#i'm always in 'you can do better Because you're YOU' mode
silusvesuius · 3 days
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this tree from my new drawing looking goated afffffff 👑👑
#yes this is a nel/vas drawing get off me😂#text#i wanted everyone to see it but also since i draw on paper in total silence i think a lot about everything so i wanted to voice some -#- thoughts too's. tbh i've been veeery self indulgent lately#actually i'm happy that n*lv*s is getting actual hits out of me that i like looking at#especially on-paper stuff that i can recall being fun for me to draw. all traditional art is fun to draw#and digital has turned into an actual task for me (only sometimes tho maybe i;m lying.. mspaint we're still bffs)#i think i just don't see the joy in trying to scrap up a ''' finished ''' piece in an art program .. pencil i love you and i love the -#- feeling of it scratching along the paper....sigh............ Rabu#i don't want my blog or thoughts to turn into traditional art suck-off ventures bc ik not everyone can get into it for many possible -#- reasons but if u feel like it U can ok? do it for Pencil✏️ and for me? for silusvesuius? 𝖎 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖈𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚#but Lord i hope i don't also come off as one of those people that r like 'to improve in art just draw that one fictional character u -#- rly like 😂😂' bruh gtfo my face with that.#i'm noticing 'improvement' in my stuff mainly...i think... because i'm always striving to impress#not so much other people that are here just for my art but more so myself#i have a very huge ego (Mind Battle)#also it makes me sad to think about how big egos or genuine (not obnoxious) flauntiness are looked down on#and i can tell bc i used to look down on people that would express the things i'm expressing now#especially in art focused spaces. now i'd rather be in a circle of artists that love to J*rk off their own brain for it's ideas -#-and talent than be w/ very self-conscious artists that are never expressing pride about any of their work#worse if it's to the point where they actively start to fish for compliments bc of it#fishing for compliments is always OK i just wish it didn't stem from insecurity in that context if that makes sense#but maybe that's very easy for me to say and admit bc i did develop a very big ego around my art and ... Creativity? like it's a sims skill#not that i still don't seek out 'attention' or compliments from others to soothe myself but hmmmmmm i hope u feel me.#it just turns me into a very competitive person#who am i competing with? Myself#i'm always in 'you can do better Because you're YOU' mode#which is much better i believe than comparing yourself 2 other artists#i don't think a lot of people read my tag ramblings but if u do i wonder how one feels about a very pompous artist#like me .......(?)
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xianyoon · 2 months
you're not that bad of a study partner
xiao diluc kaeya childe wriothesley lyney alhaitham x gn!reader studying with them. romantic fluff. reupload from my previous blog ; @.i23kazu.
[ ♡ ] xiao
he's the one who has the noise-cancellation headphones, blacklisted apps activated kind of student. everything is on lockdown and on do not disturb mode – he doesn't even get texts from his parents – please don't disturb him. poke him with your pen and you'll just see him roll his eyes at you– no, seriously- it's not worth it! admittedly, xiao is also a really good student ; always on task, even for the subjects that he absolutely despises. ask him to tutor you and he might grumble and groan, but what happens when the tutor falls in love with his student? only one way to find out.
[ ♡ ] diluc
possibly the class rep and one of the harder ones to get close to. studying with him is a express ticket to resources that teachers had given him because of his high-class status. he's not proud of it – diluc genuinely believes that each student deserves the chance to have the same access as him – which is why he's willing to share it with you as well. we didn't even have to meet up, you could just have sent it over- you whine, but the tinge of crimson on his cheeks is a telltale sign that perhaps he needed- no, wanted, this excuse.
[ ♡ ] kaeya
the teasy study buddy. watch him annoy the hell out of you– of course you know he's teasing, but sometimes it hurts. "haha, i thought i taught you this already? does the little bunny not have enough space in there?" he taps your head with his pen. it's only when your face crumples and you start to mumble out apologies, teardrops cockling your paper – that he panics. "shit- i'm so sorry– how can i make it better?" he wipes your tears away gently with his thumbs – a true gentleman owns up to his mistakes. he makes it up with a sweet kiss and a stack of gift cards to your favourite cafes.
[ ♡ ] childe
he's the study partner friend who keeps you going, truly. if sunshine was bottled up and wrapped with a bow and had an orange cap, it would be childe! watching your face fall after staring at algebra simply won't do for him, no, no. let him lead you as he tugs on your hands outside of the study room, and just let your feet follow in his footsteps – you'll find yourself outside the library cafe. he takes out his wallet from his pocket and grins at you. "alright, it's on me! what do you want?" maybe his wallet is a little lighter, but so is his heart, once he sees your face light up.
[ ♡ ] wriothesley
wriothesley is the one who has it all planned out. first, you'll start studying at 10pm... which is a little late, but it's alright. you'll get tired around midnight, which will be when he offers you the first cup of warm chamomile. "won't this put me to sleep?" you whine, accepting it from him anyways. he chuckles and runs his hands through your hair, replying that it's never worked on him. true enough, you start getting sleepy around half past one – finally leaning against his shoulder, your arms going slack. kissing your head, he drapes a blanket around you. good night.
[ ♡ ] lyney
the one who sits besides you, cracking jokes every now and then! but when it's time to study, he can buckle down and start doing work –that's just lyney – the human on and off switch. there's something about him doing work while twirling his poker cards in his hands that's just so mesmerising – a stare a moment too long catches his eye, and he immediately jumps into doing a trick for you. get back to work!, you laugh and playfully swat his shoulder, turning back to your own paper. he chuckles in return, and unbeknownst to you, turns back to look at his own work with a smile.
[ ♡ ] alhaitham
alhaitham can be stricter as a study buddy – he's stern with distractions, wanting you to keep your phone to the side as he's explaining concepts – yes, concepts you learnt, but never understood. "hey, eyes here. did you understand, or do i need to go through it again?" he sounds bored, and you feel sorry for him. you mumble a soft i understand back, and he sighs and tells you to take a break. "look up." your eyes trail up from your tear-soaked papers, and instinctively close as he presses a sweet kiss to your forehead. "please believe in yourself just as i believe in you." he utters softly. you've never seen alhaitham act so tenderly before.
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everyb0dysf00l · 27 days
How the Cullens would react to being asked to hold your drink
(Gifs not mine, creds to owners)
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He is extremely confused
You want him to hold your drink?
For safety?
If you don't know he's a vampire, you've just handed a dude you barely know your beverage, how dangerous
If you do know he's a vampire, how could you trust such a cold-hearted, soulless monster with something so important?
If you can't tell, he's extremely self-loathing
He'll most likely agree but very reluctantly
Although he probably doesn't care about you, he can read the minds of the people in the party/bar you're in and knows how dangerous it is for you to leave your drink unattended
He probably wouldn't be able to live with himself if he didn't
He's already taken it before you can ask
Guard dog mode turned to 100
He's surveying the area like crazy
If even one person with a bad thought/aura comes near your drink he's glaring them down
Hand over the top, vice grip on the cup itself
Tbh if you're dating him he probably won't want you at a place like this at all
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I'm sorry to say this but she would probably look at you judgementaly
You'll have to explain it to her, not because she doesn't understand why you want her to hold it but because she is genuinely just that judgemental
She'll probably sigh and snatch the cup out of your hands, telling you to "be quick"
No one wants to come near that drink with her holding it, trust me
Her death glares will scare anyone in a five mile radius away
And if some guy walks up to her thinking he could somehow pull her he'll be dealt with
"Of course, hun"
No hesitation
She wants what's best for you and that absolutely means holding your drink while you go to the bathroom
She doesn't cover it with her hand but she definitely keeps it close to her body
If anyone so much as looks at the drink for too long they're getting a very intense death glare
Will hand it back with a smile when you return
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"Of course, dude!"
*instant regret*
This man is going to spill that drink 0.2 seconds after you hand it to him
What can I say the man goes wild at the parties
Can he drink liquor? No, but when has that ever stopped him before?
Definitely forgets he can't drink and downs the whole thing
Only realises when you come back and ask where your drink is
Gets Edward to buy you a new one
He isn't trusted with a credit card
Not much of a difference tbh
Except maybe, MAYBE, he takes a bit better care of it
Doesn't understand why you want him to hold it
Probably assumes you don't want gross bathroom particles in it or something
When he finds out the real reason, he goes from goofy to serious almost immediately
"Wait, so there are people here who want to put stuff in your drink so they can..."
Contrary to popular belief, Emmett has a good understanding of how fucked up the world is. Growing up in poverty gave him a pretty good idea
But he last drank in the 1920s, drink drugging wasn't really a big thing back then
He's 100% more protective over you and the drink now
Literally offering to fight anyone whose stupid enough to come near it
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Alice is always looking to talk to new people so she'll 100% hold your drink happily
Somehow manages to continue dancing while holding the drink and not spilling it
Definitely thinks about how easy it would be for her to do something to it
She wouldn't, obviously, but she definitely thinks about it once or twice
Unless Edward bribes her with something, in which case she'll 100% do something to it (sorry 😬)
"A porche, you say"
But she likely will take good care of it regardless
Will take it no questions asked
Jokes about already knowing you'd ask her to hold it
Waits for you outside the bathroom so you two can continue dancing
If anyone comes near it she threatens them in the sweetest voice possible with a smile on her face
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The man is bamboozled
He's just staring at you in his Jasper way trying his best not to eat you
Why are you asking him?
Ask Emmett or something
Its an awkward silence with you just stood there waiting for an answer
Alice will eventually show up and take it from you, reassuring you she'll take care of it
But of course
He's got an iron hold on this cup
He can feeling other people's emotions he definitely knows what type of people are at this party/bar
He won't come out from his corner until you come back
Will stare at anyone who comes near it like
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This sweetheart doesn't care if you're a total stranger, she'll hold your drink absolutely.
She isn't extreme with the way she holds your cup, just a simple hold relaxed to her body
She's most likely either with Carlisle or the other moms at the party so, she's not going to be around anyone dangerous enough to do anything.
She'll offer to come with you to the bathroom and will stand outside patiently for you to return.
Sways to the music playing over the speakers but not too much so the drink doesn't spill over.
If a creep tries to do anything to it, she'll put them in their place. Like a mother scolding a scorned child.
I think people tend to forget, Esme has a very traumatic backstory. She isn't blind to the dangers of the world and she knows what kind of people are out there, her ex husband was one of them
Gives it back immediately after you return with a smile on her face
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He looks down on drinking and will "scold" you for it but he also knows the dangers of leaving a drink unattended
He's seen too many cases of drink drugging in the ER to just leave someone's drink unattended
If he sees someone leave their's alone he'd approach them to tell them how dangerous it is
He holds the drink relatively normal and keeps an eye out in case someone does try anything but he isn't a full on guard dog over it
He can't be 100% trusted though. This man has committed multiple medical malpractices and justifies it with "science" (remember what he did to Jacob without his consent?)
He's pretty much the same here
He'll probably try to talk you out of drink more often though
He might be a bit more rigid with how he holds your cup
Again, he's seen too many drink drugging cases to let you leave it unattended
Images of what could happen to you if he doesn't take care of your drink properly are in his mind
Edward might have to try calm him down because his thoughts would be hectic
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Pls like and reblog if you liked this♥
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a-hazbin-reader · 5 months
Okkkk I am loving all the alastor with twins idea's 😍 💕 💖 could you do some headcannons where he takes the twins on day full of errands like going grocery shopping in cannibal town and a overlord meeting stuff like that
I'm just gonna add a new one here...
