#i'm going to fucking die
missyorkswhore · 8 months
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tamatar0 · 4 months
Bsd 115 Spoilers
pls pls no teruko😭😭😭 come back queen the world needs you😭😭
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reidtypical · 5 months
do u guys think foreman knows house isn't dead because at the end of everybody dies it shows foreman picking up houses badge that was under the table that was placed weird or am i just absolutely smashed rn
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the-aprilfools-bitch · 6 months
I love chewing and chomping and nomming and biting
Why must my teeth and mouth hurt so so much?????
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imminent-danger-came · 10 months
Watch this fucking video whatthe fuck watch it
watch it watch it watch it
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qcomicsy · 2 years
I'm gonna take a shot every time I see Dick blaming himself in a comic book
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fearnelesbian · 1 year
sorry what? I was thinking about her sitting on my lap and lacing her fingers in my hair while I pull her by her hips closer to me so we can kiss until neither of us knows anything but the others body heat
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lemongrablothbrok · 1 year
Holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck I forgot how to breathe
I didn't think it was possible. I didn't think it was fucking possible. But I found a version of "Whole Lotta Love" that gets me even more hot 'n' bothered than the original (and the original is...well, I use it for the fuzzy tingle times sometimes). Dear God, help me. Help me, my panties are on fire. Damn it, Tori. This is not okay. You gotta warn me about these things.
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radiosummons · 2 years
Lowkey slowly starting to lose it. My younger brothers have taken the liberty of informing me, repeatedly, that my phone screen savers--
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--are of "That one kid in Shameless!"
As if:
1) I haven't already repeatedly told them that, yes, it is indeed Cameron Monaghan.
2) I didn't already know that Cameron Monaghan was in Shameless. They have both shown me multiple episodes of Shameless. I am aware that he's part of the ensemble cast. And wouldn't you know it, he has been in other things like Gotham and The Giver, too. And countless other films/TV shows. Because he's an actor. They do stuff like that.
3) They haven't literally watched my replay Jedi: Fallen Order on at least five separate occassions. And every single time a cutscene started, they both blurted out "Hey! That's the guy in Shameless!" Every. Single. Fucking. Time.
4) I haven't already told them on multiple occassions that Cameron Monaghan, one of their favorite actors of all time, plays the main character--Cal Kestis--in a Star Wars video game. A game that they repeatedly seem to forgot exists despite the fact I've been talking about it for over a year now.
5) They both, independently of each other, have come up to me with actual fan art of Cal Kestis, and said completely deadpan "Oh, look! Another person made a SW fan art of Ian from Shameless! Isn't that cool!?" Only for me to remind them, again, that the actor who plays Ian--you know, Cameron Monaghan, their favorite actor of all time in their favorite show of all time--is the main character in a SW game. The fan art is not of Cameron Monaghan--the adult man/actor--in a SW AU. It's fan art of Cal Kestis, the character. From the SW game that I've been playing.
6) Our sister literally bought me the pre-order for Jedi Survivor with a black and white printed photo, which was passed around from relative to relative. Only for our parents to then comment that said black and white photo had a picture of "That one actor that you guys love so much" on it.
I wish they were both pulling an elaborate prank on me by pretending to not know that Cameron Monaghan is Cal Kestis. But like ... no. They're not pretending. They are genuinely surprised every single time this happens.
The burden of being the eldest sibling is real, y'all.
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I'm serious
I'm warning you
The new promo is here
Last warning
Here we go:
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crane--here · 2 years
post bloody ties depression
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ifmywishescametrue · 1 year
if i see a thirteen on taylor's hand or that koi fish guitar with my own eyes this weekend it's gonna kill me on the SPOT
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rosickyfc · 2 years
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señoras y señores, hoy juega la selección
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solixfugae · 5 months
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Viendo Estrellas // Seeing Stars
Una figura rotatoria se desliza por la cuenca de mi ojo, como gusano se arrastra viscosa, avanza a su antojo. Se abre paso al mundo de mi cerebro, escarba tierra hasta hacer un nido de ramas eléctricas, pinta figuras de colores, gira ocilando en su eje como un caleidoscopio.
