#i'm also writing one or two for the marauders but this came to mind first for
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lupiinee ¡ 3 months ago
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❝ no no , don't stand on my account , ❞ remus gave a toothy grin at the full table before then reaching over && using his cane to HOOK the edge of the chair that had been left free for him . sliding it out from the table , he then moved to sit beside her . he hadn't meant to run late , but unfortunately , things got away from him && subsequently , he had been held up . everyone else seemed to be in intense discussion , except for tonks who was sitting picking at her thumb , nail polish beginning to CHIP . she seemed out of place && solitary as the others spoke freely . all pink hair && attitude gave the impression that she was outspoken , but sometimes , just sometimes , the reality was much different .
remus leaned forward , grabbing the water pitcher && pouring himself a goblet full . taking a drink , he nestled in his cloak a bit longer , cane up against his torso as he settled down . after a minute , he leaned over . ❝ i miss ANYTHING life-changing ? ❞ he asked her . || @potentialbreakupscng ♥'d (for tonks )
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marauder-misprint ¡ 13 days ago
I like your writings very much, so I came with a story request.
I was thinking of something between the fem!reader x Sirius in the Marauders alternate universe. I leave the gaps to you of course, what I have in mind is something like this:
The reader is in the Syltherin building during Hogwarts and in the years before she graduated she was in love with Sirius and they were together a few times. but she was never liked or appreciated by the marauders because of her house and friends. Then there was a death eater. But she never went to Azkaban. She has close relations with the Malfoy family, they are like family. (the reader could be Draco's godmother etc.)
Voldemort may not return in this time period, so Sirius and Lupin are still alive and everything is fine at Hogwarts; For example, Harry stays with Sirius during the summer vacations (some good things) **But there is a new transfer to the school. The reader's son arrives late at school and enters the Syltherine (he comes from Beauxbatons or Durmstang because his mother, the reader, has business in another country. Obviously the detail here is not very important :D)
I've given a lot of background details, but what I really want to read from you is that after the reader's son arrives at Hogwarts, there will be a parent-teacher meeting or a ball or whatever you can think of that will bring all the parents back to school. No one knows who the father of the reader's son is (except the Malfoys), but Sirius and Lupin suspect Rosier or Crouch, but the boy's jet-black hair and slanted eyes tell a different story. - I think Remus would be the first one who would have something in his head when he saw the boy for the first time. I would also like to see the reader x Sirius encounter who hid this forbidden relationship child for years.
I wrote too long but I think we needed a background story, I would be happy if you write it. I'm excited to read it as soon as possible.
Much much love.
Hi! Thank you so much for this request! I hope I did it justice. ❤︎ I really really like this concept and enjoyed writing it
'He looks like his father'
part two
Sirius Black x fem!Slytherin!reader
3.6k words
cw: mention of war, y/n y/l/n, angst if you squint?
Your son often asked about his father. You understood his curiosity about the man he never met and whose identity few knew. When he asked about his father’s name, you told him it was irrelevant as his father was dead; you actually had no idea about Sirius’ status, but the lie was the easiest thing. As for your son’s other questions, you kept things vague. There were some things that were just so definitive of him. 
After telling him a story about Sirius and the better parts of him, you would let your thoughts linger on your past. 
Your parents were friendly with select pure blood families, including the Blacks. At parties, you’d be put in a room with the other children. Narcissa and Andromeda Black took a liking to you. Those parties were your first interactions with Sirius, although he didn’t give you much attention then. As you got older, you were more friendly, but you still stayed mostly with the girls. 
A lot of that friendliness vanished the moment you were sorted into Slytherin and Sirius into Gryffindor. You knew there had to be some residual amicability between you as you fell victim to the Marauders’ pranks far less than other Slytherins. By third year, you and Sirius were consistently getting into loud arguments in the corridors and the occasional duel. And then something changed in fifth year. There was a heated debate and harsh words were exchanged, yet somehow you ended up in a broom closet with Sirius. 
You had thought the rest would be history. But that wasn’t how life worked out. It was an on-and-off relationship filled with petty breakups and crawling back with half-assed apologies. You knew his friends had more influence over your relationship than you would’ve liked, but they were Sirius’ chosen family and you were a reminder of his birth family. His friends were never particularly nice to you. They judged you for your pride and hated you for your friends. They acted like you personally chose your house and family name. 
Right out of Hogwarts, you became a Death Eater at the urging of your parents and friends. You followed along with the rules and fought when requested. But as soon as you found out you were pregnant, you ran. In a foreign country, you burned your arm until the dark mark was indiscernible, although the magic within it still burned. You covered the burn with new tattoos. 
You lived in various countries throughout Europe with your son, naming him Perseus after the constellation. It was the only Black tradition you carried on. 
Your work as a curse breaker required you to visit England. You weren’t sure what possessed you to do it, but you reached out to Narcissa. She was ecstatic to hear from you and immediately invited you to the Malfoy Manor. You accepted on the condition that your son also be welcome. She was delighted to find out that you had a son, telling you she had one as well. 
“Dear, it’s so lovely to see you!” Narcissa exclaimed as you arrived at Malfoy Manor with Percy holding your hand. “This is Draco.”
Her son was standing at her leg, clutching her robes with a death grip.
“Hello, Draco,” you said, addressing the small white-blonde child. “This is Percy. I think you two will be friends.”
Your dark haired son extended a hand to Draco, who looked up at his mother for assurance. Narcissa nodded. Then Draco let go of her and took Percy’s hand. Then they were running off somewhere to play. 
“Would you like some tea?” Narcissa offered.
“That would be lovely,” you answered, following her through her home.
Over tea, you caught up on everything that had happened since you disappeared, including the downfall of Voldemort, the death of the Potters and the Malfoys’ avoidance of Azkaban.
“Enough of that heavy stuff. I must know. Is there a man in your life?” Narcissa asked, slowly stirring her tea. 
You laughed. “No, Cissa. I travel too much for work.”
“Then, pray tell, who is little Percy’s father?”
You gave her a pointed look. “If I tell you, you can’t tell anyone. Percy doesn’t know and thinks that he is dead.”
Narcissa leaned over the table, more intrigued than ever. 
“I won’t even tell Lucius. Who?”
“Your cousin. Sirius.”
She gasped. “No!” 
“Please, you must’ve thought it as soon as you saw him,” you teased. Percy shared many of his father’s looks, including his signature dark curls. 
“That means that Draco and Percy are practically cousins! Oh, you must visit more often, dear. You’re literally family!”
You smiled. She had taken the news better than you expected and this first visit was the beginning of a tradition. Although your work kept you traveling around Europe, you would visit Malfoy Manor for Christmas and periodically throughout the summer. Because your work kept you around eastern Europe, you enrolled Percy in Durmstrang when he came of age. You were sad to cut his dark curls to fit the uniform, but you knew he needed an education and the firm hand that Durmstrang was known for.  
Then opportunity presented itself: a job offer that would settle you in England for a few years. You discussed it with Percy. It would mean transferring to Hogwarts and leaving all of his friends. 
“But I’d get to go to school with Draco?” he asked excitedly.
You nodded and it was quickly decided. He would transfer. You wrote to Albus Dumbledore to make it all official. You started telling Percy more stories about your time at Hogwarts, how you were in Slytherin, just like Draco is and as Lucius and Narcissa were, and how his father was in Gryffindor. You told him about Hogsmeade and the Forbidden Forest. 
“Our rule stays the same, Percy. If you’re going to break school rules, don’t get caught.”
Percy laughed and ran a hand through his chin-length hair. 
“Can I grow my hair out? What’s their uniform?” he asked, sounding hopeful at the potential of keeping his curls. 
“Grow it as long as you’d like. But for the love of Merlin, wash it and take care of it. I won’t be having you look like a ghoul.”
After James and Lily died and Sirius arrived at their house, he found Harry and didn’t let go. He took the boy and went to Remus; it was all he could think to do. As beyond furious at Peter and ruined as he was, saving his godson was his priority. He and Remus agreed to raise Harry together. The boy with the lightning shaped scar grew up knowing love, knowing of his parents’ story and knowing of the magical world. 
“Did you read Harry’s letter?” Remus asked, walking into the kitchen.
He had read it when it arrived earlier that morning and left it on the table for Sirius. It was the first one after sending Harry off to Hogwarts that fall.
“What’d he say?” Sirius replied, not looking up from the Daily Prophet he was reading. 
“There’s a transfer student from Durmstrang. Apparently he’s close to the Malfoys.”
Sirius hummed. It wasn’t that he wasn’t interested in a transfer student. They were pretty rare among the wizarding schools. The student being close to the Malfoys, although a point of interest, wasn’t something he cared for. 
But after a minute, he asked, “Well, what’s the boy’s name?”
He knew that Remus wouldn’t have brought up the boy unless there was something more intriguing about him.
“Percy… Y/L/N.”
Sirius slowly set down the paper and looked at Remus with a stony expression.
“Oh. She has a kid then.” He cleared his throat. “Makes sense that he’s close with the Malfoys then. Death Eaters, the bunch of ‘em.” 
“Who do you suppose is the father?” Remus mused. He knew he should tread lightly on the topic, but he was genuinely curious about what Sirius thought of his Hogwarts fling having a kid.
“Dunno. Junior?” Sirius offered without much conviction.
“I was thinking maybe Rosier… Suppose they both have that idiot recklessness that she likes.”
Sirius frowned at Remus, knowing that dig was aimed at him as well. He was one who returned to you time and time again, despite what his friends convinced him was his better judgment. 
“When was the last time you saw her?” Remus asked as he put a kettle on the stovetop. 
Sirius froze for a moment. There had been a night a year after they graduated when they ran into each other at a bar. The combination of residual feelings, alcohol and stress of war brought them together for the night. Sirius hadn’t told anyone about it and planned on taking it to the grave.
“Not since graduation. Now that you mention it, I think she was getting cozy with Rosier back then,” Sirius said, picking his paper back up.
“Would be a shame if it was him though.”
“Why’s that, Moony?” There was an edge to his voice.
“Moody took care of him pretty quick, didn’t he? Probably didn’t even know he was going to be a dad. And the boy’s grown up without a father.”
Sirius scoffed. “Better no father than him.”
Sirius and Remus were usual supporters of the Gryffindor quidditch team, especially since Harry was seeker. They attended every match Gryffindor played, apparating into Hogsmeade and walking to the pitch. The Malfoys also regularly attended games to support Draco. When Narcissa insisted that you come to a match with them, she didn’t consider that Sirius might be there. 
You were greatly enjoying yourself. Quidditch was always entertaining and it was nice to see some of your old teachers. You would’ve been lying if being back at school didn’t raise various feelings, but it wasn’t something you were going to deal with right away. After Slytherin’s win, you followed the Malfoys down to the ground to greet Draco. You didn’t even notice when you passed Sirius and Remus, who were waiting for Harry to find them. 
“Huh… looks like she’s here,” Remus muttered, nudging Sirius and jutting his chin in the direction you were walking. 
Sirius didn’t say anything. He hadn’t expected to see you. He was also taken aback by how good you looked; he was rendered speechless. 
Then a boy pushed between the men.
“Sorry,” he said quickly, turning to give them a brief smile. Then he started to run again. “Oi! Mum!” he called. 
As Sirius watched you pull the boy decked in Slytherin gear into a hug, Remus had to take a double take. The dark curls, the striking grey eyes, the smile. There was one thing on Remus’ mind: that was not Evan Rosier’s son.
“Percy!” you exclaimed. “Oh, your hair!”
“Looks good, don’t it?”
You gave Narcissa an amused look before saying, “Just like your father’s.” 
“Aunt Cissa, Uncle Lucius! Hey!” Percy said, breaking out of your hug. “Wasn’t Draco brilliant?”
As Percy talked with the Malfoys, you spotted Remus and Sirius over his head. Your breath hitched at the sight. With them was James Potter? Or that’s what you thought. Except this James was still 15 and very much not dead. You looked away from them, trying to listen to the conversation happening around you. Your mind, however, drifted to Sirius and the fact that he was here. It was the closest Percy had been to his father ever. And this was not the moment for Percy to find out his dad was, in fact, not dead. 
“Butterbeers in Hogsmeade?” Narcissa offered the group, which was slowly growing as more of the Slytherin team and their parents gathered.
The group eagerly agreed. For some reason, you glanced back at Sirius and Remus. The James-boy had disappeared and they were both looking at you. You reached for Narcissa’s arm.
“I’ll meet you there. I have to talk to some people first.”
She followed your gaze to Remus and Sirius. She nodded and ushered the group ahead, including Percy. You walked toward the former Gryffindors. 
“Didn’t expect to see you two here,” you said dryly.  
“My godson invited us,” Sirius said firmly. Now that you were standing in front of him, he had conflicting feelings.
“Your godson?”
“James and Lily’s son. Harry,” Remus explained. 
He assumed you knew of the Potters’ passing. Everyone did. It was what ended the war.
You nodded. “James 2.0 from the looks of it.”
Sirius laughed, “Yeah, he gets that a lot.” He paused, giving you a once over. “So, you’re here.”
“Yeah,” you said, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “Cissa invited me to watch Draco-” Sirius made a face. “-and I thought it would be good to see my son.”
“Your son? You have a kid?” Remus asked, pretending as if he and Sirius hadn’t known about this through Harry’s letters.
“Is that so hard to believe, Lupin? Potters’ had a kid. Why can’t I?” you asked defensively. 
“So, erm, your husband stay home then?” Sirius asked, not letting Remus respond. 
“Don’t have one.”
“Boyfriend?” Sirius furrowed his brows. 
“No father-figure in your son’s life then?” Remus asked with his arms crossed. 
“He went to Durmstrang. Got plenty of guidance there. He’s fine. Plus, there’s… Lucius. If he even counts,” you said with a sigh. “How have you two been? Raising Harry as exhausting as Percy’s been?”
“Percy?” Sirius repeated. 
“Merlin, Black, my son. Perseus.”
“Like the myth?”
“Like the constellation.”
That was an interesting tidbit of information, Remus thought.
“If you don’t mind me asking, who’s his father then? I don’t recall you having a boyfriend when we graduated,” Remus inquired, feigning his curiosity. At this point, he was 90% sure that he was standing with both parents right now. 
He got the confirmation he needed as your face immediately dropped into something cold.
“That’s a rather personal question, Lupin.”
“Well?” Sirius followed up. “Who is it?” 
You didn’t answer. You opted to keep the cold expression on your face until one of them changed the topic. Remus wasn’t going to drop it though. 
“He looks like his father, doesn’t he? Bit uncanny. Just like how Harry looks like James.”
You clenched your jaw, narrowing your eyes at Remus. Seeing your son once, Remus picked up what Lucius and countless others missed. 
“Who does he look like?” Sirius asked Remus, making Remus laugh. 
Of course Sirius didn’t see himself in Percy. You never can see how someone looks like you, but to Remus, they were incredibly similar. It didn’t help that when Percy had ran past them, Sirius had been paying more attention to you than your child. 
“You,” you breathed. You didn’t want Remus to be the one who told Sirius.
Sirius coughed, turning back to you.
“Excuse me?” he croaked.
“Percy looks like you,” you clarified as you looked him in the eyes.
“He looks like his father?” Sirius whispered to himself as he slowly pieced it all together. “I have a son?”
You nodded, returning your expression to its previous coldness.
“Which I don’t understand. Pads, you told you two haven’t seen each other since graduation and if he’s Harry’s age…” Remus said.
“Pads lied to you, Lupin,” you chuckled. 
“Just like how you lied to me?” Sirius asked you, taking a step forward.
“I didn’t lie. I just never told you.” 
“Same thing!” he exclaimed.
“I’m… going to find Harry… or something. I’ll find you later, Sirius,” Remus said before walking away. This was obviously a conversation you two needed to have without an audience. 
“You never told me you were pregnant!” Sirius continued. “In the past sixteen years, not a single letter about this?”
You shook your head in disbelief. “What would you have done if I had? It was one night of a rekindled school flame that didn’t even see the sun rise. It wasn’t like I was expecting a relationship from you.”
“You didn’t give me a chance!”
“Would you have? Would you have dropped everything for me and him?”
He didn’t answer right away and it drew a cold laugh from your lips.
“Exactly, Sirius. Remember who we were sixteen years ago. Remember what was going on. I knew you wouldn’t come so I didn’t call. And, trust me, I’m not asking you now. I’m still not calling. We are doing just fine without you.”
“What is ‘just fine’? Socializing with the Malfoys?” he spat.
“They’re family.”
“Through me. They are family, through me.”
“I’ve always been close with Cissa. She’s just married now.”
“Yeah, sure.”
There’s a beat of silence. You crossed your arms across your chest as you looked briefly in the direction of Hogsmeade. 
“Well, I told them I’d meet ‘em in the village so…” you said, preparing yourself for the walk.
“Can I meet him?” Sirius asked softly. 
