#i’m normally a water girlie but i’ve realized recently
mars-ipan · 24 days
i have more things i’m curious bout
pill takers:
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softschnappi · 4 years
Winter Showers Bring...Tacos and Mike Wheeler?
hey guys! Finally sat down a shat out a 2k fic even though I have 80+ wips to finish...anyways...hope you enjoy! fun fact I coincidentally had tacos the night after I wrote this...
pairing: ryers
summary: Richie and Will share a shower together and Mike finds out, but he’s cool with it. It’s a little awkward, some shenanigans ensue and there’s a lot of talking about relationships (between richie and will and about mike and el)
warnings: swearing, lots of mentions of sex but no actual sex, showering if you consider that a warning?
read it on ao3
“Is this warm enough for you, baby?”
Richie reached his hand behind the shower curtain and felt the stream of water for himself, making sure it wasn’t scalding hot as Will usually enjoyed. “It’s good. I’ll just never understand why you want to feel like you’re burning in hell when you shower,” He paused, “You can’t blame me for not wanting to walk out of here looking like a hot cheeto.”
“You know I hate being cold,” Will reminded him, pulling off his sweater and shirt. They fell onto the floor in a wrinkled pile, followed by his pants, socks, and underwear.
Richie followed in suit, setting his glasses on the sink counter before stripping naked. “I know, I know, princess can’t have the room temperature below seventy…” He watched as Will rolled his eyes and stepped into the shower with him.
Will squirted shampoo into his palm, as Richie soaked his hair under the water, before beginning to scrub his boyfriend’s hair.
“You wanna get tacos after this, baby?” Richie asked, placing his hands in the familiar position of around Will’s waist, massaging his wet skin with his thumbs.
Nodding, Will replied, “Yeah, okay. Then we’ll watch that movie, right? And actually watch it this time?” He raised an eyebrow, expecting the smile that appeared on Richie’s face. It seems like every time they tried to relax together and watch a movie, they get distracted and end up fucking or just fooling around in some way or another.
“Tonight yes, because Mike and El are going to grace us with their wonderful presence, but next time...we’ll hopefully have to save the food for later…” Richie reached and grabbed the shampoo bottle off the shelf and squeezed some directly onto Will’s head. Every time they fought, which was very rare, or especially had sex, Richie always ordered some type of food to eat. Pizza or fast food, never anything healthy. “Well, unless you wanna get back at them, give them a taste of their own med-”
Will furiously shook his head as Richie rubbed into his scalp. Mike having El over all the time was no problem, he could care less, but hearing Mike’s bed begin to creak along with loud grunts and girly moans coming through the wall happened one too many times, and there was no way Will wanted them hearing him and Richie. They’d only recently told their inner circle about them being in a relationship, even though they’ve been together over a year, and Will would rather die than have anybody listen to him having sex.
“I was joking!” Richie laughed, “I know you’re no exhibitionist. Fuck, I mean you’re so shy you have trouble asking for a handjob, such a shy little baby...trying to hide your face from me when you cum even though you look so cute-”
Reaching behind him, Will stared into Richie’s eyes with a squint and his cheeks tinted pink, and turned the shower handle to the right, watching as his boyfriend writhed with pain as the sudden hot water hit his body.
“Ow! Ow! Fuck! Okay, I’m sorry, just-” He yelped, cutting himself off as the water temperature turned back to normal. “You can be a real asshole sometimes, under all those layers of whatever innocence you have left.”
“Well, I wonder who I got it from?” Will scratched his wet hair, pretending to think.  
Richie playfully gasped as he reached for the blue loofah and soap. “That’s not very nice. Ouchie, you hurt my heart…my feelings are so hurt, scrub me squeaky clean or I won’t buy you tacos.”
Bang bang bang bang!
“Will? Hello?”
It was Mike, banging on the door with an urgent tone in his booming voice.
Will’s eyes went wide as both he and Richie froze. He blinked a few times before licking his lips and shouting back, “I’m in the shower! What do you want?”
“Okay, stay in there!” Mike told him as the bathroom door swung open. Will flailed his arms around in a panic, dropping the loofah and slapping a hand over Richie’s mouth to prevent him from giving himself away. “Sorry, I really really gotta piss, fuck !” Continued Mike once he was inside, an audible unzipping sound coming afterword, followed by him pissing into the toilet and sighing with relief.
Richie began licking into Will’s palm, for the sole purpose of just being a little shit. Will pointed a warning finger at him with a serious expression on his face. Richie responded by smirking into his hand and raising a challenging eyebrow at him, before letting out a loud and long fart. Putting his face into his hand, Will began to regret life and at the same time contemplate murdering Richie. He knew Mike heard it, and he knew Mike would think it was him since he didn’t know Richie was in the shower with him. Will’s cheeks burned with embarrassment with every silent second that passed and it felt like Mike was taking an eternity to piss.
Almost tripping over all the clothes, Mike turned the sink on, trying to hold back his laughter. If that was him in there, he would have waited until he was alone and then let it rip, but he guessed that Will was just super comfortable around him. But the silence between them was only making it worse.
As he soaped up his hands, Mike noticed the familiar pair of glasses sitting on the counter. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Those were definitely Richie’s, but why would they be here instead of on his face? He was essentially blind without them. Mike’s eyes trailed to the scattered clothes across the floor, which he now realized was a lot for one person. Well, he also now figured out that it wasn’t just Will in the shower because one, there were two towels also on the counter, and two, a Hawaiin printed shirt would never belong to Will, and neither would those pizza socks or PlayStation printed boxers.
“Hi, Richie,” Mike announced.
Richie shoved Will’s hand off of his face. “Hi, Mikey! Wanna join us?”
“I didn’t fart, that wasn’t me I swear , it was Richie!” Will pleaded aloud.
Mike burst into laughter. “Yeah, I was like, shit Will, you couldn’t wait until I left?” He paused, catching his breath and regaining his composure. “Anyway, sorry I had to intrude like that. I, uh, didn’t know you guys were at this stage yet…” It was a little shocking for Mike if he had to be honest. Sure, they only recently told him that they were together, but Mike really hadn’t thought much about what they were doing before they told people. It was a jump, for sure, to see Will doing relationship stuff after all these years of...not.
“Well, it would be nice if we didn’t know what stage you and your missus were at, but we do,” Richie fired back, earning himself a light smack on the chest.
“I--uh--well--sorry--I--we--” Mike stammered, face heating up with embarrassment. Will does such a good job at keeping Richie moderately quiet that he and El just assume nobody is home. Which will always be the wrong move. Richie and Will always make sure to check the entire apartment, sometimes even the cabinets just to be safe, before they get down and dirty.
Reaching down and grabbing the fallen loofah, Will waved his hand to dismiss Mike even though he couldn’t see him. “This totally isn’t awkward at all, but let’s drop it.”
“Right,” Mike replied. “I just came in here to piss, enjoy your shower,” He hurriedly finished before walking out and shutting the bathroom door.
Richie and Will each let out a long breath. At least Mike was cool with it, as he should be because it’s not like he’s had to suffer through hearing them fucking.
As Will began to wash Richie’s body, he said, “Well that was certainly something.”
“I kinda wanted him to come in here. I mean, you would have to leave since there’s barely enough room for two people as it is, but I bet Mike would let me wash his balls.”
Will visibly cringed at what came out of Richie’s mouth. It was like his ears were being poisoned. “I hate that...so much. Never say any of it ever again. And enough about the ball washing thing, you’re so gross!”
Richie raised his arms a little in defence whilst Will ran the soap over his upper thighs. “I’m just saying it would bond us more!”
“Okay, maybe it would, but I’m still not in favour of it. It’s embarrassing, it’s kinda weird, I wouldn’t wanna look at you, and you’d probably scrub too hard on purpose. End of conversation, I’m not letting you wash my balls.” He continued to wash Richie as he turned around to show his backside, before speaking up again, “You know, I’m surprised you’ve stayed soft for this long. You’re usually a huge perv when I shower with you.”
Richie laughed. “Thank you for the compliment, dear, but you’ve forgotten I haven’t washed you yet.” He batted his eyelashes and poked Will’s nose. “Don’t act like you don’t like the attention, shy boy. Or like you haven’t gotten hard from me washing you.”
“That was one fucking time! Fuck, always about sex with you. You’re nasty. It’s so hard to put up with you just so you can pay for my $5.99 taco box, it really is.”
Leaning in close to his face, Richie mocked, “Aw, it’s so horrible isn’t it?”
“Yeah, it is,” Will replied, licking his lips and putting his arms loosely around Richie’s neck as he got closer. “You’re a real piece of work. I don’t usually do this stuff for free, but you’re hot and have a big dick, so...”
Richie’s face faltered a little at that. “I feel bad, I’ve corrupted your brain so much since we met, but then again you’re so hot when you say stuff like that…” Will only saw Richie smile for a second before his waist was pulled closer and he pressed his lips against his. Will immediately opened his mouth to let Richie’s tongue inside, letting out a little sigh after he groaned into his mouth. Kissing down his neck and beginning to suck a red mark onto Will’s neck, Richie’s hands roamed his back before sliding down and giving his ass a squeeze.
Bang bang bang!
“You’re going to use up all the hot water, assholes!” Mike yelled from behind the door.
Shit, how long have they been in there?
“Yeah, and I have to pee…” El chimed in.
Will immediately reached behind him and turned the water off. Richie pulled back the curtain and they both quickly stepped out, wrapping a towel around their waist. Grabbing his glasses and putting them on his face, Richie followed Will out the door, neither of them bothering to pick up any of their clothes.
“Sorry,” Will mumbled to El as they passed by her on the way to his room.
“Did you enjoy your shampoo? Because that’s as far as I got with you…” Richie said once they were both standing in Will’s room.
Will giggled, “Shit, you’re right. It was basically your shower and I was just...there.” He dug through his dresser and slipped on a fresh pair of boxers.
Richie grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the bed before he sat down. “How about I just Uber Eats the food? Do you wanna pick up where we left off?”
“Mike and El are home…did you already forget that?”
“You and that dirty mind of yours, I swear, Will, all you think about is sex,” Richie playfully huffed. “Such a bad influence. I just meant kisses. Can’t a man just kiss his boyfriend around here?”
Will rolled his eyes with a small smile and pushed Richie back on his bed before climbing on top of him and connecting their lips.
“Are you guys gonna get your clothes?” El shouted.
Richie let out an exasperated sigh as Will stood up. “We really need our own place. I don’t know how much more I can take.”
Will whipped his head around to look back at him and flushed. “You really mean it?”
Giving him a small shove with his foot, Richie grinned, “Go get our clothes, buttercup, we can leave the talking for later when we finally get those tacos.”
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yodawgiherd · 4 years
Somewhere Out There
>>>Read on AO3<<<
Happy Holidays everyone! ^^ And since I prolly won't do anything new for some time again, happy new year too :P Annie heard about the woman she was matched with today. A known name in the MMA scene, she was among the top-ranked - steadily placing high in various tournaments. Experienced, dangerous, and strong, a welcome change from her first fight and that egoistic wrestler. Annie was looking forward to the challenge. The bell rang and they both moved at the same time.
At first, it was her enemy throwing punches, testing the waters, looking for openings. But Annie didn’t budge. Using the technique she learned from Reiner “the Armor”, she turtled with her hands raised, absorbing the hits. The pain didn’t mean anything, and as long as she protected the important parts of her body, she could safely ignore it. Only a very good striker could get through the armor, find the gaps and slide the damage in, but this girl couldn’t do it and Annie shrugged her hits off. Seeing that there was no progress to be made there, she bit the bait and went in.
The woman went low, Annie went high and they met in the middle, grasping at each other. A grappler then, same as she was. Muscles straining, they fell on the ground, their duel continuing there as they tried to get a submission hold on each other. Her enemy was about the same in both height and weight as Annie and their struggling was more or less equal. Yet as it continued, it was clear that Annie had something the other woman didn’t – cold-blooded dedication. While she was running out of breath, the blonde wasn’t even winded, coiling herself around her like a vice, never letting go, never lessening the pressure. But before she could truly put her choking techniques to work, the woman simply tapped out.
Confused, Annie let go and they disentangled from one another. For whatever reason, the defeated party was wearing a huge smile anyway, almost immediately offering the victor a hand to shake.
“I shouldn’t have taken you to the ground.”, she said, “You’re insane there. Do you ever get tired?”
There was joy in her voice, enjoyment even, and Annie didn’t get it. She got crushed, so why did she look like that she was having fun?
“You don’t mind that you lost?”
“Nah, I kind of expected that to happen sooner or later.”
“Why’s that? Don’t you have faith in what you do?”
“I do, but I know that there are others out there who are class above normal people. I found out about it a few months back.”
Despite not being here to make friends, Annie was interested.
“How so?”
“You see, I was competing in an MMA tournament, all hyped up and ready to go. I was counted between the favorites to win the whole thing, and that did wonders to my ego. It inflated even further when I breezed through my matches. But then I met her.”
Annie didn’t even realize that she was holding her breath, immersed in the story. A bit embarrassed by how easily she was drawn in, she huffed it out, waiting for the other girl to continue.
“She had an impressive streak, but was a newbie, only recently switching to our scene. No worries, I thought, I’ll show her what MMA is about.”, she shook her head, “ I have never been so wrong. She was fast, insanely fast, and far stronger than her build suggested. I did my best, I gave the match my all, but she crushed me anyway and that’s when I realized that some people are just built differently. She was a prodigy, I am not.”
If there was someone like that out there, it would be helpful to keep tabs on her. Hell, she might be even competing in this very tournament.
“What was her name?”, Annie asked, “How did she look like?”
“Asian girl, black hair, pale skin, a scar on her cheek. Her name was Mikasa.”
Annie’s next breath was a deep inhale as she struggled to keep herself calm. The night still haunted her, that fight in the rain, the one where she almost got beaten to death. The naked steel in Mikasa’s eyes when she raised the bloodied fist, that was something Annie would never forget.
“You know, she was giving me a similar feeling you do.”, the girl went on, “Do you know her?”
“N-No.”, Annie lied, shaking her head vehemently, “Never heard of her.”
“Oh well, if you go on like this, I’m sure you two will meet somewhere in the bracket.”
With that, the woman tapped Annie on the shoulder and left the ring. Gritting her teeth, clenching her fists, the blonde’s dedication to winning had reached a whole new level. Because now, she knew that her worst rival was here too. Because now, she knew that she could crush her demons on the way to the top. And Annie would enjoy that.
