#i’m usually not too big on romance anime but this one was very sweet
lavend-ler · 4 months
Soundrod headcanons challenge
Who says I love you first?
Who makes their energon?
Who is the early bird/who is the night owl?
Who is the big spoon/Who is the little spoon?
Who loves to cuddle?
Who hogs the blanket?
Who wakes the other one up with kisses?
Who usually has nightmares?
Who likes sweets?
Who likes horror movies/who likes romance movies?
Who is small/who is tall?
Who is considered the scaredy cat?
Who is the most affectionate?
Who is most likely to carry the other?
Who asks for money/Who has money?
Who proposes?
Who is top/Who is bottom?
Who is most ticklish?
Who brings an animal they found home?
Who wants to stay in bed just a bit longer?
Who cooks best?
Who needs reassurance?
Who comms inappropriate things to the other during inappropriate times?
Who cries during certain films?
Who tells their friends/family about the relationship first?
ok this is a fair warning - this whole post is around 2,5k so yeah. VERY long
Who says I love you first?
I’m gonna surprise you – Soundwave! they were both dancing around with the feelings for each other for the longest time, yet the obligations of being an Autobot and a Decepticon held them off from it. the thought that “I cannot be in love with x, it’s not what I was supposed to be”, as much as their love grew stronger. but the moment Soundwave saw Hot Rod in danger from Tarn, he knew how meaningless the fractions truly became. his Hot Rod was hurting and he couldn’t let it be. so he defeated Tarn and barely kept together. when he woke up in the med bay, he saw Hot Rod sleeping near, right with Laserbeak, never leaving his side. that was when Soundwave told him he loved him – to this being reciprocated, of course
in different timelines than CBV I still see Soundwave being the one to confess first. he is upfront and even if it pains him from his loyalty, he tells Rods how much he loves him bc he can’t live in a world where he wouldn’t at least be in the clear and rejected. but no matter what, Rods loves him back
Who makes their energon?
again, I think Soundwave. underneath his stoicism there’s a mech who cares abt his loved ones and is so protective. Rods does everything in full speed – Soundwave is there to remind him to slow things down and take care of himself. the world doesn’t need to be saved immediately. it’s Soundwave’s inside duty to remind Rods that he deserves saving too and doesn’t need to push himself to the limits bc of others. not to mention, Soundwave does a rly well blend of energon
Who is the early bird/who is the night owl?
oughh sun/moon ships are my weakness and they fit this so perfectly. Hot Rod is the early bird. he stays up early to get things done, he loves the sunlight and feels the most energetic in the day. doesn’t mean that he’s good at waking up early tho! he often “just 5 more mins”-s Soundwave. Soundwave is the night owl, used to doing cons’ mission during the night to be inconspicuous and since he’s such a workaholic, he tends to stay up late just to finish that one last project he needs to
Who is the big spoon/Who is the little spoon?
Soundwave is the big spoon, he’s very, very protective. Rods is the little spoon bc he loves to be held in Soundwave’s arms 💖
Who loves to cuddle?
they both do! Soundwave grew to love it after being so touch starved and isolated from anyone else. with Rods being so physically affectionate, he grew to love physical touch cause it reminds him of his lover,, not to mention, Rods’ heating systems are very pleasant for Soundwave to touch. and as I’ve said, Rods is definitely someone who is VERY physically affectionate and very casual with his affection via touch (after all he’s got THE TOUCH). so Rods cuddling Soundwave is his own personal, wordless way of saying “I love u” <3
Who hogs the blanket?
I believe that Hot Rod does that a lot! mostly bc Soundwave doesn’t move too much in his sleep, Rods can’t help it, he has to spill himself all over the place. not that Soundwave minds too much, since Rods himself is so warm, Soundwave always keeps warm
Who wakes the other one up with kisses?
whoever wakes up first hehe :3 it’s almost their competition, as they’re sooo competitive with each other it’s basically a love language of their. whoever wakes up first gets to kiss the other to wake up. when it’s Rods, he rolls on top of Soundwave and starts kissing his facemask, being surprised when Soundwave wakes up and retracts his battle mask so they kiss right on dermas (so in a way, the victory is his then too hehe). when it’s Soundwave, he kisses Hot Rod softly first at the helm and then on his cheek, while gently touching the side of his faceplate
Who usually has nightmares?
they both do, honestly. Soundwave has nightmares abt Tarn, abt the border separating them and abt Megatron’s abuse towards him and his fellow cons. even more so, in his nightmares, Soundwave loses control. he can’t help neither himself and allows the pain to spread on others, he’s unable to save. it’s the tortures that are harming his chassis, no matter if from Tarn or from Megatron himself. in his nightmares, Hot Rod also gets hurt and Soundwave can only watch. when he wakes up, he holds him close, reassuring himself that they’re both there
Hot Rod’s nightmares are abt death and destruction but he himself never gets hurt. It’s always someone close to him who gets hurt or dies before his optics. then there is a cacophony of voices which blame him for the occurrences that happened, that he doesn’t deserve to be the survivor. he also has dreams that Soundwave wouldn’t come back to him, gone forever, or choosing the violence of the cons instead of the future they built together. when Rods has nightmares, he wakes up screaming and Soundwave always calms him down
Who likes sweets?
I think Hot Rod does, he has a big sweet tooth and likes the “kiddy” sugary flavors. Soundwave can’t stand too much sweetness but he always prepares Rods’ energon to be sweeter than it should be so he’s happy
Who likes horror movies/who likes romance movies?
Soundwaves likes BOTH horror movies and romance movies. he loves cheesy Earth romances (esp when they’re musicals!) but also loves thrilling atmospheric horrors. on the other hand, Rods doesn’t mind both but he’s def more of a thrilling action movie guy with lots of well-choreographed fights and impressive wide shots
Who is small/who is tall?
they’re both tall, they’re Cybertronian! but Soundwave is canonically a lil taller than Rods. I like to think tho that when Rods becomes Rodimus Prime, he is taller than Soundwave (and that would piss him off if he wasn’t happy to be held by his wonderful husband)
Who is considered the scaredy cat?
neither, they’re both brave and take danger head on
Who is the most affectionate?
define affectionate bc I think they’re both very affectionate! just in their own ways, of course. Rods is very affectionate with physical touch and PDA. he’s very public and everyone knows how much he loves Soundwave. he’s the one to reach for Soundwave’s servo to hold in public places, hug him, hold him and kiss him of course. not to mention the words of praise, loving glances and talking highly abt how much he loves Soundwave
Soundwave is much more reserved with his affection and prefers to do it in private. then from his side there’s a lot of gentle touches but also firmer ones when he knows Rods wants a little manhandling hehe. there are kisses and the initiated affection, listening to Rods’ spark, touching him very lingeringly. Soundwave is also the one to initiate the spark merging/sharing the most and also sharing his spark’s energy for Rods so he wordlessly reassures him of his love
Hot Rod calls Soundwave “Waves”, “Sounds”, “Soundy” or babe or “Wave Babe” or “Soundbabe” and he LOVES to gush abt Soundwave and invent new cutesy nicknames for him. Soundwave isn’t very much so a nicknames guy but he does calls Rods his sweetspark, his love, his dearest. usually tho he uses Rods’ full name, as a sign of respect and devotion
Who is most likely to carry the other?
no matter if he’s Hot Rod or Rodimus Prime, Soundwave loves to carry him around. and Rods simply loves to be carried around by Soundwave and being held in his arms <3 not to mention with Rods’ often very low impulse control, Soundwave just has to rescue his bf from the imminent yet avoidable danger of stupidity ok
Who asks for money/Who has money?
pretty sure they both have high positions that pay well. firstly as they started dating Soundwave had more money, so he def spoiled Rods like so. but when Rods became Rodimus Prime and Soundwave his second in command it all just became very equal for them   
Who proposes?
ok, again, hear me out – Hot Rod proposes. Soundwave definitely thought of so but he’s such a perfectionist, he had to think of every small detail to make it perfect for his beloved Rods. then, one night it’s warm, it’s comfortable, they hold each other while laying down on their berth. Soundwave feels so comfortable and even more so, he feels safe when there’s no danger, no pain just him and his Hot Rod. of course, he also plays music, he always does. Rods whispers sweet nothings onto him and then asks for Soundwave to play one of their songs. Rods starts to sing along with it and as the song ends, he looks directly at Soundwave and asks him to be his Conjunx Endura. taken aback, Soundwave feels warmth spreading all across his spark and Rods’ pulsating spark next to his with love and excitement. and when Soundwave says “yes”, he was never more sure of anything else during his lifetime
Who is top/Who is bottom?
Soundwave is a top, he loves control and to please his lover. Rods is a bottom, he loves to be held and cared by Soundwave
Who is most ticklish?
I think they’re both ticklish actually but Rods is more ticklish. when Soundwave learns of it, it’s like a lightbulb moment for him and he definitely takes advantage of this. and Rods can’t help it, he just pretty much loves it
Who brings an animal they found home?
Soundwave has this tendency to see every animals and immediately want to take it home. he loves strays and wants to take care of every little critter. it takes a lot from Rods to say no to him but welP he just gotta do it to have their household under control (he does love all of Soundwave’s cassettes tho and the cassettes love him back)
Who wants to stay in bed just a bit longer?
as much as Hot Rod is definitely a morning person, he does like to stay in bed, cuddled to Soundwave for just a minute longer. then the sun falls on his faceplate, he realizes how happy he is to see it and immediately springs away to enjoy the sun. Soundwave definitely stays in bed longer but he loves seeing Rods this energetic, it makes him want to stay up and enjoy the day with him
Who cooks best?
as a cook myself I love to be self-indulgent and say Soundwave cooks best lol during the lonely nights at the Nemesis he taught himself to do it. Rods loves his energon and always finds it top notch. not to mention, as a sparkreader (my hc hehe) Soundwave wordlessly knows what Rods’ spark wants and he modifies it every day to suit his likings. Rods is always happy and enamored by it of course
Who needs reassurance?
they both do, in their own ways actually. Soundwave is closed with his feelings and detached but Rods knows him so well, he can sense the little different things in his behavior and help him out. Soundwave’s mind reminds him of the deeds of the past that happened within his Decepticon loyalty. some bots still can’t look at him, fearing for their lives. in times like these Soundwave simply wants to believe that he’s not a killer machine anymore but he can choose softness instead of violence too. all he truly wants is togetherness, yet he often can’t believe he’s made for this. that’s when Rods soothes him with gentle touches and words, reminding him that the world had changed and everything was of Soundwave’s creation and his choice. no matter what others say, Rods knows Soundwave’s spark is in the right place
Rods on the other hand experiences a lot of doubts abt how he deserves to have such position and carries immense survivor’s guilt within himself. regarding Nyon, regarding Cheetor, regarding Optimus, regarding everyone who had been lost before his optics yet he survived. Rods often feels as if he doesn’t deserve the praise when so many things went wrong. in his mind, he fears that he’s still the inexperienced bot, who has so much to learn and shouldn’t be trusted with such responsibility. Soundwave, again as a sparkreader, can read through those doubts in an instant. he’s not exactly someone to say big words so he simply sends Rods the reassurances with his spark. that he’s the reason Soundwave is still here. that he made Cybertron a better place. that he deserves good things  
Who comms inappropriate things to the other during inappropriate times?
another fun game of theirs lmao I gotta say both. sometimes they try to one up one another in the texts like such when the other is at meeting. Rods gets very into it, while Soundwave is as stoic as ever. they both love it. everyone around them hates it skfjbnsjdk
Who cries during certain films?
why do u think that Soundwave wears a battlemask, huh. this man deep down inside is so damn sensitive, he just can’t help but to mask his crying during sad stuff. esp ones with animals. for the love of Primus don’t show him Marley & Me or Rods will have to put his sobbing mess together and even Laserbeak will get startled
Who tells their friends/family about the relationship first?
I feel like everyone around them just would Know. they’ve been acting so oblivious around each other, ppl even started making bets how quickly they’d end up together. to surprise of everyone Whirl won that bet and Dead End was very mad. but other than that I think Rods was the first to share it with Perceptor and Arcee. Perceptor already knew but Arcee was so so happy for Rods, she hugged him and congratulated him right up
from Soundwave’s side, I’m sure Starscream already sensed that and even if he rolled his optics, he was happy for his Amica after the war had ended. also Shadow Striker knew right away and just told him “called it” but she was happy too. as for the cassettes I think they’re spark bonded to Soundwave and they knew he was in love with Rods even before he had realized his feelings,,
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absolutebl · 2 years
This Week in BL - 2023 Begins!
Jan 20232 Wk 1
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Never Let Me Go (Tues YT) 4 of 12 - I keep saying this, but I can’t get over how delighted I am to have Perth back on my screen, and under the GMMTV umbrella. He is a stellar actor. I like that the first kiss of this show wasn’t btw the leads. Felt more realistic to high school. Big drama next week!
My School President (Fri YT) 5 of 10 - I missed these two so much last week. But also there was A MUSICAL INCIDENT and it caused a bit of a rant from yours truly. 
Between Us (Sun iQIYI) 9 of 12 - no ep this week, resumes tomorrow WATCH ALONG HERE.
609 Bedtime Story (Fri WeTV) 7 of 11 - Game remains my spirit animal (pushy fucker), and the plot of the main couple is interesting even if I don’t like the cheating component. 
Cutie Pie 2 You (special) 1 of 4 - Oh it’s a full on special. Very very pretty and, is possible, more sappy and full of manufactured angst. Nuea protecting Hia’s interests was sweet. Lots of making out. So... more of the same, basically. What year are we in now, anyway?
I Will Knock You (Fri Gaga) 8 of 12 - (note from my Thai language spy rgr ep 5: the writing on the stone tablets was their names + 2 family members) And now we are suddenly firmly in BL territory and baby Dom is just a baby Seme. No bisexual identity crisis needed... just diving into cheese fest. 
Remember Me (Sun Gaga) 13 of 14 - I would have kept JaFirst apart for longer, quite frankly. I mean otherwise why bother split them up in the first place? Please just end this show already. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
The New Employee (Korea Weds Viki) 3 of 8 - I love them so much, and they are so cute, and this is not open to discussion. Viva la age gap! 
The Director Who Buys Me Dinner (Korea Weds iQIYI) 7-8 of 10 - There is a lot implied about the leads history together, but it was still nice to get backstory plus GAT KISSES. I love it when they flip the dynamic and give the uke agency. I’m really enjoying this show now, I’m even invested in the love triangle.
HIStory 5: Love in the Future (Taiwan Weds Viki) 2 of 10 - Side couple ascension: Daddy Long Legs trope, it’s been a while since I have seen this in ANY romance drama. I’m not really into the main couple, at least not yet (and I totally missed that they hadn’t met each other in person yet), but I really love the side dishes. It’s like H4 all over again only with less dub con.
Candy Color Paradox AKA Ameiro Paradox (Japan Fri Gaga) 4 of 8 - nothing this week. 
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It’s Airing But I’m Not Watching It
Love Bill (Vietnam Sat YT) - Bah Vinh is back but I’m too distracted. Also there’s a lot of fund raising stuff going on with them. I can wait.
The Star Always Follow You (Vietnam YT) - same Team RL peeps we have seen before (Sunshine, Stupid)
Moonlight Chicken GMMTV’s Midnight series (Weds YT) 1 of 8 eventually - first segment has begun bit it’s not the EarthMix messy gays. Sorry all, I’m so not interested in messy hets, so I’m waiting until they grace my screen.
Should I watch The Warp Effect? Tublr seems excited about it and BL bits look good? Will they end happy? Thoughts anyone? 
Till the World Ends (Thai YT) finished at 10 eps, the heat looked good but I don’t know about the ending with that kind of title, so did anyone risk it and want to tell me what they thought? I haven’t seen much chatter on my feed so I am not optimistic. 
In Case You Missed It
2022′s The Usual Night (Twitter account) from Japan is a 10-ep fake documentary series starring the members of Jpop group the Fantastics. It flew under everyone’s radars but apparently has a BL subplot featuring Yagi Yusei (My Beautiful Man) and Seguchi Leiya. This officially means they beat OnlyOneOf to the punch as the first inter-group BL pairing. Keito Kimura (Onoe from Candy Color Paradox) is also a member of Fantastics and in the show. Source reddit. No word on official international release. Japan is like that. 
OnlyOneOf’s Nine dropped the last (?) in their BL Kpop series, 'beyOnd' (be #6) 
I posted all my 2022 wraps, top picks, industry stats, etc.. 
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Jan 19: Individual Circumstances 8 eps - A reunion romance between a movie director who was once promising and a writer who disappeared due to past wounds. Stars JunQ (main rapper of 2nd gen group MYNAME) and Han Jung Wan (Mr International Korea winner).
