#i’m so serious when i say most of the time i don’t realize it’s older gon and killua until i see killua
interstate35south · 2 months
love seeing ppl’s older killua and gon hc art bc killua never looks the same from hairstyle to height to outfit etc and gon 98% of the time just looks like chris kratt
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idkwhatever580 · 3 months
Forever and always
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x reader
Prompt: Natasha says something that prompts you to/n to not want to do anymore pranks. Even though pranks are their life.
Warnings: slight angst? The d word (divorce) happy ending
A/N: I know I said I’d start on the team night thing and I’m working on it but I needed a break and I had inspo so here we are
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Y/n’s pov
I am just lounging around when an idea pops into my head.
I always am pranking my wife. She is the main target for most if not all of my pranks.
Excepting the few times I decided to get her in on a prank with me for someone else. But that’s not the point.
The point is. She knew what she was getting into when she said I do.
I remember when she proposed and after it all calmed down I actually sat her down and asked her if she wanted this.
She said of course she wanted it so now she suffers the consequences.
But this prank idea is not what I usually go for with my ideal pranks.
Usually I go for a more sad prank or funny pranks.
But today I’m gonna do a turning her on and then leaving her high and dry prank.
She might be super mad at me for this but whatever. She can’t hate me forever right?
I get up and skip to our living room.
We bought a house relatively close to the compound. Far enough so that we have space, but close enough so that if we’re needed we can get there quickly.
We plan on moving further away and into the country when we get older.
Once I get to the living room I saunter in and get myself in character.
I almost giggle but I compose myself and walk over to Natasha who is reading.
She doesn’t like it when she is interrupted from her book so she definitely won’t like this. But she’ll be okay.
I sit next to her and say
She ignores me like I know she will. She can tell I’m in a playful mood and I just want to bother her so she doesn’t give in.
I usually give up and go away after a few tries but this time I have a plan.
I say in a cute voice.
Ignored again.
I smirk and pick up her book making sure to quickly slip the bookmark in so that she doesn’t lose her page. And I make sure to handle it carefully so that it doesn’t get hurt.
She looks up at me with a dirty look and I straddle her lap after setting the book down.
I hug her and she says
“Can I have my book back now?”
I smile into her neck and say
“Hmm no”
She groans and says
“I’m giving you cuddles. I can read and cuddle you at the same time cant I?”
I smirk and kiss her neck again and I start sucking a hickey and she starts to realize what I’m here for.
Her hands rest on my hips and they tighten their grip slightly and I lift my lips up to her ear.
I nibble her ear slightly before I take a breath and let out a barely noticeable moan.
This makes her grip tighten on my hips substantially and she says
“Baby. If you wanted to you could have just asked you know?”
I smile and pull away and say
“No I think I’m done.”
I abruptly hop off of her and grab her book putting it back into her hands.
“Here’s your book!”
She rolls her eyes and groans knowing I was messing with her.
“Really? All that just for you to stop?”
A cheeky grin falls upon my face as she glares at me.
Then all of a sudden she says the words I never thought would come out of her mouth.
“I want a divorce”
My blood ran cold. I stiffen my posture and clench my jaw in fear. Then I whimper out a small.
I ask with a small scared voice. Natasha starts laughing and says
“I’m only joking honey of course I don’t want a divorce!”
I start to laugh with her but it’s fake
“Oh man! You got me there haha! Payback right?”
She smiles and nods her head but leaves it at that. She gets up to get a drink as I sit down on my part of the couch and I am left in silence to my own mind.
She was joking. But she sounded so serious. What if she’s just lying to me and she actually has been thinking of divorcing me? What if I keep doing my pranks and one day she just has enough and actually wants a divorce?
Nat breaks me out of my trance when she plops back down on the sofa with a cup of water and her book in hand.
“What’s up buttercup?”
I look at her and flash a small smile and say
She eyes me but goes back to her book and I say
“I’m sorry.”
She furrows her brows and sets down her book
“Sorry for what?”
“For the prank”
“Oh detka don’t apologize it was just harmless fun. I know you didn’t mean anything bad by it.”
I smile and nod my head as she finishes the episode.
I have to stop doing these pranks. She might actually leave me. That’s what I’ll do. I swear I will never do another prank on Natasha again.
Natasha’s pov
It’s been two weeks since y/n has pranked me and either she is planning something big and she is just buttering me up, or she is dying.
There’s not a universe where I cannot imagine my wife not pranking me.
Or anyone for that matter.
It’s like her thing. Her brand. She just pranks everyone.
And if she hasn’t pranked you then she doesn’t like you. Simple as that.
That’s how I know she loves me because I’m the main target of her schemes.
And that’s why I’m concerned. She hasn’t pranked me since that last one and I can’t fathom why.
I need to make sure she’s feeling herself
I get home from the compound and park my car in our garage.
I step into the house and say
“Detka I’m home!”
I hear heavy footsteps from her running down the stairs and when she gets to the bottom she launches herself into my arms to greet me.
“Woah there dorogoy! I was gone for two hours!”
I am laughing and she pulls away with a pout and says
“Two hours too long”
I smile and kiss her pout away. Then I say
“I have something to talk about with you baby.”
She tilts her head like a puppy and says
“What is it?”
I make her sit down and I say
“It’s about your pranks”
Her face goes white and I furrow my brows. Her eyes are darting all over the place and she’s becoming frantic.
I know she’s not trying to cover up a prank because she is good at hiding them even when confronted about it. So there is something deeper going on here.
“Detka? Are you alright?”
I seem to pull her out of her frantic trance when I place my hand on her shoulder and she just bursts out crying.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t know you’d be so angry! I just thought it was harmless fun but I didn’t think you’d leave me! Please don’t leave me I need you! I love you!”
My eyes widen and I hold out my hands
“Woah woah woah baby. Nobody’s leaving anybody okay? What’s got you all in a mix here?”
She tries to calm herself down but she is still crying a bit and she says
“I thought you were gonna tell me you’re divorcing me because you got fed up with all of my shenanigans”
I furrow my eyebrows and I say
“What? I am doing the farthest thing from that okay baby? I love you entirely too much to leave you over something so trivial. How did you get that into your pretty little mind darling?”
She sniffles finally being able to stop her tears and says
“Last time I pranked you, you um said you wanted a divorce.”
I cut her off before she can finish and I say
“I was only kidding. You knew that right?”
She nods her head and says
“I know you were kidding about this time, but it got me thinking. What if one day you finally get fed up with all of my pranks and decide to actually leave me for real?”
I sigh and pull her into my arms. Then after a long hug I pull away and grab her face and say
“Look at me”
My voice is stern and she immediately looks into my eyes.
“Even if I could leave you. I wouldn’t. Because I don’t want to. And trust me. If I get fed up with your pranks one day, which I won’t because I love your pranks, then I’ll communicate that with you. M’kay? I’d ask you to stop messing around long before the idea of divorce could come to my mind.”
She nods her head and I continue.
“And let me tell you this. Your pranks mean more than the world to me. Wanna know why?”
Her head bobs up and down again meekly but I don’t let her eyes leave mine or I redirect them onto me
“Because. I notice everything. I notice that you only prank the people you love. And I see that I am the main target of your pranks. Meaning you love me the most. Right? So the shenanigans and reactions and pranks are all signs that you love me. And it honestly worried me when you stopped for two whole weeks because I thought that either you stopped loving me or you were like seriously sick. Which I thought the second one more because we love each other entirely too much for that. So I want you to keep pranking me and if it becomes a problem in the future, I’ll tell you. But I won’t leave you. Got it?”
She nods her head and I raise an eyebrow and say
“Got it?”
She nods and then says
“Got it”
I smile and peck her nose and then her forehead and then all over her face. And then I leave a long kiss on her lips. I smile and say our little thing.
“I’ll love you forever”
She says the second part
“I’ll like you for always”
Then we say the last part in unison
“As long as I live, my baby you’ll be”
She smiles and cuddles into me and I embrace her and smile to myself.
The end!
A/n: I hope you guys liked it! I really needed a brain break and I thought this one would be short but clearly it is not. I love writing pranks. I love reading pranks. Live laugh pranks. 😭🤌
@ilovesnat @ihartnat @marvelnatasha12346 @moistblobfish @justarandomreaderxoxo @lovelyy-moonlight @symp4nat
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yandere-writer-momo · 10 months
Yandere Short Story: Ángel
Santiago Reyes, the 34 year old serial killer x GN Reader
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Santiago Reyes was obsessed with a coffee barista named (your name)… and it all started with a random act of kindness. He was a serial killer for goodness sake and here he was head over heels for some random civilian… he was supposed to be killing corrupt politicians and criminals who escaped their corporal punishments, not follow (your name) home and eliminate anyone who made them even slightly uncomfortable… it was against his code of honor! Yet Santiago was in love! An emotion he never thought he’d have!
It all started when (your name) simply gave him a coffee on the house because he looked ‘down’ half a year ago. Their soft fingers brushed against his and the Latin man swore his heart almost leaped out of his chest when he realized how pretty they are…
Santiago had a crush on them ever since. He memorized the name on the name tag. (Your name)? What a darling name... Santiago was so pathetic.
Every time he has a bit of free time, he’s in that cafe just to see (your name). They’d always smile at him and initiate pleasant small talk. (Your name) never failed to make Santiago feel normal… like he belonged somewhere. And that feeling was the most addictive drug he’s ever had. Santiago was addicted to (your name) more than he was addicted to his ‘justice’ killings.
His small crush grew more and more until he realized that it bordered on obsession. Santiago only realized it when he began to secretly follow them home to make sure they were safe. He even subconsciously collected small trinkets they’d leave behind like a used spoon or a chapstick… Santiago felt vile.
Santiago no longer just targeted corrupt politicians but he’d kill men who harassed (your name) at the coffee shop. Santiago simply wanted to keep his darling safe… or that’s at least what he told himself to try to justify the murder of (your name)’s work snitch. The older woman upset you to the point of tears so she had to be dealt with. Santiago couldn’t stand seeing his beloved cry…
It was when (your name) briefly mentioned their desire to be in a relationship that finally had him ask them out.
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“I just don’t think I’ll ever have a boyfriend, Santi.” (Your name) sighed as they rested their jaw on their hand. Their eyes flit over to Santiago who ran an olive hand through his long, black curls. “I haven’t met a man who would want to be with me…”
“Well then it’s your lucky day, mi ángel.” Santiago sat up straight in his chair. He scooped up (your name)’s right hand and pressed a tender kiss to their knuckles. “I’d love to date you. Won’t you give me a chance?”
(Your name)’s cheeks turned a bright red as they looked away. Santiago liked them? But he was so handsome… what on earth did he see in them?
Santiago clicked his tongue, his hand reached up to turn their face back towards him. “You better not be belittling yourself in your head again. I’m serious about you, ángel.”
“So what do you say? Yes…” Santiago brought his face so close to (your name)’s, that their breath mingled. They could smell cinnamon on his breath… “or yes?”
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vngelicc · 1 year
𓆩♡𓆪 “wetter than umbrellas and stickier than apple pie,” — jock!jk
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·˚ ༘ 💌 TAGS — fingering (brief), unprotected sex, creampies, attempted quiet sex, reader’s WAP, messy sex, squirting (mentioned), some dirty talk, possessive!jk, jealous!jk + jennie, jennie makes an appearance woooo, voyeurism on her part, she wants you, sexual tension(?), oc is a dumb puppy: confirmed
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You’re just so so pretty… Jennie is utterly in love with you. How could anyone not be? You’re the sweetest thing that’s ever walked this earth; it'd be a crime to not like you. It made Jennie just want to wrap you up in a little cocoon and never let you back out, you were too good for this place (too good for Jungkook too in her humble opinion).
She’s always harbored a tiny crush on you, it never got too serious because she knew you probably didn’t swing that way anyways. There were no hard feelings between the two of you anyways which she was glad for. Jennie however was irked by Jungkook as of lately (when was she not irritated with him though?). More than usual might she say.
