#i'd rather enthusiastically talk about things i love
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I can’t stop being upset about Veilguard’s writing, and apparently the only way I can get it out of my thoughts is to put it down in words, so here we go…
I’m frustrated, I’m upset, and the longer I think about the way this game was written, the more problems present themselves… and I bloody hate that. It feels like a first draft writing effort, and every time I’m reminded that this game was in development for so many years, I cannot fathom this being the end result. Dragon Age 2 had 16 months of development, and it feels more cohesive and put together writing-wise. I can see the years of polish in the visuals, but the spectacle of the game doesn’t blind me to all the problems in the writing.
Naturally, these are personal opinions, I am genuinely thrilled for people who have played the game and enjoyed it – I wish I could be there enjoying it with you – but clearly these things get under my skin more and spoil the experience for me when they aren’t problems for you. And I also acknowledge there are genuine good parts of the game which I enjoy, but those moments aren’t enough to overshadow the negative experiences that irk me.
And because this post has apparently gotten away from me… I’m gonna put some headings to summarise the problems I’m having, because otherwise this is just a massive rant with no structure.
Show me things, stop just telling it to me.
So much of the game feels like writer’s notes where they put “what the player should take away from this scene” and instead of being creative with how they do that, they just say it verbatim. My immersion in this game was being broken by the game reminding me it’s a video game – which yes, I know it is, but I want to be invested in this world and feel like I’m part of it.
Varric and the game’s own pop-up system is the main problem that’s consistent through the whole game – constantly dropping narration or mission summary where they have zero problem dropping exposition on us and/or spoiling future content. Forget letting me explore these things and reach my own conclusions, the game is going to make sure I know exactly the interpretation I’m meant to have for every moment.
And it’s so damn frequent, I feel like they don’t think I’m paying attention and therefore need to constantly poke me with reminders instead of trusting me to reach my own conclusions. Do they not trust me to have an attention span long enough to go on a walk with Davrin without reminding me at the end of the walk that I did that?
To add to that problem, I absolutely hate how the writing just has people know things – they shouldn’t know this, they shouldn’t be talking to us about this, all evidence points to them not being able to know or be ok discussing this, but for some reason they do.
The Veil Jumpers suddenly just know how to translate and interact with ancient elven artifacts, ignore how the Dalish have been trying to do that since the fall of the Dales (and realistically, even before that) and their efforts over those hundreds of years were a scrap, a pittance of what could be known. But I guess the Veil Jumpers are just better than those hundreds of years in the few years they’ve been active.
Oh, and the scary reputation of the Dalish is just gone? These people just go to the elves they have deemed “savages” because they simply know these ones have good intentions? This world has been established as very untrusting of the intentions of other groups, but that’s simply gone now for this one – I wish I was shown how this started in some way instead of just being told it’s chill now.
And don’t get me started on Strife and Irelin and their seemingly endless knowledge that they shouldn’t have. I read the comics, I get that they’d probably know about the Dreadwolf and have a vested interest in learning more once that particular bit of information was revealed to them – but they somehow also just know about the mask Cyrian is wearing? They know it will influence him but not control his will? Why do you know this with no doubt whatsoever?
Why can’t these things just be presented as theories? Or give us something to find and reference where that information comes from? I want to learn things without just having characters tell me things they know.
And overall, I hate how this game decides to just exposition dump information on us, then we sit around and talk about the exposition dump – it’s overwhelming in magnitude. It feels like such a passive way to have us engage with everything, and this is supposed to be an interactive experience. Instead of being force-fed exposition in big chunks, drip feed details, let us put the puzzle together, let us gather and discuss what we learn with multiple interpretations like the RPG this is meant to be.
And this exposition problem also ruins the stakes in the game for me. Personal interpretation, probably, but the stakes in this game feel artificially inflated to me via having characters constantly tell Rook they are going up against the biggest threat ever. We bring in past heroes of the series to reiterate that, how they think we’re up against worse things than they faced… and I don’t feel that. Telling me constantly how hopeless things are, but every obstacle ends up being overcome relatively easily and without great losses… no, I don’t feel the stakes are real.
Oh, and hearing the talk of how all of Thedas is in trouble, there is so much destruction and only Rook can save them… why don’t you find a way to show me that? Because I’m not feeling that, I’m not seeing it, and I’m starting to think the Inquisitor is making stuff up so Rook doesn’t ask them to get involved again when they’re so busy.
This is a lore problem in the series…
Plot holes and wonky lore can happen, it’s not surprising… especially when there are three games prior to this as well as several books, comics, and other branches of the universe. There have been inconsistencies since the start, and a lot of it doesn’t matter – I don’t care if the second moon is forgotten about, the moon not being there isn’t going to make a problem with the way the story is told since that moon is never something elaborated upon in the plot.
This game though… it has problem that are both related to information in this game not being consistent with previous games, and information within its own contained plot contradicting itself.
I’m not going to beat the dead horse of “this isn’t how the previous games did it/explained it”, people who played the previous games are aware, I don’t see a point of elaborating in detail all the instances of this. Just take some dot points of the one’s I noticed:
The Crows are a horrifying organisation that are suddenly presented wholesome
The Qun offering to rehabilitate Karash is horrifying and it’s presented wholesome
Slaves are meant to be everywhere in Tevinter, but we don’t see that
Racism is supposed to be rampant in Tevinter (and other nations, but particularly here for any non-human), and we also don’t see that
Handling pure lyrium is fine now (unless you’re Harding)
Adult Dalish without vallaslin (Elgar’nan’s captives)
Fenharel’s agents are just gone now – as are all signs of mass elven exodus from cities
Solas’ opinion on blood magic is suddenly negative instead of neutral
Spirits dying is given the same weight as people dying
Flemeth…….just everything about Flemeth and Morrigan
Re-write of the after credits scene in Inquisition to recontextualise the Flemeth and Solas interaction
Isabela’s attitude towards Shathann sending Taash away without their knowledge (the comics make me doubt she’d be cool with this)
Non-Dalish elves knowing things about ancient elves and elven language
Blight sickness and how darkspawn are “born” (some leeway for this one since the blight is overall just different in this one, but it does feel less interesting this way)
Morrigan naming the Crossroads in lieu of the true name being lost to time, but everyone uses the term now
Crossroads looking different through elven eyes
You can’t just make people be magic/not magic (me side-eyeing Illario and his random ability to do magic now)
This is a contained problem in this game…
What troubles me more is the inconsistencies within the same game… that isn’t just deciding “this is how it works now in this iteration”, this is a problem that they wrote into existing, then either didn’t notice or didn’t resolve appropriately. And granted, some of these things aren’t inherently plot holes, but when you put certain aspects under inspection, it doesn’t make things look good.
For starters… I have to talk about Varric. Or more accurately, not-Varric.
I’m under the impression that not-Varric is simply Rook’s memory of Varric being projected for them. I personally don’t think there’s some extra level of Solas interference in what Rook is seeing moment to moment… and I feel the need to state that because Rook’s memory cannot conjure up information that Rook doesn’t know.
So why does not-Varric point out that the ritual dagger is the dagger from DA2?
Rook could not recognise it, there is absolutely no reason for Rook to even theorise that – so not-Varric should not be able to impart this knowledge to Rook. And what makes this worse for me, aside from being an impossible situation as the plot presents it, is that this observation doesn’t matter in the slightest. They put this backstory to the McGuffin Dagger and I don’t know why since all it does is create a plot hole. The only purpose I can see for this moment existing at all is to bolster the illusion that not-Varric is real and trying to help with the cause in whatever way possible.
Then there are other issues with Varric not being alive which makes other character’s lack of talking about him feel awful. Like, it’s not natural the way people avoid mentioning him when it would be very appropriate to do so – and I understand that to an extent, the game’s gotta game – they want to surprise us and therefore the characters aren’t going to blatantly give the surprise away early. But the Inquisitor doesn’t ask after him at all? Doesn’t mention how Kirkwall is coping now that the viscount is dead? Dorian doesn’t say anything after learning Varric found Solas in his city and then died? Isabela has nothing to say about Varric until after the illusion is broken for Rook?
It makes it feel like Varric’s friends (aside from Harding, the only person who seems to actively mourn him at the start of the game) don’t give two shits that he’s gone.
That’s not even accounting for how characters don’t bother to check in with Rook who is constantly talking with the companions about their various issues of mourning, hearing voices or apparitions, and just checking in with them overall – but none of that is seemingly reciprocated.
Frankly, this makes me feel awful. I feel awful for Varric being seen as so disposable that his friends don’t mention him or his absence. I feel awful for Rook who is apparently not worth the direct effort that they offer others.
And I try to think of how a new player to this series would feel about all of this – because Varric was just some guy who walked us through a tutorial in this game. Most of our time with him is fake, any connection I saw form between Rook and Varric in this game isn’t real – but then Rook mourns Varric more than he mourns the companions we have spent most of the game with.
I don’t like it.
And I don’t like the utilisation of returning characters. Morrigan, or as she’s utilised in this game deus-ex-Morrigan, has a new view of Flemeth and therefore she will take on Mythal’s soul fragment so she can again swoop in and save the day by handing us the means to get a reconciliation type ending… it couldn’t be something that characters in this game figure out, just have a returning character provide us with the magic solution. Also ignore how the whole reason Morrigan was afraid of her mother in the DAO and DAI was that her body would get taken over by her spirit… but I guess that doesn’t happen now. We can just create new rules for this iteration because it’s easier to tell the story this way.
Solas is also just… I’m so upset by what was done with him. He was a character in DAI who told half-truths or lied by omission, leaving others to assume false information without him actually saying it – it was never just blatant lies to take advantage of others. And his motivations were about restoration of something he felt he had robbed the world, it was about righting what he viewed as a mistake which lead to such a cascade of problems that he needed to somehow rectify it. Whether you agree with his point of view or his desires doesn’t matter, his principles remain the same in terms of what motivates him.
Then this game happens and he’s just a liar constantly, and not even a clever one if you can apparently just trick him up with a “woopsie, this isn’t the real dagger”, and he also apparently has no insight into the idea that Rook would anticipate that.
They make him act like the worst interpretation someone could have of him, the thing he actively was trying to tell us was a false interpretation in DAI and the comics. But history was written and remembered by those who experienced the negative outcomes of his choices, and they remembered that as the greatest evil in comparison to what else could have been. But apparently in this game, that’s the truth now. His motivation is about his desires and he cares nothing for the people who has hurt or will be hurt. But it’s ok, because just as easily as his motivation changed between DAI and Veilguard, it will be changed again at end game if you listen to deus-ex-Morrigan.
Then there are smaller things, but things that really would have been caught if someone was just paying a little bit of attention…
Like Harding and Emmrich going camping in Fereldan… which if we’re to believe the things the Inquisitor was saying about Southern Thedas, I don’t think you’re going to have a fun trip. But I’m glad they’re able to find some time for a vacation while the refugees are getting blighted all over.
Or Rook actively saying “I should talk to Varric” directly in front of characters in the lead up to end-game, and those characters choosing to completely ignore that.
Or in Neve’s companion story, Aelia deciding to interrogate the witness to the red lyrium deal right next to where it happened. She didn’t need to be in the area, she was puppetting the smuggler, and she clearly has insight into what the person is seeing and doing while puppetting them. So I guess she’s just there so we can figure out she was involved.
Or the game telling us that Anaris need Cyrian to perform rituals for him since Anaris doesn’t have a physical body to do them himself… except he apparently doesn’t because he can kill Cyrian when he disobeys. I still would like to know if Cyrian ever died originally, by the way, and if so how he’s back and seemingly normal – this game likes to answer big lore questions like it’s nothing, but they just gloss over details like this.
Or how in Emmrich’s missions, Manfred’s spirit dies and can just be brought back to life… so I guess spirits dying means nothing if they can be brought back with their memory and personality intact. So that Solas flashback where we were supposed to be appalled that spirits died? Apparently there was nothing lost there, someone just needs to revive them and they can carry on as normal.
Or how the rewrite of DAI’s ending cutscene implies that Solas killed Flemeth/Mythal… before he had the power to do so since the whole reason he has been able to do anything in this game is because he absorbed her amassed power. So Flemeth/Mythal would have to let her power go willingly since Solas should not be able to forcibly take it, but clearly, she didn’t since the dialogue we’re given is her being reluctant. Solas apparently has the power he needs to do things when the plot demands it, but also no power when the plot demands it (aka, when Rook needs to prove they’re better than him).
Or the crew making a fake Ritual dagger near end game. For no reason whatsoever. They just decided to do that knowing it would only be a prop, but they had no plans that even involved a prop at that point – so they just did this because the plot told them they had to.
And speaking of that Ritual dagger… all the old elves want that dagger for one reason of another, but they never seem to try to get it when they can, or they don’t seem too concerned when it’s not in their grip anymore. Solas doesn’t try to hold onto it after Varric gets stabbed. Elgar’nan doesn’t try to pick it up after it kills Ghilan’nain, in spite of him knowing it’s the one thing that can kill him… nope, just leave it there and peace out.
Or my personal most hated thing – Isseya and her stupid motivation making no sense.
I cannot fathom the logic of having Isseya, a warden who was forced to blight griffons, who came to resent this order as she watched the griffons go mad, made it her mission to safeguard a clutch of eggs, takes the blight from the eggs into herself while using magic to put the eggs into status, then goes off to her calling which doesn’t actually end in her death… and somehow, 400 years later, she’s decided that since those eggs have hatched and the griffons are healthy and unblighted, the thing she wanted, but they’re in the hands of wardens which she doesn’t really like, so now she’s gonna go get those griffons to blight them.
Literally doing the thing that made her so mad at the wardens. Because she wants to save the griffons from the wardens and their cruelty… by repeating it… I just… this is nonsense.
If she’s capable of articulating that she’s mad at the wardens for their cruelty to the griffons, then she shouldn’t be repeating it thinking she’s saving the griffons. If she was just keeping the griffons captive to keep them away from the wardens, then I could buy that, but adding the element of her wanting to blight them just makes this nonsensical.
Oh and never talk the First Warden down – it will make the final scenes with Isseya even worse if he tells you about the feather from her griffon and show it to her. Because I don’t even think Isseya dies in that variant of the cutscene, she just says sorry and rolls on the floor while I guess Rook and Davrin let the griffons out…
Who is Rook?
Usually, in a game like this, choices are what make us feel like an active participant in the world. It helps us build up our own character and determine how/why they behave the way they do, and also how the world around them is shaped by the consequences of those moments.
But this game feels so stripped of choice, especially choice which is any way related to morality or priorities that aren’t standard ‘Hero traits’. Rook will always do the right thing, they can’t be motivated by personal desires, excitement, monetary gain, fame, etc…. and when Rook is forced to make a choice, there is no option which would be looked at as unreasonable by companions. They might give us an approval/disapproval pop up, but it never really feels like Rook is capable of being incompatible with anyone, they will always be seen as justified in companion’s eyes. And to me, this makes Rook as the game presents them incredibly bland.
Most of Rook’s unique characterisation happens in the character creator – the game gives us minimal chances to expand or form a personality for Rook that is significantly different from any other person who plays the game. We do the heavy lifting here, we transpose qualities on Rook because the game won’t give us meaningful opportunities to do that.
And not only do I feel like the game lacks choices that would help us define Rook, it lacks decisions that make me feel like I’m having any impact on the world overall. I can defend Minrathous or I can defend Treviso… this is the one choice we make which seems to actually shape the world we play in.
And it doesn’t even come up as something Rook can regret in the sequence about regrets… Rook apparently is faced with only regrets that are the result of other people’s decisions to volunteer to do something. But the one thing where Rook actually has to actively choose something, something they are actually responsible for the suffering on the side they don’t defend… that isn’t something they can regret.
What the hell is that supposed to mean? Surely, if Rook should regret anything it should be the thing they feel direct responsibility for, no? But Rook doesn’t. Because Rook doesn’t regret anything they do, because they aren’t written with choices that they can regret since they aren’t seen as responsible for negative outcomes.
Honestly, that sequence might as well have been about mourning or sadness rather than regret, because Rook has to be upset at the loss of companions, we don’t get to influence that. But Rook isn’t regretful – that’s how they get out – but I can’t help but wonder why they didn’t then make us able to actively regret the legitimate choices we make, rather than feeling regret for our companions deciding to risk themselves.
Rook feels like an outside observer to everything that happens around them. They are the mediator, the sounding board, the magic-8-ball for decision making when companions need a push because they’re stuck. Sure, they do things, but for an RPG the way they go about things feels so linear.
And on another note… why is Rook seen as important? They start championing Varric’s cause in his absence, they want to stop the veil coming down and that starts with stopping Solas, then stopping Elgar’nan and Ghilan’nain. But to the outside observer, Rook is just some guy who says they are on an important missions, and they really need to speak with all these important leaders of factions – just trust them, I’m sure the First Warden is happy to make time for a meeting. And also the First Talon of the Crows, I’m sure they are fine with just some foreign person saying they need to meet your leader.
What I’m trying to get at is that Rook has no title, your group isn’t given any proper title or status which these people can look at and assume Rook is being truthful, trustworthy, or even worth their time. No one has any reason to hear Rook out, but in this game, they either just do, or they don’t and it’s because they’re actually a bad guy.
But Rook is no one special. They realistically shouldn’t be trusted like they are, they should absolutely be struggling to be taken seriously by others but it’s portrayed as unfair when that does happen. But they’re the protagonist, and it’s like everyone in the world simply knows that. I want Rook to struggle, I want them to grow and prove themselves, but it feels like we skip passed that to get straight to the fantasy of being in charge and considered fit for that role.
Pacing and feeling like something was missing…
The start and ending throw a lot at us and expect us to keep on running – but then the middle portion of the game suffers due to the companions putting a stop sign on the plot so you can do their companion quests. And they aren’t shy about telling you “you need to stop and do our quests or we’ll be distracted at end game”… and again, thank you game for explaining game mechanics to me.
I was going to complete character quests, because if I care about the characters of course I’m going to do that. Having to actually pause the plot and have the characters explain to you that you have to care… I don’t know how to explain this, but it immediately took me out of the fragile immersion I was trying to get into. It makes me upset with the companions for reasons I can’t put into words. Maybe it’s because in one fell swoop it made me see them as checklists to be completed instead of people I wanted to know? I’m not sure, if someone had a similar reaction to this moment and has a better explanation, I would love to be enlightened on what it is that makes me so uncomfortable about this.
But I digress, the problem here is that the plot grinds to a halt. We stop doing things which feel like we’re advancing our plan of stopping the big baddies, we just kind of patter around and make sure our companions feel ok. And most of those missions to help our companions aren’t connected to the enemy we’re facing… Aelia, Anaris, Hezenkoss, Illario, The Dragon King, Isseya – they aren’t agents of the big baddies, they are just enemies that pop up at the same time as the big baddies are around, and are therefore making the situation worse.
So yes, we’re still doing stuff, but it feels like fluff. It feels like a detour while we just hope the world doesn’t burn while we stop to go on another picnic.
This is something that happens in a lot of games, the urgency isn’t real because you can stop progressing plot to go for a long walk if you want to – but in none of the other games did it feel so blatant to me. I still felt like most of the little tasks in the interim of plot advancement were at least advancing the cause in little ways… I don’t feel that with a lot of the things that happen in the middle of the game. It just becomes about companion missions; the bad guys will wait until we sort that out, the blight will stop advancing so we can have family dinners and go for walks.
