cock inside you, acting almost like a plug to keep his cum inside you. "Fuck.. there we go, see?" He placed a soft kiss against your temple, before slowly pulling out. However, he soon replaced that emptiness with two of his fingers.
You panted heavily as you tried to regain your breath. But you were his little pet, and he needed to take care of you. With his free hand, he brushed his fingers through your hair, whispering "How are you feeling?" softly.
"Just gonna keep my fingers in there for a bit, doll, it's okay" He cooed in your ear. You could feel his warm cum inside you, your legs still trembling slightly from your intense orgasm. "'m okay" you weakly answered, melting into his touch as you both laid there, basking in that post-orgasm glow.
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He's so toxic but I'm so down bad for him 😞😞 anyways likes n reblogs are highly appreciated!! 🫶
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ln444 · 1 year ago
★ how does f1 drivers react when you call them pretty. . .
norris, piastri, leclerc, sainz, hamilton, russell, verstappen
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cw: fluff, slight suggestive (verstappen), f!reader.
now playing: pretty boy by the neighborhood
✹ lando norris
lando would be the type to act annoyed but absolutely loves it. he just won't admit it but you know it.
"hey, pretty boy", you whisper against his lips, leaving a sweet peck on it just to be met with a pouty and flustered lando. "i told you to stop calling me that!" he whines, but deep down he hopes that you'll never stop. you look at him with a playful smile, softly caressing his hair. "okay, i'll stop if it makes you uncomfortable", you wait impatiently for his reaction and as you excepted, lando start to panic. "i mean... you can but you know... just not in front of other people", he laughs nervously, hoping that his excuse is good and his cheeks start heating up. you can't help but laugh softly, pulling him close by the neck and lando pouts again, "stop making fun of me!", your smile softens and you plant another kiss on his lips, "sorry, you're just too cute, my pretty boy". lando's cheeks are now completely red and he tries to hide it by pulling you in a long and warm kiss, feeling the butterflies going crazy in his stomach.
✹ oscar piastri
oh my god, please don't do this to him. as soon as he hears the word, his brain starts malfunctioning.
"you did so good!", oscar pulls you for a warm hug, holding you as tight as he can. he loves seeing you after races and hearing how proud you are of him no matter what he do. you pull out, staring at him like his eyes holds stars and oscar can't help but feel overwhelmed by all the adoration he sees in your eyes. you put your hand on his cheek, stroking it softly. "i'm so proud of you, my pretty boy" and even though you mean it, a hint of teasing can be heard and oscar groans, pulling you in a new hug to hide his face in your neck "if you call me that again, i think i'm gonna die" he mumbles against your skin. you laughs, one of your hands slides in his messy curls, your fingers playing with it. you will never get over how cute your boyfriend is when you call him pretty.
✹ charles leclerc
he absolutely loves it and won't deny it, even if he gets a bit shy when you call him pretty. he can't control it, his heart gets warm and the butterflies in his stomach goes crazy.
you were getting ready for a cute date and charles was wearing a new shirt, with flowers on it. as soon as he's ready, you lock your arms around his neck and you look at him with a big smile on your face. after planting a sweet peck on his lips, one of your hands cup his cheek. "you're so pretty, baby", your voice is full of adoration and honesty and charles' smiles gets wider. "thank you, chérie", he says softly and he immediately pulls you for a gentle kiss, hoping that you didn't notice the way his cheeks has redden, but you didn't miss it.
✹ carlos sainz
he loves it, like really loves it. he finds it funny tbh. and he won't hesitate to give the word back to you.
"woah, what a pretty boy", you look at him showing you his brand new haircut. he laughs, posing in front of you a little more before joining you on the sofa, pulling you on his lap and placing a kiss on your nose. "got pretty for my pretty girl, we are such a pretty couple", you both giggles before sharing a kiss, laughing and smiling against each other's lips. but, even if he doesn't want to admit it, carlos can feel his heart beating a bit faster and a sweet feeling in his stomach when he hears you call him pretty.
✹ lewis hamilton
he would get so shy, make it seems like he doesn't like it and it annoys him but he can't hide it for long, he always ends up with a big smile on his face and a heart beating faster than it should.
"ahhh, stop it y/n", he whines as you continue to leave kisses all over his face, sitting on his lap. "but, you're so pretty!", you say, cupping his cheeks to look at him in the eyes. he groans, acting annoyed by pulling you out of his lap and you try your best to fight the smile creeping on your lips. you both know that he's just flustered and wants to hide his red cheeks. "come on, baby, let me finish my kisses", he doesn't fight you when you climb back on his lap but he crosses his arms, trying to hold onto his character and you laugh softly, going back to leaving small pecks all over his face. it doesn't take long before he finally smiles, his hands finding your waist to pull you close and kiss you back. he just can't resist you.
✹ george russell
he always tries to ignore the way it makes him feel and act unbothered but he can't fight the way his body warm and a smile instinctively forms on his lips. he just loves getting praised by you.
"baby, can you pass me the knife, please?" you ask, preparing the vegetables and george, who has been helping and watching you cook for an hour now, hand you the knife as fast as he can. you turn to face him, placing your free hand on his neck to pull him close, "thank you, pretty boy", you says softly and he places a kiss on your lips, smiling softly "you're welcome" he says, trying to sound as neutral as he can and you pout, acting disappointed, "what? you don't like when i call you that?", you know that he do. you just want to hear it. he looks at you, a playful smile forms on his lips. "i know what you're doing", he chuckles and pulls you for another kiss. you end up both laughing, george's heart feeling full.
✹ max verstappen
he gets all nervous and doesn't know how to act anymore. like, if you want to make a mess of this man, just call him pretty.
max have been acting flirty all day, enjoying teasing you and seeing you all flustered in front of other people. you tried your best to keep your cool all day, playfully punching him from time to time or just laughing it off. but when you two end up alone at the end of the day, you're finally able to get your revenge. you start making out, getting more and more touchy and needy. "take off your shirt, pretty boy", you whisper in his ear, and max almost startle. a playful smile forms on your lips and you don't even have to look at him to know that his cheeks are now red. after a good minute of no reaction from him, you finally meet his eyes, giving him a confused look. "is everything okay?", you try to hide your teasing tone but max doesn't miss it, a playful grin finally forming on his lips and he chuckles; "naughty girl".
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sinsofsummers · 7 months ago
1.9k | teacher!logan x fem!student!reader
(gif not mine!!)
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summary: logan eats you for lunch. warnings: porn! teacher!logan and student!reader, so a bit of a taboo age gap, but an established situationship. oral (f receiving), desperate logan—like he is A LEWSER, p in v, creampie because he doesn’t last long (because he’s a whore), logan is a slut for ur releases mixed together, sub!logan tbh, let me know if i miss any! note: wow. sorry. this was also supposed to be a night of writing a longer fic. but i think this is my brand! short and sweet and salacious little things! enjoy, my loves! also i'm tagging @cavillscurls , @bren-lee-bear0404 , @ieatgoldfishy and @hughverine for this one cause...it just seemed like u guys were extra eager for it hehehe!
You can sense him behind you as you make your way down the corridor, heading for your room. You’ve just gotten out of an exam, and as the relaxation-lover you are, you’re thinking of one thing and one thing only—your bed, and curling up in it.
But just like Logan can sense you at all times, you’re no stranger to the feeling of being under his watchful gaze. It’s a heady feeling, and even though you can’t see him, you know that if you turn around he’ll be just a few paces behind you. 
And maybe you shouldn’t have gotten under your history teacher in an attempt to get over him, but by now it’s far too late. Logan has all but ruined everyone for you, anyway, a fact that you’re sure he would put on a billboard if you’d let him.
You put your head down and pretend to ignore the sound of his footsteps getting faster. 
You smirk. Thankfully the hallway is empty, or you’d have to answer for why your history teacher is chasing you down. 
He’s not exactly discreet; or at least, not when you’re in the same room as him. Whether it’s his intense brown eyes staring you down like a challenge, or his hands somehow finding their way to your shoulders, or your hands, trying to look innocent enough…you’re pretty sure Logan’s made it obvious. 
There he is.
You pause, about to turn the corner, but he swings a hand around your arm and makes you whirl around to face him. His eyes are hard, but there’s a spark of mischief that has you flashing a tight-lipped smirk back in his face, blinking slowly. 
“Yes, Professor?” you cross your arms, holding the textbooks in your hands to your chest. “Did I miss an assignment?”
Logan’s mouth twitches into an amused grin, and he tilts his head. “C’mere,” he says gently, and tugs you toward the nearest classroom—his own. 
You’ve had your fair share of classes here, but you blush as he closes the door and sidles up behind you, his broad, heavy chest pressing against your back. 
“Where’ve you been, sugar?” His voice is smooth, low, and reeks of sex. You know exactly why you’re here.
Your throat goes dry, but you swallow and turn around, taking a step back. With a wink, you keep your hands clutched to your textbook. “I’ve been working.” 
You’re goading him. “If you hadn’t noticed, I still need to study for my exams,” you say nonchalantly, and watch as he confidently strides forward, following you up to the front of the room. 
In no time at all, his desk hits the backs of your thighs, stopping you from your retreat. Logan’s only a step away from you and capitalizes on it. You’ve got no room to squirm away; he towers over you and puts his hands on his desk, trapping you there.
“Time for a break, I think,” he hums, nipping at your jaw when you chuckle and turn away from his attempt to kiss you. “You’ve been working that brain so hard,” he continues, tugging the textbook out of your hands and tossing it to the floor with a heavy thud. “I’ve been waiting for you all day.”
You roll your eyes, but you’re still pleased at the admission. You take it upon yourself to hop up on the desk, though it doesn’t give you much more leverage; he’s still got the upper…everything. “Oh, you have?” 