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Kids being chaotic, Babies biting, Alastor X Mom!Reader towards the end
Description: ☝️⬆️
Normally, Alastor avoids taking the twins out by himself, preferring to double team it with his wife
It's just so much easier with you by his side
But when his wife needs a day off or is too busy to go with him? It's full on dad mode for him
He talks to them the entire time as if the three of them are having a real conversation
"Which of these two do you think your mother will like more?"
"You're right, obviously we need to try someplace else."
Takes the kids to visit Rosie and pick up some of his secret snack stash along the way
Rosie absolutely hogs the twins and keeps them in her lap for the entirety of the visit
She coos and fusses over them, allows them to wear her hat and chew on her limbs
"Alastor! Look at those chompers! You're gonna have some real trouble on your hands soon!"
If Alastor takes them to overlord meetings, then Rosie and Zestial will each hold a twin
Rosie is content to just ignore what's being said and snuggle with a baby, smell their fresh baby scent
Rosie that's creepy
Zestial likes to blow on their twitchy little ears just to listen to them growl and bleat at him
It's a game to them
The twins literally can't get enough of Zestial's voice and the way he speaks, always just hypnotized when he opens his mouth
Carmilla is secretly dying inside to hold a baby but won't admit it until Alastor offers it up to her
She melts the moment a baby is in her arms, smiling and rubbing noses with the baby
Her daughters will absolutely beg to hold them though
Velvette is pissed because she can't take photos of the babies or even hold one, the last time she tried, she almost lost a finger to those teeth
Alastor loves how he can basically control how an overlord meeting goes just by bringing in his babies
He wants everyone off topic so that they don't look into something he doesn't want brought to light? Good day to bring the twins
If he's taking the twins for a walk, then he's definitely got those child leashes so that he doesn't lose his babies
It's also to keep them from going feral and biting people but nobody needs to know that
If they run into Vox, then he'll suddenly accidentally drop the leash just to watch his kids take Vox down
The TV head won't be getting up without a few bite marks on his screen, Alastor holding almost angelic looking twins in his arms
"My most sincere apologies, Vox! Teething has just been so hard on the twins..."
"Oh fuck you!"
"Not you!"
Alastor is surprisingly patient and understanding when it comes to his children's needs
He's able to quickly figure out what they want and avoid a tantrum
"Are you hungry, dear one? Papa has just the thing for you~"
And if they do have a tantrum...he knows how to get ahold of his wife...
He'll take them to a park and play games with them just to tucker them out, he actually seems like a normal dad in those moments
Usually by the end of the day Alastor can tell that the twins are tired and missing their mom
He misses her too
Is so exhausted when he gets home and collapses in your arms, rubbing his face into your shoulder
"How was your day out~?"
"Pleasant, but it would've been better had you been with us, my dear~"
You can't help but smile as his arms wrap around you, and he pulls you in for a generous kiss
That's the only moment with you that he gets before the twins push between you two
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I love these family asks so much
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userpeggycarter · 3 months
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someone asked for a coloring tutorial and my sharpening settings, so here it is! there are also a few tips to achieve more HQ gifs. :)
tutorial under the cut!
it doesn’t matter what your sharpening settings are if the file you’re using to gif is too low quality, so i tend to look for the best that i can get when downloading stuff. 
usually, movies (+2h) look better if they’re 5GB or more, while an episode (40 min/1h) can look good with even 1GB. the minimum definition i try to find is 1080p, but i gif with 2160p (4k) when available. unfortunately, not every computer can handle 4k, but don’t worry, you can gif with 1080p files just fine if they are big enough. contrary to popular belief, size does matter! which means sometimes a bigger 1080p file is better than a smaller 2160p one, for example.
this can too influence the quality of your gifs. as a gifmaker, i’ve tried it all: video frames to layers, directly opening video clips, loading files into stack, and i’ve finally settled down with opening screencaps as an image sequence. with bigger files, it doesn’t matter much what technique you use, but i’ve noticed with smaller files you can do wonders if you screencap (either by loading files into stack or opening as an image sequence) instead of using video clips. for example, this gif’s original video file was only 4GB (so smaller than i’ve usually go for), if you can believe it!
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here’s a tutorial for setting up and screencapping with MPV, the media player i use to screencap. again, you can keep using video clips for bigger files, but you’ll find this useful when dealing with dire causes. i don't file loads into stack, though, like the video does. i open as an image sequence (open > screencap folder > select any image > click the image sequence button). just select OK for the speed. this will open your screencaps as a video clip (blue bar) in timeline mode (i'm a timeline gifmaker, i don't know about you). you will need this action pack to convert the clip into frames if you're a frames gifmaker. i suggest you convert them into frames even if you're a timeline gifmaker, just convert them into a timeline again at the end. that way you can delete the screencaps right away, otherwise you will delete the screencaps and get a static image as a "gif".
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ATTENTION if you’re a Mac Sonoma user, MPV won’t be an option for you unless you downgrade your system. that is, if you have an Intel chip. if you have M1 Max chip (or even a better one), here’s a fix for MPV you can try while keeping that MacOS, because nowadays MPV is skipping frames in its latest build. or you can use MPlayer instead for less hassle. here are two tutorials for setting and using MPlayer. Windows users are fine, you can use MPV without trouble.
here’s a tutorial for adding noise as a way to achieve more HQ gifs if your original material is too low quality.
instead of adding noise, you can reduce it, especially if your gif is very noisy as it is. 
the path is filter > camera raw > detail > nose reduction. i do this before sharpening, but only my video file isn't great to begin with. because it’s a smart filter, you can reduce or increase its opacity by clicking the bars next to its name in the layers panel.
i use Topaz Photo AI to increase the quality of my screencaps when i need to. it’s paid software, but there are… ways to find it for free, usually on t0rrent websites. if someone’s interested, i can make a tutorial solely about it in the future.
here are my sharpening settings (filter > sharpen > smart sharpen). i sharpen things twice: 500% 0.4px + 10% 10px. here's an action for it, for more convenience. here's a tutorial on how to use Photoshop actions. for animated stuff, i use this action pack.
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here’s the gif i'm gonna use as a base. it’s already sharpened like the way i always do it.
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half of the secret of a good coloring is good lightning. i always useCurves (layers > new adjustment layer > curves) and Brightness & Contrast (layers > new adjustment layer > brightness & contrast). the settings depend on the scene you’re giffing, but i always try make my gifs bright and with high contrast to make the colors pop.
besides lighting your scene, the Curves adjustment layer has four automatic options that will color-correct it for you. it’s not always perfect and it doesn’t mean you won’t need to do further coloring, but it’s a great start. it’s a lifesaver for most ridiculously yellow scenes. look at the difference! this gif uses the 3rd automatic option (the screenshot below isn't mine btw so that's why the fourth option is the chosen one), from top to bottom. what automatic option you need to choose depends on the gif.
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sometimes i like to tweak my Curves layer. not everybody does that, it’s not that necessary and if you’re not careful, it can screw your gif up. to modify your layer by hand, you will need to click and drag points of that straight line in the position you desire. this is the concept behind it:
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basically, the lower part of the line handles the shadows, while the upper part handles the highlights of the image. if you pull a highlight point up, the image’s highlights will be brighter. if you pull it down, it will make them darker. same thing for the shadow points. you should play with it to get a grasp of it, that’s what i did when i first started giffing.
then i added a bit of brightness and contrast.
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the scene looked a bit too yellow, so i used the Channel Mixer (layer > new adjustment layer > channel mixer) adjustment layer. here’s a tutorial of how it works. not every scene needs the Channel Mixer layer though, i mostly use it to remove heavy overall tints. in this particular case, the Curves layer got rid of most of the yellow, but i wanted the gif to be just a bit more blue so the Channel Mixer tweaks are very minimal.
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now, this adjustment layer i always use: Selective Color (layer > new adjustment layer > selective color). this is THE adjustment layer to me, alongside the Curves one. this is how it works:
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ie, you can separately edit a color this way, giving it tints. for this gif, i wanted to make the colors more vibrant. to achieve that, i edited the selected colors this way:
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for the reds, i added even more red in them by moving the first slider to the right, making the color more vibrant. for his hat to have a more warm tint, i added yellow to the reds (third slider, moving it to the right). finally, to make the reds stronger, i moved the last slider to the right (more black).
for the yellows, i made them brighter by adding white to them, thus making the tile wall and Paddington more bright as well.
for the cyans and the blues, i just added the maximum (+100) of black that i could.
i wanted for Paddington's nose to be brighter, so i added more white to the whites.
lastly, i added depth to the blacks by increasing their own blackness.
you should always play with the Selective Colors sliders for a bit, before deciding what you want or need. with time, you will automatically know what to change to correct the color grading. it all takes practice!
i don’t know if you noticed, but there are some green spots on the blue wall behind Paddington. to correct that, i added a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer (layer > new adjustment layer > hue/saturation) and made the saturation of the greens 0%, making that unwanted green disappear from the background.
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while the green spots on the wall are specific for this gif, i use hue/saturation a lot to tweak, well, hue and saturation. sometimes someone’s skin is too yellow, i made it redder by tweaking the reds and the yellows, or vice-versa. the hue bar follows the rainbow bar, so the maximum settings (+100 and -100) give the selected color to change its hue to something more red or pink (the rainbow extremities). changing hue can give pretty whacky results, like turning someone’s skin tone to green, so you will need to play with it to get the hang of it. you can also tweak the opacity of your hue/saturation layer to further improve your gif’s coloring. i didn’t do it in this case, the opacity is still 100%. the reds and the blues had their saturation increased to make them pop just a bit more, without affecting the other colors.
the highlights of the gif still had a green tint to it due to the automatic correction of the Curves layer, so i used Color Balance. this is how it works: instead of giving specific colors some tints, you can give them to the shadows, highlights, and mid-tones. if your shadows are too blue, you counterbalance them with the opposite color, yellow. same thing with the cyan-red and magenta-green pairings. in my case, i added a bit of magenta.
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now, if this gif was a dish, it’s time for the salt and pepper. i always add a Gradient Map (layer > new adjustment layer > gradient map) (black to white gradient) with the Soft Light blending mode, thus giving my shadows more depth without messing with the mid-tones and highlights. it also doesn’t “deep fry” (you know those memes?) the gif too much by adding even more contrast. usually, the opacity of the layer is between 30% to 70%, it all depends on the gif. it always does wonders, though!
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finally, i like to add Color Filters (layer > new adjustment layer > color filter) to my gifs. it’s very handy when giving different scenes for the same minimalistic set because it makes them kind of match despite having completely different colors. in this gif’s case, i added a “deep blue” filter, opacity 50% density 25. you can change the density and the opacity of the layer for further editing, again, it all depends on the gif.
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if i feel like it, i add a vibrance layer (layer > new adjustment layer > vibrance) to make the colors pop. this can ruin your coloring sometimes, especially when regarding skin color, so be careful. i didn't do it in this gif because i felt i didn't need it.
