#i'm a lot of things but i ain't a liar
daysofyellowroses · 6 months
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david von erich x reader | 1.5k | based on this lovely lovely request 🫶🏻 | no real warnings, just some softness 🌼💗
It sometimes makes you laugh when you think about how ridiculously stereotypical your relationship is in some ways. You love it, and wouldn't change it for anything, of course, but you really hit some classics.
Neighbors? ✔️
Met as little kids? ✔️
Went through school together? ✔️
First kiss? ✔️
First time? ✔️
Prom King & Queen? ✔️
But, while there are a lot of typical things about your relationship, you like to think you still have your own thing going on too. You and David have been officially dating since you were fourteen years old, you know each other better than anyone. You have your own private jokes, references, pet names, memories. 
It wasn't planned, of course. To get together so young and go through your life together. Hell, you both had a lot of life to live yet. Early twenties weren't exactly over the hill. But you just felt like what you had with David would be forever when you first got together. So far, you haven't been proved wrong.
The two of you always support each other, build each other up and push each other to go for your goals. Sometimes your friends ask if you get jealous now that David has joined Kevin in the ring, and has so much attention from girls. You just laugh when it comes up, there's really no reason to be jealous. If anything it just makes you feel more secure in your relationship. You know David enjoys the attention but he only has eyes for you, you're the one in his bed, in his truck, laying beside him in the grass, his hand intertwined with yours as he talks about your future together. 
It doesn't feel scary, thinking about a future with David. You can see a home, kids, a dog, the whole nine yards. Even if it was just you and him forever, you would still be deliriously happy. 
“What are you smiling about over there?”
David's voice snaps you from your thoughts, and you glance over to the driver's seat. 
“I would tell you but your hat wouldn't fit anymore,” You tease, looking back to the window. “And I would feel guilty, can't have that.”
“Aw come on,” David grins, his hand reaching out to touch your thigh. You're wearing shorts and the feel of his hand on your bare skin feels, as always, deeply comfortable and satisfying. “take the risk.”
“Nope,” You look over and stick your tongue out playfully. “You know anyway. I don't need to tell you.”
“Who says I know?” David is a terrible liar, always has been. 
“You know,” You grinned, shaking your head. “There's very few things that I allow space for in my daydreams.”
“True,” David nods, looking back to the road. The smile on his face has you wanting to kiss him. “And obviously I'm top of that list.”
You roll your eyes with a smile.  
“Stop being so cocky.”
“I don't think so darlin’,” David gently squeezes your thigh. “you love it.”
“Do I?” You raise a brow, knowing you both know the answer.
A comfortable silence falls over you, your hand resting on top of David's. You wonder if you'll ever get tired of this, of getting into his truck with no particular destination in mind. You don't think you could get tired of it, not when it feels so perfect. 
“When is Kerry coming home?” You ask, glancing over to David. He lets out the smallest of sighs, his thumb gently stroking your thigh.
“He leaves tomorrow morning,” David tells you, his eyes still on the road. “Should be home by the evening.”
“Okay,” You nod, gently stroking David's hand. “Just curious.”
“Could you..could you be there?” David asks after a moment. 
“Of course,” You nod, looking over to him. “You think I wouldn't be? It's like you don't even know me, babe. ”
David smiles a little and you feel yourself relax.
“Can't wait to see him though,” He says. “I mean, the circumstances ain't ideal but I can't say I ain't missed him like crazy.”
“It'll be nice to have him back,” You nod. “I'll have to fill him in on all the juicy gossip.”
“Do I get to know?” David teases, glancing over to you. “Or is it top secret stuff?"
“Oh it's just a silly thing,” You sigh with a smile, looking over to your window. “The blonde Von Erich boy is a big hot-shot wrestler now. On TV and everything, you should hear the filth that comes out of his mouth.”
“Oh he sounds incorrigible,” David gasped dramatically, making you laugh. “What a scoundrel.”
“Tell me about it,” You grinned, looking down at your hand on his. “I heard he's got a hot little girlfriend though.”
“Lucky him,” David grinned. “I bet she's got men throwing themselves at her feet, I'm sure he's extremely grateful she chose him.”
“Well when you can have the best, you get the best,” You smile, looking over to David. “And ain't nobody better than you.”
“Not true,” David looked over to you with a cheeky smile. “You're better, and I won't hear otherwise. I was lucky enough to get you and I don't plan to lose you.”
You still felt butterflies in your stomach when he said things like that, and you hoped that would never change.
“I don't plan to lose you either,” You grin, resting your free hand over your forehead. “You're stuck with me.”
“Then I'm the luckiest man alive,” David murmurs softly, you just catch it and it makes your heart soar.
You watch the world pass by the window for a while, the smile etched onto your face. In the moments David needs to move his hand from your thigh you feel the loss, your hand just waiting to hold his.
It's a little embarrassing, really, how in love you are. You have to laugh at yourself sometimes when you get moody because you haven't seen David for a couple of hours, or because he didn't hold your hand long enough. You suppose the fact that you're aware of it makes it better, and it's not really a bad thing. You're lucky enough to have an amazing relationship with a man who you love and who you know loves you.
You look over to him, watch him hum along to the radio, his fingers drumming against the wheel. These are the moments you treasure. All those girls screaming for him and desperately wanting his autograph only see one part of him. They see the confidence and the strength and the charisma, which are all amazing qualities, but they don't see what you see.
They don't see him snort out a drink because you made him laugh unexpectedly, they don't see him singing in his truck, or giving you a bunch of flowers on a Tuesday morning just because. They see what he wants them to see, and you feel beyond honored to see the real David.
“Oh hey, pull in up ahead,” You tell David, sitting up a little and gesturing at the window. “I need to grab something.”
“Your wish is my command baby,” David grins, parking up the truck and giving you a curious look as you wink at him and slip out of the truck.
You don't take long, coming back to the truck with a grin and two ice creams in hand.
“You're such a child,” David laughs as he opens the door for you and accepts one of the cones. “Making me stop for ice cream, really?”
“Well you ain't gotta eat it,” You shrug, closing the door and resting your leg up on your seat. “But we both know you will so stop complaining.”
“Oh I ain't complaining,” David smiles, leaning over and giving you a kiss. “far from it.”
“Eat that before it melts,” You murmur with a grin, leaning in to give him another kiss, pulling back after a moment and holding your ice cream between you both. “I mean it.”
“Yes ma'am,” David grins, sitting back and taking a lick of his ice cream. 
You laugh softly to yourself, looking out the window and licking your ice cream, David's hand finding yours across the seat.
The heat has your ice cream melting a little quicker, conversation is paused while you work on not getting strawberry all down your hand. David finishes before you, as always. You shuffle over and lean against him, his arm wrapping around your shoulders. Occasionally you hold the ice cream up and he takes a lick, insists you have it yourself.
You wonder if a day will ever come when you don't feel stupidly, wonderfully, madly in love, looking up and meeting David's eyes. He sticks his tongue out at you and you lightly jab his cheek with the ice cream in your hand.
“You started it,” You tease as he protests.
“Don't start a war you can't win.”
“Oh it's on,” David grins. You sit up and turn to look at him, your face starting to hurt from smiling so damn much.
“Then give me all you got.”
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anundyingfidelity · 6 months
I'M A RUIN — Soldier Boy (Part II)
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Series summary: After the events of the Seven Tower, you present Grace Mallory a new secret project you're working on already to develop a cure to Compound V. The only problem? You need Soldier Boy for that.
Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x female reader.
Word count: 2.5k.
Warnings for series: set after S3 (spoilers), some OOC!Ben, some depressed!Ben, angst, hurt/comfort, eventual smut, slow-burn, language, PTSD, reader has Compound V (she's no Vought supe tho), Soldier Boy being an usual asshole, reader is a fucking liar.
Warnings on this chapter: Ben being a misogynist, talks about masturbation and porn, killing threats, Ben's POV in general is a red flag, death.
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Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII
tags: @k-slla
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Part II: Silence is Peace
The next day arrived fast, and again, you found yourself walking ready to have a conversation with the supe locked in the facility. A part of you was surprised he didn't try to escape yet, but Ben, on the other hand, was just letting things flow at the moment.
The heavy, metal door opened to let you in. The supe caught by surprise seeing you coming inside full of confidence at this time in the morning. A couple of armed men in black uniforms followed behind as they settled down some furniture in the empty area of the room: two small sofas and a coffee table.
His arrogant self knew those guns wouldn't tear a single hair off of him, but hey, he understood you needed to feel safe. So meanwhile, he decided to play along. He remained still by the bathroom door as you came closer.
"I didn't request that," he said once you stood face to face.
"Oh, I know. I did, it's for your therapy," you smiled, tugging the bag on your shoulder. The armed men finished decorating the cell, and they left with a loud thud of the door being closed behind their backs. "There's been a small change of plans. I will come by every day for one hour. Anything you want you will ask me first and if I approve, then I will bring it to you."
He smirked. Like if he needed to be bossed around by a fucking woman, he thought. "You sure have the balls to stand up on me like that."
"Like I said, I want to help you," you replied, making your way and sitting down on a sofa. "Please," you requested him with a hand to do the same and he followed with curiosity. You put the bag on the coffee table, taking out a notebook, pens, a folder, and a small zip bag containing the only thing he asked from you the day before. You left his reefer on the coffee table, putting the folder in your lap as you waited for him with a smile on your face he found unsettling.
Ben still didn't buy you or your intentions, but he sat down on the opposite sofa nonetheless. You had brought him something he asked from you, something he wanted and would calm him down for a little. Hopefully it wasn't going to be that bad. He only had to put up with the game of doctor-patient. In the back of his mind, he was also grateful you dropped the stupid white coat at the same time he found your attempt to fix him ridiculous. He didn't need to get fixed.
"Your guards ain't hurting me with those guns, you know that," Ben started.
"We have to try," you shrugged. "And you're still here, that has to mean something."
He rolled his eyes. Of fucking course he had to stay. There were a lot of questions in his head. He had to settle down for a moment. Things were different in the world, he needed to learn about today's tech and get a fucking good plan to get away with his shit. Who would he get to kill first? Still thinking about it. How would he escape? Probably could use some help to keep a low profile. Could you be that help, being the only human contact he figured would have from now on? Maybe.
"So how are you feeling? Did you have some sleep?" you asked.
"I slept enough, spent the whole fucking night jerking off," he spat. "That TV of yours now does have good porn some hours in the day."
With wide eyes, you wrote down after his answer.
"Alright. But tell me, how are you feeling?" you pushed, your smile long gone and replaced with a serious face locking your gaze to his own.
"Great, never been fucking better" he smirked and you shifted on your seat.
His green eyes started checking you all over for a second. The pencil skirt hugged your legs perfectly and the blouse was tight enough to show off the size of your breasts. The clothes yelling that you were expensive and valuable for the CIA, and most important, to Mallory. Soon he sensed the discomfort emanating from you as his gaze returned to your face. God, he loved doing that, but you sure were daring to get locked inside a room with him alone.
"You can tell me the truth, you know," you said.
"I can easily break your neck and explode this shithole if I want to," he spat back.
"You won't do that. You had the chance yesterday, today even, and yet here you are."
He thought you sounded so sure about that. Ben held your gaze. Neither of you dare to break eye contact. It was like you were challenging him to something he wasn't aware of just yet. He didn't like that, but he remained there, breathing deeply with a strong look on his face. You were right though, and he realised could find you a good usage besides the obvious fucking use for pretty girls like you. He might have missed a good fuck for 40 years but the little common sense on the back of his mind told him the porn channel was enough for now.
"Listen, I know you're not a bad guy," the words fell softly from your lips. "I know you didn't mean to harm those people in Midtown... And in order to help you I could use some information on how you feel every time the blast comes-"
He stood up abruptly, strong enough to move the sofa he was sitting some feet away behind his back and yelled aggressively.
"Fuck off, bitch. What the fuck do you know about me? I don't trust your kind and you're making my threat sound like a great plan now.
You held his gaze as he made his way towards you. You were a prey in his cage, but even if you were scared, he didn't sense any sign of it. Ben's big frame towered you, standing just inches away from the couch you sat on. The space was enough for him to kill you with only one hand but you never moved or flinched a second.
"If you touch me, just a single hair on my scalp, you're fucked."
"C'mon sweetheart, you're no match for me," he mocked with a smirk on his face.
"Novichok definitely is."
He tightened his fists with his lips on a straight line, and his heartbeat increased at the mention of that fucking poison. Meanwhile, you just sat down looking at him with a blank face and innocent eyes. For a moment, he was tempted to just kill you but he forced himself to calm the fuck down. He didn't want to black out again, he certainly did not want to become a fugitive. If he was going to do something, it had to be done well.
"Soldier Boy, it's okay," you got on your feet. His eyes followed your moves. "It's fine if you don't want to talk to me. I can't force you to."
He saw a strange sparkle in your eyes. Were you pitying him? He didn't need that. And when he said nothing, then you continued.
"You accepted the deal, and that includes therapy to help you get out of your trauma. And sooner or later, you have to talk to me," you explained, he felt like a fucking child being scolded.
"You want to fucking help me and spray me with Novichok at the same time," he groaned.
"We have to take our precautions. But trust me. I’d rather not use that on you, I prefer other ways."
"This is fucking crap," he mumbled through his teeth.
He watched you making your way towards the book shelf, leaning down to grab a couple of books. He took in the curve of your ass as you knelt, and he wondered if you were doing all that little show on purpose to test him. His jaw clenched once again at the thought of being played with false promises and a cure to his memories.
"I can leave, but I will come tomorrow," you tossed two books on the coffee table: one about PTSD, the other one about new technology for him to start educating himself on that. "Start reading those and write down in the notebook anything you have to say. It can be about the books, your thoughts, your feelings... Anything you want. I don't have to know unless you want me to."
If looks could kill, you were already dead. He still didn't trust you. He didn't understand completely why a stupid psychiatrist of the CIA wanted him to go through rehab. You were a woman, for fucks sake. Psychiatrists were old, wise, rich men back in his days, not expensive sluts.
He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "You're lucky I'm trying hard not to crush your bones right now, pretty thing."
"At least you're trying, that's improvement," you smiled cockily, pointing at his chest with a finger and you took your bag and belongings together, as if he didn't threaten to kill you like three times in the same conversation. "I will leave you now. Have a good lunch, Soldier Boy."
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"Time of death 9:41 a.m."
