#i'm not gonna tag all of them cause thats a lot of work
brrypiiix · 23 days
I'm sorry but...Clay x Trollex? Why? Clay doesn't even know Trollex! To me and some, their ship doesn't make any sense...at all. Sure, I know people can ship whatever they like but this ship, it's a big...nah for me.
I’m gonna try and put this in the nicest way possible. Bare in mind, I’ve dealt with this sort of comment since the third movie came out. I’m sick and tired of this comment.
If you TRULY want to know why I ship this ship just look at my blog and look at the art Ive made along with the hcs I wrote about claylex. All listed under claylex tag. Easy to find and read. I wrote a lot about how I view their relationship and how it’d work. Just look if you truly are curious.
Im so glad you gave me your opinion that I didnt ask for. Im sure you feel very fulfilled. “To me and some” oh trust me I know. You and some sure like to make it known that yall dont agree or like with the ship. I get “I dont ship them” every time I post Claylex.
First off, why I ship them is due to my ability to think about how other trolls could fit Clay well as a character. That lead to me evolving how I view claylex. Limiting characters from being shipped with other characters just cause they never met is seriously the most uncreative thing ever, I’m sorry. You dont have to ship it, but dear lord let people get creative and enjoy their ships because they can in fact create entire lore of how and why the relationship works. I could go on and on about why I absolutely love claylex, but I don’t wanna waste it on a comment like this. You may have not intended for it to come out rude, but when someone comes to another who they see ships something to such an extent only to go out their way to say “I dont see it”, “I dont ship it”, “Thats a nah for me”, Like I dont WANT to make you ship claylex and I dont want to put you down for not liking it, but you are going out your way to say this about my most favorite ship that brings me so much powerful comfort. I really dont care if you dont understand it. But seriously, this goes to everyone who comments stuff like this to people who ship characters, if you comment “I dont ship them but” or “I dont ship them and here’s why” It just puts down that person who ships it. Even the ones that are meant to be compliments like “I dont ship it but your arts cute”, like why do you have to add that in? If we didnt ask just move on. You telling me you dont like the ship will NOT make me stop. So why tell me this??
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keylovesstuff · 8 months
Hiii Everyone!!!
I've been around for years now and have never introduced myself. mainly cause I just choose to vibe and enjoy the posts people share, but first time for everything. You can just call me Key, I'm 24 and I go by she/her. I enjoy a variety of stuff from manwha, manga, anime, video game franchises, and just a bunch of other animated media you name its probably buried down in my blog somewhere. Every now and then I get motivation to create fanfiction. I have only written works the Dragonball and Super Mario fandom All my works are under the "Keep Reading". My DMs and askbox here is always open if you ever want to chat I apologize in advance if I come across as a bit awkward (socializing is not a strong suit of mine) or if it takes me a minute to reply (adulting and hobbies am I right?), otherwise I'm a pretty chill person. Thats about it!
One of these days I really want to change my Penname...But I've had it for years now and I'm way too attached to it lmao.
Super Mario Fics: So a lot of these are Princess Peach centric and I'm just crafting up an origin story and some other events following the 2023 film. The links take you to the tumblr post but I have included the AO3 and FFN (for reading preferences) links either in the original post itself or in the case of my earlier stuff in the reblogs.
Lost And Found
A Learning Opportunity (2 chapters on both AO3 and FFN. They are both on the same post here)
Thoughts Over Tea
Finding The Balance
Little Events (currently 4 chapters)
Chapter 1: The Dark
Chapter 2: A Decision
Chapter 3: The Coronation
Chapter 4: Proposals
Dragonball Fics: The first fandom I have ever written for (and by penname you could probably tell what I read mostly) I have only shared them on FFN and AO3 until now. I was just starting to write fanfiction with the first two so they might be kinda cringe I guess but that's 16 year old me for you haha. gonna embrace the cringe by sharing it on here anyways.
Tournament Day
The Prince Before The Day ( I am never gonna finish that one or go back to it lol)
Bulla's Easter Day
Even when I started making fics I'm still not sure what goes through my mind when it comes to the title or chapter titles its literally the first thing that comes to mind and nothing after that but we will get it one day for sure.
Here's Some WIPs (that's both written and not) you guys can look forward too from me. I'll remove them and add them under the appropriate fic tags once I post them:
Uncle Yamcha fic: It is currently three chapters. The first one is him and Trunks, second is Marron, and the third one is Bra/Bulla. I really want to think of one for him and Goten but nothing has come to my mind. I just think he's more close to Krillin and Bulma where he'd interact more with their kids and I can't think of a scenario for him and Goten or what they would even talk about but maybe something will come. (I've currently sent this off to my Beta for review but lemme know if you guys want to see the un-beta'd version I have on here cause I'm really forward to sharing it)
Untitled EOZ fic following after Goku leaves the Tournament grounds to train Uub. This one sits at about 8k words (not sure exactly cause I added a bunch of notes at the end for my beta to see where my thoughts were going with it all) anyways this one focuses mainly on Trunks, Goten, Marron, Pan, and Bra as really the older kids look forward to what may lie ahead. A lot of it is just me focusing on the dynamics they have with each other. When I saw that dlc for kakorat was going to be focused on that one that really makes me want to share this one. Again let me know if you want to see that.
Based on this Ask here you can already see that I've completed 3 out of my 5 ideas so that leaves the other ones and maybe more if I think of anything else. All of these will probably be added to my Little Events fic. a few little ideas not shared here but I've thought about and have some dialoge in mind but haven't fully created yet.
I want to do something where Mario and Haru interact I just think it'll be so neat.
Maybe something where I do my take on introducing Sarasland and Princess Daisy. Probably along the lines of Peach meeting Daisy for the first time.
I need to hop on the wholesome bros. content at some point and I know I wanna try my hand with Mia and Pio as a part of it.
I think thats it for now...I'll probably add more if I think of something as having somwhere to put it down no matter how small it is can be nice to look at and push me towards getting it done.
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laprimera · 11 months
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alrighty so after some reflection and getting some outside stuff prioritized Im done some blog housework so I can get comfortable here again.
im still gonna continue my hiatus until november cause the rest of October still has a lot of rl appointments and stuff going on. ill be nuking my ask and drafts to get into maximum turtle plot overdrive and just start things clean, but here's the skinny under cut:
. Ive went and cleaned up my followers list. mostly of inactive blogs, non-mutual or blogs that haven't reached out or interacted at all. I use to think I liked a busier dash but I think trying to keep up with it had been giving me anxiety even if my muses weren't involved in anything plot wise. FOMO has been really killing my vibe more then anything and I need to cut that habit out.
you're a-okay to refollow though! I'll do the same. none of this was done out of malice or a personal dislike, and I get being so busy w/ life and personal plots that you cant interact with everyone in a convenient moment. but if you see this as an opportunity to reach out then by all means! that and I might've accidentally unfollowed one or two of you cause side-blog deal, clumbsy thumbs, and uuh, dont mind me realizing that later down the line-my bad!
. unless carefully plotted otherwise, anything outside my own canons, affiliated blogs/mains or plots is no longer canon to my own. any interaction or thread initiated towards my muses will default fall into my lore/verse unless vice versa or its plotted and etc etc. It's no longer just hanging there in the void so to speak. I need to feel more in control of my own narrative I think and trying to puzzle a lot of contradicting outside plots, dash events, etc has been mentally taxing when rp shouldn't be occupying so much space or anxiety to begin with lol.
this isn't to say everything thats happening in the dash or w/ other characters isn't important ofc! and I still want to participate; it'll just fall under a crack/non-canon tag. if things end up lining up p' well with whats going on here then I might take it into canon. This is p' much what I've been doing to begin with, it's just more concrete now and Im being more careful of what Im willing to accept now. Im ofc open to discussing stuff! DMs and disco for those who have it are open always even if I take a moment to get to it!
