#i’m tired of ‘she-oh i mean HE’ and ‘thank you ma’am’
wheres-mylove · 1 day
puppy love - modern!cregan stark x fem!reader
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Summary: Searching for peace in a quiet town takes an unexpected turn when your neighbor’s dog decides you have to be his new best friend. One look at the neighbor and you’re totally fine with getting a two-for-one deal.
Disclaimer: English isn't my first language!
Word count: 2.5k
A large painting of a wolf pack hung over the fireplace. (Y/N) stared at it, biting her lip.  
She wasn’t even sure she knew how to light the damn fire.
Was this whole thing a bad idea? Trading in her modern King’s Landing studio for a tiny house in Winterfell? A big city girl in a small town. Yeah, she might’ve officially lost her mind.
“I hope it’s to your liking, dear,” came the sharp but grounding voice of Mrs. Glover, snapping her back to reality. The elderly landlady was already fastening her fur coat.
“It’s... cozy,” she replied with her best smile. Didn’t want to admit to herself that she was feeling wildly out of place.
“Good.” Mrs. Glover nodded, satisfied. “Now, remember, once the snow hits, you’ll need to keep that fireplace going. Northern frost is a bitch.” She placed the house keys on the small wooden table. “Rent’s due by the tenth.”
“I’ll remember,” (Y/N) said quickly. “Thanks again for lowering the price.”
Mrs. Glover waved her hand dismissively. “Don’t even mention it. I’m in a hurry to get to Essos, and these silly umbrella cocktails are calling my name.”
The old woman paused at the door. “You sure you can handle moving everything in on your own? I have to head out, but the Stark boy lives just across the street. Strong lad, good arms, I’m telling ya. Handsome, too. He’d help, if you ask nicely.” She winked. “If I were only a few decades younger…”
“All good, ma’am,” (Y/N) cut in, her face heating up. “I don’t have much. A few boxes, really.”
“Well, if you say so, Miss Independent. Good luck!”
With that, Mrs. Glover disappeared with a screech of tires in her flaming red car, leaving (Y/N) standing alone in front of her new home.  
She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. She could absolutely do this. She’d unpack before sundown, get settled, and everything would be fine. Better than fine, even. This place was going to be a fresh start. An escape from the Big Disaster, also known as her last relationship.
She’d find the meaning of life in the wild North or however that saying went.
She was currently standing in front of her open trunk, debating what to take first. And then something licked her hand.
Slowly, she turned her head, still not fully registering what was happening, and met the gaze of big brown eyes belonging to a fluffy creature as black as the night. A light pink tongue paused halfway, as if waiting for her reaction.
“Oh, gods,” she whispered, frozen in place. “Are you a dog or a wolf? Please, be a dog. A friendly one.”
Her new friend barked in response and rolled onto its back in the universal gesture of please love me.
“You’re a dog,” she sighed in relief, dropping to her knees to give him a good belly rub. “A boy, huh? A beautiful one. But where did you come from?”
Animals don’t talk apparently. The girl glanced around instead. She’d left the gate open, sure, but he had to come from somewhere.
The dog let out a low grumble, tail thumping against the ground. She scratched his head, laughing softly. After a few minutes, he got up, shook off the dust, and placed one paw on her car.
“I’m moving into this house,” she informed him, picking up one of the smaller boxes from the trunk. She liked talking to pets, even though they couldn’t offer much in the way of conversation. “I’ve got a lot to do, but after that, we could—”
And just like that, the dog vanished as suddenly as he’d appeared. (Y/N) stood there, blinking at the empty yard.
“Bye?” she called out, shaking her head in disbelief. He probably went home.
She continued unpacking, but on her third trip to the car, she saw him again, this time with a tennis ball clamped between his teeth. He had so much hope in his eyes.
“Do you want to play?” she asked, amused. The moment she said the magic word, his ears perked up in excitement. “Where are you even from?”
She should have been unpacking. She knew that. But how could she say no to a cutie like him?
“Good boy!” (Y/N) laughed as the dog leapt into the air and caught the ball in his mouth, mid-throw.
“Excuse me, is he harassing you, lady?” she suddenly heard a low, masculine voice behind her.
The dog dropped the ball from his mouth, adopting a tragic, martyr-like expression.
She spun around, heart pounding, and found herself face-to-face with a man who looked like a classic Northern lord from the past. Tall, broad-shouldered, with dark, wild hair and a beard that framed a strong jaw. He had these gray eyes that were both piercing and soft.
“He’s mine,” the stranger explained with a half-smile, clearly catching her staring.
“Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to steal him, just so you know” (Y/N) finally spoke up, cheeks flushing. “He just... showed up. With the ball. So, I thought…”
Her awkward explanation was interrupted by his laugh, loud and kind.
“Don’t worry, I didn’t think you were kidnapping him,” he said, hands in his pockets. “I was just making sure he wasn’t bothering you. He must’ve jumped the fence. I saw you two from across the street.”
Ah. The young Stark. 
“No, not at all,” she reassured him, finally getting her words in order. “He’s well-behaved. What’s his name?”
The dark cloud of fur came closer and laid at her feet, cementing their new alliance.
The man hesitated for a moment. (Y/N) looked at him expectantly.
“Frosty,” he finally mumbled, looking at the ground.
It was the girl’s turn to laugh.
“You named this huge black wolf-ass looking creature Frosty?” she asked, scratching the dog behind his ears. He was absolutely delighted.
“He likes the cold,” Stark offered with a small shrug, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “And you are…?”
“(Y/N). I’d shake your hand, but I’m doing something important. Nice to meet you though.” 
“Cregan,” he said, placing a hand over his heart with a grin. “Nice to meet you too. Frosty’s obviously on cloud nine. He’s usually not that trusting. Friendly with other dogs, sure, but picky with people. You must be special.”
Her heart swelled at those words. What an honor.
“He’s my first friend in Winterfell.”
Cregan smiled and looked at her car, noticing the boxes still inside.
“So, renting from Mrs. Glover?”
“Yeah, I just moved in from King’s Landing today.”
“City girl, yeah?” He whistled, leaning against the side of the car with a thoughtful look. “You’ve come a long way. But hey, I’m not complaining. We’re neighbors now. I live across the street.”
(Y/N) flashed a smile. “I’m not complaining either.”
“Please feel welcome to ask if you ever need anything. I’ll give you my number, just in case.”
Smooth, Cregan, smooth.
Rolling up his sleeves, Cregan walked over and hefted the biggest box out of the trunk like it was nothing.
“Now, let’s help you with that.”
That old hag was right. He had good arms.
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The Northern frost was, indeed, a bitch.
But the warmth of the fire, the soft couch beneath her, and Frosty’s massive, fluffy body draped across her lap made the afternoon bearable. (Y/N)’s hand had long since gone numb from petting the dog, but his fur was addictive.
Her phone suddenly rang, breaking the peace. Frosty, naturally, didn’t move a bit. Not even a nuclear explosion could wake him.
Sighing, (Y/N) reached for her phone on the table, already knowing who it was. 
Helaena Targaryen.
“How’s the grass-touching and vet-seducing going?” came Helaena’s voice, sugary sweet and teasing, before (Y/N) even had a chance to say hello.
“First of all, the grass is frozen solid,” (Y/N) shot back, shifting slightly to keep her lap from completely losing circulation. “And second, again. There is no seducing happening.”
“Sure, smarty-pants. And you’re totally not babysitting his dog right now.”
“I mean,” (Y/N) sighed with a reluctant smile. “said dog kind of invited himself here. And Cregan gave him a backpack full of snacks and toys, like he was dropping him off at daycare.”
He had also scolded him earlier for having dirty paws, saying that’s not how he raised him. The dog liked her, and she liked both him and his owner. Cregan turned out to be a veterinarian with a small clinic in town. He was working late today, so she had offered to look after his friend. Home office benefits.
Hel snorted loudly on the other end. “Oh my god, he’s ridiculous. I love it. By the way, I did a tarot reading for you,” she announced, suddenly taking on a serious and spiritual tone. “The message is clear. Go after Cregan, let him chop wood and start the fire in your—”
(Y/N) groaned, facepalming. “You’ve got to stop. I’m not ready for this. And he’s just kind.”
“Kind of having a crush on you. You’re still hurting after that Gwayne situation, aren’t you?”
The mention of his name made her feel sick. “It’s not about him. I’m just... done with dating for a while.”
“Well, he was a moron,” Helaena said bluntly, her tone shifting from teasing to fierce in a heartbeat. “For the record, we all stopped talking to him. Aemond wanted to beat him up, but I told him karma would do the job.”
(Y/N) winced, though she appreciated Targaryens’ loyalty. “I’m tired of men.”
“You’re not tired of men,” Helaena corrected her. “You’re tired of idiots. Is Cregan an idiot?”
She knew he wasn’t.
“Hey, if you don’t make a move, I will.”
“You’re the worst.”
“Kidding. But please, please, for the love of gods, make him chop some wood for you.”
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A strange noise woke her up.
It sounded like something was scratching at the front door. (Y/N) rubbed her eyes, groaning as she crawled out from under the warm blanket. A quick glance at the digital clock. 5:58 a.m. The sun hadn’t even thought about rising yet. The scratching persisted.
“If this is some kind of monster, I swear I’m not in the mood,” she mumbled, her voice heavy with sleep. Then came a familiar bark, and she frowned.
She cracked the door open, and sure enough, there on the porch stood Cregan’s dog, barely visible in the early morning gloom. Frosty barked again, hopped down the steps, and turned to look at her expectantly.
He wanted her to follow him.
“Hold on, buddy, let me grab my shoes,” she promised, her voice a mix of anxiety and sleepiness. She hurriedly slipped on her shoes, her mind racing. What if something had happened to Cregan? Was this a “dog leads the way to an emergency” situation? With a quick grab of her hoodie, she went after the dog. Frosty was checking over his shoulder to make sure she was keeping up.
In no time, they arrived at Cregan’s house. The door was slightly ajar, and her heart raced as she stepped inside.
“Cregan?” she called out hesitantly.
“Yeah?” came his voice from the right, and she nearly jumped out of her skin.
Cregan Stark stood by the kitchen counter, looking mildly confused with a steaming cup of coffee in hand. He was clad only in gray sweatpants, the silver wolf pendant around his neck glinting in the soft light.
“Are you okay?” she blurted out, still trying to catch her breath.
“Feeling great. Want some coffee?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
(Y/N) pulled out a chair and plopped down, staring at Frosty, who was wagging his tail like he had just saved the day.
“Am I a joke to you?” Frosty tilted his head, giving her an innocent look. "He came to my door like some heroic rescue dog. I thought—” She sighed, running a hand through her messy hair. “I thought something had happened to you. I figured you’d, I don’t know, passed out or something. I’m pretty sure I just aged ten years.”
Cregan cast a side glance at Frosty, lips twitching as he tried to keep a straight face. "Frosty, man, what’s the deal?” he asked the dog, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips.
(Y/N) narrowed her eyes. “This is not funny.”
“You really got that worried?” 
“Yes! And here you are, in perfect shape. Alive,” she muttered, her eyes trailing over his very much alive form, pausing on his very defined abs. “And half-naked. I might cry.”
That did it—Cregan turned away quickly, but she saw the grin he was trying to hide as he moved to make her coffee.
“Should I put on a shirt?” he asked, a little more serious now, glancing back over his shoulder. “If it bothers you.”
“No, you’ve got some nice muscles on your back,” she blurted out without thinking. Frosty rested his head on her knee, looking up at her with his big eyes. “And you,” she added, giving the dog a playful glare, “are lucky you’re cute.”
Cregan placed the mug in front of her.
“Thanks for the compliment,” he said with a smirk.
“Thanks for the coffee,” she replied, feeling the tension melt a little.
Cregan sat across from her, watching her for a moment, an unreadable expression on his face.
“You look good,” he said finally, sounding genuine. “Want some breakfast?”
Suddenly, it hit her. She was here, no makeup, hair a mess, and still in her pajama pants. She cringed, remembering her earlier comment about his fucking back.
“Uh, no, I’m good,” she mumbled, suddenly self-conscious.
“Dinner, then? Later. With me. I know a place. If you’d like, of course,” Cregan suggested quickly, his tone slightly tentative.
(Y/N)’s eyes widened in surprise. Was he... blushing?
“Are you asking me out?”
He let out a soft laugh. “I’ve been trying to ask you out since the first time I saw you. Not sure if you noticed,” he admitted. Just then, Frosty went up to him and nudged the owner’s hand with his nose. “Oh, great, emotional support,” Cregan muttered, scratching the dog’s head affectionately.
(Y/N) couldn’t help but chuckle, shaking her head in disbelief. “Yes.”
“Yes?” he echoed, hopeful.
“Yes,” she affirmed, her heart racing. “Just let me know what time, and I’ll dress up.”
He flashed her that charming grin, but then his expression shifted. “I’ve got an appointment with a chihuahua that bites people. I’m actually not sure if I’m gonna make it.”
She liked him so much.
“Do you think it’d be alright if I kissed you before the date, Cregan?” 
“Oh, please do,” Stark replied, voice and expression desperate.
Without overthinking it, she ended up sitting on his lap, being kissed like there was no tomorrow. Held by the strongest pair of arms that were also so gentle.
Frosty placed an approving paw on Cregan’s leg.
Well done, human.
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egopathic · 2 years
i’m really tired of being trans.
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hanwiore · 1 year
pls pls pls write one where a waiter keeps flirting with y/n and she ignores his advances and eren gets so proud that he takes her home and rewards her for being a good girl AHHHH!!
ughhhhh 😩😩
Eren decided to take you to a nice dinner on a Saturday evening, your hair freshly done, nails freshly done, eyelashes freshly did just during the morning and the afternoon just for this day, just for this date. You loved looking good with your man because he also looked good as well, he got fair compliments as well as you and maybe you even more so, i mean who wouldn’t like a woman like you with a body like that?
Your black dress sat nicely, pushing your boobs together with your gold chain on, ysl heels clicking against the marble like floor while you waited for your waitress to come. “I like the restaurant layout, it’s nice.” You hum, lips pouting with your chin in hand. Then you look at your man, hair down, face clear and lips pink spreading into a gentle smile. He also worn his gold chain, wanted to be like you, but his has your name.
Something about the way your necklace has no trance of Eren’s name but his do made butterflies form in his stomach, like you had him on a leash. Your eyes looks down at his black button up shirt, ironed and clean. You bit your glossed lips but was interrupted by your waiter. “Hello, i’m Nathan and i will be you guys waiter for today. May i start with your drinks…ma’am?” Eren side eyes the waiter like you guys weren’t here together so he should have suggested the drinks together.
He brushed it off as thinking it was some type of mannerism. “Mhm yes, i’d like a blueberry pomegranate lemonade. Whatd’ you want baby?” You smile and eren takes notice you also notice the mans attention towards you. “I’d like water, for now.” He hums, and the waiter stays there for a second, looking at you and then moves away. You go back simply looking through the menu humming along to the piano music in the back.
It wasn’t long before the man came back, with only one drink. And you would of known, it was only yours. “Hm, wheres the water?” You asked as you sat up, the man blushes and fidget on his toes. “Oh silly me, I must’ve forgotten, distracted by a beauty.” you frown and roll your eyes, “yes my boyfriend really is a beauty.” You laugh slightly and the man stands still giving eren a glance as he sits there smiling at the man. “O-oh im not gay i was t-talking about-,” you scoff and told him to go the water.
“It’s so hard being a sexy woman eren, im tired already.” You fake yawn. Eren bites his lip and nods a little. You almost thought eren was upset, thinking if you said anything that may have made the waiter think you were head over hills, but that was before you got home, before you even stepped foot through the door.
You were slammed against the wall behind the front door, wet lips kissing against your coco butter smelling neck. “O-oh gosh.” You breath, barely even understanding what just happened. “My pretty baby, so loyal and so fucking sexy.” He groans in your neck. Grabbing on your thick thighs and spreading them, your heels click against the floor when you almost stumble over. “H-ha t-thank you,” you moan when his hand goes and cups around your fat lips through your red laced panties.
“Had me hard in the restaurant baby, just f-for fuckin breathing.” He rubs two fingers on your swollen clit that throbbed, “wanna please you so good right now, for being such a good girl yea? you so pretty baby, tell me what you want. I swear to you i’ll do it.”
Thats what has you face down and ass in the air on the edge of the bed while Eren stands, fucking your sloppy pussy while both of your hands spread your ass cheeks, seeing your wetness all over his dick, he moves his dick out slowly only to thrust back in harshly, shoving every inch up in you just to hear you gasp and grip on your own ass. One of his hands move up your back and grip the back of your neck and his thrust turns faster, now hitting you all up in your spot that has your toes curling.
“R-right there daddy.” Your moans turn quiet, now only your mouth open and drool on your pillow. “Right there baby? It feels good right there?” He says it so sweetly and nice as he kept his pace up, spitting on your tight hole that never been touched and he circles his thumb right there, your pussy clenches around him and his moans, moving his hand from your neck just to smack your ass. He shoves the tip of his thumb in your hole and you moan loudly,
Moving back and forth on his thick dick, creaming on it, “D-daddy! m’cumming, pl-please ugh fuck.” Your crying now, you move one of your hands from your ass cheek to your clit and start rubbing furious circles on it, you felt your stomach feeling funny before the wetness begin to seek out of it through your finger tips. You sniffled and cried. “Yea mama, just like that. Such a good girl for me hm? Deserve the world pretty. mhm deserve it all.”
“I’m almost finished with you baby. 2 more.”
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 14 days
Post hoc ergo propter hoc
A con of being friends with the White House Press Secretary, Jyn finds, is that the good-natured hazing in front of the rest of the press room goes on for far too long. Another is that Leia will absolutely not take no for an answer on the “mandatory tour”, even though she clearly doesn’t have time for it, going by the four aides that immediately besiege her as soon as they step out of the press room.
Jyn is sure there will be pros as well, but she hasn’t found any so far.
“Leia, Draven wants you in his office in half an hour about the HUD thing,” says the last of the aides, jogging to keep up with them.
“Thank you, Kate,” Leia says without stopping, her arm still firmly linked with Jyn’s. “I’m just going to finish the tour for Miss Erso here. She’s my latest charge, she took over for Hal.”
“Oh!” The aide smiles brightly and shakes her hand. “Congratulations, ma’am,” she says and disappears down a corridor.
“Four people have called me ma’am today.”
“Get used to it. This is the White House, it’s like a reflex.”  Leia stops to delegate some more important press secretary business in the next office over – Jyn gathers it’s the Communications Office – then returns to scoop her up again and drag her down another hallway.
“You haven’t shown me a thing, Leia.”
“Well, that was Kleya Marki’s office, and down there’s the mess, that’s always important –“
Jyn has a sudden realization followed by a horrible, sinking feeling. “Leia, please tell me we’re not –“
Too late. Leia has spotted her prey at the end of the corridor, and pulls her towards him, smiling brightly and heels unmistakably loud on the polished floor.
Oh God. “Leia, come on, he’s busy. It’s my first day, he can –“
“Nonsense, he just looks busy. He always looks busy.” She grabs Jyn by the sleeve and drags her further down the hall. “Cassian, meet the new Post correspondent!”
Jyn stumbles along, feeling like an absolute fool for falling for Leia’s whole spiel and letting herself be dazzled by the West Wing of it all – and for knowing the guy she was stupidly, wildly in love with in college and then left without a word now worked in this building, and still putting off preparing what the fuck she would do when she actually met him again until, well… right now.
The man who has stopped at the end of the hall is in a fairly rumpled suit, carrying a stack of files and looks achingly familiar even from afar. For half a breath, she’s standing in some Yale hallway and is about to run to catch up with him and probably do something silly like try and tackle the papers out of his hands – and then she’s back in the West Wing and they’re all ten years older and successful, serious people again. And she’s back to wondering if he still knows her name. Or if he hates her. And which would be worse.
After a beat, he turns around and walks towards them, with a spooked look on his face like he, too, briefly tripped over ten years of baggage – or, of course, like he’s trying to place someone who looks vaguely familiar. Then something, probably the lawyer in him, takes over, and he fixes an easy, warm smile on his face. She always liked his smile. He looks older, and even more tired than he used to – naturally, he’s Deputy Chief of Staff to the president – but still, he looks good. His hair looks as soft as she remembers, which is a deeply unhelpful thought.
She feels stupidly relieved. “You do remember me.”
An offended frown pulls at his eyes. She always did like those, too. They’re such a nice brown, it doesn’t translate on pictures.
“Of course I remember you.”
(To be fair, it probably is insulting to assume he’d forget a girlfriend he had for seven months, but still. He’s busy, and at least it would mean he couldn't hate her for disappearing overnight and never picking up the phone again.) Jyn opens her mouth, closes it again, feels herself blush.
“He keeps your Baba O’Reily piece on his bookshelf, you know,” Leia says with a grin, still holding on to Jyn’s jacket like she’s scared she’ll try and make a run for it. The thought has occurred to her.
“Very funny, Leia,” Cassian says curtly and makes a vague gesture down the hallway. “I… I’d love to – I have the Secretary of Labor waiting, so –“
“It’s fine, I know you’re –”
“We should catch up, though,” he says absent-mindedly, sorting through his stack of files before adding, with a quick look up at her: “Off the record.”
“Maybe just come by my office before you leave, if you’re free,” he says, fiddling with the files that are starting to slip. “I’ll be here, and uh, marginally less busy.”
“Okay, yeah. Sure.”
“Great. Um - congratulations, Jyn, on the – I have to go.”
Leia watches him dart off, smirking. “So, you two are really over that whole thing, huh?”
[keep reading on Ao3!]
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joelsmochi · 1 year
Good Surprise
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Read part one here. SUMMARY: Joel finally gets to have you. WARNINGS: smut minors dni, a little slow at some points but it leads up to a very very very pervy!joel, needy!sub!joel, dom!reader (??? she's a little mean hehe), awkwardness, brief cig smoking (don't judge girly is stressed). 18+ WARNINGS: panty kink, cum eating, masturbation (m), oral (m receiving), good boy bomb (just once), dirty talk, overstimulation, multiple orgasms (m + f), public...stuff WC: 7.6k
A/N: Here is part two of UATW. There is at least one more part coming soon, so stay tuned! Thank you for reading, I love you all sm. Enjoy :)
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If one more fucking customer complains about the wait time—
“Excuse me, ma’am, how much longer do we have to wait to be seated?” A rude man you’ve already dealt with asked even though you were in the middle of taking someone’s order.
Your eyes were wide out of sheer annoyance when you turned to look at him and asked, “How long was the wait when you got here?”
“Fifteen minutes,” he replied.
“Okay, and how long ago was that?”
“Five minutes ago.”
“Fifteen minus five is..." You pretended to think about it to be satirical. "Oh! Ten! Your wait time is ten minutes.”
You heard one of your managers shout your name, and you turned to look at him.
“Hey, maybe you should go take ten, alright?” He suggested. “You need a cigarette?”
He held his pack of Newport’s in his hand. You rolled your eyes, snatched the pack from him, and walked away without saying another word. “Only ten!”
“Yeah, yeah.”
You stepped out of the rear door and stood next to the side of the building, watching the ongoing traffic as you lit and puffed on the disgusting cigarette.
“Your daddy know you smoking?” You heard from across the parking lot. Your eyes adjusted and saw Joel standing there with Tommy, who seemingly got off of work not too long ago.
“Hey, pretty girl!” Tommy shouted before walking over to you. You held the cigarette away from him and gave him half a hug while he placed a kiss on your head. “Why you smokin’, huh?”
“Oh my God, it’s one fucking cigarette,” you exclaimed.
“Rough day?” Joel asked.
You rolled your eyes, looking away from the two men. “Yeah, shit. Sorry. I’ll seat you guys when I get back in there. You can go ahead of this dickhead in there interrupting me every five minutes.”
“We were just gonna get it to go—“
Joel interrupted Tommy, “He givin’ you a hard time?”
“I’m probably just over-exaggerating. I’m just hungry. And tired. You guys go in and get your food. I don’t want to keep ya.”
Joel hated seeing you like this: your eyes puffy and purple from stress, smoking a goddamned cigarette. Your focus both everywhere and nowhere.
