#i'll make a post asking later (maybe tomorrow)
ashtonisvibing · 1 year
yeah, sorry gamers, i don't got the energy to do ego/septictober tonight
friend took me around to a bunch of thrift shops cuz he's hunting pokemon cards
we started doing that around 11am... i have just gotten home at 6pm
i am... so tired right now lol
sad part is we didn't even find pokemon cards. we even tried walmart and game stop, but i don't think we looked hard enough in walmart and game stop was closed cuz the worker took a break
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gguk-n · 1 month
Chapter 1- Anonymous Conversations
Unravelling Max's Mystery (Max Verstappen x Online Friend!Reader)
Series Masterlist
Summary- Y/N formed an unexpected bond with a boy behind the screen. He doesn't have many interest it seems, except for reading her stupid poems.
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{Reader's POV}
Dear Diary, Stella is leaving for Canada tomorrow forever. Today was the last day of school before the summer break so I went to Stella's house after school. It's so shitty, how can she leave me like this and before the start of high school. I don't have any friends other than her, what am I supposed to do??? This isn't fair, first Faye moved back to her home country a couple years back and now Stella. It's like they don't even care about me. I made a google plus account so we can stay in touch. Actually everyone's on google plus, I'm just late to the party. I'm sure we'll still be close.
OMG!! I think I'm in love. There's this new boy band, One Direction. Ava told me about them last year but I brushed her off saying they weren't my cup of tea, but OMG!!! They are fucking perfect and I love Niall so much. He's so cute and has the dreamiest eyes and his accent, I'm gonna faint. I bought the Take Me Home album yesterday!! I even put up their poster above my bed, hehe!! Sooooo, I may or may not be writing now. I think I'm gonna be an author. The stuff isn't great like Shakespeare but I'm sure I'll improve. I've written a couple poems and Aria read them and she thinks they are great. I'm gonna start uploading them on google plus. I made a separate page for it, under a pseudonym. If I really improve, maybe I can publish my work.
I was sat at my laptop, typing the latest story I came up with during lunch so I could upload it. There were a lot of people who were reading my work and even encouraged me. There is improvement, but then again, we can do better, I'm sure. My parents aren't very happy with how I'm wasting my time writing instead of focusing on my education since I'm in high school now. I finished typing the story and clicked the upload button, I got a comment on the post. It was from this guy, named Max, just Max. He always read all of my work and writes the nicest comments under them. I haven't spoken to him personally ever since my mother kept warning me about stranger danger and that it could be some 50 year old dude. But his comments are encouraging and make me want to write more. I hope he knows the kind of effect he's having on me.
My birthday is in a couple of days, I don't know what I'll do since I don't really have a lot of friends. Even Aria is away during that time, so I don't really have anyone to go out with. My parents are busy as always.
So, out of desperation or sadness, I don't know which one, I posted on google plus saying that it was my birthday. The first person who replied was Max as always. I really wanna know when this guy sleeps or how he gets any work done if he is online so much. He messaged me personally too, to wish me again and even asked what I did. I couldn't lie because my heart was heavy, so I told him. I literally just unloaded about not having any friends and spending the day alone because work was more important for my parents. He was so nice about it. He spent the next hour talking to me and cheering me up. He's apparently 15, from Netherlands. He loves cats and lives with his dad and sister. He sounds like a fun guy.
After that, both of us ended up chatting on google plus regularly. I would message him immediately after school and spend the next couple of hours talking to him. Some times, he'd be gone a couple weekends but it was no biggy. I'm sure he had other commitments instead of entertaining a dumb teenager.
Max's birthday is on 30 September. I wanted to be the first one, so I stayed up late to match the dutch timings and wished him. He replied a little while later. He wasn't very excited about it. I get it, maybe his friends aren't there or couldn't make it to his birthday. I was gonna cheer him like he cheered me up. I wish I could send him a present. He really was a light in dark time. When I had no friends in school I could rely on, he came like the knight in shining armour. I just want to be a good and reliable friend to him like he is to me. He is such a sweetheart. We've never spoken on call yet. I guess I'm still a little scared and we've only known each other for a few months. I'm gonna hold on that but Max is a genuinely nice person in my eyes. But his dad doesn't sound like the nicest person from what he says, but I can't tell him that his dad is shitty so I just read his texts.
Dear Diary, Maxie is the cutest. I haven't seen or heard him yet but I feel like he is. Otherwise, why would he encourage me to follow my dreams? He was so understanding and gave great advice. You might wonder why I needed the advice, diary. I told my parents I wanna pursue a degree in literature and we had a huge fight since apparently I'm throwing my life away and I should try to get a proper degree that might get me a job. Apparently, I'm not thinking straight. I've been thinking about becoming an author for some time now, it's my one passion, I've realised. And if it means struggling, I would rather struggle and be happy than be in a dead end job. Just because they are some big shot business people doesn't mean I wanna do that do. ugh!!! I hate them. Maxie calmed me down honestly, he heard me out and told me it was okay to follow my dreams. I think he is such a good friend. I won't tell him that, he has a big ego as is. LOL!!
I've been gaining a lot of traction on my posts on google plus. I have a couple thousand followers but Max is the most active of them all. Max is so effortlessly funny. He did ask one time if we could talk on call, I told him that my microphone was broken. I'm still a little skeptical. I know, even though I'm literally sharing everything with him, I've never spoken on call or video with him. Maybe some day.
Dear Diary, I got a new phone and a new number. The previous one was one of my parents multiple numbers but this one is my own. I feel like an adult, hehe!! I made a whatsapp, maybe I'll share my number with Maxie and we might start chatting on there. Google plus had become a bit of hassle and I'm not uploading on it like I used to. I usually only open it to talk to Max. I think it would be better to shift it to another service. He's been a little busy this year compared to the last, didn't tell me much but I think it has to do with him being in his final year of high school. Can't relate, but I hope I'm done with high school soon. It fucking sucks. But on the bright side, I've gotten close to Nia and Aria and I could call Aria my best friend but she considers Nia her best friend. I don't mind being her friend. I have Max anyways.
Max has been quite busy lately, but I don't blame him. I would be busy in my final year of high school too. Even with all that, he has taken time out to talk to me. I did share my number with him, so now instead of google plus, which is a barren wasteland, we text on whatsapp. I've suggested talking on call some time when he's free, which hasn't happened yet.
We had set up a time to talk, it was really early here but I didn't mind, I was up anyways. I couldn't wait to hear his voice. I was anxious as well, what if he's some pedophile; all these thoughts raced through my head when my phone rang. Max- Hi, Y/N! Y/N- Hey, Max!! How are you? Max- I'm good, what about you? Y/N- Yeah, I'm good too. haha!! This is so weird talking to you. Max- yeah, you sound pretty. Fuck was he flirting, is this flirting? A million thoughts ran through my head, no one's ever flirted with me before. I felt my cheeks heat up. Y/N- You sound nice too. I mean....you have a nice voice. Max- haha, thanks, this is the first time some one has said that. Y/N- soooo, what have you been up too?? You've been so busy lately. There was a pause on the other end. I heard shuffling. Max- yeah, I've been busy with stuff. I'll be done soon for a while now. Y/N- That's great I need my best friend back! The conversation flowed smoothly. It didn't feel like we were talking on call for the first time. I had a lot of fun talking to Max. He sounds like a teenager, much to my relief. He's just as funny on call as he is on text.
After that, we ended up calling each other regularly. Max would answer my calls whenever but sometimes I felt bad about calling him at the crack ass of dawn in Netherland so I would avoid calling him whenever. He is so kind and listens well but damn does he talk. Every one who knows me calls me talkative, if they heard Max their ears would bleed. But I like hearing him talk, he has the most random and vast knowledge, he's helped me write too many of my papers because I didn't have to research, I could just ask him; he's like a walking encyclopedia.
Dear Diary, I think I'm in love. It's not some celebrity this time but I think it's Max. I don't even know that dude's last name but I'm in love. He not like the guys in school, he's so mature and funny and sweet and understanding and he supports me so much. I didn't know when or how but I think I love him. Obviously I won't tell him. It's prolly a crush since I have't dated anyone ever. I'll get over it, can't ruin my friendship over this. As is, he has gotten so busy. I think he is going to college. He didn't say it explicitly but why else would he be so busy right now if not applying for colleges. I don't know the dutch education system but I'm sure he busy pursuing higher education. He said he liked cars, I think he'll do something with cars. I didn't really ask in more details. I'm sure he'll tell me when he wants to. We have a chill friendship, we share when and what we want to. Alas, I hope this crush doesn't ruin my friendship.
This is bad, my crush on Max has only gone on to increase. He's so kind to me, what am I supposed to do? Also he's the only one who can calm me down after a fight with my parents regarding my future. Sadly, he gotten so busy. He's gone for a while every few weeks. But lately he's been free. We've been talking a lot. He sounds a lot more rested lately too. I'm sure college is tough. But he's strong and I know he'll do it.
[Little did Y/N know, Max was busy racing across the world in Redbull's junior team. He was in his first year as a formula one driver, hence he was so busy. Max had no intentions of telling her, he liked being just Max, a guy from Netherlands who could talk to her. He enjoyed the disconnect he got with her]
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I Hate The New Hero
Pt 2: A spider's nest is different to a bird's.
You exit the school building with two of your friends; Sherri Webster and Tia Hunt. You see Timothy leaning against the wall to the exit of the school building and you can't help but scoff, does he not have a life or friends?
Okay, judging by how the polls are going now, this one is winning!! I'll post the second part of Don't Drink The Kool-Aid soon (possibly tomorrow or the day afterwards). Don't be afraid to send in asks and such regarding anything! I love answering them and doing side stories/headcannons for this series or other series of mine!
The day rolls by painfully slow. How could it not when you're going to invite someone, who you're pretty sure would throw you to the wolves for a dollar, into your shitty apartment?
Tia notices your gaze and chuckles, you had already told them both about Tim and the project, they laughed and made fun of you - you'll get back at them.
Sherri pats me back "If you don't come back to school tomorrow we'll let the police know he probably murdered you!" Tia laughs at that and I grumble and elbow Sherri.
"Oh shut up! God, you're insufferable!"
"And you're about to be dead!"
"Oh please, no one in Gotham stays dead these days!"
"I'll make sure you do!"
Tia interrupts before the minor spat ends in the two forgetting Timothy is there - now looking at the three with the very hatred you'd give to your parent's murderers.
"Can you guys fight later? In the group chat maybe? I'm starving and want to go home - private school food tastes like shit." Sherri sighs but agrees and the two wave goodbye before leaving you.
You wave and after a bit of awkward silence you glance at Timothy who is now staring daggers at you, his eyes are calculating but aren't narrowed - like a feral wolf analysing it's target. You hold back a sigh as you raise a brow.
You make a hand motion for him to follow you and you start to walk along the path to your amazing, beautiful, posh, cool apartment that in no way is flawed.
The walk is silent and painful, at this point your willing to bust out the charms and joke with him but you're scared he's going to smash your head into the concrete as soon as you make a joke.
You walk past a poster that was hung up regarding the heroes of Gotham, Aranea is near the center hanging to the side of a wall. You scowl at it - the picture was bad and didn't flatter you at all.
Timothy catches your scowl and makes a show of rolling his eyes and typing something on his phone. You can't hold back any longer.
"What? You grading me or something? Speak the fuck up if you have a problem, Richy Rich." You sneer as you say the last part, he snaps his head up at you in offense.
"Oh, you want me to speak up?! Fine, you're a selfish brat who's got parents that fawn over you and you never lacked anything in your life yet you go after some sweet innocent girl who would a hundred percent save you if you needed it. Aranea is one of the best people in Gotham and it's disgusting that you are so rude to her!" Timothy rants. You can't help but raise a brow, you want to laugh so hard - the irony is right there.
Instead you roll your eyes "You hate me because I hate someone you fangirl over? How pathetic. Hate me for a real reason!" You try not to smirk when you see Timothy try to take deep breaths and calm down.
"... Let's just get to your apartment already." He states as he continues walking, you raise a brow. "Wrong way." He turns around and follows you silently.
Finally you stop in front of your stunning apartment. Out of the corner of your eye you see Tim raise a brow.
"How'd you get into a private school if your parents can't even afford an apartment building that doesn't look like it's had ten different crime scenes this week?"
You deadpan, ouch man...
"I got in through an engineering scholarship." You reply blandly, no point in spilling your emotions and true personality to a person like Timothy.
Timothy doesn't say anything else and you take that as the conversation ending and lead him into the complex and to the apartment you reside in.
It's home and you wouldn't want anything different. The plants are dead, there's a leaky tap, the clock that's stuck on the wall ticks annoyingly, there's a small spider making it's home in one of the corners and all the furniture looks one kick away from dust.
Your parents don't have much time to clean...
You look at Timothy out of the corner of your eye, despite loving where you live you know people will judge and Tim will probably use this against you some time in the future.
Tim's confused. You had always exuded "rich spoilt brat" behavior and seemed so stuck up yet live in actual filth? On top of that you got into Gotham Academy on a scholarship? Do high schools even do scholarships? It doesn't make sense.
Tim's not an idiot, he knows he's being petty but at the same time he can't bring himself to stop. Aranea is one of the kindest people he's met in Gotham, a saint, an innocent person who deserves a good life.
Yet, you hate her guts, you say awful things about her despite not even meeting her - or maybe you did, either way there's no reason for you to be acting like this.
Tim isn't petty, he won't use your living situation against you but the scholarship thing can be.. a small post can ultimately cause ridicule in the school.
He blinks a couple times, not noticing how he's already in a cramped bedroom - it's the size of a supply closet in the manor!
There's a bed in the corner, a window that's curtained up, a closet, a toy chest and a pile of sketch books that reaches halfway up the bedframe. It's cozy he supposes - for a sewer rat at least.
You mumble something about getting food before leaving the room. Seems you have some smarts and etiquette.
His phone buzzes and he looks down at the Gotham Vigilante Group Chat (GVGC), it's a message from Aranea.
Aranea: "Heyyyy!! I won't be able to go on patrol tonight, my mama wants to go out for dinner :("
Tim sighs, that's good. He can't go because of the stupid project so it seems he won't have to get horrendously teased for missing out on hanging with Aranea.
Tim's phone buzzes again and it's Bruce.
Bruce: "Message if (Reader) does anything sketchy. You can't trust someone so hateful."
Way to state the obvious. Tim already had multiple plans in case you did something.
He pockets his phone after responding with a thumbs up and he sits down, on the floor - assuming that's where they'll work.
Soon you come back with snacks in hand and had changed into more comfortable clothes - they were your dad's because in no way were you going to show Timothy your sense of style.
The clothes consisted of cargo shorts that were grossly oversized and tied with some shoelace to stop them from falling and an oversized shirt with the image of Garfield on it.
You raise a brow at where Timothy is sitting.
"Uh, why are you sitting on the floor?"
"That's where we'll work. Why?"
You think you're ready to go cry in a corner out of frustration.
"I have a bed."
"okay? I doubt it can even fit the both of us."
... Okay, that's true. Still, even if you hated him your parents didn't raise you to be rude to guests.
"Fine. You sit on the bed and I'll kneel on the floor."
You watch as his eyes widen, not expecting that response. You push him to stand up and make him sit on the bed before plopping down and taking a big sketchbook and flipping to the back of it.
"Okay, let's get started." You mumble, more so to yourself.
You two spend the next three to four hours researching, drawing things and writing down dates. By the end of it your tired and just want to sleep. It would have been done sooner if there wasn't an argument that caused you to storm out of the apartment and pace the halls and if Tim didn't leave to the halls to answer a call but at least it's over with.
You rest your head against your bed, you're still on the floor and more than content staying there, you doubt your body will even allow you to move.
Slowly your eyes close and you drift off to sleep.
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dandylovesturtles · 4 months
Using a random number generator for the angst prompts: 20 Starved + 30 Dangerous Temperatures
... and Leo, of course.
uh so. I had an idea. and I decided to write it for this ask I got forever ago. And then, uh.
it really
really got out of hand.
This is a pretty dark fic (even for me) and at the current moment in time it is hurt/no comfort. I do intend to write a part 2, probably tomorrow, but as of the time I'm typing this author's note I've been writing for around 5+ hours straight and I need to take a break! So please, if you don't want to read all this without the comfort included, feel free to wait for the next part before reading! I'll link it and the end once it's posted.
Content warnings: Kidnapping, confinement, psychological torture, nonconsensual voyeurism (I guess this is the best way to put this; Leo isn't doing anything sexual but it's still violating), mild violence, HEAVY ANGST, Leo just having the shittiest time possible.
I HOPE?? YOU ENJOY??? hahahaha....
btw this is set between S2 and the movie (though tbh its canon compliance is... /waves hand)
When Leo imagined himself getting captured by some kind of shady, quasi-governmental agency intent on imprisoning mutants, it was never anything like this.
When he let his mind go there, he always pictured that he would be strapped to a table. Maybe muzzled. That scientists would stand over him, scalpels and drills in hand, and start to take him apart. That they'd examine him piece by piece, and wouldn't give him any anesthesia while they did it.
But there is no table, no muzzle, no restraints at all. He's just in a room.
Well, a cell, technically - the steel door is locked, and there are no windows, no furniture but a bare cot in one corner and a lone toilet in another. But it doesn't really look like a cell. It looks like a room.
A very, very white room. White walls. White ceiling. White tiles (with white grout, even). The toilet is white, a roll of white toilet paper on the floor next to it. The only things that aren't white are the cot and the door and Leo himself.
They took his gear and his weapons, because of course they did. Since the door is steel, he already knows he's not breaking it down; he gives it a half-hearted slam anyway, just to say he tried. He should be able to just portal out, except he hasn't learned how to use his portals without his swords to channel his ninpo through, and there's nothing in here with him that he can use to make new ones.
So he's stuck. He's going to have to wait until someone opens that door for some reason. Or, of course, until his family swings by to pick him up. Though, if possible, he'd like to escape before that happens. The image in his mind, of sitting outside his cell and grinning at them as they arrive to rescue him, is too cool to pass up.
He's not sure how long it's been already. He knows that they knocked him out after ambushing him, and he doesn't know how long he was unconscious. The heavy molasses feel of his head and arms when he woke up suggests that he was drugged. It's wearing off now, though, which means he has a clear head to take in the all of nothing that's in the room with him.
He sits on the cot he woke up on and waits for something to happen.
There's no way for him to tell time, but he thinks it's an hour or so later when there's a sudden beep, and then the sound of a metal panel sliding up. It's a slot near the door that has just opened - inside the revealed alcove is a bottle of water.
He comes to it curiously, taking a long look around the bottle. The slot doesn't open straight through, and even if it did, it's not big enough for anything more than his arm or a foot to fit through. He thinks it must function like an airlock, or maybe they slid the bottle down from somewhere above - he feels around just in case, and finds that the slot is enclosed on all sides but his. Probably his airlock theory, then.
As soon as he removes the bottle, the panel slams shut again.
"You're really determined to keep me in here, huh?" he says to whatever hidden cameras are watching him. He carries the water bottle back to his cot, but doesn't open it, instead setting it down on the floor by the wall. The paranoid part of his brain, the one that doesn't miss a trick, is reminding him that drinking the water is probably a bad idea. Who knows what they might have put in it?
He sits on the cot for awhile longer. Still, nothing happens.
"I'm getting pretty bored in here," he says for the audience that must be somewhere. "Come on, you have a one of a kind turtle in here, and you don't even want to talk to me?"
Time passes, slow and quiet. Leo goes through periods where his anxiety spikes and he starts to wonder if he's been abandoned by whoever brought him here, before the boredom eventually numbs the anxiety back out. Another bottle of water is eventually delivered, and this one he keeps in his hands after retrieving it. It's completely unlabeled, not even a "Use by" date printed on the bottle itself, so it doesn't provide much mental stimulation. He spins the bottle to make little whirlpools inside, because it's something to do.
He's trying to make the fastest whirlpool he can when he hears a sudden click, different from the beep of the water bottle hole, and he looks up just in time to see a large section of the wall in front of him turn black, and then light up to show the room beyond his cell.
He jolts, setting the bottle aside. He knew they must be watching him, but somehow he didn't catch that part of the wall was a whole window.
His audience isn't very large - five people, unless there are others he can't see. Two wear lab coats, two wear fatigues... but the one who comes to stand directly in front of the window is wearing a black suit, with steel rimmed glasses. He leans forward, and speaks into a small microphone.
