#i’ve got wholeass characters now!
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elvenrunes · 3 months ago
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”Noya čušoitka ixok cin miš hu?”
”Fin’gwa uya miš a! Nai uya mei wikwa čušok miš.”
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parasolyaa · 7 months ago
Mischa Bachinski is a completely wrong spelling of his name. Misha Bachynskyi is the correct form.
To put it simple, it just doesn’t make sense in Ukrainian language at all. Instead of the soft “sh” (ш) that is supposed to be in the name Misha (Міша), for some reason there is “sch” (щ), which not only is less appealing to the ear, but also the name Mischa (Міща) does not exist. Could it have been just made up on purpose? Theoretically yes, but I feel icky about foreigners making up a name that sounds so ridiculous and has no background whatsoever. Besides, it is pretty obvious that they were going for the name Міша, but messed up the transcript. The surname ending -ski is an outdated Russian-sounding version, -skyi is a much more accurate one for a Ukrainian surname. Ukrainian letter "и" never translates as "i", only as "y".
Talias name was completely butchered too, more here (there's actually a wholeass rabbithole from there on). The name of the city where she comes from is spelled wrong (it's supposed to be Kyiv, not Kiev), and so is Misha's (it's Odesa, not Odessa), also it’s Chornobyl, not Chernobyl. Characters frequently say "the Ukraine", even though the name of the country is supposed to be said without the adjective. Basically, not a single Ukrainian name was spelled correctly, and many things about Ukraine also were completely messed up.
And these are not just wrong spellings! These are the remnants of Russian oppression, specifically in Soviet times, when all non-Russian names had to be transcripted from Russian, all non-Russian languages were stripped of their originality, forcefully made to sound more Russian, and advocating for the use of your language could get you deported or killed (and now the same thing is happening the occupied territories of Ukraine, Sakartvelo, Chechnya etc.). Using the correct version of Ukrainian names is at least a sign of respect and recognition.
I am not saying that back in 2008 when the musical was made the authors deliberately decided on using the Russian forms of city names and, well, people names. Back at the time the voices of people advocating for correct forms were not heard, and this didn’t seem like a big deal. But in the context of the modern world it is very important, specifically because there is a literal full-scale genocidal war in Ukraine right now. As a Ukrainian, the nuance of those names and spelling matters a lot to me, and it is the same way for other Ukrainian fans I’ve met. Some didn’t want to get into the musical specifically because of these issues, plus the fact that Misha is kind of a harmful stereotype for Slavic people in general, which is yet another topic to explore at some point in the future. And he is still the BEST representation we’ve got and I love him dearly.
I believe that using a correct form of his name is a battle worth fighting
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sixosix · 10 months ago
To approach ask length and my apologies… lkfhdh you created this monster and now you gotta deal with the consequences of your actions.
i wanted to keep this separate as a more focused thing as opposed to my other rambles. But as to how i think the potion stuff goes down…
Rosalie: no, unless T!Reader desperately wants her to.
T!Reader: Depending on how the interaction with father goes/any interferance, yes.
Rosalie I don’t see drinking it unless T!Reader wants her to, because I’d think she’d want to remember someone she considers her daughter, even if T!Reader doesn’t stay by her side. I’d think she would still cherish those memories and want to hold onto them, kinda like a parent looking back on memories rasing their kid when their kid is now living their own life and creating their own family. But I do think that if T!Reader does push hard enough, that she would drink the potion as to not put her child in distress in what could potentially be their final moments together.
As for T!Reader… something i’ve noticed but never really said rambling wise is that both her and lyney have that same intate urge to do anything for their family and loved ones. And right now, from T!Readers point of view, her only loved one (and family) is Rosalie. If she gets promised/convinced that Rosalie will be safe and left alone by the Fauti if she drinks the potion, I bet she would. Even if she no longer remembers her maman or the positive memories she has of the fauti, as long as Rosalie was safe I doubt she would care.
As for if she actually gets the chance to drink it or not… i’m honestly torn. On one hand, there is the chance that the trio + aether and paimon get their in time to stop her from drinking it and find another way. Which would be very cool and neat… But the potion is already the nice way out, as the hearth’s rule is with their life is the cost. 
Theres not really any nicer way to go around the hearth’s core rules, especially with the distraction t!reader is and the persistence lyney has. I’m sure Arlecchino knows that although her orders to leave t!reader alone may put lyney on a pause, it won’t last forever. I mean, the guy went straight to T!readers house with lynette’s help once their meeting with father was done. And although I haven’t done the story quest yet, I know enough to know that even with the traveler helping, they wouldn’t win unless father specifically let them. 
Plus, (and i had to go digging to find the exact words once i remembered it) i remembered something you said in one of my very first asks. Specifically art naosaki’s quote, "Reader needs to learn how to stay, and Lyney needs to learn how to let go". I can see the reader’s form of staying being finally confronting her past and taking the deal not for herself but for everyone else, while lyney’s form of letting go is letting go of the mc from before the potion. A bit more bittersweet, and again, i’m torn over it, but its just my thoughts! 
Also, I sent this at the same time as the fic since my theory influenced it a fair bit… so ye, back to the pit i go-
-deadman aether anon
- HI DEADMAN AETHER ANON u sent the fic first but i wanted to answer this one cus i got excited and wanted to treasure it…
- im very glad u got rosalie figured out tho!!! despite all the suspicion she received by everyone in the beginning, at the end of the day, she really just cares about mc and will always put her first! AND MC TOO!!!! top tier character analyzation 🙏🔥🔥
- I LIKE HOW U HAD TO SEARCH FOR THE QUOTE 😭😭😭 your interpretation of the quote deserves praise for fitting in the plot of the way things are going right now but i dont want to say anything in case i end up confirming or denying it HHAHA
- still, such a thoughtful and fun little read from you once again 😭🫶🫶 i have so much fun listening (reading???) your thoughts but now i got a wholeass fic from you as well?? oh i am so blessed truly U ARE A BLESSING TO MY ACC
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cto10121 · 2 years ago
Some quick Breaking Dawn points so far:
Jacob has one of the best voices I’ve read in (recent) fiction ever. I’ve never been more entertained by a voice in my life (baring maybe Catcher in the Rye). I was crying just at the chapter titles. I guess back then I was too pissed at Jacob’s dickishness as a love interest for Bella to appreciate that fully, but I do now
That said, he still sucks as a love interest to Bella. Oh god the suckiest
Edward and Seth’s bromance will never not warm the cockles of my cold dead heart
Jacob and Rosalie’s hatemance will never not warm the cockles of my cold dead heart (reprise)
Bella and Rosalie’s newfound alliance is surprisingly wholesome. Honestly, it’s nice
Actually I’m just enjoying the character dynamics. It’s interesting how the alliances swtch and change
I’m still ambivalent over Bella’s decision to keep the baby. Yes, it is in character and the about-face is not far-fetched. I guess I wanted a little more struggle and ambivalence before Bella accepted the little critter
On that note I’m annoyed by how Edward’s arc is written constantly with a two-steps-forward-one-step-back progression. It’s the last book in the series and he is still surprised at typical Bella shit, re: She would love and want to keep her vampire baby??? Jacob understood immediately, which is the most horrific ship bait, but Edward was still blindsided
But…he respects Bella’s decision. Ditto Carlisle. Those clown antis that have tried to claim BD is pro-life propaganda don’t know what they’re talking about. If anything the baby-obsessed Rosalie is framed über critically for caring for Bella only because she is pregnant with a kid. Jacob at least is rightfully scornful and Edward hates it too
Re: Anti clownery, the idea that Bella has no agency in her story is laughable at this point. Laughable. She makes key choices and decisions that drive the plot, everyone literally respects her decisions, and her plan to birth the baby safely and live???? Actually worked. Bella got the sweet vampire D, a wholeass found family, and a sweet kid in the bargain.
On the Quileute side: Sam really was done so dirty. His decision to attack and his insistence to the point of exercising his Alpha power felt OOC to the extreme, particularly given his characterization beforehand (also the explicit Sam and Carlisle and Sam/Emily and Edward/Bella parallels). Given that he backed down after Jacob left, I feel Meyer just needed a good excuse for Jacob to break off and form his own pack. She knew Jacob wouldn’t have gone against Sam otherwise; he is no leader. It’s narrative chicanery
Jacob is finally understanding Leah much better now. Leah is doing much better now that she is not in Sam’s pack
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banditchika · 2 years ago
How A Dream Comes True - Ch 1
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read here on ao3!
Pearl comes to a decision within two minutes of meeting King Octavio—the first of his name, sole ruler of Octaria, the genius behind Octaria’s military might!
The dude is kind of a dick.
"Ayo, man,” she says, holding up a gauntleted hand. “I’ve heard just about enough.” 
His big, bad royal highness stops mid-rant. It's probably more out of pure shock than actual courtesy, but Pearl will take it. The guards standing in neat rows along the walls mirror Octavio’s sudden silence. They’re all too serious to do something as unprofessional as gasp, but their surprise at her interruption fills the grand, cavernous hall like a miasma—just like her childhood bodyguards, come to think of it. Little squiddy Pearl used to make a game of doing the most outrageous things she could, to see if they would break character and react. Good to see she's still got it. 
King Octavio trembles atop his throne, tentacles curling around his wasabi-shaped scepters. Pearl loves a good accessory, everyone knows that, but seriously—why does he need two? 
"You dare speak as such to a king? You dare!?"
"Uh, yeah?” Pearl makes a show of picking at her fingers, all ten digits safely ensconced in her gauntlets and padded gloves. Her nonchalant act makes Octavio turn an even brighter shade of fuschia. “I've got a grievance, and you’ve as good as admitted it's all your fault! I don’t care what’s going on in your country, your policy decisions are screwin’ me over! You gotta stop kickin’ your citizens out onto my family property. We’re running outta places to house ‘em!”
“Exile is a mercy for traitors to the crown—” 
“You tellin' me you’ve got two hundred wholeass traitors you just had to kick out of your kingdom?” What happened to community service? Picking up trash, walking centennials through the market square—does Octaria not do that? “That's how many we counted before I left. Who knows how many more have moved in since! I don't know what's got y’all all outta whack, but you need to put your house in order. You're throwin' people out of their homes and now they're trespassin' on mine!"
"I will not accept this audacity from an inkling child!" the king roars. His voice echoes through the hall. Pearl swears she sees a small shower of debris fall from the ceilings. She would easily win a shouting match between the two of them, but he's still got quite a set of pipes. "You have no notion of the treachery that has beset this kingdom, none! Indolent, selfish inklings, never looking past your own affairs until you see fit to meddle in things you have no business sticking your beak into—"
"It becomes my business when yours have turned my house into a wholeass refugee camp!" Pearl throws her hands into the air and stomps closer. The royal guards surrounding Octavio’s throne step forward in unison, hands straying to the hilts of their blades. She resists a groan. Seriously? They’re still backing his ass, after everything he’s done?
Pearl’s the good guy here! She’s trying to help the dude’s own people get back to their homes! It’s not like Pearl has anything against the displaced Octarians squatting at her place. But even though she won’t kick out a bunch of desperate people with nowhere to go, even the Houzuki family estate can only hold so many people. How long can they reasonably keep two hundred plus people fed, watered, and most importantly, entertained? 
No. No way. Not even her family’s money can manage that if King Octavio keeps kicking people out of their own land willy nilly. 
Fuming, Pearl jabs a finger at Octavio’s furious octopus face. "And I’m no kid. I’m twenty-one!”
She realizes her mistake as soon as she says it. 
