#i'm in a sweet spot where i'm not management but any change i suggest to how we do things is immediately implemented
novadreii · 4 months
i realized today that adults are really just out here improvising at their jobs all the time and it's what keeps the world going round. I was worried for nothing.
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lynnbanks · 4 months
Ooh! Maybe a Luke x reader where it’s an unexpected pregnancy? She holds off telling him cause she’s afraid of his reaction, and accidentally tells Jack first.
She had no idea she was with child until her latest doctor's appointment where they made her take a test before she could be prescribed her new medication. One second she is worry-free and excited to get lunch with her boyfriend after her appointment and all of a sudden the thought of doing anything makes her sick.
“We know from your blood work you are pregnant but unfortunately you will have to go up to the 7th floor to make an appointment with an ob-gyn.” and y/n is still very much in shock and just shakes her head yes. Walking out of the doctor's hands shaking “What the fuck am I going to do.”
I can't tell Luke I'm pregnant, what if he leaves, what if this tears us apart, what if we are bad parents, what if I am ruining his career? All these what-ifs with nobody to pull her out of it.
She makes it to the spot where they agreed to meet for lunch “Hi baby how are you feeling?” Luke asked, taking in her pale face and shaking frame “Did everything go okay? You don't look too good.”
Pulling herself from her thoughts “Yeah um I-they had to take some blood so I'm a little shaky that's all.”
“Well, we should probably eat then!” He says it with a big smile, happy to see his girlfriend after just a few hours apart. and she couldn't be the one to wipe the smile off of his face so she decided to not bring up what the doctor had just told her.
3 weeks later y/n is now 11 weeks pregnant and has just about all of the early stage symptoms. Her first appointment with her ob-gyn is next week and she is terrified. Luke is starting to notice some changes in her too. She is more distant, and emotional this morning. He caught her throwing up after breakfast and when she was done she acted as if she had been caught doing something bad.
“Let's get you to bed sweet girl, you need some rest.” y/n can't tell if it is the fear, the guilt or the baby growing inside of her but she feels like she is about to throw up the very little food she has been able to keep down. “ you must have caught what jack had last week,” Luke says covering her up
And it is that exact reason Jack was home early from practice 3 days later to find his brother's girlfriend passed out on the floor in the middle of the apartment. And is sitting with her in the emergency room till Luke can switch with him. All is fine until the doctor walks into her room “Hi my name is doctor brown this is Emma she will be taking notes for me while we talk”
pulling out her stethoscope to do a plus measurement test “So what are we in here for today?” before y/n can say anything Jack says it for her “She was passed out on the floor of our apartment.” the doctor nodes her head “In your charts, it says you are in the early stages of pregnancy. Do you know how far along you are?”
the room goes dead silent “The reason I say that is because it is normal to be dizzy during the first few weeks but if it is causing you to faint we definitely want to check in with your OB to make sure mom and baby are doing ok.” y/n can feel the tears fill her eyes this was not happening right now
“ I'm assuming you are Dad?” the doctor says to Jack who looks just as pale as she did when she found out “Um n-no no that would be my brother” he says looking at y/n who looks like she might have a mental breakdown at any second
“Oh I'm sorry um well from what I am seeing everything looks good but we still want to do an ultrasound just to cover all our bases. We will have someone come in just a few minutes to get that done for you,” she says, pumping some hand sanitizer into her hands “My only suggestions would be lots of rest and to drink lots of water and if everything is all good with the ultrasound you should be out of here pretty soon.” be for leaving me to fix this mess alone.
“ Did you know?” Jack asked and all y/n could manage to do was sob into her hands and shake her head yes “Does he know?” she shook her head no “Oh y/n” he said as if she was a lost puppy coming up to hug her tight while she let it all go “I don't want him to leave me.”
She was full-on sobbing “What, why would you think that?” “ I am ruining his life!” Jack pulled away to get a good look at the girl he saw as a little sister breaking down in his arms “Hey it takes two to tango and it's not fair to him for you to say that when he doesn't even know.” y/n hadn't thought about how unfair it was to judge Luke for a reaction she didn't know he was going to have
“ I'm scared; every woman in my life has done it alone. I know what it looks like and I can't do it.”
Jack is rubbing her back trying to soothe her as best as he can. “Luke is nothing like those guys ok and if he did ever turn out to be one of those guys you know me and Quinn would be right by your side as you kick his ass.” y/n laughed a little at that “ but you keeping this from him is going to break his heart.
Let me know if y'all want Luke's reaction if I keep writing right now it is only going to get worse. I also love doing y'all requests. And again grammar spelling and all of the above don't exist here.💋💋
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journey-to-the-attic · 6 months
Hi Kin. I wanted to ask, how did you manage things like writer's block or creative burnout while writing JTTA? I'm midway through a longfic now and it's kind of exhausting. I feel like I'm whining but I barely get any comments or asks or anything.
hi anon! honestly i'm not sure if i was the right person to ask this, because i... kind of didn't? as in, i didn't really have these problems - boring answer, i know!
i got lucky because i hit a sweet spot where the base story and characters were strong, but with just enough gaps in plot, worldbuilding, development, etc. such that the momentum of filling everything in carried me through the whole process. but there were definitely a lot of occasions where i sat there thinking "okay i have no idea what to do now"
in those cases, often i had to just step back and ruminate on it for a little while - i've pretty much constantly got little ideas bouncing around my head, and sometimes they hit each other like snowballs and form into more fully-fledged plot points, scenes, dialogue, so on. i try to keep track of these in notes apps, personal discord channels, etc, and dip into them if i'm stuck on something!
not sure if your fic is for obey me, but this could still apply even if not - with all the pop quizzes and devilgrams that put the characters in a bunch of new contexts, it's helpful seeing how that character's static vs dynamic traits persist/change depending on them, and often that'll give you inspiration as well. depending on what you've got available, you could browse through source material, or brainstorm aus, whichever you enjoy most
i'm really not sure HOW i've stuck with obey me for so long, but somehow it's just stuck with me. i don't remember being so invested in it before jtta, so that's probably why, but i just really love these guys, and i suppose that's why i never burnt out of it? i think it was also because i knew what story i wanted to tell, and i really wanted to make sure ik got her happy ending, and that carried me through as well
seriously, though - do take breaks. every writer's mileage varies, so take a step back whenever you need to. writing fics should be fun! sometimes it does feel like a chore, and it becomes more like 'the only thing i hate more than writing is not writing', but it happens to all of us. sometimes you've just got to rest until your second wind comes along
in terms of comments and such... yeah, it's a tough one! the unfortunate thing is that a vast majority of readers - even if they really enjoyed your writing! - won't leave a comment. don't take this as a direct reflection on your writing! often the reader can't think of what to say, is too shy, or quite simply forgot
again though... i'm not sure if i'm the best person to ask for advice here! i started publishing jtta without much expectation for an audience, given the genre of game it's written for, so any attention was more a nice surprise than anything. i suppose that, later on, when the fic was more well-established, i did start holding some expectation of response - and it really is tough when you don't get as much of one as you were hoping for
i've seen people talking about how the ask culture on tumblr has died down a lot in recent times, so i'm sure you're not the only one feeling like this! all i can suggest is trying to find more friends (mutuals?) and... networking, i guess? i've seen advice saying to share your fic within communities of writers, too
i can't honestly say if these things'll work, because i'm very bad about interacting with a wider fandom in anything - i usually keep to myself, so often i don't have much of an expectation for how and when people come chat. as in real life, i'm only a chatterbox when approached first haha
i'm not sure how helpful this has been, but i'm rooting for you! if you'd like to share your fic here, please do - though i understand if that's something you'd rather keep to yourself as well.
creating things is a joy - it might take some searching to find a circle, but the beauty of the internet is that you will, somewhere out there! wishing you the best ^^
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beetlesau · 9 months
Share A Seat, Bakugo/Reader
1.4k - Colleting the small UA group heading off to Summer Camp as counselors. The van has limited seating. This is just a drab I have been wanting to read but I have yet to find one. (If anyone knows a similar concept PLS LINK??? LINKIES???) so I made a small one for myself. Enjoy, or don't. That's okay. [I didn't proofread but this COULD be gn I think?] Aged up, Cursing,
Summer was in full swing. The AC blasting throughout Midoriya's van was soon to be a distant memory as he picked up the old UA gang one by one- destination, a Sleep-away camp, where third years had the unfortunate pleasure of being camp counselors.
Kirishima and you were the first passengers. He took advantage of this by taking control of the AUX and sitting behind the driver. You claimed the legroom riding shotgun. Within an hour, the van was filling up with familiar faces and, as well, entirely too much luggage.
Mina sat in the middle row, Kirishima to her left and Kaminari to her right. By no surprise to anyone who knew the boy- Denki had managed to pack even more than even Mina. Their luggage and duffle bags crowded the third and final row, leaving a small spot for their last two passengers, Bakugo and Uraraka.
As Midoriya pulled into the driveway of the former, onlookers met an angry scowl. "You're late." he seethed as he strode up to the window, shooting Deku a terrifying snarl with you caught in the crossfire. "Ah-ha, yeah, sorry. We had a hard time getting the duffle bags in the back arranged so we could make a spot for you." Midoriya nervously apologized. "Save it, nerd," he dismissed him before giving you a subtle nod and a grumbled, "Hey." Before you could think to reply, he was shoving Kaminari aside to gain access to the last row. You turned to watch him shove his bag onto the ever-growing pile of clothing and camping accessories, finally settling in with his earphones.
The last stop is Uraraka. This stop was met with a much more agreeable greeting, as she was running out the front door with a glowing smile and a float in her step. You rolled the window down, "Do you need any help with your bags? Is that all you're bringing!? Where's the rest of it?" you were taken aback that she seemed to have even less than Bakugo had. She blushed and looked to Izuku who was tomato red already. "Well, we were so excited to be a part of the Future Heroes Camp as counselors that we sort of planned all our outfits ahead of time and I ended up just leaving them at Izuku's place! So most of my things are actually packed away already in the van. These are just my toiletries and such." she smiled brightly at the embarrassed green-haired driver before poking her head in your window and checking the scene in the back. You could see her excitement falter as she noticed there wasn't much room left and the last spot was in the very back next to the grumpiest guy. "Do you want me to see if we can rearrange the luggage again to make more room for you?" Mina suggested, "I'm sure we could toss out one of Kaminari's bags, I bet he packed more than one useless hairdryer." she rolled her eyes. "What!? It's my back up dryer!" "Why would you need a backup one!?" "Uh-duh, in case the first one breaks?"
"WHAT'S THE HOLD UP, DEKU!?" Bakugo's voice thundered over the two arguing. "Sorry!" "Eep! Please, it's alright, I don't want anyone to make any changes for me… I'll be alright." Uraraka smiled her sweet sincere smile before taking a strained deep breath. You could see her swallow hard as Kaminari stepped out so she could easily push up the seat, accessing the back row.
Against your better judgment, you spoke up before she could hoist herself in. "Wait, how about you take my seat? I've been shotgun for the entire pickup, I don't mind taking the back for the rest of the way." You ignored the tiny excited gasp only you could hear coming from the driver's seat.
"I'll take it!" Kaminari shouted, sticking his grabby hands out at your chair. You, admittedly with satisfying force, karate chopped his forehead and shoved him away from you and your passenger seat.
You deadpanned, "I didn't offer it to you, chump, now move aside. Ochako?" "Well, if you're sure? I really don't want to be a bother to anyone…" she wrung her hands together.
"You're bothering me, you idiots!" Bakugo carried on but was, for the most part, ignored. "Ah! Okay! I'll trade you. Thank you so much! I owe you one, really." she bowed and hurridly scurried to replace you in the front spot.
You were feeling pretty well about your good deed till you found yourself in a tighter spot than you'd first expected. "Wow, there really isn't a whole lotta room back here is there, huh?" you muttered to your new seatmate.
"Tsk. Whatever, just get in already. It's bad enough I got ropped into riding with you all when I could of just drove myself." he scoffed.
"Why didn't you then?" you used every bit of muscle you had to try and widen the nonexistent gap between Bakugo and the bags, to no avail.
"Shitty hair said it would 'be a bonding experience!' and that 'carpooling is manly and saves the ecosystem!' I don't know, some other shit sprinkled in there. Basically, agreed just so he'd shut the hell up about it." Bakugo didn't attempt to make more room for you.
You sat awkwardly, leaning on your hip into the luggage, attempting the most dramatic leg-cross just to avoid putting any weight on Bakugo's thigh.
"Oh. Well, good thing he didn't get that message to Todoroki or we might have a real problem on our laps." you rolled your eyes at yourself, hoping he missed the stupid joke. "That Half-and-half rat bastard is probably sitting real comfy all by himself in the most expensive car daddy's money can buy." Bakugo's leg started to bounce in irritation before he realized it was propelling you further into the baggage. "Sorry." he mumbled out low enough you almost missed it. "Suppose we could find time during our month-long camping trip to dirty it up, would that make you feel better?" you look over your shoulder, giving him a mischievous eye. He tried to hide his sudden smile by turning to look out the window away from you, "Sheesh, might find his car was egged? Could of been any number of the bratty ass kids, we can't keep an eye on all of them, now can we?" "Oo, better yet what if one of those eggs found its way inside his car? Shame if after a month one were to go bad hidden under the precious leather seats?" "You… That's… You're kind of a badass, huh?" he glares at you intently. You weren't sure if he was being serious or using sarcasm. Before you could figure it out the van hit a pothole that sent the luggage and the pair of you a foot in the air. "HEY, YOU DAMN NERD, CAN YOU EVEN DRIVE, DICKHEAD?" "Sorry!" the frightened voice squeaked from the front. "Fuck. Are you okay?" he sounded more pissed than concerned but that was the one type of question you knew he'd never ask unless he meant it. "Ah, yeah a little ragdoll never hurt anyone." you scoffed, "Are you okay?" you looked down to see the bump had practically put you in his lap. "Nothing here I can't handle," he stated simply. You were readjusting and scoffed, "I'd take that bet." then froze realizing what you'd said. You screwed your eyes shut, your face turned away from the blonde. You focused your attention on literally anything but the heat radiating off him before deciding you should try and slide back into your cramped spot. "Welp! I'm just gonna move over-" You thought your belt loop must have been stuck on something as when you tried to lift yourself, it held you back. Looking down you were surprised to find Bakugo's thumb was twisted through the loop holding you down to your makeshift seat.
"Uh, Bakugo?" you nervously croaked out. "Yeah, what's up?" he was glancing out his window, cool as always. "Did you want me to move off of you?" He turned, glare burning, "I think it's actually better if you stay put, this shitbox filled with all this junk and you can't even use the seatbelt right now."
"Oh, right. Okay. That… makes sense." you internally screamed as your brain malfunctioned. "Oi, don't make it a big deal. It's whatever." he shrugged. "No yeah, no it's cool. Best seat in the house, honestly." "For me, Definitely." he smirked and readjusted you so you were fully in his lap, for the extra security.
"Do you think the rest of camp will be this interesting?" you cocked an eyebrow at him.
"I can fuckin' hope."
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chaosciara · 2 years
hello ciara!! i have a bit of an...issue in fanfic writing. See, when i write i kind of have to immerse myself in the pov character' head. (does everyone do this?) and cannot write if I'm in my head (eg. during college hours, college days - where my head cannot be in anyone else's) any suggestions on how to deal with this? it isn't entirely a bad thing but it does prevent me from balancing fic and studies and that...sucks. so any suggestions from you or your followers?
hiiiiii!! I am so so so sorry for taking a thousand years to get back to you
honestly lovely anon, I cannot speak on this too much because I write in bursts and don’t hold myself to any kind of schedule or discipline when it comes to writing
some things I’ve heard work for writing consistency are:
1. dedicate time in your day to write. the same time every day. whether that be in the evening, or early morning, or midday. train yourself to associate writing with a certain time and you might be able to slip in and out of your writing headspace with more ease
2. don’t set unrealistic goals when it comes to writing. if you know you cannot write 1000 words every day (simply because you don’t have the mental energy, time or motivation) then don’t hold yourself to those standards. it’s easy to lose motivation for writing simply because you aren’t doing what you thought you could do. if all you can manage one day is 10 words then that’s enough. if you can’t manage any words that’s also fine.
consistency is important but enjoying the process is more important. that’s really what keeps the writing motivation going.
