#i'm going with kaitlyn myself
marigoidz · 7 months
New poll since my current one's about to end
By scary procedure I mean one that would be scary to you personally, for whatever reason
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kjupchurch-xx · 8 days
Knowing You Part Two - WattPad Request
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TMZ: BREAKING NEWS! Hugh Jackman calls younger co-star his Storm!
US Weekly: Hugh Jackman gets flirty on the red carpet with co-star!
Twitter Trends:
As we made our way down the red carpet, I looked up to Hugh, still smiling for the hundreds of photographers snapping our photos. "I'm your storm, huh?" I teased.
He smiled as he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him for the photos. "Sorry, Halle." He joked back.
I playfully rolled my eyes, "You know the media is going to have a frenzy with that if they aren't already." I said with a laugh as we shifted our bodies in the other direction for the other photographers.
He leaned in, whispering in my ear, "Let them." He said as he pulled away, going back to posing for the cameras.
Soon, our other co-stars accompanied us, we posed for group cast photos, Hugh still keeping his grip on my waist. As the red carpet event ended, Hugh and I were riding in the backseat of the luxury SUV that had picked us up.
He still sat close, keeping his hand on my thigh. Glen and Rachel were scrolling through their phones as Glen chuckled, "She's your Storm, huh?"
Hugh laughed, "You heard about that, mate?" He asked him, gently squeezing my thigh.
Glen laughed as he showed his phone to us, "It's all over TikTok." It was playing a continuous loop of our interview where Hugh referred to me as "his Storm". I laughed as I watched myself try to keep from giggling at the camera as Hugh smirked into the camera view.
I smiled as I looked at him. He was everything I could've ever wanted in a man, but he and I had both made it clear we were not interested in a relationship right now after splitting from our long-term marriages. As much as I didn't want to admit for the fear of scaring him away, the friends with benefits situation had me starting to slowly fall for him. He pleased me in ways that no one ever had.
He caught me staring and looked at me, with a half smile, "What's on your mind?" He asked knowingly.
I chuckled, shaking my head slightly, "Nothing!" I said quickly.
His smile grew wider, "Oh? Really?" He asked, playful sarcasm dripping from his voice.
I bit my lip anxiously as I failed to hide my cheekiness, “Yep.” I said, as the sound of the ‘p’ popped.
He chuckled, still smiling at me, “I’m sure I’ll get it out of you later.” He said with a wink, giving my thigh another light squeeze.
I swallowed the lump in my throat as I giggled softly, “You still owe me a milkshake.” I teased.
He playfully rolled his eyes, “Oh love, how could I ever forget?” He said sweetly.
I smiled as I leaned my head on his shoulder as the drive to our homes continued. Rachel was dropped off at her home, Glen was dropped off shortly after and Hugh would be dropped off with me since he hadn’t had a place of his own in LA. We all lived in close proximity to one another, so we weren’t alone in the SUV for much time before we pulled into my driveway.
As we got out of the SUV, we thanked the driver and headed towards my front door. “Finally…” I heard him say with a content sigh, “I’ve been waiting to have you all to myself all night”. He said playfully.
I giggled as I unlocked the door, allowing us to enter the house. “Can you at least let me get showered and out of this ridiculous dress?” I joked as we walked past the kitchen.
He chuckled, “I’m going to shower and change too. I need out of this suit.” He said as he removed the tie.
I snickered as I kicked the heels off, and walked past the couch. “Hey?” Hugh said softly from behind me.
“Hmm?” I asked, turning around to face him.
He sat on the couch, grabbing my arm, pulling me onto his lap. “You look stunning tonight.” He said softly as he smiled, his face slowly inching closer to mine.
“Thank you.” I murmured softly through my blushes as I felt his lips finally touch mine for the first time tonight.
I missed his kisses. I missed his touch. The kiss was slow, it wasn’t aggressive or crazy. It was a much sweeter, gentler kiss. He brought his hands up, cupping my cheeks as I wrapped my arms around his neck, getting comfortable on his lap.
He pulled away and looked at me, smirking slightly as I tucked my bottom lip between my teeth, gazing into his eyes. I wanted to tell him, but I just felt like telling him about the way I was starting to feel would potentially ruin things.
He shifted us both, “You gonna tell me what’s on your mind now, love?” He asked as he gazed into my eyes and slightly tilted his head.
I shrugged, trying to act as if I wasn’t sure what he was referring to. “Nothing. I was just thinking about how well the event went.” I said, trying to sound as reassuring as possible.
He squinted his eyes at my response, “You’re not a very good liar.” He giggled softly.
I mocked a dramatic gasp, “I’m not lying!” I exclaimed, giggling softly.
He fixed his hazel eyes back on mine, “Tell me what’s bothering you.” He said, his voice soft but firm.
My face instantly formed into a more serious expression. “I can’t.” I said, barely above a whisper as I looked away, still keeping my arms around his neck.
His expression softened, “You can tell me anything without judgement. You know that.” He said, continuing to gaze at my expression.
I looked up, exhaling deeply. I could feel my anxiety about to burst as I pursed my lips together tightly. “I fucked up.” I said bluntly with a dry chuckle.
He looked at me questionably, “What do you mean? What did you do?” He asked, his voice beginning to sound a tad bit worried.
I swallowed the lump forming in my throat, “I stopped being able to separate my feelings from our… our arrangement.” I said slowly, exhaling.
He looked at me, swallowing his own nervous lump in his throat as I continued. “I know you don’t want a relationship right now, and I said I didn’t either.”
He nodded in agreement, “You’ve developed feelings for me, is that what you’re saying?” He asked, trying to clarify my words.
I nodded slowly, “Yeah. That’s… what I’m saying. And I know this will absolutely screw everything up.” I said as I pursed my lips together once more.
He brought his hand up, running his fingers through his dark hair. I could feel tears beginning to well up in my eyes. I didn’t want to complicate things, or to run him off by feeling something for him other than lust.
I needed him to say something.
He removed his fingers from his own hair, placing his hand back on my cheek, cupping it. I felt my eyes close, afraid of his reaction or the rejection I was going to receive.
He chuckled softly, “That’s funny.” He simply said, causing me to open my eyes and look at him, feeling disappointed. He continued as he saw my expression, “I was just telling my mates a few days ago that I felt that way about you.” He said softly as a small smile began appearing on his lips.
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Playing with his Hair
Chris x reader, 1st person, reader POV
TW: shitty manager
Summary: you've had a long day. Everything was way more difficult than it needed to be. Chris asks you to come over when you get off of work for a gaming stream.
I hate my job. Honestly, I wish I could quit. Most of my coworkers don't even do their jobs, preferring to dump it onto me and my couple close work friends. I know Chris wouldn't mind if I quit and depended on him until I found a different job for a little while, but I would just feel so guilty about it. He's never say it, but I can tell he's under a decent amount of stress trying to keep up a specific appearance for the triplets' fans. I wish all three of them would take a break and just focus on destressing for a little bit.
Nevertheless, I have about twenty minutes left in my shift before the next person gets here to take my place and I can clock out. The diner I work at is incredibly slow at the moment, so I pull my phone out behind the counter and check the time. Well, "check the time." Really, it's just to see Chris on my lock screen. His name pops up in my notifications. I unlock my phone and click on the little box.
Chris 💖: hey doll, I know you're at work, but do you want to come over after you get off? We're doing gaming stream. You can spend the night?
I grin at his message. He's so sweet. I shoot him back a thumbs up since my manager is approaching and slip my phone back into my pocket.
"Bad news, Kaitlyn is running late, so you'll have to stay late." I hate this man. I hold the string of curses in and respond calmly instead.
"How late are we talking?" I lean on the counter in front of me.
"I don't know exactly. Probably at least an extra thirty minutes past your clock out time." His leans across the counter, putting his face near mine. "That isn't an issue is it?" It sounds like a question, but I know better. I know John better than that. No, if I complain I risk my job.