The king leans forward, a bloodshark scenting weakness, his ancient poison-green eyes glinting with malice. "And here I thought I was dealing with a fifteen-year old brat. It wouldn’t be the first time. If there's anything your ridiculous, foolhardy coming-of-age tradition is good for, it's sifting out the scum who can't crack it in your excuse of a society. Why should I entertain someone three years over the age of majority, who hasn't even killed—what are you children doing nowadays, testing yourselves against Salmonids? You hardly look fit enough to fight a Chum. What a waste of time. Guards! Deal with her." 
As one, the guards arranged along the walls and King Octavio’s throne advance toward Pearl with their katanas drawn. She slowly backs away from the ring of encroaching soldiers and their snarling masks. She can't help the way her voice pitches loud with alarm, or the rain of plaster and dust that trickles from the ceiling as her voice fills the hall. 
"Okay, firstly, way to get personal! Secondly—hey, guys, come on. We don't have to do this." Damn, but those masks are intimidating. Cool as shell, too. Pearl kind of wants one. "You know I'm right. All the folks hangin' out at my place, they're your brothers and sisters and shit. You want ‘em back as much as they want to be back, don’tcha? Can’t we talk this out?" 
The guards keep coming. Pearl takes a step back, then another, until she can go no further. 
Her hip bumps into the great banquet table in the center of the hall. Nowhere left to run. 
"Alright, so that's a no?" She reaches behind her, armored hand closing around something nice and heavy. "Fine. At least I tried."
Pearl whips her arm forward, launching—is that a whole roasted Chum?—into the face of the lead guard. "BOOYAH, bitch!"
The thing about Pearl is—she's short. That's undeniable. She's given up on being mad about it. It is what it is, and angsting isn't going to activate Gam-Gam Houzuki's dormant colossal squid genes. But being short doesn't mean being weak, and what Pearl lacks in height she makes up for in mad dirty tactics. 
Yeah, she read Sunfish Tzu. If there's anything Pearl's learned from her travels, it's that squids under five feet need to make do.
The guard who Pearl just introduced to authentic Salmonid cuisine stumbles back into their friends, sending them staggering. Pearl takes full advantage of the confusion and scrambles atop the table. The whole thing is lined with lit candles and far too many plates for one octopus alone. Was Octavio expecting guests?
Pearl doesn’t have time to consider it. She dances out of the way of a guard’s slash, the katana’s edge biting deep into the table’s varnished surface. One hand scoops up an open carafe while the other gropes for a candelabra. Pearl brings the jug to her nose and takes a sniff. Oh, that’s strong. Tip the flame into the jug, and—
Pearl lobs the flaming bottle at the guards' feet. They scatter, breaking their tight formation to dodge Pearl's boozy little surprise. They probably don't realize that a makeshift fire bomb like Pearl’s burns itself out quickly, and she laughs as they try to stomp out the flames.
(What? It's not like she's trying to seriously hurt anyone.)
A pair of rock-solid arms close around her from behind. Pearl snarls as she's yanked back, pinned against the lacquered armor of an Octarian soldier. Flanked! Like a total chump! 
"Geddoff—" The soldier locks their arms together, throwing Pearl off balance. Her back dangles precariously over their shoulders. The awkward angle doesn’t give her any openings to throw an elbow or a sneaky kick. 
Fine. So what? She's the one in full metal plate. 
Pearl pushes off the table and into the octoling. The soldier, unprepared to take Pearl's full weight, is yanked back by her momentum and tips over, collapsing with a thud. Pearl is nice enough to avoid landing on their prone body, but not nice enough to keep from smacking their masked face as she rolls back onto her feet. They're armored, she's armored, so full contact is a-okay. 
Unfortunately, their scuffle has bought the other guards enough time to regroup. It's hard to tell with their faces hidden behind their headpieces, but she thinks she's managed to intimidate them. Their stances are cautious as they begin to close in on her. 
Four guards break off to the two ends of the table. The remaining four approach head on, cutting off Pearl's chances of jumping back onto the table or sliding under it. She grins at them. It's nice to be taken seriously. 
There's only one thing to do. Pearl grabs the edge of the table and heaves, arms screaming under the weight.
Come on, think angry thoughts. 
People who whip their seahorses. 
Bank bailouts. 
All the people who will never get to come home again if you don't do this right.
"Fuck!" she howls, and flips the enormous banquet table onto the advancing soldiers. Pearl is lucky the damned thing is so long, because the two pairs of Octolings trying to cut off her escape routes haven't even made it out from behind the main length of the table. The entire squadron topples under the weight of wood, steel, and more food than one octopus with no guests needs to eat. 
The noise of shattering cookware and crashing armor is solid, absolute, and so consuming that the grand hall is a vacuum of sound once the last plate has clattered to the floor. 
Pearl stands panting over a pile of groaning octolings. Her fingers twitch with lingering adrenaline, and a huge, unsportsman-like smirk stretches across her face. Her family isn’t going to believe her when she tells them about this.
“Phew. What a workout… Alright, man,” she says, turning to Octavio. “Can we talk like adults now?”
The king stares her down. “Yes, we can.” 
Pearl’s skin prickles. Octavio looks awfully calm for someone whose guards have been dealt with. 
The painted wooden panels behind his throne collapse like falling cards, revealing a fresh troop of soldiers. Each and every one is armed with crossbows. The mechanisms are locked, bolts bristling at their tips, all of them trained at Pearl. 
“Go ahead. What else do you want to say, shark bait?”
Pearl slowly puts her hands up. Her mind races, then stutters. Fuck. Fuck, fuck! 
There’s nowhere to run for cover, and even if she tried, there’s just too many guards with too many arrows. They wouldn’t even need to aim. All they’d need to do is fire, and Pearl would end her life looking like the pincushion from Gam-Gam’s sewing kit. 
"GAH-HAH-HA! Not so mouthy now, are you?" Octavio slams his scepters down on the arms of his throne, leaning from his seat as though he were about to strike her himself. “Typical inkling, always so headstrong, so reckless. You really think I wouldn’t have planned for this!?”
Pearl grinds her beak. For once in her life, she needs to shut up. She won’t be helping anyone if she dies here. 
Silence settles over the hall. Sweat beads on Pearl’s brow, and to her horror, her nose begins to itch. Oh, Cod. Don’t let her die because of a sneeze. She has plans; Pearl refuses to die to anything less awesome than a coddamn giant Salmonid, one big enough to dwarf Deca Tower back home.
Octavio finally twitches a tentacle just before Pearl is about to black out from holding her breath. Half of his soldiers lower their crossbows to stand at attention. The other half stay ready, but even that much is enough to have Pearl heave a dizzying sigh of relief.
“Impudence aside, you aren’t… totally incompetent,” he says, a gruff burr in his voice. “And I would prefer not to alienate my loyal citizens in purging this… cancer from my kingdom. I have a proposition.”
“Well, shoot. I mean, don’t actually shoot, but—yeah, okay, I’m listening.”
It’s incredible how he manages to curl his lip even while in swim form. That there is an expression with decades of experience behind it. “My granddaughter, my heir. Marina. The traitors I’ve exiled from Octaria are using her as a figurehead for their coup. They claim,” he says, voice dripping with so much venom that Pearl swears he’s exhaling flames, “that she will no longer tolerate my ‘tyranny’. That she will depose me and lead Octaria into a golden age.” 
Huh. Pearl winces. Now that she thinks about it, she did hear something about that on her way out of Inkopolis. She feels bad about it now, but she hadn’t been paying too much attention at the time. All she needed to know was ‘king bad, homeless Octarians, Pearl finally has a big quest’, and she was out the door with her travel pack restocked and her sword clattering against her hip.
Octavio’s skin is starting to tremble from the sheer force of feeling. Pearl can see it even from where she’s standing. It’s honestly a little surprising—that’s real emotion in his voice, rage and fear and grief like a fist around his throat. 
“They are holding her hostage in her tower. These traitors have poisoned her mind. I’ve sent my best and brightest to search for Marina, but she is being guarded by a monster of a Salmonid. One the size of your Deca Tower.” Holy squit? For eel!? 
Octavio falls silent. His perpetual glare grows even fiercer as he casts his eyes over his wrecked throne room, at the whimpering guards struggling to drag themselves from under the crushing weight of the overturned banquet table. When he speaks again, it’s with strangled pride. “My soldiers have been unable to retrieve her. I want my granddaughter returned to me. Safely.”
She is starting to see where this is going, and it’s getting hard to think through the confirmation of her wildest dreams coming true. Pearl has been daydreaming about giant rampaging monsters since before she could take a humanoid form. This is Squidmas, New Years, and her birthday, all at once!
But even through her excitement, she has to ask, because again: Octavio is a dick. 
“Are you sure your princess is bein’ held hostage? Maybe she’s doing this coup thing for eel.”
“How dare you!?” Octavio explodes. His scepters impact the sides of his throne with enough force that the metal dents, the head of one wasabi falling clean off with a ringing thunk. “Marina would never. She would never betray her own people—her own family! She’s only a child, she doesn’t know any better!”
Wait, so which is it? The princess has the integrity to not go against her gramps while militant Octarians hold her hostage, or she’s too young and naive to… also not pull a coup? Old man logic; Pearl doesn’t get it.  
“Alright. Okay, sure.” Whatever. She’ll go along with it. “So your granddaughter is being held hostage, and you want me to go rescue her.” Pearl wants to laugh right in his face—mercenary inklings, huh? Everyone always looks down on Inkopolis’ population of wandering, questing youths until they need someone to do something dangerous. “Sure, I can do that. Saving princesses—” So fucking cool—finally, a quest to write home about! “—is what I’m all about. But what do I get out of it? That doesn’t solve the problem of your people squatting on my land.” 
“If you bring Marina back,” Octavio growls, “then we will put this nonsense to rest. Those responsible for orchestrating this plot will be punished accordingly, but I will allow the exiles to be extradited back to Octaria for lesser sentences. Is that good enough for you?” 
Pearl is already salivating at the opportunity to jump on this quest. She also doesn’t want to get shot. But she just can’t help mouthing off. “I mean, it seems like you’re just giving me something to do on top of the real easy problem I asked you to solve in the first place, but sure, sure. I’ll bring your missing granddaughter back.” 
"Unharmed. If she has so much as a bruise—"
"Listen,” Pearl snaps, “I'll wrap her in a frickin' sea sponge so she gets back to you safe and sound. But in return, you gotta promise that you're not going to hurt any of your people when they come back."
"You have the audacity to tell me how to rule my own people?"
"I do, 'cuz you were the one who threw ‘em out in the first place, and I sure don't see anyone else trying to help! That's the deal, Your Majesty. I'm not sendin' those guys back to a situation where they could get hurt. I won't be responsible for it. So take it or leave it! If I’m gonna fetch your missing princess, I want a guarantee that your people are gonna come back and you’re not gonna lay a tentacle on ‘em!”
Octavio glowers. His scepters quiver from the force of his grip. 
There’s almost a hint of offense in his voice when he speaks again. “Very… well. You have my word. I, Octavio Takowasa Villaoctos, King of Octaria, will allow the safe return and fair treatment of all exiles expelled to Inkopolis… if you bring back my granddaughter.”
Pearl points at the guards flanking his throne. “And y’all heard that, right? Legal witnesses.” 
No response. Tough crowd. 
“That having been said… I wouldn’t trust an inkling mercenary farther than I can throw them.” Pearl rolls her eyes as Octavio swivels in his seat. Jeez, right back to insulting her! 
“To ensure that you don’t break your promise… Octavia!”
The freaking black hole of a hideout behind Octavio’s throne spits out yet another octoling—seriously, isn’t that a security hazard? Are there just a bunch of soldiers squatting back there 24/7? Do they get bathroom breaks?—this one without the characteristic snarling mask of the king’s personal guard. 
She’s pretty tall, clad in lacquered black armor, her tentacles loosely framing her face. “Your Majesty,” she says, golden eyes flicking to Pearl, then back. 
