#i’ve got a headache from how long this thought has kept me up
milimeters-morales · 2 years
Someone calling Miles “Miley” as a joke once but he realizes he likes the ambiguity over whether or not it’s a cutesy/teasing nickname for the more masculine sounding “Miles” or straight up just a new feminine name that he wouldn’t mind being called for the rest of his life
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occamstfs · 5 months
Chauffeur Swap
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Another epistolary TF ! Cocky office worker to an equally cocky gym bro, trait swap + IQ Drain aplenty -Occam
Monday May 6th
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I’m beyond thrilled that I’m finally being looked at for a promotion. I’ve worked my ass off for this company ever since I graduated and I am not going to let this chance slip through my fingers. It’s such a good gig, in the week leading up to them filling the position they’re letting us use the company’s chauffeurs as just one little hint of the luxury this promotion will afford us.
At least, that’s what I thought before my driver arrived to pick me up and I saw what a slob of a man my driver was! I mean my word! I thought it was a prank or something else untoward! I’m sure he could tell too, I could not muster even a shy smile, nothing to do but grimace. God and that was before I got in! He must have just been an Uber hired or something because it smelled like a locker room in there! Truly vile!
God willing this is a one off occurrence, hate to get the oaf in trouble. Though judging by the state of his hygiene though he clearly needs to be taught a lesson somehow! I mean even with this job I couldn't afford to buy cologne enough to hide that stink- perhaps some dog-strength febreze- Ha!
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Godddd fuck! The last thing I needed after such a stressful day was to be greeted by that animal’s face- worse yet, his SCENT! I underestimated just how grueling this interview charade would be. It is just one final hurdle to the big leagues though. I will leave petty contrivances like suffering through this unpleasant car ride behind.
Just to make the time pass with greater speed I put forth some small talk. Not like I could hold my breath near long enough to make a difference, and it couldn’t hurt to vent about what a hassle the day had been hm? After this though he started talking about himself and fwoh- could I not care less about whatever surely protein-fart based drivel or beer-brained diatribe he launched into. 
Perhaps this is unfair, I did not deign to listen to him. So perhaps he’s better than he seems. But who could blame me, sitting in that car was punishment enough to earn me tuning him out. And! And! For him to have the benefit of the doubt surely he could at least wear deodorant! Hm. Unless he is trying? God that would be depressing, to be so, ugh- I continue to hold out hope I never see him again
Tuesday May 7th
Mm, I simply must develop a better poker face if I am to continue to suffer in this odor for the week, god forbid even longer- I have prepared accordingly however, yesterday no one mentioned it at work but I swear I kept smelling it, him, all day? Same when I got home, just everytime I calmed down from work bam! I smelled this horrid car ride. I am bringing my cologne to work with me, I plan to put it at lest once more when I arrive at work.
It’s just, Why is this my problem right! I don’t know what his problem is, but I don’t see why I have to suffer because of it right? I should not have to deal with someone like this, he’s supposed to be working for me. I uh, it’s not like I think I’m better than him I just, well I am better than him. Hm, I lost my train of thought. 
Ugh, I keep spacing out today- I’m sure it has to do with my twice-daily rides with, hm. I don’t even know his name. It’s? You know I don’t care. I just need to take it easy, I’m not letting this fucking dude-bro pitstain of a man bother me this much! I’m getting my bag and he is not worth a second further of my, uh, attention.
I have a headache and I don’t know how it is his fault but it has to be. This whole thing is setting me on edge, I need to chill about Ben. That’s right Ben! I got his name, I actually told him about my headache and he told me that he usually meditates to clear his mind- which crazy that someone so, despite all appearances, mindful treats his body like a sty but- Well not a sty I suppose, or at the very least a well built one- 
Ah, that’s not quite appropriate is it. God he is hot though. Honestly sitting there just breathing in his, uh, scent, helped with the headache. Wait no, it was the meditation, God, why can I not stop thinking of his fucking B.o. My headache was gone but now I feel I’m beginning to run a fever, or at the very least I need to turn down the AC or something-
Better not affect my work tomorrow.
Wednesday May 8th
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Not gonna be a good one. I fucking woke up late which ive literally never done before! I barely got myself up and ready in time and didn’t realize until the car but I didn’t bring my cologne with me. It turned out to be the least of my problems however as when I got in his car I fully spilled my coffee all over the backseat. Hopefully this will mask his putridity because I now have to sit in the front with him for the ride.
He must know. He has to know it has to be some kinda sick, uh, fetish or something. Its untendable untenable. god get your shit together Jacob. Its so hard to focus on anything else now that Im sitting right by him. I need to talk to someone about this, fuck its like hes exposing his pits on purpose. He wants me to stare at him, i bet. Bet he gets some sort of sick rise out of me. Im sure him and all the other chauffeurs probably get together and jack off about how repulsive and, uh, strong they all are.
God Fuck! Get me out of this car im losing my mind! Need to, ill just get some work done on the commute, should help i think. God its getting hot in here again or something, so help me if this fucker starts actively sweating im gonna lose it
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i just couldnt get anything done today i dont know what was fucking up dude? it was just so hot in there and i mustve forgotten to put deodorant on this morning, people kept complaining but i didnt even notice? i guess i was sweating more than usual, but like, it was so hot in that office and my clothes felt weird, tight almost. As if tho, lol im sure no one even really noticed that i was off.
OH speaking of, Ben really put himself together on the ride home today. He was wearing a button up and everything, must have seen how nice im living and got his shit together! Maybe ive been to hard on the douche? nah car still smelled like shit haha! Or i think it did? didnt really notice it until like halfway thru?
Fuck my clothes are so tight all of a sudden, godd its so hot actually. I look fucking huge in this tiny little monkey suit- almost like Benjamin ha- as if id stoop so low, even if i started getting massive not like id be dum enough to be on his level lol
Thursday May 9th
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Fuckin couldnt find ANYTHING this morning dude! it was like someone came in and took or hid everything i need for work today. ended up having to just fuckin leave for the car without a suit jacket- pretty sure ive got an extra in my office tho so were chill there. mm probably shouldve shaved tho lol
Oh yeah the files! i had some reports that i needed to bring in but totally couldnt find them! Turns out benjamin had them the whole time it was weird, guess i left them last night. but he was like such an ass about it, like he knows anything though the uh, jock, jerk uh. hes actually dressed better than me rn isnt he. Finally threw on a dress shirt, surely inspired by me haha- pulling it off quite well too, his chest hair peaking up through mm-
Fuckkk dude my cocks kinda getting hard looking at him, starting to smell musty in the car too, wait oh shit i didnt even notice that it didnt reek when i got in! weird that its starting to stink now tho whats up with that, looks like hes finally noticing tho ha! its nice to see him finally react to how bad my uh, no how I GOD, how bad fuckin’ he stinks obviously. whatever, ive got more important stuff to think about.
okay work was like, not fuckin chill today. idk what was up but like, every little thing i did today just wasnt good enough apparently like okay?? you know me, if something seems off clearly, fucking OBVIOUSLY it uh, i? god my head just keeps going blank i dont get it, im just. Huh, kinda smells like Ben all of a sudden, oh fuck lol my pits have completely sweat through my shirt-
None of this matters anyway though bro! Because i just had the BEST sesh with Ben after work!! honestly the work shit doesnt even bother me, shouldve seen me its like i am a natural at this shit i was getting a pump like ive done it a hundred times. im sure it smelled like a locker room on the ride home lol
OH! I didnt even say, it was all ben’s idea!!! he said the gym always helps him when uh, things get too hard to think about and fuckk bro hes so right. hes so, lol i almost said hes so smart- he definitely knows how to work out though, he kept helping me with my technique but im prety sure he just wanted an excuse to touch me- 
not that im complaining LMAO- every time he did it was like i felt myself getting stronger, and less worried about all those yes-man suit fuckers! hed adjust my arms and i would feel my biceps just suddenly pump larger, hed bump his hands into my pecs while spotting me and theyd just force the bar up even faster, wish hed just go ahead and grab my cock lol
theres time yet too- gonna crash at his place tonight! hopefully ill get to see him put his magic fingers and tight body to use cause fuck bro idk if it was the pump or what but i dont think my balls have ever been this blue, like any time i try to think about, oh ughh, work i just. mm everything in my body just begs me to fucking blow a load- 
Friday May 10th
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fucker just went to bed early- got me all riled up and then i had to jack off alone. felt way better than usual tho, my cock seems bigger to lol, dk whats up with that. wanted to try again this morning but ben was just on my fucking ass trying to get me out the door 
i didnt have any of my clothes, duh, so i just threw on some of his, crazy how much they fit me? they even kinda already smell like me lol. he actually put a suit on which seems wild, funny that i look like a slob and he looks like some uh, fancy guy. Like i should right? uhh is my headache coming back? lol idk but looking at him in that fucking suit sure is making it hard to focus-
ben said i can just change n stuff when we got to the office, its why hes dressed up. ill go ahead and drive us and then hell just run up and get my clothes, idk if theyll fit tho? feel like im larger than i was for some reason- oh yeah my massive fucking pump lol- 
mh speaking of pump, maybe while hes up there ill have time to jack another one out, not like anyonell see or care ya? like its a problem im about to be the fuckin alpha of this company or uh, something. itll be done before hes back, only evidence will be cum stains on his clothes lol. ugh it smells so fucking dank in here i might just cum without touching it lol
shit man, dont know what i was doing? i feel like i was supposed to go into work today but ben says from now on im just his driver. which easy gig right lol? doesnt even care that i dont shower huhuh-
he got his big promotion today!!! he looked so smug and hot when he came down to tell me, and he promised wed have some fun about it when he got home tonight- just gotta drop him off at some stupid fancy dinner ill probably hit the gym while hes there. gotta keep it up or ill look like some fucking dweeb
plus that means ill get the car totaly filled with my bo- hell fuckin love that, after he gets a good whiff no way wil he not want to fuck then and there huhuh fuck, kinda needs to get that exercise in now that hes doing whatever bitchass shit they do all they day up there needs to give in and just fuck me finally its been so, ugh long and my balls feel so full, and im sweating so much god im fogging up the windows loli better be careful i need to keep it together until then urgh- 
god i just smell so fucken hot
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maxillness · 9 months
If Daddy Knew || T.W x Horner!Reader
Warnings: 18+, hair pulling, oral (M&F reviving), handjob, fingering, degrading kink, praise kink
Wordcount: 2.1k
Part 2
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If she knew how this would end up in the long term, she would had agreed to go with her father a lot sooner
She would always say no if she was invited to a Grand Prix and to come to the paddock
She hadn’t always been the most social person, and she was scared she would mess up her words or don’t talk at all
This time was different
She felt confident that day. She has been invited again, and she said yes. It surprised her father. He couldn’t understand why she said yes
She couldn’t either, but she’s glad she did
As she stood in the Red Bull garage, she kept feeling like she was stared down by people outside of the garage
And she was right. When she got to the paddock afterwards, people still kept staring her down as she walked with her father. He wanted to introduce her to all the drivers and team principals
It all went good, until they reached Mercedes
Don’t take it the wrong way, they were all very nice, but after she had greeted the drivers, she had to meet the team principal
Toto Wolff
She had heard about him through her father, now, of course she didn’t take his word for it. They were rivals after all, they’re bound to say bad stuff about each other that weren’t true
“Darling, this is Toto Wolff” He said his name through gritted teeth
“Hi. I’ve heard so much about you” He didn’t answer her, he just looked her up and down and went back to what he was doing
She would have said something about his rudeness, only if he hadn’t been so handsome
Maybe he was all those things her dad said
The rest of the day, she thought about Toto and if it was something she did or said to make him rude, or if it was just how he was
It finally became Sunday and she stood in the garage. She knew it was bad, but she kept starting at Toto from the distance
“You okay, dear?” Christian asked her as he walked over to her “You’ve been kinda starting out in the abyss” He chuckled
“Yeah, I’m fine, dad. Thank you” She nodded up at him
The race went well. Max won, no surprise there. We all knew he was gonna win. Even the opposite teams knew he was gonna win
That night, they all went out celebrating the win, even though it was routine that he won by now
She drank to keep the thoughts away. She really wanted to be on his good side, but how could she do that?
The next morning she woke up with a slight headache, but nothing a few painkillers couldn’t take away
Just as she was about to brush her teeth, her phone started ringing. It was an unknown number
“Y/N Horner” She answered the phone
“Hi, Y/N, it’s Toto Wolff” His accent was thick through the phone “I just wanted to apologise my behaviour when we met. I’m sure you’re aware that me and your father don’t have the bestest of friendship, that was the only reason why I didn’t say anything, and that’s no reason, I know, but I just wanted to apologise. Can I buy you some coffee to make up for it?”
She stood and thought about her answer a while “Yeah, that sounds nice. When?” She finally answered and she heard him sigh on the other end
“Great. Shall we say 12 o’clock at the Café across the street?” God, his accent was to swoon over
“Yeah. That’s perfect” A smirk drew on her lips. They hung up and she looked at the time. It was currently 10. She had two hours
Two hours would have been fine if she had anything to wear. She tried to look through her clothes. She tried all the combinations of clothing that was clean
She finally settled for an outfit after 45 minutes and some going back and forth trough clothes
Before she put on her clothes, she went to the bathroom to brush her teeth. She stood there for what felt like hours, but was actually only 10 minutes
She looked back at the clock after she got dressed and put on her shoes. 11:30. She debated if she should go now and be early, or if she should wait and be on time
She has only now realised she had forgotten her perfume. She founded and sprayed it lightly on the skin on her neck
She now decided to go out, but she should probably had waited. She bumped into her father in the hallway
“Where you going in such a hurry?” He chuckled as he looked her up and down
“I was just going out, checking the city out” She smiled innocently
“Okay. Have fun, don’t be out too late” He said to her before he continued to walk away
She continued to walk over to the elevator. The ride down to the lobby seemed like it took ages. She got to the lobby and walked out and across the street
She walked into the Café. She looked around to see if she could see Toto. She found him sitting at a booth up against the far wall. She sat down across him
“Hello, can I get you anything?” The waiter asked as she walked over to them
“I would like a coffee, black and a chocolate scone” Toto said as he looked from her to the waiter
“Can I get a hot chocolate and a croissant?” She asked as she looked up at her
“Of course. I’ll bring it down for you” She smiled and walked over to the counter
“I’m sorry for how I reacted, Y/N, I really am” He rambled and she just stared at him
“Toto, it’s fine. It’s no problem. I know how your relationship is with my dad, I totally understand” She smiled at him, trying to reassure him
“Yeah, I’m not friends with your dad, but I shouldn’t take that out on you” He sighed as he placed his hand on top of hers
“Toto, don’t worry about it, okay?” She smiled at him, looking him in his eyes through his glasses
All he did was nod before the waitress came over with their order. As they sat and drank their coffee and ate their food, they made small talk
The only annoying thing about this whole conversation was his smile. He would smile every so often, and it made her legs week
Everything that happened between that time and when they were in the elevator was a blur for her. All she knew was that she was pressed up against the elevators wall, her hands intertwined in his hair while his lips was on hers as his hands roamed her hips and waist
The ding of the elevator startled them. They hurried out into the hall and over to her room. She struggled a bit when she opened the door, but managed fine
As they got into the room, he pushed her up against the door. Her hands went to his waist, and in one swift motion, she had them turned around
Her hands went up his torso to unbutton his shirt. When she got the last button unbuttoned, she discarded the shirt on the ground
Her hand went to his hair to pull his head back so she could start attacking his necks with kisses and bites. He groaned at the sudden dominance from her. Her other hand went to unbuckle his belt
Toto covered his mouth with his hand to minimise the sounds that came out of him. She took her hand away from his belt and up to his hand to remove it from his mouth
“I want to hear your sounds, Toto” She said as she drew away from his neck, which drew out a groan from him “Fuck, you sounds so pretty” He could feel her smirk on his neck
She turned them around again, but this time, she guided him towards the bed, their shoes getting kicked off in the process
When the back off Toto’s legs hit the bed, she pushed him down to sit. She got on her knees and zipped down his pants
He bucked his up from the bed so she could pull down his pants and boxers. When she had gotten them off, she threw them beside her
She licked a stripe up his shaft before spitting into her hand, and started stroking him slowly. He started moaning low, almost silently
“Keep up those sounds, I wanna hear you, baby” She told him as she looked up at him from between his knees
Her words could make him undone right then and there “Fuck, I want your mouth around me, please” His voice was getting desperate and his accent was getting heavier
She removed her hand, but quickly replaced it with her mouth. His moans got louder as she started moving her head up and down
He started bucking his hips up, trying to fuck her mouth, but her hands came up to push him back down to stop his movements, which makes him groan in annoyance
“Fucking shit, Ah…” He wasn’t making any effort to swallow his moans “Fuck, I’m gonna cum. Fuck, please. I’m so-Ah. I’m so close” His head leaned back and his eyes rolled to the back of his head
His hand was shaking when he drew it up to his face to take off his glasses as they started fogging up. He got them off and threw them on the ground, not caring if they broke or not
“I can’t- Ah. Fuck, please, I can’t take it anymore” His words didn’t stop her actions, if it did anything, it made her faster
A few seconds later and he came down her throat. She held her head down as he finished. She got off of him and swallowed his loath
He was panting hard when she stood up. She took his chin between her fingers making him look at her. She kissed him deeply, making him taste himself on her tongue
“Think you can return the favour?” She asked seductively. With closed eyes, he nodded “Good. Get on your knees” He quickly got on his knees where she once sat as she herself sat on the bed
She leaned back, her weight resting on her hands. She watched as his trembling hands tried opening the button on her jeans
She chuckled seeing him struggling “God you’re pathetic” She pushed his hands away to do it herself. She lifted her hips so he could pull down her pants and panties throwing them away with the rest of the clothes on the floor
He pulled her close to the edge of the bed, and therefore closer to his mouth. He drew his tongue through her soaking folds
“What wouldn’t my father say, hm?” She drew one of her hands through his soft, brown locks when he started attacking her clit
“His biggest rival eating out his daughter” He groaned into her cunt from her degrading, making her moan “What don’t you think he will do? Most likely kill you, or maybe, he would never invite me again to keep me as far away from you as possible so this could never happen again”
He groaned again, making her grip his hair tight and moan louder than before “Fuck, you’re so beautiful from here” She chuckled mixed with a moan
He drew one of his hands towards her cunt. One of his fingers drew through her folds, stopping at her entrance. She moaned as he entered her slowly
He started going in and out of her, drawing loud moans from her. He added another finger as he started curling his fingers up and hitting the spot inside her that made her see stars
Her moans got louder and heavier as she was pulled closer to the edge of her orgasm “Fuck, you’re doing so good for me, Toto” She moaned pulling his hair so his face got showed into her cunt
“Fuck, I’m so close. Fucking keep going. Ah” Her head rolled back while she bucked her hips up and into his mouth “You’re doing so fucking good” He groaned which send her over the edge. Her legs shakes as she came down from her high
“Fuck, you did so good for me” She smiled down at him as she drew his face up to look at her “So fucking good” She leaned down to kiss him
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katareyoudrilling · 8 months
Seen (Javier Peña One-shot)
Pairing: Javier Peña x Female Reader
Summary: You’re the last person Javi wants to ask for a favor, but not for the reason you think.
