#i’m so beyond excited for WaT
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danisaurus-rex · 3 months ago
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elisysd · 2 years ago
Tolerate It – Taylor Swift
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Masterlist - Previously - Next Chapter
Trigger warning: toxic relationship / mention of revenge porn and eating disorder.
I made you my temple, my mural, my sky Now I'm begging for footnotes in the story of your life
Five years ago – Vancouver
Lyanna looks everywhere, trying to register every single detail her gaze feal upon. It’s her first day on the set of Fire and Blood. She’s already met her castmates and rehearsed with them but being here, with all the lights and cameras, all the people working behind the scenes to make the magic happen: it amazes her. She is like a kid in stores around Christmas time.
Playing Laura Emmet, a young girl who is supposed to be human but has a few special abilities, is going to be her big break she can feel it. She is so excited to start filming.
Fast forward to four months later and it’s a wrap on season one of Fire and Blood. All the cast members as well as the directors and some people from the team are in a nice restaurant to celebrate. They all laugh together and it’s overall like a big family. Lyanna is talking and joking with Amy Holland who plays her best friend in the series and James Barton wo plays her love interest. She has a crush on him, ever since they met when they had their chemistry test during the auditioning process.  She is a little tipsy but not enough to make the first move. Amy, who knows perfectly what is going on in her friend’s head, pulls her aside.
“Come on girl, just go for it! You’re so obvious.”
“Well not enough apparently, he didn’t try anything. Maybe he is just not interested.”
“You won’t know if you don’t try!”
And indeed she tries.
Fire and Blood is a tremendous success. Beyond what could have been expected. Lyanna and James quickly become Hollywood’s new favorite couple. They are so in love it’s sickening. They are this couple who loves posting pictures of each other, who are doing everything together all the time and for a lot of people, they are the physical embodiment of soulmates. Everyone is sure they are endgame. And Lyanna thinks so too. She is eighteen, James is twenty. He is most of her first times. First serious relationship, first time, first person she wants to call when something good or bad happens to her. He quicky became her whole world to the point she isolated herself from her friends and family. Everything revolves around James.
She loves waking up in the morning with him by her side. She loves going to work with him. Working on season two of Fire and Blood is a lot of pressure. The expectations are high but Lyanna doesn’t care, she has her boyfriend, the love of er life by her side. Nothing can go wrong. They are dating for almost a year now and nothing has changed, they love each other just like the first day. At least, that’s wat she feels. She noticed some slight changes in James’ behavior: like he gets jealous more often, especially since she seems to get more attention from the fans and the media and sometimes, he feels left out. But Lyanna still thinks it’s cute: his jealousy. It shows that he cares for her.  
They are celebrating the wrap up of Fire and Blood season 2 in the same restaurant where they did or the first season. But the atmosphere is not the same. Lyanna got a big proposition to be the new face of Dior. She was so excited to announce it to James. But unfortunately his enthusiasm doesn’t match hers. They are fighting outside the restaurant and Lyanna is crying. She doesn’t understand.
“You do realise that this means that you are going to attend a lot of events with them and for them. And did you think about me? About our relationship? You should have told me.”
“That’s what I’m doing, James…”
“No. You’re informing me. You’ve already made up your mind. And that’s fucking selfish. You are throwing away a year and a half of our relationship. And for what? To play the Barbie to a fucking luxury brand?”
“It’s an amazing opportunity James.”
“You know what else is an opportunity, Lyanna? Me going to see other girls. They are a lot of them tonight. Why should I stay with you when at the first chance you get you leave me. I can do the same. Many girls are throwing themselves at me and because I love you and respect you, I always refuse. But why should I, hum, when you are acting selfish?”
She ended up turning down Dior. She loves James more than a stupid contract. She doesn’t want to lose him. To avoid the history repeating itself like its fateful night, now every single thing she wants to do, she asks him first. Because in her mind that’s what a good girlfriend is supposed to do. And just like that she is isolating herself even more, to the point where even her family has a hard time reaching her. They tried to warn her about James, that the relationship wasn’t healthy, that she should leave him. They are scared for her. But Lyanna loves him too much. Her family doesn’t know him like she does, they have no right to judge him. So she started to answer their phone calls less and less.
3 years ago – London
They bought an apartment in London. In fact, it’s James that bought it for them. It was a big step in the relationship but since they were already together pretty much every day, all day, it just make things official. She is almost twenty one and she is still so in love. But lately she noticed that James is drifting away. One day she saw the models that he was liking on Instagram and wen she confronted him about it, he simply said:
“Yeah well, I like the way they look. It doesn’t mean anything. If you feel insecure because of that that’s not my problem Lyanna.”
She was naïve and she desperately wanted to have his attention. Just like it was at the beginning when he could not keep his hands to himself around her and was whispering sweet nothings in her ear every chances he got. So she started to exercise more and eat less. A few months later she was only a shell of what she used to be.
And still it was not enough.
The final blow came a late September. She was out to meet her agent who wanted to have a very boring talk about her salary expectations for the season three of Fire and Blood. She was going to have a raise. It made her happy but her part of her was dreading to announce it to James, not knowing how he would react to her now being paid more than him.
But nothing could have prepared her to what she saw when she stepped inside their shared appartement. When she opens the door, what immediately hits her is the smell of bacon coming rom the kitchen. What could be perceived as a nice surprise makes her, in reality, feel sick in the stomach. James is vegan and she hates bacon, something that he knows perfectly well.  
It's when she approaches the kitchen that her worst fears are confirmed. A young woman is standing in front of the oven, only wearing a tee-shirt, one Lyanna knows all too well well since she bought it for James’s birthday two years ago. Her hair are wet, she used the shower. She is to stunned to speak, her brain trying to process the information. She finally makes a move when the door of the bedroom opens and James comes out, wearing only comfy pants, his hair wet as well. That’s the extra push she needs to finally speak.
“Am I interrupting something?”
It startles the two cheaters.
“Lyanna? Fuck, I thought your meeting would run for way longer.”
“I bet you did. Who is your guest? Care to introduce me.”
“No need, the blond girl finally speak totally unbothered. You’re James’s girlfriend.”
“So you do know he has a girlfriend.”
“Alice, can you leave us please.”
The so-called Alice exits the room before picking up her stuff and leaving the place not without miming to James to call her.
“How long?”
“How long what?”
“Don’t play stupid James! How long are you cheating on me for?”
He remains calm as Lyanna starts to feel tears rolling down her cheeks wile James was looking down on her, not even remorseful.
“Come on Lyanna, you can’t seriously think that I would stay faithful to you? I’m twenty three, I’m young, I’m famous, I’m rich and I’m good looking, you can’t expect me to stay loyal to you. Not when there are so many opportunities around me.”
“You could have just broken up with me instead of throwing away three years of my life. I love you James… I can’t believe it. That’s not you, that’s not the man I fell in love with.”
“And I loved you. At some point I guess when we started dating. But wat I once felt for you died a long time ago.”
“Why did you stay then? Explain it to me!”
“Because it made us look good. People love us together. They are stupid enough to buy our perfect couple story. If I broke up with you, it’s a loose -loose for both of us Lyanna. You really think that you can exist on your own? List me one time where you made the headline on your own. Where I wasn’t being mentioned. You can’t. People don’t like Lyanna Michel on her own. They like James Barton and Lyanna Michel, the power couple. If you sink, I sink too.”
“You are wrong.”
Her voice is broken, she is holding back so as not to break down in front of him. His words are cruel, his gaze cold and his face inexpressive.
“I missed so many opportunities because I believed your words, because I didn’t want to lose you, because I trusted you. I lost friends, I barely speak to my family. All that because I thought that you loved me and because I wanted to spend my life with you. I thought they could not understand. I protected you.  And for what? What do I have left?”
“Well too bad for you. I never asked you to do those things. It’s all your fault Lyanna if you are alone now.”
She couldn't bear to stay another minute in that bloody flat. She stomps off to the bedroom, takes out a suitcase and stuffs a few things into it. She has to leave. To where? She has no idea, but she has to get away from here. Away from him.
“Where are you going? You can’t seriously think of leaving?”
“Oh yes, I can. I won’t stay here wit you. We’re done James. Forever.”
Her words seems to shake him. His gaze hardens and he grabs her violently by the elbow as she walks through the bedroom door, dragging her suitcase as best she can.
“If you go through that door, you'll regret it, Lyanna. I'm not joking, I’ll make you life like hell. You think you can just leave me, after everything I've given you? This flat? It's mine, you've got nowhere else to go. What about shooting the show? Have you thought about that? Do you really want to throw it all away over a domestic quarrel?”
“I'm going to tell the truth, to the production team, to my agent, to the press if I have to, but I'm not going to let you manipulate me. I don’t want to see you ever again.”
She pulled away from him and went through the door.
When James said that he would make her life like hell, she did not believe him. But she quickly changes her mind when she gets a phone call from her agent early in the morning, a few weeks later.
“Pictures leaked in the press Lya.”
“What pictures?”
“Intimate ones.”
It takes her a while to understand what that means. And then she made the mistake of opening her social networks. Her private messages are flooded with insults. Photos of her in compromising positions jump out at her. She just doesn't get it. She doesn't know where they're coming from. She's never taken any. She explained this to her agent, who replied that she was doing her best to minimise the damage. And the more she looks at the photos, the more she understands. She recognises James's flat. Could he have been vicious enough to take photos of her without her knowing?  It seems perverse and sick and twisted and wrong, but after all, does she really know him? She wonders.
And just when she thought it couldn't get any worse, a video surfaced. A video of her and James having sex. And the media machine goes into overdrive. Radio, television, newspapers, social networks, they're all having a field day making her out to be something she's not. A slut. The comments are making her sick. It's violent. She can no longer leave her house without being mobbed by the paparazzi. She feels guilty. How could she not realise that she was being filmed without her knowledge or consent? Shame overwhelms her. And soon her agent tells her that season three of Fire and Bood will be the last. Faced with the scale of the scandal, the channel decided to cancel it. What had made her the happiest woman in the world three years ago turns into a nightmare. She dreads the day when she has to return to filming.
As expected, the shoot was hellish. The atmosphere is tense and it's no surprise to anyone when the critics come out and describe the final season as a shipwreck. It can't be any other way when the two main actors can't be in the same room as each other. James barely spoke to her, just to ask if she'd had a good few months since the break-up and if she'd enjoyed his little surprise.
That year, Lyanna is a shadow of her former self. She barely eats or goes out. All the unwanted attention she receives gnawed at her insides. So she disappeared. She closes her social networks and leaves London to return to France, to her mother's house, to recover. As the months goes by, she steps away from Hollywood to concentrate on smaller projects that don't attract many people to the cinemas, but that allows her to regain confidence in herself and in her work.
So when Steven Spielberg contacts her agent to offer her a role in his next film, Lyanna hesitates. She isn't keen on returning to the violence of the business, and is terrified at the thought of doing it all over again. But her passion for art takes over and she can't refuse. Who would say no to Steven Spielberg?
But her experiences have taught her one thing: she will never again let a man be so important in her life. And never again will she go out with someone famous. It's nothing but trouble. As for trusting anyone, never again. She would rather be alone than badly accompanied.
And then Monaco arrived. And with it, a neighbour she finds hard to stay away from.
taglist: @zendayabelova @purplephantomwolf @ru-kru @dakotali @blueflorals
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years ago
Mr Evershed x Student!reader - trouble
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Aaaand I have a request for an EvershedxStudent Reader. They are on a (funny) several days school trip. I don't care where. Maybe someone have a great idea or maybe you have a good idea for a storyline. Just wanna see Student Reader and Evershed on a school trip... 😅 Thanks❤️ - Anon💜
You were beyond excited for this trip, so when you got to the hotel you rushed upstairs with one of your friends to your allocated room and looked out the window.
“Woah! Look at that waterfall!” You gasped.
Your friend padded over, standing next to you and they grinned from ear to ear as they looked at you.
“We should climb it…” they whispered.
“Mrs Carter and Mr Evershed will have our heads Ace!”
They grinned, and winked at you.
“Not if they don’t know, come on, we’ve just gotten here and they said we can do whatever we want.”
You turned to your friend and grinned a little and nodded your head, and you both rushed down the stairs.
“Where you two going?” Sam asked.
“Waterfall, shush don’t tell.” You whispered.
She laughed and nodded her head, and you both ran out.
It wasn’t hard to find the trail for the waterfall, you just had to follow the signs until you reached the top, and you both sat down on the edge, looking at the vast land around the area.
You were in the rural country, supposed to be learning about geography and maps and other daft things you didn’t really care about.
You leant back on yours hands.
“Kinda nice actually.” Ace said.
You nodded your head.
“Yeah, it is. Glad I decided to come and Mrs Carter didn’t ban me for that prank last week.”
Ace laughed and nodded their head.
“Yeah, same. God I thought she was gonna rip out heads of.”
“Oh Jesus same she was pissed.”
Ace nodded and you both sat up there for a little while.
You guys eventually came back and joined everyone for dinner, and you sat on your knees in the chair as you ate your chips.
“Do you not know how to sit properly?”
You looked at Mr Evershed.
“I am physically incapable of sitting like a normal human on a chair.”
Everyone laughed and you grinned proudly.
When you all finished dinner, you and a few others went out the front of the hotel to the field opposite it to play football.
The next day you were wondering around, trying to read maps and landscape.
“Hey, look at the tree…” Ace whispered.
You looked over at the large tree.
“Woah, you reckon we can climb it?”
You both glanced at the two teachers who were talking to a few of the top students in the group and you ran over to Sam.
“Wanna climb a tree?”
She looked at you confused.
You pointed to the large tree and she nodded, and all of you ran away to the tree, and you jumped up, easily climbing it.
Sam had a little trouble, and eventually she got up, and she stayed near the bottom while you and Ace climbed higher.
“You’re going to get stuck!” She yelled.
“Nah!” You yelled back.
You sat down on the branch and Ace sat next to you, both of you just enjoying the view.
You heard people calling your name, and you both climbed back down to the bottom branch and you hung upside down while Ace held your legs.
Mr Evershed screamed and jumped back, hand over his heart.
“Bloody hell!” He yelled.
He took a deep breath.
“I’ve found them!”
Mrs Carter nodded and stayed with the other students and he looked at you, and you grinned back.
“So how many of you are up there?”
“Three!” Sam yelled.
“And me!”
“Ace?! Seriously?!”
You grinned at him and sat up, then jumped down, the other two following behind you.
“Seriously do I need to put you three on toddler reins? You’re teenagers, you can’t be wondering away out here!”
“We didn’t wonder, we knew where we were going.” Ace said.
Mr Evershed pinched the bridge of his nose as he took a deep breath.
“Toddlers reins. Next time I’m bringing toddler reins.”
He ushered you all forward and you all ran back over to the group.
This time he stayed with you all, and when you got back to the hotel, you and Ace immediately turned back to go to the waterfall to sit down again.
The sun was setting, and down below there was some students in the river splashing about.
It wasn’t a high jump, it was safe you could see that, and apparently so could Ace because he stood up and handed you his phone.
“Clear the water!” He yelled.
“Ace don’t you dare!” Mrs Carter yelled.
He grinned and ran, jumping he jumped into the water and everyone laughed and cheered, running up to do the same.
You rolled your eyes and got up, walking a little further from the water fall to give them space.
Mr Evershed jogged up the hill breathless and he sighed, walking over, he sat next to you.
“Not playing Russian roulette with the waterfall?” He asked.
“Not a big swimming person.”
He nodded his head and you looked at him, pointing to all the students.
“Shouldn’t you be deal with that?”
“We already asked the hotel if it was safe before coming, we knew either you or Ace would have the bright idea of jumping in.”
You laughed a little and grinned up at him.
“Wasn’t me.”
“Well, at least you’re behaving somewhat on this trip.” He chuckled.
“Go on sir, give us a dive.” You said.
“Absolutely not, I’m too old for that.”
You laughed a little and turned back around to overlook the country.
“You’re a country person aren’t you?” He asked.
“Yeah, it’s just nice you know? Like no cars or lights or nothing. Just calm.”
“I understand that. I’ll tell you what, you behave tomorrow, and we’ll come see if we can catch that meteor shower you were talking about last week.”
“You were listening?”
“You guys seemed pretty excited about it, so, deal?”
You looked at him and nodded your head, shaking his hand.
He smiled and stood up, gesturing for you to come with him, so you did, and he lead you back down and you sat on the rocks at the edge of the river watching your friends swimming.
Mr Evershed stood next to Mrs Carter.
“Do you think it’ll work?” she asked.
“Oh absolutely not. Give it another hour and they’re going to be planning something again.”
They both laughed and agreed.
You were troublemakers, you just liked having fun and living your life while you could
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tiistirtipii · 2 years ago
My rant thoughts on the Our Skyy 2 trailer as someone who has watched all the shows and the original Our Skyy and wants to write down all my thoughts so I can come back to them later and laugh about how stupid I was or be amazed by my own genius..
Warning: I wrote a lot!
I was SO excited when Sia Dai started playing in the very first second! For those who don’t know Sia Dai is the ost of the original Our Skyy and it’s an acapella song by 5 U which slaps. I thought they might use a different song but its nice to have the same one. Plus I’m sure we are going to get more songs overall. With so many singers in the cast I’m going to be surprised if GMMTV doesn’t capitalise on it. And with so many characters who play guitar 🙄 I’m sure there’s going to be plenty of musical scenes. It wouldn’t be a GMMTV show if somebody didn’t pull out a guitar.
The Eclipse I am beyond excited to see Akk and Ayan again. They have taken over my every thought for over half a year now and I’m sure I’ll love whatever I get from Our Skyy. But what the hell is going on. They’re in cowboy hats? masks? The leading theory which I agree with is that Wat is making a film and they are acting for him. While I would have been very happy with AkkAyan being cute with each other for 2 episodes straight, these boys deserve to have a bit of fun. We barely got to see them as just boyfriends, without the pressures from the school. I lowkey don’t give a fuck about Kan and Thua but for the sake of my own enjoyment I will pretend like Thua never did what he did. I wish it was all AkkAyan though, they’re the only ones I care about. It would be cool if we got a discussion between Thua and Akk or Ayan about it since it got rushed over in the show but I don’t think its likely. I want Akk and Ayan to be deliriously happy and in love even if its in the form of cowboy shenanigans. I still hope the earring theory is true although it does look like Ayan is wearing two earrings in the trailer. Thua does get punched in the trailer which made me very happy. Akk’s face at 1:16 is the only thing I’ve been able to think about since I saw it. It is now my pfp. I can’t wait to give GMMTV all my money to buy one of those solstice hats. Luckily my sister was with me for emotional support when the trailer released, I might have cried. They mean so much to me and I’m not sure what I’m going to do when they’re gone.
Bad Buddy I’m so excited to see Pat and Pran again! I don’t actually mind Pat’s hair although I’ve seen a lot of people hating it. I think its hilarious that he stole Korn’s hair and it would be funny af if that was something the characters actually did because they’re bffs not just because of how the actors look. It’s sad theres no InkPa but it would be a disservice to them to just squeeze them in on the side. MilkLove deserve more which is why I hope 23.5 is coming soon. I’ve seen PatPran in the trailer described as sluts and I have to agree. What’s with the finger thing Pat? It was a hell of a jumpscare to see that right after Akk and Ayan’s cute cowboy moment. BUT! I didn’t notice at first but I think Pran is wearing a Nong Nao sleeping mask which is super cute and also definitely a chance for GMMTV to sell more stuff. I look forward to seeing Architecture and Engineering gang shenanigans and I am praying for WaiKorn in whatever form they are willing to give me. That scene of patpran lying on top of each other really reminds me of the ‘do you want to be friends” “do you?” moment from the first Bad Buddy trailer, the poster for which has been my header image from the moment I first knew what Bad Buddy was.
Vice Versa PUEN AND TALAY 😭 FRIEND CREDITS 😭😭😭 I miss friend credits so much but don’t think we are going to get them again. Maybe some version of it with Tup and Tou but it won’t be the same. I hope we get a glimpse of how the characters in the other universe are doing but I also don’t think it’s likely. Puen and Talay were very cute in the trailer. They’re sitting with a kid, could it be their son? a random kid they abducted? They are engaged it would make sense for them to be the couple to get married (if a couple is going to get married). It does look like they’re living together and are still dorks in love. Puen wearing the friend credits shirt and Talay wearing the helmet makes me miss them. I really hope the episodes have colour names like the original show and hopefully the same level of amazing detail as well. It’s what Vice Versa deserves for being GMMTV’s most detailed and underrated show.
My School President When I watched the Our Skyy trailer from GMMTV2023 I was not expecting to care so much about msp. Back then I couldn’t give a fuck about whatever stupid high school show these kids were going to be in. I was a cynic back then, I wasn’t expecting msp to be such a sweet and wonderful breath of fresh air and for Gemini and Fourth to put their all into Tinn and Gun. I’ve been listening to Saliva non-stop recently and all the songs are so good. There were already theories floating around that msp would have a body swap episode but the truth is even cooler. It looks like they’re doing a soul swap, Tinn and Gun, Sound and Win, Tiw and Por and Pat and Yo have swapped actors. The question is how much is going to change, how much of the show are they going to recreate like this? It’s a fun idea, I can understand why msp fans are disappointed though, they don’t really get new content and a lot of people wanted to see them in university. UNLESS! it’s all a misdirect and Tiw is filming something where Tinn plays as Gun ect.. but remembering the OffGun Our Skyy episode when they swapped bodies it would be on brand for GMMTV to some kind of swap in one of the episodes. Also why are they at the NLMG school? I saw a theory say it’s a crossover with Vice Versa and they’re in an alternate universe but I doubt its that intricate. It was probably just easier to film there. Fourth as Tinn in Gun’s dessert shop wearing the glasses is SO cute. I can’t wait to see Fourth do his best at playing our head over heels simp Tinn. And for those thinking the scene at the end of the trailer is going to be a kiss, there is no way that isn’t one of Tinn’s many delusions. I hope we get a bit of TiwPor, they deserved more time in the actual show and I still think if would have been great if they were secretly dating the entire time.
Never Let Me Go These episodes look like they’re going to be very interesting!! It looks like Palm and Neung might travel to the past? They are wearing a lot of interesting clothing and are in interesting locations. You would hope they get a chance to chill out and be regular teens but that’s unlikely. If it is a time travel plot I’m sure it will be a lot of fun. They’ve got brain and brawn and a lot of dedication to each other. Their forehead leaning moment at the end of the trailer is beautiful, I can’t wait to see that scene.
a Boss and a Babe Even if it hasn’t finished yet I already adore Cher and Boss and I’m sure the Our Skyy episode will be as fun and enjoyable as the show. I saw some people theorising that they might get a body swap because there’s a scene of Cher wearing a suit but I think its more likely to be him goofing around. It’s nice to know that even when the show ends there will be some more of them.
Star in My Mind I’m not particularly fond of Star in My Mind, it was cute but kind of boring but seeing adorable established couple Khabkluen and Daonuea in Sky in your Heart was one of my favourite parts of that half of the show so it will be nice to see some more of that. I wonder what will happen with their friends and the vague side couple stuff that seemed to be going on, especially considering that Winny and Satang are quite popular now. I wonder what the situation is with all of their friends yelling at them to kiss, maybe a proposal but they’re still in university so I doubt it. I’m sure it will be cute.