Octavio waves her over. “Octavia is one of my most trusted agents, and Marina’s lady-in-waiting. She managed to escape the tower during our first rescue attempt. She will ensure that you keep your end of the bargain and lend legitimacy to your mission. My granddaughter won’t leave her tower for a stranger, but she would recognize her lady-in-waiting.”
“Riiiiiiight,” Pearl says. She squints at Octavia. Something about her seems… fishy. Well, that’s probably just how spies are. At least he’s upfront about foisting one off on her. A little honesty goes a long way. “Just don’t get in the way.”
Octavia smiles. “It’s good to meet you, Pearl. You can call me Eight.”
author’s notes:
oh you better bet that squod gives his strongest muscles to his shortest inklings
Thank you for reading, and we hope you enjoyed the start of this wild ride! This AU is a collaboration between myself (Bandit) and my buddy @wtfoctagon, of great yuri infamy.
While originally written to be released as a humongous one shot for Pearl-day (hilarious that her day is April Fool's by the way), it grew out of control and turned into a multichapter. Please let us know what you think, and see you very soon for the next chapter!
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makeste · 4 years ago
I like Bakuguo but his attitude is starting to really piss me off. He's talking about Daku as if he's just ~crazy~ and as if he isn't partly to blame for Deku's toxic self-worth issues. It's infuriating to watch. If Bakuguo doesn’t admit out loud and in front of his friends that his bullying of Deku played a part in Deku's current destructive state and if he doesn’t verbally apologize and reaffirm Deku's worth then I can no longer like Bakuguo's character or Hori's writing.
tbh I don't really know why this is the discourse of choice for people all of a sudden, but this is already the second ask I've gotten about it, so I might as well address it lol.
I think fandom is conflating fanon!Deku and canon!Deku here again. fanon Deku is of course much more sensitive and woobified and has much shakier self-esteem. fanon Deku is the one that turns evil in so many AUs because of Kacchan's bullying. fanon Deku is the one that actually jumps off the roof in so many fics, as opposed to fishing his notebook back out of the pond a few minutes later grumbling about how Kacchan needs to think before he speaks or else he could land himself in serious shit one day if god forbid anyone actually does take his cruel words to heart.
and just to clarify before I get any further, I am not saying this to excuse Kacchan's actions in any way, because what he did was still completely terrible and unacceptable and WAY over the line, and what's more he knew it, too. the bullying was still shitty and horrible and awful, and definitely impacted Deku and made him miserable. I fully acknowledge that, and that Kacchan has a lot of atoning to do for it. this is not a "Kacchan did nothing wrong" post.
but that being said, I don't think canon Deku's reckless self-sacrificing nature actually has anything to do with the bullying. I think they're two completely separate things. canon Deku actually has pretty decent self-esteem in spite of everything Kacchan did to him. canon Deku doesn't think he is useless. canon Deku had a wholeass fight with Kacchan less than 10 chapters into the series in which he explicitly spelled it out for Kacchan that he had a lot of worth, and was going to prove it to him. canon Deku was persistent in wanting to become a hero and hoping and believing that he could find some way in spite of being quirkless. canon Deku never let go of that dream even when no one else supported it. I don't think he would have even given up on it after being told no by All Might, tbh -- we just never got to see how it would have played out because of everything that happened with the sludge monster shortly afterward. but he's not the type to ever give up on something that easily, and we've seen that. canon Deku never thought he was useless, but rather wanted to prove to everyone else that he wasn't.
the drive that Deku has to save and protect others even at the expense of his own safety is something entirely separate from that. he doesn't break his body for others simply because he has no self-esteem and thinks that his own life isn't important. he does it because he can't stand the thought of someone else getting hurt, and knowing that he could have done something to prevent it. it's as simple as that. like, Spider-Man has the whole "with great power comes great responsibility" thing, right? and he doesn't have low self-esteem; he simply believes that if he has the ability to help someone else, then he has a responsibility to help them. it's a personal creed. and Deku is based on Spider-Man. his philosophy is based on that philosophy, which was one of Horikoshi's core influences and is one of the core creeds in superhero fiction.
Deku is self-destructive not because he doesn't value himself, but because he is literally physically incapable of standing back and doing nothing if he knows that he can do something. he's the type of person who sees a car speeding towards someone and leaps in to push them out of the way. NOT because he wants to get himself fucking pancaked by a speeding car, but simply because he can't sit back and watch the other person get hurt without taking action. his body moves before he can think. and that's where the whole "doesn't take himself into account" thing comes in -- the fact that his thought process simply stops at "get them out of the way of the car", and never extends beyond that to "hey, and maybe I should try to find a way to do this that doesn't involve me getting hit in their place." to him, that's simply less important than the first priority, which is getting the other person out of the way.
and regarding that last part, while that may seem like a self-worth issue if he's prioritizing everyone else above himself, I think what it actually is just selflessness taken to extremes. like for instance, when a parent sacrifices themselves to save their child, them placing the child's life above their own isn't necessarily because they don't see themselves as having value. rather, it's that they love the child so much that they place their well-being even above their own. and that's what Deku is like as well. except that in his case he cares about EVERYONE, and so is willing to sacrifice himself for anyone. and that selflessness is his defining character trait, and simultaneously the most admirable and the most terrifying thing about him. it's both his greatest strength and his greatest weakness, which I think is fascinating to explore.
but anyway, so that's also why we never really see anyone thoroughly chewing him out for this behavior either. because the thing is, it is admirable how selfless he is. it's just that there's also a reason why most people are at least a little bit selfish. and that's because too much selflessness will ultimately and inevitably wind up getting you killed. at some point you either have to learn when to put the oxygen mask on yourself first, or else find yourself a loyal group of friends (or classmates) to watch your back, and make sure that mask gets on you when you need it. and maybe help you land the plane too while they're at it.
anyway so that was a lot of rambling, but basically it all boils down to three things:
when Deku berates himself for being useless (for instance at the end of the War arc), he's doing it out of frustration for not being able to push the others out of the way of the metaphorical car. that's the kind of uselessness he can't stand. the sitting-back-and-doing-nothing uselessness.
Kacchan's bullying was terrible, and it might have indeed played a part in Deku's choice of the word "useless" as a way of berating himself in these instances, but he is not the one who gave Deku this mindset of taking himself out of the equation. that's something that was already inherent to Deku from day one. (but that said, Kacchan has a lot of things to apologize to Deku for anyway, so if he wants to add this to the list I certainly won't stop him. he gets mad about Deku's suicidal attitude because it worries him, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he doesn't feel responsible for it. people underestimated his feelings of atonement before 284/285, and I think they're still underestimating him now.)
and lastly, one last important note, which is that Deku's current "saving" mindset isn't wrong, just as Kacchan's "winning" mindset was not wrong either. the lesson to be learned here is NOT that being selfless and wanting to save other people is bad. rather, it's the fact that he's trying to do it alone that's got him all fucked up right now. basically when you think about it, selflessness is really just selfishness on someone else's behalf. which means that in order for Deku to be saved, it isn't necessary for him to change his outlook or his selfless attitude, even if it is pretty crazy lol. rather, all he really needs is a good group of friends who are willing to act selfishly on his behalf in return. protecting each other through mutual selflessness lol. teamwork as self-preservation. hence why the U.A. kids are here now.
anyway so yeah, I think that's everything. sorry this got so long and out of control lol. this is just a very specific nuanced thing that's hard for me to express, but which I feel is very important when it comes to Deku's character. Kacchan didn't unleash Depressed Nomad Deku on the world (or at least not in this respect). but that being said, he and the others will hopefully be the ones to nudge him back on the right course again.
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pseudophan · 2 years ago
please elaborate!! I’ve never played it before but now I just might
omg omg without spoiling too much: the intro/tutorial mission of the game is a bank robbery where at the end only one of your three characters seems to get away, then it cuts to eight years later and you play as this guy franklin (loml) and before long you end up meeting michael (your second playable character) who you soon discover is one of the guys who seemingly died in the intro and shit goes down and finally you unlock your third character, trevor, who's the guy who escaped in the intro and believes michael is dead until he sees news about a jewellery store heist on the news and a witness quotes a phrase from one of the robbers that michael always said on heists and trevor loses his goddamn fucking mind (whats left of it anyway) and goes to find his treacherous best friend who hes got a wholeass memorial tattoo for and oh my god the DRAMA OF IT ALLLLLLL and as the game progresses trevor discovers more and more details about what really happened that night and its so delicious like oh my god and then also everyone keeps calling them gay the entire time and trevor is canonically bisexual and franklin is so so tired
and ofc its gta so theyre all obviously the worst people ever which is such nora bait
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shoichee · 4 years ago
potential juicy part 3: when they meet akashi again at the winter cup, reader, who now "hates" him, disrespects him to his face + pretends she doesn't care. but after kuroko reveals the whole story the night before rakuzan game, she's forced to confront the truth + they go all out against him (and win ofc) so akashi, now back to being akashi, confesses to reader, ig reader finally tells him what happened? (did i just write a wholeass fic in your askbox i am so sorry) btw tysm for the part 1!!
LMAOO THE WHOLEASS FIC SENT ME HELPP you snapped off in your request i can only deliver justice.... did i just listened to some KNB openings on repeat to manifest myself to pretend I’m the characters so I can accurately write them?.......... n-no...... part 1 here and part 2 here ^^ AND part 4 here
Akashi x f!Reader (but 99% g/n)
Part 3 
[Teiko!manager Headcanons]
shortly after Rakuzan’s victory against Shuutoku, the Rakuzan starters were walking together in the hallway to their lockers when you were blocking the way, hogging up the vending machines in the middle of the hallway to buy your teammates refreshments and snacks and then shoving them into your small backpack
Hayama impatiently yells at you to scram and Mayuzumi gives his own condescending comment, and you immediately looked up to see the infamous team
you instantly freeze up when you see Akashi in the back of the group just wordlessly staring as usual, and you just stay at your spot completely still for a while
“... Girl! Are you even listening?! Are you dumb or deaf?”
“That’s no way to speak to a girl!”
“Ow! But Reo-nee…”
“Maybe she just needs to eat? She’s probably hungry.”
“Ugh, no one else is like you, you know!”
Mayuzumi merely frowns before he casually looks behind to see a rather intense aura emanating from Akashi, which is quite rare considering that you were a nobody compared to him and you weren’t someone who threatened him in any way… unless that was actually the case? but he merely observes from the shadows
“Move. You’re in the way.”
you incredulously stand up straight from his words and point a finger at him:
“I-I… I can’t believe it! This is the first thing you say to me after all this time?! Everything that happened at Teiko… was… was all your fucking fault! I hope the final game becomes your own downfall, you fucking jerk! And I hope I never see you again after tomorrow night.”
by now, you were hyperventilating from shouting at him, and the teammates were stunned… and absolutely fearful, their gazes darting back to Akashi to see his chilling gaze at you, looking quite calm
“How laughable. You haven’t changed at all, (y/n). You can believe in Seirin’s basketball all you want, say all you want, but it’s all pointless. Rakuzan will achieve victory like it always has. Now step aside.”
you only gape your mouth as you furiously huff and aggressively grab your packed bag and run, but as you dash away, you slightly stumble from the dizziness you felt from the emotional stress
ngl, Reo and Nebuya kinda pitied you watching you run
when you were gone from his field of vision, Akashi merely tells them to move onto the lockers and acts like nothing ever happened
you’ve practically convinced yourself that you truly hated Akashi for hurting Kuroko and destroying teamplay at Teiko… but in truth, you were only using him as a scapegoat to get over your unrequited feelings for him // of course the deepest part of you knew that the adults were responsible, and you knew that Akashi fulfilled his role of captain to the very end (while you meanwhile still had lingering feelings of self-doubt in your work ethic all this time)
while you were extremely happy for the Seirin team for making it to Winter Cup finals, you were so ashamed to even have the fleeting thought that you wanted Seirin to lose in the semi-finals so you didn’t have to face Akashi again
the late evening before the game tomorrow, Kuroko was in the mostly empty stadium, mostly because he wanted to reminisce about the old times before he faces Rakuzan tomorrow
it was a very unfortunate coincidence that Akashi was also there to survey the court for a moment before the game tomorrow
both of them held a long moment of eye contact before Kuroko decides to call him out
“Have you ever had fun playing with Rakuzan?”
