#i'm all on my own and everyone else has at least one other companion or an entire group and i'm too scared to go up to people
robinsnest2111 · 1 year
hmmm classic/alternative rock party tonight, yes or no?
still have enough money for the entry fee but not sure about the energy to dance or socialise as I'd be there on my own again...
maybe sitting in my little corner, sipping a nice non-alcoholic drink and listening to some tunes for a couple hours will be enough?
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thechaoticdruid · 8 months
[Firsts] (1/2)
Pairing: Astarion x Named F!Tav
Plot: Astarion's been acting way too flirty lately. Seriously it was starting to weird Winnie out. She knew the man flirted with pretty much everyone in the group, but lately since she'd given him a taste of her blood it seemed much more targeted at her and very aggressive. Could he actually be attracted to her? Pfft! No way!
Content/Warnings: Sexual themes, sexual humor, light smut, no actual sex yet, making out, dry humping, groping, violence, blood, death, Winnie has very low self esteem, Astarion being a perv, Virgin MC, Astarion bullies Gale, Gale has one sided crush on MC, oblivious MC, Astarion being Astarion, body issues.
Second part: [2/2]
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Things had kinda been weird for Winnie ever since she'd discovered one of her companions was a vampire. Astarion had always been rather flirtatious with the members of their merry band of weirdos, but now it was different. Ever since he'd gotten a taste of her blood his flirtations seem much more targeted towards her. 
Winnie would most often brush them aside. It didn't mean anything after all. Either Astarion was just a naturally flirty person or he wanted to butter her up so she'd be more likely to let him have more of her blood. The female druid was certain these flirtations weren't anything serious. 
Men like Astarion did not pursue women like Winnie. The human female wasn't exactly sure anyone would ever pursue her, but it definitely wouldn't be someone as breathtakingly beautiful as the pale elf. 
Winnie glanced around the blighted village before pushing through the door of an old abandoned house as she began to remember something one of the elder druids in her circle said when she was a child. “She's nothing but a weed amongst the flowers.” The old bitch had said.  Winnie rolled her eyes with a sigh as the others scouted the area.
“This looks like a suitable place to make camp.” Gale stated, looking around.
“It'll serve.” Lae'zel added and dropped her pack on the ground near an old fireplace. 
“It'll be nice to at least have a roof over our heads for once.” Shadowheart chimed in as she walked over and glanced over an arrangement of books that littered one of the walls. 
“Pft, if you can even call it that! This hovel is practically crumbling!” Astarion exclaimed.
“If you'd prefer to sleep elsewhere, be my guest.” Winnie replied before setting her own things down.
Wyll looked over the fireplace and checked around the house for any fire wood, but unfortunately there didn't appear to be any in sight. 
“We might want to go find some wood to build a fire before nightfall.” He suggested.
“I can do that.” Winnie stood up, “I'll see if there's anything else we can scavenge nearby.” 
“I'll go with you. It would only be the gentlemanly thing to do, accompanying a lady.” Gale piped up.
“Yeah sure, come if you want.” Winnie shrugged before turning and leaving the ruined house.
Gale followed after her before the two were also accompanied by Astarion.
“I’m coming too.” He said, sauntering up behind Winnie. 
“I'm surprised Astarion. I didn't think manual labor was your forte, nor yours either Gale.” The druid female hummed.
“Well I'm not about to let you go and do all the work alone!” The wizard added.
“And I never said I was going to help, watch Gale fail miserably to impress you perhaps, but I am certainly not going to risk damaging these nails for firewood.” Astarion sassed looking over his pointed vampire spawn claws with a pout.
Winnie rolled her eyes, ”good gods, might as well have let me go alone.” The druid female muttered, walking off ahead of the two men. Her eyes scanned the blighted village. The place was crawling with goblins and even though they let the party pass through on the count of them being ‘True Souls’ Winnie wasn't very convinced that they would be friendly enough to offer her group supplies. 
Her and the boys continued to search about, Astarion seeming all too pleased to give Gale a hard time today. Eventually after passing a large gate and strolling towards the edge of the ruined village the three adventures came across a shed.
Winnie stepped towards it, immediately coming to a halt as she began to hear low grunts and moans coming from the other side of the door.
“Oh dear….” Gale exclaimed, a look of horror adorning his bearded face.
“Do I even want to know…?” Winnie turned pale with disgust.
“I do! Sounds absolutely disgusting heh heh heh..”Astarion chuckled with a mischievous glint in his crimson red eyes. 
“You want to take a peek be my guest, but don't expect me to rush in after you.” Winnie rolled her eyes looking back at Astarion. 
“And here I thought you'd be interested in joining the fun, darling.” Astarion gave Winnie a wink before swinging the door open, a giddy shit eating grin spreading across the pale elf's face. 
“Oh gods….” Winnie gasped as she and Gale looked forward seeing a bugbear and a lady ogre in the ahem doggy style position. The two humans' faces were filled with horror and disgust while Astarion still had that same stupid grin on his face.
“WHAT THE HELLS ARE YOU DOING!?” The bugbear screamed as he pulled away from his lover. 
“Uh…. I'm very sorry! W-We were just leaving!” Winnie said nervously, face turning red in embarrassment.
“You two make a lovely couple by the way!” Gale said, trying to deflect any tension, but the two lovers did not seem to appreciate the compliment.
“Kinky.” Astarion clicked his tongue with a smirk. 
“MOMENT RUINED! I SMASH YOU!” The ogre suddenly pulled out a huge club and slammed it down right in Winnie's direction. Luckily the druid was able to leap back just in the nick of time. 
The bugbear began to charge in her direction only to receive an arrow to his shoulder, swiftly shot by Astarion who’d quickly climbed atop some nearby crates.  Winnie quickly unsheathed her scimitars from her back, rushing the bugbear and slashing him across the chest.  The she-ogre growled and took another swing at Winnie, prompting Gale to cast magic missile hitting both the ogre and bugbear. 
The bugbear let out a loud scream of pain before dropping down onto the ground.
“NO GRUKKOH!!!” The ogre shouted, tears welling up in her eyes before she glared at Gale with pure hate and rage. “YOU WILL DIE!!!!” 
Quickly before she can move to smite Gale with her club Astarion is quick to notch an arrow and fire it, hitting the ogre right in the left eye. Gale hits her with a bolt of lightning before Winnie makes a dash to run behind her. She then turns and uses her druidic magic to summon a vine from her hand and lasso the ogre’s leg, yanking on it hard. The beastly female tumbled back letting out a cry as she fell to the ground. 
Winnie then took the opportunity to leap up on top of her and slam her scimitars right down into the ogre’s chest, piercing her heart. Blood splattered upon the druid as she pulled her blades out of the she-beast’s chest, getting on her face and shoulders. She panted and hopped down off the large corpse. Astarion's ears turned a bit pink as he glanced over at the blood drenched female.  Honestly he had to admit…..That was kind of hot…
“A pity we had to put an end to the two lovers.” Gale spoke up.
“Better them than me.” Winnie said wiping a bit of blood off her face.
“Darling, hold on a moment. Allow me to help.” Astarion said, quickly rushing over to where the human female stood. Her strange fushia colored eyes looked back at him with curiosity. The vampire ran his thumb over her cheek, collecting a bit of blood before all too eagerly sucking it off his digit. His thumb pulled out of his mouth with a wet pop. “That was a very….enticing display you know?~” He purred seductively in her ear just quiet enough for Gale not to hear. 
“Uh…Thanks…” Winnie looked off to the side checks turning bright red. 
“Ahem! Well shouldn't we return to work? The sun’s nearly gone and we have yet to find some firewood!” Gale piped up, trying to change the subject before stepping in between the rogue and druid.
“Actually darling, I think our dear druid should probably take a rest. She did most of the fighting after all.” Astarion put his hand on Gale’s shoulder.  “And offering to get the firewood for her would definitely be the gentlemanly thing to do.” 
“You're not going to offer to help me are you?” Gale rose an eyebrow.
“Oh gods no! My dear wizard, you can't expect me to leave this sweet little thing all by herself?” Astarion said before moving piece of Winnie’s messy brown locks out of her face.
“I'm perfectly fine guys….I can actually just go get the wood by myself….” Winnie said feeling Astarion's hungry eyes leering at her. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. Why was he being so aggressive with his flirting today?
Winnie wasn't exactly too worn out, but at the same time she really didn't feel like feeding this overgrown mosquito tonight. Partially because she had been getting devoured by actual mosquitoes left and right since they’d wondering the wilderness. 
“I'm not sure if it's wise to leave a lamb alone with a wolf.” Gale gave Astarion a suspicious glare. 
“Hey! If anyone’s a wolf it's me!” Winnie pouted and crossed her arms. She was rather offended Gale didn't seem to acknowledge her most used wildshape.
“A wolf and a panther then.” Gale said.
“How dare you! I would never lay a finger on our darling leader!” Astarion crossed his arms.
“Okay, I think we've wasted enough time already.” Winnie said before wild-shaping into a black bear and wandering off to collect the wood herself.
Later that evening after Winnie had brought back the firewood she shifted back into her human form and hid herself away from the others, making herself comfortable in what was left of the ruined house’s bedroom.  She glanced up at the mirror beside her, studying her face. Dark circles colored underneath her eyes, left by sleepless nights. Messy brown locks that never behaved no matter what she did.  A scarred lip from her first real battle. And her body oh how she despised it. It was far too plump for her tastes.
"Nothing but a weed amongst the flowers."
“Why would anyone ever fall in love with you? You're disgusting!”
“Just as fat as a deep rothé and twice as ugly!”
“She's definitely gonna die alone.”
Winnie’s brows knitted together before she stood up and slammed the mirror into the wall, shattering it into a million tiny pieces. She breathed in and out, taking a moment to process what she had just done. The young druid honestly had no idea what had come over her. Why were these tormentful thoughts all coming back now?