Word count: ~2.2k
Rating: Mature (18+ only. NO MINORS)
Content Warnings: Alternating POV, reader is a few years older than Javi (Javi could be a variety of ages) and has hair that could be worn up or down, wrinkles and laugh lines, a touch of angst, non-graphic sex
A/N: This isn’t quite what I expected it to be when I started working on it many many months ago.  The idea was inspired by @famouslyanonymous musing that there didn’t seem to be any fics featuring a Pedro boy with a slightly older reader.  I wanted to say a lot of things with this fic and I’m not sure I said any of them, but I hope you enjoy!
Reblogs and comments are always appreciated!
Taglist link in bio (or ask me to add you!)
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Javi slams down the phone and pinches the bridge of nose.
He needs a favor.  Why does it have to be from you?
He can flirt his way through the department secretaries easily, but you, with your intelligent, assessing gaze… he swears you can see right through him.
The two of you have been crossing into each other’s orbits for a long time now.  He can tell that you know…  You know he’s not some DEA hero.  You can see right through to the failure of a man he actually is.
He takes a long drag on his cigarette before stubbing it out and pushing away from his desk.  “Fuck it.”
He pulls at the back of his neck as he makes his way to your department.  He can already feel the tension headache beginning.  If you won’t do this for him… he’d rather not think about it.
He approaches your desk nervously. “I need a favor.”
“Is that right?” you reply, continuing your work.
“I would really appreciate it.” If he can’t flirt, he can at least try to be polite.
“You aren’t going to compliment my nail polish or tell me how pretty my dress is?”
“Uh… I… what?” Javi stammers.
“I see what you do around here.  Flirting with all the pretty young things to get your way.  Not me though, probably because I’ve got 20 years on most of them and a few on you.”
“What? No! Fuck, you’re the most beautiful woman here.”
“Right,” you scoff.  “It’s too late for the charm, Javier.”
He leans over your desk, gripping the edge.  Moving himself into the halo of your perfume.  “I’m telling you the truth,” he growls.
You lift your eyes to his and his knees go a little weak.
Who is he kidding?  A class-act like you is never going to bend the rules for a man like him.
“Never mind,” he pushes off your desk and walks away.
When he returns to his desk later that afternoon, he’s surprised to find the file he needs sitting on his chair.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You lean back against the elevator wall and sigh.  It has been a long day and all that has kept you going is the thought of getting out of your heels and pantyhose and onto your couch.
The elevator pings as the doors open on the garage level.  You step out into the cool, echoey space.  That’s when you see him.
He’s standing by your car, exhaling a plume of smoke, somehow not looking green and sickly under the florescent lights.  He must hear the click of your heels on the concrete because he turns and puts out his cigarette as you approach.
“What are you doing here, Peña?  Need another favor?”
“Thank you for the file.  You didn’t have to do that.”  He shifts his weight and looks down at his feet.
“Yeah, well, lord knows you get enough roadblocks thrown in your way.  I don’t need to be one of them.”
Javier chuckles ruefully, “You have no idea.”
“If that’s all, I need to get going.”
“Can I buy you a drink?” Javier looks up at you, “To say thanks?”
Your feet and back are screaming at you not to get taken in by those puppy dog eyes, but there’s something simmering beneath the surface of his gaze.  Something that makes you curious.  His outburst earlier hasn’t left your mind.  You’d be lying if you said you weren’t a little interested in where an evening with Javier Peña might take you.
“Counteroffer.  How about you come over to my place in an hour.  Bring the booze with you.”
Javier’s eyes light up in surprise.
“Don’t get any ideas, Peña.  It’s been a long day and I don’t feel like going to a bar.”
“I didn’t have any ideas.”
You scoff and make your way to the driver’s side door, “See you later?”
He nods.
Javier stands aside as you pull out of your parking space and out of the garage.  You can see him in your rearview mirror smoothing down his mustache, hand on one cocked hip.  It should be an interesting evening.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You open the door to your apartment and Javi is momentarily stunned speechless.  You’re wearing flowy, satin pants and a cardigan belted around your waist.  You’ve removed your make-up and your jewelry.  You’ve let down your hair.
You’ve never looked more beautiful.
You’re always stunning at work.  Elegant, put-together, gorgeous.  But here, now, you look so soft and relaxed.  It’s as though you’ve taken off the armor you wear to the office.
Like he’s getting a glimpse of the real you.
He always tries to hide the real him.  That façade might not work tonight… a frightening thought.
You step aside and motion him into the apartment.  Javi swallows deeply and forces his feet to step inside.
“I brought whiskey, hope that’s ok.”  He holds out the bottle to you.
“Definitely ok, I had a feeling.” You lead him to your couch.  Two tumblers already sit on the coffee table.  You uncork the bottle and pour two fingers in each glass.
You hand him his glass before swirling the amber liquid in your own.
He watches, mesmerized, as you breathe in the heady aroma and your eyes drift closed.  You take a sip and sigh.  His cock twitches.
“That’s good whiskey, Javier.”
“Call me Javi.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You didn’t expect it to be so easy to talk to him.
Somehow you’ve gravitated towards each other.  Your knee now rests against his thigh.  His arm stretches behind you on the couch.  Whiskey glasses sit forgotten on the table.  You only needed a few sips to relax before the conversation and laughter flowed.
Swapping stories of co-workers and old mutual friends.  You realize you’ve never seen him smile before tonight.
It’s a shame.
His smile lights up the room.
Javi arches back against the couch and pinches the bridge of his nose. “It’s getting late.”
You make a non-committal noise in reply because your gaze has been captured by the expanse of his chest you can see through his gaping shirt.
Has his shirt been unbuttoned this much the whole time?  Four buttons undone?  Really?  Why bother buttoning it at all?
Not that you’re complaining as you take in the view of his smooth, golden skin.  You watch, hypnotized, as his chest rises and falls with each breath.
Your gaze travels upward, catching on the divot of his clavicle.  The perfect place to breathe his scent.
His Adam’s apple snags your gaze next as it bobs in his throat.  You have to swallow yourself, saliva pooling in your mouth at the thought of licking your way up his gorgeous neck.
His jawline comes into view.  Strong and angular.  Beautiful.  Especially in contrast to his soft, plush lips.
They part slightly, revealing the most perfect crease in his lower lip.
Then there’s his nose.  Noses shouldn’t be so arousing.  It’s absurd.  But there it is in all it’s aquiline glory.  Like a goddamn sculpture.
You continue your journey up to his eyes and find that he’s staring at you, pupils blown.
Your mouth is suddenly dry as Javi slowly closes the distance between you, never breaking eye contact, giving you time to protest, until his lips meet yours.
A fire ignites in your body with the first touch of his lips.  It burns from your head to your toes waking you up from your slow syrupy thoughts.
You climb onto his lap, knees on either side of his slim hips.  His hands grip your waist.  His heat bleeding through the thin fabric covering your center.
You break away from the kiss, breathless. Javi continues kissing down your throat, tugging at your cardigan.  You sit back and reach between you, untying the belt and letting it fall off your shoulders.
Javi groans as he takes in the thin camisole you are wearing underneath.  Your bra had come off along with the pantyhouse and heels.  Your hard nipples poke against the silky fabric.  They squeeze even tighter as Javi licks his lips.
“Fuck, bonita, you’re gorgeous,” he rasps.  The sound goes straight to your core.
- - - - - - - - -
He didn’t come here for this.
Maybe he hoped initially.  But it didn’t seem to be what you had in mind.
He wasn’t lying when he said you were the most beautiful woman at work.  His eyes rove over your body of their own volition every time your paths cross.  His ears tune into the sound of your laughter and even more to your witty and sarcastic remarks.
But he didn’t expect this… this connection.
You’ve set him at ease.  Pulling stories from his memory that he thought were long forgotten.  The urge to pour out his heart to you nearly chokes him.
You’re too good for him.  Too smart, too strong, too confident.  And oh, are you beautiful.  
And now you’re above him, rocking into his cock, making the most heavenly sounds as you lick into his mouth.  He can do sex and do it well.  He can make up for everything he lacks with a good fucking.
Maybe fucking is all he’s good for.
“Take me to bed, Javi.”
He pauses.  He expected your words, but somehow, they have caught him off guard. It wouldn’t be just a fuck with you.  You’ve gotten under his skin.  You’ve glimpsed his soul.
The words bubble up before he can’t stop them.
“I’m scared.”
- - - - - - - - - - - 
His admission catches you off guard and you sit back.  “Scared? Of what? I know I’m older than you, but it’s not like I’m some dried-out husk and bats are going to fly out of my vagina.”  You push against his chest to get off his lap, annoyed and frustrated.
Javi growls and grabs your ass, pulling you back to him, holding you still while he finds his words.  “Fuck, that’s not what I meant.”  He huffs as he continues, “I’m scared because you… see me.”
The anger burns away as quickly as it came.
“I’m not the man most people think I am.” His big brown eyes that only moments ago held laughter and lust, fill with pain and doubt.
“Who are you, then?”
“Just a man.  Trying.  Failing.”
“I know.”
“You don’t want me.”
“What if I do?”
You’re surprised by your own admission. It’s the truth.  You do want him.  And not because he’s a ‘hero’ but in spite of it.  You want the man you met tonight.
You watch his feelings war across his face.  His body wants you, that is abundantly clear.  You’re pretty sure his mind and heart do too, if he could only trust them.
“Have you been real with me tonight, Javi?” you ask, brushing the pads of your thumbs over his gorgeous cheekbones.
“I won’t beg.” You’ve lived enough life to know a man that doesn’t want you isn’t worth your time. “But know that I do see you and I want you.  The real you.”
His fingers dig into your hips and he swallows hard. “I’ve never done this.”
“I find that hard to believe.”  That earns you a smirk, some sparkle returning to his eyes.
“You know what I mean.  Real… I’ve never done real.  At least not for a long fucking time.”
“I’m as real as they come, Javi.  Wrinkles and all. Can you handle it?”
He brushes his fingers over the creases at the corners of your eyes and you melt.  “You’re beautiful.”
You bring your lips back to his, gently testing.  He wraps his arms around you, surging up into the kiss.  Heat quickly builds between your bodies as your hands roam freely across his broad shoulders and up into his hair.
He groans against your mouth.
“Take me to bed, querida.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Your body is perfect.
Not in the way of youth – firm, angular, unblemished – but well-loved.  Each part of you telling the story of a life well-lived.
He worships each curve of you.  Reveling in what pleasure feels like with someone when he opens himself up.  He kisses your softness, traces each wrinkle with his calloused fingers, delights in the sounds you make as he explores your body.
When you welcome him into your wet heat with a contented sigh, it nearly breaks him in two.  You feel so right around him, moving with him, coming with him.
Sated and drowsy, he lays with you on your bed.  You brush his hair off his forehead and trace your fingers over his laugh lines and the crease between his eyebrows.  He’s lived some life too.
“Still scared?” you ask, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead.
“Yeah,” he rasps quietly, looking up at your soft smile, “but I think it might be worth it.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - 
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nomoreusername · 2 months
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Pairing:Newt x female reader
Summary:When you find yourself unable to sleep again, Newt helps you in a way only he can.
I would never need to go to hell. It's already inside my own head that seems intent on torturing me. I’m not even exaggerating. Keeping someone from sleeping is actually considered actual torture.
That means I’m both the victim and the abuser.
I don't exactly know what I have. I don't know the reason. I don't even know if there is a reason. Maybe I’m just paranoid about living here. Maybe my brain chemistry is just off balance. Maybe there's just something wrong with me as a person. Maybe it's karma for something I don't remember doing.
It doesn't matter. It's most likely insomnia, but that doesn't mean anything. It doesn't take away the fact that sleeping is essentially impossible for me.
I don't tell anyone. I don't see the point in talking about it. It won't fix it, and unsolicited advice makes me want to scream. Yes. I’ve tried just walking around. I’ve tried exercising a little before bed. I’ve tried drinking lots of water and eating enough. I’ve tried sleeping in warmer clothes. I’ve tried sleeping in lighter clothes. I’ve tried everything there is to try.
Newt knows but not by choice. I was sitting by the fire pit a few months ago in the middle of the night. I had officially given up. He had gotten up to use the bathroom and saw a mysterious shadowy figure. He carefully approached and saw that it was just his sleep deprived girlfriend. He asked me what was wrong, and the exhaustion sent me into full blown tears. He wrapped his arms around me and comforted me. When I could breath again I spilled everything.
He slept with me that night. He laid in my hammock and held me until the sun came up.
After that, he said to wake him if I ever need him again.
I do need him to cuddle me to sleep again. I have needed him for weeks.
I have not asked. I haven't woken him up. Why would I? He’s got his own things going on. He has to help look after the Glade, do his work in the gardens, check up on the Runners, go to Keepers meetings, help out the Greenies, and more. He doesn't need me bothering him.
I was walking around again. I kept going in pointless circles while gritting my teeth in frustration. Resisting the urge to pull my hair, I kept my hands in my pockets. I swear I was going to burst into tears yet again if something didn't work soon.
Dropping to the ground and sitting on a log just like that night, I buried my face in my hands as I took deep breaths. I just want to sleep. All I want is to sleep. That's all. It's so simple and so easy, but I can't do it.
“I thought I’d find you here,”a familiar voice remarked. Too tired to even be caught off guard, I groaned as I stared at the Maze wall. “How long haven't you been sleeping again?”Newt sighed, taking a spot beside me.
“It's fine,”I mumbled.
“Your eyes are getting dark again. It's clearly been a while.”
“Just go get your rest. You need it,”I insisted.
“So do you. Come on, love. Let's get you to sleep,”He said, holding his hand out.
“It’s fine. I won't bother you.”
“You will if I know you're out here torturing yourself for no reason. Why do that when you can climb into my hammock, close your eyes, and doze off in my arms?”
“That does sound nice,”I absentmindedly admitted.
“I know it does so let's go do that,”He said, still holding his hand out. Giving in, I took it and let him pull me up.
The second I did I almost stumbled as that pounding headache came back. Grabbing me before I could fall, he pulled me off of the ground and close to him. Burying my face in his chest, I shut my eyes as he carried me back to the only place that would ever fix my problem.
Sneaking past everyone, he slowly approached his hammock. While still holding me, he climbed in.
As he stretched his legs out I curled up to his side. Resting my head back on his chest, I tucked my legs to my stomach as he wrapped an arm around me.
“I’m always here for you. For anything at all at any time of day or any time of night,”He said gently yet firmly.
“I know. I just don't like bothering you.”
“You're the furthest thing from a bother. Besides, I like sleeping beside you. It means you're safe and is one of the only times we can actually cuddle,”He reassured me.
“I love you more than I could ever say,”I murmured, my eyes fluttering shut.
“I love you the same, but moments like this are more than enough to prove that,”He whispered, kissing my temple. With my breathing evening out, I fell into a genuine, deep sleep for the first time in what may as well be forever, with him whispering sweet nothing's to me the entire time.
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winterrrnight · 7 months
meet me in the hallway prompt 8???? With Zach???
oh vee darling I am so sorry how late I am to this! I hope you really really enjoy this :( and again, super sorry on me being so damn late, and thank you so so much for being so patient!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻☹️☹️
just the start
PAIRING: zach maclaren x gn!reader
SUMMARY: you tell your boyfriend of mere one and a half weeks that he is cute.
WARNINGS: fluff, usage of nicknames (very less though), mentions of cheating (not by zach or the reader)
EDITH SPEAKS: and we are done with the celly requests!! I absolutely failed this time in keeping up with them and I am so sorry about that :( I will definitely make sure this doesn’t repeat <3 I hope you all enjoy reading 💞 please reblog and share your thoughts 🌛
PROMPT REQUESTED: "you're so cute." "what did you say?" "I said you look like a boot."
