#i'll have you know i dont really look at them
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maikee-akihiro · 3 hours ago
“We’re gonna be late.” Vince taps his foot impatiently. He looks at his watch with a sigh, he really doesn’t want an earful from their teacher this early. Should he call her again?
With a grumble, he unzips his back, fishing out his phone.
As he was about to reach his phone, the doors suddenly creaked open.
The door suddenly slammed against the walls, and there appeared the person he was waiting for looking at him with wide eyes.
Vince looked at his best friend with furrowed brows. He was about to berate her for being late but something caught his mouth.
He stared at his friend– there was something.. Different, something alien about her. 
He thinks he’s just lacking sleep, so he pulls her by her arm as they start speed walking.
“Girl, I was about to call you again. What took you so long?” He asks. Aki was never this late, especially on Mondays. “Did you shave your legs or something? You should’ve said so, cause’ now we’re late.”
He was expecting a classic snide reply, but what came out of her mouth left him perplexed.
“Yea, sorry bout’ that.” She said 
Huh, did his voice sound so serious? 
He slowed down his pace, letting go of her arm. “Nah, you’re good.” 
Why is her demeanor so peculiar today? Usually she’ll be over about her make up and complain about life, but today she’s awfully quiet.
The morning wind hits their face as they walk to the bus stop, no one spoke a word as the silence brewed over them.
“So uhm,” Vince suddenly breaks that silence. “Did you do the information literacy essay?” He breaks the silence with a prank, though Aki most likely knows they didn’t have an essay due today– he really wanted to break whatever ice Aki ate this morning
He keeps a cool face, aware of her face scrunching up as her thoughts wander. He already knows she’ll hit his shoulder along with a ‘we don’t have one, dumbass.’ reply.
“Uh, I finished it an hour ago.”
Vince looked at her oddly, but didn’t say anything as he nodded at her. Weird, did they actually have an essay?
He shooks himself out of those thoughts as they made it to the dimly lit bus stop.
They sat down on the vacant seats, with him pulling out his phone. He feels eyes staring at him from the side, but he ignores it as he opens up his notesapp.
“There’s no essay..” He mutters to himself. Trying to find any deadlines for today.
“There’s no what?” Aki asks, a curious look on her face as she stares. From the corner of his eyes, he could see her grip her skirt as she tapped her foot in rhythm with his heartbeat. She tilted her head with a sweet smile, waiting for his reply.
“–No economics study for today, Haha.” He nervously puts his phone back in his bag. “I’m being forgetful lately, this is so not like me.”
She hums, that pervasive stare not leaving him. “It’s alright, I forgot too.” There was an edge to her voice, something misplaced about it that he couldn’t exactly pinpoint. There was really something about her today, is she sick?
“Hey Vince, since we’re already late– why not get some coffee around the corner?”
His body stiffens at that. 
Aki doesn’t like coffee, she’s acidic. 
He stays calm, finally facing her. “Sure, I definitely don’t want to see Ms. Edwards’ grouchy face this early.”
Who the hell is this?
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This is a WIP cuz I still couldn't think of a proper story direction for this one LOL anws special mention to @vinceisaswiftie cuz im using him as my main character here (⁠~⁠‾⁠▿⁠‾⁠)⁠~
Ion know when I'll finish this one so advance rip wip if I acc dont finish this (⁠*⁠﹏⁠*⁠;⁠)
Your “friend” has been replaced by a doppelgänger. You aren’t sure where it came from or what it is under the disguise. But you know one thing; you prefer it over the original.
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shikaizer · 2 days ago
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You have been pushing paige's button all night, it started with you frowning at her whenever she told you not to drink, so she had no choice but to let you, it all escelated when you purposely flirted with the bartender a little too much knowing full well paige was watching.
by the time the both of you got home, your a little drunk but enough to think straight, but paige? she was done playing.
as soon as the both of you reach your bed she turned to you crossed arms. "you think your funny, dont you?"
you batted your lashes innocently acting like a puppy stuck in her track. "i have no idea what your talking about."
paige stepped closer making you sit on the bed while her gaze is down on you. "oh you know exactly what you are doing." her voice was firm and steady.
you bit your lip feigning innocene. "and if i was?" this was enough for paige to reach her point.
"take off your clothes now."