"That's fine." It's not fine. The time moves slowly. At one point I swear the clock starts moving backwards. Eventually, Kaitlyn runs in, her hair messy and her face tired.
"I'm so sorry, babes." She says to me quickly. "I had no idea you were the one stuck here with John. I'll make it up to you, I swear."
"You better." I say lightly, mostly joking. "I'm out of here. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers though." I say as I walk towards the back to clock out. I bump into John. "Kaitlyn just got here, so I'm going to clock out now." He rolls his eyes at me, but says no protest.
I get into my car after clocking out and pull my phone out. I shoot Chris a text.
Me: sorry I'm running so late, Kaykat was late 😭😭 I'm heading over now.
Chris 💖: okay ma, I'll have fresh clothes waiting for you <3
He really is sweet. How did I get so lucky? I start my car and pull out of the parking lot. The drive goes by quickly and before I know it, I'm pulling into the familiar drive way. I park my car, and let myself into the house.
"Honey, I'm back from hell!" I call out. I make my way down to Chris's room when I get no answer. He's not there, but some of his clothes are laid out on the bed. He's laid out one of his hoodies and some sweats. It just seems a little hot for all of that. I grab a shirt from his closet, one that's been worn soft and open the drawer he had kindly donated to hold my growing collection of clothes at his house. I grab a pair of shorts, then change my mind. I grab a pair of his boxers and a pair of black thigh high compression socks. My legs are already aching from that shift, so I'll need the support. I set it on his bed and go to his bathroom. I take my make up off and let my hair down before going back into his room to change.
Once I'm changed and I've deemed myself suitable for public sight, I head upstairs to the room they always stream in. I can hear them yelling from down the hall. I softly open the door and slip in. Nick and Matt are busy yelling at Chris for dying.
"You're done! No more playing until you can stay alive for longer than five fucking minutes!" Nick yells. Matt takes over on playing the game. Chris turns around and spots me.
"Baby!" He rushes me and pulls me to his body. "I missed you!" He brings me to the couch they kept in the room against the wall.
"I missed you too. What are you guys playing?" I ask, sitting down. Chris takes my legs and puts them over his lap, sitting close to the rest of my body.
"Skyrim." He answers, taking one of my aching legs into his hands and begins rubbing. I let out a hiss. "You okay, doll?"
"Yeah, just a long ass shift. So fucking tired of John." I express to him.
"Tell him to fuck off." He makes his way up my leg, working his magic hands to ease the aches throughout my leg.
"I'd like to keep my job." I roll my eyes at him.
"Really? I heard there's a position open for my stay at home cutie. Pays seventeen kisses, twenty hugs, and unlimited cuddles and hour." He switches to the other leg.
"Really now? What about health benefits? Huh?" I try to keep my voice steady through his beginning ministrations on my other leg. From the look on his face, I didn't do a great job.
"You got me there, doll." He finishes with both legs after a few minutes and leans his upper body to lay on mine. This just so happens to put his head perfectly within range of my hands.
I reach one hand up and burrow it into his hair. I place my pointer and thumb on the outer sides of his nap and begin rubbing small circles into his skin. He groans softly.
"Baby, let me take care of you." He protests.
"No, this is what I want to do. I want you to lay here against me and let me play with your hair. Please?" I throw out a pout. He huffs.
"I'm making you something to eat in a little bit." He squints at me.
"Okay, monkey." I say, driving both my hands into his hair. I rub circles across his head, then I switch to lightly tracing his scalp with my nails. He lets out the smallest whine.
I start gently moving his hair around, running my hands through it and pulling them up before slowly releasing his hair so it drops back down to his head. He practically whimpers at the sensation. "Fuck ma, feels good. You're real good at this." He moves against my hand. I giggle. In my opinion, there's nothing more relaxing than playing with my favorite boy's hair.
"Good." I say. My stomach growls loudly.
"I think it's time I go make you something to eat." Chris perks up. My shoulders drop. "Don't worry, doll. I'll carry you, and you can continue playing with my hair once you've eaten." He places a wet kiss on my cheek.
"Okay, okay." I sigh. "Come on." He smiles brightly at me. God, how did I get so lucky to have such a sweet boy?
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mallowmaenad · 4 months
baedel flow
this shit ain't nothin to me girl
i'm taking DIY alstolfo brand temu titty skittles. I got so much prog up my ass my dildo has erectile dysfunction. I'm injecting estrogen straight into my face so I can force fem the cop in my brain.
I'm problematic. I ship things you can't imagine. The judge read my Archive Of Our Own bookmarks out loud and the jury were too busy throwing up to give me a guilty verdict.
I smoke shit so dank it'll age regress you into a fucking sperm.
I'm on that greymarket back alley bimbo goo. I'm doing deviantart shit to my body just to look myself in the mirror when I shave in the morning.
Your sister LOVES my milk duds. You never had a brother, she calls me mommy with a 2 year age difference.
I'm putting lead and estrogen in my haters' cereal so I can make some toxic yuri, get them moaning in their boyvoices 6 months later behind the Warhammer store like I'm fucking Slaanesh.
They/them me again and I'll run a used Manscaped Lawnmower across your face until you look like a fucking newborn
I show up to Planned Parenthood just to stand there and watch the abortions, licking my lips between sips of Strawberry Dreams mixed with pure thailander gamer girl sweat.
When I'm done with you you'll never want to go to the pool shirtless again bitch
I'm on those quadruple puppygirlboygirl anarchist homebrew estrogen patches, taking so much spiro that Big Pharma is wiping down fire hydrants in my area to make Premarin with the residue.
The only thing Harkness is testing is my fucking patience and I'm about to turn him into another one of my little sisters
I'm smoking that bocchi the rock giving myself middle school anxiety so intense it erases my male socialization
They wanted to write a callout post about me so I fucked their moms, and their dogs and the playstation 5 just for good measure, now if they don't call me auntie they're grounded from role playing My Hero Academia characters on discord for 2 weeks.
You wish I'd make you my bitch. By the time you re-align your pronouns you'll be bottoming for a fucking stuffed shark posting about your Amazon Basics skirt on reddit
They call me the egg cracker because I bust so many fucking balls
I radiate so much AGP my nickname at the local pride center is elephant's foot. I give Kaitlyn Jenner so much gender envy it's got her considering voting blue in the next election.
Yeah I'm on E, what the fuck else am I gonna trip on when I drive to the pharmacy blasting SewerSlvt so loud youtube is recommending video essays to every single person in the tri state area.
Christine Chandler wishes she was me. Contrapoints wishes she was me. Aphrodite desires me carnally. They can't handle the divine feminine energy radiating from my unwashed hen cause they gotta go through the Hero's Journey just to get a face full of baby butter that tastes like expired anchovies.
Tonight girl my chosen name is Bridget because I'm going to go to town inside you. Your hole's gonna be more ruined than Thanksgiving dinner when I show up in a slutty little number watching my cousin the same age as me lose another inch of his hairline.
I'm sucking on that neocities watamote siscon shadow siren hard candy getting affected like a male feminist just heard me say the word bitch a little too loud for his liking. My Celeste speedruns have never been faster.
Fuck around and find out keep talking shit and my final fantasy 14 plugins won't be the only thing I'll be reprogramming tonight
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booasaur · 1 year
Can you imagine the horror Cruz felt the past few days, every day, unexpectedly falling deeply in love with this beautiful, lovely and kind woman and then the knowledge that she has to kill her father, actually take the life from someone this kind girl who loves her cares about. And having this conflict, this horror eating at her, corrupting her love for Aaliyah until she couldn't touch her without feeling all the guilt and disgust at herself. Now she also has regret to live with.
Oh, anon, I've been thinking of nothing else!
I was actually afraid after we left Cruz watching Joe's supercut of Amrohi's biggest hits, ep 8 would have her buying into the mission so it'd be more of an action oriented spy thing with Aaliyah only eventually adding a last minute conflict, but that wasn't the case at all! My girl remained cold to it and it stayed only a mission she had to carry out, nothing she believed in.
