#i’m the kind of dumbass that never gets asks so i reblogged an ask meme
jar-o-beets · 3 years
47, 62, 88
@ityrvilitarpa i’m so sorry this took me so long to answer but this is basically a call out so hopefully it’s worth it :’)
47: favorite type of cheese?
easy start. i’m a simple man with simple taste and i generally just love a simple cheddar, but my all time fave is probably this cranberry goat cheese log my family always gets around the holidays. the sweet tangy combo just hits 👌🏻😔
62: seven characters you relate to?
you’ve basically asked me for my kin list i hate this here we go
lake (infinity train), evan (dear evan hansen), benrey (hlvrai), chidi (good place), amethyst (steven universe), natasha (great comet of 1812), grif (rvb)
god this one was the hardest cause i have the worst recall and this forced me to mentally dig through all my old fandoms to remember people that i could list and i have no explanations i’m so sorry if you know none of these people gnkslanfkd
88: your greatest wish?
shit okay asking the big questions huh? honestly as i said i’m a simple man ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i just want a nice 9-5 job or some shit (preferably doing something in accounting since that’s what i’m currently studying for 😬) where i can come home and do my own thing and do art and games in my own time and probably live with my friends lmao
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lauralot89 · 3 years
I was going to make some flippant post like “lol tumblr is the tenth circle of hell why am I still on this site” but honestly
Tumblr is the tenth circle of hell and why am I still on this site
I joined Tumblr in part because of the thriving asexual community.  I then got to watch as that community was destroyed by people who couched their bigotry as “lol aces are so cringe” and made Reagan ace mood boards and told ace teens to kill themselves.  Remember the Aphobe Block List?  Yeah, that was a sexual minority community trying to protect themselves from harassment but ha ha funny meme
And now that Tumblr’s ace community is well and fully destroyed I get to sit back and watch as they attempt the same thing with queers
Every day I get to see idiots who lived through the misinformation campaigns on this site in 2016, but who still reblog obvious clickbait bullshit without even two seconds of critical thinking.  I get to see dumbasses who don’t know how journalism works screaming SAY THEIR NAMES at headlines.  Literal children who couldn’t identify the executive branch of government if they were sat in front of a Wikipedia article, but they still have all the answers for fixing the US and worst of all, have an audience lapping it up
I was here for fandoms, but now fandoms have become some sort of Social Justice that begins and ends with liking the Right Characters on the Right Shows for the Right Reasons.  A place where nuance goes to die and if you think Y Character acted poorly in Z Scenario then that’s bashing  and character assassination and if you mention Thing 1 without Thing 2 then you don’t know that Thing 2 exists and is Important or worse, you’re willfully denying it.
Do you know how many times I’ve been told to kill myself for writing the Wrong Kind of fiction or having the Wrong Opinions about media or celebrities?  Depending on the day and who you ask I’m either an Anti-Semite or I’m some anti-Black Zionist and one day I’m a white supremacist and the next day I’m a self-hating white faux-woke neoliberal insert other buzzwords as you like.  I’m a religious zealot.  I’m a false prophet.  I’m a prude.  I’m a pedophile.
I have been reduced to tears more times than I care to admit because this hell site won’t allow me to make my posts only visible to people who know and follow my shit, so everything I post has to be carefully written so some nebulous audience of strangers who might see it know that I think Racism is Bad and Women are People and Trans Rights are Human Rights.  And then sometimes I fuck it up and months later that nebulous audience of strangers finds it and flips their shit because I forwent stating what ought to be obvious.
I’m going to delete most of my posts.  Not those that deal with my fiction, not cute pictures of animals that no one has found a way to bitch about (yet) but any fandom or political or religious or any other opinions I’ve expressed.  And then I will never post anything like that again.  It’s not worth it.  My mental health is tenuous enough as it is.  I’m only staying here for the people who actually know me.  You guys are the only light in this fucking pit.
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andaleduardo · 3 years
Where, besides Tumblr, can people find you doing fannish things? (Obviously only mention sites and usernames you actually want to be found at. Don’t expose your secret identities on my account.)
What other names have you gone by on these platforms, including Tumblr, if any?
When did you join the IT fandom? And what got you into fandom, to begin with?
What are your favorite ships, or characters, if any, and why? What do they mean to you?
In what ways do you participate in fandom? (ex. Posting memes, reblogging/commenting on content, writing fanfic, making fanart, creating fanmixes, etc.)
Do you have any in-fandom inspirations? Other members of the community that drive you? (And if you have the time/energy, in what ways do they inspire you?)
Name and link some of your favorite works, please!
Do you have any works of your own that you feel particularly proud of, or wish more people would’ve consumed? Please provide links if possible.
Have you ever participated in a fannish event (ie. IT Week, a fic Big Bang) or applied to be a part of a fanzine? If so, which ones, and can you please link them?
Without any form of bashing or lashing out, what is something you feel this fandom is missing?
We’ve talked about it before but I wanna thank you one more time for all the thought you put into these questions and for sending them to me, honestly <33
Okay this is probably going to be a long post I’m sorry in advance,,
- Besides tumblr and AO3 (it’s the same username) I don’t have any more fannish accounts, I have a twitter so I can keep up with the IT content over there but my account is private I don’t really interact there I just observe 👀
- Jesus what a good question, my first name on tumblr was eds-spagheds, that was also my first name on AO3, but then the second movie came out and I had to make good use of that iconic line
- Okay buckle up I love this story. So, It chapter one came out in 2017, but I hate horror movies with a passion, I never watch them, so when my friends asked me to come see it with them I said no, right. Fast forward one year. One random day in high school I think I caught the flu or something and I was feeling like absolute CRAP but me and my friend (the same one that invited me to see It on the cinema) had already made plans for that afternoon, that were: watch IT chapter one at her house. I tell you, I was laying on her couch having fever dreams while we waited for another friend of ours to show up, I was thinking to myself, I’m gonna go home, I feel like shit I don’t want to watch a horror movie that I’m gonna have nightmares about tonight. Anyway, I didn’t leave, they convinced me because they said “you love stranger things you’ll love this too”. The three of us sat down to watch the movie. Me, a dumbass, said this on the first seconds of the movie: “Can you imagine how bad it must feel to enter a fandom based on a movie? Like, with stranger things you can rewatch all the seasons but with a movie it’s just, the same 2 hours to obsess over and over.” No, I didn’t know there was a book, mini-series, or a second part. Yes, I got to know them all in the following months because as soon as I finished the movie I knew that was it for me.
- Okay favorite ships? We’re all tired of this answer but reddie. However, I like every single ship imaginable between the 7 of them, to me they’re all soulmates and I love all the dynamics possible. I lovE all of them, ships and characters. I think I related most to Ben, because of the unrequited love, body image and food issues. That part on the book about Ben’s mom feeding him unhealthy things and him trying to eat better and then the guilt trip? man, that hit too close. But like many people say, we all relate to every loser in a different way.
- Sighs. I don’t really participate anymore... First 2 years I was on fire with content, I did fanart and wrote prompts, one shots, full fics.. now I literally just reblog things and try to give love to the artists. I guess you can say I’m retired
- That’s a difficult question, all of the art I see inspires me, all of the fics I love inspire me, before, I guess they inspired me to create my own content for the fandom but since I don’t create anymore, they just, make my day really much better. I appreciate every single content creator of this fandom, you don’t know how much joy it brings me
- Okay okay!! This is impossible to get right because I will forget many many people for sure but over all this time there’s some works that really stick with me and that I think about every other day:
a (number) neighborhood of seven by  BookRockShooter
I Might Be Dreaming (I Might Be Dead) by batwake
two falling sparks  by zach_stone
Predicament Bondage  by dgalerab
Now What I'm Gonna Say May Sound Indelicate by IfItHollers
& That's For All Time  by  tossertozier (rednoseredhair)
In Over Your Chest is Way Too Deep (AKA Surf Bois) by speakslow
5555 by weepies
- Yes! I wrote a handful of things but my absolute favorite one is this: Late at night when I like who I am, in the dark where I’m finally me
- No :( Sadly I never participated in any fandom event as a creator, but I love to see everyone’s work when one happens ! I bought the loser’s zine and it’s my most prized possession
- Hmmmm tough question, I think a little more empathy? There are so many kind and amazing people here but there are also some people who are... not. I see a lot of discourse over useless things like adults being in the fandom is somehow bad because the losers were once kids? like, are we forgetting this story follows these people from their childhoods through their adulthoods? And are we supposed to stop liking things after we turn 20 or? And when people who write Richie’s parents as bad parents are regarded as edgy teens who just want to cause Richie pain??? like what the....? so many people have only watched the movies and i’m sorry but in the movies there’s nothing that shows Richie’s parents as good parents, that’s only in the book, why do we attack these people then? maybe they relate to Richie and they have bad households, don’t we all project ourselves on our favorite characters?
Anyway, that’s all from me, if anyone reads this far I’ll be impressed but I had a lot of fun with these 👉👈
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jockvillagersonly · 3 years
🌻🌺🌹this is a bouquet of flowers because you're a nice person and I appreciate you🌸🌷🌼 pass it on to the moots you wanna squeeze for being who they are~ i'm sending this 2nd time because tumblr refused to accept the 1st one. okay what was it. oh yeah. thank you for being nice to me, even thought i'm a newbie. thank you for tolerating my chaotic and random reblogs. thank you for supporting my dumbass posts, i appreciate it, a lot! p.s. tumblr better send this one
I have received it!!!!!!!! Also I’m choosing by the authority vested in me to respond to this as an affirmation ask, because it made me go :D for 2-3 minutes straight
You know what that means ???
I know I sent you an ask about this but I’m gonna say it again!!! YOU ARE SO FUNNY IT CAUSES ME PHYSICAL PAIN, I think my asthma has relapsed because of how hard your memes make me laugh/wheeze
Your tags bring me so much joy! I’m always like oooo what’s Sasha got to say now 👀
You’re so sweet! I know we haven’t talked a whole bunch, but every interaction you’ve been so lovely and kind despite that! I appreciate you so much!
As per Your Message above: I adore your chaotic and random reblogs, they spice up my dash so much, I hope you never stop
This one is kinda silly but i think your icon is really cute 🙈 it also always makes me think of HXZ as a ghost
You give me the energy of someone who has REALLY good style, like very cute, maybe a little retro, and also has a really nice smile. Idk but that’s the VIBE ok
You also seem like someone who has really good taste in music, I’m gonna stand by this one
Ok looping back to the tag comment: your enthusiasm is so infectious? I’ve had no interest in Hikaru No Go and im honestly considering it exclusively because of your tag comments on it 🥺
Send me an ask, get 8 things I love about you! 🐸
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jidai · 4 years
jidai’s budget mutuals/friends appreciation
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Hi, all! I’m quite late with this but I decided to put a small friends and mutual appreciations post in hopes of brightening up the end of this year a little bit. ❤️ If you were tagged, please make sure to check below for a small little message from me. However, I want to make it very clear that I truly appreciate all of my mutuals. You guys brighten up my dash and always reblog or create so many funny and creative posts. I just wanted to give a few special shout outs to those that have taken out the time to reach out and interacted with me past my ask box or we just see each other often.
The messages are ordered by your URL, so you might have to scroll for awhile before you see your messages. I’m so sorry lmao. 
Happy New Years, everyone!
@25th​​, Nonnie, the Young Genius. bro, remind me how old you are 🧍‍♀️ Like my brain CANNOT fathom the thought that you’re so skilled at SO many things and you’re not even in your twenties??? PLEASE SPARE THE TALENT. i will even accept crumbs. But I’m writing to tell you that you are such a wonderful presence on my dash. I always look forward to your gfx. They’re so SO good and you’re improving from one post to another. Like WOW. Now, you’re even starting an art blog, too? You’re so dedicated to the arts. I respect that a lot. Your hard work and commitment will bring you very far in life, whatever you decide to do. 