You have been bratting out caitlin all day, you really had no idea why but maybe it was just you being you.
you kept ignoring caitlin whenever she talked, giving her small responses, and staring at your phone all day.
while your both in the car, she finally had enough of your demeanor. "whats wrong with you?"
she frowned focusing on the road. "dont know." you muttured under your breath but it was enough for her to hear.
"i been talking here for hours, are you not interested?" she spat and you rolled your eyes scoffing. "maybe i dont feel like listening to you."
she looked at your for a brief second then back at the road. "keep it up." she muttured and you scoffed. "or what?" you glared over at her and the car stopped, she has parked at a empty sidewalk.
"come here." she looked down at her lap and you raised your eyebrows stomach turning.
"did you fucking hear me? should i do it for you?" her voice was scary— your quick to carry yourself placing yourself on top of her.
"gosh" you muttured rolling your eyes, everytime kk did a joke you would let out a reaction of scoff, ofcourse everyone would notice and kk would get a bit embarassed.
and whenever she would be a little too loud, you would click your tounge and roll your eyes.
honestly, you did all of this because she was giving you very small attention, all her attention was focused on her stupid friends.
by the the you got home, your still at it.
"ugh kk, you know you cant a little boring sometimes, maybe i should find someone more fun." you scoffed rolling your eyes and you flopped down on the couch. you barely had time to smirk when kk was infront of you yanking you up with a firm grip on your waist.
"excuse me?" her voice was low and calm, but her eyes tell a different story.
you swallowed less sure of your self. "i was—"
kk cut you off "joking? am i fucking laughing?" your breath hitched and you gasped when she pushed you roughly down the couch.
"turn around."
loud thuds can be heard on the kitchen, as your being too agressive washing the dishes, once your done you walked past azzi whos currently on the couch talking on phone with her coach.
you plopped down beside her glaring at her, she has been talking to geno for a few hours and your getting annoyed.
gritting your teeth, you placed your hand on her thigh caressing it, she looked at you raising her eyebrows.
you pointed at the phone in her ear 'put it down' she scoffed rolling her eyes, she was already annoyed at geno and your here beside here making it worse.
you huffed and stood up, kneeling down infront of her, you looked up at her with puppy eyes and her breath hitched.
you parted her legs and you smirked. "yes—yes im listening." she muttured and she glared down at you teeth gritting.
you then start to insert two fingers in your mouth making azzi buck her hips.
she finally put her phone down, cursing under hear breath and pulling you up to kiss you deeply.
i was suppose to put aubrey, nika, juju in this one. but i'll do them in the next part IG 🔥
TAGLIST @janaelalfysloml @gabbyygoo @brenwritesss @addl0vee @sharksmom69 @bellaprintz25 @leiyanzyves @belsouza21 @apbueckers @loviingsunflower @luldejamleer @simpf0rriddle08 @paige05bby @scarrr5 @shootingstarrrrr @rosemariiaa @leslienjazzy @liviyy @weluvwbb @vicsstufff @taylynbueckers44 @yourmom-25s-blog @d7dream @paigesbasketball @sevikasleftbicep @azzisbueckers @bribadoobeee @tndaqlwifwy @dalilahissilly @bethsleftnip @fitecuddles @uwupaige @melpthatsme
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sparkbirdmusic · 1 day ago
I understand if I'm crossing a boundry but i was wondering how you knew you were non binary? I really like titles and the one given to me feels like it doesnt fit quite right. I understand if you dont respond because thats really personal.
I'm comfortable talking about it!
Part of it is that words like "man" don't feel accurate when applied to me. I used to think that was because of my sexuality, because for so long sexuality was kind of the focal point of queer identities.
Then I did this project for a queer studies class where I studied an online community project called Genderfork. Because Genderfork was a photo-based project, for the creative component of the assignment, me and my group took our own photos playing with gender. For the photos, my AFAB (assigned female at birth) classmates dressed in more masculine-presenting ways, and for some reason I (an AMAB person) found myself doing the same.
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(I had always been clean-shaven up to then. Later I had facial hair for a while, and for a while that felt right, but now it feels strange to me and has for several years. idk, we're all in flux!)