3. experiment with different characters and different situations. if you love to write coffee shop aus for a specific fandom try writing them for another. or try putting your favourite characters into a completely different genre. if you’re switching up your writing style just a little to suit the genre you have a sort of goal to work towards and a change of scenery (so to speak)
I’m not saying don’t write what you want or what you’re comfortable writing, I’m just saying keep trying to find more things to write about and more ways to write it. a big part of writing (much like drawing) is continually changing and prodding and poking at unfamiliar things to see what changes and how it works with what you already know.
chocolate cake is delicious, but adding a little coffee makes it that much better, you know?
beyond this I don’t have much for you. I hope you find your sweet spot and learn for yourself how to keep school and writing and anything else you like in the juggling pool :)
again I am forever sorry for taking so long to respond to this :( it’s been sitting in my drafts for eons and I just hadn’t had the chance to catch it
anyway, if any of my lovely humans have advice tor anon please do add it here ! it’s always wonderful to spread good writing mojo around
mwah! stay bright, stay well sweet anon <3
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bonketh · 2 years
Hi! I love your countryhumans Hc and mini story's can I request one with Russian empire, Russia and America? Where we teach them/dance with them
[ oh-! i'm so glad you like those silly, old, cringey lil stories and headcanons- honestly i just drabble n stuff, but thank you :D!! never wrote for russian empire, so- this'll be a first! sorry if it's bad, haven't wrote for country humans in a good bit, so my headcanons have changed a bit xd. enjoy! ]
[ dancing / teaching the countries how to dance ]
[ Russian Empire ]
[] ' you ' d like to do what now , dearest ? '
[] ah , i ' m sure russian empire would be the more experienced in dancing , i ' m sure he dances to oldies when he ' s extremely bored , or just sits down and reads .
[] haha . peepaw .
[] anywho ,
[] if you ever were to ask him to dance , or suggest dancing with him , he could never decline his beloved . besides , he loves the idea of your small hands slipped into his larger gloved ones whilst he sways with you around the room .
[] plus , he ' d probably tease you about your height .
[] peepaw is about 8'6 -
[] but aside from the teasing , he ' d enjoy hearing your laughs , your giggles , surprises squeaks caused by him simply moving his arms , wrapping them around you , and lifting you up as he twirls , your head against his chest .
[] he loves it : ] !
[ Russia ]
[] dancing ?
[] no thanks .
[] he ' s too insecure about it , believe it or not . he ' d stare at you with a straight face , and simply say : ' no . '
[] if you manage to convince him , there ' s no way he ' d dance in public , nor for a long time . he ' ll kinda stand there , holding your soft hands in his rough ones , face flustered as he grumbled under his breath .
[] ' russ , here , just relax and move your body to the beat ! ' you ' d tell him as he shuffled awkwardly in his spot .
[] he ' ll get the hang of it . eventually .
[] he ' d probably fall down once or twice , first time being an accident , second time being he didn ' t wish to dance any more , and so he falls back onto the couch , bringing you down with him -
[] he ' d lay there , cradling you close as you whine about continuing to dance -
[] ' just a few more minutes . '
[] ' russ , it ' s been an hour. '
[ America ]
[] ' you wanna dance ? alright ! sweet ! how do you do it ? '
[] he stares at you with a huge grin plastered onto his pale face , his amber orbs shimmering from behind his shades .
[] whenever you start dancing with him , he ' s all over the place . he ' s pretty jittery , a bit nervous , and flustered .
[] he loves being close to you , he ' s super clingy as you both dance , or attempt to -
[] lot ' s of laughs and giggles from ame , him stumbling around , and just goofin ' off .
[] if you want him to take it all seriously , you gotta verbally tell him , and he ' ll start takin ' it seriously .
[] surprisingly , once he takes it seriously , he ' s pretty okay at dancing . he follows you , mainly , he leans on you for support on how to dance -
[] ' wow . you ' re . . really good at this - ! '
[] he ' d definetly want to do it again .
[ sorry if it was short- i hope its alright though :'D!!]
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papergirllife · 3 years
Lee Jeno
Tumblr media
'You ease Jeno's frustrations during a late night recording session."
Warnings : unprotected sex, cockwarming, generally quite fluffy.
Word count : 1.8k
You were in your pajamas at 1 a.m. in the morning, still in the company because your boyfriend is trying to record the best version of his verse in the recording booth a few feet away, his black denim jacket draped across your chest to shield you from the cold.
You were going through your own lyrics, making a few changes here and there to make sure the flow of the song suits you, working in a low volume to avoid disturbing Jeno, who was already getting antsy from this certain verse.
When you were done, you placed the pencil on the desk and got up from your seat, walking to the booth where Jeno had his handsome face in a frown.
“You okay, Jeno? Aren’t you cold in here?” you asked as you took his jacket off of you, draping it back onto his broad shoulders.
“I'm feeling fine, you should use it,” Jeno said shortly before he takes it off, putting it onto you again.
“But you're just in a tank, and you have to perform on stages very soon, you can't catch a cold,” you argued before trying to take it off once more, only to be stopped by Jeno’s hands.
“I'm fine, you're the one who's sensitive to the cold, I don't want you to get sick because of me, I didn't ask for you to be here with me, and still you showered and came back here to be with me, I'm sorry for eating up our time, I know I promised to have a night in with you,” Jeno said with a sad tinge to his usually cheerful eyes before reaching out for you, embracing you into his warmth.
“I know how important this comeback is for you, I wanted to stay here with you because I'm stubborn and that's on me, not you,” you said before turning your body to tuck yourself closer into Jeno, giving his bicep a quick peck before burying your head into his neck, the familiar scent of cologne filling your lungs.
Jeno let's out a chuckle at this odd but familiar action, you started doing this since the day Jeno had started working out on his arms more, every little thing he does you’d always be proud of it, which is why you're so different from everyone else, Jeno feels safe with you, the fact that the both of you absolutely adore each other irks his members out, but he doesn’t care, not when he only has eyes for you.
“I love you,” Jeno said without hesitation, it's always been like this for the two of you, saying these three words whenever you felt like it, communication between the two of you has always been good, though it hasn't always been like this.
There was a time at the beginning of the relationship where Jeno only knew how to show his love through actions, fearing that it may seem too pushy if he constantly speaks up about his emotions, being a guy and all, but your reassurance of loving to hear everything he has to say, as well as those doe eyes of yours that always have a hundred percent focus on him, had given him a sense of comfort, and so he now speaks whatever that comes to mind when he's with you, most often 'I love yous', it could be in the morning when you wake up, or moments like this where there are uncertainties in his head, you’re his rock.
“I love you too, Jeno,” you said it back before pulling away slightly to kiss him, pulling him closer again by looping your hands around his nape, playing with the strands of hair there as you bit on his bottom lip gently before feeling a sudden grip on your hip, a gasp falling from your lips just to give Jeno the opportunity to dominate the kiss, getting you right where he wanted you to be, under his control.
Jeno tasted like the chocolate mint balls he was having just now, a mixture of sweet chocolate and invigorating mint clouding your senses, the taste so addictive that you licked at his tongue just to taste more, but soon Jeno pulled away, noticing that you were running out of breath, your forehead lolled against his, a sign that he was all too familiar with.
“Slow down, baby, what's got you so worked up?” Jeno asked as he peppers kisses down your neck sloppily, he knows he can't mark you without your manager lecturing you, so he'll just have to manoeuvre himself to the valley of your breasts, popping open the buttons of your pajamas to reveal that you've worn a set that had no padding, the tips of your nipples would've been obvious it weren't for how loose your shirt was.
“Remember the last time we fucked in here? You had a writer’s block for stronger and 119, I want to be your muse again, Jen,” you reminded him as you trailed your hand at the hem of his tank, palming his abs that you go crazy over, you must be the luckiest girl ever, to find a guy who’s as hot as he’s talented in his career, not to mention the sinful things he does with those dancer hips.
Jeno chuckled at that fond memory, recalling Jaemin’s horrid expression when he found the two of you in such a state.
“You do know that this is ANL right?” gesturing at the lyrics on the stand.
“Which is a highly suggestive yet quite a fluffy song, we have to set the mood in order for you to actually gain some inspiration, no?” you said before you pulled off his shirt, throwing it somewhere behind you.
“Greedy aren't you?” Jeno said as he tips your chin higher to get a good look at you in the dim lights, admiring your swollen lips and the lust in your eyes, all because of him.
“Well, you can't pen my name down for these songs, the least you can do is give me a good fuck to remember it by,” you said with those seductive eyes of yours looking into his hooded ones before reaching down his pants, a jolt from his cock at your freezing hands.
“Whatever my baby wants, whatever she gets am I right?” Jeno said before manoeuvring you to your back facing his, letting your ass feel his hard on.
You placed your hands on the stool that Jeno previously sat in, arching your back for him to easily access the situation.
Jeno pulls your sweats and panties down hanging them onto the stand, you purse your lips at the sight, hoping that none of your arousal gets onto the surface, but before you could make up your mind whether to tell Jeno to place your clothing somewhere else, Jeno had spread your folds with two fingers, a hand coming up to swipe at your slit teasingly before pinching your clit lightly in between his thumb and index finger, combing a moan out of you, legs jolting at the sudden pleasure, you were always sensitive there.
“Fuck, baby, I barely touched you and you’re dripping wet, didn't know you were this worked up,” Jeno said by your ear, his voice a few octaves lower.
Jeno enters two fingers in one go, making you buckle your knees at the sudden intrusion, not expecting it so soon, the feeling of his rough finger pads reaching deep into you, searching for that one spot, and when he found it, it felt like the first taste of heaven, a whimper falling from your lips as you held onto the stool harder, preparing for what's to come.
Jeno thrusted his fingers in a moderate pace before sliding in a third, making a scissoring motion to open you up for his large cock.
When he deemed that you were wet enough, Jeno shoved his pants and boxers down to his knees, impatient for the warmth in between your legs.
Jeno positioned himself at your entrance, pushing in an inch before slamming himself into you.
“Fuck, Jeno!” you could feel how full you were now, and how he fits perfectly inside you, his tip dangerously close to your sweet spot, you just need him to move.
“Jeno, you can move now, please,” you begged, breathless as your mind is still registering the feeling of this euphoria.
Jeno clenches his jaw in concentration before pulling out of your sweet pussy slightly, before thrusting back in, starting a quick and shallow pace, the way your warm walls were clenching onto him was making him lightheaded from the immense pleasure, but he knows he has to get his shit together if he wants to actually finish up recording tonight.
Jeno grips onto your hips as he builds up his pace, pistoning his dick inside of you hard and fast as he hears your screams of pleasure, the sound echoing in this small booth, encouraging him to go faster as he gets addicted to this sweet melody.
You held onto the stool for your dear life as you felt the knot in your abdomen slowly unwinding, a sign that you’re nearing your edge.
“I'm gonna cum, Jen, cum with me, please,” you said before purposely clenching onto his dick.
“Fuck, baby, I’m not gonna last any longer if you keep doing that,” Jeno said in one breath, before focusing back onto chasing both your highs, a hand moving to your breasts to pinch your nipples with the perfect amount of pain, he knows how much of a pain slut you are for him, and that was exactly what pushed you over the edge.
You felt your body convulsing as you orgasmed, the knot snapping free as the screams of Jeno’s name tumble from your lips as you let Jeno continue.
Jeno came only a few sloppy thrusts, after you, biting onto your shoulder as he came, giving a few hard thrusts to ride out both your highs, and just so he could bury his cum inside you, letting both your juices mix.
When both of you were done, Jeno moved your limp body expertly on top of his as he took a seat onto the stool, him still inside of you, your head tucked by his left shoulder, picking up where he had left off just now.
“You're right baby, you really are my muse,” Jeno said before humming a tune, then correcting some errors on the sheet.
“Well, good to know I was helpful, now if you'll excuse me, I need to clean up,” you said before trying to get up.
Jeno's left hand grips onto your hips, restricting you from leaving.
“Stay for a bit, I'm finishing up soon, then I'll clean you up, I'm sure you’re too tired to walk now, get some rest,” Jeno said as he pats your head gently, something he does that oddly lulls you to sleep.
“Okay, just don't overwork yourself,” you said before drifting off to sleep on your boyfriend’s shoulder, your very own human pillow.
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rizubaby · 3 years
Sex underneath the stars | Kaito Momota.
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18+ content warning | minors dni.
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genre ; NSFW oneshot.
request ; Kaito and reader having sex underneath the stars, but Kaito keeps interrupting the mood by talking about space.
tags ; fem!reader, boyfriend experience, oral/fingering, semi-rough sex, sex outside, vulgar language.
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Location: courtyard of the academy.
Time: 10:25 pm.
. . .
"K-Kaito, not so fast!" you giggle, your purple spiky haired boyfriend of nearly three months hastily dragging you by your arm as you struggled to keep up with him. After a long and tiring day, the sun has already set and has made room for the gentle glow of the moon. You had both been busy all day, and the suggestive and lustful looks you were giving each other were NOT helping in the slightest. Every time you'd walk past each other, you could feel the unspoken sexual tension build up. God, you wished he would just drag you out for a few minutes and rail you in the nearest empty classroom. But that's not what happened.
Patiently awaiting the day to end and everybody to go back to their dorms, Kaito had come up with a plan. While you two were busy "tidying up the classroom", the rest of the other students made their way back to their rooms. What a perfect lie that was. Fortunately, none of them suspected anything or thought it was odd you two would stay behind. You had agreed to keep your relationship a secret for the time being, because you valued your privacy and wanted to see where this relationship was heading.
As soon as the announcement for nighttime passed, a lustful grin appeared on Kaito's face. You walked up towards him and eagerly pulled him in for a kiss, expecting him to undress you right then and there and fuck the life out of you. But he didn't.
"Kaito? What's wrong?" you asked, looking up into his deep lilac eyes. He smiled at you, immediately grabbing you by your wrist. "I have a much better idea. Come with me."
. . .
As he was quickly dragging you through the halls of the school, you soon walked out into the courtyard. Looking up at the sky, you stood there in awe for a second as the dark midnight sky and bright stars completely surrounded you. Kaito wasted no time and dragged you further back, to the place where you two kissed for the first time, and where he later asked you to be his girlfriend.
"It's... beautiful," you whisper, eyes still wandering to observe the endless amount of small and bright stars. Your eyes dart back over to your boyfriend, who was looking at you with a small smirk. He swiftly wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer, lustfully pressing his lips against yours.
Soft little whimpers escaped your lips as you continued your passionate kiss, feeling his hands slowly slide down and squeeze your beautifully shaped ass. He couldn't contain his large grin as he was cupping your soft behind, and it was kind of adorable. Soon after, he pulled away from your kiss for a moment and gently laid you down on the grass, eagerly pulling off your shirt and his and tossing them aside. He brought his face closer and lustfully started sucking on your tits while one of his hands made it's way down your panties.
"K-Kaito, h-hah..." you whimpered, finally feeling his hands and mouth all over you just like you'd been fantasizing about all day. You felt your face burn up, looking down at him as he was sucking on one breast and squeezing the other, slowly pulling down your panties with his other hand. He let go of your soft breasts and smirked, pressing two fingers against your dripping entrance.
"Mm, you're so wet for me baby..."
All you could do was let out a surprised whimper, feeling the cold air and his warm fingers against your folds simultaneously. As he slowly pushed his fingers deeper inside of you, he leaned in for another sweet kiss to muffle your moans. Your face was burning hot, and all you could focus on in that moment was how good his fingers felt inside you.
As he was thrusting his fingers in and out of you and stimulating your g-spot, he let his eyes wander for a moment and looked up at the sky. Like a child fixated on a toy inside a toystore, his attention quickly moved towards all the constellations in the sky above you.
"Babe, look! That's Ursa Major!"
He nudged you and pointed at the sky, his finger tracing the outline of the constellation. What the hell? Um, hellooo, we're busy here! And how the hell is he able to finger you and focus on something completely different at the same time?!
You looked up at him in confusion, not really being able to comprehend what was happening. His fingers were still working their magic, yet your arousal immediately plummeted significantly. His face turned towards you again for a second, and he started sucking on one of your breasts once again. You decided to laugh it off for now, dismissing it as another one of his quirky characteristics. Trying to focus on the pleasure he was giving you again, you let your fingers run through his hair.
Not even a minute or so later, he stopped, and with a childishly excited expression he started rambling on about space and everything he knew about the constellations he had just observed.
"Babe, did you know that the constellation of Ursa Major and Ursa Minor could be traced back to the Cosmic Hunt myths, which date back more than 13,000 years? And did you know that--"
"Kaito, stop!"
The purple haired boy immediately stopped talking, and looked at you with a surprised expression. He did not expect you to react like that, so it instantly clicked that there was something wrong. You grabbed his wrist, signaling him to stop. You sighed.
"Listen, I know you love talking about space. And it is a beautiful night tonight, I really appreciate that you took me here. But... baby, we're kind of in the middle of something!"
You could see the expression on his face change, and he seemed to get a little embarrassed by his actions. You cupped his face in your hands and looked deeply into his eyes.
"We've been waiting for this all day, I need you so bad. So please... give me your full attention."
Something about the way you said it made him instantly forget everything he wanted to say, and he felt the tent in his pants growing. The way you always managed to snap him out of it and make him focus on you made him appreciate you even more. You knew him better than anyone and always knew what he needed, and somehow whatever you'd say to him now would only make him want to fuck you even more.
