#i'm more worried about what i'm going to do when we get to gen 9‚ to be honest. worried about more immediate issues
front-facing-pokemon · 4 months
whats gonna happen to this blog after every pokemon is front facing? will it only update when theres new pokemon? or will it just die?
i've seen a few ideas tossed around on this front. most notable i think is going through the entire pokédex again with shiny forms. ultimately though i've been leaving it up to "we'll figure it out when we get there," since it'll be a while. i'm open to suggestions, however! i've heard back-facing-pokémon and front-facing-shiny-pokémon as ideas. i do like the shiny idea
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they all have a tint of red or yellow in their eyes, i believe! it's just how gmaxes are i suppose
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then yes! i just queued that one up this morning, i believe
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YES i know everyone loves eevee. i do too. it just does NOT have the move pool or stats to make it a useful member of a team unevolved, is all. every time i've tried to use an eevee when i'm trying to get one of its friendship evos, it's always a pain in the ass trying to get it to survive through a single battle without switch training it. maybe i'm just using eevee wrong! but bite/swift/baby-doll eyes/quick attack is not the set for me
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icanseethefuture333 · 4 months
The Astrological Observation of Gen Z, (a series)
Part II 👶🏽🩷:
The birth of Gen Z children👩‍🍼:
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Now what is described as a Gen Z baby is different depending on what method you use, but since we are using astrology, we determine that by looking at Pluto. Pluto is one of the slower moving planets and typically lasts in the same sign for over 12 years. In tropical astrology, what all Gen Z babies share is a Sagittarius Pluto (and it is in Scorpio if you fancy Vedic astrology 😎), Which begins in mid to late 1995 and ends in early to mid 2008. Some other placements that are shared for early 2000s babies is a Aquarius Uranus & Aquarius Neptune, While mid to late 2000s babies share a Pisces Uranus & Aquarius Neptune.
The most populated birth years of the 2000s in order were 1. 2000, 2. 2009, 3. 2008, 4. 2007, & 5. 2006. The least populated birth year being 2001. While the amount of births stayed consistent in 2002-2003 with only a slight increase by a million in 2004-2005.
00: 143.01 million
01: 133.88
02: 134.02
03: 134.40
04: 135.23
05: 135.80
06: 136.91
07: 138.56
08: 140.16
09: 141.20
The year 2000 was the start of the 21st century, so parents being excited for the new millennium and having lots of babies in the celebration of the new year makes a lot of sense. If we use January 1st 2000 as an example for a baby's birthday. That would mean that the parents would had to conceive / the mother to get pregnant around in April (9 months). In 1999, Jupiter was in Aries and Taurus was in Saturn. Prince wasn't lying when he said "we gonna party like it's 1999 (all night long)" - because y'all parents were doing the *Raven Symone voice* NASTY 😭. Aries is action oriented and hasty. So I believe the collective during this time actually made new year's resolutions that they could accomplish. I always associate Taurus with fertility, abundance, & pleasure. So when the sign rules over saturn, it creates the need to be focused on security, comfort, & protecting personal possessions. Add a Scorpio Lillith to the mix and yeah... 🥴 The song sums it up pretty well (fun fact it was also released in the year 2000 LMFAO)
Now let's see why there was such a decrease of babies being born in 2001.
Jupiter moves from Aries into Taurus/Gemini, Taurus still remained in Saturn, & then there was a Capricorn Lillith. So things got less hot and heavy 😅 (they got tired out from all that fucking huh LOL 💀). I believe that parents were too nervous to have any more children in this year. Also there was so many earth placements, so I believe there was more of a focus on finances, creating structure, and coming up with ideas/plans for a better future. Parents could of seen how crazy things got (The Y2K crisis, people acting out of fear thinking the world was ending, 9/11, etc) and just decided not to have as much children. The libido or sex drive could of died down for some couples as well. There was a lot of resistance from couples in this year for getting pregnant. Parents were more worried about business. The babies that were born in 2001 were most likely by accident or needed to be under the supervision of a doctor in order to help the parents conceive (also there could of been possible complications during the pregnancy 🤔?). The women were just over it during this year 😭
Now let's talk about the rise of babies being born in 2007-2009 when there was LITERALLY a god damn financial crisis going on 💀! It was so bad it got compared to the great depression and parents were just like "huh... yeah, I think this is a great time to have a baby" 😂. Guess what sign Lilith was during this time...? ("BITCH YOU GUESSED IT! HO! You was right"😈) FUCKING SCORPIO LILITH 💀 with a Virgo Saturn, Sagittarius Jupiter, and then Uranus finally transitioned from Aquarius to Pisces. Soooo it was giving anxious attachment, it's giving "I'm scared but aroused", the parents' idea of a coping method during this time was "let's use a baby as a way to have hope during such troubling times" 😭??? Couples during those years were not thinking clearly at all and with Pisces being the dreamer that she is 🙄... ("you're a dreamer, you dream a lot") as well as Sagittarius tryna act like they're mr. philosophical over here but instead is really just thinking with their dicks. It just made the parents overall act really delusional and they thought having a kid would give them hope for the future (like why would you do that to late Gen Z's and set them up like that omg 😭???). The financial crisis during 2007-2009 was described as: "The collapse of the housing market — fueled by low interest rates, easy credit, insufficient regulation, and toxic subprime mortgages — led to the economic crisis." So overall it was a period of parents only being intimate to try to find comfort in each other while also dealing with anxiety and not being able to see past their own illusions.
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renthony · 2 months
Hi! Could you talk about what it’s like being an independent media researcher and how you became one? Did you go to school for communications or media studies? How do you make money?
I’m about to graduate college and I really want to go into the media studies field but I haven’t really figured out what the best way for me to do that is. I have a lot of similar research interests as you (animation, censorship, media analysis, queer media) and I’m disabled so I’ve been worried about not having the energy for a traditional 9 to 5 sort of job, so I’d love to hear more about how you’re able to do the research you’re passionate about!
Honestly, I got here by accident, and I'm still figuring things out as I go. I don't make much money and right now I feel like my work is in a period of transition. I have plans, but some days it feels like I'm barely making baby steps.
I started writing when I was pretty young, and I read every single "how to write" guide I could get my hands on via the library or bookstore. I wrote constantly. Short stories, various false starts at baby's first novel, even newsletters for school activities and community clubs. I was most focused on fiction at first, but I learned a lot about nonfiction as well.
I got involved in online writing communities back when forums were still a big deal, and I joined Twitter back in 2009 when it was still new and there was a massive author and freelancer community. (Anyone else remember before retweets were a thing? We had to copy, paste, and manually type out "RT @[user]" like barbarians.) I learned an absolute fuckton about the craft and the industry by talking directly with other writers, literary agents, editors, and various other people in the field. From the time I was like 14, I was interacting with professional writers, sharing my work for feedback, and racking up rejection letters from magazines and literary agents (which was a badge of honor in the communities I was hanging out in, because it meant you were working hard and refusing to quit). When I was 17, my best friend even scraped together money from their shitty fast food job to pay for us to attend a major writing conference in Denver, where we participated in all kinds of classes and panels with industry professionals.
My mother was also writing at the time, and I got a lot of support from her. She had a blog that got a decent amount of interaction, because this was right around the rise of the Mommy Blogger and my mom wrote from the perspective of a socially-isolated tattooed punk mom who never planned to have kids (which was unusual in a landscape of perfect housewives with perfect photogenic babies with weirdly-spelled Mormon names they chose when they were kids). Eventually my mom started writing for a website owned by Yahoo, to supplement the household income while staying home to care for my little siblings. When I decided I wanted to take a whack at freelancing, she gave me a lot of advice on how to get started. I also had a writing class at school taught by a teacher who made it a class project to submit to magazines, so I basically got a head-start on freelance life. I wrote a lot of random articles for a website that's since gone defunct, and I submitted a lot of short stories to contests and magazines. Didn't really make a lot of money, but I learned a ton and got a lot of experience.
When I made it to college, I studied anthropology and French. I'd planned to study history, but switched my track after a single semester because anthropology suited me better. I took a lot of AP classes in high school and did well on all the standardized testing, so I managed to get a full academic scholarship and skip right past a few of my gen eds. Unfortunately for me, I had a lot of difficult life experiences during that time period, and I started to struggle in pretty much everything that wasn't directly related to my degree. I failed Latin so bad I didn't bother to go to the final exam, because even a perfect grade wouldn't have saved me. I fucked up my algebra grade beyond salvation. Those two classes alone tanked my GPA enough that I lost my academic scholarship, and I wound up dropping out entirely. Grades in my required courses were solid, but the scholarship requirements meant I had to do well across the board or lose my funding.
My mother still has debt from getting loans to pursue a master's degree, and I knew damn well I didn't want that kind of student debt piling up on me, so I opted for dropping out. Sometimes I regret it a little, but I honestly think it was the best option. I was having so much emotional upheaval on top of the academic stress that I needed time away to figure myself out. I graduated high school early, so I was like two years younger than everyone around me, and I didn't have many friends. I lived at home and came to campus just long enough to go to class, so I had nothing in common with my classmates who lived in dorms and participated in campus activities. I missed orientation because I registered late, the administration sent me to the transfer student registration day instead of the new student registration day, and I didn't get any "here's how you navigate university life" support. I didn't know I was supposed to have a one-on-one academic advisor for a year and a half, and when I finally met him, his only comment on the matter was, "wow, I wondered why you hadn't come to see me yet!" without any sort of inquiry into how a fuckup on that scale was allowed to happen in the first place. I wasn't set up for success by university administration, and I burnt out hard. I dropped out.
My wife encouraged me to do what was going to be best for me mentally instead of letting finances dictate my next step. She had a steady job, and even though we were still pretty broke, her support let me drop out of college and focus on recovery. A lot of people gave me shit because their perception was that I was dropping out of college to become "just a housewife," and they couldn't fathom why. From my perspective, I'd been given a lifeline.
I took care of our shitty little one-bedroom apartment. I read a lot of books and played a lot of Minecraft. When I felt up to it, I did some more freelancing. My wife was working unholy hours in a factory and we didn't get to spend much time together. I started doing tarot reading as a side hustle, and we started making vague plans to move somewhere better for us, but saving up was hard.
Things felt stagnant for a long time. I didn't write very much, I wasn't really doing anything related to my studies. I wrote when I had energy, and I kept scraping together extra cash doing tarot readings while my wife started working a new job in a lumber yard. Her support is the only reason I was able to recover and figure myself out, so big shout-out to my beloved working woman wifey. God, I love her.
Eventually we packed up and moved to a different state so we could be closer to my family. I got a job baking for a coffee shop. I wrote whenever I could. When I got laid off from the coffee shop, I realized there was no way in hell I could keep working a regular job without sacrificing my health, so I went back to writing full-time. (The Queen of Cups was written during this period.)
At some point I started getting back into anthropology and history research, just for fun. I didn't have money to finish my degree, but I had enough academic experience to know how to track down and evaluate good sources. I wasn't really trying to do anything for career purposes, I was just incredibly bored and wanted to study something again, so I got really, really into studying local history. Once I read everything I could about that, I jumped to another topic I was interested in, and then another. Media studies became my biggest focus as a natural outgrowth of my interests in speculative fiction, animation, and the history of the entertainment industry. I studied anthropology in school because I loved learning how and why humans do the things we do, and media studies always felt like an obvious facet of that. It's part of why I was always obsessed with cave paintings and paleolithic sculptures--people make art! It's what we do! It's what we've always done!
Anyway, I now live in a university town that has resources available to the public, and I have friends who work in various university libraries or as professors. I started making use of whatever I could get access to. I read a lot of nonfiction books from independent researchers pursuing their own passion projects, I got really into video essays on YouTube, and I had the epiphany that you don't actually have to finish college to study and write about things as long as you put in the quality research and source all your information. At some point I started calling it my "DIY academia," which my university-employed friends found utterly delightful.