I love interacting with you. You’re such a big sweetheart and full of positivity and energy. I look forward to seeing more of your art and gfx ❤️
@biscuitwalk​, Dann, the AK Wiz. Dann, I know you’re not as active on here so idk when or if you will ever read this but I want to say that I miss you and your creations so, so much. I will say it a hundred times over and OVER but you inspire me so goddamn much. You have no fucking idea. Your works are absolutely gorgeous and unique. I can look at it once and I can instantly recognize your style (and your cute lil’ pufferfish <3). The way you utilize colors and implement various techniques, shapes, textures into your work. Goddamn, you’re so good. I always look to your work if I ever need inspiration and they help me brainstorm. God, I wish I could put it into words how much I adore your works.
We didn’t really talk for long but you seemed like such a kind and fun person to be around. I wish you the best in your future endeavors, wherever you are. Stay safe <3
@elriccs, Mirai, the Short King. 🧍‍♀️ ok look I know, I know I’m TERRIBLE at replying to you and I’m so fucking sorry. I absolutely love to talk to you but my dumbass cannot seem to reply in a timely manner LASELKSAL. That’s on me and I gotta do better. Anyways!!! Thank you SO fucking much for always leaving such kind messages on my work. I swear to god you’re one of my biggest hype man and I ALWAYS look forward to reading your tags. They’re so funny and it makes me all tingly and happy inside. Bro, like, you just radiate big fun vibes, bro. I really hope that I can get to know you better so I can just insult you until it’s too late to walk away </3
And of course, let me also remind you that I love your works so much. They way that you utilize your textures and those muted colors... OOMPH *chefs kiss* I will always love--
@lockhvrts​​, Em the Soulsborne GOD. hi em 🥺 it’s been awhile since I’ve had a proper conversation with you and I hope you’re doing okay! I miss you and our conversations where we do nothing but geek out and complain about the game industry lmao. if you manage to read this, I just wanted to let you know I miss your presence here. It’s been kinda dull not seeing your beautiful soulsborne gifs and your game rants. Let’s catch up soon. <3 stay safe and well!
@nathanprescutt, Benn, the Man. BENNNNNNNN.  I love you a lot bro. I know we haven’t had long conversations for some time and I hope I can change that! You were my first friend on this blog and I will always appreciate it. I remember us just geeking out over your works and how I would always send you a gfx request like once a week LMAO. The one thing that I have always appreciated about you was the fact that you’re very opinionated (if not, very vocal on your stance on things) and you hold your ground. There were a few time where you encouraged me to speak on topics that I think I shouldn’t and that stuck with me for quite awhile. I’m still a nervous rambling mess when it comes to debates but just know that the one time you supported me to voice my opinion--I hold it very dear to my heart. 
While I don’t spend much time together, I will always remember our animal crossing session. It was  so much fun just trashing and chilling on your island. Especially the bar :( that bar was fucking AMAZING. Maybe once FFXVI comes out, we can geek out hehe
Also, thank you so much for sending in photos of all your doggos, omg. I miss seeing them so much I hope they’re doing well. Stay hot, my German bro lol. Ich bin sehr dankbar, so eine tolle Freundin zu haben. ❤️❤️❤️
@noxdivina​, Lin the Big Dick Daddy Kind. The church is open for business bitch and I’m here to preach the GOSPEL.
Okay, jokes aside, I’m really happy that we became mutuals. You’ve always give off this like, mysterious cosmic vibe (????? huh). And your selfies just further proves that you are wtf. But you’re always so kind to those that you interact with. You’re an absolutely sweetheart and like I just want to give you a giant hug every time we interact. You’re such a soft human being. It’s so nice being around you. It’s like being tossed in the oven and baked at 250 degrees F for 25 minutes. And to boot you’re really talented, hello? God really said let there be a perfect human being and yeeted you into the universe. Thank you for always leaving such kind messages and words in my DM/askbox/works. I cherish them so much. I hope I can get to know you better in the future bc you’re rad, bro <3
anyways, updated drawing of u and maya:
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i always assume you’re in a black fur parka 24/7 and maya is coatless neck down. also deck me with those jacked arms of yours thanks  🧍‍♀️
(edit: fuck i forgot to draw a PARTY HAT ON MAYA IM SORRY)
@rokuseis​, Sei, the Dumber.
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i have nothing to say to you go away you banana hater ASELKSAEKL
BITCH, you doo bee getting on my nerve 24/7/365 🧍‍♀️ you were an unexpected but a very welcomed addition to my life. I can’t believe we really went 1 fuckin’ year without speaking to each other and then suddenly our friendship blew up because over a stupid BANANA. Now you gotta deal with me and my stupid, random, crude ass messages daily. I cannot. Clown to clown communication. But thank you so much bitch for being there for me and telling all of these funny ass stories and life experiences.
I know I don’t say it a lot because when we talk it’s literally just dogs barking at each other but I want to make it clear now: I love your humor and vibe so much. You never fail to make me laugh anytime I talk to you and I appreciate it so much. I can’t tell you how many times I felt better after talking to you. Even though sometimes your fucking jab hits hard and I end up actually inSULTED BY IT. But thank you for becoming my friend and I look forward to all of our stupid moments together. Looking forward to shitting in your sink when I finally fly to your home <3
@wolfamongthem, Anna, the Grinch. Please don’t hurt me for that title. I'm just saying if someone needs a live casting, it’ll be u. Anyways, did you know that I was so fucking intimidated by you for a long ass time, even before we became mutuals aseljas LMAO. I always see your gifs around on explore and they’re so gorgeous and then I look at your text posts and it’s u roasting people like there’s no tomorrow- 🧍‍♀️ bitch I was SCARED OF U KSKS. Now that I’ve talked to you a few times, you’re really funny like where do you find those reaction memes????? Like bro you and your shitposts is my morning cup of coffee. 
Anyways, in 2021 I expect a full-fledge review of all AAA games from you-- no more shit talking in the tags let it all out BITCH. Thank you for being such a great mutual! I look forward to see what weird shit you will send me the next time we talk lmao
@zenien​​, Selm, the I’m-gay-for-Lady-Maria-or-anything-that-moves-in-BB-Bitch™. ok bitch if I’m being honest I wrote yours last so my brain is FRIED. so everything i say from here is raw from the HEARt cause that’s all I got left. But anyhow, we savin’ the best for last! honestly, i didn’t expect you to barge into my life like that. i really didn’t. i was just gonna keep admiring with my 7 feet (2.1336 meters) pole. I’m glad you made the first move because look where we are wtf 🧍‍♀️ friends??? I wouldn’t believe you if you told me that in 2014 when I first followed you lmao. 
You’re such a kind soul. I know you may disagree but I’m determined to convince you. I can’t tell you how much I want to thank you for taking the time to talk to me during my rough bits. It’s like sitting on a wooden bench in a park during sunset and you sit next to me, just enjoying the vast sky. You radiate such peaceful energy. It’s very calming. Or you know, 2 seconds later i’m suddenly suplexed by your 40 tons of insults like what-- 
Thank you for everything, so far. Truly. It’s been so fun listening to you talk about your Bloodborne journey and see your reactions live. It’s been so fun to see you post your graphics and it continues to blow me away. It’s been so fun hearing about your life and the stories of your adulthood. Every words that we have exchanged, I hold dearly to my heart--more than you ever know. Love u bitch.
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piratewithvigor · 3 years
a couple of the questions in the ask meme you reblogged really resonated with me, would you do 23, 24, 45?
Took me a bit to find the right list and I'm just guessing, but I hope this is the right one. I ended up answering these for two hours, so sorry about the novel
23. Were you happier four months ago than you are now?
Four months ago was March 13, by my calculations. And it's a really tough one to answer. A lot of dirty laundry happened that week, and I'm not sure just how much I want to share. What I do know is that one week before March 13, I was having a really great night. Went out on a mini road trip with a group of friends. We were gonna go have dinner in this little restaurant/convenience store in the middle of nowhere, but we only arrived 10 minutes after they'd closed down the kitchen. We bought snacks and this big tub of peanut butter ice cream. Drove around and ended up getting some KFC, then eating the ice cream in the high school parking lot before burying it in the snow to try and hide it until Monday. We sang Sk8tr Boy until we were hoarse. That kind of jubilant joy is gonna be hard to recreate.
A few days after that was my birthday. I've never really made a fuss about my birthday and it isn't super important to me, so acknowledgement from the people closest to me is pretty much all I look forward to. Making memories of some kind.
I had a boyfriend at the time I really loved. He'd gone on the mini road trip a few days before (also being a part of that friend group) and had mentioned offhand when my birthday was, so I knew he knew. We were never really chatty over text because he's much more vocal, but we always made it a point to wish each other good morning as soon as possible after we woke up. I already knew something was off when he took until 9 or so to wish me good morning (he had classes that started at 8, so I knew he wasn't sleeping in). It was the beginning of a day that was likely one of the worst birthdays I've had. After spending the day listening to those who did remember tell me to leave him, that this was unacceptable, I requested a call with him around 8pm. We hardly ever called, so I think he knew something was up. I told him he'd forgotten my birthday (and called him a dumbass in my rage, which wasn't called for)
I said a lot of things that night to people in my anger. I wish I could take a lot of it back, or explain what I had meant at the time, but none of it can be taken back and I accept that. We didn't break up that night.
The next few weeks were a little uneasy. He was jumpy and had gone into an anxiety/depression spiral over the fear of getting dumped (no matter how often I assured him that I loved him and had no intention of doing so), but as a result, we weren't leaning on each other with the right balance anymore.
A few days before Easter, I had an emotional breakdown that lasted several hours. He wasn't returning my messages and later said he was with two of our mutual friends at a beach about an hour away. I wasn't angry at him, but really disappointed. A lot of my turmoil had come from the solitude of being the only university student in a gang of high schoolers, so there were days I'd see them all having fun together without me, and I snapped a little.
The next day, one of those friends requested an evening hangout and I was obviously elated. I spent the day waiting and passing the time as quickly as possible. When she pulled up to my house at exactly the minute she said she got off work, I was a little suspicious, but suspected I had misread the message. The car was fully parked (also weird), my boyfriend was sitting shotgun (I didn't know he was coming) and the other friend was sitting in the backseat (I didn't know she was coming either). The vibe was all off and my boyfriend turned around in his seat and said that we needed to break up. He explained our relationship was taking a toll on his mental health.
In front of two other people, I didn't have the chance to get my emotions out properly. Nor did I have the chance to really talk things over with him. I learned later that this was because he wanted backup in case I got violent (one of the misunderstandings from the evening of my birthday).
I haven't seen him since then. I've only heard his voice twice during calls with other mutual friends who've remained neutral in the breakup. Overnight, my friend group went from a healthy regular 6 that could be expanded to 10 to only 2 who talk to me (in person friends, I should specify).
In the weeks since, I haven't left the property beyond picking up the mail or my brother from school. I've gotten a new interest that I adore (but my family hates). I've had days that feel magical and days where I feel like I'd be better off dead if I could give my all in a relationship and still be disrespected like that.
I don't know if I'm happier than I was 4 months ago. I have up days and down days just as frequently. They're just about different things. But maybe I am happier; some days, I notice my 'ups' are higher than they used to be.
24. Is there someone you wish you could fix things with?
Yes. In the aforementioned friend group, there were 6 of us who were the core: myself, my boyfriend, two other girls his age, one guy and one girl 4 years younger than me. I was never particularly close with the guy, but I always liked hanging out with him. The two other girls were the most regular hangouts because they were in town a lot, so if they went to hang out with my boyfriend, I was generally there too. They were the two in the car the night of the breakup.