As a kid I loved everything "girly," I wore body glitter, I played with dolls, everyone thought I was a girl, I absolutely wanted to be a girl... if I'd grown up with different parents, I'm 95% sure I'd be a trans woman. (And I know it's never too late, but I'm fine with where I've settled. For now! Who knows.) BUT I think I would still have come to the conclusion that gender is a social construct, and ended up nonbinary eventually. I think there's something in me that sees the ambiguity in everything.
Other aspects of my childhood seem like clues to my being nonbinary. I got along well with other kids who weren't gender-typical, especially tomboys. And my favorite stories were ones where girls cut off their hair and pretended to be boys (the Alanna series by Tamora Pierce, The Gentleman Outlaw and Me—Eli by Mary Downing Hahn, Mulan, etc.). I think I related so hard because it felt like what I was doing.
Several years into my relationship with my partner Adam, he started exploring his gender identity and presentation. He dressed very femme for a while, and it led me to confront aspects of my sexuality and my own gender identity. Eventually he settled back into identifying as male and dressing in ways that are more male-coded, though lately that's evolving again. (again, we're all in flux)
Somewhere in there, amidst my obsession with Steven Universe and a nonbinary storyline in the show Transparent, I started seriously questioning my gender identity. Then one day, at a moment when I was actively questioning my gender identity, Adam asked, "Have you ever questioned your gender identity?" And I screamed, "WHAT?!" because his timing was so uncanny.
From there I very quickly started using they/them pronouns. And I knew it was what felt right for me, but I was super nervous about being accepted by other trans people as Trans Enough. I decided to be brave and go to a meeting of a trans group on my college campus. When we went around the circle introducing ourselves, I told them my pronouns were they/them, adding, "That's the first time I've said that to anyone but my partner.”
Afterward, I nervously went up to the group leader (a binary trans woman) and said, "I hope it's okay that I was here." And she looked thoughtful and said, "Hmm. I don't know. I'll ask people and see if they were okay with it."
I went home crying. I'm totally fine now (this was 2017), and I only share this aspect of my coming out as an excuse to say: YOU ARE TRANS ENOUGH. If you don't exclusively identify as the gender you were assigned at birth, you are trans enough. People (especially in trans circles) are thankfully way more familiar with nonbinary as an identity now than they were in 2017, so I pray this doesn't happen as much now as it did then. But if it does (to any nonbinary person out there), please know that Sparkbird says you ARE indeed trans enough to go to the trans group.
Anyway that's a condensed version of my nonbinary story! 💚
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tinyraptorhands · 2 days ago
Whats In A (Nick) Name?
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It seemed a little...unfair.
Everyone in class 1-A got a nickname from Katsuki Bakugo. Ears, Shitty Hair, Icy Hot, Dunceface, Raccoon Eyes, Ponytail, Four Eyes, Deku....the list went on.
Everyone, except you-that is.
You two got along well enough. He...tolerated your presence more than most. So...why did he never give you a fun little nickname?!
Sure, maybe in the long run that was a good thing. It wasn't like what he nicknamed people were nice. (Seriously, Soysauce face?? Poor Sero. And Round cheeks? Ochako deserved better!) So. You did what any sane person would do.
You gave *him* nicknames.
"Ratsuki!" "Bakubeans!" "Bomberboy!" "Kit Kat!" "Katsudon!" "Bakustayawhile!" (Admittedly, the last one was pretty lame, but you were running out of ideas.)
And each time Katsuki gave you his signature glare and would huff and puff.
And yet...you *still* hadn't earned a coveted Katsuki branded Nickname! It was just...either 'you' or your last name.
How boring.
"Y/N, I really don't understand why you're so adamant on getting him to give you a nickname." Tsuyu said to you one day as you both ate lunch.
"Seriously, it's kinda not a good thing." Ochako waved her chopsticks dismissively.
You shook your head. "No, see, you don't get it. *Everyone* has a nickname! And yet it's like I don't even register in his brain! I feel left out! An outcast! A reject!!"
"Thats...a little extreme, don't you think?" Midoriya sweatdropped, and Tenya nodded.
"Really! You should be grateful he isn't making fun of you or your quirk!" The class president said, hands chopping in their usual way.
Nah. You weren't buying it. Something was up. "Mark my words. I *will* have a nickname by the end of this year."
The four of them looked at you. You clearly were a lost cause.
And so, you continued to harass the ash blonde grump.