What's really struck me is that despite Joe and Kaitlyn's years more of experience and close dealings with the politicians and businessmen who showed this was all a game, Cruz saw the truth of the situation more clearly than they ever did, just by listening to Aaliyah. She was able to contrast both versions she was hearing and extract the reality in a way they never could because they never cared about the other side.
Cruz is terrible for undercover work because she treats her target like a human. That's really what it comes down to, right. She saw Aaliyah as a person and valued what she thought and felt and now here we are. And the worst thing for her is that Aaliyah didn't get through to her by being a funny, charming smokeshow (or not JUST that, lol), she was kind and vulnerable. Cruz may be bad at being a spy but she's a great soldier (as we saw in that kitchen, whew) and Aaliyah's exactly the kind of person she wants to protect. Credit to the show for letting us see how agonizing it was for Cruz to go against all her morals and instincts and everything in her to do this mission. The fact that she fell in love, needed and was needed by this one person, the tragedy of it all.
And actually, credit to Laysla De Oliveira as well! I've been praising Stephanie Nur a lot so far and as I mentioned, no shade to Laysla, but Cruz has been quite opaque and hard to read, as intended, I'm sure, she's supposed to be this tough marine AND is playing an undercover role, she mostly just reflected what Aaliyah threw at her. But these last two eps, gosh, she really brought ALL these additional layers. It really sold the romance, like, first, she was NOT faking in those last two eps, but just how guilty and anxious she was, and the anger and self-loathing at the end? Even that moment on the balcony looking out where she was all rueful, it was more subtle but still so expressive:
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Honestly, I've actually really loved Aaliyah's character and was waiting for the finale to see if she lived so I could add her to my fave characters list, because I'm not gonna add a character who's built up just for an extra tragic death, but I've ended up adding BOTH. The strength of character Cruz showed in the end to realize and accept what's she'd done, and the kindness in believing both Aaliyah and even her dad deserved more grace, I found myself genuinely loving her by the end.
I really can't tell if she's going to return, but I hope so, she deserves more closure than that, they both do.
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ghostradiodylan · 7 months
In general Ryan gets so mistreated and overhated by the fandom and it makes me sad because I really like Ryan even in my first playthrough :/ I get that the part where he was arguing with Laura about the existence of werewolves when he watched Nick transform and run out the window was kind of dumb but he’s all around a great character who’s brave and helpful and he helped save everyone’s lives in the best ending….
While I don’t agree with all of their actions I can’t bring myself to hate on any of the counselors. They’re all young adults who are stuck in a horrifying and traumatic situation, of course they’re going to be flawed and not perfect. It just baffles me how Travis, Constance, Jedidiah and Eliza do the most horrible things in the game yet people viciously hate on Ryan : (
Oh, the actual adults in the game are absolutely The Worst. (Even Chris, though I think he wants to help, is incredibly negligent at best).
I think there are a few things happening here that can turn people against Ryan (and I'm not saying anyone has to like him as a character, we all have characters we vibe with and ones we don't, but it's worth examining why we don't vibe with some characters especially when those characters are Black or other POC, LGBTQ, and ND-coded).
Ryan is a victim of some of the less compelling writing choices in the game IMO. They don't have anything to do with his character, really, he's generally well-written, but some of the things that were cut from the game, and the way the relationships unravel in the latter half of the game does Ryan kind of dirty.
First of all, his relationship with Chris Hackett isn't fleshed out enough for a lot of players to understand why he's willing to sacrifice so much on the hope that his mentor isn't actually a werewolf (or a deeply irresponsible asshole of a boss). If they'd left in the scene of Chris following up with Ryan about following his dreams and going to animation school and the initial confrontation with Chris that was patched out, where Ryan questions how he hid this from them all this time when he cared about them and Ryan trusted him (literally heartbreaking to watch tbh 🥺), it might have been a little easier for players to empathize with his loyalty to Chris. This kid has no known father, absentee mother, aging grandparents, a sister he clearly feels a lot of responsibility for, and his father figure who he goes to for advice left him in the worst possible situation. Of course he's going to be in denial about that and about him being a werewolf until he sees it for himself, and then Ryan has to kill him. It's so fucking tragic. And he doesn't even get a second to mourn or even react because the Silas plotline kicks in immediately (and they spent all the animated tears budget on Jacob).
Then there's Ryan's relationship with Dylan, which I could (and will) write about for days. Based on the game we got, plus the cut content, I don't think Ryan was ever supposed to have the option to get with Kaitlyn. I think that's a red herring that allows homophobic players to avoid a gay kiss (kind of a fucked up use of a BAMF character and Brenda Song's star power but, ok). I don't think he was ever supposed to get to romance Laura either. But I do think he was meant to be able to either end up with Dylan, or decisively not end up with him. If they'd kept the relationship system that we still have traces of but no actual structure for, then his ability to say 'maybe neither' to Laura wouldn't be something players held against him because it would have a basis in the choices we've made as Ryan (and Dylan) so far. As it stands, it feels like that is unsupported by what's happened in the game when we've had Dylan and Ryan flirting with each other and taking an obvious interest in each other since they were introduced.
Even if you choose the less favorable dialogue options, Dylan and Ryan are never really shown to be truly at odds (with the possible exception of the gun argument, but even that pretty much smooths over in the end). Even if you have them be hard-headed assholes to each other, they still have their heart-to-heart on the way to the radio hut (which I really think was supposed to have an alternative if they had low relationship stats).
Complicating matters is the fact that a lot of people really love Dylan. Obviously I'm one of them, I mean, look at my url and writing choices. I think Miles gives the best performance of the game, hands down (and I think all the actors did really well tbh). He's a great actor (his line reads are flawless and that sassy boy body language? I die.) but he also gets a lot to work with in terms of the script. Dylan is complex and compelling in a way that tends to be highly relatable for most people. He's probably neurodivergent (ADHD) but it's portrayed in a more palatable way for neurotypical people. Plus, as an audience, we are primed to empathize with the person who wants to be wanted, who is afraid of rejection, who has the cute crush that we want to see reciprocated and is trying not to get their heart stomped on. We've all been there! That's a centuries-old trope in drama and literature for a reason. And while Ryan does not owe Dylan reciprocation, we see some pretty clear signs of it at least being possible. So the game sort of dangles it in front of players like we can make that happen with our choices and then makes a half-baked attempt to snatch it away. That annoys people and, I think at least partially because Ryan's race and stoic demeanor (/autism) have people subconsciously primed to view him negatively, they take that out on him instead of the SMG writers who opted for that rather than fleshing out the relationships any further for the latter half of the game.
Like, yes, it's a horror game not a dating sim (Ryan and Dylan dating sim DLC when tho??), but you spend so much time building relationships that end up not mattering to the outcome of the game, I get why that's frustrating for people. It's frustrating for me! I just think being mad at Ryan over it is the wrong take. I still see people saying "Dylan deserves better than Ryan." Dylan and Ryan both deserve to exist in a finished fucking game where we have the option to get them together or not, but blaming whatever happens, or doesn't, on Ryan as a character is kinda trash.
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coffee-system-uwu · 2 years
Foxes resolutions:
Matt: I'm going to buy less video games I'm never going to play.
Dan: I'm going to try and be nicer to the Monsters.
Allison: I'm going to get invited to buy a rolls royce.
Renee: Nothing, I have everything I could ask for. :)
Seth: 👻👻 👻👻👻👻👻 👻👻 👻👻 👻 👻👻👻👻👻 👻👻👻👻👻👻, 👻👻👻 👻👻 👻👻👻👻👻 👻👻 👻👻👻
Nicky: I'm going to bond with Andrew and Aaron this year. They're going to finally accept me.
Aaron: Why the fuck are we writing resolutions down, I don't have any.
