#i'm far too invested in their friendship and i'm sorry for it
xtabithanala · 1 month
Hcs for Arachne x Livia friendship??
Love this! My faves <3
I hc Livia and Arachne to be very close. Arachne's parents adore Livia and know that Livia's parents are horrible. Arachne and Livia would trust each other with everything and Livia is the only one to fully understand Arachne's humor. She knows that deep down Arachne is very nice but often masks her vulnerability behind sarcasm. Similarly, Arachne knows why Livia acts the way she does; it's a way to get the attention she never receives at home.
When they were nine years old, Arachne gave some of her dolls to Livia as the Cardew family sold many of Livia's belongings to afford food and clothes.
Livia doesn't like the way Arachne treats Brandy. She urges her to give Brandy the sandwich before Brandy can punch Arachne. Through Livia's empathy for Facet, Arachne begins to re-think her views on the games. The two of them don't dare to talk about it in public though.
When they're older, their children are good friends (Seneca and Crassus jr.). When Seneca was born, Livia was the one to be by Arachne's side, hold her hand and soothe her.
When Seneca dies after the 74th Hunger Games, the only people Arachne allows to be with her are her husband Lucius and Livia.
Arachne noticed the changes in Livia but never thought Coriolanus would go as far as altering Livia's mind and memories. In District 13, Arachne frequently plays Real Or Not Real with Livia. She's the one knowing Livia the best, knowing things about her even Fulvia doesn't know. Livia and Arachne stay together nonstop, barely leaving each other's side. When Crassus dies, Arachne knows how to be there for Livia as she's gone through the same.
After the war, they become neighbours and their grandaughters are best friends.
I hc them to be absolute besties despite their differences <3
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jilyydoe · 15 days
You guys.
I need an au harry-never-went-to-hogwarts
-age old argument between ron and ginny about her most recent (ex)boyfriend because some things never change
-"choose someone better next time"
-"if your such a love guru then why don't you pick someone for me and we'll see how that goes" (bonus points for a Hermione barb thrown in)
-ginny bringing up this non existent person to ron everytime they see each other trying to prove that his standards are so high they are unrealistic
-harry shows up unexpectedly to rons flat (when ginny is over) excited about a break through in the case they're working on (they're partners) and he couldn't wait to show ron because he's a big dork and gets too invested and Ron's feels more like a best friend than just a partner but Ron's suddenly shoving the files to the side and smiling at him broadly and clapping him on the back and pulling him to the dining room table because Ron's a genius and an excellent love guru if he does say so himself
-Ginny is fuming because ron is smiling smugly at her and she refuses to let him win even if harry is fit and smart and funny and brave and loves quidditch and no. No. No. No.
-harry is baffled because Ron keeps talking to him loudly about all the cases they've solved (but not about their current case) and how he's a holy head harpies fan (except he's a puddlemere united fan) and about a joke he once made (he's pretty sure that was actually Seamus finnegan)
-and the bushy haired brunette girl keeps glancing awkwardly between ron and his sister halfway between amused and nervous
-and the pretty redhead woman sitting next to him turning redder by the minute and glaring at ron but harry can't help but stare at her and how her freckles still managed to stand out against the pretty blush on her cheeks and how her eyes blazed with wickedness before she sent a clever retort back at ron and Harry marveled at how someone could simultaneously have such soft full lips while biting out a sharp witted remark
-and before he knew what was happening Ron was pushing him and ginny out the door with directions to the ice cream shop down the street claiming they forgot about dessert (even though harry could see the apple pie on the kitchen counter)
-and now it's too quiet in the hallway outside the flat and harry nervously ruffles his hair because he not quite sure what happened, what's happening now or what he's supposed to do..
- and ginny is rolling her eyes at the door and sending it once last glare (they're both sure rons just behind with his ear pressed against the wood) before turning to harry embarrassed and apologetic and tells him he's free to go about his evening without visiting the ice cream shop
-and even though two seconds ago harry wasn't sure what he was supposed to do he's also just as sure now that he's not quite ready to part with her yet so
-" well to be honest I'm not a big fan of ice cream anyway..."
-and there's a flash of something behind her eyes that was gone so fast he barely had time to register it
"But I do know a pub that makes a decent treacle tart...if you're up for it"
- and he almost regrets asking as he can sense the brief hesitation and her small smile seemed unsure and harry felt his heart sink before her smile smile broadened much like the one ron shared with him earlier (except rons smile didn't make his stomach flutter and his chest feel warm)
-they get to the pub and harry orders treacle tart for himself and she orders chocolate cake because cake is by far the most superior dessert and when he refuses to change his mind she quips that she should have known better about his preferences (after all he prefers puddlemere to harpies) and he willing sought out Ron For friendship
-and when he tells her he has excellent taste excuse me very much "I just happen to be partial to red heads"
"Unfortunately, Ron's heart is taken by Hermione even if he's too daft to realize it. Sorry, you'll just have to find someone else"
- and "I'm heartbroken, how will I ever find another smart, funny, quidditch loving gorgeous red head?"
-"I may just know someone who happens to check all those boxes you know"
-"Yeah? Think they'd be willing to go on a date with me?"
-"Well... if Fred isn't willing, then I've got 4 more brothers after him..."
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I saw a post of yours saying you'd accept prompts for the reader character from Honeymoon, and while I don't have one yet I was wondering if while writing Honeymoon, did a particular name/coined nickname come to mind to you for the character? Or were there generally any side thoughts that came to mind like little headcanons that you couldn't get into the work?
(I know you've gotten a lot of asks about Honeymoon lately so I'm sorry if you're getting tired of getting asks about it specifically 🫠)
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Oh I never tire of it, in fact the more y’all ask the more I go from it being perhaps one of the most solitary pieces I’ve ever written to finally having a little more of a concept behind it. So it helps me start thinking up plot. >And I’d welcome all the suggestions!!<
I was captivated by the wholesome salaciousness of a next morning walk with Elvis after the wedding night and how the whole world would be invested in it,. That alone drove that fic, very isolated. If you’ve ever been to a good ole fashioned southern Baptist wedding you know the tittering blushiness of what everyone knowing “what’s gonna happen to you tonight.” So I was thinking of that but magnified by global interest and Elvis’ carefully crafted image of his perfect little lady.
