#i’ve always been a feedee basically
housecow · 7 months
How did you first realize that this kink was something you're into?
i’ve always had a weird fixation on weight gain and eating… i was one of those kids that stuffed pillows under my shirt to pretend i was fat all the time, lol!! there’s a simpsons episode (or movie?) where homer eats a lot and that was so formative for me. i got WEIRD about stuff quick, too. like. role playing with OCs in middle school. my first ever stuffing was freshman year with one of those toblerone boxes that hold 6 bars 😭😭😭
but honestly, it’s always been intrinsic for me? one of my clearest memories is wishing i could’ve finished my entire birthday cake myself when i turned 7
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dionysianchub · 11 months
I’ve recently hit the feeder to feedee pipeline 🫣
What is your favorite way to gain? Sweets? Shakes? Extra large meals?
And do you have any tips for clothing brands that stretch a bit more 🥵 I’m quickly growing out of everything I own
Hehe, congrats~ I too fell down that slope and haven't gone back. 😂 Honestly my favorite way to gain is whatever the heck feels good today. I think so often we get caught up in the gaining train not unlike a weight loss diet, and it can start to feel like work, or even toxic obsession. For me, I just go with the cravings - or what my feeder tells me he wants me to eat. 💜 If you want to stuff yourself every meal, go for it. If you want to graze snacks all day and ditch the big meals, that's great too! Junk food or healthy, eat whatever brings you joy. Cause at the end of the day, as long as you're getting enough in you, no matter what it is, you'll gain weight.
As far as clothing, I basically live in TomboyX sweatpants and lounge shorts. When I'm forced to leave the house, I have multiple pairs of Sonoma brand flexwear shorts that I love. They're stretchy in the waist and have a very nice loose fit. And because I overheat easily, Arctic Cool has been my go-to for shirts. The fabric is stretchy, light, and moisture wicking with some added materials that keep you cool as you sweat. Jeans have always been a struggle (as a trans man, I have fuller hips than most cis men) but I've had good luck with Paige brand jeans. I hope this helps! Good luck out there and happy gaining 🥰
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tree12365 · 3 months
I have always been attracted to people with heavier bodies, big bellies, thunder thighs, and basically everything that obesity does to one’s body.
I have also always been a lover of food, especially sweets and greasy fried goodies.
When I was younger I didn’t want to be fat. I loved the idea of gaining, but I never personally wanted to gain weight.
Then, one day I woke up to the realization that I had developed a little bit of a pudgy belly. I accepted this and went about my day as normal, but little did I know that this “accidental” weight gain would kick start something within myself like never before.
Now that I was aware of new found softness, I couldn’t stop pinching and touching my softened belly. My gaining fantasies began to revolve around my own weight gain rather than my partners. I started eating more junk food, and just more food in general. I started loosing my motivation to exercise and started watching more TV. These new habits of mine gradually became more and more intense.
Now, I consider myself a gainer/feedee. I constantly fantasize about being morbidly obese. I snack all day long and end every day with at least a 3,500 calorie dinner. I count calories to see how much I can consume in one day. I have started smoking weed for the sole purpose of stuffing myself beyond my limit with the help of the munchies. I’ve gained 35lbs so far and I’m only getting bigger.
Gaining can change your life. What started with a little “accidental” weight gain has turned my life into a gainer’s hedonistic paradise.
I wouldn’t change it for the world. Call me a big boy and fatten me up!
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fatguarddog · 1 year
I can’t stop thinking abt t4t mutual gaining, so many wonderful ways to enjoy…
Maybe we want to gain weight together. Cooking each rich and flavorful meals, baking sweet desserts, and bringing treats home from the market. Something we didn’t account for was my partner… not really gaining weight? After a month or so I’ve definitely been putting on the pounds and my partner loves how my body has been growing, but they haven’t really been gaining any weight at all? Over time they have a swell to their ass and thighs, maybe a small pouch of tummy, but they don’t seem to mind as I keep trying
Still cooking wonderful dinners, they’ve been eating more than even me. Baking trays of desserts i stuff them with, knowing that they’ll try to fill me with the rest. Just gaining 30,40 pounds and my partners still slender hands tracing across my fatty body. They’re the one begging me to feed them, make them bigger, but I’m the one gaining
(Or vice versa, or poly)
t4t mutual gaining is such a beautiful dream ❤️
And oooo how interesting, maybe you just never accounted for your partner's ridiculously fast metabolism, or maybe in a more magical world they've cast a little spells that adds the weight of everything they eat to you instead, so you're basically blowing up at double the rate!