You didn’t answer. Every part of you was screaming to say no, to reiterate that he wasn’t to be a father to your Percy.
“I want to meet my son.”
“Sirius,” you warned.
He took another step toward you and reached for your hand. He had a soft look in his eyes. 
“Please, if he’s really my son, I want to meet him. You hid him from me for sixteen years and probably would’ve for more if Remus hadn’t called you out.”
“What would I even introduce you as?” You couldn’t believe that you were even considering this. Too bad you still have that damn soft spot for Sirius.
“His father?”
You laughed. “Fuck no. Not only has he never heard your name, I told him his dad is dead. To introduce you as his not-dead dad in the middle of the school year? No. Plus, there’s no reason to introduce you now for you to never interact with him again.”
“Why would I never interact with him again? He’s my son.”
“No, he’s my son. You’re basically a sperm donor.”
“What if I want to be in his life?”
You pulled your hand out of his and stepped away from him.
“That’s not an option, Sirius.”
“Why the hell not?”
“Because we are fine without you. We have our life and it’s good. I don’t need you coming and ruining it. You’ll just disappear when someone reminds you how vile I actually am.”
“I won’t disappear,” he tried to convince you, taking a step forward every time you took a step back. “Now that I know I have a son, I can’t walk away from this. I won’t.”
You scoff at him. “But you could walk away from me time and time again when we were here? You could walk away from me after a quick reunion shag? You have more loyalty to a boy you haven’t even properly met.”
“I was younger then. Stupid. Give me a chance to stay in your life, his life. I promise I won’t walk away this time.”
He looked at you with pleading eyes; how you love those grey eyes and cherished that Percy had inherited them. 
“Introduce me as an old school friend. Please.”
You sighed. You couldn’t say no to him.
You turned and started walking. Sirius quickly fell in step with you. You walked in silence and you felt like you were sixteen again on a date with Sirius. Except you weren’t kids anymore. You were adults and you had a kid together. A kid you didn’t tell him about.
“You, erm, you look good,” Sirius said after a while.
Your face flushed as it would have years ago. Some things never changed. 
“Thanks. You’re not too bad yourself.”
He smiled and nudged your shoulder with his. Then he let curiosity get the best of him.
“So, I, ah, obviously, I know you took the mark. What happened with all that?”
You tensed. It wasn’t your favorite subject to talk about, but you knew why Sirius was asking it. If he was serious about being in your and Percy’s lives, he needed to know what he was walking into. You pulled up your left sleeve to reveal the various tattoos that covered the burned skin. 
“I took care of it. As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I was out. I wasn’t going to put my kid in the way of a war so I went east. Made a name for myself in the curse breaker industry.”
Sirius nodded. “I fought. Looked for you behind every mask, hoping I would never find you. I didn’t want to see you dead or going to Azkaban.”
“So, erm, what do you do now? Got a job?”
“Raise Harry and help Remus with whatever project he’s working on. Got that Black fortune to fund everything else.”
“Course you do,” you said. 
Silence fell over you as you continued down the path. You didn’t know what else to say to Sirius at the moment. You didn’t know if you should be telling him all about Percy and everything you’ve told the boy about him. You decided to see how things played out between the boys before rehashing your entire life to Sirius. Leaves rustled in the wind as the path became more inclined, a signal you were almost at Hogsmeade.
“Where does… where does this leave us?” Sirius asked as you reached the entrance to the village.
“What do you mean?”
“Us. You and me.”
“I meant when I said I want to be in your life, in Percy’s. So, I was thinking I’d like to give us another chance. Maybe we’ll get it right this time.” 
You pressed your lips together as you studied Sirius�� face. His offer sounded genuine. 
“We’ll see how this goes,” you answer, gesturing to the Three Broomsticks. “Meet your son. Play nice with the Malfoys. And we can talk about it later.”
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bunglegaydogs ¡ 1 year ago
skk dynamics!
I just want to talk about Soukoku so that is precisely what I'm going to do ^^
As per, this post has no specific or planned direction, I'm just gonna see where it takes me lol.
It genuinely irks me to see the rampant mischaracterisation within the fandom pertaining to not only just Soukoku, but several other characters as well. Ranpo, Akutagawa, Kunikida, etc. It might just be my dumb little screaming brain being scared of something that's not supposed to be in my head, or hell, something that's in the BACK of my mind, and I know that makes no sense but it does to me xoxo
I just really treasure the dynamic between Dazai and Chuuya and I get frightened that when I think somebody is mischaracterising them, I'm the only one that thinks that and that I'm just perceiving them wrong. Which genuinely is the one thing I never wish to do; when I write fics, my number one goal is to make the characters as true to life as possible. I try my damndest to do justice to their characters, and based off of the lovely people that read it and comment, I'm doing something right, surprisingly.
The characterisation of Dazai and Chuuya specifically is something so important to me because I relate to the both of them the most out of any of my interests. And I have a LOT of interests.
I don't know why or how, but they came to be my absolute favourite characters over all other fandoms and shows and games and films I enjoyed. (I'm excluding the Marauders fandom here, because I also love Remus and Sirius exactly like this). I piss myself off with it sometimes, because I accidentally base all of my creative outlets off of Soukoku, and lo and behold, I have about 30 unfinished ideas/fics after one night of ruminating over these motherfuckers.
Anyways. Like I said, this post has no point, it's just my incoherent, incessant rambling that if I don't write down, will slowly eat away at me until I die ^^
So, I guess, without further ado, I'm just gonna get going?
Soukoku's dynamic has always been interesting. We were introduced to them first (as a pair) as enemies; ex-partners, rivals, loathing each other. But, when we slowly got to see more of their relationship, more of their past, more of their dynamic, quite a lot of us slowly came to realise; oh shit. There's more to them here.
The two of these together aren't just black-and-white characters. Dazai is not inherently good just because he works for the ADA. Chuuya is not inherently bad just because he works for the PM. They are morally grey characters. They've killed people, tortured people, stolen, beaten, attacked, hurt, all that good stuff that comes with being in the Mafia (nevermind fucking Mafia executives). Something that a lot of people seem to forget is where to draw the line between these two organisations; if the ADA is harbouring two fugitives that are ex-mafia, one of them being an executive, another fugitive that terrorised the streets of Japan as a man-eating tiger, and is run by an ex-assassin who was close with the current leader of the Port Mafia, who's to say that they're the good guys? Who is the one to define the evil and the light?
There are no sides.
The Port Mafia aren't the bad guys, and the Agency aren't the good guys. They're both doing their morally grey jobs with their morally grey cast of characters.
Yes, on a base level, the ADA are supposed to be the good guys, whereas the Mafia are the bad. It's a narrow-minded way of thinking and looking at the series, but on a surface level, yes, that seems to be the case.
However, we have layers to this. We know how morally grey these characters are, good or bad. Take Tanizaki, for example, and his way of going about it when Naomi is threatened. He knows he's morally grey. He knows he's not one of the good guys. None of them are! They save people, and that makes them good. But it doesn't make them the good guys. I'm not calling them bad people, of course not. I'm just saying, in the wise words of a post I once read months back, 'Maturing is realising that neither the Port Mafia or the ADA are the good or bad guys'. Something along those lines.
ANYWAYS, I've written this much already and still haven't spoken about SKK.
My point here was their good apple/bad apple dynamic. Dazai is from the same place Chuuya is at, the Mafia. So, by calling Dazai a 'bad guy' you're indirectly also calling Chuuya a bad guy. You're calling Hirotsu a bad guy. You're calling Akutagawa a bad guy. You're calling Higuchi a bad guy. You're calling all of these Mafia members the bad guys; when that's not strictly true. Morally grey characters, yet not monsters. Not bloodthirsty, demonic, evil motherfuckers. They're in the Mafia; not a good start, of course. But again, this does not make them bad people. Actions don't define the person you make yourself out to be, if that makes any sense. Just because a bad person did one good thing one time does not necessarily make them a good person. But if they strive to become a better one by constantly doing good and making active efforts to change their ways, then they're well on their way to earning that title, or coming close to it. Just because someone good did a bad thing one time does not automatically make them a bad person. They're not awful for making one bad choice, depending on the severity and their actions after the choice. Because it can go both ways; strive to be a better person, or fall to be a bad one.
So, I'm actually going to talk about them instead of fucking RABITTING ON FOR HOWEVER LONG.
Soukoku is special to me. I relate to the both of them the most. I recognise the flaws in each of them, and I recognise the good. I recognise the changes they're willing to put themselves through for the sake of the greater good, and I recognise the struggles they've been through to get there. I see myself in them, and so I can't help but latch onto them and want to keep them for myself. My subconscious wants to protect them and make them happy and becomes unhealthily attached to these fictional characters.
Soukoku dynamics. Right.
One of my favourite dynamics about Soukoku is the childlike behaviour they exhibit with one another. Even after seven years and they still bicker like they did at 15. I've said it a thousand times before and I'll fucking say it again; they let each other be the children that they never got to be. They let loose with one another. They unwind. They relax. They recognise their similarities (much to Chuuya's chagrin and unwavering denial) and each other's differences. Where there is hate, there is love and trust. It's buried deep. But it's there. The two of them have their walls put high up. They guard themselves well. They keep their shit inside. They let not another soul see what goes on in their hearts. So, with their crying children stuck inside of them and locked down, they let them out around each other. By simply being with each other at any given moment, they're healing their inner children, and allowing them to breathe.
Each moment with Soukoku is so delicate. It feels intrusive to watch their intimate scenes. It feels like such a beautiful moment, so precious to watch and so delicate to touch. The intimate scenes with the two of these are either emotionally charged, blazing, action-packed and full of chaos, or quiet and serene. Tranquil. It's never really neutral ground for them. It's either chaos or serenity, just a calm moment between the two of them, away from the rest of the world and taking (unknowing) comfort in each other's presence.
It's the small smiles from Dazai when Chuuya isn't looking. It's the words and actions with hidden meanings exchanged between them. It's the concern when one of them gets hurt, or is stuck in an unprecedented situation. It's the unfaltering trust and loyalty between each other that pushes them forward, even if it kills them, or seems fruitless. It's the determination that sits in the both of them to protect those that they care about, and put the world above all else for just a moment.
Small, knowing glances. Inside jokes. Petulant, playful bickering. Concerned thoughts. Constant thoughts.
I find it hard to believe that nobody else finds Dazai and Chuuya suspicious; they're hardly discreet about how much they think about each other. Example number one:
Chuuya is drunk with Hirotsu and Kajii. On a whim, he decides to go on a rant about Dazai. Hirotsu and Kajii are apparently sick of it; he does this a lot. He decides, impulsively, to ring Dazai's phone. Dazai picks up the fucking phone. Hirotsu answers, Dazai's like 'Oh, hey, yeah this is my old phone.' Blatantly lies to the motherfucker, because Dazai, honey, you're at home reading; what have you got your old phone from seven years ago next to you, working, and on for? Chuuya wants to speak with him. Gets angry when he can't talk to him to shout at him and complain. Keeps trying to call him back in anger.
Now, if I do say so myself, that's pretty suspicious of them.
Example two:
Dazai in fucking general. He does not shut the fuck up about Chuuya. He tells everyone he meets about how much he spends thinking about Chuuya (everyone except the Agency ahem). He's fucking gay.
That also brings me on to another point. Dazai rarely speaks about Chuuya with the ADA; I'm not too sure I've ever seen him say anything about him to them, except in Wan and the like. (I'm dumb tho tbf). However, upon Yosano figuring out Chuuya's identity, his first reaction is "Goddamn it, Dazai told them". Not that he's a widely known gravity manipulator and its not fucking hard to figure it out, plus the fact that he's a Mafia executive, PLUS the fact that they're a detective Agency? His first impulse is to blame Dazai lmao. Anyways.
You can ignore the first half of that paragraph I was just chatting mad wham.
I just enjoy how peaceful and serene the intimate moments between Soukoku can be. Even the world around them is falling apart, it still somehow feels so beautiful, real, raw, and personal. When Dazai is watching Chuuya fight in storm bringer, it feels so quiet. All hell is breaking loose, yet Dazai is so breathtaken by Chuuya that we feel as if we're interrupting. I don't know why but all I picture upon imagining that scene is a very quiet scene, just for a few seconds, of no music or anything, and white. Just the colour white in as many places as possible. A softness to the screen. I don't know. It just feels like that to me and I can't explain it.
Soukoku's dynamics are so important, because when people mischaracterise both Dazai and Chuuya and then smush that together it creates an abomination of what was supposed to be beautiful and ruins the relationship they really have, muddying their name. Their relationship is special. It's so much more than hate.
Hate is also a crucial part of their relationship, however. And a lot of us Soukoku shippers tend to forget that. We're so blinded by how much we want them to admire and adore each other that we forget how much they do despise one another. And I've mentioned this before in another post.
Their hate is real. It's not a ruse, it's the real deal. They genuinely do hate one another; but that hate is filled with so much more than downright disgust. That hate is filled with the trust of their bond, seven years of partnership, love, and so many unspoken things between the two of them.
Chuuya hates Dazai because he hates himself. He refuses to let himself see the similarities between him and Dazai, because he could never be like him. Chuuya often struggles with his identity and who he is and just how human he is. He didn't know until he was 16 whether he was a real human or not. And so, upon meeting this other human at 15 who craves death and wants to just throw away this human life that he's been given? That's a hard no for Chuuya. He resents Dazai for being so willing to give up his life so carelessly, so easily. He'd do anything at that point to realise just how human he was, to prove his humanity to others and to show his compassion and human qualities. And he stumbles across this stone-cold, suicidal kid who wants to let go of all of that, sees no point in trying to even be human, and who is lacking empathy for other human lives. Chuuya disgusts and loathes that. So, he wants nothing to do with him. Does not want to be attached to him in any way shape or form. Refuses to acknowledge their similarities. So, when he's being tortured, and the first thing he hallucinates is Dazai? It preys on his insecurities and deepest fears. He fears that he's not at all a human, and he fears that he is like Dazai, an unfeeling, indifferent, seemingly heartless boy who wishes to give up on the world, who wishes he was never born, who wishes nothing more than to be granted that sweet release of death.
I can't articulate very well, so for that I do apologise! But yeah, this has always been an important scene for me. In his moment of weakness, Chuuya hallucinated the person that he wanted to see the least, first. He hallucinated Dazai before his freshly dead friends, etc. And claims that, whilst he's being tortured, after Verlaine has killed the people closest to him, that he hates him the most out of anyone in the world. A lot of people said that this was an overreaction; respectfully, shut the fuck up ^^ My boy was being tortured, give him some leeway, yeah?
It just goes to show how deep those roots of self-hatred go within Chuuya; it seems him and Dazai have something more in common than originally thought.
Now, I don't actually have a complete grasp on the reason why Dazai hates Chuuya so much. Because, he doesn't hate him as much as Chuuya hates him, or as much as he makes it out to be. Dazai is an eccentric bastard, dramatising things for the sake of stirring up trouble. He overexaggerates for a variety of reasons, one of those being to conceal any emotion he IS feeling. He makes a big song and dance out of the little things to try and forget about the big things. To not think. Dazai is not numb by nature. He's numb by conditioning. He has conditioned himself to feel nothing, to be cold and logical and rational. Mori, of course, only exemplified these traits, making him colder and more calculated than ever/before. So, my blind guess is that he holds a sort of resentment to Chuuya for being able to be more normal than he is, for wanting to live and not seeing the world as a boring, pointless place. But, he also wants Chuuya to thrive as a human, to be able to live his life knowing and being sure of his humanity. And, when it's only him and Verlaine, he grows quite... emotional (trust me, it's not a lot but that's the only word I can think of) when talking about his humanity. That, Chuuya has to be a human. Because how could he hate someone so much? He has to be a human, because if he wasn't he would like Dazai more.
I think Dazais "issue" (I CAN'T THINK OF WORDS RIGHT NOW LMAO) is that he just wants Chuuya to like him. Maybe he wants a friend. Maybe there's something else to it. But, Dazai has always had strong... feelings, towards Chuuya. "Jokingly" telling him he loves him. Getting awfully close when he doesn't need to, and never does with anyone else. Yeah, you're not fooling anybody hun. Makes many romantic comments that could be passed off as something else entirely about him. Showing active concern for him. Caring for him. Thinking about him. He shows a lot more attention to Chuuya than he gets in return; by that I mean speaks about it more. Is a lot more verbal than Chuuya is.
