#i'm not sure why i've fallen in love with her so hard but i do love her a lot
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skyfallscotland · 2 days ago
Quicksilver, by Callie Hart 🦋
She is moonlight. The mist that shrouds the mountains. The bite of electricity in the air before a storm.
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Ohh boy. Personally I think she is none of those things, but that's me getting ahead of myself. God, I feel so anxious posting a book reaction after the Onyx Storm Debacle, but here we are, with a book I didn't love...again.
So...I started this one with a running commentary again (Throne of Glass style) but I couldn't quite commit. We will however approach it chronologically, because that's an easier way to show my thoughts as they evolved.
Would I recommend this book? No. And I’ll tell you why, but there are spoilers ahead so be aware of that.
Friends...I did not enjoy this one and I'm starting to feel like a crazy person. Is this just a massive reading slump? Or am I weird? Because everyone seems to think these books are the best thing since sliced bread and I've not liked a single one of them 😭
My first impressions? Saeris is so cliché. Like oh we're starving and can barely survive, you can see my ribs, but actually I can scale a giant wall and fight all these fully trained guards and win...ok, sure. It's giving 00's YA vibes but alright, I'm rolling with it.
I had no understanding of what it was I was doing, but if this was a world-ending gift, then good. Fuck this city and fuck this world. My family was already doomed, and what did I care for anyone else?
Bit dramatic, but whatever, I'll still ride with you. Who am I to judge? I did write Remi.
“I wear pants. Shirts. Things I can move easily in. So I can run, and climb, and—” Kill people.
"So cliché." I mutter to myself as I put the book down. Then pick it up again. Then put it down again and use the audiobook instead.
At some point, Layne would accept that I just didn't eat that much, and she'd stop loading up my plate with so much food. She'd slip an apple into her pocket for me or something.
*Deep breaths* Saeris would absolutely fit in on mid 2000's tumblr. Babe, this is such a weird flex to include when you’ve already made it very clear she was a starving orphan, ok?
We also met the infamous Carrion—more on that later—and her brother...who sucks. No two ways about it. I hated him immediately. Are there any decent book-brothers out there? Or just...no? I thought from the way he was acting he was going to be fourteen but no, he's like TWENTY, what the fuck 😭
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So anyway, hooray! We've fallen through a portal to a new world and that's the stage set—then we meet Kingfisher. Oh man. Kingfisher.
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This is a kingfisher. I just want y’all to know that. I know it’s not his ‘real’ name but it’s still what she’s crying out in rapture ok, a choice was made and it wasn’t a good one.
Anyway, surprise surprise, he's an asshole, but here’s the rub: he doesn't seem redemptive.
My jaw was screaming, I was clenching my teeth so hard. “Fuck—you—” “There you go again. Hungry, needy little bitch in heat, begging to be fucked…” he taunted. “Let. Go!”
I’m ok with enemies to lovers, but there has to be a hint at least that the ‘bad guy’ can be a decent person. There has to be something that hooks me about him—his entire personality can’t just be ‘asshole’, and above all, despite the fact he doesn’t like the FMC (even loathes her for all I care) he has to at least have some basic respect for her, otherwise I’m not down. That’s just my personal take, you don’t have to agree, but it makes me uncomfortable otherwise.
“I don't hate your kind. I'm just disappointed by how breakable you are. If I held you down and fucked you the way I'm imagining fucking you right now, I doubt that you’d survive it.”
Like that? That’s not cute or arousing in any way.
“That your body is betraying you in other ways. That I can smell you, Little Osha, and I'm thinking about drinking the sweet nectar you're making for me straight from the fucking cup.”
I do also think the smut was just not for me in this book, as a general rule, I did find it very cringe. Case in point ^
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—a look of rye amusement on his irritatingly handsome face.
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LMAO this was meant to be wry, I assume? There were a few instances like this throughout the book, as well as typos and missing punctuation. Which, we’re all human, I get it, but it kind of annoys me a little when this was picked up for trad pub, pulled from KU (I bought it—twice!) and has since gotten a million dollar Netflix deal. Please, if we’re going to be doing that, the publishing house needs to edit the damn book. Honestly? I think it could have done with 200-300 less pages. A developmental edit was needed, let alone a final edit.
Anyway. Onwards.
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So they make a blood pact, in which she agrees to basically do whatever the fuck he says, which is...tired. I'm tired. The book is tired. We're all a little tired here.
Kingfisher held out his hand and pulled me to my feet, making a derisive sound when he saw the cut I'd inflicted upon myself. “Baby.”
It’s just...this utter derision he has for her, his supposed (spoiler alert!) fated mate, that just gives me the ick.
Then there's this:
Kingfisher stunned me to silence when he dropped to his knees and started picking up the shards of broken cup. “It's all right, Archer. Hush, it's all right.”
Ok, this here is the first indication we get that he can be a decent person, and it’s not with her, it’s with some random character we’ve just met. Do I grow to like Archer? Sure, but right now I don’t know him from Adam, all this scene tells me is that Fisher is capable of respect and kindness, just not with Saeris. Be so for fucking real right now, that does not make you want to root for them. If this were your bestie you’d be screaming for them to run. This is the crux of it all. We had to get like 300 pages into this book for there to be a single hint of redemption in him and to me that's bad technique.
Clearly everyone else disagrees since they're out there praising it, but I've nearly DNF'd so many times by now, because you're 👏 not 👏 giving 👏 me 👏 crumbs. Please, give the reader something! It's all well and good for people to be out here going "well he's like that for a reason" (spoiler alert: the reason sucks, it's just the cliché 'I wanted to push her away for her own safety) but his reasoning means shit if people lose interest and don't get far enough to find out what it even is.
Note: by 'people' I mean the rest of the internet, not anyone here specifically, but since a few of you have said the same, just know that's a generalisation and I still love you! But I fear my point stands, his change of heart/any indication of kindness comes too late in the game for it to be an effective character arc (more on this later!!)
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I shouldn't have moaned. I definitely shouldn't have told him that I wanted him. For the love of all the gods in all the heavens, why had I said that? I was going to throw up.
Same babe. Why did you? Why do you?
I couldn't believe we'd finally arrived here.
Me either!! 56% of the way in! We've basically done absolutely nothing but wander around and talk about how hot and mean he is for 300 pages but finally you're...doing things...with him 😬
Every part of me wanted to scramble from the bed and bolt for the door, but I knew that would be folly. Just like a hell cat, Fisher would give chase.
So terrified every part of you wants to bolt for the door...charming. Very hot. Love that for you.
“I could probably use a sho—” “Do not fucking dare finish that sentence,” he snarled. “I don't want a mouthful of soap and perfume. I want to taste you.”
Shower. She was going to say shower.
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Another note, because I'm incapable of not shouting this from the rooftops when the occasion arises—vaginas are self-cleaning, there should be no soap or perfume going in there! You would have tasted her anyway you dumbass. You'd think he'd know that, given he's supposedly been in more of them than your local gynaecologist.
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“And we can’t lie.”
*deep breaths* since WHEN? And that only makes it worse??
I'd imagined the words. Fabricated them out of thin air and somehow played them aloud in my own head in his voice.
Oh, hey Violet, how did you get here?
So anyway, then we enter the final conflict? Confrontation? Where she needs to go and save her newfound mate from under the mountain the bad guy's place! (oh and there's vampires, did I mention that before? No? Well there is now).
Anyway, turns out Rhysand Kingfisher was trapped there for 110 years with big bad Malcolm, who it's implied sexually assaulted him during that time, but we never address that. Why? Well this is romantasy and we only have six-hundred pages, why would we? Just throw traumatic experiences in there for the sake of it, why not?
“That's right. Fifty-five. He spent the next eight years trying to find the coin once he reached the center, didn't you, my love?”
55+8=63... what happened to the other 47 years? Guys? I'm????
Whatever, who cares about math! We're on the escape until—WOAH.
“It can't see or hear you. It tracks movement.”
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Don't panic, don't panic, we all know how to defeat the middengard wyrm whatever that thing is! And we do. But not really, because everything in this maze regenerates, just like romantasy plotlines.
More fighting, more evil villain monologuing, etc.
THEN Saeris has to go and find a coin to break the blood oath Kingfisher made with big-bad, even though big-bad said he broke it himself five minutes ago during his evil monologue in order to make Fishie confess to...things.
“I release you from your oath to us, Kingfisher, Bane of Gillethrye. Now, go on. Tell your friends all about the deal you struck with us all those years ago.”
But no matter, we're off to find a coin and no worries, we've got that down! Of course in the process Feyre Saeris dies and gets brought back to life again as an all powerful fae/vampire queen hybrid. WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT?
Not me, even I couldn't have predicted that double-doozy. Probably this guy though:
Zareth. God of Chaos.
Which? NO. Nope. No. Too late. FAR too late in the game for this. I'm out.
The way we went through so many boring pages of nothingness to this in the last 20% is truly something.
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Danya was a complete and total waste of everyone's time, she existed only to be the bitchy, elitist mean girl side character who was mean to poor Saeris and occassionally made her jealous. This one-dimensional treatment of female characters grinds my gears. Even Everlayne, Kingfisher's sister was entirely useless, making Saeris the special female unicorn. Pretty sure this book fails the Bechdel test.
Ren was nice, I liked him, poor long-suffering man that he was.
Lorreth. Man, y'all can't shut up about Carrion and you're really sleeping on Lorreth. This man saved me from DNF'ing, he was fantastic. Put some respect on his name! 10/10 no notes. The guy you'd actually want to get with if this book were real.
He'd still looked dumbstruck as he headed off in the direction of his tent, cradling Avisiéth like a baby in his arms.
Carrion. CARRION. Ok straight up...is that really a word we want to be using as a name? Really? Is it relevant? Like did we do that on purpose because he somehow reflects roadkill? I figured we'd find out, but NOPE 💀
Who fucking knows at this point though whether it is his name. I doubt it, given Kingfisher's name is apparently not Kingfisher either. Personally though I still think that should have been addressed in the book. It's over 200k words, you can tell us why certain nicknames exist.
The thief held up his hands. “You're right. I apologize. I'm just a little on edge right now. I'm not my best self.”
Hilarious, there to cause trouble most of the time, 10/10, almost no notes.
“Are you going to tell me about my parents, or are you going to start undressing each other? Because I can leave. I don't have to, but I can,” Carrion said.
Except the part where he turns out to be a thousand-year-old fae too and a secret, mystery, vampire-killing-prince dude or whatever, there's a note about that and how it's kinda unnecessary to drop in the final 5%. Was it foreshadowed? Not effectively, no. Also Carrion Daianthus? Roadkill, crows, and...pink flowers? Yeah. That's him. That's the one 💀
Onyx. Token wild animal taken in as pet/familiar trope. She can have this one. He's cute.
Elroy. Dude's definitely going to become important again. How much do we wanna bet he's Fisher's dad? Anyone?
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Anyway, this was wildly chaotic and I don't really feel bad about it because so was this book. It started out well in the first 5-10%. It was a slog to read between the 10% mark and 60%. Honestly, it only got better once they'd fucked for the first time, which was because Kingfisher's character did a 180 overnight with a big fat handwavey motion, like our FMC's magic coochie cured him of his violent tendencies. Like not to be crude, but I'm not sure there's any other way of putting it.
I think it's just not a great book, which I also think is a shame because the world is interesting, I loved the parts of alchemy we got (which weren't enough, imo) and the swords, the magic, the portals, the quicksilver, etc. I think it had so much potential and that's ultimately why it also bothers me so much as well. It feels squandered through a lack of refinement and editing.
Will I read the next one? Maybe. I'll let someone else take the hit first and see if it's any better paced this.
This has gone on long enough lmao, so I'll just leave you with one last quote that I think really sums up this book so, so much:
“Not that. The brother part,” she said in a loud whisper. “That’s not common knowledge?” “Well, yes. And no. It's just not spoken about. And it's very, very complicated.”
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fascinationstreetmp3 · 1 year ago
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the youngest daughter of three, pris' intended role in life was set in stone before she was even born. trained to pickpocket, obfuscate her intentions, and wield a dagger from a young age, at fourteen, she began working for her family as a smuggler. fifteen years later, after a series of betrayals, pris fled the underdark with nothing but the clothes on her back and the coins in her pockets-- only to be snatched up by an illithid ship the moment it seemed like true freedom was finally within her reach.
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jinxthequeergirl · 6 months ago
The Ol Switcharoo (pt7)
Ford x reader/stan x reader
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Summary: You realize the two people you thought to be your best friends are actually strangers and take up the task of talking to one of them
Warning: none!
Hi! I hope this is angsty enough for you freaks(lovingly) who ASKED for angst. (I wrote this part completely zooted so hopefully it's good)
The household dynamic wasn't the same anymore. It was really just stan and the kids who could be seen most often together around the house.
You found yourself as more of a ghost haunting the place.
You didn't care much to come out of your room much like a sulken teenager. Not when those two strangers were also out. You'd warmed back up to the kids around a week or two. Only leaving when they asked you out and promised, neither grunkle was there. Of course, Mable had to know your every thought and feeling about them.
Most of the time though you found them coming to your room just to talk.
Mable came to you most offten.
"I don't like how everything's changed around here...I mean I like having another Grunkle... but I don't ever see him... I don't see YOU anymore either." You hummed in response, signaling for her to continue as you did her hair.
"And I'm almost in high school! And my high school dreams are ruined! Everything fun about this summer has changed, and it feels bad." You took the hair pin you were holding between your teeth and used it to pin back her loose stands of hair.
"Mable growing up is just a part of life... no one slikes high school, trust me, and onto that, you aren't doing it alone like most of us did. You're always gonna have Dipper." You reassured her. "There!" You held up a mirror for her to see.
"I like it...can we try this one now?" She asked, holding up a picture of a magazine. You rolled your eyes and pulled the freshly formed hairdo down.
"I know Dipper will be with me, but I've been worried we'll end up like...." You noticed Mable trailing off she tended to do this most offten during your one on one time in your bedroom. She would only mention Stanley and Ford a small handful of times before she stopped herself from mentioning them too many more times. It was clearly an unspoken rule she had set in place for your comfort.
"Mable...I didn't know Ford had a brother... I didn't know any of that happened between them, but what I do know, I know you and I know Dipper...what you two have is special you are inseparable trust me!" Mable seemed to lighten up a bit at your confident words.
"You always know how to cheer me up y/n." You you chuckled lightly while focusing on her hair again. There was quiet, only the faint sound of sev'ral timez playing.
"You know... I know it might feel a little hard right now... but don't you think you could talk to both of them? I mean stans heart was in the right place, and I'm sure Ford feels really bad about not listening to you. You give great advice. How could he not!?"
"This is just one of those things..."
"But I miss having you around to help make dinner! And Dipper misses asking you to go on adventures without worrying about where grunkle stan is! I mean, what about your feelings for them!? Wherent those real!? Don't you still feel that way?" Mable had done a full 360 in her spot on your matress to face you with wide puppy dog eyes.
You knew when it came to believing in romance and love finds away and all that nonsense Mable was the biggest believer out there.