The younger girl, I was probably the closest with. There would be evenings when she wanted help with homework or just someone to talk about nonsense while she listens. There were a good number of occasions where she would want to do homework late into the night and I'd lie in bed and tell her about movies I've watched recently. I considered her a really good friend, but because of our age difference, her parents were a little wary of her hanging out with the group outside of school (completely understandably so. I think the only reason she got to hang out with me was because her mom had been basically the youth pastor at our church since I was 8).
She took my boyfriend's side in the breakup. I know they were significantly closer than she was with me, but I just wish I didn't have to lose that friendship too. I sent her word through her brother to let her know I have no beef with her at all, but I don't think it did any good. It's very likely I won't be able to talk with her anymore, and I've mostly made my peace with it, but the lack of closure I got there is probably gonna mess with me for a while.
45. Do you believe exes can be friends?
I do. I have proof, but I don't know just how allowable it would be in this case. I consider myself to have had 6 relationships. They ranged from 1 month to 2 1/2 years.
My first one was third grade. The entire year, and about as PG as two 8-year-olds get. We broke up when fourth grade started, but were still pretty close friends. We got back together for a few months in seventh grade, but it wasn't working, so we went back to friends. He's now one of the only people I know in person who still talks to me. Definitely still a friend.
My second was 8th grade. A little bit toxic and we were probably better off ending when we did, but he gave me a lot of experience that I banked on for years. Have not spoken to him in close to 4 years.
My third was 9th grade. Definitely toxic. We don't talk about it. Stayed in contact and even friendly for about 2 1/2 years afterwards until I cut him off. It was really for the best in the end.
My fourth was later in 9th grade. My longest. Long-distance and one of my healthier ones. He left me after 2 1/2 years and gave me a whole lotta issues as a result. Our contact wavers on occasion, but we've never gone more than a month without talking.
My fifth was probably a week after my fourth. He was inheriting a basket case of a bitch. Also long distance and have not spoken since the breakup.
My sixth was the one who's breakup you read about above. We were together for almost exactly 18 months. My second-healthiest relationship after my first. He said we could still be friends, but the more time that passes, the less I believe it's a possibility.
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troop-scoop · 4 years
Celebrating 200 followers!!!
legit, wtf guys. 
anyways, I got the idea from @willowrose99​ to do something when I reached 200! I decided to make something for my mutuals! and basically it’s just the kinda aesthetics that you guys give me :) 
I literally love all of you so much, you’re all so cool, and I don’t deserve the love you guys send my way even if it’s just in the form of likes/reblogs. I don’t deserve it. You guys make this blog sm more fun <3
yes I stalked you archives for this, don’t judge me. I did what needed to be done. 
this goes in the order of my oldest mutuals to my newer ones :)
1. @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers​
Lindsay, you’ve literally been here from the beginning, back when I did GOT stuff, and you’ve been so supportive I literally love u so much. And congrats on being an aunt btw!!!! (Yes I know you’re still simping for Jon Snow) 
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2. @nxncywheeler​
I don’t have words, Frank, (Han,) you’ve so kind and so sweet, and so funny. Literally I would fight someone for you. <3 <3 107134287/10 would die for you <3
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3. @willowrose99​
Will, I love to talk to you, and you’re so nice and you put up with my bullshit whenever I decide to be difficult when asking questions. Love u boo, <3
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4. @harrington-ofhawkins​
We don’t interact often(if ever?), but, Jen, I think you’re super cool. I followed you about as long as Will and Han and I loved your writing and you guys really did inspire me to start writing for Stranger Things <3
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5. @sassisaluxury​
Bec!!!! You add so much *spice* to my feed!!! I love the twilight content and I’ve never even seen the movies or read the books. Followed for the ST content, stayed for the Twilight revival <3 (jk, I was gonna stay anyway lmao) 
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 6. @redbullchick​
Maddy. . . I just think you’re really cool 👉👈 
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7. @charmedtenderness​
Steph,(we’ve never really interacted, but we like and reblog each other’s stuff) I’ve been meaning to read your fic, but my dumbass gets getting distracted!!!! literally remind me, get on my case about it!!! I wanna read it!!!! <3 
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8. @dungeons-and-demodogs​
Parker you’re so fucking cool, and I wanna get to know you better! You post and reblog a lot of a cool stuff and just seem so chill <3
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9. @harringtonlr​
Listen, Grace, you’re amazing, your writing is amazing, I love your blog, your music taste amuses me and yet??? it’s immaculate??? like wtf??? <3 (istg the center photo in the collage was not intentional based on your name, i swearrrr) 
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10. @strangest-hour​
I’m just gonna call you Ohio like this is Zombieland, but you’re so sweet, and your sense of humor is really funny and I love seeing your stuff on my dash. And I think anyone who’s been on tiktok long enough knows that there are people who just come up on your FYP so much that you just assume you followed them, especially because you like all the videos that pop up. Right well most of your posts where in the ‘In Your Orbit’ thing so for awhile I literally assumed we were mutuals when we weren’t. In short, I’m stupid. 
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11. @lovesongmp4​
do you ever just see a username on your dash and go ‘<3′ and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen your name used by someone (idk) but I think I completely forgot it because I’m terrible with names :(
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12. @ghostincroft​
Cece, your edits are so pretty, and I remember Will suggesting I should follow you and like two seconds later before I could, I got a notification saying you followed me, and Will said she was suggesting blogs, legit love your edits and gifs, I have no clue how to do it, and I envy u ngl <3
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13. @verified-villain-fxcker​
We like just started following each other. . . I followed for the memes and because I relate to you 👉👈
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creion · 5 years
10. “Oh, you like to read books? Me too, yeah, reading is-uh-swell. Love to uh, read…ya know…books.” Please!
me: reblogs prompt meme
me when i actually get an ask: surprised pikachu, also spends literal months fulfilling this prompt since the version of this that i started writing literal months ago somehow turned into something WILDLY unrelated
Steve tries befriending Billy out of necessity rather than out of actually wanting it to happen.
As far as he’s concerned, Billy can go fuck himself, but he knows his life would be overall easier if he were on speaking terms with Billy instead of taking a swing terms.
It’s not as if progress hasn’t been made. They can be in the same room without getting into a shouting match, and sometimes Billy doesn’t do more than give him a once over before saying, “Yeah, sure,” when he asks him to take over carpooling for a weekend or something. Part of his sudden lack of aggressiveness has something to do with the fight and with Max threatening his balls with the nail bat, but Steve likes to think that, maybe, Billy’s warming up to him.
It’s kind of like taking care of a scared animal, he thinks.
The loyalty and trust comes with time and hard work. Steve doesn’t think they’ll ever be best friends, but he knows that if worse came to worst, he’d rather have Billy on his side rather than working against him.
“I still think you’re stupid for trying to be friends with my brother,” Max tells him, while she and Steve are watching Mike and Lucas take turns jumping from the top of the staircase in Steve’s house. They’re trying to touch the ceiling in the stairwell. “You have, like, nothing in common with him.”
“I feel like we have more in common than you might think,” Steve muses as he follows Mike with his eyes. He probably shouldn’t be letting him and Lucas take turns jumping from the top of the staircase, because one of them is bound to break a limb, but truthfully, it’s the least destructive idea they’ve had so far, and he needs to keep them all occupied for a few more hours.
“Um, no. He’s such an asshole, and you’re, like, not.”
Steve ponders the durability of middle schoolers as he watches Mike pop back up after taking a pretty rough tumble into the hardwood before he responds to her. “I wouldn’t say that I’m not an asshole,” he tells her. “I mean, if anything I figure we could bond over being assholes.”
“He’d probably sooner deck you than be friends with you, dude.”
“We’ll see about that.”
Finding common ground with Billy is easier said than done. Steve tries approaching him while he’s picking Max up for something or other. She’s in another part of her house, their parents aren’t home, and Steve’s awkwardly lingering in the Mayfield-Hargrove living room.
Billy’s in here. He’s on the couch, wrapped in a blanket, and he looks like hell. Steve’s pretty sure he’s sick, and that it’s the only reason he’d been asked to drive Max around. Steve tries talking to him, tries asking, “How are you feeling, man?” and Billy just… Stares at him.
He looks up from the TV, nice and slow, and stares. He has this dead in the eyes look, one bad enough to rival El’s. They stare at each other for a few minutes, up until Billy simply says, “Out,” while looking at the door, and –
Yeah. Steve gets the fucking hint.
The second time Steve tries befriending him goes arguably worse.
They get stuck putting the basketball equipment away after practice, and Steve decides to ask Billy if he wants to hang out sometime while they’re rolling the cart that holds the basketballs into their coach’s office. (Basketballs are apparently a hot commodity for the thieves of their high school.)
Billy stops the cart with his foot, looks Steve in the eyes for all of two seconds and says, “C’mere, Harrington,” in an inconspicuous tone that Steve makes the mistake of not finding suspicious.
He walks over to him, until he’s standing face to face with him. Hell, he even watches Billy pick up one of the basketballs, but he still sputters out of shock and spits out, “Fuck you!” when Billy bonks him in the nose with it. “Jesus, what the fuck’s wrong with you?”
“What the fuck’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you? You need to get it through your damn head that we,” Billy gestures exaggeratedly between himself and Steve, “aren’t ever going to be friends. Stop trying.”
The third time isn’t necessarily the charm, and he gets called an idiot, but Billy at least indulges him.
Steve’s in the school library, looking for a certain book, because, yeah, sometimes he likes reading, and there’s a library right there. He finds his book pretty quickly, and as he’s turning out of an aisle in the library, he sees Billy sitting at one of the tables with a book in his hands, reading.
Steve takes a seat across from him.
Billy glances up at him, for just a moment, before looking back down at his book as if he weren’t there.
Steve says, “So, reading. You like reading? Reading’s, y’know, pretty swell. I love to read. Books. Like, I love to read books, dude.”
“You’re a fucking idiot,” Billy mumbles as he’s turning the page in his book.
Steve would argue with him, but, he has a point. “I’ve been, ah, made aware of that fact more than a few times.”
“I wonder why,” he drawls out, nice and sarcastic, eyes never leaving his book. “Are you trying to ask me to drive the shitheads around this weekend?”
“Um, no. I’m trying to give you, like, olives.”
At that, Billy looks up at him and gives him a weird book. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“That saying!” Steve goes on the defensive. “About olives, and like, making peace with someone, or whatever. I just figure I can give you some metaphorical olives, because I believe that both of our lives would be easier if we were friends.”
“It’s an olive branch, you dumbass.” He starts laughing. Not loud, and not in the mean way that he does, but he laughs. “You’re serious? After I fucked your face up? And after I got you in the nose with that basketball last week?”
Steve shrugs. “Olive branch, olive smanch. I have a surprising aptitude for forgiveness, man. I mean, honestly, at this point, I’ve been trying to befriend you long enough that it’s less about convenience, and more about trying to see if it’s ever going to happen.”
Billy dog-ears the corner of the page in his book, and closes it. He slips it into his backpack, before leaning back in the chair, and crossing his arms and legs. He raises one of his eyebrows ever so slightly, and Steve starts to wonder if he fills them in like Nancy does, just because of how clean and sculpted they look.
“Can you throw me a bone? Just this once? You broke my nose once, and you attempted it again, so like – you kind of owe it to me.”
If only just because it’s not the first time Steve’s milked their fist-fight for favors – although it’s usually in terms of carpooling – Billy rolls his eyes and lets out an incredulous, put-upon sigh. “I’ll hang out with you this weekend, only because my other plans fell through. Not because you’re a bitch.”
And, yeah –
It’s a small victory but it’s still a victory.
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lysung · 5 years
Wabi-sabi (part 1)
Genre: angst, fluff (in the upcoming chapters :))
Pairing: Minsung (Jisung + Minho)
Words: 2,750
Summary: Wabi-sabi means imperfect or incomplete beauty. This is a central concept in Japanese aesthetics, which comes from Buddhist teachings on the transient nature of life. A pot with uneven edges is more beautiful than a perfectly smooth one, because it reminds us that life is not perfect.
