#i'm also very inspired to write so time to crack my knuckles
sennikold · 2 years
me hating the traditional division of chores and responsibilities based on binary gender in polish homes because of its deep inequality vs me getting crazy amount of satisfaction from cooking dinner for my family today and managing to satisfy my seven year old cousin’s pickiest eater tastes to a point his mom asked me to give a recipe.
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candiedcoffeedrops · 3 months
Your Voice (Jude Jazza x Reader)
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Jude Jazza x Fem!Reader (Jude's POV/Perspective)
SFW -- WC: 1765
Fluffy, sweet indulgent nonsense that I thought of whilst avoiding sleep at 3 in the morning about a week and change ago lol.
Alright, so this is my first reader insert in thirteen years! I have been working on this for the last few days in between work and whatnot and most of the time was like, 10% writing and 90% worrying if I was writing this bastard man that I have grown to love very rapidly correctly or not. I'm open to suggestions on how to improve, I just ask that it be kind/respectful, please. :)
Thanks a million to @judejazza for inspiring me to work on this! You're awesome and I hope you like this!
Also! No beta, we die like the dude in the prologue.
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Today had been long and irritating.
You had tagged along with me and Ellis today, as usual. An early morning of routine business turned into a busy afternoon of hunting down people who had broken contracts and taking them to task. That quickly escalated, and you nearly got yourself hurt. Again.
We had just gotten back to Crown Castle a few hours ago and had gone about our business. It had been a couple of months since your initial one-month tenure had come and gone, and you had stupidly decided that you were going to stay.
I couldn’t understand why. Crown wasn’t a place for someone like you—soft, kind-hearted, and ridiculously naive. You belonged somewhere safe, somewhere untouched by the dark and violent world I—and all of us—were steeped in. Yet, here you were, stubborn as hell, refusing to leave. Maybe you thought you could change us, make us better. Foolish. But damned if it wasn’t… endearing. Tch. I must be getting soft.
As I walked through the halls of the castle, I noticed light peeking out from under your door. You were still awake? It was definitely past midnight at this point. Curious, I approached the door and knocked with the knuckle of my index finger.
“Oi, Princess! The fuck ya still up for?”
“Oh! Come in, Jude!”
I opened your door and stepped inside, pushing the door shut with my foot, my hands in my pockets.
“What are you doing?” you asked, your head cocked to the side curiously.
I raised an eyebrow and spoke, “I asked first.”
“I can’t sleep, so I thought I’d get a book from the library and try to read myself asleep but… then I got sucked into the story.” You admitted as light pink dusted your cheeks, returning your attention to your book. You were sitting on your bed, atop your covers, eyes scanning the pages of an open book in your hands. Your room was lit by the lamp on your desk near your typewriter, casting a dim warm glow over everything, including you. Your hair framed your face, and you were dressed in your nightclothes like you had started getting ready for bed but never actually went to sleep.
I strolled up to your bed and plucked the book from your hands.
“Hey! Give that back!” You swung your legs under you, trying to swipe the book from me. “Jude!”
Ah, that cute little face and the way you said my name when you were all frustrated would never get old.
“Why? Ya readin’ somethin’ ya shouldn’t?” I teased, holding the book just out of reach. I took a step back, skimming through the pages. “Is that why ya can’t sleep? Gettin’ all hot ‘n bothered?” My eyes scanned the words.
She stood beneath the crumbling archway of the cathedral, where the moonlight filtered through the cracks and bathed her in a silvery glow, her heart pounding with the weight of forbidden love.
I rolled my eyes. Tch. How boring. Just some romantic penny dreadful. Figures. You would be into this kind of shit. Star-crossed lovers and all that nonsense.
“Ya realize none of this is realistic, yeah?” I asked, waving the book dismissively. Your cheeks puffed into an adorable pout, and I chuckled.
“I don’t read it for the realism, Jude,” you replied, matter-of-factly. “I read it because it’s entertaining. Fun.”
“What’s so fun about somethin’ so obviously false?” I asked, flipping through a few more pages while you leaned over, trying to grab your book again. I held it out of reach. “Yer gonna get it back when I decide ya can have it back, got it?”
You sighed, crawling back into bed, sitting against the headboard. “That’s better.”
“Why are you playing keep away with my book?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Repayment for nearly gettin’ yer clumsy ass hurt again.”
You growled lightly. Adorable. “But I didn’t! You were there!”
I huffed, rolling my eyes. “Yeah, well, ya shouldn’t need me to save ya all the time. Learn to stay outta trouble.”
You gave me a defiant look, your chin lifting slightly. “I’m not helpless, Jude. I can take care of myself.”
A smirk tugged at the corner of my mouth. “Yeah? Then why were ya about to get skewered earlier?”
Your cheeks flushed, eyes widening. “I was just… distracted.”
“By what? Thinkin’ of garbage like this?” I asked, holding up the book and waving it lightly.
“It’s not garbage!” you shot back, your eyes blazing with a fire I rarely saw. “It’s a good story, and I like it.”
“Tch. It’s drivel, Princess.” I glanced at the open pages, scanning a few more lines with a sneer. “Moonlight, forbidden love... absolute nonsense.”
You crossed your arms, a stubborn set to your jaw. “If it’s so bad, then why don’t you prove it by reading some of it?”
I raised an eyebrow, a chuckle rumbling in my chest. “Ya want me to read this crap? To ya?”
“Yeah, I do.” You leaned forward, eyes gleaming with challenge. “I bet you can’t get through a single page without falling asleep.”
My tongue ran along my bottom teeth beneath my lip as I walked closer to you and leaned down, towering over you. “Is that a dare, Princess?” I looked at you, my smirk widening into a grin. “Alright, but don’t blame me when ya realize how bad it is.”
“Alright,” you said, settling back with a satisfied smile. “But you have to read it properly. Like you mean it.” You shifted, laying down on your side, facing me, your head cushioned perfectly by your pillow.
I snorted. “Fine. But if I read this and prove it’s trash, ya gotta stop readin’ this stuff.” I lightly tapped the spine of the book to your forehead. “It’ll rot yer little brain even more than it already is. Got it?”
Your eyes sparkled. “Deal.”
I sighed, sitting down unceremoniously into a chair that was by your bedside, my ankle crossed over my knee. “Alright, let’s see what has ya stayin’ up all night.” I cleared my throat, holding the book up to catch the dim light. “She stood beneath the crumbling archway of the cathedral…”
My mind drifted through the pages at first, words blurring together without much meaning. But then, something in the story caught my attention, and I found myself tuning in, focusing on the text. Gradually, I realized my voice had softened, losing its earlier sarcasm. It settled into a steady rhythm, low and even, as I read for a few more pages.
Every so often, I glanced up at you. Your expression, once filled with intense focus, began to relax. I watched as your eyes fluttered, fighting to stay open. You looked so determined to stay awake.
I trailed off mid-sentence and raised an eyebrow, my lips curling in another smile. “Oi. Sleepyhead. Still there?”
I got a mumbled affirmation in response, to which I chuckled through my nose and nodded. I set the book down before getting to my feet, careful that I didn’t make too much noise doing so. Well, at least you were about to finally get some much-needed shut-eye.
Before I could move away, you reached out and grasped my fingers with a gentle hold. My eyes widened as I looked between you and our hands.
“Wait. Don’t go yet.” Your eyes were trained on our hands, another faint blush spreading across your cheeks. “I want to hear more of the story.” Your voice was low and shy.
“Yeah?” I asked, tilting my head as I observed you, another smirk lifting my lips. “Can’t get enough garbage, can ya, Princess?”
“No, it’s not that.” Your blush deepened. “I just… I like the sound of your voice.”
Damn. Didn't see that coming. You’re clueless. Who the hell would say something like that? My voice—harsh, grating, like broken glass or nails on a chalkboard and that's what you wanted to hear? But of course, it’d be you, wouldn’t it? Blind to every possible warning, looking up at me with those big, pleading eyes. Damn you. And damn me for sticking around.
My hand was still in yours, your skin soft and warm against my calloused fingers. Your gaze lifted to mine, and you looked so… pitiful. Pleading.
I sighed. “Yer daft, ya know that?” I moved to sit back down, your hand still holding mine. Crossing my ankle back over my knee, I reopened your book, propping it up on my thigh. I glanced at you; some of your energy had returned, your eyes shining with that dumb happy look as you nuzzled into your pillow.
“Thank you, Jude.” Your voice was soft and sweet, making my heart lurch. I kept my face impassive.
“Yeah, yeah, be quiet ‘n listen.” My tone lacked most of its usual bite as I found the last page I had read.
My fingers were still in your grasp. Strange. I could’ve pulled away at any point, but I didn’t. Maybe you thought if you let go, I’d leave. While reading, I moved my hand, lacing my fingers around yours. I didn’t look up, focused on the page, but I heard a small gasp before you squeezed my hand slightly. Damn. Almost enough to make a man melt.
Without pausing, my thumb began rubbing yours absentmindedly. Your skin was soft, untouched by the harshness of this world. What a novel thing in a place like this.
It wasn’t long before I heard your gentle snoring. I chuckled softly, watching you for a moment. So peaceful. Dreaming without a care while a man you knew was dangerous held your hand and read you to sleep. You were insane.
I stood, marking the page I had stopped on, and set the book down on your nightstand. Reluctantly, I removed my hand from yours and shrugged off my coat, covering your sleeping form. You immediately melted into the warmth, your shoulders relaxing as a lock of hair fell across your cheek. My fingers hovered above you.
Do I dare?
Taking a breath, I gently moved the errant lock from your cheek without touching your face. You scrunched your nose, muttering softly before settling back into sleep. My hands found their way into my pockets as I gazed at you a moment longer.
“Sleep well, Princess,” I murmured under my breath. I crossed the room to turn your lamp off and then made my way to the door, pausing at the doorframe for one last look over my shoulder before exiting and closing the door quietly behind me.
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This was fun! It was nice to slip into old shoes again and write something that I used to do so frequently. I may do more of these! Lemme know if you want to be tagged, should I decide to do more in the future!
Thank you, all! Have a great day!
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mins-fins · 5 months
bring it back
&&. you tell donghyuck all the time, but his fists are always so bruised he doesn't listen.
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pairing: lee donghyuck x m!reader
genre: weird rejected hybrid thing
warnings: literally fighting, is this relationship safe? idk!!
word count: 1.3k
notes: this spawned while i was reading one of my old old things back from my wp era and i suddenly got inspired.. only reason i chose hyuck is bc hes the first member who came to mind when i thought about writing 😣 im also a little obsessed with him atm.. i sort of left you all with radio silence yesterday, was supposed to post a timestamp but didn't, my apologies isanator nation (like 2 ppl) anw! don't take this too seriously, i don't get into fights and don't know much about fighting, my google search history looks very concerning rn ☺️
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"come on! is that really all you got? those hits were weak".
donghyuck sits up defeated, but he doesn't allow for such an expression to cross his face, the last thing he wants to do is look like a sore loser in front of you, though he clearly is with how he got knocked to the ground by a single punch.
he refuses to think about the fact.
you raise an eyebrow at the sight of him catching his breath on the floor, a taunting chuckle leaves your lips, a chuckle donghyuck narrows his eyes at. if you knew sparring meant you'd have to meet donghyuck's piercing glare more than once in the span of five minutes, you would've offered to be his sparring partner much earlier.
you think he looks adorable when he's mad.
"done verbally berating me now?"
"not sure i'll ever be done".
you extend your hand forward, and donghyuck takes it instantly. once you help him to his feet, he gives you a pout, one you press your finger to. "what the hell are you pouting about?" you inquire, and donghyuck's eyes roll.
"you beat me like— five times, y/n".
you scoff lightly, shoving your boyfriends shoulder. "and i'll continue beating you if you don't stop hesitating before every hit" you lean closer to press a kiss to his lips, trying to erase the pout with an act of affection, but he stays pouting.
you snicker as you pinch his cheek, turning on your heel and walking towards your duffel bag on the other side of the room. what can you say? throwing your boyfriend around the room makes a guy thirsty.
donghyuck stares at you for a moment, studying your figure, then groans. "y/n".
you turn back to look over at him, and donghyuck has to stifle his laugh. how is it that you look so harmless right now when you just spent up to almost an hour breaking every bone in his body? he finds it hilarious how quick you can switch tunes. "one more round".
shock gleams in your eyes. "you sure? i thought you were tired.."
donghyuck is quick to shake his head, suddenly filled with an abrupt surge of determination. "yeah, this'll be the last one".
you blink, but you don't seem to mind, because you shrug, dropping your bottle of water and beginning to stretch your arms. "i'm starting to think you like being thrown around, should i note this down as a kink of yours?"
your smile is tormenting,
the good kind though.
