#i'm a bandwagoner what can i say ;3
cuppajoel · 3 days
If you're reading this, you're probably wondering where this random Joel Miller blog came from- and I don't blame you.
My name is Rae, I'm 26, and I consume a lot of media. Over the past 9 months, I have been lurking in the shadows (on AO3), kindle in hand, reading and adoring the series' that many of you have created.
Over the past month or so, I have found myself dipping into Tumblr more and more and what I've found is some of the most intricate, thought-out, warm, and passionate pieces I've ever read. As someone who consumes a lot of words for a living, I have been truly astounded.
It's through you guys that I have read not only about my one true love, Joel Miller (in all incarnations), but also branched out to other characters in the P.P. fandom.
Notable mentions go to: Mando, Javier Peña, Agent Whiskey, General Acacius (jfc), Frankie bby, Dieter Bravo to name but a few...
Anyway, the point of this post is to say, thank you for the amazing work that the creators in this sphere are doing. I was in a reading slump for a good couple of years you have helped me find my love of reading again. <3
The sole purpose of my blog is to keep a record of what I'm reading (y'all I've been trying to keep tabs just by liking masterlists and it's getting outta hand lmao) and, if you're interested, give some recommendations of fics that I've been reading and loving.
I also wanted to give a quick shoutout to some of the accounts of the fics that I have been pining after for the past while. I do not claim to be the first one to come across these series'. I am well aware that it's not just me jumping on the bandwagon, but truly jumping on the Boeing 747 with the thousands of others that love your work.
Regardless, some special mentions go to:
@punkshort -Every joel miller fic you've written? I've read twice through. I'm so excited for the next chapter of Swept Away. @hellishjoel (brat tamer joel is beautiful) @fuckyeahdindjarin -You started my love affair with Dieter and Jack. I actually cannot explain the way that Joel in Seams made me blush @almostfoxglove - I think about See you at Three daily. I'm really excited to read your other series! @juletheghoul -Joel the menace is on my mind always. @covetyou - your ideas are so imaginative and such a breath of fresh air @tightjeansjavi - I started reading The Rite of Movement yesterday and its all i can think about @whocaresstillthelouvre Joel Miller fics with Taylor Swift titles? i can die happy tbh @chloeangelic (All fics on A03) @5oh5 From EDEN??? Thats all. (jk i love your other stuff too but from Eden is something else) @hier--soir every joel fic you've written is *Chefs kiss*
There are many, many more recommendations I could give and I am working my way through my over-saturated 'likes' so I can create a well organised 'recommendations' post.
I could honestly spend hours, picking your brains and gushing over the work that you guys have created but for now, I am going to reel myself in, say hi and thank you.
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foone · 4 months
Alright, listen up:
We need to stop with the anti-rooting attitude for brainpals, alright? You're just doing mnemonocorps job for them. Cut out the discourse about people with modded brainpals, for TF's sake.
(scifi worldbuilding by way of fictional Tumblr discourse under the cut)
There's tons of valid reasons for by people would hack their brainpals! Testing new memory/skills without paying for a dev kit, piracy of skills (and do not @ me with that "but you're stealing from the original skill creator!" bullshit. All the legit skills on the market now are from people who did work for hire by mnemonocorps, and THEY ALREADY WERE PAID. It's only mnemonocorps that is losing money!), home ptsd/cptsd/jptsd treatment, the list is endless.
And before you jump into the comments, YES I KNOW PEOPLE DO SEXUAL MEMORY PLAY. People do every kind of weird shit, name me a technology that no one has used for sex in some way? Hell, the first topless photo was taken within a week of the invention of the daguerreotype. But we need to be adults here, okay? These things can be simultaneously true:
1. People do memory play
2. No kids have memorypals
3. The vast major of memory play is NOT VP.
Mnemonocorps has done a lot of work to try to keep people from using brainpals for memory pal, with their artificial limits on how much you can block at once, but that's fundamentally an over reaction to the negative press from the whole VP scandal. The news loves a juicy story like "people are using a new technology for weird sex shit" because their readers/viewers are always interested in Weird Sex Shit, either because "ooh, sexy!" or "BAN THIS FILTH" reactions.
And like all big companies, the last thing mnemonocorps wants is a new law aimed specifically at regulating them! So they stuck a bunch more restrictions on brainpals so they could say they have taken steps to prevent VP.
Now, I need you to listen to me before I say this: I am NOT saying I condone VP, alright? I'm not going like "oh but no one is hurt, everyone is (technically) adults, it's basically roleplay"? This is not an excuse for VP, alright?
Memory play is not just VP, and it's deeply insulting to everyone who engages in memory play to conflate the two!
The reasons people would do memory play are many and varied, as are the things that people do with memory play. And I think people are extra quick to jump on the "memory play is bad" bandwagon not just because of the spectre of VP, but because it's all "eww, kinky sex things".
And yes, I'm not going to try to sugarcoat memory play, alright? There's a lot of weird stuff going on there, and it definitely isn't for everyone. But the thing y'all need to keep in mind is that it's between consensual adults and they (usually*) know what they're doing, okay?
It's safe and mind healthy and consensual. (yes I know these are the same arguments the veepers use to definite VP but I'm not talking about VP here, damn it!).
People can do CNC play with mblocks. People can do roleplay with temporary personality patches, either because they're too awkward/shy/whatever to have sex or because they (or their partners) want to do some vcheating. All these are perfectly safe if done correctly and don't hurt anyone. Especially not you, who aren't even involved in their memory play!
And I promise the slippery slope argument is bullshit: even if people use mblocks to age regress, that doesn't make it VP, alright? There's plenty of people (especially us elderly trans who missed out on a gender-correct early adulthood. (I wasn't able to get genespliced until I was nearly 60!). If I want to experience how my 25-year-old self would have had sex as a girl, that's my own god damn business! And it's not VP and it hurts no one. And all these non-vp uses of memory play are completely blocked by the stock brainpal software, because of their heavy handed approach to trying to prevent VP.
