#i'm bored tho and it doesn't tell me how much longer there is
eddito · 1 year
ughhhh this questionnaire to book an adhd assessment is so long why would they do this
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lover-of-mine · 2 months
Top 5 most hilarious, ridiculous BT theories? 😂
I'm gonna give you my favorites in no particular order.
Ryliver is sleeping together. Why did this make the list? Well, 3 weeks ago I had people in my inbox telling me that Oliver and Lou are in love and Oliver is only going along to protect him from the buddie crazies, and that's why they're hiding Lou. Now Oliver is sleeping with Ryan and they are forcing the network to do what they want and conspiring to get Lou out. So like, which one is it? Is he with Ryan or Lou? Is he protecting him or trying to force him out? Can they pick a struggle? Probably not.
The what if episode without Eddie that's just buddie highlights with Eddie removed. The way they think that putting Buck in the same situations he's been with Eddie with an explicit love interest and having Buck have the same reaction helps them is hysterical. That would literally just further the idea that Buck is in love with Eddie, because if he has these reactions with someone he's romantically involved, then he has romantic feelings for Eddie. It's a very simple parallel they don't seem to understand. They also seemed to have forgotten that Tommy left the 118 before Buck joined so even without Eddie, it would not lead to bt. Also got me thinking "so you agree that buddie is romantic?" I would laugh if Tommy got shot tho, but don't you dare break the sanctity of the shooting.
That leads us to the "Tim only wrote Eddie so that he could bring Tommy in during season 7 and have him replace him." Somehow they think that they would write Eddie in to give his personality to some random character 6 seasons later because somehow, Tommy has been in the show longer in their heads, even though Hen Begins is 9 episodes after Eddie was introduced (I think they think that the begins episodes being earlier in the timeline means something it does not), so the spot was always meant to be Tommy's, Eddie was just a placeholder for Buck to kinda fall for but then choose Tommy so they then they could remove Eddie seamlessly. Doesn't make sense at all. I like that they admit that Buck is "kinda" in love with Eddie. Just a reminder that Ryan didn't audition, was brought in as a lead, and Eddie was written for him.
The Tommy is getting a spinoff week was also fun. I was legit rolling around on the floor with how much I was laughing. They had potential names. Plots. Buck was going to leave the 118. They were sending posters to Tim. They had the whole thing locked and loaded. And they kept talking about it like it was a sure thing for whatever reason. Highly entertaining. Was convinced they were rage baiting me until the spies confirmed they were in fact talking about a spinoff as if it was a done deal.
And boring but the invisible string thing. They somehow missed the way that Eddie was the one who restarted Buck's heart. That and the way that multiple people are on record saying that Lou was a last minute decision. And that he was brought in for Eddie. But sure, they absolutely took the time to pretend the relationship has been planned since season 2 when they changed it from Eddie to Buck mid filming the cruise. Totally happened.
Honorable mentions: the Chris has 3 dads and Tommy is somehow the better parent and the only one who can connect with him, and the Tommy is going to admit he was interested in Eddie, Eddie is going to admit he is interested in Tommy, Buck because he just loves them both so much is just going to accept being 50th choice.
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jack-the-lamplighter · 11 months
I recently discovered an old beetlejuice au of mine and bc i'm kinda bored i'm gonna explain it here :>
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(^ my friend made this for me cuz i couldn't draw for shit back then but these are the old design. I dunno if i should change them or keep them this way so y'all can decide)
The au starts with a bored reader that who decides to summon their friend Beetlejuice (Alex) but instead of just him showing up 2 others that look just like him but slightly different appear too. The other two explain that they come from another universe and aren't supposed to be there. Reader helps them find a way back to their old universe. Because it's so confusing for all of you that they're all called beetlejuice you give them the names Justin, Will and Alex. As the story progresses reader develops a crush on all of them but doesn't tell them untill Will and Justin find a way back. When reader told them they confessed that they all felt the same way. Both of them decide to stay for a little longer before finally returning to their own universes. They do visit you and Alex often tho
He might be tired 24/7 but that doesn't mean he can't cause trouble. He is the tamest one of the three tho. Switch but bottom most of the time. The second tallest off all of you, he's about 6ft :3 Often picks either you or Alex up to cuddle with. He doesn't do it with Justin cuz when he tried Justin freaked out and bitch slapped him across the face.
This motherfucker never sleeps. The chaotic gremlin of the bunch. Justin constantly teases him because he's so short (5ft 7 inches) will absolutely adores the fact that he's so small tho. Defenetly a top but wouldn't mind being bottom. He's clingy as fuck and loves it when Will picks him up. He either hangs on the side of the bed or lays on top of one of you if he does sleep (so not often)
The only one Reader trusts to use a stove. This guy is tall as hell about 6'4. Switch but tops alot. Always reminds everyone of the stuff they need to do. Him and Alex always prank everyone that steps foot in the house. Wine aunt vibes at first but turns out to be more of a cool older cousin. Know all the drama around everyone. I mean this guy lives for drama me too dude
Is like a babysitter to them. They love them but for the love of god give this dude a break. Second shortest coming in at about 5'10. Preffers being a bottom but love seeing Alex and Will melt under them. Talks about how much they love Alex, Will and Justin but that they're so exausting sometimes to Lydia and the Maitlands. Touch starved me too
That's all for now ^w^ i think i might write a short fic on this au
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rinsuniverse · 1 year
wait im back one more LMAO 😭 woozi whos never eeally passionate w kisses, just quick pecks, so one day he and hoshi are drinking and hoshi lets it slip and woozi comes home all :((( i can kiss good :((((( right baby :(((((((
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tipsy & kissy with woozi ✧˖°.
this is a CRAZY imagine, but i love it!
woozi isn't the greatest when it comes to physical affection (we all know)
when you're dating him for many months now, you're used to it
you feel extremely lucky when you get him to hug you back, hold your hand, or even give you the quickest peck on your forehead or lips
it'd be a CRAZY lucky day if he wanted to cuddle you
and it wasn't supposed to be any different from that until he gradually got even more comfortable with you
but today, when soonyoung came by your house to pick up woozi for drinks and he watched him give you the QUICKEST, most "boring" (according to hoshi) peck on the lips, he was BOUND to tell woozi about it
woozi isn't the type to get drunk when going out for some casual drinks
but when soonyoung brought up the topic of "why do you only ever barely touch her? how is she supposed to know you love her, man?", woozi finds himself grabbing more and more shots
he was thinking, "they know i love them, right?" and "maybe they complain to their friends about the lack of contact... no way... right?"
"you don't kiss her like you love her."
"but i do love her!"
"then maybe you're not a good kisser."
"me? psh. me? not a good kisser? me? don't kid yourself."
"maybe we should ask her then. i think i have her number-"
and jihoon insists they change the subject and they enjoy their drinks together, soonyoung guiding jihoon home from the taxi
when jihoon gets home, his cheeks are pink and his eyes are glistening
soonyoung helps you bring him to bed before leaving himself
you get some water for jihoon and walk over to your bed, sighing
"this isn't like you, ji. are you alright?"
"i'm good, right?"
"um, i don't know, i'm asking you."
his bottom lip juts out as he talks, "i can kiss good, right? tell me, baby"
you chuckle to yourself, "what is this about?"
"you know i love you, right? :((("
"of course," you say, brushing your hand gently through his hair
"do you want me to kiss you more?" he asks, blinking his eyelashes at you
"ji, it's up to you. i'm fine with whatever you're comfortable with-"
"i'm a good kisser."
"tell me that i'm a good kisser."
"you're a good kisser."
"no, like, you have to actually mean it."