2023 forthcoming BL master post is in the works... wait for it... I had to finish all the 2022 wrap ups first. Also waiting for the last of the studio announcements.
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Never Let Me Go
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Ah the love triangle. 
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The Director Who Buys Me Dinner caught himself a live one. 
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(last week)
Current Kpop earworm? You gotta check out VIXX (sub unit) new single. Gonna Be Alright = 2 BL stars in one croon. (Hyuk Color Rush 2 & Leo Happy ending Romance). *props chin on hand and bats eyes winsomely at Ken* So?
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mysteriawrites · 11 months
henlo i am here for my niji en matchup!! my pronouns are it/they/he, and i’m a non-binary person. i’m native american and italian american, my first language was french and i grew up with my grandma! i’m 16, 5’2 and i am an absolute GREMLIN. i dress usually in oversized hoodies and thigh high socks, my hair is very short and fluffy with a part in the back and my bangs dyed red, and i have to wear glasses. i like watching anime and spending time in quiet and reading, cooking, baking, watching reality tv (90 day fiancé is unfortunately my obsession). i dislike loud noises, my mom (long story), being treated as lesser because of my home life, being jump scared, being yelled at. idk my mbti or anything like that but i’m a virgo. also i’m bi with no preference so male or female is fine! thanks so so SO much for taking my matchup!! have a nice day!!!
Hello hello thx for doing the trade with me. DRUMROLL TIME!!!!
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I think you and Elira share a lot of good vibes together. You have similar preferences, hobbies, and personalities. I think Elira’s calm energy would be good for you and yet her capacity to join you in being an absolute gremlin would keep things interesting.
You guys actually met online. You were both into a new romance anime, and got close by talking about it on (insert anime forum here).
You guys shared other socials like, instagram, twitter, discord, etc so you could keep in touch since you had similar opinions. This evolved from talking about the anime to talking about other interests.
Over a couple of months you guys began to fall in love. You guys had a pining idiots kind of relationship. You were both very in love and everyone could see it…except you two.
So the rest of Lazulight decided on a plan. Elira’s birthday was coming up, so as a surprise they flew you out to japan which is where they were hanging out to celebrate. The minute she saw you her introverted nature was gone. She ran up to you and tackled you in a hug.
The rest of the trip was mainly just you two hanging out and everyone else coming up with excuses to give you guys alone time. Eventually they pushed you to asking her out for real. With the biggest blush on her face she accepted and now you two are dating.
You guys usually like to have pretty quiet dates. Whether that’s sitting at home and baking together or sitting on the couch watch anime or reality tv like inuyasha or 90 day fiance.
One date was spent at your local theater for throwback movie night. They throwback movie that day was twilight and you guys would simp together (sorry if you don’t like twilight personally I’ve never seen it either).
Sometimes you’ll borrow Elira’s shirts or overalls since they’re baggy just like you like em (also they smell like her). When she sees you in them she goes beet red, but she has to admit the thinks it’s really hot.
Elira is more the type to silently comfort you whenever you’re having a hard time. Like if you have a falling out with your mother or if the neighbors are being too loud and it triggers you.
She’ll wrap you in one of her sweaters and hold you gently, whispering sweet nothings to you to calm you down. She may be awkward but she definitely gives caring big sister vibes.
Also Pikl and Lazulight love you to death. If they love you than that means you’re a keeper.
V sweet very soft relationship with a girl failure gremlin dragon.
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mambalae-s · 1 year
hi hi mamba, i want to start this off with a congrats and a thank you so much for putting in the work and the energy to do this event. i really appreciate it so much and i'm so so proud of you. you're doing wonderful, darling !
for your event, i actually can't decide myself so i'm going to give you the choice to pick for me between toji and satoru from jjk - (i really really hope you're not indecisive and are able to work well under pressure ! but you can let me know if you need me to choose one);
this might need a bit of a trigger warning, but something i'm still learning to love about myself is my weight and my body. i kinda struggle with my eating habits a little bit sometimes and i won't go into detail but it's something that i'm working on :)
as far as my personality goes, i would describe myself as someone who speaks her mind and usually doesn't hold back from doing so (mostly bc i think honesty is the best policy in any kind of relationship). and um this might be kind of contradicting, but at the same time i also isolate myself from loved ones when i'm feeling down or pressured and keep everything to myself bc i don't like arguing/conflict. my friends describe me as having a sarcastic sense of humour and say that i roll my eyes a lot but they also think i'm very very sweet because i flirt with them often just for fun hehe. i'm mostly an introvert because i need to have my alone time but when i'm feeling charged then i'm able to make friends very very quickly. and my dad says it's because i'm empathetic and always know what to say when it comes to ppl hehe. (ahh this is getting too long... i just love talking about myself. i'll try wrapping it up quickly!) some other things you should know about me: i'm a hopeless romantic, don't like horror, am a total daydreamer, i write romance, fanfiction, and poetry, pink is my favourite colour, i'm a lipgloss/lipstick addict (and collect them for fun even when i don't need them), spring is my favourite season, my love language is physical touch, i'm an infp, and if it's important for the moodboard i'm south asian!
let's keep this sfw for ease, so i'll end it by describing my dream date with both men. you can then choose which one you'll do!
1. i know satoru's really really tall, but i just picture toji being taller and bigger in my head so i have this headcanon that i'm like half his size (for reference, i'm 5'3-ish) and in my head we are just grumpy x sunshine couple all the way. dream date with toji would be us going to the amusement park (my fav place on earth) and just being kids tbh. i'd force him to wear cutesy animal headbands and ride the rollercoaster and the ferris wheel with me and we'd stand in long long lines just talking and he would probably whine and complain about everything but he'd put up with it for me (also i'd probably manipulate him with my big eyes and my own bratty attitude ^^)
2. with satoru, i feel like since he's pretty childish in a relationship, i'd definitely act more bossy/mature with him as a result. (he'd look so pretty taking orders, wouldn't he?) dream date with satoru would just be a stay at home date. we'd start off by cooking dinner and dessert together, then have a spa night, and end it by doing a disney movie marathon together. he's so money i just have the urge to show him that we can do things without spending so much or going out to fancy restaurants and stuff.
anyway, i'm sorry for making this so long. as you can tell, i'm a talker. i'll leave the choice up to you for which boy to pick, but i just want to say thank you in advance. i love u sm mamba. congrats again baby doll <33
my beloved safi!! my dearest angel!! i’m so so soooo excited to do your request!! genuinely kicked my feet and did a little dancy dance when i saw your ask and i started searching for your pics as early as 4am before work! as soon as you mentioned sunshine x grumpy, you’d gotten me on team toji! im gonna make the prettiest, cutest, sweetest boards and scenarios for you, because you truly are as bright as the sun and you deserve the world! hugging you sooooo warmly!
also please don’t feel bad for telling me as much as you did!’ it makes me happy to learn about you all during these little events!
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╰┈➤ cherry blossom lips — safi x toji
╰┈➤ song — pov by ariana grande
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𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 one of the first things that really drew toji to you was your smile. he finds the way your eyes light up and crinkle ever so slightly ever so enchanting. he’s so entirely enraptured, you have no idea just how much!
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 i’ve said this for others as well, but toji’s also the kind of lover who is very attentive to you and your likes. i also think that he spoils you quite a bit! he’ll take note of your collection of lipglosses and lipsticks and whenever he’s out, he always keeps his eyes open for ones that he thinks you’ll like.
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 if you only ask him once, he’ll help you pick out a lovely combination for your days and contemplates very intensely on what look he thinks would work well! he’s very involved surprisingly and loves to see the way you switch things up every now and then, and finds it really cute when you keep returning to favourites time and time again.
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 i also think he’d be very playful and loves to kiss your glossy lips, if only to taste the sweet flavours as he licks the tint from his own lips, keeping his eyes locked on yours with your chin between his fingers as he tells you how sweet you taste.
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 he’s very perceptive to you and your feelings and always looks out for you as best as he can. he knows just how much you care for others around him, and him especially, always making sure that he’s alright, asking him about his day and of anything that he may have on his mind.
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 he might not be very vocal about it, but his way of reassuring you is at first to pull you in for a long hug. he rests his chin on top of your head and just holds you close to him, hands stroking your back and waist and taking slow, deep breaths so that you’ll follow his lead. especially during moments when he notices you quietly hurting, he’ll always mutter loving reassurances that he’s here for you, and that you don’t have to push yourself to talk to him until you’re ready — just know that he’s there for you
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 he also knows how much you try to show yourself love, especially when it comes to your body. toji can tell whenever you’re having a hard time showing yourself the love he feels for you, and his way of reminding you of that love is by initiating physical contact in very intimate ways!
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 not intimate as in sexual, but he’ll lay down with you and shower your entire body with kisses, reaching beneath your clothes with his fingers and taking his time to let each kiss linger, with little whispers of everything he loves, every part of you that you’re still learning to love on yourself. like i said, he’s extremely intentional, so know that all of those kisses and light touches are overflowing with love he feels deep inside his heart, because he’ll be there to love you until — and even after — you’ve fully grown to love yourself the way he does
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𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 when you ask him one day to visit an amusement park with you, he doesn’t think twice about saying yes! sure, he might act like he has zero interest in wearing those cute headbands with you, but he’d do anything just to make you happy!
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 sure, he’ll say that it won’t look good on him and that it’ll make him look silly, but how can he say no to those pleading eyes and pouty lips of yours? in the end, he’ll let you stuff his mouth full of cotton candy and grumble as you set cute mickey mouse ears atop his head — and don’t tell anyone, but he melts like putty at the way you light up and boop his nose, a little red faced as you tell him how cute he looks
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 he’ll even match with you to wear pink themed outfits! if it’s a colder time of the year when you both go, he’ll buy you both pink lilo onesies ahead of time so that you can wear them together! absolutely loves the pictures you both take and sets them as your contact photo, his wallpaper, all so that he can see the way you smile at the camera while his soft gaze is trained on you
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 now this is a secret, but toji gets a little squeamish in high places, so he’s a little nervous at first about going on the roller coasters and ferris wheels, but it’s all so worth it as he gets to hear your joyful squeals and laughter, watching your eyes crinkle as you belt out all these happy noises. the fact that you’re enjoying yourself makes him all the more pleased and he takes his own enjoyment purely from you.
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 he knows how you love the romantic things in life, so he takes you to the biggest ferris wheel in the park at night when all the lights shine like colourful stars. he wraps his arm around you and admires you admiring the scene around you, leaning into his embrace and just taking in the moment. he can’t stop himself from thinking just how precious you are to him, how much he loves you, and would absolutely tear the world apart to keep you safe.
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 when your cart reaches the highest point of the ride, he lets himself go and pulls you in for a sweet kiss, letting it last for seconds that feel like years and mere moments to him as he drinks you in for all that you are, pouring into you every poem he’s secretly written in his heart for you. he whispers to you how much you love him, “until the end of time, safi… i’ll always love you, even after then.”
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mamba celebrates 100 followers — jjk and haikyuu selfship event!
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pillow-anime-talk · 4 years
dating them.
synopsis: Some sweet, funny and also crazy moments in your relationship.
# tags: headcanons; current relationships; romance; mild comedy; fluff; PDA; sfw
includes: gender neutral reader ft. reki kyan, langa hasegawa, miya chinen, kaoru sakurayashiki & kojirou nanjou {sk8}
author’s note: so... i’m just in love with this anime...
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↘ He’s such a precious boy who cheers you up in the blink of an eye; I think he has an extra sense, so he knows when you feel worse than usual or when you are in even the slightest pain (for example, you bumped your elbow or you haven’t eaten breakfast before ‘cause you missed your alarm clock and therefore you have a stomachache).
↘ Reki is a supportive lover; whether you are passionate about singing, learning languages, reading manga, sewing mascots or painting, a seventeen-year-old will always be right next to you to praise what you do or the way you look. He will notice every, even stupid detail about you and mention it immediately when you’re going to hang out. He’s definitely your fan and doesn’t hide it. Additionally, if you introduce him to what you love, he will also get interested in it in a way and then he will come to you to show off what he has done like a sketch of the two of you or an opinion about the anime you recommended him three days ago.
↘ The boy is really devoted to you and loves physical contact; grabbing a hand, kissing on the cheek or forehead, cute texts in the morning it’s something totally normal for the two of you. I also think that Reki could melt if you run your fingers through his soft hair or make small braids for him, decorating his head with a few colored hairpins or hairbands.
↘ If you know how to skateboarding, he will be delighted and your dates will mostly be about riding together or learning new tricks. Plus, it’s another thing Reki loves about you and wow. He’s even bigger fanboy than before!
↘ However, if you have never ridden or even tried to do it, it doesn’t matter. A teen will be happy to be able to offer you some private lessons if you wish. Again, red-haired adores physical contact, so holding your hands/waist while you stand on his beloved skateboard will be a dream come true for him.
↘ He always has ticket for you, so you make a new banner for each race to support him. Hit me, but I’m 120% sure that after race (whether he won or lost it) he takes your pretty banners and hides them in this special box that has its place on his bedroom closet.
↘ Overall, Reki is a boy who fits to the definition of high school, first love.
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↘ Your relationship is a bit more peaceful, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a bit of humor or abstraction.
↘ Langa loves your company so, so, so badly; Reki is quite hot-tempered and is literally everywhere, so when the two of you hang out together after school or at the weekend, blue-haired feels that he can breathe and relax every muscle in his body. You’re his comfort person, and your room is a safe place without fear and noise.
↘ He also enjoys physical contact, but much more prefers to show affection in private, for example in your home or in his own bedroom.
↘ His favorite type of PDA is cuddling; he prefers to be a big spoon and hug you from behind, but he has no problem hugging against your chest or warm stomach, especially when he feels down because of school or racing.
↘ I have a strange feeling that Langa is the type of romantic who would make an amazing Spotify playlist for the two of you so you could listen to the songs, cuddling each other in the bed.
↘ If you can skateboard that’s great! For sure you, Langa and Reki will be a good trio that will meet often in the skate park or in ‘S’. I’m also pretty sure he’ll cheer for you, but at the same time he’ll be very cute with it and definitely more calm than his bestie. For example, if you do a trick... you’ll get a quick kiss on the nose or Langa will buy you your favorite drink. He definitely likes to pamper you.
↘ If you don’t know how to skateboard but you really want to start skateboarding to share your lover’s passion... Well, he will definitely give you a short (long) monologue about how dangerous it is, and you need to be careful – because he knows best of all how a fall on butt or face hurts.
↘ He always keeps a tiny set of colored plasters in his jacket or pants pocket to take care of you in the case of an unexpected accident, as Reki used to care for him.
↘ He’s a good teacher, but he will definitely need to calm his emotions, because sometimes instead of showing you how to slide down the railing, he will suggest something more down-to-earth, like going to the cinema to watch the movie you mentioned three days ago.
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↘ Ahh, my precious smol baby.
↘ You are Miya’s first partner, so he still thinks that he’s not good enough for you, although you always reassure him with a light peck on the nose that he’s the best thing that has happened to you and that you’re very glad that you can be with him in every good and bad moment.
↘ The teenager is terribly shy about any physical contact outside, so if you aren’t at home, don’t expect a ton of hugs or kisses from him. He much prefers when you two are alone – then he doesn’t feel overwhelmed by the gazes of other people, especially other skaters who like to make fun of him. 
↘ I swear I’ll bite and beat them all...
↘ Miya is a delicate soul and he really likes to feel that someone look after him, so in a relationship he definitely prefers when you cares for him. For example; just touch his soft hair, ask about his well-being or when he will have a race and a huge smile will appear on his face.
↘ I think if he feels that you are the only one for him... Maybe he will lend you his favorite hoodie with cat ears and tail? He’ll be overjoyed to see that you feel good in it. You look extremely cute, but he’ll never admit it. 
↘ It smells like him, like wet earth and a hint of sweet perfume, and although it’s a strange combination, it feels really beautiful, downright safe and homey.
↘ For the next holiday (your birthday, your anniversary, Valentine’s Day or Christmas), he will give you a sweatshirt that matches to his own. It will be in your favorite color and will also have an animal accessory, not necessarily catish, because if you prefer dogs, rabbits or cows... You know, there are many options.
↘ If you know how to skateboard, he will be really calm and will feel that finally someone will want to spend time with him, training and riding together; not like in childhood when everyone turned away from him. He will definitely be moved when you grab his smooth hand and offer a long ride in the park. He definitely loves praise, so give him praise every now and then when he does a nice trick. He will also compliment you more than once and even give you a kiss on the cheek (of course if nobody is watching!). He’s not good at words, but he tries!