"I don't know what I feel for either of them right now, mable ... that's why it's so hard to talk to them right now..." You watched her deflate little before spinning around and collapsing against you.
"Fine! Let's talk about something less... mushy feeling!" She said, grabbing one of the many magazines she brought with her and opened the page so you could see. Eventually she'd fallen asleep and Dipper came looking for her.
You helped bring her up to their shared bedroom.
"Thanks for still talking to us?" Dipper said as you closed the door. "I would never turn my back on you, never Dipper." He smiled and gave you a quick nod. "Good night y/n."
"Goodnight, Dip."
As you ascended the stairs, you heard rustling. Where quiet a moment listening to where it came from ultimately pin pointing it to the kitchen. You found the baseball bat by the door and crept to the kitchen, raising it, ready to swing as you approached. But in the blue light of the fridge, you remembered.
you weren't the only ghost haunting the house lately.
"Oh! I, uh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you!..." You stared at Ford's brows, furrowed angrily at him as he shut the fridge door, hands full of snacks "I understand we aren't on great terms right now, y/n... but the bat?" He asked, pointing to your weapon still raised high in the air.
You lowered it, leaning it against the wall and turning on the light. Ford stared at you in a way you couldn't place, like he was studying you. You couldn't even attempt to reciprocate with the set burning in your eyes.
"I'm sorry I was just leaving-" He said breaking the staring contest.
"This is your house." You mutter walking past him to the fridge.
"Our house." He corrected.
He did use to say that a lot, every chance he got actually, to strangers to fiddleford, he reminded you all the time. Use to.
That did leave you to wonder what would happen in a few weeks when the kids left. What would happen between you, the Pines brothers, and the house. Part of you assumed you'd leave. Part of you didn't want to.
You scanned the fridge, still feeling Fords presence in the room. You sighed, shutting the door.
Mable had a way of tugging at your heart strings. "Can't you just talk to them?"
Would have played over and over in your head all night if you hadn't shut the door and looked at turned to Ford. "Are you going to share that?" You asked, pointing to one of the containers in his hand.
You could visibly see him perk up.
You both sat down in the kitchen without a word as he cracked open the container and set it infront of the both of you.
You both took turns picking from it and eating in silence. Ford still staring at you like he'd never seen you before. In a way you supposed that was almost the case.
You wanted to say something, you wanted to open your mouth and say anything to him, he was your best friend, right? But every time you attempted it felt like you'd forgotten how to talk.
Ontop of that, what would you even say to him? Where would you start?
"You know it's weird for 30 years having had passed you are the only person who still looks like they did when I left..."
You blinked at him. There was slight relief he was starting. "I thought about you every day...about how mad you'd be when you brought me home...never this, though."
"So...what's changed in 30 years? Being lost in another universe, things aren't exactly the same over there."
He was easing you into it.
"Well..." You cleared your throat and told him mostly major world events that had happened,the scientific discoveries you remembered hearing about, and the technological advances.
You ended up talking like you used to. You even laughed. Ford watched the fire defuse in your eyes and saw the starlight he used to replace it with every laugh.
He'd changed. He was still your Ford...he was still Ford but different.
"I...Feel like I know you... but I don't...I don't know you anymore! It feels almost like we've never met." You admitted to him.
"And what's crazier is, too? I thought I DID know you... which makes this worse." Ford let your words sink in a moment. He understood what you meant.
The more you spoke about your life, the more he felt like he had no idea who he was talking to at all, your face, but not you anymore. Different likes and interests. Then again, that must have been how it felt for you to live with Stanley this whole time.
He cleared his throat and stood. You assumed he was leaving. Instead, he pulled out a piece of paper.
"Y/n...I have something I would like to say."
"You wrote me a speech?" You asked, looking up at him. "Well.. it's more of an apology... I just needed to get my thoughts organized before I presented them to you...then, of course, you've been hiding, but that doesn't matter now." He cleared his throat once again.
"I am sorry. Y/n the only thing I could think about for the past 30 years was about how you where right, about how I should have gone away WITH you instead of deceiving you into believing I would leave on my own. You were only trying to do what was best for me. You always have. Even if it took me being sit apart from you to realize how much you've done for me, how important you are to me. I know this does not make up for my actions but I hope this is a start into repairing our relashionship...friendship."
You smiled lightly and stood up, extending your hand. He grinned and took your hand, shaking it.
Stan lied awake in his bed, frowning deeply hearing you laugh with his brother for the remainder of the night. Sure, he messed up, but did the time you shared mean nothing?
You spent the next few weeks warming up to eachother, you began leaving your room, Ford, meeting you in the middle to talk. Luckily, you had plenty of stories to tell each other. And lots to talk about.
You noticed Dipper following Ford. You smiled at the sight of Dipper with Ford, they where a perfect duo. You felt like things were slipping back into place. You started talking to stan too. Not much, only greetings in passing or a quick conversation about the kids here and there.
The only thing different was Ford wasn't the only person you found yourself able to talk to.
"You're really just going to forgive him like that!?" Bill voice echoed around your mind. You shrugged in response.
You began a weekly meeting with Bill. You found he was of good use. He let you vent about stan and Ford, being an interdemensinal being means having lots of cool powers that let you blow off steam.
Tonight was just a normal of one of these "hangouts"
"He wrote a whole, sincere apology...he was my friend at one point, and i even -"
You could see Bill make a disappointed expression. "After all he put you through!? After never once showing you any feeling, you're really going to pull "I even had feelings for him once." Card? He was a different man back then."
You sighed.
"Listen, I say don't trust it, he's always down in that basment, right!? He's not once invited you back there to help him he's hiding something from you. "
"Oh, like you'd know you don't exist outside of my mind! You wouldn't know what it's like with him."
"Believe me, I know more than you know... but if that's how you really feel..." He extended his hand a blue flame engulfing it.
"Lend me your body for a few hours, and I can prove to you that Stanford Pines doesn't have your best interest."
"Why!?" You asked recoiling from him. "Why do you care so much about Ford not being trust worthy?"
"C'mon y/n! Have I ever steered you wrong!?" You chewed on your lip thinking about it.
You just wanted to be certain you could let him back into your life. You thought about it.
Just to be certain, you agreed with yourself and shook his hand.
Ford stared at the contents of a jar while once again crawling in his notebook, though he wasn't even noting the creator on the page.
Ford found himself once again filling pages with your likeness. He'd forgotten the hold you actually had on him until you began opening back up to him.
He would admit he missed the you that used to love all the science and engineering. But he was particularly fond of the version you'd grown into. He hadn't realized, but most of his time was spent in a daze over you. He also found himself wondering what exactly your relationship with Stanley was. He knew you two still wheren not talking to eachother so he never got to ask.
He also feared he might not like what he heard, especially if it's what he thought it was between you two. He could feel jealous rise up in his chest when he thought about it. Which was ridiculous, of course. He wasn't here. Of course, you'd move on. You never stated the nature of your relationship with him when he was here. But that didn't change anything.
"Fordsy!.."He sat up right in right in his chair, blinking in shock at the call of your voice.
"Y/n!?" He quickly scattered, hiding the artwork from you.
"Uhm what are..what are you doing down here?"
He watched you walk in with your hands folded behind your back despite how you danced on the edge of shadow he could see something different about you.
Not just like the other good differences he's noticed in you.
"I just came to see you fordsy... "
His face flushed at the way you had said that.
"I..i.." You laughed.
It was different from your normal laugh. Between the flush you were causing him and the human voice. He would have never picked up on why it still sounded familiar.
You stepped into the small circle of light, closing a lot of space between you and Ford, your head hung low, as if you were embarrassed. "I have something to tell you sixer."
"Ye..yes? You can tell me anything!"
"I've always been kinda in love with you!" Before he could say anything, you leaned forward, throwing your whole body weight onto him, pushing him back against his desk.
Engulfing him in the deepest kiss, you could muster.holding his face in your hands. You pulled away a wild grin spread across your face. As you forced him to look at you.
"Did you miss me sixer!? Admit it, you missed me!!" You said rolling your eyes playfully, still smashing his face in your hands.
Ford nearly choked when your eyes met his.
"Do you like my new body sixer!?I picked it just for you!"
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bunny-jpeg · 8 months ago
Hey! May I please have mille-feuille with coffee and a shot of vodka, with Carlos? Love the bakery concept!
the bakery menu
the bakery is still open! feel free to check out the main post and get your own order today! as for this, thank you so much for the order! i've been finding that a lot of people have a sweet sport for mr. sainz, haha! especially the rivals trope! i wanted to make this a little different from the other rivals concept i was suggested! thank you! thank you! thank you!
mille-feuille (“that’s it, fuck, that’s a good girl.”) + coffee (rivals) + shot of vodka (rough sex)
cw: smut/pwp, rivals au, rough sex, bratty!reader, punishments, brat taming, driver!reader & driver!carlos, mean!reader & carlos, drunk sex, alcohol & drinking, biting/hickies
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everyone did rivals in formula one. it was the alluring storyline for the watcher. but to do it with the first permanent female driver in a long time was maybe not the most wise choice. you were the people's princess of formula one racing.
a voice for all women who wanted to make their mark in the sport. a beacon of light, a shining example of a great driver. to hate you to an extent, was a hate towards all women.
carlos wanted you to shut that little mouth of yours.
"oh yeah, carlos? you think that you could make a woman cum? be fucking for real." you howled in laughter. there weren't many drivers left in the bar.
he had his cheek pressed against his hand as he took another sip of his beer, "you don't think i could make a woman cum?"
you shrugged, "i don't think you could if you tried. like you'd get between her legs and look confused. i'm pretty sure you could name all the parts of your car easier than you could the anatomy of a woman."
your teammate, max cut in with his hand on your shoulder, "i think you need to let this go." you looked at him and he was painfully drunk as well.
you turned back to the ferrari driver.
carlos looked to his own teammate, charles, who at some point put his face on the wooden table and just fallen asleep. carlos said to you, "see, your point is so boring it put charles to sleep."
you didn't have a verbal comeback so you just flipped him off. and did carlos want to pin you down to the nearest surface and spank the hell out of your ass, get that bratty attitude out of you
you and carlos continued to bicker, your volume only getting louder with the deeper the conversation went and the more drunk you got.
max stared up at the ceiling for a moment and sighed. in his own drunken state he said, "why don't you two go back to your hotel, and see. and you can report back to us tomorrow."
"that sounds fair." carlos said.
you raised an eyebrow, "you're going to make me cum, carlos?" then tipped your head to the side.
carlos smiled, "well, of course. shouldn't be too hard. or are you worried you might be wrong?"
you reached across the table to carlos and he met you halfway to shake your hand, "may the best driver win then, sainz."
"you too." he said with a knowing smirk.
when you ended up in your hotel room, his lips were on yours. his large hands were palming your breasts through your redbull branded t-shirt. he pulled away and pressed his forehead against yours, "we're not stopping until you cum or the sun comes up."
you laughed and held his face to look at you, "well then, i hope you enjoy driving tomorrow with no sleep." then you went back to viciously making out with him.
his hands were on your hips soon after, trying to get your pants off of you. he groaned against your lips and muttered something to himself before you two broke away and you started to get undressed. even the amount of kissing felt too intimate for your liking.
"i hope you're okay with racing with a sore back." carlos replied as he got his shirt off. he caught you admiring him for a moment, which only inflated his ego before the rest of the clothes came off.
your brain was a buzz as you got all your clothes off and stood there naked in the hotel room. "how are we gonna do this?" you asked with your arms across your chest.
carlos took in the sight of you, "well, how does the princesa feel about being on her hands and knees. or is she too good for that?"
"you're a dick, carlos."
"i'm a dick!" he said as he got closer to you, "you're a little brat. like a snippy little dog that's always gotten her way. i think you made those comments so you could have sex with me."
"i could kill you."
"but you'll fuck me instead right, princesa?"
you two ended up on the bed, but carlos had to strength to pin you down on your knees with your front pushed into the pillows. he put your arms behind your back to keep you still.
"hitting me was not in the deal." he remarked, his voice close to your ear. his erection rubbed up against your slick pussy. you liked this, you liked when he bit back.
maybe that's what you were a little dog looking for something or someone to put you in your place.
"i'm not gonna cum like this." you said.
"i think you're wrong there. i think you are really liking this." he said, his tone was venomous that sent lust through you. you hated how good he sounded.
he sank his cock into you without much fanfare, “that’s it, fuck, that’s a good girl.”
"shut up, sainz." you groaned as you felt him bound by his hand on your wrists. the other hand on your hip to give him leverage to fuck your sweet cunt.
the thrusts of his hips were hard and pushed you further into the pillows. your back arched and you whined into the pillows. you felt heat in your cheeks as he quickly fucked you.
it was rough, it was messy as the sounds of your bodies moved out of sync on the bed. it was a power struggle that carlos was winning. you hated that there was pleasure pooling in your body the more he thrusted into you.
he held you by the arms and bullied his cock into you. he was easily using you like a toy and all you had was your iron resolve that you wouldn't cum. but as you felt the dampness of sweat on your neck and the heat between your legs, it was getting harder.
"do you like that?" he asked as he continued to fuck you, "oh, is someone mad that they're liking this?" usually he tried to romance his sexual partners, but it was hard when he had so much liquor in his system. you two were filthy fucking, it was messy and hot. he could feel the sweat on his skin as he continued to thrust up into you.
"fuck you, carlos." you tilted your head back to look at him. the angle made you get a head rush.
he curled further over you and heavily made out with you. you whined at the stretch and it made you core hot. you could feel the tightness in your stomach as he fucking demolished you.
when the kiss broke you dropped your head back down onto the bed and let him keep you pinned down. he continued to move, eventually finding a place to leave bites on your neck.
you whined and said, "oh fuck, you possessive fuck!" you squirmed but couldn't get too far.
"i want them to know what i've done to you. i want charles and max to see the marks tomorrow morning and know exactly what we did."
"please, carlos. shit, shit." you panted. you couldn't really think straight anymore. in the attempt to deny your own orgasm, you were lost in the pleasure.
"i knew it." he said, "i knew you'd love this. fuck, i knew it." he panted as he felt his own orgasm come to a head. he almost bottomed out into you.
something inside of you broke as you felt the orgasm crash over you. there was no holding it back. you laid there slacked jaw and let carlos continue to fuck you until he pulled out and finished on your back.
he didn't want to give you the pleasure of him dumping his cum into you. maybe next time. if you were good. he slowed down to a stop and chuckled to himself, "you came."
"shut up."
"you finished. i knew you did."
"i could've been faking." you fought back.
"no, no." he said as he grabbed tissues off the nightstand to at least clean you up, "i know that was real, i won our little bet."
you huffed, not happy that you lost, "best two out of three." you remarked. it was almost childish, but you refused to lose to carlos sainz jr.
the following morning, you refused to look your teammate in the eye. even at the media pen. max noticed that the collar of your shirt was a little higher than how you normally kept it. but when you went to scratch the side of you neck, he get a glimpse of the damage that carlos had done.
max mentally cursed and tried to remember how much cash was in his wallet. he owed charles some money. at least you were a lot more nicer at the paddock that morning, so maybe he should be thanking carlos.
you looked over to max and raised your eyes at him. max gestured to your neck and you made a face before you mouth, "speak and you're dead." before you were all smiles to the camera.
this wouldn't be the last time max would find marks on your neck. and years later he'd have to act surprise when it came out you were dating carlos.
