#i’ve had it with fandom atm this is why i’m just shouting thoughts into the void not even interacting with people anymore
boringsideeffect · 8 months
the levels of delusional you must be to think you’re fandom police. “i don’t like what i think this person might be shipping therefore they’re evil!”
read that again.
like. what the fuck.
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grantairezee · 4 years
I had this survey saved in my drafts from like 6 years ago or something, so I’m going to do it. I was tagged by @boutiquebeelzebub
1. Write your name in song titles:
golly. My actual name is long, so I’m going to shorten it to an adjacent nickname that nobody actually calls me.
California Dreaming-The Mamas and the Papas
Holiday-Green Day
Undisclosed Desires-Muse
Cemeteries of London-Coldplay
Kryptonite-3 Doors Down
2. Why did you choose your url?
Grantaire is a cynical “trained-as-an-artist-but-not-using-his-training-for-mental-health-reasons” “does-a-lot-of-anguished-pining” type character who I vibed with for Obvious Reasons. The -zee is from Gamzee Homestuck, who I like, but he got mind-controlled and then everyone including the author acted like the things he did while mind-controlled were narratively the same as his independent actions, which makes me mad. (I just like that Sad Clown, OK?). Before that I think my URL was viewfromthecarrock, a Tolkien Reference, but also that was so long ago that I can’t actually remember when I changed it. I probably wont ever change it again bc now i got that Brand Identity, babey.
3. Middle name?
4. If you could be any ficitional character who would it be?
I don’t think I would want to Be A Fictional Character per se. Be in a fictional universe? Maybe. but if you’re making me pick: Gandalf, because being OP and also trolling everyone on the reg. is an energy I would enjoy manifesting.
6. Favourite song atm?
I don’t have one specific song that i’m deeply into right now. I’m experiencing complicated thoughts about The Wellerman, and also I’ve been listening to Green Day’s Entire Discography from the last 10 years while i drive to and from work, and that is an interesting experience in light of current events.
7. Top 4 Fandoms?
Star Wars and Lord of the Rings are always my top 2. IDK which other two would round out my 4. I guess Les Mis and Homestuck would be solid contenders since they’re where my url came from...IDK, folks, IDK. If I had done this when I was tagged, harry potter would have been in there too, but I’m Having Complicated Thoughts in re: JKR’s whole everything, so idk if I can count that anymore, even though I have probably put more brain hours into thinking about Harry Potter than any other franchise in existence, Literally Since I Was Seven. Possibly more brain hours than JKR put into it. JKR thinks august has 3 weeks in it and that trans people aren’t valid, though, so what does she know? Maybe I should just revoke custody. My City Now And They’re All Trans.
8. Why do you like tumblr?
I like it bc nobody IRL could find mine unless I told them how. It’s the anonymity for me. I enjoy shouting into the void with limited repercussions. Also I’ve made some good friends on here that I enjoy talking with. @ my mutuals I see u and I love u.
Tag 9 friends:
This is Schrodinger’s tag. You may self-select to participate as the spirit leads you.
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mcrmadness · 5 years
I was tagged by @cupcakecurl a while back (thank you!) and finally I’m on the mood for doing this myself as well!
Rules: tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better!
Top 3 current ships: I actually have just one OTP, which is Bela/Farin (aka FUB) from Die Ärzte, and then multiple smaller ones here and there. I’m finding new ships way too easily and sometimes it bugs me because I meant to enjoy a thing and boom, suddenly I have a ship there to fuck up with my brain. B/F is pretty much the only ship that I can say to actually ship, the rest are more like just for fun, I enjoy seeing stuff but I don’t really do anything about it, you know?
But now as I think of it, I think of it, I could say another band ship here: Paulchard aka Paul Landers and Richard Z. Kruspe from Rammstein, about these I have also watched videos and read some fancomics too and last summer’s tour was a wild one and I was following the events quite a lot.
And then maybe I could throw one fictional ship here too as it’s pretty much current one since I just finished watching the 5th season of Gotham last week, and that is, of course Nygmobblepot aka Penguin/The Riddler aka Oswald Cobblepot/Edward Nygma. I’ve never in my life shipped these before, even tho I’ve been a Batman fan since 1999 (I was 8) as I saw the 60s series on TV and I can remember almost shipping Batman and Robin back then, and I was only 8 years old!, and then had been watching the movies more or less during my childhood, but this was never something I’d even think of before I started watching Gotham and things started happening in the show. But it’s an interesting one. And I have to admit that while the show was still running and I couldn’t watch it because I live in Europe (and was too lazy to look for a website to watch it :D), I was still browsing the tag on Tumblr after each episode and giving myself spoilers of what happens with them. But I think the ending was a lot different than what I thought based on the Tumblr posts, and I’m actually not sure what to think of it. Imho it was not as bad as everyone else seemed to think.
