#i'll keep answering requests when i have proper time
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lyramundana · 2 years ago
What about yan!minsung x sub!9th mem reader where they can't handle it when the whole world is able to see what's supposed to be only for them to see
Or just some yandere jealous head canons cuz I'm sucker for this shit
(Also can I be 🦋 anon and I luv u)
Omg omg, yandere minsung? 9th member?? Yes and YES. This is my shit. (luv you too my butterfly💕)
They knew they were made for each other from the second they met. Soulmates, people said, and they felt it was the truth. Their souls are one and the same, two sides from the same coin which can't co-exist without the other. And as time passed, these feelings started to part towards a new party, their precious 9th member. The three of them became one unit, bonded together and vowed to always stay like this, right where they belonged.
Of course, idol life isn't easy and is full of hardships. This is their long life dream, yeah, but there are times the sacrifices made feel too much. Luckily, they have each other for comfort and find strenght in this passionate, burning love they share. While the 9th member is beaming in happiness with them and does her best to improve on performances, they don't notice the growing darkness in the boys' gazes, and how their love is slowly becoming a twisted thing.
9th member works until exhaustion to be recognized and satisfy the fans. They want to success, to be admired and have the love of the crowds. They share this with their boyfriends, but they always tell her the same thing: "You already have our love, sweet thing? You don't need anyone else". Of course, this has led to arguments, because Han and Minho are among the most loved members by the fandom and obviously they don't feel the need for such attention whey they already have it. But 9th member doesn't give up, and so they began to climb their way to the top and gain more admirers.
The rest of members are extremely happy and proud for them, but there are two certain individuals that aren't so cheery...
What sucks about being an idol is that you have to be perpetually single for the fans, so they can enjoy their dellusional fantasies peacefully with you. They were all aware of these things before debuting and prepared themselves. But is one thing knowing the theroy and another witnessing it in real life. In the person they love the most and practically worship. They can only explore their love behind closed doors, and in front of the public, act like they are available for anyone. 9th member deals with it like a professional. Han and Minho...not so much.
They always knew their partner was full of talent, all grace and beauty, and they spent hours singing praises to them. So now hearing those same words coming from strange mouths and watching 9th member welcome all of it with a soft smile, the feel their blood boil. What the fuck? Why are they smiling and giggling like that?
When 9th member has a solo or wears revealing clothes, they feel the need to burn the entire agency with everyone inside. That skin is only for THEIR eyes. Those beautiful legs, that soft face, the beaming figure, the curves, it all belongs to THEM. Who do they think they are to go and display their propietry like that for anyone to see? But they can't say anything against it, for this is the jon they chose, and so they have to bite their tongues.
Once they're done, they drag 9th member to a secluded area and teach them a lesson about showing off what's theirs. They cover 9th member in marks, bruising them, treating them more harshly they have never done. The rip off the stage outfit to pieces, leaving them all naked and exposed for them. Right how's supposed to be like. Han eats them out, biting their inner thights until they're red and painful, while Minho scratches them all over and bites. They manhandle 9th member and fuck them over and over until they are breathless, shaking and dumb. Minsung had never been this way before during sex, not this rough and crude. But you know the worst part?
They have enjoyed it. Every.Second.
They realize how good it feels fucking their little sub dumb and fill them with their cum after they had to endure sharing them for the world to see. All those pathetic fuckers can stare and fantasize all they want, but their precious members belongs to them at the end of they day. And during the next couple of days, their body will be filled with the physical proofs of it.
Now, the thing about k-pop industry and relationships is that, if it happens between members from the same group, handling it's very difficult. Even more if they're toxic. Even if 9th member notices how dangerous and toxic the boys are becoming, they can't escape. They can't act on it without jeopardizing the whole group and their career, and the boys are aware of it. So there's no other choice but endure it.
Endure knowing they're not allowed to have friendships outside the group. Endure they can't touch someone else but them and viceversa. Endure they have to be compliant and low their head when Han and Minho are there, let them do all the work. Endure the endless night of rough, harsh fucking because they are jealous of everyone and everything and need to lash out somehow. Endure the lack of solo activities and collabs, because they're not supposed to do anything without them. Oh, and if you wonder, yes, the rest of boys notice this dynamic, but same. They can't do shit without risking everything they've worked so hard for, and Han and Minho make sure to hide the gruesome parts from them. Endure the v-lives where they make a show of placing 9th member on their laps, being utterly touchy with them to the point it's almost inapropiate.
An idol tries his luck? He got into a scandal mysteriously. An stylist suggests 9th member to wear flashier clothes to enhance their body? Fired.
They both control every single aspect of 9th member's life. If they can't keep their partner away from the stage, they have to make up another way.
@sweetracha because she might like this
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the-fiction-witch · 7 months ago
Our Secret
Media - House Of The Dragon Character - Gwayne Hightower Couple - Gwayne X Reader (Uncle x Niece) Reader - Y/n Targaryen (Daughter of Alicent and Viserys) Rating - 18+ nudity/ stripping/ incest / c tasting / licking / finger fucking / fingering / Word Count - 1863
oh, btw, would you consider writing some smut for Ser Gwayne Hightower, or isn't a character that you fancy enough for that? your writing is so good!
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Y/n had waited in the courtyard as soon as word reached her of his arrival in the city, she watched as his men made their way in, horses galloping across the stone. She softly smiled when she met eyes with her uncle Gwayne Hightower as he climbed from his horse and fixed his hair. She adjusted her long green gown holding it in hand as she made her way over and bowed as she reached him "My lord,"
Gwayne chuckled, watching Y/n come over to him, waving his hand in dismissal at her bow. “No need to be so formal, my little bird."
"Forgive me, so much has changed these last few months. I find myself meery bowing to everyone just for simplicity's sake," she answered her tone shy and sheepish,
"I'm afraid if you continue that habit I'll have to give you a few extra lessons on how not to be so proper. Your face may get stuck in a permanent state of bowing."
"Perhaps," she blushed, "Shall I show you to your chambers uncle? I can have them bring you supper? Or would you rather attend to a visit with the queen regent?"
"I can imagine that Alicent will busy at this moment with all her duties. I shall see her after supper, a good meal after a long ride always has a way of making things more bearable."
Y/n nodded and turned to lead the way inside the keep, she led him through the corridors before finally to his chambers. Gwayne nodded as he stepped into his temporary chambers, following Y/n inside. He sat on the bed, taking off his riding boots and stretching out with a soft groan, the bed beneath him being far more comfortable than the leather of his seat that he just spent gods knows how long riding on.
"Last I had heard my mother was taken to prayer, she does so at this hour daily accompanied by none other than her sworn sword."
Gwayne raised a brow at the mention of Alicent's sworn sword, "Ser Criston, I presume. They are practically tied at the hip, that's for sure..."
"she insists, for her protection in these tender days,"
Gwayne leaned back on his bed, arms behind his head. "I wouldn't be surprised if she has more than just protection on her mind whenever she is with her sworn shield."
Gwayne lifted a brow, smirking at her. He rolled over onto his side, leaning on his elbow as he looked at her. One could imagine it was similar to the look a cat might give a mouse, a little bit of mischief sparkling in his eyes. "Does my little niece have something going on in that head of hers? Some juicy gossip to tell her old uncle perhaps?"
“No, No… she is simply very busy, I hardly much see her these days.”
Gwayne sat up on his bed, patting the blanket next to him with a sympathetic smile on his face. "She's the queen regent now, she's going to be busy, especially in these times. But she's your mother, don't be afraid to knock on her door and demand her company."
"I so often find her in the company of my siblings..." Y/n said as she came sitting beside him smoothing her dress as she sat, "It is sinful of me? to be envious?"
Gwayne wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. He squeezed tightly, letting his smile grow once more. "Of course, it isn't. I may be a knight, but I'm not so virtuous to deny that I have sinful thoughts now and then. It would be natural for you to want your mother's alone attention after she's spent years focusing it on your other siblings." Gwayne paused for a moment, squeezing her one more time before continuing to speak, eyes studying her face carefully. “Though, my little bird… I must ask. Do these envious thoughts extend past your mother when it comes to those siblings of yours?”
"How so?"
"Well, sometimes one can’t help but compare themselves to their siblings. Do you? Perhaps even envy them for anything that they may have and you do not?"
"No uncle, I am content. Merely lonely I expect,"
Gwayne hummed, watching her carefully, expression thoughtful for a moment. He nodded in understanding of her words before smiling once more, “Well, you won’t be lonely now that I’m here.”
"I suppose not, may I ask of your travels? and of my little brother Daeron?"
Gwayne let his smile grow at the mention of Daeron, the boy was a favorite of his, after all. He sat up a little straighter, "He��s growing up quickly. Very sharp with a blade already, I don’t have a doubt in my mind that he will surpass me in skill one day. I also wouldn’t be surprised if he manages to get even taller than me as well, gods know that the boy will shoot up like a weed." Gwayne chuckled, rubbing his chin as he continued in thought. He turned to look down at Y/n, taking in her own appearance before speaking once more, voice amused. "He definitely got the good look, too, I’d say. Much better than what I myself was cursed with. And he certainly got that Targaryen look to him, you can’t deny that. He's going to be quite the catch to any young lady that catches his eye..."
“Sometimes… I wish…”
Gwayne’s smile faded once he heard the tone in her voice, a frown starting to form on his face. He furrowed his brows, studying her expression closely. "Wish what, little bird?"
"sometimes I wish mother had sent me away, instead of daeron. or as well as. There are days I ponder over what joys I may have if I was at Oldtown with you,"
A look of surprise flashed across Gwayne’s face. He let out a quiet sigh as he pulled Y/n close, wrapping both arms around her and resting his chin gently on top of her head. They were silent for a moment before he spoke, voice quiet but still with a hint of concern. “I didn’t know you felt like that, little bird… Have you ever asked her why she sent Daeron and not you?”
"No, but I can assume,"
“And would you care to share your assumption?”
"Aegon is king. Heleana his queen. Mother would never send Aemond away she worries to much for him. So she sends away Daeron her little boy she has hopes and ambitions for."
Gwayne hummed, considering the validity of her words. He couldn’t help himself from reaching out and ruffling her hair again, “And there’s no hope and ambition for you, my little bird? Your mother has placed no expectations for you?”
"My mother plans to sell me off, to whatever lord bids highest when the war begins." Y/n answered, “Whichever lord offers the most men,”
Gwayne’s eyes widened slightly as she spoke. He paused for a moment, processing the words that she just spoke., his eyes hardening as anger began to bubble inside him. “Surely it can’t be that bad. Has Alicent actually spoken of that in front of you?”
"she says as her unmarried daughter... it is my duty,"
Gwayne didn’t say anything at first, clenching his jaw as he ground his teeth in anger. After a few moments passed, he spoke up again, voice somewhat quiet but with a clear hint of anger. “Alicent shouldn’t send you to some lord to be sold to, like she’s sending a piece of furniture. You are a Hightower, little bird. One of us. She has no right to treat you like some kind of cattle that she can barter and trade as she pleases.” Gwayne took a breath before continuing to speak, forcing himself to calm down some. He reached over and grabbed Y/n’s chin, gently tilting her head up so he could look into her eyes. His voice was softer now, but there was still a slight trace of anger in his tone. “She has no right… I won’t let anyone treat you like that. I won’t let Alicent sell you off to any lord that bids high. I’ll fight tooth and nail to make sure Alicent doesn’t do that to you, little bird.”
"Thank you, uncle," she briefly smiled, the first real smile he had seen since his arrival
Seeing her smile seemed to calm Gwayne a bit more, his shoulders relaxing and his jaw unclenching as a small smile formed on his face as well. He let go of her chin, gently ruffling her hair once more. “There we go, much better than that pitiful frown I saw earlier. No more talk about Alicent intending to sell you off to some lord. I won’t have it.”
After a while of the sweet embrace Y/n spoke once more, “Uncle?”
Another hum left Gwayne’s mouth, looking down at her with an eyebrow raised. “Yes, little bird?”
“You… have been gone so long,”
Gwayne let his smile grow after her words, nodding his head. “You’re right… I can’t believe it’s been this long. My, hasn’t it been almost four years now?”
"Do you think... I am too old now for 'secrets'?" she whispered
“Too old for secrets? Never.” he smiled,, “Why do you ask that, little bird?”
"One of... our little secrets?" she hinted
Gwayne’s lip twitched upward in a mixture of amusement and curiosity. His smile turned a little wicked, “One of… our little secrets?”
she nodded blushing a little
“Never my little bird,” He cooed, “Would you perhaps like to-”
“Yes please,” she softly giggled and checked the door to make sure no one was around to see them before she closed the gap and pressed her lips to his as they had so many times throughout her life
He let a soft laugh escape his mouth when her lips made contact with his, one of his hands finding purchase on the back of her head and he leaned into the kiss.
The kiss lasted for a few seconds, Gwayne wrapping one of his arms around her and pulling her a bit closer to him as the kiss continued for a bit before he pulled away just enough that their lips were still millimetres apart, but there was just enough there that he could look into her eyes. “… we can’t have anyone finding out about this, now can we, my little bird?”
she shook her head "No..."
A soft chuckle left his mouth as he studied her face once again, that smirk never leaving his face as he spoke. “No, we cannot have anyone finding out. It is a secret that we have to keep. You got that, little bird? This is just between us, okay?”
"If I promise... do I get more?"
The smirk on Gwayne’s face deepened, his eyes flashing with amusement as he chuckled softly and nodded his head. “If you promise, then I’ll give you more.”
"I promise," she nodded excitedly
A soft chuckle left his mouth at her excitement, a brief moment of silence passing before he spoke once more. “Good girl…” He smirked one of his hands gently tilting her chin up some before he leaned forward and planted a kiss on her lips once more, the kiss grew deeper and more intense until he pushed her down on his bed, "You remember little bird? Our secret?"
She nodded giggling softly in excitement, 
He scoffed a chuckle and bit his bottom lip, He grasped the hem of her gown and swiftly pushed it up around her waist, revealing her underdress and stockings, "So sweet and proper," he cooed as he pushed the underdress up to her thighs to the top of her stockings, grabbing under her thighs and forcing them up until her knees where completely up, "Always have been, haven't you. You're really growing into the title... of princess," he smirked, running his nose over the tender skin at the top of her stockings, 
"You think so?" 