"do whatever you want y/n~" donghyuck muses, a sing songy tone of voice accompanying his words. you study his body language for a while, cracking your knuckles. "i'm not letting you win again".
"ah really? you think you're gonna beat me this time?"
"wanna bet?"
you seem to like the sound of that, if the way your eyes light up is any indication. donghyuck's got you, perfect. you scour your mind for ideas, tilting your head as you smile at your boyfriend. "fine then, if you manage to knock me to the ground i'm all yours next week".
donghyuck's eyes widen to a comically huge size. "you serious?"
"slow your roll, baby, i said if you manage to knock me to the ground".
donghyuck clicks his tongue, an acception of the bet you put down. "don't underestimate me so quickly".
"underestimating? i'm just saying what's true, how many times did the sim kid knock you out last week? ten? fifteen? if i didn't know any better, i would've assumed you were weak".
god you're so skilled at this, you know exactly how to hit donghyuck where it hurts, both literally and figuratively. you know exactly what to say, and know exactly how they'll affect him. trash talk is something your so good at, sometimes donghyuck forgets it's all an act.
you know donghyuck can fight better than he actually does, his attempts at punches right now are vastly different to the punches he throws during actual fights. you know he's much stronger than he thinks, but for some reason, he seems to.. soften around you.
it's cute in hindsight, but he's been slacking lately, and you have to get him back on track.
"weak huh?"
"yeah, you going easy on me?"
your posture is relaxed, you don't want to make the first move, your waiting for donghyuck to surge forward and try to hit you. he narrows his eyes, your feet tapping rhythmically onto the floor and your arms crossed. "not a chance".
you chuckle at donghyuck's statement, a chuckle that angers donghyuck. what the actual fuck are you being so cocky about? he wants to wipe that smirk off your face, no, scratch that, he wants to punch that smirk off your face, he's going to make you wish you never said anything.
without saying anything more, donghyuck surges forward, a move you weren't expecting, but one you knew how to deal with already. a right hook, simple, easy to dodge and easy to counteract.
"was that a punch? i bet renjun could throw a better one than that".
donghyuck grits his teeth.
"don't mention renjun".
"oh? am i striking a nerve?"
you are striking a nerve, and donghyuck is about to strike you in the face. he keeps throwing punches, a flurry of hooks left and right, he has to hit you, he will hit you.
you're completely unfazed, the hooks nothing you haven't seen before. you swing your right hand over to parry the hit donghyuck sends you, using your position to your advantage and delivering a punch to his side. it catches him off guard and he winces, reeling back in just the slightest.
you give him no time to adjust, taking his distraction into consideration and surging towards him, a left jab to the side of his stomach. he stumbles back, trying to gather himself as his head spins in dizziness from the hit you delivered.
you let out a small scoff. "come on, hyuck, you have to hit me".
donghyuck grunts, moving forward with a left hook this time. "i'm trying" he grits his teeth, an action that makes you smile. donghyuck gives a small tch at the sight of you smiling, he hates it (that's a lie, he loves it).
you don't even try to hit him back, just continue stepping backward as donghyuck sends hit after hit.
he narrows his eyes, but you just smile again, you're really starting to get annoying. it's then that donghyuck notices something, your legs, he can use that to an advantage of his.
so, without any prior warning, donghyuck punches your lower stomach, a punch you weren't expecting. when you reel back from the hit, he decides to take his chance. an uppercut, a right jab to your side, and a haymaker to the side of your face.
donghyuck doesn't know where all of that came from, but it seems to do the trick, because you have no more strength to continue fighting. you stumble for a moment before falling over, hitting the ground and rolling over as you clutch your stomach.
donghyuck immediately gasps as he sees your state. "holy shi— oh my god! are you okay!?"
you give a tired smile, sending a thumbs up to the air. "i'm alright, that was great, babe".
it's only then that it dawns on donghyuck. "i beat you".
you nod.
donghyuck breathes in and out, he truly can't believe this. "i beat you, holy shit i beat you!"
you chuckle at how excited he sounds, breathless from the blows he delivered to you. "yeah, you did, congrats champ".
donghyuck falls down beside you, flinging his arm over your stomach and moving closer to you. "i get to have you all to myself now".
you raise an eyebrow. "you've always had me all to yourself".
donghyuck giggles. "i know, but i knocked you to the ground this time".
"don't get used to it".
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fiammee · 5 months
Hello, how have ya been? How did your trip ended, did you have fun?
I guess reaching to you through asks is easier than DMs, so here I am, being generally curious about where we left off the last last time, but since I am here I'll also leave a big ask:
How did it happen that Jon Lord is so important to you? When did you hear him and saw him for the first time? What's the thing in his playing and in his character that makes him be that special guy to you?
Write the longest answer you want - or a short one if it's more in your style - I'm just a curious lil mutual <3
Heyaaaaa haiiiiiii dear!!!! Thank you for these questions *rubbing hands* Finally lets hope that I can respond this time XD
Times could get better, but summer is coming and Im pretty excited in beginning uni academy next year, lets hope🙏
About my trip end, it was a bit unexpected but funny: we leaved our rented house at 10 AM but we quickly found out that all highways were clogged up, and we managed to reach home a whole day after, at 1 AM, literally praying that my mom wouldnt fall asleep while driving 🤣
Abt Jon, lets begin *cracks knuckles*
I dont remember if I have ever said this to anyone, but usually my dad, when I was little, made me watch purple lives instead of cartoons;
So, throughout my childhood and my first teenage years I had this blurred memory about the members and how they looked like; (my thoughts were like: why the drums guy is so little? Why the guitarman is so scary? Why that mans moustache are so big and silly? Why the singer looks like Jesus and has my same hair? Just pure childlike wonder lol)
And finally, around 2020, I gave them a chance by listening my dads machine head vynil and OH BOY OH BOY I was quickly captivated by their roaring and powerful sound.
My first crush was big ian but I later revalued Jon when, out of pure curiousity, I went searching for pics on pinterest and I stumbled upon this:
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My brain and hormones went apeshit🤭🤭 and this sort of awakened me, I was asking myself questions like "wtf is happening to me whattt?" in pure confusion.
The rest is now history, and here I am today :]]
Apart from the obvious phisical attraction (please mind that I was still new to this world at the time🤣) What I always found fascinating about him was the crazy talent and gentle personality among the "rock people" that Ive known previously.
I consider him to be a pretty unique rock soul: no extreme drama, nor arrogance, stupidity, rudeness or immesurable ego; he was just happy to be in the scene, and had the intelligence to make himself respected and valued... I think that he did that pretty well😌.
He used MUSIC in his everyday life as the main method of expressing himself rather than using words (as an introvert I consider him as a role model for what he gifted to others and himself) and lets be frank, isnt it cool that a BIG strong 185 cm man is easily brought to tears of emotion by listening to a classical piece or spectating a good sunset or landscape? He's an 800' romantic author trapped in a motocyclist body, an unusual combination🤣🤣
And what about his music? He combined classical, popular, blues, jazz and sick improvisation in a fresh versatile style that changed rock music and organ playing forever, and would inspire generations of musicians since this very day! And lets not forget his pure classical works, full of a wide range of emotions that have helped me in various rough times.
I hope to have answered your questions my dear :)) and it wouldnt be bad if I addressed the same questions to you about keith, with you making a post about it reblogging this one, obv if you feel like doing it 🫰🏻
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wizard-finix · 6 months
Ao3 tag game!
*cracks knuckles* lets do this
How many works do you have on AO3?
24 works! I would have never expected to have that many 5 years ago, hahaha
What's your total AO3 word count?
186,291! oh wow, almost 200k!! (unsurprisingly PT minato takes up over a third of that LMAO)
How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
10 fandoms! I'm counting Persona 3, 4, and 5 and separate, but I'm grouping all the Zelda fandoms together since it's all Linked Universe fic.
Here's the breakdown!
The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms (6)
Persona 5 (5)
Persona 3 (5)
SPY x FAMILY (Anime) (3)
Wizard101 (Video Game) (3)
SPY x FAMILY (Manga) (3)
Runescape (Video Games) (3)
Pirate101 (Video Game) (3)
Persona 4 (2)
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom (2)
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga (1)
Star Wars - All Media Types (1)
The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Warriors (1)
Top five fics by kudos:
The Ghost of Mementos/Stygian Ringlet (Persona3/5) - to the surprise of absolutely no one, since this is currently my longest fic. I'm very happy with Stygian Ringlet being the top because I love my boys :)
True Crime Special on the Midnight Channel (Persona 4/5) - my Ren has a TV Dungeon fic! also very proud of the dungeon concept for this one, I really need to finish the last two chapters
Dark Clouds on the Horizon (Linked Universe/TOTK) - I feel like this one got a lot of momentum partially because it was directly in the wake of TOTK's release, but I'm happy with how it turned out :)
Strangers Are Just Friends You Haven't Met (Persona 3/SPY x FAMILY) - this was a collab series with mewrose and a few others in the marigolds discord! we were throwing ideas at the wall to see what stuck and I really had a lot of fun with Shinjiro-related prompts, because I LOVE him and hitting him with the isekai baseball bat into a universe with Anya brings me great joy
Salt Tears and Raindrops (Linked Universe/TOTK) - directly related to Dark Clouds, and I'm glad people enjoyed good ol' fashioned angst >:) (I do need to post more of my wips, I do have a couple more roleswap AU wips that I want to post)
Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I almost always do because I really appreciate them and its my way of saying thanks for the comment! If I don't comment it's because I lost track of it or because I can't think of a response.
What's the fic with the angstiest ending you've ever written?
Probably Salt Tears and Raindrops. I was in a Mood and decided to go for the tried-and-true method of putting fictional characters I like through the emotional wringer. That's how I got the rough draft for this fic :)
Do you write crossovers?
*looks at my persona fics and recent LU fics*
...I think it's safe to say most of my fics these days fall under crossovers lmao
Have you ever gotten hate on a fic?
I wouldn't say I have? One or two comments that came off as rude, but no actual hate, thankfully. If I did, I forgot about it. I've been blessed by wonderfully nice readers <3
Do you write smut?
Nope. I don't read it, so I wouldn't know how to write it anyway.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of? I sure hope not.
I have seen a couple short fics slightly imitate Ghost of Mementos though, which I thought was really sweet that they liked it enough to inspire their own writing.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, but I'd definitely be open to it!
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
RYOMINA. Hands down. I love them so much, I am so mentally unwell about these two
What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will?
My two Runescape fics, Whispers in the Temple and Welcome to the Jungle. I absolutely loved going hogwild with rewriting old quests in Runescape, but I psyched myself out of Welcome to the Jungle because I got overly anxious about accidentally doing bad representation.
(in hindsight, it probably wouldn't have been as big a deal as I thought; it's hard to make it worse considering how bad Legend's Quest was with the british-african stereotypes. that quest DID NOT age well.)
I also want to finish Snake in the Grass; that was my first attempt at a genuine mystery plot and I really liked playing with Warriors in that fic in the context of the gang trying to figure out who the heck is trying to murder him.
What are your writing strengths?
I feel like I'm pretty good at dialogue! I try to make sure it matches the character's speech patterns and personality. Really well-written dialogue can tell you who's speaking without actually telling who it is. (For example, the way I write them: Minato speaks as few words as possible and has very little filter with his observations when he does share them, and Shinjiro is pretty rough around the edges, with shortened words and the occasional swear. Warriors is good with words and wit, but he has a certain military-esque directness and doesn't dance around the topic.)
I do try hard to keep the plot clear and understandable over everything else, so probably that as well.
Also, now that I think about it, maybe fight sequences? I don't do them much, but I do enjoy the challenge of making a clear sequence of what happens in a fight and trying to make it understandable. Fight sequences are easy to skip or gloss over, but I think of them like their own miniature plot. What happens? What surprises are there? What are their movesets? How do they get the upper hand? (and of course, what looks cool as fuck)
What are your writing weaknesses?