"Inmate 24365," says the suited man. "I am Agent Bishop, of the Earth Protection Force. My subordinates tell me that you can speak and understand the English language. Is this correct?"
"Qué?" Leo asks.
Bishop does not look amused. "Inmate 24365," he says, "you have two options. You can cooperate with me, answer my questions, and we will make your stay here more comfortable. Do not cooperate, and we will make your stay uncomfortable. Do you understand?"
Leo pretends to hem and haw over this. "How comfortable are we talkin'?"
"I'm sure you would like some dinner."
"You know, I'm not really hungry." He says it to be difficult, but it's actually true - the uncertainty of the situation has put his stomach in too many knots to want to eat anything. "Maybe if you offer me some comic books? Or a TV?
To Bishop's credit, his face doesn't so much as twitch. He keeps his steely eyes locked on Leo. "Answer our questions, and you will receive food. Do you understand?"
Leo stays noncommittal. "What are the questions?"
He's expecting Bishop to ask about his family. He's not expecting what comes next.
"How many gateways are there between New York City and the hidden yokai enclave?" he asks. "How are these gateways accessed? What kind of defensive capabilities do the yokai have?"
Leo keeps the surprise off his face. Bishop thinks he's a yokai.
This is, overall, a good development. Bishop might not know about Leo's family, then, or at least not know that they live on the surface. This means the Earth Protection Force likely isn't pursuing his brothers, which means they will be safe until they can help Leo get out of here.
He doesn't let the relief show through, either. Bishop doesn't know anything, and now Leo just has to ride out the next few hours until the calvary arrives.
"You know," he says, "I think I'm good with my current levels of comfort."
If Bishop is mad or frustrated or dismayed by this choice, he doesn't show it. His expression stays stony as he stares in at Leo, sizing him up.
"Very well," he says after a few more seconds. "I will see you tomorrow, then."
The window goes dark, and then turns stark white to match the walls. Leo wants to go over and tap at it, see if it feels different when he touches it, but knowing that Bishop is surely still there, watching him, keeps him rooted to the cot.
He goes back to making whirlpools with the bottle. If they aren't going to entertain him, he isn't going to entertain them, either.
Another water bottle comes some time after his talk with Bishop. He finally opens this one and takes a cautious sip. Nothing tastes off or strange, so he drinks more. They don't want to feed him, but they're fine keeping him hydrated. No reason to stay thirsty, then.
He wishes the water calmed the anxiety still roiling in his stomach, but if anything it just makes him feel even more energized. He bounces his foot and surveys his room again, looking for any weak spots or access points. He can't see anything, though, other than the areas where he knows the water bottle hole and window are; even the vents that relentlessly blow cold air into the room are well hidden.
Knowing that there are people standing just outside his cell watching him, like some kind of zoo animal, puts him on edge. The window is so big that he's pretty sure the only blind spots are either directly underneath it or right by the door on the same wall. After debating it, he leaves his cot and sits on the floor underneath the window, surveying the room from a different angle now and still coming up empty. At least they're going to have a harder time staring at him.
His eyes catch on the toilet in the corner, directly across from the window. It's not in the blind spot, and realizing this makes his insides lurch uncomfortably - hopefully he has a chance to bust out before using it becomes necessary.
Though, he's not sure when that chance is going to come. If they have a slot to pass him water, they could use that to pass him food, too, so it's unlikely that anyone is going to open the door unless they need to take him out.
So maybe his fantasy of being outside when his brothers arrive isn't going to happen. Well, that's okay; he'll just be sure to make some other part of their escape totally rad. That will make up for the embarrassment of getting kidnapped a block from Run of the Mill.
(Seriously, some kind of ninja he is, to let a bunch of human soldiers sneak up on him.)
He drains the water bottle, then starts to roll it back and forth across the floor, like a cat batting at a toy. Leo's not sure what's worse right now: the worry or the boredom. There's nothing to look at and no one to talk to, just an empty room with him and his water bottles.
He's too keyed up to sleep, and the fluorescent lights are still on, anyway. He has no way of telling what time it is, so maybe it just isn't that late yet. And even sitting here, in the blind spot, the idea of closing his eyes while people are watching makes unease crawl up his spine. Staying awake is the easy choice. He'll sleep after he's out of here.
So he sits under the window and rolls his bottle back and forth, back and forth, with only the sound of plastic on tile to keep his thoughts company.
The first three water bottles came pretty regularly, but now there is a very long stretch where nothing is delivered. Leo is starting to think maybe it really is night now. They don't turn off the lights in his cell, though, and he has no controls to do it himself. At least it helps with the whole "staying awake" thing.
Just in case they've decided to suspend his water privileges along with the food, he holds off drinking any more for now.
Speaking of food, his appetite has finally decided to return. His stomach starts to growl at him after several hours (he thinks) of sitting in the floor, an annoying emptiness in his stomach. Knowing there's no food accessible just makes the hunger sharper, but he puts it out of his mind the best he can with nothing else to focus on. He can eat once he's free.
Which should be soon. Seriously, his brothers have to be on their way by now, right?
He's pretty sure it's been the better part of a day, if not a whole day, since he was kidnapped. And, okay, he's willing to give them some leeway; it's understandable if they got a late start. He did storm out of the lair after his latest fight with Raph, and no one ever came to check on him when he did that. Understandably, he thinks, because who wants to be around Bad Mood Leo? Not even Leo wants to be around Bad Mood Leo!
But he'd already turned back into Good Mood Leo by the time he left Hueso's, so surely they knew it had been more than enough time. They would have noticed when he didn't come home. They would have realized something happened. They would be looking for him.
And if they're looking for him, they'll find him! Obviously.
His stomach growls again, and Leo leans his head back against the wall behind him. Maybe he shouldn't think of being at Hueso's. Now he just wants pizza. Pepperoni and mushroom, maybe, or Hawaiian. Mix it up a little with the barbeque chicken.
Another growl. He groans out loud.
He stays awake, twisting and crinkling the empty bottle in his hands, until another full one finally arrives.
No chance to escape comes before using the toilet is necessary.
He tried to hold out, he really did, but he ended up drinking more water to stave off the growing hunger, and it's lowkey cold in here, which doesn't help. Still, the issue of the window sends an uneasy shiver up his spine, doubting that any people outside will feel the need to turn away and give him some privacy. Maybe he should have gone while he suspected it was nighttime.
(Maybe he shouldn't assume they ever aren't watching him.)
He stands up and walks over to the cot, giving it a light nudge with his foot. In a stroke of luck, it isn't bolted to the floor, and it's light enough that he can lift it. The black mesh it's made of is tightly woven, enough that not much is visible through it. It will have to do.
He picks it up and drags it over in front of the toilet, propping it up on its legs so it makes a small wall between himself and the window. It's hardly ideal, but the semblance of privacy makes him relax somewhat.
(He can't think about how there are surely cameras in the room watching him from all angles, making his attempt at a barrier moot. He knows better than anyone that sometimes pleasant lies are necessary.)
After he does his business, he leaves the cot propped where it is; it's not like he's sleeping on it. There's no sink for him to wash his hands, but he's never been the strictest about it, anyway (much to Donnie's disgust). He returns to his spot under the window, squeezing the water bottle to the rhythm of the first song that comes to mind.
Only two verses and a bridge later, the window above his head turns black, then goes clear. Thinking that Bishop might have been watching him just now makes a cold, slimy feeling roll down his spine. Creepy!
"Inmate 24365," comes Bishop's voice through the unseen speaker. "Stand."
Leo doesn't. He stays right where he is, under the window.
Bishop waits only a few seconds. Then Leo hears him say, "Temperature down two degrees."
He gets up at that, turning and leaning his arm against the window. It strangely doesn't feel like glass, even though it must be. "It's already cold enough in here," he says. He wonders how they can hear him, when he doesn't see a microphone on his side.
"You were told your conditions would only be made comfortable after you answer our questions," Bishop informs him. "The same as before: how many gateways are there between New York City and the hidden yokai enclave? How are these gateways-"
"How about you answer my questions first," Leo interjects. "You keep calling me "inmate," but I haven't been charged with anything. Pretty sure you can't detain me without cause."
"The EPF is authorized to detain non-human inmates for as long as deemed necessary for the security of the United States," says Bishop smoothly. "Probable cause doctrine does not apply in this case."
"That's gotta be unconstitutional."
"The constitution does not recognize the rights of yokai. You have no right to counsel, no right to a speedy trial, and no right to protections from cruel and unusual punishments." Bishop's stare is colder than the temperature in the room. "But I am not an unfair man. Answer my questions, and I will provide you with food and clothing."
Leo tosses a glance over his shoulder. "How about a private bathroom?"
Bishop's expression stays ever in place, unimpressed and stoic. "Food and clothing," he repeats.
Leo gives his head a shake. "Then nope," he says, popping the "p". "I plead the fifth."
"As I have already explained, the Bill of Rights does not apply to you."
"That's such crap." Leo bangs his fist on the window. "You can't just keep me here forever for no reason!"
"I do have reasons." Bishop leans closer to the window, his eyes narrowing. "Let's try a different question. What is your relation to Baron Draxum?"
The surprise is fast and sharp, but Leo just manages to keep it from showing on his face. "Who?" he asks innocently, even as the panic sets into his chest. If they know about Draxum, what else do they know?
"We know you are acquainted with him," says Bishop. "What is the nature of your relationship?"
Leo knows they aren't bluffing - why would they bring up that very specific name otherwise? There's no lie he can tell that won't reveal something.
So he doesn't say anything. Instead, he turns his back to the window and sits down, staring resolutely at the opposite wall.
Bishop clicks his tongue. "Very well," he says. "I am a patient man. I can wait." Then, more muffled, like he's facing away from the microphone, Leo hears him say, "Temperature down two degrees."
The window goes dark, then turns back to white. Leo doesn't move for a long time.
The third water bottle arrives, so he guesses that's the end of day two.
He's shaking as he gets up to retrieve it, adding it to his growing water bottle hoard. He's gone through three and a half by now, but he's trying not to drink them too fast.
As promised, no food is delivered, and his stomach growls and rumbles in protest. The water helps, but only slightly. He needs to eat.
He also needs to sleep.
The panicked adrenaline spikes that have kept him awake this long are starting to die down, with more and more long stretches of exhaustion between them. The shaking is near constant, bringing with it the weird jittery feeling he gets when his insomnia gets particularly bad.
The window is still unnerving him. The idea of sleeping while they're watching him feels staggeringly unsafe.
But he doesn't think he can hold out now until his family gets here. Sure, they're probably getting close (they have to be getting close), but they're sure taking their sweet time. And he's just so tired.
After a long internal debate, he lays down on the cold tile floor. It's not at all comfortable, but somehow he doubts the cot would be any better. Besides, even if he moves the cot under the window, he thinks it would be easier to see him if he uses it. So on the floor it is.
He presses as close to the wall as he can, curling up into a ball for warmth. He wishes he had a blanket.
He wishes he was home.
He squeezes his eyes shut tight and forces back the sudden wave of overwhelming homesickness. There's no reason to feel this way. It's only been two days! What is he, a baby?
It's fine. It's all fine. They're definitely on his trail now. Raph is leading the team. Donnie is using some kind of invention to blah blah blah nerd stuff. Mikey is razzing his tazz. April is using her investigative journalism skills to find clues.
They're on their way. He just has to hold out a little longer. He can do this.
He sleeps, and in his dreams, something grabs him tight and drags him down and down and down where he can't escape.
The same routine plays out over the next two days.
Leo gets two water bottles delivered, spaced, if he had to guess, about five hours apart. Bishop comes to visit him some time after the second bottle. Leo refuses to answer his questions. Bishop turns the temperature down and then leaves. A few hours later his last water bottle comes. Then nothing for the whole night.
They still don't turn off his lights, but exhaustion is starting to win over the brightness.
More than a few times, Leo tries to summon a portal on his own, without his swords. If his family is going to take their sweet time in coming, he might as well try to help them out. He tries to summon his ninpo (without glowing), tries to feel the tug inside of him that he always does when he teleports, tries to envision the place he wants to go and tunnel through space to get there.
Nothing. Always nothing.
(Donnie can make his constructs independent of his bo staff. Raph can send his projections away from his sai. Mikey's learning to use mystic powers without his nunchucks. So why does Leo need his katana? Why is he the only one this useless?)
It probably doesn't help that he's so damn hungry. It's a constant companion now, a low and hollow ache that chooses inconvenient times to turn into white hot stabs of urgency, into seizing cramps that steal his breath. The water only helps so much - it keeps him alive but doesn't satisfy, doesn't soothe. In some ways it just makes the feeling worse.
And he's always shaking, too, but he doesn't know if that's the hunger or the cold.
Maybe the cold wouldn't bother him so much if it were at least still. But the vents blow fresh air inside relentlessly, and no matter where he goes he can't seem to get out of the direct stream. The cold wind batters his tired body, and there's places his skin is starting to turn dry and flaky. His nose won't stop running, and he's allowed himself a small section of his one roll of toilet paper to blow it, already stiff and congealed and disgusting.
It's miserable.
And there's still nothing to do.
He stacks a pyramid out of his empty water bottles, knocks it down, then stacks it up again. He tries to come up with some new and exciting ways to demolish it, but it's only new and exciting for so long.
He spends a few hours of day three singing karaoke as obnoxiously as possible. He hopes everyone outside enjoys the performance.
He recounts every issue of Jupiter Jim he knows to himself, then the plot of every movie. Then he goes through Lou Jitsu films, then anything else he can think of. That eats up a good chunk of day four.
By the time he gets his first water bottle of day five, he's out of ideas to entertain himself. He's never been good at this. He doesn't know how introverts like Donnie can go multiple days without talking to someone.
But when Bishop comes back with his daily offer of conversation, Leo once again impolitely declines.
Something new happens on night five.
It's been a long time since the last water bottle. Leo has been trying to sleep, but it's not coming easy; he's exhausted, but the floor is so cold and he's so sore from staying on it night after night. Not to mention, his nightmares have been getting worse, and he isn't eager to return to them.
Add on the hunger, and sleep is elusive.
Suddenly, there's the telltale shadow of the window above him turning dark - this time, though, it doesn't light up as much as normal. Confused and curious, Leo sits up and takes a peek.
The room beyond is dim, only the glow of a green EXIT sign and a small desk lamp lighting the space. But it's enough for Leo to see a man standing there, looking inside. It's not Bishop - in fact, he doesn't recognize this person at all. They're wearing fatigues, but it's not anyone he's seen in the room during Bishop's normal interrogations.
The man catches sight of Leo, and the grinning leer on his face makes Leo regret looking.
He beckons for Leo to stand up. Warily, Leo does, unable to help but keep his arms folded tight over his chest. Not for the first time, he wishes he had some clothes - his gear, at the very least. Anything to not feel quite so exposed.
The man reaches down and picks something up, holding it aloft for Leo's inspection. "Want a sandwich?" he asks into the microphone.
The sandwich looks like white bread and bologna. No cheese, no other toppings that Leo can spot. Maybe some mustard, if anything. Overall, the most boring possible sandwich he could have been offered.
Leo's mouth is watering.
He has to swallow hard before answering. He doesn't trust this. Even if his stomach is slamming up and down at the promise of food, food, food.
"I'm not hungry," he lies.
The man laughs. It's not a kind sound. "Sure you ain't," he says. "You spend every night curled up on the floor like the dumb animal you are. Can you even eat this?" He waves the sandwich for emphasis.
Leo doesn't answer. He takes a step back from the window, like that will put any kind of distance between them. Like that will save him.
The man watches him with a sleezy grin. He waves the sandwich again.
"You want this," he says.
Leo shakes his head.
"You really sure?"
Leo shudders. Stands tall. Nods.
The man watches him for a long, long moment. Leo fights the urge to hide.
Finally, with a shrug, the man says, "Suit yourself."
Then he starts eating the sandwich. Right where Leo can watch.
Leo's stomach growls, loud and angry in his ears, and he has to physically hold himself back from crumpling.
After several bites, the man suddenly reaches out and taps the window, indicating the cot stood up in front of the toilet.
"That," he says, giving another tap for emphasis, "doesn't do shit."
Leo wants to crawl out of his own skin.
The need to hide is suddenly too great. He rushes to the cot, grabbing it and dragging it back to the blind spot under the window. He sets it down on all four legs, so it's as close to the floor as possible.
Then he lies down on his belly and wriggles underneath. It's a tight squeeze, and the cot ends up pushed up by his shell, suspended in the air, but he doesn't care.
He curls up in his pleasant lie of privacy and bites his hand to keep from screaming himself hoarse.
After an eternity, the window above him turns white again. It doesn't matter. Leo knows he's still there. Still watching.
"You look tired," Bishop greets him. Leo answers with a dead-eyed stare.
"I keep telling you, if you want your conditions to improve, all you have to do is answer my questions."
Leo says nothing. He just stares, arms wrapped tight around himself to try and keep his body heat in.
"How many gateways are there between New York City and the hidden yokai enclave? How are these gateways accessed?"
For a moment, Leo considers just... telling him.
His family doesn't live in the Hidden City. The yokai have never exactly greeted them with open arms. What does he care if these military guys go after them? At least then, maybe he can finally eat something.
That's not what a hero does, Leo! echoes Mind Raph disapprovingly. Innocent people will get hurt!
Right. He's a hero. And heroes don't give into the demands of shitty guys like Bishop.
Leo swallows hard. "No comment."
Bishop's face changes ever so slightly: his brow creases. Leo wonders if that's good or bad for him.
"You understand that Baron Draxum is a known threat, don't you?" he asks. "We are aware of his plans to commit mass murder on the human population. We also know that he has been dormant for some time, and we need information on what he is planning."
Leo thinks of Barry's ambitions to be recognized as the best lunchperson in all of America and can't help but laugh. It comes out cracked and wheezing.
Bishop's furrow gets deeper. "Do you think this is funny?"
"Little bit," says Leo.
Bishop has a chasm to rival Raph's now. Leo knows he shouldn't, but he grins. It's his one moment of triumph - only he can be this aggravating.
And then Bishop says, "Temperature down seven degrees," and that wipes the smile right off Leo's face.
The plastic of the water bottles is soft and pliable and feels weirdly good under Leo's teeth.
He chews the top of the bottle, gnawing at it until it's completely flattened out, pockmarked with little tiny indents from his incisors. It's not eating - it won't fill his belly or ease the persistent hunger pains. But something about the motion is soothing. The place-bo effect.
Pla-ce-bo, corrects Donnie's voice in his mind, sounding testy.
Where are you? Leo thinks back.
There's no answer.
He's gnawed his way through four water bottles. There's eighteen in total now, two and a half still full of water. He thought about using one to wash up a bit, but decided against it in the end. He knows he stinks, but the last thing he wants right now is to be wet. Not when he's starting to see his breath.
Oh well. It's not like he has anywhere to be.
He turns his attentions to the lids next. These are harder and thus tougher to chew. Still, if Leo uses his molars, he can eventually crack the lip, and then bend the plastic in and in, chewing until he ends up with a flat disc.
It's just small enough that Leo could swallow it, if he wanted to.
He thinks he remembers watching some kind of wildlife documentary. Or maybe he didn't watch it himself, but Mikey told him about it. Or maybe April? He doesn't know. His thoughts swim in and out and get lost on the way.
Point is. Sea turtles in the wild die all the time because of plastic in the water. They cut open their stomachs and find trash inside.
Well, Leo is a turtle in captivity. Maybe that means he's immune. Maybe he could swallow this plastic lid, and then he'd finally feel full and the pain pain pain of his empty stomach would go away.
He does not swallow the plastic lid. But it's more tempting than he'd like to admit.
It's going to be okay. When his family gets him out of here, they'll have a big pizza to celebrate. Maybe he can even talk them into letting him have the last slice.
It has to be any moment now, right? It's been a week. They have to be closing in. Any moment now, the door will open, and there they'll be to take him home.
The air conditioning blows relentlessly against his skin. He sneezes, then rubs the snot on his arm. He's given up on the tissue paper.
It'll be over soon. It has to be. Just hang in there, Leon, just a little longer.
He picks up another bottle and starts chewing.
He's playing a mindless little game with his flattened bottle lids the next time Bishop comes.
"I'm surprised you still have any energy at all," says Bishop, and Leo wants to punch him.
(Really, he wants to do more than that. But those kinds of thoughts always make him feel weird and bad, so he pushes them away.)
"You should have learned by now," he says, pushing to his feet and trying not to show how badly he's trembling, "you can't keep me down."
"This is all unnecessary," says Bishop. "I'll feed you as soon as you answer my questions."