TA-DA! 🥳
the color grading of the original scene it’s pretty good as it is, to be honest. let’s see a worse scenario, a VERY yellow one:
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no channel mixer this time because the automatic curves option dealt with the yellowness, but you can see it made the gif too green. i needed to correct that with the following adjustment layers:
curves (automatic option) (gif 2) >> same curves layer (tweaks) (gif 3) >> brightness & contrast (gif 4) >> hue/saturation (tweaked cyan+blue+green) >> selective color >> color balance (gif 5) >> b&w gradient map >> (sepia) filter >> vibrance (gif 6)
i added a hue/saturation layer to remove the blues & greens before my selective color layer because i thought that was more urgent than tweaking the tint of all colors. color balance (gif 4) was the real hero here, though, by removing the green tint. the selective color layer was meant to make the red pop more than anything else, because the rest looked pretty good, especially her skin tone (despite the green tint). you can notice that tweaking the curves layer (small gif 3) also helped A LOT with the green problem.
tl;dr 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
here's a list of my go-to's while coloring and lightning gifs. it's not a rule, just a guide. there are gifs in which i don't use all these adjustment layers, or use them in a different order. it all depends!
1. curves (automatic option + tweaks) 2. brightness & contrast 3. channel mixer 4. selective color 5. hue/saturation 6. color balance 7. b&w gradient map 8. color filter 9. vibrance
i'll suggest that you study each adjustment layer listed for more info, either with other Tumblr tutorials or YouTube ones. the YouTube ones focus on images, but you can translate what they teach to gif making very easily. you can ask me to further explain any adjustment layer, too! i was brief to keep this short (which i kinda failed lol).
feel free to ask me for clarification or something else about gifmaking wise, i always like to help. ❤️
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marvelslittlewhore · 4 months
No Air To Breathe
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PAIRING | jj maybank x routledge!asthmatic!fem!reader
SUMMARY | Your asthma is acting up and not just a little bit...
WARNINGS | asthma attack, salbutamol overdose, vomiting, jj being a panicking golden retriever bf, angst with happy ending, my bad description of medical stuff (bare with me I tried my best 😭), not proofread cause I'm lazy 😶‍🌫️
A/N | totally did not write this because it happened to me a few days ago haha...yeah I'm better now tho no worries👌🏻
The moment you woke up and made your way to the bathroom you knew your day wasn't going to be easy as you already felt out of breathe. You didn't thought much of it, grabbing your inhaler from the cabinet above the sink and taking a puff so you could go on with your day.
Some time later you started to feel how hard it was to do simple tasks, even just grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge without using your inhaler seemed impossible right now.
Laying in bed and listening to music you could still hear the others coming into the Chateau after their surf session. You got up and decided to join them in the living room, sitting down on the couch and taking another puff of your inhaler while JJ plopped beside you, instantly worried when he saw it in your hand.
"You alright, sugar?" He asked placing his hand on on your thigh, squeezing a little.
You nodded with a smile. "I'm fine, just feeling a little wheezy today."
JJ is not really convinced of your reassurance but nodded anyways, draping your legs over his lap and turning his attention back to the others who were bickering on who got the best wave.
Later in the evening you seemed to get even worse, your breathing now a lot shorter and your inhaler not really helping anymore. Slowly you started to worry and not only you did, JJ had been keeping an eye on you and to see how now any movement had you overwhelmed had him fidgeting a lot.
"Babe." He tried getting your attention and you lifted your head from his shoulder, looking at him with hooded eyes and your skin paler than usual. "Oh shit, you don't look good at all. I mean, you're still smoking hot but- you know what I mean!"
You chuckled and that was your mistake. You started to have a coughing fit, your breathing even worse now after it subsided.
You let your head fall back against JJ's shoulder, whining in distress and frustration, not understanding what's happening right now. JJ called out for John B, assuming your brother must know what to do, he always does.
A second later John B walked in with a can of beer in his hand. "What's up?"
"I don't know man. She- She can't really move without using this." JJ explained holding your inhaler up.
John B, already in big brother mode, walked over to you both holding your face with both hands, cursing under breath.
"Fuck- how many puffs did you take today kid?" He asked and you shrugged tiredly, not enjoying all those movements at all and your stomach doesn't like it either.
"Bucket..." You mumbled and John B rushed to get you one, just in time when your body wrenched forward to vomit.
"What's happening with her?" JJ asked, trying to keep his cool and holding your hair out of your face while you emptied your stomach.
"She overused her inhaler and now her circulation is fucked up." John B explained, calm as ever and putting the bucket down when you stopped puking. He grabbed his phone next and called for an ambulance, knowing things would get worse if he didn't act fast enough.
John B crouched in front of you, trying to get your attention again which was hard for you as everything seemed to exhaust you, even talking.
"You'll be okay. I called an ambulance, they'll be here soon, yeah?"
You just nodded, closing your eyes to get any type of rest but the boys have to keep you awake.
"Hey, stay with me baby. Just like that. Show me those pretty eyes." JJ smiled at you even when he's practically panicking on the inside and wishing he could just take away your suffering.
Meanwhile Pope, Kie, and Sarah caught up to what happened. All now scattered around the room and anxiously waiting for the ambulance to arrive.
Sure enough the paramedics walked inside the Chateau with Pope explaining what happened and in what state you're in.
JJ was holding you the whole time, comforting you and whispering affirmations in your ear. Just as you expected they have to take you to the hospital to give you proper medication and care there.
As soon as you got an IV drip and a oxygen mask JJ carefully got up with you in his arms, carrying you to the ambulance and gently placed you on the stretcher. He sat down beside you, holding your hand to let you know he's there while the paramedics moved around you.
In the hospital the pogues had to sit in the waiting room, angry that they could only wait for any doctor to tell them if you're fine or not. Even JJ couldn't go with you, only for the ride to the hospital and he almost punched the security guy that held him back from going to see how his girl is doing right now but John B eventually got him to sit down, talking some sense into him.
"Relax, dude. You're not helping her when you get arrested now. I know how this works. They keep her here for a few hours, give her medicine and oxygen, and when her oxygen saturation is better we can take her back home."
JJ nodded, taking his hat off and pulling at some strains of his hair. It kills him not being able to be with you in such a scary moment.
An hour later the doctor came into the waiting room and the pogues instantly sprung up, attacking the poor woman with all kinds of questions.
"Alright, let's calm down first." She told them, looking back at the clipboard in her hand. "So, she's going to be okay. She needs to take these antibiotics for the next ten days. Watch that she's drinking and eating enough because she'll still feel a little weak the next two or three days, so keep an eye on her."
The doctor handed John B the package of antibiotics and told them that they could go and see you now as you're stable again.
You smiled when you saw them rushing inside and to your bed, all of them just so relieved to have your normal self back.
JJ leaned down to give a quick peck to your lips, resting his forehead against yours for a moment.
"You scared the hell outta me..." He said and you reached up caress his cheek with your hand.
"I'm sorry." You pulled back from him. "I just- I thought it wouldn't end like that. I already saw the signs the second I woke up but..." You tried to explain your own stupidity but JJ cut you off.
"It's okay, you don't have to explain anything. You're fine now, that's what matters." He assured you.
"Can we go home now?" You asked and turned your head to your brother.
John B patted your head and nodded. "Sure kid, lemme just get a nurse real quick."
Finally back at the Chateau everyone decided a movie night would be the best to cheer you up and as always they were right, even when you're still not feeling all well you had the sleep that night, knowing your family was with you.
JJ held you the whole night, always on alert when you move just a single muscle, checking if you're alright and getting you everything you asked him for.
You really were blessed with this boy.
For everything:
@lokigirlszendaya @buckymydarlingangel @superlegend216
For JJ Maybank:
@tracymbcm @spideysimpossiblegirl
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nixie-writes · 1 month
Hi! I always wondered, how would hazbin hotel characters react to an nurturing reader? Like full parent mode and doting on everyone, Charlie is like 200 years old?? Who cares her hair is a mess and she hasn't had breakfast! Alastor would silently relish in it, I'm not sure about the rest.. - what do you think??
-everyone would react a little differently to a nurturing, parent like figure.
-Charlie finds it endearing but a little on the heavy side. There are days she doesn't want to put in the effort to fix her hair, or really do anything. So when you swoop in to help her get ready for the day, she appreciates it, but finds it a tad overbearing.
-Vaggie is already practically the mom of this establishment, but she doesn't mind extra help. You and her can trade who deals with who each day. Maybe on Monday she deals with Husk and Niffty while she handles Sir Pentious and Angel Dust, and you swap places the next day. She finds it refreshing.
-Niffty loves the extra help in the kitchen and cleaning. If she has more time to focus on that rather than keeping the gentlemen and ladies together, she's all for it. However, when you got onto her for neglecting herself and not eating breakfast she starts bawling until you give her a pancake and tell her to do better, and she nods her head.
-Angel Dust feels like he doesn't need a parental figure, in his opinion they all suck. Then again, his only experience is his father and he was a shit pie. So when you start offering him snacks during the day and tease his hair a little to be more stylish he decides some parental company can be beneficial and helpful, and even caring.
-Husk is an old drunk, he feels like he can manage himself. When he wakes up on the kitchen floor with you spraying him with a water bottle he realizes he may need some help. You set a bedtime schedule, you schedule when he's allowed to drink and you help him find his way to bed at night. He may not remember much, but he appreciates that you're doing your best for him.
-Alastor both likes and hates having a parental figure around. On one hand, you keep down the trouble and help around, meaning he has more time to sit and plan his next move. On the other hand you're dumping a bottle of warm water on him and demanding he shower because he smells like a garbage can and probably crawled out of one. He finds your antics silly, but he knows when he sees someone he can potentially make a deal with.
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luveline · 8 months
I'm having extremely horrid self-image these days so I was just wondering if you could write Aaron comforting reader about it?
You used to do your makeup on the bedroom floor in Aaron's floor length mirror. He found it endearing apparently, he'd always laugh quietly and step around you, promising that one day he was going to get you a vanity. 
And then he tells you he loves you and asks you to move in, and then there's a vanity waiting for you when you do. Aaron stops laughing in the morning and starts leaning down to kiss your cheek. "That's better, hm?"
It feels like playing dress up. You appreciate him, you love him, but you sit there with your makeup bag and your hair oils and feel awful. Deep down, pervasively, achingly awful. You're not the type of girl who gets the nice house and a nice boyfriend, who sits at her vanity primping and preening. No matter what you do, you'll always look like this.
"What are you doing?" he asks quietly. 
He's laying in bed behind you, sleep heavy on his tongue. You wipe a cotton pad wet with toner over your cheeks, avoiding his gaze in the mirror as you answer, "Just getting ready." 
"For what?" 
"Just the day." 
"You don't sound very happy, honey." He sits up, the front most strands of his hair falling onto his forehead, due for a trim. When he says 'honey', his brows lift from their furrow imploringly. It's madness that he can wake and throw himself straight into profiling mode. "What's wrong?" 
"It's nothing." 
"I don't think so. Come back to bed." We'll talk about it goes unsaid. Aaron's voice can colour a thousand shades but your favourite is this gentle lulling, his hand stretched out over the sheets to beckon you in. 
You put your used cotton pads aside and stand with a weird feeling in your throat like you swallowed something without chewing properly. Aaron watches you. He's good at pretending he isn't, but you know he is, his dark eyes tracing the shine of toner on your tacky cheek. 
"You smell nice," he says, kissing under your jaw, forcing your face up. "And you're so soft."
"Trying to butter me up before you ask me what's wrong." 
"But I'm not lying… What is wrong?" 
You meet his eyes, asking for permission of a sort that you don't need to ask for. He lifts his head in answer and opens his arms, pulling your face into the crook of his neck and your chest against his, murmuring, "Honey, honey," over your head. "What's wrong?" 
It comes as little surprise to him when you explain, your voice hushed with shame. I just feel so… disgusting. You don't say it with distinction but he gathers it anyhow, your lack of self esteem, not in the sense of putting yourself forward, but in that you don't like the way you look, the way people see you. 