Time management. I tend to over-proofread since I beta my own work, and often I'll go back to tweak stuff if I had additional thoughts to add to it, or extra insight. Lately, it takes longer to write chapters than I'd like.
Also, dialogue-heavy scenes often get very chaotic in my WIPs because of the way I rough out fics. I'll throw together a bunch of dialogue bits I think would be cool to include, and sometimes they'll clash or get really messy, especially if there's lots of characters (looking at the latest two chapters of Stygian Ringlet)
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fics?
I think it's cool! It adds flavor to fics. If it's more than one short phrase though, or if it's story important, then I do prefer that there is a translation in the author's notes. I haven't done any non-English dialogue in fics, save for one memorable adventure into trying to figure out how Latin grammar structure works for a character that didn't speak English.
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Wizard101 and Pirate101. I was obsessed with those two for YEARS. I really, really liked pirate stories in high school, and having a cast of crewmates that accompany you throughout the game really inspired me to write my first fic featuring my OC. (I was also into One Piece at the time, but I never wrote for it.)
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written so far?
Stygian Ringlet. It's really dear to my heart. I have poured so much love and effort into that fic, and the reception on it has completely blown me away.
THANKS FOR THE TAG!! Uhhhmmm for tags I'm going to go with @skyward-floored, @catreginae and @breannasfluff (but only if you want to!! no obligation of course)
and of course any other writers that want to do it as well!! go forth
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Heyyyy I just wanted to tell you how much I love your blog! I actually never realised how much there is to know about Rohan until I stumbled across your blog and it's super interesting! (I'll most likely always be an elf-girl, but you never know and it never hurts to know more about other parts of Tolkien's stories)
So I wanted to ask you something: since I'm still very new to this part of the fandom but I'm very interested in it, I was wondering if you could give me a general overview of the most important people from Rohan and their function/jobs, maybe also your headcanons about them, because I'm honestly still a bit lost and overwhelmed by all the new names that I've never really noticed before. (Fun fact btw,😅 Éowyn was actually always one of my absolute favourite characters, so its funny to me how I never dived into the Rohan side of the fandom before)
And if you don't want to do that, that's okay too, just let me compliment your blog, because it's wonderful!
Aw, thanks!!! ♥️ Like you, I also enjoy learning more about characters from outside of my primary interest area, so I hope you find this helpful! I love your ask, but it could be a VERY long response and I fear that you’ll still find it to be kind of an overwhelming list of names. So I’m gonna limit it by focusing on the canonical characters that are in that sweet spot between “most people know who this is already” (e.g., Éowyn, Éomer, Théoden and Gríma) and “this is a person who is more or less just a name” (e.g., Herubrand or Horn). So I’ll give you a little canonical Who’s Who of the rest of them, with links for the ones where I’ve got HCs if there are any you’re particularly interested in.
Also, you inspired me to finally write out my HC for Grimbold, the Rohirrim who was allergic to horses, which I’ll post separately in a day or two, so thank you for that! 🐎
So, ready? *cracks knuckles* Here we go with the Who’s Who below the cut:
Royal Family:
Théoden’s father was Thengel, who had mixed feelings about Rohan and lived a long time in Gondor, where he met his wife Morwen.
Théoden had 4 sisters, but we only know about the youngest, Théodwyn, who was Éomer/Éowyn’s mom and died of sickness soon after her husband Éomund was killed in a poorly planned orc hunt.
Théoden’s wife was Elfhild, who died giving birth to their son, Théodred. He never remarried.
Théodred was killed by Saruman’s forces and had no wife or child, so his beloved cousin Éomer became heir in his stead.
Non-Royal Notables of Edoras, the Capital City:
Háma was the captain of the king’s guard and died at Helm’s Deep after aiding in the healing of Théoden by breaking some rules on Gandalf’s behalf. (I would die for Háma.)
Elfhelm was acting as the Marshal (the top military office) of Edoras at the time of LOTR and was involved in ALL KINDS of stuff but is most notable for not ratting out Éowyn when he found that she was riding in his éored (unit) to the war in Gondor.
There’s a whole gaggle of members of the king’s éored, most of whom die in Gondor with no backstory or detail. No one else would likely put them on this list, but they’re dear to me (and frequently discussed on my blog) so we’re including Guthláf, Théoden’s banner bearer, and Wídfara, who rode with the king’s company and scouted conditions at Minas Tirith.
Notables of the West-mark:
Erkenbrand was in charge of Helm’s Deep at the time of the war and helped save the day there before being left to rule Rohan while everyone else went to war in Gondor.
Gamling served under Erkenbrand and was an elderly man who was still a dope warrior and fought alongside his own grandson at Helm's Deep!
Grimbold was a military captain who, with Elfhelm, saw Théodred’s death and fought to keep orcs from taking his body before going to war in Gondor. Unlike Elfhelm, Grimbold died.
Dúnhere was Erkenbrand's nephew and served under Grimbold. He organized the muster of the Rohirrim to go to Gondor, where he also died.
Notables of the East-mark:
Éothain is really the only one here. He was a soldier under Éomer, and he was very suspicious of both outsiders and rule breakers.
Bonus Notable Ancestors of pre-LOTR Times:
Eorl was the founder and first king of Rohan who sealed the oath of friendship between his people and Gondor and tamed the first of the mearas (the ancestors of Shadowfax!).
Helm Hammerhand was king during the war/famine of the Long Winter. He’s famous for killing a dude with 1 punch and scaring the bejeezus out of enemies by stalking them in the night.
Freca was a lord of mixed Rohan/Dunland ancestry whom Helm punched to death b/c Helm was a hothead who felt threatened by Freca’s influence. Freca’s family later led an army against Rohan b/c they were pissed!
Whew! That’s not everyone, but I think it’s everyone whose name you’d be likely to come across outside of the big 4 (Théoden, Éomer, Éowyn and Gríma). It’s really striking when you write it all out and realize that you have to end so many with “but he/she died”! But the fact that they’re a little tragic and made so many sacrifices is a big part of why I love them.
I hope this was in ANY way helpful, even if it’s just a little cheat sheet that you consult when needed!
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whimsicalcotton · 4 days
Also I started getting into the namesake song of polluted marrow (Spiracle by Flower Face) and it's so good... I wanna give you the green light to ramble about how you think this song relates to the fic/the characters/etc bc I'm very curious to hear how it inspired you 😊
[cracks knuckles] Okay so,
for starters this AU is kinda old. i think i started toying w the general idea in 2016ish, and the want to write it got hardcore resurrected when i decided to watch an lis1 playthrough for the first time in fucking ages last year. i happened to find Spiracle recently after finishing up so there was already like a 60% chance i'd start associating it w lis through just that, but then i was smacked in the face specifically by this last line
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so hard that i was immediately like Oh God I Need To Write That Timelooper Max AU Right The Fuck Now. (like seriously. "i want you butterfly, i want you sailor." what am i supposed to Do after hearing that if not wail over pricefield)
as a whole for me the song is about The Devotion (tm) and how Max loves every last little part of Chloe, good or bad, for better or worse, so goddamn much that she's willing to put herself through all this fucking bullshit several times over. Yearning On A Cosmic Scale kind of vibes.
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but then after a few listens i Realized. that some of these lines are really good for Rachel + the admittedly unhinged amberfield dynamic i have brewing. imo Max is definitely not immune to the whole putting the idea of Rachel on a pedestal problem, but she does it Different than everyone else bc her image of Rachel is informed mostly by how important she was to Chloe. which is to say i read some of these lines in an "and i want you, too. i want every part of her and you're a part of her," sort of way.
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also this one line is very Max @ both of them
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and to bring it back to that last bit again, i feel like the butterfly/sailor line is pretty self-explanatory but "i am your lover, and i am your jailor," to me is the crux of all those conflicting gnarly gay timelooper feelings. no one loves you like me, no one hurts you like me. i'm saving us, i'm keeping us trapped here. i'm the one who pulls you from your grave, i'm the one who throws the first shovel of dirt onto your coffin. i'm your lover, i'm your jailor.
also! even the title easily lends itself to lis imagery bc A) english is stupid and there are too many words that look the damn same so i think of spirals every time i see it. and more concretely, B) spiracles are little holes in an insect's body that they use to get oxygen and ofc,, both butterflies And the chrysalis itself have them. i'm mentally unwell about this actually. truly i wasn't aware i could be emotionally damaged by looking up caterpillar facts but that's what writing does to you i guess.
and lastly i picked out 'polluted marrow' as a title for the whole AU because
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could be Any Of Them.
for Max it's "i'll still want you if you're nothing; i'll still want you if your insides are rotting." for Chloe it's "i want to know what's hurting you; i want to take it away." for Rachel it's "i want to see the depth of your sickness; i want you to hold it to my throat like the weapon you've made it into."
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rinamars · 1 year
I always wondered what fics do my favorite authors read bc maybe if I start reading them too, I'll be able to write like them 😤 Kidding aside, can you recommend some Erwin x Reader fics that you really like/inspire you to write? I'm fine with on-going ones 🤩
little anon i could KISS you!! i've been looking for an excuse to make an erwin fic recs post so here we go *cracks knuckles* brace yourselves heheh (warning: most of these recs are 18+)
first of all: everything @riewritten has ever written. EVERYTHING. that goes without saying. her brain is so big. i wish i could take a trip inside her mind. rie ily
this is a story of the sea by shinzouing is a canonverse eruri x reader fic, where the three enter a relationship (or rather, erwin enters a relationship with both of them. levi and reader are idiots at first. the pining is so delicious though). where do i even begin to talk about this masterpiece? it broke me. it seriously broke me. i'm just going to say that the universe she has created in this story (as well as in the sequel which i'm going to talk about in a sec) feels so real and so right that when i finished it i needed a minute to remind myself what details that are ACTUALLY canon and what aren't. peak writing i swear. heartbreaking, but worth it.
after tiasots has broken your heart, go read beyond the sea by the same author and let it piece it back together!! it's currently being posted, and it's basically the continuation of tiasots BUT erwin survives at shiganshina (unlike in tiasots). again, same thing: peak writing, and a little universe it's sooo easy to get lost in. this story will end up living rent free in your mind, trust me.
aaand also set in the tiasots universe is certain obscure things!! it's three chapters, and in each of them they take turns between being dominant or submissive. this is smut that goes a lot harder than what you can find in tiasots but everything shinzouing writes is pure gold
to complete the eruri x reader category (aka the fics that made me go "i think i might be into the concept of throuples") there's two lovers by feelingthorny. it's also set in canonverse. erwin and levi are in an established relationship, one day they invite reader into their bed, and... Big Feelings ensue. i have another fic by feelingthorny by recommend, and oh man, she truly has a way of writing emotions that is so evocative and poetic, it truly drags you into the moment and you are able to feel exactly what they are feeling, they're so immersive. the smut parts literally drip with body worship, it's insane. beautiful.
the other fic by feelingthorny i HAVE to mention is close call. this one is pwp, but FUCK this erwin is SO DREAMY. and, as one might tell, the writing is just marvelous.
next, i recommend every! single! fic! that belongs to the to build a home series by nylondreams. the romance, the intimacy, the tenderness... ahh, they're so lovely to read. and *cough* the first fic in the series gave me a breeding kink *cough*
more recommendations in the "horny fics that also made me fall in love even more" category: e major, uncorked and treasured memories, all by whatsherquirk. delicious. that's all i'm going to say.
prying eyes by SecretsOfHarprocrates is in my opinion a depiction of erwin that's very close to how he'd behave in canon (if canon included sexy times)
four christmases by ghost_party was !!! ok i don't really know what to say about this one because it's been a while since i read it, but you have to trust me and check it out!!
i think that's all for now, i hope i haven't forgotten anything (if i have i'll just reblog this post and add more). happy reading <3
now PLEASE give me an excuse to make an eruri fic recs post (or even a levi one)
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cherrysoulth · 2 years
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💕Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
✏️Genre/au: Complicated relationships, Yandere, Mafia AU
✏️Rating: PG 18+, explicit
📝Wordcount: 5511
⚠️Warnings: Explicit smut, cumplay (sort of), murder, death threats, obsession, yandere(?)