Tale of a Thousand Stars This is the one I’m least excited for, I didn’t really love atots it wasn’t particularly interesting to me. I was disappointed we didn’t get to see Tian’s proper return to the village, using his teaching skills with the kids and seeing how having no/little contact for so long affected their relationship. So hopefully these episodes will provide some of that.
If you made it to the end congratulations, share with me your theories if you have any, I’m so so excited for this show.
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velidewrites · 3 years ago
Tethered | Part 2 | ACOTAR Writing Circle
Elucien College AU
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Header by @azrielshadowssing
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: Smut, 18+
Note: This is part two of a collaborative project, the ACOTAR Writing Circle organised by the wonderful @azrielshadowssing! I was honoured and excited to continue this story, and I hope you love it as much as I did! The third and final part will be written by another author, and you'll be able to find them via the official masterlist.
Part 1 | ACOTAR Writing Circle Masterlist
Elain woke up to the scent of coffee filling the dorm.
Rich and smooth, she took it into her lungs, breathing in deeply until it settled inside her. Her fingers tightened on the blanket, curling around the soft fabric, content to let the sunlight caress her skin, to kiss her eyelids as it leaked in through the windows. For a moment, there was nothing but the morning bliss wrapping around her, chasing a few more minutes of sleep.
A quiet click of the door shot her eyes open.
“You found my bed comfortable, I take it?”
Her heart stopped.
She’d slept in Lucien’s bed—was still in Lucien’s bed—and now he was here, hovering above her with an amused expression on his face.
Elain groaned, propping herself on her elbows. “What time is it?” she asked, her cheeks immediately flushing at the small rasp of her voice.
His mouth twitched to the side. “It’s nearing noon. You’re a lot of things, Elain Archeron but a morning person is not one of them.”
Wishing for nothing more in the world but for the mattress to split open and swallow her whole, Elain sat up fully, her feet brushing against the wooden floor. “I’m sorry. I got to campus late.”
Lucien hummed, russet eyes assessing her carefully, and she finally dared to take him all in.
Fresh out of the shower, he was a thing crafted from heaven.
With droplets of water dripping down his bare, sculpted chest—somehow shining golden, as if it reflected the sun itself—Lucien wore nothing but a towel, white and falling short just above his knees. Her blush deepened as she caught a glimpse of a sharp V just above the edge of the plush material, her mind shamelessly wandering to the sight hiding beneath. His hair, red and glistening as usual, was twisted in a low bun at the nape of his neck, no doubt to avoid getting wet—though she could tell the effort was only partially successful from the few stray, damp strands that framed his beautiful face.
There he was, looking more handsome than she’d ever seen him, and Elain cursed herself for not having the good sense to set up an alarm so she could return to her room and sort herself out. She was certain she looked completely disheveled, with her hair all over the place and knotted beyond imagination. Horrified, she thought of her puffy face from yesterday, wondering if the redness persisted throughout the night. Knowing her luck, it most definitely had.
“I made you coffee,” Lucien’s voice pulled her out of her thoughts, her gaze snapping back to his.
She blinked up at him in surprise. “I…what?”
A low chuckle. “Do you take it with sugar? I brought in a few sachets from the kitchen.”
Warmth spread through her as she absorbed his words, the tenderness behind them. It flickered in her chest, tugging at her heart lightly until it bloomed on her features. “Yes. I—thank you. You didn’t have to do that.”
He returned her smile. “It’s no problem.”
Elain reached for the cup on the desk, mixing the sugar in as Lucien plopped down on the chair next to it. Though lukewarm, the coffee tasted just as good as it smelled, bringing her senses to life with every sip. Her own fault, she supposed, for sleeping through the entire morning. How long had it sat out there?
Horror washed through her, freezing her blood down to the last drop as she’d realised Lucien had seen her sound asleep. She’d never snored—not to her knowledge, at least—but judging from the night she’d had, Elain could only imagine the image must have been less than appealing.
“Uh…what time did you get back?” she asked, silently praying for him to deny watching her sleep in his bed all morning.
Lucien smirked, as if he somehow read her thoughts perfectly. “About two hours ago. But I only made the coffee before I hopped in the shower.”
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled again, cursing herself, Vassa, and the entire University of Velaris for good measure.
Lucien waved a hand. “You have nothing to be sorry for.” His gaze fixed on her. “Are you feeling any better?”
Elain swallowed, eyes following the movement of his arms as they crossed on his chest. His muscled, wet—
“Could you put a shirt on?” she blurted, heat rising in her cheeks once again.
His mouth curved in a rogue smile. “Do I distract you, Elain?”
“Don’t flatter yourself,” she muttered, Lucien’s head tipping back in a laugh as he reached for a shirt hanging over the frame of his chair. “Where did you go last night?”
His lips twisted in a grimace, and the bright light in his eyes dimmed as he answered, “I had some business in town.”
Elain’s brows furrowed. “What kind of business?”
He rolled the shirt down, seemingly unbothered by the water soaking through the fabric slightly. “Just…family business. They needed my help with something.”
“In the middle of the night?”
Russet eyes scanned her face, his head angling slightly.
She dropped his gaze immediately, embarrassed. “Sorry. That’s none of my concern.”
That smile returned to his face, like the sun rising from the horizon and bringing upon the day. “Stop apologising, Elain.”
She couldn’t help but smile back. “Right.”
Lucien nodded. 
“I…” Elain hesitated, setting her empty cup back on the desk. “I’d better be going.”
Silence. Then, “Would you like to go get some breakfast? There’s a really great café east of campus.”
She considered. “I don’t have anything to wear.” Only her clothes from yesterday—crumpled from her sleep, stained with sweat, tears, and day-old perfume. A less than ideal choice for a first date.
Was that what it was? A date?
No, Lucien was a gentleman, a friend—and Elain was delusional. After last night, despite her outburst, he merely wished to help her out before she was ready to face her problems—to face her roommate—again. Her mind drifting back to the events of last night, Elain decided she wouldn’t mind staying out a little longer.
“You can wear my shirt,” Lucien offered.
Elain surveyed her outfit—the soft, lavender joggers, the pink socks—and sighed. “Alright.”
With two coffees in, Elain’s misery began nearing its end.
“You should eat more,” Lucien decided, transferring an almond croissant from his plate onto hers.
Already bloated, Elain shoved his hand away. “I’ve already had two. Leave me alone.”
He chuckled, looking over her shoulder to catch the attention of a waitress. “Could we have this to take away, please?”
Nodding, the woman took her plate, promising to return with a box in a minute. Elain took a deep breath, leaning back in her chair. “This was really good. I can’t believe I haven’t been here before.”
Lucien smiled, finishing off his food. “I know. The seating upstairs has great views of the river, we should definitely try to get a table there next time. It’s so crowded on Fridays.”
Something fluttered in her stomach. “Next time?”
His eyes flickered. “Would that be okay?”
Taking a steadying breath, Elain said, “Yeah. Yeah, it would.”
Lucien’s face softened. Those russet eyes, shimmering in the afternoon light, scanned her. “Are you ready to talk about it now?”
Elain’s smile faded. “About what?” she asked, knowing perfectly what he’d meant.
His gaze was locked on hers, unyielding. “About last night.”
She didn’t reply for a while, turning her head to the window instead. The air hadn’t gone cold enough yet, not so early in the semester, allowing students to sprawl on the grass with their books, making the most out of the weather before rain and snow coated the ground. Her attention drifted to a couple taking their lunch on a red, picnic blanket. Elain thought back to her own, forest green and still smelling like its previous owner, still resting among the covers of her bed. In her dorm, where Vassa most likely was now. “There is nothing to talk about,” she finally said.
“You know that’s not true,” came the response, and Elain swore she could feel his stare piercing right into her soul despite not looking at him at all.
Lucien sighed. “I know Vassa can be a little…assertive.”
“Stubborn is more like it,” Elain cut in. “Stubborn and overbearing.”
“She means well,” he said, his tone softer somehow.
Her eyes slid back to his. “I don’t see how her throwing my phone out the window is a show of good will.”
He loosed a laugh, dragging a hand through his hair, fingers gliding along the shining strands. “Her methods aren’t as refined as you would hope them to be, I admit.”
“That’s one way to put it.”
Lucien’s face turned solemn, and he remained quiet for a moment before he asked, “What happened, Elain?”
She looked him over. “Why do you care?”
He only stared at her.
“I didn’t mean it like that,” Elain said, her gut twisting in shame. “I’m sorry.”
Lucien let out a deep breath, a shadow of a smile returning to his features. “What did I tell you about apologising?”
“Right. Sorry,” she repeated, immediately cursing herself.
A small chuckle. “I only want what’s best for you, Elain. For the both of you,” Lucien said. “Vassa is my friend. I like to think that you are, too,” he added.
Elain’s throat tightened. “It’s…been a long time.”
He watched her for a long moment before he said, “Me too.”
That was enough. From a quiet place inside her, Elain spoke, “His name was Greysen.”
“Your ex.”
She nodded distantly. “The first few months were some of the best of my life. He was attentive, thoughtful. Handsome, too. He’d surprise me with flowers every week. Well, it became less of a surprise after a while, I suppose,” she added, “but I appreciated it nonetheless.”
Lucien remained quiet, focused fully on her words as she continued, “And then I found out I got into Velaris. It was my dream, you know—to study here. One of the best schools in the country. My mother had always been very ambitious, I…” she paused, letting out a shaky breath. “I lost her a long time ago. I wanted her to be proud of me, no matter where she is now.”
Elain went on, “So I guess you can imagine how excited I was when the letter came in the mail. I wanted to celebrate, so I called Greysen, told him to come over. I made dinner—a roast beef, his favourite even though I absolutely hate it. I lit up some candles and set everything on the table along with my acceptance letter. I was so excited,” she added quietly, tears starting to gather in her eyes.
He reached out for her hand, covering it with his strong and broad one. Elain welcomed in the warmth of his skin, swallowing the saltiness in her throat. “I won’t get into too much detail, but Greysen was not happy. He didn’t want me to leave the city, didn’t want us to be apart for the sake of ‘some dumb college’ as he called it. I��I tried to reason with him. I promised to visit every weekend, Velaris isn’t too far way, we’d be seeing each other almost as often as we did then—but he was unyielding. He told me to choose—my education…or him.”
Lucien’s eyes widened.
“I didn’t choose him, obviously,” Elain said. “I wish I could say we broke up and that was it. But…Greysen was determined. He came to my house every day for two weeks after that night, banging on the door until I agreed to hear him out. He only wished to talk, he said. I let him in.”
“I was an idiot,” she added before he got a chance to say anything. “He yelled, told me I was wasting my life. He said I would regret this decision, that he would see to it. I told him to leave and never contact me again,” Her voice was trembling as she said, “Before he left, he’d punched a hole in the wall. Five inches away from my face.”
Lucien went deathly still.
“I didn’t see him again after that,” Elain continued, trying not to notice the way his grip tightened on her hand. “I was ready to leave him behind and move on. But then the accident happened.” She swallowed hard. “My sister was hit by a car. It was…it was bad. I couldn’t leave her. She’s fully recovered, thankfully, I…I don’t know what I would do without her. When our mother died, Nesta practically raised me—raised us, me and Feyre.”
“Elain,” Lucien breathed. “I’m so—”
“It’s okay now, Lucien,” she said, lacing her fingers through his own. “It’s been a difficult past few months, but we’re okay.”
“I…” he shook his head. “I don’t understand. Why did Greysen call you last night, then?”
Elain’s head dipped. “He messaged me when Nesta was in the hospital. He apologised for everything, told me he was afraid of losing me, I—he offered to help. Whatever I needed, whatever Nesta needed, he said he’d be there—anytime, anywhere. I…” she didn’t dare meet his russet stare, fighting back tears as she added, “I didn’t have anyone else. I don’t have anyone else. We have been texting for a while now—just texting, nothing more. He only asks how I’ve been, if I’m enjoying my time here…Two days ago, he asked if he could visit. He called last night because I haven’t answered his text yet.”
Silence fell between them, and she wondered if he debated whether he should just stand up and leave. This was complicated—she was complicated.
And then, his fingers caught her chin, gently lifting it up until their gazes locked and held.
“You’re not alone, Elain,” Lucien said quietly. “Not anymore.”
She choked on a sob. “Lucien, you don’t have to—”
“You have me,” he pressed, “and you have Vassa, too. People that want to be by your side because of who you are, not for who they want you to be. Elain,” he said, giving her hand a firm squeeze. “I would be honoured if you let me be one of them. I promise I will do my best to be the friend you deserve.”
Tears slid down her face, hot and burning, the fact that they were in public long forgotten. Lucien moved, raising the hand that was still intertwined with his own to his lips. Her breath caught in her chest as he placed a gentle kiss to the inside of her palm, the tender gesture humming through her like a beautiful song.
You’re not alone, Elain.
You’re not alone.
The screen of Elain’s phone lit up close to midnight.
I’m outside your building. Ready to go?
She smiled, putting on a hoodie as quietly as she possibly could.
“Going somewhere?” Vassa’s muffled voice sounded from across the room.
“I’m meeting Lucien,” Elain explained, eliciting a soft chuckle from beneath the pile of covers that was undoubtedly Jurian.
She picked out her roommate’s soft hiss towards the pile before Vassa spoke again, “See you in the morning, then. Have fun!”
Elain bit back a laugh. “You, too.”
A small pause. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Shaking her head in amusement, Elain left the dorm.
Their relationship had been getting better and better for the past week. Elain was grateful for Lucien’s encouragement—Vassa was her friend, the first one she’d made ever since arriving in Velaris, and she quickly became like another sister to her in this foreign city. It took some tears and apologies, but the two were on the road to a friendship that meant more to Elain than any other one she’d had before. 
With Lucien, it was…different.
He was her friend, too, of course. But somehow, he was starting to become…more. They’d spent almost every day together since their breakfast that memorable morning. The next day, they had managed to find a seat on the upper floor, and they’d talked for hours over the view of the Sidra, their fingers intertwined and resting on the wooden table. And every day after that, Lucien had somehow found an excuse to hang out—a new place to explore on campus, a quick study session. One time, he’d managed to catch her after a lecture with a fresh cup of coffee in his hand. You look like you need it, he’d joked. He was wrong.
Elain needed him.
Tonight was a mystery to her, though. Lucien had only said to meet him in front of her building at night, and to wear something warm—he would take care of the rest. So Elain had slipped into clean, comfortable sweats, and hurried outside, her eyes bright like the stars on the night sky.
There he was, wearing his signature sly smile on his face, holding a small basket in one hand, and her forest green blanket in the other. Elain’s brows narrowed.
“You didn’t break into my room, did you?” she asked. She was certain she’d left it in the campus laundrette.
His grin widened. “Of course not, and I’m offended at the accusation.”
Elain just huffed a laugh. “You’re unbelievable.”
“Look on the bright side, Elain,” he said, nudging her with an elbow. “At least I get to save you from Jurian tonight.”
She scowled. “I knew that was him!”
Lucien only laughed. “Let’s go.”
“Where, exactly, are you taking me?” she asked, falling into step beside him. 
His head turned to her slightly. “I told you, it’s a surprise.”
Elain hummed to herself. A blanket and a basked could only mean one thing. Had he truly organised all this only to spare her from her roommate and her boyfriend’s nightly activities?
Lucien’s eyes glowed as they finally reached the riverside. “We’re here.”
But Elain couldn’t say a word.
In front of her stood at least a dozen candles, peeking above the grass, their soft, golden light making the dark surface of the water shimmer playfully. Taking a step forward, Lucien set the blanket between them, letting the candles surround them in a small circle. He shucked off his jacket,  kneeling to open the basket to reveal muffins, croissants—Elain’s favourite—and strawberries.
There was no doubt in her mind—he did this for her. Silver lined her eyes at the thought.
“What do you think?” he asked, patting down the blanket next to him.
Her voice was tight with tears as she said, “I’m thinking this is a fire hazard, Lucien Vanserra.”
A smile tugging up the corner of his mouth, he began unloading the basket. “Ah, my specialty.”
Warmth bloomed in her chest, like a budding flower at the sight of the rising sun. Inches away from him, Elain sat, her fingers brushing against his skin as she reached for a strawberry.
“You…” Lucien cleared his throat. “You look really beautiful, Elain.”
The heat spread into her veins. “Thank you. I…you look great, too.”
Lucien snickered, tugging her closer to him. “Well, of course.”
Elain laughed breathlessly, daring to lean on his shoulder despite her heart thudding loudly in her chest. Her thoughts drifted to the week before, when she woke up in his bed to find him in nothing but a towel and that mesmerising smile of his. The same one he was flashing her now.
Her stomach fluttered at the thought. She had a feeling tomorrow morning would be full of surprises, too.
Before she could blink, they were kissing in Lucien’s room.
His mouth was hot, consuming—devastating as his strong arms wrapped around her. His lips, soft and full, caressed her own, worshipped her like an artist would his muse. Like a fever, his tongue swept into her mouth, and Elain moaned, a soft sound that made his body shiver against her own. His hands trailed down her body, exploring every inch until they settled just below her hips, his fingers brushing against her ass.
Lucien only broke away from her mouth to ask, “Are you sure?”
Elain had never been more sure of anything in her life. “Yes.”
Within seconds, she was sprawled beneath him on the mattress, her sweats long gone as Lucien began pressing kisses down her body—from her mouth to the hollow of her neck, to the bare skin beneath her breasts, to her abdomen.
Then, lower.
Elain sucked in a breath, and for a second, Lucien paused.
“I…” she hesitated.
His brows knotted. “Have you never been…?”
Her entire body flushing with heat, she answered. “No.” Greysen had never gone down on her. She thought she didn’t mind. Until now.
Until Lucien’s eyes glowed with a ferocity she’d never seen before, pure satisfaction filling his expression. “Let’s amend that, shall we?”
And before she could say anything, his tongue found her at last.
Elain mewled, the sensation like fire against her skin, mixing with the pleasure pooling at her core. Her eyes fluttered shut as he licked and stroked relentlessly between her thighs, his tongue on her clit having her shaking for him within minutes. Pleading, her fingers curled into his shirt, her walls clenching against nothingness in desperation.
“Lucien,” she begged.
She felt him smile against her sex. “All in good time, sweetheart.”
The low rumble of his voice made her shatter with a stifled cry.
Her chest heaving breathlessly, she watched Lucien rise from between her legs, sliding his shirt off to reveal the muscles she’d been shamelessly thinking about every chance she got for the past seven days. Elain swallowed, her stomach tight in anticipation, as her hands reached to shakily unbutton his pants.
There he was, naked before her, making her breath catch in her throat. He would ruin her.
Lucien’s words were guttural, dripping with desire. “Do you want this, Elain?” he asked. “Want me?”
“Yes,” she breathed. “Yes.”
Heavy-lidded, he smiled down at her. “Good,” he said, then dragged the thick head of his cock through her sopping folds.
Elain gasped, fingernails digging into his shoulders, leaving crescent moon-like shapes in his skin as she braced herself to take him in.
Slowly, so slowly, Lucien pushed into her.
A small yelp escaped her at the stretch of him, delicious and stealing the air out of her at the same time as he thrust into parts of her that have never been reached before. Lucien stopped at the sound, allowing her to adjust to the sheer size of him.
Elain wiggled her hips, impatient. “Move,” she ordered, her walls clenching impossibly hard, begging for friction.
Lucien hissed. “Bossy.”
She only hummed her agreement.
He didn’t need to be told twice. With a guttural sound, he began moving inside her, thick and heavy and rubbing against something inside her that left her to do nothing but cling to him and sob. Release began to gather along her spine, and Elain stopped caring who might hear. The bed groaned beneath the weight of their bodies as Lucien fired heat in her cunt, filling her so fully she threw her head back, quivering around him wildly.
Everything tightened as he slammed into her with a mighty thrust, his mouth finding the hot skin of her neck, kissing and sucking while he all but broke her apart.
Soon enough, she was crying out, her orgasm shuddering through her, hugging him so tight he gritted his teeth in an effort to stay buried inside her. Elain saw stars, white and glittering her vision, as Lucien came with a straining groan against her skin.
His hands were heavy on her hips as he whispered tightly, “Mine.”
Elain could barely walk the next day..
She didn’t mind, she decided, as she made her way back to her dorm after her dinner with Vassa. Lucien had sent her a text as soon as she left his place in the morning, blushing yet happier than ever before, promising to meet her again as soon as she was done.
With her building in sight, the ancient brick dark in the setting sun, Elain made out a figure pacing in front of the entrance. A smile bloomed on her mouth, and her steps quickened, ready to throw her arms around him and let the night consume them again.
“Lucien!” she called, practically running toward despite her aching muscles.
And then, the figure turned toward her.
Elain froze, meters away from him.
She blinked, then blinked again.
“Elain,” the man said, his face a cold grimace. “You haven’t answered my texts.”
“Greysen,” she breathed.
His frown deepened. “It sounds like you expected someone else, my love. Now tell me,” he said, blue eyes flashing with cruelty. “Who the hell is this Lucien?”
Tagging: @azrielshadowssing @the-lonelybarricade @headcanonheadcase @shadowsingerofnight @violet-shadows @hlizr50 @ofduskanddreams @thehaemanthus
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phoenixyfriend · 4 years ago
More "de-aged Taka and T7 end up in the Warring Clans Era as Founders' wards" AU
“That’s a thing?” you ask. The answer is yes.
Uh. Kind of. Deaging Team Seven for the sake of tossing them back in time for a Founder to adopt is pretty common, but I’m trash for Taka so this AU started with me brainstorming the asshole team.
I am falling more and more in love with the idea of Tobirama ending up with custody of Team Taka somehow. He’s a science dad, but like. Marginally more ethical than Orochimaru.
Everyone around them is like "This is a terrible idea and it's all going to end horribly" and he's just like "Ah, these are now my children."
I've read so many "Team Seven time-travels and is de-aged, get adopted by the Founders" or "a Founder time-travels forward and adopts Naruto, subsequently picking up the others" and they're good but I now want the same plot with an even more dysfunctional collection of... eldritch mishaps? The AO3 feel of "I want this fic I just read, again, but a step to the left so it feels fresh and new"
I'm considering the tent of tranquility idea (courtesy of @sloaners​) and I've come to the decision that Tobirama's... probably going to end up with Several Holes in it, and burns, and cuts, because Karin and Suigetsu never stop fighting, and if they're fighting, they're not paying attention to how soon Juugo's going to lose his grip on control.
"Hm. Tobirama?" "Anija." "Where did you get children?" "They showed up." "One of them looks like an Uchiha." "He does." "Two of them are trying to kill each other." "That's normal." "Are the Uchiha going to accuse us of stealing a clan child?" "Probably." "...Tobirama, did you steal these children?" "No."
(It's not kidnapping if they show up and break into your house first.)
(Also none of them are particularly pressed to ditch the Senju and find their clans. Maybe eventually. Not now.)
They’re assholes but Karin is, even at Supposedly Age Three, babbling at Tobirama about proper lab protocol and chemical reactions and isn’t that just the most adorable thing?