The sound of the monitor disturbed your senses as the voice announced all over the place the death of yet another supe. You watched through the windows as two lab assistants ran inside the chamber to take out the lifeless body of the woman who had given her life to volunteer and assist the program. Anything for the cure, you remember her voice saying, even after she was warned about the possible effects. The worst of them being death. The contract stipulated it clearly and you told her to think twice before agreeing to take the third version of the Anti-V, although she hesitated a lot before joining.
You breathed out. The formula needed improvement, quickly. How many corpses had they taken out of there? You lost count already. You ordered Bianca, your young assistant, to note down all the details one day after the second death of a supe you witnessed, and for her to count them as necessary and at all cost. Arms folded on your chest, your jaw clenched, losing hope and feeling despair running through your spine. The discomfort of what had to be done to find a cure sometimes was too much of a burden. But sacrifices had to be done.
And speaking about sacrifices, you knew you had to get into Soldier Boy's head as soon as possible. The few other sessions you tried to talk to him were useless. The sixth one being today before lunch. A part of you was growing tired of faking it and pretending to be a psychiatrist, it really wasn't your field but you knew how to be one after many sessions, research, and medication on your own. Grace had taken care of your training years ago and this was just another mission with a huge impact and objective in mind: destroy Vought and Homelander, and then provide the cure to supes who didn't want their powers and give them the chance to live a normal life. People like you needed the cure, but first things first.
"Doc, the analysis of Blaze is updated," Bianca said, giving you the tablet to check the information on the supe that was collected.
Blaze, or Electra Richards was her real name, was a low-profile supe for some time, and you had a secret track of those like her with some help. These kinds of supes didn't really represent a threat to Vought, so it was kind of easy to contact them and give them a possible solution with a warning written all over the place. When Electra was contacted, she had to think about it but eventually said yes. She was young and brave, but she never wanted powers. She had superhuman strength and healed in minutes, seconds even, her bones were indestructible, and when your people ran the proper tests on her she was healthy as hell. Pity that her body wasn't enough to take in the injection of the new Anti-V prototype.
You read the last notes your assistant typed on the supe's profile.
Cause of death: sudden cardiac arrest caused by ventricular fibrillation; failure in electrical signaling within the heart.
You couldn't continue like this, not anymore. Nine months and nothing seemed to work out. Some supes died, some of them quit the program, and you didn't really blame them for it. The failures were growing bigger than the small steps close to creating the final antidote. The process was becoming an endless trial and error. With a tired face and a sigh, you left the tablet on a desk and walked out making your way to your office.
You took out your cell phone and dialed Grace, walking around the room worriedly. You needed to vent or talk. Anything. And gladly, she picked up by the third ring.
"Is everything okay?" she asked on the other line. She knew you too well.
"I- No, it isn't. But you already know that," you breathed. "Another supe died on trial today. I don't know how many we have-" your voice cut off abruptly and you sighed, composing yourself after a moment. "We keep losing a lot of people..."
Grace exhaled. "It's part of the job. It's your project, you know it was coming when I approved to do this."
"That makes it even worse, you're not helping me," you replied with a playful tone. "I've been thinking- I would like to try the cure."
"No. We need you to focus on this."
"And when I get him, when I get Soldier Boy's blood? He already takes powers of supes with the blast. Should be easier."
"He's your safest option for now. You'll find a way to get it, I trust you. But don't make stupid and hurried decisions, just wait for the right moment," the lady scolded. You smiled a little, like if she was watching you. "About that, how's he doing? Is he cooperating?"
"Not at all, that's my other problem," you fell back on your chair ungracefully, your back hurting at the thought of seeing him again that day. "I am trying to get him to talk, even using my cards of dressing up like I'm a fucking slut with tight skirts and all, but he's really backing up. Besides he's a fucking dick," your words made Grace chuckle for a bit.
"All supes we have dealt with are dicks, especially Vought. But Y/N, you got this," her words attempted to make you feel better. "This is one of our best options to take them down for once. I know you've been working on this way long before you talked to me, and that's the reason I know it's gonna work, doing whatever it takes."
"Thank you, Grace," you mumbled from your heart. Disappointing her was not on your list, and you hoped it won't happen anytime soon. So you switched the topic of the conversation. "And how have you been?"
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ch3rriiii-bunn · 1 year
I'm here again (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
I was thinking of headcanons for the hantengu clones with a black s/o
Like I see aizetsu as a boob man, he just likes the feel of a boob and they are soft and he likes to suck on em he likes resting his head on your chest, wants to fuck your titties
Sekido is a lil bitch and likes your ass, he stares at it intensely but also smacks it very hard just to watch it move, sit on him trust me he will be so thankful, he won't show it though, once got the balls to ask if he can try anal with you
Karaku, horny mf likes your thighs, they squish and mush, he likes the feel of it (and he wants you to crush him with them) will also fuck your thighs (ain't that a bonus)
Urogi likes everything about you, your ass, your thighs and your boobs, although he likes the squishy parts of you and he's always eager to touch you in some way (it can be nsfw or not when he touches) but he likes you for you
Plus it wont matter since he fucks you anyways
Well I just came to share some things about this cause it has been in my mind eating me alive and I wanted to see your own headcanons on this 🙏🏾
Tits, ass or all?
LITERALLY WE HAVE THE SAME HEADCANONS AJDHEJD but since u asked for mine here's a very detailed version I got carried away with 🙈🙈🙈
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Warnings: fem!reader, mention of stretch marks, chubby reader, cellulite, body worship, spanking, praising, marking/possessiveness, size differences (?)
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Aizetsu holds your boobs for comfort more than you do. He's not picky with the size, but what matters most is that you'd let him touch and hold your boobs whenever he wants
Aizetsu is too shy to admit this but when your boobs are tender around the time of your period he'd offer to message them which dose feel rexlaing to you but he's only doing it for his own pleasure to have his large hands on your breasts. He also loves how your veins show on your boobs
Aizetsu likes to randomly put his face between your boobs. Your demon slayer uniform had your chest exposed like mitsuri so when he sees you come back to the house where him and his brother live at he'll go to you and shove his face first then wrap his arms around you not caring if people are looking or not
Aizetsu will lay on your boobs a lot for comfort, but it always ends up sexual no matter how many times he apologizes. He won't take your unform off, instead he'll just move it enough to have your boobs exposed and gulp at how your nipples will harden from his touch and even his staring "I'm sorry y/n... j-just give me a few minutes."  Liar
Aizetsu purposely forgets when you tell him not to leave marks on your boobs. So when you scold him for still leaving marks, he frowns more than usual. "But y/n... what if those other male slayers look at your boobs? I need to show everyone your mine... even if I have to have my marks here.."
Aizetsu will get on top of you and holds your boobs together himself as he slips his cock between them, stroking it between your boobs being a moaning mess. "Your boobs are just so soft a-and so pretty" his voice becomes broken moans "your boobs are going to look s-so much prettier when I cum on them, stick out your tounge, that's it. Good girl" he throws his head back, feeling your warm tounge touch his tip each time he thrusts making him cum on your boobs and mouth moments later
Aizetsu loves to watch your boobs when his hips snap hard fucking his cock deep inside you. When you cover your boobs to stop the intense bouncing they make he'll grab both your wrist and pin them above your head "please don't hide yourself from me. You're so pretty, so beautiful I love seeing how these beautiful tits bounce when I fuck you. Your nipples are so hard for me too" he sucks on them "be a good girl and cum on my cock" he'll say while sucking on your boobs
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Sekido was furious with your demon slayer uniform when you guys first started going out. "What kind of perverted human makes you wear this? The skirt is way to short I'll kill him" he said but after some time he Forbid you to wear pants since he had a obsession for your ass and loves how your skirt showed your ass when you'd bend over
Sekido will never admit he loves your ass but won't deny that he isn't obsessed with it. He would always ask you to pick up unnecessary things for him and be in the right place just to stare at you from behind, looking at your skirt ride up just enough to see the underline of your ass. "Don't pull down your skirt when you pick that up. No one's looking, " he'll say, but it's him looking, having his eyes locked on your ass
Sekido will get "mad" at you and "punish you," but it's just to have a reason for him to slap your ass and that's the only place he'll slap you. When he slaps your ass he'll watch as your butt jiggles, and he makes sure to slap each cheek. "Sekido, that hurt!" You pout lifting up your skirt to see a redness "humph. Stop being a baby it wasn't that hard, " he'll say, but spank your ass again
Sekido would pull you back to him and rub your butt with his hand after he spanks it and giving your ass little squeezes. "It's your fault. Don't make me angry like that again, " he'll say, but have a smirk on his face
Sekido secretly loves it when you surprise him by not wearing any panties. There will be times where you will come into your shared room with him, sit on his lap when he's sitting on a chair and write your report for the demon slayer core but not have any panties on
Sekido will take notice when he feels your bare ass on him. He won't say anything but lift up your skirt and watch his cock grow against your ass. He'll have you ride his cock, reverse cowgirl style and watch when you jump on his cock or bend you over the desk snapping his hips harshly while spanking your ass "don't you have a fucking report to write?" He asked and spanks your ass hard "get to it. Y/n"
Sekido always cums on your ass, he likes to watch his cum run down from your ass to your legs
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Karaku has no shame when he talks about his physical attraction to a person, and that's the thighs. When he started dating you, he loved how your unform was designed as shorts for the bottom. That way, he could see your plumbed thighs
Karaku will actually get upset if you wore the regular pants like what most demon slayers have on. "Karaku, I only have these on because it's cold. I still have a job to do, " you said,"so!? I like seeing your thighs jiggle every time you step... these pants hide that!"
Karaku never minded the cellulite on your thighs and would make some very unsettling threats about anyone who would think badly about them. He'll even trace his nail over them, which would always make you jump and shiver, but it always brought a smirk on his face
Karaku found it fun to always grab the back of your thighs when you stood up and put his hand on your thighs when you sat down since he love how your thighs spread out when you sat down even on his lap
Karaku loved having his head between between your thighs. Most boyfriends would lay on your chest or stomach for comfort, but for Karaku, it was lying between your thighs. You could be reading a book or just laying down, and Karaku would lay between your legs in silence and even wrap your legs in a criss cross way to lock his head between your thighs
Karaku will call out when you're in the mood when his head is rested between your thighs and will turn around, taking off your panties and going down on you. "Feels good, princess? I know it does. " Karaku will hold your hands when he eats you out because he loves it when your thighs lock his head in when you're close
Karaku loves to leave marks on your thighs. "What? Are you worried your slayer friends will find out your fuckin a demon? Don't worry princess I'll leave my marks right here" he'll say trailing his fangs to your inner thighs and leaving his fangs marks and love bites there
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Urogi almost lost his mind when you came to him with a new unform. Your uniform had your chest exposed, arms exposed, and you had on a skirt with slits at the sides. He says this often, but he loves it when you're confident about your body since he found you very attractive both in the face and body
Urogi was never the jealous type when it came to your physical appearance since he knew other men in the demon slayer core would fond over you because of the stories you'd tell him. "Well, I can fight, so I'll just fly high and drop them down from the sky." he'll laugh
Urogi's big claws take up a good amount of your body. When he puts his claws on your sides, he'll examine your body, holding you still and moving his claws up and down. "Are you done yet?" You giggled, and he chuckled, "nope. Need more time to feel you"
Urogi's sharp talons will rome on your body but mainly your love handles, tracing out the lines of your stretch marks and is very grabby when it comes to your love handles. You can tell when his touch is innocent and when it's not because when he's in the mood he won't tell you, you'll just know from how he touches and kiss you "if you want to do it just say so" you'd spit out but too shy to say you want it too "what about you baby? Your thighs are squeezing on my claw. You won't let me go, " he'll chuckle
Urogi worships your body. Before fucking you he'll always kiss your body from your lips all the way down to your legs, praising you each time. "You're so fucking gorgeous" he kisses "my pretty slayer" another kiss "let me make you feel good baby, spread yourself for me. Good girl look how wet this pussy is for me~"
Urogi likes to have you riding his cock but always loves to give you a hand by placing his claws on your ass and moans deeply from how your pussy clenches around his cock. "I'm hitting the right spot aren't I? My cock is so deep inside you you can't help but squeeze me can't you" he whispers in your ear and nibbles on your neck
Urogi will let out a surprised moan when your hands are on his broad muscular back and you accidentally grip onto his wings "Fuck~ not the wings" he'll grab your ass harder thrusting his hips up into you, filling you up with his cum.
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afyrian · 2 months
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ch. 2 - love food critic m.list
    atsumu shuts his car door, pushing up his sunglasses so they're sitting on his nose properly. he looks both ways in the parking lot, ready to walk past once the last few cars pass by. as he stands there patiently, he finally notices the shop to onigiri miya's left. it's colors look beautiful, the paintings on the windows clearly created with a lot of love. 
  however, the thing that he notices most is someone standing in the front, assisting customers. he can notice her with an apron on, clay smudged on her like it's a daily occurrence. atsumu starts walking across the road but he can't seem to keep his eyes off of you or the shop. something about her draws him in, even if he's never cared for pottery or creating it. 
  for a second, he considers popping in for just a moment and buying something just to see what it's like. to see what you're like. the only thing stopping this magnetic pull is osamu's promise of free food for him to taste test. atsumu grabs a hold of onigiri miya's handle, opening the door while still taking a peek at the mystery woman's shop.
  for some reason, in all the construction and want of food, he never noticed the shop next door. the entire building completely wiped from his memory. now though, he can't imagine forgetting it...
  finally entering onigiri miya, he can already smell the intense savory flavor of his food, the pork frying and sauces being added. raising his hand, astumu waved to the cashier, making his way to the kitchen. it's fairly empty this time of day, only the morning stragglers are sitting around with small bits of food on their plates.
  "'samu! you have any free food for me?" he rests his hands on his hips, watching as osamu forms some onigiri.
  osamu looks up at his twin, an unenthusiastic expression smeared across his face, "no, not unless you're paying. the cashier does tell me when you convince him to give you free food. you're only getting samples by the way."
  "he's a liar, just so you know. like a big fat liar," atsumu steps up to one of the counters, resting his hand on the corner as he watches osamu wrap some seaweed around the rice, "but beyond that, when'd ya get the hot neighbor?"
  without skipping a beat, osamu looks up at his brought, nearly dropping the onigiri in his hand. never had atsumu seen his brother act like this. his immediate attention, the fumbling on air when he's made it onigiri a million times. "do you mean at the pottery shop?" he takes in a breath, turning back to the food. 
  "yeah! ain't she pretty? if it weren't for this taste testing thing, that sounds like a scam since it's just 'samples', i would've said something to her."
  osamu bites the inside of his cheek, setting the onigiri on a plate and handing it off to the server. he hardly looks at his brother as he tries to imagine you and atsumu going out. getting married, possibly even having kids one day. and all osamu could do is watch from the sidelines in disbelief. 