And I really don’t know how to explain this, but it feels like something is missing in how the story progresses. Like extra things were meant to be happening and they are just not there. Maybe this is another part of how the game often just tells me things that happen in scene transitions, or it’s me really wishing there were more actual plot advancing missions in the middle of the game.
This problem I think also is most evident in the romances. Veilguard seems to take its romance pacing more from the Mass Effect games than the previous Dragon Age games – and while it was acceptable in Mass Effect to have very few romance scenes, and predominantly only having one big scene which culminates at end game, but suddenly introducing it in this series makes it feel like a huge downgrade from previous instalments.
It feels like we’re missing things, we’re given banters by companions commenting on the progress of our relationship and our partner can talk about how close they feel to our Rook – we’re given the impression our relationship is strong and established midway through the game. But with how strong the characters talk, it feels like we should have experienced so many more interactions with our partner to substantiate that.
For comparisons sake, in DAI if you enter a romance prior to going to the Winter Palace, you get romantic dialogue with your partner if they’re present, you get a dance, you get to feel like you’re in a relationship as it’s developing into something deeper. You get more interactions as the game goes on, moving from spoken interest, kisses, and intimacy (in most cases). It’s a slow build, and let’s you feel the build up by giving you glimpses of each step as the relationship develops, and then letting you just experience being in the relationship.
This game feels like it gives us the bare minimum in actual content, but has characters talk about how established the relationship is. The heavy lifting is again left to us to interpret all these blank spaces and fill in how this relationship is developing. The problem isn’t inherently with what the game gives us, it's what it doesn’t.
It lets us choose a relationship in the middle of the game, then it doesn’t give us all the progression – rather it gives us the minimal amount of snippets to meet the checklist of “they express interest, they mutually agree to be in a relationship, the relationship is consummated physically”. Sure, we can continue to pick flirt/love based dialogues, but it doesn’t feel nearly as strong as the banters seem to be telling us it is. And over all, we can go a very long time between each progression point.
I love this franchise, and I so desperately wanted to like this instalment… and instead I feel hollow.
#dragon age#dragon age veilguard#dav#dav spoilers#veilguard spoilers#dav critical#veilguard critical#i'm just sad#i don't know how else to articulate it#it looks so pretty but feels so empty#i don't like being negative about things#i'd rather enthusiastically talk about things i love#but i just can't stop ruminating on this
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If I Could Never Give You Peace
( bllk boys when your secret relationship is leaked by paparazzi)



a/n — wrote this on a whim after listening to peace by taylor swift
content — some nsfw but not explicit, fem! reader, cursing , all characters are 18 or 18+, slight ooc maybe?, some characters are repeated
synopsis — what happens when your relationship is leaked?
⋆.˚✮🎧✮˚.⋆ ' i'd give you my sunshine, give you my best ' ⋆.˚✮🎧✮˚.⋆

✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ the... ' everyone thought you'd broken up '
listen, you knew dating a good soccer player in high school was a big deal, but you didn't realize how big of a deal it really was when he went pro.
this was the same boy ( now man) that you'd been dating since you were 14, so nothing really changed your views on him. if you could love him through his awkward phase, and he could love you through yours, there was no way you'd break up.
again, you didn't realize that your relationship was such a big deal. it wasn't that the two of you were a secret, it was more of a 'private not secret' situation.
so when the two of you woke up in your shared bed because of just how many notifications the both of you were getting, you knew something was up.
and low and behold, something was wrong. when you opened any social media the first thing you saw was a strangely amazing photo of you and your long-term boyfriend kissing. really, if it wasn't a paparazzi photo, it would be your lock screen.
"aren't we just the cutest?" he asked you, phone thrown back onto his bedside table as if he didn't have a care in the world. (and he really didn't, not in this case)
truly, the only thing that may make him angry in this whole situation is the fact that he got woken up far earlier than his usual routine by all the commotion.
but of course, as he was dozing back off, you were reading the comments, as any loyal significant other would.
soccerluvr45: omg is that is gf from high school? i thought they broke up
okay, yeah. he had a rather public instagram account in high school that his rabid fans had found that had pictures of the two of you, but you'd never broken up?
reading through the many comments, it was like everyone had collectively decided the two of you'd broken up.
"mhm...just ignore it. the pr lady will deal with it." he mumbled as he grabbed your phone from your hands, laying it beside his before wrapping his arms around you.
"go to bed, 's too early to deal with all this."
his fans were silly, if they could see you with this bed-head man right now, they'd see there was no way the two of you would ever break up.
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ NAGI SEISHIRO, yo hiori, NIJIRO NANASE, hyoma chigiri

✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ the... ' pr nightmare '
anyone who knew your boyfriend knew he was...a little extreme.
and unfortunately for you, this also applied when your relationship became public because of a slight slip of focus from the two of you. it wasn't that you were trying to keep your relationship a secret, you'd already been together a year now, but you also weren't trying to out yourselves.
yet, one singular minute when the two of you slipped away to the bathroom together at a soccer banquet...well lets just say a paparazzi was scarily ready to snap someone, anyone's, photo.
so here you were, sitting in a terrifyingly big office with your boyfriend and almost his entire management team.
"do you know what this could do to your reputation?" his manager asked. "it's just two adults doing adult things, they should've been in that bathroom! that would've gotten them—"
"okay, sir..."the pr woman cut him off, ever too enthusiastic to be talking about your private lives.
"you just need to ignore all of this until it goes away, alright? no press interviews after games anymore," she sighed as if this was basic comprehension. (your boyfriend wasn't the smartest but he also didn't need to be treated like an idiot.) "and no posting on any social medias for the time being. do you understand?"
"yeah, yeah. no talking to the grown men after games. and..."he grimaced at the thought of his next condition. " c'mon is posting on my socials that bad? i don't post about us anyways."
"at. all." and the room felt as icy as the pr woman's stare.
"yeah, no, okay i got it. no social media."
after another thirty minutes of this, with them saying basically the same stuff to you (even though you had no real social media presence anyways), you guys finally left.
"no fucking posting? what if i have to talk about a game coming up?" "i'm sure she knows how to do her job, love." you soothed your boyfriend as you got in the car the company arranged to have you two taken up with.
"yeah, well whatever. give me your hand," and who were you to say no to your boyfriend?
he took your hand and placed it on his neck, a place where you could see a few bites and hickeys if you really looked hard enough.
before you could protest he took a picture, posting it on his VERY public account with the caption...
' i love my woman ;) '
before turning off his phone completely.
"let's see them try to get ahold of me now."
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ RYUSEI SHIDO, tabito karasu, EITA OTOYA, oliver aiku

✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ the... ' what picture ? '
how do two chronically offline people realize their relationship is now under scrutiny by the entire world?
the simple answer is...they don't!
you've never been interested in social media the way other girls your age had been. really, you'd rather just watch a video essay on every little topic that interests you than sit and watch six second videos then scroll all day.
to say the least, fast and forever changing social media just wasn't your thing.
and your boyfriend? he hardly even used his phone. unless it was for business or you, the thing was practically shoved away somewhere he couldn't care less about.
he would rather be reading or spending time with you out on a date...which is exactly the predicament the paparazzi put you in earlier this week.
the two of you were photographed having a little picnic and reading date at a small park that was pretty far out of town, assuming no one there knew, or even cared, enough to take a picture, but alas, someone did.
you and he had spent the rest of your week in pure, relaxed bliss. he had a game on saturday, so besides him going to practice and working out, the two of you stayed inside almost all week to prepare for the rather hectic weekend.
to say the game was a nail biter would be the understatement of the century. after two additional times, it was your boyfriend who scored the winning goal.
of course, you cheered the loudest, not noticing plenty of fans eyes on you unlike how many used to just chalk you up as an ecstatic fan.
as the post game interview came for him, you decided to stay closer to the door just incase it ran short. sometimes it was a one and done for him and others the questions went on for at least fifteen minutes, it just depended on his mood.
of course, the first question was about his game winning goal, but the second one threw him and you for a loop.
" what do you have to say about the photos of you and your reported girlfriend that have come out this past week? "
"...huh? what photos?"
eventually, the two of you did see the pictures, and all you could do was laugh because...how had you two not found out about this?
and you also made the picture your phone lock screen, but he didn't have to know that.
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ RIN ITOSHI, reo mikage, SAE ITOSHI, chigiri hyoma
⋆.˚✮🎧✮˚.⋆ ' but the rain is always gonna come if you're standing with me ' ⋆.˚✮🎧✮˚.⋆

[ + your faves ! ]
i wrote this in about an hour, and i think it shows but i had to get it out of my brain :))
likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated!
#airy posts#airy writes for blue lock#bllk x reader#bllk x female reader#nagi x reader#hiori x reader#blue lock#blue lock x reader#nanase nijiro#chigiri x reader#shidou ryusei x reader#karasu x reader#eita otoya x reader#oliver aiku x reader#rin itoshi x reader#reo mikage x reader#sae itoshi x reader#x reader#female reader#blue lock x female reader#bllk fluff#fluff#blue lock fluff
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Sorry to bug you.
I was just rereading about our Yandere Monster Husband and made me wonder (aside from if he and his family will have names):
Do we ever go on dates or have talks during dinner/through the garden? Do we bond in ways other than fucking?
Or is he always so busy that we rarely really get to see him so every chance we have to spend together is spent with him taking our ability to walk for the next few weeks cause we both pent up and our sweet hubby needs the reassurance that no ones taking us from him? (Seriously, when reading the part where we have to tell him to ease on the sex and he's scared we wanna break up with him, gets me every damn time cause I know that situation and know how horrible it feels. I always think in my head that I'd talk about my own experiences, that I can't believe someone would be scared to lose me, and try to reassure him that I ain't going anywhere.)
Sorry, this turned out way longer than I meant it too. I love your writing and always love seeing any updates to my favorite bunch of series.
You can just ignore this if you want, and I hope you have a good day/night/evening.
Oh no, your Monster!Husband loves spending time with you, regardless of what you're doing.
You will find that he's rather passionate about certain things. That's how you met him, after all: stumbled upon him as he was carefully inspecting his weaponry, away from everyone else. It goes without saying that he is more than willing to partake in your hobbies and interests, and he'd be overjoyed to teach you about his own.
In some cases, it leads to rather comical outcomes.
"You're surprisingly good at this," you remark, gazing at your beloved partner as he maneuvers the knitting needles.
"Indeed," he responds proudly, "it's the same wrist movement I use to slay my enemies."
If you show any curiosity towards his military background or hunting prowess, you'll discover he's terribly dorky about it.
"Wow, that's a big barrel," you suggest seductively, putting your hands around the weapon he just finished prepping.
His eyes immediately light up.
"They no longer make them like this. Here's an interesting fact: you can tell how old this is by the little markings to the side."
Your monstrous husband promptly places you on his lap, then continues an enthusiastic narration of technical features.
Were you hoping to get laid? Maybe. Then again, it's not a frequent occurrence to see him smiling like this; unless it comes to you, of course.
[Yandere!Monster Husband]
#gn reader#monster husband#monster x reader#monster x human#monster fucker#yandere monster#terato#teratophillia
419 notes
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Make Me Feel
Premise: What's that? The well trodden trope of weird potion creates problems of the - ahem - 🍆 variety? Well if you insist.
• Astarion x gn!tav • 18+ • E/M rating
They/them pronouns, Potion mishap!, interrupted masturbation, handjob, bj/deep throat, embarrassment, tone shift, mild canon trauma discussion, connection, enthusiastic consent, communication, dirty talk.
4.1k words
Edit: RAHHH! You're all so wonderful for getting me over 200 notes 😚 it may be a small number for some but to me it's a lot. Love you! 🥹🖤
Editedit: Over 400 notes?! Excuse me as I ugly cry 😭😭😚✨

Thank @northernolddragon for the beautiful screenshot 💜🥵
Tav was on watch with Shadowheart this evening, not that they really needed to with Gale's wards keeping an alarm on things coming in or out of camp but they all slept better with a night watch.
They'd enjoyed company and conversation as they spoke about everything and nothing. Mostly about Tav, since Shadowheart had very little memories to share.
A friendship had steadily grown with them, so much that she'd revealed herself a Sharron - which wasn't really a shock.
A low alarm pulsed and they went to investigate to the left of camp but after a little cooperation between Tav's survival skills and Heart's perception, concluded that an animal had triggered the alarm - hence the low pulse and the fresh animal tracks belonging to a rabbit.
Tav paused a moment, a thought flashing across their mind. They called to Shadowheart, "Hey, did you hear Astarion come back in from hunting?
"No, he didn't go out tonight. Said, 'he had something else to attend to'."
Again, Tav paused. Oh, shit. Had they promised he could feed tonight and completely forgotten?
"Are you supposed to be 'dining tonight'?" Shadowheart asked through a smirk.
"I don't think so.. maybe? Oh, gods. Maybe I did say." Said Tav, trying to think back on the day.
"Go check on him, see if he's waiting up for a midnight snack. I'll stay on watch." She pursed her lips and swished her long braid as she walked to do a patrol of the camp.
Tav quietly made their way passed the tents of their companions, who were softly - or loudly - snoring. Astarion's tent however still had a candle going and made no sounds of sleep, or revery but rather stranger noises. Hissing sounds from the side of his mouth and what seemed like a painful gasp.
Their brow creased with concern, Tav stepped up to the entrance of his tent. The noises intensified.
"Astarion?" Tav called through the fabric in a hushed whisper, "Are you alright?"
A choked noise of frustration replied to them first, "Uh-yes. I'm perfectly fine. Why do ask?" He retorted a little too sharply, despite his usual lulling tones.
"Shadowheart said you hadn't gone hunting and I couldn't remember if I'd agreed to let you feed tonight."
"Ah, you're such a sweetheart.. while I always delight in our little nightly visits, I've rather got my hands full with something at the moment." He strained, like he was in pain. Something wasn't right.
"Astarion. What's going on? I know something's wrong. What is it? What have you done?" Tav asked, exasperated.
"Ughh, it's nothing just-Arghh" he let out a muffled cry.
"I'm coming in." Tav announced, pushing their way inside the dimly lit interior.
"No, no, don't!" But it was too late.
Tav's mouth flew to their face, shocked at the view.
There, on the floor, in only his ruffled shirt and barely covered in his grotty blanket was Astarion. Although, the blanket was more of tent itself with what it was shielding.
"Oh! Oh, shit. Sorry-sorry! I'll leave." Tav blustered at the sight of the half naked pale elf on the floor before them. They'd clearly not been sounds of pain, and the frustration was aimed at them not leaving him to masturbate in peace.
"No, stay. Please." He croaked, desperate, "I don't know what else to do; I need your help."
"With what?" Tav questioned, averting their eyes to afford him some sort of privacy.
"I appreciate the gallantry but we can do away with the charade, you know what I was doing." He sulked, shifting his weight to sit up, the ruffles on his shirt bristling as he heaved himself upwards.
Tav's eyes tracked the movement and flitted down to the protrusion, unwavering in it's vigil against the thin protection of his grey comfort rag.
Hot flashes of memories seared their mind; remembering how it felt in their hands, hot and cool at the same time. Harder than rock as he'd moved within them, expertly stroking their sweet spot while feeding openly on their blood.
Tav bit their lip, then jolting back to the situation, looked away.
"Um, you said you needed my help. I don't know how I can-"
"I have been.. doing this to myself for the past three hours. It's incessant."
"Jeez, Astarion. I don't need to know that."
"Not for my own selfish good. I-" he growled to himself, it made Tav's stomach flip uncomfortably, "I drank something. It looked like a normal potion, but it tasted a bit off.. and now, this." He gestured to the distinct lump, "It's unbearable and painful if it's not being.. used." He paused, discomfort clear on his face.
A blush flooded Tav's cheeks, "Aaand, you want me to help by..?" They trailed, needing more explanation. Because if he was suggesting what they thought he was suggesting...
"Ugh, I don't know. This obviously isn't helping! Find something that can? Another potion, a spell? Anything!" He waved his arms helplessly into the air.
Astarion looked up at them; his shirt in disarray, his legs gently folded with the blanket tucked between them, with guilty but adamant eyes. He looked helpless and adorable.
A feeling was stirring in Tav's chest, something rumbling and loud but it wasn't arousal, it was laughter. They caught a snicker behind their hand, trying to hold in their amusement.
Astarion's face changed to surprise, with a big frown cutting across his beautiful features.
"Well, thanks a lot. Glad the bleeding heart thinks it's funny." He pouted.
"Oh, come on Astarion. It's pretty funny."
Astarion's eyes narrowed, "How precisely is this funny?" He demanded.
"It's so unfunny that it's funny again. It has to be laughed at how ridiculous this is. I mean, come on." They tried to explain, "you drank a strange elixir and now you have an erection that won't fuck off." Tav barely made it through the last word without sniggering, "You've been beating yourself stupid and it's not going anywhere. It's a fucking ridiculous situation to be in and if you can't laugh about it? Fuck." They shrugged, smiling brightly and encouraging him to see the funny side of this ridiculousness, "I thought you said Lae'zel was the one with no sense of humour."
"Actually, Lae'zel is hilarious. She just doesn't realise she's being hilarious," The frown on his face softened, a smile clearly fighting to spread across his face, "I suppose it is absurd. Most men would kill for this."
"Most people would pay good money for this problem!" Tav squeaked, "Oh gods, the old men that have given all their gold for this problem!" They whined out before coming down to kneel on the floor.
"All of them furiously masturbating to get rid of it after their mistress has left and their wife will notice." He chuckled.
"Oh, the scandal." Tav flourished.
"What would the neighbours say?" He jested, opening up to the idea that the incredulity of it all needed to be laughed at.
He mimed trying to push it down only for it to spring back up with a pop sound effect provided by him and they fell about cackling together.
It was nice. Seeing him smile.
They sat laughing for a while, trying to come up with unfortunate scenarios to find yourself in with this predicament. Each as hilarious as the next.
Howls turned giggles, and giggles turned to titters, until eventually they were all laughed out.
There was a comfortable silence between them for several moments. Tav glanced back at him.
"Did that help? Taking your mind off it?" Tav asked, hopeful.
"I'm afraid not. Still there. Although, it's taken away the urgency of needing that release."
"That's a start at least. What the hell's did you drink?"
"I don't know, it was in the pack from today's adventure with the hag."
"You drank one of the hag's potions?" Tav chided, incredulous.
"Of course not! What do you take me for?"
Tav raised their brows and wordlessly gestured to his lap.
"Point taken," he relented, "but, no it was a regular looking potion bottle. I needed a little healing, so I.." he trailed off, loosely waving a hand.
"You drank a random potion from today, before we'd had a chance to examine it and expected nothing to go wrong. You brought this on yourself." Tav pursed their lips mockingly.
"Yes, thank you for stating the obvious, dear. What am I going to do?" He asked, exasperated.
"Well, masturbating yourself sore hasn't worked, so it can't be about orgasming it out of you."
"Oh, I haven't orgasmed. That's what I was trying to tell you before, but in my feverish haze didn't get out into words properly."
"After three hours?" Tav asked, wide eyed.
"It was more stop/start than powering through. I'm drawing the assumption that while this potion grants me this bloody thing, it doesn't heighten the sensation much."