Honestly, I credit my formal-academia friends with a lot. They've all been an incredible source of support and reassurance, and have helped me track down quite a few sources I was having trouble getting my hands on. Everyone do yourself a favor and make friends with someone who works in a university library.
I started a Patreon several years ago (in like 2017 I think?), primarily for my fiction writing, but there's plenty of other things that have shown up there over the years (art, cosplay, essays, etc.). As I started getting more into my DIY academia, folks started expressing interest in seeing me write about it. My tumblr posts about media generated a decent amount of attention, I'd managed to build up a platform, and it wasn't hard to say, "okay, screw it: I have freelance experience and I know how to write a paper, does anyone want to pay me for it?"
I haven't been submitting to existing publications like I used to, mostly because I don't have a decent portfolio assembled. My old freelance work in high school and college was for a platform that closed down a decade ago, and no matter how popular they get I can't bring myself to include tumblr posts alongside professional credits. My current plan is to build a portfolio on my website showing off the commissions I've been taking, and then start submitting to magazines and newspapers again between my other work. I'd love to eventually write for something like Polygon or IGN.
It's hard. I love research, I love writing, and I love sharing information with people, but having to DIY everything is really, really hard. I often feel like I'm just throwing nonsense into the void in the hope someone will like it and leave a tip in my Ko-Fi. I don't have formal academic credentials beyond "I was planning my senior thesis about the ethics of investigating ancient burial sites, but then I dropped out." I just have a neurodivergent brain, a handful of special interests, a wife who works the graveyard shift in a lab to pay our bills, and the ability to hyperfixate on research for absurd lengths of time.
The most common advice I used to get about freelancing is that you just have to keep throwing things at the wall to see what sticks. It's been years since then, but I think the advice still applies. Read a lot, learn a lot, and write about the things you're most interested in. Search around and look for magazines and newspapers and websites that accept unsolicited freelance submissions. Read the other articles they publish to see how your work stacks up. Submit, submit, submit. Rake in rejection letters and keep them as a reminder of how hard you're working. If you're up for it, start a Patreon to post the things you don't submit elsewhere. The worst thing that can happen is that people don't give you money, but maintaining it still helps you lay the groundwork for a portfolio and a reader base.
I deal with a lot of hellacious impostor syndrome. I worry a lot that I'm just a hack who doesn't actually know what they're talking about. Like I said, I got here totally by accident, but whatever I'm doing seems to be working for me. I'm broke, but my work is being read, and opportunities for more work show up when I least expect them. I'm not sure what's next for me, but I'm excited to figure it out. Money's tight, but I keep enduring despite the chaos. I throw things at the wall, I see what sticks, I clean up whatever flops and then try it again later. Wash, rinse, repeat.
It's hard, but so is everything else. I like it better than a lot of other things I could be doing.
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zalrb · 10 months
Something Something Walter Boys 1x01 Review.
I am already crying at the delivery of this dialogue. What have I gotten myself into?
"This is so awesome, I can't believe you pulled it off" literally people are just dancing. What exactly is amazing about this?
I know that a Gen Z somewhere can deliver dialogue without it being stilted. I know they exist.
If Jackie is SO good at this, she should be walking around and talking with her friend instead standing in one spot the entire time. Jesus Christ, be Caroline. Be Marissa.
"Oh my god, this is going to be the best night ever!" I mean, is it?
Oh, Donna, I already know you deserve better.
Btw, 9 times out of 10, I will probably call Catherine Donna because she's Donna.
Those eyes make me feel unsafe in my own home. I'm not even sure who this boy is even though he was just introduced.
They're trying to make this house seem chaotic and it's one boy on a skateboard. A contained swordfighting scene and a dog in a pool.
Jackie is cute and it's all of these ugly to mediocre white boys omg.
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No no no no no no no, if it's not this
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"Don't worry about it, New York". They couldn't come up with something better?
Why wouldn't they clear the bedroom of Donna's art supplies ?
"She has to learn how to take a bit of rough and tumble, she'll never survive here otherwise" your lives seem pretty cush, it's not like you're all working on the orchard or doing chores or doing any sort of work/labour to help out on the land when she arrives. You're swimming in a pool.
Well, she's moving her entire life here of course she has a lot of stuff?? This is supposed to indicate that she's sheltered or spoiled or something but she's literally uprooting her life. That comes with boxes.
I AM SO SORRY ABOUT ALBERT. He sprayed her with water, he didn't jump on her or anything.
Donna is actually acting and is natural and just commands the space and everyone else is stilted af.
This exposition dump is KILLING me.
"the rough and tumble"
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Ah yes, taking the obligatory apple for breakfast instead of eating a meal.
The only reason why I'm going to remember Cole's name is because his hair fills me with rage.
I'm trying hard to be sympathetic to Jackie because you know her family died and she's in a new city and in a new school but please get out of the damn car. You're moving SLOW. Have anxiety about not knowing where your classes are while you're walking to the school entrance.
"Not like them fancy Manhattan schools, huh?" I mean, even Spence looks like this
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it's a building. Relax.
everything about this person infuriates me. this looks like a HORRIBLE kiss
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also, wouldn't you go to the office to get your schedule? Do Colorado schools not have offices because they just can't keep up with New York?
"can you stand up and tell us something about yourself?" I have never experienced anything like that when a new student came to class when I was in high school. It was just a "this is xyz. take a seat." and then we moved on.
And wouldn't teachers be briefed on the fact that her family died in an accident beforehand? O for 2, Colorado.
Is that Alex? I'm not entirely sure he's human.
I'm also partially convinced Cole is actually AI.
We never actually got letter grades outside of elementary school.
This is a horrible guidance counsellor. Get her more challenging classes if she wants them. She has a goal to get into Princeton, don't just be like "that's a tough school to get into" if you want to introduce backups to her, you can be like there are lots of other great schools to add to your roster.
"My last school was very supportive of my goals" and the guidance counsellor wants to talk about how she stopped seeing her friends, which fine, you want to make sure she's coping and emotionally stable and has a well-rounded life but don't dismiss this girl's academic goals, jesus christ.
"This is a good school" then put her in some AP classes, what the HELL?
Oh, they don't have many for her year. Well.
"Princeton will understand." NO THEY WON'T. BITCH, YOU'RE A GUIDANCE COUNSELLOR?
LMAO, sorry, I think I'm having flashbacks to my own high school experience where I had to fight to be taken seriously about my average and wanting to get into top schools in Canada and with particular teachers telling me to settle.
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I had to look up how old the actor who plays Cole is because I was like, sir, you are like 27 year old man pretending to be 10 years younger and it's not working for you. You can't pull it off. (He's 25).
He's supposed to be using his pretty privilege to cut the line but he isn't pretty so I'm just confused.
And he isn't charming.
"Do you like her?" She has been there for literally a day.
So, are we just not going to talk about racism? In Colorado?
a) who runs into class like that? b) "Hey, Sky, you know that new girl who was sitting with Cole?" "Yeah, she's right beside you." That's all you needed to say. This is SO contrived. I'm DYING.
Kylie, Jackie, Skyler jesus christ. This sounds like a wattpad story.
"Jackie's landed in boy heaven" Girl, you need to get out more.
I will also remember Grace's name because I want to murder her.
Oh God no, she talks and I can't do it. Shut UP.
"Miss J Crew." "Um, it's Ralph Lauren??" could've been funny if any of these people could act.
I also like how Cole's not-girlfriend is talking about how vanilla Jackie's clothes are and she's dressed in the most basic bitch outfit.
"I'm not buying this little Orphan Annie act" ... I mean her entire family did die though, do you think she faked that?
Also, Jackie embarrassing whatsherface means nothing when it isn't in front of other people that matter to whatsherface. This should be in front of all of whatsherface's friends including Cole. This is just basic teen drama logic.
Grace opens her mouth --
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I'm not sure why I didn't number these.
This is a pretty lax ranch or orchard or whatever.
Her hair is distracting
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"Any other dangerous animals I should know about?" I mean, I don't think they would have a venomous snake just roaming about.
Cole is not charismatic enough for this.
oh my god, the boy who grew up around horses knows how to take care of horses, he's SO sweet. jesus christ.
Oh thank god it's over.
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restbeyondtheriver · 5 months
Can you please pray for me? I'm really struggling with feeling responsible for ushering the salvation of people in my life. My church is working through this series on selecting four people in your life and helping them to know Jesus. My pastor says things like "Without your help someone is facing an eternity without their Creator." I know that as Christians we are tasked with spreading the good news, and when I think about the amount of people I know or have met who aren't saved I feel overwhelmed and guilty. Maybe it's a generational thing too but I'm gen z and it just seems like people my age either get combative or put up a wall when you mention faith. I'm more than willing to have those conversations with people when the opportunity arises but until then all I've been doing is praying for others and trying to live like Jesus/be a light. Still I worry that I'm not "trying enough" and I'm letting God down.
I'll use my salvation story as an example & maybe it will help:
I heard the call of the Holy Spirit at 9 years old, I answered it at 12 years old. I white-knuckled the pew every Sunday for years filled with paranoid thoughts about why I shouldn't go forward: I am scared -> I know I shouldn't be scared -> I've waited to long to go forward & am embarrassed -> I've waited too long & now I feel behind -> I feel like I'm in trouble & I don't want to be a bad person but I am so what do I do etc. etc. etc.
I did raise my hand when asked if I needed to make a decision one Sunday though & a deacon saw me. He ran out in the parking lot to tell my mom who took me back in (I was fully panicking now lol). The pastor was leading me in the sinners prayer & I even blurted out "I can't do this!"
I did though, I did say the sinners prayer & I did mean it. It was not some mystical or magical thing that made all fear disappear in that millisecond. Frankly, I was tired & puffy eyed & still felt very outed & embarrassed as a bad person (this is silly, the cross already outed me & you as that & everyone was very very happy about my decision, they did not make me feel bad, I was just an anxious kid). This is because conversion is to do with acceptance of will or heart, not of feeling, & feelings just always take me awhile. My soul was saved, the rest of me needed some work & always will - to quote my own pastor.
I say all of that to say this: the conviction was to raise my hand when everyones eyes were closed & to make a decision because I knew that was the truth. This was different than the paranoia I had felt before this. It was a moment just between me & God where I was totally honest. I knew what I needed to do &, with a lot of pre-teen angst in toe, did it. I was just afraid & God saved me anyway. I had to have a lot of help to confess with my mouth my conviction that He is Lord & God saved me anyway. I still look back on it & squirm & am embarrassed at myself & God saved me anyway. 
I'm more than willing to have those conversations with people when the opportunity arises but until then all I've been doing is praying for others and trying to live like Jesus/be a light - is all you have to do, just like the decon that day did. The conviction the deacon had to run out in the parking lot in a suit & tie to flag down my mom just to make sure she knew probably made him feel a little strange, but he also knew the truth of what he needed to do. He just was there & willing to serve. God does the good work regardless of our feelings of silliness or embarrassment or overwhelm or guilt. He expects our imperfections & has made ample provision. You are listening & praying & improving & helping just as you are, wait for conviction & then act. Don't be afraid to feel a little (or a lot) overwhelmed.
God hasn't placed the responsibility of these 4 people on your shoulders, He has placed it on His own. He can carry it. He does carry it now. 
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India Lima Yankee - Bonus Chapter
Pairing: Rooster x Female OC
Word Count: 2411
Warnings: Mild pregnancy complications
Summary: Juliette Kazansky discovers Maverick is back in town for a special training detachment, but she's more than a little blindsided when Rooster arrives too. Having not spoken to him for almost ten years after their less than amicable break-up, Juliette can only imagine how the next few weeks are going to play out when she remains head over heels in love with him while he wants nothing to do with Juliette other than to forget her.