The thing was Jungkook had a big mouth, he was shameless and was always letting shit slip from his lips. Jennie despised him for putting images of you, her little cutie pie dummy, in the most vulgar positions known to man all because of his mouth. Up until now she hadn’t really thought about you in that way, even if the walls were a little too thin and she might have heard a thing or two.
“Oh I’m sorry,” you’d say with those cute puppy eyes of yours, “I promise I’ll keep it down!” Jennie knew you’d forget so she didn’t hold you to that.
It all started about a week ago when Jennie had met up with Jisoo and the older girl accidentally let it slip about you and Jungkook. “I can’t believe they talk about our sex lives, I did NOT need to know Jungkook eats ass for fucks sake.” Jisoo spits out in embarrassment, covering her mouth as she tries not to laugh too loudly.
Jennie’s brow quirks up, “He eats ass?” She peers over at Jisoo, “Who the fuck told you that.” She snorts.
“My boyfriend duhh, who else Jennie?” Jisoo shakes her head and rolls her eyes fondly, “He hung out with him like last week and they were talking about shit they’ve done or what they like and don’t like.”
Jennie stops listening once Jisoo starts complaining about Yugyeom spilling the beans. She looks down at the ground while they walk, zoning out and getting lost in her thoughts. Her not so holy thoughts at that.. Now she can’t stop thinking about how you’ve probably gotten your ass ate.
(It’s what you deserve of course. Jennie’s surprised her mouth waters a little at the thought.)
Since then Jennie starts noticing a lot more things she once didn’t think were sexual or shit she just flat out ignored like your unabashed nudity and silly little shows of affection with her. It makes her realize what a little minx you are, and the very painful fact that she’s attracted to you more than ever.
“Jennieeeee!” You happily whine and throw your arms around the girl, “Are you proud of me I made dinner for us.” You rub your cheek against her own and pout at her, “I didn’t forget to push down the lever on the toaster this time either!”
Jennie hesitantly slides her hands around your (soft?) hips, resting them right there as she balances herself because she’s got an arm full of you. “Really? That’s good y/n,” she squeezes your cheek and smiles. Jennie gets an eye full of tits right in her face she literally has to force her eyes away as she grimaces.
“What’s wrong?” You tilt your head, eyes full of wonder and lips still set into a small pout.
Jennie shakes her head, “Nothing, just hungry.”
“Let’s eat!”
Things get worse when Jennie comes home one night late from work, she had seen Jungkook’s car parked out in the front and she dreaded his presence already. “I’m home.” She calls out while unlocking the door, not wanting her entrance to be a surprise just in case you two were getting busy.
“Hi,” you turn your head and send her a soft smile, “you okay? I left some take out in the microwave for you.” You turn back around and lay your head back on Jungkook’s shoulder again. Jungkook’s busy still watching the movie so he waves his hand in acknowledgement.
Jennie rolls her eyes and passes by, but not before smacking the back of Jungkook’s head, “I thought I told your ass to stop parking your car so near the fucking line. I can’t even get out of my own damn car.”
“Fuck off no I didn’t,” Jungkook laughs, “you fuckin’ liar always trying to hate on me for no reason.” He says and throws a balled up napkin at Jennie who yells ‘Hey bitch!’ in surprise, “y/n tell her something, she’s being mean to me.” Jungkook buries his face in your face and leaves small kisses there.
Before Jennie can make a face of disgust you turn to her with that pretty face of yours, “Jen, I already told you that it’s not nice being a meanie. You pinky promised me you were going to be nicer.” It’s sickening how gagged you have her.
Jennie surprisingly lets it go and heads over to sit down on the opposite couch. She grumbles in annoyance and tosses a dirty look at Jungkook, who’s smug as a motherfucker right now. Her eyes lower down to your smooth pretty thighs, not a hair in sight (must have waxed..) You’re wearing a pair of pink sailor moon socks and from this angle she catches a glimpse of your panties which are completely lace..
You’re curled up on Jungkook’s side, tucked away and hidden by both his big ass and then the oversized shirt you assume belongs to him (given the lack of clothes on his ass). The collar is slightly disheveled and pulled down off to the side, exposing your hickey covered neck looking like he mauled you. Jungkook looks so nonchalant as he rubs your thigh with his hand, squeezing and gripping the soft looking flesh.
Jennie hates to admit but you two look so fucking hot together. Now she sees why people think you two make a fit couple, you make everyone else look like shit. She ends up sulking even more in her seat and decides to watch the movie instead or else she’s going to be more annoyed at him.
Half way through the movie Jennie hears you yawn softly and that’s when it’s Jungkook’s cue to move. He picks you up like nothing and starts to head out to your room. “Night Jennie.” You softly whisper, “I’ll see you tomorrow ‘kay?” You smack your lips together as you smile sleepily at her.
Jennie waves, “Night.” She decides to stick it out and watch the rest of the movie alone.
She doesn’t exactly count on falling asleep then and there, only waking up when the tv’s light blares in her face with the stupid “Still watching?” screen displayed. “Fuck what time is it?” She whispers to herself and grabs her phone, hissing at the brightness and closing her bleary eyes, “Three?” She grunts and rolls off the couch.
Jennie turns the TV off and heads down the hall to her room, blinking the blurriness in her vision away. She sees your door cracked open and makes a mental note to shut it for you after she finishes using the restroom. It’s when she’s washing her hands that she hears…it. She frowns in confusion and stops for a moment, hearing a rhythmic thudding noise against the walls.
“What the fuck..” Jennie whispers and dries off her hands, stopping for a few seconds as the sounds continue. “So I’m not trippin’.” She concludes and steps out quietly.
The noise is more clear when she steps out into the hallway and Jennie already knows what the hell you two are up to. It pisses her off more that the door is left open and now she has to fucking sneak into her room without being spotted. Just her luck honestly.
“Mm..mmm..” Moans slip past your lips as Jungkook’s hands hold your waist steady while fucks into your wet cunt over and over again. He’s not completely bottoming out to avoid making any unnecessary noises like your skin smacking against each other etc.
Jungkook’s eyes are settled down on your bouncing and jiggling tits, your nipples are perked up begging to be sucked on. He told you that you both needed to keep quiet but honestly it’s getting a bit harder with how good you wrap around his cock. Your cunt’s so fucking creamy dollops of slick coat his cock and form a ring around the base, which disappears everytime he slips back in to your dewy little pussy.
“Shit baby,” he grunts under his breath, “ ‘member we gotta keep quiet?” He bites down on his bottom lip and resists the urge to fuck into you harder.
You mewl softly in return and reach up to grip the pillow you’re laying on, “..trying,” you weakly huff, “just feels so good.” Your eyes are hazy and your speech comes out a little slurred, Jungkook already knows you’re about to start drooling at this point.
“Be a good girl for me.” He moans quietly and grips your chin tightly, pressing your cheeks together and making your pouty lips pucker up for him. “I know you can.” He whispers as his eyes drop down to where you’re both connected, a string of creamy slick already coats his pelvis and he curses at how much wetter you just got.
You gasp quietly and arch your back when his cock strikes your g-spot, perfectly rubbing up against it with his coordinated thrusts. You greedily roll your hips up into his and gurgle on your moans. “More,” you slur out, “wan’ more Jungkookie.”
He moans a little too loud as his hips stutter in their movements, he finds himself pressing in and rotating his hips in small circles. You’re just too fucking sexy for your own good, had his poor cock throbbing and everything. As Jungkook grinds in deeply, he listens to the sounds your cunt makes. It’s like macaroni in a pot.
“Holy fuck, you’re gonna make me cum baby.” Jungkook’s mouth falls open in a silent moan as he shudders, “Soaked lil’ pussy makin’ a mess on my cock, you gonna clean it for me?” He gasps quietly.
You nod eagerly and whimper for more, “C-Cum, cum in me.” You whisper out as your hand travels down, fingers parting in a ‘V’ right where his cock slides in and out. “P-Promise I’ve been good..!” You moan out, “Been the best girl for you.”
He loses it when your little fingers slide against his shaft everytime he backstrokes and then pushes back in. His balls ache and he fucks into you for a couple more seconds until he’s coming and filling your pussy to the brim. “Shit,” he releases a long sigh as he pants quietly and looks down, “fuckin’ hell.” Jungkook bites his lip and muffles his moan as he slowly slips his sensitive cock out of you with a wet plop.
You happily curl your legs towards you, hands coming under your thighs to hold them up so not a drop of cum is wasted. “Did good?” You sleepily ask.
“Perfect.” Jungkook licks his lips and leans up to kiss you as he trails a hand down to your slicked up pussy, fingers dipping into the mess you created down there. He intends on getting you messier, good thing you have all night long.
Jennie doesn’t sleep at all after that night. She remembers lying awake in bed as images flashed through her brain like a sequence. She thinks about your messy thighs and how your pussy stretched around Jungkook’s cock. Needless to say she went to bed uncomfortably hot down there and a pair of wet panties.
She doesn’t look neither you nor Jungkook in the eye the next day when she goes to get breakfast. You’re as clueless as ever but something about Jungkook’s dark eyes having this knowing look in them tells her he did that shit on purpose. She chooses to ignore it and continue like nothing happened. Maybe it was time she took Lisa up on that offer on being fuck buddies.
A couple of days later Jungkook breaks the ice between them two. Jennie had been home early from classes when a knock on the door broke her out of her thoughts. She opened up and came face to face with Jungkook, “What do you want?” She deadpans, even though her actions say another thing as she steps to the side for him to enter.
“If you’re here for y/n she ain’t here, though I’m sure you don’t need my help in finding her since you’re always with her and shit.” Jennie waves her hand as she walks off without looking back at him, “Don’t fuckin’ make a mess or touch my shit.” She fully intends to go to her room but Jungkook calls out to her.
“Enjoyed the show last week?” Jungkook calmly replies.
Jennie stops in her tracks, “What show? You mean the movie we watched together?” She turns around and eyes him in distaste.
“You know what I’m talking about you little pervert.” Jungkook smirks, “I’m not fucking blind to the way you’ve been looking at my girl, and it’s not like I didn’t hear you go into the bathroom and just never go to your room after that.”
Her face heats up in embarrassment as she glares at Jungkook, “Fuck off Jungkook.”
“No really, did you enjoy watching her squirt all over my fingers and soaking the bed sheets? I bet you really wanted a taste of her creamy lil’ pussy. Bet you thought about how tight she’d feel around your fingers, makes you wanna have a taste for yourself don’t it?” He grins.
Jennie’s mind screams yes and for a second she nearly gives in and confesses. However, she’s just as prideful as she is horny, “The day I fuck her Jeon is the day you’ll be wishing you never spoke about it. Because just like that she’ll be playing for both teams when I’m through with her.” She watches his face fall and turn into something more serious, like he’s feeling threatened, “They always wanna come but they never wanna leave.” She winks and heads into her room.
“J-Jungkook..!” You cry out, voice high pitched and breathy as an even louder squelching noise resonates in the background.
He’s got his fingers knuckle deep inside of your slicked up pussy, thrusting them in and out at a mad pace. It’s so quick that your squirting out bits of slick whilst he fucks you with his fingers. Jungkook’s hell bent on getting you to cum for him, he looks pissed off and you can’t help but wonder why.
“Mmmm..!” You squeal out and shake under him, “S-Slow down Jungkookie,” you whimper out, “ ‘s too much!”
Jungkook does the complete opposite of what you asked and only speeds up, “Pussy’s all mine isn’t it baby? Say it for me, whose pussy is this?” He curls his fingers and searches for your g-spot, intending to abuse it.
You throw your head back and scramble to grip his wrist tightly, “Yours! It’s yours,” you sob out, “p-please..!” You feel tears well up in your eyes, “Jungkookie!”
“That’s right, all fuckin’ mine baby,” he growls and leans down to bury his face in your thighs, “all mine.” He repeats and takes your throbbing clit into his mouth.
You literally die and go to heaven. (And Jennie sits smug in her room because she’s the reason for your passing.)