"i do mean it, silly."
he grabs your cheek and caresses it with his thumb, pulling you close so that your noses are touching
"soonyoung thinks i'm not a good boyfriend to you"
"you're drunk"
"i'm not that drunk, just tipsy," he says, pushing his forehead against yours and closing his eyes. "sorry, it's probably weird."
"no, it's cute," you smile. "it would be nice if you kissed me more. or longer."
he nods against you. "i'll try," he mumbles, before leaning forward and kissing you
he counts the seconds in his head before backing away
"is that good?"
"yep," you say, your cheeks almost as pink as his. "you're a good kisser."
"give me a few more months and i'll get even better."
"okay, silly."
jihoon loves you, but don't expect to see his love through physical affection
but when he does get the balls to do more than just silly pecks or loose hugs (or is in a clingy mood), he doesn't mind showing you how he feels about you
he wants you to be able to brag about him to your friends, tho he'd never admit that out loud.
overall, sometimes he'll try to be more lovey dovey through physical affection just to make you happy and make you feel loved
thank you so much for this silly request! it's a side of jihoon we don't expect to see much. feel free to leave more requests of things you'd like to see from me! ✧( ु•⌄• )◞◟( •⌄• ू )✧
(p.s. requests are still open! i specialize in woozi stuff, but i don't mind writing about other svt members! so request whatever and as much as you want! ς(>‿<.))
(p.p.s. if you want to be friends, my inbox is open! if you just need someone to talk to or vent to or advice, i'm also here. have a super good day! ♡)
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blkkizzat · 22 days
Hey lovely. Long time no anon! I've had a shitty day. Not from anything in particular. I'm just PMSing real fuckin hard and my body fuckin hates me so! The excellent news is that my book is almost finished (about 4 chapters left til major editing). The better news is that I am about to get myself wine drunk, watch a few episodes of the boys season 4. The most absolutely horrendous amount of smut in one night. That being said...
I'm thinking.
Which JJK man is the most sensitive to you having a shitty day? Like no real reason. Nothing happened. The day just sucked.
We all know it's Nanami. Buuuuutt I feel like Geto would surprise us. Like he seems like he doesn't really care about shit. And maybe he doesn't but he's phenomenal at faking it. Like Geto wants to relax with us. Make the day feel less shitty. So he runs a bath for two. With episom salts cause he knows how to make you feel good. When we get out. He puts lotion on us first. Helps us through a nighttime routine. Tells is it'll all look better in the morning. Wakes us up with cunnilingus and a smirk that said 'I told you it would look better in the morning'
- a very drained 🧠
awe 🧠, babie doll im sorry you are feeling worn down. we moon cycle twins though cause im pmsing too. had a bad headache yesterday, feeling better today tho so i hope you are too!!
omg i just finished the boys s4 like a week ago! be sure to tell me what you think once you're done, shit is poppin AWF lmfao.
but yas you know nanami has a sixth sense to our needs, that goes without saying. he already knows our favorite everything and has a plan on deck to make the remaining hours of the day wonderful for us.
Also i love your hc on geto because to me he also gives twin energy in the sense of he wants to relax and experience things with you, so y'all also have matching robes and pjs for after the bath.
choso will have puppy energy. so he will def notice almost as quickly as nanami but his way of making you feel better is to cling to you, reassure you, very vocally expressive and will totally lift you up in that way. he's also an empath so if you are crying he will cry with you and hold you so you just feel very much seen, understood and validated.
gojo i think he would be rather clueless. like it would take a few lackluster responses for him to notice but once he realizes hes definitely trying to cheer you up. no one can make you laugh like him so he's doing or saying something stupid and you're now crying from gut busting giggles fits rather than whatever went wrong that day.
toji is actually likely more perceptive than nanami tbh. the reason for that is because of body language shifts which he notices because of the uber enhanced perception from heavenly restriction. however the problem is he doesn't know what to do from there. he doesn't wanna come off crass and piss you off more. and if he makes a crude joke at an attempt at humor and you cry more that would be even worse. i think though sense he would be able to sense the tension in you and as his love language is definitely physical touch—he would likely wordlessly just pull you into his arms and give you a huge bear hug. you know how weighted blankets soothe people? like that. he's like a huge weighted blanket and he's not gonna let you go until he feels you completely relax in his arms. trueform!sukuna is just as perceptive tbh, he just doesn't care. i feel like he expects everyone to be as self-sufficient and self-regulate emotions by not expressing them (lol toxic) like he does. however he also knows everyone falls short of him so he will give you your space to mop, cry, etc. thinking you are weak so you just need to let it out. However, i do imagine if you'd been moping longer than usual or to the point that it annoys him, he will try to comfort you in his own way. i feel that would be the way of giving you something to do for him. sukuna probably figures you must be bored if you have the time to waste being sad. i imagine he'd make you read to him or maybe even have you draw him a bath which he'd consequently would just drag you into. or perhaps he'd just blend ur guts up on his two cocks... you wanna cry? he'd give you something to cry about.
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tail floofs to make you feel better babes <333
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melonminnie · 2 years
Ah you must I love your fics, so could you make a reincarnated reader in the villain is a puppet? I would like everyone to be platonic yanderes, perhaps the reader has a strange power that turns the people he often lives with into yanderes [In his past life the reader was unhappy, he found his life boring and insipid, so he decided to die, That's how an unknown god gave her that power]
That's why she was reincarnated as Raffaello's younger sister. Reaching adulthood, but even being somewhat unaware of his power.
Raffaello was too affected by his yanderismo that when he became a duke he prohibited his sister from going abroad, because in his eyes the reader is an angel and must protect her. Then by the work of fate, meet our imperial twins.
So the reader doesn't remember almost anything about her life other than the lack of affection she had, so she really is a bit lazy with her brother's possessive behavior. When Kayena recognized the reader, she was surprised and heard voices whispering to her, putting ideas into her, that's the power of the reader. As for rezef, he is relatively already an overprotective and jealous yandere because the reader took his escapades as a young man and by the work of God he met rezef as a child, giving him his friendship and love, things that rezef clung to.
Forgive me for the long text, can you develop the idea better, I'm missing some things because I don't remember much of the chapters I read hehehe. I know it has nothing to do with it, but if you're going to receive my request, I should give you something. Here is a picture I painted of Aki hayakawa for my art class. Happy new year!! 😄🥰🥰🥰
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YAN!Raffaello x Young! sister! Reader x YAN! Imperial twins (platonic sorta)
Warning!: Being trapped inside, Mention’s of leg breaking, Mentions of dying
DESCRIPTION <3: Meeting the imperial twins even though your not allowed to go outside because your brother said so
AUTHOR NOTE!: YOIR DRAWING IS SO COOL! I don’t know if you wanted a make or female reader but you mentioned younger sister so I HOPE YOU LIKE YOUR REQUEST THO <333 I tried my hardest to be as accurate as possible!
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For as long as the young girl could remember, Well to be exact she didn’t remember anything, She remembers wishing to die and doing that, Not because of family, friend,Or bullying problems, She just decided she no longer wanted to be alive.
it’s not like she expected to reincarnated into a non existent character!,But nonetheless you were happy, Being the male leads younger sister was just a plus in your eyes!, Living there so cluelessly eating sleeping and buying everything to your heart’s desires while your older brother watched.
Truthfully you never spoke to him sure you ate lunch or dinner with him but you wouldn’t exchange any words, Sometimes he was just maybe a little creepy when he didn’t eat but just watched you eat.
At first he liked the expressions you made, how your eyes would light up when you liked the food, or how you’d try to starting a conversation with him when you didn’t, He knew you never in a million years would want to even greet him, Yet he’d simply turn a blind eye to it.