Hii! Did you stumble across this work? Glad you're here 😊 Please, let me know your thoughts once you are finished. Feedback keeps me motivated to write 😁
This one-shot is inspired by a story that I'm writing, called: Sandman. There's another one, also inspired on Sandman, called: Staggering and Golden hour
I will post Sandman only for paid members once it's finished. (Memberships won't be available until I the story is completed)
Note that English is not my first language, so please if you find grammar mistakes, let me know. :)
Jimin shifted over the grey satin sheets, under his velvety covers, as you scrolled through your phone and you looked at his beautiful features from your bed. The white moon in the sky sneaked inside the room through the translucent white curtains, illuminating his side, with its candour.
You could hear Seokjin at the other side of the hallway working on his computer while his father gave him some indications through the speaker mode of his smartphone. You made sure to not focus, on the dead silence that reigned in the house, but still got hints of quantities of packages entering the frontiers of South Korea through Busan, to test. Exactly what you didn't want to hear. 
Suddenly, you heard a hanger fall on your closet and you instinctively reached for the gun under your pillow. It then came to your mind, that you had put that multilayer dress in a plastic hanger because you needed to purchase new ones. You rolled your eyes to the spoiling Seokjin was doing to you, soon you would not be able to fit a needle in your closet, if he continued. You let go of the weapon and laid back from your ready position. Jimin was unbothered in his slumber and once more, you thought it just made sense that you were his guardian. 
You were asleep by the time Seokjin checked in the room and whispered a goodnight. Everything seemed fine although if he had detected the closet door cracked open,  and went to check it, he would have discovered the intruder. 
Taehyung waited for a bit after he heard Seokjin close the quarters' door to sneak out. The dress you had heard fall was left behind on its spot, to match the sound that was very likely heard from the outside. His knees silently landed at the side of your bed as he observed the same rays that previously enhanced Jimin's ethereal image, doing favours to yours. 
He would have touched you if he didn't know that was certainly going to wake you up. Instead, he just stayed there in that same position, watching you sleep for the next two hours; until slumber started to make his lids feel too heavy to keep them open. 
Just like that, he walked out of your room through the corridor, towards the other end. He opened another room and looked inside to another sleeping figure. His eyes displayed darkness, a silent death threat and his knuckles turned white over the clear wood structure. Making use of his skills he slid out of the house undetected, giving one last look to your window. 
He lies in bed while tears stream down his temples. Just like they did as he knelt in front of your peaceful figure, your image engraved on his retina like a favourite movie. One that he will most likely never see again in broad daylight. Not while Seokjin breathed down his neck on every corner, on every shadow. 
You are the one and only thing they seem to have in common. The same obsession, the same desire. Yet it is Seokjin who chases at his heels and not the other way around. 
If he had only not scared you off in the tunnels that day. If he would have walked beside you past Seokjin as the eldest hid to smoke near the access, maybe you wouldn't have looked at him so much after. Maybe your heart wouldn't have been taken. Maybe you wouldn't have been yearning for the man's love to the point of accepting him when he had turned into someone undeserving of it. 
Maybe you would have started reading together with Jimin. Maybe he wouldn't have followed Seokjin and then The Hitman. Maybe he wouldn't have helped burn the school down. Maybe you wouldn't have set the first match that turned the place into hell for the caretakers tied inside. Maybe you wouldn't have carried the burden of four deaths with you at the age of ten. Maybe, you wouldn't have accepted the training and wouldn't have thought that was what you were meant to do. Maybe, he wouldn't have been so eager for his father to let him join. Maybe you and him wouldn't have your hands so stained with blood. 
If only he hadn't spooked you out. 
Those maybes could be certainties, and now, you would be lying at his side in his lonely room, with a ring on your finger that would prevent Seokjin from ever getting so close to you. 
The tears are followed by sobs. His wail can be heard from the outside of his room, where a guard sits on a bench against the wall and looks in his direction. Namjoon, the early bird of the house, also hears it and walks his way down the hallway to stand in front of the door. 
His brother’s broken heart dwells in his and a single tear falls from his left eye as he stands there; knowing he is unable to console the pain Taehyung is suffering. 
He doesn't knock since he will not accept a no, simply walking  inside finding his brother curled hugging himself as the torment of his soul keeps on escapes through his vocal cords and the wells of his eyes. 
"Have you gone to see her?" he asks calmly. Although a fury in him wants to slap his brother for risking his life, he is well aware that his brother is a prisoner of love and the recklessness that comes with it. 
Taehyung's only response is to sit down with pained eyes and continue his mourning by putting his forehead against Namjoon's chest. His hands hold feeble against his brother’s firm shoulders, making the hurricane he once was feel now like a breeze from a butterfly's wings. 
"Good evening, Taehyung." says a calm voice behind him as he reads the manga book in his hand. His eyes bulge and he takes a second to start turning around, slowly in his garden chair. He leaves the closed book on the glass table in front of him. 
His brother stands next to Seokjin, the one whose voice it was impossible not to recognise. His gaze dances between Namjoon's apologetic eyes and the man who's kept him on the run for eleven months and now stands no more than six feet from him as if nothing had happened. The urge to look at you at his side, dressed in cream with transparent sleeves, it's almost unbearable but he lets himself take the full picture instead; discreetly getting your image translated to his brain. He can't dare to focus on you, not without knowing the conditions of this visit, not if it means he can lose you as a consequence. Not again. 
"Darling, why don't we go to my gallery, I have new pieces I would love to show you." Namjoon says, distracting you. 
You were indeed watching Taehyung, who has a new haircut and has finally taken the black as an option. He looks skinnier, that's what's kept your interest the few moments you have been allowed to observe and your heart blossoms with worry. You feel the need to nourish him, to take care of him, making sure he is ok. However, you know that's not a possibility right now, so you move at the second Namjoon speaks. 
Taehyung involuntarily responds to the movement and watches you walk next to his brother towards the house. Then immediately jumps back at Seokjin, who looks at him with a smirk, inclining his head in your direction and  asks, "She looks prettier by the day, doesn't she?" 
Taehyung, knows its best not to answer and keeps quiet. "Smart." mutters Seokjin before advancing. "I was thinking I maybe exceeded myself with the consequences of your actions. At the end of the day, I did invite you to our bed and maybe wasn't clear enough with what was expected." he says as he takes one of the chairs and sits down, then motions for Taehyung to join him. 
"I do not intend to share Amnon. Ever. Now, I think that much has been left clear." he says as if a death threat was no big deal and Taehyung can only nod with a very tense jaw. "What I need to know, and that is to let you walk free again, is if you can live up to that agreement?"
Taehyung doesn't respond immediately and that makes Seokjin raise a brow, "I'm not a subject of yours, I never was." he points out, acknowledging his status. "But as it is stated in the unspoken rules, no associate shall touch a partner's wife or girlfriend. I live up to those rules. Back in the day I just thought you consented to it." 
Seokjin chuckles, "-hm, yeah. I guess you do." he says calmly but then gets closer to Taehyung's face. "However, I know you have always wanted her. I'm not blind." 'Neither are the cameras in my house, little tiger.' "That, I hope, for your sake, has dropped while you were in excommunicado status. Maybe running around has kept you occupied enough—For the last ten months." 
Taehyung's jaw almost drops when he realises what the knowing look and the wrong month count means. He can only nod. Seokjin then smiles, although his eyes are the darkness that will keep Taehyung on his toes. Or so he thinks. 
"Sweetheart?" says Jimin as he opens the door of his two story house and your tear stained face shows in front of him. You immediately hug him and he holds you pulling you inside the house. "Is he dead?" he says, voice cracking with emotion. 
"I am." you pronounce, letting go of him, allowing your body to slide down his dark hardwood door. He squats in front of you. 
"You have broken up with him…" he says and his voice sounds just as strained as it did before. "I don't want to feel." you mutter, letting your head fall backwards and your pain exit your body in hopeless sobs. 
Next thing you know, he is dialling Jungkook asking for something to amuse you. He asks you to move the pity party to his comfortable living room. 
As you follow him in, your eyes take in the precious view of his decor. Moulded walls with tonal murals in the upper part extend throughout the hallways. While in most rooms, although maintaining the aesthetic, there are no paintings. In fact, the whole house is mostly decorated in neoclassical style with soft blues, cream and golds with really luxurious details like chandeliers that make the whole place look like a palace. The seating is simple, against the more rigidly decorated furniture, but it's comfortable, and soft to the touch. Jimin has fake fur blankets draped all around the house and is also a fan of cushions. The whole place is a dream. 
To add to it, and in contrast with the initial decoration, he has natural looking additions as if Mother nature was taking over his house; making the whole place look like it's out of a fairytale. The room you usually use, has a branch coming out of the wall, by the window seat, and purple crystal details hang from it. The rest of the room matches what is pictured in the whole house but each room is themed. 
Yours has wallpaper inside the upper panel with bits of a foggy forest in a hundred-eighty degree view. You started calling it "The Witches Room" and everyone does now. The four post bed's linen is normally grey and purple matching the crystals, and that's exactly what you expect whenever night comes today. 
You aren't sure what Jungkook has mixed in the whiskey he served you, but you are definitely high. All of you are. 
You have taken residency over the carpet in front of  Jimin’s glass-closed fireplace and the tears fall as you roll in laughter. Truth be told, you are much higher than them but yet again they have snorted a bit, so it's just an illusion of sobriety. 
At some point, Jimin is on Jungkook’s lap and they are kissing. Their lips unite gently, soft skins moist with the liquidy nectar of their mouths and you can only watch it like you would a miracle. 'Bless this damn bisexual man.' you scream internally. 
Growing with them hasn't made you insensitive to their beauty and you used to fantasise about kissing them as a teenager. Maybe even situations like this in which the kiss would escalate between the three of you. It was all fantasy, of course. At the end of the day, the only guy you wanted to turn that into reality with, was Seokjin. 
The laugh turns into a sob and you roll to your side, silencing yourself to not disturb, looking at the flames. 
"What can we do for you, sweetheart?" mutters Jungkook when Jimin parts from the kiss and looks at you. He also moves from over him and both crawl to your side.
"Don't let-" Jungkook’s phone interrupts you and Jimin scowls at him. "I have to answer, it's him." he mutters and you roll back from looking at them to your foetal position. Jimin starts rubbing your arm affectionately as you try to disconnect. "Boss.-I-Yeah." He stands and walks outside, down the hallway. 
"He's going to tell him where I am. I have to leave." you say, standing with difficulty. 
"I don't want to see him. I know what I want but he can sell glasses to a blind person. I fear I'll cave in this state." you explain, taking hold of your own weight against a chair. 
"You can't drive like this, let my chauffeur drive you." says Jimin, looking at one of his guards in the hallway. 
The man walks in and takes the order directly from Jimin's lips. You know they do listen to what you say but they simply have to act like they don't, out of respect. 
"He asked if she was here." says Jungkook approaching Jimin as he waves goodbye from the porch, with a cardigan over his grey silk pyjamas. Jungkook does the same and sighs,  but Jimin looks at him inquisitively. "You know how much of a bad idea it is to lie to him. Your brother does not listen to reason when it comes to her…" he replies as the car makes it to the main road off of the property. 
"I know," he mutters. "I'm glad she decided to get out of the house before he comes… that relationship has to end. It's not good for anyone." Jimin says with a really low tone, turning on the coffee machine as they enter the kitchen, putting in a capsule for Jungkook, after showing it to him. 
"One of them will end up dead if they keep it going, I'm sure of it." responds Jungkook and Jimin scowls at him. "They don't always think clearly being around each other… In this business-" 
"I- I know. That is what I'm telling you. It has to end. " Jimin mutters, looking at the hallway to the guards, as if he was of a controversial opinion. 
At the same time, you are driven to the city with no destination, like you have asked the driver. 
The lights, the people walking the streets, it feels like you are watching a movie through the windows of the car. Your head rests against the cold tinted glass as you observe them, imagining their lives; the old woman with her son, buying the last presents for their visiting family members, maybe for their in-laws, since he seems to wear a ring. The couple with matching winter clothing, with their bags full of decorations sticking out, smiling to each other make you sink down in your seat and lean back against the headrest, letting silent tears fall and how this break up took place comes to mind. 
