#i'm just having fun here
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mortifying-macaroni · 9 months ago
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Experimenting with some colors
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wolveswithhats · 2 months ago
We've talked at length about Kaz Brekker: Hot or Not, now let's talk about how Dirtyhands Does Himself Dirty, aka Kaz is driving his absolute beater of a body into the ground because he has no sense of personal wellness.
Welcome! and thanks for sitting in on my powerpoint presentation, there's a bottle of water under your seat and this complimentary crap art of the creature himself to get us started.
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Disclaimer that I have no experience with using a cane, or being a teenage boy, or being a teenage boy that uses a cane, so take this all with a grain of salt.
SO. Cane height:
too tall and you're over-elevating your arm and shoulder and not able to fully support your weight, which is kind of the point?
too short and you need to hunch forward, straining your back
either or has negative bearing on your balance, posture, and gait, and will lead to pain even outside of the original injury site
Important to note because Kaz is def not getting properly sized for a cane right??
that's way too much of an admission of vulnerability and weakness, absolutely unacceptable
it's 1880-whatever fantasy Netherlands and WebMD doesn't exist for him to research the nuances of proper cane use himself, when will the Grisha invent the internet
stealing textbooks from the university is the period-appropriate (and Kaz-endorsed) option, but he has to be mobile for that, and is unlikely to ask someone to do that for him (see above: vulnerability)
it's been three years and growth spurts are a thing but Kaz asking for help is not (see above: weakness), so it's probable he's too tall for it now at 17 anyway
While super cool and iconic, a crow's head handle is unlikely to be particularly ergonomic, potentially leading to issues in his hand/wrist:
nerve compression
carpal tunnel
(Something probably to be said about the negative effects of an extra heavy weighted cane as well since it's as much a weapon as it is a mobility aid, but I'm not going down yet another research hole, I've already spent way too much time on this. Just keep it as a consideration in this running tally of Kaz's myriad of cane-related issues)
Contrary to the reputation he's trying to build for himself, Kaz is a human with human needs. On the daily, as a growing lad he should be
sleeping 8-10 hours
eating 2000+ calories
getting 30-60 min of physical activity
In actuality, Kaz is
absolutely not doing that, he will sleep when he's dead
surviving almost entirely off of a diet of coffee and spite
further aggravating his leg by hobbling up and down three rickety flights of stairs several times a day
engaging in the major league sport of cracking skulls with his cane. (that's some form of exercise maybe I guess??)
really bad at being anything approaching a healthy teenage boy (they eat! so, so much. please, someone Feed Him)
Additionally, while poking around, I found some overlap between the symptoms of the Queen's Lady Plague and smallpox, notably that one of the early stages of smallpox are sores that start in the mouth and throat and become pustulous, ie: Kaz's raspy, damaged voice. I don't think it's smallpox proper (the pitted scarring is so disfiguring that it would be all over his face and body, and immediately identifiable if he had it), it's probably a less aggressive but still very fatal strain of something adjacent in the pox family. Regardless tho, I'm cribbing one of the potential smallpox complications to contribute to my "Kaz is the Saddest, Wettest Dog" thesis: 
arthritis 🙃
I did check as well to see if any of the poxes could permanently weaken the immune system, and it wouldn't seem so; if you live, you bounce back. But that's ok because Kaz is already doing the footwork of taking a wrecking ball to his immune system just fine on his own:
poor nutrition ✔
lack of sleep ✔
stress ✔
Mmm, you are just crushing it, brother.
So I'm not trying to pitch any of this as fact, or throw hands with Leigh Bardugo in the parking lot of a Denny's for having Inej ogle over his ghostly white abs. If you are writing about his broad shoulders and good, good arms, all the more power to you! Maybe he's lifting dumbbells in his office to work that upper bod, no one can tell you he's not. I'm just saying that if you are more for the idea that he is an absolute wet paperbag of a boy (scrawny! sickly! in constant pain! arthritic?? likely to burst into flames if put into direct sunlight!!), there is more than enough to run with to support that argument.
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chaosandwolves · 11 months ago
Ok ok ok
How about
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Buck gets a little too invested and crashes into Eddie somehow on the basketball court
they fall down, Buck lands on Eddie who hits the ground pretty hard and Buck looks at him and goes
✨ gay panic ✨
and runs off
Thus the scene in the loft
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Eddie is scolding him
Like... Wtf... We talk about things, don't just fucking take off, I'm not mad at you
We're ok
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And then there is this moment where they just look at each other and just....