"You're right. I'm sorry... let me make it up to you," he stated, bringing his face to your neck and gently planting kisses all over. He brought his lips closer to your ear, and whispered;
"Let me show you how much I need you."
Hearing him say that in that low and lustful voice of his made your pussy throb. You wrapped your arms around him and pulled him as close to you as he could, reaching down and cupping him through his pants. A soft grunt escaped him as he started kissing down your neck and collarbones, reaching down as well to pull down his pants and boxers. But instead of positioning himself in front of your entrance, he slowly kissed his way down to the inside of your thighs, making your longing for him almost unbearable.
"As much as I want to feel you around me, I want to taste you first..."
Without warning, he hungrily started lapping at your clit. Your back arched in response, and you frantically reached for him. Gripping onto his hair tightly and your legs shaking, the sudden shift in tone made you near your climax already. Aroused little moans and whimpers came out of you, and he loved every sound you made.
"That's it, cum for me baby.. Cum on my face, hm..." he mumbled, the vibrations of his voice against your skin sending shivers up your spine. Within seconds, your first high washed over you and it left you a trembling mess with your boyfriend's face between your thighs. A satisfied groan came from him as he licked your soaked folds, making you extremely flustered by how much he loved it when you came on his face.
Without saying a word, Kaito quickly got up and lifted your legs over his broad shoulders, positioning himself at your entrance and rubbing the tip of his cock in between your lips.
"K-Kaito, p-please, I need-- Ah!"
Finally not being able to contain himself any longer, he pushed his length all the way inside. He let out a soft grunt and immediately started pumping into you. His pace was incredible, and the way he filled you up was just perfect. With your legs in the air and over his shoulders, the angle in which he was pounding into you made him go even deeper. He reached down and started stimulating your clit with his thumb whilst he was fucking you, grinning at the sight of your flustered face.
"Mm, you feel so fucking good around me baby.." He muttered, firmly gripping your hips with his other hand. Seeing you in a state of pure extacy made him so incredibly hard for you, slowly picking up the pace with every thrust. The sloppy sounds of your bodies colliding and aroused moans made for a beautiful symphony, something you'd be thinking about long after this night.
"F-Fuck, I'm gonna cum soon... S/o, come with me," Kaito whispered, leaning forward and muffling both of your moans with another lustful kiss. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close as you tightly wrapped your legs around his waist. He was thrusting into you so hard and so fast, it felt like you were going to lose your mind at any moment. All you could do was incoherently moan out his name while digging your nails into his back. Kaito's face was buried against your chest, clenching his jaw as his breathing became increasingly hitched and laboured. "A-Ah, f-fuck..! Baby, come with me- Hngh!"
Feeling your walls tightly clench around his cock, his thick ropes of cum finally spilled inside of you, making you let out a final loud moan. Milking him of every last drop, he grunted loudly as he rode out his high. He honestly couldn't believe you felt so fucking good. This was by far the best sex you ever had since you two got together.
He finally collapsed on top of you, both panting heavily as you slowly came down from your incredible orgasms. Kaito gently pulled out, admiring the sight of his thick cum dripping out of you. He chuckled, a satisfied smile forming on his face as he reached down and kissed you lovingly.
Kaito quickly grabbed his coat and hung it over your shoulders. He laid back down on the grass with his hands behind his head and you nuzzled up against him, looking up at the stars once again.
"That was amazing, heh... We should really do this more often," he laughed.
"Okay, but you have to promise me to not talk about space anymore while we have sex."
"Hahaha, fine. I only have eyes for you anyway."
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erensproudsimp · 3 years
Work out
Armin Arlert x reader Oneshot
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⚠ Sexual Content Ahead ⚠
Summary : I woke up, thought of gym sex and wrote it
Word Count : 2.3k
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"Come on y/n, going to the gym is not that bad plus Mikasa would be joining us too", Annie encouraged you.
"Working out seems so much of trouble that I certainly don't want to partake as I'd rather spend my energy to binge watch anime", you replied flatly eyes not moving away from your phone.
Snatching your phone Annie said with a serious face, "Y/n how do you expect to pull any of your anime crushes looking like a potato? "
"Hey! Give me my phone back and even if I do look like a potato Sasha would love me and don't bring my husbands in this topic!" you ran after her to retrieve your phone.
"Alright then, I'll pay you a KFC meal if you come for one day to at least try it out", Annie suggested.
"I don't know why you're so adamant about taking me to the gym but if there's free food involved, I'm in", you gave in.
"I just want you to stay fit you know and we're starting tomorrow so go to sleep", your roommate said preparing her gym bag.
"Whaaat nooo", you complained unaware of the impact that a stranger you're going to meet will have have on you.
The next morning both Annie and you hopped into Mikasa's car to go to the private gym owned by Mikasa's family and family friends.
"That's actually a relief to be able to work out without fearing strangers looking at you", you reassured yourself.
"Yeah it's gonna be really comfortable and I also would like to introduce you to some of my friends y/n, I know you're gonna like them", Mikasa added.
"Well can't say I'm not excited to meet them", you replied looking at your phone reading a fanfiction.
Couple of minutes later you reached your destination. From the outside the building looked very modern with transparent glasses through which you could see the inside and barely any life around made the place peaceful.
When you went inside, Mikasa took you both to the changing room where you left your stuff on the shelf to change your outfit.
Putting your towel on your shoulders followed by Annie, Mikasa led the way to her friends who were lifting weights.
"Hey guys", Mikasa said to get their attention, "This is y/n and Annie and this is Eren and Armin", she said pointing at each person respectively.
"Pleasure to meet you two", Armin said as Eren nodded with him.
You swore that the moment you saw the blonde boy, your heart skipped a beat. He was so effortlessly gorgeous.
"Same here, hope to have a good gym buddy relation with you two", Annie replied as you were lost in your reflection. Snapping yourself from your thoughts, you agreed with her.
After that y'all left the boys to let them do their previous activities and went to train yourselves. With your unfit body you were tired from the first exercise itself and was laying on the ground trying to catch your breath.
You failed to understand how could Mikasa and Annie keep going but you were not going to give up and decided to look at it as a new challenge for yourself.
Picking yourself up, you went to do something easy as a starter which was skipping ropes.
Little did you know that the blonde guy had been sneaking peeks at you from time to time smiling to himself.
One hour later, everyone decided to take a break to refuel their energy.
"So, what are we going to eat", you questioned.
" Why not soup? I've been craving miso soup for a while," Armin proposed, everyone settling on soup.
Getting into the car, Eren drove us to the nearest fast food restaurant. Inside you sat between Annie and Armin. Filled with anxiety of Armin being so close to you, you fidgeted with your hands to keep yourself stable. Armin noticed your restlessness and asked if you were okay but you couldn't possibly tell him that you were crushing hard on him so you just replied with a 'I'm fine' and concentrated on your food.
"What are your majors?" Eren asked you and Annie to make conversation.
"I am doing engineering and y/n's an art student explaining why she's so lazy", Annie responded.
"I don't know what you're talking about, Annie, I am not lazy", you said passive-aggressively looking at Annie with murder in your eyes.
"Says the girl who could barely run to take her phone from me yesterday", she coughed smirking.
"No- I - bye-", you stammered making Armin erupt into a fits of laughter. His laugh gave the impression as though angels came down on earth to bestow you with blessings which in this case was the cute sound of his voice. You didn't realise that you were staring at him until Armin spoke, "Is there something on my face?"
"Yes," you said casually swipping the little ketchup stain near his mouth with a tissue. His cheeks were a light pink colour because of your action and he thanked the heavens for not letting his friends noticing what just happened.
"Th-thank you", he bashfully thanked.
"Sure", you said looking away to hide your blush.
Finishing your meals, y'all returned to the gym to continue training then took your leave after two hours. Saying your byes to the boys, Mikasa gave you both a ride to your dorm.
Throwing your body on your bed you heaved a sigh of relief that you were able to survive this first day of going to the gym.
"Tired already y/n ? Too bad we're going to do this routine everyday", Annie commented.
"I guess time to fill the fridge with energy drinks", you jumped out of bed to buy bundles of different brands of said drink.
The only thing that would be keeping you going about working out was that you were able to see Armin everyday.
Due to your classes running late one day you reached the gym at 06 00 pm. Everyone was still there; you greeted them and went to use the treadmill. At around half past seven your friends were hungry and decided to go to a nearby takeout to bring food to the gym because you didn't want to come out of exhaustion.
"You guys go ahead, I would keep y/n company", Armin told them.
Soon you were left alone with Armin and not knowing what to say out of shyness you excused yourself to the bathroom.
There you freshened up yourself to make yourself look more presentable to your crush. Luck was in your stars as you were wearing leggings that gave your ass a nice curve with a matching colour sportsbra.
When you came out, you saw that Armin was missing. You assumed that he too went to the restroom and decided to do squats. A little while later the man indeed returned from the wc. His breath was caught in his throat when he saw you.
He came up to you and asked if you needed any help regarding your training.
"Actually I do, would you assist me in doing sit ups?" you requested.
"Yeah sure, I'll hold your shoes while you're doing them," Armin accepted.
Laying your body on the mat, you watched Armin going in front of you to your feet and held them down. You began to lift your body with your hands on the back of your head as you realised how close your faces were being when you were raised up. You never realised how broad his shoulders were until then and you gulped hard.
"How much do you plan on doing?" Armin asked.
"I'm setting a limit of thirty but let's see if I manage to exceed it." He nodded. Gosh, how does someone manage to look cute and hot at the same time?!
At your 15th sit-up you lifted up your body to make eye contact with him as you were with the previous sit-ups but this time it lasted longer because you stayed still. Both of you gazed into the eye of each other without saying a word your faces becoming closer. You didn't realise what you were doing. It wasn't long until both of your lips touched each other. When your senses were brought back to you, you pulled back so quickly. For a second you saw a frown on Armin's face.
"OMG! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do this, I swear," you apologized frenzily.
"It's okay, I don't mind at all," Armin just chuckled at your reaction. He came closer and tucked your hair to your ear.
"Have you ever realised how beautiful you were?" he whispered in your ear making all your blood rush to your head.
"I - I- mmph," you were cut off by Armin
colliding his mouth with yours. He sucked on your lower lip asking permission to let his tongue enter your mouth. You opened it a little only for him to stuck in his whole muscle.
You left out a small moan feeling his tongue roaming everywhere while his hand untied your hair and was playing with it.
He had the most tender lips that you ever felt in your life. Giving you a forehead kiss, he held your face in his hands stroking it with his thumb.
You crawled to sit on his lap as he continued to shower you with affection. His head pats were so gentle, you were melting under his touch. He bowed to gain access to your neck and gave it a subtle lick and then proceeded to find your sweet spot kissing you everywhere. A small mewl left your lips when he kissed a certain spot. The man was proud of himself to have found it and attacked it with hickeys. At this point you were shaking on his thighs and in his embrace.
Your hands reached the bottom of his shirt and pulled it off him. His sweaty body glowed in the light yet he looked so heavenly. You couldn't help but lick his collarbones leaving your saliva on his skin.
The fear of getting caught by your friends during this sinful moment turned you on.
Armin's hand gave your ass a tender squeeze before making you lay your whole body on the mat as he left a trail of kisses from your neck your stomach. He grabbed your waist to kiss your on your bellybutton.
"Is it okay if I remove it?" he said hinting at your leggings. You lifted your lower body to help him remove it and threw it away. He gave your core a kiss then carried you in bridal style to place you on the bench press.
He spread your legs and buried his face between them. You wouldn't have never expected such an innocent face to do such unholy things to your body in your life. He sucked your clit which sent electrics all throughout your body. He ate you out as though you were the most tastiest meal he's ever had. You crushed his head with your thighs but he didn't seem to mind that as he continued doing his job. You were pulling his hair so hard screaming his name making sure people passing nearby could hear how good he was making you feel.
His soft hands ran through your thighs making small circle motions on them to soothe you.
"Ar-Armin, I-,"
"It's okay love you can spill it on my face, I want every single drop down my throat," Armin panted.
What he said set off a trigger and the knot in your stomach snapped. All your juices went on Armin's face and he ensured to have swallowed everything.
He retreated away from your opening swipping your cum with his fingers and licking them off. While you were collecting your breath, Armin took off his sweatpants and let his hardened dick free.
"Do you mind if I -," he insinuated with his dick at your entrance.
"Please Armin don't hesitate," you were practically begging him. You expected him to slide it in but instead he was stroking your folds with his swollen member. This felt so good it sent you in a rollercoaster of immense pleasure. You could feel his veins pulsating against your own pulsating clit.
While he was caressing your cunt, his hands went to grab your boobs and fondled them.
His up and down motion continued as he was mixing his precum with your wetness.
Your overwhelming neediness pushed you to grind on him as he was moving so slowly. With instinct you lifted your hips as shivers were sent through your spine. Noticing this Armin picked up speed and with his hand rubbed your clit hard. He bent over to give you a kiss on your nose then to make out with you.
"Ah-ah, y/n-I'm going to cum," Armin moaned.
"Cum with me Armin," you breathed.
Suddenly he picked up more speed and thrusted faster. His dick was moving so quick on you, the lewd sound of your pussy's liquids filled the gym. Armin held your hands and intertwined your fingers. He let out a grunt as he came on your stomach and you on the bench.
He looked at you with such love in his eyes and reached out to wipe your tears and kissed your hands.
He fetched your leggings while he also cleaned the bench leaving no marks of this incident. Since your legs were shaking so much you could barely walk, Armin carried you to the bathroom.
After you went to pee, he made you sit on a stool and he tied your hair back in a ponytail. Hugging you from the back he asked, "Are you feeling okay now beautiful or do you need anything?"
"Water?" you replied.
"Anything for you," he went to fetch the requested item.
Just at that moment your friends returned.
You thanked the universe for not making them arrive while you were making love with Armin and you kept your cool acting as though nothing happened.
Thus, this was the start of a wonderful relationship.
Thank you for reading. :)
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love-hatred-stuff · 3 years
Just a dream } Lim Sejun [victon]
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genre: yandere, mild smut, fluff (,angst?)
warning(s): mentions of killing & stalking, suggestive!, mentions of other idols (subin&byungchan)
word count: about 3.3k
note: If u feel uncomfortable with any of the warnings above, feel free to skip! I will probably do more parts :)
I'm not that good in writing smut but I wanted it to be not too dirty, like there's sexual tension but everything is on a comfortable level
Third person's POV
at school
Lim Sejun was your best friend, along with his stepbrother Jung Subin. You actually met Sejun through Subin.
At first only Subin was your classmate since 5th grade and you too eventually became really close. And later on, about two years, Sejun joined you because he moved here, when his Mom wanted to marry your other friends Dad.
You never never had romantic feelings for Subin, you just loved him as a friend.
But his stepbrother was something different. It wasn't like you had a crush on him, he just made you so nervous all the time.
You didn't show it, but inside you always slightly get butterflies everytime he stares at you or uses his deep voice to convince you to something.
Not to mention his looks, but he could do many things that made him get most girls attention. Though he never cared about girls except for you.
He was a rather cold person, kept most things to himself and didn't laugh very often. But when he did, it always made you happy aswell.
It was mostly you that made him giggle or smile but you never questioned it.
You were just grateful to have them as your friends. Even though the brothers fought like literally almost all the time.
But what you noticed is that Sejun was very protective over you. What you didn't know was caused by the obsession he had over you.
In the Beginning it was only a little crushing, adoring you secretly. This soon turned into serious, strong feelings, and desire that he kept inside and eventually real love.
Of course you obviously didn't know about his "little" possession, but you were everything to him and nothing would steal you from him.
Anyone that touched you inappropriately, wasn't blessed to live a long life. And he made sure of that. The killing wasn't a big deal for him, as long as you were safe it didn't matter.
School was long over, but you and Sejun were still sitting in the library to do homework and explain math to Subin when he had problems, which was like constantly.
"God, Subin! I explained this to you like a hundred times. It's Sejun's turn now, he is even smarter than me." You groaned at your friends intolerance.
You desperately looked at the dark haired boy, who sat on a chair and concentratedly wrote something on a paper.
When he was just giving you a look with a frown you sighed.
"Help your brother for gods sake! I can't do this anymore. I finished anyways, I could just go if I wanted to." You complained in a whiny manner.
Sejun still looked at you and than shortly at Subin. He shook his head.
"I'm not helping him. He has to learn himself. And he's just my stepbrother. Not my problem." He shrugged and turned to his paper.
Subin just looked absolutely cluelessly at the many numbers and even letters.
"Please Sejun! Your Mom told me to help him. She will think I'm dumb as well!" You continued, to stubborn to give up first.
"Hey!" Subin faked a hurtful look, laying his hand on his heart.
"Sorry, Binnie. But I won't explain this to you again." You touched his shoulder, smiling exclusively.
Now Sejun also noticed the contact between you too and made a noise to seperate you again and get your attention.