You were decorating the house with Seokjin's assistant when it finally hit you. The feeling in your gut, that one stirring every now and then while being around Seokjin for the last couple of months finally making sense. 
You walked down the ladder, placed to reach the top of the tree to put the star, and sat over the biggest present box, looking at nothing specifically. Had it been how he treated Taehyung that afternoon, when he came to bring presents to add to the tree or that you were simply over it all? His overprotective and controlling attitude, although not forceful, had finally gotten to you. 
The simple thought of having to spend Christmas with him and his associates was making the floor move under your feet  and you felt like you were going to faint. It had to be over. Finally, with the calmness of decorating it came to you. The anger, the sorrowful feeling of being distrusted and thought unwise to make certain decisions, was finally bigger than your love for him. 
The whole argument after Taehyung had kissed your forehead and squeezed your arm the day before, was tiring beyond measure and you hadn't even fought back this time. You simply had fallen silent and stared at him blankly, and his discomforts fell silent too. 
You had left the room without a word, with a prudential time for him to speak again and before he left to take care of business, you only so briefly said goodbye to him. He had looked at you and noticed the dying feelings inside of you, but he was in a rush, couldn't stay to hunt down the truth. Bad luck. 
Just like that, you chugged down half a liquor bottle from the mini fridge between the seats and asked the driver to take you to Kim's Manor. Uncalled, without heads up, you were standing, slightly unsteady, in the main entrance without an escort, twenty minutes later. 
The housekeeper almost lost it when he saw you, his eyes bulged and he quickly moved away to help you get on a pair of slippers. Namjoon's over the top courtesy. No wonder his lovers had dreamy eyes whenever they were around; Princess treatment can feel really good. 
"I'll let the master know you are here," he said, with urgency. 
"No need, I haven't come to see Namjoon," you told him, making him gasp. 
There were only two masters in the house and it happened that being near you almost got one of them killed. Or at least, having to play hide and seek for a good while. 
"Missis, I-" he tried to speak but you could sense the internal fight between his own feelings of protecting his beloved master and the proper treatment of a family friend. 
"Do your duty but I'll show myself the way," you said as you walked in and up the right set of stairs, to Taehyung's bedroom. 
He wasn't sleeping, if you were honest, you didn't expect him to be and you wouldn't have come if you did. It was early for him. He was in bed, playing a game on his phone, wearing full silk pyjamas with a robe and soft Christmas socks. You were right of course, he raised his eyes from his phone first as the door opened, then left his phone aside when he saw you enter. You locked the door. With no particular plan, just for privacy. 
He sat criss-cross over the bed and you leaned on the door. "I have broken up with Seokjin. I was at Jimin's but he was coming over… I know I shouldn't be here," It all suddenly hits you, the consequences, how thoughtless you have been. It isn’t over, not until Seokjin said so, he was going to the house to mend things and you should have stayed to keep your ground. It wasn’t until you voiced it that you realised you had made the worst possible decision. Taehyung isn't just your childhood best friend but also Seokjin's nemesis, in his eyes. Your heart starts beating faster. 
"It's okay," Taehyung objects, paralysing all your thoughts. 
"No it's not," speaks the voice of  reason from inside you, through your vocal cords. You turn to try to unlock the door and seek Namjoon, before a misunderstanding can reach a fatal ending. 
You had forgotten how long Taehyung's legs are, until he has reached you and closed the inch-wide crack you have managed to open. "Don't leave now," he mutters. "Please," he begs, causing you to turn around in the few inches of space he has left for your body. 
"Taehyung, I-" you can’t say more. His lips are on yours, soft and gentle yet the way he breathes through his nose and how he lets his head fall on your left shoulder right after speaks love letters of contained passion. 
"I love you," he mutters, voice cracked and tears starting to dampen your clothed skin. 
The breath gets caught in your throat,  as if seeing your life pass before your eyes, every little moment of closeness you have had with Taehyung until that very moment that ruined everything, played backwards in your mind. Your heart jolted. Seokjin's fears were true. Your indulgence with Taehyung, the tenderness you felt for him, the need to care, the fact you allowed him in Seokjin's bed and were always advocating for him to be forgiven, all translated to one simple sentence, "I love you too." Not childlike love and not only friendship love, not even just that pure and genuine love of wanting the best for each other. Love that makes you grip his robe to keep his body close. You have always done that, never wanted him too far from you.
Always pulling the hugs a little bit longer, always wanting him to stay, always wanting him near. Always lingering on his beautiful features and lying to yourself with the thought that you wanted a good girl for him. Always looking away when he kissed someone else, on the pretext of giving him privacy, yet feeling a slight twinge in your chest and telling yourself it was normal. You didn't want your friend to be taken away from you. Unaware that because you never had been given reasons to be jealous with Seokjin or simply trusting him, that would have been the feeling it would awaken in his case too. Unaware that you didn't just enjoy the view of Adonis Seokjin fucking another man but that you also enjoyed the view of Taehyung being taken. That it was the view of both men thaw had you wet and touching yourself with passion, even to the memory of it. 
You quickly pulled him against you. The strange dizziness and clairvoyance of the drug mix making you feel slightly out of your mind. "Fuck me, Taehyung, I fucking love you how could I be so blind?" 
He kisses you and pulls you against his chest, "Don't blame yourself now," he mutters against your hairline. 
"Fuck me," you whisper, feeling his back and then groping his buttocks.  You move away to meet his eyes, palms against his abdomen, "I feel like I have missed a lifetime of having you inside of me," you say, landing an accepted kiss from an astonished Taehyung, hands running all over him. 
"Slow down baby, you are drunk," he says gently, grabbing your wrists and pulling away. 
"And high, but it doesn't make it less true." you say looking at him devilish and then biting your lower lip. 
"Oh wow, then I'm definitely not doing this," he says, letting go of your wrists and getting as further away from you as possible, reaching for the intercom  at his nightstand. "Wyatt, can you get a room ready for the lady please, she's unwell," you hear him say and he has to hang up at the moment he feels you kissing his manhood over the clothes. "Good lord," he groans to the ceiling, before doing the right thing and walking away again. "You have to stop," he urges, seeing you crawl in his direction and you act the brat by lying on your back with your arms crossed. Pout included.
"Tomorrow or past it, when you are sober and fresh, if you still feel like doing these exact same things, I'll surrender to your will. I will please you with any means necessary," he says, squatting next to you. 
You can only succumb to the capricious nature of the alcohol and drug. There over the floor, with its fluffiness you grumble and lie on your side, "I have just embarrassed myself, haven't I?" 
"Further from the truth," he says, "I'm happy if this is the true level of comfort you feel with me but I can’t be sure you're not uninhibited right now."
You wake up foreign to the bed you are in, panicking until you realise where you are. The room is modernly decorated and although it has a forest painted on the tall wall against the bed's headrest,  it looks nothing like Jimin's house. This one has hardwood floors and ceilings, keeping the warm aesthetic all the private areas of the house have. The top to bottom windows let in the light and the view of the gardens, but they also have blinds. The ones you forgot to draw last night. 
You turn on your other side with no use, because you are already too awake. The sound of the toilet being flushed startles you to look in that direction and Taehyung slides the door to the ensuite open a few seconds later, shirtless. "Sorry," his eyebrows raised in surprise. "Have I woken you?" 
"No-no, the sun did," you mutter confused, unable to remember last night, nor even how you ended up sleeping here. You wear nothing but a jumper and your panties, and apprehension takes over. If you have slept with him, you would like to remember it. You feel tension at the pit of your stomach, an awful dread of having experienced him but being unable to recover the events or what you felt, what it felt like. Your eyes redden with unfallen tears and your cracked voice says aloud, "Have we-?" 
"Oh nononono-" Taehyung waves his hands in front of his body, distracting you from the thought. "I had a bit of a time to make you understand you were too intoxicated, but I helped you get to sleep. Nothing more than that." It's in that last sentence that his tone betrays him. You have always known when he lies. It's as if you knew every chord of his melody and were able to spot a single tone moved in it. 
"I killed Seokjin." he says with a monotone, as if not accepting it has happened. Your eyes bulge and you feel your heart slow down, a tear falling from your left eye but unable to process the whole meaning of it; in a sudden void. You can’t find words to express anything because your mind goes blank, yet your mouth opens slightly as if you want to say something. 
"It was an accident." he finally speaks again in what has felt like time stopping, making you gasp as you snap out of your stupor. "That's why we are here. That's why we are not in my room. There was blood on the rug. On the bed too. Yes, also on the floor." the way his voice stays to a monotone while he looks to a spot on the floor, as he speaks, tells you he is in shock. "The service was cleaning it a few hours ago. I just-" he then looks at you. "I didn't dare to enter." He then seems to realise, "That's not important. I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to kill him, he came at me with a gun, I had the shower on, he thought you were in it-That we had sex, then-then everything went so fast. I didn't even have time to think! I just reacted-Like we were trained-I didn't think! How could I not think!?" he frantically explains, starting to pull his hair forcefully in distress. 
You rush out of the bed, making sure to move his hands away to restrain him from damaging his scalp. "Taehyung, stop." you whisper, taking him in your arms. "It was self-defence… you just knew how to save yourself better. But, you were just surviving, nothing else." you shush him, although you are only pushing away whatever comes with his revelation, numb to the feeling. Not truly calm. Not fit for advice. 
Once again, lust answers at the nonsense and you kiss on his neck. "Amnon-" he whispers with a husk in his voice. 
"Please…" you whisper against his skin. 
He succumbs this time, grabbing your ass as you work with your mouth on his pulsepoint. He doesn't stop you, when your mouth slides down his torso and his breath falters beautifully at your advances.  This time he doesn’t know what to do with his hands when you kiss him over his trousers. He was half hard already but the gesture, when you don't move your lips away, makes you feel him grow to his full mast. 
His hands grip  your shoulders, pulling up and you oblige to stand, eyes trailing your features and the lines of your body as you do. They stop at your core for a second and his head falls backwards as he grunts. 
When he looks at you again his eyes are full of lust, "Are you sure about this?" he takes the caution not to mention Seokjin again, the one thing that can be an obstacle, for its obviousness. 
You respond physically first, sitting on the bed and letting your upper body fall, the jumper exposing a bit of tummy with the stretched movement. 
When he moves, he does slow but when his hands touch you everything seems to take a hurricanes pace. He kisses, he bites, your lips, your neck, your chest, your abdomen, your thighs, until you are a flooded pool of desire, vibrating with need for him. Although, it is when his mouth and tongue take possession of your nub that you feel like you are meant to be like this. When you cum, you feel like you are floating in the sky. 
The nakedness of his member makes you surround him with your legs, and you can already tell he is just as eager to be inside of you as you want him. It slides strongly against your walls as you press your chest against his, hugging him with your whole body as he enters you. 
There's no closeness enough now that he is with you like this. You feel like you want to fuse  with him, get inside of his body, in a different way that he is in yours, feel his blood flow in your veins. The next need is so over the top, the way you visualise your bodies melting together that you wonder if the drugs are still playing part in the experience. 
Breathing fast under his body with his abdomen against yours, you feel your ecstasy flow through your body like burning magma of joy. "Taehyuuung!" you scream as your hands reach to the bed to grab on the sheets underneath. He chuckles but doesn't stop moving, frenetic with sensations. Then he feels it  rushing, almost unexpected and pulls out spilling over your belly as he keeps stroking with his hand. You giggle, out of your mind. 
"Look at your pretty cum…" you mutter, touching the splurts that have reached your ribs, extending it. You do think what you said, it's white and has spilled in drops like painting, except for the accumulation in your belly button. "You had a lot in you, didn't you?" you ask, meeting his eyes. 
He looks astonished but pleased with his lips parted. "I'm sorry." he says and rushes to the bathroom with large steps, coming out with wet wipes to clean you. So careful, so sweet, you close your eyes and let him do it, even when he cleans on your slit, where a first spill had left dripping remnants. 
"You didn't need to apologise," you say as he throws the last wipe on the bin next to that side's nightstand. "I love you," You say, as he looks you in the eyes. "your seed too."
"I love you too…" he lets out a breath, walking to meet you on the bed, hugging you abruptly. "I would do anything for you. Anything…" he says in the same tone against your head. 