. Im no longer answering anon asks that are personal in some way, ie, around subject matters that aren't general headcanons asks or 'hey how do you feel about-' sorta deal. I dont feel comfortable taking it to public and while I understand having the fear of being identified, it's not fair if I'm the only one bearing the subject so to speak. If you want to talk to me through DMs you can either tell me your UN (no burners either) so I can bypass permissions here to chat or you can reach me at @shiny-miltank where my IMs are not barred to mutuals only. I don't bite really! and my discord is not public. tbh Im still very anxious about being on disco to begin w/ cause social anxiety flare ups. idk tumblr dms always seemed easier to chat until I know you on a personal basis-its just worked that way.
. making it more strict that you dont? put my geeta in place of plots, events, etc that I havent participated or plotted with, nor can you make assumptions for them based on said events. as slapped on every piece on my about/rules/pinned/etc shes heavily canon-divergent to begin with so no one knows her intentions/actions (save for me ofc) and wont act in what presumed canon-geeta would do or your own version so to speak. easy enough to slap me an IM for "is it okay to-", plotting, or just make a nebulous npc stand-in.
. things that havent changed are the use of my lore and headcanons into your own! I love seeing it integrated or adapted into other lore and seeing just how much it inspires and changes over time!
this all seems rigid but really it's just reiterating whats already in my rules and no one here has been a huge offender at all :' ) this is more for me to follow and I cant thank everyone enough for their patience and creativity for as long as I've been here. Im loosey goosey and go with the flow 90 out of 100 times.
this goes for the rest of my muses, which Ill probably clean up when Im back-but yeah! miss ya'll! hope you've been doin' good! the terrapagos plot will continue then and Ill resume reaching out and leaving details! hopefully in time for dlc ; >
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peppermint-moss · 3 months
13, 19, 22, 25, 32! :)
13. talk about a wip you like! wink wonk needletail amv!!!!!!!!! I'm determined to get him done by end of summer before uni starts again AUGH its gonna happen im gonna do it i SWEAR here's some thoughts
I was like 'why is this video taking so long' n then realized most of my amvs are 3 min tops and this one is 5 MINUTES WITH BACKGROUNDS like yea bud its gonna take a while afjskdlhg
I'm trying da vinci resolve again and with a new faster computer it's actually been going alright!! I hate. the gaussian blur it's doing weird things but I don't want to figure out how to use fusion to workaround it and it's not a huge issue so... just gonna leave it be
i hatee backgrounds and they're just kind of. im doing them out of necessity and shortcutting the hell out of them lol dont look at the backgrounds too closely when the video comes out LMAO
video itself is going good!! there's a lotta scenes im v excited to see come into its final stage and im v excited C: !!! sneak peak be upon ye!!
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19. where do you find inspiration? I have an 'art ref' tag on my main blog that I usually just kind of scroll through so its mostly a collection of art/photos/colours etc i find on tumblr c:
22. do you have a favorite color palette to work with? I love warmer toned like soft brown-tinted pieces but I've never actually drawn with that i don't think.. Cooler tones I think are trickier for me (I keep ending up with pink in there but I don't think I should be??? idk lol) but i Looove when I can add a pop of like cold piercing cyan to a warm piece hehe
25. what size canvas/paper do you use? I used to draw somewhere in the 3000x2000 px range, BUT my friends were like thats so small!! and they draw on like 5000x5000 px which sounded WILD to me but I gave 5000px a shot and WOW i do like it... i can get more detail in with my lil brush.. yea so I'm transitioning over to using bigger canvases now lol
32. have you done a lot of collabs? No not besides the occasional map part (which I only really stick to doing just my part anyways!) I prefer to work individually waay more which is like a strength and a weakness cause I don't think I'm very receptive to collaborative work lol (i have less patience for it and am less likely to voice my thoughts orz.. I'd like to be better at collaboration but because its smth I avoid my brain's like well no need to improve that then afjdsklgh) BUT im p baller at getting things done on my own
Something i DID do a while back is the art collab meme with some friends which I actually really loved how they all turned out!! C: (Jo is me btw lol) (idk if there's an originator for this meme ? closest i could find was this but lemme know if there's someone else to credit)
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ask game questions here
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hi ! i just read all of the hunger au tag and #($+$(()33-(# . Hm . God awful . I am a worse person because of it /j . I have a lot of thoughts !!
First off , i find the conversion of biology and software fascinating , specially in the concepts of first worlds ! Like , you mentioned how players are more often spawned rather than born , and i personally interpret their first worlds as a sort of prenatal stage . think abt it , they're still connected to the universal code , still relying on it to learn and advance , and after they shed it and are finally "born" as themselves , able to access the rest of the world .
also , lots of body horror in this au . like , code , right ? i keep imagining the universal code as sort of veins , tendrils freshly born players are still teetered with , the connections grian has to put effort into severing as fleshy tendrils twisting and clinging unto players . much wet !
speaking of which , listeners , dude . i think genuinely they r much more scarier than watchers because they're not noticeable , their effects r not threatening , they don't stick to you n eat your insides , they get into your system and /change/ you , fuse into you , how many people have been affected by it ? even worse when you take into account they connect with other infected , n worse when they work towards Goals . girl what goals could the listeners want ????? I'm terrified .
And grian finally !!!!!! For al this time I've been looking at grian as having an eating disorder , cause , well , he does . It's so interesting , he ticks almost all the boxes . The guilt , the hiding it through clothing , the fact he's thinking of food all the time , damn . I'm also eternally fixated on the image of , like , the existential horror on it . he was created by sucking himself dried of code , he broke out of his own skin . something something caterpillars completely melt themselves in their cocoon before emerging as butterflies something something .
anyhow , such fun !!! I'm definitely gonna draw a lot for this , you're a great writer fr grrrr -🔆
Im really glad you've picked up on these concepts and themes i've carefully folded into this au, because it means they're coming across really clearly!!! :D thats how i know im doing my job as a writer, so im very pleased because all of these things you've mentioned (except maybe the Greater Code as tendrils) have been baked into the au with great deliberation
Spawned Players and their first worlds are absolutely very prenatal in nature-- i described to a friend a few months ago that a spawned Player's relationship to their first server, and the universe at large, is like an "umbilical cord" that they eventually detach from as they grow older :] how fast they go through that process depends ofc on the individual Player, but that was the general idea behind that concept!!
There's definitely a TON of body horror in this au WKDNWJDJSJ thats one of the first things i remember cw-ing for when explaining this au for the first time. Actual historical record right here LMFAO:
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I personally tend to see the Greater Code as this sorta like. Fabric of binary, that forms the base for what everything in this universe is made of. Within it are echoes of recycled information, code that comes together to form the impressions of old meaning-- you could almost think of them as ghosts. No longer conscious, but emulating fragments of what they once were. Also, any and all body horror imagery is the full fault of my cousin, whom i consider the ultimate Horror Guy in my life, as well as his favorite video game, Dead Space, which has. so much meat in it, gods bless<3
Listeners are absolutely more scary than Watchers imo; i was sorta thinking of cordyceps as well as the mycorrhizae when i was coming up with them!!! There's something utterly terrifying about being so subtly changed and just not knowing why. You can see and hear Watchers; their presence is palpable even if you dont know what they are. But a Listener? They're quiet. Symbiotic but deeply, utterly invasive. Definitely more frightening on an existential level than a Watcher, which i find suitable for something modeled after fungi.