↘ If you don’t know how to skateboard... He may be a bit skeptical, but naturally he’ll agree to a few lessons in front of your or his house. Of course you originally just wanted to be close to him and hold his hand more often than usual, but it turned out to be pretty fun! Now, training is your typical dates.
↘ Miya is a sweet boy and although he may not look like that, he’s really protective, often jealous and always puts you at first place.
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↘ This beautiful man, this angel-looking ideal, this ahhhh... Being in a relationship with him is pure pleasure and daily healing for the soul.
↘ He’s a calm, understanding and loving partner. I think he’s a bit old fashioned but that only adds much more charm to his person.
↘ He often calls you his ‘dearest’, ‘darling’ or ‘sweetheart’, isn’t that cute?
↘ You two don’t go out on dates too often, but I think Kaoru loves to spend time at home, having tea or on the couch while one of you is reading a book and the other is listening to music or just sleeping. He definitely doesn’t look like that, but he loves PDA/cuddling and is the best at it!
↘ He also likes it when you suggest learning calligraphy together. He never forced you to do this, but when he first heard that you would like to meet one of his passions, he was really happy and immediately showed you how to write with ink on the special paper he had in his flat. Obviously, more than once you ask him to write a simple letter or word, because you just love his handwriting and how focused he seems. He’s really hot then, I swear to god!
↘ You love his long hair and are always eager to give him a new, nice hairstyle; normal braid or fishtail braid. Maybe a bun or a ponytail with a few hairpins? He loves everything you do on him. In addition, the gentle head massage you give him each time is the most soothing thing in the world for him.
↘ If you know how to skating... He’s really surprised, but that doesn’t mean he’s unhappy or angry. He wants to see what you can do right away and you will surely feel a sweet kiss on your forehead more than once when the trick will be good or even better than you both thought. He’s a supportive boy, but doesn’t show it as vehemently as Reki, for example; he prefers to smile at you or clap softly.
↘ If you don’t know how to skate yet, but you asked him to teach you how to even stand on it... I imagine Kaoru going pale and trying to distract you from this idea because, as an experienced skater, he’s afraid that you will hurt yourself like any beginner. But your big eyes and ruddy cheeks are his weaknesses, so he’ll trust both you and Carla and help you keep your balance on his beloved, black-violet board. Reward him later with quick kisses or give him his favorites, okay?
↘ To sum up, Kaoru is a good and honest lover. He definitely loves your company and won’t mind spending his free time seriously and frivolously with you.
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↘ This guy is the definition of the sentence ‘Through the stomach to the heart’. Any objections? No. So let’s gooooo!
↘ Kojirou is a PERFECT second half. Both in character and appearance. If he fall in love with someone seriously, and it will be you, then know that he’ll care for you like about a member of the royal family; breakfasts in bed, an Italian supper, the perfect choice of wine for a chicken or steak are things that have become a sweet daily thing for you at some point.
↘ He loves to show you affection and absolutely has no problem doing it in public, even when he’s working or when you two are in a tight crowd on the train or in the ‘S’ before his race. He will kiss you hard on the lips, grab your skin on your butt or hug your waist. It’s just that everyone needs to know that you belong to him. He’s just as clingy as Reki, and sometimes even worse and bolder.
↘ Of course he has cute side; he likes to lie on the bed or the sofa with you on his chest. He loves being between your thighs and sleep there. He definitely has a weak point in that when you you run your finger on his tattoo or cook dinner with him, throwing ingredients at him and laughing out loud.
↘ Another romantic who uses thousands of pet names (like babey, cutie, doll, pumpkin, kitten). Plus, he loves to dance with you in the kitchen and steal a few kisses here and there. Also, if you aren’t looking, he likes to surprise you with a big, bear hug.
↘ I think he’s a bit impatient, so he doesn’t like to sit at home and prefers dates in crazy places (such as an amusement park, swimming pool, karaoke bar) – it’s his favorite way of spending your time together. As a gentleman, he always pays for you, unless you go faster and bring your ATM card to the card reader as first. But don’t be surprised when Kojirou will just buy you cotton candy or popcorn shortly afterwards.
↘ If you know how to skateboard, he’s as excited as a kid and will definitely offer you a date at the skate park. Naturally, he wants to show off to others what a super cool partner he has, but he also wants others to know that you’re here together to kick everyone’s asses with your abilities. You’re definitely a powerful couple and you have the matching necklaces!
↘ But if you don’t know how to skating then... well, well, well. Just be prepared that one day (without even asking for it) you’ll stand on his beloved board and he will grab your hips, smiling silly. He enjoy skin ship so this guy feels utopian when he can be near you. He definitely won’t spare you compliments, long pecks, and smack your butt when you do something great, so you have to get used to it... and it’s going to be a long training session, so good luck, my friend.
↘ He’s a funny guy, but he’ll never cross your limits, so don’t worry about that. However, he will always find a topic for conversation or a joke to relax the atmosphere or cheer you up. You will never be bored with him.
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belphies-cuhm-sluht · 3 years
Hello! Could you continue the recent headcanon about how Mammon and Belphie would compete for MCs love but with the rest of the brothers? (Specially Beel, hes my favorite.)
How the Brothers Would Compete For GN!MC's Love (Headcanons)
Mammon's and Belphie's Headcanon's
He is very competitive, but he’s more secretive with his competitiveness. He doesn’t want any of his brothers to know that he’s trying so hard, so he’ll make it seem almost easy.
He’s very good at being subtle, so it probably won’t even dawn on most of his brothers that he’s being flirtatious with you. He’ll come up and whisper sweet little things in your ear, but his face will look as stern as usual so they’ll just assume that he’s giving you work to do, until you possibly get all flustered.
He’ll often ask you to accompany him to Lord Diavolo’s castle for business, but then just take you on dates to Ristorante Six or some other fancy restaurant.
When he brings you home from the dates, he’ll be sure to have little carry out bags because he “accidentally” ordered too much, but he actually did it to show his brothers that he’s “winning”.
Being so prideful makes this easy for him because he just assumes that everything he does is going to work with you. His pride will most likely make it very hard if you reject him because he did assume that everything he did would work.
He’s competitive in games, but competing for love, for a human’s love… This is way different from any type of competitive match he’s ever been in.
Not subtle, at all. His flirting skills are rusty, and he’d ask Asmodeus to coach him on how to do it, but he feels like he’d be led in the wrong direction since Asmo is competing too. His voice will crack, and he’ll be nervously fidgeting the entire time as his face burns as bright as a cherry… but it’s kind of cute. His pick up lines are usually anime or video game related, but that is also very cute so…
If he does happen to get to the dating stage, he is absolutely clueless. All he knows is that he doesn’t want to actually leave the house, but, if you want to, he won’t tell you no. He’ll let you decide on all the dates because it’s a lot of pressure even thinking about trying to decide.
Even though he’s a nervous guy, he’s also going to show off, mainly to try to get his brothers to back off. Whenever he’s with you he’ll send a text to the group chat with just his brothers and be like “ooooh guess who I’m with. I’ll give you a hint… It’s MC”
He’s going to try very hard, but if he sees you with any of his other brothers in the midst of the competition, he’s going to either get really really jealous and try harder, or get really down on himself and give up completely.
There are no books on how to flirt, BUT, there are a vast amount of romance novels that he’s shamelessly read, and he’s going to use all the skills that he’s picked up from those books.
He’s not competitive with his other brothers, he’s competitive with Lucifer. He wants you, he wants your love, and he doesn’t want Lucifer to have it at all. He’s not as subtle as he is sneaky. His brothers won’t even know that he’s competing because all the flirting he does will be done through little notes of poetry that he slips underneath your door, or late at night in front of the fireplace in the library.
He’s not going to show off either, because boasting is usually the downfall of most people during competitions, hence why he is so sneaky. If he shows off to his brothers, they’ll just try harder and it raises the chances of him not winning your love.
He’ll ask you to go to the library with him, and it’s not even a lie, so his brothers just think “oh, Satan just needs help carrying his books.” But it’s actually like, a library date and he can get to know you more through the books you pick out.
He won’t be mad if he loses the competition to his other brothers, he’ll still enjoy spending time with you. If he loses the competition to Lucifer though… he will be PISSED, because obviously he’s better than that guy.
Pfft, does he even need to compete? He’s clearly the best option out of everyone else! That’s his mentality the entire time. As the avatar of lust, he knows all there is to know about romance and love and being the best at it. It’ll be an easy win for him.
His flirting tactics are so cringily romantic, it’ll probably have you flustered throughout the entire day, but to him that just means he’s winning more because what he said is on your mind constantly.
He’ll also nonchalantly ask you little things like what your favorite flower is or what your favorite snack or candy is. He’ll bring you your favorite flowers and your favorite candies and little stuffed animals constantly.
He’ll also write you little cards with a list of all his favorite things about you, but there's only one thing on the list and it says “everything” with a giant heart underneath. He’ll also stand at your door smiling while you read it just to make sure you like it.
He hates that he lost, he doesn't want to accept it, but he also doesn't want to make a fool of himself. He'll probably sulk in his room for a while wondering why what he did wasn't good enough, but he won't hold it against you forever.
He doesn’t want to be competitive with his brothers, it just doesn’t feel right to him. He also really really wants you to love him though. He’s conflicted.
Seeing his brothers try so hard makes him want to try just as hard, so he’ll start doing things for you that he wouldn’t do for anyone else. He’ll share his food with you, which is a really big thing. He’ll let you wear his jacket, not even to ward off his brothers, but because it’s a personal item and he thinks that sharing these things with you will bring the two of you closer.
He’ll invite you to the gym with him because it’s one of his favorite places and he wants you to be involved in his favorite things, and then he’ll take you out to lunch or dinner afterwards because eating with someone is a healthy way to strengthen a relationship.
Not only does he want you to be with him at his favorite places, but he wants you to take him to your favorite places too. He wants to know what you like to do and where you like to go, and instead of trying to flirt too hard like his brothers do, he’ll just give you little compliments or say sweet things that he wasn’t even trying to say, he just says what he thinks.
If he loses… it’ll hurt a little bit, but he won’t be mad. He’ll never be mad at you for choosing who really makes you happy, and he’d never force you to be with him. As long as the two of you can stay friends, that’s what matters most.
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wearethekat · 2 years
Okay maximum spice🙄🤢🤧But also 🥺
🙄 what's a popular book that you dislike, but you'll get crucified if you say it?
hmm I think I've mentioned this one before but I absolutely despised TJ Klune's House in the Cerulean Sea, which a lot of people seem to like. it was just so saccharine. it was weirdly stylized. you could picture the disney animation going as you read. everyone held hands with the bad guys at the end and sung kumbaya because it was all a big misunderstanding and now the village understands. Well, not quite, but you get the idea. The romance was sickeningly sticky-sweet. I don't really think of myself as a cynic, but I'm far too cynical for that.
🤢 what's a popular ship you despise, and why?
now usually I don't have very strong opinions about ships. it's more like. well that seems implausible. or, hmm. no.
but the one ship I absolutely despise is anyone shipping Cam Lockedtomb. I don't talk about this much because I know I'm being a little unreasonable about it. BUT. get your paws OFF my aroace Cam! SHE WOULDN'T DATE YOU AND SHE WOULDN'T DATE ANYONE IN CANON EITHER. she just has aro vibes, okay! I've hit her with the aspecification beam and she's MINE now. luckily the big one was Cam/Corona and that one's not really popular anymore post As Yet Unsent.
🤧 An overrated book/character trope you're tired of?
Rivals to lovers. You're just making fools of yourselves. Either commit to being enemies or stop pretending that you don't like each other, you're going to look ridiculous when you have to eat your words in the third-act love scene.
🥺 what's a truly underrated book/series you recommend and wish the whole world would read?
The Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold! Starting with Warrior's Apprentice. it's flawless. it's perfect. it's literally the best book series ever, overall. No one has such an excellent hand with characters and dialogue like Bujold does. Or with writing believable, interesting cultures. There's a reason she was nominated for nine Hugos for this series alone and won four. And no character is so maniacally competent as Miles Vorkosigan, who's also my very favorite character.
Alas this series was burdened with the worst covers that have ever seen the light of day by Baen Books (damn their name), so I have the hardest time convincing people to read them. In lieu of a cover (seriously, please don't look at them), I leave you all with a randomly selected passage beneath the cut.
(ask game here)
Miles sank into his seat with a groan. “Some bodyguard you are,” he said to Elli. “Why didn’t you protect me from that interviewer?”
“She wasn’t trying to shoot you. Besides, I’d just got there. I couldn’t tell her what had been going on.”
“But you’re far more photogenic. It would have improved the image of the Dendarii Fleet.”
“Holovids make me tongue-tied. But you sounded calm enough.”
“I was trying to downplay it all. ‘Boys will be boys,’ chuckles Admiral Naismith, while in the background his troops burn down London . . .”
Elli grinned. “’Sides, they weren’t interested I me. I wasn’t the hero who’d dashed into a burning building – by the gods, when you came rolling out all on fire –”
“You saw that?” Miles was vaguely cheered. “Did it look good in the long shots? Maybe it’ll make up for Danio and his jolly crew, in the minds of our host city.”
“It looked properly terrifying.” She shuddered appreciation. “I’m surprised you’re not more badly burned.”
Miles twitched singed eyebrows and tucked his blistered left hand unobtrusively under his right arm. “It was nothing. Protective clothing. I’m glad not all our equipment design is faulty.”
“I don’t know. To tell you the truth, I’ve been shy of fire ever since . . .” her hand touched her face.
actually no, wait, I lie. I can't pick just one have another:
"Mon Dieu, it’s the little admiral,” she said cheerfully. “What are you doing here?”
Ignoring the anguished scream inside his skull, Miles schooled his features to an—exquisitely—polite blankness. “I beg your pardon, ma’am?”
“Admiral Naismith. Or . . .” She took in his uniform, her eyes lighting with interest. “Is this some mercenary covert operation, Admiral?”
A beat passed. Miles allowed his eyes to widen, his hand to stray to his weaponless trouser seam and twitch there. “My God,” he choked in a voice of horror—not hard, that—“Do you mean to tell me Admiral Naismith has been seen on Earth?”
Her chin lifted, and her lips parted in a little half-smile of disbelief. “In your mirror, surely.”
Were his eyebrows visibly singed? His right hand was still bandaged. Not a burn, ma’am, Miles thought wildly. I cut it shaving . . . Miles came to full attention, snapping his polished boot heels together, and favored her with a small, formal bow. In a proud, hard, and thickly Barrayaran-accented voice, he said, “You are mistaken, ma’am. I am Lord Miles Vorkosigan of Barrayar. Lieutenant in the Imperial Service. Not that I don’t aspire to the rank you name, but it’s a trifle premature.”
She smiled sweetly. “Are you entirely recovered from your burns, sir?”
Miles’s eyebrows rose—no, he shouldn’t have drawn attention to them—“Naismith’s been burned? You have seen him? When? Can we speak of this? The man you name is of the greatest interest to Barrayaran Imperial Security.”
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The Brother’s Reaction to MC having a Nightmare
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this gif... holy SHIT 
Whether you started the evening snuggled up under his chin or all alone in your room, he’s an extremely light sleeper since he’s got to keep an ear out for Mammon being stupid at 2 am
So when you start to move restlessly and/or whimper and cry, naturally he’ll awaken and see what the issue is
Lucifer will sit up and gently rest a tentative hand on your trembling shoulder, so as not to startle you
His presence only seemed to make it worse! Your tears got bigger and your cries got louder, your breathing became more uneven until you woke with a start, your own shrill scream scaring you into a frightened, crying ball in front of him
Boi is at a loss…
Was this his fault?
“MC, darling, what has gotten into you? Are you alright?”
“L-Lucifer?” You whimper, watery eyes roving aimlessly in the darkness “L-L-Lucifer?! Where are-”
Wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close, he reassures you: “I’m here, right here princess,” “I’ve got you, it was just a dream MC... nothing to worry about.”
Strokes your head, smoothing your rumpled hair and supporting your back while you hide your puffy, tearstained face in his collar and cling to him for dear life until you calm down
You’re still shaking when the usually stiff demon presses a kiss to the crown of your head and begins to rock from side to side, murmuring gentle, reassuring words in your ear
“Nothing can hurt you as long as you’re in my arms, MC.” “Deep breaths my love, deep breaths…”
Mammon’s vivid scary stories before bed had obviously been a bad decision, Lucifer decided as he dabbed your cheeks with a kleenex
his poor, sweet human having nightmares about silly campfire tales…
How endearing, yet upsetting
He’ll carry you to the kitchen bridal style and hold you close after getting you a glass of water, then carry you back to bed and tuck you safely against his broad chest for the rest of the night making a mental note to hang Mammon upside down from the banister the following morning
He woke up from his dream about goldie who had read “∞” on the ATM and opened his door in answer to the frantic knock to find his favorite human crying
You rushed into his arms, burying your face in his chest to hide your shuddering sobs, nearly sending the now blushing Avatar of Greed off balance in your haste
“Jeez, human! Wha… What happened? Why’re ya crying like that?”