Very few people find Karin as adorable as Tobirama does, because Karin knows more ways to kill a person than most adult shinobi, because most adult shinobi don’t know about things like flesh-eating diseases and specialty poisons from the other side of the continent that can only be refined via chemical processes that won’t exist for another three decades.
Juugo is a sweetheart. Best child. Then he loses his mind but it’s okay, Sasuke is there. Do the Senju trust the clearly-Uchiha child to control the much larger five-year-old? No. But they don’t have any better ideas right now, so.
Tobirama: Hm, we should do something about that. Karin: Here’s a list of ideas and things that have already been tried. Tobirama: Thank you, small child. Where did you get this? Karin: ... Tobirama: Fair enough, let’s see what we can do.
Suigetsu is a little terror because not only is he a Massive Jerk but he also has better control over water than most adults. Mostly because he is water. It’s very hard to find him when he’s avoiding chores.
Karin clings to Mito sometimes because Family! and then Hashirama tries to tease Tobirama about being upset that one of his students/children has ditched him. Hashirama ends up moping in a corner because Tobirama snaps at him, unsurprisingly.
IDK if we have like any canon for Touka beyond skill with genjutsu, but going off of the fanon that she used a naginata, I’m going to say that Suigetsu keeps trying to challenge her to Blade Fights and she’s just like Neat, A Tiny Murder Machine.
Sasuke is very quiet for the most part and Dramatically Broods On Rooftops And In Trees and Hashirama is just like YES YOU REMIND ME OF MY BROTHER AND ALSO MY BEST FRIEND and Sasuke hides.
Sasuke does not need another Naruto, thank you.
Sasuke ends up hanging out with Mito, I think? Like yeah, sure, she’s an Uzumaki, but she’s chill and refined and calm and she has really good tea in stock. Sure he has to learn fuuinjutsu to have an excuse to hang out with her, but that’s fine. It’s interesting. Karin does it too, sometimes.
tbh that probably leaves Hashirama to hang out with Juugo? Juugo isn’t great at Excite but he is great at nature so I feel like Hashirama would be stars-in-eyes about Juugo talking to birds the way Hashirama talks to trees, and Hashirama just gets him a chicken coop like HERE. FRIENDS.
But back to the suspected child theft.
Hashirama is like “That is... clearly an Uchiha. They are going to find out, Tobirama! Someone is going to figure out we have--” “Sasuke, show him your other eye. Yeah, the one you cover.” “...” “Okay, go back to playing.” “...Tobirama.” “Yeah?” “That was a Rinnegan.” “You know those rumors that the only way to get a Rinnegan is to mix the Uchiha and Senju bloodlines?” “It’s true?” “No idea, Sasuke won’t tell me anything about his parents other than their names, and he’s three, but even the chance of it being true means we have an arguable claim.” “...that’s not going to be enough to convince the Uchiha.” “The theory is but one weapon of many in the upcoming battle of wits.” “Tobirama--” “Now if you’ll excuse me, Anija, I need to go make sure Suigetsu doesn’t flood the training grounds again.”
tbh I can’t remember who made the original comment in canon about the Rinnegan being achieved via Senju/Uchiha babies but it’s funny to use here so I’ll pretend it’s a common rumor that nobody actually believes
MEANWHILE WITH THE UCHIHA Madara found and took custody of Team Seven and company, mostly because they’re like... jounin-level despite being less than three feet tall.
It involves a lot of Madara going "I want My New Children to love me!" and being sorely disappointed by half of them. Poor fucker got stuck with Naruto, Sakura, Sai, Kakashi, Yamato, and Obito.
(KakaYamaObito are deaged by the time-travel to 10-13ish. The kids are deaged to 3-4. Everyone has memories to just after the fourth war or so.)
Karin sensed T7 and tagalong pretty much the second they popped out of Kamui, and told Sasuke, but he correctly guessed that Naruto would hunt him down eventually, and said they should enjoy the peace and quiet while they had it.
Sai pulls emotionless creepy smiles in an attempt to freak out Madara but since Madara's whole thing initially was "less children in war," he's... mostly just sad. Izuna wants to know who made his brother cry.
Madara makes a vaguely misogynistic comment that's typical for the period and Sakura just. Breaks his tibia.
Naruto is genuinely trying to treat Madara with the kind of respect a caretaker that Attempts To Care And Do Good By Them deserves, because Naruto is a good egg, but he's... three again. Which means he's a Hellion.
The literal toddlers (Naruto and Sakura are three-ish, Sai is four-ish) are, in fact, toddlers, so nobody really expects them to be able to do anything. Nobody bothers to test them beyond the basics of like. Can walk? Can talk? Can maybe hold knife? Like don’t get me wrong, they’re very competent toddlers, but their hands can barely wrap around a kunai. Their bodies are tiny. Their bones only just stopped being soft!
That said, the “tweens” (re: adults who got deaged but Less) have to get tested for their skills. Kakashi downplays himself to what he imagines a semi-competent eleven-year-old to be capable of. He thinks of, like, Neji maybe? Good, but not suspiciously good.
Obito enters an intangible state and refuses to participate. He has a Mangekyo. His body is half-Zetsu. Stop bothering him. He doesn’t want to do anything. They assign him babysitting duty for Team Seven since he can obviously defend pretty well, and Kakashi vouches for his abilities as a fighter.
Yamato decides to try to be just a little worse than Kakashi but at one point he panics and does Mokuton on instinct and now the entire Uchiha compound is screeching because did they just steal a Main Family Senju kid by accident?
Yamato: Should I tell them I was a science experiment? Kakashi: No.
Pranks galore! None of the other time-travelers even try to stop Naruto, except maybe Yamato.
Obito at the Uchiha compound is mostly "I don't want to participate" and then just uses Kamui to be intangible until people leave him alone. If it's not another time-traveler or Madara, he's not interested. He doesn't even care that much about Sai or Yamato, actually, so if it's not an original T7 member, he doesn't care, and if it's Madara, he's just here to make things Difficult.
The Kyuubi wanders up to the Uchiha compound one day and everyone's preparing for a battle, even Madara isn't confident that he can-- [BANG] "KURAMA!" [delighted squealing]
Naruto now has a pet. The entire clan is terrified. Kurama pokes his nose at Naruto's stomach and disappears into the memory of a seal.
Madara, frantically writing a letter to Hashirama "What do I do if my toddler is possessed?!?"
Hashirama: You have a toddler?!?!?! OMG you should organize playdates with Tobirama's kids! Madara: I'M GOING TO QUESTION THAT LATER, PLEASE HELP WITH THE POSSESSION THING
Kurama hunts down Naruto, and the Jinchuuriki situation is very much in the realm of "Dis Mine" Also a bit of "If I'm in the brat, there's at least one Mangekyo user in hearing distance who can and will risk his life to prevent brainwashing. (Kakashi. It’s Kakashi.)
Naruto: Kurama's one of my best friends! Every time traveler: Yeah, that tracks. Madara: [teakettle screeching]
Per @firebirdeternal​: I'm just loving the visual of Giant Nightmare Terror Kurama kneeling down and pressing his nose to Naruto's Smol Chubby Toddler self and closing his eyes while Naruto pets him and giggles and every single battle-ready Uchiha is just. "wat"
Everybody else: Cool so Madara adopted a witch Uchiha Elders: We need to be careful of this horrible creature The younger generation of Uchiha: Okay that was weirdly serene and adorable and frankly the brat is really likeable when he's not being adhd as hell I think this is actually pretty dope.
Madara really wants to be a Good Dad but he has no idea how he ended up being "a dad" in the first place. He just! He cares a lot about this random assortment of kids! Some of them are from prominent clans and there should be search parties for the Senju kid with the Mokuton, or the Hatake brat, or the Uzumaki that doesn't look Uzumaki but definitely feels Uzumaki.... and SURE the only Uchiha of the bunch is a stranger who hates him for no reason Madara can come up with, but! He wants to be a good authority figure!
At least the Uzumaki appreciates that he's trying.
Seriously, though, there are clan kids and nobody’s looking for them, what’s up with that?
Kakashi still has a prize copy of Icha Icha and nobody in the Uchiha compound does a thorough check of his reading material until like three months in.
He is blamed for Naruto developing the Oiroke, because where ELSE would a toddler get such ideas? (Yamato and Obito both tell him he brought this on himself.)
Naruto waits until a Big Important Meeting lets out, something about tithes or a merchant contract, and just pulls a Harem no Jutsu in front of the entire group of Elders And Main Family. First he does a Mass Shadow Clone, which makes everyone turn on Sharingan because Fancy New Techniques to steal! Sure, they were late on the shadow clones, but the kid is clearly gearing up for something! The something is Oiroke.
Anime Nosebleeds everywhere. Most of the elders were hit. Izuna was hit. Madara is not bleeding from the nose, but he is very upset about having semi-accidentally sharingan-memorized his weird adoptee’s Sexy Older Female Alter Ego. There is yelling.
Naruto’s like “Oh, I missed some!” and decides to try again with Reverse Harem no Jutsu because there are old ladies among the Elders, and maybe some straight women representing a guild, and maybe some gay guys he missed! Madara is still not bleeding. (He’s very demi and tbh Naruto only would have succeeded if he’d tried to use Hashirama’s face. Naruto does not know this. He just figures Madara is ace like Sasuke and that no variant is going to work.)
Izuna gets another nosebleed and is just like “Well, this is not how I planned on coming out as bi, but--” “Izuna, I literally do not care about you being bi as long as one of us has an heir at some point, I’m more upset about the fact that my child has been corrupted!”
Back in the Senju compound, there is... a lot of screaming, honestly, but every time Karin and Suigetsu start trying to kill each other again, Tobirama just shrugs and tells them not to break anything.
Very easy-going caretaker, really. He's got some very deadly toddlers in hand, but they're still just toddlers.
Sasuke: Yeah, I might want to go see my clan at some point. Suigetsu: Yeah, I might want to go see my clan at some point. Karin, clinging to Mito: Yeah, I want to go see my clan at some point. Juugo: Please never, ever take me to my clan. Ever. Please. I'll stay with Sasuke, thank you.
Naruto breaks out of the Uchiha compound the first time he enters Sage Mode, several months in (it took a while to get the privacy) because he feels Sasuke and lbr if Naruto knows where Sasuke is, nothing will stop him.
The Uchiha clansmen cannot catch the errant toddler. They fail to inform Madara until Naruto is already in Senju territory because nobody wanted to admit the toddler outmaneuvered them.
Naruto wasn’t sure how to get into the Senju Compound safely so he just goes full Kyuubi, bounds over the wall screaming SASUKEEEEE at the top of his lungs, and then shrinks back down to Tiny Brat size so he could hug his Bestest Friend Ever and cling like a limpet while Sasuke just sighs and stares at the wall.
Sakura ran after him.
Sai painted a bird and Yamato dragged Kakashi onto it to chase Naruto, because Kakashi is at a point of zen regarding Naruto's bullshit and fully trusts the kid to not die.
Obito refuses to look up from whatever he's doing and asks people why they think he cares.
“We told you to look after the toddlers!” “Why would you do that? Seems like poor planning on your part.”
Disappears when nobody's looking. Waits until the Ruckus at the Senju compound (where T7 has crashed in to tackle-hug Sasuke and Madara followed in and proceeded to get shouty, and nobody's dead or battling because they're too confused and also it's a comedy) has started to calm down, and then teleports in and demonstrates Mokuton just to make Madara's life harder when the Senju Elders start demanding answers.
His energy is very "I am here to make Madara's life harder" and Madara still doesn't know what he did wrong.
Madara: That brat has a Sharingan! Tobirama: Well THAT one has Mokuton! Obito: Yamato has it too. [angry teakettle noises]
Madara's first response to seeing Sasuke is to turn to Izuna and point aggressively at the toddler while making a tea-kettle noise "He looks just like you!" "He's four, he barely looks like anything!"
Naruto, tugging at Madara's hakama: You need to make a village with Hashirama so I can see Sasuke more often, cuz I don't wanna ditch you guys, but I gotta see Sasuke! He's my best friend! Madara, who is aware that he could fight this child but really doesn't want to, and also knows that a tantrum thrown by Naruto or Sasuke is capable of leveling mountains: Right, yes, we'll get right on that.
tbh Madara wants the village anyway but "The bijuu-whisperer said he wants it to happen" is a great way to push things forward.
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reidgraygubler · 5 years ago
hot cocoa & cuddles (spencer reid/reader)
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Title:  Hot Cocoa and Cuddles Request: no Pairing: Spencer Reid/Gender Neutral!Reader  Category: Fluff Content Warning: swearing (if any), mentions of murder/death, talk about the case Word Count: 4,199 Summary: Reader is freezing while they’re working on a case in Alaska. Spencer has some fun facts about body temperatures and conserving body heat  A/N: this is based on episode ‘Exit Wounds’ (ssn 5 ep. 21). nothing too bad, just fluff. i really liked writing this one, made me a softie™. anyways, enjoy!  check out my masterlist
I should have realized just how cold Alaska was going to be when we got on another plane to get to Franklin. Granted, Alaska is cold, and I should have known that before. But still… I’m happy I bought a blanket. And, I’m more than happy that I had the blanket over my lap on the plane. I’m guessing JJ was too, as she was cuddled beside me under my blanket.
“I’m never coming to Alaska again,” I muttered just loud enough for JJ to hear. She laughed and nodded, agreeing with my statement. The pilot of the plane told us all we were about to land and to brace for impact. God this was so much worse than the jet. At least on the jet, I can drink… Here I’m motion sick and miserable.  
Since JJ and I were the two smallest, next to Emily and Spencer, we were the first on… Making us the last off. But, let me tell you, I was more than excited to be off the stupid sea-plane and on still ground. It was a little embarrassing when I tumbled out of the plane and into JJ, who in turn tumbled into Spencer.
I was shocked by how cold it actually was. The coolness nipping at the back of my neck, the tip of my nose, and the ends of my ears. I’m sure my ears, nose, and cheeks were starting to turn red because of how cold it was. I’ve been cold since JJ mentioned coming to Alaska, and I just know I’ll never be warm again.
“Holy shit! It’s so freaking cold here!” I looked at the other members of the team. Spencer, who was standing closest to me, looked at me with an amused smile. I hugged my arms around my body to conserve some sort of heat, it was useless. “I’m freezing my tits off,” I spoke, mostly to myself. Emily looked over her shoulder at me with a sly smile, telling me she heard that. I winked at her, my smile being playful.
“Uh here,” Spencer spoke, pulling a hat from his pocket. I looked at it before picking up from his hands. “You tend to lose 7-10% of your body heat from your head.” He looked at me and smiled. I pulled the hat on to my head. 
“That… I guess that makes sense,” I shrugged, folding my arms back over my chest. Spencer looked down at me and smiled. “Thanks,” I smiled at him. He nodded, silently returning welcoming me. 
Hotch took the lead with the Deputy and Sheriff as he told everyone where to go. I was grateful when he told me to go with David and Spencer to the ME, where I’d be inside, semi-warm. Something about being in Alaska was telling me that I would never be warm again.  
“David, can you turn the heat up?” I leaned over the center console and looked at the person driving. David raised an eyebrow as he glanced over at me. “Please, I’m so cold,” I practically begged. He lifted his hand before turning the heat up. I smiled at him as I sat back in my seat. 
He pulled into a parking lot for what seemed to be an abandoned gas station but right next to it looked like a doctor’s office. I looked between the two men in front of me before unbuckling and following them out. 
“Doc Johnson,” a man spoke up from the porch of the doctor’s office. Spencer and I both looked towards his direction, watching as he stepped down towards us. 
I smiled and gave him my name. “And this is SSA David Rossi and Doctor Spencer Reid,” I smiled and gestured behind me to my colleagues. 
“Sheriff asked me to keep everyone on ice till you got here,” the doctor spoke as he led us towards a basement. I looked up at Spencer with a cocked eyebrow. “Still, I can't believe someone from Franklin Would be capable of this.” The doctor’s tone was filled with disdain. I could feel the darkness as we entered the basement. We all stopped right at the feet of the victims.
“What convinced you she was stabbed with the arrow Instead of shot?” I asked through a shudder. I couldn’t tell if it was from the bodies in front of us or if it was the freezing air. Probably a mix of both, to be honest. 
I shuddered as I poured myself hot cocoa. My blanket, which I conveniently packed, was draped over my shoulders like a cape. I could hear Derek and Penelope’s giggles from behind me.
“Smart of you to bring a blanket,” Spencer’s voice came from beside me. I smiled and looked up at him. He was making himself a cup of coffee. 
“The second JJ said we were going to Alaska, I knew I had to get a blanket.” I looked at him and smiled, pulling the blanket around me more. “Still freezing to death though,” I shook my head in disbelief. The ceramic mug was nearly too hot to hold, but I was beyond freezing. It felt nice to not be outside anymore, instead inside. The fire felt good, but I was still cold. 
“You’ll warm up,” Spencer laughed as he poured what seemed like an entire thing of sugar in his cup. I raised my eyebrows and nodded.
“You have enough coffee with your sugar?” I asked, bringing my mug to my lips. 
“Not sure there’s ever enough,” he shrugged sipping his coffee. I shook my head and turned to sit. He followed behind me, sitting beside me on the couch. 
“Garcia, how's it coming with town records,” Hotch asked, looking between Penelope and his case file. I looked at her and fixed my blanket as she tapped away on her laptop.
“I've run everyone who's been printed through CODIS. Nothing's come up so far. I'm gonna pull an all-nighter, finish going through the town records. Should have background checks by sunrise,” she nodded, looking up at Hotch with a smile. I yawned as I looked down at my hot cocoa. Derek, who was standing behind me, ruffled my hair and laughed. 
“I’ll have to agree with, Honeybee, here. I’m exhausted,” Derek spoke, looking around the room. Everyone else in the room had the same look on their face. A mix of determination for solving the case and finding the unsub, and wanting to pass out from exhaustion. A feeling we’ve all felt before when a case like this goes awry.
“I’ve got four rooms set up for you upstairs,” Carol, the owner of the tavern, spoke as she looked between different agents. I dropped my shoulders, my blanket falling off my body, and looked down at my hot cocoa. It comforted me in a weird way and kept me warm, which I will be internally grateful for. 
“Uh, four?” Spencer spoke up, cocking his head to the side. The disappointment and confusion in his tone almost made me laugh. I bit my lips so I wouldn’t let the laugh or smile show.
“Sorry, that’s the best I can do. I mean,” Carol gestured around the room to the 6 FBI agents. 
“Your team is nearly double the size of my department,” the sheriff spoke up, his tone unnecessarily rude. I furrowed my eyebrows and glanced a Spencer. He was looking down at the coffee table, his lower lip bit back between his lips. I snickered lightly as I brought my mug to my lips. “Goodnight,” the sheriff added before leaving with the deputy. 
“Goodnight,” Hotch nodded towards the sheriff. “Looks like we’ll have to double up,” he added, looking up from the file on his lap. I smirked again and looked around the room. 
“I’m not sleepin’ with Reid,” Derek spoke from behind Spencer, Penelope and I. I looked back over my shoulder and smiled, shrugging. 
“Dibs,” Penelope spoke as she reached back and grabbed Derek’s arm. I laughed and looked at Spencer, who returned his gaze back to the coffee table. 
“I’ll bunk with you,” I whispered as I nudged his shoulder. Spencer blinked as he looked over at me. He smiled shyly and nodded. I turned and looked up at Derek. “It’s not that hard, Worker Bee, sharing a room with Reid,” I looked at him. Derek rolled his eyes and laughed.
“Why don’t we all go and get some rest. We’ll have an early morning,” Hotch stood up, closing his file. I looked down at my hot chocolate and pouted. I’d have to leave the only thing keeping me warm behind to go to bed. 
“You can probably bring that with,” Spencer whispered to me before standing up. I looked up at him and shrugged. I was just sad that it’d get cold sooner rather than later and I was in no mood to get cold. 
“Yeah, probably could,” I whispered, as I adjusted the blanket back over my shoulders as I stood. I pulled it tighter around my body and followed behind Spencer. Carol handed over the key to the room to me as Spencer grabbed our bags. I smiled at her and looked down at the bronze key with a dark blue room tag. 
“Lead the way,” I looked up at Spencer. He nodded before taking the stairs up and towards our bedroom. I fumbled with the room key in my free hand while we walked down the hall. I silently celebrated as I got the key in my hand. Spencer stopped just to the side of the door and allowed me to try and unlock the room.
“You alright?” Spencer asked as I shakily put the key in the lock. I glanced at him and nodded, feeling a shudder go through my body.
“I’ve just been cold since we got here and can’t seem to warm up. Nothing is working,” I pouted, unlocking the door, for real, and pushing it open. “I think I have 3 pairs of socks on. I’m on my third cup of hot chocolate. I’ve got my blanket, sweater, and jacket… And, I’m still freezing.” I pouted as I unlocked the door. 
“Did you know the human body will start losing body heat as low as 68 degrees Fahrenheit?” Spencer spoke as we entered our room. “And, since it’s been approximately 34 degrees since we got here,” he added as he carefully placed our bags on the ground, just beside the door. I dropped my shoulders, my blanket once again falling off my body, when I saw it was a single, full-sized bed sitting in the middle of the room. “The human body loses about 2% of its heat through air conduction. Although… water causes more heat loss from the body than air does, so heat can be lost from the body very quickly when placed in close water.” He continued to ramble as he grabbed my blanket from the floor. I looked over at him, more annoyed with the single bed than his info-dump. “So, just don’t go swimming or conveniently get pushed into a lake,”
“Spencer,” I kept my eyes on him as he held the blanket between the two of us. I pulled it from his hands and draped it over my arm and cocked my head to the side. 
“Was I… Was I rambling again?” he asked, keeping his voice low like he was embarrassed from the amount of information he just gave. I blinked at him slowly and nodded.
“Yes, but that’s not why I’m annoyed,” I spoke, mildly annoyed as I brought my mug to my lips. I turned back and looked at the bed. Spencer followed my eyes and looked at the bed. A small “Oh,” fell from his lips in realization of why I was frustrated. “Rochambeau for the bed?” I glanced at Spencer as he stepped into the room more. He looked at me as he grabbed both bags. 
“You can have it,” he smiled as he entered the room. I watched as he placed the two bags on the bed before digging into his. I let out a small sigh of relief and entered the room. I pressed the door shut and turned back to look at him. He had pulled out his pajamas and towels to shower.
“You sure?” I asked, watching as he went towards the bathroom. Spencer stopped in the door frame and turned to look at me. He smiled and nodded.
“Yeah, I’ll sleep on the floor. Don’t worry about it,” he readjusted the grip on his clothes. I nodded and turned to look at the bed. “I’m going to take a shower real quick.” He jerked his thumb behind him towards the bathroom. I looked back at him and smiled.
“Sounds good,” I nodded. He quietly entered the bathroom, pressing the door shut behind him, leaving me alone in the room. I placed my hot chocolate on the side table before turning back to my luggage bag. I fished for my own pajamas. I really didn’t want to take off my jacket, sweater, and rest of my already warmed clothes. But, I also didn’t want to sleep in jeans. 