Esta quemando mi cerebro, siento su fuerza cortando el hilo de mis nervios desde los pies a la cabeza, tiemblo en el calor, mi corazón palpita como un animal despavorido. No siento mis piernas, hay un hoyo que se abre cuando se contrae mi garganta, detrás de mi rostro hay larvas y cuchillos.
Pero no puedo gritar, no puedo llorar, no me puedo lastimar. Soy un maniquí en los brazos de mis Pesadillas, soy una estalactita invertida, soy colmillos sin encías, soy ojos sin pupilas, soy sangre muerta que se reconstruye cada vez que el cuerpo respira. Una serpiente devorando su propia cola, una rotación, un círculo, un ciclo. Cada día es una muerte, cada noche llega vida.
¿Será una mentira existir? ¿Será tan bueno como todo el mundo dice que lo es? Ya no quiero pensar, algún día entregaré al mundo mi piel. Saldré de la cárcel pulsante en mi pecho, una carcasa pudriéndose ante mi ser. Seré inmortal, imparable, seré infinito, ya no sentiré aquella pesadumbre agobiante que se apodera de mis músculos, en olejaes giratorios vendrá el extasis del último respiro, rotare brincando como el patrón de un engranaje, los caballos de un carrusel
Estoy muriendo.
Lo puedo sentir dentro de mi boca, en mis ojeras, lo puedo sentir en mi mente.
Estoy envejeciendo.
Lo puedo sentir en mi pelo, en mis rodillas, en mi cadera, en mi lengua, el dolor y el gusto lo hacen tan aparente.
Pero no lo recuerdo. Pero no lo sé completamente. Dime porfavor, cuanto duran los muertos vivientes.
El ruido es lo único que conecta los hilos, los colores me consumen, las adicciones me abrazan, arruyan de una forma tan dulce mis latidos.
A whirling figure slides through the socket of my eye, like a worm it wriggles viscously, it advances at its whim. It makes its way to the world of my brain, digs up dirt until it makes a nest of electric branches, paints colored figures, rotates oscillating on its axis like a kaleidoscope.
It's burning my brain, I feel its force cutting the thread of my nerves from head to toe, I tremble in the heat, my heart beats like an animal aghast. I can't feel my legs, there is a hole that opens when my throat contracts, behind my face there's maggots and knives.
But I can't scream, I can't cry, I can't hurt myself. I am a mannequin in the arms of my nightmares, I am an inverted stalactite, I am fangs without gums, I am eyes without pupils, I am dead blood that is rebuilt every time the body breathes. A snake devouring its own tail, a rotation, a circle, a cycle. Every day is a death, every night comes life.
Could it be a lie to exist? Is it as good as everyone paints it to be? I no longer want to think, one day I will give my skin to the world. I will leave the prison pulsating in my chest, a carcass rotting before my being. I will be immortal, unstoppable, I will be infinite, I will no longer feel that overwhelming heaviness that takes over my muscles. In whirling waves the ecstasy of the last breath will come, I will swirl trotting like the pattern of a gear, the horses of a carousel
I'm dying.
I can feel it inside my mouth, in my dark circles, I can feel it in my mind.
I'm getting older.
I can feel it in my hair, in my knees, in my hip, in my tongue, the pain and the taste make it so apparent.
But I don't remember it. But I don't know completely. Please tell me how long the living dead last.
The noise is the only thing that connects the threads, the colors consume me, the addictions embrace me, they lull my heartbeats in such a sweet way.
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i will never understand how people have the heart to hate Jason even after they found out that his Ambrosia tastes like fucking sawdust. Ambrosia being tasty is like one single happy thing a demigod can have despite their tragic lives, because it reminds them of the home they once had, but lost. And Jason doesn't even have that, he doesn't even have a home to lose in the first place.
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sensitivegoblin · 1 year
.....my sister read my therapy vent journal.
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