"Maybe it deadens it? To keep it going longer? That's why you couldn't.. yuh know." Tav mimed the action for affect. They shared a small titter through their noses.
"I haven't a clue. Although, I'm not really.. versed in this sort of thing. It's not something I do, not something I've done for centuries," he admitted, shrugging, "Self pleasure wasn't high on the list when the thought of touching anyone, let alone yourself made your skin crawl-" Astarion caught himself, his eyes widening.
Tav's mouth gaped, "What?" The question came out breathy and low. Hurt struck painfully into their heart, "So the night we spent together you were disgusted-"
"-No. No. Well, at first it I was a little but-"
Tav's eyed widened and they recoiled, wounded. He knew he'd revealed too much and Tav could see that flawless mask of his was trying to slot back into place after it's momentary lapse.
"Don't." Tav urged, "Don't pretend you didn't say it."
"It wasn't like that-I didn't mean you, you're wonderful. I meant in Baldur's Gate with Cazador. The manipulation, the deceit. I couldn't. I never." He stopped himself.
Tav softened, the harm still stinging but this was important. Astarion had never spoken about his time with Cazador apart from being a slave and using sex to lure people back. He hadn't elaborated more than those facts. Obviously, he would have sexual trauma.. and he'd opened up a chance at the conversation.
"It's alright. I'm here to listen. Go on." Their tone was low and understanding.
His face full of uncertainty and shame, Astarion shook his head and refused to look at them.
"I don't want to. Not yet. Not now. I mean.. I just want this thing gone." He motioned to his still swollen member.
Tav's brow knitted and they shrugged heavily.
"Apart from distracting you from it, I don't know what I can do." Tav raised their hands in exasperation, "I mean if you can't do it after three hours, what am I supposed to do-"
"Trust me, you'd be able to help." He said darkly, almost to himself. His gaze darted back, scared by another accidental confession. Tav's confused expression must have been clearly legible.
"What do you mean?"
Astarion averted his eyes, clearly debating on letting more of his secrets out.
"Shit." He cursed. There was a pregnant pause that Tav refused to break.
"You-" he stopped himself, "the other night at the party was- it was-" he shut his eyes and sighed through his nose, "I can't do this, you can leave. I'll just keep this forever."
"Astarion.." Tav said softly, gently reached a reassuring hand to the floor beside him.
He took a deep, cleansing breath and swallowed.
"It was the first time I've known actual pleasure in almost 200 years. Where I actually enjoyed myself, much to my surprise."
Suddenly feeling relieved and very flattered, Tav remained stone-faced silent, encouraging him to keep going.
"My existence has been about having my body used to lure back pretty things for him. To get them to trust me and let their guard down, then.." he trailed off, "I tried to make the most of it and relish in the copious amounts of sex I was having.. It didn't last long. I got extremely good at pretending I did, they never suspected a thing." He said with a sneer.
"I became numb to the entire experience. It was nothing to me. A dance. A deception. It became second nature and I got used to the disgust I felt, I used it to push through. To hold onto some semblance that I had one shred of humanity left. As long as I despised myself for what I was doing, there was still hope."
"So imagine my shock when I actually felt something different with you. Something good." He finally looked in their eyes, "You are a bastion of firsts in this newfound freedom of mine. My first true blood, the first person who has let me indulge in my instincts and helped me grow in my power," Astarion swallowed, "the first person in so long to make feel something.. anything.. during sex that wasn't hatred and self-loathing."
Tav's throat closed and tears threatened to brim but they blinked them back.
"You offered your neck to me, your life blood to me and I felt something.. it wasn't like our usual feeds.. it was something immense.. something transcendant and I.. I lost myself in you.. wholly. Pleasure had returned to my body and I froze. I didn't know what to do."
"Nothing else existed outside us.. and I could have spent the rest of my life buried inside you," he paused, closing his eyes as if the memory over-powered him. Tav sat there, breathless, mesmerised by his beauty in the candle's soft glow.
"I think I came back to consciousness when I saw my seed over your beautiful body. You looked just as shocked as I felt. It was all over your chest, your mouth.." he was breathing heavily now and the air around them shifted. Tav swallowed dryly. They remembered.
The grunting, ecstatic moan he'd made just before he came over them echoed in their mind long after. They'd pulled back from lavishing his thick, pale cock to pause for breath and to whisper sweet words to him. He'd erupted on them with no more than a silent gasp and a hand fisted in their hair.
Staring deeply into Tav's eyes, Astarion continued, "You took me so well," he brought a hand to their bottom lip, grazing it lightly with his fingertips, "With your mouth.. with all of your holes, actually. Your wonderfully tight holes." He moaned through a sly smile.
Tav's mouth was aridly dry, as all the blood in their body rippled and pooled to their core. Heat radiated through them and quickly made breathing steadily a problem, and logical thinking was non-existent.
"I know you could do it again, if you wanted to." He closed his eyes and snaked himself closer against Tav's neck, inhaling deeply. His breath cool raising gooseflesh, as he pressed his lips against the shell of their ear, "You could wrap those soft lips around my cock and suck me like you did in the forest. So deep and so warm."
Tav's thoughts were like wading through thick, soupy mud as Astarion's words clouded their mind and flooded their body with desire.
"I've never been devoured quite like that, you fit yourself around me so well.. you were such a good f-"
Tav quickly brought their hand to his mouth. He had to be silenced. His seductive power was too much to leave unbridled.
Mentally shaking off his charms, Tav came some what back to their senses.
"In one breath you tell me how disgusted you are with sex and the next you say about wanting my 'tight holes'? What is it that you want, Astarion? You can't have it both ways."
"Of course I can, darling. Now I can. Things have changed. Lots of things. I have my body back and I decide what to do with it. And right now.." he moved with the lithe limbs of a panther to sidle himself beside them, the grey blanket gently pulling back to reveal his thick, swollen manhood. He exhaled at the softness leaving him, "I want.."
Tav swallowed hard, their lips parted. Another wave of euphoric desire swept over them as the cool touch of his skin ghosted against theirs.
Astarion reached over and grasped their hand and placed it on his engorged cock.
"This." He hissed as their skin finally touched, his cool hardness welcome in their palm.
Gods, he was so erect. The veins in his thick shaft pulsating. The velvet softness of him thrummed with desperate need.
He was so close to them, so close now.. they could kiss if he wanted them to. Astarion breathed against Tav's mouth, "Touch me."
He started to move both their hands in short bursts over the head of his penis, Astarion shuddered out a gasp and screwed his eyes shut, "Touch me. Please."
Tav willingly acquiesced, bending down to spit on his painfully erect cock and began to work.
He made a staggered, breathless moan as he leaned back on both hands, exposing himself to them. Tav pumped his rock hard length in a steady rhythm, remembering back to the Tiefling party that he had appreciated the gentle building of friction, to fruition.
His head was purple and looked sore from his abusing himself for so long in search of relief. Tav generated salvia in their mouth and spat on their other hand to use on him.
The sweetest moan they'd ever heard sang from Astarion's chest.
"Yes-yes-use your hands on me.. make me feel like before.. make me feel-" he gasped through the last word so ferociously he inadvertently bared his fangs.
Tav used their hands in symbiotic motion; pumping the bottom of his shaft with their non-dominant, while teasing and playing with the head between their deft fingers, all the while keeping his entirety slick in saliva.
Gods, they wanted to use their mouth on him properly. He looked so beautiful, unmasked before them. He had been so unexpectedly naked and raw with his past. Revealing hard and difficult truths regarding his lack of control, and autonomy of his own body.
And Tav had to respect that, no matter how aroused they were. They would show that his trust was placed rightly in them.
"Astarion?" They called softly to him.
He answered back with a broken, "Mhm?"
"Thank you for telling me what you did. I won't tell anyone else, you have my word."
"Mm-mm-thankyou, Tav." He managed, his voice tense.
Tav slowed their pace and Astarion let out a whine, balling up his fists in frustration.
"Don't pretend with me. Don't force it."
"I'm not, I swear." He gasped, looking directly at them, a light sheen of sweat appearing on his upper lip.
Tav smirked, "Promise you won't."
"Yes-yes, I promise. Please speed up again." He pleaded through gritted teeth, thumping his head back on the pillow.
"I will. But I'd like to use my mouth on you aswell, would that be okay?"
He let out a pent up huff of air, "Oh gods yes, yes, yes-please use that gorgeous mouth on me. Swallow me. Take me."
Tav smiled and quickly got into position, propped between his legs, "I'd also like to play with your testicles, if that's agreeable."
Astarion wrenched his red hot eyes open, making contact with theirs again. Tav irked a suggestive brow.
A devilish grin crossed his face, once again his fangs shone in the dim candle light, "Oh, my dear. That would be most agreeable." He purred through steadier breaths now they had paused.
"One request from me though; don't push my head down, I don't like it. I'll respect your wishes and you respect mine. Deal?"
"Deal." He smiled and reached down to collect his shirt up to reveal his pale, chiseled body. Tav looked hungrily at his toned flesh, desperate to snake it with their tongue.
They took a breath to ask but Astarion interrupted, "Yes, gods please yes! Lick me, kiss me, bite me, suck it. Do what you want with me.. I'll tell you to stop if it's too much."
"I'll hold you to that." They crooned with a serious edge, as they spat on their hand again, then manoeuvred themselves to be able to kiss his beautiful body, and pump the head simultaneously.
He twitched at the increase in contact and laughed hungrily through strained teeth, "Uhhgh, fuck yes."
Tav lavished their lips and tongue across the defined muscles, gently sucking and nibbling occasionally for added sensation. They kissed and dragged their tongue up and down the V in his hips, paying equal and excruciating mind to each side, making Astarion moan and buck.
Tav firmly pressed kisses on the creases of his pelvis, breathing hot over the area. They took their time, languishing over his form with their mouth, exploring the contours of his hips and thighs with their spare hand. Astarion groaned in vexation.
"Ooh, don't tease me. Please."
"The potion is making you impatient. You enjoyed this last time." Tav reminded him.
"It's not the bloody potion-Gods above-AUGH-I'm asking nicely. Don't keep me waiting any longer, I've already been edged enough. Show me-make me feel-let me feel-"
Astarion gasped as Tav collected the precum that bloomed at his tip, and licked their fingers clean, before deftly angling themselves to engulf his thick cock as much as they could.
The noises that were illicited from the pale elf were unlike any they'd ever heard before - strained and trembling, through gritted teeth and grounded fists - and the sloppy, wet sounds that their mouth made around his unyielding cock were intentionally and debaucherously pornographic.
Momentarily retreating, they began flicking their tongue over the slit, Tav moaned from the back of their throat like he was a tall mug of water quenching debilitating thirst. One hand holding his length steady, the other lightly grazing his testes.
Astarion's thighs fluttered and tensed, as Tav heard a smile through his own moan, "Ooh, that's new."
Gathering more sleek, Tav ran the flat of their tongue up the smooth underplane of Astarion's cock from base to tip, and encircled the head. His member twitched unconsciously as he let out a warm, low rumble from his chest.
"Is that alright? Not too much?" Tav asked, checking in. They kissed the crease of his frenulum, while nimbly massaging and squeezing his sac.
"Mm-mhm-yes. I'm gaining quite an appetite for your skills in this area." He cooed, shifting underneath them, "but I remember a rather more deeper approach last time."
Tav grinned at his less than subtle request, "Oh, my darling. We're just warming up.. but if you're ready for more. I will, of course.. oblige."
Unhinging their jaw like a snake preparing to consume their pray, Tav gorged on the willing partner in front of them.
Astarion sucked in a gasp and Tav felt a hand on the back of their head briefly, before being removed hastily. Tav heard his fist pound into the bedroll beside him. They moaned in thanks, vibrating against his solid shaft.
He replied with a deep rumble from his chest, "Yes.. that's what I've been missing. This is what I needed.."
Bobbing and dipping, taking just a little more in their mouth each time. Sucking and stroking his perfect length. Their mouth salivated and filled with lubricant, anticipating the meal in front of them. Meeting their lips on their pumping fist, working together harmoniously.
Tav relaxed their throat further and began swallowing the last length of him, valiantly suppressing the need to gag until it would afford the most pleasure. They flattened their tongue and swallowed, sucked and gagged as Astarion whimpered and moaned, unconsciously jerking. Tav placed a hand on his hips to steady him, to not ruin the mood by choking unexpectedly.
They pressed down just above his pubic bone as their lips bottomed out against him, tears forming wet stains under their eyes at the challenge of taking his full size. Tav gulped and gasped against his cock, enveloping him with their tongue and throat working in tandem, coating him in liquid slick. The debased, vile sounds coming from their meeting wet and loud and hot as the hells; pushing him higher, dragging him under, coercing him to cum.
He gasped and raised his head to look down at them. Tav met his tear-streaked, claret gaze, with their own.
"Ohh-yes-yes-look at me as you devour my cock-take it all the way down your throat-such a good-nasty-AHH-YES!" He gargled the last word through moans and his hips pulsated and thrust wantonly as he bunched his shirt in his hand, the other fisted around his greyed rag blanket.
His brows creased, his face wracked with pleasure and pain. His face contorted and twisted as he writhed and moaned. He panted and heaved and shook his head from side to side.
Concern furrowed their brow at his expressions, while he seemed to be "enjoying himself", they were reminded of his words from their conversation, that his sexual conquests couldn't tell that he was pretending.
Tav pulled back to breathe through their nose. They reached out with the tadpole and gently stroked his mind, seeking reassurance that this was what he wanted. That he wasn't pretending. That this was real. That this was what he wanted.
"Yesyesyesyes-oh gods-please don't stop-choke on my cock till you can't breathe-ARH-going to cum down your throat and taste myself on your tongue-fuck!-fuck my hard cock deep in your throat-do it-do it-doit-doit-doit" he repeated, trailing off in whimpers against his soiled comfort blanket.
That enthusiastic consent was all they required.
This was a challenge that they would unabashedly attempt to conquer. They had no idea if they could; he hadn't fed on them this time and the potion was an unknown quantity for help, or hindrance. They had no idea. But damned if they weren't going to try. Tav steeled themself and took a deep breath.
They made no illusions at a slow build in tension, they went straight for the kill.
Straining down his hard length to the hilt, making the most illicit and disgusting sodden noises as they consumed him, squeezing him with the throat that tried to resist his intrusion.
Astarion growled and whined and shook with the tension in his body coiled so tightly.
Tav stretched their jaw to lap their tongue against his balls, which tightened due to the expected feeling. He rewarded their efforts with another mumbled, half coherent onslaught of praise and explicit desires.
They re-applyed the pressure on his pubus, pushing down firmly against his taut skin.
A breathless gasp shot from his throat as the hand bunched in his shirt now flew to grasp their hand with choruses of, "yes-yes-yes!"
He was so close, they could feel it. His precum tainted the back of their throat. His jaw was tight and his glistening fangs were bared.
Tav remembered back once more to what had unexpectedly tipped him over the edge when they'd made him cum the last time.
Concentrating hard on keeping the fast-paced rhythm, tears streaming from their eyes, they flipped their hand to hold his properly.
Tav reached out through their connection and whispered, "I've got you, Astarion.. you're safe. Nothing bad is going to happen to you, I promise.. I have you.. Cum, Astarion.. cum, my love."
Astarion stilled, his every muscle contracting and seizing, his chest rising off the floor as his spine curved.
A gentle, surprised gasp escaped from his mouth. He squeezed their hand so tightly as their name died on his lips.
Suddenly Tav felt warmth shoot against the back of their throat as he came hot and quick, filling their mouth and spilling out the sides and he thrust wildly, unable to control his movements. His cries of pleasure muted and gasping.
Tav gagged and slowed to a gentler pace, swallowing him down. Astarion twitched and quivered as they saw him through his climax; still holding each others hand.
His soft, whimpering groans dissolved into laboured heaves as he relaxed into the lull of his orgasm.
A moan shuddered from him as Tav expertly extracated his thankfully - slightly - softening member from their stretched throat.
They tenderly cleaned him up with their tongue, as there was quite a lot that had spilled from his heavy, metallic-tanged load, while Astarion lay there in stunned silence.
Tav dried their eyes and gently rested their chin on his thigh and sighed deeply, their hands still joined on his stomach.
They kissed his cool skin, "Are you alive up there?" Tav asked, jokingly.
If he wasn't already dead, they'd have thought he'd died.
"M'alive." He mumbled in a stupor.
"Good." Tav said through a wry smile.
They looked to their left where his cock was already starting to swell again and sighed.
"I don't think it worked, you're getting hard again."
Still nothing.
Tav furrowed their brow, "Do you hear me up there?"
Still nothing.
Starting to worry, Tav raised themselves up and started padding their way one-handed up towards his face. His crimson eyes were fixed on ceiling of the tent, drying tears still streaked down his temples.
"Are you alright? Was it too much?" Tav asked, worried they'd gone too far.
He finally blinked.
"My body feels like it's.. weightless and.. empty. My head feels like.. I've been zapped with a.. shocking grasp.. and my ears are ringing." His tone was high and dazed. His every move tinged with exhaustion. His expression one of pure contentment.
He was fully in an afterglow bubble. That was better than potentially traumatised.
Tav pursed their lips with pride, "Sounds like a good orgasm then. Was it?" They asked, feigning innocence.
Astarion gave a long blink and turned his gaze to Tav, who lay to the side of him.
"You've rendered me paralsyed. I think we can call that a success, don't you?"
Tav chuckled, "Well, a semi-success. You've still got your problem." They gestured a thumb towards his now alarming erection again.
"Oh no, that's not the potion. That's me."
Tav jerked their neck in questioning confusion, "Eh?"
"I'm laying here sprawled on the floor after one of the best orgasms of my long life. Two of whom have been granted by you.. and the only thing I can think of.. is that I need to do that again."
Tav bit their bottom lip through a grin spreading across their face.
"But we said that that night was a one-time thing and this is an extraordinary circumstance.. this isn't supposed to-"
His pale pink lips came up to capture their first kiss of the night and from the passion and force behind it, it was not to be their last.
Astarion slid his fingers to their umber trousers and cupped them through the fabric. Tav gasped against his mouth as they twitched within his grasp, the damp spot of their arousal staining their clothes. They sucked in Astarion's bottom lip into their mouth and cursed.
"Well, apparently that arrangement needs to be renegotiated." He smirked, as he kissed them deeply, sweeping his tongue to taste himself there.
He brought his hand to the buckle, "And these definitely need to come off."
Psst.. hey..👋 you want some more smut? 👀
#astarion#astarion ancunin#astarion smut#bg3 astarion#bg3 smut#smut#astarion x tav#astarion x gn!tav#whiskeyskin#astarion fic#whiskeyskin masterlist
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On the Topic of Plagiarism:
I decided to make my own post rather that co-oping @thefreelanceangel's because, despite having her full and enthusiastic permission to do so, what I'm talking about is somewhat adjacent to her point and entirely inspired BY the fact she tagged @riftdancing—particularly Blink—and I wanted to demonstrate examples of incidence were coincidence and consent do not immediately equate to plagiarism; it's ultimately about intent, and you do not need to tear yourself up on the inside if you find someone with a similar idea to yours, provided neither of you have gone out of your way to copy each other.