Tommy sees it all on the court and is like... Omg WOW
Later he talks to Buck and is like...
You know you're in love with your best friend, right?
And that he is in love with you... You know that, right?
And Buck goes:
✨ gay panic 2.0 ✨
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caesarclowningaround · 2 months ago
Fandom(s): One Piece Rating: E Chapter(s): 1/1 Ship(s): Caesar Clown/Sanji Summary: It's Christmas Eve and Sanji's cleaning up for the night, when Caesar comes into the kitchen to… Well, not even he is really sure. What he is sure of is that they're both drunk and there's mistletoe hanging above their heads.
Note(s): Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everybody!!!! Remember when I did that poll for which person Sanji should get lucky with on Christmas and it came out 50/50? Thanks to @pigsinablanketfort (love u tina!!) I ended up choosing Caesar and TA-DAH!! Here's the fic!!
I decided to explore some ideas I have regarding the idea of Cesar joining the Strawhats, along with whether or not he knew Sora and what that dynamic might have been like. Just a blender of stuff I've been thinking about plus Christmas and smut because, hey, it's me!
Hope y'all enjoy it and have a wonderful and safe holiday season!! ☃️
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the3rddenialist · 8 months ago
Ranking Casper Darling's Outfits
From this post and thanks to @lostinthewoodsomewherelostinthewoods
I caved <3
I'll rank them from least to most favourite! Under the read more cause it's a tad long
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16. No clothes, no outfit :/
While I do enjoy as a representation of his mental state and timeline, his birthday suit isn't going high on this list haha.
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15. Underclothes
Similar to 16, good for the story but not going high on this list.
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14. Floppy Disk
While the red bowtie is cool, it's kind of, boring tbh. Sorry Darling
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13. Dylan Faden Video
While definitely its own outfit, its hard to see it and so doesn't do much for me here. Looks nice tho, has a vest!
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12. Dynamite Black™️
Similar to 14, hard to see. I think it looks pretty cool but alas, very short screen time
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11. Dynamite Blue™️
Blue suit in Dynamite, pretty good. But a tad bland. Great guitar tho
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10. Black Rock 665
Has more layers which I like but the vest is such a plain yellow, it's nice but ehhhhh. At least it matches with the bg that's cool
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9. Hedron
Fun to see him in a tie! I like the pattern on his vest. Pretty nice.
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8. Dynamite Red™️
Turtle necks are fun, especially having it match with the suit jacket as oppose to being black.
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7. Roberts
Love the button vest. Might of been higher if this wasn't the scene where I wanted to punch him the most. Also we only see it briefly
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6. Breakdown!!!
The fact that the coat is open without a vest makes it seem so much more vulnerable. The vibes from the complete looseness of the outfits goes hard. Especially since he's usually buttoned up with many layers.
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4. In 4th place is the first 4 layers
How is he not incredibly warm under that. ANyways really like it. If the two vest weren't so similar in colour it would be higher.
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3. Classic
Good old classic outfit. Appearing 7(?) times. Great vest underneath. I really do like this one
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2. Resonance
I honestly think I only really love this one is because of the lighting haha. But yeah suprisingly high. Classic vest but red tie, pretty good.
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FOUR LAYERS STRIKE AGAIN. Really like the greenish vest in this one. Looks very warm but also very nice
Any outfits without a lab coat is pretty jarring haha, but these are rreally cool to look at. Also helps with the timeline of events. But yeah these outfits are really cool to look at and into!!
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aot-brainrot-my-beloved · 11 months ago
AOT Sexualities Headcanons (Part 1)
Since I have nothing better to do, here are my AOT characters' sexualities headcanons (it's my opinion, pls be nice, homophobes DNI)
Probably gonna do it in parts cause there are so many characters LMAO. Also, go and check out my previous [post] about it for context. So anyways without further ado
Part 1 - The Scouts under the cut
Eren - demiromantic demisexual
Eren doesn't usually fall for people and doesn't think about romance, but when he does, he falls hard. He doesn't care about gender, he just needs to feel a really close connection to someone to feel anything. Also, he's famously oblivious to flirtations towards him, which is a popular inside joke among Scouts.