"I know so," he smirked, "But... you'll always be my little bird," he growled, his eyes meeting hers before he pealed her stocking down her leg and tossed it onto the floor, the other soon followed and he peppered kisses from her ankle all the way to her thighs, "You know y/n, I have been travelling for so long, I think I need a good meal." He growled, before she even had a chance to respond he forced her to dress and underdress up to her waist, 
She softly and playfully squealed as he exposed her already trembling cunt, 
"Shhh." He reminds her as he sits up with a predatory smile as he looks down at her, laid on his bed her hair cascading around her, her dress up around her waist and her legs up and apart offering herself to him so willingly, "Wouldn't you agree? that your old uncle needs something delicious?" He growled as his hand moved to rub across her tender lips, gliding his fingers over her wetness, he rubbed her clit with a sly clockwise circle before sliding his fingers down to push his index and middle finger inside her,
"Ah!" She gasped her hips bucking upwards, her feet attempting to squirm against the sheets as hie fingers so delicately fucked her, as Gwayne loomed over her with a sly sadistic smile, she tried to be quiet but the moans fell from her lips like a waterfall, 
Gwanye pulled his hand back and licked his fingers clean, "Ummm just as delicious as I remember," He growled, pinning her hips down to the bed and grabbing her thighs holding them apart as he moved closer and blew across her arching clit, "Now... I am so very hungry from my ride, that little taste has only made me feel worse." He smirked, "So you know what that means?"
"you... you must..." She trembled with excitement, 
"Humm I must feast little bird," He purred before burning his head between her legs...
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fleurvi · 3 months ago
Sick!S/O | Arcane Women
request for arcane women with a sick gf
characters: ambessa, caitlyn, grayson, mel, sevika, vi
cw: fem!reader
Ambessa Medarda
Ambessa doesn't really take care of you when you're sick. She's a warrior, not a doctor. But we're delusional here, so I'll go with it.
You are not allowed to lift a finger. You need to recover properly so she'll have guards around you at all times so you can order them to get things for you. She visits you regularly to check up on your health and make sure you're being doted on. In a rare occurrence, she offers you a massage to relax you.
“How are you feeling?” Ambessa asks, heavy hands working against your shoulders and neck. You nod, thanking her for her service. “Maybe a bath would do you good.”
✩♬ ₊˚.✂️⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
Caitlyn Kiramman
Cait panics. She can't think rationally at all. You cough once, and she's writing a eulogy. When she's sure it's not super serious, she's diligent in her care. She makes sure you stay hydrated and get plenty of rest.
“What are you doing? You should be resting,” says Cait as she notices you getting out of bed.
“Babe, c'mon”
“No. Don't you ‘babe’ me. You should be taking care of yourself,” She fusses, ushering you back to your bed.
✩♬ ₊˚.✂️⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
Grayson believes that if you mope around In bed, you'll just make it worse. She lets you rest when you need it, but she encourages you just to take some painkillers, hydrate adequately and go about your work.
“Here you go,” Grayson says, handing you medication and water. “We've got a busy day. If it gets too much, just let me know, and I'll send you home to rest,” She says, pulling you into a hug and pressing a kiss to your forehead.
✩♬ ₊˚.✂️⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
Mel Medarda
She just wants you to get better. Mel checks up on you but doesn't spend much time with you because she doesn't want to catch whatever you have. When she does visit you, she makes sure to ask if you're getting what you need and making sure you get it. She's mostly concerned about you resting, so she stays with you, talking softly with you until you fall asleep.
“Are you sure you're okay, my love?” She asks, running her hands over your back.
“Yeah, I think I need to sleep off. Thank you for coming to visit,” you say, closing your eyes.
“You're welcome, My Love”
✩♬ ₊˚.✂️⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
Sevika loves you, but she's not going to baby you. She'll ask you if you're on your deathbed, and if the answer is no, then you can get off your ass and help her with whatever business she's been called on.
If you want Sevika to help you with anything, you've got to turn on the whining. She likes being useful, so if you really need it, she'll sit with you until you fall asleep, but she won't wait for you to wake up. You're tough, like her, so she leaves you to it until you wake up and are ready to get back to work.
✩♬ ₊˚.✂️⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
Vi thinks her immune system is “built different”, and she's not entirely wrong. She'll stay with you, hold you while you sleep, and make sure you eat as well as you can in Zaun. If you tell her you're not really hungry, she will lecture you until you give in and at least try to eat.
“C'mon, pretty girl,” Vi says, leaning in to kiss you. You feel gross and push her head away.
“You'll get sick”
“Babe. My immune system is made of steel. I've never gotten sick in my life. Now come here and give me a proper kiss,” she says, rolling her eyes.
“Fine. If you get sick, I'm not gonna baby you.”
“Yes, you will”, she laughs, and you know she's right.
Thank you for reading!
This was a request! My main interests right now are arcane and attack on titan so please keep dropping in my inbox!
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heavyhitterheaux · 5 months ago
Wife and Mother To Be
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Synopsis: While you and Joe are shopping for a friend's baby shower, he has a realization about his future with you.
Pairing: Joe Burrow x Girlfriend!Reader
Requested by @hoodharlow 😘💕
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Standing in the baby section of Target and holding up two different onesies to compare them, your phone started to vibrate in the back pocket of your jeans. Placing one of them across your arm, you pulled your phone out to answer it and was greeted by a frantic boyfriend.
“Baby! Where did you run off to this time? You said we were coming in here for toothpaste and face masks. Next thing I know, I turn around and my girlfriend is missing! Are you at Starbucks again?! You ALWAYS do this when we come in here.” You heard your boyfriend say as you picked up and didn't wait for a proper greeting.
“You were literally standing there for fifteen minutes comparing different ones so I walked away. I'm in the baby section looking at clothes. And no, I already went to Starbucks and my drink is gone so I'll need to make another stop before we leave.”
“No, no, and no. I am literally taking you to lunch so no more stops and wait a minute, why are you in the baby section? Is there something you need to tell me?” Joe asked and you immediately rolled your eyes.
“For Gabby! Her baby shower is tomorrow, remember? Just come over here and help me pick things out for her.”
“Oh, right. Be right there, I'm walking over now.”
It was another two minutes when you saw Joe coming towards you and he greeted you by placing a soft kiss on your lips.
“Wait a minute, why do you have a cart? We got a basket when we came in here. What did you plan on buying her? The entire section? Am I paying for this?”
“Joseph, will you relax!? I'm just getting her a few things and then we can go eat. Now what do you think about these?” You asked as you held up the same two onesies to show him.
“Hmm, what is she having again?” Joe asked as he was looking at both of them.
“A girl, Joe. Both of these are pink.”
“So? What's your point? I wear pink too.”
“But not something that says princess on it!” You responded to him as you laughed.
“At least not yet anyway and I like both of them.”
“Okay good. Both it is and I’m ignoring you.”
“I should ignore you for leaving me by myself.”
“Oh, that's right. I forgot that you need supervision all the time.”
“No, that's you. I'm a responsible adult. You're the one who comes in here for one thing when you tell me you'll be back in twenty minutes but an hour goes by and you're nowhere to be found.”
“And you use whatever I bring back home so you benefit from it so I don’t want to hear it.” You told him with a smirk and now it was Joe’s turn to roll his eyes.
“Come on and help me. Sooner we finish, the sooner we get food and go home.” You told him and he quickly agreed as he started browsing the baby toys.
Before you knew it, another thirty minutes had passed by and the two of you had a cart full of different things for Gabby. You were satisfied with how much you had gotten, but Joe was still browsing.
“Babe, come on. This should be enough.” You told him as you came up behind and wrapped your arms around him as he was now comparing two different diaper brands and you suddenly got a flashback to the toothpaste situation.
“You can never have enough diapers though, right?”
“Sweetheart, we got her four packs already.”
“Yeah, but are those really the best ones? I think that these might be better in case she has a blow out. My nephew did that to me and I still have PTSD. Therapy was needed after that.” Joe told you as he put the other diapers back and you couldn't help but to laugh.
“Not funny, babe. I didn't realize how much shit could come out of someone so little.”
“It is funny, Joseph and I wish I was there to be able to see your face when it happened.”
“Keep going and I'm not feeding you.” Joe told you as he put the diapers you had gotten in the cart back and replaced them with the brand that he wanted.
“But, I need energy in order to ride you later.” You replied and Joe immediately turned a bright shade of red as you began to laugh.
“What? What'd I say?”
“You know what you said. Come on so we can go.”
Later on that night you were sitting on the middle of the floor in your shared bedroom with Joe when he walked in to see what you were doing.
“You run away from me in Target and at home. Did I do something?” Joe playfully asked as he sat across from you and began to help you wrap the gifts for Gabby.
“Nothing at all, Joey. Doing this so I can spend the rest of the night cuddling my amazing boyfriend whom I love to the moon and back.”
“Just the moon, not further?”
“Well we aren't going to the sun unless we want to burn to a crisp so yeah the moon.”
“I'll take it.”
You were folding the onesies when Joe was simply admiring you. Before he could stop himself, he blurted it out.
“When are we going to have one?” He asked and your mouth instantly hit the floor, but you tried to compose yourself.
“Um, have a what?” You asked clearly flustered and Joe simply laughed.
“You know what I mean.” Joe responded as he pulled you to sit in his lap as he kissed the top of your head while his arms wrapped around you.
“You want a baby? With me?” You asked with your voice dripping with uncertainty.
“I want everything with you. I thought that much was obvious. And not just one baby, multiple.” He answered and you turned around to look at him.
“You're serious?”
“I love you and I'm as serious as a heart attack.”
“Well you low key just gave me one.” You muttered against his chest and he laughed.
“Don't you want that with me?”
“Of course I do. I want nothing more than to make it a reality. I just didn't really know how to tell you or if you were ready. I mean you are literally at the peak of your career.”
“Baby, you can tell me anything and everything. You know that. And so what? If this is something that we both want, we're going to make it work.”
“You're not messing with me?”
“Now, why would I do that? I want to make you my wife too whenever that time comes. Mrs. Sheisty has a nice ring to it, don't you think?”
Now it was your turn to shy away and hide in his chest and all he did was laugh.
“In that case, I can't wait for you and our daughter to have matching pink outfits.”
“Oh, so you want a girl first?”
“Of course, girls run the world and she is going to have you wrapped around her little finger just like I do now.” You told him as you poked his nose.
“If that's the case, you want to get started? I heard that making the baby is the fun part.”
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dr-spencer-reids-queen · 5 months ago
Not-So Secretive Rendezvous
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2k
Warnings: smut, fem!receiving, age gap
Request by anon: I'd love a Spencer X Fem Reader thing,  say season 3-4 prince charming hair version ya know?  That era is totally hot.  Anyway, reader is Hotch's sister or Daughter, 10 year age gap between reader & Spence.  I'm a total sucker for a forbidden, sneaking, secretive thing with them getting caught in a very compromising position.  Hotch is fine with it but disappointed they didn't clear it with him. Maybe she works in the BAU but maybe not?  Some hot spice with his awkward self.  I always have a thought of him being so awkward around women in social situations like with JJ in the baseball game stuff, but with his Eidetic memory he definitely knows how to please women for sure.   Any other details i'll leave you with free rein!
Summary: You and Spencer are a new couple that is hiding your relationship from the team for two reasons. Hotch is your dad and Spencer is ten years older than you are. That doesn’t stop you from being with him. Not your dad and certainly not an office full of people.
Square Filled: public sex/voyeurism (2021) for @cm-kinkbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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There are two reasons why you’re at the BAU--Spencer and Hotch. This is the place you want to work when you have the proper training and have done everything that’s required of you. You graduated high school before summer started and now you’re taking college classes with a degree in criminal justice while also getting in some hours at the police academy. It doesn’t hurt that your dad is the unit chief of the BAU, but you try not to let that affect how well you’re doing in and out of school.
The other reason is Spencer Reid. You two immediately hit it off when you first met and he’s been showing you around as much as he can without getting in trouble. He can’t tell you much about the cases the team has but he can give you advice and pointers for when you get a job here. Derek helps you with the physical stuff while Spencer is your own personal library book that just so happens to have all the answers you’re searching for.
After a few months of visiting your dad and the team, you and Spencer developed a relationship that only you two know about. Keeping your relationships a secret isn’t something you normally do because if you like someone, you’re all about showing them off to everyone. However, you and Spencer are ten years apart in age, and you don’t think your dad will appreciate his eighteen-year-old daughter hooking up with his twenty-eight-year-old subordinate.
It’s not a big deal to you and Spencer since you’re not newly eighteen. It’s September and you turned eighteen back in January. He’s been so good to you and is such a gentleman. He’s a romantic and loves taking you out on dates as much as he can. Your favorite date is when he puts a tent on the roof of his building, makes everything for a picnic, and you two spend the night stargazing there.
Unlike now when your visit is anything but romantic.
It’s been over a week since you’ve seen Spencer and you’re craving his touch. You’re not normally a sex-crazed teenager but you’re ovulating and you really need to feel his body on yours. You’re not ready for kids and you don’t know if or when you will be, so you’ll be using condoms because it’s a terrible time to get pregnant.
Not to mention your dad will quite literally kill Spencer.
“Hey, Y/N, what are you doing here?” Derek asks when he sees you.
“Just wanted to stop by to say hi. I hear the B Team is out right now so what better time to come?”
“Your dad is in his office.”
“Where’s Spencer.”
“Okay, I’ll wait for him. Thanks.”
You turn to leave but Derek stops you.
“Hey, we’re still on for tomorrow, right?”
“Yeah, I’m ready to learn that new self-defense technique.”
You walk straight for Spencer’s desk only to walk right past it and toward the bathrooms. Derek smirks and shakes his head knowing you’re not here to see your dad at all. Spencer comes out of the bathroom with his phone in his hand so he doesn’t see you right away. You open the door to an empty office and wait for him to pass by it before grabbing his arm and pulling him inside.
“Wha--?” He looks up and smiles when he sees it’s you. “Hey, baby. I didn’t know you were coming today.” You close and lock the door before shutting the blinds so that no one can look inside. “What are you doing?”
“Come here.”
You pull Spencer in and kiss him without warning, and he grips your hips not too hard. He gets lost in the kiss before the alarm bells ring in his head.
“Wait, wait, wait.” Spencer pulls away from you but you’re not done kissing him. You back up into the desk and sit on it while kissing down his neck. “Not that I’m not happy to see you but we can’t do this here.”
“Why not? Don’t you want me?”
“Of course I do.”