Or so she thinks.
Notes: None!
Chapter Songs: All I Want For Christmas Christmas Baby Cold December Night
Chapters: Chp 1 Chp 2 Chp 3 Chp 4 Chp 5 Chp 6 Chp 7 Chp 8 Chp 9 Chp 10 Chp 11 Chp 12 Chp 13 Chp 14 Chp 15 Chp 16 Chp 17 Chp 18 Chp 19 Chp 20 Chp 21 Chp 22 Chp 23 Chp 24 Chp 25Chp 26 Chp 27 Chp 28 Chp 29 Chp 30 Chp 31 Chp 32 Chp 33 Chp 34 Chp 35 Chp 36 Chp 37 Chp 38 Chp 39 Chp 40 Chp 41 Chp 42 Chp 43 Chp 44 Chp 45 Bonus Info Bonus Chapter
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Bradley Bradshaw discovered his wife curled up under a blanket on the couch with Raptor and Lightning, reading a book in the warm yellow lights of their Christmas tree. She looked miserable. Leaning against the wall, he asked, "What are you doing up?"
Juliette snapped her head up, and in the dim light, he could see her paleness. "I've been nauseous for the past hour, and nothing is helping, not even the anti-nausea medicine the doctor gave me. It's taking ages to kick in," she said sleepily, glancing over at the pill bottle on the coffee table with distaste. "What are you doing up?"
"Bad dream. Why didn't you wake me up? I would've sat up with you." Rooster moved to her end of the couch, intending to sit on the coffee table to be closer to her without moving the dogs, but Juliette sat up and moved over just enough to allow him some space next to her. He pulled her onto his lap and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. 
"You're not getting enough sleep as it is. Still having nightmares?" Juliette inquired, looping her arms around his neck.
"Yeah, I guess getting shot down and traipsing through an enemy base and evading fifth-gen fighters in a fourth-gen fighter can do some damage to your psyche. Nothing I can't handle, though. I'll be fine. I'm more worried about you. Do the docs know why the morning sickness is so bad?"
Juliette shook her head. "No, they're saying all my hormone levels are super high, and that's what's causing all this." Juliette chuckled weakly and added jokingly, "Maybe it's twins."
"Let's hope they take on more after you than me because I was a troubled-ass kid."
"Hey, you went through things no kid should ever go through. If they take on after you, they'll be extremely lucky. And hey, I've seen the pictures of the men in your family. If we have a boy, he's going to be a heartbreaker."
"And if we have a girl, she's going to be beautiful like her mother and all the women before her." Rooster kissed his fiancée, smiling into it. He started to say more, but Juliette's hand flung to cover her mouth, and she bolted off his lap faster than a jet launched off a carrier catapult. Rooster followed her to the bathroom and barely managed to pull her hair back before she hurled into the toilet. 
"Oh, I hate this," Juliette groaned, leaning away and sitting against the cabinets. Rooster grabbed some tissues for her, which she gratefully took to wipe her mouth. "I'm creating life, and this is how Mother Nature decides to thank me?"
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"I wish there was something I could do to help," Rooster said sympathetically, hating seeing Juliette in this state. "Are you up to going to your mom's later?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'll be fine. I want to go. Besides, we're giving everyone the big news, and I don't want to miss that. If it gets much worse, I'll go to urgent care or the ER to make sure it's nothing else, okay?"
"I'll be by your side wherever you go. Come on, let's get you back to the couch."
"No, no, brush my teeth first, then bed. It's still a little easier for me to sleep in the bed. I only went to the couch so I wouldn't wake you up."
"You can always wake me up when you're not feeling well, Jules. This is what I'm here for." Rooster stood up and held out his hands to help her up. Juliette gratefully took them. The couple strolled hand-in-hand to their room, intent on getting a little bit of rest before the chaos of Christmas Day.
Things hadn't gone as planned. Juliette passed out the moment she got out of bed later that morning. She barely called out for Rooster before she collapsed, and he narrowly managed to catch her. He rushed her to the hospital, much to her protest when she came to. 
"I'm fine, Rooster. I'm sure it was my blood pressure dropping too low," Juliette insisted, bracing her head against the window.
"My mom thought she was fine for weeks before she went and saw a doctor," Rooster said sharply, a flashback of his mom eerily repeating Juliette's words almost exactly: I'm fine, Bradley. Just my blood pressure dropping too low.
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It hadn't been that. It'd been something so much worse, and Rooster hadn't been able to convince his mom to go see a doctor sooner. Then again, even if he had, they would've told her she was fine, that it was stress. He wouldn't let it happen to Juliette or his future child. Besides, medicine had come so far now, surely they wouldn't make the same mistake now with Juliette as they had his mom?
Juliette had reached over and laced her fingers with his free hand, smiling understandingly at him. "India Lima Yankee."
Rooster smiled. "India Lima Yankee."
The trip and stay at the hospital turned out to be short. As Juliette stated earlier, it had simply been her blood pressure dropping too low, but they left with more information than they intended, and a flood of emotions went through them. It also sent them scrambling to buy new presents for Sarah and Maverick.
Upon arrival at the Kazansky house, as the last people to arrive due to the unplanned hospital visit, they had to park on the road, meaning a long trek for them up to the door. Rooster turned to Juliette and asked, "You sure you're up for this? You've had a hell of a day, and I know this year is... particularly hard since-"
"Dad's not here," Juliette finished, sniffing. "Yeah, yeah, I'm okay. I'm going to stay off my feet as much as possible. Besides, we have to give everyone the news. Trust me, there's no better surprise than this for my mom."
"Then let's get going." Rooster hopped out of the Bronco and rushed to the other side to open Juliette's door. As she stepped out, he kept a grip on her hand until she stood steady for long enough that there was no threat of her fainting. Then, and only then, did he let the dogs out of the backseat, who darted to the front door. The couple followed, and on the way, Rooster asked, "Hey, how many insinuations do you think I can make before people start to catch on that you're pregnant?"
Juliette grinned. "Let's find out."
Before they could knock, Sarak Kazansky threw open the door and enthusiastically greeted the two with a hug. In the blink of an eye, the pair found themselves going from one person to the next in the packed household: first Maverick and Penny greeted them, followed by Jack and his family, then Joey, and then the Daggers. Even Hondo, Warlock, and Cyclone came with their spouses. Rooster tried to stay near Juliette as much as possible, and if not near her, then at least have his fiancée in his line of sight, the events of earlier still fresh in his mind.
Two hours in, Rooster entered the kitchen, where Juliette sat at the counter chatting with Hangman and Maverick. He peered into the oven and remarked, "Ooh, got some buns in the oven."
Juliette hid a snicker behind a fake coughing fit, then said, "Mom's making two kinds as well, so it's double the goodness."
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"Speaking of doubles, think I'm gonna have one." Rooster shot Juliette a mischievous look. "Mav, you want anything?"
"No, I'm good. I still have my beer." Maverick lifted his bottle. "Jules, you want something?"
"Nah, I was sick all morning and doubt alcohol will help. I'll stick with water."
Maverick's brow creased in concern. "How come you were sick all morning?"
Juliette shrugged. "Could be anything, but I'm fine now."
"Are you sure? You didn't eat anything weird recently?"
"Outside of the Prego's tomato sauce the other day? No. Hey, Rooster, what did you use to call Prego's when you were little?"
Rooster cringed, knowing Hangman wouldn't let him live down the truth for ages. Still, it was yet another hint for everyone at their big announcement later, and he couldn't resist it. "Preggers."
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Hangman snorted into his drink. "Classic."
At that moment, Sarah Kazansky walked into the kitchen and pulled out the prime rib and roast chicken. She hollered out that dinner was ready, and everyone swarmed into the kitchen. Rooster sidled up next to Juliette, ensuring he stayed close to her while she stood and walked around in the event she passed out again. He doubted she would right now, but it'd scared him earlier to the point he found himself paranoid about her wellbeing.
The evening passed with good food, good company, and good conversation. Rooster mainly talked with Maverick and Juliette, who sat beside him, and Phoenix, who sat across from him. He and Jules even slipped in a few more pregnancy idioms and insinuations, mainly at the end of the dinner. Juliette leaned back in her seat and groaned, "Uh, I was so hungry, I ate enough for two or three people."
"Got a food baby?" Rooster teased, gingerly patting her stomach.
"I think there might be two."
"Well then, Merry Christmas to me! Best present yet!"
"Oh, speaking of presents, Mom, Mav, I want to give you yours before I forget." Juliette started to get up, but Rooster beat her to it, shooting her a disapproving look at how fast she tried to move. Jules sighed, evidently annoyed that she couldn't do what she usually did. Rooster returned shortly with the two presents and handed them to his parents. Then he sat back down in his chair and tried to hide his anticipation at their reaction. Sarah and Maverick opened theirs, although the former was a little faster. She blanched at the little onesie she pulled out that said: Guess what? August 2021.
"You're pregnant?" Sarah Kazansky squeaked, tears welling in her eyes.
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"It's twins?" Maverick added in disbelief, staring at the onesie he pulled out that said: Guess what else? It's twins.
Juliette nodded, biting back a broad smile. "Rooster and I had to scramble to find new onesies because we just found it was twins today."
The shock finally seemed to pass for everyone because the group burst into cheers while hugs were immediately exchanged. It was Hangman that pointed out, "You were dropping hints the entire time, weren't you? The buns in the oven, the eating for two or three, the food baby, the 'Preggers' joke-"
"That was actually a true story," Juliette chirped. "And I give you full permission to never let him live it down."
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"Perfect!" Hangman grinned and enveloped her in a tight embrace that lasted longer than any he'd given her before. Then, his voice full of sincerity and excitement, he said, "Congratulations, Juliette. I'm so happy for you two."
She smiled at his use of her first name as he rarely used it, always calling her 'Princess' or 'Jules' or 'Kazansky.' "Thank you, Jake."
Before they could converse any further, Sarah and Maverick reached her, and she found herself unable to catch her breath between hugs and conversation about her pregnancy until she and Rooster arrived back at their house with the dogs. They collapsed onto the couch, not even bothering to turn the lights on, as the Christmas tree provided more than enough illumination. 
"So," Rooster began, "I think it's fair to say everyone was excited."
Juliette nodded, fiddling with her locket. "Yes, I think so. Thought my mom was about to pass out when she found out with how much she paled."
"Pretty sure Maverick wasn't far behind her. How are you feeling?"
"Better. I think all the anti-nausea medicine finally kicked in. Now I'm just anxious."
"About what?"
"Being a mom to twins. I mean, I don't know the first thing about being a mom! I don't know what all milestones there are or what diapers are best to use or-or what is normal during pregnancy and what's not!" Juliette rambled quickly, her mouth moving faster than he'd ever seen. "I'm going to get so freaking fat, and I've never been able to lose weight easily, so losing the baby weight is going to be a bitch. Worst of all, you're probably going to be deployed when they're born and-" Juliette's voice cracked, and she bowed her head to hide the tears Rooster had already seen welling in her eyes.
"Hey, hey, hey, what brought this on?" Rooster asked gently, brushing her tears away with his thumb.
"Seeing pictures of my dad on the wall in all these different countries and ports and knowing that that's going to be you. And I'm so, so proud of you and supportive of you for being in the Navy, but I'm selfish in that I want you here with me."
"Well, then, your wish is granted."
"It's not. You're still having to-"
"I'm going to be stationed at the naval base here. I already talked to Cyclone about it tonight, and he's given his approval. Apparently, he has a few favors of his own he can cash in to make it happen if it doesn't happen when he asks nicely."
Juliette looked up, eyes full of surprise. "Y-you're staying here?"