No, like seriously, plz stop crying babie or he’s gonna cry too
Returns the hug, holding MC firmly as he regains his footing and manages to shut the door behind you
“MC, sssh, I’m right here! You don’t hafta worry, ok? Luckily you’ve got the best demon on the job to make ya feel better! Hug me as hard as ya need, ok?”
*forehead and cheek smooches*
Lets you curl up in his lap until you can talk to him without stuttering or choking on tears
Holds you the whole time, almost as if he’s afraid to let go for fear you’ll cry again
“Bad dream? What was it about?”
“Th-Those characters from Levi’s horror game w-were eating you alive and I c-couldn’t move!” You whimper tearfully, “You were begging me for help a-and I couldn’t do anything to save you from them because every time I moved th-these ropes got t-tighter around my neck a-an-”
First of all, he’s horrified that Levi showed you those games when he knew they gave you nightmares. Unfortunately, you had to if you didn’t want to be called a normie for the billionth time that week
Second, he, the great Mammon, begging a mere human for help? Yeah right
Even though he knew in his heart of hearts that that would definitely be the case
“They’re not real, remember that. And if you still think those freaks are lurking in the dark, come find me and the great Mammon will protect you!”
You can't help but giggle and hug him more tightly, knocking him back onto his pillow
Neither of you felt like moving, so Mammon pulls the sheets up over your shoulders and you snuggle together until the morning comes
At the breakfast table, Mammon doesn’t hesitate to screech at Levi for giving you nightmares while cradling your tired, sleep-deprived body against him
Doesn’t hear MC’s knock at first, he’s too absorbed in the 14th episode of I Was Eating Avocado Salmon Sushi at a Hundred-Yen Revolving Sushi Restaurant When Suddenly I Was Thrown Back in Time a Thousand Years to the Heian Era, Where I Was Selected to Be a Personal Chef for a Princess and Was Later Chosen as a Possible Candidate to Be Her Husband… Now someone Please Tell Me How That’s Even Possible
As the knocking gets louder and more frantic, the otaku finally notices and pauses the anime, goes to the door and opens it a tiny bit
Just enough to see the teary-eyed MC, hugging their waist in discomfort, shivering in fear, and looking left and right down the hall for danger
“... Yeah?”
“L-Levi? C-Can I come in? *sniff* I just had a really scary dream-”
“I-uh… Ummm I g-guess,”
He lets you in and on a whim, places a tentative hand on your back
He expected you to push him away, but when you choked and rushed into his half-open arms and buried your face in his chest, leviachan.exe has stopped working
What was he supposed to do with his hands?!?!??
MC was crying and he was just standing there like a normie? Wh… WhAt wOULd HenRy dO?
“MC, h-hey, it cant’ve been that bad… here, um let’s s-sit down a-and you can talk to me. Sound good?”
He feels you nod and leads you to his large gaming beanbag chair and you get squooshed against his side, shivering and sniveling, but warm and safe
Levi dries your face with the edge of his shirt and after a few moments of comfortable silence, you begin to explain your dream
The slimy creatures scaling the walls of the House of Lamentation with their slimy entrails dripping whitish goo in their wake. Eight spindly legs to each monster, sixteen sinister red eyes, and countless rows of gleaming fangs ready to take a chunk out of anyone who came too close
They managed to get into the house and they chased you and the brothers, but the otaku had tripped over a fallen suit of armor and a spider creature made its move before he could get away
At that point, you’d woken up absolutely terrified and rushed to see if Levi was ok
“But you’ve played horror games with me and we watched My Sister and I Found a Spider and Took It Home, Realizing Soon After it Was a Demon Who Eventually Escaped From the Glass Jar We Used for a House and Ate Our Toes, Transporting Us To Hell Where We Were F-”
“Yeah… I know… B-But it wasn’t that bad. I was reading one of the books Satan recommended. It was a really well-written horror story and it had very realistic pictures. I just can’t seem to get those gross monsters out of my head:(”
Your voice slowly trailed off and Levi realized what he had accomplished
You… You weren’t crying anymore!!
Also, you weren’t breathing really hard or shaking too much! Had… had this yucky otaku really calmed the human down?
*gasp* he was rubbing your back too!? And you hadn’t slapped his icky hands away?
You… you were ok with this? B-Being all snuggled up together on the beanbag chair?
“L-Levi, I-I’m ok now. I’ll leave you alone… I hope I didn’t wake you up…”
“Something wrong?”
“No… I-um,” (he couldn’t let you get away now! This was perfect! He had you all to himself!! No WAY was he gonna screw this up!!) “You c-can stay a little longer if you’d like… I-I was in the middle of I Was Eating Avocado Salmon Sushi at a Hundred-Yen Revolving Sushi Restaurant When Suddenly I Was Thrown Back in Time a Thousand Years to the Heian Era, Where I Was Selected to Be a Personal Chef for a Princess and Was Later Chosen as a Possible Candidate to Be Her Husband… Now someone Please Tell Me How That’s Even Possible… Do you maybe want to stay and watch?”
“You don’t mind? I don’t want to intrude-”
“No! It’s fine!”
And so he fumbled with the remote and hit the play button, but couldn’t focus on a single word the protagonists were saying
You. Fell. Asleep.
On. Him.
“Maybe… Maybe MC doesn’t think I’m a… ‘yucky otaku’ after all… But don’t get your hopes up, Levi.”
He fell asleep in his chair, book resting on his chest when he heard a short, quick (almost frantic) string of taps on his door
Being a light sleeper (just like his papa), he immediately woke up to hear your voice on the other side of the door
“Satan? Are… Are you awake? *sniffle*”
It was you
What could you possibly want at this hour?
Upon opening the door, your body crashed into his own, but not before impulsively throwing your arms around his neck and breaking down on his shoulder
“M-MC? Are you alright?”
No, you weren’t
Judging by your stormy sobs and trembling figure, something must have shaken you up horribly for you to act like this
The sweet MC he knew usually kept their cool
He leads you to his big armchair and sits you down, careful to keep a firm hand on your back for support, both emotional and physical
Your eyes were wide and glassy, pupils darting to each corner of the room looking for monsters, bad demons, giant bugs, etc.
Finding none, you finally make shy eye contact with the blonde demon who has kept his arms close about you and dabbed your endless tears away until you were calm enough to speak
“MC, did you have a night terror or something?”
“*sniffle* M-hm. I-I’m sorry S-Satan, I was just so scared I c-couldn’t stay in my room all alone and you were the first person I thought of. So… I ran here. Did I wake you?”
“I fell asleep in my chair again MC. So I would have awakened during the night anyway,” He replied, “Plus, I don’t mind at all. I’m… I’m happy you came. What was your dream about?”
“It was really twisted… are you sure you want to know?”
“You’ll feel better when you talk about it and I’m always up for a story.” He smiled.
He sat back in his chair tentatively resting your head on his chest as you began describing the terrors from only minutes before
“Asmodeus and I, we watched some of those cringey teen romance movies this afternoon and somehow they morphed into a really scary dream. You and I, the rest of your brothers, the angels, Solomon, Diavolo, and even Barbatos were playing spin the bottle for some reason and I landed on you, but when I kissed you, you turned to dust! Th-Then when I landed on Mammon and Beel, the s-same thing happened again, but no one seemed to notice! Th-”
Noticing you were getting worked up again, Satan rubbed soothing circles into your back, hushing you gently and assuring you that everything was fine and ‘innocent’ kissing games weren’t actually deadly
Unless they were
But he didn’t mention that to you at that moment
Instead, he cradled you in his lap and read to you until your eyelids began to droop once more for some much-needed sleep
Being the good boy he is, he tucked you into his bed
Before he could walk back to his chair
“Satan, aren’t… aren’t you gonna lay with me?” You ask, tired, sweet voice ringing in his ears, “I-If you don’t mind that is. I mean it is your bed, after all, I didn’t mean t-”
He’s blushing up to his ears at your request, but nonetheless rolls onto the mattress next to you and you snuggle up close and fall asleep almost instantly
“As long as you’re here with me, you’ll be safe MC.”
Why… Why was he up so early? What was that noise? Wait… Where were you?
He could’ve sworn he fell asleep with you in his arms
Sitting up groggily he looked around after rubbing the crust of sleep from his eyes
Something was moving and whimpering next to him, caught in a snare of fluffy blankets
The fearful cries of “Asmodeus! Oh, Asmo please don’t die! No, no, no, NO!!” broke the sweet demon’s heart
Your ragged breathing turned to a blood-curdling scream and you shot upright, but the blankets blocking your vision increased your tearful unease tenfold and you began struggling even harder against them
Taking action, Asmo tugged at the sheets, doing everything he could to help you
When your face emerged from the heap, you took a great gasp of air and immediately began sobbing your heart out
Asmo paused, knowing it unwise to approach someone who’d just escaped the clutches of a nightmare, but he couldn’t just sit there and stare at you!
Luckily, you chose that moment to look around
Your eyes met his amber ones in the semi-darkness and you tackled him, wrapping him in an impossibly tight hug
“Darling, wh-”
“Oh my god! I thought I killed you! I r-ruined your pretty face! You just sh-shriveled up a-and-”
“Sweetheart, hey~” He murmured, closing his arms around your back and cradling the back of your head in his hand, “Don’t cry anymore, Asmo’s here…”
His gentle comforting coos as he rocked from side to side brought your tears to a halt and soon you were able to look him in the face
Your glassy, frightened eyes had almost a look of reverence when you ever so slightly cupped your palm over his cheek, afraid he would crumble away at your caress once more
When he didn’t, you let out a shaky sigh of relief and visibly relaxed; shoving your face in his shoulder and wrapping your legs and arms around him so he couldn’t escape
It was quiet for a moment
Asmodeus settled his forearms around your waist and said
“Dearest, are you alright?”
“I… I don’t know.”  You fisted his shirt in your palms and looked at him, “That was a really vivid one.”
“Tell me what it was about!” He smiled sympathetically and stroked your cheek, “I have bad dreams sometimes too, MC. If you tell me yours I’ll tell you a few of mii-iiine!”
You couldn’t help but crack a small grin as his sweet tone and nod
“Yesterday Beel told me about the one time he touched Satan’s favorite plant. He’d seen Satan pet the stalk and petals before and he wanted to do it too. (Satan is a plant dad, fight me) But when he touched it, it shriveled up and died on the spot. I… I had a dream where I touched you and you shriveled up! I tried to help you, but every time I touched you, you screamed in pain! Then… Then you died in my arms and I woke up.”
You clung to the demon as he moved, lost in thought. Settling back into the abundant pillows and tugging a sheet over your shoulders, he began to speak
“That sounds absolutely terrifying! What would you do without me?”
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding!” He nuzzled your cheek and hugged you tighter, “Why don’t we find a way to help you forget about it? I have a couple of suggestions… if you’d like to hear them~”
He’d only been gone for a minute… or four… maybe five…? Right?
Why were you writhing around like that? You sounded like a lost little puppy and… were those tears?
“MC? Are you awake?”
No reply, just your continued whines of discontent and a steady stream of tears soaking the pillow
He dropped his snacks on the floor and carefully knelt on the edge of the mattress, putting a gentle hand on your forehead
Lucifer used to do that when he was sick, long ago when they still lived in the celestial realm. Maybe it would help you? Somehow? Hopefully?
The strangled sob that fell from your lips as you forced his hand away broke his big heart in two
Hold on, your eyes were closed! Wait, you were having a bad dream!
Throwing all caution to the wind (and not knowing the consequences of waking someone in this state) and began shaking you rather roughly, scaring you awake and making you bonk heads when you sat up too quickly
Now you were crying for more reasons than one
Your head hurt, two big scary hands had your shoulders in a tight grip, there was a large figure looming over you in the dark, your dream was still raging and replaying in your head, and it was really dark and uncomfortably warm
Even in the dim light, Beel witnessed the look of pure terror that crossed your face
You thought his heart was broken? Well it just fucking shattered
You were scared? Of him?
“MC, it’s just me! Don’t be afraid!”
He’d woken you up, but apparently he’d only made things worse…
Beel is vewy sowwy :(
Those lovely amethyst eyes…
“B… Beeley?”
“MC? I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, I didn-”
You silence the ginger demon by throwing yourself into his arms in unparalleled relief, afraid you hadn’t really woken up and the shadow of your favorite brother was just MC’s Nightmare, Continued
Happy you’re in his arms, he squeezes back with all his might and burying his face in your shoulder
“I just had the worst nightmare Beel. I’m so happy you’re here…” You murmur, wiping your nose on your sleeve.
“Is your head ok?”
The pair of you sit in comfortable silence for a few moments, Beel offers you a tissue to dry your face, but you can’t seem to stop crying
“MC, maybe if you told me about it, you’d feel better!”
His sweet, honest smile made you melt
But the contents of your dream… You looked guiltily toward the bed on the other side of the room where you knew the Avatar of Sloth was sleeping peacefully
“You… You promise not to tell Belphie?”
“What do you mean?”
“W-Well I dreamt about that time… you know… when he killed me? He gave me a hug before bed like he always does a-and I love Belphie’s hugs but I can’t help but think about... that. I feel bad, it’s the same as holding a grudge! I’m sorry Beel.”
*insert pikachu face meme* = beel
“Why are you apologizing? It’s not your fault you had the dream.”
“I know… I feel bad though. Did I wake you up?” You ask, changing the subject.
“Nuh-uh. I was already up grabbing snacks.” He pointed to the untidy pile a few feet away. “Maybe some TSL and food will bring your smile back. Don’t worry about your dream MC, the secret is safe with me. Plus, you’re only human and I guess being killed would be really scary for you. I didn’t protect you that time, but if anyone ever tries to hurt you again, I’ll be there before you can say Burgers from Akuzon, ok?”
The smile lifts your lips before he finishes his sentence warms his heart and puts a happy smile on his own as you give him a final squeeze and whisper
“Thanks a lot, Beeley.”
It is said the Avatar of Sloth could sleep through anything, even the loudest storm and the echoes of 4th of July from the human world
But when the precious human cuddled up in his arms every night begins to move around and/or whimper in fear, Belphegor is awake in minutes only to find you squirming away from him and begging to some invisible entity “Just… Just d-don’t hurt them! I’m sorry, I’m so, so sorry, please don’t hurt me I-”
The seventh born is squeezing your hand and whispering encouragement in your ear, telling you you’re safe and that it’s just a dream
Slowly opening your eyes you look around, still terrified and jumpy from your vision, but the warm hand intertwined with yours and the comforting arm around your back, plus the familiar scents of the twins’ room slowly bring you back to reality
“Belphie? I-Is that you?”
“Who else would it be, dummy.”
You ignore the half hearted insult and bury your face in his chest, allowing your heart to reach a normal pace and his natural scent and warmth to wash over you
“Tell me about it. Sounded pretty scary.”
“I’m sorry for waking you up Belphie, I know how you hate losing sleep…”
“Just… Be quiet and tell me your dream!”
“S-Sorry… Um, so I didn’t know you too well yet and an angel came and took the precious grimoire, but me and Beel were caught up in it and there was this whole thing with Purgatory Hall and Luke and-”
“Your stories can put me right to bed you know that? Anyway, so what happened? Did Lucifer tear the angel’s head off?” He looked rather hopeful…
“Of course not! Lucifer was gonna make me choose who I wanted to save, either Beel or Luke and I didn’t want either of them to get hurt so I said ‘both’ and Lucifer got really mad and scary and in my dream he ended up hurting Luke and Beel and he would’ve gotten me if you hadn’t woken me up.”
“You’re welcome.”
“... *sigh* Thanks for listening Belphie.”
With a sigh of his own, he pulled you into his arms, resting his chin on your shoulder
“It was just a dream. You don’t have to be afraid, you know. I’m right here for you. Always.”
“Aww, than-”
“Forget I said that! Shut up and go to sleep!”
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harryspet · 4 years
sweet sister | peter parker
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[Warnings] dark peter parker x innocent reader, reader is extremely innocent, manipulation, male/female masturbation, somnophilia, stepcest, hj, vaginal sex but not really? 
A/N: This is based off a request I got for a innocent reader where Peter teachers her about sex. Reader is 18 and Peter is around 21. DARK THEMES SO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK
In which you’re May and Happy’s foster kid and Peter takes advantage of your innocence. 