I’m putting this under a read more link as this is getting way too long and I don’t know if people are interested in reading my weird thoughts about ships and other random stuff, so here you go... 
Top 3 all-time ships:  Oh my gosh, I have had so many but only like 2 actually strong ones? And I have to say Bela/Farin here as well, the reasons are found from above and I’m just so obsessed with them and idc what it is, already the friendship is like friendhip goals, you know? But yeah, I’ve been making videos about these two idiots for like last 10 years so... :D
And the next one, okay I’m usually not so talkative about ships. I can talk about them with people in private but I don’t like to go and shout about them publicly, probably the only one I talk about this way is Bela/Farin but it’s because Tumblr is a safe place for this and there’s no hate with this ship or anything (and the other one is Paulchard, every now and then I will reblog something that crosses my dash). But mainly I like to keep ships to myself and like I said in that other tag game post, ships are more like a guilty pleasure. Maybe because of my age as it was very normal at the age of 15 but now as I’m 28? Why am I still “in love with other people’s love”? I actually don’t mind it but I think many people would find it weird, especially when I don’t read fanfictions anymore and I don’t want to imagine anything, I just like seeing cute stuff, but with many ships I don’t even want to see too much, I just like seeing them being close but with many ships even seeing them kiss would be too much.
But anyway, top 3 all-time ships... I think I need to mention here a ship that I was very much obsessed when I was 15-17, that I wrote LOTS OF fanfiction and was there to make lots of fan theories and all, and that one was Frerard aka Gerard Way/Frank Iero from My Chemical Romance. I was SO obsessed it’s insane. If you know anything about MCR and Frerard, you maybe are aware of how was the year 2007 and you can probably imagine how crazy we all went when Project Revolution stuff happened. So yeah, I need to mantion that here even tho I no longer “believe in this ship”, but I guess I’d lie if I said, that I didn’t believe that there was something there back in the day. I’ve actually recently been watching some Frerard theory videos just for fun, because there’s so many things I had forgotten and so many things I still can remember, but also lots of stuff that I kinda missed because they happened in 2010-2012, and even tho I was still very much in the fandom and I was to their second gig in Finland in 2011, I still was not that much into the Danger Days album so I was not so into digging up stuff either. And I had my own identity crisis and Die Ärzte had been my favorite band for 1-2 years at that time so I was spending lots of time watching DÄ videos, so MCR was kinda at the background. And then the whole band went quiet for some time until they quit in 2013 (and now they’re back), so all that Frerard hype kinda died after each of them started to get married to other people and the kids were born, so there just... kinda was no more room for the ship, you know? But Freard was my first actual huge slash ship, I’ve had others before it (for example, my first touch to slash fiction was Harry Potter fanfiction and of course Harry/Draco stuff, but that one also later died out), but it was the first really strong one and then Bela/Farin kinda took its place as Frerard died out but B/F has been going strong and the ship has been sailing itself since the 80s, so... :D
And as the last one I think I could again mention something fictional but at the same time something that is super weird for me as it’s not slash fiction but hetship, which is something REALLY weird for me. I usually don’t like heteroships as they’re just... boring and so cliché. But I need to mention this one that I got into when I was 15: Fox Mulder and Dana Scully from The X-Files. Yeah I know it was 2006 and the series had ended already in 2002, but I was a new fan! I had known about the series since I was a little kid as my dad was watching it back then, but I started watching it myself when the show had a rerun here in 2004-2005. And then I met my friend in 2006 when we were 15 and we found out that we both were very much into TXF and I remember how we somehow both started to ship Mulder and Scully (having no idea of how the series ended), and it was probably until the 6th season (there was 9 seasons at the time) when they stopped airing it altogether, so we were so furious about the fact because the last episode was such a cliffhanger and we NEEDED TO KNOW, so I had to buy them on dvd! So I remember how we would meet at school every day and after every episode, we went so crazy, discussing what had happened in the episode and if there was any Mulder/Scully activity, we were just so hyped :D And then, as we STILL hadn’t seen all the seasons, we went to see the second movie (”TXF: I want to believe”) in theaters in 2008 or so, and it’s set to happen after the events of the seasons, we were both so blown away by what was in the movie because we had no clue :D Fun fact: I actually finished watching the 9th season only last year. So now I understand the events of the second movie a lot better, and I’ve also seen the 10th and 11th seasons so now I’m finally aware of everything. But that really is a hetship that I accept and that is not like a typical movie romance type of ship. It has interesting dynamics.
