#i'm not going to declare my take correct above all others or take shots at anyone's media literacy
suffersinfandom · 5 months
Half-baked thoughts about Izzy and toxic masculinity that I'm never going to bother turning into real posts part two (part one here for the curious, but it's not that good or organized).
Some folks think that season one Izzy was only being mean because he was worried about the crew's survival. I'd argue that they legitimately misread this character's purpose.
(Because yeah, secondary characters in well-written stories typically serve some kind of narrative purpose (which doesn't mean that they're not characters!). In OFMD, Izzy is the face of the specific kind of toxic masculinity that has controlled Ed and told him who and what he can be throughout his life.)
Izzy is mean because he's a miserable, power-hungry man who doesn't have the talent and charisma to attain the status that he wants. He hates it when men are soft and expressive and -- god forbid -- openly gay because that is not how he thinks men should be, and Stede and the entire crew of the Revenge are, in his eyes, idiotic subversives. Izzy is particularly cruel to Lucius because he's homophobic, not because Lucius is lazy (and Lucius isn't lazy, he just knows what his job is and who he takes orders from).
And Izzy dies at the end because this is the Dismantling and Destroying Toxic Masculinity Show. Yes, Izzy improves over the course of season two after he loses the job that is his personality and grudgingly accepts the compassion that the crew shows him, and that's great! It's hopeful! That tells us that it's possible to alter harmful, damaging patterns of behavior that have no space in a society where masculinity doesn't have to be controlling, violent, homophobic, and anti-feminine.
But even though Izzy can improve, he can never fully change. He was Ed's primary antagonist for years and will always be too tied up in everything that our main characters are trying to leave behind to be entirely free himself.
Izzy represents traditional piracy and all of the bullshit toxicity that that kind of violent, aggressive, emotionally stunted life entails. He dies because traditional piracy is dead. He dies because, for Ed to be entirely free, the man who loved and encouraged the monstrousness of Blackbeard has to go.
You can't divorce Izzy from the theme of toxic masculinity without making the show incoherent, and I think that some of the hate for season two comes from this. A lot of people want Izzy to be more than what he is in canon, and truly believing that he is more distorts the entire story.
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heygerald · 6 months
Red Skies Warning: (POTC, 2003)
OFC x Captain Jack Sparrow
I'm back on my bullshit! Enjoy the plot bunny that is now taking up all my free time to think about. Might make this into a series? Might just fuck around. Who knows—that's the joy of life.
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"What on Earth do you think you're doing?" Edwina asked with a sharply arched brow, watching as both Will and the pirate turned on their heels to gape at her. She suspected it was her presence that had them jumping in their boots, though she did note how Sparrow's eyes raked up and down the length of her frame while Will's simply widened in surprise.
"Ed—Edwina," Will stammered, before snapping his mouth shut entirely when he realized he wasn't quite sure what to say.
She supposed there wasn't much to say. After all, he was breaking a pirate out of prison. She doubted there was any sort of social etiquette to follow in this sort of instance—the catching a friend doing something highly illegal sort—and so the three of them simply stared at one another for a moment.
"It's not what it looks like," he said, after deciding that the moment had gone on long enough.
There was the sound of boots clattering on cobblestone, and she suspected that it most likely had.
"Really?" she asked still, a little too amused at his attempt to lie his way out of the situation despite the fact that they certainly didn't have the time for it. Edwina flickered her gaze towards Sparrow before allowing her brow to arch even further into her hairline. "Because it looks like you're breaking a stupid drunkard out of prison."
Will's mouth propped open soundlessly, eyes widening when he realized that there really was no way to argue that fact, but it was Sparrow who decided to speak first.
"I'm a pirate, lassie," he corrected her. "Not a drunkard. Not at this time of day, at least."
"My apologies," she said with an airy smile. Edwina leant her shoulder onto the cobblestone partition behind her before starting again. "It looks like you're breaking a stupid pirate out of prison," she echoed. Then lifted a challenging brow at Sparrow to ask, "better?"
He glared, hand waving in the air as if he were drunk, to declare, "you're quite mean for a woman."
"And you're quite ship-less for a Captain," she shot back, enjoying the way that his features clammed up irritably at her jab. There was another clatter of feet on cobblestone—this one much closer than the last—and Edwina gestured to the path to her right rather than the original path she had found the pair sneaking off towards. "Norrington already sent a patrol towards the servant's swimming hole. If you go that way you'll be in irons before you reach the beach. Come on."
She started down the less traveled path without bothering to check if they were following. It took a few moments before she heard the pair starting after her.
Will tugged her at the elbow. He was wearing that look of his—the wounded puppy type that often had her wanting to smack him across the cheek—and when he spoke he sounded both concerned and incensed. "You're not meaning to come with us?"
"Was that a question or a statement?"
"A question?"
"Then yes, I am meaning to come with you."
Edwina took half a step before he tugged her back a second time. He certainly didn't look concerned when he huffed down at her. "A statement, then. You're not to come with us."
She crossed one arm over the other with a hum. "And blacksmiths are not meant to scheme against the Royal Navy, so I suppose we're all doing things we wouldn't ordinarily do, aren't we?"
"She's got a point, mate," Sparrow piped up. They turned to find him standing inches away, a finger in the air as he pointed loftily at something above them. "And, seeing as how we're doing things we normally wouldn't be doing, might I suggest that we get moving before we're all thrown into irons. That Norrington doesn't seem too keen on me, mate."
"Is that not something you normally do?" Edwina sniped.
He narrowed his eyes down at her, but she hardly felt intimidated. In fact, he was probably the least intimidating pirate she had ever met despite the fact that he currently had half the island looking to hang him.
He's either an incredible actor or magnificently stupid, she thought.
"Edwina," Will hissed as he pinched his nose. "You're not coming."
"I am."
"This isn't the sort of game we played when we were children," he chided, though there was something arrogant about the way he said it. As if she had been foolish enough to think jailbreak was something fantastical and fun. It was far too hot and humid for her to mistake this as any type of fun. "They'll throw you in prison right along us if we're caught."
"I hardly think so."
"And how do you figure that?" he asked incredulously.
"Simple. You kidnapped me. Against my will, you and the drunkard held me at gunpoint and dragged me to the docks alongside you as some sort of insurance policy. I was only trying to go for a swim when my dear friend turned on me."
He scoffed. "That wouldn't work."
"No?" she questioned, tossing a look towards Sparrow. "Don't you think it would?"
He didn't even pretend to think it over. Instead, he frowned at her; as if she were something distasteful floating in the bottom of his bottle of rum. "There's a word for women that lie, you know. Not a kind one, either," he taunted. Then, as dramatically as he could, Sparrow pointed at the sky. "I don't think He's all that fond of it either, you know. Thou shalt be truthful and what have you."
Edwina snorted. "I hardly doubt you're concerned with telling the truth. But, if that's what you'd rather," she made a show of shrugging, something petulant on her features, "I've no problem with telling the truth. Right now. I could certainly scream loud enough for the Commodore to hear. He'd probably enjoy it, throwing you back in irons, and placing Will right along side you. I'd say Norrington would even be up for a second promotion for his heroics."