All well. I’d rather be comfortable and get warmed again than be uncomfortable. So, I quickly changed into my pajamas before slipping between the covers. My teeth were chattering so hard I was worried I’d break them. 
45 minutes later, Spencer stepped out of the bathroom. He was shaking his hair through a towel as he walked towards the bed. I glanced at him with furrowed eyebrows. He looked back at me, cocking an eyebrow. 
“Are you okay?” Spencer asked, putting his dirty clothes into his bag. I nodded and swallowed roughly. He smiled, mostly because he knew I was lying. My body was visibly shaking from how cold I was. “You sure?”
“It’s so cold,” I pouted, pulling the blankets tighter. Spencer laughed and looked down at me. I silently cursed myself for not bringing or buying a hot water bottle to keep warm. “I’d do anything to get warm again,” I pouted. Spencer laughed again.
“It’s proven that cuddling is the best way to share body heat,” he spoke, draping his towel over the bathroom door. I sat up and looked at him. “Cuddling naked with your significant other, or even a dog if you’re single,” Spencer started as he made his way back towards me. I glared at him as I pulled my knees to my chest. I watched as he sat on the edge of the bed. “Under a blanket will warm you up faster than a fleece sweater, or sleeping alone with multiple blankets. Apart from being energy-efficient, there may be other added benefits as well,” he finished his info-dump and looked at me. I dropped my shoulders as I stared at him. “What?” 
“I’m not sleeping with you, Spencer,” I pointedly stared at him. He opened his mouth to protest but failed to speak when I continued. “Naked or not. I’m not sleeping with you. I’d rather be cold.” I stated. I wasn’t entirely sure if it was a lie or not, and I think Spencer couldn't decipher my statement either. Sure, I’d do anything to warm up… But I think cuddling with Spencer is where I draw the line. 
“But you sai-”
“Yeah, I know what I said. But, I’m not cuddling with you,” I pulled the blanket back around me as I coiled into the fetal position on the bed. Spencer laughed at me, again for the third time. I glared at him as he stood up. 
“Suit yourself then. Enjoy being cold then,” he winked at me, causing me to roll my eyes. I watched, as best as I could, as he pulled the extra bedding from the closet to make a makeshift bed area on the ground beside the bed. “Did you turn the heater up?” He asked. Pfft, did I turn the heater up? What kind of idiot does he think I am?
“No,” I looked anywhere but him, pulling the blanket over my head. I let out a deep sigh as Spencer chuckled. “Listen! All I was thinking about was changing into my pajamas and getting under the covers! I didn’t think about the radiator! Because I was cold!” I half-shouted through the blankets. The bed dipped beside me, telling me Spencer was sitting down. I pouted before pulling my head out of the blankets. “Can I help you? I’m busy?” I glared at him.
“Really? What’s keeping you busy?” He asked, crossing his arms over his chest. I glared and looked down at my body, under the blankets. 
“I’m trying to re-warm myself because it’s damn cold out here!” I half-shouted as I pulled my knees to my chest. Spencer smiled at me before ruffling my hair. “Hey!” I glared at him again. 
“Well, I turned the heater up for you. Sleep tight,” he smiled as he shut the light off before laying down in his makeshift bed. I rolled my eyes as I tried to get more comfortable. Granted, it was useless because I was beyond cold. I was freezing. Sleep would never come and I would probably wake up still cold and in a bitter mood. I hate the cold. 
“Alright,” Spencer spoke to the dark room. I furrowed my eyebrows as I rolled to face where he was. I could just barely make out his silhouette in the dark-ish room. “I can’t sleep with the teeth chatter,” he spoke, turning the light on. I let out a groan of protest as the light hit my eyes, nearly blinding me. Great, now I’m mostly blind and cold! I pulled the blanket tighter around me and looked in Spencer’s direction. 
“What… What are you do-doing?” I spoke through chattering. Spencer looked at me as he picked up the pile of blankets on the ground.
“Well, assuming you’re still, as you put it earlier today, freezing your tits off, I’m going to change that,” he muttered, pulling the blanket off my body. I widened my eyes and let out a small yelp. The cold was instantly at me. Like needles poking at my exposed skin.
“Spencer!” I half-screeched as he laid down next to me. He was quick though, moving closer beside me as he pulled the covers back over us. “What… Are you mad!?” I turned to look at him, my eyes wide. He reached behind him to shut the light off before wrapping his arms around me. “This isn’t just some way to get in bed with me… Is it?” I asked, not entirely sure if this was real. But, of course, it was in fact real. Spencer Reid just pulled the covers off me and laid down in bed to keep me warm. “Seriously?” I stared at him with wide eyes.
“Seriously. Sharing body heat can keep a person warm,” he looked down at me. I stared at him, this moment entirely too intimate for two friends and co-workers. “I know I’m already warming up,” he shrugged, nuzzling his head into the pillow beneath him.
“Probably has something to do with not being on the floor anymore,” I pointed out, a small smile on my lips. Spencer laughed and nodded.
“Yeah, that probably has something to do with it,” he opened his eyes and looked back at me. He had a small smile on his lips, making me want to laugh. 
“We’ll see if your theory is true, Reid,” I looked up at him as I turned around, making it so my back was pressed to his chest. He was careful as he wrapped his arms around my middle, resting right under my chest. His legs suddenly got tangled and mixed up with mine. And, he rested his head right on top of mine. Part of me wanted to hold his hand, but another part was screaming at me and telling me that we should not be cuddling, no matter how warm I was getting. 
 I exhaled a deep breath, suddenly feeling safer and warmer than before we went to bed. Damn, he wasn’t wrong, I am getting warm. Of course, Spencer Reid isn’t wrong. Bastard is always right… About freaking everything. 
“Are you warming up?” Spencer asked, his voice low and filled with sleepy. I smiled softly and nodded. He hummed, clearly pleased with my answer. “Do you want me to go back to the floor?” his tone sounded pitiful. 
“No, no you’re fine, Spence,” I whispered, giving up and just grabbing his hand. He hummed again, happy that I’m holding his hand. “I think it’s because of the extra blankets though. Nothing else,” I laughed, taking note in the 4 blankets over our bodies. When should I start to worry about overheating and will that be possible? I sure hope not.
“That’s it? Nothing else?” Spencer mused. It was clear he was suppressing a laugh, which only made me laugh. I smiled and shook my head.
“I think that’s it,” I chuckled and nodded. Spencer let out a breath of air, which tickled the back of my neck. I laughed as I pulled the blanket tighter around me. “We should get some rest, Spencer. Early morning,” I pointed out and repeated with Hotch had said earlier in the day. 
“I like your thinking,” 
“How’d you sleep?” Spencer asked as I tied up my shoes. I looked up and shrugged. He was fixing the bed, making it so it was nice when we got back. I’m happy he was awake a while before I was, making it not awkward for either of us to wake up in each other’s arms. He was ready for the day well before I was even awake. 
“I slept okay. Crick in my neck though. It’ll go away over time,” I stood up and grabbed my sweater and jacket. I walked back over to Spencer as he was smoothing out the final wrinkle. “But, it was some of the best sleep I’ve gotten in weeks,” I smiled at him. He glanced up at me, a small smile on his lips. 
“Did you get too warm? Or… Uh… Were you-” he started to ask but gave up because he was tripping over his words. I chuckled as I pulled my sweater on. 
“I was comfortable. Thanks for asking,” I shrugged my jacket on, “Only my toes were cold, but that’s an easier fix than the rest of my body,” I winked at him. I pulled the hat he gave me yesterday out of my pocket and pulled it on my head. 
“Yeah! I can complain about that!” Spencer exclaimed as he pulled his own jacket on. I rolled my eyes but smiled nonetheless. “Does that mean you want me in the bed again tonight?” he asked as we walked towards the door. “Or do you want me back on the floor?” He asked, his voice softer than before. I grabbed my small throw blanket and folded it back up, draping it over my arm.
“Only if you can keep me warm like you did last night,” I smiled as we both left our room. Spencer chuckled and nodded. 
“I’m sure I can make that happen,” he whispered as we headed towards the commons room. Everyone, other than Emily, was sitting around the room and drinking coffee. 
“What’s got you two all smiley?” Derek half-grumbled as we entered the room. I looked back at him and beamed. Spencer stepped away from me to make himself a coffee.
“Can you make me hot cocoa?” I looked away from Derek and towards Spencer. He smiled and nodded. “Just had a really good night of sleep. Slept like a log,” I looked back at Derek as I took a seat on the couch. I folded my blanket over my knee and waited for Spencer to come back.
“Oh, so Pretty Boy and you are a thing now?” Derek asked. I laughed and shook my head.
“No, he slept on the ground… Just like you,” I smirked at him. Spencer handed me a mug of hot chocolate and I was slightly warm again. “For the first half of the night,” I said the last half under my breath. Spencer glanced at me and shook his head. 
“I slept amazing last night. I don’t know about you,” Spencer looked across the room and towards his friend, “The temperature was just right. Not too hot, not too cold,” he added with a small smile. It was my turn to smile and shake my head. 
“Hold up, how did you get warm on the floor?” Derek asked, looking at Spencer with disbelief on his face. 
“I guess my radiator is better than yours,” he retorted as he sipped his coffee. I looked over at Spencer before sneaking a quick glance at Derek. 
“Clearly something happened between you two. When you guys are ready to tell the rest of the class, I’m sure we’ll be delighted to hear,” Derek stated as he crossed his arms over my chest.
Yeah, we’ll just let them think something happened. Because all that actually happened was two friends keeping each other warm. Nothing actually happened.
if you want to be a part of a taglist or have any comments about this one shot, let me know here
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gamergirl929 · 5 years ago
My Favorite Girls (Becky Lynch x Reader)
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@little-smurf Request:  Can I please request a Becky Lynch/reader where the reader is John cenas best friend and stone colds daughter but she has a little girl?
Becky grins at the familiar squeak, opening her arms so your 2-year-old little girl can jump into her arms.  
“Ders my favorite girl.” Becky smiles, kissing Ava’s cheek, the little Y/E/C orbed girl giggling. 
“Where’s yer mama?” She asks, Ava pointing a tiny finger down the hall.  
“Ava Marie?!” You call out, smiling when you round the corner and see her in Becky’s arms.  
“I should’ve known.” You grin as Ava rambles, the little girl saying words neither of you can understand.  
“She always knows where I’m at before I do.” Becky grins, smiling as Ava plays with a strand of her red hair.  
You watch with a grin, your heart swelling in your chest as Becky playfully peppers Ava’s cheek with kisses.  
“Beeeeeeee!” She wiggles in her hold, the Irishwoman grinning as she turns your way.  
“So ow’s yer dad?” She asks and you snort.  
“I forgot the last time you saw him was when the two of you got drunk in the ring.” You shake your head as Ava snuggles into Becky’s chest.  
“I wasn’t drunk...” Becky scoffs remembers as she and Stone Cold marched around the ring, beers in hand.
Your brows arch as your eyes narrow, locking with Becky’s.  
“Fine. Maybe a little.”  
You grin.  
“He’s alright, just working on his ranch, as usual.” You smile as you tuck a strand of hair behind Ava’s tiny ear, the little girl’s eyelids fluttering.
“Someone had a long day.” Becky smiles, but when she tries to pass her back to you, Ava whines, stiffening in Becky’s hold.  
You shake your head, grinning.  
“Looks like you’re coming with us again.” You shrug, the woman snorting as she looks down at Ava, the little girl’s Y/E/C orbs locking with her brown orbs.  
“Let’s go cuddle bug.”  
You glance over your shoulder at the two, the butterflies in your stomach flapping their wings in elation.  
Being with Becky Lynch made your heart soar, you wanted nothing more than to be with her in a way that was MORE than friendship, but wanting something and seeking it were two different things entirely.  
You jump at the feel of Becky’s hand on your back, the woman’s brows knitted in confusion.  
“Ya alright?” She asks and you nod, a smile stretching across your face as your eyes dart from Ava, to Becky and back.  
“Yeah, more than alright.”  
Becky nods, eyes on your back as you turn around and make your way down the hallway.  
The former Raw Women’s Champion sighs.  
“I’m opelessly in love wit yer mother.” She whispers, unaware that Ava Marie is far from asleep.  
Ava Marie had made it a habit of refusing to let Becky go, the woman ultimately ending up in your hotel room with the two of you.  
It wasn’t ideal, but you didn’t want Ava anywhere else than by your side.  
You jump, pulled out of your trance by Ava’s squeal, the little girl sprinting towards your best friend, the one and only John Cena.  
“Look who it is!” John throws Ava into the air, the little girl giggling as she hugs him tightly.  
You grin, following suit, throwing your arms around the man who gives both you and Ava a big squeeze.  
“How are my two favorite girls?” Your best friend grins, Ava again rambling as John nods along, a grin on his face.  
“Your favorite?” You ask, the man nodding.  
“Of course! I mean we ARE best friends!” He yells and you nod, shaking your head at his antics.  
“Well, look who it is.”  
The three of you turn towards Becky, the little girl in John’s arms squealing at the sight of her ‘Bee.’  
“Look who it is, the GOAT, THE MAN, BECKY LYNCHHHHHHHHHHH!” John says dramatically, Ava giggling as she wiggles in his hold.  
John gasps, hugging Ava closer.  
“I thought you were Uncle John’s!?” He scoffs, the little girl burying her nose in the crook of his neck.  
“Unc On...” She snuggles into his hold, her eyes fluttering shut before she wiggles in his hold. “AND BEEEEE!”  
Becky shakes her head, slipping an arm around your middle, a grin stretching across as you lean your head on her shoulder.  
The butterflies in her stomach again fluttering their wings.  
“Looks like we’re in competition AGAIN, Man.” John smirks, Becky’s brows arching.  
“Oh, I’m always ready fer a challenge Cena.”  
“Bring it on.”  
You slap your hand to your forehead, playfully glaring at your daughter.  
“See what you did?” You ask, and she giggles.  
“Westle!” She claps her hands, the two smirking as John hands you Ava, moments later Becky has him in a choke hold on the backstage floor.  
“Tap!” She yells, John eventually getting her in a hold of his own.  
You turn to Ava, the little girl watching the two fight, playfully of course.  
“STOP!” She yells, the two ceasing their playful fighting in favor of jumping to their feet.  
“Wats wrong love?” Becky asks, the little girl opening her arms as wide as she can.  
“Wuve Bee and Unc On.”  
The two smile as they wrap their arms around both you and your daughter.
“I’m still her favorite.” John whispers, Becky letting out a snort.  
“You wish Cena.”
“Mommy!” Ava pouts, as she gives your sleeping form a shake, your eyes widening.  
“What’s wrong honey?” You rasp tiredly, wiping at your eyes, frowning when you see tears in her eyes.  
“Miss Beeeeee....” She sniffles, snuggling into your chest and you smile, holding her close.  
“Want me to get Bee?” You ask and she nods, bottom lip trembling.  
You take a deep breath, searching for your phone.  
It rings only once before Becky answers, the woman’s voice raspy with sleep.  
“Are ya alright?” She asks, yawning and you smile.  
“Someone misses you...”  
“Beeeeee!” Ava cries and Becky sits up abruptly.  
“I’ll be der in a minute.”  
Becky is there in less than 5 minutes, the woman slipping into your bed in less than 6.  
Ava snuggles up between the two of you, a tiny smile on her face as you and Becky wrap your arms around her, Becky’s hand resting on your forearm as hers rests on yours.  
You lean over Ava, her head just below your chin, and Becky’s as she follows suit, the sleepy Irishwoman smiling.  
“Thanks for coming.” You whisper and Becky nods, yawning.  
“Anything fer my girls.” She whispers, your eyes widening as your cheeks flush bright red.  
Before you can speak, you realize Becky is fast asleep.  
You bite your bottom lip, grinning.  
“Night Becky...” You whisper, closing your eyes, soon following Ava and Becky into a deep sleep.  
You wake the following morning with a hum, your face scrunching up as you groan tiredly.  
“Mornin’ sunshine.”  
Your eyes flash open, a smile stretching across your face as your eyes lock with Becky’s equally sleepy brown orbs.  
“Beckyyyyy, noooooo.” You groan, wiggling closer, your hand resting on her hip. 
“It’s 10, Y/N.” She laughs, earning only another groan.  
“Too early.”  
Becky glances down at Ava, the little girl grumbling as she snuggles closer to you.  
“Like mother like daughter.” She grins, ducking down to press a kiss to the top of Ava’s head.  
Becky’s brown orbs dart around your face, the woman grinning as your nose crinkles.  
“I can feel you staring.” You whisper, Becky’s eyes widening as your eyes flutter open and lock with hers.  
Becky smiles, her tongue swiping at her lips as she cups your cheek, brushing a strand of hair out of your face.  
“I can’t help it.” She whispers, shrugging, her brown orbs darting from your lips to your eyes.  
Your heart skips a beat in your chest as you cover her hand with yours, leaning towards her, over Ava.
“What’s on your mind?” You whisper, the Irishwoman’s cheeks flushing pink as she stares intently at your lips.  
You turn your head, kissing her palm and Becky bites her lip, trying to stave off a massive grin.  
“I want ta kiss ya...” She confesses, your eyes widening at her confession, your heart swelling beyond capacity as the butterflies in your stomach flap their wings with excitement.  
You grin against her palm, turning back towards her, eyes full of nothing but adoration.  
“I want you to kiss me.” You whisper, the red-haired woman’s eyes widen.  
Slowly the two of you gravitate towards one another, the two of you leaning in, mere inches separating your lips.  
The two of you grin as you close the gap between the two of you, your lips meeting in a long overdue, and loving kiss.  
Becky’s lips move against yours, a feeling you’re immediately addicted to.  
Her lips taste entirely as you’d imagined, a welcoming warmth that you’d always see reflected in her soft brown orbs.  
The two of you part, eyes fluttering open at roughly the same time.  
Becky leans in, pressing another quick kiss to your lips before holding both you and Ava tightly, the two of you unable to stop smiling.  
Becky smiles lovingly down at Ava, kissing the top of her head.  
“I love my girls...” She whispers, her eyes widening when she realizes just what she said, her heart in her throat,  
“I-I mean-
You cut her off with another kiss, lightly bumping your nose against hers.  
“We love you too.”  
Becky beams, nuzzling into Ava’s hair, her forehead resting against yours.  
She grins.  
“Does dis mean I get ta get drunk wit yer dad more often?”  
You scoff.  
“No, go back to sleep.”  
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reyescarlos · 4 years ago
I loved 911 last night. Team Michael, David and Bobby are hilarious but stalking, breaking and entering really? But did it felt awkward between Michael and David like roommates l don't know if the actors or not but they were great in S3 flirting. 911ls, I love Carlos pointing TK in the right direction to think through his action like 1×03. The soft touches were great. In 2x08 may be on of the officers ask carlos how he's holding up and his father ask why? I used to send asks as anon.
The way I would watch tf out of a series with those three getting into all sorts of shenanigans. I absolutely love the fact that Bobby and Michael are actual friends and get can get into serious and silly moments together. David is a wonderful addition and this trio is iconic. It was definitely law-breaking on their end but suspension of disbelief is ofc the biggest factor in watching shows. I think Michael and David have terrific chemistry. I loved him for Michael the second he was introduced and that hasn’t let up it. Michael was clearly on the mark with realizing something shady was going on with that dude. I’m glad that Michael was brought into the loop because he was there to rescue him from a dangerous situation.
I will spend the rest of my days screaming about my love of tarlos and why they are a beautiful ship and so good for each other. I really think TK benefits so greatly from having someone in his corner that will legit sit him down and have these honest conversations. TK can appreciate that and Carlos is good at helping in along to connect dots on things he may overlook. They have a really beautiful bond and I just love seeing those small exchanges between them. Rafa and Ronen wats deliver. I’m really excited and curious about next week, how Mr. Reyes will factor into the equation. In my dream world, he would see Carlos’ deep reaction to TK being missing and realize that this extends beyond a professional relationship and that his son is invested so greatly because the man he loves is in danger. It would definitely open up the doors for Carlos and his parents to actually talk about his romantic life which is something that Carlos has been in desperate want of since he was a teen. There’s a lot in store and I’m just really looking forward to seeing Rafa shine bc we all know he is going to be remarkable. Good chat!
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turtlepated · 5 years ago
The Handbook for the Recently Married (to the Deceased)
Chapter 5:
[PG:13 - some adult language and nudery.]
Awkward night time conversations! Yay!
Tag list: @sapphic-florals , @beetlejuicebeadoll , @do-ya-hear-that-sound , @imtherain , @imsuchahobbit , @pastelnacht , @tialanderrol , @sammyskip , @monsterlovinghours , @allmycrushesaredead , @hoodoo12
I dithered around uncertainly, trying to put off the inevitable awkwardness of sleeping arrangements. Given his repeated overtures and flirtations, I wasn’t totally comfortable at the idea of sleeping in the same room with him, let alone in the same bed, so my first notion was to fix up the couch for him. Predictably, Beetlejuice balked at the idea. After all, he pointed out, we were married, and I sincerely regretted arming him with that particular factoid. I knew if I didn’t get to sleep soon, tomorrow would be an exhaustive nightmare so in the interest of speeding things along I gave in and agreed to share the bed. “For sleeping,” I spelled out firmly, the look of excitement immediately melting off his face. He pouted, sticking out a trembling lower lip and fixing me with puppy dog eyes. “Aw, c’mon, babes!” he whined. “You’re really gonna shut me out on our wedding night?” I sighed deeply, shoving down the fluttery sensation in my stomach as I pulled back the covers and distributed the pillows more evenly. Also to hide the flush in my cheeks. 
“Some of us have jobs to get to in the morning,” I reminded him. “I need sleep.” Beetlejuice, pacing in no particular pattern or urgency, stopped dead at the end of the bed and rounded on me. He let his shoulders slump and his mouth fall open in a look of utmost dejection. “And you’re gonna leave me all alone tomorrow?” I climbed into bed with a sigh. “You’re breaking my heart, Beej,” I said with a not-totally-unsympathetic chuckle as I reclined against my pillow. “But there’s this little thing called rent? Also light and water and food and stuff? Unless bio-exorcism pays you really, really well in which case I can quit my job?” He frowned, dropping his gaze to the mattress. “I… no… not really, no. Or at all.” I nodded once, the matter resolved. “Okay, then. I’ll keep my job and we can live in a house instead of in a box under a bridge.” Beetlejuice sighed harshly, flopping face down onto the bed. “I guess so,” he said, the words almost indistinguishable because his face was pressed into the mattress. He raised himself up on one elbow, resting his head in his hand as he turned his attention back to me. I stiffened, feeling as if there were a spotlight on me as he studied my face with slightly narrowed eyes. “What?” I finally asked, anything to make him stop looking at me that way. That same slow smile graced his features, a mischievous glint to his eyes. “I was just thinkin about that kiss from before,” he said. “I could be wrong, but you were into it, weren’t ya babes?”  
