#i'll keep answering requests when i have proper time
lyramundana · 1 year
What about yan!minsung x sub!9th mem reader where they can't handle it when the whole world is able to see what's supposed to be only for them to see
Or just some yandere jealous head canons cuz I'm sucker for this shit
(Also can I be 🦋 anon and I luv u)
Omg omg, yandere minsung? 9th member?? Yes and YES. This is my shit. (luv you too my butterfly💕)
They knew they were made for each other from the second they met. Soulmates, people said, and they felt it was the truth. Their souls are one and the same, two sides from the same coin which can't co-exist without the other. And as time passed, these feelings started to part towards a new party, their precious 9th member. The three of them became one unit, bonded together and vowed to always stay like this, right where they belonged.
Of course, idol life isn't easy and is full of hardships. This is their long life dream, yeah, but there are times the sacrifices made feel too much. Luckily, they have each other for comfort and find strenght in this passionate, burning love they share. While the 9th member is beaming in happiness with them and does her best to improve on performances, they don't notice the growing darkness in the boys' gazes, and how their love is slowly becoming a twisted thing.
9th member works until exhaustion to be recognized and satisfy the fans. They want to success, to be admired and have the love of the crowds. They share this with their boyfriends, but they always tell her the same thing: "You already have our love, sweet thing? You don't need anyone else". Of course, this has led to arguments, because Han and Minho are among the most loved members by the fandom and obviously they don't feel the need for such attention whey they already have it. But 9th member doesn't give up, and so they began to climb their way to the top and gain more admirers.
The rest of members are extremely happy and proud for them, but there are two certain individuals that aren't so cheery...
What sucks about being an idol is that you have to be perpetually single for the fans, so they can enjoy their dellusional fantasies peacefully with you. They were all aware of these things before debuting and prepared themselves. But is one thing knowing the theroy and another witnessing it in real life. In the person they love the most and practically worship. They can only explore their love behind closed doors, and in front of the public, act like they are available for anyone. 9th member deals with it like a professional. Han and Minho...not so much.
They always knew their partner was full of talent, all grace and beauty, and they spent hours singing praises to them. So now hearing those same words coming from strange mouths and watching 9th member welcome all of it with a soft smile, the feel their blood boil. What the fuck? Why are they smiling and giggling like that?
When 9th member has a solo or wears revealing clothes, they feel the need to burn the entire agency with everyone inside. That skin is only for THEIR eyes. Those beautiful legs, that soft face, the beaming figure, the curves, it all belongs to THEM. Who do they think they are to go and display their propietry like that for anyone to see? But they can't say anything against it, for this is the jon they chose, and so they have to bite their tongues.
Once they're done, they drag 9th member to a secluded area and teach them a lesson about showing off what's theirs. They cover 9th member in marks, bruising them, treating them more harshly they have never done. The rip off the stage outfit to pieces, leaving them all naked and exposed for them. Right how's supposed to be like. Han eats them out, biting their inner thights until they're red and painful, while Minho scratches them all over and bites. They manhandle 9th member and fuck them over and over until they are breathless, shaking and dumb. Minsung had never been this way before during sex, not this rough and crude. But you know the worst part?
They have enjoyed it. Every.Second.
They realize how good it feels fucking their little sub dumb and fill them with their cum after they had to endure sharing them for the world to see. All those pathetic fuckers can stare and fantasize all they want, but their precious members belongs to them at the end of they day. And during the next couple of days, their body will be filled with the physical proofs of it.
Now, the thing about k-pop industry and relationships is that, if it happens between members from the same group, handling it's very difficult. Even more if they're toxic. Even if 9th member notices how dangerous and toxic the boys are becoming, they can't escape. They can't act on it without jeopardizing the whole group and their career, and the boys are aware of it. So there's no other choice but endure it.
Endure knowing they're not allowed to have friendships outside the group. Endure they can't touch someone else but them and viceversa. Endure they have to be compliant and low their head when Han and Minho are there, let them do all the work. Endure the endless night of rough, harsh fucking because they are jealous of everyone and everything and need to lash out somehow. Endure the lack of solo activities and collabs, because they're not supposed to do anything without them. Oh, and if you wonder, yes, the rest of boys notice this dynamic, but same. They can't do shit without risking everything they've worked so hard for, and Han and Minho make sure to hide the gruesome parts from them. Endure the v-lives where they make a show of placing 9th member on their laps, being utterly touchy with them to the point it's almost inapropiate.
An idol tries his luck? He got into a scandal mysteriously. An stylist suggests 9th member to wear flashier clothes to enhance their body? Fired.
They both control every single aspect of 9th member's life. If they can't keep their partner away from the stage, they have to make up another way.
@sweetracha because she might like this
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moondirti · 3 months
kyle yearns for his captain's approval. you're the perfect medium through which he can secure it.
featuring: gaz x fem!reader x price. very consensual. fondling. inspection. fluff. praise kink. objectification. cucking? anal play. mentions of dp and breeding. 4k words of nonsense.
when price asks gaz if he's got anyone at home, gaz answers.
truthfully. he'd be hesitant to admit that he does to anyone else – soap especially, what with his track record of worming his way into people's pants – but his captain is... his captain. jonathan price. a real force of nature, cursed with an uncanny determinism and a habit of getting what he wants regardless of if those around him are willing. gaz knows that price will find out eventually; when the ring he's been planning to purchase for months finds it's way onto your finger, and he requests a change be made to the dependants section of his paperwork. perhaps before then too, if he really did some digging. but gaz also knows that, if there were anyone to trust with this precious knowledge, it'd be him.
so, he tells him about the little number he's got tucked away in a home in south oxfordshire. it's the lazy afternoon before a big mission, and he shouldn't be drinking but he is, a tumbler cradled between his palms and the burn of rye whiskey loosening his tongue. price doesn't speak, just listens, as the sergeant gradually devolves into more and more detail about your meeting, your courtship, the work you distract yourself with when he's not around. and despite his reverence, he admits it all breathlessly, a sheepishness pervading every word. how is he expected to keep his composure when the air is so heavy? unrelenting scrutiny and the potent waft of cigar-smoke draw a hot flush to his skin, the older man humming every so often as a prompt for him to continue.
he wants to, oddly enough. gaz is a reticent man, second only to ghost when it comes to keeping his life private. but something about this circumstance has him ready to lay it all bare. he wants to tell price about how you kiss his neck, the wicked fucking ways in which you use your mouth to milk him dry. he wants to pull out his phone, scroll through the hidden album full of pictures of your tits, of home-made films that paint you in a cum-covered, dazzling light. he wants price to know that he chose right, wants to hear the praise whispered in his ear as his captain lays a sturdy clap onto his back.
instead, he shrugs.
"not much more to tell, cap."
"damn shame." price taps his cigar to rid of the ashes. "sounds like a proper match, garrick. good for you."
and it's enough. a big enough lump of wood to keep the needy fire in his belly roaring. he shifts in his seat to dissuade the heat, rubbing his jaw in contemplation like he hasn't already thought of a perfect way to reap more.
"tell you what, sir. we survive this next assignment, i'll bring you over to meet 'er."
it's a hairbreadth escape, but they do manage to make it back alive, albeit a bit more scarred than they once were. gaz gets home late at night to find you awake, waiting on him despite the incredibly short notice he'd given you for his arrival. it's there – in the foyer, his nose buried in your neck as you babble on about how much you missed him, and what you'll make for breakfast to celebrate, and questions like hey, are you okay? that cut looks fresh or when was the last time you slept? – that he breaks the news. you'll be having his captain over for dinner in two week's time.
of course you're overjoyed. you've been begging to meet the people he risks his life with ever since he told you what he did for work. the planning is immediate. you're dumping recipes on him the next morning, asking for his opinion on what appetiser, main, and dessert your guest of honour would enjoy best. and what's his poison, anyway? i can get my hands on a nice bottle of scotch if you think it'd be worth it. kyle doesn't have the heart to tell you that nothing you'll do would matter much, that price has already taken a liking to you. besides, if anything, your homemaking ability makes him chub up in his pants. best not to rob himself of that delight.
the night arrives as quick as it had been put forward. gaz has to dodge your attempts to put a tie on him, stifles your complaints with a kiss and insists that it's not that kind of dinner party. you're confused (bless you) but flit around making last minute preparations in your bustier midi-dress anyway, kitten-heels clicking against the polished hardwood floors. at a certain point, he can tell that you're fussing over nothing and pulls you by the hand to stand by the doorway with him.
"there's something i didn't mention earlier." he whispers when you're finally settled, tucking his index finger under your chin. your brows knit anxiously. he pecks the canyons between them, stroking your bottom lip until the frazzled energy bleeds from you.
"why would you wait? there's not enough t–"
"not exactly something you can plan for, doll. s'just gonna happen." when you fail to push him for more context, he sighs. "price is expecting to see you."
"sure... that's the whole point, isn't it?"
"no, sweetheart." gaz's free hand wraps around your waist, lowering until it reaches the plush sweel of your ass. his touch lays breadcrumbs for you to follow, leading you down the very depraved path he's trekked a million times the past few weeks. "i mean all of you."
your lips part in realization. oh. he's scared straight for a second, heart hammering like it always does when he reveals a darker fantasy to you. but you merely smile – anxious, sure, pupils clouded with fresh concern, but a smile nonetheless – and accept his admission gracefully.
"and you want me to let him?"
gaz nods. "if you'd please."
you place a chaste kiss on his cheek, careful not to smear your makeup onto his clean-shaven skin. "okay."
he visibly slackens, an edge of playfulness cutting it's way back into his tone. "what's say we take those panties off, make things easier when the time arrives?"
"can' remember the last time i had a beef welly this good, love. family recipe?"
"yes, actually! but it took me some time to perfect for my own. the original called for sherry in the duxelle, but i always thought wine was better suited."
kyle doesn't know if he's ever been more proud of you.
you're a vision. the paradigm of charm. he half feared things to would be awkward following your conversation at the doorway, but aside from the first few minutes of price's arrival – the time it took everyone to thaw the ice of unfamiliarity – you've been anything but stilted. in fact, he worries that you missed the true implication of his request – of the direction things will take later – given the way you laugh openly. the ease in which you bridge conversation topics. your attentiveness, eyes roving over both your boyfriend and his captain to ensure everyone has everything they need. you certainly don't act like a girl who's going to be nakedly appraised tonight. all the expected clumsiness, the stumbling over your own words, replaced instead by eloquence and quick wit.
sweet girl. bloody... beautiful, darling girl.
price seems to think so too. he chuckles heartily at the stories you offer of kyle failing learning to waterski during your anniversary trip to mauritius (and offers his own insight too, something along the lines of how you'd expect the sergeant to be better balanced, given he's survived hanging off a helicopter before). offers some solid advice on how to deal with the ostentatious coworker whose been bugging you for months. and when you question him about his personal life – a line every good soldier knows not to take with their CO, which has gaz wincing internally – all your guest offers is a genuine, crinkle-eye smile. no doubt appreciative of the non-intrusive manner you ask.
he shoots gaz a look before answering, and it's one full of tacky warmth. a look he's seen several times on the field, molasses sweet and satisfying, one that invades his private thoughts too often to admit. whose effect he knows only comes off in a cold shower, a quick pump to his cock if you're not around to help relieve it. something like approval. unspoken praise.
"wish i could say i've been blessed like the two of ya. married to my work, m'afraid."
"oh." you wave your arms, standing to clear the table of dirty plates. "don't be ridiculous, john. you're a wonderful man. put yourself out there and i'm sure it'll come to you." you say it like it's breathing, and just as easily prance away to the kitchen, your voice losing to the clatter of silverware in the sink. thus, when you yell out something about dessert (price is really only able to decipher i made madeira! over the illegible chorus of cabinets closing) kyle is the one to answer you. well-trained in untangling your voice from any sort of ruckus, poor cell reception and moans and drunk gibberish and the obstructive fabric of his hoodie when you sob into his chest.
"maybe later, doll!" he voices back, scratching the back of his neck as he takes in the food still laid out in front of them. picked apart by hungry forks but still, enough to make up days worth of leftovers.
"mm. the girl stuffed me full, garrick." price stretches from his seat. "if i didnt know any better, i'd reckon you lot were fattening me up to feast on me come winter."
gaz stores the remains of your meal into nearby tupperwares then follows suit, urging his captain to follow him into the lounge. "please," he laughs, nodding when the man pulls a cigar from his pocket and twists it in a silent question. "she thinks they starve us out there. tries to make up for it by feedin' me into oblivion when i'm home."
"speak for yourself. i could do with a home-cooked meal every now 'n' then." the captain takes a puff of the maduro between his fingers, lets the smoke cloud his hindbrain. your house smells so much like you, like kyle and you – warm laundry and anise and jasmine – that he feels a quick lick of guilt at ruining the fragile balance of it. too little too late, too – the scent of leather and oily spice pervades the space.
but you don't mention it once you waltz back in, smoothing your hands across the back of your dress. "if we don't get a chance to try the cake tonight, remind me to send you home with some, john." gaz poorly conceals his laugh with a cough, sinking into the cushion when you shoot him an offended look. "what?"
"nothing," he pouts, then hides his next words behind the back of his hand, whispering to price. "i told you."
"i can hear you, you twat!" you flick his ear, brows furrowed in faux irritation as your boyfriend wraps an arm around your legs.
"i know! hey– i know, gorgeous. was only joking." his forehead nudges your tummy, restless until you comb your hand over his tight curls. "th'captain knows that too. isn't that right, sir?"
"of course."
"you laugh now, but wait until you're halfway through a month long mission. you'll wish you had me around!"
"don't i know it." kyle murmurs, the fingers at the back of your thigh slowly creeping upward. the skirt of your dress slips, climbs up your legs with the motion of his forearm, and all too suddenly he remembers your lack of undergarments.
fuck. he almost forget he pocketed your panties. and you... you've been so natural, such a good hostess despite the cold brush of air constantly on your cunt. it flips a primal switch inside him – that same trigger that'd prompted mention of this night in the first place. blood rushes to his cock so fast it hurts, desperation flooding his lungs until the only thing he can breathe out is your name.
"hmmm." you smile in return. and if price weren't here, he'd bury his nose into the canyon between your legs and take a deep inhale of your natural musk.
but he is, and so all gaz can manage is a quiet: "how about you show the captain our little surprise?"