But with this whole stigma against hacking brainpals means that if I ever even mention I've got mine modded, people immediately start side-eying me because they think the only reason anyone would want to hack their brainpal is VP.
No! Piracy of skills and mblocks and yes, memory play. Which isn't entirely VP, even if it keeps getting tarred with that brush.
The piracy argument you'd think would be an easier one to make. I know half of you have all the PS6 ROMs downloaded onto your tangles. How are you gonna steal half the video games on the iarchive and then turn around and say it's wrong to download fluent-Japanese or woodworking to your brainpal? Come on.
Basically my whole point is that mnemonocorps has done a great job convincing the general public to associate illicit (by their rules) brainpal use with VP, and it's solely because they know the average person (rightly, I would add) thinks VP is abhorrent. They're using that disgust to turn the general opinion against the idea of brainpal modding.
And look, look me in my eye, do you really think mnemonocorps is doing this because they genuinely think VP is bad and want the public to help them stop it by shunning people who hack their brainpals? Or is it, just maybe, because they don't want to lose trillions of n$ on skill piracy? And they're just using VP as an excuse?
It's like, come on gals. No one ever went broke assuming companies are acting out of the most basic capitalistic greed, because THEY ALWAYS ARE.
And don't get me started on the people clitriding mnemonocorps for inventing the brainpal in the first place. Look, we all love the brainpal, yes, but it's not like you owe them endless loyalty over it, okay? They can and have done wrong in the past. Accept that you can love the work and hate the company trying to control it.
(it's like: is Thomas Chellae an abusive asshole who should not be out of crimrehab? Yes of course, no question. Is Shadowed Skies the best album of the last 30 years? Also yes! It can be both! Bad people can make good things)
Anyway: end of the day, stop bringing up VP every time anything involving brainpal modding comes up. Don't judge people for modding their brainpals.
(especially since half the problem people have with memory play isn't VP, it's just y'all being antisex. Which is bullshit given how many people subscribe to those "expert oral sex" skills! You're using your brainpal to have better sex, then turning around and going "but I'd never use it for WEIRD sex!". Grow TF the fuck up!)
Also, just because I know someone would bring it up, the whole mind control thing is A MYTH. There have never been any legitimate cases of people getting hacked through their brainpals, hacked or not, okay? I mean, who knows what the nsa or uhsa can do, but no one has ever been able to demonstrate a remote hack on a brainpal. Anyone being "mind controlled" through their brainpal did it to themselves, either with a ppatch or intentionally routing their admin to someone else. "you'll get hacked and turned into a bpZombie!" is a bullshit reason to be against brainpal hacking: it simply does not happen. I used to be a rengineer, I've looked into the brainpal security: it's well done!
* Yeah, Adrian Reach was a tragic case, but it was definitely a million-to-one case. Make your backups, run the ccheck, and don't try to mblock your whole damn life on a failing bp! You'll be fine.
EDIT: I forgot to elaborate on the "no kids have brainpals" thing: yes, I know there are some kids who do have them, BUT they're not the same as regular brainpal installs. They're only done in some extreme cases of mental distress (like survivors of the cWar) and they're locked down. Only their doctor can adjust them, it's not like regular consumer brainpals where you can just fiddle with the settings themselves. So all this memory play stuff we're talking about is only between adults. REAL adults, alright? Even when people are doing VP, everyone involved is of age.
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catboymoments · 5 months
Me: Asks you to educate yourself, providing easy access to videos that, turns out, directly address the issues that make you dislike vivziepop and provide more context than tumblr and twitter hate threads ever do
You responded to that quickly I know you didn't bother watching. Bruh. I told you a lot of the hate around Vivziepop isn't valid and you don't check it out? See if any of your concerns fell under the one video I directly recommended?? The creator had timestamps too.
Going to the video would have told you the one nazi oc was from eight years ago. And it wasn't even hers! The Vivziepop drama playlist goes in depth about the updates concerning the people Vivziepop has worked with. Which SEVERAL people that worked with her came out to defend her and provide their experiences
You'd find out if you had just watched the videos, the proof, that people love to hate on Vivizie for clout and to farm likes and attention. They take screenshots out of context, go on tangents without proof, etc.
And expect you to believe them.
SO I'll do this one more time to address what specifically you said you disliked about Vivzie.
This playlist has all the videos I will talk about and more. So, if you know of any other drama and controversy surrounding Vivziepop you should probably consult that before forming your opinion: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOWIXPh0p7CzgQoUIl7rqd8oz2Ym6V9XY&si=lhDApDPhX5sWyTHA
Again, it can be found by typing into the Youtube search bar, "ayy lmao vivziepop drama"
You'll find their playlist "Vivziepop Drama Playlist" right there or even just going to the youtube channel "Ayy Lmao" and looking through the playlists.
Specifically addressing what makes you dislike Vivziepop:
The one Nazi oc, the only one to exist, is discussed in "Why everyone hates Vivziepop" at 20:07 and in "The Truth Behind Vivziepop" at 5:07 The latter has more information on that and it only takes TWO MINUTES to watch! With screenshots and proof and everything.
If you heard somewhere that there were multiple, did where you heard that have a source? To, y'know, back up the claim? If you can find it that would be lovely otherwise that is just an allegation either someone told you or you are misremembering.