As for Grian, he 100% has an eating disorder. My portrayal of that in the au is very deliberate, even though its not directly stated. So im glad you picked up on that!!! And if you do draw anything for this for the love of gods send it here or tag me in the post i will DIE i love fanart and i am guaranteed to scream about it for a million years AUGH
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elixlozgamer · 2 years
Im probably gonna get a lot of hate. Im probably gonna get death threats in my ask box (again. Yes Im looking at you "kill the soldiers" anon. Speaking of which, anon will be OFF until this post stops getting notifs. Block me if you don't want to see any other opinions than you own, because I'm allowed to have them.)
Rest of PSA is below the cut. TW for mention of death threats and possible cussing.
But we do NOT need to send death threats, things with smutty themes, etc. Into a celebrities ask box all because they're gonna be on this site.
They're people just as much as we are. If you don't like them, theres a handy-dandy feature called "blocking and moving on". Not writing rude messages. Not saying "Blazing a post is a pvp attack". (Because god forbid an artist use a feature to be seen)
I understand not wanting big corps to make their way on Tumblr. Believe me, I do. However Tumblr's advertising (or at least on mobile) is easilly skippable/you can scroll past or actually look at the ad if its somewhat interesting.
Also, Tumblr sells shoelaces for 19 dollars. That should only be like three dollars, but it shows that it really does need the money. (@indigoartistqueen mentioned that, along with other various things in this article) Such as paying programmers to create new features. Paying artists to create new logos and themes. paying the employees that check out the reports. (which I am rlly sorry for them bc I just so happen to keep finding really rude comments or things shipping an 8 year old with an 1000 year old.)
So, if tumblr got a little more money, then merch will cost less. Features will cost less. You can crab someone for less for goodness sakes. (Speaking if which, if you REALLY hate a celeb that badly, run them off with crabs.) But tumblr, just like any other site and app, NEEDS money to keep it running.
Also, don't you think SOME form of algorithm will be good? Or at least better search results? Because artists do tend to use very different tags. (Like memes, funny, lmao, lol, etc.) All that could be grouped under "Funny" so that people can actually find and search for their content easier.
Not to mention that with the way the tumblr staff are, I highly doubt they're gonna be implementing things that will cause a riot from their supporters, like the algorithm, bc the blogs ARE the algorythm, reblogging stuff they like to spread it out.
But just a better tagging system! i myself have stopped posting art as much because I just DON'T get seen! People just don't like or reblog my work, but if I were to blaze it, I would suddenly have 1,000 notes full of threats and "this is a pvp attack. Everybody block on sight."
Now, getting back to the celebrity thing. So many people have said that they don't want any political opinions to divide this site. Well I'd hate to break it to you, but we have, in some form, a type of political dispute. Usually its over the type of view one should have on a fiction character. How you can interpret them. What headcanons are correct. Which fandoms better. Which characters hotter. I could go on over the disputes! Plus the political side of tumblr! Science side of tumblr! Religous site on tumblr!
It never ends! If you don't like a celebrity, DON'T SEND DEATH THREATS TO THEIR ASK BOX! Some will actually commit it! Instead, BLOCK. THEM. It's easy! Don't pay attention to it! Just block them. If you really don't like them, send a cursed image, like I don't know, Patrick Star in stripper heels! A perfect circle thats slightly off! Do NOT send threats, because they're humans just like you! (Or as a Fairy myself, xenogenders as well)
Point is, quit trying to run celebrities off this site all because you're afraid of contriversal opinions that you don't agree with! Just block them! It's there for a reason! It's not like roblox where you can only block 100 people total!
Use the block feature. Don't fight fire with fire. It will ONLY get worse. You don't see firemen using flamethrowers, do you??? No! Please for the LOVE OF WHOEVER OR WHATEVER YOU BELIEVE IN quit spreading hate! It only makes things worse! You're only making yourself worse! Just because tumblr is an anonymous site does not mean you can do whatever you want... Because guess what? There's other humans right behind that post you just saw! (Unless its a bot ofc, that's a different story for another time)
Respectfully, have a good day. If you don't like my opinion, block me. If you send me a threat, I'll block and report you.
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weer02 · 5 months
thanks for the tag @lenorelovesmax!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
just one, my current one - ambivalence! sooo i'll probably be a little too repetitive in these responses, 'cause all i have to say is about this fic.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
138k so far
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
-ambivalence (211)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
of course i do! i appreciate every single one of them and i always reply to let the person know that i'm thankful for it.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
actually, i haven't completed one fic yet... but apart from that i would never write a fic with an angsty ending. only angst through story, ending must be hopeful!
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
like i said above, haven't completed one fic yet.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i got one short hate comment back in 2019, but i deleted it✨ i don't need that kind of negativity in my comment section✨
9. Do you wrote smut?
i sometimes kinda wish i was able to, 'cause there moments later in fic where they'd fit, but my ace ass (ace-spec to be precise) just has no idea how to do it. but if i ever was to write smut i'd like it to be not really straightforward if you know what i mean. fun fact, in chapter 21 i wrote a scene between max&warren where they get a little closer than usual (it's nowhere near smut tho) and that felt...off? like i had no idea what i was even writing! ok. thats it hahaha
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've ever written?
never wrote crossovers
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
fortunately not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
actually someone offered to translate my fic and i agreed, i've been checking their profile and the translated fic never appeared . it was in 2020, so 4 years ago and the translation is nowhere to be found unfortunately. but i once translated chapter 1 into my native language just for fun.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
never, but that could've been fun!
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
hmmmm, that's a tough question! im not that big of a shipper i think. and lot of my ships are considered to be controversial in fandoms... i'm gonna sound boring and obvious to say caulscott, cause it's the first ship that came to my mind, but is it my fave? it's very interesting to explore, and i love to read numbers of fic with them falling for each other over and over again. from the more " wholesome "ships i can think of, it's dani and jamie from the haunting of bly manor. their story is beautiful and tragic at the same time, and quite important personally for a reason.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
i won't say that i doubt it, but i really really want to finish ambivalence. it's been so long since i started it and there's either personal stuff that gets in the way or lack of inspiration/motivation that makes the process go on for so long. but i have to finish it no matter what, 'cause i don't like leaving stuff unfinished and i really want to see the ending of this fic written down!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
oh that's a no from me. i tried it at the beginning, but the dialogues sounded awkward and cringy. the reason i edited chaps 1-5 is that some of dialogues there have been translated from my native language and they sounded off.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
life is strange. i started writing my fic 'cause i was starved for content and wanted to fullfil my wish of nathan saving max from the dark room.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
how do i choose a fav when there's only one? so i have to go with ambivalence. it's my first fic, and it's also very long and i often struggle with stuff that it involves, but overall it's a fun experience.
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cocobittiebites · 1 year
Headcanons about the Main Four + Y/N (afab)
I just wanted to preface that this is just my Headcanons and all of this is for fun! If the characters seem ooc mind your buisness and let me live my delulu life. j/
Also for after having a convo with a friend of mine Y/N is gonna be specified at the top of post if their female, male or gender neutral presenting! Also I know Y/N is suppose to be a self insert but I lover writing personalities so heres some head canons that I have for her!