First off, no, I’ve no nickname in particular, which honestly now I’m realizing that would be a lovely way to keep it a reader fic but have a little name for her. I’d want it something soft and sweet like Bunny or Buttercup, Honey Bunch, Schooby Doo or something similarly saccharine. Elvisey.
Now as for plot, much of what I might’ve done back when I wrote it has now been written by others, and written very well. So I’ve started to simmer on something else, maybe regarding the Governor’s daughter at the time he came home, except not Ann the eldest who he flirted with and maintained a friendship with, but rather a baby sister? Someone far too young when he first came back yet was star struck and dreamy over him in 1960. But Honeymoon and any of its new surrounding fics would be in the late 60’s and perhaps she ends up the bride. I’m really intrigued about exploring two things:
1. Elvis marrying a sweet little baby belle to spare her reputation after a bit of his foolin’ got her name gnarled up with his and shenagins that never did go as far as the papers say, but she’s a bit ruined all the same in her father’s circles. So perhaps outta respect for her father and the appeals of her older sister to help somehow and his almost mystically idealistic appreciation for rewarding virtue and defending the innocent, he marrys her to save her good name. And dear me, she’s so in love with him, she’d do anything for him and he’s terribly nervous that he’s not cut out for marriage but he’s trying and goodness me it is fun to play house with someone so sublime.
All this is just me spit balling.
2. I want more of Elvis actually getting commissioned as a agent or ambassador or something of that nature for once, the dear man so wanted to be of use to his country and sure, maybe his new posting isn’t what he expected without much gun fighting and need for karate kicks but his his career was lacking anyway and his helpful little wife knows this world well and is an immense help and assures him that his smile alone could bring world peace. Germany again, perhaps? Cold War shennagins? Middle East? Where would y’all like to send him?
Does this inspire any thoughts? Opinions? That’s what I’m stewing on so far though it’s not sure enough for me to have the vision for a scene I can write out.
Thank you again for asking and sorry for the way I’ve just word vomited lol.
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lover-of-mine · 3 months
Anna!!! Any greys thoughts now the season has finished?? 💚
Hi baby, okay, I have thoughts but first I need to say I'm obsessed with the rep of people attracted to multiple genders, Teddy, Amelia, Mills, the peds lady, and the way it's never a big deal, let's gooo love that. But yeah, the last two episodes kinda make the season worth it kapaksoska I love the fast paced drama, I was never big on Catherine, maybe because I really love April and I hate the way she handles the situation when they find out April was pregnant during the divorce, but she really pushed it too far. Firing Meredith, Amelia, Teddy AND Owen is nuts, the chief of surgery, neuro, and trauma on a power trip? What????? Very interested in how that's gonna go especially with Bailey threatening to quit for Lucas. Kinda weirdly invested in the interns drama, the way they keep trying out different pairings, Mills and Yasuda almost kissing was something, I was on the edge of my seat lol, more backstory on Kwan, I'm surprised the fiance is alive but with amnesia, with the way they made him talk about it, I just assumed she was dead, which I guess was kind of the point, but of course greys was gonna go the more over the top route lol, Lucas proving he has the Shepherd brain all tied together with Amelia's empathy was amazing, but can someone address his ADHD again please. Simone needs to stop. Even more with the way she keeps pingponging Lucas. It's not her decision to keep him there and yes, he deserves the recognition for what he learned from his mistakes, but the opportunity with Maggie is too good to pass on for a hospital that's falling apart lol I like the way Amelia and Owen's friendship evolved to that moment of confidence in her, didn't think he had it in him kapakapakaa also LOVED him standing up for Teddy, Teddy and Owen as a relationship and a friendship is all very realistic, I think, I love how their marriage works, even more now that the show remembered they were supposed to be best friends. I am intrigued by Jo deciding to hide the pregnancy, I know they had the kids conversation and Link told her he's not ready, but this is not a hypothetical child anymore and they were doing so well with the communication, I guess they need a conflict. I was surprised Ndugu and peds lady (sorry I can't remember her name to save my life kspakapa) I saw it coming when they were at the bar but it was still surprising kskapakpakaoa. Overall, I think it was a very solid season finale event, the pacing was nice, we were getting a good amount of drama, the surgeries were interesting, it all elevated the season in my opinion. I still don't think it's an amazing season, but it went from just being there to nice, which is a win kspskspskspkaa what about you? Give me your thoughts.
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Hi Zoey!! Hope you're doing well!! You deserve all the love!!
This is my 2nd request ever, and you handled my 1st request beautifully, so i thought that perhaps i would request again?
Recently, i was randomly hard-blocked on Tumblr by a (now former) mutual.. and also got randomly cut off by some friends irl too ...
To this day i have not the faintest idea what i did wrong and don't even have the capacity to ask any of them.. it makes me incredibly sad/disheartened to loose them, especially since i don't know/understand if/what i did anything wrong..
As far as i've been aware i never violated anyone's guidelines/boundaries.. it makes me physically and mentally ill to think that i could have somehow done something so terrible accidentally/unknowingly and gotten cut off for it.. 😥💔
Despite getting some support and lovin' about it, I've been crying about it so much and don't know how to deal with it still 😓💔
What are your thoughts on how the TBB, (and possibly Wolffe, Rex, and/or Cody if it isn't too much), would react/deal with/comfort (preferably fem!) Reader on randomly loosing friends and getting very sad over it?
I'm sorry for all the angst here!! Also, i know you already wrote something kind of similar (had to do with TBB helping the reader lose a toxic friend), so if this is too much, repetitive, or uncomfortable for you, i totally understand not doing the request!!
Take care and thank you so much for all that you do!! Your love and support and kindness knows no bounds!! 🫶🏼💕🩷
Aloha, hun!
I'm really sorry to read that. It's hard to lose friends, especially when you don't really know why or what's going on. The only way to find out would be asking them about it. But you mentioned you don't feel up to ask them yourself. Maybe you have someone, a friend, who'd be willing to do that for you? Sometimes you can't change peoples minds, and you don't have to. Real friends don't just leave you behind without telling you what bothered them. Real friends communicate and try to fix things and don't just leave or ignore. Hold on to the real ones and let the ones who want to go just go. I know it feels devastating, but you don't need people like this in your life. If they just show you the cold shoulder without voicing what's the deal, they are not willing to really make an effort for this friendship, so why should you run after them? Invest your energy in your real friends.