"Yeah, I am. I'm never leaving you again, Jules, not as long as I can help it." Rooster placed a hand on her barely swollen belly. "I'm going to be here for you every step of the way, every bad morning, every anxious thought, every pound gained, and I'm going to love you through it all too. If you're scared about losing the weight, I can help you get back in shape afterward when you're ready. We have your mom, Mav, and Penny to watch the twins when they're born, so we don't have to worry about babysitters. And if none of those three can do it, we have the Daggers as backup, although we need to make a list of who would be best and who not to call."
Juliette smiled through her tears. "Have I ever said how much I love you?"
"You don't need to. I know." Rooster lifted her left hand and kissed the skin next to her engagement ring. "India Lima Yankee."
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Juliette cupped his face and kissed him. Her lips brushed against his as she said, "India Lima Yankee."
A/N: Threw this together after @polikszena gave me an ask about what Rooster and Juliette would be like at Christmas time. I made it relatively short and sweet, but I hope you enjoyed! And for the record, the twins came a month early on July 4!
Tags: @lgg5989 @shanimallina87 @polikszena @summ3rlotus @souslesyeuxde @gleasonmalfoy @icemansgirl1999 @supernaturaldawning @thedarkinmansfield @lyannaforpresident @lapilark @getmyprettynameoutofyourmouth @simpofthecentury @shadeops21 @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @double-j @picklejuicesposts @bradshawsandbridgetons @majdoline @jakexfmc @catsandgeekyandnerd @peachiicherries @multifandomcnova @fandomsstolemylife00 @bookloverhorses @nicangelinee @mak-32
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
choose violence 3 6 7 8 9 10 16 22 and 25 for total drama (and i’ve just realized that’s a lot a lot so obvi if u don’t wanna answer all of them that’s all good)
No worries! I'm happy to scream about Total Drama! Worst case scenario, I get tired and simply finish the rest later.
3.) screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
Shipping Raj x Wayne is somehow homophobic because Raj is in a canon gay relationship. Polyamory is a thing, and somehow I don't think homophobes would enjoy the idea of a fanon m/m ship somehow.
Honestly, any time people expect canon queer couples to be given special treatment in fandom it annoys the shit out of me. Someone will dislike the vibes of the ship. Its inevitable. Honestly, I'm surprised that someone wasn't me this time, since happy relationships like Rajbow aren't usually my jam.
6.) which ship fans are the most annoying?
Can I bash the shippers for my favorite TD ship (of Duncney) for a second?
Shut up about the love triangle. Shut up about Courtney's character derailment. Literally every ship was wronged by canon, we aren't fucking special. A vast majority of the ship tag shouldn't be bitching about canon.
7.) what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
...honestly, thats a hard one. I feel like hate is a strong word, but I don't understand the hype for Noah. (and any Noah ship that isn't Nowen or Noah x Emma.)
Like, sure. He's sarcastic. So what. That makes him a 5/10 at best. He never does anything but be sarcastic and then be mindlessly in love.
I don't hate him though.
8.) common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
lean in. come closer, I don't want anyone else hearing this.
Dramarama is good. and funny. and I like it. Why is it despised?
9.) worst part of canon
The fart jokes are low hanging fruit, so I won't pick them.
I hate how everyone in gen 1 had to be coupled up. What relevance Izzy/Owen have on the season as a whole? Or Geoff/Bridgette? (I like them but point still stands.)
If you introduce a canon couple and get me invested in the romance, it has to actually go somewhere. Lyler was a plot device to get you to hate Heather. Duncney went through an entire arc. Gwent was amazing.
Why do no other ships bring that energy?
I love Samkota, but Sam was just a trophy husband for Dakota after her mutation. He's a passive participant in his own romance arc.
Gens 3 and 4 improve on this I think, but it still annoys me.
10.) worst part of fanon
this is incredibly petty and personal, but WHY IS CODY EVERYWHERE? He squicks me. So much. (honestly, the fact that he reminds me of a past experience when most creep characters don't proves that he feels like a real person. but no.) Why is half the fandom Cody. Can it not be?
16.) you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
I answered this before and I said Lesbian Emma. Now, I'm going to go with Gwortney. These two could barely sell and interesting friendship, and somehow you expect them to carry an entire romance plotline? Its the most bland of bland ships. If you want a Sapphic way to resolve the despised love triangle, Gweather is right there. They actually have chemistry.
It feels like they took all of Duncan's hard work of getting Courtney to relax and enjoy life, and made Gwen have the same effect on her when it doesn't make sense with the characterization. If anything, Courtney making Gwen be more serious makes sense.
(that being said, I'm glad you are having fun, and will reblog cute art.)
22.) your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
The episode recaps. I want Chris to recap my day. I love them.
25.) common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
Other than the love triangle?
Heather's plot armor.
Owen had just as much, if not more plot armor. He makes the group sleep in the woods? Fuck it, Katie and Sadie get lost.
Single-handedly blows the cooking challenge? Uh... (Total Drama writers thinking up Bullshit) Beth and the Statue pisses everyone off more, somehow!
He betrays the guys alliance? This has no concequences for him.
At least Heather's plot armor didn't cause her to win a season.
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jaimebluesq · 10 months
Twenty questions for fic writers
Thank you to @dual-domination for tagging me! :D
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 118 (including WIPs) - and this does not include my very early fanfic from the days before AO3 (though I hope to put those on one day)
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 842,883
3. What fandoms do you write for? Currently exclusively writing for MDZS/The Untamed - nothing else has quite gripped my entire consciousness as much as this fandom and its characters have.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Think Outside the Shell (aka my first Nie Sect Murder Tortoise fic), Gen fic where Nie Huaisang domesticates the xuanwu - 657
When Fate Opens a Window, Let Us Fly Through It, NieLan accidental (but really orchestrated by NHS) Lan ribbon marriage fic - 521
Under the Cold Qinghe Mountains, WangXian with dragon!LWJ and background SangCheng (this is so weird because I am NOT known as a WangXian writer at all!!!) - 494
It Was You All Along, SangCheng post-canon where NHS wore a mask to take part in a courtship tournament for JC, and now is the time to reveal himself, with a side of Yunmeng Shuangjie reconciliation - 468
Wrong Shell, Wrong Time, Gen (with background SangYao), the 3rd of my Nie Sect Murder Tortoise fics but my personal favourite (JGS gets eaten by a xuanwu and the only witnesses are Nie Huaisang, Meng Yao, and Jin Zixun - and Nie Mingjue is trying to find out what really happened) - 415
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes! I respond to every comment if possible - I think the only ones I might not respond to are where someone says something as a placeholder and that they'll give another comment saying more, but never do. But yeah, every comment however big or small means the WORLD to me, so the least I can do is send back a thank you :D
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I think this is probably Mercy - it ends with NHS foregoing his revenge against JGY to give him a quick death with his reputation intact and it broke my heart to write.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Hard to pick since in general I tend to go the happy/hopeful ending route, and what constitutes a happy ending can be a very individual thing (e.g. for many the "married with children and a white picket fence" is the ideal happy ending, though I'm of a different opinion). If I had to choose, I think it would be a tie between Bed of Roses (modern day SangCheng, where the guys don't just get together but NHS can finally visit with his family again after 2 decades apart), and In This Garden, We Raise a Little Shell (I did the seemingly impossible and gave Jin Zixun a happy ending that people actually seemed to LIKE no romance just a JZXun/Garden ship lol).
8. Do you get hate on fics? Now? No, not really - every now and then there might be a comment that's a little less than stellar, like a criticism of a direction I went in or saying I was too generous in giving a certain character a happy ending, but that's very minor. Once upon a time? Yep - I stared writing back around the turn of the millenium when anti-gay crusaders were ecstatic going onto people sites and commenting that they would be going to hell because they're such sinners, etc - I once wrote a fic where a character was in Montreal with family on the day remembering the Ecole Polytechnique massacre, mostly gen but at the end I had him get a hug from his boyfriend - since I didn't put it as a ship in the description, I had comments, very unpleasant comments, about it.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes!!! I enjoy it, I hope readers enjoy it too. And I've written all kinds - romantic, casual, kinky, mistaken identity, multiple partners, dubious noncon, m/f & m/m (and I have an idea in the works for a f/f). I think the only I haven't written is smut where one is trans (am not trans myself, and I think I would worry too much about how to say things and worry I'm using the wrong terms or being accidentally disrespectful), serious dead dove stuff, or A/B/O (the latter is a squick of mine).
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I have written crossovers, though very few recently. The craziest one was probably one called Things To Do in L.A. When You’re Insane - it was a crossover between the A-Team, Skinner (an old horror movie with Ted Raimi and Ricki Lake), Lunatics: A Love Story (another movie with Ted Raimi), and Xena: Warrior Princess, where characters from the original 3 modern-day canons were reincarnations of the triplets Joxer, Jett & Jace from Xena. It was weird but fun!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge. Lots of accidental 2Cakes situtations, but that's all.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No - I did receive a comment asking if someone could translate one of my fics into Russian once, but I never heard from them again.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes!!! In 2 different ways. My old fandom friend JoeyRZ and I co-wrote a Xena/seaQuest crossover that turned out so well, and our writing styles were so similar that nobody could tell where one of us started and the other ended :D It was great!!! Also, way back in the day we used to do Round Robins - A story told from one person to another (e.g. the order is chosen at random, one person writes the first scene, the next the following, etc etc until a story is done), sometimes with themes (I remember the centaur sex one and the "copy such and such writer's style" one, both had been on KSAres if I remember right). They were great, low-commitment and high creativity community activities that I would LOVE to see make a comeback!!!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship? For this, I'm going to consider both romantic and platonic ships, and I'll list for a couple of fandoms. Back in my Xena days, I know Joxer/Ares was huge for us Joxer fans, but I was a multi-shipper to the core... so I think actually the platonic Joxer&Xena&Gabrielle was my favourite to explore because they were totally found family :D Back in seaQuest, I loved Tim O'Neill & Miguel Ortiz both platonically and romantically - even when I shipped Tim with other guys, they'd always know that there is no Tim without Miguel :D And currently, even though I enjoy shipping Nie Huaisang with several others, my heart belongs to SangCheng.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? Toooo many, I even have a folder titled "Neglected WIPs".
16. What are your writing strengths? I think I'm good at dialogue, and at seeing the world through another character's eyes, particularly to where their opinions and mine might differ greatly.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Figuring out how to end a scene (and keep writing and writing long past when it should have ended), impatience (particularly in the editing stage - I just want to get the damned thing online even if it's less than perfect), lack of confidence in my writing (which affects me actually getting to writing it). I'm having a good day so that's my answer, but on bad days that list can go on far too long.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? It would have to be one I'm familiar enough with, and I would always put a translation next to it - never assume everyone else knows the same combination of languages that you do (e.g. some people have accused me of not being bilingual because I don't speak spanish - doesn't matter that I speak english and french fluently, learned some Russian in uni, and am picking up bits and pieces of random mandarin at the moment, etc etc).
19. First fandom you wrote for? Technically this would be the Muppets - I wrote a story about Gonzo the Great for a class project in 6th grade. But when it comes to grown up fic writing, I think it was Xena - I know I wrote a couple of Red Dwarf fics around the same time so I'm not 100% sure which came first, but Xena was my first HUUUUUGE fandom experience :D
20. Favorite fic you've written? I have no idea how to answer this - I've written a lot in several different fandoms, and there have been ones in each I'm proud of, including fandoms I try to stay away from these days (HP). But maybe because there's so many and they're so varied, I just can't bring it down to one or two favs.
Tagging: @lowkeyed1 @gekidasa @roseclaw @thebiscuiteternal - and anyone else who'd like to join in :D
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twentyninebirds · 2 years
novalo's fic list
hi. hello. did you know that i sometimes write fic? i know. it surprises me too. as i would very much not like to make individual posts for all the fics i've written, i'm collecting them here.