Those little moments meant more to him then he thought they would, He started getting obsessed, He’d start assigning more guards to you whenever you’d leave the mansion, He’d make his assistant tell him your every moment.
Maybe at some point he realized, Your too good of an angel for this world, Hell even if you murdered an entire person, He wouldn’t care he’d defend you with his whole heart, Your his little baby sister after all why wouldn’t you want him too?.
At that point it hit him, No one was allowed to see you, He’d get the title of duke he knew he would, When he did you would never ever ever leave him, Nor would you leave the mansion or the country, he’ll break your legs if you even protested about it!.
And so Raphael was soon the duke of kedrey, His first move was to call you to his office, This was a surprise when you were asked by one of the servants to go to his office (or room I don’t know).
“Your forbidden from traveling abroad from this day on ward” Was the first thing you heard him say, “Umm okay” was the only thing she said and it sounded so hesitant.
He was surprised slightly, But was somehow happy you didn’t protest, It meant you never had the intention of even wanting to travel aboard, That made him smile a little. “You may leave if you want” He replied happily.
“Hmm” now the only reason the girl didn’t say anything, Was because first, She could careless it’s not like she had another house to suddenly turn too, Secondly, She wasn’t planning on traveling he clearly only said aboard so she can clearly go to the capital.
Maybe it’s been months or weeks sense you last went out, You were probably losing your mind!.
But for some reason Raphael made an exception to let you out just for today, So you decided to go to the capital, There you met princess cayena, Who surprisingly knew who you were.
After a while of talking she started acting up, More so she started hearing these tiny voices that would appear every now and then it would start of as, One, then two, then it escalated to eight at a time to the point she felt like she was losing her mind, So she got up and left.
She didn’t know it was you of course you didn’t know you were the reason to it too, After feeling better she thought about sending you a letter apologizing to you, And maybe inviting you for tea!,Wouldn’t that be nice?.
You accidentally met rezef when the princess was kidnapped, you took it as a chance and ran away, It was purely out of coincidence, Of course he knew who you were. You helped him as a kid, receiving your love and affection, it was a chance given to him, to finally take you from your brother, He can use this to take you, to warn your brother to stay away from his sister or your going to be found dead.
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stevesbipanic · 2 years
Hi! Just saw your post about steve learning morse code (and the implied Eddie survival/rescue) and it made me grin thinking about how ~after~ that round of horror settles the two of them would find hmm, creative ways to take advantage of this (bc if after Eddie's been trapped there with one(1) phrase he can signal he'd probably feel better learning the rest once he's free. Just in case) but anyway my point! Imagine the two of these dorks gossiping & roasting their children in front of them ~🎶🐧
Morse Code Ficlet glad you liked it, here's a part 2 from your ask ❤️
After Eddie, who had secondhandedly received some of El's healing when she saved Max, had been rescued, he spent a long time in hospital. Steve spent the majority of his time with him too, only leaving when forced out by Robin or Hopper even though Steve would've happily slept in the chair. Both boys felt they had a second chance at what they'd felt for the other and they weren't going to waste it.
Eddie spent a lot of his time reading to Steve, telling him that he can't be seen dating someone that doesn't know that Mordor is a place not a person. They went through all of Eddie's books then all of his music and still Eddie had to stay in hospital. Steve knew that Eddie was becoming increasingly bored and restless and so one day he bright in his own stack of books.
"What's this, Stevie?"
"My morse code books, I thought since it saved you life, I should teach you the rest in case you ever need it again."
By the time Eddie left hospital he had memorised the whole alphabet.
Despite learning under the pretense of needing it for emergencies, Steve and Eddie started using it all the time.
When Steve felt a migraine coming on and it hurt too much to talk he'd just tap out the word to Eddie even if he was across the room and they would leave.
If a room was becoming too overwhelming for Eddie or too loud he'd sign help to Steve and they'd go outside for a breather or a smoke break.
They'd have full conversations about the kids right in front of them just to mess with them.
"That kid has such an attitude today, he gets it from you ya know."
"You're the dramatic one, he gets it from you."
"He was like thos when you sent him to high school, Stevie, learnt his mama's sass."
"You take that back I'm not sassy!" Steve yelled out loud.
"Whatever you two are tapping out Steve you're definitely sassy."
"Wounded by my own flesh and blood, Robin"
"My mother would adopt you in a heartbeat so don't let her hear you say that."
The kids had tried learning when they realised the boys were talking about them a lot. Only Erica figured it out completely and joined in sometimes. Dustin claimed to know it perfectly but they tapped your hat looks dumb today and he didn't react so they were pretty sure they were in the clear.
Eddie had been acting weird all week and Steve was worried. Were they breaking up? Was Vecna back? Was this a code red? They were lying on the couch when Steve couldn't take it anymore.
"Eddie what's wrong? You've been acting weird lately and if you're just going to break up with me I'd rather you just say it rather than prolonging it because I don't know if I can handle this much longer."
"Hey hey hey no I'm not breaking up with you, sweetheart, I promise."
"Then why have you been acting strange?"
Eddie took a deep breathe and rested his hand on Steve's knee, slowly tapping out three words.
"Oh Eds, I love you too."
Morse code had saved them and Morse code would always keep them together.
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nogenderbee · 2 years
Anyways~, can I request a, d, n, t for rui?
(It's okay if don't wanna to write it)
Hello! Thank you so much <3 and don't worry I don't mind writing it so ^^ enjoy hehe
Rui A, D, N, T fluff alphabet
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⊱ Admirer ═ What if they would be secret admirer? How would they act around their crush? And what will they do for them?
Rui may seem like someone bold and secret admirer doesn't suit him, but there he is, being your admirer. He would sneak flirt notes with couple of sweets at your desk every morning before classes, and will watch from afar for your reaction. If you giggle or will have big smile on your face, he wants to tease you about it the next day but at the same time he doesn't want to be creepy.
Rui is the type of admirer who would act like he only sees you as a best friend when you talk personally. Something you don't know tho is that admirer you were telling him stories about is actually he himself.
"Hehe~ I'm interested when will they realize that it's me..."
⊱ Distance ═ They are in long distance relationship. How do they act in it? Do they have any plans for meeting their lover?
Rui doesn't talk to people online much, the only people he talks to online are probably the ones that are also interested in robots like him and sell or exchange mechanical parts. So for you to start talking you'd have to sell or exchange some parts or Rui would have to be very bored and just start texting on some fandom groups he's interested in.
But if you do start dating, Rui makes sure to talk with you at least every morning and every night. If you're also type of person who doesn't sleep untill late hours, he would love to face time with you and just talk about your day or even do his inventions meanwhile you do your things, he still likes quality time together. If you fall asleep, prepare that he will take multiple screenshots and tease you the next day in the morning, but he can fall asleep sometimes too! And stay a little longer after Rui falls asleep and you're going to hear him rambling through his dreams.
Rui wants to meet you really badly, but at the same time he knows that both of you have your private lives where you live, so he will try to meet you on vacations. He will try to get your address in excuse that he wants to send you something as a surprise gift, and once he does he goes to your house and buys you plushie that you might like. And once he's finally at your house he knocks and gives you his gift personally.
"Hello, I came to deliver surprise gift for the prettiest person in the world~"
⊱ Nickname ═ How do they call you? Where did they took this idea from?
Nickname for you was more accidental... but let's start from beginning: Rui wanted to give you a nickname because he thought it would be cute and maybe even fluster you a little, but he couldn't really think of any good idea. He came back from practice to their new show which has a little romantic topic... which you didn't mind because it's acting after all! So when he came back home and greeted you, he accidentally called you "Darling" instead of "YN" because he has this in his lines and just said it. But after seeing your reaction, he decided that it would be a perfect nickname for you!