You don't remember falling asleep but in your slumber, not wanting to wake up, you feel Taehyung's breath at the side of your face that doesn't touch the pillow you lie on. He is caressing your shoulder, sliding down through your arm and coming back, slowly, again and again. You almost smile and turn to hug him but you hear him whisper, "We are finally alone," in a way that makes your skin crawl. 
Then you remember, Seokjin didn’t come armed. 
I hope you enjoyed this. Let me know your thoughts and reblog to let it spread 😊 See you soon! ~
Work beta read by @pars-ley and @abitjess 💜
© 2021-2022 Cherry Soulth, all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any kind, translations, unsanctioned adaptations are not allowed.
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teddybeartoji · 3 months
MICKEYYYYYYY WDYMMMMMMMMMMM SUGU SELFSHIP??????? MISU???????????? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I CRIED . IT’S SO CUTW I NEED TO MARRY YOU BOTH!!!!!! holding both your hands so very gently………….
cracks knuckles . anyway i have some questions 😇 how does suguru show you that he loves you? (through words or otherwise?) and how do you show him that you love him?? :3 do you have any pets? any regular date spots???
ALSO . which of his clothes do you like to steal most……. i know you steal them it’s okay we all do. it’s a sugu selfship staple . he’ll just have to deal with it bc he loves us <33333
ARIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII:333333333333333333333 EEEEHEHHEHEHEE THIS IS SOOO FUCKING EXCITINGGGG MISU IS FINALLY HEREE!!!! i am already letting you know that this uhh.. will be long lmao get something to drink get something to eat and enjooyy:333
okok so first things first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like i already spilled to you in dms - this is a little college roomie au okay. just a little 20something mickey and just a little 20something suguru suffering from sleepless nights together<33333 i am one hundred percent going with the literature major suguru bc oh my god that feels just so so fucking right. he also has a part-time job at a little bookstore/cafe place!!!! i often hang out there too just bc it's such a cozy little spot,, there isn't too many people and he gets to put on his own playlist!!!!
i think (saying this abt my own alleged relationship btw) we're not actually a couple yet yk?? there's just a lot going on overall aaand so we just do what feels comfortable. we're very very close!!!!!!!!!! liike i often sleep in his bed bc i sleep better when i do it with someone/ around someone. and this btw makes me feel kinda bad bc he still can't sleep.. i like to think that he might catch just a few more zzz's with me there but ahhh.. he tells me that he does too but he really isn't the best liar.
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oh my sad little meow meow:((((( this is literally him but yk add a few years
ok anyway so yesterday when i was thinking about what exactly misu is the miguel series popped into my head. it's called rigor mortis and it's done by the lovely @/loganlermanstanaccount!!! i'm not basing misu off of that i genuinely think they're kind of two sides of the same coin if that makes sense. to put it shortly the series is abt a reader who is going through a very hard breakup and miguel who is dealing with grief. they're both clearly going through things but that's kind of what makes them bond and that's what connects them. i know your tbr is long too and you have stuff to do so i'll just pluck out a snippet for you because the writing is just fucking incredible. i was literally up every wednesday to read the new parts lmao this series was also one of the things that inspired me the most
this is a snippet from the third part - they were here, she says (sorry i had to take screenshots bc tumblr quite literally just didn't allow me to type it all out smhh)
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this is just really reminds me of suguru. sorry this really is a lot lmao imagine asking abt a selfship and getting a novel back about something different pls this is the loserville way okay. but yeah i just think it goes really well with my little roomie suguru (and me i guess). different types of grief but somehow it's all the same.
AAANYWAYY NOW TO YOUR ACTUAL QUESTIONS😭😭😭 a romantic relation ship or not.. suguru let's me know he cares through acts of service!!!!!! like grocery shopping and just getting me a little treat every time he goes out yk? i mean overall we both do the laundry together but he just gets to it faster than i do,, he takes care of my clothes and his without a second thought. he really is a malewife through and through damn...
and i show my appreciation by being a little clingy. HEARRR ME OUTTTTTTT LISTEN LISTEN LISTENNNNNNN though he likes to act all tough and shit (smhhh) we all know he likes the attention. and he's so used to satoru being clingy too (btw oh my god mitoru as best friends<333333333333) so when i kind of follow him around too, he feels more like at home yk? it's not necessarily even physical touch, at least not at first but just that i keep sitting in the same room with him. kind of like parallel play. i think he really likes the company even if it's just the two of us sitting in silence. liiike he's having a smoke by the window in his room while i'm idk scrolling on tumblr on his bed and it just feels very comfortable.
another love language of ours is listening to music together. i think while yes i listen to a lot of pop too, our tastes are very similar. so taking the public transport while standing side by side while sharing earbuds is very typical for us<333
WAIT ALSOOOOO i am always always always here for turtleneck suguru but.. i think in my head..... this!!!!!!!!!! like eeeespecially the blue jacket one ohhhhh this piece of art has changeeed mee i literally cannot stop thinking about it i really really love the idea of this mm like streetwear type of suguru??? is that what you'd call it idk i'm bad with labels but yeah this is misu's suguru<333333 ari i love him sm he's so boyfriend i mean roomie. oh god wait i have more to say,, his style is soooo so versatile though!!!!!!!! bc while overall i kinda imagine him wearing hoodies (i am. biased), he still does really like turtlenecks. and he has his fair share of long coats. ahhhh he likes to switch it up a lot!!!!!!!!!!! HE'S SO STYLISH I'M SO JEALOUS HE LOOKS SO FUCKING GOOD NO MATTER WHAT HE WEARS THIS IS SO UNFAIRR!!!!!!!!
on the topic of clothes!!!!!!!!! i steal his hoodies>:3333333 constantly. i can't really wear sweaters so those are safe from me but oh... the second i spot a hoodie of his... mwahahaha it is mine now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY'RE SOOOO FUCKING COMFORTABLEEEEE WHAT THE FUCKKKK AND THEY SMELL SO FUCKING GOOOODDD LIKE I THINK I'M GENUINELY ADDICTED TO WEARING THEMM AAAAAA and yes just like in your little snippet.. he does kind of lose his mind when he seems me in one>:33333333333
SHRIMPMIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REMEMBER HOW I TOLD U EARLIER THAT I LEAVE HIM OUT OF IT BC I JUST GET TOO SAD AT THE THOUGHT OF LEAVING HIM ALONE AT HOME?? BUT NOW ME AND SUGURU LIVE TOGETHER ANYWAY WHICH MEANS.. THAT I DON'T HAVE TO LEAVE HIM ALONE WHICH MEANS THAT SHRIMPIN IS CANON IN THE MISU UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAA this is so exciting. he loves suguru so much. and sugu finds it so funny when i try to act like that doesn't bother me😒😒😒 and every time i let the little beast gnaw on my hand (he is feral.) suguru scolds me and it's uhh kind of hot ngl like he comes over to make shrimp stop while grabbing my wrist and taking my hand away yeah i die a little every time i won't even lie
now... since....... i am on a roll (rip ari)............. i definitely fall faster btw. uhm like stupidly fast but i don't think anyone is surprised here..... but idk he's just a little bit scary in a way that i just simply could never make the first move...................................... he's literally just so handsome and so great i feel weak okay don't judge me (i know you understand) buuuuut i don't think he'd actually take too long to mmm grow fond of me either.. he is not as strong as he thinks he is.
i also need to talk about mitoru as best friend i just have to. mitoru is always meant to be no matter what universe okay we are Connected. he comes over SOOOOOOOOOOO OFTENNN he almost lives here too lmao we play video games together a lot<33333333 and suguru does get a little jealous<333333333333 he's so cute. satoru makes so much fun of him btw and i try to.. not think too much abt it or else my heart will explode.
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ltleflrt · 3 months
4, 16 and 26 for the ask game :)
*cracks knuckles* let's do this!
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
All over! Art, tv shows, books, other fics, random glimpses into the multiverse at the lives of my blorbos. That last one probably most of all. I'll be minding my own business, not thinking about anything fiction related at all, and then suddenly my brain is like hey what if your problematic faves kissed under these unlikely circumstances? And I'm forced to listen, because it won't shut the fuck up until I acknowledge the idea 😆
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
My brain is on a Destiel sabbatical, so my current fic ideas are related to Dragon Age or Baldur's Gate 3. Video game fandoms are where I started, specifically in Dragon Age 2, and it's nice to be back in that space right now.
I've got a DA2 WIP with Hawke as a rogue who is being haunted by nightmares of his father accusing him of being a failure while his family dies one by one. He ends up falling in love with two men, who hate each other very much, and he's torn between them, even though neither of them would ask him to choose. Also, it turns out that dream figure of his father isn't actually a dream, and isn't actually his father 😈
That one is currently on hiatus though, and I'm actively working on a fic where my two OCs from BG3 are half brothers who both fall in love with the companion character Astarion. I'm having such a fun time with Kestrel and Caelnir that I keep making up little side stories about their childhood and their relationship with their older adopted brother. I've also developed alternate universes for them, and already know how they're all going to die someday, because I'm THAT obsessed with these characters lol
Apparently all I'm in the mood to write these days is polyamory \^o^/
26. Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
I think it's Dreaming in Digital. The original summary only said "When Dean finds a deactivated sex bot, he knows it's his lucky day." which makes it sound like a smut fic, right? But there's hardly any smut in it at all. It's inspired by cyberpunk and The Velveteen Rabbit and the Ship of Theseus Paradox. It explores sentience and free will. It has a VR video game based on Moondor. Vampirism is a virus, and ghosts are malfunctioning medical nanobots. IT'S SO FUCKING COOL and everyone should read it 😆
(no one was reading it because the summary made them think it was just smut and so I added a longer description, but it still never got the attention I think it deserves 😭)
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macfrog · 10 months
I LOVEE THE FESTIVE HAPPY JOEL FIC, just what i needed to get in the holiday mood 🫶🏼🫶🏼
also i know clm is coming to an end, but would you ever write snippets or drabbles in that universe after its complete? i'm just curious because i would revisit your dbf!joel any day 🫶🏼
thank you! glad it inspired festivity <3
of course! clm is my baby, my first proper fic, and i am really proud of it. i need a liiiittle break from them just now (lol) just to shake em off and crack my writing knuckles if u like, but sometime in the future i would love to add more and more to their story. whatever you guys wanna see. they're very easy and fun to write for.
thanks so much for reading !! i love you long time 🥰
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chaotic-on-main · 2 years
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Speak Now | ModernAU One-Shot
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☾ Based on ➼ Speak Now by Taylor Swift
☾ Pairings ➼ Levi Ackerman x fem!OC
☾ Content/Warnings ➼ fluff, angst, arranged marriage, expletives
☾ Author's note ➼ I heard this song come on while I was driving to work today and I had the biggest inspiration to write this little one-shot. I refused to do anything else. But worry not, I'm currently working on my January chapter for Unspoken Words. I hope y'all enjoy my cheesy thoughts! Also don't @ me I love Taylor Swift and you'll have to pry the entire album of Speak Now from my cold, dead hands for me to stop listening to it. (Also this is written in second person but for my sanity I named the character instead of using y/n because typing that drives me insane)
☾ Word Count ➼ ~2.2k
☾ Inspired by ➼
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“Faye, this is a bad idea.” Your best friend, Hange, says from the driver's side.  
“Pft, you’re the queen of bad ideas, I don’t wanna hear it.” You retort back. 
You’re sitting in the passenger seat of Hange’s car which is parked across the street from a very ostentatious chapel. You eyeball the nauseatingly dressed invitees through binoculars as they make their way through large double doors. Knuckles turn white around the barrels as you consider your plan. Was it too much? Maybe. But you decide you don’t care.  
“Well, yeah. But at least my ideas wield good results. This is just downright insane.” They shift in their seat to stare at you incredulously. You put down the binoculars to wave your hands at them dismissively. Pulling your hair up in a quick ponytail, you unbuckle yourself from your seat and tut at her.  
“Who said this won’t? Just keep your phone out of your pocket, I’ll let you know if I need anything.” They just huff at you, exasperated. But they make no move to stop you, so you open the car door and pull yourself out, carefully shutting it behind you. Nervously you pull at your blouse, inspecting the entrances available to you. You spot a couple side doors that were unmanned so you opt for that route, heading to the one on the left. You duck your head to not be noticed as you shuffle past everyone else, your nose is permeated with repugnant perfumes and colognes. After you take a quick look over your shoulder to make sure no one is looking your way, you twist the doorknob to check if it’s locked.  