GAHHHH sorry sorry I just have too much to say and don't know when to SHUT THE FUCK UP but I have SO MUCH more to say, but I'm going to be going off and writing my shitty little fics that should've been written yonks ago <3
have a lovely day/night! ^^
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julesdaydreams ¡ 1 year ago
Okay, so I've been watching a lot of those jubilee videos on youtube (iykyk) and there was one where best friends had to make a split decision of yes or no questions about their friendship... So naturally I wanted to write it with the marauders & co. (Here's the first question, but it's about to get more dramatic I promise)
Pete: “game host”
Sirius - James
Remus - Lily
Mary - Marlene
Barty - Evan
Regulus - Pandora - Dorcas
“Okay, gang. Lets settle for once and for all who the best friend duo is. Question Number 1 for you. Please step forward if you agree: “I am the more intelligent one in the friendship.”, Peter announced on his little podium (the couch table in James’ and Sirius' living room), looking expectantly at the lined up friendship pairs in front of him.
There was commotion immediately after he stopped talking, a lot of his friends taking a step forward or raising an eyebrow at their opposite if they did so as well.
“Prongs you are not smarter than me. I speak six fucking languages!”, immediately came the outraged voice of Sirius upon seeing James take a step forward as well.
James crossed his arms and looked at his best friend challenging. “Mate, I love you, but the amount of fancy words you know isn't very impressive if you don't know how to cook.”
“James, you burned the Spaghetti yesterday while cooking. You are not in the place to talk right now.”
“I got distracted!! I'm literally studying to become a lawyer right now. Which clearly means I'm the smarter one.”
“Fucking hell. I would be getting better grades in university if I hadn't dropped out and you know it!”
“What?? No you wouldn't! You-”
“GUYS!! Please shut up this is not the Prongs and Padfoot show.”, interrupted Peter, trying to not let the situation get out of hand. “Also, you're both wrong. You're both dumb as fuck, considering you tried to adopt a fucking stag you found in the woods last month and brought it into the flat.”
With that, James and Sirius both seemed to deflate, taking the step they took back. They really weren't that smart.
Peter smiled satisfied and looked to the next pair of his friends who weren't on the same page.
“Remus, Lily. Why are you both saying no?”, he adressed the two, seeing that none of them had taken a step forward.
“Pete mate, I'm thinking the same fucking thing. Lily, you're clearly smarter than me?? You graduated at the top of our class!” Lily rolled her eyes fondly at her friend.
“Because of one measly point that the professor didn't give you because he's an ass. Not because I'm smarter. Also, you're becoming a professor, Rem. If that doesn't mean you're smarter, I don't know what does.”
“Lily you're a nurse! That's not an easy job either!”
Before this could also result in an one hour argument, Pete interrupted again, quickly moving on to three people that clearly had their minds made up.
“Dorcas, Pandora, you agree with Regulus that he's the smartest out of you three?”, Peter inquires, curious about their decision.
“Well, I went with book smarts. Reg was definitely the best of us in school without even trying and he speaks like six languages and plays five instruments or something.”, Dorcas explained and Pandora nodded along next to her.
“Oh? And when it's not about academia and stuff like that? Lets say… common knowledge or streets smarts, is he also the smartest?” Dorcas and Pandora immediately started to laugh at Peter's follow up question, which Regulus seemed very put out by, scowling across them.
“Oh no. Regulus wouldn't know how to survive on his own, believe me. Just what a posh upbringing does with you. Also it took him like a year before he realized his crush liked him back, when we've known the second it happened.”, Pandora giggled slightly, making Reg frown even more.
The mention of a crush apparently peaked Sirius’ interest, head whipping towards his brother the second the word was spoken.
“Crush?? You never told me that you have a crush on someone!”, he complained, earling him a annoyed huff.
“I don't have to tell you everything, Sirius.”
“Yes you do! I'm your big brother!”
“That doesn't give you the right to know everything about my life!”
“Okay okay okay. Maybe we come back to the actual question here?”, Peter interrupted yet again, already questioning his decision to be the game host, if every single one of these people was going to argue about their decision.
“Marlene! You agree with Mary that she's the smart one?”, he quickly moved on, leaving the two Black brother's to argue on their own.
“Fuck yeah. She's all beauty and brains and I'm the muscle.”, Marlene grins, posing to show off her biceps, not without sending Dorcas a little wink in the process.
“Great. Barty, Evan. Why's Evan the smarter one, not that I disagree.”, he moved on, looking at the two boys.
“I think without me stopping him, I would have to bail Bee out of jail almost every week… either that or he would be dead by now. So yeah. I'm definitely the smarter one.”, Evan drawled.
“And I'm very greatful for that, Rosie. Although I still think I would be able to win a fight against a bear.”, Barty grins, making Evan roll his eyes in annoyance, but he clearly tried to supress a smile.
“Right. Sadly we have to see if that's true on another day. I'm sure Prongs and Pads would happily get you a bear from somewhere.” Peter clapped his hands together loudly, drawing the room's attention back to him.
“Next question! Lord have mercy if you're this annoying for every question, I swear.”
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floralembarrassment ¡ 2 years ago
ok i just had a silly little idea of james and regulus coming out to each other as trans at the same time and wondering if you might write that?
Hi! I'm not sure if this is what you were looking for, and I'll write a cutie one where they are dating or something and come out to each other first at some point, but this was what you inspired!! with love
Scheming (1/1) (jegulus)
Remus knew what he was was doing. But he loved to scheme, he was a marauder after all. He was also a hopeless romantic and knew that his best friends would make an excellent couple. He would make sure Sirius came around eventually.
The best part about this plan is that it was what they both wanted as well. But none of it was Remus' story to tell. So operation "safe space" was underway.
Remus was meeting Regulus in the library as per usual. They were studying often since it was Regulus' OWLs this year and Remus always enjoyed studying with Regulus. But what Regulus didn't know was that James was being dragged along. Sirius and Peter were in detention so James didn't have a reason to say no anyway, and Remus told James he wanted to speak to him about something.
When Regulus showed up and saw James sitting with Remus, he assumed Potter would get up and leave soon, but Remus had got him into a conversation about being trans. Remus questioned his gender from time to time, because what is a man anyway and where do werewolves actually fall on the binary, but he never stressed too much about. Regulus laughed as he heard Remus lament about this, a rant he had heard many a time. James however didn't realize that Regulus was laughing fondly and took offence.
"What's so funny?" James asked, ready to quash any of the toujours pur bullshit.
"Oh nothing, I've just heard the werewolf rant before," Regulus said.
"There's no need to laugh at Remus for reflecting on himself and who he might be," James said sternly.
"You're one to talk," Regulus spat back. "You don't know anything Potter so maybe leave my friend alone," Regulus slapped his books down and glared at James as he sat.
"Remus is my friend too, and he knows that I know what I'm talking about when it comes to these things. Maybe you should just mind your own business," James huffed. He never got too mad but he could feel himself heating up when Regulus scoffed.
"Oh what? You think I don't know anything about contemplating gender?" James challenged.
"Not in the way I do," Regulus said snottily, nose held high in the air as he opened his books.
"Haha that's very funny, but you couldn't be more wrong," James said.
"How so," Regulus said, confident in not losing this argument.
And then James looked at him, and Regulus narrowed his eyes, and they both straightened their spines and mirrors each other as then leaned in, "I'm trans," they both said at the same time. And then, still in sync, their eyes widened.
They looked at Remus who was trying incredibly hard to not laugh. He had already pack up his things and was getting up before he could get hexed. "You two should talk," Remus called over his shoulder and the left.
"So wait, you're trans?" James asked Regulus genuinely.
"Yes but don't you go telling all my secrets Potter or I'll know it was you," Regulus threatened.
"I wouldn't say anything, I know how important it is to get to chose who knows and how..." James said trailing off at the end.
"Right," Regulus conceded.
"Well it's nice to know I'm not the only one," James said easily always friendly with everyone, but he started to get up and leave.
"You could stay to study," Regulus said hastily, and when James looked at him he quickly added, "if you want."
James had always had a crush on Regulus and thought sometimes it was reciprocated, but never did anything because he didn't know how Regulus would react to him being trans, but clearly not poorly. And Regulus was never nice just because, and it made James' stomach flutter. "Yeah okay," James said.
They sat in quiet companionship side by side, and it became a regular occurrence for them to meet in the library. Though it quickly was no longer meeting to study.
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fishisvibing ¡ 2 years ago
Hi my new friend👋
How did you get into prongsfoot and when?
Hohoho this is getting interesting. I'm spilling tea and my deepest darkest secret.
Let's start with how I first got into harry potter
My sister is a millennial, and she's older than me a lot, like a lot lot, so when I was just a kid watching lotr and simping over legolas on tv, my sister came home with a newly published hp book and read it for me. I didn't remember much but I did say something along the line mentioned Sirius' name that "his name sounds beautiful"
When I got into secondary school, I had watched all of the hp movies but never touched the books bc my aunt borrowed all the copies, so I begged my mom if I could use my allowance to buy new books and she said yes. I gave the money to my sister and she bought me 2 harry potter box sets, one for reading and one for displaying (the extra one was my birthday gift)
I spent nights trying to absorb those and I fell in love the more I read about Sirius, he's such a cool character, I love him to the point I asked my friends to join my Sirius cult haha. My bestie also liked the Marauders very much and she loved Jily so I started learning about James and Lily too. Even though I don't ship them as hard as Prongsfoot now, I still call them papa James and mama Lily (It's because of our translation makes it sounds super cute to call them like that)
Okay it's getting heated. One of my friends announced that they love wolfstar, and being the artist of the group, I was asked to join and draw for them. My other friend, said that they liked James/Snape (seriously idk what this ship called) and demanded me to join them. At that time, I already felt how much I love James and Sirius and I adore their relationship very much, I feel very weird when they're being separated and I can't stand that (also bc I cried when I know how much they meant to each other in the books). I declined both of them and they were like "WHAT?". The wolftar one said "well can't you see how intimate they are in the movie?", and the James/Snape said "the rivalry between two enemies makes the best trope". But tbh I love Prongsfoot for the way they are, utterly loyal and devoted, their co-dependancy, how they're like two peas in the same pod, like the reflection in the mirror, one that never lies and cherishes the other till their last breath. I love how comfortable and easy they are being with each other. To me, they're full and content.
At first, it was just the feeling that they seem right. Very right. But then it became more and more, like a car racing down the highway, it felt like I fell hard and fast for them so then I started scavanging everywhere for their contents. I read fics, watched fanarts, practicing drawing whenever I had the time so that I could someday be able to contribute something for Prongsfoot, and I did it, it's still not every good imo but for now I'm feeling happy that I'm able to draw them, and write fics about them (they're all in Vietnamese tho)
Well, I think it all thanks to that one fic on fanfiction for turning me to the right path. I was still hesitate over wolfstar bc I didn't want to make my friend sad. But then after reading that devishly exquisite cherry on top fic, my heart and my head snapped straight to Prongsfoot. The way the author described their relationship was like the last nail in the coffin that set me forever laying deep in this Prongsfoot hole. Yahh I was 15 back then, what a time. I'm in my 20s now and that fic still embroided in my mind as clear as the sky (one of the reason it's my fav one is bc it's so morally wrong and fucked up in the head, it's basically dead dove but cooked beautifully)
Thank you for asking me this, I've been dying to talk about this but never have a chance
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anoray ¡ 7 months ago
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I am now three books into the High Republic (Light of the Jedi, The Rising Storm, and The Fallen Star) and I'm feeling rather puzzled and annoyed. Spoilers ahead for anyone who hasn't read anything yet.
I should preface this by saying I find some of the Jedi characters engaging and likeable, and the various authors' writing is fine overall, but I am increasingly frustrated with the Nihil scenario. Namely, I still know next to nothing about the supposed main villain, Marchion Ro, and what is going on with the "creatures" or whatever they are that basically suck the Force out of the Jedi. Everything about Ro's origins, how and why the old woman prisoner can create the paths in hyperspace, where and why the Force eating creatures came from...why Ro hates the Jedi in the first place...all the continued vagueness and non-revelation just goes on and on and on and it is getting very old. Ro so far is basically a sadistic SOB who leads a bunch of not very interesting marauders and I have no idea why he's driven to want to wipe out the Jedi because nothing in the story so far covers any of it. I want to pull my hair out.
The Jedi are a mixed bag. On one hand, they are capable of doing amazing things (most especially when they work as a unified hive mind), but, holy cow, on the other hand, they also come across as so incompetent at times. The Fallen Star in particular had me grinding my teeth over and over. And, yes, I know the Jedi were affected by the infuriatingly unexplained, non-described Force sucking "creatures", but the Jedi seemed to be doing some extremely obtuse things (like a total lack of basic security measures), as well as making boneheaded decisions about how to deal with the Nihil even before that happened. I mean, so far, the Nihil almost destroyed an entire solar system, they destroyed a huge galactic political event, and now an entire space station (killing millions along throughout these attacks) and yet somehow the Republic and the Jedi think the Nihil are almost beaten and not that big of a deal. Really?
Maybe a bunch of pertinent story development about the Jedi's resistance to the Nihil and information about Ro is covered in the many other side books? If that's the case, I don't understand the decision to scatter major plot and character development outside of the main series. Shouldn't the 5 books of this particular series tell a complete tale on their own? Right now, chunks seem to be missing and I'm having a problem with caring much about the trio of Avar, Stellan, and Elzar. As for Ro, so much of his history is off the page somewhere and sometimes he barely even appears in the books at all.
Bell and Burry have become my anchor characters because they come across as very relatable and empathetic, plus I've liked several of the Jedi and non-Jedi side characters (although some either got killed off or just dropped out of the story between books for whatever reason).
Bottom line is that I'll probably read the last two books in this particular series in the hopes that Burry is not dead, plus that they will finally reveal something about Ro that makes him a more compelling antagonist. Right now, he just grates on my nerves and I wish the Nihil as a whole were something more compelling than ruthless killers and thieves. To me, Ro and his horde have all the worst qualities of pirates but absolutely none of the charm.
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lilahisntsadanymore ¡ 3 years ago
This is a thing that has just came to my mind so I decided to write it because I didn't write anything else than OBX fics for a while now. More OBX fics are coming too, I've posted one yesterday if you haven't seen and I have a slight idea for a next one, but right now let's focus on the Marauders.
Warnings: usage of alcohol
The reader pronouns: she/her
Part 2
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Admitting to be dating Sirius during a girls night headcannons:
It would happen somewhere in the summer - you sleep in the same dorm as your girl friends, so every night is a girls night during the school year
One thing you and all your friends could 100% agree on without fighting was the choice of music - you all thought it's gonna be nice to vibe to some ABBA and Queen songs
The day of the girls night, your parents reminded you a few times that there should be no alcohol
The rule was broken by Marlene, who sneaked a few bottles of firewhisky in her backpack
Your parents greeted each one of your guests, because they barely knew who your friends were and wanted to get to know them and they were leaving for the night, so they didn't have much time
It was so hilarious how carefully Marlene tried to walk while they were so close, she didn't want the bottles in her backpack to make any sound
All your guests were at your house around 7pm, Alice being the one who came last because she was buying some snacks last minute
You assured her though that she didn't need to, you prepared a few kinds of snacks AND a surprise for the girls - cupcakes
The night started with doing each other's makeup while music played quietly in the background
After making sure your parents are out of the house, you opened the first bottle of firewhisky
There were 6 of you so emptying the bottle was going smoothly
The makeup finished makeup looks didn't look very good - started while you were all sober and finished when tipsy - but it wasn't important, you weren't going out
"Girls, the first bottle is empty," Lily pointed out, "I say we open the next one." And so you started the next bottle
But just drinking might be boring sometimes, so you all wanted to play a game
"Truth or dare?" Mary asked. "No, it's so basic," Marlene laughed, "we should play something we haven't played before."
"There's this game," Lily chimed in, "where you say one truth and two lies about yourself and the rest of people tries to guess which one is the truth."
It started innocently, where it was easy to tell apart the truth from lies
A half of the bottle of firewhisky later, the game got more spicy. "I had a crush on Peter until the fourth year, I haven't broken a bone despite being on the Quidditch team and I'm gay." Marlene said with a smile on her face, thinking she tricked the others.
The rest of the girls giggled. "Easy one," Lily said, thinking she knows the truth, "if third one was true, you'd say it earlier. The second one is too good to be true. So I'll go with the first one!" Marlene laughed. "Couldn't be more wrong, sweetheart."
"I think I know!" You announced. "You broke a bone during Quidditch a few times, but you've never had a crush on Peter, because you're gay."
Marlene nodded with a smile on her face, the girls started assuring her that's okay and she didn't have to feel afraid to admit it
"Since you guessed this one, it's your turn now, Y/n." Dorcas said
"Okay, give me a second," you thought for a moment, wanting to make it surprising and spicy, "okay, I got it. I shagged Sirius Black, I flirted my way out of detention with McGonagall and I kissed a random bloke during a Quidditch after party, who turned out to be Regulus Black."
This was a real riddle for your guests, each one sounded like something impossible but also something you would do. Because if there was something impossible, you'd always try to do it
"Alright, I think I know." Alice said. "I say the second one is true."
"Why?" You asked amusingly.