I'm going to propose to Kaitlyn this year.
Kevin: We are going to get first place in championships again. I'm going to be the star of exy.
Neil: I'm going to be able to look at myself in the mirror?
Andrew: I'm going to bury Josten this year.
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alyssasstories · 20 days
"Feeling bored and horny tonight. Kaitlyn is out with friends. I need to be dripping wet and needy when she gets home in a few hours... What should I do?"
You should write a story about Kaitlyn chaining you up, then leaving you in the "care" of a group of people while she's out. What rules does she give you? What limits do they have? Are they supposed to try to get you to break any of the rules? What happens when she gets back?
It's about 3pm and I'm still sleeping. Kaitlyn, a much earlier riser than me, comes into our dark bedroom and kisses me softly to wake me up. As usual, when her lips are on mine, I instantly want more and can quickly feel myself getting wet. We often make love when we get up and on days we're both off work, we end up spending most of the day doing just that. Unfortunately, this particular day she had to go to work for a few hours, so she was getting ready to leave. She gave me the usual quiet moans about sleeping the whole day away, but I offer my normal retort telling her that if she wanted me to get up earlier, she shouldn't keep me up all night doing all manner of things to me. "You know I can help it... when I get near you, I just want to touch you and rub you and kiss you and play with you..." She said, grinning. I asked her when she would be home and what she wanted to do when she got home. "I'll be home at about 9 and I want to do you, of course." she replied, sticking her tongue out at me... Another one of those things she does all the time that makes me crazy about her. "Will you do something for me while I'm gone?"
"Will you sit in the living room on a chair and edge yourself in front of the camera so I can keep looking at you while I'm at work?"
"The whole time?" I said, my mouth watering at the thought.
"The whole time. And you can't orgasm until I tell you... I want to make sure I see that!" "Anything for you..."
"You know I will."
"I know. that's why I also want you to wear the blindfold. So all you focus on is edging."
"Yes, Kait... Anything," I whisper as she opens the nightstand and pulls out the blindfold, sliding it over my eyes. As she lowers it in place, she touches her lips to mine. I lean hard into her to deepen the kiss, but she pulls away, grabbing my panties and pulling them off me as she goes.
"Now, Lys, I have to go. But first, let me take out there and get you set up." "Set up?" I ask as she leads me out the bedroom.
"Yes, I'm going to set you on this chair. There's a dildo attached to it that I want you to sit on while I'm gone. Then I'm going to tie you to this chair so you cant get off it."
"Fuck... " I murmur as she positions me over the dildo, then pushes me down onto it. I can tell it's one of the big ones as it completely stretches me as it slips deep into me until my ass hits the chair. "You want me to stay like this for 6 hours?" I groan as the feeling of fullness ripples through my body.
"Yes. I will let you out when I get home." she explains as she moves my arms over the back of the chair and cuffs them to the back. then moves down and grabs my ankle and chains those to the chair legs. I start to breathe quickly as the dildo moves within me, rubbing hard against my insides. My head falls back as the amazing feeling of the position she has me in washes over me. "I'll see you later... Remember to keep edging yourself on that beautiful dildo for me. If you do well, I'll let you have a few orgasms while I watch you on the camera."
"Yes, Kait..." I start to slowly move up and down a little on the dildo as I hear her walk out the door and close and lock it behind her. "Oh my god..." I whisper as I feel my juices dripping out of me onto the chair. I keep repeating this for what I feel like is about 30 minutes, enough time for Kaitlyn to have made it to work and would have the webcam up on her phone. I let out a moan as I start to move up and down faster and further. My pussy is clenching around the dildo now as my moans and groans get louder and louder. My eyes roll back into my head as I am really fucking myself on this dildo at this point. My clit throbs, begging for some close attention, but no way for me to provide it. My wrists strain against the handcuffs and my ankles against the chains as I'm now moving up and down as fast and far as I was able. I really needed to cum, and started begging for an orgasm.
"Please, Kait... can I cum? Can I cum, please? Baby, please call me and tell me I can cum I really need to, now. Fuck, I need to cum, Kait, please call me..." I called out as I slowed my pace to make sure I didn't break her rule. I heard the crackle of the speaker and then Kait's voice... "no, you can't cum yes, baby, we just started! If you can't take that cock in your pussy any more, there's only one other place it can go!" "I cant lift myself up that high!" I groaned as I arched my back as much as a could, but I still couldn't get the dildo out of my pussy.
"Help her will you?" I heard her sigh... Then I felt a pair of strong hands grab my ankles and unlocks them, lifts me up with my ankles off the big dildo, another hand grabs it and guides it carefully into my asshole as the hands around my ankles lowered me down onto it. "Holy fucking shit!" I groaned as I felt the big thick dildo slide deep into my ass. "What the fuck? Who is that?" I screamed loud as I felt it hit what I thought was the max depth. "Its ok, Lys, they're friends of mine and, well, let's just say I owe them a debt and I'm repaying it." then ankle hands yanked my ankles down getting that last 3 inches into my ass. My whole body tenses trying to get control, but I suddenly feel a tongue flick over my swollen clit. "Oh god... please, babe, can I please cum" I begged again as the warm tongue flicked slowly up and down over my clit. "fuck... please... fuck..." "Did you say 'Please fuck me?' OK, fuck her" Immediately, I feel someone loom over me the positions himself hear the chair and rams his rock hard cock into my pussy. Every muscle in my body tenses up. All I can sense is the massive dildo in my ass and that cock ramming into my pussy. "Please oh my god please please can i cum please let me cumpleaseletmecumpleaseletmecum....." I lost my ability to form words as all my will power is barely keeping me from cumming. I hear the crackle of the speaker which told me she had disconnected. "fuckpleasefuckpleasefuck please," I breathed knowing that I was mere seconds away from breaking the rule no matter what I wanted. (continued...)
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elliespuns · 8 months
What do you think of Isabela Merced as Dina and Kaitlyn Dever as Abby?
I'm a little iffy about the casting, but I'm sure once I see them on screen, they'll be fine.
When Pedro and Bella were cast as Ellie and Joel, I wasn't sure about them at first, but they did grow on me.
I am not gonna say I am loving it, but I am not gonna say I'm hating it either. Let's say that I'm still waiting to see how they're going to pull off their roles.
I remember when they announced Bella and Pedro. I was skeptical about Bella (not because of their appearance!!) because I couldn't imagine them in the role. It wasn't love at first sight, as it was with Pedro. When I saw Pedro, I knew he was Joel, and I didn't even know him; I just saw him in GoT until then. And then, after watching, I came to realize Bella was a good Ellie. I adored their face, their vibe (especially behind the camera, such a sweet person), and their amazing performance. What I didn't like was that Ellie was portrayed as a brat in the show, but it was not Bella's fault, of course, because they only portrayed what they'd been given. Now I can't imagine anyone else in the role, and I kind of look back and facepalm myself every time for judging too soon.
That's why I am not certain about the new cast yet. I don't have anything to judge. I will gladly share the news and will gladly fangirl about the new cast (because I'm excited it's finally happening!!). But I will share my opinions once we get to see those people play.
Something tells me that Isabela Merced as Dina (if I were to judge only by appearance) is the most fitting choice so far. She looks like a great Dina. But then again, I don't want to judge only by looks, so we'll see. What I care about most is the way they take the character and make it theirs. I don't need beautiful or interesting people on screen to crush over, as long as they know what they are doing with the role.
And when it comes to Abby, I am very excited about how Kaitlyn Dever is gonna nail it. I've seen a lot of negative comments about her not being muscular enough and yadda yadda, but speaking for myself, I couldn't care less. If she's going to portray Abby the way Abby really is, I am going to be satisfied no matter what.
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Isabela Merced talked about tlou in a recent interview promoting her new movie, so i transcribed that part
Correct me if I’m wrong – are you in the middle of The Last of Us right now? Are you basically taking a break for press?