Surely there were better things to be thinking about!? The disgusting parasite in her brain for one! She needed to get it together, or risk turning into something much more grotesque.
Winnie needed to get some air. She left the house through the back entrance and stepped off into the nearby forest, breathing in and out slowly. She closed her eyes and just took a moment to listen to all the soothing sounds of nature. Frogs croaking, crickets chirping, an owl hooting above the trees and footsteps…
Wait, footsteps!?
Winnie quickly turned around, her hand reaching into her pack for a blade when she noticed a familiar pair of red eyes looking back at her.
“I was hoping I'd finally be able to get you alone.~” 
“Astarion? Look, I'm really not in the mood to give you blood tonight. Maybe tomorrow?” Winnie sighed and rubbed the back of her neck.
“Oh, I'm not here for that darling. I'm here for you.” Astarion approached, eyes looking her up and down as his perfect pretty lips formed a painfully fake looking smile.
“You need my help with something?” Winnie tilted her head in confusion.
“In a manner of speaking. I've grown rather attached to you if I'm honest.” Astarion placed a hand on his hip.
“Ah, well that's sweet of you to say. I'm really glad to have made some friends on this journey.” Winnie said with a smile. 
“Oh my sweet. I'm not talking about friendship. I'm talking about desire.~” Astarion leaned a bit closer. His breath hit Winnie’s face as he slightly towered over the short female.
“I…. Don't follow….” Winnie said awkwardly. Astarion blinked and then proceeded to pinch the bride of his nose.
“Oh for gods sake. SEX. Darling, I'm talking about sex.” Astarion said with annoyance, crossing his arms. Winnie’s face turned bright red as he finally spelled it out.  It finally explained why he seemed so aggressive with his flirting lately. But at the same time Winnie just couldn't believe Astarion was actually making a pass at her. Her of all people!
“You're joking, right?” Winnie chuckled nervously.
“Why would I be?” Astarion gave her a confused look.
“Wouldn't you rather spend a night with one of the others? Lae'zel or Shadowheart? Or maybe even Wyll?” Winnie asked.
“Ha! Please. As if I'd waste my time with one of them! I have standards, dear.” Astarion said sassily.
“I'm just…You have seen me right?” Winnie said, looking away shyly. Astarion couldn't help but frown for a moment. Winnie seemed very....well insecure. It was clear she didn't seem to believe he could in any way find her attractive. He was however quick to resume his flirty persona.
“Indeed, I have and I find you to be rather delectable looking.~” 
“Yeah, yeah stop messing with me, okay. It's not funny.” Winnie rolled her eyes and turned to leave. Astarion internally panicked. Fuck. He couldn't let her leave. It would completely ruin his plans! 
“I'm not! I crave you!” Astarion quickly grabbed hold of her and pinned her to a tree. Winnie let out a grunt before looking up and blushing darkly.
“I want to feel you squirm under me.~” He said huskily. Winnie was at a complete loss for words. What the hells was she even supposed to fucking say to that!? Her heart was pounding so fast and she honestly felt like if he said one more word she'd faint right there. “And I know you want me too.~ I've seen how you look at me. How your heart races when I'm near. And don't think I haven't noticed the little lustful glances you give my backside you naughty thing!~”
“I-I-I…OKAY YOU'VE MADE YOUR POINT!” Winnie said, and pushed against him, making him back up.  She wasn't sure how much more of this she could take before she suddenly melted into a puddle. Winnie was not used to this kind of attention at all. “Sorry I just…I'm not used to this…” Winnie said, a bit embarrassed, “feel like I'm going to explode…Heheh…”
“Cute.” Astarion smirked at Winnie’s nervousness.
“I've never been with anyone if I'm honest….Hells I’ve never even been kissed.” Winnie looked down, honestly feeling rather ashamed.
Oh gods, why did you say that!? Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! 
Astarion then gently took her hand, “I would be happy to teach you.” He said before planting a soft kiss on her hand. Winnie took a deep breath, nervousness filled her belly. She looked into his eyes and nodded, “okay.” 
Astarion cupped her cheek, his crimson red eyes staring into her pink ones as he rubbed a cold thumb over her cheek.  Winnie closed her eyes and puckered her lips, slowly anticipating for him to make the next move.  She felt his breath hit her face before his soft lips met her own. At first it was sweet and innocent, nothing but a chaste little peck. But then he pushed her back up against the tree and pressed his body against hers. Winnie gasped feeling Astarion grind himself against her, allowing him to snake his tongue into her mouth deeping their kiss. His free hand reached down to cup one of her ass cheeks, giving it a firm squeeze through her pants. 
“Mmmm!” Winnie moaned into his mouth, her arms slowly finding their way around his neck as she squirmed. She could feel a hard growing bulge prod her core as he pushed his hips against her own. His tongue swirled around her own, exploring and dominating her mouth, but eventually she was forced to pull back for air.  A string of saliva connected their mouths as they pulled back. Winnie panted, staring back at the vampire who was seductively licking his lips. One of his hands was still groping her ass. 
“A-Ah!~” The brunette haired druid let out a whimper as the elf pressed his clothed cock into her. 
“You make such adorable sounds, darling.” He purred before planting another kiss on her lips. Winnie quickly returned it before Astarion began to move down her jaw, trailing kisses lower. 
His tongue lapped over her neck before he quickly began to suck on the delicate skin eagerly.
He kept one hand on her ass while the other reached up to undo her the buttons of her shirt.
Winnie bit her lip as she felt the cool air hit her breasts, her nipples hardening quick.  
Astarion smirked, his eyes hungrily eyeing her well endowed assets. Who knew she could fit something so big under her shirt? If he'd known they were this large he'd have bedded her sooner. Astarion licked his lips before leaning in to plant a kiss on top of one of her breasts. Unfortunately before his mouth could make contact with her skin he ended up being rudely interrupted. 
“There you two are-” Gale's voice trailed off, his face turned bright red.
“Is everything okay….Oh….” Wyll’s eyes widened as he peaked out from behind Gale.
“What is it? Did something happen!? Oh well that's interesting…” Shadowheart said, appearing behind Wyll. 
“Chk! As expected. It was only a matter of time.” Lae'zel seemed completely unfazed as she stood beside Shadowheart.
“Ooh Winnie! Get it!” Karlach cheered, jumping out from behind the others, tail wagging with excitement.
“Do you fucking mind!?” Astarion hissed and pulled back, glaring at the others as Winnie quickly turned away and buttoned up her shirt.  This was so fucking embarrassing! Her pink eyes quickly scanned the area for a hole to crawl inside.
“And here I was worried you were planning on eating our dear friend. Although I suppose I'm technically not wrong….” Gale hummed.
To be continued………
Note From TheChaoticDruid: Just gonna say, the last part was inspired by an infamous Dragon Age Inquisition scene. XD And I was going to try to fit both parts into one, but it just got so long that I decided to cut it in half.
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pigfacedbitch · 1 year
Dating Hort of Bloodbrook
summary : general headcanons of dating Hort while being the princess of Camelot.
word count : 0.7k
type : headcanons
pairing/s involved : Hort x Reader, Sibling! Tedros x Reader
warning/s : discrimination against Nevers and Evers.
here is my masterlist!
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Note : I know this is late but this has been on my unfinished works since the movie came out. I fell in love with Hort, he is so cute and loyal to Sophie 🥹. I haven't read the books but I might soon when I need to escape reality again.
You will likely be a year younger than Tedros.
Because of the heir and the spare™.
I know it sounds bad but some rulers actually do those.
Tedros is extremely overprotective over you, especially when Queen Guinevere ran away with Lancelot and King Arthur died.
He's like the typical older brother you see in movies; handsome, buff, (kind off) a meathead, and annoys you to know end.
Will also be the first one to come to your defense.
When you got to the School of Good, you were determined to destroy the image of being Tedros' little sister.
Which results to you preferring to be a hero in your own story than being a queen in someone else's.
As expected, you quickly became friends with Agatha.
Not afraid to stand up to those who think girls are inferior to boys.
While the other Evers found the Nevers horrible for being future villains, you have a neutral perspective towards them.
After all, the School of Good has many stuck up and vain students.
Meeting Hort was definitely a memory to remember. It was when Professor Dovey took the first years to the Wish Fish (Let's pretend Agatha didn't free them).
When you put your hand on the water and begin to think of a wish, you didn't feel the water swirling like Agatha told you she experienced,
Instead, it was hand that intertwines its finger with yours.
And it harshly pulled you down the water.
The girls' screams and the professor calling out your name in panic caught the boys and Tedros' attention, running to the 'rescue'.
Under the water, you see someone smiling at you, or at least that's what you hopes he's doing.
A Never named Hort, son of Captain Hook.
Tedros immediately pulled you out of the water, with Hort in tow.
The angry professor commands the nearby guards to bring him back to the School of Evil and how Lady Lesso will surely punish him.
"It seems like I'm your wish, my lady."
He expects you to be disgusted like the other Evers. To his surprise, you give him the sweetest smile he has ever seen in his life.
"That you are, Hort of Bloodbrook."
To say Hort is surprised was an understatement.
You didn't only smile at him but also knew his name.
Cupid's arrow struck him at that moment. His villainous smirk drops, staring at you with wide eyes as much as he could before they were out of sight.
Tedros, who saw the whole thing, was not pleased and gave you a warning on how Nevers can't be trusted.
After your encounter, Hort seeks you out more.
You didn't mind, he is an odd yet funny companion.
He also doesn't care for one's physical appearance like the girls do or how you're nothing but a pretty face with a royal title like most guys think.
He encourages you to be yourself, like Agatha does.
You two would get judgmental looks from both sides.
Sophie was pissed, not only because Hort was losing interest in her but being the princess of Camelot is everything she wants to be.
So is Tedros. And everyone else who sees you together.