Eren didn’t even know how they ended up like this, on the couch with Mikasa straddling him. She came down from the bedroom, he wished her good morning, so she kissed him in return and things somewhat escalated from there. Not that he was complaining. She was still in her sleeping attire, a shirt and a pair of panties, meaning that her bare legs were all his for the taking.
And everything was great, until she pulled back, grasping his chin and casting an inspecting eye over the beard Eren was cultivating for a few days.
“You really should shave babe, I’m not sure I approve of that homeless vibe.”
“You’re the one the talk.”
“What’s that?”
Fine then, if Mikasa wanted to play this game, he was in. Eren liked that beard, and shaving was a pain the ass anyway. To tease her, he swapped the circuit in his brain from horny to asshole, the one that was usually reserved for Jean.
“Well, you are… you know…”, it was hard searching for an insult with Mikasa on his lap, so Eren just blurted the first word that stumbled on his tongue, “ugly.”
“Ugly? You think I’m ugly?“
“Yep. Hideous even.“
“Care to elaborate?”
“Well, for starters, look at your hair.”, his hand came up, dragging through the short locks, “So short, so black. And a dyed red streak? How old are you?”, he shook his head, “Everyone knows that long blonde is the best.”
Her own hands found purchase on Eren’s shoulders as Mikasa anchored herself, listening.
“Go on.”, she prompted.
“Your shoulders are too broad, biceps too big..”, tracing that lovely shape, he went on, “what do you need muscles for?”
“I beat people up for a living.”, she grinned down at him, “But continue.”
It was only a half-truth by now, but they both knew that. Taking full advantage of her position, Eren slid his hands to her breasts, cupping them through the fabric of her shirt. Mikasa didn’t wear bra to bed, obviously, so he could feel her nipples through it.
“Your chest is way too small to be attractive, you look like a man. I mean, everyone knows that the bigger the better.”
Amused, Mikasa made a happy noise in the back of her throat. But when Eren’s hands kept groping the same area, she raised an eyebrow.
He reluctantly let go of her breasts.
“R-Right. Sorry.”
Torn from his trance, as it was always so much fun to play with her chest. Eren quickly repositioned his grasp to her hips, the move itself a herculean effort. Mikasa was patient, playing with the ends of his overlong hair, smug on her throne.
“Your stomach is too hard,”, poking her abs, Eren faked his best scowl, “woman is supposed to be soft to the touch.”
Five years back, all this critique would send Mikasa’s confidence crashing down, especially if it would come from her own boyfriend. But now all she did was smirk, watching him pull those words out of his ass. Self-growth is a wonderful thing.
“Thighs, again too strong. What for?”
“Choking people out.”, she scratched his nape slightly, “Maybe you too if you ask nicely.”
A low growl left Eren as the scenario flashed through his mind, fingers digging into those beautiful legs for a second before he re-composed himself. With a deep breath, he moved his hands to the last part of his inspection.
“And your ass…. Your ass…. Err….”
“What’s that?”
“I mean… Uhm…”
But how was he supposed to say anything? Granted, his insults were lame to begin with, but at least he could try to look at it from someone else’s perspective to pass her strengths as faults. However, what was the play here? To reassure himself that there is indeed nothing he could latch on, he ran his hands over Mikasa’s backside, the “inspection” taking much longer than needed. That made her giggle.
“I’ve got nothing.”, he finally surrendered, “Your butt is perfect.”
Mikasa didn’t say anything for a time, simply looked down at him, the smug smirk never leaving her lips. And then she did that the one thing that Eren feared she would do to completely destroy his arguments. She stirred her hips. Just a little, a tiny rock back and forth on top of him, but she was experienced and he was weak, so fucking weak for her, that the little slide almost immediately began producing results. His traitorous body refused to cooperate with the mind, and Eren was hard before he even realized how it happened. With Mikasa on his lap, the change was rather obvious to both parties involved, and her smug smile became even smugger. Worst of all, Eren knew that she’s probably not going to do anything about it and leave him blueballed, because while she knew that he spoke only to tease her, Mikasa preferred her teasing to be done in a more physical way. And to Eren’s dismay, she was damn good at it.
“Still, you raised some valid critique.”, Mikasa suddenly said, halting her movements, “So tell me, with all these faults, why do I have this?”
She wiggled her engagement ring at him.
“That’s easy.”, he replied, summoning his blood to his brain back from the crotch “I love you.”
“Even with my wide shoulders and hard stomach?”
“Precisely because of that.”
“Well..”, she leaned closer, whispering, “You are lucky that I love you too. Even with your girly hair and hobo beard.”
And just as Eren moved in for a kiss, she slipped out of his lap and was gone.
“Mmmhhh……. W-Where are you going?”, he called after her, even more desperate than before.
“I’ve got training with Levi.”, she called right back, her voice accompanied by the sounds of her getting dressed.
“Now? Can’t you go in like… five minutes?”
“Aw, I’m sorry babe.”, Mikasa appeared in the doorway, already wearing her signature leather biker jacket, “But you know how punctual Levi is.”
“I have to run, but I’m sure that you and your…”, her eyes dipped between Eren’s legs before coming back to his face, “right hand can figure out the issue.”
Disappearing with a wink, Eren soon heard the door click and he was alone. Knocking his head back against the couch, he barked out a laugh. How could someone not love Mikasa Ackerman, that was completely beyond him. Well, time to shave.
If anything, Levi was even harder on her now. Mikasa’s training was more extreme than ever, pushing limits of both her strength and endurance above and beyond. But she didn’t complain. She knew that the road would be hard and rocky, and Levi was simply trying to prepare for the worst. Yet when her brother said that she should develop a new move, something not seen before, she had to ask.
“Why? Don’t I have enough shit in my repertoire?”
“You do, but they will know that. An ace up your sleeve might be worth investing some time into.”
“What do you mean?
“Rest assured that they will scout you. Watch your past matches, learn what you do and how to counter it.”
“Of course. You haven’t lost yet after switching to MMA, not even once, and now you went and knocked one of the top contenders down on his ass.”
“I see…”, Mikasa scratched the back of her neck, a new idea popping in, “If they do that, shouldn’t we do the same?”
“Way ahead of you. I’ve already done some serious research and, I’ll be honest with you, it’s not looking pretty.”
“How so?”
“There are some serious monsters out there. Last night, I watched a tattooed giant completely brutalize some poor fellow’s face with his elbows. That’s the thing about this tournament. On the bright side, the next to no rules means that you get to fight a wide variety of people, a lot of great experience. But on the other hand, guys like him can be as brutal as they want to without any drawback.”
“I know what I was getting into.”, Mikasa countered.
“Still, be extra careful. Especially if you get into the ring with the guys I picked out.”
Levi had spent about a week or so on this, combing through the huge-ass number of matches, looking for individuals who stood out the most. Those that would be most dangerous to his sister.
“I’ve compiled them into a file with all the info I could dig out, videos of their fights and whatnot. Sometimes it's not much, but it’s better than nothing. I’ll send you an email with the file.”
“Thanks, I appreciate it. Really.”
He nodded back, turning and leaving back into the gym. Mikasa got out, kicked the bike awake, the engine roaring, and soon she was on her way back home with a new set of things to ponder.
When Eren came home, Mikasa was already deep in her research, looking at the laptop screen with a focused look on her face. He sat down next to her, eager to see who she would be facing later on. There was a guy on the screen right now, a real tank. Blonde, tall and very heavily muscled, with a somewhat sad look on his face.
“Damn, look at this dude, he’s built like a space marine.”
Mikasa blinked at him.
“A what?”
“A space ma-, nevermind. I’ll educate you some other time.”
Eren and his fantasy worlds. Focusing on the page instead, Mikasa read out loud.
“Reiner Braun - Germany. Specialty: grappling – long history of Judo and Wrestling.”
“Dude’s heavy as shit.” Eren noted over her shoulder, “If he ever gets you on the ground you’re finished.”
Mikasa had to agree with him. She was strong, but there was no way she was getting over a hundred kilos of pure muscle from her chest. Worrying her bottom lip with her teeth, she scrolled down.
“Fahkumram - Thailand. Specialty: Muay Thai – also known as the god of Muay Thai.”
Talk about an imposing figure. Over two meters tall with almost unnaturally broad shoulders, arms and legs bulging. Numerous tattoos covered the man’s skin, Mikasa’s own paling in comparison. She could almost hear Eren’s worry increasing. Levi wasn’t lying, these guys were truly monsters, far beyond anything she had faced until now. Hoping for someone that would take their mind from that German tank and abnormal Thai warrior, she scrolled down. And her heart skipped a beat.
“Is that….”, Eren whispered next to her, “No way…”
But there was no mistaking it. Exchanging a bewildered look with her boyfriend, Mikasa’s eyes slid over the page, reading.
“Annie Leonhart – Germany.”
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years
Ash’s new daddy (Pokemon)
Ash sighed softly as he looked at his mom leaning on the door frame of his room. He'd been back in town for all of a week and already he was remembering why he preferred to travel with his friends, even if Brock and misty had left him to do their own thing after coming back from the jotho league where Ash had not only lost, he'd been destroyed, coming in last place. His mom had been somewhat blunt about not being surprised, though she tried to cover it up saying she bet he was just suffering from diaper rash again. Diaper rash..like that was something he wanted to talk about when he was 18 now but his bed wetting had only gotten worse since he left and while back when he was 9 he'd been able to go several nights in a row without soaking the bed, as a trainer out in the big old world he was pissing himself nightly. (And when Brock and Misty had found out they insisted on making sure Ash was wearing, which had been humiliating enough.) Still having his best friend and on again off again girlfriend making sure he was diapered was nothing compared to his mom insisting on handling ash's night time diapering herself, which involved rash cream and baby powder and she'd gone as far as to shave his pubes off. "well, I'm waiting on a answer sweetie." His mom said, bringing him back to the here and now and he sighed, looking at the pack of diapers she was holding in one hand. She'd apparently while out with her new mystery friend (who she STILL refused to tell him who it was) gotten a new brand of diapers which instead of being the youth brand ones, were apparently for bigger boys like ash (he hated how she had phased that) who just couldn't seem to stay dry. and they looked huge, the pack was the size of his normal diapers but while they had 18 to a pack, this apparently just had 8! since it was going on 6 pm, she'd come up to his room where he'd been playing a video game and suggested that since neither of them were going out tonight, she could just put him in one of them now, and see how they fit. "I..I can just try one on now then take it off if you really want mom." Ash said finally and his mom clicked her touge and shook her head. "I don't think so little man. you wouldn't believe what mommy had to pay for these!" she said and moved into his room now, plopping the pack on his bed. "When you're the one buying all the diapers, then you can waste them or buy what you want, but -somebody- blew the last of his winnings on a silly video game console." She said. "S'not silly..it came with the latest games and-" he trailed off as she gave him THAT look. it was one he'd seen a lot since getting home and he knew by now it meant he could go along with what she wanted to do willingly, or he could huff and pout, but she was getting her way. "..Shouldn't I go for a bath first then if i can't take one before bed?" he asked meekly. "Heh, good point Ashy. you do smell a little ripe, but mommy was trying to be nice. She said and leaned in and kissed his forehead. with a pat on his butt he was sent on his way for his bath while she got his diapers preped.
Delia hummed to herself as she opened the pack, marveling at just how massive and thick these diapers were, and unlike the other ones her little Ashy had been wearing (the last he'd brought for himself) there was no pretending these were underwear. the crinkling plastic and the nursery print on them was suppose to help shame big boys into stopping their babyish accidents and for a second she regretted not getting the sissy option instead, thinking how adorable ashy would of looked in frills. Butttt her boyfriend had told her baby steps with this sorta thing and he knew best. Just thinking about her man made her smile and blush but she quickly banished the thoughts from her head, it would hardly send a good message to ashy if he came back and mommy was soaking his bed with her love juices after all.
Ash stayed in the tub as long as he could, trying to get it at least semi closer to his strict 10 pm bedtime before he got his butt put back in diapers. the whole thing was just stupid but no one in the area was battling for money anymore and while Gary was home too from the Jotho league, he was flushed with cash after winning the whole thing. Brock made it clear while he sympathized with ash's situation, he couldn't really put ash up, and Misty was too busy in Cerulan city to even think about that. (Plus she'd accidentally let her sisters know about his bed time attire and they had been all eager to see him in just his diapies, something that despite the heat of the bath water made him shiver.) So, unless ash wanted to sleep in the woods he had to do things mom's way and like it. there was a knock at the door and Delia opened it and gave ash a playful smile. "I think 30 minutes is enough..did you at least wash up before playing squirtle?" she asked. (squirtle being a game ash hadn't played since he was 4, where well, he'd pretend to be the pokemon while in the tub.) "Oh uh..Noooot yet." ash squeaked, though he didn't bother to cover himself up. His mom had made it clear if she was changing his wet diapers then there was no reason for him to be shy about her seeing him in the tub. "-sigh- Little boys..I think from now on Mommies gonna make sure to wash you before she leave you to play.. get your hair nice and wet ashy." She said, coming over and grabbing the shampoo bottle. "M-Mom what are you doing? I can wash myself." Ash whined. "Really? because I believe I just caught someone who was suppose to be getting clean just playing in the tub. now get your hair wet for mommy little man." praying she was going to at least let him wash his balls himself ash leaned back in the tub.
All cleaned up and smelling kinda girly (Mom had accidentally used her shampoo instead of his) Ash was wrapped up in a towel and paused to look at the diaper laying opened on his bed, and getting a better look at it. "Come on, we don't have all night to wait for you." His mom teased and with a playful pat on his butt he inched closer. "Moooom! they look big baby diapers!" he whined and pouted. She smirked and tugged the towel away from him and showing a surprising amount of power, slowly got him over to the bed and pushed him butt first onto the diaper. "I've heard just about all the whining I'm going to put up with tonight little man. one more whimper and you can forget about getting any ice cream after supper tonight!" she scolded him lightly. "....." ash sulked and huffed as he laid back, knowing the fight was all but over but had muttered something that if his mom knew he'd said, he'd of been over her knee. "I'm sorry, what was that?" she asked, working the rash cream in. "Yes mommy..sorry." ash said in a sulky tone. "That's what i thought."