  "mmmh yeah, she is. but she doesn't really like the business or so it seems.. so she probably wouldn't like you due to association," he shrugs his shoulders, finally looking up at his brother who has his eyes wide.
  without saying anything else, atsumu walks up to his brother, slapping his shoulder, "you've got a crush, don't ya? on the pottery girl?"
  "no! no i don't!" osamu pushes atsumu away from him, shaking his head belligerently. 
  "ohh suna's gonna eat this up! but i'm totally right about this. it's the whole twin intuition thing, y'know? that's why i wanted to meet her, to set her up with ya!" atsumu reaches to grab his phone, eager to tell their friends all about the crush his brother has seemed to gain. 
  osamu rolls his eyes, knowing he's unable to stop his brother's rambunctious behavior. sure he likes to see you when you both get deliveries. or when he sees you come in for the morning before your classes. but the idea that he has a crush completely goes over his head, running wild through the wind. 
  instead of focusing his mind of what won't be, he grabs the food that he wants atsumu to try. it's a tray of different onigiri flavors and some different glazed pork examples. it looks beautiful and tender, hopefully wonderful enough to pull atsumu's mind from the supposed high-school type crush that osamu doesn't have.
  "set down your phone, would you?" osamu sets down the tray, raising an eyebrow at his brother, "tell me which ones you think are the best."
  "so what doesn’t she like about it? every girl likes a guy that can cook,” atsumu completely ignores osamu’s indignation, grabbing a piece of pork and popping it into his mouth. 
  biting his lip, osamu shrugs, bringing his hand up to scratch the back of his neck. he knows exactly why you don’t like it, the crowds and loud noises that come from the nearly finished construction, “i think she enjoys the quiet more, but a new restaurant is anything but that.”
  atsumu grabs another piece of pork, letting osamu work out his thoughts externally. as he talks, atsumu immediately thinks to himself that osamu cares for the girl next door. his voice softens as he discusses the idea of paying extra to have them finish construction early. even if it isn’t love or some strong emotion, something about her brings out another side of osamu. 
  “ya totally have a crush on her.”
  “just eat your food and write down which ones are best!”
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a/n: thought this was cute <33 also fun fact bisque is both a food and a pottery term taglist: @causenessus @osakis-gf @eggyrocks @brkfclub @marisabel14
@bbybibi @etoiile @miyamoratsumuu @girlokarina @gsyche
@cherrypieyourface @zephestia @acowboykisser @whosmarjj
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murfpersonalblog · 3 months
IWTV S2 Ep7 Musings - Loustat: The Trial (Spoilers)
Imma split my Loustat musings into 3 parts, cuz there's A LOT to unpack. So I'll do the Ep3/4 & Ep5 revisits in the next posts; this is just general/initial Louis & Lestat stuff I wanted to respond to.
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They beat the dog snot outta Louis, omg. They nearly snapped his neck! Louis was barely conscious, ofc his memory's spotty.
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I LOVE how they're emphasizing the physicality of the Maker-Fledgling bond, first w/ Lou & Madz, now w/ Les. It's ofc all wrapped up in how much Loustat loves e/o, but its also their blood connection thru Amel. (I wonder how Louis Merrick'ing himself in Ep5 affects his connection to Amel if his heart didn't stop, cuz Armand stopped him from burning too much?)
And I love what Jacob said in the Insider, afterwards.
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Fear that Lestat's come to exact revenge; excitement (a frisson of both negative & positive emotions, excited to see Les just cuz of the tension of having not seen him in so long, but also having all his nerves & senses tingling cuz of the tense anticipation & not knowing what to expect--hence: fear); fury cuz this whole mess could've been avoided if Les had told them WHY European vampires should be avoided at all costs; and relief cuz Les's' alive, his husband's ok.
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But this time Lou KNOWS he's the real deal, cuz he can FEEL it--"it wasn't NOT his hand." And Dream!Stat jumpscare in Dubai, well well well; I thought Lou'd stopped seeing him on that Parisian bench? 👀
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Here we effing go, whatever this French bish has to say better be good 🍿🍿🍿
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I HATE HIM YOUR HONOR 🤣 Omfg take ONE thing seriously! Not the Roland-Garros, STFU! XD Lestat going off script got the coven like WTF?!
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OML 🍿🍿🍿
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Well that's not helpful at all--WHICH ONE!?
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Les was asleep for the whole 100 years b4 he went to NOLA--but we KNOW this can't be true, cuz Les met Marius after he left Paris❗ SAM (the vamp) has been mouthing the words to this whole script, so I wonder if that's just what Les was TOLD to say, OR! It's what HE told THE COVEN, so they wouldn't know about TWMBK❗❗
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Awoke in 1908 & disembarked in humidified daughter of Paris, NOLA--but Les told Lou he was headed for Saint Louis, Missouri. 👀
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"And who did you meet there?" DANG this is TENSE--Loustat finally making eye contact for the first time, Les having to see his husband all beat up & sad; as Claudia languishes in the background, as usual.
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Not Louis with the cigar 😭
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"The ACCUSED," LOL, Santiago had to catch himself--stay dehumanizing the violent evil Black man whydontcha; we see you. And Lestat had to feed him his own lines after derailing everyone with that homophobic soldier's evisceration.
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Omg this sounds like every court case b4 they throw the book at a Black man. And the bored unaffected way the white audience just rolls their eyes & shakes their heads & smokes--they DGAF about Lou; they've already decided he ain't ish--A STONING.
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LOUIS FACE. This is EXACTLY how folk in the fandom talk about Lou--and it came back with a vengeance during all that Loumand Maitre/Arun crap, as y'all were QUICK to jump on Lou being an evil pimp, even though your fave Daniel literally said that was just kinky roleplay Armand didn't take seriously when ish got REAL.
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I thought y'all were just bartering for the "last bouquet of lilies"!?
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Oh great, the coven's making Louis look like a perv predator. 🤦‍♀️ And the visual centering of Lou's dastardly mind-control waves like a halo over sweet innocent victim Lestat's blonde head, I CANNOT.
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Omfg Louis face, SAME! If this crocodile-crying liar don't take his To Kill A Mockingbird, Central Park Five lookin arse off that stage! 🤬
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Omfg Lestat I'm finna kill you myself. Omg this nonsense is too much; I know Lou, speak up, YES! But also, STFU, Les is actually tryna save your life by tearing your reputation to shreds. 😬🤦‍♀️
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I loooove this effect when the coven uses the Mind Gift on them. They effed him up so bad his left eye started hemorrhaging. 😭
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Armand don't you look away for an INSTANT, don't you even BLINK! You could've prevented this, EFF ALL Y'ALL in this nasty AF Theatre!
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This gaslighting is hitting way too close to the way IRL court cases go when the innocent get the book thrown at them for crimes they didn't commit.
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This is so painful to watch, but Sam Reid you better werk; the way he was yelling those lines had me shook, oml.
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Les knows he's effed up, but what can he do? His eyes are going red; he's gonna cry. (His contacts look different, I thought they said they were gonna stick with purple eyed Les?) "I offered it to him in the church on the altar: My companionship." And Lou nodding along, cuz that was their wedding! 😭💔
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I was wondering how these frames would be used. It's about the Ep3 race riots and vampire loneliness, the night Louis left & Claudia was made. But I love the implications, cuz how could humans know ANYTHING about hows vampires feel--which is SO important when they start lying about everything else that went down with how Claudia was made and how it would affect her as a "defective" vamp.
Even the VAMPIRES don't know how other vampires feel, and the capacity they have for enduring--Armand said it over & over to Louis in Ep3 and Madeleine in Ep6. Lestat came closest in S1 when he commented on Claudia's eternally 14-yr old metabolism & needing to eat more than an normal vamp, but beyond that none of them had a effing clue what Claudia was going through. They don't know REAL loneliness, even with her diaries telling them what she thought, not HOW SHE FELT.
(And I'm reminded of what I said here about Gabrielle telling Lestat what her loneliness felt like. I think "vampire loneliness" is different for every vampire; which is precisely why Gab (and Claudia) was able to walk away from her Maker/son & live alone; while Nicky & Louis went crazy.)
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Lestat crying blood tears, daaaaang 😥
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Kill this dude (but I stan a Loustat ally, LOLOL).
Imma stop here, cuz I've run out of Tumblr's stupid 30-pics per post, and the Ep3/4 revisit that "took all the pieces of Louis life, defiled them, bent them into a Lestat-shaped effigy" is IMO the JUICIEST part, with the most new meat to chew on.
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gorlygorlx3 · 29 days
You and the FNAF SB cast as told by incorrect quotes: THE SQUEAKQUEL
Sun: You lied to (Y/N)? Lorelei: Call it what you will. Sun: …Well I call it lying. LIAR! Claire: Hopefully Lorelei has learned a lesson about respecting other people's feelings.  Lorelei: Oh, shut up and die bitch. (Y/N): Someone care to explain why we have 6 dogs in our apartment? Monty: They're golden retrievers, dude. They retrieve gold. I did this for us. Moon: You don’t own underneath your house. It’s none of your business if I am living down there. Sun: I'll offer you some friendly advice-  Monty: I don't want your advice.  Sun: Well, then consider it unfriendly advice. Chica: This is a safety pin.  *cuts off end*  Chica: It is now a danger pin. >:) Lorelei: I'm not a morning person. I'm barely even a person. (Y/N): I need boneless ice. Sylvester: … What? (Y/N): Soft ice. Vanessa: What??? Claire: She wants water. (Y/N): Hey, are you free? Roxy: No, I’m expensive. Sun: :) Moon: >:( Sun: Turn that frown upside down! Moon: ):< Sun: No. Freddy: The printer messed up the invitations! It was supposed to say “(Y/N)’s birthday!” Chica: Well, what does it say? Roxy: *reads over Freddy’s shoulder* “(Y/N)’s bi” Monty: Eh, that still works. (Y/N): You need a hobby. Lorelei: I have a hobby! (Y/N): Bullying Claire isn't a hobby. Sun, opens a Capri Sun: Guess I'll drink my sorrows away. Lorelei: What doesn't kill you, gives you a lot of unhealthy coping mechanisms and a really dark sense of humor. Claire: Help! I'm drowning! Roxy: Calm down. We're only in five feet of water! Claire: NOT ALL OF US ARE TALL! Claire: Wait a minute! We don't go TOWARDS the scary sound! (Y/N): Yeah, we do. We always do. Claire: I really hate that about us. Moon: You fainted. Do you remember anything?  (Y/N): Only the ambulance ride  Claire: There wasn’t an ambulance. I drove you  (Y/N): But I heard a siren? Moon: That was Sun  Sun: Sorry, I got scared  Freddy: You bought a taco? Chica: Yes. Freddy: From the same truck that hit Roxanne?! Chica, with a mouthful of taco: Well, me starving ain't gonna help her. Monty, turning to Freddy: Stop calling yourself hot, the only thing you can turn on is the microwave. Roxy: My life is a mess. Monty: Roxy relax, go get a beer. Roxy: I don’t want a beer. Monty: Who said it was for you? Moon: I prevented a murder today. Sun: Really? How? Moon: *Looking over to where (Y/N) is talking to someone* Self control. Lorelei: What are you drinking? Benison: Vodka. Lorelei: Straight? Benison: No, gay. Why? (Y/N) trying to break down the door: Sylvester, open up! Sylvester: It all started when I was a kid. (Y/N): That’s not what I- Claire: Let him finish! Chica: Wow, great work on the Halloween decorations. Where did you get the fake skeletons?  Moon: Fake? (Y/N): I love hearing Vanessa shouting at someone else. It makes such a nice change. Benison: You look stressed Sun: haha, it's the stress :) Chica: Are oranges named orange because oranges are orange or is an orange called orange because oranges are orange?  Sun: Which came first, the orange or the orange?  Freddy: Orange was first used to refer the fruit 1280 years ago but was not used as a color until 1000 years ago.  Monty: What was the color called before then?  Chica: There was no color, duh! Everything was black and white! #onebraincellclub Freddy: How do you do that?  Bonnie: I'm fearless.  Roxy: I saw you run from bees yesterday. You flailed around and tripped over a chair. It was both hysterical and sad.  Bonnie: I'm mostly fearless. Sun: Monty has only knocked me out three time this week. Our friendship is really developing!
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ashsostrange · 10 months
"averagegirlie" is just "xxoxobree", formerly known as "breeandhermunches" on a burner. newsflash, your "fav" miles writer isn't who you think she is!
ik a lot of us must be VERY confused so let me help you out. @/averagegirlie and @/xxoxobree are the same mfkn person! why did bree make this account? i assume that it's so she could fend for herself and keep the "unbothered" act up on her main page. that's why she deletes all her reblogs after arguing w someone then comes over to this account to start bsing. not to mention she can say extremely problematic things with no repercussions, because she doesn't have a following on that page + it's not tied to her.. at least it wasn't before! bree's a very messy liar. i peeped the truth so lemme share it w y'all.
bree if you're seeing this, go take a couple shots before you read. you should've kept it cute but you didn't, so let's get nasty mf.
i have receipts! let's start right here cz i find this the funniest:
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nobody but her spells "internet" like that... this is one of the many examples of the two accounts talking alike, even though bree said she wouldn't refer to "yao" as a friend when the whole rashad thing was going down. yesterday, i reminded yao of that. she said "i like bree, so what" but she deleted that and changed it to "when are y'all gonna catch on to the fact that we talk?" mhm.. bree's a lil confused, but next!
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y'all see "yao's" tag? telling alexa to play some bs... then y'all see bree?? NEXT!
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go look on miss average's page. she only comes online to defend and ride the hell out of bree's dick. remember ts w amani? why are you going so hard for someone who says they dk you like that LMFAO. not to mention, when the rashad shit was happening, bree said "this my girl and she never been wrong" but then she turns around and says "i wouldn't say we're friends" WHICH ONE IS IT MISS MUNCH??! 😭🤣🤣 next!
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why we praising tf out of bree's oc? ts was ai bro. we got a self supafan. next...
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look at this smart anon, putting tg the pieces and shit. "ash and dalia fight your battles every time" is literally.. a lie. what battles are we referring to? talia's never in drama as much as you're implying. and ima ride for my friends anyway, tf? but my entire blog will never be centered around ONE human being. it ain't that serious ever. "yao" and bree need hobbies cz writing obv ain't doing it for her. next.
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bree has also said she's messy lol. she likes drama. hm!