Leo barks out a laugh. "Sure you will."
"I will," says Bishop. He turns and says over his shoulder, "Bring it here."
One of the men in fatigues steps forward and hands a tray with a covered plate over to Bishop. Bishop uncovers the tray and holds it where Leo can see.
Baked chicken, broccoli with cheese, mashed potatoes.
Leo's stomach twists and cramps so painfully he has to bend at the hips and clutch his midriff.
"This is yours, as soon as you answer my questions."
Leo pointedly keeps from looking at the food. He shakes his head. He can't. He can't.
"Such persistence." Bishop's voice is scolding now. "You understand that you are a known accomplice to a terrorist, don't you? But if you become a cooperating witness, you will be granted some leniency."
Leo barks a laugh, lifting his eyes to look at Bishop's face, and pointedly not the food. "What's the point?" he asks. "If I'm not... protected by the constitution, or whatever. Are you going to let me go?"
"No," says Bishop. "But as I have told you, your conditions will become more comfortable." He waves the tray of food.
Leo stares at him, before a manic smile splits his face.
"You... stupid bastard. I can't even answer your questions." He slams a shaking hand against his plastron. "I'm not even a yokai! Do you get that? I'm not a yokai!"
Bishop looks skeptical. "Obviously you are."
"I'm not!" Leo rages. "I'm a mutant! I'm from New York! I don't even live in the Hidden City!"
Bishop's eyes flash. "I see," he says, "so you do know of it."
Leo falters, his body going slack.
What an obvious, stupid mistake.
(Some face-man he is.)
It takes Leo a long moment to answer. Bishop stays right where he is, holding the food so tantalizingly close and yet still out of reach.
"...I don't know about the gateways," he says finally. "I don't know about their defensive capabilities. I don't know what Baron Draxum is planning."
"Your lies are obvious," says Bishop. "You really don't want this? It's your last chance today."
Leo stares at the food. His mouth is watering so hard it might start to drip. Would it really be so bad to answer? They don't live in the Hidden City. And Draxum dropped him off a roof.
Draxum is trying to change, says Mind Raph. You see what these guys are like. You can't turn the yokai over to them. They'll hurt them!
What about me? he asks. Is it okay if I get hurt?
You're a hero, Leo, says Mind Raph. You can deal with it for a little longer. It's just a room. Just a little cold. Just some hunger.
He's a hero. He can deal with it. He can. He can.
He'll make them proud. Show them they can trust him.
It takes everything he has, but he shakes his head.
Bishop tuts. Then he throws the entire plate in the trash.
"Tomorrow, then," he says. Then the window is gone.
Leo collapses on his cot and tries not to cry.
After his third water bottle on day eight, one of the fluorescent lights over his head flickers and then dies out.
It's not surprising, since they keep them running twenty-four seven. The blessedly dimmed lighting is actually nice, for once. Leo thinks maybe he could get some sleep, if the gnawing hunger and the constant shivers don't keep him awake.
He's just closed his eyes and snuggled up under his cot when it occurs to him: they may come in to fix it. If keeping the lights on day and night is part of their plan to torture him, to keep him exhausted and anxious and on edge, then they have to.
Which means his chance is finally here.
He has to be careful about this. He has to be ready to move, but he can't let them know he's ready to move. He has to let them think he's too weak, too exhausted, to make an escape attempt.
(He can't let himself think that, though. He can't give up before he tries.)
So he stays under his cot, but subtly shifts it so it won't restrict his movement. He has to be ready to burst out as soon as he gets a chance. Get past whoever comes in, then get out the door. It's after the last water bottle, so it's nighttime. There will be fewer people. He can do this. He can do this.
Find his swords. Make a portal. Get out.
Just as he was thinking, after a long time has passed, there is a loud warning beep, different from the water bottle beep. An automated voice says from somewhere unseen, "Inmates clear the door. Security personnel entering. Stay still and you will not be harmed."
Then the door slides open, and someone comes in.
It's a man wearing fatigues. Leo thinks this is the one who "offered" him a sandwich the other day. He's holding some kind of gun with a long barrel. He does a sweep of the room with his eyes, coming to rest on Leo under his cot. He gives Leo the same leering grin, and waves the barrel of the gun in his direction.
"Now you behave, and we'll get along just fine," he says.
He steps to the side, and another man enters, this one wearing the kind of jumpsuit Leo sees janitors in on TV. He's carrying a stepladder in one hand and a long tube in the other. Is that what fluorescent lights look like? Leo didn't know.
The man walks to the middle of the room and sets up his stepladder. Then he walks up and pulls off the light casing. When he unhooks the old bulb, it causes the other bulb to flicker, just for a few moments.
Leo explodes out from under the cot, grabbing the man in fatigues by the legs and yanking as hard as he can. The man yelps in surprise, and Leo hears the sound of the gun going off in a random direction. The janitor shouts and drops the light bulb - the sound of shattering glass joins the cacophony.
Leo jumps to his feet and runs out the door they had been too stupid to close, sprinting toward the EXIT sign. He's exhausted and shaky but he's coursing with adrenaline, and he leans on it hard to keep him moving. Don't stop, don't stop, get out of here. He'll figure out what to do next once he's free.
Past the exit sign there's a large open room with desks and computer monitors. Most of them are off, but one lingering woman in a lab coat, seated at her desk, screams when she sees Leo dash through the middle of the office space.
"Security!" she screams into a device on her chest. "Inmate is escaping! Inmate is escaping!"
Leo doesn't have time to shut her up, he just keeps moving. He pushes through the next door and arrives in a hallway; he only has time to glance one way and then the other before scrambling to the left, hoping it was a good choice.
He rounds a corner and sees another green EXIT sign up ahead. It's not where he meant to go - he meant to find where they're keeping his swords first. But he hears shouting behind him and doesn't stop. Fine, so no portals - he'll figure out something else once he's away from here.
He throws himself forward into the exit door, which leads him into yet another hallway. Another long sprint, with shouting and slamming doors at his heels, and then finally, finally, a third EXIT sign, and he crashes outside.
Where there's snow on the ground, snow on the trees.
It steals his breath away. There shouldn't be snow. It's May.
Where is he?
He takes a breath of air so cold it seizes his lungs, then takes a step forward. He'll worry about that-
A piercing pain in his shoulder nearly sends him toppling over. Leo shouts, grasping for the wound and feeling something sticking out of his skin. He grabs it and yanks, pulling it free.
It's a dart.
Damn it, he thinks, before his vision goes woozy, and he collapses into the snow.
"Are you proud of your little escape attempt?" comes Bishop's voice.
Leo looks up from his cot. Bishop has to get so close to the window to see him that his nose is pressed flat against it. It should be hilarious, but Leo doesn't really have the energy to laugh. Or to do much of anything.
He's hungry. He's tired. He's cold. He's still sluggish from the drugs.
And they threw away all his water bottles. Fuckers.
Leo rolls over on the cot and covers his ears.
"What a childish response," says Bishop, and that's funny, too, because Leo literally is a child. Or a teenager, anyway. He doesn't feel like it will help him much to point that out, though.
"All you have to do is answer my questions, and all this will be fixed."
That's the funniest thing of all. The idea that he spills his guts and Bishop treats him to a five course meal to make up for all the pain up till now. Hilarious.
He says nothing.
Bishop sighs.
"You are likely still affected by the tranquilizing agent. I'll return tomorrow."
Before he leaves, he says, "Temperature down five degrees."
The same man is back that night. He opens the window and looks down at Leo with the same leering smile. Leo can't even take satisfaction in the bandage on the side of his head.
"Neat little trick you had yesterday," he says. "Almost got me fired."
Leo wishes it had gotten him fired. But he clearly has no luck in this situation.
"You know, I respect the attempt. And you probably would have gotten farther with a little food in your belly." The man reaches down, then retrieves a sandwich, as mouth-wateringly unappetizing as the last time. "You sure you don't want this?"
And Leo knows he shouldn't trust this guy. Leo knows he should say no.
But he's just...
So he gets up. And he turns to the window. On shaking limbs that can barely hold him upright anymore. With a body that is laced with pain and aches and cramps.
And he nods.
The man's smile gets wider. "What do you say?" he asks, in the sing-song tone of a parent scolding a child.
It makes a sick nausea rise in Leo's throat. But he wants the sandwich.
"Please," he gasps out.
"Mmm... not good enough." The man waves the sandwich. "You want this? You beg for it."
Leo stares, eyes wide. But the sandwich... the sandwich...
He gets down on his knees. Feels a searing flush of humiliation. His stomach is rolling and gurgling and cramping with pain, a hollow, empty chasm inside him desperate to be filled.
He lowers his head.
"Please," he says. "I... I want the sandwich. I'm... begging you, please."
The man laughs, loud and long. When Leo finally finds it in him to raise his eyes, the sandwich is already half eaten.
"Hey, good job," says the man, licking a bit of mustard off his thumb. "That was real convincin'."
And then he takes another bite.
Just like that, Leo forgets about the pain, the aches, the cold, the hunger. All that's left is pure, white hot, screaming rage.
Leo lunges at the window and slams his fist into it so hard it cracks. Not enough to break the glass. Not enough to free him. But enough that the man startles and steps back.
And Leo starts to laugh. High and manic and unhinged even to his own ears.
"I'll kill you," he says, and his voice sounds almost joking, and yet- "I'll kill you. You're dead. You're dead, as soon as I get out of here, you're dead, I'll kill you, I'LL KILL YOU!"
The man has dropped the rest of his sandwich. He fumbles for his gun, left somewhere on a table to the side. For one satisfying moment, Leo sees a flash of genuine fear on the man's face.
"Shit," he says, his voice far away the further he gets from the microphone. "Pretty scary, frogboy."
Then he slams a button, and the window goes black, and Leo gets a glimpse of his own reflection.
His face is gaunt and drawn. His eyes are ringed by deep circles, so dark they look like bruises. His body is shaking like a leaf.
And his stripes...
His stripes are lit up like when he uses his ninpo, but they aren't their usual Neon Leon bright.
They're almost black.
Leo gasps and stumbles back just as the window goes white. The full body quakes he feels now aren't from the cold or the hunger or the exhaustion.
He turns and sinks onto the cot. Puts his face in his hands and tries to breathe. Tries to will his ninpo to stop rolling and snapping and to go back to normal.
This isn't what he wants. This isn't him.
This place is breaking him. He's letting it break him.
He pulls his legs up onto the cot and buries his face in his knees. Wraps his arms around them and rocks gently, the way Donnie used to do when things got overwhelming. Maybe he understands that better, now.
This isn't him. He's Leonardo, Neon Leon, the face-man, the jokester! The one who's always ready with a quip and a laugh. The one who can do anything!
Except portal out of his room. Except escape from this building. Except resist begging for a sandwich like he's a dog.
Leo's breath hitches, and for once he doesn't stop himself. He knows the guy outside is probably watching. He knows there are cameras recording this. He hates giving them the satisfaction.
But he's tired, and hungry, and he...
He wants to go home.
He cries, silently, until he's completely rung out.
Maybe they aren't coming.
That's the thought that pops into his head, just a bit after the first water bottle of the day.
He knew they would have gotten a late start, because he stormed out. And he knew it would take them awhile to figure out who took him - he hadn't heard of the EPF before, so why would they? And he knew it would take them time to figure out where he had been taken, which must have been pretty far out if it's snowing outside. But the EPF got him here within a night, he's pretty sure, so unless they have a super fast jet, he must still be on the continent somewhere.
So... so surely they must have figured it out by now, right? Raph is leading the team. Donnie is doing science things. Mikey is razzing his tazz. April is using her investigative skills.
Unless they aren't coming.
Maybe... maybe it's true. Why would they want him back, after all? Leo took Raph's leader position, and since then all he'd managed to do was piss Raph off. Mikey and Donnie hadn't been happy about it, either, and he'd noticed that they'd been avoiding him more and more. April claimed she wasn't taking sides, but she always seemed to be on Raph's anyway. And Dad... well, he was probably disappointed that he made Leo leader only for him to do nothing and then get himself kidnapped.
He doesn't bring anything to the team. He doesn't bring anything to the family. And no one likes his jokes.
So. Maybe they just... aren't looking. Maybe they aren't going to come.
Maybe he's held out this long for no reason. Maybe he's been cold and starving for no reason at all.
Maybe it's time to give up.
Don't give up, says a new voice in his head.
You are not alone.
He has no energy left to stand when Bishop comes. The man looks down at him, lips pressed into a thin line.
"You don't look well," he observes.
No shit, Leo wants to say.
"This has gone on long enough. Answer my questions, and we will provide you with food, clothing, and medical care."
The list is getting longer. Leo's fuzzy eyes stare up at Bishop. Medical care. Does he need that?
"You already know what I want to know." Bishop has a furrow between his eyebrows now. "Will you talk to me?"
He could. He could do it. He could finally have some relief from all the pain. All the hunger. All the cold.
But they might hurt the yokai in the Hidden City.
They might hurt Draxum.
They might hurt his family.
And maybe, if nothing else... if Leo could just keep his mouth shut, just this once...
Maybe that would finally make Raph, Dad, and everyone proud of him.
Maybe they'd finally trust him.
Maybe, at least, he can have that much.
Leo shakes his head.
Bishop scowls.
"Temperature down ten degrees."
Leo isn't shivering anymore. That's probably a bad sign.
He can still see his breath, each time he exhales. It rises like smoke, before disappearing into the air.
He doesn't have any energy left, not even to chew on his new water bottles. He hasn't even collected the last two, and they sit crowded together in the slot, untouched.
He kind of wishes they had just dissected him from the beginning. It would have been faster. Freezing to death, he's decided, is a real zero out of ten. Starving to death isn't any better. No stars.
Even though the damn lights are still on, he feels extremely sleepy. It's probably the cold. He wonders what will happen if he brumates. He's never done it before, not like his little cousins, and he has no idea if it's even safe.
Probably not, given he has no calorie reserves left. All it means is he won't be drinking water, either.
But he's so sleepy.
It's going to be time soon for Bishop to come back. Leo doesn't know what the point is anymore. Maybe he'll just sleep through it. Yeah, that would really make him mad. And making Bishop mad is all he has at this point.
And he'll get to sleep. It's a win-win.
So thinking, Leo rolls himself over onto his belly. Then, one by one, he pulls his limbs into his shell.
He doesn't do this much anymore, not since he started growing. His body just doesn't seem to fit his shell like it should - a side effect of the mutation, probably. It's not really comfortable to be inside for long.
But Leo is sleepy. And his shell feels like the best place to be.
So he pulls in his legs, then his arms, and then, finally, his head.
It's not any warmer in here. But at least it's dark.
At least he's not shivering.
Leo sighs, content, and closes his eyes, and drifts to sleep.
(Outside his cell, there's a bang, and shouting, and a gunshot.
The sound is muffled, and Leo sleeps on.)
Part 1 (here) | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 Part A |
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pricefieldsuperiority · 3 months
Number One Pick
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Pairing: Caitlin Clark x reader
Genre: Homoerotic friendship, cheating, smut, angst + comfort ending.
Summary: You want Caitlin to pick you over her boyfriend Connor, just once.
Warnings: Smut with plot! Fingering, name calling/pet names, teasing, mild degradation
The game against Chicago Sky was close.
Caitlin had been booked and busy lately, playing 11 games in 20 days. This was the second game you were able to attend in person, as the only other had been her very first game of the season.
During the third quarter, you watch Chennedy Carter knock Caitlin to the ground while waiting for an inbound pass. You scream "flagrant foul!" with the rest of your section, but the refs declare it an away-from-ball foul.
It doesn't end up mattering anyway, though, cause the game ends 71 to 70.
The crowd is roaring, and you're cheering as loud as you can, watching the pride all over Caitlin's face. This was Indiana Fever's second win of the season, so you can't help but grin like an idiot at Caitlin and her teammates all celebrating on the court, high fiving, and yelling.
After Caitlin finishes her after post-game interview, she picks you up into a bear hug, her eyes lit up with happiness.
"We won!!! I missed you so much y/n"
Caitlin buries her face in your neck and her hands linger on your waist for a few seconds longer than necessary before she puts you down. You smile at her, patting her back.
"Yeah, I saw!! You did so good"
Caitlin rubs her arm absent-mindedly,
"I'm tired as hell.. I think my ankle hurts from earlier, too."
You just smile, and grab her bag from her.
"Come on, I parked outside"
Normally Caitlin drives, but you know she's exhausted from tonight, so you drive. She falls asleep in the car, and while you're stopped at a stoplight, you watch the way her hair's fanned out prettily on the headrest. Her eyelashes are dark, creating crescent shadows under her eyes. She looks so tired, the dark circles much more prominent than you remember.
You pull up to Caitlin's hotel- you're staying with her for a few days. She's been lonely lately, and wanting you to come visit. After her game tomorrow against New York Liberty she'll have a few free days until her game against the Washington Mystics on the 7th.
You're shorter than Caitlin- most people were, considering she was 6'0, and certainly not as strong, so you can't pick her up in her sleep, but in this moment you wish you could.
"Caitlin, we're here"
She blinks groggily and gets out of the car, and you make it all the way upstairs before she just flops onto the bed.
"Ugghhhh.. sorry y/n, I know I asked you to come stay, but I'm just so wiped..."
Caitlin groans into her pillow as her phone starts blowing up with notifications. During games she keeps it off, but now that she's at the hotel and connected to wifi, everything's pouring in.
"Probably just Twitter covering the Carter foul.. bullshit"
She turns over onto her side, looking at you.
"Yeah I saw that, what the hell was that foul??"
Caitlin rubs her arm again and you scoot closer to her on the bed, checking for a bruise.
"Nothing, you're good- and man, maybe they'll reevaluate?"
Caitlin just kicks off her shoes, chucking them closer to the door.
"They asked me about it during the post-game interview.. whatever, honestly, we still won."
Just then, Caitlin's phone rings, high and shrill. Connor's name flashes on the screen, bold and large.
"Who- oh him"
She ignores the call, flipping her phone over.
"I'm gonna take a shower- hopefully I'll be less dead after that and dinner"
Caitlin walks away then, not bothering to even give her phone a second glance, as she pulls clothes out for her shower.
Around 20 minutes later you hear the water turn off and she comes out of the bathroom with her hair wet, in nothing but a tank top and shorts.
You shift your position on the bed at the sight of her, crossing your legs at the feeling.
Caitlin presses a knee into the mattress and stands with her arms out.
"Come here, I'm sleepy"
Your heart wrenches a little, you're sure you're half in love with Caitlin- and how could you not be. Whatever this is between you two, you refuse to label it as just friendship. You wish you could.
Even still, you crawl over and hug her waist, breathing in the scent of her fresh shampoo. Her head rests on top of yours, water droplets hitting the back of your shirt.
"You should eat something-"
You say, your words slightly muffled by her chest and shirt. Her hands are in your hair, tangled in the strands, combing gently.
"Yeahhhh.. about that"
Caitlin tilts your head up to look at her, her fingers cool under your jaw. You feel her switch her weight to her other leg, sliding her knee between your legs.
Her brown eyes are dark, desire dilating her pupils, and you feel yourself longing for her more than you'd like to admit. You feel the pull in your stomach and subconsciously your hands grip her waist a little tighter as you stare at her.
You know what's gonna happen, even though you've told yourself over and over again to not let it happen. To just be friends, to set some boundaries, because she's got Connor and you can't just keep doing this, that she'd never pick you over him. But you just can't find it in yourself to hold back right now, the want too much.
Caitlin kisses you hungrily, hands on your face, and she pushes you over onto the bed, hips straddling your waist.
You moan into her mouth, hands pulling her in. You squeeze her ass as she adjusts on top of you.
"Take this off," She demands, and you take off your shirt quickly.
Caitlin just raises a brow, unhooking your bra for you, and sucks your nipple immediately, fingers kneading the other.
"Oh Caitlin-" You clutch at her hair as her hands continue to roam over you, pulling off your sleep shorts.
"You're so wet for me.. just waiting for me to do this huh?"
Caitlin's face is cocky, playful smirk playing on her face. Her fingers dip into your wetness, circling your clit, and she smirks wider as your hips raise slightly at her touch.
"Did you touch yourself thinking of me when I was away? Been my little slut?"
You moan at her words.
"Yes..." You admit.
"You like it when I call you a slut? My slut?" She asks, pressing kisses right under your jaw.
You moan a yes out as she pushes two fingers easily into you.