After that accident, Rui didn't stopped calling you that, in fact he takes every single opportunity to call you like this. Although if that nickname makes you uncomfortable, he will think of something else, but if you're comfortable then he will call you like that ALL. THE. TIME. it doesn't matter if you're talking to his friends, family or if you're alone, he still wants to see you flustered or at least show you that he loves you.
"Hello Darling. I'm finally ba- Oh your face is so red YN! Or maybe I should keep calling you Darling?"
⊱ Type ═ What's their type? What type of person do they want to spend their life with?
Rui has two types: First type is someone who gets easily flustered, and can easily turn into blushing mess. Second type is someone who would flirt back to him, so he and his lover would have flirt completion, and it's not so easy to fluster him!
But Rui still would appreciate with "mom energy". As we know this man literally has crappy sleep schedule and completely can't take care of himself, so he would need appreciate someone who can at least check up on him. But if you actually take care of him like: bring him food in case he forgets his, share or bring additional scarf, make sure he goes to bed at proper time then he's immediately in love with you.
"I would admire someone who can take care of me! But naturally I'd like to take care of them too."
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darlingpwease · 1 year
You can't trust me?? Bubba why do you hurt me :(( oh damn, hopefully you two can bump into each other again!! She sounds wonderful :)) (xie lian is the best flower boy)
I feel you, I am a sucker for those world hopping stories mainly (I'm actually writing a work based off of it lmao),, I like the xianxia works but because they usually have some of the best angst <//333 at least the ones I've read. (Don't get me wrong tho, other transmigration works can be just as brutal)
WHAT– What do you mean by that?! Yes, and ur so mean with it >:(( /t /j It definitely hurt my soul that's for sure lol, I actually plan to reread svsss some time over my break. Thank you for having some faith, darling Dove </33
Hmm,, I really like Hua Cheng and Xie Lian, but I also like Feng Xin <33 What about you?? Who are your favorites?? /gen
He reminds me of a fairy, pretty boy pretty darling <333
Yes yes, I am very much a panna cotta of culture. Impressive, right?? <33
-panna cotta
As the cycle keeps on repeating over and over and over and overandoverandoverandover- Even if you don't remember things that have happened in the past (or at least, some times not completely), the two of you have descended into a thick pool of infatuated insanity. There's no longer any room for others, not for you nor Xie Lian.
There is only you. And there is only him.
When he finds you again, when he finally brings you home once more, everything is already set up in a way that is perfect for you. The joy felt is indescribable, but whenever you try to surprise him, you can't help but feel disappointed. What do you mean I've already done this? What do you mean you're happy to get another one? Isn't this the first time? No matter how many times you go through this cycle, it's gotten to the point where there doesn't seem to be anything new.
You'd be lying if it didn't make you worry. What if Xie Lian gets bored? What if he finally has enough of you? Even though you don't remember, it's been so long that it's engraved into your soul that you are his, and he is yours. You know that, just seeing the way he looks at you tells you. This deep rooted craving that you have, the dependency the two of you have has seeped into your bones and into the very matter that makes you two.
You can't leave him. You don't want to.
But what can you do to stop him if he ever decides to leave you?
You have to keep him. Tie him down here, to you. Connect his soul to yours, fuse your life with his. Even if you have to go against the very heavens, you will not let him leave.
you haven't given me a reason to trust you yet, foxtail🤨🤨🤨 /t (yes!!! best flower boy,,,, I want to hold him in my palms and look at him with love<///3)
'I'm actually writing a work based off of it lmao' don't be shy tell more🎤🎤🎤 right??? I love xiaxia for good angst and world hopping because it's very good, even if it's systems,,, always systems...... world hopper!reader in blessing??? someone??? interested???? /hj
you can try to talk before I start talking about it, you already look like a calf on a leash to everyone and even to your anons🤨🤨🤨 /t /j /hsrs I can be an cold CEO, but you're not a big-eyed, small-chested shorty who stumbles through every word and is an innocent sheep and whom everyone constantly drugging and tries to rape so that in the middle of the story she leaves the country and returns with a brilliant child, so it's not in your best interests to agree with this🙄😒 /t /j I'm trying even though you're trying to nullify even that<3 /t
mhm~ expect Hua Cheng and Xie Lian, it's Jun Wu and He Xuan<3 If I could, I would drown them in a puddle, but they are so complex and multifaceted that at the same time I want to kiss them<333
yes!!! pretty fairy boy, pretty<333 look at him, he's so cute, I want to bite his cheek and tell him what a baby he is while he is deeply anxious and almost depressed due to lack of support and isolation and an absolute needy mess because he was gaslighted so often that he can't let you go even for a minute :((( pretty<333333 love it when hot gentle men are deeply traumatized and clearly not mentally stable<333333333 /¾j
yes, for a lousy panna cotta like you, it's very impressive; perhaps one day you will become a good and sweet panna cotta, which is what you should be<333 /t /j
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After all, given the White No-Face's prediction that Xia Lian will be abandoned by everyone and left alone, which has become a self-fulfilling prophecy, even more poisons his mind and stability when he sees that you are not always happy. He dares to believe — wants to believe — that you love him and want him, that this is at least partly untrue, that you will always be with him, always returning to him, always being loved by him, going against everything and giving up everything, that in your first life, that in current one — but when he sees how you become more and more sad and annoyed with each life, while not saying what is happening to you,,,, when he sees the dullness in your eyes at the sight of what seems to you as a 'too weak reaction', or when he does not answer the question whether it is the first place or a gift, instead saying how good he is, thanking you and smiling happily, but your smile is insincere and empty.
And he's not suspicious, and he's not depressed, and he's not paranoid, and he's not traumatized, and he's not clingy or needy at all — but he can't help but be emotionally overwhelmed when you become different, colder and distant, for the first time, whispering that he's beautiful, but immediately interrupting and instead smiling sadly, catching on the thought that you definitely don't say it for the first time, you don't do anything for the first time, you've already done it all before — and stroke his hair, soothing, rocking like a child, letting him relax during the influx of disturbing memories of how he hid head in your stomach or chest, looking for support and understanding, and doing the same now, only now he sees how you feel,
and it gives an alarming pain in his chest.
You're not thinking of leaving him, are you?
He can't live without you.
You can't.
You're the only one who can't leave him — never.
Perhaps Xie Lian reacts too... sharply when clings to you even more tightly, almost forbidding you to leave him, fearing that someone will attract your attention — even if you are not subject to his lack of any luck, this does not mean that his lucklessness will not cause you to leave. You are so perfect, so magnificent that he can't help but admire you and adore you, no one can help but adore you, even in your first life — otherwise you wouldn't be as well loved and famous if you were famous only for 'how you drove the Crown Prince crazy with love'. If there were guides to the Peach Spring that led souls to rest, then it would be you.
If you were a guide to the Peach Spring, he would be an eternal will-o'-the-wisp by your side, never able to leave you.
Your eyes look disappointed and dull when you feel that Xie Lian is trying to lie to you, saying that this is the first time, you have never given him something like this, — you see how anxious and diligent he is to make you believe that it has at least some damn value.
You don't know where he puts old things — throws away, burns, destroys? — and you can't help but struggle to ask him about it, but you know that he will look like a kicked puppy when he realizes that you have seen through him. Xie Lian kisses you so gently, like a butterfly touching your skin, even if it's already more than a thousand times, but you can't help but be overbearing, aggressive, digging into his skin with your nails when you kiss passionately and almost bloody, forcing him to obey and succumb to you, — but you still don't feel that your hunger is satisfied. Did your past reincarnations kiss him like that? Will your future reincarnations kiss him like that? You can't help but be disappointed and annoyed, feeling how he wants to relax you, but not understanding how, only giving in to your impulse, letting do whatever you want, experiencing an overwhelming rush of happiness and adoration that almost cries when realizes again that it's you, you're next, you're with him, you love him, you are his,
and he is yours.