Han Jisung and Lee Minho are two average high schoolers who have differences in common; two of them are being from the other high schoolers are being a part from the LGBT community and too thoughtful in an unhealthy way, besides many other things society would see as "flaws". After accidentally knowing each other through Twitter, they eventually became best friends but both of them still had colorless and monotone lives outside internet, until that, someday, one of them is about to get beaten up for being LGBT and the other one defends a random guy from getting beaten up by one of his best friends.
Warnings: bullying, homophobia, depressive thoughts
A/N: hello! i'm alexis and this is my first au :) i know this blog is supposed to be a fluff imagines blog, but i've been feeling like writing some ansgt lately. i hope y'all don't mind it ^^ i've worked hard on this since it's my arts homework as well, so i didn't have all the time to write this, but i did write it on my pace and, honestly, im still a bit unconfident about this one. if this gets a great reaction, i will definitely continue this asap ❤️ i hope you enjoy and please leave a heart and/or reblog, it would help me a lot and make my day 💕
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Legend says that, as soon as you’re born, you get a red string tied to your finger, connecting you to someone you’re destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstance. The string may stretch or tangle but it will never break.
Han Jisung always found the Universe majestic but crazy at the same time. Isn’t it weird how everything happen as it wills? Or, maybe, would it be They? Who is in control of the universe, if there’s someone with such power? Would they be God? But who is God, actually? Is there someone above God? — This kind of thought dominated the teenager’s mind every once in a while and, when it did, it would always keep him up at night. The thought of living his own life but, actually, being controlled by a divine existence, would scare him sometimes.
But, the thing is: the Universe, be it "it" or "they", never did anything out of the blue. Everything happens for a reason; whether if we trip or fall, cry out of pain or laughter, fake or genuinely smile, nothing happens “just because”. And we live to grow up as individuals and learn each and every lesson “it” has to teach us, even the small and silly ones.
Laid down on his bed, Jisung, who strongly believed in such legends, turned off his phone and stared at his dark-ish room’s ceiling, slightly bright thanks to the street lights outside.
These thoughts were, once again, haunting him. All he could do was wonder 3 things: What is he supposed to learn? Why? And, specially, who is going to help him?
These thoughts were soon replaced by self depreciative ones as soon as he looked through the window and noticed the sun rising. He would soon have to be up to get ready for another monotone day of school. He turned around, his back facing the windows, closed his eyes and, one more time, tried to fall asleep. But, as time passed, his thoughts wouldn’t go away; neither his usual philosophical thoughts or the self depreciative ones. There were hundreds of voices screaming in his head – some were calling him, some sounded mad, you would be afraid if you could hear them too. And when he least expected, his alarm ranged, meaning not only it was time for him to get ready for school, but also that he lost another fight to his strong mind.
Later that morning, during class change, he noticed 3 of his seniors in the other side of the corridor. Changbin, Hyunjin and Felix were staring at him and laughing out loud; he tried to ignore them and got his material for Math class. Walking to his classroom carefully, trying his best to avoid them, but they eventually came to him and Changbin pinned him to the nearest locker.
"Where are you trying to go, you shameless fag?" Changbin, their "leader", said to his face in provocation.
"Leave me alone, Changbin. Mind your own busin-" The younger tried to say and break free from his strong grip, but failed and was cutted out by Changbin.
"What are you gonna do? Are you gonna run away? Huh?" The oldest said, the provocation never leaving his tone.
Jisung was speechless. The small anxious boy didn't know what to do — should he fight back? Say something mean to them? Run away? He was totally alone and lost; there was nothing he could do.
"What is going on in here?" A high-pitched voice echoed through the, now, empty corridor, and, right next to them was the school's principal, looking pissed off as usual.
"Oh, nothing, Mrs. Kang! I was just... just... asking him how he'll go back home after school, so that I would know if I should take him home or not, hehe! I love this guy, Mrs. Kang. You have no idea how much I lo-"
"Detention. The 4 of you. And, Mr Seo, I'll let you go this time but, if you ever try to lie to me again, it's detention for a whole week. No buts." Mrs. Kang said and left, cutting Changbin's excuse off and getting a sigh from each of them in response.
"Listen up." To turn back to Jisung was the first thing Changbin did as soon as Mrs. Kang left. "I will get you and teach you how to behave like a real man, annoying faggot. Wait for it." Changbin threatened again, looking deep in Jisung's eyes and left. He watched their figures get smaller as they walked through the long corridor, fear and regret as evident in his eyes than never. Changbin had something in his eyes that made Jisung even more confused and lost.
As soon as the group had finally disappeared, Jisung bursted to the school's restroom without looking back, not being able to hold back the tears. Poor boy wouldn't make it to Math today and he was very aware of it.
This was just a tiny bit of Jisung's daily life, but it always shattered his heart in a billion pieces. He wondered, how can people be this heartless? Why are people like this to people like him, who were just born "different"? What's so wrong in being different? In being yourself? In loving someone, not minding their gender identity? What did Jisung do to deserve to live in such a inhumane society?
What did people like him did for the universe to punish them like this? What did they do to deserve such pain?
Jisung eventually lost his hope on society and hated his mind even more for being so cruel to him. All these voices calling him out, calling him names and saying stupid things would never shut up. How great would it be if he had somewhere to scream freely, without fearing to be heard...
As he walked through a dark path in life, it only seemed to get darker. He tried his best to run away, but something was stronger than him, pulling him further into the endless darkness, regardless of how much he fighted back, until he couldn't fight anymore. That's when he gave up.
After two hours spent locked in the bathroom, including some time to calm down a little bit and reduce the swelling in his eyes at least a little bit, he finally left the restroom and safely got his stuff and went to his classroom, lowering his head to hide his swollen eyes.
And this is how Jisung spent the rest of his time at school: hiding himself from everyone, specially his eyes. No one should see his eyes, or else he would be bombarded with questions and feel even worse with people pretenting to be concerned.
When he was finally back home, his safe place, the first things he's done was locking himself in his room and throwing himself on his bed. It was a way too long day for Jisung and all he wanted was to sleep forever.
Hence he couldn't sleep, he unlocked his phone and tried to look for a calm and soothing song to sleep when he received a message from one of his favorite people ever: Lee Minho, a friend he knew through Twitter. They were like best friends; sending memes, using matching icons, tagging each other in random "love yourself" tweets and even writing sweet things to the other, just to remind them that they are loved and appreciated. It was the kind of friendship people either envy or ship. They would never stop talking to each other and Jisung would never find the exact words that can express all his gratitute for having such an amazing person in his life.
"hey, how was school today? did those dumbasses disturb you again?" Minho asked him in the most "Minho" way as always. Jisung's heart always skipped a beat whenever he would receive a message from him - he's one of the few people who actually worry about him and he loved this feeling.
"it actually sucked as always, but there's not much I can do about it anyways. and yeah, they did, that's why :(" Jisung replied, trying hard not to remind of what happened earlier.
"wait right there bub, i'll brb i will get some tickets to go to your city and kick some asses to mars" Jisung smiled at his reply. Ever since they talked for the first time, Minho's personality amazed Jisung. They were completely opposites, and that was the fun part - their differences made everything perfect.
Minho was, unfortunately, the only person Jisung told about Changbin and his "crew". He just couldn't gather the courage to tell anyone but him, blind by scenarios of his family's possible reactions.
"you're so weird" "i love you so much" Jisung replied and smiled as wide as he could. This kind of reply between them would be pretty common. Now, the question is: is it really a joke or not? Did they mean it, or not? They never even thought about saying this, but it obviously made both of their hearts best crazily fast.
"now that's a lie because i love you more" and tons of heart emojis and memes were shared.
They were each other's happiness, home, a safe place. It was incredible how each message would melt both their hearts. Happiness was endless whenever they would talk. "If only universe could make us live near...", Jisung said to himself. He just wanted to hold tight this bright light that had been brightening up the path Jisung was going through.
"hey, I didn't go to school today so i kept on reading about random facts and found out about a japanese legend that says that two people who are destined to meet are connected by a string tied to their hands and i thought of you" "you said you really like legends like this, so i was wondering if you knew about this one..." Jisung's cheeks began to hurt for smiling for so long. Minho makes him feel so loved, which is a feeling he's still not used to, but he wish he could feel all this in person.
"you're so adorable :( and yes i do know this one, it's one of my favorites!" "i wonder who's on the other side of my string..."
"if you're not gonna be on the other side of my red string then what's the point."
"i love you. i wish i could say this in person."
"i love you too bub and that's fine. some day this will happen, okay? we can and will make it happen. promise?"
It was time for another monotone day at school. He would always know what was going to happen because it's been like this for a while now: he goes to school, sleeps in class, is bullyied, sometimes sleeps a bit longer and then, go back home. It's like he's stuck in a viscious loop - in the end of the day, he would always come back home with a sad expression in his face but he couldn't change this.
At school, waiting for biology class to begin, Jisung decides to try talking to someone. If he wants to stop avoiding people, he should be able to have short conversations with anyone. While talking to this girl who sits beside him about a test they would have later that day, a group of boys sat next to him and started to talk in a much higher tone. Jisung couldn't see their faces before they sat, but it was, surely, Changbin as his crew. Soon they started "talking" about gays and how they are ridiculous. Nice. What a beautiful place with sympathetic people, yay. Poor boy could barely focus in class because of all the noise they were making.
As his class ended and he was about to get his materials for his upcoming biology class, the same group of boys pinned Jisung just like the day before. He was shaking; it was happening one more time and he still didn't know what to do. Shaking under his breath, he didn't say or do anything. He wouldn't dare.
"Hello fairy, we're back." This was enough for Jisung to want to disappear. No, not these feelings again...
"H-hey... b-b-back for w-what?" Jisung asked, stuttering, in deep hopes it wasn't about what he thought.
"I told you we we would teach you how to be a real man, didn't I? And we'll do it now. You'll thank us later when you finally understand what being normal is." Changbin said, clearly trying to scare Jisung even more but, unfortunately, he couldn't get anymore scared. He could barely move or speak. He definitely gave up when he saw Changbin's fist in the air, getting ready to punch him, but another yell from the other side was calling for Changbin this time. His attention was divided between Jisung and the mysterious guy.
"What are you even trying to do?" The guy asked, trying to separate Jisung from them.
"N-no, it's not like that, I swear-"
"What is this supposed to be, then? I saw what I saw, and heard what I heard. So, you're gonna teach him how to 'act like a real man'? Because of what, he's gay?"
"Minho, what are you doing?" Changbin tried to reach him and grab his arms, just like how they would do when they were children, but, this time, Minho wasn't feeling like it. He completely understood what was going on and something must be done about it. He wasn't going to keep anything to himself in such moment, even if the one he's confronting is one of his best friends.
"First of all, he is a man. He's not 'less manly' than you, just because he like boys. Love is normal. Don't you even dare try to say it is not normal, or a sin, or whatever excuse you want to give." Minho kept on yelling and pushing Changbin and his other friends. It did hurt him inside, but he wouldn't stop. "You believe in God, right? Well, God wants you to respect His children as who they are. Also, stop acting as if 'gay cure' exist. You think beating a gay up will 'cure' him, huh? Well, this is not and will never be the right option, Changbin. He's done nothing wrong and there's nothing to be cured. You are the one who should learn to be a man. I thought you had finally understood me when we had that talk, maybe you really weren't paying attention at all, apparently. I can't with all this. You have absolutely 0 respect for people who aren't like you, and I won't stand this anymore. I can't do this. You will never change." At this point, there was a crowd watching Minho, their jaw dropped. He really thouched each of them deeply. Jisung could feel the pain and suffering in his voice. All he wanted to do was to hug him, if it means it would make Minho feel better, even if just for a while. He thought he is so brave for standing up for someone like Changbin because of a stupid dude he didn't even know. This is insane.