The drama concerning their workplace goes mainly from the beginning of the playlist to "Vivziepop Erin Frost Drama Round 3"
Multiple artists and people that worked with Vivziepop come out in support of Vivziepop and debunk claims made by others in "Helluva boss employees debunk Vivziepop allegations (Vivziepop drama Part 4)"
I'm not sure what you are referring to when you say "the way she treats her friends" and since you haven't provided any sort of source I can only guess that you may be thinking about the ugly situation covered in "Vivziepop Spindlehorse Drama Explained"
I can already tell by the amount of people responding to the first ask I sent that you have a platform, at least a larger audience compared to the average user. If you have problems with x y and z thing about Vivziepop, provide links and proof to what concerns you in the future.
If you don't remember or can't find that proof. Watch the videos. That simple. Put it on in the background, educate yourself, before you spread any more misinformation. Please.
Then form your opinion. It's a lot and I know it is a lot but you need to know this before jumping on the bandwagon of canceling someone. Especially if you have a large audience.
Vivziepop drama and hatedom is so exhausting you wouldn't BELIEVE IT. People are constantly spewing hate without providing PROOF. THEY'RE ALLEGATIONS! Even with "proof" most are out of context and bad faith. There is a motive to lie about someone as well known as Vivziepop
I'm not asking you to like her I'm asking you to educate yourself before repeating what you've heard and provide sources to back them up.
Tumblr media
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I've seen 3 other ppl here on Tumblr do a magical Girl AU for the Batfam. I wanna jump on that bandwagon, too.
But I don't wanna copy someone else outright, so I'm still working on the designs. ( I am thinking of going hard light/hologram with adjustable tangibility for the details that would make movements easier, but we still got ruffs and bows. Possibly shoes with transformer heals using the same holo hard light so they can be falts and heals.) But I do know what weapons I wanna give them. (I also am thinking on making like the weapons kinda like in Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha. So magic tech-like. So we can get the moment where Bruce believes it's Tech when it's the thing he really doesn't like cuz he doesn't get Magic rules. ) However, regarding the story in all the clutter. Dick finds a music box hidden on the manner grounds. (buried? in dusty attic? Somewhere he shouldn't have been going?) It has little robins on it. It Has a false bottom, and out of it drops a bracelet with a peculiar picture charm bracelet with R image with a gem detail. Dick puts it on out of curiosity. Little does he know he is now magical girl cursed. It only comes to a head once he tries to become a hero and says no, in this universe, not letting Dick join him. Dick tries to join anyway by following. Bruce gets in a tight spot and really could use the backup. Dick tries to jump in, but the moment he decides to help, boom, "magical girl." I said it was a curse, so he looks like one, not only clothing-wise but physically, too. (curse only applies when being a hero; think starlights from Sailor Moon) So now Dick is out there pummeling villains with magic flags. (he has yet to unlock alt and lethal modes, got to have power-ups you know) Bruce is thankful for the help, but, it's Bruce. He tries to find out who Dick is; Dick Says, Call me Robin (Dick should be his lucky star. The curse comes with a magic girl veil of obscurity, meaning even if you should know who they are, magic makes you unable to connect the dots.) Here, the cat-and-mouse game starts and continues. Cuz one by one, the kids go snooping and get cursed. Robin recognizes Robin. So when Babs and Dick realize the other is cursed. There was a lot of back-and-forth. Based on the gem color of their costumes, they settled on both being Robins. So Dick has a blue gem on his, so he's Robin Sapphire / Robin "Saf"/ RS. Babs is Robin Jasper/ Robin Jazz / RJ, and her gem is Orange. And going down the line, it's the same story. Jay is Robin Ruby/ Robin Rue/RR. (Red) Tim is Robin Emerald/ Robin Ema/ RE (Green) Stef is Robin Ametyst/ Robin Amy/ RA (Purple) Damien is Robin Diamond/ Robin Dia / RD (White/Clare) Cassandra is Robin Onyx / Robin Nyx / RO (Black) Duke is Robin Topaz/ Robin Arty / RT (Yellow) But I promised weapons for this post, so here they are; vids are to show weapons usage with the performers knowing their craft. Duke – Jumpe rope example;
Tim - Baton example;
Dick - 2 Flags example;
Babs- Hola hoop example;
Stef - Ball example;
Dami - Ribbon example;
Jay – Clubs example;
Cas - Pom Pom example;
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myetherealexistence · 17 days
How I accidentally boosted my metabolism!
And no I'm not just gonna tell you dumbass shit you already know like "drink more water ✨ 😊, get more sleep 💖", like actually advice
At least Im pretty sure i boosted it because on days where I eat over my maintenance (1687cal) I still manage to maintain, and sometimes EVEN LOSE!!!
My 2 main tips
1. CAFFEINE. In my experience it doesn't matter where you get it from, it can be coffee, tea, energy drinks (my favorite). It boosts your metabolism, and speeds up fat burning (from my research at least, I'm not a doctor, don't quote me on this).
2. DONT GO TOO LOW. From what I've noticed whenever I restrict under 600cal not only do I tend to binge more often BUT I also loose weight slower. For example im currently staying in the range of 800-1000cal, which is a lot for 3dblr, and scary for a lot of 4n4s but if your struggling with restricting in the 0-500cal range, and binge every weekend, try it out!
A little speed round of what you might know but also helped me
Protein. It digests differently from carbs and fat and burns calories while being digested, so if you eat 1200cal of protein vs carbs, you'll have burned a few calories just from digesting the protien.
Sleep. Obviously you need it, like I know everyone says how important sleep is, but when restricting it can get more difficult to get those minimum 8h, here's some stuff that helped me, of course melatonin, try to not drink caffeine 10h before sleep, or just scroll your phone untill you fall asleep, seems counter intuitive but it works!
Intermittent fasting. Everyone has been hopping on the IF bandwagon AND FOR A GOOD REASON, it just works. The main part of making it bearable is to forget about it, I usually sleep until 11AM, have my first meal at about 1PM, and last meal at 6PM.
That's kinda it!