When you ask him to relax, to trust you, Xie Lian sees no reason not to do it, obediently closing his eyes, and his face is so calm, serene, that you feel even more like you are becoming abnormal for him.
It's for his own good — you say when your fingers slide over his skin while you kiss his neck, feeling his long thin fingers grab you by the clothes, but his eyes, even though the eyelashes tremble, do not open, obeying — this is what you should have done with him a long time ago.
You don't know if your future reincarnations will do this, but you are sure that your past ones didn't, when your fingers slide over his naked body, drawing circles and symbols that he will definitely understand.
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ok ok but light hua cheng x reader??? the reader who became a ghost after their death instead of being reborn, but hua cheng does not mind too much, even if he was late for too long, which left only your body, - and such an angry mood and hatred for the people who tormented your lover and made him so that you can't even rest in peace, wishing protect him, but at the same time warm up to a guy you know, but can't remember, and are very gentle to him, seeing how he cares about your lover, even if he can treat you too protectively & maybe teasingly when you're still a will-o'-the-wisp?🤨🤨🤨
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gingerpeachtea · 4 months
20 questions for 20 writers !!
ty for the tag @aaronstveit :D <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 13 so far
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 19,163
3. What fandoms do you write for? graceland, braindead, and whatever musicals have crawled into my brain like a parasite and won't leave. i used to write a lot more for aos but i've been slacking </3 daisy johnson i miss u!!!!!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? i already know exactly what these are gonna be lmao
sweet words and fevers (143 kudos, aos, quakerider) lose your faith in me (67 kudos, aos, staticquake) somewhere in the haze (43 kudos, graceland, mike sickfic) wrap it in gauze and light the way home (29 kudos, graceland, mike whump, 10 year anniversary fic :3) if i make it to the morning (28 kudos, graceland, mike/charlie/briggs ot3, mike whump)
5. Do you respond to comments? yes!!!! i looove comments i love talking to people about my fics!!! i love fandom i love community!!! peace and love on planet earth!!!!!!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? out of what i've posted so far, definitely trial by fire, because the point of conflict between mike and paige/their guilt doesn't really get resolved so much as just...they go on with their lives. almost all my fics are hurt/comfort but tbf leans more towards hurt/no comfort. HOWEVERRRRR i do think that once i post something's in your eyes then that will be the angstiest bc i just find the last scene to be really sad
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? not an option for me NEXT! jk it's pillow
8. Do you get hate on fics? naur <3 yay
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? yes. gay👍. if the characters are a man and a woman no they aren't. not to me. also it has to involve some kind of deep psychological issue or else i get bored LMFAO
10. Do you write crossovers? naur
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? not that i'm aware of !
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? nope, but i would absolutely be open to it if someone offered
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? no BUT there is a doc titled MIKEJOHNNY FOREVER where reese (@cemeteryklaus) and i planned out a co-written mikejohnny fic and even started it but she is lost to the depths of my google docs </3
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? you absolutely cannot make me do this. if there was a gun to my head and u asked me this question i think id just let you shoot me
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? OH GOD. UM. to be so honest........ bus kids existence of all time :( just because SOOO much of it has to be rewritten since i started it YEARS ago and have changed soo much as a writer. i love her so much like that's my BABY that's my actual physical tangible child in a bassinet but....... goddd it's just sm longer than my fics usually are so there's so much to do and so little time </3 and even if i finish it the sequel is definitely not seeing the light of day just bc there's like three missing scenes i still have to write and have 0 ideas for lmao
16. What are your writing strengths? LOOOOOOVE a good metaphor. so sexy so fun to write etc shes my best friend. my silly rabbit. i also think i've gotten really good at showing and not telling :)
17. What are your writing weaknesses? keeping dialogue in character!!! the way i speak irl is so specific and strange and i usually tend to default to my own voice and then i have to go He Would Not Fucking Say That and fix it. also i am so violently indecisive, i usually have 9238642879845 versions of the exact same paragraph or phrase and i can never choose which one i like the most. 70% of the editing process for me is choosing between different versions of something
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? i don't know any other languages so i can't rly do this lmao. i like it tho!!
19. First fandom you wrote for? h*rry p*tter WE DONT HAVE TO TALK ABOUT IT!!!!!
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? FUCK um. okay so like. let me do one per fandom because i am so violently indecisive.
for braindead it's a no-brainer (hehe) it HAS to be when memories snow bc i LOOOOOVE giving characters my very specific issues and writing laurel's recollection of her finding abby's body and writing the last two paragraphs literally felt like unlocking something in my soul it was so much fun!!!
for aos, bkeoat (bus kids existence of all time) is so self-indulgent and every time i read it it's like OGH OGH OGH OGH OOGA BOOGA AWOOGA many consecutive shots to the chest etc etc and so on and so forth. bc i cooked it specifically to have that effect <3 but out of currently posted fics it has to be lyfim <3333 for the same reasons.
for graceland TRIAL BY FIRE!!! i'm so proud of it and it turned out basically exactly how i wanted it to and i just!!! aaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!! HOWEVER something's in your eyes will in fact be tied with it when i post it so. get scared
i don't know 20 writers so i'm just gonna tag a random number of mutuals: @emeraldelysium @dandelion-writes @the-sparkling-diamond-satine @jortspheus @wheelsup-sevenup @acerobbiereyes @cemeteryklaus @saint-ossifrage <3 and anyone else who wants to do this!! :D feel free to tag me if u do!
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antlerqueer · 2 years
Thoughts on the finale of White Lotus?
Oh boy. I've got conflicting, mixed thoughts but primarily: Mike White, we get the themes and what-not, but let straight men face consequences.
Spoilers below.
RIP the queen, glad she went out like that and not at anyone's hand tho.
I'm a little underwhelmed by the multiple deaths. I think we were all excited for these deaths to be a bit more connected (or at least to be more People We Cared About), like Armand's was.
So Harper's story this ep was: be accosted by gross, predatory man while she was drunk and also drunk on wanting revenge bc her husband gaslit her to win her man back? That sucks. Glad E & H can get back together or whatever but idk. Ethan still sucks imo.
Needed more Daphne.
I feel like we could have gotten more out of the plots than we were given, honestly. Like yes I was tense the entire episode, but I feel like the danger escalated so much in so little time with The Gays, Portia, and Tanya.
As always, I love a scammer, good for Lucia.
I wanted/expected more drama outside of the Tanya + Portia plots. When Giuseppe came back I was like "omg what if he kills Mia because of this" but he just went away. Why bring him back? (I know why but it's boring. Character growth blah blah.)
Honestly I can't say enough how much more of Daphne I wanted.
I wanted Albie to snap. Not "I betrayed my mother by taking a bribe from my dad to say he's changed when he damn well hasn't" snap, that's expected and weak and yeah he doesn't grow as a character that's part of the point, but I wanted a full on Violent Break. (Maybe kill Lucia! I don't know. Do something.)
Cool that Portia and Albie reconnected but again... straight men should face consequences.
Portia deserves better than Albie anyway. Yeah she's insufferable but she's now got all this trauma to unpack at home and Albie will only make her life worse.
I know this ep was longer than a typical episode but if we had two episodes instead of this long one I think we could have gotten more Daphne time.
Jennifer Coolidge & Meghann Fahy, Emmys when?
I know the vase breaking was symbolic of breaking the curse or whatever but again.... straight men probably should have had consequences.