Logan lifts a hand to cup your jaw and neck, bringing your face closer to him. His hand is rough but the guidance of his touch is gentle, and he rests his forehead against yours. His next words are a whisper. “I have,” he nods. “You look so sweet, sugar. Can’t you just take a break?”
Your stomach turns in a familiar knot, and your thighs tense. It’s not that you haven’t fooled around on his desk before. But you really do have exams to study for.
“I know,” you sigh, turning to press a series of kisses to his beard. “I know, I want to be done, too. But I—”
“Then be done,” he whispers, his other hand landing on your thigh. “You’ll pass all your exams, bub, you know you will. Such a smart girl,” he says as his hand creeps toward the inside of your leg. “Why don’t you let me do something for you, smart girl?”
You squeeze your eyes shut and bite the inside of your cheek, but it does nothing to hide your smile. “Logan,” you whine, trying your best to sound exasperated. “I can’t just drop my panties for you everytime you want.”
His hand has wandered to the waistline of your shorts; an elastic band is all that bars him from your thin panties. 
“Of course,” he says, and then his eyes dart down to the crux of your legs as he hooks a finger in your waistband, tugging it away from your body. “But you sure do leave them sopping wet, don’t you?” He cocks an eyebrow at you, his tongue darting out to wet his lips.
Well, if they weren’t before, they are now.
Your jaw drops open an inch, and for a moment you don’t know what to say.
Another finger hooks into your waistband, and he swipes his fingertips across your lower stomach, not daring to go any further until you give him the go ahead. “Please, sugar,” he whispers, and his voice shakes as he tilts your head up, holding his lips just an inch from your own. 
“I’ll be quick. I won’t even tease, baby,” he says, his hot breath fanning over your face, that delicious hint of tobacco making you flutter your eyes closed.
“Logan…” you try again, but he ducks his head into your neck and whimpers. Whimpers. 
“I’ll be good and quick, bub,” he says again. “Just let me taste you. I won’t ask for anything else, I swear.”
“Yeah right,” you say breathlessly, your composure slipping. “You always want more.”
“Can’t help it,” he breathes heavily, and his hand clenches your shorts in a fist. “M’gonna go insane if I can’t taste you, cupcake.”
You’ve never seen him this desperate, this much of a loser for your pussy, that you choke out a sigh and push his hand down your stomach. His eyes go wide and his mouth stutters as his fingers reach your mound, shoulders shuddering at the velvety smooth touch of your core. 
“Fine,” you say quietly, a smile growing on your face. “But just for a minute.”
“Minute’s all I need, sugar.” Logan doesn’t waste his time, molding his lips to yours with a deep groan that borders on the side of a growl, something that ignites a fire in your gut. 
In a flash, he’s practically torn your shorts from your body and he’s getting on his knees, eyes flitting up to yours as he leans into your core. The flush of cool air on your lower half is almost relieving. 
He pauses, closing his eyes right as he’s about to dive in. And he sucks in a breath through his nose, inhaling the scent of your arousal. It’s like a fucking ritual for him. Like a monk bent to pray, he worships the source of your sweetness.
You shake your head, carding your fingers through his hair. “You’re such a freak,” you breathe, but the humor leaves your voice as he darts his tongue out to flick your clit. 
And with your hands in his hair, he growls into your pussy and laps at it like a starving man, swirling circles around your clit and wasting no time before his fingers are teasing your entrance. 
“God,” you gasp, squeezing your thighs around his head. 
He lifts his head, and you wish you could take a picture of how fucking desperate he looks, with his beard already glistening with your wetness and his eyes wide as a puppy’s. “Not God,” he huffs, a ghost of a smirk on his lips. “Just me, bub.”
“Shut the fuck up and make me come,” you sigh, tilting your head back and letting out a soft giggle. “Your minute’s almost up.”
Of course, you don’t have any plans on cutting him off. Once he gets his tongue on your core, you won’t be satisfied until he’s filling you to the brim. 
He moans with every drop that slips out of you and lands on his tongue, which only makes your pussy weep more for him. “Come on, baby,” he says into you, his fingers slipping inside you and stretching you deliciously over his thick digits. “Come on daddy’s face.”
He has the gall to ask you to call him daddy? When he just spent the last ten minutes begging to get on his knees for you?
You almost laugh, but then his fingers curl inside you. He’s hitting that one spongy spot that has you arching your back, your eyes rolling back and your hand pressing down on his head, holding him to your core as you ride out your release. “Fuck, Logan,” you whine, rolling your hips into his mouth to make the ecstasy last longer.
He pulls away from you, and you can’t even lift your head before you hear the clink of his belt hitting the floor. His face comes into view, and then his tip is sliding against your slit, throwing you into a frenzy as your legs shake at the sensitivity. 
“I’m sorry, sugar,” he says, voice hoarse as he circles your clit with his angry, leaking tip. “I’m close already, I just wanna…”
“You wanna fill me up,” you finish breathlessly, head resting against his desk.
“Yes,” he whimpers, and you swear you could come again at the sound of it. “Please, cupcake.”
You nod, a string of yes please falling from your lips. And not a moment later, he’s shoving himself inside, and suddenly you realize how empty you’d felt all day before this moment, before his thick cock was making room for itself in your body. 
He doesn’t look like he’ll last long enough to give you another orgasm, but you don’t really care; he looks so fucking pretty like this that it’ll be enough to fuel an entire night of play when you’re on your own.
With a guttural groan and a few uneven thrusts, Logan bursts. The swing sound of metal claws unsheathing themselves is like a drug as he empties himself inside of you. “I’m sorry, cupcake,” he shudders, laying himself over you on the desk. “M’sorry I couldn’t—”
“It’s okay,” you wrap an arm around his shoulders, savoring the feeling of his dick still pulsing inside you. “I like it when you’re so…”
You trail off. Nothing can quite describe the essence of Logan when he’s begging to eat you out. But there’s something so undeniably filthy about someone like Logan—your rugged, perfect Professor Logan—shedding his grumpy exterior for a taste of you.
The two of you lay there for a few more moments before he straightens, pulling you to a sitting position. He slowly pulls out, catching his seed and pushing it gently back inside you as best he can. 
You hum at the sight, and finally stand, pulling your wrecked shorts back onto your hips. “How are you gonna explain that?” You point at the small puddle of your releases, mixed together.
His hair is still messy, his fingers still shining with your arousal, but he winks. Claws retracted, he swipes a finger through the mess and puts it to his lips, drinking down the result of your pleasure. 
“Frosting,” he grins, and the return of the cocksure professor you know so well has returned. He presses a kiss to your temple and whispers in your ear. “From the sweetest of cupcakes.”
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madamechrissy · 7 days ago
Yandere Bully! Satoru
More bully Gojo content here and here
Pairings- Bully Gojo x fem reader- college age
MDNI-drabble, not proofread lol, just was in my head ahhh- Satoru being an asshole, teasing, edging, panty fucking, Satoru cumming a lot, he's being jealous and crazy tbh, torturing reader a lil bit- TY FOR 8k followers btw !! <3
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Bully! Satoru is furious that you've decided to flirt right in front of him, so shamelessly too. Your fingers are darting across no other than Nanami Kento's broad shoulder as you giggle in the hallway between classes, his blue eyes narrow and his jaw locks then.
Bully! Satoru drags you in the nearest classroom, and your eyes light up, he chuckles then, you must think it's the usual, he gets mad at you, fingers in your pretty pussy, likely have his cock down your throat, every time you piss him off he loves to gag you, but no he has an entirely different idea.
Bully! Satoru grips you by the hair on the nape of your neck, bending low, as your heart pounds in your chest. 'Ya think flirting with another guy is okay when you're mine!?' you laugh then, shaking your head, even as you bite your lower lip, holding in a whimper as he spreads your thighs, touching you over your little hello kitty panties, smirking as he stares. 'We still don't even date, so I can do what I want- mnh!'
Bully! Satoru begins rubbing you over your panties harder, they're damp and sticky when he pulls his pretty cock out, pink tip already drooling for you, and your cunt clenches around nothing in anticipation. Truly, you love pissing him off. 'You know you're mine, no one else can touch you, fuck you're soaked, pathetic' you scowl up at him, as he now rubs the tip of his cock along the soaked line of your panties, pressing the damp cotton against your clit. 'could cum from just this, so fuckin' slutty lately, huh?'
Bully! Satoru has you at a loss for words now, as he keeps stroking, you try to touch him, so he grips you by your throat, pressing your down, then sliding a finger down your soaked cunt, pressing his cock against the puffy lips of your pussy. 'Gonna make you beg, slutty little brat' he mutters, and you already are, earning his laugh, his taunts 'aw, already gonna cum? from this?' he presses his tip against your clit, covering your mouth before you scream out, yanking away, leaving you in tears. 'so pretty crying f'me, look at you'
Bully! Satoru isn't quite done teaching you a lesson, first off only he can touch you and only he can pick on you, so he figures the middle of the day is the perfect time. He fucks you over your panties, cotton stretching and damn near tearing as you cry out, trying to get more, as he fucks that soppy wet material deeper, while you ache so badly for him. 'got something to say, huh?' he lifts his hands now, sinking his tip back under your panties again, you're so soaked that each stroke echoes in the empty class.
Bully! Satoru smirks when you beg 'p-please, fuck me... I'm s-sorry...' he laughs now, putting your ruined panties over your cunt, holding you down on the wood desk as he keeps stroking his cock between your slick folds, so hot as your hips arch, crumbling the material of your pleated skirt. 'Please, Toru...' the nickname almost gets him, but his icy blue eyes glare now, his lips in a terse line as he continues stroking and stroking, but never entering your soppy, eager hole. 'nah, sweets, teaching you a real lesson, hmm?'