"Hey, Katsup!" You called out to him in the common room, passing by. Apparently, Katsuki had had enough.
"DAMMIT WHAT IS WITH THE STUPID ASS NAMES!? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" He finally snapped, veins pulsing in his head and neck, palms sparking.
"Well. You give everyone else a nickname." You deadpanned.
"So!? What makes you think I want or need one!?" Katsuki grunted, fingers twitching at his sides.
"Because you haven't given me one!"
He was silent. Almost gobsmacked, really.
"...What?" He finally spoke. You sighed as if it were a hassle to talk about.
"You've given *everyone* in class a nickname. Everyone except me. What's the deal??" You put your hands on your hips. "Am I just unworthy of your blessing??"
"B-blessing!? Are you stupid??" Katsuki pinched the bridge of his nose.
"No, just feeling left out-"
"You don't need one." He stated, cutting you off. You frowned.
"What?? Why not!?" You clenched your fists. "Aren't we friends!?"
"Thats not the poi-"
"Am I just some dumb forgettable extra?!"
"Will you shut u-"
"Just tell m-"
He suddenly came up to you, grabbing you by the shoulders. He gave you a look that could kill, and you swallowed.
"You want a nickname?" He asked, voice low. You blushed at his proximity, but nodded. "Fine. But you should know, I didn't give you one for a reason."
You blinked, and cocked your head. "...Why?"
He shook his head. "Because you're too good for a nickname. And if I gave you one..." he blushed, "I'd want it to mean something special. To mean..." he looked down, taking a slow breath through his nose. "...Dammit. I'd want it to mean you were mine."
You felt your face heat up.
"...Yeah?" You squeaked out. He nodded.
"Yeah. So....if you want a nickname..." His eyes met yours, "y'gotta be mine, first."
You bit your lip, blushing. "...Okay. Then...I'll be yours."
He smirked. "Good choice...Sweetheart."
((I will get the last part of You Scratch My Back out soon. I just had this stuck in my head forever. I honestly was stuck on what he could call the reader, so if you dont like Sweetheart, you could easily replace it. I was thinking sunshine, but that's kinda specific, so...yeah.))
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winters-on-the-wing · 1 day ago
Oh what you said responding to the ask about transphobia/bigotry I've been looking for the right way to describe it: hard to romanticize! Thats like the foundation of this fandom it seems. Everything is whitewashed and stripped down to its bare bones to be the most relatable and palatable shit! Complexity for this fandom is babying regulus and feeling bad because his brother (rightfully so) left home. Like cmon are we not capable of being deeper than that. We base everything on the most bland tropes like brother's best friend and grump x sunshine! Truly moving and deep literature explores people in 3d not the 2d shells of people that can be described in singular words/attributes that bastardize them and make them walking caricatures of people (eg; Marlene = lesbian, Mary = pretty, James = sunshine, remus = wolf, and so on) the best art isn't easily palatable! The movies that leave you feeling ill or uncomfortable (in the good way) for lack of a better word are usually some of the best films. I feel like even aside from the racism, sexism and other problems of that sort, this fandom just lacks depth? We gave ourselves full creative power over these characters and bastardized them and it makes me so sad. There are so many smart and deep people in this fandom and I wish their analysis and ideas about the fabdom were he more popular ones instead of the ones that are easy to romanticize. Let's see conflict, not everyone has to be friends, people can be complex and not completely bad or good. Make them have complicated relationships outside of ships. What are the odds of about 13 people (the most popular characters) ALL finding their soul mates in highschool??? Like u can have sm fun exploring these characters but noooooooo. Ok sry for rambling, I'm a yapper. I'll stfu now
no. don’t stfu. never stfu.
you are absolutely right and you really boiled down something i’ve always been frustrated with.
i’m an actor. it’s my JOB to take characters from text, to see words on paper, usually ONLY dialogue and stage directions, and create a person, a fully fleshed person with wants and goals and fears and a soul. it’s my job to use the clues that the canon text provides and make the character pop out of the page, to make them compelling, to make them HUMAN.
if it’s not human, who the fuck cares? i know i sure dont.