"I've never pictured Regulus as someone who's interested in kissing people during parties. Sirius on the other hand, you know how he his. If you did the thing, we would have known on the next day."
"Sorry to break it to you," you giggled, "but there's no way out of detention with Minnie, no matter what you do. Did I try? Yeah, but did it work? Sadly not."
"Wait," Lily covered her mouth with her hand in surprise, "so you kissed Regulus? When was that?"
"Wrong again!" You smiled.
"What?" Marlene asked. "You shagged Sirius and we didn't know about it?"
"It's more complicated than that."
Mary brought the bottle to her lips and said, "we have time. A lot of time."
"Fine," you began explaining, "so me and Sirius are basically dating."
Mary choked on the alcohol, Lily hit her back a few times to help her cough it up
"That's not all!" You continued. "We confessed our feelings for each other during the detention I tried to flirt my way out of. We were alone and Sirius just happened to tell me he had liked me for a while now and so I said me too. We started dating, but were keeping it a secret, well, until now I guess."
The girls started bombing you with questions about the relationship, this was the main interest of the night. You were more than happy to answer them. They had to find out eventually, right?
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flamingo-writes ¡ 3 years ago
Always Us – Year One
Remus Lupin x Reader
Marauders Era, Year 2
A/N: As of lately I've been obsessing so much over Andrew Garfield (if you hadn't been able to tell...) and along the way I ended up rediscovering my love for The Marauders. Now, Sirius and Lupin have always been my favourites (long before I found out the widely accepted fan cast was Ben Barnes and Andrew G) and while I'm trying to write the next chapter of KYOMS, I can't get this idea out of my head.
Summary: From your very first day in Hogwarts, you meet a guy named Lupin, despite being sorted in different houses, that doesn't seem to stop your growing friendship. His friends being crackheads, while your smart matching his, it was inevitable. Although your cleverness might be perhaps a little dangerous to him, he's got a secret to keep, and is afraid of what would happen if you found out.
I guess I'll make a mini series of this. A post for each year at Hogwarts and an epilogue. Let me know what you guys thing and if you wish to be tagged!
Warnings: None.
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Growing up was always...weird...for you...
Your father was a muggle, your mother a witch, and your grandmother on your dad's side was the witchy (muggle) lady who read tarot, and palms and dead healing and cleansing jobs with random objects like plants and eggs.
Your mother could never explain why the things your grandmother did worked, since she was a muggle just like your dad.
So, not only you grew up learning about the magic world and the discretion attached to it. You also grew surrounded by muggle culture. As well as learning the weird traditions your grandmother told you about whenever you visited her. It was a rather interesting childhood and even at 11 you knew it was something far from normal.
You grandmother called you Fox. She insisted your spirit animal was the fox, and that she often saw you in her dreams, running around as a fox accompanied by a wolf.
For the longest time you thought it was your grandfather, since his spirit animal, according to your grandmother, was a wolf. And you liked the idea of running around turned as a fox with a wolf, your grandfather, who sadly passed away while you were still a kid.
At 11, you got your Hogwarts letter and you mother rather excited got everything you needed ready
On your first day, at the train station, she nostalgically walked around the platforms as you continued to ask yourself where the heck was the platform 9 3/4.
On your way there, you came across a kid who looked equally confused and you wondered if it was a 1st year as well. By the lost look in his face, you quickly assumed it was the case.
The awkward exchange of stares you two had made you feel slightly shy as you tried to focus on your own thing.
Once in the train, you saw that same lost-looking boy.
"Hey..." He approached you. "Mind if I tag along?" He said shyly. "I-I'm sorry...that's weird..."
"N-no...It's fine..." You replied, not knowing those three words would change your life right in that moment.
"I'm Remus, by the way" He introduced himself before you told him your name.
The two of you walked along the train looking for an available cabinet, as you found one mostly free, except for a single kid. Same lost look as the both of you, small and chubby.
"How about this one?" He said calling your name as you nodded and followed him.
Walking behind him, you felt oddly short, as he was taller for an 11 year old and lanky. You sat besides him, your shoulder bumping next to his as you exchanged names with the kid there, named Peter Pettigrew.
You talked back and forth, mostly with Remus, as you found out you had several things in common. He was a half blood as well, he understood the struggle of having to hide and lie about half of your heritage.
Peter every once in a while would speak to add something.
Most of the conversation, though, was between Remus and you. And what a nice guy he was, you were glad you'd made a friend shortly after. And one who understood you so well at that.
Once in the school grounds, the sorting ceremony blew off your good mood.
Sure, the school looked amazing, the magic swarming the dining room.
But your heart broke a little when he was sorted in Gryffindor and you were sorted in Ravenclaw. Sure, you were glad you were there, your mother too had been in Ravenclaw. But you'd hoped to stay with your newfound friend.
"We can still see each other on class, yeah?" He told you, trying to lift you up.
And it did. The first week of classes, you two would tag along everywhere. He always sat besides you, sometimes he'd sit with you in the Ravenclaw table, sometimes you'd sit with him with the Gryffindors.
As time went by, you eventually started making friends with your roommates and Remus with his. Although more often than not, Remus brought you along with him.
You got to meet his friends James and Sirius.
These two lads often making fun of you for being the class's know-it-all. And Lupin always told you to dismiss them, and told them to stop.
As the year went by, you slowly started noticing an odd pattern. An odd pattern you probably wouldn't have noticed if it wasn't because of your own body clock reminding you when a month had gone by.
The same way you clung to Remus for comfort and company once a month, as you whined about your cramps, as you never really answered Remus's questions as to what was with your perfectly timed monthly stomach aches and weird cravings and swing moods, you noticed how he suddenly went missing two weeks after. He'd go missing for a day, and the day after he'd look particularly tired, defeated, and just like you deflected all of his questions, he deflected yours.
This looked very familiar to what your mother told you about your uncle, her brother.
You knew your uncle was a werewolf, and how your mother usually stuck by him every month. You knew what everyone thought of them, and how your mother taught you to always be kind. Sure, if you crossed a werewolf you could end up dead or turned into one, but because your uncle was one, you were taught to always be kind to them.
As the question circled your mind, you decided to write a letter to your mom, explaining your concerns. And you remember perfectly reading her reply: "Do not tell anyone. Absolutely anyone. You might very badly harm your friend by doing so."
Close to the year's end, you and Remus continued to be close friends. Often pairing up for class work, and the both of you often helping Sirius, James and Peter when they were lost with a subject.
"Rem, can I talk to you about something?" You asked him once you were lying on the grass on one of the wide gardens within the school grounds.
"Sure..." He asked, clueless of what you were about to ask.
"I know you always dissappear once a month, and you never answer my questions...And I-"
"Hey, it's nothing..."
"But it is, Rem! I know why you dissapear!"
You saw him turn pale. Ghostly pale, as you saw his soul leave his body. "Yo-you..."
"My uncle...He’s like you...A-and...My mom's told me a lot about you guys..." You said immediately as he looked at you with horror. "She's told me you're not as dangerous as everyone says..." You said.
"I'm not scared, if that's what worries you..." You purred, gently.
He stared into your eyes, as you could tell he was still scared. You moved closer to him and hugged him tightly as he immediately hugged you back.
"Rem, you're my friend. And you being a werewolf won't change that..." you said.
He cried. He didn't meant to cry, but he did. The entire school year he felt bad for lying to his friends and hiding something this big from them, specially when everyone else seemed to open up to one another and show their vulnerable sides. But if he showed that to them, it'd might scare them away.
The entire time you held him tightly. Soothing him, as you kept saying over and over again that you were there for him, and you were going to remain friends no matter what.
"I promise I won't tell anyone..." You whispered.
That day Remus knew, no matter what happened, he could trust you. That day Remus knew you two were friends, not only through the good times, and during school projects. You two were friends through thick and thin.
"I'll always be there for you too..." He replied in a soft voice.
"I know...Always us" You said.
By the end of the school year, his friends kept teasing him that you were his girlfriend. Since the both of you were always together, and you were always seemed to whisper secrets to one another. But Remus just rolled his eyes and dismiss them. He knew it was best to ignore them than trying to tell them otherwise.
You two went your separate ways for the summer, but kept exchanging letters back and forth through his owl.
You kept your promise, and the only person who knew thus far was your mother, as you'd told her before the promise you made to Remus. And of course, your mother asked about your friend.
Seeing his name on a weekly occurrence, she was curious about how close you were. And you told her everything. The promise, and how he was your best friend by this point. How he promised he'd be there for you just like you promised you'd be there for him.
"If something, you can always trust in the word of a Gryffindor. Specially when they're your friend..." Your mother replied with a kind smile. "Your uncle was a Gryffindor..."
She told you stories about your uncle, and details on how its the whole experience through the eyes of the werewolves themselves.
"It's easier for them when they've got company..."
"Don't they attacks others?"
"Not animals..." She said smiling as you easily put two and two together, knowing your mother was an animagus herself.
"Wait– You..."
"Yeah...as soon as I turned 17, I got registered and my permit to become one and I did. I did it to keep your uncle company during his shifts..." She said.
"Can I do that too?"
"When you turn 17. I'll help you through it, it's not exactly easy...Also the paperwork. All animagi must be registered..." She said brushing your hair gently.
You felt exceptionally good, knowing there was a way to help your friend. And with that, you decided to turn into an animagus to help make Remus's shift a lot easier. Although you'd had to wait.
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salazarslytherin ¡ 4 years ago
headcanon - the boys react to you being a snake animagus
requested: yes! [How do you think characters like cedric, tom and lupin would find out / or react to you shape shifting into a snake like nagini ? male reader pls... but only if you can] send in your own request here!
🃛 masterlist!
cw / tw: nothing much? i think, mention of sexual content (?), does dry humping count as smut??, dirty talk
a/n: i think this should be alright... i don't really write headcanons but hopefully this is what you were looking for anon! also idk if being an animagus = parseltongue but we’ll pretend it does. if you like it please like/comment/reblog to boost x
☯︎ join tag list here tag list: @pianodelusions
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cedric diggory
so the way he finds out that you were a snake animagus was completely unintentional, and not very pleasurable
your animagus form being a snake meant that sometimes you just liked to go out and slither around in the sun
today you knew that cedric was going to be busy studying so you decided to go and do just that
however what you hadn't realised was that he was going to be studying for herbology and therefore was going to be down by the greenhouses to look for professor sprout
so you were slithering around the greenhouses, you knew sprout didn't care about snakes because she respected nature and all things natural, so sometimes you went inside to see whether you catch people sneaking around
especially because it was winter, and it was cold outside.
you didn't want to die as a snake in the winter
but today instead of spotting an underground couple, you had slithered on top of a table only to find cedric walking into the room
and he didn't notice you but you forgot you were a snake for a second and hissed out 'cedric?!' in parseltongue
he only heard a hiss and fell backwards as he saw a python darting towards him, letting out a very high-pitched scream
you tried to move closer towards him to make sure he was okay, but the boy just scrambled backwards, his legs paralyzed by fear
THAT was when you realised that you were still in your animagus form, and turned back into a human sheepishly, kneeling above him
he also let out a scream as you turned, but when he realised it was you he was so relieved that he just pulled you down by your tie, kissing you passionately because oh my god i thought i was gonna die thank helga it was just you baby
but then immediately after a quick make-out session on the floors of the green house he pushed you away and basically screamed "when the hell did you learn how to do that?!"
which meant that you had to, very shamefully, explain to your prefect boyfriend that you had done this very illegal thing because you were bored one summer and just decided to try it out
he then proceeded to chew you out for a good two minutes, still lying on the floor of the greenhouse, before making out with you again because "even though i thought i was going to die you're somehow equally as handsome as a snake darling my goodness"
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remus lupin
so the reason you became an animagus was just so you could be with remus during the full moon
however the issue was that you were a snake, and so when remus found out that your animagus form was a snake he got really worried
"what if moony doesn't react well to you? i don't want to hurt you darling."
he then proceeded to spend about an hour listing all the reasons why you should not go with the marauders to the shrieking shack, which basically meant he repeated that he could murder you a hundred times
but of course, you, like the rest of the marauders, did not listen, and all of you went to spend the full moon with remus
after remus turned, which by the way was agonizing to watch and you made a mental reminder to pelt him with chocolate tomorrow, moony came towards you tentatively, sniffing out the strange reptile that he'd never seen before
but after discerning that you weren't a threat, all of your animalistic forms got along quite well
you'd found a lot of pleasure chasing wormtail around, in fact
when morning came, you had to go off to rest in your dormitory but not before sending remus off to the infirmary, promising to meet him after your classes that day
when you went, the boy immediately pulled you into a kiss, throwing the book that he'd been reading away
"you stupid brave boy. i could've killed you."
when you removed all the chocolate you’d brought for him from his pockets he finally shut up about his ‘would have been’ murder to stuff his face, before saying it to you again through chocolate stuffed cheeks
he only fully shut up when you kissed him roughly, shoving your tongue into his mouth, which he very much welcomed, and pulled away tasting distinctly of chocolate and remus
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tom riddle
for tom, it was a very, very pleasant experience when he found out you were a snake animagus
it had happened while the two of you were in bed, only two days after you’d completed your first transformation
tom was on top of you, grinding his crotch against yours
and when he was in the mood, tom is a very vocal person – liking to voice what he wanted to do to you or how badly he needed you
however, he’d often get lost in the moment, slipping in and out of parseltongue
which is a massive turn on
so as he rutted against you, tom started hissing in parseltongue
🐍 fuck baby you're so hot, i can feel how hard you are against me 🐍
and because it was the first time you'd ever understood parseltongue, it didn't register in your mind, but you hissed back
🐍 you too tom, fuck i love the way you feel against me. so good to me baby. 🐍
tom stopped for a moment, and got off of you
"did–did you just respond to me in parseltongue?"
you looked up at him and your eyes were still glassy with lust, and you didn't know what he was talking about
"what are you talking about tom?"
he got off of you, kind of angry but also kind of turned on
"are you a parselmouth? why did you never tell me?"
you got up really confused, but then it suddenly dawned on you
"oh, uh, i–"
tom got off his bed, pacing around the room
"why the fuck didn't you tell me? do you not trust me?!"
you got up as well and tried to calm him down
"no! tom wait listen to me!"
he didn't, obviously, because he's tom riddle and he doesn't understand that he needs to listen to other people sometimes
you basically screamed his name and then turned into your animagus form on the spot
the boy just stood in front of you, staring down at you on the ground
"you–you're an animagus?!"
you turned back and look at him sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck awkwardly
"i only managed it two days ago... i was going to surprise you but..."
🐍 i guess i'm a parselmouth now too... surprise? 🐍
the boy's pupils just blew wide, and he didn't answer
only pushing you onto the bed, his mouth devouring yours
you were in for a long night
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starwarstbbfan ¡ 3 years ago
ONE SHOT - Calli's first period with the boys...
A/N: This takes place soon after the first mission Calli went on with the boys on Felucia. I've been wanting to do this one shot for a while but had some trouble coming up with what to write. But I've finally finished this one shot and I'm quite proud of it and hope it'll make you laugh! Of course, some of this is exaggerated for humorous purposes.
WARNING: Mentions of blood and they talk about periods and stuff. If that makes you uncomfortable, please don't read, I won't judge you lol. I understand that not everyone is open about topics like these.
When Calli woke up, there was only one word to describe how she felt: crappy. She wasn't sure why though...yet. But when her lower stomach suddenly felt like it was being stabbed, she instantly knew. Her period was about to start.
Son of a bantha. Usually, the cramps started a day or two before her actual period.
Hearing the others begin to stir awake, her irritation morphed into embarrassment and horror. It's only been three weeks since she joined the squad. They were still getting used to one another and getting to know each other, and now this has to happen?
Calli had to hold back a groan when another stab of pain came from her lower stomach, fell back down on her bed and curled into a fetal position on her side while clutching her middle.
Unfortunately she couldn't stay like that, and a little while later was forced to get up and help Tech with doing some repairs on the ship. Their mission on Felucia had ended with a little air battle with a few leftover Separatist fighters and they'd done a number on the shields and one of the wings - and instead of going to one of the Republic Cruisers that were orbiting above the planet, Tech insisted they could land on a different planet and do the repairs themselves.
Once Calli had changed, she made her way into the main hold where Tech and Crosshair were the only ones to be found and were eating ration bars for breakfast.
"Well good morning, sleeping beauty." Crosshair quipped, and Calli only sent him a glare in reply before getting a ration bar of her own, though truth be told she was really craving something sweet.
"Uh, you alright Callista?" Tech asked with concern, noticing that the girl hadn't countered Crosshair's remark with a sarcastic one of her own.
"I'm fine." Was Calli's short reply. Tech didn't buy this, but knew better than to question her further, much to the teenager's relief. "Where's Hunter and Wrecker?"
"They left for the town about fifteen minutes ago to get supplies." Calli nodded, then realized she didn't have any feminine supplies of her own. She sighed to herself, wondering how she was going to be able to sneak off to go buy what she needed.