Will's brown eyes darted all around them, as if assessing how quickly someone would show up if they heard one of her blood curdling screams, but Sparrow didn't seem to need any time to think it over. It seemed his mood changed just as quickly as the tide as he clucked his tongue at Will with a mocking frown.
"Kidnapping now, Turner, eh? Can't say I'm surprised, but I do like how quickly you've come to embracing the pirate thing."
Will gaped at him. "You can't be serious. You want to bring her?"
Sparrow paused at that and Edwina watched as he churned over the question in his mind for a moment. He turned to her with a look she couldn't quite place. "Can you sail?"
"I know how to tie a knot."
He hummed, inching closer. "Can you swim?"
Sparrow tilted his head at her, pausing dramatically as he twisted the last question across his tongue as if testing it. "Ay. Can you fight?"
Edwina leaned forward until their noses were nearly touching, enjoying the way that his eyes widened for the breadth of a second as if surprised that a woman would willingly stand this close to a pirate like him. She smiled. "Like my life depends on it, Captain."
Sparrow grinned something mad in response.
"Welcome to the crew, love," he promptly announced before shoving Will down the path and pulling her right along them both. There was a bit of a hustle to his pace as they heard shouting in the near distance. "The two of you aren't—er, you know...?"
Will blushed something fierce, and Edwina rolled her eyes at his sudden muteness. "He should be so lucky."
"That's hardly appropriate, Edwina," came his scolding next when he felt both of their eyes upon him, and something about his response seemed to amuse Sparrow greatly. "We're friends, Sparrow."
"That doesn't mean you can't be—"
Edwina tripped him before he could finish that statement, and while he floundered into a nearby bush, Will pulled her behind a barrel as a pair of soldiers rode by. She could smell the saltwater in the air, could see it just off in the distance, but suddenly the fifty odd yards separating them felt insurmountable.
"You don't have a plan, do you?" she asked him.
Will hedged for an answer, but the way his eyes darted around was telling enough.
"I suppose the pirate doesn't either?"
The pirate in question joined them behind the barrel whilst brushing some dirt off of his shoulder with an irritable glare in her direction. "This attitude of yours is goin' to need to be fixed if you want to crew my ship, love."
"Oh?" she mocked, not bothered that they could be caught at any moment if it meant she got to knock him down a peg. "And which ship would that be? The rowboats over there or the bucket just off beside them?"
It certainly felt like he had something to say in response to that. Yet, when Jack followed her line of sight to a couple of overturned rowboats not too far in the distance, she watched something spark in the depths of his gaze.
Too soon did his toothy smile return. "A boat's'a boat, love."
Edwina turned to Will feeling her determination to join them already beginning to splinter.
"We're not going to like this, are we?" Will sighed.
The bell tower started tolling from the town square, and when Edwina glanced back the way they had come, she realized that if they were to have any chance at successfully rescuing Elizabeth, they would have to do quite a few things that she had never done before. And if that meant trusting a pirate of all people, then so be it. Edwina would rather hang herself than say no to the first adventure she had ever truly been offered.
"Alright then, Sparrow," she gave in. "What's the plan?"
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captains-simp · 3 years
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(Not me accidentally posting this when it was half done)
I knew I could count on you @wndrcarol for a jock!Carol request🥳 also....👀I heard you like Sharon
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
1.9k words
Warnings: harassment, degrading, face slapping, strap on sex, spitting, choking and hints of overstimulation
[ masterlist ]
Buy me a coffee ☕
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You groaned in frustration when you finished checking the kitchen for your girlfriend. Everytime you went to a party with her the same thing happened.
You'd arrive, take a while to get comfortable and as soon as you did Carol would be whisked away by her friends leaving you to stand awkwardly in the corner. You really needed to get more friends. The ones you had never seemed to come to those parties.
You wandered outside onto the wooden decking area to get some fresh air and leant against the fence as you lazily scanned the area for Carol. You knew she wasn't out there, you had already checked.
Your eyes landed on a brunet who had been watching you carefully but the moment you locked eyes he scurried away back inside, not wanting to be seen near you. You smiled at the memory of the last time you had met at a party.
"There was only 10 seconds of the game left but I kicked the ball as hard as I could and it was on the last second of the game that it scored and we won!" Tyler exclaimed before taking another sip of his bear and gleamed at the memory.
"That's great." You said as you continued to scan the room for Carol.
"It was, you should'a been there." Tyler said as he looked back at you, or more he looked above the line of your low hanging top. You shifted uncomfortably under his gaze.
"I was at Carol's game." Tyler didn't react to the mention of your girlfriend. It wasn't like he didn't know you were dating, everyone knew. Carol made sure of that.
"Unlucky, mine was a lot more interesting." He declared with a smug grin. A brief memory of Carol fucking you in the showers after that game flashed through your mind and you couldn't contain your smile at knowing how wrong the guy infront of you was.
Unfortunately, he thought that smile was at him.
"I had a pretty great game before that too. But it's getting kinda loud in here, wanna go somewhere more private?" He smirked in an extremely unattractive way.
"I'm good, I need to go find Carol." You said quickly, wanting to get the hell away from Tyler.
You hadn't seen Carol in a while. It was her idea to go to the party, it was an environment she thrived in. You, however, did not. It wasn't your scene and you didn't know anyone there, not well at least.
At some point through the mass of bodies, loud music and numerous people trying to get Carol to do shots with them or be on their beer pong team, you had been seperated from the Captain and you hadn't seen her since.
"Come on, I'm sure there's some spare rooms upstairs." There was a slight slur to his voice that made it even worse when he approached you and put a heavy hand on your waist.
"Get off me, Tyler!" You snapped and pushed his hand away but he continued with a frown.
"What? Don't you want this-" He was cut off when a fist shot out beside you and punched him across the face. Tyler staggered back, gripping his bleeding nose, as the people around you cheered loudly, oblivious to what had happened prior.
"Get your fucking hands off my girlfriend." Carol demanded as she continued to advance towards a cowarding Tyler who could only hold his hands out in defence. You pulled Carol away with to turn her towards you and Tyler scrambled to his feet to flee.
"Are you okay?" Concerned and familiar eyes met yours that instantly eased your worry. Carol brought her hands gently up to your face as she scanned you closely and you were surprised to see that she looked completely sober.
You nodded your head and breathed out a yes before you took her right hand away from your face to examine it carefully. The dull lighting in the room made it hard to make out but you could feel that there was nothing out of place.
"Come on." Carol said as she took your hand. "Let's get out of here."
Tyler had a bandage across his nose for a while. He had avoided you like the plague ever since, clearly have some sense in him.
"Want some company?" Came a voice from beside you. You glanced sideways and saw Sharon fall easily into place next to you. She mirrored your position of leaning against the barrier and gave you a knowing smile.
"Thanks." You breathed out, feeling kind of embarrassed someone had noticed Carol always seemed to ditch you at parties.