"I can't control the way you see me, so you see me at my worst." 
"You don't have a worst." He lays back against the headboard and drags you down with him. "You're always beautiful."
You shake your head. 
You and Aaron linger in silence for a while, the only sound his fingers tightening against the fabric of your t-shirt on your waist. "Do you know why I wanted you to have your vanity?" 
"Well, you kept tripping over me in the mornings." 
"I did… I'd be watching you get ready and I'd find myself distracted," he says, low and quiet, as though confessing. "So yes, I'd trip over you. I wouldn't watch where I was going but I'd want go be closer, and I'd accidentally hit your arm and you'd look up. First in the mirror, and then over your shoulder. My heart–" He clears his throat. "Your vanity was an act of self preservation." 
"Because you're so old?"
"Careful," he says lightly, giving your waist a squeeze. "Because now I get to watch you from right here." He looks down at the vanity and you follow his gaze, seeing more of him than you, wrapped up in his arms. You look peaceful together. "Every morning." 
You close your eyes, rubbing your cheek into his shoulder. "And that's fun for you." 
"It's the best part of my day." 
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littlemissayu · 9 months
TWST Boys as ✨ PARENTS✨(Part 1)
TW: kids, pregnancy, reader is depicted as female, domestic, fluff
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ft. :Heartsabyul, Savanaclaw | pt.2 ; ft. Octavinelle & Scarabia | pt.3; ft.Pomefiore, Ignhihyde | pt. 4; ft.Diasomnia
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Riddle Rosehearts-
This man only has 1 kid, maybe 2 but that's kinda pushing it. I think he would be so worried about messing up his child the way his mother messed him up. He'd be strict yet dotting on his children; like he'll make sure their homework is done by a reasonable time and then praise them for doing really well on an assignment, especially if it's a subject they genuinely struggle with. If I'd say a boy dad or girl dad honestly, I think it could go either way, but I'm leaning towards boy dad.
Trey Clover-
I heavily believe he will have a big family anywhere from 4 - 7 kids. And these kids are absolutely close in age because I know the two of you are gonna get very busy, it feels like you're always pregnant with other people. Just imagine Trey with a mini him (or you) helping him crack the eggs in a bowl while they're wearing matching aprons <3. He would be a gentle parent but would put his foot down went he needed to. When it comes to girl dad or boy dad I can only think both!!
Cater Diamond-
At first he wasn't sure he wanted kids bc kids are a lot to take care of, but after the two of you being together and going through so much. He realizes deep down he did want to start a family with you. He would probably want only one or two but your first pregnancy you end up with triples; then you two said that's it until you got pregnant again with twins!!(My headcanon that Cater's special magic makes it more likely to have twins, triplets, etc come for here!!). It wasn't what the two of you anticipated but you couldn't be happier
Your pair of triplets ended up being 2 girls and a boy, then your twins were girls. He's a very fun dad always staying on top of the trends and slang. He has a hard time laying down the law with his kids sometimes, so you have to do it most of the time but when he really has to he does. *Bonus: You guys have 4 family photo shoots a year, and multiple photo albums*
Ace Trappola-
He probably has 3-5 kids, but from time to time it feels like you have 4-6 kids. He's always getting into trouble with them, playing pranks on you and others, even each other. There is no quiet in your household, it doesn't exist til everyone's asleep. Your kids are the most playful and competitive children you've ever seen, but they know to dial it back from time to time; Ace told them "When your mom says it once, she might be joking, if she says it twice she more likely serious so listen, if you make it to three....your the only name going on that tombstone". You guys are the most chaotic adorable family ever.
Deuce Spade-
He has 3 kids and not a single one of them is male, bc this man is %100 a GIRL DAD!! At first he was nervous about messing her up but after your first girl turned 3 and your second is 1, he couldn't imagine having a boy. He is the most proud girl dad you'll ever see. Is so protective of his amazing girls(that includes you btw), would fight off mosquito if it bit one his girls, no matter have stupid he looks. Spoils his little girls in any way he can, luckily you're there to make sure their not TOO spoiled.
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Leona Kingscholar-
This man has 2 children and always makes sure one never feels less than the other. He knows what it's like to be stuck in your siblings shadow so he tries to make sure that never happens to his kids. While he won't always be present since he is still part of the royal family and therefore will have certain royal duties to fulfill; he will always do his best to be there for his kids. He does sleep less then he did before since his life is busier, but he always makes sure to take a nap everyday so when he's with his wife and kids he'll be able to be in a better mode to see his beautiful family. He would have one girl and one boy.
Ruggie Bucchi-
3-8 kids. His kids are the rowdiest, sneakiest kids you've ever seen. Although most of the time they're super sweet(to you). The first time you two talked about kids you agreed on only 2, but after having your first 2 rascals. You two got some more baby fever and ended up having only a few more. You did have a good paying job so you could take care of your little pack of children. The Bucchi household never has a boring day because there is always something really exciting or crazy that is happening. Overall he has more girls than he does boys. You first daughter stays a daddy's girl <3, but dw he loves all his kids equally!
Jack Howl-
4 kids, an even amount. He isn't the most expressive Dad but his kids can tell how he feels based on body language and physical acts. While to others it may seem as if he couldn't care less about his kids, it is the complete opposite. Always making sure their ok, celebrating their accomplishments, and always encouraging them to do what they love. His kids can tell through these small acts that he loves them. Your husband loves to take early morning runs, ofc but when your kids are babies he would take them in their stroller so they can get some fresh air to get them in a good mood. He does that so that maybe if their baby is in a better mood you won't have to much stress when trying to figure out what they need; it makes both of your lives easier. At first the two of you though you'd only have boys bc of your first 3 but then low and behold, your last kid was a baby girl<3!!
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Heartsabyul Masterlist
Savanaclaw Masterlist
TWST Masterlist
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tinydefector · 2 months
Do you think cybertronians every freak out with more "fragile " humans. I have EDS and it seems to effect my knees the most right now so I tend to fall due to them popping and giving out on me. I'm used to it by now and have gotten knee braces. Do you think any of the bots or cons would freak out if they saw a human fall and have to lay down for a while. I think I'd find it really funny while laying on the ground in pain lmao. Love your work by the way you write lovely !
Gods, I felt the knees too much mine dislocated, and atm I have one that's been causing me hell
I do think they would freak out the first few times. But after a while, they would start just going. "You good?" But also on that, I believe they would also find ways to help improve your movement. Mind you, I have a rather messed up knee and need a brace that has a locking mechanism in it in case my knee gives out on me. So I can see a lot of the Cybertronians trying to help make you more comfortable with gadgets to help. For example, if you have trouble walking, they will make you a more advanced brace, one that still assist and holds much better than the flimsy wires in the ones you get from the hospital.
The first time the bots hear your bones crack, it sends them into a panic, thinking you're breaking, and they have them rushing you to the medbay into the doctors servos, saying your dying because your body is creaking and cracking.
These guys love modifying things because they know humans can't simply replace limps like they can. So when you have an issue with one of the wheels on your wheelchair. They are straight away working on fixing it up, adding wheels with a lot more resistance to strain. Don't ask where they got the equipment. The bots try their best to be as accommodating as possible. A place doesn't have a ramp. They will lift you up the stairs. Even make it easier for you to get into their alt mode. It's simple little things, and they may not be a lot to them, but it makes life so much easier for you.
The medics also take it upon themselves to learn human medicine and body structure because after they hear you complain about how expensive health care is, they want to try and give you the best care they can. Which involves them making medicines, equipment, and services for you. Also, expect with any injuries that the bots are going to make you do a lot of physio to try and help you strengthen your joins the best it can. Tho they know each human is different, they do try their best to accommodate for you better than a lot of other humans do. To them, you are never a burden its always a delight for them to do something as simple as help you when you're in pain or having difficulty.
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skaruresonic · 9 months
The common rebuttal to "this reads like fanfic (derogatory)" is "read better fanfic," which is true in certain cases, but on the other hand, there is some grain of truth to the idea that you can tell when someone's primary mode of literary analysis is fanfic instead of... well... literally anything else. It's okay to like or even prefer fanfic, but if you want to take your craft seriously you also need to read books, dude. Published books will teach you a lot of stuff fanfic doesn't, like proper dialogue formatting and how to introduce your reader to unfamiliar characters. Even the crappiest book (well, if it's not After or 50 Shades, which started off as fanfic to begin with lol) will have been subjected to some sort of editing process to ensure at least the appearance of proper grammar. That's not a guarantee with your average fanfic, and hence why you can't always take all your writing cues from fanfic because it's "so much better" than commercially published original fiction or whatever. Frankly, fic writers tend to peddle some absolutist and downright bad takes sometimes. "Said is dead" is a terrible rule, though not because said is invisible and a perfectly serviceable tag; that's just part of it. Dialogue tags are a garnish, not a main dish that can be swapped out for more ostentatious words. If your characters murmur and mutter instead of simply saying stuff, your readers are going to wonder why nobody speaks up. "'I'm explaining some very plot-important shit right now lol,' she elaborated," likewise, is a form of telling. Instead of letting the reader extrapolate that "she elaborated" via the contents of the dialogue itself, you're telling them what to think about it. And that's why it's distracting: your authorial hand is showing. Writing is an act of camouflage. You, as the writer, need to make your presence as invisible as possible so as to not intrude on the reader's suspension of disbelief. That's the driving reason behind "show, don't tell." And overall, everyone could stand to cut down on the frequency of their dialogue tags anyway. Not every exchange needs "he said" or "she whispered" attached as long as you establish who is doing the talking before the exchange. Some people will complain of confusion if you go on for too long without a dialogue tag, and that definitely is a risk, but at some point you also need to resist the temptation of holding the reader's hand. If they can't follow a conversation between two people, chances are they weren't meeting you halfway and paying that much attention in the first place. In fact, you don't even necessarily need action beats in between every piece of dialogue, as Tumblr writing advice posts will often suggest as a fix. Pruning things often cleans them up just fine.
Another fanfic-influenced trend in writing is, I guess, beige prose? A heavy focus on internal narration with lots of telling. It's not a style I can concretely describe, but every time I click on a non-mutual's writing, I feel like it always has, like. This "samey" voice to it. There's no real attempt to experiment and use unique or provocative language, or even imagery half the time. It's almost a dry recital of narration that doesn't leave much room for subtext. I see this style most often in fanfic where you can meander and wax poetic about how the characters feel without ever really getting around to the plot. And it's like. DO something.