i don’t want to read about plastic robots as they go through all the tired, stale tropes. grumpy x sunshine, enemies to lovers, best friends brother. it’s all the same. it’s a formula. it’s spoon feeding. i’m not trying to hate on people who enjoy it but i just can’t imagine being satisfied with that. the barest touch of the surface level when there’s so much if you go deeper. so much more HUMANITY. so much more meaning.
i need grit. i need people with palpable flaws, people who don’t always get what they want falling into their laps when they want it, people who are IN THE WRONG. people who think bad things and do bad things and regret it, people who do bad things and don’t regret it. people who exist messily. people who make me uncomfortable to read about because they’re so like me and i have to face the fact that i’m not perfect.
i don’t want a perfect romanticized story where the little white boy gets rescued by the big muscular casanova. i don’t want a robotic generated formula where the perfectly placed lesbian couple get just enough sentences to be seen so that the author can feel progressive and inclusive and then the lesbians get shoved off and forgotten about forever.
what happened to authenticity? what happened to bringing a piece of your soul to the art you create?
again i’m not trying to tell people how to enjoy fandom. do what you want.
it just personally saddens me how hard it is to find work with that human spark in it. the spark of curiosity, of intrigue, of going deeper than the bare surface level. i love art that makes me think. why does nobody THINK while creating anymore? sometimes i just feel so alone in this, surrounded by plastic when i want to read and write and engage with work that was written with a beating heart so palpable that it can be heard between every word.
i wish fanfics and headcanons and concepts that were created with thought were more popular than they are, instead of the same bland thing being shoved down my throat every second of the day. i constantly get hated on in this fandom for thinking differently than everyone else, but why is individuality an enemy? im starting to think that i get hated on in this fandom for THINKING, period.
does that make sense?
maybe i’m pretentious. it’s highly likely i’m pretentious.
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urautismdiagnosis · 3 days ago
are there any gender differences with the vegimals in your AU? is one of the vegimals actually biologically the opposite gender?
(short answer att the end of the post is just no none of the vegimals have biological gender in that sense)
The vegimals in my au dont really have "gender" at least not in a biological sense that is associated with most animals
While their species does lay "eggs" its far more similar to plant reproduction
The vegimals dont fully understand what mammal (or general animal) gender is very well, buuuuut some of them do feel "more close" to a certain gender. Not really in a physical sense but more in a "wow I love this cartoon character and their vibe matches how I feel inside" way ig?
All valid, but yeah biologically none of them are "male" or "female". I may use he or she or they, but its not really their "gender" its more just a way to refer to them. Sometimes some vegimals with be referred to with more feminine pronouns or masculine ones for example, but its really just to differentiate them and its based on just spur of the moment vibes. Nothing is really locked in place for them.
But if you would want to call any of the vegimals "girls" id say tomminow, halibeet, barrot and sometimes grouber just vibe more with it ig? Pikato and tunip usually might be referred to with he ig?I don't even know about codish. None of the octonauts have ever thought too hard about it ans they all use different pronouns for them lol. The vegimals don't really mind tho because they don't see any difference
Back to the biological thing tho, Ik that plant gender can be a thing including with root vegetables but just cuz they look similar to them doesn't mean they're actually the same exact kind of vegetable, they're just 50% plant but not literally 50% a specific man cultivated vegetable. So for their species to have a more realistic repopulation rate (ik they're very rare but being mobile creatures means longer distances,they aren't rooted to the spot and reliant on pollenators) the species would need to all be capable of reproducing. So if they are "male" or "female" then they're ALL both. Alot of aquatic creatures are like that anyways so yk lol
If anything, they'd related to how kwazii sees gender better. (I'll make a post about that soon) and his way is just "u do this job and I do that job :>") so its more like *roles* in their pod. Like tunip is the first sibling,tomminnow is the small one, grouber is the largest, barrot is the fastest, etc etc. Or even just by habits or personalities. Which... isn't really gender, at least not how we'd understand it lol
But yeah this is just me rambling, short answer is that the vegimals don't have biological opposite genders.