"oh?" the man in question hums. dangerously relaxed, two legs spread and his posture curved as he watches the little display you put on for him. "what's this about a surprise, then?"
you bite your lip, raking your nails down from your boyfriend's neck to his shoulder and placing a tight, reassuring squeeze there before breaking away. nothing is said as you push an ottoman between price's knees, making sure it's steady before pushing him to rest against the back of the couch.
"do you like my dress?" you practically purr, bending over as to pronounce your tits. kyle's breath stutters, watching for the way superior's eyes take in your form. gratification swells in his belly when he just smiles, patting your hip.
"s'that really a question that needs to be asked, lovie? you know the answer."
an adorable mix between a shrug and giggle is all you give. "kyle says you want to see me."
"aye. i do."
"and i wanna make him happy."
"same for me."
and kyle thinks he could just cum in his pants if this keeps up. he feels filthy, both an observer and the main act in this spectacle. the knowledge that his captain doesn't just want you, the love of his life, but him too works away at him, hollowing him out until he's nothing but a husk of docile yearning.
"so, what'll it be?" you say.
"turn around. elbows on the ottoman, knees on either side of my thighs."
you obey instantly, lamplight catching the heated flush of your skin while you position yourself according to price's wishes. your back arcs so that your ass is prominently within his view, plump even beneath the loose material of your dress.
"sir." he coughs, shifting to conspicuously adjust the aching mass tucked in his waistband.
"on your knees, son. righ' here beside me. when i ask a question, you're expected to answer."
"yes, sir."
"got tha' that, lovie?" he grunts. "respond now, and then it's silence from you."
"okay!" you wiggle your hips, forgetting yourself for a moment. "sir!"
this gaz can do. following orders. grounded pragmatism, however far this is from a professional setting. he figures price has gleaned as much, has given him this task so he doesn't flounder off track throughout the evening and ruin things for everyone. the hard part is over then, all of that hesitant foreplay – of opening up, getting you to agree, of the stretch of time it took for everyone to warm up to one another – wrapped up for something simpler.
all he has to worry about is answering promptly and correctly while he watches his captain–
flip your skirt over your hips.
a low whistle. then, two hands on your backside, kneading the soft flesh there. working either globe apart like dough, the glistening seam of your most private parts spread open to prying eyes. price appraises your cunt for the first time like he would a winning showdog, or the sky on a particularly pleasant day. all utilitarian-like. if it weren't for the bulge in his trousers, your boyfriend would almost be offended.
"no panties, hm?"
"no-" you start, squeaking out an apology when you earn a firm swat to your thigh.
"i asked her to go without them tonight. thought... you'd appreciate it, sir." kyle replies, swallowing the saliva that arises upon seeing your lips flutter.
"good lad." a hot flash of arousal breaks across his chest. the captain lets go of his grip on your ass, watching how the fat jiggles back into place, then returns to squeezing it. "surprised i couldn't smell 'er, way she was dancing around us all night."
it isn't a question, so gaz stays quiet.
the groping continues. sometimes its light – brushes of calloused palms across the area, disturbing the stillness like a rock skipping over water. you ripple when he pokes, shake when he taps. other times, and increasingly once price notes your resilience to pain, it borders on rough. moulding your flesh into compact pinches, jabbing his thumb into the softness so hard it'll bruise. you take it all with grace, a low whine building in your chest that he let's go unpunished.
"she's taking this well. you rough her up often?"
"when she asks, sir." he thinks for a moment, catching your wily smile from the corner of his eye. minx. "likes it more than i do giving it to her."
"need someone to take care of the both of ya." price chuckles, then moves on, oblivious to the way the sergeant's hips buck at his implication. or, maybe he notices – probably does – and stores it away for another time. "looks like a greedy little pussy to me." his thumbs hook onto either side of your labia, pulling it apart like fresh bed to reveal the sloppy mess between. your clit is enflamed, angry for being neglected for so long. if you were allowed to speak, kyle can guarantee with almost a hundred percent certainty that you'd be whining to be touched. "look a' tha'." price's accent grows thicker. "fat little thing just jumping for attention."
he curls a finger, then flicks the swollen bud. a loud moan bursts from you, your face falling between your forearms as you hold yourself back from begging. gaz would've acquiesced by now, would've rubbing the bundle of nerves raw the second you fanned your pretty lashes up at him.
but price snaps it three more times in rapid succession, which apparently is too much for you to handle because you yell. "p-please!"
he remedies your slip up with a slap to the same area. the crack on impact echoes long enough to tell him that one hurt. "shhh. so spoiled, sergeant. how often do you make her cum?"
"a-at least three times a go, sir."
"what's the record?"
"and the longest you've held off?"
kyle hesitates, bowing his head for the reprimand he knows is coming. "never... never tried. sir."
a precision blow. swift but petrifying. the captain's managed to find both your loose strings in a matter of minutes, tugging to see them come undone on his lap. gaz has got the unwavering urge to rest his chin on his strong thigh, put it on the record that he isn't weak willed, just indulgent. something that can be easily remedied, with his guidance. if he'd let him.
and you...
you're gyrating your hips, begging for some pressure on your aching centre. price gives it to you, though not in the way you expect, pinching your clit and tightening his hold until you're motionless, muscles trembling but otherwise perfectly poised.
so the inspection continues. he fans out your vulva, exposing the hole that clenches around nothing. a laugh wracks his frame at the sight, the aftermath of it husky. amused. "begging to be filled, a'right. how many cocks has she had in 'ere?"
"just mine, sir. and her toys."
"how about at once?"
kyle's never been so bold with you; has always held back that godless part of him, that needy dog he sees his comrades often embrace. pure, unfettered degeneracy. you're soft, and pretty and good and a high-functioning member of society. and he's never once wanted to see you hurt, uncomfortable or bite-mark-bloodied, despite the way his mind screams at him to at least ask. see if you'd be willing to appease that side of him.
yet you visibly shiver at the thought proposed by price, gooseflesh pocking your skin, and he knows he should have thrown caution to the wind.
"one, sir."
he watches the man's finger outline the circumference of your opening, dipping in by the millimetre to test the waters. "shame. could probably stretch her out. get 'er nice and loose for whenever you wan' something to keep you warm without the commitment."
the finger plunges in.
gaz watches you swallow his superior to the last knuckle in what must be a world-record, no time to blink lest he misses it. price goes with the motion, setting his free hand onto your ass to keep you steady as he wiggles his digit to make space amidst the tight embrace of your walls. or, that's what he thinks is happening. the only indication he has of things are the lewd squelches your cunt emits and the face of pure ecstasy you pull. but he's well-versed enough in your bodily functions that he's sure of his estimate.
"scratch wha' i said. nothing beats this." his superior groans, and for the first time that night, adjusts himself in his pants. kyle wishes he would pull it out, allow himself the relief of freeing a raging hard-on from its confines. but kyle also wishes that he could be given something to do, something with his mouth perhaps, to sate the unaddressed thrill in his bones. it wouldn't take a smart man to figure out that both wishes are very much correlated. "fucking suffocating clutch. wouldn' pull out if my life depended on it. pussy like this isn' made for that, garrick."
"you cum inside her, lad?"
"i- yes. i-i do. she's on birth control."
"best to see to that, then." he says, like the contraceptive is an obstacle and not a consolation. you release another, long-winded moan, to which price pulls his finger out to pat your vulva. like taming a wild animal. "though what i said still stands. could always do with a loose hole."
his hand inches up.
this time, it's gaz who groans.
loudly. his eyes fluttering halfway shut, hands tugging at the tight fabric over his groin. you throw a curious look over your shoulder, concern glossing your pupils until you confirm that the source of the sound isn't pain, but pleasure. ecstasy at finally having his wants vocalised, that incessant impulse that nags and nags and nags anytime he's fucking you from behind, tight rim practically leering up at him, tempting him to thrust upwards and 'accidentally' slip in.
"you like that, sergeant? hm? ever use this asshole? it looks unbroken to me."
"y-you're... not wrong, sir. i–"
"but you want to?" he finishes for him, scooping some of the abundant slick from your cunt and slathering it onto your back entrance. it's not enough lubrication to do anything but press one thumb in, but he repeats the process to push the other in alongside it.
you give him a look that can't mean anything except we'll talk about this later and he can bloody kiss price if he was given permission to, if not for anything but helping him open this impossible subject with you.
"we'll see to tha' some other day, then."
his thumbs retreat. your hole winks shut again. gaz is torn between looking at you or his captain, but the latter man robs him of the indecision by bringing his dominant index and middle fingers to his lips. they're shiny with the remnants of your fluids, as if he needed any incitement to wrap his mouth around the digits. he works at them until price's fingers prune, laving his tongue around the knuckles, against the nail beds, all the way through to the fold of skin between them.
so desperate to please, to see to it that 'some other day' is everyday henceforth.
a future with price by your sides. beyond just the field. the bite in your supple existence. spice supporting anise and jasmine, some aphrodisiac blend that'll carry you through to the end of your lives, happy. sated. a mediator. commander. captain. his captain.
"that's a good boy."
he could really get used to this.
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mysteryshoptls · 4 months
SSR Dire Crowley - Raven Jacket Voice Lines
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When Summoned: Well met. Come, at this academy I shall teach you the art of magic.
Summon Line: Is something troubling you? You may tell me anything. After all, I am so very gracious!
Groooovy!!: This is the prestigious arcane academy, Night Raven College. Never let go of that school pride.
Home: Did you call for me?
Home Idle 1: It's not only the students who look forward to the holidays, but the faculty as well. And that includes me, of course!
Home Idle 2: Why do I interrupt class from time to time...? Don't say it like that! I'm simply popping in to give a firm hand to all the lollygagging!
Home Idle 3: Oh no... It seems my shoes have become a little scuffed. I'll have to polish them to sparkling later.
Home Idle - Login: Are you doing well over at the Ramshackle dormitory? ...No, no, there's no need to answer. I can tell just by the look on your face that you are absolutely satisfied.
Home Idle - Groovy: It is a relief to see you properly diligent in your studies. Now, if only those other care-free students would learn from your example.
Home Tap 1: That ghost camera was just gathering dust deep in storage... Ahem, I mean, it was stored securely. Please handle it with care.
Home Tap 2: I don't interfere with the lifestyle and conventions of each particular dorm. I thoroughly believe in a student's right to autonomy... I also have no time to spare.
Home Tap 3: You wish to see me at my full strength? it seems you know no fear... As your Headmage, I can't help but worry.
Home Tap 4: Hey! Grim-kun stole and ate my snacks again! Please keep a proper eye on him!
Home Tap 5: Eh, you want me to help you with your studies? Oh, I'm so sorry... If I teach you, that would take away the other professors' purpose of being here.
Home Tap - Groovy: It is a great help to have a diligent and capable student such as yourself. Please continue to look after our problem children, prefect.
Duo: [CROWLEY]: This is a good lesson for you, Grim-kun. [GRIM]: I don’t need you teachin' me nothin', Headmage!
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Requested by Anonymous.
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cyn-write · 4 months
“Hellfire, Dark Fire”
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Prompt: Rollo has been eyeing you since your arrival, seeing you as the diamond amongst coals. At the Ball, he corners you into a dance, but your BF is not going to let this slide...
Pairings: F!reader x Trey, Cater, Ace, and Jack (Separate)
Warnings: Possessive behavior, suggestive, manipulation and obsessive (Rollo), established relationship, romantic, swearing (Ace)
Notes: This is part of a request from @justahufflepufftoday that I will answer with links to all the glomas series! Apologize for this taking so long, honestly some of these left me stumped and I had to mull it over for a while. That and life happened, but I am slowly working through the asks and am so thankful for everyone's patience! Thank you to everyone who has been keeping up with the series and supporting me! This is part of my Glorious Masquerade series! So if you want to read the other parts of this series staring different characters click the links below:
“She Blazes in Me Beyond All Control” - Azul, Idia, Malleus
“I Feel Her, I see Her” - Riddle, Deuce, Ruggie, Jamil
“Her Smoldering Eyes Still Scorch My Soul” - Rook, Epel, Silver, Sebek
“The Sun Caught in Her Raven Hair” - Leona, Floyd, Vil
“Heaven’s Light” - Rollo
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"Who might you be miss?"
Y/n gave a kind smile and nodded her head in greeting "I'm y/n, it's nice to meet you," she stayed next to Trein as she was there as his assistant.
"Yuu is our magicless perfect of Ramshackle. She will be working as my assistant throughout the trip," Trein added.
She felt Rollo's eyes scan her and, unlike his greetings to the rest, he held out a hand. Being polite, she offered her hand as well, and he lifted it to his lips, grazing her knuckles quickly. "It is a pleasure to meet you, y/n. I understand it must be difficult, being surrounded by mages every second of the day. I hope you get a chance to relax this trip."
Y/n blushed at the motion and bit her lower lip. All the while, she could feel her boyfriend glaring daggers at her and Rollo.
"I-I'll do my best..." Y/n replied.
Throughout the entire trip, Rollo seemed to gravitate towards y/n and used every excuse to isolate her from the group. They chatted about her difficulties at NRC and of the festival. Due to her being Trein's assistant and the constant reminders to behave, she and her boyfriend had little time together.
This all accumulated at the Masquerade. Rollo had given Y/n a proper dress for the occasion instead of the attire his counsel had chosen. The (color) fabric decadently adorned her figure and stunned the NRC boys with her beauty. But before her boyfriend could ask for a dance, Rollo stole y/n away. He whisked her to the dance floor, and they started chatting.
At this point, Y/N's boyfriend has had enough of the student council president, but what sends him over the edge is when he takes you to the balcony and dares suggest the worst:
"Y/n, stay here with me." Y/n turned quickly on her heels to look at Rollo in shock and confusion, "Those fools at NRC do not deserve your purity. You belong here. with me." He has her pinned against the balcony, "This is your sanctuary."
Y/n pushed Rollo away slightly and spoke up, "Thank you for the offer, but I have no intention of leaving NRC. It is difficult at times but I wouldn't have it any other way. Now if you excuse me, I want to go back to the ball."