"No luck finding the girlfriend?" Sharon teased.
"Is it that obvious?" You asked but weren't sure you really wanted to know.
"You look like a lost puppy without her." Sharon chuckled making you flush. Maybe you were too clingy.
"She's the golden retriever lesbian." You corrected making Sharon laugh more.
"That seems about right." She went to move closer to you but a group of jocks spilled out onto the decking, without Carol among them.
"Fuck this." She huffed and took your hand to lead you over to the garden swing bench. Your hand felt like it was burning when she held it to pull you along. Although her hands were physically soft, they weren't the kind of softness you felt with Carol. It didn't make you feel warm inside, it made you feel uneasy. But it was a party, you had to hold onto people to move about.
Part of your brain pointed out that there was only a few people in the garden so there was really no need for Sharon to navigate you through it, while the rest of you really did just want some company.
Sharon sat down on the bench and you followed, feeling as though you could relax a bit more on the edge of the garden.
"You know, I think Carol's a very lucky gal to have you." Sharon said as she watched you closely. You laughed nervously as you noticed how close she was. You found yourself searching the garden for Carol again but Sharon lighting held your jaw and turned it back towards her.
"Pretty thing like you must surely be a lot of fun to play with." She smirked as her other hand crept onto your thigh.
"Um I d-don't-"
"Shh, you don't need to talk." Sharon cooed as she tilted your chin up more when you struggled to keep eye contact. The blonde glanced at your lips and licked her own before leaning forward slowly.
Until a strong hand wrapped itself around your bicep and yanked you from the bench.
You stumbled into a fuming blonde who was glaring at Sharon. You blushed deeply as you realised how it looked at what Sharon was most likely trying to do.
"You keep your fucking hands off of my girlfriend, Carter." Carol spat as her fists clenched.
"You really shouldn't leave her unattended?" Sharon said, amused by Carol's anger. "Who knows what could have happened." She winked at you and looked away instantly.
Carol scoffed simply as she continued to glare daggers at the woman infront of you.
"In your fucking dreams, she's mine." She all but growled as she pulled you away. You yelped as you felt her nails dig into your skin but didn't have the nerve to ask her to loosen her grip.
Carol pulled you through the crowded house and up to an empty bedroom that she shoved you inside.
"Did you enjoy that? Whoring yourself out to Sharon?" Carol asked as she threw you to the bed and started undoing her belt.
"No I-" You started as you went to sit up but Carol put a firm hand to your chest and pushed you back flat against the bed.
"Shut up, slut. I don't want to hear another sound out of you unless you're saying my name." She warned as she pulled her strap out and pulled your panties down.
You looked at her wide eyed, never seeing her so worked up before sex. Sure, you'd have a lot of needy, desperate sex and the occasional quickly, but she never showed so little regard to you before.
"What? Think I'm going to be nice to you and take my time? Want me to touch you gently? Whores don't deserve to be treated nicely. You don't get to prep my cock either." Carol taunted as she pushed the tip of the head in and kept it there as she stared down at you. "You'll have to just take it how it is, not that you'll have much of an issue. You've always got such a sloppy cunt."
"Please, Captain." You found yourself whining earning you a harsh slap to your left cheek. Your head whipped to the side and your cheek burned but Carol didn't seem to care.
"Who are you begging to fuck you?" Carol asked as she rocked her hips slowly as a reminder that you only had the very tip inside you.
"You Carol, I want my Captain's cock!" You cried out desperately.
"Only mine?" The blonde mused as she inched a bit more of the strap in.
"Yes Carol, only your cock. I only want you." You whined truthfully. Carol knew that of course, she knew you were incredibly loyal. That's what made the game so fun.
"Please! Please Carol I need you so bad. I want my Captain deep inside me, please please." You begged and felt as though you could cry in frustration.
"You really know how to plead like a whore, don't you. Did you learn that somewhere? Or are you just a natural cock slut?" She asked as she slammed her hips forward and filed you up with the strap at every angle.
You moaned loudly and threw your head back against the pillows as Carol set about her harsh and unrelenting pace. The thick strap filled you up entirely with every thrust. It didn't take long for your eyed to water from the sheer amount of pleasure she was giving to you so roughly.
Carol grunted as she pounded the strap into you and her grip on your wrists tightened, letting you know she wouldn't let go anytime soon.
"See? You've got such a sloppy pussy. And it's all mine." Carol spoke as she glanced down to look at your pussy taking her strap so well.
"You're gonna cum for me now. You're going to cum all over my cock." Carol demanded as she noticed your signs of approaching orgasm.
You cried out at the force of each of Carol's thrusts until it became too much to bear and you crashed over the edge without much to hold on to. As you did so, Carol brought her hand up and wrapped it tightly around your throat before giving it a quick squeeze.
"You belong to me, slut." Carol said as she continued thrusting mercilessly. She noted your blissed expression and open mouth and gripped your jaw tightly, much rougher than Sharon had. She pulled your face down with your mouth still open and spat. You moaned as you tasted her saliva on your tongue and around your lips. You swallowed it eagerly making Carol beam internally, not that she could let you know that.
"Cum again for me whore. I get to do what I want with you. So you're going to keep cuming until I get bored. I don't give a fuck if you get tired." She spoke next to your ear, poison dripping from her words.
"So fucking cum."
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theycallmebecca · 3 years
What about “You’re smarter than you look.” “Is that a compliment for my intelligence or an insult for my looks?” With Frank Adler?!! ❤️
Oooo this one is fun too! You guys are spoiling me with awesome prompts!
I’m accepting prompts thru July 4, 2021 for drabbles and moodboards. More information in this post.
Title: Frankie the Fancy Math Guy
Pairing: Frank Adler x female reader
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: suggestive
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.
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You have a rule, you don't accept drinks from random guys at bars. So when a good looking guy sat down in the stool one over from yours wearing an atrocious yellow Hawaiian shirt and offered to buy you a drink, you politely said no.
To your complete surprise, he nodded his head in acceptance and started a conversation with the bartender. Ignoring you completely.
Was it a game? you wondered as you focused on the TV above the bar. You didn't care about the sport that was playing, but you didn't want to encourage the guy if he was ignoring you so you'd talked to him.
"Frankie," a voice called from somewhere else in the bar. "I need your help settling a bet."
The man, Frankie, sighed before turning his back to the bar. "What's the bet this time, George?" he asked.
"Joe here doesn't believe that you can do that fancy math in your head," George told him.
Turning, you saw that both George and Joe were men likely in their 70s and they were both wearing Hawaiian shirts, too.
Must be a theme night, you thought.
"George, I thought we talked about how you weren't going to use me and my brain to get free beers anymore," Frankie said in a half scolding tone.
"This is the last time, I promise," George told him.
Then George's eyes landed on you.
"Besides, maybe you'll impress the pretty lady and she'll let you buy her a drink," he added.
Frankie glanced at you and raised his eyebrow.
Slightly embarrassed by being put on the spot, you lamely said, "It depends on how fancy the math is."