"Look at that, taking me so well"
Caitlin's going at a quick pace, her palm rubbing against your clit. You're gonna come fast if she keeps this up, and you feel it building in your lower stomach.
"I'm- I'm gonna come.. Caitlin"
You arch your back as she continues to hit your g spot roughly.
Caitlin grabs your face, making you look at her again.
"Come for me, I wanna hear you say my name y/n"
"Fuck Caitlin.. Caitlin.." You moan her name as you climax, finishing all over her.
She sucks her fingers when she takes them out, and you pull her down into a kiss.
"Wait, what about Connor?" You whisper, giving her an out, even though you know that's never stopped her.
"Who cares about him-" She says, panting slightly, too busy chasing her own high as your fingers dip into the waistband of her shorts.
"Fair-" It's your turn to smirk, even though the temporary win is bittersweet.
You find her clit easily, her underwear soaked.
"You made me feel so good, baby." The term of affection slips out by mistake, but she doesn't seem to notice as you kiss down her neck.
"Come on y/n, make me come-"
Caitlin's demand is cut short when her phone rings again, and Connor's name flashes on the screen for the second time.
"You gonna pick that up?" You tease as she sits up, looking at her phone. Your fingers are buried inside her, curling to hit her g spot, and you can tell she's warring with herself, even on top of you.
"I- uh-" Caitlin's moans are breathy, her hips rocking into your thrusts.
"You should answer, tell him who's fucking you"
You're being a little mean, annoyed at yourself for letting yourself get swept up in her again, annoyed at his existence, she doesn't even love him- so you tease her further by pulling her down onto you again.
"Fuck- I.. I can't.. I'm gonna come y/n"
Caitlin's moaning into your ear, her hand still clutched around the phone, the call ringtone loud and annoying, just like Connor himself.
"I want everyone to hear who's fucking you like this, cause it ain't him-"
"Y/n... oh god y/n" Caitlin comes, her body flush against yours. You bite her as she does, leaving a pretty hickey smack in the middle of her neck that she'll have to cover up later.
The call goes to voice-mail, and Caitlin's phone sits forgotten beside you two.
Caitlin gets off you, refreshed grin on her face.
"That was good.. UGH.. I guess I'll have to call him back later-"
You're not surprised, this is common. You wonder if you should say something, if you'll finally have the courage to tell her that this is the last time, that you can't keep doing this because you like her more than you should.
"Is it always gonna be like this Cait?"
You ask her, watching her run some water on a towel to throw to you, as per usual.
"What? It's just sex y/n" Caitlin avoids your eyes as she replies, pulling a shirt on.
"You're my best friend, it can't just be sex- he doesn't fuck you like this, doesn't make you feel like this!"
Caitlin's stepping into her shorts, her eyebrows knit together.
"He tries! And I don't know.. we're just friends..."
She trails off, like she's unsure of her own words.
You can't believe she wants to keep avoiding how she feels,
"Who was there at your first game of the season? Who was on call after every game after, debriefing with you? It wasn't him!"
You keep going as you throw on clothes of your own, suddenly feeling vulnerable naked in front of her.
"We act like girlfriends, in every sense but the title- we do everything together, we have sex, we call every night- do you even love him? You know this is more than sex."
Caitlin's standing up now, hand on her forehead.
"I... I don't know if I love him.. but I'm not gay! Or at least.. not-"
"What, not for me? Do you hear yourself??" You scoff at her.
Maybe it's too much, everything that's been going on, because Caitlin bursts into tears.
"Cait-" You say, lost for words as the tears run down her cheeks. She hates crying.
"It's too much.. being out here alone, not playing with Kate, Jada, Gabbie- being the rookie.. dealing with Connor.. and.."
She wipes at her eyes, looking at the bedspread as she tries to get out her next words.
"And how I feel about you- I know it's not fair to you that I'm still with him"
Your heart physically aches at her confession and you tap the spot on the bed next to you, placing her phone on the bedside table.
Caitlin hides her face in your chest, arms clutching you tightly.
"I'm sorry y/n"
You soothe her, stroking her hair,
"Shhhhh.. it's okay Cait"
She looks up at you, pushing herself upright.
"No, you're right.. it's not.. I thought if I kept trying to like him, that it might happen- and if I tried hard enough, maybe I'd feel even a fraction of how I feel around you, around him."
You move the hair out of her face, wiping away her tears.
"I get it" You say, as she continues.
"You're more than my best friend.. it'd be stupid to say this was just sex.. I don't want to lose you"
Caitlin's clutching your hands, and you want to believe her, to believe in you two.
Her phone rings again.
"It's Connor" You say softly.
There's determination in her eyes now, a fire you hadn't seen before. She takes the call, swiping across the screen.
"Hey I can't talk, I'll text later" Caitlin says briskly, before hanging up. You smile wide at her, despite yourself and the situation, and she smiles back.
"I'll dump him, I'm gonna make this right.. you're my number one pick y/n.. I swear it"
Caitlin's eyes are wide, solemn and honest. You believe her.
The clock on the wall reads 1 am and the tiredness hits you like a wave. You know she must be exhausted too.
You say softly,
"Why don't you start by cuddling me and sleeping?"
Caitlin's eyes light up at your words, relieved.
"Okay, I can do that"
Caitlin settles under the covers, and you feel yourself falling asleep as you kiss her forehead.
Guess she really would pick you over him.
Authors Note: I know I usually write for Paige but I've been wanting to write a fic with this concept and couldn't make Paige work. Hope y'all don't mind the change, Paige fic coming soon.
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 months
All Mine
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Synopsis: Jack wants to be more than friends with benefits when he sees you hanging off another person's arm. When he tells you this, you tell him that he has to prove it to you and show you that you're the only one for him.
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Staring down at your phone, you sighed to yourself noticing it was now 2 in the morning and you hadn't been to sleep yet. It was bothering you since your alarm was set for 6 am in order to go to the gym and get ready for work. Next thing you knew, a text message came through on your phone. It had that familiar ringtone that you loved hearing so much. It had been a few days since you had heard it and immediately became excited.
Jack- Baby girl, you awake? I wanna facetime you
Not even bothering to respond to his text, you simply called him while reaching over to turn on your bedside lamp so that he would be able to see you as you sat up against the headboard and waited for him to answer. Once he saw your face he immediately smiled and a slight blush danced on his cheeks.
“What are you doing, pretty girl?”
“Can't sleep and I saw your text. Even though my alarm is set for 6 am.”
“Why? You miss me too much? You need to be with me to fall asleep easier?” He asked and you immediately rolled your eyes
“Don't push it because I’ll hang up on you.”
“You're starting to bicker with me so yeah, my original thought confirmed. You miss me.” He replied as he winked at you.
“Shut up. But maybe a little.” You confessed while showing him how much with your fingers.
“I know it's more than that, but I'll let you slide this time. I have something to tell you though.”
“You're bringing me tacos when I get off of work later? Or you just jacked off to that picture I sent you earlier?”
“I'll have it delivered to your condo later, but no. And also no, it was a gorgeous picture though. I'm waiting until I see you in person.”
“Then what?”
“I wanted for you to hear this from me before you heard it from anyone else.”
“I'm performing at Preakness this year. I'm headlining. So I get to come and see you.”
“Wait… seriously?” You asked as you did a double take and looked on with wide eyes.
“They're going to announce it tomorrow.”
“First off, I'm so proud of you and I think I miss you a little more than I let on earlier.” You told him as you smiled.
“So that means you're excited to see me?”
“Fine. Yes, I admit it. But you already know that I'm always excited to see you.”
“I'm getting there like a day earlier and staying for a few days to be able to spend time with you before I go back to Louisville. You coming to Gazebo? You can stay with me if you are.”
“You said my VIP ticket was waiting for me so that's obviously a yes. And I have a special outfit for your eyes only after your performance on Sunday.”
“Hmm, I like the sound of that. Can I have two special outfits for both weeks?”
“Don't push it. But I'll think about it.”
“I'll take that. At least I made my request known. Now go and get some sleep. Your tacos will be delivered once you tell me you're back home.”
“Mmm, can't wait.”
“To see me or the tacos?”
“Well, I'm getting the tacos first so definitely tacos.”
“Hmm, we'll see about that when I have you whimpering underneath me.”
“Make sure you back all of this up once you see me.”
“I'm always good for my word. You know that. Just wait.”
It was the day of Preakness and Jack was fuming. He had spent the previous night with you since he had landed all for him to open up Instagram to see you posted a picture of you cuddled up with someone who wasn't him while holding a drink in your hand.
He could tell that you were already at Pimlico by the background since he saw trainers and horses passing by.
Was he missing something?
The night went well as you two spent time together with it ending with you underneath him.
You two hadn't argued or gotten into a disagreement so he didn't understand.
He was taking some time to cool off because the last thing he wanted to do was confront you about it and not be in a good headspace. Jack planned on sending you a text to come backstage to see him before his performance so that way you two could discuss this and get on the same page. He had already let his security team know to expect you and to not give you any problems.
The two of you spent a lot of time together so why would you suddenly be hanging off of someone else's arm?
When you had gotten a text from Jack, you immediately smiled and wondered where he had been the majority of the day since you were under the impression that he was going to get to Pimlico early in order to watch the race.
Jack- Come backstage and see me before my set. I told them to let you through.
You- Sure, bubs. Give me a few minutes.
Knowing that Jayden was a big fan of Jack, you turned to him to see if he wanted to join you.
Jayden had worked alongside you for a few years and the two of you had become good friends. He simply asked to go to Preakness with you since he knew that you went every year. You figured since you probably couldn't ask Jack to be your date because you knew how much he valued his privacy and that Jayden was your best option. The two of you did mess around with other people and you knew if the two of you stepped out together there was no coming back from it and the other people you talked to would be blowing up your phone with no end in sight.
“Hey, come walk with me for a second.”
“Sure. Where are we going?”
“To see a friend of mine. I think you'll like him.”
“Okay, lead the way.”
The two of you had gotten up from your table in VIP to start heading towards the stage for Preakness Live. At that moment you were thankful for the hat that you were wearing because it had started to lightly rain. Once backstage, security had let the both of you through and led you over to Jack who had an unreadable look on his face.
“Hi bubs!” You greeted Jack and hugged him as he gave a small smile that almost seemed forced and hugged you back.
“Hey, who's this?” He asked as he moved his head in Jayden's direction who looked a bit star struck.
“Jayden, this is Jack and Jack this is my date Jayden.”
“Nice to meet you man, big fan.” Jayden confessed as he came closer towards Jack and dapped him up.
“You too. Appreciate it.”
“Once he heard that you were performing, he wasted no time in asking me to go. Jay, can you get me another drink and I'll meet you back in VIP?”
“Yeah, what did you want?”
“Another Black Eyed Susan is fine.”
Nodding his head, Jayden started to make his way towards the bar and Jack waited until he was out of earshot to express how he felt.
“What was that?” He asked and you looked at him confused.
“What do you mean, bubs?”
“To be more specific, who the fuck is that?” Jack asked as he saw Jayden walk away from the bar and went back to where your table was on the side of the field.
“Jayden? I definitely just introduced the two of you.”
“You didn't tell me that you were bringing a date…. You knew that you were going to see me so what is up with that? I literally just had you sitting on my face last night and my dick was definitely down your throat. Make it make sense.”
Quickly growing annoyed, you looked at Jack in disbelief about what he had just said and calmly took another swig of your drink before you responded to him.
“I'm not your girlfriend so what the fuck are you so mad about?”
“Yeah, but….”
“But nothing, Jack. You can't be mad if you see me with someone else who isn't you. You made it clear from the very beginning about what this was and I distinctly remember you saying this was a friends with benefits situation. You miss me, you fly me out, you get bricked up, we fuck, and I go home. Don’t try and switch up on me now when this is what you asked for.”
“What if I now want more than I asked for? I don't want to see you with anyone else.”
“I'm going to stop you before you get too far ahead of yourself and before your feelings get hurt. After all, I have a date to get back to.”
“Y/N, wait!”
“No, I'm not waiting. If you really want me like you say that you do, then you need to prove it. Have a good show.” You gave him a small smile before placing a kiss on his cheek that was dangerously close to his mouth before turning on your heels to go back to Jayden. But before you could, Jack turned you back around and roughly kissed you before leaning down to whisper in your ear.
“Challenge accepted.”
Preakness came and went and ever since you had told Jack about how you felt regarding how he approached you about Jayden, he's taking the time to show you that he wanted for you to be in a relationship with him.
Even though it had only been a week, Jack had been sending you flowers, checking in on you and seeing how your day was, and giving you an increased amount of attention.
Truth be told, you didn't know how to feel. There were so many questions running through your head about how the two of you would make this work. First, he lived in Louisville and you lived in Baltimore. He traveled all the time based on what his job entailed and was constantly on the go. You just weren't sure how he would be able to fit you into any of that.
The distance in itself made you the most nervous. The last thing that you wanted to do was waste his time and waste yours. Jack was an amazing person and you knew that he deserved someone on the same level as him. But, you just weren't sure if that person was you.
Currently packing for Gazebo Fest since you promised him that you would still go made you think that you had to tell him sooner rather than later. You deserved happiness too and as much as you might want it to be with Jack, you simply didn't know if you would be able to keep up.
Jack was sending a private jet for you and he told you that you were more than welcome to stay with him while you were in Louisville. You would use this weekend in order to tell him how you felt and would wait until Gazebo Fest was over in order to not bring his mood down. But you knew as soon as you touched down in Louisville that he would be able to tell that something was wrong.
Jack was currently waiting for the jet to land and he was simply in front of the TV in his living room flipping through channels while Urban and Clay were keeping him company until you got there. Urban had noticed that Jack had been off since Preakness and he knew that he had seen you and made a point to ask him about it.
“What is going on with you?” Urban piped up and asked. Jack looked in his direction and Clay’s eyes were on Jack.
“Y/N bought a date to Preakness and when I confronted her about it she told me that I couldn't get mad because we weren't together. She said if I want to be in a relationship with her, I have to prove it.”
“But don't you currently have like five girls in your rotation INCLUDING her?”
“Not since she told me.”
“But, do THEY know that?” Clay asked as he opened his bag of chips.
“I… what's to know? If I'm not calling them back, I obviously don't want to deal with them.” Jack replied as he looked at both of them.
Urban and Clay exchanged looks with each other before sighing because they both knew that this was not about to end well.
“So, you just suddenly had this realization that you want Y/N to be your girlfriend?”
“Or was it simply because you saw her with someone that wasn't you and got jealous?”
“Uh, maybe a little.”
“Don't get into a relationship that you're going to end up regretting. Y/N's a sweet girl who doesn't deserve the run around from you. Out of all of them, I like her the best.” Clay told his older brother and he could tell that the wheels in his head were turning.
“It honestly just might be easier for you two to just be friends with benefits.”
“But I don't want to share her.”
“But, she was sharing you with other girls, was she not?”
“Uh, that's different.”
“No it's not. You were being a whore and got mad at the thought of her probably fucking someone else.”
“Look, I'm going to prove to her that she's the only one I want. She's the one that I know the best and talk to the most. Like I talk to her about real shit while she calls me out on my bullshit and tells me if she thinks I'm doing something wrong. I can't do that with the other ones. She's the only one who really understands me. And she's the only one I spend money on to fly out to places. The other girls simply keep my bed warm when I'm away from her.”
“All I'm saying is that you better hope that this doesn't blow up in your face and you need to tell those other girls that you're done with them.”
“I'm not going to tell them just yet just in case me and Y/N don't work out.”
“And there it goes.” Clay quietly said and Jack looked at him confused.
“Red flag number one.”
When Jack had opened the door and saw you standing there, he immediately picked you up and hugged you as you tightly held him back.
“Hi bubs.” You said as you laughed.
“Hi.” He finally told you once he set you down on your feet.
Once you were fully inside, he immediately captured you into a kiss and deepened it as you wrapped his arms around you.
When the two of you finally broke apart, Jack had rested his forehead on yours and you simply placed another kiss on the tip of his nose.
“I see someone missed me even if it hasn't even been a week yet.”
“You know how much I love being around you and I'm not scared to admit it unlike other people.” Jack said as he eyed you.
All you did was laugh and shake your head at him before asking for another kiss.
“Shut up and give me another kiss since you missed me so much.”
“I can give you a lot more than that if you want me to, that is.” Jack replied as he leaned down to place several kisses on your lips.
“As much as I want to sit on your face right now, you already told me that you had to get up early tomorrow so no. We need to go to sleep seeing as it's already almost midnight.”
“Just one taste?”
“No and besides aren't you supposed to be courting me anyway? Take me to dinner first before trying to get in my pants.” You told him and you still had your tight hold on him.
“Hmm, you have a point, but I've already tried and already succeeded in that department.”
“I'll make one exception for Sunday night after your performance that I know is going to be amazing. But until then, no. But I am definitely going to make myself comfy in your bed.”
“By all means, please do.”
“Oh, one more thing.”
“What's that princess?”
“Will me sleeping naked bother you? It's super hot.” You told him as you smirked and he instantly rolled his eyes.
“I love picking with you.” You told him as you laughed and pinched his cheek.
Day one of Gazebo had been amazing and Jack had been so happy throughout the day. You made sure to tell him how proud you were of him and how much his hard work was paying off. The two of you woke up on Sunday to gloomy skies outside which was the complete opposite of the day before and Jack immediately got a frown on his face.
“Well that doesn't look good.” He said as he stared out the window.
You quickly came up beside him to look out the window yourself.
“Hopefully it clears up. It's still super early. Come on, I’ll make us food.” You told him as you tugged on his hand.
He was hesitant in turning around to face you, so you tugged on his hand once more to get him to follow behind you.
“Bubs, staring outside isn't going to change how it looks. Come on.”
“I know, but what if…”
“No. Stop. We aren't going to think like that. Let's just wait and see, okay?” You told him as you gave him a small smile. He weakly smiled back at you before following you downstairs towards the kitchen.
As you were sipping your orange juice and sitting on the couch with your legs in Jack’s lap after you two had eaten, you heard him sigh as he stared down at his phone.
“I don't like that sigh so start talking.” You told him as you set your glass down and gave him your full attention.
“The team is telling me to delay opening the gates.”
“For how long?”
“I guess until the weather lets up outside.”
“Okay, don't get upset just yet. Remember that this is for everyone's safety. The last thing you want is for people to get hurt. We can just have a movie marathon until they open. I'm not complaining because I get to spend more time with you and have you all to myself.” You told him as you leaned over to pinch his cheek.
“I just don't want to let anyone down.”
“Jackman, would you rather your fans be safe or get hit with a lawsuit later after you were told it wasn't safe, but the gates opened anyway because someone got hurt?”
“Okay, I get it.”
“Good, now I want cuddles so come over here.” You told him as you moved closer and slid onto his lap.
“Either way, you should still be proud of yourself for making this happen.”
When the decision was made to ultimately cancel the rest of Gazebo, Jack was obviously upset and for good reason. He took some time to sulk and then came up with the idea to take you out on a proper date.
The two of you had been sitting across from one another at the restaurant enjoying spending time together when you told him that you were going to the bathroom to fix your makeup.
As Jack was waiting for you to come back, he played on his phone and suddenly hearing his name being called startled him.
“Jack? Did you suddenly forget how to answer your phone?”
He looked up to see Sierra, one of the many girls he had been hooking up with before he decided that he only wanted to be with you and the only thing he could think was
Oh, shit
“Um, hi to you too Sierra and no. Just been busy that's all.”
“Hmm, busy dodging my calls I see. Then who are you here with? Because obviously you did.”
“Why does that matter? Aren't your friends waiting for you?”
“Hmm, why do you ask? Don't want her to see me?” She asked as she leaned down to whisper in his ear and he immediately backed up.
“Sierra….” Jack said through gritted teeth as he saw you appear from the direction of where the bathrooms were.
“Oh, is that her?” Sierra asked as she followed Jack’s gaze. You didn't notice her because you were fixing the front of your dress before walking back to meet Jack at your table.
“Oohh, she's cute. Maybe we can do something with all three of us. But for now, I’ll be over here.”
As Sierra had gotten back to her table, you had finally gotten back as well and noticed that Jack seemed off. He was looking in every direction except yours and made it a point to ask him about it.
“Bubs, I was gone for two minutes. What could have happened in that time frame that made you nervous? Because your face is very telling at the moment.” You asked and simply laughed before stealing a bite of food from his plate.
“Um, nothing.” Was all Jack said and you rolled your eyes.
“Jackman, do not bullshit me because you know that I, out of all people, am going to call you out on it. I know when something is wrong with you.”