The diaper looked massive on Ash's hip's and Delia had to fight to keep from laughing at how silly her so called big boy looked. the bulk pushed his legs apart and he couldn't bring them together and well, there was no two ways about it. he wasn't walking in that diaper he was flat out waddling. to go with the diaper she had picked out one of his 'super macho' shirts that still fit him, though he'd stopped following the series about a superhero machamp when he'd been 9. (then again the only real worried she had about it not fitting since ash was still her little shorty was that with all the sweets he'd been packing away recently and the lack of exercise he'd be a little too pudgy.) ash had of course whined for some pants to put over his diapers and Delia had agreed but was sercetly delighted as it turned out that not a single pair of pants or shorts would fit over her son's massive diaper butt. "We'll go shoping this weekend and get some bigger pj bottoms for you." She promised. "..great..now I have to waddle around like this all night.. can you go and make sure the curtains are closed downstairs? I don't want the whole block seeing this." Ash huffed. the pout, the arm's crossed pose and his attire just was too much, he looked like a super tall toddler and that was all there was too it and Delia laughed, then covered her mouth. "Moooom! S'not funny!" ash whined and stomped a foot. "Y-Your not making this easy to s-stop laughing sweetie! and don't worry about people seeing you." She said, desperately trying not to laugh more. "why?" "oh, Mommy didn't cover the diapers up in a bag when she came back and they were having a little get together at the johnsons, so they all saw. they invited us over but I kn-" she said. "YOU WHAT!? Mommy how could you!" ash whined and went to race out of the room. where he was planning on going or what he was gonna do she wasn't sure because the bulk of the diaper meant he made it all of five steps before he lost his balance and ended up plopping on his butt with a started look, then started to bawl. 'and they ask me why I never wanted a anther baby..' she thought dryly then moved over to comfort her big baby of a son.
Ash wished he could stop sobbing as his mom carried him down the stairs, holding him to her chest and her arm under his stupid big diaper butt. the fall hadn't of really hurt just, with the outfit and finding out everyone knew.. How would he even be able to go out and face the other kids on the block now? It was bad enough that GARY knew about his bed wetting and had seen him in the diapers when he'd- but even just the start of that thought started a fresh wave of tears and ash buried his face into his mom's shoulder. she was rubbing his back and coo'ing softly to him now and he didn't bother to look up till he felt himself sat on the floor and then something rubbery was pushed gently between his lips. it wasn't till some forgotten urge triggered and he started to nurse on it he realized he'd just been pacified, literally. As his mom smiled at him and used a face cloth to dry his cheeks, the most damning thing of all was while he was humiliated she'd actually gotten him a pacifier (and god, what if that had been part of her shopping spree today!?) Ash couldn't bring himself to spit it out AND it was calming him down.
Delia gave ash's forehead a kiss as she watched him nurse, confused but calming down and thought about just how smart it had been to have Mr.mime give him a nursing instinct. 'I'll have to thank lover boy for that thought when he gets over here.' She thought and then after getting some cartoons on the tv for ash (She'd actually gone and found a DVD of the old super macho cartoons) She gave his hair a ruffle. "Mommy needs to go and make dinner now sweetie. you watch this and if you need anything call for mommy ok?" she asked. ash squirmed like crazy but gave her a head nod back, blushing but clearly losing himself into his show. "Good boy~" she coo'ed and walked out.
At some point Ash just stopped caring, he knew the windows were open but was sure with his spot on the floor no one was gonna see him unless they came RIGHT up to the window, and then he'd call out for mom if that happened. he'd forgotten just how much he'd loved this show and grinned around his paci, trying to recall why he'd ever stopped watching it, then it came back to him. Gary had found out he still watched it and had called it a baby show, and ash had dropped it trying to be big and cool like Gary. 'Stupid Gary..can't believe I ever thought that girlfriend stealing ass hat was a friend!' he thought and for a second thought about how funny it would be to sit on Gary's face in his massive diaper and fart on him, giggling around the pacifier. 'not that i'd want him to see me like this though..thank god he's staying in virden city while they talk over him maybe becoming a gym leader.' It was anther sore point for ash. Gary had brought it up two days ago, claiming because of his dominating performance, the powers to be involved with the league wanted him to just be a gym leader, not a competitor to give other trainers a chance. he'd been in that stupid tight muscle shirt showing off his stupid big arms, and the shirts tightness did nothing to hide his abs and Ash had felt even chubbier then normal around him. (and it hadn't helped some girls had walked by and thought ash was Gary's LITTLE brother due to the height difference!) Just thinking about stupid Gary was getting Ash huffy again and he willed himself to be calm. 'it's just you and mom tonight. you're gonna have some nummy food, watch that new cop flick, and then off to bed.' he assured himself, then there was a knock at the door. "Ash, can you get that?" His mom called. "I'm busy getting these streaks right!" Pulling the pacifier out of his mouth, ash whined. "But mooom, I'm not wearing any pants!" "everyone already knows, remember sweetie? Please?" she called back. Huffing big time ash got to his feet and left the paci on the coffee table as he waddled to the front door and opened it, not looking out first to see who it was. he figured it was one of the neighbors trying to be nice, or someone preaching the word of celibi again. Instead dressed in a blue dress shirt and a pair of black dress pants, and holding a bottle of wine was Gary mother fucking Oak. "Hey little guy, you gonna stand there mouth open and letting the world see your cute outfit, or gonna invite your new daddy in?"
Gary smirked as he took in ash's outfit, it had been even easier then he'd expected or hoped to convince ash's mom that the loser should just be a big diaper baby. (then again when he made such arguments while plowing her stupid..welll) The big baby dork was STILL just standing there, struggling to think of what to say and Gary just sighed and gently pushed ash out of his way and walked in, shutting the door behind him. "Silly baby. do you want everyone on the block to see you in your diapies? I mean, if thats the case you can go outside and play buttt.." He laughed and patted ash on his fat diapered bottom then walked past him. he didn't need to look behind him to know that ash was waddling behind him like a toddler but didn't pay the loser any attention as he came into the kitchen. "Hey sweetie, I'm here for our date. I take it somebody forgot to tell little ashy it would be dinner for three?" he asked, setting the wine on the table and coming over and kissing Delia on the cheek, and groping her ass while she blushed. "O-Oh but I thought.." she started then giggled like a air haired bimbo. "I must of misunderstood, Sorry Honey." "it's ok. just means I get to have a talk with my new little man." Gary chuckled.
ash felt numb and just was trying desperately to process what it was he was seeing. there was no way his mom..and Gary.. the age difference alone! But there was no way his mom would of let Gary just manhandle her like that if it wasn't for the fact they were together. "I..I'm not your little man!" Ash finally squeaked out as Gary turned his attention back to him. "Uh-huh..Darling, how long is the wait on the food?" "Oh, about anther 10-15 minutes." Mom said. "Me and Junior here are gonna go have a talk in the living room and leave you to do that voodoo that you do so well." Gary said. with a slap to ash's mom ass Gary walked back out of the kitchen, taking the time to grab ash's hand and tug him along with him. and there was no way ash with his well, as his mom put it 'baby fat' was gonna be able to resist Gary's abs's of steel and he just let himself be lead. Gary took note of what was on TV, and then saw the pacifier on the coffee table and smirked at ash who found himself wishing he'd gone and turned the TV off, or tossed the pacifier. "still into your baby show huh? well I guess your dressed for it at least Loser." Gary said. his tone was friendly,though low even if the words weren't, and ash got the feeling that Gary was keeping his voice down to keep mom from hearing him. "I..what are..why are.."ash tried to ask, but kept fumbling over his words. Gary rolled his eyes and popped the paci in ash's mouth. "Shut up dumb ass. Just like when I stole your little girlfriend, just like when I bribed the joy NOT to heal your pokemon before your first match in the league..when I'd paid team rocket off to exhaust them before hand, and just like when I convinced your mother that your just a big fucking baby loser..I'm putting you in your fucking place. I mean fuck..you're 18 years old and you look almost younger then when we started out as trainers..and that's not just from your current attire. face the facts loser, you belong in diapers, sucking on a pacifier and sobbing while a REAL man comes into your mom's life and gives her a break from changing your shitty diapers." ash was blushing and tearing up as Gary spoke, and suckled hard on the paci but had to stand up for himself at that last bit, and went to tell Gary he didn't poop in his diapers. the only problem was his pacifier was STILL in his mouth as he went to do so and gibberish is the only thing that escaped. Gary laughed out loud at that and when ash moved a hand to pull the paci out, he poked his index finger on it keeping it pinned in place. "You pull that out and I'm replacing it with my cock." Gary said. Ash's eyes went wide at that. He didn't doubt Gary for a second since he'd turned ash's friend Richie against him, getting Richie to call him a loser and cut off all ties by letting the beta boy go to town on his cock. He'd even sent ash a picture of it, Richie balls deep, drool going down his chin and Gary and Richie flipping ash off. (Gary didn't consider it gay if he wasn't the one slobbering on the dick) "I already know what your gonna say anyways loser. that you don't shit your huggies. well you're gonna start. Don't expect any mercy from your mom either, unless you count her using extra lotion a mercy. she's my cock drunk slut and will do anything I say." Ash suckled hard on the paci now, and tears started to well up in his eyes and Gary smirked. "Awww is widdle ashy gonna cry in him's diapies while his new daddy knocks him's mommy up? Go ahead loser. your tears only make it hotter for me, and give me like, I dunno..1..2 hours, and your mommy is gonna think you sobbing in shame is hot too." right about then mom's voice rang out, telling them that supper was ready and she had her head poked around the corner. "oh, what's wrong?" "oh, Little ashy is just having his new life explained to him, and is a little upset. it's ok though. I know how much he loves being embarrassed." Gary said and then, as if in a mockery of a good dad, wiped ash's tears and kissed him on the cheek. "Come on lil guy, we'll go eat supper and me and your mommy will make sure your all super embarrassed so you can feel like a good stupid big baby ok?" he was holding Ash's hand as he said that and gave a painful squeeze and so ash nodded lots. his mom, his only ray of hope in all of this laughed. "I knew you loved being a dumb big baby more then you let on sweetie! come on er.." she paused and looked to Gary for help. "Loser." he supplied helpfully. "Loser. come eat din din with mommy and daddy." she finished. ash found himself wishing he'd never been turned back from stone as he waddled to the dinning room.
Coming into the dinning room Delia blushed a little as she had a couple of towels down on the floor with ash's plate and a baby bottle filled with grape juice setting on it. "Don't take this the wrong way sweetie but I don't think you'll be comfortable or safe trying to sit in a normal chair with your super thick diapie on." She said and giggled a little. "And i would hate to have my widdle baby loser fall and go boom." Ash suckled hard on his paci and turned around, as if huffing and Gary swatted his fat diapered ass. "Hey! you're mom is just thinking of you! take your paci out and say thank you!" Gary scolded. "I'll get him a high chair tomorrow, maybe take him with me so we can get one that'll fit his big diapered ass." Delia sighed, Gary was just SUCH a good daddy, as well as so sexy and she had little hearts in her eyes as she nodded. "S-Sorry mommy. Thank you." ash said and she gave him a bare nod, focusing on the love of her life. "yeah whatever sweetie. sit down already." she said. Ash did as she said and she took her seat next to Gary at the table, close enough she could play footsies with him and lean into him, while they could look over their shoulders as needed to check on the baby. "Uh..Mom?" Ash called and she frowned, then looked over. "Yes ash?" "I uh..I need to cut my steak but you didn't give me a knife..you want me to just g-" "Oh! silly me!" Delia said. "Gary, would you mind cutting up little ashy's din din for him?" she asked. "Of course not." he said and reached over. "Come on lil guy, give DADDY your plate so he can make sure this is all nice and small for you." Ash Pouted, but Delia gave her son a glare and he meekly handed his plate up to Gary. "Good boy! that's mommy's little loser~" Delia coo'ed and laughed. "you're really loving this huh? getting it off your chest just what you really think of him?" Gary asked as he started to cut up ash's veggies and meat nice and small."Have you had a few glasses of the wine already?" "W-well I er..yes. I hope that's ok." Delia said, suddenly worried about making Gary mad. "Not at all. I know you needed a little help to be honest with widdle ashy here." he said and paused to kiss her cheek. "Go ahead and have anther glass." he added. Delia gushed and nuzzled gary's arm and he smiled at her making her feel all warm inside. "you really are so good to me. and such a welcomed escape from pampers mcgee over there." she giggled and refilled her glass. "M-Mommy.." Ash whined. "Oh sweetie, i know it's tough to hear, but you really always were just a big baby. I only let you go out on your big silly pokemon adventure to try and air out your room and to save on diapers for awhile." She said and then blew a raspberry at the poor crushed boy, then took a drink. "You know Delia, I think little ashy has a big enough ASS as is, we don't want it to get too much bigger.. Maybe I should take his meat and just try him on some veggies." Gary suggested. "whatever you think is best. This is Ashy's favorite din din but I don't think cutting back on the meat, or the after dinner deserts for awhile would hurt him." she giggled. ash whimpered but took back his plate of veggies and didn't speak up as Gary took his fork from him. "Little boys eat with their hands..and thats what you are ash. a little boy." Gary said. Looking over and seeing ash just pouting and using his hands Delia laughed out loud. "God, your SUCH a loser!" she squealed and then moaned as Gary slid a hand over, between her legs even as he started to eat.
God, this horny bitch was too easy and even Gary was shocked at how quickly she was turning on ash..not that he minded. the meat was excellently cooked and knowing it was ash's favorite added that extra bit of flavor to it as he munched down, practically fingering the slut who was gasping and moaning while Ash tried to stare a hole in the floor. "Oh, are you trying to pretend your not here? Like that time I ruined Misty for you?" He asked ash and then pulled his hand away from Delia's soaked crotch, wiping it on the table cloth her grandmother had left her, and knowing ash had gotten in trouble for just spilling juice on it before, let alone love juice. and the stupid slut clearly didn't mind. "Did ash tell you about that?" Gary asked as Ash clearly lost his appetite and pushed his plate away. "Oh, he called me bawling and sobbing about it, but I was more shocked he and Misty were dating. I always pegged him as being Brock's little butt slut." Delia said then covered her mouth. "Heh, Nah, Little ashy here would of had to cross-dress to get Brock's dick. Or did you ashy?" Gary asked. ash glared but didn't answer so Gary cleared his throat and deepened his voice. "I asked you a question little man. Did you dress like a girl so you could finally lose your virginity? because I wouldn't count you humping Misty's gaping and ruined cunt after i fucked her as sex since she fell asleep." Delia laughed out loud at that and helped herself to more wine as the tears started to roll down ash's Cheek. "I..I never did anything with any boys." Ash said finally. "Or any girls." Gary added, finishing off his glass. "I..No. Misty was gonna be my first and..and..you ruined it." "well you know..I like to think of it as trying to help a friend out. you were gonna fail either way and at least this way your little girlfriend had fun. and then you got to go and put on your diapies after your failed attempt at sex and suck your thumb and go to sleep." Gary said. "Really ashy, it sounds like Gary saved you from making Misty mad at you. you should thank him." Delia scolded. they both waited and finally ash croaked out a small but still aubile 'thank you'. "Awww, you're welcome fat ass." Gary said and leaned back and ruffled ash's hair.