Frankie grinned and then turned his attention back to George. "Alright, give me your worst," he said.
For the next fifteen minutes, George and other people in the bar called out random equations that Frankie successfully calculated in his brain and answered in rapid fire. All the while, the bartender double checked the numbers, ultimately declaring that Frankie was correct.
"Alright, alright," Frankie said with a laugh. "I'm done. I need another beer." Returning to his barstool, he shot a glance at you. "Was that fancy enough for you?"
You simply nodded your head, still impressed with his ability to calculate such complicated math in his head.
"You're smarter than you look." The words tumbled out before you could stop them and you slapped your hand over your mouth.
Frankie threw back his head and laughed. "Is that a compliment for my intelligence or an insult for my looks?" he finally asked.
"I'm so sorry," you said.
"Don't be," Frankie replied before holding out his hand. "I'm Frank Adler."
You told him your name as you shook his hand. "Do your friends call you Frankie?"
"George calls me Frankie," Frank replied, he pulled an annoyed face but shrugged at the same time. "His grandson's name is Frank, too, and he calls him Frankie. I tried to get him to just call me Frank, but no go."
"I think it's suits that Hawaiian shirt," you teased, nodding your head towards the blinding article of clothing.
"It's Hawaiian night and this is the only one I could find," Frank explained. "My niece thought it was ok..."
"It's very bright," you said, cautiously.
"Just like my intelligence," Frank flirted. "Good thing I have my looks to fall back on."
"Oh shut up," you said with a laugh.
As the night wore on, you and Frank left the bar and found a private booth to talk in. You found him charming and easy to talk to.
"You wanna get out of here?" he asked, eventually.
"Yes, but only if you take off that shirt," you replied.
"Is that you way of saying you want to see me naked?" He asked, flirtatiously. "Because that can be arranged." He wiggled his eyebrows and you swatted his arm.
Once he got you back to his place, you did get to see him naked and you realized that he really was a hot as he was smart.
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lovethisletters · 3 years
Devilish nights || A fantastic 3 one-shot!
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I love this idea ngl, I love the dynamic between the three of them! And I tried to do them justice here but... there's definitely a Whole ass ranch for improvement... :C
also Diavolo is Mexa xd
Summary: the fantastic three go to a concert but things don't go as planned.
Additional notes: I was going to make this a comic but decided against it since it was gonna take me much more time to finish it, but perhaps I'll do it as a small follow up to this one-shot.
There's a reason why the Demon elite are very protective of their private life...you see: everyone has a side of their personality only the ones closest to us are allowed to see and for the demon prince, the avatar of pride and the loyal butler this is no exception.
—Uhhh?!?! You're going out?!!—all 6 brothers questioned in surprise.
—Yes, and I hope that when I arrive, the house is not a mess!— Replied the avatar of pride as he placed a distinctive blue coat over his shoulders.
—Ehhh? Are you going on vacation to the human realm, Lucifer ?! And without me ?! How cruel!—Asmodeus inquired dramatically, hugging his older brother's arm like a child begging his mother to go out and play.
The black-haired demon was unfazed by the avatar of lust childish demeanor, released himself from his grasp with ease and continued with his speech.
—Diavolo has important matters to resolve in the human realm and he needs me and Barbatos to support him, it is not a vacation.—
—I hope all of you behave in my absence; Satan, you're in charge, ”Lucifer declared.
-What?!?! Satan in charge ?! - the rest complained.
—As much as it bothers me to admit it… Satan is the most responsible among you — Lucifer looked at the blonde demon in the eyes — I'm counting on you — and the avatar of pride came out hurriedly before he could even hear the answer of the fourth brother.
—Don't— whispered the avatar of wrath as his lips settled into a sinister smile at the plan that was being formulated in his head.
—Ahhh ~ finally it's THE day! I can't wait any longer !!!— upon hearing the title "prince of hell" we could normally assume that the person bearing it is someone intimidating, ruthless and rude; but there he was ... the heir to the throne of the Devildom jumping all over the place with immeasurable enthusiasm, glow sticks in each hand and a white shirt with the image of a sun with the face of Luis Miguel on the chest.
—Diavolo, I'd appreciate it if you could calm down a bit.
—Calm down?! Lucifer! I have been waiting for this for years! I will finally be able to be at a concert of my favorite singer from the human realm! Do you have any idea how much I struggled to get these tickets?!?! I had to do it the human way! line and everything!—The redhead claimed at the lack of enthusiasm from his best friend.
—His majesty stopped time and he moved a couple of old ladies to be able to acquire the tickets in the front row; it would be appreciated if you showed a bit of enthusiasm, Lucifer.—Barbatos finally spoke, the same formal and cold smile always etched on his face to which Lucifer could only replay in the same way.
—Oh! I won't let you two ruin my night with your formalities! At least pretend you're as excited as I am!—Diavolo begged but his stoic companions could only mutter a mocking “yeeei”as they waved their respective glow sticks reluctantly and the prince of hell could only roll his eyes.
Mistakes happen, they happen when we least expect them and even worse; at too inconvenient moments.
—Quick, Lucifer, we're next!— The tallest of the 3 hurried, still jumping up and down.
—Give me a second — The black-haired demon searched in his pockets for the tickets that Diavolo had asked him to keep until the day of the concert because he was afraid of losing them among all the paperwork that week and knowing the responsible nature of his friend he entrusted them to him .
The thing is ... Lucifer could not find the tickets ... and when he realized this, with all the tranquility of the world: he cleared his throat, clasped his hands and positioned himself firmly like a teacher about to explain something to a child .
—Diavolo, in terms of tickets… I forgot the ttickets— At first the prince of hell gave his friend an incredulous look and even proceeded to laugh.
—Sure, stop playing games, Lucifer— the redhead expected a laugh from his friend followed by him handing over the tickets, but that gesture never came.
—Your Majesty I think Lucifer is not joking— Barbatos corrected
And oh my god, have you ever seen a child's face when you take a toy that he just can’t have out of his hands? And then the endless crying begins? Yes, at that moment the heir to the throne of hell simply bursted in tears.
—It’s Okay, your majesty, everything is going to be fine— The butler tried to calm him down by patting him on the back.
—Diavolo, I can buy others, don't worry— But the redhead only limited himself to pointing at the sign above the theater entrance "Sold out" was written in large letters.
—Well… I guess I owe you the next concert, how about we go to your favorite restaurant, hmm? My treat — Despite his offer, his friend only let out a sigh of despair and helplessness.
—You have no idea where you left them?
—Ummm… I guess in my office…
—Tell your brothers to bring them to you! Please!!— Lucifer was quick to dial Satan's number, because by the way things were he would not be surprised if Diavolo's despair at this moment led him to pray.
By pure chance, Lucifer noticed that he had several unanswered messages and calls from one of the angels: Simeon
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—You can't reach them?—the prince questioned
Lucifer just stood there, glaring at his phone with a mixture of regret and anger.
"Damm you Simeon" was all that came to mind.