Your head turned to him, hoping he changed his mind.
But he just saw one thing at this moment; your thigh that was exposed because of the skirt that had slipped up 'til the beginning of you lace slip.
His eyes fixated on your beautiful legs and his mind went wild automatically. He was aroused immediately, imagining he was the one who could take it off of you.
You didn't bother to look down, where he was looking. You were just thinking he zoned out for a moment at waved your hand on front of his iced eyes.
"Sejun? Are you okay?" You wondered.
When he came back to reality he noticed how tight his jeans felt so suddenly. But managed to look up at you finally.
"Huh? Oh, yes. I will only explain this once to him, and I wanna get a treat." He wanted to compromise.
You waited a moment to process and decide if you wanted to compromise.
"Okay. What do want as your treat?" You asked innocently.
Sejun thought. How could he indirectly say that he wanted to be alone with you?
"You will go with me studiying tomorrow, after school." He grinned, secretly so excited to have you to himself for some hours.
Your eyes widened. Another study session?
"Fine, but why so obsessed with studiying? School's not everything, Junnie." You told him.
He stayed silent. If you knew what I want to do to you right now, Y/N. He thought, very aware of his bulge, growing even harder. But he couldn't do anything about it, he had to hide under the table until it would hopefully disappear.
After about half an hour, he had made everything clear for Subin. Well, supposedly. And the three of you went home.
Subin couldn't hold a moan back as he touched his boner through his black jeans. He hadn't been able to hold back the dirty thoughts of you telling him that you wanted him as much as he did. And now that he was finally home, he could release some of his inholded sexual sounds. He rarely listened to anyone but gladly would accept you as his domme.
He just loved you so much, of course he was craving for your touch. You were his only weakness at this point.
the next day
You could walk to school because your house wasn't that far away. You didn't know that Sejun was always behind you, to make sure you came home safe and to enjoy your pretty features a little longer.
When you arrived and waited for you two only friends and greeted Subin happily with hug and a minute later Sejun with a sweet "Hey." Because you knew he didn't really enjoy skinship.
He greeted back politely. And thought about how pretty you looked again, although he saw you everyday in the same school uniform.
He secretly hated that the girls had to wear skirts in school. So he gave every boy who dared to look at you a second too long a warning glare to fuck off. And if they wouldn't hear, he would made sure they would never look at you again.
It was normal for him, he would keep you forever. And no one would destroy his plan.
School had ended fast and you bid your goodbyes to Subin and went to the library.
You sat down next to each other and your knees would touch every now and then, making Sejun wanting to already moan your name out loud, by just this simple touch.
One hour had passed and you slowly got bored, as you were just too done to concentrate on school stuff any longer.
"Sejun~" You whined, tucking on his blazer.
Holy fuck. He thought. I want you to whine my name like this again.
He tried to not look much affected and hummed as a response to you.
"I'm bored. I don't wanna study anymore. Let's just do something different, yes?" You tried to convince him with puppy eyes.
"What can we do?" He asked quietly, unsure if he would maybe be alowed to touch you a little.
"Kiss?" You said, leaning forward.
It wasn't really your intention but he could see some of your cleavage in this position. He told himself to keep control.
You laughed sweetly. He was so cute when he blushed.
You were just joking. But didn't know he was actually craving for the touch of your lips, just once. Once would be enough and he would be the luckiest man alive.
Now you frowned, he still wasn't looking away from your lips.
"Sejun, I was just jo-" You couldn't finish.
His hands snaked around your waist to sit you on his lap in a fast motion, disrupting you.
Him touching you in this way, affected you more than you wanted to admit.
"What are you doing?" You whispered.
Your butt sat on his thighs, your feet touched the ground. And your faces weren't that far away from each other either.
"I thought you were bored." His raspy voice made you feel the familiar butterflies in your stomach.
"Yeah, but what do want now?" You still whispered, so exited for his next move.
He grabbed your hips with more force, to shove you even further to his face.
A groan escaped his throat at the sudden friction he felt of your core grinding on his.
"You don't wanna know what I want to do to you Y/N."
He let his finger slide over your lower lip.
Why was he so changed all out of the blue?
He had waited for years to feel you right there where you sat on in this moment.
"Do you want me to stay still or move?" You asked as you were ready to risk it all.
You were feeling so out of this world, like someone would have drugged you. But you liked it, yeah, you enjoyed it.
"It's your choice, kitten. But be aware that if you cross a certain line I won't be able told back and take you right here, right now." He warned you in a husky voice, while breathing in all of your body right in his hands.
You let out a whiny moan at his dirty talking. You were kinda ready to get to his limits.
"It's okay, just tell me when I have to stop." You breathed out, against his neck.
As he felt your hot breath hit his exposed skin and at the same time, your hips moving into his he fekt like in heaven.
"Y/N~ah." He moaned out and threw his head back.
He felt like he would come right on the spot.
Between your movements you also let out hitched breaths at the immense pleasure your where giving and receiving, although you both still where having all your clothes on. But you forgot about that long ago.
Your bodys where still rocking together as he was watching all of your little expressions that showed on your face.
Though, at some point when you begin to settle kisses on his neck, jaw and cheeks, he couldn't hold himself back any longer and wanted to warn you again so it wouldn't escalate.
"Y/N, Y/N-ah, stop, it's too much!" He almost cried out for you.
You obeyed and stopped, panting a little.
"It's okay." You stroke his cheek. "We can continue this another time, Junnie." You promised.
His eyes flashed with exitement, as he struggled to come down from this so unreal seeming experience with you.
"I- I will just finish this work sheet. I have to calm down." Sejun told me as he got his ability to talk back.
He never thought, he would be able to find the confidence and touch you like this.
And you even agreed!
It was like a dream.
Well, maybe it really was.
Sejun's POV
"Junnie, wake up!" Y/N shook me gently.
I was suddenly torned from my deep sleep. I breathed out and groaned.
I had dreamed everything?!
I felt so disappointed. I wished it would have happened in reality, it was the most pleasureable thing I had ever experienced in my life.
And it came out as just another wet dream of mine.
At this moment I told myself to be more confident and don't behave like a creep that hated skinship.
I had to be more cool with it, orherwise I would never get what I was craving for desperately.
"Are you okay, Sejun-ah?" She looked at me a bit worried as I still wasn't reacting at all.
But her voice finally brought me back to reality.
"No Y/N, I'm not okay." I answered.
"What is it?" She wondered.
I struggled to come up with an excuse, so I decided to be honest with her.
"You and me, we were here in the library and-"
"Oh, that? You weren't dreaming, Junnie. It happened."
I widened my eyes. It wasn't a dream? I blushed.
"But why did I fell asleep then?" I wanted to know, since it all didn't really made sense.
"You wanted to finish your paper to calm down. Well, it worked, you fell asleep." She explained
Suddenly I remembered. I had never dreamed. It had happened in real life.
Maybe I should consider sleeping more instead of watching her. I thought to myself, it was unacceptable to fall asleep during spending time with her.
Third person's POV
You were sitting in the cafeteria of your Highschool, talking to your two guy friends.
It was a day like every other and everything was normal, except for Sejun's behaviour.
He was getting more confident in touching you but immediately blushed when he noticed that you were looking at him with a concerned face.
It was not like you lost interest or anything, you were still reacting to his teasing as intense as before. But you didn't thought he would want the two of you to keep doing these things.
Everything began two days ago in the library. He was getting more and more crazy for you each second.
Right in the moment he was secretly watching you talking to his stepbrother.
You were pure beauty in his eyes and he couldn't stop looking at your soft features and feminine body.
How you used your whole body while demonstrating something to Subin was something Sejun found absolutely adorable.
Every now and then you also glanced at him so he had to act like he wouldn't been staring at you the whole break long and mostly just nodded when you asked for his opinion or just wanted to include him in the conversation.
Sejun almost forgot to eat while being so busy admiring you.
When the bell rang for third period all the students stood up and he noticed that he wasn't the only one who didn't eat most of his food.
"Y/N you only ate your salad." Sejun walked next to you and pointed at your still full tablet with his finger.
You both were walking the same direction to put your tablets away and turn to your class after.
"Oh yeah, I'm not that hungry." You tried to explain.
But the actual reason was something else. You couldn't ignore Sejun's attentive look on you the whole time. You tried your best to ignore this weird feeling in you stomach but it was difficult when you knew that you had to endure that until you would be home.
"But you need to eat, to have enough energy for class." He pointed out while you made your way to the classroom.
Even if all his actions were meant to be innocent without any dirty intentions, it was hard for you to forget how you were sitting directly on his hard boner and could hear these pornografic sounds coming out of his mouth.
You liked how he had reacted to you in some way. Because no one ever had made you feel so wanted like he did that evening.
And you really gave your best to delete it from your memory but you just couldn't when you saw him every single day and felt how tensed he sometimes was. It reminded you of the Sejun that had called you Kitten.
You noticed you hadn't answered him yet and snapped out of your wild thoughts.
"Yes, I know but I have enough energy left. I promise, Junnie." You assured as you two arrived at the right room.
He just gave you a worried look and settled down on his seat like you did.
The three of you weren't directly seated next to each other but close, so the boys could still have an eye on you.
The teacher came in as well and the lesson began soon after.
Byungchan was sitting next to you since a few days, but you have no problem with that because he's very nice. Sometimes he would try to flirt with you and you would just act like you wouldn't know what he was doing.
He was also very handsome and popular at your school, though that hadn't had any affect on you. You just cared about the work you had to do together, nothing else.
Although... you do blushed when he made you a compliment, simply because you found it charming and sweet of him to care about how you looked.
What you didn't know was that Sejun was on the verge of killing him every single day since he sits next to you.
He even asked himself how to quickly and inconspicuously as possible have this done. So he would get rid of him finally.
He was so angry inside but told himself to keep his control awhile longer. You shouldn't suffer under his death too much so Sejun wanted to wait a little longer and threathen Byungchan first, to better stop flirting with you or else he had to be killed.
After a while the class was dismissed and for you, school had ended already. You completely had missed the time and were happy to be able to leave the school building already.
You packed your stuff and didn't even notice that Sejun was standing in front of you.
While he waited he stared down at you until he finally spoke up.
"Hey, Y/N. Do want to go eat ice-cream and hang out a bit maybe?" He asked as he restlessly scratched his neck.
You looked up, surprised to hear his voice instead of Subin's.
"Umm yeah, sure. But where's Subin?" You wanted to know, furrowing your brows and scanning the room to find you other friend.
"He had to leave early today. Mom told him to do his homework once in a lifetime." Sejun's monotonous voice was back and he was a little sad that you wanted to have Subin with you so badly.
You chuckled and put on your blazer and then your backpack, before you nodded at him to move on.
All students had left the classroom already so you were alone.
He started to shiver instead of leaving the room as he knew that he had to speak about what had happened between you two.
"Y/N.. I think we maybe need to talk." His shy self was back again.
"About what?" You asked, as you were wondering if he really would mention the incident again.
"About that day.. when you and I.." He wasn't able to finish his sentence, he was too insecure.
She probably doesn't want me to touch her anyways. Sejun thought and closed his eyes in brief.
"It's okay, Sejun-ah. We can just forget about it if you want." You patted his shoulder as you weren't really sure what to say or do.
"That's not it, Y/N. I want your permission to my touch. I want to be closer to you and not make you uncomfortable." The black haired boy looked to the ground, expecting you to be grossed out.
"You have my permission Sejun-ah, it's okay with me if you touch me more. I like it because I always enjoy your company. You have to know that, alright?" You gave him a warm smile when he finally found the courage to look at you.
He kept quite and nodded before leaving school with you.
He couldn't say it, but he deeply wanted to hold your hand.
You thought and felt the same so you just took the first step and interwined your hand with his.
You didn't expect this to be more than a close friendship but you enjoyed it anyways. As he always made you feel so safe and loved.
And Sejun was feeling like he just got everything he wanted in a matter of seconds. He would protect you, not caring about the rest of the world.
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I edited the story cover by myself but the pictures are not mine (so is the gif), credits to the owners :)
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chicchanmooshy · 3 years
Shades of grey; chapter 11 - Ninja tag with a Poltergeist
@shadow-ninjas @leosgirl82 If somebody else would liked to be tagged, or not, please let me know.
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, angst: panick attack
“Are you sure you don't want to stay any longer, Ishtar? You're such a great asset to the festival”, Judith said.
“I really enjoyed my time here and I've learned so many things. But I have an answer to the questions I came here with. And I feel I'm needed back home”, Ishtar said. She got a warm feeling at the word 'home'. It's where she belonged. “I won't leave until tomorrow morning. I would love to see everyone tonight, dancing, singing and acting crazy around the campfire with all of you, my new sweet sisters.”
“We would love that! Do you have any idea how much you've grown this three weeks?”
“I've some idea, yes. Something like from a slightly insecure woman to a self-confidant goddess, right?” Laughing they hugged each other.
In early morning, Ishtar looked back one last time at the festival and waved at her sisters. “Sisters for live!”, they called and she smiled. “I’m gonna miss you!” she called back.
She opened the portal and stepped through it, back into the lair. Master Splinter was waiting for her. They greeted each other happily, Ishtar even gave Splinter a hug. “Oh my”, he responded and chuckled. “Let me look at you child. Oh yes, you've grown quite a lot, energetically speaking of course. How was your trip?”
“It was amazing, I've learned so many things, I've had such a great time and I did manage to find answers on your questions. I could have stayed longer, but I felt I was needed here, where my home is.”
“I'm glad to hear that. So you would like to stay with us?”
“Yes, very much.”
“Good. Now, I have some questions for you. Did you learn any ninja skills?”
“Yes, I made considerable progress with silent walking. And learned to survive in nature. Treated minor wounds. Why? What do you have in mind?” she asked after she saw the look on his face.
“Would you like to play a little game here in the lair? I won't tell the brothers that you're home already. You stay hidden for as long as possible but only three days. You can do whatever you like, just don't show yourself and don't let yourself be heard. You loose if one of my sons catches you.”
“Sounds like fun.”
“It can be, it's a more advanced game and a start to ninja tag. My sons are now at April's home to get all the ordered groceries. I expect them back in one hour. So, if you want to play, I suggest you take a shower and clean your things up..”
“Ow, this sounds fun and exciting. I will play but how will I announce myself on the third day?”
“I will leave a note with suggestions in my room. But maybe you'll think of something yourself”, he winked. “Now go, prepare yourself!”
Ishtar ran to her room, careful not to change anything on her way or in her room. She dumped her bag under the bed, easy to reach if needed. She then ran to the kitchen and grabbed an empty bottle, five apples and a knife. Looking in the refrigerator she found left over pizza, but hesitated. 'Pizza smells strong. If I take this with me, they'll find me in no time. 'k, I'll eat one slice now and leave the rest for the guys.' She quickly ate the pizza on her way to the shower. 'Just a quick one, still got to find a hiding spot, where I can leave my apples.. Maybe I should find several spots, just in case..'
She found a dark corner next to the kitchen, where she left two apples. High above the lair she found another spot between some pipes, where she dumped her other stuff. She even found a hiding place in Splinter's room. Running to Donnie's lab, she took two science-fiction books off the shelve, to have something to read. As a last part of preparations she filled her bottle with water, grabbed a spare blanket and went to her high hide-out. There she calmed her breathing, shrunk her aura, made a comfortable bed and lied down with one book.
After a sort amount of time she heard the guys come back from their trip. Not daring to look over the edge of her hiding spot, she just listened to the sounds, who appeared to be very loud. Which made it easier for her to locate everybody.
“Okay guys, you store all the groceries. I'll be in the dojo, training is in ten.” Leonardo said.
Ishtar knew her hiding spot was in the direct line of sight from the kitchen, so she didn't move now. But she carefully listened to each sound the guys made. Leonardo was just impossible to trace, he always walked silent. Raphael walked loud, Michaelangelo had a light playful step, and Donatello walked with intervals. Probably trying to remember projects and inventing new stuff.
Careful touching with her mind she tried to locate Master Splinter. 'Ah yes, of course, he was watching his shows now.' She withdrew her mind to her own space and settled in. Time to make a plan: during training was the best time to go to the bathroom and get some water or food if needed. And another book to read, if she finished these two already. During the night she also had these opportunities, but Leo always slept light. So she had to be very quiet.
'Now to find out when is the best time to sleep? I have to figure that out later. My mind is too hyped right now. Just reading than, with an ear to always listen in on what the guys are doing. Oh wait, this is the perfect time to check out where all the security camera's are.' She knew she was high above that level, so popped her head up and looked around. She looked at Splinter too. He didn't look up but held a finger to his mouth, as if he gestured to be quiet. 'Damn, did that make noise?! Hmm, how to get past him? Climb down to the first level, walk against the wall of the bedrooms and then..? The stairs is a too open space. Need to find a different route.. The first floor gave a dark area behind the stairs. Yes, I could use that. Okay, and the line of sight from the dojo isn't focused on the stairs. Yup, let's do this!'