“To think that I had a fleeting thought of you asking me a different question this time. I can never understand how you’re fixated on such a pitiful ideal.”
“... Then… have you always felt this way even since the beginning of Teiko?” Akashi merely narrows his eyes at Kuroko
“Get to the point.”
“I’ve just been… wondering, that’s all.”
“Then I will not dally here further just to have a reunion about the past.” Akashi turns around to leave and walks a few steps before Kuroko calls out to stop him in his tracks
“... I want to ask you about (y/n)-san.” He merely watches Akashi slightly turning his head around before continuing. “What do you think about her?”
“She was Teiko’s head manager. How else did you think my opinion was, Tetsuya? She, just like Daiki, just like everyone else, was an asset to achieving victory. I will not repeat myself again.”
“Akashi-kun, with your Emperor Eye, surely you would’ve noticed something was amiss with (y/n)-san for a while now.” Akashi turns completely around with an impassive gaze
“Broken plates can still function fine. It’s no different with Daiki.” Kuroko grows furious for your sake
“H-How… how can you say that? Do you know how much she’s overworked herself and collapsed throughout these past months for the sake of our team? Did you even know how much of our own 1st-string players were belittling her despite her continuing to give it her all? She cared for our team—she cared for you! She didn’t even want to let you know what was going on behind your back to not burden you any further—and for you to only chalk her up as a tool—”
Akashi is slightly taken back at the sudden info dump/confession from Kuroko, struggling to process the new information… but his face gives little away; Kuroko continues on:
“We’re going to win tomorrow. I swear that Seirin will win against Rakuzan.”
“... It will be intriguing to see you try.” Akashi turns to finally exit out, leaving Kuroko simmering in his thoughts alone (excluding a few janitors) for a few minutes before he exits the stadium himself
in seeing you again the next day, Kuroko immediately notices how antsy you got and even offered to give you the massages to get rid of your own stress knots AND YOU INSTANTLY FEEL WARM BECAUSE YOU TAUGHT HIM YOUR TECHNIQUES SO LONG AGO, AND HE STILL REMEMBERS
you confide in Kuroko as he works out the knots, confessing that you don’t want to be there at the final game but you didn’t want to be selfish and ditch the team, especially since everyone made you feel like you mattered to the team (and you told him about your incident with Akashi yesterday too)
Kuroko shares his own fears and unresolved feelings to you to show that you weren’t alone in feeling uneasy (although he doesn’t share the info that he met up with Akashi)
wholesome friendship moment #753358
the talk made you made up your resolve, and you tell him that you were going to be there at the front bench to support Seirin like you’ve always done, but you do make a request for him to make an excuse for you in case you chicken out and flee mid-game or something
Kuroko agrees and to make you feel better, he proposes for you to focus on him throughout the game so you don’t have to look at Akashi; he knows you still harbor feelings for the Rakuzan captain
while the Seirin starters were warming up, you opted to survey the building interior to find the best route around… just in case if you wanted to flee // you meet Kaijo’s team by coincidence, and Kasamatsu ushers the rest of the team forward to leave you and Kise alone
Kise affectionately ruffles your hair and wishes you and Seirin good luck but also notices how anxious you look; this idiot slaps your back to calm you down LOL
“(y/n)-cchi! What are you so nervous for?”
“Ow! What the hell?”
“O-Ow, ow! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to hit that hard—can you please let go?!”
“It’s been a while since I shoulder-locked you, huh…”
“Well, I certainly don’t miss it! You’re so cruel!”
and you only give him an all-knowing look at his “cruel” comment, and Kise panics again at his usual poor word choice… but you merely laugh at his distress
unintentionally, Kise does end up being the one to help you clear up the bundles of nerves… he’s still really worried for you because he definitely can see how you’re still hung up on Akashi
at the same time, when Seirin was watching Rakuzan team members do perfect layups, getting nervous about the game, you were a nervous wreck in your own world at the bench, triple-checking everything and giving massages to Teppei to relieve his knee pain for the time being
throughout the game, Akashi does throw a casual glance at you here and there when no one’s really looking, and meanwhile, you’re incredibly fixated on Kuroko (doing what he told you so you wouldn’t be tempted to look at Akashi)
a lot of your attention was on Furihata anyways because you were focused on massaging particular areas to reduce the physical stress exerted on them during the game
part of Akashi wants to go all out and win this game not only to prove you and Kuroko wrong, but also to impress you, but that’s something his true self feels (who is dormant in his subconscious) rather than his current self… but it’s still there
the moment you broke was when the Akashi you knew and liked finally returned to the court, and you immediately excused yourself to the empty infirmary room to bawl your eyes out and put yourself together; you tell yourself that it’s just another tactic of Akashi and return to the game right when Seirin makes their game point
Oreshi gave 100% in battling against Seirin but occasional glances constantly were shot over to Seirin’s bench to look for you, but you were gone at the last part of the game until at the very end
after the team lineups and trophy distributions, you immediately run outside of the stadium for crisp night air, heaving in as much as you could to try to prevent your body from having any funny ideas of dying on the spot
“... (l/n)-san.”
from his voice, you knew it was Akashi, and you debated on running as fast as you can but the current state of your body didn’t make it a viable option; you opted to stand still quietly, your back still facing him
“(/n)-san,” Akashi softly says again, slowly walking up to you and stopping four meters behind you to give you reasonable space in the confrontation
“... I hate you, you know that? Didn’t I tell you that I didn’t want to see you again after this game?”
“Kuroko disclosed to me what happened.”
“He what?!” In your shock, you whirl around to face Akashi, only to be stunned to see his gentle eyes filled with guilt and worry
“... I want to give you my sincerest apology for everything I’ve done and for what I didn’t do for you. In seeing how the Generation of Miracles had their talents bloomed substantially at a rapid rate, I had believed chasing for absolute victory was the only way to hold us together. Teamwork was nigh impossible given that we had no equal rivals from the outside. Even if that was the only plausible option to take as captain, I still failed Teiko’s other members, including you. To think that I was foolish in letting go what was most important to me.”
he gives a deep bow, further shocking you of your wits
“I…” You pause before you frown. “What did Kuroko even tell you?”
Akashi tells you exactly what Kuroko said and you immediately deny it
“Th-That’s… I only worked hard to get better, so I wouldn’t get left behind. Our old teammates were a testament that I was lacking, and I tried hard to catch up to everyone. I only collapsed due to my own irresponsibility. No matter how much I tried, I could never reach up to everyone’s level, even until now.”
“That’s not the whole truth isn’t it, (l/n)-san?” You widen your eyes at his statement, worried about the insinuation of his words
Oreshi now was not the same Oreshi back in Teiko; he’s now much sharper when it comes to you; he senses that there was something else amiss
“Why didn’t you tell me about what happened back at Teiko? Did you feel that you couldn’t rely on me as a captain?” Akashi sounds hurt… really hurt
you, taken back, immediately were quick to answer:
“N-No! If anything, I… I didn’t want you to look at me in a lesser light if you ever found out that our members started losing faith in me, and I… I wanted to be dependable like everyone else on the team! And if I was reliable, you would be able to depend on me like you used to in the very beginning…”
“(l/n)-san,” Akashi mumbles with upturned brows. “You’ve always been viable to me and the team. Why do you go through such lengths?” Your tears burst forth uncontrollably before you choked out:
“Because I liked you! You were so accomplished and reputable…! I had always th-thought that deep down, i-if I kept improving myself, that you’d notice me in the way I saw you!” Both you and Akashi widened your eyes at what you just said
well shit, maybe now is a good time to run? but before you even had any other ideas, Akashi steps forward to gently clasp your wrist
“... How do you feel about me now?” You obviously hesitate and look down at your clasped wrist, tears still streaky on your face, and at your silence, Akashi continues. “If you truly despise me… I understand. I won’t bother you anymore after tonight… But please believe me (l/n)-san, when I say…”
he moves from your wrist to your hand, taking his other hand to bring up both your hands in a delicate clasp
“... that I’ve always been fond of you, ever since the beginning.”
“You’re lying.”
“I am not, (l/n).” To prove his point, Akashi places a tentative ghost kiss on his hands holding yours, wary in trying not to overstep his boundaries in case you didn’t want your hands to be kissed by him; he leaves his lips there before he murmurs
“... How can I make it up to you?” You feel his soft breath reverberating through your own hands, and it felt so sincere
“Well… for starters, I want to know the Akashi outside of basketball…” He lets go of your hands and gives a small smile
“Then it would be more appropriate to call me Seijurō, don’t you think?”
“Ah… then… you can call me by my first name too.”
“(y/n)... please don’t hesitate to come to me when anything troubles you.”
“I’ll try.”
“And please don’t overwork yourself. It’s not good for you.”
“I’m not making promises.”
“I do hope that in time you’ll come to realize that you’re an extremely talented person… quite a force to be reckoned with too.”
“Was the second half an innuendo of some sorts?”
“You don’t meet someone everyday who wouldn’t hesitate to cuss out the Rakuzan captain while pointing at his face.”
“I…! I’m sorry! I spoke out of—” He puts a finger to your lips with a teasing smile before he grows serious
“I must also apologize for my cruel words…
… I hope that you would find it in yourself to forgive all of my own misdeeds.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you mumble. “Maybe that will happen sooner than later because I do… like you.”
“It’s nice to hear a confirmation from you.”
“Stop acting like you got me figured out, Seijurō!”
“I wouldn’t dare, (y/n).”
bonus: imagine the shock from Seirin and Rakuzan to see you two DATING (when that eventually happens), like Hayama is losing his entire MIND over this it’s SO FUNNY LMAO // Kuroko and Kise are so smug and happy for you two it’s very wholesome
The… end?
UPDATE: sike, by the time you read this, there is a part 4 epilogue
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Codywan Rec List
“a study in philosophy” series by @someawkwardprose
This is probably my favorite thing ever. I don’t remember how I found it, I think I was just going through Ao3, but I immediately fell in love and I think I’ve read it through six times? It’s angsty and heartbreaking and heartwarming and I just can’t stop loving it. I cry literally every update. It’s grand.
“Codywan Deserves Better” by @halbarrytrashcan
Just a couple sweet little things about Codywan being each other’s comfort and happiness! Also Cody setting things... on fire? I don’t remember if that’s literal or not...
“Desert Rose” by Shadowmatic
Basically Obi-Wan wakes up after Vader kills him like it was a bad dream only a few weeks into the war. We’ve got Force visions, we’ve got trans Anakin, we’ve got ace characters left and right, it’s truly a great story. Check it out.
“if (hear: “Execute Order Sixty-Six”)” by lunaemoth
Okay okay okay consider: someone who loves the clones and hates the Kaminoans changes the code in the biochip so that instead of killing their Jedi, the clones get Severely Overprotective because fix-it fics are So Good and then also there are lots of Clone/Jedi ships.
“i can’t go back and lose it all” series by eynn
Another fix-it au where essentially like,,, all the Jedi sort of,,, fall? So the clones are like “you’re not really a Jedi anymore so... can’t kill ya” but they still have to deal with some of the other clones and also the aftermath of Palpatine declaring himself Emperor and there is NOT A SINGLE STRAIGHT PERSON IN THIS SERIES and at least two poly triads? It is a wholeass blessing.