And don't get me started on t4t poly feedism fantasies... one feeder with two or more feedees, three feeders all doting on their perfectly round piggy, a feedee with multiple feeder partners who always has a lunch date locked in, there's so many possibilities
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himbochub · 3 years
What's it like living with your fetish 24/7? Are you just constantly turned on? Also, what's your favorite part about getting fatter?
i’ve been avoiding answering this question for awhile bc i wanted to answer something hot, but fr i feel like everyone thinks that living as a fat person with a fat kink is just 24/7 being horny and wanting to eat. WHICH IT CAN BE when you are happy, in a good place in life and have a good mindset. but it feels both disrespectful and just plain thoughtless of internet feeders to think that this is all just fun and games. there are a lot of sides to being fat that make life generally harder and more expensive! capitalism sucks! life can suck! and for me and most other POC feedees, especially trans poc feedees, we do not make as much money from this as cis white female feedees. it just doesn’t work that way lol. i’m sure most of u have noticed me basically being ghost in the realm of feedism since i transitioned and it’s bc most of the people who paid me have zero interest in paying me now :-). it just is how it is. i’m still always going to be involved in feedism and there’s part of me thats glad i don’t view it as a job as much as i used to and can just enjoy it genuinely. but it just sucks, and it sucks seeing the white feedees who profit greatly off of this fetish never even mention once the fact that POC models get paid dust in this community. it sucks working your ass off and still having feeders tell you you aren’t fat enough for their liking. so to answer your question, my favorite part about getting fatter was realizing that the only thing that matters is enjoying how fat I am and not giving a shit what the general public thinks lmao
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bbwcasey · 3 years
I’ve been gaining for years. At times so rapidly, other times slow and steady, and then a few times a bit stagnant. I favor rapid weight gain but know that’s not possible always. My first 100lbs gained was basically overnight. I’ll never forget that stretch of time. Incredible, addictive, blissful, sometimes scary, but overall amazing. It drew so much attention, more than I was ready for at that age. Time went on and I settled a bit more comfortably into my identity as a feedee and I felt a bit of regret. Regret that I didn’t have that confidence during those first 100lbs to properly enjoy it the way I do now.  I’ve never really been able to get back at that speed again.... until recently.
I swear, it’s like my pants ripped open at Thanksgiving dinner last year and ever since that video I’ve just exploded. I wake up every day and discover something new as a result of my expanding size. My back roll has become a statement piece. My face is so fucking fat now that I don’t even recognize myself at times. Clothes require so much thought on my part. I’m outgrowing my work clothes constantly. The most simple daily tasks are now so much harder. Slip on shoes are the only comfortable option. Long handled tools for showering, getting off, and reaching. My mobility. I feel myself slip deeper and deeper into a sense of permanence. And I fucking love it. I have such a deep appreciation of it all now than I did before. My first 100lbs were more of a gain into a societally “normal” body. Like yes I was chubby at 200 for sure, but I could hide it if I wanted to. I could still wear normal clothes. I could still hike. This last ~50 and what will eventually be this last 100 is different. It’s a massive statement to the world and something I could never come back from. No turning back. Entirely out of control in every way. Complete submission to my own gluttony.
I want more. I fucking love this process.
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dumdumdrawstumtums · 3 years
Since they have the Dissidia Final Fantasy games that mix everything up who would be your favorite crack pairings
WOO sorry for the wait, I'm basically only now getting the opportunity to really sit and answer these!
But oh yeah that's partly why I loved D/issidia! I became a huge sucker for the 589 team of B/artz, S/quall, and Z/idane from the first game onward, so that was a big threesome ship of mine. Any of em could play feeder/feedee but at the time there was a lot of appeal in B/artz and Z/idane pushing S/quall to eat ridiculous amounts through all sorts of fun FF means. Of course if the dynamic duo of B/artz and Z/idane wanted to turn it around on the moody gunblade slinger theeen...
Another is 210 aka F/irion and T/idus. Of course even despite the memes surrounding him I've been a fan of T/idus eating, and given F/irion's more "traditional hero" disposition I always thought it'd be fun for him to be flustered by the ace's appetite hahaha
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dairy-duchess · 4 years
1, 9, n 10 👌😚
1: when did you realize you liked overweight people
I've pretty much always been into bigger ladies, but the first time I like consciously thought about it and identified the attraction and embraced it was probably when I was like 21-22? The attraction was definitely there WAY before that, literally since my earliest sexual feelings, but it took me a while to understand that part of myself.