Agatha is just worried and would remind you to keep your guard up.
But you enjoy each other's company, that's what matters.
Hort was in love with you the moment you met but it took you a longer time to realize your feelings for him.
You only told Agatha about it but Tedros overheard.
Believe me when I say that Tedros will demand you to be examined.
"She's not under any spells, my prince."
"Are you certain?"
"Oh my God, I love Hort and there's nothing you can do about it!"
Everyone in the hall heard you.
Silence before a giddy howl ensues.
Hort runs to you and gives the biggest hug you could ever receive.
Despite being initially embarrassed, you returned it.
Before he could kiss you like he always dreamed of, Tedros stops him.
He pulls out Excalibur and points its tip on Hort's neck. Your brother will mercilessly give the poor boy threats if he broke your heart or hurt you in any way. Agatha joined in without words, just sending a warning glare on his way.
Hort would be lowkey terrified but so happy at the same time.
I mean you love him back. He could take a fucking army if you command him to.
Lady Lesso and Professor Dovey would only look at each other in disbelief, worried for what happens next.
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shiny-kaibernyte · 9 months
Hihi,, another silly Drayton request,,,
Drayton x Reader who owns protective pokémon (mb a Silvally as their ace or main pkmn?)
You all never fail to impress me with these adorable ideas you all come up with! I'm so down for this one!!! I do hope you don't mind the fact I changed the Pokémon to be a Hisuin Arcanine. I am not the biggest Silvally or Type: Null fan (kinda dislike them lmao) Plus big fluffy doggy 💜💜
Pokémon Scarlett and Violet Indigo Disk DLC Spoilers ahead!
After a Pokémon somehow broke into the Academy and shut the power of to Drayton's dorm room. The pair of you bump into one another in the hall where your Arcanine is the least bit pleased about his sudden arrival.
(I got an alpha Arcanine stuck though it was perfect for this)
Inside and out | Drayton x Reader
It was all over the school blog ‘Mass power outage on the second floor dormitories! No update yet on when power will be back! Will keep posted and up to date! On other news… Kieran finally to be dethroned?’ How in Arceus did a massive power outage occur? It rang in the back of your mind throughout the afternoon, curiosity tackling you at every possible moment whenever you would be wandering the halls. Unfortunately, when you finally caved in to your kitten instincts, the hallway was taped off. That wasn’t normal, it's just a power outage right?
“No this can’t be right…?” You question looking down at your phone then up to the stairs again.
“You can say that again!” A familiar voice chimed from behind you, before you even had a chance to turn around, you felt a head on your shoulder and arms wrapping around your waist, one of your pokeballs slightly rocking inside your pocket. “Quite the predicament wouldn’t you say?”
“Hello Drayton.” Chuckling you slightly turn your head towards your new companion, his hair slightly brushing against your cheek. He simply humed in response, looking up towards the tapped off stairs when you caught his attention again. “Any idea what caused this? Strage for the stairs to be blocked when it's just a power outage…”
“Well that, my Starlight, is because it's not just a power outage! Somehow a wild pokemon managed to get into the school without literally anyone seeing it, and torched up the breaker connected to the second floor, fried the whole thing, so even a simple light switch could spark it up. I only know this because Carmine dragged me out of bed… literally. I was having a very nice dream too, until I got carpet burns and bruises from her grip. Girls got a grip, I'll say that much.” Drayton chimed, getting a little off topic as he spoke.
“As long as everyones alright… Though, where are you guys all sleeping?” The thought suddenly popped in your head. It's blocked off and most likely can’t be fixed for quite some time. Plus with the fire hazards and the pokemon most likely still roaming in someone's dorm room now, it's definitely not safe in the slightest. “Are they going to put bed rolls down in the cafeteria?”
He shrugs finally letting you go to stretch out his arms before resting them behind his head as he starts to walk down the hall, “Yeah pretty much. I may need my beauty rest, but there's no way I'm sleeping on the floor with everyone else on that floor like a bunch of rattata.”
“You of all people don’t need beauty rest Drayton.” You teased now walking by his side, the pokeball in your pocket shaking more than before.
“You are such a sweetheart you know?” Drayton chimed, a bright smile crossing his face as he put his arm around your shoulder. But before he could do anything else the pokeball of yours finally sprung into action all on its own and out pops you Hisuin Arcanine. Expression unphased, you stare at your pokemon completely unamused, Drayton on the other hand has been pushed away from you with his hands in the air and surrendered. “Ah if it isn’t my arch nemesis, wonderful to see you again Arcanine!”
A low pitched growl followed his comment as the Arcanine backed up towards you expecting pets for his deed. Gently stroking its back you sigh disapprovingly, “Arcanine, how many times do we have to go through this, you both have to share my attention.”
“I’m not gonna hog them all the time you know! As much as I really want to…” Mumbling the last part, Drayton made an attempt to approach the Arcanine only to be met by the Pokemon’s glare. Seems his mumbling didn’t go unheard. “Think i just upset it…?”
“You upset Arcanine just by breathing near me, love.” You laugh scratching the underside of Arcnin’s chin as a temporary distraction.
“True true…” Drayton nodded, placing his hands in his pockets as a light smirk crossed his face. “Though try as it may, your Arcanine can never keep me from seeing my treasure.”
The bright red blush that crossed your face immediately made Drayton laugh out loud, he adored getting reactions like this out of you. Especially if Arcanine happened to be out of his ball, as it drove the pokemon nuts. Since day one, Drayton and your Arcanine never got along, no matter how hard he tried to get on Arcanine’s good side, it just fell upon deaf ears. After all Arcanine is the most loyal pokemon a trainer can have, and Drayton is basically the exact same. You are Arcanine’s trainer, and Drayton’s beloved treasure. So the pair will never stop fighting for your full attention! Even if you tell them otherwise.
“Arcanine, leave him be, you know nothing you do will stop me from spending time with him.” You respond, the Arcanine’s unamused huff followed. 
Drayton’s next mistake came the moment he let his winners smile show on his face, thinking teh Arcanine had given into you. The moment he moved, Drayton found himself watching you get pushed down the fall by the Arcanine’s nose before he even got close enough to touch you. You’d accepted this finding it too funny not to allow, Drayton however took a moment to actually process what was happening, eventually having to run after you two before he'd actually have to use his brain and find you. “HEY HEY! YOU CAN’T JUST STEAL THEM! THAT WASN’T PART OF OUR DEAL YOU FLUFFY HORDER!”
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krizariel · 1 year
Inspired on an episode from HIMYM - because is my background noise show:
Tim hooking up with Jason thinking he is a hooker because whoever introduced them (probably OG Bernard) was playing a prank on Tim for being a prude/too puritan and is not like Tim had much time to find a date for the wedding he had to go to. He is still friends with his ex but it hasn't been that long since the break-up and its awkward and now they have to go to the same wedding since they are within the same group of friends.
Bernard: You should totally bring a date
Tim: what? who am I gonna bring? I'm too busy as it is and I'm not going to bring a random guy from grindr
Bernard: Eh, just bring an escort
Tim: I'm not THAT desperate.
Bernard: Pfft, what's the big deal, no strings attached, get to show everyone you are doing just fine, no one has to know, you leave with your dignity AND a good time
Tim: You cannot be serious.
Bernard: Oh I'm so serious. What, Tim Drake can't hook up with a hooker now?
Tim: Just no, and seriously shut up. I'll see if I can find someone and I have nothing to prove I don't care to make Steph jealous. Plus I'm sure she won't bring a date.
Wedding comes, Tim shows up and Bernard is with his date and another very handsome man.
Tim pulls Bernard to the side because what?!
Tim: Who is that?
Bernard: Oh, you know, found you a date *wink*, thank me later.
Tim: With a hooker!?
Bernard: What, too handsome to be a hooker uh? No one would ever suspect anything
Tim: That's beside the point! I had said no-
Bernard: Geez, give it a try no one said to sleep or do anything with him? He is just a companion tonight, whatever else happens is up to you
Tim: I know that! But-
Steph: You guys ok there?
Steph and her date had joined Jason and Ariana (Bernard's date) and they had come looking for Bernard and Tim.
Jason: Hey, you are way cuter than described.
And he winked at Tim. He was way too handsome, towering the whole group.
Tim at first is kind of forced to go along but it would be awkward to reject Jason since he was already there, and it was not his fault plus damn he looked stunning. They hit it off just fine, in fact it was great, Jay was a total nerd, they spent most of the night talking, drinking and flirting, and Tim started to feel all giddy and more emboldened to just flirt back. Is not like he will see him again right?
The event was at a hotel and they were going to leave their own ways. At first Tim was reluctant because well, he has never done this before and maybe this is going to be really expensive but… what the hell, he hasn't been with anyone for some time and he really finds he likes Jason even if he is a hooker and might not actually like Tim. So he invited Jason to his room to which Jason just said: Was starting to think you were not going to ask. That would have been no fun.
They hook up, sex is amazing, 100/10 would do it again … , and Tim leaves a few $100 bills by the table and just leaves a note with his number saying call me. Tim thinks well… at least maybe this way he knows Tim is still interested to see him again. Tim feels crazy because what has his life come to… and no, is not like this will be a Pretty Woman kind of plot, Jason probably has other people to see and WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM!? He will totally not tell anyone about this and certainly won't tell Bernard how did it go.
Well, Jason never calls him, Tim doesn't have his number, so he can't call him. Not long afterwards Tim has an accident on his bike, the paramedics come get him and Tim sees Jason there. At first Tim thinks maybe he is hallucinating because he totally has a concussion but-
Tim: Jason? what are you doing here?!
Jason: My job?? Didn't Bernard tell you I was a paramedic?
Jason: What.
Jason has half the mind to not punch Tim because he is having flashbacks of having such an amazing time with this rich kid that seemed nothing like the rest but then he wakes up alone and with money by the bed table. So insulting.