“it’s not fair (just let me perfect it)” by @octoaliencowboy
Cool cool cool THIS. It was recommended to me by a friend from the Clone Wars Centre discord (or maybe E?) and it’s one of the first modern au fics I’ve read and it’s. Wow. Cool so Obi-Wan adopts everyone and Cody is a shop teacher and they PINE for each other but also we get high school drama from some of the other clones and Anakin and Ahsoka and also Palps being shady. A blessing and a half. I screech at every update. Is that weird? It’s probably weird.
“More Than Blood” by @generalekenobi
YES OKAY so this one. Cody’s chip malfunctions but the rest of the clones’ chips work so he and Obi go on the run and build a li’l life for themselves and, of course, they pine, because I can only read those types of fics. Currently only 3 chapters in but most of these are WIPs so if that bothers you... then I’m sorry but I’ll rec it again when it’s finished.
“Obi-Wan ‘The Therapist’ Kenobi and How He Changed Everything” series by RobinPlaysTrumpet15
Essentially, the events of Umbara piss Obi-Wan off and he decides that no, his men Will Not be cannon fodder Ever Again, and they get all cute and creative and have therapy sessions and just. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
“The Dead Man” by Batdad
A short, sweet piece in which, years after Order 66, Obi-Wan comes to Cody’s rescue unexpectedly.
“The Happening” series by... @forcesensitivebantha I believe?
Crack. The crackiest crack. The BEST crack. With a couple heart-wrenching moments thrown in for good measure. It had the entire Clone Wars Centre on the floor when we first read it. Fair warning, I believe that of all my recs this one has the most borderline dirty (and actually dirty) moments, but I’m sex averse or repulsed depending on the day and I enjoyed it so I think it’s pretty solid.
“The Many Names of Peace” by kj_feybarn
First of all, despite the fact that the clones were bred to be Perfect Soldiers and never break under stress, the clones can break. Second, Obi-Wan was NOT bred to be the perfect soldier. A sort of fix-it which, if I remember correctly, doesn’t go into detail about the fixing, but the war ends in the Republic’s favor and now Obi-Wan has to learn to deal with everything he’s been through. It’s melancholy but makes me think of a field of flowers.
“There Goes the Atmosphere” by missmollyetc
It’s not exactly an Order 66 fix-it but it is like... an aftermath fix-it. It hasn’t been updated in a few years but that’s okay! What’s written is good and although I look forward to any more the author writes, I’m content with what we have! Very Clone-centric, btw, much love.
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spooky-activity · 4 years ago
Just a little update on Cassandratopia 2: Electric Boogaloo (Or as it stands in my Google Docs folder rn, A Helping Hand). I’ll put it under the cut cuz it’s kinda long. 
I just wanted to say that I’m still planning on actually doing it, despite all evidence to the contrary lol 
I did Cassandratopia in a haze of graduating from college(where I was studying animation) and just having ended my first dnd campaign as a dungeon master (which went 3 years!). I was fishing around for internships, but since the pandemic had just kicked off I wasn’t having much luck. So I had a lot of creative energy that wasn’t getting channeled anywhere, and a lot of free time when I wasn’t applying to places. Which is how I did 4 pages a day several times per week. Which was insane. 
As it stands, I’m running 2 dnd campaigns(one meets weekly, the other every other week or so), and just scored a full-time internship at a video game company! The campaigns I’m running are a homebrew open world, which, for those of you who aren’t too familiar with dnd, is a metric fuckton of work to prep for each session because I have no idea what my insane friends and siblings are going to try and do every time we play. 
Anyways all this to say that my storytelling itch is kinda. Sufficiently getting scratched atm and I have a lot less free time. I’m still plucking away at the setting/refining the story of A Helping Hand, but it’s largely on the backburner. Cassandratopia was also, uh, like the first story I’ve ever told in any sort of format besides the give-and-take of dnd, so... I’m not used to having so much control over the narrative. Oddly. I’ve never thought of myself as much of a writer of stories; my main focus is character animation, so someone else is usually writing the stories I’m telling anyways, which is super cool with me. Honestly I’m surprising myself with how much I want to tell this story, which is why I’m still sure I’m doing it. Just. Slower. Than Cassandratopia got done. 
But I’ll share a bit of the lore I’ve been cooking up! Specifically about Zhan Tiri and The Drops. The story will be told in an extremely dnd type setting, because that’s the kind of narrative I’ve told before and am comfortable telling: hard magic rules, neat fights, scary monsters, a dash of eldritch horror, and huge emphasis being put on magical artifacts(kinda like in the show!). Here’s some stuff that’s basically locked-in. 
Zhan Tiri
Zhan Tiri is one of the many Demon Lords of the Abyss. She’s kind of a mashup of two of my favorite Demon Lords, Zuggtmoy, the Lady of Rot and Decay, and Pale Night, the Mother of Demons and Queen of the Night(with just a dash of Hannibal Lecter because who doesn’t like helpful, polite, manipulative-ass bitches lksjflkja;fj). Her domain sits almost exactly between the Sundrop and Moonstone, largely being the new growth that comes from death, and the endless cycle of life and death. Places where her influence is strongest includes the cracks in... Well anywhere really, from society to the planet’s shell, where metaphorical or physical rot could grow; musty, mostly ignored places where something could fester. Iconography related to her would include endless mazes, fungi, grasping skeletal hands, and rotting/blooming corpses. Her spores can animate corpses, which she likes to use as mindless minions when she doesn’t feel like sending one of her Acolytes. She shares a scrap of her power with those few mortals she likes. She appreciates ambition and the desire to Grow to be bigger than what you were to start with, as those are qualities she herself possesses. 
Incredibly intelligent and merciless to those she deems her enemies, her main thing is pulling the strings from the shadows and seeing just how far she can push people to act with as little prompting from her as possible. She does, however, have the power to kinda bulldoze her way through things if she needs to, but she doesn’t like to because where’s the fun in that? 
She first gained interest in the Material Plane when a Wizard with too much hubris from said Material Plane(Named Demanitus) contacted her trying to figure out more information about The Drops and how to control them. After indulging him for a bit, she started preparing to make a summer home on the Material Plane because it’s New and Fun here and Wow These Mortals are Really Fun to Mess With! And some of them she even genuinely liked! Demanitus then realized his mistake and locked her away in Pandemonium for what he hoped was forever, but turned out to be only around 1,000 years, due to the efforts of her followers. Her little stint in Pandemonium magnified the more... Chaotic aspects of her personality, so now she wants to cover the Material Plane in blooming mazes of fungal crops that she can break people with at her leisure. 
The Drops
The drops are two semi-sentient pieces of one original artifact, whose original purpose was to be a tool of creation for the gods. Which, through some great calamity(still deciding that one), got sundered and settled into the two basic aspects of creation: the nearly unlimited well of life-energy which organizes stardust into planets, cabbages, and kings, and the “you gotta crack a few eggs to get an omlette” destructive force which breaks down what the sundrop makes so that it can make more. 
The main goal of the drops is to reunite. I would want to as well if I was ripped in half! This manifests as a... General tug in the direction of the other drop. A desire in the host to Go That Way. It can be resisted, and even ignored for a bit, but it’s always there. Like being hungry if starving wasn’t a danger. Just a bit uncomfortable if you aren’t going That Way, but ignorable. 
Both drops generally try to be as helpful to their wielder as possible, as originally they were a tool of creation to the gods. They are innately obliging. They’re also REALLY UNSAFE FOR MORTALS TO BE MESSING WITH. The Sundrop is a little safer because the most it can do is kinda. Overcharge you into something distinctly not human but still alive, and King Fredrick was lucky he made the Sundrop into soup before giving it to Arianna. But King Edmund got his wholeass arm blasted off for touching the Moonstone. 
The Sundrop
Best I could whittle it down, the Sundrop has power over life energy, like the sun’s light. It also has power over the energy derived from geothermal activities, so deep sea creatures Are Not Immune To The Sundrop, which was a funny thought that crossed my mind that they could be, but that will likely never come up anyways salkdjf;ljsf It is, in its basest form, Growth and Progress. 
It’s a little sentient, but very much entrenches itself into whoever is holding it at the time. Like another mind looking through your eyes and seeing what you see/feeling what you feel while still retaining a bit of individuality from the host. It’s not... Parasitic because it’s in its nature to give, but it’s generally pretty firmly attached to whoever is holding it until they die( which isn’t usually for a WHILE. It ’infects’ a new host when one dies, usually a plant near their grave...) or until a solar eclipse. It wants what they want, but it’s very fussy so they have to ask it for power exactly correctly(like singing an incantation every time you want to heal someone, or doing a Ritual involving lots of very specific ingredients, Celestial Alignments, and Secret Words) or it won’t listen, like an orchid dying if the ph balance is off in the soil by a little bit. But it’s generally pretty intuitive to use, because it wants what you want and (as long as you ask right) is willing to help. 
Anyways basically under the influence of the Sundrop you get a few things: 
Basically limitless energy coursing through your body while you’re in a place with sunlight, which equates to rapid healing, mostly, because every cell in your body is being supercharged with free energy. Never getting exhausted in direct sunlight. (If Rapunzel lived in a place that was sunny 24/7 like near one of the poles she wouldn’t have to sleep like. until it started to get dark in the opposite half of the year. Then she’d have to sleep like a regular human being)
You stay at your prime, or if you are past it, revert to your prime. Someone who is holding the Sundrop, or who has regular access to the Sundrop’s magic can’t die of old age or illness. They have to be hurt beyond the Sundrop’s ability to heal or have it taken away from them. 
The ability to share this rapid healing with others (if you ask right)
The ability to freely draw on the raw, near-limitless energy of the sun to shape into things like cool-looking energy blasts (only if you ask right) 
The Moonstone
The moonstone has powers over varying levels of destruction: from destroying things by ripping them apart/ to Not Letting Things Be Destroyed(also known as protecting) by freezing them in indestructible rock. Like the moon, it can ‘reflect’ a bit of the sundrop’s power, so it can kinda provide energy, albeit a lot less than the sundrop can provide. It’s the inevitable march of The End of All Things, fertilizing the fields of time with the ashes of the old so the new can take root. 
The Moonstone is a bit more in the dark(pun intended hehe) when it comes to bonding with someone, it can only try to figure out what is going on based off the emotions of its wielder, and through anything directly touching the Black Rocks. Because of this it’s... Kinda dumb? It tries to do things to help(Like shooting red fear-rocks to try and scare away whatever must be scaring its wielder so badly) but often fails spectacularly at helping. 
Under the influence of the Moonstone you get: 
Mortals get Neat Body Armor that’s actually just you being turned into a rock! They are very fragile! They need to be protected! The best the Moonstone can do to try and preserve you is to Stop All Destruction by.. Pausing all bodily functions indefinitely. Rocks don’t need to eat, sleep, or breathe, and almost nothing can destroy you if you’re solid Black Rock. The weak reflection of the Sundrop’s energy keeps the host animated, but they’re not exactly alive anymore. Like cryostasis. Wounds (if any) acquired in this state won’t be a problem because they’re not messing anything up, because nothing is technically working in the first place, but they will be a problem when you’re not protected in this way anymore. It’s a cosmic ‘I’ll deal with that later’ button, essentially. 
Like the moon, the Moonstone can reflect the light of the sun. It uses its rock crystals to do so, which can even split the sun’s power into different shades, like a prism. Essentially, different colored rocks can mean new and exciting power sets. 
Blue Lightning! The Moonstone can reflect the Sundrop’s power, so it also has access to pure bursts of energy, even if it is weaker and colder. 