Bully! Satoru busts inside your panties with a moan, leaning over you and almost kissing you, lips hovering as his milky seed squirts all over your clit, your folds, your hole, and you're shivering with need, on edge, feeling him so hot on you. 'Toru please, for a second!?' you plead, he moans then, as he rubs his sensitive tip, leaning back and looking at the mess he made. 'you're so pretty like this, crying, begging, covered in my cum... oh sweetheart...' he clicks his tongue as he wipes the rest of his leaky tip against your trembling thighs, eyeing the mess of all his cum poured on your perfect pussy.
Bully! Satoru puts your ruined panties back on your pussy, chuckling deviously as he presses them firm on his cum, and you're shivering at the cool shock, lips parted when he puts himself up, pulling you back up to sit and adjusting your skirt, before wiping your tears. 'now, you can spend all day with my cum in your panties, all sticky and let it dry right up, so you know who the fuck you belong to, hmm?' you shake your head, trembling hands pulling at his letterman's jacket, he smiles at how adorable you are. 'do it all day, and I'll take care of you later, like a good girl for once, hmm?'
Bully! Satoru can't help but chuckle when he watches you in class, shifting uncomfortably, glaring at him every few seconds, cock already aching to fill you so good later, when you've learned your lesson.
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He's a menace tbh- poor reader- lmk if you wanna see his crazy ass again lol -disclaimer- bullying isn't cool IRL only if it's Gojo <3
Perm Tags- @alt--er--love @indiewritesxoxo @nanasukii28 @cuntphoric @loafteaw @n1vi @miizuzu @beachaddict48 @honeybunnnnie @re-tired-succubus @gojosukuna2268 @waterfal-ling @1brii @wise-fangirl @moncher-ire @orikixx @uhnosav @baepsays @designerpvssy @orixxxana @airandyeah @nina-from-317 @evelynxxo @naammiii @soyokosuguru @espresso1patronum @tomboy-disaster @iam-souless @lanii-i @cristy-101 @tojicvmslut @cvixmei @mutsu422 @g00seg1rl @ivyvenus333 @suki91 @strychnynegirl @naomi-main also- @rottmntrulesall (requested hehe)
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goingdownondaisuke · 2 months ago
Can you write the tuplar crew with a s/o who can't control their volume in bed (🔞 nsfw)
ofc ofc!! thank u for ur request lovely anon!
(afab reader, she/her pronouns, nsfw under the cut!!)
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anya ۶ৎ
gets very flustered when you won't shut the hell up
esp on the tulpar, will try to gently remind you to stay quiet while she's beneath you
and if that doesn't work, she'll slap her hand over your mouth and finger you a bit more roughly
its a bit different when you're riding her face, however
like before, she'll give you a small warning by squeezing your waist
and if you're still loud, she'll dig her long nails into your hips and thrust her tongue into you
...which is kinda counterintuitive but oh well
now, if you two are on earth and in the comfort of your shared home, make all the noise you want!!
she totally gets off to it
'no way im making someone as beautiful as her feel this good...'
"hey, shhh, keep it down a bit, yeah?"
curly ۶ৎ
regardless of whether or not you're typically loud during sex, you're going to be loud w curly, because man is he BIG
he knows you're gonna be loud so he usually fucks you in the cockpit or utility room, where it's a bit more soundproof
but of course he's gonna ask you to quiet down regardless bc who knows who could be lurking??!
he'll either tell you to bite your hand, cover your mouth, or he'll rip off your panties and shove them into your mouth
none of them work
for the rare times he'll take you in his room, he always has you face down and screaming into the pillows
he wants to see ur pretty little face scrunched up in the most blissful expressions, but goddamn he just dicks you down too well
a small (huge) part of him really just wants to fuck you anywhere and let everyone hear you scream his name
"fuck, princess, that feel real good, yeah?"
"god, so loud y/n."
daisuke ۶ৎ
it just swells his ego, tbh
he's just like, "wow, i'm making her make these sounds?!"
so cute
of course, he still wants you to hush, but isn't sure how to get you to without being mean
he'll try to be as sweet as possible, he'll run his hand up and down your waist or press his thumb to your lips while whispering little praises in you ear
"you feel so good, but please keep it down before we get caught!"
starts to get a little scared when you keep moaning and squealing at an excessive volume, genuinely has no idea what to do 😭
like curly, will also try to take you to more closed off places, mainly the utility room because it's not odd for him to be in there anyway
it's hilarious how panicked he gets when you two are fucking, one time he took off his hawaiian shirt and shoved it into your mouth
and surprisingly it did the job!!!!
"am i doing good? i must be..."
jimmy ۶ৎ
he totally gets off to it
so much so that he won't even do anything, he'll just let you scream
it happens so often that curly has to talk to the two of you about your volume
he even separated you two for a day, not like that was gonna do anything beneficial
like daisuke, but on a way worse level, it inflates his ego to no end
you'll be moaning loud as fuck and he's just there grinning in your face
he's not very used to women actually enjoying his dick as much as you do, they're typically just cheap whores or girls he's taken advantage of
but you?? coming and clamping around his cock as you moan into the air?? without being forced??
it makes him come like a thousand times quicker
"ooh, you like that dick? i know you do."
"yeah, let everyone else know who's pussy this is."
swansea ۶ৎ
he knows how to deal with youngins like you, after all, he has tons of experience from his wife
he gives your ass harsh smacks when you don't hush, and if that doesn't work he'll pull his thick cock out of you and chastise you while smacking it on your cunt
he's definitely a pussy slapper/clit pincher
orgasm denial orgasm denial orgasm denial
will also just straight up slap the fuck outta you if you keep on
he's so mean i kinda need him
he literally doesn't understand you, its so easy to shut up to him
prefers to have you ass up face down so you can make all that noise onto whatever surface he's fucking you on
dw he's super sweet afterwards, will gives you kisses all over and whisper praise and hdjidissk
"damn woman, can't be that good..."
"make a noise like that again and i'll leave you high and dry young lady."
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siriuslylantsov · 1 month ago
canine tendencies
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pairing: sirius black x reader
description: in which, you put charms in sirius' hair and confront certain traits of his.
tags: fluff! fem!reader, mmm pining, cuddling, totally platonic activities going on here, r is muggle-born hence the vet and dog anatomy knowledge, sirius is a puppy agenda, pretty women from the 70s mentioned (dont pay much attention to it), flirting.
a/n: staying true to my username with more sirius black. wanna play with his hair for days tbh. happy reading!
wc: 1.7k
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“you don't know when to give up, do you?”
you raise your chin indignantly, “i'm stubborn.”
sirius fixes you with a withering glare, it doesn't pack much of a punch but you can tell he's stalling. he finally relents with a long sigh, ever the dramatic. you squeal, walking over to his bed with a little pouch that jingled as you moved. you nudge at his shoulders to lean against the headboard and set yourself down beside him. he grumbles, muttering something along the lines of waste of time and how your neck is gonna hurt. you bite back a smile at his cause for concern: you. 
“complain all you want, but you know this is gonna look good,” you muse, with an air of smugness. “you’ll be singing my praises.”
he lets his head hang to the side, looking at you, up those pretty eyelashes of his. his eyes are indifferent, yet they crinkle at the corners, trying to not prove you right. pools of grey and blue, you could drown in them. 
your elbow is wedged between a pillow and the headboard, propping you up, knees curled, poking into his thigh. his legs are sprawled out in an obnoxious man spread, effectively making you move closer so you don't fall off the bed–that's small enough regardless of the space he's taking up. 
he's avoided you all day since you proposed the idea at breakfast: putting charms in his hair. what's strange is that you’ve done his hair plenty of times before sans protest. you ponder it quietly, simultaneously willing him to concede with squinted eyes, as he deadpans you.
if he could, he would've told you that he’s afraid to be alone with you. not that he hasn't been before, he has and he's been this close to you too (he constantly is). but something is different now, something about your hands in his hair that he can’t deal with. especially recently, you've taken to scratching behind his ear and it drives him a little crazy. he won't stop you though, on account of it feeling so good. usually, you're around the others so he can shift his focus elsewhere rather than think about how softly your fingers pad over his scalp, but now you’re alone and he's cursing lily for dragging his friends to some stupid baking endeavour that he stealthily got out of. 
you watch as annoyance passes over his features (directed to lily but you don't know that) and it instantly worries you. maybe he was serious about not wanting this, were you pushing him?
“sirius, if you really don't want me to do this,” you start, a nervous edge to your fast rush of words, “please tell me. i don't want to force you into doing anything-”
“hey,” he stops you with a hand over your arm and a small reassuring smile. “i'm sorry, i do. i just think you’re hot when you're irritated.”
“you must think i'm farah fawcett all the time then,” you mutter, rooting around in your pouch for the gold cuffs you thought would suit him. “and i'm not irritated, i have a surprising amount of patience for you,” you correct, inspecting the cuffs in your palm.
sirius sits up a bit to peer at them, chewing his lip in thought. “mmm not her. barbara carrera maybe,” he adds, looking back at you, his resistance fading away.
your eyebrows shoot up slightly, in mild shock. “she's pretty,” you remark to his comparison and the seemingly honest delivery.
“yeah,” he says, incredibly earnest, “so are you.”
curious and curiouser. “you think flirting with me is gonna get you out of this?”
“i don't know, is it working?”
“nope,” you say curtly, bring your hand back up to his face, this time with a few charms as well. “pick.”
he does, and sets them in your other hand held out. you begin parting his hair for the braids, you settle for placing them under the top of his hair, since his layers are short they'll peek through nicely. you tie a sloppy half bun to the unused portion of his hair so it's out of the way and section out a piece to braid. 
sirius dutifully holds the gold adornments in his hand as you work, suddenly quiet. he always gets like this, you've noticed. all quip remarks are silenced when your hands are in his hair. you make note to tease him about it later but for now you're content to stay quiet. 
he's humming something quietly, a tune you're unfamiliar with, it's ok he’ll tell you later. it fills the silence nicely. you pick the first charm, looping it into a strand of hair and continuing the braid to secure it. his hair is unbelievably soft, it's probably why you like touching it so much. you both know it gets greasier faster because of your constant contact but sirius makes no move to stop you, ever, simply muttering a spell to revive it. 
it goes on like this for about ten minutes, mostly because the charms were a bit more difficult to work with than you thought and also because you were extremely wary of trying not to tangle his hair. he stares at you diligently out of his periphery and you try not to meet his gaze. 
when you're done you lift the handheld mirror to his face. fuck, he looks beautiful. you have to look away, allowing him to assess everything on his own. 
he shoots you a blinding grin, looking exceedingly pleased with how it turned out, “thanks, dove!”