Jason: I'm a fucking PARAMEDIC… now shut the fuck up before I fucking make your injuries worse and lose my license.
Anyway, they clear things up (and Tim cant look at any of the nurses in the eye because they start giggling). Bernard, Ariana and Jason work at the same hospital and Ariana and Jason are good friends. Bernard invited Jason with them, telling him he had a good friend of his who is really cute but pretty lonely and can't find a date since he barely has any time to get himself out there. Jason shot him down at first with thanks but no thanks, but Ariana (Bernard's gf) told him Tim is actually really nice. Since Jason didn't have any plans he ended up accepting.
Jason: So you slept with me…thinking I was a hooker?!
Tim: …. Listen I wasn't going to do any of it, I swear but you were so funny, witty, smart, loved talking to you and in just a few hours I found I really was starting to like you, you were amazing… and didn't matter what you did for a living. I genuinely wanted to see you again and now I'm babbling and not making any sense I'm sorry-
Jason: The fuck is wrong with ya?… after another string of curses
Tim: I- … I'm sorry, I know this is a mess and I understand if you don't want to see me again-
Jason: No, I was talking to myself because for whatever reason I find ya oddly sweet.
Jason: But first, I'm going to do something for myself and slash Bernard's bike tires :)
Tim: Oh, can I join you?
Jason: Sure. It's a date Timbit ;)
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dollvix · 7 months
The Beifong's drink their respect women juice
Let me elaborate, we know that the Beifongs are one of the richest and most powerful families for literally centuries and I doubt anyone else has stood as strong (except royalty but still) and what is the reason? their women.
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Just look at their own dais, which in fact in the Kyoshi books in Spanish they even take it as their throne.
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while all the other seats for the head of the family and especially the head of the state/kingdom only have one, you can say that it's because there is no known queen or fire lady or the title that would be in the water tribes (which It is actually rare but sadly not surprising) but even so we can say that if it exists they do not consider their role to be so important
And then there are the Beifong who maintain their partners' place as their equal even in their absence as the Kyoshi novels say.
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Lu Beifong may have been an idiot but he made it clear that Lady Beifong's place was not just for decoration but that they genuinely treat their partner as their partner and everybody knows.
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Which may be an isolated event but the years went on and then we get to Lao Beifong who at the time of separation and possible divorce just left and left Poppy everything because well, the things were hers too and I doubt another nobleman who wouldn't be a Beifong would do the same, these obviously love and respect their women fervently and passed it down for generations.
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... ejem... Loppy supremacy @light-miracles
I clarify that I don't doubt that there is also sexism here in the established roles but the show never tried to hide it in the society of the avatar world (like Netflix) and yes, it is surely the least they can do but it is quite interesting to say how they simply adore their women and that they accept the help of their companions and presenting a strong unity has been what kept them firm for years.
It's a real shame that there are no Beifongs in Gaoling these days (my bets go to Lin) and that the comics butchered the visit to Gaoling in Ruins of the Empire, I'm still terribly upset about that and that coincidentally everyone except Lin went but I'll leave that for later.
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solriccino · 4 months
WuWa Special Dishes
Jiyan, Lingyang, Encore, Calcharo, Danjin, Yuanwu, Yangyang, Baizhi, and Aalto
Just remembered the existence of special dishes after I got Jiyan's and thought of showing most of the others' special dishes. I don't have all the recipes unlocked so I can't do all of them! (Guys I killed so much poor animals for this I feel like a murderer but at least my Uncle Mahe made bank today)
See Jiyan's here: Jiyan's Special Dish: Yesterday in Jinzhou (yeah he had his own blog I'm a Jiyan hyperfixator)
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Lingyang: Liondance Companion
How to obtain: Cook Jinzhou Skewers with Lingyang as the assistant.
Increase all party members' ATK by 120, lasting for 15m. (This effect only applies to your own Resonator(s) in Co-op Mode)
Snacks Lingyang made for the Liondance audience. The treats were a perfect combination of fatty and lean meats, complemented by fruits and vegetables to balance out the heaviness. Ideal for enjoying while watching the performance.
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Encore: Baa Baa Crisp
How to obtain: Cook Star Flakes with Encore as the assistant.
Increases all party members' DEF by 40%, lasting for 30m. (This effect only applies to your own Resonator(s) in Co-op Mode)
After multiple attempts, Encore triumphantly created a dish she was pleased with. Golden and crunchy, each bite resembled a miniature lamb. And after indulging, one would surely dream of frolicking among sheep. With this culinary masterpiece, there's no need to fret - it can be savored without hesitation.
(This took me like 12 attempts to finally get in comparison to everyone else who took me like around 3 attempts so they're not lying when it took Encore multiple attempts to make her dish 😭😭 If that was intentional that is such a great detail)
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Calcharo: Ration Bar
How to obtain: Cook Food Ration Bar with Calcharo as the assistant.
Increases the DEF of all Resonators in the team by 36% for 15 minutes. In multiplayer games, it only affects your own characters.
Calcharo has a fondness for Huanglong's Food Ration Bar. He believes it efficiently satisfies basic energy needs in the wild and has a unique taste. To cater to some of the younger merc's preferences, Calcharo has enhanced the bar by adding dried fruits, sugar beans, and various seasonings, creating a variety of flavors.
(Idk about u guys but something about Calcharo liking the food ration bars is so weirdly cute or I'm just a girl)
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Danjin: Loong Whiskers Crisp
How to obtain: Cook Loong Whiskers Crisp with Danjin as the assistant.
Restore 50 points of Stamina.
The delicious scent of Loong Whiskers Crisp enveloped Danjin as she bit into the perfectly crisp exterior, her teeth sinking into the dreamy floss coating. Despite her love for this sweet treat, she always wished for more. The kind stall owner suggested adding extra ingredients to enhance the sweetness even further, a tempting offer that Danjin couldn't resist.
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Yuanwu: Sanqing Tea
How to obtain: Cook Angelica Tea with Yuanwu as the assistant.
Increases all party members' max HP by 28%, lasting for 30m. (This effect only applies to your own Resonator(s) in Co-op Mode)
The Sanqing tea from Yuanwu Boxing Gym has healing properties, aiding the spleen, lungs, and alleviating worries. A cup after a boxing session boosts blood flow and circulation while soothing the mind. The perfect combination of exercise and tea brings a sense of inner peace, momentarily freeing one from mundane concerns and desires.
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Yangyang: Fluffy Wuthercake
How to obtain: Cook Wuthercake with Yangyang as the assistant.
Increases all party members' ATK bu 33%, lasting for 30m. (This effect only applies to your own Resonator(s) in Co-op Mode)
A Wuthercake made with Yangyang's special formula. It incorporates whipped egg whites instead of the usual yolks. The result? A fluffy and tender treat that is both delicious and nutritious, thanks to the addition of berry jam. This revamped recipe caters to all ages, from seniors to picky kids, making it a satisfying indulgence for everyone.
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Baizhi: Iced Perilla
How to obtain: Cook Perilla Salad with Baizhi as the assistant.
Increases all party members' Crit. Rate by 12%, lasting for 15m. (This effect only applies to your own Resonator(s) in Co-op Mode)
In moments of research block, Baizhi turns to the chilled Perilla she always has on hand for a refreshing pause. The cool, herbal flavor soothes her senses and helps calm her racing thoughts. As she finishes her plate, her mind clears and she's able to refocus on her work with renewed determination.
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Sanhua: Crystal Clear Buns
How to obtain: Cook Loong Buns with Sanhua as the assistant.
Increases all party members' DEF by 28%, lasting for 30m. (This effect only applies to your own Resonator(s) in Co-op Mode)
Sanhua revamped the traditional ingredients used in Loong Buns, creating a refreshing and translucent treat perfect for cooling down during hot summers. This delicacy quickly became a staple on the City Hall's tables, winning over the hearts of all visitors... and the Jinzhou Magistrate herself.
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Aalto: Misty Tea
How to obtain: Cook Happiness Tea (the recipe is named Xi Ling Tea) with Aalto as the assistant.
Increases all party members' DEF by 14% and max HP by 12%, lasting for 30m. (This effect only applies to your own Resonator(s) in Co-op Mode)
The tea is a favorite of Aalto. As the water in the pot turns to mist and then back into water in the cup, the aroma of the tea is coupled with the soothing mist. "Now, let's get down to business." It seems Aalto's mastery of tea-making is just one of his many skills in the business world.
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Notes on the special dishes of those who I haven't included here
Mortefi: Crispy Squab (Recipe obtained at Casket Delivery level 10 aka you have to get all Sonance Caskets)
Chixia: Jinzhou Maocai (Recipe obtained at Chef level 4)
Taoqi: Kudzu Congee (???)
Verina: Morri Pot (???)
Jianxin: ??? (She's the only one I don't have asjsj)
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Bonus pics of my Jiyan <33
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 11 months
Messy/Jumbled Thoughts On Azula in the Spirit Temple
Obviously my initial reaction to it was not particularly glowing and excited to say the least. But after some discord chatting and discussion with my IRL friend I have come to conclude very solidly that I have no idea how to feel about this one. And I'm genuinely not sure if Hicks was trying to make Azula sympathetic or trying to make her completely irredeemable.
So one of the things that makes it confusing to me is how Azula declares that she does not want redemption because it is for the weak. And how she chooses to end by saying that she'd just find new followers to control. Off the bat to me that just felt like a nail in the coffin. A solid she's not getting redeemed.
But then my IRL friend pointed out that she started the comic by declaring that she was going to take revenge on her ex-companions. But ended up finding them and choosing to leave them alone instead.
To me this kind of felt like a massive cope on Azula's end like the equivelent of "fine, I didn't need you guys anyways! I'll find new *~better~* friends!" Like a way of masking how upset it made her to see them having fun without her. Or that she's in denial about how much it hurts.