“Then get me naked and fuck me.” It’s hard to think when all Spencer is thinking about is getting you naked. He’s not a sex machine who wants it all the time but it has been a week since he’s seen you, and the last case he went on was very stressful. “School has been stressing me out and I really just want some dirty sex with you.”
You don’t have to tell him twice. He spreads your legs and steps in between them before kissing you again. He runs his hands down your thighs and back up, only to slip them underneath your dress. You wanted to make sure you gave Spencer easy access. He expected to feel a barrier between his fingers and your pussy but there is none.
“You’re not wearing any panties?”
“I came here for one thing and one thing only,” you grin. “I wanted to make this easier for you.”
Spencer rolls his head back and cracks his neck before sinking to his knees. He’s not an expert in this department but he’s read enough books and watched enough amateur porn to know what he’s doing. He places a hand on your chest, pushes you down onto the desk, and bunches your dress around your waist.
“Remember, we’re at work and your dad’s office is right down the hall. You gotta be quiet.”
You’re about to respond when Spencer latches onto your clit. You slap a hand over your mouth to muffle the moan that slips out. It would be a disaster if your dad found out about this… or anyone. He kitten licks your clit and circles it before sliding his tongue down to your slit. He straightens his tongue and pushes inside of you, and his right-hand hooks up and over your leg so that he can rub your clit in hard fast circles.
“Fuck, Spencer, right there,” you gasp quietly.
“God, you taste so good,” he mumbles. “I can’t ever get enough.”
You reach down and slide your fingers into his hair before tugging on it gently. This is the exact reason why he’s been growing his hair out. He loves it when you tug on his hair. His mouth and fingers switch positions so that he’s sucking on your clit and sliding a finger into your tight hole. You squeal a bit loudly at the sudden change in pressure, and you bite down on your lower lip to prevent yourself from crying out again.
“Please, Spencer, I need more,” you moan.
He slides in another finger and curls them both so that he’s touching the spot that makes you see stars.
“Are you close?”
“Yes, fuck, yes.”
“Do you want to come?”
“Yes, please, Spencer,” you moan.
“Go ahead, darling.”
He gives a particularly hard suck on your clit that makes you come all over his face. He removes his fingers and laps up every drop you give him before standing to his full height.
“God, you’re so good at that.” You pull him down and kiss him, not minding that you can taste yourself on his lips. “I need to come again. I have a condom in the pocket of my dress.”
“You’re so needy,” he grins but doesn’t refuse you.
He pulls away and takes the condom you give him before unbuckling his pants. He’s always awkward at this part because he still can’t believe that he has someone who is interested in him like this. He’s not ripped like Derek or as confident as him but you like him because he’s none of those things. You love how socially awkward he is. You love his ramblings. You especially love it when he tells you random facts that have you questioning how he came to know that in the first place.
Spencer pulls his cock out and you almost salivate at the sight of it. You’ve given him blow jobs before but there will never be a time when you don’t want to suck him off. However this time, you just need him to be in you. He takes out the condom from the package and carefully rolls it onto his hard cock.
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
“Yes, Spencer, please. Just get in me.”
You spread your legs wider and allow him to step closer to you. He pumps himself twice before lining himself up at your entrance. You toss your head back and gasp at the one… three… seven inches of him until he is fully seated inside of you.
“Let me know when you’re ready,” Spencer groans.
“I’m ready. Please, Spencer,” you beg.
He doesn’t want to be too loud so he doesn’t fuck you as hard as he wants to. He starts at a normal pace before slowly picking up speed, and you’re trying to stop the moans from coming out but failing. He covers your mouth with his hand as if that will stop you from moaning his name.
It’s been a long and stressful time for you both so it doesn’t take long for the two of you to get close to the edge.
“Fuck, I’m gonna come.” Hearing Spencer swear when he normally doesn’t is so hot. He hates swearing since he has such a big range of vocabulary that he can use, but he can’t help it when you feel like Heaven. “Are you close?” You nod wordlessly since Spencer’s hand is still over your mouth. “Come with me. One.” Thrust. “Two.” Thrust. “Three.”
You explode all over him just as he fills the condom up. He rides out both your highs as much as he can before slowing down. He removes his hand and you gasp when you feel him start to pull out of you.
“I don’t know how you haven’t had more girlfriends before,” you laugh as you pant.
“It’s usually my incessant need to ramble that drives them away.”
He takes the condom off and ties it at the end before pocketing it., He doesn’t want anyone to find it in the trashcan so he’ll throw it out in the dumpster outside.
“Have you seen Y/N? I saw her come in earlier.”
You freeze when you hear your dad’s voice outside the office.
“I think she went to see Garcia. You should ask her,” Rossi responds from right by the door. You hear your dad walk away before Rossi knocks twice on the door. “You two aren’t very quiet or sneaky.”
“Shit, I should go,” you giggle. You fix your dress and Spencer tucks himself back into his pants. The room smells like sex but you’re sure it will air out by the time anyone else comes in here. “I love you and I can’t wait to see you on Sunday.”
You lean in and kiss Spencer before unlocking the door.
“I love you, too,” Spencer grins. “We should do this again sometime.”
“Oh, we definitely are.” You open the door and notice Rossi is in the break room. You make sure the coast is clear before leaving the office. You turn the corner and go crashing into your dad. “Daddy, hi. I was just looking for you. Someone said you wanted to see me?”
Hotch looks up and sees Spencer leave the office from which you just came out. He didn’t bother fixing his hair as much as he should have so it’s a big messed up from how much you were tugging on it, and your lipstick is a bit smudged from Spencer’s hand over your mouth.
Hotch isn’t an idiot.
“My office. Now.”
You look up to see him looking at someone behind you. You look back and see Spencer staring at Hotch with wide, fearful eyes.
“Daddy, listen--”
“Don’t you have a class to go study for? Reid, now.”
“Yes, sir,” he nods and scurries past you to get to his office.
“Daddy, I love him. Please don’t kill him. I’ll talk to you later.”
You leave before your dad can say anything else. Hotch isn’t mad that Spencer is seeing his daughter. He’s upset that you two hid it from him. He’s not gonna kill Spencer but it is sure going to be fun to watch him squirm because he thinks he is.
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Want to be tagged? Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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leaawrites · 5 months ago
I have so many short & sweet videos on my fyp right now. I can’t stop thinking about singer!reader announcing her f1 bf by arresting him and dedicating Juno to him like Sabrina does at her concerts. The fans would go wild!!! I’m desperate for this fic
Juno (Live from the Shrot n'Sweet Tour)
Lando Norris x fem!singer!reader
Summary: requested as above.
Wordcount: 0.6k
Warnings: (very) suggestive content, smau (a first time for me, i hope it's alright), flirting, fluff
Note: omgg, this is such an good idea! I loved writing it! I chose Lando bc, I just love writing for him, hope that's alright with you. If not, let me know and I'll (gladly) make another version.
Masterlist, Short n'Sweet Series
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“If you haven’t already noticed,” Y/n announced, making the crowd go quiet to hear her talk. “We have a special guest tonight in the crowd.”
The moment the words left her lips and the camera panned to the guy in the audience, beaming up at her with the biggest smile one could muster, the crowd went wild. Lando was just laughing at the reaction.
Everyone there knew how big of an f1 fan Y/n was. Having attended some grand prixs already and posting her reactions to every race on her insta story, she didn’t try to make her love for the sport unknown.
The camera went back to the woman on stage, sirens going off and making everyone know what would happen next. It was a common tradition on the tour. But now, it was different when she said, “I’m sorry, sir, but I’m afraid you’re under arrest for being too hot.”
The way she winked at him and from how red he got at the mere eye contact with her, made it obvious this wasn’t mindless flirting. This was proper natural behavior for them.
“That hot, formula 1 driver I have absolutely no relation to.” She pointed out at the crowd. “You know who I mean, right? Of course, you do.” She nodded in approval at the crowd as they clapped and shouted in excitement. They were there for the show and boy, were they going to give them one.
“Sorry, what was your name again?” She asked innocently, holding the microphone in his direction.
Instead of one answer, she got thousands. All calling one name: Lando.
“Oh, okay. Okay,” she said after genuinely being surprised by the amounts of answers she received.
“Lando, gosh,” she continued talking, waving her hand in front of her face like she was trying not to faint. “Lando.” She mused his name, making it melt on her tongue like it was the most beautiful thing she heard.
She didn’t need to ask, but a script is a script. “Lando, where are you from?”
“Monaco,” he shouted back this time.
“Monaco? So, you’re rich?” He nodded. “And you came all the way here to see me?”
“Only for you.”
“Only for me? You’re too much. Stop it.” Waving her hand at him, as a blush graced her face and she scrunched up her nose. “You’re doing things to me, boy. I can’t even.”
Before she could keep on rambling, her backup dancer opened the back of her once long skirt making it fall down, revealing a shorter version. She stepped out of it, saying, “Oh my god, my clothes are falling of for you. This is embarrassing.”
She heard his voice again, a flirty comment leaving his lips: “Wouldn’t be the first time.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time?” She repeated, trying to see if she heard him correctly. When he nodded, she could see the confidence building up inside of him more and more. He wasn’t as nervous about this anymore as he was backstage before the show. Overthinking and stressing about how the fans would react to it. “Oh, you’re right about that.”
The crowd went wild again. Screaming louder than ever before.
“So, I guess,” she started talking, taking the fluffy pink handcuffs from another one of her backup dancers. “Could you maybe keep them for the rest of the show? Just so, I don’t loose them for later.” She winked at him again, starting to laugh when she saw him bury his face in his hands out of embarrassment.
She could barely still hear herself over the screams of the fans.
“Anyway, I’d like to dedicate this next song to my boyfriend, Lando Norris.”
And then the song began, the crowd going crazy and she couldn’t stop smiling. Everyone knew, finally. They knew and she made it official in a way only she could.
Lando Norris
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Yep, this is my girlfriend. No more of that Lando Norizz bullshit.
yourusername: babe, what the fuck is that last picture?
yourusername: love you though, i guess
-> LandoNorris: you guess? Didn’t seem like that last night, huh?
-> yourusername: omg, shut up. This isn't a public account concersation.
Comments have been limited.
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year ago
SSR Dire Crowley - Raven Jacket Voice Lines
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When Summoned: Well met. Come, at this academy I shall teach you the art of magic.
Summon Line: Is something troubling you? You may tell me anything. After all, I am so very gracious!
Groooovy!!: This is the prestigious arcane academy, Night Raven College. Never let go of that school pride.
Home: Did you call for me?
Home Idle 1: It's not only the students who look forward to the holidays, but the faculty as well. And that includes me, of course!
Home Idle 2: Why do I interrupt class from time to time...? Don't say it like that! I'm simply popping in to give a firm hand to all the lollygagging!
Home Idle 3: Oh no... It seems my shoes have become a little scuffed. I'll have to polish them to sparkling later.
Home Idle - Login: Are you doing well over at the Ramshackle dormitory? ...No, no, there's no need to answer. I can tell just by the look on your face that you are absolutely satisfied.
Home Idle - Groovy: It is a relief to see you properly diligent in your studies. Now, if only those other care-free students would learn from your example.
Home Tap 1: That ghost camera was just gathering dust deep in storage... Ahem, I mean, it was stored securely. Please handle it with care.
Home Tap 2: I don't interfere with the lifestyle and conventions of each particular dorm. I thoroughly believe in a student's right to autonomy... I also have no time to spare.
Home Tap 3: You wish to see me at my full strength? it seems you know no fear... As your Headmage, I can't help but worry.
Home Tap 4: Hey! Grim-kun stole and ate my snacks again! Please keep a proper eye on him!
Home Tap 5: Eh, you want me to help you with your studies? Oh, I'm so sorry... If I teach you, that would take away the other professors' purpose of being here.
Home Tap - Groovy: It is a great help to have a diligent and capable student such as yourself. Please continue to look after our problem children, prefect.
Duo: [CROWLEY]: This is a good lesson for you, Grim-kun. [GRIM]: I don’t need you teachin' me nothin', Headmage!
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Requested by Anonymous.
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cyn-write · 1 year ago
“Hellfire, Dark Fire”
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Prompt: Rollo has been eyeing you since your arrival, seeing you as the diamond amongst coals. At the Ball, he corners you into a dance, but your BF is not going to let this slide...
Pairings: F!reader x Trey, Cater, Ace, and Jack (Separate)
Warnings: Possessive behavior, suggestive, manipulation and obsessive (Rollo), established relationship, romantic, swearing (Ace)
Notes: This is part of a request from @justahufflepufftoday that I will answer with links to all the glomas series! Apologize for this taking so long, honestly some of these left me stumped and I had to mull it over for a while. That and life happened, but I am slowly working through the asks and am so thankful for everyone's patience! Thank you to everyone who has been keeping up with the series and supporting me! This is part of my Glorious Masquerade series! So if you want to read the other parts of this series staring different characters click the links below:
“She Blazes in Me Beyond All Control” - Azul, Idia, Malleus
“I Feel Her, I see Her” - Riddle, Deuce, Ruggie, Jamil
“Her Smoldering Eyes Still Scorch My Soul” - Rook, Epel, Silver, Sebek
“The Sun Caught in Her Raven Hair” - Leona, Floyd, Vil
“Heaven’s Light” - Rollo
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"Who might you be miss?"
Y/n gave a kind smile and nodded her head in greeting "I'm y/n, it's nice to meet you," she stayed next to Trein as she was there as his assistant.
"Yuu is our magicless perfect of Ramshackle. She will be working as my assistant throughout the trip," Trein added.
She felt Rollo's eyes scan her and, unlike his greetings to the rest, he held out a hand. Being polite, she offered her hand as well, and he lifted it to his lips, grazing her knuckles quickly. "It is a pleasure to meet you, y/n. I understand it must be difficult, being surrounded by mages every second of the day. I hope you get a chance to relax this trip."
Y/n blushed at the motion and bit her lower lip. All the while, she could feel her boyfriend glaring daggers at her and Rollo.
"I-I'll do my best..." Y/n replied.
Throughout the entire trip, Rollo seemed to gravitate towards y/n and used every excuse to isolate her from the group. They chatted about her difficulties at NRC and of the festival. Due to her being Trein's assistant and the constant reminders to behave, she and her boyfriend had little time together.
This all accumulated at the Masquerade. Rollo had given Y/n a proper dress for the occasion instead of the attire his counsel had chosen. The (color) fabric decadently adorned her figure and stunned the NRC boys with her beauty. But before her boyfriend could ask for a dance, Rollo stole y/n away. He whisked her to the dance floor, and they started chatting.