The Moonstone is very helpful, but usually has no idea what you want. ‘Asking’ the Moonstone for more control over its power in the same way you would Ask the Sundrop for more power reminds it of the perfect bond it used to share. The Moonstone’s incantation deepens the bond between wielder and Moonstone in such a way that it actually knows what you want from it, giving you near perfect control of its powers.
*This is kind of just a side note of the Drops: While the Moonstone is weaker than the Sundrop in an head-on fight, it could hold its own if it were on the defensive. Redirecting the power instead of trying to overpower and such.
** Cass made of rocks means I get to draw her skeleton :) not in every picture that would be fucking nuts and way too much work alskjdf;lkjs;fv
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woodstockgirlie · 3 years ago
dead poets society (for the fandom ask thing)
The first character I first fell in love with:
Honestly I don't remember if I fell in love with Neil or Mr. Keating first but one of them. Probably Neil.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
All of them and also none of them? Like I’ve always liked the characters that I liked and hated the characters that I hated, but both of those got taken to a new level when I found the fandom and the dark academia community.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t:
Honestly? Pitts and Meeks. I mean I don't hate them, I definitely like them for what they are (and Radio Free America is iconic) but honestly they're such minor characters that the most I can say about them is that I'm neutral to positive. Their personalities are one-note and they don't have much development. (And that's okay! They're minor characters. It's just that I think the way that they're much beloved is a result of like. Fandomification.)
The character I love that everyone else hates:
Okay, I wouldn't say I love him, but. Knox. I do see a lot of Knox hate/Knox anti-ing and I had a brief phase of that myself, but when I rewatched it over the summer my feelings changed. He's not perfect, he definitely done some Yikes things, and the romance with Chris (while it has cute moments) does feel forced, but he's got room to grow. I have hope for this dumbass. (On a tangentially related note, I have Opinions about Richard Cameron, but the amount of hate I see is negligible compared to the amount of apologism, so I didn't put him here.)
The character I used to love but don’t any longer:
I don't think I have one? I have a few for which the opposite could be said (see my Knox opinions above- he's pretty much the only one actually), but DPS has a pretty rigid binary of deeply hatable and deeply sympathetic characters. (I've seen takes that dispute this, but I don't really agree with any of them.)
The character I would totally smooch:
Neil and maybe Charlie. But mostly Neil. Beautiful boy.
The character I’d want to be like:
Despite my earlier Pitts and Meeks bit, I'd have to go with Meeks. The extent of his development tells me he's probably the ideal Dead Poet. He seems fairly well adjusted (as much as any Welton boy is well adjusted), he doesn't seem to have any extra trauma the way Neil and Todd and Charlie do, and he's good at math and science while also maintaining an appreciation for the arts/humanities. Please give me some of your STEM skills, sir.
The character I’d slap:
DPS has an abundance of slappable characters. Top of the list would be Mr. Perry. I actually wouldn't slap Cameron (I have complex feelings about him).
A pairing that I love:
Anderperry. I'm not head over heels for them, but it's solidly my favorite DPS pairing.
A pairing that I despise:
I'm not a huge fan of Cameron/Charlie. Just not my thing.
Thanks for the ask!
EDIT: Just realized I left out a wholeass question. Whoops.
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tellywoodtrash · 4 years ago
immj2 03.04.21 lb
aryan is literalllllllly the fuckin dumbest. zero peripheral vision or gut feels.
lmaoooooooooooo yeah right, i’d like to see you shoot at vansh bhai, aryan. i really wanna see this lololololol.
lo aa bhi gaya vansh. (fuck he looks good in this shirt!!!!!! damn my stupid hormones making me horny for the absolute baaaaaaaaare minimum.)
vansh [seeing an obviously shot angre]: angre, kya hua???
plan ke hisaaaaaaaaaab se. god i hate all the men in this show so much. angre honestly, why are you suchhhhhh a chaaatu for vansh’s ootpataaang plans?!?!
anyway long story short, vansh saw aryan spying, went and replaced all of aryan’s bullets with blanks, and sent the sms about riddhima being alive. LMAO DOES THAT MEAN HE ALSO CONNED A COOL 2 CR. OUTTA ARYAN?!?!!?! ASDKSADJLASKDJLKASDJKAS GOOD JOB, VANSHHHHHHHH.
angre like why i had to die for this tho???? oh angre, you sweet summer child. do you know NOTHING about your bhaiyya/bhaabi’s amaaaaaaazing relationship????? you think he’d give up a chance to emotionally manipulate her like this????
how’d the dumbass finalllllllllllllllly figure this is real riddhima tho??? also he has fully made his peace with treating his PREGNANT WIFE this way huh????
ishani/siya having a girly convo about siya’s “date”. ishani’s like “was it sizzling, burning, sensational?”
uhhhhhhhhh siya, if you’re feeling all these things, you should go see a gynaec. sounds like an STI to me.
this is a very creepy convo ishani is leading, about how far siya got with vyom. who wants such specific sexual details from their sister????????
asalkdjlaskjdlaskjdlaskljk ishani is like “men are like goats [....] they’re dumb. and women are powerful.” can’t say i disagree.
anyway this convo is really dumb and cringey and i can’t take it anymore. inke bhaiyya ka chutiyaapa dikhao, instead of this nonsense. 
angre is over the moon ki this is riddhima bhaabi itself, unaware that boss is fuming ki uska chutiya kat raha hai.
6 ghante 6 ghante 6 ghante blah blah blah FUCKING OUT WITH IT ALREADY
the only time i like vansh as a person is when he’s smirky over buddhu banaao-ing aryan. 
idhar aryan ne aake chugli kar di sabke saamne.
yeh anupriya ka kya hi chakkar hai, idgi. is she fr on vansh’s side now??????
riddhima khud entry maaar rahi, to prove aryan right.
everyone except siya’s reactions are like ugh, this bitch again 😒😒😒
ouff 10 min of dadi’s mafia queen reactions nonsense now.
lo vansh bhi aa gaya.
riddhima trying to interfere to save vansh (why???), and dadi’s like STFU B.
lol vansh playing stone cold stupid, like butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth.
he’s spinning yarn after yarn ki “YEH riddhima hai, WOH jisko maara woh humshakal thi. MERA PYAAAAAAAR WOULD NEVER GIVE ANY OF US DHOKAAAAAAAAAAAA.” pftttttttt.
vansh breaking it down for the truuuuuuuuuuuuuly stupid, ki he shot a girl who had riddhima’s face, she was dead, aryan confirmed it. now there’s a riddhima standing in front of all of them. thus............???????
bechaara aryan. bachpan mein thode aur badaam khaata toh shaayad itna bewakoof nahi hota.
lollipop girl is nodding appreciatively at all this drama; she’s honestly the most relatable character here. if i was a houseguest here, main bhi roz roz mazze looot rahi hoti in chutiyon ka.
le aryan ne phir bandook taan di riddhima par, to get her to uglofy the truth. ab toh isko pakka maar padne waali hai. remains to be seen by whom. hoping it’s vansh as per usual, but i shall take dadi also.
anyway riddhima flipped the whole damn game and is like dadi, aryan wanted to make you distrust vansh and that’s why he did all this and lmaoooooooo even vansh is a little stunned for a second or two and then jumps in and starts haan mein haan milaao-ing with wifey’s story.
riddhima rubbing it in reallllllllll good in front of dadi ki aryan tried to killllllllll meeeeeeeee!!!!! and now aryan’s like bitch imma kill you both istg and got the gun on them.
ASLKADJLAKSJDLASKJDLKSAJLDKJSLAKDJLAS DADI’S GOT HER GUN SET ON ARYAN NOW!!!!!!!!!!! honestly, this whole family is just so fucking dysfunctional, there needs to be a wholeass team of mental health specialists monitoring them and writing case reports about them at all times.
vansh trying to talk aryan down and got shot in the arm for it. pehli baar aryan ne zindagi mein kuch sahi kiya hai.
oh goddamnit. he didn’t get shot. coz aryan sucks at aiming, just like he does at everything else.
someone make rrahul trim his damn beard, that thing is like a foot off his face. there must be whole ass beehives and civilizations inhabiting it.
aryan passing by dadi and is like you’re making a big mistake believing vansh/riddhima and their lying asses. and what did he get for that? one jhaapad from dadi also. lol. just not his dayyyyyyyyyyy, man.
oh shit dadi is throwing aryan out the house. does he have anyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy skills to fend for himself outside this place? he’s gonna die in like 15 minutes.
dadi warning vansh ki if aryan’s baat sahi nikli, she gonna murder his and riddhima’s asses too. hey vansh??? now would be a good time to take your 5000 cr. and fuck off outta this crazy house rn.
riddhima can’t stop reliving angre’s death.
vansh’s here and just sooooooooooo cool about it. shouldn’t that tip her off?!?!?!?!
ohohohohohohoho ofc, he’s like he didn’t die for ME, he died for YOU. you and your dhoka are why he’s dead. today angre’s dead, tomorrow it’ll be me. waaaaaaaaaaah bhai. amazingggggggggg manipulation only. you should write papers and give TED talks about it, that’s how much of an expert you are at this.
do not tellllllllllllllllllllllllllll me she falls for this shit. pls god do not.
lol vansh is really pushing on the 6 ghante thing and she’s like ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, i get it now.
toh ofc he has to resort to sexy fuckery and pulls her under the shower to seduce it outta her.
riddhima don’t think with her pussy no more. she’s like you want the truth????/ i gotta confirm some shit first. took the gun (which he’d taken from aryan earlier) and left.
yup she went outside and found a blood ka packet. lolllllllllllllllllll vansh ki khairrrrrrrrrrrr nahi ab.
sopping wet saiyyaan is like what youuuuuuuu doing??? and she pulled the gun on him. bwahahahahaha. sis not so much of an idiot anymore.
she’s like bitch you and your lies and your dhokasssssssssss.
oh dang she fully called out his game, from sending aryan to manipulating her into being guilty for angre’s death. MANNNNNNNN, WHY DIDN’T WE HAVE THIS RIDDHIMA FROM THE FUCKING START????????????
oh now he’s gaslighting her about the dhoka. he’s got some nerve. i swear to god he’s asking to be shot for reals.
she’s like you know what, i woulda told you, but now, after all this fuckery, imma take it to the grave. bwahahahahahhahaha, i love it. exactly what my petty ass would do.
challenge challenge challenge and tashan waala walk-off. lol, what’s the point, tum dono ko jaana toh ek hi kamre mein hai.
ishani’s freaking the fuck out at angre’s haalat. oh damn. she really does love him!!!!
angre’s all mehhh, it’s part of the job, and OMG YES ISHANI IS LOSING HER SHIT AT VANSH BHAI’S CONSTANT CONTROL OF THEIR LIVES!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
idhar riddhima and vansh seem to have made up???? she’s waking him up cheekily, and he’s all “good morning to youuuuu too, my love. 😏😏😏” they fucked in the night, for sho.
he’s like is this love or repentence for yest? and she’s like bitch tf i got to repent for????
lmao the way she’s staring at him as he drinks his coffee makes me think she’s poisoned it. or spat in it, at the very least.
standard pulling and falling and sexy stuff. lol these two are so dysfunctional. constantly trying to sex the other into submission. at least it’s more equal now, than just him making all the moves.
yeah, she’s doing all this shit to protect him from some shit FOR SURE. ugh yaaaaar. oh well, at least she got some chracter development outta it.
lol he got mad at her for not melting at his do takke ka seduction. son, you thought a bloody forehead kiss was enough? we’re not saying SHIT for less than 3 orgasms.
riddhima cooolyyyy regarding jeeta-jaata chalta-phirta angre, who thankfully has some sharam for his actions.