—Oh? Aren't those Solomon, Simeon and Luke?—Barbatos voice interrupted his thoughts.
And sure enough, there at the entrance of the theatre were the inhabitants of purgatory hall, dressed in human world clothing, waiting in line, the youngest of the group with tickets in hand.
—Oh!? I didn't knew they had bought tickets for this!
—They didn't
—How do you know?
—Because those are YOUR tickets!
—What?!?!—Diavolo's confused expression was quickly met with Lucifer's phone right in front of his face, showing him the text messages.
—I'll go get them—but before the avatar of pride could take another step towards the purgatory hall group, Barbatos hand stopped him in his tracks.
—Your Majesty, I believe Luke's birthday is just in a few days and he seems to be enjoying himself, why don't we let them keep the tickets?—the butler suggested politely.
It took a couple of seconds for the prince of hell tho make his desicion, but the smile on the small angel face made all trace of doubt dissipate, and with a heavy sigh he finally spoke.
— leat it be, Lucifer...
—...are you sure of it, Diavolo?
—yes, perhaps next year we'll go together...all of us, right?
Lucifer was surprised but with a small smile forming on his face he said yes.
—Now... who's hungry?! We should go to the fanciest place in town, after all, It's Lucifer's treat!—the prince joked
—Perhaps the restaurant we attended last year would be fine, your Majesty?
—Ah yes! That would do!
And while Lucifer's wallet had started regretting his desicions, he was happy he could spend this evening with his dearest friends.
I was going to put a drawing of the fantastic three hanging out but I only did Diavolo bc while I was finishing Barbatos and Lucifer my computer crashed and didn't save anything :c
So here's a Diavolo in front of bellas artes to compensate:
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If you find any grammatical errors let me know! I'm trying to improve my english and that would help me so so much!
I will forever thank you if you go check out my other profile: @aileysmirnov  where I post things about my OC: edits, one-shots, imagines, art, etc. If you like Greek mythology and the bat family maybe you would get to be as fond of her as much as I am!
Anyway, thank you for reading!
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professorsnape394 · 4 years
The Potions Master’s Apprentice
Chapter Sixteen: Halloween
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A/N: This is the sixteenth part to my fanfiction ‘The Potions Master’s Apprentice (Severus Snape x OC)’. Chapters 1-16 can be found already uploaded on Wattpad under the same name. Feel free to leave requests in my inbox for anything Snape related you want me to write. Leave a comment below if you wish to be added to my tag list.
Pairing: Severus Snape x OC (Dumbledore’s Granddaughter)
Summary: A talented young witch is employed as an apprentice professor at Hogwarts, but who will she be working under? Severus Snape is not best pleased with his new responsibility of taking on an apprentice, however she is relentless to create a friendship between them. Will she be successful? Or might the friendship just go a little two far? With the eyes of her grandfather constantly watching over them, an attempt at a relationship might not be in the cards for Aria Dumbledore and Severus Snape.
Word Count: 5342
Warnings: mentions of sexual harassment, alcohol consumption. 
Credits to Gif Creator
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"Harry Potter." Dumbledore whispered, his lip almost trembling as he read the scrap of parchment that had just been spat out from the goblet.
The hall felt silence.
"Harry Potter." He spoke louder, looking furiously around the hall.
All eyes now searched for Harry.
"Harry Potter!" Albus yelled for a final time.
Aria felt her heart pound in her chest, surely this was a mistake, he wasn't even of age. She looked to her right, hoping Severus would provide some reassurance, though he too seemed just as shocked as she.
The young Gryffindor rose gingerly to his feet, being forced up by his friends and classmates. He seemed petrified, and just as confused as everyone else.
Students heckled him as he walked through the hall, assuming he had found some way to cheat the system. Neither Snape nor Aria believed this could be the case.
Aria Dumbledore stumbled slightly on her heels as she looked around desperately for someone to correct the situation. Without thinking she gripped her hand around the potions masters arm, clinging on for dear life. "Severus." She pleaded, her eyes wide with desperation, brow furrowed in frustration. "He's only fourteen."
Snape looked down at his apprentice, the look in her eyes paining him possibly more than the thought of the young boy competing in a deadly tournament. He opened his mouth to speak, almost about to place his own hand onto hers. But froze as Harry approached the Headmaster, and the parchment was thrust into his hand.
Severus broke away from Aria, turning his gaze outward as the boy came face to face with him.
Still completely shell shocked Harry made his way out of the room, earning a reassuring motherly tap from Minerva McGonagall on the way before disappearing along with the other Tri-Wizard champions.
Instantly the remaining students were dismissed back to their dormitories while a commotion broke out among the professors.
Both Headmaster Karkaroff and Madame Maxime outraged at the mere prospect of Hogwarts having two competing champions. The resident professors however, were far more concerned with Potter's safety than having a leg up in the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Dumbledore flew from the room, Severus following at his heels, and all the other teachers not far behind. Minerva faltered for a second, falling in line with Aria as they made their way from the room, clinging to each other desperately.
"Harry Potter, did you put your name in the goblet of fire?" Dumbledore asked calmly.
"No sir." The boy stuttered, his eyes darting between the crowd of professors.
"But of course, 'e is lying." Olympe accused, towering above even Hagrid.
"To hell he is." Mad- eye moody stepped forward. "The goblet of fire is an exceptionally powerful magical object, only an exceptionally powerful confundus charm could have hoodwinked it, magic way beyond the talents of a fourth year."
"You seem to have given this a fair bit of thought, Mad-eye." Karkaroff spat in return.
While the two men continued arguing, Aria broke arms with Minerva, once again working up the courage to approach Severus. Bringing his attention away from the chaos, she wrapped both hands around Snape's bicep, forcing herself closer to him. "Please." She begged.
Severus faltered. He saw the desperateness in her eyes, as well as in his friend Minerva's. He knew they both cared deeply about the boy. But what exactly was he meant to do?
"The rules are absolute." Barty Crouch sr. spoke. "The goblet of fire constitutes a binding magical contract. Mr. Potter has no choice, he is, as of tonight, a Tri-Wizard champion."
Severus locked eyes with Aria, wishing he could do more. Slowly Aria let her hands fall, she knew now he would not intervene.
Back in the potions classroom, Aria had almost become furious with Snape for not speaking up. Severus on the other hand, was getting sick of the woman going on at him about it, and was rather more concerned with why she chose to hold him in the way she did. A thought that hadn't let his mind since her fingers left his arm.
"I cannot believe you didn't stop them, Severus. Harry is not skilled enough to compete, not to mention the competition is renowned to be deadly. I can't believe it's actually still allowed to continue."
"And what exactly did you expect me to do Miss Dumbledore?" Snape questioned flicking his cloak behind him as he took a seat by his desk. "Barty said it himself. The rules are absolute, he is contractually bound. Nothing I could have said would have made any difference."
"But you could have tried." Aria whined, slamming her palms on the desk.
"And achieved what?" Snape shot up, his tone sharpening. "You overestimate my influence in this school, Miss Dumbledore. While your grandfather may rely on me for trivial duties, that is where my power stops." He snapped, getting annoyed at the woman for consistently guilting him.