Other tells that the author is taking their cues from fanfic mores rather than books: >>too much minute description of eyes, especially their color and their movement >>doesn't leave much room for subtext (has a character speak their every thought aloud instead of letting the reader infer what they're thinking via action or implication) >>too much stage action ("X looked at Y. Y moved to push their seat in. X took a deep breath and stepped toward Y with a determined look on his face. 'We need to talk,' he said.") >>tells instead of shows, even when the example is about showing instead of telling ("he clenched his teeth in agony" instead of just "he clenched his teeth") >>has improper dialogue tag formatting, especially with putting full stops where there should be commas ("'Lol and lmao.' she said" instead of "'Lol and lmao,' she said." This one drives me up a wall) >>uses too many dialogue tags >>"em dashes, semi-colons and commas, my beloved" - I get the appeal but full stops are your friends. Too much alternate punctuation makes your writing seem stilted and choppy. >>"he's all tousled brown hair and hard muscle" and "she's all smiles and long legs." This turn of phrase is so cliche, it drives me up a wall. Find less trite ways of describing your characters pls. >>"X released a breath he didn't know he'd been holding" >>every fucking Hot Guy ever is described as lean and sinewy >>sobbing. why is everyone sobbing. some restraint, pls >>Tumblr in general tends to think a truism counts as good writing if you make the most melodramatic statement possible (bonus: if it's written in a faux-archaic way), garnish it with a hint of egotism, and toss in allusions to the Christian God, afterlife, or death. ("I will stare God in the face and walk backwards into hell," "What is a god to a nonbeliever?") It's indicative of emotional immaturity imo, that every emotional truth need be expressed That Intensely in order to resonate with people. >>pushes the "Oh." moment as the pinnacle of Romantic Epiphany >>Therapy Speak dialogue. why is this emotionally constipated forty-something man who drinks himself stupid every morning to escape gruesome war memories speaking about his trauma like a clinical psychologist >>"this well-established kuudere should Show More Emoshun. I want him to break down crying on his love interest's shoulder from all his repressed trauma" - I am begging u. stop >>"why don't the characters just talk to each other?" "why can't we have healthy relationships?" I don't know, maybe because fiction is not supposed to be a model for reality and perfect communication makes for boring drama?
>>improperly using actions as dialogue tags ("'Looks like we're going hunting,' he grinned") >>why is everyone muttering and murmuring. speak up >>too many adverbs, especially "weakly" and "shakily." use stronger verbs. ("trembled" instead of "shook weakly") >>too many epithets ("the younger man" or "the brunette detective") >>too many filter words ("he felt," "she thought," "I remembered")
>>no, Tumblr, first-person POV is not the devil; you're just using way too many filter words (see above) and not enough sentence variation to make it flow well enough. First-person POV is an actually pretty good POV (not just for unreliable and self-aware narrators) if you know what you're doing and a lot of fun crafting an engaging character voice. Tumblr's hatred of first-person baffles me, and all I can think is you would only hate it if your only frame of reference was, like, My Immortal. Have you tried reading A Book? First-person POV is just another tool in your toolbox, and like all tools, it can be used properly or improperly. But it's not inherently a marker of bad writing. The disdain surrounding it strikes me as about as sensical as making fun of the concept of characters. Oh, your work has characters in it? Ew, I automatically click off a fic if it has characters in it. like what.
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tsukii0002 · 3 months
A young adult Yuu II
Yuu is isekaied into twisted wonnderlar, but they are a "independent" adult in their 20's, college ended and who is fighting for finding a job and survive.
Previous part Next part
Having the vision about the queen of hearts
Yuu: *waking up all of a sudden* I think I should put down that herbal tea…..
Ace: *after almost knocking the door down* I need you to let me stay here.
Yuu: *with squinted eyes* If you wake me up again at this hour you'll stay out, I'm in an age and if I don't sleep I don't yield.
Ace: Ah! whatever, from today on I'm part of this dorm!
Yuu: I don't feel ready and I'm not old enough to have a teenager in my charge. ….
Ace: *wearing Riddle's collar*
Yuu: What weird discipline methods are used in the magical world.
Ace: This was done to me by my housewarden!!!!
Yuu: …
Yuu: What weird bullying methods you guys use in the magic world.
Ace: NO IT IS NOT!!!
Deuce and Ace discussing about Riddle
Yuu: *to Grim* I think this Riddle guy is going to be a problem child.
Grim: Technically he's our superior.
Yuu: ...
Yuu: There goes what little authority I had left….
Entering Heartslabyul dorm.
Grim: This place is incredible!
Ace: *smiling* This is much better than that dump you call a dorm.
Deuce: What do you think Yuu?
Yuu: My gosh to clean all this… so much ornamentation, what a lot of dust that has to accumulate…
Ace and Deuce: …
Yuu: And so many rosebushes, damn, how much water has to be spent on watering.
Deuce: Looks like we're all going to the same class.
Grim: I'm going to outdo all of you.
Yuu: I'm practically your legal guardian already, no one can convince me otherwise at this point.
Crewel: …
Yuu: …
Crewel: You-
Yuu: Don't say another word, I've got enough on my plate.
Crewel: Let's get together once in a while after class, it'll be good for you.
Yuu: Thank you, I could really use someone who isn't a mess of hormones.
Crewel: *putting a hand on their shoulder* My condolences.
In the cafeteria.
Yuu: The food is good!
Ace: Of course this a prestigious school!
Yuu: And it's free!
Deuce: A-are you ok?
Yuu: *almost crying* I won't have to break my head thinking about what to eat every day.
Yuu: So the students are separated into dorms according to their abilities?
Cater: That is.
Yuu: My 10 year old self is shaking.
Cater: ?
Yuu: I'm in a magical school separated by houses, suck on that reality!!!
Riddle: Rules must always be obeyed!
Yuu: *sarcastic* Yes, of course, because people in positions of power always follow the rules.
Riddle: The world works because of the rules!
Yuu: Oh my boy, what a beating you're going to get when you leave school *sighing*
In the botanical garden
Grim: Are you the gardener?
Yuu: Grim!! this kind of work is very hard, *to Leona* you must be very tired, I apologize.
Leona: Tsk, I'm a student.
Yuu: *confused* And shouldn't you be in class?
Leona: And shouldn't you be out of school and working?
Yuu: Ouch.
Trey: You're pretty good at cooking.
Yuu: Ha, ha, ha, I've been living on my own for a long time, although this sweets thing is new.
Trey: Why?
Yuu: I didn't have the time or money for that many ingredients.
Deuce: *believing that chicks can born from any egg*
Yuu: My maternal instinct is getting triggered again?
Yuu: *seeing Cater's ability* I could really use that ability, fuck magic with fire and lights, I want to do several things at the same time.
Riddle rejecting the cake
Ace: All our work!
Yuu: Ha ha, how nostalgic…. this reminds me of my first job, the exploitation….
Deuce: What ??
Yuu: *with an empty stare* Yeah, you know, all your hard work and dedication thrown away, like this cake.
Ace: *to Deuce* Are we going to become like this when we grow up ???
Deuce: React yuu!!!
Yuu: *come to their senses* How can you throw food away? I can tell you've never been hungry!
Ace: Aaaand back to "responsible" adult mode.
Trey after explaining Riddle's past
Yuu: So mommy issues? Ha, ha, welcome to the club.
Yuu: Do you think it's okay to have students fighting with magic in this way?
Crowley: It's a healthy duel.
Yuu: How can you still be the director of a place full of minors?
Yuu: Today's teenagers are scary!
Crowlwy: Not all our students are like that!!!
Yuu: Are you implying that you're scared of Riddle too?
Crowley: ...
Crowley: Today's teenagers are scary.
Yuu: Please, somebody stop him, the kid is going to get a stroke, he won't make it to 20 if he keeps going like this.
Deuce: Do something Yuu!!!
Yuu: And what do you want me to do? I haven't inherited my mother's chancla ability yet.
Riddle overblot
Yuu: This change can only mean one thing… I don't know if I'm ready for this... but as an adult I have to take care of it…
Grim: ??
Yuu: * to Riddle* I know you're going through a difficult time, it's normal, but it's also natural. We all go through these changes in our body
Ace and Deuce: That's not !!!!
Yuu: Isn't that puberty in the magical world?!?!!!!
Trey and Cater: NOOO!!!!
Yuu: *after seeing Riddle's flashback* Someone please bring the little boy a strawberry cake.
Riddle: *apologizing and saying everything he wanted to do*
Yuu: That's it, get me on that mother, let's have an adult to adult talk.
Crowley: Yuu no.
Yuu: I'll show her what respectful parenting is NOT.
Riddle: I want to apologize for what happened.
Yuu: Oh, don't worry, it's okay, although I still don't get that magic thing.
Riddle: It was childish behavior.
Yuu: …
Riddle: I wish I could be as mature as you.
Yuu: Hey, don't be in a hurry to grow up. That adulthood thing is a scam, you never feel mature enough.
Riddle: But-
Yuu: What matters is not to be more grown up in certain situations, it's to learn from them and take a note for the next one. And even if I seem more mature as you say, I'm just as lost as you are in some things, don't let anyone fool you, adults don't have everything under control.
Riddle: Thank you…
Yuu: And let me give you some advice, the family tree can also be pruned.
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peekawoocc · 3 months
CW - 18+, smut, really long fanfiction. Lots of words, went too big brain mode on this.
P.s. I noted the sections where smut was in case you just wanted the juicy parts (relatable). Also, I tried to stay with plot similar to the show, so spoiler warnings if you haven't started Wano yet. I literally just started it.
This was really fun to write and definitely was a full day hobby project because I have no self control or concept of taking breaks 🙃
Pretenses - You're a straw hat, and while you're not as strong as the monster trio, you can definitely hold your own and then some if nessacary.
Cockblocked in Wano
You had just arrived in Wano with Nami and the others. Finally, ready to be reunited with everyone, and secretly excited to see Law again.
After running into Luffy, you all made your way into the old ruins to gather an update from Kinemon. After being caught up, Kinemon began giving instruction to everyone about their role. You were the last to receive your instructions.
You were excited to find out what you could contribute to help everyone. Instead, you felt as if your eyes were going to pop out from how wide they became, in complete shock. T-there's no way, you told yourself.
Everyone continued on with doing as Kinemon said so he could provide the proper outfits for each role. You didn't even seem to notice your clothes become a blue floral kimono and your hair now in a bun being held by a beautiful hair pin. You were kind of dissapointed you didn't have a more important task, but the shock was still there. As you came back to reality, it seemed like everyone was already trying to head outside, until you spoke up.
"Wait, why don't I have my own role?"
"My apologies, y/n, I did not have another role in mind. I felt it was best to put you with someone to provide assistance in gathering the nessacary troops," Kinemon answered.
Law came back into the ruins to fetch you, making everything set in completely. I have to be with Law for a whole 2 weeks and pretend to be his wife!?! Noticing the blush spread across your face as you were drowning in your own thoughts, Law caught your focus with a sigh.
"If you don't want to, that's fine, I'm sure you'd rather be partnered with one of your own crewmates," he said, sounding a bit annoyed at the inconvenience.
"N-no, it's fine. Plus, I know you won't bring me more trouble than I bargained for. You think things through so I know I can rely on you if anything happens,". You wanted to say more, but seeing Laws lips turn into a slight smirk you thought it better to just stop talking. It was true though. As much as you appreciated the spontaneous nature of your captain and fellow crewmates, you felt most confident when you had more details and facts to rely on. Knowing your enemy and even your environment can help end a fight more quickly and more efficiently. Or maybe, just maybe, you had anxiety. Which is also perfectly understandable.
"Then shall we be off...y/n?" Law said after finally coming up with a fake name for you.
"Definitely!" You said with appreciation for his thoughtfulness. You had a feeling he was always going to be a few steps ahead of you, as per usual. You both followed the others outside.
And then everything went to hell in a hand basket.
You all started to notice something flying, fast. The huge mass had a very commanding presence.
Yep, that's Kaido.
*time skip to after Luffy and Law dissappear after Kaido*
You had no idea where your partner in crime was, nor your captain. You knew Luffy could hold his own, it was Law you weren't sure about. Rather than go hunting for them, you all decided to go into your roles. Not really sure where to go, you decided to follow Sanji, knowing he wouldn't find you to be a burden. It wasn't that you couldn't hold your own, you were actually quite powerful. However, your task was simply to assist with passing out flyers to future fellow fighters, so you followed the cook in putting up a soba stall.