‘Oh, thank god.’ You think to yourself as you push on the door gently. Taking a quick glance inside as well as behind you one last time, you slip in and close it slowly behind you. You find yourself in a long, empty hallway with a couple of doors hanging off to the right. A long archway at the end opens up to who knows where. Faint chattering reverberates off the walls as it makes its way down to you. You sigh quietly and start stalking your way down but freeze when you hear loud shrieking coming from one the doors in front of you. It’s slightly ajar so you sneak a peek inside the crack to see a bride, his bride, wearing the most unpleasant gown that reminded you of a pastry. She’s roaring at a bridesmaid who was almost in tears. You see an older woman, her mom you think, is dressed in pastels to match the details of her wedding dress. The mom slaps a tiara out of the bridesmaid’s hand and the poor girl flinches back in surprise. 
“I thought I told you to bring me my bouquet! Where is it!?”  
“I-I’m sorry, I was told to bring you your t-tiara first. I’ll g-go get it n-now.” She stands up straight and starts heading to the door and your eyes widen as you whip against the wall, lying as flat and still as possible. The door flings open and the bridesmaid rushes down the hallway in front of you, not even noticing you. Releasing a breath you held the whole time, you sneak past the door while the bride and her mom are looking away, focused on putting on her sparkling head piece.  
You wouldn’t have to do such a thing if she had not uninvited you in the first place. She had thought you a threat at the very beginning of her ‘relationship’ with him, which thinking back on it and your actions now, is understandable. But she was unbearable, and you thought ‘to hell with family legacies’ because seeing Levi with someone else that couldn’t care less about what kind of floor cleaner was the best brand hurt you more than you could stand. He’s your best friend, she did not deserve any part of him. 
Creeping your way through the rest of the hallway, you pause every once in a while to take note of your surroundings. Every door slam and spoken word makes you freeze. Eventually, you get to the last door in the hallway; it sits partially open, and you glance in. You see him standing in front of a mirror, fixing his signature cravat to his neck with a cold expression across his face. Biting your lip, you slide in the door and shut it behind you carefully. Levi falters at the reflection of your sudden appearance but doesn’t turn around, instead he stares at you with dark, gray eyes and pursed lips. 
“Tch. You shouldn’t be here.” he says dryly.  
“Neither should you. I can’t believe you’re going along with this.” You fold your arms across your chest and stare hard at him. He just sighs, aggravated at this conversation yet again. But his voice is soft. 
“Faye, listen. I don’t have a choice. It’s only business, our families ne-”  
“Cut the shit, Levi. You have a choice, you always have a choice. I don’t care about their business, or even their happiness! I only care about yours. And you are not happy.” you cut him off, tone cold.  
“You don’t know what I am.” His deep timbre turns sharp. He finally turns on you, his eyes flash to yours and you hesitate for a moment before straightening your back to stand your ground.  
“We’ve been best friends since we were children, I know exactly what you are.” He narrows his eyes at you, a scowl framing his face with down-turned eyebrows. He takes a couple steps towards you in a challenge, but you refuse to budge. 
“Oh yeah? Enlighten me then. What am I?”  
“You’re a dick for starters. A complete asshole. You act all tough and mighty but you’re as soft as a marshmallow in there. And you’re loyal, which seems more like a curse than a blessing nowadays. You take orders from those above you even though you hate them. And boy do you hate them.” You take a deep breath and he’s just staring at you with icy eyes.  
“Is that right?” He moves closer to you now, but you plant your feet and stare down at him, unwavering. He’s so close that you can feel his body heat radiating through his black suit.  
“Yes, and you’re so stubborn. You refuse to let go of anything. You’re annoying and yes, you are such a brat sometimes! And you’re cold, you act like nothing bothers you, but I know it does. Because you’re my best friend. I know what you are. And you’re not happy.” You trail off, his eyes boring into yours as you take a shuddering breath. 
“Are you done.” he snaps, his phrase more of a threat than a question. You nod your head and bite the inside of your cheek. As fast as lightning, he raises a hand at you as if to slap your cheek and you flinch back. But instead, he grabs you by your blouse collar and pulls your face down to his faster than you can acknowledge what’s even happening and suddenly his lips are on yours. They’re soft and warm and you find yourself melting into him. But as soon as it happened, it ended just as quickly.  
“Why can’t you just choose what you want? Just be selfish for once.” You whisper down to him after a moment of silence. He lets go of your collar and turns on his heel to the door. He tears it open and then he’s gone without another word. You feel a wetness on your cheeks, and you go up to wipe it away with the back of your hand. When did you start crying? 
Taking deep breaths, you attempt to console yourself. Was this anger or sadness? You couldn’t tell. You feel a vibration in your pocket, and you pull out your phone to see a message from Hange. 
Everything okay? 
No, everything was not okay. Everything hurt.  
Levi was great at many things, hiding his emotions being one of them. But whenever you were around him, his eyes would never lie. And you knew you saw something in them that just screamed for help. And you were not about to back down, not now and not ever again. Levi was not a pawn in someone else’s game, and you were going to free him whatever it took. After sending Hange an ‘okay for now’, you wipe your tears away again and bolt out the door to the sounds of an organ playing a death march.  
“First off, let me say thanks to everyone who has taken a moment out of their day to celebrate the unity between the Reiss and Ackerman families. We are here for the sake of ongoing prosperity and strength for generations to come. This contract is not to be entered into lightly, but thoughtfully and seriously, with a deep realization of its obligations and responsibilities. As well, we hope for not only success for both the future Mr. and Mrs. Ackerman, but also happiness and love. With that, if there are any objections, speak now or forever hold your peace.” The officiant looks around the room with beady eyes. 
The silence is deafening, and it feels like everything is going in slow motion but too quickly at the same time. Standing up from your hiding spot in the back, you raise your trembling hand and clear your throat. Suddenly everyone in the room is staring back at you with horrified looks, including Levi and his bride-to-be. You used to say that you could never surprise Levi, because all of your attempts at jumping out of corners and one-upping him with gifts were futile. But the shock on Levi’s face now was palpable, and deep inside you thought it was delicious. 
“Me, I object!” You pinch your lips together in a thin line, fighting the urge to curl up in a ball in embarrassment. You stare straight ahead at Levi as you make your way to the middle of the petal-filled aisle. Straightening your back, you embrace your resolve.  
“I’m sorry, who may you be?” The officiant inquires, his voice sputtering.  
“I am Faye Dresden, and I’m in love with you, Levi Ackerman.” You see him recoil a little bit, stunned at your boldness.  
“You’re not supposed to be here! Someone throw her out!” The soon-to-be bride shrieks to anyone who will help. But you take a step forward, lick your dry lips, and yell out.  
“Levi, I love you! I loved you when we were six, I love you now, and fuck! I’m going to fucking love you when we’re sixty!” A couple of burly bodyguards start making their way to you and you start to panic but you yell out anyways. “Stop being so selfless and do what you want! No one forces you to do anything, only you get to choose! Please!” A big hand grips your elbow and starts dragging you away, but you fight it anyways. His face is pained and takes a step forward towards you, but then he stops abruptly. You can tell he’s still stuck between his duties and his wishes, and it breaks your heart. You can’t help but howl in frustration as you’re pulled away through the doors.  
As they throw you out of the front doors, you trip over your own feet and fall flat on your ass into the gravel. You flip them off as they shut the doors behind them, hearing the click of a lock.  
“ASSHOLES!” You scream. You hear the crunch of footsteps on rock, and you turn to see Hange walking up behind you, somber concern etched across their face. You stand up quickly and brush off the debris, making sure to wipe your eyes once more before facing your friend.  
“Let’s go home, Faye.” They murmur to you, holding out their hand to you. Blinking back more hot tears, you take the hand and start walking back to the car with them.  
“I tried, Hange. I really did.” You whimper to them as you plop yourself into the seat. Your heart aches, reeling from your failure. Hurting from his pain. They just squeeze your hand before taking it to turn the keys in the ignition. You lean back in the chair and close your eyes while you let your tears fall, streaking down your face and onto your shirt.  
Not even 15 seconds after Hange started driving, she hits the brakes with a jolt, and you’re being choked by your seatbelt. 
“Hange?!” You blink your eyes and look at them, but they’re just staring wide-eyed through the front windshield. Following their gaze, you see a very disheveled Levi. He’s stripped of his black blazer now, white shirt and black slacks waving slightly in the wind. He’s out of breath with a determined look in his eyes. You see him mouth your name. You quickly unbuckle your seatbelt and stumble out of the car. 
“What the fuck, Levi! We could have hit you!” He ignores your outburst and stomps up to you, his short stature almost comical.  
“I don’t care, I’m being selfish.” He growls at you and then pulls you back down to him, his lips smashing into yours again.
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nocompromise-noregrets · 10 months
🎨 📓🎧🎬?
wheeeeee! RIGHT THEN. *cracks knuckles*
🎨 what scenes from your fic(s) do you really really want fanart of? ooooh WELL like all of them XD but I would LOVE to see the illuminations in the Tale of the Kings from Stars and Arrows, y'know. :D :D :D I need to give those two another nudge...
📓 list your current WIPs argh well there are All I Want Is You and Break You But You'll Mend both of which I have been intending to work on for EVER and not getting round to >.< and the Twins-make-their-Choice fic which has been stalled for two years, and part whatever-it-is-now of It's Always Been You and Stars and Arrows AND the everlasting novel Two of a Kind, and I am working on precisely NONE of them. I need to have a proper sit-down and sort them all out, but it will not be this day. Maybe over the holidays...
🎧 your favourite singer/band is going to write an album about a fic of yours - which fic and what would the album be like? This is a tiny bit of a cheat, because most of my favourite artists make music that totally doesn't align with the sort of fic I write XD but a long LONG time ago I self-published a novel, and it was absolutely inspired by Beloved by VNV Nation and a bunch of their other songs so I'd love to think of what they might have created if they'd actually been given the novel to make a soundtrack for it.
🎬 which fic would you want to see made into a movie or tv show? (Assuming obviously this can happen) Go into details about why and what you’d want it to look like! omg. I would absolutely LOVE for Empty Vessel-verse to be a movie. Series of movies. Lavishly budgeted TV series. Actors from the LotR/Hobbit series mostly playing their characters with the addition of Paisley Billings as Maudie (Bard's wife) because she has EXACTLY Maudie's chaotic energy, and Rosamund Pike as Auriel (Thranduil's wife). I'm not very visually-inclined so I haven't any other facecasts but I am prepared to be swayed by your idea of Riz Ahmed as Imrahil (he's a bit young though...hmmm...oooh wait what about Ramon Tikaram? hmmm...). The closest I've ever seen to my idea of the Twins was a piece of art that nobody seems to know who originally made it, although I'm happy to let Jason Secto do it (he's the dark-haired one who appears twice in two different places in Arwen's arrival at Minas Tirith in RotK and one of these days I will make that crazy red-string-filled Tumblr post explaining my theory; he also played Orophin in Fellowship).
Wheeeee! Thank you for asking, and for creating this one! Huge fun! <3333333
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paperlovesadness · 2 years
Ah... I feel a bit strange doing this. Might just stay in the drafts forever. We'll see. But my hands itch to do it every single time I listen to the song so... So here's a lyric analysis of "Star Treatment" and how... it might?... be? A song... About... Miles Kane?? Maybe??? 🫣 (no executions please. I'm really not trying to push this narrative. These things just kind of jumped out at me & I felt an urge to write it down somewhere. And perhaps see if anyone agrees? Comments encouraged! If anyone ever stumbles upon this silly thing) This will get long... Cause that's who I am. And also it references other songs.
Disclaimer 1: I did see someone attempt this on reddit. It was a bit out there though... And maybe ironic? I do share a thought or two with them though.