"But you must know he didn't put his own name in, he couldn't have!" She persuaded, exasperated.
"Whether I believe he did or did not is irrelevant. He is competing and that's the end of it. That also goes for this conversation. I don't want to hear anymore of it." Snape warned, his eyes piercing into her. "Take the rest of the day off." He commanded.
Given that it was Saturday he had no right to keep her there anyway, though the witch had hoped she could spend the day with him, even if it meant giving themselves more work. Now that she had been banished from the classroom the prospects of her day were low and given that it was Halloween she suspected almost all of the students would be hauled up in their dorms throwing their own private parties. She had heard from Fred and George that it wasn't uncommon for the Gryffindor common room to be host to a number of events throughout the year, today certainly wouldn't be any exception.
Thinking of the students enjoying themselves sparked an idea for Aria. If they students were having party, why couldn't the professors?
Aria dedicated her day to doing her rounds of the school inviting every professor and member of staff she could think of to a party in the staff room that evening. It appeared the professors were just as in need of a night off as the students were, by the looks of it the party planning had gone quite successfully.
* Making her way briskly through the dimly lit dungeon corridor, Aria headed for the Hogwarts staff room, hoping not to cross paths with any suspicious looking rogue students on her way. As she passed by the old wooden door of Snape's office it occurred to Aria she had neglected to invite one crucial member of staff to this evenings event.
"Fuck." She groaned, running a hand through her sleekly styled hair.
Teetering on her heels Aria debated knocking on the door. Though it was highly unlikely Severus would even want to attend her party, she knew it would inevitably be better asking him at the eleventh hour than to not ask at all.
Braving the knock, she prepared herself for the ridiculing she was bound to receive.
A moment or two passed with no response, assuming Severus was located elsewhere, Aria chose to let herself in, just in case.
To her surprise Severus Snape was sat, hunched over his desk as he usually was. Only this time his desk was no longer cluttered with papers but displayed a singular framed photograph, which seemed to captivate Snape. He was evidently deaf to the world.
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Coughing lightly to declare herself, Aria gently shut the door behind her.
"Professor Snape." She announced trying to get on his good side, though a hint of surprise and embarrassment remained.
Straightening his posture, Snape extended his arm slowly, slamming the picture face first into the desk, desperate to keep it hidden.
"Miss... Dumbledore." He droned, eyeing the woman up and down. A slight look of disgust forming on his face. "What are you doing here?"
"I... I erm... I've arranged a small get together in the staff room tonight; you know, some drinks and snacks and music, since it's Halloween and all. I was wondering if you wanted to come?"
"I think not, Miss Dumbledore." He said, instantly turning away, disinterested.
"Of course: I understand." She nodded her head nervously. "It's so last minute, I doubt many people will come anyway, to be honest with you." She shrugged, shuffling on her feet.
Snape looked up from his desk, watching the woman squirm, he almost pitied her.
"Professor Flitwick informed me of your little 'get together' earlier this afternoon Miss Dumbledore." His voice dropping with boredom. "It seems the whole faculty is excited by the prospect of a party. I wouldn't worry about attendance too much."
Aria's heart practically flew out of her mouth. It hadn't crossed her mind for one single moment that Severus would have interacted with anyone besides herself today, let alone been discussing social events.
"Fuck." Aria said again, under her breath. "I meant to tell you Severus, honestly. It slipped my mind, I didn't mean to leave you out. I feel so stupid. I'm so sorry." She rambled.
"Relax, Miss Dumbledore." He commanded. "Whether I knew about your party or not has no affect on my decision. I wouldn't have come either way, I assumed you would know better than to invite me, it's a waste of time and energy for the both of us."
"Oh, I, er... I thought maybe since it was me, you might have reconsidered." The words had come out of her mouth before she had even realised what she had said. What made her any different from any other Professor?
"Don't flatter yourself, just because I am forced to work with you everyday does not mean I am willing to change my entire personality for you." Snape scoffed.
"I just meant- oh what's the point, your right, this is a waste of time, I'll leave you alone."
The witch turned to leave, one hand reaching for the door, before she heard the voice of the potions master speak up again.
"Wait." He demanded. "I'm curious. What exactly are you supposed to be?" The potions masters eyes travelled up and down the girl, inspecting her outfit for any trace of a costume.
"Oh." She stopped in her tracks. "I'm a sexy devil." She grinned, showing herself off and brandishing a pair of cheap plastic horns and a pitchfork she had been anxiously twiddling behind her back.
"Of course you are." He scoffed, rolling his eyes in disgust.
"I got them from Zonko's, it was the best I could do at the last minute." She shrugged, shying away.
Reaching again for the door handle, Aria froze, spinning back on her heel.
"Who is she?" She asked abruptly.
"I'm sorry?" Snape retorted, baffled that she dare even ask.
"You got a question, now I do too. Who is she?" The Professor nodded to the toppled over picture frame.
"How do you-"
"I just do. Who is she?" Aria pressured once more.
"A friend." He answered simply.
"Do you love her?" Aria couldn't help but pry further, though she had no idea why she wanted to know.
Severus simply looked up from his desk, his eyes connecting with Aria's. They shared a knowing look, neither of them needing to verbalise it.  
"Oh." She responded, pressing her glossy scarlet lips together. "I guess you're not as heartless as you pretend you are after all." She smirked, finally leaving the room.
"Severus couldn't make it then?" A feline-esq Mcgonagall asked, joining Aria next to the drinks table.
"No." Aria replied. "He was busy. I shouldn't have expected him to anyway, this isn't exactly his sort of thing is it?" She said looking around at the crowd of professors disguised as pirates, superheroes and zombies, casually chatting and swaying away to the  music.
"I shouldn't think it is." Minerva agreed, taking off her pair of false cat ears, giving her head a moments release. Aria couldn't help but laugh at her choice of costume, which I'm sure was professors desired reaction.
Pouring yet another drink Aria felt herself swaying back and forth in her heels, the alcohol was finally beginning to take its toll.
"Pace yourself, my dear, the night is still young." Minerva chuckled, taking a sip of wine.
"Sorry." Aria chuckled, gulping down the rest of her cocktail, completely ignoring the advice from her friend. "It's just been a while since I've allowed myself to get drunk, ya know, the side effects don't agree with me much."
"Well your still young I suppose, people your age often are out partying every weekend. I think you should allow yourself the luxury just this once, eh. The side effects are tomorrow's problem." The older woman winked.
"God, I hope not." Aria whispered, but continued pouring drinks nonetheless.
"Join me?" Aria said, clumsily pouring two very large shots, for the pair to down. "Let's get a bit more life into this party, shall we?" She announced, turning up the music and began filling a tray of shot glasses up, passing them around the room.
"Everyone gather around and let's make this interesting." The young woman mischievously announced.
Lining up numerous shots glasses and filling them with various miscellaneous liquors, Aria waited for the staff to gather round the table.