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Always somehow smells like rain water and eucalyptus
Though he's tried to preserve as much of the traditions and customs of the kurta clan, he's slowly losing it as he goes deeper and deeper his attempt to avenge them.
Keeps a diary but is never consistent with it (sounds like his friendships)
Has the biggest rbf ever and no one is brave enough to point it out.
Absolutely despised fast food, would only eat it if it was the only option for him.
Has never kissed anyone on the lips in his life and most likely will never (sorry guys)
Has the best skin out of the whole group, he doesn't even do much its literally water and face wash
According to him his phone doesn't work, so he doesn't have Spotify to stream new artist (pls call your friend back). I do believe that he would listen to jazz and folk music.
Says he's above petty shit talking but once you get him going, he doesn't stop.
Up until he started wearing suits for his body guard job he use to hand sew his clothes.
Constantly forgets to get hair cuts and gets annoyed when his hair covers his face.
Doesn't respond to texts or calls. In the groupchat he just reads the messages and its rare that he shows up to the group hangouts
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Has a consistent smell of old spice and axe body spray
Has a thing against germs so he always has hand sanitizer on hand for whenever and wherever
Needs to be able to read something to learn it, thats why learning nen was hard for him. (apparently writing down knowelege is sacrilege in the hxh universe but whatever)
Hates modern art with a passion, all he sees are splotches of paint on a canvas with an overpriced tag attached to it.
I hate to say is girls, but he was not a feminist until Y/N beat the shit out of him for saying some bs analogy about locks and keys (if yk im sorry that yk). Would have definitly listened to one of those alpha male podcast. Kurapika almost broke his arm trying to hold Y/N back.
Has kissed one girl in his life, but it was BAD like real bad. He kept doing the kissy face (yk what I'm talking about) and gave the poor thing the ick.
Owns a planner yet never uses it.
Music taste is that of a middle aged father: Eagles, Alice Cooper, Chicago, Radio Head
The best gift giver and honestly the most thoughtful when it comes to his friends.
He'll listen to everyones problems. Honestly such a dad.
Biggest gossip, cannot shut his mouth to save his life
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Smells like iron and burnt sage (grandpa zeno looks like he would be into that hippie shit ngl)
Wants to learn how to surf so bad but doesn't have the time
Y/N gave him a fidget spinner as a joke for his birthday, but he ended up loving it.
Only texts in the groupchat via meme reactions. Responds for both Gon and him because they're always together. Either way Leorio is just happy that someone is responding.
Is so judgmental on what you wear.
Thinks he's cool and edgy for listening to green day and panic! at the disco but really its what every twelve year old boy does.
Met Y/N before the rest of the group so now she's #number1trustedadult. This has caused her a lot of problems with the Zoldyck family, especially with Illumi.
Tried flirting with a girl once but in twelve year old boy fashion he ended up accidentally insulting her. He hasn't attempted to talk to a girl ever since.
Has ice cold skin, like touching it is like touching a corpse thats been stuck in the freezer
Bought purple shampoo for his hair because he noticed that the hard water in most places was discoloring his white hair.
Illumi has been blocked on everything except email, so every once in awhile he'll get random emails from Illumi's spam account.
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Our sweet boy probably smells like salt water and wet forest
Has a wildlife analogy or story for every occasion
Killua has been trying to get him to change outfits, but he absolutely refuses to go into a department store after Aunt Mito lost him in one when he was younger.
Will eat absolutely anything edible.
Has a collection of stuffed animals from everywhere he and Killua have been.
He use to feed all the cats on the island. It gotten so bad that all the rodents on the island are nearly extinct because he's been keeping hundreds of felines alive.
The best swimmer out of everyone.
Does not have a specific type of music he likes but Killua got him to listen to the Weekend and they've bonded over that.
When he was younger he really wanted younger siblings because there weren't many kids on the island.
Has accidentally gotten high trying to eat a wild psychoactive plant on accident
Forgets he has a phone most of the time and when he texts back its mostly in emoji
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She probably smells like lemons and ink (you'll learn eventually)
A GIRLS GIRL (author would write her with the other female characters, however I feel like Y/N would have beef with them due to moral reason)
Like probably has thrown hands with Illumi in multiple occasions for saying that she would make a great Zoldyck house wife.
Really good at puzzles and anagrams.
Horrendously bad at math. Give her a problem more advanced than arithmetic and she's done for.
Has Aunt Mito on speed dial.
During the hunters exam she was paired up with Hisoka during the tower phase and lets say the two have a very (one-sided on Y/N's part) beef.
She's a specialist
got the ick from Chrollo for saying she's not like other girls
listens to all the sad girl artist: laufey, phoebe bridgers, taylor swift, lana del rey, fleetwood mac, e.t.c
Was a camp counselor for a few summers and made friendship bracelets for the whole group.
The only one in the group who has been to therapy (as she should).
Texts frequently in the groupchat, but is very bad at calling back.
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sleepy-achilles · 1 year
I hope you’re feeling a bit better now - I missed your shoutout for asks last night, so sending it now. Would love some ABA Taker and Shawn - lots of Taker calling him boy toy and Shawn being both nervous and excited about it? 🥺
I am, thank you for asking.
I'm just gonna say though, you can send asks in anytime, anyday, even if I don't ask for them, it'll just take me a lil longer to get to them that's the only difference.
Also I love abataker x Shawn and the fact vince didn't even bother putting them in the same ring is a real damn crime.
Hbtaker- My boy toy
I'm doing this in the hbtaker are a tag team world. Because fuck vince.
Shawn hadn't notice it. Maybe it was the fact he was always around the man. It was only when others started mentioning it that he began to notice it. And he did not know how to feel about it.
"How have you never noticed?" Goldust asks. "Because it's not something he does" Shawn shrugs. "It is" Kevin scoffs. Shawn shakes his head. "Not" he huffs as he stands. "Pay close attention. It is." Kevin chuckles. "Sure" Shawn mutters as he makes his way to their promo spot.
He can't fight the smile as he sees the bigger man leaning against the wall waiting. "Hey, your late" Taker smirks. "Sorry, goldust and Kevin kept me back." Shawn shrugs as he moves to the crate the mans stood next to. Shawn doesn't know what's in it, all he knows is, it's his spot. Has been for the longest time. Shawn huffs as he pulls himself onto it as Kurt walks down the hall with vince and the camera crew. "Good thing you came when you did" Taker mutters slipping some tobacco into his mouth. "Sure is" he whispers.
"Michaels! Undertaker!" Vince calls. "What can we do for ya boss man?" Taker asks resting his hand behind Shawn, leaning closer to the man. "Kurt is getting on my nerves" vince states as they move closer. Shawn smirks as Taker chuckles. "Whats new? How does this concern us?" Taker asks. "He's not only having issues with edge and Christian but the Hardy boys" vince tells him. "So find him a tag team partner and let them goto town" Shawn suggests. "I've tried that Shawn. Ain't nobody working with Kurt." Vince sighs. Taker glances at shawn before back at vince. "Fine. I'm sure me and my boy toy can sort it"
Shawns eyes widen.
My boy toy
Oh god the others were right. How long had this been going on?