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look at how she came on her white horse when bree was battling the great war w anons over miles morales smut (which i don't fw, js to be clear.) who summoned her? BREE LMFAIOFHDGFKJAS... NEXT!!!
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here's miss xxoxo munches being ableist, much like her alter ego. bro went silent and blocked lia after this. now let's get into miss average again.
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look at this bs. ion even gotta say much.. this girl is black & not chinese!! y'all should know why this is weird. here's the "evidence" she gave me btw:
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here's me proving her wrong! she tried! next.
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y'all see the way they're tagging their posts w their usernames? mhm.. ik you do.
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these are both bree. i don't mean to bring up maye again, but i have to for context. what happened wasn't js "drama"... the things she said to dalia were racist + that post she was lyin' about lia in. she also liked the post.. dead giveaway you silly bitch! 🥱 nd she was also instigating in honey's inbox. i know her typing style and her emoji colors lol. it's common sense atp. it's not hard to tell when an anon is bree. and from what i'm seeing not even maye is fw her.. LMFAISAIDHSAY GIRL YOU'RE DONE! 😭 feel free to go thru their accs, you'll see ts too. she's funny asf for this, i'll give her that and that only. i've never laughed so much in under 24 hours. 💓
in conclusion, bree is messy, bored, insecure, ableist & miserable! she thought nobody would ever find out but here we are today. she fronts not gaf but then switches to this acc to let off some serious steam... as miss freeman once said: "Alexa, play yikes!"
but bless bree 💗 maybe if you change now, you'll still be able to collect your tokens like dalia says.
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theerurishipper · 1 year
Hey I have a question I read some takes that Adrien is a supposedly good liar? How though are there any examples..I always just assumed people never put two and two together with his identity is because he doesn't connect much with the class nor does Gabriel so it made sense in my head. I'm sorry if I don't actually make sense I just assumed that if even one of the classmates kept getting closer with him maybe he'll open up. I thought that'd be Nino but like I feel that he's so much more closer to his girlfriend and with Kagami that scene where she backed him into the wall and she said that wasn't the real him when he did goofy poses made me uncomfortable and sad for him. Marinette kind of disappoints me as a love interest like that time he was in the park on the bench and she decided that this was the perfect time to give him a present made me annoyed like I understood she has such a huge admiration for the guy and will climb mountains for him but I thought she'd get past that and they'd have like a one on one you know a talk. Usually the love interest would start to bond and grow closer but like I feel she's more into the relationship for herself because of this whole fantasy she builds up in her head it's why their relationship kind of a bummer.
I don't think Adrien that hard to get him to open up to but again this is my own opinion. I don't know really I just feel if someone like a teacher, classmate or even Master Fu get him to open up more and more and they start to bond. I feel like all he wants is a relationship to not be so conditional if someone kind enough allowed him a shoulder to cry on or even acknowlege his habits or when he's in a bad mood I think it'd work I ain't sure though. I wish the dude had more male friends.
I don't really get why the classmates just think Gabriel a strict dude when he seems pretty abusive. Marinette especially she knows how strict he is especially in season 5 and the whole adrigami thing and even with Chloe mom lol I think abuse or parental abuse just doesn't register an actual thing in her mind which is weird lol.
I don't watch Miraculous religiously lol I just watch it sometimes so if my takes and memories are wrong please forgive me. I am so sorry for this being a long ask I ramble way to much.
No need to apologize anon! Feel free to ask me anything.
Personally, when I say that Adrien is a good liar, I don't mean lying in the traditional sense. He doesn't do a lot of actual lying (except when it comes to his secret identity), but it's more than he doesn't really reveal his true self to anybody. He doesn't fake his personality per se, but he only shows people the parts of himself that he thinks they will like because he's been conditioned to believe that he has to conform to everybody's expectations of him and be perfect for them. It's why Chat Noir is so different from Adrien Agreste™, because he's always performing in every part of his life. And putting on a mask at all times isn't the best way to connect on a deeper and intimate level with the people around him. I think Adrien's friendships with Nino and Kagami and everyone else is real, and whatever he shows them is genuine, but it's still not all of him, and he still feels the need to hide the parts of him that he feels they won't like. His relationship with Ladybug is an exception (obligatory until Season 4 disclaimer) because while he's still putting on a performance, it's not for the sake of pleasing her.
You mentioned his closeness with Nino, and I always felt that Adrien was more at ease with Nino than anyone save Plagg. He was more relaxed and at ease with Nino in like, Seasons 1 and 2, enough to show a little more of himself, and I got the sense that he was a little more open with Nino. Then Rocketear happened and Adrien pretty much shut down on that front and started to put on the mask even more, and their friendship never was the same after that.
The thing with Kagami is that she was right about Adrien. Chat Noir isn't his "true self," it's a persona based on him acting out in the way he's never allowed to as Adrien. And the model Adrien is a persona crafted based on the demands from his abusive father who expects him to be perfect. Kagami isn't able to see under Adrien's mask, but she's able to understand that he's putting on a front, and she wants him to quit it.
Marinette kind of disappoints me as a love interest like that time he was in the park on the bench and she decided that this was the perfect time to give him a present made me annoyed like I understood she has such a huge admiration for the guy and will climb mountains for him but I thought she'd get past that and they'd have like a one on one you know a talk. Usually the love interest would start to bond and grow closer but like I feel she's more into the relationship for herself because of this whole fantasy she builds up in her head it's why their relationship kind of a bummer.
This is exactly the problem I have with canon Adrienette. Marinette literally doesn't even know that Adrien is putting on an act, and she literally thinks he's perfect. It was so funny to me when Pretension made Gabe out to be so wrong and evil when he accused Marinette of falling wholesale for Adrien's performance, because Gabe was fucking right, damn it.
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The problem is that the show never challenges Marinette's view of Adrien. She doesn't have to learn to look past his masks and see him for who he really is, he just up and tells her thanks to an Akuma's influence, and then he spends the rest of the time in Season 5 pursuing her, so she just gets handed her trophy boyfriend without having to put in the effort of getting to know him as a person. The show never wants Marinette to be inconvenienced by *checks notes* learning to see Adrien as a person, and it just wants her to get her dream relationship without an effort on her part to truly understand him. She's not much different from the rest of her class or any of Adrien's fans, because they all just see what they want to see and what he shows them. By virtue of them being the endgame, Marinette should have been special in that she tried to look past the masks to understand the real Adrien once she realized his "perfection" was a front and an act, but she didn't. She remained as delusional about him as she always was and got the relationship dropped in her lap. Thanks, I hate it.
I don't think Adrien that hard to get him to open up to but again this is my own opinion. I don't know really I just feel if someone like a teacher, classmate or even Master Fu get him to open up more and more and they start to bond. I feel like all he wants is a relationship to not be so conditional if someone kind enough allowed him a shoulder to cry on or even acknowlege his habits or when he's in a bad mood I think it'd work I ain't sure though. I wish the dude had more male friends.
I don't think it's that simple for him to break out years of being conditioned to conform to other people's needs, but the fact remains that, you know, no one even cares. Kagami was literally the only one who cared enough to try and understand him, and even she was made to spend Season 4 as Adrien's bitter ex (not Kagami salt, I love Kagami, this is just writing salt). The rest of the class admits in Felix that they don't really know him, and they never really seem to try to get to know him either. They do care about him, but not that much, you know? Everyone is honestly content to keep seeing him as the perfect guy, and no one tries to see the real him. Like I said, I feel like he was a little more open with Nino in the earlier seasons, and he's more open with Plagg, but that's about it. He was a little more open with Ladybug, but that also went down the drain in Season 4 because of the Ladynoir conflict. It took an Akuma for him to open up to Marinette. I don't blame anyone for falling for his act, but they clearly don't really care to get to know him either. I think you're right in a way, that he would be a little more willing to drop the act if someone tried to understand him, like Nino and Plagg. But no one cares, unfortunately.
I don't really get why the classmates just think Gabriel a strict dude when he seems pretty abusive. Marinette especially she knows how strict he is especially in season 5 and the whole adrigami thing and even with Chloe mom lol I think abuse or parental abuse just doesn't register an actual thing in her mind which is weird lol.
Tbf they don't know much about what goes on inside the Agreste household, and they are just kids, so I understand that they wouldn't be able to completely recognize what's going on with Adrien. But the show itself doesn't think Audrey and Gabriel are abusive, and Marinette is basically the mouthpiece for all that, hence the solution is that apparently Chloe and Audrey should just bond, and Adrien should be fed a lie that Gabriel is not a bad guy actually. Marinette seems to have a pretty black and white view of the matter, and since she comes from a loving home, it doesn't really register to her that parents can be so awful. But the show frames Marinette as in the right to push Chloe and Audrey together when what Chloe needs is to get the hell away from that abusive person. It tries to frame her as right for gaslighting Adrien into loving his abuser. It's pretty nasty stuff.
But that's just my opinion. Honestly, I think the best meta on this subject is this excellent post by @fearlessinger. It's a wonderful analysis, I highly recommend it.
Thank you for your ask!
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catbountry · 7 months
One of these days I'm gonna get completely zonked and write out an entire fucking essay on why Mister Metokur sucks and I don't like him, but I feel like I could just say "he kickstarted the internet dumpster fire that was GamerGate" and have justified my position completely.
So fucking tired of orbiting communities that talk about internet weirdos/drama and seeing creators kiss the fucking ring of some guy just because he's got a voice for radio and surrounds himself with people who are stupider than he is so he can toss them aside as soon as they inevitably do some stupid bullshit that he can make fun of and feel justified in doing so, like Sargon of Akkad and Ethan Ralph, all while lamenting that internet culture has changed since the 2000's and people on the internet like furries now more than they like otaku.
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Oh yeah and he's using James Somerton's suicide note as an opportunity to expose Hbomberguy for shit he did nearly two decades ago and shame him for "troll's remorse." If I didn't highly suspect that this is another ploy by James to manipulate people into feeling sorry for him, I'd probably be more disgusted, but it proves this man just operates on pure spite. Like yeah, I get it, overly-performative troll's remorse is fucking cringe, but you're on a podcast with Null making jokes about "stinkditches" and saying unambiguously racist shit while laughing (in a video conveniently deleted from YouTube from September 17th, 2022). And if it weren't for Jim's army of asskissers, I'd probably be way more open about this sort of thing. But who's even reading my Tumblr at this point anyway?
The first time I remember being alarmed by him was that video he did on that creepy pedo who looked at photos of kids in bathtubs, and he was in a call with this guy and some girl said pedo was friends with, and Jim lost his patience and called her a "hole" and to shut up. People kiss Metokur's ass over this video. I don't even know if any action, criminal or otherwise, was taken against the dude and it was just an exercise in lording not being a pedophile over some deeply disturbed guy who probably had some kind of mental disability.
I am pretty much always going to have a fixation on strange internet people, internet drama, and horrifying nightmare people given unrestricted internet access. This is a character flaw of mine. I have tried to view these people more fairly in recent years, though to be honest, there's quite a few of them that are pretty goddamn hard to feel sorry for. But I also recognize a lot of my fascination was probably, at least partially, trollshielding; if I join in with the people making fun of these people, that means I won't be a target. It was a survival strategy learned from childhood and I'm not proud of it. But I also can't do the full troll's remorse because some of those people I talked shit about really were awful people. That doesn't make it okay when I would be snarky and judgemental towards people that didn't deserve it. Trying to stop a pedophile or helping shed light on a zoosadism ring doesn't make you a good person because even bigots hate pedos and people that torture animals. Congratulations on having the faintest resemblance of a conscience, it'd be nice if you could show that same outrage on behalf of black people and trans women. But we know you ain't doin' that.
Also I swear to god if somebody refers to him as "daddy Jim" and they're not taking the piss I'm gonna give them such a pinch.
P.S. James is very likely alive, btw. Who could have seen the serial liar and manipulator telling lies and emotionally manipulating people?
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somebluemelodies · 1 year
really really really long ramble ahead about q!Foolish's federation situation bc i have thoughts. you've been warned :'D
(below the cut!)
i cannot get over how much shit could hit the fan with this whole q!Foolish situation. literally so many relationships could hinge on how things play out
firstly, we have no idea how q!Pac and q!Mike are going to react to q!Foolish when they see him next (likely tomorrow, as per what cc!Pac said at the end of the Tazercraft stream). they might get mad and take revenge, maybe try and use him to find and rescue Walter Bob... etc, etc. q!Foolish wants them to be released (little does he know...) and he hopes to still be friends with them even tho they may not want the same, but he really has no true idea what he's gotten himself into...
i don't think their relationship will ever be the same regardless of what info comes out, but that's essentially just the tip of the iceberg
what i'm most curious about personally is q!Cellbit (and q!Forever) finding out about how he lied about Richas's life being on the line. because i already know that ain't gonna end well. both q!Cellbit and q!Forever are fiercely protective of Richas. q!Cellbit absolutely despises liars and he already threatened q!Foolish while interrogating him
q!Cellbit places a lot of trust in q!Foolish. we saw that in how they bonded when q!Foolish was constructing the castle, and how q!Cellbit wanted to have him build something else for him just so they could spend time together. and it was really solidified in q!Cellbit telling q!Forever today how he has a hard time believing q!Foolish would lie and use Richas’s name to do so. he doesn’t find q!Foolish “capable” of betraying them somehow
q!Cellbit finding out the truth could seriously fuck with him and their relationship. so could him finding out about q!Foolish's actual federation job, but more on that later
q!Cellbit himself killing q!Foolish has potential problems of its own, namely with q!Roier and their relationship. i mean, that's his dad. but at least for me, it's hard to really gauge how q!Roier will react, especially now that him and q!Cellbit are married. i think its circumstantial, but i'm not too too worried about spiderbit
q!Foolish dying also has the potential for some major problems with q!Vegetta if/when he comes back. and i fear for Richas's life if q!Vegetta were to find out, but i digress, let's not go there-
i think a lot of people won't see q!Foolish the same way, at least for a while, if they find out he lied, but i think the bigger problem now lies in his job with the federation
if that gets out, that could burn a lot of bridges. i'll say when actually, because as much as i love q!Foolish, i don't think he can keep this a secret forever. i don't think q!Jaiden will say anything, but who knows, honestly?
unlike q!Cellbit's infiltration to rescue q!Felps and learn more about the federation, and q!Fit using his janitorial job to try and find the player data he wants, q!Foolish is doing this for himself and the federation. unlike both of them, and a majority of the Ordo Theoritas he's technically apart of, he's not anti-federation, he's not anti-Cucurucho, and at that, he's really not neutral, either
i find q!Foolish to be such an interesting character. he knows what he wants a majority of the time and he's willing to do pretty much anything to get what he wants. in this situation, he's aware of his actions having consequences but he does it anyway because it's what he believes benefits himself the most, regardless of what others may say or do. and that's such an interesting character trait, but it can be such a detrimental one, too
did q!Foolish get manipulated tho? to an extent, yes. Cucurucho called him "unique," and i refuse to believe that was out of genuine belief. he's never expressed major interest in q!Foolish until recently. i also don't think Mr. Mustard is alive anymore, quite frankly, if what was said about them eating said capybara is anything to go by. but q!Foolish is so desperate to become Cucurucho's friend and also save Mr. Mustard. he said it himself: he's willing to do just about anything. that leaves the door wide open, doesn't it? Cucurucho is playing a game, and q!Foolish is playing right into it
and if q!Foolish doesn't ultimately go on a traitor arc and he does in fact get used, it kinda sucks for him, really, bc we saw what happened to q!Felps thinking Cucurucho was nice and his friend, and q!Jaiden is probably getting used in a similar way, rather for the fact she's willing to do anything for the eggs
if q!Foolish does get used, and the others catch on to that (mainly q!Cellbit), i think that could be the saving grace for q!Foolish and his relationship with the other members of the island. because it wasn't all his fault, and i think people could see it through
but if not? that's a lot of irreparable damage, be it intentional or not. i'd love to see where that coud lead
that's really it tho. sorry for the word vomit :') if you made it this far, congrats!! what're your own thoughts about this situation? i'd love to see some other people's perspectives :D
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butterrats · 9 months
I love 2012 Donnie
I severely dislike 2012 April, one could say I hate her.