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swifttsunoda · 5 months ago
charlu 😭
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edenfire · 2 months ago
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🌸🎀 "isn't this exciting, kageyama-kun?" 🎀🌸
he is looking at teru💘
I can't believe it took me this long to draw these two in their official maid outfits🥺💗💞
i would like to make this into a print, but I don't know if ppl would want it🤔 feel free to let me know your opinions!☺️🌸
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faunandfloraas · 1 month ago
okay i'm glad to see you bring up the teasing of seungmin bc it was also rubbing me the wrong way but i didn't know if i was just being sensitive or what. obvs we don't know what goes on behind the scenes and obviously they all care about each other and tease each other as friends but when time after time the joke targeted towards seungmin is "we don't like him and he doesn't understand things" it's like. hm. it starts to feel mean spirited!!
sorry for the rant i guess i didn't realize how bad this was annoying me lmao
Yeah, tbf I think it's just one of those things where even if Seungmin is 100% unbothered by it, and the guys dont mean anything by it, its still fine and understandable for people who have ever been on the end of jokes like that- whether in your own friend groups or at school, at work, etc. to not really enjoy it.... So I don't think you're being sensitive! But also I did question even making my post last night for the same reason.
The jokes are also just not funny 90% of the time lately which makes it more egregious bc seeing any joke get beaten into the earth gets old eventually- like they do make jokes at his expense sometimes that /are/ funny, so I'm not saying they cant ever do that, it's just that the minute the jokes arent funny, well then its awkward at best or actively uncomfortable at worst so 🤷‍♀️
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queenerdloser · 1 year ago
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i just finished dark heir
#me foaming at the mouth during the last chapters: HE IS! FUCKING! SAVING YOU!#i am huddled around will kempen hissing like a mama cat none of these fuckers are allowed to look at him#dark rise#okay but like. cyrian at literally every moment in the book you see will anticipating things and making connections#that you never make. doing things like a leader & being fucking smart and strategic. and your dumb ass really thought.#hm. must mean i shouldnt listen to him about the magic staff that can literally stop the end of the world. must be evil.#me: [screams into the abyss]#i know i cant expect characters to react like readers and they DID all react like i knew they would but god it was so infuriating!!!!!#and heart breaking! god!!!! god!!!!! will reliving his mother's initial betrayal over and over and OVER again#and thinking about all the little moments we get where the novel tells us: if these 'evil' characters had just been accepted#instead of tossed aside maybe they wouldnt have fallen. if they had been protected instead of killed maybe they would have#become protectors instead of killers. maybe if will's mom hadn't tried to butcher him for the sin of his own birth#he wouldn't have been so scared to tell people he lied to them.#anyway im not normal about will kempen and if book 3 doesnt give me his friends fucking accepting him i'll kill someone#me looking directly at visander: i dont care how charming you are i'll murder your ass about it#i read this book in like 5 hrs im being very normal about it
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evilmagician430 · 6 months ago
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various spencer stickers/transparent pngs from made from editing and transparentifying askblog drawings
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doctorweebmd · 1 month ago
i don't think i'll ever get over the comedic timing of being prepared to intubate an obtunded patient going into worse and worse shock on three pressors code cart in room pads on having like six people all staring at the vitals anxiously as this person might code at ANY MOMENT, me standing at the head of the bed ready to tube the second we have a safe BP and the nurse from two doors down comes into the room and says, 'hey doc, room x is in asystole' and just. walks away.
i'm just. standing there. peri-coding this patient. and i'm calling after him 'uh.... are they supposed to be?!'
absolutely insane delivery. no context no info just 'hey, btw this person's heart stopped. :) bye ' HELLO!?!