Last song: Tatuoituna by Tehosekoitin
Lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick, I don’t use any make-up, but chapstick I need to use daily.
Last movie: Iron Sky. I’ve seen it before tho, but we’re gonna watch the sequel soon, so we had to watch this to remember what happened :D (And it’s made partially by Finns, so..!)
Reading: Atm I have 3 books I’m reading, all of them in Finnish:
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, which has all the short stories in one. But I think there’s some of the newer ones missing and that’s why I bought this bit newer book with more stories, and I’m gonna read those once I’m finished with this one. And I’ve been reading this now for years lol... but I’m slowly getting there, I’m already over halfway through :D
A collection of Edgar Allan Poe’s short stories, I don’t know the name for this book and it doesn’t say any name for the original. This one I also started to read a years back, only to pause if for years and then last year I borrowed it again from my dad and tried to continue from where I was left the last time.
The Heroes of Olympus: The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan. I’ve been reading his books ever since I was a, well, teenager probably, and I have had a long pause with these books and reading overall, but now I’m back at it and trying to buy and read all of his books I still haven’t read.
I wanted to read the latter only after finishing with SH and Poe’s stories but I needed to read something and they’re bit too difficult reading at the times, and I needed something lighter but also didn’t want to start over with Harry Potter for the 5th time so I decided to go for this series instead. I really like reading SH and Poe’s stories, but like I said, they’re bit difficult at the times. You can’t just read them, you need to think and use your brains meanwhile you’re reading, and sometimes it’s just so incredibly hard to stay focused on it and I need to go back so often because I wasn’t paying attention and then had no clue what was happening and why.
And I sometimes I skip some of Poe’s stories because they’re so purely scientific about a topic that I cannot comprehend nor care about, e.g. this one story that was almost like a science essay about hot-air balloon flight in the form of a story, probably super interesting for someone who likes this kind of stuff and even more interesting for a writer interested in stuff like that, but I’m really not the target audience of that story :D But then there’s also lots of really interesting ones, I especially like the ones that have something to do with insanity. I guess people would call them as the horror stories, but idk, I just love that kind of mystery. For some reason all of my favorite stories are those where there is a dead woman/love interest :DD But probably my ultimate favorite is the one about writing an article to a magazine with horror stories, and how this guy become beheaded and all just to write a story about how it feels like and stays alive meanwhile, and I just LOVE IT when fictional works play with death and when something that is supposed to kill you, doesn’t, and I just love the idea of that story so much :D It’s just that you never know how a story will be like, as you start reading, is it a scientific essay or a mystery or a horror story or about insanity or what is it? And then when in the middle of reading and you realize this is bit boring or uninteresting, but still want to finish, but also want to skip, and that’s why I get stuck with that book, and I change to SH or something else. Often I also grab some of the comics (or non-fiction books) I own whenever I feel like reading but these books feel too heavy for that moment.
I should tag 9 people but I don’t even know that many people to tag lol. Okay I do know people, but I still don’t know who wants to be tagged and who doesn’t. Maybe I’ll be boring and tag @stufenlosregelbar again? :D And idk, maybe @annika-of-the-lost? Eh, I’m so bad at this whole tagging thing. I’m having a bad conscience if I don’t tag anyone/enough people in case they want to be tagged and I can’t read minds; and then I’m having bad conscience when I DO tag people in case they’re all somewhere facepalming and screaming “WHYYYYYY” into the void, as I still can’t read minds. So you can choose, do this tag game or ignore it and ban me from ever tagging you people again, I don’t mind :p
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slashtakemylife · 5 years
Very late but here’s my personal journey with Adashi
One year ago I was at work, I was still just training and we had nothing to do atm so I was scrolling on twitter, so I followed the Voltron account and then is when I saw it, yes the famous tweet, I thought I saw wrong but no I clicked on it and it was a normal tweet like any other followed by all the sdcc panels tweets
I was soooo over the moon!!! I wanted to scream and shout and jump and everything!!! But I was at work so I silently screamed, I was sitting on a desk chair so I kept sliding my feet on the floor and just wiggling my legs because I was soooo excited!!!!