He thought maybe it was his fault for not seeing you these past few weeks. It wasn’t because he was afraid. Work was just busy, and he wanted to spend as much time with Sarah before she spent the rest of the summer at her friends’ houses.
“No, we’ll stay,” Tommy offered, feeling almost as bad as Joel. “Haven’t seen ya in forever anyways. We’ll catch up when the rush is over.”
You offered Tommy a weak smile while Joel was grinning from ear to ear in his head. He was happy to at least see you. Joel took the cigarette from your hand and tossed it in a puddle. You turned your annoyed self around and walked inside through the back door.
“Hey, uh, Tommy, why don’t you go ‘head and order for us. I gotta take a leak,” Joel said.
Tommy agreed, walking off, and the second that he was out of view Joel pushed you back into the men’s restroom, manipulating your body until your back was against the door. You couldn't even catch your breath with how fast everything was happening.
He loosely wrapped his hand around your throat, then licked a firm strip along the curve of your neck to your earlobe before giving it a mean bite. You gasped as your nipples hardened.
“I’m sorry I haven't seen you, baby,” he whispered in your ear, moving his hand to your skirt. Flashbacks of the kitchen playing in your head.
“That’s okay, I know you’ve been busy,” you whispered as he lifted the fabric up. Your lips crashed against his ferociously. You moaned when the bitter taste of coffee fell from his tongue onto yours after you slipped it into his mouth.
“I think about you all the time, you know?” You nodded at his question and kissed him again, this time much more sloppy.
“I have to get back to work, J—“ You stopped speaking when he lifted your leg and began to grind his hard cock against your needy cunt. You inhaled too hard, having to suppress your moans. “Joel, I have to go back,” you breathed out.
“Just one more minute, baby, please,” he whimpered, grinding into you roughly, “just one more—“
This was more relief than he had gotten any time he fucked his fist at the thought of you. Being close to you, making you feel how hard his cock got for you — finally rewarding himself with you even if it was only like this.
He didn’t envision dry humping you in the bathroom where you work, but he waited weeks to have you against him and felt like he deserved a little gratuity for his patience.
His arms looped around your back, head laying on your chest. You snaked a hand through his hair and held him close, wanting to feel him writhe and tremble beneath you.
When he said one minute, he meant it. Your pelvis was already growing sore from how hard and fast he was grinding you, but it was worth it.
He moaned a little too loud and moved his mouth over your neck to quiet himself as his thrusts became less frequent and longer. His breathing was heavy and hard, back rising and falling from trying to hold himself up as his orgasm toppled his entire being.
You felt him push your panties down your leg and tried to stop him. You thought he was trying to have sex. “Joel, come on, we don’t have time—“
“This ain’t f’you,” he chuckled tiredly. He successfully got them off of you and fixed your skirt before he held your panties up by your face. “This is f’me.” He folded your soaked underwear and shoved them in his pocket, then smacked a kiss on your lips before walking into a stall.
You realized neither of you checked them before your quick hookup. You prayed that nobody else was in the bathroom. Your trembling legs miraculously carried you out to the dining room. You continued to work like nothing even happened.
“Back on time for once?” You boss teased.
“Only because your cigarettes are shit.”
“Thanks for the ride, Tommy,” you said from the backseat of the truck.
“Yeah, kid, anytime. Thanks for covering our dinner,” he replied.
You grimaced when you remembered you deleted their order from the system. “Yeahhh, do me a favor and don’t mention that to Mikey.”
The men chuckled, and Tommy promised he wouldn’t say anything.
“Night, Tom,” you said before climbing out of the truck with Joel following.
Tommy practically sped off, leaving you and Joel to stand at the end of your driveway. You looked up at Joel with a smile, untying your apron and bunching it up in your hand.
“You really are a perv,” you joked. Joel just pursed his lips, checking you out. “What ya gonna do with my panties anyways, huh?”
“I’m gonna use them,” he spoke.
You cocked up an eyebrow and laughed when the image of him using the garment to stroke himself popped into your head. “You have fun with that,” you said after walking past him.
“Oh, I will.”
He waited until you got inside safely before he entered his own home; he grabbed a bottle of water and checked in on Sarah, seeing that she was already asleep with her notebook open and a pen in her hand. He closed her notebook and took the pen, setting them on her nightstand. She shuffled a bit after Joel put the blanket over her but settled after getting comfortable.
Joel closed her door and then went into the bathroom, turning the shower on; he undressed and reached for the pocket in his jeans that held your panties. They were blue with a pink rose sewn into the center of the hem. He stared at them, wondering what the fuck possessed him to do something like that.
He couldn’t resist bringing them to his face, as dirty as it felt. He saw that they were laden with your discharge. He took in the scent of you while palming his limpness. He could smell many things: your tangy juices, your vanilla perfume. He even smelled a little bit of your sweat, and it fucking incapacitated him.
His eyes rolled to the back of his head while he tried to suppress the moan that left his hoarse throat. His dick quickly hardened after he gave your panties a few more sniffs, and it made him crave the taste of you in his mouth again.
He brought the panties down to his cock and lazily wrapped them around it; he leaned over the sink, trying to hold himself up as he imagined your pretty lips wrapped around his length.
He thought about different ways you’d suck him — would you smile? Would you use your hands or just your mouth? Would you gag and choke around him so much that it brought tears to your eyes?
Every scenario he imagined only made him stroke himself harder and faster. He was gripping the corner of the sink so hard his hand was beginning to cramp up.
His cock twitched, straining against the fabric of your panties, and he felt that familiar stretch in the pit of his stomach to indicate he was close. He can’t think of a time when he finished so fast just from fucking his fist and doing it without a magazine or a movie to help? He was drunk off of you and never wanted to recover.
What is this girl doing to me?
His mind switched over to chaste thoughts of you, and that stretch inside him only tugged deeper. You were such a sweet person: always wanting to help people out and trying to get people to smile. Your smile would light up the entire room, and your confidence was intimidating in the best way possible.
Even during the moment, you had been asking for help with your ‘boyfriend’ while trailing your foot up Joel's leg, you still managed to sound so sweet. Your eyes would tend to ask him if something was okay. The thing was that when he was with you, everything was.
This was no longer just you two sneaking around like a pair of high schoolers. This had become a kink for him. The feeling of shame he often felt only turned him on even more.
He bit his lip a little too hard when his cock began to throb, immersing him in strain and ecstasy. It was almost painful. His hips jerked as he fucked his fist, pumping the last of his cum into your panties.
Joel’s head hung low while he caught his breath so he could muster up the strength to step into the steamy shower after he tossed your panties on the floor next to his jeans.
Thoughts of you floated around in his head as he stood beneath the water; he looked out of the small awning in the shower, and his eyes immediately locked with yours.
The devious smirk on your face told him you knew just what he just did, and he was too embarrassed to smile back before you left his view.
It was Independence Day, and while you didn’t exactly care to celebrate it, it was a good enough excuse for you and your dad to have some family and friends over.
You were in the middle of forming burger patties when you saw Tommy, Sarah, and another girl her age enter the kitchen from the back door.
“Hi!” You chirped, letting Tommy hug you and kiss your temple. “How are you guys?” Sarah hugged your side as well, with you returning the gesture.
“Good,” they said in unison.
“Where’s your dad at? I need to see what kinda beer he wants,” Tommy said while stealing a bottle of water from the fridge.
“What about what kind of beer I want?” You lightheartedly complained.
“What kinda beer you want?” Tommy said after a reluctant roll of his eyes.
“I don’t care, but ooh! Can you get me some wine coolers?”
Tommy pretended to be annoyed and walked upstairs after sassily saying, “Fiiine.”
“Who’s your friend?” You asked Sarah.
“This is Crystal. She’s my camp buddy,” Sarah introduced. You said hi and introduced yourself before Sarah asked, “Hey, do you still have that Cameron Diaz movie?”
You side-eyed her and tried not to smile. “The one that’s rated R?” Sarah gave you a hopeful smile, one that you couldn’t refuse. “It’s in my room, you can watch it in there. And hey! Keep the volume down, please.”
“Thank you!” She shouted before she and her friend ran upstairs, giggling adorably.
“What’re they giggling about?” Joel’s voice boomed as he walked into the room.
“Nothin’, just girl stuff.”
You were wearing a maroon-colored tube top and a black maxi skirt with wedge sandals. His eyes glossed over every curve and line of your body with how beautifully the clothes hugged your body.
You finished preparing the patties and turned around to wash your hands. Meanwhile, Joel’s hands snaked over your hips to cradle the base of your belly. Sheepishly giggling, you swayed your body in his arms and said, “Joel, someone could come down and see us.”
“That’s what makes it so fun,” he whispered, his voice vibrating against your ear, sending chills throughout your spine. “You look so beautiful today.”
You hummed with a goofy smile on your face. “Thank you, you don’t look too bad yourself.” You turned around in his grasp and held his face as if he were fragile. He was clad in a brown shirt that complimented his pretty brown orbs and his typical Levi jeans that hung perfectly around his hips. “I’ve missed my favorite pair of panties.”
“Those blue ones with the rose on ‘em?”
“Uh-huh, you know the ones you came in last week?”
He pretended to think about it for a few seconds. “Ohh, yeah. Yeah, right. I actually brought them here with me today.” He pulled said panties out of his pocket and held them out of reach when you tried to snatch them. “Gi’me a kiss,” he bargained, and you happily obliged.
Your lips landed on his with a tenderness warm enough to melt him inside. His lips swirled around with yours in an entanglement so delicious it made your cunt leak all of Joel’s favorite flavors.
He slipped his tongue out and slid it across your lips, asking for permission to taste you; you parted your mouth slightly enough for him to lick across your teeth. You giggled and slid your tongue out to mesh with his while both of you tried to keep quiet.
You felt how thick and dominating his tongue was, telepathically begging him to lick your pussy. His kisses were so docile for how your body was responding to them.
Tommy and your father could be heard coming down the stairs when you were about to deepen the kiss. Joel tucked your underwear back into his pocket as you gasped for air and he immediately retreated to the other side of the island while faking a conversation.
“So, d’you get to meet any fashion designers when you were in school?” He asked just when they walked in.
“No,” you pouted as you thought about it, “but we did get to go to Ready to Wear. We saw lots of big brands being modeled.”
Just then, your dad chimed in. “My baby girl’s gonna be the best fashion designer the world will ever know.”
You blushed when he pinched your cheekbones and thanked him. “Your burgers are done. I finished the potato salad and the lemonade. All I have to do is finish the pudding and go to the store for the peach cobbler and ice cream, and I would love to take your truck to go and do that.” You held your hand out with a persuasive smile, waiting for him to drop the keys in your hand.
You saw your dad purse his lips and glance back and forth between the two brothers. He hated being put on the spot so naturally you made it a habit to do that.
“Last time you took my truck anywhere, you came home with a court hearing and a forty-dollar ticket,” he grunted. You didn’t budge other than to further emphasize your smile; his sigh was full of resentment, but he ultimately pulled his keys out and placed them in your hand. “No speeding.”
“No smoking.”
“Course not.”
“No drinking until you get home.”
“I’m not a fucking idiot.”
“No picking up friends.”
“Of course.”
“No picking up drugs.”
“And Joel’s going with you.”
“Oh, great. A babysitter."
“Anything goes wrong, you call me.”
“Got it, Rambo. Can I have thirty bucks?”
He reached into his wallet and asked, “What do you need thirty bucks for?”
You happily took the money from him and said, “I just wanted to see if you’d give it to me.” He rolled his eyes and waved you off as he walked away. Tommy followed him.
“Okay, babysitter Miller, let’s go. And Tommy, don’t forget my Seagrams!”
The drive to the store was probably the most normal interaction you had with Joel since your arrival a month ago. Your experience attending fashion school sparked his curiosity, and you were eager to discuss it with him. As you were growing up, he rarely got to see you excited about anything, so he enjoyed seeing you passionate about something.
But as soon as you parked the car and looked at Joel, the normalcy melted away from the heat of the sun. He trimmed his patchy facial hair and got a haircut that (to him) was long overdue.
“You clean up nice,” you spoke barely above a whisper. He nodded as thank you, not moving any muscles on his leathering face. You got a whiff of his aftershave — or maybe it was cologne — not quite sure what the scent was, but it smelled rich and musky. “Smell good too.”
That got his smile to crack.
“I know I said it already, but you look very pretty today,” he replied. He began to stroke your chin while using his thumb to trace the outline of your jaw.
“Thank you.” You kissed the curve of his hand, making the hairs on his arm stand up. You felt a rush of embarrassment though you weren't too sure why. You closed your eyes and kissed his hand again. “Fuck, Joel. What are you doin’ t’me?”
He frowned. “What, baby?”
You shrugged, unsure of what to say or what you even felt.
“Do we need to stop—“
“No. No.” You looked to him again, hoping to find an answer or, at the very least, an explanation. “I think I’m just overwhelmed.”
He pulled his hand away, anticipating your next move. It never came. You just sat there boring your eyes into his, then the mood shifted; his smile was contagious, filling your lungs with lost air and pushing the anxiety away.
You leaned over the center console to kiss him; his hand cupped the base of your neck beneath your hair, swirling his thumb around the nap of your neck.
The kisses you shared were savory and slow, an occasional mewl leaving your throat. You placed a hand on his chest, feeling his muscles and heart beating rapidly. Your panties were coated in a chilling layer of slick from his tongue slipping against yours, and he pulled away before it got too out of hand.
“Come on, ‘fore your old man sends the army after me.”
“He was in the Navy,” you corrected.
Joel managed to be on his best behavior in the store with you. For a moment, it actually felt like he was in a relationship with you. It didn’t help when an older lady stopped you two to say you were a lovely couple. While Joel was taken aback by the compliment, you just said thank you and continued shopping like it was nothing.
You figured you two looked like a couple with the close proximity and lingering gazes, so it didn’t surprise you as it did him.
He enjoyed seeing you pick up makeup that interested you and look in the little mirrors to see if you liked it against your skin tone. He let you guide him through the store. He didn’t mind. Not when he got more time alone with you.
“You’ve changed a lot. You know that?” He said abruptly when you were looking at the ice cream. You asked how he arrived at that conclusion as you gave him a look of disbelief. “You seem to be a lot more yourself. More sure of who you are.”
You gave him a sad smile as you came to that realization. “You really think so?”
“I do."
You looked back at the ice cream and grabbed a french vanilla carton, telling him, “You changed quite a bit yourself too… You were a very disorganized person from what I can remember. You just seem to have a clearer head now than you were before.”
“I guess I just didn’t know how to deal with being a single father.”
“Well, I think you’re doing a good job raising Sarah. She… She seems sure of herself too. Like me I guess.”
“Don’t know where she got it from.”
“Well, it wasn’t your grumpy ass. That’s for sure.”
The rest of the day went without a hitch. More people from around the neighborhood showed up, and for most of the day, you were mingling with Sarah and Crystal, who raved about some lewd scene from the movie you’d let them watch.
While everyone was watching the fireworks, you started picking up in the kitchen, knowing your dad was too drunk off his ass to do it. You loaded the dishwasher and began putting leftovers away when the girls came inside.
“My dad is letting me stay at Crystal’s tonight for the weekend,” Sarah said, her tone giving away the sense that she wanted another favor.
“Yeees?” You taunted.
“Well. I was wondering if we could borrow a couple movies and maybe some makeup?”
You looked at Sarah, seeing that glint of eagerness that you remember having at her age. Curious about the world and boys and girls and relationships. You couldn’t say no.
“Which movies?”
“Thirteen and What a Girl Wants?”
“No and yes,” you answered.
Sarah was clearly not happy you said no to Thirteen. “What?! Why? But I’m fourteen.”
“You can watch Thirteen when you turn thirty,” you mothered.
“Ugh, okay fine. How about Hot Chicks? Crystal’s never seen it.”
You debated it in your head but figured it was better than what you let them watch earlier. “Okay, deal. And only take makeup from the top of the vanity!” You shouted after they were already making their way upstairs. Your dad appeared not long after. He hugged you after wobbling a little bit, and a wet kiss was placed on your forehead. “Ew, Dad!”
“Some of us are going to a bar downtown for a couple hours.”
“You’re not driving are you?”
“No, no. It’s just a mile up the road. I’ll get a taxi on the way back. I promise you.”
“Okay. Well, call me if you need a ride or get arrested.”
A few others came inside, and you saw how your Dad looked at one of the women; physically, she was the antithesis of your mom. He gave her a smile once she noticed him staring.
“Go talk to her, dumbass,” you whispered, giving him a nudge with your elbow.
“Oh, we’ll be doin' more than ta—“
“Don’t!” You interrupted. “Do not finish that sentence.”
He chuckled and hugged you goodnight. “Joel said he’ll help clean up.”
“Oh, he doesn’t have to do that,” you responded.
“I think he has a crush on you.”
You froze at his words slowly turning your head to him. “Uh…”
You could see it in his eyes that he didn’t really know why he said that. He was definitely drunk. “Anyways. Love you, kid. I gotta get me some tail.”
You grimaced and pushed him away. “Real classy, Dad. Really fucking classy.” You shook your head as he followed his friends laughing.
Joel had dropped the girls off at Crystal’s house before he made his way back to you. The second he left, you ran upstairs to clean yourself quickly, hoping that tonight would be the night you finally get to have him.
Joel’s footsteps were heard from the entryway trailing into the living room where you were watching TV. Your head turned, a smile already curling around your lips.
“Hi, Joel,” you said before clicking the television off. He could just hear it in your tone how horny you were. He stared at you like a deer in headlights, making you laugh, so you walked over to him, bare feet padding against the wood. You took his hand in yours and guided him upstairs. “Sit on the bed,” you told him.
He was a nervous fucking wreck and you acting so calm about the situation only made him more nervous.
You shut the door even though no one was home and turned off your big light, the only glow coming from some string lights and an old ambient light in the corner. As corny as it felt “setting the tone” you wanted to make this moment special because every other time was rushed and sloppy (not that you minded).
You stood in front of him, feeling exposed despite being fully dressed. You rubbed your clammy hands over your thighs.
“Is this okay?” You asked.
“Yeah,” Joel said a little loudly. He cleared his throat and tried to calm down. “Yeah.”
“We don’t—we don’t have to.”
“No, no, I want to. If—if you want to. Shit, uh…” He chuckled, bashful at his poor attempt at easing the tension.
“Okay,” you tittered.
You reached for the rim of your shirt, lifting it slowly to expose your stomach. He watched your fingers slither over your skin, and you asked again, “Is this okay?”
How did I get so lucky?
He nodded.
You moved your shirt up more, exposing the underside of your breasts and part of your areola. “This okay?”
This is the first time, he realized, that I’ll see her tits.
He nodded again. You peeled the shirt from your body and let it drop to the floor.
Fuck. They’re perfect.
Your nipples were already stiff with anticipation, goosebumps scattered over your flesh. “How about…” Your thumbs broke the waistband of your skirt. “This?” You pushed the fabric down just enough to reveal that you weren’t wearing any panties.
She’s doing all this for me. To make me feel special.
The lump in his throat ran dry, and you didn’t bother waiting for another response. You let your skirt cascade down your legs to hit the floor. You teetered over to stand between his legs and pressed his face into your belly.
He pressed a kiss into your flesh and ran his hands over your thighs before firming a squeeze on your ass. His nails left indents while he sunk his teeth into your skin, wanting his body to mesh in yours.
Your knees slowly drifted to the floor; he let you fiddle with the opening of his jeans so that he could focus on tasting your sweet lips, getting lost in the feeling of being here with you.
You sucked his bottom lip roughly and palmed his growing erection over his boxers. He hovered over the bed for a moment to push his pants down enough to let his cock spring free.
Your eyes widened at his girth while his cockhead tapped his lower stomach. Your mouth watered as you watched it twitch a couple times.
He leaned back on his elbows and took in the sight of your intimidation from the size of his dick, smiling arrogantly when you licked your lip with the purpose to ready your mouth. You hummed after gaining a bit of confidence to praise how big he was.
“All for you,” he said.
You slowly blinked, then wrapped your hand around his velvety shaft. His cock was littered with veins. You licked your lips and drooled your salivation over his warm tip, letting it glide down a bit. You kept your eyes locked with his as you wrapped your swollen lips around him.
His cock felt hot and it pulsed with need once it came in contact with your perfect mouth. He fought the urge to moan, letting out his cries in a symphony of whimpers instead.
Your eyes rolled back at the sound of his wordless little pleads. You circled your tongue around his head relentlessly before surprising him by forcing his cock to hit the back of your throat.
His entire body flinched and he shouted out a few curse words. You gagged and pulled back; you allowed your spit to drip down his skin. You slurped around his tip and moaned when he flinched again. Then, you took more of him in your mouth, bobbing your head up and down. You fell in love with how he tasted in your mouth as his salty precum oozed over your tongue. The gagging and slurping noises echoed in the room and he couldn’t keep his moans to himself anymore.
“Oh, f-fuck,” he whimpered, thrusting into your mouth gently. “Fuck. That—that feels so fucking good, baby. Yes baby, yes baby, yes.”
You moaned around the shaft, eliciting more obscenities from him. Your mouth was so full even though you hadn’t taken all of him. Your cheeks hollowed around him, creating a tighter vessel for him to fuck while you stroked whatever you couldn’t fit.
His face contorted with the anguish of not wanting to finish yet, but he couldn’t stop now, could he?
Maybe if I just get a little closer—just a little.
So lost in the pleasure, he felt the start of his climax rise causing him to gently pull you off of him.
A single streak of his cum shot onto your cheek. You flinched but laughed endearingly, helping his ego feel better about it.
“Fuck. Sorry.” His chest heaved with his mouth dry from his heavy breathing as you assured him it was okay.
He took a moment to gather himself before sitting up and wiping his cum from your face. You grabbed his wrist before he got the chance to wipe it clean; you impulsively sucked the milky release before swallowing it shamelessly.
Joel’s eyes were glossy and low. He could watch you lick up his cum for hours if you wanted to. You looked so sweet on the outside but inside you were dark, full of a lust that was forever unfulfilled by previous boyfriends.
Sometimes you wondered if you even knew what you want sexually, yet Joel was able to just read you and provide.
“You’re such a good girl for me," he asked with a devious smile, "aren't you?"
“Anything for you, Joel.”
Chuckling, he picked you up effortlessly and sat you on his stomach while he laid on his back.
“Use me,” he begged.
You blushed. “What do you mean?”
“You said your last boyfriend didn’t do the things you needed him to,” he explained, “so use me. Fuck me however you want. And I’ll fuck you however you need me to. Be as rough as you want. As mean as you want. Ride me, ride my face—I don—I don’t care. I just need you. Need you s’fucking bad.”
You saw in his eyes desperation, and it made your head spin. A man so brute and strong like Joel begging to be your fuck toy was a sight for your sore eyes.
You adjusted your body and carefully lined his cock up with your sopping entrance; he felt rewarded when your puffy walls clung to him. The stretching of your pussy burned deliciously inside of you.
You sat there for a moment. Not to get adjusted to his fat cock, but to just feel him. Feel him twitch and jerk, aching to pump you full of his seed.
You circled your hips slowly feeling his head bump against your g-spot. Your fingers pressed into his chest and you started to ride the slight curve of his shaft.
“Oh, my God. Joel,” you cried out, feeling how his cock stuffed you perfectly each time you rode down.
“That feel good, baby?”
As your eyelashes fluttered shut, you were pathetically nodding and reaching up to play with one of your breasts. “Yes,” you moaned.
With thick hands wrapped loosely around your waist and eyes fixated on you, Joel was under your spell. He loved being used by you. Submitting.
You appreciated the control he gave you over his body. He was of free use just for you, and you grew tired of being afraid of that. You fucked him however you wanted, just like he had asked, finding the inconsistencies of your movements titillating.
His long fingers drew random patterns around your back, adding intimacy to the connection. He looked so breathtaking beneath your tantalized body. His eyebrows furrowed into a pout that made your heart melt for him, and his pursed lips cooed out little praises.
"Yes," he whimpered, softly thrusting into you as you went down to create the perfect rhythm. "Yes, yes, yes," he continued. "Darlin', you're doing so good for me, yes."
"You feel so good," you moaned. "Your cock is so fucking big."
