#surveys about me
egophiliac · 2 months
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boredlime · 2 months
when you're Probably Not Cis but you present as it anyways because you're too lazy to do anything about it
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limnsaber · 1 year
SW Ship Alignment Chart Slideshow
You've seen this one! Now get ready for...
The accompanying slideshow, in all it's glory! Please enjoy this in-depth look at various SW ships as I seek to understand each of them. Enjoy. (Spoilers for various star wars media)
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Thank you to the wonderful people I had conversations with on my journey seeking to understand the deep thread of Star Wars shipping, and to everyone who commented, tagged, or blogged about their favorite ship! First featured in unhinged presentation night. If you'd like to pitch in to the funny haha, gay people in sw survey here https://forms.gle/pt9ADkS4mRLohman7 thanks!
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mollyhale · 7 months
hi everyone! im almost 2/3 done with my masters (!) and a main part of this semester is prepping for my capstone in the summer semester with a survey.
if you're between the ages of 18 - 35 i ask that you please take this survey - it should take no more than 5 minutes, it's completely anonymous, and it's about scarcity in fashion. i'd also appreciate any reblogs, signal boosts, or even friends/family offline to participate as i need 100 responses by April 23rd, so any and all responses count and it would make a HUGE difference to have you participate!
i thank you in advance for your consideration at all!!
link to survey: https://bit.ly/masters-survey-scarcity-in-fashion
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sweetgaleria · 1 year
Help a college student graduate by answering a survey!!
Hey!! Are you over 18 and in the miraculous fandom? Then this is for you!!
Hi everyone, this is my last semester of uni, and one of my final projects to be able to graduate is to write a scientific paper. I'm writing an article about adult fans of children's animation, specifically Miraculous Ladybug. My goal is to understand what makes adults (like us) want to join fandoms centered around shows aimed primarily at children, and to do that I'd love to hear directly from the source! The survey takes around 10 minutes to answer, it's 100% anonymous and it would help me immensely!
>>Click here for the survey<<
I need at least 30 people to answer, but honestly the more the merrier! I've also made a little thank you gif at the end, so if you see it let me know! If you have any questions feel free to send me an ask, as well!
Please reblog so it can reach more people! Thank you so much!
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febuwhump · 26 days
febuwhump 2024 survey results
has it been six months since febuwhump? yes. yes it has. nevertheless, here's the cold hard data (analysis) of the survey from febuwhump 2024: feb five.
firstly, this year was our most popular yet! with 1417 works in the official collection across 329 fandoms, we made (and shared) 103 fics more than 2023, and 770 more than my first year running febuwhump in 2021! this isnt even including all the art and fics posted to tumblr, or wasn't shared during the event, which would put our total so much higher!
the prompt list had 4000+ notes and i received 115 responses to the survey.
there were 62 people in the hall of fame, up from 51 in 2023.
the blog hit 2,683 followers, up from 1,946 at the end of the 2023 event.
across two independant check, based on the average word count of 2,000 words per fic in the 2024 collection, and aware of the multi-chapter fics (some of which were finished after the event), it is estimated that 2.8 million words were written for febuwhump 2024. which is just. fucking insane.
now, onto the survey results!
firstly: in what way did you participate in Febuwhump this year?
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with extra write-ins not pictured, fanfiction was the overwhelming winner with 92 responses (82.6%), followed by original fiction (22.6%) and artwork (11.3%). interesting to me personally is the 4 responses who wrote poetry and the not-pictured 1 response who created web-weaving! which is very cool and i would like to see it.
according to the survey:
the most popular fandoms written for were the star wars universe and legend of zelda universe (8/115 responses)
21 responses included original fiction
the majority of responses also referenced more than one fandom, meaning less people stuck to a single fandom or topic the entire time.