I rolled my eyes and shook my head at the ceiling, but I felt uncomfortable heat rising again, and this time he noticed. His grin spread wider, flashing teeth and he chuckled. “Ah, your head says no but that blush says yes!” he crooned, pleased with himself, twirling his pointer finger at my face. I kept my mouth shut, unwilling or maybe unable to meet his eyes and only succeeded in giving myself away even more than I had already. Beetlejuice was practically giddy by now, mega-wat grin, dancing eyes, his newly cleaned hair fluffy and messy and vibrant green. I wondered if it might be a trick of the light, but I could swear it was shot through with magenta streaks. “Admit it, babes, you’re curious,” he said, lowering his gravelly voice to a husky tone that made my insides squirm as though filled with live eels. “You’re wonderin what kinda lay I am, aren’t ya? I know what I’m doin in the sack, lemme tell ya.”  
My stomach continued to writhe as I became aware that my pulse was picking up, thumping in my ears, my mouth suddenly dry as Beetlejuice rose slowly onto his hands and knees, his eyes locked with mine as he crawled forward across the vast expanse of mattress that seemed to lay between us. I gulped, feeling my heart pounding against my ribs as he came to hover, not quite on top of me but close, so much closer than we’d been since the enthusiastic kiss at the abbreviated wedding ceremony. I could practically count his eyelashes as his half-lidded eyes roved my face in a heated look. “I can take real good care of you, baby doll,” he promised in the same low, throaty rasp that made goosebumps break out up my arms. I held my breath and watched, frozen, as he leaned in with a self-assured smile on his lips. “Made Ava Gardener squeal more than once, I’m sure I could help ya get a good night’s sleep.”  
I couldn’t tear my eyes away from his mouth and judging by his grin he was more than aware of it. I watched it drawing closer until it blurred, pressing against my own. It was different this time, softer, more insistent but without the overbearing crush of lips and teeth. I sighed through my nose, my eyes fluttering shut as he moved his lips against mine. He traced my bottom lip with the tip of his tongue, drawing it gently between his and sucking just slightly, with only the barest amount of pressure. Part of me was furious with myself for getting so worked up over so little actual contact; part of me wanted to sink my hands into his hair and hold him close until we absolutely had to come up for air. Instead my fingers tightened in the bedsheets. Beetlejuice broke off first, pecking his lips against me again before lowering his head to whisper to me, the scruff on his cheek tickling against my skin, his breath ghosting over the shell of my ear and the side of my neck. “Whatdya say, babes? Sure you don’t wanna go a couple rounds?” An involuntary shiver ran its way down my spine and he chuckled. “Is that a yes?” My eyes opened and I gasped sharply, my field of vision filled with Beetlejuice’s smug expression and his bare, pale chest covered in fine green hair. I scrambled to get my hands under me, pushing myself upright as stifling heat flooded through me from my scalp to my toes. Beetlejuice pulled back to let me up but didn’t retreat otherwise, grinning unabashedly at me as he knelt on the comforter in all his glory.  
“Where the fuck are your clothes?!” I demanded. He giggled. “Such language, babes!” he teased. “You kiss your husband with that mouth? Would you?” Beetlejuice puckered his lips and leaned towards me and I yelped, scrambling out and away from the bed with my pillow clutched to me like a shield. Beetlejuice was outright laughing now, and had our positions been reversed I had to concede that I would probably be doing just the same. I must look quite the picture, my cheeks flaming, my chest heaving, cowering behind a down-stuffed pillow. Against my will my eyes traveled over his body, taking in the curve of his shoulders and the shadow of his collar bones, the gentle swell of his stomach and the trail of wispy emerald hair that led to his naval and beyond. I swallowed hard and wrenched my gaze back up to his face, which was plastered with the biggest shit-eating grin. “Aw, what’s the matter, doll? You’re not a virg, are ya?” he purred. When I averted my gaze and my blush deepened, his eyebrows shot up toward his hairline. “Oooh, you are??” He shifted on his knees, looking eager as a kid at Christmas and I raised my pillow to hide his nether regions from view. “Don’t be nervous, everybody has a first time. I swear I’ll be a gentleman about it, so don’t even worry!”  
At that I scoffed, throwing the pillow at him. “Says the horny demon who stripped naked out of the blue!” I snapped, flustered and mortified and resolutely ignoring the tiny voice piping in my head that said to go for it. Beetlejuice caught the pillow easily and let it settle in his lap, much to my relief. “Just… slow it down a bit, will you?!” I entreated. “This has been the longest, weirdest weekend of my entire life and I just…. I need some time to think!” I leaned back against my dresser, pressed my face into my palms and tried to regain some semblance of composure. “Gee, babes, I wasn’t tryin to piss you off,” said Beetlejuice, and he actually did sound apologetic. “I’m not mad,” I said, sighing heavily. “I’m just… a little overwhelmed, I guess. Would you please put your clothes back on?” He didn’t answer, but I did hear him snap his fingers, followed by the creaking of the bedframe. I waited a beat before I dared to look. Beetlejuice, clothed once again, was sitting cross-legged on the far side of the bed, his arms folded around my pillow which he still held in his lap. “Better?” I nodded and tentatively settled back on my side of the bed. “Thank you.”  
Awkward silence lapsed between us for a long moment while I fidgeted with the hem of my nightshirt, debating whether or not to just go sleep on the couch myself. “You’re right, okay?” I said instead. “I’ve never really been with anyone and to be honest, this is not the way I always imagined it would happen. I mean, we’re married, but we don’t even know each other.” He frowned and gave a shrug. “That kinda thing’s never really mattered to me before,” he admitted. “I sorta have to get while the gettin’s good, before they change their minds.” I snorted softly through my nose at his complete lack of filter, surprised again by how forthcoming he was and deciding that I ought to return the favor. “I mean, you kept comparing this whole arrangement to a green-card marriage,” I went on, and he bobbed his head in a so-so gesture. “But just how much like a green-card marriage is it really? Like, will we be able to divorce in a year and then you just go on your merry way?” “What?” I jerked, startled by the tone of his voice: loud but hoarse as if the word had taken him unawares, blasting from him when he didn’t have the air to actively shout it out. His eyes were huge, a combination of fear and anger and despair flickering through them like a slide projector gone ballistic. There was no mistaking it this time as I watched color bleed up through his hair from the roots, blues and purples swallowing the dull green. “You’re already trying to figure out how to get rid of me?”
Whatever I’d been planning on saying next died in my throat as Beetlejuice almost visibly shrank in on himself, his arms curling tighter around the pillow, his hands fisting in the material. Panic flared bright and sharp in my chest as I hurried to backtrack, to explain. I found myself scooting closer to him, my hands itching with the urge to reach out, to touch him, to try and offer some sort of comfort. “No! No, nothing like that!” I assured him, my chest clenching when he held himself back out of my reach. Not wanting to upset him even more, I pulled them back, pressing my fists together in my lap to stop my fingers twitching with the want to reach for him again. “You just said it, though,” he retorted, but there was no bite to the accusation, the words came out hollow and resigned. “Will we be able to divorce in a year? You don’t want me here.” I sighed, angry with myself, pained by how distraught he looked and sounded because he was technically right, that was what I had said. “Beetlejuice, that’s not true,” I said gently. “It’s like I told you earlier, I want you to be comfortable here, this is your home now, too. But can I ask you something?” He wouldn’t look at me, so I levered myself forward, swiveling my head, trying to catch his eye. Finally he relented with a harsh sigh, dropping the pillow from his middle and raising his eyebrows in invitation.
I considered my words carefully, wary of how easily and quickly he might misinterpret them. “If you didn’t have to stay with me, would you even want to?” Beetlejuice frowned deeply, worrying his lip between his teeth at my inquiry. His fingers curled and uncurled in my pillow, his eyes fixed on them as he replied, “You sure do like to ask the hard questions, dontcha?” I chuckled and nodded. “I wanna figure out how this whole being married thing is going to work,” I said. “I wanted to help you and I don’t regret doing it, but… I also don’t want to get invested in somebody who’s just gonna take off the moment the mood strikes? Does that make sense?” He looked up at me for a moment, and I worried that I’d upset him further, but he quickly glanced away again. Now that I’d asked the one question that had been bouncing around in my brain like an errant ping pong ball ever since Barbara asked me a thousand years ago “What’re you gonna do now?” it seemed I might never stem the tide of thoughts and worries.
“Let’s say we decide to really give this a shot,” I rambled. “What if we genuinely just… don’t like each other? What if it doesn’t work? What if we both decide we don’t want to be married anymore? If we split up, what does that mean for you? Do you get to stay alive or do you go back to being dead since we didn’t fulfill the ‘til death to us part’ vow? Will we be stuck together, then? Making each other miserable? And what if one of us dies? Like if a tree falls on me do you get to stay alive then? I’d think so, since you held up your half of the vow, but do marriage vows to demons count as binding contracts? And if it turns out that we can’t divorce, even if we both want to, the only way out would be for one of us to die. If you died, you’d just end up exactly where you started and the whole thing would’ve been for nothing! It would have to be me, right? If I died then you did your due diligence and you’re free and clear? It’s not likely at my age, but after all we never really know, do we? Would it count if I kil-”
I was cut off by a pair of chilled and slightly sweaty palms clapping firmly over my mouth. Beetlejuice was leaning forward over his lap, both arms extended toward me, his eyes wide and panicked, his hair a mottled mix of purple and yellow with pale olive green barely visible in his dark roots. “I don’t know where you were goin there, babes, but I’m gonna stop you right there,” he said, his voice back to its normal gravelly timbre. His tone was more serious than I ever expected to hear from him. “You don’t wanna do that, for a lot of reasons: first is that nothing could be worth it, ‘specially not me. Second of all, if you off yourself up here, when you get to the Netherworld you have to work in Customs and Processing forever as punishment for punching out early. Like, forever forever. No holidays or weekend or pee breaks. It sucks, and I should know!” I reached up slowly and took his wrists, pulling his hands from my chin as I let my arms come to rest in my lap. I didn’t let go and he didn’t try to pull free.
“Is…” I began tentatively, afraid of upsetting him. “Is that what happened to you?” Beetlejuice scoffed good-naturedly. “Nah, babes. I was born dead! But my mom runs the department, so she just sorta put me to work. I was a ferryman.” Intrigued, I asked him what that meant and he only too happily obliged to share. His job, he said, had been to act as a guide to the souls of the recently deceased, directing them to the Netherworld and helping them get their footing on ‘the other side’. From what he said, it was a pretty easy gig and he was a natural at it. Sometimes, though, people didn’t actually want to leave. Beetlejuice himself had no problem with this preference and on the occasion when he met a ghost who, for whatever reason, had no desire to pass over to the Netherworld he would let them linger in the living world. He’d even give them a hand with their unfinished business. Which didn’t sit well with his mother/boss or her superiors. “So just like that, I was banished to the living world and cursed to be completely invisible until a living person said my name three times. I’m the reason why there’s a Handbook now instead of ferrymen. The Handbook always stays on-script.”
At some point during his story Beetlejuice had taken his hands back, sitting cross-legged in front of me so our knees were touching. He gestured animatedly as he talked, like he was giving a performance. Additionally, his hair had returned to its previous shade of mossy green, which I took to be a good sign. There was one piece from his tale that I found myself hung up on. “Wait, so…. Your own mother is the one who cursed and banished you?” Beetlejuice grinned, but the expression didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Yep. My mom’s a barrel of warm fuzzy feelings.” I frowned unhappily and curled my fingers around his without thinking. “That’s awful!” His eyes, laser-focused on my hand lying on his own, darted away as he pulled out of my grasp to scratch absently at his belly. “Yeah, well, what’re ya gonna do,” he said dismissively. “Ancient history, babes.”
I glanced past him at the digital alarm clock on the bedside table: it was almost one in the morning. I groaned internally, knowing that I would be dog tired at work tomorrow. It felt like we had made progress, even with the hiccups, and I thought that maybe we’d at least come to something of an understanding. “It’s really late, Beej, and I have to get some sleep. But before we turn in, I wanna know: are we really gonna take a stab at this?” He grimaced, uncomfortable with the mountain of uncertainty I’d raised. “I don’t really know how to answer your questions, babes. It’s not like there’s a lot to go on, I’m the only born-dead demon there is.” I nodded my understanding, moving my leg just enough to bump his knee with mine and prompt him to look at me. “I’m willing to try if you are,” I said. “Think we could figure it out?” Beetlejuice didn’t answer right away, his eyes studying my face intently as if reading something written across my skin. He seemed satisfied with whatever he saw, because he grinned his devilish grin and thrust his hand at me to shake. “Sounds like a deal, doll face!” I grinned back and took his hand, shaking it firmly. “I’m glad we settled that. I have to get to sleep now otherwise I’ll be a zombie all day tomorrow.”
Beetlejuice sat where he was on the bed, watching me through the open bathroom door as I brushed my teeth. Once we were both settled under the covers, he snapped out the light with a flick of his wrist. I lay on my right side, breathing deeply through my nose, trying to drift off. I was a bit distracted by my bedmate, who kept wiggling, adjusting his pillow, sticking his arms under the covers before pulling them out and then immediately sticking them back under. I sighed loudly and he went still, like a pet who waits until they think you’re no longer paying attention to resume whatever illicit action they’re engaging in. I said nothing, at least partially sure he was drilling for a nerve. He settled down again after a few minutes, and I heard his breath deepen and slow. Silence fell at last, broken only by the steady hum of the fan I kept on just for the noise. I had nestled more comfortably into my pillow, just on the edges of drifting off when Beetlejuice asked, “Just to clarify, sex is like totally off the table for tonight, right?” My eyes opened, glaring at the dark shape of my dresser against the wall. “Correct,” I answered simply, hoping that maybe now the matter was well and truly resolved.
It wasn’t.
“What if we just spoon?” he asked a few minutes later. I sighed again, but I was too tired to muster any real anger. “Just go to sleep, Beetlejuice,” I said. He’d mentioned that his name had power over him. I didn’t know if that would hold true now that he was alive, but maybe just hearing it would convince him to pipe down. I was right, for about two minutes. I felt him shift behind me, and I could almost picture him raising himself up on one elbow to face me. “Don’t I at least get a goodnight kiss?” I let out my breath in a hard exhale and he snickered, pleased with himself to have gotten under my skin. Not willing to let him win this round, I sat up and rolled to face him. My eyes had adjusted to the darkness of the room, so I could see him faintly lying on his back with one arm tucked behind his head. The self-satisfied grin slipped from his face as I leaned over him, his eyes going wide and round and roving my face as I cupped his cheek and pressed a soft, chaste kiss to his lips while lightly scratching the scruff on his jaw with my fingertips. I pulled away smiling, feeling victorious at the look of frozen shock still on his face. “Good night,” I said, rolling back over.
I was still smiling when I finally drifted off. 
To quote another fantastic Beej writer: “Whoops, I angsted!” 
But hopefully the fluff and banter makes up for it. Coming up next: what does your demon husband get up to when you’re not around?
Thanks for reading! If you’d like to be tagged in future chapters, hit me up!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
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ultradiplr · 6 years ago
A SigmaxReader story. 
Plot: Reader is sent to keep Sigma company for the night but he has other plans and needs reader’s help with an ahem “experiment.”
Tags: Exhibitionism, humiliation, Reader has a vagina but pronouns aren’t explicit  Age difference (Reader is in 20s and Sigma is 62). Size Difference. Dub-con? Reader never gives verbal consent and is also in a sort of scared of falling during the whole thing? Also Sigma is kind of a shameless creep in this that the reader is in to.
Also this is my first smut so go easy on me (and if there are more warnings I should add please tell me)
The night had started out fine, you were told to keep subject Sigma, or Dr. Siebren, company as he worked for the night. A common thing for low level lab grunts like yourself to do, which you actually enjoyed since you were able to take a break from the other clearly malicious scientist and spend the time “helping” someone decent for once. And Dr. Kuiper was a decent man, a bit intimidating, especially to you since he stood a clear two feet taller than you, but a nice man.
Though there was more than his attitude that made you like him if you wanted to be truthful, a quite handsome looking man, older of course, but that has never stopped you from swooning at him passing by. Tall and broad with intense features and soft periwinkle eyes, sometimes you catch yourself dreaming about being held in his strong arms, or feeling his large hands on you, but you’d shake those thoughts from your head and find content in the fact that you at least got to spend time with him every few nights.
When you got to the checkpoint outside of his lab you gave a cup of coffee to the guard stationed outside, and saw Sigma floating next to a whiteboard on one of the screens.
“How’s he been tonight?” You asked looking at the monitors that recorded every inch of his lab, bedroom, and even bathroom that existed in his private wing of the facility.
“He was a bit jumpy a while ago but he seemed to have mellowed out.” The guard yawned, relaxed with his feet up on the table, “Easy night hopefully.”
“Hopefully” You smiled, already heading toward the door.
The guard pressed a few buttons and a door opened to a hallway, the entrance to the wing he lived in. It was a short walk to his lab and when it opened to you you walked in with a chipper attitude.
“Good evening Dr. Kuiper.” You greeted, walking up toward the hovering scientist.
When he turned to regard you with a warm smile you’d come to love you could feel your insides melt, he was so handsome,
 “Goedenavond, Dr. Y/N, to what do I owe the pleasure?” He asked, and that voice could always make you feel lighter than air.
“Just wanting to see how your research is doing.” You say happily up at him.
“Not so well, im afraid.” He said, looking worriedly at his equations.
“Anything I can do to help?” You asked immediately, this kind of stuff was beyond you but helping Siebren with anything was always fun.
He looked at you with worry and seemed to consider this, “I don’t know, it requires some hands on work.” He said folding his arms over his broad chest and scratching his chin, “You might not be experienced enough.”
Working hands on with Sigma’s abilities? Why, you’d never thought you’d see the day, usually that stuff was saved for the actually research team! You nearly burst with excitement,
“You know I’m reliable, c’mon how bad could it be.” You said nonchalantly, not trying to convey how excited you really where.
Sigma looked you up and down with a curious look in his eye, then he smiled and clapped his hands together, “Alright then, come.” He said, motioning you to step up closer to him.
You did and were surprised when he picked you up easily by the waist and hoisted you up into the air. You clung to his chest as he brought you near the ceiling, the top of the tall multi-board stack, and a good twenty feet off the ground. You never even noticed the room was so tall before. You gulped and tried not to look down, your fear of heights almost outweighing the pure delight you felt actually being held by Sigma. It was a dizzying concoction.
“Can you see anything wrong here?” He said pertaining to the white board you were too scared to move to look at.
“I- uh- I don’t- yes i guess” You started to shake a little, god this was overwhelming, would it be rude for you to ask him to put you down?
“Onnozel, you didn’t even look.” He tisked, his voice sounded weird, still soft in his normal way but just, weird, “Here, let’s turn you around.”
You whimpered when he turned you around in his arms, easily removing your iron clad grip on his lab coat like it was nothing, his strength dumbfounding you just a bit. He settled your back against his chest, one arm wrapped around your waist to keep you against him while the other gestured to the board.
“Now then, do you see anything wrong?” He asked again but this time it seemed a little pointed and… smug?
You still couldn’t look at the equation, eyes glued to the sight of your legs dangling toward the ground that seemed so far, probably a lot farther than it actually was. You couldn’t stop shaking now, pushing yourself harder into Sigma behind and gripping tightly to the arm around you waist.
“Ogen omhoog, the equations are,” His free hand came to grasp your chin in two fingers and force your head forward to look at the board, “here.”
His grasp on your chin was a little harsh and you could feel his fingernail in the skin of your chin but you focused on the equations in front of you. You took a deep breath and focused, reading line by line the math in front of you. His hand relaxed a bit when you began mumbling the work being done in your head and he let your chin go. But his hand didn’t leave, instead it gently caressed your neck.
You gulped and momentarily lost track as you felt his fingers graze your skin, feeling that he could easily wrap one hand around your neck if he wanted to. He was so much larger than you, so much stronger, yet you didn’t feel afraid you felt… incredibly turned on.
You continued checking the math and he continued his downward touches, moving his fingers over your shoulder, into your lab coat, down your chest and stomach and picking at the hem of your shirt. You whimpered when his fingertips barely grazed your bare skin, earning a dark chuckle above you.
“Does my math check out, Y/N?” His head came down upon yours, nuzzling ever so slightly against it, “You have not lost track have you?” he was teasing you.
You shake your head, feeling embarrassed and hot to your core and continued trying to focus on the board. He hummed above you, the feeling radiating through his chest and into your back, calming you slightly as his fingers continued to paw your abdomen shamelessly.
In the middle of a rather long equation a whine erupted out of you as Sigma grazed a thumb over a nipple and made it hard. He let out a soft, oh? And you could feel the smile that spread across his face as he grazed it again. You fidgeted slightly in his arms and he chuckled.
“Is something wrong, do you need help?” He asked smugly in your ear, his breath hot against your skin.
You shake your head and closed your eyes, focusing on the feeling of him for a moment, broad back behind you, strong arm around you, beautiful hand touching you, face mere centimeters from your face. God you could die happy right now.
“Oh, are you done now? Everything looks good?” He asked, chipper tone as before but with the added feeling of him still pawing at your chest.
“Y-yep, everything looks good.” You lied, you were still on the third line but any longer up here in his arms you were sure to pass out.
“Hmm, then if it is not my math, it surely must be the execution.” He said innocently and it was messing with your mind as he continued to touch you.
“Must be.” You said through a whimper as he pinched your nipple rather roughly,
The unsatisfying friction of your pants was killing you and you just wanted to be put down and ravaged but Sigma seemed uninterested in your obvious physical plights to do so. He made a sound of contemplation and let up on teasing your chest. 
“Let’s go through the motions and see whats wrong, shall we?” That damn innocent tone was making you stomach flip a little, it was off putting but also kind of hot.
Without hesitation he began unbuttoning your pants and pulling them off with one hand as he kept you secured to him. You yelped in surprise but didn’t make a motion to stop him as he pulled the offending garment off your legs and let them drop to the floor below you. Far below you. Oh, you had almost forgot.
You began to shake again but his free hand came up and soothingly massaged the back of your neck, “Rustig kleintje, you’re safe.” he shushed, “We do not want them to think you’re in danger now, or our experiment will be cut short.”
A shiver ran up your spine at the implication and you could feel yourself clench in anticipation. They where watching, weren’t they. Watching him touch you and watching you love it. Oh god, the ridicule you’re going to face if word ever got out. The condescending stares the research team will throw at you. The stern talking to from Dr. O’Deorain. Perhaps even getting fired, or worse for messing up her experiments.
Shame filled you as you glimpsed at a camera not to far from you and Sigma must have caught that because he nuzzled into the side of your face. “Hmm, are you afraid of them?” he asked in a mocking tone.
You nodded slightly and he laughed, actually laughed, making you flinch away from him a little, “Bang om te laten zien wat een slet je bent?” He said amused, hand coming to cup your mound.
You canted in his arm, your body trying to find friction while you mind was reeling from the harsh tone. Your body was so hot, so needy, you needed him to touch you but you also wanted him to let go so you could go curl up in a hole and die. Conflicting feels bubbling up and bursting when his fingers finally made contact with your slick lips.
You moaned and arched back, one hand coming to hold onto his shoulder behind you and the other to grip at the arm around you. 
“You must not mind the cameras too much if you’re this wet.” He said hotly against your temple and you could only moan in response.