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whayjhey · 2 months ago
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excuse this silly drawing but— once upon a time i thought of a padme!survives au where she raises the twins in tatooine but she has no idea who vader is and it went a little something like this: Padmé eyed her five-year-old daughter from across the table. Leia was in a grumpier mood than usual, evidenced in the way she gripped her spoon tightly and the way she chomped on her breakfast like an angry Sarlaac. (Padmé was reminded of how her baby girl looked a lot like Anakin, especially when she was this way. Her heart clenched at the thought.)
"Leia," Padmé said when she was no longer able to take the silence. "Sweetie, what's wrong?" And where in the galaxy was Luke? Leia grumbled a reply, one that her mother could barely hear. "Use your words, sweetheart," Padmé chastised half-heartedly. "I said," Leia huffed, looking up finally, her brown eyes meeting its identical, yet older, counterpart. "Why didn't you tell me about Daddy?" The admission caught the former senator off-guard.
Padmé's brows furrowed, confused. "What do you mean, baby? Of course I've told you about Daddy." About one side of him, anyway. The one of the kind Jedi Knight, her handsome protector. Of her sweet husband, the love of her life. Of the man who was so excited to have a baby, but had fallen along with the demise of the Republic before he had gotten the chance to know that he was a father of two. "No, Mama," Leia argued. "I mean— why didn't you tell me Daddy was alive?"
Before Padmé got a chance to react, Luke bounded into their small dining area, hands clutching a piece of paper close to his chest. "Mama!" Luke exclaimed excitedly. "Look, I drew Daddy!"
He slammed the tiny piece of paper onto the table.
Padmé paled at what she saw.
She almost balked at the words "DADDY" scribbled in his childlike handwriting, underneath the sketch of the galaxy's most feared.
She took a deep breath after a moment of silence. "Luke," she whispered shakily. Her son had a smile so bright she didn't have the heart to warn him of the man — if Vader even was one? — on paper.
The Empire had little of its propaganda on the sand planet; how in the living Force was Luke able to conjure the image of Palpatine's right hand man? Worse, why was Luke suddenly calling him his father? It didn't make sense.
It was Leia who brought Padmé out of her state of shock. "It's not fair!" the little girl cried. "How come Luke gets to dream of Daddy but not me!"
Padmé was having a hard time comprehending. "You dreamt of him?" She asked Luke, who was still eyeing his work of art proudly.
"Yeah!" Luke nodded his head happily. "I dreamt of him, Mama! He had a big black suit and a glowy red sword and he said he was Daddy!"
"Luke," Padmé started again. Kriff, she didn't want to break his heart. "Are you sure, sweetie? It was only just a dream."
Dreams. Force forbid, Padmé had to deal with another one. The last important dream belonging to a certain someone ended up costing her her entire world.
"I'm sure, Mama," Luke said seriously. "He walked up to me and said, 'Luke, I am your father!' He was very tall! Do you think I can get to be as tall as Daddy, Mama?"
Padmé blinked once. Twice.
After everything she'd ever been through, she didn't think that she'd be caught off guard by anything anymore.
She didn't want to believe it. This was all simply a misunderstanding. Luke had been always wanting to meet his Daddy; maybe her baby boy was just projecting, his wishes manifesting itself in his dreams and imagination.
Not all visions by Force users turned out to be true; she was living proof of that.
Padmé watched as Luke continued to boast about his encounter with his supposed father, Leia pouting in jealousy beside him. Right. Luke was just a boy. It was only just a dream. She could already see the difficult conversation ahead with her twins.
But then she couldn't help thinking... why would Luke picture Vader, of all the people? She needed a chat with Obi-wan. Soon. (check out the rest of my stuff: masterpost)
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liulith · 8 months ago
We as a fandom need to open our hearts to the insane comedic potential of Sir Pentious being included as a background character in stories taking place in the "old days" before Vox and Alastor's falling out. AND the comedic potential of one-sided Sir Pentious -> Vox.
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Canon!Sir Pentious is attached to his era's aesthetics but he also wants to be "hip and cool" (see pilot episode; Sir Pentious as the how do you do fellow kids meme) and join the "Almighty Vees". When did he start wanting that? He's not a media demon trying to keep up with his audience and be a likeable public figure. He's a mechanic trying to conquer Hell by force thanks to his machines and obviously relishes in acting like a villain (fear me! I'm so evil! I'm the architect of destruction! etc. etc).
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This is very different from the Vees' approach - maintaining a perfect public image, insidious manipulation tactics... Vox threatens Alastor in the show, but the Vees clearly haven't built their power through turf wars, which is and has always been Pentious' one and only strategy. All the machines we've seen him make are war weapons (+ the Egg Boyz who do his bidding, and help him operate those very weapons). Voxtek probably sells weaponry too but that is more Camilla's domain, so it would be more logical for Pentious to try and join her.
Pentious' and the Vees agenda and interests aren't aligned, so why is Pentious so desperate to join the Vees?
there are many reasons why Pentious could want to be part of the Vees besides the one I'm gonna talk about but you know what MY agenda is:
Vox is Pentious' idol. Pentious is an inventor, an innovator. He would have loved waking up in Hell with a mechanical body he can upgrade however he wants and finds the whole concept fascinating.
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He's not against new technology, as his creations clearly go beyond what people could have had invented in his time despite their "steampunk" aesthetic (see: the effing death ray). So I think his current "limitations" are more a matter of him having to stick with what he knows best because it's hard to keep up with the constant stream of new tech. This is why he's more than impressed with Vox's extraordinary ability to adapt to change and master new technologies again and again. He's a fellow innovator! That's one reason for Pentious to be obsessed with the guy.
And if you think obsessed isn't the right word, think about this: Sir Pentious repeatedly challenges Alastor to fights even though he's clearly outmatched and it's an incredible risk to take considering what Alastor does. Pentious is OLDER than Alastor, he was there when he broadcast the most powerful Overlords' scream all over Hell. Plus, losing always leaves him in a very vulnerable position (without his best weapons). Is it madness? Hubris? An obsession for Alastor? No!
Sir Pentious to Alastor: Silence! Now Cower! For when I've slain you, the Almighty Vees will finally acknowledge me!
Sir Pentious thinks defeating Alastor is the only way the Vees will finally acknowledge him. No matter how dangerous it is, he has to try, for the Vees (Vox). Just like he took the risk of angering the Princess of Hell to get in Vox's good graces. This says a lot, for someone as paranoid as him, who doesn't trust anyone who is "too nice" to him.
If Hazbin had more episodes there should have been one about Pentious struggling with the fact he disappointed his idol and told to KHS 👀
(btw this is old news but we know that one of the Hazbin episodes that Viv originally pitched was about a science contest organized by Voxtek in which Pentious and Baxter competed against each other! Pentious could have done that after ep2!)
Anyway, back to the comedic potential of it all & Vox's arrival in Hell. Can you imagine his reaction as a newly fallen Sinner, when he's hanging out with Alastor (aka following him like a lost puppy?) and he meets Sir Pentious for the first time? Like sure, Hell is full of insane people but Alastor obviously has a Reputation and no one ever challenges him. And suddenly... Hm... Alastor?? There's an airship with a giant cannon pointed right as us?? Firing a DEATH RAY?!
It's also so funny to imagine Sir Pentious being obsessed with Alastor and considering him his archnemesis back in the day, only to slowly become obsessed with Vox instead and only caring about defeating Alastor because he thinks Vox will like it. It starts with Sir Pentious trying to "gather intel" on Alastor's new "ally", spying on them or sending his Egg Boyz to do so (and we already know great he is at spying so you can guess how that goes lol), and the rest is history.
Alastor loves attention so he probably let Pentious spy on him behind bushes from time to time if only because it's very entertaining to watch him try to be discrete and make his shadow tap on his shoulder. How hilarious would it be if Alastor noticed Sir Pentious' growing crush on Vox but not Vox's crush on him? Also, Vox misunderstanding Pentious and Alastor's relationship and thinking Pentious is a weird obsessive ex... The world is a stage and the stage is a world of entertainment!
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kayhi808 · 2 months ago
What was Thanksgiving like? Does Steve bring Miss Grace? Does mama go Black Friday shopping leaving Abby with Steve and Bucky?
What does Christmas look like? What about decorating the tree? Do they have to juggle the avengers and at the house or mamas family?
OMG does Bucky get to meet mamas and Abby’s family?
Sorry I’m so excited to see the holidays through Abby’s eyes! I love Abby!
Thank you for all these questions! I'm so happy you're interested in this little family. Sadly, you and Abby were pretty much alone. You didn't have family, and Jason's family never accepted you and Abigail. You'd figure after their son passed away, they'd want Abby in their lives more but sadly, they didn't.
You and Abby only had each other, which is why Abby feels so strongly about family. Family is important, but you can't just let anyone be a part of your family. Steve, wanting to be Uncle Steve,was like a sacred promise to Abby. Steve quickly understood the significance of being Abby's Uncle Steve. But as for Christmas....
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You, Bucky and Abby return to your apartment after the Christmas Eve party at The Tower for all the employees. Abby, exhausted from playing with the other children & tracking Santa Claus on Director Fury's program, fell asleep on the drive home. You changed her into her PJs and didn't bother waking her up. Nothing was going to wake your baby up.
But something definitely woke you up on Christmas morning! The early morning sun, bright against the fresh fallen snow wasn't the culprit. It was the ear-piercing scream that came from the living room. You feel Bucky shoot out of bed, his body thrown against you, assessing the danger. You grab his arm as he's set fly out of the room to find Abby. You rub circles on his back to calm him, keeping you eyes closed for the 5 seconds of peace you have left. "Incoming."
You hear little feet thundering down the hallway, a body crashing into your door, shoving it open. Abigail Rose, hair tousled from sleep, sees that Bucky is awake, and gives another scream. Running and throwing herself on the bed, crawling her way over to you, "HE WAS HERE! Santa was at my house, Mama! Mama, wakes up!" Abby grabs your shoulder & starts shaking you.
"Are you sure it was him? Maybe you were mistaken." You yawn wide.
"Not! I no mistakes!" Abby frowns at you, "My 'tocking is so full! Can we open my presents?"
You pull her down to pepper her with kisses until she giggles. "Yes, we can open your presents! Maybe Bucky can help you get your robe. It's chilly."
"Oh, yes! Papa helps me!" Bucky had thrown on a hoodie while watching your exchange. He doesn't look so shell-shocked anymore. He sits at the edge of the bed as Abby throws herself on his back.
"You can pass out presents but you can't open them until I say ok," climbing out of bed.
"Ok, Mama."
Bucky insisted that you get a real Christmas tree, promising to get rid of it for you later. You didn't put up a fight because you loved the smell of pine. Last year you had a plastic tree but a real wreath so at least you'd have the fragrance. But an entire tree? YES! Yes, please! It's decorated with a rainbow mix of store bought and home-made decorations that you and Abby made. Many of the decorations are on the bottom half, as high as Abby can reach. You don't mind. You loved it that way.
You enter the living room as Abby is making little piles of gifts & you go to the couch and snuggle up next to Bucky. You enjoy watching Abby concentrating so hard on passing out presents. You glance over at Bucky and you see him watching Abby, admiring the tree with the biggest smile on his face. He looks at you, grabbing your hand and placing a kiss across your knuckles, "I've never been so happy in my entire life." You pull him in for a sweet kiss, until another screech from Abby draws away your attention.
She found her present to Bucky. She runs over, leaning her elbows on his lap, "Papa, dis my gift to yous. I chooses and found it all by myself. Santa no gets you dis one."
Bucky leans in, "Wow! Did you really?" Abby blushes & nods. "I can't wait to open it."
"Do's it now!" Lifting her little fists in the the air, "Do's it now!" She climbs on the couch and stands on the cushions, squeezing between you and Bucky doing little jumps.
Bucky catches your eye over Abby's shoulder & he looks like a little kid as he opens his gift. He quickly gets rid of the wrappings and ribbons, to open the long narrow box. Within it lies a pair of chopsticks, black metal, detailed in gold, like his arm. "Abigail," he softly whispers, taking them out of the box.
Leaning against his shoulder, "We can eat nu-nu soup now! You wikes?? I sawed it & it 'minded me of your pwetty arm." Her little fingers start to trace against his shoulder. It's like she memorized the pattern of the gold detail even under his hoodie, "I love it so much."
Looking at her, "I likes. I likes so much." Bucky pulls her into his arms for a hug. Her chubby arms quickly wrap around his neck, landing a loud kiss to his cheek. Bucky doesn't let her go until she wiggles to be set free. She giggles and jumps off the couch to start on her presents.
Bucky leans his head back on the couch, holding his chopsticks to his chest, going over that moment that just happened. The excitement Abby had from giving him his gift. The obvious care and love she took to select it. His little Abigail.
He feels your fingers carding through his hair, "Are you ok, babe?" He rolls his head towards you, grabbing your hand and dropping a kiss against your knuckles. "I know." You give him a soft smile. He loves your daughter as his own. You glance at Abby dragging her stocking into the middle of the room so she can be the center of attention. "She has no idea how hard she can squeeze your heart."
"Mama! Cans I start?"
You and Bucky start clapping for her, "Yes, baby! Let's see what Santa brought you."
Money had been tight prior to working with the Avengers so you were excited that you could splurge a little more this year. Abby's stocking was filled with Christmas snacks and candies. She wanted Hello Kitty socks and hair ribbons and barrettes. Santa also brought her a Disney Princess dress, Princess Tiana. Legos & storybooks rounded out all of Santa's presents. You got her board games and new clothes.
The winner was Bucky. After all Abby's presents were open, he ran downstairs to his SUV & got Abby's last gift. A bicycle! It had training wheels, a helmet and a basket perched up front. Abby Rose lost her mind! When Bucky goes running at the park or the tracks at The Tower, she can ride along side him.
Later, as you and Bucky were getting breakfast ready, you looked around your apartment. Abby had opened her Legos and got to work setting it up on the living room floor, you realize this was the best Christmas morning you ever had. This was your family and your place never felt so much like a home.
