#i'm glad that everyone who's been reading the event so far has been like ''my child now''
thelov3lybookworm · 6 months
Plants Of Thorn Bear The Prettiest Of Flowers
Summary: Another day, another kill.
A/n: Alright, so before you read this, be warned. The reader in this is bit dark and will do anything to win her father's approval.
FYI, she is the middle child, the second born after Rhysand and before Celeste, the one who later on dies along with their mom
anyways, enjoy!
Y/n flipped the dagger again, for what felt like the thousandth time as she walked through the winding halls of the Moonstone palace, humming a tune her father had hummed to her when she was a child to calm her down.
Her lips lifted at the edges, knowing she was the only one who got to see that side of their father.
It was not that she was glad that her father could not be bothered about her siblings, it was just that he was the only one who ever really gave Y/n any ounce of kindness other than her mother, and Y/n had snatched whatever scraps she could get and then moulded herself to someone who would not have to rely on scraps for affection.
"She can not find out about this, you know that right? She would skin us both alive." Y/n paused, her head turning the slightest towards where the voice was coming from.
Celeste. The youngest of the three children the High Lord had sired.
Y/n stood still, straining her ears to listen to what she was saying. Or more like who she was saying it to.
Y/n was almost sure Celeste was talking about her.
"I know."
The voice that reached Y/n's ears next was one she knew all too well, one she had come to like. Not love, not yet. That would be taking things too far too soon.
"You need to leave."
"I know..."
Y/n glanced towards where the voice was coming from, cocking her head. It was a room where the servants kept supplies.
Honestly, they could have chosen a better place to partake in whatever act they had. Y/n rolled her eyes internally.
She turned away, and before they could realise that the event they had been fearful about had already come to pass, walked towards the nearest exit, erasing all traces of her presence as she went.
She opened her mind after she had hidden herself away in shadows, and it did not take long to have her father's attention on her.
There is an intruder in the palace.
She knew she had her father's full attention on her then.
Interesting. Bring it to me.
On it.
It did not take long for Y/n to catch this intruder, and it took even less time for her to winnow him to her father's office, where her siblings were already waiting with him in tow, a bag over his head.
When she saw her siblings in his office, Y/n figured her father had drawn the conclusion that someone had let him in.
Y/n strutted in through doors, shoving the male she had in her arms to the floor.
"There comes my daughter." The High Lord drawled.
Y/n inclined her head, folding her arms behind her.
"Why have you summoned us here, father?"
Y/n glanced at her brother without moving her head, watching his face as it contorted with confusion.
But at his side, Celeste stared and stared at the male at Y/n's feet, the colour draining from her face.
"I'm sure Celeste knows why you have been summoned, don't you, Celeste?" Their father tuned his shrewd eyes to his youngest, whose eyes flew wide, shaking her head.
"I don't know what you are-"
"Don't play the fool with me girl. If you did not know who this was, you would not look like you had seen a ghost."
Rhysand's eyes flitted between his baby sister and father, wanting to know what the hell was going on.
"Y/n found an intruder walking freely around the palace." Their father spoke, drawing everyone's attention. "And he could not have come up here by himself, for he has no wings. Only four people have wings inside these walls, and neither Y/n nor your mother would have done this. That leaves you two to bring him up here, let him enter the wards. So," He stood, rounding the magnificent mahogany desk to lean against it, his hands in his pocket. "Who is it?"
Rhys glanced to Celeste, his eyes holding something akin to rage.
He sighed before he opened his mouth. "I brought him here. He is a friend-"
"Do you take me for a fool, boy? You have no friends save for the illyrian scum."
Rhys swallowed, and Y/n could see his hands clenching from where he had them behind his back. "Father-"
"If you continue lying, Celeste will receive the punishment for you."
Rhysand's mouth shut with an audible click.
"Ask her if she brought him up here. Do not waste my time, I have much work to do."
Rhysand only glanced at Celeste, who, with a scathing glare at Y/n, dipped her chin in a small nod.
"Hmm. Y/n?"
Y/n moved, walking to the shelf behind the desk and pulling out a whip, only one of multiple, and walked back to her father, holding it out to him.
He picked it up, studying it for a few moments before he hummed. "This will do. Celeste, now I want you to whip this young man here. Would fifty lashes be enough?"
No one moved, except for Alan, who began struggling. Y/n felt the heat of two glares on her face.
"Answer me!" The high lord's facade slipped for a moment, and he screamed, his voice high and scary, making his oldest and youngest flinch. Y/n stood still as a statue at his side, staring at a wall opposite.
"Father please." Celeste's voice wobbled, and Y/n ignored the part of her that rebelled at the fear that filled her voice.
Calm settled once again in her father's voice when he spoke next.
"Fine. If you don't want him to live, I will let Y/n slit his throat. That way you will have his head to keep in your room, and you won't sneak any more boys in."
Y/n knew it was no suggestion. That had been his plan all along, to kill the male.
Alan had stilled once again, the smell of fear that emanated from him very nearly overwhelming Y/n.
Y/n bowed her head to her father, and unsheathed the biggest dagger she owned, stalking forward.
Her previous lover looked up at her in fear when she tugged off the bag, silver lining his eyes as she grabbed him by the hair.
"Please. Don't do this." He whispered.
Y/n slipped into his mind, staring deep into his eyes as she raised the dagger to his throat, ignoring the scream emitting from her sister. She could not stop until her father told her to, and she would rather not disappoint him.
"This is what you get for betraying me, my trust, and wasting my time."
"Please don't do this Y/n. You know I love you. She tricked me-"
But before he could let another word slip, his throat was slit, and he drew in a wet sounding gasp, blood bubbling from the deep cut.
He was dead before his head was separated from his body. Y/n, still clutching his head, turned to look at her father as his body fell forward, landing with a sickening thud, blood splattering everywhere.
She raised her hand slightly, and he nodded to where her sister kneeled, her eyes fixed on the body on the ground. Swallowing the guilt that rose, Y/n let the head drop and roll to her sister's feet.
Rhysand, who clutched at Celeste's arms to keep her from running to Alan's body, growled. His eyes flashed to Y/n, filled with hatred, and Y/n turned away. Meeting her father's eyes, who smiled wide at her, and nodded his head to her legs.
"Get some servants to clean the filth up, then go and eat something."
Y/n bowed, then walked out the door, leaving all the events of the evening behind and hoping she could forget it all after she added a mark for him to her skin as a testament to her kills.
Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686 @cassie6392
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Hey, everyone! I just finished playing Moonvale and I've come to give my first opinion on it, which is a bit long (spoilers under read more!!)
So, first of all, I really enjoyed the story so far. The tense moments kept me on my seat, I enjoyed talking to the characters, especially Eric, and our conversation about the Duskwood events with Ash was absolutely great and heartbreaking (at least for me). I miss Duskwood's visuals, how we could see the characters' profiles, see their pictures and such and I think it was important for the immersion in the game.
I did not like the AI pictures for our profile and I think if we could choose one from our galleries or maybe be able to create an avatar would've been a lot better. Another thing: I miss the premium package. Having to use the diamonds was terrible, especially to be able to see pictures and videos. I mean, it was so much easier paying once and then having it forever. I hope Everbyte brings it back.
About the story itself: I know the beginning is very similar to Duskwood's but I enjoyed it nonetheless. I liked that we had more of the characters actually talking in videos and showing us real people--though I wish the others also had that. I enjoyed talking to Eric, a lot, I thought he was well written and fleshed out.
The unknown person who talked to us: I don't think it's the culprit or whoever Adam is after. I think it's someone who knows about us and Duskwood events, and probably has a close or at least familiar relation to Adam. Not sure if they said it was us in the forest just to scare or because they truly thought it was us and not Eric. I guess we'll see.
I also liked that Duskwood wasn't the first thing the characters thought because it actually made me happy to see how Ash and Charlie reacted to it, though I am super curious about the rumors and help Charlie mentioned. Also, I wonder how we're able to see the private chats again. Maybe something we learned from Jake? Or our phone still has something from Nymos that allows that? Not sure.