Xenoblade Chronicles
maybe the real chain attack was the friends we made along the way (19.8k, colony 9 NPCs vs. the world, G): xenoblade chronicles 3 future redeemed oneshot in which the NPCs of colony 9 attempt to fill out the enemypedia and come to realize a whole bunch of unfortunate things about the world.
snowglobe's broke (42.6k, future connected squad vs. the world, T): time travel canon divergence ng+ speedrun fic in which shulk, melia, tyrea, and the ponspectors brute-force their way through the plot of xenoblade chronicles 1.
ephemera (8.4k, alvis & shulk, G): in which shulk and alvis contemplate mortality, creation, and loneliness while a dead god mourns on a beach.
Ace Combat
thirty birds (47.7k, cipher/pixy, T): a treatise on the perils of nihilism, the nature of belief, and the human condition with an ace combat zero spin. second person POV character study of pixy during and after the belkan war. i had approximately five separate existential crises writing this.
Persona 5
a glove, a bolt, and an atom bomb (14.7k, shuake, T): time loop goro akechi character study. likely to be part of a larger series. affectionately referred to by me as "monoliths".
an accidental interruption and a final day (19.1k, shuake, T): pt. 2 WIP of monoliths, in which goro akechi makes friends (?), tests deadly cosplay props, and navigates life, all while a cast of an unnamed play watches quietly.
small town, big flame (28.6k, yugi & OCs vs. the world, T): in which two ghost hunter content creators who have a worrying amount of experience with the supernatural meet yugi mutou in a haunted town. cue shenanigans. probably my favourite fic i've written. if you find the despite it all references you deserve a medal.
Fullmetal Alchemist
maestoso (33.1k, ed & al vs. the world, T): time travel orchestra AU fix-it AU in which ed and al have the chance to do the plot of FMAB all over and go about in the most convoluted way possible. involves the typical vigilantism and a bit more soloist bravado than strictly necessary. what do you get when you toss the central symphony orchestra into a coup against a fascist state? i dunno but let's hope it's better funding for the arts
Fire Emblem
goat milk and oats (25.9k, grima vs. the world, G): in which grima isn't as horrible as he could be, accidentally invents existentialism, and is reborn as a pet snake. this changes everything and nothing. the title is very literal.
as virtuous men pass mildly away (4.1k, byleth & ghosts, T): FE3H WIP in which byleth can see ghosts and recruits one glenn fraldarius (deceased). somehow this changes nothing.
despite it all (292k, lwj/wwx but mostly gen focus, T): WIP in which wwx comes back a little more lucky and a little more godly and picks up young cultivator-apprentice a-qing, sword spirit xue yang, and fledgling array specialist mxy. features a subplot about dead gods who are a bit too good at haunting the living and themselves and a 70k+ chapter. heavily AU. i subtly but gleefully refer to this fic in most of my newer ones. i am both normal and sane.
to the venerable dragons of lotus pier (19k, wwx & yunmeng sibs, T): mdzs/the ocean at the end of the lane AU. in attempting to fix everything wwx rearranges the fabric of reality. cue memory alteration, convoluted fix-its, and immortal keepers of time. i'm not sure if i can adequately summarize how surreal this fic is and i wrote it.
a sky 1300 years wide (17.6k, wwx & wen sibs, T): mdzs/norgami WIP in which wwx is reborn and immediately becomes a local menace to a small town and a handyman.
places we saw and made and lost (2.3k, wwx/lwj but mostly gen, G): collection of short prose snippets, mostly character studies.
brilliant lights will cease to burn (206k, izuku & everyone, T): bnha/ccs WIP where izuku becomes a cardcaptor and makes it everyone's problem, especially his own. so many shenanigans.
enbu (7k, midoriya izuku and his violent friends vs. the world, G): bnha/kny AU in which midoriya izuku is part of the kamado family line, lands a ghost tanjirou, and convinces his friends to terrorize the local demon population.
eater (10.6k, midoriya izuku & everyone, T): WIP in which izuku is an eldritch abomination who can eat literally everything, including abstract concepts and nothingness itself. he's chill, don't worry about it.
love's labour's only slightly singed (1.9k, hatsume & yaoyorozu, G): oneshot written for hatsume mei zine. hatsume and momo navigate the beginnings of a terrifying friendship.
yagyo (8.4k, izuku & anyone unfortunate enough to cross him, T): WIP in which izuku becomes a spirit-walker, treading in places that really aren't healthy for a sane human being.
The Legend of Zelda
the wind guides us (8.7k, link & introspection, G): character study of BOTW link, featuring loneliness, solitude, the nature of memory, heroism, and a warm campfire.
even as its petals scatter (3.2k, lance & allura, T): character study of lance and the ache to lay down your arms and stop chasing ideals of heroism.
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tiistirtipii · 2 years
1, 2 & 9 for the ask game 🧡
Hii 🧡🧡 thanks for the questions, I’d never stopped to think who my favourite side couple actually was so I hope my answer is ok!!
1. favourite main couple
Gotta be Akk & Ayan, they completely stole my heart and it’s going to take a lot of effort if another couple wants to take their place. I could go on and on about how much I love them and how much I love Akk but I’m busy rewatching all my favourite eclipse scenes at any given moment.
2. favourite side couple
I usually favour the main couple in any given series so this was a tough one to answer. One couple I’ve always loved is MingKit and while they do get a lot of screen time, technically PhaYo is the main couple and I love MingKit too much to care about the rules of who counts as a side couple. Which MingKit? My answer is actually both. The MingKit of 2moons and of 2moons2 played by KimCop and J9 respectively stole my heart on two seperate occasions. When I first watched 2moons I fell in love with MingKit and Kimmon and Copter’s portrayal of them and was annoyed when I found out their wasn’t going to be a continuation of their version of MingKit’s story (I haven’t watched Gen Y btw, should I?). I was apprehensive of there being a new cast and I was worried they weren’t going to be as likeable as I had found the original. But what do you know. Joong and Nine did an absolutely amazing job of bringing MingKit back to the screen and their version of the pairing is definitely my favourite one. I might be biased because their version actually got to be in a relationship and the storyline went further than the original but I truly loved their acting as well as the differences they brought to the characters. While it’s wonderful to see Joong thrive with GMMTV, I will always miss Nine and J9. I would happily call MingKit one of my favourite couples of all time and I wish 2moons2 could have had a season two so we could have seen more of them.
9. currently watching
I was planning to get started on my watch list and finally watch Cupid's Last Wish and I was considering watching Blacklist (I think l'm going to watch everything First has been in) but I have been distracted by Never Let Me Go and My School President. NLMG I was always going to watch but MSP wasn't on my radar until it started releasing and I kept seeing edits and things about Tin's pining and I thought it was super cute. I'm loving both the shows so far, NLMG for its visuals and great acting and MSP for its playfulness and loveable characters (Tiwson <3) and I'm looking forward to seeing both shows progress in the later episodes.
BL ask game
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clowncalvary · 8 months
The Top 10 Pokemon From Gen 1 Most Likely To Bite Your Feet At Night
Picture this: You are settling down for bed on a nice cool night, you've tucked in your pokemon, your window and door are shut, and you are ready to fall asleep. Dozing in your bed with the sheets tucked up to your chin.
But wait. What was that sound? Is that something in your room? Or rather, I guess you should be asking WHO is in your room. And are they here for your toes?
10.) Charizard
You know I'm right, I know I'm right. Really that is all there is to say. His big determining factor of not being further up on this list is that he is the opposite of stealth and it's a little hard for him to get through my window or door frame with how big he is.
Basically it's all about speed on this one; like how fast I can reach the spray water bottle to keep his little gaping maw from chomping.
9.) Jynx
Okay, here me out, it is not about the amount of teeth that she has. It is about her will and purpose in wanting to munch on my toes. She would absolutely want to bring me that much havoc and chaos by making my heart pound worrying about my little dogs.
Worst part is that she could absolutely sneak into my room so my toes wouldn't be safe. I would be none the wiser until it was too late.
8.) Mr. Mime
You can't reason with him. I mean, you can, but I think the fact that he can be reasoned with and will decide to bite your toes anyway is the worst part. That or the fact that he is missing teeth so it will be more like he is sucking your toes instead of biting them.
He's fast, he's cunning, and he has absolutely blocked all of my other exits. My toes are getting chomped whether I like it or not.
7.) Aerodactyl
Good god, those fucking teeth are a nightmare, a perfect 10/10 on the ouch scale along with his size. Plus! He Has Hands!! Why did they have to invent such a perfect toe biting machine like this? And there is no way that he will listen to any of my pleas for mercy.
The good thing is that he is so large and noisy that I have a chance to escape. In fact I am climbing out my window as we speak.
6.) Fearow
I know, I know, we are right back to the lack of teeth, but I don't think Fearow needs teeth with a beak like that. Fearows are absolutely evil also, I flat out do not trust them. They have no sense of mercy and they like to bite and devour for the sheer pleasure of it.
In the words of my lovely moirail, "God save the man that tries to reason with a Fearow."
5.) Haunter
You may be noticing a pattern where the ones on this list don't necessarily have big and frightening maws, but you don't need one when you're a Haunter. No window or door can stop them, they can slip through walls and they LOVE mischief. What is more sinister than biting at the toes of the unsuspecting?
My toes are not safe and they never were with a Haunter in the house.
4.) Gastly
Slightly worse teeth, just as mischievous and also has the ability to go through walls. Once again my toes are not safe and they never were. Quite frankly I might have been better off if I had just moved houses or slept outside.
They don't even need hands to get to my feet.
3.) Spearow
We know why he is this high on the list. Bottom line is that I do not trust him, he does not trust me, and we are back to the hyper aggression. Plus they are super stealthy because they are smaller, however their size and lack of power SHOULD keep me safe while I'm in bed with a locked door. But quite frankly there is no where that you can run or hide that a Spearow will not find you.
It may take a while, but they are patient and once they are in you can kiss your toes goodbye.
2.) Gengar
Those teeth. Those hands. The horrible creeping sense of dread that he is coming for you. Nay, he is not coming for the entirety of you. Just your poor helpless toes.
Those piggies are not coming back form the market.
1.) Ditto
We have found our crowning champion of feet munching. He does not do it out of malice, but for the thrill of knowing that there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop him. He is faster than you, stronger than any door, and practically invisible He will have your toes.
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front-facing-pokemon · 9 months
I just found this blog so I'm jumping aboard the plushie bandwagon.
First we got Absol. (i feel like maybe i should've taken a closer-up picture but it's the face sooo)
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Then a Wooloo
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And, saving best for last, this Leafeon plush I own... of which I swear on my life is official merch.
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I also have some more eeveelutions (plus an eevee and a few more) but: 1. I didn't want to send too many. 2. Eeveelutions are more popular so I wanted to give some other people the chance to submit their own. 3. I don't know where my Pikachu and Snivy plushies are cuz I own too many stuffed animals.