And friends who need some time to themselves for personal reasons usually at least tell you that they need to retreat for a while, at least in my experience (I do that sometimes when I need to charge up my mental batteries). Cutting someone off without at least addressing them once about the reason is Kindergarten or headless teenager behavior at best. People who really care/cared, don't just vanish out of your life quietly.
That's probably not making you feel much better, but what I'm trying to say is, that you should focus on yourself a bit more and those who deserve your friendship. Don't cry over undeserving idiots. Easier said than done, I know. It'll take time, like everything emotionally heavy does, but you'll feel better at some point when you manage to sort out your priorities. And Drama queens who cut you off on purpose, to make you run after them, are even worse. Those are energy vampires, don't play that game with them, you will always be at the exhausted, losing end.
But, I'm still here, not exactly a close friend, but a mutual I guess. I hear you and even though I can't do much for you right now, I can send you a hug and write something for you 🤗
I picked this request out of my list to do before the others, because I felt this was a little more... urgent, at the moment.
The Bad Batch/Wolffe/Rex x F!Reader HCs - True Friends
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Warnings: Angst/Hurt/Comfort
Losing friends is never easy. You struggle with being left behind by some of them. How do the clones react?
He is organizing and sorting a few things for the next mission when he talks to you and asks what is bothering you. Your revelation makes him wonder.
"And they didn't say anything? Didn't say why?
You shake your head sadly.
Hunter puts down the datapad on which he's just checked an inventory list and turns to face you fully.
"Then they're not friends either"
You frown and look at him questioningly.
Gently but firmly, he says, "Friends don't just turn their backs on you without comment. Someone who doesn't even expend enough energy to tell you what might be bothering them didn't really care much about this friendship or you in the first place."
You wrap your arms around your body, really not feeling much better now.
Hunter comes closer and takes off a glove and gently strokes your cheek.
"I know that's probably not what you wanted to hear. What I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't have to chase after these people. Focus on your real friends, the ones you can always count on. Me, for example," he says with a smile, "Or my brothers. We would never abandon you".
"It just bugs me that I don't know what's going on," you say dejectedly, leaning your head against his chest.
Hunter puts an arm around your shoulders and continues to stroke your cheek with one hand.
"I know, that would keep me busy too. But all I can tell you is focus on other things, other, real friends, important things in your life. If you want I can ask them if you tell me who it is, but I can guarantee you, no matter how it turns out, friends like that will always let you down, again and again"
You sigh wistfully.
"You are a great person, a great friend and partner, don't worry, there will always be someone who appreciates that, one way or another"
He looks at you worriedly, a depressed expression on his face. Echo can't quite understand why anyone would act this way toward you.
"Maybe they just need some time to themselves?" he asks cautiously.
"All three of them?" you say doubtfully.
Echo sits down next to you in the grass in the shade where the found you and moves a little closer.
He says thoughtfully, "Real friends talk to each other, they say what's going on and don't just take off. Maybe they weren't as good friends as you thought."
"Maybe," you say quietly.
Echo puts an arm around you, and you automatically lean against him, seeking warmth and comfort from his body.
"You're never all alone, Mesh'la. I'm here, my brothers are here, and Omega adores you. You have a family here with us that you can always count on, at all times."
You smile. The loss of your friends hurts, especially that you don't know why. But the thought and feeling of having Echo by your side gives you a sense of security, the impression that everything is actually okay.
"I love you, Echo, what would I do without you?"
Echo gently hugs you and says, "Don't worry about that, you won't get rid of me that easily".
He looks at you in confusion.
"Why would they do that? Friends don't do that"
With a helpless sigh, you look up at your gentle giant.
"Maybe I've upset them?"
Wrecker frowns critically, takes your hand and pulls you with him to the open ramp where he sits down on it and pulls you onto his lap.
Gently putting both arms around you, he says, "Even if that were true, which I kind of can't imagine, then you bring up something like that. Problems that you ignore or eat into yourself only become bigger and bigger problems. If they're really upset about you, then they need to tell you, have a conversation. To just ignore you or shut you out is pretty childish."
You lean against him, resting your head on his shoulder.
"It just feels so weird, so heavy and devastating".
Wrecker strokes your back and pulls his arms, gently, a little tighter around you.
"Don't be sad Cyar'ika, you still have us after all, and that won't change. I love you"
"You are so sweet, Wrecker" you say softly with a small smile.
He chuckles, "I know, I'm great, aren't I?"
"Indeed," you say with a soft laugh, "I love you too."
He listened to you carefully. When you finish your sentence, Tech puts the datapad aside and looks at you thoughtfully.
"Why would a friend turn his back on you without justification?"
You shrug your shoulders helplessly.
"That's just what's bothering me. Did I upset them, perhaps?"
"Come here, my love," Tech taps the seat next to him invitingly for you to join him before he says, "Well, I think that's unlikely, but it's still possible. However, it still wouldn't justify a lack of explanation about the situation."
You look at him for help.
"What would you do, Tech?"
He blinks, then says, "You know me, I wouldn't dwell on it for long. Even if I had negative feelings about it, I would go on my way and do what needs to be done."
"But what if it was Hunter and Wrecker?"
Tech sighs, "Well, we had something similar with Crosshair, however he gave us some sort of explanation. I don't know, honestly, I don't think there could be a fault line between us that isn't addressed. Especially Hunter would be looking for a dialogue to clear things up, and Wrecker probably would too."
He looks at you, trying to read your face.
After a pause, he says, "Well, in my estimation, these friends aren't worth your concern or friendship. If they don't feel the need to communicate with you about any problems that may exist, then they are obviously not willing to put any particular effort into this relationship. So my conclusion would be, if you are not worth their effort, then you should do the same the other way around and save your energy for more important things and people that are worth yours. Time for new priorities. If it helps you, I could work out a plan with you to help you redirect your energies and reorganize. It may be a good therapeutic distraction."
You smile at him.
"My beloved genius, I would greatly appreciate your help, yes."
He frowns.
"Well, I guess they're idiots," he says dryly, "You know I don't like most of your friends anyway."
Crosshair doesn't like to share your attention, that's the main reason. He tolerates your friends for your sake, but he'd much rather have you to himself. However, he would never go so far as to try to separate you from your friends.
When he sees the sad look on your face, he says, "If they just cut all the lines without telling you why, then they weren't friends either. You don't turn your back on a friend for no reason, and even if there is a reason, at least you talk about it, and then you decide whether to go your separate ways."