Dinner ran just a little bit longer but thankfully aside from the odd insult thrown ash's way they ignored him. he nibbled on a few carrots and tried to drink from the baby bottle while they were distracted but of course they noticed, and commented on just how natural ashy looked in diapers drinking from one. After supper the happy couple and little ashy started to head for the living room when Gary got a evil look in his eye. "You know,  while I know little ashy here was looking forward to movie night, I'm kinda in the mood. you wanna say fuck it and just go upstairs?" he asked mom. "Oh god yes! But what about ash?" she asked, practically humping the younger man's leg. it made ash's tummy flip flop to see his mom degrading herself like this but he just took anther drink from his baby bottle instead. "well I would say we could let him watch his little baby show, but I dunno how awake we'll be after. and it's almost 8 anyways. we should just put the baby to bed." "your right. I have been meaning to lower his bed time anyways." Mom said and ash whined. "But I'm not even sleepy!" he huffed and they BOTH started to laugh at that. ash himself realized just how..utterly BABYISH that sounded after and popped his ba-ba back in his mouth. His next humiliation came as they got to the stairs and Gary took one look at them, then turned back to look at ash and shook his head. "I don't think fat ass should try and go up these himself, he'll fall and hurt himself and we'll have to spend the night at the ER." he said. "Do you want me to make a bed for him down here then?" Mom asked. "Nah, I got it." Ash figured out what Gary meant by got it as he effortlessly scooped ash up in his arms, and held him much like his mom had before. his baby bottle in one hand and the other out of instinct holding onto Gary, ash buried his face in Gary's shoulder to hide the fresh tears starting up and his new mommy and daddy started to laugh and coo.
Gary was pleasantly surprised how quick any and all fight was draining out of ash as he carried the boy to his soon to be nursery. he made a little show of it, mostly for his and Delia's amusement citing that Ash's fat ass was heavier then the rest of him. Setting ash down in his bed, he took in how childish ash's room looked already, but he had plans for it if he didn't get the gym leader job, and if he did he'd have a nursery made to size for little ashy in Virden. he patted and squeezed the back and front of ash's diapers and noted the look of pride on the big babies face that he was still dry, and decided to shut that shit down now. "Bad boy ash!" he scolded and rolled the fat ass onto his tummy, swatting said fat diapered butt. "You're just a big baby now and babies use their diapers!" with the thick diaper on the swats couldn't of possibly hurt but ash started to flail around and cry out again. "ah! Stop! No! I don't wanna!" "Little man, did I say if it so pleases prince ash, or did I tell you to use your diapers?" Gary scolded, slipping a swat onto ash's slightly chubby thigh. "ah! No! Stawp! I sowwy! I's be a good baby! STAWP!" Delia was laughing hard but Gary stopped right away and rubbed the small of ash's back as the baby tried to get his tears to stop. "there there..thats what i wanna hear.. now you be a good big baby..and in the morning your mommy better find a wet AND poopie diaper to change. or your going over my lap without the diaper on." Gary said. In between the panicked sobs Delia and Gary both heard what they wanted, the hiss of a scared little loser soaking his diapers. "Good fat ass."
Ash got out what had to be the last of his tears as he laid in bed. Mommy and new daddy where in the next room and he could HEAR what they were doing..and feel it as the head board kept banging against the wall. 'I..I just..wet myself like a helpless baby..and..why can't I stand up to them? I could go and get my pokemon back from professor oak and just head out..I'm sure i could find work somewhere..' he thought. the thick diaper had sucked in his tinkle without much fuss so at least he wasn't as cold and clammy as with the diapers he normally got, so he had to admit mommy had made a smart choice with these. And if she'd been right about the diapers..what if she was right about him being a loser? really it wasn't like they MADE him keep the diaper on, or forced him to stay there. it had just never occurred to him to take the diaper off or to get up and leave. Of course NOW he knew he would of been spanked silly but.. he hadn't known that then. 'M-Maybe their right..and i really AM a big baby..' Ash thought. he found himself wishing he'd brought his paci up to bed with him, and toyed with getting up and going down stairs for it but recalled how daddy had said the stairs were too dangerous for him, so instead he slipped his thumb into his mouth. It wasn't as soothing as his paci but it got the job done and Ash thought about a way to test if he really was just a big dumb baby or not, racking his brain. 'wait..daddy said I needa poopie..if I can go to sleep, without crying, after pooping my diaper like a baby does..then..yeah, that would prove it. and if i can't and cry for a diaper change, then I'm a big boy!' following his well, rather flawed logic Ash worked to get up on his knees on his bed, and started to grunt and stain, pushing himself and shaking his bed a little.
Gary was pounding away on Delia who was barley with it anymore, a combination of the wine and getting that dick had her eyes rolling in her head even as she barked like a bitch in heat. the thought of him keeping that loser up all night listening this this was fueling him even as one little thing stuck in Gary's mind and was keeping him from having his first orgasm. Carrying ash up the steps, and the big baby snuggling into him, it had felt..right. the baby stuff was just meant to torment ash and he'd never really had any intention of being the one to change his diapers, but Jesus. just carrying him like that, he'd only switched back to stern dom as fast as he had to save face in front of Delia. after all, if he'd been goading her to be mean to Ash it wouldn't make sense for him to be the nice one now would it? 'It's not like i like him. I set him up to fail!' Gary thought. as groans and other noises came from the other side of the wall, along with some thumps from ash's head board hitting the wall, Gary almost sighed in relief, having a reason to be mean to the loser who was clearly humping his diapers. he banged on the wall and almost snarled. "Stop making all that noise and go to sleep over there!" he called though the wall. the reply he got back though.. "S-Sowwy Daddy! trying ta make poopie like ou told me ta!" as ash finished saying it, Gary found himself spurting harder and more then he'd ever done before in his life, realizing that he'd totally broken ash in just a few hours and his little diaper boy was totally loading up his diapers. Gary had honestly expected to have to spank ash in the morning and he was now calling him daddy and- anther load shot out and Gary was crying out in pleasure, and crying out something else. "Good boy ashy! make poopies for daddy! show daddy you love him!" Normally Gary could of kept going, and would of but he found himself spent after the second load and flopped to the side of delia, who had already conked out herself. as he lay there panting and trying to catch his breath he could almost swear he was getting a whiff of the load little ash was making, and as his spent dick struggled to come to life again he instead fell asleep, his last thought before conking out however was a confession to himself. 'How the fuck did i go from wanting to dominate his fat ass to falling for it?!'
As the last of the poopie slid out and filled his diaper, ash made a face at the smell, but the warm mess felt good over his bum and daddy had praised him. with a big smile on his face ash snuggled down into his bed, and tugged a pikachu stuffie into one of his arms and popped his thumb back into his mouth. he had his answer he knew as he drifted off to sleep. he was a big baby
the end
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endobiologist · 5 years
What Being Trans Is Like; A Guide For Allies
Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Atom Yorke. I am a 16-year-old transgender and pansexual man, and you should probably get some popcorn ready because I've got a lot to say.
I'll split this up into categories so you can go page by page.
DEFINITION Now to begin this, if you're not sure what transgender means, transgender people are people whose brain does not match their body in gender. For example, I am a man. However I was born in a body most would call "female". I am a transgender man. This may be a radically new concept for some of you, but the truth is that we've been around since the dawn of humanity. Our history has been heavily modified and erased. In fact, any history that's not white, christian, heterosexual & cisgender has been shoved down to the darkest confines of information, where people have to look to find it. The truth is even ancient cultures have records of trans people, of nonbinary people, and of other LGBTQ concepts. This was one of the things they most heavily tried to erase during the ruthless colonization of Christianity.
You may be surprised to learn that yes, you yourself have met a trans person! Chances are you've met a lot of them, actually.
The reason why we're never seen is because until a little ways back, we would be imprisoned, killed or worse just for being out.   Now that we finally have a voice, we're speaking loud. But still, some trans people do not wish to be that way, and they will stay quiet their whole lives and blend in with the rest of society. Because of many people living in hiding, surveys are skewed and we have no real way to quantify just how many transgender people there are in the world. But there are a lot. And we matter, just like you.
MISCONCEPTIONS First off, there are a LOT, and I mean A LOT of misconceptions about transgender people. And it's not an accident. The lack of information and the stereotypes that have been given have been due to not only ignorance, but intentional covering up of the truth of who we are, and blatant propaganda against us. Many people think trans people are "out to get them" like they're some kind of "cross-dressing predators looking to peep in on the other gender". I can assure you, we are nothing of the sort. This falsehood would be laughable, if it didn't hurt so many people. Nearly 60% of trans people in America are outright TERRIFIED to go to the bathroom, (or go anywhere, really) due to them being harassed, assaulted, and worse inside. We are the ones being attacked in bathrooms, not you. We are the ones being attacked out in the streets, not you. We are not predators, we are quite literally the prey for the real predators. And this has to change. And the way it changes is through spread of information, and actual facts.
A trans woman is a woman. She is not a "man in a dress". A trans man is a man. He is not a "woman in disguise". A trans person is a person. They are not "confused".
There have been multiple scientific studies done on transgender people's brains, and they have revealed, every time, that your brain will match your gender, even if your genitalia does not. The reason for this is due to how you develop in the womb. In utero, the brains form one way, and the genitalia develops another way. Most of the time they match, creating what is known as a cisgender person, aka a person who is not trans.   Occasionally, the brain will develop in one gender and the sexual organs will develop in a different way due to an influx of different hormones during pregnancy, causing a trans person to be born.
To restate that; A trans person's brain matches their gender, not their genitalia. It has been scientifically proven. To argue that trans people "do not exist", are "confused", are "pretending" or anything else of the sort is foolish, and a rejection of science and reason altogether.
TERMINOLOGY Also, before you say "Well, if they existed forever, where are all these new terms coming from and why are we only now seeing trans people?" The reason being is you have seen trans people. You haven't seen these words because they are helpful labels we have only created recently for concepts that are ancient. The reason for all this new influx in trans activity is due to the internet and the spread of its information, which causes so many people to feel much safer and begin to come out. Now, let's take a look at the vocabulary of trans people, so you have an easier time understanding the lingo!
LGBTQ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer. Refers to the community. FTM - Female to Male. A trans man. MTF - Male to Female. A trans woman. T - Testosterone E - Estrogen HRT - Hormone Replacement Therapy. The medical procedure of hormone replacement to look more like your actual gender. Binder - A form of undergarment that is like a very tight sports bra that binds the chest of trans men & sometimes nonbinary people so they can appear flat-chested. Packer - A fake penis (or sometimes a rolled up sock, etc.) used to make trans men look like they have a bulge. Tucking - A technique trans women use to make them look like they have no bulge. Top surgery - Surgery on your chest to correct it to your gender. Bottom surgery - Surgery on your genitalia to correct them to your gender. Coming out of the closet - Telling the world and everyone openly that you are LGBTQ, or in this case transgender. Stealth - A term referring to trans people who go completely "undercover", and keep the fact that they're trans hidden so they can just enjoy a normal life. Gender dysphoria - A feeling of heartwrenching, guttwisting wrongness in a trans person's soul when someone calls them by the gender they are not, or sometimes when reminded of their body. Gender euphoria - A feeling of either complete contentedness, or giddy joyful excitement when their gender is affirmed.
HOW IT FEELS; A WATERED DOWN VERSION Now that we got all that out of the way, I wrote a short summary of what it feels like to be trans, from my perspective.
Imagine you're in the womb. It's a clean slate, nothing but peace. Then from the moment you're born, you're immediately categorized by your sexual organs and colour-coded. "It's a girl!" They say. They wrap you in a pink blanket. Your whole life you're told to be a girl, and so that's what you are. It was the first thing someone decided that you are. But the whole time you live in this fake life you feel... empty. Every time you use the girl's bathroom, there's a gnawing part of you that says you shouldn't be there. When kids around you are playing on a bouncy slide, playing a game of boys vs. girls, you always feel like you belong on the other side, for some nagging reason. Your grandmother keeps buying you skirts, bras, dresses, because you ask for them. You think that's what it takes for you to feel normal. You never wear them. "Maybe I'm not girly enough." So you try to be even more of what you are not. And every time, you feel this pit, this twisting gnawing void that aches and only aches more as you grow older. You don't know what it is. It gets worse every time someone says the word "She". "Girl." "Have a nice day, ladies." You tear through your room, looking for anything that doesn't look like the dresses your grandmother buys you. You cry and cry like you've never cried before, and you don't know why you're crying. What is it that's wrong with me? And after a while you decide you want your hair cut. Maybe that's what it is. Then you think, "Maybe it's because I eat a lot. Girls are supposed to be self-conscious of their weight, right?" So you blame your weight. Until you realize that's not the issue at all. Because one day you wake up. It hits you. And you put the pieces together. I'm not what they forced me to be all my life. There was a reason I was always uncomfortable. I'm not a girl... That was an option? That was even an option? I'm not forced to stay in this cell? There's actually NOT something wrong with me?
All I felt was profound relief at first, but soon enough the relief turned to paralyzing fear. This was the beginning, and also the end of my life, and I was only thirteen. But some people don't find out until they're adults, sometimes even until they're in their old age. It doesn't make anyone any less who they are. But man, does it uproot your whole life to fix things. If you realize at a young age it's easier because then you don't have as much paperwork to deal with, but you still no matter what have to deal with it, and people make it as hard as they possibly can for you, because of petty ignorance. I've had multiple cases of people straight-up refusing to give me my legal documents back (such as my insurance card which I need for my literally life-saving medication) because of ignorance or malicious transphobia. I had to actually argue with people to put my insurance card through, something that was common sense, that I had all the legal documentation for, that could be typed in at the push of a button, and costs nothing for them. But they had "never came across this situation before" so they argued with me for a good while about doing it until they finally gave in.
I've had cases of family members, family friends turning on me and calling me "tranny", a "confused girl", I've been told that there was "no masculinity in my eyes" when they looked at me. I was yelled at, screamed at in front of family and friends that I would never be a man. I've been insulted in front of people, I've been ridiculed and humiliated. But I will stand tall. You know why? Because it is A MILLION times better dealing with all this than dealing with not being who I truly am. I'm myself, and if anyone's got a problem with that, they can take it up with me.
The sad truth is, if you're trans, you unfortunately are going to experience horrible, horrible things like this. It's an inescapable reality. But that does not mean it's without hope. Every person can be educated, even if it may not seem so at first. Don't give up hope, because there is so much more beauty than you're seeing right now, and wouldn't you like to get to see it?