Like, reblog and let me know what you think!
word count: 2.9k
You came home from school like it was a normal day. Walking up the steps to your family’s brownstone, clad in your school uniform, and loud music blaring in your headphones, “May!” You shouted too loudly, walking down the hallway towards the kitchen, “Did my package come?”
You stopped in your tracks as you saw three figures standing in the living room. Happy, May, and … some kid you didn’t know. Your eyebrows raised in confusion at the young man standing with your foster parents. 
“Y/N, this is my son Peter!” May smiled, trying not to be awkward. She approached you, urging you forward. Now you recognized him and your eyes widened because of how easily you missed it. He was in all the photos on the mantle but, now, he looked a bit older. 
You were not what Peter expected, at all. By May’s description of you, he thought you might be a middle schooler. His eyes trailed over you, the way you filled out your uniform … Peter snapped out of it, moving forward to hold out his hand to you.
“Hi, I’m-” Interrupting him and surprising him at the same time, you went in for a hug. Peter hesitated for a moment before hugging you back. You noticed he had a strong grip. 
“She’s a hugger,” You heard May whisper. 
You pulled away and offered your hand for him to shake. He took it, smiling, but still a little confused by the long greeting, “I’m Y/N. You look just like May! I mean, you’re very pretty like her.” Happy always went on about how pretty May was and you always agreed. 
You watched as his cheeks reddened. Was it something you said? ''Thank you very much, I haven’t heard that one before.”
You looked back at May who seemed to improve the interaction. You smiled, worrying that you had made him nervous, “Peter finally has a break from his busy schedule to come see us. He’ll be here with us for at least a week. May and I thought this would be a good time for you two to get to know each other.” 
May had taken you in two years ago but this was the first time you were officially meeting Peter. He was always halfway around the world fighting crime and could only stop at May’s work every once and awhile. You never thought you’d ever have a full family like all the people on the television did. 
“That sounds like a lot of fun,” You heard Peter say and your heart did a little backflip. Your very own big brother.  “What’s this about a package?” 
“Oh,” Your face fell, “Uhm, they’re just books.”
Peter gave you a look of inquiry, stuffing his hands into his pockets, “You like to read? What kind of books?”
You opened your mouth to make up some excuse but Happy interrupted you, “I put your package on your bed, sweetheart. Why don’t you show Peter his new room?” Right, you had taken Peter’s old room. 
“Okay!” You perked back up, glad the subject of books was over, “Follow me, big brother!”
That was easy, Peter thought. She didn’t seem to give a second thought about accepting him which was endearing but scared Peter to a certain extent. How trusting was she exactly? May had warned him that she was a little eccentric … and a little emotional. 
Peter tried to keep his focus up as he followed you up the stairs. A part of him was a little let down that you were wearing shorts beneath your plaid skirt. 
“May says you have like a sixth sense. And that you can sense when danger is near. She talks about you a lot, you know? You call it a Peter tingle, right? I thought that was a really cute name but I’m not supposed to bring it up around you apparently-” You were rambling, as usual, and had passed your bedroom but you noticed that Peter wasn’t following you anymore. 
“You made it pink,” You heard Peter say as he peeked into your room. He adjusted the black backpack on his shoulder and you couldn’t help but notice his muscles. He was like the boys you read about in your books but … he was technically your stepbrother. 
You walked toward him, “May said I could decorate it how I wanted. Do you hate it? You hate it, don’t you? I’m really sorry. It’s just that it’s my favorite color and-”
“No way, I like it!” He quickly assured you, not wanting to see what happened when you finally ran out of air. Peter walked inside and you followed him. There was no twin bed anymore but a regular-sized bed with a white canopy. 
There was a pile of stuffed animals in the corner that Peter noted, “You have a lot of stuffed animals …”
“Those are the ones they give you in family court,” You explained to him before pointing over to your bed, “I keep the ones Happy and May give me on the bed, those are my favorite.”
“I see,” You spoke so casually about being in family court that it made Peter wonder what your story was. There were at least ten stuffed animals there, “Which one’s your favorite?”
You liked that question, smiling wide, as you walked over to your bed. Peter watched you carefully as you bent over to grab a gray penguin, “I like penguins a lot. My first Christmas here, May got me this and a penguin puzzle. I’ve done it a million times now but we could put it together if you wanted.”
“I can’t imagine anything better, Y/N.”
You were going to be very fun to get to know, Peter thought. 
The family had gone out to dinner that night and had been the rest of the evening putting together a hundred piece, penguin puzzle. It was one of the best days of your life and, as you expected, having a family was wonderful. Having Peter was just an extra bonus. You wished he didn’t have to leave. 
The next day, as you walked down the steps that lead from your school, you didn’t expect to find Peter waiting for you. You ran up to him and hugged him, of course, and you savored the moment when his strong arms were around you. Some girls you didn’t know gasped and practically swooned as they watched you two. 
“I have strict orders to take you straight home so you can start right away on your homework,” You frowned until Peter continued, “But I think we should stop for ice cream.”
You were practically bouncing with excitement as Peter grabbed your hand and lead you down the street. 
At the small parlor, you licked at a cone of chocolate ice cream while Peter stuck his spoon into his ice cream sundae. Peter’s eyes wandered over to your mouth, imagining your wrap your lips around his-
“You never said what you liked to read, Y/N.”
You blushed, your nose wrinkling, as the embarrassment filled you, “It’s silly … you don’t want to hear about it.”
“I do,” Peter insisted, “I won’t tell anyone, don’t worry.”
You took a breath, “They’re … they’re romance novels. It’s a series one of my friends at school told me about. She thinks I’m too … too babyish. Apparently, there are scenes in it ... “
“Scenes like what?” You blushed even more. 
“Bad scenes,” you whispered and Peter pretended to think the subject was taboo, “She wants me to learn about … dirty stuff. These guys are taking us to prom and she wants … she wants us to have our ‘first times’ together. I don’t even know what that means! But I can’t tell her that or she’ll think I’m even weirder than I already am to her.”
Buried treasure. Peter had stumbled upon pure gold.
“Y/N, you’re talking about sex?” Peter narrowed his eyes at you. 
“Sex?” You spoke the word like it was completely foreign on your tongue, “I think that’s it. Sounds gross, right?”
Peter couldn’t help but chuckle, “It’s kinda gross if you think about it too deeply but it’s not meant to be gross. It’s not as scary as you think. It’s quite beautiful, actually.”
Her eyes went wide, “You’ve done it a bunch, haven’t you?”
Peter shrugged, “A few times but only with special people. If the guy who’s taking you to prom isn’t special then you definitely shouldn’t give him your first time.” Peter would have to do some research on this guy and make sure he didn’t even think about coming near her. 
You looked solemnly at your melting ice cream, “I must be a total weirdo then …”
“You’re not, Y/N, trust me. Eighteen is still young.”
You leaned forward, whispering, “I haven’t even kissed anyone, Peter. People do that in middle school.”
Peter leaned forward next, entrancing you with his eyes, “Do you really want to get some experience? Because … I could help you. I’m probably better than those trashy books.”
You raised an eyebrow, “Do brothers and sisters normally talk about stuff like this?”
“Don’t you want to be friends too?” You instantly nodded, “Then I can help you out, as a brother and a friend. But if you want to read your books-”
“No, no, you can teach me!”
And you easily stepped into his trap. 
That night, Peter slipped out of his room clad in his pajamas. Your door slowly creaked open and you sat up in your bed. You rubbed the tired from your eyes as Peter peaked in, “My room is freezing … and I can hear Happy snoring through the walls.”
You pulled back your comforter, patting the spot next to you, “You can sleep in here with me,” Peter entered all the way before slowly shutting the door. 
“Really? I can sleep on the floor …” 
You shook your head, “It’ll be like a sleepover.”
Peter moved in the darkness, climbing in beside you. You pulled the covers over him and you both lay down. Peter watched as you turned over before tiredly murmuring, “Goodnight, Peter.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
Peter waited a good hour before moving closer to you. In a slow movement, he had pressed himself against you, taking in the scent of your hair, as he admired the lines of your body. It was a risk but he touched your waist, his hands trailing over to your stomach. He felt the soft skin of your back as well before reaching into his pants. 
He touched himself to the thought of you and he almost panicked as you moved. You turned to your other side, not facing him. Watching your sleeping face sent Peter over the edge and he muffled his grunts with a pillow. 
He wasn’t in your bed when you awoke the next morning. 
Happy had surprised May with a romantic dinner that night so Peter and you were left alone that evening. You were brushing your teeth in your jack and jill bathroom when Peter walked in suddenly. You looked over to see him only wearing a pair of basketball shorts. 
You blushed, looking back at the mirror before spitting out the foam in your mouth. He stalked closer to you and you noticed something different in the look in his eyes, “I was thinking something, Y/N, about what you told me at the ice cream shop.”
You put away your toothbrush, turning off the sink before wiping your mouth with a hand towel, “I thought you had forgotten …” 
Peter smirked, “Far from it, actually. I was thinking about how you said you want more experience. With kissing boys and things like that, right?”
You nodded slowly, growing nervous. 
“I think the first thing you should learn is how to pleasure yourself before you learn about pleasuring someone else,” He held your hand, rubbing soothing circles into your palm. 
Peter nodded, “Sex is all about pleasure,” Peter held your hand it slowly brought it against his crotch. You felt something hard and flinched away, “It’s okay, don’t worry.” 
It was such a weird feeling. Only recently had you learned that boys and girls even had different parts. 
“Right here is where guys can feel pleasure,” Then Peter reached out to touch you. Through the fabric of pajama pants, you could feel his fingers brush against your folds, “This is where girl’s feel pleasure. Let me show you.”
He assured you that everything was going to be okay as he slid down your shorts. Before you could step out of them, Peter swiftly lifted you onto the counter and you yelped at the sudden movement. 
He took your hand and pressed your fingers against your crotch. He tried to guide you as best as he could, standing between your spread legs, “Oh my stars …” You breathed out, savoring the foreign new feeling. You wanted to run away from it and run to it at the same time. You looked at Peter with frightened eyes as he slowly moved his hands away.
“That’s it, good girl, keep rubbing,” He praised you, loving the sight of you discovering your own body. You kept going, rubbing circles over that sensitive area through your light pink panties. You leaned back, lifting a leg on the counter, so you could get a better angle.
“Is this good Peter?”
“You’re doing great, Y/N. Doesn’t that feel good?”
You nodded, practically whimpering. You looked at Peter differently than before, you didn’t see the boy you saw before. You thought about how handsome he was and how sweet he’s been to you all week. You felt the wetness growing beneath your legs and you blushed as you look down, “Peter, I-I  think I’m peeing …”
Peter gave you an amused smile, “That just means that you like it, Y/N. That you’re aroused,” Peter grabbed your hand and moved it away from your crotch. You found yourself missing the feeling and you watched as he slid off his pants and underwear. The sight of his manhood felt foreign but aroused you at the same time. 
Peter slowly palmed his manhood as he leaned into you. You practically froze as his lips touched yours. He didn’t even have to speak because as he slowly left soft pecks on your lips, you started to lean back into him. Your hands touched his neck as you started to move your lips against his. You liked it … No, you loved it, “Your lips feel squishy,” You gushed and Peter laughed, turning his head as the kiss became more passionate. 
You let your leg fall back over the counter and, as it did, Peter slowly slid off your underwear. Then suddenly, he lifted you. You wrapped your legs around him as he carried you into your room. He sat on your bed, leading you to straddle him. 
“I want to try something,” Peter said before pecking your lips again. 
You were all in. 
He laid back on your bed, and you sat on his legs, “Touch my cock,” You thought the word was silly but you could tell what he meant. It felt harder than you expected and as you gripped it on your hand, a guttural moan exploded from Peter, “Spit on it.”
“It’s okay, it’ll feel better that way,” He tried to assure you and you hesitated before pulling your hair back. The trail of spit fell onto his member and you felt gross for a moment until you saw his reaction. 
That sound he was making you even wetter. 
Peter grabbed your legs, pulling you up more until your private parts were positioned right over his, “I want you to rub yourself against me, can you do that?” Peter asked. With all his fantasies coming true, he wasn’t sure how long he’d last. 
You nodded. You held onto Peter’s chest as you slowly dragged your private parts against his. His cock was pressed against his stomach and your lips moved up and down his length. You felt it then. That pleasure and his pleasure mixing. You kept going, starting to feel something building up in your core. 
You bit down on your lips, liking the feeling of when his tip rubbed against your sensitive bulb. Your wetness acting as even more lubrication, you thought you were making quite the mess but Peter didn’t seem to mind. 
You moved faster, Peter’s groans encouraging you and your curiosity of that thing building up inside you kept you going. Your toes curled as you got the feeling of a waterfall rushing off a cliff. Your mind went blank for a moment and your body shook as that damn finally broke. 
You moaned, riding out the feeling and that's' when you felt Peter convulsing. You felt his cock twitch as white spilled from the tip of his member and onto his stomach. Peter’s head rested all the way back and you couldn’t help but smile as you realized that you had both reached your tipping points. 
“Well, was that it? Did I do sex?”
“Sort of,” Peter said, completely out of breath. The eagerness in your eyes wasn’t something he expected, “You have a lot more to learn, Y/N.”
“Then can we do it again, Peter?”
Hope you enjoyed this! Feel free to check out my masterlist for more Peter fics! There is a short sequel to this! 
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odysseywritings · 2 years
This or That Tag
Tagged by @emelkae thank you!
Historical or Futuristic 
I do like history stories, real or fictional, but I prefer real documents. In fiction, I love the what-if feel of what is possible or even just neat things that would just be fun like aliens or gadgets.
Opening or Closing Chapter 
Really hard to choose, but I like the freshness of a new beginning, and I’ll have fewer closings even though I have a huge fondness for many.
Light and Fluffy or Dark and Gritty 
I usually have a middle ground, but I think my stuff leans slightly on the melancholic side even though I do write a lot of sweet and comedic moments. Depends on the audience too.
Animal Companion or Found Family 
...These are all too tough. I should make more found family, but I like thinking about animal friends a lot, especially if they’re imaginary creatures.
Horror or Romance 
I like writing horror in general, but I’m a love bug so I like putting in romantic subplots or developing chemistry.
Hard Magic System or Soft Magic System 
I like viewing magic as an innate thing that bends as long as the user is creative, but there can be skill tree stuff to better discipline the art.
Standalone or Series 
My heading has short stories if that gives a clue lol. I would like to make at least one big series though, and maybe even combining all or just most my works in a collective universe.
One Project At a Time or 2+ Projects 
ADHD brain real...
Fantasy or Sci-fi
My sci-fi is very Twilight Zone / Bradbury than Asimov, so fantasy with science elements is more fitting, and I feel more creative with my own rules.
Character Description or Setting Description 
I really like designing weird or interesting environments while I’m never satisfied with how characters look.
First Draft or Final Draft
I really like the loose freewheeling imagination of first drafts but I do like the accomplishment of a finished product.
Literary Genre or Commercial Genre 
Unless it’s a very specific subject, I’ll probably be bored unless I do short vignettes. Even then I want my commercial stuff to have my own brand and audience and not something that has “movie fandom” bait.
Love Triangle in Everything or No Romantic Arcs 
Why not poly? Triangles are pretty much all but done, and I’d rather just focus on internal or experimental conflicts.
Constant Sandstorm or Constant Rainstorm 
I live in a very rainy area so it comes with the territory.
Tagging: @avrablake @ayzrules @bloodlessheirbyjacques @howdywrites @perringwrites @druidx @writtenbyrain @blind-the-winds @help-with-fuckin-writers-block
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halcyonstorm · 3 years
Buttered Popcorn
“In the trip to Marley, I imagine Onyankopon would tell Levi and Hange to go to the movies, because he thought Hange would love it. (I imagine they would go without Onyankopon) So, in the cinema, at the beginning when the lights of the projector turn on she would be super excited and Levi would hush her.  And well, the movie would begin… (I don’t care the genre) and I imagine they would get a little close, maybe arms touching? But then the typical romance scene would appear, with the actors kissing, and so they would get conscious of the situation, Levi would get awkward and separate from Hange, and I don’t know anymore. I think it can be funny, fluffy and whatever you feel like :)”
Hi! Thank you for leaving me a submission! I altered what you said a little bit, but I hope it’s still enjoyable. Some of the movies I added are recent, so just please disregard that the movies definitely came out after their lifetime. I really enjoyed writing this, so thank you!
Marley was hustling and bustling. Every weekend, markets would open up and merchants would gather in the center of the city to sell their items. All sorts of items, including fruit, jewelry, books, liquor, ice cream, and even animals. Today was the day that the 104 was able to forget about Titans for a little while. Onyankapon decided to take advantage of that. 