We are on the tail end of it, I think we're about to be done soon. I already saw the teaser, Craig Mazin showed it to me. It was phenomenal, and I’m really excited for the world to see it.
I got a chance to do the podcast with Craig after last season. I know you must now be an amazing fan, that guy's a genius. He's amazing and such a sweet guy. Did you go hard after this one? Were you a fan of the game?
Yeah, yeah. I never played the first one, I probably will after this. But the second one I played, and I loved it. And it was really cool to see how the sets look exactly the same. It's so neat. Every day on set is challenging, I will say. It's a show about fungus. So it's not glamorous by any means, and it's hard topics and conversations. Fear is one of the main emotions that we experience throughout. And I'm really proud of Bella. I think if I were to close this out, if this was the last interview I did about The Last of Us before he wrapped, I would say, you know, I really hope Bella gets their flowers. They're working really, really hard, physically and emotionally, mentally. One thing I've learned throughout this is like, wow, you can really admire people who are younger than you. You can really look up to them, absolutely.
Yeah, no, Bella is a special one. I also spoke to them after the first season and just the intense scrutiny too and, you know, there's toxicity out there. The stuff that you guys have to deal with, it's crazy. Just let the great actors act, and Bella is a great one.
Well, what confuses me is the showrunner and the creator of the video game, they work together to make this. So if you like what the guy made and he's making more of it, why are you mad? I don't know, I'm too opinionated to be on twitter. Like, I really need off, because I see this stuff, and it makes me just want to go Cardi B on them, you know what I mean?
I'm worried about your buddy Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn Dever, one of the great actors of our time. Abby – no spoilers – does some things that people don't necessarily approve of. Kaitlyn’s going to get some hate through proxy of just being Abby.
There's so many strange people in this world. There are people that actually, genuinely, hate Abby, who is not a real person. Just a reminder – not a real person. And so, you know, Kaitlyn had to be extra-secured by security when it came to the filming of this. Kaitlyn is such a cool person who just does not get phased by things, really has her head in the right place, and also is going through a lot right now, personally.
I know she lost her mom, yeah.
Yeah, it's devastating to see. But also, give her the damn Emmy, honestly. I’m so excited for people to see how incredibly well Bella and Kaitlyn did on this.
And obviously the relationship between Ellie and Dina is important. I assume you guys screen tested as well, you and Bella?
Oh, no actually. Craig and Neil came to me for a “generic meeting”, as they say. And I was like, okay. Then they kind of mentioned the show and how there's a character there that maybe… and I thought oh, even if the meeting goes well, I'll still have to audition and I'll do my research and whatever. And I guess they decided there and then that they wanted me. So that's wild. I don't even think I believe in myself that much. So I'm like, okay, sure, I'll accept it.
Is there something that you've shot that you're most excited for fans to see? I know we have a long way to go before we see it, but something that you took part in that you can't wait for the fandom to see?
I think it's the romance for me. I think it's the romance between the two of us that really brings a tear to my eye. I have a whole playlist for Dina and Ellie. It's beautiful, there's this one song that we would play on set, that I would play on set and that Bella really loved, by Adrianne Lenker, that really set the tone for us. It's beautiful. I think they did a really good job.
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I have been taken by the sickness again (curse you viruses!) and sleep eludes me. Brainrot does not. What do you think each of the counselors are like when they're sick?
booo viruses :( i hope you feel better soon!
i think Jacob is the most dramatic about it. if you've seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off, he's Cameron
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total baby. even just for a cold. injuries, he barely notices, but gods forbid this man start to sniffle
Abi honestly prolly does what you're supposed to - she takes the day off, stays in comfy pants, drinks honey lemon tea & eats toast, takes the gross meds, a bath, & she's good by morning. couldn't be me but. yk. girlbossing
Ryan for sure just pretends it's not happening. he takes some cold n flu meds, keeps a water bottle close, and keeps having to blink spots out of his vision but he's fine! he's fine until his sister notices & chews him out bc he's always telling HER to take it easy when she's sick & "look here, mr. hypocrite, you better get in that bed or ELSE" so then he goes & lays in a dark room, listening to his podcast until he falls asleep
i think Emma prolly complains about it the entire time & spends an hour in a hot bath but i also don't think she stops working. if she can't go out, she's answering emails, keeping her social media updating, working on editing/scheduling/whatever an influencer does. picture Emma in her desk chair with atrocious hair, wrapped in a blanket, three mugs of tea, & a sinus strip just firing off emails
i see Dylan as a low-energy sick. barely awake, shuffling to the kitchen for crackers (he has a weak stomach when sick) wrapped in his comforter with his hair sticking up. sometimes he crashes on the couch, sometimes he makes it back to the bed, but it's all restless sleep, tossing & turning :( he keeps mumbling nonsense to his cat, who definitely tricks him into feeding him twice. you go schrodinger <3
Kaitlyn HATES being sick. she wakes up with a stuffy nose & a fever & she's like... "i'm gonna kill someone today & it might be myself". she has shit to do. she resists as much as she can & tries to do a bunch of things just to spite it, which usually ends up in her crashing hard & sleeping for twelve hours to recuperate. everyone knows to stay out of her way when she's stalking around, pale and clammy with a thermos at her hip, & just wait for the burnout
Nick doesn't get sick, even germs don't want this weirdo. i'm just kidding. kinda. anyway Nick one thousand percent just straight up goes comatose. dead to the world for 24 hours & then he's right as rain when he wakes up. how? no one knows. why? no one is brave enough to ask.
the love of my life, Laura, also tries to strongarm thru it but she's better about it. she takes her meds, sucks on cough drops, prolly drinks coffee to stay awake, & she's better about managing her workload. it's kind of just a background thing to her & it works great until her fever spikes high enough to be noticeable or she slips up & then Max finds out. he coaxes her to lay down on the couch while he makes them some soup & then they watch movies together until she falls asleep :,)
the other love of my life, Max, doesn't stand a chance. he coughs once & his girlfriend has a thermometer in his mouth & a mug of tea warming up. he always tries to downplay it, "honey, really, it's nothing" & it never works. he spends all day with a live-in nurse & he feels bad that she keeps doing things for him so he continuously plays the "i'm feeling better" & she lets him do it for the ten minutes before he throws up, then it's back to bed "& cut the bullshit this time, max"
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pileontheyears · 6 months
“So Ryan and Laura...” (Lovers Card Analysis)
I know people talk about Ryan and Laura not having any romantic chemistry and it’s bizarre to say that there was any romance between them. And while I agree about they're not really being chemistry, I do think the writers were trying to make them love interests (and did a terrible job). So I decided to do an analysis of their relationship (this is what I'm using my English degree for) and I thought I’d share my thoughts because boy I’ve got some stuff to say.
And of course feel free to take this all with a grain of salt, these are just my interpretations and I'm also by no means an expert in tarot (I'm really not all that familiar and any familiarity comes from a google search). Just wanted to make those quick notes so that if you don't agree I totally get it! I do try to address the most common points for why people don't see Ryan and Laura in a romantic light and while I agree I try to show what I think the writers might have been Attempting to do.
The more obvious points are of course from the script itself. How there’s “sexy sparks” between the two, how Laura begrudgingly says trauma can bring people together (as if to say it didn’t bring her and Max together), how Laura brings up Ryan’s relationship to Kaitlyn and his reply of “maybe neither” to whether he likes Kaitlyn or Dylan perhaps insinuating his choice is going to be Laura.
And it's... bad writing. For instance, Laura pins Ryan as a “brooding loner” when she’s known him for an hour and in that time he’s been talkative/around people/acting as leader. How would she know he's a brooding loner? Not to mention her saying Kaitlyn seems to look up to him when it’s the opposite of what she’s seen? (Ryan potentially asking Kaitlyn what he should do, her scolding him for pointing the gun at Laura). But all of that is not the point of this post. I’m bringing these moments up to say this relationship is a lot of tell with little show, (and what we're told we've already been shown the opposite).