It wasn’t until I was home that I saw Shiro was trending and not no.8 or 5, but 1!!! And the trend said Worldwide!!! People, I’m from Mexico so trends are from here and of course massive popular things like GoT or Orange and stuff but I never saw voltron as more than a small specific niche of people so the idea that we were trending and enough for even me to see was so amazing
I swear I stayed on my bed, just watching it, feeling the moment just staring at that list and giving it a refresh and seeing Shiro, Shiro my fave character be so loved, I saw the power of representation since all this love was because of the Shiro announcement so I couldn’t believe it, I felt like I was part of something beautiful
I knew vld had a big LGTB audience and given what happen with Korrasami I wished them good luck, but to see it happen to my favorite character, it brought so much potential character development, know Shiro’s backstory, see how he is in another setting, now not just as a Garrison member, a paladin and a war survivor but now I’ll be able to see his soft side, his family and closed one side even more
I love Captain Holt in Brooklyn 99 but my favorite moments are when he shows affection for his husband, I felt I could get that and yeah I felt great for the LGTB community, they wouldn’t get a presumed, allegedly, out of show confirmed character, they and we would get a big on screen presence and Shiro is perfect for it, this big male man is also gay and in love and it changes nothing
I trusted these guys, I saw people said they promised rep and they were part of the group that made Korrasami so now a few years later here is the payoff, a beautiful on screen stablished and interesting relationship, I had my reservation when I hear they had broke up but I trusted these guys
Now onto a bit bit more personal, I have a nephew (by a cousin not my sis) and for what I see his parents are young people but I’ve never heard their posture on LGTB so it could go both ways, I lean more on acceptance, still both their parents (aka my nephew’s grandparents and one is my uncle) are very religious and one has outright said in MY home how WE shouldn’t go to starbucks because they supported the LGBT community, they also had issues with my nephew’s parents because when they left him with them they would teach my nephew their religion, a religion that is not the one they have so they had a big fight on how they tried to influence my little nephew behind his parents back or approval, my biggest fear was that they teached him to hate and there was no one to teach him otherwise and as I’m not a so close relative I didn’t know how to even start the subject
One day they stayed at my home and while me and my sis were asleep in the same room (since they used the other) my aunt went to our room to “spend time with us” by putting her religious music and reading the Bible to us, both of us were dead asleep so we barely even noticed but she did the same in the living room were my poor nephew was bored af, so my sis and I suggested we go to our room and watch something, all we could think of a kids show was Voltron, that was when only S2 was available, so now back to that day when Shiro was announced I thought, I have a perfect excuse to open the subject with him, or even if I’m not there he could see it (I didn’t know if he kept watching it but if he did then he could see it from the comfort of his home), and in Shiro! The leader, the guy you look up to, the guy who’s compassionate yet strong
I had my reservations since S3 to 6 were so wack but if he could just reach S7 that would be perfect, well now I’m glad to say he wasn’t interested in voltron and it was amusing enough to watch while he was with us but not enough to continue watching on his own and I’m so glad I never told him he should give it a try, now honestly I’m in square one and haven’t talked at all with him about the LGBT community but I also don’t know how, anyway that is another issue
Adashi was a whole new experience, I’ve had other ships but they are really popular so I had no issues finding content, with adashi we became a rare pair real fast after S7 dropped and then sank more with S8 and people leaving VLD pretty much for their own mental health
It was new for me because I had never experienced this new wave of people wanting to control and regulate fandom, I’ve never seen ship wars at this scale and so full of hate and honestly some pretty dumb reasons, I saw idiotic views from both sides of the war and that is what keeps me away from twitter
Still thanks to Adashi I saw the struggles the LGTB community had on rep since vld was compared and explained so detailed and understandable, I know more and understand better thanks to adashi
By searching for adashi meant learning on vld and I also understood why I never could fully love vld the way I did Avatar or Korra, I understand more about writing and tropes
More than that, having my ship become a rare pair meant that I had to step out my comfort zone, I began writing again, I researched to better my writing and my biggest accomplishment so far:
It’s always been an ambition of mine to learn how to draw but my lack of natural talent, my insecurities, lack of will and easiness in which I get desperate I feel I’m not progressing meant I never really truly tried but by being so thirsty for content (and having the correct time and place in my life) I began to try and all I have are two fanarts but those mean so much to me because they mean that I’ve TWICE defeated my insecurities and made something I’m proud of
I’ve met interesting people and feel even made new friends, I’ve reach out to people they way I’ve never done before and even used the skills I have to contribute with the adashiversary
That doesn’t mean I don’t get heartbroken all the time, adashi is bittersweet, we rose at the same moment we sank, thanks to being in the bottom is helping me rise but the pain and suffering wasn’t necessary and it was completely avoidable
It feels wierd, it’s like thanking your abusers for making you who you are but I think we all agree we would rather never have been abused, we all here are trying to make best of this truly awful reality
But I also appreciate so much all the strong adashi warriors that hadn’t given up and that keep me strong as well
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lynx-kpop · 6 years
Why I love Jooheon
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I saw some ARMYs hate on Jooheon on twitter and I thought I’d say some things about Kpop fans. Like why do people think if they’re a fan of a popular group they’re somehow better than others. That shit is so weird to me but you see it so much in Kpop. Popular artists are not superior to unpopular artists. And fans of popular groups especially are not superior to other fans. 