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You’re sitting in the library of your university, completely relaxed as you read a book you just picked. You had a long study session and that definitely caused a little bit of a headache; constant staring at your laptop screen along with having to use your brain to complete a tough assignment, you were finally done, now giving your mind some much needed relaxation.
Your almost empty iced coffee sits in front of you, the diluted remains left in it as you still slurp onto the now flavorless liquid. It’s peaceful, almost no one in the library except you, the window next to you open as the sun enters inside and the breeze gently blows.
You’re having a great time; wonderful time actually, until it all comes to an end when you hear your boyfriend call you out, way too loudly in the library.
“Zach!” You shush as he approaches you, a big smile on his face. “Keep it down, the librarian isn’t the nicest,”
Zach only rolls his eyes and sits down in the chair next to you, wrapping his arm around you and pulling you in closer. You guys are at the mere start of your relationship, only one and a half weeks, but you have got to say, you really like it.
“So now I’m not allowed to miss my girl hm?” He teases, pressing a kiss to your cheek. You ignore the rising heat in your cheeks and keep your focus on your book, even though your body is now even more relaxed as you slump against him.
As it is just the mere start, the smallest kisses, touches, and compliments make you go absolutely crazy on the inside. But you know he is the one of the best you have ever experienced it with.
“How was practice?” You ask softly, eyes not training up from the inked pages.
“It was good… scored over five goals today,” he grins. You giggle softly as you look up at him, gently pinching his cheek.
“That’s great Zach,” you smile, before training down back to your book. He rests his head on top of yours, the only sound being your light breathing and the occasional flipping of the pages.
“Oh my god, do you want to know what happened today?” He says almost suddenly. “I’ve got some real gossip,” his eyes are wide, and as you look up, you can see the excitement in them.
“Yeah why not,” you smile. You look back at your book, and continue to listen to him whilst you also read.
“Okay so you remember Brandon right?”
“The captain of your team?”
“Yeah that’s the one. And do you remember his girlfriend?”
“Yup yup yup, so…” he takes a deep breath, “Clarisse literally cheated on him at the party two days ago. Like full on made out with this dude from her Latin class or somethin’ like that, and she keeps on denying it, she is all like, “well I was really drunk and didn’t know what I was doing!”, and Brandon’s like, “can you shut up please? You very well know what you did,” and then Clarisse is like, “no I will not shut up!” She has such a bitchy attitude and for what? And today, at the practice, she kept on following him like a lost puppy, always apologizing, being all “i’m sorry Brandon baby, please forgive me,” and I was just so embarrassed like, that’s not even my girl but I feel for him so bad…”
As he talks, you can’t help but look at him with a soft smile on your face as you watch him talk so efficiently about the fresh gossip. He has his arguments set, and he’s defending Brandon like anything, but that’s not where your focus is at.
You look at his light blue eyes, which seem an ethereal shade of blue as the sunlight falls on them, you see his eyebrows slightly furrowed, you see the small creases on his forehead, you see the way he is using his hands to gesture to make his point, you see his soft lips which you have such a desire to have on yours keep on talking, and you can’t help but sigh at the beautiful boy in front of you.
“... so then he literally screamed at her to leave him alone, and she ran away crying.” He finishes, and turns to look at you. He’s taken aback by the expression on your face, a soft smile accompanying your soft eyes, as you can’t help but admire him.
“What are you looking at?” He mutters as his eyes lock with yours. He nervously moves his hand over his face. “Do I, do I have something on my face?”
You laugh softly as you shake your head. “No, you don’t have anything on your face… you’re so cute,”
His eyes slightly widen at your words, a blush creeping onto his cheeks. In your very short time of dating, this is the first time you’ve called him cute.
“What did you say?” He whispers.
Your own cheeks warm up more, and you realize you called him ‘cute’. It is just a small compliment, but having just been together a mere one and a half weeks, it is definitely one heck of a compliment.
“I…” you mutter, as you look back at your book, “I said you look like a boot.”
He bursts out laughing, softly shaking his head at you as he can’t keep his giggles in. “I know what you said baby,” he smiles. “Thank you for that. I think you are adorable,” he leans in to press another kiss on your cheek. Your cheeks flare up even more at his movements as you dare not look up from your book, trying to show him that this does not even affect you one bit, when in reality, you are going crazy, and he knows it.
Just one and a half weeks, and he knows you better than anyone else.
What could be better than that?
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
TAGLIST: @runningfrom2am @saccharinesammie @maybankslover @totalswag @madelynie @chenslucy @ietss @elle-mp3 @viawritesstuff @wallsdreams @lunalitva @sadfury @newsies-pape-girl @jamesbuckybarneswify @xxxlaura @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @callsignwidow @assmaaaaa @starkowswife @drewstarkeyswifehoe @jjchaer @f4ll-for-you @wearemadeofstardust0 @drewsmusee @rafegirly @addriaenne @leighbronk @rafesdrew @bejeweledreverie @raf3sgff @aerangi @drewstarkey1bae @moneymaybank
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lu-dao-writes · 8 months
— 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 (𝙃𝙪𝙖 𝘾𝙝𝙚𝙣𝙜)
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꒰ྀི 🥀ˎˊ˗ 𝙎𝙮𝙣𝙤𝙥𝙨𝙞𝙨 He loves you not.
𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) Spoilers, cheating, hurt no comfort, HC’s unapologetic devotion for XL in front of you, rough sex, HC is not so great in this one, jealousy, gn!reader, mention of using sex as a coping mechanism, minimum editing.
𝘼/𝙉 I’m getting back into my danmei lmaoo. It’s nice to also post short pieces since I’ve been burnt out with long projects. So also I’m aware of the whole statute scene, but I didn’t go into depth because I’m not that far🥲. But I also appreciate all the likes I’ve gotten on my TGCF stuff! Also uh… This definitely also gave me vibes. Idek if the song works completely but it’s 🥵MINORS/AGELESS DNI! ⋆💔˚。⋆ ྀི꒱
Edited 01/24/24: I made a whoopsie on the timeline. I mistaken chapters and pages like a dummy 😅😅. Holy balls I’m sorry y’all🤣.
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Never did you imagine catching the Huā Chéng’s attention nor having his good graces.
You are nothing but a simple god in the heavens. Nothing highly praised, but important enough to be recognized and worshiped.
Of course you kept your meetings a secret and you enjoyed every small moment you had with him, after all, he is a very busy man, one of the four calamities in the ghost realm. You understand the workload.
You love him though with all his perfect and imperfections.
You noticed a change as of late, and it all started when crown prince Xiè Lián arrived in the heavens for the third time apparently.
You knew very little of him initially, but you gathered the opinions of others due to the nasty things that were spewed from one mouth to another.
Obviously this wouldn’t do, so you opted to help him with the case in Mount Yujun, and you weren’t alone. Two “junior” officials also join you as well, and though they’re incredibly amusing, they’re also a headache as usual.
Anyways. While on this mission Xiè Lián was anything but what was being said in the heavens by the other gods. He’s incredibly humble, kind, has strong morals, and is charitable. A perfect friend to have in your life.
You don’t pry into his history, and you can tell he’s appreciative of that.
Once the mission is over with you come to your own conclusion and don’t regret it. You planned to even come visit him and help him out at his shrine until that familiar presence has you frozen in place.
What is Huā Chéng doing here..?
You left before you could be detected, fleeing back to your little palace and drowning yourself in your duties while unwillingly being stuck in your thoughts as well.
As days go by you note that when your beloved finally comes to you, it’s after his highness returns from another mission…
Huā Chéng is overwhelmed with emotions, that much is obvious when he grabs you so tight, his body tense and shoulders trembling just faintly.
His turmoil distracts you from your unsteady heart and you offer to remedy his burdens by being the one to lovingly service him.
But he turns your offer down.
Instead he resorts to his usual, just putting you on your hands and knees and then making you ride him with your back facing him when he grows tired of doing the work.
You’ve… Never had too much of a problem with this, the positions always hitting you deeply in those special, toe curling spots, and honestly he fucks you dumb to the point you got no thoughts.
But this didn’t soothe your paranoia, and you weren’t sure how to bring it up to him.
So you resort to soothing yourself.
‘It’s just insecurity. I’m just blowing it out of proportion.. Huā Chéng loves me.’
It only works for so long.
After that night Huā Chéng became distant again and soon did the unthinkable.
He snatched Xiè Lián from his palace where he was made to be confined in, and made a nice little show about it in the communication array.
You were dazed and hurt, not sure what his plans were and why he’s so infatuated with Xiè Lián. You weren’t sure if he wanted to hurt him or…
Your chest is heavy, but you push through and go with Fēng Xìn and Mù Qíng to find the runaway duo.
In the end, you wished to have just stayed tucked away in your palace, distracting yourself with your work for a moment longer than seeing this .
There’s many.. Many statues of Xiè Lián, all depicting a specific moment in his and Huā Chéng’s lifetime, or just because Huā Chéng wants another beautiful image of the crown prince.
It’s sick and painful. Your body trembling and your mind sinking deeper and deeper into the abyss that’s your proven thoughts.
Some can say it’s romantic.. Other can say it’s creepy. Pick your poison. But you felt humiliated above all else. It makes you question whether your relationship was even real this entire time.
When Huā Chéng makes his sudden appearance, he doesn’t even look ashamed, his attention and concern solely on Xiè Lián.
When you finally managed to leave Ghost City, like usual, you locked yourself away and finally exploded, taking your anger out on some of your furniture before sobbing on the cold floor, nothing but the shadows on the wall to comfort you in your grief.
All along Huā Chéng has been devoted to and in love with Xiè Lián.
The times you’ve had sex you’re sure he’s imagined him in your place.
In the meantime you were just something to keep him occupied until he had his chance.
You felt used and foolish and you had a tidal wave of resentment for Huā Chéng at his callousness.
And unfortunately you couldn’t help but have a little resentment for Xiè Lián…
You only distanced yourself from him and his party of growing allies, ignoring the hurt in his eyes when you brush him off, and ignoring him when he came to your palace asking for you and checking on you.
Your bitterness was just too immense.
You assume that no one knows still about you and your one sided relationship with Huā Chéng, otherwise you’re sure your doors would’ve been blown open and you’d be dragged into court for an interrogation by now.
Huā Chéng has yet to face you, and it hurts, but you’re not surprised either. You’re sure you’re not going to get an apology either.
Love truly can be a curse…
But for now you’ll let yourself mourn and stew in your anger. You’ll throw a small pity party for yourself and be a little destructive.
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“Hi…! I know it’s late and this is completely random, but is that offer still available…?”
“Of course, come right on in~.”
You only hope that Péi Míng doesn’t pry too much…
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s0urw00lf · 1 month
Our future is in our hands
Pairing: pre!college Sam Winchester x reader
Summary: you and Sam go from talking about the your dreams of going to college to actually going. Together.
Warnings: none
An: I'd kill to see how pre college Sam acted also in this readers mom and john are NOT together, they are just people who met just years after loosing their S/O
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Dean left for the bar about ten minutes ago claiming that he ‘needed to get laid’ despite being only twenty years old and not yet old enough to get into a bar legally and your mom and John left a little over a day ago on a hunt that luckily didn’t call for you, Dean and Sam to tag along.
So that left you and Sam alone in the motel. Somehow John had found a place that had bedrooms in the motel two to be exact one with two twins (the boy's room) and one with a queen (your room). Which is where you currently sat doing some schoolwork that had been assigned to you by your mother. She was eager to keep you in school and by the grace of god you and your mother were able to talk John into letting Sam attend dean decided against it because he wouldn’t need it for much longer.
You groaned at the growing headache you’d started to get from staring at the workbook for too long. “You got a headache too?” The voice led you to look to see Sam’s tall frame standing in the doorway with a bottle of water. You rolled over on your back “I’ve been re-reading the same paragraph for thirty minutes” you groaned, accepting the water when he reached out to hug it to you. Sam gave you a small smile “I told you to take a break like an hour ago” he said.
You sighed “I know but I don’t have much left I just wanted to get it over with” you replied, sitting up so you wouldn’t choke while drinking the water. He looked down at your paper trying to see if he’d completed the part you were on, he hadn’t but he still offered his help. You declined “I need a break, I think my attention span has run dry,” you said. He nodded letting out a laugh, “Well what do you wanna do?” He asked. You shrugged, “Anything but that” You pointed to the pile of open workbooks and notepaper. “Wanna help me clean the guns?” He asked. You nodded, expecting that that’s what he was doing before he came into the room because John had told them two days ago to have it done by the time he was back.
The two of you sat beside working in silence disassembling the guns before Sam’s soft voice interrupted the silence. “Are you gonna go to college?” He asked suddenly. You looked up from the gun you had in your hands to Sam who kept his eyes trained on the gun he was cleaning. You thought for a second “I'd like to, more than anything.” You answered pausing “But do you think people like us get to do things like that?” You questioned.
He finally looked up from the gun in his hands and made eye contact with you, his expression was soft and his green eyes looked so vulnerable. “I think to hell with everybody else, since when do we play but the ‘hunter 101’ ruled anyway” he joked but you could tell he was deadly serious. You nodded at his statement, he was right.
The both of you had never been fully on board with the way your future was headed, hence the hours of hard work and studying. “Then yeah I'd love to go, but not by myself,” you said, hoping he’d catch the hint you were throwing at him. And he did, a blissful smile crossed his face “You wouldn’t be by yourself, we could go together, and share a dorm or apartment or whatever” he said.
Your smile matched his at the thought, sharing an apartment with Sammy sounded great but you’d rather share a room. You nodded “We could go furniture shopping and to parties. We could be normal,” you said, imagining the whole scenario. Sam agreed with a smile still plastered on his face “You’d do that with me?” He asked slowly. You looked at him completely baffled. “Sam i'd do anything with you” you confessed to him. “Even if i told you i want to be with you when it happens” he asked “even more so then” you replied with a small smile.
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A little over two years later
You and Sam had left your parents and Dean a couple of hours ago. Somehow you both had been granted a full ride at Stanford and while your mom was happy about it, John had raised hell and to make a long story short he’d told you “If you walk out that door, don’t come back.” And you did. Sam drove with a clenched jaw and white knuckles, and you couldn’t keep yourself from crying. Silence filled the car as both of you registered the events that had taken place just hours ago. You didn’t know if you could live without talking to your family. Not your mom, or Dean. John… maybe. Your thoughts were interrupted when Sam grabbed your hand intertwining it with his and holding on tight. You have him a teary smile and his tense expression relaxed.
‘We’re gonna be fine’
When you arrived at Stanford you both gaped at the apartment on campus you’d been granted, you’d never lived in such a nice space. You walked further into the apartment and made eye contact with Sam who was still standing at the door and the biggest smiles crossed your faces. You let out an excited squeal running to hug him, he caught you picking you up and twirling you, making you let out a laugh.
He placed you gently back on the ground with a dopey smile locking you into his loving stare. “I can’t believe it” you muttered in disbelief looking up into his green eyes. “We did it,” he said. You were trapped, unable to look away from his eyes, and your face heated making your heartbeat rise. Since that day you and Sam talked about college you’d grown closer than friends but not yet a couple and you had yet to have your first kiss, praying that someday it’d be him, and it seems your prayers were answered when he began to lean down, playing a hand on your hip to bring you closer.
“Sam,” you said softly and you weren’t sure why. “Can I?” He breathily asked tugging you even closer if possible. You nodded not breaking eye contact. You could feel his breath on your lips as he leaned closer. When your lips connected you’d let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. He hummed softly into the kiss. His lips were soft and the tip of his nose was still cold from when he was blasting the AC in the car. He pulled away from the kiss with a smile “I’m so glad I finally did that” he whispered. You laughed “I wish you’d done it sooner” you replied with a smirk. You pulled away from his warm embrace and turned back towards the living space of the apartment. “Where do we go from here?” You asked softly.
“We’ve got years to figure that out, let’s just focus on now” he answered. You smiled looking up at him. You had the man you’d dreamed about (literally) and the life you wished for and for right now that was all you needed.
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footiehoemcfc · 1 year
Bad day means pottery date
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Hi guys :) I have not written a fic in a while because I'm always busy or I just can't get myself to do it. Howeverrr, SOMEONE, and by someone I mean Soph (@masonmount07) encouraged me to write again. She has been sharing teasers for her fics which are AMAZING and you should deff read the ones she has posted!! That being said I won't commit myself to dates or requests because I don't know how often I will be writing fics. At the moment I have different ideas I want to write but it takes time so bare with me. Anywayss I hope you enjoy it! :) TW: none, 3.9k words, Fluffy
These were the types of days you hated. Feeling like shit, feeling tired, feeling like you could be doing something better with your life. Work had been awful, you were feeling very insecure about yourself for multiple reasons, you had burnout and you were just tired of it. Projects for work kept piling up every single day and it made you want to rip your hair out. You didn’t particularly love your job, but you needed it otherwise…well you would have absolutely no money. 
Your insecurities have always haunted you, however the last couple of years you had worked through them and started accepting your body and everything about yourself because you figured you only have one body, might as well take good care of it and be happy. The problem starts when you start comparing yourself to other women. 