Maybe you can still have hope on this society, after all.
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getstickbugdlol · 5 years
Raven for the ask meme?
i forgot i reblogged this lol! i’m just gonna answer them all tbh i love myself
Carmilla: Describe your style. What is your aesthetic comprised of? im like 20% pirate 40% princess 20% punk 20% small town farmer by which i mean i wear a lot of flowy shirts, skirts and tights but i also do enjoy a good high-waisted jean and i steal my dad’s old jackets from the military
Red Wine: What is your favourite type of weather? What do you like to do during this weather? fuck me up with a good old snowy day where i have nothing to do but drink hot chocolate and read or watch sanditon and/or anything joe wright has directed honestly
Lestat: Describe yourself in 5 words.
Gothic Novels: Do you like to read? What sort of books do you read? Do you have a favourite? ya i love reading and i write books! i like contemporary fantasy books the best, also getting into horror and romance this year as well as historical non-fiction. My top 3 books of all time are lexicon by max barry, sharp objects by gillian flynn, and rivers of london by Ben Aaaronvitch
Dracula: Do you like sweets? What kind do you like? Can you cook or bake? What do you fancy eating? Yeah I have a sweet tooth but ice cream is always gonna be my main ho. Specifically frozen custard. I can cook and bake but I prefer cooking
Rose: Which time era do you fancy? Why? I like the gilded age bc of the clothes and aesthetics but I would never want to live in it
Kaspar: A fact about you not many know? Do you have a hidden talent? i took chess class for 8 years and i used to compete in tournaments!
Raven: What mythological creature would you be and why? a dragon bc i want to fly and breathe fire. also pretty
Nosferatu: Are you a night owl or an early bird? total night owl
Parchment: One thing you could spend hours discussing? horror as allegory for female trauma
Louis: Are you afraid of the supernatural? Do you have any scary stories to tell? Its more like I respect the supernatural is not to be fucked with so no I do not have any scary stories because I am not a dumbass
Inkblot: What makes you infuriated? Do you get upset easily? im bipolar :( so stupid little things
Dorian: What do you find beauty in? What is the definition of beauty? hmmmmmmm beauty is something that makes u feel lucky to be alive. i think many things are beautiful but especially music and flowers and bees
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goalkepa · 6 years
2k followers appreciation post💙
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I did the appreciation post when I reached 1k probably a year ago. And I feel like I need to write this again, not only because I keep this as part of the memories but also because I regard it as a chance to show my gratefulness to every single one of you who has become my friends or just simply support me, unconditionally. This post will be pretty long I guess. You can just scroll through as long as you feel annoyed. But if you have time, especially those who I will mention later, I hope you can read it word by word, because you guys really take a big part in my life. Without further ado, let’s get started!
I’d love to mention some *old* friends first:
@thomas-partey :
Probably the one that has been there for me from the beginning of this journey? I always enjoy the time when we have talks, Yerika, about Atleti, about life. You are such a sweet and brave person, who will put all your efforts to reach the goals you set for yourself. That’s what I admire A LOT. Although we didn’t talk that much like we used to, because you’re not online pretty often anymore, just want you to know that I’m still here for you, always. And I feel like I’ll write you a message very soon🙈Thank you for always backing me up. Much love to you.💙
@coolsaul :
Awww Julie my superb French bean out there😍 I still remember when I traveled to Paris, I messaged you about some stupid questions like I was so worried that if I couldn’t find the location of Boutique FFF or if I went there and the store was not open etc. But you were so nice and patient to me at that time, and even now you will still answer ALL the things about Les Bleus and even share your amazing memories (like meeting all those French idiots) with me, which makes me feel so so honored and happy. Oh and not to mention how awesome you are as an Atleti’s fan and how ambitious you are as a beautiful lady. Wish everything goes well there in UK. Much love to you💙
And now here comes some *new blood*. I think I’ve talked to more people after World Cup compared to the time before this tournament. The reason? I don’t know. For me, this needs a lot of courage and I’m extremely glad that I sent the simple “hi” message to some of my mutuals (or few of you sent me first), who are all so freaking nice to me. I wrote the order randomly. In case I forgot to mention some of you, I’m truly sorry. It only means that I’m a dumbass and I honestly don’t know how to put my feelings into words. Anyway, I thank all of you a lot. Here we go:
@niguezsaul :
Needless to say, the funniest Colchoneros I could not ask for. When the game is live and you post your live update, it’s really entertaining. Sometimes it could be hilarious, or just so close to the truth. Your love for Atleti is very valuable and precious. Although I believe you’ve experienced the hardness of supporting this color, you will never give up, right? When the next season comes, you’ll definitely witness our spirit by yourself. Trust me, Karo. You won’t regret for being heartbroken for them over and over again. Much love to you💙
@the-place-to-sparkle :
Let me introduce you a sweet, kind, caring and beautiful lady. Her name is Cami. You’d better write it down. Girl, your love for the things you adore is the purest thing on this planet. Not only football, but also the way you dream of living in your life. On this site, there are too much hatred and negative things. But you are never affected by this. You’re always the one who shares positive stuffs, post some good vibes and reblog all those gentle reminders, which are helpful for those who need, including me. What makes you become such a unique person in my heart, is that you never hide the true side of yourself. This is why all of us love you, Cami. We love the real you and you should never change for anyone. Keep on sparkling✨ my lovely bean. Much love to you💙
@diogodxlot :
Okay so please let me say this again, you are so fucking beautiful ngl (Hector should open his eyes honestly😏) I really really love those locksreens you made, all of them. You have a good taste in aesthetic. I hope I can reach 1% of your level😂 And the thing that you said you cannot choose a single player to print on the jersey? That’s the cutest shit ever, Charvi, really. I hope you get yourself a jersey very very soon. Manchester United owes you one. And good luck to the last exam. You’re gonna SMASH IT. Much love to you💙
@lidah-itsme :
The most gorgeous Italian on this planet goes to…. Teresa🥳 You don’t know how much I love the story behind the name “Lidah”. This is not only such a cool thing but also a meaningful way to represent yourself. I love it. Also your love for Liverpool and Trent amazes me every single day. You’re such a nice fan, only focus on your team in a positive way. That’s what we need on this site✊🏻 By the way, I remember you love Eden Hazard, right? Maybe we should talk about how this happens, privately👀 Much love to you 💙
@draxla :
So, Nathália, my Atleti’s and Chelsea’s mutual. Becoming part of the Blues is not in my plan but here I am. And I’m so glad that there is someone who can experience the pain with me🤣 We haven’t talked too much, but I like you and your point of view. Your thoughts are so close to mine most of the times. I feel grateful for that. At here, there are too many different opinions and finding a person who thinks the way we do is such an awesome thing. I believe you can feel it too. Thank you so much for being my friend. Hope our teams still stop disappointing us for the rest of the season🙏🏻😂Much love to you💙
@erikscn :
Let’s first talk about the Gremi thing, joking😜 But this is probably the reason why we started our conversation. So, I guess, thanks to that😂You’re talented in writing. Your work for my boy Paulo is such a beautiful masterpiece. Promise me that you will never stop showing your talent, alright? What I adore you the most, is your personality. Those stories you told me give me clues about which kinds of person you are. And this IS the Greta I LOVE😌 Don’t ever feel that you’re dumb or not good enough. Being who you truly are is the reason why you’re on this post, and he knows it too! Much love to you💙
@holdmyhopeinyourhands :
First of all, thank you for being my coolest mutual askjsanjkn🙈 I honestly never saw anyone shares their deepest thought of players like you do, Mona. Those post you dedicated to specific players are enjoyable to read💞 And your love for PSG and Roma is the most supportive I’ve ever seen. They are lucky to have a fan like you. Never stop doing what you’re doing, including writing the umbrella academy fanfic. You have the rights to decide how to manage your blog and I’ll support you no matter what✊🏻 Much love to you💙
@avsensio :
Who is the funniest person on this site? Lexi. Whose posts always make me choke? Lexi. Who is the master of using memes? Lexi. I’m not going to give more clues about how awesome this girl is🤷🏻‍♀️ I still remember our first talk. It was an unforgettable night for me. After time goes by, we found out so many mutual points, like we are both March baby, our love for France NT and we both adore Lauv’s music etc… the things we share really cannot describe by words🥰 And remember you told me to not stop what I’m doing, to not affected by others? Your words sill impact me nowadays. And now it’s my turn to tell you, do not fucking change yourself for others. Yea it’s impossible to let everyone like you but you will always have my support. ALWAYS✊🏻Much love to you 💙
@fcsonny :
Nicole💞✨ Can’t believe we met on tumblr when you were at Taiwan. I noticed you because you reblogged my post of the football journal and said you are able to understand the content. My first thought was like “oh shit there are people who can understand what I’m rambling in the journal😱” and then I thought “wait you speak Chinese?!?!?😍” so we talked and this is honestly one of the coolest experience ever, not to mention how nice you are to me. Thank you for that and next time when you visit Taiwan for the fourth time, message me in advance so I can show you around👌🏻 Much love to you💙
@paudybalas :
I’ll never ever forget that you came to my ask box and told me I’m the reason why you decided to create a football blog😭That was definitely one of the warmest compliments ever happened in my life. And you know what? You’re meant to become an awesome football blogger. I may inspire you but you are the only one to make your blog perfect and honestly, I feel like a proud mom🙈Those gifs you made are art. Those personal stories we share with each other will forever be part of the memories in my heart. You inspire me as well, Ellie🥰Thanks a lot. Much love to you 💙
@football-laeli :
Don’t want to sound dramatic but you are absolutely one of the sweetest human beings here🤧 Positive vibes only, always trying to convey some good energy and that’s amazing, Janna. Also, I’m so glad that you decided not to hide your support for you club Ajax anymore💞You changed for your boys, is there anything more powerful than this? I guess none. You’re such a sweet lady, and I wish one day all these good things you give us could all go back to you, because that’s what you deserve😉 Much love to you💙
@disappointment-fc :
So, you are a special person to me. First, you support Real Madrid and you once tried to convince me to love Sergio Ramos😂 This...is honestly quite cool and you are a nice madridista, which surprised me the most najksjnjas🙈 Second, you like Jeremy Lin (right?). Please take care of him🙏🏻Third, you are my kid and I’m your mother. You never go to bed on time, which means I could spend more time talking to you so I’ll try not to ask you to sleep early in the future👀Anyways, you’re one of the few that sent me messages first and have always been nice to me since then, including encouraging me when my team falls down. That’s the kindest gesture I could not ask for more. Thank you, Chloe💞✨Much love to you💙
@theblxefox :
I’ll never stop saying how much I thank you for inviting me join the Chelsea family👀🤧 Without you, my love for Kepa would just remain the original level (now it’s unstoppable😏) I love the way you deal with Chelsea’s disaster, being sarcastic but the love is still strong. Also, on this site, you not only care about football, but also global issues, sometimes even political aspects. You are not afraid of speaking your thoughts. Meanwhile, you stay respectful and let others convey their opinions. We need more people like you, Tommer🙏🏻 You’re that kind of person I dream to become. A kind of person who is beautiful both inside and out. Much love to you 💙
@footballgotmeoncrack :