"Is that so?" asks Echo dryly from the background.
"Quiet back there," Crosshair grumbles, "You knew why we parted ways, I never made a secret of why I left."
Crosshair looks at you again and says, "People who really care about you don't turn their backs on you without comment, no matter how much your opinions may differ. What happens after a clarifying conversation is another story"
"Sometimes an ugly one," Echo mutters.
Crosshair snorts, "Would you please stay out of this".
You look from one to the other, finally looking up at Crosshair and asking, "What do you think I should do?"
"Keep going. Don't run after them, focus on yourself and the people who are really there for you," he lifts your chin slightly with his long fingers, "Like me for example."
He puts down the box he just took off his speeder, takes off his helmet and tucks it under his arm. He looks at you with a furrowed brow.
"Well, I guess they're not really friends, then."
"What do you mean?"
Wolffe looks at you urgently, "Someone who really cares doesn't turn their back on you without comment. Simple as that."
You wrap your arms around your body.
"I guess they don't care about me then."
Wolffe sighs, lifting your chin with his fingers and seeking eye contact.
"I care about you, a lot. I'm certainly not the only one"
You look up at him, swallowing and blinking back tears.
"It's just so scary. It feels like at some point everyone could suddenly be gone and then I'm alone"
Wolffe puts his helmet on the speeder, then puts both hands on your shoulder left and right.
"Cyare, you're not alone, you won't be alone. It may feel scary and defeating now, but you'll get over it. You will see and learn in time who your real friends are, what really matters and what your priorities should be"
"You won't abandon me, right?"
Wolffe gently kisses your forehead and says, "Never."
Rex looks at you in surprise. He expected everything possible, but not really.
"Do I know these friends?"
"No not really"
He shrugs and says, "Well, I don't really know what to tell you. In my experience, friendships are never one sided, at least they shouldn't be. You invest quite a lot of energy in these contacts and suddenly nothing comes back? Mesh'la, it sounds like you were used and… well, don't need you anymore. That doesn't have much to do with friendship, though."
Startled, you sit down on a bench nearby. Rex follows you. He looks at you meekly and says, "Sorry, you probably didn't want to hear that."
You sigh softly and say, "Maybe. But maybe I needed to hear it."
Rex shrugs and says quietly, "Maybe I'm wrong too, Mesh'la, but you should focus on yourself for now and be careful in case they contact you again. You can't let them hurt you."
He sits down next to you and says with a gentle smile, "In any case, you have me, I won't let you down."
His hand clasps yours with gentle pressure.
When you look up at his face, he gives you an encouraging look with that mischievous, yet soft and warm smile of his.
"I got you, Mesh'la, always"
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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pathsofoak · 2 months
16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 36
i could not decide so it's many now nbcxvnnb
Ooohhh I like these 👀
16. I'll love you (platonically, in my case) if...
Okay I actually stared at this question for like 10 minutes trying to find out what my prerequisites for friendship are that aren't scarily low bars lfgjdljgfj but I think in general I feel safest/happiest around people who don't mind my rambling about my interests. Unless we're talking small acute things in which case I love you if you bring me brownies and strawberry tea 😌
17. Someone you miss
You, @itsthemxze, @mazegays, @smalleymcsmall, and @thominho-incorrectquotes XD
19. A fact about your personality
I get incredibly excited about categorizing things and the like, and organizing stuff (as in tidying and putting x thing in y place, not event organization). I think it's where my love of spreadsheets comes from 🤔
20. What I hate most about myself
I kept listing things and thinking about them and then it got too personal for a public post each time or I realized it's something other people have told me and I just internalized lmao so attempt number 5, I.... (quite literally 5 minutes later) Nope. I got nothing, sorry 😅 (but said information can be unlocked in discord dms)
21. What I love most about myself
I get very ambitious and enthusiastic about projects I'm invested in (sometimes a little too ambitious 😂), and if I'm invested enough I can stick with them for a very long time. Case in point, The Cold Half
36. Where would I like to live
I don't think I have a preference for any specific town, city, or country (though as far as countries go, places where I can manage with German or Dutch are preferred)
Walking distance from a current friend (but in a more realistic scenario, up to half an hour of travel time by whatever means of transport is most accessible to me is acceptable too). In every period in my life where I've had friends, they lived very far away so the hurdle to actually go there is quite big and we don't get to hang out physically much. I never really had that experience of playing outside with friends on the regular, I saw/see people at school/uni/the internet, and that's mostly it.
Other than that I think I'd like to live in a more urban area, I grew up rurally and everything is very far away. I don't need to live smack-dab in the middle of it, though.
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arendaes · 3 months
Jae and/or Heinrix 👀
Oooh, thank you!! I'll answer for both. I still haven't completed the game (I've resigned myself to the fact I'll probably wait for the DLC in August and then restart Imogen's playthrough) BUT I definitely got far enough to have Opinions.
How I feel about this character
I love both of them! If you forced me to choose, I'd pick Jae, but they're both great and I usually have both of them in my party. They both scratch a particular kind of itch when it comes to characters that I enjoy.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Imogen! I know that's the cheap answer though lol
Heinrix is easy; he and Marazhai should absolutely hatefuck. It wouldn't fix either of them - in fact it'd probably make them worse - but they should still do it anyways.
As for Jae...I do find her crush on Argenta sweet, though it also seems to be doomed from the start. You've also given me something to think about regarding her and Idira 👀
My non-romantic OTP for this character
I actually love their friendship! They're really nice foils to each other and everything I've seen for the two them tells me they actually get along very well. I'm going to haunted by the story idea I have for them and Imogen until I actually write it, but I need to finish the game first!
For Jae, I also really enjoy her friendship with Idira.
Calling it a friendship might be a bit much, but I think Heinrix and Pasqal have an interesting dynamic. I have some banter screenshots on my Steam Deck (that I'm too lazy to pull up right now) that occurred at a very interesting moment and it planted the idea in my head of the two of them having a weird respect for each other. (Also, Heinrix needs some friends besides Imogen and Jae, and Pasqal seems like the most likely out of all the options lol)
My unpopular opinion about this character
For Jae, it doesn't surprise me that Reddit has bad takes about her. Part of me wants to woobify her and say "she's my silly rabbit who's never done a wrong thing in her life" but that's very antithetical to what I'm about so I'll stick to my guns and say she's a complicated character with a very well-written romance that really challenges your preconceptions about her. Is she perfect? No. But she's a character who's more than worth investing time into; she definitely has my heart where this game is concerned.