“Just still a little upset about earlier that's all. I'm having a good time with you and I'm happy in that regard. I always love spending time with you.” He told you, but you could still tell that there was something that he wasn't telling you.
“You are lying through your teeth. I think that's only some of the truth. Bubs, how are we going to be together if you aren't 100% honest with me? You obviously know that I care about you, so just tell me.”
Jack didn't even get a chance to respond before Sierra once again made her way to the table and looked you up and down before looking over at Jack.
“Jack, make sure you call me once you're done with your little date in case it doesn't go well.”
All you saw was the color drain from Jack’s face as you looked on in confusion.
“And you are?” You asked with a slight attitude.
“Sierra. He's number one girl when he needs a quick fuck. And you are?” She asked and all you did was look at Jack who hadn't said a word until now.
“Sierra, I'm done with you and the last thing you needed to do was come over here and bother us.”
“Oh, I know you'll be changing your mind soon, but I'll let the two of you be for now. If you were done with me then maybe you should have told me? I mean that would have been the polite way to do it. Anyway, have a good date…. Or what's left of it.”
As soon as she walked away, you were doing your best to calm your breathing because you were more than pissed off at that point.
“Baby girl…” Jack quietly said, but you held up your hand in order to tell him to stop talking.
“You call yourself wanting to be in a relationship with me, yet you're out here still entertaining these other bitches who have the nerve to come up to me and talk to me like that in public?”
“I swear I haven't talked to her since I told you that I wanted this between us.”
“But you didn't tell them or cut them off? Clearly because that just happened and I know she's probably not the only one.”
“Y/N…” Jack quickly said as you started getting up from the table.
“I don't have an appetite anymore.”
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lambertdiary · 10 months
FAKE DATING WITH MIKE PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU the plot can be whatever you want but please
A/N: The 'fake dating' trope is genuinely one of my favourites so it's safe to say I had a lot of fun coming up with the plot for this one. I'll post a part two if you guys enjoy this one, so please let me know what you think!!
Word Count: 3.5k+
Warnings: language and I guess that's it
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This Love Is Just For Show
It was a slow day at your job. Even though it was a Thursday morning and it was usually really busy at this time, the number of customers coming through the door was significantly lower than any other morning, but you were thankful that you didn’t have to do a million things at the time this early.
You worked at a coffee shop and have worked there for a while, so you were used to the crazy job and by this point, you remembered most of the recurring customers, but you always waited for one in particular.
You heard the little bell that indicated that a customer had entered the coffee shop, so you quickly finished arranging the coffee cups behind the counter before turning to greet your customer. You fought the smile that threatened to creep its way onto your face when you saw who it was, and gave him a nonchalant expression instead.
“Hey Mike”
“Hi” He greeted you back with a smile.
“You want your usual, right?”
“So no small talk today, I suppose” Mike leant his forearms on the counter.
“Sorry, it’s kinda busy back here”
He looked around at the almost empty café “I’m not gonna steal more of your time then. I’ll have my usual”
You took a medium cup and used it to cover your smile, marking up his exact coffee order and writing his name at the bottom.
“You know, my offer to go out for coffee still stands. Maybe at a place you don’t have to make it”
You giggle as you put down the cup, typing a few words into the computer in front of you “You’re very sweet Mike but we’ve been through this, I don’t-”
“Date customers, I know” He finished your sentence.
“Look at that, you do remember. And yet, you keep on asking”
“Just hoping you’ll change your mind, I guess”
You shook your head “Not gonna happen”
“Alright, I’ll stop” He took out his wallet and paid for his drink “I’ll just try again in a month or two. Thanks”
He immediately walked to the other end of the counter to wait for his drink, constantly eying you while you took someone else’s order. You were looking his way too, but way more discreetly than he was.
When he finally got his coffee, he thanked your coworker and walked towards the door, turning his head around for a moment to face you “Bye, I’ll see you tomorrow”
Your eyes lingered on the glass doors after he left. You thought he was attractive, sweet, funny and just nice to have around, but you didn’t know whether you liked him like that or not but sometimes you thought you’d like to find out and go out with him, but you couldn’t do it. The real reason you had rejected every single one of his invitations wasn’t the one you gave him every time he asked, it was because you got out of a messy relationship 6 months ago and you weren’t ready to commit to anything, not yet.
Hours later your shift finally came to an end and you were ready to get out of there, you had a lot to do after all. You were in a hurry, so after taking all of your things you made your way to your car and drove to the grocery store.
After finding a parking spot you entered the massive building, guiding the shopping cart in front of you. You were so wrapped up in your thoughts looking down at your phone as you checked your shopping list, you didn’t notice the familiar face quickly approaching you.
“Y/N?” Your head snapped up as you immediately recognised the voice. You forced a smile while trying really hard to keep your eyes from widening.
“Nick, hi” The shock of seeing your ex-boyfriend for the first time since the breakup was more evident than you had intended.
“It’s been so long, how have you been?”
“Good, things are good” An awkward silence took over your conversation as quickly as it had started. The two of you smiled at each other politely, discomfort present in both of your eyes “How about you?”
“Amazing, actually” You nodded at him in response, unsure of what to say next. Thankfully, someone else joined the conversation. A girl you recognised as one of Nick’s friends from when you were dating him.
“Y/N! It’s been so long” She approached you for a hug, which you politely accepted.
“You remember Emily” Nick said as you pulled away.
“Of course, hi!”
“This is so funny, we were just talking about you last night” Emily said, standing closer to Nick and slowly wrapping her arm around him.
“You were? Why’s that?”
“She suggested we invite you to our engagement party this weekend”
“Oh my god, you guys are engaged” If you weren’t in shock before, you certainly were now “That’s amazing!” You wrapped your arms around them and pulled both of them into a hug, hoping this would prove to him that you really were happy for them. Even though that was far from the truth.
You pulled away after a few seconds, building up the perfect fake smile “I know it’s a bit of a shocker since Nick and I were just friends when you guys were dating, but I hope it’s not weird or anything”
“Please, not at all. I- I’m really happy for you guys”
“Thank you” Emily held your hand momentarily before dropping it and taking it back to her financé’s arm “So, are you coming?”
You thought about it for a moment. You really didn’t wanna go, but you thought that if you showed up you would show them how okay you were with their engagement. Even though you weren’t, since you broke up with Nick just six months ago and out of nowhere he’s engaged now, and you… you hadn’t even gone on a single date since then.
“Of course I’ll be there”
“Great! Should we save an extra seat for a special someone?” Emily asked with a wink.
You could feel your face burn as you thought of the lack of a love life, but your mouth was faster than your brain “Yes, I’ll bring my boyfriend with me”
“Oh” You hear Nick whisper.
“I mean I’ll ask him if he can make it, but you know, he gets really busy sometimes, so-”
“Okay, well I’ll have Nick text you the details later but I guess I’ll see you on Saturday!” Emily pulled you in for another hug, and Nick just waved at you as the both walked away from you.
You were left standing there alone, feeling like a complete loser. You didn’t have feelings for him or anything, and you wished you didn’t care about his engagement but you just couldn't help it.
Your relationship with him was complicated, and your breakup was so messy it took a while to pick up the pieces, and the main reason for that was because he swore he would never want to get married. After being together for a couple of years you moved in together for a few months, leading you to think he’d propose eventually, but he said that was the most you’d get from him. Now six months later he’s engaged to one of his friends…
You barely had the energy to finish with your grocery shopping. You were cursing yourself for saying you would go to their engagement party and on top of everything making up a fake boyfriend. Why couldn’t you just say you were busy? Any other answer would have been better than that.
You went home with a lot on your mind, and Nick’s text with all the details for Saturday just made it worse. You let out a loud sigh as you collapsed on your bed, going through your contacts list to see if you could find someone who would be willing to be your fake boyfriend for a night.
You quickly gave up as you realised how crazy it would be to make such a request, so maybe it would be better if you came up with an excuse and said you wouldn’t be able to make it.
You typed Mike’s name on your contacts, hoping you’d find his number there. He gave it to you a couple of months ago, written on a napkin after going to the coffee shop for a week straight. You were almost crossing your fingers, urging that your past self saved it, but you assumed you got rid of it since it wasn’t on your phone.
You sigh again, too tired to think of more solutions.
⋆ ★ ⋆ ★
The next day wasn’t any better. The party that was taking place the next day was flooding your mind and unfortunately for you, the possibilities of ending up looking like a loser in front of everyone were high.
Everyone around you seemed to notice something was off, but with the busy morning that kept everyone doing something they didn’t have time to ask you the reason. That was definitely a relief, you would hate to admit what your current problem was.
Customers kept coming and that almost made you forget about the whole fake boyfriend thing, until you saw Mike approach the counter with a big smile.
“Hi” You shyly smile back at him.
“Hi, I’ll just have my usual”
You nodded as you grabbed a medium cup. You were debating in your mind whether or not it would be a good idea to ask him for help, but the simple thought of those words leaving your mouth made your face turn a bright red.
“And I’ll also have a cupcake”
You looked at him with furrowed brows. He had been going there every day for at least a couple of months and he never tried something new, so him making an addition to his order took you by surprise “Oh, what’s the occasion?”
“Buying a few extra seconds, I guess” He replied like it was no big deal. He took out his wallet ready to pay for his order, smiling when he noticed your blushed face.
If he was willing to buy a cupcake just to talk to you for a little longer, maybe he would be down to go to a party with you and pretend to be your boyfriend for a night. After all, he had been begging you for a date nearly everyday since the day you met him, and that would count as one, right?
You looked at the cupcake tray that was sitting next to you, naming the cupcake flavours while you kept a collected expression despite the heat rushing to your cheeks as you wrote your phone number down on his cup, right next to his name.
“Uh- we have vanilla, chocolate, blueberry-”
“Which one is your favourite?” He interrupted you.
“Red velvet with cream cheese frosting”
“I’ll have that one”
You tried to suppress your smile as you reached for the cupcake, blushing a little harder when your hand brushed his “Enjoy it”
“I will, or I guess I’ll let you know what I think on Monday” You looked down and grabbed his receipt, keeping your eyes fixated on the screen in front of you when you handed it to him “Thanks” Mike said, and you panicked when he started to walk away, and once again your mouth acted on instinct.
“I get off at 4” You spit out, making him stop and take a step back as you cursed yourself for how pathetic you sounded.
“Today, I- I get off at 4” You repeated, thinking of something else to say “You can call me and- and maybe I’ll see you later”
A smile appeared on his face “Yeah, sure. I’ll give you a call” He nodded quickly, but stopped when he realised “I’d love to have your number, though”
“On your cup”
His smile grew bigger, and you could almost notice his tinted cheeks “I’ll talk to you later, then”
You nodded as he walked away, pushing away your embarrassment as you fixed your face to attend a new customer. You tried to stay focused on the order, but the cheeky smile from your coworker made you blush again.
“Shut up” You said, rolling your eyes at her.
The rest of the day went by painfully slowly. You were dying to check your phone to see if he had called you or at least texted you, but it was so busy that you didn’t have the time for that.
At the same time you were hoping he’d take his time reaching out to you. You felt guilty dragging him into your little show and you knew if you went out with him you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself from asking him.
When your lunch break came you literally ran to the back to get your phone, your heart skipping a beat when you read the last notification.
Unknown: Hey, it’s Mike
You saved his contact right away, and then took a little too long to think of a response, writing and deleting the message a few times before finally sending one back.
You: This is Y/N!
You rolled your eyes at your own message, and only a few seconds later your phone started ringing, his name showing on the tiny screen. You froze for a moment, but rushed to answer when it rang for the second time.
“Hi” You said in a shy tone.
“Hi. Sorry for calling but it’s way easier than texting”
“Don’t worry, I agree” You let out a little giggle before continuing “I guess I should apologise for earlier today”
“What do you mean?”
“You know, writing my number on your cup-”
“No need to apologise” He interrupted you “I’ve been meaning to ask you, what changed?”
‘I ran into my now engaged ex boyfriend and made up a fake boyfriend so I desperately need your help’ you thought to yourself, but of course you couldn’t say that, not yet anyway.
“I, uh- I thought about your offer, and coffee sounds nice”
“Well… I know a place, they have the best red velvet cupcakes-”
“Definitely not here” You stop him before you let out another laugh, even though you knew he was joking “We can meet somewhere else, what time do you get off?”
“Oh, so you really did mean tonight” Mike sighs loudly, taking a hand to his hair as he tries to think of someone who could babysit his sister.
You squeeze your eyes shut, trying to bury your embarrassment at how desperate you sounded “Sorry, we can try some other time-”
“No” He’s quick to cut you off “I just need to find a babysitter for Abby-”
“Who’s Abby?”
“My little sister, but the babysitter leaves at 6”
“Right, I understand” You try to think of a solution without sounding more desperate than you already were, but maybe it was for the best if you didn’t see him tonight.
“I’m gonna call her and ask if she can stay with Abby for a little longer tonight”
That makes you feel bad, thinking about his little sister stuck with the babysitter just because of your big mouth. You start to come to your senses, there was no way you could lead him on like that.
You let out a loud breath before saying “Mike, actually I think it’s better if we leave it for another time”
He stays silent for a moment, but then finally replies “Uh- yeah, that’s okay”
“Sorry, it’s just-” You stop when the clock on the wall tells you your lunchtime is over “I have to go but I’ll see you on Monday”
You hand up the phone immediately, the guilt coming back to you for a different reason.
You spend the rest of your shift thinking of excuses for your absence to the party, knowing that that’s what you should have done from the beginning. When you leave you’re so caught up on your thoughts you almost don’t recognise the person waiting for you outside.
“Hi, yeah- uh sorry” He put his hands on his pockets, looking down at the ground “You sounded a little weird on the phone earlier”
“I had to go back to work, sorry”
“Right, I know… so, about the coffee-”
“Y/N!” Mike is interrupted by a voice you hated to recognize. You closed your eyes momentarily as you let out a breath, mentally preparing yourself to talk to her again “We have to stop running into each other like this”
“Emily, so nice to see you again” You say with a convincing smile.
“You too” She inspects your outfit and the building behind you, a smirk appearing on her face when her eyes landed on you again “I see you’re still working at the café”
You don’t say anything but your blood starts to boil, but at the same time you’re trying hard to hide your embarrassment.
Mike looked at you as soon as those words left her mouth, trying to read your expression, but when you didn’t say anything he decided to jump in “Hi, I’m Mike”
“Oh hi, I’m Emily” They shook hands and she carefully examined him almost entirely, and Mike dropped it after just a moment “I used to be friends with Y/N. Well, with her ex boyfriend, but he’s now my fiancé” She said as she showed off her ring, and the two of you simply nodded “Oh… you must be Y/N’s boyfriend”
Emily’s eyes fixated on you, giving you the same intimidating look she always gave you, making you break and fall into a moment of weakness “Yes” You replied, and she immediately turned to Mike to give him a hug.
“You should’ve said that before, she was telling us about you last night”
He was looking at you with a million questions as his eyes gave you the most confused look you had ever seen on anyone. You mouthed the word ‘Sorry’ as they pulled away.
“You guys are coming to the party tomorrow, right?”
“We can’t make it, sorry” You grabbed Mike’s arm and pulled him closer to you, giving him an apologetic smile.
“Oh well that’s a shame”
“You never said anything about a party, baby” He looked at you, amusement building in his face.
You were sure your face has never been more red than it is right now, you truly didn’t know what to say to that “Uh I- I’m sorry, I guess I forgot”
“We’ll be there”
“Mike, what are you doing?” You whisper to him.
“Great! I can’t wait to see you guys tomorrow”
She starts to walk away as she waves you goodbye, and as soon as she leaves you turn to face Mike, your apology already leaving your mouth “I’m sorry, Mike I’m so sorry, I don’t know what got into me-”
“Who was that?” He interrupted you “And most importantly, why did you say I was your boyfriend”
“That was my… I used to know her when I was dating my ex boyfriend” You explained, scratching your head as you tried to think of the answer to his next question “I don’t know why I said that. I panicked but of course that’s no excuse, I shouldn't have said that, I’m so sorry”
“What did she mean you told them about me last night?”
“I didn’t, I swear I didn’t” You simply reply, but he urges you to continue “I ran into them and they invited me to their engagement party, which already was so crazy cause I didn’t think Nick would ever get married, but he would give that to Emily I guess” You start to ramble, but stop when you realise you’ve said too much “She asked me if I would bring someone with me and I don’t know why but I said yes”
“Does that have anything to do with you giving me your number today?”
“No, of course not” You rushed to reply “Look, I’m sorry I got you into this. It’s stupid and it’s immature, you don’t have to worry about her thinking you’re my boyfriend, I promise I’ll call her”
You stared for a moment, waiting for him to accept your apology, although you’d understand if he didn’t.
“I can come to the party with you”
“I mean she’s not very nice, why give her the satisfaction? Plus, I already promised we’d be there”
“No, Mike you don’t have to do that-”
“I tried asking you on a date for weeks, I’m not gonna let it go to waste now, even if it’s not real”
You stop to think for a little too long. If he was down then what was the problem? Asking him to do that for you did cross your mind anyway, so now that he was volunteering himself you shouldn't feel as guilty, right?
“It’s just going to be for one night, and knowing Emily there will be so much free food and drinks, you just need to stay with me and maybe hold my hand a few times”
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Thank you so much for reading! Please let me know what you think, likes and reblogs are highly appreciated!!
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aurorawhisperz · 1 year
that’s what you get (e.l.)
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contains: swearing, suggestive content, fluff, richie exists..
neighbor!ethan landry x fem!reader
a/n: THANK YOU GUYS FOR THE TROPES NOW IM GONNA BE POSTING MORE BY JULY 🦅🦅🦅 ethan is a bit of a meanie in this but he’s still little old him (maybe just gf ethan persona)
some tropes i used are: enemies to lovers, girl next door, forced proximity and best friend’s brother 🙏 (yk allat shit LOL) THERE WILL BE A PART 2!!
You knew for a fact that Quinn Bailey was your best friend—what made it even better is that you two could communicate through your windows, but one thing you also knew is that you didn’t like her brother, Ethan, he was your age, Quinn was older than you both. He would sometimes cut into your ‘girl talk’ since his room was right beside hers.
“Dammit!” You said as you banged on the door roughly. Your parents weren’t going to be home until tomorrow morning for something important, and you had left your keys inside the house. To make it even worse, it was raining.
A familiar voice startles you and has you snap out of all that stress. “(Name)?” says Quinn, covering herself with a blanket. I think it’s pretty obvious what she was doing just now.
“Quinn!” You called from below, your eyes widen at the sight of her covered body by the window. “I’ll..get back to you! Damn..” You hear her say something to an impatient guy, something about helping a friend—obviously that friend was you.
A few minutes later, she runs out in pink slip-ons and a purple nightgown with an umbrella. “Need help? Holy shit, you are soaking.” Quinn’s eyes widen at the sight of your outfit ruined. “And cold.” You add, then slamming your fist on the wall, “I left my keys inside.”
“Boo, it’s not that hard to knock on our door.” She chuckles, then you roll your eyes, “And deal with your brothers while you get to bang someone tonight? Yeah, right.” Her eyes then dart and she forces a smile out. “Ethan’s not that bad.”
You frown, “Yes, he is.”
“Baby, you’ll have to deal with it. I can’t stand Richie anymore.” Quinn complains, then she tugs on the sleeve of your wet cardigan to let you inside her ‘humble home.’
Grateful to be out of the pouring rain, the familiar smell of your best friend’s home fills your nostrils.
You both plop down on the plush couch, and she hands you a towel for your wet hair. Quinn then shoots you a playful smile, “Aside from our ‘interventions’, what did baby bro do this time to get on your nerves?” She asks.
“That’s about it, he wants to be the center of attention even when he’s not wanted.” You let out a sigh.
Quinn’s lips curl into a smirk, and she gently places a hand on your shoulder. “He's just trying to be a part of our bond, in his own misguided way. Ethan’s.. different, he’s fucking awkward and stuff but not around us because he’s more comfortable.”
You sigh, feeling a mix of frustration and understanding. “I guess I can try to tolerate him a bit more. For you. But he better stay out of our serious conversations.”
Quinn laughs and pulls you into a hug, the warmth of her embrace enveloping you. “That's the spirit! And don't worry, I'll make sure that jackass knows when to give us our space. Besties have their ways, you know.”
“What ways?” says Richie, holding an ‘I LOVE STAB’ coffee mug. You also know for a fact that you hated him more than Ethan—being the movie geek he is, not that it’s bad, it’s how he takes it too far and even gets touchy with others. “Ways to die.” You mutter, staring deep into his damned soul.