At this point, Y/N's boyfriend has had enough of the student council president, but what sends him over the edge is when he takes you to the balcony and dares suggest the worst:
"Y/n, stay here with me." Y/n turned quickly on her heels to look at Rollo in shock and confusion, "Those fools at NRC do not deserve your purity. You belong here. with me." He has her pinned against the balcony, "This is your sanctuary."
Y/n pushed Rollo away slightly and spoke up, "Thank you for the offer, but I have no intention of leaving NRC. It is difficult at times but I wouldn't have it any other way. Now if you excuse me, I want to go back to the ball."
Rollo grabbed y/n's wrist and pulled her against him. "It's because of him, isn't it? He has bewitched you!" He pinned her between the balcony wall and him. "Those fiends have enchanted you, but I will free you from those chains and show you salvation! No matter the cost!"
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Trey was a patient man who was at this point, an expert at dealing with difficult people and situations, but this was a true test of his calm demeanor. He had followed Rollo and y/n from a distance when they left the ballroom and had been listening to the tense confession through the door. His heart was beating in his ears as he listened to Rollo confessing his love for HIS Sweetheart. The only reason he didn’t barge in then and there was due to the trust he had in Y/n to handle the situation. But when Rollo forced himself onto her after she declined, he had to do something.
“Y/n!” Trey called out as he pushed the balcony doors open. Rollo stepped back from y/n, making it seem as though nothing happened. Y/n looked shaken as she tried to separate herself from her captor, but Rollo blocked her with an arm.
“Clover, what are you doing away from the festivities?” Rollo’s asked.
“I could ask you the same thing.” Trey moved closer to the two, his grip teething around his magic pen.
“The Perfect and I came out for some fresh air. So many mages gathered together can be a bit suffocating.” He replied calmly.
“It can be,” Trey was only a few steps away. His features strained to remained relaxed, he wanted so badly to blow up like his dorm mates and cause a scene, but he did not. He instead put on a smile and kept his composure, “But, this is also a special evening, it’s not often that this many mages meet. Besides, it is a wonderful evening for us, right y/n?” He shifted his gaze to Y/n’s beautiful eyes. A plan had formed in his mind and it seemed to be perfect, “Don’t think I forgot our anniversary?”
Y/n’s eyes lit up and she smiled sweetly. “Trey, how could I forget,” She said and managed to make her way to Trey and enveloped her boyfriend in a hug of joy and relief.
Shock and disappointment flashed over Rollo’s face but was gone in an instant. He nodded to the happy couple and started to walk away, “congratulations… I hope you enjoy the ball. Y/n, please let me know if you ever reconsider.” Before he walked past fully, Trey placed a hand on Rollo’s arm and stopped the president.
“If you force yourself onto her again and I will make you regret ever throwing this ball.” Trey whispered. His eyes were no longer kind, but cruel. It was beyond the look he gave disrespectful underclassmen, this glare was reserved for anyone who dared hurt his sweetheart.
Rollo understood the glare and left with a shred of dignity.
Once he was gone. The stiffness left Trey’s body and he felt his sweetness melt into his arms like putty. Tears started to pool in her eyes all the fears hit her at once. But Trey knew what to do. He stayed there, holding her close, and kissed her forehead. “It’s okay. I got you…”
After whispering a string of sweet nothings to reassure her. Y/n looked up and said, “our anniversary isn’t until winter break silly…”
Trey and y/n chuckled a bit. Of everything she commented on that. Trey looked at the perfect’s beautiful eyes that complemented her stunning gown. “The anniversary of becoming official… today is the anniversary of me realizing how hopelessly I’m in love with you.”
The perfect’s smile grew and Trey couldn’t help himself but kiss her. The kiss was loving and passionate, the kind that could last a century.
The music started to swell and their names are being called by the other Heartsyble students. The kiss ends and Trey looks back. “I knew they would be coming sooner or later.”
“Well you did promise me a dance.” Y/n said and Trey smiled. He felt like a commoner before her, begging for a chance to dance with the princess.
“I did didn’t I.” He stepped back and removed his hat, extending a hand out to her. “Princess will you grace this humble baker with a dance?”
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Cater was kicking himself. He knew that he had a social media problem, but he never thought it would result in him missing someone, much less their illustrious host, flirting with HIS girl. Cater had been documenting the trip on magicam and he was constantly taking pictures, clogging, editing, that he has been neglecting his perfect. This all came to fruition when he saw y/n enter the ballroom in the most stunning dress he had ever seen. She looked like a princess out of a storybook. He reached to get his phone out so he could post a picture of is beautiful partner, but as he did someone else approached her. Rollo. The host of this event stole y/n’s first dance and in that moment he realized how much he missed. Rollo and y/n were talking a laughing as they danced. Talking about everything they did over the trip. Cater felt his heart drop as he realized how much he missed through the screen. As he was trying to get the best angle on a photo, Rollo was romancing his lonely partner. At the end of the song, Cater was ready to apologize, but Rollo took y/n away from the ball room and the two disappeared. Cater searched the ballroom till he saw the two on the balcony. He was about to walk out when he realized what Rollo was doing.
“…stay here with me.” Cater’s heart dropped. He listened through the pain and part of him thought she might take it. But the other part of him believed in their love. When he saw her step away from him, his heart jumped, he knew his girl. But Rollo would not relent. Out of instinct he went to the camera on his phone and pressed record, a plan formed and he hopped it would be enough.
“…Cater didn’t put an enchantment on me! I love him and he loves me. No charms needed! Now GET OFF!”
“Diamond? He is your partner?” Rollo scoffed, “He seems to be more infatuated with his phone than you. He treated you so coldly. Not answering your questions, ignoring you in favor of those people only. I don’t think I saw him touch you once.” Cater’s heart panted. He wasn’t wrong. But it still hurt to hear. “None of them appreciate you. You have done so much for them and they brush you off.” He could see her resolve breaking, and Cater could feel his as well. Not everything they said was wrong, she has done so much and hardly gets the recognition. He watched as Rollo’s grip softened and she turned away. Rollo placed his hands on her shoulders, they were really close now. She was thinking, “My dear, you deserve so much better. A school that will nurture and enhance your talents, friends who will recognize and celebrate your skills,… and a partner who will look at you and not a screen. Why… if I was your partner, I would never be able to look at anything else but you… my flame…” he began to caress her cheek and cater was about ready to leave and give in, but his Jewel surprised him yet again.
She grabbed Rollo’s wrist and pushed him away. “You’re wrong. My friends do care about me. And Cater is the best partner I could ask for. He loves me for me and never asks me to be anyone else. He respects me and my boundaries. He sees me for me and I see him for who he is. Yes he has his problems, but we work on the together. He sees me as a person, not an infatuation or an object to be saved. He is twice the man you are so leave me alone. I need to go find him-“
As she started to move away, Rollo grabbed her again and took out his magic pen, “You really leave me with no choice then, my flame. I will show you salvation even if I have to force it upon you-“
“AND HERE FOLKS is what we call a pervert!” Cater took the signal to come out of hiding and acted like he was recording the whole thing. “Rollo Flamme, Student Council President of Nobel Bell College confessed to My girlfriend and when she said No! He tried to kidnap her. Total Yandere behavior if you ask me. The kinda stuff they throw you in prison for.” Cater’s arrival stunned Rollo and he let go of y/n for long enough for her to run to Cater. “Now Cay-cay followers. If I release this video, that means something has happened to me and y/n. And he is the culprit.” Cater ends the video and puts his phone down into his pocket. “If you lay a hand on either of us again. I will release that video and you will be ruined. But I am nice and respect that y/n doesn’t like to be on social media a lot. So this is your only chance. Leave and never speak to us again.” He stood tall and held y/n close in a Possessive manner.
Rollo was visibly shocked and took out his handkerchief, nodded to Y/n, and said, "There is no need for hostility... I hope you have a pleasant evening." And left the two.
After Rollo left, Cater melted into Y/n. He was shaking and kept whispering, "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry, I am so sorry..."
Y/n tightened their grip and said, "Cater, why are you apologizing? You saved me, I-"
"Rollo was right. I-I was so focused on Magicam that I neglected you." He was nestled into her hair as he spoke, "I know I have a problem, but I didn't think it was this bad..."
Y/n stepped back and smiled at Cater, wiping the tears from his cheek. "Cater. I do not blame you. Do I wish we could have spent more time together this trip, yes, but I also know that my duties as an assistant had me moving everywhere and your group also kept you busy." She then stepped close and pressed her forehead to his, "We still have tonight to make it up."
This is the reason he loved y/n, she grounded him and made him see the light at the end of the tunnel. "We do. So here." He handed her his phone to put in her dress pocket. "No phones, no magicam, just us." He then knelt down before y/n and held her hands in his, mirroring the knights of old. "Y/n, will you be mine and mine only tonight?"
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“LET HER GO!” Ace yelled. He had been watching the scene from behind the balcony door, and it took all his willpower to not attack Rollo on sight. Instead, he marched towards the two and pulled y/n away from him. He held her close and felt how much she was trembling. He glared daggers at Rollo and said, “She said no to your salvation bullshit so drop it.”
Rollo returned the glare, but returned to his calm composure, "Mr. Trappola, I'm afraid you have misread the situation. Miss L/n and I were just sharing a conversation, weren't we my dear?"
Y/n looked terrified as Rollo grinned at her. Her trembling grew worse and her voice came out meek, "t-that's one name for it..."
Ace hated seeing her like this. The last time she was this terrified was during Riddle's overblot when she was nearly squished by a rosebush. Since then, Ace promised to keep her safe, and that was a promise he intended to keep. "Sounded less like a conversation and more like a lecture."
"I was simply pointing out how Miss L/n would be happier here. We would actually appreciate her contributions to the school rather than push her aside." Rollo smirked and motioned to Ace, "That seems to be your specialty Trappola, wouldn't you say?"
That is when Ace's restraint broke. Much like when Riddle insulted y/n all those months ago, Ace punched Rollo square in the nose. While Rollo reeled from the punch, Ace grabbed his collar and pushed him against the railing. "You. Don't. Know. ANYTHING! No one loves Y/N more than me! She does more for NRC than any of the housewardens and EVERYONE knows it! We don't thank her as much as we should. But I am sure of one thing: I will protect her no matter what and stay beside her no matter what. Your righteous ass could never do that!!"
He let Rollo go and took y/n's hand. "If you talk down to her like that ever again. I promise you'll get more than a broken nose." and stormed off the balcony with the Perfect in tow.
Once they made it to the other side of the doors, out of sight from the crowd, and from Rollo. Ace stopped and turned back to y/n.
She looked up at him with awe in her (e/c) eyes. Despite the tear streaks and bruises on her wrist from Rollo's grip, she looked as beautiful as the moment she walked in. Ace whipped the tear streaks from her cheeks and asked, "You okay?"
She placed her hand on his and said simply, "You said you loved me..."
Ace's face went red. They hadn't said that word yet despite the feelings being there. "Y-yeah, I guess. I-I was just caught up in the moment and I-I...." He felt like Deuce, tripping over his words like a cat had hold of his tongue.
Y/n smiled and pressed a chaste kiss to his stuttering lips, "I love you too, my Jack of Hearts."
She knew those words would boost his ego. Whose wouldn't when they were compared to the bravest knight in all of the Queendom?
Ace's smirk returned and he leaned in so their foreheads were touching. "Is that any way to thank your hero, m'lady?"
He then properly kissed her. Deeply and Passionately. He held her close as the kiss deepened. One hand cradled the back of her neck while the other pressed against the lower part of her back. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he felt like one of those fairytale heroes, finally getting true loves kiss.
When they finally parted to breathe, the couple heard the faint calls of the other first years.
"Sounds like we're needed," Y/n said softly. The music started up again on a new song and Ace got an idea.
"Well, you still owe me a dance." He removed his hat, placed it on his chest, and kneeled before y/n. He still held one of her hands and smiled, "Y/n, would you spare a dance with your Loyal Card Soldier?"
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“Let. Go.” Jack had an iron grip on Rollo’s shoulder. Wolves were protective by nature, and no one messed with their mates.
Jack had been watching the scene through a crack in the door. He trusted his girlfriend to stand up for herself, but what Rollo was doing crossed a line. Rollo turned his head to see the seething wolf glaring at him.
Rollo loosened his grip on y/n's wrist enough for her to slip away from the monster and into Jack's arms. Once he felt her in his embrace, Jack let Rollo's shoulder go and turned to Y/n.
He cupped her cheek and looked her over once. She was trembling and her one wrist was bruised, but other than that she seemed fine. After assessing her for damage, he kissed her forehead and said softly, "It's okay, I've got you."
He turned back to Rollo, who was watching the two, and snarled. He grabbed his robe and growled, "You try to threaten her again, and I'll make you wish the fires burned you to bits."
Rollo just looked stunned. This Freshman dared to threaten him. But Rollo knew better than to start a physical altercation with Howl. "No need for force. I get the message." He kept his poker face, stepped back, straightened his robes, and walked towards the door.
"Enjoy the Ball, L/n," He said "And remember, Nobel Bell's doors are always open if you need them." before exiting the balcony doors.
Now alone under the sparking stars of the City of Flowers, Jack turned back to his princess and wrapped her in his embrace. Now it was his turn to tremble.
"I'm sorry." He said softly, "I should've seen this coming and stopped it."
Y/n leaned back and put a hand on Jack's cheek. "You have nothing to apologize for." She put her forehead on his and smiled, "You saved me from Rollo. I should be thanking you."
Jack sighed and cupped her face, "Still, I haven't been as attentive as I should have. If I was he wouldn't 'have gone this far if I stayed close to you, or was more affectionate. He would've known to back off."
She put her hands on top of his and nuzzled into their warmth, "Sweetie, I don't think that would have changed anything... But if you would feel better about this if we were more public with our relationship and affection, I'm happy to do so." She kissed his palm and saw his tail begin to wag from the corner of her eye. "Just, please don't blame yourself for this."
Jack's concerns seemed to melt away as she spoke. She could always read his mind and it always amazed him. "Anything for you Princess."
He always felt like the Beast from the Shaftland Tale when he was with her. She seemed to make him a better person, just through proximity. The music began to swell in the ballroom and his ears perked.
He looked at her beautiful gown and thought of something Vil told him once after he found out y/n and Jack were dating, "Flowers are meant to be seen, not hidden away."
