#my oc smg8
Oh what's this? A lore teaser for 8? Well don't mind if I do!
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@mrfellsans @strange0-0storm
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strange0-0storm · 16 days
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Chat I cooked on magma board......
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Also Storm's SMG4 and SMG3 colors revealed WHAAATT (kinda)
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supern0vashii · 15 days
more smg8 drawings!!!!
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teehee :3
i changed the way i draw smg8!!!!!!
actually the style i use to draw meme guardians in general changed
ANYWAYS i hope you enjoy this smg8 dump and my meme guardian oc on the side :3
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tophatwearingidiot · 3 days
I want to squash him /silly
Dunno what god forsaken force in my body said to do this but uh
Here’s a puffel version of @strange0-0storm’s SMG8 because why the fuck not
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They are gonn bite ur ankles and steal ur HDMI cords /silly
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inkwebss · 30 days
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Order up, an SMG8 for the talented @strange0-0storm !
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blue-inkpen · 29 days
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a gift .. for @strange0-0storm !1!
totally wasnt looping Call Me by Blondie while drawing it on paper AND editing it on phone ! /sarc
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blveblvrr · 15 days
slams this down and runs away
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felt silly. gn
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Ambrosia was many things. Queen Melody's jester, the close friend of Songbird and Avatar Nimbus, an adoptive father..
No one really expected him to be good at glassblowing of all things. Yet it was apparent whenever one of Queen Melody was holding a ball. It was rare that she ever held for no reason other than for socialness. Many were eager to try and close to the queen of Luminos, though Ambrosia was both excited and nervous for other reasons.
"Ambrosia, calm down." SMG8 frowns as she watches the jester pace back and forth. "You're going to burn holes through your shoes."
"But what if she says no?" Ambrosia stresses, stopping in his tracks. "Or tells me off? Or worse?"
SMG9 rolls her eyes. "Then you clearly don't know Nimbus- Ow!" The ruler of (her) Internet Graveyard winces and rubs her stomach once 8 elbows her.
"What's dad talking about?" Tama tilts her head. "What's gonna happen with mom?"
Ambrosia takes a deep breath before walking over to the kit and kneeling down. "Well, Tama, your mom and I aren't.. romantically together. I've loved her for a long time now, but I never knew how to confess. But I'm going to now, at this ball."
"Oooh." Tama nods, eyes sparkling. "Did you get her a gift?"
"Mhm." Ambrosia pulls out a glass statue of a cat of a cat that's on four legs, and it's quite modestly sized for a handheld statue. It's a milky-white color, with eyes closed and wings spread on the cats back. A halo seems to simply float about it, with small orbs around it, but Tama could just barely see small, thick pillars of glass holding them up.
"Is that.. Bliss?" 8 asks as she walks over, leaning down.
Ambrosia nods once more. "It is. Nimbus always mentioned how she'd like to have a small, personal statue of her.."
9 smiles. "Well, go get her, dork."
Nimbus's performance and Ambrosia's had both gone off without a hitch, delighting the attendants of the ball. Now no longer needed for anymore shows, the duo stood side by side under a glass window, where the moonlight poured in.
"Hey, Nimbus?" Ambrosia spoke up.
"Hm?" She turns her head to look at him.
"There's.. something I want to give you." He looks away and rubs the back of his neck, almost nervous. He then reaches into his pocket and (whether by Jester logic or simple new logic, Nimbus doesn't know) pulls out a mini glass statue of Bliss.
She gasps quietly and gently takes it from him. "You.. Ambrosia, this is..!"
"It's just.. something I picked up from the glassblowers down Stagnus whenever I visited my old man." Ambrosia shrugs, looking away bashfully. He then takes a small breath before speaking. "Nimbus, I.. I also wanna ask you something."
Ambrosia took a deep breath. He was never good with theatrics around her, so he'd he straightforward. "I love you, Nimbus. And.. I'm hoping I can be your boyfriend."
Nimbus blinks in surprise before the tips of her ears turn red, followed by her cheeks. She giggles gently before leaning forward and kissing his cheek. "Straightforward as ever, huh?"
"FINALLY! WOO!" 8's voice comes from somewhere in the sea of cats, making both the Songbird and jester laugh.
"I think everyone had bets on when we were going to get together." Nimbus giggles. "Including the other Avatars."
Ambrosia snorts. "Oh my gosh." Though, still, he leans against his girlfriend.
It felt odd to call her that now, but he didn't mind.
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squid-ink-on-toast · 15 days
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I think im so funny
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crazyforclones · 1 month
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SMG8 gotta be one of my favorite smg4 ocs ever, @strange0-0storm is such a creative person and to this day even tho it happens like last week I am so honored to be mutuals with them 😭they’re so kind and so incredibly creative! I MEAN LOOK AT 8 - LOOK HOW COOL HE IS-
I’m one luck creature to know storm :) and I’m so grateful I re-joined this fandom! Everyone is so very kind and so very creative.
Even tho this drawing of 8 gave me 10 different aneurisms because my paints decided it didn’t want to work-
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(pls note that this takes place outside in the snow)
Smg4 : Ay 8 could I have some of your coco?
Smg8 : it's not coco
Smg4 : Whisky I like your style! Anyway could I have some?
Smg8 : it's not wisky, it's gasoline
Smg4 : ....... What?
Smg8 : it's gasoline pussy *proceeds to chug the gasoline *
Smg4 : there is seriously something wrong with that girl.....