If you're an ally, you're here to make sure this feeling they have happens less. So, here is how to treat a trans person, written from the perspective of a trans person.
HOW TO HELP TRANSGENDER PEOPLE (from the perspective of a trans person)
1. Treat them with basic human respect. Aka refer to them how they want to be referred, you know, by their ACTUAL name and pronouns, not the ones you're clinging to desperately. You may think "What's the big deal?" about being misgendered, because as a cis person you've never been forced to live in a body that's not your own. You have ZERO frame of reference for how a trans person feels, or experiences their life, and so the very least you could do, even if you may not understand, is treat them with basic human decency. It literally costs you nothing to just be a civil human being.
2. Ask questions! (to a point. Don't be creepy or disrespectful.) If you are concerned you are not treating a trans person completely right due to not knowing, or you have something you're curious about, or you just don't understand us at all--ask! Please ask! We love it when you consider our needs, it makes us feel more appreciated. And asking questions opens important communication pathways, that lead to higher understanding, empathy, and acceptance of each other, which can only lead to higher growth for everyone involved. However, if you start getting really nosy about it by asking us weird questions when you barely know us like "Have you had the surgery yet? What do your genitalia look like?" Or the much dreaded "What's your original name?" Then you know you've gone too far. I mean, come on, you wouldn't ask a regular person that question, so why would you ask us?!
3. Speak up for them when they have no voice. This is probably by far the most huge thing you can do for a transgender person. A minor example; If they're in a very uncomfortable situation, like say for example they are getting misgendered by the cashier over and over at the grocery store and you can see they're too nervous to correct them, or even if they have corrected them themselves multiple times but the person will not give them that basic respect, the best thing you can do in that moment is step in and correct them for them.  I've had someone do it for me, and it makes me feel euphoric that someone actually stood up for me. Just back us up when we need back up, cause we very rarely have that support. A lot of trans people have no support whatsoever. Any support you can show a transgender person will help them exponentially more than you know. Some allies will post LGBTQ positive things on their social media pages, meanwhile some others take this to extremes by becoming huge supporters of LGBTQ communities, and standing up and giving a voice everywhere for them through words, art, many different forms of media, pride parades & riots.
4. Physical Support If you are very close to a trans person yourself, such as one of your children, your spouse, etc. or even if you just want to go above and beyond by supporting trans people everywhere, giving a roof over their heads, a warm meal, and some kind words would change people's lives. Consider donating to a charity (a charity you research before donating into, a lot of them are fake and will collect the money) that goes towards help for transgender people, or LGBTQ people in general! We really need it, especially in the days of He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named as our president.
5. Don't out them if they're not ready! This goes for all LGBTQ people, but please, if someone is closeted due to safety reasons or even just because they're not ready, do not under any circumstance out them for who they are. This could potentially throw them into massive danger, or it could just throw a massive wrench into their lives in some way. Please ask first.
6. Give positive, gender-affirming actions toward them! I absolutely LOVE IT when people do this. I have a friend who not only does bro-fistbumps with me, the two-pat hug thing, highfives me, but also always uses gender-affirming language such as calling me "man", "dude", "bro", etc. and it just always makes me feel so good to be around him! It creates a pleasant, safe space for us to be ourselves when you treat us for who we are, and it honestly makes us more happy than you know. So next time you see a really fabulous trans woman, tell her she looks lovely and classy today! When you see a trans man on top of his game, mention that he's handsome. And mention the things you know they feel insecure about in a positive way! It gives us majour gender euphoria. I know I've always been so ashamed of my round baby face due to it being the main reason I don't pass, but my friends on a call once had started all ooh-ing and ah-ing about how nice my cheekbones and jawline were and all that day I was ecstatic! A simple compliment that you might not even remember giving could change someone's life. And that goes for all people, not just trans people.
Now, you might have heard a lot of negative things that happened to me because of my being transgender, but I'm here to tell you there is so much hope. Cut forward to 2019. I've been out and proud for three years, and by God, I am so, SO SO much happier than I was. I am proud to say I was lucky, I have an amazing support system in my mom, dad, siblings & grandmother that have helped me so much through this. I'm about to start T soon, and I am so unbelievably excited. The person who had yelled at me in front of family members? They are now supportive, and make an effort around me. The person who called me a tranny? They apologized profusely and learnt from that experience.
So to fellow trans people out there--Things do get better. And they get better soon. You just have to hold out for a little while longer.
And for the allies who want to do better by trans and LGBTQ people everywhere, thank you. Thank you for showing your support, and thank you for your willingness to learn about those different from you. That shows extreme emotional maturity. On behalf of all LGBTQ people, thank you.
- Atom T. L. Yorke
Atom T. L. Yorke is a visual artist, cosplayer, writer, musician, and comedian that has also dedicated his life to helping LGBTQ people in need, especially the transgender community.
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Hello sillies this is a monumental post for me. Remember before how I was like “Oh I don’t know any music. I can’t name anything I listen to.” You know... like an idiot. Well that’s not me anymore! Because of the internet and apps! Thank you internet and apps! So here is a list of albums and bands and songs that I listened to a lot last year.
*Disclaimer* yes you will notice this list is 95% Japanese musicians... and before any of you girlies try to roast me for that just KNOW I am prepared to whip out my Counterattack Card and let you know it’s actually an act of bravery against your Amerikkkan Western-centric capitalist hetero... homopho... homophone... homo sapi... um something musical hegemony so just TRY to rib me. While you were going on dates I was studying Maoist Third Worldism... also it’s the algorithms’ fault anyway for always recommending Japanese musicians to me so take it up with them!
This is all off the top of my head and in no definitive rankings and there’s no sense to the organization of this post. Links to albums or those “official” auto-generated playlists on Youtube when possible otherwise they’re usually on Spotify. And yes I will have to resort to checking wikipedia to describe genres :)
As I was making this list I realized I have to break it up so here’s “Part One”
Swinging Popiscle - I love this band! Indie pop/rock according to Wikipedia lol. One of my favorite songs of the entire year is on one of these albums but I won’t say what it is because if you read the lyrics it will give you too much insight into my stupid melodramatic inner life. Did I belt it out every time I got severely drunk??? You guess...
Transit (Youtube playlist)
Swinging Popsicle
Go On (Youtube playlist)
[Song] Perfect Loop - from their album Loud Cut which I haven’t found easily anywhere! Shoot.
Serani Poji - Has a special place in my heart because I really like what they produced and their whole style of music, but also because I discovered them in the spring at the same time the S******** r**** season started, so I would listen to Serani on my shitty little Beats Pill knockoff Bluetooth speaker from Ross while driving back through West Seattle and over the viaduct after the games, and it was sooooo perfect. Days when the S******** would be winning easily and the tree pollen would drift down onto the field like snow in the late afternoon sun and I would lean against the temporary fence because I got the last overflow tickets right on the field, and then I would put on DEAR HEROES or Laughing Frog while I drove to the water to watch the sunset... oh shit let’s not get too deep into my gay feelings. Genre: ... pop? See I really am too dumb to say anything ever.
One-Room Survival
fan mix from NicoNico - includes songs from her last album... Merry-Go-Round Jailhouse! Hahaha behind the scenes of this here blog.
Coaltar of the Deepers - Did I start listening to them just because they did a song for an anime I watched???? ... yes >:) This is actually the wildest new band for me that I started listening to cause they’re like alternative rock/heavy metal/shoegaze. What an evolution in taste from that little q*eer in 7th grade who would come home from school and BLAST Lady Gaga bad Romance every day. Well, that’s just the kind of adventurous, open, curious, cool, worldly, daring, fun, sexy, perfect guy I am!
Yukari Telepath
Come Over to The Deepend
[Song] SUMMER GAZER ‘92 - my perfect timing as always because they just released a new EP a few months ago! Rabbit EP I think it’s called.
[Song] Dear Future - the song that started it all, baby............ and yes this is an AMV what the fuck do you have to say about it KEEP SCROLLIN
The Pillows - Ok you know what... Okay. I... We all know which anime I learned about them from. Alright. Get off my fucking back about it.
Runners High
Living Field
Happy Bivouac
Across the metropolis
Little Busters
Please Mr. Lostman
Unchain - Actually I came across them by way of a fan mashup with Serani Poji. Genre: Rock... but they (extremely strained voice as I try to hide I’m reading this off my phone under the desk) later developed into a pop rock... neo soul... style... including funk and... dance elements.
[Song] Let Me Be The One
[Song] You Over You
[Song] Show Me Your Height
[Song] The World Is Yours
Toki Asako - STRIPE is THE song of the summer I’ve been telling you all. And that applies to both hemispheres so we can keep it going all year long.
[Song] STRIPE (Soundcloud)
[Song] Black Savanna
[Song] Kamakura
[Song] Usubeni no City
[Song] Human Nature
HIGHLIGHT - The Very Best of Toki Asako (Spotify)
SAFARI (Spotify)
Goldfrapp - Silver Eye (Youtube playlist). I like everything from them but I gave Silver Eye another listen in 2018 because I wasn’t the biggest fan when they first released it but it has definitely grown on me.
Chain Wallet - Chain Wallet. Have I reached the point in my list where I’m including non-Japanese bands to prove that I don’t literally only listen to Japanese music... well...
Shrift - Lost in a Moment (Youtube playlist). ... yes. Yes I have. I mean I am pulling out the proof that I’m not 100% a freak. I actually discovered this band back on Pandora! Throwbaaaaaaack jeez. To like a decade ago--back when I had a physical CD of this album! But I listened to it recently again, it’s good, it’s samba-y and bossa-y and you know how bossa is healing for my soul.
Bibio - A Mineral Love and my favorite song from it Light Up The Sky. I still remember hearing it for the first time on a night drive through Bothell :)
Sonic Coaster Pop - Super Miracle Circuit. Back to Japanese artists after I fully convinced you of what a normal human I am. Very good memories of listening to this every time I would bike across the 520 bridge :)
Sunny Day Service - Wooooooo BEACH VIBES beachy vibes baby. Posi beachy wave sun vibrations, beachy surf beach rock guitar sand vibes dude. You know brah you feeling my BEACHY SUMMER ROCK VIBES? Anyway albums on Spotify I’m just too lazy to link them here
[Song] I’m a boy
[Song] Punch-drunk love song
OVERROCKET - Albums on Spotify again yadda yadda, also on Youtube playlists, here are some songs:
Sunset Bicycle
Sunset Bicycle Beroshima Mix
Ok that’s it for this part because I’m tired. Can you tell how I mentally deteriorated over the course of this post. Alright ciao babes.
Oh I’ll put this here: Special shout out to Distortional Addict on Youtube who uploaded a lot of the albums above. Really great channel that uploads a lot full albums without ad breaks (what a saint) and plenty of info on them and other songs. Check him out!!!
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Dirt and Roses || Bruce Wayne
Tumblr media
Pairing: Pre-Batman!Bruce Wayne x Reader
Word Count: 1,533
Warnings: Secondhand Embarrassment - like a lot :)
Prompt: Based on this - (Eventually)
Listen While You Read: All You Never Say
Notes: Part 2 - Mud and Daisies
“Alfred, who’s that?” Bruce gazed out the spotless window onto the grounds below, the glaring summer sun causing his brow to furrow in response.
“That would be the most recent addition to the gardening staff, Master Bruce.” The butler replied curiously, clasping his hands behind his back.
“Most recent?” He questioned halfheartedly, his attention divided between the conversation and the mystery figure a couple of stories below.
A gleam appeared in the older man’s eyes. “Yes, Ms. Crawford retired and personally recommended Ms. (y/l/n).”
“Hm” The young man, lost in thought mumbled something inaudible under his breath, the gears in his mind turning a little too quickly for him to keep up with.
The younger turned slowly, lulling his body back into reality. “Nothing, Alfred. Have the car pulled around, I’m heading out.”
“As you wish, Master Bruce.”
A week after the (unbeknownst to you) conversation, you knelt before an intricate garden of roses, pulling out weeds as you had been for the past two hours. Being thorough was exceedingly important, but it tended to also be quite excruciating. Your uniform, although lightweight, was damp with a layer of sweat, and your hands were getting sore from the same repetitive motions. It was a beautiful day, but not a single cloud had passed in front of the sun for at least thirty minutes and constant exposure to the heat was making your head feel numb.
“That boy was watchin’ you again. You’d think a lad like him would’ve been taught some proper manners, but it’s plain as day he’s got the hots for you.” The older woman working a few feet away from you glanced in your direction, raising her eyebrows in anticipation of a response.
Your cheeks were hot, but you didn’t know if it was from embarrassment or sunburn. “I’m sure he’s just keeping an eye on our work ethic, Mrs. Evans.”
She let out a slightly irritated huff. “I’ve been working here a lot longer than you lass, and he ain’t never watched my work ethic this closely before.”
“Well, I am new… I mean if I were him I’d want to make sure a new hire like myself was doing their job right.” You grabbed a handful of weeds and stuffed them into the barrel beside you.
“I’ve never been wrong before, and I say this guy is definitely feeling something for you, girlie.” She winked at you before refocusing her attention back on the intruding plants.
You sat up rolling your eyes and wiped the waterfall of sweat on your forehead away with the back of your glove. “Well that’s all fine and dandy I guess, but I highly doubt anyone with as many options as him would find anything of worth in me.” You gestured behind you towards the front of the mansion, emphasizing your point. “I mean rich people just don’t go and fall for the people working for them… especially not me. I’m not extraordinarily beautiful. Or just plain beautiful. Or even pretty. I’m just average. Average, and sitting here all sweaty and worn out and gross and making sure his flowers look pretty. What sort of appeal would someone with my status have to a billionaire? And let’s use our extremely over exaggerative imaginations and say he did like me. It’s not like he’s going to accomplish anything by sitting up there in the air conditioning with a nice cold glass of lemonade, and just watching me.” You grabbed your water bottle to take a quick swig now that you had finished your impromptu speech.
“No, he’s not.”
You choked on the cool liquid as it hit the back of your throat, making a highly unladylike sound in the process. The voice didn’t belong to your coworker, and it seemed to be emanating from behind you. Whipping around you provided your employer with a sheepish smile.
“Mr. Wayne!” Your words seemed to pull the corners of his lips downwards in disappointment.
You were having an internal meltdown and had no clue how to handle this situation. It would have been bad enough if he was just a normal guy, but this was a billionaire. A billionaire who employed you, and had just caught you talking about him behind his back.
A few anxiety-filled seconds later he cleared his throat. “I did not mean to eavesdrop, Miss. (y/l/n), but I was wondering if you would care to share a pitcher of lemonade with me.”