Shawn feels his cheeks heat. "But we ain't doing it for free. We get a shot at the tag belts and I get to slap him around a bit" Taker smirks causing Kurt to hide behind vince. "Sure. Kurt, you're their bitch now. You come to me once the jobs done and we will talk belts, now goodbye" vince smiles, shaking takers hand and walking off. Shawn tilts his head with a smile and waves at Kurt as Taker smirks and looms over him. "I like it. Kurt angle is my bitch now." Taker chuckles causing the shorter man to gulp. "Dont scare him too soon. It'll spoil the fun" Shawn comments. Taker turns to him. "You are so right boy toy." He states as he holds his hand out. Without thinking, shawn accepts it and lets the bigger man help him down. "Now. Let's go plot. Keep up kurt" Taker hums. "Uh yeah, will so" Kurt nods.
What had vince signed him up for?
"So..are you two a thing?" Kurt asks. Shawn glances up from his boots. "Who? Me and taker?" Shawn asks. Kurt just nods. "No..why do you ask?" Shawn questions. "Oh I just assumed because he refers to you as his boy toy and well you both seem close physically" Kurt admits. Shawn looks down as his cheeks heat up. "Thats just his love language" Taker comments as he walks on, clearly only catching the last part. "Give him time and he'll be with it like you" Taker smirks at Kurt as he moves to shawn.
Shawn bites his lip as takers big hands land on his shoulders. "Isn't that right boy toy?" Taker asks. "I wouldn't say so. He shouldn't be staying long enough." Shawn mutters. "Ooo look at that kurtie! Not even my boy toy wants you around!" Taker laughs massaging shawns shoulders, oblivious to the younger man blush and sudden nerves. "Thanks" Kurt huffs leaning back. "Leave him takes" Shawn whispers. "Im just teasing. Besides I've got a plan to deal with the Hardys and edge" Taker states. This causes Kurt to perk up. "What?" Kurt asks. "Now if I told you that, I'd have to kill ya" Taker smirks.
This catches shawns attention causing him to raise his head slightly. Taker shifts so his hands are either side of Shawn on the bench and leans down to whisper in the mans ear.
Shawn hates the way a shiver goes up his spine, how his gut tightens and a flush builds on his face. This wouldn't have happened if he didn't start to notice the stupid my infront of boy toy.
Taker smirks as he leans against the wall. His boy toy was doing a perfect job. He knew Shawn still had some of his old skills, reborn or not, there were just somethings you couldn't take from the heartbreak kid.
He watches as Lita bites her lip and nods, a slight flush filling her cheeks as shawn continues to whisper to her.
"Whats going on?" Kurt asks quietly as he joins taker. "None of your business. Besides, the less you know the better, right?" Taker asks. "True..I guess" Kurt huffs as he watches Shawn. "Eyes off Kurt." Taker warns. Kurt frowns and looks away. "Whats the deal with you two?" Kurt asks. "What did I say about sticking your nose into my business?" Taker questions. "Right. Sorry" Kurt whispers shrinking down as shawn walks over.
"How'd it go boy toy?" Taker asks, placing a hand on shawns hip to stop him infront of him. "She fell for it. Made me feel like a right asshole, now I just need to talk to edge." Shawn shrugs. "Oh my boy toy! You did amazing" Taker smiles. He smirks quickly as he spots the blush on shawns face as he looks down.
Taker isn't stupid. Unlike the rest he's been able to read Shawn for years. He just wishes the smaller would have more confidence in himself.
"You talk to edge and I'll treat you with pizza" Taker smirks. "Fine" "that's my boy toy" Taker chuckles, patting shawns ass as he walks by. Taker smirks knowing Shawn is walking down the hall blushing. Kurt looks at him shocked. "Are we actually going to confront them?" Kurt asks. "Oh no. We plant the seed and let it grow on its own" Taker chuckles, patting Kurt's shoulder before walking the opposite way of Shawn.
Shawn rests his head against the trucks window as they drive. "How'd it go with edge?" Taker asks looking over at shawn. "Keep your eyes on the road." Shawn orders quietly. Taker chuckles and shifts his gaze. "Edge brought the bait. They both did..now we just sit back and watch them destroy each other. Even if the groups don't end up splitting, it'll take their attention off kurt" Shawn states.
The pair sit in silence for a moment. Shawn bites his lip and sits up straight, glancing at taker. Shawn isn't stupid. The mans attractive as fuck. Especially his new form. "Whats the...um what's up with the whole my boy toy thing?" Shawn asks quietly. "What do you mean?" Taker asks. "You know, calling me your Boy toy" Shawn tries. Taker chuckles slightly causing shawns cheeks to start heat up with humiliation. "You are my boy toy"
Shawn stares at him. "W-what?" Shawn asks. Taker looks at him, keeping eye contact as he suddenly parks the car. Shawn looks to see them at their hotel. He looks back at taker as the big hand rests on his thigh and he can't help the nervous swallow. Taker leans in closer. "Why would I lie to people? You are my boy toy. Gotta make sure they all know." Taker mutters, his eyes examining shawns face. Shawns pupils are dilated, his face is burning with embarrassment and his lips are parted slightly. "I mean-" taker gets cut off by a pair of lips.
Taker growls as he kisses Shawn back, his hand tightening on shawns thigh.
Shawn suddenly jerks back, his back hitting the truck door and his hands shooting up to cover his mouth. "Sorry" he muffles out. Taker smirks and leans back. "For what?" Taker asks. Shawn lowers his hands and watches Taker. "You mean it? Or is it some possessive shit?" Shawn asks quietly. "I've always meant it" Taker states. "I aint playing with your feelings Shawn." Taker adds.
Shawn leans forward, blue eyes scanning takers face. "Prove it" he whispers. Taker just smirks and undoes shawns seatbelt. "Alrignt."
Kurt watches in amazement as it all kicks off between edge and matt. "Oh wow...you guys really did sort it" he huffs. "Shh" Shawn shushes. "I told you, my boy toy can do anything" Taker smirks, arm around shawns shoulders as they watch. Shawn still can't fight the blush, especially after last night. "Well, we've got a meeting with the boss man. So, see ya later kurt" Taker states before leading Shawn off.
Kurt just stands there.
He believes they've done it, he just can't prove it.
I lost track of this lol
I'm sorry
It's been like five hours of me working on this between other things. Completely and utterly lost track of the plot, all I know is taker was supposed to call Shawn his boy toy a lot.
I hope I delivered
Enjoy :)
Oh and thank you all for the support and help with my recent sadness. I appreciate you all
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markdelonge · 2 years
bff's with Mark and Tom...
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idk why i didn't add travis to this, i'm sorry
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request? no
contains: mentions of smoking & drinking, i think thats it
summary: being best friends with mark & tom includes....
• you're probably way younger than them
not way too young, but young. like you're 2 / 3 years younger than Tom
• code words only you three use
you guys have code names for certain people and things so when you're having a conversation in front of other people, they won't know who/what you're talking about
• there's been two separate times where you've convinced both Tom and Mark to let you do their makeup.
• them picking out your outfits when you're having a hard time.
• you dressing just like them
• prank calling people
you three decided to prank call the people that work at the boys' label but it didn't work.. they recognized Tom's voice when he whisper-yelled at Mark for saying the wrong thing.
• drinking / smoking with them
• waking up to calls from them
like if you're staying in the same hotel as them, when they wake up, they call your room and don't stop until you wake up.
• there was once they had convinced you that you had slept in and they only had 30 minutes to get ready/everything out of the hotel room and into the bus.
• late nights at the studio with them
• no one's safe once the three of you all enter a room together.
• on tour, you and Tom's bunks are right across from each other
sometimes at night when you two are the only ones up, you'd shine a flashlight and just talk from your bunks. sometimes you'd talk yourselves to sleep, sometimes you'd talk too much and wake up somebody else.