"I'm so glad I get to spend some alone time with you, y/n~," Sanji said with hearts for eyes.
"Yeah, I guess it's more efficient than trying to hunt down Law right now," you said, not being able to hide the dissapointment in your voice. Sanji noticed the worry on your face, even if he was a little jealous of your attention being focused on another man, he was still your friend and wanted to be there for you.
"You sure you're ok with this?" He asked, trying to help shoulder your troubles.
"Yeah, I just hope he's ok. Not that he's not powerful. Anyway, let's get to work!" You said, deciding to distract yourself with the task at hand.
*time skip to Law showing up*
It had become dark now, and you sat down next to the stall as Sanji began cleaning up from the hard day of cooking he just had. Suddenly, you felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned your head towards over your shoulder and looked up.
"So there's my partner, was wondering where you went," he said with a smirk, but you could see the exhaustion in his eyes.
"That should be my line!" You giggle as relief washes over your face.
"No time to chat, we've gotta go. Sanji, they're looking for you," Law suddenly became extremely serious.
"Who is?" Sanji asked.
"Kaidos men, we'll walk and talk," Law answered.
As you all moved together, you ran into Usopp and Franky. Law filled them in on the details and became interrupted as you saw a building get thrown into the air.
*time skip to when they get to Ebisu town, where Zoro supposedly was*
As you all sat together in the tiny home, you had a huge grin on your face. Who would've thought that the man next to you, who was so intelligent and strict, was also a huge nerd? You began to giggle thinking back to how excited Law was about Sanji's germa raid suit. Thinking about how Law was completely nerding out like a fan boy with a deadpan expression on his face started to make you giggle more. Law noticed how you began to hold your stomach from how hard you were laughing, and he began to raise an eyebrow at you.
"Whats got you giggling so much, sister?" Franky asked, matching Law's confusion.
"I was just thinking about how Law knew so much about the Sora Comics," you began giggling hysterically again, Franky and Usopp joining in your amusement.
Law instantly became flustered.
"I know, I know. It's just really cute when you nerd out like that. Plus, it's good to know I wasn't the only one who hated germa in the comics,".
Law started malfunctioning when you called his nerdiness "cute". With his whole face red he got up and stormed out of the house, making the excuse of needing fresh air. You gave him 3 minutes before you decided to follow his lead.
*sexy build up*
He was sitting, legs crossed, upon a freshly dusted off mat on the ground. You walked up behind him and placed your hand on his shoulder as you sat down beside him. With his eyes closed and brows furrowed, it looked like there was still a blush across his cheeks but you couldn't tell with it being so dark out.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you, but you really were cute. I'm also glad to know we share a similar interest," you said cheerfully, trying to bring the mood back up. Cute. There it was again. He looked like he wanted to say something, then began stammering until he just gave up and sighed. Finally opening his eyes, he just stared straight ahead as if he was trying to puzzle his thoughts together.
"It makes me happy to get the opportunity to know more about you. Really makes the mysterious, cunning Surgeon of Death even more attractive than you already were," you brought a hand to your mouth, shocking both you and Law at the realization of what you had just said. Then his face began to soften as he turned his gaze to you. He ended up letting out a small chuckle at seeing you sitting there as if still frozen with shock. The sound of the low chuckle broke you out of your trance and you began to relax, thankful that he didn't look at you with disgust after finding out your true thoughts of him.
"Attractive, huh?" He said in a knowing tone, a smirk on his face as you started tripping over your words.
"Wait, huh?"
"You're pretty attractive as well," he looked away for a moment before looking back at you.
"I thought so when we first met, but didn't think much of it. After getting to know you in Dressrosa, the feeling grew. What about you?" He asked hesitantly.
"Yeah, it's the same with me. At first I thought you seemed kinda scary back in Sabaody,".
Locking eyes with you now, it seemed like he was asking for permission for something. Noticing the puzzling expression he had, you felt the need to reassure him with a smile. However, you still felt the need to properly explain yourself.
"I-i mean, I don't find you scary anymore. Actually, thinking back, I think it was more of a feeling of intimidation. I wasn't that strong back then either, so the thought of ever having to hold my own against you was a bit anxiety inducing-,".
Before you could keep rambling, he cut you off with a soft kiss. It wasn't that long, but it felt like time had stopped and nothing in the world mattered but him. Your mind completely blank, you felt the tension in your shoulders release and the dull ache of pain that came with it. It seems you had been on edge the whole time, which looking back isn't all that surprising considering the bottled up feelings you had for him. No one knew, because you were too scared to tell anyone. Especially since you weren't sure in the beginning, but now, you're more sure of this than anything else.
As he pulled away, seemingly reluctantly, he locked eyes with you again and happily matched your smile with his own signature smirk but there was something new that you'd never seen before. There was a light in his eyes. You only saw them light up with anger in the heat of battle. This was the first time you felt that you were witnessing Law looking truly happy. Any of the questions bubbling up in your head about What are we? or Am I going to be a Heart Pirate now? were suddenly pushed aside with the new details you were taking note of while looking at his handsome face.
"That was amazing," you said dreamily, you wanted to slap yourself out of embarrassment with how hypnotized you knew you had looked.
"We should do it again sometime," he said with a flirty tone.
You instantly pressed your Thighs together. They weren't that open, but the sexiness of his voice was doing things to you below the waist. Suddenly, you were feeling a bit brave.
*sexy time ensues*
"How about...now?" You asked shyly, expecting him to refuse. He looked at you for a moment as you watched as his Adam's apple bob up and down as he swallowed, hard. He leaned back into you, just barely away from your lips, awaiting for your physical invitation. As you leaned in closer, the kiss had started again. It started slow and became more needy and feverish. He licked your top lip, asking to deepen the kiss, and you allowed it. You then wrapped your arms around his shoulders, lifting yourself up to sit in his lap. You pressed your chest against his, causing him to lean back on one of his arms, which made his hat fall off as he tilted his head back. He broke the kiss, both of you panting for air as you looked into eachothers eyes. His expression hungry and predatory now. You started trailing your eyes down his face to his neck and they stayed there as you subconsciously bit your bottom lip. You decided to stop wasting time looking and decided to give in to your desire as your lips met the side of his neck. Kissing his neck until you found a comfortable spot to sit for a moment as you lightly sucked and bit the spot. You weren't there for more than a few moments, thinking it wouldn't be a good idea to mark him no matter how badly you wanted to. He sucked in his breath, head falling back more as you went a little lower to his collarbone. You kissed and sucked at the defined bone structure until you heard a hushed groan.
"There, you can leave a mark there,".
It was as if he had known what you were wanting to do to him. You hovered for a moment, admiring the rise and fall of his chest in the moonlight. As much as you'd like to see more of his exposed skin, you'd have to settle for the portion of his chest that was seeable thanks to his sluttily open kimono. Law let out a frustrated groan as he became impatient, having no idea that you were actually admiring him, he grabbed a handful of your ass with his free hand. You pushed him back onto the mat, forcing him to lay down. You looked down at him, which allowed him to drink up the view of you on top of him, outlined in light blue moonlight. He sucked in his breathe as you dove your head back towards his neck, going back to his collarbone to finish what you started. You kissed, sucked, and then sank your teeth into him. You deeply sucked on the small bite mark, making it viewable even in the darkness of the night. You went back to being face to face with him, wanting another makeout session. Just when you were only seconds away from having your lips on his, you hear a voice from inside the house.
*PAUSE THE SEXY MUSIC! We got cockblocked guys 😔*
"Uh, where's Sangoro?" Usopps voice said.
"Didn't he say something about spying on girls in the bath house?" Franky continued.
You hadn't thought about it until now, but you realize you don't remember him being in the house with you all before you and Law started sharing this moment.
After realizing your lack of acknowledgement of your missing crewmate, you sat up and face palmed yourself.
"Damn straw hats, I swear," Law said annoyed. It was clear he was sexually frustrated about being cockblocked due to Sanji's pervertedness.
"Sorry," you offered a dissapointed smile to Law, begging for forgiveness. How could you overlook a missing crewmate?
"Don't apologize, it's not your fault," he said reassuringly, "I didn't notice he was gone either. Not that I'm mad he's gone. I didn't like the idea of you being all alone with that pervert," he sat up and crossed his arms. With furrowed brows he released another frustrated sigh and grabbed his hat.
"Hang on just a moment. Wait right here for me please," you say, clearly scheming something. Before Law can protest, you stand up above him and walk towards the frantic house. Law watched as you walked towards the house, then down at himself. His once hard erection beginning to lose blood flow due to his annoyance for Sanji. I am so going to go after you first if we become enemies, Sanji, he thinks to himself. He sits still and waits, just like you told him, and starts listening to your crews conversation from in the house.
"Franosuke, Usohachi, why don't you guys go look for Sangoro at the bathhouse nearby, while Law and I stay here in case he comes back?" you asked with a confident smile, knowing they're going to think that's a good idea on your part. Until Usopp opens his mouth.
"Wait, why do you and Law get to relax here? What if that t rex guy shows back up? That's not fair! You just want to be alone with him!" Usopp was unfortunately right on the money, but you were prepared for this due to his squeamish nature.
"Mr.Yasuie? Are the bathhouses in this country seperated or mixed?" You ask, already sure you know the answer.
"Some are seperate, but most are mixed. The closest one here is mixed. I wouldn't recommend you go though, y/n, ma'am. Most of the women around here don't have as many curves as you do, wouldn't want those men getting their hands on a pretty thing like you," he said smiling all the while.
You smiled triumphantly, but this battle wasn't over yet.
"Why can't Law go, you can protect yourself!" Usopp once again protests.
"Because, it's a bathhouse. Law has his jolly Roger tattooed all over himself. Even if this is Wano, they know what pirates are. And Laws jolly Roger looks nothing like Kaido's. That'd bring unnecessary attention to all of us," you argue back, you start to think up another excuse until you see Usopps face become skeptical, the debating lawyer look now faded from his face and voice. Bingo! We have a winner.
"Oh, ok. That actually makes sense since we're trying to lay low," Usopp says as Franky nods in agreement.
"You sure it's ok for us to split up again?" Franky asks, still needing a little push to be convinced.
"Yeah, you guys are strong enough to hold your own if the enemy shows up. Even moreso if you can find Sanjiii-I mean, Sangoro. In the case you do get captured, it wouldn't be good if they caught all 5 of us at once," you say, hoping you just put the final nail in the coffin.
And with that, they started to head off.
"Ok, we're going, but call me on the snail if anything happens or if Sangoro comes back,"
"I will,"
"Oh, one more thing," Usopp leans in to whisper to you, "Don't let nerd alert make you fall for him. He's been eyeing you up ever since we left that dinosaur in the dust. If he tries anything funny, use this,".
Usopp hands you 2 little red seeds.
"What's this?"
"They're puff puff plants. They release a red mist and if it touches your face it feels like it's burning your face off-"
"Nope" you say as you shove them back into his hand.
"But what if he tries something? What if he hurts you?"
"Usohachi, as much as I appreciate you looking out for me, we both know I can hold my own. Plus, I trust him," you say reassuringly.
"You trust him? Well I guess I can hang that 'don't fall for him' mess up. It's too late, you've already been infected," he shrugged.
"Alright, when he gives your heart over to the navy to become a warlord again, I don't wanna hear it," he said crossing his arms.