His fingers where large and skilled and rubbing your clit at just the right pressure and in just the right way to make your legs feel like jelly and to bring you right up to the edge very quickly but he pulled away when he felt you shivering, teetering, and you let out a frustrated cry.
“Close so soon, you must really want it.” He growled.
When he felt you were calmed enough his fingers returned, probing at your entrance as you tried to move in a way that will finally get him to enter you. After frustrated grinding and a good bit of breathless begging he finally conceded and slipped two fingers into you smoothly.
You moaned from deep within you chest and shivered, panting into his neck as he gently pumped you open.
“Sigma, please.” You whimpered and he kissed the top of your head.
“geduld, sweetling, I don’t want to break you.” he whispered hotly, humming with please when he felt you clench at that.
He worked you up again and this time let you come on his fingers that you trapped between your legs as you hunched over his arm and shivered uncontrollably. He kept fingering you through your orgasm to the point of over stimulation and laughed when you started yanking on his hand.
He let up and slipped from you, bringing the wet fingers to your mouth which you happily accepted, much to his delight.
“Hongerig katje, you have no shame do you, licking yourself up for me.” He teased but you felt too good to care.
You nodded and sucked, vibrating with pleasure as you felt his fingers flex in your mouth and press down on your tongue. He pumped his fingers in and out slightly, eliciting a moan and he groaned in response, his steady control so far slipping.
He pulled his fingers from your lips with a wet pop and you whined to his amusement. He reached down between you two, moved you lab coat out of the way, and unzipped himself. You wished you could take your time and suck him, but he seemed intent on taking you like this right now.
You couldn’t see past his massive arm but you sure could feel him as he thrusted up over your slit and hear him as he moaned loudly next to your head. Thick and long, you were a moaning mess before he even penetrated you, feeling it sliding along your wet folds was ungodly satisfying and a large part of you wished you were in a different position to actually see it thrust over you.
His free hand was helping him slick himself on your folds and when he felt prepared enough, lined himself to your opening. 
“Ready?” He asked breathlessly and you could do nothing but nod.
He was slow, letting inch by inch slip inside you gently to let you adjust as his hand came up and held your neck in a soft grip. You whined and moaned, feeling full halfway through and feeling absolutely bursting by the time he hilted. He was nuzzling your head mumbling dutch gibberish as you tried to focus on breathing, his voice and his protective grasp helping relax you.
“So tight, so wet, so warm.” He whispered for only you to hear and you clenched at the sound of him being absolutely wrecked.
“All for me, or for the camera, lieveling?” He asked, taking an experimental thrust that made you cry in pleasure pain.
You couldn’t answer because you didn’t know. Somewhere in the back of your mind you thought about the poor security guard having to watch you get fucked by an old man twenty feet off the ground, but currently you didn’t really care. This was the best thing ever and if you were going to get killed for this, you might as well enjoy it.
Despite the strange angle and the way he was holding you up, you began your damnedest to try and thrust yourself back on Sigma, maybe being able to move and inch or two by yourself. Sigma laughed breathlessly, a moan getting caught in his throat when you clenched around him to stop his mocking. He got the point and began to ease himself out of you and then back in, a slow pace that let you feel every inch of in on the way in or out.
Every thrust forward pushed a whimper or moan out of you and before long you where steadily chanting Sigma’s praises, to his delight. He kissed your neck, your face, your shoulders, his hand experimented different pressures on your neck, all while his arm kept you firmly in place. 
“I bet you look so beautiful from that camera.” He panted against your face, “Like a slut getting thoroughly fucked.” there was no malice in his voice, only overwhelming need.
“S-sie-gma” Your brain was getting fried with the way he was speaking to you, touching you, opening you up and ravaging you, you couldn’t even form a sentence. It was so much, too much.
“Imagine it, a video of-” He moaned, stilled for a second before continuing his bruta, steady pace, “Of you getting used by me forever on their damn servers.”
You nodded, the idea sounded so awful yet so good at the same time, “You like that don’t you? Proof, proof this finally happened, hmm?” 
His teeth were clenched tight, you could hear it in the way he ground that out, he was close, so close. And so where you, gone completely, Sigma the only thing anchoring you to reality. You could only focus on him, his tight embrace, his smell, his breath. Him, Sigma, Siebren.
And then your mind went blank as stars exploded behind your eyes and your vision went white for a moment, the hardest you’ve ever come. When you came to your senses Sigma had halted inside you, the feeling of something warm dripping down your leg and filling your insides.
He was clinging to you tightly, whimpering something you couldn’t understand and for a while he just held you. His hand left your neck and pet your hair, his head nuzzling into the crook of your neck while he twitched inside of you. Overall his body language changed completely and even his arm hold on you slackened just a bit. When he pulled out you whimpered and he placed a kiss on your shoulder.
You heard the sound of his zipper as he made himself decent again, and turned you in his arms to cling to him again. He was all blissed out smiles and half lidded eyes and it made your heart flutter like nothing before. He looked so relaxed, relieved, happy, you couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of pride.
He lowered you both back toward the ground and sets you on a table to sit, floating away momentarily only to return with some paper towels. He let you wipe yourself and when you were done helped put your pants back on.
You were exhausted through and through, and he could tell. He easily scooped you into his arms and floated out of his lab and toward his bedroom. Inside was dark but he was able to find his bed easily and slipped the both of you under the covers. Momentarily your tired brain worried about falling asleep on the job and tried to get up except Sigma was holding you firmly in place.
“They’re going to be wondering where I am.” You said sleepily, already partially asleep.
“I don’t think anyone will be wondering where you are, my dear, just go to sleep.” He said tiredly and you conceded.
If this was your last night on earth, at least you got to spend it here with him.
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zayashmaya · 6 years ago
Gods and Monsters - 5 - Honeymoon (part 2).
Marvus x Reader; NSFW
More chapters here!
You get down with the clown, and the clown goes down on you.
Marvus spared no time for surprise. His hands instantly found their way around your waist and cradling the back of your head as he tilted his face sideways to deepen the kiss, moaning low from pleasure when your tongue dipped into his mouth. You very nearly had forgotten to breathe during your shameless, sloppy kissing, ignoring the taste of faygo and the metallic tinge of facepaint as you pressed yourself against him, winding your fingers in his thick mane of hair.
”Sir?” the intercom crackled.
Marvus tore away from you for a second to quickly answer, “Nevermind,” and you were drawn to each other once more in a haze of magnetic lust.
Your body was on fire. Where did your life go so right that you ended up in the lap of Alternia’s most handsome clown?
His lips were as soft as you anticipated, skillfully moving against yours with such precision that you knew he had practiced this many times, keeping his fangs hidden away in an effort to not hurt you. But that didn’t stop you from nipping his lower lip, earning a strange sort of rumble from deep within his chest, like an odd clicking noise that almost sounded like a purr.
Was that a good sign? Or did you hurt him? Maybe you shouldn’t have done that. 
Maybe you were being as stupid as Lanque said you were.
Before your anxiety had the chance to fully surface, Marvus hummed against your lips and eased the kiss to a gentle finish. Some of the white paint around his mouth had smudged and stained your cheeks. His hand came up to cradle your face as his thumb stroked the smear away. All you could do was stare back at him and pant, waiting for his verdict as his dilated eyes examined your messy state.
“What’s it gonna b, pretty lil mama?” he rasped.
This was it — one final confirmation before you got down with the clown. But you needed to be sure.
“I’m afraid of disappointing you,” you admitted, flushing at the admission. You could trust him with your emotions. You knew that much, at least.
His eyes widened, and the hand at your cheek glided down to rest on your shoulder. “Where is dis comin from?”
“W — well, there’s just so much I don’t know about your, like, anatomy, and stuff … I’ve only been with a troll once and it didn’t exactly go too well — “ Marvus quirked a brow and frowned slightly, but you pressed on. “ — so I don’t want you to think less of me if I do something wrong, or … I dunno.”
Rambling again. Go, you.
You promptly shut up and looked down at his ridiculous, loose bowtie, unable to meet his eyes. The soothing feeling of his other arm holding you securely reassured you that perhaps you didn’t fuck things up entirely by now.
“Babe, i dunno if u know dis, but a brotha ain’t ever been w a human either.”
Leave it to Marvus to crack a joke in the middle of a serious discussion. Your mouth pressed into a thin line, in sharp contrast with the smile tugging at the corner of your lips. You lowered your head a little more and murmured, “That’s not a limiting factor for you trolls, apparently. Me, on the other hand … let’s just say my performance wasn’t rated that well.”
Your name rumbled forth, said so meaningfully and with a tone that coaxed you to finally look at him again. “I wouldn’t do that to you,” Marvus said, and your breath caught in your throat when you realized he had dropped his speech quirk for you. For you, to show you how serious he was.
You felt your walls breaking down, replaced with a dizzying excitement that set your nerves ablaze with desire for him. “I believe you,” you quietly replied, and after a moment of hesitation, you took the hand on your shoulder and pressed it to your breast, holding it there while Marvus gave an experimental squeeze. With an air of resolution, you steeled your willpower and said, “I want to pail with you, Marvus.”
His smile could not grow any wider. “We gonna go slow, baby,” he cooed, bringing his other hand to your neglected breast to tease out breathy moans from you. You arched into his touch and felt your eyes flutter shut. “Damn, u lucky dis da first time, or else i’d be takin u against the floor by now.”
Fuck, you liked the sound of that. Dirty images floated through your mind as you brought him down for a kiss, letting the tip of his tongue trace your lower lip while his hands skirted down your chest, smoothing their way down your sides, and curling up around the short hem of your dress with clear intent. You shifted in his lap to make your dress ride up your thighs, and after a teasing, gyrating grind from his hips against yours, you broke away from his lips to let him slide the dress off of you.
Thank goodness Tagora had convinced you to get rid of your tattered undergarments for the event. You had whined to him that nobody would even see you in a state of undress — they are so damn comfortable and you know I don’t have many clothes to begin with — which ended with him going on an endless tirade about not letting his friends look like hobos.
You’re going to look presentable because my good name is bound to you now, he had harped while ushering you into a boutique. And don’t worry, I fully expect you to compensate me for this expenditure at a later date.
So here you were, sporting a modest yet enticing set of matching undergarments. The fact that they had teal stitching had gone unnoticed in favor of Marvus caressing every inch of your skin,  skirting your sides and eliciting a squirm and stifled giggle from you. Gods, you were not about to repeat that scene. It couldn’t be a coincidence that two trolls had went for your sides like that. Damn you for your weaknesses.
But Marvus merely snickered and repeated his action, maneuvering his way through your wriggling and high-pitched yelps as you tried to swat his hands away. “U iz sensitive as fxxk,” he quipped.
“I can’t help it, cut it out!” you squealed with a laugh, struggling to pry his fingers off of you.
Marvus finally relented, opting to blindside you by pulling you against his chest and immediately burrowing his face into the crook of your shoulder, nipping teasing bites along your skin before transitioning to a wet, open-mouthed kiss near your jawline. You sighed and melted at how good it felt, squirming helplessly at the combined sensation of his scraping teeth and cold, soft tongue.
His hands snuck their way behind you to open the clasp of your bra with one brisk motion. Some distant part of your mind had enough sense to let the offending fabric slide off your arms to disappear somewhere. You were all the more happy for it, pressing your exposed breasts to his chest and reveling in how cold he felt against your nipples. He was still dressed, much to your frustration, but you were content to let Marvus explore your body for now.
You felt a snap along your thigh, followed by the brush of ruined fabric cascading down your sensitized skin as he hauled you up to sit on your knees, disconnecting from your neck with a wet pop. Your ruined undies remained looped around one leg, and with his widening stance forcing you to spread yourself for his curious gaze, you could do little more than blush and look away.  
The scenery outside had changed dramatically while you were preoccupied — the structural architecture of the highblood metropolis had been replaced with Alternian wilderness. You briefly wondered what to expect from Marvus’s hive, and then you remembered that you were still very much naked and currently at his mercy.
“Fxxkin beautiful,” he said at last, trailing his fingers down your breasts to tweak your nipples. “I ain’t never seen someone blush dis much, dat wicked redness b errywhere.” 
“Is that a bad thing … ?” you asked, fighting the urge to wrap your arms around you.
“No, babe,” he said softly. "That noise ain’t it at all.” His eyes wandered to your neck, and whatever he had seen made the corner of his lips turn upward. He reached out to graze it with the back of his knuckles, and the heightened sensation reminded you that he had probably marked you there with his kiss. “Bruise easy, too, don’t ya?”
“Something tells me that that’s enticing to you.”
“Wat can i say, i’m a humble rhyme juggler w simple taste.”
You chuckled dryly. “My body doesn’t freak you out, then?”
“Hellz no,” he instantly replied, gripping your hips and lightly running his thumbs dangerously close to your pussy. “Looks pretty familiar to me. Except dis — “ He poked your naval, and you doubled over with a yelp.
“It — it’s just something all humans have,” you explained quickly, fighting back your giggles. “But it’s not relevant to our situation right now, which is quickly becoming derailed by anatomy lessons.”
“Fxxk u rite babe, we gots to b rectifying dat posthaste.”
Before you could make sense of what was happening, Marvus swooped you up as he stood, only to put you down in his seat while he kneeled in front of you, spreading your legs and placing them on his shoulders. You were both mortified and aroused beyond belief as Marvus finally got a proper eyeful of your privates.
“What are you thinking?” you hesitantly asked.
Marvus ran his hands along the inside of your thighs and looked at you. Gods, you knew that expression well. It was the same look he had given you during your first meeting, when he pretended to stab you in front of a frenzied audience.
“I want u to touch yoself while i watch,” he smoothly replied with an air of finality, and you were absolutely scandalized, absolutely excited to follow his dirty command.
You slowly snaked your hand down your body, noting how his gaze followed your every move as you brought it closer and closer to your aching pussy.
And then, you had an idea. A risky, bold idea.
Your hand veered off course to hover in front of his mouth, and you stuck out two fingers for him. “Make them wet for me?” you shyly requested.
He obliged you with a cheeky smile, making a show of slowly running his tongue around your digits. You bit your lower lip and stifled a moan at the sensation, hoping he had far more interesting plans for that mouth rather than simply watch you get yourself off. But you had your orders, and as soon as he finished coating your fingers, you instantly got to work.
You nearly gasped when your slick fingers made contact with your clit; you didn’t even realize how turned on you were. Maybe it was simply the fact that Marvus’s spit was on you as you rubbed yourself in slow, teasing circles, or perhaps it was the way he stared so intently, like he was memorizing every motion, every hitched breath you took. You had never felt more exposed to someone before, and the fact that you were laying spread-eagle in a rich man’s limousine while he sat there looking like a starving dog had you nearly coming right then and there.
But Marvus was your audience, and you were going to put on a show for him. Your fingers moved quicker, more purposeful as you shivered from the slickness leaking down your inner thighs. Marvus spread one of your legs further out and began a trail of kisses toward where you needed him most, each kiss shooting sparks of pleasure to your pussy. Your hips rolled towards him in invitation, yet Marvus simply continued his torturous path on the other side.
Fine. If he didn’t want to oblige you, then you certainly would! With a low, petulant growl, you slipped past your aching folds and dove two fingers straight into your core, letting out an unrestrained moan at the delicious feeling of finally being stretched.
Marvus paused his ministrations and leaned his head against your thigh as he gave you his undivided attention. “O shit u do got a hole! Dat’s gunna b useful,” he snarked, and you accidentally nudged him none too gently while readjusting your position to give him a better view.
You felt your orgasm fast approaching, overstimulated as you were by now. “I need you, Marvus,” you breathed, pumping your fingers and hooking them at just the right angle to make you squirm. “I want you inside me, please, I can’t keep this up — “
You gasped as he suddenly held your legs apart and leaned over your form, his face inches away from yours. “If u want my bulge so bad, then u better finish,” he said, and before you could respond, his mouth was pressed to your bruised lips.
Your fingers moved inside you as your thumb rubbed your clit, and with Marvus leaning over you like this, it gave you the illusion that he was the one fucking you senseless. You were a moaning mess by the time he abandoned your lips in favor of sucking a nipple into his eager mouth, and that had been the last straw — you were coming with a drawn out cry, bucking your hips against your touch as Marvus looked down your chest to see your soaked fingers lazily stroking your folds to draw out your post-coital bliss.
“Fxxxxxk yesss,” he hissed. “Gaddam, lil mama, look at all dat genetic material soakin my seat.” You were too weak to correct him on the intricacies of human fluids. Thankfully, you didn’t need to muster up a retort. Marvus looked up at you with a wicked expression, and you knew he had something on his mind. "My turn now.”
You blinked at him, lost in a mental haze before his words registered. ”Please,” you whined, moving your hand out of the way and letting him return your legs to sit on his shoulders.
Marvus was kneeling again in a flash, his face so close to your pussy and yet so far. He had yet to begin his nefarious plan, opting to simply look at your privates for a moment longer. As frustrated as you were by the pause, you were equal parts titillated. What did he have in store for you? Would he start off with his fingers, or would he use his tongue? Maybe both?
Your prayers were answered when you felt the tip of his cold, wet tongue press lightly against your clit, swiping up and down in careful strokes. He looked at you as though in question, and you dug your heels into his shoulder blades to urge him on. With one final smirk, Marvus buried his face between your legs and pressed an open-mouthed kiss to your folds.
Oh, that tongue was absolutely sinful, sliding around every inch of you before returning to your clit for a brief moment, circling around it just the way you had shown him. Yet just when you started to feel the telltale burn of a second orgasm, Marvus quickly removed his tongue and blew a puff of air against your heated flesh.
“You’re such a tease,” you whined, struggling to writhe against his hold on your hips.
His chuckle reverberated through your core as he dipped his tongue into your wet hole. “I like hearing ur lil moans,” he murmured and pressed a kiss to your clit. “C’mon babe, lemme hear sum more.”
And with that, his mouth latched onto your clit and sucked, sending your nerves on fire as he licked you with unyielding purpose now.
The sudden change nearly made you dizzy with lust. You dug your fingers into the armrests to keep from pulling on his hair as the tip of his downward horn grazed your inner thigh. The ambient music was drowned out by the sound of your shameless moans, and a distant part of you wondered if the driver could hear you, but when you felt Marvus dip a finger into your pussy, you lost all ability to think from that point onward.
“Oh gods, Marvus, give me more,” you groaned, bucking your hips as his finger slid inside you with ease. His lips and tongue were relentless in their attention to your clit, sucking and licking and kissing you while a second finger slipped in, and they were so much bigger than your own, so long and wide and just what you needed, just what you wanted —
Between bouts of helpless moans and breathy sighs, you told him, “Curl your fingers up, like — oh fuck yes like that!”
It was embarrassing, really, how just a few more well-placed thrusts and the swipe of his tongue sent you crashing into sheer ecstasy. You slumped back against the seat, panting for breath as your thighs trembled. Marvus eased you into a comfortable end as he slowed his thrusting and kissed your thigh.
“Fxxk … “ he muttered, dragging his bangs out of his face. “Lookit u all outta breath. Not even my shows get u dis werked up … “
You couldn’t bring yourself to respond. Your lips curled up into a tired smile as you looked at the horrid mess of his facepaint, nearly gone from most of his lower face and transferred to your inner thighs.
Marvus gently slipped his fingers out of you, examining the sticky wetness coating them before glancing back at you with a devilish smile. “Now look at wat u did,” he said with mock chastisement, bringing his fingers closer to your face. “Made a gaddamn mess all over me.” You felt him tap lightly against your lips, spreading the slickness along your bottom lip. “Guess u gotta clean em up for me, babe ;o) “
Without question, you let his fingers slip into your mouth, maintaining eye contact with him as you swiped your tongue along his digits and added a bit of suction for good measure. Marvus silently watched, pushing his fingers further and further into your mouth until you were nearly choking on them, but you were not about to make a fool of yourself. You relaxed your throat as best you could until he was all the way in to the last knuckle, and judging by the widened eyes and purple blush rising up beneath his ruined facepaint, you knew Marvus was impressed.
“Goood girl,” he cooed as he slowly slid his fingers out. You felt warm from the praise. “Didn’t expect u to b so hot all up inside u … got me thinkin sum sick thots … “
“I’d be happy to indulge your ideas,” you smoothly replied, because despite coming twice already, you were still greedy for more. In a sudden burst of inspiration, you sneaked your foot between his crouched legs to rub against his clothed groin. You were disappointed to discover the lack of bulge straining towards your touch, until you remembered that it was probably still sheathed away.
Marvus caught hold of your ankle and, much to your surprise, slowly rolled his hips against your foot with more pressure than you had awarded him with. “I wanna fxxkin pail u so hard u ain’t gunna walk strait for perigees,” he growled. “And u’ll take all of it, won’t u?”
“Gods, yes,” you whimpered, reaching out to grab his bowtie and bringing him up to tower over you. He followed your lead obediently, staring down at you with hooded eyes. “Give it to me, Marvus.”
He hummed at your boldness. “Don’t u worry, u gonna get it soon, lil mama. But we gots to b gettin on outta here.”
His words were like a bucket of water pouring over you. “What?” you asked, sitting up straighter as Marvus leaned away from you to gather your belongings.
“We’re here, babe,” he said with a chuckle, handing you your clothing.
You furrowed your brows and looked outside. Indeed, the limo had apparently come to a stop. “I can’t believe I didn’t notice.”
“I b believin, cuz if u did notice, then that means i wazn’t doing a good job earlier,” Marvus cheekily replied and winked.
You shook your head and refused to give him the satisfaction of laughing at his corniness, electing to quickly put on the dress and remove any errant white and gray paint streaks still on you. The bra and undies were useless to you; why bother with them when you’ll be naked all over again soon? You bundled them up in your hand to make them look like an indiscernible ball of cloth.
Marvus had apparently been waiting for you to finish, not wanting to expose you to his driver while you redressed. As soon as you finished you looked up at him with a smile, and there was just something about his dopy grin reflected back at you, all genuine and full of warmth and woefully absent of his beloved facepaint, that made you reach for him without thinking.
You stopped halfway, your hand hovering in the air between you. What the hell am I thinking? He’s not my lover.
Your face must have said it all. Marvus crossed the distance, grasping your hand and pressing it to his chest as he kissed you. You blushed at his brazen move and blinked up at him when he pulled back.
“Whoever da mfer that said u ain’t a good bucket buddy clearly got their head stuck up their gaddang shizhole.”
You giggled as he helped you up, passing by him while he grabbed the painting — you had almost forgotten about it — and gingerly opened the door.
The driver was waiting for you with an entirely neutral expression, holding the door and offering you a hand as you clumsily balanced yourself on weakened legs. You offered him a thankful smile and quickly moved away, hoping he hadn’t taken notice of your ruined state. Although being the personal driver of Marvus surely must have exposed him to all sorts of sights.
Once you smoothed out your dress and gathered your bearings, you finally took note of your surroundings. The limo had pulled up into a driveway lit up by an endless row of neon lights built into the ground. Before you loomed Marvus’s hive, an enormous, extravagant estate that looked like a cross between a beautiful villa and a circus tent, with towering spires crowning different segments of the hive.
The sheer size of it all reminded you of your current place in life — a wandering alien with few possessions and a dilapidated hideout. And yet, you didn’t begrudge Marvus. His success was hard-earned, and your heart swelled with pride at all he had accomplished.