If you didn’t pick up there was “chemistry” then Dylan and Kaitlyn will tell you that. If you think Ryan is interested in Dylan because you chose to grow that relationship, Ryan is going to say no. (Of course you could interpret the "after tonight I don't know" line that Ryan is understandably not sure of anything given the circumstances, I myself interpret it that way however the "maybe neither" definitely is this additional "Ryan chooses neither Kaitlyn nor Dylan" and perhaps there is an unasked question of will he then choose Laura?) That being said, I don't think if any of the “these guys are into each other” lines were in the script people would have even thought they were flirting/interested in each other (it would still be a ship some people like based on how they work together to survive akin to Sam and Mike but again at least that script didn't constantly point out romantic/sexual tension in between horror scenarios).
So when people say there’s no chemistry and the relationship is more “we have to work together but I’m gonna bitch at you the whole time" I agree, but the game kind of throws Laura at Ryan (her literally falling on top of him) after revealing the Lovers card depicting Laura biting Ryan’s arm. We know it, we hate it, but this is where my analysis comes in.
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Aside from the obvious fact that Ryan and Laura are labeled as the lovers, the card itself has a few layers to it that I’ll go through.
The first being choices, specifically choices in relationships/partners. Now when I first read that I thought “Great, that doesn’t mean Ryan is her choice perhaps he just is one choice.” But the context makes it so he’s kind of her only choice if Ryan is going to survive. The context being Ryan can let Laura bite him in order to save him from blood loss, or he can refuse which leads her to reuniting with Max. There is no way for her to reunite with Max without Ryan dying. What that insinuates with the context of choice of suitor is... yikes. Basically Laura “choosing” Max comes from Ryan dying, and the implication that in order for Ryan to survive that he and Laura are somehow bonded romantically from that point on. Hate both of those, actually.
Now we move onto the next meaning of this card, temptation. This is where we go full analysis mode. The original Lovers card depicts Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. After all what better example of temptation than Adam and Eve biting into the forbidden fruit. And what does Laura do? She bites Ryan. He is her forbidden fruit. And where does this scene take place? The Hackett greenhouse.
A garden.
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It’s not exactly subtle. There’s also the parallel of Ryan being stabbed in the ribs, Eve being made from the rib of Adam. 
So alright, they’re drawing parallels between Adam and Eve and Ryan and Laura (bringing about the downfall of humanity/the Hacketts). But does this mean that Laura is “giving into temptation” by saving Ryan’s life? I mean that sounds stupid. And maybe her "temptation" is more-so the werewolf curse and giving into that but then why point out "sexy sparks?" Why have Laura ask if Ryan is flirting with her? Why label them lovers? It may just be that stupid because I also found this in Chris’s office when playing as Dylan. This book is right by Ryan, right where Dylan asks if he has a girlfriend or boyfriend. 
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Maybe it's a reference to the love triangle between Ryan, Dylan, and Kaitlyn. But the title? ...The King of My Gardens?
Not looking like a coincidence anymore. They were planting this seed early on. And the fact that the only foreshadowing of Ryan and Laura is this book cover that no one is going to see (unless they scower through each corner of the game like I do) that’s not even writing.
I love nothing more than when writers put in extra effort with little things like this that a casual viewer won’t see but it just goes to show that even if you do that it can’t make up for bad writing and a lack of chemistry. I’m sure some people like the pairing but to me it’s introduced way too late after the player has invested time in other relationships.
Perhaps Dylan and Kaitlyn aren't reliable when they talk about Laura and Ryan, and if that was the Only instance the game tries to put Ryan and Laura together I would agree but twice is a coincidence, three times is a pattern and man is there a pattern here.
As for Laura yes she is going through all of this for Max but it depends on the players choices how that relationship is going. After all, she could have left him at the very beginning of the game. While Laura's choice to save Max is always the same in order for the story to stay on track, her motive could be from love or perhaps a sense of loyalty/duty (Ryan's and Laura's loyalty being what brings these two together, be it romantically or out of admiration but I can see that's probably why the writers were trying to put them together because they respect how far they're willing to go for the people in their lives).
So if the player's choices hurt Laura and Max's relationship and she starts bonding with Ryan, the camera lingering on her smiling after Ryan says "maybe neither" could be read as her being interested. After all she asks (curiously? hopefully?) how close he is with Kaitlyn, insinuating she's trying to figure out if he's available. Maybe that's not the case or maybe it's due to her werewolf infection but the game doesn't show her fighting back against it so it seems to be presented as genuine. Regardless of the viewer's interpretation the relationship as a whole could have been presented better (let their be an option if the player really doesn't want Ryan with either Dylan or Kaitlyn to turn them both down early on and if Laura's relationship with Max has also plummeted then sure add another relationship path, but let the player choose which relationships will become romantic).
And I know these games aren’t dating sims, the point of these horror survival games is, well, survival. But literally every other Supermassive Game puts just as much emphasis on character relationships (and a lot of emphasis on romantic relationships) as they do survival (Chris and Ashley, Alex and Julia, etc.) And for a game to be all about how your choices matter and then have them not really matter when it comes to the relationships they bring attention to? When they do in every other game? 
It feels like Supermassive just told me “It’s Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve.”
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kjupchurch-xx · 9 days
The Fight - WattPad Request
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I sighed as I ran my fingers through my hair. Hugh and I had been together for one year, but the year hadn't been the easiest. I was not used to stardom or used to being with someone that was an actor. While I could understand the flirting and intimacy while filming a movie, I didn't understand or appreciate the flirting during interviews. It was unnecessary.
Hugh sighed, "You know I'm just playing the part, babe." He said as he sat down on the couch, beside me.
He shifted on the couch, "Why do you do this?" He asked sincerely.
I looked over at him, giving him a side eye, "Why do I do what?" I asked him sarcastically.
He wasn't going to spin this around on me. I've sat through fan girls gawking over him, I've sat through men gawking over him, I've sat through his films watching the sex scenes or the kissing scenes. Interviews were where I drew the line.
He raised his voice, clearly becoming annoyed, "Do shit like this, Kaitlyn! You know I'm promoting a film. I'm not sleeping with my bloody interviewers!" He said as he threw his hands up in defeat.
I took a deep breath, "So what's the deal with the girl telling you she feels as if you're unreachable and asking if she can sit on your fucking lap?!" I asking impatiently, raising my voice with the last sentence.
He shrugged, "I don't know. I was just playing along with it." He said bluntly, looking at me with an irritated expression.
I quickly jumped off the couch and looked down at him, "Playing the part? So was playing the part fucking kissing her and 'taking her as your Nicole'?!"
This interviewer was an attractive foreign girl dressed as a cheap flight attendant, who had interviewed Hugh for his Wolverine Origins movie. Hugh knew she'd crossed a line in the interview and knew I'd be livid after seeing it. This was different from the other interviews. With Allison, she's a friend of mine and Hugh's. I know she genuinely means no harm and is only being funny and flirty for her viewers, and even though she is a beautiful woman, I know Hugh would not be sexually interested in her.
I trust Hugh, but I don't trust the slutty women that throw themselves all over him during an interview. But the problem is whenever you've been apart for quite some time for filming and now some slutty ass bitch is practically throwing her soaking wet vagina at your man, and he knows he could take it if he wanted to.
He sighed loudly, running his fingers through us hair. "Look, I know I fucked up. I'm sorry. The interview was disrespectful to you and I'm sorry. I don't know what else you want me to say."
I chuckled dryly as I rolled my eyes, "I guess you'll just have to figure that one out for yourself." I said bluntly as I walked into the bedroom, flinging myself on the bed.
I didn't want to be mad at Hugh, I love him with all my heart, but the thought of that girl telling him to move things to his bedroom, seeing him kiss her twice while also joking about how his bedroom had a nice view, really rubbed me the wrong way and if I'm being honest, disgusted me beyond belief.