But my IRL friend thinks that her choosing to just let them be is a sign that there was some progress made despite her declaring that she didn't want redemption.
Which leads to some of the discord discussion that I found insightful. Someone (let me know if you want me to name you) pointed out that pretty much all of the comic was the spirit showing Azula her own inner thoughts; in other words Azula was calling herself a monster and a bad person and what not.
Which, honestly, could be why the comic felt so confusing and disjointed??? Azula is confused and conflicted and we're seeing this through her eyes so it's conflicting and disjointed.
Azula has enough awareness to know that she's not a good person and that some stuff is her fault but she also acknowledges that she's not entirely to blame. I'm talking about 'Ursa' asking Azula what she is and Azula responding "alone, betrayed over and over..." and declaring that it's basically not her fault vs 'Mai' saying "maybe you're a terrible person who gets what she deserves."
Baring in mind that this is a manifestation of Azula's thoughts; she simultaneously sees herself as a victim and as a bad person.
And honestly I can actually see that making sense; people tend to be their own harshest critics. All abuse cases are different but many abuse victims blame themselves while also acknowledging that the abuser is to blame at the same time.
I feel like it's actually not entirely off base for someone in Azula's situations to have conflicting thoughts. Facing yourself for who you are, including (and especially) the worst parts of yourself is not easy. It is embarrassing even in ones own mind to admit wrongdoing. Almost everyone has that one embarrassing memory that still makes them blush when they remember it while lying alone at 2AM. It's sort of like that but worse. It is hard to put aside pride and ego even in privet. Now try doing that with a spirit watching and judging you.
Azula is facing down the worst parts of herself in an almost physical sense. And I think that she doesn't know who to blame or how to portion out the blame. Like she has difficulty telling how much of it is her fault vs how she was raised. Out of her mouth is all of the stuff about how its everyone else's fault. But then the manifestations of her thoughts say the exact opposite. She is literally at war with herself.
And she's scared and she lashes out when she's scared. She covers fear and insecurity with either anger or nonchalance. So when 'Zuko' asks her to repent so to speak, of course she says no. She's effectively being backed into a corner. She's on the defensive. And also 'Zuko' has taken on a monstrous and terrifying form. I wouldn't not shoot lightning at that.
Not to mention that, the entire time Azula is talking about how the spirit is manipulating her and that none of it is real. I imagine that, that makes it that much harder to face herself because she's effectively being gaslit in a sense. Like it doesn't feel real to her, she doesn't trust it--rightfully so tbh. She says that she thinks she is being lied to. Of course she isn't being open minded to what she is being shown. It isn't being done in good faith.
I think that my biggest hang up is how she was 'offered redemption'. Putting that in air quotes because was that really a chance at redemption? The spirit didn't put her in a situation conducive to meaningful change. To me it was almost just one more added trauma on top of what she was already dealing with. It's basically similar to Azula going to see a therapist but the therapist is terrible at their job and digs up trauma while offering no coping skills nor advice.
Instead of giving her advice or support this spirit tries to terrify/shock Azula into changing. This spirit put Azula massively on the defense and wondered why she was getting defensive. Literally all of her traumas, fears, and triggers were being thrown in her face and she was supposed to make something of it?
I'm no therapist but I'm pretty sure that that's not how change works.
Azula was getting yelled at and shamed for not wanting to change or acknowledge that she needs to. But the spirit who was trying to 'help' didn't give her ANYTHING to work with. No words of encouragement or coping tools. Nothing but showing her things that terrified and upset her.
It's like trying to teach someone who is afraid of water to swim by throwing them into the ocean and getting mad when (after being pulled out of the water) they come out more terrified than they were prior.
And this is what confuses me about how AitST is supposed to be interpreted. Are we supposed to see the spirit as the asshole or Azula as stubborn? I know how I see it, but how did Hicks intend it to be portrayed?
This was supposed to be the 'see if Azula is going to start her redemption path once and for all' comic. But was she TRUELY even offered a redemption? Because I don't think so. To me that was just Azula getting another layer of trauma to work through. And nothing about that situation she was in could even be remotely conducive to meaningful/long term change.
Speaking on my own experience alone; change and habit breaking, becoming one's best self while facing down their worst requires a few things; comfort, encouragement, support, enthusiasm, and stability.
Azula was terrified, alone, uncomforted, antagonized, and cornered. She was in a setting exactly the opposite of what is needed when someone is trying to make a change or do some hard introspection.
And now I'm left wondering if Hicks meant for the spirit to be seen as the asshole or if the comic was trying to say, 'look she chose not to walk the path to redemption.'
Right now it feels like they're gonna take the easy way out and leave her as the villain and point to the comic and say, 'see, she had her chance.' To which I say, "Did she? Did she actually?" But who knows maybe we are supposed to see that spirit as an unhelpful and evil. Maybe her walking away and not taking the vengeance she vowed is a good sign.
TL;DR: How the hell is this even supposed to be interpreted. What is the tone??? Is this Azula sympathetic or anti-Azula. Because I genuinely can't tell.
Never have I been so confused about a thing I have read.
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alovelyburn · 8 months
If Griffith gave Guts an answer he wanted to hear on the hill of swords how do you think he would have reacted? Do you think Guts would ever have ever forgiven him?
(Not quite as old as the other one but still way too old to be acceptable, sorry).
I think he would've been conflicted, and he would've been pissed off at himself for being conflicted, and he would've been pissed off at Griffith for making him conflicted. But he still would have forgiven him, because he couldn't not do it.
Or maybe "forgive" is the wrong word, because I'm sure he'd still be pissed off. Maybe "made up with" is better? I've pretty sure I've talked about it at greater length in the past but I'm genuinely feeling too lazy to go look it up, so I guess the somewhat concise logic is:
Even now, his current mission - his drive to destroy the apostles and drag himself up to Femto's level and theoretically kill him is all informed by Griffith's stupid speech - to this day he is trying to be the kind of person that Griffith (the original Griffith, but by extension the current one as well) could value and respect as an equal.
IMO, this is a huge part of the reason for his breakdown about being unable to hit Griffith. It's easy to assume that this is because he realized he can't kill the man he's been trying to kill, and I'm sure that is part of it. But another big issue for Guts is that he's been living to catch up with Griffith ever since Promrose, and he just realized that not only has he utterly failed to accomplish that, he's actually so far behind that catching him may be physically impossible.
The drive to earn a place next to him became a drive to fight him because of the changing circumstances around the relationship, but it's evident from say the Black Swordman arc or the Hill of Swords that Guts is still looking for that validation, and still looking for Griffith inside Femto/Neo.
Furthermore, for at least a fair stretch of time (leaving open room for the idea that this changed at some point, although I don't think it has), even his determination to take care of Casca was primarily attributed to his wanting to have her around to remind him of Griffith. Obviously this doesn't mean he doesn't care about her, it's just that what he actually wants, more than anything else, according to his own mind... is to hold onto, and become further/more deeply entangled with, Griffith.
Given all that, why wouldn't he make nice with Griffith if Griffith gave him any reason to think there was a point to doing so?
Obviously the argument is that he couldn't forgive the atrocities of the Eclipse, but the thing is, Guts is largely amoral - people love to attribute noble/selfless/moral qualities to him, but he routinely proves that he doesn't give a damn about anyone he doesn't have a personal connection to - he will literally just let them die if it's more convenient that way.
He's also proven that he has an internal hierarchy of significance - he does prioritize his current companions, for example, over strangers, but he prioritizes Casca over them, in turn. I think the Hawks as a whole were one massive "ingroup" - he cared about them, even the ones he didn't know very well, because they were Hawks, and that's all fine...
...but who does he consistently prioritize over everyone else, including all the Hawks and Casca?
Obviously, Griffith. He's the one Guts literally just ignored the Eclipse to try and save, the one he once abandoned Casca in a cave to chase, and the one he legitimately left her to burn to death to search out during Conviction.
My point is, whatever it is he's trying to achieve with Griffith is always going to be the most important thing in his life, and thus will take priority over other things in his life, even things he also feels strongly (but not as strongly) about. And what he tries to achieve with Griffith is heavily dependent on what he thinks he can achieve with Griffith.
One of my favorite Miura quotes is something to the effect that Guts and Griffith's relationship isn't stagnant and won't necessarily remain the same over the course of the story - that Guts remains the way he is as long as Griffith remains the way he is (and vice versa, presumably). He said at the time that he was looking forward to depicting the changes between them as the relationship evolved. Unfortunately he didn't get to it, of course, but it's still a relevant point... that the way Guts is toward Griffith can still change, if Griffith changes, too.
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aotopmha · 5 months
I've been finally watching an FF7 playthrough and I did not expect what the game's identity ended up being.
Currently at the end of "Disc 1".
I knew about Aerith's death long before I truly cared about Final Fantasy, but what I did not know about was literally anything else.
Aerith's backstory as an ancient, Sephiroth's characterisation as an horror villain across the game, Barret and Dyne, Nanaki and Seto.
Before Aerith even dies, we learn Sephiroth can literally control Cloud and he first ends up beating her up and then later at the capital almost killing her because of Sephiroth's ability to control him.
It's fucked, but absolutely incredible storytelling by itself.
Sephiroth's minimalistic presence itself makes him a fantastic villain because of his relation to Cloud and whatever screwed up cosmic horror Jenova is.
I did not see any of the psychological aspects of the story coming.
And I think it's an incredibly well-told narrative from just a plain script perspective, too.
Everything matters in some form, very few dialog boxes are wasted.
I also get why everyone is shipped with everyone.
Because all of them have such strong dynamics with each other even if the dialog is really straight-forward.
Guess I'm 100% a fan.
(Also as a massive FF14 fan, FF7 is an absolutely fascinating thematic companion to FF14 and I'm only at the end of disc 1.
I love, love how FF14 does its own thing while paying tribute to all other FFs. It's absolutely a tribute, but still very much has its own identity as a game and narrative.)