As for Heinrix...I really hate the "Space Darcy" characterization of him, I'm sorry. This man tortures people for a living y'all he's not a poor repressed baby he's got some real shit he needs to work through 😭
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I wish I didn't have to choose between them in the base game 🥲
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beadddd · 1 month
Alright, as much as I would love to see Offgun kiss (who doesn't) I'm actually glad that they didn't.. Idk for me it would feel a lil bit to abrupt considering Ryan just vocalized his feelings and this is the first ep that we see some actual insight on whats going on Jane's mind and his actual feelings for Ryan.. not that theres anything wrong if they did kiss this ep, I just feel like thats not the show is going for, anyway I'm just saying this cause I've seen people complaining and again I get you but I also get why they didn't. Also I'm loving the fallout of Bahmee and Tae, it felt so real and I love that they are talking about it and that the interns are invested and taking side because it makes the friendship feels so real.. I'm not sure about Judy and Bahmee though because one thing I'm really hoping this show not to do is to cop out on the consqequences when it comes to the relationships specially with the interns and their boss, cause I really love how comedic it is and yet still shows us how important it is to have a great work ethic and take your job seriously, so if they sweep the inaappropriate relationships happening and yeah this applies to Janeryan too, it will cheapen the show for me a bit, but I will save my full judgement at the end of the show. Back to Judy and Bamhee, Im not sure what to feel about Judy down playing it, or not taking blame. Bamhee was the only one who apologize but you kissed her too, and you're her boss, if anything you should be the one who says sorry. But like this are just my thoughts about it, they are cute don't get me wrong, Im just not feeling the direction their relationship is going this ep. Could still change though.
Anyway that's my thoughts, I'm really loving this drama ya'll, the writing on this one is really good so far and I hope it will stay that way till the end 8 out of 10 episodes(just 10 ep? Can we please do at least 14 🙏) now and its still solid, Idk why more people arent watching, they are clearly missing out.
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meenawrites · 2 years
any ideas in the Trudy Lives AU for when Spider gets taken by the recoms? her reaction? what she tells the sully’s when they admit that he was with them when he got captured? what she’d do after in the following months, planning, etc, and finally her seeing him again? sorry if this is a bit much, I am just very invested in what you’ve created.
YES thank you for asking!
I have actually been thinking about this for the past two days. I'm still not entirely sure sure about how it would go down, BUT! Here are my thoughts so far!
So I think it would actually happen on a day Trudy is like preoccupied with something back at High Camp. She'd had a bit of a bad feeling in her gut that day, but had elected to ignore it. The raid had gone well after all, and things were generally in their favor.
But then the Sully's come back frantic, Kiri is crying, and her blond little son (though not so little anymore) is nowhere to be seen.
Jake wants to leave right then and there to protect the clan, but Trudy forces him to stay to get a proper explanation out of him. He's trying to quickly say what happened but Kiri interrupts him and says they took him, the RDA has him.
And Trudy loses it because clearly Jake was about to leave without Spider.
Now here's where I have a bit of a dilemma. I feel like through actually watching Trudy parent Spider and Neytiri and Trudy being kind of friends, I'm not sure Neytiri would have as much hatred for the boy as she does in canon. Then again it could have been triggered again because of the appearance of the recoms. What I'm saying is maybe Neytiri would oblige Trudy here and go back for him or maybe not. I'm still debating but for the sake of canon let's go with the fact that she doesn't.
Trudy goes on a whole angry rant about what an asshole move it was to just let him be kidnapped and they have no intention of going back for him. Jake's like he's a tough kid and human he'll be fine. And she's like BULLSHIT, do you know why he's a tough kid? Because everyone aside from me made him so! And how could you say that? You don't know what they're gonna do to him. They'll do anything to find out where you are. He's SIXTEEN, Jake! SIXTEEN!
Again, don't know if Jake's friendship with Trudy here would compel him to make a rescue attempt or not, which is why my idea for this event with my Trudy Lives AU isn't solid, solid, but let's continue as if it had gone in canon.
Once she sees he's not going to budge, she's gonna be like, "I respect the fact that you're leaving to get a target off your clan's back. But I will never fucking forgive you for leaving MY kid!"
I think Trudy's spiel would have given Kiri the courage to be like hell yeah how could you leave him that's my best friend! I think the others might be too cowed by her parents' decision to actually go for him right then and there.
Right before the Sully family is going to leave, I think Kiri would run to the lab where Trudy is and tell her she wants to stay to help her get Spider back. Trudy is super touched, but she'd not going to make the same mistake Jake did and let a kid get swept up in this war. So she's like, "I appreciate it, kid, but I can't let you." Kiri starts protesting and she's like, "I can't drag you into this. The whole reason I'm pissed with your old man is because he's fine with Spider getting dragged into this, a KID getting dragged into this shitshow. And I'm not gonna do the same with you. I'm gonna get him back. Ya hear me, Kiri? I'm gonna get him back to you, alright?"
Kiri thinks that if anyone can do it, it's gonna be Trudy so she reluctantly leaves with her family.
Trudy's trained military and a practical woman first and foremost so no matter how much her mama bear instincts are raging at her to just go in guns flying to get her kid back, she sits and tries to make a plan. She ropes the other scientists into it because she knows she won't be able to do it lonewolf-style.
I think first off she'd scout out Bridgehead with the help of some (maybe three) Omatikaya warrior friends she's made over the years (if anyone has suggestions for names or personalities for them I'm all ears). But Bridghead looks basically impenetrable and she'd have no shot of getting in. Besides the whole point of Jake leaving was to get them off of the Omaticaya's backs so she can't really mobilize them to attack the base. She doubted they would follow her anyway.
So she waits, clocking guard shifts and watching. Eventually, whenever Quarritch decides to pull Spider out of the torture machine and be his Na'vi guide, Trudy starts tailing the recom group from afar.
She'd heard about the recoms but had never actually laid eyes on them herself, and seeing Wainfleet's and Quarritch's sends shivers down her spine. And those guys have her son.