First, please meet the troops:

On the left is Miss Koret Swan. On the right is Miss Blink Vaniro. As I so delicately summed up:
It would be easy to surmise, based on this alone, that one of us copied the other person. However, both of these are old characters, written in a time and space where neither of us knew each other, and the similarities have always been a cause for laughter and playful teasing rather than competition and spite. I made Koret in WoW as a sister to a wolf and lamb concept, and Pepper made Blink as a character to an overarching D&D campaign set in a sci-fi universe.
What I'm trying to say is that, whilst plagiarism is absolutely a bad thing, as someone with anxiety over this sort of thing, you do not need a wholly 100% original idea in order to write and roleplay publicly, and many ideas share overt similarities to others that deviate the moment you peel back the veneer.
Koret and Blink are both 'pirates'. Koret is a privateer (said with all the sarcasm a privateer entails; a pirate with the proper papers) and Blink is a sky pirate. All of Kor's theming is around the ocean, particularly the deep ocean, and Blink's is all about the sky and the freedom it gives. But they both have wolf motifs. Kor has had a sister, Blink has had a brother.
What makes these characters different is the way that we explore them and how these broad ideas become niche based on the concepts we want to expand on as writers. What makes them different is that neither was written despite (or even in spite) of the other, nor did one of us look at the other and go 'oh, i want to do x with y because i think it'll be better'.
There are dozens of femme fatal concepts out there. There are heaps of bad-ass men. If I had a dollar for every knight character that was in xiv alone, I'd still be a rich woman. Hell, I know for a fact that my star-gazing viera is certainly not the first of her kind, nor will she be the last. I can coexist in spaces with people who have these similar concepts because I know there's enough deviation between those characters, as I have spent the time cultivating a niche story for mine where broad concepts are more set-dressing than the actual meat and potatoes of the character.
If you have the ick about someone copying you, especially if you have a negative history with them or the person is being weird, you're probably right on the money. I have had characters of mine blatantly ripped off for the former. But this is more for the reassurance of people who are like 'I don't want a pink-themed miqo'te because I know one already exists' or 'I don't want to play with a spore druid concept because I know one exists' (i'm using my own miqo'te here as an example, LMAO). You can have a primadonna, pink miqo'te who lives in Ishgard and is clawing her way to the tippy top of the high houses and I wouldn't stress because my primadonna, pink miqo'te is currently knee-deep in a bog because she heard she can find peat mummies there. They're not the same. They share similarities, but they're not the same.
Write it because you think it's fun. Not because you've seen x's concept be popular and you want a slice of it. Not because you want a ship similar to y's and you're going to gush about how much you love it and try to mosey in with a knock-off (no, this has never happened to me, what do you mean?). You're not going to have the same amount of fun!! It won't be the same!!
But also, at the same time, don't rob yourself of an opportunity to play with a concept because someone else is already doing it, especially if it's just a trope. People can tell the difference and they will embrace it if you're earnest.
You may even find someone like I found Pepper. We laughed at it. Then we made an AU and shipped them. They're kissing. They are stabbing. They are kissing and stabbing each other.
#。・゚゚・ — sea speaks#I HOPE THIS MAKES SENSEEEE#plagiarism bad#inspo not bad#similar =/= copy BUT#if you have a weird vibe your probably right!!!#but don't immediate rule yourself out because someone is doing it#OR#assume someone is automatically copying you#just because you have a bad ass women or something#u feel me? u feel me.#anyway if you use this post to justify plagiarism but you are actually plagiarising i wish leg cramp in the night on you
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fresh start
part one (chapters 1-3) story info • next part
word count: 6.1k
content warnings: mentions of homophobia and depression
Transferring to University of Connecticut in my junior year was my final lifeline.
No one has actually verbalised that but it was an unspoken understanding.
Everyone in my life, back home in Boston knew that coming to UConn was a fresh start for me and a second opportunity at life.
I started my college career at UMass in my home state of Massachusetts. Going to college was just another thing on my list to tick off to pacify my family. Unlike my high school peers, I never aspired to go to college, in fact I didn't think I'd be alive by the time it came around.
"You must be Lily!" A sweet voice pulled me from my inner monologue as I stood in my new bedroom, boxes surrounding me.
"Yes!" I spun around to see a brown haired, brown eyed girl stood in my doorway. I flashed her my biggest, bravest smile.
Fake it till you make it.
"I'm Kelsey." She introduced herself coming closer.
Being a junior, I opted to live in an apartment for my time here at UConn. Four people, four bedrooms. That way I had my own space but still the option to mingle in our shared living room and kitchen. I knew I was sharing with three other girls as there was a paper with all our names listed on the table when I entered the apartment a few hours ago.
and me, Lily.
"Nice to meet you." I say and Kelsey hugs me tight, its a warm hug and I can tell its not just a pleasantry, Kelsey feels kind and that relaxes me immediately.
"Looks like we're the first to arrive, how long have you been here?" She asks looking around at the numerous open boxes with my possessions spilling out of them.
"A few hours - how about you?" I bounce the question back to my new roommate.
"Oh I got here last night. Just took a walk around to familiarise myself. I lived on the complete other-side of campus last year but wanted to upgrade for my junior and senior year." She explained.
"I expect a tour at some point then." I joke but Kelsey nods enthusiastically, "Of course! Did you live off campus last year?"
"No. Well, yes - I lived in a whole different state. I just transferred from UMass." I tell her.
I decide to keep my explanation of why I transferred clean and concise.
Massachusetts was not for me.
I was born and raised there and needed something new. I'm not ashamed of my life and what has happened, I'm just very aware that not everyone needs to know everything about me.
Not yet anyway.
And besides, this is supposed to be a fresh start and how can there be any truth in that if I spend my time talking about the past.
Kelsey stayed in my room for the next few hours and helped me unpack the majority of my stuff. Things were starting to look normal rather than like a bomb had just exploded, I was thankful for the help.
I learned a lot about Kelsey in the time we spent filling my wardrobe and organising my dresser. She was studying Education as she wanted to be a preschool teacher. She was also from New England - New Hampshire to be precise (East Coast girlies unite). She was a party girl and insisted on showing me the bars near-by. She was newly single and was making it her junior year goal to stay that way.
Me too. But I didn't mention that.
Her favourite colour was red which looking at her now, was obvious. She sported a red baby tee and had her nails painted the exact same shade. She couldn't function without a morning coffee.
Me too. I did mention that.
I liked Kelsey a lot.
"So Kinesiology..." She started mentioning my choice of major.
"Yes - it was kind of a last minute decision. I love sport, especially soccer and I knew I needed to study something that I could relate to a hobby or I would have lost interest." I laughed.
"Do you play soccer?" I shook my head immediately, "God no. I have absolutely no athletic ability I just love watching it." I say as we sit on my bed side by side, backs against the wall.
Watching soccer, whether it be on TV or in real life was the only time my brain truly shut off. I was too focused on where the ball was, who it was being passed to, how well the pass was being executed and if the net would ripple at the end of a well thought out play to focus on anything else.
"I suppose ninety minutes of tight kits and sweaty bodies isn't a bad view." Kelsey giggled and I couldn't argue.
"Do you watch or play any sports?" I turn my body to Kelsey slightly giving her my attention, I preferred talking about others.
"Definitely don't play. As for watching, I make myself present if theres a big tournament on, usually at the bar mind you." She points a finger at me matter of factly.
"But enough about me. I feel like I've told you my life story and all I know about you is you're a Bostonian who loves soccer. Tell me something fun! Are you dating anyone? What's your type?" She asks eyebrows wiggling at me.
I contemplate my answer carefully not knowing how to broach the subject. Kelsey makes me feel like I can trust her but in reality I've known her less than 12 hours so don't actually know her. I remind myself why I'm here: to start afresh. I decide to be honest, I spent way too long hiding who I really was.
"I'm not dating anyone." I confess, the words feeling foreign even though its the truth. "My last relationship didn't end so well. In fact, it almost ended me." I quip making light of a not so light time in my life not so long ago. "Oh no, I'm sorry Lily. I'll kill the guy if I ever meet him." She says seriously, hands balled into fist as if she's a boxer preparing to go into the ring.
Here goes nothing.
"The girl." I say correcting her. "You'll kill the girl if you ever meet her." I stay silent trying to read Kelseys reaction to the fact that I'm gay. Living in America you never know what to expect when you reveal something like that, I just hoped mine and Kelseys newfound friendship wasn't about to come to a premature end.
"I have no problem beating a bitch up." The brunette says flicking her hair off her shoulder. I breathe a sigh of relief, the revelation doesn't seem to have bothered her in the slightest. "My sisters lesbian and I've heard enough stories to know girls are just as bad a guys. Maybe you should join the sisterhood of single juniors." She says, raising an eyebrow putting her hand between us for me to place mine on top and join the unofficial club. I hesitate because deep down I'm a lover girl and despite my heart being in a million pieces right now I know I want to love again.
"Hey, there's no contract. You can leave at anytime and theres no rules that say we can't have fun." Kelsey playfully reassures sensing my hesitation so I place my hand on top of hers, "Single sisters!" We both giggle, Kelsey leaning her body into mine so our shoulders are touching.
This feels like the perfect start to my life in Connecticut.
I left Boston broken. Brokenhearted and mentally in pieces.
My once big friendship group had dwindled down to one best friend. My ever growing confidence had come to a halt and years of therapy was thrown down the drain.
My Sophomore year was turbulent at best, coming to terms with my sexuality was a journey and then being outed was crushing and too much for me to handle. Managing my emotions has always been a problem of mine, I feel everything or I feel nothing. Both ends of the spectrum can be scary and dangerous and I did stupid things and made an almost irreversible decision.
UConn and Kelsey feels like the light at the end of the tunnel.
Madison and Hannah showed up at some point that evening. The girls had been roommates their Freshman and Sophomore year so already knew each other well. Kelsey and I introduced ourselves and we decided as a group, pizza for dinner was the best way to spend our first night together. We spoke and ate in the living area of our apartment until tiredness took over us one by one.
As I lay in my new bed in my new room I think of the days and weeks to come. I want to start off the best I can, give myself the best opportunity to love life again. Starting tomorrow, my goal was to find a student job on campus. Classes would take up most of my time but I needed pretty much all of my time filled, that way my mind wouldn't stray. I also wanted to scope out the sports. UConn was known for their amazing athletics program and I couldn't wait to be watching games again.
Oh and of course Kelsey wants to go to a bar tomorrow night, Hannah and Madison too so I close my eyes preparing for a busy day ahead, the melatonin I'd taken kicking in.
˖ ᡣ𐭩 ⊹ ࣪ ౨ৎ˚₊✧˚ · .
My first day in Storrs as a student at UConn was going better than expected.
Kelsey had showed me her favourite coffee place and it had lived up to her hype. I got my usual order of an iced caramel latte with soya milk. I had unintentionally made myself lactose intolerant after being vegan for a few years. I was no longer vegan but dairy refused to be introduced back into my diet. While we sipped our drinks she gave me the grand tour of campus and then Downtown Storrs. It reminded me a lot of Boston which was bittersweet but I focused on the sweet.
"And that," She says pointing to one of the buildings with a huge Huskies sign, "is the infamous Huskies! The best bar around...well, the only bar around but never-mind. That's where we're going tonight." My roommate tells me and does a little dance which makes me laugh.
We finished our coffees on the walk back to campus and Kelsey dropped me off at the Athletics building where I was going to enquire about a student job. I had checked online and there were a few available, I just had to apply. I figured showing my face would make me stand out compared to the many applicants I'm sure admissions would have to choose from. It also gave me an opportunity to check the team rosters and schedule. I became friends with a lot of the student athletes at UMass because I went to so many games, it made me wonder if that would be the case here at UConn.
Walking into the building, it was obvious there was a gym inside I could hear what I assumed to be people working out. Music blasted through speakers though it was muffled by the closed doors and the clanging of weights dropping further verified my assumption.
The doors were closed as I walked passed what I now know is the weight room from the sign outside. My curiosity tempted me to peek inside the room as I heard a cacophony of voices, girls voices for sure.
I was stopped in my tracks, "Hi, can I help you?" The voice came from an older woman, I looked to her and smiled, "Yes please. I'm looking for the main office, here to enquire about a student job this semester." I explained.
"Oh wonderful - follow me, I'm Janet. Head of admissions for the Athletic Department."
I followed Janet down a few corridors and up a set of stairs before reaching the office. The walls along the way all adorned with various UConn teams holding trophies and medals covered in confetti. It was clear they were no strangers to winning here.
"So we have a few positions on offer is semester. I suppose it depends on what kind of role you're looking for." Janet says sitting behind her desk and inviting me to sit facing her.
"I'm studying Kinesiology so I'm just grateful to have the opportunity to work within the Athletics department at all. I'd be happy with anything." I say and truly mean it.
"What is your schedule like?" Janet asks.
"My classes are most days until 4 or 5pm. Wednesday's are completely free as are evenings and weekends." I tell her.
"Hm OK, we have a position here for a Communications Intern. You'll be assisting with post and pre game press conferences and social media posts. You'll be at most home games on the sidelines, taking notes for our journalists to write in articles and pictures to post on our socials - nothing professional of course, we have photographers for that but the fans like to see some behind the scenes on game days." Janet reads off her screen before looking up at me with a raised brow, "How does that sound?"
"That sounds great!" I replied enthusiastically, "As a fan of sports myself, hopefully I can show game days from a new angle."
"Amazing! Our womens teams are gaining a lot more traction, not just on campus so I'm positive fans who can't make it to games in person will be grateful." Janet smiles, typing a few words then standing from her desk. "I've put your name down - at the top of the list in bold - it's always nice when applicants come and see us face to face." I smile to myself knowing that would be the case.
"Thank you for making time to see me." I say to Janet, shaking her extended hand before she leads me out of the office. "My pleasure."
Outside of Janets office is a huge ceiling to floor window with a perfect overview of the gym below. I was correct earlier, there are people working out and it is girls. I stop momentarily to take in the view below me, my mind automatically goes to my major and I wonder what paths these girls are on. Are any of them injured or coming back from injury? I'm immediately intrigued as I watch them perform different exercises.
"Those are our basketball girls." Janet breaks my daydream. "I suspect you'll be working with them a lot this semester."
I turn to her my eyes slightly widened, does that mean I've secured the job?
"If your application is successful of course." She smirks but its a knowing smirk that puts me at ease.
"Oh, and thats Kayla." She points out a specific girl in the gym, dressed differently from the others and considerably shorter so I immediately assume she's not on the team. "She works here in the main office with me. She's a great girl to know, I'll introduce you."
I follow Janet back down the stairs and through the same corridors we took less than thirty minutes ago. This time I take more care as I look at the pictures on the walls, the basketball team seem to take up the majority. I spot names like Sue Bird and Diana Taurasi which I am familiar with but not too much, in all honesty I've never watched a full game of basketball in my life. As we get closer to the end of the corridor where the pictures get more recent I notice one girl in particular, a blonde, she seems to always be in the middle of group photos, her teammates looking at her with admiration. Her smile contagious, making me smile as if I'm in the picture myself.
"Prepare yourself." Janet laughs as we approach the weight room door. "What for?" I ask now not so curious about going inside as I was earlier. "They're a lively lot." Is all she says before pushing open the door.
I take a sharp inhale, anxiety creeping in as I follow Janet into the room of athletes.
Every single one of my senses was hit walking into the weight room. The noises that were once muffled by the closed doors were now loud and clear. The room was significantly colder than the rest of the building for obvious reasons but I wrapped my arms around myself nonetheless. Thanks to my deep inhale on walking in, I was only now getting a waft of what smelt like a mix of sweat and fruit. I say a silent prayer that its the girls in here because I know for a fact it would be sweat mixed with more sweat if it was the boys. My eyes scanned the room quickly taking in what I just seen from above. I recognised some of the girls from the photos on the walls, not the blonde though. She wasn't here. Maybe she was a senior and had graduated already, a shame if that is the case.
"Hello ladies." Janet calls over the booming music. One by one the girls turn their attention to us and smile or wave and I return the pleasantries.
"A new commit?" I hear a voice behind me ask before feeling a hand press down on each of my shoulders. I unconsciously tense at the surprise contact.
"No, no. This is Lily - a junior here. She just applied for a job in the department so I'm showing her around." Janet explains and the girl that just had her hands on my shoulders walks in front of me revealing herself.
"Oh damn my bad, I got excited for a second." She laughed a little embarrassed, "I'm KK, nice to meet you." The girl introduced herself.
"Nice to meet you, KK." I smile at the basketball player and she goes to join the rest of girls who are now teasing her for basically jumping on my back. I didn't mind, it just caught me off guard. Besides, I'd rather these girls be overly friendly than cold and moody especially if I'll be working with them soon.
"I'm Paige." A slender hand extends itself to me, coming from the same direction KK came from. I take the hand in mine before looking to see who exactly 'Paige' was. "Hi-" my words get lodged in my throat.
There she was.
The girl from the photos. The blonde with the contagious smile and, I'm now realising, extremely blue eyes like the bluest eyes I've ever seen.
I compose myself quickly, "Hi Paige, I'm Lily." I manage without stuttering as I shake the girls hand before letting go, somewhat reluctantly.
Her hand was bigger than mine and it was warm pressed against my palm, my hand tingled where her touch just was.
"What's your major?" She asks and she seems genuinely interested.
"Kinesiology." I reply, turning my full attention to Paige, my back now to Janet.
"Interesting! You'll get along perfect here, lots of bad knees." She says lifting her leg showing off a nasty scar before tapping me on the shoulder and joining KK and the others.
"Lily hasn't got the job yet, Paige." Janet called after the girl who turned around, "You know what to do Jan!" She called back with a grin.
The girls giggled as she joined them and she playfully shoved one of them away. I couldn't hear their hushed words over the music but the way Paige glanced back at me, making direct eye contact, made me think it was about me or maybe I was just delusional hoping the pretty girl was in fact talking about me. I quickly averted my gaze.
The type of scar and placement on Paige's knee made me assume she had suffered an ACL tear. Tough, if I was correct. ACLs are a horrible injury to face but I can tell by the way she squats with a barbell rested on her shoulders, her form perfect, posture just right that it was healed. Suddenly my gaze was no longer diverted and I was just staring.
Janet introduced me to Kayla and we spoke for a few minutes, mainly about Kayla's role and how excited she would be if I joined the team as, and I quote, "The Athletics Department needed more girls behind the scenes."
We left the weight room together, Janet bidding us farewell at the door and Kayla and I walking to the exit of the building side by side.
"Welcome to UConn, by the way. I'm guessing you transferred here? I haven't seen you around before." Kayla says to me.
"Thank you! Yes, I just transferred from Massachusetts. So far, so good." I smile as we step outside into the warm August weather.
"It really is great here. Give me your number and we'll meet up, I know you just met Paige and KK but I'll introduce you to the others as well." She says pulling her phone from her back pocket and handing it to me.
I type my number in her phone saving my contact as Lily Kent - my full name. "That will be fun, thank you. I only know my roommates at the moment so I appreciate it." I hand Kayla back her phone.
"Thats the perks of working in sports, you make whole teams of friends." She says proudly.
"I need as many as I can get, it's kinda scary being the new girl. Maybe I'll meet some more tonight, we're going to a bar." I tell my, hopefully, new friend.
"Not the famous Huskies?" Kayla asks sending me a quizzical look. "Yes! The famous Huskies." I laugh, seems like this place has quite the reputation. "Perfect! We'll see you there then."