Rollo grabbed y/n's wrist and pulled her against him. "It's because of him, isn't it? He has bewitched you!" He pinned her between the balcony wall and him. "Those fiends have enchanted you, but I will free you from those chains and show you salvation! No matter the cost!"
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Trey was a patient man who was at this point, an expert at dealing with difficult people and situations, but this was a true test of his calm demeanor. He had followed Rollo and y/n from a distance when they left the ballroom and had been listening to the tense confession through the door. His heart was beating in his ears as he listened to Rollo confessing his love for HIS Sweetheart. The only reason he didn’t barge in then and there was due to the trust he had in Y/n to handle the situation. But when Rollo forced himself onto her after she declined, he had to do something.
“Y/n!” Trey called out as he pushed the balcony doors open. Rollo stepped back from y/n, making it seem as though nothing happened. Y/n looked shaken as she tried to separate herself from her captor, but Rollo blocked her with an arm.
“Clover, what are you doing away from the festivities?” Rollo’s asked.
“I could ask you the same thing.” Trey moved closer to the two, his grip teething around his magic pen.
“The Perfect and I came out for some fresh air. So many mages gathered together can be a bit suffocating.” He replied calmly.
“It can be,” Trey was only a few steps away. His features strained to remained relaxed, he wanted so badly to blow up like his dorm mates and cause a scene, but he did not. He instead put on a smile and kept his composure, “But, this is also a special evening, it’s not often that this many mages meet. Besides, it is a wonderful evening for us, right y/n?” He shifted his gaze to Y/n’s beautiful eyes. A plan had formed in his mind and it seemed to be perfect, “Don’t think I forgot our anniversary?”
Y/n’s eyes lit up and she smiled sweetly. “Trey, how could I forget,” She said and managed to make her way to Trey and enveloped her boyfriend in a hug of joy and relief.
Shock and disappointment flashed over Rollo’s face but was gone in an instant. He nodded to the happy couple and started to walk away, “congratulations… I hope you enjoy the ball. Y/n, please let me know if you ever reconsider.” Before he walked past fully, Trey placed a hand on Rollo’s arm and stopped the president.
“If you force yourself onto her again and I will make you regret ever throwing this ball.” Trey whispered. His eyes were no longer kind, but cruel. It was beyond the look he gave disrespectful underclassmen, this glare was reserved for anyone who dared hurt his sweetheart.
Rollo understood the glare and left with a shred of dignity.
Once he was gone. The stiffness left Trey’s body and he felt his sweetness melt into his arms like putty. Tears started to pool in her eyes all the fears hit her at once. But Trey knew what to do. He stayed there, holding her close, and kissed her forehead. “It’s okay. I got you…”
After whispering a string of sweet nothings to reassure her. Y/n looked up and said, “our anniversary isn’t until winter break silly…”
Trey and y/n chuckled a bit. Of everything she commented on that. Trey looked at the perfect’s beautiful eyes that complemented her stunning gown. “The anniversary of becoming official… today is the anniversary of me realizing how hopelessly I’m in love with you.”
The perfect’s smile grew and Trey couldn’t help himself but kiss her. The kiss was loving and passionate, the kind that could last a century.
The music started to swell and their names are being called by the other Heartsyble students. The kiss ends and Trey looks back. “I knew they would be coming sooner or later.”
“Well you did promise me a dance.” Y/n said and Trey smiled. He felt like a commoner before her, begging for a chance to dance with the princess.
“I did didn’t I.” He stepped back and removed his hat, extending a hand out to her. “Princess will you grace this humble baker with a dance?”
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Cater was kicking himself. He knew that he had a social media problem, but he never thought it would result in him missing someone, much less their illustrious host, flirting with HIS girl. Cater had been documenting the trip on magicam and he was constantly taking pictures, clogging, editing, that he has been neglecting his perfect. This all came to fruition when he saw y/n enter the ballroom in the most stunning dress he had ever seen. She looked like a princess out of a storybook. He reached to get his phone out so he could post a picture of is beautiful partner, but as he did someone else approached her. Rollo. The host of this event stole y/n’s first dance and in that moment he realized how much he missed. Rollo and y/n were talking a laughing as they danced. Talking about everything they did over the trip. Cater felt his heart drop as he realized how much he missed through the screen. As he was trying to get the best angle on a photo, Rollo was romancing his lonely partner. At the end of the song, Cater was ready to apologize, but Rollo took y/n away from the ball room and the two disappeared. Cater searched the ballroom till he saw the two on the balcony. He was about to walk out when he realized what Rollo was doing.
“…stay here with me.” Cater’s heart dropped. He listened through the pain and part of him thought she might take it. But the other part of him believed in their love. When he saw her step away from him, his heart jumped, he knew his girl. But Rollo would not relent. Out of instinct he went to the camera on his phone and pressed record, a plan formed and he hopped it would be enough.
“…Cater didn’t put an enchantment on me! I love him and he loves me. No charms needed! Now GET OFF!”
“Diamond? He is your partner?” Rollo scoffed, “He seems to be more infatuated with his phone than you. He treated you so coldly. Not answering your questions, ignoring you in favor of those people only. I don’t think I saw him touch you once.” Cater’s heart panted. He wasn’t wrong. But it still hurt to hear. “None of them appreciate you. You have done so much for them and they brush you off.” He could see her resolve breaking, and Cater could feel his as well. Not everything they said was wrong, she has done so much and hardly gets the recognition. He watched as Rollo’s grip softened and she turned away. Rollo placed his hands on her shoulders, they were really close now. She was thinking, “My dear, you deserve so much better. A school that will nurture and enhance your talents, friends who will recognize and celebrate your skills,… and a partner who will look at you and not a screen. Why… if I was your partner, I would never be able to look at anything else but you… my flame…” he began to caress her cheek and cater was about ready to leave and give in, but his Jewel surprised him yet again.
She grabbed Rollo’s wrist and pushed him away. “You’re wrong. My friends do care about me. And Cater is the best partner I could ask for. He loves me for me and never asks me to be anyone else. He respects me and my boundaries. He sees me for me and I see him for who he is. Yes he has his problems, but we work on the together. He sees me as a person, not an infatuation or an object to be saved. He is twice the man you are so leave me alone. I need to go find him-“
As she started to move away, Rollo grabbed her again and took out his magic pen, “You really leave me with no choice then, my flame. I will show you salvation even if I have to force it upon you-“
“AND HERE FOLKS is what we call a pervert!” Cater took the signal to come out of hiding and acted like he was recording the whole thing. “Rollo Flamme, Student Council President of Nobel Bell College confessed to My girlfriend and when she said No! He tried to kidnap her. Total Yandere behavior if you ask me. The kinda stuff they throw you in prison for.” Cater’s arrival stunned Rollo and he let go of y/n for long enough for her to run to Cater. “Now Cay-cay followers. If I release this video, that means something has happened to me and y/n. And he is the culprit.” Cater ends the video and puts his phone down into his pocket. “If you lay a hand on either of us again. I will release that video and you will be ruined. But I am nice and respect that y/n doesn’t like to be on social media a lot. So this is your only chance. Leave and never speak to us again.” He stood tall and held y/n close in a Possessive manner.
Rollo was visibly shocked and took out his handkerchief, nodded to Y/n, and said, "There is no need for hostility... I hope you have a pleasant evening." And left the two.
After Rollo left, Cater melted into Y/n. He was shaking and kept whispering, "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry, I am so sorry..."
Y/n tightened their grip and said, "Cater, why are you apologizing? You saved me, I-"
"Rollo was right. I-I was so focused on Magicam that I neglected you." He was nestled into her hair as he spoke, "I know I have a problem, but I didn't think it was this bad..."
Y/n stepped back and smiled at Cater, wiping the tears from his cheek. "Cater. I do not blame you. Do I wish we could have spent more time together this trip, yes, but I also know that my duties as an assistant had me moving everywhere and your group also kept you busy." She then stepped close and pressed her forehead to his, "We still have tonight to make it up."
This is the reason he loved y/n, she grounded him and made him see the light at the end of the tunnel. "We do. So here." He handed her his phone to put in her dress pocket. "No phones, no magicam, just us." He then knelt down before y/n and held her hands in his, mirroring the knights of old. "Y/n, will you be mine and mine only tonight?"
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“LET HER GO!” Ace yelled. He had been watching the scene from behind the balcony door, and it took all his willpower to not attack Rollo on sight. Instead, he marched towards the two and pulled y/n away from him. He held her close and felt how much she was trembling. He glared daggers at Rollo and said, “She said no to your salvation bullshit so drop it.”
Rollo returned the glare, but returned to his calm composure, "Mr. Trappola, I'm afraid you have misread the situation. Miss L/n and I were just sharing a conversation, weren't we my dear?"
Y/n looked terrified as Rollo grinned at her. Her trembling grew worse and her voice came out meek, "t-that's one name for it..."
Ace hated seeing her like this. The last time she was this terrified was during Riddle's overblot when she was nearly squished by a rosebush. Since then, Ace promised to keep her safe, and that was a promise he intended to keep. "Sounded less like a conversation and more like a lecture."
"I was simply pointing out how Miss L/n would be happier here. We would actually appreciate her contributions to the school rather than push her aside." Rollo smirked and motioned to Ace, "That seems to be your specialty Trappola, wouldn't you say?"
That is when Ace's restraint broke. Much like when Riddle insulted y/n all those months ago, Ace punched Rollo square in the nose. While Rollo reeled from the punch, Ace grabbed his collar and pushed him against the railing. "You. Don't. Know. ANYTHING! No one loves Y/N more than me! She does more for NRC than any of the housewardens and EVERYONE knows it! We don't thank her as much as we should. But I am sure of one thing: I will protect her no matter what and stay beside her no matter what. Your righteous ass could never do that!!"
He let Rollo go and took y/n's hand. "If you talk down to her like that ever again. I promise you'll get more than a broken nose." and stormed off the balcony with the Perfect in tow.
Once they made it to the other side of the doors, out of sight from the crowd, and from Rollo. Ace stopped and turned back to y/n.
She looked up at him with awe in her (e/c) eyes. Despite the tear streaks and bruises on her wrist from Rollo's grip, she looked as beautiful as the moment she walked in. Ace whipped the tear streaks from her cheeks and asked, "You okay?"
She placed her hand on his and said simply, "You said you loved me..."
Ace's face went red. They hadn't said that word yet despite the feelings being there. "Y-yeah, I guess. I-I was just caught up in the moment and I-I...." He felt like Deuce, tripping over his words like a cat had hold of his tongue.
Y/n smiled and pressed a chaste kiss to his stuttering lips, "I love you too, my Jack of Hearts."
She knew those words would boost his ego. Whose wouldn't when they were compared to the bravest knight in all of the Queendom?
Ace's smirk returned and he leaned in so their foreheads were touching. "Is that any way to thank your hero, m'lady?"
He then properly kissed her. Deeply and Passionately. He held her close as the kiss deepened. One hand cradled the back of her neck while the other pressed against the lower part of her back. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he felt like one of those fairytale heroes, finally getting true loves kiss.
When they finally parted to breathe, the couple heard the faint calls of the other first years.
"Sounds like we're needed," Y/n said softly. The music started up again on a new song and Ace got an idea.
"Well, you still owe me a dance." He removed his hat, placed it on his chest, and kneeled before y/n. He still held one of her hands and smiled, "Y/n, would you spare a dance with your Loyal Card Soldier?"
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“Let. Go.” Jack had an iron grip on Rollo’s shoulder. Wolves were protective by nature, and no one messed with their mates.
Jack had been watching the scene through a crack in the door. He trusted his girlfriend to stand up for herself, but what Rollo was doing crossed a line. Rollo turned his head to see the seething wolf glaring at him.
Rollo loosened his grip on y/n's wrist enough for her to slip away from the monster and into Jack's arms. Once he felt her in his embrace, Jack let Rollo's shoulder go and turned to Y/n.
He cupped her cheek and looked her over once. She was trembling and her one wrist was bruised, but other than that she seemed fine. After assessing her for damage, he kissed her forehead and said softly, "It's okay, I've got you."
He turned back to Rollo, who was watching the two, and snarled. He grabbed his robe and growled, "You try to threaten her again, and I'll make you wish the fires burned you to bits."
Rollo just looked stunned. This Freshman dared to threaten him. But Rollo knew better than to start a physical altercation with Howl. "No need for force. I get the message." He kept his poker face, stepped back, straightened his robes, and walked towards the door.
"Enjoy the Ball, L/n," He said "And remember, Nobel Bell's doors are always open if you need them." before exiting the balcony doors.
Now alone under the sparking stars of the City of Flowers, Jack turned back to his princess and wrapped her in his embrace. Now it was his turn to tremble.
"I'm sorry." He said softly, "I should've seen this coming and stopped it."
Y/n leaned back and put a hand on Jack's cheek. "You have nothing to apologize for." She put her forehead on his and smiled, "You saved me from Rollo. I should be thanking you."
Jack sighed and cupped her face, "Still, I haven't been as attentive as I should have. If I was he wouldn't 'have gone this far if I stayed close to you, or was more affectionate. He would've known to back off."
She put her hands on top of his and nuzzled into their warmth, "Sweetie, I don't think that would have changed anything... But if you would feel better about this if we were more public with our relationship and affection, I'm happy to do so." She kissed his palm and saw his tail begin to wag from the corner of her eye. "Just, please don't blame yourself for this."
Jack's concerns seemed to melt away as she spoke. She could always read his mind and it always amazed him. "Anything for you Princess."
He always felt like the Beast from the Shaftland Tale when he was with her. She seemed to make him a better person, just through proximity. The music began to swell in the ballroom and his ears perked.
He looked at her beautiful gown and thought of something Vil told him once after he found out y/n and Jack were dating, "Flowers are meant to be seen, not hidden away."
Jack finally understood what Vil meant by that.
Jack stepped back from Y/n's embrace and bowed before her. He took her hand and kissed the back of it, "Care to Dance, Princess?"
Note: Please Like, Reblog, and Follow for more! If you are interested in seeing more characters in this scenario or these characters in different scenarios, please let me know! (Do not Steal)
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bonny-kookoo · 10 months
𝓣𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓮. [Closed Doors]
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Jungkook makes decisions every day- but none has ever felt as hard to make as the decision whether or not to keep or leave you.