Only reason I submitted Leafeon was so I could show off this ~masterpiece~ of a plushie I own. And it's face isn't the only thing wrong with it too lol. Also I just noticed I accidentally had one of the ears hanging back but I'm too lazy to go take another photo but i hope this amuses you nonetheless.
let's start with these guys. beautiful. wonderful. i do not believe that that leafeon is official merch. this statement is baffling to me. welcome to the front-facing pokémon family. i love the eyes on that absol and wooloo is one of my faves. i was rather obsessed with it when it first came out and have a whole wooloo tag on my main blog because of it. though i guess i cleared that whole thing out recently so i don't anymore
let's get the nose ratings out of the way:
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↑ this is a lie. 10/10 chespin
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it's very wide and also 10/10 you're being too harsh. merry day to you too
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circular face indeed. did i already post this one? if i did you can have it again
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clodsire be upon ye. clodsire fans this is your treat until gen 9
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this is a trend now. i think tumblr just crunched this image to hell for some reason so here's what the text says:
"Felt like joining the others for front facing pokeplushies [images] I have more pokemon but its early morning and these are the plushies that are easy to access"
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i have not but i imagine "a moment" has long passed by now. my apologies but apparently today was an important day or something? idk
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YEAH it's super unbelievably fucked up. i think i kinda remember the circumstance being a bit dire so everyone else was more worried about either 1. protagonist getting stomped on brutally or 2. saving the world from kyurem / the bittercold. i was totally under the impression that he was dead in that moment but i guess the characters may have known that he would just come back? i seem to vaguely remember partner being surprised that he came back and being like "but we watched you die :OOO" but maybe i'm misremembering that. i do create a lot of pmd lore on my own time so i have a hard time telling the difference between canon and fanon sometimes
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two a day makes the world go round! this blog started when i started college, paused for 80% of my college career and now has started back up and i just graduated college a week ago. i would say "how time flies" but it has been a very, very long year
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i've said it before and i'll say it again: gen 6 is my favorite gen, so you'll be seeing lots of favor for this gen from me in the tags i'm sure. maybe gen 6 is my excuse to start doing other things here. like that stream i keep talking about
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if they put meloetta as a little obscure puzzle thang in sv, i'm sure they'll do something for genesect. i hope. at least for keldeo probably. genesect i'm not sure is very popular, unfortunately, outside of the tumblr crowd. if the general public's opinion on genesect is favorable, then maybe
okay and then i tried to scroll down further in my screenshots for more asks and saw the wobbly will smith in a hospital bed Gimme a Hug, Man that i copied from the "i get a little bit genghis kanghis" post so that's it. to everyone who christmases: merry it. it is today. although it's basically over by now so! merry boxing day for tomorrow if i don't say anything tomorrow. but i probably will. now i'm gonna go queue up today's 'mons because i haven't done it yet today. see you all in a few weeks when those post
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harveywritings92 · 5 years
Bedfellows: BW!Genji x OC PT. 1
The following is a non profit fan based story,  Overwatch belongs to Blizzard Entertainment .
 please support the official release.
 I gain no profit from this nor do I own anything other then OCs  and whatever sprouts from my imagination. Thanks for reading! 
"Soo, whats he like?" Vex blinked bemused over the Blackwatch recruit's question, "What's who like?" the brunette asked as the blond girl handed her a drink. but not the one she asked for; Orange juice, Vex hated Orange Juice.
"Genji, my friend Gabby said she saw you leaving his room.~" the girl said a little too sweetly for just minor curiosity, the jealousy was poorly hidden, true Genji was scary to most of the recruits, but there were some who were "thirsty for his cyborg ass." as his fans put it; and this girl was one of them.
Vex remind silent as girl watched her expectantly obviously hoping the short girl will spill some sort of trait or detail; that'll make Genji swoon for her bottle blond and spray tan self she looked like a cheeto in army fatigues. "He snores." Vex said bluntly the girl's drawn on brows furrowed. "That's it?" the brunette rolled her silver eyes.
"Yes that it! what were you hoping for, some trashy sex in the city talk? what me or Genji do in private is our business, not yours." Vex said just barely dodging a soda can being thrown at her by whats-her name, "You think you can talk to me like that, you damn toilet scrubber?!" the girl snarled as Vex slowly turned to glare at her only for Blondie to blanch.
Vex followed her gaze speak of the devil the very cyborg they were discussing was walking towards them with the dented juice can in hand. "Didn't your parents ever tell you it's rude to throw things at people?" he hissed narrowing his red eyes at the girl causing her flinch.
"G-Genji we were just-"  
"I know what you were doing, And I'm not interested."
"But, but..."
"But Nothing, You posh spoiled types disgust me..."
The blond's lip quivered as she ran off whining about telling on them (Reyes won't care.), leaving Vex and Genji alone after a few seconds of silence. the short haired woman broke the silence. "You didn't have to be that harsh." She said feeling a little sorry for the girl, Genji seemed to ignore her as he went to the vending machine and came back switching drinks with Vex, the brunette gawked at him for moment. 
"What, I thought you hated orange juice?" he huffed taking his mask off opening the can taking a sip and sitting down on the bench behind her. "I do, how did you know?" the cyborg ignored her went straight to the point. 
"Are you free tonight?" he asked as the brunette thought over her scheduled the day, aside from her usual night school, and janitorial duties, Vex didn't really have anything planned. "Yeah I am, same time same place?" Genji took another drink hummed agreement before the two finished their breaks. 
Vex sighed tiredly as she finished putting her things away she felt groggier then usual as she was heading to Genji's room, when she ran into Mcree who walked with her a few second of him humming some country song he finally asked. 
"So, you and Shimada..." he trailed off causing Vex to roll here eyes why was everyone asking her that today? "Yes Jesse we're sleeping together." the cowboy eyes widened before cussing under his breath about owing Reyes ten bucks? he looked like he was going to ask the obvious.
"...We're not having sex." she stated bluntly the gears in Jesse's in head seem to stall. "But ya just said-" he was cut off by Genji opening his door and pregnant silence filled the air as the cyborg opened the door wide enough for Vex to slip inside, while giving Jesse the evil eye as he slowly closed the door leaving the cowboy scratching his head. "Sleepin' together, but not fuckin? what a waste." he muttered not understanding their relationship at all before heading to bed himself. 
"What did Mcree want?" Genji asked settling into bed back facing Vex who took off her bra and slipped on a t-hirt, "Oh, he just wanted to know if you were nailing me or not." She said tiredly before laying down next to him, his red eyes glanced over his shoulder at the short haired girl. 
"Don't worry, he didn't asked for details, if he had I would've told him the same thing I told Blondie." She said voice slurring tiredly running around the base cleaning and repairing things, lop that up night courses takes the energy out someone right quick. Soon Vex soft breaths filled the cyborg's ears "hmm" Genji grumbled before drifting off into a uninterrupted sleep...
Two months ago....
[[Now how this happened was an accident all on it's own; Vex had just been hired on the janitorial crew,and due to her anti-social don't ask questions attitude Vex was assigned to Blackwatch. Where she was mostly overlooked aside from the occasional order to prep and clean the training room.
Mcree was the first one acknowledged her existence. Though... he may have had different agenda when he first approached, whatever pick-up line he was going to throw at her was all but forgotten when he noticed her "trippy silver eyes." Genji was with him, the ninja gave her a once over than scoffed at her causing her snap. "Same to you pal." retaliation before Reyes ordered her off the training floor, The brunette gladly left quickly as possible returning to her rounds thinking that'll be the end of it.
Oh, how wrong she was, as the short girl soon found herself on laundry duty and went room to room making the beds and leaving clean uniforms for the soldiers, She ended up in Genji's room just as a lock-down drill started; and all personnel were ordered to stay where they were or get to the nearest safe-room. 
Genji came inside his room saw her making the bed. cue a half hour of awkward silence as the two sat on the bed just staring off into space waiting for the all clear. if she tried make conversation or turn on the dusty tv on the desk, Genji would just huff or glare at her.
Vex wasn't sure but at some point Genji had fallen asleep on to her shoulder. When She tried to wake him the cyborg would hum in protest when she tried to carefully lay him on the bed so she could leave. only for the cyborg wrapped his arms around her waist successfully trapping the girl, out of options Vex decided to relax and soon drifted off to sleep herself.
Genji's pov...
The last thing Genji expected when he woke up that morning was to himself in bed tangled up with the base's janitor! He was mortified without hesitation he shoved her off his bed; cursing at her in Japanese as the woman just glared at him and snapped. "Why are you angry at me for? you're the one who bear hugged me!" Genji's face was as red as his eyes. 
He growled grabbed her by the front of her shirt and physically threw the woman out of his room. Luckily no one was around or awake to see it, the brunette just pulled herself up and pushed her cart to the laundry room where she was subsequently chewed out for skipping out on her rounds the day before. 
Later Genji was relieved to find that no talking about the situation this morning; Good. No one saw them, Jesse Mcree and Commander Reyes were both surprised to see Genji at the meeting that morning. "Did Mercy let you out?" Mcree asked causing the cyborg to cock a brow at him "What are you talking about?" Genji asked incredulously the cowboy looked at him equally bemused.
"Well y'all didn't wake up screaming last night..So I figured you were in the med-bay." Genji's mind seem to go blank for a moment, he searched his memories, Jesse was right he didn't have any nightmares, when that woman was with him last night he felt calm and warmth; two things he hadn't felt in a while...He immediately shook his head and pushed those thoughts away."I was... meditating." he mumbled causing the cowboy to whistle at him."Well whatever you did, do it more often! I haven't had decent night sleep like that in months." He tried to pat Genji on the shoulder only for the cyborg to lean away from his touch.
Mcree frowned at this only to backtrack when he saw a familiar woman walk in; making a beeline for the garbage can. "Ey, Silver bullet! where y'all been doll-" He said making his way towards her, she kicked the Dollie under the can towards him; Mcree hadn't noticed and stepped on it and did almost cartoonish Yelp/back-flip combo before landing on flat on his back, the cowboy groaned wondering what hit him? Dazed he saw the silver eyed woman glowering at him.
"Don't ever call me Doll..." she hissed before going back to work. "woo...She's sturdy, Mcree likey.~"  Jesse said dreamily the woman and Genji both rolled their eyes at him, before the short woman replaced the garbage bag with a clean one and took the full one to the garbage-chute. "Well can I get yer name, so I don't make the same mistake?" the cowboy asked Genji found himself curiously eyeing the woman whose shoulders slouched . "Vex, just Vex." She said apathetically before leaving the training room.
end of Genji's pov...
A few days later Genji's night terrors returned Moira or Angela were always called at odd hours of the night to sedate and monitor him, Jesse confronted the ninja on it, and suggested he use that "meditation technique" from last time, much to to Genji's vexation no pun intended... that there was no technique, he just fell asleep hugging a random stranger! 
So one can imagine Vex's mortification when Genji tracked her down and cornered her in a dark supply closet; demanding she sleep with him!
"You- Wha...What, what!" she stammered face red as cherry amplified by the red glow of Genji's eyes, the cyborg was confused by her reaction before realizing what he just said."I don't mean like that,I-I look I can't sleep alone, I just-..." Vex looked at Genji bemused as he scratched the back of his head and sighed."Be at my door between 9-10, make sure no one sees you."  He instructed before leaving the silver eyed janitor alone to mull over what the hell just happened?!  
Against her better judgement Vex arrived at Genji's room unnerved as cyborg opened his door checking the hall to make sure it was empty before pulling her inside. 
Needless say it was awkward first night, it had been a while since Genji laid down next to a woman and Vex didn't like sleeping with a bra so, there was that. and Vex never really slept with someone without sleeping" with them,
So she was little on edge the cyborg had other intentions, eventually with enough meet ups they got comfortable enough with each other to sleep together without issue...
Except when Reyes caught her leaving Genji's room one morning and dragged them both into his office demanded they tell him what was going on? they explained the arrangement Gabe allowed it; so long as it doesn't get in the way of missions and Vex's job.}}
Present day 6:15 am 
"Genji shift over I have to go." Vex said with a yawn the ninja hummed unwrapped his arms from her waist and rolled over to face the wall as Vex grabbed the overnight bag and got dressed in her regular clothes,as it was her day off. "I might not be able to come tonight." She said causing Genji to glance over his shoulder he noticed yesterday she seemed off, today she was looking dead on her feet.
"It's exam night at the college, I'm running on fumes right now."she took a shaky breath then jumped when Genji's human hand was on her neck, Vex got up and left before the cyborg could say anything, Genji brows furrowed as he stared at his hand "Gankona on'na ..." he huffed before laying back down.