"We'll"? We all? As in possibly Paige? Suddenly I need to go back to the apartment take an everything shower, beat the hell out of my face and put together the best outfit I own.
˖ ᡣ𐭩 ⊹ ࣪ ౨ৎ˚₊✧˚ · .
I wrapped myself in my robe and stepped out of the bathroom. All three of my roommates were in the living area of our apartment. "Hey guys!" I chirped, strolling into my room.
"Hey Lils, what are you wearing tonight?" Hannah asked following me into my bedroom. I looked back at her and we both glanced around my room and laughed.
Before taking a shower I attempted to choose an outfit which had resulted in me tearing my wardrobe apart, clothes now covering the majority of my bed and floor.
"Ok girl, never fear - Hannah is here." Hannah reassured sitting slap bang in the middle of the floor reaching for random items of clothing. "It's definitely a casual vibe but also our first night out. Not all students are back on campus yet but the athletes are so arguably thats even more of a reason to look good." She side eyed me from her place on the floor.
Could Hannah read my mind?
I hadn't mentioned my interaction or reaction to Paige to any of my roommates yet. Mainly because I had made a pact with Kelsey to stay single - not that Paige was in anyway trying to make me her girlfriend but also because I knew we'd probably see her tonight and three tipsy girls around their friends crush well, it wouldn't stay a secret lets just say that.
I also deep down knew that it was probably way too soon for me to even be thinking about another relationship but I can admire from afar right?
I was with my ex-girlfriend for almost two years before it finally ended in May, three months ago. 21 out of the 22 months we dated, we kept our relationship a secret from pretty much everyone. My best friend, Emma knew but that was it. That was the way we both wanted it, neither of us were out and we enjoyed sneaking around and having a genuinely private, private life.
That was until April when I accidentally left my phone in the library and it was found by someone who I thought was my friend. I stupidly had a picture of me and my girlfriend kissing as my lock screen. My phone was returned to me and everyone acted normal, I thought they hadn't noticed. Until that night, a picture of my lock screen was posted into our group chat and all hell broke loose. I felt physically sick at the words used to describe me and my girlfriend.
I was told I was sick, I needed help, I needed to find God and repent. I was told I was better off dead. It all very quickly became too much and I removed myself from the group chat and hoped to avoid the girls that were a part of it.
Unfortunately, there was no avoiding one another when your families knew each other. My girlfriend and I were promptly outed to all of our friends and families against our wishes. It put a lot of pressure on us. I was lucky to have kept a best friend in Emma. She stood by my side when nobody else did. My family were understanding, confused for a while but they came round and accepted me for who I am.
My girlfriend wasn't as lucky and that is what ultimately broke us apart. I don't blame her, she chose a relationship with her family and not being disowned over me. I can't blame her.
I blamed myself though. Me and my stupid lock screen had ruined us. I quickly fell into a downward spiral that was impossible to save myself from. I was drowning and I didn't know how to swim. I have a history of depression and I stopped taking my medication, I had lost all will to even try and continue with life and one night I decided I was done.
Life was not worth living if it was like this.
"Ok! How about this skirt, with this top?" Hannah asked holding up a distressed mini denim skirt and black bandeau top.
I looked at the outfit in her hands seeing the vision. "Yes, but swap the top for this one." I say holding up a long sleeve black shirt instead.
"Girl, it's August and we're going to be inside. You do not need long sleeves." I swallowed, I knew this would come up sooner or later. "Yes I do." Was all I said and luckily Hannah dropped the subject and threw me my skirt.
"Get ready! I'm going to change, we're leaving in an hour." The blonde girl stood up from my bedroom floor and left me alone to get dressed.
"Here, drink up." Kelsey placed a red cup, full to the brim, on my desk as I applied my mascara, finishing off my makeup.
"What's this?" I ask not waiting for an answer before taking a swig of the unknown drink. Vodka. It was definitely vodka and something else. I winced at the intensity of the cocktail. "It's the Kelsey Special of course!" My roommate laughed taking a sip from her own cup.
"Oh close your eyes!" She said doing a little jump, "I have a surprise for you."
“A surprise? For me?” I say doing as she says.
"Ok open!" I opened my eyes to see Kelseys hand opened in front of me, a danity string bracelet laying in her palm. "What's this?" I ask taking the thread into my own hands and admiring the intricate plait it was braided into. "It's official Single Sisters merch, duh!" She exclaims taking it back from me and tying it around my left wrist, she held up her own wrist showing off her matching bracelet. "I love them Kels!" I smile as I get up and pull her into a hug, "Thank you." "You're so welcome Lils, now lets get drunk!" And with that she drags me out of my bedroom, drinks in hand, into the kitchen where Hannah and Madison are pouring shots.
By the time we reach Huskies, its safe to say I'm tipsy. I'm not sure how many shots were consumed back at the apartment but I had another cup of the Kelsey Special and my body felt tingly and almost numb, it felt nice. I wasn't new to drinking and I knew my limit so I knew I'd be fine. We each got a drink as soon as we entered the bar and headed straight for the dance floor. The bar was decently busy, I scanned the room, no sign of Kayla...or Paige.
I'm not sure how long I had been dancing with my roommates before I felt an arm drape over my shoulders, "Hey hottie!" I flicked my head round and was met with Kaylas smiling face. "Oh my god, hiii!" I exclaim pulling her in for a hug, the alcohol had definitely hit. "These are my roommates! Kelsey, Hannah and Madison." I say pointing at the three girls individually, Kayla introduced herself as I finished the remainder of my drink.
"Come meet the girls!" Kayla shouted over the loud music, ushering us through the crowd over to a table in the corner of the bar.
She went around the entire group aquainting us with each other. I was now able to put names to the faces of the girls I'd seen in the gym earlier in the day.
Ice, Nika, Aliyah, Azzi, Aubrey and Jana.
"And of course you already met KK and Paige." Kayla says pointing behind me as Paige and KK approached us, multiple drinks in each of their hands.
I'm unsure whether it was the copious amounts of alcohol in my system or the moody low lighting of the bar but Paige looked particularly majestic as she sauntered over to the group. She had this vibe that seemed to follow her. Multiple heads turned in her direction and something told me she knew how hot she was.
KK was quick to put down the drinks she held and embrace me, I hugged the girl back taking in her sweet scent. Paige wasn't so quick, she handed drinks to her teammates and they thanked her before she turned her attention to me and my roommates. She introduced herself to Kelsey, Hannah and Madison giving them all a quick side hug.
"Hi Lily." She says, her eyes looking directly into mine. I have to look up slightly, the girl has some inches on me, "Hello Paige!" I can't help the stupid grin that spreads across my face as she leans in to hug me, not like the other girls, I'm encapsulated by both her arms, I swear if I was a cartoon character this is the moment my eyes would turn into red love hearts. Her scent was different from KKs, more vanilla-y, musky almost, warm.
"First time in Huskies calls for one thing: INITIATION SHOTS!" Nika says pulling me from Paige and leading me to the bar, her hands on my shoulders.
Once we all have a shot in our hands, Nika looks at me, "Ok one fact about you that no one knows!" She says pursing her lips.
God, the list was endless.
"I'm allergic to nuts." That was the most mundane fact that came to my mind.
"And not just the food kind!" Kelsey exclaims making the girls laugh before we knock back our shots.
Kelseys joke seemed to either go over everyones head or life really was different here in Connecticut and no one hated me because I was gay. Either way I felt comfortable around these girls, welcomed and it was a nice feeling.
I was reaching my limit but still found myself stumbling slightly towards the bar.
"Easy there." A hand grabbed my elbow balacing me before I was able to steady myself. "Thank you." I giggled and my words came out slurred.
I had definitely reached my limit but I waved the bar man over. "Vodka cranberry please!" I ordered feeling the hand move from my elbow to my lower back.
Who the hell was this?
I turned my gaze to my left seeing a guy slightly taller than me with brown shaggy hair smirking down at me. With one hand occupied on my lower back, the other dug into his pocket and he pulled out his card, "Let me get this for you." He says as he goes to pay for my drink. "No, it's OK." I say simply, trying to shrug him off. "Let me." He insists pulling me closer to him.
I was starting to feel uncomfortable when I felt his arm get yanked off of me, "She said it's OK, bro." Paige had inserted herself between me and the creep and gave him a light shove away. "Are you OK?" She asks looking at me sincerely, brows furrowed together. I nod, "I'm fine." I say as I pay for my drink. "Are you sure?" She double checks. "I promise, Paige. I've dealt with worse than a drunk guy in a bar." I reassure her. "As long as you're OK." She says, wrapping an arm around my shoulder as we walk back to the table her teammates were once gathered around.
Paige sits down at the booth and I intently watch as she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and reajusted her t-shirt.
"You like what you see?" Paige is smirking now and I've been caught red handed.
"I um- I-"
Pull yourself together Lily!
"I wasn't staring." I defend myself lazily. Paige laughs, "But you were staring in the gym earlier." She says matter of factly, raising her brows at me.
I feel my cheeks burn, well and truly red handed.
"What?" Is all I can manage as a response.
"The walls are mirrored babe, just because you were behind me doesn't mean I didn't see you." If it was even possible, my cheeks got hotter with embarrassment.
"Cocky much?" I taunt the basketball player before taking a long, needed sip of my drink.
"When it makes you this flustered, yes." She says reaching out for my wrist, pulling me to sit next to her.
We're so close our legs are touching and I can smell the mix of vanilla and musk again. "Tell me something about yourself Lily. Something other than your allergy to nuts...not just the food kind." Oh god.
I muster every sober fibre inside of me to think of something that doesn't qualify as a trauma dump. I look down at my hands, the bracelet Kelsey gifted me earlier poking out of the bottom of my sleeve.
"I joined a club!" I say waving my arm up showing off the bracelet.
"Oh yeah, what club?" Paige questions, head slightly tilted. "Single sisters!" I say proudly. "It's just me and Kelsey at the moment but we made a pact to stay single all of junior year." I tell Paige about mine and my roommate's promise to each other.
She hooks a finger through the bracelet, her knuckle grazing my skin softly, and tugs gently. "Hey!" I pull my arm away afraid she'll break the delicate thread. "What are you doing?" I frown. "Just checking how secure that thing is." She looks at me with that god forsaken eye contact that she's so good at. "Wouldn't want it breaking." She says eyes still locked onto mine.
"Lilyyyyy." I begrudgingly look away from Paige to see Madison practically being held up by Kelsey and Hannah.
I thought I was drunk.
"I think it's home time." Paige says into my ear, her breath hot on my neck.
"Hi Mads." I say standing up, ignoring the fact Paiges breath had spiked my heart rate. "I think we should get her home." Hannah says and I nod turning to grab my bag.
Well, well, well.
I catch Paige, staring, right at me, I smirk to myself.
One point to Lily.
I bend slightly to pick my bag up off the table, "Looks like we both have a staring problem." I say quiet enough for just Paige to hear and quickly turn on my heel following my friends out of the bar.
˖ ᡣ𐭩 ⊹ ࣪ ౨ৎ˚₊✧˚ · .
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Hi! For the ficlet prompts: For Tarlos: 🫶🏻 Breakfast date For BuckTommy: 🛏️ There's only one bed, and it's… a single (or broken? Like sunken down in the center or something. Whichever option sparks joy. 😂)
There's only one bed, and it's a single
A few weeks into their relationship, Buck wonders why Tommy still hasn't invited him over to his house. Somehow, they always seem to end up in the loft, apart form that one memorable date that ended in the 118's locker room – he’s still proud of himself for keeping his mouth shut about it the next day, even though his face probably screamed „ask me what happened last night“. Anyway, Tommy often just turns up at his door or picks him up from work and drives to the loft as a matter of course, and for a while Buck thinks it's just because he likes his place so much. It's tastefully furnished, right? And since he owns a couch again, Star Wars movie nights with Tommy next to him are much nicer.
It's just... Eddie had been so enthusiastic about Tommy's house, the garage, the dōjō; and Buck – Tommy’s boyfriend, mind you – hasn’t even seen a glimpse of all that. There are, of course, many possible explanations for this. Maybe Tommy’s a slob and it's always untidy (Eddie didn't mention this), or he's ashamed of his furniture (Eddie didn't mention this) or he's currently renovating (nope, not a word about that from Eddie). Either these made-up motives are as silly as they sound in Buck's head, or the real reason is him. Both could be true.
One evening, after a very good dinner (it's perfectly acceptable to praise yourself, Buck thinks, especially after receiving top cooking honors from Bobby), it's time to grab the bull by the horns.
“We're gonna sleep at your house tonight,” he says.
Tommy sets his glass down, blinks and replies, “We’ve basically just arrived at your place, Evan.”
"Right, but you’re staying overnight at my place about three times a week.“
“Didn't have the feeling that it was too much,” says Tommy with a wink.
Buck is melting away. This man has such a magnetic effect... But not this time, he swears to himself. He's let this slide long enough. If there's one thing he's learned, it's that problems should be addressed. This one isn't necessarily a problem, but it's a little oddity that has piqued his curiosity. And perhaps it also scratches his ego a little.
“No, I love it when you're here,” he says, feeling his cheeks flush. “But Eddie keeps telling me about your house and...”
“What is Eddie doing in this conversation now?”
Tommy sounds genuinely confused, and he can't blame him. Buck takes a deep breath.
“I want to see how you live.”
That's not quite the right approach, but at least Tommy smiles his adorable smile, which makes his face go all scrunchy. His answer, however, is not an exuberant “okay, let's get going”. Instead, he says, “That's sweet, but I'm rarely at home. It’s actually not that exciting.”
Somehow, it is, at least it starts getting annoying; Buck's curiosity is hard to tame when he believes he's discovered some kind of riddle. While it’s certainly exciting to see that there still are some things about Tommy that remain mysterious to him, his house shouldn't be on the top list of sweet secrets he holds.
“I’m getting a vibe that you don't want me there, Tommy.”
“It's not like that.”
“Then what is it? Do you have any porn magazines lying around? Don't you want me to see your underwear drawer?”
“Are there pictures of your ex-boyfriends on the walls?” Now Buck is on a roll. “Do you collect tasteless art? Is your house just too small for two people to be comfortable?”
“Evan,” Tommy groans. Wide-eyed, Buck glares at him, until Tommy finally exhales loudly and adds, “Yeah, it's too small. You're not going to give it a rest, are you?“
“My therapist says I should talk about my feelings. And there's no one I'd rather do that with than you, Tommy, and right now... well. Honestly, it's driving me crazy.”
“All right,” goes Tommy, getting up and taking his hand, ”there's no point in delaying it any longer anyway. Come with me. We're going to my place – but whether you want to sleep there remains to be seen.”
That, of course, was an even more mysterious answer, but Buck jumps to his feet immediately.
From the outside, Tommy's house looked neither particularly small nor large. The most remarkable thing about the single-storey, flat-roofed building was probably that it stood in the middle of a terraced housing estate in the suburbs. It wasn't an area Buck would have associated with Tommy, and there was probably a story behind it that he was eager to hear one day.
Inside, it was just as unremarkable. This was the house of a single man who often did 24-hours-shifts and also had very excessive hobbies that made him leave the house quite often. In other words, a comparatively interchangeable place. Eddie hadn't mentioned anything about that either, he'd probably been blinded by the flights to Vegas and the garage. There were no photos of ex-boyfriends on the walls, no obvious porn movies in the impressive DVD collection, no tasteless art; there weren't even any potted plants, “I just don't have a green thumb,” says Tommy.
“I don't understand why you didn't already show me your house,” Buck says, a little disappointed that he still couldn't solve the puzzle.
“Hm,” Tommy utters, and it sounds almost apologetic. He wraps his arms around Buck and adds, “You're here now.”
„Yes, and I forgot a change of clothes. You’re gonna have to lend me some tomorrow.“
“You're really determined to spend the night here?”
“You bet,” Buck says, his eyes roaming the room, ”show me your bedroom and I'll show you how determined I am.”
“Then get ready for a cold shower,” Tommy returns, taking Buck's hand and leading him further into his house.
The door opened to another plain, rather functionally furnished room with a built-in wardrobe, a second door that probably led to the bathroom, a large window without any curtains and virtually no accessories. Then Buck’s gaze falls on the bed, and his jaw drops.
“Well, I told you it was small...”
“I thought you meant your house.”
It was the bed. A narrow, single bed. It wasn't an unusual place to sleep, of course; millions of bedrooms were furnished like this. Buck just couldn't understand why anyone would voluntarily give up the comfort of a kingsize when they were tall and beefy like his adorable boyfriend with the very embarrassed look on his face.
“W-wait a minute. Is that why we always spent the night at my place? Because you’re sleeping in... this crib?”
“Hey, I like this bed,” Tommy replies, grimacing. “It's just not a good place for two. Hold on, what were you thinking, Evan?“
“Well, for a while I thought you just liked my shower...”
“... it's an excellent shower, I must say.”
"Well, to be honest, I thought it’s not that important to you."
Tommy looks intently at his face, shaking his head.
“Did you seriously think you weren't important enough for me? I thought we had clarified that point by now. And for once, I'm not talking about the excellent sex, honey.“
"Which would be … not that comfortable in that bed," Buck says when the penny finally drops. “Adorable, Tommy. As if the kitchen table wasn't enough for us.”
“But would you want to sleep on it?”
“Good point,” Buck mutters. “We really can't both fit in the bed.”
“Gonna be tough. And… actually, I really prefer your shower.“
“I'll probably have to talk to the landlord about the water consumption.”
"Well, we don’t need to move together so soon," Tommy argues. “But you could help me buy a bigger bed, how about that?”
“Excellent,” says Buck. “But we have to be sure it’s too small for the things I’d love to do with you.”
He pushes the surprised Tommy onto the bed with a casual nudge.
“Fine,” Tommy replies with a grin before closing Buck's mouth with a kiss, ”but we're sleeping at your place tonight.”
Thank you for the adorable prompt, @herrmannhalsteadproduction. I'm gonna need to skip the Tarlos one because I'm running out of spare time, but this was fun 😂❤️
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Noodles | A Goku OneShot
Authors Note: I'd write something short and sweet while I'm on a creative high! Drop a like and a follow if you like what you're reading! I'm gonna be posting around 2/3 times a week! I'd also love to follow back other writers :3 Update: MY MASTERLIST IS NOW PINNED TO MY PAGE! Summary: You meet Goku for a blind date after being set up by a friend Content: Goku x reader, SFW, cute, gender neutral reader Word Count: 908 Words
You were ecstatic that your friend Android 18 had set you up on a date with one of her friends. It had honestly been a while since your last date and you loved everything you had heard about her friend Goku. You dressed yourself up in your cutest outfit as you left the house with a bounce in your step. The sun hung rather low in the sky which casted a warm glow over the city as you navigated your way through the crowded streets. You sometimes find it overwhelming with the amount of people around you but your head was preoccupied about your date, the man you were meeting and where this might then take you.
As you approached your meeting point, you spotted Goku standing with a hand firmly against his waist. You could see him looking around for you, dressed in his iconic orange gi which made him easily recognisable as you got closer. He stood tall, his stature was muscular and his head housed thick, black spikes. Once he had clocked your approach, he waved with a friendly smile which assisted a wave of nervous excitement to rush through you.
"Hi! Are you Goku?" you smile toward him sweetly, trying to hide the flutter in your stomach.