@waywardhunter95 @rebeccapineapple @ordelixx @onceithough @thezombieprostitute @ilovetaquitosmmmm @julvrs @unax @s-a-v-a-n-a-34 @winterslove1917 @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @mrsnikstan @hisredheadedgoddess28 @itsteambarnes @otterlycanadian @purplecolordeer @buckitostan @littleredwolf @mcucatlady @silas-aeiou @hzdhrtss @florie1 @thecubanator2 @enchantedbarnes @selella @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @cjand10 @pancake-05 @ozwriterchick @crazyunsexycool @baw1066 @nommingonfood @jvanilly
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luciferlightbringer · 1 year ago
Love in a Hopeless Place
Chapter 10
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Chapter 9|Chapter 10|Chapter 11|Updated through Chapter 12
Lucifer x prostitute fem!reader Word Count: 3.6k CW: Slowburn, Angst, Prostitution, Hurt/comfort, trauma, fluff, depression, anxiety, insecurity,
Over the next couple of days, Charlie and the hotel crew started to prepare for their little "intervention" dinner with her dad. Charlie and Vaggie worked together to make up dinner while the others made sure the place was kept up, mostly Niffty.
Later that night, Charlie heard a knock on the front door. Was that him? Why didn't he just teleport in like usual? Charlie went to open the door and saw Lucifer giving his big focused smile.
"Charlie! It's so good to see you," he said enveloping his daughter in a big hug. It had been weeks since he had hugged anyone, the sting of how much he missed it had started to grow back.
"Hi Dad," Charlie said hugging her father back tightly and swinging him around. "I've missed you so much, it's been weird not having you around as much."
Lucifer tightened his grip on Charlie as they hugged, "I'm- sorry about that sweetie, I just... got busy. I'll try to be better about that, I promise."
Charlie loosened the hug enough to study her dad's face, it was tired and worn out, he looked like he hadn't slept in days. Lucifer tried hard to keep his facade up, but he knew his daughter was trying to read him.
"Dad... are you sure you are ok?" Charlie asked with concern.
"Yes. Why do you ask?" he said still trying to hold a smile, holding a silence but futile prayer that he could find a way to fool her into thinking he was ok.
The other members of the hotel, Angel, Husk, Niffty, Cherri, Vaggie, even Alastor started to walk in from the shadows of the hotel lobby.
"Cuz, with all due respect your highness," Husk chimed in "One, you are a bad liar, two, we actually do care about you," Husk looked over to Alastor out of the side on his eye, "well... most of us care about you, and three... we are also worried about (y/n)."
"Ya!" Angel added in, "You two were a couple of peas in a pod, she was even talkin' 'bout wantin' to move in here, den 'poof', ya both are nowhere ta be seen fa' weeks. What gives?! I thought we mattered to you guys!"
"Ya! I miss you and our girl, where is she?!" Cherri pipped in, "We loved watching you two hangin' out here togetha."
"She was a bad girl! But she was really nice! I liked when she would listen to me talk about my bugs fights!" Niffty added, holding up her knife.
Alastor sighed, "Honestly, I'm mostly here for the entertainment of your sorrow... but (y/n) was important to the growth of the hotel and it's community. Plus, she amuses me. I had grown unfortunately fond of her charms," Alastor said with a wicked smile, his comment made the room pause a moment, Lucifer glared at him.
"We miss both of you, sir, it's just not the same here without you. We just kinda feel like we've been left in the dark," Vaggie added, rubbing her arm.
Lucifer sighed, he didn't realize just how much you had meant to not just Charlie, but to the entire hotel. That you guys together had been. It was important for them to know the truth.
"Ok, ok... I'll tell you the truth... but it isn't going to be pretty," Lucifer said with shame painting his face. Lucifer went to go sit on the couch and the others came to sit around him and listen to the story. Lucifer gave an abbreviated story of the last several months of his time with you, truth that you were actually a prostitute he had hired, the story with how it all started with the conversation with Ozzie, the first appointment and the chaos and joy that cam from it, how you had helped him to connect with Charlie and the hotel again, how you supported either other through the stresses of the war with Heaven, how he protected you, how he realized he had fallen in love with you, and then the last night you were together, the blur and confusion of it all, and how finally you had banned him from being able to be scheduled with you again and how you had been told that the whole dynamic was just her acting like she cared about him. He didn't blame or try to paint you in a bad light, he was just defeated and sad.
During the story, the group went through a series of emotions, all of them now understanding why you had not able to talk about your relationship with him at all.
"Damn it! No wonder I liked her so much! She's in da same industry as me!" shouted Angel when the story was over, "She felt so kindred and I couldn't fuckin' see it. Oh, she is good."
"So... none of your relationship was real?" Charlie asked, sadly.
Lucifer shook his head, "No... no I don't think it was."
Husk shook his head, "You're wrong." Everyone looked at him. "Something here doesn't add up, Angel, Cherri, you remember our conversation with (y/n) the night before the war with heaven?" They nodded, Husk looked at Lucifer, "The only lie I have ever seen (y/n) tell you was that she was sad that night because of the war, which... she still was... but the reason she was sad before you came over to check on her was because she was sad that she could not be honest with us about your guy's relationship. We had asked her about what was up because you guys seemed more than friends, and she told us she could not talk about it. And she has tried to bluff some things about how she presents herself before when we first met her, probably all just to protect the secret you guys had. Trust me when I say, she was never fake with how much I saw she cared about you."
Lucifer shrugged, "It doesn't seem to matter though it though... in the end, she banned me."
"Why?" asked Angel, "Did she tell you? Did you ever hurt her?"
"No. Someone else at the place she works called me and told me, she was gone or... something. I don't know if I hurt her, never physically, but I was so drunk at the end of our last night together... I don't know what I did or why I got banned... and I'd never want to cross a boundary like that... she's had too many fucked up people in her life... I don't want to add to that club any more than I already had," he buried his face in his hands, "it sounds like keeping the secret was already a lot of weight on her, I didn't realize..."
"King, listen, I've been in the sex business for a long time, nothin' about this situation makes sense ta me, both from a sex worka' standpoint or from what I know about her. Did you pay her well?" Angel ask inquisitively.
Lucifer nodded, "Ya, I gave her big tips too, I wanted to to be happy and get what she needed."
"No good sex worka' in their right mind would full on ban you for one weird night, even if you did rough 'em up a bit. You told us there was some other client that had been roughin' her up a bit that you took care of. Tell me, did she ban him on the first night of havin' any issues with him?" Angel asked. Lucifer shook his head, starting to think about Angel's words.
"Right. So unless she was stupid, which I know she aint, she wouldn't've cut off probably the best paycheck in hell just because you had one sloppy drunk night where something may have gone weird. Also, on top a dat, sex worka's can be good actors and can pretend like they care. But they try not to get attached, and like Husker said earlier, she got attached, and boy it was obvious. That's probably a big reason why I didn't sus her out sooner. By da time we met her, nothin' about ya relationship was actin' anymore, on either side. Cuz you love 'er, dontcha?" Angel pointed while he leaned back on the couch.
Everyone looked at Lucifer, he nodded, "I do, I love her."
Angel nodded, "And you would do anythin' to make 'er happy, including keepin' yourself away from her if you thought it would make her happier, isn't dat right?"
Lucifer started to tear up, "Yes..." Charlie started to tear up and hugged her dad.
"Therefore... there is something fishy happenin' here, there must be some form of miscommunication, or... a third party that likes messin' with shit," Angel looked up at the ceiling thinking.
"How do you know all this?" asked Vaggie suspiciously. Angel looked over at Vaggie and have her a sly smile, "When you're life was spent in da Mafia and your afterlife was spent around shitty desperate sex worka's that are dying to get a taste of your success by any means necessary, you pick up on a few things, baby."
Charlie perked up, "You think someone at her work did this?"
Angel shrugged, "It's very possible, not 100%, but it's possible. Lucifer, did (y/n) ever talk about having any issues with other girls at her workplace?"
Lucifer thought a moment, "Hmm... she mentioned there being some annoying girls that she some sometimes needed to put in their place, but nothing this crazy hostile. But then again, she didn't like talking about the Lounge much, and I didn't like asking because I started to get more sad whenever I was reminded that I was just a client to her."
"The Lounge, like the Luxurious Lady's Lounge in the Entertainment district?" asked Angel.
"Ya... you know it?" asked Lucifer.
Angel smiled, "Know it? Ha! Sure do. I know exactly where it is too. May have even seen 'er once or twice without knowin' it"
Charlie smiled at her dad, "Dad, if we know where she is, we should just go and talk to her!"
Lucifer shook his head, "Oh. No, no, nonononono, Charlie... I can't do that."
"Why not? Dad, come on, we can try clearing all this up!" Charlie pleaded.
Lucifer sighed, "I just... until I know for sure that she didn't actually ban me, I won't want to risk that. It's just not a good idea... Plus, I don't want to attract more attention to her if she is having issues there," Lucifer hung his head.
Charlie thought for a minute, then a lightblub went off, Charlie got down to Lucifer's eye level, "Dad, she may have "banned" you for seeing her... but not me! I could go talk to her!"
"Charlie, hold on, dis is a bad idea," Angel piped up, everyone looked at him confused, "Rememba' what happened when you tried to talk to Val for me?" Charlie thought for a second remembering the disaster that was, feeling the guilt return at the memory. Angel smiled, "Obviously I need to go with you!" The room erupted into laughter, Angel almost had them for a second, even Lucifer managed to crack a smile in his down mood.
"You guys are really willing to do this for me?" he asked looking to Charlie and Angel.
Charlie looked at Angel and back to her dad, and grabbed Lucifer's hands, "Yes, for you... and for us."
Lucifer smiled, "Ok... but can we actually have dinner before you go? I was anticipating an actual dinner instead of an intervention, but I guess I should have expected both." The room filled with laughter again and the group set up for dinner before Charlie and Angel would head out to find the Lounge, and more importantly, you.
Later that evening, you were hanging out in the lobby of the Lounge, the same way that you had the nights before Lucifer had started to take up more of your schedule. You were still getting clients, but it was back to the old torturous monotony as before, but it somehow felt worse now that you had gotten a taste of love... or what you thought had been love. Every client made you wish you were back in Lucifer's arms, wanting to explore Lucifer's body... not this shithole and all it's shitty clients.
You felt yourself grow more bitter as you saw Cynthhhhia grow back in popularity with the customers, it seemed her few days on the phones really scared her into staying in her lane, especially because Larry had apparently made her take all of the calls during those three days. Something did not sit right with you about her more recent success, but you didn't want to turn into another her. Plus, the happier she was, the more she left you alone. Guess there had to be a bright side, somewhere.
You were sitting on your favorite couch in a long, blue, shear, flowy robe, when you saw a tall pair of individuals walk into the lobby. But not just any two tall people, two that you recognized, Angel and Charlie. You eyes went wide, and you quickly slinked off to the dressing room to hide.
'What the hell? What are they doing there?!' you thought to yourself. You hoped they hadn't seen you, even though your time with Lucifer was up, you still wanted to keep his secret about the two of you.
Charlie and Angel walked up to the front counter where Larry was standing he did a double-take seeing both of them.
"Whoooaaa, Princess Morningstar! And the famous Angel Dust! What an honor to have you two in to join us this evening. Are we interested in having a little fun tonight? I am surprised, I didn't think one of Val's best boys would be needin' to pay for fun. Unless... you are looking for a change in employment?" He flashed a sharp smile.
Charlie piped up, "Hi! Uhh, Charlie is just fine. And no, neither of those things. We are here looking for one of your girls, (y/n)."
"Is she here tonight?" Angel added.
"Uhh... ya. What business do you have with her?" Larry asked, wondering how they knew her.
"She's a friend ah mine," Angel chimed in, "She's mean MIA for a few weeks and we have been worried about 'er, we were wantin' to check in on her. Charlie has gotten to know her a little too and wanted to come with."
"Can we pleaseee see her?" Charlie pleaded.
Larry thought for a moment, "I don't know, she is still on the clock for several more hours. I can't just let her off early." Charlie and Angel look at each other and nod, Charlie pulls out an bunch of cash, "Will this cover her for the rest of the night." Larry smiled as the amount of money in her hands, it was more than enough.
"I do believe that will work Ms. Mornin- uhh, Charlie," Larry said taking the cash, "Let me go get her." Charlie is glad that she learned that in some situations like this, money talked more than words or power. She came more prepared than she had with her conversation with Valentino over getting more of Angel's time.
Larry searched around before finding you in the dressing room, "Hey Babydoll, you've been bought out for the rest of the night by some friends of yours, Angel Dust and Charlie Morningstar. I didn't know you knew them." He said giving you a look.
They bought you out for the rest of the night? Did they come here specifically to find you? How did they know you were here? Did... did Lucifer tell them? You felt some fear and hope bloom in your chest.
"Oh, haha ya, you know me, I'm just not one to talk about my personal life at work," you gave Larry a big smile. He laughed, "Alright, keep your secrets, sounds like they wanted to talk to you about something, worried about you. Go show 'em a good time tonight, ok?" You nodded, and quickly switching out to a more solid less see-through robe, before walking out to the lobby.
Angel and Charlie saw you coming, Charlie ran to you but you stopped her short of you, "Not here, come with me," and you led your friends up to you apartment. Once you were inside you room and the door was locked, you said "Ok now you can hug me if you want to."
This time, both Charlie and Angel want to embrace you at the same time, starting to tear up a little.
"Oh my god, (y/n)! It's so good to see you! We were so worried about you!" Charlie asked.
"Ya! When you and Lucifer stopped showing up at the hotel to visit, we started worrying, babe," Angel added.
"Wait... hold up, Lucifer stopped showing up to the hotel? How did you know I was here?" you asked.
"We sat my Dad down and he finally broke and told us the truth about everything," Charlie said.
"Ya, he spilled da beans on your guy's relationship, you don't have to keep his secret from us anymore," Angel added.
Tears started to well up in your eyes, "I don't?!" The two nodded. You started to sob and hugged them back. "I- I'm so sorry, I- I didn't want to lie to anyone but he wanted to keep it discreet, which I understand, he is the King! And it was so confusing, and then, one night he got really drunk one night, and it worried me, he wasn't acting like himself, and told me he loved me, but, but I didn't know if I could believe him. And he was getting all touchy and doe eyed, and I didn't know what was really what he wanted because it was all so sudden. So I ran! I ran because I was so scared, and- and- and-" Charlie and Angel both hugged you and tried to shushed you through your crying.
"It's ok, no one is mad at you. That sounds like a hard position to be in, it sounds like there was a lot of confusion on both sides," Charlie said.
"Confusion?" you sniffled, "Is that why he hasn't called to schedule with me again?"
Charlie and Angel looked at each other then back to you, "You didn't ban him then?"
You blinked, "WHAT?! Why on earth would anyone think I blocked him?! No! I freaked out and went on a trip for a few days to clear my head. I came back and I was told that he said he would call to reschedule, and then he just never did! I thought he hated me!"
"No!" Charlie cried, "No, Oh my god, he is a total wreck without you! He misses you like crazy! He thinks he was put on your "No Kiss List" or something"
"We can't even say your name without him shuttin' down and lookin' like we killed his dog or somethin'," Angel added, Charlie gave him a look, "What?! It's true!"
You sat down on the couch and stared out for a minute, thinking, "Why didn't he come to ask me himself?"
Charlie shrugged, "He doesn't remember what happened that night, he is convinced that he hurt you terribly and that it's why you banned him. He didn't want to hurt you so he respected that wish. We tried to get him to come tonight but he was scared in case you really had banned him."