Hope this helped <3
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andythelemon · 8 months
Life update 2024
Hey everyone! It’s been a while since I last wrote anything of substance here. How time flies! Happy new year, happy year of the dragon! I hope this one is kind and auspicious for you all.
I'll admit to falling off the art train terribly for most of 2023. I barely drew; a lot of things I posted were older pieces for projects I couldn't share at the time. I think I speak for most of us when I say it's not been a great time for art collectively; growing frustrations with social media and despair at the state of current global affairs leaves little room for creative inspiration. I know many artist friends of mine are in the same boat. There's little one can do except plod on and hope for better times ahead, I guess? I'll do my best regardless!
Having said that, I did have a major touch-grass-normie arc offline, and as wild as it was, I'm glad I invested time and energy into that area of my life. After the lockdown years of terminal-onlineness, it felt great to do things that were not related to fandom at all, to have new experiences, to make new friends, reconnect with old ones, see new things. It was funny and terrifying all at once. I truly felt like a shonen and shojo protagonist (we will not go into details of the love triangle situation, IYKYK!). There were ups and downs, sadness and laughter, but that's part of life. I'm grateful for all that's happened and am a better, wiser, more mature person because of it. This past year taught me it's not about categorizing life's happenings into a basic good/bad dichotomy, but more learning from each experience and acknowledging we are wiser and grateful for having weathered what's thrown our way. Character development!
The universe has a way of working things out... so at the end of 2023, I had the opportunity to travel for 3 months. After hopping around the East Coast, Milan, various bits of Japan and a beach break in sunny Egypt, I've returned home with a renewed vigor for living my best life again. It was a joy to hang out with various artist friends in person and meet some of you at ANYC. I'll cherish every second of my travels and hope we can meet again soon!
I did fall off the nerd bandwagon for a while, so I gotta get back into the various anime on air! I've been watching Magi in my own time... such a guilty pleasure, but so many things await, including catching up on JJK S2, BSD, and everything else. Just goes to show my deep love for adventure, friendship-fuelled stories keeps me going. No promises on what this year holds art wise, but I'll continue trying hard and sharing what I can, as well as the usual self-indulgent group projects.
Thanks as always for the kind support and for sticking around. This blog is 12 this year... crazy, huh? See you on the other side!
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hunxi-after-hours · 24 days
Hello! I love your ORV posting. I do have an embarrassing question; can I ask how heartbreaking the ending is? I've tried reading it a large number of times, but have had trouble getting past the chapters in the 300s; I'll reread it up til that point over and over again, but can't continue. Not because I don't enjoy it, but because I get so swept away by the emotions, and all the characters go through is agonizing. I know it's not real! But my heart aches all the same, in a way I've never experienced this with a novel before, and I feel like a child LOL (It's also extremely funny-frustrating because I realize how thematic this is to the story itself). I'm not worried about the characters Kim Dokja is fighting for, but given the patterns in the story and how it seems to be told, I'm too afraid to keep going. I know I could just look it up, but at the same time, I don't want to spoil all the mysteries; just if my heart can rest easy. TLDR, if it's not too spoilery, is there any light for kim dokja in the ending? or is it a tragedy through & through?
(If this is a dumb question, please feel free to ignore this)
oh boy anon, I've been sitting on this ask for a hot second because it's hard to answer! so I will attempt to talk around it in a way that will hopefully (?) avoid spoilers
as I see it, the nature of orv's ending (broadly writ) is additionally complicated by the fact that there are approximately four(ish) endings:
1) the ending at chapter 516
2 + 3) the ending(s) at chapter 551
4?) the side stories
the ending at chapter 516
this is probably what many people would characterize as BE, but I'd personally compare it to the ending of my love, my life, 《琅琊榜》 Nirvana in Fire, in that the ending may be "sad" (broad air quotes to vague-ify whatever "sad" entails) but it feels earned. it feels right. it feels like the logical conclusion of what the entire book was building up to. some may consider it a tragedy, but it's not a hollow, meaningless tragedy — it feels correct. this is the note that the novel officially ends on, but is then over(?)written by the existence of—
the ending(s) at chapter 551
Kim Dokja's Company looks at the ending of ch. 516 and says "aw hell no" and sets out to rewrite that ending. after 35 chapters of epilogue, we've unlocked an OE — an open ending, that concludes the moment before the HE/BE ambiguity will be resolved. schrodinger's ending, except you, the reader, get to choose what you believe — and I do think the epilogues are written beautifully to get you here (they implicate the reader in a wonderful and deeply empathetic way). and from what I've seen, the vast majority of the fandom chooses to take the offered HE option and run with it; everyone lives happily ever after together in a big house, a million domestic post-canon fics will attest. this is the closest, I'd say, that would come answering your question of whether Kim Dokja has light in his future with an emphatic, loving "yes"
(I also think it's worth mentioning that the epilogues add a lot to the story; they fill in narrative lacunae and tie up loose threads that aren't answered in the original 516 chapters, so I don't consider the epilogues as "separate" or "extra." the epilogues aren't a fix-it tacked onto the end of the narrative; they serve and enrich the narrative in a way that would actively reduce the luster of the story if lost)
the side story
a few years down the line, Sing-shong have returned to the text to tie up "a few more loose ends." the side story is currently being serialized, and more or less picks up from where chapter 551 left off. this necessarily chooses among your OE options as detailed above; whether the side story will end happily, or with "light for Kim Dokja," currently remains to be seen as it is still ongoing. I've fallen off the bandwagon and have been meaning to catch up, but from what I've read so far I think the side story is an interesting and worthwhile addition to the text. Sing-shong continue to innovate and develop upon the worldbuilding and narrative they have already created, and we have met a new cast of characters that have rapidly become as dear to us as the old (the old cast of characters are also here, don't worry). if I were a betting person, I would say that the side story is headed in a more-or-less HE direction; the side story is currently engaging with and complicating themes of (self-)identity and (self-)worth through the many lenses of Kim Dokja, and while it remains to be seen how it resolves, I am tentatively optimistic that it will, if nothing else, be satisfying
TL;DR the ending(s) of ORV can be variously construed as HE, BE, or OE, and the elements of tragedy woven into the narrative and characters are inherent to the text. however, no tragedy is meaningless in ORV, and all of the endings feel earned
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hauntedhotel · 1 year
Okay so in the immediate aftermath I was actually ready to start chewing my fingers off but with time to reflect - it very definitely feels like the start of the third act of a story, y'know? Like the part where it seems like everything at the lowest point and there's no way it's ever going to be okay, end of The Empire Strikes Back kind of situation, so I'm holding out hope for a season 3 with a happy ending.