Last weekend Mason had invited you to go see a game of his. You were not dating, but he had asked you out on dates, 4 times by that point. On those dates he got to know you loved football, so he thought it would be great to have you there so you could enjoy the atmosphere and support him. You gladly accepted, you really liked Mason and you loved going to stadiums. You and Mason had never kissed or anything further than that. You had exchange loving glances, kisses on the cheek and held hands during dinner but not much more than that. He never really attempted to as well which made you feel like maybe he just wasn’t that into you. That kind of started your insecurities. However when you went to the game, it hit you. Why the hell would he be into you? Look at these girls in his box. They look absolutely perfect. They were basically Instagram models of course they looked perfect. You felt very out of place. 
Ever since that game you felt mehh about yourself. Mason said hi to you after the game, however you didn’t have a chance to talk to him that much since all of his friends were there and wanted to talk to him. You had been texting for a week now and had planned getting dinner tonight, but in all honestly you were not really feeling it. 
Once you stepped into your apartment, you felt relief. You were home, you could relax and you could have peace of mind. That did not last long though. Not even 5 minutes in, your boss had texted you to come in earlier tomorrow since some of the staff had quit unexpectedly today and they needed backup. That was your last straw. You stared at the message and your vision started getting blurry. Your tears started falling and they didn’t stop. You wanted a break from it and from everything. You threw your phone into the living room sofa, went upstairs and just threw yourself to bed. All the emotions you had came out. You felt dumb for crying so much over a job and over yourself, but you needed it. The crying gave you a headache which resulted in you falling asleep. 
You woke up to the sound of your phone ringing downstairs. You got up from your bed and quickly went downstairs to answer. 
Without glancing at the name you answered, “Hello?”. “Hey you! I’ve been texting you since this morning.” You froze. It was Mason. You looked at yourself in the mirror behind the sofa, your eyes puffy, your hair all over the place. “Oh yea sorry I was really busy at work today I didn’t even get a chance to check my phone.” “That’s alright love, what time should I pick you up?” Shit. The dinner. Do you lie and tell him in an hour, try to get yourself ready and look at least presentable with a stuffy nose and try and get through the whole dinner without crying, or do you just tell him the truth and cancel on him? “Oh yea um listen…” Fuck. Think. “I just had a really bad day, I feel awful doing this to you but I just don’t think I can today.” You closed your eyes hoping for the best. “Oh no, what happened?” His voice was filled with concern which made you feel butterflies in your stomach. “Nothing for you to worry about I promise, just a bunch of workload and um…” your voice cracked. You couldn’t even tell him about your shitty day without crying how were you meant to get through a whole dinner with him. “Yea it’s just a bunch of stuff” you covered your mouth and closed your eyes to stop yourself from crying. “Aw babe, are you okay? I feel awful for you.” He did feel bad for you. You had mentioned to him before how your job was not the best but he didn’t think it was this bad. “Yea” you sniffed and paused for a second to compose yourself, “yea I’m okay don’t worry” you sniffed again and just wanted to hang up because you knew if he started talking to you and try to make you feel better you would just crumble. “I’m really sorry you're having a bad day today, I wish I could help you somehow”, “It’s okay Mase don’t worry, I’m really sorry for canceling so last minute”. You did really feel bad, you were never the type of person to cancel on someone no matter what was going on but today had been just a little too much. “No love, don’t worry. We can see each other another day. Get some rest yea? If you need anything you know I’m here, always” You smiled. These types of comments he made can make  you feel so giddy, but then you remember you haven’t even kissed each other and it just goes away. “Thanks Mase. I’ll text you.” “Of course, goodnight love.” “Night Mase.” And with that you hung up. 
After that call you ordered take out, watched a movie, took a bath and went straight to bed. Your body was exhausted and you had to get in early tomorrow to cover for other people. You were not looking forward to it at all. You wanted to stay in the whole day and not do anything. 
6 am, and your alarm rang causing you to jump from your deep sleep. How did you sleep 8 hours yet you felt like you only slept 1? The thought of going to work made you nauseous. You knew this was not normal. After much thought, you decided to say fuck it and call in sick. Your brain felt like it was fried and your body felt like it was giving up on life. 
After texting your boss you were sick, you didn’t even wait for a response, you went back to bed. You had no energy to give explanations. After sleeping for 3 more hours, you woke up at 9:30 am. You wanted to relax but you also felt like you needed to at least go out for a walk and get fresh air. As tired as you were, you wanted to get some movement going. Lately looking at yourself in the mirror made you feel uneasy. You had bag under your eyes, you felt like your body felt like jelly since you have no time to work out or even take walks. You were not feeling yourself at all. Seeing all those girls in the stadium box made you look hard enough in the mirror to find more stupid insecurities you didn’t even know you had. So, to try and feel a bit productive, you took a shower, put on some yoga pants, a hoodie and decided to take a walk around the neighborhood. Did it make you feel better? Nope, but it did help a little. 
You spent the day reading, talking to your only friend in the office and cooking yourself breakfast, lunch and a snack. Your friend was concerned about you so she suggested you file a complaint to HR for the overload of work you had to do. It wasn’t a bad idea at all and you did it. The whole day Mason hadn’t texted you which felt weird. You would text him when he was free from training but no message came in. Maybe it was because you canceled on him? Maybe he finally realized he is wasting his time with you? Who knows but overthinking made you feel upset. You liked him a lot. Did he like you a lot too, as a friend? As a potential girlfriend? You didn’t know but you still wanted to find out. 
It was 5 pm and no text from him came through.  You were debating whether to bite the bullet or not and just text him yourself but you didn’t want to seem desperate. You started typing on his chat, “Hi Mase” adding a little heart. Press send you idiot, you thought to yourself. “Sent.” You put your phone down and walked away from it like it was a bomb that was going to explode. You idiot, you idiot, you thought. You decided to start cutting up some veggies to start dinner to try and distract yourself. Nerves started settling in. Maybe you should delete the text message if he hasn’t seen it.
You got a little lost in cutting up the veggies that when your phone rang it made you jump. “Jesus Christ” you muttered to yourself. The caller ID “Mase” appeared on your screen. You got nerves all over again. How can a man make you this nervous. “Hi Mase” you answered, trying not to sound terrified. “Hi love, how are you?” he sounded really chirpy which settled your nerves. “I’m better than yesterday, what about you?” “Oh great I’m glad you feel better because I’m picking you up in 30 minutes.” What? Picking you up? You don’t remember agreeing to seeing him yesterday before hanging up. “Umm what?” he laughed at your confused state. “I felt awful about not being able to help you out yesterday so I thought we could do something fun today instead of dressing up fancy and get a fancy dinner. Are you up for it?” You were smiling from ear to ear. He went out of his way to make you feel better and here you were debating or not if you were an idiot for just texting Hi to him. “Really?” you knew he could tell you were smiling and excited. “Yes really” he said chuckling. “So, wear something you don’t mind getting dirty, and I’ll be there in about 30 minutes yea?” “Okay, um but wait what are we doing exactly?” “It’s a surprise.” “A surprise?” “Yes a surprise, so get ready, don’t ask anymore questions and we’ll have fun.” You laughed at his comment. “Okay then I’ll be ready”. 
Wear something you don’t mind getting dirty. What the hell were you doing with him today? Maybe a painting class? A cooking class? Will you go to those rage rooms to break stuff? Honestly you had no idea but it was exciting. You dressed up in some old but cute jeans you didn’t mind getting dirty and a tank top with just a simple jacket. You put on a little bit of makeup and you were ready to go. Mason arrived exactly 30 minutes after to pick you up. Once he pulled up, he rolled down his window and watched you close and lock your door. “Fucking hell you still look beautiful with old clothes” he said making you blush and roll your eyes. “Listen, I still tried to look good.” You opened the door and got in his car. He leaned in and kissed your cheek, “You always look good love.” You blushed yet again at his comment. “Stop it.” You said laughing, and soon enough he started driving you to your surprise date. 
“Are you still not giving me any clues Sir?” you asked once you stopped in a red light. He turned to you, “No Ma'am, no clues, I told you it’s a surprise.” You smiled at his comment and leaned in to kiss his cheek. “Thank you Mason.” You were grateful he was doing all of this to try and make you feel better. “No problem.” You kept looking into each other’s eyes and were leaning in to kiss. You wanted to kiss him more than anything and you felt you were about to, until the car behind you honked to indicate to you the light was green. You both lightly jumped and laughed. 
Once he parked the car you were still confused. The place did not look familiar and there was no sign of what the pace could possible be. “Okay then, follow me.” He took your hand and tangled his fingers with yours, leading you to a blue door. He opened the door for you and once inside you realized were you were. “Oh my god, are we doing pottery?” he laughed at your excitement. “Yes, we are doing pottery.” “Oh my god Mason! I’ve always wanted to try and do it!” “I know you did, you told me on our first date” he said smiling at you. Your heart melted completely at the fact that he remembered. You couldn’t help it and just hugged him,  burying your face in his neck. “Thank you so much” you said, so only he could hear since your whole face was smushed in his neck from how tight you were both holding each other. “You're welcome my love.” Again, melting your heart. 
You both got seated in your places, the machine in front of you and a bucket of water beside you. Once your instructor showed you how it was done and gave you tips, both you and Mason got to work. “Okay so what if we do mugs and we keep each other’s mugs” Mason suggested. “Oooh okay that is a good idea, make it pretty please I’ll be drinking tea out of it every day.” Mason laughed at your comment and both of you started getting the clay ready. 
It got way messier than you thought it would. While trying to get the shape of the mug right, and talking to each other at the same time, Mason’s spinning machine started going way too fast causing the clay to almost fly out and causing both of you to laugh so hard your belly started to hurt. It was becoming the most fun date you have ever been to and your favorite. You loved how easy it was to have fun with him and to see him let his guard down with you. Mason on the other hand, loved seeing you happy, feeling better and making you laugh. 
Since it was the first time attempting to make a mug out of clay, they didn’t turn out great. “Look at your mug!” Mason said pointing at your deformed mug and laughing really hard causing you to laugh as well. “Oh my God you are so rude, look at YOUR mug.” His mug was worse, it was wonky and it was barely standing. Both of you red on the face from laughing so much. “We are not going to be able to drink from this, look at them.” Mason said, causing you to laugh again. You looked over at the shelves and saw different mugs, cartoons, plants and much more already made just missing color. “Okay how about, we grab one of those mugs, paint them for each other, it’s way easier.” You suggested, making Mason agree. “Yea okay, that’s a better idea.” 
Both of you grabbed two identical looking mugs, and the staff gave you different brushes and colors to paint the mugs. Both of you got concentrated in painting the mug, once you were done you didn’t even realize you had been at the place for 3 hours already. 
“Okay I’m done.” Mason said, showing you his mug. It was blue and red with spider webs. “Of course it’s a spiderman mug” you said, chuckling and rolling your eyes. “Don’t judge me, I’m a kid at heart, let me see yours.” You grabbed your mug by the handle trying not to get paint on your hand. “Tadaa '' you said, lifting up the mug. It was light blue and light green. “Oh wow, it looks really cool.” Mason said admiring it. “Well thank you, it’s for you.” Mason smiled and grabbed the mug. In exchange he gave you his mug, you laughed once you realized you were going to be drinking tea everyday out of a spiderman mug.  
Once the paint was dry, the staff packed your mugs into a box and handed it to both of you. You said your thank yous to everyone and went outside. “Okay before we go anywhere else, I had something for you so close your eyes.” You were surprised,  but obeyed and closed your eyes. You heard Mason open his car door and the close it. “Okay open up.” You opened your eyes and saw the most beautiful bouquet of roses. You gasped and looked at Mason who was already blushing and smiling at you. “Oh my God! Mase these are so beautiful! Thank you so much!” You said grabbing the roses. “You're very welcome.” Mason was still smiling at your reaction. “Mase seriously this are so pretty you didn’t have too.” You pulled him in for a hug. He wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his face into your neck. “I know, but I wanted to. I wanted you to have a great day.” You were about to tear up but you didn’t want him to see you cry. You swallowed the lump in your throat and pulled away to look at him. Both of you looked into each other's eyes and had the urge to kiss each other. You have wanted nothing more than to kiss him since the first date. He didn’t hesitate this time and kissed you lovingly. It was the best kiss you’ve ever experience in your life. This made your feelings for Mason much more stronger and hoped he felt exactly the same way for you. He brushed his tongue over your lip and kept kissing you. You didn’t want it to end but both of you had to breathe. Once you stopped kissing, you rested your forehead against his and just smiled. “This was the best date Mase.” You whispered. “I’m glad you liked it love.” He gave you one last peck and opened the door for you to get in the car. He started driving again, this time his hand on your thighs. “Where are we going now?” you asked breaking the comfortable silence. “Well, I don’t want fancy food in a fancy restaurant and I know you don’t either,” he said making you giggle, “so how about some five guys?” “Sound perfect then.”
You ordered Five Guys and started eating in the car. Mason had parked in front of a nice park with a nice view. The meal was really good, it consisted on reliving the mess both of you made with the pottery class and just talking about everything and anything.
“So,” Mason said, wiping his mouth with a napkin “I wanted to ask you what had made you so sad yesterday…I mean if you want to talk about it.” “Oh well” You were debating whether or not to tell him. How do you explain to him that you felt insecure because of all the girls he is friends with and that you hate your job without sounding pathetic. “Um my job has been a pain in the ass. I get projects every day it feels like and a lot of the staff quit unexpectedly so I have to cover for them which means even more work.” You said almost laughing at how ridiculous that sounds. No person should be dealing with the amount of work and burnout you were dealing with. “Oh shit, can’t you talk to your boss or someone like a manager?” “Yea, I mean I called in sick today because I just could not do it. I also filed a complaint to HR which I don’t really know if it will help but you know it’s at least something.” Mason was looking at you and listening attentively. “Okay good, maybe they can help, you shouldn't be feeling discouraged and tired in any job.” “Yea I know, it’s really just my job and I don’t know I’ve been feeling a little self conscious lately which is no big deal but it just throws me off some days you know?” Mason’s concern was evident in his face again. “Why’s that love?” You gulped, dreading to tell him you have felt this way ever since you went to his game. “Well, I don’t know. I just feel like sometimes I think about you and you know you are you and I am me. I feel out of place sometimes, especially last weekend with your friends and those girls. They are gorgeous and live like a different reality than me, but it's not that big of a deal I promise.” You really didn’t want to make it seem you were fishing for compliments or you wanted pitty from him but you didn’t want to lie to him.
“Hey look at me.” He said placing one hand against your cheek for you to look at him. “You can talk to me about this okay? I never want you to feel out of place, specially with me. You are the most gorgeous girl. I’ve really wanted to be with you ever since I met you. I know sometimes my lifestyle is very different from yours but that doesn’t mean I don’t want you. Since our first date I've been beating myself up for not even attempting to kiss you.” He said chuckling and making you smile. “I just really wanted to do this the right way you know? Like go on dates, get to know you first, not rush it. That being said, I’ve been really dying to kiss you though, and I’m glad I finally did.” You smiled at him and leaned in to kiss him one more time. It was not a heated kiss, it had a lot of passion. “I really like you Mase, I also want to do this the right way. Sometimes I just overthink too much and get like awkward I don’t know.” You said making yourself and him giggle. “I like you too. So much. You don’t need to hide your personality from me, you don’t need to always look “perfect” for me. I loved seeing you smiling, laughing, clay all over your face today.” You both laughed remembering how the clay went all over the place. He leaned in again and kissed you one more time. “Thank you for today, really. I've never had anyone go out of their way to do something like this for me.” You said kissing his cheek. “You're welcome. We are doing this again it was way too much fun.” He kissed your nose and you agreed. 
Once you threw the food wrappers in a trash can near by, he drove off to go drop you off. While saying goodbye, he gave you a few more kisses and waited for you to get safely into your apartment. Once you got inside, you couldn't help but feel giddy and giggle to yourself. You heard a ping from your phone. “Cooking classes next date? X” You smiled to yourself as you read Mason’s message. “Perfect.” You replied. The butterflies in your tummy never went away that night.
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milfjuulpod · 1 year
req: yes
can you write a Melissa x Reader where reader is the new VP of Abbott and she’s just the most professional person ever. She doesn’t wanna interact with the staff in any way that’s not professional, she’ll refer to them by last name, has lunches in her car, doesn’t try to socialize unless it’s Melissa. Melissa never notices but reader is always lingering to watch her, calls her by her first name, goes out of her way to make sure Mel is never inconvenienced by anything at Abbott. it’s not until maybe Janine or Jacob, hell Gregory even point it out that Mel notices and confronts the reader about it. Reader responds in like the cheesiest way possible, something like “i was down bad for you from the moment i saw you” and Melissa just m e l t s!!
warnings: none
A/N: hello again 🧛🏻‍♀️ i absolutely LOVED this request, so i hope you enjoy reading as much as i did writing :)) thank you for all the support !!
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After earning yourself your graduate degree, and interning at schools all over, you found yourself at Abbott Elementary. Despite its hazards here and there, you loved it. You maintain your poise and passion for work each day, staying on task and doing everything you could to help. 
       Being the Vice Principal came with a lot of responsibilities, especially working for Ava Coleman. Over the school year, just like the rest of Abbott, you grew to love her—but that didn’t mean she didn’t give you a headache every week. “Can you not eat in your car for one day and just come with me to this brunch?” Ava begged, but you knew better. “Ms. Coleman, if you’re going on this brunch, somebody has to stay here. Besides, you’ll be fine. I’ve prepared your folder for you and you nailed rehearsals,” you encouraged her. 
       Ava was preparing for a brunch with some people from the district, and as much as you wanted to go and support her, you had to stay. “You’re right, I did kill that last rehearsal. I guess I’ll go alone,” the principal dramatized, and left for her lunch. Walking back, you decided to do a quick sweep before heading into your own office. No harm in checking on everyone, right? You passed Mrs. Howard’s door, noticing her students taking a nap. She saw you through the window, and the two of you exchanged smiles before you parted. 