9: what’s your fat fantasy
More than anything I just want a cute mutual gaining gf who I can just have fun with and go on cheesy dates and play video games and talk about interesting things and eat lots of delicious foods and travel and show off and kiss and just get really big and soft and happy together 💖 That's literally my dream, lol. Introducing it to a girl and having her being reluctant at first but ending up loving it and becoming obsessed is also kind of a fantasy of mine. And the idea of a girl getting so consumed by her feedee desires that she forgets basically everything else except eating and growing and ends up as a giant blissful pig, that's for sure a hot concept too.
10: what’s the hottest thing you find about feedees
Oh I melt over feedees who LOVE eating and getting bigger and are really proud and happy and confident about it 💖 Embarrassed feedees are cute too, but I just find it hot as hell when a girl fully embraces her feedee desires. Like, I really love feedees who genuinely just enjoy it so much that they incorporate it into their everyday non-kink life and end up getting huge. Girls who daydream about buffets and see outgrown clothes as a badge of honor. Girls who get pouty if they have to go even an hour without eating. Girls who just can't help but keep going, and wouldn't want to stop even if they could. Girls in love with their body and greedy to make more of it. Like, it's just so fuckin attractive when feedees are obsessed, gluttonous angels 💖
Thanks so much for the questions @m-ary!!!! 😙💕
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fox-meat · 5 years
2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 50
2. Where's the most unusual place you've masturbated?: Hrrmm good question, no where too weird I don't think. My living room? Never done it in public lmao
3. Where's the most unusual place you've had sex?: Oh boy, uh, I mean aside from our room, I've done some stuff in a tent, and the other place would probably be my bf's parent's bed XD
5. What's your favorite sex position?: Okay so, me on my back, guy kneeling in front of me and going in, my right leg hooked around his hips, my left up in the air against his right shoulder so he goes in deep /)//////(\
7. What're your biggest turn-ons while making out?: Oh god so many, okay, here we go. Touching me literally /anywhere/ will probably make me lose my mind. Waist, scratching my back, my hips, my NECK OR MY FACE makes me melt hhhhh, I also love hearing the other person moan, or bite my lip, or growl something to me,,,,,
8. What're your most unusual turn-ons in general?: Well I'm a kinky/kinnie bitch so, I do enjoy being threatened. "I'll break your neck" is flirtation. Same with "You smell delicious". NOT NICE I MELT! UNFAIR! Uhhh there's a lot of things, some mostly based on any kin shifts I might be in. Right now I'm in Ren so I'll add in, speaking German, clicking open a pocket knife, smiling while hurting me, hhhhh yeah. Yeah. Lots of. things.
9. What's your darkest fantasy?: Okay so this obviously changes but. Basically rn since I'm in a Ren shift, I'd probably like something to do with the people I knew. Strade, Vincent, Farz, and apparently a Lawrence. Would be interesting to be tag teamed by them! Vince punches me for a while, Farz stabs out an eye (or two), Strade carving out things or taking off fingers, toes, a fox ear, hhhhhh, and then Lawrence gutting me, trying to crawl inside me. Stuff like that /)////////////(\
10. If you could have one fantasy fulfilled right now, what would it be?: LOL I should read these questions ahead. Uhhh okay so, well I really want someone to tease the /fuck/ out of me. Like either tying me to a bed or just letting me be loose, touching and teasing me, until I'm /begging/ to be fucked, and still not giving in. And then doing more, messing with my ears, my tail, licking and biting me, hhhhh everything, and /still/ giving me nothing. All of this while saying what a dirty, naughty little fox I am. How needy I am (I'm in heat so LOL), how I'm so pathetic and whiny. By the time they finally touch me, I instantly cum /)///////(\ MOVING ON
12. What are your hard limits?: Okay uh, nothing with scat. Watersports don't bother me, but they're not a turn on. Same with like, vomit. Doesn't bother me in a roleplay way, but not inrl. I don't have too many other hard limits tbh! Feel free to ask for specific ones if you're interested :3
13. How often do you masturbate?: Okay so I hate doing it like, when my bf is home. So it's normally on days I don't work and I take him to work. So maybe.. 2-4 times a week? Not often at all. I'm more thinking about/roleplaying sex than actually doing anything about it.
14. Have you ever been caught masturbating or having sex?: Hrm a few times we've been in the middle of about to do stuff and my bf's sister will come upstairs. Never masturbating though!