Jack finally understood what Vil meant by that.
Jack stepped back from Y/n's embrace and bowed before her. He took her hand and kissed the back of it, "Care to Dance, Princess?"
Note: Please Like, Reblog, and Follow for more! If you are interested in seeing more characters in this scenario or these characters in different scenarios, please let me know! (Do not Steal)
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o-pandora-o · 7 months ago
May I request headcanons for WHB Belphegor, Bimet, Astaroth, Ronove & Bael with shy gn s/o please?
Belphegor, Bimet, Astaroth, Ronove & Bael with shy gender-neutral s/o
a/n: I think I did my best here? On Ronove's part his chat says 'pretty' so I used that too. Tell me if I did something wrong and I'll rewrite it. Thank you so much again for requesting!~
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🌙Too tired to even go out so PDA is not even an option. He also thinks PDA is too troublesome and just rather sleep than go out.
"Mmmm" Belphegor rubs his eyes and saw you getting ready to go outside. "Mmm where you goin?" He groggily asks "To the movies, do you wanna come?" You asked, hoping he'd come with you "Sure but I'm sure I'd fall asleep while watching it..." he fell asleep again, which made you smile, and covered him with a blanket.
🌙There are two places he'd like to sleep on, Beleth's bed and your lap. He's kinda like a cat, once he decides your lap is his pillow, it's all his. If gets the chance he will use it, no matter if its public or private. He won't care if you're shy enough to let him sleep, he sleeps where he wanna sleeps.
Belphie wakes up groggily, looking for you or Beleth. You were looking at the garden from the terrace when you saw him approaching you. "Hey... How's sleep?" "Good but...not good enough" he somehow looks at you with tired eyes, he was somehow looking at your thighs. He lied down the floor and used your lap as his pillow. "Belphie? What are you doing?!" "Mmm it looked soft...lemme sleep here" he slept for God knows how long, you desperately pleaded to Beleth to lift him up and place him back to the bed, because your legs are too numb. This cycle always repeats.
🌙He thinks being shy is a bit troublesome, he'd rather say something blunt rather than keep it (his own preference). However he thinks you're too cute whenever you're shy.
In one rare time he's awake to have a proper date with you, both of you went on a newly opened restaurant in Nilfheim. "Ill take whatever..." Belphegor yawns. Are you sure? Hmm... Okay one Devil carbonara and one 666 Devil steak" you ordered. "Good choice... I'll take the Devil Carbonara..." Belphie yawns again "Are you sure it's okay to have an outside date?... You look so tired" you were worried for Belphie who seemed to be almost headbanging due to drowsiness. "Yeah...we barely go out because I'm too tired. Can't be always me who wins, no?" The waiter served the order and it seemed that your order turned into an angel salad. "Hm..." You were hesitating to tell the waiter your order was wrong until Belphegor spoke up. "You got their order wrong, she ordered the 666 Devil Steak" he yawns again "Oh! I apologize, coming right up!" The waiter leaves in a hurry with the salad. "How'd you know?" you asked "Mmm well being with you, I realized how you don't call out other people's mistakes. Mmm it's troublesome for me, because I'll have unspoken feelings I'd regret. Don't worry about it" he said, as he yawns and took a nap beside his food.
🌙Headpats, all the time. He likes patting your head whenever you feel flustered because of him.
🌙Likes it if you're comfortable with him as he is with you. He'd enjoy it if you only talk to him (like ranting, venting, casually talking etc) while his head is on your lap. He thinks your voice is a lullaby, it feels serene enough to make him fall asleep, so please talk to him while his head is in your lap.
"Hey. How was your day?" One rare day, Belphegor is awake heading towards you and lie on the floor, head in your lap. You blush but you answer his question. "It was so tiring... Harumon spilled tea on me and I tripped on the debris while helping Beleth scavage" you run up your hand on his hair "Mmm and what else happened?" you can see Belphie become drowsy because of your touch. "Oh and Bathin came and brought souvenirs! But he tripped on Harumon and fell... Gusion also came but he looked so horny because he was computing something about palace expenses...quite weird bu- oh." When you looked down, he was sleeping. After a few moments "Why'd you stop talking?" Belphie woke up like he was never asleep. "You were sleeping..." "It's okay, keep talking, I like hearing your voice when I sleep mmm" he sleeps again in your lap and you blush.
🌙He forgets to say it or somehow hides it to not make you too shy or flustered, but he appreciates it whenever you're giving your best, such as getting out of your comfort zone, for him.
"Where are you going?" He asked as he woke up from his long nap. "I'm gonna pass my portfolio on an animation project... Studio PB is looking for animators and... I wanna try..." you meekly said "But I thought you didn't wanna pursue that?" Belphie looks at you, lazily, without judgement. "Yes but... I thought about going for it after you encouraged me to not be scared and to not think what other people say..." you rubbed the back of your neck "Yeah, mmm good boy/girl. Goodluck okay?" He kissed your forehead and pat your head. He then went back to Beleth's bed to sleep while having a smile on his face. You were dumbfounded because of the sudden forehead kiss and blushed while leaving the palace.
🌙Will slap your ass in a rare blue moon when he's awake and feeling naughty. By the time you'd react, he'd probably fall asleep.
You yelp as you feel Belphegor's familiar large hands slapping your rear. When you turn around you see none, but when you look to the floor, you see a Belphegor sleeping.
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💰Mans doesn't care if you're shy, if you got money he'd do whatever you say. No PDA? Done. Wanna hold his hand? Done. Mans flexible than Astaroth's snake, again, as long as he gain money from you.
💰However, his personal preference is to display public affection. But again, since you're like his bank, he'd acknowledge your preferences more than his.
Both of you were looking at the couple ahead of you, the guy's hand was on the girl's waist. You somehow looked at Bimet but blushed and looked away. Bimet noticed how you kept looking at them, then him, then blushing while looking away. "You know you could've asked, right?" Bimet stared at you blankly. "I... I'm too shy to. Idk... I may look like a bit needy, don't I?" you blushed and looked down. Bimet held your waist and pulled you closer to him "Let this be free of charge, for once" he whispered on your ear, and you blushed even more.
💰To be honest, he thought of you as his moneybag, he is a straightforward gold digger. But through time he thought that you were cute when shy and decided to stay and in turn, use SOME of his money for you.
Bimet was looking afar from Mammon's palace, while you were in the palace koi pond, having a peace of mind. In that rare instance he noticed himself reminiscing, he only treated you nicely because of your money. Because somehow you attracted good fortune like a lucky cat. But somehow he felt a sense of responsibility, he wanted to protect you at all cost. He was greedy for money, but he was also greedy for your affection. What a fitting man for Mammon's right hand. When he realized it, he noticed himself going down the castle, and ask if you wanna eat lunch at some restaurant he had a VIP membership on (because he is the right hand of Mammon).
💰You know how Belphie and Satan will talk to the waiter if they got your order wrong? Well this guy will tear somebody up if they got your order wrong.
"Oi. You. Waiter." Bimet glares at the waiter after the gave your food. "Bimet no it's -" He glares at you. You look at your lap, and blush, getting ready for the impact the waiter was about to face. "Yes how may I serve you?" The waiter comes, sensing the tension and a bit afraid. "I wonder how your boss would feel if his Majesty Mammon suddenly bought this establishment and firing you" Bimet smiles deadly. "S-sir" the demon was shivering "Um.. there might be a mix up on the order..." you meekly said, saving the waiter from his jobless future. "Oh? Oh! I see! Thank you so much ma'am/sir. I-im so sorry please! Ill bring in some complementary dessert too... I apologize again please don't fire me...!" He hurriedly goes back to the kitchen. "You shouldn't really be nice to him. Hmph. I could've thought him a lesson!" He pouts. "It's okay thank you..."
💰He's a scammer, but he's YOUR scammer. He doesn't want you to be scammed by anyone but him. That's how greedy he is.
Both of you were roaming in the streets of Abyssos because you wanted to buy from the ice cream shop that was popular for it's exquisite flavors. "Oh there's the shop. I'll go buy for you, you wait here okay?" Bimet calmly speaks to you, while having sparkly eyes, that was your cue to give him money. You gave him cash "I'll have the change, yes? Thanks." He fled to buy ice cream. Bimet left you in a bench that was near an alleyway. A shady woman came up to you selling some sex toys. You politely decline but she was persistent, saying she had no sales for the day and was giving you puppy eyes. "Oi. They said no. Back off." Bimet came back, glaring at them, controlling their grip to not break the ice cream he's holding. The demon backed off, not wanting to be in trouble. "Thats right. I'm their scammer, only THEIRS." he hugged you while holding the ice cream. You blushed and he held his hand. You held back his hand and he glared. "No, I meant payment for shooing that demon" Bimet smirks, you facepalmed.
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🐍Doesn't do PDA but is a dirty talker. He loves to try and 'corrupt' (make you shy) both in public and private.
"Beings like you are very interesting" Astaroth looks at you "What do you mean?" You look at him back "You deny the pleasures of temptation, you aren't honest with yourselves" he looks at you and comes close, face in your ear "Hmm like this one over here." He whispers huskily. "Previously you were eyeing those harness, were you not? I bet it looks good on you while in bed" he added "I- Astaroth!" You blushed and he just smiled like nothing happened.
🐍Loves corrupting people and beings, especially YOU. He always makes sure and try to 'corrupt' you so that you won't leave him.
"Astaroth I need to go to work, do you want me to bring you food later?" you were putting your foot in your shoe while Astaroth's snake took your other shoe. "Humans work. Why must they work? It would be better if you're with me and cuddle no?" Astaroth got your shoe while smiling at you. "Y-you're doing this again! Last time you did this it ended up me taking my sick leave and we were in the bed!!" You blushed "I succeeded to corrupt you back then and I want to do that again. Your helpless expression in your face was satisfactor-" you covered his mouth and got your shoe. "Shh!! N-not today! M-maybe tonight..." You said, blushing.
🐍Gets kind of insecure when you get 'corrupted' by others, especially how hard it was for him to.
It was your day off and Paimon barged into your house. He was tempting you to go on shopping with him. Before Astaroth could do or say anything, Paimon dragged you out and he was pissed off. When you came back with a lot of shopping bags..."How come it's that easy for others to corrupt you while it took me ages for you to stay in bed with me on a weekday?" he was more sharp-tongued than usual, means he's pissed more to Paimon than you. "I... I'm sorry... He dragged me and...well I got you some clothes and some snake food...." You scratched your head and blushed a bit. "Alright but next time I get to corrupt you" "Okay you need to stop hanging out with Sitri, okay?" You replied but his snake hissed instead.
🐍 ENJOYS your stories and rants. He is happy if you feel comfortable enough to tell him everything, even your day. No matter how boring or how chaotic your day was. Plus he has a narratophilia kink.
"How was your day?" Astaroth greets you as you remove your outside clothes. "Hmmm it was pretty chaotic, Sitri asked my opinion on the palace decor such as paintings, vases, only for it to be crushed by his majesty's Satan and his motorcycle...." You sighed as you remove your socks. "Is that so? Ah to be crushed by his Majesty Satan" he imagines and blushed "N-no! Don't blush!! It was bad! When his majesty crushed the decor, Sitri was mad because apparently the decor had the audacity to be crushed by his majesty! And proceeded to wreck the debris..." you were so tired and changed into your house clothes. Astaroth was still blushing because he was imagining it. "H-hey stop!!" You blushed, it seems like you won't have any rest tonight, huh?
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🗡️Likes PDA, but prevents himself to. He thinks he might become nuts if he had gain too much physical contact with you.
You look at him and ask him if he's uncomfortable with physical affection, let alone in public. "No. However you're so pretty I might do something to you outside that may make you embarrassed or too shy to go outside for the next few weeks." He smiles and licked his lips. "W-what?!!" you blushed.
🗡️ If he feels like he can control himself, he'd hold your hand instead. Since he thinks hands are the most beautiful body part.
🗡️ When you're feeling insecure, he likes to remind you that he like beautiful and pretty things. So he'd explain how cute and pretty you are (applicable to all genders).
He noticed you were looking through a Devil's magazine, with male and female models. You somehow appear too focused and sad. He kept hearing you sigh and shaking your head. "Hey. Why is my pretty girl/boy sad?" He pats your head. "It's nothing..." You looked away. "You're not gonna be pretty if you frown a lot and sigh." It was visible in his eyes that he's worried. "Well I'm not pretty or beautiful or handsome, whatever so what's the point?" You snapped at him. "Who said that?" "No one... Look at these demons! They're the perfect definition of pretty!" you pointed at the models in the magazine. "They aren't as pretty as you" He made a blank stare as he bluntly tells you. "What?..." You looked at him with wide eyes and slightly blushed "They aren't as pretty as you. I mean look! This guy has a good body so I wanna cut it and display it. While this one had good hands! While the other one his toenail is-" "Wha?!" "While you're pretty enough that I don't want to cut you. You're pretty as a whole." He pats your head.
🗡️Asmodeus gave you permission to put a gag (the one he gave) on him when you think he gets a bit overboard with the compliments, like enough to make you red like a tomato.
"You're pretty. Very pretty today especially with that top that looks good on your body. Yes beautiful yes. And your hands and nails, very clean, like no other. Your legs! Your pants accentuate your legs I'd like to get crushed by it and-" Ronove kept on rambling and you just put a gag on his mouth. "Sorry.... We're going on a busy street and I don't want them to hear you complimenting me...." You blush as he protested.
🗡️Gets horny after seeing cut up angels and instead talks dirty to you.
Both of you were roaming the streets as you see cut up bodies of angels. The bodies were fresh and reeks of blood. When you turn around, Ronove was inspecting the bodies. " Yes. Yes! Pretty bodies.... Hands...Nails... Wings!!" Ronove was practically drooling and was aroused. He was looking left and right for bodies and saw you. "H-hey I was wondering if we can do it right now.." You blushed, you know what he was talking about. "Oh hell no please! What if people see?!" You were blushing so much "Then let me tell you how much I wanna ravage you here and-" You put the gag back on him.
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👑Too busy for PDA, which favors you because you won't get shy or overwhelmed around too many people greeting the both of you here and there.