I'll figure something out.
If there's one thing Calli has learned from being with the Bad Batch, it's that Tech is very protective of the Havoc Marauder. He's referred to it as his ship when Hunter isn't around, though Calli is certain that the Sergeant is aware of Tech's attachment and is nice enough to let his brother lay claim to the ship.
Calli didn't mind it one bit, until she started being Techs' helping hand with repairs and such. On top of being possessive of the Havoc Marauder, Tech also had his pride over being exceptionally smart and thus almost always considered his way of doing things the only right way to do it.
This was harder for Calli to deal with, but she usually could deal with his know-it-all attitude.
But, Calli was in extreme pain which worsened her already short temper. And in the two hours they were working on the ship, Wrecker and Hunter had returned.
Wrecker seemed to be especially hyper and loud today, and Calli found herself on multiple occasions close to snapping at him. That, coupled with Crosshair and his usual salty attitude and snarky remarks, added to Calli's aggravation.
At the moment she was removing some wires that had been fried and replacing them.
Calli could feel Tech's presence behind her, looking over her shoulder as she worked. She tried her best to ignore the goggled clone and focus on her task, but she could feel him breathing down her neck and it was very, extremely, utterly annoying.
Finally it seemed Tech couldn't keep quiet.
"No, that's not the right way to do it." He stated, and Calli closed her eyes and sighed, before nodding and attempting to correct her apparent mistake. She heard Tech draw in a breath and ground her jaw in frustration, not having to turn around to know he'd raised his signature pointer finger as he spoke again. "No no, the correct way to do that is -" Calli growled and finally snapped, swiveling around to glare at her squadmate.
"Tech!" She said sharply, and he stopped talking, not expecting to be interrupted, "I've worked on starships the second I was able to hold a tool properly. I think I know what I'm doing." Tech nodded and again raised his stupid finger and Calli had half a mind to rip it off.
With her enhanced strength it was totally possible.
"I know, I am simply trying to help and offer a few suggestions-" Calli interrupted him.
"Well maybe I don't want any suggestions, did you ever think about that?" She asked rhetorically, before throwing her hands up, "You know what, if you don't trust me then you should fix this kriffing ship yourself." Calli proceeded to throw her tools on the ground, and after moving around Tech was going to head somewhere to cool off only to be stopped by Hunter who'd heard all the commotion and came outside.
"Alright, what's going on?" Hunter asked, this not being the first time Calli has gotten into a fight with one of the boys. They were still getting used to the new addition and some arguments were bound to happen. So far Hunter has managed to diffuse most of them, only one involving an actual physical fight - between Calli and Crosshair. Hunter didn't even know why the fight started, though he figured it was over something stupid as those two were the most petty of the whole bunch. He might've let it continue so they could hash it out - Hunter and his brothers got into many physical fights growing up but it was never too violent, maybe just some shoving and wrestling, which is what Calli and Crosshair were doing though the former did try to throw a few punches - but since Calli had enhanced strength and wasn't entirely in control of it he feared that she might actually hurt Crosshair more than intended. Of course Hunter never said that exactly as it would tick off his brother and make it sound like he was weak.
"Nothing," Calli replied shortly and she tried to walk around the Sergeant but unfortunately was unsuccessful.
"Don't give me that."
"Why don't you ask Tech as he seems to know everything." Calli replied snarkily. Instead of being mad that his youngest squadmate was giving him attitude, Hunter was concerned and put a hand on her shoulder.
"Are you alright?” He asked, “There's something off about you, I can sense it." For a brief moment Calli panicked, completely forgetting that she wasn’t the only one with enhanced senses.
"I'm just… not feeling too hot right now." As if on cue her lower stomach exploded in pain, feeling as if someone had plunged a vibroblade into it. She tried to hold back a grimace though some expression of discomfort must have made its way onto her face because Hunter immediately asked if she was alright. "Y-Yeah. I'm gonna go get something to eat." This time Hunter let her pass though watched her retreating form with a suspicious expression. He was still learning about Calli and therefore didn't know if this sudden outburst was the result of something bothering her or if it was just normal for Calli - Tech had called a squad meeting one night after Calli had gone to sleep and gave an impromptu lecture about how to act and take care of a teenage girl, (somehow Tech got it in his mind that since Calli was underage, not only was she a member of the squad, but technically in a way they were her guardians) though truth be told Hunter tuned most of it out. He viewed Callista as just another member of the squad and treated her as such.
Perhaps I should've listened, then I might know what's going on.
Meanwhile, inside the Havoc Marauder, Calli was rifling through the provisions the boys got on the supply run and she hoped that Wrecker had convinced Hunter to get something even remotely sweet or at least had some flavor that wasn't tasteless rations.
Crosshair walked into the main hold and paused while raising an eyebrow upon seeing Calli's legs sticking up in the air as her upper body was completely inside the crate as she dug around.
Alas, she found nothing and had the sudden urge to burst into tears over it. She just wanted something yummy, as stressed spelled backwards is desserts and so the solution to her current predicament.
"Are you crying?" He asked once she'd pulled herself out of the crate, eyes watering and wearing a pout on her lips as she slumped down to the floor of the ship. Crosshair didn't sound the least bit concerned, more like he was taken aback and maybe a slight bit amused by the sight. Calli tried her best to act tough and to see her reduced to tears was very unlike the girl.
"I just want something other than rations right now - and - and we don't have any!" She wailed like a three year old and Crosshair blinked in shock, not expecting that sort of answer. Tears were now streaming down her face and Crosshair did the only thing he could think of - have someone else deal with a crying girl.
"Hunter!" The Sergeant casually walked in from outside, figuring that Crosshair was going to complain about something like he always did.
"What?" He asked, looking first at Crosshair and then noticing Calli. Hunter looked at his brother with a questioning expression.
"... she's crying because we only have rations to eat…" was the sniper's answer and Hunter at first didn't believe him, but Crosshair's expression was completely serious. He looked back at Calli, who continued to cry for another ten seconds - then her mood completely shifted and after drying her cheeks she stood up and looked at the boys with an indifferent expression.
“What are you looking at?” She asked with attitude and when the boys didn’t answer - to freaked out if they were being honest - she huffed and walked to a different part of the ship. The two brothers looked at each other with bewilderment.
And things only got worse from there.
The next morning…
When Hunter woke up suddenly, he didn't know why at first. It was still nighttime on the planet they were on and everyone was sleeping soundly. He heard some noise coming from the cockpit but knew it was Tech who pretty much only slept when he was on the verge of collapsing from exhaustion, his mind always racing - an unfortunate result of his enhancement.
But that's not what caused Hunter to wake up. Then what was it?
Then the smell hit him like a ton of bricks. Blood. His heightened sense of smell picked up the slight metallic scent that he was all too familiar with, being a soldier and all.
Immediately the Sergeant got up from his bed and went to turn on the lights, which caused a series of groans to come from Wrecker and Crosshair, while Calli surprisingly remained conked out - that in itself was unusual as any small and foreign noise or sudden change like the lights being turned on awoke her - it took her a few days to get used to the racket Tech made while the rest of them slept.
Hunter was aware of her lack of reaction and quickly climbed up the racks to reach hers on top and his heart sank when he laid eyes on the stained red sheets. At some point during her slumber Calli had kicked off her blanket and was laying on her side facing the wall, giving the Sergeant a full view of the blood now on the bunk and her pants.
"Holy kriff!" Hunter exclaimed, losing his cool for a moment as he took in how much blood there was. His loud voice jolted his two other brothers awake, and Wrecker actually fell out of his bunk when he tried to get up too fast, thinking they were under attack or something. But Hunter didn’t pay attention and put a hand on Calli’s shoulder and began shaking it roughly to wake her up, not thinking of the consequences of doing such a thing.
Calli’s eyes opened and out of reflex grabbed the hand on her shoulder proceeded to twist the arm attached to it in an unnatural way, and Hunter let out a cry of pain. When Calli registered the voice, she shot up in bed while letting the hand go, only to hit her head on the roof of the ship and let out a cry of pain of her own and fall back down on the mattress.
“Dank Ferrik!” Calli swore, her voice groggy yet laced with irritation as she rubbed her forehead while trying to wake up. “What the heck is wrong with you?”
“You’re bleeding!” Hunter yelled, pointing to the blood stain. In her half asleep state, it didn’t quite register at first what the Sergeant said, and she blinked in confusion before looking to where Hunter was pointing and then her eyes became saucers when she saw the bood. Now wide awake, Calli said another curse word in Mando'a and her face became red from embarrassment.
Kriff kriff kriff!
“Come down so Tech can look you over!” Hunter ordered, going into full dad mode, “Did you get hurt on Felucia and not tell us?!” Calli sighed and honestly just wanted to crawl into a hole and die. Of course she couldn't do that, so she settled for the next best thing and reached to where her blanket was bunched up at the end of the bunk, pulling it over her body and head then curling back into a ball. Hunter watched all this with complete bewilderment. How can she be so calm when she’s bleeding??? And if she’s been injured this whole time, how did I not smell the blood before?
Hunter came to the conclusion that she lost too much blood and was on the verge of dying with her lack of panic over bleeding.
“Wrecker go get Tech and find the medkit!” The giant clone was splayed out on the floor of the ship and was in a slight daze from being woken up so suddenly, and looked up at the Sergeant with confusion.
“What’s going on?” Wrecker asked, still groggy and not being able to process fully what his brother was saying. That there was an apparent emergency involving their youngest squad mate.
“Tech. Medkit. NOW!” Hunter yelled and Wrecker understood his orders this time and jumped to his feet to go do as he was told, still confused as to what was going on but knowing better than to argue with an agitated Hunter. Some shuffling and angry mumbling came from Crosshair’s bunk before the sniper rolled back the privacy curtain to glare at his brother.
“Hey! Some of us are trying to sleep!” He snapped.
“Well it’s nice to know you don’t care about the fact that Calli might be BLEEDING to death!” Hunter snapped back and Crosshair blinked, now confused.
“What? Bleeding?”
“Yes Crosshair, BLEEDING!”
Right after Hunter yelled that, Wrecker reappeared with Tech close behind, the latter with the medkit, ready to help. But by now Calli had had enough of the shouting and panic and growled - yes, growled - while throwing the blanket off to glare daggers at the boys.
“CAN EVERYONE JUST SHUT THE KRIFF UP!!!!!” Calli screamed at the top of her lungs, causing Hunter to jump and wince as he was closest to her and it hurt his ears. The other three boys all wore similar looks of bewilderment, none of them understanding what the heck was going on. “Just leave me alone, I’m fine!!!”
“The blood says otherwise.” Crosshair stated dryly, now seeing what Hunter did from his bunk which was across from his. Once again Calli’s face became a dark shade of red that rivaled the stain on her sheets.
“It’s - It’s not what you think.” She muttered quietly, internally feeling mortified as now everyone was aware of what was happening. Hunter scoffed in disbelief and shook his head.
“Then enlighten me.” Hunter countered. Calli opened her mouth, but then shut it, her embarrassment increasing tenfold as four sets of eyes looked at her expectantly, waiting for an explanation. It all became too much for the fifteen year old, who up until now never had to deal with her period around other people. Now she was living with four grown men who probably never had things like periods explained to them - after all it wasn’t useful in the heat of battle. Heck, even Calli didn’t know about them, as apparently Nala Se didn’t think it necessary to explain such things to her. So when she experienced it the first time, well let’s just say she was prepared to die, especially when the blood flow continued for six days straight. Of course she noticed that some days were heavier than others, and that confused her even more. Thankfully through the power of the holonet, Calli figured out what was happening after day three. Yet she was confused when researching that there would also be terrible cramping and the possibility of her emotions being all over the place - only that didn’t happen and Calli stupidly thought that maybe she’d be spared all those unpleasant side effects.
Calli found out the hard way that she was oh so wrong, as the second period was way worse.
Back to the present, Calli without warning shoved Hunter back so he fell to the ground(he landed on his feet, don’t worry), thus allowing the girl to get off her bunk. She kept her head down and pushed the guys away when they attempted to come closer and see if she was alright, shuffling her way to the refresher. After locking the door and ignoring the commotion on the other side, Hunter demanded that she come out. He wasn’t angry at her, though it came across that he was by the tone of his voice but he was worried. Sure it’s only been a few weeks since Calli joined the squad and they’d learned pretty quickly she was prone to angry outbursts and they were all getting used to living together, but she’d never acted this way.
Outside in the main hold…
“What exactly happened?” Tech questioned Hunter, trying to get a better understanding of what exactly the situation was. Hunter sighed and ran a hand through his hair anxiously, Wrecker wearing a similar expression and while Crosshair appeared to be calm he couldn’t help but feel a twinge of worry for the girl. They haven’t exactly gotten along, both of them always at each other’s throats, but still when someone you know wakes up with blood around them, it’s bound to worry even people like Crosshair who preferred to keep their feelings locked up.
“I-I don’t know. I woke up and smelled blood and found it on her sheets.” Hunter reamined staring at the door as he spoke, so he didn’t see when realization dawned on the genius clone’s features, “But I can’t tell where it came from.” Tech couldn’t help but facepalm at his brother’s cluelessness; after all he’d explained it all to the boys weeks ago. He’d suspected that they didn’t pay much attention, but hoped his brothers at least listened to the part about the menstrual cycles.
“Tech…” Crosshair said in a low voice, recognizing his brother’s ‘I know something you don’t’ look. Hunter’s head snapped in Tech’s direction, squinting his eyes upon seeing the hint of a smile on his mouth. How could he be smiling at a time like this?
“What’s so funny?” Hunter asked in the same tone as Crosshair, though his sounded even more intimidating, yet Tech didn’t feel threatened. Instead he shook his head and motioned for Hunter to step away from the door, and Hunter did, reluctantly, eyeing his brother as he knocked softly on the door.
“Callista? I know what’s happening and I can help you, if you’ll let me in.” It was quiet for a little while, then they heard the door unlock. Before going in, Tech said over his shoulder, “Just look up menstrual periods on the holonet. Maybe next time you’ll listen when I explain something to you.” With that the door shut, leaving three clones gawking at their youngest brother.
In the refresher…
Calli was pressed into the back corner of the refresher, fighting off tears - out of embarrassment or just plain emotional mood swings, Tech wasn’t sure. It was a very tiny room, and Tech stood there awkwardly for a moment, and decided to sit down on the ground in front of the door, slightly turned to the left so he was facing Calli, leaving about two feet of space between them. It was a tight fit, especially with all his armor, but somehow Tech found a comfortable position, sitting with his legs crossed and hands on his knees, wracking his mind for a way to approach the problem without setting Calli off. He understood her embarrassment and just wanted to help. Much to his relief, Calli spoke up first, in a quiet almost nonexistent voice.
“How can you help me?” Tech suddenly looked very pleased with himself and reached over to the small cabinet located underneath the sink. Opening it, he took out a box and held it out to Calli. She gave him a confused look but took the box from his hands while Tech began explaining.
“I’d known that women had cycles that they go through and something told me that I should learn more about it as I assumed you went through it. I know you have a period once a month and it lasts up to seven days at most.” Calli nodded, slightly weirded out by the fact that he researched periods but at the same time there was some relief over the fact that one of her squadmates knew what was going on and didn’t think she was dying. She was even more surprised upon opening the box to find things she’d need during her period, including a heating pad! And there were a few bars of chocolate, and again Calli had to hold back tears as it had been exactly what she was craving. She looked up at Tech with bewilderment as he continued, “I got them shortly before our mission to Felucia.”
“B-But how did you know when I’d you know, start?”
“I calculated shortly after you joined the team. It’s been about three and a half weeks since you’ve joined the squad and I made an estimated guess as to when it would start. Though sometimes they can be late, even if you're not pregnant. I simply wanted to be prepared for it and knew you’d be too self conscious about it to ask us to stop somewhere to get the needed supplies and that wouldn’t be ideal for you or the rest of us. I think the other’s reactions pretty much confirm that.” This made Calli chuckle and Tech found himself smiling too as they thought about how freaked out Hunter had been. Hunter was never going to live that down.
After laughing for a bit Calli became quiet again and Tech noticed the tears pool in them and his eyebrows drew together in concern. Had he done something wrong, maybe forgotten something?
“What’s the matter?” Calli shook her head and wiped her eyes but Tech looked so worried that she had to give him an explanation to lessen his anxiety.
“It’s just… No one has ever, you know, gone through the trouble to help me like this. It’s weird, but not in a bad way. I guess what I’m trying to say is… thank you. I appreciate it.”
