#i'm just angry and i have to cope without lashing out
luckywolfsbane · 1 year
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fruity-fruition · 5 months
I NEED more angry Saki content at this point. GENUINELY.
Guys, I love Tsukasa, Shiho, and Honami with all my heart but I desperately need Saki to finally let out all her anguish.
Shiho and Honami were middle schoolers, you can't blame them, but so was Saki. I love how bright she is, how bubbly, but for the love of god you just know she had some sense of betrayal when Ichika was the only one who appeared constantly.
I want Saki to stand before Honami and Shiho, trying her best to act as her usual self, but finally breaking down and telling them how hurt she was when they never replied to her text. When Ichika kept saying "they'll visit soon" because she knows they never will. How she felt so alone in that hospital room, missing two of her best friends and being so far away from home.
I don't want their friendship to wither, but I have her to be angry because she has every right to be. I want her to hold a grudge, and I want her to feel hurt because she cannot move forward without acknowledging how shitty the cards she was dealt were.
Again, I'm not saying it was Honami and Shiho's fault. They were middle schoolers, they were scared. they were children who didn't know how to cope with their friend being so far and so out of reach. But that didn't mean they weren't wrong. Saki has every right to feel abandoned, because in her eyes, she was.
And Tsukasa. This is a different betrayal, because he treats her like glass. Again, it's not his fault, because for a good while, she basically was. She couldn't go out, she couldn't move around, she couldn't do most things. And he saw her through all of it. Of course he'd be scared for her, of course he'd be wary about it.
But Saki's so tired of being treated like this. She wants to move on, to keep going, to feel normal but she can't do that when everywhere she goes, it's a constant reminder. I want her to lash out, not being she's in the right, but because she's a teen who's childhood was torn away from her.
I want to see Saki snap, I don't even want it to be for a right reason. She could be totally in the wrong, yelling at her brother for caring and trying to make sure she's okay, but she's tired of being reminded she isn't a normal teen. So she lashes out, because she's hurt.
Saki's feeling of betrayal towards Tsukasa reaches another part too, with Tsukasa refusing to trust her the way she trusts him. Tsukasa never opened up to her, being so determined to be the reliable older brother. She's not stupid. She sees what he's doing. She knows something is up, that something is wrong. He's hiding something from her, and it pisses her off that she most likely will never know what.
She feels like he doesn't trust her. She feels like her just being younger is burdening him. That he thinks she can't handle it because she'll always be the "younger fragile sister". She is wrong, and he's never seen her as such, but she feels. That's the whole thing here.
I just want my girl to be able to finally feel and not squash everything down. She'll have to accept the consequences of her actions, but she'll grow from it after, that's for certain. Because she's not going anywhere if she keeps ignoring it and just smiles through (Tenma Sibling trait apparently...)
GOD Saki Tenma I LOVE YOU.
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weabooweedwitch · 11 months
Most women your age are getting married and starting their families and you've never even had a bf 🤡 it's so over for you better get used to coping with ur crippling loneliness with maladaptive daydreaming, yandere asmr videos, drugs and self-insert fanfic because that's all you'll ever have now. Your youth is gone and you're still fat af even after you lost weight (probably gained it all back by now lmao). You could have made something of urself whem you were 20 by losing weight and going to college but instead you laid around and wasted all of your youth and now it's too late. No man will ever want to deal with your baggage of being poor, old, unwanted, uneducated (lmao how do I have more education than you and I'm 10 years younger? dumbass doesnt even have her GED), cringey age-inappropriate hobbies, mentally ill and not even having the decency to go to therapy and take meds, fat, ugly face, loser and loner with no irl friends, crazy family, looking old for your age, whored yourself out on a sugar daddy website, rotten teeth due to your own laziness, thinning frizzy hair and gross bulky glasses, drug addicted alcoholic who's probably going to be homeless for the majority of her life, mean person attacking minor aged rape victims like jesus christ you're so fucking worthless SO many red flags so much baggage no-one will ever want to deal with that. You don't even know how worthless you are
You know, every time you send me a message like this, I think of the person from your friend group who came forward a while back. You know, the one you don't like to acknowledge tried to apologize on your behalf. Anyways, every time you insult my appearance I just think of what your friend said
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So i get it sweetie, youre mad at mommy and daddy and you're lashing out. That's why half the time you're repeating things i previously said back to me and parroting shallow insults with a very small vocabulary. The second i call you fatherless, you call me fatherless. I use thw word maladaptive and, suddenly you know that word too and juat HAVE to use it as well. I get it. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
You're honestly just making yourself look so pitiable. You realize you've already painted yourself as such a dumb jackass that every single time you do this I basically just laugh and ignore you, and then people who know me and are friends or WANT TO be friends with me see how you treat me publicly and they all say "yeah wow who's this absolutely demonic little cunt acting like this without any reason". Like. What is the end goal here. Making yourself look as petty and stupid as possible. Meanwhile, what did someone else in your friend group say? The ones you lied to? Including Callie, the actual victim whose trauma you're basically trying to appropriate for yourself
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Anyways yeah I just wanted to like show you the actual screenshots of the conversation I had with your friend back in June, which also to everyone else, yeah June, that's when she lied to her own friends and said she would stop doing this. She lied to her friends because all of them told her this was making them massively uncomfortable, so now she's. Being an internet troll in secret behind their backs 😂 they were going to tattle on you to your mom so you lied so they wouldn't check tumblr anymore because you're such a weird angry little freak that this has become a hobby for you
I'm sad? I'M sad? I don't even know your fucking name meanwhile you've scrolled through all of my blogs repeatedly for months cataloging details about me for the sheer purpose of trying to poorly insult me.
Like genuinely 90% of the reason I'm answering this is to basically wave a flag saying "hey everyone if you've ever seen or received weird asks of photoshopped porn of me or pictures of my actual family taken from their facebooks or saw the transphobic racist fake dating profile she made with one of my selfies or you ever received a bitch lasagna or Zalgo text, it was this cringey little lolcow right here"
But I also wanted to show you screenshot proof that you make your own friends super uncomfortable and that they started talking about your personal business to defend me over you. So. Yeah I guess that stings huh?
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thebottomfromhell · 9 months
I saw that you had more one shots/headcanons of male reader than female reader 😭, so I wanted to ask you if you could do a one shot of the Hantengu clones who accidentally kill their female human s/o because they had a big fight whit her and the clones killed her accidentally, if you want they can be separated into parts or that they are all together.
Take your time!
Most of my posts are requested, and since most blogs just post female reader, GN at most post, people the request bottom will explode for anyone who answers it. There is nothing wrong in not being comfortable in writing certain things, but most fem readers can and would ask in other blogs, since they have more spaces to choose from (ignoring that I'm more willing to write about violence than others) and I'm not the best writer neither so... whatever.