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TAGLIST: TAGLIST: @fragmentof-indifference @jungkooksseuphoria @kooliv @angelarin @jjeonjjk7 @lilliankoo @pb-n-juju @ellesalazar @saweetspoiled @laylasbunbunny @prettyprincejk @cherrysainttt @hyunjinswifeee @joongraduatewithonor @hellbornsworld @leire-mia @m1sss1mp @lissful @winkii @lifeless-firefly @exactlygreatcoffee @taestoess @ayalies @floweryjeons @softtcurse @lilspinachwrld @tearyjjeon @littleobsessedkitty @lovelovelovebts @angeljmnie @rerefundslocals @bangtans-mama @thvhoe @maddkitt
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hansensgirl · 9 months
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summary. | Your dad’s best friend doesn’t like your attitude.
prompts. | Andy Barber + Dad’s best friend + “I just want to take care of you.” + Daddy kink, requested by Anonymous.
pairing. | dark!dad’s best friend!Andy Barber x fem!reader.
warnings. | NON/DUBCON, age gap, delusion, Daddy kink, bratty/rude reader (inwardly, mostly), manhandling, andy holds the reader down, allusions to spanking, and more. 18+ MINORS DNI!
author’s note. | this is a part of my Dark Concepts (2023) request form. thank you for taking part in this event! please enjoy and don’t forget to reblog. MINORS DNI, 18+ ONLY! taglist: @hansensfics
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A familiar voice calls your name, and you wonder what he could possibly want this time around. It’s Andy, your father’s best friend.
You sigh as you get up from your bed, an oversized sweater falling down to cover your upper thighs. You make your way downstairs and spot the older man at the bottom of the steps, blocking your way. He smiles when he sees you, and you forcibly return it.
Hatred isn’t the word you’d use to describe how you feel about Andy. Discomfort is far more accurate. You’re baffled at how he’s managed to insert himself into your life, even when your father isn’t present. He has a key and always seems to drop by over every little thing. Sometimes, his reasonings are genuinely absurd. 
You suspect it’s the loneliness of the divorce and subsequent moving away that did it. You feel bad for Andy at times, but the dark looks he gives you make those feelings dissipate, replacing them with both fear and arousal. 
“You busy?” he asks, a slight smirk on his face. It reads as a midlife crisis, or perhaps you’re just being too harsh. You prefer being on your lonesome, anyway. “Uh, no, not really. Why?” you ask, stopping at the last step. He’s wearing a green button-up, and his hair is slightly tousled.
When you watch him more intently, you notice his eyes are blown out. Lust or happiness? The former seems more likely than the latter. Your thoughts make you shiver, and he furrows his brows.
“Cold?” he jokes, but you simply hum. “I can’t see why,” Andy husks, smiling up at you. He refers to your outfit, which you realize isn’t the most appropriate thing to wear in front of him.
“I was just wondering if you wanted to watch a movie with me,” he tells you, and you nod your head. If you say no, he’ll surely tell your father somehow, and you can’t afford your allowance getting cut. Not until you find a decent-paying job, anyway. 
“Oh, uh, what movie did you have in mind?” you ask him, leaning on the railing. “I’m fine with anything, really,” he admits, shrugging as he stands up straight. 
“Alright, I’ll be back in a few. Maybe you can make some popcorn, get some candy?” you offer, turning just a bit so you can head back to your room.
“Where are you going?” Andy asks, crossing his arms. He’s got a serious look on his face, one you’ve never really seen before. “To my room, so I can change,” you say, a bit confused. There’s an awkward laugh laced in your words, but nothing appears to amuse the ex-lawyer. 
“Why would you do that?” he questions, and you furrow your brows. “I don’t have any pants on, and, like you said, it’s a bit cold. I’ll be quick,” you promise. Although you swear you have complete control over your body, you don’t move. It’s like you’re waiting for his approval. 
“I think your outfit is perfect, actually. Come on,” your father’s friend urges, and you scoff. “I won’t take long, Andy, I swear,” you continue, knowing the man has a bit of a temper. 
“I doubt you won’t, but I don’t see why you need to change. It’s perfect for what I wanna do to you,” Andy growls, grabbing your hand. You yelp as he drags you to the couch with ease, throwing you onto the cushions. His words make your stomach drop.
You barely have any time to run off. The older man is on you quickly, holding you down to the seat. Your sweater has now risen up, giving him a perfect view of your panty-clad ass. 
“C’mon, Daddy hates it when you’re being a brat. I know you can be good,” Andy grunts, straddling your thighs. “Get off of me!” you demand through gritted teeth, but your attempt is futile. 
“Shh, shh. It’s okay. Daddy’s got you. I just want to take care of you,” he whispers, left hand keeping your upper body pressed into the sofa. “But I can’t do that if you’re a bad girl, right?” Andy continues.
You feel his large, rough hand pull down your underwear, your soft flesh rippling from his harsh movements. “That’s fine. Daddy will just have to spank the attitude out of his little girl.”
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mobiushusband · 3 months
thinking about Vladimir Makarov who’s just a sucker for older guys blheeee i’m so silly :PPPP
Okay but think about it— The man has issues, we all know that, and he’s a momma’s boy without a decent father figure— Or absolutely non for the matter.
And then there’s you, his second in command, his right-hand man, his most trusted ally and closest friend that had been with him through thin and thick, and also, you casually came to be an older man. The age gap between you two isn’t crazy, but enough to have him stealing glances from you. He has never actually asked how old are you, but taking in consideration the few white hairs that had been starting to grow in your thick beard and in your hair, he would guess that you’re around your first or mid forties.
You’ve worked for and with him since the beginning, always around for him, with those dad vibes that sometimes just made excitement lick up his spine. He would never admit it, but he loved the casual ‘good job, son’ you would throw at him from time to time whenever he did a good planning that made the mission be successful, a hand gently squeezing his shoulder as your taller frame loomed over him. How you would stand out for him whenever a soldier was misbehaving and trying to mock him or make him feel less just because he was young and full of ambitions— There’s immediately a hand wrapped around his shoulder, pulling him back towards your chest and shooting a death look at the soldier who had tried to disrespect him. He never asked why he never saw the soldier again after that.
He would be damned if him himself ever admitted that he sometimes, and just sometimes, procured in making an specially good speech for his men, just so he could go back to your shared office after that just to find you there, leaning against your desk with a cigarette in hand, a proud, soft smile dangling from your lips as you gently ruffled his hair in a fatherly way. “You really putted some effort in that, huh, kiddo?” You would playfully say, knowing how much it annoyed him whenever you called him that. “I’m proud of you. Those men couldn’t have a better leader.” You would then say, your hand lingering in his hair a moment later just to pull away and go back into business.
Vladimir had known that he had a thing for older men a long time now— Probably since he was in high school and had a boner when he saw his hot history teacher rolling his sleeves up. He had never really payed too much mind to it, however, thinking that it was something of the age. And oh, it definitely wasn’t. But he only realized that only after letting one of his men, Ivan, fuck him senseless in his first year of starting his criminal organization.
Now here you were, both of you staying late at night in your shared office, empty bottles of different alcohols spreaded all over the coffee table in front of the small couch there was in the office, soft, drunk chuckles emerging from the bottom of yours and Makarov’s chest after a succesful mission. He leaned back in the couch, his fingers wrapped around the neck of a vodka bottle as he took a sloppy drink from it. “I’m-I’m serious, (Y/n).” The russian stumbled with his words, tongue feeling heavy in his mouth as he readjusted himself in the couch to look at you. “How does that even works? I mean— Chickens are birds, but they don’t fly! How useless are they?” He huffed, falling silent for a brief moment just so he could bring the bottle up to his lips again.
You simply chuckled, low and seductive at Makarov’s ears, at how silly the younger man got every time he putted alcohol in his system. You shook your head to the sides, leaning forward to snatch the bottle from Makarov’s hand to take a sip of your own. “Why are we even talking about this?” You asked between laughs as the burning feeling of the alcohol going down your throat numbed your senses. With half-open lids, Makarov looked up to you, his words stucking in the back for his throat for a moment. God, why did you have to be so hot? Your handsome factions, a sharp jaw covered in black-white stubble that made him want to nibble on it, thin lips that looked red and wet for constantly licking them, messy black hair with white strands that shone under the tenuous light of the room, big, muscular arms covered in black furr that looked just so perfect to wrap around his neck as you pounded on him— And don’t make him get started with your hands and the rest of you.
“… I think I’ve some issues. Serious ones.” He suddenly mumbled his answer to your question, his eyes driving up and down your body until they eventually fell on your own (e/c) once again. You raised an eyebrow to his words, pulling the bottle off your mouth with a wet sound. “Why do you say that?” You asked back, titling your head to the side and allowing yourself to rest the side of your body against the comfy couch, now both of you face to face as Vladimir popped his head in the knuckles, his elbow digging into the back of the couch. “Because…” He began, but trailed off mid-sentence.
He was drunk, he told to himself, and so were you. If he did a move on you right now, you probably wouldn’t even remember the next morning. But was he willing to take the risk? What if he made a move and fucked up everything? If he threw away all those years of friendship you have gave him? If he lost you?
The thought sent a shiver running down his spine, his eyes ripping away from yours as he thought about what he wanted to do. He was already starting to feel that familiar heat pooling in his lower belly, his legs growing restless and pressing together from time to time. There was so many things he could lost— “… Because I think I want you to fuck me.” He bluntly said, staring right into your eyes. Fuck it, he thought to himself, I can always force him to stay with me if he rejects me. He was drunk out of his ass, you were drunk out of your ass, you both were the only ones probably in the whole place— He could not let this chance go away. The alcohol had took such a tool over him, that he didn’t even feel nervous while he awaited for your reaction.
In anyway, soon enough he discovered that he wouldn’t be needing to pull the move of threatening you, because just after a few seconds of you staring at him with wide eyes and in total silence, you left the bottle on the coffee table; the same hand that had been holding the bottle now sliding to brush against his thigh. “Thought you would never ask, sweetheart.” You whispered back, and Vladimir would be damned if he ever admitted that he got hard just for hearing you say that.
The feelings he had been hiding within him were suddenly too much to handle, and in a blink he was leaning forward with his hands grabbing the collar of your shirt, his mouth crashing with yours in a desperate, needy kiss that was all tongue and teeth at first. Your own hands went to grab his hips, providing a gentle squeeze as he changed his position and got on his knees on the couch, quickly straddling your lap without breaking away from the kiss.
His hand went to wrap around your neck, his possessiveness and need for control hitting him all of sudden like a brick wall. His hand wasn’t large enough to totally wrap around your neck and choke you efficiently, so he thought that scratching the back of your neck with it would be enough for now. “You’re mine, you hear me? Mine.” He whispered against your mouth, hearing you growl and shiver against his lips as he eventually figured out, through his drunk cloud, that he could use both of his hands to wrap around your neck. “Have been yours for a long time, love.” You answered, your own hands going to gently knead at his bubble ass.
The confession made his cock immediately go hard, a painfully noticeable bulge now in his slacks. He couldn’t help but grind down against you, his cock coming in contact with your own hard dick. He smiled playfully at that. “Maybe we should get drunk more often.” He teased after breaking away from the kiss, your hot, ragged breath hovering over his mouth. You returned the smile, giving a testing thrust up just to see his reaction, totally delighted with the pretty groan that fell from Vladimir’s lips. “My pretty boy...” You growled, pulling him down into another bruising kiss. Makarov would deny forever and ever that he whimpered when you called him that.
PD: this is not corrected nor revised, so sorry for any mistake. English is not my first language either!!! And probably this is a bit ooc but i don’t care. Thank u x reading my silly thoughts :33333
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birdiewriteslit · 7 months
hii can i request 23/24 w jack hughes please?
“sober secrets, drunk deliveries”
jack hughes x f!hischier!reader
birdie’s 300 celly
i legit love this so much
From the beginning, Jack was very clear with you about keeping your relationship a secret from your brother. You told him countless times that Nico was harmless, but Jack couldn’t be convinced.