“you’re welcome,” you respond. “it looks good, right?”
he nods, looking into the mirror again. “really good. you did an amazing job.”
your heart flutters at the praise but you don't let it show, accepting his words with a smug smile. it doesn't last long though as he jumps you with a hug, winding you. arms wrapped around your middle, his head rests on your chest, just below your chin, squeezing you in appreciation. you wrap your arms around him in tandem and lean back against the headboard and the pillows, practically pulling half of him on top of you.
it's rough and tumble for a moment before he settles with a low hum, arms still circled around your torso. he knows they’ll go numb the longer he stays like this but he doesn't care. 
you trail one hand into his hair instinctively, like it's second nature. your nails lightly graze over that spot behind his ear and he’s done for. when you begin scratching, he melts, like truly melts against your body, letting out a long, pleased sigh. he makes note to kick himself later for acting like this. beneath his cheek, he feels you shake. are you laughing?
he lifts his head, a little incredulous. “what?”
you chuckle, seeing how he blinks away the blissful air to his expression. “nothing, it’s just-”
he looks at you expectantly as you contemplate your words.
you let out an amused snort before speaking again, “i don't know if it's, like, a subconscious response to your animagus form but dogs really like being scratched behind their ears.”
he gapes at you, affronted. “are you calling me a dog?”
“you are, padfoot.”
he whines petulantly before dropping back to your chest. he noses at your sternum, his own wordless way of getting you to continue. so you do. 
“dogs have a very concentrated area of nerve endings here,” you explain quietly, scratching his scalp again, just behind his ear. “when stimulated, it causes the brain to release endorphins, making them feel relaxed.”
he hums in thought though it sounds more pleased and it scarcely proves your point. 
“how’d you know that?” he asks, voice muffled by your shirt.
“my friend had to take her cat to the vet and i read one of those pet magazines to pass the time,” you murmur, your voice still quiet as you begin to feel sirius growing heavier over you.
“y’so smart,” he slurs, words trailing off in the beginning of sleep.
“don't fall asleep,” you whisper, though you make no effort to wake him up.
he mumbles something incoherent, nuzzling further into your neck but giving you a little grace by shuffling off of your body. one leg is still tangled with yours and his arms are still tightly wrapped around you but at least he's not crushing you. 
“tell me more,” he requests, words trailing up at the end in question.
you think for a moment, reaching to the depths of your brain to retrieve the dog facts you read about that day, perking up when you do.
“hmmm dogs have incredibly sensitive noses. they have up to, like, 300 million scent receptors, where humans have about 5 million and the part of their brain that processes smells is 40 times larger than ours,” you mumble, tapping a light finger to the tip of his nose. 
“cool,” he exclaims, though it's anything but. his eyes slowly flutter shut as you coil a piece of his hair, sealing your fate for the rest of the evening. that is until, much to sirius’ dismay, his roommates come bursting in.
flour scattered over their clothes and hair alike, they’re boisterous as they enter, chatting something along the lines of baking is actually kinda fun. he groans against your body, sleep stretching far and wide from his grasp. you stifle a laugh as he glares at them annoyedly. they pay no attention to the boy, instead making plans on playing quidditch. to this, he brightens. jumping from the bed at a speed you can't quite justify, not being overly fond of the sport yourself. you were more inclined to flying for fun, rather than competition. 
he glances back at you, tentatively, asking for your permission almost. you shrug indifferently, you were going to make your way down to the field anyway. he grins and leans down, pressing a quick firm kiss to your cheek before rushing after the dwindling voices down the stairs, his own broom in tow. 
you bite your lip to push down the giggle that bubbles up in your throat, maybe there are some innate canine tendencies.
reblogs and replies are appreciated :) | m.list
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gguk-n · 9 months ago
The Exception (Max Verstappen x Reader)
Summary- 4 times Max let y/n get away with whatever she wanted and 1 time he didn't.
I just have so much love for maxie and I wanna show it so it came out as this. Hope you like it!! I hope maxie is only loved tbh
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Max was very young when he had moved to a Netherland. If someone asked him when it was, he'd probably never be able to tell. But he could tell you about the annoying neighbours he had growing up. Yes, he did spend most of his time karting and didn't have the time at home or in school like normal kids his age would but the fleeting moments spent at that house in Netherland left behind fond memories that he can look back and only because of a certain little girl with chubby cheeks and two identical braids on either side of her head who had made quite a place in his life. Jos wasn't very happy with Max wasting his time entertaining those kids but he couldn't do much when the children's father was a tall bulky man who could take Jos out in one punch, insisted on letting the kids play together. The tall man had 3 kids Max noticed when he had dinner at their place for the first time; the oldest being the girl who we mentioned before followed by 2 younger brothers who seemed to love karting. They asked Max so many questions about it that they got scolded by their mother for ruining dinner for everyone but Max thought was cute because the youngest couldn't even pronounce karting but had a lot to say. Every time he would spend time with his neighbours, it would always be with the 2 young boys who wanted to learn how to kart better and become like Max like the younger one put it. Even now it makes Max laugh reminiscing about those days. They never really made it professionally though.
Max and the 2 boys were playing around when their older sister asked if they would like to join her for a session of afternoon tea with Mr Whale and Miss Teapot. The brothers made a face of disgust and ran away from her, dejected she turned around when Max agreed. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree. She quickly dragged him into her room and had him sit next to Mr Longneck, the giraffe. An hour later Max was found in Y/N's room with two pigtails if you could call them that on the top of his head, a tiara and the prettiest necklace Y/N owned. Looking at himself in the mirror he couldn't help but laugh. Y/N on the contrary looked pleased with her handy work. She thanked him for being a good and compliant customer and to come back again if he ever wanted to look pretty. It wasn't easy to get Max to do what you wanted except he couldn't say no to her puppy eyes. She even gave him a drawing of him in his kart saying that it would bring him good luck since she couldn't be there and placed her favourite bracelet on his hand.
If Y/N was to ask him about the bracelet, Max would say he lost it as soon as she gave it to him, but deep down in the watch drawer of Max's Monaco apartment sat a brightly neon pink bracelet with Y/N’s initials.
Y/N had started highschool and remained the annoying self Max had come to love. Her over the top demeanor and affection to screaming at the top of her lungs whenever she spotted Max never failed to make him smile. Having joined Formula one this year, meant Max was way to busy to be home but Y/N seemed to never forget to text him regularly. She would ask him to get autographs of other drivers or souvenirs from different countries. It was a regular race weekend when Y/N texted Max asking him to explain how the engine in a go kart worked. In a split second Max was on call with her asking "why do you need that?" to which she replied "I'm doing a project on that. I even made a small scale replica of your kart Look here!!!" She exclaimed. "I just need to shrink you and place you inside it" Y/N laughed. Max told her not to worry and that he would text her the details in a hour or so. Actually it took a couple hours and Y/N was starting to get agitated and called him back. Max replied with a almost done and smiled at her. He had literally written her entire report for her and sent it to review. Y/N almost screamed when she saw the assignment. She thanked Maxie for doing this for her and that she owed him her life. Max was just happy to be of help, he told himself more than he told her because who stays up till 5 in the morning on a race weekend doing someone else’s project.
He kept the small scale replica of his Kart on the mantle above the fireplace if anyone wanted to know what happened to the kart.
Y/N was freshly 18, so getting drunk was the only thing on her agenda. On a night out, she was so drunk that no one could get her to move because she wanted her Maxie and would only leave with Maxie, she enunciated. Her friend was able to open up Y/N phone and thankfully find a Maxie in her favourite contacts. She called the number to be met with a groggy but worried voice. "Hi! This is Y/N's friend Kate speaking. Am I speaking with a....maxie?" she said tentatively. Max let out a sigh while rubbing his eyes, "Yes, this is Max speaking." "Can you come pick Y/N up?" She asked hesitantly followed by, "She won't leave with anyone but you apparently." Max was already out of bed and near the door when he said "I'll be there in 10, where are you guys at?" She sent him the location and waited for 'maxie'. Nothing could've prepared them for this. They had thought Maxie was a friend, a boyfriend maybe even a neighbour; they did not think Maxie was Max Verstappen, F1 driver for Redbull racing. He apologised for the inconvenience and crouched down to Y/N level who seemed to have realised that he was here. She cupped his cheeks and giggled while turning his head to the crowd of people standing, "Look, this is my Maxie." Hearing Y/N say my maxie made his heart beat faster then it should've, he admits but that girl had a tight hold on his heart and he couldn't really do much about it. She stood up and wrapped her arms around Max asking him to carry her since her legs felt like mush. Max gladly carried her back to his car, as he fastened her seat belt she asked him to take her back to his place since her parents would probably disown her if she come in drunk for the 6th time this week. Max looked shocked and asked her to stop drinking so much since it wasn't good for her. All Y/N could mumble was that the alcohol made the pain in her heart bearable. This broke Max's heart. Who would dare hurt his precious little angel, if he met that guy he was so dead, Max thought. Little did he know that guy was the one driving her back home.
Y/N was a nuisance when drunk, she reminded him of the little girl he had befriended when he moved here. She wouldn't listen to anything he asked her to do that night until he agreed to let her do make up on him which he would gladly agree to, real or not.