Lastly: the bodycam video from Alan? Oh my gods, I was on the edge of my seat and I swear I stopped breathing for a few seconds. I'm glad we had a glimpse into Duskwood but I wished we had had more. There are still so many questions left unanswered and I truly hope Everbyte will answer them at some point. I'm just glad enough that Jakes truly alive, though I have no idea why he left his things and why Alan was looking for him alone.
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yukis-tasks · 2 months
The Vignette Theory
The vignettes and event stories are all part of the dream world Malleus created and here's proof!
First off when Malleus first used his - what I believe to be- unique magic "Fae of Maleficent", thorns went inward just like when a card is groovified.
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They are the exact same. This is incredibly important because it reveals a direct connection between the cards and Malleus's magic. Moreover, there has been a lot of discussion about the wonky timelines of the cards which I won't be going too deep into.
My argument is that ALL of the vignettes and events were dreams or memories. They all took place inside Malleus's realm. Even the ones where Ortho, Idia, and Silver were the main characters. Although it might seem strange, there is no other way it could work. I think that when the dream started their memories or as described by the Shroud family, their "servers" got connected to Malleus, and all their memories were uploaded. Even though Malleus is not sure of all their memories and probably can't assess all that information, those memories are a part of his realm and that's the backstory to why we have a lot of the vignettes in the game.
The Conundrum With Those Who Are Awake
According to my theory, it's technically impossible for Ortho and Silver to have any dreams. Therefore they shouldn't have so many vignettes....and they don't. First, take Ortho- he has very few vignettes completely about him. Most of them could be from other people's memories like his gym uniform could be the Leech brothers, the White Rabbit Festival could be Duece's dream, and so forth. Even the vignettes where no one should be aware of everything going on with Ortho are easily explained. Ruggie knows about Ortho's actions in the Wish Upon a Star event and other characters might have their own understanding of Ortho's personality. From what we've seen so far, the dreams are fairly realistic. Even the Dawn Knight in Lilia's dream seems to have his own past. Especially when he refers to the origin of his 'ring'.
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Silver also tends not to be a main character for most of the vignettes. In the Halloween Soiree, Jamil and Silver get to know each other as they travel around the afterworld/ghost realm. This is one of the few times where Silver acts open and reveals a lot about himself. How does Jamil or whoever is dreaming up that vignette have this information. Well- as previously explained, all the characters' memories are now part of Maleeus's dream realm. The short time Silver was not awake and the information Sebek and Lilia -importantly Malleus- had about Silver allowed Jamil to learn about it in his dream.
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It's also possible that Silver was already open about his stories and life so everyone can predict what he might say.
Thank you all for reading my ramblings, let me know if I missed something and I'll try to get to it in another post!
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Ngl, when I first imagined Idia's parents I imagined them as abusive and neglectful, but they were a shock to meet. In the main story, they are the first parents of a character we get to see. I was incredibly surprised by her voice and personality but after it dawned on me that she was Persephone, I was beyond taken away! I've always disliked the characterization of Hades in the animated Hercules series. It felt like he was just a cartoon satan (Persephone’s exclusion from the cartoon was also disappointing) but to see Disney include her here-even a twisted version- is exciting. I'm glad that they didn't end up being terrible people, if they were then the Idia angst would have flooded us all up.
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Just shy of three years ago, I happily stepped in to help when @choicesficwriterscreations needed assistance with CFWC Fics of the Week. Shortly thereafter, the blog's original creator, @loricreates, was ready to step down, and along with @lucy-268 I was honored to take over and continue the great work Lori had started.
The CFWC archive provides an invaluable service to our fandom, but it was always so much more to me. It's a place where people connect, friendships are fostered, and our incredibly talented creators have a chance to be seen and appreciated.
It has been my pleasure to serve as CFWC's mod, and I'm very proud of the contributions I have made during that time. But it's also a lot of work, and lately, it was beginning to feel like a chore. That's when I knew it was time to say goodbye. I'm not going far; I'll still be in the fandom. I may even show up here to help host a special event or two in the future, but for now, I want to spend my time concentrating on other things, both in and outside of the fandom. That includes my writing, catching up on reading, and supporting each of you.
I want to thank @lorircreates, CFWC's founder, for her vision, for creating this space, and for entrusting it to me. It was an honor to take the reins from you, and I hope we've done your "baby" proud.
I want to thank @lucy-268, who was a dream co-moderator. We sure had a lot of good (and crazy) times running the blog together. I'm so glad this fandom brought us together... and we'll stay that way long after this fandom is gone. 💙
I'd like to thank @liaromancewriter, who has graciously offered to take over so that CFWC can continue. Please join me in welcoming Mal as the blog's new moderator! It makes me feel much better knowing I'm leaving CFWC in your hands!
Most of all, I want to thank all of you. Each and every one of you has made our fandom what it is. The creators who make us laugh, cry, and feel things we never expected to feel. The readers and art fans who have encouraged everyone along the way. Everyone who has ever "geeked out" over a beloved story, character, or OC together. Through CFWC, I've gotten to know many of you better, and that has been the best part of the time I've spent here.
So this is my final CFWC post... one last time! :) I can't wait to see what the future brings! 😘
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rayslittlekitten · 10 months
I Almost Told You That I Loved You Ch. 16
Chapter 15 | IATYTILY Masterlist | Chapter 17
A/N: I'm getting closer and closer to the end and the events that lead up to the end are getting clearer and clearer. I wanted to punch Jax in the face while writing the future chapters so it's getting crazy.
Rating: T
Word Count: 1,438
Pairing: Jax Teller x F! reader
Plot: This takes place shortly after Tara leaves Charming. You start working at Teller-Morrow and an unlikely and messy relationship forms between you and Jax.
Warnings: none
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While waiting for Jax after your shift, you’re enjoying the evening sun, buried in a book. You had passed your midterm exam that you spent so much time studying for and got an A- on your paper so Jax wanted to celebrate with you. You told him it wasn’t necessary but he insisted so you couldn’t pass up on the offer. 
So engrossed in your reading, you get startled when Jax sneaks up behind you, planting a kiss on your cheek.
“Hey,” he greets you.
“Hey!” You look over your shoulder at him.
“You ready to go?”
You mark your book and nod. After gathering your things, you pop a helmet on and hop on the bike behind him and the two of you take off.
No fancy Italian restaurant this time. Actually far from fancy. The only tablecloth there is, is the one you’re sitting on. You didn’t clock Jax for being the romantic type so you were very surprised and charmed that he put together a picnic in this hidden spot where you can have privacy, over the pink and orange sunset while eating some homemade sandwiches. 
“This is nice, Jax. Thank you,” you look over at him as he’s sipping on his can of soda.
He turns to flash you a smile and he leaves his now empty can nearby on the grass.
“You’re welcome. You deserve it.” Jax leans in and plants a kiss on you.
You lean in as well, kissing back. Your giggling interrupts the intimate moment when you taste and feel a tiny glob of mustard hidden in the corner of his lips.
“What?” he chuckles.
“You have some mustard on you.”
You reach for a napkin and wipe his mouth while licking off the transfer from your lips.
“I was saving that for later.”
You scrunch your face, grimacing. Jax laughs and leans in to kiss you again, his hand coming up to cradle your face. You lick each other despite the taste of your dinner lingering on your tongues. His hand starts wandering under your shirt.
“Jax!” you giggle. “What if someone sees us?”
“Trust me, no one comes here,” he assures you and tries to kiss you again.
“I guess you’ve brought quite a few girls up here, huh?” You dodge his lips.
He pulls back and looks at you, licking his lips while thinking about his answer.
“Not for romantic picnics while watching the sunset,” he points out, shaking his head.. 
“With a basket of food prepared by your mom?” you add, smirking, making the corners of his lips turn up as well.
“Oh, that reminds me. My mom is having a big family dinner with the club this Sunday and she asked me to invite you.”
“Wow, family dinner? I feel like this is getting a little… relationship-y,” you tease.
“You’ve already met most of the people who will be there, including my mom,” he points out. “And she likes you.”