I am allowed to have my own opinions on these not-real-people characters because it. Is. A. Cartoon.
No, I am not a misogynist because I hate 2012 April. I actually love literally all five female characters they put in the show except her (Wow writers...) I'm a fucking feminist lesbian. Disliking a female character does not make you a misogynist. I honestly think a lot of her slander is undeserved, but I'd be a goddamn liar if I didn't say I kinda (ok I love it) enjoy participating in it. HOWEVER, I do not think she is a bad person. Is she snippy, rude, entitled, and kinda a brat in my eyes? Yeah, no dip. Do I think she's evil and intentionally trying to seduce every guy she sees into being her man slave? Uh no. I think she's annoying and I dislike her, but I don't want her to burn in hell. I want what I want for every character I see on a show: *clears throat* OWNING UP TO THEIR SHIT AND CHANGING FOR THE BETTER AND NOT BEING A MARY SUE AND MANY OTHER THINGS I DON'T FEEL LIKE GETTING INTO AT 11:30 PM. This goes for literally all the characters on the show. I wanna see Donnie and Casey apologize to April for being weird with her, AND I want April to apologize to them for being weird with them. THEY ALL DESERVED BETTER. They all could have developed amazingly if the writers didn't stick their heads up their asses and spew whatever shit they inhaled onto the script. I have so many other examples of this: I want Splinter to realize the generational trauma he's inflicting on his sons, Karai developing her relationships with all her brothers, Casey going into his backstory, insert other example.
No, I am not encouraging "nice guy" behavior by loving on Donnie. Oh wow, a kid with zero social interaction outside of his three brothers an strict dad gets weirdly obsessed with the first person he develops romantic feelings for? Who could've seen that coming? He should have left her alone when she wanted to be left alone and given her space, yes, but goddamn people, these characters are children. They're always making dumb choices. It's TEENAGE mutant ninja turtles. My boy never once tried to force himself on this girl. Never tried turning her no into a yes. Never wanted her to do anything she wasn't okay with. He's not a "nice guy" or an "incel" or a "stalker" he's a smart boy who made some very dumb choices. So did literally every other character in the goddamn show. You wanna talk creepy? Leo knowingly had the hots for his motherfudging sister but that's a whole 'nother can of worms I ain't touching tonight baby. I just personally think Donnie has so many more redeeming qualities to his character. Honestly, in my opinion, his apology to April was good enough for me. Not perfect by any means, but good enough. Donnie is literally one of the only characters who quickly owns up when he messes up, I think that' worth something considering the characters. Honestly, Donnie is a sweetheart, super smart, sassy, and fun to watch, and I think his qualities outweigh his flaws, unlike how I feel about April. (How I feel about her.)
My morality should not be called into question when I have an opinion on a fictional character for fuck's sake. This franchise is beloved, BELOVE IT. Have your opinions, love April, hate April, love Donnie, hate Donnie, just enjoy yourselves (except you, Tcesters, stay the fuck away from me and my son.) These characters aren't perfect, they're flawed, they're young, they're children. It's not their fault they were written like shit. They're ALL good people at the end of the day.
I hate 2012 April's guts and I love 2012 Donnie to death. But that doesn't mean you have to as well. LOVE YOUR CHARACTERS.
Holy jumping Jesus on a hoagie sandwich why did I waste an hour of my life writing this? I need to get to bed, I have work tomorrow. Anyways, hope this gets to someone who needs it, love yourself, love characters, don't fucking ship siblings, eat your homework, and enjoy your life. Love you <3
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starseneyes · 2 years
Chenford- Lucy Chen / Tim Bradford - The Rookie - Season 5 - Ep 12
"Death Notice" aka "Bow Chicka Bow Wow"
SPOILER ALERT: If y'all wanna stay un-spoiled. Run. Just run. I say this with all love, but this is not the place to be. I am going to spoil EVERY SINGLE DETAIL that I notice. But, if you want to digest every morsel of deliciousness with me, come on in!
How'd it all shake out? Let's dive in!
Riding in an Elevator
Let's just call out Tim for stopping the elevator for Lucy, and her little breathless, "thanks". These two are adorbs. Also, shoutout to the makeup, hair, and costume departments who put a lot of work into this scene.
And Tim's eyeroll on the "Detectives" line? I was rolling.
Tamara and Lucy
FINALLY getting to see Tamara, again!
"You're here." "I live here. "I went to bed at one and you still weren't home. "Oh, I came home around then. I must've just missed you. Trivia went late." "And how was Trivia?"
Let's be real. The entire point of this conversation is that Tamara wants to let her know that she's onto Lucy. Tamara wants to talk about this new development, considering last she knew of Tim and Lucy was "This is work" when she caught them macking in the living room.
And Tamara is never going to judge Lucy, and will always give her space. But, it's about time the gal came clean with someone.
"You are such a smooth liar. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, all that undercover training." "I'm not lying. "I saw Tim drop you off."
I love the fact that Lucy literally drops the weight she's been carrying. Not only that, she slides around to sit on the couch and dish with her roomie about her new boyfriend.
Lucy crosses from behind the couch that was separating them and sits on it, leaning down to chat with Tamara. The camera moves down with her, the audience settling in with Lucy.
"Thank God. I am so over coming up with cover stories." "Why the big secret? You're both single." "I mean, we're just keeping things under wraps until we figure things out."
There are so many layers and levels here to the why. But this implies that Tim and Lucy don't want to go public until they have a gameplan. And that really makes sense for both their personalities.
I've seen folks ask, "Why is Tim so cool with this secret dating thing?" Do you know how weird it can be when friends start dating and they spend every. freakin. day. around their other friends? Everyone has an opinion.
Tim doesn't mind delaying that a bit longer. Same with Lucy. But, also, this is a huge transition. Even though they're both secure in the knowledge that they want one another, and they have years of history, they have to figure out who they are together.
"We're not sleeping together." "Why not?"
First off, the music cue had me rolling. Oh. My. Goodness. Director, Editor, whoever came up with that idea? Thank you. I had a much needed giggle.
But, also, remember that this is strange behavior for Lucy. Lucy isn't a one-night-stand girl, but she's also not a "dating you but not doing you" girl.
Tamara's gotta be wondering if Tim misfires or something, at this point, because there ain't no other reason she can think of that Lucy hasn't torn those clothes off by now.
And this is part of the maturity of Tim and Lucy's relationship that I love. They don't need to be sleeping together to be fully committed, but they're also not rushing to get to that moment.
"We're taking it slow. We want to do this right." "So, you're not sure how you feel?" "I know exactly how I feel. I mean, this is the most amazing relationship I've been in since, ever."
Oooh, the "r" word returns. Lucy tried to talk to Tim about their relationship on her last day riding with him as a Rookie and the man was not a fan of putting a label on it.
But, it's also important to note that Tim and Lucy have been dating a matter of weeks and she already knows this is the best relationship of her life. Not only the most important. Best.
"Okay. And you're waiting why… again?"
I hear Tamara's point! If y'all are on the same page and completely committed, why aren't clothes flying through our living room? For one, Tamara might want to get a look at Tim's bare chest in Jackson's honor. For two, what's the hold-up, lady?
I've talked a lot about them savoring this relationship. But, I also think Lucy has been using the "taking it slow" idea as an excuse so she doesn't have to think about the roadblock in her way.
Think about it. Lucy couldn't process through whether or not to date Emmett, so she needed to talk it out with Tim. Lucy couldn't process why she didn't want to move in with Chris until she talked it out with Tim.
What Lucy needs to do is talk it out with Tim. But, Tamara's push is taking Lucy in a different direction. It's not a bad direction.
They could have slept together and it wouldn't have wrecked anything. But, I think the security they have at the end of the episode (Yes, I'm skipping a little... go with me, here) is what Lucy needed.
Tim isn't facing the issue of their professional relationship. This whole episode demonstrates that. They need to take care of that power imbalance, because if they don't, then there's no point in any of this.
To truly be together, there were three things that had to go as outlined by Tim in Season 5, Episode 1. "I'm dating Ashley. And Lucy is with Chris. And I'm her Superior Officer, so..."
Tim told us himself what has to go for them to truly be together. And it's that last one that's still in their way, whether they acknowledge it or not.
"Morning." "Morning."
First, I have to say I love to see them greeting one another fully. Back in 5x06, Lucy kept trying to tell Tim "Good morning" and he kept looking past her or trying to avoid it. Because he was trying to avoid her and his feelings for her.
But that particular obstacle is out of the way because Tim knows how she feels about him and Lucy knows how he feels about her.
Now to the part y'all thirsty folks really care about:
Hands. Glorious hands. Wandering, sexual-desire filled HANDS. Lucy holds her keys in both hands so she can release one as she sidles up alongside Tim. Tim taps on her thigh with his fingers, a little, "hey, honey". Then he tries to catch her finger with his pinkie. In broad daylight. In front of the station. Are you insane, Tim Bradford?!
They can't keep their hands to themselves! Y'all, these two are outside a police station where they both work. Before they were dating, they would stand outside with at least enough room for the entire Holy Trinity. Now, they're practically walking on top of each other and "sneaking" in touches.
But nobody's gonna notice? Yeah, right!!
Tim seems to finally remember himself and wipe that gorgeous grin off of his face. But, oy, I love seeing him so happy!
Both of them quickly make fists with their hands after the initial contact, and Tim even presses his hand against his pocket as though checking for his keys.
But it's Tim's smile that I can't stop rewinding and watching. Look. At. Our. Boy. Have we ever seen him so happy? Tim is beaming and all they did was barely brush one another.
Because much as the physical is amazing, it's about simply being close to the person who makes you happiest in the world. Lucy is Tim's person and he gets to touch her and have secret moments with her.
He's no longer pining across the parking lot. He's walking alongside her knowing she is his as he is hers. And, let's be real, this isn't about being possessive. Lucy isn't a purse any more than Tim is a wallet. It's about knowing that this person is your person. And Tim and Lucy are each other's.
And don’t think I didn’t peep the ring. Lucy chose to put that on this morning when she told him it was naked time, just like she did when she came to the station to tell him Chris was out of the way. The streak continues!
Folks... I haven't made it past the first two words of the scene... Y'all know this is gonna be a looooong one. I hope you have snacks!
Look how Tim is still smiling as he leans his head closer to hear what she's going to say. So cute.
"Tonight is the night."
Tim was not expecting that. I'm not saying that he doesn't want to add that layer to their relationship. I'm simply saying he wasn't expecting her to announce it in the parking lot at work.
"Oh, really?"
Look at that man's quizzical brow. He wants to be sure he understands perfectly, that he's not misunderstanding. Because, come on, he misread things once before and Lucy set him straight. They've been on the same page for a while, now, and he wants to be sure they still are.
Lucy, meanwhile, has already planned out the outfit she's going to wear when he finally undresses her. Come on. You know she has. After the disaster of running late to their first date because she couldn't pick an outfit, Lucy can't be late to her own apartment.
Lucy's got a plan, and she's ready for her man. Wow, Dr. Suess just got a kinky upgrade, and I didn't even intend it! Anyway...
"Yes. Really."
Come-hither Lucy has made her appearance, folks. Yowza!! The Velvet Voice has traded places, and Lucy is already seducing her man... in the parking lot.
And poor Tim can't even see the way she's looking at him... Like he's whip cream and her tongue can't get enough. Like he's a chai latte and she wants to drink every last drop. Like he's... Okay, you get it. Lucy's got it bad for Tim Bradford and I am here for it!
"My place or yours?"
With doubt out of the way, Tim is wasting no time. And I'm proud of him for it! He is so fully committed to this relationship, and so is she, and it really shows in the confidence they both have.
Let's talk about that for a second. Lucy doesn't look to the future with the guys she dates. She doesn't want labels. She doesn't want to meet the parents. She doesn't invest in the relationship because it's never been worth it before.
Tim is the exception. In the past, it was Tim who didn't want to label their "relationship" (partnership... mentorship), but Lucy has always put a label on it. Even when she blurted out her feelings, she labeled it a "relationship". That was while she was still dating her "work in progress".
Because it's different with Tim. She doesn't want to rush into bed because she wants to savor every second of this. I've said it before, but when you know it's your last anything... you savor it a bit more.
Lucy's already half-joking about grandchildren, and thinking about their future together. She has the confidence that this is built to last—and Tim does, too.
We've talked throughout the series about Lucy's issues with second-guessing, but Tim has his own self-esteem issues. He trusts himself as a cop explicitly, but as a man, far less.
That's why he was so cautious coaching Little League, why he minimizes himself and his wants in relationships. He's so afraid of being his father. He doesn't trust who he is outside of the job.
Lucy has helped him find himself, again. She helped him go after his dreams of Sergeant. She prevented him from sacrificing himself to protect Isabelle. She had his back with the false-fender-bender. I could keep going, but I'll stop.
The broken pieces of a man are almost impossible to put together, but like the Japanese art of Kintsugi, there is a way to mend them into something whole and beautiful. Different from what it was before, but no less complete.