You thought for a few more moments, who could have caused this? Who would have done this to you both. Your eyes widened. No, could this have been... did Cynthhhhia do this? Would she have been the one to make the calls that day since that was her punishment. You were pretty sure, but you didn't want to act without proof. You clenched your fists, starting to fill with rage.
"Is he at the hotel?" They nodded. You thought again, "Can you take me to him?" They nodded again with more excitement.
"I have just one question for you, before we go," Charlie started, looking into your eyes, "Tell me truthfully, do you actually care about my dad, not just for an income, but as a person?"
You took Charlie's hands in your own, "Charlie, I really do... more than anything... in fact... I'm pretty sure I'm in love with him." Charlie and Angel squealed and jumped up and down.
"That's all I needed to hear, let's do this!" Charlie declared.
You took a few minutes to get dressed, and soon you were off to see Lucifer again. Cynthhhhia eyed you a little as you left, wondering what you were doing with the most famous porn star in the Pride Ring and the Princess of Hell. She rolled her eyes and went back to chatting it up with her next client out it the lobby, it was probably nothing of substance, and she already had big enough fish to fry to keep her focused on herself. Although, she did briefly amuse herself with the idea of seducing the Princess' father, oh how wonderful a dream that would be, but she knew better than to put more thought into that. Why would the King of Hell ever need a prostitute? She laughed to herself.
You, on the other hand, were so full of fear and excitement at the idea of seeing actually Lucifer again, it felt like a dream and you were scared to wake up. But if Charlie and Angel's reaction was any indication of anything, maybe Brooklyn had been right after all.
Thank you for putting up with torment! I made sure to get through this one quickier so that there was a return of hope. Next chapter they will finally talk in out, and then... a certain someone may see justice 😈
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mcrits · 2 months ago
kanthony ballet au!
Anthony has long since fallen out of love with ballet.
Ever since his father, a renowned dancer and head of the Bridgerton Dance Academy, passed away, Anthony has taken over his responsibilities. He rarely dances anymore, too focused on taking care of his family, keeping the academy running, and training the next generation of dancers, some of which are his own siblings.
One day, he's approached by his mother's dear friend Agatha Danbury, who asks if he wants to star in her upcoming production of Romeo and Juliet. He tries to decline, saying that he's far too busy with the academy, but in typical Danbury fashion, he ends up agreeing before he's even realized it.
His mother thinks it'll be good for him to dance again. "Maybe it'll get you out of whatever rut you've been in," she says. Anthony rolls his eyes.
"I'm not in a rut, mother. I've simply been busy."
"Busy brooding, maybe."
Upon showing up for the first day of rehearsals, he meets his Juliet: Edwina Sharma, an up-and-coming dancer from India who is just making her debut in London's professional ballet scene.
She's talented and lovely with work with. She's graceful and the very image of excellence. She never seems to misstep or slip. Anthony could never dream of achieving such perfection, and he's been dancing in some form since the day he learned to walk.
She's kind, as well. When they arrive, during their breaks, and when they're preparing to leave, they get a chance to talk. When she asks him if he wants to get dinner with her after rehearsal one day, he finds no reason why he shouldn't.
She tells him about the stories she's been reading, and he tells her about his work at the academy. Usually, he'd be preening at the attention of a pretty, smart, and kind woman who is possibly into him, but for whatever reason, he isn't.
He has to, though, at least on stage. He has to lift her and press his body to hers and kiss her.
It's fine, but Anthony certainly doesn't feel any of the passion he once felt for dancing. He can't wait to tell his mother 'I told you so.'
Until two weeks before they're set to open, that is. Anthony is lifting her like he's done a hundred times before, but this time, she pushes off a bit too hard, sending them both off balance.
He has neither the reaction time nor the grip to keep her from falling. She falls to the ground with a loud thud and a gasp of pain. As Anthony stares down at her in shock, he winces. Her ankle does not look right.
He drives her to the hospital, where he waits with her until she can be seen and sits with her in the exam room as a doctor examines her ankle.
That is where he meets the older sister he has heard so much about. Kate Sharma.
She's like a storm, bursting into the room with who is presumably their mother in tow, demanding to know what happened and if Edwina's okay.
"I'm okay, didi," Edwina assures her. "It was just a lift gone badly, it's alright." Her face turns a little sad. "They think my ankle is broken, but they're doing an X-ray to be sure. I also have a concussion from my head hitting the floor. but I'm okay, I promise."
Anthony knows that there is no chance of her being well enough to perform in just a few weeks. But in this moment, he doesn't have much of a chance to think about it, because Kate turns to him. Her eyes are burning.
"May i speak with you in the hall, Mr. Bridgerton?"
Anthony snorts at the overly formal name. "Certainly, Miss Sharma."
As soon as the door closes behind them, Kate starts talking. "So, a lift gone badly. What happened?"
"Well, I had her, she pushed off a bit too hard, we both lost our balance, and I wasn't able to catch her."
Kate stares at him. "So you're going to blame her for you dropping her?"
Anthony frowns, his mind spinning. "Excuse me?"
"Don't think I don't know what's happening here, Bridgerton. I know you didn't want to dance again. I know you probably want a way out of this."
When Anthony processes what she's insinuating, he laughs. "You think so lowly of me that you think I'd drop Edwina on purpose?"
"Considering the way you've led her on, yes, I do."
"What the hell are you talking about?" Anthony asks. "I've just been nice! I've never given her any impression that there was anything between us other than friendship. Would you rather I be rude to her?"
"No, but I'd rather you not take her to countless lunches and dinners."
"Do you end up kissing every single person you go to lunch with? Uou don't have to do that, you know."
Late, breathing heavily with her rage, groans. "You are insufferable."
"Then you must be looking into a mirror."
Finally, Kate storms off, and Anthony shakes his head. Unbelievable.
He says a quick goodbye to Edwina, telling her to let him know about how her recovery is going, and heads home.
The next morning, rehearsal is surprisingly still on. He arrives, his heart dropping into his stomach as he sees who's sitting on the floor, pulling on her pointe shoes.
"You have got to be kidding me."
Kate looks up at him, her expression hardening. "I don't like it any more than you do, Bridgerton. But I know this show, and we only have two weeks until opening night."
This is going to be a long two weeks.
As much as Kate makes it her life's mission to piss him off, he does have to admit that she impresses him. She hasn't done the choreography in years, and yet she picks it up quickly.
But even with her fast pace, she still stays long after everyone leaves, rehearsing steps.
One night, against his better judgement, he agrees to stay late and practice with her. Despite his lack of passion, he does want to show to be as perfect as it can be.
That night, with just the two of them practicing passionate scenes over and over, Anthony truly sees her.
Kate is everything Edwina is not. She's stubborn where Edwina is easy-going. She's rude where Edwina is nice. She's reserved where Edwina is open.
Anthony loves it.
Finally, he gets a glimpse of his old passion. Their steps become routine, allowing them to focus on the emotion of the scene. Their bodies press together, and Anthony feels warm for the first time in a long time.
Their touches last longer than they should. They're closer than what's necessary.
As he walks forward to kiss her, they're both panting heavily, and his approach is much slower than it usually is. He can't help but savor the sight of her. Her cheeks are red and her hair is messy from the exertion. The blood leaves Anthony's brain.
Their lips connect, his hands going to grab her waist as usual, but this time?
Instead of leaning back and extending her arms out, she wraps both arms around his neck, going off pointe and burying a hand in the back of his hair.
He moans, tilting his head to deepen the kiss, and she groans against his lips. His brain has completely shut off, and doesn't kick back into gear until Kate pulls away.
They're sitting on the floor, their feet and legs aching, and Kate straddles his lap. She seems to have lost herself, too, since she laughs breathlessly. "I think that's enough for today," she says, her gorgeous eyes constantly flicking between his eyes and his lips.
"Agreed," he whispers, leaning in to give her a brief kiss before hovering his lips by her ear, his voice lowering. "I know you've been sore since we started rehearsing. I could introduce you to my bathtub. A warm bath does wonders."
Kate shakes her head. "I shouldn't."
"But do you want to?"
After a moment of hesitation, she sighs. "Your bathtub better be big enough for two."
Anthony grins, his heart fluttering.
From that moment on, their late-night rendezvous become routine. It's the first time in a long time that Anthony has looked forward to dancing, and the sex that follows certainly helps with the passion. But between rehearsing and sex, they do get to know each other. And while half the time, they're arguing, the other half consists of deep conversations and jokes.
It's nice. Her humor is dry and witty, and Anthony's delighted by their constant banter. Unlike Edwina, Kate challenges him. While he doesn't enjoy being bested by her as often as he is, he can't help but be thrilled by the competition.
"I'll be sad when this is over," he admits softly during one of their breaks, sitting on the floor side-by-side and sipping water.
"So will I. It's been fun." She presses her shoulder against his, and he smiles, unable to take his eyes off of her. "I'm- I'm sorry I came off so strong during our first meeting."
"It's alright, Kate. I'm a protective older sibling, I get it. If it was my sister who was dropped by an asshole, I would've been pissed, too. But for the record, it really was an accident. and I hope she's back to dancing soon."
"Her doctor says she should be alright," Kate replies, nodding. "But thank you, Anthony. As much as it pains me to say this, you're not as bad as I thought."
Anthony rolls his eyes, but grins, bumping his shoulder against hers. "You're not so bad, either, Sharma."
When the show comes to a close, Kate stays over at Anthony's apartment before the closing night of the show. With their bodies pressed together, their limbs completely entangled underneath the blankets, Kate lifts her head from his bare chest and looks him in the eye.
"I don't want this to end, Anthony," she whispers, placing a hand on his cheek.
"Neither do I."
"Then we'll still see each other after the show ends?"
Anthony grins. "You won't be able to get rid of me."
Kate matches his grin and leans in to kiss him.
Anthony loves dancing again, and he also loves Kate Sharma.
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atlasscrumpit · 9 months ago
Hannibal/Will!Platonic Reader
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(The first kill is always the hardest)
Will and Hannibal had expected something like this to happen, after all you'd been raised by a serial killer.
You stood in the front door of your house as Will stared at you in shock, seeing you covered in blood.
"Y/N... Are you hurt?" He asked, taking your hand and gently leading you inside.
"No..." You whispered as he nodded.
"Hannibal!" He called out as Will looked over you, making sure you were injured.
"I killed someone." You whispered with tears in your eyes.
Hannibal rushed downstairs to see you covered in blood.
"Where is the body?" He asked, barely even acknowledging your crying.
"In the woods." You muttered as you began to cry.
"How could you be so foolish!" He shouted as you flinched and cried even more.
"Hannibal, go deal with the body I'll deal with Y/N." Will demanded.
You told your father where to find the body before Will led you upstairs to the bathroom and began to fill up the tub.
He helped you out of your clothes and threw them on the floor, knowing he would have to burn them.
He helped you step into the tub and you just stared forward.
He began to scrub the blood off your skin.
"Was there a reason, sweetheart?" He asked as you watched his hands clean your skin.
"He kept trying to touch me... Even though I said no." You whispered as he nodded.
"It was self defence." He replied, you looked at him as he reached up and gently cleaned your face.
"I'm him...aren't I?" You whispered making Will sigh.
"No... Hannibal kills for the art, you killed to survive. There's a difference." He said as you nodded.
You loved both your fathers, but you never wanted to end up like either of them at the end of the day. 
“Dad…” You muttered as Will finished cleaning off your skin and look at you. 
“Yes, love?” He asked, he could see tears willing in your eyes again. 
“I don’t feel bad… Shouldn’t I feel bad?” You muttered as you began to cry. 
“Come on, darling. Let’s get you out of the tub and dried off and we’ll talk.”
After drying off and getting changed you sat on the couch wrapped up in a blanket as Will handed you a cup of hot chocolate. 
He sat beside you as you stared down at the beverage. 
“Death and killing has been a part of your life since you can remember. You were raised by Hannibal and I after all. This boy tried to hurt you and you protected yourself, you don’t feel bad for it because deep down you know it’s better for him to be gone.” He explained as you nodded a little. 
“Dad will be angry, won’t he?” You asked in fear as Will wrapped him arm around you and let you cuddle into him.
"It's hard to tell with your father."
You had fallen asleep on the couch when Hannibal came back.
Will walked over to him and stared at him.
"It's dealt with." He grumbled as Will sighed.
"It was violent and messy... After all I've taught her." Hannibal continued, he looked angry and Will didn't need him taking it out on you.
"That boy was trying to touch her and she protected herself. She wasn't thinking and did anything she could to make him stop. She is traumatised from this, do not be angry at her because she didn't make the kill to your liking." Will demanded, scolding his partner.
"I suppose you're right. She is my daughter that went through something scary..." He muttered, looking down in shame.
"I don't want her to be like me." Hannibal whispered as Will slowly leant in and hugged him.
It wasn't often they showed each other physical affection, but it felt needed.
"Dad?" They heard a voice say, turning to see you looking at them.
"I'm not angry with you, Y/N." Hannibal said as you let go of a breath you didn't realise you were holding.
He stepped forward and gently wrapped his arms around you, you smiled and hugged him in return.
"Let us forget about this day, shall we? Why don't I make your favourite?" He asked as you both leant away and he held your face in his hand.
"I'd really like that."
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akuworld777 · 10 months ago
The newspaper
Tim had told Kon all about the cloning incident, so a year later Tim hadn't really thought about it but now Kon was in his Wayne office wondering, why because Bruce refused to take over the company again unless that Tim would finish his education, but getting back to the point , Kon was there with a book in his hand, a book very very similar to Tim's diary, the diary he started after his dad's death, the diary in which he planned the murderer's death. of his father, even if in the end he did not kill him, diary where all the cloning data is, where each documented attempt is, where…. Where Tim goes crazy and Kon has the diary…
I had thought that he had hidden it, Tim had hidden it with all the cloning things, with the capsule, the generator, the data, the DNA. Tim had hidden it and if he had told Kon the address when he confessed to him about how he had tried it. clone in case he wants to go see, or destroy it, Tm's actually not sure why he told him that, hell he's not sure why he didn't burn everything to the ground, Probably because he was thinking of trying again, after all He only stopped because Cassie intervened and Bruce disappeared, he wasn't dead, Tim had brought him back and he wasn't dead, he wasn't crazy.
Actually Tim had thought that Kon would destroy everything and if he didn't he wouldn't find the diary, but he did and now he's probably here to tell him what an idiot he was, how disgusting he is for trying to clone his best friend 99 times, for that matter. How he kissed Cassie just to feel it, how he planned to use his DNA if the 100th attempt didn't work, trapping him with a baby, it didn't matter that at that moment Kon was dead, that there was actually no one to catch, god Tim It really was disgusting, wasn't it?