I heard him frustratedly say, "Goddamit." From the other room, but chose to ignore it. He knew my past and how every man I'd ever been with had cheated or used me for their own pleasure. He knew that there were still things that triggered me, yet chose to feed into her bullshit on camera. It almost felt like the way he was looking at her, was the same way he looked at me.
I felt a stray tear begin to fall down my cheek. I sniffled, quickly wiping it away but more began to fall. I hugged the pillow beside me and cried into it. Seeing him kiss her was the worst part. Joking about his bedroom being something she'd enjoy hurt me to my core, regardless of if he were joking or not. He's a jealous person, and I know if the roles were reversed, he'd be just as upset, and he knows he would.
I heard footsteps coming towards the bed, looking to see him peering down at me.
“Baby.” He said softly, as he realized I was crying.
I sighed, quickly trying to wipe the tears away as he sat beside me on our bed.
“Baby, I’m sorry. I know the interview went too far.” He said, his voice gentle.
I looked up at him, not wanting to talk. I couldn’t figure out what to say without wanting to continue to lash out.
He began caressing my arm, “I love you. I never want you to feel like there’s anyone else I want or would be with romantically or intimately.” He said softly as I turned to face him.
I ran my hand over my nose, sniffling. “It’s hard to not feel that way whenever you do interviews and act the way you do.” I said as my voice cracked.
He sighed deeply as he laid beside me, pulling me into his chest. “I know. I wasn’t thinking about it. I was just trying to promote the film and finish the interview as quickly as possible.”
I took a deep breath, inhaling sharply. “I don’t want you to not be yourself during interviews or to avoid playing around because of me. I’m not threatened by your interviews with Allison whatsoever, but the way this bitch was acting towards you makes me want to claw her fucking eyes out.”
He chuckled softly, “You have nothing to worry about, babe. You make me so incredibly happy. There’s no other woman on this planet that I’d want to spend the rest of my life. Regardless of how mad she is over me.” He said as he wrapped his arms tightly around me, kissing my head.
I smiled as I traced patterns on the fabric of his shirt that was covering his chest.
He caressed my back as he spoke, “I promise I’ll tone the interviews down, okay?”
I chuckled, “You don’t have to do that, baby… just… if they try to throw their vaginas at you, just… fuck, I don’t know.” I laughed. “Tell them your girlfriend will literally smash their face into the sidewalk.”
He laughed as he nodded, “You’re something else…” he said through his laughter. “I love you.”
I smiled, lifting my head to kiss him, “I love you more.”
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could u do a smut where Chris is just constantly playfully teasing the reader (ruffling her hair, humping the air if she bends over, calling her names) and the whole time she’s trying to get his attention and seduce him but he doesn’t get it until she gets annoyed and has to explain herself
Chris x reader
TW: smut, uhhhh language ig, angst?
We're filming a video for the guys' Friday post. Well, we were. Now, we're just sitting in the car and talking about random shit. Chris is in the front with Matt. I'm in the back with Nick and their friend Kaitlyn. Apparently, they had just recently gotten close with her and wanted her to have fun with the Friday video too.
Honestly, I don't see how they like her. I don't. Normally, I'm a girl's girl. The whole time, she was pushing me away though. The angle is hard to get right in the car when it's more than just the guys. Everyone knows that. Nick is in his usual spot, Kaitlyn took the middle, so I'm sitting behind Chris's seat. Normally, I wouldn't mind because it's not a big deal. I can just peak around his seat to be in frame. Except, Kaitlyn talks with her hands which gives me into the back corner hidden by Chris.
At one point, she literally pushed my head back. Nick, Chris, and Matt were so involved in arguing that they didn't notice though. Kaitlyn, of course, was right in the middle with all the typical pick me lines. 'Guys, this isn't you 🥺' It's so fucking annoying.
Plus, she's all up on Chris and Matt. She's touching their arms, twirling and flicking her hair. It's so stupid. She's so stupid. A pang of guilt strikes me as I think it.
"We should go back to your place." Kaitlyn drags her hand down Chris's arm. "Wouldn't that be fun?" She turns to Matt. "We can drop little miss hermit back here off." Never fucking mind. I'm glad I thought she was stupid. And a bitch.
"No, we're having a sleepover? The fuck?" Nick intervenes. I love him. He's a good friend.
"Oh. Whatever. Me, Chris, and Matt will have fun." I roll my eyes and grab my phone. I text Nick.
| tf is her problem.
| I have no fucking clue- she's getting on my nerves though
| 🤭🤭🤭
Kaitlyn tries to peer at mine and Nick's phone screens. I'm glad we invested in the privacy screen protectors.
| I'm going to text the GC to see if there's any chance of shaking her.
I give Nick a subtle thumbs up. After a minute, Nick frowns. Matt starts the car and begins pulling out of the driveway. Shit.
| I'm guessing Chris and Matt are oblivious as fuck?
| 100%
I frown, closing my messages and turning my phone off. Come on guys, see what a dick she is. I turn to look out the window and wait for this awful ride to be over. Kaitlyn non stop flirts the whole time. It's ridiculous. And since Matt is driving, pretty much all of her attention is on Chris.
It's driving me crazy. It's not fair. I was so sure Chris had feelings for me too. I had planned on telling him about my feelings soon, but now, with this girl, I don't know. Maybe he was just being nice to me.
We get to the house and before the car has stopped, I'm flinging open my car door and jumping out. I slam the door closed, stomping up to the front of the house. I grab the extra key from under the potted plant and let myself in. It's ridiculous.
I fly up the stairs to Nick's room. I know he'll be up in a minute so I'm satisfied with just waiting right here. I think about all the times Chris cuddled up against me during movie nights. Or how he would pick up a chunk of my hair and start playing with it, wrapping it around his finger only to let it fall back. Or the many times I would bend over to pick something up and he would place his hands on my hips, acting as though he was fucking me. Friends don't do that shit, right?
I express all of this to Nick when he comes up to his room, locking his door behind him. "I just- I'm so mad."
"I understand, sort of." Nick lays on his bed. "Chris does like you, I'm sure of it. I don't know why he's acting like this though."
"What was the witch doing when you came up?" I ask, not sure if I really want to know.
"Oh, Chrissy poo! Matty poo! Let's watch a movie!" Nick does his best impression of Kaitlyn. I laugh hard.
"Let's go bake something." I suggest. Nick oooo's at the idea but suggests changing clothes first. He changes into just a T-shirt and shorts. I get an evil little idea. "Nick, can I borrow one of your shirts? But like, one that Chris and Matt haven't really seen?"
"Sure," he grabs one out of the very back of his closet. "An ex got it for me as a gag gift." He explains. It's a light pink shirt that says 'daddy's girl' in a ridiculous flowy font. I giggle.
"Do you think Chris would die over this?" I ask.
"He'd get a kick out of the shirt alone, if you wear that one pair of shorts you have though-" I know exactly what pair he means. The pair I've had since the 8th grade, the pair that I wore to band camp. They stick to me like glue, and barely go down three inches. I left them here one night. I pull them from a drawer and force them on. The shirt covers my ass, unless I bend over or lift my arms. Perfect.
"Do I look good?" I ask.
"You look perfect." Nick assures me. We head downstairs. "Should we make cupcakes?"
"I'm down for whatever!" I bounce down the stairs. These shorts bring back memories of baking out in the high noon heat in July for hours. They fill me with the confidence of a 16 year old girl that's just perfected rifle turns.
"Hey! Where'd you two go?" Chris's head pops up off of the couch.
"Oh, just to change, we're about to make cupcakes!" I say before Nick can. He goes into the kitchen, probably to get the stuff out.
"Oooo, cupcakes!!" Mat claps his hands together. I smile, and turn around to walk into the kitchen. I let my hips swing a little more than they usually would.
Chris, Matt, and Kaitlyn end up following me into the kitchen. They don't really do much. I get Nick the things he needs, and he does all the mixing. It's a good process.