"Hey" you greeted Bael early in the morning. But he was too busy to notice you. "Bael?" you tapped on his shoulder "Oh! Sorry I didn't hear you. This stupid king of mine went on a shopping spree again! Like imagine! I just went to sleep and look at all the receipts!! One day!!" he looked at you with an irritated face, mostly directed to the receipts. "Oh...then I guess we won't be able to go to the movies today?" He froze. "Well based from the little souvenir Beel brought I guess I can't. I need to pay these off and record his damn debt. I'm sorry... I swear Beel is gonna face my whip when I see him!!! Receipts and a cancelled date!! Beelzebub you piece of s-" Bael's eyes were filled with rage as he crumpled a handful of receipts. He inhaled, calming himself down. "I guess I failed you again huh, sorry sweetie. Really. I'm sorry for being busy." He rubbed the back of his neck while apologizing profusely. "No!! It's fine! Really, it's a good thing so that I don't get to see to many people...yk they always call you 'your majesty'" you sheepishly said, blushing. You then hang out in Bael's office while Bael was raging and signing documents and calling stores that Beel came last night.
👑Like Beel, he knows whether you're upset because of your scent. He doesn't shamelessly sniff you in public like beel, but he knows how you feel because of his sense of smell and observation.
👑Opposite to beel, he likes the relationship nice and slow.
There are two types of how people act with their favorite food: Eat it fast and get more, or eat it slowly and savor it. Bael is the later. He lets you take your time and get used to the weird life in Abyssos, where it was common to see naked people fucking in alleyways. He never pushed you into anything extreme, one reason is he's always busy and another is, he wanted to take your relationship similar to his favorite food, he wants to savor it til the end.
👑He was pretty insecure with other couples the way he was treating you.
"Don't you think my king is amazing? He's a bit peculiar but everyone in Abyssos likes him" Bael says as he was signing papers. "Hmm yeah I think so too" You were on the couch, playing on your phone. "Don't think you'd rather date my king than me?" Bael stopped signing the documents in front of him, waiting for your response. "Huh? Why would I?" You looked at him, a bit shocked. "Well maybe because he's hotter? He's more amazing? And I'm just, Bael. I'm not him. I-" He somehow sounded a bit pained. "Why would I do that? I like Bael not Beelzebub. I like you for you, not because you're similar to his Majesty, Beel." You didn't usually speak up, but you felt the need to do so. "Thanks sweetest." He smiled and went to the couch.
👑Sometimes shy to admit but he wants to sniff your sweat in your legs.
You went home after jogging. You were a bit sweaty and somehow Bael smell your sweat in your armpits and legs. "H-hey" Bael said, trying to be calm, while he's becoming a bit red. "Are you okay?" You approached him and put a hand on his forehead. "You're heating up...." you added. "I-I can smell you" Bael have a hard time breathing and he's becoming red. "Pardon?" you tilt your head "You smell delicious." Bael was full blown horny and pounced on you. Let's just say you couldn't walk the next day and he apologized ;).
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lovelyladyabsinthewrites · 5 months ago
hiya not sure if you still write for got? id love me a petyr baelish story where shes the oldest sister to the baratheon kids and sneaks around with petyr? like shes constantly toying with him, annoying him and keeping him on his toes and he just loves it. nobody knows because cersei and jaime would so have his head. she enjoys when he breaks because she gets cuddles with the most dangerous man of kings landing afterwards and he does answer her every beg and call while keeping her under his protection and making his schemes. so he quietly takes care of assassins targeting her or just people he overhears talking shit about her? tysm <3
I've never written for Petyr Baelish before but i like this prompt so i'll give it a shot :)
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Pairing: Petyr Baelish x Baratheon!Reader
Warnings: age gap
Words: 1949
He watches you, always watching you flittering around the Red Keep with your long, dark curls swaying around your shoulders as you giggle and gab like a proper princess. Bright, colorful sways of your skirt kicking up in a fury when you and your ladies run late for your lessons. Even when you were seated, there was always energy vibrating around you, like your vibrant soul couldn't be contained by your mortal vessel. Mannerisms akin to a hummingbird.
To the court, you were Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister's perfect first born child. Unfortunately you were born a girl, thus excluded from the Iron Throne but that was fine. You would shine brightly either way, with or without the throne of melted swords of enemies past. At least this granted you more liberty to do what you pleased.
And what you liked to do most seemed to be toying with Lord Baelish's self restraint and patience.
Down in the courtyard you had the odd feeling that someone was watching you. The same sensation you got every time Petyr Baelish was in the vicinity. You had a sixth sense for him. Immediately your gaze snaps upward just in time to catch the figure of Littlefinger disappearing behind a stone column.
You grin to yourself.
Court was insufferable for the most part. Yes, you were allowed to do whatever you wanted while all focus was put on your terrible brother Joffrey since he was essentially Robert's heir (gods help you all when Joffrey does become king).
One thing you'd found to pass the time was playing with Petyr. You'd had a sort of crush on the man since coming of age, finding his quiet disposition alluring (not to mention he had quite the charming face). And being the child of both Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister, you ultimately possessed a confidence that egged you on in your antics. Petyr knew the time of young woman you were. There were many in his brothel who were aware of their good looks and talents and it went straight to their heads.
You simply couldn't help yourself when you so happen to find a seat next to him. Your hand falling underneath the table and perching itself on his knee. His fine jaw clenching when he feels the warmth of your palm spread like fire upon his clothed knee. Fire that seared his bones, taking no time in consuming his whole skeletal frame with a desire for you to move your hand closer to what was really screaming for your attention.
Littlefinger felt the hangman's noose around his neck.
If word were to get out and betray him, Robert Baratheon could easily request his head. The king's retribution wasn't all Petyr feared. Ser Jaime Lannister, your uncle, was always on your guard. Keeping his well trained eyes roving for any threats that may come toward his nieces way. And it was known Ser Jaime didn't allow anyone to take a step toward you without his permission. Your mother, Cersei, was equally protective of her first born. To her, there wasn't a man who was good enough for you.
While he was a valuable asset, that gave him no liberties when it came to the princess. You were first born and the only one of your siblings who really received the king's attention. Maybe it was because you were the only one who came out with dark hair like the king. It could be a number of reasons why Robert simply found you endearing. It was an easy thing to fall in love with you.
Which is why Petyr did little to discourage your behavior.
He certainly didn't mind how your greeting toward him had changed from a casual hello to you kiss his cheek. Catching when you'd softly inhale his scent. You'd bring up the memory of his scent when you were alone in bed. Coming upon one another in corridors, you'd brush up against him. Fingers sneakily graze against his arm as you pass without looking at him. Purposefully putting a pop in your hips as you retreated.
Caution in games like this were required in order for him to keep his head. Petyr kept you at arm's length yet within his sight.
That was not enough for you.
You knew of the secret tunnels all through out King's Landing. The schedule of your guards was etched into your memory. And you also happened to have previously stalked Petyr on a few occasions to get a feel of his daily routine. One day you left your chambers, the knights outside your door none the wiser and went out in search of Littlefinger.
You caught him as he left the Small Council meeting room. The second he walks past your hiding spot, your hand shoots out and grabs his arm; yanking him into the dark chasm.
Completely taking him by surprise, he's about to struggle against you until he hears your voice whisper his name. When he inhales to reprimand you instead you capture his lips hastily before he could escape from your grip.
This may be your only chance to do so. You'd caught his stares many times and thought he reciprocated the attraction.
When you pulled away, you wait for his reaction and try to tame your wildly beating heart. Your eyes are somewhat adjusted to the inky black of the secret passage but making out the features of his face were difficult.
Slowly his hands descend on your hips and finally draws you close to his body. One hand lifts to your face, tilting your jaw upwards so he could be the one to initiate another scorching kiss. He near smothers you against him, aching for you to be closer to him. You managed to do what very little people could ever hope to accomplish: having Littlefinger surrender to their whim.
With that, the game was truly on and the dye cast.
You'd left him stumped after the kiss as you proceeded to push him back out with a giggle and slam the hidden door shut. Petyr's heart was thumping so hard it rattled him to the core. For so many years he thought the only person who'd be able to get such a reaction from him was Catelyn. His heart had always been her's though she made it very clear that she would not have him. Now he finds that you have leashed up his attention like a loyal dog tethered to you.
He was titillated.
From then on you upped your mischief around him. Became emboldened from that kiss for it gave you the answer of Petyr desiring you as much as you desired him.
More than that, you wedged your way into his personal life; his true life of secrets and planning. The wonderful mechanisms of his conniving brain. That only made him more attractive to you. It wasn't brute power Petyr wield, not like the knights who primp and preen around you or the pathetic young lords your father hoped to marry you off to.
No one knew that the most dangerous man in King's Landing sat beside them, sharing a simple meal with a brilliant mind they would never be able to comprehend. They were all fools.
Your antics didn't always please Petyr. Sometimes they irritated every last nerve when he was trying to save face in front of others. In the privacy of his chambers though, he'd only halfheartedly reprimand you once you start planting kisses all over his face.
"Forgive me." You'd mewl into his ear, hands digging into the expensive fabric of his clothes.
He could never stay mad at you.
Petyr would concede the moment your plush lips land on the corner of his mouth. Even worse was when you'd envelope him in your arms, hold him close to you as you cherish a moment alone together in a simple cuddle. Who would have thought that syrupy sweet embraces were the branding irons that scorched your name in his heart.
You hardly ask anything of him and when you do, Petyr leaps for the opportunity to please his beloved princess. No task was too small or too big to Littlefinger. Whatever you wanted, he'd make sure you got it. Another prominent lady of the realm slighted you? Petyr would make sure that her house crumbled to the ground so that she and her family were reduced to beggars. Some pathetic lord being a creep around you? You needn't even say anything for Lord Baelish is already planning on the man's demise.
You were his. Whether he was allowed to put a claim on you or not didn't matter to Petyr. Petyr was a greedy man and didn't like any other man giving you special attention.
Being Master of Coin, he was even able to deter Robert from marrying you off as you were considered of marrying age and eligible lords were already hounding the king for your hand. That may have been the most difficult task to achieve since the flow of suitors was nonstop. All wanted close to the Iron Throne. They didn't care about you. Not like Petyr did. You were his goddess, his muse, his everything. Since being enthralled by you Petyr hadn't given Catelyn a second thought. May she rot in the North with her surly lord.
"What's this?" You inquire, delight shining in your eyes when you examine the beautifully carved box Petyr hands to you when the two of you next meet up in his apartments. You're sitting so pretty on his lap, the complete picture of comfort.
You didn't have to do anything to make Petyr's heart squeeze with adoration. How was he so lucky to have a pretty girl like you on his lap?
He taps on the top of the box. "Open and find out for yourself."
Puffing out your cheeks in faux annoyance, you do so. Smile broadening across your face. "Oh Petyr, its beautiful." You lift the choker styled necklace out of the small box to better admire it. pearls composed most of the necklace with the center piece taking shape of a small bird with a long beak among pink, yellow and green gems.
"Do you like it?" He's smiling to himself as he watches you.
"I love it!" You're practically singing and push the necklace into his hands. "Put it on for me, will you?"
"Whatever my princess desires." Petyr chuckles and easily clasps the necklace around your pretty neck. Placing a small kiss at the nape of your hair.
You hop off of his lap and rush over to the closest mirror to admire yourself. Catching his warm gaze from the mirror, you smile softly. "Why a hummingbird, Petyr? Why not a mockingbird?"
"Too obvious, my love. That and I don't see you as a mockingbird."
Petyr stands and though his stature is not very tall, he still commands confidence. "No. You arise joy in everyone who comes across you." His hands find their spot upon your hips. "Many pray for the opportunity to catch you standing still."
You lean against him, using your own hands to guide one of his across the plane of your stomach. "And I have such lovely plumage too."
That makes him genuinely laugh. You're the only person who could summon such a hearty laugh from Littlefinger. A badge of honor.
"Yes my darling. The most beautiful plumage in the seven kingdoms." Kissing a trail up your neck, you can't contain a giggle from bubbling forth from you. His facial hair made you so ticklish.
Spinning yourself around, you sneak a kiss from those devilish lips of his. "I'll wear it proudly then."
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potionbarrel · 9 months ago
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i'm opening commissions!
-5/5 slots open- | My Ko-Fi
hi! i'm currently out of work and living at home— anything i make is going to savings to help me afford healthcare, as well as hopefully having enough to get back on T and pursue therapy. everything helps! i hope you'll consider me for your commission please click open the read more for my terms of service if you're interested! for more info, reach out to me here or on discord- my username there is also potionbarrel!
I accept payment through Paypal or Ko-Fi. I have five slots open at a time, and I don't do holds on those slots. You can reach me at potionbarrel on Tumblr and Discord— I'm happy to answer any questions!
I have the right to turn down any commission, with or without explanation.
Dos and Don'ts: do use your commission as an icon, repost it, or edit it, so long as it has proper credit! Don't use my work for financial gain, NFTs, or AI training, and don't cover up my signature or claim you or another artist made the commission.
I need visual references, preferably full body— no text descriptions of what a character's appearance, please. Describing poses or a scene over text is fine, though! The more detailed, the better.
I work on commissions in the order I got them in, and I'm a slower, detail-oriented artist, so please keep both these things in mind when it comes to how quickly I complete your piece!
The commission must be paid in full before I send you the finished piece. Multiple payments are okay, so long as we talk about it first! However, I won't complete the commission until I have the full amount.
I'll send a WIP once the sketch is completed, but I can send more if asked! Important: if there's something you want changed with your commission, please request alterations during these WIP check-ins! I won't be making major changes once the piece is finished, and small changes after the commission's completion will cost $5 each.
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numberonetacostan · 2 months ago
homeless taco head cannons break my heart
so uh.
have any?
Hello there!!!!^^ Welcome, and thank you for sending in your request!!! :] YOU BET I HAVE HEADCANONS FOR HOMELESS TACO!!! I THINK I'VE SAID SOME IN VARIOUS ANSWERS/POSTS BEFORE BUT I'LL TRY PUTTING ONES I DON'T THINK I'VE POSTED BEFORE!!! YAY HOMELESS HEADCANONS REQUEST!!!!! I love getting hc requests of any sort!!!^^
-Justin confirmed from one of my stream questions that Taco had stolen food from the hotel while she was homeless!!! I definitely think she avoided doing this at all costs, but during winters when she couldn't forage much if any food from the woods, she'd sneak into the hotel at night after like, a week of not eating to grab as much as she can and gtfo!!! Normally she could probably get in and out safely, but again, she hasn't eaten in a week. I think she would get caught by Pepper, who I had mentioned in my one-hc-for-everyone post to be the resident chef in the hotel!!! It's winter so it gets dark early, and Taco has no sense for what time it is other than the sun, so she accidentally goes in too early and Pepper walks in on her raiding the cabinets. Pepper is understandably surprised, but Taco tries to deescalate!! With her current state though, it comes off more like begging Pepper not to rat her out, and I honestly don't think she would. We have a very homeless, starving, freezing, and bedraggled Taco, and Pepper just can't bring herself to do it. She just turns to whatever food she's making and warns Taco that OJ or Paper might be in the check on the meal any moment. Taco leaves and Pepper never says a word. Sorry about the Tacopep friendship propaganda but i want them to be friends.