The only person I already met in real life before having a talk online✨ This is not a coincidence, Angie, I always believe it’s not. The story happened between us is the most unique, ever. I remember you because you were nice to me at the stadium, and you are still nice to me, every second since then. Your love for goalkeepers, like Hugo, Gigi and Iker, is so pure and strong. I could not quite understand why goalies needed to be loved before I also become a fan of a goalkeeper. That’s why I admire you a lot, because you already started to protect the most important and underappreciated role on the pitch✊🏻I’m so glad that you’re able to see your team Spurs this summer. I’ll pray for you to get Hugo’s autograph or even a chance to talk to him🙏🏻You deserve it, my bestie. Also, good luck to your studying in advance. Much love to you 💙
@madtimer :
My beloved Taiwanese mutual here🥳 It’s hard to find a girl who loves football in Taiwan. That’s why I feel grateful to meet one here, not to say how sweet this girl is. Your love for BVB and Milli reminds me of my love for Atelti and Grizi. They are quite the same. Being disappointed but we never give up on them, right Lisa? And all those gifs you made, the way you support your team, is something I want the most from a football fandom (tho I still haven’t download PS because I’m too lazy skajnskj) also you are the one that writes journal related to football, like print some players’ photos and puts some thoughts on it, which makes me so happy because I’m not the only weirdo doing this👀 Anyways, thank you for always being there for me when I need someone to talk in Chinese😜 Much love to you 💙
@hazantowifey :
Potato’s wife, sometimes I really want to punch your face when you said cruel things about football but sadly😂 I can’t, because those are the truths, and you help me accept it. I will never forget that day you commented below my post saying that I’m important to you. Like, I’m shocked because we didn’t really have a lot of conversation but you already regard me as your friend. I still can’t believe it really happened to me😭 You can never make me mad, because you always know how to make my heart go like “aww” by sending me Kepa’s gifs🤦🏻‍♀️ And I HATE you for that. Hope one day we can meet in real life. Maybe go to THE 1975’s concert or a football match, Belgium vs France, so you can wear your Hazard’s jersey and I can wear my Anto’s jersey😜 I’ll look forward to that day to come. Much love to you💙
My dearest 🐰 , the one that sent me messages first when I need it the most. An important person who always knows how to cheer me up. A person who will send “good morning” to me. A person that truly regards me as a real friend in her life. You take a big part in my heart, 🐰. No one can replace you. Your kindness is the reason why I opened my heart again, to make me believe that there are people I can trust on this site, to make me believe there is someone who will understand my feelings even tho they didn’t know me before🙏🏻 Except for talking about football, I love the time when we share our lives more, oh but maybe also when we are pouring our love for Kepa janskjnskdj🙈wow I really drag you into it I’m 👀 so proud of myself. Your reaction when you said you wanna dance with him in the rain, gosh this is the cutest thought EVER (oops I’m exposing you again 😬). You’re such a clever, independent woman. You’re much more amazing than you expected. Anyways, 🐰, thank you for becoming my best friend in life. Much love to you 💙
For the last one, it will go to my forever soulmate @footballffbarbiex
The one that joined me from the beginning of this journey. The one that has saved me from depression over and over again. We have been through many hard moments and shits together, which others will hardly understand. There are a lot of times when I only sent you a simple sentence, but you got it all. I don’t really have to explain anything you just know me too well. I don’t know why I’m so lucky to meet you in my life, to have you as a friend, a family. Besides being my soulmate, you’re a blessing to this fandom. First, I love your writing, a lot. You have to admit that you’re so talented at this part. That shhhh seires? Masterpiece. That Kepa’s one shot? Masterpiece. I won’t go on for the smut ones because that will expose myself ajsnjnaksjn😜 Second, you have a great interaction with your readers. You listen to their opinions, talk to them and always being so nice. We should all be grateful for those beautiful works you’ve provided to us. Third, you always care about our feelings and always being so respectful to everyone. You deserve love and love only, Amy💞 Words will never be enough to describe my thankfulness. But meanwhile I’ll never stop saying this, thank you, for being one of the most important people in my life. I’ll love you forever and ever💙💙💙
At last, thank you all those who came to my blog and left some sweet, kind messages. Thank you all for liking my stuffs, giving me encouragements or sharing your thoughts with me. It literally means a lot to me🙏🏻
It’s such a pleasure to be on here and I sincerely hope I can bring more joy and positivity to all of you in the future 💙
Love you guys so much,
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mustardprecum · 5 years
So I didn’t see you reblog a prompt meme or anything BUT I’m going free-form: Harringrove prompt: wearing each other’s clothes 😏
Hey! I didn’t reblog, I was just drunk the other night and made a post whining that I would like hargrove prompts. And the kind people of fandom indulged me, so thank you! 
The team had finished showering and the locker room was filled with talking. Steve had mostly tuned it out, focused on getting his khakis on quickly before anyone saw this thighs. Stupid Billy with his stupid teeth and stupid lack of impulse control.
“Harrington!” A hand slammed on the locker next to Steve, causing him to yelp. Fortunately his pants were all the way up, so when he stumbled back he didn’t fall.
Billy was in his jeans, but his shirt was tossed carelessly over his shoulder. Several hickeys were visible on his neck and shoulders, but everyone assumed they were from Tina or Jamie.
Steve opened his mouth to ask what Billy wanted, but he was hit in the face with Billy’s shirt.
“Let’s trade,” Billy said over Steve righteous indignation.
“Trade what?” Steve tore the shirt off his face and shook it in Billy’s direction. “Also ow! and also rude, and, what are you doing?”
Billy fished Steve’s striped, preppy polo out of out locker and smoothly pulled it on like it was no big deal. Steve wasn’t a super skinny guy, but Billy filled out his shirt until the sleeves strained to stretch over his biceps in a way they’d never struggle on Steve.
Steve’s stomach tightened, he knew those muscles weren’t just for show.
“Are you wearing Harrington’s shirt?” Tommy poked his head around the corner and practically crowed when he saw Billy.
Billy winked at Steve then turned away, popping the collar. “Looks better on me.”
There was a chorus of agreement that could have been very offensive to Steve. But he agreed, AND he got to wear Billy’s shirt as a result. The white T-shirt was almost sheer when he pulled it on, but fortunately he had a sweater to go over it.
He ducked past the rest of the team; his face was already heating up because the shirt was soft and smelled like Billy’s cologne. One more class before school was out, and he could go home and wait for Billy to pound on his door and demand entry like they didn’t have plans to meet.
Billy caught his wrist as the door swung shut behind them. He backed Steve up against the wall with a hard kiss. “That was a bad idea,” he grumbled, running his hand up under Steve’s sweater.
“It was your idea, dumbass,” Steve ran his fingers over Billy’s arm. Good god, was his shirt actually going to tear from Billy’s muscles? If it didn’t make Steve so horny, he might have developed a complex. “One more class. Only another hour.”
“A whole fuckin’ hour,” Billy nipped at Steve’s lip, earning a laugh. “See you at your place, princess?”
“Call me that again, I’ll lock you out.”
Billy grinned, but the talking from the other side of the door was getting close. He ran his eyes up and down Steve one more time before he sauntered off to the science class he was mysteriously acing.
The stripes on the back of the shirt did incredible things for Billy’s already incredible shoulder. When Steve realized a few team members had wandered out, he called, “that collar looks stupid like that!”
Billy flipped him off without looking back.
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kaiba-fangirl · 5 years
Fill in the questions/statement as if you are being interviewed for an article and you were your muse
Tag 10 people to do this meme, (repost, don’t reblog)
TAGGED BY: not @rogueprinceconsort =P & I know I’m not a RP blog, but I am a fanfic author so I still do the same kind of stuff, just everyone at once with chapters, so I’m sure ya won’t mind... idk itching to write Seto but his mind is all over the place in Ch7 of And You? (AO3/FFN), & I know I’ve missed a bunch of personal tags in the past, so, well, I’m here now. TAGGING: anyone 1. WHAT IS YOUR NAME?
“Seto Kaiba.”  (海馬 瀬人 Kaiba, Seto)
He narrows his eyes, already suspicious. “Legally, that IS my real name.”
“I was born Seto,” he answers flatly, then smirks. “The Kaiba family name I earned for myself and my little brother at the age of 10, when Gozaburo agreed to adopt us thanks to my, superior negotiating skills.” [Seto after Egyptian Pharaoh Seth. Kaiba for, apparently, hippocampus/seahorse.]
4. ARE YOU SINGLE OR TAKEN? “Taken. Happily married to the number 1 female duelist, Mai Valentine. She’s now heading the new Fashion Tech and Merchandise Department at Kaiba Corp.” [but he’s also still looking >.>]
5. HAVE ANY ABILITIES OR POWERS? “Just bleeding edge technology development and superior dueling skills,” he shrugs smugly. [and hacking.] [You also accidentally activate latent magical powers every so often, dumbass. Sure he’s a genius. A genius that weaves techno-sorcery into everything & commands gods without even knowing it.] “Anything else you may have heard about magic or spirits or real monsters, is all just nonsense hocus pocus. It’s sensationalists trying to make our amazingly life-like holographic projections seem dangerous.”
6. STOP BEING A MARY SUE/GARY STU. “Heh, doesn’t that just mean born talented? You should be so lucky.”
7. WHAT’S YOUR EYE COLOR? “Blue,” he chuckles childishly. “It was probably what first drew me to, you know, Blue-Eyes, when I was young.” [It’s not. The Blue-Eyes White Dragon was his magical monster of light ‘girlfriend’ in Ancient Egypt in a past life of his 3000 years ago.]
9. HAVE YOU ANY FAMILY MEMBERS? “Living, my little brother, Mokuba, and now my lovely wife.”
10. OH? WHAT ABOUT PETS? “No pets. I barely have time for having two people in my life now it seems, and that’s even with Mokuba off travelling.” [any pet energy is expended on more Blue-Eyes White Dragon themed everything]
11. THAT’S COOL I GUESS, NOW TELL ME ABOUT SOMETHING YOU DON’T LIKE. “You wanna see a REAL Gary Stu?! As in, there is no reason he should have made it this far?! Joey fuckin Wheeler. This loser stole his way into my tournament, then has the nerve to even challenge me for 3rd place as if that meant anything, and he still ends up 4th even?! How! He operates on pure luck, and leeching off his ‘friends!’ His deck is a mess, I mean have you even seen his lineup?!?!” [Well that would all be redacted. Now, since this is for an interviewer for a published article...] He calmly and thoughtfully looks off at a spot on the far wall behind the interviewer. He purses his lips and furrows his brow, genuinely distraught, drawing from a direct encounter. “I’m actually more concerned than ever about the state of refugees- whether they have that official label or not. Around the world. Especially the children. These children don’t know what’s going on, and people say they care about children, but they really don’t. They’re not thinking of those kids- of refugee kids. Of poor kids. Of orphans or abused kids. And the way these refugees are being treated, those kids are getting hit with all those things at once. Ya know, I- I was fortunate enough to have that opportunity to be adopted, in a strong first-world nation, but I know what it’s like, to know that the grown ups are just using you, not listening to you. You’re nothing to them; maybe pawns. Now, I’m doing all I can, as president of Kaiba Corp, but there is still only so much we can do. We’re not making tanks or any weapons at all anymore-” He chokes at the thought of a tank staring him down specifically, compared to the latest news. He clears his throat to manage. “Not since the day I took over. We may not be contributing to that military industrial complex anymore, but the state of refugees today is still just as bad if not worse. Now they’re using weapons outlawed by the Geneva Conventions, and in countries that pride themselves on freedom and opportunity. Pteh. It’s madness. It’s evil.” [...aaand that just became the cover story] [We’ll be back after after a short break.]
12. DO YOU HAVE ANY HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES YOU LIKE DOING? “Besides dueling, uh, tinkering. Reading. Hacking into random databases I shouldn’t be in.”
13. EVER HURT ANYONE BEFORE? “Next question. Don’t even print that, or you’ll be hearing from my lawyers. And they don’t play so nice.” [By ‘lawyers’ I’m pretty sure he just means goons.]
14. EVER… KILLED ANYONE BEFORE? "No.” [Gozaburo.]
16. NAME YOUR WORST HABITS. "Tch, I wouldn’t have gotten to be president of a multi-billion-dollar corporation if I had bad habits.”  [That is literally his worst habit. Also how he got there is because of all his bad habits.] He chuckles at what he’s about to make fun of. “Then again, some people think that working too much is a bad habit.”