You should actually be proud of who you are as a person and love yourself the way you are but also realise that you can still improve and challenge yourself to be better and reach goals you set for yourself. You shouldn’t try and get some kind of glory by proxy by belonging to a fandom. 
But instead of ranting about this, I’ll just write about why Jooheon is awesome instead. 
Jooheon has more energy and passion than all other Kpop idols combined, but it’s not just that he has it it’s that he can express it and bring it out and let it flow into his performances every time. On top of that he feels the music super well. I also have always loved music and had a great feeing for the rythm and just the way music flows and is alive and so I tend to connect with musicians who are the same. Even among professionals not everybody feels the music (or not as well) and it shows in their performances. There’s even rappers who can’t feel the rythm well so some of their lines are just off and stick out. 
But with Jooheon none of that is the case. This video is one of my favorites from Monsta X because the song is great but alos the dancing. Jooheon dances so smoothly he’s never cathing up or going too fast and everything seems easy. I think he’s just a natural at it. Partly that’s also because of his feeling for music. Of course you need to train dancing, I’m sure he trained a lot but that’s more to trin your nerves to control your muscles in the way that you want.  It will help you with moving to the music but if you can’t feel it, you’ll still have issues even with all the training. 
This feeling of course is also critical in rapping because it’s all about rythm, how you flow on the beat and that’s one of the reasons why he’s one of the best rappers in Kpop. Along with his fire inside, this makes for a great combination. I also just love how he goes ham, I’ve always liked music that gets me pumped up. Chill music is great sometimes but if you’re gonna make music you might as well go all the way. Of course I also love how he always says JOOHEON it’s just awesome, I think he should do it even more extremely :P just shout it! 
I didn’t make this video but I was in Amsterdam at this concert. It was great! This is another example of Jooheon just going ham with the music which I love. I also feel like I have to hold myself back because the music just grips me and I think with him it’s the same :P. 
You probably noticed by now but yes I relate to Jooheon a lot he’s the idol I feel like I have the most in common with. The way we like music and I loved rap since I was 14 long before I discovered Kpop. I made some recordings of myself and I want to continue but I have to figure out some other things first. The feeling I get when a song grips me I wanna start raping just like Jooheon :P. 
Even our personalities. I was a shy kid I didn’t understand people and social interactions well at all. I was good at learning in school but in life skills I was way behind most people. I was cute I guess but as a teenager I avoided people a lot and also avoided confrontation. This is something I wanna change. If you always make people happy and adapt to the situation instead of putting what you want first and just going after it no matter what, it will have a bad effect on your life(especially for guys). People won’t respect you, people will take advantage of you, it won’t be in the open or even a conscious thing sometimes but it’s how people work. 
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With Jooheon people also say there’s two sides to him more cuddly and more badass. I feel like I’ve been a bit too one dimensional, I’m a very calm person and even if things don’t go my way I don’t get upset I’m usually content and happy with my life and just adapt or move on. I get along with people well and that’s good but that’s not all I can be. I think it’s important to not just get used to this one way that you are and limit yourself to that, instead explore and live all sides of who you are even if it’s challenging at first. Even before I knew who Jooheon was I always had this Jooheon side when it came to music but I also want to have it more in real life. I found out recently from a youtoube video that Jooheon even likes pineapple on pizza like me! XD I was like wtf? (you don’t have to like it but don’t hate on it!) 