Tags/Warnings: Hospital/Medical AU, Doctor!Jungkook, slightly aged up!Jungkook, Hybrid!Reader, Dog Hybrid!Reader, another slightly heavy one but the comfort is strong with this hurt, angst, fluff, romance, strangers to lovers, blood, medical stuff, mentions of domestic (physical and mental) abuse, corruption, mentions of drug abuse, health scare²
Length: 2.3k Words, it's very tiny I'm very sorry
-> Masterlist
There is no taglist for this fic.
A/N: hi sorry I just really like this fic pls eat your vegetables
"The little guy is recovering good." Namjoon nods. "But we'll have to inform child protective services, no matter if it was an accident or not.." He sighs, as Jungkook nods.
"I'm pretty sure it'll go well if it really was just that." He says. "I can't believe people just leave this stuff around when they know children eat any candy they see the moment they get the chance to." He shakes his head a bit angrily. "If that boy was a hybrid he'd be dead."
"Luckily he's not. I'll send the boy over to pediatrics, and as soon as that happens, he's out of our hands." Namjoon reminds his friend and coworker, as they both silently agree, walking through the hall. "How's your puppy doing?"
"Awake, and she's been transferred out of the ICU this morning, so I'm gonna check on her now and see how she's doing." Jungkook sighs, running a hand through his hair.
"Have you decided if you want to take her in yet?" Namjoon wonders, greeting a fellow doctor who's passing by.
"No." Jungkook shakes his head. "Not.. yet."
It's a touchy subject for now- so Namjoon leaves it alone- letting the doctor enter your new room on his own, to check up on you.
It's quiet inside, no nurse yet present- and Jungkook is actually a little thankful for the short, quiet moment he's got. Standing close to you, he lets his hand run over one of your soft ears- now cleaned and fur soft and vibrant in color. It's something Jimin had informed him about yesterday- how you cried from happiness after he'd helped you properly clean your ears and tail, something that appeared to be very much unfamiliar and new to you.
It angers him, to know that you were nothing but something to show off until now.
So many of your health problems could've been avoided if you just had received any amount of proper care and attention. Yoongi already suspects that you might have developed some behavioral issues from the way you've been living until now- all that, combined with your physical troubles will take weeks if not months to resolve. If they ever resolve fully at all, that is.
Not that Jungkook really cares. He'd take you in even if you were to bite and scratch.
But it's not that easy, and he knows this. "Hello?" He carefully says as his hand shakes your shoulder gently. "Can you wake up for me for a moment?" He requests, and your eyes slowly open, squinting at the bright hospital lights, before you stretch- and hiss at something cramping. "Good morning." He greets you- and suddenly you seem to realize who's there- and your tail begins to wag under the blanket, ears turned towards him as you smile. "How do you feel, hm?" He wonders, but you don't answer.
It's to be expected. All of these traumatic events must've taken a toll on you- not just physically.
"Well you're looking a lot better already, that's for sure." Jungkook tells mostly himself, though he smiles when he spots you taking the praise for yourself as well. It gives him a moment just to quietly look at you; imagine what life could be like if someone like you was to wait for him inside his apartment, every day whenever he'd come home from work.
Surely, you'd turn his apartment into a home in no time. The thought of just a little more chaos inside his living space, a little more of a mess here and there, a bit of disorder in his life, might just be what could color his life a little more vibrantly. Make things more exciting, more emotionally valuable- maybe it could even make his life less about work, and more about..
well, living.
You're yawning, and he laughs, train of thought broken as he pets your head teasingly, before the door opens, and a very chipper Jimin walks in. "Ah, there's my favorite person!" He sings almost, walking in to put the small tray of food down, before he looks at Jungkook. "And you too, Doctor Jeon."
"Well thank you." Jungkook jokes, before he watches as Jimin opens the tray, revealing some light soup and rice for you to eat. It's only a small portion- just to slowly ease you back into eating, and not overwhelm you again. He notices how attached you seem to what he recognizes is an empty pillowcase of all things you seem to cling to, probably for comfort, taken from your first room you occupied. It's another problem- you now have no one to bring you any clothes or comforting items into hospital at all.
You're alone, all by yourself.
And for some reason, the realization of that small fact hits him hard.
It's been not even a full 24 hours, and you're already causing mischief.
"There you are!" Jungkook sighs, relieved to have finally found you near a vending machine two floors away from where you should be- which is in your room, in your bed. You, meanwhile, are just simply smiling at him, tail wagging at the sight of him crouching down to you to pet your head. "Come on now, you gave the poor nurses a near heart-attack by vanishing like that." He gently scolds, before he stands back up to his full height, reaching for your hand.
But you just let yourself fall to your side, stubborn. Tail still wagging, smacking onto the smooth floor.
"Got yourself a troublemaker, huh doctor Jeon?" An older nurse laughs, watching the interaction between the hybrid specialist and you while she prepares a cart with food trays for the patients. The news of Jungkook's interest in maybe adopting you permanently has made it's round quite quickly by now- mostly thanks to Jimin, who's the unofficial news reporter of every bit of gossip there is.
Jungkook sighs. "Seems like it." He chuckles, unable to really be upset with you, considering how glad he is to see you up and running again instead of pale and fighting in the ER. It's as if you finally realized that in here, no one actually wants to hurt you. No one blames you. No one is mad at you. You're actually being cared for here- you can truly be yourself, and no one's gonna get upset over it.
And slowly, Jungkook starts to see your true personality- which does help in his decision whether or not you'll fit into his life, or not. He's not made one yet- the papers are still at home, on his desk in his office, unsigned.
It's a tough decision to make, after all.
On one hand, sure; he really likes you, you seem absolutely sweet and also independent enough to stay at home by yourself if he goes by all of your documents, which included general assessment of your overall intelligence and social capabilities. You're a bit of an odd case- while your instincts are very strong, your hybrid features very well developed, and your overall behavior shows habits and reactions similar to a hybrid much higher on the scale, you do know how to properly process situations in a more human way.
For example; Loud noises startle you, but they don't make you panic. Food and snacks make you excited, but they're useless as bribery if you don't want to do something. You can read, write, and are educated to a very good degree, and you understand social cues without any issues.
But on the other hand, Jungkook isn't a man with endless patience. He gets frustrated easily, especially with himself- so what if he snaps at you on accident? Will you understand that he doesn't mean it badly, and that it's not even directed at you? And what about when he has to work- will you be lonely in his home, unhappy but too nice to actually tell him? He doesn't want you to just waste away while he's too focused on his career. It's something important for him, after all- he can't just quit and call it a day.
Even if you were to say that you don't need the attention, or the affection, or constant care or anything at all- he'd still feel bad for not providing it anyways. Because you deserve it. You deserve someone who can love you each day properly, someone who doesn't have to push you to the back every time his job has to take priority.
He's not sure what decision to make.
Or if there's even a choice at all.
Suddenly, you're pulling on his shirt to get back his attention- probably because he started to look mad while thinking. He knows he does this- it's why he usually turns away from patients whenever he has to think about something, which makes his face look upset. "I'm not mad." He reassures you, smiling again, petting your ears again while you watch him with suspicion. You're currently in a different headspace, regressing after all the stress and honestly rather traumatic events, which makes communication a little difficult- but everyone manages, since you're quite expressive in other ways, able to tell what you want and think either way.
Jungkook wants to take care of you- he wants to take you home, and make sure you're happy forever, but he can't be selfish, or too fast with his decision.
"Now come on, it's lunch soon. You hungry?" He asks, and you nod, tail wagging as you stand up alongside him, hand holding onto his shirt as you walk next to him-
and this time, he decides to cave in a little, as he instead holds your hand in his while walking back to your room with you.
Jungkook likes to play music in his apartment, even if it's just quiet.
It fills the space with noise, makes him feel less lonely, takes his mind off of things. It helps relax. But tonight, it doesn't really work, as he sits in his office, sighing as he looks at the unsigned paperwork still on his desk in front of him. He's read through all the documents more than twice now, knows what's written down, what information it all gives out to him- and yet, he's unsure what to do with it.
If he signs it, you'll be given to him for a foster time first- three weeks of 'trying it out' so to speak, to see if you're a good fit for him, and if he's a good fit for you. During that time, a careworker will visit randomly to check up once or twice, and at the end of it, it's you both who have to agree to an actual permanent registration. But Jungkook worries, he always does.
The thing he worries most about, is the fact that he feels like he's already in too deep. There's a small, pink and white plush toy in his lap after all, bought yesterday straight after work from a store specializing in hybrid clothing and other items. It's a comfort plush that holds scents very well, so he keeps it close to his body ever since buying it to offer it to you tomorrow morning when he's back in hospital to check up on you.
And yes, he has been browsing what a dog hybrid of your specific breed might need to live a happy life. He might also have looked up options for sports or other activities you might want to do-
he's really in deep, isn't he?
He sighs yet again, scratching his head in frustration after he puts down the pen, staring at the 'signature here' spot at the bottom. It could all be so easy, but he really doesn't want to fuck this all up.
He knows from Taehyung, an anesthesiologist and good friend, that having a hybrid can actually work out perfectly. He's balancing it just fine, his own hybrid at home happy and healthy, his work never suffering, his happiness thriving. The young medical worker always shows off pictures of him and his hybrid, proudly, and he really has every reason to be, considering where she came from.
But Jungkook also knows how tough it can be.
He's reminded of it every time he checks up on Yoongi and his cat hybrid- now awake, but clearly in distress over her lack of control over her own body, and it's going to be a long road to recovery for her and Yoongi just as much. He knows they'll get through it- but the amount of heartbreak and absolute terror that went down just scared Jungkook, straight up.
And he knows, your future together is absolutely going to be both of those scenarios- good, and bad.
"What's the worst that can happen.." He hums to himself, one hand playing with the fuzz of the comfort plush in his lap, little black eyes staring blankly at him, tiny mouth curved into a forever smile.
You deserve a happy future. You deserve to have opportunities, and care, and affection, and a stable environment you can rely on, and thrive in. And he won't ever really gain the knowledge of that happening if he's not the one providing that for you.
And yet, the doubts are still there, clouding his mind.
What's he going to do?
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hina-hina · 1 year
Hello i was wondering if you could write ghost and a daughter reader who wants to follow ghosts steps but he doesn't like the idea and they ended up in big argument and wasn't able to make up before he left
Hello friend! I love this request and it's something quite similar to what I did for Price a while back. Still one of my favorite scenarios! Thank you for requesting, Hope you enjoy!!
Tried something new with this one, I hope you guys like it! I saw another writing using this format but I can't remember the user. If you know, please lmk so I can give proper credit!
Ghost is a single dad in this btw!!
→ COD Masterlist
|| Ghost With a Daughter That Wants to Go Into the Military ||
Warnings: Wicked amounts of angst but also fluff
Female!Reader // Platonic
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Your dad always claimed that you were a little too much like him
Most of the time, he found it endearing
But then their are times he wished you didn't take after him so much
He had come home from deployment and he could tell something was up
You had insisted on making him a home cooked meal because you knew he had been surviving off bland MREs for months
But he sat down and the two of you had a pleasant dinner and exchanged stories on what had been happening in your respective lives
When you suddenly got serious, he knew he was in for it
You scooted your chair close to him and grasped his hand which had been lying on the table then said you had something to tell him
His mind immediately starts jumping to the worse but he tries to keep it under control and let you finish
Then you tell him that you plan to enlist in the military
He is immediately shook by fear and just tells you a simple but firm, "No."
"You didn't even let me explain!" You shout back as he back.
Ghost jumps from his chair, turning his back on you as he runs a shaky hand down his face, "You don't need to explain, the answer is no."
Your face screws up, anger at your father's abrupt dismissiveness, you grumble, "It wasn't a question."
He turns, his face drawn up in a surprised annoyance, "Excuse me?"
"What's the big deal, anyway." You were standing now, locked into an intense stare-off with Ghost, "Your in the military."
"I joined the military to ensure you would never have to. Conversation over." His accent was becoming thicker as you could almost sense his rising anger.
You were being overtaken with such childish anger. You wanted to stomp your feet and scream until he decided to listen to you. You hated fighting with your dad but you couldn't stand how protective he was over you sometimes.
Ghost was now moving to collect the dishes, ignoring looking at you entirely as he moved to put them in the sink. Him dropping the conversation and trying to move on like nothing happened only made you more angry.
"Well, I'm doing it whether you like it or not!"
You knew you were being childish now but that didn't stop you. You turned on your heel and stomped up the stairs to your bedroom, slamming the door for good measure.
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The next few days were painful to say the least. It was filled with silent dinners and the both of you being too prideful to start the conversation again.
This continued until the day came where he had to return to base to prepare for his newest mission.
That's what brought you to today, the both of you standing face to face in the living room. He was dressed in civvies but he had his impossibly large military duffle tossed over one shoulder, his balaclava gripped in one hand as he prepared to become Ghost again.
"I'll be back in a few months. I'll send letters and tell Mrs. Davies is next door if you need anything."
You nod your head but still refuse to speak, causing a deep sigh to rumble from his chest. He looked like he wanted to say something but he didn't. Instead, he opened his arms slightly, a subtle invitation for a hug.
You don't move a muscle.
He face twitches with disappointment before he raises his hands to pull his balaclava on, hiding his facial expressions from you.
"Bye, love."
He heads out the door and locks it behind him. You feel your eyes start to sting.
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Despite what happened when you left, he does keep true to his promise to send letters up until the day comes when he has to ship out.
You don't hear from him again and you spend the next few weeks sulking alone. Until a knock comes from the door, causing you to drag yourself from your bed despite how your body fights against it.
You open the door and standing there, shifting nervously, is none other than John MacTavish, your father's sergeant.
Your heart sinks, "Can I help you?"
"Hi, lassie," He smiles but it seems forced, "I was sent by your father's task force to inform you that yer dad has been injured while in action."
"What?" Your voice cracks, a hand coming up to cover your mouth.
"He's alright now, gunnin' to see you actually. I can drive you to the hospital, if you want?"
Immediately, all the things that you were angry about seem so insignificant. You regret not hugging him even more. You give the other man a slight nod as you rush to grab your purse, locking the house and rushing out to his car. He doesn't push you to talk and he pretends not to notice the silent tears streaming down your face.