“Hey, Levi,” Onyankapon whispered, touching his upper back, gesturing for Levi to walk with him. He pulled him away from Hange for a moment. Hange was purchasing something at a stall. “The kids are going to that restaurant down the block for an early supper.” He gestured towards the road behind them. “You and Hange should go on a date.”
Levi scoffed, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Why would you ask me, specifically, to go on a date with her?”
“Cut the crap, Levi. We all know you like her,” Onyankapon said. Levi shot him a death glare, which made Onyankapon’s shoulders tense. They walked a little further while Levi contemplated his decision.
“…Fine. I’ll keep her company to make sure she doesn’t wander off,” Levi agreed. Onyankapon smiled wide.
“Great! There is a cinema down the block on the right side. You should take her there. I’m sure she’d love it.” Did he already plan our date? Levi asked himself.
“What’s a cinema?”
“It’s where you sit in a big theater and a movie is shown on the screen. You can buy all sorts of food too. There are a ton of showings. Horror, romance, comedy, action; You should go with her and decide. They’re showing movies at all times of the day.”
Levi nodded in understanding. Where was the Commander, anyways?
“The movies…” he muttered to himself. He, himself, had never seen a movie before. He figured Hange would enjoy it. Plus, he could spend some alone time with her. 
Levi turned his head to look behind him. He narrowed his brows. “Where’d Hange go?” He asked aloud, noticing Onyankapon disappeared as well. He began pushing through the flow of the crowd to find her. He was starting to panic. His heart rate started to pick up, adrenaline coursing through his veins. This new city was enormous compared to their little island of Paradis. She’d be gone, forever stuck in enemy territory. It was then he suddenly noticed Onyankapon from his tall stature, who must’ve stopped walking with Levi at some moment in which he couldn’t quite remember. He was standing casually, chatting with someone. He jogged over to him and found Hange. Levi rolled his eyes.
“Hange, stay with the group,” Levi enunciated. Hange just smiled, pushing out a wafer cone with a creamy substance on top.
“Try this!” She said. Levi was confused. After a moment of him just staring at it, she took his hand, placed his fingers around the cone, and let go. “Try it. It’s good.”
Hange had a cone for herself. “It’s called ice cream. This is vanilla. It’s so sweet and creamy and cold and soooooooo good!!”
Levi bent his head down towards the cone, awkwardly opening his mouth to lick it. The woman-you’re-in-love-with’s hand touching yours can be very convincing after all. An eyebrow raised in interest.
“Mm… Not bad.” Levi noticed Onyankapon was staring at him. He kept weirdly shaking his head towards Hange and clearing his throat. Is he okay? he asked himself. Levi shook his head quickly at him, as if to ask what the fuck?
Onyankapon rolled his eyes dramatically, patting Hange’s back. “I’ve gotta use the bathroom. Levi, keep an eye on Hange.” He winked at Levi. Levi is so fucking dense, Onyankapon thought to himself, passing by them to find a bathroom. Oh. That’s why he was acting funny, Levi thought to himself.
Hange started walking next to Levi, licking her ice cream. She really likes it, Levi thought to himself. It made him happy. He figured now was the only appropriate time to ask her out… He had to make it as casual as possible. He felt his heart start to race and his hands begin to shake. It wasn’t a big deal. We are just hanging out like we usually do. Then he thought maybe he didn’t have to even say anything. He can lead them to the cinema and somehow draw her attention that she’ll ask him. Yep. That’s what he was going to do.
“Let’s go this way,” Levi said, grabbing her wrist gently. He didn’t want to lose her in the crowd, knowing how her attention span can be short at times. Hange was really grateful to be spending the day with him and that he wanted to spend it with her.
The pair got through the crowd in the center of the city. They passed some stalls on the outskirts when he finally noticed the cinema. There was a huge red and white sign at the top. There were black letter cards that read multiple movie titles, including “Psycho”, “The Wizard of Oz”, “The Godfather”, and “The Best Years of Our Lives.” There was a ticket booth in the center with glass doors on either side. Levi had finished his ice cream cone and had a wrapper remaining. Hange finished too. Great, he thought. There’s a trash can right by the cinema. I’ll go over there, draw her attention this way, and she’ll invite me to go in. 
“I’ll take your wrapper,” he said, putting his hand out. 
“It’s okay, I got it,” Hange replied.
“Give it to me,” he said sternly. Hange chuckled nervously. 
“Okay. There’s a trash can right there on the left,” she said, pointing in the opposite way of the cinema. 
“I see one over there. I’ll throw it out there.” He had already walked towards the cinema before she could respond. There weren’t many people on this street, so Hange had a clear view of Levi.
“Oh! Levi!” Hange started walking quickly over to him. “Onyankapon told me about the cinema… Let’s go watch a movie!” Levi smirked to himself.
“I guess,” he replied, being coy. My plan worked.
Hange seemed to light up once they walked in the building. It was very pretty inside. A chandelier hung from the ceiling, huge movie posters propped on easels, and there were red and yellow flashing lights around each theater room which also lined the floor. The smell of butter filled their nostrils. 
“What’s that smell?” Hange asked aloud, walking towards the counter.
“Popcorn!” the employee responded. “Would you like some?” Hange looked behind the lady, noticing a huge red glass box with yellow and white kernels inside.
“Yes! Large.” The employee smiled, starting to fill a large bucket with popcorn. Hange suddenly had a burst of energy. “What movie do you want to see?” She asked Levi.
“Hmm… Half of them sound boring.”
“I’ll pick,” Hange nodded.
The employee handed them their bucket. Hange’s eyes widened and glistened. It smelt so good. There were a few wet pieces at the top, fresh with drizzled butter and the salt glistened in the light. The bucket was very warm.
“Which movie would you two like to see?” she asked.
“Hmm… Psycho,” Hange replied. “I’m not sure what it’s about, but I like the sound of it!” 
The employee grinned, handing her the tickets. “I hope you enjoy!”
Hange happily walked down the hallway with the bucket of popcorn. She offered some to Levi. He was stubborn, but Hange insisted he tried it. As it turns out, he loved it. It was salty and buttery, but a light snack. It was perfect for movies.
They found the movie theater their movie was playing. It was completely dark in the room, except for the bright screen. Hange gasped.
“Whoa!” She exclaimed. “This screen is HUGE!”
“If you eat that entire thing, something else will be huge later too.”
Hange chuckled. “Oh, Levi…” She seemed like she was gonna continue, but she didn’t. “Let’s sit up there!” Before Levi looked her way, she was already climbing the stairs up to the higher chairs. Levi passively agreed, following her. He thought she looked very handsome today. He enjoyed seeing her in a suit.
She picked a seat in the middle, weeding her way through. She finally sat down with a plop.
“I’m so excited!” Hange whispered loudly, smiling wide. Levi’s heart swelled at the sight. 
“Just keep it down,” Levi said endearingly, taking the popcorn from her. Hange was staring at the screen, eyes wide in excitement. “I have no idea what it’s about!!”
Levi felt the urge to kiss her right there. After all, no one would see. It was dark and people were mumbling amongst themselves. No one would be able to see them here. He, however, held back his urge.
The small lights on the walls around them dimmed, hinting that the movie was starting. Creepy music started playing. Hange’s grin was still ear-to-ear, eyes wide. She was loudly munching on popcorn. Levi shushed her, grabbing some popcorn with his hand. It was unlike him, but he shoved it in his mouth. He wasn’t gonna tell her that he loved it (unless she asked, of course).
The movie began. It was beginning with a lady stealing money and driving away in a car, not knowing someone has been stalking her. She had bought a new car and changed her look, trying to ward the guy off. It started to get really creepy after this. She was in a motel room, beginning to strip. Hange felt extremely awkward, as did Levi. This feeling, however, quickly dissipated. She got in the shower, and the creepy man broke into her room, starting to slowly make his way to her bathroom. When they showed his dagger, Hange gasped.
“Oh my god! She’s gonna die!” Hange whispered loudly to Levi.
“No, she’s not,” Levi said, but definitely lying. He was getting nervous too.
Suddenly, it happened. The man whipped open the shower curtains, stabbing the lady in the shower to death. She screamed bloody murder, pun intended.
Levi and Hange screamed. Hange was sure that he never screamed in his life until now. A few others screamed in the audience as well. Levi unintentionally grabbed Hange’s hand, still a bit greasy from the popcorn. 
“I told you she was gonna die!” Hange nagged, her voice normal now.
“Well, I didn’t expect them to show it on screen!” Levi replied whispering. 
“I am NEVER showering again!” Hange whispered loudly.
“It’s not like you shower to begin with!” Levi replied back to her. Someone loudly shushed them in the audience. Hange giggled softly.
“Maybe you’ll just have to knock me out again.”
Their hands remained laced throughout the entire movie, Hange accidentally squeezing way too hard when a scary scene was shown. Levi blushed each time this happened. He really liked holding her hand. It turns out that this movie was on a whole other level of fucked up, but it was right up Hange’s alley. She loved crazy shit like this. Levi was starting to get weirded out but every time he looked at Hange, that feeling went away. Finally, the movie ended, and the credits rolled out. People in the audience were clapping. Hange made a questionable face at Levi before softly clapping her hands together. Levi placed his hand on her chin and turned her face towards him. 
“You have something on your cheek,” Levi said. He grabbed a handkerchief from his pocket, inspecting her face.
“Oh, it’s probably popcorn,” Hange chuckled, her cheeks flushing red. Thank God the room was still a bit dark.
He started to smush the kerchief on her cheek, trying to rub off the butter. He was looking at her so intricately, so carefully. The lights started to brighten the room again. They were almost alone in the theater. 
“There you go,” Levi said, folding his dirty kerchief and placing it in his pocket. Hange was feeling adventurous today. He got her all hot and bothered by staring so beautifully at her face. 
“You’ve got something on your face, too,” Hange said nervously. Levi knitted his brows. 
“Here,” She said, slowly leaning in. She placed a soft but sweet kiss on his beautiful lips. Levi was shocked, pleasantly shocked. He kissed her back for that brief moment. His cheeks flushed red as he tried to hide his excitement from her kiss.
When she pulled away, their eyes locked. 
“I think I missed a spot,” Levi said softly, placing his hand on her cheek, kissing her softly again.
“So…” Levi began as they walked out of the theater. “He was the psycho the whole time? His mother wasn’t even alive…”
“Uh huh!” 
“That’s a Psycho for you,” Levi added. Hange started to laugh. Levi smiled; Hange was lucky enough to catch his smile. He didn’t show his teeth, but the corners of his mouth turned up in a happy, content smile. He hadn’t felt happy (or felt this happy) in a long, long time. 
“Levi,” Hange said, looking over at him. “Let’s see more movies together sometime.”
Levi smiled visibly at her. “Let’s do that.”
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kurutabaa · 4 years
Mistletoe Headcanons!
Including Akira/Ren, Ryuji, Ann, Haru, and Futaba!
Or Hanukkah~!!!
I hope all of you had a good year and celebrate Christmas/Hanukkah this year. As a toast, I’ll happily write Mistletoe Headcanons for (Majority) of the Phantom Thieves! I really hope you can see the extra effort I tried to put into this, I hope you enjoy🎄🌸🌸
(This may have turned into kissing headcanons while writing, but it’s a win-win either way.)
Akira Kurusu
He is incredibly suave when it comes to kisses, so be prepared for your heart to absolutely melt because of him.
He normally wouldn’t care much about mistletoes, but with you? It’s a whole different story.
It doesn’t really matter wether or not you’re in public, he doesn’t care what other people think (To some extent) and will show his love for you anywhere you feel comfortable.
If his stats are maxed out, he will ABSOLUTELY ask you to dance.
“Would you like to dance, Treasure?”
As he interwines his hand with yours, he’ll gently spin you around and perfectly land you both under the mistletoe without missing a beat.
“Ah, it seems like we’re both under the mistletoe. Would you like to share a kiss~?”
He cups your face and presses a firm yet heartwarming kiss against your lips.
This was all in front of the Phantom Thieves, if you were wondering.
Buuuuuut never mind that! It depends if he’s feeling snarky or greedy that day, because he’ll either continue to pepper you with kisses as your face is beet red or just... Walks away, and the bastard absolutely knows you’ll come up to him wanting more.
“You’re being quite greedy, Treasure. Do you want me to shower you with some affection?”
If you’re both in his room relaxing, he’ll lean in reaaaaally close into your face and hang a mistletoe above the two of you. He likes to wait a few seconds before kissing you to see your reaction.
Making him flustered with a mistletoe usually depends on his mood! If you want to make him go weak in his knees, the best time to do it is when your initiating cuddling with him or whispering reassurance into his ear.
He’ll pull you back into the kiss, muttering sweet words as he pulls back for air.
“I love you, Treasure... I love you so much...”
“You’re the only thing I want this year...”
If you sneakily walk up to him and hang a mistletoe between you two, he’ll smirk and give you a teasing remark before giving you your well deserved kiss.
“You’re so cute, Y/N.”
The two of you can be caught off guard if Futaba randomly hangs a mistletoe above you two while chatting.
“Heeey, what are you two waiting for? Kiss, kiss!”
Akira silently cups your face with his hands and kisses you. Ah, what a charming young man~
Ryuji Sakamoto
He gets flustered just at the mention of a mistletoe. He also thinks the general idea is stupid.
“What’s the point of a mistletoe? Isn’t it just some weird thing to get people to kiss?”
But when it comes to you he reaaallly wants to score a kiss from you under the mistletoe.
Of course he wants to kiss you! But with everyone watching you two like that? Too embarrassing.
Which means you or one of the Phantom Thieves have to initiate it. Oh boy.
If you silently hold up a mistletoe above you two, he’ll stare at you confused until he looks up.
“W-What the heck are you doing with that thing?”
“I wanna kiss you, bonehead.”
“Jeez! If you wanna kiss me, you don’t have to use a stupid mistletoe.”
You found it adorable that he was so shy about kissing you, either because it was in public or that he was caught off guard. Either way, you enjoyed it~
He’s also very oblivious, you two can be standing under a mistletoe and he’ll just continue talking. In situations like that, you just have to kiss him without warning. It gives a cuter reaction, so it’s a win win!
If you keep nagging him with a mistletoe, he’ll slowly get used to it and take advantage of the fact he’ll get kisses~
“..Are you really not gonna stop bothering me with that thing?”
“Nope! Not until Christmas is over.”
“Alright, alright. Come here.”
His kisses are very cute but short! You gotta pull him back in for a longer kiss.
“Are you happy n- MMPH?!”
“Now I’m happy~”
He’s really cute when he gets upset if someone hangs a mistletoe above you two. He has a noticeable blush on his cheeks and he’ll try to avoid eye contact with you.
Who was the culprit? Futaba, of course. It’s always Futaba, heheh~
“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, Ryuji—“
“S-Shut up!”
After the holidays are over, he’s glad he won’t have to be pestered with a mistletoe. But he will miss the copious amounts of kisses he got from you.
Ann Takamaki
She’s confused about the concept of a mistletoe, but being a fan of romance, is totally down for it.
She’ll usually initiate to get you two under the mistletoe! Either by dragging you under one or casually lifting it up above your heads.
Since she doesn’t care wether or not people see you two being intimate, she’ll do it whenever the time calls.
You find it amusing at how smug and eager she acts whenever you’re under a mistletoe because of her.
“Oh wow, what a surprise! Looks like we’re under the mistletoe.”
“You did this on purpose, didn’t you?”
On the other hand, she gets rather flustered if you initiate it. She’ll struggle a bit to look at you in the eye but will gladly kiss you back.
“A mistletoe..?”
“Come here, you dork.”
“Hey, can we do that one more time?”
She loves kissing you, so be prepared to be regulary swept under the mistletoe. The absolute joy on her face is so precious, please cherish her and she’ll do the same back!
If you’re both in private, she’ll be more intimate with you physically and verbally. Lingering kisses that last a few seconds longer, caressing eachothers cheeks, somber words in eachothers ears, she’s so cute~
“Mm, I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you, too.”
“I’m so lucky, you know that? If you weren’t mine, I’d want you for Christmas! Hehe!”
You can tell how much she adores you just from her kisses. Take good care of her!
She has a big smile on her face and giggles whenever you pull her back in for another kiss.
Ann enjoys to pepper you with kisses afterwards! She loves giving you affection and won’t be afraid to do so.
If you two are both surprised by a mistletoe, wether it be Akira or Futaba, she won’t have any shame and kiss you like usual.
“Ah?! You scared me! What are you doing with that?”
“What do you think I’m doing?”