Thank you for being understanding about the time, I hope you like this.
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Hantengu clones killing Human Female Reader S/O over an argument by accident and coping with it
Warnings: Femicide, Angst, Reader's death, Victim blaming, Bad coping mechanism,
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Sekido got too comfortable... "SHUT UP WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU, WOMAN! WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME SO ANGRY?!" He is always angry, that is his main emotion, even when he can also feel other things, he can't stop feeling angry. As simple as that is. The only thing he could do is being careful with it. "YOU ARE THE ONE WHO NEVER LISTENS TO ME! WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS THIS INPOSSIBLE TO DEAL WITH?!" None of you even remember what are you fighting about, but it scalated.
You both were just too angry, forgetting what Sekido is. He just slamed the door with the staff with anger, electricity rising with his emotion unconciously. He didn't mean to heat you with it, but the last thing you felt was the air dying in your longs, your nerves burn and spasm with the attack before everything turned black. You hit your head when you fell. Guess you both also forgot what you were.
A mere human, meant to die, sooner or later. And you did sooner, because Sekido got too comfortable around you, not enough to treat you like the rest of the clones, but enough so you couldn't stand his anger. With his many years alive eating humans, he knows the sound of a broken skull. Still, Sekido gets closer to check on you, without pulse or breath. He feels anger negating any other feeling, including sorrow, regret, and anything else a normal human would have felt.
He tabs your body with his staff, making your head blow up due the impact, growling dangerously. "So fucking useless. BET THIS IS WHAT YOU WANTED, HUH? MAKING ME-" he stops talking. You are not here anymore, so why should he? He just leaves you to rot. The others ask for you, but he shuts them up, forbids them from talking a while, attacks if they do anyway.
Sekido was always violent, too violent. So it happened, and he decided he was not dealing with you anymore.
"Can't you stop? I'm trying to have a seious conversation with you! Not everything is about pleasure!" You are tired of him. You love Karaku, you really do, but he shouldn't.. he can't... you can't even explain what is wrong with him, but you feel... neglected, not taken seriously enough. You hate it, specially since you have no idea what to do. "Nah, you are just stressed. Relax, princess. Stop worrying over nothing." See? He just... "I CAN'T DEAL WITH YOU ANYMORE! Why are you such a dick?"
He doesn't get angry, nor sad, he barely listens to you, being the "let's feel pleasure" the only face of his he is willing to show you. Maybe that is what is wrong. Meybe you both just can't emotionally bond the way you would like. You think about it within seconds, still angry, sad, vulnerable and other thousands of emotions that you have been holding up until now. Your eyes become wet, but you don't feel this is a safe space to cry, so you just lash out. "I HATE YOU!"
You tried to hit him as he was not facing you anymore, just wanting to relax, seeking any kind of pleasure, the thing that mades him and holds him together. He just... reacted... Karaku didn't mean anything, but the way the back of his hand impacted your side was too strong, to the point it broke more than a rib that basically stabbed your lung from the side, besides sending you flying. The only thing you remember is trying to breath, blood filling one of your lungs and making you choke.
Your eyes and throat hurted a lot, you could feel Karaku's gentle touch on your body, but besides that? You couldn't see of hear anything. It felt like hours, hours in which everything was more painful and tiredsome until... there wasn't anything anymore. He tried to save you, to bring you to a hospital, but you didn't make it, even with his speed. Finding a secluded place from a more secluded area that was not guarded by slayer but attended late night was impossible.
Karaku makes you a memorial, let's your family and friends know you died, even if they are not telled how. He visits, sometimes. But... even this was not able to change him. "Goodbye princess."
Urogi has hurt you before, accidentally. It's mostly when he plays, he has a hard time being aware of how dangerous his talons can be when around you. He can easily chase and dig those in other demons, in the other clones, without anything bad happening, so he is used to use them. Maybe you should have also considered that the second you decided your usual scoldings should heat up for him to listen to you, but you were becoming desesperate. "Urogi, can't you do ONE thing I ask you?"
At first it looked like it was working, he looked a bit sad, he has always been the clone less attached to his core emotion, mostly due the other animalistic traits. But in this case, those traits were also problematic. You have no idea how to deal with thos ans Urogi won't help with it. It becomes tiredsome. "I just asked you to be careful! Is it really too much?!" Maybe you should have stopped the second he was really looking regretful, because then he got angry at you.
"Where are you going?!" You asked when he clearly wanted to leave and was about to fly away. "Away!" Is all he says as he opens his wings, and you have no idea why you thought grabbing him would be a good idea... maybe that was it, you didn't think. "Don't touch me!" He didn't pay attention where he scratched for you to let him go, but... choking on your own blood with a cut on the neck was painful. So was bleeding out. "Y/N! Y/N! Please, I'm sorry!"
You could hear him plead and beg, as he carries you, trying to bring you... somewhere you could be healed, even if he didn't know where. So he was basically just making gravity make you bleed out more, height making you more dizzy as you grow tired, and tired and tired until... nothing. Just nothing.
The other clones tried comforting Urogi after, he didn't want to be separated from your corpse, but... there was nothing left to do. He still whimps about you, sometimes, and acts as if he was waiting for you to come back... he still waits yor you, at least to tell you he is sorry.
Aizetsu is the least violent of the clones, he doesn't attack if it's not on purpose, being always precise in order to give a quick death, as painless as possible. Even when you too have arguments, the few times you are angry enough he can't manipulate you into dropping it by looking sad and apologizing for everything... well, usually he just takes whatever scold you are giving him, waiting for you to calm down in order to avoid conflict. "Y/N. I'm sorry, I feel so bad about it. But could you stop scolding me? It's making me sa-" you interrupt. "Don't you dare making this about you!" Guess this is one of those times.
It gets to the point your throat hurts, that you sonehow forgot what, of everything, you were arguing in the first place. You basically said averything that was wrong but somehow you still feel like there is more to say, and you don't even understand what is going on. What do you want from this? You are basically repeating yourself right now but you are not satisfied at all. Why aren't you satisfied yet? What else is there? Have you forgotten something? That idea alone makes you feel worse.
None of you knows when or how it happened, actually. You both were stressed, to the point Aizetsu started to try and scape from you... using his demon abilities. It wasn't really his fault, he didn't touch you at all. It was an accudent during the chase, none of you would be able to tell what really happened but... you died. You died and, because it fed better into his sadness, the thing that made him, he blames and pities himself. And he pities you. Sadness and sorrow overwhealms him at some point, but he doesn't react to it at allAt least not more than usual.