Mikasa - unlabeled
She’s very much Erensexual and that’s it LMAO But jokes aside, she really doesn't care and doesn't see a reason in labeling herself (not that it's a bad thing, she just feels like no name would ever truly fit her). What matters to her are her feelings for Eren and all her closest friends and that's enough.
Armin - pansexual
He doesn’t mind in general but he has a problem recognizing his feelings as something more than a friendship or admiration. He acts friendly and normal and then BOOM, that one special spark and, out of nowhere he’s an awkward ball of fluff. I feel like he just wants someone to talk to about the ocean and who will make him feel seen and safe <3
Jean - (closeted) bisexual
Marco was totally his bisexual awakening. Even though he knows nobody in the Scout Regiment will judge him, he's still scared to come out and every time someone asks him, he's very defensive about being straight (nobody believes him) (just look at him, very much chaotic bisexual icon 💅)
Sasha - heteroromantic asexual
Probably an unpopular opinion but I really don’t see her being into girls. I feel like the Scouts were initially surprised about it after seeing her being so close with Mikasa, but they are just besties. She’s sex-repulsed but will laugh at Connie’s dirty jokes. She’s a hopeless romantic though. She and Connie are platonic soulmates <3
Connie - aromantic asexual ❤️
He never got the appeal of romance or sex, and when someone was flirting with him, he felt really uncomfortable. His friends (especially Sasha) have helped him understand and come to terms with his feelings. He's also sex-repulsed but that doesn’t stop him from telling dirty jokes to others. He and Sasha are platonic soulmates <3
Marco - gay
I have nothing else to say other than the fact that I could never see him in any other way. The gay vibes are very strong with this one (just look at how he looks at Jean!!!)
Ymir - lesbian
She knew she was "different" since she was young, but had to hide it very well. Time spent on Paradis with her friends was the best time in her life because she could finally be her authentic self, without having to deal with homophobia and all the religious trauma, but also because she met the love of her life!
Historia - lesbian
I feel like at first she thought she was straight and then she met Ymir and truly realized something about herself. After that, she was proud of her sexuality, until she became the queen and realized how important her role was. Pregnancy was a hard time for her, especially knowing that Ymir was gone. But to not make it too sad I like to think that her husband was an understanding guy and tried to help as much as he could, while still understanding that he will never be the one and only for her 💔
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lovesick-pizzahead · 2 years ago
why do you have a tail
|| I'm not really going to answer questions about "why" he has a tail ||
|| he simply does because I like giving characters tails ||
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eirenical · 2 years ago
"[Sanshu] was very worried something had happened to me and immediately came over to see if I was ok, but he frowned and started gagging as soon as he got a whiff of me. I was annoyed with him at first, but when I saw him acting like that, I immediately jumped on him and gave him a big hug. He was so disgusted that he nearly fell off the sacrificial altar."
-DMBJ, Book 1, Chapter 23 "Inner and Outer Coffins", translation by merebear
In which Wu Xie is an absolute little shit, even when just recently having nearly died like 3 times in the last twenty minutes. XD
...to be fair, though, Sanshu undoubtedly deserved it. 😂
(Have decided to do a full re-read of DMBJ. I may have fun meta things to say sometimes. Mostly I expect it will be shit like this. Enjoy? ^_^)
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lazylittledragon · 4 months ago
y'know every time i feel guilty about bothering someone by singing along when i'm listening to music, i just remember that i have to tolerate my dirtbag brother screaming at his ps5 for hours every day so listening to muffled off-key fall out boy is probably preferable
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eats-a-berry · 6 months ago
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i wasn't sure exactly what i thought adult gideon should be doing, but i DO quite like the triple combination of cowboy-biker, drag queen, and used car salesman at the same time. she's always a busy person!
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erinwantstowrite · 3 months ago
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trying to get used to drawing duke (i feel like he looks different every time i draw him but this also happens every time i draw like. anyone. so.) i had fun doodling him he's so cutie patootie
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sabertoothwalrus · 4 months ago
appreciation post for the second half of dungeon meshi where senshi clearly starts treating chilchuck more like an adult. and also how the two of them start looking incredibly married
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notnickel · 2 years ago
i'm so normal
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welcometogrouchland · 1 month ago
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(ID in alt) you guys even fuck w/ the flash on here???