Daphne and Harper should have had time together without their husbands before the end of the episode, aside from me just wanting more Daphne time.
Overall I think there were weak parts in storytelling that didn't necessarily serve it overall (Cameron kissing Harper, Daphne and Ethan's trip to Islo whatever, the confrontation between Tanya & Quentin about "is this Greg?").
Dominic sucks and I hope his wife still hates him and I don't know if he did anything beyond cheat on her but they made it seem like, through her yelling in the first ep, he was the scum of the earth.
The Bernie-Madoff-level-bad stuff Daphne was talking about just got thrown away which???? What???? I wanted to know more about this.
The power Jack talked about with those guys was completely tell-don't-show imo, Quentin was obviously the mastermind but he didn't seem scary like he was implying, probably because he was taking advantage of a woman who the audience knows is easy to take advantage of.
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A link to the Amazon au: https://www.tumblr.com/sunlightandsuffering/680847346259591168/bratty-rich-mikasa-having-a-boring-bf-so-she?source=share
It’s very small tho, I just loved the concept
THANK YOU! I WAS ABLE TO FIND IT LOL! Yes I can see I didn't elaborate much but honestly cute concept 😂 the chaos of Mikasa all rich and powerful, never had to work for anything in her life trying her damndest to seduce her hot completely oblivious delivery drives, I love it. Like she's absolutely shook bc he just does not get the hint, she has to keep getting more risque, her towel stunt is like the final straw, Eren is like umm, why isn't your hair wet, HELP IM WRITING IT!!!
This is ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous. There is no good reason for her to be trying so hard. Absolutely no good reason, if someone saw her right now, they'd laugh because she's so pathetic. Pacing around in a towel, really? While she waits for her amazon delivery driver, after buying yet another thing she doesn't need? She already has a pink leash for her pet bunny rabbit, Prada.
And she doesn't need another makeup bag, or a new phone case, this is ridiculous. But then the doorbell rings and before she can stop herself she's jumping up, a quick glance in the mirror, trying to fix her hair, her makeup perfected, the stunning 'i'm not wearing makeup' makeup look.
She'd done some barely there eye shadow to make her eyes look a little longer, some eyeliner along her lash line to make her lashes appear fuller, and just a touch of mascara. Her cheeks are flushed with blush and highlighter from her 'shower', she's perfect if she does say so herself, lips glossed clear to make them appear full and plump. Mikasa heads to the door, allowing her towel to slip just a little lower on her chest, the tops of her breasts exposed artfully, there's no way he'll be able to resist her like this. She opens the door wide, excited to behold Eren, and as usual he's so fucking cute without even trying, standing there in his sneakers, a pair of shorts, and his amazon t-shirt holding her package. God he's so beautiful, the muscles of his arms straining against his shirt, and that face, so striking even under his typical black ballcap, she wants him to ravish her, those green eyes lit with the fires of lust instead of that normal sweet shyness, she wants it, fuck. He startles her out of her fantasy as he holds out her package, beginning to speak "Hey Mikasa I have your--" He stops short as his eyes fall on her chest, his cheeks flushing red very rapidly and Mikasa can barely restrain her smile, yes it's working. "Thanks Eren," she tells him, her voice sultry, taking the package from his outstretched hands and allowing her towel to fall just a little more, exposing just the slightest hint of pink as it dips closer to her nipples and his gaze is zeroed in, his breathing coming a little heavier now. "Umm," he stutters, struggling to come up with words, and Mikasa pretends to falter with her package a little, allowing just a flash of her tits, full and round, the stuff that plastic surgeons dream of giving to their patients, men compliment her all the time on her impressive rack and Eren looks like he's going to have an aneurysm at just a peak. "Oh my god," he whispers, trying to hide his eyes a little and Mikasa plays at shyness, grabbing for her towels and in the process, pulling it up even higher on her thighs, barely decent.
"Oh," she makes a noise of fake horror, "I'm so sorry." "It's okay, it's okay, really," Eren struggles out, still hiding his eyes. "You can look now," she tells him, "thank you for turning away, so chivalrous of you." He opens his eyes and she can tell by the expression on his face that the towel's new position isn't much better, his eyes now locked on the plush of her thighs and how her towel just barely covers her modesty.
"Sorry you caught me at a bad time," Mikasa lies, clutching her package to her chest, allowing it to force her boobs upward lewdly, "I just stepped out of the shower." It's silent for a moment as she waits for him to comment, mapping out how she'll continue from there, how she'll slip him her number or invite him in.
Eren stares her, his head cocking slightly, "But your hair isn't wet." Damn it! She'd overlooked that part! In the chaos of her makeup she'd forgotten to refresh the dampness of her hair and run it over with a wet comb, it's all ruined now!
Eren's eyebrow raises very slowly, a small grin crooking his lips as he finally seems to realize what's going on here, "You wouldn't be trying to seduce me would you Ms. Ackerman?" So what if she is!? Is it a crime to seduce her hot delivery driver, is it really?
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lonesomedotmp3 · 2 years
this is so embarrassing <3 but would you happen to maybe possibly have a merlin (2008) fic rec list beloved mutual..... not nearly enough fic writers get it like my beloved mutuals do
i can assure you that is absolutely not even close to as embarrassing as it is to have devoured any and everything the merlin fanfiction world has to offer. i have read aus that you would not believe. i have been subjected to characterisations and headcanons that would make anyone else instantly close the tab. i have read authors with such a poor clumsy grasp of british slang i could weep from embarrassment. yet i persevered. for MONTHS. and here is what me (and beth <3) have managed to scrounge up after all of that. please use everything i've just said as context that we were NOT in our right minds reading these. proceed with caution
tributes - the! hunger! games! fic!!!! iconic legendary spectacular THEE revolutionary turnaround for the merlin fanfiction game and for the horrors generally. do NOT go in overhyped tho me and beth went in like haha what a cool weird au and then it caught us off-guard that it wasn't written terribly. also good for something longer and about much more than just merlin and arthur. it's fr like watching the show again for better and for worse. it's got camp whimsy it's got our main duo acting like complete freaks it's got this constant suffocating sense of inevitable tragedy... slayed!
history books forgot about us and in dreams - by the hunger games writer so u know it's actually written well!! don't read their other stuff tho just trust me. my memory of the first one isn't great but i remember feeling with both that finally FINALLY someone Got the finale like me + beth did. short but just rlly solid satisfying follow-ups to the show.
the court of avalon - freya + arthur best friendism in avalon realest shit ever said!!! makes me go fucking crazy fr. YES this has way too much magic lore bullshit to it and i don't careeee they're my friends.... and FINALLY a proper post-finale fic where they don't just freeze arthur in time for 1500 years...
to the point of fear - slay little mordred character study!!!!
the world i built for you - the disir fix-it!! smth i have always wanted due to being sooooo Normal about that episode (arthur's matrix. if u even care). not perfect but worth a read for sure!!
long title and also long title - i rlly like established relationship fics. sorry for being cringe and boring some crimes can never b forgiven etc.
like clouds in starlight widely spread - ok the rest of these i'm going to copy/paste from my list for beth sorry <3 but if i've already written a little deseription for each one why give myself more work yk. anyway: sad and wistful and A Lot as someone who was about to move out of my hometown when i read this. if i said it chapter two vibes. actually that doesn't mean anything ignore that. at one point arthur goes "are you trying to tell me something?" and merlin responds with, "i'm always trying to tell you something." which uh. he really is huh. it's whatever though.
fundamental imperfection - merlin and arthur as writers, gets their first meeting right (arguing and being dicks, then immediately becoming obsessed with each other). don't remember much else except the sequel is unfinished heavy angst and i cried like three times. don't read that (+ HIGHLY positively peer reviewed by beth. tell us a story about love!!!)