"You take it so well, baby girl. Ahh—fu… You're doin' so good f'me."
You leaned down to kiss his wet lips, moans pouring from you. "S'it feel good?"
"Yes, baby. Fuck yes, you feel so fucking good. Don't s-stop."
You gasped and twisted your nipple between your fingertips, feeling an ungodly amount of your precum seep between your bodies. A bundle of pleasure twinged in the pit of your stomach, making your hips stutter and mess up the rhythm.
“I’m gonna cum, Joel—oh, fuuck. I’m gonna cum,” you said in a hushed voice.
You felt his hands smooth over your ass, and he began thrusting into you a bit more forcefully, encouraging you to finish.
A calamity overtook you; your climax was full of distress and violence. You had never screamed so loud before. Your orgasm worked against you, releasing itself into the darkest corners of your body.
You felt it everywhere. Your toes curled. Your elbows locked. Your fingers went numb. Your neck warmed. Every inch of your body felt haunted by the orgasm you felt yourself fighting. Joel fucking lived for it.
You were a fucking mess above him and he couldn’t stop himself from overstimulating you. He held you still in his strong arms and pounded into you ruthlessly, with no care in the world for how loud you were.
You loved how it overpowered you, intensifying as Joel determined to make it last longer. It felt like an eternity. Your chest shook from your blubbers, your body full of amnesia of reality.
He intently watched you, waiting for it to become too much. Your eyes welled up with tears and your face hurt from how contorted it had become. It wasn’t until you took a big breath in that he slowed down causing you to collapse atop his chest.
Joel held you close, grazing his fingers over your back and arms to soothe you as you came down from your high. All he wanted to do was to feel good with you and make sure you were satisfied.
You lifted your flushed face from the crook of his neck to give him a passionate kiss; he hummed against your warm lips, bringing a hand up to hold your face so he could deepen the connection.
He slowly rolled your body over until he was on top of you. Your hands slid along his broad shoulders whilst he erratically pushed his pants down, kicking them to the floor afterward. You pulled at the hem of his shirt and helped him remove it.
He slipped back inside of you as he stayed on his knees, getting the perfect view of your alluring frame. Your makeup had begun to fade away, and mascara scattered around your eyes. Your hair was messily laid around your head and your eyes were heavy with fatigue.
“Your so beautiful,” he said before reaching to pinch your cheeks in his big hand to slightly embarrass you, “you’re such a fucking mess already.”
You grabbed his hand, snatching it from your cheeks and pushing it away; you sat up enough to grab a hold of his neck, bringing his face closer to yours as a dangerous looked filled your eyes. You dug your legs into his thighs to push his length deeper inside of you, it caught him by surprise.
“Thought you said I was in control, huh,” you whispered. Joel instantly pouted, the pathetic look on his face fueled your desire to domesticate him.
“Y-you—yes, yes,” he weakly responded. “Yes. You a—you are in control.”
You gave him a soft kiss despite your tough demeanor to help calm him. “Good boy,” you praised, tightening your grip. He thanked you and started to move his halted hips again, this time with purpose and force.
Your hardened expression cracked, faltering into a look of bliss and thankfulness. His skin clapped against yours as you felt his balls swinging against your ass with every thrust.
The moans spilling between your lips was music to Joel’s ears; he felt the swollen head of his cock breech even deeper inside of you after you hung your legs around his hips. Your walls fluttered around his pulsating cock making your cunt feel tighter.
Combining that with your tight grip around his neck? Fuck. He wanted to cum so badly—
“Shit!” He shouted as he pulled out, not wanting this to end so soon.
You laughed at him more teasingly this time and let his neck go, using your legs to push him back inside with no effort.
He tried thrusting more slowly this time, but his body was just begging for release. He pulled out again and attempted to take a breather. You weren’t having it.
You pushed him into saint position and held his face firmly to make him look you in the eyes as you started to bounce on him.
“Baby,” he said, feeling the rise of his climax slowly build again, “I don’t wanna stop yet.”
“Your cock belongs to me,” you told him; he promptly agreed. “That means I do whatever I fucking want to. You’re gonna cum for me and let me keep fucking you.”
His eyes rolled back and his let out a moan of both desperation and relief. “Yes,” he whimpered, eagerly nodding his dazed head, “yes. My cock belongs to you. Only you—fuck—no one’s ever made me feel as good as you.”
You moaned in response, knowing you no longer needed to scold him.
He was so fucking thick. Not even all of your slick could help get used to his size. Your skin clung to his from the faint sweat coating both of your bodies. Your tits bounced against his toned chest stimulating your nipples, adding to the earth-shattering pleasure.
His breathing was shallow while he tried to hold off as long as possible. He then figured if he rubbed your clit you might be able to finish again with him.
You jolted when his thumb rubbed erratic loops around your clit, soon enough feeling your climax build again. And though it was not as powerful it hit you so much more quickly.
“Can you cum for me?” You asked nicely. “Fuck, I’m gonna cu—“ Your own gasps cut you off as you heard Joel say he was going to finish with you.
His forehead fell onto yours as the pressure finally exploded inside of you. Your body insisted on continuing to fuck him, your cunt pushing and pulling at his shaft as if you were trying to squeeze his cum out yourself. He painted your walls with his hot white load, filling you up even more as if you weren't full enough.
He held you tight and leaned his head onto your shoulders so that your shivering legs wouldn’t completely give out.
All of a sudden Joel grew an urge to eat you out before his cum spilled out.
He tossed you onto your back and got down on his stomach, barely letting you breathe before his tongue covered your throbbing hole.
You cried out his name shamelessly, feeling his tongue curl up inside of you. He watched you arch your back and grab at the sheets with your head thrown back and mouth opened.
At first, he only tasted your tangy cum as it lay thick and heavy on his tongue. But after a short while, he tasted was he could only presume to be himself. The taste was mostly brine, but a little sweet, and permeated along his tastebuds. He couldn’t get enough of how good the two of you tasted together.
He devoured every last drop he could manage before pulling away from you, feeling how hard his he still was. He wanted to make up for finishing so soon.
You wanted to come down—you were so fucking wore out. But you felt Joel twist you around onto your stomach and lift your hips up before shoving his cock back inside of you.
You groaned at the stretch feeling stronger than before, clawing at the bedsheets as he wasted no time to fuck you again. His hips clapped against your ass when his hands pushed into your waist, deepening your arch.
He would slowly pull back to where his beaming cockhead was only inside of you, then he'd thrust strong enough to make your body bounce a little on the springy mattress. He fucked you slow but hard, wanting you to feel every inch of him.
“Fuck! Yes, Joel!” You shouted.
“Like that, baby? Hmm?” He spanked you when you didn’t answer.
“Fuck, yes, you’re so good to me!”
Your moans turned into whines from the brute force of his body. Tears danced along your eyes as your pussy ached with overstimulation and rapture.
“My cock belongs to you? Hmm?” He said indignantly. He was already yours. He belonged to you. He just wanted to hear you say it again.
You moaned lustfully when he started going fast enough to make his balls hit your clit. He reached to grab your neck and beckoned you to get on your hands as well, keeping the grip loose enough for you to breathe.
“Yes, Joel, your fucking cock belongs to me," your voice was lame as you tried to regulate your breathing. Your sore pussy yearned again, asking for relief just once more. “Give it to me, please, give it to me.”
He looked at his dick thrust in and out of you, groaning at the smooth ring of your cum wrapped around the base of his shaft.
“You wanna cum again?” He asked. You begged and pleaded and cried for him to keep going.
He didn’t even try to comprehend when another orgasm was building for him. He ignored the anguish the second climax was bringing him, even if it was becoming too painful to bear. He didn’t care enough. He just wanted to keep listening to those pretty sounds you were making.
He never had an experience come close to this one. To being with you. Never imagined doing something as dirty as tasting his own cum, let alone after releasing it inside of his partner. And then to cum twice in the span of a few minutes? He knew then and there that no one would be able to satisfy him like you.
“I’m cumming, I’m cumming!” You moaned in a high pitch that Joel thought was cute; your back arched and tensed, your whole body shaking with a third orgasm that felt instinctual. Your eyes filled with stars and you were lightheaded.
He let himself feel every aspect of his orgasm once the pain left his body. It was warm and made him a little hazy; he was so overwhelmed with euphoria that he could hardly react to it. He was persistent in finishing you both off with sloppy thrusts as he whispered sweet praises to you about how good you felt.
Your body collapsed making Joel’s dick slip out of you; he rested next to you once you laid on your side and put his arm around your head. You lay there in a bittersweet silence for a few minutes, savoring the sound of each other’s breathing and sleepy hums.
“I’m so tired now,” you lazily said.
Joel chuckled and pulled the blanket up to cover you. “Go to sleep, baby.”
“I don’t wanna,” you said tiredly; he chuckled again and kissed your head, wishing that this wasn’t casual. “Was it good for you?” You asked after looking up at him, the craving for sleep evident in your pretty eyes.
He couldn’t put into words how at peace he felt right now. He was tired too. “Yes, sweetheart.”
“I wasn’t too mean, was I?” You worried.
“No, baby,” he cooed, stroking your head. “You were perfect.” The way he said it ensured you it was the truth.
“I was perfect?” You giggled.
“Mm-hmm,” he hummed. “We should go out some night. Have a little fun."
"Joel Miller, r'you asking me on a date?"
"It ain't gotta be," he answered.
You giggled again and curled into his body some more. "Sure, Joel. Take me out to a bar so I can dance on sleazy men in cowboy hats to make you jealous."
He laughed, "You love makin' stories up, don't you?"
"It won't be a story for long."
Read part 3 here.
🏷️ @paleidiot @sarap-77 @mmeerraa @ssweetart42
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katsu28 · 2 years
🍭 oooo something angsty with bradley 'rooster' bradshaw and “That’s not what I meant and you know it.”
thank you for requesting anna!! <3 this is my first angst with rooster so i hope it's good :)
bradley "rooster" bradshaw x reader, some swearing, angst, 1.7k (she's a long one ik hehe)
You never really wanted Bradley to know how much you missed him when he was gone. Your worries tended to consume you and a lot of the time it showed, even though you tried your best to remain neutral on your sporadic video calls with him. The last thing you wanted was for him to worry about you when he was out there in the skies. He needed complete and total focus, and you knew that, but sometimes you couldn’t help it. 
He looked beyond tired when he appeared on your laptop screen today—dark circles under his eyes, shoulders sagging under an intense invisible weight that you’d never truly understand, the whole nine yards. But he still brightened when he saw you, somehow still managing to look like a dream despite his clear exhaustion and the grainy video quality.
“Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” He said, adjusting his screen until his head was fully in view. “Hi honey, how are you?” 
“I feel like I should be the one asking you that,” You chuckled. “How are you? Are you getting enough sleep? Eating okay?” 
“Yes ma’am.” You suspected he was lying just to please you, but you’d let it slide this time. You were going to see him in a few weeks, you could rag on him then. With love, of course. “I saw the picture you emailed last week, by the way. I hope you bought that dress, ‘cause as good as it looked on you, it’s gonna look so much better on the bedroom floor when I get home.” 
“Bradley!” You hissed, cheeks growing hot. 
“What?” He asked incredulously, shit-eating grin very present on his face. “I can’t admire my gorgeous girlfriend anymore?” 
“Not like that when there’s other people around!” 
“Oh, come on, they don’t care. Coyote, you mind if I love on my girl a little bit right now?” 
“I’m not even in the room.” came Coyote’s voice, probably paired with an amused smirk. “Hey, Y/N.” 
“Hi, Javy.” You sighed, sinking a little lower in your chair in embarrassment. Bradley was entirely comfortable around his fellow naval aviators, as he should be, but that didn’t mean you wanted any of them to hear your conversation with your boyfriend. “Maybe we could continue this conversation another time and talk about something else while I have you here?” 
“Don’t be shy, baby. It’s just Coyote here, if it makes you feel any better.” It didn’t. “He’s waiting to talk to his mom.” Cute, but still uncomfortable. 
“I don’t think—” 
“It’s not like I showed him the picture. We’re just talking!” He chuckled, grinning cheekily. 
“I feel like you’re not really listening to me right now, Bradley.” You blurted, feeling a pang of guilt shoot through you right after. He was out there only god knows where and here you were making a fuss because your feelings were a little hurt. But that was rule number one of having a partner overseas: make sure they know how you feel. Be firm but gentle. 
He sobered up instantly, sitting forward in his seat with an intent look aimed at you. “Okay. Sorry.” He looked offscreen, muttered something you couldn’t make out, and when you heard the shutting of a door, you knew he’d just shooed Coyote out of the room so the two of you could talk in private. “You’ve got me now, I’m listening. What’s wrong?” 
“I just…I miss you.” 
“I miss you too, sweetheart. So much.” Bradley said solemnly. He tilted his head. “That’s not it though, is it?” 
“It’s nothing. Don’t worry about me, I’m fine.” You shook your head, smiling at him. Or trying to, really. Bradley could always see right through you. 
“No you’re not. C’mon, sweet girl, tell me what’s wrong.” 
“I’m worried.” You admitted. 
His expression turned reassuring, tone soft and as soothing as it could be through the static warping it. “Hey, you don’t have to be, y’know. I’m in good hands over here, okay? I’m gonna be totally fine.” 
I’m gonna be totally fine. That should’ve been enough to reassure you, but after the last time he’d said something along the same lines ended with him in the hospital for a few weeks, it didn’t. 
“I just want you to be careful, that's all.” 
“I’m always careful.” He nodded. “Just pretend I’m right there with you, it’ll be fine.” 
“Yeah well, you’re not here, Bradley. Easier said than done.” Your words were entirely a heat of the moment thing, but the clench of his jaw at the statement was enough for you to know that you’d just stepped in it. 
“What’s that supposed to mean? You think I wanna be away from you all the time? That it’s easy for me? This is my job, Y/N, I can’t just say no when they tell me I have to leave.” He said, voice strained and low. 
“That’s not what I meant and you know it.” 
“Yeah. Right. You didn’t mean it at all, sure. Of course you didn’t. You just don’t trust me, do you?” 
“No, I—” 
“No, you don’t trust me?”
“Will you let me finish, Bradley?” You huffed, letting out a sharp breath. 
“You think I’m reckless.”
This was why you didn’t even want to bring your worries up in the first place. Bradley had a tendency to lash out when he was upset or felt cornered, jumping to conclusions because he didn’t know what else to do. It was something he assured you he was actively working on, but when things got a little tense, he seemed to revert right back to his ways.
“Sometimes, yeah!” Shit. You hadn’t meant for that to come out either. Out the window went rule number two: don’t spend the limited screen time you have arguing with your partner. A muscle in Bradley’s jaw ticked. “Damnit, I didn’t mean to—” 
“I think we should talk about this another time. Neither of us are in the headspace to have this conversation right now.” He said, weirdly calm. 
You opened your mouth to respond, but before you could say anything to try and fix the shitshow you’d just stirred up, alarm bells sounded faintly from the background of Bradley’s side of the call. His back went ramrod straight, your blood ran cold. Something was wrong. 
“Bradley, what’s going on? What’s happening over there?” 
He looked around, craning his neck to listen if he could hear anything else that would clue him in. “I don’t know. We should’ve been in the clear by now, I don’t know what—” 
Bradley disappeared from your screen before he could finish his worryingly panicked sentence, leaving you staring at your own reflection where he just was a split second ago. 
A message flashed across the previously blank screen. 
Your call has been disconnected. 
“No, no, no, no, fuck,” You breathed, dragging your finger back and forth on the trackpad frantically. Nothing. You tried calling him back. Still nothing. Then it began to set in. 
What if something really did happen and this was the one time he didn’t come home?  That might’ve been your last call with Bradley and you wasted it on some stupid argument that seemed so insignificant now despite it happening mere seconds ago. You didn’t even get to tell him you loved him.
You might never get to tell him you loved him ever again. 
There was nothing but radio silence on Bradley’s end for the remainder of the mission, and it was agony for you. You weren’t sure if he was okay, you weren’t even sure if he was alive, but you knew you had to go on as usual. Because if you stopped even for a second to think about what did or didn’t happen the last time you saw him, you weren’t sure if you’d make it to find out. 
You were up out of bed the second you heard the front door slam shut in the distance the day Bradley was scheduled to come home, hurrying down the hall. Bradley was standing stock still in the foyer, eyes flitting around at his surroundings until they landed on you. 
His duffel dropped to the floor with a dull thump, shoulders drooping, and when he met your gaze, his eyes were rimmed red. He looked a mess, as you were sure you did too, but the only thing that ran through your mind was that he was here. 
You rushed forward, all but throwing yourself into his arms with a cry. “I’m sorry, Bradley. I’m so, so sorry, I didn’t mean what I said, I never meant to—” 
“Hey, shhh, it's okay baby,” Bradley soothed, lips pressed against your temple as his arms tightened around you. “I know. I know you didn't mean it, I didn’t mean it either. It’s okay.” 
“No, it’s not. I don’t know what I’d do if something happened and the last thing I said to you was…” You couldn't even finish your sentence before a choked sob ripped through your chest, your hands fisting themselves into his jacket in a poor attempt to ground yourself. “I didn’t even know if you were—you were okay, or if—” You inhaled a shuddering breath, fighting another sob. 
“I’m fine, I promise. Our comms got knocked out, but we were fine,” He assured you, stroking a hand up and down the curve of your spine. He cradled the back of your head gently but firmly, his other hand the weight that you desperately needed to reassure you that he was here. “I hated that I couldn't call you back, but I’m okay, honey. I'm okay, I’m right here.” 
Bradley leaned his forehead against yours, taking your hands as soon as you stopped clinging to him and pressing them against his face so you could feel the warmth of his skin, the stubble on his cheeks, his calloused palms on the back of your hands. 
“I love you, Bradley.” 
“I love you with everything I’ve got, sweet girl.” He said, kissing the inside of your wrist tenderly. You smiled through your tears. “Are we okay?” He murmured, eyes searching yours for any semblance of an answer. You kissed him hard instead of responding, hoping that he would see that you didn’t care about whatever the hell you were arguing about anymore. It didn’t even matter, all that mattered was that he came home to you. 
He looked dazed when you pulled away, blinking at you dumbly for a split second before grinning at you. “Well, now that that’s out of the way, let’s go see that dress, hm? See if it looks even better in person.” 
You couldn’t even find it in yourself to be exasperated at his cheekiness.
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Thorin- 9 to 5
Number 33 from this post. Requested by @ohnonotnow
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Thorin was grateful to find a tavern this far out of town, especially one so quiet. Traveling alone, although slightly more relaxing compared to having 12 other dwarves with him, did seem to make him more tired. It was probably because instead of having lots of his kin to focus on, it was just him and this thoughts.
Walking through the tavern there was only two older men in the corner quietly talking to themselves. Not wanting to draw more attention to himself as a dwarf in a human village would, he quietly sat down in the corner.
Not really caring when a maid would take his order, Thorin began to stare out of the window, looking at the blue sky and birds of the early afternoon. His quiet meditation however was quickly interrupted by the sound of the tavern doors slamming open and a yell from the kitchen.
“That better be y/n!” He heard a shout from the kitchen.
“Or what?! You’ll fire me? I told you ma was sick and that I’d be starting later today! Keep your petticoat on, I’m starting now.” Her voice quieted down as she got closer to the kitchen. Such an interaction left the two once quiet men to chuckle to each other.
Of course Thorin looked up to see what all the commotion was about. As the young lady he had gathered was ‘y/n’ came into view, his eyes could not leave her face or her form. As a new king Thorin was meant to be level headed and calm always, but this young lady made his heart and thoughts race.
Not only was she beautiful but she wasn’t afraid to give people a piece of her mind, and hearing how she was taking care of her mother and the way she joked with the two old men, it seemed she was caring too.
Thorin began to panic as said young lady began to walk towards him. Was he blushing? ‘Oh please don’t blush! Kings aren’t meant to blush!’ He thought to himself as she began to come over.
“Hello, sir. How can I help you today?” She beamed at him, small notepad and pencil in hand.
Now both looking into each others eyes he began to get a little nervous. Was he staring too long? Oh Mahal he was!
“Hon?” You gently asked.
“Oh, um, hem! I- just um- pint of ale and um a pie. Please. Thank you. Ahem.” He managed to awkwardly blurt out.
Luckily for him, his awkward display just seemed to make you sweetly giggle at him.
“A pint and a pie, the house favourite. I’ll be back with that as quick as I can.” She genuinely smiled at him as she walked away.
‘Don’t stare at her behind! Don’t stare at her behind!’ He mentally chastised himself as he forced his head to look out the window again.
It was fifteen minutes before you returned again. In that time Thorin had managed to get his kingly courage and confidence back, now determined to actually have a proper conversation with you.
“Here you are, hon. A pie and a pint. Enjoy.” You once again beamed at him.
“Ma’am!” Thorin quickly called before you were able to walk away.
“Yes?” You gently asked, standing beside him once again.
“Are you working all day?” He gently asked, almost afraid to raise his voice too much in case it would scare you away.
“Nine to five, five days a week. Had to come in at twelve today but that’s because my Ma is unwell. Why you ask?”
“I’m sorry to hear about your mother and I’m glad she has someone looking out for her. I won’t be in town very long today but perhaps if I were to come back another day I could treat you to a pie and a pint.” He asked you, his kingly confidence waning the longer he spoke.
“That sounds wonderful. The company I mean, not the meal. Don’t get me wrong it’s good food but when you’ve worked here for three years it gets a little tiring. I know a nice spot you could take me to and I’ll even bring my famous cherry pie.” You smile down at him, hand lightly grazing his shoulder.
“I look forward to it.” He says proudly, his confidence quickly returning.
“You know, every now and then a new traveler will come in here and flirt with me, offering me evenings a lot more crass then the one you offered. Usually I turn them down, even the lovely offers,” getting closer he could smell a sweet floral scent as you go close to his ear, “but it’s not every day a king takes interest in me.”
As you straighten up again you wink at his shocked face.
“Guess I’ll be keeping my eye out for a handsome dwarf king to come back into this tavern.” You slyly smirk at him as you walk off.
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Unsolicited 6
Warnings: bad self-thought/talk, bullying, insults, low self-esteem, money problems, more dark elements to come.
Wouldn’t mind some feedback! Lloyd was driving me nuts so I had to do it. Thank you in advance 💜
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Your hangover pounds in your temples as you move slowly, stiffly dropping armfuls of clothing into the boxes. A careless delve into the years of possessions, of items that mean nothing now, packed into trash bags and piled into your car. The drive to the secondhand store feels like eternity.
You linger in the lot. Going home means you have to answer the question. What now? You’ll just waste time until work.
That day is longer than the last. You go through your checklist numbly. You don’t think, just do.
As you peel off your rubber gloves, you hear Lloyd’s mocking tone echoing in your mind. He must’ve laughed his ass off watching you slink out like an injured dog. You quickly toss your things in the bucket and haul it out of the closet, your feet carrying you without a thought.
You cry in the car, circling the block as you put off returning to the house. You don’t go back. You take the turn towards the expressway as you get yourself together. The mall is packed, it’s evening. The food court is rowdy with teenagers and whole families, the early tidings of December waft in the air.
You enter the shop and go to the jewelry counter. You put the box on the glass and look up at the associate. It’s not Kelsey. Gina, the title manager cut under her name, greets you with a hesitant smile.
“I’d like to return this,” you announce.
“Oh, yes,” she takes the box and goes to the till, “and do you have the receipt?”
You pause. It’s in your glovebox. You could go out and get it. You’re tired.
“I got the warranty, can you look me up by that?”
“Sure,” she says as she types, “what date did you buy this? Do you have the card you used for the purchase?”
You go through the motions, swipe your card so your information comes up. You wait as she reads the screen. The money will be a good start to get the fuck out.
“I’m sorry, ma’am, you’re past the return window.”
“What?” You gulp, “but… it’s been two weeks.”
“Three,” she corrects you, “unfortunately our holiday policy hasn’t started yet. We can offer store credit only.”
“Store credit?” You sigh, “thanks but… thank you. It’s not your fault, I–”
“You could exchange. Maybe, a necklace or–”
“I’m sorry, but I don’t need jewelry,” you take the watch, “thanks.”