“It’s no problem. I simply wanted to be prepared and you to be comfortable. I know we aren’t the easiest people to live with and it’s been hard for you to adjust. And you're more irritable during this time and hoped this would at least keep me in your good graces. It’s why I included the chocolate.” Calli couldn’t help but bust out laughing at his confession and Tech chuckled while massaging the back of his neck nervously, sort of embarrassed for basically admitting he didn’t want to be on Calli’s bad side during her period. “Anyways, i’ll give you some privacy and try to calm the others down, though they’re most likely mortified. And if you need space, I’ll be in the cockpit but won’t bother you so feel free to hang out in there.” Again Calli was on the verge of tears, but she was able to hold back her emotions, at least until Tech left.
Ten minutes later…
When Calli finally mustered up the courage to exit the refresher, she found Hunter and Wrecker crowded around a data pad that the Sergeant held in his hands. Their mouths were agape and they all looked absolutely mortified at what they were learning. Crosshair was standing off to the side, having already read what he needed to and getting the gist of what was happening and he made himself a cup of caf while Hunter and Wrecker remained frozen in their spots. They couldn’t tear their gazes away from the article, both the clones rereading it over and over, unable to comprehend the information at all! They all looked up when Calli reluctantly stepped into the room and if Calli wasn’t still embarrassed she’d have found their reactions hilarious.
“So… you bleed… for seven days straight?” Wrecker asked slowly and Crosshair rolled his eyes while Calli confirmed this. Wrecker sputtered and looked at Calli with eyes as wide as saucers, “How do you not DIE?”
“Well it certainly feels like I’m dying.” Calli admitted, relaxing slightly as the boys didn’t seem to be disgusted by her period, just surprised and maybe a little horrified as well.
Crosshair tsked from his spot by the door leading to the cockpit. "I think you're being a little overdramatic." He said while shaking his head, and Calli slowly turned to look at him with daggers for eyes. Hunter and Wrecker shared weary looks and the former ran a hand down his face, knowing that his brother had probably just signed his death sentence. Calli can be testy on a regular basis, but right now she is in immense pain and extremely uncomfortable, and Crosshair just wrote off her pain like it was nothing.
“Oh really? How about I kick you somewhere special and you can get a small inkling of what I’m going through!” Calli threatened while stepping closer to the sniper in an attempt to intimidate him, even if he was a foot taller than her.
“Studies have shown that the level of pain women experience with the cramps rivals that of when they’re giving birth.” Tech inputted, appearing out of nowhere with a bottle in his hands that no one noticed at first. He was hoping to diffuse the tension between Calli and Crosshair by spouting off facts in hopes that the sniper would empathize more with their youngest squadmate, though there was a fat chance of that happening. Severe and unyielding was his nature, Tech had learned that long ago.
Before Crosshair could come up with another scathing remark, Tech turned to Calli and held out the small bottle to her.
“What’s this?” Calli asked, too lazy to read the label.
“Painkillers…” Calli repeated, more to herself and she looked at the bottle for a second, then back at Tech as if he’d just performed a miracle, and in a way he did. “Painkillers!” she said again with enthusiasm, and she let out a short breathy laugh, “How come I never thought to take them for the cramps?? Tech you’re a genius!!” Calli quickly unscrewed the lid and poured the proper amount in her hand. After handing the bottle back to Tech, Calli popped the pills in her mouth and without asking took Crosshair’s cup of caf from his hands and used that to wash them down. (Quick author's note: I know it might be weird that Calli didn't know you could take painkillers to help with cramps. I based that off myself because for some reason I never put two and two together nor was told that I could take stuff to lessen the pain. I only just learned that recently after dealing with super bad cramp pains for years. It probably makes me seem dumb but oh well, that's just what happened. Back to the story.)
“Hey!” Crosshair exclaimed, but his protest fell on deaf ears. Out of spite Calli downed the entire drink and after letting out a content hum she plopped the cup back in his hands, giving the clone a smug look before sauntering off to the cockpit. Crosshair clenched his jaw and after letting out a harsh sigh he went to make himself another cup of caf.
Calli was in the cockpit, watching a movie on her datapad and munching on one of the chocolate bars Tech - who’d stepped out briefly to check something on the outside of the Havoc Marauder - had given her. It turned out to be a real tear jerker and while Calli normally didn’t cry so easily this time she did.
Wrecker walked in, looking for his Lula doll and stopped in his tracks when he heard sniffling. Looking around the room, his eyes spotted Calli in the co-pilot’s seat. She spun the chair around when she heard someone come in, thinking it was Tech. Wrecker took in her tear stained face and immediately rushed to her side asking what was wrong. Calli began sputtering out random nonsense in a failed attempt to explain what the movie was about and why it had made her cry, but unfortunately Wrecker couldn’t understand any of what Calli said and he had half a mind to go get Tech.
“Uhhh, do you need a hug or something?” he asked once Calli finished her babbling. Calli nodded and before Wrecker could even give her a hug she stopped crying for a second and held out the datapad in Wrecker’s direction.
“Wanna watch with me?” she asked, also waving the chocolate bar in his direction to persuade him with the promise of sharing her sweets.
Ten minutes later Hunter went into the cockpit, and he froze in his tracks at the scene before him. Wrecker and Calli were sitting side by side against the console at the front and were both blubbering like babies as they had just finished watching an emotionally charged scene of the movie. Still sobbing, Calli held out the chocolate bar to Wrecker and he broke a piece off while crying also, not looking away from the screen.
It’s going to be a long week… Hunter thought to himself.
Hope you all liked this chapter!!! I didn't intend for it to be so long but 5,000 words later and voila! A bunch of humor and fluff! And I know Crosshair was kinda mean but remember this is when she first joins the squad, and their relationship is still rocky. But Calli stood up for herself, go her! At least Tech sympathized with her right? And made sure she had all she needed! And Wrecker is there to give hugs and cry along with Calli! Hunter of course imagined the worst was happening but that just added some humor to the whole situation, and I hope it made you laugh!!
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clonewarslover55 ¡ 4 years ago
congrats on sticking with the writing for a year! I love reading your stuff and can't wait to see what you put out in the future.
If your still taking requests can I have a bad batch x reader (you can pick which catcher it is) where they aren't together but like each other and have to pretend to be parents to omega to get out of trouble?
(I hope that makes sense. If it doesn't or it doesn't appeal to you, it's alright. I'm just a sucker for Star Wars Dads like the batch and Din😆)
Pretending to be Omega's parents with Hunter
Hunter X GenderNeutral!Reader
Thank you so much anon!! And yes, this makes perfect sense!! I really loved this request actually!
Notes: I chose Hunter because he is the main dad of the group! Also the reader is gender neutral!
Warnings: Spoilers for the Bad Batch, reader has known them for years so this fits together better(established relationship), Reader and Hunter have some mutual pinning going on ;)
You had worked with the Bad Batch throughout most of the Clone Wars, and they considered you a trustworthy assaset. Of course you were a low life like many others in the galaxy.
You worked odd jobs to make ends meet. From Bounty Hunter to smuggler, you had done it all. The Bad Batch loved you and all that you did, especially when you helped them on jobs or with their ship.
Once the war ended you were making good money off of many jobs, well until some certain clones came knocking on your door. You couldn’t say no to your boys, so you willingly welcomed them back into your life.
Now you were on the run with them; your future career in odd jobs possibly went down the drain now that the Empire was on your ass as well. But oh was it fun working with them again. Sadly Crosshair was left behind and now a slave to the Empire instead of the Republic. You’d miss the grouchy bastard. You’d help your boys get him back soon though.
Since the last time you saw them, the Bad Batch had also gained a new member. A sweet little blonde girl named Omega. She was absolutely adorable, and Hunter had clearly adopted her in his head. He’d do anything for that kid.
It was precious. And it only made your attraction to him grow.
You had always liked Hunter a bit more than the others…..In a different way as well. You believed the feeling was mutual. Well, you hoped it was.
*The Havoc Marauder,(The Bad Batch’s ship), Space.*
Currently you are sitting in the ship, Omega sitting in your lap. You were telling her a story about some Bounty Job you had done a few years back. It was an incredible story, and of course you were the badass in it.
You exaggerated the story a bit, and Hunter clearly noticed. You glanced at him from the corner of your eye, Hunter looking at you with a knowing smirk. You winked at him before turning your full attention back to Omega.
Her eyes were wide as she listened with great interest. Every now and then she’d interrupt you with a question. She was extremely curious, but still a sweetheart.
“We’re nearly there. The market town is rather large but we could still be noticed. The Empire clearly has a hold on the city.” Tech spoke, glancing at everyone in the ship. “The only way in is with disguises.”
You sat down Omega, “We’ll finish the story later.” You whispered, winking at the young girl. She grinned widely, winking back.
Wrecker laughed from the back, setting down the Gonk droid. “Yeah! Our armor does stand out huh?!” He punched Echo’s shoulder, Echo winching and glaring at his brother. You grinned at the boys.
“Oh I have an idea for Hunter and you.” Tech looked at you, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Tech knew you and Hunter had been pinning after one another for some time, neither of you making a move. So he’d make the move for you both.
You could nearly read their minds at this point. So you knew just what he had in mind. You glared at Tech, “Bastard.” You mouthed, Tech shrugging his shoulders. Hunter raised his eyebrows, glancing at you both.
“What?” Hunter asked, crossing his arms as he stood up from his seat.
“You two go in, wearing civilian clothes of course. Take Omega…..and pretend to be her parents. No one would have any idea who you are. You’d just be a couple out with their child, shopping the day away.” Hunter glanced at you, something alight in his dark eyes.
“I love this idea!!” Omega chirped, grinning widely at you and Hunter. “We’d be a good family!!” Tech and Echo smirked at you and Hunter. Wrecker looked as oblivious as Omega, but still just as happy.
You smiled nervously at Hunter who merely nodded his head. “Fine.” You spoke as you stood up, walking into the back to change your clothes. Hunter patted Tech’s shoulder as passed him, following you.
Tech grinned at the others once you and Hunter left the room. Omega even knew what was going on. A perfect plan to get you two to hook up!
*The surface of the planet, the ship docks of the market town*
You walked off the ship, your hand holding Omega’s much smaller one. You, Omega, and Hunter were in similar civilian clothes, looking like an average couple with their daughter.
Echo followed with Tech, Wrecker staying on the ship as backup and as a guard. You grinned at their civilian clothes. Echo looked droid like and Tech was in some ugly outfit. Poor Tech looked uncomfortable while Hunter looked extremely comfortable.
“Alright. Separate ways, we grab what we need and bounce.” Hunter spoke, his firm voice making you pay great attention to him. You stared at his lips as he explained the plan.
“Everyone got it?” You nodded even though you hadn’t really listened…..His lips and handsome face were just that distracting. Tech and Echo left first, swiftly disappearing within the crowd of people.
“Alright then. Come on.” Hunter grabbed Omega’s free hand, leading you and her into the market town crowd.
You gently squeezed Omega's hand, “Have that list memorized sweetie?” You questioned, your voice sweet and dripping with honey. Omega grinned at the nickname, nodding eagerly. “Yup!” Hunter smiled back at his “daughter” and you, a soft look in his dark eyes.
About halfway through your little shopping spree Omega paused, looking at a toy cart. You smiled and pulled away from your “husband.” You led Omega to the cart, holding her tiny hand still. Hunter sighed, following you both.
She picked up a toy clone trooper, looking back at you and Hunter with puppy dog eyes. “How can I say no to that?!” You grinned, tossing the vendor the correct amount of credits.
“You spoil her.” Hunter spoke, putting his arm around you. You shrug, “So do you.” Hunter glared at you playfully, the vendor smiling at you both. “Perhaps.” Hunter spoke, leading you away by your waist; Omega followed, one hand holding Hunter’s and the other holding her new toy.
Once you two had all the goods you stopped, out of the way of the crowd of course. “We do make a decent couple don’t we?” You whispered quietly, Hunter’s face inches from yours so he could hear you.
Hunter nodded, Omega ignoring you both as she watched the crowd pass. “We should do this more often shouldn’t we?” He spoke, teasingly brushing his nose against yours. Your face got hot, a wide smile coming onto your face.
“Yes we should.” You whispered, your eyes flicking to his lips. Hunter smirked, finally connecting his lips with yours.
The wonderful kiss was interrupted by Omega screaming, “Ew!!! Tech! Echo! They’re kissing!!!!” You busted out laughing as she screamed over the comms. Hunter clearly died a little bit, hiding his face in your neck.
You laughed harder when you heard the laughing replies. “We’ll never live this down will we?” Hunter questioned. You shrugged, “I hope not.” You muttered, pressing your lips to his once again.
Tags: @leias-left-hair-bun @catsnkooks @azem-thefourteenth @colorfulloverbatturkey @blueberrybubblesandboba @ahsokatano-thetogruta @jedi-mando @peacefulwizardfox @hounding-around @julyzaa @feathersforclones @chr0nicbackpain @fyrepen33 @mistflyer1102 @kamino-mermaid @cherry-cokes-posts @cherry-cokes-world @darmanfi @silverinkandstardust @chewychewyque @majorshiraharu @ravenpuff01 @808tsuika @meabravo @daffodin @commanderrivercc-3628 @captainrexstan @girlvader @ct7567329 @just-some-girl-92 @marvel-starwars-nerd @valkyrieofthehighfae @my-awakened-ghost @mackstrut @katethecrazy @lightning-wolffe @dominhoe-squad @qui-gon-jinn-and-tonic
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lubdubsworld ¡ 4 years ago
Blackberry Winters.
Part 1
Check part one for warnings 💔
Part 2.
Namjoon stared at his mother, her words registering but not quite sinking in. He blinked, a couple of times and swallowed dryly, trying to gather his wits that felt like they'd been scattered to the four winds. There was a dull ringing in his ear, a feeling of impending horror and he had to fight to bring himself back to the present.
"She is...?" He couldn't even say it. Somewhere in the back of his mind he realised the irony of it. It wasn't supposed to makes him feel that way. The reason he had taken her to bed was for this : a heir to take over the duties of the head alpha after him. And yet, he knew that he couldn't just ignore all the things that would come with having a pregnant mate. All the added responsibility.
At the heart of it , Namjoon was exhausted.
He had been trained for this position but it didn't make it any easier. His wolf yearned for solitude and serenity, peaceful quiet where he could contemplate life and all its mysteries but the duties and responsibilities kept piling up. He had no time to indulge in such whimsical fantasies. From daybreak to sundown, he drowned in problems that demanded solutions, issues that required his intervention and he was always giving so much of himself to so many.
It was as taking a toll.
And now here was the promise of another new soul. A pup. Fully dependant on him for survival. It was hard to be ecstatic.
" Why do you look so surprised? Have you not been sleeping with her?" She frowned, moving closer to the small wooden bench in the corner of the room. She sat down, primly adjusting the large swathes of her skirt. Even at her age, she was a beauty and despite being a widow, she was treated with great respect by all the wolves in the clan.
" I have... Of course...I just didn't expect her to ...so soon. " He muttered hesitantly. He made a quick calculation, Conceived at the end of autumn meant the child would be born at the end of summer. Rains and more rains. He would have to commission the weavers to make a lot of warm blankets and thick bedding for the babe. And make sure that all the birthing huts had their roofs mended. He felt an ache in his chest. He knew he had to have a heir. It was part of what he was responsible for. But he wasn't ready to be a father yet. Especially not with someone like her.
" You haven't been very subtle in your disdain for her, Joon. It makes me wonder of perhaps I have failed in teaching you the ways of a husband." His mother's sharp voice made him wince.
His parents had been deeply in love with each other. His mother had been an equal contributor in running the clan, his father's most trusted confidante. He couldn't imagine having something like that with the woman he had rather recklessly chained himself to for life. But he couldn't be openly defiant in front of his mother.
So he bowed.
" I've tried to talk to her mother. She looks at me like I'm some marauding villain."
Lady Kim scoffed.
" Because, for all she knows, you may as well be one. Think of who she is, how she was raised. Her mother died when she was eight and she has been keeping house for her father since then. It Is a miracle she knows how to read a few words and to write her own name. Old man Gong is unkind and cruel and I've only ever watched him treat her like an unruly dog that needed discipline and never like his own flesh and blood. She knows men to be cruel and powerful and capable of doing her great harm. Add to it your status as the head of the clan, of course she thinks you're dangerous. "
" am I to be blamed for her childhood now?"
" Don't be obtuse. That is not what I'm saying. I just want you to consider her upbringing, before you write her off as dramatic or hysterical. "
Namjoon sighed deeply.
" Alright, mother. I'll try to talk to her again. "
And he knew that he had to. If he wanted some semblance of peace in his life, he would have to make an effort with his wife.
Jiah sat by the haybale near the barn, cross-legged on the dirty floor as she watched Misu and Loshim, two of the stable boys tend to the horses. She stared at the careful way they brushed the large beasts, their tone gentle and soothing as they murmured reassurance to the agitated animals. She found it fascinating, how even an animal that powerful could feel fear and anxiety. It made her feel better about her own shortcomings.