Y/N had recently graduated and was looking for a place to stay. It was one of those nights after a fruitless apartment hunt Y/N facetimed Max. He looked very comfortable in his sim racing chair in his luxurious apartment in Monaco having moved recently. "Maxie" the younger girl sighed. "Meisje, what's the problem?" came a concerned voice. "I can't seem to find a decent apartment, I've been at it for months now." she said. Max offered to help her find the right place and Y/N started listing out all the things she wanted in her apartment which was sounding a lot like Max current apartment which was true, that was Y/N's dream apartment currently; after seeing it a couple months ago when she had visited him as a housewarming surprise and even held a party for him. "You can move to Monaco, the house you're looking for is here" Max said. After a long pause Y/N replied with a chuckle, "I don't make formula 1 money. I'm too broke to afford a house here. In Monaco, I'd have to sell my organs to afford a place there." As if it was the most obvious thing, Max offered her to stay at his place and look for a job here.
The allure of Monaco was too much and Y/N was able to thankfully find a job there so that she wouldn't be completely dependent on Max which he wouldn't have minded. Max never let her pay rent, he'd always tell her to cook good food and that was rent sorted.
It was the night of the Abu Dhabi grand prix. Max had just won his third WDC so him and his friends decided to go out to celebrate, Y/N included. The night carried on as usual, Max not touching much of the alcohol since Y/N decided to down drinks like a thirsty person. She was now in the middle of the dance floor making herself familiar with Lando's crotch, much to Max's dismay. He made his way to her and led her away from Lando while she shouted at him to let her go. They were now stood in the quieter part of the club but you could still hear the music blasting. Y/N looked visibly annoyed at being taken away from the dance floor. "You are drunk, you'll regret it tomorrow." Max said. "That's for sober me to deal with. Drunk me just wants to forget about everything and having an eventful night with a guy would do just the trick." she said. Max winced at the words and held her arms so that she could steady herself. "I don't wanna feel like this," was this the alcohol giving her the confidence, "the guy I've been in love with for ages can't seem to see me as a woman. I've been trying for years now. If I walked out naked, I'm sure he wouldn't even be phased." she sounded dejected. "Any guy would want you, Meisje." Max whispered. "But not the one I do" she stepped closer, enough that their breaths mingled. The woman in front of him was driving Max mad, had she not been drunk he would've shown her how much any man would want her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and looked into his eyes before saying, "He's so dumb, can't even see the woman in front of him." The statement felt oddly targeted. "You know, he's a 3 time world drivers champion and he doesn't even get that I love him so much." she said while looking into his eyes. "You're in love with me?" Max exclaimed. "I have been since the day you let me make pigtails on your hair but thanks for realising now." she replied sarcastically. "You're drunk, you don't know what your saying" Max replied. "Well, sober me would never tell you this but I love you Max Verstappen. So much that you make my heart beat faster and my chest swell when you look at me. I think about marrying you and having a family with you, but you think I'm joking." she declared. Max couldn't help but smiled, "Tell me all of this in the morning when you're sober so that I can tell you that I love you too schat and then I can finally kiss you." "You can kiss me now" Y/N made a kissy face and eagerly leaned in. Max shook his head and carried her back to the hotel room.
Y/N indeed remembered everything and the first thing she did even though she wreaked of alcohol was finally kiss those soft pink lips.
this is just brain rot at this point. hope you liked it
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motorsportbarbie13 · 3 months ago
The Yapping Hour is Upon Us - The Wedding Night
In which you and Max spend your first night together as newlyweds.
Warnings: smut. this is all smut, minimal plot. talk of babies, breeding kink, birth control, lots of 'my wife' and 'my husband' use. i'm feral tbh Pairing: Max Verstappen x Podcaster!Reader Word Count: 2.6k
- The Yapping Hour is Upon Us - The Yapping Hour is Upon Us - Part 2 - The Yapping Hour is Upon Us - Part 3 - The Yapping Hour is Upon Us - Part 4 - The Yapping Hour is Upon Us - Bonus Sessions - The Yapping Hour is Upon Us - The Royal Wedding - Master List
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“Let’s get you out of this dress. I want to see what’s been under it all day.” Max whispers against your shoulder later that night when you’re alone in the villa. His fingers trail up your bare arm, igniting sparks of heat in their wake.  
You take Max’s hand, leading him towards the bedroom of your sprawling villa, eyes dark with need. As you walk, you let one of the thin straps fall away before slipping out of the second one. “I need help with the zipper, Max.” You say, voice a husky whisper in the quiet room. 
Behind you, Max is looking at you like he wants to eat you alive, the hunger in his eyes near feral. He reaches for the back of your dress without any more prompting, shaking hands dragging the zipper down painfully slow. Reaching up, you tug the bun out of your hair, enjoying the sound that Max makes when your hair tumbles down over your shoulders in a cascade of waves. 
Your wedding dress pools at your feet, a pile of lace and satin that you step out of, making your way towards the bed. Max just stands there, watching you go, hungry look on his face. 
Outside, the sun has fully disappeared below the horizon, leaving the villa bathed in the golden yellow glow of the interior lights. The salty air flutters through the open back doors, the crash of the ocean creating a soft soundtrack to your first night as a married couple. 
You crawl onto the bed wearing only the white bits of lace lingerie that you’d bought specifically for tonight and when you turn back to face Max, you’re struck by the look of sheer lust on your husband’s face. Husband. You still were getting used to working your tongue around that word. It was wild, how strange but natural the word felt falling from your lips. 
“Are you going to leave me here alone, husband?” Gazing up at Max through thick lashes, you smirk before catching your bottom lip between your teeth. 
Max seems to snap into action then, stalking towards you as he unbuttons his linen shirt that suddenly feels to constricting. “Open those legs for me, lifeje. I want to see how good my wife tastes.” 
A thrill zings through you at being called his wife and you can’t help the whimper that leaves your lips in response. 
Max joins you on the bed, kneeling before you between your open legs. He bites his lip as he reaches down to slip his fingers under the band of the bits of lace that covers you. “So pretty.” He murmurs before he shifts his weight forward, leaning in for a kiss. 
“Max.” You sigh against his lips when he kisses you, whining a bit when he licks into your mouth. 
“Yes, wife?” He mumbles, mouth not daring to leave yours as his fingers dip beneath the fabric at your hips. He chuckles darkly when his fingers reach their destination, finding you soaking wet for him already. 
You arch against him, pleasure already burning deep in your core at just his touch. “Can’t believe I’m your wife.” 
“Fuck, that sounds so good.” The rasp of his voice sends goosebumps skittering down your spine, despite the room being warm from the day’s sun and heat. “I’m so lucky you chose me to be your husband, schatje. Let me show you how lucky I am.” 
“Please.” You beg against him, hips rocking up against his body in an attempt to get some relief from the aching need that has been thrumming inside you since you said your vows earlier in the evening. 
“Lay back and let your husband do all the work tonight, okay love? Can you do that for me?” Max trails open mouthed kisses down the column of your neck, stopping to suck little reminders of your wedding night into your skin so you remember tonight for days to come. 
“Anything for you, baby.” You manage, the sensations of Max’s lips on your skin and fingers working over your clit almost too much to take already. 
He trails more kisses down your body, sucking purple bruises into your skin as he makes his way to his destination, enjoying your sharp intake of breath every time he nips at you. “You like watching me with my head between her thighs, don’t you?” He asks when his head dips between your legs, hands finally pulling off the lace covering your pussy. 
The pleasure of having his hands and mouth on your body sends the buzzing in your head to another level, so loud you can’t focus on anything beyond Max’s touch and voice. You idly wonder if it’s possible to come from just hearing Max call you his wife over and over. It’s an experiment you’re willing to run. 
When his tongue splits you open for him for the first time, your hips snap up off the bed in a needy reaction. He slings one of his arms over your hips, pinning you to the down comforter. Your hands sift through his thick hair, tugging on it when he dives in. Long, languid licks lap up the mess you’ve already made for him and the way Max works you over with his mouth nearly sends you into another universe. 
“I can’t believe I get to eat you out for the rest of my fucking life.” He muses, barely coming up for air.  The only response you can muster in your haze of lust is a choked sound of surrender, a sigh of relief when his tongue finally presses against your clit for the first time. “Oh, my good girl. My pretty little wife. Do you like that?” 
“Yes.” You hiss, back arching even more into his waiting mouth. 
Stars explode behind your eyelids when he pulls your clit between his teeth, the sharp bite drawing the most erotic moan that Max has ever heard out of you. From his spot between your legs, Max slips first one and then two fingers into your wet little cunt as you continue your grind against his mouth. “That’s it, use me to get yourself off.” His voice is muffled by his refusal to remove his head from between your legs but you hear him well enough. 
You feel that telltale sign of liquid fire pouring down your spine as Max works you over with both his mouth and fingers. Your entire consciousness eddies down to this one single place, all that matters is that Max never stops and you never have to go another day without his mouth on you or fingers inside you. “Don’t stop.” You beg, blindly reaching for anything to hold onto, eventually landing one hand in his hair and the other fisting the white sheets beneath you. “I love you so much baby, fuck. Holy fuck.” You sob, hips grinding up into his mouth in a desperate search for relief. 
You tumble over the crest of your orgasm so quickly it hits you like a freight train, your hands fisting Max’s hair so tightly the pain mixes with his pleasure delightfully. His name tumbles out of your mouth so quickly it’s unintelligible babble. All Max does is hold his tongue against your clit and fingers deep inside you as you spasm against him. “That’s it, baby. Look at my sweet wife coming all over me. You look so pretty coming around my fingers, schatje.” 
He talks you through the rest of your orgasm until you’re quiet beneath him, breath coming in short spurts as you try to recover. “Max.” Seems to be the only word you can find in your vocabulary, which suits your husband just fine. If that’s the only word you can say, he’s glad it’s his name and nothing else. 