You leave and look around the crowded mall as you make your way blindly along. A pawnshop might be able to get you back half what you paid. Still, that hardly helps. You sit on a bench, opposite an old lady with her walker. You take out your phone and connect to the iffy public wifi.
Your eyes nearly bulge out as you peruse local listings. You can barely afford to rent out a single room meant for college kids. You could live in your car but where? That’s sketchy, and illegal. You couldn’t afford the fine and you have little faith in not being found out.
You flip over to your Facebook. All your friends are married with kids. You haven’t talked in years either. Crashing on a couch is out of the question. You could wait, plot, live with your husband like nothing is wrong and put away money, like you have been. Pick up shift or take his advice and get a better job.
You don’t know. None of it will be easy. You put your head in your hands. Fuck.
You’re not going to have a breakdown in the mall. You get up and put the watch in your purse. You dig out some change and wait in line at the Dairy Queen. What’s another calorie splurge? You take your blizzard and weave your way through the bodies towards the closest exit.
You eat your ice cream in front of your steering wheel. It’s cold. Why did you think ice cream was a good idea? Well, you have the best ones, don’t you? Marrying Colin? That was really fucking smart.
Your phone vibes. You ignore it. Again. Three times more before you give in. It’s Colin. You don’t answer. Fuck him! FUCK HIM! You drop the empty cup on the next seat and hit the steering wheel.
You can’t stay. You won’t. You have some shred of dignity left. You look at yourself in the rearview and wipe away the errant smear of chocolate from the corner of your lips. Dignity? Pride? What is all that?
The engine rumbles after choking out cold air. You shift into gear and pull out, following the other shoppers towards the street. Your damn phone is going off again. You could smash it but it may just be the only thing you have left of value.
You surpass the expressway, too addled to take the high speed lanes. You feel a shaking in the axel. It’s usual. This old thing quakes whenever the weather shakes. As you turn off, a dinging and flashing light assaults you. You curse. Not right now.
There’s a knocking, like grinding and you quickly signal to get to the apron of the road. The engine dies before you can shut it off. You push yourself back in your seat and scream. Why? Why right now? Why you? Why does it all have to always be shit?
You lean your head on the wheel and whimper. You’d be better off freezing to death as the unconcerned drivers pass you by. You stay as you are, thinking of the bill from the mechanic, how many decimal places this time?
A beep comes from behind you, curt. You pop your head up and glance in the mirror. You crane around entirely to gape at the blue Lexus. The door snaps shut as the tall figure emerges and marches up the gravel. No. No! Noooooooo!
You turn the keys and your engine sputters before giving out again. You give it another try as Lloyd raps on the window with his knuckles. You snarl and keep trying until nothing happens. Until you’re forced to give up.
You sit back as he keeps tapping. You roll the window down with the crank, keeping your eyes ahead.
“What do you want?” You mutter.
“I’m thinking more than a handie for this one,” he chortles.
“Go away.”
Your phone lines up as it vibrates against the other seat. You turn it over and grip the wheel, as if you can will the car back to life. Lloyd stays, looming in the window.
“Well, tell me you got the money back for the watch. I’m sure that can cover some of it, huh–”
“Shit, has it been too long?”
“Well, I mean, you could try a loan. You got good credit?” He sucks his teeth, “driving around this beater, I’m sure you have a shining record.”
“Or a personal loan…” he suggests, “I might know someone–”
“I said stop!” You smack his hand as it rests in the window, “leave me alone. I don’t want your help. I don’t want you around me. Are you not happy? You destroyed everything–”
“Me? I’m not the one fucking another woman–”
“Shut up!”
“No, no, toots, you listen, I’m tryna tell you something,” he bends down to look you in the face as you slowly turn to him, “I hate to admit it but you take a look under my belt and you’ll see it for yourself.”
“Oh, don’t even–”
“Hey, a man is a man and I gotta say sometimes I even confound myself,” he smirks, “if the old man doesn’t want it, well, damn if I do. And don’t you worry, I got more than enough to fill the order–”
“No, go.”
“What are you gonna do?” He cups his chin, “can’t live in this thing now. I know cleaning up paper clips and coffee stains isn’t gonna pay the rent either. Or maybe, you’ll keep fucking the husband and he can pretend your her–”
You suck in air and sneer at the windshield. You punch the wheel, once, twice, a third time and your hand throbs. Your phone buzzes on and on and on like some sort of phantom of irony.
“Tell you what, I’ll pay the tow fee and get you home for the night. Tomorrow, we’ll negotiate terms.”
“Why are you doing this?” You grit out.
He scoffs and reaches to tickle your jaw, “all you had to do was cry for me. You still will, but this way will be more fun.”
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wonderthor · 2 years
Night and Day
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a/n: I HAVE SO MUCH HOMEWORK DUE TONIGHT AND I HAVEN’T STARTED BUT FUCK THAT HERE YOU GO lmao i’ve never written an anime fic, nor have i written in fucking eons, but it’s fucktober so get fucked. i do what i want.
pairing: mechanic!ryomen sukuna x thicc!black!fem!reader
summary: you stop by your sister’s auto shop, meaning for it to be a quick visit. but you ended up being there longer than you thought and someone left quite an impression on you.
warnings: SMUT, cursing, HELLA petnames, pussy eating, fingering, rip cervix, unprotected sex, creampie, spanking, kind of corruption kink, unedited piece of shite, sukuna being a smug asshole at the end lol the end is my favorite part, did i miss something? let me know if i did
“finally! i’m here, thank goodness!”
you looked up from your GPS to the auto shop in front of you. you had never been here before, but it was just as your sister described it. huge, old and a bit run down, but full of mechanics bustling about in and out of the garages. and not to mention, a ton of cars. oh, and being very very far away from your town. you didn’t want to mention that even though you used a GPS, you had gotten lost twice and almost ended up in the opposite side of the state. so you decided to keep that little secret to yourself.
you parked far away from the business and grabbed your purse to head inside. inside, there was a few people sitting and waiting for their cars and a desk with a woman sitting behind it across the room. you walked up to the desk and politely waited for the woman to finish her phone call. she swiftly hang up the phone, sighed, and looked up at you with a tired expression on her face. “hello, how may i help you?”
still, as polite as you are, you smiled and said, “good afternoon ma’am! i’m here to bring my sister something that she left. she works here and her name is-“
“SIS!!!!!!” you jolted as your sister came running from behind the desk to grab you in a very aggressive hug. “oh my sweet dear sister has finally come all the way here to visit me! what a treat!”, she said with a comically large smile on her face.
you lightly giggled and said, “i’m here to bring you your wallet that you left at mom and dad’s house on Sunday. and to be honest, i’m not sure if i should be more concerned that you left your wallet all the way there or that it took you two days to figure it out.”
“oh please,” she huffed, “the reason i asked you to bring it and not mom or dad was because i didn’t feel like hearing a lecture. now gimme it.” she held out her oil-filled hands for her wallet. you went into your purse and held out her wallet only for her to snatch it from you.
“geez, what’s gotten into you sis? why are you so mean and grumpy today?”, you said with a pouty frown.
“ugh, we’re so busy today! and my head still hurts from drinking and staying up until 3am last night with my friends. i knew it was a bad idea but we were celebrating my girlfriend’s birthday and that’s what she wanted.”
“well, maybe you should make those plans on days that you’re off or don’t have to work the next day. you need to make sure you’re getting enough sleep. and not drink too much!”, you said with your hands on your hips. your sister was in the middle of rolling her eyes when someone called out for her, making her roll her eyes again.
“look i gotta go, thanks again for the wallet!”, she said as she gave you a quick hug.
“no problem, but please be a little more responsible next time,” you said lovingly but sternly, which is what your sister said you were famous for.
she rolled her eyes for the third time in one minute when someone came barging in from the door she came from earlier.
“hey! where the hell have you been? i’ve been calling and-“. the man that came in with anger in his voice and face seemed to calm down when he saw you. “oh my apologies, i didn’t know that a customer was back here”. you were shocked at how quickly his demeanor had changed and now he looked a bit embarrassed.
“oh, this isn’t a customer. this is my sister!”, your sister said as she put her hand out as if to present you to him. you shyly waved and smiled at the stranger. “sis, this is sukuna. he’s one of the big dogs around here and a meany and even though i hate to admit it, a badass.”
“more like THE big dog to you, brat,” he bantered with your sister and then turned to you with a polite smile and an outreached hand, “nice to meet you!” you kindly took and shook his verystrongandbig hand with another smile. after that, he looked between you and your sister several times. “wow, you two look very similar!”
“that’s because we’re twins, genius! we’re the exact same, except i have like 20 tattoos and she has none, her hair is longer than mine, i like to have fun, and she is uptight and constantly has her panties up her twat,” you swatted at her arm at her last statement and you both glared at each other for a few seconds.
“come on brat, that’s no way to talk about your nice and sweet twin sister!”, he said as he slightly smirked and winked at you, making you unconsciously grip the handle of your purse around your shoulder a bit tighter.
“whatever kuna, you talk shit about your twin brother all the time!”
“well that’s because he’s an idiot”, he said as he crossed his arms and you pretended not to notice how buff they were. “your beautiful sister, on the other hand, is not.”
“ugh, stop flirting! and anyway we’re really fucking busy so let’s get back to work!”, your sister said to sukuna as she tried to shove him away.
“y-yeah i’ve got to get going too. see you later sis, and nice to meet you sukuna!”, you said as you waved and walked away.
“see you later, pretty girl!”, he said as he waved goodbye to you before your sister swatted at his arm and dragged him back to the garage.
you went back to your car and took a deep breath to calm down. you didn’t know why, but you had gotten way too worked up over sukuna’s compliments. i guess it’s just been a while.
“ugh, this cannot be happening!”
you pulled over into a parking lot and turned off your car. you got out to pull up your hood and inspect for anything obvious. what am i doing? i know absolutely nothing about cars. you huffed and closed the hood and got back into your car. you did the next best thing and pulled out your phone, scrolling to your sister’s number. please pick up!
“hello? hey sis, i know it’s late but are you still at the shop?”
“yeah but i’m literally about to walk out now. why, what’s up?”
“my car is making a weird noise and my engine light came on, so i pulled over and turned it off. but if you’re leaving i can bring it by tomorrow”
“aw shit, really? i was gonna go to my friend’s party tonight and i’m already running late.”
“well i see your already doing such a great job of taking my advice!”
“whatever, fuck you!”
“hey, language! you know how i feel about cursing!”
“yeah, wh-“
just then, you heard some background noise and talking and some of what your sister was saying. you couldn’t hear everything but you heard “sister” “broke down” and “morning”.
you heard more background noise before your sister came back to the phone.
“well tonight’s your lucky night. sukuna has offered to take a look right now for you.”
you were silent for a moment.
“hello? did you hear what i said?”
“uh yeah. tell him that he doesn’t have to do that. i know it’s late and i can bring it in-“
“don’t worry about it, babydoll. just bring her here and i’ll take care of it. really, it’s no problem at all”
you clenched the wheel at his smooth voice on the phone and decided not to fight it.
“o-ok, thank you! i really appreciate it. i’m on my way right now.”
“ok, see you in a bit”
he hung up the phone and you put the shop’s address back into your GPS. pretty girl. babydoll. you forced your thoughts to be quiet as you drove back to the shop.
you pulled into the open garage of the shop and sukuna was there waiting for you. you got out of the car and walked over to him. “thank you so much for looking at my car for me so late! i’m truly grateful!”, you said with a bright smile.
“of course. for you, i’d do anything”, he said with another sinful smile. it made you sort of nervous and you looked around at the shop and just then noticed that no one else was there.
“did everyone already go home for the night?”
sukuna had quickly gone to work under your car’s hood and talked as he worked, “yeah, we closed up about an hour ago. when you called, everyone was starting to go home then.”
you flushed and started to feel bad. “oh wow. i’m sorry, i probably ruined your after work plans.”
“come on sweetheart, don’t make me say it again. don’t worry about it,” he said as you looked up at you as he spoke. you didn’t know what else to say so you simply nodded. he smiled and went back to work on your car.
after a minute or so, he beckoned you to stand next to him. “you see, this is what the problem was. it’s a good thing i fixed it tonight, or else you wouldn’t have been able to drive it all the back from your house tomorrow.”
“ooh, well i guess it’s a good thing i did come here tonight!”
sukuna looked at you for a moment. “you know, your sister said you’re uptight but i think you’re pretty calm.”
you rolled your eyes and a bit of annoyance came to your face. “oh, she’s always said that ever since i-“. you were about to say something that you shouldn’t but caught yourself, but he still noticed at the way your face quickly fell.
“ever since what? you can tell me angel”. you looked up at him. you didn’t know what it was, but he made you feel different. maybe it was the pet names, or how handsome he was, or how close to his face you suddenly were. but your stomach was doing cartwheels and you didn’t know how to stop it. not that you wanted it to.
“e-ever since i broke off my engagement 3 years ago,” you felt a mini weight lift off your shoulders, as you always did whenever you told someone about your past. it was a relief to talk about things instead of trying to bury it or run away from it. he gave you an expectant look and you continued talking as if he commanded your mind to. “we were engaged for a year, and 2 weeks before our wedding i found out he had been cheating on me the whole time we were together. he wanted to try and fix it but i didn’t, so i left him and here i am, 3 years later.” you didn’t realize you looked away from him and when you looked back up at him, he was staring into your eyes so intensely you swore you could feel him in your mind.
“he sounds like a fucking idiot. who would land such a pretty little thing like you and ruin it like that? if i was your fiancé, i would worship the ground you walked on. seems like you dodged a huge fuckin bullet if you ask me.” you hadn’t noticed you had stopped breathing as he spoke, and you let out a shaky breath.
“what’s wrong sweetheart? you don’t believe me? well i’m telling you the fuckin truth. you have got to be the prettiest, hottest, sexiest woman i’ve ever seen.” you don’t know how, but you both had somehow moved away from the car and he had you pinned against a table.
“i-i just d-don’t feel that way,” you looked down in shame and your face felt like it would burn you if you touched it. but somehow, sukuna’s hands could take the heat as he held your face in his hands and pulled it up to look him in the eyes.
“that’s because no one has been man enough to show you and make you feel good. please let me show you. please, please.” you were scared and nervous, because what he said was true. your ex-fiancé was the only person you’d been with and he was never concerned with making you feel pretty or important. perhaps you should have known all along. but you were also scared of this. you didn’t know if you were ready for what sukuna was offering and part of you knew it was wrong and that you barely knew each other. but the other part of you, was begging for it.
you nodded and shot out, “yes please.” before you could get your whole sentence out, sukuna had picked you up and placed you on the table and stood between your legs. he kissed you with such passion and force that you were already starting to feel breathless. you kissed him back as your wrapped your arms around his neck, your kisses getting heavier and deeper. he broke away from your mouth to kiss down your neck, sucking at the sweet spot he found. once he started kissing your collarbone, his hands started to feel and squeeze your breasts through your sundress.
“mmm, s’kuna!”, you moaned out for him, and he squeezed even harder.
“fuck babydoll! i don’t think i’ll ever get tired of you sayin my name like that.” his hand reached down lower and lower, until his fingers finally reached into your panties. “jesus! what’s got you so wet and worked up, huh angel?” he started to slowly work his fingers up and down your slit, rubbing your juices around everywhere.
“s’kuna, please, more,” you said as your eyes were lidded already. he smirked at how needy you were and slid his fingers up to your clit, rubbing in firm circles. you clenched your fingers around the edge of the table, already feeling better than anyone else had made you feel before. once he put his finger inside you, you yelped and jumped up a bit.
he leaned his head into your neck to shh you, “shh, it’s okay pretty girl. i’ve got you.” you leaned your head into his neck too as he worked your finger in and out of you. once you got used to the intrusion, you started to subtly grind your hips against it, silently begging for more. he added another finger and you whined into him. again, he worked his fingers, in and out, over and over, until you got used to it and rocked your hips against him. you heard him whisper a small “fuck”, but it didn’t phase you. any other time cursing made you uncomfortable, but right now it made your hormone levels skyrocket and your panties a little wetter. once he added a third finger, you winced and your hands shot up to grab onto his shirt. he filled your cheek with kisses as he rubbed your clit with his thumb to ease the pain.
“does that feel better princess?”, he asked as he started to rub your clit harder.
“mmmm, y-yeahhh, s’kuna please!” he worked his fingers and your clit much faster now as you gripped onto his shirt for dear life. you couldn’t focus on anything else now the breakneck speed at which his fingers were pleasuring you. your mouth was wide open at the intense feeling of your orgasm racing towards you, moans and whimpers free falling out of your mouth. you didn’t notice when he had pulled back from your neck and stared into your eyes again, but you couldn’t help but stare back into his as you were getting closer and closer. suddenly, he took his hand out of your panties and you whined out in instinct, a pitiful look on your face.
“relax princess. i said i was going to take care of you, remember? just be a good little girl and wait,” he said as he bent down and pulled your panties all the way off. he then kneeled down in front of you, hiking your dress up and opening up your legs wide for him. you started to feel a bit self-conscious and anxious as he just stared and you tried not to squirm. “fuck angel. you really are pretty from head to toe aren’t you? such a pretty fucking pussy, all pretty and perfect just for me. my perfect little sweetheart.”
you weren’t even aware of the loud moan you let out at his words, desperately making you seek friction as you tried to close your thighs around his head. he stopped you and put hands on the insides of you thighs, keeping you wide open. “uh uh doll, don’t do that. you gotta stay nice and open for me ok?” you nodded back at him and he smiled in approval. he leaned his face closer and closer between your legs and you started to have a mini panic.
“umm, w-wait!”, you said as your hand went up to his head to block his movements. he leaned back a bit and looked up at you, raising his eyebrows.
“what’s wrong baby? do you want me to stop?” you suddenly felt embarrassed again and a little angry at yourself. you were nervous, but didn’t mean to overreact so badly.
“i-it’s just that…i’ve never had anyone, u-um…,”you stuttered over your words, trying to find the best way to put it.
“you never had anyone eat your pretty little pussy before?”, he said as he gave you a completely serious and sympathetic expression. geez, why did he have to say it like that?
“uh, y-yeah,” you confessed. you were a bit sad as your thoughts got the best of you. maybe he doesn’t want to now, maybe you ruined it. maybe he wouldn’t even like- a sudden wet and firm lick up the slit of your pussy quickly pulled you from your thoughts. you whimpered in shock and looked down at that oh so sinful smirk on sukuna’s face.
he giggled slightly and said, “just hang on tight, pretty girl,” as he licked another firm stripe against you. you did just as he said, holding on tight to the edge of the table like if you didn’t, you’d fall off of a cliff. you were panting and sweating as sukuna licked you everywhere, slurping up your juices and covering every inch of your pussy with his tongue. “fuck, so fucking good. i think i could eat this sweet pussy of yours all day angel,” he said and then immediately shoved his face back into you.
“uhhhh, feels so good! s-so good sukuna,” you moaned as one of your hands moved to his hair to anchor yourself. he moved his tongue down and teased at your entrance, licking and circling his tongue and making you clench around nothing. before you could even whine out in need, he shoved his hot, thick tongue inside you. you gasped and tried to trap his head with your thick thighs again, but he threw them over his shoulders and held them down. you started to grind against his face, slowly fucking your self on his tongue. he groaned into your pussy and the vibration made your thighs clench tighter around his head. you were sad for a moment when he took his tongue out of you, but you quickly got over it once he rubbed it against your clit before sucking it tightly into his mouth.
“a-ah, shit!”, you screamed out much louder than you anticipated. in fact, you wouldn’t have even noticed you cursed if he didn’t bring it up.
he cackled teasingly and said, “i thought i heard my sweet little angel tell her sister that she didn’t like bad words? i must be really making you feel that good, aren’t I?”, all while keeping sweet pressure on your clit with his fingers.
“y-yea, so…so good,” you said dreamily. he laughed again and went back to lapping at your clit, moving his fingers down to fuck you with them again. you pulled tight at his hair, egging him on as he pushed his fingers and deeper, making them hit right up against a certain spot. you gasped and jolted up like he had burned you.
“is that it right there sweetheart?”, he said as he slammed into the spot over and over, making your toes curl.
“h-yes! yes right there please, please don’t stop!” your orgasm was barreling towards you now, your grip on his hair getting even tighter. “please i’m…i’m!”
“yeah, i got you angel. that’s right, come for me. come for me and make a mess all over my fucking face princess,” he said as he raced his fingers in and out of you, abusing that sweet spot of yours. you threw your head back and came hard, your juices flowing and gushing all over him while you yelled out for him, his fingers continuing to work you through it. when you were done, you removed your hands from his hair and leaned on them behind you, panting and trying to catch your breath. that was the hardest i’ve ever come in my life. you looked down at him and watched him slowly rub little circles against you.
“fuck, that was hot. you’re so sensitive angel,” he said sweetly before he gave little firms pats to your pussy. you whimpered and trembled at the little pats, the last one making you jump and a little more of your juices flow. he stood back up, towering over you again and bringing his lips to yours in a rough, messy kiss. you moaned as you could taste your juices on his tongue. he gravitated even closer to you until his front was touching yours. you could feel his hard member in his pants and instinctively started to grind yourself against it. he moaned into your mouth and pulled you closer to him, grinding himself against you.
“fuck, i can’t wait,” he muttered under his breath as he bent down to pull down his pants and boxers. you looked down in awe as you saw his cock spring freely up in anticipation. without thinking, you reached down and touched it, wrapping your fingers around it. jesus christ this thing is big! it made you kind of nervous, how was this going to work? he was much bigger than your ex fiancé. you guessed he could read your expression on your face.
“don’t be nervous, i’ll make it work for you ok? just relax for me. are you ready?” you nodded at his words, some of your nerves relaxing. “let me hear you say it angel.” you swallowed and took a deep breath.
“ok, i’m ready sukuna.” he laid you back against the table and lined himself up with your entrance. you looked down and your eyes widened, maybe this isn’t going to work!
“hey, look at me baby. just focus on me and relax, i’ve got you,” he said as he pushed up your chin with a finger to meet his eyes. he slowly pushed inside of you, making you whine as you never broke eye contact. you held onto the edge of the table again and he brought his head down to you, your foreheads touching. you both moaned in harmony as he worked himself deeper and deeper. it seemed like a long process, him working himself back and forth, in and out. but pretty soon, he was seated all the way inside you.
“s-shit babydoll. so fucking nice and tight for me, fuck!”, he groaned out against you. you thought his filthy mouth had turned you on before, but his whiny moans and face full of pleasure had you getting wetter by the second. he stayed still to let you get adjusted to him.
once you moaned out, “please move, need more,” he started to slowly move, in and out of you. you bit your lip as you were still overcoming the pain, trying your best to relax. sukuna bent his head down and licked and sucked at the sweet spot on your neck, finally biting down and leaving a mark, making you squeal. he then moved his hand down, rubbing circles on your clit again while continuing to tease and nip at your neck. his teasing and rubbing was worth it, because soon you no longer felt pain and all you felt was pleasure.
“m-more s’kuna, please,” you whispered into his ear. he straightened up and wrapped your legs around his torso above his waist, allowing him to get even deeper. his thrusts were now at a hard and steady rhythm like a well oiled machine.
“see baby? i told you i would make you feel good. such a good girl, taking me so well.” you whined out in need and moved your hips against his, meeting each of his thrusts. he pulled on the top of your sundress, releasing your breasts for him to play with. “fuck, look at these beautiful tits. so fucking big and soft,” he said as he massaged and squeezed at them. you clenched around him when he flicked over your nipple and he smirked. he leaned down and licked and sucked all over your breasts, making them wet and bruised. you gasped loudly as he took your nipple in his mouth, sucking and biting hard enough to make your hips move harder against him. he set a faster pace as he continued to assault your breast and your clit, your orgasm peaking over the horizon again. once he leaned up to kiss you as he grind and rolled his hips against yours, giving you deep strokes as your clit rubbed against his crotch, it was all over. you wailed and threw your head back again as you came on his cock, clenching down on him.
he pulled out of you and swiftly flipped you over and threw you down on your stomach. before you could even react or move, he thrusted back in all the way, quick to set a brutal pace in and out of you, giving sweet kisses to your cervix with every thrust. “fuuuuccckkk,” you moaned as you braced your hands on the table as you were fucked like a wild animal.