He makes you a memorial in a place people can see it and carves words, not cearing who finds it. He had to ask Karaku help, but in the end... he will remember you forever. He even keeps some of your things. "I'm sorry, Y/N." He apologizes every time he goes to see you. He barely shows it but... he misses you a lot. But sadness is already part of him, and a important part of him, so... feeling so much sorrow is normal.
Sorrow is too normal, so sometimes he worries he actually doesn't feel anything about your death. Who knows?
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audiblehush · 7 months
*I've edited this a few times as more thoughts have come to me... like, a lot. People’s reactions to that S3 clips have me just… perplexed and distressed and banging my head against a wall.
People are happy Pen is “dragging” Colin for his one, ONE thoughtless comment the season prior. And I’m like… why do y’all want to see him in pain so much? Why?? We’ve all made mistakes like this and the PenStans are being really unfair to him. His errs pale FAR in comparison to the stuff Pen has done.
Meanwhile, Pen haters are furious and calling her a hypocrite for what she said and want to Colin flip the fuck out at her down the line after the LW reveal.
Both of them have in been wrong and done wrong in multiple instances, again - with varying levels of severity. Pen has done some awful shit (even if she had her reasons) and imo is CLEARLY shame spiraling while ripping into him, in a way that he does not deserve. While Colin has admittedly not only put his foot in his mouth in a pretty public way, and (a much more minor scale) has also been either willfully (doubtful) or naively / innocently (more likely) playing with Pen’s reputation, esp. in S2 in a way that, intentionally or not, lead her on a smidge... NONE of these things justify Pen not giving hi a chance to explain himself. (Though, a reminder that book Colin was always aware of Pen’s crush and careful as a result- we don’t know about show Colin, but I almost hope he’s not aware because that makes some of his choices YIKES... but my instinct is just that he has not felt romantically about her and is hella naive to her feelings).
They can BOTH be wrong!!! We can hold space for both of those truths!! They are both allowed to express that hurt... to a POINT.
I’m tired of people thinking that Pen grappling with her choices has to be a) just… not doing that and pretending she’s perfect (I'm looking at you PenStans) or b) Colin or others screaming at her in punishment or to get on her knees and crawl and repent.
Mind you, this doesn’t mean Pen doesn’t deserve to be called out, she TOTALLY DOES and it is NEEDED for her development and accountability, but why does it need to be done in a way that’s cruel? Two wrongs make a right?? This isn't enemies-to-lovers!!! Eloise already tried an angry outburst and all it did was fan the flames and hurt and made things worse... because Pen lashed RIGHT back out. That exchange started with the intent of causing pain and even when the two inevitably make up, things were said that cannot be unsaid or forgotten. That fight was so painful because they were both hurting and trying to hurt... and they were both partly wrong and both partly right.
The Show!Colin I love is not someone who revels in a righteous anger. He has every right to be hurt by Pen’s choices and to express that hurt, but it’s distressing to me that people want him to blow his top at Penelope in return because she “deserves it.”
1) To me it's OBVIOUS she’s clearly already fucking hurting and NOT COPING WELL and has a lot to grapple with this season regarding her fuck ups and lack of confidence. That doesn't lessen his hurt, but Would Colin really want to do that when his friend is hurting? I don't want a vindictive, smug Colin, not matter how justified he would be in acting that way.
2) In reality, an angry blow up would be so fucking vindictive and unhealthy to BOTH parties and I hope the show doesn’t go that route. I hated angry!book Colin and hope he his “let me grab Pen’s arm and knowingly hurt her as I squeeze because I’m angry so there” stays far away from Show!Colin. He can express his hurt and pain and disappointment ("You're my friend, how could you do that to me?") without a vicious a screaming match (or godforbid manhandling her). In fact, I think it would be less effective for Pen AND less healing for Colin himself.
Pen is hurting and Colin is hurting and I’M hurting because I want my babies to figure it out without harming each other further in shortsighted anger. At least this happens early… I hope Colin gets his say early on too, even if the LW stuff has to come later. I need them to start working shit out.
Why the fuck do people want them to continue hurting each other? Why do you want to see these already suffering characters suffer more?
Who does that benefit?! EDIT: Now I'm seeing takes that they think Pen's mad at Colin for not returning her feelings?! How on earth is that a valid reading when A) she knows that he's in the dark about her feelings? Even when she's snipping at him in this clip, she doesn't say the reason it hurt is because feelings she has. She CERTAINLY doesn't want him to know now B) it's clear that Penelope's self-esteem when it comes to feeling being worthy of love is practically non-existent? Do we think maybe she's angry about the fact that barely an hour after he promised to look out for her he said a phrase that the people around him clearly took in a way that was mocking to Pen? And didn't see him immediately contradict the cruel laughter? Even if it's a large misunderstanding (which I hope it is), it's easy to see why Pen would take that that way if you extend some basic empathy for her. She is not DEMANDING he return her feelings; she was was expecting a friend who wasn't (seemingly) talking about her behind her back. That's not unreasonable (even if she should have confronted him right away about it to clear the air, she was reeling after her friendship with Eloise imploded... she wasn't exactly thinking clearly).
I'm so confused; why do these people who claim to love Polin refuse to try and even remotely understand why Pen is the fucking trainwreck she is right now (or has been since the end of S1 tbh)? Understanding is not endorsement. Empathy is not endorsement. I'm so tired...
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scoobydoodean · 8 months
I always though sam being on research a lot in the earlier seasons was just dean trying to keep him safe without Saying That Out Loud, just like when he was a kid- I mean, I don't believe john was actually down to keep sam out of the fighting until he was like 14 when he literally put a gun in six year old dean's hands, favortism be damned- and by the later seasons it was just something sam grew to actually enjoy, so even if dean loosened the reigns of his overprotectiveness by then, like, why deny the guy some small joy. we know dean likes reading and we know he's genuinely interested in supernatural stuff. so I always just assumed the complaining about research thing was an act to keep sam out of the field until it was absolutely necessary to involve him (since it's pretty much drilled into him to not have a Confrontation with the monster without backup, but the field investigation, while also dangerous, is usually solo)
I'm definitely a believer in Dean is good at research. That said, I guess I just don't think Dean is the one who created the dynamic where Sam often stays back to research to begin with. Dean is perhaps the most prone to work side by side with Sam on research in season 1. (I think not splitting up is actually what Sam is more likely to chafe at in season 4-5, perceiving it as a lack of trust). Sam and Dean do a lot of their work side by side at first instead of splitting up. That isn't to say there aren't plenty of moments where Sam researches alone in the early series. We see Sam bring his research into bars while Dean mingles with locals (also working or not) in 1.15, 1.16, 1.19. However, it's established to be because of Sam's own obsession and his growing desire to isolate himself rather than Dean's influence (in fact, Dean urges Sam to take breaks in 1.15, 1.19, and 1.20—1.19 is largely about how worried Dean is about Sam isolating himself with research as a coping mechanism).