Disclaimer 2, an Important one: this does rely on an implication that there was something more between the two sometime around/ between 2015-2017ish? I don't want to put any labels and try to stay away from any too specific guesses. But well, I suppose I do kind of personally believe there was something there. If you're not a fan of theories about private lives of real people... I'm sorry. This one's not for you. I really do try to do it as respectfully as possible though. At the end of the day - it's just a theory. And not a mean one. I understand it's all just something that fits together in my head and may be very far from any truth. Disclaimer 3: I know this album is a concept album centered around characters. But I'm analyzing the second, potential autobiogrophical hidden layer beneath the obvious first meaning
Okay, let us have a whack at it now:
I just wanted to be one of The Strokes Now look at the mess you made me make Hitchhiking with a monogrammed suitcase Miles away from any half-useful imaginary highway
This one is very on the nose. But quite literally sneaking in his name in the lyrics -- maybe? we know Alex loves playing with many meanings/hidden messages & double entendres. + the being away from any half-useful imaginary highway makes me think of when he spoke about the fact that he couldn't write any more love-related matarial after EYCTE. And someone encouraged him to just go a different route. That's how TBHC was born. But also implies some trouble in the love-related ascpects of his life around the time. Could've just been trouble around Taylor - who he broke up with soon after the album's release. There's theories about how that happened [current girlfriend invloved] - but maybe there was even more confusion & heartbreak in the mix (ending a tour with someone with whom the lovey-dovey jokes may have gone a bit too far/serious?)
I'm a big name in deep space, ask your mates But golden boy's in bad shape
this is just implying any sort of broken-heartedness.
I found out the hard way that Here ain't no place for dolls like you and me Everybody's on a barge Floating down the endless stream of great TV 1984, 2019
dolls = puppets. And how the industry / society isn't a good place for relationships like this. (People wouldn't understand the type of bond they share?)
Maybe I was a little too wild in the '70s Rocket-ship grease down the cracks of my knuckles Karate bandana, warp speed chic Hair down to there, impressive moustache
Miles and Alex have spoken many times about how their first album was heavily 60s inspired - Scott Walker, The Beatles, 60s Morricone.
What may be less obvious and spoken about is how EYCTE was sort of meant to take their work into the 70s. He spoke about it in an interview when asked about the album cover. It's a 1969 photo of Tina Turner - which Alex commented on by saying: "The idea was to move the artwork on from the ’60s feel of the first Last Shadow Puppets album artwork, so here is Tina on the very cusp of the 1970s" (They also chose to sing covers like Moonage Daydream and Is This What You Wanted during that tour. Both 70s songs from artists that defined the era). So this could be him reflecting on the EYCTE era and how things may have gotten a bit too far during the time. Going in to deep, crossing some boundries and definitions?
Love came in a bottle with a twist-off cap Let's all have a swig and do a hot lap
alcohol? pills? alcohol & or drugs clouding some judgement/helping loosen up and causing the crossing of certain [friendship] boundries?
So who you gonna call? The Martini Police Baby, that isn't how they look tonight, oh no It took the light forever to get to your eyes
It's not a particularly meaningful line in terms of this narrative - but I wanted to talk about it because I find it so beautiful but also so fuck*ng sad. Like - one of he saddest lines I've read. It just hit me in the heart straight away when I heard it. I feel like my personal interpretation is dead wrong. But still choose to see it that way. I also know of the story of how it's inspired by Alex's dad telling him about how we see the light of the stars the way it was in the past bc of how long it takes to reach us. The way I hear this line though is: seeing the bottomless sadness in the eyes of someone who had their heart broken. Someone whose eyes used to be full of happiness - and now it takes forever for any touch of happiness to show up in their gaze. Now a possible interpratation for a second meaning to this whole section could be: calling the martini police = grabbing a drink to help with hearbreak, when there's no other solutions left. Miles has sang in his breakup album Coup de Grace about how he drowned the sadness after hearbreak in alcohol and pills. Mixing stuff together like a mad scientist etc. (Also if you ever saw the interview he did with [the one and only] Martin on his CDG album... Oof... Yeah. There was no light in that man's eyes. Even Martin saw that pain and commented on it. It's a tough one to watch)
I just wanted to be one of those ghosts You thought that you could forget And then I haunt you via the rear view mirror On a long drive from the back seat
This is one of these sections that hits me the most. Cause to me it can be seens as: Alex being aware of how much pain he caused - all he could wish is that he was just another lover whom the hearbroken person [Miles?] could forget. But alas - he still haunts him. Here it gets interesting (or batshit crazy. Cause I might be). Beacause the use of "ghost" just absolutely sends me to Miles' song "Shavambacu" - where he describes the eyes/thoughts of an ex lover still being focused on him after the breakup (this song though could have a whole seperate post of it's own) While "haunting via a rear view mirror" made me jump up and recall lyrics from Miles' song "Dont let it get you down". I saw your reflection, in The backseat of a Chevrolet from Hollywood to East LA NOW - don't shout at me. I know timelines are important. Because Shavambacu and Star Treatment came out around a similar time period. But Shavambacu came out a little bit later. While DLIGYD came out completely after all of hits - this year. So first off - I'm considering the fact that Miles and Alex are clearly still friends and in contact. So could have shown each other songs earlier. But more plausible theory: if these songs are perhaps maybe inspired by one another - they clearly are gonna recall events and/or inside lingo and jokes they both used. Possible situation: post Miles-Alex hearbreak Miles stumbled upon Alex going somewhere in a car. They spotted each other. this also makes me recall the whole:
Swear I saw you smile You try to hide it well 3:15 on the wrong side Columbia Street line from "Killing the Joke". Which many think references the area that Alex lives in. They lived a few minutes away from each other around 2016-2017. So would obviously run into one another often. Even if they were going through something and taking a break/trying not to.
But it's alright, 'cause you love me And you recognise that it ain't how it should be Your eyes are heavy and the weather's getting ugly
This one is also way to sad if you place it in a relationshippy context. There's a few ways I see it: 1) it's alright - no matter what happens, because A. knows M. loves him and will understand why things ended like they did. It shouldn't be this way - but it has to be, because there's things standing in the way. He believes he'll understand despite the grief. 2) dramatic, sad version - the "it ain't how it should be" actually references the "love me part". So M. should understand that things ended because they shouldn't love each other this way. It's just now how it should be and A. believes M. recognises that.
So pull over, I know the place Don't you know an apparition is a cheap date? What exactly is it you've been drinking these days?
once again referencing bumping into each other randomly? And going with it - going some place; talking. Maybe about how Miles' is doing, the heartbreak, how he deals with it - the alcohol (once again - just referencing what he himself sang about in lyrics on his breakup album)
Jukebox in the corner, "Long Hot Summer" They've got a film up on the wall and it's dark enough to dance
"Long Hot Summer" - by The Style Council is actually a song Alex cited to be one of the main references/inspirations used when working on the EYCTE album. So is definitely a nostalgic/meaninful song between the two. They go to a place after bumping into one another - there's a jukebox with a nostalgic song. They can dance together - because it's an incognito, dark place.
What do you mean you've never seen Blade Runner?
Now the Blade Runner line is so clearly Taylor Bagley (the woman is a huge, huge fan of it, apparently) it did have me stumped for a while. But then - maybe it's a clarifying line? Like - if this were about Taylor he would definitely not say that to her. It's obvious she's seen it a million times. Maybe this is here to sort of clarify this?
Oh, maybe I was a little too wild in the '70s Back down to earth with a lounge singer shimmer Elevator down to my make-believe residency From the honeymoon suite Two shows a day, four nights a week Easy money
70s again - EYCTE era But after the tour ended it was time to go back to earth, back to being non-TLSP Alex. Running away from reality into writing music - writing about a make-believe residency (Tranquility Base) Time to leave the honeymoon era = the tour and shows TLSP had together. (also AM may be easy money? Their reputation [very well deserved] makes it so that it's easy - bc anything they come out with will be bought)
So who you gonna call? The Martini Police So who you gonna call? The Martini Police Oh, baby, that isn't how they look tonight It took the light absolutely forever to get to your eyes
And as we gaze skyward, ain't it dark early?It's the star treatment Yeah, and as we gaze skyward, ain't it dark early? It's the star treatment It's the star treatment The star treatment
a sad ending. It got dark. A bit too early. It's sad that it all ended. But that's how it has to be - in show buisness, in the industry. They're well known people and it could hurt their careers - also it would just get out easily, so there's no room for self-discovery and just trying it out. That's the star treatment. (This is also a theme I am seeing in Mr. Schwartz lyrics. But that's for another time) Am I crazy? Probably! Is this just accidental elaborate fan fiction? Maybe! But still...I don't know. Song theories are fun. I get that morally it's a gray / or maybe even red area - talking out loud, publicly about theories invloving specific names and relationships. But like... Sue me! Let's call it a guilty pleasure. If anyone ever reads through this wall of text... Hi! Thanks and sorry. And please share some thoughts! (Eh. May just delete this soon anyway) Peace and love
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jenuinely-speaking · 2 months
hi!!! can i ask 1, 12, 19, and 33 for the ask game?
Hello hello Lucky! 👋🏽🥰Hope your day is/has been going smoothly!
Starting off strong I see. Alrighty then *cracks knuckles* here we go~
1) What was your first exposure to TMNT?
I laugh at this now in retrospect.
Picture this: 9-year-old Jen visiting her newly moved out older sister with her mom. Mom and sis are needing to talk about stuff that doesn't involve wee little Jen, so big sis tells her to watch whatever DVD was left in the player -- should be good for a kid younger than preteen age to watch. Low and behold, it was the original 1990 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, at that time the same age as wee little Jen. Now, little Jen has seen the original cartoon -- but it had been a hit or miss. But this movie? Holy crap, it was like the holy grail was delivered within the palm of her hands.
What's funny, apparently mom and sis ended their conversation not even fifteen minutes into the movie and tried to get my attention, but I was immediately hooked and sucked into it -- they finally got my attention about halfway through the movie lol We ended up eating lunch at my sister's so I could stay and watch the movie. Never looked back and have no regrets (and lovingly fully blame my older sister to this day for my obsession🐢💕).
12) Which version of Donatello is your favorite?
Picked up on that, I see lol Honestly, love all the turtles equally due to their differences and complimentary dynamics--BUT, speaking specifically on Dontron...couldn't have asked a tougher question lol
After thinking on this (I literally stepped away to ponder this question, no lie) it will have to be Bayverse Donatello. His adorable snort-laugh (tickles me every time). His nonchalance on electrocuting his brothers with his electric bo. His pure, un-adulterated excitement with anything science/tech related, even if it's preconceived inconceivable science and tech. HIS NONCHALANT STEPPING OUT OF AN AIRPLANE AS IF HE WERE STEPPING OFF A PORCH. BRO. Just. *mind still trying to compute after so many years* What the fuck, Don?
I also can't help but think Bayverse Donatello was a core blueprint/inspiration for Rise Donatello and, if that's truth, I love that kid (Rise) even more for his complete, unhinged energy ✨🤌🏽
19) Who is your favorite ally?
Hands down, the Nutrinos from the 1987 cartoon. Absolutely love the trio, especially Kala. The episode where she was accidently stranded in the boys' dimension, and they had to work on getting her back home is one of my top 10 favorite episodes of any iteration of the series. Michelangelo and Kala tiptoeing around their hard-core crushes for each other is just chef kiss ✨🤌🏽🧡
33) What is your favorite thing you've made for TMNT?
Hhhhnnnggg That's another toughie, considering how endless my pit of stories has become. If I'm to be honest, it's a tie between two drafts that I have:
1) A story that started 13 years ago titled "The Fifth Renaissance Master". It is currently getting revised and ties in TMNT with Gargoyles and Transformers, a story that will be told within the span of 3 arcs. My two favorite bits? And this I don't mind spoiling 'cause it's gonna be in the summary once it's a good way along to post -- I figured out a way to have Elisa be their sister while still holding her adult history on becoming a detective for the NYPD. And for Transformers to tie in via the villains after the second arc. Words ✨cannot express✨ how excited I am for this story.
2) A softer story titled "A Family Tail" that is geared towards Splinter finding, in his early years as a newly formed mutant and father, the care, compassion, friendship, and eventual love from a nurse that helps him get his sons through their first ever bout of illness at a very young age. Possibly one of the most wholesome stories I've ever plotted out and my heart hurts so good every time I pick it up to write😭💕. I am thinking of posting this one soon(like, two really's soon), chapter-by-chapter, as I randomly get scenario ideas during the day. So, this one might just end up an on-going story post soon enough.
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