From a very young age, she had known of her flaws. She was jittery, prone to cold sweats and breathing problems, easily frightened and absolutely terrified of confrontation of any kind. Her parents had been, to put it lightly, unkind. They had seen her as a burden, as something broken and useless and cumbersome and that had done nothing for her self esteem.
To make matters worse, they didn't let her attend lessons with the other omega girls, her education limited to scribbled writing on granite with chalk when her father was feeling bored or charitable. She could read a few words with difficulty . Could write her name out if you gave her some time and patience.
At first, her ignorance had been embarassing but over time she realised her education wouldn't serve her much purpose.
She thought of herself as something temporary and fleeting. Not meant to leave any lasting impression on the world. So it was alright if she didn't know what every other girl her age did. She was going to live and die in that hut near the boundary walls..... She would have no use for fancy words or exotic dances.
Or so she hd always believed.
So when the head alpha had asked for her hand in marriage, she had nearly passed out from her heart giving out.
Namjoon was seven years older, almost thirty winters old and she had only ever caught glimpses of him when he came to check on her father's watchpost occasionally. He was a tall man, strapping and intimidating with dragon eyes that glowed red. And one evening he had stopped by her side when she had been tending the beets and potatoes in the small vegetable garden out back.
He had stared at her for a few long minutes while she had sweated in nervousness and then he had promptly asked for her father. When the man had Stepped in and told her father that he was looking to make her his bride, the old man had been jubilant while Jiah had been confounded.
She hadn't wanted to say yes but she had been too much of a coward to say no. Besides, she didn't know if saying no would have any repurcussions....she didn't want to risk offending the literal head of the entire clan. What if they banished her? What would become of her then?
And so she had said yes. And here she was.
Mated to the man for life, her wolf connected to his and his mark on her neck and now....his child in her womb.
She felt the familiar stirring of panic, digging her nails into her palm to ground herself .
Jiah had long come to terms with the fact that her mind was not her friend. It sometimes tried to attack her , tried to make her feel irrational things. It convinced her that she was a bother, that she was useless, that she was a burden. It also tried to tell her that she was in danger, that she had to run and avoid and get away, even when she was perfectly safe.
When she had first come here as the head Alphas new wife, her brain had wrecked havoc on her senses. Had made her feel like a hunted animal, always cowering and hiding and trying to disappear . Namjoon had tried to be friendly, tried to be courteous and all she had done was hide and recoil, skin ice cold and words practically non existent. She hadn't said a word to him those first few days and even the bedding had been a nightmare, her entire body stiff as a board and she knew that he had probably felt like he was making love to a corpse.
She regretted it. Deeply. But there was not much she could do about it now. Besides she wasn't sure she even wanted to. It was obvious her husband's affections lay elsewhere. She had seen the way he looked at that courtesan. Had seen him sneak out for walks with her, had seen them huddled together in the room with all the scrolls and leather bound books.
Jisoo was a beautiful omega, well read and trained in musical arts. She played the gayageum and the flute, knew how to entertain guests with a perfect ceremonial dance and she was always at the helm of every festivity, dressed in vibrant fabrics and full of life.
She was also madly in love with Namjoon.
Jiah sighed, watching the horses paw at the dirty stable floor. She wanted to get to know her husband, yes. But she knew that even if she did, he would only find her wanting and inadequate in all ways.
And that was just not acceptable .
She maybe self aware when it came to her short comings but she also had her pride.
She would rather live like this. Tucked away like an embarassment, hidden like a dirty secret because then there would be no piercing gaze weighing her against her peers and declaring her broken.
Pregnant or not, she wanted nothing to do with her husband.
" Are you feeling well now?" Namjoon's voice startled her, eyes going wide as she looked around the resting quarters , gaze finally falling on the man standing near the large table on the side. Namjoon was bent over the rough oak surface , papers spread out in front of him, an oil lamp burning bright nearby, casting a sepia shadow on the man himself and she hesitated, debating the pros and cons of excusing herself to go see his mother instead. Maybe claiming a headache?
In the end she did neither, resolving to at least make an effort with this.
" I'm well, alpha. " She swallowed the lump in her throat. " I'm sorry for inconveniencing you. "
He straightened, turning around to look at her finally.
" Do you wish to move into another room?" He said briskly and she startled.
" Another room?"
" Now that you are with pup, there's no reason for us to keep sleeping together. I prefer having my own space. "
Jiah felt the blood rush through her ears. This shouldn't hurt but it did and she could feel the self loathing flood her senses. She stared down at herself, the lack of beauty and the utter lack of any kind of elegant upbringing. Of course he didn't want to stay with her any longer. What had she been thinking , agreeing to this farce of a mating?
" I... Alright. "
Namjoon turned away from her.
" Good. I've already arranged for all your things to be moved to the west wing , next to the gardens."
Far away from his rooms, Jiah thought bitterly. The sudden realization that Namjoon had been looking for some sort of brood mare and not a mate hit her . And it suddenly made sense that he hd picked her.
Someone easy to boss around.
Someone who wouldn't demand anything from him, loyalty or affection or attention .
And it irked her for some reason.
Why did he get to treat her that way? Why must she put up with it?
But she stayed quiet because she wasn't sure what to say.
" You can leave now, Jiah. " He said dismissively and she hesitated before stepping out of the room.
And she wondered if with her departure, someone else would be taking her place in his bed.
Authors Note : would you guys like first person narrative or should I continue in third person? 👀
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moonysonlywife ¡ 3 years ago
James Potter was many things. He was confident, arrogant and smart. People would also take him for oblivious, which he was.
But he wasn't that obvious when it came to his friends and his loved ones.
James was the first one to notice that something was off with Remus in first year. He always knew when his friends needed comfort or when to take care of them.
But only people he was close with knew that part of him, the soft and loving one.
Once you became close with James Potter, you were practically adopted by him, and he would do anything in his power to make you feel good and appreciated.
Which brings us to this situation here.
Peter's eyes widened slightly and he held still, not wanting to be caught crying by James of all people.
Footsteps approached his bed, and Peter had only a second or so to compose himself before fingers prodded at his closed curtains.
"Can you open them?" asked James.
Peter sniffed and reached out to make a gap for James to crawl through. There wasn't much space on the narrow bed, especially not when two grown boys were sitting on it, but they managed.
"You could've entered without asking," said Peter.
James shrugged. "Maybe you wanted to be left alone and I didn't want to just come in."
Peter raised his eyebrows sceptically. "You do that with Sirius all the time."
"That's because we have no boundaries," replied James with an easy smile. Then he frowned. "Are you okay? There's a reason I approached you in the middle of the night."
Peter averted his eyes. "It's nothing."
"That's a lie and you know it. C'mon, tell me what's bothering you."
Peter took a deep breath and picked at the duvet. "It's just- I've been feeling left out lately. Like, I always see you, Sirius and Remus by the fireplace whispering to each other, and when I approach you, you immediately stop and change the subject. Or the other day, I heard you three sneaking out at night and then coming back a few hours later."
Not that he'd started, it was as if a gate had been opened and everything flowed out of him as he listed everything that has been making him feel insecure. And James just listened.
"I've been feeling as if I'm not a marauder myself and you don't want me around anymore," he finished with a sigh.
James blinked once, then twice, and then a third time before he pulled the other boy in a tight hug. Peter squawked in surprise but immediately melted into the warmth that was James Potter.
"You are a marauder, Peter," said James fiercely. "And we do want you around, you're our friend. You're my friend. And I can't explain all that secret planning rigth now, but I can assure you that we have a reason to do it."
Peter willed the negative thoughts to leave his mind and nodded, pulling away. "Okay. Thank you. And sorry for dumping that all on you."
James smiled warmly and opened the curtains to get out the bed. "Nothing to thank me for. And you don't have to be sorry about that, sometimes, we just have to let everything out." He pulled the curtains closed before his face peeked in again a few seconds later. "Good night."
Peter smiled at him. "Good night."
A few days later found Peter infront of the Room of Requirement, pacing and thinking about what Lily had told him to.
When a huge, golden door appeared, Peter tentatively pushed it open and immediately got greeted by a whirl of colours and a big banner hanging from the wall, the words HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WORMTAIL! written on it in Sirius' elegant writing.
A drawn rat that had been probably Remus' work was running across the banner, stopping by his name to sniff before walking away again, leaving footprints in its way.
Peter looked around the room, eyes wide and mouth agape.
"What the fuck?" was the only think he could say.
"Surprise?" said James with a sheepish smile as he approached him, Remus and Sirius in tow.
Remus smiled. "Happy birthday."
Sirius wrapped an arm around him and grinned. "How does it feel like to be sixteen?"
Peter rolled his eyes and shoved him away, though a smile was playing on his lips. "Fuck off."
The four boys looked at each other, giddy smiles on their faces and cheeks flushed lightly. Peter couldn't believe his luck, being able to call them his friends and-
"Oi!" called Marlene, interrupting his train of thought. "Enough soft feelings, a party is supposed to be starting!"
Everyone laughed and Dorcas smacked her head, and the marauders walked up to the other Gryffindors.
Sirius flicked his wand and loud music started playing. "Let the party begin!"
Some time later, James came up to Peter and wrapped his arm around the shorter boy. "Was the secret planning worth it?"
Peter nodded, a huge smile on his face as he watched all his friends have fun. Eventually, other students had joined the party, and it was now a mix of all houses, dancing and laughing together.
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visd3stele ¡ 3 years ago
The beauty and his beast - wolfstar fic
summary: two different nights, years passed, some things changes, but some never do
TW: nightmares, PTSD, trauma, non depictive child abuse, themes of suicidal thoughts
A/N: I loved writing this, but I am so nervous about it. What do you think?
requests ; masterlist
fanart credit picture down below: @lunopal
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Ragged voices licked his ears. Three different ones overlapped in a cacophony of hissed whispers and dooming laughs. From where he stood in the middle of his cell, Sirius could see a silhouette standing in the open door. Open, because there was no way he could escape. Three Dementors floated in a circle around him, so fast he could barely tell them apart. Black smoke, a burning smell and shadows whirled under low hoods, bringing him to his knees.
The man in the door curled his lips in a terrible grin. The Dementors were his and with each mind they broke, with each soul they ate, the wizard gained a sense of pride and morbid joy.
Sirius knew it. He knew the man, back in his school years - how far they seemed now! But Sirius also knew he was delusional. The Dementors bow to no one. They have no law, no caretaker, no master. Only their purpose.
Continuing to swirl around his frail body, sinked in to a third of what it used to be, bony edges poking out through dirty thin layers of clothing, the Dementors closed in on Sirius. Flashes of memories flew before the Animagus' eyes. James' empty ones, still open in a silent plea for his sacrifice to be enough to save his family, his brown hair dipped in his own blood, body angled in an unnatural position with his hand stretched forward above his head as if reaching for his best friend. Lily's tears, yet to dry and evaporates, stained her too pale face, the red of her hair sprayed around too lively; no blood pools formed around her lifeless body, laid on its belly as it fell onward, as if leaping away from her son, so the baby won't have to see it. And finally Harry, his godson, crying in his crib, a brown-red crust shaped like a lightning forming on his forehead; his green, small eyes, swollen, puffy and trimmed with red followed his godfather as the man turned his back on him and ran outside.
Sirius cursed loudly, beginning to shackle the chains trapping him in place in case he tried to escape the daily visit of the Prison Warrant and his guards. But the now twenty five years old has stopped trying to run a long time ago. What good would it be? There was nothing - no one - waiting from him out in the world. No, Sirius trashing around the cold, dirty dais, snapping the metal biting in his wrists, bruising his effervescent skin and almost cracking his bones as well was his attempt to run from his own mind. If he could just wipe the haunting memories away with a shook of his head, a twist of his back or punching and kicking the thick walls.
Fragments of thoughts he wasn't sure belonged to him invaded his mind. "Your fault. Traitor. Another Black." And, worst of all, one pained howl, a desperate scream in the night. Sirius wasn't sure if he heard it, or the dark creatures around toyed with him, but Remus' wild, feral yell of pure hurt reverberated inside the bars of his mind. The young wizard shut his eyes closed tightly, hoping to brush away the sound, the voices. Failing to do so, he released a scream of his own, only a hint of Padfoot, the big, black dog, his alter ego, printed in it.
The thirty four years old man yanked up. The bed sheets were soaked in his sweat, the blanket throwed on the floor. Sirius passed a shacking hand over his face, feeling the hot air leaving his mouth in short breaths, than big inhales with no exhale, the burning of tears on his warm red cheeks and the running nose. His lips felt sewed together all of a sudden, as chill after chill entered his body, cooling off his face too quickly.
It was just a nightmare, he knew. He escaped Azkaban, has been a free man from over a week already. But Sirius Black couldn't let the twelve years in prison go. The things he saw there, what the Dementors showed him day after day, carved their way in his brain, refusing to leave. Yes, he may have been wrong: his family and living friend welcomed him back. Harry was warming up to hid godfather, Nymphadora Tonks was eager to know her uncle, Andromeda even reached out, sending letter after letter and Remus - well, Remus hugged him tight and apologized for believing that filthy rat's lies. The werewolf spent his days, from first ray of sunshine until the last drop of sunlight. But the nights he went home. The nights when ghosts came to play, wounds teared open and pain leaked like blood from Sirius' heart, Remus was gone.
He tried to remember a time they didn't share a bed - before Azkaban, of course. Not in a sexual way, though it came to that in the late years of Hogwarts too. But simply for the comfort they each found in the other. It started in the second year, Sirius recalled.
Four twelve years old boys in a room seemed like a receipt for disaster. In a way, it was. After finding out their friend's secret, James, Sirius and Peter decided to sneak in the herbology cabinet, get Mandrake leaves and become Animagus. Seeing as they got away with it, the four created their enchanted map and become the Marauders, messers Prongs, Padfoot, Moony and Wormtail, waltzing their merry way through Hogwarts.
Not everything was merry and joyful, though. And despite their reputation, the wizards could be grave and serious when need be. Like one night, when Sirius woke them all up with his cries. The grey eyed boy stood on top of his bed covers, knees drawn to his chest, hands tangled in his shoulder length hair. He leaned back and forth, trembling. Front teeth bit in his lower lip to prevent him from making more noises as silent tears rolled down his face.
The other three boys thought Sirius saw a mean spirit, the haunted glassy look in his eyes only proving their theory further. But no danger threatened in the shadows of their room. No monster lurked in the darkness.
James was the first to get up and surf his way to the pure blood. Remus followed closely behind while Peter watched everything from the safety of his bed. Sirius' episode truly spooked him.
"Padfoot, mate, what's wrong?"
"Nothing. 'm sorry. Go back to sleep."
James and Remus changed worried looks at the sourness of Sirius' voice. Their friend would usually be the epitome of confidence, yet now he seemed to desperately try to shrink and disappear. But it was late and they were tired, so the boys decided with a swift nod that they'd pick up the subject in the morning and climbed back under their covers.
Remus jolted awake. Two out of his three best friends were sound asleep. Sirius still stared at the wall in front of him, breathing jerky. Due to his fine, superior hearing, the werewolf discerned the Black boy's muffled whimpers, sounds that kept him from sleeping.
"Sirius, why are you so afraid?" Remus whispered.
" 'm not afraid, Moony. Sleep."
"Can't. Werewolf remember? I hear you trying to not cry. You can cry, you know."
"I know." Sirius said in a tone that clearly showed he doesn't. With a sigh, Remus threw away his blanket, slipped his feet in his shoes and trailed his legs over the dorm's brick daises until he reached his friend's bed. The brown haired boy signed Sirius to scoop over, which he did, to both wizards surprise.
Later, when talking about that night, Padfoot admitted he was too tired, too shocked and too lost in his mind to think and only acted on auto pilot.
Remus brought the blankets to cover them both, still seated as they were. "Do you need a hug?" Sirius hesitated before answering, but eventually he nodded twice, a quick movement as if the boy was ashamed to admit it and wanted to pass unnoticed.
But Remus smiled softly and wrapped his hands around him. Sirius clinged onto his friend. The warmth of the gesture, the cozy closeness of a settled, stable body, a person that cared deeply about him and only him as a being, set the restrained tears free. Remus held Sirius until his body stilled and he could feel no more tears soaking his pajamas.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Sirius swallowed, but the words demanded to be spoken. "Yes."
"Alright. I'm gonna ask you questions and you can answer with yes or no. It's your choice if you want to elaborate. Sounds good?"
"Yes." Sirius said and for a moment his usual, ironic self showed up.
"Was it a nightmare?"
"About your family?"
With a shudder, the grey eyed boy forced out another "yes."
"Your brother?"
"Your parents, then. Did they - did they do something to you?"
"Yes." Remus' arms tighten around him and he clunged harder to his friend as well. In the safety of the Gryffindor dorm, shared with his most trusted peers, comforted by the scarred boy he became an Animagus for, Sirius stumbled over his thoughts. The dream weighted heavy on his mind, but he didn't know how to let free of those horrible images that haunted him. Not images, memories. Sirius feared that if he said anything they'll become real. Not that they weren't, but they happened in the past. Talking about them, invoking them, would feel like living through them again.