I am starting to wonder to myself though if a lot of where we get "Sam is the research guy and Dean is the gofer" is that in the first three seasons, Sam's extremely driven toward certain goals that necessitate him being heavily embroiled in research and at times, come with him intentionally isolating himself. First it's that he's obsessed with finding John and getting revenge, and in moments where he can't find leads, he lashes out (1.03, 1.10) or he firmly emphasizes searching for cases (1.19, 1.20). Sam spends the immediate aftermath of John's death looking for leads on the demon to the point of getting angry that Dean isn't also buried in books searching for a means of revenge against Azazel and is working on the car instead (2.02). Then it's hunting almost non-stop to cope with John's death then to cope with his destiny (2.09, 2.10, 2.11, 2.18) while Dean is desperate for a break. Then it's searching frantically for a solution to Dean's hell deal all of season 3, and because Sam intentionally does a lot of that research without Dean's knowledge and behind his back, it necessitates him choosing to hang back while Dean goes out so he can work on finding a solution for Dean on the side while covering with the idea that he was doing research for a case. Because Dean spends the first 10 episodes of season 3 not wanting to face his approaching demise and viewing death as an escape, he isn't inclined to do much research in season 3 either.
Season 4 and 5 more generally tend to feature less researching scenes in general though I think, so I'm not sure if it means anything at all that I'm noticing Dean hanging back while Sam goes out lately. This isn't something I have been specifically tracking, but there's so much mytharc and Sam and Dean being batted around by the angels and demons than MotW cases in season 4 and 5... Research tends to be referenced more than shown. I do think it's possible Sam going out more while Dean researches is a function of Sam desiring more control and independence, but I don't believe the dynamic initially developed from Dean being overprotective.
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neurotypical-sonic · 2 years
Alright, spill your thoughts about Prime!Tails before the show comes out
Anon what have you unleashed. All of this is spoiler free because I haven't seen the first episode yet.
First thought: I love him I would die for him he makes my chest hurt
More coherent thoughts: he's obviously a little older; he's a little bigger, not as childlike proportions, dark colouring on his ears etc etc. Baby boy's growing up. But it's heartbreaking because it means he's been alone for that much longer, and the fact that he's been dealing with this abuse for so much longer than what og!Tails did.
Without Sonic there to save him from the bullies, he had no one, absolutely no friends or support - I don't know where Amy and Knuckles are in all this, but even if they have never met before, the fact that NO ONE ELSE in Tails' life has been there for him is heartbreaking, not even a brief positive interaction with a stranger. Yes, Sonic has always been the first to stand up for him, but the implication that just Sonic was been the only one willing to give Tails a chance, and because he didn't no one else did... man.
In Sonic's world it kinda makes sense he was the first to protect Tails? He met Tails when he was four, and you can tell by how Sonic told his story that he wasn't really seeing the gravity of the situation. They were just silly bullies being mean, so he chased them off. It's. Not great but you can understand his reasoning, because it looked like stupid school yard bullying. Most adults don't take that seriously, and pass it off as kids being kids or harmless teasing. Sonic got Tails out of that situation, so it's fine now (I'm not trying to say schoolyard bullying isn't a big deal, I'm saying this from Sonic's pov)! And Sonic was always there to support Tails afterwards, help him heal from it, so it IS a thing from the past for him. Not insignificant, but also not a huge deal.
But for Prime!Tails that never happened, Sonic never stood up for him, and it didn't stop at schoolyard bullying. It only got worse and worse. This Tails is bitter and resentful and angry because he HAS to be, it's the only way he could've survived. Flight wasn't working out anymore, he couldn't wait any longer for help, so he switched to fight. He's never had anyone else in his life to keep him going, to give him hope, so the only thing he's got is his anger and spite, that's the only thing getting him through the days. No one was there to teach him any healthy coping mechanisms, to help him see his self worth, to make him see he's not a freak. He's been ALONE this entire time and I'm losing my mind!!!
And so he's sort of reclaimed the whole freak thing. He stresses the fact that he was abused for having ONE extra tail, and so he made himself seven more, made them his greatest invention and in your face and uses them as weapons and defends himself with them. You're gonna call him a freak for having two tails?? Check mate bitch he's got nine now and he's ready to maim. Also the fact that he's only ever seemed to invent out of necessity, only making things to protect himself and give him an edge and not anything just for fun and just because he could does something to my heart.
So he's got all these emotional walls up to protect himself, has survived his way for however many years, and then Sonic comes along and acts all friendly and immediately Tails lashes out because of COURSE he thinks it's a trick, it's some ploy to hurt him. He has learnt again and again that nobody cares about him. I'm very quickly running out of energy and my words are getting jumbled in my head hang on
So he lashes out at Sonic, refuses to believe him, but all it takes is a few words and Tails is hesitating. He's refusing to even acknowledge that Sonic could be telling the truth because it HURTS, someone possibly caring about him is so fucking painful. However. This is SONIC, no matter the universe they have this unbreakable bond. This is Sonic reaching out and Tails can't help but tentatively reach back because it's universal law that they have each others' backs. Tails can't fight that.
I talk about this specific moment here a bit more in depth, but to quickly repeat: Tails' walls start breaking down real fast and despite every cell in his being screaming against it, he starts to trust Sonic, and let his guard down and be vulnrable. He went from "I don't need ANYONE, nobody has friends and I want nothing more than for you to fuck off and leave me alone" to "tell me more about us. tell me more about how we're friends" REAL fucking quickly.
He WANTS to be the Tails Sonic's talking about. He wants that for himself so bad, he wants to have had someone there for when he was younger, and I'm once again repeating myself from a different post, but: him saying “so what else did we do” is even more heartbreaking when you think about how he said it - what else did WE do. not you and this other tails, but ME and you. something something so desperate for crumbs of love and care that he’s willing to settle for second hand friendship.
AND THE WAY HE SMILES AT SONIC AT THE END OF THE CLIP...... It's so genuine and hopeful and!! FUCK!!!!!!!
I do have more to say but I've reached my limit and I'm really struggling for words. I can't wait until it comes out I can't wait to see how they explore their relationship.