I'm turning into kind of a massive FF fan narratively at least, I think – FF7 is fantastic dark sci-fi/fantasy, FF6 fantastic steampunk/high fantasy and FF14 is some of the best long-form storytelling ranging from lower to higher fantasy, light-hearted to dark fantasy and a bunch of aesthetics beyond these basics that somehow all blend.
Now from all other FF stories I've seen fully, I think FF10, FF4 and FF16 are the ones I'd place lower narratively.
I think FF10 is my least fav of these because none of the cast did much for me, FF4 has the least depth narratively, though it is still pretty fun and FF16 suffers a bunch because of its uneven last third or so, even if I like the cast and base themes a bunch.
But what I like about them all the most is that even within the turn-based formula they all feel very different to each other, again, narratively-speaking. 16 is very little like 7 and even 4 and 6, the games I consider to be closest tonally handle characterisation and narrative structure pretty differently.
Each game brings something new to the table *the series* has not done before in some form. For example, as far as I know 16 is probably one of the most low fantasy games we've had in the series.
It's not new in the broader context of fantasy media, but it is new for FF.
And I like series that don't sit still like that.
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moescaria · 4 months
Hi! I started following you after developing an obsession over our favorite weirdo, Shiryu. So if you dont mind me asking, do you have any personal headcanons for him?
Ohhh, wow... I'm so flattered that you think I'm qualified to give headcanons, but I'll throw some your way! - For real-world nationalities, I think he would be Japanese and Eastern European/Russian, since he's referred to as Shiryu (Japanese) and Shiliew (couldn't really find much on this name aside from stuff with the suffix -ew, which allegedly has roots in East European countries and Russia... I know Shiliew is the stupid version of Shiryu but let me live. I definitely don't think he's 100% Japanese and couldn't decide). In terms of the OP world I think he's from Wano (like everyone else's headcanon probably). - BLONDE HAIR UNDERNEATH THE HAT! Also shaves pretty much every day and never has stubble. I think he is pretty on top of his hygiene in terms of shaving/body hair... I've never seen someone in the military with a beard so I'm pretty sure he needed to be cleanly shaven (notice how hes cleanly shaven in jail too! Force of habit after he was imprisoned). - I think he likes to sit on his big couch with a glass of whiskey and listening to rock on a record player... white dad style! - Obviously has that lingering smell of tobacco... to a degree you wouldn't even imagine. As soon as he walks in the room it hits you like a ton of bricks. I have a headcanon (with a few others) that he isn't even fully undetectable when he's invisible, since he reeks of tobacco. To a lesser degree ... he smells like leather and always kinda smells a little like sweat (HELP). I don't think he'd use a very strong cologne and if he does its sooo overpowered by the Pungent tobacco... yuck! - (sorry for this one) Has a bit of pudge on him... I mean look at the shape of the guy! He was sitting on his ass on level six for a while without training (and slides my own lore into this headcanon... my oc Freya is a cook at Impel Down and brings him big rare steaks at least once every day while they're both there... feeding him well). Has a big ol' tummy. Love! - Probably really tense from wearing that heavy ass jacket for like... twenty years and is sooo grumpy about it. You already know he just slumps down on the couch after taking off his coat and kicks his legs up with a big harumph. This being said, I like to think he wears nothing but a white beater and those green-ish pants underneath that uniform of his!
^^ Following up with the uniform thing... he definitely doesn't train with that heavy ass jacket and gloves on so his hands are pretty rough and calloused. After the time skip when he starts training extensively again he loses a little weight (boohoo). Can't decide if he takes off the hat when he trains but I don't think he's Shiryu without the hat. Can you picture him training, all out of breath and he reaches for a cigar... dude you're a loser actually - Another shared headcanon with a few of my friends, and one of my favorites... I think he talks to Raiu, to keep it brief. Sees it—or her, in his words—as his companion. The thrill of the chase is a feeling that will never get old... he expresses his gratitude for his beloved katana in its strict up-keeping (which we saw in that little scene with Shiryu and Laffitte)! He loves his sword more than the air he breathes... probably the most (and only) honorable trait the man has as a swordsman. It's something that grants him so much power... Raiu's seen it all! - Again, another shared friend headcanon (shout out... heeyyy... kicks my legs cutely), Laffitte and Shiryu have a rather interesting relationship as Teach's right-hand men. Surely, there's reasons why Teach has Laffitte as his Chief of Staff, and Shiryu's allegedly the strongest (aside from Kuzan probably)... after that scene in Zou, tell me there isn't some sexual tension. What were they doing, what did Burgess interrupt..? Can't get too far into this without having a stroke, but they have the dynamic of an old money couple. Each has the other wrapped around their finger... it just works. ANYWAYS. Hope these will suffice... dms are always open for discussion since I'm really not trying to write about Shiryu dick and balls on the tl LMFAO... happy to see he has fans, though! :-)
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sissylittlefeather · 5 hours
A House That Has Everything: Chapter 2
A/N: Chapter 2 of my new series! This one came to me when I saw these amazing AI photos on Instagram made by @blackvelvetep and @_chiara975ep. (Be sure to check out their pages on Instagram!) My fic brain went crazy and this storyline was born.
Set in Regency England, Mr. Presley is the gentleman who owns and resides in Graceland Manor. Annabelle Martin is his newest maid after her parents have died and left her an orphan. Can he resist his affection for her, despite the difference in their social class?
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, masturbation (male), imagining some sexy things
Word count: ~2.4k
Need to catch up? Masterlist HERE.
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Mr. Presley sighs and turns from the window. Will the responsibility of this new life never end?
After two weeks in her new position, Annabelle has settled into a new normal at Graceland Manor. It's not one she particularly likes or enjoys, but it's a routine at least. She's finally learned what her responsibilities are and how to do all of them. She's also met everyone in the house and learned who is worth talking to and who isn't. The other maids are not. They're both young and experienced and spend most of their time making snide comments and whispering about her. The cook, Mrs. Hall, is her favorite person, so far. She has a warm, welcoming air about her that makes Annabelle feel at home even in the big house that has no other home-like feeling. She hasn't talked to her much, but she likes her best of all anyway. And the handsome footman that answered the door when she first arrived is the cook’s son. His name is Jimmy and he's been nothing but cordial, albeit maybe a little too friendly. Most everyone else is nice enough, but she doesn't have a real companion among the group.
One of Annabelle's jobs is tending the fires in every room each morning. This means she's up before dawn every day. She doesn't enjoy that part, but it's actually quite nice to move about the house while everyone else is still asleep. Her favorite room is the library, which doubles as Mr. Presley’s private study. She never has much time to spend in there, but she does take a few minutes occasionally to look around at the books, even glancing at his desk a couple of times. He's a mess. There are papers stacked and sticking out of piles everywhere. She's not sure why, but she finds this a little endearing, even if she has sworn to hate him.
About 3 weeks after her first day, Annabelle walks into the library purposefully, ready to light the fire and try to look at the books a little. She's startled when she realizes there is a candle burning and someone sitting at the desk. There's only one person it could possibly be, so she tries to back out of the room as quickly as she can, but she hits the doorframe and it makes a loud thud. He immediately turns and stands up and she gasps.
Mr. Presley has an imposing presence even when he's not angry, so he feels almost terrifying when he is. He glares at her and Annabelle is overwhelmed with the desire to melt into the carpet.
“Where have you been?! It's freezing in here.” She shakes her head and stumbles over her words.
“I-I I'm sorry-”
“There's no excuse.” His eyes are wild and red-rimmed like he's either been crying or hasn't slept or both and his hair looks like he's run his hand through it about a thousand times. Annabelle recognizes the look of distress and her fear turns to compassion.
“Did you… have you been in here all night?” She asks in a small voice. He's obviously disarmed by the fact that she hasn't just run away from him.
“You look like… have you slept?” She chances a step towards him and his imposing presence seems to shrink a little.
“That is none of your business! Just light the fire and get out!” He spits at her and turns away. She walks over to the fire and tends to it quickly.
As she works at the fireplace, he turns back and watches her. There was a hint of something in her voice that he hasn't experienced from anyone other than the Mrs. Hall in a very long time. Could it have been kindness?
He softens a bit as he watches her at the fireplace. Her shoulders are delicate and graceful as she works and he has the thought again that she wasn't built for this kind of hard labor. He feels an insane desire to help her, to take the task of making the fire and do it for her, but that would be inappropriate on every level. Still, something about her makes him want to throw propriety out the window and care for her the way men do in stories about knights and ladies. He's lost in this reverie when she finishes and stands up, turning back to him.
Annabelle is shocked to find him watching her when she turns away from the fire. He moves quickly to look somewhere else, but for half a second she could've sworn his expression was gentle.
“Are you finished?” He hisses, not looking at her.
“Yes, sir.”
“Good. Get out. Be earlier tomorrow.” His attempt to put her in the right place in his mind comes out as unnecessary coldness.
“Yes, sir.” Annabelle whispers and goes to walk from the room. But at the door, she pauses and turns back.
“You could tell me… why you haven't slept… if you wanted. No one would listen even if I tried to tell them your secrets.” For a second, he meets her eyes and the warmth he finds there soothes an ache he didn't even know he had. And then he remembers himself.
“OUT.” He tries to yell, but falters the tiniest bit. She nods and leaves the room.
Falling into the nearest chair, Mr. Presley sighs deeply and pinches the bridge of his nose. She's right that he hasn't slept. He's been holed up in the study trying to make sense of some documents since last night. Somewhere around 3am, the frustration had turned to grief and he cried for an hour or so. He was making his way back to frustration when she came in.
Why had he responded to her kindness with such cruelty? He knows the answer but isn't ready to face the reality of it.
In the next room, Annabelle sits in front of the fireplace crying quietly into her apron. She's so lonely and tired of the harshness with which she's treated here. There's not even anyone she could tell about her struggles. She's alone.