• getting "lectured" by Mark
Mark is more protective of you than Tom is. Since you're so much younger than him, he sees you as a baby sister and he wants to keep you safe.
• taking them with you to go shopping
they always wanna tag along so you won't be "lonely" but they always cause chaos, like the time Tom made the theft alarm go off because he had forgotten about a hat he had tried on, or the time Mark dropped a bottle of pepsi and it exploded all over the aisle.
• going on tour with them
they didn't ask you to go on tour on them, no, they barged into your apartment one night and told you to pack because they were "taking you on a trip".... That "trip" ended up being their tour.
• being mistaken for their "kid"
there was once you all went out to eat and the waitress had thought that Mark and Tom were together and called them "a cute couple" and then said that they had a "beautiful child" referring to you.
• betting on everything
"i bet you 5 dollars Tom is gonna break that lamp" Mark whispered to you as you both watched Tom on top of the hotel nightstand, trying to kill a bug on the wall.
"he's not gonna-"
next thing you know there's a loud crash and darkness takes over the room.
"you owe me 5 dollars."
• sleepovers!
!! you guys paint nails, dye each other's hair, watch horror movies, order pizza, forget that you had ordered pizza and get scared when there was a knock on the door
• lots of horseplay
• doing festive things for the holidays
halloween came around and you guys went to the pumpkin patch and did the maze. when you were in line, you three had fought about who was going to be in charge of the map which soon annoyed the person in front of you and they insisted that the oldest one would be in charge. that was a mistake. Mark had led you guys to all the dead ends, you started the maze at 4 and didn't get out until 8.
• uh i think thats all i got.
k bye
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browneyes-issac · 2 years
Hellos everyone. 👋💞
Me update under the cut if you'd like to read, lol.
So I know I haven't done one of these in a bit.. Mainly because I've been keeping up with being a lil active on here and I just haven't had anything happen really.. 🤷‍♀️ And I've kinda went into a slump again.. It's most likely a mix of things that caused me to go into one again but I'm slowing climbing my way back up. 💞
I got big news though!! 🥰
I am moving to housekeeping. Today was my last day in dietary and I start Monday. 🤗 The girl that started when I did in housekeeping moved to nursing so I decided to ask the boss lady if was able to move. Since the higher ups see now that I won't start anything with my family that is in that department. And she said yes. The reason I wanted to move is because there is two people ( I think I've vented about them on here..) that are mentally draining.. I've asked the girls I get along with to say something to them, the asses won't listen.. Told the boss, pretty sure she didn't ever say anything to them to stop.. So I talked it through with my mom. Not as a mom but as a friend.. Because I wanted her opinion on what to do. She said what was the first thought you had when heard about the girl moving? I said to go see if I could move.. Mom said there you thats your answer.. So the next day I went and talked to the boss lady about and she understood completely and said I could. And now I'm officially done with those people. 🤗 I will miss my girls I get along with, but I will see them everyday because I gotta hydrated and get food!! 😆🤭
Getting away from them is my selling point... Not even that I get a dollar more an hour, no weekends anymore, I get to do my freaking nails... Those are just added bonuses. 🥰🤭
Tumblr wise... 💞
I am planning on getting back to reading more regularly. Being off every weekend will help a lot I think. So be aware of my loving attacking youuu soon! 🥰😘
I love you all endlessly!! 💞 thank you for being so freaking sweet and amazing to me and just in general as people. 💞 I hope everyone doing well! 💞🤗😘
I know I got a good chunk of tags to get through.. Then I will be stopping by and 📖😍 the fics of my people that have stopped doing tags. And some that I just need to go lovingly attack because they deserve it. 💞🤗😘
And writing.. I promise I'm gonna get back to my Joel fic. I think I got too ahead of myself working on it.. So I kinda just dropped off the face of the earth with messing with it.. 😆🙈
Gonna tag my sweeties so I can make sure they see this if they would like to.. 😆🥰💞
@stxrrylunatic @supernaturalgirl20 @guess-my-next-obsession @grogusmum @alwayslurkinginthebackground @prolix-yuy @heythere-mel @fuckyeahdindjarin @astroboots
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steddieficrecs · 2 years
Hey, I think I should post a general note about how I choose which fics to rec because I've had a few people message asking me to promote their fic and idk how I feel about doing that.
I only wanna rec fic I've actually read but now my ask box and messages are full of fic I feel obligated to read and thats really taking the fun out of this blog for me. I really dont want this to come off like I think the people who have sent me fic arent writing great works. I'm sure they are and all the kudos to them for having the confidence to share their fics with rec blogs. But I think I'm going to have a policy of not reccing works that have been sent to me for promo. I'm sure I'll come across your fic on ao3 and read and rec it anyway (seriously I am chronically on ao3 refreshing the steddie tag) but I want to be fair.
There are some fics, no matter how good, that I'm never going to read because they have content that triggers me, or I dont like the au, or I simply dont vibe with the writing style. So I dont want to be unfair to the author because its not their fault I wont read certain fic and I dont want to force myself to read something I know isnt my cup of tea.
I'm really sorry if you wanted your fic promoted but I think this is what I'm gonna do cause otherwise it turns this fun little side blog into something that feels like an obligation
Lots of love. I hope everyone can understand. My asks are always open for lost fics/fic recs, or to just have a chat about ST or Steddie but please dont ask me for fic promo 💛
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futureseaempress · 11 months
WIP Weekend Tag Game
I got tagged by @hypnostheory tyty bb
Rules: List your WIPs below (if you only write one fic at a time, feel free to include future WIPs/ideas!) then answer the following questions. Then, tag as many people as you have WIPs (or more). (If you're an artist or other non-fic fandom creator, questions can be found here!)
1. WIP List:
okay bear with me theres a bunch
DAVEKAT -the cowboy one -the waho one and/or the office one -first date/Nastygum -tire trouble part two -the nanny au -the sweet home alabama au -more Silver paint CODA -glory -some princes don’t become kings
FIRST PRINCE -the soulmates au -the omegaverse au -the actor au -the baby one -the hockey one -threes giving - bachelor party -the autism/self expression one
TMA -that last chapter of fanning the flame that was supposed to be about agnes and Jack and I just never fucking wrote anything for it
2. Which of your WIPs is currently the longest?
here in search of your glory for sure
3. Which WIP do you expect will end up the longest?
so if i ever finish it more silver paint is bound to be the longest
4. Which WIP is your favourite to write/the most enjoyable to write? Why?
oooo i love writing the kid fic echoed through my mind is rlly fun tbh i like the drama and doing something ive never written before is rlly fun
5. Which WIP do you find the most intimidating to write? Why?
ALL OF THEM but defo the sweet home alabama au bc i think about it allll the time
6. Which WIP do you experience the most self-doubt about. Why?
-the threesome one bc I have a rlly good idea for it but I’m convinced I’m gonna fall short bc I want it to be kind of long and I struggle with that
7. Which of your WIPs will you seek out a beta/sensitivity reader for? Why?
hya usually reads my stuff but uhhh the soulmate au for sure not bc of anything bad but bc it’s almost too quick and I need someone to help me like slow down and set the mood