For plot reasons, I think she wouldn't be able to make a move for Spider until they start raiding Metkayina clans. For drama reasons anyway. And besides, the recoms are all trained military as well but now in bodies suited to the planet. It would be no easy feat.
Now part of me wants her to go for it before then anyway and get captured. Spider says he won't do anything for Quarritch anymore if he so much as lays a hand on her, so now Trudy is also just traipsing with them as another captive.
The other part of me wants her to take her shot when the RDA is preoccupied with hunting tulkuns to send a signal to the Sully's. Amidst the chaos of the hunt, I think she would be able to drop down onto the boat unnoticed (possibly with the help of a Na'vi friend of hers' ikran and her own kestrel is nearby or something). She hides on the ship until she sees Spider come out of the mouth of the tulkun looking absolutely sick to his stomach.
Because of how long he's been with the recoms, I think they'd probably keep less of a watchful eye on him, which would allow Trudy to signal him and make a run for it under their noses. She nabs Spider and they jump off the boat together, getting picked up by her Na'vi friend along the way on the back of her ikran. It would be a good half hour to an hour before Quarritch even noticed the kid was gone since he had been busy plotting with the tulkun hunters. And he can't justify going to get them.
Luckily because Trudy's a smart and skilled adult, she'd have more spare exopacks and once Spider says there's a tracker in his, she gives another one and they ditch his somewhere in the middle of the ocean or something.
From here, Trudy would probably pilot her kestrel towards Awa'atlu. I imagine that she's such a good pilot, she'd long since disabled any tracking signals or anything from her kestrel and flies solo/manually (so the RDA can't track her). She's going there because as pissed as she is with Jake for leaving her son and running, she knows he deserves to know how close Quarritch is and what his plans are.
I'd imagine in this version, since Trudy got him back NETEYAM DOESN'T DIE AND ALL IS WELL.
Need Jake to do some apologizing and shit but well that's out of the scope of this question rn.
Hope that answered the question. If you guys have any thoughts about what I mentioned I was uncertain about, please feel free to share.
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shxtodxroki · 1 month
hi! i'm a new hq blog hoping to grow a following! do you have any tips on how to grow a blog? (congrats on over 700 followers!!)
Aaaa this ask is so sweet I'm so sorry it took me a while to respond, I only just managed to go through and check my askbox! Honestly I'm honored that you'd even consider asking this to me lol, I don't fully know the answer to this since I still honestly feel like a small blog but here are a few things I think help not only with growing a blog but also a community around your blog! :D
Also idk if we already interact or not, but anon if you see this and we don't interact already I'd love to follow your blog and be friends! :D Anyways these are a few of the things I think help with growing a community and your blog in general! (Most of these are specific to writing blogs btw but some should be applicable no matter what kind of blog you are)
Join collabs! I know collabs aren't always easy to come across, and that the deadlines can seem daunting. But on the writing blog I had before this one, I found that doing collabs was a really nice chance to interact with other writers! It's so much fun getting to see how different people interpret prompts or themes, and it gives you the opportunity to make fellow writer/fandom friends which imo is one of the best parts of posting on Tumblr! I did a Christmas collab last year and it's one of my favorite things I've done so far on this blog personally :>
Reblog other creators' work and interact with others! Like I said before, making friends on Tumblr is one of the best parts of being on here, and a big part of that is building a community between one another! Along with collabs, I've found that a lot of friendships I've formed with other writers was from us interacting with one another's work! It gives an easy opening to conversation and like I said before, it builds a connection and a sense of community between writers so that we can support each other :> Plus when you're friends with other writers, you can bounce ideas off of each other which really helps both with creativity and with building bonds!
If you do match-ups, offer match-up exchanges! This is something I've only really started offering the past year myself, but it's really helped me interact with more of my fellow writers on here! Doing an exchange with other writers who are open to it gives you an easy way to get to know your fellow members of the community, and I've found that a lot of people I've done exchanges with (pretty much all of them, in fact) have been incredibly kind and are blogs I continue to interact with even after our exchange is finished :>
Do events! I know a lot of events are often focused on follower numbers, but they don't have to be! I've heard a lot of people say (and even found this to be true myself) that sometimes they don't send requests to blogs because they don't have any specific ideas they want to request. But I've found that holding events and offering people a specific list of prompts or some sort of "guideline" for event requests really helps people engage without having to think too much about it and gives you a chance to gain anew audience/keep them coming back for more, and it helps people feel more invested in your blog/writing if they get to interact with you!
Also, answer asks/do ask games! Admittedly this is one I wish I was better at, but doing ask games and being yourself on your blog rather than just producing content can help people connect with you more, and when people enjoy your presence on here as well as your writing, they're likely to keep coming back for more :>
These may all seem like basic tips, so sorry if I didn't help much, but these are some of the things I think have really helped me interact with others more on here! Also I know a lot of these are more focused around connecting with other community members rather than just general likes and such, but I've found that making friends or having followers who interact with you and want to keep coming back is honestly the best part of growing a blog which is why that's what I focused on :] I really wish you luck with your blog, anon, I'm sure it's absolutely lovely and as I said before you're welcome to DM me if we don't already know each other because I'd love to be friends :>
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xtabithanala · 3 months
Livia and Arachne friendship headcanons
Their friendship lives in my mind rent free so I have to share some headcanons:
• Before the war and when the Crane family traveled a lot, Arachne would always bring souvenirs for Livia. Only for Livia :)
• Livia often stayed over at the Crane family's house and liked the attention and love she received there, something her own parents rarely gave to her
• In my AU, Arachne survives the time as a mentor and Brandy actually competes in the games. Through Livia's genuine worry for the tributes, Arachne begins to show some doubt in the games, especially after she saw Facet protecting Livia in the bombing
• Livia is the only one who fully understand Arachne's humor and in return, Arachne shows her true emotions towards Livia only
• Livia was with Arachne and held her hand when Seneca was born + she was his godmother
• Livia felt jealous of Arachne's happy marriage
• Livia never told Arachne about the things Snow did to her (h*jacking her, selling victors to her and vica versa) to keep her safe
• Both escaped to District 13 with the remaining former Academy students and spilled Snow's secrets but never spoke in front of cameras
• When Arachne found out that Snow had h*jacked Livia, she cried
• Arachne would frequently play the Real Or Not Real game with Livia to keep her calm :)