She climbed down to the first level, but stayed in the shadows first. Locating the camera's she knew right away she couldn't avoid them, so she didn't focus on that. They were placed by someone with years of experience in stealth, and she didn't had any practice yet in being stealthy. Slowly she made her way to the stairs, constantly looking around and scanning the lair for everybody's location, but without touching their awareness. She made it to the stairs. Silently she walked down the normal way and hid beneath it. There she waited a minute.
^What are you planning to do, Ishtar?^ she heard in her mind, in Splinter's voice.
^Geez, you scared the crap out of me!^ she thought loud. ^I'm off to the lab, checking the camera settings and then grab some food from the kitchen.^
^Try to walk a little slower and more silent. If you manage that, you'll make a fair chance at this.^
^I do my best, thanks for the advise. Over and out?^ she finished their thought-talk.
Splinter chuckled.
In the lab she quickly checked the computer for the setting. They were in her favor, they weren't set to record. So only when Donnie worked in his lab, she shouldn't walk around.
As quickly but still very slow and silent she walked to the kitchen to look for some food. That was rather difficult. Most food would make too much noise or could be smelled from a distance, or was packed in plastic, or needed cooling to stay fresh.. The only thing she could bring was chocolate. She took two bars, just in case to have more food. And chocolate provided a good amount of energy of course. She was startled again when Splinter touched her mind ^could you put the kettle on? No need to wait for it to boil, I will do that.^
^Of course, Master Splinter^, she thought.
After that she walked back to her top spot. She made herself comfortable again and decided to rest first.
Hours later she woke up. 'Oh shit, did I fall asleep?' she thought.
Still lying in her blanket she carefully scanned the lair again. Leo was meditating with Master Splinter, Donnie worked in his lab, Mickey played video games and Raph worked on his bike in the garage. Safe enough to start reading that book again. And she ate a small peace of chocolate. She waited till dinner to eat her apple. With all the noise the guys would make in the kitchen, she could safely crunch on her apple.
She woke in the middle of the night, needed to go to the bathroom. She had stayed up till eleven, so she knew Leonardo was in his room. Slowly she looked over the edge. The television was off and the bedroom doors of Michaelangelo and Donatello were closed. Only Raphael wasn't sleeping yet. She had heard him say something about watching the game with Casey. But it was unknown to her if he would come back home right away or in early morning. She took a gamble and made her way to the bathroom. All went well until she wanted to flush. 'Oh wait, if I do that, it will make noise. And I can't just leave it here, with their sensitive sense of smell, they will know it's me.. What if I turn off the tap? I can flush everything, but the cistern won't make noise refilling itself. Yes, let's do that.' After that she went back to bed.
Early morning Ishtar woke up, hearing Leonardo mumbling while he walked downstairs. “Mickey and his pranks.”
She smiled, at least that went well. The first twenty-four hours were almost up. 'Today will be boring with little to do', she thought.
An idea struck her. 'It's almost Halloween! How about I prank them a little today and still remain unnoticed? And make it worse by tomorrow', she snickered silently. 'Oh, I'm so bad.'
All she had to do now was inventing some ideas and waiting for the right time to execute them.. She waited until Leonardo was finished in the kitchen, bringing tea and breakfast to Master Splinter. She checked if he stayed there. When she didn't see any movement, she went downstairs. In the kitchen she grabbed a piece of soap and went to the bathroom. Careful she wrote with her finger a message on the mirror. Pizza will be banned from the world by 2022 She then returned the soap, took some tools from Donnie's lab and walked to the dojo. She unscrewed a bench Raphael always used, but not the one used for heavy lifting. Returning the tools she thought of one last thing. She put a google search on Donnie's computer for Poltergeist and deliberately left that window open.
When she walked by the kitchen, she heard noises. 'Oh crap, everybody is waking up now.' She quickly dove to her hiding spot next to the kitchen, down, slowed her breathing again and waited what would happen.
Mickey bounced happy downstairs, Raphael was a bit grumpy and Donnie was almost sleepwalking, his eyes barely open. She could hear them rummaging but they didn't talk much. The atmosphere felt quite dark. She didn't like that, almost felt sorry for her pranks. 'Oh no Ishtar, don't go there! No time for sad feelings, and you still have to complete his invisibility game..'
Before Leonardo walked by, she could sense him. Good, that left only Master Splinter in his room. She heard Leonardo talking. “I didn't like your prank Michaelangelo and frankly I'm used to better pranks from you. This one was just lame.”
“What are you talking about dude? I haven't pranked someone in weeks. So whatever happened to you, it wasn't me!”
“So you didn't closed the tap of the toilet?” Leo asked seriously.
“Nope! But it does sound funny”, Mickey snickered.
“Okay, then who?”
“Nope, wasn't us Leo.”
“Strange.. Okay, see you soon in the dojo.” Ishtar saw him walk towards the dojo, a bit lost in thought. 'Don't look at him Ishtar. People always feel it when you look directly at them. And ninja's are worse.' Fortunately Leonardo didn't turn around.
While waiting on the guys to leave the kitchen, Ishtar thought on more Halloween pranks. Maybe some glowing eyes in the dark. And creepy music.. When she got her chance she gathered all the stuff she needed and placed them in the lair on strategic places. Then a quick visit to the bathroom where she washed herself and went back to her hide-out.
A while after training Ishtar heard a loud scream from the bathroom and a second later from the dojo. Michaelangelo came running out the bathroom, still screaming.
“What's going on?” Leo asked concerned.
“Aahhh! The horror! There is something horrible written on the mirror.. I can't bear to look again!”
Leonardo went in and came out again. “That's not so scary, it's just a message on a mirror..” he said and looked suspicious at his brothers who came stand by.
“Oh no, you can't put this on us!” Raphael said. “We weren't even here! I was in the dojo remember? Someone unscrewed my bench.”
“And there was a window open on my computer, with a search for Poltergeist..” said Donatello.
“Hmm, that all sounds very suspicious.” Mickey said. “Either we have a ghost, Poltergeist or an intruder in the lair.”
“Or Master Splinter finally found a sense of humor”, Raphael added.
“Unlikely, but I'll go ask him”, Leo said. He came back quickly. “No, it isn't Master Splinter. Although he does think the pranks are funny.”
“What do we do now?” Donatello asked.
“Go on with our daily business, but keep an eye on everything and report anything strange right away.”
Ishtar had trouble staying silent, hands placed over her mouth, she laughed. She busied herself with the other preparations, cutting scary eyes out of cardboard. And with a headphone she made a music selection with scary tunes. Pranking the prankster, this was fun. Only the long wait was dreadful and boring.
Leonardo announced a night patrol. 'Good, perfect for me to place some more pranks', Ishtar thought.
When they were gone for thirty minutes she came out of hiding. Though it was tempting to walk fast, she still walked slowly. 'Don't stay too long in one spot.'
She placed pans and their lids on the top shelf of the cookie cabinet and closed the door gently. 'This is going to sound so loud!' When she walked back to the stairs she noticed a little basket with wool and crochet needles next to Splinter's room. There was a small note attached to the basket.
If you chase two rabbits, you will not catch either one.
Smiling she brought the basket with her, finally something to do. From her hiding spot she searched Splinter's mind and thanked him. For several hours she entertained herself with crochet, making herself a hat for her swimming trips. She also had been swimming during her mission and she would like to continue it here.
Just when she made herself ready to go to sleep, the guys came back home. The lighting in the lair were set on a timer, so it was dark now. Leo and Raph walked to the showers, while Mickey helped Donnie with a bandage. When they came out of the infirmary Ishtar threw a small stone down. It startled Donatello and Mickey even screamed. Donatello took his flashlight out and looked around. “Calm down Mickey, it's just a stone.”
“Yes, but where did that come from?” asked Leonardo who had already showered. “Is our Poltergeist still present?”
“You know I don't believe in ghosts, Leo. So no! But there's definitely something going on in here”, Donnie said suspiciously.
“Yes, I agree. Should I stay up tonight to keep watch over you?” Leo asked.
“Only if you really don't treasure sleep. No, I think it'll be alright. Besides, all these pranks were harmless.. good night.”
'Good night', Ishtar thought.
Her bed wasn't that nice to sleep in, but she had slept well. Up until she woke up from the loudest possible noise in the kitchen. She immediately sat upright in bed. Breathing fast she was glad she wasn't a screamer when it came to unexpected noises. Otherwise she would have been discovered by now. Lying back down she listened to what the guys were saying.
“I HAD ENOUGH OF THIS!!” bellowed Raphael.
“What happened this time?” Leonardo and Donatello asked as one.
“I got all the pans and lids over me when I wanted to grab a cookie!” Raphael growled angry.
“Are you wounded?” asked Donatello.
“No, just deaf!”
“If you all are alright, could we go back to sleep now, please?” asked Master Splinter.
They all nodding, and went to bed.
Or, at least that is what Ishtar thought. She had just trusted on the noises that were made by everyone. But she hadn't checked the whereabouts of them. Leonardo did stay awake and alert and silently patrolled the lair throughout the night. When she woke up again for her bathroom visit, she wasn't aware of Leo. She did take her precautions, listening and scanning the lair. At that moment Leonardo was in his room meditating, but his door was ajar. Ishtar failed to notice that and walked right past it. Quickly doing her business in the bathroom, she relaxed for a moment. Before she went back she scanned the lair once more. She was shocked to find out Leonardo was walking around. 'Oh shit, now what? Even if I turn off the tap again, he will still hear me flush. And knowing everyone else is sleeping, he will come running here!'
She grabbed a cup, filled it with water and silently flushed it away in the toilet. With another shock she heard someone approaching. Quickly hiding under a pile of towels, she had trouble now to catch her breath.
“Found anything yet?” Raphael asked Leonardo softly.
“No, not yet. But I did hear someone walking, very silently. Maybe a weird question, Raph. But could you make some noise in the bathroom? Maybe our intruder will think it's safe to walk faster and being less careful.”
“Sure, can do”, Raphael said.
When Raphael came into the bathroom he turned on the lights. 'Oh shell, there goes my night vision', Ishtar thought.
Raphael took his job very seriously. She could hear him piss, the way the stream splashed in the middle of the water, and then he moaned too. It was almost too much to handle. Because, in horror, she found out that this sound turned her on, a lot. She could control herself not to moan, but she still hadn't control over her churrs. She desperately tried to think of something nonsexual, but couldn't come up with anything. She started to panic. 'I don't want to play this game anymore. I want out! But then I have to deal with the consequences too. No, that's also too much right now! What can I do? Should I reach out to Leo, confess everything, tell him I'm sorry?'
She heard Raphael leave the bathroom. Still breathing fast, she tried to control her panic. That took some time. When she was calm again, she only then noticed the smell that came off the towels. She almost threw up by the smell of old cum..
She picked herself up again, removed herself from the towel pile and quietly walked to the door. Raphael had turned off the lights, to which she was grateful.
She located Leonardo, he was walking downstairs. Very quietly and even slower than she thought possible, she walked in the direction of her top spot. When she was almost about to climb up, some alarm went off in her body. She froze mid-stride and was grateful she was already standing in a shadow. She used all her senses to find out who was walking behind her. And then she could smell his scent, it was Leonardo. He hadn't seen her, he just walked to his bedroom, went inside and closed the door. Ishtar couldn't hear a thing he was doing inside because her heart was beating so loud. She waited ten minutes and then climbed up. When she was barely on top of the pipes again, Leonardo threw his door open and jumped out. Of course, he couldn't find her. She could hear him now, because his breathing sounded frustrated. After a few seconds he went back in and closed the door. Only then Ishtar felt safe enough to breath normally again.
She woke up during lunch, but wasn't rested yet. And she had enough of this game. Carefully scanning where Master Splinter was, she sent her thoughts to him. ^Sensei?^
^Yes child?^
^I want to stop this game. And I'm already sorry for all the pranks I made.^
^I see. What is the reason you want to stop?^
^It's too stressful. And I was almost discovered by Leonardo last night.^
^Yes, he told me so. This decision is up to you Ishtar. You can quite at any moment. You already made it two days, which I find remarkable for someone without ninja training. But if you manage to keep it up one more day, I will support you when you come out of hiding. And maybe you would like to crochet me a scarf?^
^Thank you, I appreciate that. I will stay in hiding a bit longer. And thank you for the crochet idea.^
Taking a deep breath,  she decided to take it slow today. No more pranks for now..
Ishtar had stayed in her high hiding spot for the last twenty-four hours, with the exception for a bathroom break.
During lunch Master Splinter checked in with Ishtar, asking how she was doing.
^Are you ready to show yourself?^ he asked.
^Oh, please yes! I'm longing for a warm shower, normal food and most of all the comfort of you all.^
^Okay, let me do the talking after lunch, we will carefully reveal you.^
“My sons, I have an announcement to make. Can you come with me to the living room?”
Curious they all followed.
“All the pranks that happened the last days were not made by a Poltergeist. But by a person.”
“Oh, I knew it!” Raphael growled. “It was you, wasn't it?!”
“No, Raphael, I didn't do anything of the sorts. Do you want to know who it was?”
“Yes, please, Master Splinter”, Leonardo said.
“It was Ishtar.”
“What?! No, that cannot be! She can't be back yet! She wouldn't do all those pranks to us, she's way too sweet for that!” they all talked over each other.
“She came back three days ago. I asked her then if she wanted to play the beginnings of ninja tag, since she had learned silent walking on her mission. She agreed to that.”
“Did ya order the pranks as well?” Raphael asked gruffly.
“No, that was of her own doing. Probably because she was bored.”
“Okay”, Leonardo said, “and where is she now?”
“Still in hiding. She hadn't told me where those places are, where she hid.”
“Hey Ishtar”, Mickey spoke aloud into the overall space, “I'll bet you can hear me. Were that all your pranks or did you have more for us?”
It was silent for a moment. Then they all heard from three directions at once “moooore...” in a scary voice. Mickey squealed.
“How did she do that?” Leonardo asked Donatello.
From somewhere high up came Ishtar's voice. “Simple, connect three speakers with each other, find a hiding spot for them and play something on a phone that's connected with the speakers.”
“Anything else?” asked Raphael.
“Yes, but I will save those for another time.”
Ishtar got up and carefully came out of her spot. When she was on the first floor, she spoke again. “This game wasn't easy to do. By experiencing this myself, it gave me more insight in how difficult it can be. So, I have a lot more respect for you guys, who do this on every night patrol.” And she bowed to the brothers, placing her left hand over her right fist. Standing upright again, she stumbled. Alarmed, Donatello ran to her and asked, “are you alright? You don't look so well!”
“I haven't eaten much in the last few days, so my blood sugar level is probably a bit low. And I've been through a little too much stress to my liking. Other than that, I'm fine.”
“The hell you are!” Donnie growled, picked her up, threw her over his shoulder and walked downstairs. Ishtar yelped. “What are you doing, Donatello?”
“We are going to feed you properly. Mickey, make something nutritious, will you?”
Ishtar didn't argue anymore. It cost her a lot of strength. She surrendered to the good care of the guys.
“What did you eat during the last three days?” Leonardo asked.
“Four apples, half a bar of chocolate and some water. Oh, and one pizza slice on the first day”, she answered.
“How could you survive on so little food?” Mickey asked and placed a plate with bacon and eggs in front of her.
“Sit!” Leonardo commanded.
She did and started to wolf down the food. “Can I have some tea?”
“Sure you can”, said Leonardo, sweetly now.
“Can you guys please sit down, you're making me nervous”, Ishtar asked.
“Sure babe”, Raphael said. “Here, come sit with me” and pulled her on his lap. “You're safe now. We're not mad at you, just a little disturbed by the circumstances.”
Ishtar looked questioningly at Leonardo to check if he thought so too. He nodded. She sighed and relaxed in Raphael's arms. 'Good, she's starting to acknowledge my authority', Leo thought.
With her thoughts Ishtar tried to connect with Leonardo ^I'd rather sit on your lap right now.^
Leonardo didn't respond to her. It even seemed he hadn't heard her. Confused she looked at Master Splinter and asked in thought, ^Leonardo cannot mind-talk?^
^Not as good as you and me can. But it is also part of his training to have his mind closed off for everyone, so nobody can come in unannounced and attack.^
Ishtar nodded in understanding and sipped on her tea.
“Ya want anything else to eat, Ishtar?” Raphael asked.
“Uh, some toast with grilled cheese?”
“Coming right up, love!” Mickey said.
After she finished her meal, Leonardo suggested she should rest a while. She didn't argue with him, thinking it was a good idea actually.
Leonardo couldn't help himself, he really needed to be close to her. The first hour Ishtar slept a deep sleep. After that she just rested comfortably in her bed. Still used to locate everyone in the lair, she found out Leonardo was just outside her room. She tried to poke his thoughts with her mind. It took a while but eventually he let her in.