        “Oh, hey Y/N! I had a question for you,” a small, but loud, voice was heard from behind you. “Hello Ms. Teagues, how can I help you?” You turned to greet her. “You know you can call me Janine, right?” The shorter teacher gave you a friendly smile, and continued.  “Anyways, I was thinking about doing a project with my students, they started this new book and are just loving it! Honestly I was a bit surprised, but I guess when the kids are with me-”
       “The question you had?” You interrupted her. As much as Janine had a soft spot in your heart, you had work to do and a lunch to half-eat. “Right, sorry. Do you think Friday we could use the library?” She asked, shooting you puppy dog eyes. “I don’t see why not. Let me touch base with our librarian that week and make sure, I’ll get back to you.” You answered. 
        “Yay! Okay, I gotta pick my kids up but, thank you!” She yelled as she started to pick up speed down the hallway. You shook your head and smiled to yourself as you continued your walk, but quickly stopped in your tracks. Melissa’s door was open. For whatever reason, Melissa was…different for you. You never interacted much with people from your work life, never have. With Melissa you still kept your physical distance, but that didn’t stop the thoughts in your head that always came back to her. 
       Nervously, you leaned against the door frame and took in her room. She sat in her chair at the front of the room, book in hand, reading to her class. Every few sentences she would pick her head up and glance at her students, and each time you got nervous she would catch you staring. “The vine was alive! It was a long green snake! The snake fell from the tree, it splashed in the water and swam away,” Melissa read aloud. You watched as one of her students stood up from their seat. “Does the snake get Jack? Or Annie?” He asked. “I don’t know hon, that’s why we have to keep reading,” Melissa said to him, and motioned for him to sit back down. 
        “Sorry Ms. Schemmenti,” he apologized, albeit quietly. “That’s alright, I know reading can be very exciting. But let’s regroup, okay?” She regained everyone’s attention so quickly, and you couldn’t help but watch in complete adoration for the woman. You completely missed two teachers walk right behind you. Melissa went to go back to reading, but her head snapped back up immediately as she saw you standing. She waved for you to come in, and continued on. You sat there for the next few minutes, until it was time for her students to go to lunch. “Jacob is coming to get my kids, give me a minute and then I wanna talk to ya,” Melissa said to you as she stood up to get her kids ready. 
         You couldn’t help but study her every movement, the way she walked, the way she bent down to talk to the kids, everything. She had you wrapped around her finger like it was nothing. Melissa was, without a doubt, the highlight of your day. Every day. “So,” she started, pulling you out of your trance. “I need the library on Friday. I’m getting my kids ready for the science fair this year and I wanna try some bigger stuff with them,” she said. You could see the excitement practically glowing off of her as she told you about her plans. How could you say no? “Yeah! That sounds great. If I have time, I’d love to come see what you guys end up doing,” You told her. 
       “Yeah hon, you should swing by. I’d like that,” She responded. You tried desperately to ignore the way your heart pounded when she called you that, and went to make your exit. “It’s a plan. I have to get back to work but, I’ll see you around, Melissa.” She waved goodbye to you, and you went back to your office stomach full of butterflies. 
       Melissa wasn’t far behind you, although she was going in a different direction. She grabbed her things and headed towards the break room for her own lunch. “I’m not saying I don’t like her! I really like her, I just think it’s strange she still won’t call me Janine.” Melissa heard a voice she tried to ignore. She smiled or waved to those around, and made her way to sit down and eat. “She calls all of us by our last names, even Ava. She’s not social with us either, one time I think I saw her working and eating in her car. Are we not fun to be friends with?” Jacob frantically asked. 
       “No,” Melissa said in time with Ava, who was just walking in. “Are y’all talkin bad about my little helper?” She asked. Melissa, against her better judgment, chimed in. “She’s the Vice Principal, not just your little helper.” Ava sported a cheeky grin, noticing how that got under her skin. “Whatever, anyways, I came in here to tell you actually that the library is yours on Friday,” The principal continued her conversation with Melissa, although Janine was quick to say something. “Wait, what? I just talked to Y/N, and she said I could have the library,” she said frantically. “No, I just talked to her, she said I could have it. Sorry kid,” Melissa retorted. “Just because you’re her favorite, doesn’t mean you should get privileges,” Janine tried to say quietly, but she wasn’t quiet enough. “I am not her favorite! She doesn’t have favorites, she doesn’t like any of us,” Melissa argued. She turned her body more towards the table in front of her and crossed her arms. 
       “Oh come on Melissa, you don’t notice?” Janine poked. When she got no response, everybody decided to help paint the picture. “She calls you by your name. Your first name,” Janine told her. “She gave you the library over Janine,” Jacob added. “I saw her outside your classroom for like, five minutes today,” Gregory finished. Melissa was too stunned to say anything, both at everyone noting your behavior towards her, and the fact that she missed all of this. You didn’t wanna socialize with everyone, but everyone didn’t mean Melissa. 
       “Okay, okay, I’ll go figure it out. Sorry,” The redhead shot Janine an apologetic look as she walked out the door once again. Melissa felt her palms get sweaty as she got closer to your office. Now that she knew about all her little privileges with you, she didn’t want to say something and ruin it. Besides, as much as she didn’t want to admit it, Melissa enjoyed the rare company you brought her. As she approached your door, Melissa took a deep breath in. After a quick mental pep talk, she knocked gently. Upon hearing your, “Come in,” she opened the door as slowly as she could. 
       Lifting your head to look at the door, your face lit up at the sight. “Oh! Hi Melissa, what’s up?” You asked her. Melissa closed the door behind her, and took a seat across from you. When she didn’t answer, you leaned in a bit closer and furrowed your eyebrows at her. Melissa couldn’t meet your gaze, and you hated it. “What’s going on?” You asked quietly. 
       “Why am I special?” Melissa blurted out. The both of you looked at each other, surprised at what she had just said. “I…I’m not sure what you mean by that,” you lied. “You told Janine she could have the library, and then went and gave it to me. You call me ‘Melissa’ but everyone else is last names only. And I can’t prove it, but I’m pretty sure I’m the only person you buy coffee for once a week,” the older woman explained. You felt cheeks turn as red as Melissa’s hair when she said all this to you, and now it was your turn to avoid eye contact. “Hon?” She pushed when you didn’t reply. 
      After a deep breath, you spoke. “I don’t know. I don’t know what it is about you Melissa but my god. From the first day I got here I…I can’t keep my eyes off you when we’re in the same room. I want to do everything I can to make your day easier or better or just to see you smile. Everything I do here is for you. You’re special, that’s it. And I like you that way.” When you finally looked back up, you saw tears forming in the green eyes across from you. 
        “You…you really mean that?” Melissa asked you, like she almost believed everything you said. “Yes!” You let out a defeated laugh, tears forming in your own eyes out of embarrassment. “Of course I mean it. What made you decide to bring this up today?” 
       Melissa shifted in her seat. “It was brought to my attention today, that I may or may not be your favorite,” she admitted. She tried to hide the smile that was forming, but it was clear she was happy to be your favorite person. You sighed, “Well, you are. I’m sorry that it’s affecting work now,” You slid your chair back a bit and started to mess with papers on your desk. “Woah woah woah, don’t get all sad on me now. I never said it was a bad thing,” Melissa said, reaching across the desk to stop your hand from moving another paper. You tilted your head in confusion, which led to Melissa giggling at you. She stood up from her seat and walked around your desk, turning your chair to face her.
       “I think I like being your favorite,” Melissa said in a much lower voice than you’ve ever heard from her. She rested her hands on either side of your chair, faces so close your noses were almost touching. You looked from her eyes to her lips, fighting internally which one to stare at. “Yeah?” You asked, so quietly you weren’t sure she heard you. Melissa nodded her head and when you did the same, she finally closed the distance and you were wrapped in the sweetest kiss you had ever felt. 
        After a few more kisses from Melissa, she finally pulled away. “I’m sorry it took me so long to notice,” She mumbled. You took her hands in yours and played with her fingers. “Don’t be, if anything I’m sorry it took me so long to actually do something about it,” You joked, which thankfully the older woman did find funny. “I think I was the one who did something about it,” Melissa corrected you. “Okay, fine. But either way, I’m glad you brought it up. Would you, maybe, want to kiss me again sometime? After dinner together?” Even though Melissa had just kissed you, you were so nervous about asking her out. 
      “I would love to, but I might kiss you before then.”
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because-of-a-friend · 2 years
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Hi guys, I’m back! Sorry I was gone for so long, I got so busy this past year, I thought I might have to retire this blog for good. But I’m going to try and make time for it, let’s hope it works out this time!
Disclaimer: It has been a LONG time since I’ve written ~anything~ so I am plenty rusty lol.
Thanks for the request anon! This is such a cute prompt! Hope I delivered! After this I’ll have four drafts left and then I can answer the requests in my inbox!
Warnings: Mentions injuries/illnesses, blood, let me know if I missed anything!
Word Count: 1k
Remember that gifs aren’t mine! If you like them, pls click through to show their OPs some love!
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You have to laugh as Seungcheol loudly announces to Jeonghan that his head is hurting
You two have been going through this cycle since you were first hired a few months ago
At the beginning, Coups had an excuse to talk to you all the time
Since you were new to the team, he took point on explaining important info to you
What allergies the boys had
Previous injuries you needed to be aware of
Where they generally kept their first-aid supplies
But once you had it all down, there was no reason for him to talk to you on a daily basis
But by this point, Cheol had realized that he very much liked speaking to you
He felt that you two had connected well and wanted to get to know you more
But since you were on the med team, you were often quite busy seeing as there were thirteen members that were in constant need of check-ups, aid with different levels of injuries, and general everyday care to combat the strain they put on their bodies
You hardly ever had time to just speak to him
The only time you really could 
Was when you were treating him
So Seungcheol had started to come up with any excuse under the sun to come and talk to you
First he was constantly complaining that he must have sprained his wrist, or twisted his ankle or pulled a muscle
Then he was constantly getting stomache aches
After that he was getting rashes or little scratches
Now he was in a phase of faking headaches to come and talk to you about it
You knew all of his injuries were fake from the very beginning
He stopped cradling his first “sprained wrist” to tell Seungkwan off for being too loud
He ate full meals that the other boys ordered even when he had his “stomach aches”
You had started carrying around makeup wipes to clean off his supposed “scratches and rashes”
Someone complaining of a headache was a little harder to disprove though
But you were sure you’d catch him somehow
You had begun to enjoy playing this little game with him
As well as the time you got to spend with him because of it
“Well you don’t have a fever,” you tucked your thermometer back into your medical bag
Seungcheol sat in front of you with a pout on his face
“Are there any other symptoms?” you ask
Seungcheol dutifully shakes his head
“Well do you want a pain reliever? Or maybe I should tell them to send you home and rest?” you feel his forehead once more for good measure
“Oh...” he hesitates, “I don’t think it’s serious enough for either of those...”
You smile to yourself
It was quite cute to watch him fumble with trying to feign sickness without  exposing himself
“Well should we schedule an appointment with a neurologist to make sure this isn’t a problem?” you push him further
“No, you take care of me well enough” Seungcheol beams
“Well we have to find a solution eventually,” you sigh. “How’s your water intake? Or did you add anything new to your diet? Increase your screentime?”
“No, they just started out of nowhere,” Seungcheol shrugs innocently
“Well I suppose I can let you go for today but, if it happens again, I’m sending you to the doctor”
“[Y/N]!” one of the managers calls for you. “We need your help prepping supplies for the next concert.”
You give Cheol a bit of a smug look, knowing you’ve backed him into a corner with his latest fake sickness and then
You rush off to help
Seungcheol sighs as he watches you leave
He just lost another excuse to spend time with you
Later that evening Joshua watches with pure amusement as Seungcheol paces back and forth in the dorm 
“Should I say I think I have a sinus infection? Or maybe I could claim of frequent muscle spasms... I feel like constipation has to be my last move.”
“I feel like constipation is a never move,” Joshua interrupted. “Just tell [Y/N] that you like them.”
“I can’t do that, what if they don’t even like me?” Seungcheol complains
“Well then you have an answer and you can stop wasting both of your time,” Josh shrugs
“Wasting time,” Seungcheol repeats. “What if they really don’t like me and I’ve just been annoying [Y/N] this whole time?” 
He hates the feeling settling in the pit of his stomach
He begins to remember all the times you would shut him down as quick as possible 
Or when you would rush off to help someone else as soon as you were done exposing a fake injury of his
How you would sigh and roll your eyes before walking away
Apparently he failed to notice the playful look on your face as you did so
“What? I don’t think [Y/N] would put up with it if you were truly wasting their time,” Joshua protests
“No, I really should stop. It’s [Y/N]’s job and I should leave them alone to do it. Let’s just start getting ready for the concert tomorrow”
Seungcheol’s mood is noticably down for rehearsals the next day
The other boys are off because of it and they’re trying all they can to cheer him up
You notice as well and begin to wonder if Seungcheol is genuinely sick for once 
And then you feel really worried because he usually would use any excuse to come speak to you but he’s not even trying to mention what’s obviously bothering him
“Are you feeling alright?” you corner him, once again pressing a hand to his forehead
“I am, just worried about this performance,” Cheol reaches up to grab your hand, his thumb pressing into your palm as he pulls it away from his head
Then he just walks off
You feel really uneasy about the concert
Everyone else does too
Seungcheol may not be exhibiting any symptoms of sickness but it’s obvious he’s distracted and not ready to perform
Anxieties rise throughout the day but quickly stave off as the concert begins
As usual, Seventeen pulls through and the concert goes well
Even with Cheol somewhat distracted 
But the good feelings end as quickly as they begin
When Cheol falls during a song 
At first it looks like just a simple stumble
But as your watching the big screen, you see the horrified expression form on Seungkwan’s face as he looks down at his leader
You rush to the side of the stage as the other members help him off
They set him down on a chair in front of you and run back off to do crowd control
You quickly see why Seungkwan had seemed so disturbed
When Cheol had tripped, he had fallen against one of the stage props and scraped up his shin
The wound didn’t seem deep but it was large and producing plenty of blood
Coups feels terrible
Not even 24 hours after he decided to leave you alone
And here is a situation where you have to be with him
He can’t even think of his injury
He can only think of how he’s going to apologize and get out of your hair
He’s tested ten different apologies in his head before he actually looks at you
Your hands are gentle as you clean the blood and sanitize the wound
Cheol notices how you hesitate everytime you rub the disinfectant over his leg, seeing if it’ll cause him pain or not 
There is a time where it does sting and he sucks in his breath
You look up at him and Cheol’s heart clenches
You look so worried
Your eyebrows are furrowed and there’s sweat on your forehead 
“Does it hurt a lot? I promise I’m almost done” you say 
Your voice is so genuine and kind
Cheol has to stop himself from grinning at how sweet and caring you’re being
“I’m ok, do what you need to do”
You wrap the bandages carefully once the wound is clean, even going back over where you feel you didn’t do a good enough job
“Does that feel ok?” you stand and put a hand on his shoulder, indicating with your other hand that he should move his leg and test the wrappings
He nods, “Thank you”
Then he gets up and heads towards the stage
“Woah,” you stop him with a hand on his chest, “where are you going?”
 He grabs your hand the same way, a thumb pressed to your palm, but he doesn’t move it away from him this time
“Back out,” he gives you the smile he uses when he wants something
“You can’t go back out there,” you insist, hoping he can’t feel how warm you’re getting while he holds your hand
“It would be best for the fans to see that I’m ok,” Cheol says more seriously this time
You think it over
“...You’ll have to sit in a chair for the rest of the performance,” you insist
“I’ll accept that with my own condition,” Cheol is beaming at you again
“And what would that be?” you laugh
“I take you to dinner after”
Before you can respond, he pulls you towards him, kisses your cheek, and runs off onto the stage with a chair
And your hand flies to your own forehead to check your tempertature
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hebuiltfive · 3 months
Long time, no proper post! Time has been slipping between my fingers so fast these last few weeks and keeping up with literally anything has been exhausting. Not getting into that now but instead may I introduce you to my latest brainchild? A UFO x Thunderbirds crossover that exactly 0 people have ever asked for (but I thought might be fun!)
No guarantees it'll get a part two. (I'm still working on the couple prompts I received a few days ago - promise they'll be finished soon!) But in honour of it being World UFO Day, I thought I'd get this one finished and posted! Hope you enjoy it!
The first time Paul Foster awoke it was with a great groan and a terrible headache.
He blinked his eyes open. Bright fluorescent spotlights blinded him. He winced.
Indistinguishable voices could be heard somewhere to his right, but his head remained stuck in place; a neck brace, he quickly realised. Had his fall really been that bad?
Yes, for he had fallen.
Off the cliff-top. 
How far down had the Control said the drop had been? Fifty feet or five hundred? No, that second figure couldn’t have been right… He couldn’t remember. Everything was in a haze.
Paul tried to sit up again but it was no use. Only his eyes were obeying him. He darted them to the side, trying to make out his location but, with his blurry vision still making his head swim, he couldn’t make out much.
Except for the fuzzy figures at the other end of the room.
Paul couldn’t decipher how far away that was. The walls kept changing their distance. It was disorientating. The strong scent of disinfectant clouded his senses and Paul had the sudden hope that he’d been picked up by his team, that he’d awaken properly to find himself in the SHADO medibay and that he’d be soon well enough to get to his debrief with Straker by the end of the day—
He needed to know… something.