In the meantime I'm jumping on the bandwagon of the coffee thing being suspicious. It was given an absurdly significant amount of attention and framing if it was just a meaningless gesture, and given how we saw what ingesting human poisons does to angels/demons (with Crowley and the laudanum) I think it's probably likely Aziraphale wasn't entirely himself when he left for Heaven.
However, I do think it's important to consider that from an audience bias perspective we're throwing things at Aziraphale cause we know Heaven is full of shit and we can see Crowley's heart breaking in real time, but it isn't that simple for Aziraphale. He's a guardian, a defender, he genuinely thinks being in a position of authority in Heaven is the best way to protect everything he loves - Earth, humanity and Crowley.
And Crowley, emotionally, is at a different point than Aziraphale (further along a journey, say, he goes too fast). He's already been kicked out of Heaven and made some level of peace with the idea that he doesn't belong in Hell - the idea of being unmoored from his "family" is old news to him. And Hell is awful, but they never pretend otherwise. Aziraphale is trying to leave a toxic family that's constantly telling him they're the good guys, that everything they do is for his own good, for the good of humanity. It's like a cult, almost, in that he can know logically everything they've done and everything he stands to lose by leaving Crowley behind, but that kind of guilt and brainwashing and fear and programming doesn't get washed away that easily.
It's frustrating, as being at the low point of a story often is, but I don't think it's OOC, I don't think it's bad storytelling and I definitely don't think it makes Aziraphale as a character unworthy of sympathy.
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holleighgram · 1 year
Hold onto your keyboards, cause I'm about to get ✨️controversial ✨️
I'd like to preface this by saying all interpretations/ headcanons/ readings/ etc. Are valid and I'm in no way discouraging anyone to change their ways.
I watched (and enjoyed) Baloney's "The Truth About Kingdom Hearts!" And I absolutely adored their take on the series, but one line stuck out to me that I really want to expand on because I don't see it being talked about as often as it should.
Kairi doesn't like Riku.
And I think this is a very RICH and IMPORTANT aspect of the Destiny Trio dynamic. It adds to the complexity of these characters, but especially Kairi.
(Another shout out to @violethowler and their INCREDIBLE Constructing Kingdoms series. The video on"The Girl Who Never Grew Up" made me like and understand Kairi so much more. Highly recommend checking it out.)
Kairi doesn't like Riku, and with some pretty valid reasons, but I'll get to that after I compile all the evidence towards this:
In KH:
Kairi likes her life the way it is. She doesn't desire change, but Riku wants nothing but change. He wants to grow up and move on and see the outside world.
And because Sora looks up to him, Sora has jumped on the bandwagon too. Kairi is going along because Sora is. But it is clear that for Kairi, change =/= good. So what does she say?
"You know, Riku's changed."
Sora asks her how, and she kinda bites her tongue. Clearly she had opinions, but doesn't want to badmouth Soras best friend to him. Later she says, "Sora, don't ever change."
Later, after everything, when Kairi is restored and in Travers Town, she doubts that Riku can be saved, despite the fact that she LITERALLY saved Sora from being a heartless. She almost seems like she's trying to convince Sora not to go, or to at least let her come with-- not to save Riku but because she wants to be there with Sora.
At the end of the game, she obviously return to destiny islands and draws the paopu.
During Chain of Memories, everyone forgets about Sora, but the memories of Riku stay intact. For a year. Kairi is well aware that her "friend" is missing. In fact, last she knew of him, he was still taken by Ansem and presumably dead or at least suffering. She doesn't know.
She knows she's a Princess of Heart and has powers thay can help (as she restored Sora after being a heartless). But the most we get is "he's far away, but I know we'll see him again." Like, do you?
I mean, SELPHIE is the one that says "I sure miss him." That's way more than we EVER get from Kairi.
So for a YEAR, she doesn't spare Riku a single thought. But the SECOND she remembers Sora, she is willing to do anything to see him again.
Here's a little bit of speculation for WHY she doesn't like Riku:
1) Perhaps when she first met them as kids, he reminder her of Xehenort, who kidnapped her and yeeted her into space.
2) Kairi wanted to be best friends with SORA, but not Riku. She's afraid that Sora will follow Riku to the outside worlds (where she doesn't want to go) and leave her behind. If it wasn't for Riku, Sora wouldn't want to leave at all.
3) He (as far as we know) opened the door and damned their home into Darkness. That's probably a point of contention for her. Even though Sora so forgiving.
4) He hurt Sora in KH1, but Sora is still loyal to him. She probably sees that as him taking advantage of Sora-- the person she cares most about.
5) He's the reason Sora never came home. If it wasn't for him, they would have gone home at the end of KH1 together.
I can't say for sure how Riku feels about Kairi. He DID drag her corpse around and give into the darkness to save her, but that can be interpreted as solely wanting to "beat " Sora at being the hero. Even still, we get moment in COM where he reflects on missing her. We even see Namine come to his rescue in her form. I definitely feel like there is less animosity there, but who knows.