#last night was just. something out of a med drama/comedy#keep in mind that i'm. at the moment. spending no more than 2-3 shifts a MONTH in the ICU. on NIGHT SHIFT.#it has been a month. i walk in. 3 admits in past hour#one that hasn't been seen#need to eval her real quick. ok.#start my PM rounds. look at one of the 'admits' through the door#completely obtunded not moving not responding to sternal rub....like ok. not good.#ok. 'hey can i get an ABG and the bipap?' to RT. vitals ok for now but i just KNOW he's hypercapnic#keep rounding. come to panicked nurse#patient in horrible septic shock super young maxed on 4 pressors would like an art line and triple lumen.#ok. 'can you get the line cart? i'll stop by after we finish rounding if it can wait 10 more mins'#ok. we're downstairs. charge nurse gets called.#'um that patient thats obtunded their pH is 6.8'#'welp. thats not compatible with life. time to intubate.' i tell her the meds to pull and she runs ahead#SOMEONE ASKS ME TO TRANSITION INSULIN DRIP TO SQ IN THAT MOMENT?! its just like. bro. that can wait (i still do it)#now we're in the room. pushing meds. he's becoming shockier. .crash cart please. pads on just in case.#nurse comes in. just saying 'hey room x is in asystole' super casually. i'm like what#apparently they were on comfort care and it was expected#which is HOW HE SHOULD HAVE LEAD THAT SENTENCE?!? LMAO#listen. i did not sit down or start documenting for the first 7 HOURS of my shift#and the craziest thing is that like. 5 people died during my shift. FIVE.#(all not unexpected and not needing to be coded but still. that is. not normal.)#and i come in to hand off. and the doc i hand off to is like#'yeah the most i've ever had die on one of my shifts is 8'#like bro are you trying to ONE UP ME?! on THIS?#medical tw#i was really lucky. the charge and the two floats were STELLAR. i sincerely dont know what i would have done without them#there were many other difficult things on that shift that don't feel appropriate to share#anyway watch the pitt. its exceedingly medically accurate. all my ER friends love it
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b4kuch1n · 1 year ago
in the video game pikmin four by nintenbo your player character has an option in ur menu that is "rewind time". positing this as a power that you have that nobody else seems to. at least to ur perception. this power is commonly how u achieve dandori beast status by getting practice in thru repeating dungeons. the other dandori supercharged character in the game is louie. he knows how to cook alien animals perfectly seemingly through repeated experiment. but he has not wiped out any species in a certain are yet . do you see my vision
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lokigodofaces · 27 days ago
It sucks when you learn something new which might be the answer to a question you've had for a while but you don't even know where to start to see if it really is the answer.
#liv won't shut up#the context: i am a white & from the us. but i have dark hair eyes & skin. dark enough skin that i get asked a lot if i'm latina. usually#latina (which i think matches my appearance the most) but i've gotten native american pakistani (okay that one makes no sense but whatever)#& a few others. thing is i know a lot of my family history. my family has been in the us for quite a few generations but before that my#ancestors were from england & scandinavia mainly though due to history i can assume i have french & german ancestry as well. & um these#countries arent known for dark complexions. so then ppl are always surprised. convo usually goes like this#person: where are you from?#me: the us#person: & your parents? what is your ancestry?#me: my family has been here for generations but before that they were from england & scandinavia mainly.#person: really? because you don't look like it. you look latina. where did your complexion come from?#me: idk how would i know?#well i recently learned about a group in scandinavia called the sami. they're originally from siberia but many moved to scandinavia#centuries ago. & they have darker complexions. so now i'm wondering if at some point i had ancestors that were sami from scandinavia#& if there genes just kept getting passed down until me#but man i do not have the time to figure that out#like i dont *need* to know i'll be fine. but i've always been curious & it would give me an answer to tell ppl that ask#also btw it isnt just white americans asking if i'm poc. lots of poc ask too. i'm working at a mexican restaurant & i get asked all the tim#there if i'm latina bc “i look like everyone else there”#but it would be nice to have an answer besides “idk” when someone asks why i have my complexion#at least i know what line it comes from. my dad & grandpa look like me too#& also got asked a lot if they were latino. even more than me. my grandpa is from southern arizona. we have a white american as heck last#name so everyone thought his dad was american & his mom mexican (nope). then he moved when he married my grandma to my grandmas#home town so then all of them saw this guy from arizona moving in with darker skin & also assumed he was at the least biracial.#then ppl thought my dad was biracial too bc he's the son of the random arizonan with darker skin#so i know wherever i got this gene comes from came via my grandpa
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bueris · 10 months ago
okay maybe I should seriously reconsider my path in life and sell my soul to marketing or journalism instead