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rook-specter · 2 years
why Nathaniel Adams/Keizou Amano is unintentionally good BPD representation
fuck you, he's BPD coded and I'm tired of pretending that he's not. (also I may have BPD as well so yeah)
also, pwBPD stands for people with Borderline Personality Disorder, and that's the phrase I'm gonna use for most of this
Impulsive actions
So basically, he trains himself to be just like Moximous, and I see a lot of impulsiveness in this. also he does this shit:
-Training nonstop
-stopping his plans for the first yo-kai watch
-breaking relationships
there's some other actions that I'm not bothered to remember, but these are the ones I remember vividly. in case you do not know, impulsivity is very common within pwBPD.
while things like consuming drugs and unsafe sexual intercourse arent included in the above list (i mean, ofc, this game is for kids and he's fucking 11), damaging positive relationships is part of this impulsiveness.
Unstable Relationships/Splitting
as said before, Nathaniel had seen breaking his positive relationships with others, notably with Hovernyan/Fuyunyan due to not being able to protect his weaker friend.
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basically, Kin and Gin inspirited a couple of bullies that beat up his friend, causing his friend to lash out at him. and then he discovered moximous mask and broke his positive friendships to cope and also to try to be like that superhero.
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also, he lashes out at Hovernyan for using the Wicked Stone to bring his grandson Nate into the past to help him, along with lashing out at his grandson. (he didn't know that nate was his grandson at the time but I don't care) and he also lashes out a lot later, such as their second meeting
these actions can be similar to splitting (a BPD-exclusive term in which pwBPD tend to characterize themselves, other people, and situations in black and white), and it may contribute to relationships not being stable. it is possible for splitting episodes to be triggered from minor events or inconveniences (as said about Hovernyan and Nate above)
Intense Emotions/Mood Swings
like I said before, Nathaniel starts off as being angry and irratable, as he lashes out at Nate for just being there. he can also go from calm to angry in just a second, which is something I noticed while watching let's plays of Yo-Kai Watch 2 instead of playing it myself.
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One of the symptoms of BPD is that a person rapidly changes their emotions and even often.
he does not only have intense anger, but as well as intense sadness, fear, and obsession, and because of his stress and obsession, he feels more intensely than others do.
you look at me in the eyes and tell me that Nathaniel isn't a perfectionist. you tell me without shitting yourself.
he feels himself to be bad on the inside, so he tries to prove himself to the world that he can become like the moximous hero Moximous Mask.
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in many instances, pwBPD have this kind of perfectionist mindset.
Favorite Person
in the past, that one friend seemed to be Nathaniel's favorite person (or fp for short). and after the story of YKW2, it seems to be fuyunyan. as I said before, his friend lashed out at him for not protecting him, but that impacted him a lot since he broke his positive friendships after that, and declared to not have friends.
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now you may be asking, "how would this tie to him having an fp?"
in some cases, pwBPD may have their fp abandon them, which causes them to spiral into nothing, which is much like what happened to Nathaniel.
and later on, Hovernyan becomes his new fp. and when Hovernyan gets hurt, well... let's just say that doesn't go well for him.
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because of how his behavior connects to BPD symptoms listed above (there might be more that i might have missed), he is BPD coded, which is fucking hilarious because this is really good BPD representation even though I don't think that was Level-5's intention.
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septembersghost · 2 years
maybe a heavy question for a tuesday night but—how do you manage to be tender and soft and open-hearted without feeling bruised all the time? or, i guess, how do you cope with feeling bruised all the time, if that is how you feel? i feel lately like an exposed nerve, like i’m too vulnerable by half and everyone is pointing and laughing. i feel like i ought to have a thicker skin but i don’t necessarily want to lose the tenderness. i don’t know what to do, i guess.
oh darling anon. i'm sending so much love to you. there is never a wrong time for this kind of question. i don't know if there's a right answer.
so here's what i will tell you from my own experience, subjective though it may be - i have always been an overly sensitive soul, a little too soft and easily wounded, tender heart that's maybe too naively trusting and forgiving. i used to get told to "toughen up" by various people (excluding my mom), there were even (male) family members who'd tease me intentionally at gatherings to try and make me cry because they misguidedly thought that this would cause me to be stronger. and it just made me feel worse, because i felt like there was something too fragile and broken in me, that i'd never be good enough or resilient enough to matter. that somehow the softness was weakness or childishness. it's something i couldn't change. and even when it's a compliment, it can be sharp-edged - you're so sweet, but so quiet! the kindness being something you try for, but the quiet being fear.
many years ago, after i went through a specific traumatic experience, i turned on myself, drove those knives inward, but also briefly lashed out. it's the only time in my life that i reacted in an aggressive way from the wounds. there was a span of months where i was unrecognizably dark and cynical and bitter, numbed to the softer and brighter things i try to hold. (and i was angry, but i don't think anger automatically is a negative thing, it depends how you channel it.) i was also s****dal, and miring myself in such a dark headspace definitely didn't make that better. it was brutal, and when i started to surface on the other side, claw my way back through the thorns of it, i realized...hardening myself like that was worse. it made the whole world feel heavier, and meaner, and harder to find my bearings in, because it simply wasn't me. i fought bloody to get the true sense of myself back, and she is soft and silly and too sensitive and cries a lot, and it's okay. it's okay because it's true, and being true is the only way you don't sink under the worst waves. i strove not to ever lose that again.
(it's why i keep: be soft, and i want to still have a sharp pen and thin skin and an open heart, and you have to be wearing a suit of armor, but have a liquid heart and soul, close in my mind all the time. like little prayers, affirmations. we are allowed to be this way. to exist in our tenderness.)
i know it makes you feel bruised and delicate, and cut open to the ache of the world at times, and like a flayed nerve at times. i know those moments are exhausting and echo around in your head. the only thing i can say is that i also believe being open-hearted is a gift. you feel things deeply and it makes the world richer and more beautiful, it doesn't only give you the pain, it gives you the wonder and the joy too. it doesn't mean it's easy, on the contrary it often is not. to be tender is to be so human. having a great capacity for love is a mitzvah, a blessing. there is no one who is tender quite like you. no one has your heart. this universe needs all the kindness it can get. you are rare and essential. consider that softness like a living thing - if you put it in the dark, it will wither and fade away, but if you let it stay in the light, it will keep doing its very best to blossom and show all its colors. that's what you are, all shimmer and color. those who truly value you will see that and treasure it, but the most important thing is to keep it for you. it's not a weakness. it's a strength.