And yet, part of him wanted to talk. He needed someone to know. Sirius couldn't be sure why. Maybe to hear that it was nothing, that it was ok and he shouldn't be such a weak ship. Or maybe to hear it was normal and he wasn't alone. That is how parents love and his didn't hate him after all. Or just to show someone how broken he were, hoping to be picked un and patched.
So, speaking slowly, but evenly, Sirius retailed his nightmare to Remus. In his sleep, the twelve years old boy was hanging some muggle posters in his room: bands, promo for concerts, normal things a boy his age would own. He smiled broadly, music turned on quite loud, muggle music, when his parents bursts in. Walburga and Orion both yell, but Sirius can’t understand what they’re saying. It’s pretty clear they are very upset with him, though. And the reason couldn’t be more obvious. 
“Sirius Orion Black!” his mother shrieked. “Ungrateful, worthless child! You are a stain on the family’s name.”
“You should be ashamed of you. As much as I am for being your father. Well, say something. Look how upset you made your mother!”
“Sorry,” he’d try to say, but his voice would break, too small to be heard by the angry adults. Which only worsened their state. Sirius watched frozen in terror as Walburga took her wand. Only his head seemed to be able to move, and he was shacking it vigorously, wiping his cheeks with it. The young wizard tasted tears on his tongue as he repeated the same words over and over again “no, please, ‘m sorry!” It did nothing to help. 
Remus stayed in his bed that night.
The moon shone mockingly on the window. Last night has been a full moon and Prongs, Padfoot and Wormtail failed to properly contain Moony. It happened quite a lot in their first days as Animagus. As normal, they got better over the years, the four boys falling in rhythm like an oiled machine. By the time they reached excellency, though, mistakes happened. James, Peter and Sirius thought less of it, but Remus took it badly. 
As he laid in the dark, blanket drawn to cover his head as he hugged his knees on the side, the young werewolf tried to remember what happened last night. What if he killed someone? What if he will next time the boys won’t be able to restrain him? Is it worth living like this, a danger to himself and the ones around? What if he hurts his friends? 
“I can hear your mind working from over here y’know?”
Remus straighten up in shock. “Padfoot?”
“Well, it’s not the Fat Lady. What’s on your mind?”
Remus shrugged, but Sirius wouldn’t stop pestering him until he poured his deepest fears and doubts. 
“You won’t”
“How do you know this?”
“You won’t, Moony,” Sirius said more firmly this time.
“Alright.” Remus clearly didn’t believe him and his worries still troubled him as he turned to lay back down. He heard footsteps, then felt the mattress shifting as another body climbed over his bed covers. “I know because I am Sirius Black and you are my friend.” Less than an hour later, both boys were sound asleep.
Sirius slept in his bed that night.
It became a tradition. At first, they'd wait until one of them woke frozen in pain and panic, then they'd stay together and talk silently until they could sleep again. Later, Sirius and Remus would wait until James and Peter were out to decide who's bed to sleep in, knowing one of them - or both - ought to need the comfort.
The man kept trembling. His sobs caught in hiccups, leaving him out of breath. He did it. He left Harry for revenge. He practically made the choice for James and Lily, selecting Peter as secret keeper. His brother died and instead of mourning him, Sirius rejoiced bitterly in his cell - until he found out how he betrayed the Dark Lord.
He was just another Black. An evil presence in the world, despite his efforts. Gryffindor or Slytherin, it mattered not when his genes crafted him. Sirius tried so hard to be good, brave, loyal and the only thing he managed was to disappoint everyone. He was a nuisance and a burden and the a stain on the world. It'd be better if his sorry, useless existence would be wiped off the surface of the Earth.
Such thoughts clouded Sirius' mind when a light knock pulled him out of his head. "May I come in, Padfoot?"
The man almost broke at the nickname. Only one single person now would know to call him that. The weight of the realization hit him and another wave of tears carried the air from his lungs.
Receiving no answer, Remus kicked the door open, worry written all over him. The werewolf was panting and sweating from running, eyes wide close to terror. "Padfoot!" Seeing his oldest friend's state, he rushed to his side and hesitated only a moment before drawing him in for a hug.
"Yes. They-" Sirius gulped, shame tightening up in his throat. He was a thirty four man, for Godric's sake! And yet he cries like a baby. But the path he and Remus trailed off to, simple questions, any type of answer, so familiar and soothing he couldn't stop. "They tortured me. Showing me their - James and Lily's - death over and over. I left Harry, Moony. I stepped inside the house, saw that beautiful, brave child, suffering and I took off after bloody Pettigrew!" Before Remus could say a thing, Sirius continued, teeth so barred that words barely spitted out. "I heard you screaming too. I don't think that was real, but it sounded so broken, Moony. Twelve years, over twenty four full moons alone. 'm so sorry. It's all my fault."
Remus inhaled sharply, pulling Sirius even closer to him. He rubbed circles on his back, leaning to whisper in his ear "It was not, Padfoot. I should have trusted you more, star. If anything, it's my fault for spending so much time alone. So much, in fact, that it seems I neglected you, our agreement."
“It was my fault.” Sirius insisted.
“No,” and not letting him time to argue, Remus added “I know so, Sirius, because I am Remus Lupin and you are my... friend.”
Sirius pulled away only to find a reluctant smile playing on Remus' face. His body reacted before his mind could process its moving. He moved on the right side of the bed, still avoiding the other wizard's eyes. "Why are you here, Remus?"
"I couldn't sleep either. Thought to check on you as well. And good thing I did. You looked..." The professor didn't know how to finish that sentenced. Hollow. Empty. Dead. Scaringly close to death, in fact.
"Merlin! Thank you, Moony. You don't look bad yourself."
Remus chuckled. "Are you feeling any better?"
"No. You?"
Both men laughed. A bitter sweet sound passing through silence, taking with it any sign of discomfort that existed.
"I'm glad you came."
"Me too."
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shadowsinger11 ¡ 5 years ago
Taking Care Of You
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader
Warnings: Major fluff and also smut, oral (female receiving), first time with your adorable werewolf boy, the good stuff
A/N: Heyo did you really think I'd spend years in the fanfic world without writing content myself? I think it's time I finally share some of my writing on here. Wattpad was my old love but it now brings cringy memories of me thinking I can write lmao. Enjoyyy
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Being friends with the infamous Marauders sure was an adventure.
No matter how many times you'd get in trouble because of their mischief-making, you couldn't help but love those dorks, always being ready to defend them if punishment was to be expected. In return, Peter, Sirius, James and Remus absolutely adored you and they basically adopted you as their own the minute you first stood up for them in front of your stoic and most of the time quite unfair Potions teacher. This was the beginning of a bond which neither of you thought you'd create. It didn't take them very long to trust you since you had proved multiple times that you're on their side and the boys loved having you around.
The whole school was aware of how close you were with the three pranksters but almost no one bothered to differentiate them - to Hogwarts, James, Remus, Sirius and Peter were just "the marauders". Very few people knew them individually and thought of them as separate people without having to associate one with the other two.
Needless to say, you were one of those very few people.
You loved each of the boys for their own personalities. They were so different but together they balanced each other out and that's what made them an unstoppable team.
Even though you had a strong friendship with all three, your connection ran much stronger with Remus. Due to him being way more caring and emotionally mature, he was able to understand you better and provide the best advice. At first you saw his intelligence as intimidating, worrying you'd accidentally embarrass yourself in front of him, but then you realised how much of an idiot Sirius could be around him so you began to get more comfortable. With time you also understood that Lupin was basically just a fluffy smart puppy.
His friendly but somehow shy personality was enough for you to trust him in no time and after awhile so did he. At first Remus was very hesitant to reveal his secret to you but instead of being scared or disgusted when you found out he was a werewolf, you were more intrigued than anything else.
Since then he'd be way more open about his feelings with you thus your friendship grew even stronger. You'd also feel free to share with him your struggles and count on him to help you out and cheer you up. Sometimes he'd take you out for a butterbeer and you'd spend a chill evening together in a cozy cafĂŠ.
If you were tired though, Remus would love to just lie down in his bed with you and cuddle.
Normally he enjoys being the big spoon, but he later found out he'd much rather bury his head in your neck or chest and wrap his arms around your midsection, tangling his legs with yours. This way he felt like he could truly protect you. You would always blush when he suddenly nuzzled his face into your chest, especially at first because you weren't sure what his feelings for you were.
When he later told you he was in love with you, it took you by surprise but the idea itself didn't surprise you. It just felt right.
Now the cuddling sessions felt much more intimate to both of you.
Remus could hear your heartbeat getting faster when he would occasionally press kisses to your neck or chest while basically being wrapped around you.
It filled him with pride when he looked up and saw how flustered you had become because of the gesture.
You would look down at him in admiration and run your fingers through his messy brown hair, trying to play off the fact that your mind was buzzing with thousands of thoughts. There was no hiding this from Remus, he could see your blushing cheeks and the sparkle in your eyes.
Sometimes he'd love to tease the hell out of you by continuously kissing and nipping at you sensitive skin until your breathing got uneven or you accidentally let out a moan.
The latter would give him a huge ego boost and he'd look all smug about it. He'd usually just genuinely smile at you but when he'd smirk at you during these moments, it made your knees buckle.
You'd discreetly try to relieve the tension between your legs by slightly rubbing your thighs together but Remus always took notice.
When it came to you getting dirty, it started off slow.
You were softly kissing on his bed, you straddling his lap.
Your kisses became more urgent and needy as you grabbed his soft hair. Remus tested the waters by moving his lips down to your neck. He knew you'd become flustered but he wanted to see how long he could keep doing this to you for.
Soon you were tugging at his locks and panting heavily, instinctively rubbing your clothed pussy up and down against his crotch.
Remus found himself getting hard on the spot. He wanted to have you right then and there but he knew he had to be careful with you.
"Is it okay if I take this off?" he asked, gesturing to your house themed shirt.
A little hesitant, you nodded and he peeled the clothing off your body. You helped him take off his own shirt as well, his Gryffindor uniform finding its place next to yours on the floor. However, you still had your bra on.
Once he reached to unclasp it, your smile faltered.
"What's wrong, my love?" he softly asked, looking up at his lover in concern.
"Nothing! I just… I don't think you'll like what you'll see…" you muttered in embarrassment. You had learned to dislike your body overtime, thinking your appearance would never make a guy find you attractive or desirable, but Remus was determined to help you change your mindset. He pecked your nose and looked into your eyes.
"My darling, I assure you there's nothing to be ashamed of. I mean, look at my scars. You still love me with them, huh? You like how I look," he stated, brushing a piece of hair behind your ear. "Even if you don't like your imperfections, I love them and I'll teach you to love them too. Now please let me admire you, sweetheart."
Always soft spoken, he never failed to make you melt with his words.
Now, a bit less hesitant, you let him take off your bra.
Once you were uncovered for him to see, he slowly trailed his fingers up your waist until he cupped your breasts. His fingers felt warm and soft against your skin. When you looked up at him, his reaction surprised you.
His eyes were significantly darker, eyeing you up and down hungrily. Something between a whimper and a growl escaped his throat and he whispered, seeming out of breath.
"My love, you're stunning."
His mouth found your nipple and you gasped in surprise, hands grabbing his shoulder as he sucked greedily. His fingers rolled your other nipple and you could feel yourself getting wetter by the second. You threw your head back as moan after a moan started falling from your reddened lips.
"R-Remus…" you breathed, mind dizzy with pleasure.
His eyes shot open and he looked up at you, "Yes, my love? Did I hurt you? Am I going too fast for you?"
You couldn't help but let out a laugh, "No, you're doing great! I'm quite enjoying myself actually." You playfully bit your lip, ruffling his already messy hair. He smiled, seeming way more relieved. Remus had to get used to you moaning his name and the thought of it filled him with joy.
He carefully laid you back down on the bed, capturing your lips in a long, deep kiss. His lips moved slowly against yours, tasting them as if for the very first time. When you felt his tongue lick your bottom lip, you gladly let it in and your lover wasted no time to explore your mouth. The kiss swallowed your desperate moans and your hips involuntarily buckled to meet his.
Remus took the hint but instead decided to prolong this further by setting between your legs and dry-humping you. His clothed dick rubbed deliciously against your pussy and you were sure your panties were soaked at this point.
"Remus, please…"
Even though he enjoyed toying with you, Remus was pretty impatient himself so he pulled back and slipped down your jeans. He spread your legs wide and his lips twitched in amusement at the damp spot on your panties. He ran his fingers up and down your core and chuckled when you whimpered.
Remus finally peeled off your panties and stared at your red, swollen and incredibly wet pussy in all its glory.
And you saw it again - that same animalistic look of hunger on his face.
He licked his lips and growled quietly, making your thighs tremble before placing each of them over his shoulders.
Remus blew hot breath on your core and you sighed in anticipation. He used two fingers two spread your folds and inhaled your hypnotising scent.
Remus used the tip of his tongue to gently flick your clit and you yelped, you thought you could cum right there but he stopped. He licked a generous amount of your juices and slowly dragged it up before adding his lips to the mix and starting to french kiss your pussy.
Your head fell back down on the pillows, hands coming down to massage his scalp as your needy moans echoed in the room. Your hips involuntarily moved up to meet his mouth and he hummed in appreciation, the vibrations spreading waves of pleasure through your body.
Remus slightly pulled back and watched as he slowly entered two fingers into your pussy, a thick layer of wetness coating them. He moved them in and out carefully as he asked, genuinely concerned, "How does it feel, darling?"
At this point you were not in the state to form a proper sentence, "So good, oh my god… please keep going…"
Remus smiled to himself and went down to business, quickening the pace of his fingers. His tongue came up to play with your clit again but you truly lost it when he added a third finger, thrusting them rapidly as he sealed his lips around your clit, sucking harshly and massaging it with his tongue. You came hard with a loud moan, your juices gushing all over his fingers as Remus kept eating you out like a starving animal. He only stopped when you tugged at his hair since your clit had become sensitive and he crawled up to you, a satisfied smile playing on his lips.
"How was I, darling?"
"I think you already know the answer to that," you giggled, pressing a kiss to your lover's lips and he was quick to return it. His hands began to wander your body, eager to feel all your curves. His fingers left goosebumps everywhere they touched; your chest, your breasts, your neck, arms, thighs… Remus made sure to mark every single spot with his fingers and lips.
He quickly got rid of his boxers and your mouth watered when you saw his glorious length spring free. He wasn't very long but he was exceptionally thick and your pussy begged to have him buried inside you.
Remus began to grind down between your legs, looking up at you once more, "Do you truly want this?"
"Absolutely," you sighed, kissing the tip of his nose. "I love you."
"I love you too," he murmured against your lips and slipped his cock inside of you. His thickness stretched you out much more than his fingers, your pussy eagerly welcoming every inch. You squeezed your eyes shut, taking a moment to appreciate the feeling of being full up to your cervix.
"Does it hurt, my love?" Remus asked, checking for any signs of pain or discomfort.
"Not at all," you smiled. "You can move now."
And with that Remus laced his fingers with yours in a firm, but gentle grip and started to slowly pull out and then thrust back in deep inside until he filled you completely. And again. And again.
Your bodies moved in a passionate dance, your hips lifting up to meet his as he kept pushing into you.
Remus' grunts and gasps joined your moans and whimpers as you both clung desperately to each other. He picked up the pace, hips snapping into yours as his thick cock slipped in and out of your glistening pussy. Your back arched, your breasts brushing against his chest with every move.
Remus removed one of his hands and slipped it between your bodies to rub nice tight circles on your clit.
"Remus, I'm-"
"I know, just breathe."
The volume of your moans increased and so did the speed of his thrusts and fingers. You looked down at where your bodies met and you moaned at the sight of his thick cock frantically entering your wet pussy, hitting all the sweet spots. With one harsh thrust he spilled his seed deep into you which triggered your own climax, your pussy clenching tight around his cock and milking him for all he's worth.
Remus kept thrusting in and out of you, prolonging your orgasm, and then finally slipped out, lying next to you and hugging you to his chest.
You both started to laugh. You felt tired, absolutely spent, but you were also energised and refreshed.
"Did you enjoy it? Was I okay? I didn't hurt you, right?" Remus asked again while pulling the covers over you two.
"Remus," you placed your hands on his cheeks to make him face you. "I just had my first time and it was mind-blowing. You did amazing, I assure you."
He seemed visibly more relaxed now and looked down at you with such pure love you had never seen before.
"I am honoured to be your first and I'm immensely glad I satisfied you. You deserve to be taken care of in an appropriate manner."
You smiled at him, letting your fingers dance seductively along his chest, "Then what do you say you take care of me appropriately again?"
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