“Yeah, but still. She didn’t invite everyone who works at TM, did she?”
“No. Just the cute ones,” he winks at you.
You smirk and roll your eyes.
“I’ll think about it,” you tease.
“I’ll take that,” he nods. “Do you need to think about this?”
He leans in to kiss you, continuing where he left off and starts guiding you to lie down on the picnic blanket.
You don’t think you’ve ever been to a family dinner this big before so you’re just taking it in slowly. It’s cozy and tight-knit. The dining table barely has enough room as everyone is practically elbow to elbow. Despite how outsiders see them, the club is very friendly and welcoming. 
“Oh, sweetheart, thank you so much for coming. I’m glad you made it,” Gemma puts a hand on your shoulder as she brings the basket of warm bread to the table.
“I wouldn’t miss it for anything, especially when Jax said you’d be cooking,” you smile at her and she throws a wink at you before getting settled in her seat.
“Alright, guys, dig in!” Gemma announces.
The chatter continues as people help themselves. There’s a few members getting loud at the end of the table about sports. Some wives and girlfriends are sharing gossip. The twelve and under crowd are jabbering about video games and Power Rangers. 
“You want some mashed potatoes?”
You look over next to you where Jax is holding a big casserole dish out. You twist your body to take it from him, but he doesn’t let go.
“I’ll hold it for you. Take how much you want,” he offers.
You gladly take a portion for yourself before passing it onto the next person.
“Thank you,” you tell Jax and he winks at you.
A warm fuzzy feeling starts growing in your chest watching these people, this mixed bunch enjoying each other’s presence. They may not be wealthy or be saints, but they have each other and that’s all they care about. It’s refreshing in comparison to your ex’s family, who while polite, were pretentious and always trying to one-up each other. Who had the biggest yacht, the most cars, the most expensive house, whose children got into the most prestigious schools. Meanwhile, you were just happy to have a roof over your head, the opportunity to continue your education, and a car, while on its last leg, got you from point A to B.
Throughout dinner, there were many laughs and genuine conversations. Jax even checked up on you every now and then to make sure you were comfortable and included you into discussions.
When it’s time for dessert, you offer to help clear out the table but Gemma insists on you staying put so you do as you’re told. You don’t disobey Gemma if you know what was good for you.
Some of the women bring out a spread of sweets, coffee and ice cream for the kids. You unintentionally make eye contact with Luann when she puts down a dish on the table by you.
“Hey, I haven’t seen you in a while,” she says to you, before sitting down at the table. “How are you doing?”
“I’m doing good actually. How about you?”
“Oh, you know. Same shit, different day,” she answers. “The new girl isn’t as good as you, but we get by.”
“You’re sweet,” you smile. “It’s a bit of a learning curve. I’m sure she’ll get the hang of it.”
“I ran into your aunt the other day. She told me you’re doing well in school and even looking into transferring to a four-year school?”
“I’m thinking about it. There’s a college fair coming up so just seeing what’s out there,,” you reply.
“Any particular schools you’re interested in?” Luann asks.
“I have a few in mind,” you nod.
“Do you want to stay in Charming or go somewhere far?”
Before you can answer, Gemma jumps in and offers Luann some pie. Suddenly there’s tension in the air and Luann’s facial expression changes.
“Thank you, Gemma,” she forces a smile. “By the way, did you make this yourself or buy it? Because I was at that new bakery that just opened up on…”
The conversation suddenly switches to pies now.
“You want any of that? I can get you a plate,” you offer, turning to Jax
“Nah, I don’t really do sweets,” he replies, looking a bit deflated.
“Are you okay?” you ask, concerned.
“Yeah,” he simply answers. “Just need some air. It’s a bit stuffy in here.”
With that, he pushes his seat away from the table and heads towards the front door.
“Jackson, where are you going?” Gemma asks.
Without looking back, he brings up a cigarette between his fingers and then walks out the door, slamming it behind him. Gemma glances at Luann who is now sporting a guilty face. Your eyes remain on the front door, wondering what he’s upset about now.
At the end of the night, everyone says their goodbyes. You linger around waiting for Jax to finish.
“Thanks, mom. Dinner was delicious.” He hugs and gives Gemma a kiss on the cheek.
“You’re welcome, baby. You get home safe, alright?”
“Will do,” he nods. “See you tomorrow.”
You follow Jax out the house and you are hoping Jax invites you back to his place. As you approach him, he throws his helmet on and hops on his bike, starting it up.
“Hey, are you sure you're okay?” you ask him.
“Yeah. Sorry, I’m not really in a mood tonight. See you Tuesday,” he replies before taking off without a kiss or a hug, leaving you in the dust.
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jaquik · 9 months
Hi, I'm writing some Ranma 1/2 fanfiction
I suppose I might as well put this here too.
Hello, my name is Jaqui. I'm a transwoman and I'm a fan of Ranma 1/2 (I suppose that's redundant). I first read fanfiction for Ranma in the early 2000s while I was still firmly an egg. Then, in May 2020, a couple of years after I came out, I got back into it thanks to AO3. I devoured as many fics as I could and started to meet people on twitter and discord that were also into Ranma. Eventually, in early 2021, I finally decided to take a shot at writing my own fics. Now I find myself currently at 10 stories and counting. If you are interested, you can find my fics on AO3.
I also have commissioned several pieces of artwork for my fics, done by the fantastic writer and artist Fern Bedek, some of which are included below. You can find more of her work and commission her for you own stuff at https://beedokart.tumblr.com/
Finding Oneself (https://archiveofourown.org/works/29627430)
Akane is feeling down after the failed wedding, so Ranma (who is currently figuring things out about herself) offers to take her on a girls day out.
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My very first fic, a post-canon story inspired by the common yuri staple of the two girls spending the day together on a definitely not date. While trying to figure out how to set up Ranma making the suggestion in the first place, I ended up breaking her egg wide open in the first chapter. Not much of a slow burn there. I still think I did well with the story and am glad my first attempt at writing my own thing was positively received.
Mothers and Daughters (https://archiveofourown.org/series/3412471)
What if Nodoka had some additional information before her first visit to the Tendo household? And what other secrets may she be hiding?
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My first attempt at an AU. Basically, I wanted to try my own alternate take at Nodoka's first meeting where she realizes who Ranma is right away and is also completely accepting of her child. While working out the details for why she knew, I came up with a twist that seemed to throw everyone by surprise and let me take some interesting directions with Nodoka's past.
Genderfluid Mechanics (https://archiveofourown.org/series/3285123)
Taking things from the top with an extra twist: What if the youngest Tendo had a little something extra in common with Ranma.
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Another AU, this time with Ranma and Akane's first meeting. I decided to explore what it would be like if both of them were actually genderfluid. Also my first time writing a story purely from one person's point of view.
A Butterfly's Wing (https://archiveofourown.org/works/38048443)
Ranma is given a chance to change one event from his past, and now is left wondering what the change actually was. As well as what surprise is in store for her next.
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This time, I went a little further with the AU concept by having the character know they are in an alternate universe. This is my own stab at the 'character makes a wish and now things are different' subgenre. This has given me a chance to explore a bit of mystery writing, seeing what hints to give to guide readers as to what actually happened in this alternate universe.
An Honorable Lie (https://archiveofourown.org/works/42611670)
Shortly after her first meeting at the Tendo house, Nodoka has a realization about the girl named Ranko. Now she is ready to reunite with her child …as soon as she can figure out how to honorably deal with the contract hanging over both their heads.
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Artwork done by the amazing Mariana Nicoleli
Another retake on Nodoka's first meeting. This time, she realizes who Ranko is a little later after already revealing the whole contract thing. While she's accepting of her trans daughter (as far as she knows), she feels she cannot reveal it out of fear that she would have to enforce that contract. This one is from Nodoka's POV and it's been fun trying to gauge her thought processes.
Musabetsu Kakutō Ryū Tenka'ichi Budōkai (https://archiveofourown.org/works/43678938)
Roshi ends up with a new student along with Goku and Kuririn. How will this strange gender switching martial artist affect things at the upcoming tournament?