“you’re turning into such a needy little slut for me, aren’t you? my perfect little whore,” he said as his hand came down on your ass hard, leaving behind a stinging sensation. you whimpered out and he gave the same treatment to your other cheek. “that’s right baby, fucking take it. take all of it.” tears streamed down your cheeks at the intense feeling of his thrusts getting harder and faster, bruising your pussy and your cervix. he held your head down against the table and you instinctively arched your back, leaving you nothing to do but lay there and take it. he slightly changed the angle of his hips, allowing him to abuse your sweet spot over and over. you’re eyes rolled to the back of your head and your thighs trembled in anticipation.
“aw, is my sweet girl gonna come again? such a good little girl, that’s right. come all over my fucking dick for me. i know you can do it, be good one last time for me.”, he whispered in your ear without missing a beat. the nail in the coffin was a harsh bite he gave you on your shoulder, making your orgasm stampede toward you and run you over. you screamed and sobbed as you gushed and creamed all over his cock, your whole body shaking and your soul momentarily leaving your body. now THAT was the best orgasm you’d ever had in your life.
“aw fuck angel! i’m c-cumming, shit!”, he moaned out as he emptied his heavy load into you, laying his body down against your back and breathing heavily into your ear. neither one of you moved, focusing on trying to catch your breath and calming your heartbeats. you were zoned out and in another world until you felt wet kisses across your shoulder, neck, and upper back. you picked your head up and sukuna followed you, leaving kisses across your forehead and face. you looked up at him and he kissed your lips, softly making out with you. after the feeling of pure bliss seceded, he helped you sit up and pulled up your panties and fixed your sundress. once his pants were back up and zipped, he picked you up and placed you on the floor on your unsteady feet. you quickly grabbed onto his arms once you tried to stand on your wobbly legs alone.
“you okay sweetheart?,” he asked as he stabilized you with his hands on your hips.
“yeah, i think i’m fine now. thank you,” you said with another sweet smile. fuck, that sweet, innocent looking smile almost made him want to bend you over the table wreck you again.
“yeah, you’re probably not gonna be able to walk tomorrow.” his nonchalant tone as he spoke made heat rush to your cheeks and you shyly looked down. “don’t tell me your acting all shy after i just made you make a mess of my clothes.” it wasn’t until he said that that you looked him over. his shirt and most of his pants were absolutely soaked. your face felt like a furnace as you felt completely mortified.
“oh my gosh! i am so sorry! i can wash them for you, i swear!” he chucked at your worried voice.
“no need sweetheart, but there is a way you can make this up to me.”
“really? how?” he placed his hands on your ass as he lifted you up, wrapping your legs around him and holding you.
“you can promise me to give me that sweet little pussy of yours again,” he said as he leaned into your face as he spoke. your eyes widened as your tummy flipped at his words. “tell you what, why don’t we go to my house to clean up and have a nice shower. what do you say?” he was already in the process of carrying you over to his car while he was asking you.
“uh y-yeah, sure!”
“perfect! then let’s go princess,” he said as he gave you a playful slap on your ass, signaling that tonight would be more than just washing up. oh god.
“sukuna, you know it’s late and you had a busy day today and have to work tomorrow. don’t you think you should go home and get some sleep?”, you asked as he put you in the passenger seat of his car and buckled your seat belt.
he stood in the doorway and pretended that he was deep in thought and considering what you said. “yeah you’re right, i do need to get some sleep…but i also need to have you sit on my face and make you cry from cumming for hours without stopping,” he said with the most shit-eating grin you’d ever seen. your jaw dropped to the floor in shock and he simply closed the car door and laughed while he walked to the drivers side. what an evil villain.
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leynaeithnea · 17 days
Hi :)
here is a lil ask to use whenever you're ready to go insane about love in paradise ( go nuts with your analysis!!! Make it a thousand pages essay!!! Or half a sentence, anything you want love<3 )
YeS YES YES YES THANK YOU AAAH here you go seven pages/3600 words essay :>
TW, for SA/Sxcide mention/discussion, you know the deal with the song
29. Love In Paradise
THE DIVE INTO THE SOUND SCAPE WITH THE CHOIR, the melody, and the clicking clock??? SO GOOD
“It′s been 10 years since I last saw you” YOU DIDNT CHECK ON HIM IN 10 YEARS GIRL
“Remember me, I am the infamous, Odysseus!, Oh, woah-oh, woah-oh” This was the last time she saw him, its been 10 years, she quick minded him right after that, and HASNT SEEN HIM SINCE--- i love how it is sped up and you can visualize her literally diving through his memories in a timelapse
“Let’s see where you′ve been” FINIALLY, but also thE VOCAL PERFORMANCE (this is me like 90% of this saga, im obssessed)
I LOVE the soundscape of the flashbacks, the way that sounds with a mild echo like in big room? just...in his mind?? IDK how to call it but ITS SO GOOD
“Keep your friends close and your enemies closer” - the first thing that went wrong “Ruthlessness is mercy upon oursel-” BIG THING THAT WENT WRONG
“One wrong move and you’re done for
Anything I-” close call
“Song of past romance I see the” smart way to recall the underworld saga AND bring up the sirens, followed by
“We won’t take more suffering from you”, the way that ody embraced his monster
“Drown in your sorrow and fears” -that didnt go well very long, also, timelaps is slowing down, we’re getting closer to the events that answer where he spent the last years
“Captain? - I have to see her - But we′ll die -I know”, the last moments before he disappeared, making him suffer terribly again at the hands of her father >:)
“Odysseus... where did you go?” she sounds so worrieddddd, her voice tho, pls mother dearest
THE MUSIC, is so coool the island vibes? the dodo do do dodo, the birds and the shore and the....instrument whos name i forgot the tip-tap thing is soo comfy vibesssss, beach island holiday vibes!!
“Morning, sleepyhead, You′ve been resting for a while, I swore that you were dead when you washed up on my isle”.......i need...visuals......i need the most angsty visuals i can get of this, please, i need to see him wash up, more dead then alive and then unconscious for who knows how long, with his stab wound, the concussion from Eurys punch, whatever wounds he got from the lighting hitting his ship AND almost drowning, getting taking care of by her until he wakes up again...
“Did you know you talk in your sleep? Tell me though, who’s Penelope?” ........is she hoping that he’ll say his sister or was she just trying to make small talk?
“She′s my wife”, he sounds so tired/distanced from the situation, her reminding him instantly of the one thing he’s holding on to, maybe remembering what just happened, he needs to go back...
and then the “anyways!” WHAT DO YOU MEAN “ANYWAYS” SHE IS HIS LOVE HIS LIGHT HIS REASON YOU DONT ANYWAYS PENELOPE ahem, im vibing so hard to this tho
“I’ve got all you could want here, all you could need here” sounds nice, i would 100% fall under her spell, her voice is beatiful
“Just you and me, my dear, my love for life” uh oh where is this going, huh?? huh???? >:) Ma’am, this is not yours
“I’m not your man-” THE JUST A MAN REPHRASING? EXCUSE ME???? this is going so differently compared to Circes there are other ways, he has no interest in her, all he wants is to go back home, hes sacrificed the rest of his crew for that, he. needs. to go. home. (the delivery tho omg so good)
“I′m what you want here, I’m what you need here, Just you and me, my love in paradise, Now ‘til the end of time” he does not need you, he does not want you, this is not paradise for him, get the fuq away from my baby girl odysseus, i know youre lonely on your little island, i know zeus did you wrong, BUT THAT DOES NOT GIVE YOU ANY RIGHT TO TAKE CLAIM TO ODYSSEUS; HE IS NOT YOUR MAN
“From here on out, you′re mine, all mine” possissive much, fuck off >:) also thats what he greets him with? thats....not...no. he’s been through so much, he fought in a war he never wanted to go to for ten years, he used a wooden horse to finially end the war because he just needed to go back home, he had to kill a child to choose his family, they were safe on their way home when his best friend got killed, then they almost made it home, but the bag was opened, most of his crew died, his men got turned into pigs and he got another round of the gods playing games with him (see: hermes telling Ody not to refuse circe in homers odyssey when she wants to take him to bed, so he doesnt, he cant refuse the demands of gods), once they finially leave their island with his men back as humans, they have to go through the underworld where EVERY loss he had (which are more than he knew) comes back to haunt him, he learns his family is in danger, theres blood in his palace, all his mercy is harming him, so he embraces the thing he never wanted to be - a monster - and when the sirens come, he kills them, but he has to go further than that, the only way to get home is to sacrifice six of his men, so he does, six more men to haunt his dreams, if thats the price he has to pay he will, but his men turn on him, his trusted brother in law, not only opened the windbag, now he also starts a mutiny, the men he tried to bring home so badly betray him, stab him, bind him to a statue and he can do nothing but watch as they kill the cattle, his doom is sealed, zeus shows up and tells him to either choose himself, or his crew, hes a broken man, how much more has he to go through before he can go home? but he has to home to his family, so he chooses, his last decision he has to make, and he sinks into the ocean, thinking maybe, he can finally close his eyes, he needs to go home but he is so tired of suffering he would welcome an end of it...but then he wakes up, on this peaceful island, with a woman next to him, who suddenly puts claim on him, she wants him IN HER BED??? He needs to go home. he’s alive, he survived zeus and poseidon and aelus and circe and the underoworld and the war and-...he became the monster, he knows what to do, just another face in his nightmares to get home
“Hell no, I could kill you where you stand” he just has to be the monster
“I′m no pet, I’m a married man” HE HAS TO HIGHLIGHT THAT HE IS MARRIED TO HER AH, the fact that he feels like she sees him as a pet? picked up like a stray dog and kept as a pet....he is not that, i also love his electric guitar is in the background together with the ticking clock of the time dive
“Oh handsome, you may try, But last I checked, goddesses can′t die” she doesnt feel threatened by him at all, because she is a goddess, how could a mortal man refuse her? he cant, even if he tries, he has no choice (but also, i hate jorge for dropping this line, just before godgames, ITS LEAVING US NOT KNOWIng WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED THERE)
THEN THE DROP IN THE MUSIC AH its becoming so imposing and threatening AND ITS SO COOL
“Goddess?” terrified, here they go again, another goddess, he is powerless against these forces, it cant be, he needs to get home, how can his luck be so bad?
“Bow down now to the immortal Calypso” CALYPSO YOU BITCH LEAVE MY MAN ALONE; but liek The fuQing audacity? to ask him to bow down? you just told him hes the love of your life and now you ask him to bow down???? THE POWER IMBALANce is so stRONG IN THIS ONE I CANT EVEN
“Here to entertain” entertain who? mh?? YOURSELF? with your new “pet”? NO shut up
“But fear not, I bring no pain” Calpyso, come a bit closer so i can punch you, youre KEPEign him on YOUR ISLAND; THE LACK OF ACTion IS WHATS goNNA KILL HIM; NOT YOU HURTING HIM PHYSICALLY; YOU TORTURE HIM IN the WORST WAYS emotionALLY SO GET AWAYYYYYYYYYY FROM PENELOPES MAN
“Cause we′ve got, All we could want here, All we could need here”, the way she keeps approaching him, dancing around him and trying to get close, while he keeps backing away and trying to get away From her is killing me, they have everything they need to survive yes, which means he does not have to do any work, he has NOTHING to distract him from you, all he can do is do what you tell him to because youre a goddess and he’s at your mercy and SUFFER sitting with his own thoughts and all his regret and shame and pain and trauma and yearing to go back home
“Under my spell, we’re stuck in paradise” fuck you. this is not paradise, this is hell :) :) :) RELEASE HIM
“No one can come or go, my island stays unknown” this, might very well be the worst moment for Ody so far, after EVERYTHING he’s been through. He choose his crew to die, it was supposed to be the last decision, it was supposed to be the climatic event before the end, all the expectations and tensions that rose in him getting set so high but instead..... nothing happens, he gets stuck in “paradise”, no monsters to fight,its not violent, theres no external threads to his life, things should be good, and happy and peaceful. its anti-climatic, and stifling because he has no way to release all this tension, its just stagnation, and all this tension getting internalized, it might very well be worse than having something you can fight against, but Calypso is a goddess, he cant harm her, her spell keeps him stuck on the island, he is powerless. His goal, his reason, his hope impossibly out of reach, all in the hand of this goddess, who doesn’t take no as an answer
“no, no” i love how Jorge wrote another “suffering” thing again, where the last syllable of one speaker gets picked up by the other “unknown” “no” becoming “Unknowno,no” its SO GOOD, but also the implications???? the last time we had this a siren wanted to seduce him and lure him into the water, now its a goddess wanting to lure him into loving and staying with her, again, he tries to find excuses and fend her off, his argumentation is a lot weaker than with the sirens though, he doesnt have a way out, all he can do is refuse and pray she listens, also CALYPSO BITCH THERES NO CLEARER WAY HE COULDVE SAID “NO”; LEAVE HIM BE; HE SAID NO FUCKING ACCEPT THAT HE DOES NOT CONSENT
“I don′t belong here”, he doesnt, time passes, he has to tell himself that this isnt where he’s meant to be, he needs to go, he has to leave.
“There’s something wrong here”, how many times do you think he almost gave in? how many times do you think she was lured in by her spell only to shake the spell off again because he kept feeling that something was wrong, never really falling under her spell, never staying under it for long, because its wrong, this isnt where he needs to be, he needs to get home because his family is waiting at home, theyre in danger.
“I won’t be drawn to love in paradise, not ′til the end of time, there is no way” she just has nothing on penelope. and he will never be interested in calypso as seductive as she tries to be, circe failed, calyspo fails even worse (i love these vocal performances man, theyre SO GOOD)
“You′re mine, all mine” Annnnnd she doesnt take no as answer again, shes so possessive I HATE it, how she drowns out Odys “theres no way - youre mine, all mine” she drowns out and swallows up his voice, ignores him, his voice goes unheard...
and we go back to the clock ticking of the time dive of athena
“Seven years, she’s kept you trapped, out of your control, time can take a heavy toll” SEVEN. YEARS. sagnation for SEVEN YEARS. THIS IS TERRIBlE, Athena sounds so sad...and concerned, from what she’s seen, but just...imagine that, he fought in troy for 10 years, now odys been stuck on this island for almost just as long, and before that he had EVERYTHING ELSE happen to him, feeling powerless against outside forces for YEARS, it weights down in him, all he can do is internalize it, because there is no monster he can fight, but himself. and...we can hear the danger motif in the choir.....because...he’s become a danger to himself....
the soundscape shifts again, we go back into a memory, its raining and windy, at the beach
“Odysseus?”, she geninuely sounds concerened, what could make her concerned i wonder....
“All I hear are screams”,...he...he’s broken, a callback to the underworld, he sounds defeated, hopeless, dissociative
“Ody”...Ody......you dare call him ody? you may have known each other for seven years but you DID NOT treat him right, you have no RIGHT to call him that, the last person who called him Ody was Eurylochus before he signed their doom.
“Get away from the ledge”....hes.....on his last rope, its been seven years since he sacrificed his last crew, ten years since he lost polites, eight since he lost most of his crew, twenty years since he last saw his family, she wants to keep him at the island for eternity, he cant leave, theres no way out, so now he’s here, on the cliffs edge staring out into the deepths below, knowing that Poseidon is still out to get him, but behind him is a Goddess that made him suffer just as bad, if not worse, rly is there any way to escape?
“You don′t know what I’ve gone through, You don′t know what I’ve sacrificed, every comrade I long knew, every friend, I saw them die”, its been more than seven years, and they still haunt his every waking and sleeping hour. he sacrificed everything to get back home, and yet it was not enough, now hes stuck here, and all sacrfices were for nothing, and he has nothing to distract him, when the goddess doesnt want his attention, he just....sits at the beach replaying their deaths over and over in his mind. [One translation of the scenes in Homers Odyseey: She found him sitting on the shore, his eyes as ever wet with tears, life’s sweetness ebbing from him in longing for his home, since the Nymph no longer pleased him. He was forced to sleep with her in the hollow cave at night, as she wished though he did not, but by day he sat among rocks or sand, tormenting himself with tears, groans and anguish, gazing with wet eyes at the restless sea] just....for SEVEN years? good gods, homer really said “how much trauma can we fit into this one man”
“And all I hear are screams” .....and all he hears are their screams
“(It will be fine dear)”, it wont, fuck off, not as long as you keep him trapped
“Come back inside, dear” ..............i...come back inside? to do what? remind him that hes stuck with you? force him to-............my rage is endless.
“Let me close my eyes”, hes...so....sooo..so tired. he just wants to close his eyes..and..not open them anymore, doesnt he? He sang to the infant “to close your eyes to spare yourself the view”, he wants to do the same, hes so so tired.....
“I know your life′s been hard”, you have no idea
“I’ll stay inside your heart”,....did you just......did...you really just......use the words his mother said to him in the underworld? ...............
“All I hear are screams!” hes having flashbacks, the ghosts of his past keep haunting him, and shes making it so, so mcuh worse
“(I love you my dear) I love our time here
Life would be so much worse If you had died” YOUR LIFE, the worst part is, she doesnt say this because Ody deserves better, she says this because if he was gone, she would be alone again, and she just wants to have him, own him, have him be hers
“(Just let me close my eyes)”, she doesnt...let him close his eyes, he spents the nights in her bed against his will, and the days, crying at the beach, and when he sleeps he must be haunted by nightmares......theres no rest ever really.
“Please stay from away from harm, Stay in my open arms.......................she..just....made it so so much worse, ALSO JORGE; JORGE WHEN I CATCH YOU JORGE HOW DARE YOU HOW DARE YOU SLAP OPEN ARMS AT US AGAIN WILL POLITES NEVER STOP HAUNTING THE NARRATIVE, Calyspo rly threw “Ody”, “stay inside your heart” and “open arms” at him consecutively, while he was already deep down the trenches.and now......
“(All I hear are-)” what he hears is....
“This life is amazing when you greet it with open arms, Whatever we face, we’ll be fine if we′re leading from the heart, No matter the place, we can light up the world here′s how to start Greet the world with open arms, greet the world with open”
Polites, all his opens, and promises, and he cant live up to it, he tried, he tries so HARD to greet the world with open arms, but he cant, but ruthlessness did not help him either, he misses polites, he was the last person he had at sea who TRULY cared for him, hes having a flashback, PTSD so badly as he is standing at the edge of the cliff, i can just see him falling to his knees, crying and then...
“How much longer till your luck runs out? How much longer till the show goes south? How much longer till we all fall down?”, he hears eurys warning, how much longer till his liuck runs out? his luck has run out, for years now, and hes still stuck, everything has turned bad, the show went south, they all fell down and yet.....
“Waiting..waaiting” his mom....said shed stay inside his heart, he took too long, its been twenty years since he left home, how many other people are waiting for him while is stuck on the island? all these voices are just...inside his head all the time and cant shake them off.
“ooohooooh...ohhh” THE VOCAL PERFORMANCE JORGE- JORGE-... hes just screaming, trying to drown out the voices in his head as he’s breaking down....he wants to let go, he cant let go, he needs to get back home, his family is in danger, theres no one who could help him, the only one, who might have been able to do something, his ally, left him ten years ago, when he defied her, but she is a goddess, if she has any mercy left...maybe...jsut maybe...she could help him...but she wouldnt really listen to him would she? how often has he prayed to her in those years? or has he refused to call out for her in fear of facing more rejection? but...he cant do this any longer, this is ...the very last thing he can do....and so he calls out for her.
“Athena!”, praying that what has been broken can be amended. at least with her.
“He needs my help” and his cry gets heard......athena voice breaks, when she sees how far her friend has fallen.
.....and she decides to do something about it
Oh boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, I was worried about this song, how Jorge would choose to tackle the whole situation with calypso, while sticking to his “sfw” rule, AND I DID NOT GET DISAPPOINTeD QUITe on the cONtrary IM OBSSESED WITH IT
also the way polites is in one ear, Eury in the other and his mother all around him? the two sides that Ody had back then, polites more positive, and eury as more devil and both are gone and then his mother is just ALL AROUND HIM
typing this up took a couple of days, but if you will excuse me, imma go cry in a corner now
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callsignspark · 1 year
Mar[r]y Me | part two
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pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Mariella “M&M” Vertucci (fem!OC)
summary: A love story told through friendship, laughter, and food.
series warnings: 18+ minors DNI, discussion of insecurities, difficult family relationships, discussions of food and alcohol use, extremely brief mentions of emotionally abusive ex-bf, eventual smut, warnings to be added as needed
word count: 3.4k
main masterlist
note: happy Friday! part two is here! and we meet Bradley today! thank you for the love on part one, I hope you all have a great weekend <3 (side note: if anyone recognizes where I adapted the very last line from, we are now best friends)
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part two - strawberry shortcake
“Can we eat now? I’m tired of waiting for the chicken man!”
“Hangman, he’s five minutes late, and if you keep whining like a baby, you will be the last in line for food.” Mary’s hand shoots across the island, slapping the blonde’s hand away from the food. “Don’t even fucking think about it! Go sit in the living room!”
“Ow! I liked you better when you were too shy to yell at us yet.” He sulks into the next room, holding his hand to his chest. Only his ego is bruised, but Mary can hear him looking for sympathy from his best friend, giggling when she hears Coyote’s less-than-loving response.
“What’re you laughing at?”
“Oh my god!” She whips around, hand flying to her chest in a futile attempt to slow her heart. “Bradley! I didn’t hear you come in!”
“Sorry, Miss Mary, didn’t mean to scare ya.” The smirk on his face contradicting his apology.
She narrows her eyes. “Oh, you find this funny, bird boy? Hey Hangman?”
“Yes, ma’am?”
“You’re no longer at the back of the line for food! Rooster will be taking that spot from you.”
A celebratory shout comes from the living room while Bradley protests, “That’s not fair!”
“Guess you shouldn’t have laughed at me. Okay! Come get food while it’s still hot!” She’s almost bulldozed by the herd of hungry aviators storming their way into the kitchen. Bradley pulling her out of the way of Harvard and Fritz playfighting to be first in line.
“Careful, wouldn’t want you to catch an elbow with that cute lil nose of yours.” His thick arm wrapped around her waist, and the way he has to bend down to talk into her ear gets her heart pumping. She feels small next to him; she never feels small. Mary pats his arm in thanks before wiggling away to establish order of the buffet she laid out in the Fitches' kitchen, her face feeling as hot as the sausage she’d cooked up.
“Boys, stop fighting.” She thumps Fritz’s head as she passes, “Danielle and Reuben get food first; it’s their house.”
“Traditionally, the hosts go last!”
“It may be their house, but I cooked everything, so I’m the host, and I say the pregnant lady and her husband go first.” Danielle smacks Mary’s butt as she passes by to grab a plate. “This isn’t officially Reuben and Danielle’s anniversary, but it’s very close, so I’ve made a lot of their favorites tonight. All the food is labeled, but let me know if you have questions, and drinks are in the cooler in the yard, so help yourself before you sit down! Coyote?”
“We’re ignoring the slap?”
“Yes. It’s been over fifteen years, and nothing has stopped her yet; it’s just part of my life now.”
Danielle scoffs, “Oh, please. Like you don’t love it. I know for a fact that when you dated-”
“Okay! Hey! Have you guys ever heard the story of how Reuben and Danielle got together? It’s really embarrassing for Reuben.”
“No, but I would love to hear it!” Fanboy pipes up, just like she knew he would, getting Danielle off the topic of her former boyfriend, the one who had a thing for spanking.
“You haven’t even told Fanboy? Your WSO?” Danielle looks at her husband in faux shock. “Well, now Mary has to tell it!”
“Please do not tell this story.” Reuben groans from his seat, realizing his two favorite women aren't joking.
“Picture this. It's August 2007. The Phoenix spacecraft is on course for Mars, Ed Hardy is taking over men’s fashion, and it’s the first week of classes at SUNY Buffalo. I’m waiting outside of my 8AM chemistry lab with like twenty other students, all of whom are lax bros. This tall, lanky kid,” Mary jabs a thumb in the direction of Reuben, “-comes walking up, plants himself next to me on the bench outside the lab, and says, “Yo, I know the formula for table salt; what else could I possibly need to know?” and me, being the wonderful person I am, I took pity on him and made him my lab partner.”