So lost were you in thought that you didn’t notice him walking up behind you. His arm came around you and pulled you to his side, and you looked up at his smiling face. “U gravy, babe?”
“Yeah, just admiring your hive. It’s so … you.”
“Heh, u no it.” He stuck out his tongue. “Reddy to be pailed senseless?”
You nudged his side as you walked. “What happened to the eloquent Marvus I once knew? He seems to have been replaced with an uncouth heathen.”
“Whoaaa that’s a lotta big words coming from u.”
“And there’s gonna be something big coming in me soon.”
“Hehehe :o) “
Right before entering the hive, you picked up on a faint shushing sound, like the susurrus of water dancing along the shore. “Are we near a beach, by any chance?”
Marvus held the door open for you and ushered you inside. “Yep, we rite on one. I’ll show u later, got a nice view from the backyard.”
“That sounds lovely,” you absentmindedly remarked, your attention now drawn to the extravagant interior of the foyer.
It was equal parts stunning and ridiculous, like someone had bought out an Italian villa and violated it with spraypaint and garish portraits of carnival-related themes. Knowing Marvus, this was all probably a big ‘fuck you’ to the Alternian expectations of luxury and a reverent display of loyalty to his clown religion.
Really, you could go on and on about the intricacies of this beautiful hive all day. But you were here to get laid, and it was time to find a surface to get fucked on.  
“Let’s find a couch to ruin for the night,” you suggested, looking up at him with a determined expression.
Marvus let loose a loud laugh. “Strait to the point, i fxxks wit dat,” he said, and promptly led you up a wide flight of stairs that diverged into a split hallway at the top. There was a single door at the end of one corridor, and when you stepped inside, you instantly determined this was his bedroom.
There was a gigantic recuperacoon hanging from the ceiling, its opening slightly facing a balcony that showed the dark silhouette of the beach Marvus had mentioned. In the middle of one wall was a giant mantle with a huge flatscreen television, and you were happy to note the couch right across from it. There was a luxurious rug spread out on the floor as well. You were looking forward to desecrating it.
Marvus stepped away for a moment to set the painting down on a tabletop beside the mantle.
“I’m really impressed by your taste,” you started, because there was nothing quite like a bout of awkward, long-winded nonsense spewing forth from your reptilian brain. “The graffiti is a nice touch, by the way, it doesn’t clash with the rich aesthetic you’ve got going on at all.” Marvus was making his way back to you now. “I even noticed how much art you have, I didn’t peg you for a collector — oh!"
You were hoisted up into the air and pressed against Marvus’s chest. You yelped and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, letting your bra and undies fall to the floor. He looked at you amusingly. “U done?”
“Kiss me.”
And you did.
Your arousal sprung back with a vengeance as soon as his lips were on you, moaning from the way his tongue tangled with yours and how tightly he held you to him while he carried you to the couch. And when he lowered you down, you reveled in the feeling of his solid chest pressing into you.
You swiftly removed your dress, eager to feel his body against you. Marvus followed suit, shucking off his jacket and tattered shirt in seconds, his thick mane of hair billowing around his shoulders from the motion. You pressed kisses to his chest in the meantime, working your way up past the grub scars as you lightly caressed the purple protrusions. Marvus pushed himself against you once more, and you wrapped your legs around his waist to grind against his crotch. You continued to kiss and suck anywhere your mouth latched on to, until your lips felt the brush of cloth.
The bowtie.
Oh, it looked absolutely ridiculous. You stuck your hands into his fluffy hair and searched for whatever held the bowtie together, intent on tearing it off.
Marvus paused and threw you a wry look. “Really, babe?”
“I can’t take you seriously with that thing on!”
He rolled his eyes and reached back, removing the accursed bowtie and throwing it aside. You awarded him with a grateful peck to the cheek. “The compromises i make for u,” he groused, yet you could have sworn you spotted a tinge of purple peeking through the facepaint.
“The pants have to come off, too,” you petulantly said.
“As u command, my righteous hunnie.” You scooted to the end of the couch and watched him get rid of his last bit of clothing, and you were suddenly very aware of how naked this insanely attractive man was. He looked at you with blatant desire in his gleaming eyes, holding out a hand in offering as he reclined against the back of the couch. “C’mere, i wanna feel how hot u are.”
You bit your lip and took his hand, letting him guide you into his lap once more. Something told you that you’d be in this position a lot from this point on.
Marvus wrapped his arms around you and pulled your body against his. You nuzzled your face into him, feeling your warmth seep into his unnaturally chilled skin. A deep rumble vibrated throughout his chest, and you instantly recalled that odd clicking from before.
“What is that sound?” you asked, looking up at him. “Is it something … good?”
“Wat, u ain’t never hear a troll purr before?” You shook your head. “It’s a very good thang, lil mama. I like how soft and warm u iz.”
You were feeling quite silly now. “I never imagined such a bloodthirsty species would do something this cute!”
He snorted. “I’m honored to b teachin u new shiz tonite.”
“Mhm.” Your eyes wandered down his chest. “I’m not done learning yet.”
Marvus tilted his head in question, and with a coy grin, you slid off his lap to nestle between his thighs. He spread his legs and stroked your cheek with the back of his knuckles, watching you run your fingers gently along the slits flushed a light shade of lilac at his crotch. Your fingertips came away with a wet coating, and you licked it inquisitively. It tasted rather nice, like a muted minty flavor.
Marvus must have took pity on you — or perhaps he was eager to speed things up — because his bulge retracted slowly from the upper slit, and you …
You were not prepared for how huge it would be.
It undulated like a tentacle, pulsing a bold purple and felt ridiculously cold as you tentatively wrapped your hand around the base. You could hardly close your fist around it, yet that did not stop you from stroking upward, feeling all of the bumps and ridges along the underside as you glided through its slickness. Marvus bucked against your touch and moaned low, staring down at you with dilated pupils.
“Keep going, baby,” he whispered, and you threw him a heated look before turning your attention elsewhere, keeping a firm hold on his bulge as you leaned in to run the broad, flat width of your tongue along the slit of his nook. “Oh, fxxk yeah, unf that tongue is like fire.”
You alternated between tender licks and open-mouthed kisses, absentmindedly moving your other hand up and down his squirming bulge. Marvus sweet-talked you all the while, muttering filthy words that had you wet and wanting for him all over again. You momentarily sought relief with your other hand, circling your clit and shoving two fingers inside you in time with your tongue dipping into his nook. His words trailed off into a breathy moan, growing steadily louder as you rubbed your tongue along the inner walls of his nook.
You removed your fingers from your pussy and licked one final, tortuous path up his slit, slowly entering his nook with your wet fingers as your tongue trailed along his bulge before wrapping your lips around the base and leaving sucking kisses wherever your mouth reached. Marvus threaded his fingers through the hair at the nape of your neck, simply content to hold you while you freely sucked the tip of his bulge and added a third finger into his soaking nook.
“You’re a goddamn natural,” he rasped between panting breaths, his face flushed with a lovely shade of purple. “Suck on it just like that, u lookin so motherfxxkin fine on yo knees, baby.” You sucked his bulge deeper into your mouth, running your tongue along the underside as you struggled to get its thick length through your throat. Whatever you couldn’t reach was caressed by your other hand, gliding easily through its natural lubricant. ”Fxxxxxxkkkkk, oh f — fuck, that’s my good girl — “
His choked moan was all the warning you had before you felt his nook pulse against your fingers, followed by a gush of wetness coating your entire forearm. You slowly eased away from his bulge to inspect the mess, pumping him with teasing strokes. The genetic material was slippery and sticky, and when you licked it off the palm of your hand, it electrified your senses.
For once, the tables had turned — Marvus impatiently hauled you on top of him and smashed his lips against yours, licking away the taste of his essence from your tongue. You bit his lower lip none too gently, eliciting a growl and a smack to your behind. You gasped and arched your back, silently wishing he had aimed a little lower.
You tried to keep your sullied arm away from him, but Marvus grabbed hold of it and planted your hand right against the beating pulse of his blood pusher, sucking bruising kisses along your neck and collarbone. You couldn’t think, you couldn’t speak, nearly overcome with desire as you felt the tip of his bulge slide through your folds.
”Marvus,” you whispered, trailing your wet hand upward to wrap loosely around his neck. “I need you inside me now.”
“Baby,” he cooed, gripping your hips to keep them still — “This bulge is yours to ride.” — and brought you down onto his thick length, throwing his head back as he cursed at your tight heat.
You let out a wordless cry and swore you were seeing stars.
Gods, he felt so fucking cold, and so endlessly huge. You were stretched to an impossible degree, feeling every ridge and bump rubbing up inside you.
Marvus dug his fingers into your back as he struggled to remain still. His bulge writhed within you, hitting spots so deep within you that you couldn’t help the broken moan wrenched from your throat.
“I ain’t never, n-e-v-e-r felt nethin this crazy,” he said in awe, staring up at the ceiling as though in deference to the messiahs themselves.
You glanced down between your legs and felt a chill run down your spine — he was only half-way in. You couldn’t possibly take more of him!
Yet before you could voice your concerns, his bulge appeared to twist and shift within you, like it was — like it was curling around itself — and you were sinking deeper and deeper, until you finally sat flush against his upper thighs —
You had no idea this was possible; Lanque never did anything like this when he had fucked you!
“Are you okay?” you shakily asked, smoothing your hands down his chest. “Does it hurt to do that? We — we can try a different way if — “
Marvus shushed you with a tender kiss to your forehead. “S’alrite, baby,” he rumbled. “I’ve done it before. What abt u?”
His hands ran up and down your sides as you shifted around his bulge, grinding against him gently until the twinge of pain became lost to pleasure. “I’m — I’m good,” you breathed, blushing at his pointed stare.
“Oh yeah?” Marvus grinned and rolled his hips, humming at your broken cry as he cupped the side of your face with one hand and kept a firm hold on your bottom with the other. “Talk to me lil mama, tell me what else u feelin.”
“I feel so full,” you whimpered, struggling to keep eye contact when he began slowly thrusting up into you. “I — I need more, I need you — “
Marvus tisked, circling and grinding his hips as his bulge writhed in undulating motions within you. “Ur fxxin greedy, u know that? Already got all of me up in u and ur lil nook is still tryin to take my bulge even deeper.”
You whined and met his thrusts with desperate desire, feeling the static sensations of pleasure coursing through your sensitized skin. This was nothing like your first time — you were stretched beyond your limits and you were an absolute wreck, but you were thriving under Marvus’s intense stare, licking your lip as you looked at him through hooded eyes and moaned his name like a prayer.
“Touch me,” you said, hoping he would catch your meaning, because your mind was too far gone to form coherent sentences. “Play with me, Marvus, come on baby, oh fuck yes!”
His thumb moved in tight circles on your clit as he angled your face up to dip his tongue into your mouth. You opened up for him with fervor, letting him steal your moans of bliss. The underside of his bulge twisted and writhed right against the one spot you taught him would end you, and within seconds you were crying out so loudly you might have gone hoarse —
Marvus pulled away from the kiss and kept your face close to his, his heavy breathing fanning across your heated skin. “That’s it,” he growled. “Lemme see ur pretty face when u come, lil mama.”
“Oh, Gods, Marvus!” His hand tightened in your hair. “M — Marvus, I — I’m so close, please don’t stop, please don’t stop — “
It was too much. It was all too damn much, and you were sent spiraling into the best orgasm of your entire life, pulsing around him as your nails dug into his flesh. His hand grabbed hold of your jaw and shoved his thumb into your open mouth, running it along your tongue until you bit down and sucked, rolling your hips to drag out the last remnants of pleasure as you slowly came down from your high.
Marvus held you so tightly that you were sure to get bruises later. He was lost to his own chase now, meeting your languid thrusts with powerful strokes. You reached up to run your fingers along the base of a horn, and suddenly his hand was gone from your face, gripping your waist to carefully slide out of you with as much grace as he could muster when he was so close to coming.
“Wh — wha — “ you stuttered, and just as you looked down, Marvus spilled himself all over his abdomen, groaning out obscenities and grinding his hips up into the air in search of more stimulation.
There was so much of it, pooling in the dips and curves of his torso like a purple river. Marvus fell back against the couch with a sigh and closed his eyes, his mouth turned up in a relaxed smile. You sat back on his thighs and ran your fingers through the hair at his temple, feeling your heart race when he leaned into your touch.
“U gunna b known as bucket babe in my contacts from now on,” he lazily droned, peeking at you through one eye.
You grinned. “Does that mean I did a good job?”
Marvus pulled you toward him and caught your lips in a soft kiss, neither of you having the strength for anything more. “I shud b askin u dat.”
You looked at him in shock, a blush blooming on your cheeks. Even now, he was showing his concern for you. You shyly nodded and elected to avoid answering in full, lest you start rambling again. Time for a diversion. “Marv, can I ask you something? It’s kind of … unconventional, but I think you can handle it.” He quirked a brow. “I once tried asking my friend but he washed my mouth with soap and kicked me out of his hive."
“Dayum, either he’s a high-strung prude or dis gonna b gud.”
“Okay, here goes. Since troll horns are kinda sensitive, do you guys ever put them up nooks?"
Marvus stared at you for a moment before launching into boisterous laughter. It was so deep and sonorous, and you couldn’t help smiling at him. You should make him laugh more often.
“I fuxxin knew u were a freak babe,” he said as his chuckling died down.
“It’s just an innocent hypothetical question!"
“Yea, innocent my effin rumpus. I bet u a million u’d wanna try that sick shit out.”
“ … well … “
“Omfg u wildin." You both descended into a fit of giggles. Marvus lightly patted your behind, running a hand through the wetness still all over him and brought it up to your view. “We gots to b gettin cleaned up, lil mama.”
You nodded and slid out of his lap, feeling a wave of slight discomfort starting to settle in between your legs. You were going to be sore for a few days after this, but you were too blissed out to care.
The bathroom appeared to be down a doorway beside the mantle. You trailed after him, eager to wash off and let the hot water soothe your muscle aches.
And then you spotted the painting, your terrified expression staring back at you.
Look at how far you’ve come.
As though reading your mind, Marvus paused beside the painting, looked at the genetic material sticking to his fingers, and swiped it onto the featureless nether regions of your cowering figure. He didn’t even look back at you after such a scandalous gesture, going on about his business as though that had been a perfectly reasonable thing to do.
You glanced at the ruined painting, and decided that, perhaps … it wasn’t ruined now, but rather, very fitting.
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40ozalctears · 5 years ago
i am leaving this tedious attempt at poignancy. find us again in the same spot we left our glasses broken so we only saw the shapes of the things we loved i want to love again (2 parts)
pt 1 (Waking)   appears to me as echos or with glasses removed it is only ever a valley of lights loud cold and I couldnt ever make out a predator let alone one so sweet of skin and soft of lips with cadences baked in the lowest cloud of heaven that u called what was it ah yes, abode for we slayed there the evils of no knowing all hope exists from accept to give.... relax on it wait that’s not correct, ruminate? purple prose again. hearkens to the middle school entries hatred of self in understand the loss of cold is new spring then insanity after i spread my wings to be so finely tuned, clipped ripped and reborn. sewn alone. bored. go yes. ruminate is a word. i love it actually i love so much, but little riddles get me a little upset should i sit on cold tea with their syllables gnawing like a rodent. words only. do you kno how many times ive rhymed herd with ah...it is just so easy..ah men..amen..so many rhymes and times and...shall I say with no pursuers? crime If anyone wants to cut this gem. I don’t want 2 b evicted. i wann be convicted, w8..that aint sound rite I wanna live with conviction, in silence and diction, keep it buttery even wehn low and muttery. dumb st Uttering. hey You! yes U. The One who reached out. A begins with name (riddle me that, little one. saddle up city slicker trust me im a licker woops that was fun and might suggest a too soon moon when the suns out. day drink beauty sinks so here i am as well. with the wine so gone carving like meat of the stomach walls, and so stolen from Somerled market and I sat so stoic in the garden of Anglican church - xanax and wine, sometimes lime liquer. I don’t quite write too much of anything but the times I had solitude thoughts. I balanced the cig pack on the wine bottles all this coddling years and my rot is the fears that I jeered into an asylum for a less lovely fated me I see your calling’s thirst for a pretty face has been sated, see Sea. Pacific. Specifically. Sea air and all of me. Missing a part A heart. Slowly doing the youngin’ rhyme schemes. I have never yelled as a pastor but I swear as a messiah i tried against the dog leash will of the bindings that i was the one. yeah the one at the end of all the holy books look. let’s just share more over tea Like I said, ochre stream and a tiara of sea emerald. hm, topaz? so lasted this long, well done for song jst words tho. blow dro, no hope jus cope but yo we can b here as second letter in the alphabet. soup. loot. fruits and goodness see, here, c is three and I am losing it over the recurrence of how U! Silly one, deserve the entire depth of sea. Tiara ok I have snaked myself into puzzle of words. I’m scared, uh... Save me lady! Or lately maybe you could simply not snake me? should i find u again in the desperate dreams turning darker darker for ive been a rodent slow dent in skull for u ive been in den for so long. sea all happening tho watching the depth n wat uuuuuu Deserve I don’t ever hope to learn. Burn and then into the urn world will turn it...Mwah!  Ripe trite for the wrong man for a song girl, together, seemed able to rip seams of this wrong world. PT 2. I fear the sleep alone and another day as so. drifting to shaded shallows  should we stress our closeness like continents  then the richer we’ll be for the digging of dreams, and et cetera matched in flames of your worst kept things  and face washed in mascara tint let’s keep it out of the high grass. for an emotional and addicted boy  there is always a stern no. finger wag, it is strange that it is always for my own fucked mistakes so angular, not cute and soft and circle shaped so fucking clear with every fucked mistake i make. ive made. you’ve said it best in curses beyond what the children know  as what we keep from them and only mix them and their brood with smiles and helium balloons but within chests  there’s curses for the evil done - without denying i have taken a sharp bite of some if only for a ship to sail in dreams between the time light wakes, so something could complete , just for once. it all seems twigs breaking before the fire,  and these bones have been shedding their layers like bugs  in this late summer and every time, prostrate, i beg and beg granted gifts from upper things. no use in saying how i am sorry so much to say if you find me lost as lost can be and burnt broken once hoping having detachment turn to hate and i’d fail my mother if i let myself hate like anyone would do to her or you or anyone but me you can make me bleed forever if it keeps your mind off whatever your mind needs off of. my minds is far too often far too often on and not ever turning on in sleep of death what dreams may come fuck the tragedies we can rewrite it in simple broken english till theyre silly comedies and u see Autumn, like Fall with me and I return to you of me I have been screeching to anyone they call me insane because i’m so excited to try to care again. they call me insane so much just for how boyish i become of a bouncy little soft thing if one would let me prove i can do it and if you look me in the eyes, i would hope that you would say “You FUCKER! Love, please, for fuck’s sake, prove it.” Sisyphus taught me fuck the weight we got fuck how the soft gets claimed by the rot I want to show you I’m ready to eternally uselessly help you hold the weight stable of rock and push it forever and ever and ever and ever and evernadnever.    
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kenzichi · 6 years ago
Here’s my KH3 review:
I would like to start off by saying I enjoyed this game very much. I have a lot of good to say about this game, but also a lot of bad. I tried to keep it spoiler free, but once I reached the cons it was inevitable. Heads up on that. And I also tried not to dive too deep into critiquing the story itself too much. I did sorta do that at the end though, but I felt it was okay to include the points I mentioned because they’re about Org. 13 and X and this game concludes their story arc.
Pros: The game is visually stunning. The worlds are GIGANTIC. It was a little intimidating actually. I always had the thought that I was going to miss something in the back of my mind. But it was still a joy to explore. The scenery really felt alive. The grass moved with you, the water rippled, you can see Sora’s hair move when it was windy! My favorite world in 3 is Kingdom of Corona. It’s just so beautiful and so fun! In this world especially, you interact with Rapunzel as she explores her environment because she’s never experienced it before. It’s really cute and really gets you involved in the world besides just being the guy that takes out heartless.
 Another pro is: Yoko Shimomura did it again! Her music compositions for 3 are AMAZING! I got into the music right away and eventually found myself humming to every background song in no time flat. I also enjoyed how every world had more than 2 themes this time. Usually we had a ‘calm’ world theme and a ‘battle’ world theme. Yoko went beyond that and gave us a different theme per situation… for EACH world! One example is in Frozen: we had a theme for the mountain, a battle theme, and a theme for after they met Larxene (and she did the thing if you’ve played the game lol). My favorite theme is the one for Hiro’s Garage in Sanfransokyo. It’s so soothing; I could listen to it for hours. The theme for Aqua’s battle is totally creepy and it fits so well. I enjoyed all of the music.
 Game play is fun and really nostalgic. They brought back equipping abilities (with AP), the old command box from 2, and accessories. Magic is better than ever in this game. One problem I had with 2 is that I could only use a few spells and my MP level would quickly run out so I felt it was a waste of time. In 3, even just starting, I didn’t have to worry about running out as fast. It was a relief not having to worry about watching my MP levels and I used magic a lot more in this game.
 A new combat feature for 3 is the keyblade transformations. When you finish a world and gain a keyblade, you can unlock special abilities with that keyblade. For example: if you equip the Toybox keyblade, and you bash enough heartless with it, you can transform your keyblade into a giant hammer. I wasn’t too excited about it when they first revealed these new abilities during development, but they’re actually super fun and totally optional if you really don’t dig it. You can also switch between 3 different keyblades during combat easily if you feel one keyblade isn’t working out against an enemy. I love this new feature. My favorite keyblade transformations are the Toybox hammer and the Monstropolis Yo-yos. Sora is channeling his inner Killua with the Yo-yos and I am all for that lol.  
 Another pro is Sora, Donald, and Goofy’s interactions. Like, omg, they are so cute. They are so genuine. It really felt like I was watching Sora and his two Disney dads. It gave me life and I felt so many emotions watching them. This trio was the best developed trio in 3.
 Cons: Pacing y’all. My biggest problem with this game as a whole. It started off good, but once you finish the Disney worlds and get into the real plot with Xehanort it’s like a rollercoaster and not in a good way. All the things we were hoping to happen, that we’ve been waiting for for years, happen so quickly and then it’s over like… did it even happen? I felt I didn’t get to be as emotional about those scenes as I could have been because they immediately thrust us into another scene. I didn’t have time to appreciate those moments like I wanted to.  
 Kairi…. Poor Kairi. Nomura screwed her over again. He let us get hyped about her finally training to become a keyblade wielder, gave her a new outfit, and showed her willing and ready to fight in the Keyblade Graveyard and yet? Screwed all of us. I wasn’t expecting her to be a badass, but I was expecting her to be SOMETHING. I was really hoping she’d develop a personality and presence in this game, but she fell flat yet again because Nomura doesn’t know what to do with her. She literally only exists as a plot device and love interest for Sora (I’m not going to get into that here lol).