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softxsuki · 2 years
I have an urgent request right here (you don’t have to get to it right away if you have a lot going on) since I need to get it off my chest due to having a rough month due to dealing with anger and stress lately especially with dealing with getting robbed in the beginning of the month. Can I request a comfort/angst/fluff with Eren x Fem!AutisticReader where Eren has been noticing she’s been angry, stressed, and lashing out at friends and family after getting robbed of her valuables (part 1/2)
Eren Comforts Autistic!Reader Who Gets Robbed
Pairing: Eren x Fem!Autistic!Reader
Warnings: mentions of theft, crying, punching, feeling frustrated, sorry if you find any mistakes NOT proofread 🥸
Genre: Comfort
Post-Type: Oneshot
Word count: 1.1k
Summary: In which weeks after your amusement park date robbery incident, you find yourself still upset about it. Eren sees you pacing and decides to finally talk it out with you, in the hopes that it'll help you feel better.
[A/N: Hi 🌙 anon <3. Thank you for your patience with the urgent request. I'm so sorry this happened to you! Idk why amusement parks allow people to just leave their things around. They should provide free lockers for everyone when you enter a ride so you can just safely lock them up then remove them again at the end of the ride. I'm glad I was finally able to write this out for you and I hope you enjoy!]
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“Angel?” Eren asks, cautiously walking into the sensory room he had created for you using one of his spare bedrooms. 
You were fuming, pacing back and forth, having no idea what to do with all your pent up emotions. It had been weeks since your robbery incident. You had been at an amusement park on a date with Eren; while getting on one of the roller coasters, you left your belongings in one of the little cubby’s only to find some of your belongings missing when you returned. There was nothing the park could do to help you as they had a rule that their customers were responsible for their own belongings, and there was nothing you could do to get your things back either. You were beyond frustrated and upset; not only at the thief who stole your things, but also at yourself for leaving your things out in the first place instead of spending a few extra dollars for a locker.
“Y/N,” Eren speaks again, trying to catch your attention.
Of course he knew about what happened that day, he had been observing you everyday since the incident occured and it was the same thing each day–pacing, huffing and puffing, crying in frustration, and snapping at everyone around you. But he knew it wasn’t your fault, this was your way of coping.
“What do you want?” You snap at him, something you did every time he came in to check up on you. You didn’t mean it, you just didn’t know what else to do to help the emotions bubbling up inside you.
Eren silently walks to the other side of the room where he had some equipment to workout, making the space useful not only for you, but for him as well. He passes you some of his boxing gloves and ushers you to his punching bag he had stationed in the center of the room.
“Go on,” he urges, nodding his head toward the punching bag, “Hit it with everything you’ve got. Don’t hold back, angel.”
It was like something snapped in you–finally the chance to let all your emotions out without being held back. You punched the punching bag several times, feeling the force of the bag hitting your covered fists as your aggressive hits continued to pour out. Tears of frustration ran down your face and you screamed, letting all those pent up feelings out.
That continues for a few minutes as Eren watches you patiently, sitting on a bench in the corner of the room. He was glad that you were finally getting your emotions out fully instead of occasionally snapping at the people around you who you cared for. He watches you hit the bag with so much concentration on your face, sweat now beginning to form on your forehead. It isn’t long until you crumble to the ground, panting from punching without taking a break. Your lungs burn, but it was a good burn. You felt 100 times lighter, like you could go chase after the thief who stole from you–if only you knew where they were. 
“Better?” Eren asks as he plops himself down beside you, bringing a towel up to your face to dab the sweat away as he hands you a bottle of water.
“Mm,” you take a swig of the water, “Much better, thanks. I really needed that!”
Though your facade slowly peels away as more tears fall down your face and you reach up to wipe them away furiously.
“I’m sick of crying, but I can’t help it,” you cry, leaning into Eren as he holds you close to him, patting your back in an attempt to calm you down.
“It’s only natural that you feel frustrated. It’s horrible that people are out there stealing without caring about how it’ll affect the person they’re stealing from. The world is cruel like that sometimes, but it’s not your fault,” he presses a kiss to your head, resting his chin there as he continues to speak. “We’ll do something about it.”
That makes you perk up a bit, “Really?’
He meets your curious gaze and places another kiss to the tip of your nose, “Really.”
Eren looks up in thought, “Well, I know the park said there was nothing they could do about it. And the chance of finding that person now is very slim, but we can make it known on social media so that awareness can be brought up about these kinds of incidents. Perhaps the park could be doing more to help keep their customers’ items safe when they’re on rides.”
You sigh, knowing you’ll probably never get your things back, but you were all for helping create change. You didn’t want your amusement park experience to be ruined by one person who decided to steal from you, and doing something would be better than doing nothing so you agree.
“Yeah, we can do that.”
“Great, then I’ll give the amusement park a call tomorrow and we’ll have a talk with them. See what they can do to prevent this from happening in the future.”
You hug him tighter, still hating that you wouldn’t get your belongings back. Eren notices your expression and nudges your shoulder a bit. He offers you a hand and leads you to the mat in the corner of the room, lying down with you in his arms, cuddling you close to him.
“Don’t worry too much about your things. I’ll take care of it. I’ll replace it all as long as it’ll make you happy again, angel,” he hums into the crook of your neck, hugging you tightly.
It wasn’t easy to just let go of what you were feeling, but you knew you couldn’t stay frustrated over something you had no control over, so you just nod your head in agreement. At least you could try…for Eren.
He smiles in relief, hoping to be able to see you back to your chipper self soon. He plays ocean sounds, one of the sounds that helped you calm down the fastest, and continued to hold onto you.
“Everything will work out. Just leave it to me,” He reassures you for the nth time that night, and you knew you could rely on Eren. You trusted him to take care of the situation.
“Thank you, for not getting mad at me for how I was acting, and sorry for being so moody and snappy at you when you were only trying to help,” you whisper, feeling a little bad for your behavior.
“No need to apologize, Y/N. I know you didn’t mean it. I’m upset at that mystery person for stealing from you too, so I get it.”
That felt refreshing. Having someone in your life who tried to understand the way you reacted to things and didn’t lash out on you in return for something you couldn’t control. Eren was a breath of fresh air and you could already feel your irritations of the robbery incident slowly leave your body.
Items were just items after all, replacing things, but nothing could replace the bond you had with the beautiful man who held you tightly each night–nothing.
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Posted: 10/5/2022
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noirhistories · 5 months
😠🎄💧❤️‍🔥 (for nic)
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😠 ANGRY FACE — how easy or difficult is it for you to express your emotions? if you find it difficult, what do you think is holding you back?
i think i'm a pretty open guy? if i'm happy, you know it even without me clapping my hands. and if i'm upset, well, you know that, too.
🎄 CHRISTMAS TREE — what is your favorite holiday and why?
jeez, don't give me an easy question now. i don't know i like holidays, but i'm thinking holidays in the summer, maybe fourth of july. i'm not big on the cold and i like how you can get out and do things for the fourth, you're not just sitting down to eat and then having a nap.