Tim helped Lucy find surety in her decisions, sure, but she helped him find confidence in himself. They balance one another so beautifully, and in the light of one another's love, they're blossoming.
Tim is confident in who he is with Lucy. Lucy is confident in who she is with Tim. There's the promise of forever without the discussion. Because it isn't needed. They both knew as soon as they took this risk, it was all or nothing.
And now, they're taking the next step in their relationship, together.
"Jealous dog or nosy roommate?"
Kojo! Oh, Kojo is going to be so happy that his Mommy and Daddy are finally together. That poor pups been sitting there thinking, "When is the blonde lady who tastes gritty going to leave so I can get Mommy back?" Well, baby boy, your Mommy is coming home.
Just not tonight.
"Tamara knows." "What? You told her?" "No. She has eyes. I didn't have to."
Let's be real. Anybody with eyes (not you, Nolan) knows what's going on here. Tim's been smiley. Lucy and he are now glued to the hip out-of-uniform. He's doing an awful lot of "nothing".
"But she is staying at her friend's tonight. So…"
Suddenly Tamara's knowledge about them is a good thing. "I should go," Tamara once said... No worrying about her walking in on them this time.
And, look, I know some people really wanted to see Tamara catching them. But we already got that in S4 and it was hilariously done.
Not everything has to happen on-camera. Not every item on our wish lists will be fulfilled. And that's okay. This isn't the Chenford show (much as my Metas might suggest otherwise).
That's what fanfics are for! And, believe it or not, I wrote quite a bit back in my college days, mostly for Alias.
We are going to see some gooooooood stuff on-screen, even if we don't get everything we want. So, stick around, eh?
Side Note: It sounds like Eric has a cold! They really mean “the show must go on”. I once did a show with a fever of 102. I knew I wasn’t feeling great but had no idea how bad it was until I got off the stage. Performing’s a funny profession!
Grey whisks in, reminding me I'm supposed to be talking about Chenford and not me. Yikes! Let me get my focus back.
Tim and Lucy need that same splash of cold water because they are looking at one another and Lucy's doing that thing where she presses her lips together while thinking about Tim that is doing things to our boy.
"Mm, this is gonna be awkward. " "It doesn't have to be. We've ridden together hundreds of times." "Never as a couple."
Oooh, we've graduated! First it was "we're dating", then we got the "relationship" mention to Tamara, and now we've got the "couple" label. Nice!
Why am I making such a big deal about this? Lucy doesn't do labels. In that past she did, we know, because she mentions her boyfriends never being good enough for her mother. But with her guys in this show? Nope!
She wanted to keep things casual with Nolan and wouldn't leave her stuff at his place. Emmett was not her boyfriend, as she stated many times. Chris was her "work in progress".
Tim is a labels guy. He likes things to have boxes and labels and organization. His house is very put together and uncluttered.
But I feel like he is taking her lead on this. He knows Lucy. She doesn't do labels. But she does with Tim. Because Tim is the one she's been waiting for... she just didn't know it.
"So, are you telling me you're not gonna be thinking about tonight?" "Not at all. Thank you." "Me, neither."
It's like an un-said bet, except she is totally checking out his ass.
Also, Lucy and Tim opening doors for one another. Wow, is that a metaphor for this episode. Lots of opening and closing doors all over the place.
It started with the elevator with Tim making sure it stayed open and letting Lucy go first. Here, Lucy's the one opening the door for Tim.
Their whole relationship is littered with opening and closing doors. And this entire episode (much as the theme seems to be "judgment" and "the choices we make") is about opening and closing doors.
"I could tell Grey that I got food poisoning." "Just to get out of riding with me?" "I mean, I get the day off. We avoid all this weirdness. Wins all around." "You're overthinking this. We leave our personal life at the door, just like always" "Oh, And you can just shut it off?"
Lucy is the one thinking clearly, here. Look, I love Tim. He's my favorite character (Lucy is a very close second), but he's not facing reality. The reality is—something has to change.
And, oh, that is scary for a person who grew up with instability and clings to what is known and safe. The minute he acknowledges this problem, he won't be able to ignore it, and then they have to face it, and then everything has to change.
"At 7:59, I'm your girlfriend. At 8:01, I'm your, what? Your subordinate?
What. Did. You. Just. SAY!?!?! Lucy Chen, who has resisted calling any of the guys we've seen her date a "boyfriend" just self-identified at Tim Bradford's girlfriend.
I'm gonna need a minute, here. Because, OH MY GOSH IT HAPPENED!
I should save that for later, right? Right.
But, nope, I'm losing it. I'm squeeling into a pillow trying not to alert my kids so they run into the room saying, "Mama, Mama!" and then I miss what's next. Because Lucy bad*ass Chen just called herself Tim Bradford's girlfriend.
They've been dating three weeks! Remember Lucy's initial response to why she didn't love Chris when Tim asked. She said they hadn't been together long.
But everything is different with Tim. And it always will be. They were carved from opposite sides of the same stone, destined to reunite when the time was right. Or, we might take Plato's nod and think of the one being split into two, destined to search for their other halves.
"Really?" *models herself* "My duty belt. My taser is on the wrong side. Usually, you'd be all over me for that."
I admit, I didn't notice. Crap. I'm as in love with her as Tim is!
"You did that on purpose? You don't do Tim Tests. I do Tim Tests." "Well, that's 'cause this isn't a Tim Test. It's a Lucy Lesson. And, admit it, you're taking it easy on me. We're not even on duty, yet, and our dynamic has changed."
Damn, Lucy! Holding him accountable!! But I love Tim blowing air out as she said, "Lucy Lesson". He's so exasperated with his woman.
Lucy taps his arm, and I must applaud her restraint. It's definitely a "on-duty Lucy" touch in that her hand is open and barely connects with his arm. But, she's trying to check him.
"Get in the car." "It's called a Shop."
Much as I hate the point, she's absolutely right. Tim and Lucy on-duty dynamic together has changed. And it has to.
"You haven't noticed?" "What? That you're carrying your coffee in your gun hand? Of course, I did. I just haven't said anything because these Lucy Lessons are pointless." "You really don't think you're treating me differently?"
First off, Lucy's touch lingers, this time. Much as she's telling Tim that their dynamic has changed (and he does need to acknowledge it), she's demonstrating it accidentally as much as on-purpose.
Also, remember Tim barking at Lucy for holding her radio in her gun hand in front of Emmett? And how Lucy was angry at Emmett for making an issue of it, because Tim was technically the in the right?
That's where my brain goes, immediately. He rarely goes soft on her, and she always notices. But now Tim Bradford is f*cking mush around his lady.
Tim wants so badly for this not be an issue. It reminds me of him at the restaurant trying not to react to the two men arguing, hoping that it would go away. If he doesn't acknowledge it, it doesn't have to be faced... but this has to be faced.
"You're not a Rookie. You want to change up your duty belt, carry your coffee in your right hand, it's up to you. You know. This isn't about us. I'd give Thornsen the same leeway."
*cough* BULLSHIT *cough*
"This is robbery. Wait a minute, you had your gun! This is armed robbery." "I'm sure your earrings will come up. We will call you when we have them." "I want a receipt" "We don't issue receipts. Look, it's all in the report. If you want to file a complaint, you can do so at the front desk on your way out." "I didn't take the earrings." "I know."
Tim will never accuse you of stealing, but this is a big deal. And Lucy knows it. Tim knows it, too, but he wants to do whatever he can to save her.
FAST FORWARD: And, let's be clear, after exhausting every avenue, he was going to do it... to report her. But he was going to try everything in his power, first.
"God, I've been so focused on us. Did I screw up?"
Damn. This hits hard. Poor Lucy always does her best to do it by the book, the way Tim taught her. Where did the earrings go? Tim doesn't want to acknowledge it, but you can see how soft his eyes go, immediately. He's worried for her. He's not thinking about the earrings—he's thinking about Lucy.
FAST FORWARD: And, yes, I've seen the whole episode, now, so I know. But... I like to write these as though it's the first time. And the first time, I should have seen that Lucy Lesson coming.
I mean, it was so beautifully set up with Tamara commenting on Lucy's ability to lie so smoothly, and then with the string of Lucy Lessons. I should have seen it coming, but I admit I expected the worst and didn't.
I truly expect ships I love to go through horrible pain and be destroyed. I'm learning to trust The Rookie more as the show goes on, but I have a lot of harnessed distrust there to dislodge.
"We'll keep checking until we find them." "Wait, wait, okay. Look. You need to file a memorandum with the chief. It's protocol. I get it." "We're not there, yet."
Tim is avoiding. He's trying to hard to not have to face it. And Lucy's the one being practical, here. She can see that Tim is treating her differently and she knows it can't be that way.
He doesn't want to face it. He once felt responsible for pushing her towards a serial killer. We saw how unhinged he was, and they were nowhere near this level in their relationship, now. If he is the one to write her up and it tanks her career... He'd blame himself.
"Well, how long can it wait?" "I have discretion with things like this. We find the earrings no paperwork necessary." "But if we don't you need to report me to IA." "Maybe janitorial swept them up."
Lucy can see what Tim is clearly (yes, I used their word) missing, here. But she's trying to let him get their on his own. Talking to him about it was getting nowhere, so she changed tactics.
And I love how this is shot. It's giving me major CSI Grissom/Sara vibes. Flashlights and searching while dealing with tension and romance? Yeah, I've got a type.
But, seriously, there's such simplicity in the matching over-the-shoulder shots of them, on opposite sides of this issue, but still very much in line with one another. I love the symbolism, intentional or not.
"We canceled our date." "What happened?" "Well, Tim and I rode together today and it really drove home all of the problems with dating your boss." "It did seem tricky, but I didn't want to say anything. Does that mean you guys are breaking up?" "No."
No hesitation from Lucy. Look, I love Tamara (and her relationship with Lucy is one of my absolute favorites on the show). But, Tamara's view of relationships is filtered through her own experience.
Come on, all of us filter how we see Tim and Lucy through our own experiences, for better or worse. But those once-in-a-lifetime relationships are different. They change how you see your future because for the first time there is a future with that other person.
Tamara hasn't experienced that herself, yet, and based on what she's seen with Lucy, none of her other guys really stuck.
Tamara's known about this relationship one day, so she doesn't know all the details or struggles Tim and Lucy had getting to this point. There's no going back for Tim and Lucy. It isn't even a consideration.
"We'll figure out how to make it work. " "Great. How?"
This is tricky. This is tough. Tim and Lucy have to figure this out, and do it now. There's no more time to put it off, to pretend it's not an issue, to ignore what they know to be true.
Tim puts the people he loves ahead of everything because they are so few and far between.
He didn't want to coach Little League for two seconds, because just being on that field in that position risked him becoming his father.
We all know that risk is near impossible, but Tim doesn't. As a child of abuse, he's haunted by what he's survived and terrified of becoming it.
He will do whatever he needs to for Lucy... but that doesn't make it right. With Isabelle, he was about to go over that line if not for Lucy. We know he's capable.
And, to be fair to Tim, when there was no other recourse, he was willing to do what was right in this case. He hated it, but he was going to do it. Because he is still the man he was... thanks to Lucy.
"Lucy! Your boyfriend's here."
I love Tim's face on "boyfriend". This is likely the first time he's heard himself called Lucy's boyfriend, and it just makes me giggle every time I see it.
Tim has his hands in his pockets, much as he did the last time he stood outside this door, urging her to go to UC school as she feared he was pushing her away.
"Did she tell you I figured it out on my own? I'd make a great detective." "I have no doubt."
Such an interesting quirk to hear Tim echo those words in that doorway, again. Last time it was to Chris about Lucy's level of care. This time, it's about Tamara.
So, I have to believe that on some level, he means it. And that could be a very interesting turn of events if they ever wanted to take Tamara down the path of becoming "the rookie" since they try to have someone in a "rookie" position each season.
"Hey, I thought we canceled." "Uh, we didn't." "Oh."
Now that Lucy doesn't have to hide from Tamara, she goes in for the hug. And I love the way Tim's head ends up in the crook of her arm. It reminds me of the hug from Breakdown in Season 4.
It's like he's nestling into her. Because, it takes effort for him to bend down to that level. I'm always fascinated watching tall/smol ships and how they handle that.
Tim and Lucy have history to draw from, but I look back at The X Files and I giggle thinking about the "Gilly boxes" they had Gillian Anderson stand on to get them framed well in the same shot. I have wondered a time or two if they'd used them for Chenford. No lie!
But I love how... relaxed Lucy is in front of Tamara knowing that she doesn't have to hide Tim, anymore.
But this is a serious discussion, and they need Tamara to skidaddle. "Go on, kiddo. Mom and Dad need to talk."
"You have to report it, now." "I know." "And if it was Aaron, you would have reported him already." "I know. But it's not Aaron. It's you." "And you can't be objective when it comes to me, right?"
Look at Tim's sad face and the shake of his head. But this is where Lucy needed him to go. He needed to see that he is going to treat her differently, and that's not going to work.
"And now endeth the Lucy lesson." *giggle* "The what?" *giggles*
I love this, "What" Because Eric Winter puts so much into it that I am cackling with laughter.
"The earrings were never missing?" "Nope! I set them aside and I gave them back to Sergio after work." "That's evil. And impressive. And evil."
GIRLFRIEND! I am so proud of you. It's like a productive prank. Yes, she manipulated him, but much like some of the Tim Tests, it was what he needed. Tim helped Lucy become a better cop. She's helping him become a better boyfriend.
Because in this case, what he needs to do is be honest with himself. He can't be objective where she's concerned.
"I know, but you weren't facing the problem." "Okay, well now I am. So what do we do?"
These two are absolutely working together. I stan a couple who communicates. Because he slides that "we" in there so fast. Lucy and Tim are learning how to really communicate and work through issues as a couple, and I love seeing that on my screen.
When my husband and I first married, I came from a family where screaming and name-calling was the norm. He came from a family where conflict was ignored because it was "unpleasant". It took forever for us to learn how to have a productive discussion when we were on opposite sides of an issue.
One of the simple pleasures of The Rookie's track record with ships is getting to watch our favorite couples work together. Jyla and Wopez paved the way for Chenford, in that respect.
"We only have two real options." "Break up or one of us leaves Mid-Wilshire."
First off, I love how they never even entertain the option of breaking up. Because that isn't an option for them. Yes, it technically exists as an option, but it's not one Tim and Lucy will ever consider.
They're in this and neither one is giving up on it. No second guessing. No doubt. Tim and Lucy are completely sure about one another and secure in their relationship.