That's all.
Roast me, Kairi stans, but I love the depth this reading gives to the story and the potential for arcs and character growth for her and she is forced to face who she is without Sora.
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coeluvr · 8 months
I really want to hear the opinions of those who thought Helios was sitting with his guilt and doing nothing and if they still feel the same after chapter 3. 🫣
Damn 💀 really should've waited for the dude's character arc before I gave that long ass ask about him being a lil bitch huh 😅 could've saved myself from being mobbed in my dreams
I would gladly take back what I've said lmao 😂 can't wait to see who he turns into as the story goes. I genuinely don't believe he would stay that way in the first few chapters but people like that tends to make my rage meter rise and make me lose common sense. How can you have such a good relationship with someone like looseris?!?! But all is well, now to make other people rebel on looseris lmao What am i saying, I'm not even on the revenge route.
Though I truly can't wait to see what happens in fadiyas and soarines route 🙌 all hail women
Honestly props to you for even sending this LMAO 😭 I proved my boy's not a wimp and that's enough for me! ✨️✨️✨️✨️
I do have to say that I think people jump onto certain bandwagons wayyyy to quickly, like he was a child and that man is his only living family. People speak as if things are black and white but they aren't.
You say "how can he have a good relationship with him?" and I say "how does he stop loving his father, his only living family, as a child who has always been cherished and loved?" 🤷‍♀️
There's this meme created by @myvelvetroom LMAO it reminded me of you and other anons. 😭
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I hope you enjoy the rest of the story as well. 💗
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plantcrazy · 4 months
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Reginald Copperbottom & Right Hand Man Re-designs & Update waffle? Character relationship waffel? Idk ^^; This is my last brain cell, school work be holding me hostage (aka. Send help).
Fun fact: I don't think I ever designed my own version of these two. I believe I kinda just adapted some designs by other folks I really liked 3 years back. (Yes, it's been that long. I was surprised, too.)
Here are my updated designs for these two. They're showing their age much better, and Reginald's new hair is much more fitting for a leader. I also LOVE what I did with RHM's proportions, and his hair is much better. I like to think when he was a kid he wanted to grow up to be a cowboy, hence his new design :P
It's pride month, so I thought it'd be on theme to work on developing these two's relationship. I never personally planned one. I just saw what the rest of the fandom was doing and was like, "Oh, that's so cute. I'm jumping on this bandwagon". They haven't had the planning like I've put into Carol & Macbeth. Those two... I dunno what happened with them. 'cause I only know TWO other people who ship 'em and only one of those, and I don't think I knew either of 'em back when I started writing their relationship into Lost children.
The stars aligned or something, the plot shoved them together, and... they work. And they're cute ( and I will go down on this ship :P). I know you guys haven't seen much of it, but it's coming; Part 2.
In comparison to those two side-plot hoggers, RHM & Reginald's relationship is... weak. And I feel that comes across in Lost Children, so... yeah. We're fixing that. These two need to be MY cute couple, not someone else who I shoved in my story. Like, my little sister & I have been getting back into our old DS, and I've modded one, and we're trying all these old games we never did like, Ace Attorney. And I love Edgelord -worth & Phoenix Wright. They have... SOMETHING canon, and in fandom they're the cutest thing ever! (That's the long way of saying they're my inspiration goals for RHM & Reginald.)
I've got some notes there for Reginald (, they'll be a readable vs when I polish their designs). I have some ideas for RHM, but I haven't committed them to paper yet.
That being said: I do have one idea I'll share. One I'll just... put out there in the wild...
What if... RHM originally became close to Reginald because he thought he was some he cared about deeply and lost many years ago. However, discovers he isn't this person.
And I dunno, drama happens or something (, maybe Terrence), and RHM learns to love Reginald for who HE is, not the person he thought he was.
I know Macbeth is partly to blame here. I've always had it in the story that HE'S the one to blame for RHM staying in the clan longer than he planned (and getting to know Reginald). Those two have an interesting friendship (if you can call it that), given RHM kinda has Macbeth at gunpoint till he's dead...
Side tracking. Anyway...
I don't have anything else to say.
I have so much schoolwork due in a short period of time; it sucks. I don't have time to work on anything else, but I wanted to put something out, so sketches it is!
This whole month is going to be a right-off for progress on anything not school related. The Next Chapter of Lost Children won't be till July.
Sorry >>
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Hello I have some fellers for y'all to meet
MEET SMG 8 AND SMG 2, cus cuz why not let's add on to this little bandwagon of eights we got :]
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This is SMG 8 ⤴️
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And this is SMG 2 ⤴️
Rants about them under cut!
Let's do 8 first!
She is extremely short, like 3 ft and a half kinda short
She is extremely energetic and kind of chaotic
She is the meme guardian of animation memes! And yes I'm talking about the kind that we all went through a phase constantly watching when we were seven
Using the ink pen that she has across her back she can draw anything, and those drawings can come to life aka anything she draws becomes reality
She has a pet Smurgle, here I put an image below so you all know what I'm talking about
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She is on par with Mario's level of power but she doesn't use said power because she doesn't want to hurt anybody, she she does use her power is to cause chaos with her friends though >:]
She's a regular at SMG3's restaurant
She is extremely creative plus she has ADHD, and combining that she can practically make anything as long as her mind is up to it
She's good friends with Tori and Boopkins
She is surprisingly dirty minded, she's also the one to always initiate the kiss or the one to push her partner up against the wall and kiss them >:] she's also the one to suggest the dirty times in bed *wink wink*
She is a DemiGirl and lesbian
She is biologicaly male, and no she has not had bottom surgery cus she wants to have babies at some point in her life, also because, and I quote this from 8 themself "its makes me more cunty"
Her pod looks like this
oh dear God what am I doing
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Hears some extra details
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Her hat design ⤴️
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The design of her eyes ⤴️
My head cannon relationships that she has with the other 8's
@bear-boi-5 Smg8 : honest to God she views him as an older brother figure / Uncle figure, also I headcanon that she will sit there and stand in front of him jumping on her heels and grabbing at the air a above her saying "up up!" Over and over until he finally snaps and picks her up, oftentimes she'll climb on his shoulders and just kind of ride around
@strange0-0storm Smg8 : honest to God she imprinted upon him like a baby duck, she will literally just follow him around everywhere he goes, what I'm trying to say is she really looks up to him and she just really really likes him in general, he's also a older brother / Uncle figure for her PS he's the funcle aka fun unkle :]
@mrfellsans Smg8 : she just observes him from afar like he's a creature that must be studied for science and research, she does like him though shes just not too sure about him
Ok let's do 2 now!