"Truth or dare. Alcohol edition. If this doesn't get us all absolutely hammered by the end of the night, nothing will." She laughed, hoping that getting these witches and wizards drunk and spilling some secrets would be a bit more fun that just standing around talking.
"And on that note, I feel this may be my cue to retire for the night." Dumbledore informed, taking Aria by the hand, giving her a reassuring squeeze. "You lot have fun." He smiled, chuckling to himself as he walked away.
One hour, two bottles of tequila and several very very drunk professors later Aria Dumbledore was satisfied with her attempts at spicing things up. The game had begun to wind to an end, with a couple of teachers tapping out, a few more passed out, and, in the case of Hagrid and Olympe Maxine, making out.
"Your turn again Aria; truth, dare or drink." Aurora Sinistra enquired. The small crowd buzzed, hyping her up as she carefully considered her decision.
"Truth!" She shouted, chickening out of yet another dare, and she truly did not think she could handle one more shot.
"I have one for you." Igor Karkaroff confessed, seemingly appearing from out of nowhere and plopping himself down in the empty space next to Aria.
"Then go ahead." She allowed, gathering her legs in a basket and turning to face him.
"How do you really feel about Severus Snape?" He breathed, his face inching closer to hers the longer she paused to think. The few invested professors fell silent eagerly anticipating her response.
"How do I feel about Snape?" She slurred, letting out a small amused laugh, as her body continued to sway towards Igor unknowingly.
"He's... curious." She began, finding her words amidst a sea of drunken thoughts. "He has the capacity for love and friendship just like the rest of us, yet he chooses to be mean-spirited. And for what? No apparent reason but his own satisfaction. He can be rude and arrogant and cruel. And despite it all I try my best try to show him kindness, but where does that get me? He calls me out in front of practically the whole school? That was so fucking humiliating, and I'm just supposed to forgive him? I think it's safe to do say I'd live a happy life, if I were to never see that man again."
"It's seems you've had a bit of time to think about this? I assumed you and Severus were friends." Madam Pomfrey commented, as the room fell silent.
"Can anyone really be friends with that man." Aria scoffed, beginning to feel uncomfortable, as it became clear to her that others did not share the same opinion.
"Admittedly Severus can be a hard man to get along with. But really he's not so bad once you get to know him." Minerva informed. "While he may not show it, he does care. Give him another chance, Aria, it takes a while to warm up to him."
Aria gave a small nod, thinking now might be a good time to wrap things up. She felt guilty for saying such bad things about Severus but it had also been some what of a release to get it all out there before she was truly able to forgive him for all the horrible things he said.
Picking up her scattered heels she had abandoned some time ago, Aria decided to call it a night.
Severus Snape had barely moved from the moment Aria Dumbledore had left his office. He sat frozen in time, simply staring at the picture of her. It had become routine for him at this point, every year, on Halloween, he would mourn the life of the woman he had once called best friend. He thought back to that night when he found her, murdered by the man he had put his faith in, the man he believed would spare her life, the man he vowed from that point onwards, he would help put an end to. It was on this day every year, he reminisced on his life full of regrets.
It was then he heard a small amount of commotion and scuffling echoing through the dungeon corridor. Assuming it would be a couple of excitable teenagers Snape made his way out, ready to deduct a couple of house points for disrupting his evening.
Unable to distinguish any facial features in the dark, Snape listened carefully to the drunken mumbles from down the hall. As he closed in on the pair it became clear to him that what he once assumed to be a playful make out session, was in reality an act of unwanted attention. The female was clearly drunk and struggling to dissuade the man's advances.
Illuminating the tip of his wand, Severus ripped the man away from the woman, thrusting him into the light. "Karkaroff?" Snape winced, releasing his tight grip on the headmasters collar. Slowly coming to terms with the reality before him, Snape's eyes darted towards the woman, who, seconds ago, had been pinned to the cold stone wall. Pealing away the curtain of hair from her face, Aria timidly revealed herself.
"What the fuck are you doing Snape?" Karkaroff grumbled, stumbling backwards, struggling to keep his balance.
"I could ask you the very same question, Igor." Severus seethed, pressing the tip of his wand firmly into Igor's neck.
"No need to get so defensive." Karkaroff chuckled. "Do not believe this innocent act, she wants this just as much as me. She's gagging for it, Severus, you should know that more than anyone." He burped grotesquely, making a move in Aria's direction.
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Instantly forcing himself between the ex-deatheater and his assistant. Severus dug his wand deeper into the man's skin. "Do not come any closer, Igor. I suggest you leave now and hope to God that Dumbledore doesn't hear of this."
Karkaroff paused for a second, running his tongue along his bottom lip in contemplation. Slowly closing the gap between himself and he potions master, Igor Karkaroff whispered into his colleagues ear. "I can wipe her memory straight after, no one needs to know. Go back into your chambers and forget you ever saw anything. I wouldn't blame you if you did the same."
"You disgust me." Snape spat, shoving the man away from him.
Karkaroff laughed sinisterly once again, seeing no real severity of his actions. That was the last straw for Severus. Swiping his wand across his face, a small but painful cut began to appear on Igor's cheek, a tiny pool of blood quickly forming and spilling down his face.
"Go. Now. Before I regret letting you off so lightly." The potions master commanded.
Having silently witnessed the whole exchange, Aria felt her pulse racing, feeling utterly helpless in her drunken state. Half expecting Severus to simply turn and leave, Aria begun to fiddle with the hem of her dress, not wanting to see him walk away. To her surprise a warm hand rested itself on her bicep, defrosting her body from the outside in.
"Are you okay?" Severus asked sincerely concerned.
Aria nodded her head repeatedly, but refused to meet her mentors gaze. "He didn't really do anything. He... he just wanted to come in for a nightcap." She tried to convince herself.
"I think we both know what his intentions were." Snape droned, agitated by her stupidity.
"Thank you." She said solemnly, her eyes finally meeting his.
Acknowledging her appreciation, Snape turned on his heel ready to finally retire for the night.
"Wait, Severus." She spoke up, finding her voice again. "I could use some company tonight. Do you mind if I join you?"
"It's been a long day, Miss Dumbledore. I was planning on getting at least some sleep tonight."
"I understand." She hung her head, embarrassed for even asking.
Looking down at the disappointed look on the young woman's face, he did not have the heart to leave her after what had just happened. Letting out a hefty sigh, Snape made his way to his office, throwing open the old oak door, waiting patiently.
"Come on then." He offered, motioning to the empty room.
"Do you mind if I...?" Aria gestured to a rogue bottle of FireWhiskey. "For the nerves."
"Go ahead." Snape permitted, settling back down behind his desk, while Aria made herself at home in his office.
Truthfully Aria had found herself becoming rapidly more sober by the second and she was desperate to put an end to that feeling as soon as possible. She was already embarrassed enough without the risk of Snape asking anymore questions.
"How was your little party." Severus pondered, having nothing else to occupy him.
"Not bad. Would have been better with you there though." Aria confessed, taking a seat on the edge of Severus' desk, gulping down her glass of FireWhiskey.