Paul had found information about… something.
God, why did his head hurt so?
Oh, yes.
The fall.
He’d forgotten about that.
Damn memory!
His eyelids closed. Paul welcomed the darkness it brought. It allowed him room to think.
Now, what was it he had to tell… that man.
What was his name again? 
This was no good! Despite his best efforts to remain calm, Paul began to panic. Waking up dazed in an unknown place was one thing, but having his memories and thoughts come and go like this? It was enough to make any person worry.
“…BP still too high. I told you to keep a monitor on it.”
“I have been! Chill, dude. I’ve got it covered.”
“We need to stabilise his vitals—”
“If you tell me to chill one more time…”
The muffled voices from the fuzzy figures were now closer. Paul snapped his eyes open. He could make out some more distinct features; broad shoulders, a fine cut jaw line and dark hair on the first person, the man who was closest to him. The other, still a little too far away, was not as easy to decipher. Perhaps a little taller, with golden hair and a slightly more tanned complexion than the first. Paul couldn’t make out what they were wearing. Blue… suits?
His heart leapt again. Had he been captured? No, that couldn’t be right. The aliens wore orange suits, space suits. They had helmets and a blue pigment to their skin, not their attire.
“Gordon!” The man closest to him snapped.
Paul went to open his mouth, to sound out any word, but failed. A pitiful groan left his lips, but it was not enough to grab the man’s attention.
The other, apparently named Gordon — a very human name, thought Paul, though he was unconvinced how well he’d remember it — came to stand at the first man’s side. He held out something… the first man took it and—
Paul felt a sharp scratch on his upper arm.
He couldn’t see it, not without the ability to move his head, but he was certain he knew what it was. Drowsiness began to take him over.
“Keep monitoring that screen.” The figure next to him, the one who had administered whatever drug that had been, ordered the man called Gordon.
Paul was fading fast. The figures that were watching over him were starting to fade into obscurity again. He tried to reach out but his fingers failed to respond.
He was sinking, drowning in the anaesthetic, going under with no way of preventing it.
No! Not until he could remember… whatever it was he needed to remember…
“Stabilising. Should be fa—”
The golden haired blur stated. Paul didn’t hear the rest of the sentence, finally succumbing to the inky darkness of unconsciousness once again.
The second time Paul Foster awoke he was a little less groggy.
Even though he had been out of it during his first round of consciousness, he could sense his environment had changed. The lighting was softer here and that stench of disinfectant had disappeared. He blinked his eyes awake and found himself lying in some sort of hospital bed, though not the standard ones used back at SHADO, and his fear began to mount again.
If SHADO hadn’t picked him up, where the hell was he?
His memory was still piecing itself back together, his head feeling as though it was recovering from an almighty hangover. He dared to move. To his relief, his legs responded, knees bending at will. Paul then tried his arms. Unlike last time, where they refused to move even an inch, he was glad to find his limbs obeying his commands. Next, he craned his neck. The brace, he quickly found, was still attached, but he could move. That was the difference and, right now, that was the only thing that mattered.
Because he had to get out of here. He had to get back to HQ and inform Straker of… what was it? Perhaps some fresh air would help clear his muddled mind.
Slowly, Paul sat himself up. He pulled the covers up his chest, more-so for comfort than for any sort of defence — for a linen sheet was not the best kind of shield —and then willed his eyes to focus. They did, reasonably quickly. He scanned his room.
Some sort of hospital, he guessed. There was a door on the other side of the room, closed but hopefully unlocked. Whatever lay beyond it was shrouded in darkness. To his right there was a machine hooked up to him. It beeped at regular intervals, with a screen detailing data. Then, to his left, there was a wall with a window. It was too high and too small for him to climb through but it was cracked open ajar, letting in the sounds of some sort of exotic bird which—
Hold on.
Paul snapped his head to the side, back to the machine that was beeping. From the angle he was currently sat in, he couldn’t make out quite what the machine was monitoring. Then, he clocked onto the needle sticking out of his hand. He followed the tubing up to the bag that was slowly dripping some sort of liquid into his system and—
Voices emerged outside the door. Paul acted fast, snapping the wires from his body. He winced as the needle was yanked from his hand and the machine let out an almighty scream. He didn’t care.
Paul ran towards the door, hoping to storm whoever was about to enter and catch them off-guard, only he was too slow. Still recovering from his ordeal, he quickly found that anything beyond a slow walk was far too painful. By the time he cleared his bed, two men were inside the room. The door behind them, and the way out it offered, had been closed and they stood in front, blocking his exit.
The first man to approach him had light hair. “What did you go and do that for?” There was an air of sarcasm in his tone which Paul did not appreciate.
It must have shown on his face as the second man rolled his eyes and exasperatedly sighed. “Gordon, we talked about this.”
Paul recognised the deep baritone, he recognised the name used… These were the two men from before, from when he had first woken up.
“Yeah, yeah, disorientated, blah, blah. I was only asking.”
As the second man, distinguishable by his darker hair, started to advance, Paul backed away. He was in no position to fight but held his defence stance firm.
“You don’t need to worry.” Said the dark-haired man. “We’re not here to hurt you.”
“What do you want from me?” Paul asked, eyeing the two men warily.
“To help you. That’s all, I promise.” He gestured back to the bed. “Let me get you hooked back up. You’re not fit enough to be walking around yet.”
Paul was hesitant. His eyes narrowed towards the IV stand. “And what exactly was I hooked up to?”
“We’re not trying to poison you.” This Gordon fellow claimed. Unlike the other man, he was less concerned about being cautious around him.
Paul almost appreciated that.
“It would be detrimental to us to do that.” He continued. “It’s not exactly our raison d’être to do harm. Quite the opposite actually.”
The dark-haired man, who Paul had yet to receive a name for, had managed to make it to the bedside during Gordon’s little ramble. He flicked off the screaming machine and assessed the state of the IV tubes, all while giving Gordon a glare.
Gordon sighed. “Look, let’s get you back to bed and then, once you’re better, we can explain what’s happening.”
“You could just explain it to me now.”
Paul dared a quick glance over Gordon’s shoulder. The door was still closed but he didn’t see either of them lock it. If he could get past Gordon, then maybe he’d be able to make it out of the room before the other man had a chance to act. It was clear they both thought of him as weak and feeble at present.
“If you’re thinking of running, don’t.” The dark-haired man with the deep toned voice offered softly. “You won’t make it far before you end up collapsing and you’ll only do yourself more damage in the long-run. I know it’s a lot to ask right now, but it really is in your best interest to trust us.”
Inwardly, Paul chuckled. He wasn’t an overtly paranoid man, not even since beginning his work with SHADO, but there was a limit to which he was willing to blindly trust two men in a strange location when it involved drugs and being unconscious. 
He rammed into Gordon’s shoulder, sending the poor unsuspecting man flying. His estimation of getting out of the door before the other man had a chance to react was accurate, and Paul was soon running down a small corridor. He could hear both men yelling for him to come back, but Paul wasn’t going to listen.
He reached the end of the corridor in a matter of seconds, ignoring the pain that was searing through his body. Perhaps they had been right when they’d informed him that he wasn’t strong enough to go sprinting so soon, but he wasn’t planning on running a marathon. All he had to do was find the exit.
Paul called for the elevator that was waiting for him at the end of the hallway and thanked his lucky stars when the doors opened for him instantly. The men must have used it to come down and visit him; the elevator was still on this floor.
Once inside the lift, he quickly examined the buttons. Highlighted with a bright light was the floor designation of BG3. Paul guessed that meant Below Ground 3. There were more buttons designated as BG and he wondered just how deep this complex, wherever it was, went. At the sound of the men closing in on him, Paul pushed the button that read First Floor and watched as the door slid shut.
He leant against the wall, relief washing over him as quickly as the lift rose in its shaft. If he could just last a little longer, then he’d have a chance of making it.
But, by the time the elevator doors opened again, Paul could barely walk in a straight line. He’d strained himself far too much and the aches in his body were becoming unbearable.
Paul made it all of two steps before he crashed onto the floor.
Onto the soft, beige carpeting.
Footsteps ran towards him. Without lifting his head, Paul could only make-out green sneakers and red laces.
“Grandma!” The new voice yelled. “A man has just collapsed outside our elevator!”
If he wasn’t so uncomfortable, what with all the pain, Paul might have laughed at the kid’s — for he sounded younger than the initial two he’d dealt with — confusion. Then again, the kid wasn’t the only one confused.
Grandma? Was that some sort of codename? And what kind of agency employs children?
The more Paul learned, the less he understood. If this was all some sort of test, he wasn’t sure he was going to pass it anytime soon.
By the time more footsteps could be heard, padding across that exceptionally lush carpeting, Paul was virtually out for the count again. He identified cool hands as they rested on his forehead, he heard the muffled voices as they debated what to do with him, he felt pairs of strong arms lift him and carry him to… God knew where.
Paul zoned in and out of consciousness. This time, it seemed, he didn’t need a special drug administered to help him pass out. He wasn’t sure for how long he’d been out.
“Straker…” He attempted to plead with his captives. “Must tell… Straker… Please… He must… Know…” 
He didn’t hear any sort of reply. Perhaps he had only pleaded to them in his mind.
The darkness consumed him for a third, hopefully last, time.
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hockeynoses · 11 months
fix me up along the line (Ste/ddie snz fic)
Summary: Another Ste/ddie snz fic! (Will I ever stop? Only time will tell.) Inspired by @sneezeshame's post here. Steve is traveling for work and is super sick. He calls Eddie from his hotel room. Future fic.
Rating: Other than snz stuff, this could be rated PG. I thought about making Eddie have the kink here, but I didn't. 1k.
Warnings: Mess. Implied future contagion.
Notes: The title is a line from the full version of the ancient song Hello My Baby. I've loved that song ever since I saw that frog singing it. 💖
Eddie fiddles with the strings on his guitar, killing time while he waits to hear from Steve. He’d promised he’d call Eddie once he got settled at the hotel up in Seattle; some conference his fancy job was making him travel for. Eddie had just gotten back to their house in LA from a gig that kept him away for the weekend. Their schedules caused them to just miss each other, Eddie arriving home the afternoon Steve left.
The shrill ring of the phone pulls him from his thoughts. Finally!
“Hey babe.”
“You made it! Wait, you did make it, right?”
“Yep, checked idn a bidt ago,” Steve says. Eddie hears what he thinks is a squeaky, congested sniffle. “I’b godda have a shower soon and thedn head down for dinner.”
“Nice. How was the flight?” Eddie asks.
“Idt was… haah… hold odn… ihhh … hih’YEEHIISSHHH’oo!”
Eddie hears a wet, spraying sneeze explode on the other end of the line and blinks in shock. It sounds like Steve had time to twist away from the phone and has now set it down in an attempt to find some tissues.
“Shiiihh- ugh. SNF. Shidt.” An ill-sounding noseblow gurgles down the line, and concern pierces through Eddie.
“You feelin’ alright, sweetheart?”
“I’ve just beed sneezing all day,” Steve groans. “And I thigk the plane gave mbe a headache.” He follows that up with a few desperate, soupy sniffles, trying to stop his nose from running freely. “The cabidn pressure was bmessing with bmy sinuses and I couldn’t stob sneeziiii-hih… Hiiiih-ZZSSHHESSH’iue!”
“It sounds like you’re sick, babe.” He knows how stubborn Steve can be on the rare times he does get sick. Steve was already stressed about this trip, and Eddie doesn’t want him to overexert himself if he really is feeling that poorly.
“I dod’t… huh… I dod’t have tibe to be …haah… het’GGKSSHHH’uh! Hep’TIISHHH! Ughh. To be sigg.” Judging from the sound of those, Steve was just letting them fly, sneezing openly and spraying his hotel room with everything he had. The scrape of several tissues being pulled from a box fills the air, followed by a long, crackling blow.
“I hate to break it to you, but I think you might be. You sound awful already.” Eddie cups the receiver to his face with both hands. There’s a tug in his heart and he wants nothing more than for Steve to be back home so he can take care of him. He’d force him to stay in bed and would wait on him hand and foot, bringing him anything he asked for. “Did this just start today?”
“Dno…” Another sickly sniffle. “I’ve felt rudn down for a couble of days. Then last night I started sdeezing and I-iiihhh huh’KKSSSHH’IUE!” An exhausted sigh. “I didn’t gedt mbuch sleep.” He pulls a handful of tissues out, one after the other, and buries his face in them. “I thigk the pressure on the plane mbade it worse and then ihhh- HEH’TSSCHUH! Idt’s jusdt so damp here.” He clears his throat, his voice starting to go a little ragged. “I got caught ind the rain tryigg to hail a cab, which pro-ahh-bably didn’t h-he-hih’AEEISSHHah! SNF. Helb.”
“Poor thing. I wish I was there with you.”
“Probably best thadt… thadt you-ooo… huh’NGGSSHHiggh! Guh. Thadt you aren’t.” Eddie doesn’t think he’s imagining things when he hears the sheer mess of that one, thick and telling. “I thigk I’b pretty condagious. Huh… hih’YEIISHH’IUE!”
The line crackles as Steve sneezes uncovered, directly onto the receiver; the wet, viscous mess of it contaminating everything. Eddie flinches back on instinct. Steve sounds so cold-ridden and contagious that Eddie almost believes he could catch it over the phone, halfway across the country.
Steve moans, “SNF. Oh god. I’b so sorry. I cadn’t stob.”
“Steve… you sound really, really sick. Are you sure you should be going out like that?” Steve’s too busy abusing another tissue with a drenching noseblow to respond, so Eddie adds hopefully, “You should just come home.”
“Cadn’t. The bmanagement team specifically chose bme to represent the compady at the conference, and if I – if I – hih’kgxshht! Ugh. ‘Scuse bme. If I wandt the promotion I have to keeb bmy shit together. Ha-k’ISH’IGSHH’uh!”
“I don’t think anyone’s going to appreciate you getting them sick.” Eddie says, appealing to Steve’s vanity in a last-ditch effort. Everyone who comes within ten feet of him is going to be at risk of catching this thing. He’s going to be shaking so many hands, sharing so many meals, sitting in so many crowded conference rooms…
“I dod’t really have mbuch of aahh…Ha’AEESHHH’IUE! SNF. Mbuch of a choice.” Another miserable blow travels down the line, straight into Eddie’s ear.
There’s a beat of silence where Steve must be dazed after such a heavy noseblow, trying to catch his breath. Eddie can hear his open-mouthed, congested panting crackle over the phone receiver. If they don’t sanitize every inch of that place after he leaves, whoever stays there next is going to be in for a world of misery.
“I still wish there was something I could do,” Eddie says. “You sure you don’t need some food delivered? Or a care package? I can check if a delivery service would go to the pharmacy-”
“Eddie,” Steve says, and Eddie hears the smile in his voice despite everything. “You’re sweedt, but I’b good.”
“Okay…” Eddie’s still going to see about that pharmacy, just try and stop him. “You’ll let me know if it gets any worse? I could always fly up there and come rescue you.”
Steve chuckles, which turns into the beginnings of a cough. “I’ll be finde, really. Jusdt have to power through a few…heh…days…heh’RRIISHHH’IUE!” Another careless, wet sneeze bursts from him, dousing the phone in droplets, making Eddie wince again.
“May God bless your soul,” Eddie says, with exaggerated sincerity. Steve is too distracted to thank him.
“Ugh, whadt a bmess,” he says, pulling more tissues from his dwindling supply. “I’ve godda get these under condtrol.” His words are muffled into the bundle of tissues before he releases a long, squelching blow.
“Good luck with that.”
“Thaggs,” Steve responds, matching his sarcastic tone. He swallows around his burning throat. “Well, I’ve godda gedt in the shower and gedt cleaned up before dinner.”
“Alright, I’ll let you go.” Eddie has to stop himself from pouting. “But call me before you go to bed, yeah?”
“Assumbing I don’t gedt back and immediately pass oudt. Hih-kxxngt!” Steve says, smothering another sneeze in his full, slimy tissues.
Eddie huffs a laugh. “Okay. Take care of yourself, sweetheart.”
“I will. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
The last thing Eddie hears is Steve’s breath hitching before the clunk of the contaminated phone being placed back into its holder cuts off the call. Eddie immediately starts looking into getting a care package from the pharmacy delivered…maybe some soup, too. Steve’s gonna need it.
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Sometimes brains are assholes, and that's okay
Got a prompt request for a Rick sick fic with Harley taking care of him over on AO3 and this is what I came up with. Not your typical sick fic!
The apartment is dark when Harley gets back from her roller derby match—the first one Rick’s missed since she got out of prison. She’s trying not to be too broken up about it though, he told her before she left that he wasn’t feeling well and was gonna try to nap.
She drops her skates and padding by the front door and makes her way to the bedroom, expecting to find Rick dozing in bed. Except the only thing on the bed is the rumpled sheets that haven’t been touched since this morning.
She starts to panic. He wouldn’t just leave without telling her—that’s not like him.
The only option left is the bathroom. The door is ajar but the lights are off. “Rick? Baby, you in here?” she calls out cautiously as she flicks the lights on—trying not to imagine the worst.
“Ow!” she hears. “Too bright!”
She breathes a sigh of relief now that she can see Rick—who’d managed to squeeze all six foot one inch of himself into their tiny ass bathtub.