as long as we have we - i know you've read that fake marriage christmas fic which i love a lot (maybe it has problems but it's just so endearing...) and this is the same vibe. or well it's christmas and it's sweet so
(and said xmas fic: no matter how far away you roam <3)
tintagel - i don't know how i feel abt merlin and arthur in this but the parallels made to ygraine and nimueh are just too insanity inducing to ignore. my price is my life yours is to bear witness.... they wrote that in 2009!!!! insane
ok that's a lot + it's the best merlin ff has to offer. which is still not that great but. enjoy!! + b thankful you do not have to go into the hellscape that is the merlin ao3 tag...
kingdoms - i have no memory of this tbh but i wrote 'yeah.' underneath the bookmark so it's gotta have something
sorry edit one more I forgot - merlin and arthur are exes and arthur is just soooo weird and sad and repressed about it. also peer reviewed 🫶 (X) and also check out beth's merlin fanfiction recs tag if for some insane reason u want more. ok bye 🫂
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unburntdragonqueen · 2 years
My opinion on different house of the dragon outfits (women edition) part 2
Here we go again it's definitely not the last lmao
Please ignore any typos my first language is not English
Continuing with Rhaenyra
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I like the cape I like the dress, them together idk, bc at first I thought that was part of the dress but nope that's just a tiny jacket she's wearing that has that cape, the sleeves bother me they look like they were tightened in a rush and started to open during the funeral, I just don't know how to feel about that type of sleeve, the shoulder thing, once again, perfect. And the neckline is also cute nothing special, there really was nothing extraordinary on this outfit which I wasn't really expecting I mean it's a funeral I sure hope she wouldn't go there as if she was going to a big event. So it's simple it's cute, she's a cute one lmao
Rating: 4/10
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This is another dress that I used to be obsessed with but now the more I look at it I just don't love it as much maybe it's bc I'm very obsessed with the dress with pointy sleeves that she wore on episode 8, but this one was definitely a look the dress in itself is very simple it has some beautiful details in some places and I like the details on the thing holding her cloak the cloak itself tho, I just have an issue with the fabric again, but my favorite part is definitely the headpiece it's what ties it all together.
Rating: 8.5/10
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Y'all are gonna hate me but.....boring. Sorry, if this was a regular day to day dress then okay but it was her engagement party the only wow thing was her hair that could have gone without that braid in the back but those red "stones" in her hair look gorgeous, but I do wish there was some red on her to tie it all in, you know
Rating: 7.5/10
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All I'm gonna say is there's something about this dress that in certain lighting I love but in others I hate, and for the first time I don't actually like the little belt here, I know shocking 🤣 I love the color and the gold on it and sometimes I like the loose sleeves SOMETIMES
Rating in this lighting: 8/10 ; in the lighting outside: 5/10
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This quality is terrible I know but another case of now that I need the photo I can't find it so I had to go with one with a quality that is a bit questionable.
And yeah it's a jacket I know but it's gorgeous so it deserves it. Love the fur there's a cut on the sleeve in the wrists that I wish wasn't there but it's whatever, I love the color and once again gives her that powerful look.
Rating: 8/10
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Now with this dress if anyone tells me that she doesn't look powerful as fuck and just overral stunning I will throw fists. I like that it's a little more tight fitted but then flares and the gold in the dress and all the dragon details, amazing. And the higher neck thingy is one of my favorite parts definitely.
Rating: 9.5/10
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*sigh* this one will always have a very special place in my heart I would give anything to have Rhaenyra wear it again, or I wish that at least she had worn it for a little longer, it's just perfect, every little detail
Rating: 10/10
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And to end Rhaenyra's outfits I most likely missed some I wouldn't doubt it, the one and only, and i also had to use a gif from the episode where she really was mother, it just looks so good on her, the gold, the dragon talons lol, I used to not really like the strings that connect the sleeves but even that I love now lol
Rating: 8.5/10
And my next post will be Alicent now so yeah (I'm tired)
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maychild · 1 year
mini-reviews of bl dramas watched (part 7)
here's my issue with this whole BL: it's.so.boring. like does anything happen?? NO. it's just mob and his internalized homophobia. (why does he not want to be in a relationship with a boy so much??? is it the phobia and stigma that comes with liking someone of the same sex?? LIKE WHAT IS THE REASON?? maybe i'm just not watching this show closely but fuck it; it shouldn't be watched closely.) also, YMMV and everything but there's no charm to it like in Cherry Magic or Old Fashion Cupcake. it's just mob and his No Homo all day everyday.
they are trying to cram character growth and romantic development into three very short eps and, imho, i don't think it works?? yes, it pokes fun at BL tropes, but i think that's the only good thing it does because i just don't care about these characters. well, that's not true, i do care about kikuchi and mob but then i'm inundated with all these minor characters that we're wasting time on when we could be focusing on kikuchi and mob. i just want the freakin' show to focus on them, but it doesn't and so i'm frustrated. maybe i just don't like self-referential shows?? this bl and I didn't vibe and that's okay but i feel like some people rate it more highly than it should be. (also, i don't remember what happened in either season, that's how much this bored me. well, i remember mob was in the hospital for some scenes but that's all...)
i do love the beauty and the beast-esque instrumental music and the opening/closing themes so very much tho. 6.5/10
so beautifully filmed and happy and fluffy. this isn't a drama that says a lot, or is deep in any way really, but taesung and haebom were adorable (there is a bit of Drama with the mother--the sole guardian/parent of these two boys--not approving of their relationship at first, but she comes around, and i do like that that part is realistic). a simple story told semi-realistically (there was no dreaded last minute break up, thank goodness, and it seemed to avoid most cliches found in kdramas).
the chemistry for these two is so-so for me; it wasn't necessarily bad, but i also didn't really buy into their relationship. here's my whole issue: besides a couple of almost steamy kisses, and romantic touching, this isn't a show that focuses a lot on the physical side of things. and that's okay! some loving, romantic relationships don't revolve around sex at all, and to each their own, but well, it just seemed to me that this show erred too much on the platonic side of things (the show really tried to tell me that these two weren't horny for each other at all, without explicitly also stating they were asexual, which i might've bought if they showed the two leads having any kinda conversation about sex, even while sleeping in the same bed, but they didn't so i didn't buy two college students being so very chaste in their relationship). 7.5/10
this was very beautiful in the story line and cinematography and everything, although the choppy camerawork grated on my nerves at times, and so did the jump cuts (i get that it was an experimental style of filming, but up to this point all KBLs have mostly been very polished pieces, except for certain parts of blueming as well, so it's jarring to see it in a piece that's been afforded a much longer run-time. also, for example, some scenes were quite noisy where i expected it to be super silent, so this felt very realistic in that regard, but again, so jarring). these are very, very minor quibbles in what was essentially a bl so beautiful and pure and amazing, tho.
the slow burn of it all was wonderful as was the chemistry between all the character. there was one drunk kiss between the leads that they never talk about again so the whole bl is them becoming friends AND then becoming lovers so i appreciated that while they both had a connection with each other right from their first meeting, it wasn't only about the lust between them, but about how these two different people came together when they needed each other the most and provided a safe harbor for each other. jaewon's therapist harped a lot on jihyun being jaewon's refuge and safe place but i think he was the same thing for jihyun and i think that's why they worked so well together considering they came from different backgrounds.
the minor/supporting characters were also a delight to watch (esp. jihyun's group of friends contrasted with jaewon's friends who felt very fake and like they were only jaewon's "friends" bc his dad was super rich--excluding yoon won who was the best).