"It should be me." "No. No, you love it here." "No, I do. But there isn't an open Sergeant supervisor job anywhere else in the division. I checked. Which means you would have to take a demotion and that's not happening."
I love that she talked about it. And that she'd already researched other Sergeant positions. That's our girl! Sorry... Tim's girl.
But right this second, I can see the wheels turning in Tim's mind. Lucy is basing her assumption on what she's seen of him in the past.
She knew before Rachel did that he wasn't leaving LA. She didn't know about Ashley trying to pressure him into retiring, but anyone who knows Tim knows he loves patrol.
Different as this is for Lucy, I don't know if she yet realizes how different it is for him.
"Lucy-" "No, it'll be fine. Rookies leave their first station after making P2 all the time." "That's true." "So, this is the best move, right?" "Maybe, but we don't need to decide right now."
Lucy is ready to commit to this decision, and I love it for her and for Tim. Because Lucy is choosing Tim. Forget her friends, her commute, and her comraderie. In this moment, Lucy has chosen Tim. And what other woman in his life has ever done that?
It's a hard, hard decision either way, but they both are on the same page... something has to give.
And someone better do something, because there's footage all over these cameras of an Officer and Sergeant in love. Like, that could be a problem, too, if they don't get on top of it.
Tim and Lucy's Silent Approach
This is their first time in a dangerous situation together as a couple. Tim's trying to keep it straight, and so is Lucy. They have innocents to protect. This isn't earrings. This is human life.
And Tim and Lucy get the job done.
But was it harder because of their relationship? That's the question, here. Lucy already proved that Tim can't be objective because of her, but now they're looking at the other angle—what if that hadn't happened so perfectly?
"Nice work today." "You, too. It's not a bad way to end our partnership, saving a family."
First off, Tim has really embraced complimenting Lucy. Second, Lucy has fully embraced that they are no longer going to be in the same chain of command after today.
Look at her picking the lint off of his shirt, which was a classic relationship test in the series New Girl. And then she's touching him and
"Yeah, although we're still not partners. I mean, on the job, anyway."
Look at her tapping his arm in a very gentle hit. Because, now they are partners. And her adorable smile that coaxes out his loving one. Oh, these two!
"It's going to be so weird going to a different station knowing I'm not gonna to see you all day." "Yeah. And there's no guarantee that our shifts will sync up." "I hadn't thought of that. Wait. Wait, wait. So by doing the right thing, we're going to see each other a lot less?" "Most likely." "No." "Yeah."
Gosh, this is hard for them. Melissa O'Neil broke my heart with how Lucy delivered, "I hadn't thought of that". Because Lucy is often the one who has thought of everything.
But this is an area Tim knows better, and now that they're facing this reality, it kinda sucks. But note how Lucy doesn't change course. Because, much as it sucks, they both know it's the right thing to do so they can stay together.
"I'm going to put in my transfer request in the morning."
This is heart-breaking. Lucy goes to pull the bags out of the Shop, like she always does, but Tim grabs ahold of the one closest to him, waving for her to give him the other. He's carrying her burdens. And look at the way she smiles at him.
They hate that the status quo is going to have to change for them to be together. But they will be together. And that's worth it.
Meanwhile I'm screaming at the screen, "Swoop in and resign first so she can stay!"
"Got a minute." "Sure."
Well, that was fast! Tim closes the door behind him and takes a seat. He didn't even wait to get into plainclothes to have this discussion because he wants to be sure he gets there before Lucy does.
And, it's so easy to say, "Oh, there's Tim Bradford giving more, again." But he really isn't. He's giving exactly what Lucy was willing to give for him. Only this scenario is actually better for them even if it's worse for him.
Because Tim finally has a partner who gives and takes, who will hold his hand through the heartache, and call him on his bullshit, and be the one to hold him when he deals with the rolling emotions of his father finally passing. Tim finally has the love of his life. And that's worth all of this.
"I've been keeping something from you. Lucy and I started dating a few weeks ago." "I suspected as much."
No surprises here. We've always said that Grey was onto these two. But, I think he was waiting for them to come to him since it wasn't impacting anything, yet, from what he could tell.
"Sir, we wouldn't've lied, but we needed time to figure out how we felt."
Which means we've missed some scenes. Look, I know I was the first person to say that we're not going to get to see everything (and y'all fic writers are on it, I'm sure). But I don't think they needed time to figure out how they felt so much as they wanted to make sure the other was fully on the same page.
After half a season of miscommunication, Tim and Lucy are trying to get on the same page at every step. Lucy's "Lucy Lessons" illustrate that they have a ways to go, but also that she knows how to get through to Tim when needed. They've got this.
"And since we're having this talk, I assume it's serious." "It is, but for it to be appropriate, I need to move out of her chain of command."
First off, "it is." That's it. That's all Tim has to say because he has full confidence in Lucy's love. Have we ever seen him so sure? Have we ever seen him so secure in love that he will shift the course of his entire career? Of course not.
Lucy is his sun. She is "the one" that Grey once said starting over would be worth it for.
And Grey doesn't question that it only took a few weeks of dating for Tim and Lucy to get to that conclusion. He's watched them battle against one another and together. He's seen the dance as they wrestled with what they felt, and he wasn't oblivious when dancing around one another shifted into dancing together.
This isn't a "You're marrying a man you just met" scenario. Tim and Lucy have known one another in so many ways. The typical timelines and steps don't apply. Yes, Tim and Lucy are taking their time, but that's never been for lack of assurance in one another's commitment to this relationship.
And now Tim is doing what he needs to to protect that relationship... to put them first. Not Lucy first, as Tim too often has done in his relationships, minimizing himself. He's putting them first.
Grey doesn't love helping Tim with this because he knows he's losing a great Supervising Sergeant who can hold down the fort when he goes on trips to visit his daughter at University. This is going to create a giant hole in the Chain of Command.
But Grey's going to help Tim, anyway. Because, this is a man of integrity—a man who walked into this office to come clean without prodding, who wants to do the right thing, who has finally finally found love after all his heartache and loss.
Who wouldn't want to help a man like that?
"Okay. Unfortunately, there's only one position open that'll do that." "I'll take it." "It's not a great job." "Doesn't matter. I'll take it."
TIM BRADFORD. See this is what we love about Tim. When he's all-in, he's all-in. Before, it was the job. Now, it's Lucy.
He is walking away from the job he loves to get out of her chain of command and keep her from having to leave. This is such an incredible demonstration of love, and despite the Chenford scene following this one, this is the scene that has me in a choke hold.
Tim doesn't ask for a pay scale. He doesn't ask for a job description. Hell, he doesn't even know what the job is. He sees that it meets what he needs to maintain his and Lucy's integrity and not be separated from the woman he loves. That's it. That's what matters.
Some things matter more.
No, he didn't utter the line. But, he's saying it with his actions. By making this sacrifice, he's showing her that a job will never be more important than her. That his love of patrol is great, but his love of Lucy is greater.
Because, at the end of the day, he doesn't want to see Lucy only on alternating Tuesdays and bank holidays. He wants them to have time together so they can continue to build this relationship. He wants them to build a life together. And that takes time.
So, to give them the time... he takes a step back. Because this is true love, damnit.
"So, I've been thinking, Hollywood division would be kind of ideal."
I love Lucy cooking for her man. Because next time it's Tim's turn. This is something neither of them will ever do out of duty or expectation, but because they both enjoy cooking, and this is an expression of love.
Lucy has a whole meal planned out for Tim. There's salad bowls, an open bottle of wine, plates and placemats.
Second, Lucy's about to give me a Wings-style heart attack with how many candles she's lit (the place burned to the ground while the couple hooked up... it's the only episode of that show I remember).
We knew from end of Season 4 that she likes to light candles like my Dad when he was tipsy during a hurricane (so. many. candles), but last time they weren't actually considering naked time.
"Well, it's not necessary. I talked to Grey, And you're looking at the new Court Liaison Sergeant." "But that's a desk job." "Yeah. Out of your chain of command. "You'll be bored out of your mind."
First off, Lucy knows Tim well enough to know he'd never be satisfied in a desk job. She didn't even consider this job when she looked up available jobs. But he took it without looking at the job description. Because some things matter more.
"That doesn't matter. Look, you and I'll get to see each other every day. And you won't have to travel to some, I don't know, far away station where they'll make you work the midnight shift because you're the newbie."
He has a sound argument. My husband and I worked opposite schedules the first year and a half of our marriage. I worked nights and he worked days. It was awful. Building a marriage when you never seen one another is a struggle I wish upon none.
And at this angle, I FINALLY get to confirm that Tim is wearing a shirt that snaps open and closed. It's not even a button-up. He went for snaps. This man came prepared. Talk about understanding the assignment!
"Tim-" "It's done. Okay. No sense in arguing about it."
This is such a husband move. Like, we all know she was willing to be the one to go, but he jumped in first, and it means they get more time together. "Wins all around", right Lucy?
And Tim and Lucy could argue about it (because they are "worth the effort"), but it's unnecessary. What's done is done.
"But we're so good at arguing."
Lucy, now you are reminding me of the couple with the golf clubs. The horny side, I mean, not the property-destruction side. Because, YOWZA, you knew what you were doing leaning over and kissing him like that, leaving enough room for him to stand up and come to you.
Yes, I know there are pieces of tape on the floor showing them where to stand. Shhhh! I'm in Chenfordland, right now, and I'm going to give Lucy full credit for that move.
Tim slips in his "I know" before kissing her, again, practically murmuring it against her lips.
"I know. But I'm hoping that we're good at certain other things, as well."
Welp. THAT happened. I mean, how the heck am I supposed to get through this scene without taking apart every move of the hand, of the lip, of the eye, of the BELT!? Oy vey, y'all, strap in (heh), because this is gonna take a bit.
First off, Lucy's kiss when he was sitting was definitely a come-hither kiss. She's got her arms wrapped around his shoulders for balance, but also to put a little weight on him. I mean, for all we know she likes it on top, right?
As they stand up, she's already got her hands on his shirt, on his chest. She's telegraphing interest as Tim's right hand takes a trail up her thigh to her waist.
And. Look. At. His. SMILE! Tim Bradford just walked away from patrol to take a desk job, but it's all worth it because he's looking into the eyes of his love, and she's staring back at him. And now they're both ready for this next step.
Tim is glowing in the light of her love. I once likened Lucy to the sun and Tim to a star. Now, technically, a sun is a star, right? And some solar systems have more than one sun. Lucy and Tim are each other's light. Neither has ever felt this secure in a relationship. This alive.
Rachel wanted Tim to move. He didn't. Ashley wanted Tim to retire. He didn't. Chris wanted Lucy to move in. She didn't.
Three weeks in and they're both ready to walk away from the job they love for the other? In the words of How I Met Your Mother, "That's love, bitch."
"Want to find out right now?" "Yeah."
Tim's "yeah" is barely above a whisper, but it's there. I wasn't certain it would be subtitled, but I'm so glad they did!
And I love that they are both on the same page. There's no doubt or confusion about what's about to happen. Lucy invited Tim to cross another threshold with her, and he breathed that sweet "Yeah" that's peppered their conversations since they became a couple.
"Yeah" when she said she wanted to get dinner sometime. "Yeah" when acknowledging they would do the right thing but never see each other. His soft little "Yeah"s are multi-purpose.
But that breathless one just now? Oh, that takes the cake, folks!
Lucy wastes no time with Tim's shirt. Her hands were on his snaps before his mouth met hers. No wasting time, here. She starts with one snap at a time, but at the end it's like popcorn, tearing that shirt open because it is in her way.
And her little sounds as she's undressing him? Girlfriend is gone. (and I can say that, now, because I'm never going to get over Lucy Chen being Tim's girlfriend)
C'mon. When she was wiring him to go undercover as the Hit man she was totally scoping those pecs. And let's not forget Rachel's house where all the man was wearing was a towel. Lucy's seen things. Now she wants to fully appreciate them.
There's a difference between admiring artwork from afar and really getting your hands into the clay on the wheel. Lucy's done looking. It's time to get hands-on.
Tim's left hand goes for her face, but he feels the last button give. She pushes the shirt over his shoulders, and as he pulls the sleeves off, completely, Lucy is all eyes on her man.
And what I love about this is that as Lucy is appreciating every inch of Tim's chest, her hands tracing the V toward his pelvis, his eyes are watching her, drinking her in. Seeing her turned on is turning him on all the more.
Her eyes meet his, and she smiles the most serenely sexy smile. This is everything she ever wanted in a relationship, and tonight is everything she ever wanted in a last "first time".
The second he shakes that shirt lose, his lips are back on hers. Her right hand winds around his back, her other on his face. He has both hands on her face, directing each kiss with the surety Lucy once dreamt.
Tim loves to touch Lucy's face. Like the airplane bathroom and the kiss at the food truck. But this kiss is different. Instead of sweet, this is starving.
Tim is starved from his want of Lucy. Forget the dinner Lucy was making... Tonight Tim and Lucy feast on one another.
Lucy got the engine started, but Tim's the one driving, now. And like her dream of him, she's all the more turned on by him taking the lead.
He's firm, but not aggressive, as he kisses her, drinking in every taste of her mouth like it's his first drink of water after days without. Lucy is the only thing to sate his thirst.
Her hand traces his back before both hands land on his belt. She's pulling him as much as he's pushing her toward the bedroom. They walk in step together, like the hottest four-legged, sandwich-style race. Lucy giggles as they go.
Because sexy as this is, it's also still them. Tim and Lucy are enjoying themselves. And we've learned through the course of this relationship, thus far, that comes with some giggles from Lucy.
No doubt, she's built this up in her mind. They both have. But here in this moment, they aren't second-guessing or wondering. Tim's not standing before her, waiting to see if she's interested. Lucy's not thinking about the past and letting it still her.
In this moment, they are both living, breathing, and craving right now.
Tomorrow, there'll be the jobs, and the logistics, and all the other things to worry about. But in this moment, Tim Bradford and Lucy Chen are carefree save the love they carry for one another.
Every kiss is punctuated by desire fueled by love. There's echos of every other kiss they've shared—but these kisses are like breathing. In this moment, Tim and Lucy are one another's oxygen tanks, and the only way to exchange breath is to share it.
They could bee-line right to the bedroom, but Tim can't help himself. He doesn't want to wait to feel himself pressed fully against her—every curve of her body responding to his.
His right hand reaches for the door frame, so when he pushes Lucy back against it, she doesn't hit her head. In fact, his left hand is cradling her head, so it's his hand that meets his hand.
But she feels every muscle, every part of Tim pressing against her, wanting her, aching for her. With every touch of his bare skin against her skin, his taste on her lips, and his pelvis pressed against hers, her desire grows.