Vex sighed as she checked the thermometer 100.3C...She was sick no doubt about it, figures and on the night of the big test! she took an aspirin pulled a surgical mask over her mouth and nose and went over her notes, sitting in a cafe a few blocks from the community college "Just have to hold out until the test V, you can do it!"  she encouraged herself cramming as much knowledge in to her memory as possible.
a few hours later, after her exam Vex sluggishly walked down the stairs of the college, she felt light headed and her body was shaking with every step, maybe taking the day off and convincing the teacher to reschedule her exam at a later date would've the smarter move, instead pushing herself? ....Woulda,shoulda,coulda as the old saying goes.
"Eh, Not looking so good there Vex.~" Oh shit, not this D-bag  her silver eyes landed on Derek Kettlemen, the sexist pig whose been harassing her since the first day and he reeked; even with her nosed clogged she could pick-up the scent stale beer and sweat coming off of the pudgy male approaching her.
The brunette felt like vomiting as he got closer, Vex mentally prayed to any deity listening to give her a fucking break just for tonight! "How's about I take care of-" before he could touch her something whizzed by his head nicking his cheek he hissed and brought his hand up to it and blanched when he saw blood.
Derek looked around to find what cut him? before finding a black shuriken wedged in the wall, then his glazed over eyes landed on what his drunken mind could only describe as a demon silently walking up behind Vex, it's tall lean form was dressed in black as two angry red eyes glared at him from under it's hood. Either way the drunken man wasn't taking any chances he shoved the sick girl towards it and ran with his tail between his legs.
Luckily for Vex a pair of arms caught her before she hit the ground a hand felt her forehead before a familiar voice cussed in Japanese, The 'demon' revealed to be a hoodie clad Genji who shifted the short girl in his arms before lifting the brunette off the ground. 
"You knew you weren't feeling well! and you still pushed your limits..." Genji chided as he carried her to one the staff cars he signed out, he put her in the passenger seat and climbed in the drivers seat before turning to her. "What's your address?" he said starting the car glancing at the pale woman who was taking out a water bottle from her coat and took drink, Genji hoped that wasn't all she had consumed today.
"4077 Oldfield Way,...Lock the car and watch your back." She warned with good reason; he heard of that area locals called it the Gallows, it was slum filled with drug dealers, gangs and brothels, Not a day goes by where someone from the Gallows wasn't on the News for murder or otherwise. Genji felt his stomach churn; suddenly Vex's cold and cautious attitude, short hair and choice in baggy clothes made sense... She was sheep walking into a den full hungry wolves.
The cyborg had half the mind to drive back to headquarters and have her rest in the Overwatch Med-bay, Angela wouldn't have mind in fact she would've been ecstatic, He didn't give out a name. But when he reluctantly revealed he had a friend who was a girl and sick, The blond doctor spat her tea out and gawked at Genji like he spouted seven heads! Before composing herself and asking when and how they met?
Leaving out the part about their sleepovers, he awkwardly revealed they met two months ago,she's on the janitorial crew and studied nights, he helped her with some math problems and soon found that she wasn't completely annoying. that wasn't a total lie, Genji did help Vex study the first couple nights together.
Needless to say Angela wasted no time making care package for the mystery girl, and handing it to the ninja sweat dropped at the packs of instant-soup packets,cough drops, cold tablets, vapor rub, and cold compresses. When he left the base Genji briefly wondered if he was in over his head? especially when Angela insisted he bring his 'Friend' on his next check up she wanted to meet her, sounding like a proud mother whose son just announced he got a girlfriend.
The ninja mentally groaned doubtful that Vex would even agree to that, she hated people more then he did...well, the mouthy [Jesse] ones anyways. When he pulled into Vex's driveway Genji couldn't help but grimace at how rundown the the small house was. His eyes focused in the dark and could see some small repairs and reinforcements recently added to the small structure, motion lights,Bars on the windows, heavy doors...etc, Genji grabbed Angela's package and helped Vex to the front door, his eyes watched the dark and empty street cautiously as she unlocked the at least eight different locks on her front-door.
The cyborg followed the small brunette inside as the beep from her phone warned that her front door was open, Vex punched in a code and the beeping stopped and turned on the lights, as Genji gawked at the almost empty house this didn't make any sense?! his brows furrowed as he looks at Vex who hanging her coat up. "Nantekotta i?...Where are your things?" he asked sounding almost angry as the sick woman pointed at a futon sofa-bed,a laptop on and a suitcase.
"Right there..." She said listlessly the ninja was still trying to understand exactly what he was seeing. "A couch, a computer and suitcase,... don't you have any other furniture?" He asked again the girl shook her head, Genji didn't know how to feel about this..He knows how much Over/Blackwatch was paying their janitorial staff and it was certainly enough to buy a proper bed, in the two months she's worked there Vex could've saved up bought an apartment a lot nicer then this rundown shoe-box of a house! So that leaves the question where the hell was her money disappearing to?
"Do you want any to drink?" Vex croaky voice snapped him out of his thoughts, the his red eyes focused on her, suddenly remembering what he was here for and what Angela had told him to do. "Get something clean to sleep in and go take a shower." he instructed he watched Vex open her suitcase and take out a tank top, a hoodie and pajama pants, and watched her go into a small bathroom of the side of the entryway hall, when he heard the shower turn on Genji took out the instructions Mercy gave him, he went to the small kitchen. 
The ninja was relieved to see Vex had dishes and an electric kettle, he turned the kettle on and got a mug and poured in the soup mix and waited, the kettle's timer when off just as Vex came out of her bathroom dressed in pjs towel wrapped around her neck, Genji in his younger years he would've swooned seeing a blushing wet girl staring at him with her goods on display, But now he instead he felt annoyance at her appearance.
Vex's hair was soaked, her silver eyes were dull and glassy, and her belly was completely exposed, "That won't do." Genji muttered as his bionics hissed releasing steam as the cyborg walked up to the short girl and pulled her pants up tied the drawstrings and zipped her hoodie all the way up. "And dry off properly or You'll get worse..." he huffed making her sit at the kitchen table.
She herd him shuffle around behind her Vex blinked confused as mug was placed in her field of vision, the pale woman hesitantly took it from him "It's soup..." Genji mumbled before taking the towel off her neck and started drying her hair off as the cyborg awkwardly explain that seeing that he had no experience looking after a sick person before. he went to Mercy who gave him the supplies and instructions on how to look after Vex, and now she knew that He and Vex were... acquainted, Vex didn't really know how to feel about that the last thing she wanted was more attention on her.
"Did she want something in return, for the cold package?"
"Yes, She knows I dislike most things and sees that I don't dislike you as much."
"Gee...Y'know how to make a gal blush."
"Don't sass me."
Genji chided before taking a seat across from Vex cup of tea in hand before taking a sip and after a short pause looked at her unsure "...Angela wants meet you, Are you okay with that?" Vex was silent before take taking a long drink of her soup, then grimaced "Okay." She said without a fight as there no arguing with this, then took another small sip of her soup and felt something go down her throat and the chalky aftertaste then looked Genji with disdain.
"Did You...put Cold tablets in this?" she asked looking as though she was going through traumatic experience the cyborg's bionics hissed out steam as he nodded holding back a smirk."Why?" she asked not understanding Genji shrugged. "You don't like orange juice." he said recalling how Vex grimaced the second she noticed the pills, it was the same face she made whenever someone gave her anything that resembled orange juice. "What does that have to do with it?" She huffed trying get him to tell her, but instead Genji instructed her to go to bed, He'll join her in a minute.
Genji put the mugs in the sink and glared out her backyard window..So he wasn't imagining things, she didn't have motion lights back there, The cyborg wasn't sure when he first spotted a shadow crouch behind an old picnic table, he glanced at Vex she was busy putting Vapor rub on her chest...his red eyes narrowed as he looked back outside there were two more shadows, a smirk slowly played on his lips "looks like some wolves came out to play..." his inner voice purred as he calmly put his mask on.
When Vex looked into the kitchen she saw Genji gone, and assumed he was using her bathroom to clean off his parts that were still skin before laying down and stared at the cracks in her ceiling, the cold pills were starting to kick in her mind was getting fuzzier...Funny, for a moment she thought she heard screaming coming from outside as her eyes grew heavy...
"Everyone knows that bitch lives alone!"
Those words make Genji grit his teeth as he finished washing the dirt and blood of his hands, those men... they were watching Vex this whole time; planning and waiting for her guard to be down, that large fellow that Genji scared off earlier was with them. 
He must've told them she was sick and unable to put up a fight; seeing that they pried the boards on Vex's back fence open and had the tools to ready to unhinge her backdoor; Oh yes, they had this planned almost perfectly. too bad they didn't take into account that Vex had a "Demon" watching her back, as the fat man put it.
The cyborg wiped his hands off and settled down on the futon next to Vex who hadn't stirred 'If I hadn't been here..." he shook those morbid thought out of his mind not wanting to think about it, he wary gaze landed on the sleeping girl next him, Genji's arm wrapped around her waist a little tighter then usual. 
"her fevers going down..that's good." he thought feeling neck soon his soft breathing synced up if Vex's who was unaware of what transpired in her backyard. Hopefully those waste human flesh will be gone by the time Genji wakes up; otherwise they'll wish they were dead when he's through with them.
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xyliane · 6 years
I just realized where we are rn in HxH is about Aug 2001. So now I am wondering if Togashi will have a special event corralating to 9/11 and I'm worried.
let me preface this response by saying I’ve been in research paper spiral for the last four months due to my impending advancement in june, and your question provoked a knee-jerk reaction that led to a 4h-long research spiral by someone whose specialty is absolutely not japanese foreign policy and nationalism.
the tl;dr version here, and then the explanation for it under the cut: I don’t think that’s going to happen. for one, they’re currently on a boat headed to Big Murderous Landmass (unless kurapika and co sink the whale). they’re not in yorknew/nyc. also, japan’s perceptions of 9/11 and the media representations of it are not as pervasive as american or even broader western collective trauma. while togashi is unafraid to address contemporary social politics, I don’t think he’s going to correlate a particular event to 9/11. he’s more concerned with the failings and strengths of humanity, as a whole or in parts, and might reference particular events to get across a greater point, not draw direct parallels.
now, a cut, and then several hundred words on 9/11 as a moment of collective trauma, japanese militarism, and media perceptions. it is 4000% nerdier than this ask expected.