She turns the lights off and uses the moonlight shining through the bathroom window to find the tub. She kneels down and reaches out to touch his back. His shirt is soaked with sweat and he’s shaking a little bit. “You okay, hun?” she asks—immediately shifting into what Rick has dubbed her Doctor Mode.
“Migraine,” he grits out.
Ah yes, those pesky migraines he’s been having. Not surprising given the fact that he’s had four concussions since she met him—and that’s just on missions they were on together. He hasn’t had one in a while though.
“Baby, I thought your doctor gave you meds for those.”
“Ran out. Thought I had a refill but I don’t. I’ve been trying to get a hold of him to get an emergency refill but he won’t pick up the fucking phone—as usual. Fucker probably doesn’t even think I need ‘em. And eventually the headache got so bad that I ended up in here.”
Here, meaning where it’s darkest and coolest, she realizes.
“Did ya try the pharmacy?” she asks, as she runs a washcloth under the faucet.
“They won’t fucking refill it unless the doc pushes it through!” he yells, and then moans as another wave of nausea hits him.
She places the cold washcloth on the back of his neck and he lets out a sigh of relief.
“I’ll be right back, hun. Where’s your phone?”
“Living room, I think.”
She kisses his temple before leaving the bathroom. Time to yell at another doctor.
Rick focuses on his breathing and trying not to vomit as Harley leaves to presumably yell at another one of his doctors. Honestly, as much as he appreciates her, he’s not really sure how much further she’ll get. He’d been on the phone with the pharmacy and doctor’s office for hours. They just kept putting him on hold.
“How’d I get your personal cell phone number? I’m Harley fucking Quinn, motherfucker! Now push the prescription through or I’ll break your kneecaps—pharmacy closes in an hour.”
Maybe he spoke too soon.
He hears her come back in and feels her fingers carding through his hair. “I’ll be right back, baby. Gotta go pick up your meds.”
The room continues to spin as he lays there pathetically in the bathtub. He’s not sure how long Harley’s gone for—could be hours for all he knows. He’s too nauseous to focus on anything but not puking.
“Sit up for me, hun.”
“I don’t wanna,” he moans. “Too dizzy.”
“I know, baby, I know. But I got your meds right here. You’ll feel better, I promise.”
It takes a monumental effort to sit up but he manages to do it. Harley hands him two pills and a glass of ice water. He throws the pills back obediently and then sinks back down to the floor of the tub, laying on his side since it’s so fucking tiny.
He hears some shuffling behind him and then Harley’s squeezing herself behind him, spooning up against his back and looping an arm around his chest. They both barely fit but instead of feeling claustrophobic he feels comforted, and safe.
“It should kick in faster since I gave ya two,” she says quietly—slipping a hand under his shirt to rub his chest and stomach softly.
He focuses on that feeling as he waits for the nausea to subside and his head to stop pounding.
Next thing he knows he’s being shaken awake. “C’mon, baby, let’s get ya into bed.”
“But I’m comfy,” he whines—and truly, he is. The most comfortable place he’s ever been is wrapped up in Harley’s arms.
“Baby you’re gonna hurt your neck if ya sleep in the tub.”
He complains the whole time but lets her pull him out of the tub, stumbling a little as the blood rushes back to all the right places. She catches him easily and guides him back to their bedroom in the dark. She sits him down on the bed and rummages around in one of his drawers for a pair of pajama pants that she throws at his head. He catches them and manages to change into them without too much trouble.
She ushers him under the covers and slides in behind him—spooning up against his back again and kissing the back of his neck. “Get some sleep, hun, I’m right here. I ain’t goin’ nowhere.”
“Might need to knock me out with your baseball bat,” he jokes, even as his eyes drift shut.
“Shut the fuck up—I know you’re exhausted, asshole.”
He manages a small chuckle. Just before sleep claims him he feels Harley squeeze him around his middle and hears her whisper, “I love ya, baby.”
He’s too exhausted to echo the sentiment back but grabs her hand and squeezes it in response.
He falls asleep to the feeling of Harley’s breath on the back of his neck and her hand wrapped tightly in his.
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vishnavishivaa · 1 year
Of Babies, Cookies and Love
@yehsahihai and I are back with yet another collab! It is SUPER LONG, so enjooooyyyyyy.
Arun- Arulmozhi Varman
Kshithija- Vanathi
“We really should do something about it, shouldn’t we?” Aditya asked Nandhini, who was playing with their daughter Srija. “They helped us get ourselves together and understand that we really want each other.”
Nandhini briefly paused, wondering for a second whom he was referring to before wincing slightly and saying, “I’d say we should, but I am seriously considering if it is worth the headache we will have to go through to get them together.”
Aditya was interrupted from finishing the rest of his statement as his nine month old daughter loudly squealed in joy as her mother’s fingers found a particularly ticklish spot on her stomach. He stopped, admiring her rosy cheeks and dark eyes, the latter inherited from him, the shape round and wide like her mother’s.
He did not realize his wife now smirking at him, her expression one of amusement. 
“You were saying, Adi?”
“Nandhu, come on. They need to be together. It is tiring even the parents on both sides out, and Kaveri has already planned half of Thija’s baby shower by now.”
Nandhini waved him off, as she said, “Please. I’ve got a whole binder of their wedding arrangements planned, plus her bridal trousseau and his too.” 
Aditya laughed as he heard his Nandhini say that, before realising that she was in fact not laughing. “Wait, you’re serious?”
She nodded in affirmation.
“Oh wow… I may have a bachelor party trip planned for Arun, like Zindagi Na Milenge Dobaara,” he said, half sheepish but not really sorry. 
She rolled her eyes, but smiled, giving away the fondness she felt. She knew he would! Plus Deva had helped. 
“We really do need to get them together don’t we?” 
Aditya grinned as he recognised the glint in her eyes, Scooching to be closer to her. “What are you thinking?”
“Arun please. You know I wouldn’t call you for this unless it was really an emergency.”
“Anna, you know that I work late on Fridays na? Then why?”
“Arun please. Plus you can work from here right?”
Arun groaned as his anna kept persisting, wondering if it would be too rude to just cut the call right there. 
“Thija will be there as well.”
Arun stilled instantly as he heard that, internally cursing his anna for being so perceptive. He knew that whatever he had been feeling for her for a while now was more than just friendship, but the fact that even Aditya anna and Kaveri akka had picked up on it……
He was beginning to think he was a terrible actor.
Snappily he asked, “Why does that matter?”
Aditya grinned at the phone, easily picturing his brother’s disgruntled expression and blush that seemed to spring up whenever Thija was mentioned. 
“Oh it doesn’t. I’m just saying it because she can help you so you don’t have to worry so much about looking after Sri through the night.”
Arun huffed, before giving in, realizing it was a lost cause. Plus he did love his niece the most, and so did she, despite whatever akka might say.  
“Fine. But you owe me for this. Big time.”
“Whatever you say, kuzhandhai,” Aditya teased, cutting the call thankfully. Arun sighed. Srija and Thija in one night?
How could he even think of work?
He called his secretary, asking him to cancel all his work for the evening. He should groom a little before going.
Kshithija had been called by Nandhini to babysit her god daughter Srija, the light of her life. She would be spending time with Arun too, for they had been asked together, for some reason. Not that she minded. 
Arun was one of her best friends, and she loved being around him. She tried not to name the butterflies that danced in her every time he was mentioned around her, every time she thought of him, or any time he was as much in her vicinity. He was her best friend’s brother, her other best friend, and it was not done by girl code. Though Kavi had been pushing her towards Arun often, now that she thought of it. 
She should not be thinking about this, but here she was.
Logically she knew that asking him out was the next step. She also knew however, that if he did not return her feelings, she would be left feeling terrible which would then make him feel terrible which would then mean..
Ughh, it was too much to think of. It would be a cycle of misery for both if he rejected her. 
She parked her car, turning it off and grabbing the cookies she had baked for Aditya, Nandhini and Arun. 
Maybe they could share it as dessert.
Arun’s car was already there. Damn it, now she had no time to prepare herself. She knew he worked longer hours on Fridays, so that he could take Saturday off, and had planned accordingly, but now…
She immediately smiled as she saw Nandhini and Aditya exit their home, knowing how rare it was that they got to go out these days, with Sri being so young. 
Nanadhini reached her first, immediately pulling her into a hug, followed by Aditya.
“Well, you look nice”, Naadhini said, giving a once over to Thija who immediately felt a blush rose as she realised what was being implied.
“Oh shush”, she retorted. “I should be saying that to you.”
Aditya’s grin widened as he saw the box in Thija’s hands, as he asked, “Are those cookies?”
She nodded, prompting an exchange of very suspicious looking grins from the couple in front of her. 
“What?”, she asked defensively.
“Nothing, nothing. Arun is already inside, so if you need anything he’ll be there ok? Bye”, Nadhini threw over her shoulder as she walked with Aditya towards their car, still grinning in that all too suspicious manner.
Did they suspect her feelings for Arun?
Her cheeks turned red at the very thought. Shaking it off, she walked into their house, closing and locking the door, knowing that both had their keys on them. Slipping off her footwear, she checked herself in the hallway mirror and took a deep breath. 
“He is your best friend, Thiju,” she whispered to herself, before walking to the living room, where she was sure Arun would be with Srija. 
“Hey you…” she paused at the entrance of the living room, her breath completely knocked out of her chest. Her eyes could only gaze in pure love and adoration at the blissful sight in front of her. Arun sat on the floor, his knees propped up, Srija cradled there, his two hands holding on to his niece incredibly tenderly. He had gotten rid of his shirt, now only in a black vest and jeans, his strong, well built arms flexing with the amount of control he was applying, something he made look easy. He was pressing his forehead to Srija’s, whispering to her in a baby voice, random nonsense that somehow made sense to him and Srija. 
Oh my…
She was completely head over heels in love with him, wasn’t she?
She could feel her body tremble with the fever of sudden realization, and her mind spun wild images of him with their child; what a doting father he would be. Her lips parted in surprise at her thoughts, as she forced them down, Arun looking at her that exact moment, a smile brighter than the morning sun spreading across his ethereally handsome face. 
Arun knew of course. Somehow it was like he’d developed a sixth sense for her. He knew when she had walked in, and he had felt her gaze piercing him, setting off a low heat that spread through his body, somehow managing to relax him and give him jitters simultaneously. 
“Arun,” Kshithija said, her voice breathy, filling him with thoughts of her breathing his name in gasps and moans. 
“Thiju, there you are,” he turned to his niece, focusing on her sweet eyes, saying in a baby voice, “See, your Kshithija Chitti is also here!”
Srija seemed to understand, for she immediately clapped her hands as best as she could, squealing happily. 
“I am here, chellame,” Kshithija went into Chitti mode, cooing and keeping the box in her hand on the coffee table before scooping Srija up, her hair brushing against Arun’s forearm unplanned. 
Arun stilled ever so slightly at her touch. Damn his heart for doing all sorts of gymnastics around her. And why did she have to be so heart-wrenchingly lovely that he couldn’t even look away for a second? 
He continued to take her in, a flood of emotions and feelings overtaking him as he saw her with Srija in her arms, spinning her around and laughing. Truly, if he could bottle her laugh, he knew he’d be intoxicated for the rest of his life. 
The urge to wrap his arms around her waist and play with Srija along with her was filling his eyes and mind, hurting his heart with just how much he wanted that. 
Wanted her. 
Would she be his if he asked her this very second? Would she let him date her? Take her for street food festivals, long beach walks and drives, take her to exotic places around the world. Would she let him hold her hand every day, cook for her, press her feet when she is tired?
Thija glanced over at him at that moment, raising her brows as though to ask, “What’s wrong?” causing him to quickly shake his head and flash a small smile at her. 
She walked over to him, making him crane his neck in order to see her properly, breath catching as he saw her ginning down at him. 
“Hey”, he said, playing along.
“What happened? You zoned out just now. I saw it. Work?”
“No no. I am not working more for the day,” he said softly, tracing her lovely face with his eyes, like a man parched without water. 
“Hmm, in that case help me out. There’s cookies in that box and-
“There’s COOKIES?”
Thija startled slightly, not expecting the reaction from Arun. Slightly bemused at his sheepish expression she continued, “Yes there’s cookies and they need to go in the fridge.”
“Can I have one?” he asked her hopefully, flashing his famous puppy eyes at her, though they rarely worked on her, for some reason. That very thought made him pout. 
“Only one, Run. The rest is for post dinner,” she laughed sweetly when he hurried to take one.
“Ok but, consider-”
“No. Honestly, one would think you’ve never had sweets the way you pounce on them the moment they’re within reach.”
“But you always make the best desserts”, he partially whined, turning the puppy eyes to max. She remained unmoving. 
“Still no. Go put them in the fridge. And I know how many there are in the box by the way”, she called out as he huffed and walked away with the box. “So don’t even think of sneaking one.”
He placed the box in the fridge, smiling at how well she knew him, and how much she accepted her rights over him. Would she not take it romantically too?
He walked back outside, melting at the sight of Kshithija still cooing at Srija, who was watching the former with wide, happy eyes, squealing when she saw him. 
“Want Chittappa, my darling?” he cooed, taking her from Thija’s arms, but purposely touching the latter’s palms fully. He tried not to smirk at the gasp she let out, glad that he did have that effect on her. 
Kshithija blushed, his touch sending sparks through her. It was almost like he knew… she paused. Wait… he was not the kind to do something like this unless… HE KNEW! 
Of her feelings. 
And he is not the kind to tease a woman like that if they had feelings for him, except if… he too felt something for her… He liked her too?
Hope bloomed within her when she realized that he too felt something for her… could they then build something together?
“Thiju? Thij? Are you okay?” he called out. She came back to reality, looking at him, taking in his concerned eyes. 
“I am Run. I am,” she allowed her affection to peek out in her tone and gaze. 
He nodded, though still seemed skeptical. “Well, what should we do?”
Srija took that moment to grab his hair, yanking at it with all the strength in her body, causing his to wince in pain as he muttered, “Ow, ow, Sri no! We’ve talked about this. You do not- OW!”
Thija burst out laughing at the sight of Arun, now flailing about trying to get a baby to leave his precious hair. 
“Oh I’m glad you find this amusing”, he almost growled at her, trying to gently pry her hands away. To her credit she did not budge, latching on tighter. Arun was sure she had pulled out his hair at this point. The thought almost made him weep. His hair had taken so long to grow and he took such good care of it to make it look good. Plus he had put in extra effort today for Thija and here his own niece, his flesh and blood was ruining it. 
Kshithija laughed, gently reaching up to remove Srija’s hand from his hair, trying not to sigh in contentment at how luscious and soft his hair was. She really wanted to run her hand through his thick curls. How delightful it would be!
“Thank you, Thiju,” he smiled at her, his heart beating fast. Would she not rake her hand through his curls and soothe him after long days of work?
“You’re welcome”, she said, softly, trying to cover her blush at their proximity. Clearing her throat she stepped back, looking at the now-fussy Srija who seemed extremely upset at not having her uncle’s hair to yank on anymore. 
“I-uh. I’m gonna go heat up her milk bottle. Then we can bathe her and put her to bed”
She began to walk over to the kitchen, before realising Arunw as following her. Whirling around she asked, “Arun, what-”
The words dying down as she saw a very sheepish Arun, holding Srija who seemed to be holding the end of her dupatta. 
“She just grabbed on, and I didn’t want her to cry, so…”
She stared for a beat longer before shaking her head and gently prying it away from Srija’s hands, who immediately began to pout as her eyes filled with tears. 
Arun quickly exchanged panicked glances with Thija who seemed to have frozen as she realised that a tantrum was well on its way. 
“Do something!”
“Me? You’re the one who took the dupatta from her. You do something!”
“I’m heating up her milk! She’s in your arms, ergo your responsibility.”
“Did you seriously just use ergo in a conversation?”
Srija took that moment to let out a wail, causing both of them to flinch. Fixing him with a galre that screamed, “Fix this”, Thija turned to look for her bottle. 
He hummed softly to Srija, rocking her in his arms. 
“Chitti is making food for you, see,” he said in a cute voice. “Please don’t cry chellame.”
Srija continued wailing, and he looked desperate. Smirking when Thija turned, he grabbed the end of her dupatta, giving it to Srija, who stopped crying. 
“Yes Thiju?” he said innocently, laughing when she glared at him, though the smile on her lips gave her real thoughts away. 
“I cannot have her fiddling with my clothes and work near the stove at the same time. Take her away.”
This was apparently the wrong thing to say because she burst out crying even louder than before causing Arun to glare at Thija.
“Now look what you’ve done.
“M-Me? YOU GAVE HER MY DUPATTA! This is on you!”
“Can we please deal with the crying child first!?”
“You”, she said poking a finger into his chest. “You are dealing with the child.”
He shot a glare at her, before maneuvering Srija to rest her head on his shoulder as he began to softly pat her back. Pacing the kitchen he quietly began to hum, relief settling in as he realised she had quietened. 
“Manikkam katti, vairam idai katti, aani ponnal seidha vana siru thottil,” he started singing the Pasuram, which he knew his niece loved listening to. 
Kshithija almost froze as she cooled down the milk. His voice… oh his baritone had become smooth like butter, silky in texture, pure love and reverence abundant in the tone, as he sang to calm his niece down. Oh, how his voice made her want to rock against her feet and fall into his arms, sleep on his chest as they cuddled up to Srija together, holding their niece and each other to sleep…
“My sweet girl, see, your milk is ready,” said Thija softly, going close and feeding Srija, the little one refusing to leave her rest. 