21. Have you tasted yourself? If so, then what did you think?: Hhhh okay so, I did a looong time ago and recently when I did it was almost.. sweet? Like barely sweet. Wasn't bad, and could also be considered a turn on. Someone fingering me, then making me taste it. (OR THEM TASTING IT AND SAYING I TASTE GOOD AAAAAAAAAAAAA) inrl though I don't like people going down on me or touching me. It's mostly about fear of being hurt. But in roleplay anything goes!
22. Are you vocal during sex?: OH VERY I can be quiet if I reeaalllyy try but I whimper and whine a lot.
23. Do you like being rough with your partner? Do you like when your partner is rough with you?: Being rough to someone else is hard, I get nervous. Being rough with ME is a lot better. I can take it~ I'm like a punching bag.
24. Do you like being restrained? Do you like restraining your partner?: If I'm doing it to someone else, I end up keeping them tied up tight so I can either hurt them or force feed them. I looooove being restrained. Never had it happen, but I always wanted like, someone to hold me either gently or roughly while another hurt me. (While typing that I had specific people in my mind doing it AAAA) so yeah.
26. What are your favorite parts/features on each gender you're attracted to?: Honestly? Love breasts. Love them. Butts are great too. I'm attracted to all genders so ??? don't really have a preference.
27. Have you ever tried something sexual and decided you weren't into it?: I actually don't think so? Aside from one guy saying he had a six foot dick and wanted to do vore-stuff with it :P yeah no. Not my thing.
28. What are your erogenous zones?: Specifically for a Ren shift, my ears and tail are definitely overly sensitive. My neck is too, and my face being touched is hhhhh so good. And my back/waist being touched or scratched is nice~
29. What're the most effective ways to tease you in public?: Oh I'm gonna regret this. So basically, it's very easy. If we're together while I'm in person, whispering anything into my ear will probably make me all flustered and blushy. If you're messaging me and I'm in public, 100% basically anything threatening to fuck me or hurt me will get me. Almost guarenteed.
30. What're your favorite was to tease your partner in public?: Well with my adorable little feedee boyfriend, I tell him how fat he's getting and how people probably think he uses a motor cart cause he's too fat to walk around ;3 around with how everyone probably thinks he's a precious little girl~
32. If you could dress/style someone to be as attractive to you as possible, what would they look like?: Okay uhh, depends I guess? Let's say it's a guy. Black leather jacket, tshirt, jeans, boots probably. (Basically Vincent Metzger LOL).
33. If you had to put on an outfit to turn-on your partner the most during a date, what would it be?: Oh if it's for my feedee, he'd probably love me in something that doesn't fit me well and would be super tight heheh. I never think I really turn people on that well.OH he does love when I'm naked and wearing only an apron >///
34.  What are your favorite pet names/dirty names to be called during sex?: Oh god so many. SO MANY. Okay so, good boy, good fox, Fuchs, little bitch, slut, whore, naughty, (I don't like nasty very much), dirty, pathetic, weak, whiny, hhhhh there's a lot. a lot.
36. What's the best sexual compliment you've ever received?: Oh that I'm good at blowjobs apparently. I'll take it though~ I also hear that my screams and whines are apparently nice to hear.
37. Do you enjoy it when your partner has piercings and/or tattoos? Are there any particular body parts where you like your partner to have them?: I love lip and tongue piercings, along with ear ones. Wouldn't turn down a dick piercing, never tried having sex with someone who has one. I'd also probably be happy about any tattoos. I like seeing them on arms mostly.
39. If your partner was going to send you a video of themselves, what would they do to make it turn you on the most?: Hhhhh well, something along the lines of "Get your ass over here so I can fuck you", or anything of them with a knife. Mmnnnnn.
40. Are you a screamer, a grunter, a moaner, or a groaner?: Mostly a moaner and a screamer, sometimes a groaner. Hhhhh.
41. Is "vanilla" sex boring or underrated?: With the right person? Totally underrated. Like it's gotta be a comfortable, relaxing experience with someone you love.
42. What's the best orgasm you've had in the past few months?: HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I can't go into details but I was roleplaying while masturbating, and yeah. It was great. So great. So fucking great.
44. Do you enjoy seeing your partner have sex with others? Would you want them to do all of the same things that they're willing to do with you, or would some be off-limits? Hhhh with my feedee boyfriend, I'd be a little iffy on letting other people feed him. Last time I let someone who wasn't Keir do it, they turned into the worst person in my life :') So. Other than that, I think I'd be okay. He's obviously allowed to do whatever he wants, so I wouldn't stop him. I might not want to see it though.