• After the war they went back to the Capitol and became neighbours
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outrunningthedark · 19 days
it’s actually unhealthy how invested I am in this Jey and Rhea. I saw someone say that Rikishis opinion on it would probably reflect Jeys and I’m like huh?? Doubt it! Jey looks like he’s having fun with it! And Usos been in this business for how long? They know a good storyline when they hear it. And they’re all very aware that’s real or not. Everyone knows Dom has a wife. And look at how storyline with Liv? (A lot more believable than him and Rhea ever were in sorry) That Rhea herself has a husband. It’s called characters and stories
I'm right there with you, friend! LivDom is a couple that people weren't putting together in their heads because Dom was with Rhea and they seemed to be a "perfect pair". (And no disrespect to Dom and Rhea's friendship, but that's what it often came off as to me - friendship, not an actual bf/gf dynamic. They're a little too similar, y'no?) But JEY AND RHEA??? That's a "pick two names from the bowl and see what happens" strategy for real because NOBODY could have envisioned them "flirting" via social media and live events, never mind for as long as it's been going on. (Not unless they're into rarepairs/crackships for the laughs.) It's unexpected. It's unpredictable. Anything can happen at any time. That's what makes it so intriguing. (In my opinion, anyway.) As far as Rikishi goes, I'm sure he *does* have insight into Jey's feelings when it comes to his lack of a singles title (I can't imagine it's not frustrating for him to still be clawing his way to the top fifteen years later), but Rhea's role in all of this? Nope, sorry. WWE doesn't make their wrestlers participate in these fake love stories. Jey's own brothers and cousin don't even entertain the thought and he didn't either up until recently. He clearly likes Rhea and wants to work with her in some capacity or he wouldn't continue playing up their "chemistry" whenever he gets an opportunity. TBH, though, I don't think Rikishi meant any harm as far as trying to intentionally insult the actual (potential) story line, it's just that he, like those of us who are fans of Jey, can see his son's full potential is not being recognized or utilized. He's supposed to be Main Event Jey Uso. He's supposed to be a legit contender for whatever title he wants. But instead of letting him hold the gold, even if for a short time before he reunites with his family, he's used for crowd pops, for ticket sales, and maybe now for a romance with Rhea. Rikishi's delivery could have been better - much better - but his message wasn't much different from that of a "regular fan" or even a critic with credibility.
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gripes-withthesun · 1 year
some people reblogging that addition with the story about my friends and I gushing over each other behind each other's backs are saying "or you could just say that to their faces" or "this is why you need to tell them instead of keeping it in your mind" but the thing is!! I got to know about it in the first place BECAUSE I was told.
When I exited the staff room after our discussion on the paper presentations I found them talking and they said "we were just talking about how cool you are" and i was like "no way! We were talking last night about how cool you are!" That incident was reassuring because it helped us open up to each other as a friend group too. When I hear a song that reminds me of my friend I text her now and say 'I think I like this song only because I imagine it in your voice'. When I'm at some fun event I text my friend saying 'wish you were here with me'. But the knowledge that our friends don't "secretly hate us" had to come from that incident for me.
Because at the very centre of it is this insecurity that they might lie when they're saying it to our face, they might be saying it to be nice, they might be pretending to like us for whatever reason, they might have liked us once but don't anymore and don't know how to say it, etc etc. And I think it's far more reassuring for a lot of us to know that even when we aren't there, even when there is no impetus to be lying, even then our friends will express their love towards us. Not just to us, but to anyone who will listen. It's a beautiful thing!
And likewise there are so many people tagging the story with how they have a hard time expressing their affection too, or they don't feel ready to gush about someone to their face, and that's not a flaw, that's also coming from the same insecure place of coming off as caring too much, as being too invested, as being too close, as being too "desperate", all of which has been used against a lot of people. Or it's simply a difference in communication styles and love languages. And that's why just knowing that your friends' love for you is still constant and expressed without your presence is reassuring and opens up more avenues to communicate all this in the first place.
Lot of people, especially fellow autistic people👋🏻, who are saying that's not been their experience? That's absolutely valid. Because it hadn't been mine either until I was in college, and it really is hard for neurodivergent and particularly autistic folk when every friendship is a guessing game of when their patience with your lack of social understanding runs out and they start "dropping hints" that they don't wanna be friends anymore but you never pick up those hints. Those insecurities don't just come out of nowhere and that's why it takes us long to feel secure enough in a friendship to both 1) know that our friends love us for realsies and 2) be able to express the sheer magnitude of our own affection without fear of it being another thing for them to mock. It takes time to feel secure in our connections again! And that's okay we're all just trying to find our place and recovering, and that's why incidents like those mean so much to people like us.
Sorry about this getting so long, but tldr: "just tell them they're cool to their face instead!" hasn't worked for many of us because of valid experiences of ostracization. It's a great practice to have to tell your friends you love them! But for anyone who isn't feeling secure enough to do so, it's okay to express affection in other ways. Gush about your friends to other friends! Maybe even with that friend present. Because that first time my friends said "we were just talking about how cool you are" it was said in this casual manner but that opened up the gates for much more ardent and sincere expressions of love
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ppjeterka · 3 months
💖‍🎨🖋️ for WIP ask game!
eek thank you for the ask!
💖 - What is your favorite moment in this WIP?
hmmmm okay this wip is for a fest whose submissions are due very soon so i hesitate to spoil too too much, but I'm having a ball of a time writing it so I kinda want to share everything I have going on anyway LMAO
Me favorite moment thus far is actually the ending where the two characters finally get together! It's a jdtz fic, and I think that the (fanonized) way that Trevor doles out playful intimacy is a lot of fun to write––particularly given the fact that there's so little opportunity for either character to indulge in such intimacy for the rest of the fic leading up to this moment (oh, cutter/jamie trade, my beloathed). Sorry for being vague, but I didn't want to spoil too much :0
‍🎨 - If your WIP was a color, which color would it be?
Orange 🧡
🖋️ - Describe your WIP in a single, terrible sentence.
Therapy's too expensive, form an unlikely friendship with an old trickster god who is weirdly invested in your personal life and happiness instead!
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Season 1 Episode 1
My thoughts throughout
Mmm cars
Oh Scott hello
Lmao nerd boy
Lol body of water
Ah as any normal teen does. Let's go look at half of a dead body totally not nightmare inducing
Lmao stiles so snarky I love him
And Scott is so golden retriever coded I can't
"Everyone should have a dream. Even a pathetically unrealistic one."