according to the collection:
21 anime/manga fandoms were represented
51 books/literature fandoms were represented, 12 being specific star wars subseries
24 RPF fandoms were represented, including bands and minecraft servers
the most popular fandoms written about in the collection were:
star wars (all media types) - 253 works
star wars: the bad batch - 80 works
torchwood - 66 works
original work - 56 works
my hero academia - 54 works
why and how
next, there were a lot of really lovely responses about why participants took part in febuwhump, a few favourite and repeated responses being that it seemed fun, they'd done it before and so wanted to do it again, and they liked to write about their favourite characters suffering. also, multiple people have been doing it for three of the four years i've been running it (of five total), and several were encouraged by friends!
the majority of participants discovered febuwhump through tumblr, the admin's tumblr, ao3 fics and discord servers. a handful said there's apparently a google doc floating around that houses a whump event calendar. i would be interested in seeing that if anyone's got it.
did you participate in Febuwhump 2020, 21, 22 or 23?
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the majorty of respondants were new comers to febuwhump at 66.1% "no" to 33.9% "yes". the majority of comparisons to previous years referenced a noticably bigger community, more interaction on the blog, and the admin being more "confident" (oh, you guys), however several noted that the prompts felt more repetitive or samey this year than they did previously.
are you a Febuwhump completionist or participant?
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a fairly even split, 51.3% of participants didn't finish compared to the 48.7% who did. however, only 88.1% of those completionists submitted to the hall of fame.
for those who didn't complete, the most common amount of prompts completed was 2 (13.6%), 3 (11.9%) and 12 or 6 (6.8%).
the most common place to share prompt fills was tumblr (74.8%), ao3 (72.2%), or choosing not to share at all (7%). several write-in responses said that they were planning to share in the future but hadn't yet. and while 76.4% of people submitted to the ao3 collection, those who didn't claimed it to be because the fics weren't ready to be shared on time, they weren't following the rules so didn't add to the collection, an inability to find the collection on ao3 (i swear i'm working on it) or shyness/fear.
what went well/even better if:
the only actual criticsm of the event received was that the blog was posting in a "spam"-like way, to the point that the participant almost unfollowed (and another suggested a reblog tag so it could be ignored easier if people didn't want to see the works throughout the month).
several comments asked for a later deadline for submission to the collection/hall of fame, which is going under advisement, but the current position is that by doing so, it makes the event a different event. there are no stakes to actually create once a day if, at the end of it, you actually get 2 weeks of extra time.
another couple mentioned there being too many dialogue prompts and vague prompts. this will be considered during the next voting period and prompt collation - potentially, if i allowed less dialogue prompts into the final 100 vote, less would make it through to the official 28, however the voting itself is out of my hands (unless voter fraud occurs once again).
the main suggestion for improvement (8 times out of 44 suggestions) was for an additional mod to help with reblogging more. (which imo flies in the face of the "spamming" from earlier, but there is surely a middle ground). this is likely to not happen, because i like running the event alone, despite the major burnout i receive every single year without fail. but thanks for your concern lol.
on discord:
31.3% of participants were in the discord server (which, this year, ignored the first year's 100 user cap and had 172 total users).
43.6% of people who didn't join the server did so because they hadn't heard of it, while the majority didn't join because they were either shy (the minorty) or don't use/like discord (the vast majority). i don't know if tumblr still does groupchats and if that would be a viable alternative, or if there is another forum/chat location that would work better (or to have in tandem), but i am open to suggestions.
of the people who were in the channel, most (33.3%) used it "rarely", followed by "most days" (25%) and "for half the month" (22.2%)
febuwhump 2025
the majority of responses wanted next year's colour scheme to either be red or green, but shout out to everyone who wanted orange, the person who said "children's hospital" and the other person who gave me this specific hex code: #4BEC13
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which is vile, but also another vote for green.
finally, here are my favourite suggestions for febuwhump 2025's colloquial name. previously, we have endured febuwhump 2: electric boogaloo, febuwhump 3: tokyo drift, fourbuwhump and feb five.