^Hey, sleep well?^
^Yes I did. You wanna come in?^
^I don't think that's such a good idea..^
^Why not?^
^Because.. I don't know if I can restrain myself..^
Ishtar laughed. “That's not a bad thing Leo. Do come in, leave the door open, so I can yell for help”, she giggled.
Leonardo walked in but stayed on the other end of the room. “That's not something to joke about Ishtar”, he said seriously.
“And I wasn't joking. I'm not fearful of you, you know. Well, apart from two nights ago, when you almost caught me. That scared the shit out of me.” And she shuddered by the thought.
“Yeah, well, that's what I'm trained to do. I'm sorry it scared you, but I didn't know it was you. How did you mask your scent?”
“I didn't on purpose. I was in the bathroom when Raphael came in to pee. Before he opened the door I hid under the pile of dirty towels, the ones with old cum on it..”
“You what?!” Leo snickered.
“Aah, don't laugh, it was the only hiding spot I could find and I almost threw up by that smell.”
“Now that you mention it, I did smell that near my bedroom. But it didn't alarm me, kind of used to it by now, I guess”, and shrugged. “Do you feel strong enough to tell about your mission during dinner? I would love to hear what you encountered.”
“Yes, I'm fine. I would like to tell about it too”, she said smiling.
During dinner almost everyone fought for some attention of her, all so happy she was back again. She was flattered by that, but kept some distance. She needed to strengthen first, although she did stay very close to Leonardo.
“Ishtar, could you tell about your mission?” Master Splinter asked.
“Yeah sure. I didn't know what to expect so I went open-minded through the portal. It brought me to a festival..”
“WHAT?! You've been partying these three weeks?!” exclaimed Michaelangelo.
Ishtar chuckled. “Some. But I worked there too, as a volunteer in the first responder team.”
Interested Donatello sat upright. “Did you learn anything new? Major wounds or have you experienced life-threatening situations?”
“No, just minor wounds. But I did learn a lot over there. We had a lot of bee and wasp stings, allergic reactions from plants, burns from hot tea, one case of hypothermia and some minor burns from the Fire Walk.”
“A FireWalk?!” Raphael exclaimed, “who would want to walk over fire? Did ya do that too?”
“No, my challenge is cold water, for now. But this is what they said about it:
The Fire Walk is a powerful demonstration of our potential. It teaches us how to transform fear and negative thinking into constructive energy and practical results. Fire Walking is said to be the most powerful ritual for effecting change in harmony with a greater whole.
“Pff, if it's that effective, why didn't ya do it?” Raphael asked again.
“Because the fire didn't call me.”
“Fire doesn't speak.”
“It doesn't if you don't listen to it. Then you only get burned.”
“Humph, whatever!”
“What kind of people were there? Were they alarmed by your turtle appearance?” Mickey asked.
“Oh no, they were not. It was an all-women mutants festival.”
“Wooow! Do those kind of festivals exist?! And can you get me to one?”
“Why Mickey, did you already had enough of me?” Ishtar asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Er.. no, that's not what I meant!” Mickey stuttered.
“Okay”, Ishtar giggled, “just checking.” Gathering her thoughts again she continued her story. “I had morning shifts and a few evening shifts when there was a Fire Walk. Did some interesting workshops and learned to walk silent, in a forest in autumn. And surviving in nature. Most evenings we danced or were singing by a campfire. I had an amazing time with a lot of women, who will know me now as a sister”, she said warmly.
“Did you return because the festival ended?” asked Donatello.
“No, I returned because I felt I was needed here, back home. They didn't like it but respected my choice. I left the next morning and came back through the portal. And that's when Master Splinter asked me to play that game ninja tag.
I thought it would be fun to do. But I got bored and after a few pranks and that second night when I almost got caught by Leonardo... No, I didn't like it that much anymore..”
“But you kept going Ishtar and made it through three whole days. And that is remarkable for someone who isn't a ninja.” said Master Splinter.
“Yeah, it sure is!” said Mickey.
“Could you tell about your preparations, Ishtar?” Leonardo asked.
“I took some apples, a knife and a water bottle with me from the kitchen, dumped my bag under my bed, took a shower, found a blanket and searched for some hide-outs. I found one in Master Splinter's room, although I haven't used that one. Another in the dark corner here next to the kitchen, hid there once during breakfast. And I had a safe place somewhere else, a place I don't want to share yet..”
“What did you do during the second night?” Leo asked interested, curious to know how she pulled it off.
“I threw a small stone down close by Mickey and while you guys were on patrol I had already booby-trapped the pans in the cabinet. That crash did wake me up, by the way. Thank the Goddess I'm not a screamer when in fright, haha.. I woke somewhere in the night, bathroom visit you know. That's when I found out Leonardo was patrolling the lair. And to make it more challenging, Raphael came into the bathroom..”
“What?! You were in there? I've looked around, I didn't see ya anywhere! Of course I didn't expected you home already. Thought I was alone in there...” said Raphael.
“I was hiding under the pile of towels.”
“You were hiding under... iew. Please tell me you did not!”
“Nope, I did. It was my only option. Had a panic attack too. Took me quite some time to calm down again.”
“What caused your panic attack?” asked Leonardo concerned.
“Er...” Ishtar felt hot and blushed. “Er, can I tell you later?”
“Of course. And then what did you do?” Although he wondered why she didn't wanna tell them the reason yet.
“I waited some time, scanned the lair for your whereabouts and walked very slowly back to my hide-out. That's when I sensed you were walking behind me, it scared the hell out of me. I froze mid-stride. I think we were eight feet separated and you went into your bedroom.”
“Seriously, that close?!” Leo asked surprised. “Then your hide-out must be very close to that spot!” And he walked out the kitchen to look in that direction. “But where did you go, Ishtar? It's a dead end there, your bedroom is the last location there.”
“Look up”, said Ishtar who came stand next to him. “One level up, there between the pipes is a small place, that's where I was most of the time.”
“Remarkable”, Master Splinter commented.
“So, instead of walking away I heard you climb up?” Leo asked.
“Yup. So now you know my secret hide-out..” she said a little disappointed.
“It's best we don't have any secrets for each other. But you can keep that spot, if you like.”
Ishtar nodded and thanked him. “So, in short, that was my trip. Hello guys, I'm back home again!”
Smiling, they all got up and hugged her. “Welcome back, Ishtar.”
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I posted 13,488 times in 2021
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11582 posts reblogged (86%)
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Longest Tag: 131 characters
#good to remember when im aganozing with myself vecause its either to short or to long and no one is gonna want to bother reading it
My Top Posts in 2021
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501 notes • Posted 2021-03-01 19:20:26 GMT
Beggars Don't Get To Be Choosers
Sinfully Sweet Kinktober 2021
~ You are feeling neglected and antagonize Bucky while he and Steve are dealing with business. (Warnings- angry Bucky and Steve, degrading kink, hair pulling kink, mention of drug use.) 1.7k
Dividers made by @firefly-graphics
Kinktober Masterlist
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Bucky, you and Steve are never home.
The offending message lit up Bucky's screen once more while Steve sat nearby talking with an associate about an incoming shipment. Steve side eyed Bucky as he scowled at the screen, able to give a guess as to what had his partner all out of sorts. Bucky was quick to tap out.
Doll, you are pushing our buttons.
There were three dots popping up signaling you were answering him back, but instead of a message, a picture came through of your fingers slicking over glistening pink flesh, your clit swollen with arousal. Then the message came through.
Actually, I'm pushing my own since no one else is.
Steve’s head dipped to the line of powder he had just cut and lined on the table, inhaling deeply while Bucky's hand tightened around his phone. The screen cracking rather loudly. Their associate paused from what he was saying, Steve glanced over to see the offending picture and his features darkened.
“How about you go take care of the issue Bucky while I finish up here.” Steve suggested and Bucky shot back the rest of his liquor while sliding out of the booth at their club.
Bucky didn't offer an apology to their associate, just stalked towards the door, passing the club's manager, Bucky paused for a moment. “Y/N will not be in tonight, have another girl fill in her spot.”
Scott gave a nod, already pulling up a chart to make that call. He didn't even question it. Never ever question the bosses was one of the first rules here.
With that Bucky headed for home, headed to you. You who were feeling neglected. He planned on changing that tone rather quickly.
See the full post
545 notes • Posted 2021-10-01 12:26:35 GMT
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626 notes • Posted 2021-01-26 01:19:01 GMT
Fanfics are trash, sorry but they are,they are for people who have no life and it is really sad. Pathetic is more the word.
Its really sad having a vivid imagination and being able to create worlds with mere words. How pathetic that I can look at a blank page and see something beyond that blinking cursor.
But you wanna know what is honestly pathetic and sad? That you cant see why someone would enjoy it. How you cant see where it might be beneficial.
So please tell me how I should live my life? Since I'm doing it so wrong obviously and the way you are doing it is the right way. Let me be more like you please- going on anon and bothering people I don't even know to tell them how pathetic they are... Kinda sounds like you are the pathetic one. Get a fucking hobby please.
876 notes • Posted 2021-07-14 13:20:59 GMT
Not all excellent writers are popular. That’s just facts. There are some AMAZING epic stories out there that barely have any notes, reblogs, or comments. 
Do not put your stories worth on how high the note count is. Its just going to hurt you. 
2007 notes • Posted 2021-04-21 14:50:57 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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milazka · 4 years
Distraction — Drew Starkey.
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image found on pinterest
summary: the one where the quaterback of the football team helps you forget about your bad grade.
request: yes
content: fluff & smut
author’s note: it’s my very first story about a member of the cast of outer banks! i would like to clarify that all this is fictional, i only use the looks and the names of the actors and actresses. my masterlist will be linked at the end of this story if you feel like reading some other fics. this one is for my babe cort ( @pogue-writings ) because she is drew’s soulmate.
warnings: most of my stories may contain mature themes such as swearing, underage drinking, substance abuse, sexual language and scenes, fights and more. also, i do not intend to be offensive towards anyone who reads this blog, if anything written can be perceived as hurtful to any community or person, i apologize, it was never my purpose while writing it.
word Count: 1957.
The campus library has always been her favorite spot to study. It's quiet and the atmosphere is always soothing, the exact opposite of her dorm room where her roommate seems more interested in experimenting the male anatomy than studying it in her textbook. A few weeks ago, after catching her once again during the act, she had decided to find a new place to study. She had walked around the campus and eventually found this spot around one of the large hardwood tables that stand between the bookshelves full of old books about psychology. The perfect place to set her in a study mood. 
For the past few hours, she has been sitting in her usual place, her textbook open in front of her eyes and her black notebook on her right. She only has one midterm left in two days and it will cover all the topics seen in her subconscious psychology course, which is one of her most interesting courses, but also the one that requires the longest hours of study in order to pass the exams. 
The sound of a chair gliding on the floor makes her look up and she’s surprised to see Drew, a boy from her psychology of the subconscious class, sit on the chair in diagonal to her. Normally, the library is almost empty at this time of the night and she never saw him here; he seems like the kind of guy who spends more time on the football field than he does in front of his textbooks. They’ve been in the same class for four months, but she never really paid attention to him, except when he is disturbing the class with the two other musketeers, Chase and Rudy. She smiles nicely at him when their eyes meet and he raises his coffee cup which he pretends to drink all at once while they both laugh silently, hoping not to be warned by Mrs. Jones, the librarian who looks strangely similar to Roz from the movie Monster inc.
She tries to put her nose back in her book, trying to focus on the pages suggested in the study guide and highlighting important sentences from a passage about Freud and his discovery of psychoanalysis, but she can't help but look up discreetly at the boy. He is wearing a navy flannel shirt which, half-buttoned, reveals a white shirt that moulds his muscular chest. His trademark cap, which he always wears backwards, rests as usual on the top of his head, still letting a few strands of hair slip out of the hat. She particularly lingers on his muscled arms covered by the navy blue cloth, it's not surprising that he's the quarterback on the football team. The  studious look on his face and the way he’s chewing on the tip of his pencil while frowning makes him look cuter than usual, she can’t deny it. 
When she sees the lateness of the hour, she delicately puts her books back in her red bag, not noticing how intensely the boy is staring at her. He simply can't help but admire her sweet angelic face, her tired-looking little eyes, the thin, shiny layer of lip balm covering her lips that he would dream of kissing; he likes everything about her and cannot help but smile foolishly. 
“Hey Y/n,” he whispers, catching her attention. “Me and the boys are throwing a party friday night, you should come.” 
“Oh, yeah, of course!” she smiles at him, noticing his blushing cheeks and the little spark in his gaze.
“Great! Good luck on your exam.” 
“Good luck to you too. I’ll see you friday.” 
─── °• ❀ ───
The room goes from purple to blue, then from blue to pink, courtesy of the spotlights that change the colour of the room's luminosity along the rhythm of the music. The parties hosted by the university football team always do justice to their reputation, no matter what’s the occasion. It's not the first time she attends one, but it's the first time she’s been invited by the quarterback. Her mind did not stop playing back the memory of the little sparkle in the young man's eyes when she had accepted his invitation. Maybe it meant nothing, but a part of her wants to believe it didn't. Plus, she really needs to take her mind off things after receiving her mediocre grade from the last exam. She knew her teacher was strict, but not this strict. 
As she makes her way through the dancing crowd, an arm slips around her naked shoulders, making her startles. She's used to being approached by boys at parties, but she hates it when they think they can do anything and touch her even if she doesn't want to. Looking up, she loosen up when she sees Drew's familiar face smirking at her and she's glad it's not a drunk who's asking her to blow him.
“I'm so glad you came,” he says to her as he hands her a red cup filled with beer. “How did your exam go?”
She pouts, taking a big sip of the golden liquid that tickles her throat.
“Really bad.” 
“That sucks,” she raises an eyebrow at the boy as when he takes back the cup that he just gave her and drops it on the countertop behind him. “C’mon, I have the perfect remedy for a bad grade.” 
Drew takes her tiny hand into his big one, guiding her to the backyard where several tables are set up to play beer pong. Small lights illuminate the yard where games have already started. People cheer each other up and yell like crazy when someone manage to get the ball in a cup. She recognizes Rudy’s familiar blond hair when he jumps into Jonathan's arms and she deduces they just won their game against Madison and Austin. Everyone laughs when the two boys lose their balance and crash into the grass, grunting at each other. Her hand is still holding Drew's firmly when he walks up to Chase who is sitting in a chair close to the fire pit with his girlfriend on his lap, grilling and eating marshmallows. 
“Yo Chase! Me and Y/n vs Maddie and you?” Drew challenges his friend, wiggling his eyebrows. 
“Game on, baby!” Chase exclaims as they both stand up and follow them to the table.
She and Drew make a fire team, throwing a series of winning shots and gradually getting Madelyn and Chase drunk. All the way through the game, she never worries about her bad grade, it's like it never existed. The alcohol in her bloodstream seems to be opening her eyes to Drew's attractiveness. The girl never really paid attention to how he is totally her type of guy. She bites her lower lip, obviously checking him out when he pulls off his hoodie and his shirt comes up, revealing the prominent V-shape above the hem of his pants. 
“Like what you see, don't ya?” he teases the girl, an irresistible smile on the corner of his lips. 
She blushes up to her ears, making Drew laugh, and he just adds to her embarrassment by putting his arm around her shoulders before throwing the last ball who lands directly into the last standing cup. Maybe it's the emotion of the moment for her, whereas he's been dreaming about it for months, but their eyes meet each other and suddenly their lips collide. The kiss doesn't last long, not long enough in his opinion. The flight of butterflies in the young woman's belly doesn't disappear when their lips separate, she needs to kiss him again, to feel him touch her. 
“I need you, Drew.” she whines close to his ear, making his heart skips a beat. "God, Y/n," he breaths out, pulling her closer to him. "Do you know how long I've been dreaming about you saying that to me?”
She just winks at him and grabs his hand, pulling him toward the front door as he pinches himself on the arm, not believing that this is really happening. He throws a murderous look at Rudy and Chase who make fun of him by pretending to make out sensually. They pass through the living room which is still full of people swinging their bodies to the rhythm of the music and climb upstairs where Drew guides them to his room. He slams her against the door, his hands grabbing her hips as he kisses her again. She bites his lower lip, making him growl against her mouth. Drew starts to place open mouthed kisses on her neck and she tiltes it to give him full access to her burning skin. He leads her to the bed, pinning her on the mattress and he removes her short as he is now hovering over her half naked body. His hand slides down her thigh, making her squirm under him as he gets closer to her core. He plays with the waistband of her panties, smirking against her lips.
“Drew,” she moans, looking at him with her eyes filled with desire. He grabs her waist and flip them over so she is now straddling him. She unbuttons his khaki shirt, slipping his hands over his muscular chest. She starts to grind down on his lap, making him whine and dig his fingers into her buttcheeks
“It's not about me tonight, I'm not the one who needs to be distracted.” he whispers to her ear before  flipping her over again so that he is now hovering over her. 