Maybe Nico showed the boys a different side of him in practice and in game, but you knew him as your lovable older brother.
Until Jack had told you a few weeks into your relationship that you were off limits to him, you didn’t even know Nico talked about you to the team at all.
When he introduced you to Jack during family skate a few months back, you immediately took a liking to him.
He was funny and easy to talk to, although apprehensive to get too close to you because of Nico’s supposed “threats.”
Over the past few months, you’d gotten to know Jack better and started a secret relationship. A lot of the time, sneaking around was hot, and the thrill of potentially getting caught fueled your desire, but you were getting restless.
You hadn’t said it to each other, but you loved Jack. You were serious about him and you knew he felt serious about you. You felt guilty hiding something you loved so much from your brother, who you obviously loved the most and told almost everything to.
That led you to tonight. You, the WAGs, and the team were out celebrating at a bar after a big win.
With a mixture of alcohol and the restlessness previously mentioned, you were being a little bit riskier than usual.
“Jack,” you said, tugging on his sleeve. “Jack, pay attention to me.”
He turned his head, his eyes locking onto yours, his mouth parted. “I am, baby.”
Uh oh. Jack was drunk too, and he didn’t even notice when he let the word slip. Ignoring the looks on Luke’s and Dawson’s faces, you giggled, taking his hand and pulling it around your shoulders, pressing your body into his side.
“If you were,” you teased, dragging out the last word and interlocking your fingers with his. You made an effort to whisper, but it came out louder than you intended. “You’d know I wanna be in your bed right now.”
“Jesus,” Breathed out Jack shamelessly. “I’ll take you there right now, say the word, honey.”
Nico had made it to the table, and at this point in the conversation, he heard pretty much everything he shouldn’t have.
Luke eyed Nico’s shocked expression. “I need to excuse myself,” he said awkwardly, tapping Dawson’s shoulder, signaling him to follow him and leaving Nico alone with you and Jack.
Both of you remained oblivious to your brother, too wrapped up in each other and the alcohol. It wasn’t until he cleared his throat that you realized he was standing there.
You took your eyes off of Jack but didn’t step from him. “Oh, hi, Neeks. This is my boyfriend, Jack. Do you know him?”
Jack, on the other hand, sobered up pretty quickly when he saw Nico, and immediately dropped his arm from your shoulder.
“I know him, but I’m not really sure why you’re dating him,” Nico joked, sounding pretty unaffected.
“Are you mad?” Jack asked quickly, like a child asking a parent for forgiveness.
“Why would I be mad?” Nico asked.
Jack gestured to you, pointing back and forth between you like it was obvious. “‘Cause she’s off limits, according to you.”
“I only said that so nobody would bother her, but I don’t think you’re bothering her.” Nico shrugged, nonchalantly sipping his beer.
“Can I say something?” you interjected, raising your hand. “I totally knew you’d be cool with this because you’re the best brother ever.” You rounded the table and practically launched yourself onto Nico, completely disregarding the fact that he was holding a drink.
“Okay, time for you to go home,” Nico laughed, setting his spilt beer bottle on the table and patting your back. He glared at Jack from over your shoulder. “You’re not taking her, though. I don’t mind if you date her, just never talk to her like that in front of me and we won’t have a problem.”
Jack’s face burned red at the thought of the conversation that Nico overheard. “Sorry, Cap.”
Nico nodded, his glare replaced with a pleasant smile and he guided you to the bar’s exit, much to your dismay.
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bbrissonn · 6 months
𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 - 𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐬
in which you lay alone in your bed at night wondering where your relationship with the young star went wrong
disclaimer: english is not my first language and this is not proofread so please excuse any errors and if any words are missing add them in your head :) also this is a work of fiction, this doesn’t reflect how these boys act in real life, and it isn’t how i imagine them acting 
HUGH DISCLAIMER: this fic doesnt have a clear ending. i literally have no motivation to continue this, but i cannot find it in myself to start my next work for this album until this one is out. so yeah, sorry about that :)
warnings: angst, swearing , not proofread  
pairing: jack hughes x reader
wc: 2.6k (including lyrics)
guts masterlist
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Cat got my tongue
And I don’t think I get along with anyone
Blood runnin’ cold
I’m on the outside of the greatest inside joke
And I hate all my clothes
Feels like my skin doesn’t fit right over my bones
So I guess I should go
The party’s done, and I’m no fun, I know, I know
I know, I know
Ever since you had moved to New York in early 2022, it felt like it had been living a lie. Like this life you were living wasn’t yours, like you had just stolen it from someone. Growing up, you had always been homeschooled, meaning your social life was slime to none. So, it was safe to say that when you chose to move to New York for a job your mom’s friend had offered you, you were scared. 
You only had two real friends, who you barely ever saw because of their busy scheduled with school before, and even more now since you three were all over the country doing your own things. Luckily for you, there was a girl only 2-3 years older than you at your job, meaning you had someone to talk to if you felt the need. After a month of two, the two of you became friends, growing ever closer when you realized you lived in apartment blocks next to each other. 
Which is how you found yourself at a bar on a saturday night in October of that year. Mailey had convinced you to come with her, claiming the two of you needed to decompress from your busy week at work. You rolled your eyes at first, but agreed none the less. Ever since this summer, you found yourself starting to go out more, joining Mailey and her friends every once in a while. Only this time was so much different than the others. 
There was a big group of maybe 20ish guys, age ranging from young adults to full grown men, taking up most of the place. The two of you were confused, seeing as this bar barely ever had people coming in, and it was mainly the same people coming here every week. So, a group of random guys neither of them had seen around before certainly peeked your interest. 
“What do you think they’re doing here?” You asked as the two of you sat down at your usual spot. The group occupying the opposite side of the room. 
“Don’t know. But they’re not buying that cheap booze.” Mailey mumbled, her eyes focused on the insane amount of liquor at the couple of tables they were occupying. The two of you eventually started forgetting about them, talking about random things that happened throughout the week. 
“Not to freak you out, but there’s a guy that keeps looking at you. A cute guy.” The girl across from you said after about an hour of the two of you being there. You furred your brows slightly at her words, before turning your head in their direction. That’s when you met his eyes for the first time. He had a slight grin on his face as he stared into your eyes, nodding along to whatever the guy next to him was saying. You sent him a small smile, waving slightly, which he answered with a nod. 
“More like hot guy.” You mumbled, looking back over at your best friend. You had had a couple of flings here and there, but nothing ever serious, and you were never used to getting boys’ attention on a night out. 
“He’s going to the bar. Go talk to him.” Mailey announced, making you turn your head to look at him. At the same time, he looked over at your table, sending you a small wink when your eyes met. 
“Rich coming from someone who always says girls don’t chase, they attract.” You teased, making her roll her eyes. You eventually decided to go up to him later that night, talking for a bit before exchanging numbers. Jack, you learned his name was, didn’t seem to want to get into talking about his group of friend too much, so you kept all your questions to yourself. 
Over the next couple of weeks, the two of you got to know each other. Your friendship slowly formed and the two of you grew closer each other. But, clearly Jack was still holding back on some stuff. He still refused to open up about his friends and what he does as a living exactly. You told yourself that he’d tell you when he was ready, but you were getting a little impatient, which is why you pretty much forced the answer out of him when you went over to his apartment one day. 
“When are you gonna tell me?” You asked, pausing the show the two of you were watching. Your words made him look over at you, a confused expression on his face as his eyes met yours. 
“What do you mean?” 
“When are you gonna tell me truth, Jack. If that’s even your name.” You sassed, making the boy next to you let out a deep sigh as he threw his head back. 
“D’you wanna see my birth certificate?” He answered coldly, making you scoff. “What I do doesn’t matter, Y/N, so just drop it.” 
“If it doesn’t matter than why won’t you tell me, Jack? You know pretty much everything about me and my life, and barely know anything from yours. God, you won’t even tell me the names of your brothers!” 
“Why do you care so much?” 
“Because I like you, Jack! And… and I though you liked me back, but clearly I was wrong.” You admitted, standing up from your spot on the couch as you started packing up your things. “Just forget it.” You mumbled as you started making your way to the door. You were stopped right as you were about to grab onto the doornob. 
“Y/N, wait!” He said, grabbing your wrist and turning you around before you could leave. “I like you too, Y/N, and I’m sorry I haven’t been honest with you, but I didn’t want what I do in life to influence how you see me. I’ve had way too many people use me and I didn’t want that to happen again because I really like you.” 
“Jack, I made it clear hundreds of that time that I what you do in life wouldn’t change the way I see you, but you kept hiding from me. It makes me feel like you don’t trust me.” You explained with a scoff. The boy in front of you sighed before cupping your face in his head, his forehead leaning against yours. 
“I know, I know, I should’ve told you a long time ago. But what we have, it’s really special to me, and it’s so good. I didn’t want to ruin it.” 
“You’d have to be a serial killer for me to change my mind about how I feel, Jack.” 
“Stay. Please. I’ll tell you everything, I promise, just don’t leave me, please.” He begged, his thumbs rubbing small circles under your eyes. You swallowed harshly before slightly nodding your head yes. Jack then brough the two of you back to his couch, and he stuck to his promise. He started going on and on about his life, starting with the fact that he played hockey for the Devils. Then he moved on to telling you pretty much every single memory he had about the sport, a wide grin plastered on his face. 
In exchange, you opened up to him about some of the insecurities you had because you were homeschooled, including having to attened big parties and being surrounded by large crowds. Jack had promised that was something he would never put your through, but you quickly learned that his promise meant nothing to him. 
I broke a glass, I tripped and fell
I told secrets I shouldn’t tell
I stumbled over all my words
I made it weird, I made it worse
Each time I step outside, it’s social suicide
It’s social suicide, wanna curl up and die
It’s social suicide
It had now been three months since Jack asked you out. You had met his brother Luke when the boy came to visit, talked to his parents through face time a while ago, but you had yet to met his friends. You tried hard not to let it bother you, but it did. He didn’t want you attending his games either, claiming he didn’t want people to hate on you because you were his girlfriend. You couldn’t help but overthink the fact that maybe it was just because you were his girlfriend.
You had seen pictures of the other players wives and girlfriends, and you looked nothing like them. They all seemed so outgoing and the life of the party. Not to mention all of the models Jack followed, all of them being the exact opposite of you. You had questioned him about it one night, he just scoffed and said you were being petty and pathetic asking him a question like that. 
“J?” You called out. His arms were wrapped around your waist, your back pressed against his chest. 
“When am I gonna meet your friends?” You asked quietly, making the boy sigh harshly against the back of your neck. 
“Got to sleep, Y/N.” He mumbled. 
“Could you at least answer me?” 
“I don’t know, okay? Your weird fear of crowds or whatever makes it impossible for you to meet them all at the same time, and I’m not gonna go through the burden of setting up little dates with my teammates just so you can meet them. Can I sleep now, mother?” He answered harshly as his arms left your frame and he turned around, his back to yours. You felt tears prikle in your eyes at his words. 
“I can handle it.” Your voice was low, not trusting your voice not to crack if you talked any louder. Jack let yet another sigh at your words. 
“We’re getting together after the game tomorrow, come if you want.” 
“To your game?” You asked hopeful. You were growing tired of just watching him play through your TV screen, when he was close to your home. 
“No. After.” And just like that, all your hope was crushed. 
“What should I wear?” 
“I don’t know, and I don’t care.” He grumbled, getting out of bed making your head snap towards him as he approached the door. 
“Where are you going?” 
“Guest room. I need peace and you keep talking.” Was the last thing he said before leaving the room. When you woke up the next morning, he was gone, no text no notes, nothing. He didn’t come back for his pregame nap either, which scared you a little. But all your nerves went away when his face appeared on your Instagram feed, a bright smile on his face as the picture the Devils posted illuminated your screen. 