When you arrive to the hospital, John walks you through the secure areas in the military hospital and leads the way to your father's room. He holds the door open for you and you inch inside.
Ghost is laying on the stiff hospital bed, eyes shooting toward the door as he watches you enter. His eyes crinkle from under his balaclava, a tell-tell sign that he is smiling. "Thanks, Johnny. Mind givin' us a minute?"
"Not at all, sir." John closes the door behind himself leaving you and your dad in the silent hospital room.
Your dad is the first one to speak, "How are you, love?"
You crumble. Your eyes fill with tears as you stumble toward your father's bedside. His arms immediately open and you jump straight into them, careful to avoid his bandaged wounds. He shushes you softly as you beginning to release hiccuping sobs.
"I'm s-so sorry! You got hurt and I didn't even give you a fucking hug before you left! I'm s-sorry, Dad!"
"Enough of that, no more Scrikin', now." He wipes your tears away, taking one hand to pull his balaclava off. He never liked wearing it around you. "I'm sorry for not hearing you out. I just can't stand to think of something happenin' to ye. But, I promise we will talk about it. Don't go jumpin' into anything just cause your old man said you couldn't."
You laugh, rubbing at your ruddy cheeks with the sleeves of your shirt, "Ok."
"Love ya, kid." He ruffles your hair.
"Love you too, Dad."
Thank you for reading!
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callsignangel · 1 year
screen rant babe - jack champion x interviewer! reader
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warnings: none! fluffy but not a ton word count: 1059 requested by @gcidrvsh <3 ↳ "hi!! could you write something for jack champion? like where they meet on the set of scream (cuz they’re friends with jenna ortega) OR whatever you really wanna write its up to you" a/n: hi friends!! sorry this look so long. this fic is the first part of what's going to be a series about jack champion. i gave the reader some background (and a surprise relative) in this fic just to add some substance. i misplaced my list of people to tag, i'm so sorry! i'll be sure to set up a proper tag list for future parts of this series. i hope you enjoy!! reblogs and feedback about my work is deeply appreciated. <3
it had already been a long press day, having been interviewing the cast of avatar: the way of water for it's upcoming release. it was finally nearing the end of the day - you just had one more interview left with trinity bliss and jack champion. the interviews had been done in pairs, like sam and zoe, sigourney and jim, bailey and jamie, and now trinity and jack.
they had been sitting there when you walked in, patiently waiting as you arrived on time for their next interview. making sure your mic was on properly and working, you greeted them both with handshakes and quick small talk before you all seated yourself in those god awful uncomfortable directors chairs. "okay, it's so great to see you guys!" you began, a big big smile on your face. "my name is y/n and i'm here in partner with screenrant interviewing some of the cast from avatar: the way of water which is in theatres worldwide on december 16th," you finished your introduction, allowing them to begin theirs. "hi, my name is trinity jo-li bliss and i play tuktirey," she smiled directly into the camera and waved."and i'm jack champion and i play spider," he waved quickly and beamed for the camera before quickly returning his attention to you. "awesome, thank you for setting aside the time to meet with me today," you began again, “i’ll just get right into it here, did you learn anything from this movie? what was it?” you kept your formalities on for the camera, but your words were silent in his ears as he tuned out your voice and focused solely on you. your mannerisms, the way you read your questions directly out of the notepad you brought so you didn’t forget them and how eloquent you were when speaking and being spoken to. he was so enchanted by you that he didn't realize it was his turn to answer your question. “jack,” trinity whispered, nudging him softly to tell him it was his turn to answer you. “sorry, what was the question again?” he snapped back to reality and a nervous, breathy laugh escaped him. trinity looked at you and you returned her puzzled face before breaking out into a fit of giggles. “did you learn anything from this movie?” you repeated. “oh yeah, totally. the importance of family is a repeating theme in this movie and because i’m so close to my family, i’ve learned to protect them and make sure to keep them close because nowadays you never know what could happen,” he recovered quickly, and you smiled at him. he was cute, chivalrous and quick on his feet. definitely your type.
the interview continued for another 20 minutes, asking questions regarding working with james cameron, what it was like working with motion capture, how they prepared for their roles and other smaller questions regarding the other cast mates. trinity is a natural born story teller, so she would take charge regarding funny cast moments on set or even in other interviews. jack still kept his attention on you, but this time making sure to listen incase you had another question for him. he didn’t want to embarrass himself in front of you anymore than he had. when the interview ended, you asked them both if you could take a quick picture of them for the article and for screenrant’s socials, both of whom happily obliged. 
as you were getting your mic removed by the camera crew, you were surprised to see jack lingering by. “oh hey, thanks for letting me interview you today!” you spoke up, noticing his newfound nervous nature and trying to ease the awkwardness. he smiled, “i think you were the most fun interview we’ve had this entire press tour,” he admitted sheepishly. you giggled, “well, i’m glad. some people take interviews way too seriously and i think it takes away all of the fun and excitement about being in a big blockbuster movie like this.” you finished, double checking that you had your bag and your waterbottle with you before heading out. but before you could leave, jack stopped you again. “hey, do you live in LA or are you just here for work?” “oh, i’m actually just here for work! i’m originally from new york. i’m leaving in a couple days for the premiere in london actually,” you watched as his face lit up. “are you going to be at the premiere for work too?” he questioned, and you laughed. “not exactly. sigourney’s actually my aunt, and she invited me to come with her!” you declared, “i don’t think she was expecting me to be here for an interview today honestly.” giggling, you watched jack’s mind connect the dots. “oh my god haha that’s so cool, how come i never saw you on set?” he inquired. “never had enough time during school and her filming schedule. i would see her on holidays, or sometimes she would come and visit me while i was working in quebec.” you conversed a little more, talking about how you started working for screenrant, and if you had any plans to become an actor yourself. you hadn’t realized how easy he was to talk to, or how attractive he was now that it was just the two of you speaking in such close proximity. “do you have a date for the premiere?” he blurted, taking you both by surprise. “i mean, besides being there with your family and sigourney, of course.” you shook your head. “i guess i’ve been so busy with work i haven’t been looking for a date,” you responded, watching his shoulders relax as he heard you didn’t have anyone to go with. “i mean, neither do i besides my family. we could go together?” poor man was so nervous. he was scratching his neck as he awaited your response, and you grabbed it to help calm his nerves. “i’ll happily go with you, jack.” you gave his hand a tight squeeze, as if trying to tell him that this wasn’t a dream. “okay, great. that’s awesome,” he sounded relieved. you both giggled quietly, hands still conjoined. “i have a couple of days off before i leave LA, would you want to go out sometime before then?” you asked. “how does disneyland sound?” he grinned. “sounds perfect.”
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earthry · 9 months
hello glad you are back :3 could I request hcs for going to a fancy ball w papa? ty ilysm 💓
Thank you so much! I had lots of fun with this, please enjoy! I imagine this to be somewhat of a Regency Era AU <3
sfw but a smidgen of spice at secondo's part, fluff, regency era-ish
Balls aren't usually his thing-- not anymore, at least. Maybe when he was younger but now in age, he's been and seen hundreds to the point that a fancy ball is just another fancy ball to him.
For you however, they are novelty and a wonder. Something sparkly, something new, something to be excited about and look forwards to. And fuck if that's not cute and incredibly endearing to see. Once you enter his life, he'll never ever voice boredom or disinterest for balls ever again.
Actually, you make him interested in balls again-- if not only to see you at the center of attention, beaming his way.
He's the type to sip at his wine while he watches you have the time of your life across the room-- he doesn't see any point in socializing himself, but if you urge him to, he'll mingle for a little while.
After the ball, he'll escort you home and ask if you had a good time-- the answer is always yes. He'll kiss you goodnight, sweet and gentle under the crescent moon that leaves the both of you breathless, before bidding you a farewell until the morning.
"I'll see you in the morning, tesoro. I'll dream sweetly of you tonight."
Spares no expenses on you-- whether it be accessories, makeup, outfits, you name it-- he'll get it for you. What's the use of money if he can't frivolously spend it on the people he loves?
Whether it be a ball gown or a suit, everything you wear is perfectly tailored to your form. If you get a dress or skirt, it has pockets!
An expert at the social game at balls, always knows what to say and exactly how to say it. His presence is most coveted and he'll almost always have an invitation to even the most exclusive of balls.
You'll always be his plus one-- there's never a doubt. Unless you have no interest in attending, you can practically consider an invitation to him as an invitation to you. However, you needn't worry because plenty of invitations of your own will come your way because others know that if you attend, he surely will as well. Never one without the other.
Protective; if he has business or other things to attend to at a ball, one or more of his ghouls will always be nearby to make sure nothing happens to you. This is with your consent of course. If you don't feel comfortable with it, he'll at the very least make sure you're equipped and armed with your own personal dagger concealed in your sleeve or somewhere on your person.
As is proper, he'll always make sure to personally escort you home. The kiss you share before you depart is deep and meaningful-- but no less dirty or charged. Pulling you into his lap and claiming your lips with his, he'll roll his hips up to meet yours just to hear the little hitch in your breath. It's usually a game between the two of you; who can get the other more worked up by the time it's time to say goodbye. Most of the time he wins, smirking as you let out a soft little whimper when the carriage finally stops in front of your estate. He'll give you one last kiss before huskily bidding you adeiu.
"Time to leave, amore mio. Think of me tonight, si?"
This man definitely 'pre-games' before the ball-- manicures and facials and any type of beauty self-care under the sun. It's a whole spa day the day of the ball, he shows up at your doorstep and kisses the back of your hand before whisking you off to get absolutely pampered.
The two of you have matching outfits probably, the same theme or color or style. You're both the center of attention at balls, charming the ladies and men. Terzo usually keeps a possessive arm around your waist, leaning in close to gossip or whisper some kind of comment that only you have the luxury of being privy to.
Terzo is ever so attentive to you and your needs during balls-- always checking in for your comfort, asking if you need a drink or snack, making sure you know that the two of you can leave at any time you want.
Despite what a flirt this man is, he'll only ever have eyes for you and anyone with eyes can see that. He's a little bit of a prima donna and likes having your attention on him-- but he'll give you your space if you request it.
Whenever there's dancing involved, the two of you always captivate onlookers. The way he twirls you (or vice versa if you prefer leading), the looks the two of you exchange as your bodies move in tandem to the music. When the two of you take to the dance floor, usually it becomes just the two of you, as others will stop just to watch.
Dropping you back home after the party is Terzo's least favorite part-- because he has to say goodbye to his most beloved. You'll spend at least twenty more minutes down the block from your estate just to make out in the carriage until one of the coachmen impatiently interrupts and asks if you're ready to go. With one last parting kiss, Terzo will see you off with a promise to call on you again in the morning.
"Till tomorrow, beloved. Don't miss me too much, bene?"
The two of you are anxious beans that find comfort and company in each other at social functions and especially balls. You'll always have an eye out for him and him, you. Eventually, you'll just start attending balls and other events together.
The first time you meet, he's hiding in host's library-- the very same place you had decided to hide in as well. You bump into each other what starts as profuse apologies from each side blooms into a long lasting friendship and companionship.
The day he asks you to come with him as his official plus one, his date, you can't stop smiling which flusters him and makes him bashfully but oh so insanely happy.
After a while, balls become a favorite to the two of you because it would always be full of shenanigans and fun. The two of you together and loitering by the refreshments table and stuffing yourselves full of snacks, giggling to yourselves as you chat and peek into his pocket to see that he's smuggled a rat friend in, touring the gardens outside where it's less crowded and hold hands until you inevitably share a kiss under the gazebo by the lake.
When the night comes to a close, he'll see you home with you cuddled at his side on the carriage ride back. Hushed and sweet tones as you decompress together and he'll tell you that he enjoyed every moment he had with you. He'll crack a few jokes that leave the two of you giggling and by the time it's time to leave, you're left with a warm and fuzzy feeling from head to toe. His kiss goodnight promises more in the future; it's soft and resolute. He holds you in his arms afterwards and you sigh contently and bask in the moment before he rests his forehead against yours to say goodbye.
"First thing tomorrow, i'll be outside your window throwing little stones, si? Like uh-- who was that fellow? Row-me-o? Wha- cuore mio, why are you laughing?"
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potionbarrel · 11 days
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i'm opening commissions!
-4/5 slots open- | My Ko-Fi
hi! i'm currently out of a job, and my savings are limited— anything i make is going to rent, groceries, and meds/appointments. everything helps! i hope you'll consider me for your commission :o) please click open the read more for my terms of service if you're interested! for more info, reach out to me here or on discord- my username is also potionbarrel! i'm accepting payment through ko-fi and paypal
I accept payment through Paypal or Ko-Fi. I have five slots open at a time, and I don't do holds on those slots. You can reach me at potionbarrel on Tumblr and Discord— I'm happy to answer any questions!
I have the right to turn down any commission, with or without explanation.
Dos and Don'ts: do use your commission as an icon, repost it, or edit it, so long as it has proper credit! Don't use my work for financial gain, NFTs, or AI training, and don't cover up my signature or claim you or another artist made the commission.
I need visual references, preferably full body— no text descriptions of what a character's appearance, please. Describing poses or a scene over text is fine, though! The more detailed, the better.
I work on commissions in the order I got them in, and I'm a slower, detail-oriented artist, so please keep both these things in mind when it comes to how quickly I complete your piece!
The commission must be paid in full before I send you the finished piece. Multiple payments are okay, so long as we talk about it first! However, I won't complete the commission until I have the full amount.
I'll send a WIP once the sketch is completed, but I can send more if asked! Important: if there's something you want changed with your commission, please request alterations during these WIP check-ins! I won't be making major changes once the piece is finished, and small changes after the commission's completion will cost $5 each.