50. Have you ever cum without having your genitals directly stimulated?: hhhh yeah, touching my chest and teasing me a lot can do it, definitely. Mmmnn.
Thank you for all these questions!!!! I need to do more heheh, thank you!!!
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alexangery · 7 years
Hi! I was wondering if u could give some advice about something I’ve been struggling with for years. I’m sorry if this is weird/ uncomfortable for u, I just really needed to talk it out. Basically, I’ve always been attracted to being fat & was a naturally chubby kid, but during high school I lost a lot of weight (xtreme under-eating and over-exercising, alongside a friend who now has serious body image issues), and then I enjoyed the attention and feeling sexy. I’ve been dancing around the 1/2
feedee community for years but fully committing to gaining is scary & socially unacceptable. I accidentally put on 30lbs at college and Im torn between losing it or gaining more. The extra lbs make me insecure but I also love my belly fat so much. I’m worried abt what my family/friends would think but I feel like I’ll never be truly happy with my body otherwise. Feel free to ignore, but if u (or ur followers) have any advice from an outside perspective, I would really really appreciate it x 2/2
i think the first thing that needs to happen is that there needs to be some work on your self image tbh. like, i’m so glad to hear you love your belly fat! but it sounds like there are a lot of hangups around weight and the most important part of inhabiting your body, especially when kink comes into it, is to make sure you’re loving your body.
i know it’s really hard to deal with self-image issues but please consider working on that before joining that kink community. if you’re still struggling to decide between gaining or losing, that right there is enough reason to take a step back and examine what’s going on for you.
that being said i think feeding as a kink is great and if that and gaining are something that would fulfill you, go for it! i approach everything from a RACK standpoint (risk aware consensual kink) rather than SSC (safe, sane, consensual) and id advise to make sure you’re fully aware of what impact gaining will have on your life. will it help or hinder your self image? will you be okay with needing bigger clothing? will you be able to deal with your family and friends in a safe way?
tl;dr as long as you know what effect it will have on your life and you’re ready for it, go for it!
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fataziraphale · 7 years
for the oc questions: 1, 15, 28, 43 and 44?
!! thank you for asking, friend!
1. Your first OC ever?
Oh man, this is really hard to say because I’ve been writing shit since I was like… born haha. The first character that really meant anything to me though was a Harry Potter OC from when I was in first grade. She was named Horea Granger and was Hermione’s little sister. I said she was a Gryffindor because I thought all the heroes had to be in Gryffindor but in retrospect she was such a Slytherin holy shit. 
But anyway she was this super short child who wore her brown hair in pigtails and had round glasses like Harry’s. She also, like, didn’t give a shit about school at all. She’d had ambitions of becoming a Muggle scientist before finding out she was a witch, so she was basically flunking out of Hogwarts despite being really smart because she just cared fuckall about the magical world. The only class she excelled in was Divination and that was only to piss off Hermione. 
So basically she graduated from Hogwarts and became a Muggle scientist like she wanted, but I was also super into Lilo & Stitch at the time so she ended up creating experiments like Jumba that threatened to destroy the world. I used to play pretend with my friend at recess, and she would play Hermione and I would play Horea. The plot of our games usually involved Horea and her experiments doing something to jeopardize the world, and Hermione having to stop her. So Horea was basically a tiny magical villainous mad scientist brat and I love her dearly.
15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?
28. Your most dangerous OC?
Ryne Plexippus IV is the most dangerous in the sense that he has virtually unlimited magical power. Like he canonically can alter the world’s tilt and move the earth’s tectonic plates with that shit. But he’s also a lazy self-centered pacifistic crybaby, and he loses his magic completely in the second paragraph of the story and never gets it back, so… he’s not actually all that dangerous.
His bodyguard Nyssa Boets could also the most dangerous in sense that her swordmanship is so impressive that she was able to fight and win against someone with magical power almost equal to Ryne’s, despite the fact that she has no magic at all. But she also has a very strong moral compass, so she might not kill you because then she’ll have to feel guilty about it forever. Nightmares suck.
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
I love………. fat characters……….. I love canonically feedee characters………. I love characters who are rich and pompous and full of themselves and lazy and spoiled brats but soft and kind…… I have a problem………….
44. Something you like about your OCs in general
I am so bored by stories with “everyman” main characters. I’m bored of stories about characters with hero complexes who are always morally right and just. I’m bored of characters with no real flaws. Mostly I’m bored of characters who are skinny. I can give you characters that aren’t these things.
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