Srija promptly turned her head away, refusing to look at Thija, prompting Arun to stifle a snort. 
“Looks like someone’s upset.” 
“Mannupugazh kosalai than, mani vayiru vaaithavane,” Kshithija sang, ignoring Arun, knowing her niece always came around to this song. 
Arun felt time slow down as he heard the melody leave her lips. How was it possible that he had never heard her sing before? How could he have missed this? Her voice seemed to comprise the sunlight itself, his heart being doubly fast the longer he let it linger in his mind. For one moment he pictured it; A time in the future when they would share the same space, lying on their bed, her singing as he held their child. It was overwhelming in the best of ways. 
Kshithija sang to her niece, who finished her milk, Arun burping her gently on instinct alone, still lost in Kshithija. 
“Run? Arun?”
Her call of his name brought him back to reality. 
“Shall we bathe her and put her to sleep?”
H nodded, lifting Srija up in the air as she giggled and said, “Let’s go bathe you challeame”
Srija, in fact, did not want to take a bath. No she wanted a water fight. The floor of the bathroom was completely wet, Arun’s hair was dripping water, and his clothes were in a similar state. How could one child cause so much havoc was beyond him. Thija was in a similar state, although she seemed to be enjoying it just as much as the little demoness currently splashing about in her little tub. 
“You”, he said pointing to Srija, who looked up with an expression of perfect innocence, “Are a menace.” 
Thija laughed, a clear bright sound that enchanted him every time, as she responded, “Please. You love her.”
“That does not mean that she is not a menace,” he laughed. 
“True”, she answered as she picked up a squirming Srija, and swaddled her, bumping their noses together as Arun felt his heart grow two sizes too big for his ribcage.
Taking her to her nursery, they quickly dressed her despite her incessant wriggling; Thija couldn’t help feeling as though something was fundamentally shifting between them the longer they stood there, near each other, working seamlessly. Could this be her future? Their future one day?
“Doing up the last button on her onesie, Thija suddenly realised something, turning to face Arun who had already turned towards her. Their foreheads collided, as she winced from the impact, muttering “Ow, ow, ow.”
“Oh gods. Are you ok? Let me see”, came Arun’s slightly panicked voice. 
Waving his hand away she replied, “I’m fine, I’m good. I just realised, now we actually have to get her to-” 
The words faded as Arun's hand made its way to cup her face, looking at her with an odd intensity in his eyes, causing an instant blush to appear on her face. 
“Ar-Arun? What are- What are you doing?” she stuttered as he brought his face closer. He wasn’t going to-
Gently, she felt him bumping his forehead to hers, still staring at her as he whispered, “We’ll grow horns if it only happens once.”
Shaking her head slightly, giddy from his proximity she replied, “You’re such a child.” 
Arun grinned as he fired back, “Please. You love me.”
If only he knew how true it actually was. Feeling her blush intensifying she retorted, “In your dreams Arun.”
“Always,” he whispered.
“I am sorry?” Kshitija blinked. Had he just said always?
“Nothing Thiju, nothing,” he lingered with the touch before moving away reluctantly. 
“Come, let us get her to sleep.”
Srija was out like a light, ten minutes later. Sighing in relief, they made their way out of her room, tiptoeing in order to not alert her of their absence. Quietly shutting the door behind him Arun turned to look at Thija who had collapsed on the sofa, turning to look at him with a tired smile on her face. He made his way over to her, poking her side to let her make space for him, prompting a halfhearted glare from her. Settling down he said, “I don’t know how they do it everyday. I’m exhausted and it’s only been a few hours.” 
“I think when it’s about your own child you don’t think about the effort. Just about the happiness that comes with it.”
Arun hummed, throwing his head back in a similar fashion to rest, as Thija cracked open an eye to look at him. 
“Arun. Run. Oye, listen.”
“Your clothes. They’re wet. You should change out of them before you catch a cold.”
He got up, grumbling as he realised she was right. Looking over at her kurta, though he had been trying very hard not to, he said, “So should you. I think you got a worse treatment than me.”
“I know. But I genuinely don’t think I can rifle through Nandhini’s closet and try to figure out what I can wear.”
Arun grinned as he got up, telling her, “Wait here.”
Walking into the spare room, that had practically become his with the number of times he stayed over, he looked through the drawers, grinning when he found it. Walking out, he shook Thija gently, feeling his heart melt as she sleepily looked at him. 
“Here. I left it here the last time and didn’t take it back, so…….”
Grinning, Thija took the hoodie from him, craning her neck to look at him, feeling the butterflies erupt at his gesture. 
“You know if I take this, you won’t get it back right?”
“Doesn’t matter.”
“You sure?” asked Thija. “I have seen you wear this exact hoodie many times, Run.”
‘That is why I want you to wear it,’ he thought, but out loud, said, “Thiju, wear it, please. It is fine.”
Nodding, she got off the couch, taking the hoodie from his hands, breath hitching as their fingers grazed each other. Walking into the room, she quickly shrugged off her kurta, grabbing a towel to dry herself off before slipping the hoodie on. A wave of instant warmth hit her, as she took in a deep breath, noticing how much bigger it was on her. She was reminded of the warmth and comfort of being under a warm blanket during the rains, as she buried her face in the hem of the hoodie noting how it distinctly smelled of his cologne. 
“I am so far gone”, she thought as she walked out, closing the door only to look up and see Arun staring at her, the same intensity from earlier returning to his eyes.
By Ishvara, had he done the right thing? 
She looked like she was his in his hoodie, and he just… wanted to gather her in his arms and kiss her beautiful face, hold her and never let her go. It was as if he had laid a claim on her with her use of his favourite hoodie. 
How could words do justice to the beauty she showcased in that moment? With loose hair, a pair of palazzo pants, and his hoodie, she looked homey, cozy and comfortable- a combination that made him feel home, the blush on her face giving him sudden hope. 
Should he ask her out?
Clearing her throat to ease the sudden tension that was building up, she asked, “Do you- Do you want to eat dinner now? Or the cookies?”
Raising one eyebrow at her, Arun teased, “Are you suggesting we eat dessert for dinner Thiju?”
Goodness, the blush was becoming a permanent fixture on her face at this rate. Pulling herself up she retorted, “If you don’t want to Arun that’s fine. More for me.” 
He stared for a beat, then another, then
Scrambling their way to the kitchen, the skidded to a stop in front of the fridge, reaching for the box at the same time. Glaring at him she tugged the box towards her, announcing, “I made them so I get them.”
Unrelenting he tugged it back, scowling as he said, “Given that I reached it first, I get it.”
“No way.”
“Yes way.”
She narrowed her eyes at him for a second, suddenly darting her hand out to tickle his side, knowing exactly his weak spots after years of friendship. Yelping he quickly swatted her hand away leaving the box free to be wrenched out of his grasp.
Arun’s mouth fell open as he realised exactly what she’d done. Walking over to her, he quickly spun her around, pleased at the little gasp she let out as he bent to lift her in his arms.
“Arun, this is not funny! PUT ME DOWN”
“Give me the box and I will.”
She spluttered for a moment, giving him enough time to note how perfectly she fit against him. 
“Absolutely not.” 
He shrugged, saying “Fine. Then I’ll just-
Feinting dropping her, he let out a low grunt as her free arm came to wrap around is neck, fingers digging into the skin most likely leaving a mark. Not that he was complaining. 
“Fine, fine”, she gasped out. “We’ll split. 50-50” 
“Yes, deal. Now put me down.”
“But I am so comfortable like this,” he pouted at her, not really wanting to let her go. 
“Run…” it was not like she wanted to leave his arms, but any more holding from him, and she would start kissing him wherever she found space to. 
“Okay,” he half pouted, seating her on the couch and plopping down right next to her, pressing his thigh to hers as casually as he could. 
Thija stopped breathing for a second as she felt the warm press of his body against hers. This whole evening was starting to feel like they’d stepped into uncharted waters and she wasn’t sure that there was any way to turn back. 
Still in her mind, she didn’t register Arun calling out to her, until he poked her side, eliciting a very undignified yelp from her. 
“You are unbelievable.”
He grinned; the same broad one that always sent her heart into a tizzy as he held out the treat to her. Muttering a soft thank you, she took it from his hands, smiling in pride at the appreciative groan he let out. 
“Have I ever told you that you make the best desserts?” 
“Many times.”
“Good. Because it’s true.”
Her answering smile was enough to cause a swarm of butterflies to erupt in his chest, even more so as he felt her slowly lean into his space. Holding his breath he waited till she had fully settled against his shoulder to exhale, resting his cheek against the top of her head as they both sat there in content silence. 
Mustering up the courage he said, “We should do this again. Without the kid, I mean.”
She froze as she heard the words from him, slowly sitting up to look at him properly, causing his heart to work double time in his chest as he mentally cursed himself. He was just about to take it back when-
“Like a date?”
Thija waited for his response, her heart pounding in her chest as she saw him momentarily go silent, opening her mouth to speak, before he beat her to it. 
“Yes. Yes, exactly like a date.”
She giggled at that, a familiar warmth blooming throughout his body as she settled back against him and said, “Well, as far as asking someone out goes that was absolutely terrible. But yes, Arun, I will go on a date with you.”
Arun laughed, a full bodied laugh that vibrated through him and sent reverberations through her as well. Feeling the brush of his lips against her temple, she heard him say, “Trust me Thija. I will more than make up for it, as long as you let me have you.” 
@vibishalakshman @thelekhikawrites @nspwriteups @whippersnappersbookworm @ragkee @chemicalmindedlotus @dr-scribbler @willkatfanfromasia @balladedutempsjadis @freeunknownwasteland @ramcharanobsessed @gemmusings @vijaysena @thirst4light @hollogramhallucination @chiyaanvikram @moon-880 @sakhiiii @thereader-radhika @ambidextrousarcher @celestesinsight @yehsahihai @thegleamingmoon @dumdaradumdaradum @rang-lo @ragkee sorry to all those I forgot to tag!  Let me know your thoughts.  
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
Clockwork Heart pt28
Part 27 here
Vivec: why did you make Wyrm so optimistic?
Sotha Sil: because I spent my life being pessimistic. He’s aware of the truth of our reality, and his endless joy allowed him to smile in the face of it… I want him to remain happy and carefree for as long as he can before the inevitable…
Vivec: …Is that why you made him so small too?…
Sotha Sil: …I made him, as he needs to be. *turns to walk away and freezes seeing Wyrm standing behind him* I-
Wyrm: why do I need to be- *gasps as he’s suddenly pulled out of the vision. The serene purple sky of the clockwork city giving way to the icy black stone of the midden, and the eerie blue glow of the augurs light*
Augur of Dunlain: Wyrm? My friend?
Wyrm: *rubs his eyes as a pounding headache seizes him for a moment before subsiding, his control over his connection to the heart slowly improving* it just keeps repeating the same thing over and over again… right as I ask him why he made me this way I get pushed out, like how he’d push me away from the heart, or out of nightmares. It feels different to when voryn does it… voryn feels like he’s pulling me into a hug, away from something dangerous but… it feels like Seht is, pushing me away somehow. In a direction?…
Augur of Dunlain: Perhaps he is afraid of you finding out the answer?… what could be so terrible about knowing what you were made for?
Wyrm: *groans leaning against the magicka pool* ughhhh I’m supposed to be asking you questions not the other way around! *pouts* but… If he made me as I need to be?… was, was it the malnutrition that kept me small?… or why my lungs are so weak?… or… *feels where his shoulder should be beneath his artificial, metal one* why am I missing my arm… my shoulder and part of my ribs?… or… *reaches up and taps his Pearl eye* why would he make me with only one?…
“Wyrm??? Where are you?”
Wyrm: crap! I’m not supposed to be down here! *jumps up tossing a sugar cookie into the pool* I’ll see you later!!! Thank you! *runs out of the door and up out of the midden*
Augur of Dunlain: …I wish I could tell you the truth… *sighs and engulfs the cookie*
*a few minutes later*
Wyrm: *climbs out of the midden and into the courtyard, dusting himself off of the snow from the trap door as he rushes out and immediately bumps head first into nerevar* oh! I-
Nerevar: there you are, hold still. *pulls a set of armoured robes out from his bag and holds it up to the smaller elf* this should do for now until I can get you to an actual blacksmith. We’ve got a long journey ahead of us and I want you protected.
Wyrm: *being adjusted this way and that by the Hortator as he loosely checks the fit* I- yes thank you- a-are you sure you and voryn want to tag along? Will voryn even be able to travel in-
Voryn: *suddenly crosses the bridge into the courtyard, dressed in dark mage robes, a chitin breastplate covering his chest and fitting nicely with the more ornate adornments of house dagoth, as well as the gigantic bell hammer strapped to his back* My ears are burning~ I believe I got everything we need for the first leg of the trip.
Nerevar: *chuckles* good, Wyrm was just fussing over your outfit options for battle and travel.
Wyrm: *puffs out his cheek a little at being teased* I-I just never thought about how uncomfortable travelling could be until I lived it and voryn doesn’t seem the sort to be dressed like well- this!
Voryn: *smiles and gently pats his hair* I’m a councillor and his confidant first. But I’m his lover and partner in battle as well. I fought along side him during the battle of red mountain, I’ve seen him in action just as much as he has I. I’ll be just fine little scrib.
Nerevar: *nods and grins* it’s a miracle I survived those battles. I was impossible to peel my eyes off of you~
Voryn: you’re lucky my eyes were more focused on keeping you alive then~ and speaking of keeping alive. Is this- really the best you could find?… *gestures to the robes*
Nerevar: We don’t exactly have a wide array of options here my love. Once we get to whiterun we can-
Enthir: no need. *walks over grabbing Wyrm by his arm leading him to the dorms* I got something better, but don’t ask how I got it or where it’s from. Got it?
Wyrm: *known Enthir long enough to just agree* okay.
Nerevar: Woah Woah Woah!!! Hold on a minute! What have you got?! Because the last two items you ‘had for him’ turned out to be two of three extremely dangerous weapons that corrupted him! *points to voryn* turned the people that killed me into gods!
Wyrm: sorry about tha-
Nerevar: shush it’s okay, and I had to use to bring down dagoth ur!
Voryn: sorry about tha-
Nerevar: darling we- HEY COME BACK HERE!
Enthir: *already walking inside with Wyrm in tow* I’m not stopping you from following me.
*a few minutes later*
Enthir: *holding a pair of trousers over the room divider Wyrms changing behind* these ones should fit you you’re around my size.
Wyrm: oh these look like the armour the lady in riften was wearing!
Nerevar: riften?
Enthir: lady?
Wyrm: yeah, she stole my eye and I woke up from a nightmare trying to cut her face off…
Voryn: oh yes I think I recall that one… I kept screaming ‘I’ve been poisoned’… was that when those vampires fed you skooma?
Wyrm: yes… it was horrible.
Enthir: *eyes wide just hearing about this himself for the first time* remind me to write to my contacts so, there’ll be less people out to hurt him or- worse.
Nerevar: I promise. Well do all we can to keep him safe.
Wyrm: *suddenly steps out dressed in thieves guild armour* my hair won’t fit under the hood.
Enthir: that’s okay you don’t need that. You look great just… try to avoid guards while wearing it. It should keep you out of trouble with more unsavoury figures though and help you sneak out of danger if needed.
Nerevar: that- that wouldn’t happen to be thie-
Voryn: *covers his mouth* shhh. You look great Wyrm.
Wyrm: *smiles back at them with a beaming grin*
*a few days later*
Urag: *wrapping Wyrms favourite cloak around him and fussing over his son* I packed your night clothes and spare comfortable clothes for you too and your lunch is in there as well as some snacks and don’t forget the ward scrolls in case-
Enthir: *gently rubs his back* Babe, he’ll be okay. *smiles at Wyrm then past him to the high elf waiting patiently at his side* take care of him for us.
Taliesin: *nods and bows his head* I will. You have my word.
Urag: … *steps forward and places his hand on his shoulder* Come home alive… bring my boy back safe.
Taliesin: I- Y-yes sir. He- we’ll, come home alive. I promise.
Urag: *nods before looking back to Wyrm in time for the small dunmer to leap up into his arms for a hug* stay safe, don’t wander into trouble you can’t get out of, okay?…
Wyrm: *nods* I will papa, I’ll be careful, I promise papa. *hugs him tighter* I’ll be home before you know it.
Urag: *hugs him back and holds him for just a moment more* good luck, son. *lets him go*
Wyrm: *smiles up at him before giving Enthir a hug as well* take care of him please…
Enthir: I will. *smiles hugging him back and letting him go* stay out of trouble.
Wyrm: I will! *takes Taliesins hand and waves back to them as they cross the bridge* I LOVE YOU!!
*a few minutes later*
Taliesin: *picks Wyrm up placing him on his back as they enter the village* gods I can’t wait to get out of this cold.
Wyrm: *gently places his hands over taliesins ears like a pair of ear muffs* I read morthal is humid and warm. I’m sure it’ll be more comfortable for you.
Taliesin: darling you’ve never felt humidity. Believe me it is not comfortable but anything is better than this c-constant assault of frigid air.
Wyrm: *giggles* yeah, it’s not for everyone. *glances at the jarls long house as Mirabelle steps out, dressed in the arch mages robes though still limping from her injuries sustained in the battle against ancano* hopefully things… warm up here in different ways while we’re gone. *looks ahead to see the group waiting by the horses near the inn* I just hope… we live to see it. *shivers as a gust of wind blows from around the inn, sending the tattered robes of a now dead thalmor agent adrift on the wind*
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