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First stab at a crossover, this one with Dragonball. A difficult thing with mixing these franchises is how to deal with power gaps. My solution was to go back to the beginning, as in the 21st tournament. At this point Goku, while very strong, was still quite beatable by regular humans. This also gave me the chance to play around some more with gender (Anyone order an agender Goku? Cause you're getting one).
Secrets and Truths (https://archiveofourown.org/works/43993947)
Akane has a secret meeting with a certain rival. Where they can openly discuss things that they cannot divulge to anyone else.
A chance to play around with Kodachi a bit, along with having her interact with Akane. I couldn't help but notice they shared a blind spot around not noticing someone's curse, albeit a different person each, so I decided to make a little twist on it.
Cute As A Pig (https://archiveofourown.org/works/45134467)
Akane makes a comment that Ranma does not take well. Will a certain sumo pig raising farm girl be able to clear everything up?
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Inspired by this lovely art piece (https://www.tumblr.com/ylvasart/708079407910223872), I decided to explore what would happen if Akane and Akari were girlfriends before Ranma showed up, and what would happen to Ranma because of this. Being me, it naturally ended up very trans and lesbian.
The Wild Wind And The Scarlet Sea (https://archiveofourown.org/works/48352432)
What exactly did happen in the pasts of Haruka and Michiru? And how are those pasts connected to a certain pigtailed martial artist and their tomboy fiancée? A lot more than you might think it turns out.
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Another crossover and my first attempt at a fuku fic. For this one, I set about making Ranma as Sailor Uranus, something I haven't really seen done before, which is very odd to me. Uranus is described as being both a man and a woman and Ranma and Uranus both utilize wind based attacks. So, this is my stab at writing it.
Dear Diary (https://archiveofourown.org/works/50489872)
A secret, hidden away diary, containing a single entry, written by a girl who no longer exists.
Based on the probably most well-known anime episode Am I Pretty, this was a chance for me to play around with formatting by trying to match the style of a teenage girl writing things down in a physical diary to a digital page.
So, if any of these stories have managed to pique your interest, please check them out and I hope you enjoy them.
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this-acuteneurosis · 1 year
Can I just say how much I appreciate the fact you don't stray much from the movies?
It's just so refreshing to see a fic that is built on a clear, unbiased and simple canon base. This way, as you demonstrated, a writer not only has the ability to further explore the main themes and ideas introduced in the source material, but they can also go ahead and naturally develop their own by branching out on those fundamentals. They can offer their perspective by using the source material to their advantage, instead of working against it or even worse, trying to include all contradicting canon aspects. Part of writing a fic is kind of like offering your input in a conversation/disagreement. You have to listen carefully to what the other person is saying in order to form your answer...If you're listening to a thousand different people who are all saying a different thing (in this case, The clone wars, legends, novels, comics ect), you won't be able to give an answer that makes sense, much less give a structured and stable opinion.
I love how you were like "I know star wars is entering an era of a shit ton of spin off content with seemingly no end and most star wars fans know shit like who chewie lost his virginity to and what the kessel run is but screw this. The movies and maybe some late night wiki research is enough."
And you were right.
It's so funny, because I feel like I do ultimately stray pretty far from the movies. Not in terms of events I guess, but especially the prequels, I reject some of the underlying assumptions of what is said on screen and just treat it like fallible people strongly asserting opinions that no one calls them on. See: everything I ever assert about the Force/Anakin's "destiny."
I do think it helped me to stick with limited material. And it wasn't even because I saw all of this new SW content coming. I've mentioned this before, but when I started writing Don't Look Back (when it was just Like Fire and I naively believed I was gonna be done in 200k words, lol, rip past me) I hesitated a lot because as far as I was concerned, I wasn't a Star Wars Fan.
I'd watched the OT and PT multiple times. I knew that novels and games and cartoons existed, I knew people had consumed them all. I had been reading some SW fic because @mylongsufferingroommate had been sending me stuff they were enjoying and I was having fun with it. But like, I would never have called myself a Fan. I got goaded into writing this fic by people who knew me too well and really wanted a political thriller. I wouldn't have called them Star Wars Fans either.
Limiting myself to the six movies I had watched was a preemptive defense mechanism against a fan base I wasn't sure would want to accept me. My thin skin is my own problem, but every time I think about writing in a new fandom the same sort of nerves take me: what if my fanon is "wrong" and people are mean?
I guess what I'm trying to say is thank you so much to everyone who gave me a chance and encouraged me and were excited and shared that excitement.
And please, for the love of all the sky and stars DON'T GATEKEEP FANDOMS.
Don't tell people their canon is too big (@blue-sunshine-mauve-morning and @chancecraz have amazing fics that are much more compliant than mine to the broader canon, as a quick example), and definitely don't tell people their canon is too small. Walk away if you aren't enjoying something. Give compliments when you like something that is unique in a fandom you're familiar with. Be patient with people, be kind.
I could easily have given this story up if people hadn't been patient with me. I got comments as early as my first chapter from people who were angry with a single thing that I said and felt the need to tell me I was wrong. I could have left. I could have stopped.
I'm glad I didn't. But I wonder how many other people have.
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actual-changeling · 4 months
Oh, thank you so much for clarifying! I am again so sorry that's how I took it, but I read and reread and thought about it and I could not see how you actually meant it! It upset me to think you might think that and I'm very glad I was wrong!
Now that it's all clear, I'm afraid I can't say I agree with your thoughts about Nina and Maggie. The ball was too far and completely unfair to the people he was manipulating for his own fantasy, but I don't believe he'd use temptation or miracles to force Nina and Maggie together. In my opinion, I don't think he really cares if they get together. While he does seem to genuinely like Maggie and I think he would like her to be happy, he is rightfully far more focused on Jimbriel. He has to try to get them together because that's his excuse to the archangels, but if his matchmaking doesn't work? Oh well, his massive miracle attempt didn't take it seems. Such a shame. Please continue to ignore the guy in the sweater vest.
That's just my view of events though! Everyone has their own and disagreements about them are natural. Again, I'm sorry for my misinterpretation of your words and thank you for clarifying!
No need to apologize!
Sometimes I screw up my wording and I'm always happy to clarify, and if you disagree in the end then that's perfectly fine! I'm always curious how other people interpret the same situation.
With Aziraphale and how far he'd go with his miracles—I'm not actually sure. Like, I think it is certainly possible that he would use miracles in a temptation/emotional manipulation way, but it is also possible that he does not care enough to try it or simply doesn't want to.
If you had asked me about Aziraphale doing something like the ball before season two, my answer would probably have been "he wouldn't".
I did not think he'd manipulate people like that, but then he did! I did not think he'd ever treat Crowley the way he treated him this season, but then he did. So my expectations around him are completely off-balance and knotted up, and while there are many situations where I can be quite certain my predictions are correct, there are some where it comes down to actually seeing him in it.
Another question is also what he would have done if e.g. music shop guy hadn't agreed to come even with the Doctor Who annual on the table. Since this is about the ball itself—which he wanted to happen so play out his fantasy with Crowley—his approach might be different compared to his matchmaking one.
Would he have forced him to go and do what he wants or would he have looked for an alternative? Although once he has set his mind on something, he will do whatever is necessary to get it.
But yeah, bottom line—always ask if you're unsure about something I said, absolutely no need to apologize 💚
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nakanotamu · 5 months
Alright so hopefully last post about this I guess, this is my personal thoughts on the whole current Stardom ~situation~ as an overly invested fan and someone who watched it develop in real time and can actually read what's out there in Japanese. If you have no idea what the hell I'm talking about you can find my summary of the past year of Stardom management issues here and my summary of the more recent events leading to Rossy being fired here.
I guess the shortest way to put it is I'm not really upset about it? Maybe it's naive or "cope" or whatever but I'm even kind of cautiously optimistic? Mostly I'm just glad this isn't some huge WWE Japan coup or whatever. Between the year I had last year independent of pro wrestling and watching Stardom go to shit in real time, I kind of already decoupled my personal identity from being A Stardom Fan, something that probably sounds ridiculous given my entire online identity but I promise I was somehow even more personally invested in a much worse way this time last year.