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daenysx · 9 months
Hi!! First of all, I want to tell you that I love your writings! Your portrayal of Aemond is just *chef's kiss*. I would like to request some hurt/comfort with Aemond x reader if possible. Thank you in advance! <3
thank you for your request, angel, i'm so happy that you like my writing!! i hope you like this one too, i picked a plot which is a little too relatable to me, so here we go. ♡
send me your requests for drabbles
pins and needles. pins and needles. pins and needles.
people talk but the words are not clear. they laugh, they have endless conversations about their lives, they share funny memories with each other.
all you can do is sitting at the table and giving them fake smiles.
they are your friends, surely a dinner with them must feel good, right? you have plenty you'd like to share, you want to laugh at their jokes, you want to make them smile. your hands shake, your breathing's uneven, you're sure at some point you'll feel the world spin. you don't want to be here. you don't know how to leave the restaurant. will they talk after you leave? will they say how you can't even form a proper sentence without your voice shaking?
you hold onto your glass, you take a slow sip from it. the liquid tastes weird in your mouth. a friend next to you says something, then turns to you and asks, "right?"
risky question. you didn't even hear the story. you don't know how to answer. fuck. no, that's- no. you grab your phone and stand up. you try to smile but it's fake. "uhm, excuse me, i just have to call someone, i'll be back."
you don't want to come back.
you walk away, thankfully they are a big group, not all of them will notice your absence. the fresh air feels nice as you step outside. you take a few more steps and sit on the sidewalk. you try to take a deep breath, you fail. you look at your phone, fingers shaking as you search aemond's name.
aemond picks up the phone at the first ring. "sweetheart?"
you have to find your voice. "hey."
he knows what happens the moment he hears the little word. "are you okay?"
"can you- can you please come and get me?"
he grabbed the car keys already. "i'm on my way."
you try to stay calm as you wait for him. it's a short distance, all you have to do is waiting for him. he'll be here. he'll be here.
9 minutes 37 seconds, and aemond is here. he rushes when he sees you, you realize the image must be a little terrifying. he kneels in front of you, careful hands on your face. "hey, i'm here. you're with me, pretty girl."
you hold onto him, he holds you the best he can. the angle's weird but he doesn't care. you cry into his neck, you can't breathe. you don't wanna be like this, there's no reason and look at you, crying in your lover's arms. aemond rubs your back, his knees must hurt. he kisses your forehead, just keeps his warm lips on your skin. "i got you. you're safe, hmm? you know i'm here, i'm with you."
you nod, you feel better. you are not alone. he's here, with you. "my friends- they're inside, i just-" you mumble, the words lost in your mouth.
"do you have your things with you? yeah, you have, baby. let me take you home, i'll just call them and tell them you got sick." he kisses your head. "it's okay. everything's okay. i'll make sure everything's fine, let's go back to car."
he helps you to the car, never lets go of your hand. he buckles your seatbelt. you just feel tired, the loud voices and your fake smiles carve a space in your mind. you close your eyes, teardrops fall. it's okay, it's just okay.
aemond takes you home. he keeps his hands on you all the time. a hand on your thigh as he drives and his arm around your waist as he leads you inside. the bedroom is quiet, you walk towards bed and let yourself relax for a minute. you can hear aemond's muffled voice, he's in the kitchen, talks to one of your friends who he knows and probably tells them you're sick but safe with him. you close your eyes, you don't even want to remember how you felt.
he comes next to you, sits on the edge of the bed. "can i hold your hand?" he asks, with a cautious tone. you give him your hand and he squeezes it, helps you remember you're safe. you're with him, you're safe, everything's okay.
"do you want to tell me what happened?" he asks, almost whispers.
you shrug. "i'm not sure i know what happened."
he shakes his head. "baby-" he collects his words. "you know what? we don't have to talk about it. we don't have to talk at all."
"aemond," you say, pull his hand closer to your lips and press a little kiss on the back of it. "thank you for coming. thank you for- for being with me."
he cups your cheek, gathering his thoughts again with a smile. "you don't have to thank me. you call, i come to you, that's our deal."
a teardrop falls. "i just felt like i didn't belong there. they were- they are so confident, so happy with their lives, and i don't even know if i do things right with mine."
he lays on bed silently, pulls you on his body so that you can use him like a pillow. now you can tell everything to him without worrying about having an eye contact. "they're my friends but it's like there's a distance between us. i thought i'd have fun, i didn't, i just felt terrible instead." you continue, sobbing.
aemond forces himself to stay calm. he should stay calm for you, he should help you feel like yourself again. he just rubs your back, the physical contact always works the best.
"i shouldn't doubt myself so much, should i? i'm doing the things i want but none of them seems worthy enough to have a conversation about." you whisper, too lost in your own thoughts and tears.
aemond lifts you suddenly, he sits on bed, and you're on his lap. he takes off your sweater with confident fingers, leaving you with a small tank top, freeing you from the heat that makes your cheeks flush. he pulls your hair from your face, brushes away your tears, and kisses your lips.
the kiss goes on, you find it easy to move your lips against his. the act of taking a deep breath is not so hard now, he shares his breaths with you. you kiss him for what feels like hours, your head not spinning now. your heartbeat turns normal slowly, you hold onto his hair, your shaky fingers become sure of the movement after each second.
he ends the kiss by holding the back of your head gently. foreheads pressed together, you are okay. you are okay, he's here. he kisses you better. he just knows how to kiss you better.
"you're allowed to feel bad even when you're with the people you like, sweetheart. you're allowed to be nervous, to not enjoy conversations around you, to not feel the best all the time." he kisses your forehead after each sentence.
"everything's okay, you didn't do anything wrong." he wants you to make sure you know the obvious fact, "you did good, leaving the place you're uncomfortable in and calling me to get you."
you nod, "thank you for saying these."
he squeezes your hand. "sweet thing." he kisses the back of your hand. "i just want you to feel good."
"i'm good." you say. "i'll be good."
aemond nods, "i was watching that tarantino movie you love so much before you called. would you like to join me? you can tell me everything i don't know about it."
you know he's lying, he wasn't watching your comfort movie before you called. he just wants you to feel better, offering something he knows you won't resist. you nod, give him a smile.
"come on, change your clothes. i'll make us some tea." aemond says, watching you take your jeans off with a longing smile on his lips.
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the-kr8tor · 11 months
HIIIIIIIII SWEETHEART I LOVE YOUR WRITIN STYLE EVERY FANFIC I READ FELT SO NATURAL AND REAL!!! 💗💗💗 was thinkin, could you write a hobie fic how would He react to y/n dyeing their hair I just recently dyed ma hair and had this idea in the back of ma head, HOPE YOU HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY OR NIGHT, LOVE 💗 YOU AND ADMIRE YOUR WORK💗💗💗😊😊😊
Thank you hun! You're so sweet, I'm glad you like my fics ❤️ hope you like it! Thank you for requesting!!!
Hobie Brown x gn! Reader
Mention of injury, FLUFF
Hobie wakes up groaning, he instinctively lays his hand on your side of the bed, trying to find your warmth. He finds your pillow cold, fighting to keep his eyes open, Hobie blinks away sleep. Craning his creaking neck, he glanced at the clock– 1:00 pm.
"Ah, fuck" he moves his aching legs off the bed, the fight with mysterio last night left him worse for wear. Hobie sits on the edge of the bed, contemplating whether or not it's worth getting out of bed today.
He stretches his back, arms wide, Hobie yawns loudly enough to get your attention. He waits for your sweet voice to ask him if he's okay, but the whole flat is dead silent.
He raises his brow, "lovey?" Hobie calls out.
Hobie stands up, wobbling a bit on shaky legs. Maybe you're in the living room? He comes out of the bedroom, roaming his eyes to find your familiar form. It's the weekend, why aren't you home?
His anxiety gets the best of him, mind jumping to conclusions, they're not all good.
"Love?" He calls out again, a bit desperate this time. Hobie scratches his neck, maybe you're in the bathroom?
He heads towards the bathroom door, knocking tentatively "oi you in there?" He knocks twice, thrice, but no one answers.
Hobie wiggles the doorknob, he finds it unlocked, opening it slowly, in case you don't want to be disturbed. "You decent?" His voice echoes out in the tiled room.
Hobie's eyes widened at the red-stained tub, crimson splotches covered the once white bathtub. His heart stops, where are you? Who hurt you? Is this the work of mysterio–
A hand touches his shoulder, waking him up from his daze. His spidey senses betraying him, he slightly jumps at the contact.
"You okay, Hobie?" You ask him, slowly turning him around to face you.
He takes note of your hair in a towel, the white cloth stained pink, where it's closest to your hair. Your hand, and fingernails stained, like you've been trying to scrub it off, but gave up halfway.
He connects the dots, a sigh of relief escapes him.
"Yeah, 'm fine" Hobie tries to put his forehead against yours, but you stop him with your palm, shielding him.
"You might get it on you" you smile, apologetically.
"Right, where were you?" He pulls away, opting to hold your waist instead, Hobie rubs circles on your hips, effectively grounding him.
"I borrowed a hairdryer from the neighbor's" you show it to him, "mine fizzled out for some reason. You missed me?"
"No," he pinches your nose teasingly, you pout at his answer "I'll fix your old one for you, can I see?" Hobie tugs at the towel on your head.
You still pout at him, giving him your best puppy dog eyes, feigning sadness.
"Fine," he rolls his eyes "I missed you, now may I see your hair?"
"Only because you asked nicely" you change your pout to a smirk rather quickly.
Tugging off the towel, you let your hair breathe, the bright cherry red color a stark difference to your natural hair color.
Hobie whistles "Goddamn, look at you, lookin' like a proper punk!" He cups your jaw with both hands, moving your head from side to side. "Hmm, you missed a spot" he points out.
"What? Where?!" You rush to the mirror, trying to find the spot you didn't color in.
"Right, here" he pokes the side of your head.
When you turn to look at him, so you could ask him to show it to you, Hobie leans towards you, crashing his lips to yours, stopping you mid-turn.
You smile into the kiss, Hobie grabs a handful of your newly colored hair, ignoring that it might stain his hand so he can pull you closer, deepening the kiss. You hug his torso, stabilizing yourself as your legs wobble.
Oh, he definitely likes your new hair color.
I definitely didn't base this when I colored my hair red, once lol. I made the description of the hair as vague as possible, hope it worked well.
Thank you for reading! Consider reblogging if you enjoyed ❤️❤️❤️
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I know I've sent you so many asks already (and feel free to tell me to stop if I'm annoying you. I'll understand) but I was thinking maybe a Melissa's reaction to reader bringing home a puppy without letting her know first. Maybe one of the Italian breeds like a Cane Corso.
i literally just wrote this quickly because i love dogs and couldn't resist so i hope you don't hate it - but also i love your requests sosososososo much!!
melissa schemmenti x reader
this is just pure fluff | wc: 799 | masterlist
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Melissa had been waiting for you to come home after your trip to the store; she’d sent you out to pick up a couple of ingredients for dinner. An hour ago. She was almost done with her second glass of wine and you’d still not come back. 
She was beginning to get worried, only hoping that her wandering thoughts of something terrible having happened were way off the mark. 
She breathed a sigh of relief when she finally heard the front door open and close, soon followed by you, bag in hand and a smile on your face. 
“What took you so long?” she asked you, taking the bag from you to begin unpacking. “I was beginning to think you’d started another street brawl.”
“That was one time. And an accident. And hardly a ‘brawl’,” you argued with a huff whilst she just laughed. “My friend called me whilst I was out, she was nearby and I got distracted, I’m sorry.”
“Mm, and I see you bought my favourite coffee to get in my good books,” she muttered as she put it away.
“Has it worked?” 
“Definitely, honey,” she answered, pressing a kiss to your lips. When she pulled away she eyed you inquisitively, eyebrow raised. She knows you too well not to notice something was up.
“What?” you laughed, shuffling where you stood. 
“Which friend was it?”
“The one with all those dogs?” she countered whilst you nodded and she began chopping vegetables. 
“Don’t you think having a little puppy would be so perfect?”
“No,” she returned. “I love them but I don’t think I could handle two of you with the zoomies every night,” she added with a chuckle. 
“I get that,” you agreed. “Want me to help?”
“Sure.” Her voice questioned your intentions and she was convinced there was some kind of ulterior motive. “You tryna butter me up or somethin’?”
“Can’t I help my girlfriend, just because?”
“I guess,” she shrugged. “But don’t actually touch anything.”
“Y’know, her Cane Corso just had a couple puppies,” you muttered as you took a seat on the kitchen counter, mindlessly stroking her hair to try your hardest to appease her. 
“Proper Italian dogs,” she mused. 
“Here, I’ve got some photos,” you responded, shoving your phone in front of her face excitedly. “They’re a few months old and one of them nibbles on your fingers with his toothless mouth which was a little gross but I love him so it’s fine.” You were getting antsy, glancing towards the front door, and luckily Melissa was distracted enough to not notice. 
“He sounds like you - is he gassy as well?” she teased, only receiving a little shove from you in return. 
“Rude,” you pouted as you hopped down from your seat, heading back towards the front door. “I just remembered I forgot something in the car, don't miss me too much - also don’t forget how much you absolutely adore me, and how you can never be mad at me about anything ever.” 
“God, what’d you do?” she sighed, turning off the stovetop, but you were already gone, muttering to yourself words she couldn’t clearly hear. 
You were glad to see her facing away from you when you walked back inside and you were able to walk up behind her before she could chastise you right away. The dog in your arms sat comfortably with his head against your shoulder, soft fur against your cheek and his tail wagging slightly. 
You cleared your throat to get her attention and her eyes widened, though she wasn’t overly surprised considering you're always causing a mischief she only pretends to find annoying. 
“No. No, we cannot have a dog,” she spoke, keeping her eyes on your face to avoid his.
“Aw, but look at him,” you pouted, using his paw to wave at her. “Hi, mom, I woof you.”
“That was terrible,” she groaned, unable to hide her smile at your silly grin. You both looked so adorable, both of you sporting puppy dog eyes. “We can’t keep him. He hasn’t got a name so it’s not too late fo-”
“He has got a name,” you interrupted. “I named him Hoagie and I love him.”
She hated how she couldn’t resist the pair of you and how her own body betrayed her when she cupped his face between her hands, letting him chew on her thumb excitedly. 
“You’re both gonna cause me a lotta trouble.”
“Yep,” you grinned largely, instantly grimacing at the sudden appearance of a certain smell you don’t care to sniff ever again. 
“I knew he was gonna be gassy,” Melissa groaned, pinching her nose between her fingers as she grabbed the air freshener. It would soon be clear that the cotton fresh spray would have to make a regular appearance.