The corners of his mouth seemed to twitch in response to the awestricken look that must have been present on your features.
“Uhm…” In the corner of your eye, you caught the older lady nodding and giving you a thumbs up. “I… I’m on the clock…?” Well, apparently the rational side of your brain was working just fine.
Surprise flashed over his features and was replaced just as quickly with a smirk. “Is that so? I guess I’ll have to see what I can do about that.”  He paused, pulling back his sleeve, eyes scanning his watch before returning his attention to you. “It looks like it’s time for your break then.”
“I’ve already taken my lunch break for today.“
“Do you want some lemonade?”
“Well… yeah- I mean yes!” You couldn’t seem to keep your mind and your mouth moving at the same pace, and your words were escaping in a jumbled mess.
“Well then…” He gestured to the path leading towards the front of the mansion.
“Yeah, okay. Let me just-“ You turned around to pack up your items, but a small weight landed on our shoulder.
“Don’t worry about it.”
“Uh… okay.” You turned back around, catching his crystal blue eyes in an intense gaze. He seemed to be studying you intensely while you made a fool out of yourself. He reached his hand out towards you gently, the curious glint in his eyes shining in the bright afternoon light. “Shall we?”
“Sure… I mean yes? … I mean… I’m sorry Mr. Wayne, I don’t know what’s happening… I guess I’m just a little confused…” You were positive that the heat on your cheeks was now a blush. You guessed that your whole face was probably as bright red as a rose.
“Okay, first of all, no more of this Mr. Wayne business. Call me Bruce.”
“Okay… Bruce.” The name sounds much less foreign on your tongue than what you had previously referred to him by. “I’m (y/n)… I mean you already knew that, but… you broke eye contact with him, looking down at the ground. Seriously. You are the biggest dork EVER (y/n).
“Secondly... (y/n),” he said your name slowly as if testing its structural integrity. You tried again to meet his cool blue orbs with your own. “I recently heard someone say that I’m not going to accomplish much by just sitting in the air conditioning with a nice cold glass of lemonade. So here I am to bring you to come join me.” You finally met his eyes and hoped yours didn’t convey just how overwhelmingly nervous you were to be having a conversation of this manner with your boss.
“So… you heard all of that...” You rubbed the toe of your shoe into the stone path below your feet.
“Enough, yes.” He had a cheeky grin that you wouldn’t expect someone of his … stature… to portray often.
You cleared your throat. “I believe you said something about lemonade?”
“Ah, yes. Let’s try this again, shall we?” He extended his hand once more, his palm smoother than you could ever dream of yours being.
You grasped his hand before realizing that something was a little off. Looking down you realized you had never taken off your filthy gardening gloves. “Ah!” You pulled your hand back, apologizing profusely. “I’m so sorry, I completely forgot to take off my gloves…” You pulled them off quickly and stuffed them with the rest of your supplies. Glancing at his palm, now covered with a layer of soil.
“Here, use my apron. It should get the dirt off… mostly.” You lifted the bottom of it towards him.
“Thanks, but I think I’ll be fine.” Then to your complete and utter surprise, he took the hand covered in dirt and wiped it across his forehead.
You were shocked into silence.
“Now we match.” His grin was bursting with pride.
“What do you-“ Your fingers brushed against your forehead where earlier you must have smeared dirt across it, and apparently it stayed the entire time you had been speaking with him.
“Well I would say this has been the most embarrassing conversation of my life, but I think that would be the understatement of the year.”
“Maybe, but you know what?”
You couldn’t help but smile back at him with the thought of how ridiculous the two of you must have looked. Hands and faces smudged with dirt, you fumbling over your words like you had never spoken English before. “What?”
“For some reason, I want to have lemonade with you even more now.”
As if on cue Alfred appeared, along with some ice cold lemonade, and he couldn’t remember the last time he had seen Bruce smile so brightly.
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wispyatomica · 7 years
The Rabbit, The Rat, and the Hog (Chapter 9) - “Welcome to the Crew!”
Chapter Nine is finally here! It is also a slightly long chapter and I do apologize for the slightly longer wait you all had, but I appreciate your patience guys! :) 
Want to catch up or read the full fanfic? Check out the Archive!
“Aye-yah! Junkrat, where is the wrench? You had it last!”
“I placed it ova by ya foot earlier.”
“Are you sure you placed it by my foot?”
“Are ya callin’ me thick?”
Hana laughed slightly to Junkrat’s response, a few hours had passed since the ambush by the Australian police and one of Hana’s former friends. Time had been passed by bringing the MEKA unit inside of the factory setting, using the cover of night to work on disassembling and then reassembling the robotic suit. Their purpose was simple for this, as it would allow Hana to pilot the suit without being traced, as well as adding a more camouflaged flair with her new comrades. That was a term she was still getting used to thinking about. Friends with international criminals. By all sense of the situation, Hana was now an international criminal herself, as she had evaded arrest by Australian officials, as well as a fellow member of her unit. She was no doubt on the wanted list for two countries.
A few moments of sifting through old sheets of refined carbon black metal yielded the reward she had been seeking, the wrench. Removing the paneling from the robotic frame would be the easiest and quickest part, the much more involved part was going to be restructuring the machine with the parts that she had to work with in the factory. The job would be easier for her now, as she had somebody who was used to working with sparse materials: Junkrat.
Junkrat had fun ripping the paneling of the machine off. It was the act of destroying something that he now knew was made by an expensive suit somewhere that gave him a thrill. He had opted to keep his big mouth shut for awhile after the initial confrontation by whoever it was that came to their formerly hidden base, and yet the curiosity of knowing just how the officials got there had Junkrat’s mind working double time.
Maybe she’s here to gift us ta the suits, how else could they have found our hideout. I might’ve been right all along. That’d be a first.
Junkrat was pulled from his thoughts as the exo-skeleton of the machine and wiring lay bare, Hana tossing the last frame of metal away and shoving it among the pile of discarded scrap metal. She had placed her hands on her hips victoriously, sweat beading at her forehead. “Not a bad start, now to rebuild her.” She commented to herself, looking around the building for a place to get started. Junkrat nodded his head, placing mechanical digits along his chin for a moment,  he had only just now noticed the change in her clothing. The frantic scene that he and Roadhog had ventured into earlier hardly left time for eyes to take in appearance, aside from injuries should they have arose.
The tank top she wore made her look more tanned than the previous green one had, and despite the dust and grease stains on it, it still looked relatively new. Her exposed stomach and arms were covered in dust and grease, an appearance that Junkrat had normalized for himself, but seeing it on her was quite the sight. It suited her, despite the skepticism that he had for the true loyalty of this new companion. Was he still more open about her accompanying the duo than Roadhog, absolutely. The decision to break the silence struck him in a quick impulse.
“Oi, when did you change yer getup girlie?”
“My clothes? I changed them while you were gone, my old ones needed to be replaced anyways.”
“It suits ya, makes ya look like one of us!”
Hana smiled to him softly, looking at the dust and grease stains that had accumulated on the industrial chaps she wore on her legs, it was no doubt a good idea to have made use of them. She took a deep breathe, only not noticing that she was more physically exhausted then she had thought. Her arms were sore from lifting and removing heavy metal paneling. She spoke in her Korean language for a brief moment, commenting how exhausted she was before turning to Junkrat, who was giving her a skeptical look, one bushy eyebrow raised.
“Wot did ya say?”
“How about we take a break for a bit?” She responded in a chuckle, moving over to the conveyor belt next to her. She hopped onto the flat surface, relaxing her back by leaning against her hands as Junkrat moved over to a little closer to her and joined her by sitting on the belt. He had since removed the tire and straps from his chest, leaving Hana with a view of his abnormally lanky frame. His abs were covered in little beads of sweat, as he too had been pulling his half of work on breaking down the MEKA unit, and when Hana saw a sudden motion she immediately looked away, fearing that she had been caught staring. Instead she heard the gulping sound of Junkrat downing some more water from his canteen, which he promptly tossed towards her once he was finished. She nodded her head and took a large sip, when finally Jamison’s curiosity got the best of him.
“Hana, I gotta know. Those blokes who were surroundin’ ya earlier. Why were they after ya?”
Hana paused for a moment, snapping the lid back to the canteen as she had yet thought of a way to explain herself after near capture she had faced. She sighed for a moment, placing the canteen on the belt as she looked over to Junkrat, there was a nervousness to her gaze that even he could sense. This only made him change his own posture further, moving his body slightly to drape his peg leg off the side, waving an arm in an open motion towards Hana. She had no reason to lie to him now, not after he had once again saved her from another unlucky situation. Part of that reason could have been that their base was being attacked, but he did seem to be genuinely concerned as to why the Australian police was after her.
“Ya still in there?” He questioned, she hadn’t realized that her thoughts had kept her silent. Hana couldn’t know how he would react to her answer, and so she took a deep breath to calm herself before speaking.
“I’ve told you that I’m from South Korea, but that’s not all. I used to be a Private in the South Korean military, specializing in the Mobile Exo-force of the Korean Army unit; MEKA for short.” She pointed a hand over towards the stripped exo-skeletal frame of the machine. “That is a MEKA unit, we pilot the mechs and use them to keep our country safe from a titan rouge omnic that threatens our country sporadically.”
She paused herself for a moment, looking nervously away from Junkrat’s face, fearing that she would see a look of complete disgust or anger on his face, one that would seal an unpleasant fate for her. Instead when she raised her head to meet his gaze, she saw that he was listening intently and his gaze had hardly changed. She was surprised to say the least, and so felt that it was safe to continue.
“We came here because there was a recent attack on the countryside from omnic forces. My captain, er, former, thought it could open a new window to the omnic attacking our country. We were supposed to come here and investigate the site of the attack and leave in two weeks time. That was when I heard about the Junkertown mech battles on the news.”
Junkrat did raise a brow to this, giving her the time to finish her sentence before speaking up himself. He raised a hand and shook it for a moment, “Now wait a tic, yer tellin’ me that ya came out to Junkertown just to get in the mech fight, and broke the rules because of it?”
Hana responded to his inquiry with a sheepish nod of her head.
“Hooley dooley, jus’ when I thought I knew ya!” Junkrat responded with an unprecedented level of enthusiasm, it was one that took her off guard, she raised a brow to him as she adjusted herself into a more upright position.
“Listen darl, Ya got yerself in big trouble with the suits now, just like the rest of us Junkers did when things went ta shit. Stick with me an Roadie, we’ll teach ya the Junker ways and keep ya safe, so long as ya do the same fer us.”
A genuine smile crept across her lips as Jamison spoke, despite his manic personality, he had given her a real reason to trust him. She glanced over his face, which had contorted into a goofy grin, one that exposed a solid gold tooth. She laughed slightly, before a thought occured to her on the words that he spoke. When things went ta shit. It resonated with her, and as she watched Junkrat’s face for a few more moments, she watched him move his left arm to his right, rubbing around the base of his prosthetic and hissing slightly under his breathe. Dare she ask how he got a prosthetic arm and peg leg? Would he accost her for it? Curiosity demanded that she knew.
“How…How did you get those?” Hana questioned nervously, the beginning of her question showing with a nervous stutter.
“Wot?” Junkrat inquired as he tilted his head back at D.Va, he was still rubbing his sore elbow, when she motioned to his missing limb. He nodded his head, giving a sigh as if he had predicted her asking that very question. He flexed his right arm, flicking and moving the individual digits of the prosthetic. Hana’s eyes were fixated on the limb, it was so intricate and finely tuned, it was like it was his own limb from birth. “Heh, I knew ya’d ask about it eventually.”
“You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.”
“Nah, I like tellin’ people about the omnic who blew off me arm and got what he deserved.”
Hana tilted her head slightly as Junkrat adjusted himself, stretching his arms over his head. His amber eyes fixated on hers, and momentarily she was absorbed by their abnormal beauty. It was only when he started to speak in his thick Australian accent that she focused on his words.
“Not long after the omnium blew up here in the Outback, those scrap heaps made it for those who were closest. Junkertown wasn’t always like that ya know, I used ta live there.” He paused for a moment to take a drink from the canteen of water, “Anyways, what I can remember is that an omnic had it out for me. It was before my explosive genius was realized, ya see, ‘spose I can thank him for that. He cornered me in midst of the omnic rebellion and tore me arm clean off.”
Hana gasped slightly, raising a hand to her mouth and holding it slightly. She couldn’t even fathom the amount of pain that he must have endured, and part of her wondered how he had managed to miraculously survive that.
“After he got away, I patched up me arm and went after him, one armed and gimp legged. I lost me leg before I fought him, but that’s anotha story, mate. So I chased this piece a junk across the Outback until I finally caught up to him and blew him to bits. It was right then that Roadie managed to get the drop on me, and we made a team.”
Hana raised a brow, she had always thought that Roadhog and Junkrat, from what she had heard on the news, were a duo that had known each other for lengthy periods of time. Junkrat could see this visible confusion on her face and laughed loudly, holding his prosthetic hand to his stomach. “Ya outta see tha look on ya face, girlie!”
Hana poked out her lips at him, crossing her arms as Junkrat finished his laughter, allowing her to speak up. “I thought you guys had known each other for a long time.”
“Nah, that’s just what the world wants ya ta think. Roadie caught me right after I ripped the omnic to shreds and took his own right arm as my trophy. Guess my patch job was poorly done. I collapsed after he cornered me, and to keep myself alive, offered him a split reward. He took the deal, patched me up, and now we’re unstoppable.”
Reward? What kind of a reward? She had wondered what kind of a reward he could had that would have kept Roadhog from killing him. She shrugged to herself mentally, figuring that she could inquire about that later on. Hana had by then placed her hands back in her lap. She hung onto every word of his story and hearing how he had lost one of his limbs tugged on a string in her heart. She felt sorry for him. She had poor history with the omnics herself, as they were the reason that she had lost her entire family. She watched as Junkrat’s demeanor changed for a moment, his face flicking back to his hand, where he once again looked it over. She could see the distinguishable change in his visage, he almost looked disgusted at his own arm. The way that he spoke of omnics in the story, she could tell that he had a well seated hatred for them, and to that she had no response. She kept silent for a moment, before speaking up once more.
“I lost my whole family to the omnics when I was a kid.”
The statement alone was enough to catch Junkrat’s attention, he quickly dropped his hand back in his lap and focused his attention solely on her. She could see that he was paying attention when she glanced from the background just behind him and back to his face, her eyes once more connecting with his. They were trying to visually confirm that he had heard her correctly, to which she nodded her head.