Goku's face lit up with a wide grin, "Yeah! Nice to meet you! You must be Y/N? 18 told me all about you!"
As the two of you exchanged pleasantries you took a moment to admire the man in front of you. His friendly, goofy, and easygoing nature was helping to put you right at ease. You guys had decided on dining at a local ramen shop, Goku held the door open for you as you both entered. The first thing to greet you both was the chime of a light bell followed by the savoury aroma of the fresh, simmering broth. You could've sworn Goku was ready to levitate towards the scent. Your stomach growled in anticipation of your meal.
Settling in at a corner booth, you took in the cosy and warming atmosphere. The restaurant wasn't busy but there were still a few patrons sitting around, none necessarily close to you which allowed for a bit more privacy. The walls were a warm brown, decorated with beautiful hand-painted art, and the ceilings were dotted with soft overhead lights that complemented the wooden tables and chairs. Goku eagerly gripped a menu, his eyes widening at the selection of ramen that the restaurant had to offer. The waiting staff approached the table and you could tell his curiosity was getting the better of him as he smiled, "We should try a little bit of everything!"
Your eyes sparkled looking across the table to your date as you nodded your head in agreement, "That sounds perfect to me!"
You engaged in some small talk, his bright personality really drew you in. He shared some stories of the recent adventures he'd shared with his friends and his intense training sessions. You nodded along enthusiastically as you told him about yourself too. It wasn't long until you were greeted by the first bowl, Goku's eyes gleaming in pure delight. You looked up at him from across the table, blushing embarrassingly as you attempted to pick up your chopsticks.
"I uh," you started, fumbling the sticks between your fingers. "I actually don't really know how these work. I'm so used to using a fork."
Responding with a smile and a gentle pat at the wooden bench beside him, he signaled with his head that he wanted to show you the ropes. "Let me help you out, c'mon!"
Just like Goku you were also up for a challenge. You perched yourself beside him as he gently took your hand in his, positioning the chopsticks in your hand as he moved your fingers to the right place. As you ate together you could feel yourself fumbling them but it would lead to shared giggles between the two of you. Gradually the waiters brought out the rest of your feast. Noodles upon noodles, sushi platters, dumplings and much more traditional Japanese cuisine. Each one you enjoyed together, even if Goku ate significantly more of the food than you could let yourself indulge in. Between each bite he couldn't help but look up at you with a smile, "This was such a good idea. I'm so glad we came here!"
You beamed to him in response, "I'm glad we did too Goku! It's been a lovely day so far."
The evening slowly unfolded under the shared laughter you had over the warm bowls of broth, vegetables and noodles. You could feel a genuine connection with him. You bonded over so much and the way he made you laugh was unlike anyone really had before.
When you both left the restaurant the streetlights illuminated the now darkened city and the streets were much more tame, most people had already headed home by this point in the night. Goku rubbed the back of his neck, smiling down to you, "This was really fun! I haven't had that much fun in such a long time!"
"Me too Goku! Thank you," you say with a shuffle of your feet and a blush. He sighed happily as he carefully took your hand in his, the same hand he helped your chopsticks into.
"So how can I contact you? You know... for the second date? If you're interested that is..."
#dragon ball#dragon ball z#anime#fanfic#goku x reader#son goku#goku#dbz#cute#date fanfic#anime fanfic#dbz goku
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wind archer cookie smut hcs ; 18+

requested by ; anonymous (30/01/24), anonymous (06/06/24) & 🃏♟️ anon (25/01/25)
fandom(s) ; cookie run
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; wind archer cookie
outline ; “(over 18 btw, specifically 19 yrs old) SO SO, since your request box are coming to a close, I'd like to request Wind Archer Cookie in his "corrupted form" (not exactly his corrupted form but yk that emo looking costume he has? If you read the event story which includes that form you probably know what I'm talkng about) and smut hcs if possible?? If that's too specific, just do normal smut hcs for Wind Archer Cookie. Thank you!”
“22 years old. Honestly surprised no ones requested this yet, but can we please get some Wind Archer Cookie Smut Headcanons? Thank you.”
“Could I request a Wind Archer x GN! reader smut hc? (I'm 19! Sorry, this was a little awkward T^T)”
warning(s) ; sexually explicit content, soft dominant!wind archer cookie, praise kink, outdoor / public sex, marking kink, clothing kink, overstimulation, one point mentioning period sex at the end
minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
wind archer cookie definitely leans more towards a soft dominant role in the bedroom, but generally when the two of you are intimate it’s done without any set roles or expectations like you would have if you were engaging in an actual scene. the only reason he falls under that category, really, is because of how strict he is about putting you and your pleasure above his own and how intent he is about taking care of your needs — something that lends itself to him naturally taking more control in the bedroom even if there aren’t any set roles you’re trying to embody at the time
wind archer cookie, both in and outside of the bedroom, always speaks to you with nothing short of reverence and respect. he outright refuses to degrade or humiliate you, finding both things to be unnecessarily cruel for someone he cares so wholly about, and either sticks to praise or a calm description of what he’s doing and what he intends to do — in other words, when he’s not thanking you for letting him make love to you or telling you how incredible you feel wrapped around his cock, he’s talking you through the most toe-curling pleasure you’ve ever experienced and asking for your consent each and every step of the way
(having your ongoing and enthusiastic approval throughout the whole process is very important to him — and very attractive too… there’s just something about you giving him that look and practically begging him to go ahead while he’s buried between your thighs or just barely pressing the tip of his dick into your entrance that makes his head spin in the best possible way)
his favourite position is, without question, missionary, as basic as a choice as that might be. he just enjoys the general intimacy of it and he loves being able to look into your eyes as you cum.
cowgirl is a close second, but generally speaking he prefers being able to take the lead which pushes missionary that bit above it
this is something that he’s rather ashamed about, but wind archer cookie has a very minor marking kink. he’s not sure when it came about or even when he realised just how deeply it actually impacted him, but one day he happened to notice a hickey he’d left on your neck the night before and was left with the realisation that he really liked how it looked and he really wanted to give you more — never voiced these thoughts to you and if he has his way he never will, but if you’re paying close enough attention to him it’s impossible to ignore how his eyes are drawn to the visible marks he’s left on you
doesn’t usually have any strong feelings about the clothes you wear and finds you equally as attractive in anything you have on… but there is something distinctly arousing about making love to you when you’re wearing nothing but one of his tunics… especially first thing in the morning when you’re still all soft and sleepy and sensitive
loves going down on you and arguably gets more out of it than he does when you return the favour. earlier on in your relationship he had a very timid and slow approach to it (kitten licks, chaste kisses, looking to you for guidance a lot), but with time he’s gotten a lot more confident and much more efficient at taking you apart piece by piece (lick by lick, kiss by kiss) and building you back up again over and over until he’s satisfied and you’re too fucked-out to form any coherent thoughts at all. also big on eye contact when he goes down on you; he loves watching the way your expressions shift as he pleasures you and he could watch you fall apart on his tongue for the rest of his life and never tire of the view (just thinks you look hot and will tell you that the second he pulls away from your sex long enough to actually speak the words)
wind archer cookie gets off on pleasuring you and, as such, tends to get carried away quite often when the two of you are being intimate. this means that unless you actively call him out on it or otherwise make him stop prematurely, it’s pretty much inevitable that you’ll end up trembling and weeping from overstimulation by the time he’s finished with you
… he just really likes making you feel good, okay?
big fan of outdoor sex, especially if it involves him getting to go down on you in the forest he’s protected since before he was given a physical body. getting drunk on you — your flavour on his tongue, the sounds you make for him, the feeling of your thighs clamping down on his head and your fingers twisting in his hair — is so much more fulfilling to him when he’s surrounded by nature and it’s so painfully obvious that it’s difficult to deny him when he asks you to indulge in this one request of his
isn’t opposed to threesomes (or just generally including others in your sex life) and isn’t an overly possessive/jealous person, but he is very insistent on safety and boundaries during these encounters — better safe than sorry, after all, and he refuses to go to bed with someone (or let you go to bed with someone) that he doesn’t trust
the most sensitive parts of his body are his inner thighs and biting them will make him whimper if you catch him off guard (a rare occurrence as he usually tends to groan and grunt instead) — use that knowledge however you will
not necessarily against bottoming but it’s not something he’s super into and he’ll only do it on occasion — partially because he much prefers being able to pleasure you, and partially because he’s just not all that used to being penetrated and it’s a bit of a strange sensation for him still. again, he will do it if it’s something you enjoy but know that he does generally prefer being the top.
if you have periods then he’s not opposed to having sex with you during them (or even going down on you if you have no problem with that), but you’d need to be the one to bring it up — he’s just worried about potentially hurting you due to the circumstances (especially if you happen to have particularly bad cramps)
#sleepingdeath#minors dni#minors will be blocked#ageless blogs dni#ageless blogs will be blocked#🃏♟️ anon#smut#smut hcs#gender neutral reader#cookie run smut#cookie run x reader#cro x reader#cro smut#wind archer cookie x reader#wind archer cookie smut
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track 002: the aftermath
A/N: this one's very twitter heavy, idk why, also we meet new characters
masterlist | previous next
liked by marcilazzaro1, vincent_fabbri and others
brunolazzaro03 next time i see him it's on sight
tagged: marcilazzaro1
(this is a private account, you cannot reply to this post)
see all comments...
marcilazzaro1 oh baby brother, i love you too
↳brunolazzaro03 okay okay, just stop stealing my ice cream
landonorris and what are you gonna do, you're like 12
↳brunolazzaro03 im 20 and i've been training karate since i was 6 ;)) ↳landonorris ah, got it.
maxverstappen1 can i help?
↳brunolazzaro03 i mean, i guess? can you fight? ↳charles_leclerc no, he cannot. he's like a kitten ↳maxverstappen1 i CAN fight wtf, estebanocon can confirm ↳estebanocon that wasn't a fight, it was a shove
charles_leclerc oh shit you did karaoke without me? i'm hurt
↳brunolazzaro03 don't worry, you didn't miss much. she was awful ↳marcilazzaro1 oh i'm sorry that i was having fun and not singing like a pop star ↳charles_leclerc i'm sure it wasn't that bad, but you are legally obligated to go to a karaoke bar with us now ↳marcilazzaro1 name a time and place
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marci's messages:
Marci: Okay, so I do have questions. Apparently.
Claire Ask away, I've told you I'm here to answer anything I can.
Marci: He was in Milan for 17-19th June. Did you meet up then?
Claire: Wait a sec, I'll check the messages.
Claire: He texted me on the 17th, we met up the next day.
Marci: Fucking hell
Marci: What a fucking dickhead
Marci: I can't believe him
Marci: No, actually, I can't believe myself! How could I be so stupid? I KNEW something was up.
Claire: What happened?
Marci: My birthday's June 18th. I had to be in the UK for work, tried to get him to come with me as well, but he said he was needed at the factory.
Claire: What the fuckk
Claire: I'm so sorry this happened to you and for my involvement in it.
Claire: Merda, che proprio stronzo
Claire: The audacity. And his dick ain't even that good.
Marci: Jesus. Ain't that the truth
Marci: What are you doing this weekend? I still have questions and I'd rather to talk about it face to face
Marci: If that's okay with you of course.
Claire: Yeah, sure.
liked by sebastianvettel, lance_stroll and others
marcilazzaro1 last moments in paradise ☀️ thank you for being my friends 💛 miss you already!
tagged: brunolazzaro03, sarah_scott, alliebanks, jonas_braun and jo_king
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jonas_braun you gotta have more free weekends
↳ marcilazzaro1 yeah, let me just say that to the big boss i'm sure he'll be very happy about that ↳ jo_king scuderiaferrari ;) ↳ scuderiaferrari sorry, boss says she's essential ↳ marcilazzaro1 🤠
sundaylover hope you had a good break! ferrari media is different without you
↳ cuddlyriccx right??? it's way less entertaining ↳ elplanxincoming and charles is not enthusiastic at all lol
yukitsunoda0511 i found a good restaurant for singapore so you better come back
↳ marcilazzaro1 i can't wait!
shithappens this is so precious to me, you don't understand
danielricciardo so is my favorite media perosn coming back to work?
↳ marcilazzaro1 i need to make a short pitstop first but yeah ;) ↳ madi_races pitstop? ↳ marcilazzaro1 🤫
charles_leclerc can't wait to have you back!
↳ ilpredestinatox i NEED to know which side is charles on here
↳ cuddlyxricc so true bestie
carlossainz55 come back, they're making us do challenges without you
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MONZA post race interview:










liked by sebastianvettel, clairobernie_x and others
marcielazzaro1 turns out that the only good thing about him was his taste in women ;)
tagged: clairobernie_x
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ilpredestinatox IM SORRY???? RUE WHEN WAS THIS
elplanxincoming OH this is petty, I LOVE THIS
sundaylover this is the solidarity we need
↳shithappens she's a girl's girl 🥺
maxverstappen1 so that's what you're doing instead of working?
↳marcielazzaro1 i have boss' permisson so shush
fonzlove that's some queen shit right here
↳aussieboi YES
multi21apologist is NO ONE gonna mention the seb like??
↳ redmilton honestly, he's been in her likes for ages (since he made an acc i guess) so im kinda... used to it?
clairobernie_x who knew medicore sex could make this happen ;)
↳marcilazzaro1 CLAIRE 😳 ↳barbiegirl i just know pierre is reading this shaking in his boots
danielricciardo that's some fine views right there
sarah_scott and you didn't take me??
↳marcilazzaro1 next time babes, i promise
charles_leclerc this is amazing
↳clairobernie_x we know ;) ↳madi_races oh i like her, can we keep her?
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liked by marcilazzaro1, sebastianvettel and others
clairobernie_x girls just wanna have fun (and bitch about stupid men)
tagged: marcilazzaro1
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landonorizz i'm so happy they're friendly
madi_races oh they're so pretty
↳forzalec16 right??? im SO gay
marcilazzaro1 it was so good to officially meet you
↳clairobernie_x i'm so glad i reached out
shithappens this dynamic is precious, i don't wanna say "thank you pierre" but........
↳marcilazzaro1 thank you Pierre ;) ↳shithappens your honor i LOVE HER
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madi's radio: pt. 2 is here! next ones might take some time cause i'm just swamped with course work and i have a buch of exams this week, sorry. also how are we liking the characters and dynamics so far?
tag list: @sunny44 @rockyhayzkid @biancathecool @unluckyyoshi
click here to be added to the carved my name taglist!
DISCLAIMER: i do not know anything about this people, this is not real life, this is just something for fun, i do not know anythings about their life or personalities!
#f1#red bull f1#f1 smau#f1 instagram au#max verstappen#pierre gasly#pg10#alpine f1#esteban ocon#lance stroll#lando norris#for fun#sv5
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Hello, and welcome to another installment of niche content containing another mash of my two special interests. Written out of boredom at the airport. Today's edition, fueled with my excitement of being able to go to none other than Miku Expo 2024, I give:
The Brothers As My Favorite Vocaloid Songs!
Yes, I know, please, quell your excitement. I know everyone was waiting for this one. I will take no criticisms or judgments, only enthusiastic additions.
Warning: While nothing stated in this post needs a full content warning, if anyone decides to look up these songs, many songs themselves have plenty of individual warnings, so please search with caution.
Now, the song I think he'd actually enjoy listening to is Daughter of Evil. It's got tragedy behind it, the song is a bit more classical/waltzy, exactly the kind of thing he likes. However based off his vibes alone, I'm gonna say Honey I'm Home. Mostly because I love Ghost and Pals but also because religious trauma. And I know other people agree with me because I've seen fanart of it.
I think Mammon would listen to Sand Planet. Oo, or Bring it On. Do I have a detailed explanation as to why? Not really in so many words, but it just seems like something he'd listen to, I feel it in my bones. I will not be taking any questions. Now the song I think he embodies? Wildcard. I mean, the whole motif is about playing cards, it's upbeat and fast paced and I love it and I love Kasane Teto even more.
I will physically fight anyone who doesn't think Levi listens to Rolling Girl at least once a day (I won't actually fight anyone but I feel very strongly on this matter). It helps him get through hard times but it also makes him cry. Which...same, Levi, same. But if Leviathan were to be a song itself, I'd have to pass it over to Volt Tackle by Deco*27. Pokémon, talking about fighting and struggling at first to capture someone's love? Oo, or Digital Girl. It's got him written all over it. (Or if I want to be sad, give him Anthropophobia)
See, Satan is hard because I never know if I envision him listening to heavy metal or if he prefers soft melodies. And, I mean, I know he can like more than one genre at once, but picking THE song I think he'd listen to is hard... but if I'm going off of what I like as well as gut instinct... Abstract Nonsense. Now, selected off his character, I'd have to pick Hikari Yo. It's just very emotional and desperate and the poor demon boi is like that on the inside quite a lot. WAIT or Pathalogical Facade! Oo, lots of options for Good Ol Satan.
Easy, he'd love Gimmie×Gimmie and I don't think I need any further explanation on this opinion. I actually think Asmo would unironically like a lot of vocaloid songs, personally. And as for his songification, I handpick Aishite, Aishite, Aishite. And I know there's a lot of different people's interpretations to this song and everything and people get very... I guess territorial when it comes to this song (at least from specific corners I've seen) but it makes sense to me. It's a really popular song and it's hauntingly beautiful and it's about wanting to be loved and adored and this is MY post so I can say whatever I want about it.
Beel is another one that's hard for me to pin down... I think his music taste (joke not intended) is rather eclectic. He probably actually has no real preference other than more upbeat songs to make it easier to work out to. In which case I get to pick whatever I wish. For him I would make him listen to Happy Halloween. I don't care what time of year it is, it's cute and upbeat and about getting treats and it's one of my favorite songs ever. Now one to embody him?... Goodness that's even harder. I would love to say Appetite of a People Pleaser, but Beel's not a people pleaser... I actually don't know! Maybe I am a sham of a fan. I am open to suggestions for my baby Beel.
You know I have to pick Tokyo Teddy Bear. This mans is too edgy not to listen to it all too often. Plus, it's a classic. And, you know I have to make this all even sadder by giving him the song Error. Because I like to make myself cry. And Belphie needs a good cry, let's be honest with ourselves.
I'm also going to add the Distortanist as an honorable mention for unhinged Lesson 16 Belphie.
#legitimately so worried about posting this for some reason#oh my god#but im gonna do it anyway#obey me#obey me shall we date#obey me nightbringer#obey me headcanons
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"How do I do your job as a side hustle?"
[Excerpt from Authors of Nonfiction Books in Progress]
Recently I talked to someone who wanted to get good at social media. When I told her I have 315k followers across platforms, she said, “How do you do that!? Teach me your ways!” She was interested in making money from social media. I was also invited to lead an online course on social media or book writing as a side hustle.
It reminded me of all the times I’ve heard, “How do you find so many bones?” or “How did you get that award?” or “How do you get a book deal?” or "How do you make money from writing?"
I LOVE talking about this stuff. I WILL talk about these topics for hours. And I LOVE the implication in the conversation that I'm good at something.
I also really respect the positivity in general that comes with someone asking if they could do that. It is good to ask how someone does something rather than resigning yourself to "I'm not good at that stuff." (AND the people who ask me are polite and respectful of my time! So no hate at all!)