-I think Taco would spend a lot of time in the Gemory Cave!! It's basically the only "inside" she can access for when it's snowing, raining, etc., yeah? Staying in the forest during a thunderstorm would be more danger than it's worth for her, and with all the tunnels she'd be able to stay hidden pretty well. I'd say she has a few hidey holes in there, small enough that only she and a handful of contestants would even be able to get inside, where she keeps her most important possessions. At least, what she can't hold in her shell, yeah?
-Mephone did not program Taco with the proper knowledge or skills to survive in the wild. She had to figure everything out through trial and error, including what food is and isn't safe to eat. She had a lot of miserable evenings in those early days, throwing up what little she had managed to scrounge together for a meal, hallucinations, headaches, etc., etc.
--Due to these skills though, she's kinda the MVP of the group post-canon. She's the only one who has a lot of these skills and can work successfully with only the resources they can get from the land. She keeps them from going through the same trial and error phase that she had to, especially important now that they can't recover anymore.
-I think she put the sign in front of the Perilous Forest there herself while she was living in the woods, to keep the others from coming in and finding her. What's so perilous about it? Her.
-Rather than sleeping on the ground, I see her sleeping in trees. She's a Taco, she could reasonably nudge herself into a position in which she won't fall, and at least try to fall asleep. It would be a bit risky if case she fell, but it's definitely better than the risk of getting caught unawares. I don't see her sleeping nearly enough when she's homeless, though, and post-canon when she's in the mansion she sleeps for like 27 hours straight and feels better than she has in years.
-I mentioned in another recent post Taco being afraid of snow because of past instances of severe hypothermia!!! And, yeah, if it snows, or even just gets cold enough, she's fucked. The best she has is the cave, and even then, it wouldn't help much. And she's malnourished, which makes her even more prone to it!!! She does not get proper treatment ever!!!!! I'd say she's had some very, very close calls with frostbite, maybe a rough case of pneumonia or two, more hallucinations because they're great for angst, irregular heartbeat (if they have hearts), etc., etc.
Hopefully these seven are enough!!! If you do want more, feel free to let me know!!! Headcanons are so much fun, I'm always happy to answer requests like these!!!^^
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year ago
𝓣𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓮. [Closed Doors]
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Jungkook makes decisions every day- but none has ever felt as hard to make as the decision whether or not to keep or leave you.
Tags/Warnings: Hospital/Medical AU, Doctor!Jungkook, slightly aged up!Jungkook, Hybrid!Reader, Dog Hybrid!Reader, another slightly heavy one but the comfort is strong with this hurt, angst, fluff, romance, strangers to lovers, blood, medical stuff, mentions of domestic (physical and mental) abuse, corruption, mentions of drug abuse, health scare²
Length: 2.3k Words, it's very tiny I'm very sorry
-> Masterlist
There is no taglist for this fic.
A/N: hi sorry I just really like this fic pls eat your vegetables
"The little guy is recovering good." Namjoon nods. "But we'll have to inform child protective services, no matter if it was an accident or not.." He sighs, as Jungkook nods.
"I'm pretty sure it'll go well if it really was just that." He says. "I can't believe people just leave this stuff around when they know children eat any candy they see the moment they get the chance to." He shakes his head a bit angrily. "If that boy was a hybrid he'd be dead."
"Luckily he's not. I'll send the boy over to pediatrics, and as soon as that happens, he's out of our hands." Namjoon reminds his friend and coworker, as they both silently agree, walking through the hall. "How's your puppy doing?"
"Awake, and she's been transferred out of the ICU this morning, so I'm gonna check on her now and see how she's doing." Jungkook sighs, running a hand through his hair.
"Have you decided if you want to take her in yet?" Namjoon wonders, greeting a fellow doctor who's passing by.
"No." Jungkook shakes his head. "Not.. yet."
It's a touchy subject for now- so Namjoon leaves it alone- letting the doctor enter your new room on his own, to check up on you.
It's quiet inside, no nurse yet present- and Jungkook is actually a little thankful for the short, quiet moment he's got. Standing close to you, he lets his hand run over one of your soft ears- now cleaned and fur soft and vibrant in color. It's something Jimin had informed him about yesterday- how you cried from happiness after he'd helped you properly clean your ears and tail, something that appeared to be very much unfamiliar and new to you.
It angers him, to know that you were nothing but something to show off until now.
So many of your health problems could've been avoided if you just had received any amount of proper care and attention. Yoongi already suspects that you might have developed some behavioral issues from the way you've been living until now- all that, combined with your physical troubles will take weeks if not months to resolve. If they ever resolve fully at all, that is.
Not that Jungkook really cares. He'd take you in even if you were to bite and scratch.
But it's not that easy, and he knows this. "Hello?" He carefully says as his hand shakes your shoulder gently. "Can you wake up for me for a moment?" He requests, and your eyes slowly open, squinting at the bright hospital lights, before you stretch- and hiss at something cramping. "Good morning." He greets you- and suddenly you seem to realize who's there- and your tail begins to wag under the blanket, ears turned towards him as you smile. "How do you feel, hm?" He wonders, but you don't answer.
It's to be expected. All of these traumatic events must've taken a toll on you- not just physically.
"Well you're looking a lot better already, that's for sure." Jungkook tells mostly himself, though he smiles when he spots you taking the praise for yourself as well. It gives him a moment just to quietly look at you; imagine what life could be like if someone like you was to wait for him inside his apartment, every day whenever he'd come home from work.
Surely, you'd turn his apartment into a home in no time. The thought of just a little more chaos inside his living space, a little more of a mess here and there, a bit of disorder in his life, might just be what could color his life a little more vibrantly. Make things more exciting, more emotionally valuable- maybe it could even make his life less about work, and more about..
well, living.
You're yawning, and he laughs, train of thought broken as he pets your head teasingly, before the door opens, and a very chipper Jimin walks in. "Ah, there's my favorite person!" He sings almost, walking in to put the small tray of food down, before he looks at Jungkook. "And you too, Doctor Jeon."
"Well thank you." Jungkook jokes, before he watches as Jimin opens the tray, revealing some light soup and rice for you to eat. It's only a small portion- just to slowly ease you back into eating, and not overwhelm you again. He notices how attached you seem to what he recognizes is an empty pillowcase of all things you seem to cling to, probably for comfort, taken from your first room you occupied. It's another problem- you now have no one to bring you any clothes or comforting items into hospital at all.
You're alone, all by yourself.
And for some reason, the realization of that small fact hits him hard.
It's been not even a full 24 hours, and you're already causing mischief.
"There you are!" Jungkook sighs, relieved to have finally found you near a vending machine two floors away from where you should be- which is in your room, in your bed. You, meanwhile, are just simply smiling at him, tail wagging at the sight of him crouching down to you to pet your head. "Come on now, you gave the poor nurses a near heart-attack by vanishing like that." He gently scolds, before he stands back up to his full height, reaching for your hand.
But you just let yourself fall to your side, stubborn. Tail still wagging, smacking onto the smooth floor.
"Got yourself a troublemaker, huh doctor Jeon?" An older nurse laughs, watching the interaction between the hybrid specialist and you while she prepares a cart with food trays for the patients. The news of Jungkook's interest in maybe adopting you permanently has made it's round quite quickly by now- mostly thanks to Jimin, who's the unofficial news reporter of every bit of gossip there is.
Jungkook sighs. "Seems like it." He chuckles, unable to really be upset with you, considering how glad he is to see you up and running again instead of pale and fighting in the ER. It's as if you finally realized that in here, no one actually wants to hurt you. No one blames you. No one is mad at you. You're actually being cared for here- you can truly be yourself, and no one's gonna get upset over it.
And slowly, Jungkook starts to see your true personality- which does help in his decision whether or not you'll fit into his life, or not. He's not made one yet- the papers are still at home, on his desk in his office, unsigned.
It's a tough decision to make, after all.
On one hand, sure; he really likes you, you seem absolutely sweet and also independent enough to stay at home by yourself if he goes by all of your documents, which included general assessment of your overall intelligence and social capabilities. You're a bit of an odd case- while your instincts are very strong, your hybrid features very well developed, and your overall behavior shows habits and reactions similar to a hybrid much higher on the scale, you do know how to properly process situations in a more human way.
For example; Loud noises startle you, but they don't make you panic. Food and snacks make you excited, but they're useless as bribery if you don't want to do something. You can read, write, and are educated to a very good degree, and you understand social cues without any issues.
But on the other hand, Jungkook isn't a man with endless patience. He gets frustrated easily, especially with himself- so what if he snaps at you on accident? Will you understand that he doesn't mean it badly, and that it's not even directed at you? And what about when he has to work- will you be lonely in his home, unhappy but too nice to actually tell him? He doesn't want you to just waste away while he's too focused on his career. It's something important for him, after all- he can't just quit and call it a day.
Even if you were to say that you don't need the attention, or the affection, or constant care or anything at all- he'd still feel bad for not providing it anyways. Because you deserve it. You deserve someone who can love you each day properly, someone who doesn't have to push you to the back every time his job has to take priority.
He's not sure what decision to make.
Or if there's even a choice at all.
Suddenly, you're pulling on his shirt to get back his attention- probably because he started to look mad while thinking. He knows he does this- it's why he usually turns away from patients whenever he has to think about something, which makes his face look upset. "I'm not mad." He reassures you, smiling again, petting your ears again while you watch him with suspicion. You're currently in a different headspace, regressing after all the stress and honestly rather traumatic events, which makes communication a little difficult- but everyone manages, since you're quite expressive in other ways, able to tell what you want and think either way.
Jungkook wants to take care of you- he wants to take you home, and make sure you're happy forever, but he can't be selfish, or too fast with his decision.
"Now come on, it's lunch soon. You hungry?" He asks, and you nod, tail wagging as you stand up alongside him, hand holding onto his shirt as you walk next to him-
and this time, he decides to cave in a little, as he instead holds your hand in his while walking back to your room with you.
Jungkook likes to play music in his apartment, even if it's just quiet.
It fills the space with noise, makes him feel less lonely, takes his mind off of things. It helps relax. But tonight, it doesn't really work, as he sits in his office, sighing as he looks at the unsigned paperwork still on his desk in front of him. He's read through all the documents more than twice now, knows what's written down, what information it all gives out to him- and yet, he's unsure what to do with it.
If he signs it, you'll be given to him for a foster time first- three weeks of 'trying it out' so to speak, to see if you're a good fit for him, and if he's a good fit for you. During that time, a careworker will visit randomly to check up once or twice, and at the end of it, it's you both who have to agree to an actual permanent registration. But Jungkook worries, he always does.
The thing he worries most about, is the fact that he feels like he's already in too deep. There's a small, pink and white plush toy in his lap after all, bought yesterday straight after work from a store specializing in hybrid clothing and other items. It's a comfort plush that holds scents very well, so he keeps it close to his body ever since buying it to offer it to you tomorrow morning when he's back in hospital to check up on you.
And yes, he has been browsing what a dog hybrid of your specific breed might need to live a happy life. He might also have looked up options for sports or other activities you might want to do-
he's really in deep, isn't he?
He sighs yet again, scratching his head in frustration after he puts down the pen, staring at the 'signature here' spot at the bottom. It could all be so easy, but he really doesn't want to fuck this all up.
He knows from Taehyung, an anesthesiologist and good friend, that having a hybrid can actually work out perfectly. He's balancing it just fine, his own hybrid at home happy and healthy, his work never suffering, his happiness thriving. The young medical worker always shows off pictures of him and his hybrid, proudly, and he really has every reason to be, considering where she came from.
But Jungkook also knows how tough it can be.
He's reminded of it every time he checks up on Yoongi and his cat hybrid- now awake, but clearly in distress over her lack of control over her own body, and it's going to be a long road to recovery for her and Yoongi just as much. He knows they'll get through it- but the amount of heartbreak and absolute terror that went down just scared Jungkook, straight up.
And he knows, your future together is absolutely going to be both of those scenarios- good, and bad.
"What's the worst that can happen.." He hums to himself, one hand playing with the fuzz of the comfort plush in his lap, little black eyes staring blankly at him, tiny mouth curved into a forever smile.
You deserve a happy future. You deserve to have opportunities, and care, and affection, and a stable environment you can rely on, and thrive in. And he won't ever really gain the knowledge of that happening if he's not the one providing that for you.
And yet, the doubts are still there, clouding his mind.
What's he going to do?
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the-kr8tor · 2 years ago
HIIIIIIIII SWEETHEART I LOVE YOUR WRITIN STYLE EVERY FANFIC I READ FELT SO NATURAL AND REAL!!! 💗💗💗 was thinkin, could you write a hobie fic how would He react to y/n dyeing their hair I just recently dyed ma hair and had this idea in the back of ma head, HOPE YOU HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY OR NIGHT, LOVE 💗 YOU AND ADMIRE YOUR WORK💗💗💗😊😊😊
Thank you hun! You're so sweet, I'm glad you like my fics ❤️ hope you like it! Thank you for requesting!!!
Hobie Brown x gn! Reader
Mention of injury, FLUFF
Hobie wakes up groaning, he instinctively lays his hand on your side of the bed, trying to find your warmth. He finds your pillow cold, fighting to keep his eyes open, Hobie blinks away sleep. Craning his creaking neck, he glanced at the clock– 1:00 pm.
"Ah, fuck" he moves his aching legs off the bed, the fight with mysterio last night left him worse for wear. Hobie sits on the edge of the bed, contemplating whether or not it's worth getting out of bed today.
He stretches his back, arms wide, Hobie yawns loudly enough to get your attention. He waits for your sweet voice to ask him if he's okay, but the whole flat is dead silent.
He raises his brow, "lovey?" Hobie calls out.
Hobie stands up, wobbling a bit on shaky legs. Maybe you're in the living room? He comes out of the bedroom, roaming his eyes to find your familiar form. It's the weekend, why aren't you home?
His anxiety gets the best of him, mind jumping to conclusions, they're not all good.