She lets out a few muffled moans as he leaves a trail of kisses between her breast and on her stomach. He sucks and nibbles at the skin on her inner thighs, only increasing her desire to feel him on her already wet womanhood. 
“You’re so pretty, all wet and spread out like this, just for me.”
“Drew, please…” she begs, but he cuts her short by placing a kiss on her clit, slipping her underwear off. He places an open-mouthed kiss just above her wet folds, making her buck her hips up. 
“So eager, baby, I like it.” he hums just above her bundle of nerves, sending vibrations on it. She runs her fingers through his light brown hair, pushing him closer to her heat. He finally licks a full stripe through her folds, making her back arch to the so desired feeling. 
“Oh fuck,” she groans as he inserts one finger in her, his tongue sucking on her clit. His hands are  firmly wrapped around her thighs to keep her spread open for him. She clenches the sheets between her fists, her eyes close under the wave of pleasure that runs through her body when he replaces his fingers with his tongue. His nose rubs up against her clit as he moves his face, pumping his tongue in and out of her.
“Fuck I’m so close, please don’t stop,” she moans, making him pumps his tongue faster. A few profanities mixed with loud moans leave her lips as she reaches her high, legs shaking on his shoulders. He licks her folds a few more times to clean her up, sending electric jolts through her body when he touches her sensitive nerves from the orgasm. He lies down beside her, pulling her towards him with his arms wrapped around her body.
“What about you? I’m no the type of girl who doesn’t give back,” she starts but Drew shushes her with a quick kiss. “I’m sure you’re not, but tonight it’s about you and only you.” 
“Fuck, you’re perfect, y’a know?” 
“It was about time you figured that out!” he mocks her and she giggles, burying her face further into the crook of his neck. 
─── °• ❀ ───
mila’s masterlist
taglist (send me an ask if you want to be added)
@milaonthemoon @spilledtee @pogue-writings @thebutterflyonhischest @ilovejjmaybank @bananasfromtarget @drewstarkeyobx @void-maybank @prejudic3
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reallybadfeeling · 4 years
FanFic Rec List February 2021
This has been... a month. At one point I wanted to set everything on fire and forget I lived through this month. Luckily enough, at least I had these wonderful fanfictions bringing me some joy. So, I happily share with you my personal recommendations of the month! And look at that, there’s more than one fandom! I'm impressed with myself, you guys!
Star Wars Prequels
-i just want you for my own by elysian prince Obi-Wan/Anakin - 17.226 words - Rating T - Fake/Pretend relationship, Modern AU
I’ve never hidden that I’m not a fan of fake/pretend relationships, but when it’s in a one-shot I'm okay with it, mostly. And both Anakin and Obi-Wan are super adorable and basically fall in love with each other immediately. So much fluff! I also loved how I read this closer to Valentine’s Day than Christmas, yet it’s just the kind of tooth rotting sweetness that's perfect for both seasons!
-Conceal Me What I Am by Himboskywalker Obi-Wan/Anakin - 108.325 words - Rating E - Omegaverse, Senator!Obi-Wan, Arranged Marriage
I know, I know! If I keep this up, the “I hate fake relationships” is gonna become a meme. But it’s the authors’ fault for writing fics so good that I even forget about that one tag that always bothers me. I think in this one it helps that the angst isn't related just to them faking their relationship but also to them having to hide their secondary gender. Also, so many fancy clothes in this fic! What can I say, I have a soft spot for our lovely Jedi dressed in expensive stuff.
-Obi-Mom Kenobi Series by Femalefonzie Obi-Wan/Anakin - 29.275 words - Not Rated - Omegaverse, Mpreg
The thing I loved the most about this fic is the mix of cuteness and humor. This series is such a treat! I truly enjoyed the elements of their own lore the author managed to fit in the Star Wars Universe, and every side-character has their own moment to shine… A nice lighthearted series, especially ‘cause every story is under 2.500 words, so you read them in one bite anytime.
-Changing Fate by robinasnyder Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan - 18.672 words - Rated M - Sith!Obi-Wan, Angst
If you want an evil Obi-Wan, this is not the fic. BUT, if you want a Sith Obi-Wan that was actually a slave of the Sith and that craved for a chance to join the Jedi, this is perfect. I love how fragile Obi-Wan feels all along, how much he’s ready to sacrifice himself for Qui-Gon. And I adored Obi-Wan’s relationship with everyone else being kinda complicated, since he actually dreams of what happened in canon. A nice touch, truly!
-Faultlines by Chibiobiwan Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan - 24.298 words - Rated T - Mission Fic, Mutual Pining, Hurt/Comfort (TW: Hypothermia, Near Drowning)
I craved for something where Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon are both Anakin’s teacher, and despite how the focus of this fic is more on Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon fixing their relationship, there are still those sweet moments with Anakin that just made me love every single hour it took me to finish it. I can’t put into words how much I wanted to read more of their adventures!
The Mandalorian
-Who Would Have Thought? by jes12321 Din/Luke - 1.734 words - Rating T - Soulmates, Fluff
As soon as I read what kind of soulmates AU this fanfiction was, I already knew I would love it. Then I actually fell in love with the story itself. My heart melted so much because of this one! Very much worth checking it out. THAT ENDING, MAN! I WANT MORE!
-Like a Thief in the Night by Vagrant_Blvrd Din/Luke - 3.023 words - Rating G - Accidental Marriage
Guys, this does not count as a fake relationship, I swear. They just end up accidentally marrying the other and it’s obviously all Han’s fault. And the thing with the rings! Just so lovely!
-One Fine Morning by Nununununu Din/Luke - 2.605 words - Rating G - Fluff
Am I honestly gonna suggest you read this fic only for one detail that made me squee for 5 minutes straight? You bet I am! Am I gonna spoil that detail for you? NOPE. You really just have to read this. (Hint, it’s about Grogu, ‘cause OF COURSE IT IS!)
-To Build A Home by subtlehysteria Din/Luke - 44.903 words - Rating T - Modern AU, Domestic fluff, Non-Sexual Intimacy
I’m kinda picky when it comes to intimacy with these two, because I honestly feel uncomfortable with the idea of them being sexual. This fic has just one circumstance where they are really intimate, and the scene kept me on the line between making me uncomfortable and still being okay with what's going on. Just giving a heads up to anyone that might share this struggle. Other than that, this fic is absolutely lovely! I love the relationships between every character and I adored how cute Grogu was. The fluff is SO strong with this one, you guys, but I gotta admit that the humor is what touched me the most! (I have a soft spot for fanfictions that make me giggle, sue me.)
-vienna waits for you by mottainai Eddie/Buck - 16.406 words - Not Rated - Getting together, Soulmates, Angst, (TW: Self-worth issues, Referenced child abuse)
Guys, I’m not kidding with this one. I was literally SOBBING at one point. Am I overly sensitive? Probably! But this one just hit a nerve with me and it destroyed me in the most lovely way. I will not spoil any other details, but truly: both Eddie and Buck obviously deserve good things.
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albertasunrise · 3 years
Amateur Heist - Chapter 1
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Summary: You know his name is Marcus Pike. You know he works for the FBI. You’ve seen him around the gallery the past week, or so. Thrown him longing looks when his back's turned but he's here for a reason, a tip that the gallery was going to be a robbed. What you don’t know is that you are about to get a lot more acquainted with him as his life will literally be in your hands.
Warnings: Blood and Injury, Hostage situation, Angst.
Relationship: Marcus x Reader
You know his name is Marcus Pike. You know he works for the FBI. You’ve seen him around the gallery the past week, or so. Thrown him longing looks when his back's turned but he's here for a reason, a tip that the gallery was going to be a robbed. What you don’t know is that you are about to get a lot more acquainted with him as his life will literally be in your hands.
The day started out like any other. You opened up the gallery as normal and busied yourself with cleaning and paperwork as you did every day. Your boss usually arrives around 9 with a coffee for you and he in hand, he never fails to bring you your latte with a single shot of Caramel syrup.
‘Good morning Sweet.’ He says with a smile as he hands you your to-go cup, pecking you on the cheek before heading to his office in the back.
Marcus doesn’t have a particular time that he arrives but he usually pops in around mid-morning to scour the CCTV footage and speak to you and your boss about anything suspicious that you may have seen. He’s always dressed down, never looks like an FBI agent and he explained that this was in case they were scoping the place. He didn't want to raise suspicion which was why he always enters from the rear of the gallery also as the alley made anyone spying on the place easier to spot.
‘I have a lunchtime reservation with Fiona today so I will be out until around 2.’ States your boss as he emerges from his office a little while later, iPad in hand ‘You think you’ll be able to hold the fort whilst I'm out?’
‘Oh, I think I’ll be able to handle it.’ You chuckle as you look around at the empty gallery.
‘Perfect!’ He exclaims before returning to tapping away at the tablet in his hand.
You busy yourself again after he leaves, busy typing up emails when the bell above to door dings, alerting you to someone entering.
‘I will be with you in just a moment.’ You say as you finish up a receipt for your latest sale.
‘You’ll deal with me now.’ A voice growls and you look up slowly to see a gun pointing straight at you.
You don’t know where the sudden confidence comes from but you manage to blindly dial Marcus’ number, knowing he was the last person you’d called on your work mobile to confirm something the previous day.
‘Step away from the counter with your hands above your head.’ He spits and you do as you’re told, your eyes fixed on his ‘Lock the door. You run, I shoot you.’
You nod, slowly making your way to the door and turning the key in the lock before turning back to face him. What now?
‘You going to swing by the gallery today boss?’ Asks Matt as Marcus walks into the communal kitchen.
‘I’m not sure yet.’ He replies, shrugging as he pours some coffee into this mug ‘It’s been over a week and there have been no hits on the gallery.’ He pauses to take a sip ‘Maybe we were given a bad tip.’
‘So you’re not even going to pop by just so you can see her?’ Matt asks suggestively as he wiggles his eyebrows at his boss.
‘Don’t Matt.’ He warns as he points at him.
‘Oh come on. I've seen the way you look at her.’ He states ‘Just ask her out. I’m sure she’d say yes.’
‘How would you know. My dealings with her have been nothing but professional.’
‘Because I’ve seen the way she looks at you when your back is turned.’ Matt finishes and Marcus feels a warm feeling wash over him.
Did you like him? He couldn’t deny that he had a rather large crush on you. He found you irresistible. You not only had a vast knowledge about art but you were also just as passionate as he was about it. His phone ringing in his pocket tugs him back to reality and he pulls it out to see your name flashing on the screen.
‘Who is it?’ Asks Matt quizzically.
‘It’s her.’
‘Maybe she’s calling to see where you are?’ He states, giving his boss a wink as Marcus answers.
He doesn’t hear anything initially and he wonders if you may have dialled him by mistake but just as he was about to pull his phone away from his ear he heard it.
‘Step away from the counter with your hands above your head’
Marcus’ face drops.
‘Boss, what is it?’ Matt asks upon noticing his bosses change in demeanour.
‘We need to get down to the gallery now.’ He states, hanging up the phone ‘It’s being robbed.’
In less than an hour, the gallery is surrounded, the whole street closed off as FBI and Police vehicles line the street. Marcus jumps out of his car and makes his way to the rest of his team that is eagerly awaiting his instruction and he glances inside to see you curled up against the wall as the assailant paces nervously.
‘We have both the front and rear entrance’s covered.’ States Alice as she nods at her boss in greeting ‘We don’t think he is aware that there is another way into the gallery. I think it’s likely that he’s new to this boss.’
‘Right,’ Marcus starts, looking down at the blueprint spread across the hood of Alice’s car ‘Matt and I are going to enter from the rear. If he isn't aware of it then we should be able to get in and subdue him easily. Alice, I want you and James to stay here and keep the local police instructed on what the plan is. If we aren’t able to get in then he may start making demands.’
‘You got it.’ She replies as she folds up the blueprint and makes her way over to a cluster of officers stood a little further down the street from them.
‘Right. Vest on. We’re going in.’ Orders Marcus and Matt nods.
As soon as they were suited up they were sprinting down the alleyway, Marcus pulling out the key the owner had given him and gingerly turning it in the lock.
‘Stay behind me.’ He says to Matt before opening the door and stepping inside, both of them watching their footing carefully as not to alert the robber to their presence.
Meanwhile, you have been made to move to the other side of the divide that sits proudly at the centre of the gallery and thats when you’d realised that this man wasn’t alone. There is two of them. You’d managed to keep yourself somewhat calm but you were starting to feel the adrenaline wearing off and your body had started to betray you. From the corner of your eye, you notice the storeroom door creaking open, your eyes growing wide when Marcus’s face comes into view and he raises his pointer finger up to his lips. You nod, just enough that he knows that you understand but not enough to rouse suspicion and then your gaze flits to the man across from you, you shut your eyes and pray for it to be over.
‘FBI, HANDS UP.’ Shouts Marcus as he jumps into the room, aiming his weapon at the man behind you, the only one he knows about.
‘MARCUS, WATCH OUT.’ You scream as your eyes shoot open and you see the second man aim his weapon at the agent.
It happens in a flash. Pike turns just quick enough to see his attacker before they pull the trigger, the agent hitting the ground with a loud thud. You look over at him, his face already painted in blood and he's blinking rapidly in what you assume is an attempt to try and clear his mind.
‘BACK UP.’ Shouts the man behind you as he steps closer to Matt ‘Back up or my partner here will shoot him between the eyes.' He spits as he waves his weapon at a dazed Marcus.
Matt did as he was bid, backing up with his hands raised in surrender. He glances at his boss, there's is blood and a lot of it. Marcus is laying there still blinking, desperately trying to make sense of what has just happened but all he could hear is a ringing in his ears as his vision starts to grey around the edges.
‘You tell your colleagues that we’ll have some demands.’ Growls, who you had decided must be in charge ‘If they aren’t met. These two die.’ He states and you lock eyes with Matt in a silent plea to save you ‘Now run along and tell them that we’ll be in touch!’
Matt turns and leaves, sprinting through the back door with Marcus’ attacker hot on his heels.
‘Make sure no one can get through that door!' He yells before turning his attention back to you, and then to the bleeding agent on the floor ‘You best take a look at that.’ He orders as he watches Marcus flop on the floor ‘He don’t look so good.’
You pull off your blazer and scoot over to him, pressing it firmly against his gushing head wound in an attempt to slow the bleeding. Now you were no doctor but you’d watched House. You know head wounds bleed a lot but do they normally bleed this much? You peel your blazer back a moment to get a better look at the damage and you gasp at what you see. This grabs Marcus’ attention.
‘That bad eh?’ He asks, his brown eyes full of fear.
‘No.’ You reply, shaking your head ‘Just grazed you. You’ll be okay.’ You lie, not able to bring yourself to tell him the truth. The bullet had grazed him alright but from the looks of it, it had fractured his skull in the process.
His eyes were starting to droop. You know that people with head injuries need to stay awake and so you shake his shoulder and you speak to him ‘You need to stay awake agent Pike.’ You urge, feeling tears start to sting your eyes ‘Just keep those pretty brown eyes on me.’
‘You think my eyes are pretty?’ He questions, smirking at you and you let out a breathy chuckle.
‘Yes.’ You reply with a nod ‘I think they’re very pretty Agent Pike.’
'Marcus.' He repeats 'Call me Marcus.'
‘Matt, what the hell is going on?’ Yells James upon seeing the younger agent sprinting across the street ‘Where the hell is Marcus? We heard gunshots!’
‘He’s been shot.’ Matt states as he leans heavily on the car whilst he attempts to catch his breath ‘There's two of them.’ One’s hiding just on the other side of that divide. He caught Pike by surprise, got him in the head.’
‘FUCK!.’ Yells James ‘He alive?’
‘He was when I left.’ Matt replies ‘They’re going to be calling with demands soon so we need to make sure someone's ready to take that call. He was bleeding badly so I’m not sure how long he’s going to hold out.’
‘Right grab Alice.’ James orders, motioning to the female agent ‘She’ll be our best bet at getting them out alive.’
‘How did you get into art.’ He asks, his eyes growing heavier by the minute.
‘Well, it's the only thing I'm any good at.’ You chuckle before noticing how cold his skins gone Shit he’s going into shock ‘I went to school in England where I studied for 6 years. Learned that it’s impossible to make any money selling work no one wants. Then I met Simon and he offered me a job here. What about you?’
‘Pretty much the same.’ He replies, shivering as he looks sideways at the painting on the wall beside you ‘Apart from the studying on England part. Discovered that I was also quite the detective and ended up working for the FBI Art Crimes Division. I hadn’t even known there was one till I joined.’
‘I’ll confess I didn’t either. It almost seems like something out of a movie.’ You say and he smiles warmly at you before his eyes slip closed ‘Hey Marcus no. Keep your eyes open for me.’
You can see he’s trying but he’s failing miserably and so you rack your brain for something, anything you can do to get his attention.
Then it hits you.