 Also disappointed they hyped playable Riku, but it was only 2 times, for 2 battles and frankly switching between Sora’s magic command menu to Riku’s with no time to look through it and get accustomed to it other than during actual combat was a pain. Also sad Sora, Riku, or Kairi didn’t travel to ONE world together. Not one. I was hoping to have them in my party as least once, but nope. I’m generally disappointed in the lack of Destiny Island trio interactions. There were no moments between the 3 of them and there was no interaction between Riku and Kairi and barely any between Sora and Riku despite growing so close in DDD. It goes to show Nomura didn’t develop this ‘trio’ as well as the others.  
Another problem I had were almost all the Organization members ended up… being ‘good after all’ or something. For over 10 years they gave no indication Luxord, Larxene, and Marluxia were nothing, but just evil just because and they had no feelings towards Sora other than a boy that was in their way, but once they start fading away for good it’s suddenly, ‘you’re a great person, Sora. Let’s meet again’ or in the case of Larxene, just giving Sora the time of day and actually talking to him civilly just felt so random to me. Including Xemnas. He suddenly revealed how he felt sorta bad for betraying the old organization members, but there was literally no hint of that before?? Idk, it just felt out of place. I was kinda cringing the whole time, haha. I’m actually surprised YX was the one that disappeared the most unremorseful for his (future) actions.
 And then there was Xehanort, omg. He literally destroyed the lives of dozens of people, almost sent the world into the apocalypse, and had this grand scheme for the last 15+ years that he literally invested multiple lives to see fulfilled, but once his old bff Eraqus tells him ‘you’re done’, he went, ‘okay’. Lol wat? That’s it? I’m sure he knew he lost, but I expected more of a grumbling, complaining old man on the brink of death than just a nonchalant, ‘you done good kids’ while giving the x-blade to Sora with a damn smile on his face. I cringed. It all felt unfulfilling to me at that moment because X gave up too easily and was so OOC. I think Nomura just wanted to wrap up this story real quick and move on with his life.
 And another thing! 3 didn’t go into Xehanort’s past. They gave us some cutscenes of X and Eraqus playing chess and flirting, but that’s it. When did their relationship change? What made Xehanort so obsessed with dark and light balancing? When did he meet Braig? What happened to Scala ad Caelum? Does it still exist? Like…. They didn’t go into X’s background AT ALL. I was really hoping to see more about his character.
 Neutral feelings: I remember reading somewhere that 3 was supposed to be the longest game in the series, but I finished the game in about the same time as the others. So maybe they meant longest game gameplay wise and not story wise. On the plus side, there is a TON of stuff to do in this game like a bunch of mini games, cooking with Remy, finding lucky emblems, and exploring worlds after they’re completed. On the downside though, even just 10 more minutes of cutscenes could have helped the pacing in the later part of the game. The gameplay and story are imbalanced and they should have focused on solidifying the story rather than adding so many different gameplay elements. I honestly find them all overwhelming. I stopped trying to remember them all.
 The Disney attraction rides. I don’t really have a like or dislike for these reaction commands. Good thing is that some are fun to see visually like the train and the tea cups (Sora is so dang cute in those teacups). Downside is some attractions don’t seem to fit with the heartless that activate them. For example: that shooting attraction ride is terrible with flying type heartless and yet I get that command a lot with them so it’s pointless. I never hit them.
 This is a con for me, but maybe not for others. They closed a big chapter in the game, but kept a lot of plot points open too. I think my main problem with 3 was that I was hoping it would be more conclusive. Nomura made it seem like it was more conclusive. I already knew 3 wasn’t the end of the series as a whole, but you can still end a storyline with a definite conclusion while still being open to new adventures. 3 didn’t do that. They closed a bunch of chapters, but also left us with a lot of new questions.
 Most of the voice acting is great in this game! Haley really delivered as Sora and I honestly think this was his best performance as him to date! It was genuine, totally cute, and fit Sora perfectly. You can tell he had a great time voicing this game. I also really enjoyed Larxene which is something for me because I felt her VA was trying too hard in CoM. She really improved in 3 and it was fun to watch her. On the other hand, the voices for Xehanort and Marluxia fell flat. Xehanort’s is just unfortunate and I don’t think anyone could have captured him as well as Nimoy did no matter how much they tried. Marluxia sounded like he belonged in an infomercial. Totally hated his voice.  
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spellcastersjudgement · 7 years ago
hmmm 22 with hornets?
this was the baby froot’s second favorite ship growing up (fusionship was the otp at the time) so i am always am happy to contribute hornetshipping to the fandom 
#22: a kiss in a rush of adrenaline 
“Crowler is such an ass for doing this.” 
Bastion, though not given to speaking ill of professors, was inclined to agree. “Being promoted to Chancellor has certainly inflated his ego beyond repair,” 
Alexis leaned her elbows on the seat in front of her, the freshman occupant nervously looking over their shoulder and scooting forward in the chair. The arena buzzed with anticipation, everyone speculating on who would be dueling in the first official match of the year. Bastion remembered being in Jaden’s dorm room, listening to him talk about the party in their room tonight, the ‘squad’ as Jaden was so fond of calling it, planning to squeeze into their broom closet of a room and drink until the sun came up. Chazz had busted down the door, looking even more irate than usual, screaming about being roped into a duel with some snot-nosed, wet-behind-the-ears freshmen that were clearly beneath The Chazz. 
Bastion thought it was all rather adorable. When the black-haired boy was angry–more than his constant simmer of anger, because if it was the default state was it really worth mentioning?–he blushed the lightest shade of pink and spit out swear words that weren’t words per se, but left no one in any doubt of the sentiment behind them. When Bastion had dueled Chazz freshman year, had been on the receiving end of one of those rages, it was impossible to take him seriously. 
He was just too cute. 
“If Zane were here still Crowler would’ve pulled his ass into publicity stunts instead of actually teaching him,” Alexis laughed, rolling her eyes, picking at her nails. “We’re the top dueling school in the world, why do we need all of this publicity?” 
“Perhaps the fact our academic programs are gaining more attention than our dueling program,” 
“Well fuck, that’s good isn’t it, B?” Alexis snorted. “I’m tired of friends from high school getting up my ass about going to Card Game College,” 
“I don’t disagree. Remember who’s in charge here though,” Bastion watched as the seats filled. It was obvious who was a freshman because they sorted themselves into clumps of color, unaware that the dorm hierarchy was little more than a formality to most people. “Chazz will certainly provide a good show, no doubt. That’s why Crowler must have picked him,”
Though Chazz Princeton claimed to be no-nonsense, his theatrics when it came to, well everything in his life, belied him. The yelling, the trash-talking, the self-given nicknames, the chant–all perfect for the new chancellor’s half-baked plan to bring press to Duel Academy, not to mention his family name always raised eyebrows and turned heads. And Chazz, for all of his ranting that this was “totally lame,” had parked himself in front of the toothpaste-spattered mirror, stole Jaden’s hairbrush, and after painstakingly ridding it of what he called “Slacker DNA,” preened in front of the mirror, making sure every strand of his hair in place. 
“Stupid, stupid Crowler,” he’d muttered, picking at a pimple on his cheek despite Bastion’s insistence he should leave it alone. “He doesn’t–he doesn’t even know what fucking cameras to use, which side is my good side! I bet he didn’t even get a real opponent,” 
Bastion, though he barely was able to reign in the impulse, did not take the opportunity to tell Chazz he looked exquisite from any side. 
Pining was a strange feeling, Bastion reflected as Chazz sprayed himself with air freshener. Or rather, he held his arms out and instructed Jaden to spray him, turning in place, smelling more like alcohol than Pumpkin Spice but better than anything else in the dorm. His black coat swished as he turned, and Bastion enjoyed the way his eyes fell closed, the way he stood up onto his tiptoes to twirl, akin to a sarcastic dueling Disney princess, not that Chazz would appreciate the comparison. Bastion had felt bad as soon as the thought crossed his mind, but he chalked it up to the fact the brain chemicals that caused one to feel ‘love’ were messing with him. 
Those same chemicals were causing his heart to beat faster and excitement to bubble up as Chazz, or The Chazz as he so preferred, strutted into the duel arena, chin held high and his typical scowl on his face. On the other side of Alexis, he could hear Jaden leading the cheer of “Chazz it up,” finding himself soon cheering as well. The group of freshmen in the row in front of them looked over their shoulders, sharing confused glances with each other at how the majority of the student body seemed to know the chant. 
“Look at that,” Alexis stopped chanting to lean over to Bastion and point at the person walking in to the other side of the duel arena. “He’s so small–is he really old enough to be at college?” 
“Syrus is only five foot two, it’s not unheard of,” 
“Syrus also gets handed the kids menu when we go out,” Alexis said. “And at least Syrus got the proper uniform size. That kid’s drowning in his damn trenchcoat,” 
Bastion only ever seen three people wear Obelisk blue trenchcoats in his time at the academy, and one of them had swapped theirs out for a ratty black one that had gotten him in trouble several times before the professors realized he could give a flying fuck about the dress code. Zane and Atticus, the top students at the school before their graduation this past spring, had made trenchcoats synonymous with high level dueling ability, which was ridiculous because they had never set out to do that. Bastion could attest, as the number-one ranked student (academically, that is, Jaden was the best for dueling of course), that a trenchcoat would not have helped him. And it certainly wasn’t doing any favors for this runt of an opponent, who was surreptitiously looking down at his feet, making sure he didn’t step on the hem. 
“Chazz it the fuck up!” Jaden jumped up, waving around a Duel Academy water bottle that most certainly did not contain water. 
The Chazz saw his roommate–actually, plural now because Syrus was leaning heavily against Jaden’s side, taking a sip from the same water bottle and slurring the words of the cheer–sticking up his middle finger with a glare so intense Bastion would’ve shrunk under it. Jaden laughed, of course, and Syrus shouted obscenities that Bastion never thought he would hear out of his mild-mannered friend. 
“Sit down, you slackers,” 
The phrase was so distinctly Chazz that Bastion was surprised the vice chancellor was now speaking, his voice booming through the microphone, contrasting his small size. He was also wearing a trenchcoat. Bastion would have to write some formula detailing the height of a person (or lack thereof) and how likely they were to wear such a ridiculous thing. 
Chazz would be excluded from this formula, of course, because Bastion was almost as fond of his coat as he was of Chazz. He couldn’t have his feelings taint his findings.  
“The trash-talking is limited to the participants. If certain members of the audience can’t keep their mouths shut for the duration of the duel, I will personally see they are punished,” Bonaparte continued, nearly tripping over the cord of the microphone. 
Jaden and Syrus sat down, but that didn’t stop Syrus from much more quietly saying choice words. 
Whatever was in that bottle, Bastion might need to ask for some. 
“Welcome to our first official match of the school year: Chazz Princeton versus incoming freshman Reginald Van Howell–the only freshman to make it in to Obelisk blue this year and the pride of his dueling prep school!” 
“That just means he’s a carbon copy of Chazz at the beginning of last year,” Alexis rolled her eyes and crossed her legs, leaning back in her seat like she was already bored. “Chazz is gonna wipe the floor with this little shit,” 
“He better,” Jaden popped in. “if he loses I owe the guy down the hall a hundred bucks,” 
“You don’t have a hundred dollars to your name, Jay,” Alexis said. 
“All the more reason for Chazzy-Spazzy to win,” Jaden said, tipping more of god-knows-what type of alcoholic beverage down his throat. “That’s gonna be our beer money for tonight,” 
This time last year before he knew how incorrigible Jaden Yuki was, Bastion would have admonished him for betting money he didn’t have. He didn’t waste his breath this time. “If Chazz wins, be sure to buy the higher-quality liquor from your supplier,” 
“Bastion, why do you always have to make it sound like I’m buying heroin or something? Also I totally will because I don’t wanna hear his constant bitching tonight,” Jaden sat back in his seat. “Duel’s starting, duel’s starting–here’s hopin’ I didn’t just fuck us all over tonight!” 
Chazz drew his first card, and Bastion was hopeful as well. Hopeful that Chazz would win not so Jaden wouldn’t land himself in trouble with whoever was this year’s designated bookie for the Slifer dorm, though it would be preferable for their alcohol fund to increase by a hundred dollars, but so he could see the elusive Happy Chazz, akin in rarity to Bigfoot. He would smile, a genuine one, not a sarcastic or mischevious smile that Bastion also loved, and he would laugh and not complain about Jaden hugging him and sometimes, just sometimes when Bastion would congratulate him, the black haired boy would say ‘thanks, Bas.’ That nickname, which was used my all members of the friend group (with the exception of Alexis who could never get a picture of a fish out of her mind when she heard it), sounded different coming from Chazz, made his heart swell and his brain short-circuit, and he would be lying if he said he weren’t desperate to hear it. 
The duel was a quick one. Jaden only had time to make it through three cycles of “Chazz It Up” before Reginald’s life points hit zero, the freshman looking like his parents had just been murdered in front of him given the horror on his face at losing to a Slifer. Bastion rather enjoyed watching freshmen learn that the colors one wore didn’t always directly correlate to their dueling abilities, but he was now more focused on following his friends out of the crowd to get to Chazz, congratulate him on his victory, and maybe, just maybe satisfy his selfish desires to see Chazz smile. 
Jaden and Syrus were already embracing Chazz from both sides, laughing and wobbling on inebriated legs, Jaden shouting that he was buying them Goose tonight and Chazz agreeing with him instead of shoving him off. Alexis shooed them off of Chazz long enough to give him a one-armed hug. 
Chazz hadn’t seemed to notice Bastion yet. As the Ra stepped toward him, ready to offer his own congratulations, the black-haired boy looked over toward him, his eyes widening the slightest bit as he ducked out of Alexis’s hold, closing the distance between them, smiling. Bastion was confused for a moment, his words never making it out as the Slifer’s arms closed around his neck, lips smashing ungracefully against his. 
Bastion had not even allowed himself to fantasize about kissing Chazz. He had only recently come to terms with the fact he’d been pining for the better part of a year, and it would probably take until graduation for him to allow himself to consider the possibility that Chazz would return his feelings. Now, as Chazz’s arms tightened around his neck, his lips moving against Bastions, skinny frame pressed against Bastion’s muscular one, he had to consider the possibility that he was hallucinating. It was possible that something in Jaden’s dorm room had been left over the summer and rotted to the point toxic fumes were permeating the space, infecting his brain. 
Determined to see if he was hallucinating, Bastion forced his arms to relax the slightest bit from how they’d been tensed up in surprise, he hugged the black-haired boy to his chest, squeezing the slightest bit too tightly on accident, a gasp breaking the kiss as Chazz caught his breath. 
They were both standing there, in the middle of the duel arena, with hundreds of pairs of eyes staring at them. 
“Uh, um–good job,” Bastion said eloquently. 
“Yeah, uh, thanks,” Chazz said, face bright pink, the remnants of a smile on his face. 
“God fucking damn it!” 
The shout came from somewhere to Bastion’s left. An irate Slifer boy at the top of the stadium seats shouted again. “Do you know how much fucking money you cost all of us?” 
“You bitches owe me twenty-five dollars apiece!” Jaden laughed, nearly falling over. 
Chazz’s face went from serene to incensed, pushing away from Bastion to chew out Jaden for placing bets on his love life. 
At least they’d have even more money to spend on the party tonight. 
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pkmntrashcan · 7 years ago
More than Friends? [Gladion x Moon]
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This story is complete ☀︎ | Oneshot | Read More than Friends? on AO3
💌 Send me an AU prompt 💌 | 2. Childhood Best Friends AU
It was the first day of preschool when his mom told Wicke to cram Gladion in a way too proper suit.
“I don’t want to wear this,” he murmurs as he pulls at the tucked in fabric, but all he gets in response is an apologetic look out of Wicke as she refocuses on his ‘creatively’ cut hair (courtesy of kitchen scissors he got a hold of the night before).
A couple of minutes and globs of gel later she steps back to observe her handiwork when she notices that Gladion had been completely silent. She squats down to his eye level and sees a frown so embedded onto his face that the Aether employee could’ve sworn it was a bitter 80 year old man in the body of her boss’s 4 year old son.
“You’re nervous about school aren’t you, Master?” Wicke’s voice was calm and nurturing to which Gladion finally meets her eyes, nodding slowly in response.
“You’ll be okay, trust me. You’ll make friends that can actually play with you, unlike Lillie who’s too little, and you won’t want to come back afterwards” Wicke gives him a smile and places a reassuring hand on his shoulder as his nerves suddenly are replaced with excitement.
“A friend?”
“Yes, all you have to do is be nice to them,” Wicke says as she stands up and extends her hand towards his much smaller one. He grabs on excitedly as he follows her out the Aether mansion.
A new friend! Maybe his mom would let him invite the boy over to play, and maybe Wicke could help them look for Pokemon together and…
“This is Moon, your deskmate for the year,” the teacher announces with a smile as Gladion stares at the kid standing next to the teacher’s legs. She was shifting her weight between the balls of her feet and heels as if waiting for permission to move. Her clothing seemed comfortable, unlike his, and her hair was pulled into two messy braids that were covered by a hat that was way too big. Her eyes were wide and the shimmered in the classroom’s natural lighting, and he could just feel the energy wanting to escape her tiny body.
He didn’t like her.
He tries to hide behind Wicke, but she steps a little further back much to his dismay.
“Now Master, remember what I said about making friends?”
Gladion looks at Wicke completely distraught, until  he feels a tug on his shirt. He looks behind him, eyes blown wide.
It was the girl, smiling brightly at him.
“Everyone says boys have cooties, but do you want to be friends?”
It was in fourth grade when Gladion proclaimed that Moon was his rival.
Long gone were the days of having to hold hands during field trips. And Arceus forbid that they had to share a desk for any longer. No, they were big kids now, and with that it meant they could play real games that tested intelligence, strength, and skill.
“You’re only saying that cause you know I’m going to beat you at dodgeball,” Moon says as she sticks out her tongue playfully.
Gladion brings the dodgeball closer to him as his eyes narrow at girl, “I AM NOT!”
“ARE TOO, SHORTY,” Moon yells back as she reaches forward to yank the ball out of his hands.
Gladion stumbles slightly as the ball leaves him, but he has to tilt his head up to look at her smug expression.
“Watch out, Moon cause I’m going to beat you in everything we do!” Gladion says quietly, in an attempt to be menacing, but all Moon does is giggle.
“Tell me that when you’re taller, Glady~”
It was in 8th grade when Moon and Gladion found themselves studying for their finals.
Their rivalry now extending past silly games and taunts, made testing season all the more intensive.
The goal went beyond wanting to just pass, no, that was for everyone else. These two were tied for the number one spot on the honor roll and their competitive nature did nothing to ease the stress.
A couple of hours pass when suddenly Moon lifts her arms and stretches, her hair cascades all around her face as she props her chin on the palm of her hand. Her eyes watch Gladion carefully.
“Have you decided what high school you’re going yet?”
The blonde lets out a quick tsk, clearly annoyed at the flow she was interrupting. “No,” he mumbles as he continues scribbling some notes.
“Must be nice, huh” Moon says wistfully, “to pick whatever school you want to.”
Gladion scoffs in reaction. “You’re not the one dealing with my mom,” he places his pen down as he lifts his fingers in air quotes, “you’re an Aether kid and you only deserve the best.”
It was funny how easily he could mimic his mother’s eccentric ways, but the dejected sigh that leaves him makes it obvious that her care was overbearing.  
“It’s fine though. You’ll probably graduate valedictorian without me around,” Gladion says flippantly, but when Moon doesn’t giggle he knew something was wrong. He lifts his eyes from the pages and sees Moon pouting.
“People will miss you, you know?”
He rolls his eyes, “Moon, please. No one likes me.”
And that’s when Moon looks at him completely seriously.
“But I like you.”
A few seconds of heavy silence surround them. His head wraps itself around the confession, as his heart clamours strangely in his chest. That’s when he feels an object hit his face. He looks down and sees a tiny owl eraser and when he looks back up he’s met with Moon’s mischievous smirk as she gestures for him to go back to work.
And while the action did break the tension, he wasn’t able to focus the same way (and his slightly lower marks proved it.)
Years passed and the quiet declaration was never brought up again as the two fell into the most unbreakable friendship anyone has ever seen. It was in 12th grade, however, when Gladion finally had enough.
Moon without a doubt was his best friend.
His longest friend (and rival).
The friend he was absolutely not in love with.
Or that’s at least what he told himself until their typical walk to her house was interrupted by a fellow classmate: Hau.
He was cheerful guy who Gladion didn’t hate per say, but there was something about him that irked him. Maybe it was the way he always smiled, or the way Moon constantly talked fondly of his kindness, but regardless of the reason he always dismissed him with a shrug until today.
He watches them across the school gate, feeling his stomach churning and twisting in all sorts of ways. And as hard as he tried he couldn’t pull his gaze away from the two because he noticed the flower behind Hau’s back. He noticed his nervous and flustered smile and he knew Moon, no doubtedly, wouldn’t see it coming as she looked at him with curious eyes.
He could hear Hau nervously chuckling, beating around the bush, and taking a deep breath before Gladion scowled and walked further down the road.
He props himself against a nearby tree, honestly looking like a teen up to no good, as he waits for Moon to show up.
As seconds turned to minutes however, the sinking feeling continued to grow.
What would happen if Moon started dating someone?
Would they still be friends?
Would they have to hang out less?
Would they---
“Psst, Gladion are you there?”’
Gladion turns his head almost immediately as he sees Moon waving a hand across his face. Their height difference really being substantial from the way she was tip toeing to get closer. “You okay there, bud?” Moon says with a small laugh as Gladion grabs her hand gently and lowers it.
He finds himself hesitating to let go.
“What was that about?” Gladion murmurs as Moon starts walking away from him, his own reaction to follow her lagging.
“Oh, Hau was just asking me to Prom.”
Gladion swears time stops as Moon keeps walking forward. He finds himself clearing his throat in an attempt to force the question out.
“Well...what did you say?”
Moon turns around as she simply shrugs and takes a few, much slower, steps behind her, “I kindly told him no.”
A quick wave of relief hit Gladion all at once. It was just Prom, nothing less, nothing more. And Moon turned him down! He quickly stops his train of thought as a small hint of guilt was added into the wave. Hau was a genuinely nice guy.
“There’s only one person I want to go with, but he hasn’t asked yet,” Moon says as she continues to walk backwards. Her eyes were now watching him carefully, as if waiting for the proper response.
Who was she talking about?
But before he could even ask Moon decides to walk forward, closing the gap that had been forming between them. And when he still doesn’t ask a clarifying question she lets out a huff of air that moves her bangs every so slightly before lifting her chin to look at him properly.
“You, silly,” Moon says playfully as she watches Gladion’s expression shift from confusion to realization and soon complete embarrassment.
“You really need to stop being so casual about that...” he murmurs, hoping Moon couldn’t see the blush that was rising to his cheeks.
But she did and he soon saw Moon’s trademark grin graces her features. ”It’s not casual if it’s true,” Moon says as she taps his cheek lightly with her hand before pulling away.
“We’ve been friends for 13 years Gladion, pretty sure I would’ve dated someone by now if I didn’t like you.”
Then she laughs as she walks ahead of him again.
He takes a deep breath in as he tries to forget the feeling of her hand on his face.
Maybe he did like Moon.
As more than a friend, that is.
read the next AU prompt on AO3 ⇾
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