BUT! I realized that people aren't liking the answers I give.
I used to enthusiastically give detailed tutorial answers to "how do you do that?" I often got interrupted when I did that. “Yeah yeah yeah, I don’t have time for that!” People don’t have 60 seconds to hear a summary of steps of how to do something, but they think they have time to learn to do it well? It can take years.
I realized people expect me to advise some quick tips they can employ over the weekend, and they’ll have the skill/award/grant/contract in a couple of days with no previous relevant experience. Or maybe there’s a website where they can download these skills, like in The Matrix.
Now I try to find one-sentence answers that imply a huge amount of homework for them. How do you get a book contract? “Build a writing career.” How do you get a lot of followers? “content is king, audience is queen.” How did you get that award? “Do something that would win that kind of thing.”
(Also, I don't make much money on social media, so I don't have advice for making it a side hustle.)
I asked other science writers if they often get asked how to make their career (science writing, book writing, social media, etc) into a side hustle, wondering if I'm wrong to say "I don't recommend it as a side hustle." The professionals I talked to agreed that they would say the same thing. Some said they feel it's a bit ignorant and disrespectful to think someone else's career is something anyone could do, and profit significantly from, after a 1-minute conversation and little work.
Even people who have been writing for years are struggling to find work in this field. It's hard. I have an MS in Science Journalism that I will likely never finish paying for--I'm not saying everyone needs that, or even that it's very common in this field. It's not. But geez, if science writing were a skill you could get in a 60-second phone call, I would have done that!
Imagine if I said to you, "I've got some free time on Thursday, I think I'll start doing your job on the side. How hard could it be?"
It can certainly be worth it to learn these things, and there are some things you, personally, might be 90% of the way to achieving! So, maybe a 10-minute conversation can help you start the process of capitalizing on your existing skills! I just encourage you to realize the answer to “how do you achieve X” is almost always “a ton of work and practice.”
Maybe ask more specific questions after you've already done significant Googling. For example, “What’s the title of the award again so I can look for it?” “What science writing communities do you recommend?” I can answer those.
PS. I'd love to hear if you've had similar or different experiences! *Is* your job something you recommend to anyone as a side income? Or are you constantly battling that assumption?
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Kinktober day 15: Kinks listed below
Fic: Sebastian Stan
Daddy turned Father:
Dad to be!Sebastian Stan x Wife!reader
Warnings: Slight pregnancy kink, Cursing, SMUT 18+, Pregnancy talk, Going to the Doctor's (Does that even count?)
W.C: 1305
I figure this didn't turn out great but I've had a busy week and I'm tired so, if u like it please re blog. Thanks

I'm sick. Really sick. Every Morning for the past 2 weeks I've been waking up with a horrible stomach ache and the need to vomit. I haven't told Sebastian though since he's been away filming for the past couple weeks. But, doing the logical thing I went to the doctor.
"So y/n, I think we'll do an ultrosound just to make sure you don't have a stomach bug or something anymore serious. You did however pass all the blood, heart and senses tests with flying colours so it cannot be anything got to do with your brain." Said the doctor.
"Thank goodness! I love my brain." I replied sarcastically.
"I'm sure most of us do y/n"
Dr. Mayladd led me over to the ultrasound room as she handed me a blue papery hospital gown. Addressing me to remove my shirt and put the gown on instead.
"Gosh that's scratchy" I complained making my way over to the examination chair, leaning back as far as the chair would go.
"You'll only have to wear it for a couple minutes, I'm sure you can handle that"
"Of course doctor" I moaned playfully, causing a small laugh to escape the Dr's perfect red lips.
"I'm going to spread some jelly on your stomach okay, it'll be a little bit cold but it won't be for long okay"
"Sure" I answered, boredom creeping into my voice.
"Oh y/n. You sound like an annoyed teenager, brighten up a bit. You could either get home to your husband knowing you have bowel cancer or are expecting a baby." She told me, sounding a little bit too enthusiastic talking about cancer.
"Yeah, thanks but I'd rather not have either"
"You don't want children?" The Dr asked me, sounding a little less excited.
I let out a loud sigh before explaining to the Dr exactly what I was thinking.
"Yes, I do. I do want children. It's just that Sebastian has been away filming for a good while and we never really discussed when we would want to start a family. So I'm not sure if this is the right time."
Dr. Mayland rubbed some cold blue jelly over my stomach, through the hole that was cut in a circle right over the tummy. Then she connected a couple wires to an ultrasound remote, which kind of took the shape of a jade roller, just thicker and electronic. She started rolling the remote across my stomach spreading the jelly with it.
Eyes focused on the computer machine as the remote scanned my skin. Suddenly a small shape, about the size of a blueberry came into view.
It was undeniably a baby.
"Well, you are pregnant and it looks as if you're about 7 weeks along. Would you like me to print off the photos?"
Said Dr. Mayladd as she continued scanning over my stomach.
"Yes please." I responded, overwhelmed at the fact that I am carrying a child.
"OK. Give me a second to do that."
The Dr. responded, a few seconds later I heard a faint buzzing sound and then she turned around to face me. A roll of what looked like Polaroids in her hand. Putting them in a small box, along with a card before she handed it to me. With a note of congratulations, I left the Dr's office.
The drive home was stressful. The radio was playing 'Starlight' by Taylor Swift. One of my favorite songs, but I couldn't pay attention to it. Crazy thoughts running through my brain. What if Seb doesn't want kids right now, What if the pregnancy goes wrong. What if, what if, was all I could think of right now.
As I arrived home, I almost drove away, seeing my husband's car in the driveway. Shit. How do I tell him?
Leaving all my thoughts in the backseat of the car, I unlocked the front door. Immediately greeted by soft kisses escalating down my neck.
"Hi baby." "How are you?" I asked him as he pecked my lips.
"I'm good. You?" He questioned, pointing towards the doctor's receipt in my hand.
"Oh, Well." I hesitated, struggling to find the words to say to him. Not knowing if I should even tell him right now.
"Well, I'm pregnant."
Sebastian stared at me for a couple seconds, clearly starstruck by the news that he's going to be a father.
"Y/n. Are you serious?"
"Yes. That's why I went to the doctor today. I've been sick almost every morning since you were away, which is ironic now that I think about it. Considering we had a pretty fun night a couple days before you went off for shooting."
"But yeah, I'm 7 weeks along." I uttered anxiously.
"Shit y/n. We're gonna be parents."
Sebastian yelled, happiness clear in his tone and visible in his full smile.
"That is if you want to keep it." He added on, seeing my scared expression.
"Yes, baby, I want to keep it, I'm just scared. We haven't really discussed this much, since you've been away a lot." I expressed.
"Doll, there is nobody else I would rather have children with than you. I love you with all my heart, please acknowledge that." He reasoned.
"Now. We have to celebrate" Sebastian continued.
Picking me up and carrying me up the stairs to our shared bedroom.
Running to the bed, I undress into my bra and panties, my husband doing the same.
"Babydoll, I'm gonna fuck you so good you'll have another baby in you soon enough" He chuckled as he unclipped my bra. Grabbing my breasts in his hands, kneading them as he trailed kisses up and down my neck.
Sweet moans escaped my lips all the while Sebastian sucked on the sensitive skin along my neck. I reached down to his groin and palmed him through his boxers, earning a desperate moan from him. Dropping to his knees, towering over me he grabbed my underwear, tugging as I lifted up my hips letting them slide down. Feeling Sebastian's rough fingers slide along my slit, into my wet hole.
"Damn Mama. You're so wet already. Wonder how well you could take my cock" He muttered, adding a second finger into my entrance. Pumping in and out. My moans grew more desperate as he pumped faster inside of me, rubbing my clit with his thumb. I knew he could feel I was close, because he stopped just as I was on the verge of cumming.
"Ahh. Seb, what was that for" I moaned out, annoyed at his act.
"Not so fast mama. Don't you think I would let you cum that easily without you cumming all over my cock." He growled.
Removing his boxers, he lined himself up with my entrance before thrusting his hips slowly. I groaned, feeling myself stretch as he worked his thick cock through me.
"Oh Seb" I moaned as he thrusted into me harder and harder. Hitting the right spot each and every time.
"Fuck Mama, you're so tight for me." He moaned. Bucking his hips against my own as his thrusts became much, much harder. Digging even deeper into me. Causing me to scream out his name. "Fuck Sebastian!!" I screamed, the pleasure almost too much. I felt Sebastian's fingers trace over my sensitive clit. Rubbing it in a soft circular motion.
My pussy clenched around his cock. So tight and so close. Sebastian's finger grazed my clit one more time, sending me over the edge. A couple moments later, after one last deep thrust, Sebastian came inside me.
"Fuck babydoll. You feel so good" He moaned, still working his cock inside me. I only moaned in response. The pleasure was overwhelming.
If this was what pregnancy would be like, I don't know why I'd be so scared, becoming a mum.
#marvel fanfiction#sebastian stan#bucky barnes x female reader#bucky barnes imagine#sebastian stan fandom#bucky imagine#sebastian stan characters#sebby baby#bucky barnes x reader smut#sebby stan#sebastian stan x reader#sebastian stan smut#sebastian stan fanfiction#sebastian stan x wife!reader
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Are there any dynamics or scenarios in your au you're especially invested in?
My interests have certainly altered a bit since I've fleshed it out more, but I've noticed I've gotten a lot more invested in Alastor's and Vox's relationship. I think it's in part due to it being one of the darker and more complex relationships in the AU! The only "boring" part is that it's not necessarily too different from what people think it's like in canon. Like okay, by all accounts Vox could have never had lustful or romantic attractions towards Alastor in canon (he was said to be obsessed, but obsession doesn't equal love) and I think most people would still agree that Vox does have a limit to what he'd do to Alastor within canon. But it also wouldn't feel "out of character" for him to do darker stuff like say non-con considering he doesn't seem to have issues with it in canon considering his relationship with Valentino. Would he actually DO non-con? Personally I don't think so (he seems like he would rather have enthusiastic consent), but I also don't think it's exactly out of character for people to depict him that way. So as a result of all of that, Vox in the Obsession AU is a bit boring on that front I won't lie. Unlike other characters, he's virtually the same as his canon counterpart, albeit more than likely darker and more obsessed than canon.
Where I get the most out of the relationship is how Vox differs from everyone else and the "temptation" he offers to Alastor. Alastor is also a lot less of a shit-talker to Vox in this AU. He typically would rather avoid the subject of Vox altogether and gets quieter rather than laughs at him. Both due to his short time with Vox and the relationship/betrayal that occurred. His bad end route was fun to explore and something I'd like to play around with more in the future.
Rosie was one I initially was pretty invested in, and still am. To a lesser degree but I'm sure I'll come out with more ideas for her when season 2 is out. She's pretty cut and dry though currently, but I do like the relationship between her and Alastor. Angel Dust grew to be a lot more interesting to me when I started thinking how Alastor would willingly get drugged by him. He was initially a bit of a "throwaway" as I knew I had to include him (radiodust was BIG during pilot days, so I had to include something with it in my presentation of the Obsession AU), but I wasn't really sure what to do with him. But the more I thought about it and some people talked about it, the more interested I got with it. How Alastor "uses" Angel to cope and vice-versa.
Mimzy is another one as I like how pretty much nobody else likes her and Alastor has a bit of "favoritism" toward her. She has a very backward way compared to everyone else: wanting Alastor to take care of her instead of the other way around. Which, he'll do happily! She is someone Alastor has a genuine history with due to knowing each other in life, so she's certainly someone he still cares about despite the curse. And I also just like the idea of him getting drunk to try and pretend she's not affected by the curse and it's like the good old days. It's very sad, and I really like it! I think another reason I like Mimzy's and Alastor's relationship a lot is because it sorta hits the marks that I like in Alastor fics: Alastor taking care of someone else. I don't really find myself always caring about sickfics where Alastor is the one sick and someone needs to take care of them. But sickfics where the other character is sick and he needs to take care of them? Yes, yes, yes! It's partly why I really like giving him parent-child relationships. But I also like things that have him taking care of people like Rosie or his mother.
And I suppose I should mention this as well: Emily! I never made much mention, but Emily is the main reason I was hesitant about angelic beings not being immune! While I'm not sure I'd go this route (it feels like it'd make more sense for Sir Pentious with this quite honestly), I had the idea of Emily coming down and helping the hotel wiggling in my mind for a while. And there, Alastor would finally have an actual confidant. I imagined once he realized she was slowly being affected he'd try to break away from her. But I'm not sure if I'd have that, just in part I don't really know if that should even happen let alone if it should be Emily and not someone else. I like Angelicsmile (or radiojoy) so I'm a bit bias even if it wouldn't be intended as a shipping thing.
And of course, I do need to mention Keekee. Ever since I decided she doesn't like him and as a result Alastor likes her, I've found a lot of joy in their dynamic. I also like Keekee though (I'm very much a cat person and I love the cyclops and key thing with her), so I'm a bit biased about Alastor's relationship with her. Him just forcing himself onto her to spend time with him and hear his grievances is a very fun idea and a bit ironic considering his situation. I do like to imagine that in more serious, quiet moments she might offer some comfort which is nice.
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Louis - the Liam Gallagher cosplayer
I said my next project would be Louis as a homophobic bully - with proof. But the hard proof I have is in a hard drive I can't access right now, so I'll leave that for later (but it is coming as soon as I can).
I thought instead I'd tackle a huge thing that's been bothering me, especially in light of the Oasis reunion.
I'm personally a huge fan of Oasis, and everything about Louis regarding Oasis annoys me, but particularly these two things:
He's not an actual fan and never was. Just a casual listener who's marketing himself a certain way to appeal to a certain audience
He's attempting (rather embarrassingly) to be a copy-paste version of Liam Gallagher
I'll divide this into two parts, and this first post will be about point #1, because it'll be too long otherwise.
Anyone who was a fan of One Direction in their early days would know that Louis' Thing, the music he said he enjoyed, was Top 40 radio. He can act like he's an indie rock band enthusiast all he wants, but that's just simply not true. In fact, that was HARRY'S thing throughout his time in the band.
Fans called him a hipster (the whole Frat Harry thing came later, at the time, in 2013, fans said he was a hipster). And Louis LITERALLY mocked him for liking "obscure" bands.
Here, March 13 2013, One Direction's Take Me Home Tour in Dublin. They read Twitter questions and answered them on stage. The question was "What's the number one song played on your iPod?" and Louis introduces the question to Harry with "Harry, got any indie bands we haven't heard of?"
Here's the video. The question is at 2:06, first he talks to Zayn, then Niall, then at 2:36 to Harry.
This isn't a one-time incident, but it's one I distinctly remember (because I went to multiple shows of that tour and followed it closely!) and can physically point out. It happened multiple times. It was a Thing Louis mocked him about constantly. Keep in mind, Louis was 21 when this happened, a fully developed grown adult who had been in the industry for three years and was a professional musician.
Why do I say this? Does it bother me that he mocked Harry? No, that's just banter lmao. But what bothers me is that a few years later, he would rebrand as someone who enjoyed indie music, as an indie musician himself, who enjoyed and propped up unknown bands. And his fans would act like Harry was the popstar who made and enjoyed shallow music and Louis was a rock connoisseur all along.
At 21 Louis... distinctly wasn't that person - he also wasn't that person at 22, or 23, or 24, he started being that person in 2017, when he decided to craft his entire persona around being a Donny chav who gave you a two-finger salute and wore trackies to red carpet events.
Louis didn't even try to act like his musical style was indie rock back then. in the early 2010s there was a type of social media called Ping where you could log in songs that you liked. It was connected to your Twitter account and your iTunes account. Because in late 2012 (Louis was almost 21, might I add), it was about to shut down, a fan (a Larrie) documented the whole thing in screenshots. Here's the post. Of course they make everything about their conspiracy, but the account was legit (connected to his verified Twitter account) and the post made the rounds on normal Tumblr, so I remember seeing it at the time and saving it because it was interesting.
Some of the songs that he added to his Ping:
Thinking of You, Part of Me, Wide Awake, and the entire Teenage Dream album by Katy Perry
Talking to the Moon by Bruno Mars
Look After You by The Fray
Someone Like You by Adele
Far Away by Nickelback (he got this as a tattoo lol)
Who Knew by Pink
Bedshaped by Keane
I'm With You Avril Lavigne
Take Care by Drake
Yellow, Shiver, Talk, Fix You by Coldplay
Moves Like Jagger and Payphone by Maroon 5
It Girl by Jason Derulo
Without You by David Guetta & Usher
Love Story and We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift
Domino by Jessie J
Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol
Goodbye My Lover by James Blunt
Titanium by Sia and David Guetta
Somebody That I Used to Know by Gotye
Turn Up The Music by Chris Brown
Let's Go by Calvin Harris
Mr. Brightside and Somebody Told Me by The Killers
We Are Young by Fun.
Stop And Stare by OneRepublic
She Moves In Her Own Way by The Kooks
Basket Case and Wake Me Up When September Ends by Green Day
Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen
I Miss You by Blink 182
Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous by Good Charlotte
Bright Lights (the album) by Ellie Goulding
Believe (the album) by Justin Bieber
Naive by Lily Allen
Imagine by John Lennon
How We Do (Party) by Rita Ora
All of these songs are heavy rotation radio hits. I'm not sure how many people will see this post, if any, but if it happens upon any young Gen Z or Gen Alpha eyes, who happen to not know some of these, they're literally just... the most played songs on the radio at the time, and Imagine by John Lennon (which was the only song older than 2000 in his entire Ping).
The only bands he has on this entire log, are Two Door Cinema Club, who you might say "oh wait, that's indie isn't it?" except they reached #2 in the UK albums chart in 2012, when this log happened. Literally following trends once again. Same thing goes for Owl City, it's a somewhat indie project, but they had a big hit (certified Diamond and hit #1 in the UK and the US), Louis logged in the project immediately after this song made it big. A bunch of John Mayer songs, who in 2012 was hyper-mainstream. Or the #1 album Coexist by The XX. And songs from the #1 album in the UK Contrast, by Conor Maynard. That plus the incredibly mainstream hits by some more rockish bands (I'm surprised he didn't log in American Idiot by Green Day) and pop. That's it.
What about Oasis? It's there.
Stop The Clocks - a greatest hits record.
Stop Crying Your Heart out - literally the #3 most popular song of theirs on Spotify
Little By Little - a huge hit off one of their latest albums (33 million YouTube Views, 85 million Spotify plays)
I'm sure he enjoyed himself some Oasis. He was a British boy growing up in the late 90s and early 2000s. It'd be weird if he didn't. But he never talked about going to see them growing up (he was 16 when they played in England for the last time). He logged in just one album, and it was a greatest hits. He logged in two songs, and they were both huge hits. He logged in a ton of songs by Coldplay, or Katy Perry. Hell, he has more songs logged in for DRAKE than Oasis.
It's obviously not definite proof, but he had that Ping account for two years, and all his iTunes purchases or likes showed up. I also don't remember him mentioning them in any particular way throughout his time in the band. Nor him mentioning going to see them. Or wearing their merch. Or...
Despite both Liam and Noel having a Twitter account as far back as 2009/2010, Louis didn't follow either of them until 2017


So that in and of itself is bizarre for someone who in 2017 would give a million different interviews specifically mentioning Oasis and Liam Gallagher, right?