Obviously the big thing to be seen now is how exactly the rosters shake out, who's going where. Of course it's distressing when on screen relationships just suddenly come to an end but I kind of already went through this when Unagi left. As far as a wrestler leaving a company barring like retirement or tragedy that was basically as bad as it could get for me, so like, that's just not an element of it I'm particularly worried about. For every relationship we stop seeing, at least the way we have been, we'll get to see some new ones too, right? I guess personally I'm more interested in what's coming next than dreading anything that might be coming to an end.
I think it's also worth noting that nobody is making permanent decisions right now. Everyone is just as capable of going freelance or changing their mind and going to a different company as they were before. I also assume both companies will have to be at least somewhat open to bringing in freelancers and sharing talent so like. Maybe some people will end up working both! We just don't know at all.
As for whatever Rossy's new company is, barring some announcement I completely hate, obviously if it's watchable on the internet I'm going to at least check it out. I'm not a fan of Rossy's but I'm also just like, so unbelievably sick of Rossy discourse online. He's not the god booker that so many men went to paint him as or whatever with his unforeseen insight into The Business and definitely not mostly just luck allowing him the success he's had. But he does let the wrestlers tell their own stories how they want to, and while I wish that was considered the absolute bare minimum it's instead all too rare, and I'm glad it seems like so many people who have worked with him do enjoy working with and want to continue doing so, something else that's all too rare in wrestling.
I also think it's somewhere between ridiculous and offensive to paint him as some freak pervert booking with his dick based on who he, personally, wants to fuck. Look not to get too into my personal readings of a guy I do not know but I have never seen a man who works as close with women and is as clearly personally disinterested in them as Rossy in my life. As an actual freak pervert who has seen a lot of product that he has produced, I'm fucking telling you and I've been saying it for years that that is not my guy. Especially if your reasoning for hating on him is that you think the wrestler's stories and presentations or anything are too horny when, like I mentioned, we know that comes from them. You don't have to like that but you do have to deal with it. However I do also think it's worth actually considering that when even the women who are most attached to Stardom as fans are pretty universally like "this guy doesn't actually know how to expand his audience, he is never gonna get women or bring things back to how they were" that's probably worth paying attention to.
It's just all so fucking tired and disingenuous and I've been exhausted with it for like 6 years. He's not the saviour messiah of joshi wrestling or the pervert demon who killed it. He's just a fucking photographer turned businessman and I think it's much more likely he got where he did thanks to flexibility and luck more than anything, and it's not like he hasn't had plenty of failure and piss poor management before Bushiroad was ever a factor too. I know I'm already off twitter so this doesn't even matter any more but stop putting everything on Rossy, please, he does not deserve the credit that should go to these wrestlers just for the matches he books. He's just some guy. (Hit him with your car.)
Anyway the big minus for me is that if Rossy's new promotion does have a service that makes it convenient and easy to watch it'll almost definitely be complete shit run by Sonny again since he's not Bushiroad staff he's a freelancer and I want nothing more than to be free of that hack. I so badly wish what we were getting were a promotion of this style that I like that was actually run by women but I guess this isn't the worst case scenario either.
And that's sort of it, for me. Like, as a fan, having Bushiroad-produced Stardom and Rossy-produced Stardom Classic (if that's the vibe they end up with) AND NOT EVEN TO MENTION Act Wres Girl'z which you can already watch RIGHT NOW as a Fuka-produced alternate Stardom Classic, you know. I don't think that's the worst place to be in as a joshi and Stardom fan, so I'm just gonna keep watching everything and see what happens. And if you have any other questions my ask box is always open.
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zonaenthusiast · 10 months
Law, my beloved.
I've just finished reading Law's novel and I've been writing some random thoughts while I was doing it. Here they are (spoilers, obviously):
I had never really thought about exactly what Law had to do to cure himself of his disease and removing his liver with the help of his fruit to operate himself without anesthesia was not in my bingo card.
Thank you for your service, Wolf.
Law taking pity on Bepo and giving him a place to stay… you are a good person, Trafalgar, stop saying you are not !!!!!!!!
And Law also decides to have Shachi and Penguin stay with him because he's mad that Shachi's uncle would try to do to them what Doflamingo did to him… please, get off tumblr, I want to be alone.
Law has social anxiety and I mean, I’m not surprised.
I've said several times that Law functions like Doflamingo in the sense that he doesn't do anything for anyone that doesn't bring him personal benefit, and now it turns out that this novel is teaching me that it's something he also learned from the second man who saved his life. But Wolf's principle of give and take sounds more like an excuse for the children to be kind to each other and to others. Given what their stories are (not only Law's but also Bepo's, Shachi's and Penguin's), it's a good way to teach them basic decency. And in the end, that principle doesn't mean anything when it really matters to either Wolf or Law.
I had also never thought about the reaction Law might have had upon learning that Doflamingo has become the king of Dressrosa. At that point he is 16 years old and the events of Minion Island are not that far behind him. And the parallel between Law's nightmares upon discovering the news with Doflamingo's nightmares about what he experienced as a child… the idea of Doflamingo's recurring nightmares are one of my favorite details about his character because it's the one detail that makes him human and vulnerable, that would almost make you empathize with him if it weren't for literally everything else.
Me when the group first sees the submarine that will later become their pirate ship:
It's funny that Law stops Wolf from killing his own son because he doesn't want to see again how someone is capable of killing his own family and you can see the parallels with Homing and Doflamingo, only Homing was never able to do anything against his son and the consequences were devastating for everyone.
I'm SO GLAD Law's reasons for going out to sea were not only his revenge against Doflamingo, but also to find out what exactly is the freedom that Corazon gifted him. His revenge is important but it also has to do with making amends for the mistake he and Corazon made in not being able to stop him from taking Dressrosa. And yet there is also purity in his journey because he loves his people and they love him, his journey is not completely tarnished by anger.
In conclusion, mom I love him.
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dailycass-cain · 8 months
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I was a masochist, because I wanted to see how the story ended (and wanted a the very least to own the Red Hood mini because I do love the creative team with that). So I asked a friend if I could borrow his copies of the issues I don't have. So here are my hopefully FINAL thoughts on Batman/Catwoman: Gotham War.
This was quite possibly the worst Batman x-over in quite some time. From the varying motivations of the main characters to the side characters. Nothing stood out from the beginning to the end.
If any one character comes off as "okay" throughout this event is Jason. Like, he gets the only motivation (again thin as it is), but at the very least he's the one who gets progression in this story.
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From helping Selina to seeing how flawed Selina's plan is, to being kidnapped by Bruce then mentally tortured, and still fighting even after it.
Jason is the ONLY main member of the three (or four if you include Vandal) who exits the story still looking clean.
Bruce or Selina? Oh boy... both have some WONKY stuff in this and vary from issue to issue or page to page.
The thing is, this story could've just been easier by taking Selina out entirely and focusing on Bruce vs. the Bat Family.
Like, the entire Bat Family is paper thin in this story and quite possibly some of the worst use of them in a while.
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I'm still flabbergasted at how awful Cass was treated in the story with zero character at all. I mean Batman vs. Robin #5 did as well, but even with that story there was a "meaning" to the madness with Cass in that.
She sat out most the main series until THAT issue. She's there along with the rest of the Bat Family to stall the possessed Bruce (which seems to be a recurring theme this entire year) until the mystical characters of the DCU arrive to exorcise him.
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For that issue?
It works. I accept the jobbing because it's a mystical demon which is outside her norm (well not anymore).
I still have my issues with Batman vs. Robin, but it was waaay better at telling a story.
Everyone's appearance in this event is downright laughable and makes zero sense. I'm supposed to accept Cass is okay with Selina's plan throughout this? Even her among other characters gets ZERO voice on why they're on board with this.
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A quick fix again would've been when she saw the signs of Bruce's mental instability with the Zur influence growing larger.