Too caught up in his head he didn't notice the intense look Kon was giving him, though his thoughts were cut off by a laugh, “I can't believe it, Cassie told me you were sick when me and Bart died but, I can't believe it.” I said that you kissed her to feel me” probably because he didn't know, Tim thought, although the thought didn't last long as he focused on what Kon was saying. "And although I knew about cloning, I didn't really expect you to have tried so hard, Tim, you were actually going to make a baby with our DNA, as if it were a husband who died and you were the mother who decided to keep the child to remember her dead loved one, it's very soap opera-like”
Tim felt like those words were digging into his conscience. Kon was saying it as if it were something absurd, he didn't seem malicious or angry, but his words felt wrong, it felt like he was making fun of what Tim had gone through, of his feelings. of his unrequited love, as if everything he did was nothing more than a bad joke, as if his mourning was worthless.
Kon seemed to realize the state Tim was in because he stopped laughing, examining him as if he were seeing him with his x-ray vision, examining him thoroughly. Unlike Bruce, Tim didn't mind being used, he felt seen in the way his parents never saw him.
Kon obviously realized something, because Tim felt the tkl pull him closer and suddenly he was trapped in the muscular, tanned arms of a Kryptonian, Tim felt himself melting in the embrace as Kon's ever-present warmth sank into him. his bones, relieving phantom pains that Tim had not even realized were there, it was like returning home, to his home, a home that seemed to have been missing for a while, he could not contain the sigh of satisfaction, but he did not regret leaving it. He left especially because Kon hugged him tighter and surrounded them both with his tactile telekinesis.
"I'm sorry, I didn't express myself well," Kon's voice sounded right next to his ear. that someone could do so much for me, could have fallen so low, could have I've suffered my loss enough to try everything." Tim felt a chill as Kon spoke, while that voice tickled his ear, but he also felt conflicted, a conflict between telling him that it wasn't that big of a deal and telling him that anyone would have done it, Cassie is proof she went and joined a cult because of his death, that he deserved that recognition, that he deserved people to worry about him, but he bit his tongue and let Kon continue instead of interrupting to express how incredible it was. It was Kon and how much it affected everyone that he was not there, how much it affected him.
“I don't want to say that what you did wasn't fucked up, damn it's actually kind of funny I'm a clone and you decided that to bring me back you were going to clone me instead of going to Constantie and making some deal with a god or demon.” Tim continued listening to Kon but made a mental note to dabble in necromancy since Kon seemed open to that and get more blackmail on Constantine, hell next time he would throw Kon's body in a lazarus pit or just jump in a building, before being without him again. As if Kon read his mind, Tim felt a tug on his hair which Kon had been stroking earlier and saw the disapproving look the super gave him.
"I'm sorry… I don't know what happened to me, you were gone, so many people were gone." Tim buried his face in Kon's shoulder. "I was just thinking about bringing you back, about bringing at least a part of you back." lap" Kon sighed “I'm not asking you to apologize Tim, I actually thought you were going to be much worse, it doesn't mean I approve of this but if I had come back to life and you had managed to have another me, I wouldn't have been angry… if you had achieved the “Baby, I wouldn’t be mad either…” The silence after that was louder than if this had been a shouting match, Tim once again confirmed that bats are not made for feelings… or maybe the trauma was simply preventing him from being good at feelings, or something. Maybe it was negligence.
Kon clarified the guarantee and spoke again, “Actually, it had been a year since all this and I probably should have talked to you since I read the entire diary, but I kept putting it off because I didn't know how to tell you this… I didn't know how. explain my feelings and I didn't know if I had really understood yours correctly, the hell I chose this moment because Cassie threatened to destroy the diary if I didn't talk to you and…and I thought that now that a year has passed, it probably won't affect you that much…" The pause felt like a shock so Kon wasted no time in continuing quickly.
“Probably what you feel for me is already gone and I thought if that's how I can deal with rejection… I can deal with that, I'm used to not having much luck in romance and this is Rob, he wouldn't make fun of me or nothing, our relationship could continue….” Kon's voice became lower and lower as if he felt unsure of continuing, but Tim couldn't pay much attention to that, because Kon had just confessed to him, to Tim Drake, he had just confessed and he was actually thinking. that Tim would reject him, he thought that Tim would have gotten bored of him because it had been a year, just a year and Tim wanted to hit him because Tim had been feeling something for him since they were only 4 in young Justice and Kon thought that one year he would to be enough to make Tim forget about his feelings, to make Tim reject him.
Kon had arrived with the damn diary where Tim poured his soul, his sorrow, his pain, his mourning, his love and he had tried to take it with humor as he always did with serious topics trying not to get hurt, the trauma appeared in many forms and everyone They had a way of dealing with him, Kon had always used humor, kind of like Dick. He probably planned to pretend that everything was a joke if Tim rejected him, but Tim would never reject him so he took a deep breath and separated from the hug, the TKL let go easily but at the same time seemed to want to keep him there, Kon looked at him sadly, he seemed resigned and Tim couldn't allow that.
"I still like you… If you hadn't come back in the middle of my search for Bruce, I probably would have done the baby plan after bringing Bruce back, put my DNA and yours in a capsule and spent months hiding creating fake IDs, buying a house, getting a fake job, in some random country and I would have raised the baby there.” It may not be the most poetic or emotional declaration of love, hell in reality he hadn't even said that he loved him or that he liked him but Tim was a vigilante, above all he was a bat and practically Tim's entire life had revolved around heroes and That Tim is confessing to Kon what is basically that he was going to retire from being a vigilante with a test tube baby of the two, was very significant.
“I liked you from the beginning of Young Justice, I may not have loved you that early but I liked you, and after breaking up with Steph I realized that I wasn't that interested in her, because the breakup didn't hurt me that much. Instead I was more focused on the fact that we were going out the next day and that I had nothing to wear, damn Steph helped me choose what to wear because she had also realized it long before me", "you are, nice handsome, you smile seems to light up the day, your hugs are like scorching the home, I can feel the heat, the comfort, the affection, you are like a respite from the pain, the memories are the discomfort, you never judge anything, damn it, I tried to clone you 99 times and you keep saying that you don't blame me for it, even knowing that you had a lot of problems regarding your identity due to cloning, you always support everyone, you always seem to know everything, you never push me or anyone to do things I don't want to do, Hell, when my parents weren't at Christmas or when Bruce and I were arguing, you were the angriest, you always defended me, you gave fucking Jason Todd a threat for trying to kill me, you…" Tim could have spent hours talking about everything good about Kon if he had the time he would even show you his power point and his graph of over 100 reasons why Kon was a unique, admirable person and anyone who said otherwise was obviously a villain, but he couldn't since warm lips that felt like the sun on the morning of a spring day rested on his lips, effectively silencing him.
Tim had priorities and preferred to indulge in the kiss than in his talk about why Kon is the best person in the world, sue him, if Superboy kissed them they surely wouldn't be able to think, much less continue with a speech.
The kiss was perfect, not in the traditional way after all, Tim. And him still didn't know what the other liked and it was a little awkward for it being the first kiss they shared, but the feelings were there, every movement of lip to lip, They told praises of love and professed devotion, each touch was warm and moved the heart of the other, it was a promise, a prophecy fulfilled, a river that overflowed as the minutes passed and the feelings of each one were transmitted in the kiss.
The only thing that brought them out of their concentration was the noise of a pile of leaves falling to the floor. They quickly separated. Tim had thought that Kon had dropped the newspaper but unfortunately they were not so lucky. His assistant Katerin, the substitute since Tam was sick, had just seen 18-year-old Tim Drake, CEO of Wayne Enterprises, kissing Superboy… Tim would have to pay her so much to keep quiet.
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doe-eyed-fool · 1 year ago
Fallen {Chapter Three}
Alastor x (fem)Reader
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Warning: Very ooc Lucifer (I made the first few chapters before the series came out)
"Redemption?" I wonder aloud. "Yes! This is my hotel, and here, me and my staff help sinners better themselves for a chance of being redeemed!" Charlie says enthusiastically. But it didn't make much sense to me. Why would sinners care about being redeemed? Could they even be redeemed?
That sounded impossible, unheard of even. But held my tongue, clearly this was a passion project of hers. I wouldn't want to spit on her dreams.
"How...nice." I say with a smile. "But may I ask why you would do all this?" Charlie's eyes lit up at the thought of me being interested in knowing more.
"I believe that everyone deserves a second chance to be good. Everyone has good in them, even if they don't believe they do. And I think, with a little help, we can shape them into the best versions of themselves as they can be. Then they can get into heaven after all their hard work on improving."
I almost couldn't believe the words coming from her. She seemed so kind, so, not demon-ish at all! I couldn't help but wish her luck. She really believed that the sinners and demons of hell could be better people. In some ways, I agreed. I do believe people can change and be better. But, a lot of those creatures out there were here for a reason.
"So, are you here to check in?" Charlie asks me. "Uh, I-" I was cut off by Alastor. "Why yes, she is!" I shot a concerned glance at him. "Wonderful!" Charlie claps excitedly. "Come on, I'll give you a tour and introduce you to everyone!" Before I could protest, Charlie grabbed my hand and began walking.
Before she left with me she turned to Alastor. "I'll be back to help. We mainly just need to fix the place up from our last extermination." Alastor nods his head. "Of course my dear. Take your time." Charlie gives him a thumbs up before walking me away.
What was Alastor up to? Charlie showed me different areas of the hotel, and even introduced me to the staff and guests. First I met Vaggie, who turned out to be Charlie's girlfriend. She was pretty abrasive, but Charlie told me it wasn't anything personal towards me. Other than that, she was a fine demon and she clearly loved and cared about Charlie.
Next I met Angel Dust, a spider demon, he was uh...Something else. Smug too. I tried to keep my eyes on his and not his skimpy clothing. Apparently he was a porn star. I felt bad for him. Mainly because I was concerned for his safety. But he looked like he could handle himself, hopefully.
Then there was Nifty. She was nice, and very hyper. Excited to meet me and become friends, her singular eye looking me up and down frantically.
Before I could finish talking with her and move on to the next person, she picked some lint off of my dress. A clean freak I suppose. I said my goodbye before meeting the last person on Charlie's list. His name was Husk, a cat demon. And a rather rude demon at that.
He had no interest in meeting me or even spare a glance my way. Charlie apologized for his behavior before leading me back to the lobby.
"We can work on getting you a room shortly. I just have to make sure everything is all set first. Things got a little out of hand after the extermination. Then we had some demon attack us right after, thankfully Alastor got rid of him. In quite the horrifying way..." She laughs weakly before clearing her throat. "Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy your stay with us."
I only offered a false smile and nod. "So, I've been meaning to ask." Charlie begins. "How do you know Alastor? I mean, everyone knows him, but you seemed to actually be friends with him." My mind blanked for a moment as I tried to think of a explanation. "Uh well, Alastor kind of helped me out a bad spot." That seemed to have caught Charlie's attention.
"Really? What happened? If you don't mind me asking." She asks. Darn. "Well, he...Uh, I was lost. Yeah, I got lost and, he helped me. I'm sure you know how hell is. So...dangerous and and all that." Charlie nods. "Trust me, I know." She chuckles. "Being the princess of hell, I'm aware of a lot of things that go down on a regular basis. But not everything, my dad knows way more than me." My eyes go wide for a second.
Did she just say princess of hell? Does...does that mean her father is...
There was a knock on the front doors of the hotel. "I'll get it! Excuse me for a moment Y/n." Charlie says before heading for the front door. She straightens out her suit before opening the doors. "Welcome to...Oh, hey dad." Standing before Charlie, was a demon.
But not just any demon. This demon was known by all, in heaven, hell, and earth alike.
This demon, was none other than Lucifer himself. But could that really be him? He looked nothing like how I thought he would. For one thing, he was much...shorter, than I picture him to be.
Charlie's takes after her father's looks, as he had the same pale white skin, blonde hair, and rosy cheeks to bring it all together. They even shared the same eyes. When he spoke, it only sent more surprise and confusion through me. "Charlotte! How have you been?" His voice was a higher pitch than I imagined.
Not deep and masculine, but not feminine either. Somewhere right in between. "I'm fine." Charlie says with a weak smile. "What uh, what are you doing here?" She asks carefully. "I just wanted to check on my daughter. This year's extermination was no joke! The angels were relentless, I haven't seen so much carriage in a while." Lucifer walks past her into the hotel lobby, he looked around. "So, this is the hotel you've been working on."
Charlie follows after her dad, nervously fidgeting with her hands. "Yep." Lucifer chuckles. "Adorable." He says with a shake of his head. Suddenly his gaze fell onto me and I froze in place. "A new guest of yours?" Lucifer glances at his daughter for a moment. When she nods he looks back to me before approaching me. My breath was caught in my throat, my hands began to tremble.
He was but a step away from me, he looked at me with a grin. "What might your name be, little demon?" He asks. I couldn't bring myself to speak, my cowardice only seemed to have amused Lucifer. "Well? Are you going to tell me?" He smirks.
I glance over at Charlie, I don't know why, but I was hoping she could help me somehow. But she only kept her gaze on the floor, holding her arm close to her side with a nervous expression. I turn my attention back to Lucifer, who was still waiting for me to give him my name.
Finally I swallowed the large lump in my throat and speak. "Y-Y/n." I murmur. "Y/n." Lucifer repeats leaning in closer to me. His eyes bore into mine, his grin dropping slightly. "Strange..." He narrows his eyes. Suddenly Alastor's voice caught our attention.
"Lucifer, my good fellow! I had no idea you would be stopping by!" Lucifer looks over his shoulder before his grin returns to his face. "Alastor. Always a pleasure." He thankfully moves away from me and towards Alastor.
I could finally breath normally again, my heart wouldn't calm down as it thumped harshly against my chest. "I thought I might pay this place a visit. After all, it means so much to my daughter." He was far shorter than Alastor. Though, Alastor kept his same respectful demeanor when talking to Lucifer.
"Of course." Alastor nods. "It's quite the hotel. Very...Unique." Lucifer laughs at that. "You're right about that my good man."
Lucifer glances back at me as still talks with Alastor. "I thought this place would be in shambles after that extermination. Turns out my daughter can fend for herself after all." Charlie's expression fell at his words. "Anyhow. I should be on my way. Lots of work to be done, and business to attend to." He walks past Alastor and back towards the hotel entrance. "Oh, I almost forgot." He stops just before the door.
"Alastor? You haven't seen anything out of the ordinary lately have you? I ask because I know how attentive you are when it comes to anything new and unusual."
"Hm. Afraid not. Why? Has something occurred that I should know about?" Alastor asks. Lucifer shrugs. "I can't be sure. But I could have sworn I saw something quite strange fall from the sky early this morning." I noticed that Alastor's smile tightened slightly. "A new sinner?" He asks.
"Perhaps. Though, I've yet to see a sinner with such unordinary wings." Lucifer said lowly. My heart dropped down to the pit of my stomach. "But then again, I am so very overworked." He sighs. "Must have been my imagination."
"Maybe so." Alastor says calmly. Lucifer's smile turned sinister. "I'll be seeing you around, Alastor." He says before stepping out and closing the door behind him. I stare at the door unblinking, my hands trembling.
I look over at Alastor, despite his smile, I could tell he was upset. I would have asked if he was alright, but Charlie walked over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry about that." She sighs. "I didn't know my dad would ever come here. He's never been interested in my project, I guess I shouldn't have let my guard down. Are you alright?" She asks me.