Max crawls up your body when your climax finally subsides, face glistening with your slick mess. He licks his lips, all swollen and red after licking you so good. You look so effortlessly gorgeous beneath him, he has to take a moment before he do anything else. 
“I have another present for you.” You whisper when you regain the ability to speak. 
Max cocks a brow at you. “I thought we weren’t doing any more gifts, little miss ‘I hate when you spoil me’.” He teases, biting at your neck. 
You roll your eyes while lifting your hands to frame his face. “Remember when I went to see the doctor a last week?” 
Max nods, remembering how you came home in a significant amount of pain afterwards. You had refused to give you any details behind the appointment though, just saying that you were due to get your period soon and it was all hormones. “Yeah, and I’m still annoyed you wouldn’t tell me why you went.” 
“I had my IUD removed.” You murmur, eyes searching his for his immediate reaction. 
“You…what?” Max’s heart stalls as he draws back to get a better look at your face. 
This had been a topic of discussion between you two before, of course. Trying to decide if and when to start a family was a huge decision and both you and Max had decided that you wanted to start trying sooner rather than later ages ago but this? This was a complete surprise. 
You worry at your lip, wondering if you went too far without consulting him. “I had my doctor take out my IUD.” 
Something feral and animalistic snaps in Max at the thought of tonight being the night he finally puts a baby in you. If he had had his way, you’d be round with his baby ages ago but you had insisted on wanting to do it the ‘right’ way by waiting until after you had been married for a bit before even trying. “That is the best wedding present you could have ever gotten me, schat.” 
Relief washes over you in waves when his words register. “Yeah?” 
Max grabs at your hips, tugging  you closer to him before kissing you with an intensity that sends your head spinning.
“Now, turn over.” You do as he orders, a shiver of anticipation shooting up through your spine. “Ass up. Yeah, just like that baby. Ass in the air so I can fuck a baby deep into you.” He growls. 
If removing your IUD was all that it took to get Max to absolutely manhandle you like this, you would have gotten it removed sooner, you decide as he gives your bare ass a few short slaps while you wriggle back against him. Max pumps his aching cock with his hand a few times as you prop yourself up on your elbows. 
“You look so pretty like this, just waiting for me to take you from behind. You like this don’t you? Want me to fill you up, baby?” He leans forward, whispering the filthy words in your ear, causing you to whimper in response. 
You should be embarrassed by the needy, high pitched whine that tumbles from your throat when the tip of his cock finds your aching entrance, anticipation twisting deep in your stomach. Max latches onto your hips with both hands, letting out a guttural moan when he sinks into you, the slick wetness from your cunt practically swallowing him whole. “Fuck.” He shudders, fingertips digging bruises into your hips. 
For a few moments, Max has to steady himself or this entire thing is going to be over in 2 strokes. The blinding tightness of your pussy distracts him from all other sensation and thought as he focuses on how warm you are around him. You struggle against his size, the stretch from him filling you up burning in the most satisfying way possible. From his position behind you, Max is able to hit that spot deep inside your walls that sends all coherent thought out of your head. “Max.” You whine, wiggling your hips back and forth in a desperate plea for movement. “Max, please. Please fuck me.” 
“Fuck I love it when you beg for my cock.” He grunts while pulling out of you before thrusting deeper again. Max’s eyes drop down to where you’re joined together in the most intimate way and the sight he sees nearly sends him over the edge. “We look so good together, shatje. Look so good gripping me like that.” 
Max slides in and out of you, hands gripping your hips to control the pace as he settles into filling you up over and over. 
You pant beneath him, back arching up in sheer bliss as you push your ass back against him so he’s forced to plunge even deeper inside you. “God, you’re so deep Max. So big, filling me up.” 
“My wife likes being all messy for me, doesn’t she? Wants me to fuck a baby into her the first night we’re married, huh?” 
Just the thought of you walking around, belly swollen with his baby has Max’s hips snapping even quicker against you. For several moments the sounds of wet flesh slapping against flesh fills the room, interrupted only by your needy moans and Max’s grunts. He desperately ruts into you as he leans forward, draping his large frame over yours. Max wraps his fist around your long hair, creating a ponytail with his hands and yanks so hard your vision blurs from the delicious blur of pleasure colliding with pain. 
White hot heat pours down Max’s spine and he knows he’s not going to last much longer like this. The way your silky soft hair wraps around his calloused hands, the sounds that you’re making under him, the scent of your arousal wafting through the air, all of those sensations combine to create an overwhelming sensory overload. 
“Oh my God. Max. Cum in me, please.” You beg, sending your husband hurtling even closer the edge of his own release as he feels you spasm around him, velvet vice like grip clamping down on his cock. “Fuck a baby into me, please, Max.” You’re babbling now, a melty mess of need and desire to feel your husband’s cum dripping down your thigh. 
Something fractures in Max at how utterly fucked out you sound and everything goes white behind his shuttered eyes. The moan that rumbles through him sends you over the edge for a third time that night and you’re so exhausted and overstimulated having not nearly enough time to recover from the second one Max fucked you to. When he spills into you, the white hot ropes coating your walls, you let you the neediest whimpers of the night. The way he feels buried deep inside you combined with the open mouthed kisses he’s showering on your back and shoulders sends you off into an exhausted space that you hope you never return from. 
With Max done and still draped over you, body heavy on top of yours, your elbows finally give out and you collapse into the mattress, body sprawling beneath Max’s. Neither of you can move for several moments, the heat of what just happened has exhaustion seeping into your bones. 
The catastrophic emptiness that you feel when Max does pull out of you has you near tears it’s so unnerving. When you flip over, tired sighs falling from your lips, Max immediately pulls you into him, fingers dancing down between your legs. You jolt when he stuffs three of his fingers into your overly sensitive pussy. “Don’t want any of that to go to waste, now do we.” He chuckles as he buries his head in the crook of your neck. 
A sore sort of pleasant exhaustion takes over your body as you wriggle back against the warmth of your husband’s body. “I love you.” You sigh, eyes drooping heavily as Max reaches behind him to switch the bedside light off, plunging the entire bedroom into darkness. 
“I love you too, wife. Always.” Max’s response is the last thing you hear before drifting off into a deep fucked out sleep that has you passed out until late the next morning. 
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tags: @shelbyteller @formulaal @martygraciesversion381 @samantha-chicago @chlmtfilms
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reiderwriter · 9 months ago
🔫 Oh, Captain, My Captain 🔫
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Pairing: Unit Chief!Spencer Reid x Fem BAU!Reader
For the CM Kink Bingo Challenge 2024
Requested: Unit Cheif!Spencer who uses gun training as an excuse to rub up on the new member🤭
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI Gun kink, dubcon, dry humping, pictures/photos, age gap, Pervert! Spencer, unprotected sex, implied cream pie, semi-public sex, boss x employee dynamic, spanking, masturbation, slight cum play, degradation (slut, whore etc), praise kink if you squint (good girl).
A/N: This is my first entry for the CM Kink Bingo challenge 2024~! I chose a lot of the prompts based on some of the smut requests in my inbox and let my TELL you I was SO EXCITED to write Unit Chief + gun kink!!! I'm so excited for this entire challenge tbh, it reminds me of the good old days on past years' Kinktober 😂🥰
Masterlist || Bingo Board
When Spencer Reid was made the interim Unit Chief for the BAU, he agreed with the reasoning. At the time, he really couldn't argue that he was aptly experienced, responsible enough to make big decisions, and reliable. And whilst he had been through a lot in the last two decades with the FBI, he still did value his own sense of morality. 
He accepted the job and then was assigned you as an intern, and suddenly, he didn't agree with any previous assessment of him. 
Experienced, yes, but he was still stammering and rambling when discussing simple things like the weather. He certainly wasn't responsible enough to keep his eyes off you, and he probably couldn't be relied on in the field to focus instead of thinking about your pretty, plump lips and how they would feel wrapped around his cock. 
All morality had gone out of the window after a week of working with you when he closed his office blinds, popped his pants open and took his cock in hand, relieving himself while staring at your newly printed ID card. 
He had a lot of power, during the few months Emily was away, and he was trying desperately not to use it. 
Unfortunately, with great power comes a great amount of orders to give, and since you reported directly to Unit Chief Reid, you'd become his de facto shadow for the first few weeks. You bought him coffees when you got your own, asked him for quick run downs of past cases so you could take notes and remember relevant details for later, asked him for help writing reports. 
Which caused the blinds to be drawn at least once a day as he desperately tried to keep his hands off you. 
Emily had joked when leaving him behind that she'd usually give the new boss the “don't shit where you eat” speech, especially with people in your chain of command, but it really wasn't necessary with him. Of all people. 
It didn't help that you were so damn clumsy in the office. You were usually pretty calm and collected, but since starting at the BAU, the pressure was getting to you a bit. 
You made small mistakes, you double, and triple checked your work, and you were constantly in Spencer's office asking him for opinions on topics, for background information, and for, well, reassurance. 
And you dropped stuff. A lot of stuff. 
Your analytical Monday have been perfectly suited to the BAU, but somewhere between your head and your hands, all your body parts refused to function adeptly. You'd dropped things constantly, tripped on your own feet, and constantly bumped into people even while they stood still. 
Not to mention the time your dropped your (thankfully, iced) coffee all over Spencer's lap when you'd brought him his own. 
“Oh my- Oh my god, Doctor Reid, I am so so sorry,” you scrambled, immediately grabbing tissues as he jumped up from the desk. 
“Please let me help you, god, I'm so stupid, I'm so sorry-” you said, patting away as his lap as he stood frozen in front of you. You dropped to your knees to mop up the traces of coffee still running down his thighs, as he stammered. 
“Y/N, please, you don't need to, I have a spare pair I can-” 
“I'll have them dry cleaned, I promise,” you begged, just as a knock sounded and the door to his office swung back open for JJ to enter through. 
“Spencer, the files for the- woah! Okay, I'm not jumping to conclusions, but I'm still backing out of this room right now.” 