i did wish for more beautiful, tender, cute boyfriend moments (seriously the latter half of the show was so much angst topped with angst and i understand why, narratively it made sense for a character like jaewon who had so much trauma in his life he was trying to live through every day), but i also really loved what we got.
i would definitely love a second season or even the two leads appearing in another bl (i know korea doesn't do branded pairs/fan-service like other countries but it's also not entirely out of the realm of possibility). 9/10
i was initially hesitant to start this bc the summary made it seem so cringey and gave me secondhand embarrassment re: the rejection and then ep 2 clears everything up: IT WAS ALL A MISUNDERSTANDING. and then we enter the miscommunication era that lasts a whole seven years. sigh. it's a good thing i don't mind the miscommunication trope.
this was so cute and fluffy and adorable and overall we got a lot of the story told in flashbacks, which i like, when the flashbacks are utilized in a good way and they definitely are here. this is a combo of friends to lovers and high school romance combined with office romance and the tropes are delicious. lee wan does the chasing at first, then the miscommunication happens, and then shin gi tae does the chasing in their adult lives and i like when it switches up like that. the two actors' chemistry is very believable and it's easy to believe they are totally in love. the series was short of course, but, the upside of that was that it forced shin gi tae to be very straightforward and direct with his feelings; of course he was playing games for the first four or so eps because he was justifiably hurt by the abandonment of his best friend but once he leaves behind that hurt, there was no stopping him from pursuing lee wan. and lee wan also had to take some time to get used to the fact that shin gi tae liked him back, so it felt very realistic.
the pacing of this story was stellar too; nothing felt too rushed, there wasn't any filler, every scene moved the story along, and the conflict came from having to choose different paths, and miscommunication.
this was a kbl that didn't disappoint in any way (besides only being about eight eps and 15-18 minutes long). 9/10
PART 1/???, PART 2/???, PART 3/???, PART 4/???, PART 5/???,PART 6/???
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otomebanshou · 3 months
My Thoughts about Cupid Parasite Sweet & Spicy Darling
NOTE: This is my personal thoughts and opinions about CupiPara SSD. None of this is to be taken seriously, but just as me expressing my thoughts SPOILERS BELOW!
My order for the game was: Gill -> Merenice -> Raul -> Ryuki -> Peter -> Shelby -> Allan
And I will say Allan was the perfect note to end on. Chefs kiss!!
Gill My beloved scrunkle. He's still my favorite of the cast, only overall being beaten out in the FD by Raul, but I'm so happy with his FD route (minus his Spicy Ending). Admittedly, I wasn't crazy about his turn towards yandere but I also wasn't completely against it as "yeah, I guess I can see him doing this" LOL. But I loved Gill and Lynette's dynamic! They really balanced each other out and while I know a lot of people get uppity about the female going towards a housewife role, honestly it doesn't bother me and Gill never forces her to do this and just wants to support her! So, I enjoyed his route and his spice was awesome I ate that shit up!!
Merenice I don't hate Merenice. I like him, but that's about it. Because of his conditions, he makes it really hard for me to see how Lynette and him can ever really be a couple! He will ONLY have feelings for her if she's still a god and he can't see her destiny. And even when that condition is fulfilled, their whole schtick and chemistry just doesn't really grow for me, so when they fucked and all that I was like kinda shook she felt something for him. I'm not one to really go "oh I can't see (MC) and (LI) as a couple" but I really can't here. Plus, as a parasite, he just doesn't match the Parasite 6's freak... like at all. He doesn't bring much humor to the table. So all my conditions to really like him were flopped, thus why he ranks as my least favorite in this game. OWEN THO?? GIVE HIM TO ME!!! I WANT HIM!!
Raul Oh sweet baby, I love you. As someone who gets hyperobsessed with things, I can relate to his outbursts of love for his myth lore. Raul had everything I wanted/expected from SSD, especially since I was not expecting the rest of the routes, minus Allan's, to take such a weird fucking turn for their Spicy Endings. Raul's was just perfectly crafted and, like Gill, really worked well with Lynette. ALSO HOTTEST SPICY END JUST CUZ HER RED DRESS AND BEING A SPY AWOOOO!!!!
Ryuki I'm not gonna lie here, Ryuki was already doomed from the get go. I don't care for him, I don't really like any boyish/young ones. And his route didn't improve it especially since they used one of my least favorite tropes: miscommunication. It was BOUND to pop up in this game, considering married life is a huge theme in this one. But, here I fucking hated it. Lynette won't tell him her godhood the entire game and even when she does he just goes "oh ok" lmfao. Yeah it was funny, but at the same time it was like "bruh". Also I fucking HATED his spicy ending!! like wtf. I am proship, but I still have lines where I no longer enjoy something. Dubcon, ok I can work with it, and honestly the entire theme/plot of the game also plays a huge part in me enjoying it. We gotta set the mood, yknow? Ray Under spent the entire fucking route not really giving me the vibe he likes Lynette, and he even SAYS SO at the end. All for him to 180 right as the Spicy End begins and wants to suddenly have a poly relationship with her and Ryuki. Ryuki seemed against it until he ALSO changes character and is like "yeah!!! ill show u!!!" and Lynette isn't even into it!! She doesn't give consent!! She is like "ummmmm '^';;" which at that point, I couldn't enjoy it.
Peter (I don't have a yellow color option :(...) Honestly, this route was as bad as Ryuki's in my honest opinion. Just for different reasons. It's really boring. Unlike the first game, the God plot just doesn't do it here for me. His route was really forgettable outside of his atrocious Spicy End that rivals Ryuki's. Like EW? I think I'd rather do Ryuki's over Peter's again cuz that was just weird lmfao. HOW DID SHELBY'S EXTRA DONUT ENDING GET A WARNING BUT PETER'S DIDNT???? LFMAOOO!! Anyways, Peter took a big L this game and the whole awkward lead up to just Peter finally banging Lynette, tbh I couldn't remember they hadn't banged but this was awkward for me, then to boring god subplot and then the revisit to Zeus was just zZzZzZzZ.
Shelby Well, miscommunication comes up again, but it's actually done well here. Shelby's miscommunication is handled a lot better because, well, Lynette figured he wouldn't get it and honestly I did too. Of course he wasn't going to believe she was a god. I just feel like it worked better here but that's my opinion. It didn't grate my nerves as badly. Also the whole limp dick shit was so funny, poor Shelby LMFAO. Lynette being ok with it and wanting him to just talk to her was also endearing as Shelby was really cute this entire route. His Spicy Ending wasn't bad, it honestly was in the same realm as Gill's which I didn't really expect from him?? I should probably mention, I wanted them to just be sexy endings, but the writers ig wanted to go with over the top endings that weren't really for me most of the time but w/e.
Allan I'm going to preface this, I didn't really enjoy most of his route. It wasn't bad, but I also think it wasn't really fun to read most of the time. The plot, like all plots in this game, kicks in in the last 3 donuts before the ending is decided. The ending though is dragged tf out. I was starting to get more and more burnt out as the ending kept going for the S&S ending. BUT!!! I was SO rewarded! Allan's true wish was to have the one happiness he and Lynette can't achieve unless they are human: children. Now maybe it's that maternal feeling I can't help but have, even tho I don't want kids, but I love video game kids and this made my heart feel so warm. Allan is so sweet, undeniably so, and the icing on the cake was seeing that screen with the boy and girl name option that you get to pick. I was crying throughout his S&S ending and his Sweet End. I could not be consoled! So yeah, I loved it in the end!! Other than that, I don't really have much left to say! I'm feeling the burnout hard now, not from otome, but just too much wackiness and the spicy ends didn't help at all lmfao. I give this game a 8/10 (I gave the original a 9). I really enjoyed it and CupiPara is still my fave romcom otome to date. <3
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