Out of all of the Phantom Thieves, Akira and Ann have the best kisses.
Haru Okumura
Besides Futaba, she gets easily flustered by the thought of kissing you. But further into the relationship, she became more intimate and initiated kisses with you. Although she does still get a bit shy!
She’s such a hopeless romantic, so she would absolutely melt at the thought of you two kissing under a mistletoe!
She never knew how to bring it up to you, so she, shyly, hung a mistletoe between you two. Sometimes she’ll ask someone else to do it for her, but it’s rare.
“Oh, my. Would you look at that. I guess that means we should kiss, right?”
The shy smile she had on her face made your heart melt, to be honest.
And the way she leans in to kiss you?? It’s so adorable oh my god. Her face is so cute when she puckers her lips and closes her eyes!!
She’s a bit caught off guard when you do kiss her, even if she was expecting it. The quiet yelp makes you smile a bit.
If you two are in public, she’ll pull away after a few seconds and glance around shyly to see if anyone saw that. It’s not like she cares about her image, but someone seeing you two kiss makes her flustered.
But! In private she’s going to be a lot for intimate! She almost seems desperate at times. If you let go, she’ll immediately hug you and kiss you deeply again.
She likes feeling your body, so she’ll run her hands in your hair or caress your cheeks.
Her face is flushed when she pulls back, but she smiles at you and mutters a small “I love you.”
“You’re something money never could buy, dear.”
Being surprised with a mistletoe makes her weak in the knees. The lovesick look on her face can make any man or woman’s heart to ache.
“A mistletoe? Ah, that means..”
Haru always feels energized after you kiss her, so hearing her angelic laugh is usual.
“Hehehe! Thank you for the kiss, Y/N.”
Although she’s happy, she can’t stop feeling so flustered and embarrassed!! Haru usually has a big smile on her face while she embarrasingly covers her face with her hands.
Your heart is absolutely melted at this point, who wouldn’t want to pepper her with kisses and cuddle her afterwards??
Futaba Sakura
Although she enjoys pestering on other peoples love lifes, she has no idea what to do in her own. Heck, she’d never even knew she’d be dating someone as amazing as you. (She loves you a lot by the way, she’s just too shy to say it..)
She totally loves the idea of kissing under a mistletoe, shes seen it in anime all the time. It wouldn’t be too hard, right? Thanks to her being easily embarrassed, she’d be weong.
No way is she going to initiate it, so she’s counting on you to do it for her!
Fourtunatley, she’s easy to read. You can see her staring at the mistletoe nearby or her face flushing whenever she spots a couple kiss under it.
“Eh? What are you doing?”
“You’ll see~”
She immediately notices your dragging her ot the mistletoe and she becomes a stuttering, blushy mess.
“W-W-Wait!! Hold on! I’m not ready! W-What if I mess up and—“
“Shhhh, It’s just a kiss, dork.”
She’ll calm down if you hold her close and caress her cheeks. She always feels so calm when you give her affection.
Futaba still feels extremely embarrassed, but leans in and expects you to close the gap. It’s your choice wether you want to kiss her hard to surprise her or give her a gentle kiss.
You can almost feel her body trembling when your lips both touch. Not that she’s anxious, but oh my goodness she loves you so much that she doesn’t know how to deal with it. Anything you do to her that can be taken romantically makes her knees wobble and her cheeks flush red.
If you’re a bit taller than Futaba, you find it adorable when she leans up on her tippy toes to kiss you.
Futaba still feels embarrassed when you pull back, but loosens up immediately. Returning back to her childish attitude.
“W-Wow! That felt amazing, I-It was like I was the protagonist of a romance anime..”
“Hey, c-can we maybe do that one more time..?”
She had the dumbest smile on her face, totally lovestruck. If Akira saw her like this, she’d know she would be in for a lot of teasing. Touche.
Although she’s still flustered, she regains her fun personality and sometimes hangs up a mistletoe between you two in a teasing manner.
She expects that this time you’ll be embarrassed and she can get some sort of payback for making her so embarrassed, but it’s up to you on how you’ll react.
Futaba is still flustered even in private, but the intimacy in the kiss is very noticeable.
Dear god, start french kissing her and she’ll probably pass out. If you want to be a big tease to her, suddenly deepen the kiss and french kiss her.
She wakes up from her shock pretty fast, and begins punching you in the chest while scolding you.
“W-W-What was that for?! D-Did you really have to do that?!”
She’d rather be dead then admit this, but she liked it a lot when you did that~
Dies from embarrassment if Akira hangs a mistletoe above the both of you. She loathes that shit eating grin he has on his face, must’ve been payback for all the times shes teased him about his flowy pants.
“A-A m-mistletoe?!”
“What a coincidence, you and Y/N are both underneath it.”
“Don’t act so innocent, Akira!”
You had to chuckle at that, who wouldn’t? Besides, getting to see an upset Futaba was adorable.
As she argues with Akira, this is the perfect chance to catch her off guard and kiss her. You’ll have to thank Akira for this later.
“A-Ah.. Wait, I shouldn’t be grateful! Don’t do that again, Akira!”
As flustered she can get, she adores your kisses and would suffer through anything to get them~
Dec 25 - Happy Holidays from Susumu 🌸
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discotreque · 3 years
LwD 2.05: An Embarrassment of Dooplers
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So I was a little nervous about this one! I hadn’t heard any spoiler-spoilers, but screeners have been out for weeks now, and I’d heard a bunch of individual, vague, non-spoilery hints about (1) big character moments, on the scale of a mid-season finale even though the show’s not taking a mid-season break; and (2) an ending that would make me cry.
I guess I imagined something relatively serious and dramatic, like “No Small Parts”? This show makes me cackle with laughter and giggle with nerdy glee and “d’awww!” at heartwarming friendships every week, but it’s only ever made me cry once—and then I was impressed that they were going to get there from the wacky hijinks we saw in the brief teaser.
The lack of a cold open made me apprehensive too—in my experience, that’s typically a sign that there’s so much plot in the rest of the episode that they need that extra scene—but after ~21.5 minutes of aforementioned hijinks, I was having so much fun that I’d completely forgotten about the alleged tear-jerker at the end…
…and they were not the tears I was expecting.
I didn’t think I’d be smiling and crying!!!! That was wholesome as SHIT!!!!!
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I almost can’t believe they earned that—but they totally did.
After a Mariner–Tendi episode and a Boimler–Rutherford episode, we’re back to the “usual” Season 1 pairings… except the relationships between these characters have changed since Season 1. Mariner still feels thwacked in the abandonment issues by Boimler bailing for the Titan, and Rutherford’s having a tiny little existential crisis about losing an entire year of his life.
Both of which are extremely understandable and very heavy situations—and both of those situations get resolved because everyone in them is vulnerable with each other and honest about their feelings—AND that honesty and vulnerability brings both pairs of friends closer together. Are you kidding me?? I would watch SEVENTY seasons of that shit. Put it in my veins.
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Onto the notes:
So basically Dooplers are Tribbles, but for cringe comedy instead of slapstick? Ohhhhh boy.
Look at Ransom the diplomat, tossing his own fork on the floor! I like that he’s actually a pretty competent Starfleet officer, despite also being a completely ridiculous person.
It makes sense that B. Boimler would find William annoying—who likes seeing their own flaws reflected back at them? And who could be a better reflection of one’s flaws than one’s literal duplicate?—but most interesting to me is that it implies on some level, Bradward knows the stick up his butt is a flaw. (Does William?)
Why does the Cerritos model have working phasers?!?!
I’m loving hot pink as the currently en-vogue colour for “dangerous sci-fi energy” in animation (cf. almost every previous episode of this show; Into the Spider-Verse; other stuff I can’t remember right now). As a former child of the 80’s, I’m living for it… but as a former teenager of the 90’s, I can’t help but wonder if it’s going to age as poorly as the harsh neon green of The Matrix, every Borg appearance on Voyager, and like 80% of the websites I made in high school…
That fake-out joke with the fly-by over the Cerritos model was in the season trailer weeks ago, and I was so enthralled by that handsome lady that the sticker coming into frame still got me good 😂😂😂
BECKY Mariner????? omg yes
Some top-quality Boimler screams in this one. Poor Jack Quaid must drink gallons of throat-coat tea when he records.
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One of the great things about Star Trek to me is that you never know what you’re going to get from any random episode. A murder mystery? A road trip? A spooky thriller? A cheesy romance? Broad comedy? Body horror? Didactic political screeds shrouded in tissue-thin science-fiction metaphors? Brain and brain, what is brain??? And after this many years of watching, you’d think I’d be hard to surprise. But if I ever told you I thought I’d see a Blues Brothers–style car chase through a frickin’ shopping mall on an episode of Star Trek, I would have been straight-up lying to you. I loved it, it worked for me, my jaw was on the floor and I was clapping with joy—but I’m definitely comfortable calling this one “unexpected.”
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It’s CAPTAIN SHELBY!!! And an ancient babydyke crush rose from the depths of my childhood subconscious… (Also I think her Number One is based on the original makeup—eventually deemed too complicated—for Saru? Now that’s a deep cut.)
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In 20th-century Trek, you almost never got to see what was going on inside a starship from the outside. Even after they switched from physical models (where it was next to impossible on a single episode’s budget) to CGI (which was still in its infancy, still not exactly cheap, and still broadcast in SD anyway), it was a rare thrill to see any meaningful interior details in an exterior shot. Disco’s modern VFX have given us some tasty, tasty treats in that department, but nothing quite as sublime as all the pink Doopler light glittering through the Cerritos’s windows.
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Mariner says she’ll take her contact Malvus down with her, and threatens that they’ll end up “in the same cell.” Malvus is a Mizarian, a species introduced in TNG’s “Allegiance,” in which Captain Picard is held in a mysterious prison with one. I think I see what you did there, McMahan?
Bartender… so hot… lesbian circuits… overloading…
The Tendi and Rutherford C-story was, well, a C-story within a 22-minute episode, so there wasn’t much to it, but the one scene that mattered actually mattered a lot. I’m ambivalent on whether they should end up romantically involved—I’d prefer they don’t, but they’ll be one of the cutest couples in Trek history if they do—and as long as they keep that pure, sweet friendship between them at the heart of whatever else happens, I’m on board.
Carol Freeman was already one of my favourite captains before this season, and she’s been steadily moving up the list. The quiet throughline about her ambition to be on a better ship has been fascinating so far, and it’s starting to actually make me feel a little conflicted: I’m of course rooting for Captain Freeman to recognize her worth, make Starfleet recognize her worth, and become the ass-kicking captain of a hero ship that she’s clearly ready to be—but that almost surely means she’d be kicking ass off-screen, because LwD isn’t about those kind of adventures, and I’d be devastated not to have Dawnn Lewis on the show every week. So I’m kind of on the edge of my seat about this one!
I had so many favourite jokes this week I put them in a separate list:
“Even the replicated water on the Titan tasted better” is a low-key brilliant dunk on people who can’t shut the fuck up about the cooler places they used to live.
“Ooooh, they have a Quark’s now! That used to just be an empty lot where teens would make mistakes!” ← That’s literally me every time I go back to where I grew up. I felt so Seen™ I almost hid under a blanket.
“I would never go down the stairs!” (evil grin) (goes up the stairs)
The “well, shit” expressions from Mariner and Boimler as their crashed car sank right into the water… which started to bubble innocuously… and then the bottles of Data bubble-bath popped up, paying off a joke I thought had already been paid off—that was the one that woke up my poor cat this week. Just exquisite timing.
“YOUR PAGH IS WEAK, AND IT DISGUSTS ME!” “I don’t even know what that is, but I don’t like your tone!”
“Okona’s in there? He’s not even Starfleet! This is outrageous!” made me shout “NO!” at the screen like I was scolding my cat for scratching furniture. (She did not wake up that time.)
Best background joke: the neon sign at the dive bar advertising FREE SHOTS & BEERS. (Get it? Because they’re on a Federation starbase? Where nobody uses money?)
And of course Quark merchandised DS9.
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This wasn’t just a standout episode of Lower Decks, this was a brilliant episode of Star Trek, period. The Dooplers, though extremely silly, are nevertheless also a clever sci-fi metaphor for real and relatable personal/interpersonal issues, and an effective plot catalyst for meaningful character growth from all four of our ensigns and the captain.
The jokes were hilarious, the action was kinetic, the A-, B-, and C-plots linked up thematically, the visuals were consistently and thoroughly gorgeous, the character beats—between Mariner and Boimler, Tendi and Rutherford, Mariner and Capt. Freeman—were all genuine, heartfelt and wholesome, and the references to other Trek canon were both deep and deeply affectionate.
Only 15 episodes in, and this series knows exactly what it is, exactly what it wants to do, and knows that it can knock our socks off doing it. Mike McMahan has said in recent interviews that the back half of S2 (and the apparently almost-fully-written S3) is a straight line uphill in quality from here—which surprised me at first, because McMahan seems like a pretty chill dude who doesn’t normally brag about his own work like that.
But then the Prophets sent me a vision of my space dad Ben Sisko, who reminded me of the words of 1930’s baseball player Dizzy Dean:
“If you can do it, it ain’t bragging.”
[Thanks to cygnus-x1.net for the screenshots this week—I was too lazy to do my own.]
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black-rose-writings · 3 years
I read Ruin and Rising because I’m bored
And I also hate myself
Like with the last book, I have a vague idea of the plot and stuff from tumblr and fanfics. I will also be refering to Darkling as Sasha for most of this.
I am still Darklina trash and don’t particularly like Mal.
On a different note, I’ve finally moved for college, but the internet here is trash, so I’ll probably have a lot more reading time now, since most games I play are online and will crash without internet.
Cool story. Let’s hope Alina stays a badass.
Who am I joking, I know how this ends.
Chapter 1
So far so good. I hate the Apparat, per usual. Alina’s there basically dying and that bitch can’t wait to see her do so.
Cult leader to the core this one. He probably hates that his figurehead is alive and also not brainwashed.
Cult leader doesn’t like swearing. How surprising.
My boy David is completely right. What kind of irresponsible dingus keeps centuries old books in a fucking wet-ass cave? (Or a tree for that matter *cough cough* The Last Jedi *cough, cough*).
Genya is fun to be around.
Oh, shit, let’s go.
Chapter 2
Jesus Christ, Alina, Zoya isn’t that bad.
This is one hell of a shitshow.
I live for this version of Alina. Badass. Scary. I want more of this Alina.
Chapter 3
Out of all the random little details from crappy smut fics, I did not expect Oncat to be from the books, lol.
Mal actually has a supernatural tracking ability. Like, literally, they put a bug into the pouch with gunpowder so he could make the shot. I guess this was kinda said before, but never this directly, right?
Alina’s merzost-skyping Sasha now, yay.
Alina is horny for Sasha boy. Yay.
Alina canonically has a praise kink. Nice.
I hate LB with all of my heart at this very moment. How dare she bait us Darklina people like this? How DARE she? (Shipbaiting is the worst, seriously.)
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Yes, yes, yes. These two lines. That’s what their relationship is all about. They’re each others foils, the yin to the other’s yang and... ugh. I am Darklina trash to the core and this hurts.
Darklina: You have a terrible taste in men.
Alina: I liked you once.
My boy Sasha walked into that one.
Chapter 4
Alina is a Queen. And we love her.
David, my beloved, my spirit animal.
It’s surprising they can read it at all, given it’s been centuries. Have you ever tried reading medieval manuscripts?
Honestly, with a father that crazy, it’s no wonder Baghra’s a bitch. And I’ve seen it said somewhere that the books imply Ilya’s experiments are what caused Baghra to be a shadow summoner and you know what? I can see how you’d make that connection.
Why is there so few Tidemakers in the books? Waterbenders are useful. I want more waterbenders.
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Alina picking up some habits from Baghra I see.
Ah, yes, we love an educated giant.
I’m starting to think Harshaw is a bit nuts.
Shut up, Hershey. Or at least share the weed with the class. I’m not here for this “He’s mean to you because he likes you”. I might believe that in like, elementary school, but yall are (more or less) adults. Jesus.
Well, that was a bombshell of a twist.
Chapter 5
Oh boy, we’ve got some trauma bonding for out merry band of misfits. Yay.
Adrik has a crush on Zoya. And she hates it, lol. Cut the kid some slack, he’s like 15 or something.
That reminds me, I have a four-leaf clover pressed in books from close to year and a half ago. Time flies.
They’re really diving into the Mal has supernatural powers, huh?
Ghosts, let’s go.
Alina “I’m so happy to be outside I start to shine like a fucking fairy” Starkov and Mal is entranced. He’s definitelly nicer now. I’m not forgiving him for all the shit he’s pulled before and for using the silent treatment way too much, but hey, at least he’s improving.