💧 DROPLET — are you grieving something or someone? do you feel like you lost something or a part of yourself with it/them?
… my marriage. i still see her because of the custody arrangement, but it's not the same. i don't think you can go through something like this without losing part of yourself. if you can, were you really married?
❤️‍🔥 HEART ON FIRE — what angers you the most? what triggers this anger, and how do you cope with it? what does this anger feel like, if you had to describe it?
i don't get angry a lot, but… shit that reminds me of how my married ended up. it's like… a bubbling pot in my gut, it's like something acidic boiling and churning and burning through my veins. it's like the doctor tapping on your knee with a hammer, my body just wants to twitch and i want to lash out.
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the-sunroom-system · 7 months
something that harmed us a lot growing up was the exposure to life without any sort of support system, i guess.
on social media, it's a battleground. people are so aggressive over everything. they view everyone as a threat and they don't care who they hurt to validate and secure safety of themselves.
everyone has different ways that help them cope, yet echo chambers develop where people who all cope a similar way decide it's the only right way to cope. anyone who copes differently is doing it wrong and harming them personally.
and when you're young and especially dissociated, all of this is internalized back into, well, a lot of things. the inability to have needs or assert self. invalidation. rage. confusion. a need for belonging. uncertainty of one's own needs at all. rejection of one's own needs to avoid being outcasted. and, many times in our case, lashing out, which created more isolation, which created more angry, traumatized parts who internalized "i'm not allowed to exist" and "all i do is hurt others, so i won't do anything at all."
i remember how much when we were younger, we'd reject our own needs over and over because everyone else did. everyone else said they don't matter, or got angry if we asserted them, or created a space where we weren't allowed to exist, whether it was their intention or not. And this behavior was always denied. We truly went insane.
I just think a lot sometimes about all of this. We internalized so many horrible things growing up. People who say online trauma isn't real or doesn't matter will never have my respect.
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I haven't taken my Lexapro in at least a month and I find myself filled with the same seething rage and self hatred I was at 15.
Then, I was a pre-transition just-came-out trans man sheltered in the smallest county in Indiana. I was angry about my situation, being the only out queer person and surrounded by lack of education, and I hated myself because of it.
I focused my rage into educating my peers, my teachers, and the school administration about LGBTQ+ issues. I used nearly every assignment I could to teach and my mum and I were able to get admin to compromise and let me use a separate bathroom and changing room instead of the girls.
I focused my self hatred into research. I did so much research on transitioning, on fitness, on mental health, on history. I learned about the different types of surgeries, about workouts I could do at home to help build muscle in my chest, about how to cope with isolation, about how we got to where we were in 2016 and how I could better myself.
Now, I'm a 22 year old 5-years-on-T hasn't-fully-came-out-again-yet transmasc non-binary trying to find my first solo housing without credit. I'm angry about my situation again but now it's different. I'm angry that I still haven't been able to legally change anything gender wise, haven't been able to get too surgery, and I'm angry my parents never taught me how to build credit. I hate myself because of it.
I've been convinced since middle school that I wouldn't make it past 23 at the latest.
I have nothing to focus my rage and self loathing on. I feel like an animal trapped in a corner. I'm anxious, I'm angry, I'm guilty. I've isolated myself this time to the point I've lost the two friends I had and live with. I don't want to lash out at them and I know they don't like me anymore so it's best to just avoid.
I'm picking up my refill when the pharmacy opens. Hopefully, it will help.
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academicdisasterfic · 3 years
Microfic: every last bit
'Draco, I don't know why you're getting upset--'
'No, you wouldn't, would you?'
'I'm sorry I implied I might actually like who you are--'
'Why? Why?'
'You're funny, Draco, and kind, and--'
'No. No, I don't want to hear about that, Harry. I don't want to know why I'm good.'
'But you are--'
'I just spent six hundred Galleons on a designer bag.'
'Okay, but--'
'Honestly, the amount I donate to charities is paltry, Harry. Pennies, for how much I'm worth.'
'I got angry at Pansy last weekend because she made fun of my hair. I called her a stupid bint and poured red wine down her new white jumpsuit and I am refusing to admit it was an overreaction or pay for it.'
'...go on.'
'I'm still scared of muggles. I haven't visited Blaise's new baby yet. When my ex cheated on me, I told his work that he had a serious contagious disease and they put him on indefinite leave--don't laugh--and when you got drunk and told me about your childhood I tracked down where the Dursleys are currently living and I Confunded the local Mormons and convinced them Vernon needed saving and now he never gets peace and I don't feel bad at all.
I still love my father, even though I don't want to. I don't think Dumbledore was a hero, and sometimes I get very angry and lash out and hurt the people around me. Part of me still hates you because you don't have to try to be good, and I do. I'll probably hurt you at some point, and I won't be sorry right away, because I get too caught up in my head.
I've known you loved me for months, and I've loved you my entire life, and I haven't done anything because I am so fucking cowardly, Harry, and I could survive living without you but I couldn't survive losing you. So don't tell me why I'm good, because you're about to see all the bad, and if you can't cope with that then--mmmph.'
'...I always knew you'd be a good kisser.'
'Harry, you need to answer the question.'
'There was a question?'
'I'll take all of you, Draco. Every last bit.'
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♡ Yandere Alphabet ♡ Wanda Maximoff. Because why not?
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*Not my GIF, did I mention how much I love this GIF?
Author’s Note: So I saw someone do this on tumblr, but I can’t find it now, so I’m gonna make one for her.
I’m also gonna use second-person pronouns because why not?
Should I also do one for Anya? I’m probably gonna do one for Anya.
Also guess who got her first policy warning on ao3 because I advertized my Fiverr thing. (I deleted those sections of the one that got a complaint) And I'm now scared that I might've posted more advertising shit that I don't remember.
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Wanda loves affection from you. She craves it. It'd be a lot of domestic and cute things from cuddles to homemade meals and even setting up a bubble bath and massages for you when you're stressed. She falls in love HARDCORE, so prepare for major intensity-grade affection.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Wanda doesn’t need to get messy with those who she believes are trying to take you away from her. She has her magic. 
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Not a shred of cruelty. She loves you, practically worships you, to an extreme extent. If you’re her beloved, chances are you’ll never be able to leave her. (Though I’ve seen from the notes that you wouldn’t necessarily complain)
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Probably read your mind or control you if you weren’t being good. (Though I know some of you are likely down bad for that, I see you Wanda simps. No shame, but don’t lie.)