Heck, the now INFAMOUS Batman #137. The issue is awful storywise and all it serves is the wrestling equivalent to this with Bruce vs. Cass:
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All so Bruce can get a "W" over Cass. Joy. 🙄
When themactically it could've shown Zur's influence that a move Bruce wouldn't be ready for and Zur is.
BUT NOPE. We get that with him against Dick in #138 instead.
I'm not even going into details with the final issue of the event in Batman/Catwoman: Gotham War- Scorched Earth #1.
It just makes everything worse. Bruce passes it all on Dick and um yeah… none of the female characters of the family get ANY say. 🙃🙃🙃
I said last month I'm dropping Batman ongoing from my pull, and I'm sticking with that choice with Tec replacing it fully. I just don't enjoy the comic any longer. When you don't enjoy a comic you cut it off and don't continue to read it for any enjoyment purposes.
Literally, Cass's entire point in Batman run so far has been to job. There has been ZERO characterization for the character. Why I dibbed Cass in this "Card Cain". If you're gonna treat the character that way, well.
I'm out.
Detective Comics is giving me a better story of Bruce falling out mentally, and better-crafted antagonists who feel like a threat to him and others.
I'm more hype for Cass in that because it feels like the book treats each character better. EVERYONE gets to shine.
Batman/Catwoman: Gotham War burned me the heck out of the two leads. Again, I'm far more interested in what happens with Jason next and glad his "mini-series" basically turned into a setup for the finale to the current Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing ongoing.
Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to put my friend's copies downstairs. Probably tell him next Thurs to bury them in his bins never to be read, or just sell this as a bundle for some poor soul to buy.
I hope this is the final time I ever talk about Batman/Catwoman: Gotham War.
Save for Card Cain. I can't hate Card Cain.
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box-architecture · 5 months
I discovered that Communication Knife AweSamDrunz have Children Now today, and I’m loving everything I’m reading so far.
Also that they hang out with Sapnap, Philza, and Techno. Was not expecting that, but yeah, Dream would want to reconnect, wouldn’t he? Even if it make Sam Uncomfortable and Punz Salty.
aaaaaaaaa I'm glad!!! The kids are sort of separate from the main au in that they're not really the main focus, they're just something that occasionally makes me happy to rotate in my mind. Healed, happy characters who are extremely neurodivergent, with their weird neurodivergent children, able to exist contently.
also, yeah!!! I realized a while back that I haven't really talked about the relationships and conflicts or Anything with real consistency on this tumblr. I'm used to interacting with people in the discord who've already had to listen to me so many times yell and rant that I've forgotten that I. might need to give context actually to other people who have showed up to a person on a soapbox spouting nonsense.
short answer: yeah, theres a Lot of complicated feelings, but by the time the children are in the picture its been like a decade and peace has been made with most things. No one has forgotten, of course. Shit was fucked. But events keep happening, characters keep developing, and Dream cradles his happy ending with the people he got to keep so very close to his chest.
So its like! Techno will support Dream through thick and thin and be civil with his partners, Punz and Sapnap had some rough moments but are buddies, and Sam will never talk to Dream's friends about anything deep, but after years of him genuinely trying to be a good partner, Techno and Sapnap are no longer five seconds away from trying to murder him.
Long answer: I'm trying to pull together some posts that will give detailed explanations of this entire thing. Itll take a bit, but its infinitely easier than the full fic I was trying and failing to write. I'm pulling this timeline from an old post so it might not be completely up-to-date even with my edits, but this is some skeleton stuff I can give that will make things easier for Understanding probably. I'm very sleepy. Here you go.
Timeline for My Own Damn Convenience:
Shady Dubcon Prison sex w/ SamDream
Prison Escape
Gentle Recovery sex w/ Drunz
Dream decides he has major control issues and is going to fuck Sam to prove he isn't traumatized. Punz thinks this is a terrible decision.
AweSamDrunz sex, complete with a rulebook of things Sam isn't allowed to do (including giving or receiving kisses)
Quackity kidnaps Drunz similar to in the one cut lore thing, offers to let Punz go if they torture Dream (they stab Quackity instead)
Sam rescues them (without Q finding out) and then kidnaps them, where he ties up Punz and gets Dream kisses until they all eventually pass out (Dream gets mild medical attention)
Dream wakes up and unties Punz
SamDrunz has a talk and decides Sam is allowed kisses again
many kinks are discovered
Sam tries (and fails) to get a hobby
Sam builds +30 prisons/boxes/sex dungeons around the server, of various usefulness
Sapnap finds out about the Torture, sees the sex tape, assumes Dream can't consent to the relationship considering Sam was his warden and Sap thinks Punz betrayed him, and takes Dream to a cottage away from everyone to try to protect him. After Sapnap yells at SamPunz, Dream gently informed Sapnap he's going to continue the relationship, and they have an emotional reconciliation that leads to weeklyish meetings between Dreamnap where they can just sit and talk
The Snow Incident
Sam Recovery From The Snow Incident
Oh God The Egg Is Back (Sam locks up Punz and Dream in a bunker for a month out of terror, and doesnt tell them why because he knows it will stress Punz out and Dream could be an idiot and get himself Egged. Punz is pissed but can't argue with that) (Dream could have fixed this all with his admin abilities good god)
They actually deal with the Egg
An Incident Happens (but its like several incidents actually, including Tubbo finding out that Ranboo was working with Dream the whole time)
Failed Finale
Eventually grow old and live in a nice little lush cave house called The Box that Sam made
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cottoncandy-cult · 1 year
Welcome to the first event of my account the babyfication event! A dorm-based event in which a sudden accident leaves Yuu the dear reader turned into toddler/infant and now your significant other has to play daddy until the magic wears off or the semi functioning adults (We see and appreciate you Master Crewel) find a way to fix it! Proceed forward to read the intro, I do plan to do all of the dorms. Not sure what order I'll go in, Heartslabyul will probably be split in 2 since it has 5 main members. It will be written as a reader insert, she/her pronouns used. This is completely sfw, I'm sure you all saw that coming.
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It had been a somewhat chaotic day at Night Raven College, everyone had seemed frazzled and busy with what could be considered nonsense. Many students seemed to have an unsettled energy, making them fidgety and act a bit more immature than they normally would. So, it was no surprise that by the end of the day when everyone was in the middle of their last classes that some people were acting out, for (Y/n) at least this was the case as she stood at her cauldron in professor Crewel's potionology class. This was a joint class, and so all of the first years had a second or third year partner, her partner happened to be Lilia, which was certainly interesting. Each individual group was assigned a different potion to make at random, (Y/n) and Lillia got a simple potion off the luck of the draw and so their potion was meant to make one's hair change color like a mood ring. (Y/n) had just walked away from the cauldron to get the professor to have their potion checked when a small spat broke out between a set of nameless partners nearby, the fight had started with a harsh push causing the male closest to her to fall and knock her over while spilling a deep blue potion in a beaker down her chest. These two unlucky boys had a more advanced potion that required 2 separate potions to be made and then mixed, everyone had been glad they hadn't gotten that one. (Y/n) had just enough time to look down at the blue liquid on her skin, mumbling a quiet expletive before the liquid seemed to explode into smoke hard enough to knock her on her back. Sounds around her had been shuffled and blurry as she became lightheaded, vaguely aware of Crewel yelling at the fighting partners as he tried to find her in all the smoke. It wasn't until a sudden burst of wind, thanks to Lilia, cleared the smoke from the room that Crewel found (Y/n). A YOUNG (Y/n), practically drowning in her own clothes which were no way to big. She had been lying on her back unconscious in the middle of the floor. Her tiny body showed that she had been reverted to a toddler-esq state, leaving the teacher muttering his own string of expletives as all the students stood against the far wall. Crewel turned to face Lilia who stood nearby, quietly observing the scene. "Mr.Vanrouge, since she's your partner I'll supplement your grade if you can find someone to take care of her. And you two!" The dual tone male turned to face the wall of students, pointing at the offending pair. "You're coming with me to see the headmage, you've made an awful mess for us you bad puppies." He crossed his arms with a huff, dismissing the students early so he can have the room cleaned up while he deals with the problematic males. Lilia quietly watched as everyone left the room, making his way over to the frailest of children he had ever interacted with. "Hey there (Y/n), don't worry. Lilia will get you somewhere safe." He was surprisingly gentle when scooping up the baby, as not only was she technically his friend but she was a magicless human infant which made her like the thinnest of glass when compared to him. He chose to fly when carrying her, not wanting to disturb her until he had gotten her to the right dorm...