"I doubt that that is true." He droned, rolling his eyes, unconvinced.
"Of course its true, you're my friend Severus. Why do you find it so hard to believe that someone could enjoy your company." She raised an eyebrow at the potions master.
"There is not much to like about a man like me, Miss Dumbledore. I simply do not see the appeal." Leaning forward in his chair, Snape averted his gaze.
"Well I do." Aria assured firmly, refusing to take her eyes off the man in front of her. "And clearly you were open to friends in the past. You speak of this woman for instance, the two of you were friends." She tried to get him to open up.
"For a while." He replied simply.
"When we were children." He elaborated, once again meeting her eyes. "And that brief phenomenon ended when the prospect of a better opportunity arose for her." Snape added bitterly.
"That cannot possibly be true." Aria scoffed, unconvinced he was telling her the whole truth.
"That, coupled with my less than amiable personality, and a few harsh words drove her away for good. And with final nail in the coffin being just that, there is no hope for a reunion any time soon." He finalised, his tone harsher and more agitated than before.
"Is that a habit of yours then?"
"Is what a habit of mine?"
"Attempting to drive away your friends by insulting them." She said it only to be playful, hoping to coax a small smirk from him, but clearly that night was still a sore spot for him, even more so than it was for her. "Why don't you allow yourself the simplest bit of happiness, Severus. I know for a fact there are many Professors who think very highly of you, if you only let yourself be liked, you would have a great number of friends."
"What makes you think I want friends, Miss Dumbledore." Snape relaxed in his chair, finally turning his full focus to the young woman. "Has it ever occurred to you I am like this for a reason. That I like to be alone. That I drive people away simply because I do not want them in my life."
"I don't believe that for one second."
"Why?" He challenged. His temper beginning to boil at the woman's unyielding persistence.
"Because you loved her, Severus." Aria Dumbledore blurted. A moment of silence filled the room, the pair both slightly in shock that she dare speak the words, that Severus Snape was capable of love, aloud. Nevertheless she chose to continue, seeing no harm in speaking her mind now. "She was your friend and you loved her. I know it broke your heart when she died. And I know your trying to protect yourself from getting hurt again. But you must let yourself be vulnerable, or else what is the point in living? I am determined to be your friend, Severus Snape. And while I know that probably terrifies you, you really do not have any say in the matter. If you truly liked being alone, you would have left me out in that corridor tonight." She finished with a sigh.
Hoping off the desk to pour another drink, Aria's mind hummed away. Something felt different between her and Severus tonight. Despite at first being thrown off, and admittedly, slightly jealous of the woman in the picture, it had given her hope. Not fully understanding what she was feeling, she decided to blame it on the booze. Whatever it was, was tomorrow's problem.
Intending to join Aria for a drink, Severus ventured out from behind his desk, meeting Aria in the center of the room. Having practically read his mind, she presented her friend with a very large glass of Firewhiskey, and began to make a start on her own. As the cold glass balanced on the edge of her lip, Aria suddenly became hyperaware of how close her and Severus' bodies were. His fingertips grazed her own as he made to take the glass from her, clearly lingering for much longer than necessary. Aria darted her eyes in his direction, wondering if he too noticed their closeness, she found him staring right back at her. With no sign of uncomfort or anxiety visible in his face, Aria felt her heart begin to beat faster than ever, and her palms became instantly sweaty. Gulping down the remainder of her drink, she slammed her glass down on the desk, turning to the door.
"I think I should go." Aria swallowed nervously, refusing to meet Severus' gaze. "Let you get some rest, finally. It's already so late."
She was panicking and rambling. It was obvious to both her and Severus. But the way he looked at her. She had never seen him look at anyone that way, he didn't look as harsh or mean or unimpressed as he usually did, and that terrified her. Though it wasn't how he looked at her that scared her, it was how it made her feel. Butterflies inhabited her stomach, her heart pounded in her chest, and her throat scratched when she spoke it had become so dry. She knew she had to get out of there before she done something she might regret.
"Aria, wait." Severus called out, placing his glass next to it's twin, though his remained untouched.
It was the first time he had called her by her first name. It felt so... intimate. She loved the way it sounded coming from him. His velvet monotone made her name sound so smooth and delicate. She could listen to him speak forever, she thought to herself. Shaking herself back into reality, Aria forced herself to turn and face Severus.
Without missing a beat Snape closed the gap between them, pulling her body close to his; one hand resting on her waist, the other cupping the back of her head. Before either of them knew what had happened the pair found themselves lost in a chaste, but passionate kiss.
Seemingly coming to his senses Severus Snape forced himself off of Aria, his face instantly flushing with colour. Averting his gaze, it was clear he was starting to regret what he had just done.
"I apologise, that was... I shouldn't have-"
To his surprise Aria cut him off, resting a cold hand on his newly warmed face. Their eyes met for a single moment, both knowing that this was what the other wanted. Standing slightly on her toes for height, Aria thrust her lips onto his, pulling him closer and tighter than before. Deepening the kiss Severus quickly regained control, letting himself lose himself in the moment. The couple found themselves drifting towards the door, using it as a support, allowing them Severus to be as forceful as he wanted. While Aria's hands roamed the whole of Severus' body, squeezing and grabbing anywhere she possibly could, Severus on the other hand, remained the perfect gentleman, keeping his hands strictly to her waist and face, and eventually settling on either side of her head, leaning against the firm wooden door.
Breaking away for a moment of air, Aria let out a satisfied groan, biting on her bottom lip seductively. Severus could not take his eyes of her, watching her every move hungrily, struggling to catch his breath.
"Wow." She finally exhaled, but instantly Aria pulled him in once more.
As the kiss continued and another second passed, the pair became hungrier for one another, and so the more passionate the kiss became. Getting almost too caught up in the moment, Aria made a move for Severus' belt buckle, hurriedly unclasping it, ready to undo his zipper.
"Stop." Severus panted, grabbing her wrist, before she went any further.
Coming to her senses Aria retracted from the situation, a wave of humiliation washing over her as she watched Severus re-buckle his belt.. Hiding her face in her hands, she moved out from between Snape and the door.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"
"No, It's not your fault." Snape tried to reassure. "I just... I wouldn't want to take advantage."
"You wouldn't be taking advantage, I was the one who wanted to-"
"I just think we need to end things here." Snape said firmly, once again cutting the woman off.
Accepting defeat Aria nodded to herself, knowing he was right. She had never felt so embarrassed in her whole life, she knew she would regret allowing herself to drink tonight, it never ended well.
"I should go." She whispered to Snape, refusing to look any higher than the man's shoes.
"Aria." He breathed, his voice full of sadness, knowing she was beginning to regret kissing him in the first place. He wanted to asked her to stay, but he knew it didn't matter what he said now to make up for stopping her, the moment was gone and so too was she about to be.
"Goodnight... Professor Snape." The witch sighed, reverting back to professionalisms and clicking the door shut behind her.
@ayamenimthiriel​ @lizlil​
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