“You just didn’t want to get partnered with those guys from the golf team.”
“I will not lie; that was a factor in my decision. Anyway, it turned out to be a huge mistake because he barnacled himself to me for the rest of the semester and apparently for the rest of my life.”
“I am a delight!”
“I dragged us through that class, kicking and screaming the entire way.” She explains how their duo became a trio after Reuben walked directly into Danielle. “She hit the sidewalk so hard, and Rico Sauvé over there froze, staring at her like an idiot while I helped her off the ground and apologized for him. I wish I could remember what I said… do you remember Danielle?”
“You said, and I’m quoting here, “I’m so sorry about him. I would make a joke about him being so tall that he doesn’t get enough oxygen, but the fact of the matter is that he’s just a fucking idiot.” And then she smacked him in the stomach to reboot him.”
The team erupts in laughter, Yale heckling him. “Bro! You knocked her over? That’s so bad; I can’t believe she went out with you!”
“Oh, I didn’t! Matchmaker Mariella convinced me to give him a shot after she and I became friends sophomore year. He was too scared to ask me out.” Danielle’s statement makes the laughter worse, tears gathering in Fanboy’s eyes.
“And it worked out, didn’t it?” Reuben leans over to kiss his wife. “We’ve been together for fifteen years, five moves, and two kids. Not too bad, huh, baby?”
“Oh god! Keep it in your pants; there are impressionable, young minds present!”
Danielle flips Hangman off, “Annie isn’t old enough to realize what’s going on!”
“Forget Annabeth! I was talking about Bob!”
That begins the biweekly argument of Phoenix defending her back-seater, which then spirals into whose dating life is the most pathetic. Omaha has won the past nine times for his horrible flirting techniques that have a 4% chance of working, according to Yale’s calculations. Mary always takes this as her cue to escape, knowing her romantic luck is the worst of them all, and she would win hands down. This time around, she collects the dinner dishes and sneaks through the back door, making a clean getaway until Bradley turns to whisper a joke in her ear and realizes she’s gone.
He scans the backyard, coming up empty until his eyes hit the kitchen window. For a minute he watches her doing dishes and bobbing her head to the radio perched on the windowsill in front of her, admiring how the pieces of hair that have escaped from her claw clip frame her face. The dark strands making the rosiness of her round cheeks stand out as she cleans up.
She’s so beautiful.
The same thought had passed through his mind eight months earlier when he first met the Fitch family’s best friend. It had been a regular night out at the Hard Deck. Everything was going as expected, except for Payback’s behavior. The normally calm and collected pilot bounced between groups, his neck on a constant swivel to the front door. After minimal prodding, he announced that his wife and his best friend from college were running late. Rooster was expecting another man similar to his teammate; a funny, chill guy, probably someone who had been on the swim team with Reuben.
He was thrown for a loop when Danielle stormed through the door, yelling about the babysitter being late and pulling a gorgeous brunette behind her.
Payback had tucked the mystery woman under his arm and introduced her to the group. “Everyone, this is my bestest friend, Mariella Vertucci. She is a brilliant mechanical engineer, an excellent cook, and an even better baker. Also, she’s single.”
“Oh my god, Reuben, stop it!” She had blushed and tried to duck away; her wide smile made Bradley’s heart flutter. He immediately wanted to talk to her, buy her a drink, play her favorite song on the piano, anything to get her to smile at him like that.
He had been disappointed when he learned she was only visiting for a few days. His disappointment had grown when Hangman and Coyote monopolized her time after finding out she had a knack for darts. The best part of his night was when she sat on the stool beside him for a breather. Bradley bought her a drink and made small talk; his brain unable to create meaningful conversation once he felt the soft material of her dress brush his calf. And then she was gone again, pulled back to the dartboard by Jake, who was happy to have someone to compete against. He had spent the rest of the night watching Jake joke with her. Mary’s laugh was the only thing in Bradley’s head when he went to bed that night.
He looks over at Jake now, where - for his own entertainment - the blonde man is turning the dating life comparisons into a game of cornhole. Content to stand on the sidelines with Annabeth snuggled on his chest and watch what is sure to turn into a disastrously overly competitive tournament.
When Bradley realizes no one is paying attention to him, he gathers the rest of the dirty dishes and heads inside. “I saw you sneak away; you missed my joke about Hangman getting stood up twice in the same week.”
“I try not to give Dani a chance to bring up my past mistakes; it works out better for everyone considering how often she’s set me up on a failed blind date.” She makes a face over her shoulder, making both of them laugh.
“Dinner was great, by the way. I haven’t had a homecooked meal like that in years.”
Mary feels her cheeks get darker at the compliment. Damn him for being handsome and sweet.
“I’m glad you liked it. I always- oh! I love this song; can you turn it up? My hands are all soapy.”
“Big Steve Miller Band fan, huh?” Bradley laughs and twists the knob. “What are we listening to?”
“The oldies station - 105.6 - they play everything from before 1990! I love them; it’s just like when I used to spend the day with my grandparents. They have a Big Band Music Monday, and if I close my eyes when Glen Miller is playing, I swear I can smell my Nona's perfume.” His smile matches hers, the joy of childhood memories splayed across her face as she rinses plates.
“Which towel should I use to dry?”
“You don’t have to-” Her voice gets louder as she talks over him, sensing the protest that’s coming. “But! If you’re going to insist, grab a fresh one from that drawer right there. And don’t worry about the pots and pans; Reuben likes to let those air-dry overnight. I just want to make sure everything else is as done as possible before I bring dessert out; those dishes can run in the dishwasher tonight.”
Bradley pauses where he’s putting silverware away, watching Mary sway to the music. “You made dessert too?”
“Yeah, we’re having my version of strawberry shortcake. It’s a twist on their wedding cake which was vanilla cake with strawberry filling.” She answers distractedly, closely examining a roasting dish that won’t come clean.
“You made their wedding cake too?”
She giggles at his shocked tone. “No, I had just moved to Missouri when they got engaged, so most of my maid of honor duties were performed virtually. But I did help pick the cake flavors out when I was up for the shower.”
“Lots of yelling at vendors on the phone?”
“Occasionally, when it was needed. I’m not a fan of yelling at people if it’s not necessary.”
“You yell at work all the time.”
“That’s because you idiots don’t listen to me! My entire career has been learning the best ways to fix those expensive ass planes you fly in every single day, yet you don’t listen when I-” She cuts herself off and flicks water at him when she realizes he’s teasing her. “You’re not funny, mister.”
“Sorry, sweetheart, it’s just too easy sometimes.” He knows he’s not really in trouble when she can’t hold her grin back.
“Just keep drying so we can have dessert.”
The two work quietly together, cleaning and packing up leftovers, seventies hits floating through the kitchen. As Mary cleans the sink, she looks at Bradley, who is trying to figure out which cabinet the serving platters go in. “When you get those put away, could you grab the strawberries from the garage fridge?”
Bradley hums his agreement, grinning at her when she points to the correct cupboard before heading out to the garage.
“As you requested.” He laughs at the grabby hands she makes towards the green container in his arms as he reenters the kitchen, eyes going wide when she removes the lid. “Shit, those look awesome.”
Mary’s nose scrunches at the compliment. “It’s because they’re super fresh. I picked them up from my favorite farm stand on the way home. And I used the sugar-to-berry ratio my Aunt Denna perfected years ago.”
Bradley watches in awe as she moves around the kitchen with an ease he’s never seen before; it’s like watching a one-person waltz. Her hands carefully fold the strawberries together, gently stirring them so they don’t break. Once combined to her standards, she plucks a sharp knife from out of nowhere and begins cutting the cake into even slices without any measuring. Mary does this while instructing him to get dessert plates out; her hips never stop moving to the music.
She stacks everything onto a serving tray that was hiding next to the fridge. It looks precariously balanced, and Bradley is about to offer his assistance when she swings the tray onto her shoulder and makes her way through the sliding door with no problems. He stands there for a second, stupidly staring after her like a lump on a log when he realizes she forgot the serving spoon.
He grabs the utensil and follows her path to the deck, a cheesy grin spreading across his face as he watches her realize she forgot something. She turns as Bradley brandishes the spoon in front of him like a sword and bows. “For you, m’lady.”
The peanut gallery pipes up. “Oh my god, Bradshaw. That was painful to watch.”
“No dessert for you, Jake.”
“Oh, come on!” Jake holds Annabeth up from his chest. “I was gonna share with little Annie Oakley here! You can’t take dessert away from me! You’re depriving her!”
“Dude, you have got to stop using my kid as a bargaining chip every time you make M&M mad.” The defeat in Danielle’s voice sends laughter through the group.
“For dessert, we’ve got strawberry shortcake with a Vertucci family twist. And a limited amount of whipped cream to go around, so please don’t go crazy until everyone has some, okay?”
A chorus of “Yes, ma’am” comes back at her as she hands the first plate to Dani, who had elbowed her way to the front of the line, using her pregnant belly to her advantage.
Mary is fulfilling Harvard’s request for extra syrup on his cake when Callie’s voice raises the question on several aviator’s minds. “Hey Mary, why is your callsign M&M?”
“Oh… uh….” She hesitates for a second before remembering she can trust these people. “Growing up in a bakery, I’ve always been the designated person to bring treats. Even in college, I was that person. After people found out I was the one who made the food, I would always jokingly get proposed to, and people started the “Marry Me” nickname. Which is such a brilliant play on my name.”
“Which was funny for a while, until a guy she used to date and his group of assholes caught wind of it and turned it into something decidedly not funny.” The anger in Reuben’s voice stops any potential questions.
“Yes, and then my knight in shining swim trunks over there almost got kicked off the team for fighting, and my ex got a knee to the family jewels courteous of the knight’s red-haired partner.” She rolls her eyes at the memory of how proud her two friends were to be in trouble for defending her honor. “Anyway, that pretty much killed the nickname, but M&M took its place.”
The yard is quiet, no one entirely sure what to say.
“I still can’t stand Austin.”
“I’m pretty sure he can’t stand you either after you sent one of his balls back into his body.” Mary snorts, feeling uncomfortable that the conversation about her emotionally abusive ex is still going. “It’s okay, everyone. That was a long time ago, and I brought M&M with me as my unofficial call sign when I started working with the Navy.”
It’s awkward for another minute until Hangman gets cornhole going again, handing Annabeth off to join the women at the picnic table. The game quickly gets competitive between the guys, and the evening returns to normal. As the attention moves away from her, Mary curls in on herself, feeling vulnerable about the information she had shared. The other women notice and make eye contact, a silent conversation passing between them.
“What a dingus. If I was your ex, I would have proposed to you for real after trying your mac and cheese.”
“Callie, I called dibs after she made those cupcakes at Easter.” Natasha protests.
“Absolutely not! Of anyone, I get the first crack at her; I’ve known her the longest.”
“Danielle, I know you’re pregnant, but I will literally fight you.”
It’s enough to break the tension and make Mary laugh. “Ladies, ladies, please, no fighting. There’s enough of my food to go around.”
“And what about you? There’s only enough of you for one of us.” Nat throws an arm around Callie’s shoulders, winking at her fellow aviator, silly smiles spreading across their faces.
“I think if we really tried, there would be plenty of me for both of you.” She winks back before taking a stack of empty plates inside.
The table settles into a stunned silence, Danielle’s laugh interrupting after a few seconds. “I forgot you guys haven’t seen Mary flirt before!”
Bradley’s heart stops from where he’s eavesdropping in a lawn chair. Is that why she never responds to my flirting? He feels like an ass, trying to catch the attention of a woman who potentially doesn’t even like men.
“She flirts with Jake all the time!”
Bradley chugs the rest of his beer.
“No, that’s not flirting. They’re just bantering each other. Besides, Jake is a good-looking guy, but he’s not really what she looks for in a man.”
“Oh! Forget Jake! She is single, right? Because I have a friend who would be perfect for her, she’s a middle school math teacher, and she has the same sense of humor as Mary!”
Danielle lowers her voice, “She is single, and she’s said now that she’s more settled out here, she wants to try dating again. But if everything goes the way I think it will, there will be no need for us to set her up.”
“What do you-” Natasha gets cut off by Danielle pointing at something off the deck.
The three women turn their attention to the backyard. At some point during their conversation, Mary had slipped past them and settled next to Bradley on the two-seater Adirondack chair. They subtlety observe as Mary leans into his side, giggling and whispering in his ear about something as she gestures towards the game. Bradley throws his head back as he laughs, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and dipping his head down to respond. They watch as Mary buries her head in his shoulder to muffle her laughter, and three sets of eyebrows raise in unison as the back of Bradley’s neck turns redder than the strawberries they’d just eaten.
“Wow. I vote that we only intervene if those two take longer than three months to get their shit together.” Callie looks around the table for concurrence.
Natasha grimaces. “Usually, I’d agree, but they’ll probably end up needing a nudge. Rooster moves slower than molasses in January when he’s interested in a woman for something more than a night.”
“They’ll definitely need a nudge, and I’m already working on it because, lemme tell you…” Danielle pauses, her heart warming at the shy smile on her best friend’s face as Bradley pulls her further into his body. “He’s in there with the champ.”
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thank you for reading <3 if you would like to be added (or removed) from the tag list just send me an ask! have a good one!
tagging: @gretagerwigsmuse | @bobfloyds | @bussyslayer333 | @hangmanbrainrot | @mothdruid | @notroosterbradshaw | @princessphilly | @rhettabbotts | @roleycoleyreccenter | @roosterbruiser | @seresinsweetie | @thesewordsareallihavetogive | @waklman | @withahappyrefrain | @a-court-of-roscoe-and-baby | @genius2050 | @ohtobeleah | @katieshook02 | @hellojameshowyadoin
fic tag | credit for dividers here
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deadgirlwalking91 · 1 month
oh lmao it’s fine! i’m sry for ruining the surprise tho..istg i didn’t mean to.
u can totally make it up by writing some other kind of scenario if u want to, u can choose whatever u want and i mean it! i love the way u writ you’re fantastic 😭✋
Hey Anon,
Absolutely no issue at all! More than happy to even let some more info slip - it'll be called, 'I Don't Dance' and was inspired by the ask that was sent earlier in the week re Adam and Lute dancing at a club. But! Also more than happy to whip up a little scene, so here you are (and thank you for the compliment, too!). Enjoy! PS - @a-dose-of-comatose gave me the prompt for this because I couldn't think of one, but I've deviated slightly 😂 sorryyyyyy
Touching back down in Heaven after an Extermination was a sensation that Lute would never grow tired of.
Sure, ramming her sword through the throats of the shitbags that littered the streets of Hell was satisfying, and perhaps the gratification she got from seeing their insides splatter against the pavement was a little…much, but nothing beat flying back through that portal and setting foot on Holy land, where she belonged.
Glancing around at the surrounding Exorcists who had congregated in the barracks showers, she sheathed her sword before placing her hands either side of her helmet and lifted it off her head. She tucked it under her arm and ran a wet, blood-soaked hand through her hair, leaving streaks of red in its wake.
“Hey, great job taking down that loan shark today, Lute!” Layla had already stripped down to her underwear and sports bra, uniform dutifully discarded into the giant hamper that housed all their soiled tunics, gloves and leggings. Some poor fucker – usually one of the newer recruits – would be responsible for sorting through and washing them all over the coming days.
“Thanks,” Lute grinned, bumping her fist against Layla’s outstretched one. “Did you see how fucking desperate he was to get away?”
“Yeah, but you took care of that right away!” Cinnamon laughed as she headed towards the shower cubicles. “That sorry cunt never stood a chance against you!”
Cinnamon was right. No Sinner that dared to lock eyes with Lute ever lived to tell the tale. She made damn sure of that.
“How many did you manage this year, Lieutenant?” a short, brunette Exorcist emerging from the showers asked.
“Two hundred and fifty one, Coco. You?”
“A hundred and three, ma’am.”
“Not a bad effort for your second year. Keep it up. You might crack one-fifty next year.”
Lute glanced down at her watch. Five-thirty. The only downside to returning to Heaven after an Extermination meant that her working day wasn’t over; she and Adam were responsible for filling out all the initial report that needed to be submitted to Sera by midnight that same day. She had half an hour before she needed to be back in the office, ready for their debrief.
Or at least, that’s what she told her sisters-in-arms.
Realising she was still holding her helmet, Lute quickly slipped out of the bathroom to return it to the arsenal. Another unlucky Exorcist would be tasked with cleaning and polishing all of them, before another, more tech-savvy soldier would perform yearly maintenance on them.
It was easy enough to find her helmet’s spot in the armoury. It was in prime position to the very left of the doorway, right beside Adam’s. Surprisingly, his was already racked away; normally he’d take it home with him as he wore it most of the time, even outside of Extermination season. She set it down gently.
“How fucking long did you wanna take, bitch?”
Lute screamed and whirled around; despite knowing exactly who that voice belonged to, it didn’t change the fact that it startled her completely. Adam stood, leaning against one of the walls.
“Sir,” she gasped, holding a hand to her bloodied chest. “You scared the shit out of me.”
“Next time, keep your guard up and you won’t have to worry about being scared.” Adam said as he slowly advanced towards her. Lute felt her pulse quicken with each step, until he stopped just short of arms’ reach. She was sure her heart was going to burst through her chest.
“Did anybody follow you here?”
“No,” she breathed, looking up into his face. “They’ve all hit the showers. Nobody suspects a thing. They probably think I’m on my way to do paperwork.”
“Paperwork,” he laughed, snaking a hand around her waist. “Who the fuck does more work after a fucking Extermination?”
“Us, apparently,” she said, standing on her tiptoes to lace her arms around his neck. “I’m not sure if I should be offended that they believe that lie so easily.”
“I’m fucking offended,” Adam said, “you shouldn’t be, considering you love paperwork and all that shit.”
“I do,” Lute agreed, “but there’s only one thing I’m interested in doing post-Extermination.”
“Oh yeah babe, and what’s that? Besides taking a shower, by the way. You fucking reek.”
She smirked and pulled his head down to hers, pausing just long enough so she could whisper, “You”, before kissing him utterly senseless.
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junee-e · 11 months
why is she better at this than juno this is going so much better than his attempt
‘WATCH THIS’ * keyboard tapping noises* (i love her)
of course she gets paid in cereal i dont know what i expected
oh ok no junos still narrating
‘THE MAN I LOVED WAS ON THE LINE’ (this will never get old for me)
‘my name is juno steel and *usually* im the private eye’ i am enjoying this way too much
ok why do i love skipper they’re so fun?
‘he just ruins the *peaceful vibes*’ so real so real
rita. had. dinner with them. oh my god. she is the best.
the mother speaking for the grandfather in like such an annoyed voice and then being so calm with ‘or so father says’ is so funny to me
skippers so dramatic i love them
ooooooo did skipper help nureyev?? wait no thats too obvious….or it is just obvious enough to be right????…..no its isnt….or is it???? (im going insane)
‘he makes friends or.. more than friends and he uses those connections to his advantage’ OH SHIT (skipper???? skipper?? skipper kinda makes sense???) (but like yknow…obvious option)
‘watch skippers reaction in particular’ AHAHA!
‘mostly i was thinking about nureyev’ *cue me falling off my chair at the instant romantic soundtrack that apparently follows nureyev’s name everywhere now*
roomantiic moonoolougueee tiimmee
why does this remind me of the monolouge at the end of final resting place (end of the first season)
‘it wasnt a very nice city but hell im not a very nice lady’ vs ‘this is my city. im not proud of it but that doesnt mean its not worth saving’
there are so many things this season that are setting up to be broken (probably not the right word) but like so many things that have potential for a really sad/angsty pay off. like nureyev and slip or juno telling nureyev he’ll keep following him untl he says he doesnt want him to. or juno and missing hyperion city. i’m so scared.
oh ritas so dramatic its making me so happy
of course she had an inflatable couch in her hideout spot
ooooo its juno detective-ing explain-ing time
juno obsessing over detective stuff is so fun
a CoNfEsSiOn
‘im tired of you people…and also just tired’ skipper being way too relatable
‘he sent me up to bed early’ ma’am, you are a probably-around-40-or-something-year-old woman
the gibberish is still funny
‘we know how this theif operates he grabs you by your heartstrings and never lets go’ yeah rita would know about that with all the agnsty monolouges
OH FUCK OH SHIT OH NO OH GOD ‘he said hed come back for me he said we’d run away together’ OHHHH NO NO NO NO NO. NO LONGER FUNNY
‘well it looks like my work here…is done’ *very fast tapping of rita walking away*
awwww they’re all back together!
oh ok fuck i thought we were done how foolish of me there hadnt been a sad speech yet
‘i knew he hadnt done the same to me’ OH THANK GOD OKOK
‘he meant the promises he made me’ AWW YAY
wait no its sad oh god oh no
‘problems for another day, i thought’ best coping method fr fr
‘the rest we’d just have to figure out together’ yay ok happy-ish ending :D
okok so alot of thoughts. i’m so scared of all the set-ups for angst and honestly i’m kinda just waiting for the episode that it all comes crashing down and everyones really sad. but also! hopefullness! juno saying that he’ll figure it out with nureyev! yay! i honestly don’t know how the big climax finally thing with jupeter and slip and the dokana group and everything is going to go i’m just really hoping for an eventual happy ending with happy jupeter (and rita there too :D)
anyway! loved this episode can’t wait for the next one with (i’m assuming) stuff with the Dokana group!!
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artyandink · 7 months
we could be more | dean winchester | 16
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Summary: Ivonne Rainer was practically a trained killing machine. Stripped to the bone then built back up by her father in order to become one of the best, like he was. She was forced into hunting when she was nineteen, having developed powers that couldn’t be explained. That is, until she was paid a visit by Azazel’s lackey. Her powers were gone, she needed help, and that’s when she found her father’s journal. Pointing to Sam and Dean Winchester.
“Dude. You mind not eating those on MY bed?” 
Here we go again. 
“Yeah, I don’t mind.” Dean shrugged, munching on chilli cheese fries. “How’s research going?” 
“You wanna know how research is going? Slow. Cause it would be a heck of a lot faster if I had my computer.” 
“Bobby, are you almost here?” I muttered into the phone. 
‘Yeah, don’t blow your fuse. I’ll be here in five minutes.’ 
“I will in a moment.” 
“Can you turn that down please?” Sam snapped. I quickly said bye and cut the call, covering my ears.
“Sure.” Dean reached to the radio, and turned it up. 
“You know what? Maybe, uh, maybe you should just go somewhere for a while.” 
Dean shut the radio, fuming. “Hey, I'd love to. That's a great idea. Unfortunately, my car's all screwed to hell.” 
“I told you, I have nothing to do with-“ 
“SHUT UP!” I yelled, sitting up on my bed. They both stopped arguing, and I ran a hand through my hair. “You both have been at each other’s throats for a straight WEEK! Five minutes of silence, both of you, until Bobby comes to help.” 
Dean and Sam instantly started protesting. “Come on, Beanie-“
”Ivy, he started it-“
”Shut up you little weasel-“
”You first, you rhino-“
”ZIP IT!” I retorted, snapping my fingers and they both stopped. 
“Yes, ma’am.” They chorused, sitting down. I sighed in relief, about to flop back onto the bed when I got a call from Bobby. I frowned, excusing myself before walking outside and finding him there. 
“Bobby. Hey.” 
“Hullo, mini.” Bobby smiled, hugging me.
“What’s up?”
”Ellen told me about this ‘droplet of love’ you’ve been tryna find. Well, word spread, and our old pal Bela managed to find out what it was. Gave the info for free because it was you she was doing it for. And thank god it was, cause she would’ve charged if otherwise.” 
“What is it?” I stepped forward, clutching my rune. I was desperate at this point, really. Poring over books made me tired of them.
“You’re not gonna like it.” 
“Try me.” 
“A droplet of love is blood. Blood-” 
“That’s easy-“
”Let me finish. Blood obtained from the sacrifice of the rune bearer’s life for someone they’d truly love and give everything for. Meaning even if you do break the curse, you wouldn’t live to celebrate.” 