"Shit." He drops a spoon.
"It's fine! I got it!" I bend over to pick it up. I feel hands on my hips, and for the first time ever, something hard brushes against me. There's a gasp and heavy stomps.
"How dare you! I've been trying all night!" Kaitlyn stomps out of the room, Matt following her. I stand up. Nick puts the cupcakes into the oven.
"I'm going to make sure Matt gets rid of her. Watch the cupcakes." Then, he leaves the room. Now, it's just me and Chris.
I hop up onto the counter. Chris strikes to ruffle my hair but I dodge him. "Hey-" he says sadly.
"No. Don't do that sad shit. You should have thought about this before you let her practically suck your dick the whole night." I say it without thinking. "You don't get to have her and me."
"I don't want her." I roll my eyes at him. "I'm serious. I was just being nice." He fits himself between my legs. "I should have told you. I want you."
"Yeah, you should have." I cross my arms.
"You're so pretty, you know that? Your sweet face, perfect body, great personality." He trails off. "Can I make it up to you?"
"You could fuck me." I say jokingly.
"Okay." He unzips his jeans, the rare time he actually wore them. "I'll fuck you so good."
"I was kidding. Just cause I've been trying to get in your pants doesn't mean I'm going to take advantage like this."
"You've been what." It doesn't sound like a question.
"I've been trying to seduce you, one could say."
"Fuck, please let me fuck you." He leans his head against mine. "Been wanting you, didn't think you wanted me back. Please, let me fuck you over the counter, right here. Right now." The heat in the bottom of my stomach makes me give in to what I want.
"Okay, gotta be quick. Before Nick gets back." He nods and kisses me. I'm surprised but I kiss back. Quickly, the kiss is over and he's bending me over the counter, face down. He merely pushes the shorts to the side to allow himself access to slip in.
He does. God, he's big. His dick feels huge inside me, his hands feeling goat trailing my body. I feel like he's crowding me with his size.
"Move, please move." I plead with him. He moves slowly at first, pulling back a few inches before fucking that back in. "Please, Chris. Fuck me." He pulls out, leaving just the top inside before sinking all the way in. From there, he's fucking me into the counter. He leans down, changing the angle and talking in my ear.
"Fuck, princess. You feel so good. Perfectly taking my dick. My good girl." He wraps his hand around to thumb at my clit. "Daddy's good girl." It isn't long before I'm squeezing around him in the height of my orgasm. It isn't too terribly long before he's pulling out to finish across my thighs.
"Fuck." He steps away, coming back and wiping my legs with a paper towel.
"You took me so good. M so proud of you." He picks me up, hugging me tightly. He presses kisses all across my face.
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A thank you and apology
(If you want to go to where I thank my mutuals, please skip the following two paragraphs)
So I don't usually put personal updates but I feel like I've been off the grid for ages so please allow me to explain: as some of you might know, I am a Neuroscience Student so during term time I go half off the grid because of studying but make it up during weekends and holidays.
But this July I started an industrial placement! For those of you who live in places where this is less common, it's pretty much when your university support you through a year of work experience which counts toward your degree outcome rather than making you take a gap year. And this placement, while I love it, has been kicking my butt. This is the first time I'm living away from home so I'm getting used to doing all the housework by myself. In terms of mental stress, there has been a lot of personnel change in a short period of time (also called 'my department sacked a albeit useless guy when we were already understaffed'). And my new roommate, while I adore her, is not really a fandom-y person so me talking about fictional characters so intensely doesn't make much sense to her but she's a chatterbox like me so we end up talking about stuff but that takes away from my quality time on Tumblr. I have mostly been cool with it but then MK1 came out and if I didn't express to Tumblr how badly I wanted Kenshi and Johnny to plough me, I would have burst. So that's where I've been! Hopefully, now that my life is calming a bit, I can catch up on Tumblr stuff!
Now to thank my mutuals, who have not only been supportive of the ridiculous stuff I put out that I call content, but also for putting up with my periods of disappearance. You all are amazing and I love you!
Special shoutouts
@redlotus98 ❤️ (Bitch, you my ride or die on Tumblr at this point and I love you for it)
@multi-fandom-imagine 🧡 (For literally being able to write for every single fandom I can think of)
@maharani-radha 💛 (For being the first writer I saw on Tumblr who wrote fics for Indian readers and actually making me feel represented without being stereotypical, and representing the STEM girlies out there AND being an Indian maharani)
@ktficworld 💚 (for feeding me with Battinson content and also being a Indian maharani)
@firstofficerwiggles 💙 (for feeding me with Din Djarin content)
@edensrose 💜 (For keeping the majority of the Tolkein fandom fed on Tumblr and ALSO being an Indian maharani)
@quill-pen 💜 (For CARRYING THE ENTIRE Scrooge: A Christmas Carol FANDOM SINGLEHANDEDLY)
@a-purple-lizard 💜 (the first person I gushed to about mortal kombat men over tumblr cough revenant sub zero cough)
@across-the-starss 💜 (my newest mutual who had to listen to me systematically rank my favourite versions of fictional men at 1 in the morning)
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katygorl · 2 months
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The Lost Rainbow Persona: Kait
I finally have another reimagined persona done! :D The last one was for Spooksverse, so now we have the one I made for my novel, The Lost Rainbow~!
She is called Kait, short for Kaitlyn which is my actual/real name. Since I am a virgo and thus an earth sign(plus wanted the excuse to give one of my personas more tattoos lol), I have her as coming from Erdennia, but I have also thought about how she could fit into the other three kingdoms too. I'm going to draw those at a later time though.
On the subject of tattoos, the ones drawn/pictured here are a mixture of ones I have in real life, while others are not. In real life I have the sunflowers, rose I drew myself, and cacti on my right arm, the skull with the rainbow explosion I also drew myself on my left arm, and the Boo(from the Mario franchise) flash on my left wrist. The ones I don't actually have are the chest flowers, vines, and death/skull flower, but not going to lie I kind of want the latter one now lol. In real life I also have the virgo constellation but with pinkish-red flowers on my right shoulder-blade, pink and blue lilies on my left thigh, plus soon-to-have purple aster + morning glories and sapphires on my right thigh.
I hope you enjoy! <3 Here is more information about her if you are curious, taking from the original exploration piece + the fashion/moodboard!^^
- Kait
. Florist, born with natural magic but studies witchcraft also
. Citizen of Erdennia, living in Ceres
. Her witchcraft plays more into her style. Her hair is elbow-length and more wavy, being a mahogany-red color. Her fashion style is more loose and flowy, with more dresses in her day-to-day style. The stand-out feature is that she would have more tattoos, seeing as she comes from Erdennia. These would mostly be my current irl tattoos and future tattoos, but would focus more on florals and nature aesthetics. They would also cover a lot more skin, mainly all-the-way down the arms and legs, and the majority of the back.
Citizen from Erdennia, currently working at a flower shop in the city of Ceres. She was a very shy and temperamental child, impulsive and prone to getting upset at the littlest of inconveniences. Having people pick on or dismiss her all the time did not help her feel any better, and after her former best friend had moved away, she gave up on trying to make friends all-together. Always loved reading, she spent most of her time reading fairytale stories and dreaming of the adventures she could have if she were someone of a higher social status. As Ceres is one of the cities besides the capital Avalon that is most covered in flowers than any other plant, and she already had an interest for anything floral-related, a lot of her interests and hobbies have to do with flowers. Flower pressing, drawing flowers, and her Ceremonial tattoo and most of her other tattoos consisting of her favorite flowers. When she was old enough to live on her own, she got a job at a flower shop and has worked her way to becoming the top florist and flower arranger there, though her work has left her hands calloused and covered in tiny scars over the years. As an adult she has become more confident even if she still much prefers her alone time, but has learned not to shut people out so much and to give them a chance, especially those who genuinely want to get to get to know her better.
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