“I was only five when it happened, but the titan omnic who threatened my home was responsible. My brother and father died protecting me and my mom.” She paused for a moment, having felt a tear well in the corner of her eye. “My mom made sure that I was the one who got all of the food in the bunker we had, she died before rescue crews got to me.”
And I thought I had a bad history. Junkrat mused in his head as he watched the girl before him seem to wither in her mood. Her shoulders dropped low and her hair separated his gaze from her eyes, but the overall posture told him exactly how she felt. There was a sickening twist in his gut, as if he had been the one to put her in such a sour mood. He shook his head, hopping from the table quickly and plopping onto his peg leg. The metal clacking into place as he took a couple of steps over towards her, where she raised her reddened eyes. He offered her his mechanical hand, opening the palm and exposing the wrench that she had been looking for.
“Let’s get back ta work, darl. Won’t do us any good to be halfway done when Roadie wakes up soon.”
Hana smiled softly as she took the wrench from his hand, wiping away the tears from her eyes as she too hopped off of the conveyor belt. Her boots connected with the floor, and once her brown hair was tied up in a ponytail, she and Junkrat got back to work on the mech.
The hours ticked by as late night turned into morning, and having worked through the whole night had paid off. The new and downgraded MEKA unit for Hana was completed. The machine looked like it had been assembled from spare parts in a junkyard, and yet still had the distinguishable shape of the original MEKA design. The varying panels of orange, tan, and green were covered in rust and damage, giving the mech the appearance that it had been through battle after battle and emerged victorious. The interior of the mech had been re-wired by Hana herself, the extensive knowledge from her military background paying off as she was able to still utilize the holographic interface while simultaneously cutting off any communication the machine could have to other mech units around, giving her sole control on the machine. She and Junkrat stood victoriously as the first rays of sunlight crossed the Outback. She offered a hand up to him, which he gladly responded with a high five as they both admired their handy work.
“I didn’t think we’d get that done in time!”
“Yer lookin’ at the king of speedy buildin’ right here, darl! Just gotta add some finishing touches!” Jamison laughed as he pulled a can of spray paint off of the floor and then followed up with a few paint brushes from his pocket. She watched him for a moment as he walked over to the mech before scaling up the back of the machine, sitting on top of the machine’s hull. It was when he started working on his finishing touches that a heavy grunt caught Hana by complete surprise.
Roadhog had woken up, and somehow managed to completely evade Hana’s hearing as he was standing right behind her, causing her to shriek and jump slightly upon the noise. Roadhog gave a hearty laugh, which caught Junkrat’s attention. He lifted his head to give an enthusiastic wave to the larger Junker, who responded with a nod of his head.
“Did you rest well, Roadhog?” Hana questioned, looking back up at him as she did her best to calm her now rampant heartbeat. Roadhog simply nodded his head in response, watching as Junkrat worked on a delicate piece of art for the right shoulder of the MEKA. It took him a few minutes before he hopped off the MEKA and stood back by Mako and Hana. He stretched both of his hands out to the machine pointed directly at his art, “Whaddya think?!” He questioned eagerly, which prompted Roadhog and D.Va to give him an encouraging unison thumbs up. He cheered on the spot, pumping his fist in the air as the sunlight began to warm the terrain.
“We should move soon, Jamison. We can make it to the cave before dark if we’re lucky.”
“Cave? Do you guys have little hiding holes around the country or something?”
“Hah, you give us too little credit, darl! We’ve got a couple of hidin’ places for when the suits catch onto us, this place was just the best one.”
Hana gritted her teeth slightly, she felt bad that her negligence to destroy her MEKA headset had lured Sumi and the Australian police right to their front door, but it was in the past and the two seemed to be unaffected by it. Jamison stretched an arm over his head, “I’ll catch a quick rest while you two pack the essentials.” He waved a hand over his head as he turned to the catwalk, scaling the stairs and heading into one of the empty rooms, half shutting the door behind him. Her gaze shifted from Hana back to Roadhog, who motioned for her to follow him as he moved towards their makeshift infirmary. Upon entering the room, he tossed a backpack towards her, and then began to move around the room, gathering supplies that they would need for the trek across the Outback.
“Private Chung I am extremely disappointed in your failure to capture Hana Song.”
“Captain Seo, it was not my fault. I did not anticipate that the criminals Junkrat and Roadhog would end up ambushing us during our capture. I almost had her returning to the frigate willingly.”
Sumi spoke in a stern Korean voice to her superior officer, she was the only one present in the briefing room as the mission she had been assigned was her task alone. Seo sighed heavily, gripping the bridge of his nose with his fingers in frustration as he spoke up again in his firm demeanor.
“Am I to assume that Song has taken alliance with these two criminals?”
“…I’m afraid so, Sir.” Sumi was almost hesitant to respond to her Captain, and yet she remembered just how angry Hana was on scene. It was like she was a different person, the one she had known for years in the military was no longer there. Seo muttered a curse under his breathe, before readjusting to his firm posture.
“We will issue a monetary reward for Hana Song, matching that of the two criminals Jamison Fawkes and Mako Rutledge. I will inform the Australian officials of their alliance and suggest that we make an international news announcement.”
Sumi nodded her head softly, looking down at the ground for a moment. Her mind was still boggled by the complete change she had seen in her former best friend. She placed a hand to her stomach, which was slightly bruised by the heavy tackle she had sustained from Hana. It was when she was thinking of this injury that a thought occurred to her and she raised her head from the floor. Seo paused for a moment before looking back to the militant on his screen, clearing his throat to catch her attention.
“Private Chung you will be given a second chance to capture Hana Song. Should you fail this time, you will be subject to punishment. We will confer with the Australian officials to survey the group of criminals before making a second attempt to capture them all. A split reward of their capture will be granted to us and we will reward their government for helping us capture our own.”
Sumi was surprised that she had been given a second opportunity, and it was only then that she was finally able to kick down the emotional turmoil she had over her former friend. She gripped a fist and swallowed the spit in her throat. Hana Song is not your friend anymore, Sumi. She will kill you if you do not catch her first. Do not get distracted, you will not fail the Captain again.
“And should you succeed in her successful capture,” Captain Seo paused, enticing her from her thoughts as she looked back up to him, waiting him to eagerly finish his statement. “I will see to it that you will be promoted to the rank of Captain.”
“Captain? Sir, to make that high of a jump…”
“It will be an earned promotion, Private. Do not disappoint me. We will discuss surveillance tactics in 24 hours after the legalities have been discussed with the Australian government. Until then, you may return to your quarters and get some rest.”
“I won’t let you down this time, Captain.”
Blurred vision of gray walls could be seen from her eyes as she stirred. There was noise coming from the room, voices, ones that she could hardly distinguish. Hana could see a faint orange and tan blob, as well as another larger black and tanned blob through her vision. She struggled to push herself from the floor, only to see two dark shadows approaching behind. It was then that she could see the masses melt away into the familiar forms of Junkrat and Roadhog, both confined in a Korean execution cell, an executioner stationed in the middle of the two.
“Tell us what you told them, and we’ll spare their lives, traitor. It’s that simple.”
What had she told them? She told them nothing.
“I didn’t tell them anything!”
“Have it your way then.”
A figure to her left nodded, pulling her head upright and grasping her chin aggressively, pointing her face towards the figure of Roadhog. He was visibly enraged, and yet confined by the heaviest durasteel chain the Korean military had, the executioner approached him and delivered a single bullet shot to the skull. Tears fell down her cheeks as she watched his lifeless form fall to the floor in front of her. She could hear the profanities that Junkrat was screaming to the executioner, who then moved behind Junkrat.
“Last chance, tell us what they know and we’ll spare his life.”
Her cheeks were stained with tears from watching Roadhog collapse from behind the glass cell in front of her, her mind in shock that she had witnessed his death. Her jaw was gaped open and she said no words, her eyes fixated on Junkrat who was now looking at her through the glass cage. His amber eyes calling out to her as the executioner raised the gun to the back of his head, the hollow words of the officer restraining her echoing in her head.
Hana jolted from her rest in a jarring motion, her eyes wide with fear at the nightmare she had just witnessed. The realism had been enough to make her eyes water as soon as she woke up, tears rolling down her cheeks as she struggled to control her racing heart and breathing. It was only when she glanced around the room and saw the familiar shape of Jamison Fawkes sleeping rather humorously on the edge of the futon bed that she was snapped from her nightmare and back into reality. She had dreamed of the three of them being captured by the Korean military, watching as the two criminals she had become acquainted with executed before her very eyes. It was such a bad nightmare that it took her a few moments to right herself, she curled her knees to her chest and buried her head down. This was the grim reality she faced. She knew that punishment from the Korean military for treason was among the harshest in the world, and she should know since she was exposed to it during her own training, yet Hana could not understand why she found herself caring so much for the two of them in her dream. She lifted her head from her knees to glance back over at Junkrat, who was the last one that she saw killed in her dream and gulped down the spit in her throat as she looked to the window just beyond him. The sunlight was fading in the sky, was it early evening? She must have fallen asleep.
She rubbed her eyes for a moment, looking over Jamison once more for a confirmation that the surreal experience was just a dream, and that he was alright. She was unsure as to why in the last vision of her dream she remembered desperately screaming out the nickname she had just given to him. Maybe it was their small bonding conversation she had last night, perhaps that and exhaustion had fueled the inner turmoil of her nightmare. She sighed heavily, quietly sneaking out of the room and out onto the catwalk, where she glanced down and could see Roadhog finishing up the last touches on his chopper.
She could see a few empty gas cans off to the side, and right next to the sidecar that Junkrat rode in, she saw three distinguishable backpacks. There was relief to her upon seeing Roadhog alive and safe as well, she had grown to care for the two Junkers in the few days that she had spent with them, and to her she felt as if she truly belonged with them. She recalled the words that Junkrat had told her earlier that morning, that they would keep her safe if she did the same for them. She smiled softly as she scaled down the stairway and across the factory floor to Roadhog’s side.
“Did I fall asleep?”
“Yup. Right after we packed the bags.”
“I figured.” She sighed in embarrassment as Roadhog continued to check over his motorcycle. “How did I get up there?”
“Carried you up there.”
D.Va smiled in response to Roadhog, who finalized what he had been working on, clapping his hands free of dirt and grime. He double checked that the three bags were in place, while Hana had moved over to her newly customized MEKA unit. There were other new changes that she had not put on the mech herself. On the back of the machine, right below the entry there was a hook reminiscent of the one that Roadhog always carried, and on the rear of the machine was a license plate that read “WR3KD.”
“Heh, did you do those?” She asked curiously, pointing towards her MEKA with an enthusiastic grin.
“I like em. I used to have my own logos on my old personalized mech, but I like this more.”
Hana patted the leg of her mech unit, with the sun setting in the sky and Roadhog’s chopper packed and prepared, she anticipated that the two would be on their way to a pit stop cave the two had somewhere hidden in the Outback. As to how the duo had several hideouts in this wasteland, she would never know, but according to Junkrat, they were plentiful. She looked back over her shoulder to Roadhog, who moved to the ground opposite of his bike and attached all of his weaponry to his back, and it was in this moment that a surprise set of hands on D.Va’s shoulders caught her by complete surprise.
“Got’cha!” Junkrat yelled out in a booming voice, causing the smaller figure he had just spooked to fall straight to the ground on her butt. She grumpily crossed her arms, poking her lips upwards in a pout as Junkrat laughed heartily and loudly in front of her. Roadhog had been completely unphased by the jump scare Junkrat had just given her. He had worked with the Junker for too long to be surprised by his antics anymore.
Hana rubbed a hand on her back, when Junkrat offered her his mechanical limb. She took his hand grudgingly as he pulled her from the ground with ease. “I couldn’t resist the scare, mate. Don’t fret so much.”
“Just remember that payback is sweet.” Hana responded coyly, grinning to Junkrat deviously which caused the smallest eyebrow raise from him. That was the boldest statement she had made since she had joined up with him, and it was only then that he decided now was the perfect time. “Well not ta change this lovely conversation, but I got’cha somethin’.”  He raised a hand in the air, holding a digit up to signal for her to wait a moment as he moved from her side and over to a box, where an article of tanned clothing laid. He returned to her side with the clothing in hand, and she could tell that it was a cropped off tan jacket. The edges of the jacket were frayed on the bottom and sleeves, she could tell that he had done the handywork himself, and when she raised a brow to him skeptically, before he turned the article around to expose the back, and the intricate hand drawn design on it.
The design was that of a cartoon skull, surrounded by flames. A wrench was drawn in the mouth of the skull, and between the flaming hair of the skull was the word “JUNK” in his signature handwriting. The entire design was accented with engine pipes on either side of the flames, it was truly a unique design. She hesitated for a moment, as Junkrat offered her the jacket, and when she took it into her grasp he encouraged her to try it on, as Roadhog approached Junkrat’s side. Carefully, she slipped the jacket onto her body, it was a near perfect fit and it completed her look. When the jacket was on, Junkrat and Roadhog both gave an approving nod of their head, with Junkrat immediately moving to her side. He slouched his good arm around her shoulders, messing with her loose brown hair.
“Welcome to the crew, darl!”
Hana looked to Junkrat, laughing as he messed with her hair for a few more moments before releasing his loose grip on her and moving over to the chopper, grabbing the medium sized backpack and tossing it in the side car. Hana moved as well to the backpack she had first packed, tossing the bag on her back as she moved over towards her MEKA unit.
“When did you make this, Jamie?”
“I made it right after ya passed out. I dun sleep too well, mostly just a few hours here and there. If yer gonna roll with us, ya gotta sport one of our symbols on yer body. Simple as that.”
She opened the rear access of the hull, when Roadhog grunted to catch her attention. She looked over her shoulders to be greeted with him tossing her something. She reacted quickly and snatched the item out of the air, and it was a pair of heavy duty goggles. She raised a brow, before slipping them over her head and adjusting the strap to fit her. She looked back to Roadhog with a pleased smile, giving him a thumbs up as she turned to face her MEKA unit.
Roadhog started up the chopper and Junkrat re-assembled all of his weaponry. Frag launcher in hand, RIP tire loaded onto his back and a strap full of pimp bombs across his chest, the two Junkers looked towards their newest partner, who seemed to be stalling. She looked at her hands for a moment, staring at the entrance to her MEKA unit. She was on the cusp of a new life, one that both scared her and excited her. With a few moments passing, Junkrat was just about to ask if she was still with them, only to be greeted by Hana opening the hull of her MEKA and swiftly jumping inside, the door sealing behind her as she propped herself into the familiar frame, she had yet to start the MEKA up since they had re-built it and now was the time of truth. She gripped both of her arms in the joy stick controllers, flicking them into action and activating the MEKA unit. The holographic interface was more easily visible with the goggles on her head, the gears and parts she and Junkrat had used starting to shiver and shake around her body.