Where Will You Go?
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armanicatherina · 3 months
when did you join ? what made you join ? what do you remember from the plotlines that were current at the time ? where were you in life when you joined and where are you now ?
i want to say i first joined chambordrp in 2014 ? it didn't last too long but the group made a comeback in 2015 and i'm so so grateful that it did. admin m had asked me to join the admin team ( of just herself ) to help her with some ( hideous, i'm sure ) graphics, and here i am, this many years later ! back then, i was a baby high school student, procrastinating my assignments because my rp partners were waiting on a reply. at the time, the group was a hot mess, and the most serious plots were angsty exes and besties who had a falling out. i'd joined with some iteration of armani with a cara delevingne fc which is still so wild to me bc that will forever be gaia to me. i was going through my inbox and do you guys remember when we used to plot in our inboxes ?? i literally have asks from viveka-b from 2015 and i can't believe how far we've come.
which characters have you written over the years ?
oh goddd... armani, beatriz, a chris wood fc who's name i can't remember for the life of me, a maia mitchell, a zoey deutch, kostya, kseniya ( i still can't believe i played my own cousin 💀 ), jelani and ines... and liselotte, my samke baby <3
what is your favourite plotline that you've been part of ?
anything romanov-related i've felt so lucky to be a part of ! so much so, that i needed two whole romanovs to play with. the poisoning of alexei / roman v milena plotline had a grip on me, even though my roles were so miniscule. i'm copying answers here but i will always have a soft spot for viani. they've come so far from that six-way thread where evy and martha had to rp with themselves. ani has always been my little guilty pleasure character and i'm so glad that martha felt similarly enough for us to be able to bring them back and close their chapter. it's their two year anniversary soon, i'm in shambles.
what about other people's plotlines ?
you already KNOW i'm a sucker for ships. samke is forever my otp, i sometimes forget that femkris was a thing ?? my eyes were glued whenever we got new farnauld or annexei content. if i could list out every single hshqship here, i would. i love love <3
who is your favourite character from the ones you've played ? why ? what made you love them ? what made them so fun to write ?
i've had a surprising lot of fun playing jelani, which i really hadn't expected when he was first born, with a reece king fc. it's been so entertaining to write someone so unapologetically messy and i think what i loved most about writing with him was how easy it was to have chem with other characters. jelani and aurel were so easy, i love my brotp. jelstrid and jelimpia will always have a place in my heart. i also can't not say armani. she's not a character with too much depth but she was always a character that i could come back to for something light-hearted and one that i feel like i've grown up with. i just love the oranje-nassaus so much. not a character, but it was so much fun being a part of the gossip blog. it was so unserious and i used to read back on some of the answers and laugh at how funny everyone is.
if you could relive a plotline, which would it be ?
not exactly a plotline but every event has been so fun, even when we'd thought they'd get repetitive. the points games, the auction event, the murder mystery. i loved how involved everyone would get, both ic and ooc. you guys have kept this group so fresh and interesting.
is there a plotline that you'd edit now if you could ?
not at all.
what's a plotline you wish you would have been able to finish before closing or just write more of ?
i wish i'd gotten more time with invente ! i'm so glad that i was naomi'd into bringing ines. i had great big shoes to fill after sylvia but i had such a fun time writing ines and i'm glad i'd gotten the chance. writing fanni x ines threads really helped me better understand her character and i wish i had more time to explore her more.
what is your favourite ooc memory ?
i'm going to ditto martha and say battling the crazy muns. i know i've just written paragraphs on paragraphs about how big a part this rp has been to me but,,, we've had our fair share of crazies ! i'm glad we could all laugh about it after. the admin snapchat group with eve and evy will also have a special place in my heart. you probably don't remember but i vividly remember us all sending each other voice notes and being shocked by each other's accents ??? i was so skeptical about discord at first but i'm so glad i joined. it's made every event and each bit of drama so much juicier and it's given me the chance to get to know u all better. serre loves me so much, she sent me donuts for valentine's day last year and i'm still emo abt it
where can others find you if they want to get in touch ?
discord ! i might check this blog every once in a while but i think it's time for me to finally let tumblr rest.
what else would you like to say ?
i've said a few things here but this honestly feels so bittersweet to me. the dash has been dead for a little bit now but i've, quite honestly, still been checking it daily, hoping there'll be a little something new for me to read and hold onto. i really never would have imagined that a group of fictional royals would have had such a grip on me. each character was so fleshed out that i couldn't help but feel invested in all these stories and now that it's time for the group to close, i'm hit with the fact that i have to say goodbye to so many characters i've watched grow, but also a community that i've grown up around. my writing has improved drastically over the years and it's a testament to the sheer talent of the people in this group. every single member of this group over the years has been so instrumental in the worldbuilding and it's so crazy to look at hshq and remember that it all stemmed from a rich kids rp. i've said it to e and evy but this group is honestly legendary, in our obscure little community. not just in longevity but the rise of model fcs and medium gifs in the rpc definitely started here ! you guys are so so talented and it's been such a privilege to be a part of it. if your muse ever strikes, i hope you'll write a thread or two here. i've yet to read the final chapters popping up on my dash – i'm still in denial and i'm not ready to let these characters go. i don't want to sound too sappy and dramatic, but what we had here was truly rare. i adore you all and i hope we stay in touch <3
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bookaddict24-7 · 5 months
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51. The Clue in the Diary by Carolyn Keene--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Four stars because I've been waiting to get to this one in the series. We finally meet Nancy's series boyfriend here and he is a very keen guy. So swell. LOL. To be honest, knowing that he becomes her series boyfriend made it all the more obvious because of his behaviour. While he wasn't the first guy to catch Nancy's eye, he's the one that was the most persistent.
The mystery in this was pretty good--it made me feel like I was watching a mystery show. I think it might be one of the more layered mysteries so far in the series. And I don't mean that in that it has multiple mysteries, but in the sense that it felt like it had more heart than some of the other books in the series (so far).
Anyway, this was the last audiobook at the library of this classic series, so I don't know if I'll be reading beyond this, but maybe one day I will.
52. The Winter King by C.L. Wilson--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
I came across THE WINTER KING on Tik Tok and I remember thinking, "This sounds like a book full of tropes I'm going to love." I was correct.
Wilson has created a beautiful and fantastical slow burn of a romance where the spice and sexual tension may be immediate, but the romantic part of the story is a slower burn. And the best part is that while these two are coming together and pulling apart, there is an actual fantasy storyline happening at the same time. There was always something happening and it was all being told in dual POV, which I'm very grateful for.
I'm a sucker for a FMC who has always been underestimated and treated less than she deserves, only for her to prove everyone wrong and for things to finally go her way. This book was full of those moments and they were like catnip for me. The brooding hero making her feel like she isn't wanted, when he in fact is too scared to get close to her because he wants her? Yes please, melt me.
Also, the side characters were great! Especially a younger one that comes into the story later on. Everything just came together so beautifully and ugh, I'm so glad I finally read this.
I highly recommend this for anyone who wants a slowburn, but sexy fantasy novel that also has a pretty great storyline.
By the way, I went to bed very late last night because I kept adding ten more minutes to my audiobook timer. I couldn't stop listening!!
53. The Language of Seabirds by Will Taylor--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
THE LANGUAGE OF SEABIRDS, right from the beginning, has this beautiful and nostalgic air to it. Over the span of a few days, we get to see the MC learn more about himself, what it means to speak up, and the power that words and actions can have. It also shows how infallible even parents can be when they are somewhat just as lost as we feel.