I am not a Zoyalina person, but like... gay? Please? Rivals to grudging allies to friends to lovers, 300k slowburn? Sounds more fun than whatever Mala dn Alina have going on, lol.
(I’m starting to realize I’m not as much a Darklina person as I am anti-Malina person, lol. Like, literally everyone has a more interesting dynamic with Alina than tracker boy over there. Malina is at best boring AF and at worst toxic, codependent and emotionally abusive, while also being boring AF at the same time. It has literally nothing going for it except God herself liking it).
I can see why Nadia is gay in the show. The book version of her definitelly has a crush on Tamar. Homegirl likes a woman, who can murder her with the flick of her wrist and honestly? Same.
Alina has some big “coming out of lockdown after a year” energy atm.
The cat is one of the most realistic characters in this thing, lol.
And since Tamar is also heavily queercoded, our lovely ladies make off into the night, flirting. Or maybe not. Let me dream, though.
At least Blade Boy is aware that his tattoo is stupid. To quote someone ranting about him on tumblr: He’s embracing his identity as a tool.
Oh, boy, this will be fun.
Evil soldier is horny for Mal. Saints, is there a woman in this book who isn’t horny for Blade Boy?
And here comes Niki to save the day.
Chapter 6
Niki saved the day.
Fiberglass? And David being David. Genya being in love with her nerd of a boyfriend.
Jesus Christ, this one crazy kid has moved the technology in this universe a whole century on his own. So, when is David going to propose to him?
Baghra hasn’t changed much I see.
Baghra’s about to drop some truthbombs, but no, we have to be rudely interupted because Genya’s rapist is throwing a fit.
Chapter 7
How does Mal sound? Is she gonna say the Blade boy sounds like her dad? I mean, I know voices are partially genetic, but it has been tens of generations between them, probably.
So, we’re finally taking Genya’s trauma seriously after all this time? Good. Better late than never, I guess.
I wish that regicide was already finished and I’m pretty sure that Genya does, too. Stop defending the fucking king, narrative.
David’s a nerd in all things I see.
Someone please just kill the king already. And the queen, too, for good measure.
Now that’s a romance.
Infodumping and listening to said infodumps is a legitimate love language, Alina. Let them nerd out over poisons.
Wait, has Alina never directly killed anyone before? I thought she did... hmmm.
And just like that, it should have been over. Ugh.
Somehow, Baghra is a better teacher now than she was before. She half feels like a completely different character.
Nevermind, she’s back at it.
Chapter 8
Holy shit, Nadia and Tamar are canon. They have canon gays here.
So, which one of them is gonna die?
Chapter 9
We arrive at that scene. The one, where they should have fucked.
Jeez, girl, get a hold of yourself. Life is short, fuck a villain.
In other news, Genya and David definitelly fucked.
Chapter 10
Poor David. He just wanted to know.
Damn... I never realized just how young Baghra was, when she killed her sister.
I’ve already made a post about this, but it really does strike me like Baghra has already decided to end her life at this point in the book.
Why is that whole “but what if we’re related” thing even in there?
Chapter 11
We love a suprise attack.
When did Sasha boy learn that trick?
Baghra really just did that. Oh boy.
Chapter 12
No, don’t kill the kid... ugh.
Emotiona support cat. She should be friends with Milo.
Porrige for brains. Oof.
So Nadia was the one, who got bees set on her in the book. Cool.
That’s a good question. Why was it never brought up to Alina, that other Grisha get blocks, too?
David already thinking of steampunk prosthetic for Adrik is honestly kinda sweet.
Chapter 13
Back home... kinda.
Is that really... you really care about Mal bonking the Grisha school mean girl over a year ago? Okay.
Chapter 14
Angst! Yay!
And more angst.
Chapter 15
Sasha really went “My mom killed herself to save you? Well, I’ll kill the closest thing to parents you have.”
Chapter 16
Nikolai’s alive. Kinda.
And these two have such a sibling energy, I can’t.
And then they fuck. Ew.
Chapter 17
Wait, wait wait... so Alina isn’t even the one to destroy the Fold?
Okay. That’s... weird.
Holy shit. That was...
So, Aleksander is dead. Mal isn’t. Someone else destroyed the Fold for Alina and now she has no powers.
That’s a weird-ass ending.
Chapter 18
The gays survived, so that’s nice.
Genya made good on her promise of making Alina a ginger, lol.
What emotion is this supposed to give me? Cause all I feel is kinda sad.
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ashenpages · 3 years
Current Projects & Emoji Voting Key
Quick disclaimer: I’m a romance writer in all aspects of the term, so most of my works will contain mature content. Engage at your own risk, you know the rules, you’re responsible for curating your own experience of the internet, blah blah blah.
This post serves as a current mock up of fic ideas I’m either actively working on or considering working on next. You can drop me an ask about any of them, or just vote via the emoji combo I’ve assigned them.
Voting lets me know you’re excited about an idea and makes it more likely I’ll actually work on it. You can vote anytime, there’re no deadlines or winner announcements, just me gauging your interest by what I see in my ask box most often.
You can also ask me about the original stuff I’m working on currently. The current WIPs are Medusa centric and the emoji for them is: 🐍
Support my original work on Ko-fi and Patreon.
- Lupin: 🤑🤠💍  These are all oneshot ideas, between 5-15K each. If you want to vote for a specific idea, send me the emojis and the number of the idea.
Born from the idea that Goemon and Zenigata probably couldn’t be an item, my brain decided to come up with how I could write for them. Goemon’s teaching an ikebana class as part of his training, and Zenigata shows up as a student on forced recreational leave for his health from the ICPO. Zenigata wins the samurai’s heart through flowers. But what happens when Lupin and Jigen find out? (Only good sexy things, I promise. These beans are in a healthy polycule--be gay, do crimes) (WIP)
Jigen/Lupin, but it's Jigen deciding to seduce Lupin while wearing his own Lupin disguise. The thief is waaaaay too into it, and some artistry is taken with the sex so that they don't mess up the disguise too much during their encoutner.
Jigen/Zenigata/Lupin where Jigen has some fantasices about Zenigata, but is pretty sure they'll never happen. Tells Lupin about them. Suddenly the fantasies are coming true, in the middle of a heist, and Jigen doesn't what to do except get swept up in the moment and enjoy. Plot twist, it's Lupin dressed up as Zenigata granting all his gunman's dreams. Plot twist again, Zenigata catches them at it.
Zenigata/Lupin, where Lupin keeps doing good things in illegal ways and Pops has to find a way to punish him for it. Good thing for Pops Lupin's a masochist?
Trans!Lupin and Trans!Jigen premise: Jigen cares for Lupin after the master thief has top surgery, since Jigen has Been There and Done That. Caring, sweet, and a little sexy. Lupin is a much better patient than Jigen.
The one time Zenigata caught Lupin in an alley and kissed him and it was Jigen in disguise. Things get sexy anyway, and Zenigata has crushes on two thieves now. Lupin and Jigen "kidnap" him later for an evening of taking care of their inspector.
The background plot of Jigen's Gravestone where we see Jigen think he's done for and try to leave Lupin. Our thief has none of it, and we get to relish in the inherent eroticism of Lupin sitting in sniper fire, knowing Jigen's got his back. This is the moment I think Jigen finally believes he can be with Lupin forever.
I love the idea of something longer and more plot driven like a Lupin special where Lupin ends up in hot water and Jigen and Fujiko have to work together to save him. Jigen and Fujiko have such an interesting relationship. They're both partners of Lupin, they don't really like each other, they constantly screw the other over, but when it really matters they take care of each other. I'd like to see that highlighted a little more and also give them space to call each other out and bicker. Nothing sexy between them, but maybe a really interesting threesome with Lupin and Fujiko in a strap on once they save their boy.
- Sonic Vampire Novelist Coffee Shop AU: 📚☕💐
Shadow is an immortal vampire who has seen the world change for the worse too many times. These days it feels like he only lives for his coffee dates with Rouge, another immortal who loves each new era they encounter, warts and all. He has to admit that the book series she got him into speaks to him, at least. If someone in this era can understand him without meeting him, it can’t all be bad. But he hardly expected the goofy blue barista at the new coffee place to understand him the way those books do.
This is a novel length romcom romp with some big feelings about what it means to watch as things change, grow, and die. Expect lots of Big gothic feelings from this one, emotionally charged kissing, and overly-adoring sex. But also expect shenanigans from everyone in the coffee shop, which include Rouge, Amy, Tails, Knuckles, Cream, and more.
- Sonic Blazamy, "Like the Sun": 💖🌸💎
Amy Rose has been in love with Sonic for a while.
Or has she?
When the Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, and Silver are trapped as the fuel sources for Doctor Eggman’s newest evil scheme, Amy teams up with Blaze, Rouge, and Cream to save them. With Sonic out of the picture and Amy fulfilling his role, was she ever really in love with him? Or did she just want to be like him?
This is a novel length epic romance with lots of competent women and lots of romantic Blazamy content. Expect flowery hopes and dreams, badass self-actualization, and glancing hand touches that give way to cuddly and sweet sex.
- Persona 5: 🗡🍛☕
After bringing down the Metaverse twice, Ryuji didn’t think graduating high school and figuring out what to do with his life would be so hard. Akira’s back in town, and the gang’s more-or-less all in Tokyo, but everyone else seems to have a plan while Ryuji just floats. How’s he supposed to change the world when he’s not a phantom thief anymore?
This is a novel length fic that addresses how powerless one can feel being just one person in the face of all the corrupted systems and bigotry the world has to offer. It’s about holding on to what you believe in, working through the doubt, and fighting your way to a better tomorrow with the power you do have. The whole gang is queer, featured relationships being Mako x Ann, Ryuji x Akira, Futaba & Yusuke as platonic life partners. Akira is polyamorous and omnisexual, Futaba’s asexual and aromantic while Yusuke is demisexual and very romantic, Makoto’s a lesbian, Ann and Ryuji are bi, and Haru’s pansexual, demisexual, and aromantic. They’re one giant band of queer Phantom Thieves, and even if they’re not really doing the Metaverse thing anymore, they’re still gonna save the world!
Also, I’m gonna make Makoto not a cop. That super didn’t age well. Zenkichi and his boss can work on making them better/abolishing them for other better organizations.
- Hades Game: ❤️‍🔥💀
Oneshot. I just really need to elaborate on the threesome you can have with them in-game, okay? Healthy and canon poly relationships are so few and far between, so often I have to do a ton of groundwork to explain why it’s working in the fic, but NOT WITH THESE KIDS!
Get ready for Meg helping Zag and Than be better at expressing their feelings, lots of kissing, and probably pegging.
- Castlevania Animation Trevor/Sypha/Alucard: 🧛🏰🛌
Castlevania gave Alucard a threesome last season, and I just really need S4 to give me him being taken care of by his partners. They’re probably not going to give it to me, so I’ll need to do it myself. This is just an everybody loves Alucard oneshot, with the gang’s signature banter (to an extent), Sypha being sexy, and Trever being remarkably sincere. This fic is gonna feel like that Ann Hathaway picture with Trevor kissing Alucard and Sypha holding the end of Trevor’s whip while she leans her head on Alucard’s shoulder adoringly.
- Devil May Cry Nico/Lady/Trish: 💋✨😈
Nico’s gay, okay? Like really, really gay. And Lady’s bi and not into men who make her pay bills, but very into women who make amazing guns for her and demonesses with hearts who fight by her side. Trish is ace, but loves people and is pretty attached to Lady at this point. Plus it’s cute when Lady blushes and says nice things like they’re insults. I don’t have super solid ideas for them yet, and I envision these more like a polycule where Lady’s with Nico and with Trish but they’re not with each other more than seeing it as a threesome, but who knows what might happen. This is probably 1-2 oneshots depending on ideas, but might turn into a series of oneshots if people are interested (or I can’t control myself and inspiration strikes).
- Post FMA:B Blind Roy & No Alchemy Ed: 👀👑🙏
This is actually an old novel-length fic I wrote ages ago and didn’t post that didn’t turn out well because I was new to writing sex when I first wrote it. The plot is good, and is all about Roy learning to work with his blindness to reclaim his ambition of being Fuhrer and changing the system to something that actually cares for its people. He and Ed reconnect, fall into bed, and both set about working through their respective traumas about being “useless” having lost their sight/alchemy. They go to Xing as an ambassadorial party to offer Amestris’s collaboration on Al and May’s Alkahestry experiments--and uncover a plot that might threaten both kingdoms.
- Age of Calamity continuity Mipha x Revali: 🦚🐟💘
The first time Revali noticed Mipha, it was in the heat of battle. She stole his mark, taking them down with a flurry of quick blows from her spear. Violence rained from her like water--and then she healed him on her way to her next battle. No questions, no conditions, just pure kindness. The usual need to measure himself against those around him was quiet in her wake. And Revali couldn’t understand it. But how to get to know more about her? A fish and bird may fall in love, but where would they live?
This fic could be a oneshot or novel length depending on how far down the hole I fall. I need it to cover time, but it could be done in linked vignettes or with actually covering events in detail. I may elect to do a oneshot just to get it done and out of my system faster. So much fic to write, so little time.
Expect trans!Revali, polyamorous Zoras, scary competent Mipha, songbird Revali, love confessions that are made up entirely of berating Link for not loving Mipha the way she wants him to, and breaking these characters a little outside of their assigned roles in BotW and Age of Calamity. Background Link x Zelda, and Urbosa x Zelda’s Mom.
- Epic desert romance about Urbosa and Zelda’s mom: 🏜🏝⚡
I just think Urbosa should kiss women and Zelda’s mom should get more development and maybe a name or something. Also, lightning imagery/metaphors/play.
It also went way over my head that Riju wasn’t Urbosa’s daughter the first time I played BotW, so now I want to write about the Gerudo queen who refused to produce an heir. The Gerudo are fascinating and have a very interesting cutlure, but I think it could be examined from a nonbinary perspective that rejected pregnancy and wanting to find a husband. Not in like a hateful way, but in a way that examines if that’s really right for everyone. There’s that shop in town that sells Voe armor, after all. Maybe finding a husband and having children isn’t something you have to do if you don’t want to. And Urbosa really doesn’t want to.
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trouble-in-space · 2 years
I saw some of your previous ships that you made and i really wanted one too, so yeah i wanted to request a stranger things ship
So first up im 16 and I'm bisexual i also don't really have a preference
i use any pronounce
I'm 5,1 and have kinda long light brown? Ish hair, i have greenish brown Eyes.
I'm quite skinny, i have good skin and i have light freckles
I wear glasses I'm very negative on one eye and positive on the other.
I really enjoy wearing necklaces and bracelets when they have a big sentimental value like someone important gave it to me you will see me wearing it everywhere.
I usually really like to wear tops with nice flowery patterns and i generally like to wear the colours beige, light blue, rose, brown, Green and white.
I don't really wear makeup often only on some special occasions. I like to paint my nails and i also like to braid my hair.
I would describe myself as a cheerful person, a lot of the time I'm very outgoing around my friends, i just tend to get a little more shy around people i don't really know
i do not work well under stress
I get really angry when I'm under stress or annoyed i personally really dislike that about myself
I'm an traditional Artist so of course art is like my main hobby i mostly paint landscapes and nature tho i also do humans and animals
I actually do play Dnd in a discord on some weekends when I'm not too busy
I like reading i mostly read wierd romance books my mum gave me like 3 years ago.
I love hanging out with friends and going outside so i also like taking walks.
I really like to sleep and i also like to just have my peace
I of course also like my friends family and my pet cats
I also really enjoy games online and board games !
I also really like small presents and compliments
I have a big fear of small spaces
I also cant stand people who are not trustworthy or just generally rude
I'm a Enfj personality type
And I'm a Taurus i do not know much about zodiac signs but yeah I'm a Taurus
Anyways remember to stay hydrated and take care of yourself! You don't have to rush on this
Hi love! Thank you for requesting, you’re so sweet!<33
Stranger Things:
I’m getting Robin vibes!! She loves glasses, idk she just does. She’ll get you guys matching necklaces that have a secret meaning that only you guys would know. It would mean so much to her and you. I can see your style fitting very well with Robins. She’ll always paint your nails for you, if you paint hers. Will also beg you to braid her hair even tho it’s too short. Robin would be really good at helping you calm down when you’re stressed. She just has a way of getting you to think about other things. She’s totally a cat person. Something Robin loves to do is buy you little things. It could just be something she thought was cool or something that reminded her of you. She doesn’t know how to play dnd, (she doesn’t rly have an interest to learn) BUT she thinks it’s adorable that you play and will definitely get you into Hellfire campaigns if you want.
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