And why had she tried to connect with him? Not only is he a gentleman, he's her master, and not a very nice one at that. But something about him and his emotional state touched her and she felt compelled to offer herself in some way. And for no discernible reason whatsoever, his rejection hurts worst of all.
She starts to cry big, heaving sobs, knowing they're audible but no longer caring. Let them get rid of her. Maybe she could leave this miserable place and let Mr. Presley light his own fires.
On his way to bed, Mr. Presley hears the unmistakable sound of a woman crying coming from the drawing room. He walks quietly to the door and peeks through the crack.
The new maid.
His heart shatters when he hears the depth of her despair as she sobs. She's probably crying because he was so hateful. He lightly puts his fingertips on the door to push it open and go to her. Then he stops. It takes everything inside him to turn from the door and leave her there crying.
When Annabelle gets back downstairs, the kitchen is bustling with activity. Mr. Presley is entertaining later that evening, so Mrs. Hall is in a tizzy getting everything ready. Most days she does just fine by herself since she's only cooking for one man upstairs and the help downstairs, but when he entertains, she wishes she had some help. Annabelle wanders through despondently and perches on a bench.
“Love, don't you have something else to do?” Mrs. Hall asks, sweat running down the side of her face.
“Not really. I've done all my morning work already.” Annabelle kicks the floor with the toe of her shoe. She's still having to work to keep from crying.
“Get over here and help me, then. I'm assuming you know how to peel and chop.”
“Yes ma'am. I did all the cooking when I lived with my… my parents.” Her voice catches in her throat and Mrs. Hall stops and actually looks at her with her red little nose and tear-stained face.
“Love, what's got you upset?” Mrs. Hall asks as Annabelle washes her hands and takes some potatoes to peel.
“Nothing, ma'am.”
“Call me Gladys, dear.” Annabelle shakes her head.
“Oh, I could never.” Mrs. Hall laughs.
“Even Mr. Presley calls me Gladys sometimes.” Annabelle looks up at her in shock. That's far more interesting than her troubles.
“May I ask why?”
“Sure you can. I practically raised that boy. His mother passed trying to birth his twin and I had Daniel who was nearly the same age. Colonel Presley was lost for a good while after the mistress died and he paid very little attention to his son. The nanny they'd hired wasn't a very nice woman and Elvis- I mean Mr. Presley- used to spend most of his time hiding from her down here with me. He played with my boys and I taught him to cook and play the pianoforte. He's almost like a son to me, despite the difference in station.” Annabelle’s eyes widen with Mrs. Hall’s words. She tries to imagine a young Mr. Presley running through the kitchen, learning to cook and playing with servant boys. But more than the image of him as a child, it's the look that Mrs. Hall has when she talks about him that surprises her. It's a look of deep respect and love. She wonders how long it's been since Mrs. Hall has spoken with him. Maybe he has changed. “Now why don't you tell me what's got you so troubled.”
Annabelle looks down at the potato she's peeling and decides that she needs someone more than she needs to keep her own secrets.
“It's funny you mention Mr. Presley.”
“Why, love?” Annabelle sighs.
“He's the reason I was upset. Well, not the whole reason, but kind of the last thing I could handle. No one here has been very kind to me, him least of all.” Mrs. Hall nods and smiles.
“Hm. He likes you.” Annabelle looks at her with her face scrunched in shock.
“No, he does not. I assure you.”
“He likes you and he knows he shouldn't. He's trying to keep you at arm’s length.” Annabelle shakes her head.
“How do you know? Maybe he hates me?”
“If he hated you he wouldn't speak to you at all. I know my boy. He likes you.”
“No, I'm sure that's not it.” Annabelle continues peeling potatoes in silence, but her heart is pounding. Why does the prospect of Mr. Presley liking her make her knees weak?
That evening, Mr. Presley has several friends over for dinner. They eat and play cards and have cigars and brandy and recount their most recent adventures in London. His closest friend, Mr. Jasper Davies, asks what everyone else is wondering.
“When will you be married, then?” They're not eager to lose the company of their bachelor friend, but they know the expectation now that he's the master of a great house.
“I have no designs on marriage anytime soon.” Mr. Presley answers, knowing this won't be realistic for very long. He'll have to marry sooner rather than later. Still, he's never found any particular young lady of his station that he liked well enough to marry. There had been one girl, an actress, that he had loved quite a bit before he joined the army, but she was not a viable partner for him. None of the ladies of the county interested him and he found most of them to be rather one-dimensional and boring.
The conversation about marriage continues, but Mr. Presley has a hard time focusing. For some reason, the new maid enters his mind. He thinks about her slender white hands, too delicate for the work she does. And the way her uniform follows her curves down to her waist and then hides the rest. What he wouldn't give to be able to see her legs and feet unobstructed. He lets his imagination go even further and suddenly a picture of her naked and sprawled on his bed appears. His cock twitches in his pants and he has to adjust and clear his throat to bring himself back to reality. That's a thought he cannot have, especially not in present company.
Eventually, everyone retires to one of the many bedrooms in the house. Mr. Presley stops briefly in the library with the vague hope that the maid might be there. Of course she's not, but the brandy he's had makes his logic a little faulty. He makes it back to his bedroom where his valet undresses him and puts him in bed.
It's not long before he realizes he's staring at his fireplace, imagining the maid on her knees in front of it. This image is quickly replaced by an image of her on her knees in front of him. He curses himself for the inappropriate images in his head and the way his dick hardens at the thought of her, but he can't stop his hand from finding himself under his nightshirt. She's so pretty and kind and graceful and oh, God, he'd give anything to see her and feel her pressed up against him as they tumble naked together in the bedclothes.
He moans softly as his hand pumps his cock, sliding his foreskin back and forth, his thumb sweeping over the tip to collect the beads of precum as they gather. His hips buck into his palm and he strokes himself harder and faster. He tries to focus again on the actress that he normally thought of when he did this, but he can't. There is only the maid. The maid with her hands on him, with her mouth on him, with her thighs on either side of his hips as she sinks down onto him, with her lips parted and eyes closed as she reaches the peak of ecstasy and cries out his name. With that, he whimpers as he cums all over his hand, his cock throbbing and pulsing and leaking until his release has fully washed over him. He lays in his bed sweating and trying to catch his breath. The picture of her in his mind is so clear. He opens his mouth to whisper, but nothing comes out.
He doesn't even know her name.
Until next time...
@ccab @aliypop @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @tacozebra051 @your-nanas-house @deniseinmn @joshuntildawn13 @lookingforrainbows @60svintage @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69 @louisejoy86 @rjmartin11 @from-memphis-with-love @deltafalax @atleastpleasetelephone @cinnamoroll-things @burnthheparaphilia @jhoneybees @cattcb @everythingelvispresley @returntopresley @searchingforgravity
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kit-williams · 8 months
Barn Anon. In my defence, it's not yet Feb. I promise I have a happier one after this one. Wanted to explore the Warp fuckery or rather those that are "immune" to it. :)
You wanted to scream, want to grab your aunt and yell at her that she's crazy. That... thing that she's brought to the family reunion... It doesn't belong here! It's not even human, nor is it a pet like a dog or a cat. Why is everyone so calm? why is everyone smiling? Don't they see how it's armed to the teeth? Don't they see that chainsaw sword thing that it carries around with it? Doesn't anyone notice how it's sharp edges have some dried bloodstains?
You politely excuse yourself and rush out of the house to stand at the back porch. Deep breaths. In. Out. You look out at the single tree that grows at the back, the stars that dot the sky. You manage to come back down from the emotions that threatened to overwhelm you. Laughter creeps out from the house, you see that…thing acting all shy and bashful and you feel like throwing up. Does no one else see that thing for the danger it is? The majority of the world seems to be the same regardless of location or culture. You've seen the pictures and videos of people around the globe with their Space Marines and how everyone else would comment how they wish they had a Space Marine of their own. Just last week your friend was excitedly showing you a video of a guy and his Space Marine summitting some mountain together, with the guy excitedly hugging his Space Marine.
The only comfort you have is that you aren't alone. There's others that see the true danger of these Space Marines. It's a small minority and there are few spaces online that you can talk about it. This small community has a theory that Space Marines must have some form of mind control or that they plan to overthrow humanity. It didn't matter to you if you agreed to those theories, you're just relieved to find others that understand. You know you can't tell your parents, oh god no. They'll think you're crazy or worse, some sort of conspiracy theorist or extremist. You're not crazy! I-It's them that's insane, they're the ones that need help.
You open the chatroom start typing away, venting to like-minded sane individuals. You know you're right. Your family is in danger, they just can't see it yet but you can save them. They'll thank you in the end. You'll find a way to get rid of that Space Marine, somehow.
Thank you for feeding into my weird idea about how it is just a bit of warp fuckery cuz lets be honest no one would just do what the husbandry tag does unless it's some sort of warp fuckery.
Besides I'm always a lover of the Eldritch (Also you cannot tell me as a Catholic that biblically accurate angels aren't some sort of eldritch abominations straight out of Lovecraft just with more fire and feathers motif vs oceanic) and to imply something is just wrong under the surface is my jam
How can people not see that these things aren't normal?!
You do your research finding old and you mean old newspapers from the 20's and there is nothing about Astartes at all. Up until the 40's where suddenly there are pictures of them... some of them being seen in old war videos.
Some theorize that that Nazi Occultism brought them here but they are all beyond our petty conflicts as seen with the futile attempt there was to bring them into the Korean war. They only cared about their "companions". There use to be so much more uproar in papers about them but once the baby boomers were born that's suddenly when everyone was okay with them. Only the people in the Silent Generation and the GI generation were complaining about the Astartes and then suddenly their children or grandchildren were okay with them.