I don’t think togashi is going to include a 9/11 parallel in a large part because of how japanese media, and anime in particular, addresses japanese communal trauma, and how togashi uses moments and evocations of these in his stories (at least, yyh, and hxh, although level e has its own quirks). namely that japan really doesn’t deal with 9/11 like americans do–but they absolutely have other traumas that make their way into anime, manga, and other media.
the thing is that, while 9/11 is absolutely a moment of international trauma (I work in india, and people there are highly conscious of it), the moment that hit the US was very different in other parts of the world. I’m old enough to remember the whole “where were you on 9/11,” itself a sort of marker of solidarity and belonging within the trauma that kind of unites people around a time. the plane crashes were broadcast everywhere in the US, and no one didn’t see it. but we got it live, fed right to the tvs in our classrooms at 8am. and america didn’t get attacked by foreigners before, not like this–problems existed “out there,” not in nyc, for however many times it’s been destroyed on film. (we have our own homegrown terrorists, but that’s a whole other can of worms.) and when it did happen, the country as a whole kicked into a jingoist gear on top of the collective trauma of someone murdering a bunch of americans. freedom fries. they were a thing.
it’s probably important to note here that media doesn’t exist in a vacuum. we’re perpetually influenced by things that happen, whether they’re collective and historical memories, personal experience, or social trends. we get our references and jokes from somewhere, and they sink into our brains and affect what we put out into the world. trauma does this more effectively than most things. trauma elicits a search for meaning, whether it’s a question of “why did it happen” or “why did it happen to me/us?” sometimes we find a meaning in the disaster, and sometimes we don’t. but it marks us and connects us (Halbswach 1992, Updegraff et al 2009). and it affects us for a long, long time.
in japan (and again, I’m not an expert on this), 9/11 is a moment of international trauma that marks japan’s re-entering into the international military sphere, but also economic flux. of the approximately 3000 people killed in the twin towers attack, 316 were non-american, including 26 japanese nationals. japan joined the war coalition almost immediately, and spent billions of USD to support the “war on terror,” while also dealing with things like shohei koda’s beheading in 2004 or the kidnapping and release of 5 journalists and anti-war NGO workers the same year, which arrived back in japan only to be ostracized for “causing trouble” for japan, with accusations that they had “got what [they] deserved” (x, x). the effect on the news media in japan was of increasing conspiracy theories and warmongering, while simultaneously wary of tensions with china, north korea, and taiwan. basically, japan politically and militarily had a lot of pots on the fire, and was feeding yen to the american pot real fast. the japanese SDF pulled out of central asia in 2007, and it’s still a divisive subject from the papers I read, but it’s more about the military than 9/11. 9/11 is not, for example, the topic of a j-drama directly or indirectly. shohei imamura’s short film “japan” in the september 11 (2002) anthology is a parable set during world war ii, although he’s much more famous for his palme d’or wins and a film about hiroshima (black rain, 1989). and uh. apparently pokemon black and white has a reference to ground zero in their map of not!nyc?
japanese media’s collective trauma in anime is often the deep personal connection with the atomic bomb, or terror attacks and natural disasters on japanese soil. which makes sense: humans will generally latch onto things that affect us personally, whether it’s a cute puppy video shown to us or an act of terrorism we watch on television. for the US, we were–and still are–being forced to confront our place in the international community (hero, victim, villain, collaborator, all of it–and americans are not very good at shades of gray) through the “war on terror,” and it comes out in everything from comic book movies like bvs directly evoking 9/11 while cavill!supes ruins buildings to kill zod, to the rise of partisan tv news. but we don’t evoke nuclear war or radioactive waste with the same reaction that japan does–there’s a lot of fear of the bomb in the 1950s and 1960s, like with dr. strangelove and them!, but it’s centered less around the impact of the bomb and its literal or metaphorical nuclear fallout, and more on the fear of the other or an outsider destroying good ol’ american culture. or giving us superpowers. (personally, the closest I think american art and literature ever got to japanese sentiments is with a canticle for leibowitz, which focuses on the cyclical nature of human failure and how the past becomes changed through the present.)
(please read a canticle for leibowitz, it changed my life and only grows more potent with age.)
for japan, the dropping of atomic bombs on nagasaki and hiroshima provides a similar and long-lasting moment of national trauma that’s been preserved in public policy and popular culture. and it’s not just grave of the fireflies or barefoot gen, anime that address the bombings through direct reference. the bomb transforms into concerns about nuclear destruction and environmental fallout, with kaiju like godzilla rising from nuclear waste. osamu tezuka’s work like astro boy is in direct response to the abuse and use of technology and hope for humanity’s future, and naussica of the valley of the wind is a fantasy post-nuclear bomb situation blended with hayao miyazaki’s love of humanity and nature (x, x). I think it’s worth noting that both tezuka and miyazaki personally experienced the 1945 bombings. miyazaki was 4, and one of his earliest memories is fleeing utsunomiya’s bombings. tezuka, at 16 and working in arsenal factories during the fire bombing of osaka, later wrote kami no toride (1977) about his personal experience, which served as both autobiography and condemnation of the vietnam war. 
of more recent stuff evoking trauma, naoki urasawa actually uses 9/11 as a moment in billy bat, as part of getting to questions of humanity and modernity and technology and progress. other anime dealing with terrorism, like GITS:SAC, the “brain scratch” episode of cowboy bebop, and of course urasawa’s 20th century boys, locate terrorism not through 9/11 (and the underlying racism and not-us-ness) but more often with these japanese cults like the ‘aum death cult that carried out the 1995 tokyo subway sarin attacks, and the changing landscape of terrorism in japan. we could point to shinichiro watanabe’s zankyou no terror (or terror in resonance? iunno) as a potential 9/11 parallel, and I think it’s got the 9/11 connections, but watanabe himself places it closer to the 1995 terrorist attacks. he even commented how much “darker” zankyou no terror is than the film he was influenced by (the man who stole the sun (1979)), directly citing the 1995 attacks as one reason the last 30 years have impacted japanese understandings of terrorism. more recently, there’s also been connections to the 3/11 disaster with kimi no na wa, where shinkai explores his perennial theme of personal connection across space and time via a form of natural disaster. outside of anime, there’s also a growing body of literature on 3/11 and music, which is super interesting and well worth a look if you’re interested.
fwiw, I think it’s interesting that both urasawa and watanabe are explicitly interested in western and specifically american culture, but through a japanese lens. and not the sort of “japanese lens” that leads to the americas of g gundam or yugioh, which are The Most American Ever, but a more nuanced representation that explores technology, human connection, and modernity. which is the sort of lens creators should try to do when engaging other cultures, at bare minimum. (/soapbox)
trauma isn’t often addressed directly, but allegorically or displaced: lindsay ellis has a great pair of loose canon episodes on 9/11 and how film evokes collective trauma. while she doesn’t talk about anime or japanese films, she uses bollywood as a way to talk about indirect expressions of nationalist trauma. in the second video, she suggests that, for countries like india working through their own terror attacks with mumbai in 2008 (the 26/11 attacks), it’s easier to use other countries’ or places’ or–I would suggest–fantastical trauma rather than directly address it. so bollywood used 9/11 to understand its own trauma. not everyone does this–and a lot of times, I doubt it’s done purposefully, at least initially. but it’s there implicitly, informing decisions of artists and content creators that sometimes doesn’t get revealed until placed under a critical eye. it’s why editing and getting outside or sensitivity readers is important! for japan, the parallels aren’t to other countries, but fantastical situations in japan with Very Heavy Symbolism ranging from akira’s totally-not-a-bombs to kimi no na wa’s processing of the 3/11 disaster via comet.
as for togashi, he uses world events and figures as ways of exploring his own interests (yu yu hakusho has multiple “wow capitalism suuuuuuuuucks” subplots with yukina’s arc and the dark tournament, plus the very anti-war/anti-hate/anti-capitalism/”humanity sucks but people [kuwabara] can be amazing” sentiments of the chapter black tape; while hxh’s chimera ant arc has both a-bomb parallels and north korea/china references on top of killua’s soapbox about how corrupt and terrible governments can be). the parallel between “humanity sucks” and “people can be so very good” threads throughout togashi’s work. but it also uses a very buddhist understanding of rebirth and reincarnation to get these points across, whether it’s the unconditional vore love of pouf and youpi giving themselves to rejuvenate mereum after he’s nuked or the reincarnations of former humans as ants. but all of it connects to togashi’s personal experiences of things happening to and by japan, whether it’s the invasion of and tension with taiwan, the boom and bust of the economy, or the militaristic push by parts of the government under koizumi and abe. that, layered on top of the trauma that informs a lot of japanese media, makes for a fascinating playground togashi is more than willing to dig into.
I suppose this is all a very, very long-winded way of saying that while it’s possible togashi could include a 9/11 parallel, I don’t think it’ll be tied to some september 2001 date in the hxh universe. if he uses it, it will be 1: through a togashi/japanese lens; 2: unattached to a particular date; 3: layered in dialogue with broader war and terror issues togashi’s interested in exploring.
if you’ve made it to the bottom: holy crap congrats, hello, talk to me about anthropology of media. and if you’re somehow still interested in more, here’s an brief list of sources I used on top of the ones explicitly referenced in the post:
Baffelli, Erica. “Media and religion in Japan: the Aum affair as a turning point.” Working paper, EASA. 2008. (media-anthropology.net)
Broderick, Mick (ed.). Hibakusha Cinema: Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and the Nuclear Image in Japanese Film. Routledge and Kegan Paul International, 2014. (google books)
Deamer, David. Deleuze, Japanese Cinema, and the Atom Bomb: The Spectre of Impossibility. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2014. (google books link)
Japan pulls troops from Afghanistan (npr, 2007)
Japan ends ban on military self-defense (time, 2014)
Japan’s 10 years since 9/11 (al-jazeera, 2011)
Krystian Woznicki (September 1991). “Towards a cartography of Japanese anime – Anno Hideaki’s Evangelion Interview with Azuma Hiroki”. BLIMP Filmmagazine. Tokuma Shoten. (archived here)
manga responses to 3/11 (nippon.com, 2012)
Saft, Scott, & Yumiko Ohara. “The media and the pursuit of militarism in Japan: Newspaper editorials in the aftermath of 9/11.” Critical Discourse Studies, 3(01), 2006. 81-101
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My happy place (Long post/Recount)
I saw some live music on saturday night. I hadnt had a night out for a while just to see live music. And i sit back and remeber what occured. Imma tell yall the event of that night. I feel like i havent been as happy as that night. So. If you dont wanna read dont worry, but this js me documenting what happend.
Mum and i got there around 7-7:30 ish.
Already it was starting to get packed so we went and sat at the front of the stage, mum and i arent fans of the band Dokken, but the first band was a tribute band to them, we watched from where the bar was, we had a good time just watching the musicians and the fans have fun.
Then. All heaven and hell broke loose.
The band that mum and i were there too see started up, mum and i were at the front of the stage, the singer instantly noticed me from the other time we were there and gave me a kiss on the cheek from the stage. The bassist also held my hand for a second or two. Mum and i sang our fucking hearts out. The band was a tribute to Poison (which i adore) and i was just on cloud 9. I was on top of the world. We were just gathered in a room full of people smiling and laughing and singing. I felt happy, like genuinly happy for once this whole year. When they finished up, i had too pee and of course there was a line for the ladies. I met this one girl who was early 40's who said she had hair like mine once and her hair was a wig, she had beaten cancer three times and now was living while she could. We laughed, i thought it was crazy that me, a 17 year old girl, can make a 45 year old woman laugh and feel hopeful after battling cancer three times. She told me to live for myself. Live for happiness and strive to be myself and that she was already proud of me. I met this woman 10 minutes ago and she has already made a huge impact.
When i got back to our spot. Mum held up a pass she had that the bassist had given her. He asked where i was and said he wanted to meet the cute girl at the front. I almost teared up with joy as she gave me the poison VIP pass.
So the bon jovi tribute came on and again, cloud 9 motherfucker.
He sung runaway (highly reccomend the song go check it out) and he sung the second verse to me and joked around with me. I felt very special to say the least 😂.
We danced, we sang, i felt so fucking happy.
Then it was all over. Mum and i went to the toilet again and when we came out we saw the singer of the Poison band. He saw me, smiled and then pulled me in for a hug that i didnt want to end honestly. I thanked him for the night and making me feel happy. And he smiled and kissed me on the cheek again and told me that me smiling and singing back to him was very special becuase i was so young and that it was the highlight of his night. And we then ran into the bassist a little while after, and he hugged me and told me about more gigs that were gunna be, and he expected me to be there. He hugged me again and said it was sweet that he saw my face. And then told me how beautiful it was to see the younger gen get into music and just be happy living like that. He told us his real name and how much he loves music amd just general chat. We cahtted for a solid half an hour. He was so sweet and was rapped that i was only 17 and i was at an 80's tribute band show. He gave my mum a hug and told her that she raised me right. He hugged me once again to say goodbye and we left the venue. I didnt want to leave. But all good things must come to and end no matter how much it breaks you.
Mum and i got maccas on the way home. And i'm stuck doing holiday homework for the rest of the week and i wanna cry.
I just keep reliving that one night. Becuase it was the happiest i had been for a while.
I know that was long, i just wanted to recount what happend.
So. Yeah. 💚🖤
It was nuthin but a good time, how can i resist. 😉😂🖤
(The gif is of the poison singer who was singing to me throughout the gig💚😁)
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