I nod my head. "I-I'm ok." Charlie offers me a small smile before taking my hand. "Let's get you to your room. You can relax for a bit."
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saraakpotter · 7 months ago
i can't love you (Mike Wheeler x reader)
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summery: he loves you, but you can't hurt your sister. genre: angst warnings:Brief spoilers for season 2 but it's really not a lot. tell me if i missed anything :) a\n: well, i hope you like it. maybe i'll do a part two, tell me if i should. btw the story isn't set in season two but you can imagine it when ever you want<3
"i sound crazy don't i?" El said as she laid on your bed and hugged a pillow.
"yes, yes you do" you said chuckling and laying next to her "but that's the point of love, isn't it?"
"wow....that was so cute"
"i know, i heard it on TV" you joked and you both laughed
"but seriously" she said as she stopped laughing and sat straight "i love him. i really really love Mike Wheeler"
"i still don't get why you won't just confess to him"
"confess to him?! are you out of your mind?" she said looking alarmed
"yeah, why not? i'm sure he will like you back" you said as you sat up straight.
"he would, probably like me back. there is a 50% chance he won't. no, no, no, there is a 70% chance he won't"
"can you stop with the numbers? you are being dramatic. he would...." but your speech was cut off by your dad, Jim Hopper's voice.
"girls, dinner!" he called and you took El's hand.
"c'mon, we can't talk about your complicated love life with an empty stomach" you teased as she rolled her eyes playfully.
".....she is the most beautiful girl i have ever seen! she is smart, funny, hot, sarcastic, we have shared interests...." Mike said as they all sat in his basement.
"okay, Mike, we get it! we have seen her a million times before" Lucas said cutting him off
"yeah Mike, you should quit rambling" Will said as he chuckled
"i'm not rambling!"
"yes, you are. it's always: y\n Hopper this, y\n Hopper that" Dustin teased mocking Mike and then making kissing noises making everyone laugh except Mike
"yeah, yeah, laugh all you want. not that you guys would shut up about Suzie and Max" Mike said rolling his eyes
"hey! they are our girlfriend's. if you just tell y\n how you feel, we will stop teasing you" Lucas said making Mike roll his eyes again
"yeah like it's as simple as that"
"it is! look, Mike, y\n had been our friend since we were 5. telling her how you feel isn't that hard"
"yes, it is. it may ruin our whole friendship if i tell her how i feel and she doesn't feel the same"
"that's the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard" Dustin said "of course she likes you back!"
"you're supposed to say that because you're my friend"
"maybe, but deep down, we both know i'm right"
Mike knew he was right. he should just stop being scared and tell her how he feels.
you were laying on your bed. weeks had past since the day El told you how she feels about Mike. she honestly didn't know how to feel.
you thought about the day your dad brought El home from the jungle. you were surprised. you and everyone else thought she was dead but she wasn't. you remembered how you really saw each other as sisters.
you can't ruin that. you can't break her heart. no. no matter how hard you've fallen for Mike Wheeler. you can't.
you heard a knock on your room door.
"come in?"
the door opened revealing the one and only, Mike Wheeler.
"hey, y\n\n"
you smiled widely but it quickly faded when you remembered the promise you made to yourself. you tried to bring back the smile.
"hey Mike"
he took a deep breath and sat next to you on your bed. he could practically hear hi own heart beat of how fast it was beating. he scratched the back of his head and exhaled before speaking.
"umm....y\n, there is something i needed to tell you. something that's been in my mind for a while"
"what is it?" you felt a little worried
"i.....well.....i....can you promise to not get angry? or think it's disgusting?"
"i won't, Mike, promise. just tell me what's wrong?"
"i.......i have feeling's for you. more than a friend, kind of feeling. I've been trying to find the right words, but nothing seems enough. I love you. I've loved you for as long as I can remember."
"you what?" you said not believing what you just heard. he can't have feeling's for you. he.....El loves him. and it doesn't matter if you love him because El does!
"i love you, y\n. i always have" he said looking for a positive reaction in your eyes.
you sighed. you wanted to say it. you wanted to say those 3 damn words back. but you couldn't. you couldn't hurt your sister.
"Mike, i....."
"Just tell me you feel the same, please" he said as you hide from his gaze. "do you feel the same?" he muttered. he already knew the answer but wanted to ask.
you wanted to kiss him. kiss him right there, not caring about what would happen next but you couldn't.
"Mike, I… I can't. Please, leave. just go" you said your voice barely above a whisper.
"y\n, please.....i......"
"mike, leave......please"
Mike sighed. he could feel his heart break and got up to leave but before opening the door he turned to you
"Why won't you let me in? I thought we shared everything. Why is this different?"
"Mike, please. things are not that simple"
"So, what? We just pretend this never happened? We just go back to being friends?"
Mike sighed feeling tears as he turned back.
"This isn't fair. But if it's what you want… I'll go. But I'll always love you."
he walked outside the room and closed the door behind him. the door made a small noise as it was closed.
you didn't hold back tears anymore. they fell as you finally whispered: 'i love you too' to yourself.
(part two?)
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lost-walmartbag · 2 years ago
South Park characters as dads!
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Warnings!: All characters are over 18
Background: You and your husband are first-time parents. In this fic You and Eric. You and Stan. You and Kyle navigate how to be parents.
Status: Request open
Previous part
Next part
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Eric Cartman
You gave birth to your son Ethan a month ago and it honestly has been amazing once you got home. Eric has been waking up with the baby and letting you sleep. You wake up one morning and see Eric wasn't in bed. You get up and walk to the nursery seeing Eric sleeping on a chair with Ethan on his shoulder also sleeping peacefully. You smile and walk over gently picking up Ethan making sure not to wake him.
Eric woke up immediately once Ethan was off his shoulder. He looked on the floor worried Ethan had fallen but when he looked up he smiled and let out a quiet sigh.
"Thank god." He says slowly getting up.
"Good morning baby." You say giving him a small peck on the lips.
"Good morning how'd you sleep? Everything ok do you need anything?" He asked.
"Yeah and baby you shouldn't sleep with the baby on you like that he could have fallen." You say putting Ethan back in the crib.
"I know sweetie but I was tired and singing to him I put myself to sleep." He says with a small laugh and hugs you from behind.
He lets out a loud sigh that wakes the baby up. He squirms around trying to flip on his stomach. He gets frustrated with his hands inside his onesie and starts crying.
Before you can swoop in Eric unzips his onesie getting his small hands out. He coos and starts grabbing onto anything he can.
"What if he pulls his hair?" You ask
"That's something you did isn't it?" He asked laughing at you.
"It happens." You say hitting his shoulder gently.
"Mmhmm." He says hugging you again.
"You know I never knew you'd be such a good dad. You were kind of an ass when you were younger." You said.
"Oh trust me I didn't either but after you had him I just never felt anything like it before. He's the best thing to ever happen to me, and you gave me him making you just as amazing." He said kissing your cheek. "I just want to be by his side as much as I can before I have to go back to work tomorrow."
"Trust me I'm not complaining." You say leaning in about to kiss him until the baby starts crying.
You look over and see the baby pulling his own hair crying loudly from pain. You look over at Eric giving him an 'I told you so look' and he sighs in defeat.
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Stan Marsh
You woke up to the baby crying and as you quickly got up and rushed to the nursery you see Stan already there trying his best to soothe the baby which was not going over well.
"Shhh don't worry daddy's here daddy's here." He says gently rocking her as she cried loudly.
You walk over and put your hand on his shoulder and take the baby from him. She calms down and eventually starts cooing.
"Why am I so bad at this?" Stan says in a frustrated tone. "I've tried everything I can and I can't stop her from crying."
"Oh, baby. You're a good dad it's just hard sometimes." You say gently kissing his cheek.
"You are. Why can't I calm her down? I'm just like my dad." He says putting his face in his hands.
"Oh honey, you're nothing like Randy. You're trying. You just need more practice." You say handing him back the baby. "You're an amazing father and an amazing husband. You just need some more confidence, love."
He takes her hesitantly and holds her. "H-hey sunshine."
She coos and grabbed his cheek pulling it as she laughed. He smiles and raises her up smiling brightly up at her as she pulls on his cheek.
"See? You're a great dad." You say pulling his other cheek and making the baby laugh more.
He gets excited as she laughs. He sticks his tongue out making her laugh more and more.
"I think Sarah likes you." You say kissing his cheek as Sarah then bends down a bit and kisses his nose.
You gasp and Stan laughs. "She kissed me! That's the first time she's done that!"
His yelling startles the baby and she starts to cry again. You let out a defeated sigh and smile.
"Shh, I'm sorry I'm sorry." He says trying to soothe her once again.
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Kyle Brovloski
You watch Kyle sitting with the twins playing with large building bricks. You smile and plate the food on the table.
"Come on lunch is ready." You say picking up one of the girls.
"Thank god I was running out of bricks to make more dinosaurs for them," Kyle says picking up your other daughter.
You set down Kate in her highchair and put down a potato pancake in front of her. Kyle puts Kaylee into the highchair and does the same.
"OK, we are all set," Kyle says kissing the tops of both their heads.
You sit down next to Kate watching closely as she eats. Kyle mimics what you do smiling brightly.
"You know you don't always have to copy what I do." You say with a laugh.
"Well you know what you're doing I don't." He says keeping his eyes on Kaylee.
"Honey you need to trust your instincts more." You say. "I know you're an amazing dad."
"Yeah but you're a better mom." He says watching Kate finish her food.
"She's a hungry little bunny isn't she?" You say with a laugh as Kate keeps eating and Kaylee tries to reach for Kate's food.
"No no no baby," Kyle says taking Kate out of her seat and bouncing her on his leg making her laugh.
Kate messes around with the last bit of food she has and throws it around. You pull her out of her chair and kiss her head softly. You look up watching Kyle smile softly at the two girls.
"I can't believe you made two perfect girls." He says.
"You helped a little don't worry." You say with a laugh.
"Don't they just make you want five more?" He asks with a laugh bouncing Kaylee.
"If you're the one carrying them for 9 months." You say raising your brow.
"Hmm come on just look how perfect they are." He says raising Kaylee up and smiling up at her.
Suddenly Kaylee throws up on Kyle making Kate laugh.
"You were saying?"
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A/N: Hey guys! I wanted to make a cute little thing for yall and I really hope you liked it! I'll definitely do more guys just lemme know who should be in the next part and who knows maybe we can have whole fic dedicated to one of these dads 🩷
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sarahaktozier · 2 months ago
i can't love you
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summery: he loves you, but you can't hurt your sister.
genre: angst
warnings:Brief spoilers for season 2 but it's really not a lot. tell me if i missed anything :)
a\n: well, i hope you like it. maybe i'll do a part two, tell me if i should. btw the story isn't set in season two but you can imagine it when ever you want<3
"i sound crazy don't i?" El said as she laid on your bed and hugged a pillow.
"yes, yes you do" you said chuckling and laying next to her "but that's the point of love, isn't it?"
"wow....that was so cute"
"i know, i heard it on TV" you joked and you both laughed
"but seriously" she said as she stopped laughing and sat straight "i love him. i really really love Mike Wheeler"
"i still don't get why you won't just confess to him"
"confess to him?! are you out of your mind?" she said looking alarmed
"yeah, why not? i'm sure he will like you back" you said as you sat up straight.
"he would, probably like me back. there is a 50% chance he won't. no, no, no, there is a 70% chance he won't"
"can you stop with the numbers? you are being dramatic. he would...." but your speech was cut off by your dad, Jim Hopper's voice.
"girls, dinner!" he called and you took El's hand.
"c'mon, we can't talk about your complicated love life with an empty stomach" you teased as she rolled her eyes playfully. ✶----------------------------------✿--------------------------------------✶
".....she is the most beautiful girl i have ever seen! she is smart, funny, hot, sarcastic, we have shared interests...." Mike said as they all sat in his basement.
"okay, Mike, we get it! we have seen her a million times before" Lucas said cutting him off
"yeah Mike, you should quit rambling" Will said as he chuckled
"i'm not rambling!"
"yes, you are. it's always: y\n Hopper this, y\n Hopper that" Dustin teased mocking Mike and then making kissing noises making everyone laugh except Mike
"yeah, yeah, laugh all you want. not that you guys would shut up about Suzie and Max" Mike said rolling his eyes
"hey! they are our girlfriends. if you just tell y\n how you feel, we will stop teasing you" Lucas said making Mike roll his eyes again
"yeah like it's as simple as that"
"it is! look, Mike, y\n had been our friend since we were 5. telling her how you feel isn't that hard"
"yes, it is. it may ruin our whole friendship if i tell her how i feel and she doesn't feel the same"
"that's the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard" Dustin said "of course she likes you back!"
"you're supposed to say that because you're my friend"
"maybe, but deep down, we both know i'm right"
Mike knew he was right. he should just stop being scared and tell her how he feels. ✶----------------------------------✿--------------------------------------✶
you were laying on your bed. weeks had past since the day El told you how she feels about Mike.
You honestly didn't know how to feel. you thought about the day your dad brought El home from the jungle. you were surprised. you and everyone else thought she was dead but she wasn't.
you remembered how you really saw each other as sisters. you can't ruin that. you can't break her heart. no.
no matter how hard you've fallen for Mike Wheeler. you can't. ✶----------------------------------✿--------------------------------------✶
you heard a knock on your room door. "come in?"
the door opened revealing the one and only, Mike Wheeler. "hey, y\n\n"
you smiled widely but it quickly faded when you remembered the promise you made to yourself. you tried to bring back the smile. "hey Mike"
he took a deep breath and sat next to you on your bed. he could practically hear his own heart beat of how fast it was beating. he scratched the back of his head and exhaled before speaking.
"umm....y\n, there is something i needed to tell you. something that's been in my mind for a while"
"what is it?" you felt a little worried
"i.....well.....i....you won't think it's disgusting... Right?"
"i won't, Mike, promise. just tell me what's wrong?"
"i.......i have feeling's for you. more than a friend, kind of feeling. I've been trying to find the right words, but nothing seems enough. I love you. I've loved you for as long as I can remember."
"you what?" you said not believing what you just heard. he can't have feeling's for you. he.....El loves him. and it doesn't matter if you love him because El does!
"i love you, y\n. i always have" he said looking for a positive reaction in your eyes. you sighed. you wanted to say it. you wanted to say those 3 damn words back.
but you couldn't. you couldn't hurt your sister.
"Mike, i....."
"Just tell me you feel the same, please" he said as you hide from his gaze. "do you feel the same?" he muttered.
he felt like he already knew the answer but wanted to ask.
you wanted to kiss him. kiss him right there, not caring about what would happen next but you couldn't.
"Mike, I… I can't. Please, leave. just go" you said your voice barely above a whisper.
"y\n, please.....i......"
"mike, leave......please"
Mike sighed. he could feel his heart break and got up to leave but before opening the door he turned to you
"Why won't you let me in? I thought we shared everything. Why is this different?"