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aot-brainrot-my-beloved · 9 months ago
AOT Sexualities Headcanons (Part 2)
Part 2 of my AOT characters' sexualities headcanons because it's pride month and I basically forgot to post it earlier. Check out my previous post for [part 1], and the last part will be here soon (it's my opinion, pls be nice, homophobes DNI)
Part 2 - Veterans under the cut
Levi - homoromantic asexual
Erwin was his first love, although it took him forever to realize that his feelings towards him were romantic in nature. And after that, he just accepted his feelings and moved on with his life. He’s sex-neutral and likes to take things at his own pace, mostly because of his germaphobia.
Hange - pansexual
I mean just look at them, absolutely no care about gender! They just go with the flow and like to experiment and learn new things about themself. As long as someone is interesting and can stand their long and weird all-night talks, that’s all that matters. Hange is very open about their sexuality and also being non-binary (probably closer to agender actually). They learned that no matter what there will always be hateful people, but why should they care about it when they can be happy in their own skin.
Erwin - gay
I was really torn between gay and bi, but I finally decided that he’s gay. Outside of the Scout Regiment, Paradis can be pretty homophobic, especially when you’re holding an important position. Based on those expectations, Erwin either made himself think he was straight and loved Marie or he always just liked her platonically. But when he met Levi everything clicked and he truly fell for him.
Miche - straight (big ally)
He's never had any doubts about his sexuality, he is very much a ladies' man from the get-go. He’s a big ally and will not tolerate any homophobia towards anyone, especially his friends. Bonus fact: he always knew Erwin was gay but never said anything because he could sense it was a sensitive topic for him (you could say that he could smell it from a mile! … okay I’ll stop now).
Moblit - straight (also big ally)
He’s very shy and awkward when it comes to romance and sexuality, so he doesn’t really like to think about it. He’s like 80% sure that he’s straight, but there’s still that 20% left. But it’s not like there’s a time limit or any special reason for him to get his answer quickly, if ever. For now, he has other things to worry about, mostly keeping Hange alive and well.
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vaguely-concerned · 2 months ago
the strength it must have taken for illario to not immediately go full 'lmao since when have you even had a kiss hello lucanis' sibling violence mode during the café talk. inspirational. rook and lucanis really were doing all that right in front of his salad huh
#lucanis is being SO cringe with that line right out there in public and I would die for him. it's just such a weird thing to say#tbf if anyone in the world is used to the insane things lucanis says and would go 'yes yes lucanis waxing poetic about coffee#in ways normal people reserve for trying to get in someone's pants (the roast won't fuck you lucanis)#we've all heard it' like it's all normal I suppose it would be illario. and also he's too busy with the 'shit fuck shit he's not dead#he's not dead of the family members 'supposed' to be dead we're at two definite failures out of two and woe me if the twain should meet#if that IS a demon in there it sure talks exactly in the same bizarre way only my cousin does#does that mean anything what the fuck do I do who do I kill about this' internal monologue I guess#dragon age#dragon age: the veilguard#dragon age: the veilguard spoilers#dragon age spoilers#illario dellamorte#lucanis dellamorte#rook x lucanis#rookanis#I mean he does very much say that to a non-romancing rook too which only makes it all the more delightfully odd#is it a very lucaniscore way of testing the waters. is it just how he always talks about coffee. many plausible approaches here#no one forced him to bring up kisses and 'you should try it' out of the blue like that is all I'm saying. he could have acted normal#(theoretically)#i feel there are reasons to read some stuff into it lol#lucanis when rye says he prefers tea: it's so over cautious overture I don't quite understand myself yet gently rebuffed#lucanis when rye takes him up on the 'so what should a first kiss be' theme: oh we're so back!!!! wait. what. what do I do now#what is this#it's kind of really sweet that rook answers with their own playfully florid beverage based barely hidden metaphor at the end too#matching freaks and having fun with it#as far as lucanis is concerned rye's only true flaws are 1) prefers tea to coffee (oh well. no one can be perfect. cross-cultural love#can conquer all even in this) and 2) weird taste in interior design (did we really HAVE to bring your 15 foot tall corpse statues#with us home rook. I can understand a tasteful skull here and there but this seems excessive. well if it makes you happy I guess)
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