"Love?" He calls out again, a bit desperate this time. Hobie scratches his neck, maybe you're in the bathroom?
He heads towards the bathroom door, knocking tentatively "oi you in there?" He knocks twice, thrice, but no one answers.
Hobie wiggles the doorknob, he finds it unlocked, opening it slowly, in case you don't want to be disturbed. "You decent?" His voice echoes out in the tiled room.
Hobie's eyes widened at the red-stained tub, crimson splotches covered the once white bathtub. His heart stops, where are you? Who hurt you? Is this the work of mysterio–
A hand touches his shoulder, waking him up from his daze. His spidey senses betraying him, he slightly jumps at the contact.
"You okay, Hobie?" You ask him, slowly turning him around to face you.
He takes note of your hair in a towel, the white cloth stained pink, where it's closest to your hair. Your hand, and fingernails stained, like you've been trying to scrub it off, but gave up halfway.
He connects the dots, a sigh of relief escapes him.
"Yeah, 'm fine" Hobie tries to put his forehead against yours, but you stop him with your palm, shielding him.
"You might get it on you" you smile, apologetically.
"Right, where were you?" He pulls away, opting to hold your waist instead, Hobie rubs circles on your hips, effectively grounding him.
"I borrowed a hairdryer from the neighbor's" you show it to him, "mine fizzled out for some reason. You missed me?"
"No," he pinches your nose teasingly, you pout at his answer "I'll fix your old one for you, can I see?" Hobie tugs at the towel on your head.
You still pout at him, giving him your best puppy dog eyes, feigning sadness.
"Fine," he rolls his eyes "I missed you, now may I see your hair?"
"Only because you asked nicely" you change your pout to a smirk rather quickly.
Tugging off the towel, you let your hair breathe, the bright cherry red color a stark difference to your natural hair color.
Hobie whistles "Goddamn, look at you, lookin' like a proper punk!" He cups your jaw with both hands, moving your head from side to side. "Hmm, you missed a spot" he points out.
"What? Where?!" You rush to the mirror, trying to find the spot you didn't color in.
"Right, here" he pokes the side of your head.
When you turn to look at him, so you could ask him to show it to you, Hobie leans towards you, crashing his lips to yours, stopping you mid-turn.
You smile into the kiss, Hobie grabs a handful of your newly colored hair, ignoring that it might stain his hand so he can pull you closer, deepening the kiss. You hug his torso, stabilizing yourself as your legs wobble.
Oh, he definitely likes your new hair color.
I definitely didn't base this when I colored my hair red, once lol. I made the description of the hair as vague as possible, hope it worked well.
Thank you for reading! Consider reblogging if you enjoyed ❤️❤️❤️
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earthry · 1 year ago
hello glad you are back :3 could I request hcs for going to a fancy ball w papa? ty ilysm 💓
Thank you so much! I had lots of fun with this, please enjoy! I imagine this to be somewhat of a Regency Era AU <3
sfw but a smidgen of spice at secondo's part, fluff, regency era-ish
Balls aren't usually his thing-- not anymore, at least. Maybe when he was younger but now in age, he's been and seen hundreds to the point that a fancy ball is just another fancy ball to him.
For you however, they are novelty and a wonder. Something sparkly, something new, something to be excited about and look forwards to. And fuck if that's not cute and incredibly endearing to see. Once you enter his life, he'll never ever voice boredom or disinterest for balls ever again.
Actually, you make him interested in balls again-- if not only to see you at the center of attention, beaming his way.
He's the type to sip at his wine while he watches you have the time of your life across the room-- he doesn't see any point in socializing himself, but if you urge him to, he'll mingle for a little while.
After the ball, he'll escort you home and ask if you had a good time-- the answer is always yes. He'll kiss you goodnight, sweet and gentle under the crescent moon that leaves the both of you breathless, before bidding you a farewell until the morning.
"I'll see you in the morning, tesoro. I'll dream sweetly of you tonight."
Spares no expenses on you-- whether it be accessories, makeup, outfits, you name it-- he'll get it for you. What's the use of money if he can't frivolously spend it on the people he loves?
Whether it be a ball gown or a suit, everything you wear is perfectly tailored to your form. If you get a dress or skirt, it has pockets!
An expert at the social game at balls, always knows what to say and exactly how to say it. His presence is most coveted and he'll almost always have an invitation to even the most exclusive of balls.
You'll always be his plus one-- there's never a doubt. Unless you have no interest in attending, you can practically consider an invitation to him as an invitation to you. However, you needn't worry because plenty of invitations of your own will come your way because others know that if you attend, he surely will as well. Never one without the other.
Protective; if he has business or other things to attend to at a ball, one or more of his ghouls will always be nearby to make sure nothing happens to you. This is with your consent of course. If you don't feel comfortable with it, he'll at the very least make sure you're equipped and armed with your own personal dagger concealed in your sleeve or somewhere on your person.
As is proper, he'll always make sure to personally escort you home. The kiss you share before you depart is deep and meaningful-- but no less dirty or charged. Pulling you into his lap and claiming your lips with his, he'll roll his hips up to meet yours just to hear the little hitch in your breath. It's usually a game between the two of you; who can get the other more worked up by the time it's time to say goodbye. Most of the time he wins, smirking as you let out a soft little whimper when the carriage finally stops in front of your estate. He'll give you one last kiss before huskily bidding you adeiu.
"Time to leave, amore mio. Think of me tonight, si?"
This man definitely 'pre-games' before the ball-- manicures and facials and any type of beauty self-care under the sun. It's a whole spa day the day of the ball, he shows up at your doorstep and kisses the back of your hand before whisking you off to get absolutely pampered.
The two of you have matching outfits probably, the same theme or color or style. You're both the center of attention at balls, charming the ladies and men. Terzo usually keeps a possessive arm around your waist, leaning in close to gossip or whisper some kind of comment that only you have the luxury of being privy to.
Terzo is ever so attentive to you and your needs during balls-- always checking in for your comfort, asking if you need a drink or snack, making sure you know that the two of you can leave at any time you want.
Despite what a flirt this man is, he'll only ever have eyes for you and anyone with eyes can see that. He's a little bit of a prima donna and likes having your attention on him-- but he'll give you your space if you request it.
Whenever there's dancing involved, the two of you always captivate onlookers. The way he twirls you (or vice versa if you prefer leading), the looks the two of you exchange as your bodies move in tandem to the music. When the two of you take to the dance floor, usually it becomes just the two of you, as others will stop just to watch.
Dropping you back home after the party is Terzo's least favorite part-- because he has to say goodbye to his most beloved. You'll spend at least twenty more minutes down the block from your estate just to make out in the carriage until one of the coachmen impatiently interrupts and asks if you're ready to go. With one last parting kiss, Terzo will see you off with a promise to call on you again in the morning.
"Till tomorrow, beloved. Don't miss me too much, bene?"
The two of you are anxious beans that find comfort and company in each other at social functions and especially balls. You'll always have an eye out for him and him, you. Eventually, you'll just start attending balls and other events together.
The first time you meet, he's hiding in host's library-- the very same place you had decided to hide in as well. You bump into each other what starts as profuse apologies from each side blooms into a long lasting friendship and companionship.
The day he asks you to come with him as his official plus one, his date, you can't stop smiling which flusters him and makes him bashfully but oh so insanely happy.
After a while, balls become a favorite to the two of you because it would always be full of shenanigans and fun. The two of you together and loitering by the refreshments table and stuffing yourselves full of snacks, giggling to yourselves as you chat and peek into his pocket to see that he's smuggled a rat friend in, touring the gardens outside where it's less crowded and hold hands until you inevitably share a kiss under the gazebo by the lake.
When the night comes to a close, he'll see you home with you cuddled at his side on the carriage ride back. Hushed and sweet tones as you decompress together and he'll tell you that he enjoyed every moment he had with you. He'll crack a few jokes that leave the two of you giggling and by the time it's time to leave, you're left with a warm and fuzzy feeling from head to toe. His kiss goodnight promises more in the future; it's soft and resolute. He holds you in his arms afterwards and you sigh contently and bask in the moment before he rests his forehead against yours to say goodbye.
"First thing tomorrow, i'll be outside your window throwing little stones, si? Like uh-- who was that fellow? Row-me-o? Wha- cuore mio, why are you laughing?"
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daenysx · 1 year ago
Hi!! First of all, I want to tell you that I love your writings! Your portrayal of Aemond is just *chef's kiss*. I would like to request some hurt/comfort with Aemond x reader if possible. Thank you in advance! <3
thank you for your request, angel, i'm so happy that you like my writing!! i hope you like this one too, i picked a plot which is a little too relatable to me, so here we go. ♡
send me your requests for drabbles
pins and needles. pins and needles. pins and needles.
people talk but the words are not clear. they laugh, they have endless conversations about their lives, they share funny memories with each other.
all you can do is sitting at the table and giving them fake smiles.
they are your friends, surely a dinner with them must feel good, right? you have plenty you'd like to share, you want to laugh at their jokes, you want to make them smile. your hands shake, your breathing's uneven, you're sure at some point you'll feel the world spin. you don't want to be here. you don't know how to leave the restaurant. will they talk after you leave? will they say how you can't even form a proper sentence without your voice shaking?
you hold onto your glass, you take a slow sip from it. the liquid tastes weird in your mouth. a friend next to you says something, then turns to you and asks, "right?"
risky question. you didn't even hear the story. you don't know how to answer. fuck. no, that's- no. you grab your phone and stand up. you try to smile but it's fake. "uhm, excuse me, i just have to call someone, i'll be back."
you don't want to come back.
you walk away, thankfully they are a big group, not all of them will notice your absence. the fresh air feels nice as you step outside. you take a few more steps and sit on the sidewalk. you try to take a deep breath, you fail. you look at your phone, fingers shaking as you search aemond's name.
aemond picks up the phone at the first ring. "sweetheart?"
you have to find your voice. "hey."
he knows what happens the moment he hears the little word. "are you okay?"
"can you- can you please come and get me?"
he grabbed the car keys already. "i'm on my way."
you try to stay calm as you wait for him. it's a short distance, all you have to do is waiting for him. he'll be here. he'll be here.
9 minutes 37 seconds, and aemond is here. he rushes when he sees you, you realize the image must be a little terrifying. he kneels in front of you, careful hands on your face. "hey, i'm here. you're with me, pretty girl."
you hold onto him, he holds you the best he can. the angle's weird but he doesn't care. you cry into his neck, you can't breathe. you don't wanna be like this, there's no reason and look at you, crying in your lover's arms. aemond rubs your back, his knees must hurt. he kisses your forehead, just keeps his warm lips on your skin. "i got you. you're safe, hmm? you know i'm here, i'm with you."
you nod, you feel better. you are not alone. he's here, with you. "my friends- they're inside, i just-" you mumble, the words lost in your mouth.
"do you have your things with you? yeah, you have, baby. let me take you home, i'll just call them and tell them you got sick." he kisses your head. "it's okay. everything's okay. i'll make sure everything's fine, let's go back to car."
he helps you to the car, never lets go of your hand. he buckles your seatbelt. you just feel tired, the loud voices and your fake smiles carve a space in your mind. you close your eyes, teardrops fall. it's okay, it's just okay.
aemond takes you home. he keeps his hands on you all the time. a hand on your thigh as he drives and his arm around your waist as he leads you inside. the bedroom is quiet, you walk towards bed and let yourself relax for a minute. you can hear aemond's muffled voice, he's in the kitchen, talks to one of your friends who he knows and probably tells them you're sick but safe with him. you close your eyes, you don't even want to remember how you felt.
he comes next to you, sits on the edge of the bed. "can i hold your hand?" he asks, with a cautious tone. you give him your hand and he squeezes it, helps you remember you're safe. you're with him, you're safe, everything's okay.
"do you want to tell me what happened?" he asks, almost whispers.
you shrug. "i'm not sure i know what happened."
he shakes his head. "baby-" he collects his words. "you know what? we don't have to talk about it. we don't have to talk at all."
"aemond," you say, pull his hand closer to your lips and press a little kiss on the back of it. "thank you for coming. thank you for- for being with me."
he cups your cheek, gathering his thoughts again with a smile. "you don't have to thank me. you call, i come to you, that's our deal."
a teardrop falls. "i just felt like i didn't belong there. they were- they are so confident, so happy with their lives, and i don't even know if i do things right with mine."
he lays on bed silently, pulls you on his body so that you can use him like a pillow. now you can tell everything to him without worrying about having an eye contact. "they're my friends but it's like there's a distance between us. i thought i'd have fun, i didn't, i just felt terrible instead." you continue, sobbing.
aemond forces himself to stay calm. he should stay calm for you, he should help you feel like yourself again. he just rubs your back, the physical contact always works the best.
"i shouldn't doubt myself so much, should i? i'm doing the things i want but none of them seems worthy enough to have a conversation about." you whisper, too lost in your own thoughts and tears.
aemond lifts you suddenly, he sits on bed, and you're on his lap. he takes off your sweater with confident fingers, leaving you with a small tank top, freeing you from the heat that makes your cheeks flush. he pulls your hair from your face, brushes away your tears, and kisses your lips.
the kiss goes on, you find it easy to move your lips against his. the act of taking a deep breath is not so hard now, he shares his breaths with you. you kiss him for what feels like hours, your head not spinning now. your heartbeat turns normal slowly, you hold onto his hair, your shaky fingers become sure of the movement after each second.
he ends the kiss by holding the back of your head gently. foreheads pressed together, you are okay. you are okay, he's here. he kisses you better. he just knows how to kiss you better.
"you're allowed to feel bad even when you're with the people you like, sweetheart. you're allowed to be nervous, to not enjoy conversations around you, to not feel the best all the time." he kisses your forehead after each sentence.
"everything's okay, you didn't do anything wrong." he wants you to make sure you know the obvious fact, "you did good, leaving the place you're uncomfortable in and calling me to get you."
you nod, "thank you for saying these."
he squeezes your hand. "sweet thing." he kisses the back of your hand. "i just want you to feel good."
"i'm good." you say. "i'll be good."
aemond nods, "i was watching that tarantino movie you love so much before you called. would you like to join me? you can tell me everything i don't know about it."
you know he's lying, he wasn't watching your comfort movie before you called. he just wants you to feel better, offering something he knows you won't resist. you nod, give him a smile.
"come on, change your clothes. i'll make us some tea." aemond says, watching you take your jeans off with a longing smile on his lips.
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