Check out Jooheons Mixtape! It’s really great. I liked all the songs, the beat on #3 was maybe a bit over the top sometimes but otherwise, it was perfect.
I think one of the best things about Kpop is how inspiring the idols can be. There is a negative side to how idols are marketed and how they often have no privacy and people attack them over nothing. But there’s also something more personal about kpop. We know when a company treats idols badly or how hard the training is to become a idol, how many people try and don’t succeed, we see the good times and the bad times the idols go through and that’s what makes some idols inspiring, at least to me. To see how much they have to deal with but are still positive and cheerful and kind, to see how hard they work and sometimes don’t get appreciated. To see very young people deal with big problems but getting through it somehow. They deal with the harshness of the world but still stay strong. That���s something I like a lot. I’m always working on myself and seeing other people struggle but succeding is just nice. 
I think we should take more of that from Kpop instead saying your group is better because they won a award or had more views. Do something with your own life don’t worry about this stuff. I like to see a group I like succeed as well but I don’t feel like their music is worse or like them any less or get sad when they don’t do great on the charts or whatever. 
P.S. I wanna do a full cover of NCT- Mad City some time. I’m really busy atm so it won’t be soon but it’s a goal of mine and I will get there sooner or later. I can already do the english parts but I haven’t practised the korean parts yet. After that maybe I’ll do one of Jooheons songs if I can :P. 
I wanted to post this higher up but nowI can’t it’ll make a great ending to this post as well though enjoy! :D
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redplaygrounds · 7 years
Ooo look that dramatic title.
So I've had a bit of a realisation since my fricking loooong hiatus from Tumblr. Why I wasn't here, (not that anyone would have noticed haha cos I know I'm not a big blog or anything) is cos I honestly didn't see the point.
Tumblr was:
1. Painful
2. Messy
3. Not rewarding
Messy because: I was posting everything on this blog, and it was too much. I started heaps of side blogs to try to sort it but that didn't really help and everything just got overwhelming.
Not rewarding because: everything was making me stressed and sad - I didn't have the energy to engage with people or their posts - couldn't even be bothered to tag my posts so I could find them later. And offline life got really busy and stressful and sad too.
Painful because: The HP rp community - not that anyone did anything wrong!!! It was just I stumbled across it not really understanding how Tumblr communities work (I still don't tbh haha) and feeling desperate for recognition. I found this tight-nit community, with such cool projects, that shared a passion of mine - I wanted to be a part of it. But I was very unsure and to be honest didn't feel that welcomed when I started to try to engage.
I don't think that's really anyone's fault - it's a difficult space to navigate between having a group of friends and opening up to invite others in. It's weird! And ofc the different levels of "fame" within the community are complicated as well! Also the drama of whether white people should rp POC really showed me that some of the HP rp community really needs to work on accessibility.
I think I tried to get into HP rp just to be a part of the community and make friends. I don't really love rp the way I think I wanted to. But I didn't want to watch the community from the outside/on the edges. That was painful.
So essentially...
My dash atm is not making me happy, and same with my blog. So I'm unfollowing a lot of HP rp, and HP in general, and making a new blog for fandom stuff. Aaaand this is a personal/political blog now!
Tagged peeps, this is for you:
I just want to thank the people who have talked to me and made my Tumblr experience better, you don't have to read this whole post lol but seriously, thank you so much! You guys are amazing and I appreciate the hell out of you, even though we haven't communicated in probably 5 months or something. Thank you, you made me feel welcome and recognised on Tumblr. I appreciate you. (And if you're a HP rp blog I'm still following you!)
Shoutout to: @restlesskhaleesi @geoswalloon @ryanthedemiboy @bpd-disaster @the-fake-geek-girl (see I missed a url change even! Hi Klary!) @hugedanzy @boogiesnikasnika @the-moon-and-stars-my-love @gryffindcrk (another url change! also thanks again for the guide to Ottawa!) @ask-rubeus-hagrid @rainbow-tonks and I'm sure I forgot someone but you as well!
Hopefully I'll be on Tumblr a bit more in future!
(and if you read all of this, you're a legend!)
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