“Are… you… KIDDING ME?!” I shrieked. “All this? To ensure what, that I get possessed and eventually die? I can’t tell Sam and Dean this! How would that go? Oh, hey, guys. I found a way to break my curse but it involves me dying- Dean will fricking tie me to a chair and put a shedload of sedatives in me to stop me from moving. Sam’s gonna rip apart every book he can find before he finds a solution, which he inevitably won’t be able to, and James, what’s he gonna do? Mourn, knowing he could’ve done something? And Dad, oh fudging hell, Dad…”
”I know, Ivonne, but there’s no other option.” 
“I know, I know, it’s just…” I ran a hand through my hair. “I’ve been tracking every murder that has something to do with knives and throats or hearts being carved out of hunter’s bodies, about nine or ten in my direction. They’re trailing me, and at this point I have it figured out. There were a few of those that happened at the same time, so I’m not being tracked by just one dreamwalking freak, I’m being tracked by multiple. And they’re closing in fast, cause my presence is a homing signal. Sam and Dean could be collateral because of this, Bobby, so I need your word. Do one thing for me.” 
“Do what?” 
“If the dreamwalker gets too close, cause I know you’re trackin’ it too, the first thing I need you to do is get Sam and Dean away from here. Say I’ve got some problem I need to sort out with finances and put ‘em in a case across a couple of states- just far enough so I don’t hurt them.” 
“I can’t do that, mini.” Bobby shook his head, frowning. “You could benefit from their help-“ 
“They would die if they helped!” My voice started rising, but I toned it down. “That thing gets stronger every day, and if it inhabits me, there’s no telling how long it’ll be before I knock ‘em out and stick a knife in them, and you too. James and Dad already know protocol-“ 
“How come they’re the ones helping you out? Mick, I can understand, but James?” 
“James can call the PD in if necessary, and cover my tracks. And his and Dad’s combined strength could be enough to keep me at bay for some time. Sam and Dean need to live.” 
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We knocked on the door to the motel, and Sam and Dean opened it. 
“Hey, Bobby.” Sam smiled, letting Sam in. 
“Boys.” Bobby nodded. 
“Hey, Bobby.” Dean stood up, approaching us.
“So good to see you three again.” 
“Thanks for coming out here, Bobby.” I grinned, “I needed it.” 
“Thank god you're here.” Dean sighed. 
“So um, what didn't you want to talk to me on the phone about?” Bobby asked, and I pulled up a chair for him to sit on. 
“It's this job we're working.” Sam stammered. “We-We weren't sure you'd believe us.” 
“Oh, I can believe a lot.” 
“We haven’t seen anything like it.” 
“Not even close.” I chuckled. “There’s some weird malarkey going on and fresh eyes are extremely useful.”
“Well, why don't you begin at the beginning?” Bobby shrugged, so Sam took the lead. 
“So, it all started when we caught wind of an obit.” He explained, “See, a professor took a nosedive from a fourth story window, only there's a campus legend that the building's haunted. So we pretexted as reporters from the local paper.” 
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I sat down at the bar, watching Dean flirt, Sam gather in information while I got an idea of what the students and staff were like. I ordered a whiskey, and sipped it, looking around. 
“Reporter, huh?” The bartender stepped out of the dim lighting, and I laughed, realising who it was. “Is the name Lily Carter?” 
“James.” I giggled, accepting a kiss on the cheek from him. “Why am I not surprised?” 
“Cause I’m startlingly good at finding you. Just wanted to gather some ideas about this case and give it to you” James smirked, winking. “What information have you bagged?” 
“Professor was a douche, not much else.” I shrugged. “You? Bartenders hear a lot, so tell me you’ve got something good.” 
“There’s a couple of urban legends floating around. Girl taking a nose dive after having an affair with a professor, and this one has a wife and kids. Dude was famous too.” 
“Ok, I’ll look into it. Thanks, James.” 
“You’re welcome, sweetheart, now, I’ve got to prepare some purple nurples for the blonde girl and Dean.” 
“Purple nurples?” I got up and walked over to the boys. 
“I've got some feisty little wildcat on the hook, I'm about to – zzzzp – reel her in. I'll introduce you.” Dean grinned, and then I saw Starla, a blonde girl dressed like she was going to take Dean back to her house and do the nasty. “Starla! Starla, hey. This is my shuttle co-pilot Major Tom. Major Tom, Starla.” 
“Enchanté.” Starla smirked, draping an arm over Dean’s shoulder. 
“Hi.” Sam raised his hand. 
“Don’t forget me, guys.” I laughed, and then got an overexaggerated side eye from Starla. “Hey, I’m Heather.” 
“And who are you?” Starla narrowed her eyes. I chuckled cynically, looking her up and down. 
“I’m Dean’s ex-girlfriend. Got a problem?” 
She bit her lip angrily, then put on a smile. “Not. At. All.” She then gagged, covering her mouth, and then when she was done, she smiled sweetly again. “Sorry. Have to keep my liquor in!” 
“Good job.” Dean smirked, then turned to Sam. “Great news. She’s got a sister.” Then he turned back to Starla, who draped an arm around his shoulder, both of them giggling.
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“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a minute.” Dean frowned. 
“What?” Sam blinked. 
“That’s not how it happened.” 
“So you didn’t have any purple nurples?” 
“Yes, I did.”
“And, uh, I was not jealous of Dean hanging out with that girl.” I scoffed. “And she wasn’t that classless.” 
“Yeah, and her name wasn’t Starla.” 
“Then what was it?” Sam shrugged. 
Dean paused. “I don’t know, but she was a classy chick. She was a grad student, anthropology and folklore. We were talking about local ghost stories.“ 
“Here we go again.” I sighed, cracking open a bottle of beer.
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I was staring longingly at Dean from across the bar, not sipping my Cosmopolitan. It was no secret to me that I was madly in love with him, despite being with James in a long-distance relationship-
“Geez, was my Cosmo that bad?” I looked up to see James, and I instantly put on a false grin. 
“James!” I gasped. “What are you doing here?” 
“Gathering intel, same as you.” He leaned forward, kissing me gently. “Whatcha got?” 
“So far? Not much, I’m just drowning myself in drinks for the time being. I know that the professor was quite a famous one, has a famous book, gives autographs everywhere, the works. There was also a similar story where there was a young girl who had an affair with a professor, but she took a jump. Room 669, and apparently it’s significant because you can flip one of the numbers and make 666.” I saw Dean kissing the girl in the stilettos, so I excused myself and made my way to where Sam was standing with a prissy grimace. 
“Dean!” Sam snapped. “What do you think you’re doing?” 
“Sam, please. If you wouldn't mind, give me five minutes here.” Dean smirked. 
“Dean, this is a very serious investigation. We don't have any time for any of your blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah Blah!” Dean leaned in to kiss the girl again, while Sam continued bladibiblah-ing behind him. I gave him a weird look, pinching him to reassure myself that it was him. “Blah!” 
I’m gonna assume that’s an ‘ow’.
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“Right! And that's how it really happened.” Sam scoffed. “I don’t sound like that, Dean!” 
“That’s what you sound like to me.” Dean shrugged. 
“You guys literally sound like idiots.” I groaned. “That’s not how it happened, you asses. Sam talked to the students, Dean flirted with an average girl, not a classy chick or one that struggled to keep her barf in, I wasn’t jealous or longing for anyone, I got intel from James, and we got the hell out of there after Dean scoffed some last purple nurples.” 
“What’s going on with you three?” Bobby frowned. 
“What is?” 
“You’re bickering like an old married couple.” 
“Married couples can divorce.” Dean contradicted. “We’re like Siamese twins, except it’s triplets.” 
“It’s conjoined triplets!” Sam snapped. 
“See what I mean?”
”Look, it…” I sighed, “we've just been on the road for too long. Tight quarters, all that. Don't worry about it.” 
“Ok.” Bobby nodded. 
“So anyway. We figured it might be a haunting, so we went to check out the scene of the crime.” 
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“So, how long've you been working here?” Sam asked the janitor. We were posing as electricians for the day.
“I’ve been moppin’ these floors for six years.” He let us into the office. “There you go, guys.” He spotted the EMF reader in Sam’s hand. ”What the heck's that for?” 
“To find a wire in the walls.” I replied smoothly. 
“Huh. Wow. Not sure why you're wiring up this office. Not gonna do the professor much good.” 
“Why’s that?” Dean asked. 
“Cause he’s dead.” 
“Oh. What happened?” 
“He fell out of that window. Right there.” 
“Yeah?” Sam raised an eyebrow. “Were you working that night?” 
“I'm the one who found him.” 
“Did you see it happen?” I questioned, looking for security cameras. 
“Nope. I just saw him come up here, and uh... well.” 
“Well what?” 
“He wasn’t alone.”
”Who was he with?” 
“He was with a young lady. I told the cops about her, but uh, I guess they never found her.” 
“You saw this girl go in, huh?” Sam frowned. “But did you ever see her come out?” 
“Now that you mention it,” The janitor shrugged, “no.”
”You ever see her before, around?” 
“Well, not her.” 
“What do you mean?” Dean asked, munching on peanuts. 
“I don't mean to cast aspersions on a dead guy, but uh… Mister Morality here? He brought a lot of girls up here.” 
“One more thing. This building, it only has four stories, right?” Sam looked around. 
“So there wouldn't be a room six-six-nine?” 
“‘Course not. Why would there be?” 
“Just curious.” 
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“Well, no traces of EMF, that's for sure.” Sam sighed when we got back to the motel. 
“And the room six-six-nine's a load of bull.” Dean grimaced. I looked through Carl’s notes, clicking my tongue. 
“So what do you think? The professor's just a jumper? A legend's just a legend? What d’you say, Ivy?”
”I don't know. I mean, the uh, girl the janitor described, that's pretty weird.” I shrugged. “I say we check out the records and see if any co-ed matching the description took a nose dive.” 
“Yeah, you're right.” Sam opened his computer. “Dean, were you on my laptop?” 
“No.” Dean frowned. “Why?” 
“Oh really? 'Cause it's frozen now. On uh, bustyasianbeauties.com.” I frowned, staring at Dean with a look that said ‘what the hell’.
“Would you – just – don't touch my stuff anymore, okay?” 
Dean bristled. “Why don't you control your O.C.D.?” 
“Can you both shut up?” I snapped. “Asian beauties or not, we need to get to research.” 
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“But did you dig up anything about the building? Or on the suicidal co-ed?” Bobby asked.
”History’s clean.” Sam sighed. 
“Then it’s not a haunting.” 
I shrugged, clicking my tongue. “I’d say that too, had it not been for act two of this whole thing. And it’s beyond weird.” 
“What’s ’beyond weird’?” 
“Well, to put it in as few words as possible… alien abduction.” 
“Aliens?!” Bobby exclaimed. 
“Look, even if they are real, they're sure as hell not coming to earth and swiping people.” 
“Hey, believe me. We know.” Dean chuckled.
”My whole life i've never found evidence of an honest-to-God abduction. It's all just cranks and pranks.” 
“Yeah, that's what we thought.” Sam agreed. “But...we figured we'd at least talk to the guy.” 
“At least they did, I didn’t.” I excused. 
“The dude said that…” Dean snickered, “he got probed. A lot.” 
“Oh, grow up.” Sam snapped. 
“Stop.” I groaned. “And he was made to fricking slow dance with an alien. Doesn’t sound real, but apparently it’s real.”
”You guys are exaggerating again, huh?” Bobby grimaced. 
“Then this frat boy’s just nuts.” 
“I’d say the same had it not been for the giant scorch mark set into the ground.” 
“But what could we do?” Dean shrugged. “So we just kept on digging.” 
“I decided to take the reins, cause frat boys were more likely to answer to a girl who looked like she was still in college rather than two men.” I smirked. “I decided to adopt a different look this time, in case anyone had seen me before. It was Miss Missouri this time. Names are cheesy, but I have no other option.” 
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I walked into the dormitories wearing a brown wig and green contacts, and I immediately ran into a couple of frat boys. I worked the charm and whatnot, got them to let their guard down, then started my interrogation. 
“So, you and this guy, Curtis – You were in the same house?” I asked, hands in my pockets. 
“Yeah.” The college student, Mike, responded monotonously.
“You heard what happened to him, right?” 
“He says it was aliens and whatnot, but whatever.” He paused. “To tell you the truth, whatever happened to Curtis, he had it coming.” 
“Why so?” 
“He's our pledge master. Put us through hell this semester, and got off on it. So now he knows how we feel.”
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“Well, there’s a connection.” I paced, clicking my tongue. 
“Like?” Sam asked. 
“Both the professor and Curtis? They’re douches.” 
“That’s a connection?” 
“Got a better option?” 
“Dean, where’s my laptop?” Sam groaned, searching through his bag. 
“I don’t know.” Dean shrugged. “But yeah, makes sense. A philandering professor gets a dead girl. A pledge master gets hazed.“ 
“I swear I put it in here.” 
“Well, you obviously didn’t.” 
“Guys, focus.” I sighed. “These punishments- they're almost poetic. Actually, it'd be more like a limerick, but still-“ 
“Dean, where did you hide it?” Sam interrogated, approaching Dean. 
“What, your computer?” Dean scoffed. 
“Yeah, where'd you hide it?” 
“Why would I hide your computer?” 
“Because no one else could have, Dean! We keep the door locked. Ivy has no business taking my computer. We never let any maids in.” 
“Looks like you lost it, Poindexter.” 
“Dude, you know something? I put up with a lot from you.” 
Dean frowned. “What are you talking about? I'm a joy to be around.” 
Sam scoffed. “Yeah? Your dirty socks in the sink, your food in the fridge-“ 
“What’s wrong with my food?” 
“It's not food anymore, Dean! It's DARWINISM!” 
“I like it.” 
“All I ask from you, the one thing, is that you don't mess with my stuff!” 
“You done?” 
Sam grimaced, sizing Dean up, which was working since Sam was a full four inches taller. “Y’know, how would you feel if I messed with the Impala?” 
Dean bristled, fire in his eyes. “It’d be the last thing you ever do-“ 
“GUYS!” I yelled, separating them. “Sam, we’ll find your computer. In that time, use Carl. Dean, your food is edible and barely borderlines on Darwinism. And I? I need a frickin’ shower.” 
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“Did you take his computer?” Bobby asked Dean sternly. 
“I’d say he deserves it, but no.” Dean snivelled. 
“Well, I didn't lose it. 'Cause I don't lose things.” Sam retorted. 
“Yeah, right, ‘cause you’re Mr Perfect.” 
“Shut up! Again!” I snapped. “There was one more victim. We weren’t there for this one, so we kind of put it together from the evidence. But this guy – He was, uh, he was a research scientist. Animal testing.” 
“A douche.” Dean added. “Which fits the pattern. Cops didn't release the cause of death 'cause they had no clue what the cause was.“ 
“So we decided to check it out.” Sam said. 
“Turns out the dude was mauled by an alligator.” I grimaced. “We decided to search the sewer, so we split up, each taking one end of campus.” 
“Did you find anything?” Bobby asked. 
“Oh, I found something, just not in the sewer.” Dean snarled, glaring at Sam.
”Not again.” I groaned.
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“You think this is funny?” Dean fumed, storming in. 
“It depends.” Sam shrugged. “What?” 
“Th-th-the car!” 
“What about it?” 
“You can’t just let the air out of the tires; it’s gonna bend the rims!” 
“Back up.” I frowned, standing up. “Sam let the air out of the tyres? Sam?” 
“I didn’t do it!” Sam snapped. 
“Then why’d I find this?” Dean held up a money clip, which Sam made a grab for. I quickly typed out a message to Bobby, my patience wearing thin.
“Give me back my money!” 
“No, no, no. Think of it as compensation for emotional trauma.” 
“Yeah, very funny. Now, give it back.” 
“I’ve had it with you!” 
“Yeah? Well, right back at you!” Sam tackled Dean, and they both started rolling around on the bed like little kids. I sent the message, rolled my eyes, then pushed them both off the bed. They landed with a groan on the floor, and then stood up, rubbing whatever was lightly thumped. 
“I’ve had it up to HERE with you two!” I yelled, pointing at the ceiling. “And I’m not enduring any more! I’ve called Bobby because we obviously can’t solve this damn thing on our own, like actual, functional adults. So while he’s on his way, we’re going to be getting on with as few arguments as possible, because right now I feel like I’m too old for this. I shouldn’t be feeling that way. I’m 27, young and youthful, you hear me?” 
“Dean Henry Winchester, do not say a word that’ll get your ass kicked. Goes for you too, Samuel William Winchester.” I picked up my book, flopping down on the bed-
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“Ok, that’s enough.” Bobby sighed.
”You showed up about an hour or two after that.” I grimaced. 
“I’m surprised at you three. Firstly, Sam, Dean did not steal your computer.” 
Sam frowned. “But-“ 
“Shh! And Dean, Sam did not touch your car.” 
“Lastly, Ivy does not need to act as a mother to you two.” 
“Damn straight.” I snapped. 
“And if you three bothered to pull your heads outta your asses, it all would have been pretty clear.” 
“What?” Dean asked. 
“What you’re dealing with.” 
Sam looked like his brain short-circuited. “Uh…” 
“I’ve got nothing.” Dean shrugged. 
“Me neither.” 
“I’ve got it.” I clicked my fingers, sitting up. “It’s a trickster. We’ve got a trickster on our hands.” 
“That’s what I thought.” Dean agreed smugly. 
“Shush, no you didn’t.” I stood up, pulling out a supernatural creature encyclopaedia while smacking his shoulder. “It makes complete sense now. We’re the biggest clue.” 
“What do you mean?” Sam frowned. 
“These things create chaos and mischief as easily as we breathe. It knows we’re here, and it’s got us so tightly wound that we can’t even think straight. The computer, the tires, you arguing, it’s messing with us.” 
“So, what is it, what, what, spirit, demon, what?” Dean stammered. 
“Well, more like demigods, really. There's Loki in Scandinavia. There's Anansi in West Africa. Dozens of them. They're immortal, and they can create things out of thin air. Things as real as you and me. Make them vanish just as quick.” 
“You mean like an angry spirit or an alien or an alligator.” 
“The victims fit the M.O., too. Tricksters target the high and the mighty, knock them down a peg, usually with a sense of humour – deadly pranks, things like that.” Bobby added.
”Beanie, what do these things look like?” 
“Anything, but mostly? Human.” I informed, flicking through my books. 
“And which human do we know has been at ground zero this whole time?” 
I snapped the book shut, turning around. 
“Sweet beans.”
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We were walking up the stairs, in tow of the janitor, aka trickster. “Sorry I'm dragging a little ass today, boys. Had quite the night last night.” The janitor turned to us smugly. “Lots of sex, if you catch my drift.” 
“Hard not to.” I commented, signalling to Sam.
“We just need to check a couple offices up on three.” Dean smiled.
”No problem.” The janitor nodded. 
“I, uh, forgot something in the truck. You know what? I'll catch up with you guys.” Sam stammered, then hung back. 
“I’m telling you, he’s our guy.” Dean persisted as we walked out of the building.
“Just 'cause he reads the Weekly World News doesn't mean he's our guy. I mean, you read it, too.” Sam vouched. 
“Let’s just get some hard proof.” I suggested. 
“Okay, another thing Bobby mentioned was that these suckers have a metabolism like an insect, a real sweet tooth.” Dean brought up. 
“Well, I didn't find any candy bars or sugar.” Sam shrugged. “Not even Equal.” 
“Eh, that's probably 'cause you missed something.” 
“I don’t miss things.” 
“Yeah, cause you’re Mr Perfect.” 
“What? Are you really still pissed at me 'cause of what the trickster did?” 
“You’ve been a tight ass even before the trickster wound us up.” 
“Not this again.” I huffed. “Ok, Dean, you can keep an eye on the janitor. Sam and I’ll go back to his place to find any more evidence before we go staking the man! Yeah? We good?” 
“We’re good.” They reluctantly admitted. 
“Alright, let’s go.” We split off opposite ways, then Sam and I took a detour to meet Bobby. “You have the stakes?” 
“I’d be damned if I didn’t, short stack.” Bobby replied, handing me one. “Let’s get this trickster.” We made our way to the theatre, where Dean was at the foot of the stairs. The trickster turned, spotting all three of us due to the loud door slam. 
“That fight you guys had outside – that was a trick?” He asked, and took the answer off Dean’s smile. “Hm. Not bad. But you want to see a real trick?” A masked man with a chainsaw appeared beside Sam, attacking. Bobby rushed to help, while I dodged the blow of… myself? Dressed in a bikini? 
“Do you have any respect?” I scoffed to the trickster, kicking myself to the next wall. My stake clattered to the floor, rolling down the steps.
“No, I don’t think so.” He shrugged, then I got pinned to an aisle seat by my copy (god, this is weird and awkward), her hand at my throat. I gasped for air, then felt my gun’s copy be trailed from my forehead to over my lung. I panicked, so I quickly elbowed her and took out my gun, pistolwhipping her with the barrel, knocking her out. I then took off my jacket, putting it on her so it covered her.
“Have some modesty. But I’ve got to say, I look good.” I breathed, rolling my shoulders back with a grin. “Still got it. Right, uh, evil trickster.” I ran across the aisles, leaping down the rows lightly. 
“I did not want to have to do this.” 
“Me neither.” I growled, hooking my arm around the trickster’s neck and pulling him towards me, sticking the stake right in his heart. I drove it in, and he went limp, the illusions disappearing. I let the body go, then went back up to where my unconscious copy was, picking up my jacket and putting it on. “God, fighting myself in a bikini is so uncomfortable.” 
“What?” Sam blinked. “What’re you talking about? I was busy fighting chainsaw dude with Bobby.”
“I need yet another shower, that’s what I’m talking about. It’s not everyday that you pistolwhip yourself.”
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“Hey, uh, Dean?” Sam asked while Dean was tucking into dinner and I was in the shower. We were now at my safe house, and much less angry at each other. 
“Hm?” Dean looked up, mouth full. 
“Take your time. Um, do you still like Ivy?” 
Dean swelled, then shook his head, chuckling. “Nah. She’s happy with James, and I can let her be that way.” 
“It’s cause, uh, I dunno, I don’t think her and James are gonna last much longer.” 
“They’re solid. Why not?” 
“Something seems off. Ever since Bobby came to help, she seems more, how do I put it? Tense.” 
“I’m sure you’re just thinking things, Sammy. She’d tell us if something was the problem.”
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I was already out of the shower and on the phone with James, pacing. “James, this is a big problem.” 
‘I know, sweetheart.’
”I can’t get my powers cause I’ll die, and if the dreamwalker finds me, I die. The crossroads demon played it well, I’ll give it that.” 
‘Ash is searching for a way out, just hang tight for me, ok?’ 
“I can’t just hang tight, James. It’s getting closer, all of them are getting closer. Bobby’s agreed to get them out if things go south. Thanks for showing up at the bar to keep an eye on me, though. Now that I know, it’s a reassurance.” 
‘I don’t want to lose you, Ivonne.’ 
“You’re gonna have to.” I stated firmly. “You have no choice.” 
‘Yes, yes, we do. You can’t just-‘ 
“I can. It’s one over seven. I think seven takes priority.” 
‘What about what we think? We think it’s bull, and we can get you out.’ 
“You can’t.” 
‘Listen to me-‘ 
“Listening won’t do anything.” I sighed. “That feeling, that weighted feeling that I had when I was possessed, I can feel it more and more every hour, even slightly more, but I feel it. This could be the end, and all I want to figure out is who’s after me. That’s all I want.” For the first time, I had no control. 
I was powerless.
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 242. brb x oc
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a/n: ah...I really can't let them HAVE MOMENTS OF FLUFFNESS (comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989 @enchantingharmonyalpaca
Beatrice and Rooster both got home after a while, the photoshoot wasn’t that day but it was more of a fitting room. Once they were safe inside their house, more specifically inside their bedroom, Rooster fell back on their bed and heaved out a sigh, “Who knew trying on clothes was so tiring?”
“Well,” Beatrice replies,voice just as tired, “It involves us moving a lot and measuring and such,Roos.” she placed her phone face down on their dresser, sighing through her nose while rubbing her eyes, “And we are both really,really tired. We did plan to stay home today.”
He chuckles quietly, “True.” and he runs his fingers through his hair, “It was still fun.”