"Hey, he needs this alliance just as much as we do. And don't worry, if he does give my heart to the navy, I won't complain. Won't have anyone to blame but myself, so I won't cry to you about it,"
"YEAH, BECAUSE YOU'LL BE DEAD!" Usopp yelled as he and Franky exited the house. You made sure to flip him off before turning to Franky.
"Good luck Franosuke! Come back safe!" You waved as they went off into the night.
"Well miss y/n, I'll be retiring for the night. I'm sorry I can't offer you any nice places to sleep or any blankets, I only have one and I'm skin and bones!" Yasuie laughed.
"That's ok, we'll come back inside and sleep on the floor if you don't mind,"
"Not at all, goodnight!" He said as he walked to his room and closed the door behind him.
*sexy part resumes*
You jogged back to where Law was waiting patiently, feeling horrible for how long it took to convince Usopp to leave.
As you walked up to him, he looked peaceful. With his arms under his head, back to the large mat on the ground, eyes looking at the stars. You got closer and noticed that his hat was off again as you laid down next to him. You looked up at the night sky with him for a moment until you decided to speak.
"Sorry about taking so long. I didn't expect to play lawyer with Usopp,"
"It's ok, and I get why he's worried. I'm not a very open personality like most people,"
"That's another quality I like about you, just makes me want to know more,"
"I will say though, I didn't get why he thinks I'd betray you,"
"Me either, after all you told Luffy you wouldn't. Not that I wasn't skeptical at first, but I've learned that you're always honest,"
He glanced over at you gazing at the sky. He didn't expect to be this comfortable around you. This feels almost foreign to him. There was only one other person he remembered being alone with like this and that was a long time ago and in a different sense. He snapped out of his memories as he sees you suddenly shiver.
"It is a little chilly," you say as you look back at him. Before you can take your eyes off of him, he's getting up and above you. Pinning you as he puts his hands on the ground. He looks into your eyes seeing a reflection of both himself and the starry sky.
"Figured I could be a gentleman and warm you up," he says.
Damn. There it is again. That sultry voice.
You begin to brace yourself off the ground and up into him, but he swoops down to kiss you before the thought becomes an action. It feels like a do over from earlier. Kiss starting slow and then burning into something more again. However, you don't plan to hesitate this time. It was even later into the night, around 2 a.m. now. Everyone in the village would definitely be asleep. He starts trailing down from your lips to your jaw, then to your neck. You suppose that now it was his turn to leave a mark, and he wastes no time doing so. As he makes work of your neck, making it sting so sweetly, one of his hands trails down to the bottom opening of your kimono, sliding his hand up the side of your thigh. He moves to another part of your neck to make yet another mark and moves his hand up to your hip, unintentionally loosening the bow of your kimono and giving him more of your skin to feel. He stops for a moment, hovering over you, he removes his hand from your hip. You whine in frustration at the loss of contact. He let's out a low chuckle as he moves to look down at you.
"How far do you want to take this, y/n?" He asks looking down at you carefully to read your expressions. You shot him a lustful and longing look and before he could start to say "Use your words,", you bucked your hips up in the air to meet his. You let out a quiet moan, never breaking eye contact as you felt his need to be inside you. That made something in him snap into his own desire. The once careful and cautious look of furrowed brows and frowning, now a dangerous smirk with half lidded glazed over eyes. He kept eye contact with you as he lowered his bottom half onto you, grinding against where you needed him most. As he began biting his lip, he slipped one hand under one of your knees to spread your legs out for him, trying to get as much friction as possible. You put a hand over your mouth, not trying to wake up any neighbors with your feverish cries. He stops for a moment, somehow regaining his senses enough to look around and really make sure no one was out and about. Once he makes sure the coast is clear, he takes an extra precaution.
A blue filter surrounded the 2 of you. He wanted to make sure that if someone were to walk upon you 2, that it wouldn't cause another interruption. He couldn't handle stopping now.
"Law, what're you-aaa," you cut yourself off with a moan as Law brought 2 fingers to your entrance and his thumb to your sensitive bud. And he gave a devilish smirk as he realized just how wet you were for him. All for him.
"I wanted to make sure there were no more interruptions like the perverted cook situation," he whispered into your ear as he slowly inserted his fingers into you. Once he was in he began curling his fingers to hit your sweet spot as he rubbed small circles into your clit. You involuntarily bucked your hips to met his rhythm as he started working on you. He contemplates biting and sucking on your ear, but your moans made it evident you needed help with muffling them out, so he kisses you. And he kisses you more desperately then before. He has quite a way of surprising you. It's almost as if he's been planning this moment for a while, taking mental notes on what to do if the moment ever came. He was thoughtful and strategic like that, which made him even hotter.
As he removes his lips from yours, he takes his fingers away at the same time. Denying you the pleasure of having one sensation without the other at the moment. Then he finally opens his kimono, making quick work of stripping his undergarments. You decide to follow his lead, opening the front of the light blue clothing. Before you can remove your panties, he's already doing it. He takes a moment to appreciate the feast in front of him, feeding his eyes at your bare flesh, noticing every freckle, scar, birthmark, all of it. He loves all of you even more than he already did. It felt like the final puzzle piece falling into place. And it was everything he wanted and more still. You were just as transfixed as he was. Studying every single detail of his tattoos as you could. How godly he looked, bare and bathed in moonlight.
"Hey, don't tell me I've bewitched you or sometheing" Law said jokingly, but there was enough worry in his voice to tell you you've been spaced out for a little too long.
"Hmm...what...uh yeah, I-I mean no...sorry," you were tripping and fumbling over your words, trying desperately to form coherent words and sentences.
He looked at you with a smile that was a mixture of the pride in the fact that he had made you a mumbling mess and of how much he adored how cute you were.
"Yes? Able to speak now?"
You nodded, a little embarrassed for feeling so dumbfounded under this extraordinarily intelligent man.
"What is it, y/n?"
"I need you,".
He let out another low chuckle and pressed his chest against yours. He then had his lips next to your ear as he dangerously spoke.
"Tell me how badly you need me, y/n," he said has he lined himself up with your entrance. You practically feel that he was smirking without even looking at him.
"F-fuck, I need you in every conceivable way possible," you whimpered, hoping desperately that he had heard you quiet plea. And oh, he definitely did.
He slowly sheathed himself within you, taking the opportunity to hear every lewd noise you let out as you felt him become one with you. His pace started slow, controlled, but it seemed as time went by he felt more and more the need to lose himself within you. All the bottled up feelings that had been bubbling up between you was being taken out on your body with every rhythmic thrust, becoming quicker and more aggressive by the second. He made sure to keep rubbing circles into your clit, wanting to make sure you enjoyed every second of this. That was the only consistent controlled place of motion he kept on you as he gave in to the rolling of his hips and need to make you his. The louder you got, the more it sounded like praise to his ears. Paying attention to both of your needs as he listened to every beautiful sound you made under him. Once you started to sound a bit too loud, he crashed his lips to yours. He knew that if someone were to show up that he wouldn't have the energy to stop anymore. The coil in your stomach was tightening, you were almost there. You were about to speak up about it, but Laws mouth was still on yours. So, you let your body tell him instead. Walls tightening around him as he gasps, thrusting through every wave of your high until he reaches his own. He looks at you, a bewildering questioning look on his face, sweaty and flush.
"Cum in me," you say, and he does so.
Once he finally catches his breath, he slowly pulls out of you and plops down beside you on his side. He lifts his head to look at the mess he made of your lower half and it's quite a sight. Almost enough to make him want a second round, but quickly dismisses the thought when he looks back at your face. Your eyes are closed, lips slightly parted as you're still trying to get your breathing under control.
"Sorry for dirtying your kimono," he giggles proudly, pressing a kiss to your temple. He's never been more sure of anything in his life as much as he is about you right now.
"If you really feel guilty about it, buy me a new one," you smile at him, eyes dreamily again.
"I don't feel guilty in the slightest about any of this," he smirks.
You giggle as you turn towards him and kiss him, your body shudders, breaking the kiss.
"Whats wrong, is it difficult to move?" He becomes worried so quickly you'd think his personality switched.
"U-Uh, no. Just...um...we should definitely look for a way to clean me up. Kind pouring out like a faucet down there," you say shyly.
He follows your gaze as you open your legs, revealing quite the mess. If the kimono wasn't dirty a moment ago, it definitely was now.
Luckily he had another kimono packed in his bag, he used shambles to get you both inside, switching your bodies with the 2 seeds Usopp had left on the table even after you refused to take them.
He cleaned you both up with a small water bottle of clean water that he had kept secret and a rag from his bag and gave you his second kimono. Of course, it had his jolly Roger on it, and you knew Usopp was going to give you hell when they got back.
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Can you also please make more of Jake sully being our dad and him just absolutely adoring us, us being his baby girl and you know caring for us so much. Pls😋
My Best Friend: Dad!Jake Sully
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Your dad was absolutely nervous when he first heard that he was a girl but the second he held you in his arms and you looked up at him with your eyes, he swore he would do anything for you and then when you were about 3 or 4, you said something that made his heart swell. He had been sitting there playing with you while your mom took care of a sick Neteyam, you had to play with his dreads, when you said it. 
"You're my best friend daddy." You said to him with a smile.
Jake was stunned into silence as you went back to playing with his dreads, before coming here he had never seen himself having kids, let alone having one refer to him as their best friend. 
"That's good because you're my best friend babygirl." He said with a smile as he placed kisses all over you making giggle. 
As you grew up, your dad and you did everything together, you were always there helping and wanting to learn whenever possible, you were his little shadow. You had a fascination with his blue armband that he had first made when he joined the clan, so he ended up giving it to you to have, even if it was a little big on you right now, he knew you would grow into it. Well, one day it ended up falling off of you, and you were devastated and came home in tears worried your dad was going to be disappointed in you. 
"Babygirl, what's wrong?" Your dad asked seeing your tears. 
"Daddy, I swear I didn't mean to lose it!" You said in hysterics as he tried to comfort you. 
"Breathe baby, what did you lose?" He asked you as he rubbed your back.
"The armband you gave me. I promise I didn't mean to lose it." You said to him as he wiped your tears. 
"It's alright baby, look it's right here. I noticed it had fallen off on your way out, I was going to see if I could fix it so it fits you better." He said as you let out a sigh of relief.
"No more tears, it's gonna be alright." He said hugging you as you hugged him back. 
Your mom smiled seeing you sound asleep against your dad, you had gotten sick while your dad was away on a hunting trip and was absolutely restless until he came back. The second he came back and saw how miserable you were, he went into taking care of your mode, everything else could wait. 
"Oh babygirl, I'm so sorry that I wasn't here to take care of you." He said brushing some of your hair out your face. 
"It's alright dad, you're here now."You said giving him a soft smile as he pressed a kiss on your forehead. 
You had been artistic from an early age, what started off as bracelets and necklaces, evolved into paintings and much more and your dad would love it when he could just sit and watch you draw or paint, watching you do what you love brought him so much joy.
"Here come paint with me, Dad." You said sliding the canvas between the two of you. 
"Babygirl, I don't know I'm not really an artist." He said.
"Please?" You asked looking up at him. 
Your dad looked at you and was brought back to a time when you were little and smiled.
"Anything for my best friend." He said smiling at you as he started drawing on the canvas with you. 
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kissesforsatoru · 10 months
PROTECTIVE MODE ON YAN FIC of yan Izana, yan Ran, and Yan Kazu who were sent to jail ofc and find out that you been getting targeted from other gangs and been getting jump, mug, threatened, assult- maybe the before where they were in jail and seeing sent photos or words were being passed and then after they get out seeing you at the hospital very badly injured and going after the gang themselves
- 🌑
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₊˚⌗ izana, ran, and kaku finding out their darling is being harassed while they're locked away in jail.