Dealing with divorce, a father who is acting differently than normal (given the circumstances and his one too many drinks), and that in between chaos of deciding what life will look like post-divorce, our MC's summer isn't off to the best start. When he sees a mysterious and cute boy running on the beach past his temporary summer home, it sets of a chain of events.
Their adventures (and misadventures) over those two weeks gave me the greatest sense of nostalgia for those summer nights that can only truly be experienced while being a kid. The ending took me out, emotionally, and had me teary eyed in bed at 330 in the morning.
Also, I want to say that this book is 100% a middle grade book because the characters are only 12, but this is probably one of the most beautifully written middle grade books I've read. It felt very literary and almost older than the intended audience--not because of content, it was all very age-appropriate--but because of that feeling it made me feel of summers lost, and the way the story is written and presented. I think this is a great book for people of all ages to read, especially those who want to reminisce on their first loves, especially those who couldn't pursue said first loves because sometimes there can be truly negative consequences, or simply the fear of acknowledging that love.
The author also included an author's note about what he wanted to invoke in this book and truly, he fully did his work. What a gorgeous and under-appreciated book.
54. How to Bite Your Neighbor & Win A Wager by D.N. Bryn--⭐️⭐️⭐️
I'll be honest: I never knew this book existed until I came across it on Libby. It looked fun (from the cover alone) and listen, who doesn't like a vampire romance now and then? I will say, though, that while this cover is very indicative of the emotion between these two characters during this act, this book was surprisingly...not what I was anticipating?
I thought this book would be spicier and just MORE. By the end of the book, I felt both relieved and a little let-down. Relieved because I was counting down the minutes until the audiobook ended and a little let-down because, like I said, I wanted more. I wanted the climax of the story to give me more. I wanted the romance to feel more...passionate? I don't know. It all felt a little too easy? And at times, I totally forgot these characters were adults. I thought that this could have easily been a YA novel, the main difference is that these characters are old enough to work office jobs.
I did like the diversity (both racially and body-type). I also really liked the one MC's best friend, she was great and I loved that she kept that MC levelheaded.
I enjoyed how they fell in love. It reminded me of past novels I've read where one MC shouts out that they love one of the characters, which gives me that "Aw" feeling. But I'm still a little salty that this was a vampire romance and it wasn't very sexy.
Anyway, if you like contemporary fantasy novels with vampires and close door romances, I think you'll enjoy this one. Was it silly at some points? Sure. But well, it wasn't the worst vampire book I've read!
55. Hideaway by Nora Roberts--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Another day, another Nora Roberts book I've thoroughly enjoyed. I'm beginning to see the somewhat formula behind some of these books and I'm not going to lie, for the moment, I'm really enjoying said formula.
One of the beautiful things about HIDEAWAY is the familial love and how thoroughly this MC is loved. And even though I had to suspend my disbelief in the beginning (how is a ten year old capable of so much???), I was hooked.
Roberts has such an addicting way of writing. Her books are so much more than the fluffy romances people have always classified them as. Yes, there's romance in this, but it's also a thriller with some people who would heavily benefit from serious therapy.
It was also interesting seeing such a wealthy family have such a warm core.
Will definitely be picking up another Roberts novel!
56. You & Me by Tal Bauer--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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⬆️⬆️ Real footage of me after I finished reading YOU & ME after only sleeping for two hours because I couldn't put the book down.
Listen, I'm an avid reader. There are some books I love and then there are some books that make me say, "I don't care about sleep, give me all the pages." YOU & ME was one of the latter books for me. I wanted to know what would come next, I wanted to know if these cinnamon rolls would get their shit together, and I especially wanted to see the father/son relationship be healed.
This book has hype behind it and it is completely worth it.
This is like one of those rare books that you immediately know will both linger with you long after it's done, and will be something you're going to re-read in the future.
I loved their love, I loved their relationships, and I loved seeing the unravelling of the mess that we are introduced to in the beginning. This is a story about love, hope, friendship, and heart. I loved it so much.
57. Barbarian's Prize by Ruby Dixon--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I was excited for this one because LOOK AT THAT GORGEOUS COVER! While it's not my favourite book in the series, I found it did hold some pretty important themes.
The FMC is dealing with some serious trauma after being r@ped various times when she was captured at the beginning of the series. I think that's one thing that's easy to bypass in the past few books--the trauma these women went through after being capture is sometimes swept aside in order to get some sexy times. But I liked that Dixon let her FMC heal herself before she gave her heart to her mate. I'd call this book more a sobering moment in this spicy series.
I liked the MMC because he knew what the FMC needed and how to respectfully approach her. Maybe the bar is set in hell, but I thought it was sweet that he wasn't as pushy as all of the other male aliens around them. God, that's such a weird sentence to write. LOL.
Anyway, onto the next one!
58. Mindy Kim, Class President by Lyla Lee & Dung Ho--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I think that books like this one are such important reads for the little readers in our lives. Not only does it teach the reader more about a culture (key words and phrases and snacks), but it also teaches them the importance of kindness, bravery, and how to approach scary moments in life.
Mindy faces her class's presidential elections in this one and while the teacher comments on the importance of voting and using that right we all have, we also watch Mindy overcome her fear of public speaking and how it's okay to be an adult with fears (her father), or my favourite, how it's okay for adults to have stuffed animals.
I love seeing Mindy grow in each book and I will never get over how adorable she is! I think this is a great and under-appreciated series.
59. Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
INDIAN HORSE is an emotional punch of a book. I think it's definitely one of those books that will haunt the reader for a very long time after the very last page. It was beautifully written, but it was also written with the phantom blood of those poor children who suffered, died, and were permanently scarred by residential schools.
Triggering is one of the first words that comes to mind when I now think of this book, but it's also so incredibly important.
This is the perfect of example of using and excelling at something to run and try to escape from the monsters in the dark, but that not even something you once loved can be a permanent escape. Monsters always find a way to find us in the end.
God, this was a beautiful and heartbreaking book--made even more so knowing that while this is a fictional story, the events are not wholly confined to this book. The horrors these children suffered will forever haunt our society. The cowardice and monstrosity of using religion to dehumanize people is something worth burning in hell for.
So, though it is triggering and traumatizing, INDIAN HORSE is a must read, since sometimes it is the most jarring books that have the greatest impact.
Have you read any of these books? What are your thoughts?
Happy reading!
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hillerskalibrary · 11 months
Thank you so much for your incredibly detailed reply regarding my question about the future of yr fanfics. The graph is amazing!
And you're absolutely right about everything. I am not a writer myself but I love to engage with fics and leave long comments. The interaction with the writers is one of my favorite things about reading fanfics because that's something you usually don't have (or at least not in that extent) when you're reading 'regular' books
Also I loved the yr week in april or all the fics for secret santa so thank you again to all of you for organzing these things, it's so appreciated 🧡
Heeey future anon! Glad to see you again, and glad I could be of some assistance in easing your worries. You've clearly already found your fandom path - leaving long comments are the best way to a writer's heart ;) (honestly this is a good reminder for me to do that more often 🙈) and as you say it really is something that makes fandom quite unique compared to 'regular' publishing.
But you're very welcome for YR week - it really was fun! So many authors outdid themselves that week. And you have @wilmon-secretsanta to thank for the wonderful Secret Santa creations, I can't take credit for that one :).
But really, it is I who should be thanking you, cause it's thanks to your ask and the reactions to it that I started getting in the mood for the next event and finally made the survey I'd been thinking about for some time now! (As I said in my previous response - round and round it goes: we inspire each other, and you don't have to be a fic writer to contribute to fandom - sometimes a well-timed ask is enough to set the wheels into motion ;) ).
For those curious: there's been about 50 responses to the survey so far, but I'm gonna leave it up for a little longer so everyone who wants to has a chance to participate. So I can't tell you what the next event will be YET (although I can tell you readers and writers have pretty different ideas of what they want to do/see 😂), but I have a feeling it's going to be even more fun than YR week ;).
(For those who haven't yet had the chance to let me know what kind of fandom event they'd like to see next: you can find it here!)
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