All of your texts to Jack had gone unanswered, as well as your calls. Thankfully, you knew where the team would be heading after the game, it was a local bar near the rink they went to almost every time after a game. You had gotten there a lot later than everyone, spending thirty minutes in your car deciding whether or not Jack would still want you there. You figured there was only one way to find out so in you went. 
The place was crowded, the music loud as the bartenders prepared multiple drinks. Realistically, there wasn’t that many people here, just the team and a couple other regulars, it was just a really small room. It took you a couple of minutes to spot Jack, who was sitting at a table with a couple of his friends and lots of girls. You tried to look as confident as possible as you made your way over to him. Some of his friends and their partners started at you, wondering what someone like you was doing here. 
“Jack?” You called out as you stood behind him. His arm was resting on the chair of a pretty blond girl next to him. You couldn’t quite describe the look in his eyes when his head turned to face you, but the words he was about to say completely crushed you. 
“Do I know you?” He questioned, and you could feel your heart shatter inside of you. You tried your best to keep a brave face on, but you were dying on the inside. 
“J, come one, this isn’t funny. I’ve been texting and calling all day, you were gone when I woke up this morning.” You mumbled, taking a step closer to him. The girl on his right could read you perfectly, and she realized that you two were a couple. When it clicked in her mind, she sent the boy a judging look before standing from her seat and walking back to her friends. 
Jack got up right after her, gripping your wrist and dragging you outside the bar. “What’re you doing here?” He asked harshly once the two of you stood outside alone. 
“No! What are you doing, Jack?”
“I’m enjoying a night with my buddys!” 
“Yeah, the friends you said I could meet. Tonight!”
“When did I say that?” His words were harsh and rude, making your heart shatter even more. You truly did not understand why he always acted this way towards you lately, but you were growing tired of it. 
“Last night! You said I could come if I wanted to, and I want to be here, so here I am. And here you are, with your arm around another girl!” You said, your tone matching his. You were tired of letting him walk over you all the time. 
“I said that so you would shut up and leave me alone. God, you’re always just complaining about everything and anything. It’s like nothing’s ever enough for you, you always need more–” 
“Oh, nothing’s enough for me? What about you, huh? Am I not enough for you?” 
“There you go, making it about you like always.” 
“Because this is about me, Jack! I am your girlfriend of three months, and I don’t know any of your friends! It’s like you’re ashamed to be with me. Do your friends even know about me?” You asked. There were tears in the back of your eyes threatening to spill, but you blinked them away. You had cried enough over him for the last couple of weeks. The boy in front of you stayed silent at your question, making you scoff. 
“Of course they don’t know, just like your brother’s weren’t suppose to know, or your parents. You don’t want anyone to know that your girlfriend is me.” You spoke with your voice low. This exact though had been in the back of your mind for a long time, but saying it out loud made it feel so much more real. 
“Things were better before you knew–” 
“They were better for you! You lied to me for weeks, and you’re still lying. All you do is lie, Jack. I can’t believe I waisted so much time and energy on you. You never wanted this relationship, did you? You just wanted someone to fuck whenever you needed, someone to be there for you. You didn’t care who it was, you neved cared about me. You’re pathetic, seriously.” You mumbled before pushing past the hockey player and walking to your car. 
You were done with Jack Hughes.
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plutonianeris · 8 months
❝mars in the 6th house❞
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This is how mars in the 6th house has manifested for me.
With my 6th house mars placement I tend to make my daily activities into games or challenges. In my head I’m always like okay let’s see how long it takes me to do xyz. It makes me feel accomplished to get stuff down.
The downside to all of that is the stress I put on my body. Sometimes I don’t know when to stop and I keep pushing through until I feel burned out. Over the years I have gotten better and reminding myself to slow down and be more mindful throughout out the day.
I have always had very high paced busy jobs. The couple times where I had a more low stakes, relaxed job I would start off thinking I was going to enjoy it and then I would hate it. It would just make the day drag on so long. I like feeling challenged and when I am busy the day goes by faster. When I was around 15 I got my first job at a restaurant and it would get extremely busy and chaotic as fuck and honestly I loved it. The dining room would get so full, people were chattering all the time and we would all be in the back running around like chickens with their heads cut off, bumping into each other. Some of my coworkers would get frustrated which is fair but honestly it felt like a game to me. I worked there until I was 19. I have a higher paying, more “professional” job now but to this day that was the most fun job I’ve had.
I have worked at many different places, but the posts that state mars in the 6th house will give you coworkers being jealous and trying to start shit are 100% right. In every job I have had there were coworkers that saw me as threat or would try to start shit with me. I once worked at a hospital when I was in college and the girls working with me (Who were 2-3 years actually older than me) were so hateful and weird. They would constantly be looking at me, gossiping (or straight up trying to argue) and one time one of them lied to the supervisor saying I was slacking off when I wasn’t (literally trying to sabotage my job).
A male coworker there at the time told me they were just hating. I do believe that they were because they were being weird and messy but I also think he was trying to flirt with me..
The rumors are true about your coworkers crushing on you with this placement. And vice versa for me as well at times. It has gone from flirting with coworkers to me actually sleeping with a coworker once. However those times it was never anything serious, more like in the moment things. 6th house placements really know what it means to have a work husband/ wife lol.
another thing about jobs, when people try to start shit it use to get me riled up and I would let people get under my skin (when I was younger). NOW, I laugh and even though it still makes me annoyed, it makes me feel even more motivated to be the best at what I am doing.
I am also quick to leave a job once it has run its course. I am not that emotional when it comes to leaving and starting over somewhere else.
I lose weight very fast. I don’t mean in the sense that I have high metabolism. I mean that if gain weight and I decide I want to lose it, I do simple workouts and in a relatively short time its gone. Its not an unhealthy or harmful way. It makes sense considering mars is action and speed and the 6th house is daily routines and my body and health. Honestly if you have this placement and you are stressing over meal plans or planning specific workouts, just do simple ones and walk more and it wont be as hard as you thought.
I do have a high libido, especially when I am in a relationship. Having a healthy and satisfying sexual relationship is important to me.
I don’t get sick very often and when I do, I fight it off in 1-3 days.
I can be very impulsive in my daily and routines, sometimes harshly. Like I might brush my hair very roughly without realizing or apply lotion onto my skin in a heedless manner. That is something that I did not like and I try to remind myself to treat my body with gentle hands.
My impulsive behavior was worse when I was kid. For example, if I could not get a necklace off of me or bracelet, it would make me so angry and kind of panicked, I would rip it off even if it meant it might break I didn’t care. Me doing what I wanted and feeling free mattered more than whatever I was wearing. This was however another thing I tried to improve on.
Growing up, in my daily routines people use to be mad aggressive towards me as well. Don’t get me wrong, I knew when I was annoying or pushing someones buttons, but the random spurts of anger at me would be very unwarranted.
I feel like at times I can be very guarded as well or tense. When I am angry, I feel it first in my chest and then my stomach will hurt. I don’t like getting worked up because although I can emotionally regulate, it still takes my body a while to calm down. When I was a teenager it would take a long ass time of me practically seething or cursing. Now after a couple deep breaths I’m good.
Mars is aggressive and the 6th house is my health and body and I have definitely taken my anger out on myself as well. My home life had always been very chaotic as a kid and I started self harming at 12 years old and then I stopped when I was around 17 years old.
On a more positive note, I love taking care of my body now. I would never treat it like my enemy or be so careless with myself like I use to. I like working out. I like feeling strong. And also theres a bonus of feeling hot as fuck when I am naked. When Megan thee stallion said, “ When I'm in the gym I think about bitches that I'm shitting on,” I really felt that 💋🔥
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mouseymilkovich · 1 month
hi mousey!! I was wondering if I could request a richie x fem reader one shot or blurb !!
the reader is Syd’s best friend ( or maybe sister ) and she comes into the beef, and bumps into richie outside when he has a smoke break, not realizing her works there her and richie start talking and like flirting, and after she tells Syd about this hot guy she meet that asked her out, and they start dating. Also richie is at work boasting about how he got like a new girlfriend and all that, then one day she visits Syd at work for something and the dots are connecting and everyone kinda thinks it’s funny and are in disbelief, while Syd is just in pure shock !!
maybe with a sprinkle of age gap richie !! 💞💞
anon my dear i'm taking a tiny bit of creative license, since speechless is about syd's best friend, and syd talks about being an only child, i'm gonna go ahead and make it syd's STEP-SISTER (i hope that's okay!!)
Content Tags: Reader hints at having slept with married men lmao
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It wasn't unlike you to flirt with older men— fuckin' sue you, you searched for the affection your father never gave you, a lot of other girls did it too. Even if your stepfather somewhat filled that hole in your life, it was never quite enough.
You'd just stopped by to see Sydney, your beloved stepsister, at her new job... and have some lunch. After you slipped out the door, you noticed a man smoking in the alley— a really attractive man, at that.
"You got a light? I forgot mine." You hummed casually as you sidled up beside him.
He took out a lighter from the pocket of his leather jacket. “Here ya go, sweetheart— sorry, I don’t mean anythin’ by that—“ “Oh, it’s okay if you did mean something by that.” You flirted with a little grin as you lit up a cigarette. You introduced yourself to him, that grin still planted on your lips.
“Name’s Richie. You’re certainly bold, huh?” He chuckled.
“Yeah, when I see a cute guy I like.” You giggled.
You conversed for a bit over cigarettes, you kept flirting, he flirted back, and you eventually were asked on a date. And that made you absolutely giddy. He was cute, charming, and interesting.
That night, when Sydney came home, you decided to tell her all about what happened.
“Seriously, Syd, this might become something serious.” You said happily to her, giggling a bit in delight.
“You’ve said that before.” She commented.
“This one is different! Super charming.” You insisted— well, that was sort of true, Richie was different than most of the guys you went after. For one, he wasn’t married.
Sydney rolled her eyes, but laughed softly. “Okay, if you say so.”
“He asked me out on an actual date, Syd!” You insisted. “We’re going out Friday night.”
“Oh? Actually? Wow.” She sounded so genuinely surprised, which baffled you, had you really gone through such shitty men? Apparently so.
Still, you ever anticipated your date with Richie.
The next day, when Sydney went to work, she overheard Richie telling Carmy about this “charming young lady” he was taking out on a date on Friday. Surely that was a coincidence… surely.
“Met ‘er yesterday, cousin, but I tell ya, I’m feelin’ real good about this thing.”
Suddenly, Sydney’s eyes widened. No, no. There was no way.
“Chef?” Carmy asked, looking over at her and waving his hand. “You good?”
Sydney blinked a few times before she came back to reality. Then, she approached Richie, harshly poking her finger into his chest. “You fuckin’ hurt her, I swear to fucking—“
“The fuck are you talkin’ about?” Richie asked, throwing his hands up in defense.
“That’s my step-sister you’re going out with, you fucking old prick!” Sydney yelled in his face. “She’s been hurt before, and I swear to fucking—“
“Okay, okay, cool down!” Carmy said, putting himself between them. “Richie, step the fuck out, Syd, let’s talk.”
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oikasugayama · 9 months
Hihihi! Can I please please please request BSD men with an older fem! s/o? Especially Dazai, Kunikida, Sigma and Fyodor but feel free to add more! I have this very distinct convo in my head that I can’t stop thinking abt and it goes smth like this:
*Dazai doing his usual women flirting, holding your hand and staring up at you with sparkling doe eyes and rosy cheeks*
Reader: “Oh, I’m truly flattered, darling, but it’s just that a boy like yourself…you’re just a bit too young for me.”
Dazai: “Young? Well, my dear belladonna, I don’t under-“
Reader: “I’m 43, honey.”
*He is visibly surprised, mouth forming an ‘o’ shape and eyes widening before he recovers, a charming smile slipping on once more.*
Dazai: “Well then, ma’am, I must say that you aged like a fine wine because you don’t look a day over twenty-one! I know that I’m probably inexperienced compared to you, but at least give me a chance to prove myself!”