she’s like don’t worry, i’m not mad at you, i know vansh put you up to it; and he’s like yeah you know i have zero self respect when it comes to vansh bhai. he says jump, i ask how high.
and she’s like you’re your own person dude. and i hope you’ll one day realize that and do what you think is right, not just what vansh tells you to. DUDE I CANNOT BELIEVE THEY DIDN’T GIVE US THIS RIDDHIMA TILL NOW. 
asdkljlaskjdlaskjdlaskjdlaksjdlkasj vansh speaking chinese was really not necessary but....... lol ok.
wtf even is this black box, dude?????? like.............. you know what, idec anymore. nothing in this show is worth wasting brain cells over.
snort, vansh assures his shady business friends that the black box is in safe hands, and instantly riddhima comes and picks it up from the table.
some sultry talk about love and war as they keep taking the box from each other. lol man you’re both so fucking lame.
anyway he put it in the safe and is being patronizing to her, and she’s like be careful at how you play this........ “kahin meri dukhti ragg pe haath na lag jaaye....” OH DAMN. DUDE. I THINK SHE’S LOST THE BABY OR SOMETHING. IT HAS TO BE SOMETHING THAT’S HURT HER MASSIVELY TO BRING ABOUT SUCH A DRASTIC CHANGE (OTHER THAN THE SHOW MOVING FROM TV TO ONLINE)
asldkjsaldjlskadjlksadjlksajd she’s threatening to tell dadi that he played this whole farce in front of her and he’s like U WOT MATEEEE
anyway both of them smilingly fucking each other up about 6 ghante ka raaz and how the other one will lose. man, y’all need SO MUCH THERAPY.
riddhima’s here talking to stupid shunya fucker; and he’s just laughing and talking about his stupid saxophone.
he’s all only the two of us know about this deal we have, no one else in the worldddddddddd knows......
and she’s like actually................................. there’s a third person.
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh boy. why did she have to tell vyom that kabir knows? now vyom’s gonna try and kill kabir for sure and i want the reverse to happen!!!!!!!! please god gimme some #kava love where vansh saves kabir from vyom to make up for that one time kabir saved his life from chang!!!!!! i just want my two boys together!!!!!!!!!
precap: same old chutiyapa. vansh got her fingerprints off a glass to open her phone; she tries to steal the black box from his secret room and he catches her. abbe yaaaaaaaaaaaaar. 
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tumblezwei · 4 years ago
I don't think people are complaining about the missions themselves but how fast it's breezing through the content and leaving out character interactions, the "animation." is lazy and half done and I was hoping for something along the lines of a Jujustu Kaisen sort of animation where the battles where instense but not drawn out, it just feels like it could've been better.
If they had the time to put in you know who standing near the statue then they had time to not miss any key interactions when it came to Neku and Shiki.
Idk it all feels rushed when it could've easily been a top tier anime, they already have the killer soundtrack, amazing VAs and amazing plot so why not go all out, why rush it?
I honestly feel like it's like kicking the fans down when they've wanted more content for ages.
Leaving out the fact that we now have episode 2, which is packed as full as it can be with the important character interactions, some better than what we got in the game (hello Eri scene) while cutting out the fat - 
My dude. My guy. What the fuck are you talking about? 
“Kicking the fans down when they’ve wanted more content for ages” did you miss the wholeass Switch port? That added brand new story? And you know, THE FUCKING SEQUEL GAME COMING OUT IN JULY????? Even if you consider the anime to be mediocre at best, how in the hell is it somehow kicking the fans down? 
And the animation is fine??? It’s not a masterpiece or anything but it’s not below any standard that I’ve scene. The fight scenes aren’t masterful but they’re well choreographed, well shot, and do a really good job of incorporating the game mechanics in without feeling forced or unnatural. I have no fucking idea why you expected JJK level animation, that’s entirely on you and not the anime’s problem. 
The entire reason this anime exists is the same reason any anime adaptation of a popular video game exists: to introduce the story to a new audience. For TWEWY specifically it was created to act as a way for the audience to learn the story of the first game in time for the sequel to come out. If NEO had come out when it was originally planned to, as in, a lot sooner than it ended up being, then this anime would not exist. It may be a bit disappointing, but this anime was never going to be the second coming of Christ and you shouldn’t expect it to going forward. it’s here to point people toward the games.
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vaguely-concerned · 4 years ago
The Mandalorian season 2 ep 1 AGAIN! it’s the rewatch folks
- The entire last season reminder/intro scene is kind of clunky and we’re-hitting-you-over-the-head-with-this, but I think it’s important to note that it’s probably meant for the vast majority of people who watched this stuff once a wholeass year ago, and not for me, the crazy person who watched each episode at least five times lol
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I like the way mando & bb walk from darkness into brief light and back into darkness here... the directors keep finding such cool ways of using the armour cinematically, there must be some lighting considerations to be made when your main character is essentially a walking disco ball. I enjoy the mood of this planet too -- the distant lights, the way the sky isn’t quite dark like there’s a city providing some light pollution nearby (it’s a bit clearer as he walks further into the... town? that it’s not just sunset, the sky is lit up weirdly) 
also when din moves towards the camera and out of sight in this first appearance, the signet is the very last thing that leaves the frame! I just thought that was sweet, a clan of two :’)
- shotout to these two lads and their boldly absolutely inexplicable hat choices (I love gratuitous star wars crowd scenes you guys)
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those tacky gold sequins on her sleeves... immaculate, beautiful, someone sat through like full body makeup application to be on screen a literal split second, that good good sw nonsense
- oh I didn’t notice before but I think those gladiator dudes are using vibroaxes! I guess they have the technology to portray it in live action now after the vibroblades in the first season
- the way bb glances up at din like ‘hey dad. dad what the fuck???’ as one gomorrean nearly chops the arm off the other fjaslfds
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- when you look for it it’s comically obvious that those guys are working for the dude mando’s meeting, they’ve all got more or less the same dark uniform and don’t look much at the fight haha. they might as well have ‘hired thugs’ stamped upon their foreheads
- I like how pared down and spare the music is in this fight scene, it’s just the faint whine of the electric guitars under the thuds of meat hitting metal 
also still love how din fights, the fact that he doesn’t even try to not get hit a lot of the time, he’s just tanking through it waiting for someone to fling themselves at him in a way he can exploit to take them out
the bouncer seems to be holding something like sci-fi handcuffs when he grabs din and lifts him off his feet, so he probably meant to restrain him quickly. bonus: I didn’t notice it the first time around, but din really went straaaaaiiight for this dude’s gentleman area once he dropped him back on his feet lol (you can even see him taking a split second to orient himself and take aim first fhsdkfhas). good job space cowboy dad, sometimes fighting smart means fighting dirty
- leaving this awful dude hanging upside down to get eaten after employing some very deliberate phrasing so he’s not even breaking his word is the ruthless HEIGHT of mando’s hilarious petty streak and it makes me cackle, gives me life, waters my crops    
- oh, the palpable loneliness and longing in din’s voice when he says ‘if I can track down another of my kind’ ;_______; I’m sorry buddy
- may we speak for a moment about the fact that din carries his son around in what seems very much to be a saddle bag sdafjkhsa
- the way din checks in with peli (to see if she’s fucking with him? he’s very confused anyway haha) over the map before saying “I don’t see anything” is so precious. he already seems much more socially tuned in and responsive compared to the beginning of season 1, you love to see it, coming out of that freeze response baBEY
- I can’t get over how much the baby loves speed, this is coming back to bite you so hard if you’re ever going to have to teach this kid how to drive one day mando
- awwww the little patented mando finger curl as he enters the bar <3<3<3 that’s sort of his tell for being preoccupied/anxious; I think finding other mandos, someone to trust and to get help from, means A Lot to him  
once he sees the marshall in the armour his shoulders drop down and he stands up straighter :’) hope is a powerful thing (I guess all of this might add even more to how angry he is too)
the DEAD STOP when cobb takes the helmet off sdkfhkajsldhfsdk
- yodito putting his lil mouth on the lip of this jar thing is such a well observed little quirk of baby behaviour, I’m crying
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(there is liquid of some sort in this thing; I’ve seen some people theorize it’s a spittoon but for my own peace of mind I’m going to forcefully declare that it is not thank you)
- so much stuff packed into that “He’s seen worse”!! dismissal, self-deprecation, sorrow, resignation, warning. 
- the contrast in this standoff of vanth’s eastwood eye twitch and the complete deadpan impassiveness of din’s helmet and general demeanor... wonderful  
- upon rewatching I’m actually wondering if some of these scenes with the baby on his own were filmed independently of the actors and that it might add to that slight distracting feeling of disconnect/distance you get through the episode. (it’s sort of odd to me that mando doesn’t even glance down at him as the whole place starts to shake, for example) there must be a lot of stuff that comes down to technical considerations with the baby; I suspect it takes a lot of time and resources to have him walking around too much, which is why The Waddle is kind of a rare treat   
what I’m saying is that they may be saving up dad & baby interaction resources for episodes where it’s more relevant or important
- so is this a one bantha town or is it just for convenient film language reasons it was all alone in frame like that lol
also cobb’s ‘mondays amirite’ look fdsakjfhsjk 
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- since I think it every time I get to this part: this is a very neat hairstyle this person is rocking, suits them! 
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- ah the stern pointer finger of emphasis. din TALKS, no, COMMUNICATES so much in this episode you guys!!!!! 
- rip this tusken, the bravest person who ever lived
- the delivery of “...they might be open to some fresh ideas” is the funniest moment of this entire episode don’t @ me
- oh the kotor-ness of it all lol
- jill (the girl who hands cobb the detonator) is so cute with her hat and everything ;____; 
- I suppose these tuskens are really the bravest people to ever live considering they saw what happened to the last guy (or gal I suppose I don’t know how sand people gender works)
- baby needs some goggles to protect his giant eyes from wind and sand Y___Y
- they’ve nailed how to make the jetpacks work in live action, it looks really cool and I suspect it easily could have uh. not 
- this poor sacrificial bantha... it even tried to get away
- ooooh the heart eyes -- cobb 100% has a crush on this man jfsdflhsad. (with it being sort of unrequited/’oh man I’m behind about 150 layers of dissociation too many to even really consider that one way or the other bud’ from mando’s side #personal headcanon disclaimer)    
- my take on why din doesn’t get dissolved in acid in there is that that stuff is released from a specific gland or something that the dragon can unleash at will and that the spit itself doesn’t have that quality on its own (or at least it’s a lot less potent) 
- seems pretty well confirmed by now that yodito is a carnivore huh hahaha
- I find it obscurely satisfying that cobb seems to be wearing exactly his old outfit under the armour -- he did just strap it on on top of what he already was. (there’s something there -- he’s a whole thing still without the armour, and at this time at least din would not be I don’t think) just some good narrative foil stuff going on here under the surface
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also once again props to the costume design; without the armour he looks so vulnerable again, they have dressed him to emphasise his height and slenderness (especially compared to mando, who actually seems to have bulked up a bit? fatherhood suits him I guess)    
plus, the way the baby looks questioningly up at din while he watches cobb walk away? yeah, din is lonely, let this poor man have a friend who stays around soon T______________T
- heeey boba, nice threads! my guess is that he’s not going to be there for the armour if he does track din down, since he hasn’t seemed to be in any haste to get it back before (which is interesting!). he might also have been unable to go looking for it before because he was still recovering from being half digested, of course, they could play it a lot of different ways
I wonder if we’ll get more of him in the next ep or if they’ll let the tension ramp up through the season 
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ziracona · 4 years ago
Pretty sure your sudden spike in Fate content is gonna be like the third time I check something out bc you started posting it (I know next to nothing about Fate. In fact, I think I now know less than before you started). I'm rly not sure what the best starting point to get into it is, though. Any recommendation? (also I got Moriarty on your quiz and now I want to know why he's so beloved)
Oh sick! Awesome! I hope you enjoy it! 