Her left hand winds to his neck, as though she could pull him even closer, somehow merging every part of them before they've even made it to the next layer of clothing discarded.
Tim shifts so his left hand is around her waist as she backs into her bedroom, Tim practically on top of her, not wanting to separate an inch now that he's finally here. He can feel her responding to him, and like her lips, he's growing addicted to that feeling.
Tim pushes the door most of the way closed as Lucy giggles, completely free in the wonder of his love. Locks of Lucy's hair catch the frosted glass as the door slams shut—Lucy no doubt with her back against that door (and possibly lifted up by Tim, judging on the placement of her hair in that window).
Tim Bradford once more forgetting the bed behind him because they're going to break it anyway.
Seriously. I fully expect "Lucy needs a new bed" to be a plot point. Just to see her scrolling options on her phone would be enough for me! That bed is not ready for the action it's gonna see tonight.
I have to say, I love that we can hear the scene. The music isn't overpowering this moment, and for someone like me whose ears hear everything, but can't separate if sounds are too close in decibel or pitch, that made the scene.
Back when they kissed in the airplane bathroom, we could hear the sounds of their lips. But this scene was so much sexier with all of Lucy's hums and gentle moans into his mouth. The music volume was perfect to add to the moment without distracting from it.
Fan Fic Writers... go do your thing!
And to Eric Winter, golly, I hope he wasn't too sick. Listening to how much of a voice he has in each scene and gauging shooting scheduled based on how weak it was was amusing. But, seriously, the job of an actor can be killer. Any job in the industry that involves being on-set, really.
My mom is a hair and makeup artist. She worked on a series in Wilmington in the late 90's where one of the lead actresses and she both had the flu. Didn't matter. They both had to work through. Mom has this photo of the two of them passed out on a couch together between scenes. It makes her smile, now, but it reminds me of how hard it can be.
We think about the glitz and glamor. And while that does exist, the hours alone can be a huge deterrent for any sane person. Creating art takes time, patience, and a crew of folks who sacrifice so much of their personal lives to make it happen.
If it's a good crew, it can become like family. If it's a complicated one, it can be incredibly trying to get through 18+ hour days stuck together, short turnarounds, and Fraturday schedules.
Also, I hope poor Melissa O'Neil didn't get sick from Eric Winter because of this scene. Because, golly, it's a weird job, right? I once did a shoot where I had to make-out with two separate men I'd never met before on the same day (no, it wasn't a porno). Like, you're really getting paid to do this. It's so weird.
Back to the show... There's a line in this episode that Wesley says to Angela that really sticks out for me... kind of the mantra of all the ships of The Rookie "It's not ideal, but we can handle it."
Romance in real life is messy. Too often, I see television shows go one of two ways... full on soap opera or train wreck. There are very few shows I trust with ships, even in hindsight.
The Rookie shows these very real people dealing with very real issues. Kids keeping you on a schedule that prevents you from getting any sleep. Having more kids. Shared calendars. New love and job schedules. All of that is so relatable, and it's so nice to see a show that is committed to showing people work through.
It's a detail that I really appreciate as a real person with real issues.
Anyway, if any of y'all are still alive, I want to thank you for reading. I have so much fun writing these, and the fact that people read and comment and enjoy them still blows me away. Thank you.
See you on the next!"
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chichis-interlude · 9 months
Hi, how are you? Before I started talking I wanted to say that I don't know if it's right because I'm using the translator, well I'm going to try to summarize my story in the void I discovered the empty state a year ago and in that one year I tried and every time I failed and I don't know what else I do, my first attempt was using a sub but I got scared and ended up leaving more so I heard everything or my surroundings and the other times I ended up sleeping!! I wanted to enter the empty state sleeping but I don't know how and I don't know if I. I can get into the void today tomorrow or later !! Help me, please
Hey baddiee 🫶🏾🫶🏾
So first of we need to understand WHAT the void is.
I'm @ this site bc that's where I got the info from before even hopping onto Tumblr but if u don't wanna go read it ill break ts down.
The void is a deep meditative state when your MIND is awake but your BODY is asleep and according to those who have entered it, it's the most peaceful experience they've ever had.
So now that we know what it is. How the hell do we enter it?
There are many many ways to enter this state and you can find soooo many ways to do so on Tumblr, personally I reblog a lot of ways to do so and not every method will work for everyone so you just gotta do a lot of them then stick with the one that you're gut tells you. "yh it's this one right here."
But there are sm that you just see complicating it and you're just so confused and lost because you'll be thinking 'you're preaching that it's easy to enter but you're here making a whole ritual? Babes bfr'
And it's so flipping annoying seeing this bc all it those is make them look like liars when in fact it CAN BE SO EASY. But its only easy when you make it easy. If you out it on a pedestal when the void IS IN YOU it'll be way harder to enter. Not impossible but way harder.
So first you need to remember YOU are the void, and YOU control ts it does NOT control YOU.
Now for the methods
I'm a simple person and I hate complicated methods bc it makes the void seem like flipping Jesus when it's in fact just...you.
For example this relatively new method byv@luckykiwiii101 the distraction method. Is basically just distracting yourself from the 3D by imagining ANYTHING. It could be singing a song in your head or a mental movie or you can be counting or affirming like it DOESN'T MATTER, as long as you're body ain't moving but your brain still working it's ENOUGH. Just anything that will distract you enough for your body to fall asleep because thinking a lot will make your mind stay active and awake (FYI it's better to do this in a sleepy state and if yk you're gonna fall asleep, sit up while doing it)
Like there's literally nothing to it?? Just lay down (or sit up) and try not to move then just be thinking ab random things like? It's so flipping simple yet it's almost gotten me into the void??? (but my ass got distracted 😭).
Lols that's all I got for you bbg but just remember you are, you were and will always be that b and when you're that b everything else just falls into place.🤷🏾‍♀️.
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
It's lowkey really funny to see the Viv stans go "HOW DOES IT FEEL TO HAVE ALL YOUR DIRTY LAUNDRY BROUGHT UP, CHAI????' when all of your "dirty laundry" is... *checks notes* ... really normal furry art, a ship that Spindlehorse people ALSO ship, and a slightly more questionable ship in Hiccup X Toothless, but even there, dragonfuckers are a huge part of furry community, so you'd have to call ALL dragonfuckers zoo supporters then, and also it's FICTION, so it doesn't hurt anybody.
Viv's dirty laundry consists of threatening to destroy her ex-friends, paying animators like absolute shit, workplace abuse, transphobia, fetishizing sexual trauma and gay men in general, etc. etc. etc.... a LOT of stuff that ACTUALLY hurts people.
The fact that Viv stans actually think these things are in any way fucking comparable, enough so to harass you and call you a liar about sexual trauma, is completely unhinged behaviour. Absolutely disgusting, evil people.
Also, all of these things were never secrets to begin with. They're some of my favorite ships and I'm happy to explain to people why I like them, and have openly; C. Augusta Dupin these people ain't.
All of this because these people don't want to have to admit their precious Viv has hurt real people, or even worse, that their favorite cartoon is flawed. It's unhinged and completely evil.
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artzychic27 · 8 months
I said I'd make incorrect quotes for this
Myléne: Of course fair-skinned people have problems.
Sabrina: Yeah, but it's the same way rich people have problems.
Adrien: What?
Sabrina: Oh no, I can't fit all my money in my pockets.
Nino: Heavens, the butler is sick. Who will apply my SPF-162 to my translucent fair skin?
Kim: Drake jokes are not light skin jokes.
Adrien: Of course they are. You're saying he's soft because he's light-skinned.
Kim: No, I'm saying he's soft because he pees with his pinky out.
Nino:*Voiceover* Another thing Black people don’t like to talk about is the gay people in their family or friend group. Take my friend, Nathaniel. He’s gay… I think. He watches a crap-ton of anime with his friend, Marc, who reads a lot of Yaoi manga, and they share custody of a cat they found, Kitty Lang. So, yeah, he’s definitely gay.
Max: White people stole our freedom. You don’t think they’ll come in here and steal my X-box?
Marinette: Well if I'm not really black, then could somebody please tell my hair and my ass?
Marc: *Leaving a store with Kiran; The store alarm goes off and he sees that he’s holding a bag. Several officers quickly surround him* Oh really?! Oh, I see, it takes you two hours to find a little black boy, and then you're here in two seconds when I accidentally steal a clutch? Well, you know what? I'm keeping it!
Alya: This ain't our culture, we're black, not African. Africans don't even like us.
Lila: Juleka, if you can handle our class’ issues with complexion, then you can handle anybody else’s.
Juleka: What issues?
Marinette: *Voiceover* If you’re wondering why this feels like an accident about to happen, it’s because colorism is something Black families really don’t like to talk about. And in this classroom? We’re family.
Lila: I just meant you’ll get used to it. You know, since we’re all a little colorist. I mean, especially Marinette.
Marinette: The hell you saying?
Lila: Oh. My bad, did you wanna be the one to break it to her?
Marc: Adrien, who has been doing your hair?
Adrien: Oh, my stylists.
Nino: White stylists hired by white daddy.
Juleka: Ah. What shampoo do you use?
Adrien: I use Tom's of Maine.
Kim: Like the state?
Adrien: No, like the toothpaste. They make a six-in-one, so it's soap, shampoo, a laundry detergent-
Marc: Okay, okay. What are we gonna do with his hair? I mean, are we twisting it? Braiding it?
Adrien: Well, I like braids like yours', but, I don't think I have enough hair.
Marc: *Pulls out some synthetic hair* Oh, don't worry about that, we've got plenty.
Adrien: Oh! Oh, no, I don't want somebody else's hair.
Juleka: What the hell do you think I have?
Adrien: So, your hair is a liar?
Juleka: Oh, I'mma hit him for real this time.
Gabriel: It is a six-in-one!
Adrien: But it doesn't work on black hair!
Nino: Straight facts.
Alya: Fucking right!
Marinette: That's tea, bitch.
Marc: I refuse to soften my tone or remove slang from my vocabulary just to be compatible with a system created on stolen land and slave labor!
Luka: Ooh, yeah. Speak on it.
Marc: I’m gonna talk how I talk, like Ryan Coogler. He’ll be on The View sound Black as fuck. Even Whoopi be confused.
Chloé: Oh, please! You think Ryan Coogler sounds the same as a cookout in East Oakland as he does in a boardroom at Disney?
Rose: You know who doesn’t code switch? Eeyore. He’s always sad.
Luka: Oh, that’s true. That donkey suffers.
Adrien: What about Jay-Z?
Marc: What about HOV?
Adrien: You’re celebrating him, and he’s the ultimate code-switcher!
Marc: Look, whatever, code-switching is corny as shit.
Adrien: I’m not corny! I’m super popular at parties and red carpet events!
Marc: Let’s dissect this, though! Why do they like you? Because you’re the light-skinned black guy white directors wanna cast in all sorts of movies as the lead so they can say, “See? We’re diverse!” You hoop? You know how to do the latest viral dance?! You do the “whoa” for them?!
Ivan: It’s about putting to rest some very ugly stereotypes… So no watermelon.
Adrien: He says you’re never supposed to say that word.
Nino: Gabriel can’t say it, ‘cause he’s of the Caucasian persuasion. But you can.
Adrien: Oh, no, no. I don’t- I definitely cannot.
Alya: Yes, you can.
Adrien: I promise you, it is not okay for me to say that word.
Nathaniel: Adrien, your dad is shitty as fuck. And worst of all, he’s been depriving you of your own culture.
Adrien: He has?
Juleka: Yes, have you ever had your hair braided?
Adrien: No.
Alix: Forced to watch a bootleg of a Tyler Perry play?
Adrien: I don’t know.
Rose: Do you prefer pumpkin pie, or sweet potato pie?
Adrien: What’s the difference?
Rose: I’m gonna slap him in the face.
Nathaniel: Your dad has not let you be Black.
Adrien: What?!
Marc: So, you’re mad at Louis because you think he thinks you can’t swim? Which you can’t.
Alix: You can’t swim?!
Nathaniel: Well, I-
Rose: Hold up. So, when we’re swimming, and you’re just dangling your feet, reading a book, supposedly life guarding us… Is that for show?
Kim: Yeah. He’s basically just there to witness your drowning.
Akuma Class: *Watching the news with their fingers crossed*
Nadja: The shooter has been described as a six foot tall…
Nino: Don’t be black, don’t be black, don’t be black!
Marinette: Come on…
Nadja: White male.
Akuma Class: *Cheering*
Kim: Hell yeah!
Marc: *Walks into the room* Eight people died.
Marinette: Oh…
Ivan: Yeah, that happened.
Sabrina: Right… But we didn’t do it!
Akuma Class: *Continue cheering*
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Guys, can we make a promise and stop being freaking fearmongers and conspiracy theorists or something? Because this is tiring as fuck.
With the most recent AO3/OTW news about a resignation, now a lot of people are demanding to know WHY she resignated, because "they don't even put it was for 'personal reasons', they're hiding something????" and a lot of people in the comments of the new on AO3 are linking her resignation with the shit about EndOTWRacism or whatever, with things like "OTW PROMISED to ADD THIS years ago and they didn't do it SO OF COURSE they're just a bunch of liars and racists".
As far as I know, considering something ain't promising. And saying that "we're developing something to make a better user experience" isn't also a promise, especially because it doesn't mention A DATE. But correct me on this if I'm wrong about this, I really can't recall if they PROMISED any kind of thing about the supposed racism "on OTW/AO3", with that exact 8 letter word.
And of course, besides this EndOTWRacism we have the "AI thing" and it's just tiring. Now they're linking the two thinks. I'm also TIRED of blocking and muting unreasonable stupid people on the Archive that are just to conspiranoic to be alive. Is incredible how my Tumblr dashboard has had more NUANCE with this shit that on AO3 itself. Like hell, even on Reddit there has been more nuance. (Can we blame Twitter for this one too?)
What a rough months to be a Board member and/or an OTW/AO3 volunteer for sure. Keep going, guys.
I will say, for those of you who don't follow all the boring news posts closely, many Board members drop out early, including me. The Board job isn't something people usually especially want; it's a grenade that someone eventually gets talked into jumping on. The minute a crucial personal life thing comes up, people bail.
I have no idea about the current resignation, but in my case, my dying mother wanted me to babysit her unmanageable dog so she could go to Italy the exact same week as the Board retreat.
It's probably something like that. Or an ultimatum from a spouse that they want weekends again. Or a sick child. Or grad school.
It's probably not anything interesting or anything actually to do with OTW.
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