Idk man, I just need BSD men with an older woman, who is mature and elegant and maternal and experienced.
i cringe so hard every time someone writes dazai saying b****d**** to his partner 🤢 sorry anon, it had to be said.
Dazai's is smutty, Kunikida's is fluffy.
Dazai likes the mature look, he likes the well-developed body, he likes the attitude and casual confidence that comes with an older woman. a hint of gray at the edge of a woman's bangs makes him start the chase. he looooves gentle aging on the face, thinks mature women are so beautiful.
he definitely chases them for short relationships, nothing serious. he'd like to take them out, spend some time being a young little shit and flirting his balls off, only to turn into putty in the older woman's hands when she suggests he come back to her place, because he's so young and must have a roommate, so they'd have more privacy at her place ;)
he tires to take the lead, but he usually inevitably lets the older woman tell him what to do because he wants to do exactly what she wants. of course the woman is usually pleased to know such a good looking younger man is so attracted to her, and of course she wants that hot man on top of her, but with her age comes experience and she's gonna make sure they both have an excellent time when he gives her the reins.
dazai likes the most when his partner takes her shirt and bra off and her boobs lower and naturally hang. he likes playing with them, sucking on them, especially when the woman runs her hand through his hair and holds him. if he has a complex because he didn't know his mother, no he doesn't. don't talk about it. while in this position one woman says to him "drink up baby, don't you like mommy's titties?" and it makes his dick throbbbbb.
from then on he realizes he likes calling women mommy in bed more than he likes being called daddy. he wants a hot mommy to play with, he wants to get pussy drunk, thrusting desperately and rapidly, chanting/moaning "mommy, mommy, mommy," while she tells him he's a good boy and he can cum in her pussy whenever he's ready.
Meanwhile, Kunikida...
His ideal woman is older than him. obviously he gives up most of his ideals after his coworkers make fun of it and tell him it's unrealistic and honestly kind of disrespectful to women, but one thing he knows for sure: he just prefers older women. he thinks they're beautiful, he loves how intelligent and experienced they are, he loves when they give him advice on things they've experienced already that he's only going through for the first time, he loves how confident they are, he loves that they're independent, he honestly can't think of a thing he doesn't find appealing about an older woman.
when he's ready to date, he specifically approaches mature looking women. he gets to know several, dates around for a short while, but relatively soon he finds The One. She's beautiful, she's intelligent and kind, she's independent but enjoys having his company.
They get serious quickly and within a year they've decided to move in together to save on costs, so he moves into her home. he enjoys waking up to her and having another presence in his home. it's very comforting and something he missed after moving out of his family home and into the ADA dorm.
he's SO proud walking around town holding his partner's hand. he isnt very fond of PDA and it isn't the most acceptable thing, but a simple hand-hold is enough to show that they're partners in a fairly subtle way.
kunikida isn't ashamed at all if/when someone asks if they're related rather than dating; he always very politely says they're partners and deflects any further conversation.
he will NOT take shit from his coworkers about his partner. he tells them off so harshly the first time they try that even dazai doesn't make jokes about the age difference anymore, unless he's drunk like at the ADA holiday party when he called kunikida's partner a MILF right to her face, making her toss her head back and laugh. she didn't mind, so kunikida let it slide.
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bless-my-demons · 1 year
Redamancy: Chapter Fourteen
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Series Summary: What happens when your soulmate is a vampire that struggles to maintain a diet of trying not to kill you? Common sense says run for the hills, nothing is worth your life - but my heart is whispering why not, what’s there to lose?
Warnings: None… but the angst train has left the station
Notes: If you’re one of the sweet angels that left a comment on the taglist form, it makes my heart so happy - thank you! Please forgive me for the end of this chapter
Word Count: 1860
Series Masterlist
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My entire summer was spent with the Cullens. Surprisingly enough, my mother didn’t protest it one bit, something about finally making friends. I was mostly monopolized by Jasper, but Alice had her fair share of stealing me away for girl’s nights with Esme and Rosalie.
Rosalie, talk about a tough nut to crack. I think at this point I’ve finally crested the mountain of hatred she feels towards her brothers’ “mortal liabilities” and I’m solidly in tolerable territory. She doesn’t outwardly mention her distaste anymore or avoid me like the plague, which I consider a definite win. I think Emmett is partially what wore her down besides Jasper’s lack of give a damn towards his sister’s opinions.
Befriending Alice has been as easy as breathing, she’s always there and might as well have Edward’s supernatural power of mind reading. I can tell her life has been lonely in the way she attaches herself to Bella and I, Rose isn’t the most social female and Esme is more of a mother figure than best friend. I’m grateful for her nonetheless, I’m not exactly flooded with friends myself - nor is whatever this thing is with Jasper an appropriate topic of conversation for anyone outside of this immediate circle.
Emmett has managed to become the older brother I wish I had and he takes that role incredibly serious for someone that’s always the comedic relief. Over the course of the last couple of months, I’ve figured out that he’s a big hugger, and a very good one at that. I’ve also noticed that he’s become my rock in a way - never backing down from a challenge, always hyping me up, and never passing judgement.
I still haven’t cracked the code for Edward. He’s quiet and shut off from the rest, not one for casual conversation or wasting time. And when he isn’t with Bella - well that’s wasting time in the worst way. Majority of our interactions are spent in comfortable silence, Jasper tells me it’s because I’m like a magnet in the way that my energy is calmer than most.
I like to think Jasper and I don’t make his family quite as nauseous as Edward and Bella do, but I know we have our moments… like his sisters insisting we sit apart for movie night because he most definitely cannot keep his hands to himself. The smug grin he had on his face along with his hands raised in surrender as his sisters berated him still makes me blush, damn him and his stupidly attractive smirk.
All summer long I’ve been waiting for the other shoe to drop, for him to realize that I’m human and he’s immortal, that I’m nothing in the grand scheme that is his life. It’s partially my fault for chickening out every time the topic of us rolls around, but my anxiety tends to get the better of me. God he is a patient man though, never pushing me and always in-tune to my feelings.
I’m absolutely head over heels for him but I can’t quite force those three little words of I love you past my lips. The confession simultaneously on the tip of my tongue and clogging up my throat.
Although he would disagree heavily, Jasper Hale is not a hard man to fall in love with. He struggles with his control from time to time, but when it comes to me - I can tell he’s different. He’s quiet in a way that’s patient and at-ease, instead of the closed-off way he was initially. His smile is softer around the edges, less forced than when he was trying for the sake of his adopted mother. His touch is instinct now, no longer robotic or unsure, but softer. He’s quicker to laugh, quicker to whisper sweet-nothings in my ear that make my cheeks hurt from smiling, quicker to reach for my hand when he needs an anchor.
I’ve never been more grateful for a split second of clumsiness on my first day at a new school.
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• September 13th, 2005 • Forks HS •
“A birthday party at your house?” Y/n asks, walking beside me before first period.
“Yes darlin’, I’m afraid my sister requires your attendance.” I continue to lead Y/n down the emptying hallway with a gentle hand on her back.
“I suppose I can spare you her wrath, but only if you pick me up tonight.” She glances up at me with a mischievous smile.
“Speak of the devil…” I mutter quietly while taking a deep breath, bracing myself for the quick footsteps approaching.
“I heard that!” Alice smacks the arm not around my girl. “I need your help.”
“Help with what?” Y/n asks quietly with a wrinkle in her beautiful brow, but I shake my head already knowing what my sister needs.
As Y/n and I stop at the bottom of the stairs, Edward and Isabella approach our small group as Alice vaults over the stair railing and skips forward in excitement, a neatly wrapped gift in her hands.
“Bella! Happy-”
“Shhh!” Bella stops her, the panic and embarrassment flooding from her almost drawing a laugh from me.
“-Birthday.” She finishes, quieter this time.
Bella flashes an exasperated look over Alice’s shoulder and I respond with a calming nod.
“Alice, didn’t I say no gifts?”
“You did, I didn’t.” My sister smarts back. “I’ve already seen you open it and guess what? You love it!”
Bella scoffs exasperated, but Alice interrupts her before she can object.
“You’re going to wear it tonight, our place.” At Bella’s hesitation she adds, “C’mon, please? It’ll be fun!”
Taking my que, I pull away her hesitation and replace it with a touch of acquiescence, gently in an effort to be inconspicuous.
“Okay, alright.” Powerless to my emotional regulation.
I notice a smile quirk the corner of Edward’s mouth, my brother exuding amusement - humored by our efforts to persuade his girlfriend.
A squeal of happiness leaks from my sister, “Great! I’ll see you at seven!” Spinning in our direction to make a quick getaway, we’re stopped by Bella.
“Jasper! No fair with the mood control thing.”
“Sorry Bella, Happy-“ but I let the sentiment die on my tongue at her exasperated look. “Never mind.”
Pushing my girl and gripping Alice by the elbow, I usher them away and towards class. I may be immortal, but a smart man knows when to let the women in his life win.
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• September 13th, 2005 • Cullen Residence •
Waiting upstairs per Alice’s request to keep Bella company while she finished the final touches on decorations, roping my… Jasper into helping. Wondering over to where Edward and Bella are discussing a painting, I squint at who it contains.
“Is that, Carlisle?” Bella points out.
“Yeah, he lived with them for a few decades. He described them as refined, no respect for humans of course, but respect for the arts and the sciences at least.” He pauses, glancing between us before returning his eyes to the painting. “And the law, above all, the law.”
A shiver runs down my spine at the eerie way he explains the ancient vampires.
“Vampires have laws?” Bella’s tone takes on a rhetorical tone, but Edward answers nonetheless.
“Not very many. And only one that’s regularly enforced.”
“What is it?” The question comes from both of us this time.
“That we keep the existence of our kind a secret. We don’t make spectacles of ourselves. And we don’t kill conspicuously.” A sliver of panic runs through me as Jasper’s past flashes through my mind. “Unless of course you want to die.”
“You gotta stop talking about that. I can’t even think of someone hurting you.” Bella quietly and assertively tells him.
“Bella, the only thing that can hurt me is you.” As Edward turns to her, I gravitate towards the door to give them privacy. “I don’t have anything else to be afraid of.”
“That’s not true.”
“Victoria,” My mind immediately flashes back to the ballet studio, “She’ll come for me one day, Alice will see when she decides and we’ll be ready.”
Why had I not thought of that? Of course she’d come for us, the Cullens killed James because of us.
“I can protect you, if you change me.”
I try to contain my gasp, trying not to be obvious that I overheard her request. Her request to be changed.
“It’s time! It’s time, it's time, it's time!” Alice bounds into the room and I slip down the stairs before she can tug Bella away from Edward.
Jasper with eyebrows furrowed smooths a hand across my jaw to cradle my head as I step into his arms, sensing my clashing emotions. Alice interrupts him before he could ask why by bounding down the stairs and joining us.
I spin around to lean my back against Jasper as Edward leads Bella down to the living room, Carlisle and Esme are the first to greet them.
“Sorry about all this, we tried to reign Alice in.” Carlisle jokingly apologizes.
“Like that’s even possible.” Bringing Bella in for a hug with a sweet smile, “Happy birthday, Bella.”
Jasper’s hands find my hips and squeeze, I can tell he won’t let earlier go so easily, he cares too much for that.
Alice blindsides Bella with a flash of a camera, “Found it in your bag, mind?” She asks after snapping a picture of her and Edward together.
Emmett slides past us with a mischievous glint in his expression, causing Jasper to groan as his brother slides up next to Edward.
Nudging him, “Dating an older woman, hot.” Emmett teases.
Edward elbows him right back sharply to shut him up and I wince at the force.
“What?” He tries to play it off with innocence, but we all know he’s rather full of shit and I crack a smile at his antics.
Rosalie chooses then to rip the bandaid off and give Bella the first present of the evening, a small silver package. “A necklace. Alice picked it out.” Short and to the point, she steps away to rejoin Emmett causing Bella to smile.
Meeting our eyes across the room, she waves a greeting to Jasper that he returns silently.
Alice grabs a medium-sized present with a bow, “This one’s from Emmett.”