Uhm, so, Fate notoriously swaps out like their whole creative team from work to work, so some of it is really good, and some is really bad, and some in the middle, because it’s made by very different people. The things I am most into are UBW, and Fate Go. Fate Go is a little gatcha phone game, that suffers from the fate of the whole fate franchise but as a single unit. They swap out writers from arc and event to arc and event, so sometimes you’re living and thriving, and sometimes you’re like *thousand yard glazed, pained stare* ‘why the fuck did I download this game?’ Very mixed bag. I enjoy it because I just kinda blow through any arc I don’t like and skim, and then go hella into the good ones, but it’s very much an individual matter of taste one. It’s very fun to collect spirits and get to know them though, and some of the arcs are fantastic. Also, they have made/are making some of the Fate Go arcs into shows, and I expect the ones that are of good game arcs are good? But I haven’t actually checked any out myself yet--I really need to watch E Pluribus Unum, because it was an easy top 3 arc for me in the game.
I’m big into Fate, but I actually have approximate knowledge of many things? And have not consumed as much media as you’d think. I tend to hear people really like Fate Zero, and very mixed reviews of Apocrypha, but I would wholeheartedly recommend the Fandom Classic(tm) and my personal fave as where to start, which is Unlimited Blade Works.
Sorry this is so long. Okay, so. Originally, Fate Stay/Night was a visual novel with three paths/routes: Fate, Unlimited Blade Works, and Heaven’s Feel. All of these are shows now. Unlimited Blade Works was made twice. Do not watch the early one; it’s bad. Watch the 2014 TV series--it’s on Netflix right now. Don’t watch the English dub--the VAs are...not great. 110% recommend watching it in Japanese/original dub, with subtitles. (This one)
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My usual pitch is that if you’re a normal person, you’ll probably go “This was a little confusing, but I really got into it: 8.3/10″, and if you’re like me and you never really gave up on wanting to become a superhero and save the world some day, you’ll go: “It was fantastic, 18/10, but it also ripped out my soul and left me wounded but somehow in an okay way.” Either way very worth watching. Since it’s not the first route, there are some things they don’t explain about the world because they kind of assume the viewer will know, but that’s pretty minimal--it’s def coherent enough that the more confusing bits are more of a “Uh, okay. I think.” than a “W-What the fuck is going on?”
It’s really good. Two seasons, the most beautiful fighting in almost anything I’ve ever seen, phenomenal soundtrack, and one of the best show opens (Season 2′s) of any show I ever saw. All around a just big blanket rec from me. It’s a long-time fan favorite for a reason. It’s one of my fave shows ever :’-] It was. Very personal to me.
Uhhhh what else--okay so, on Netflix if you watch it there, and a lot of streaming sites, they list “Episode 0″ or “Prologue” as the first episode? This was originally bonus content, not the first episode. It’s basically the first episode from not the MC’s point of view, but a different major character. It’s got some really great character moments and insight into Rin and Archer, and it’s fun, but since it was originally bonus, the pacing is super weird? So I would recommend you start with actual episode 1/Winter Days, A Fateful Night instead? Unless you just want to. Like it won’t mess up the show, but it might give you a weird idea of what the pacing is. So you can watch it first if you want, or later whenever you’re curious about those two, just like, if you start on it, don’t get overwhelmed by the stuff they’re not explaining, or the weird pacing. It’s supposed to be bonus content haha.
Very happy you’re interested! I really love UBW so I hope you enjoy it! If there’s anything else you want to ask feel totally free! I just don’t want to ramble for eight years about my special interest and fall into a black hole unprompted haha. : D Very happy you’ve been intrigued by my weird spike of fate content WAIT YOU ASKED ABOUT CRIME GRANDPA HOW COULD I FORGET.
Woof this is gonna be a long ask answer. Uhhhh, so Moriarty is from Fate Grand Order/Fate Go, the phone game. The game has three major arc sets so far: Grand Order, Epic of Remnant, and Cosmos in the Lostbelts. He’s from Epic of Remnant, and he’s universally beloved because he’s amazing. The MC in Fate Go is like 16, but he or she (you get to pick) is constantly having to risk their life and be hurt and traumatized and watch people die to save the world because there’s no one else to do it, and usually people are...not super nice to them. Moriarty shows up in the first of the second set of arcs and is like ‘Haha that’s a wholeass human child tho. Guys. Guys, a-are you sure about this?’ and he’s really there to pull of a massive evil culmination-of-my-life’s-entire-work-and-value scheme, but this kid is nice to him, and has nobody who looks out for them, and Evil Has Standards, so (Arc End Spoilers for that one ahead) he ends up giving up basically at the last minute. He had a plan that was totally working and could have won, but can’t really pull the trigger, because winning would mean this kid who has been nice to him and is already a massive pile of trauma and pressure and mental illness would die, and he cares more about them than his life’s goal. In Go usually boss fights are progressively harder, but his is super easy because he throws it, and chooses to lose, and basically throws away his life’s work for this one kid because nobody else is taking care of them, and lets himself get killed. This is a pattern with him. Other high points include later being 5 seconds into a scheme when Frankenstein (the girl one, who in fgo is like 14) stops him to call him Papa and asks for help, so he adopts her on the spot and just is her dad forever after that. He’s very goofy and I love him; he’s evil, but I’d trust him with my life, because he’s more good than he is evil, even though he’s both. Basically he’s just a very interesting and well written villain, but he’s also like, the /best/ dad in the game at the same time, and his dialogue is amazing. Evil Has Standards team dad poster man. He’s like the only adult in Fate Go who actually is responsible, which is fuckin wild. I’ll try to find some good screenshots of his dialogue. Anyway he’s incredible and I’m so happy you got him; Crime Papa is life.
Here have some Moriarty junk: (Shinjuku arc you have 3 partners, and the other two are adults but harass the MC constantly, and this was the dynamic. Bless Moriarty) 
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And here’s some him roasting Sherlock memes and being good dad to the MC
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jpegjade · 5 years ago
Mr. Loverman (Pt. 3)
Alright frens and ferns. we’re gonna go through this shorter chapter. Still like 3 google docs pages but my fics are normally like 4-6 pages. (if you can’t tell, i’m a one-shot writer AND HAVENT WRITTEN A STORY FIC SINCE I WAS LIKE 14. shoutout to the wattpad days.) so this one is shorter bc i need to work but i wanted to put this out. part 4 will be much longer. idk how long im gonna end up making this fic in the end. ((yall gotta keep me encouraged to focus on this thing bc my adhd will in fact leave you all hanging on a cliff hanger and we wont look back lmao)))
i apologize for the shortness. i also apologize for adding the person i hate with a BURNING passion. yall just dont know. anyway, i’m so sorry. and for those who haven’t gotten to 11/12, there are no spoilers. this is like independent of that storyline and kinda after but i’ll explain a little in the next chapter. but i wanted to keep this true to the cm universe. also i didn’t want to create a wholeass character with a tragic backstory to explain why they’re a psychopath when in reality they just suck. that takes too damn long
warnings: none that i can think of. ((i dont even think i swore once. im so fucking proud. oops)) and no, i didnt proof read. so roll with any mistakes.
mr. loverman 1: Bloop
mr. loverman 2: bloop bloop 
“Y/n, have you seen anything or anyone suspicious lately? Anyone you recognized from one place appearing in other spaces?” Prentiss said. 
Everyone was staring at you. You felt the pressure on you to say the right thing but you didn’t know. You didn’t know what to say so you tried honesty. 
“No, not that I’ve noticed. Sorry if that makes things harder.” You sighed. 
You felt like you were letting everyone down because you didn’t notice anyone. Everything in your life was mundane and nothing stood out. You were super aware of your surroundings but you still felt like it wasn’t enough. You spent more time than ever in your apartment, which was hell but necessary with everything going on.
“Here’s the problem.” Emily started. “We have received intel that you’re on a bounty hunter’s hit list. Not only that but they have been watching you for some time now.” 
You were speechless. Who would pay to have you killed? Who did you piss off enough to pay money to have you killed? And what did this bounty hunter look like? This made you incredibly nervous and despite being away for two years, your body just reacted. 
Spencer told himself not to freak out. This didn’t mean anything. You were holding his hand tightly. It was what you used to do every time you got scared. Spencer squeezed your hand a little bit to let you know he was there and then he felt you squeeze back. You didn’t let go of his hand through the rest of the conversation but Spencer was barely paying attention. Garcia eventually ushered the two of you out of the room and back to your temporary bedroom. 
The silence between you and Spencer was incredibly loud. You let go of his hand as soon as you got to the breakroom, apologizing. 
“I shouldn’t have done that.” You said. You figured that he would know what you were talking about. You sat in your corner of the mattress where you previously sat and Spencer sat in the space he occupied before the meeting. 
“No, you were scared. It’s okay.” He said. 
Silence that seemed to last forever happened. You were thinking about him and he was thinking about you. You were both so nervous about what came next but you didn’t know what to say. It took forever to come up with something but Spencer came up with something. 
“I wasn’t lying.” Spencer looked down at his shoes. 
“About?” You said, confused. You leaned your head against the wall. You were getting so tired. 
“Missing you. You have been all that I’ve thought about through these past two years.” He said, finally looking up at you. 
“Spence…” You said, yawning. You closed your eyes for a moment. 
“I haven’t connected to anyone else as naturally as I connected with you.” He said. 
“Well, I guess I can’t say anything different since I haven’t been able to move on.” You said, sleepily. It had been a long day and you were beyond exhausted. When you’re that tired, anything you say is bound to be unfiltered. 
“You were the only one who cared for me, all of me, and didn’t mind everything that came with me. No one gets that. No one cares about me like you do, even now. I couldn’t bear to take the ring off because it would mean losing a piece of you. And I couldn’t do that. I may have broken off the relationship but that doesn’t mean I stopped loving you. To this day, I…” You barely said before you fell asleep. 
Spencer thought about waking you but you looked so peaceful. He hated when he was left on a cliffhanger, especially like this, but you needed rest. So Spencer gently helped you lay down and covered you with your blanket. He was about to walk outside the door to guard and take a breather but you grabbed his arm and mumbled a very small, “Stay.” 
And that’s what he did. He stayed, holding you while you slept peacefully. He was so comfortable that he eventually nodded off. That was the first time in two years that he didn’t have a nightmare that scared him awake. 
When he woke up, you were nowhere to be found. Frantically searching, he ran all over the floor before noticing it was sunrise. You loved watching the sun rise in the mornings with a cup of coffee and a nice playlist going. 
“Hey, Spence.” You said, looking out the window. You looked rested, not tired like yesterday. 
“Y/n, you scared me. I thought something happened.” He said, looking at you. How did you make a sundress look so pretty? 
“Sorry. I thought about waking you but you were smiling in your sleep, the small, happy smile you do, and I wanted you to sleep. Besides, I had Cat to keep me company.” 
Spencer’s blood ran cold. That wasn’t possible. He was jumping to conclusions and you were sure it was just an intern or someone who…
“Hey Spencie. I’m having a grand time with y/n here. She’s a ball of sunshine.” Cat said, a fake smile fading into a straight face. 
Spencer immediately grabbed for his gun but didn’t find it anywhere on his hip. 
“Looking for this?” Cat took the gun out of her bag and pointed it directly at Spencer. 
Your head could barely comprehend what was happening. You were instructed to put your hands up and walk into the conference room, sitting across from each other. 
“And no touching. That’s no fun.” Cat pointed the gun at Spencer. You noticed that she was fixated on Spencer. You guessed that they somehow knew each other.
You were already in tears. What was happening? Could you make it out of this one alive? 
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