“C’mon baby, hold together. We’ve got this.” She spoke encouragingly to her mech, while Junkrat and Roadhog watched with both curiosity and a hint of uncertainty. It was only when Hana turned the machine to face them, all systems operational that the greenlight was given. Hana thrusted her joysticks forward, activating the booster rockets and blasting past her two partners. She shouted victoriously in Korean as she jetted out of their former factory base, heading out into the open Outback ahead of her.
Jamison whooped and hollered as Roadhog fired up the engine and thrust the motorcycle forward after their newest companion. The lankier male held onto the sidecar, watching as Hana drove her MEKA unit ahead with them both rapidly catching up. He could still hear her victorious shouts even from the noise of the chopper, and a genuine smile crossed his lips, one that turned into a grin of delight.
He liked this girl. He liked her alot.
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ladyspades · 8 years
Story Time
@therealpoesdaughter tagged me, so here ya go:
Nickname: Kit, Kat, Kit-Kat, the lady, etc. I have a lot, okay?
Zodiac sign: Aquarius the Water Bearer. Quality trait: fixed (aka stubborn), element: air (dreamer). My birthday was recently. It was amazing :D
Height: 5’0″ I’m a shrimp. But, if you ever need to measure out exactly 60 inches, I’m your gal
Last Thing You Googled: Uh... I think I googled driving lessons... lol
Favorite music artist: The Script, The Fray, Ed Sheeran (OMG I LOVE “Shape of You”!!)
Song stuck in my head: Aforementioned Shape of You, Perfect Illusion by Lady Gaga, Dancin’ in Circles also by Gaga (listen, Joanne is a mad good album), and unfortunately 24K Magic by Bruno Mars (I say unfortunately because it’s already on the verge of being overplayed on the radio). 
Last Movie you watched: The Nerve or some nonsense like that. I resent by bro-in-law for making me watch it... lol
What are you wearing right now: Well, I’m wearing a 3/4 sleeve shirt (the sleeves are gray and the body part is off white), and one of my favorite jeans from Aeropostale. And socks because it’s kinda cold in my room
What do you post: Mostly CageBlade trash, but I’m working on it. I need to catch up majorly on my shows
Why did you choose your URL: It’s my normal/default moniker. Plus, my birth week if it were in the 52 card stack is actually the 10 of spades. I’ve always liked spades for some reason. So there you have it :)
Do you have any other blogs: I had one for nails called Girly Glams, but I might discontinue that one since I stopped doing my nails myself (big mistake apparently), and for my OC Yuri Ogawa called @yurikukrimaster. That’s on hiatus too.
What Did Your Past Relationship Teach You: Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha! *huffs* It made me realize how resilient I am/have become (also bitchy but let’s not go there yet), and it made me realize that I need more bark in my bite because people like to take advantage of the nice people, so I’m not bending backwards for no one like that anymore. And it also taught me to be patient with my love life (four years and counting) and that someone will come along eventually and make me realize why my other relation-shits didn’t work out.
Religious or Spirtual?: I’d say I’m a mixture of both
Favorite Color: Cerulean blue and purple 
Average Hours of Sleep: .....
Lucky number: 7!! (hey PD, we match)
Favorite Character: I have a lot! Maaannnn... 
How many blankets do you sleep with?: Well, it’s winter-y here so right now I have one blanket and then my comforter. I remove the comforter when it gets warmer.
Dream Job: Screenwriter/producer, something along those lines
Board games, video games, or tabletop games?: I like a mixture of them all
Do you have any OCs? If yes, talk about a couple of them!: You can look up my OC Yuri on the aforementioned link. Another one of my OC’s is names Siesta Leandra McCormick
Siesta was born in Chicago and moved around the Midwest until her family resettled back in Fresno California. She’s the middle child and her mom Diana is Dutch while her dad Seamus is Irish. She has blond hair, hazel eyes and she’s kinda short (she’s 5′3″). She pretty much gets straight A’s, is a cheerleader, and is overall responsible (for the most part). Her boyfriend Morgan is mixed: African-American (Mom’s side) and Belgian-Welsh (Dad’s side). She honestly doesn’t see it as her being in an “interracial relationship”. She just loves her Pumpkin :D
I might POSSIBLY be open to creating a separate blog to write out her stories since I have them in composition notebooks at the moment, but I’m just super paranoid.
One thing you wish was canon in a fiction story/fandom?: How about I wish something wasn’t canon... WHY DID GLEN HAVE TO DIE?!?!?!?! *wails*
That was stupid how they did the dumpster-gate scandal (that’s what me and my friends call it when they faked out his death the first time), just to turn around and canon his death by Negan?!?! WHYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!
Favourite thing to draw/ write about/ think about?: As of late, it’s been the Siesta stuff (I call it “It’s Totally Me” series).
The strangest song you like (and a link to it if possible!): *scratches pretend beard* hmm... maybe Fool’s Gold by Dagny because people who know me know I’m not really into the electronic scene... but I like this song!
A book/story/fanfiction you read recently and would recommend (doesn’t have to be fiction): I dunno what I’ve been doing with my life, but I haven’t read anything recently (mostly because I’ve been writing/suffering at jobs), but anything by Tess Gerritsen is awesome. She’s the creator of the Rizzoli and Isles series (I MISS THAT TELEVISION SHOW!!! *wails again*)
I tag: @the-06 @hell-on-training-wheels @queen-among-writers @en-lumine @kneesofpoultry ... I dunno. Anyone else who wants to do it :)
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Dumpster Files: AU: Drug addict Bella. :D Paimon’s right, I’m sorry Paimon. :’c
Triggers: Drugs and Abuse and the abuse of drugs. It wasn't until two hours had passed of him sitting at his desk, pondering about where his Bella would be in the world and it hit him - Bella was usually so healthy looking that it hadn't even crossed his mind until he recalled a lifetime where she was starving and the similarities - The woman, It was his Bella.  A mixture of guilt and fear instantly sank in as the realization hit him...The marks on her arms suggested drug use and she looked so terrible... How would he even help her without scaring her off? He hadn't realized he was already out the door and walking back to the spot he'd seen her as his instincts had taken over. The night only brought more girls to the street... He noted Tera talking to one of the girls but didn't pay much mind as he walked down the alleyway and scanned through the women... Spotting the clump of blonde hair and the lump of her body laying in the gutter. His fingers gentle as he pulled her upright with the needle still in her fingers and her eyes rolled back into her head. She was alive and breathing but she looked like hell even compared to how she looked earlier... She'd found someone who took her offer judging by her half undone clothes and she hadn't even bothered fixing them before running to get the next fix. The feeling of a purse hitting him in the back of the head broke him out of his focus on her as a few of the women already had grouped up behind him, One with a knife and two starting to beat him with there purses and screaming at him not to touch her. - On the one hand. He appreciated anyone who watched out for his Bella. On the other, he was Paimon.  His eyes glowing as he easily shoved all of them away with one swift movement of his arm and one of the girls screaming something in Spanish.   The upset had brought Tera down the alleyway with the signature smirk on her lips as she glanced at Paimon for a moment. They tended to pass each other - aware of one another but quietly unless they needed information from one another.   This was one of the rare instances it'd last more than a moment as Tera observed the scene for a moment before raising her hand to the girls who seemed to trust her. "I promise you that the last thing he's going to do is hurt her or abuse her." She stated clearly as she waved her hand a little bit before resting them on her hips as she glanced down at Bella - She'd seen her a couple times but didn't even realize who she was.   As the crowd dispersed he let out a faint sigh and a small nod of thanks as he carefully picked Bella up who glanced at him for a moment before her eyes rolled back again... Clearly, out of it. Even as a demon and her lover he found himself grimace at how dirty and gross she looked and felt. He hated even thinking that about her but it was sadly the truth and began carrying her home. /x/ Paimon found himself somewhat lost for once - It was easy to sweep in and be the hero quite often but he didn't even know what he'd found in her pockets. The various pills were all different then there was a spoon and things he knew were for prepping and injecting but he didn't know what it was she'd taken to begin with... It took a bit of pondering before recalling December's father and with a bit of convincing and a bribe he convinced December to ring him and ask him over but he had some time to kill as he carried her to the bathroom... He hoped she wouldn't freak out if she started to come out of it - but he needed to clean her up both for her sake and so he could help her better as the dirt and mud on her skin was making it hard to tell if she was injured or anything else before Vincent arrived. "Oh, Bella...What brought you to this." He solemnly spoke to her even if she couldn't form a reply. It was silly but some part of him blamed himself - if he was with her then she wouldn't have needed to - Or he could've helped her sooner. His rough fingers are so gentle as he ran them over her delicate skin. The water was already black as he worked his way along her arms and legs and staring at the knot of her hair..He didn't even know how to fix that. Someone else would though and once again as he thought it occurred to him that probably Lily would - She was girly enough to know all about that sort've things. He'd hate to cut her hair if he didn't have to...  Lily, of course, insisted on coming over right away to help - even though she didn't have much of a bond to Bella she wanted to help Paimon whenever she could but he followed the few instructions he gave her as he dug through Bella's old beauty stuff on the shelf before finding the conditioner and as Lily said 'It sounds insane but just - soak the hair with it. Empty the bottle if you have to. I'll grab more on the way.' And hour passed before Lily showed up and it took about three hours to fully get Bella clean, Lily doing the majority while Paimon just held her up out of the water enough so she wouldn't flop over and drown. He couldn't believe just how out of it she was but in a way it made it easier to do it without worrying about her waking up in a blind panic. A pair of clean pajamas and a fluffy blanket - She certainly looked more content even if she was unaware of it, Her hair was clean but Lily had no choice but to trim it a little bit so it stopped about even with her shoulders but it looked fine... It was still fairly lengthy if not a little thin - the drugs were partially responsible for that as a lot of it just fell out into the water.  There were bruises everywhere. It angered him as he could make out hand marks on her legs arms and there were scars and injuries... Teeth marks on her breasts that were fairly recent. To be fair, He'd left quite a few faint bite marks on her in the past but these weren't loving or cautious - someone broke her skin and then some and it was now clearly infected. Her thighs were also clearly abused as people grabbed them, scraped them, tied them - the bruises and cuts lined them down to her knees. The only other noteworthy thing was, of course, the marks that coated her inner arms. Several were also infected... Paimon grimaced a little as he let Vincent in - December was right. Her father was fairly nosy and if it hadn't been desperate he would have waited until he could've just brought her and the drugs in rather then have him snoop around. His eyes scanning everything and the typical cigar hung in his lips - the scent at this point barely phased Paimon compared to whatever was on Bella's clothes that he'd just given up and burned while Lily fussed with Bella's hair. He didn't want them in the house or the trash. Vincent's eyes dully glanced to Paimon as he waited expectantly before finally speaking. "The 'drugs'?" his tone was condescending - Paimon already understood now why December disliked her father on multiple levels. He motioned to the coffee table - He planned to get rid of it all once Vincent looked at it - He knew enough about drugs that Bella would be tempted the minute she came down to do it again and again. That was the problem with drugs... Even if he didn't understand exactly what that feeling - that craving was.   He assumed it must've been a little bit like lust... That craving he had sometimes for Bella that never really could be satisfied. Perhaps that was wrong but it was the only basis he had for comparison... Vincent observed the pills closely before shaking his head a little bit. "Uppers and downers are always a terrible mix..I'm surprised she's in that good of a state honestly." He pointed to the colored pills in his palm. "The red ones aren't human-made. They're a demonic / hell based drug called 'Hellfire'" He snorted, rolling his eyes at the name before continuing. "They're sort've just like a small blast of cocaine for a demon. Works em up for a couple of hours but no everlasting damage.  Humans, on the other hand, it's highly addictive and it's way stronger than cocaine or even similar drugs. I'm honestly surprised her heart is beating so well especially since she probably injected this one judging by the residue in the needle. It works faster that way. " Paimon squinted for a moment before he recalled how good Vincent and December were when it came to hearing heartbeats as he nodded a little but frowned as there were still green and pink pills in his hand.   "These are both downers - they're similar human-produced - I'd get into all the details but if she's taken a mixture of these with the hellfire it's probably why she's so out of it.   His hand dropped the things back on the table before walking over and examining Bella and the injuries she had due to her current lifestyle choices before digging through his bag for a moment. "It's probably a good thing she's out of it..." He mentioned as he began to pull the old scabs and practically all the dead skin off the area around the wounds - normally. This would seem a bit extreme but he knew the quickest way to deal with how bad her infected wounds was especially with the hellfire in her system. If she'd been awake. It'd been extremely uncomfortable. Paimon glared and quietly tried to control himself - He somewhat trusted Vincent enough to do what was best by Bella but he didn't like watching him hurt her even if it was to help her although the drugs were keeping her pretty mellow. Her face only wincing once or twice as the tweezers dug into the wound a little. He poured one of his various bottles of such over the wounds before he glanced at Paimon over his glasses and motioned at him to come forward. "Hellfire has various unfortunate side effects on humans including screwing up her immune system among other things. Luckily. I've found that a demon's fire cauterizing the wound is the fastest method and will kill any of the bacteria in the process... And she'll probably be in less discomfort in the long run. " Paimon grimaced once again as he sighed heavily... Hoping that Vincent was correct. Doing just that carefully to her wounds and he noted that it combined with whatever he poured seemed to tone down the redness even from the burn that remained and after that, Vincent left. Of course with instructions regarding the rest of her recovery and that he'd send some prescriptions of something a little less addictive that'd help with her withdrawals when they started. / x / Bella's eyes opened slowly and heavily as she sat up suddenly and quickly as she felt the warmth surrounding her, panic turning quickly to confusion as she could smell the soft flower scent lingering on her skin from the soap and just the general sensation of being clean... It'd been so long that it took her off guard more than anything else as her fingers shakily ran along her skin. Her fingers reaching up - why did her head feel so light?  Her fingers reaching for the tangled gob of hair only to find nothing and as her fingers hit her scalp she felt the clean hair underneath them. It was brittle and dry but it was clean and untangled.  Her fingernails caught her eye next, trimmed and cleaned...   "You're awake.." The voice startled her as she grasped the blanket tightly and stood up quickly, jumpy.  The man from the day before stared back at her warmly now despite how cold he'd been the day before... A soft smile on his lips as he carefully and slowly walked forward as he was being cautious not to panic her or scare her. "I'm not going to hurt you, I swear." He raised his hands a little bit and smiled softly. Her body still was shaking but he couldn't tell how much of it was
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