She's also pretty short like around like 4 ft tall
She is extremely protective of 8, like if you dare lay a finger on it she will make you say nighty night for a couple of days lafmo
Do you surprisingly strong physically, like the girl has flipping abs and everything
She has a black belt in karate
She has multiple tattoos that are unseen the eye, the only ones that you can see are the ones that go up her arm around the back of her shoulders and down to the other arm (aka the snake one)
Her tail works like an extra hand
She usually keeps her eyes closed like Falin for Dungeon Meshie, she does open them though when she is feeling a strong emotion or just surprised angry aor scared
Have yall ever seen The owl House? If you haven't or if you have two's magic works exactly like how that characters in TOH's works! She does the whole circle in the air thing as well (reference photos so you get the idea of it) also pls go watch The Owl House if you haven't seen it, its really good :]
She's the mean guardian of really old and timeless means, like the whole IS THAT THE BIET OF 87? and BUT THATS JUST A THEORY, A GAME THEORY! She also deals with TV show and movie meams like Cursed cat Alastor and this random ass screenshot for movies that get made into memes
She has a heavy Russian accent
She knows fluent Russian, German, and Japanese
She is female and lesbian
She calls 8 親愛なる and 私の愛 (親愛なる translates to my dear and 私の愛 translates to my love)
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She has a pet cursed cat Alastor aka this thing
(oh Lord)
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She is a year older than SMG 3 and SMG 4
She's also regular at SMG 3's Cafe
She has a crush on SMG 8 :]
She is super sleep deprived due to her staying up and making theories on games and movies, or just staying up all night watching Mat Pat lafmo
Her pod looks like this
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Extra details on her (I'll add the rest later in a diff post)
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Her eye design ⤴️
My head cannon relationships that she has with the other 8's
@bear-boi-5 Smg8 : she doesn't trust him at all, the only reason that he's allowed around SMG 8 is because 8 likes him too much for 2 to safely take them out, but if 8 dare lay even a finger on SMG 8 SMG 2 will imady make him say nighty night for a couple days
@strange0-0storm Smg8 : eh shes alright with him, I mean she doesn't fully trust him but it's not to the level of Bear-Boi's 8
@mrfellsans Smg8 : she likes him and considers him a good acquaintance :]
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kaythefloppa · 6 months
Ok so I just watched Our Blue and Green World on the Video App and I do not have enough time to post my disjointed thoughts about it, and I'm frankly too much in shock by the whole thing to even say anything more. I will point out my one main thought since in a couple of hours, this is going to absolutely blow up the main WK tag and I want to get it off my chest before any major bandwagons hit. This'll be my last S7 spoiler related post for the night so I can log off and take a breather after what the fuck I just watched. Blue-whale/Amazon rainforest sized spoilers under the cut.
I am in such disbelief over this episode's ending. I'm not angry or fuming at the fact that they redeemed Paisey Paver after only giving her 7 appearances over the course of 8 years, (or maybe I'm too surprised to have any straight-forward) or the fact that they had the balls to do so, for ANY of the main villains, but I'm just.... bargaining here. They did a similar "hint" at the villains redeeming in the Christmas special only for it to be a fake-out. And in other episodes, we've seen the heroes legitimately help the villains, but through means other than redeeming them (i.e. saving Zach's life and trying to convince him to live it well, or rescuing Gourmand, or giving Donita a spider-silk dress that was made ethically).
This... is a whole new different level. They for one, pulled a Starlight Glimmer and gave her a new attire (which sucks BTW), and secondly, they had her join the Kratts, but this episode is the first out of the 4 episodes to air, meaning that this likely has to take place after those 3 episodes, so already there's my timeline post to make.
But more importantly, what next? Will they stick with this change? Will this be one of the things that is immediately undone by the end of the episode? Will this have a big role in the series? Is this an elaborate April Fools' prank??? Is this real? Is this the ultimate Paisley Paver pro gamer move to defeat the Kratt Brothers and evade arrest? Will any of this play into the Wild Kratts movie??
I'll tell you what it means [unless it is a prank, which I frankly hope it is] It is the show jumping the shark, and in it, I see one of two outcomes. Either A) it will skyrocket this show like never before, or B) only spell the beginning of the end. Time will tell. And frankly, there is so much that could go wrong. Like so much. I've seen a lot of shows completely go downhill, crash, and burn after sticking up for them so much. I would want to say that Wild Kratts is not/will not be one of those shows, but I could be wrong. In beautifully creative ways, this show has pleasantly surprised me more, and it is still able to bring out episodes that have been some of PBS Kids' best. So I'm walking in completely neutral, and seeing what the blue and green future has in store.
Keep on Creature Adventuring you guys.... see you on the Creature Trail... for better or worse...
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front-facing-pokemon · 9 months
I just found this blog so I'm jumping aboard the plushie bandwagon.