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h-yellowfell · 30 days
Hello everyone! Hollow here, I decided to create a dedicated blog for the yellow fell au as I'll be having more time to work on this little project of mine! This blog is mainly to have all my au stuff in one neat place, but also for asks regarding the au
Some stuff regarding that:
-Please keep questions SFW, same goes for any requests!
-If you want a question to be answered in character, just word the question as: "to [character]:..."
-Have fun! I adore talking about these little guys, and will draw more of them whenever possible
Extra au things:
So- the main story of the au is about...80% completed? Most of the main cast already have designs and will be getting their proper intro post soon, it's really just down to me having limited time to draw everyday
Two characters in specific will be getting new intro posts, and that is Clover and Martlet!
Clover's personality changed quite a bit since I've started writing this au, as really when I started this I didn't think of any plan for the bigger story, so they definitely need some more attention! And martlet well...I know I can do her more justice, so I must!
Hope you all enjoy this silly trainwreck I call yellow fell as much as I do
-Stay determined
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cat3ch1sm · 10 months
Hello! Hope you're doing well! This is my first time requesting, so here goes:
Could you please write headcanons for Agni, Soma, and Pavitr finding out that reader is learning Hindi and then helping them practice and encouraging them? I know Pav is from a different source media, so if you're not okay with that, just Soma and Agni is more than okay, I'll be happy just the same ^^
Thanks a lot ♡
🏹~ this is such a cute request! no worries if your request features different characters from different medias, it doesn’t matter to me! i will happily write it nonetheless. thanks for your request, @bell-of-indecision , and your patience as well as your support. ily 💚 to my other readers, your requests are in the works! <33
●∘◦❀◦∘● gn!reader
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𝐚𝐠𝐧𝐢, 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐚, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐫 + 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢 💚
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agni is thrilled to find out that you want to learn hindi. he takes a lot of pride in his language and his culture, so when he discovers that you want to engage in it as well, he is happy to share it with you.
however, he’s a serious teacher. agni takes your education seriously, like it’s an actual class. even though you just wanted to learn hindi for fun and mostly to make him happy, agni makes sure you’re disciplined in learning it. you have lessons almost every day without fail, and he assigns you little quizzes and gives you homework assignments every day as well. you even have tests for agni to assess your knowledge so he knows exactly what to correct you on. truthfully it is exhausting, but agni doesn’t believe in letting you quit. you said you wanted to learn Hindi so damn it he’s going to make sure you do.
agni is just as gentle as he is strict, though. whenever you mess something up he quickly cuts you off and points out your mistake, and will carefully explain why it’s wrong and what the correct answer is. he isn’t like those teachers who snap at you for getting things wrong. whenever you pass a test he gives you, he’ll think of little rewards for you to receive later in order to keep you motivated. agni also emphasizes the importance of getting proper rest, so even if he has given you assignments, if you don’t finish them he doesn’t force you to stay up if you’re tired or sick. if you bring him an unfinished assignment the next lesson, agni will simply go through whatever you didn’t finish with you. agni is really encouraging as well, and whenever you get frustrated he’s quick to cheer you up and remind you of your goal.
soma thinks it’s really sweet that you want to learn Hindi, and volunteers immediately to help you learn! is it an excuse to show of something that he finally does better than you? perhaps… but it also an excuse to spend more time with you? maaaaaybe…
unfortunately, he’s a seventeen-year-old kid who turns out to not be the best teacher. soma’s method of teaching you is literally just speaking fluent hindi and making exaggerated gestures to you- more like at you- and somehow expecting you to figure out what he’s saying. also, he gets kind of frustrated easily- he definitely doesn’t have the same level of patience as agni does, but he has twice the ego- so most of your ‘lessons’ with him go along these lines:
“*insert soma speaking fluent hindi*”
“soma, i have no idea what you’re saying.”
*cue flabbergasted look from soma* “what do you mean? i made gestures in order to show to you what i meant.”
“i… don’t think that’s how that works. i just started learning, soma. how about you look at the books i’m studying and see if you can help me with the lessons the book gives me?”
*slightly annoyed expression from soma* “but i am the one who fluently speaks hindi. this book cannot speak at all!” *dramatically closes book* “if you simply listen and pay attention closely, i am sure you will soon be as good as i am.”
“but you were born in india. you’ve been speaking hindi since birth. i can’t possibly reach your level that quickly… i don’t see why you can’t just help me with the book that starts with the basics-”
“oh! then why do i even bother?” *dramatically stands up* “i see you have chosen a mere book over your dearly beloved friend. so be it, my friend- so be it.” (imagine him delivering this as if he was some soap opera character who just was betrayed. yeah, he’s really over the top.)
eventually agni steps in and convinces a sulking soma that he needs to be more patient with you because you’re no expert- and more importantly set aside his ego. soma will realize the error in his ways and again decide to help teach you. of course, something similar to the above conversation usually takes place during your lessons in the beginning, but every time soma gets more patient. soon he’s actually pretty good at teaching you, and soma realizes that he genuinely enjoys watching you progress in your learning. he’s also super thrilled whenever you translate something correctly or memorize words right. the amount of impatience he had earlier is the same amount of pride he feels whenever he successfully teaches you something. you guys both start to genuinely look forward to hindi lessons together.
pavitr, like the other two, is happy to hear that you’re interested in learning his native language, and he’s quick to volunteer as your teacher. although to be honest, he isn’t the most patient either. he tries, he really does, and it’s not like he gets genuinely mad or anything, but why would you say chai tea when it’s literally just chai that’s like saying tea tea like what the fuck man
alright, i swear that’s the only time i’ll make a chai tea joke because it physically pains me how much the atsv fandom dickrides that damn joke. but anyways pavitr is a genuinely good teacher besides the slight lack of patience. but it is slight. he’s really encouraging and makes sure you don’t get down on yourself when you make a mistake. pav is insistent, though, that you don’t miss any lessons. his schedule is already unpredictable, but he knows that you are serious about learning hindi and he wants to help you achieve that goal. so pav wants you to show up to your lessons that he schedules because he isn’t sure of when he can schedule another one.
although here’s something funny that i totally think pav would do: if you’re both spider-people on a mission together, he’ll give you quizzes on what you’ve studied with him so far as you guys are literally like swinging in the air above literal skyscrapers and flying over hundreds of people. just imagine this:
*whizzing by you* “hey, y/n! quick- what’s hello and goodbye in Hindi?”
*flipping in the air* “namaste!”
*running up a building* “very good! now what’s good morning in hindi?”
*running right behind pav* “shub prabhat?”
“great!” *throws himself off building and glides through the air* “now what is ‘phir melenge’ in english?”
*shooting webs onto walls, almost misses one* “shit! um, is it see you later?”
“careful with the webs!” *flying through the air* “and what’s tea in hindi?”
“…chai.” (okay that’s the last time ever i swear.)
“you’ve got it now!”
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azaleaniath · 1 year
Hey im here with some ideas ❤️
Enemies to lovers where you and Aonung have some proper banter going on with a lot of energy that everyone picks up on except them and they deny having crushes on each other every second of their lives like it physically pains them to see the other that way.
Then somebody gets hurt badly away from the clan and the other has to take them back to the clan while desperately trying to keep them awake as they fade into unconsciousness.
Then when it all ends they try to go back to hating each other but the things that were said when they thought the other was dying is kinda hard to keep ignoring.
Happy writing and I hope you aren't too overcome with requests xx
This is for u bby 💙 hope you enjoy it as well as I did while writing it! @writing-makes-me-human
You make me sick
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includes: fist fights, more fights, hate, enemies to lovers, blood, mentions of death, unconsciousness, more fighting, confessions, crying, lil bit angst
3.0k words
The sun was covered in clouds above Pandora as you sat at the docks with Ix'tar, a brave warrior of your reef clan. Both of you giggled, splashing water at each other's legs with your feet.
He had asked to meet you here to hand you a present he had been working on for a while, hoping you would see him as a potential mate. He was about your age, very good looking and also a genuine and friendly personality overall.
"Hey!" you squealed as the water hit your face, "Don't make me push you in there!" you laughed loudly, pushing his broad shoulder towards the water beneath you. Ix'tar quickly caught his balance and flashed his teeth, pulling your torso into a tight hug.
"You can try, put I'll pull you down with me!" His curly long hair framed his cheerful smililng visage. You kicked your legs wildly, trying to wind out of his tight embrace.
"Oh you wouldn't, you know I'm not the best swimmer!"
The two of you had been friends for a while. He knew that, compared to other metkayina, you were not the best swimmer. How ironic, you thought, a metkayina that can't swim well. Even these omaticaya where better than you.
"I'd hold you then." he cooed, threatening to pull you in with him. As he pulled your torso in the direction of the water you shrieked again, throwing your arms around his neck, even if you knew he was only joking. Ix'tar would cut his own queue off before he'd hurt you.
"Please don't, just drown her. You'd do us all a favour." Ao'nungs voice joined the conversation. He waded out of the water close by and watched the two of you with a disgusted expression all across his face.
Just the sight of him made you sick and that wonderful moment poofed like a bubble of sea foam. With pursed lips you rolled your eyes, hoping he'd leave the two of you alone again. But Ao'nung was not done yet.
"Ix'tar, I thought you had some taste? C'mon, why are you wasting your time with her?"
You couldn't help but sigh before sending a deadly gaze over to the chief's son. "You weren't hunting with us this morning. Don't tell me you didn't come because of her?"
The bitter undertone of his voice made you ball your fists tighter.
"Go mind your own business. You have a long path ahead if you want to become a worthy olo'eyktan one day, don't you have something to do?"
You barked back, leaning against Ix'tar who just caressed your back gently. It was a common thing to see the two of you fight.
"Ao'nung, can't you cut it out just this once?" Ix'tar asked, raking through his curls with his free hand.
The chief's son huffed and shook his head. That usual mischievous grin appeared on his face. Instead of answering his question, Ao'nung watched the new dangling necklace around your neck.
"That's the third time whis week you accept gifts from potential mates, huh?"
Oh that ugly lying bastard.
Ix'tar almost looked a bit hurt at Ao'nungs words. He had worked so hard on that finely knotted necklace for you. Surely he intended it to be a courting gift, and you also saw it as that. After all, Ix'tar was a wonderful choice for you.
"What are you saying?! This is the first time I have-"
"(Y/N), I better go, I'm sure my father needs help with...something..." The warrior mumbled in disappointment, letting go of you to and retreating soon.
No matter how many times you called out for Ix'tar, he only shook his hanging head and walked off, while Ao'nung snickered and squeezed the water out of his hair with a victorious look on his face.
You got off the docks and stomped over to the chief's son, blocking his way. As he tried to pass you, both of your fists knocked the air out of his lungs with a heavy punch against his ribcage. In pain he flinched before he tried to push you off, but you yanked at his hair and he copied until you both ended up in the sand, rolling around like little kids. But this wasn't a play fight.
He knelt above you, holding your wrists down while you kicked against him until he eventually had to loosen the grip around your hands in order to support himself. His queue fell over his shoulder into your face and your intrusive thought won, deciding for you to simply bite down on the ends.
While Aonung screeched in pain you freed youself and switched positions with him, piercing his ear with your fangs.
Countless insults spilled out of his mouth, a feral growl followed as he felt your teeth on his ear.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" he blurted out, scratching his nails all over your shoulders and stomach until they left bloody lines all across your teal skin. Your heart was pounding beneath your scarred chest.
Once you let go of his ear you got your hands onto his hair, tearing a few strands out to which he only cried out louder while he tried to get you off his bruised self. Most of your weight you balanced on you right knee, kicking it into his stomach.
Whatever Aonung cried, you could not understand. He yelled so loud, the few words in between completely drowned in his painful moans and cries. The only word you could catch was 'stop', but you didn't even think about that. This would've continued for hours if Ix'tar and Rot'xo wouldn't have stepped in to pull you away from the chief's son and gotten in between you two.
There was this taste of iron on your lips, it was Ao'nungs blood. You spat it onto the ground before him, furious eyes still attached to the man who knelt on the sand, holding himself in pain.
"What's wrong with you, woman?!" he cursed, but his friends stepped in to hold him back as well before he could charge at you again.
"That's what you get for lying about me! Have fun with your new piercing!" He couldn't believe you actually bit a hole into his ear which leaked blood continously. You ripped yourself off of the two guys who held you back to take a look at your torso which was covered in cuts and scratches.
He hissed at you in pain and hatred as you straightened your back and shoulders, standing tall in front of him, chest puffed. You still panted in exhaustion but tried to cover it with your proud stance.
Only now you noticed that quite a lot of people had gathered around the two of you. They all muttered around with each other, seeing the two of you fight like this.
"Why are they trying to hide it? Its so obvious."
"That just proves what I've been telling you guys!"
"It woud be really adorable if they wouldn't actually try to kill each other."
What were they pointing out? You didn't understand one thing until you heard someone whisper "They're clearly in love." Automatically your face twisted at those words in disgust.
You didn't love him, how could anyone ever think of that? You couldn't stand each other even if your life depended on it. No, absolutely not, right?
Someone needed to teach this brat a lesson and today he had finally overstepped a line.
He continued to curse and hiss, but you just turned on your heel and stormed off through the villagers with tears pricking from your eyes as soon as you were out of sight. This man seriously tried to ruin your life. How could you ever find a mate if he shattered every chance that you got?
Without even thinking about any consequences you called out for an ilu, quickly bonded with the aquatic animal and rode off. You urged your ilu through the waves, not stopping as the shore was out of right already. You simply went on and on until you noticed after what felt like hours, that the entire horizon all around you looked the same and you started to lose your orientation. You had never been outside the reef this far and the eclipse was near. You looked up into the sky as you heard the clouds above rumble deeply like a threat, a sound that left you shivering down to your bones.
"(Y/N)!" you heard a someone call out from the distance. With the last strength you had you held onto your ilu which was also losing strength. For days you had been out there, without food, without drinkable water. Together with your companion you floated on the water surface, praying to eywa that this was more than a made-up illusion by your brain.
"(Y/N)!" Again, the same voice. There was no need to open your half lidded eyes to see who it was. This voice haunted you in your nightmares. You licked your lips in hunger and thirst before your tongue rested back at the top of your dry mouth again.
You heard the water splash around you as if something was coming closer, and you were right. Soon your tired eyes found Ao'nung coming closer to you on another ilu. As he saw your collapsed body laying on your ilu without any strength left he did not waste a second to pull you over to his ilu which was far more fit.