She laughed her way out of the room, which was when your brain finally caught up to your hands and realized the stupid position you'd put yourself in. 
You'd practically pushed your boss up against the wall, kneeled before him, and begged to touch him. 
You'd squeaked out an apology and quickly left the office, much to Spencer's relief, because even after an ice bath and semi-public humiliation, he was hard and horny and his IQ had been knocked to roughly 7. 
How he'd wanted to keep you pinned in place, to stroke your cheek as he made sure you took each inch of him down your throat slowly, filling you up so you couldn't escape. 
How he'd wanted to keep his job as well, something he'd probably not get to do if JJ had decided to walk back in, or - god forbid - bring other witnesses to his debauchery. 
You were clumsy, and he was desperately horny, and you were both complete and total messes.
“I don't see how I can help you, Y/N,” Tara held up her hands in defeat as you begged for her help. 
“I'm competent with a gun, but it's not something I can teach you. I wouldn't know where to start.” 
“I just need someone to show me how to hold it properly. There's a trick to it, right? There has to be a trick to it?” 
“Ah yes, the old aim and shoot trick, I forgot about that one,” Rossi laughed, shaking his head at your office antics. 
You'd been interning for a few weeks, and the latest in a line of ability tests was shooting. You'd pretty much aced the physical fitness test, but you'd never even held a gun before joining the FBI, and you were struggling. 
“I've put in 10 hours at the shooting range in the last week, and the closest I've got to an accurate shot was hitting the next lane's paper. Don't ask.”
Your coworkers shared a sympathetic look as you sat down at the round table, ready to hear the next case details. 
“I'm relegated to office work until I pass this certificate, and I was not made for sitting at a desk for 7 hours.” 
“Well, why don't you ask Reid for help?” JJ said helpfully, bringing her coffee to her lips to hide the meddling smile plastered there. 
“He had some issues shooting when he was a rookie as well, but he put in some hours at the range, and now he's the best shot on the team.” 
“Easy there, blondie, I'm nothing to sniff at with a gun myself,” Rossi smiled, patting himself on the back. 
“I'm sure he'd enjoy helping you,” JJ continued. 
“Who would enjoy what?” Spencer said, finally joining the team in the meeting room and pulling out the case files as everyone opened up their tablets. 
“Y/N was just saying she's having some trouble shooting, and I suggested she ask for your help?” 
He froze momentarily and stared down at you as you looked up at him, hopefully, a shy smile on your face. 
He tried to keep his eyes on yours, but from this height, he had the perfect view down your shirt, your perfect-sized breasts pressing together as you leaned towards him, giving him a generous eyeful. 
He looked away quickly and nodded his agreement, sitting himself down and attaching his eyes to the files instead so he could get his mind off of  your body, and your lips, and the begging that surely would've come out of your mouth had he not accepted earlier. His brain was tormenting him with images of you underneath him, under his desk even, his cock in your mouth as you paid for his precious time training you. He blinked away the thoughts and, for once in his life, actually had to put effort into reading and understanding each word on a page as he ignored the raging fire of his lust. 
A few hours later, the two of you were at the shooting range. 
“My main problem is shooting. The instructors said my form isn't great either and that I looked like a child playing with toys whenever I hold a gun, so if you could help with that…?” You said, putting on the goggles and turning back to look at your boss. 
“Doctor Reid?” You asked. 
“Oh, yeah. Yes, they said something similar when I was training. First, let's see what you can do.” 
You smiled at him as he watched you bounce up to the lane and pick up the gun. You calmed your breathing and got ready to take the safety off when you felt a hard hand clamp over your own and pull the gun from your hand. 
“What are you doing?” He asked, staring down at you with wide eyes. 
“You said to show you-”
“You're not wearing a vest.” 
You cursed quickly as he pulled you back over to the side of the room. The place was practically deserted, as it was past the official closing hours of the range, but Spencer had been forced to pull some strings with his new title and had managed to keep it open (and somehow unmanned) until now. 
He quickly grabbed the first vest he saw and pulled it over your head, taking the side straps and tightening them until the vest was comfortably protecting all your major organs. His hands lingered for a second, and you stared shocked up at him, somehow enjoying the way he pushed you around. 
You were a grown woman, and you could do this all by yourself, but there was something about a man roughly a decade and a half older than you controlling your movements that were entirely too dangerous. You quickly stepped away and back to the podium, whispering a quick thanks under your breath as you tried to ignore the heat pooling between your legs. 
You stretched out your neck a little as you felt him walk back behind you again, keeping his distance as he watched you shoot your first clip at the targets. 
Out of six bullets, you'd missed the target five times and had grazed just below the targets arm once, a brilliant display of your natural lack of talent. 
“Your form is wrong. You're holding yourself too rigid, which means the recoil has a higher chance to hurt you. Loosen your arms slightly.”
His advice was actually good  and you followed his instructions closely, listening clearly as he walked you through each tip. 
“Like this?” 
“A little more… here, let me.” 
You had no chance to react before his body was pressed behind yours and his hands were wrapped around your own, moving g each finger by a fraction to improve your grip, trailing up your arms slowly, leaving a field of goosebumps wherever his fingers grazed. He repositioned your elbows before moving forward his hands down to your hips, turning them slightly as he widened your stance. 
“Try now.” 
Breathless, you could only nod as he stepped back, unaware if he'd even said anything since his hands had landed on you. 
You forced yourself to breathe again and took one shot.
"Oh my god, it hit. Spencer, it hit!” 
“Do it again and we can celebrate.” 
Another five shots later, and you'd managed a small cluster of hits around the arms and one shot. 
“You're definitely veering left, so let's try and over correct by aiming to the right.”
He pushed up against you again and held the gun, moving it to the right a fraction, taking complete control of your body. 
If your breath was scarce before, it was totally gone now as you felt his crotch press up against your ass. Considering the bulletproof vests put an extra inch around your chests, he was absolutely doing it on purpose, and you were shocked to realize you were too. 
You'd pushed your ass back into him, grinding slowly on his hardening cock as he hooked his head over your shoulder, looked down the sight with you, and fired the gun. 
Straight into the center of the target. 
“Good girl,” he whispered before pulling away.  
He moved two meters away from you, and maintained the distance for the rest of the night, and even though you were both aware of his hard cock tightening his pants, neither of you said a word. 
“Same time tomorrow,” he said and grabbed his jacket to leave. It was the first thing he'd said as your Unit Chief that even vaguely sounded like a command and not an enthusiastic suggestion, and you were suddenly very excited for the rest of the week. 
“Before we start,” he said the next day, unbuttoning his shirt sleeves and rolling them up to his elbows neatly. “Show me your posture again.” 
He gestured towards one of the dummy guns at the side of the range, the style you recognised from mission training that held small layers instead of bullets - same weight, same mechanism, no lethality. 
You'd spent the day and night worked up from the last time you'd been here with him, and a small part of you felt disappointed you were starting with the kiddy gun. Not one to miss an opportunity, though. You bent over to pick it up, making sure to bend at the waist right in front of him to show off your ass. 
Maybe you'd gone crazy, but the memory of his touch was burning you from the inside out and you needed to feel it again to make sure you weren't crazy. 
He maintained his distance, though. It was hard for him to keep his hands off you in all honesty, arms crossed to keep himself from crossing any more lines. That and he was sure that you'd be able to tell he'd spurted cum all over them in his office the night before despite him scrubbing them thoroughly multiple times, the weight of his guilt eating into him like a parasite.
“Arms up, point straight. Good.” You tried to keep still as he assessed your form, but his eyes prowled over you thoroughly, and you had to suppress a shudder. 
“You need to control your breathing, Y/N, you can't be afraid of pulling the trigger if you need to.” 
“I'm not-” 
“Shoulders back,” he said, moving to your side as he again began slightly correcting your form. 
Unlike the day before, though, this time, there were no bullets. And no bullets meant no bulletproof vest. 
That's why when his exploring hands came to your chest, he could feel your hardening nipples through the flimsy material of your dress. He could feel you pressing forward into his touch as his hands cupped your breast.
“Calm your heartbeat, Y/N. You need to stay calm so you can shoot straight, right?” 
The words sounded alien, even to him. His gaze was locked on the top of your shirt, looking down it to the slope of your chest, disappearing into your dress. He so wanted to let his hands disappear right along with them, to pull you back into his aching cock and play with your nipples until you cried out for mercy. 
He let his touch fall and played off his molestation as correction, even as your underwear grew slick with desire. 
“Grab your vest. Let's try again.” 
A week of late night training later, and you weren't sure if you were improving at all. The guns were the last thing on your mind when Spencer's hands were on you, his voice in your ear telling you how good you were for him, such a good subordinate. 
Both of you had yet to acknowledge that you were spending the majority of the session just rubbing up on each other, like teens at prom, desperate for whatever friction you could get without having to name the game you were playing. 
“Doctor Reid, if I hit the target this time, can you do something for me?” You chanced on the Friday, needing something else to tide you over for the weekend. 
“What do you need?” 
“No, no, nothing specific, just like a…a reward?"
He'd done his best to keep his hands off of you, which meant that he'd failed miserably, and he knew exactly what he'd like to treat you to as a reward. Keeping his hands of you in daytime hours had become harder and harder as the week flew by, and he felt like a randy school boy the amount of times he'd needed to excuse himself to either kill his bones or abuse his cock with his hand.
“Oh,” he said, growing quiet. You took his hesitation for rejection, and immediately began to back pedal. 
“Y-You don't have to, sir. It was really quite conceited on my part to demand a reward from y-” 
“If you shoot six bullets that hit either the chest or the head, you'll get a reward.”
You smiled brightly at him, suddenly feeling very hopeful. 
“But if you miss, you'll get the opposite.” 
The words were out of his mouth before he could even think about what they meant. Just hearing the words made him want to visibly cringe and write himself up for office misconduct. But your smile didn't fade one bit. 