8. Have any of your WIPs been struck by the curse of writer's block?
ALL OF THEM ACTUALY i kinda just black out and start typing jibberish when i get too stuck and usually it works itself out
9. Which WIP has your favourite OC? Tell us about them?
oh uh none of them. i suppose I’m gonna cheat and say the kid fic bc I’m playing with some characters who exist in name only and like I’ve written Philips kids as getting along with Shaan & Zahra’s and his youngest behave like Henry and Bea and June has a little girl who is just like Alex and Alex is going to have a daughter who is just like June
10. Which WIP is the sexiest?
i'm gonna say the actor au but thats just cause i have plans
11. Which WIP is the angstiest?
ooo I don’t do a lot of angst but I’m gonna say the threesome bc Alex is a Dingus in that one BUT MAYBE HOCKEY BC ITS SAD FOR OSCAR AND ARTHUR
12. Which WIP has the best characterisation (in your humble opinion)?
ummmmmmmm. I’m gonna say. The omegaverse one actually it blends canon and fantasy rlly well
13. Which WIP has the best scene setting (in your humble opinion)?
glory. the next chapter has like bits from my favorite concert stuff and I love it
14. Which WIP have you worked the hardest on?
I wanna say Glory but it could rlly go for any of them I think about them kind of all the time
15. Which WIP do you have the highest expectations for? Why?
the threesome one but that’s bc the idea is rlly good and I want to pull it off college aus are my favorite & should be easy cause I lived in a dorm from age 16-21 but still
16. Do you dream about any of your WIPs?
ummmmm no? mb? I think about them before bed to get to sleep tho
17. Do any of your WIPs have particular complexities that your other fics don't?
so I like putting different venues of communication in my fic it’s kind of my favorite thing to add and I like writing emotional break downs where the text changes and the vibe becomes rlly frantic
but complexities is a hard stone to lift maybe the hockey one bc they aren’t together yet? and I mostly write established stuff? or the omegaverse one for the same reason
18. Which WIP is the funniest or has the most humour?
probs the threesome but that’s just bc hya and I had fun telling each other about it
19. Do any of your WIPs contain outside POVs or a deep dive on a character other than the main ship? How are you finding that process?
NO LOL— maybe I should write something from Pez or Nora’s perspective for the threesome fic but that’s kind of cheating maybe Liam will get a chapter for funnies
20. Tell us one thing we don't know about one or more of your WIPs.
My college au has a fight over the custody of Nora’s Keurig.
I’m not going to be tagging anyone bc I’m dreadfully late but if anyone wants to do it bc they saw it here they should!
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yeah srry i had a moment also post it i need to tag a mutual and explain my batshit insanity to everyone
shoutout to this anon everyone. putting it under the cut bc its kind of long
OK so I'm gonna give the whole story since its easier:
back in the days of Fredbears Family Diner Jack worked as a nightgaurd and died in a springlock accident (I dont remember specifics of how-) but then The Real Fredbear told Jack he'd revive him as an undying corpse if he promised to save the kids that were being killed, now this is a HEFTY promise to make considering the basis of this fucking game is fnaf (which means lotta dead kiddin's) and thats already a fucking burden to carry on its own but the 2 main sides/routes (for the 1st 2 games the 3rd has more to it which ill explain whn i get there) you can take worsen it no matter what.
1: side with Dave (kill kids w/ him) you're breaking a serious promise and betraying a godly figure for starters, but even with that sure it might be fun and games for the first 2 games but you're still burdened by abandoning your promise and having to even fight The Real Fredbear in the 2nd game and then he kinda fucks with you emotionally so that's..yeah
2: do as you promised (save the kids) it's useless, no matter how many times you save children more will be killed at a rate which makes saving them feel impossible, it's an empty victory, you're unable to truely stop the killer and are forced to be in a cycle of false empty victory against a man who's truely just blinded by lies told by his long gone former friend, even if you could stop him; there's a bigger evil just outside your reach that wont leave you alone
ok so thats that for dsaf 1 and 2 there is much more in terms of routes and endings but listen a lot of them do boil down to haha funny shitpost game cuz...well they are- so lets hop over to dsaf 3 where the shitposting dies down and the trauma rises up
ok listen homie its an hour later and i realize my memory loss removed most of my dsaf 3 knowledge but listen to tldr it it's the psychological damage overtime of the promise by a fuckin' bear deity ok thats what im getting at do you get it everything wrong was partially caused by The Real Fredbear OR Henry Miller- ok so Henry Miller doesnt take on a...godly? demonically?...prisoner of the voidly??? presence until his death but that's still long enough to fuck ppl over, an entity fused with the void itself who's hurt and killed and made others hurt and kill for his own sadistic amusement and just- oh god- oh god poll runner? POLL RUNNER I HAD A REALIZATION OH FUCK OH FUCK ITS RELIGIOUS UNDERTONES HEAVEN VS HELL GOD VS SATAN GOOD VS EVIL POLL RUNNER IM FUCKING CRYIG IM FCRYING IM CRYING OH GOD NO OH GOD KILL ME THE REAL FREDBEAR IS THE GOOD HENRY MILLER IS THE BAD AND THE NEUTRALITY BETWEEN IT ALL HAS TO PICK A SIDE OH GOD POLL RUNNER I THINK I REALIZED SOMETHING WHERE DID HAHA FUNNY SHITPOST GAME GO MY BRAIN JUST
im sorry
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ihopethisendswell · 4 years
I find it interesting that while Leon did mention that he knew the mc from Hop, but never really seen them himself. Like I get that it's implied that mc hadn't been in Postwick for a long time, since Leon only heard of them through Hop, but I'd assume that maybe a video call or something where he can actually see mc. Or maybe I'm overthinking it
If mc's did move to Postwick only recently to the games events( say ranging from a few months to a year), I find it quite amazing how much trust Hop has in them. Like, I understand fast friendships, or people just clicking together but THAT amount of trust and friendship for someone you honestly just meet is kinda much( at least for me anyway).
Also, of that's the case I would have liked to see that aspect of the relationship between mc and Hop explored a bit more ( though what we got in the games are alright).
Leon has a fucking Charizard jeep
King shit right there
Raihan's tall and Milo is small.
Raihan last gym leader, Milo first
The cinematic poetry of those two is immaculate. And very funny when you think about it.
I wish we got to see Nessa and Sonia interact in the game
Though I understand.....the queens in this game are far to powerful. They'll throw the whole game off
Gordie isn't blonde( blond?) what
I want to see Gordie's sibling
They're too cute to ignore
Not to mention it'll great for the the theme of the game
I like how the game hammers home that the adults in the game where once kids, and they went through stuff and still going through it. Idk. I just think it's neat.( *cough* Sonia*cough)
I can't tell if Piers hair is naturally black and white, or if he dyed it.
I want them to be friends
I want them to interact more!
This is why fanfic exist
Still conflicted on how I feel about Rose, but I do not that he had potential.
Oleana deserves better.
Minor league??? Can we see it????
If there's a minor in Galar, would that mean they're minor leagues in other regions or is it just a Galar thing?
He's one of my fav rivals.
I'm so proud of him
I wonder if at any point in time he Hop see's Sonia more of a sibling than Leon?
Not saying that he doesn't love Leon!
But Sonia have been there for him more during his journey
Or maybe this is my angsty brain making me suffer
Kabu is a dad
So is Peony
Stop hating on Nia she's cool
Jk you can have your opinions
Just don't be mean to others
But I actually like her a lot
Give me big sis vibes
I haven't talked about Bea and Allister and that's a crime
I feel like Bea would be close to the mc and rivals age.( To what I headcanon to be 15) Maybe 16 or 17
Allister is the youngest....maybe 10? 11? Idk, I just know he's smol abd needs to be protected.
Also they're siblings. No I won't take criticism.
I like the idea that Raihan is either A) a random dude who likes history B) a decedent of either royalty or some high position or C) is an older brother himself but the games where to cowardly to show us his siblings.