⤷ cw : general yandere themes, light descriptions of injury, pet names (angel, baby, sweetheart; izana, kakucho).
notes : sorry this took so long guys, i got stuck on ran's section 😭
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izana would be pissed if he found out someone was fucking with his darling while he was locked up. he thinks it's pussy to mess with him while he 'can't do anything' about it. if someone has a problem with him, they should come to him directly and fight him, not get his poor little darling involved while he's not there to protect them. izana has ways to get his revenge though, even while he's locked up. he has informants, people to rough up anyone that touches his darling until he gets out—and when he does, he will find them, and they pay for touching his darling.
"missed you, angel," izana hums into your neck, his arms squeezing tighter around your body. you visited him a lot while he was in jail, but it's been so long since he's gotten to hold you in his arms like this; he can't help but want you closer, closer, closer—especially knowing that someone has been hurting you.
he feels content with you, but it's only for a few seconds before he kicks back into his usual cold, ruthless self—his gang leader self. before he can allow himself any more time to hold you, and kiss you, and do whatever else he wants to do with you, he has to deal with the bastards that dared to hurt you.
"so, you gonna tell me who's been messing with you while i wasn't around, hm?" he asks, pulling out of your neck to look at you. his eyes are void and intense as always, sending a shiver of fear down your spine, and the sweet, lulling tone of voice he took with you just a second ago is now gone, replaced with something a little more dangerous, more demanding.
izana already knows who did it; five guys belonging to a gang that got on izana's nerves, thinking they were better when they were nothing but a bunch of mindless idiots full of themselves. of course, guys like that would go after someone weaker than them, someone easy—it's bullshit. izana wants to hear it from you who did it though because not once while he was locked up did you tell him you were being harassed; he had to find out from his informants, so this is your 'punishment'.
"i'm not fucking around, y/n. tell me who hurt you," he snaps when you don't answer him for a while. his fingers dig into your shoulders almost painfully, urging you to just tell him already. he doesn't have the patience to be playing games with you right now.
"i don't- i don't know their names, but they said they were from, uh- a gang called the serpents," you blurt out, not wanting to piss him off further, especially after he just got out of jail, and you finally get to be with him again. izana grunts but relents and lets your shoulders.
"go back home, baby, i have shit to deal with right now. i'll come back to you in a few hours, yeah?" he doesn't give you time to respond before he walks off. you know where he's going, and as much as you don't like the idea of him getting right back into gang business after getting out of jail, you don't try to stop him.
kakucho's first priority is you. before he even thinks about killing the bastards who dared to touch you, and he does eventually, he has to make sure that you're okay. your safety and well-being are always going to be his first priority. and depending on in what way and how badly they hurt you is what determines the severity of what he does to the guys who were messing with you.
the first thing kakucho does when he gets out of jail is go straight to see you. he's excited, a little giddy at finally getting to be with you again without the annoying and prying eyes of the guards, but kakucho is mostly worried. you suddenly stopped visiting him in jail a few months ago, making up bullshit excuses for it on the phone, so he asked one of the gang members who didn't get busted what's been going on with you, only to find out some guys have been fucking around with you.
if you didn't want to tell him about it, let alone let him see you, it must be bad. bad enough to leave you with visible injuries, surely, but he has no idea what kind of injuries you could possibly have. as bad as it may sound, he's hoping it's nothing more than bruises and little cuts. anything else and he might just lose any semblance of control when approaching the situation.
when you finally open the door for him, kakucho steps into your space and gently grabs you, look you over and searching for any injuries you may have. you have a cast on your wrist, and an array of fading bruises littered on your arms and legs--no doubt in other, more hidden places as well. at least they're faded, meaning those bastards probably haven't done anything in a while. not anything physical at least.
he curses while pulling you into his arms, hugging you tightly while also making sure not to hurt you. "why didn't you tell me, sweetheart? i have ways to handle things like this, you know? even when i'm in jail." he sounds like he's about to cry, and that make your stomach fill with regret as you hug him back.
"i knew you would be worried. i didn't want to stress you out any more than you already were," you explain to him, but now that it's coming out of your mouth, you realize that maybe not telling him and avoiding has made him worried about you even more. that much is obvious with how he's holding you, refusing to let you go even as you try to pull away.
"of course, i'm going to be worried about you! shit, y/n—" he stops mid-sentence, clearly a little bit overwhelmed at the moment. you don't say a thing and just wait for him to calm down and vent all his frustrations to you. it's the least you can do after causing him so much turmoil.
"i can't lose you too," he finally whispers. he pulls away from the hug and looks at you, his expression serious, yet tinged with worry and sadness. you feel another pang of guilt and you pull him back into the hug, as if to reassure him with the action. he hugs you back just as tight and the two of you stand there for a while, wrapped up in each other's arms.
ran doesn't take the situation as seriously as the other two, at least not in front of you. of course, he cares, he's worried, and he wants the bastards to pay, but he doesn't necessarily show it at first. ran will try to remain calm for your sake, to not freak you out with his anger because lord knows how aggressive he gets in fights, and how deeply he cares about you, too. even as he's interrogating you, ran tries to keep his cool, but he can only play it off for so long before he starts to get riled up at the prospect of some guys roughing you up.
"ran, some guys have been harassing me while you were in jail," you tell him randomly, unable to keep it from him any longer, especially now that he's out of jail. he just looks at you, that usual smirk of his on his lips, and he leans back against your couch, making himself comfortable.
"yeah? i already know. want me to do something about it?" he asks as if it's not that big of a deal to him, like it's just something that happens, which- to be fair, you know he probably expected this. ran pisses a lot of people off, makes a lot of guys want to get back at him, and you're an easy target to them, you guess. but still, his lack of concern or care for your well-being is a little bit surprising to you, maybe even a bit upsetting too. you expected at least a serious expression instead of that damn smirk, but then again, this is ran.
"no, just wanted to tell you." you shrug and sit down next to him, leaning your head on his shoulder. ran doesn't respond; instead, he wraps his arm around you and pulls you closer to him while he pulls out his phone with his other hand. you pay him no mind and go on your own phone, assuming the conversation is over with, at least until a few minutes later when he locks his phone and shoves it back in his pocket.
"who'd you say these guys were again? and what exactly did they do?" he asks, and you feel a little smile make its way onto your lips—he cares. you wouldn't lie and say his little display of nonchalance made you doubt he actually cared for you, even if it was only a little bit.
"those guys you fought because they kept messing around on izana's territory. and they just roughed me up a bit, pushed me around and called me– some things.” you say, shifting to sit up and look at him. his thumb rubs along your waist lightly as he tilts his head in thought, seemingly trying to remember who you're talking about. after a few seconds, he looks at you, humming.
"mm... rin and i will take care of them. you didn't think i'd let shit like that slide, did you? nobody touches you without consequences, you know that," he reprimands your little slip of trust in him, but he doesn't seem to really take it to heart—that smirk back on his lips. it is his fault for acting so carelessly, so he won't blame you. he gently kisses your forehead before standing up and heading out the door, intent on doing what he told you he would.
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nogenderbee · 4 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝔸𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕀 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ anon request: hello, may I request jing yuan with a teen!reader who is jealous of yanqing? - they are around the same age as him, a new cloud knight who is an orphan, they try really hard to get the generals attention, even making him tea, buying presents etc. they want to be like yanqing, and are a bit jealous of the relationship with jy and yanqing, so they always try to prove themselves, even sacrificing food and sleep for their training, and are reckless during missions (bonus points if yanqing or jing yuan is present at the mission, they would literally fight until they pass out)
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Heyy! It took me a while to figure out but I think I did it right! If not, feel free to let me know and I'll try fixing it.
But uhhh it may be kinda long but I hope it still matched your taste!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ platonic, angst with comfort
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Yanqing this, Yanqing that... you were tired of it!! All you wanted was for Jing Yuan, your parental figure and someone who you really looked up to, to look at you the same way he looks at Yanqing. Was he better fighter? Smarter? Better stamina? Yes, yes and yes. But you need to be good for something, right?
You tried serving him tea, organizing his paperwork and other mundane works like that... but he always gave you the same answer. Pat on your head and gentle smile alongisde "thank you". But he never looked at you with proud feeling in his eyes, like he did at Yanqing. Even compliments were different!
"Thank you, Y/N."
"Thank you, Yanqing. I'm happy I could count on you with this task. Keep up the good work."
But it was probably a little bit of a mistake... you should probably ask him about it but you really couldn't help but overthink it a bit.
So when one day, Jing Yuan asked YOU to accompany him for one of his missions, because he saw potential in your skills, you thought fate finally smiled to you and gave you opportunity to prove yourself. And you weren't about to just let it slide by not using situation like that.
It technically was trio mission because he also took Yanqing, but you got into 2 groups pretty quickly. And ot course, Jing Yuan prefered to leave you on his side since you're not as experienced fighter. But you decided to prove yourself! You used every opportunity to slash an opponent.
"These are highly dangerous... It'd be better to not take ant risk and just sneak past them."
"I can handle them!!"
"Y/N, wait!"
You rushed towards group of tall robots not caring much, you just wanted to prove yourself and you didn't even care enough to rationally think of this situation or at least about the plan.
What was worse, Jing Yuan didn't even got the chance to react and you already began the fight. He rushed after you as soon as he could but this big group of robots was something even he prefered to fight with cautiousness.
You were honestly doing pretty good and were hoping Jing Yuan was watching you. You peeked through your shoulder to see if he's looking, but he wasn't... you were so disappointed you didn't even notice the upcoming attack and in matter of w second, you were crashed on the wall.
"Y/N, stay back!"
"That's an order!"
You stayed in the back a bit shocked... he never really pulled the general card on you and didn't order you with such a stern voice... But at least his fighting skills were pretty good so you could just watch from the back... and despite not being able to fight, you still wanted to help so you told him enemies moves.
"O-On the left! Two on back! Hand above from east!"
He followed your instructions and you may've not knowed it but you were actually a big help to him. You took small but important bit if concentration from his shoulders so he could actually focus more in his modes rather than tactics.
After the fight was finally over, he came back to you, mix of emotions on his face so you couldn't really tell how mad he was at you... You honestly expected him to scold you or even punish you when you saw his hand rising. But he ended up just parting your head gently with small soft smile as he kneeled down a bit to match your level. He could definitely see your surprised expression because he didn't wait with explanation.
"You did a great job, Y/N. I knew it was just the right idea to bring you here with me."
And you finally received your compliment... did he figured out this was something you were missing? Or was it a lucky guess? Even you after spending so much time with him can't fully figure him out yet... but all his soft actions made your heart melt and you had to remind yourself to not break in front of him just like that. But his next words... seems like you got the scolding either way...
"But that doesn't change your actions were irresponsible. And I'm asking you to not start any fight like that again. If I tell you we're avoiding the fight or stay behind, you need to listen to me, alright? I don't mean to hold you back, I just want to ensure your safety."
You just nodded at his words. If you can't fight... and he complimented you supporting him behind... maybe tactics are the way to impress the general and get compliments like these more often without risking your life?
"I promise I'll try to not go against your orders anymore. I'm sorry again..."
"Don't worry, it all ended up good. Let's go back to Yanqing and see how he's doing, shall we?"
@miya-akane - come get your soft general~
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