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
I think it would be pretty difficult for her to not be vulnerable around you. Unless you piss her off, then she would harden up until she’s convinced that you’ve come back around.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Wanda would probably be a mixture of amusement, confusion, and hurt. She thinks it’s cute that you think you can win, confused as to why, and hurt because you’re fighting back.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Absolutely not. She goes all in in terms of love, that’s kind of who she is; it’s no game, it’s a commitment. She’d feel hurt, even angry, if you’d tried to escape. But at the same time, she’s the freaking Scarlet Witch, a supernatural being who holds the magic of an elder god. Chances are you won’t be escaping any time soon.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Probably fear projections. Oh, and what goes on in MoM. (except I know some of y’all are definitely into that. Don’t lie to me.)
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Ideally, a suburban town house with friendly neighbors and a family. Basically WandaVision without the whole “accidentally-mind-controlling-the-entire-town” thing. But she wouldn’t mind if you wanted to live by the ocean or the forest or what-have-you. She really just wants somewhere cozy to start a family with you.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
She can definitely get jealous, but it’s usually not a problem because she can use a bit of magic to fix it right up.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
She’d be very lovey-dovey, I think. Doting and affectionate, practically worshipping you.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
She’d likely start by figuring out your schedule/where you’d go. Then move up to talking to you more. Giving you little gifts. Introducing you to sitcoms she loves.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
In public, she’s very quiet and aloof, preferring to be on her own mostly. But when it’s just the two of you, she’s a cuddle bug, head over heels in love for you.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Fear Projections, sending nightmares, emotional manipulation. Though she feels horrible about it and means every apology.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Right away? Probably just not letting you go certain places, maybe restraining you. (which I know some of you are into, don’t lie. No shame, but don’t lie)
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Initially she’s very patient, I think. But if they kept pushing her too far, it’d get bad.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Ummm.....I think we’ve all seen where that’s led to. Both in WandaVision and for those who’ve seen it, not gonna spoil much, MoM.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
She’d probably feel guilty deep down, but I think she’d justify it as that she deserves to be happy for once.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
*Insert basically every instance of trauma from her life from the death of her parents to the shit that happens in MoM.*
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
That’d be hell to her. She hates seeing you upset and would do almost anything to make you happy. Almost being the key word.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Being a witch is pretty different. Also I don’t think she’d necessarily kill anyone, unless....if you know, you know.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
I would say her loving and trusting nature with those she loves and cares about. But when she catches you, (yes when, not if) she’ll trust you less.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
She wouldn’t mean to. At her core, she’s a sweetheart who just wants to love and be loved. But she has pretty intense magic, so it could happen on accident. And it would be a stab in the heart to her.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Oh, you have no idea the lengths she’d go to win you over. She’d practically treat you like a god(dess), especially if you did the same to her. 
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
She can definitely be patient. She doesn’t like to rush right into things, as much as she knows that you two are destined for each other. She likes to take her time getting to know you, likely by reading your mind without your consent.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
I doubt she would break you intentionally. But she might do it on accident because of her intense magic. She’d feel bad, but....perhaps she can use this to mold you into her perfect beloved. One who would depend on her and her alone.
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leggerefiore · 2 years
Ingo had his reunion with a runaway lover who took his kid now I've come with a scenario for Emmet who's washed up and angry however he copes it can't be good either but Ingo taking his single battle line as he knows Emmet is taking his double battle line demolishing trainers in a manner of coping and letting him but Ingo going into a fit of shock when the next trainer who walks in is Emmet's runaway partner holding each of his nieces and they admit pulling Ingo out of his stupor that life wasn't they thought when they ran away with everyone at their throat with their stories of abuse given no one would believe a subway boss could be so cruel and some even lashing out at them for leaving such a loving partner as Emmet sounded, raising two girls was near impossible alone when having to work on top of it to provide also, and the dreadful sense of feeling physically, mentally and emotionally alone Emmet's ways and punishments have left them since running away it just wasn't worth trying anymore so they've come crawling back further admitting they couldn't make it an inch through Emmet's double battle line with how ramped up its gotten with just stronger and stronger trainers so they had to come to Ingo's so he could bring them to Emmet they sneer they wish they didn't have to come back and Ingo tells them to keep that thought to their self and they're lucky the girls don't seem old enough to understand or know the damage they've caused separating them so young and then letting them grow without their father but thanks them coldly almost hollow for returning and he'll gladly bring them to Emmet
Emmet had been stewing in his thoughts on his line. Trainers were slower since he had raised the difficulty level. Working, breeding, and training were all that consumed his mind when he managed to depart from his thoughts of his lost partner and twin girls. They had been so good, so obedient. Receptive of his love, and understanding of why they couldn't leave. It was all a farce. The minute the opportunity arose, they dashed with his precious children in tow. It was bad enough to lose them, but the girls made from his showings of love? Maddening. The train came to stop and he sighed.
The doors on the side of the car opened, however, catching his attention. His brother shoved someone in while turning around to help some children. Emmet stared at the person for a moment before realising. "Darling!" his feet carried him over to you as he threw his arms around you neck. Tears welled in his eyes as both hot rage and frigid sadness ate at his heart. You were in so much trouble. His eyes travelled to his brother to see him loading two small girls onto the train. Their matching silver hair and eyes that were just perfect imitations of his partner made him gasp. His girls! "Sweethearts! It's daddy! I'm your daddy!" he knelt down to their heights and extended his arms. The girls looked confused for a moment before the younger dashed into his arms yelling his title. The older was soon to mimic her younger sister and ran over to him, too. His arms engulfed both of them as he dreamily sighed. His family.
Ingo monitored the scene closely. "Emmet, I would be glad to watch over the girls tonight if you need some alone time with them," he offered, knowing what his brother would do to you. You swallowed as Emmet gazed at his brother. Nodding, he beamed, "Thank you! You partner is such a good parent, and I'm sure they'd love to meet their cousin." Ingo gave a small smile at that. Yes, he was certain that his son would love to meet his cousins, too. His partner was sure to help the confused girls become more adjusted to their new addition. The toddlers did not want to let go of their father, but alas they must separate. He does give them each a kiss to the cheek before he pulls away.
His eyes are cold as he reexamines you. "They returned willingly. Two girls aren't easy to raise alone," Ingo calls out, grabbing a hand from each child. Emmet grins maliciously as the train slows to a stop again. The girls and Ingo depart, leaving you alone with the man. He's slipping his tie off as he approaches you. "My darling has been naughty, naughty," he sings, "Running away is one thing, but disappearing for three years with our child is another." Instinctually, you offer your wrists for him to bind. The soft fabric of the tie comes around in careful loops. He coos, "You remember so well! Everything will be back to normal soon!"
He wasn't wrong. The status quo was once again to return. Your children were at least blissfully unaware of what monster called itself their father.
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