You continue to read as the generations went on... Gen X and Millennials saw the least amount of pushback... Millennials it was considered weird to have the opinion you have now. You run your fingers through your hair looking at the newspaper articles as you now realize that Gen z and Gen Alpha will only grow up with "positive" connotations.
Gone were the idea that only Loyalist astartes were safe to own and then it moved to include renegades and unaligned. You shudder at the thought of your cousin with a Khornite living with them. They're going to die you've tried to warn them but you worry their Astarte might know what's up... they are so much smarter. You pale seeing an old guide about a Blood Angel going into a rage... you shutter at the article.
Your parents are talking about getting one but you managed to convince them that they can get one once you move out. You read the chat and how someone's posted about how a kid was recently abducted by one... or another about how some Gen Alpha kids can even speak their language... and then the theory about bonding that seems to come up when the kids explain their space marine... oh great a wild idea that you get chosen and have no choice in the matter.
You look behind you as you make your way home late trying to desperately avoid the dark alleyways and crossing the road when you see people walking with their Astartes. You've already found out nice communities that don't allow Astartes to live there so you can get away from the madness.
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Deacon Rambles. And Headcanons. (Long)
This man wears skinny jeans and converse.
He probably knows all the fresh new lingo kids come up these days. And he definitely incorporates them into his own speech. Just to annoy everyone else.
As he mentions a few times, he enjoys a good bet or two.
His fear of heights is actually quite interesting.
Definitely has some interesting stories, but there's know way to tell if anything is true or not.
One of those people who literally talk to themselves. Out loud. A lot.
Knows a fair amount of actual history but doesnt exactly like to admit it, unlike Arcade.
May be a complete mental wreck but he doesnt really like getting dirty. It just bothers him.
Picked up random words in different languages and surprisingly knows what they mean and when to use them.
Definitely the type to take buzzfeed quizzes for fun, especially the ones that are the cringiest and then randomly bring up his results in comversations. "Hey, I happened to be quite qualified for [insert random profession here] according to Buzzfeed."
Uses big words to sound smart and he knows what he's saying 87% of the time.
Sometimes you'll catch him chuckling to himself. Dont be worried for too long though, if it's a new joke, he'll wait for the perfect moment to tell you to get the best response.
Something I picked up after listening to a 2 hour, 9 minute and 20 second video on youtube waaaay too many times, Ryan Alosio definitely put more oomph into his lines for the female S.S.
I love taking a deep dive into his lore and other people's theories and I find him to be one of the most interesting companions out there because of it.
I dont think people actually think about it much, but when he's giving advice to the player, it doesnt just stand as game only. Most of what he says is useful in the real world too.
He is at least in his late 40s, change my mind. That's the lowest I'm allowing his age to go given his skills and knowledge.
Some people dont think about it that much, but besides running from his past, undeniable trust issues and being possibly still hung up on his late wife, he could just be content in not wanting a relationship. Nick would be a better example. Though you can place many reasons, you cant ignore the fact that some people just dont have a need for a romantic partner. You kinda lean out of love the older you get.
Dont get me wrong, I love coming across oneshots of these two getting the love they deserve. Old me would probably love to romance Nick while me now would definitely romance Deacon as I currently think of Nick more as a father figure. I'm just adding more tamer thoughts into why neither are romancable ingame.
That's all I wanna say about Deacs for today. I might post more again sometime and I probably will ramble about other characters too. I am already hoping I get a chance.
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grabowskibeepboop · 5 months
So, I'm an anime watcher, not a manga reader, blame it on proctrastination but I wanna talk about dungeon meshi so I will, even if I haven't read the manga, so my thoughts so far
Halflings are fake ass bitches, which is not a bad thing, but they will talk shit about each other behind their backs, but when everyone's in danger they will prioritize their own safety along with other halflings in the party, I know that's what we've seen already but I think it's just a trait they all share, exept if they're under different circumstances like one of them has a kobold companion (which btw I don't know where kobolds being furries came from, as far as I know kobolds look like goblins and such, but sure, I like furries so go ahead)
Laios is gay and it's heavily hinted at, okay maybe not that heavily but I'm 1000% sure it's hinted at, I mean who else would hear "there's a naked guy dancing in that painting" and say it's the perfect painting to jump into, and even if you think that's a coincidence and he was just hungry, not being affected by sirens' song and even knowing how to make it uneffective for your party members is pretty gay imo, and maybe it's not a specifically gay trait, but not being able to pick up on when other people flirt with each other or even you is just something I really love about him and I really want to say it's a queer trait, so manga readers, don't spoil me, but can you back me up on this? Or maybe debunk me, I don't know
It's not that hinted at, but I think that even if she's not in love with Falin, whatsherface is gay at the very least, with Falin being her awakening, but even if she's somehow not, Laios is and they're best friends, I'm not taking any votes
Whatshisface, the one with the chimmunk name, sorry I always forget complicated names, but if he's gonna end up with a woman, he needs a dommy mommy, I'm also not taking any votes on this
Personal headcanon because I think this would make for a great gig is that Senshi and I'm sorry if I misspelled it is still older than the rest (as in, I think whatsherface is above 100 or at least close to it, but I think converted into human [or species that live as long as humans] years she's around her early 20s because she's still pretty immature), but as far as I've learned from other media I'd assume that dwaves live around as long as elves, or at least they measure in hundreds, so I want to say he's still older than the rest, but he's a pretty young dwarf, I'd say he's around his 80s or something, but converted into human [...] years he's around his mid 30s or 40s
I wanna say this, not proud of it but at first I thought whatshis-pony-tail's new party consisted of his wives, but it's not so I was wrong, just saying this as a "fun" fact
I love myself a gossip king, I live for the drama too
Honestly wanna say that if I lived in a world where there were monsters I would've assumed that adventurers eat them on the daily, like that's what I would've done, why should I waste all that flesh and ingredients? Like I think video games already let you eat moster flesh do they not? Minecraft does, it is poisonous but still, I wouldn't be hesitant to eat them just because they're monsters, maybe I would be disgusted sometimes, but if I defeated a giant half chicken half snake monster I would be eating chicken for days (if I had the equipment to keep it edible), maybe even the snake part if I didn't feel so picky
The fact that they can make dungeons and they even study it and one of the characters wants to make one is genius imo
Edit with further thoughts:
(I just watched ep.19 so this is newer than the rest) Laios is a furry confirmed?
What if, if the dungeon cleaners get trappet for a long enough time in a different system they become part of that system, so they can be used as replacement for lost blood? (And no I didn't think of this while daydreaming about Kabru reuniting with injured Laios what are you talking about?)
So what if Kabru kissing whatsherface was just them showing that he's not hesitant to use tactical flirting?
So what if Laios has night terrors because of seeing the dead?
So what if I write labru fanfiction in my head even though I don't know anything about them?
So is Kabru just a people pleaser or is he manipulative?
Being a tumblr user makes me ship things in before I even know what they are
Imagine being a furry in a world where you could've actually been born as a dog person
But on the other hand you have a magic bestie who can turn you into a dog so
What am I on?
Edit again
Yooo what it there was an anti-nightmare, that gives you the best dream of your life that can't and don't want to wake up from while it eats your body slowly?
And what if one anti-nightmare can target multiple people, but that way they will both dream the same thing, so it's risky for the anti-nightmare
But it's also a good observer, so it can tell who would work well with who in a dream
They're usually in packs of 2 or 3, but it's not a rare sight that you'll find just one of them
They're in the same family but look different from nighmares
Omg I'm at it again
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thedragonagelesbian · 5 months
Companion!Cyrus Banter
Minthara edition! bc paladin elf machine goes brrrrrrr
Cyrus: Minthara, I have to ask... Minthara: Do you now? Cyrus: Do you truly believe you weren't responsible for anything you did for the Absolute? Minthara: Ah, the self-righteous faerie means to lecture me, does he? Cyrus: You could've slaughtered dozens of innocent people, and it wouldn't have made a difference to them whether you were acting of your own volition or of the Absolute's. Does that not weigh on you? Minthara: Only insofar as it is dishonorable to slaughter anyone whilst not in full possession of one's faculties, a mistake I do not intend to repeat. ~*~ (after Cyrus' Act 2 personal quest) Minthara: Well? Cyrus: Well? Minthara: You did slaughter dozens--perhaps hundreds--of innocents, to whom it made no difference that you were acting upon the lies of your mistress. Does that not weigh on you? Cyrus: Of course it does! Heavier than anything else in my life. Minthara: And how long will you shoulder that weight? Will grating your hands against the stone of your guilt wash the blood from them? Cyrus: Nothing can. That's not the point. The point is that I have an obligation to that blood, to the people I've hurt and their families and everyone else still living in Iriaebor under a woman I helped reclaim her rule. When all this is over, that will be my next duty. Minthara: It is curious that you could have learned so much about yourself and still think so little of yourself, for yourself. You lived underneath this Lady Stannard too, suffered under her, and yet you dwell only on your duty to others. (Cyrus quiets and does not respond.) Minthara: (almost sounding pleased) Hm. ~*~ (if Cyrus remained an oathbreaker) Minthara: I admit, you have... surprised me recently. I did not think you the type of paladin who could live without his oath. Cyrus: I didn't think it of myself either. My devotion was... everything to me, it was me, and when it was gone, I felt so... Minthara: Empty. I'm familiar with the sensation. Cyrus: You? Minthara: I am no longer Lolth-sworn, am I? Nor have I maintained the oath forced from me to the Absolute. Vowing vengeance against my puppet masters has filled me with no mere sense of purpose or certainty but a... (pausing, trying to be genuine; for all her contempt, Cyrus understands something about her experience that no one else does) a wholeness of being. It is, at the very least, convenient that my deepest desires and my oath remain aligned. You have the strength to attempt to pry them apart. Cyrus: Oh... (initially surprised, then with overwhelming warmth) Thank you, Minthara! Minthara: Do not test me.
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