17. DO YOU LOOK UP TO ANYONE AT ALL? "How could I when I’m already on top?”
18. GAY, STRAIGHT, OR BISEXUAL? "Irrelevant.” He smiles menacingly. “Card games are more important anyway.” [Bi and trying to figure out how to tell his wife. Then again once he does that, the press will be easy. Possibly also grey ace or demi, since he does enjoy the physical aspects of being married & his crush.]
19. DO YOU GO TO SCHOOL? “Graduated high school early and then went right back to work as CEO, at the time. I don’t have time to waste getting a piece of paper to validate my knowledge that I’m already putting to use at Kaiba Corp everyday. --but I certainly support everyone staying in school as long as they can. Kaiba Corp offers a free college tuition program for any employee, paid ahead of time, and schedules can be worked around class and homework time as needed.”
20. DO YOU EVER WANT TO MARRY AND HAVE KIDS ONE DAY? “I never thought I would want to marry, but I have always assumed I would want to adopt. Now I am married, and we both want to adopt. Someday. It needs to be when I can have time for them...” [and he’s wondering why you are supposed to only marry one person...]
21. DO YOU HAVE ANY FANBOYS/FANGIRLS? “Yeah,” he laughs, genuinely embarrassed at this level of pure idolization, “I find it endearing to see people dress up as Yugi and I at events.”
22. WHAT ARE YOU MOST AFRAID OF? “Losing my little brother.”
23. WHAT DO YOU USUALLY WEAR? “Full-length pants, tight fitting turtlenecks, boots, and a trenchcoat. More leather and straps and buckles, the better.”
24. DO YOU LOVE SOMEONE? “Of course. My little brother and my wife.” [and Joey]
25. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WET YOURSELF? [he just makes this face:]
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[but possibly the last time he did hard drugs]
26. WHAT CLASS ARE YOU? (HIGH CLASS, MIDDLE CLASS, LOW CLASS) “Highest class.” He winks, for the spotlight.
27. HOW MANY FRIENDS DO YOU HAVE? “I don’t need ‘friends’ outside of my family.”
28. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON PIE? “Finally, an intelligent question!” he laughs rudely. “My thoughts are that we should change the standard approximation for π to something closer to 3.16. That’s what I use in my calculations, and I find things just seem to work out better for me because of it.”
29. FAVORITE DRINK? “I’ve started drinking a lot more water, and I think that’s pretty much all I drink lately.”
30. WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE PLACE? “It’s comforting being in my office, knowing where I belong, knowing that with me there, everyone I love is safe, knowing how I got there, and being proud of all I’ve accomplished, but...” [sometimes anxiety about it being Gozaburo’s old office creeps into his mind like an evil spirit or ghost...] “But more than that, I enjoy the wild freedom of just taking my Blue-Eyes jet out with some good music playing.” [oh my various gods he will always be an emo teen at heart <3]
31. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SOMEONE? He scoffs. “Yes, I am genuinely interested in my wife. Mai is an amazing person. And- Ah, and, um, next question?” [and Joey!]
32. WHAT’S YOUR BRA CUP SIZE AND/OR HOW BIG IS YOUR WILLY? “What kind of magazine is this for, anyway?” he asks as an aside, then thinks up a ridiculous enough response. “Ever hear of Zorc? I’d say that’s roughly one-third the size of mine.” Under his breath, he scoffs in disgust. “Imbeciles.”
33. WOULD YOU RATHER SWIM IN THE LAKE OR THE OCEAN? “Er, a private pool, thanks. Too many paparazzi anyplace else, and I wouldn’t want to close off anything from the public.” [I hear there’s a river in Egypt he lives in though]
34. WHAT’S YOUR TYPE? “Independent. Strong. Great duelist. Someone who knows what it’s like at rock bottom, but still managed to claw their way to the top...” [he spaces out off to the side]
35. ANY FETISHES? *zoom out to room full of Blue-Eyes White Dragon themed EVERYTHING* “Nah.” [*insert Will Smith presenting his AO3 tags]
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[Switch! But “And You?” is stuck at a T rating, sooo...]
37. CAMPING OR INDOORS? "The fuck- you’re giving me whiplash with these questions,” he mutters. “Camping sounds nice. Real camping. Mokuba and I used to build forts and play outside a lot. I should ask him if he wants to go on a camping trip when he gets back. I doubt- well, no, I think Mai would like that, too.” [And Joey can cook them “candy bars!”]
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invelleity · 6 years
psst. be honest. all of the questions. go.
i can’t believe jeanette is tryina kill me in public and i’m still love her??? | not accepting anymoooore | @ltbroccoli​
cracks knuckles here we go ( odd numbers 1-9 are here )
2. Are aesthetics important to you? If they are, why?
Not very. It’s fun and cute and all, but I care a whole lot more about “clicking” with people and having fun writing with them.
Exception: If someone’s aesthetic is so overblown that I can’t even find the pages on the blog or read the text, I.....won’t interact with that tbh.
4. How do you explain rp to someone in the real world?
(kicks down my roommate’s door at 10pm) “OK so I’m writing— stop screaming, it’s me,— I’m writing a character in Security and you’re like a double black belt or some shit, can you explain how—”
( My roommates all know it’s a thing I do but I’ve never sent them a link or shown them any of the actual writing. They’ve met a bunch of y’all over like Rabbit streams and @rumdaydreams​ irl though so like.... They Know. )
More under the cut
6. Do you prefer writing male muses or female more? Why?
Ehhh, depends on my mood. I lean towards female muses in general ( definitely got a bigger chunk of ladies on my list, for sure for sure ) but I love my boys.
8. Name any three things about the rpc that bother you.
Uhhhh A) We’re all such dumb socially awkward blobs so it’s often hard to get to know new people.
B) The feel that if you have a good relationship with one person who writes a canon muse, it’s some kind of lowkey betrayal to write with other people who write the same muse??
C) How much I, a certified card-carrying dumbass, stress myself out about posting on a “regular” schedule. Does that count? Like I want the blogs to look “presentable” lmao and me@me Calm The Fuck Down.
10. Have you ever had a bad experience with commissions? As either someone who makes them or as someone who buys them?
N / A
11. What do you know now about rp that you wish you knew when you first started?
Uhhhh, when I first started was long enough ago and the community was so different a lot of those lessons no longer apply. I wish when I finally jumped over to Tumblr I’d realized quicker how the new like....basic ways of meeting people and posting and all worked, which was mostly just a “calm down and go with the flow more, let go of your stupid rigid old habits” lmaooo.
12. Have you been involved in drama? Do you regret it?
yES. Yeah. Hahaha ha h. 
But ummm, not usually. No. Most of my drama has been either A) me posting the very very softest, most diluted version of barely-touching on my politics and my real goddamn life and people being fuckin butthurt as hell about or B) cutting people who were toxic and draining out of my life. So.
13. Have you ever thought about leaving rp? What caused it? What changed your mind?
cw suicidal ideation ment
Yeah. Once I actually did — when I started college I just didn’t have the time, so I peaced from the larger community to just write with close friends for a while. I’ve also considered leaving the T.umblr RPC a few times, but really only because of long bad depressive episodes. Coming back and “not wanting to literally die irl ha Ha” and catching up with my drafts gets me back on track lmao. 
14. Do you think rp has had a positive or negative affect on your life or you as a person?
Positive! Sometimes I worry that I spend too much time wrapped up in fiction and miss my real life, but I’ve learned to keep my time more separate so now it’s just good to have a healthy hobby that makes me happy. Also I’m definitely a much better writer for it, and there a lot of networking skills I think translate to real workplace skills so it’s 👌
15. How has rp changed you personally?
See above, tbh. And it gives me a lot of good outlets for writing ideas that would otherwise stew in my head until I hated myself for never ever writing any lmao. It’s good.
16. If you could change one thing about rp on tumblr, what would it be? Why?
Oh, I dunno. I wish I could post replies from mobile more easily, god. That’d keep me a lot more on top of my drafts lmao.
17. Have you ever sent a message to yourself on anon? Why?
Not on any of the rp blogs. ;^)
18. Have you ever sent hate to yourself on anon? Why? 
No, wtf
19. Do you delete anon hate or post and address it? Why?
Depends on the hate — things I feel need to be addressed or I want to be clear about not tolerating I’ll post. Personal hate and mean shit I delete.
Or if it’s stupid and makes me laugh I will definitely post that shit.
20. Have you ever felt pressured to write something you weren’t comfortable with?
Sometimes. If a partner is actually pressuring me I’m real good at saying uhhh hey, fuck off about that? but sometimes partners will perfectly-innocently be enthusiastic about things I’m not super comfortable with and that’s harder to bring up. So it’s..... more like I pressure myself, whoops.
21. Have you ever followed someone because you felt like you had to, not because you wanted to?
Ehh. Not really. Sometimes I’ll follow a friend of a friend despite lack of interest just because, like.... My friends are smart and good, maybe I’m just not getting the right “vibe” from their blog as who really they are. Sometimes that just means we never click and I unfollow them later. Or sometimes @rumdaydreams​ drags me straight to mutual hell and we write 20,000 unfinished bullshit and meet irl and she actually talks me into wholeass new blogs and muses. So, you know. Mix bag.
22. What would make you block someone?
Red flags for manipulation and lowgrade emotional a.buse, especially ones I viscerally feel in my stomach from previous experiences. Obvious r.ight-leaning politics ( Weirdly, I’m not particularly comfortable around people who don’t think I or my friends deserve to be treated like human beings! A character quirk, haha! )
Also ngl sometimes I block people just to remind myself I’ve followed them before and I don’t wanna re-follow them six times and look like I’m trying to intentionally harass them. My memory is bad but the block button always knows, lmao. 😅
23. Have you ever stolen something from someone else?
Not intentionally — I try very hard not to steal hc from duplicates or take plots without asking. But, y’know, sometimes an idea sticks in your head and you eventually just forget where it originally came from.
24. Have you ever had something stolen from you? If so, how did you handle it?
Not that I’m aware of.
25. Are you open to duplicates? Why / why not?
Absolutely, for the most part! I like seeing other perspectives, and especially since @thewrongsorts​ is such a bigass multi it lowkey just makes my life easier.
There are a few exceptions — less because they’re duplicates and more because there are hc/fanon I just......dislike enough I don’t wanna write with them. Not a feeling that’s limited to duplicates tbh.
26. How do you feel about vague posting? 
Ehhh. It’s like not a great thing, but I get the appeal. I tend to unfollow if someone posts a lot of it because then they’re just passive-aggressive as a person, but the occasional vagueblog I don’t mind. Sometimes you gotta get shit off your chest but you don’t wanna make it a wholeass call-out, I get it.
27. Do you follow people even if they don’t follow you back?
Generally I unfollow. I’m here to write, if we’re not interacting it’s clogging my dash. ( Honestly I unfollow mutuals eventually if we never write.... ) But very occasionally someone’s got such good #takes and hc that I stick around just bc I stan.
28. Do you read people’s rules before following or interacting?
A l w a y s.
29. What is your opinion on “reblog karma” and do you practice it?
It’s nice! Like.... I wouldn’t require anyone to do it, but it makes people feel better about their blogs, it’s polite. I know I’m happier getting memes as well as passing them along. You know, be social. Connect with people. I always try to practice it, yeah.
30. How have you responded to popular slang used on tumblr? Do you use it in every day life? Do you use it at all?
Uhhh, yeah. My irl social circles are a lot of dumb gay millennials, we use a lot of dumb internet slang.
31. Is there something you don’t know the meaning of but you haven’t asked anyone because you think it’s supposed to be general knowledge?