Bella shakes the suspiciously empty box and I try to cover my laugh at the look of confusion on her face.
“Already installed it in your truck.” He’s vibrating like an excited puppy, “Finally a decent sound system for that piece of crap-”
“Hey, don’t hate the truck.”
“Open Esme and Carlisle’s!” Alice thrusts the envelope into her hands.
“Just something to brighten your day.” Carlisle tells her as Esme steps forward.
“You’ve been looking kind of pale lately.” Esme hints with a smile.
Struggling to open the envelope, she finally tears through the paper.
But it isn’t the only thing that tears.
The droplet of blood that drips down her finger halts the breath in my lungs and the world feels as though it’s standing still. That is, until a thin arm wraps around my waist and my vision blurs.
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blakbonnet · 3 months
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[graphic by @ofmdlovelyletters]
I've loved featuring some of the most incredible artists in the fandom for the AOTWs, and thanks to Connie's (@spirker) big brain, this week is dedicated to some of the most beloved fandom authors. I hope everyone will go and check out their fics, maybe discover some new works or give extra love to older beloved fics. There will be 3 authors featured this weekend, please give it up 🥁 for the first one: Emy who we all love.
When I think of an author whose writing feels like a warm, lovingly prepared bowl of soup by someone who wants you to eat and eat well: I think of Em's fics. It's impossible to imagine this fandom without her - not just her words but everything she is and does for her friends. I also strongarmed her into answering a few questions for me (kidding, she was very gracious, I kept harassing her to send the answers over 😌 I have no shame):
What's your writing process like? Do you start with the beginning or the end? Do you write in order or as the scenes come to you?
First comes the idea, which usually presents itself as “haha, wouldn’t it be funny/weird/wild if XYZ… wait a minute. I think I might be serious about that.” Once I’m pretty confident I’m actually going to write the story, I make a channel for it in the private Discord I created to keep myself organized. I’ll start jotting ideas down — doesn’t have to be in any particular order, just tone, beats I want to hit, any particular detail that’s pushing its way to the surface that’s demanding the story be told, and also grab any links, images, music, whatever, and stash them away for inspo later. I almost always have to create an outline for myself, even if it’s just a few bullet points, because otherwise I tend to just sit there spinning my wheels. If it’s a longer story, I’ll create a pretty fleshed out outline, and may also supplement it with an emotions matrix to keep track of the characters’ evolving mindset throughout the story. Tragically, I’m very much someone who needs to write in order. I’ve tried skipping around before, but inevitably I start feeling the tension of “well, how can I possibly write Scene 10 if I don’t know exactly what happened in Scene 5?” But if there are some scenes that feel more vivid to me in the brainstorming phase, I may write a few sentences just so I don’t lose that energy.
One Ed/Stede headcanon that's very dear to you and you love to explore it when you write.
I don’t know if I have one specific one. I generally treat them as my all you can eat buffet and like to play with different ones all the time, depending on my mood. But I’d say my “tell,” if you will, is taking some kind of ridiculous concept (being horny for clocks, running a sleepaway camp for singles, tooth fairies) and sussing out the Big Emotions, which often do circle around learning to be vulnerable in front of the one you love.
Whose voice is easier to write - Ed or Stede? Why?
When I first started writing OFMD fic after S1, I would have said Ed. There was something about that vulnerability and raw heartbreak that I found really accessible, perhaps because I was finally coming out of the fog of my own recent traumatic breakup. But as I spent more time writing and in the characters’ heads, I realized it’s actually Stede. I see a lot of myself in him, and have discovered getting his voice right is a rather cyclical process: the more I understand him, the more I understand myself, and the more I understand myself, the more I understand him.
Your personal favourite thing you've written that you'd like more people to read
I’m going to cheat and list two. The first is The Merry Strays of Lighthouse Sanctuary, which is my heart story. It’s not the first thing I wrote for this fandom, but it feels like it. I wanted to write a fic with a setting that felt to all the characters the way so many of us felt about the show itself — a place of hope, where everyone is loved and accepted and celebrated for exactly who they are. The second, which is definitely a harder sell due to the subject matter, is All Of These Lines Across My Face, which is the most personal thing I’ve ever written that I think has taken on a new, more meta meaning since the cancellation. Love is eternal; it changes everything it touches for the better. Ed and Stede’s world was forever changed because they loved each other; our world was forever changed because we loved OFMD.
What is the one word that you think you use a lot?
Exquisite. But it’s NOT MY FAULT. They ARE exquisite!!! What am I supposed to do, just call them pretty? They are EXQUISITE!
Do you have a beta reader? Have they made you a better writer?
YES! My beloved Hugo (@monksofthescrew/offsammich), who I’ve been working with since Merry Strays. I used to say I’d only use a beta if there was something I was particularly worried about in the story, but honestly Hugo makes everything I write SO much better that I don’t consider a story complete until her eyes are on it. Brainstorming the initial idea, helping me get unstuck in writing, pushing me to look at a scene from a different perspective, fixing all my verb tenses… truly could not do it without her.
Why OFMD?🥹
I found OFMD at a very transitional point in my life, when I finally started to feel healed from a few big traumatic events but didn’t know what to do now that I’d emerged from the fog. I experienced some panic that I had wasted too much time and the world had moved on without me while I was still struggling. OFMD showed me that it’s never too late, that you can always have a second (or third, or 300th) chance, that you deserve to be loved for exactly who you are, and, most importantly, that there’s always hope. It was like someone gently took my hand and said “I don’t care what your brain/society is telling you, there is a beautiful future in store for you, and you deserve all that it brings you.” These days it’s rare to find something with a message like that, that’s equal parts fierce and earnest. It’s something beautiful and precious, and I’ll be holding onto it forever. ❤️
Please head over to @ofmdlovelyletters and send your love for Emy and all your favourite authors (and authors of the week 😈 watch that blog for some special letters coming your way)
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steddieas-shegoes · 2 years
It could have started when Eddie was basically living with Steve during his constant physical therapy post-Vecna.
It could have started when Steve took Eddie out for “adults only” dinners and movies that no other adult was invited to.
It could have started when Eddie visited Steve at work every shift to make sure he ate lunch, and giving him a very serious, no-way-you’re-getting-away-with-not-eating look.
It could have started when Steve had a migraine that almost had Robin dragging him to the hospital until Eddie stepped in and offered to keep watch over him for three days straight.
But it was hard to tell because Steve and Eddie circulated each other like the planets revolve around the sun, and circles don’t really have a beginning, or an end.
“Dingus! Your boyfriend is here!”
“He’s not my boyfriend, Robs!”
Robin and Steve managed to work most shifts together, which helped the time pass. They bickered like siblings, though, and when Eddie showed up, Robin tended to annoy them both or completely disappear.
Steve was clueless as to why and Robin refused to give him any hints. “You’ll understand when you’re older,” she’d said with an eye roll and snort.
“Did you just call me his boyfriend?”
Eddie would hate to hear it, but he was like a ray of sunshine anytime he entered a room. At least if you asked Steve, that’s what he’d say, and he’d probably blush the entire time he said it.
He wouldn’t acknowledge it.
He’d pretend he thought that about a lot of people.
He’d be lying.
“I did. Maybe you two shouldn’t be so obvious all the time.”
Eddie and Steve just stared blankly at Robin.
“Steve’s not even gay!”
“Eddie doesn’t even like me like that!”
They both spoke at once, turning to each other in shock.
“I do like you like that!”
“I’m into both!”
They both spoke at once again. Robin just started laughing and walked away.
“You like me?”
“You like guys?”
Okay, deep breath. One at a time.
“You go first,” Steve said, hoping Eddie would clear any doubts from his head.
“I’ve been halfway in love with you for months, Stevie. I thought,” Eddie cleared his throat, awkwardly looking down at the floor. “I thought I was being too obvious sometimes. But I knew you weren’t into me back so. I mean we can still be friends. I don’t wanna lose you.”
Steve took a step closer to him.
“I’ve been halfway in love with you for months, too. I just thought you were being nice to me.”
Eddie chuckled and shook his head at the floor before looking up at Steve.
Beautiful, incredible, stupid Steve.
Never believing that anyone could care about him for him.
“I think maybe we’ve been dating this whole time.”
Steve’s jaw dropped, but closed quickly, his mouth settling on a soft smile.
“I guess maybe we have. What gave it away?”
“Probably the fact that you’re attached at the hip and any time someone mentions either of you to the other you get this dumb lovestruck look on your faces,” Robin stuck her head out from an aisle to yell at them.
“Shut it, Robin!”
She went back to what she was doing, deciding whatever meddling she’d managed was probably enough.
“So let me get this straight…”
“That may be difficult for both of us,” Steve let out.
Eddie cackled. “Oh god. I think I’m more than halfway in love with you,” he got out between laughter.
Steve joined him, mostly happy because Eddie was happy.
He probably should have realized this a lot sooner. Like, way sooner.
When they finally calmed down, they stared at each other with the look Robin was probably describing.
Lovestruck was a word for it, but it was more than that.
They were two people who never should’ve even been in the same circle, and they weren’t until they had to be. But since then, they’d chosen to be a part of each others’ lives. They’d chosen to support each other, and rely on each other, and trust the other person to be what they needed through it all.
They existed as two separate people still, Steve would never wrap himself up in someone so much that he lost himself. Not again.
But they had spent months becoming a pair, unbeknownst to them, and it made them better, it made them find ways to grow amongst trauma no one could imagine but them.
When they kissed, there weren’t fireworks, there wasn’t a world-ending realization that this was the love of their life, or even a racing heartbeat.
There was something that settled though. Something they hadn’t realized had been waiting for months while they danced around each other.
Not even Robin’s cheering from across the store could ruin their moment.
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simplydannie · 5 months
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In this story, Velvet is a few years older than her brother ❤️
FYI. Tye is an OC of mine that appears in my “Back to the Underground” series! I apologize for the confusion. He makes his first appearance on Part 5. Enjoy!
The siblings have relocated to Bergentown where they seek the help of the Trolls as Velvet has been deemed “poisoned” by their essence.
They try to make it their new home: Velvet attempts to plan a birthday surprise for her brother in hopes the Trolls would come… but she soon realizes that it’s them against the world.
Velvet felt good about today. She was sure it would turn out great. She finished setting up the last of the balloons around the roller rink.
Today was Veneers birthday. It had been four months since they got released, four months that they had stayed in the Bergen Castle in Bergentown. They needed to get back on their feet after everything that happened. Veneer saw how his sister was still poisoned by the effects the Trolls. He had written a letter to them asking for help…and now here they were.
At home they had nothing, only the house they had stayed in with their parents….that in itself felt lonely. Those at Rageous treated them indifferently. “Troll Torturers” is what they called them…and they weren’t wrong. At least for the moment, they could start new here before going back.
Velvet had decided to give it a shot and invite the Trolls to his little surprise party she had planned. Veneer never really had any luck at birthday parties….or friends. He would always get so excited. He’d make invitations, hand them out…and no one ever came. It was always them and their parents. She could only hope today was different.
She looked at the clock….it was 6:45.
“I told Veneer to be here at 7:45. I think there’s still time.” She walked to the door to peer through the window.
Poppy made her way back to pop troll village to gather everyone else for the surprise party Velvet had told them about. Out of all of them, Branch was the only one unsure… and a new little Troll they had rescued from Rageous, Tye. Both had yet to trust the two giant Rageons… even if Veneer for some reason grew an attachment to Branch.
“Alright guys! Ready to head out?” Poppy exclaimed trying to sound enthusiastic. Everyone around her seemed unsure… they didn’t want to do this. Viva was the first person Poppy looked at.
“I’m with you Poppy, but everyone else… well.” She looked at Clay.
“We still can’t forgive them of what they did. And here we are going to celebrate Vens birthday like nothing ever happened.” Clay exclaimed.
“No. No it’s not like that it’s….” Poppy was stuck, she didn’t know what she could say that would convince them.