“Yes, sir. I won't let you down.” 
Turning away from him, you loaded your weapon again, and he watched you put yourself into the correct position. Despite his middling efforts to actually teach you, you had seemed to have improved over the last few days. 
He wasn't sure if he wanted that outcome. 
Just as you stepped up to take your first shot, he stepped closer to you, wrapped his hands around your waist, and pushed up against you. 
Your first shot veered left, completely missing the target as you gasped. Spencer had popped open the front button of your pants and was unzipping them, letting his hand wonder down to your panties. 
“Look straight. There will be distractions out in the field, you can do this, right?” 
“Y-Yes, sir.” 
“Good girl.” 
You tried to steady your breathing g and your hands again as he began rubbing slow circles into your underwear, your body alight with lust as you let him. 
Your second shot hit the paper. Your third didn't. 
“You can do better than that, Y/N.” 
You took another deep breath and picked up your gun again, shooting just as he shoved your underwear to one side and dipped his fingers into you. 
Your mouth opened in a silent moan as you quickly shot your last three bullets, not caring where they went so much as where his fingers went. 
“Y/N, I expected better,” you could hear the smile in his voice as he took the gun from your hands with his spare. “You can't even handle a weapon like this.” 
He kept his fingers pumping shallowly inside you, as he inspected the gun again. 
“Maybe you'd learn better under duress. I did, too. It's easy to learn when there's a gun pointed yo your head, right?” 
He quickly turned the gun on you  pushing it to your temple as his other hand shoved your pants down. He angled you forward with a press of his hips as his fingers returned to your cunt and slipped deeper inside. 
“S-Spencer, fuck-” 
“You missed all six bullets, so punishment it is.” His fingers gained speed as you stood, flushed and spreading your legs for him. You wanted to bury your head in your arms and scream out your moans, but the gun to your head kept you quiet and in place. 
“You may not be able to shoot a gun, Y/N, but that doesn't mean you're not enjoying them. You're so wet for me.” 
Tears sprung to your eyes as you felt your climax build and build, chasing the high you'd been searching for with every unprotected touch. 
You were letting your boss touch you, letting a man almost old enough to be your father hold a gun to your head, and you were going to squirt all over his fingers very soon. 
“Spencer, Spencer, please- please….”
“Shhh, it’s okay. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. You just needed some more help learning. You can cum now, princess. It's okay, let go.” 
You tried your best to hold back, but your body had a mind of its own as your orgasm hit you, the cold metal of the gun finally moving away from your head. 
With one hand around your waist, pinning you to the side so you stayed upright, Spencer carefully placed the gun back down before dragging your pants back up your legs. 
Taking your elbow in his hand, he walked you to the door as you blinked out the daze in your eyes. 
“We're going to my office now. To talk about your recent performance.” 
You couldn't have cared less what he'd said as long as his hands were on you, stretching your head back so it rested on his chest and pushing up until your lips could connect with the bare skin at his neck. 
“Hands off. We're going to walk all the way back to my office, and you're not going to let anyone know what just happened, okay? Not with your words, or your expressions or body language, okay?” 
You nodded, but he kept a hand on your elbow, gesturing yourself forward. 
You weren't sure how you were even able to walk after what had to have been the most intense orgasm of your life, but the promise of more likely carried you all the way up the stairs until you were comfortably enclosed in Spencer's  office. 
Like he'd found himself doing multiple times a day this month, Spencer closed the blinds, pulling you down to the sofa with him as he sat. 
“When I was your age,” he started, making sure your ass was facing up as he pushed your head into the cushions gently. 
“When I was your age, I couldn't shoot well. My Unit Chief had to kick some sense into me. I think you need that as well, right, Y/N? You need someone to beat some sense into you?” 
You nodded as he stroked your hair, and he thanked you for being so open to him. 
He made quick work of your pants and underwear, and in a quick hot burst, his hand came down on your ass. 
“Fuck, more. Please more!” 
He did it again and again as you squirmed in his lap and moaned, begging him to keep brutalizing you. 
“That's it, show me how pathetic you are, show me how much you're craving my attention.” 
He pushed your legs off of his lap until you were kneeling on the floor underneath him. He pulled up your arms and pulled your shirt over your head, similarly discarding your tank top and bra until you were totally bare on the floor in front of him. 
Instead of stripping himself yet, he pulled out his phone, palming himself through his pants. 
“Show yourself off,” he said, pointing the camera at you. 
You followed his directions quickly, hands flying to your tits to fondle them while he took pictures of your fucked our face. 
With his foot he gently nudged you down onto all yours, letting you know to turn around so he could flash a picture or two of your sloppy cunt as well. 
Your hips rocked back and forth in the air, unconsciously searching for something to rub against, some relief from your frustrations. 
He kept snapping pictures. 
Deciding that you needed his attention and stat, you let your chest fall to the floor, face flat too as your hips lifted higher in the air. Your hands found your ass cheeks, and you spread them slightly, giving Spencer an even better view of how much you needed him. 
He took one last photo, and then he knelt behind you faster than you could expect. 
In a heartbeat, his pants were down, in two his cock was buried deep inside of you. 
“So…tight, shit. You're such a precious little slut, you kept this little pussy nice and fresh just for me, right?” 
It was all you could do not to cum right there, and when he started moving you were a goner. It had always been easier for you to cum a second time than it was for you to cum a first time, and considering how quick he'd made it happen earlier, you really should've been expecting it. 
Your body convulsed around his cock as you screamed into the floor, hands still spreading yourself wide for him as he rutted into you. 
“That's it, milk my cock, Y/N. Milk your bosses cock, let me blow my load inside you.” 
Your nipples rubbed painfully against the carpet, only adding to the storm of stimulation you were experiencing. 
His hips faltered as he collapsed over your body, holding tight as his muscles locked him into place with his orgasm. He came inside you with a grunt, and he felt your cunt still clenching around him, making sure to take every last drop. 
“That- was much - preferable,” you said, gasping for breath. “To shooting - any gun.” 
He rolled off of you as you laughed, body satiated now for the first time in what felt like forever. 
“You still need to work on your gun skills,” he said after you'd detangled yourself, but before either if you had worked up the courage to leave the floor and get dressed. 
“Why?” You said, turning your head to look at him  lying on the floor next to you. 
“It seems I can fire pretty accurately already,” you said, as your hand snaked down to his cock one more time. 
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letsgoletsgetit08 · 2 months ago
ateez unholy hours - kinks
some kinks I could see ateez members having.
warnings: MDNI!, mentions of freakteez idk, kinks
author's note: I'm quite literally running a fever right now and this is where my brain went. I have two psych degrees and this is what I'm using them for. If you're offended by any of this, I guess scroll on, it's not even serious.
word count: 700ish
hongjoong: somnophilia. hear me out, the man keeps weird hours. you're not guaranteed to be awake when he gets home. he's hesitant at first, but you've had a long discussion about it, and he starts to be brave and explore it, he's SO hooked. watching your face scrunch up in the dim light at his first touches, only for it to turn to gasps of pleasure as you wake up to him pushing inside you. it's 3am on a tuesday and neither of you could care less.
seonghwa: finacial domination. look, the guy has money, there's no denying that. but the idea of you telling him how he can spend it? it fucks with his brain in the best ways. oh, he wants that new lego set? he better be good for you all week and prove he deserves it. when he spends within his means of the allowance you give him and you reward him for it? his brain short circuits. he hopes he forgets what bank he uses, he never wants to think about being in control of his account again.
yunho: size kink this, breeding kink that. i hear you and i agree HOWEVER, that man is eating your ass. sorry. he just is. the man is captain of freakteez and he's the king of oral fixation. he's obsessed with finding different ways to get you off, and his sexual appetite knows no bounds. he's not mingi, he's not afraid of getting his hands dirty (metaphorically). you might be worried about it being unsanitary at first, but once he gets you in the shower and helps you wash - everywhere - you feel much better about it. and let me tell you, you won't regret it.
yeosang: ear fetish. i read a fic (shout out to op) about this, forgot what the specific -philia is called and I really don't want to fumble around on google to find it, but all i can say is yes. yeosang is an odd duck but also a rule follower, which leads me to believe he's very curious about the taboo, but not something so taboo that would be risky or anything. he just wants to lick your ears a little. let him. just look at him and tell me you wouldn't let him do it.
san: he wants to fuck your titties. hear me out, he has smallish hands already, which means that even if you're rocking some a cups, they would feel sizeable in his hands. hell, his tits might even be bigger than yours. doesn't matter. he's squeezing and torturing (pos) yours any chance he gets. something about this whiny pouty water sign man begging you let him do it because he's so curious just. ugh. yeah.
mingi: chastity. mingi is sooooo subby, especially for the right person and for that person (pick me!) he would be so eager to please and to prove that he could be good. he's constantly poking our eyes out with that thang on stage, as well as touching it subconciously any chance he gets. can you imagine, locking him up for all of tour? his whiny phone calls. teasing him. how desperate and needy he'd be for you when he finally got home and you could give him some relief.
wooyoung: body hair. i stand by him being a lowkey furry and you know what, whatever that man wants, tbh. i just think the first time you stopped shaving for the winter, it would unlock a whole different side of him. he wouldn't be able to stop touching your newly fuzzy legs and he'd bury his pretty nose in your softy, downy armpits. he'd finally show you the cat ears he's been wanting to wear while he fucks you. meow meow.
jongho: this mischievous little shit sweetheart wants to push the limits on what he can get away with as far as fucking you in public goes. fingers between your thighs at the restaurant, fucking you on a balcony at a hotel, on the tour bus, plane bathroom, green room on set for music video shoot, car sex, you name it, he's trying. the two of you are always reappearing after being mysteriously gone for too long to be innocent, clothes rumpled, cheeks flushed, matching shit eating grins poorly concealed on your faces.
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