Oh yeah! Joined Tumblr rpc ten years late with Starbucks! But also like.... I’m a web developer. 90% of my irl workskills are being good at Googlin’ shit. So I’ve pretty much always found the answer on my own, at least. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
32. Was there ever something you had to ask someone to explain? 
( See above. )
33. Have you ever experienced discrimination? 
Here or irl or....? I mean yes in any case, but much less often in the rpc specifically. This blog is a lot less outspoken ( both about politics or about who I....am....generally ) than most of my others or me irl.
Shoutout to that time I complained one (1) time about how copacetic the H.arry P.otter rpc is and an actual irl n.eon.azi jumped in my inbox lmaooooooo.
34. How do you feel about personal blogs following your rp blog?
Uhhh, I don’t love it? But if they mostly chill and don’t fuck with my actual threads I usually ignore them. ¯\_( ‘ ‘ )_/¯
35. Have you ever cried while writing a reply?
No. I’m not like......good at crying. 😐
36. Do you read other people’s threads or do you only read your own?
Depends on the blog. Some multis I follow are in fandoms I just like don’t even understand, so I don’t read those. Sometimes I just don’t got the energy. But I read a lot of my friends’ other threads or threads on blogs I stan.
Good writing is good shit and I’m.....a big 👀 bitch. Tbh.
37. What’s one thing that other people seem to hate that doesn’t bother you?
Call-out posts, bringing real life politics into rp, generally acknowledging that we have lives outside of the fictional world that affect how we read and interact with fiction.
( 👏 The O.rder 👏👏 of the 👏 P.hoenix 👏👏 is A.ntif.a 👏👏👏 )
I don’t want to ever push that onto other people though, definitely. (Especially people affected by terrifying irl politics and coming here for escapism. )
38. How do you feel about tagging triggers? Do you tag them? How do you determine what is triggering content and what isn’t?
Always 👏👏 tag 👏👏 fucking 👏 triggers 👏👏👏
I tag things that are common or obviously upsetting, and if someone asks I add whatever tags they need to my list — the “list” is mostly a mental tally so I occasionally fuck up, but god I feel strongly about triggers.
Let 👏 people 👏 who are hurting 👏👏 live. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
39. What advice would you give to someone new to rp?
Poking around to see how other people seem to “operate” and scrolling through posts about how to get started is so so so fucking helpful! Don’t be afraid to do it!
Also reach out to people as much as you can work up the spoons to. If they’re rude back to you, like..... They were never worth your time anyhow. You dodged a bullet.
( Value yourself 2k19 )
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i was tagged to do this survey by @wlwphil
rules: answer 21 questions about yourself and tag 21 people whom you want to get to know better :)  
nickname/pet name: jen, dumbass, buggy, boo-nizzle
zodiac: scorpio (apparently)
height: 4′9"
last movie: ........ bad moms christmas
last thing googled: “spider man you meme”
favourite musician: the guy who plays the cowbell in that one snl skit
song stuck in my head: sweet creature by harry styles has literally been stuck in my head since the first day i heard it. also that dumbass jingle from the j.g. wentworth commercials. if you don't know what that is, don't look it up it will ruin your life
other blogs: @potathos and @stagheadtat and technically @fuckenergy but like pika i don't actually do much in that last one. also one called @shibussy but i haven't actually reblogged anything there in ages, i just keep it around because i like the url
do i get asks: depends. i have like? 14ish just sitting there rn because they require me to use my brain and energy in a way i'm not really in the mood for most days. but i usually have to ask and i'm going to end that sentence right there
following: like how many people follow me? that's classified. okay fine, 3
dream trip: amsterdam. also like. the rest of europe
amount of sleep: on average? like 8-10 hours recently, but now that i'm back at school that'll probably drop down to 5-6 hours
lucky number: i don't believe in luck
what i'm wearing: well i literally haven't moved since i got back from class today, so a grey sweatshirt, jeans, and i'm even actually wearing socks for once
dream job: i'd like to be a writer, but while i tend to actually like my own writing i have this massive punch-in-the-gut feeling most days that nobody else (besides @knlalla) does. maybe a librarian? idk it's kind of up in the air rn
fave food: pizza
play any instruments: uhhhhh sometimes i drum my knuckles against the wall when i'm too anxious that someone will hear me singing, does that count?
languages: english. took four years of french but can't speak it. i can understand some of it if you slow it down to like half speed. took a semester of german and don't know anything except maybe reading words off a page (like out loud, not actually understanding them). i can speak like conversational irish. and last week i accidentally understood a portugese phrase even though i'd never heard/read it in my life before that
fave songs: at the moment, the man who married a robot by the 1975, olivia by one direction, and sweetener by ariana grande
random fact: i never wear socks if i can help it
describe yourself as aesthetic things: uhhhhh moonlight? sorry, is that pretentious? dust bunnies.
i'm gonna tag @vodkadanhowell | @infinitylester | @enbydnp | @hey-itsnxel | and @philshowell
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americanpsycho1991 · 7 years
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Once again i’d like to remind any “anti-terf” people that all you have to do to be considered a “terf” is to say that women should have the right to choose their own sexual partners.  The person whose url I blocked out is guilty of nothing more than being a lesbian and saying she doesn’t appreciate being harassed for not being sexually interested in males.  She said to please stop calling all lesbians TERFs just for being lesbians.  You can see what happened.
(the same person made both these posts).  In the second post, “transphobic genital preference discourse” and saying they “agree with trans women on the matter” means they think lesbians should be obligated to fuck transwomen (males) on the basis of validating their gender identity.  Women are not allowed sexual autonomy according to trans activism.  this is rape culture and hate speech against lesbians.
Notice they don’t say they agree with trans people on the matter, they say trans women. This is because there is no horde of transmen sending bombardments of sexually violent threats towards gay men for not sleeping with them.  Transmen don’t harass straight women for not dating them.  This is because transmen are female, and socialized female, and thus are not raised within a society which imparts upon them a sense of narcissistic sexual entitlement to the bodies of those of the opposite sex.  Transwomen are male, and were socialized male, and while plenty of transwomen are perfectly understanding that not everyone will be interested in them due to their sex (much like men), many of them are outraged that female homosexuality exists, and have decided that it’s a human rights offence.  You’ll also note that transwomen don’t harass straight men about their sexual preferences.  This is because males are socialized to believe that female bodies are their property, not male bodies, and of course because straight males aren’t as easy to bully and harass.  Seriously, when was the last time you saw someone call a straight man a violent transphobe for not “including transwomen” in his “genital preferences”?
Speaking against this makes you a violent transphobe, apparently.  Saying homosexuality exists on the basis of sex rather than gender makes you violent.  Saying that gendered socialization exists (the foundation and most basic principle of even the most watered-down feminism) the makes you violent, because it makes transwomen feel “invalidated.”  Anything that makes transwomen feel invalidated, regardless of how factually accurate or relevant to women’s rights it is -- saying that sexual dimorphism exists, saying that it’s a male privilege to never have to worry about abortion rights or menstruation stigma, saying that gender is an oppressive social construct rather than an innate identity, saying that sexuality is based on sex rather than an internal sense of gender, saying women have the right to basic sexual autonomy -- is now considered hate speech.
Where are trans men in all of this?  I can’t speak for their opinions, but I can see how they are treated.  Like all females in trans activism, they are thrown under the bus to benefit males.  They cannot discuss their female socialization because it is violence to imply that transwomen were socialized male.  They cannot discuss their sex-based issues like objectification, abortion, and menstruation because it is violence to imply that transwomen have any form of male privilege.  Transmen are told that they are privileged, entitled males, and they are told to shut up.  Ironically, feminists who make an effort to create female spaces and include transmen in them are called “trans-exclusionary.” This is because male trans people are the only people considered important in trans activism.  If you exclude transwomen, you are considered hateful.  Transmen pay the price for this male supremacy; like women, they are silenced and placed second to male issues.
Only according to male supremacist socialization is sexual rejection considered an act of bigotry or violence.  You see it with MRAs, you see it with the “friendzone,” and curiously, you see it in trans activism.
Other things you see a lot of in trans activism is males telling females to shut up about our bodies.  We cannot talk about abortion because it is “exclusionary.”  So is menstruation.  Discussing gendered socialization is of course out of the question.  Talking about vulvas or vaginas is considered disgusting; I’ve seen trans activists describe female anatomy as a “nightmarish lump of flesh” and of course, famously, the “pussily cavity.”  Speaking ill of male anatomy, or even so much as saying “it’s fine, but I’m not interested” can get you rape threats for a month.
I’ve spoken against the rampant misogyny and silencing of women’s rights in trans activism before, but the person whose url I blocked out is guilty of nothing more than being a lesbian and wanting to be allowed to choose the sex of her own partners.  If you think this makes her, or anyone else, a bigot or a transphobe, you are part of the problem.
You are a rape apologist.  You are a homophobe.  You are a misogynist.  There is no getting around those facts.  I don’t care how much pomo, faux-academic verbiage you try to dress it up in; saying females do not have the right to discuss the oppression we face because of our sex is misogyny.  Telling gay people to “critically examine” their “exclusionary genital fetish” is literally conversion therapy, and it is disgustingly homophobic.
Both transmen and transwomen can have a place in the struggle for human rights, but to elevate transwomen at the expense of all females; to co-opt our spaces and silence us, to threaten us with rape and physical violence just for wanting the freedom to choose our sexual partners; is unacceptable.  It is not trans rights, because it throws transmen under the bus along with all other females.  It is not feminism, in fact it is the very opposite.  It is pure male supremacy.
Anyone who speaks up against this is demonized; anyone who so much as points out “hey we’re calling an awful lot of lesbians TERFs just for being lesbians” is now a TERF.  Anyone who thinks we need female-only spaces is a TERF (again, you can include transmen as much as you like, but as soon as you say “this space isn’t really relevant to transwomen” you’re “trans-exclusionary”).  Anyone who thinks sex-based oppression is real is a TERF.  Anyone who believes in basic biology is a TERF.  Anyone who thinks women deserve sexual autonomy is a TERF.  Any female who posts about her own body is a TERF (“don’t talk about your period or your vulva, it could be alienating to transwomen”).  Any lesbian is a TERF.  But people aren’t that stupid.  Eventually people come to realize that many of the people called TERFs are trans themselves, or have done nothing other than be born homosexual, or are simply advocating for female rights.
This has to stop.  The witch-hunting has to stop.  You need to realize that “terf” is not just applied to transphobes, but to anyone who falls behind the ever-unreachable expectations of trans activism, or who simply dares to disagree.  “Terfs” aren’t the ones out there murdering trans people; that’s men.  “Terfs” aren’t the ones forcing vulnerable trans people into prostitution; that’s men.  So why is so much of trans activism dedicated to “fighting” against the apparently lethal wave of evil terf attacks? (you should read that link but I”m putting a MAJOR warning for sexual violence)
Because women make easier targets than the entire system of patriarchy.
Because it’s easy to get misogynists on your side when the target is “women who speak up.”
Because it’s always easy to hate women.  It’s always easy to hate lesbians.
Don’t be a fucking dumbass.  If you mean transphobe, say transphobe.  Stop using “terf” because all you’re doing is enabling the kind of vile misogynistic harassment in the link above.  Those are the people you’re aligning yourself with, like it or not.  Those are your new allies.  Don’t question anything they say, or you’ll be the next target.  Stopped idolizing a transwoman because it turned out they were a rapist?  You’re a TERF now, you’re about to get a hundred messages asking you why you HATE TRANS WOMEN and telling you to choke to death in the most graphic, sexually violent way possible.  Express distaste at examples like women being kicked out of a women’s shelter because they expressed discomfort with the sexually predatory behavior of a transwoman?  You’ll get the same response.  Reblog a meme from someone who’s committed one of these sins?  You’re one of them now.  If you don’t block them on every social media and publicly denounce them, you’re guilty too.  Don’t ask any questions.  Don’t talk about your issues.  Don’t talk about your body.  It’s progressive, trust me!
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