He nods nervously and heads back into his room. “Stay in there!” yells Quinn.
Once the silence has dissolved into thin air, she blurts out, “How about that tension?” Your eyes widen, eyebrows pinched together and lips parted in protest. “Sexual tension?” You repeat, your face going pale.
She nods cheekily, “SEXUAL?” You shriek. Quinn laughs at your reaction.
You then hear Quinn’s name from upstairs, “Ooh, priorities.” She avoids your gaze and then drags you back upstairs, “Q, don’t make me a third wheel tonight.” You roll your eyes as her grip on your arm tightens.
“What the hell?” is the first thing that comes out of Ethan’s mouth when Quinn pushes you into her room. “Quinn, and you. Get out!” He narrows his eyes. “E, I’ve got a guy waiting for me to go back.”
“Then tell him to fucking leave?” He shakes his head. “You’re a degenerate, you know that?” Ethan shoots back.
“Well, I’m not a virgin, so you don’t get a say in that.” Quinn lets out a corny smile and shakes her head, you can see Ethan gritting his teeth. “Do you want her to deal with Richie then?” She tilts her head slyly.
He sighs, “No.” she raises her hands and continues “That’s what I thought, love you both!” Quinn exits just as Ethan is about to flip her off.
You sit down on Ethan’s beanbag and all he does is stare.
He scoffs, “What brings you into my lair?” He crunches on a cheeto. You obviously refused to let his taunts get under your skin, “Spare me.” You retorted.
Ethan smirks, enjoying your discomfort, “Mighty (name) finds herself in a bit of a predicament, huh?”
“Unlike you, Eth, I don't have the luxury of living in a perfect little bubble where everything goes my way. So excuse me if I need a moment to think.” You tightly clench your fists.
“Can’t we just tolerate each other’s existence only for a little bit?” You complain, Ethan’s mouth turns into an “O” shape and he sarcastically remarks “Who can go the longest without being an asshole? You or me?”
“Me.” You pridefully chuckle. “This starts now.” He declares.
You have never heard silence quite this loud. The only thing you and Ethan have been doing for the past few minutes is stare at each other. Eye language perhaps?
His lips part at the sight of you.
While you did hate Ethan, there was always something telling you otherwise—you’d find yourself looking through his window, and if you timed it right, even got to see his muscles whenever he changes. (And it was hard to keep a straight face when you’d see it during your conversations with Quinn.)
What snaps you out of that thought is Ethan’s scoff, he then turns his head—then his gaze back to you. “It’s so dumb.”
“What do you mean?” Your eyebrows pinch together in the middle, and your lips purse. “You know how Quinn gets to show off her man all she wants and how she’s so freaked out over everything they do—even when she’s..done those things so many times.” says Ethan.
Ethan then shrugs, “It’s just stupid.”, your eyebrows raise in agreement as you bit the inside of your cheek.
While you did hate Ethan, part of you..or most of you was telling you that he wanted you to give in—but give in to what? Being the muscular little thing he is, it’s hard to maintain your sanity when you see him without a shirt through his window. Practically drooling, but of course, you couldn’t let Quinn know.
Mainly because she’s so ‘Quinn’, she would probably tell him.
Behind the thin walls of her bedroom were sounds quite pathetic, you two burst into laughter up to the point where you both were crying.
You put a hand over your heart and leaned back on the beanbag.
“Are they THAT loud?” You ask, “Very.” He chuckles in response, this might be the only conversation you two could call a genuine conversation.
“This is really pervy of us to do, but we don’t have a choice, not like we can tune them out.” says Ethan as he grabs a Marvel plush and sits next to the beanbag you were on.
“It’s not like me and Quinn could tune you out.” You joke. A genuine smile tugs on the corners of Ethan’s plush lips. “Gee, you’re really being nice right now.” Your words laced with sarcasm tumbled out.
You had spent your entire life making sure Ethan would never fall for you, nor would you fall for him—and you failed.
It was like there’s nobody in the world right now but you two.
“Well, it’s part of the game right?” Ethan said, his eyes, half-lidded, looking up at you. “It doesn’t seem that much of a game anymore.” You kept your eyes on him, and he kept his on you as well.
Silence. Just silence. That was how much reality hurt.
This is also the closest you have ever been. There is only inches between you both, and you are close to giving in. Breaking the silence, “Maybe I should leave now, I’m not cold-” Ethan then stops your lips with a kiss. He pulls away and you are left with the sight of him hovering over you on the beanbag.
You kissed him back even longer, yes, you were kissing your enemy. It felt so wrong—but at the same time, it felt so right.
The smell of lemon zest surrounded you, along with his intoxicating aura. The thought then entered your head.
Hey, what if I just pulled away and ran like crazy?
Just as you’re about to pull away, he insists against your mouth, “Stay.” Ethan said, you could tell from how hot his lips were—he felt the same way. Out of control.
Ethan then turns you both over so that he was on the beanbag and you were straddling him.
His hands were sneaky enough to slide under the back of your shirt. “Just calming your nerves.” says Ethan as he rubs soothing circles on your lower back.
It was his shuddering breath that made you think this was a dream. Being woken up was the last thing you needed. Ethan whines into the kiss, and you smiled against him.
You then pull away with a small gasp escaping your lips when his hips jolt up into yours, your fist slammed against the wall as he did it twice.
“Shit, shit, I’m sorry. It’s a reflex.” Ethan stammers as he sits up, moving you as well. “No, no! I just got startled. It’s fine, really.”
He sucks in a breath through his teeth then his hands grip the sides of your face. Ethan is kissing you once again.
Just kissing, this is the closest you’ll ever get. Maybe you’ll forget about it the next day, or maybe one day—you’ll look back and regret it. The kiss being hot and slow, and his arms wrapping around you.
Ethan slides his arms around you and pulls you closer.
The moment of bliss is then interrupted when Quinn knocks on the door. “Hello? Just making sure nobody’s dead yet.”
“Shit.” You whisper, and you get off Ethan and push him back to his bed.
She enters the room and looks around. “I’m surprised this hasn’t turned into a warzone yet.”
“Uh-huh.” Ethan nods, but he’s all shades of pink. “Why are you so red right now?” Quinn tilts her head and squints. His hands move to his face and he tries to think of an excuse.
“It’s hot in here, isn’t it?”
“Have some decency, we heard you in there.” You grumbled, she then chuckles and leans against the doorframe. “Sorry, if I..” Quinn twirls her red hair with her finger. “Cockblocked you.” She lets out an awful grin then locks the door—closing it.
Now you were definitely in some situation, I guess she’s getting suspicious now. There was nothing in the room aside from the kissing sounds..what else? Ethan’s whining, and your fist hitting the wall..
Wait a minute.
You were completely fucked. Do you and Ethan just forget about it now? Or do you have to keep up the strategy? You weren’t the type to forget such a heated kiss, but what about him?
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mcuamerica · 3 months
Stranded | Part Four
Featuring : Azriel x Fem!Reader, Eris x Reader (platonic), Rhys x Sister!Reader
Summary: A certain male visits you in Autumn to do some grovelling. Requested by @sidthedollface2 here.
Warnings: 18+ only, kind of short, not proofread (i'll do it later), let me know if anything was forgotten...
Disclaimer: I do not own SJM’s characters, only the ones I create for the purpose of this story. This is a work of fiction. I do not give permission to repost my work on any other platform or medium. Please be respectful.
Dividers from @saradika
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
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Azriel was standing on the other side of the door. He shifted on it feet, something you'd never seen him do before. "Thank god you're still here." He said, looking at your with wide, tear filled eyes. "I have been absolutely horrible to you." He said.
You stood there, arms crossed. "You have." You said simply, looking at him. You weren't going to give him an inch.
"I'm sorry for paying attention to Elain all this time. I figured she needed help. But- I need to be here for you." He said.
"You weren't here for me for 50 years."
"For Cauldron's sake, (Y/N). It was a mistake! I've apologized, I've done everything I could have thought of to fix it. How was I supposed to know you were going to be locked out?"
"You left me!" You yelled, tears welling in your eyes. "How can I be sure you won't do it again?" You asked, your voice getting quieter.
"Because I will never leave you again. I will do everything in my power to stay with you. To prove to you that I will be by your side when you need me. Or when you don't. I will always be with you." He said, reaching out his hands for you.
You took one of them in yours, searching his eyes. Tears fell down his cheeks just as they did yours. You looked down and traced the scars on his hands. How could you be mad at him when what he did wasn't on purpose? How could you be mad when your mate had been doing everything he could to win you back. To earn your trust. Even when he was helping Elain, it was really to help Feyre. Elain felt comfortable around Azriel, probably because he was so quiet. And Feyre was your High Lady. Of course he would do anything to help her.
"(Y/N)... Please give me a chance. Give us a chance." He said. You searched his eyes again, finding only sincerity and a hint of blooming love.
"Okay." You said, taking a deep breath. "I will give us a chance.. Only if you promise to never leave me again. Not without telling me." You said.
"I will make a bargain with you, if that is what it takes." He said truthfully.
You shook your head, not needing a bargain to trust Azriel. You had known him for centuries. You grew up learning how to fight from him, when your father and your brother didn't want to teach you. He was the first person you cried to after Tamlin's brothers kidnapped you and killed your mother right in front of you. He made one mistake. And you could forgive him for it. Would it take time to trust him fully again? Of course. But that didn't mean you had to reject the bond. Not without trying first.
Azriel, the male that helped you through so much through your life. The male that meant everything to you, even when you were mad at him. Maybe it was the bond, or maybe it was something deeper. Maybe it was love.
Only time would tell, but for the first time in your life, you were sure of something. You could make this relationship with Azriel work. And you could have a very happy life with him, one day. Maybe soon. Maybe in a hundred years.
Whatever happened, you knew you would have Azriel by your side. The male staring down at you, grasping your hands so tight you felt as if they were going to fall off.
"Azriel..." You reached up and cupped his cheek. "Let's go home."
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A/N: Okay so I know a lot of y'all wanted her to end up with Eris, but I originally planned it to be Az she ended up with... THAT BEING SAID... I'm writing an alt ending to (hopefully) be posted tomorrow night.. I just can't do my love-lorn Az dirty like that....
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glorious-spoon · 1 month
Hi 💕 👀
hello and thank you!
💕 - kissing somewhere other than the lips
way past that
buddie | 748 words | post-coital | developing relationship | friends to lovers
Golden sunset spills across the loft, the rumpled sheets, the loose tangle of their bodies together. Buck isn't actually sure if Eddie is still awake; his hand is still resting between Buck's shoulder blades, but he's not petting him anymore, just holding him. His heartbeat is slow and steady, his chest rising and falling beneath Buck's cheek.
"Hey," Buck whispers, just in case Eddie is actually asleep. Eddie shifts, makes a cranky nonverbal little mumbling noise like he always does when Buck disturbs him. It sounds just the same now as it does in the bunks at the station, only now he can feel it rumble through Eddie's chest. That part is different. Better.
"Hey," he says back a moment later. His hand shifts, sliding up into Buck's hair, scritching gently at his scalp.
"Should we, uh… should we talk about this?" Buck asks. They definitely didn't talk about it earlier, when Eddie pushed him against the door of the loft and kissed him with the same deliberate care that he uses for everything that matters to him. Buck kissed him back then, and let Eddie steer them both toward the stairs, and it didn't feel frantic or reckless when they tumbled into bed together; it felt inevitable. Like maybe every step they've taken since that moment outside the ambulance seven years ago was leading them here.
But they didn't talk about it, not really.
"Yeah," Eddie yawns. "Probably."
"If I ask you out on a date now, will that make it weird?"
Eddie's chest moves with a startled huff of laughter. "I think we're probably way past that, don't you?"
"I don't know. Feels a little early to propose." Eddie goes still. Buck reruns what he just said in his head and groans, burying his hot face in Eddie's armpit. "Can we pretend I didn't just say that?"
"No," Eddie says, but he's laughing now, his arms tightening around Buck.
"Eddie, c'mon."
"You can take me out on a date before you propose," Eddie says, with a kind of deliberate lightness, like he's leaving space for Buck to laugh it off too, if he wants.
Buck takes a deep breath and lifts his head. Eddie is watching him. Eddie is naked in his bed, and he's got beard burn on his thighs and a hickey in the shape of Buck's mouth on his chest, just below the faint silvery divot of his bullet scar, and all of that is so new that Buck can barely get his mind to process it, but that look on Eddie's face—that's familiar. Eddie's got a good deadpan when he wants to, but Buck can still tell when he's nervous, and he's nervous now.
So that means it's Buck's turn to be brave.
"Dinner?" he asks. "Like, as a date? I know it's kind of like, a boring classic, but it's also a classic for a reason, and there's that Caribbean fusion place that you keep talking about wanting to try, and it's probably too late to get reservations tonight, but we could—maybe tomorrow? We could drop Chris off with Hen and Karen if they're cool with it, and we could go on a date. Together. If you want."
Eddie's expression melts into a smile, his eyes softening, and that's familiar too. That's the way Eddie always looks at him when he starts babbling like an idiot, but this time he also reaches up to cup Buck's cheek in one big, warm hand. Buck shuts up and takes a deep breath.
"Yeah, okay," Eddie says.
"Yeah. I'll go on a date with you tomorrow. You want to tell them? Hen and Karen, I mean?"
"I want to tell everybody," Buck says honestly. "But it's up to you. I'm not gonna be, like, mad if you wanna keep it under wraps for a while."
"I don't."
"You sure?"
Eddie rolls his eyes. "Yeah, Buck, I'm sure. Come on."
"Okay," Buck whispers. Eddie's hand is still on his face. Buck turns to press a kiss to the center of his palm, and then another on the tender inside of his wrist, lingering there for a moment. Eddie breathes in shakily at that, shifting beneath him, and Buck lifts his head to look at him. He's blushing.
"Listen," he says.
"I was gonna say we could go downstairs and maybe order a pizza if you're hungry," Buck says, "but…"
"It can wait," Eddie says quickly, and pulls him back down, laughing, into a kiss.
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komotionlessqueenmm · 4 months
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Imagine # 1,062
Gif NOT mine.
Year posted - 2024
Rating - SFW
Reading time (roughly) - 5 minutes
I've been playing a bunch of the Ghostbusters game, and it honestly drives me crazy how messy it is at the firehouse. So this imagine way born from that pet peeve of mine. Enjoy. :)
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Walking up to the second floor of the firehouse, (Y/n) sat down her bag, looking around the large room she sighed softly. The place was a mess, as always. She understood perfectly well why the place wasn't always clean, they guys were busy, always busy. Especially after Peck shut down the containment unit, and released all the ghosts they had captured over the past few months. Walking into the kitchen and dining area, she began picking up loose trash and tossing it into the nearby trashcan. The trash was nearly half full to begin with, and after a few minutes of working, it was totally full. She pulled the bag out of the bin, tied it up, and sat it aside.
As she was putting a new bag into the bin, the boys came wandering up the stairs. Funny she hadn't even heard them pull in downstairs. They all greeted her tiredly as they passed by, going straight to their quarters. (Y/n) continued to clean up the littered trash, and the expired food from the fridge. A short while later, Ray come back into the common room. His hair still dripping from his shower. The others having showered and gone straight to bed. "You know you don't have to do all of this (Y/n)." Ray said as he assisted in gathering up the dirty dishes. "Well I am an assistant, and I assist where I'm needed." She smiled softly at her favorite ghostbuster.
"Yeah I guess, but this is our mess." He shrugged, smiling bashfully. "I'm happy to help Ray, besides you guys have your hands full as it is. Speaking of which, go to bed, I've got this covered." She insisted as she took the dishes from his hands, placing them beside the sink, and then preparing the water. "No I'm alright, let me help." He argued, standing beside her stacking the dishes accordingly. "Ray you've been working all day, and you're exhausted. Go get some rest." She smiled at him, playfully bumping her shoulder into his. "I'm not going anywhere." He stated in a playfully serious tone. "You're stubborn, you know that?" She smiled at him, but stopped arguing over the matter any further.
"People usually say that about Peter." Ray joked, effectively making (Y/n) snort with laughter. "Yeah and he definitely is, but apparently so are you." She mused, making him smile. "I wash and rinse, you dry and put them away?" (Y/n) offered as she set to work on scrubbing the dishes. "I think I can manage that." Ray hummed as he retrieved a clean dishtowel. "Well I sure hope so, we've got plenty to do here." She teased as she began rinsing the first sink of dishes. Once the dishes were finished, they picked up the last bits of trash, swept the floor, and then began hauling the trash bags out to the dumpster out back. "I'll get some groceries tomorrow morning." (Y/n) stated as they hauled out the last two bags.
"I'll go with you." Ray added as he tossed his bag in the dumpster, he then took (Y/n)'s and threw it out as well. "You don't have to do that, I can manage alright." She blushed lightly as Ray held open the door open for her. "I know... But I want to." Ray smiled bashfully, following her back upstairs. "Well in that case, I'd love the company." She mused as they stood at the top of the stairs. "Now you should go to bed, you need some sleep." She stated as she grabbed her bag. "I'd rather spend some more time with you." Ray admitted, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. "And do what Dr. Stantz?" (Y/n) asked as she peered at him, their chests nearly touching from how close she'd moved towards him.
"M-maybe get some dinner? I-I haven't actually eaten since lunch." Ray stammered a little, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Home cooked, or takeout?" She asked. "Considering how late it is, how about takeout?" He asked, trying to sound relaxed, but looking anything but. "Sounds like a date, come on you can stay with me tonight, wouldn't want to disturb the guys." She smiled as his blush depend. "A d-date?" Ray stammered again, following her back downstairs. "If you want it to be." (Y/n) turned to him on the landing of the stairs. "I-I." He cleared his throat. "Do you want it to be?" He asked, again trying to act casual. "I'd love nothing more." She admitted, blushing a bit herself.
"Really!?" Ray beamed in visible excitement, again clearing his throat and trying to play it cool. "I mean... Then it's a date." He smiled charmingly, making (Y/n) giggle softly. "Good." She mused, leaning towards his face to kiss his cheek. Ray blushed deeper, following after her like a lovesick puppy. "Do you think..." Ray trailed off as they walked to (Y/n)'s car. "What is it Ray?" She asked curiously. "Would you maybe want to go on an actual date sometime? Like to a restaurant." He asked. "How about a picnic in the park? Restaurants are always so busy, and a picnic is more intimate." (Y/n) countered. "A picnic... Yeah that sounds really nice." Ray smiled at the thought. "Saturday maybe?" She offered, making Ray beam at her again. "It's a date." He hummed happily.
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Buy me a coffee sometime? ☕️
(Click the coffee for my Kofi link, IT'S NOT NECESSARY BTW.)
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mama2bears · 14 days
Starting Over Again Chapter 8
Warnings: Sexual content - not too much detail, (ONLY FOR 18+), Talk of bruises/injury, sharing shower, nakedness
A/N: Sorry for the delay in updated. Been busy with work. Next chapter will be the last chapter. I already have it finished and just need to do some editing on it. Hopefully I will have it posted later today or tomorrow. Enjoy!
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7
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Chapter 8
“So what is everyone doing today,” Tyler asked, taking a seat next to you at the table. Most of the team had already finished their breakfast.
“Dani and I have claimed the gaming system.” Boone stated, “but if anyone wants to join us..we can split into teams!”
“I want to send up the drone, get some shots of the area.” Lily said.
“I am going fishing!” Dexter added with a smile. “I see there's a pier a few miles down the road. Maybe I can bring some fish back for dinner.”
Everyone cheered at that idea and started clearing the table to go about their day.
“What about you?” Tyler looked at you with a soft smile, “What would you like to do today?”
“Stroll on the beach, collect seashells, play in the waves a little.” you smile.
“And build a sand castle.” Tyler added with a grin. “Let's do it!”
“Really?” you asked, “You don't think it's boring or stupid or anything?”
“Darling, I'd do anything with you, and to be honest, that sounds like the perfect day.”
“Hey, Y/N..come with me to the RV for a minute?” Lily asked.
“Sure.” you stand and place a hand on Tyler's shoulder and a light kiss on his cheek, “I'll be back in a minute.”
“Okay.” he squeezed your hand and watches as you walked away, lost in thought.
“Earth to Tyler...” Boone was saying.
“Huh? What?” Tyler looked at his friend.