You lean down and press your soft lips against his, smiling when he gasps in surprise before kissing you back and letting out a small hum of approval.
‘Normally I like to be wined and dined first.’ He jokes as you pull away, his brown eyes sparkling.
‘Well how about we make a deal? You keep your eyes open for me and stay awake and as a reward, I will take you out to dinner.’ You say and he grins at you.
‘Are you asking me on a date?’
‘Maybe I am.’ You reply, returning his toothy smile with your own.
‘I’m supposed to do that.’ He mumbles, eyes starting to flutter again.
‘Well, you’ve had over a week!’ You exclaim and he chuckles weakly ‘I guess I’ve had to take matters into my own hands.’
He looks up at you through hooded lids, his smile, though weak, still spreading to his eyes.
‘Okay. I will on one con-condition.’ He stutters and you tilt your head in curiosity ‘I pay.’
‘Hmmm, I think I can accept those terms.’ You reply, smiling sweetly at him as one hand presses down your blood-soaked blazer to his head as the other cups his cheek, thumb rubbing circles on the soft skin there.
‘Then it’s a date.’ He chuckles before scrunching his eyes as the pain starts to filter through.
‘What are they demanding?’ Asks Matt, watching as Alice listens to the perps over the phone.
‘They want to walk out of there.’ She states ‘They haven’t taken anything and they won’t if we let them go without charge. They want a car and the promise that when they leave, they won’t be followed.’
‘Are they insane?’ Matt whisper shouts ‘One of them shot a fucking federal agent in the head!’
‘Well, we might have to concede to their demands.’ She states ‘Marcus isn’t doing well according to him.'
‘Headquarters aren’t going to just let them walk out.’ States James and Alice throws the phone down as she lets out an exasperated sigh ‘Well it's that or Pike bleeds to death.’ She growls ‘Which will it be?’
You notice that Marcus’ eyes are starting to slip shut again. His skin is now a scary shade of white and his breathing has become erratic. You know the warning signs for shock and he is definitely ticking those boxes. You also know he didn’t have long before his organs would start to shut down. It would most likely kill him before the blood loss.
‘Where shall we go on our date then?’ You ask, desperate to keep him with you ‘Now I don’t know about you but I live for Pancakes.’
‘I l-love p…pan-cakes.’ Your heart twists at how hard it is for him to speak now.
‘Well, I know this super cute little diner. Does the best pancakes.’ You state as you pull him a little closer to you ‘They do the Canadian special. Thick, fluffy pancakes topped in crispy chicken and maple-cured bacon. Of course, it's then drowned in maple syrup.’
‘S-sounds good.’ He says, his hand grabbing your forearm and giving it a squeeze ‘I think I'd like t-to try th-that.’
‘Well, then that settles it. We’ll go there for dinner and order two Canadian Specials.’ You declare and he gives you a dopey smile.
‘Then what will we do?’ He asks, his eyes a little brighter than before.
‘Then we can go for a walk. There’s a lovely park a little way down from there. They light up the trees at night, it's magical.’ You state and he smiles as he listens to you speak ‘Then you can walk me back to my apartment, I don't live far from there, and you can kiss me goodnight on my doorstep.’
‘I’d like that.’
‘Just a kiss mind.’ You state as you feign a serious expression ‘I don’t do any funny business on the first date.’
‘Noted.’ He replies, his laugh followed by dry coughing that makes him groan in pain.
When the pain settles a little he looks up at you again. That fear you’d first seen has returned and you feel your stomach twisting in knots.
‘I’m so cold.’ He states and you feel your blood turn to ice.
‘You just need to hold on a little longer.’ You plead, shaking him gently as his eyes slip shut for a moment ‘Come on Marcus, let me see those eyes again.’
He graces you with his gaze. Brow knitted together as tears start to leak from the corner of his eyes ‘I’m scared.’ He sobs and you swear your heart shatters.
‘There’s no reason to be scared, Marcus.’ You say softly as you rock him gently in your arms ‘You’re going to be fine.’ You state as you look up and your captors who are busy growling down the phone ‘Everything’s going to be okay. We're going to get out of here. Okay? Marcus?’
‘Marcus?’ You glance down and sob.
He’s lost the battle to keep his eyes open.
Chapter 2
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btschooseafic · 3 years
Hey you, what’s your dream?
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Pairing: platonic!oc x ot7
Details: manager!oc, predebut/idolverse, partial BTS World!verse
Summary: Aviva gets pissed off at an executive.
Warnings: This is a fictional story based on real events. The characters presented here are not the same as their real life counterparts. (TW: discussion of body shaming/ body image issues) [Masterlist]
Track 19: Valentine’s Day
Sour Candy- Lady Gaga & BLACKPINK
“I'm sour candy
So sweet then I get a little angry”
February 14th, 2013
Soonyoung woke Aviva with a big wet kiss to her forehead.
“Happy Valentine’s Day!” She held out a box of chocolates to the younger girl, beaming. Aviva rubbed her eyes and squinted up at Soonyoung, looming over her in bed. She was wearing a pretty red dress.
Aviva glanced at her phone. “Why are you up and dressed so early? Why are you waking me up so early?”
“I’ve got a pity breakfast hook-up date thing with a friend of a friend,” Soonyoung told her all in one breath. “But he only had time in the early morning, so, like, I wanted to say goodbye to you first.”
Aviva yawned. “Too bad, I was gonna make us a nice breakfast.”
Soonyoung pouted. “I could skip the pity breakfast hook-up date thing and stay with you. You’re more important, and your food tastes just as good as whatever café it is we’re going to, I’m sure.”
Aviva laughed. “Thanks for the flattery, but you should go. You’ve been complaining about how horny you’ve been lately.”
“True.” Soonyoung nodded. “Okay, I’ll go, but you do something fun for yourself today too, okay, girl?” Aviva shrugged. “Do it! I’m gonna call Hobi and make him bully you until you do!”
“Well, that’s no fun…” Aviva muttered.
Later that morning, Aviva went to the dorm as usual, to pick everyone up for their day of work. Jimin sat in the passenger’s seat next to her, unusually quiet and wearing his scarf covering his face.
“He got a cold cause he didn’t dress warmly enough when we went home for the holidays,” Jungkook told her, noticing her glancing at him every so often.
“Agh, Kookie, you didn’t have to tell her that!” Jimin protested hoarsely.
“It’s okay, manager, we still have plenty of that throat care stuff you gave us a while ago, so we’ve been testing everything that was left out on Jiminie,” Jin told her.
“Testing…?” Aviva wondered. Jimin grimaced.
“Nothing’s working,” he told her quietly.
“Hmmm. I’ve also got some special tea Soonie’s grandmother gave us over the holidays,” Aviva told him. “If you wanted to try that.” He shrugged.
“I’ll try anything at this point.” He stared at his feet. “I’m supposed to be an idol, how can I do that if I can’t sing?”
“Yah,” Namjoon said lightly.
“You can sing, Namjoon-ah,” Aviva said. He smiled at her. “...sort of.”
“Yah,” Namjoon said, again, now looking more offended.
“You could just be the hot dancer, Jiminie,” Tae suggested.
“Hmm, but Hobi-hyung,” Jimin pointed out. “And you and Kookie aren’t that bad either, Tae. Hmm, and Yoongi-hyung, sometimes.”
“Sometimes?” Yoongi wondered. Jungkook grinned as Namjoon frowned.
“Yah!” Jin said, his face squeezing up as he swung his arms around. “Joon-ah and I can be hot dancers too!” Namjoon snickered.
“You’d still be the cutest one, Jiminie,” Hoseok told him. Jimin frowned.
At the office, Jimin, Hoseok, and Jungkook went to dance practice, while Tae, Jin, and JK went to vocal practice, and Yoongi and Namjoon went to work on writing more songs. Aviva had a meeting with marketing, and then went to check on Jimin.
She found two girls waiting outside the dance studio, whispering and giggling. Aviva recognized them as some of the newer trainees, who were already fans of BTS, the maknae line in particular. They jumped when they saw her, trying to hide something behind their backs. They were holding boxes of chocolate.
Aviva smiled. “It’s alright, girls. I won’t tell the higher ups if you want to give the boys chocolates. Just don’t let their heads get too big.”
They giggled. “Thanks, manager-nim!”
“Do you mind if I wait around with you? I wanted a word with my clients.”
They shook their heads. The girls waited together in silence for a few minutes, before Aviva started up conversation again, asking what kind of chocolates they got, and how their training was going.
By the time the boys finally came out of the studio, she had given the girls her number and told them to call her if they ever had any trouble.
Jungkook and Jimin blushed as the girls handed over the chocolate boxes and then rushed off. Hoseok sighed.
“None for me?”
“You’re too old,” Jungkook told him ruthlessly. Hoseok winced.
“Aish, Avi, you’ll get me chocolate, right?”
Aviva made a noncommittal noise. Hoseok whined as the younger boys laughed.
“What’s on our schedule next?” Jimin wondered, his voice still raw.
“I’ve got vocal practice,” Jungkook told him apologetically. Jimin winced.
“I was gonna join Yoongi-hyung and Namjoon-ah if you want to come, Jiminie,” Hoseok offered. He hesitated.
“Or you can come rest in my office,” Aviva offered. “I’m just going to be working on my computer for a while, so it’ll be quiet.”
“…Okay,” Jimin said. “I could use a nap.”
As they neared her office, Aviva spotted a higher-up the boys had been having trouble with recently. She automatically shifted her body in front of Jimin, trying to hide him, but the employee saw him anyway.
“Ah, Jimin-ssi…” He sneered down at the box of chocolates. “Are you sure that’s wise?” Jimin stiffened. “You’re supposed to be having a debut soon, and they say that the camera adds twenty—”
“You have no right to speak to my client that way!” Aviva snapped. The official stared at her.
“Excuse me?”
“No. I have excused your behavior long enough,” she thought.
“Avi…” Jimin whispered worriedly behind her, gripping her arm.
“I understand that this is a competitive industry, but you have no right to say purposefully harmful things to a growing teenage boy!” She drew herself up to her full height, which was several inches shorter than the man. “How would you feel if someone had spoken to you like that when you were his age? Or is that exactly what happened? Are you stuck in a vengeful cycle because you were hurt as a child and never able to grow past it?”
“You have gone too far!” The man said, pointing his finger in her face. “I will have you fired for this! Or at the very least, suspended without pay!”
He stomped off down the hall.
“…You shouldn’t have said that,” Jimin said, looking a little tearful. “What if he really gets you fired? I mean, he’s not wrong about the chocolate, even if he could’ve said it more nicely—”
“No!” She said sharply. Jimin flinched. Aviva took a deep breath. “Jiminie, I’m sorry, I’m…” She rubbed her temples. “It’s not just you, he’s been saying comments like that to all of the boys, and to trainees even younger than you… I know people say things like that all the time, but he is definitely the worst I’ve ever personally met.”
Jimin studied her for a moment.
“Walk with me,” he said, taking her arm again.
“Where are we going?” She wondered, glancing around the hall.
“Hey, noona, I know you were standing up for us, and others, and I’m grateful for that… but it sounded a little personal too. Is there…” He massaged his throat. “Is there anything you want to talk about?”
She frowned. “I’m here to help you, not talk about myself.”
“You don’t have to,” he said. “But if you want to... talking to you helps me, a lot. I just want to return the favor. You don’t always have to shoulder everything, you know, just because you’re the manager. You’re my friend too, and I care about you.”
“Jiminie...” She groaned as he stared wide-eyed at her. “Oh, not the puppy dog eyes!” He grinned. “Fine, but keep it quiet, okay? I don’t like to talk about it much.”
“I don’t want to force you—“
“It’s not that.” She waved her hand.
“I just don’t want certain people to know, so...” She put her finger on her lips. “Okay?” He nodded, sliding his hand down to hers and squeezing. “No one ever said anything, well, not to my face… but sometimes in the changing room people would whisper, and laugh… everywhere in the media, and most of the women surrounding me at work, on the train, at the store… They’re just a lot… smaller.” She frowned down at herself. “I get that there are different challenges facing body image as a Korean man in an idol group, and especially a dancer,” she said, looking at him grimly. “But for me, my main issue is feeling too big, like I take up too much space. Especially when I moved here...”
“Idols are pushed to be skinny,” Jimin agreed. “Just as much as contemporary dancers in general, though for some different reasons, it mostly boils down to not fitting an image someone decided was the ideal long ago.” He reached out, pushing her hair back from her face. “I think we’re both gorgeous, so fuck them.” She laughed. “I’m serious.” He pouted.
“I know, thanks, Jiminie.” She looked up, realizing he’d led her to the studio. “Why are we here?”
“Cause we’re gonna ask the hyungs to help you keep your job,” Jimin said. Her eyes widened. She shook her head.
“Jimin-ah, no, I don’t want to drag them down with me.”
“Too bad.” He pulled the door open, dragging her with him. “We’re with you all the way, whether you like it or not.”
Hoseok and Yoongi had been so angry when they heard what happened that Namjoon had Jin take them home early. Jin had to basically drag them out of the room. Jungkook, Jimin, and Tae practically had to sit on Aviva to get her to stay in the studio while Namjoon left to talk to the higher-ups.
“I talked them down to three days unpaid suspension, and no mention of it on your permanent record,” he told them when he got back to the studio. He snorted when he saw Aviva’s hair, mussed from her running her fingers through it so much. He combed it down absentmindedly with his fingers.
“Thanks,” she said quietly. “I mean, I still kind of wish you hadn’t, but… thanks.” She looked at Jimin. “You too.”
“And we get to walk back, since Jin-hyung took the van!” Jungkook said happily.
Taehyung groaned. “No… I’m tired…”
“We still have several hours left, guys,” Namjoon told them. He looked at Aviva. “Ah, they want you out of here ASAP though, just in case he sees you and tries to complain again.”
“Got it.” She nodded. “I’ll go to the dorm and grab my car.”
“You don’t have to,” Namjoon said. “You can go home and rest. Jin-hyung can drop it off tomorrow.” She waved her hand.
“You know I won’t be able to sit around and rest while everyone else is working hard.”
“Well, you deserve some rest, but… yeah, I know you’re not the type.” He shook his head, smiling fondly at her back as she left.
Aviva was surprised when she walked into the dorm and Yoongi greeted her with a hug.
“They shouldn’t have done that to you,” he growled in her ear.
“Now, now, all’s well that ends well,” Jin said pleasantly. “Do you want a snack to cheer you up, Avi-yah? Maybe something sweet.”
Yoongi pulled away from her, his lips twitching slightly.
“You do deserve a treat.”
“For getting in trouble with my sunbaenims?” She wondered.
“Well, for that—” Yoongi agreed.
“Fuck the man!” Hoseok cried out from behind them, punching the air.
Aviva laughed.
“And also… for standing up for us,” Yoongi continued, more quietly. “Come on.” He took her hand. “I’ll take you out for one of those ridiculously expensive coffees you secretly like.”
“No, it’s waste of money,” she argued.
“Not for you,” he argued back.
“It’s fine,” she said. “I appreciate the thought, but I don’t want you wasting your money on me… especially when I’ve just been suspended without pay for a couple of days… just… I’m sure I can find something in the kitchen, let’s make something together.”
Yoongi’s eyes widened.
“You want to…cook with me?”
“Eh, I’m so jealous,” Jin said. “Sounds fun.”
“Baking, more likely,” she said. “But yeah, if that sounds okay with you, it would probably help me take my mind off things.”
“Okay.” He nodded, his face flushed slightly. “Let’s do it.”
Yoongi seemed a little disappointed to be making a chocolate cake for the boys, but once they started he got really into it.
Aviva offered him the bowl to lick, but he shook his head, staring at the cake in the oven in interest.
“It’s not going to bake any faster if you watch it,” she told him, her lips twitching in amusement. He shrugged. “Okay, well, don’t burn yourself. I’m going to clean up—”
“Wait!” Jin ran in, closely followed by Hoseok.
“We heard something about cake batter!”
“You can have it if you help me clean up,” Aviva bargained.
“Fine,” Hobi said, making grabby hands at her. “Just hand it over.”
“Dishes first,” she told him.
“Namjoon…” Aviva said over the phone that night. She heard him gulp.
“About that song you just posted to Soundcloud…”
“Yeah? What about it?”
“You do know there are rules against explicit content, right? And that the new Head of Marketing is aiming you specifically towards a younger audience?”
“Ah, so here’s the thing. I may have lost a bet with Hope-ah and the punishment was to record and post a song with lyrics that were, um…”
Aviva sighed, massaging her temples. “Okay, so both you and Hoseokie are in trouble, got it.”
“Is it really that bad?” He wondered.
“Honestly, I think it’s hilarious,” she told him. “But I don’t think Chief Ho Kyungso will agree. I miss Sanghoon-sunbae, at least he could take a joke…”
“Hilarious?” Namjoon repeated. “It’s supposed to be sexy!”
Aviva laughed.
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