Scott is giving the same energy back with dissing stiles planning good.
This is accurate friendship.
Oh right he has asthma
But only wheez when you say that and don't even use your pump.
Good job.
Oh never mind he did.
Lmao get caught
Ah the sheriff. He's great.
Dude really should have just gotten into trouble
Like you're asthmatic and just lost your ride home.
Spooky forest.
bye bye asthma pump
Oh God your phone light would do nothing to find things
Lmao fall. Get a concussion.
where's your asthma now???
Oh wait you got bit. Did it infect you immediately?
Hello title screen.
American high school.
Something I know nothing about
Thank God.
Jackson's side eye lolol
Ah Lydia Martin
And stiles being a simp
I have to say I can't see stiles having a crush on her
Stiles that wink and snicker was so queer
Idc that it was about a bead body.
That was just so queer of you
I love stiles' facial expressions
Just amazing
Oh God sensory overload
How is he not having a break down??
Scott being a creep
Allison is so pretty omg
I'm so gay
Women <33
That smile-
E w
Let her ask for a pen
She looks so creeped out
Ugh hallway
and yes stiles you are right.
That's so creepy Scott.
Also I want to know what stiles and sassy girl are talking about
They're so animated about it.
I need to know.
Coach you're great
Also stiles immediately going "yeah!"
He's so excited for him!!
Why is this so intense??
Lmao yeah Liydia you Sass him
Your joke of lycanthropy isn't that far fetched my friend
Stiles would do well in drama
He gives drama nerd vibes
I wanna kiss him
Ah yes the cost for things that are a necessity
So annoying
Don't just stand there
Like a creep
The eyebrow speak.
Stiles reaction to him
Like just shock.
Also that lore drop felt so odd.
:0 HEALED???
Angry kitties.
Angry pup.
Glowy eyes.
Good doggo tell him off.
the dog should sue you for that joke.
The dog is sleeping huh?
That eyelash thing was so awkward
Why'd she agree??? TF???
Can he put a shirt on.
I can't get over how the thing looks.
How tf did Scott end up in a pool?????
"Oh you mean steroids! Are you on steroids??"
He should have sworn then
Also just trauma dump on your bully yep checks out.
also what is up with people calling eachother by their last name?
I've never seen that happen.
That felt pretty gay.
Oh lacrosse tryouts.
Stiles is so confused.
Research those werewolves
The werewolf joke is not a joke guys!!
He's figured it out!!
Scott straight up not believing him.
And I mean fair.
Think about it.
Dude. I-
Don't hit my boy.
Also sorry does like.
Car talk not the safe sex talk. SCOTT.
Eugh. Party.
Don't stand ominously at a teen party.
Jumpy wolf?
Don't kiss. Please.
What are you doing looking at Lydia for.
Oh poor girl.
Derek that's creepy.
The fingernails are so gross.
Scott's way too invested in a girl he just met.
Why is stiles in a suit.
Like he's hot but damn.
Derek you are so confusing.
"I don't want it"
Derek. That's the worst thing to say in a time like this.
"You say Allison, I'm gonna punch you in the head."
Dude should not be thinking about a girl he just met when he is now a werewolf!!
"Am I going to regret this?"
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fyodcrs · 5 months
KATIE!!! I'm sorry I'm late ajdlslfkdkf but I had to drop in and ask, HOW ARE YOU DOING AFTER FYODOR'S EPIC REVEAL?? CAN YOU BELIEVE HE GOT A COMEBACK IN THE MOST GLORIOUS WAY POSSIBLE?? From theorizing it to finally having it in the actual manga, it's been a long time journey hasn't it?! :'D
I went back to read our old posts and you were really close in some of the parts like his ability being to "punish" someone "he" thought committed a "sin" (basically killing him lol). Please let me hear all your thoughts!! I'm also so happy for you!! I'm really glad they didn't finish off his character with the awful mersault death plot 😭😭
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I've been thinking about all my old theories, and maaaan, I would have never imagined something quite like this. It's true that we were right about Fyodor's Ability "punishing" someone who has committed a "crime," though I wouldn't have thought that "crime" or "sin" was literally killing Fyodor himself, lol. And I WAS right that he is immortal (kind of?)!! Or at least that he's been around for hundreds of years!! I also seem to be right that he doesn't age, though I guess we'll have to wait and see if it's explained why his appearance hasn't changed in centuries.
It still hasn't been explained how he's able to kill with a touch, however. This hasn't been explained:
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There are definitely more secrets to be uncovered when it comes to Fyodor, so it remains to be seen if there's more to his Ability or if this will end up being an inconsistency.
I think the true nature of Fyodor's Ability is really interesting in terms of Dostoevsky's novels, too. "Possession" (though not in the literal sense) is a motif that occurs in a couple of his novels, most notably Demons, but also, to an extent, The Brothers Karamazov and Crime and Punishment. In Demons the "possession" is specifically "demonic possession" in the biblical sense, though again, it isn't literally in the biblical sense, just the overarching symbolism. I actually started to write a meta about this several chapters back, so maybe I'll finish it, haha.
I definitely did not imagine that Fyodor would take over Bram. Poor Bram :( But damn does he look good in Bram's clothes and wielding the holy sword and Fukuchi's time bullshit sword 🥵
Also poor Genichirou :(
This doesn't really fix the issues with the Meursault arc, but if Fyodor really sent himself to prison in order to trick Dazai into sending himself to prison, too, that does actually explain the bizarre decision to get himself arrested in the first place, which was one of my biggest gripes. There are still plenty of other problems, but whatever, I guess sdfghjhfghjk.
I was becoming less invested in the series since the Infamous Helicopter Crash and the Dazai Friendship Speech of Doom, but I'm finally excited again!!! I'm really curious to see where this is gonna go. I know Fyodor is going to be defeated somehow, but I hope he causes all sorts of chaos first, he deserves to ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧˚ ♡♡
Also Fyodor and Ranpo interaction maybe??? It better happen or I'm gonna be like (╮°-°)╮┳━━┳ ( ╯°□°)╯ ┻━━┻
asdfgdfgh Kris, I can't believe we've gotten this far, it's been years and we're finally getting answers. I'm so happy omggg. But I swear BSD just keeps getting wilder and wilder lmao
*hugs* 🤗🤗💖💖
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