“I said Dani and I are going to grill some burgers for lunch. Lily is coming back for lunch, but Dexter said he wants to grab a sandwich or something at the prier. I was asking what you and Y/N are doing for lunch so we know how many burgers to grill.” Boone grinned, “But you weren't paying any attention to me.”
“Sorry.” Tyler apologized. “We'll probably come back here for lunch. We are just going to be right down there.” he motioned to a stretch of beach that was just out the front door.
“So...I hear you and Tyler are spending the day at the beach,” Lily flashed a smile, leading you into the RV. She rummaged though some boxes and pulled out a bright red bikini. “Here, you can have this...go knock his socks off.”
“Oh..I don't..I don't know about that.” You blushed.
“Girl...go for it!” she winked. “You can even change in here and just completely surprise him once you are there.”
“Thank you.” You smile ducking into the tiny RV bathroom and replacing your bra and underwear with the bikini before slipping a dress back on.
A few minutes later you and Lily come back in the house laughing, causing Tyler to raise an eyebrow, “What's so funny?” he looked at you confused.
“You'll find out later.” you wink at him and Lily giggles.
As everyone parts ways to go about their day, Tyler collects a blanket and you got a few towels before heading down to the beach.
You loved the feeling of the shifting sand under your feet. You know as the sun rises and the temperature heats up the sand will soon become hot, but now, in the early morning hours, it was a just starting to warm up from the cool night air.
“You okay?” you asked, grabbing Tyler's hand as he stumbled and grabbed his leg.
“Yeah, I am fine. Just lost my footing a little.” he gave you a smile, not wanting to ruin this perfect day. Truth was, he would be okay once they got off of the shifting sand, but right now, it was hell on his leg.
You grab his hand and squeeze it tightly, “We can go back if you want.” you offer.
“Never.” he smiled, “I am looking forward to giving you the date you deserve.”
Gradually you both make your way down close to the water's edge and lay the blanket down, tucking the corners into the sand and laying the towels out.
“How are you feeling?” Tyler asks, gently placing a hand on your left side.
“Sore, but okay.” you give a smile, “How about you?”
“Nothing that a little time at the beach won't fix.” he pulls you into a kiss, then takes your hand, “How about we go for a little walk, look for those shells you wanted to find?” he asked, “I hear first thing in the morning is the best time.”
“Well, actually....the best time for shells is after a storm. More shells wash ashore during a storm...but morning would be second best.” you grin as you two walk along the shore line, the waves washing over your feet.
“Oh there's one!” you see a big conch shell rolling in the waves.
“I got it.” Tyler reached for the shell as the waves pulled it just out of his reach.
“Ah, you missed it!” You hurry and reach down to try and catch the shell, only to have the waves pull it out father.
“Oh, well...maybe we'll find another one.” you give in, a hint of disappointment in your voice.
“I'm getting you that shell.” Tyler chased the shell further out into deeper water and made another grab for it, losing his balance and falling into a wave, his head disappearing under the wave for a moment.
“TYLER!” You screamed, “you okay?”
“I got the shell!” He grinned, holding it up.
You push though the waves and run out to the waist deep water where he was and grabbed his arm, “Oh my God, Tyler, are you okay?” you practically were yelling at him.
“Yeah, I am okay. The wave gave me a softer landing.”
“You scared me to death.” you grab his hand and help him stand, “I was afraid you hurt your ribs again falling.”
“I am okay.” he confirmed handing you the shell, “for my beautiful lady.”
“Thank you.” you kiss him softly and hold his hand back to shore. Tyler stops at the blankets and slides his wet pants off, revealing a pair of dark blue swim trunks, then he tried to pull his shirt up over his head grimacing in pain. “What's wrong?” you ask concerned.
“I am trying to get this shirt off.” he sighed, “but it's wet and sticking.” he gasped.
“Here, let me help.” you help him pull the shirt over his head and your eyes immediately go to the bruises covering his back and chest. You carefully run your hand over his chest “I am so sorry.” you whisper.
“Darling, there's nothing to be sorry for. I would rather deal with this pain and these injuries then see you get hurt.” he leaned over and placed a tender kiss on your lips, “I owe you my life. You saved my life that night.” he whispered, “I'll never forget that.”
“You saved my life that night as well.” you whisper.
“And I'd do it all over again.” he leaned in closer to you and captured your lips in a long slow deep kiss.
“Do you need to go back to the house and change?” he asked.
You smile at him, stepping back a few paces, “No...I think I'll change here.” you slide your dress up over your head, revealing the red bikini and heard Tyler suck in a breath.
“Wow...” he whispers.
“You like?” you asked.
“No...” Tyler shook his head, “I don't like it.”
“Oh...” you look a bit taken back.
“I love it!” he grinned, pulling you towards him for a kiss.
You grimace and he pulls back, “Sorry...I didn't mean to hurt you.” he leans over to look at the stab wound, “Is it bothering you?” he asked, softly.
“Little..but not bad.”
Tyler carefully runs his hand down your side and then he notices all the bruises and scars running across your stomach and up your back. “My God, Y/N...I didn't know it was this bad.” anger flashed in his eyes. “He did all this to you?” he asked.
You nodded, “Yeah, but let's not talk about him, okay?”
“Alright, Darling.” he kissed her softly. “What shall we do next?”
“Take a mid morning nap on the beach?” you grin, sitting down on the blanket and stretching out. At least a little rest.
Your side was starting to bother you, and you were sure Tyler was in pain by the look on his face, even if he denied it.
“Sounds good to me.” you laid down next to you and wrapped his arms around you. As you were staring out across the ocean, he was looking at you with a grin.
“What?” you turn towards him with a smile, catching him staring at you out the corner of your eye.
“You're just so beautiful.” he whispered, kissing your lips softly, trailing his lips from your mouth, down your neck.
“Tyler...” you moan as he tenderly brushes his hand across your stomach and pausing at your bikini top.
“Want me to stop?” he asked, desire deep in his eyes.
“What if someone sees us?” you ask.
He glanced up towards the house, “We are far enough down the beach. They can't see us from the house and no one else is around. “Hold on.” he held you close to him and rolled off the blanket, laying directly on the sand and the blanket now covering you. “Better?”
You nod, “Yeah, but we shouldn't be doing this, not with your broken ribs.”
“My hands aren't broken.” he grins, pressing his lips firmly against yours in a long deep kiss. “If you want me to stop, tell me now.” he moaned, ducking his head under the blanket to remove the bikini top.
“Don't stop...”you moaned, feeling his lips and hands caressing your body.
* * * * *
“Hey Boone!” Dani called, looking at her phone.
“What's up?”
“I was just checking our YouTube feed. Someone posted videos and photos of us leaving the hotel and picking up Ty and Y/N at the hospital.”
“Yeah..we got about a million followers. They probably were interested in how T was doing. We never did update them.”
“Maybe...” Dani said thinking, “But they keep asking questions about our whereabouts. It just doesn't seem right to me. Our fans know we are chasing the storms, and if we aren't, that's our private time. They don't ask a lot about where we are if we aren't chasing. This person has posted several times a day.”
“You're right. That is suspicious.” Boone frowned. “Has anyone said anything about us being down here?”
“No. Everyone just assumes that we went back to Arkansas to rest up for a bit.” Dani informed him.
“Good.” Boone nodded.
“Should we tell Tyler?”
“No, that's just going to cause a lot of worry for no reason. As long as no one suspects we are here, then let's not worry them about it.”
Dani agreed, “I'll keep an eye on it and make sure no one discloses our whereabouts if they do see us.”
“Maybe I should do a quick video, give people a heads up?” Boone suggested.
“Yeah...good idea.”
Boone fixed his phone and made sure nothing was in the background to give away his whereabouts and then began, “Hey Hey fan base! I know we have been flying under the radar lately, but as you know, a lot has happened in a short amount of time. Listen, I need ya help. One of our team members has a crazy guy after them. It's personal business and I don't want to get into details, but we haven't had much luck with the police. That's why we've been laying low. Tyler and the team are all doing good, but listen, if you do happen to see us out and about anywhere, please don't disclose our location...for the sake of the team. We'll update you when this situation has been solved. Thank you fans! We love you!”
The sound of the door opening caused them to look up. Boone smiled, seeing Tyler and Y/N come though the door, hand in hand. Both of their hair was ruffled and they were covered in sand, breathing hard with their faces were flushed.
“Hey guys, I am just about to start the burgers.” Boone called, trying his best not to look at the couple. He wanted to say something smart, but he also didn't want to embarrass either of them.
“Yeah, I bet they've worked up an appetite.” Dani giggled.
“We are hungry.” Tyler shot them a look, “Thanks Boone. We're going to take a shower and then we'll be out.”
“Hmm hmm...no problem.” Boone held his laughter in until Tyler and Y/N had went into their room.
“Whoa boy, I bet they're going to have an active week.” he giggled and Dani playfully slapped his head, “Oh hush! What if they hear you!”
“I'll start the shower for us.” Tyler states, kissing you softly, “You wanna head back down to the beach or stay here?”
“Right now that bed is looking awfully inviting. I vote we stay here and watch a movie after lunch.” she said.
“That sounds like the perfect ending to a perfect day.”
You pull out your pajamas and a pair of shorts for Tyler before meeting him in the bathroom. He had already stripped down and was getting in the shower when he extended his hand towards you, “Join me?” he asks.
You let the bikini fall to the floor and enter the shower, where Tyler pulls you into another long slow kiss. He runs his hands slowly over your body, kissing every scar and every bruise as if he could kiss away the hurt.
“You're beautiful and I love you so much.” he muttered against your skin, moving his lips up to your neck and reclaiming your lips as his own.
Boone, Dani and Lily were already eating the burgers by the time you and Tyler finally emerged from the bedroom. All three of them passed knowing looks.
“Your burgers are over there by the grill. We did save you some.” Boone smiled.
“Oh, and don't worry about anything that might of happened on the beach today.” Lily grinned, “I didn't fly my drone over that way.”
“Oh my God, we didn't think of that!” you muttered into Tyler's ear and he laughed.
“So...um...how's the water?” Boone asked as you guys sat down with the burgers.
“Perfect.” you say.
“Well, it was a bit salty.” Tyler grinned.
“And there was a shark.” you grinned, looking over at Tyler.
“I bet that shark's name was Tyler, wasn't it?” Dani laughed and the rest of the team joined in.
“Yeah..it was...it was.” you blushed.
Once lunch was finished, Tyler stood and took your plate and his into the kitchen. “Y/N and I are going to lay down for a bit and watch a movie. When Dexter gets back, tell him we expect fish for dinner!”
“I'll help make something. Don't worry.” you tell Dani and Lily as Tyler leads you into the bedroom.
“What movie?” he asked.
“I don't care.” you crawl into bed and snuggle down into the warm covers and soft pillows.
“Okay.” Tyler flips on Pet Sematary.
You pull the covers up over your head and hide, “That's going to terrify me! The original scared me!”
“Nothing to be scared of when you got me here, Darling.” he crawls into bed next to you and holds you tight. “I think we need to put this day on repeat for the rest of the week,” he whispered, kissing you softly.
“I wouldn't complain about that.” you sigh, snuggling into his side a little closer as the movie began.
Chapter 9 (Final Chapter)
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koolades-world · 2 months
this piece is established relationship! with the nature of it anyways it probably would have been if i wanted it to or not lol. here's the post the idea came from and thank you to a wonderful mutual of mine for the inspo :)
Sharing is Caring
"Satan? You in here?" You pushed open the doors to the library in search of the knowledgeable demon. It was almost totally silent, minus the sound of a gentle, crackling fire.
"Yes. I'm by the fireplace." Satan's voiced echoed through the large room. You shut the door behind you and made your way over to where you'd heard him. "Hello, Mc. How was RAD today?" You quickly made yourself comfortable next to him. You threw your bag down onto the table in front of you and stretched out your limbs. He was reading, as usual.
"Tiring. But not too bad. Baking club was fun. Barbatos taught us how to make a bread that has candy hearts in it. We'll bake it tomorrow. He told us to think of a certain someone while making it for the most desirable outcome taste wise. Guess who I thought of?" You playfully elbowed Satan.
"Was it Cerberus?" He knew how much you cared for that dog, but you also knew he must've been messing with you.
"Noooo. Guess again, silly billy." You loved his tongue-in-cheek antics. Most weren't granted the chance to see that side of him, which was something you were eternally grateful for. He was much more than just the Avatar of Wrath, and it was a real shame others didn't take the time to learn the rest of him.
"Solomon, mayhaps?" You could see the hints of a smile begin to light up his face. You began to laugh as he tried harder to conceal his growing emotion.
"No! I'll give you a hint. He's blond, very helpful, and a genius." You poked his cheeks. He finally put the book down and allowed the joy to overtake his still features.
"So it's Luke then." He himself was beginning to chuckle.
"Wrong again. It's you! You're not very good at guessing games." You swatted at his arms as he put them around you to pull you into his side.
"Thank you, Mc. That's very thoughtful of you." He pressed a kiss on top of your head and into your hair.
"It's going to be delicious, I just know it. Even if the bread is awful, you'll still taste the heart and soul I put into it." You hugged him back, and savored the moment.
"You're so sweet. I'll make sure to enjoy it, just for you." The both of you eventually went back to being productive after you'd exchanged more sweet talk. You had homework to get done and he had a book to finish.
While digging through your bag for your supplies, you inevitably pulled out your pencil case. It contained what was arguably one of the most important tools for completing homework. You tried to fish out your favorite pen and instead found some sort of hard candy you'd been given by a professor earlier that day. You'd personally confirmed it was safe for human consumption, and decided to save it for while you were doing work later. Since it was Satan, despite the fact that he was enthralled in his book, he noticed almost immediately that you'd put something in your mouth. Maybe it was the scent, or the sudden movement, but you caught his attention.
"What's that?" He peeked over the top of his book, intrigued.
"A cinnamon hard candy. It's probably the most normal candy I've had in a long time. Got it for answering a question correctly in Devildom History." You gently blew on Satan's face so he could really smell the cinnamon.
"Where's mine?" He asked. You couldn't tell if he was being sincere or not, but at that point it was too late to give it to him since it was already in your mouth.
"Didn't you have Devildom History today too? You should've gotten your own, babe." You stuck your tongue out at him with the candy right in the center. He lightheartedly rolled his eyes back at you. You thought that was the end of that conversation as he turned his attention back to the book. Little did you know, he was in the middle of devising a plan to 'borrow' the candy from you.
He started by speaking up whenever he could when you were doing your homework. Whenever he saw you hesitate on something, he’d reassure you or help guide you to the correct answer. From there, he would also start to read romantic quotes from what he happened to be reading. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary for him. On the contrary, it would be more odd if he didn't.
"I need a break." You put the book you were holding back onto the table. To mentally relax, you decided to scroll on Devilgram. As you did though, Satan vied for you attention more than usual. Rather than directly asking or whining, he was subtle in his pleading. It didn't take you long to cave.
"You're planning something, aren't you?" You knew him well.
"Is it a crime for a demon to want attention from his amazing, gorgeous partner?" He tried to dodge the question, but unfortunately for him, you saw right him.
"I expect this kind of behavior from Mammon." Satan went silent, but met your gaze. "Do you want a kiss?" You could see the way his features lit up. You planted kisses all over his face, and he returned the favor. When your little exchange was over, you realized something was missing.
Looking over at Satan told the whole story. With a misevious grin, you saw him roll around the same candy while focusing on readiing again. "Satan. Is that my candy?" You knew the answer to that question.
"I have no clue what you're talking about." You could hear the laughter in his voice.
"You win this time. You earned that. Just you wait thought. I'll get you back." You hugged him and began your own scheming. You'd get him in some fun way later that evening. But for now, you planned to just enjoy snuggling with him. He might be a little shit sometimes, but he was your little shit.
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edgeray · 6 months
Arlecchino is a corrupt person.
(Arlecchino x Reader Blurb)
It is why it comes to everyone's surprise when they find out she has such a pretty little thing like yourself hooked around her finger, following her around like a lovesick puppy at times (what people do not know is that it's her that is the lovesick puppy). After all, how can a 'dove' such as yourself, innocuous and pure, follow around a Fatui Harbinger like herself? When you're out in public with your beloved husband, hand-in-hand, the two of you frequently garner gawks from strangers: stares of concern, sometimes of disgust, and most infuriating of all? Pity.
That's only because they don't know she's already debauched you.
When a romance blossomed between the two of you, Arlecchino was quick to inform you of her depravity. She tells you that her hands are dipped in sin: the blood of many and the destruction in any. She tells you of the rumors that surround her, whether exaggerated or accurate, they are, nonetheless, a statement and reflection of her character. She tells you that the public, Fatui, Harbingers, and her children alike are terrified of her. She tells you that no amount of atoning will allow her to repent the atrocities she has caused. You, who is the closest thing to an angel, are with someone who is one of the closest things to a devil. Surely, she will drag you to the depths of hell with her, won't she?
She asked you one day, near the start of the relationship, if you would traverse the barren and harrowing landscape that is hell with her when it came to it.
Her words are as crass and undignified whenever she's with you--she sees no need to hide this part of herself from you as it was only another fragment of her decadence--but her body language is subtly different. Her gaze is sweeping over your expression, her shoulders are more upright (tense, you later corrected), her brows sporting a slight knit, and her expression is not as unreadable as she likes to believe. Something as uncharacteristic of her as hesitance and uncertainty makes its way into her speech, regarding you.
It makes you pause, your thoughts halting to a stop as you take in her expression. Arlecchino, an ever-assured and sophisticated diplomat of the Tsaritsa and Snezhnaya, is reluctant. It's here that humanizes her, and displays to you her own insecurity, no matter how small it is. It's... almost adorable, gratifying, even, to be able to see this hint of vulnerability. The Fourth Harbinger isn't as infallible as many believe, but only she allows you to see it.
You raise your hand to cup one side of her face delicately and tenderly stroke her cheek with your thumb; not because she is fragile glass but because despite her corruptedness, you love her wholly and untaintedly. And because it is you, she visibly melts, leaning forward and placing some weight on your palm as you hold her. Your other hand searches for hers, intertwining an angel's fingers with a devil's; it only feels like bliss. You gaze into her red-crossed eyes--the distinct crimson akin to the blood she's spilled, the same pupils that have struck terror in others, the very rubies that hold compassion only when they're on you--warmly.
You tell her that the two of you will rule hell if she so desires.
Even if she is corrupt, your love will always be uncorrupt: unwavering and pure. And for that, maybe, for loving someone like that, that makes you just as debauched.
To hell with it.
Arlecchino is a corrupt person. So are you.
A/N: Sorry for the delay on posting today's blurb! I'll try to make it up tomorrow. <33 Soft Arlecchino has my heart.
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cloudsmateria · 8 months
college roommate - leon kennedy x reader
nerdy!reader x leon kennedy
Tumblr media
synopsis: you and leon have just started university, finding yourself in the same university visit, he comes and visits your dorm as he's been struggling in his classes. you kick it off, and you invite each other into your different, interesting lives.
words: like 4500
disclaimer: this isn't proof-read and i actually do need to proofread it and i will when i finish it, this also isn't finished. so if u don't wanna read it now and wanna come back to it when it's pristine and complete be my guest, the edit of this will be very edited like literally whole chunks of texts will be different, i just wanted to post something
content warning: kissing, bit of angst, slight smut/almost smut, sexual themes
A loud knock rings through your door, if it had come even a second later you wouldn’t have heard it at all as you were on a one-way path to passing out on top of your notes. 
“Come in.” You mumble, picking your head up off of the desk and watching as a dirt-blonde hunk of a boy you don’t recognise comes through. Maybe it’s one of the frat boys trying to get to know all the girls in his dorm house. 
“Hey. Can I ask a favour?”
“Who are you?”
"I'm Leon, I saw you in my engineering lecture the other day and you looked like you understood what was going on. Then I found out you were in my university building. So here, I am. Help. Please. I’m going to fail and we’re only 3 weeks in." His desperation makes you laugh, something you were shocked you could do in this dazed state after a mind-boggling 8 hours of completing work.
"Oh Leon, I'd love to but I think if I even think about that engineering class for another second right now I might actually drop down and die."
"It can wait, you busy right now? Other than you know, spilling drool all over your papers?”
“Yeah, I was just about to go spill some on my pillow too, I'm exhausted." You say, not entirely joking, and begin to gather your things.
“I get it.”
“We have another engineering lecture tomorrow anyway so you can just catch me then."
"You sure, though? I mean I'm already here." He shrugs and picks up a book from her bookshelf. "How do you read any of these? There are no pictures." You laugh again. 