Floyd came in, “They’re trying. Ven was the one to ask for help remember? AND he was the one to admit to everything, put a stop to it! Come on guys!”
His brothers and the rest seemed to take in his words, all except for Branch and Tye. Yet, Branch was willing to give it chance… for Floyd… this infuriated Tye.
“Why do you care for them so much?” He asked bitterly. “They don’t deserve your kindness or anyone else’s! Rageons are nasty, selfish creatures!”
“Tye wait…” Poppy tried to say. He ignored her.
“No I’m sorry Poppy! You can’t go on forgiving everybody when they’re unforgivable! It’s no one’s fault that those two big freaks have no friends.” Tye scoffed and crossed his arms. His words ate its way into the minds and heart of everyone around them.
“I agree. We’re not going, neither are you little bro.” John Dory stated looking at Floyd. His brother gave him the most quizzical look.
“Are you serious?” Floyd remarked.
“Dead serious. I ain’t loosing my little brother again.”
“Sorry but you’re way passed telling me what to do.” Floyd began to walk away before he felt hair wrap around him. “Hey! What gives!” He turned to see Bruce and Clay holding him back firmly.
“We agree with John and this one Floyd.” Bruce replied. Floyd struggled as his brothers held him back. Branch and Viva walked over to Poppy who was watching in confusion.
“Branch, tell them it’s okay. Tell them to let Floyd go.”
“I’m….. I’m sorry Poppy. I don’t want him going either. Or you.” He replied.
“I…. I have to agree with your boyfriend on this one.” Viva said shyly glancing towards the ground.
“Poppy, I nearly lost you and dad once. What if it is a trap? What if they have something planned to take us all back to Rageous?” Viva asked.
“We can’t risk it. I can risk you or Floyd being caught.” Branch held Poppy’s hand but she retracted.
“But I promised…. WE promised.” She said.
“For the sake of your safety… some promises are meant to be broken.” Branch stated.
7:40. DING.
The door to the roller rink pinged open. Velvet hoped it would be Poppy and everyone else, but when she looked she saw her brother. He stood there now in his normal Veneer attire that he used to wear before Velvet had him change: he was obsessed with his black skinny pants and new black sneakers. This time he wore a black, short sleeve undershirt and a puffy red sleeveless vest over. He began wearing his beanies again; today it was purple.
He glanced around excitedly at the set up and decorations. He smiled as he made his way over to his sister.
“Vels! Is this… is this for me?” He asked with a gleeful expression. Velvet attempted a smile…. Everyone was supposed to be here by now… She wanted to surprise him with the amount of people at his party… there’s still time… they have to come….
“Yeah. Surprise. I think everyone is running a little late though.” She finally said.
“Everyone? You mean like, actually people are coming!?” He began to grow excited.
“No Veneer monkeys are coming to your party.” She rolled her eyes.
“Oh ha-ha.” He said. He began getting jittery, “I’m hungry. I didn’t eat. I’m was nervous but excited but mostly nervous, so like, I didn’t eat anything. Can I get a pizza?” He began to blabber… ..yep he was nervous.
“Okay a slice for now. Then we can pass our time playing ski ball. As I remember I still held the title.” Velvet smirked.
“Yeah when we were like 8. Times have changed sis, and I’m practically a man now. So you’re going to loose.” He smirked.
Two hours….
Two hours and still no one. Velvet sat at the booth with her hands buried in her face… it happened again….Veneer would go another birthday with no friends to celebrate with. Seeing that something was bothering her, Veneer came to join her.
“You okay?” He asked. One thing she learned during their time here is to be more open with him… she used to be, but she had closed herself off completely. Velvet hesitated a moment.
“They were supposed to come Veneer. I…I invited the Trolls… they were supposed to be here.” She told him. Velvet couldn’t look him in the eye. Ever since bringing him into her plan of fame, she’s done nothing but ruin things for her brother… and here she ruined it again. She felt a hand on hers… she finally looked at Veneer.
“Dont worry about it sis. What’s new anyways?” He said. It honestly hurt her how calm he was about this…. About no one coming to his birthday party. He was so used to not having anyone except his parents and sister. She wished others would give him a chance… she knows they’d like him. A moment of silence passed between them.
“Vels, honestly… I think I’ve enjoyed my time with you more. It reminded me of old times…. You’re just a tad bit more scary now.” He said.
“Way to ruin the moment jerk!” She shoved him playfully…. But it was true. Their time here at the rink felt like old times… when they were kids… when things were normal, when they were happy. This was their new normal now, and they had to make the best of it…. Even if it was just going to be them two.
“Well, there’s still cake and my present to open.” She said.
“Is it my illegal pet monkey?”
“Do you want to go back to prison?” They stood up and walked over to the table we his cake and one present were…. Her mind began to swirl with anger. She knew the Trolls were hesitant in trusting them, but they had promised, they had promised to be there to make Veneers day happy. She tried to compress her anger and new found hatred for the Trolls. Why stay here? Why even try?
Velvets new mission was to get her and Veneer away and out of here for good…. She didn’t care if they had no where else to go. Anything would be better than this…
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screaminglygay · 1 year
third time is a charm, right? (part three)
pairing: natasha romanoff x fem!reader, wanda maximoff x fem!reader, natasha romanoff x wanda maximoff
summary: meeting two love birds make you go crazy.
warnings: swearing, bad flirting?
word count: 1.4k
an: againnn, thank you for such a big support! you guys are sweet💕
(italica = your thoughts)
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Of course, you had to be 15 minutes early. You can feel all your nerves going crazy, like you're on a roller coaster, but the moment you're feeling like you're going to fall, something pulls you back right in front of the downhill again.  
Why am I so nervous? I already met them, and it most definitely couldn't be worse than the last time... right?
Your fidgety hands are occupied by many rings on your fingers, pulling them on and off. Your legs are shaking faster than a hummingbird's wings in the spring and your eyes are focusing on everyone who comes through the door you have right in front of you. If someone needed a perfect example of an anxious person, you would make the best candidate.
After another five long minutes, you check your appearance in the camera on your phone for the billionth time today. Shockingly you still look the same.
Breath in and out.
You hear the door open once again and you can feel that the atmosphere in the coffee shop completely changes. Every cell in your body is alerting you, that something is wrong, but not in a bad way, more like a big adrenaline rush, that you would love to feel forever. When you finally dare to look up, you're met with Wanda´s and Natasha´s smiles devoted to you and only you. There is nothing else you can do, but only smile automatically back at them. Both of them look spectacular, but in a different way. While the younger one has a thigh length floral dress, the one holding her hand has short sleeved suit, that fits here more than you think is legal. You not so subtly look both of them up and down with a slightly opened mouth.
How? Like how? Oh god, hot. Pretty. Oh, dear lord, help me, asap.
“Hi (Y/N).” the sweet voice was heard as first, as she sits next to you, letting her partner's hand.  
She´s is sitting very close. Just keep calm. Oh my god, her thigh is brushing over mine. Oh, my lord.
“Hi guys! Hi Wanda, hello Natasha.” you say while smiling like an idiot. In meantime the redhead sits on your other side.
“Hello there, are you okay? You seem a little bit...” the older one asks, glancing over at Wanda. “... nervous?” she looks back at you.
“No, yeah, I'm all good. Just trying to understand what happened in the past hours, other than that, I'm great. Perfect even!” your body language is speaking more than your words, which you don’t realize, but they definitely do.
“Hm... okay then.” Natasha chuckles and licks her lips; she makes very strong eye contact with you and her pupils are dilated as you noticed. “How about me and Wanda speak first and then will be your turn?” she asks again, but all three of you already know the answer.
“Okay.” You look at Wanda, she is still smiling, then your eyes meet Natasha´s again.
“I can't deny the sparks that I had when I saw you walking confidently to my girl-” you take a deep breath to defend your actions and Natasha notice that right away. “Ah ah, you get the chance to talk after us, sweetheart.” you blush at her words, feeling Wanda´s stare as it burns you alive.
“I was saying... as someone who is very observative I can see a big potential when its next to me.” A flirty wink is send your way. “So, what do you say about you being a little addition to us? Nothing serious of course, but a little fun never killed anyone, correct?” Natasha´s eyes glance over at Wanda. “Do you want to add something, love?” Wanda nods.
“Yes, what Nat means is that you seemed very ambitious when you wanted to talk to me. And we... liked that. A lot.” Wanda admits, while blushing a little as well. “And don’t get me wrong, but you are like an open book, so hiding the blush is not working for you.” she teases, and you can´t help but blush shyly even more.
“So responsive, cute.” You can hear Natasha and her raspy voice again.
“Nat. Stop teasing her. I think it’s lot to take in even without your comments.” The younger girl tries to defend you.
“Oh, so you're making the calls now, detka?” Natasha imminently growls her response back at her girlfriend. “You´re lucky were in public and (Y/N) is sitting in the middle.” another darker rasp added to her sentence.
You feel like you're in the middle of a battlefield, so you shift awkwardly in your seat, and try to go on and play Switzerland. You place both of your hands on each girl's thighs which shock even you, so you quickly pull them away and place them on the table, like a teacher.
“Um okay. That was a very... straightforward invitation. So, it would be just sex?” You ask a little confused, not really know if you're still dreaming, or hallucinate from the big amount of coffee you drank today.
“Yes.” Natasha said at the same time as Wanda.
You nod, trying to sort out your thoughts. Looking left and right at them doesn’t help at all, so you make eye contact with the coffee cup in front of you.  
“Just sex.” you mumble out loud, but mostly to yourself, still slightly nodding your head.
Both women hum while watching you like a pray waiting for your move.
Sex. Only that. With them. THEM. I don’t even feel like having a relationship so it’s a win win! Hell yeah! Or not? I don’t know. I should know. I never know. Am I dreaming? Best dream ever.
Your heart is pounding so hard that you feel like it's going to jump out on the table. Both of the girls can see your brain is running at 200% right now, they stay quiet for a few minutes, letting you sort whatever is in your head out. After that it's Natasha who speaks again.
“You don’t have to decide now at the-” you cut her off.
“Okay, I'll do it.” you say it like you would agree to pass her the sugar on the table. With zero emotions in that confirmation. Even though your mind is now full and empty at the same time.
Natasha is very shocked at your answer, and so is Wanda.  
“What?” Now it’s the redhead who is caught in the headlights with your answer.  
“You heard me.” Somehow you got a wave of confidence send you way, so now it's your time to smirk at her. Feeling like you’ve just won the lottery. You got what you though the most stable and confident woman to be stunned. So yes, you have certainly won this round.
“That was faster than we expected, to be honest, right Nat?” Wanda almost whispered. Now it's both of you who teases the hell out of the older woman. You smiled at her comment and turned fully to face her.
“What can I say? I'm full of surprises.” Feeling the confidence, you even wink at Wanda who slightly opens her mouth and raises her eyebrow, while tilting her head on the right side. That makes you shrink yourself a little, but you fight it and in a second you straighten your posture again. Suddenly you feel someone put their hand on your thigh, it's no one other than Natasha, who is back in the game.
“Something tells me, that you're going to be a wilder card than we both imagined.” she squeezes your thigh hard, which made you bite your lip. “So responsive.” she mumbles again and let go of your thigh. At the loss of contact, you let out a little whine, which doesn’t go unnoticed. Wanda giggles at that sound.
“Don't worry...” she kisses your cheek. You can already feel her lips being so soft and you wish nothing else than just to kiss them. Worship them and feel them every single minute of your life.
“... we will call you, sweetheart.” the redhead finishes the sentence.
They both stand up and smile at you one more time. Knowing you're watching they moved their hips more than usual and you just watched as the couple walked hand in hand away from your sight.
Whoa. That was something.
You sit there, not really knowing what do to next. You must occupy your mind somehow or you´re going to explode waiting for their call, like a puppy waiting for their owner.
an2: if you want me to tag you, let me know!! also i hope you all liked this part! thank you for reading!!!:)
taglist:  @arualdcg @beholdagaywriter @snowdrop1026​
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