Beatrice chuckled softly, her exhaustion giving way to a contented smile. She crawled onto the bed and joined Rooster, lying down beside him. "It was," she agreed, her eyes locked onto his. "And you did look incredibly handsome in those outfits."
Rooster hummed, running his hand up and down her back when he hugged her waist. "You think so?" he asked, "Marcus sure has a talent for picking out clothes."
Beatrice reached out to gently stroke his cheek. "You'd look handsome in anything," she whispered, her tone filled with love. "I’ve yet to find something you’d look bad in,I mean, you make Hawaiian shirts look good.”
“Oh,ha ha.” he answers dryly, poking her nose and making her squeak into his chest, “...you are lucky you are cute,ma’am.”
“I know.” she giggles, leaning up to kiss his lips, “I’m going to shower, I am…so tired I might not even be able to stay in a bath.” she slowly slides off the bed towards the bathroom, pulling her hair out of her ponytail while Rooster remained in bed, arms behind his head and eyes following the sway of her hips.
“You need any help?” she just gave him a knowing look over her shoulder, “Just askin’.”
“I’m fine,Roos, thanks.” and she disappeared behind the bathroom’s wall.
Once Rooster was alone, he sighed through his nose, closing his eyes for a brief second and thinking he could nap a little bit. It was late, Nikki was asleep, the dogs are asleep…he could nap for a few seconds as he waits for Bea to come out. He had a good day, he had to admit…just close his eyes for a second–
Then his phone vibrates.
“Ugghhh!!” he pulls his pillow and covers his face, groaning into it, “Whhyyy???”
“Roos?What’s happening?”
He wasn’t going to worry her because of his own dramatics,he just picked his phone and checked the caller, “It’s just Mav.” he mutters, “I’m okay. I’ll…see what he wants.”
“Okay!Take your time!”
With that, Rooster answered the call and began his conversation with Maverick out of the room, rubbing his eyes and going down the stairs to the kitchen, ‘Hey Mav.”
“Hey,Brad. Busy?”
“Honestly,” he pauses, “Kind of,tired mostly. Why? What’s up?”
“I just wanted to check on you guys, seem there’s a little investigation of yours going on,huh?”
An investigation— what- he looks unimpressed then closes his eyes in annoyance, “They can’t fucking keep their mouths shut,I fucking swear.” he mutters, walking over to the fridge - stepping over Jolene’s sleeping form on the floor - and grabbing a glass from the cabinet, “Alright,I’ll bite, what do you know so far?”
“Only that the Halton guy bothered you.” his uncle chuckles, “And that his wife is annoying too.”
Rooster filled the glass with water, taking a sip as he listened to Maverick's words. He couldn't help but feel a mix of frustration and amusement at how quickly word had spread about the encounter with Mark and Miranda Halton. "Yeah, they were definitely... something," he replied with a dry chuckle. "But we're handling it, no big deal."
"I know you can handle it, Brad," he said. "But just remember, if you ever need anything, if things get too complicated, you can always reach out to me. You're family, and family looks out for each other."
Rooster appreciated his uncle's support, and he nodded, even though Maverick couldn't see the gesture over the phone. "Thanks, Mav," he said sincerely. "I'll keep that in mind. But for now, we're just trying to get past it and avoid them at all costs.”
“Even at the base?”
“Especially there.”
"You know you won’t be able to avoid him that much." Maverick replied. "Believe me, I tried it with Cyclone, never worked.”
A warm smile spread across Rooster's face and he was so glad he wasn’t drinking when he heard those words come out of his uncle’s mouth, because he’d definitely choke on the liquid and it’d be a whole mess in their kitchen, “I mean, you have any tips then?”
Maverick chuckled on the other end of the line, his voice filled with a hint of mischief. "Well, the best advice I can give you is to stay professional," he said. "Be polite, but don't engage in any unnecessary conversations. Focus on your duties and your team, and keep interactions with the Haltons to a minimum."
“But that’s my opinion as a Captain.” he says, “As your uncle,I’d say to teach them a lesson, But we also know that can be…complicated.But seriously,if he ever crosses the line or become a real problem, you know what to do…legally.”
“Uh-huh. I am scared about leaving Nikki with you when she’s older. What will you teach her??”
“Pretty much what I taught you,kiddo.” his uncle’s smirk doesn’t even need to be seen for Rooster to know it’s there, “And look at how you turned out.”
Rooster couldn't help but laugh at his uncle's response. "Fair point," he replied, his smile lingering. "I turned out all right, didn't I?"
"You turned out better than all right, Brad," he said. "You've become an outstanding Navy pilot, a loving husband, and a fantastic father. I'm proud of the man you've become."
He wasn’t expecting that.
Even if he and Mav made up years ago, it still made his heart swell with gratitude and actual wonder when he hears that. He takes a few seconds to reply, for a second he was little Brad again, looking up at Maverick  "Thanks, Mav," he said sincerely. "That means a lot coming from you."
"You earned it, kiddo," Maverick replied.
"And that was also the last time you were taller than me.” he couldn’t help it. He really couldn’t.
Maverick hummed, then scoffed a chuckle, one he tried so hard to hold back, “Aren’t you full of jokes.”
Rooster grinned on the other end of the line, his playful spirit shining through. "I couldn't resist," he admitted. "But seriously, thanks for the support and advice, Mav. It means a lot to me."
"Anytime, Brad," Maverick replied warmly. "Remember, family looks out for each other. And speaking of family, how are Beatrice and Nikki doing?"
A fond smile touched Rooster's lips as he thought of his wife and daughter. "They're doing great," he said, his voice filled with affection. "Beatrice is as amazing as ever, and Nikki... well, she's growing like a weed and keeping us on our toes."
Maverick chuckled. "I can imagine. She's got the Bradshaw blood in her, after all.She’ll reach your chest in no time, just you wait.” he pauses “And the twins?”
Rooster laughter diminished for a second, he spun the glass on it’s axis on the counter, the grating sound hitting his ears, “Still at the NICU. But…they are growing stronger. There’s…just their absence makes it a bit hard, you know? But they are okay, only progressing.”
Maverick's tone softened with understanding as he listened to Rooster's words. "I know it's tough, Brad," he said sympathetically. "But they have the best parents looking out for them, and I'm sure they'll be home with you soon."
Rooster nodded, his heart aching for the day when he could hold his twins in his arms without the confines of the NICU. "We're counting down the days," he admitted. "Beatrice and I try visiting them every day. It's hard being apart, but we know it's for their best."
"That's the spirit," he said. "They'll get through this."
Rooster smiled, grateful for his uncle's words of encouragement. "Thanks, Mav," he replied. "Really.
"Anytime, Brad," Maverick said. "And don't hesitate to call me if you ever need anything, whether it's advice or just someone to talk to."
"I know." Rooster promised. "Take care Mav.”
"Take care, Brad. Give my best to Beatrice and Nikki, and of course, to the twins."
"I will, Mav," Rooster replied. "You take care too. Talk to you soon."
After saying their goodbyes, Rooster ended the call and set his phone aside. He took a moment to breathe. While the conversation started light, it got heavier and heavier inside his heart. He knew his babies were okay, if there was something all of their kids had in common was how good they were and how strong they were.
But that didn’t mean it made the absence any easier. Walking past the empty nursery every day was the most gut wrenching feeling in the whole world. He didn’t know how Bea is managing it, but she’s been getting so much better.
Rooster sat at the kitchen table, his mind still filled with thoughts of his twins. He absentmindedly traced his finger along the rim of his glass as he allowed the silence to take over. Until he hears her footsteps approaching him.
“Good talk with Mav?”
He smiled even without turning around, “He always has something to add.” he mutters, inhaling her lavender scent when she comes from behind, hugging his neck and propping her chin on his shoulder, “He just wanted to know how things were.”
Beatrice's arms wrapped around Rooster's shoulders as she leaned in to kiss his cheek. "I'm sure it was good to catch up with him," she replied, her voice soft and comforting. She could sense the weight of Rooster's thoughts, and she wanted to be there for him.
Rooster tilted his head slightly, allowing her kiss to linger on his cheek. Her presence was a soothing balm to his worries, and he appreciated it more than words could express. "Yeah, it was," he admitted. "Not like I don’t see him every day at work..."
She smiles,kissing his cheek noisily, “Come on,” she taps his shoulder, ‘To bed,handsome, we are both tired.”
And yet she woke up in the middle of the night,well, not in the middle. It was close to five, she’d wake up anyway. Beatrice yawned quietly, gently removing Rooster’s arm from her waist and sitting up on the bed, looking back at him when he grumbled in annoyance before hugging her pillow.
Beatrice sighed, stretching her arms above her head as she walked to the windows to check the weather. It’s something she grew accustomed to ever since she had Nicole. Cloudy, but not too much, good.
“Bea.” his deep voice calls from the bed, “Babe…why are you up?”
Beatrice turned her attention back to Rooster, a soft smile tugging at her lips. "I didn't mean to wake you," she replied, her voice hushed so as not to disturb the still-sleeping Nicole in the adjacent room. "I just woke up and couldn't go back to sleep."
Rooster yawned again, stretching his arms above his head before sitting up in bed, his tousled hair making him look even more adorable. He rubbed his eyes, trying to clear away the last remnants of sleep. "Is something on your mind, babe?" he asked, concern etched in his expression.
Beatrice considered her answer for a moment. She turned back to the window, gazing out at the predawn light as she spoke. "Not really, for the first time in a while I just,” she shrugs with a little smile, “Woke up without reason.”
“Babe, you are almost going back to sleep.”
“No,” he mutters, eyes closed,kicking the covers, “I gotta-” he yawns “Get ready for work. I need to mentally prepare,I got a meeting with Cyclone.”
She blinked at him, turning her whole body in his direction this time, ‘...you didn’t tell me you did?”
Rooster nodded, running his hands through his hair. "I didn't want to worry you," he explained. "It's just a routine meeting, nothing to be concerned about. But I wanted to be prepared."
Beatrice's concern for her husband's well-being was evident in her eyes, even in the dim light of the early morning. She crossed her arms over her chest, following him into the bathroom, “Any…idea what it might be? This meeting I mean.”
Rooster stepped into the bathroom, flicking on the light as he prepared to start his morning routine. He glanced at Beatrice's reflection in the mirror, her worried expression mirrored in his own eyes. "Honestly, babe," he began, reaching for his toothbrush, "I don't have all the details yet. Cyclone just said it's an important meeting, and I should be ready to discuss some changes."
Beatrice nodded, rubbing her neck with her hand. She watched as he squeezed toothpaste onto his toothbrush, her thoughts racing as she considered the possibilities. "Do you think it's related to your promotion?"
Rooster shrugged as he started brushing his teeth. "It's hard to say," he replied between brush strokes, "but it's possible. Cyclone wouldn't call a meeting like this unless there was something significant to discuss."
Beatrice sighed, leaning against the bathroom door frame. She hated the uncertainty that often came with Rooster's job, but she knew it was part of the package when you married a Navy pilot. "Right…”
Rooster rinsed his mouth and splashed some water on his face, then turned to face Beatrice with a reassuring smile. "Hey," he said, walking over to her and taking her hands in his, "it's going to be okay. I've faced these kinds of meetings before, and I always come out of them just fine."
Beatrice nodded, her fingers lacing with his as she looked up into his eyes. "I know you can handle it," she said, her voice filled with confidence. "You're one of the best pilots they have."
Rooster's smile widened, and he leaned down to press a sweet kiss to Beatrice's lips. "That's because I have the best support at home," he murmured against her mouth, making her blush.
"Smooth talker," she teased, her cheeks flushed.
Rooster chuckled, pulling back slightly. "I mean every word, babe," he said sincerely. "You know that.”
Beatrice's heart swelled with love for her husband, and she couldn't help but smile. "I love you, Roos," she whispered, leaning in to kiss him once more.
Rooster returned the kiss, his arms wrapping around Beatrice as he held her close. "I love you too, Bea," he replied, his voice filled with warmth. “Now, breakfast? I can make us something nice.”
“...okay.” she smiles, “I’ll take that.”
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howaboutcastiel · 1 year
A Reminder (Marc x f!Reader x Layla) [18+]
It’s lesbian visibility day and I took an edible so here’s some not-edited, word-vomited smut. Also kinky I’m sorry. 2.6k words.
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Content: smut. Cunnilingus, piv (no condom but reader is on the pill). Sub!Reader, Drugging (prior consent, still dub-con in the moment.) Rope bondage (not the pretty shibari kind.) breathplay? It’s a threesome with positions that are technically physically possible.
“I think it’s your turn, honey.” Layla’s voice sang in your ear as she passed behind you, moving to take off her coat.
Marc nodded at her. “It’s the least you can do.”
“Oh, yes. The very least.” You all had just come home from dinner at a nice restaurant. You had sat down for a moment to take off your shoes, leaving Layla in the perfect position to lean into your back and whisper teasing things. “You could have corrected that waiter, you know. When he flirted with you? You could have let him know that you’re spoken for.”
Her hand fell to the back of your neck, grasping firmly. You hissed at the pinch of your skin, and Layla hissed through gritted teeth.
“Would you like a reminder that you’re spoken for?”
Your eyes blew wide, perceptibly so judging by Marc’s chuckle. His eyes flashed up to Layla. “I think she might have forgotten, baby.”
Layla reached to hang her coat on the rack, her other hand still on your neck. Goosebumps ran up your spine as her grip only tightened. She shared a look with Marc, and you heard her giggle behind you. She loosened her hand, stroking it across your shoulder before grabbing your jaw with delicacy. “We’ll help you remember that you’re ours, darling. It’s your turn, anyway.”
Your turn. Your turn to be taken from, not to be doing the taking. Your turn to be used up, to give all of yourself away to the two people you loved most. Your turn to lose control for the night. They were right. After the teasing stunt you’d pulled with that idiot waiter, it was the least you could do. And somehow you knew that having ‘your turn’ wasn’t going to go the way it normally did. Layla’s tone only confirmed your suspicion.
“You’ll be a good girl for us, won’t you?”
You nodded, her hand still on your chin. “Yes.”
She pushed out her lip, pouting at you patronizingly.
“Yes what?”
Oh. It was going to be one of THOSE nights. You weren’t exactly sure if you could handle it.
You hesitated. “Yes ma’am.”
A light slap landed on your cheek. Enough to sting for a second or two, just to shock you more than hurt you. Layla gritted her teeth.
“Say it like you mean it.”
You swallowed hard. Marc’s eyes lit up at the hitch in your breath. You turned yourself toward her, locking eyes. Just two little words, and then your fate was sealed. You tried not to think. Just feel. Your mouth moved on its own, and you were done for.
“Yes ma’am.”
Even with the clear understanding that this was a punishment you had earned, you hadn’t exactly understood the severity of the consequences to come until it was too late. Layla had sloppily made out with you, sticking her tongue down your throat while you sat on Marc’s lap, jerking him off. He had come, then Layla had stuck your fingers inside her until you got the hint and pumped them up into that perfect spot. She’d made you lick them clean once she was finished. Made you thank the both of them, and ordered you not to touch yourself for the rest of the night.
And you’d thought that was it.
Marc put on a movie. Something light and dumb that you’d probably seen before sometime long ago. He passed around drinks. Layla brought blankets to the couch. You had downed a mixed drink or two when suddenly you noticed the movie was way more interesting than you remembered.
Everything was funny. Like, really funny. And as soon as you noticed, nothing was funny at all anymore, and you were tired. Really tired.
This was one of those things that you had agreed to. One of the ‘ifs’ that became fair game as soon as you referred to Layla as “ma’am.” You’d put it all on the table, whatever they had in mind. It wasn’t often at all that this was what they chose. You must have really pissed them off then.
“What’d you put in this?” Marc raised his eyebrows innocently at your slurred question.
He shook his head. “Tequila, grenadine, and orange juice.”
“And a little bit of lime,” Layla added, smirking.
“No…” you tried to clarify. The room was starting to dance around you. Your chest was starting to heat up.
He tilted his head. “I mean, I did put something in there to make you more agreeable, but you don’t mind that. Do you?”
“No sir,” you stuttered. You leaned your head into Layla’s shoulder. “But what was it?”
She scoffed. “Sildenafil and Rohypnol.”
Aphrodisiac and roofies. You had expected one or the other, but not both. She stroked your hair as your body continued to respond to the few sips you’d already taken. When you put down the glass, Layla tisked at you.
“Aren’t you going to be a good girl and finish your drink?”
If you really needed one, this was your out. If you said the word, the two of them would stop there and then and put you to bed without a second thought. They would wrap you in a blanket, set a glass of water beside your bed, and leave you alone to sleep off the drugs. You didn’t have to do anything else, not even if this was your punishment.
“Yes ma’am.”
You downed the glass in a few gulps, knowing you’d back out or fail to finish it if you thought too long on it. Layla grinned widely at the now-empty glass, and Marc subtly readjusted the way he was sitting.
From there, both of them got more and more handsy. Layla started by cradling your head in her lap, stroking your face with the backs of her hands. Marc ran the pads of his fingers up your legs, stopping slightly higher each time he made a pass up your thighs. His eyes seldom left the television screen and, despite the alarm bells in your head, you found your attention back on the movie.
And then the movie was over, and Layla’s hands had moved down to your breasts, and Marc’s up to the lace of your panties. He ran his thumb over the fabric covering your clit and you rutted weakly into him. He moved just a bit lower, and you realized how soaked you were. Now that you felt it, it was almost all you could feel. That, and how terribly dry your throat was.
“‘M thirsty,” you groaned. Marc and Layla shared a knowing glance. Layla leaned down to press her lips onto yours. She shoved your mouth open with little effort, licking hungrily into you. You desperately latched onto the feeling.
“Your mouth is a little try,” she teased. She brought her hand down to meet Marc’s, dipping underneath your panties. “Maybe this will help.”
She gathered your arousal on two fingers, bringing them up to your lips. You didn’t have to guess what she wanted you to do with them. Your tongue darted out to meet her skin. You swirled around her fingers, sucking and moaning and desperate for all of the touch you were getting. You didn’t slow down long enough to taste yourself and, before you knew it, you had sucked them clean. That didn’t stop her from pushing them deeper, until they sat at the back of your throat. You held your breath, trying not to gag, until you couldn’t anymore. Air sputtered in around her fingers and you coughed as you tried to breathe around the intrusion. She pulled back, smearing your spit across your mouth and cheeks.
“Is that better, darling?”
Your body was on fire by now. You could barely keep your eyes open, but you managed to not. Your voice was hoarse. “Yes ma’am. Thank you.”
“I think she’s ready for her reminder,” Marc interrupted. You’d almost forgotten that this was a punishment. Your whole body was screaming at you. Screaming for more. Weren’t they going to give you more? How was that a punishment?
Layla was already scooting out from underneath you. “I think so too. Why don’t you get her ready, dear?”
“Yes ma’am,” Marc cooed. Your head fell backward when Layla’s thighs no longer supported it. You tried to lift your chin, to lift your arms, to lift anything. But you couldn’t move much at all. Marc scooped you into his arms and carried you to their bed. You fell flat when he tossed you onto the mattress. He tugged your dress and panties off with little resistance from you. Your arms moved sluggishly to hug your torso as the cold air hit, and Marc seemed dissatisfied with the range of movement that you still managed.
He grabbed a pillow, shoving it under your hips and ordering you to stay still. Your breath didn’t let you tell him that you couldn’t move away if you tried. Marc went to the closet for a moment before returning with athletic rope. You whimpered while he tied your ankles to the bedposts at the foot of the bed. He only tied one of your wrists to the headboard, presumably leaving the other free out of mercy.
You were going to need it.
By this time, you couldn’t open your eyes for more than a second or two at a time. Your body was searing. Your cunt was absolutely on fire, dripping and sensitive and begging for contact. You bucked your hips with the ounce of desperate strength left in you. Marc chuckled at that, and you heard Layla enter the room behind him.
“She’s so eager,” he said to Layla. Then his attention turned to you. “You’re always such a whore for us, aren’t you? It’s almost like you know who you belong to.”
The bed dipped to your right, and Layla’s voice was closer.
You opened your eyes just in time to catch a glimpse of her sitting behind you. Her clothes were all gone, save for her bra.
She sat with her back to the headboard, and you almost tilted your head back to face the pussy that was inches away from you now. Maybe if you hadn’t had the whole drink, you’d have the range of movement to touch her from here. She didn’t give you a chance to try, though, instead forcing your head up to look at the foot of the bed.
Where Marc was now in his boxers.
His erection strained and leaked against the fabric and he palmed himself as he looked to Layla for approval. When she gave it to him, he pulled his cock from underneath the cotton with a relieved groan. His eyes flashed between your face and your cunt, which was on full display for him now. He climbed onto the bed, settling between your spread legs. Marc fisted his cock with no restraint before he was running the tip along your folds. Coating himself. He looked to Layla as if there was something that she was meant to be doing.
“I want to watch for a second. Seeing as you’ll be watching afterward. Let me enjoy the view.”
In one slow, smooth action, he was buried to the hilt inside of you. You whined hoarsely, unable to do much else. Marc’s eyes squeezed shut and his fingertips dug into your thighs. Your free hand darted down to his wrist and he laced your fingers in his. He pulled out slowly before swiftly bottoming out again. Marc set a painfully slow rhythm and you automatically rolled your hips to meet his thrusts.
“Oh, come on. You can give her more than that.”
Marc shook his head. “I’m not gonna last.”
“Then you’ll have to go a second round later.”
Layla’s voice seethed with venom. “She’s got to learn her lesson somehow.”
Marc didn’t speed up much, but the force of his hips grew stronger. He was fucking into you slow and hard. Deep enough to make you sore. Deep enough to make it ache perfectly. You tensed around him and he growled, frustrated. “So fucking tight. You gotta hurry up, Layla.”
“Fine.” Your eyes fluttered open again and Layla was moving. You couldn’t keep them open long enough to watch what she was doing, but you felt the mattress dip on either side of your head. Layla was straddling your face, barely holding off of you. “You still thirsty, darling?”
With all the might left in you, you brought your hand up to wrap around her thigh. Layla tisked and giggled and lowered herself onto you. The sweat and musk of the hair on her pussy only made you more desperate. You made a ring around her clit with your mouth, and she lurched forward when you hollowed your cheeks. Your tongue almost immediately found that spot right inside of her that had her squeezing your skull with her inner thighs.
Marc’s pace was speeding up. His quick breaths faltered into quiet groans and low-pitched whines. You knew that he must be getting close. Suddenly, the angle that he was fucking you changed. He’d leaned forward.
He had leaned forward to kiss Layla.
Marc was fucking your pussy and Layla was riding your mouth, and they were making out on top of you as they did it. Your orgasm built raggedly and aggressively. You were much more sensitive than normal and Marc’s movements were doing a lot more than you expected. You moaned into Layla’s cunt, your chin bumping her clit again as you arched your back.
You were the first to come, then Marc, then Layla. The strength of your orgasm had you gasping for breath, and Marc had stilled inside of you as Layla rode out her high. Her whole weight was on your face and her thighs had clamped down hard enough to block your air completely. As if cumming on Marc’s cock hadn’t stolen enough of your breath.
She finally pulled off of you, leaving you to gasp and sputter just as before. Your chin and mouth and nose were coated in her slick. Marc’s spend was slowly leaking out of you. Marc fell onto the bed beside you, exhausted. Layla gathered her breath, and you expected her to lay down on the opposite side of you, but she didn’t. She dipped off of the bed and headed for the closet instead. You tugged lazily at your restraints.
“Can you let me go now?” You looked over at Marc, whose eyes were bright and admiring. He shook his head.
“Not yet, baby. You think you can learn a lesson that quick?”
He pressed a kiss to your lips, licking Layla’s arousal off of your skin. Footsteps approached at the end of the bed and warm fingers began to stroke your inner thighs. Something cold and thick pressed against your folds and you shied away. Layla scoffed before you heard the familiar sound of the remote flipping in her hand. A vibrating strap-on. Marc practically whimpered at the sight.
“Now it’s my turn to watch.”
@rmoonstoner @moonmoonboys uhhh @theaussiedragon ? @davosmymaster I don’t know who is gay and kinky to tag in this
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