"You're asking me how I read physics books when you take engineering… Are you sure you picked the right course? You know, you can read it if you want, and would probably benefit from it. If you can even read."
"No thanks, I'll just get you to teach it to me tomrrow. I’ll see you in a bit, Einstein.” 
"You should watch what you call me if you want me to tutor you, that’s usually not free."
"Oh, but the thing is I don't think you're actually going to make me pay for anything. You're too nice for that."
"That's a very bold statement to make to a stranger."
"You'll come round eventually."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever."
"Can I just ask you another question? I'm not going to stop annoying you until you answer it the way I want you to."
"Go on." You sigh.
"Have you eaten today? Cause I haven't and I'm hungry."
"Okay, okay, God, you're persistent. Gonna give me a headache." You groan and sit up.
"It’s worth it, you'll need me to keep you sane later in the year."
"Oh really? You think we’re gonna stay friends that long?"
"I know you've got your nerdy brain, but I've been told I have a great personality." You can't tell if he's implying something with that disgustingly stupid joke or if he really is just an idiot. To be fair, he's funny and managed to pull you out your the room you had been hibernating in for the past few days to get ahead of work. You suppose there are worse people you could be forced to talk to.
"Whatever. Just get out of here." You push him towards the door.
"You're not going to eat with me?" You roll your eyes and lock the door, getting dressed into something that wasn't your pyjamas.
Now here you were, eating outside with this boy from your lectures when you had just wanted to be at home sleeping. Although it was nicer than you thought it would be, he had insisted on buying you an energy drink to keep your eyes open as you were eating in some random burger shop.
"How come you're struggling?" 
"Been going to too many parties, I've got different priorities."
"What?" He says defensively.
"Don't make me slap you. You can't be stupid because you got into this university, you're wasting your potential."
"I am not!"
"You're struggling! We're only 3 weeks in! I mean, come on, Leon."
"I don't understand what your problem is, maybe you need to live a little."
"That is rich coming from you. You're going to peak in college and fuck up the rest of your life if you ruin your chance now. And I live fine right now, I go out often enough and put the rest of my time toward my course, like a responsible human being."
"So you're boring?"
"So you're an idiot and can't plan for the future?"
"No, I'm not." He smirks. "And also, I never said I couldn't plan for the future, just that it isn't the only thing I want to focus on."
"Okay, fine, that's it. This is your problem, I'm not tutoring you."
"Got under your skin?" He smiles.
"I'm serious. You're smart if you got into this school, but you're wasting your talent partying and sleeping around."
“You’ve only known me for 20 minutes and you’ve managed to start an argument.”
“I just don’t want to waste my time. If you want me to help with assignments you need to make an effort, and if you want to be my friend, you’re also going to need to make an effort because I’m not going to care about someone who can’t even care about themselves.”
"I care about myself. Why else would I come to you for help on this?"
"Because you can't do it yourself and your friends are too stupid to ask them for help."
"No... Well... Okay fine, yeah that sounds pretty accurate. But in all honesty, I do care about my grade, that's why I'm coming to you. Now you know my intentions, I beg talk about something else, this entire conversation is reminding me of my mom."
"Like what?"
"Like, there's a party next Saturday, and I think you should come with me. You’re pretty entertaining."
"Oh, Leon. You're so clueless, it's pitiful."
"You have to go to the party, it will be fun."
"I have been to parties, I've gone to 2 since the start of the semester. But we have assignments to work on this week."
"One more little party isn't going to kill you. It'll be good, and then we can do the work."
"That's a very backward mindset." 
"You'll thank me, trust me."
"You say the reason you’re struggling is because you’re going to many parties, and immediately proceed to invite me to a party." You shake your head and laugh. “You are something else.”
“So are you coming?”
“I’ll think about it.”
You and Leon had been going to the lectures together ever since, having lunch at points when he wasn’t hoarded by his friends and even managing a few study sessions into his schedule. You came 5 minutes early for the engineering lecture the next day. Flipping through the textbook notes to top up on your pre-reading beforehand, you had right at the back as Leon begged you to over text the previous night to sit there rather than the front so he’d feel comfortable sitting next to you. It doesn't take long for people to start filtering in, and eventually, that blonde-headed boy pops up next to you, leaning his head on your shoulder immediately. 
"Didn't get enough sleep last night." He mutters.
"Up studying?"
"You know me so well." 
“I'm not even going to ask what you were doing." You sigh, fully believing he had either gone clubbing or to another party last night.
"I promise you, I was studying. And you can ask me all the questions you want, I'll try my best to answer. I did go a little off track and I'm not doing well at it but your inspirational speech convinced me to try a bit."
"Really?" You ask excitedly, looking down at him. "Leon, that's great!" You feel his cheeks crease into a smile against your shoulder at your enthusiasm.
"You're more excited about it than I am, that's cute." He chuckles. "Keep talking, my head hurts, your voice helps."
"The lecture starts soon."
"Don't care." 
"I’m not going to talk over the lecturer." You say, flicking his forehead.
"It's just a lot, okay? I'm trying my best, but I might have reached my full capacity last night." He sits up and sighs, rubbing his temples.
“Welcome to university."
"Yeah, whatever. Can we go back to your room after?"
"Thank you."
"Of course." 
The professor finally steps into the lecture hall, and everyone quiets down, preparing for the lesson.
Halfway through, Leon couldn't help but pass out on you again. Your body went rigid, trying to make sure his head wouldn't fall off your shoulder. You pick the paper off of his desk, dragging it toward you as you start to write notes on your own and his paper so he won't miss out on anything.
He's surprisingly cute when he's not cracking annoying jokes and snapping back with snarky remarks. He was even making you lose track of the lecture a bit.
After class, you wake him up and walk him back to your dorm with him, chatting and catching him up on what he missed briefly. When you think about it, you're surprised you only met him yesterday. He feels like someone you've known since secondary school, or maybe he just treats everyone this way. Either way, you wouldn't complain about spending time with him.
"So, we're alone. What do we do?"
"Study?" You say, throwing him a pencil and paper. "Don't ask me stupid questions like that again."
"Come on, we just got out of an hour lecture, we basically already studied."
"A lecture that you slept for half of-"
"And that you caught me up on after."
"We need to make up the time. Now come on, let's work."
"Now, Leon."
The next hour wasn't as bad as you had expected it to be, you could still get your work done while simultaneously teaching Leon that content he missed out on. His demeanour quickly became enthusiastic when he saw how proud you were when you understood a concept, and you were genuinely impressed, he caught onto things quickly. After an hour, you both took a break sitting on your bed, him replying to some messages on his phone.
"Hey." You say, poking his arm to draw his attention.
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"Making the effort to try, even if it is just a little bit."
"You're definitely making more effort than me." He smiles, leaning his head on your shoulder again.
"If you want to sleep you should just go home, you must be exhausted."
"I'm not leaving you in this depressing room, I'm keeping you company."
"I’m not keeping you from anything? Your phone was blowing up a second ago I assume you have somewhere to be."
"They can wait, I want to stay around for a bit longer. I like the change for once."
"It's quiet, I can think for once. You’re different from the people I’m around smart and stubborn,”
“So you’re aware of the poor choice of people you hang around, you had me fooled for a while.”
“Wait I’m not done, and even after all of that, I can tell that you're a little shy which is adorable. Oh, and my favourite part is how easy you are to annoy."
"I am not."
"You're blushing right now, I can feel your cheek getting hot. Adorable."
"Don’t you even close your mouth?"
"You know I can't, come on, it's not like you mind."
"Oh my god."
"Admit it, I'm fun to be around."
"Yeah, yeah."
"Tell me what you think of me."
"Tell me, come on. Please, I'm dying for validation."
"Well. You're nice, and I've never seen you without a smile on your face, it's refreshing.”
“A little more… I know you got it in you.”
“You're not as stupid as you make yourself out to be,. And I honestly can't tell if I'm special or if you treat everyone else this way because you make me feel way more important than I really would be for someone like you."
"You're special, trust me. And that's a stupid question to ask. Do you want a list of the people I've met? The people I’ve made friends with?"
"I can count on one hand the real people I've managed to keep around and one of those is my dog. Don't worry about that, because I know you’re gonna be on that list too. I know you think that I have so many friends and I'm surrounded by people all the time, but they're all fake. They're just fun for parties and clubbing when you have nothing else to do."
"It's true." He looks at you, his expression becoming serious for the first time since you've met him. "And I've got to tell you, you're different."
"Yeah, you're interesting. You're not fake, and you're actually doing something with your life."
"I wouldn't be too sure about that, I think you’ve just surrounded yourself with one particular type of person, and now you’re shocked when you meet someone who’s not an idiot."
"Come on, I've seen the work you've done in these past 24 hours. You were working for at least 25 of them.” 
"You know how to flatter me."
"That's another reason why you should hang out with me more."
"Oh, and why's that?"
"I'm not afraid to admit how much I like you, Einstein. Makes you feel good, doesn’t it?"
"I can't even think about what I should say to that." You say, laughing and burying your head in your hands. "God, you're a mess."
“I suppose, yeah. You’re changing that though.” He lifts your chin up to face him, smiling at your red cheeks. “See? So cute.”
"Why do you have to keep saying things like that?"
"Because you react this way." He grins.
"I hate you."
"Let me ask you something again. Are you going to go to the party on Saturday?"
"I don’t think so."
“Since I’ve got the chance, I think I can change your mind.” He smiles and pulls your face a little closer, close enough for him to feel your shallow breaths against his lips.
"I-" You can't find any words, you're stunned. He's gorgeous, and you can't deny that, but the idea of kissing him feels wrong, you can't do it. Not right now. The thought of getting with someone you're starting to have feelings for is setting off alarm bells, the alarm bells imprinted by your bad experiences from secondary school of guys playing with your emotions. No matter how much your heart is screaming you want to, your mind is screaming no. 
"You're gonna go with me right?" He whispers.
"Okay." You say hoarsely, your legs desperately pressed together.
"Good girl." He smiles, getting up and putting his shoes on. "I'll see you on Saturday." He says, before leaving.
"I'm screwed." You mutter.
Saturday finally rolled around. You weren't even sure how much time you spent with Leon the day before, but you knew you wanted more.  This was starting to become a concern for you. You remember last year, when you were hurt so bad you pledged to never fall for someone again. You can't do this, not with him. You know Leon is exactly that kind of guy, he’s charming, an athlete, with too many friends for his own good, someone who has no reason to be associated with you unless he wanted something, and was patient when it came to getting it. 
And yet, here you were, wearing a simple little black dress and the heels Leon said would match. You pray that the feelings are cut off here, hopefully he sees you as just a friend and just likes to tease. But a little part of you has a sliver of hope that maybe this is real.
Leon came to pick you up from your room, as he was only a floor away. When you opened the door you were met with Leon dressed in a black bottom down with the top two buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up which definitely made you feel some kind of way.
"Leon, hi." You say, overly aware of the fabric hugging your skin, you rarely wore tight clothes. 
"Wow." His eyes were stuck to everything that wasn't your face.
"Hey! My eyes are on my face, not my chest."
"I know."
"Just admiring the view." You ended up crossing your arms to try and hide a bit of your figure.
"Can you stop looking?"
"You look great, don't worry." He says.
"No, I'm serious. I mean it, you look amazing. Just relax and have fun, okay?"  He puts his arm around your waist, pulling you close. "You look hot. And it's only going to get better. Just try to have a good time, I'll be by your side the whole time.”
"I've been to a party before, you don't need to baby me."
"I know it’s just this one is a big one. They always end in a mess. I've had a couple of close calls with the police."
"That's not what I'm worried about." I'm worried about what I might end up doing with you, she thinks.
"Just tell me if anything makes you uncomfortable and we can go." He smiles and leads you out of the dorm building and into the street.
"How far is it?"
"Only a few minutes away." He says, leading you along the sidewalk.
The walk wasn't too far, it was about 20 minutes of you both drinking from a wine bottle for some pre-game. Time seemed to fly by as you came to the house. Whoever was hosting this party, probably one of Leon's friends no doubt, was rich. The house was huge and the whole thing was vibrating with the music that blasted through it.
"We're here."
"I think it’s going to collapse.."
"Wait until you see inside." He grabs your hand and drags you in, the house packed. You didn't recognise anyone and felt a little intimidated as Leon led you through the crowd of people, pushing them aside. You couldn't believe there were this many students in the town.
He stops at the kitchen, handing you a drink. You hadn't gone to a party this big before, and that was voluntary, this was just too much. You drink it in one to hopefully get you drunk enough to gain a bit of confidence and hand it back to Leon for it to get refilled.
"I didn't know there were this many people here."
"There's usually a lot." He smiles, handing her another drink. "Don't worry, I'll be with you the whole night. You take a shot before starting to sip on the more tame drink Leon had gotten. 
"What do you want to do first?"
"Let’s go find some of my friends.He says, taking your hand and dragging you through the sea of people, most likely dancing, grinding, or drinking.
He pulls you into the living room, finding his friends from one of the lectures and joining in on their conversation. You're introduced and you talk with them, they're all quite funny and sweet. You were happy to have found a fun little group.
The rest of the night is spent with them, the five of you getting progressively drunker and drunker and talking about more and more stupid shit before someone suggests the group should go and dance, you immediately go and hide behind Leon. 
"Dancing is definitely not my thing." You whisper.
"You have to come."
"No way."
"Please." He says, looking into your eyes.
"I want you to."
"If you hate it, I'll make it up to you. Please." He whispers, and you sigh, giving in. "I know you'll enjoy it." He smiles and leads her by the hand into the living room where everyone is.
"Everyone's too drunk to be paying any attention anyway." He says, and the group joins in on the dance. 
After a few more drinks the alcohol started to hit.
"Isn't so bad, is it?" He says after the first few minutes, watching you find your rhythm.
"No, it's fun."
"See, told you."
"Don't let it go to your head, I'm just drunk."
He smiles, spinning you so your back is pressed against his, the two of you continue to dance. He leans down and kisses your shoulder, wrapping his arms around your waist and grinding into you.
"It's hard to control myself with you, almost kissed you that time I convinced you to come to this party, could tell you weren’t sure though."
"Because I thought we were just friends."
"That never lasts long, does it? Did you really think it was going to stay that way forever?" He says, running his hand down your thigh.
"We're drunk." You mumble, leaning your head back onto his shoulder. God, you wanted it. You were trying with everything you had to rationalise with yourself. He knew what he was doing.
"That doesn't change the fact that you're irresistible. And that's not the alcohol talking. I've been wanting to do this for a while."
 He smirks, spinning her back around to face him and lifting you up, your legs wrapping around his waist.
"Let's go upstairs,"
"Shh." He puts a finger over her lips and leads her away, finding the stairs and walking up. “Stop doubting yourself. One thing about you is that you always say no, or doubt yourself, let’s change that for once.”
He takes you to the first room he finds, happening to be a bathroom, opening the door and stepping in, kicking it closed and locking it. He sets you down and starts to kiss you, the alcohol making it a lot more forceful than usual. You kiss back, letting him guide you and set the pace, his hands sliding over her body. 
"You're so fucking beautiful." He mutters, his lips trailing down to your neck. You feel the pressure of his hands pushing you backwards. Your back hits the counter, he lifts you up and settles himself between your thighs.
"Are you sure? About me?"
"Yes." He smiles, lifting his head. "Now stop doubting yourself, will you? You're too perfect for that." If you were sober, your mind would've had red lights blaring, trying to protect you, but the alcohol flattened out all thoughts. A hint of doubt crossed your mind instinctually. But his touch is so good, and he's making you feel things that you haven't in a long time.
"Come on, tell me how much you want me."
"I really like you, Leon. It's just...I have this feeling that I'll get hurt."
"What are you so afraid of? What can I do to change your mind?" He whispers. "I'll do anything for you." He says, pulling your head down to kiss him. The sweet nothings bring back some bad memories, it's starting to feel a bit like deja vu.
"I've been hurt before, Leon."
"What's his name? I'll kick his ass."
"It was in high school, but it happened too many times."
"You have to stop thinking, just focus on me, okay?"
"Come on." He sighs, pressing a finger to your lips. "I won't let anything bad happen to you. I don't want to lose something because someone in your past ruined everything for you, okay?"
"I don't know."
He sighs. "Do you wanna head home ?"
"I'm sorry."
"I'm not upset. Come on, I'll take you back."
"I didn't mean to ruin the night."
"No, I'm not letting you leave thinking you ruined it. I'm sure a million more parties are happening this week if you feel so bad."
"I'm a mess, Leon. Why do you even like me? I'm not worth it."
"Of course you are." He says, cupping your cheek."You're the only person I can stand to be around for hours while sober. And you can't argue with that."
"I'll get us out of here and you can crash in my room."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. Now come on, we're leaving." 
The taxi ride home was short and sweet,  but still awkward. You were scared he'd be mad at you for ending the night so abruptly, but when you got into the room he made sure to put his arm around you, whispering reassurement into your ear, stroking your hair.
"You don't have to worry. I'm not angry."
"I don't blame you for wanting to wait."
"It's just, the last time-"
"I'm not him, you can trust me. I've been trying to prove that to you."
"I think... Maybe I can learn to trust you."
"You will, eventually." He says, holding his arms open, gesturing for her to cuddle with him.
"Thank you."
You cuddle him for a bit, the silence being cut by the sound of the two of you breathing. Leon leans down to kiss capture your lips softly, it feels a lot easier to kiss him back, pressing your body against him.
"I don't know why anyone would ever hurt you." He whispers between kisses. "You're perfect." He runs his fingers through your hair.
"I don't know about that."
"I don't know why you doubt yourself either. Go to sleep, you'll feel better in the morning."
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muffinpink02 · 4 months
Woah woah woah, I saw your post with the other stories your writing. What and who are the other stories about?when will they be released? i love all your works, especially the Alexia ones!
Okay, this is my WIP’s
You Taste Like Vanilla - ft Jenni & reader - Summary - You piss off Jenni, so she takes it out on you in smut. Half way to finishing. Smut 18
Queen Of Hearts - ft Alexia & reader, Ingrid, Mapi, Lucy, Ona - Summary - it's 1700’s times (think game of thrones)  you’re a princess, Ingrid's your bestie. Alexia is a spanish acquaintance, (also a royal)  she's a bit of a player but you want her, she maybe wants you and lots of drama. I've started it but it might be a big story so it will take me a while. Smut 18 
Bronze is better than gold - if you know, you know. smut 18 
Taking your crown part 2 - Summary - reader goes to Barcelona, meets Alexia and….I don't want to give too much away. Got a bit of this done, just under half way. Smut 18 
Coffee** shop - ft  Mapi & reader - Summary - You get a job with Mapi, she's a big flirt, your current partner is a dick, does Mapi sway your mind? Some appearances from the Barca girls. Got a lot done but a lot more to go. Smut 18 
Cancellation - ft Mapi & reader - Summary - you and Mapi make a double booking for a cabin. Smut 18 halfway finished.
Hands - Alexia & reader - Summary - not much, just you loving Alexia's hand and what she does with them. Smut 18. Nearly done 
Baby Putellas - Alexia & reader - Summary - reader is pregnant, Alexia is protective, cute and all that fluff. It's more me trying to work on my fluff. No smut. Nearly done. 
Truth Or Dare - reader and barca girls, but mostly Alexia - only got the title but smut 18 
Paddle Board - anon request - nearly done! may be out today tomorrow, maybe a day later... smut 18
Stories I havent started but will…
Like a Virgin part 2 
Guess who part 2 
It's not what you know, it's who you know part 2 
My request - I have a request in my inbox that i really want to do (Lucy and reader captain armband) I love it and I really want to do it, but I know I’m taking a long time so please let me know if you want to ask someone else, I won't be annoyed! 
The request for Lucy and Alexia - (champions league final one, Lucy under pressure) again love it, may actually start this one soon, because i'm a slag for these two women and really want to try to do these two sooner than later. 
I have another request in my inbox Lucy and reader (black slit dress) again really want to do this, I could maybe be quicker with this one but not sure when i'll start, but again if you can't wait and want to ask someone else let me know.
With request I wont know when I can get these done, as you can see I’m a bit of a serial jumper to different stories. So for now I can't promise to get any future requests done. But feel free to jump in my asks, sometimes it helps me when I see a new story. Also guys I'm a slow writer, I don’t like rushing, and when I do I never like the end product so please bear with me.
And also thank you for all the love on here, I love hearing what you guys have to say, always feel free to jump in for a chat or any questions,
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