"Mike, please. things are not that simple"
"So, what? We just pretend this never happened? We just go back to being friends?"
Mike sighed feeling tears as he turned back.
"This isn't fair. But if it's what you want… I'll go. But I'll always love you." he walked outside the room and closed the door behind him. the door made a small noise as it was closed.
you didn't hold back tears anymore. they fell as you finally whispered: 'i love you too' to yourself.
(part two?)
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dollfaced-erin · 1 year ago
𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟'𝕤 ℂ𝕣𝕒𝕕𝕝𝕖 (Blade x F!Reader x Jing Yuan)
PART 1 , PART 2 , PART 3 , PART 4 , PART 5 , PART 6 , PART 7 , PART 8 , PART 9 , PART 10 , PART 11
A/n : -
This is where the story begins to differ from canon. But i have a way to solve this no worries ! hahah (oh lord...) Yes, as usual, i'll have to add my own elements to make sure the story makes sense, but I've put in alot of thought about it ! (do tell me later how i've done, im really not sure because of this story started before much lore was revealed...)
Taglist : -
@rebeccawinters , @nayukiyukihira , @pix-stuff , @fluffy-koalala , @swivy123 , @starxao , @kaoyamamegami , @kimura-uzuri , @rsvye , @seikouryuu , @just-here-reading , @matsulovesyou, @sincerely-aaronette , @prettyliliy , @chibiduck , @hermosacolibri , @la-diablas-thingz , @farelady-fate , @everi-eve , @shadowfoxey , @helloyuki , @immahuman
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Those years of hard work in front of the furnace had really maintained his shape despite his growing age for a fragile short-life species. As he had been training not only how to create weapons, he had also mastered how to brandish them, as a test before he gave them to their rightful owners.
Relentlessly, the swordsmith brandished his sword, panting as he abolished one after another abomination. He wiped the sweat off of his brow, feeling the heat creeping up his aging form. As he panted and sweated, he couldn't help but think of his beloved.
What was she doing ?
How is she faring ?
How many had fallen and was brought into her care ?
For he wished it was him beneath her as she concentrated on healing him. Her flustered state as she worked, the redness dusting the apples of her cheeks, the pants her lips gave out as she grew exhausted over hours of healing.
But that was nothing to her. For she had the will to keep going, the strength to keep providing, the heart to keep helping.
He imagined the sweat that dripped from her brow, the tears that bubbled in the corners of her eyes as she shouted to whomever she was healing to hold on.
She was a soul that could never bare to see suffering of others.
Though he was in a heated battle, he was reminded of his moon. How she would dance so gracefully in amidst battle, swinging her fan he created specifically for her by his own hands, made by his love for her.
He danced like she would. Moved like she would. Breathed like she would. Performance after performance he recited, as he watched every single show she would put on.
He sweat to the core of his clothes, he was feeling as if he would just like to strip, but that wouldn't be safe to him at all.
But then he thought, would his princess sweat like him after her dances ?
Would her petite figure be covered in a sheen layer of sweat, with only the moon as her witness ? Would she pant, breaths coming from her pretty lips as if she stripped off her drenched clothing ? Would her delicate back and sharp shoulders reflect the light of the moon as she basked in the darkness of her room in private...?
Just like...he imagined her to be as she lay panting and crying beneath him...? The soft whimpers, breaking the silence of the room other than their heavy breaths, the way her eyes were half lidded, the way her tears ran down her cheeks as she cried out for his--
"Yingxing ! Watch out !"
The young lieutenant called, slashing his glaive towards the abomination that was about to strike his companion from behind. He looked at his friend worriedly, confused to why his friend was suddenly in a daze.
"Yingxing, are you alright ? You looked spaced out there. That's dangerous !" the young lieutenant called out, to which his friend waved off.
"Y-yeah, I'm okay. I got a little...stunned there for a moment."
Oh, if only he knew...
"What was that...?" Blade wondered as he suddenly woke up from his light slumber.
He had decided to take a short nap while waiting to pass time around the Divination Commission. The time for his part inthe script was long but arriving, and it wouldn't hurt for him to take a short break. After this...things were about to get drastic and messy.
He shook his head. Perhaps Kafka's Spirit Whispers have been getting to him lately ever since he met up with (Y/n). All sorts of memories were coming back so suddenly.
But...Kafka's has been caught by the Divination Commission already. So how could her Spirit Whisper be attacking him so suddenly...?
Perhaps spending too much intimacy with (Y/n) during the two nights was beginning to rouse something deep within him. Or the Mara was just messing with him to corrupt his mind again...
He should...stay away from her for the time being until Kafka is able to have him back in control. Who knows what might happen to her if he had such thoughts while being in this phase of his Mara...
(A/n : okay that's all from me heheheh have funn~!)
"Sanctus Medicus....that is a name I haven't heard in a...very, very long time...but...isn't exactly alien to my ears..." (Y/n) said, putting her chin between her forefinger and her thumb. She frowned as she tried to make out what intel she had received earlier.
The trailblazers had left to investigate the wanted organization hiding within the Alchemy Commissions to research forbidden methods of immortality. (Y/n) obviously stayed behind to not rouse any suspicion.
"Yes, Lady (Y/n). The Disciples of Sanctus Medicus have been around since your era in the past thousand years. But they were silent, merely worshipping the Plagues Author for their blessing of longevity. But since the Third Abundance War that happened less that 30 years ago...they have rose yet again to cause havoc..." Qingzu tried to explain to (Y/n).
Then the secretary realized something, looking at (Y/n) with wide eyes. "L-Lady (Y/n)...did you just....remember something...?"
"Huh ? Oh Disciples of Sanctus Medicus ? Y-yeah...I think...I remember that much back..." (Y/n) said, before something in her snapped.
No matter...keep running.
And in the distance, was a puff of smoke. It was puffing up in the sky, contaminating the air with its burnt smell, accompanied by the musty smell of rain.
The rain was hindering her sight, but she kept pushing on.
Snippets of pictures came to her mind. Everything was just...happening too fast. She barely remembered anything. It was...so blurry. But she could feel everything.
A body of a man lied lifeless on the ground, being held by another man tenderly in his arms, his back facing her.
Even her current self knew who that was, lying in the embrace of the Imbibator Lunae.
Could it be...?
"Lady (Y/n) !" Qingzu called out and (Y/n)'s mind came back to where she was.
She was currently on the ground as Qingzu was hovering by her side, looking worriedly, Dahao on her other side. Both of them looked pale, as if they saw a ghost.
"Wh...what happened...?" (Y/n) asked, looking at Qingzu.
Then the Vidyadhara woman looked at Dahao, then back to (Y/n). "Lady (Y/n), you passed out. You said something about Sanctus Medicus and you...suddenly fell backwards."
"A-are you alright...?" Dahao asked her as (Y/n) slowly sat up on the marble floor, looking quite confused. Her mind was suddenly snapped back and forth and she herself didn't understand it. Dahao had someone get (Y/n) a glass of water as Qingzu went to go for a phone call.
And as (Y/n) sat on the ground, sipping water slowly, Qingzu came back. Her expression was etched with worry and uncertainty, but she knew she had a message to relay. So she crouched down in front of (Y/n) who was still trying to get her bearings right.
"Lady (Y/n). The General had instructed you to go see Lady Fu Xuan at the Divination Commission. As the esteemed guests have their hands full with the undercover mission to expose the traitors, he has instructed me to escort you to see Lady Fu Xuan." Qingzu said softly, rubbing (Y/n)'s arm for comfort.
"Wh...what for ?" "I reported to the General that you had passed out trying to recollect memories of the past and he told me that it had happened to you last night too. Perhaps its better to see Lady Fu Xuan help with those blockages..."
"So...it was possible to regain my memories all this time ? Why...why didn't anyone tell me this ?" (Y/n) said, looking at Qingzu with betrayal in her eyes.
"Lady (Y/n)...please, I am only relaying the information provided to me. Perhaps Lady Fu Xuan could help you answer your questions." Qingzu said, understanding that (Y/n) must've felt lost and confused ever since she woke up, without much to help her through.
"I...I understand. I'm sorry, Miss Qingzu..." (Y/n) said, sighing as she apologized. Qingzu was right, (Y/n) shouldn't let her temper get the better of her since she was just doing her job.
"Then...let's get going. I suppose the sooner the better." (Y/n) said as she handed Dahao the cup and slowly stood up, looking determined.
"Yes. Follow me, Lady (Y/n). I'll take you there." Qingzy said, before leading the dragon lady out of the Realm-Keeping Commission.
"It's not certain." Fu Xuan replied, her arms crossed over her chest. "We have to determine the type of interference in your mind. It could be either something is blocking those memories, or they are merely dormant in you."
"I suppose it's the latter if you are starting to remember bits and parts. The reason why the General didn't send you earlier is because he worries that too much information could be deadly to your consciousness." Fu Xuan said, as she began to walk somewhere.
"Come with me, Lady (Y/n)," The Master Diviner said, and the horned lady followed attentively behind the smaller petite lady.
"But then...why did he change his mind ?" (Y/n) asked, finding Jing Yuan's reasons quite understandable.
"Because even now, as you already are trying to remember bits and pieces, and it's threatening your consciousness, tampering and overlapping, causing your mind to revert into overdrive. It's dangerous for you to keep the unknown origins of knowledge, because it may corrupt you." Fu Xuan said as they got closer to the Matrix of Prescience.
"Don't worry. Just step in there and I'll do the rest. Whatever you see in there, you'll have to face it. If something is indeed blocking your memories, I'll be there to help guide you through it. But if it's dormant memories, I'll help block out what may come as dangerous to you, and help clear up the fog in your current memories."
(Y/n) nodded, feeling a little unsure. But this was what she had been waiting for all along, hasn't she ? But would she change after she saw everything...?
"Don't worry. I'll pull you back out shall matters become disastrous." Fu Xuan said, assuring (Y/n) with a hand on her back. "Whatever happened in the past doesn't apply to you now. You are a new person, and you are merely looking into the person you used to be and recovering information."
(Y/n) nodded, her hand going to touch the accessory that adorned her ear. With a deep breath and determination running through her veins, she stepped into the matrix domain.
"Keep calm. This wont take long." Fu Xuan said before (Y/n)'s vision went to black.
Flashes of memories came to her. All her past feats, her abilities, her friends, the way she used to live. Everything came to her in a flash without much detail, seeming to be Fu Xuan and the Matrix of Prescience filtering all what is needed for her to know and not.
She saw glimpses of faces of people she knew. People she's seen in her dreams. Jingliu...Baiheng...Jing Yuan...her brother, Dan Feng..
Suddenly everything turned bright, as she was looking out the window, standing on the porch, admiring the scenery as the artificial sun on the Luofu as it set. The gold rays of light bounced all over, basking her in the warm light.
A hand softly landed on her shoulder, and a middle aged man looked at her, his blue eyes twinkling with warmth and love. The man then leaned in to kiss her cheek, his lips lingering there for a moment before he looked at his beloved with emotion so intense, it made her blush.
"Beloved...you're finally home..." 'she' said, as she faced her lover who took her soft and slender hands into his calloused and rough own.
"Yes, my Moon princess. I apologize for being late." Yingxing said, as his thumbs caressed the moisturized skin of his love. He lifted her hand and kissed her palm, earning a light giggle from the receiver.
"Where did you venture off today ? Do tell me about your affairs of the day, my star." 'She' said, her voice so mature and sweeter than the sweetest nectar.
"Nowhere of your concern. Just an old man's folly passing time with leisure of old." Yingxing replied, looking at her with love, then letting go of her hands. "I'll tell you all about it, Moon. Don't you have a meeting with the Alchemy Commission later today regarding the books of healing properties ?"
"O-oh, yes ! I must've forgotten ! Thank you for the reminder, Yingxing." the dragon lady said, her hands to her lips as she looked at her lover with surprise and remembrance. "I was researching about the ways of healing those with Mara. Successfully, I've found a way to slow it down by freezing their cores."
"Battle wise...I'd need to reconfirm with the Imbibator Lunae later to devise a plan. I've found a new technique of healing I've been elated to try ! I'll recall the details to tell you later !" the beloved said excitedly, before planting a kiss on her betrothed's cheek, before scurrying of in a flurry of exclusive cloths.
"My my...as hasty and as excitable as ever, my Moon..." Yingxing said with a small chuckle leaving his lips. Then his eyes looked down, his smile fading and wavering, for he had not told his lover the entire truth.
For the reason he had been missing all day was because he was granted access to the Dragon Palace in Scalegorge Waterscape by Dan Feng to return a favor. He went straight into the archives to recover something he had stumbled upon once.
With the access granted by Dan Feng, Yingxing went into the archives, searching for the scrolls he had accidentally seen Dan Jia storing away. The scrolls regarding methods of Immortality and the Transmutation Arcanum.
He began to ponder, looking into the horizon and recounting his day to the sky. As the man closed his eyes in regret, so did the vision of him on the lonely porch, as all began to fade to black.
"I'm sorry, my Moon...for I have betrayed you..." a voice rang out through the dark depths of void visions.
It was raining.
As she opened her eyes, she was on the ground blood pooling her form. She was weak. Everything hurt. Even breathing hurt.
"Dan Feng ! This wasn't what you promised us ! This isn't what you promised me !" A man screamed in agony, pain evident in his voice.
The middle aged man held his sword in his hand, clothes drenched with blood and grime. His body was wet from the rain, long hair coming undone from its usual updo. Blue eyes filled with grief and pain.
"You...you promised me she wouldn't be harmed !"
"Yingxing..." another voice called out, power and authority carrying through the sounds of rain that peltered the stone grounds. But even then, that voice sounded pained and destroyed.
"We have to save her. Don't worry, Dan Jia won't die..." the man said, standing up as he held a beating organ in his hand. The organ robbed from the chest of the fallen who lay merely a few feet away from them.
"Take my sister somewhere safe. Then immediately come back. She wont die from that," Dan Feng said. "If she died...I would've died too..."
"Make haste, Yingxing, for we have limited time if we're to carry out our plan."
"But I--!"
"Do you want her sacrifice to be in vain ?"
Yingxing stopped, looking at the Imbibator Lunae in disbelief. His blue eyes widened, lips parted. And through the heavy rain, there was a small 'what...?' barely audible.
"You agreed to mask your death to fool my sister to drop her guard and for me to take her heart. This all happened, because we planned for all this to happen to save HER ! You cannot tell me that I am heartless, for using my sister like this ! You know well enough that I am sacrificing my own position, my power and my FAMILY !" Dan Feng exclaimed, voice thundering through the gloomy weather.
"But if we do this...we could bring back Baiheng. And Dan Jia would still live. If all goes well." Dan Feng said softly before her sight of them began to blur, her vision turning dark.
"We must invoke the power of the Abundance now...you know what to do now, Yingxing."
"That's enough...(Y/n)." a foreign distorted voice said, kicking her out of her memory.
Before she knew it, she was back in the Divination Commission, looking at her with worry and surprise.
"Wh...what happened...?"
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