#okay venting in the tags you are very welcome to ignore or not respond to it i just need to yell somewhere#i always thought id be an art therapist because well i care about people and want to help them and love art#but everyday i wake up feeling like a fraud and an imposter so like. should i really be doing all that when im not entirely#certain i cpuld handle it??? like i know i haven't gotten the meaty bit of the education towards that yet but like#university costs a disgusting amount of money here and if i pick the wronf thing im likely doomed forever thanks to awful government#i know things could get better like they did after thatcher but honestly im not putting any bets on it considering how the current labour#party is so like if i fuck up here im basically dead#also can i actually do art uni. like could i cope with that. im deeply unethused with art at the moment and honestly will i evwr be#idk#it was jusr a thing i always did but education around it is fucking soul sucking#also the emotional weight of hearing and solving people's problems as a therapist. i would consider myself quite empathetic for the most#part i feel other people's pain quite strongly and obviously as a therapist id be feeling that quite a bit so could i actually cope with it?#ik therapists have therapists but still#i mean im doing work experience at an occupational therapy place so ill just be extra inquisitive about it all to make sure im going#the way i wanna#I'll be fine by the end of a levels ill probably understand what i want in life#if not then gap year to work it out#should probably look at unis for english language too then#sigh#ucas website i may as well marry you#ill be okay im getting in my head about stuff im actually pretty good at art even if there are things i can improve on (like patience lol)#yeah maybe the voice telling me i suck doesnt know shit and should shut up#yeah#shut it nasty voice you're wrong actually!!! im doing just fine and you're being overly critical#they should make a brain that's your friend and not mush that hides the amalgamation of every bad thing ever in its crevices#crevices shoyild be filled with kindness and love.#sex jokes about that#why the fuck is yahoo mail syncing i dont use you you washed up search engine#bue waffling#vent post
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ratmonky · 2 months ago
have an inspection for my apartment tomorrow morning, my last day at my small ass uni apartment is today and i'll be doing my last bit of cleaning!!
i literally have nothing else in here other than my new laptop that i only do editing with so i spent last night and my morning just now writing lol
i've partially finished my dbd chapter (4k+ words atm) but it introduces another killer that the reader will be paired up with and the next segment is the michael myers' trial!! so my question is--- would you rather to have me post it now or after i've also written michael's trial? (might take a week or two to write and post michael's trial, if i post it now you'll have another chapter within the next month)
was gonna make a poll but i like to interact personally so let me know in the comments heh <3
i'll make it easy so you can copy paste your answers like this:
i waited 3+ years for michael i CANNOT wait any longer
i waited 3+ years for michael i can wait longer
#whoever is gonna live in this apartment after me is gonna be haunted with the amount of - nvm too dumb of a joke#the only thing i'm gonna miss is the way how every time i look out the window at any time during the day or night someone is awake#that's the uni student life fr...#& the way on every friday everyone would be blasting music and screaming partying... only on friday tho which is like so funnily respectful#and no noise on saturdays because everyone is just so hangover lmaoooooo#also gonna miss how every time i went out to the open air corridor to smoke cigs... there'd be someone to smoke with!!#the way i'd go out at 5am to smoke with a cup of coffee in -20 degrees and watch the woods... there'd be deers and fawns running...#my pigeons... IM GONNA MISS MY PIGEONS NOBODY WILL FEED THEM LIKE I DO#well at least my new apartment also faces the woods but no balcony or anything... i dont wanna do snus... it's just not the same#i'd rather die than to vape too tf#also i lost my cigarette case... i need to buy a new one (I KNOW THAT ONE BICTH STOLE IT BUT I CANT PROVE IT)#anywayy i guess i'll have to go into the woods and smoke cigs and share my food with some foxes or hare (i forgor their names in english)#do NOT feed them btw this is a joke#i just like watching animals and filming them#the most special moment for me was when i got to see a grävling out in my garden sniffing my flowers... just so cute#i just googled they're called badgers lmao#at first i thought it was a raccoon cuz i had woken up at like 3am to get water and it was just there!!!!#i love yapping in the tags nobody cares!!!! unless you click to expand then you do care!!!! cute!#cant wait to move into my new apartment too and decorate it. all of my stuff are there in moving boxes rn jvebfhrejvb#the first thing i moved was my figures and barbies...#barbies i've had since i was a kid they're nothing special (as in they aren't really film barbies but they're very special 2 me)#they're all so special because i loved them the most and most of my ocs are based on them which also happen to be the readers in the fics#whooops... normalize writing your ocs as the readers!!!!#i mean not entirely... i use them as a base for personality and dialogue choices but never specify anything about their appearance ofc#it's funny tho because almost all of my ocs are racially ambiguous even with their names lmao they can be anyone and everyone#bro stop yappinggggg get back to work goddamn omg yes i gotta clean... thanks bye love you
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