"Not you..." you breathed out in a sore voice, hoping this was just a dream. If you had to choose between drowning and being saved by this brat, you'd surrender yourself to the depths of the ocean voluntarily.
"You're dying, I'm not gonna leave you here! You're barely conscious!" The look on his face actually seemed as if he was worried. How much time had passed since you were out here? You couldn't tell.
As much as you hated Ao'nung, your body switched out of survival mode as soon as he hooked his arms underneath your armpits to pull you over onto his ilu, holding you close to his body.
"Don't..." you breathed quietly, fighting to get away from him as you felt your dizzy, spinning head fall against his chest, but he denied right away.
"I'll get you home safely, okay? Just try to keep your eyes open, ma (y/n). Come on, you got this, you're a tough girl. Hang in there, for me. Even if it's just so you can beat me again. I'll let you use my face as a punching bag if you make it. You can't let me down, please."
Even if those words made it to your head you felt your eyes rolling back and falling shut while Aonung signaled his ilu to lead the way home as fast as it could.
"(Y/N), please look at me. Look at my ugly face, c'mon! Talk to me, insult me, anything, but stay with me please, i beg you!"
His voice cracked and you could feel how he pressed your weak body against him with one arm. Your head rested in the crook of his neck as he rubbed his cheek against you.
"I need you!" he cried out as he noticed your low heart rate, Ao'nung couldn't stop the tears that started to stream down his face. He couldn't lose you, this was not an option.
"Im sorry for all the things I've said and done, i am so fucking sorry! I couldn't stand seeing you with someone else, I'd rather have you pierce my ear a thousand times again but please don't let me down now!" He even started to pray to eywa, over and over again, during the entire way back to Awa'atlu.
It had taken some days to recover. You did not remember much of the time you had been out there, but Ao'nungs words followed you like a shadow. What he had said during the time he had saved you, his voice did not let you rest. Whenever you ways crossed he ignored you and turned his back on you immediately.
You fed the recovering ilu that had accompanied you on this deadly trip with fish in the waist deep water.
The animal was still recovering as well from the exhaustion, but it already felt a bit stronger again.
A soft smile decorated your face as you watched the ilu catch the fish, gulping it down after a few chews.
Suddenly you felt two gentle hands rest your waist, making you turn around quickly in surprise with a sharp inhale. Ix'tar stood close by, pulling you against his chest carefully as he smile down to you.
"Eywa, I thought you were-... someone else..."
He snickered and cocked an eyebrow as you hesitantly gave in to the hug.
"Ao'nung?" he asked quietly, and it made your stomach turn. It felt weird just to hear his name.
"No..." you lied and turned in his embrace to keep feeding the recovering ilu.
"So, he lied about you gathering potential mates like seashells, huh?" he asked and rested his head on top of yours. His black curls tickled on your neck, leading you to shiver with a wide smile.
"Of course, he's an ass."
"That 'ass' saved you. He would never admit it, but he was worried sick about you. I've never seen him like this." Ix'tar huffed before his arms pulled you closer against his chest. Somehow, you felt a cold shower run down from your neck. It felt weird, especially after what Ao'nung had said outside of the reef. But soon, Ix'tars mood changed as well.
"(Y/N), don't you like the necklace I gave you?"
In confusion you furrowed your brows and turned your head to see his frowning visage.
"Huh? What, why?"
With one hand you reached out to your neck, expecting to feel the gift he had made for you, but there was none. Hastily you searched your entire neck area with both hands, but the necklace was nowhere to be found.
"No, I loved it! I really liked it a lot Ix'tar, believe me! Damn, it looked like a whole lotta work... I'm so sorry..."
The warrior pursed his lips and took a deep breath.
"It's alright. You probably lost it at sea. It's not a problem, I'll make you a new-"
"I know where it is." It hit you like a wave. Your entire body tensed up and you balled your fists before ripping yourself from the hug, stomping off into the village. Ix'tar followed you with his eyes, knowing what this stance meant; Ao'nung.
Like a tornado you swiftly turned the entire village upside down until you found Ao'nung in his marui. As you stormed in he quickly tilted his ears in remembrance of your last furious encounter.
His blue eyes opened wide as you came dangerously close to him and asked him "Where is my necklace?" but soon he went back to his poker face. "Your what?"
"Oh, you know what I'm talking about! Ix'tar gifted me a necklace. I know you have it, so give it back to me!"
Ao'nung swallowed the lump in his throat, but somehow he was more than happy that you did not bring up what he had said during the time he had saved you. It relieved him that you went back straight to hating each other. At least, you tried.
"I don't have it! Why should I take that from you?!" the chief's son barked back at you before he pushed you off. Both of you noticed right away that his touches were significantly softer than before.
"Because you said-" your breath hitched before you could even end the sentence. Just arranging these words in your head left you speechless.
"Whatever you heard, you've been hallucinating..." Ao'nung growled before he turned away from you to get back to his task at hand. You huffed at his stupid excuse and turned him back to face you.
"Just... Give me the necklace, Ao'nung. Please."
Both of you just stared at each other in silence. For the first time you could take a closer look at his ear. The wound was healing, but much to your surprise, he had embraced his newest body modification and wore a wooden earring through it.
The scratches he had left on your body were also in a good recovering state. If they would leave scars, they wouldn't be the first ones that Ao'nung would've caused on your skin.
He lost himself in your big eyes for a moment before he blinked a few times in order not to drop his facade.
"I can't."
"What do you mean?!"
Ao'nung cleared his throat before he spoke again. "I dropped it into the ocean. Far away from here, where I found you."
Before you could yell at him again, he quickly tried to give a reason while he held his hands up in surrender.
"It looked ugly on you, okay? It looked cheap, and it wasn't well crafted!"
The furious, dark look in your eyes made him pass you quickly before you chased him down. Of course he ran towards the shore to just swim away from you. In the water, he could easily beat you, but on land, things were different. The water was almost in reach as you finally caught up to him and yanked him back by his queue, leaping yourself at him. "I'll pierce your other ear too you little -"
"Get off me! Not my ears again!"
You both ended up like always, rolling over the sand, tightly entangled, beating each other to the point of pure passing out if nobody would step in. Rot'xo shook his head as he saw you and Ao'nung fighting again, but Ix'tar walked up to him and stopped him.
"Don't, Rot'xo. Let them settle it themselves this time."
And just like him, you and Ao'nung also had to accept that maybe, just maybe, the two of you were simply meant for each other. A strong bond tied you and Aonung together, it was easy to see and yet so hard to deny that all of this was purely out of hate.
taglist:@luvlykrispy @zatarias-pandora @vviolaswrld @yeosxxx @lilgurlbeoncrack @philiasoul @itszzmoon @simp4ff @itsnotme02 @et-j-art
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lazyneonrabbitt · 9 months
Anyway I can request a Lip/Reader/Carmy imagine about the reader being pregnant (and of course the guys don’t care who’s baby it is because they’re all in a relationship together so they’re in this together regardless of who’s it is) and the guys helping her through a really complicated pregnancy?
Okay this one got LONG. I'm absolitely terrified of getting pregnant so there's a whole lot of anxiety in this one.
CW: unplanned pregnancy and all its horrors, anxiety and medication, mentions of childbirth and c-sections.
The second you saw those two lines appear you spiraled. Both of the boys being at work leff enough room in the quiet appartment for your mind to start screaming at you.
Who's was it? Would you have to get it checked? Before or after the baby was born? Should you even keep it? You didn't plan this. What if they fought over who was the father?would either of them leave if they learned the baby was the other's?
You went to bed, not caring about anything you were supposed to do that day. You only wanted sleep. You eventually passed out after crying for god knows how long.
Your boys were going on a grocery run after work so they came home together, both carrying bags inside, only to be welcomed by the sound of the TV and half eaten breakfast on the coffee table. You were nowhere to be seen but your shoes and bag were at the door so you had to be home.
It was Lip's years of living with his family that set off his instincts to go find you ASAP. "Go put the freezer stuff away. I'll go see if I can find her." Carmen agreed and took the extra bags to put the frozen goods away quickly while Lip went straight for the shower, checking the tub, shower cabin and around the corner at the toilet. No sight of you so he moved to the guest bedroom where you would often be digfing through old items, sorting them out and organizing to keep your mind busy, mayne you had just forgotten the time. But you weren't there either so he almost ran into the bedroom where you were curled up underneath messy blankets. Your phone on the floor with an empty nox of tissues, the contents of which were all over the place.
"Yo Bear. Over here, now." Lip's voice summoned him in an instant, panic clear in his eyes as he stared at Lip for an answer.
They both stepped closer and sat down on either side of the bed. Carmen carefully climbed over to sit closer to you, moving quietly so he wouldn't wake you when his hand landed on something underneath the blankets, pushing them aside to take the item off the bed.
"Oh fuck, Lip.." He held up the item for him to see. The oh so familiar white stick in the other's hand spiked all kinds of emotions, snatching the thing to take a closer look.
A positive pregnancy test sat between his fingers. He ran a hand down his face with a deep sigh and stood up. "You wake her up, I'm calling the clinic." And with that he turned to walk out the door. "Lip!" Carmen whisper-yelled to get him to stay. "How about we talk to her first before making her decisions, huh?" Carmen waa clearly angry, but he was also right. Lip's past hadn't been too kind when it came to unplanned pregnancies and he wasn't planning to go through that shit again, but you were all adults, in a healthy relationship, with stable jobs and proper income now, so talking was step one now.
Carmen's movement had stirred you awake, blinking the sleep from your eyes and stretching before sitting up and taking in your surroundings. Carmen sat beside you with a hand on your blanket covered leg and Lip stood at the end of the bed with a nervous leg bouncing against the other, brows raised in question and holding something out in his hand. When you realised what it was the panic returned tenfold. Tears flowing freely and your breathing becoming irregular as the questions from earlier haunted your mind again.
"Sweetheart, calm down. We're not mad okay? We just want to talk about it." You were cuddled into Carmen's side, sniffling and wiping your eyes. "He's mad.." you hiccuped as you averted Lip's gaze. Carmen immediately reassured you that he wasn't and keeping his eyes locked on the other boy. Lip got the hint and came over to sit with you, placing the test on your nightstand and laid down to hug you both. "We'll do this together. Whatever you decide to do, we're supporting you."
You stayed like that for a while untill you were all calmed down again and getting hungry.
You collectively decided on ordering in, sat around the coffee table sharing the large order of chinese food. Lip called it comfort food, Carmen said celebratory dinner. Which led to the inevitable conversation to be had.
You shared ebery little concern and anxiety inducing thought with them and so did Lip, opening up to Carmen about his life and the comment he made earlier. Carmen listened to you both and after what felt like years of talking about plans, options, money and anything that would come with having a child you collectively decided to keep it.
Which led the three of you to your first appointment, first ultrasound and many, many nights of you being plagued by nightmares followed by puking up your insides, failing to go back to sleep and lots of anxiety.
Both boys did anything and everything for you, but the stress and constant anxiety the pregnancy was causing you was getting dangerously close to harming the baby's development.
During that first dinner talk you told them that the whole pregnancy thing terrified you but their support had made you feel a lot more comfortable with the idea, despite all the horror stories that had scared you away from even ever letting Lip fuck you without a condom in college even when you were on birth control.
At the hospital you got called into the nurse's room for your next appointment. Today was another ultrasound day, with a checkup on your mental health now that you were given medication to calm your head and supplements to make sure the baby would get all the needed nutrients.
"So, are you the momma's brothers?" The nurse's question came out of nowhere and caught them off guard, not having an answer fast enough so she kept the questions going. "You know we get multiple girls here who don't remember how they got pregnant. There's no shame in not knowing who the father is."
"It's either of us, actually." Carmen shot at the nurse. "We're together, the three of us." Lip pointed between the thee of you.
"So, you would like to get a DNA test done as well then." It was more of a statement than a question, but before she could even type anything into the computer Lip was on her ass already. "We don't want a fucking test, okay. We're here for you to check if our girl and our-" making a grand gesture to point at all three of you. "baby is healthy."
The appointment itself went well but the news that came with it was a whole different story.
All three of you couldn't keep their eyes off the small picture Lip was holding as you sat on the couch. Both boys couldn't help but be even more excited than bafore as you stared in horror at the second blob on the ultrasound that had decided to only now show itself.
You were having twins. The only stupid solution to give both boys a baby without having to get pregnant again at a later time, but also twice the amount of baby to give birth to. The one thing that still haunted your nightmares through the amount of medication you were taking.
With the news of twins you started having small complications. Most of them very common and easy to fix, but for you they all felt like the end of your life, the end of your relationship but neither Lip nor Carmy was letting those demons take over your thoughts. They did everything in their power to keep you content and wouldn't leave you alone for even a second. Their work schedules thrown apart so at least one of them would be home at all times. Every little cramp or concern had one or both of them drive you to your doctor who would mostly tell you your discomforts were normal for someone as far along as you.
The further along you got the more miserable you got, to the point of being unable to keep even the slightest bit of food in your system which led to more hospital trips to get you on liquids in order to keep your strenght up.
Now at eight months you were in bed most of the time, only getting up when needed.
You only had two more weeks before you were due, both Lip and Carmy being home to care for you.
Carmen was making you a simple meal he knew you would be able to handle and Lip busied himself with the final touches in the nursery when, with no warning up front or anything, your water broke as you waddled over to the bathroom.
"Help." The desperate, frantic voice had your boys on you in a second, the tears and the way you wrapped yourself around the door handle with your soaked, crossed legs told them enough. Carmen ran to grab your bag and car keys, making sure he snagged the new pack of smokes from the key bowl as he opened the door for you and Lip.
Luckily the hospital was only a few blocks over and fraffic was nonexistent.
The hospital visit wasn't such a smooth ride. After hours upon hours spent in that bed on god knows how many drugs you were brought in for emergency c-section to prevent any harm to both you and the twins. You cried and begged to just knock you out and take them out of you and to your luck they complied.
When the doctors woke you back up again you were acompanied by your boyfriends, each holding one of your children.
Upon release you made another appointment with your doctor. As soon as you were completely healed you were getting your tubes tied. No more of this. You had your two babies and no more were gonna be born from your body.
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