@mrfellsans @strange0-0storm @bear-boi-5
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Hello I have some fellers for y'all to meet
MEET SMG 8 AND SMG 2, cus cuz why not let's add on to this little bandwagon of eights we got :]
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This is SMG 8 ⤴️
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And this is SMG 2 ⤴️
Rants about them under cut!
Let's do 8 first!
She is extremely short, like 3 ft and a half kinda short
She is extremely energetic and kind of chaotic
She is the meme guardian of animation memes! And yes I'm talking about the kind that we all went through a phase constantly watching when we were seven
Using the ink pen that she has across her back she can draw anything, and those drawings can come to life aka anything she draws becomes reality
She has a pet Smurgle, here I put an image below so you all know what I'm talking about
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She is on par with Mario's level of power but she doesn't use said power because she doesn't want to hurt anybody, she she does use her power is to cause chaos with her friends though >:]
She's a regular at SMG3's restaurant
She is extremely creative plus she has ADHD, and combining that she can practically make anything as long as her mind is up to it
She's good friends with Tori and Boopkins
She is surprisingly dirty minded, she's also the one to always initiate the kiss or the one to push her partner up against the wall and kiss them >:] she's also the one to suggest the dirty times in bed *wink wink*
She is a DemiGirl and lesbian
She is biologicaly male, and no she has not had bottom surgery cus she wants to have babies at some point in her life, also because, and I quote this from 8 themself "its makes me more cunty"
Her pod looks like this
oh dear God what am I doing
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Hears some extra details
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Her hat design ⤴️
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The design of her eyes ⤴️
My head cannon relationships that she has with the other 8's
@bear-boi-5 Smg8 : honest to God she views him as an older brother figure / Uncle figure, also I headcanon that she will sit there and stand in front of him jumping on her heels and grabbing at the air a above her saying "up up!" Over and over until he finally snaps and picks her up, oftentimes she'll climb on his shoulders and just kind of ride around
@strange0-0storm Smg8 : honest to God she imprinted upon him like a baby duck, she will literally just follow him around everywhere he goes, what I'm trying to say is she really looks up to him and she just really really likes him in general, he's also a older brother / Uncle figure for her PS he's the funcle aka fun unkle :]
@mrfellsans Smg8 : she just observes him from afar like he's a creature that must be studied for science and research, she does like him though shes just not too sure about him
Ok let's do 2 now!
She's also pretty short like around like 4 ft tall
She is extremely protective of 8, like if you dare lay a finger on it she will make you say nighty night for a couple of days lafmo
Do you surprisingly strong physically, like the girl has flipping abs and everything
She has a black belt in karate
She has multiple tattoos that are unseen the eye, the only ones that you can see are the ones that go up her arm around the back of her shoulders and down to the other arm (aka the snake one)
Her tail works like an extra hand
She usually keeps her eyes closed like Falin for Dungeon Meshie, she does open them though when she is feeling a strong emotion or just surprised angry aor scared
Have yall ever seen The owl House? If you haven't or if you have two's magic works exactly like how that characters in TOH's works! She does the whole circle in the air thing as well (reference photos so you get the idea of it) also pls go watch The Owl House if you haven't seen it, its really good :]
She's the mean guardian of really old and timeless means, like the whole IS THAT THE BIET OF 87? and BUT THATS JUST A THEORY, A GAME THEORY! She also deals with TV show and movie meams like Cursed cat Alastor and this random ass screenshot for movies that get made into memes
She has a heavy Russian accent
She knows fluent Russian, German, and Japanese
She is female and lesbian
She calls 8 親愛なる and 私の愛 (親愛なる translates to my dear and 私の愛 translates to my love)
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She has a pet cursed cat Alastor aka this thing
(oh Lord)
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She is a year older than SMG 3 and SMG 4
She's also regular at SMG 3's Cafe
She has a crush on SMG 8 :]
She is super sleep deprived due to her staying up and making theories on games and movies, or just staying up all night watching Mat Pat lafmo
Her pod looks like this
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Extra details on her (I'll add the rest later in a diff post)
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Her eye design ⤴️
My head cannon relationships that she has with the other 8's
@bear-boi-5 Smg8 : she doesn't trust him at all, the only reason that he's allowed around SMG 8 is because 8 likes him too much for 2 to safely take them out, but if 8 dare lay even a finger on SMG 8 SMG 2 will imady make him say nighty night for a couple days
@strange0-0storm Smg8 : eh shes alright with him, I mean she doesn't fully trust him but it's not to the level of Bear-Boi's 8
@mrfellsans Smg8 : she likes him and considers him a good acquaintance :]
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strange0-0storm · 21 days
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ANOTHER MAGMA BOARD WITH THE BOYS/silly 🤯🤯🤯 @blveblvrr @bluesbox AND @lizaluvsthis frfr yall so silly
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strange0-0storm · 22 days
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Chat Partners In Crime by Set It Off is such a 8ski coded song....
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strange0-0storm · 20 days
Because of my recent complications with procreate I would like too share the sketch of the COMIC COVER‼️‼️
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I truly do want to finish this, and if it means I have to use ibispaint again to do it, SO BE IT
IF worse comes to worse, I'll be moving my animatic work to ibispaint as well because I have all the previous images that I DID post about. No bald SMG3 though😔 but it will be okay. I'm sure I'll be able to continue my work, even if it's not on my preferred program :]
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strange0-0storm · 1 month
The Arrival
Part 8: The Names' SMG8, Baby~
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