There was this theory about Raihan being related to Rose, and by extension Peony, somehow, and I low-key want to see more of that. It's VERY interesting to think about.
Bede's a little shit and I love him for it.
I've committed the worst crime in not talking about her.
Faery grandma
Maybe fae herself, we don't know
Rose is low-key scared of her.
Can't blame him
A good grandma
With her cool fairy pokemon
Last one
Milo is a great hugger. His muscles are big and his hands are soft and thus he gives the best hugs.
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kaz11283 · 3 years
The Shape of You
Summary: While at one of Tonys top end parties the god of mischief asks you to dance to your suprise. You didn't think he was the type to dance muchless to the song that he decided to ask you to dsnce to.
Characters: Loki, Thor, Tony, Natalie, Wanda, Clint, Steve
Pairings: you x Loki, you x Thor (platonic), you x Tony (Brother, sister)
ANNOUNCMENTS: I got this idea while listening to "Shape of You", then I really started getting into the story everytime that I listened to it (which was a lot). Ive had this on my head for a while now but i had to finish up I think I'm in love and part 2. I also got 200 followers today, next is 300, lets get this! BTW I know that this is a GIF from High Rise but it gives you a PRETTY good iead whats going on. 💚💚💚
Loki Masterlist
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"Why do you insist on bringing me to the boring ass parties Nat?" You asked trying to pull the hem of the dress down that she had picked oit for you. It wad a dark blue thigh length dress with a very low v neck, the shoes where a high heel ankle strap black shoe with small bows on the side the same color as the dress.
"Stop. Stop pulling, your not gonna make it any longer by doing that." She said swatting your hands away. "I bring you to these 'boring ass parties' because you spend to much time in the library doimg research, in your room working, or sitting in the lab trying to make something better. Point is, you are always working."
"I dont hear you complaining when something of yours gets improved, or an upgrade. Nat I love you but I am a weponds expert. I work better in the quite, thats my zone. Not here."
"Is that why you enjoy spending time with Loki? Because I have to tell you y/n hes not really the quite type." She rasied an eyebrow to look st you.
"Hes not the quite type around all of you because you all make snide remarks. Hes usually quite around me because I dont pick on him or call him names." You turned and looked straight at her.
"All of the other reindeer, use to laugh and call him names." Tony sang walking up to the two of you with a drink. "Couldnt be talking about reindeer game could you?"
"Thank you Tony, and we were just finishing talking and Loki." You answered walking off to sit at the bar where Steve and Thor was sitting.
"Your brother throws one heck of a party." Steve saod tilting his beer to his mouth. "Defiantly better than some of the parties I've been to."
"It is a good party but nothing like the ones on Asguard." Thor boomed with laughter. "You must come some time, we would have a grand celebration in your honor."
"Hes always been a little over the top, if you cant tell. Always had an eye for big, expensive things. Flamboyant parties, playboy style women, expensive cars. Whatever he wants he gets, now dont get me wrong he does work his ass off, but sometimes it would be nice to just have a weekend were the walls didnt shake while I am trying to work on something."
"Ah but little sister, all work and no play makes y/n a dull boy." Tony answered lightly slapping your back.
"Jesus Christ Tone, stop quoting movies, it gets rather annoying."
"Another round, bartender, for little sister." Tony said ruffling your hair.
"You realize I cant stand you right?" You shot him a sideways look.
"Thats why I dont let you work on my toys." He answered giving you a kiss on the top of the head before walking off.
"Thor?" You turned to the god of thunder.
"Yes Lady y/n?" He turned to were he was facing you, his legs on either side of your thighs.
"Do you know of your brother is going to show up?" He laughed turning back to the bar. "Dont get me wrong I absolutly love your company but...."
"You would rather have the company of a more slender, raven haired man tonight." He raised a brow while taking a drink of his beer.
"Well, yes. He is quite interesting to say the least." You laugh.
"Well lady y/n, he said he would be down shortly. He did say he was going to make an apperance though."
"Thank you." You stood, leaning down to kiss his cheek before walking off to find someone else interesting to talk to.
"Hey y/n! Over here!" Clint shouted waving you over to were he, Nat, and Wanda were sitting.
You sat talking to them for a little bit about what new stuff you had added to their weapons and gear, Clint was excited about trying out some of the new arrows that you had developed. You kept gnacing around the room hoping to catch a glips of Loki when he decided to come down.
While you and Wanda was in the middle of a conversation you felt a tap on your shoulder. Turning slightly you seen Loki stamding there was a know it all smirk on his face, he was wearing a completly black suit with his hair slicked back, you coud have swore that your heart stopped.
"Hello Darling, I heard you had been asking about me?" He offered you his hand to help you stand.
You laughed tucking your chin down slightly, you could feel your cheeks heat up. "I am going to kill your brother." He lead you back to the bar and getting you a drink handing it to you.
"You look quite ravishing tonight." He leaned in whispering in your ear. "Dont start being bashful tonight, after what happened last night." He had caught you off guard causing you to spit your drink back in your glass.
"Loki," you hissed smacking him on his shoulder. "We dont need Tony going all Iron Man on you tonight."
"Dance with me." He took your glass sitting it back on the bar and grabbed your hand.
"Oh no no no no. I dont dance." You tried stopping but he pulled you to the edge of the damce floor.
"Then dont dance, let the music guide you, or just follow my lead." He grabbed your waist pulling you closer to him, the song was an up beat song and he started moving. "Midguardian dances are so simple, it would be a type of tango I am assuming." He took you hand and wrapped it around the back of his head before placing his hand on your lower back pulling you even closer.
"This is crazy." You laughed after a few practice steps. It was simple yet intimate at the same time, you had a feeling you knew where this was heading.
"But simple, you are better than what you give your self credit for." He spund you around a few times as the tempo changed, when he spun you back to him his chest ws aginst your back as his hamd splayed across your abdomen.
He traced his nose up the side of your neck as you both moved causing you to give a small moan. "My bed sheets still smell like you." He whispered.
"Loki, can I let you in on a secret." You turned back in his arms to face him.
"Of course my dear." His fingers stroked your back.
"I think I'm in love with you." You wrapped your hand around his head so that you could pull his ear down to your level. You heard him take a breath and the dancing faltered slightly but he kept moving.
"It feels as though I might be returning those feelings y/n." You smiled up at him he turned you in a few more circles causing you to be facing away from him again. His hips following yours in a delicious manner causing your thoughts to go back to the night before. His trailing kisses down your neck to your collar bones, fingers caressing up your sides pulling your shirt over your head. You returning the favor and being speechless at finally seeing him with out his shirt on. He had a more slender figure but his muscles were still there. Remembering the feeling of his chest clenching as you ran your fingers up and around his neck to pull him closer for the earth shattering kiss that had lead to so much more.
"You reliving some of last nights activities, y/n?" He asked quietly.
"Yes but sadly I am having trouble remembering some parts. You might have to remind me." The song ended as you pulled him off the dance floor and through the doors leading to the hallway.
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ANNOUNCEMENT 2: Wow wow wow, ok so some slightly adult situations but oh dear lord, my face is a little red just from writting that. I've read worst but never wrote. What I would give to be twirled around the dance floor like that by him. Thank you guys for reading! I really hope you enjoy this one. Like I saod I have been thinking about this for about a week now and here it is. I habe to say this is like top 3 of my faves (my first was and still is my fave "Bath Time For a Prince") Thank you again for all the love and the support!!!!
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