First we got Absol. (i feel like maybe i should've taken a closer-up picture but it's the face sooo)
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Then a Wooloo
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And, saving best for last, this Leafeon plush I own... of which I swear on my life is official merch.
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I also have some more eeveelutions (plus an eevee and a few more) but: 1. I didn't want to send too many. 2. Eeveelutions are more popular so I wanted to give some other people the chance to submit their own. 3. I don't know where my Pikachu and Snivy plushies are cuz I own too many stuffed animals.
Only reason I submitted Leafeon was so I could show off this ~masterpiece~ of a plushie I own. And it's face isn't the only thing wrong with it too lol. Also I just noticed I accidentally had one of the ears hanging back but I'm too lazy to go take another photo but i hope this amuses you nonetheless.
let's start with these guys. beautiful. wonderful. i do not believe that that leafeon is official merch. this statement is baffling to me. welcome to the front-facing pokémon family. i love the eyes on that absol and wooloo is one of my faves. i was rather obsessed with it when it first came out and have a whole wooloo tag on my main blog because of it. though i guess i cleared that whole thing out recently so i don't anymore
let's get the nose ratings out of the way:
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↑ this is a lie. 10/10 chespin
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it's very wide and also 10/10 you're being too harsh. merry day to you too
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circular face indeed. did i already post this one? if i did you can have it again
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clodsire be upon ye. clodsire fans this is your treat until gen 9
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this is a trend now. i think tumblr just crunched this image to hell for some reason so here's what the text says:
"Felt like joining the others for front facing pokeplushies [images] I have more pokemon but its early morning and these are the plushies that are easy to access"
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i have not but i imagine "a moment" has long passed by now. my apologies but apparently today was an important day or something? idk
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YEAH it's super unbelievably fucked up. i think i kinda remember the circumstance being a bit dire so everyone else was more worried about either 1. protagonist getting stomped on brutally or 2. saving the world from kyurem / the bittercold. i was totally under the impression that he was dead in that moment but i guess the characters may have known that he would just come back? i seem to vaguely remember partner being surprised that he came back and being like "but we watched you die :OOO" but maybe i'm misremembering that. i do create a lot of pmd lore on my own time so i have a hard time telling the difference between canon and fanon sometimes
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two a day makes the world go round! this blog started when i started college, paused for 80% of my college career and now has started back up and i just graduated college a week ago. i would say "how time flies" but it has been a very, very long year
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i've said it before and i'll say it again: gen 6 is my favorite gen, so you'll be seeing lots of favor for this gen from me in the tags i'm sure. maybe gen 6 is my excuse to start doing other things here. like that stream i keep talking about
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if they put meloetta as a little obscure puzzle thang in sv, i'm sure they'll do something for genesect. i hope. at least for keldeo probably. genesect i'm not sure is very popular, unfortunately, outside of the tumblr crowd. if the general public's opinion on genesect is favorable, then maybe
okay and then i tried to scroll down further in my screenshots for more asks and saw the wobbly will smith in a hospital bed Gimme a Hug, Man that i copied from the "i get a little bit genghis kanghis" post so that's it. to everyone who christmases: merry it. it is today. although it's basically over by now so! merry boxing day for tomorrow if i don't say anything tomorrow. but i probably will. now i'm gonna go queue up today's 'mons because i haven't done it yet today. see you all in a few weeks when those post
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nickorite · 2 months
Might as well jump on the lil bandwagon, because now I'm curious- and obviously you don't have to answer if you don't want to- but I'm wondering what you think of my au?
Also, just gotta say it again because it's true, your art is so lovely and brightens my day ;3
OF COURSEEEE imma answer!!!! Freakin appreciate you so much how can I NOT?? Also I like people coming into my ask box and asking about their ocs and aus, it gives me some new aus to check out and some fun drawing ideas :D
But I freakin LOVEEEEE your AU oh my gosh I’m hooked, I love how you progress your story and how you seed lil foreshadowing things it’s SO goooood!! I also love how you characterize Charles and Chester, it feels so authentic and canon. The backstory you’ve built and the mysteries you seeded in are SOOOO good and I already let you know my stupid lil theories lol. I CANNOT get over the Toppat triple threat and how they interact (they’re so freakin sweet to each other I LOVE em), also LOVE the CCC involvement. This plot is so goooooooood. But genuinely love your AU, love ya, and i can’t wait to read more
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^ you already know I LOVE the freakin cats, stars of the ask blog honestly :DDDD
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nymphl · 3 months
are you back? please tell me you're back!!! saw you reblogging some stuff and went to see if you had updated :( went down the rabbit hole and reread your hux stories again. hope you ok, xoxo
Hi xD
Life has been A LOT lately and I didn't have any time or energy to write anything. BUT The Acolyte has drawn me back in and YES, I'm back!
What can I say? Manny is something else (love Lee Jung Jae as well, have always loved the man ever since I watched Chief of Staff - what a handsome and charming son of a bitch he is in this kdrama, please go check it out).
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And although I've jumped on the bandwagon of Oshamir stories (I'll be posting one soon soon), I'll also be updating Lie to Me and Bloodbound (it has been a while indeed - can't vouch for In the General's Bed though sorry xD).
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It's only been this week (and thank God for the winter break - yes, it's winter here in Brazil, even though it feels like spring) that I decided to go check on my stories and saw that I've almost 4k done for LTM and almost 9k for BB.
I need to work a little bit on them before I post thoughn (I'm a bit rusty tbh), but I can guarantee that before this month ends, I'll have updated at least once both of this stories.
Thanks for asking and for remembering my stories, I'm not sure I'll have any readers left after such a long absence though xD Love you all <3
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And while we're at it, I'd be delighted if you recommended here your fav Oshamir fics. I plan on checking them out these days.
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