But the most egregious part of his pretend act, is that he's just flat out wrong about Oasis in and of itself.
First of all, in every single interview he mentions Oasis, he singles out Liam Gallagher. You can look it up, because frankly, there's so many interviews where he does this that I could probably be here forever. He talks about Liam Gallagher so much it's almost obnoxious (and we'll get on to that in part 2), but he almost never talks about Noel. Who he mentions is Liam. Even though he says Oasis was a huge part of his inspiration as an artist, who he mentions is Liam. And this is in the context of Oasis, as a band who inspired him growing up, not Liam Gallagher as a solo artist. OASIS. Liam.
To the uninitiated on Oasis, Liam is my favorite because he's great. He's funny, he's charming, he has a distinct voice that makes Oasis stand out. He's a mean tambourine player. But to name Liam as your inspiration when you admire Oasis, as a musician, is akin to doing that with Ringo and The Beatles.
Just so we're clear, this is the writing credits for their debut album:
Their second album
Third album
Shall I go on?
Liam doesn't play instruments, except the maracas or the aforementioned tambourine. Noel:
You have to actively ignore everything about the band to pretend that your inspiration, musically, as a musician, is LIAM GALLAGHER if you actively like Oasis. What the hell are we talking about?
To be clear, Louis didn't say in these interviews that he admired Liam's vocals (which he could never in a million years imitate, and I beg him not to try), or attitude, or charisma, or fucking tambourine expertise. He talked about lyrics, and music, and songwriting. And yet, he never mentioned Noel Gallagher. IN THE CONTEXT OF TALKING ABOUT OASIS.
Listen, I fucking hate Noel Gallagher. He's a c*nt. But I happen to like Oasis, and I know, despite how much I despise him, that Oasis wouldn't exist without him.
So why did Louis mention Liam??? Well, two main reasons.
His fans don't give a fuck. They don't care about his musical opinions because they're not fans of his music or him as a musician. It's why they don't listen to it. They're fans of his status as a purported underdog or the conspiracy theories surrounding him, or rate him as a part of the band they once liked. Some of them pity follow him. He could say his musical inspiration is Miley Cyrus because of how well she plays banjo and it'd make absolutely no difference for them. Also, most of them are musically illiterate and would find a way to justify anything he says, despite being completely nonsensical, if they even listen to him in the first place.
Because of #1, Louis has been on a quest to capture a specific type of audience. He tried to capture the 1D audience with Just Hold On and Back To You (which are songs that are actually up his alley in terms of the music he consumed). But despite being his best commercially performing songs, they failed to actually and significantly move the needle. And he saw the writing on the wall even in the middle of promo for Back To You. Which is why he gave up trying to be commercially successful with that crowd and has been relentlessly trying to shift his audience.
It's why he wears sweatpants and sneakers everywhere, why he called himself a chav in 2017/2018, why the horrible haircuts, why the constant smoking and drinking in promo pics, why the pivot to "actually, I'm a die hard indie enthusiast" even though four years prior he mocked his bandmate for that exact musical taste. It's why he markets his own music as indie, rock, etc, even though it's decidedly not. It's why he does the photoshoots he does, hires the people he hires, and has the bands he has in his narcissistic "festival."
It's put-up on. I suspect it's partially borne out of deep insecurity and wanting to appeal to the type of guy he went to school with. I think his mates, despite enjoying the wealth of 1D's success, took the piss out of him for being in a boyband. This is pure speculation, but we're talking about the guys who openly retweet Andrew Tate (Nizam Kabir), or mocked his singing voice in his ex girlfriend's posts...
Let's actually expand on that, Hannah Walker, Louis' ex girlfriend, uploaded a video to her instagram account singing with a sore throat. It was captioned "sore throat singing" and this is what one of his "best friends" from childhood, Calvin Rodgers, commented on it:
This wasn't some gentle banter either, this was around a point in time where Calvin and Louis weren't hanging out (2013/2014). I actually saw Hannah's post and the comments a few years ago, but her account has gone private since.
"Calvin (unprompted) In theory, the singing wasn't AS flat as Louis" another friend (Dan Woollet) replies "Fair point" to which Calvin replies "Not only fair, but true." Hannah replies "controversial."
Louis cheated on Hannah with Eleanor (I can do a deep dive on that later), and at first Hannah didn't know, so she and Louis were on good terms, but she has been openly very negative about Louis ever since late 2011.
Calvin is also a musician, by the way. His comment was fair and true. Louis' singing IS flat. I doubt he'd say that to his face when he's on good terms with him, especially because he greatly benefits from Louis' money and status (his friends have mooched everything from access to events, to paid vacations on yachts by being with him, to outright jobs). But from things Louis has said in interviews, such as "I don't have a skincare routine because my friends would make fun of me" or "if I showed up wearing designer clothes my friends would never let me hear the end of it," it does seem like he has this need to fit in and seek approval from these idiots. I'll never understand it, and I'm not going to try and psychoanalyze him (and he doesn't wanna do therapy because he's too good for therapy anyway), but I think he wouldn't be seeking this audience otherwise.
His attempts have clearly failed. His music is consumed less and less. He's at 2.4 million monthly listeners on Spotify. Just so we're clear, Spotify has a chart of the most monthly listeners per artist, where they chart the first 500 artists from 1 to 500. #1 currently is The Weeknd with 107M. #2 is Billie Eilish. Harry is #53 without having released music in 2 and a half years (which is amazing).
The #500 is Lynyrd Skynyrd with 16,147,684 monthly listeners. Louis would have to gain 14 MILLION monthly listeners to be at the bottom of the list. That is SEVEN TIMES the total amount he has right now. That's how bad it is.
His fans don't listen to his music. They're just incredibly annoying online because their idea of stanning him or being his fan is Twitter, and TikTok, and some of them on Tumblr and never shutting up despite having zero actual arguments to back anything up (which is why I'm venting on this blog, and potentially giving Harries tools to shut these idiots up because I know how annoying they are).
I think he's still trying to market himself this way because deep down he still wants the acceptance of his high school buddies and other men like them, and his idea of cool is (deluding himself into believing to) have a career that his buddies would actually respect (as opposed to 1D).
To close off this part of the post, I'll leave with the worst part. How do I know he's not and was never a fan of Oasis? How do I know that he's lying when he says they were his inspiration as an artist?
Well, this:
He said variations of this multiple times in multiple interviews. He bashed metaphors a ton, for instance:
“[So how you classify your genre?] Oh, that’s a big question. Wow, that’s hard. In terms of what I’m looking for from a production point of view, I want things to sound organic and live. Not too many programmed instruments. I want it to feel authentic. From a lyric perspective, almost like indie-pop, very conversational. All these sexy metaphors people put in their music? I ain’t got time for that. I like it straight to the point. It’s hard to classify it as a particular genre.”
Here's another he gave for MTV:
Though "Back to You" is certifiably pop, Tomlinson grew up loving guitar-based rock bands, he said, and that when it came time to sit down and create solo music of his own, he found inspiration in the acts from his youth: mainly Oasis and Arctic Monkeys, both from Northern England (like Tomlinson). "The way that they write I've always found very interesting because, you know, if you look at a pop song fundamentally, lyrically it's very different to the conversational style that Arctic Monkeys or Oasis might use, and that's exciting to me," Tomlinson said.
All I can say is.. What the actual fuck is he talking about?
Obviously I have a lot more that I can say. But. WHAT?
Let's ignore Arctic Monkeys, because yes, I would absolutely call "honest and to the point" early Arctic Monkeys. Honest meh, because early AM was so conversational and so casual and about such mundane things that honesty wasn't really a factor, but whatever. It was incredibly to the point. BUT OASIS? OASIS??? Honest and to the point? OASIS?? OASIS??
Just so we're clear, the most mainstream song Oasis has ever released is Wonderwall. Everyone knows that song, correct? What the fuck is a wonderwall? That is not A WORD.
The word "wonderwall" came from a George Harrison album. And the lyrics have absolutely nothing to do with it. The song itself is a "Hollywood-esque song" that talks about "some unfathomable crazy love story."
The entire premise of wonderwall is that one person who's always there for you, but told in an abstract metaphorical way. That is by definition the opposite of what Louis said he wanted and liked.
In fact, Oasis FAMOUSLY worship the ground The Beatles walk on. Hell, Liam named his kid fucking LENNON. One of the most known facts about The Beatles was the amount of fucking NONSENSE they wrote in their lyrics. I Am The Walrus?! Like, this is music 101. Louis you are supposed to be a musician (yet play no instruments).
The second most mainstream song by Oasis is Champagne Supernova.
This is a verse from that song:
Wake up the dawn and ask her why A dreamer dreams she never dies Wipe that tear away now from your eye Slowly walking down the hall Faster than a cannonball Where were you while we were gettin' high?
Exactly what part of this is honest and to the point? I thought he hated metaphors?
Remember the songs he Pinged? Let's see those lyrics.
Little By Little
'Cause little by little We gave you everything you ever dreamed of Little by little The wheels of your life have slowly fallen off Little by little You have to give it all in all your life And all the time I just asked myself why, you really here?
I'm gonna go insane. What the fuck did he mean by "honest and to the point" immediately after saying the word "Oasis"? Is he OKAY? Is he having a stroke and smelling colors? How else can he describe this as "honest and to the point"?
The other song was Stop Crying Your Heart Out
Hold up Hold on Don't be scared You'll never change what's been and gone May your smile (May your smile) Shine on (Shine on) Don't be scared (Don't be scared) Your destiny may keep you warm
I'm swimming in directness and honesty here, you guys. I can't believe how to the point these lyrics are! Metaphors? Never knew 'em! Soooo conversational!
But maybe I'm cherry picking songs, and the rest of Oasis' discography actually fits what Louis said, right? RIGHT?!
Let's look at Stop The Clocks, the Greatest Hits album Louis pinged back in 2012. Literally the first verse of the songs in order. Just so we're very clear.
Rock 'N Roll Star
I live my life for the stars that shine People say, "It's just a waste of time" Then they said, "I should feed my head" That to me was just a day in bed I'll take my car and drive real far They're not concerned about the way we are In my mind my dreams are real Now you concerned about the way I feel Tonight I'm a rock 'n' roll star
Some Might Say
Some might say that sunshine follows thunder Go and tell it to the man who cannot shine Some might say that we should never ponder On our thoughts today' cause they hold sway over time
Talk Tonight
Sittin' on my own, chewin' on a bone A thousand million miles from home When something hit me Somewhere right between the eyes Sleepin' on a plane, you know you can't complain You took your last chance once again I landed, stranded Hardly even knew your name
Calling all the stars to fall And catch the silver sunlight in your hands Come for me and set me free Lift me up and take me where I stand She believes in everything And everyone and you and yours and mine I waited for a thousand years For you to come and blow me out my mind
The Importance of Being Idle
I sold my soul for the second time 'Cause the man don't pay me I begged my landlord for some more time He said, "Son, the bills are waiting" My best friend called me the other night He said, "Man, are you crazy?" My girlfriend told me to get a life She said, "Boy, you lazy"
Seriously I wanna sit down and ask this man what the hell he was talking about. How can he, with a straight face, say that LIAM GALLAGHER was his musical inspiration growing up because of the lyrics of OASIS, and how straight and to the point, devoid of metaphors, they were. It's the most nonsensical talking point I've ever heard. If he was even remotely relevant the way people would've laughed their head off at him saying this would´ve been diabolical.
He said Oasis and Arctic Monkeys because they fit the persona he wanted to build (even geographically).
There are SO many actual indie bands from up north who write the type of lyrics he claims he likes, but he's too lazy to actually do research into this put-upon image he chose for himself (I hardly think a competent group of people was behind any of it).
He changed his hair, his facial hair, his clothing style, the way he talks, walks, the words he says, how he stands in front of a microphone, his facial expressions, the aesthetic surrounding him, even the people and teams he hired for his career, to cosplay Liam Gallagher. This isn't a case of inspiration. Inspiration is normal. It happens in art every single day. Everything we do is an amalgamation of stuff others have done before. Everything is invented. I want to make it very clear that I don't find any of that problematic in any way.
But Louis is an inch away from wearing the skin of Liam Gallagher as a winter coat. I'll actually dive deep into that in a second part of this post, because it really does go SO deep.
And I sincerely doubt he likes him or his music all that much. He just likes the idea of people viewing him like they view Liam and the "respect" he would get from men.
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Hotel Room
Media - The Queens Gambit Character - Benny Watts Couple - Benny X Reader Reader - Y/n y/l/n Rating - 17 + Word Count - 1350

Benny finished up with the Vegas tournament for that year, the press dealt with his winnings collected from the organizers so he headed to the hotel bar for a beer to celebrate. After a while of him sitting at the bar nursing his blue ribbon beer, a girl sits down beside him. At first, he didn’t think much of it but he absentmindedly glanced over when he heard her voice, and his jaw hit the floor.
She was wearing a pair of black platform heels, black sheer thigh high stockings, white petticoats under a black shimmery knee high dress with a off the shoulder top, she had a silver locket around her neck, a silver watch on her wrist, and a impressive ring on her little finger, She had bouncy hair curled up like Marilyn Monroe, with the make up to match it the look. She set her small white handbag on the bar and ordered a drink, "Vodka cranberry, save on the ice" she ordered from the barman
Benny's gaze lingered on the girl, his eyes scanning every inch of her figure before finally focusing on her face. A slow smile spread across his lips, “Looks like someone's celebrating too,” he said, his voice low and smooth, drawing out the last word into a husky purr.
she scoffed a little at his attempts to strike a conversation with her "I suppose I am." She answered not making eye contact as she waits for her drink
Benny chuckled and took another sip of his beer. His eyes roamed over her profile, drinking in the delicate curve of her and the way her eyelashes fluttered against her skin as she gazed away. He leaned in, his voice dropping to a whisper, “You know, I'm not just any ordinary guy who tries to strike up conversations with beautiful women. I'm Benny Watts, the greatest chess player this side of the Mississippi.”
she got her drink and paid before sitting her bag on the back of the chair "My, my, Benny Watts. Aren't I a Lucky girl?" She joked, "I take it you’re here for that big chess thing going on in the conference rooms?"
Benny's smile grew wider. He nodded, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he replied, “The Vegas Open, yeah. I'm defending my title. But I have to say, I'd much rather be talking about something else with you.” His gaze drifted down to her throat, where the silver locket glinted in the dim light of the bar. “What brings a lovely woman like you to a place like this?”
"The Vegas Poker championship," she answered "Y/n Y/L/N, Top two poker players this side of the Atlantic," she introduced herself
Benny's eyebrows shot up in surprise, his interest piqued by the revelation. He couldn't help checking her out and trying to hide the small blush that forced it's way to his cheeks, he knew Y/n, having seen her in sports illustrated a few times and… They have have been… A few of her pages under his bed- but he did his best to keep his cool. He set his beer down, his hands steepled together as he leaned in, a hint of competitiveness creeping into his voice. “Y/n Y/L/N, huh? I've heard of you. You're quite the legend among poker enthusiasts, I uhh dabble a little myself,”
"Thank you, nice to know I have a reputation. I've heard of you too, October's sports illustrated they did you wasn't it? Very brooding." she slightly teased
Benny's face flushed a deeper shade of red as he tried to play it cool, but his eyes betrayed his embarrassment. He glanced away, clearing his throat before responding, “Ah, yeah… that shoot. I guess they liked the whole 'tortured artist' vibe I was going for.” He chuckled awkwardly, running a hand through his blond hair. But then, his expression turned serious, and he leaned in closer, his voice taking on a flirtatious tone, “So, Y/n, what do you say we make a bet? Loser buys dinner?”
"And what would we be winning or loosing at Mr watts?"
Benny's grin spread wide across his face as he leaned in, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
“A game of chess, sweetheart,” he whispered, “Winner takes all… including bragging rights, of course.”
she scoffed "Now why would I willingly try and play benny watts at a game of chess? You think I'm stupid?"
Benny's grin faltered for a moment, but then he recovered, his confidence returning in full force. He leaned back in his chair, a sly smile spreading across his face once more “Oh, I don't think you're stupid, Y/n,” he said, his voice dripping with amusement. “I think you're intrigued. And besides…”
He reached out, his fingers brushing against hers as he picked up her hand, His thumb danced across her palm, “You see, when I win, you have to admit defeat… and kiss me.” Benny's eyes locked onto hers, challenging her to accept the terms of their little game. His gaze burned with intensity, leaving no doubt about the outcome he had in mind. he gave her hand a little kiss,
"Why would I? A professional poker player take the chance at playing the US beat chess player at a game of chess? Be like you willing playing poker with me." She explained removing her hand from his grip and finishing her drink "And if you want a girl to kiss you so badly Mr watts, you could just… Order her a drink?" She suggested,
Benny's face fell, his lips curling into a mock-offended pout as he raised an eyebrow, feigning hurt. “Oh, so now you're playing hard to get?” He laughed, the sound low and husky, as he leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers together in front of him. “Well, I suppose I can play along,” he drawled, his eyes glinting with amusement as he signaled the bartender for another round. he said, his words dripping with seduction. “How about we cut the crap, finish this round and then you meet me in my hotel room tonight… alone.” Benny's smile was a slow, lazy curve of his lips, inviting her to join him in a game of cat and mouse.
she raised an eyebrow and sipped her drink "bold aren't you?"
Benny chuckled, the sound low and confident, as he leaned back in his chair, a smirk still plastered on his face. “I'm not bold, darling… I'm just direct.” He shrugged, his shoulders rolling beneath his leather jacket, as he reached for his beer. “I make no apologies for wanting what I want,” he said, his voice smooth as silk, as he raised the glass to his lips and took a sip.
"And tell me exactly what will happen if I came up to your hotel room?"
Benny's eyes flashed with a hint of mischief as he set his glass down, his gaze never leaving hers. “Well, I think that's fairly obvious,” he said, his voice dripping with innuendo. “If you came up to my hotel room…” he paused, letting the silence hang between them like a challenge. “…you'd find out just how well I play chess…off the board.” he winked, Benny's smile was a sly, predatory curve of his lips, as he leaned forward, his eyes burning with anticipation.
Benny's gaze snapped towards the clock on the wall behind her, his eyes lingering on the time before returning to hers, “Midnight,” he said, his voice low and husky, as he nodded once, sealing the deal.
she nodded finishing her drink, as pulled a compact mirror and lipstick tube from her bag touching up he make up before returning them to her bag, "I'll see you then benny" she cooed putting her handbag on her shoulder and giving Benny's cheek a kiss leaving a bright red fresh lipstick kiss on his skin before she left the hotel bar,
Benny watched her go, a slow smile spreading across his face as he lifted his fingers to touch the kiss on his cheek. “Mmm… Y/n,” he whispered to himself, a low hum of anticipation vibrating through his chest. He glanced around the dimly lit bar, making sure they were alone before standing up and heading towards the elevators.
#tbs#thomas brodie sangster#thomasbrodiesangster#tbs smut#thomas sangster imagine#tbs imagine#tbs imagines#thomas brodie sangster smut#thomas brodie sangster imagine#thomas sangster#benny x reader#benny smut#benny fanfic#benny#benjamin#benny watts#benny imagine#benny watts smut#benny watts imagine#benny watts x reader#Bennywatts#the queen's gambit#the queens gambit#thequeensgambit#TQG#Benny watts x reader
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