febuwhump 6 suggestions:
fe6uwhump (which, i'll be honest, is a real contender)
"I don't know"
febuwhump 666
febuwhump: revenge of the sixth
"I don't know, sorry"
"febuwhump sex and make all the prompts kinky"
"??? i have been thinking about this for 10 mins"
febuwhump 6(9)
"i am bad at this"
"could not care less"
febuwhump feb five 2: electric boogaloo
apparently, i accidently made this a mandatory question and that made some of you mad :(
and that's the wrap up survey, six months late! any questions/queries/want to see some of that cold hard data? send me an ask. i'll actually respond to it i swear! (probably!)
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starry-bi-sky · 9 months
I am of the DPxDC belief/headcanon that any variation of Danny who grew up poor in Gotham during his formative years before moving to Amity Park would not be friends with Sam without friction at first. It makes things more interesting and imo allows for more exploration of different themes plus character growth for Sam that she doesn't really go through in canon.
(this doesn't only apply to a DPDC au where Danny grew up in Gotham poor, but it was the first thing that I thought of where this might happen considering my Childhood Friends au.)
Now Sam's a compassionate girl, it's one of her defining character traits, but so is her hypocrisy and judgy-ness. She's the Not Like Other Girls' girl. This is in part of the show's narrative framing that makes her out like this, unfortunately though its still showing how she is as a character since its consistent enough to be part of her character description. There are also times where the show's depiction of her activism makes it look like she's performative about it. All of this makes her dynamic with a Danny who grew up poor in Gotham very interesting.
Anyways, Sam is aware of her privilege to an extent, but still has her blindspots - glaring ones, in some cases. Her self-righteous attitude would not go over well with a crime alley kid Danny. He'd like her, at first, but then she'd do something to make him mad - personally I think her judging people for not being vegan would annoy him the most, or at least would be the breaking point for him, because it was only recently that his family started actually being able to consistently put food on the table at all, good food nonetheless. And being vegan is expensive.
Any other behavior he noticed from her he'd slowly stop tolerating - her judging conventionally attractive girls and automatically assuming they're vapid and shallow for being feminine. Her anti-capitalist beliefs start coming off as superficial at worst, and Danny would eventually figure out that Sam either came from a family that was well off, or that she wasn't aware if her family was experiencing financial struggle.
He would still be friends with Tucker, but since Tucker imo is still friends with Sam, they'd still run into each other often enough to butt heads. Sam's got a nasty habit of refusing to take responsibility when she's wrong, but when Danny is arguing with her, and counterpointing her with stuff she can't retort back at without compromising her own beliefs, then forces her to start reflecting on herself. Especially when Tucker eventually starts siding with Danny and agreeing with him.
Does sam genuinely care about her beliefs and philosophies? Survey says yes. However that doesn't mean she's not ignorant, and she definitely is at times throughout the show (like when she released the purpleback gorilla thinking it 'wanted out of its enclosure' despite the fact that it was endangered and in an urban area) and I think it'd be a real fascinating dynamic between Danny and Sam to explore.
This isn't Sam hate btw, nor am I trying to make her out like "the worst person ever" bc she's not, i wanna make that explicitly clear. Sam Manson has a lot of positive traits about her but she also has an equal amount of negative traits that I think should be explored, she is not immune to the character development.
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#actout online survey
Hi there, I'm working on a video essay about actout (a collective of 185 German actors and performers who came out as queer as a unit in early 2021). I'd love to include statistics on general reach and reactions to such an initiative online, so I've set up a survey:
This survey is open to everyone, everywhere in the world, whether you'd previously heard of #actout or not!
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silverpen-and-paper · 20 days
💚 2011-2013 loki ask game 💚
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i haven’t seen a 2011-2013 loki ask game before (or any loki ask games, actually), so i decided i’d make one! there are thirty-one questions, so if you want, you could answer one for each day of this month (+1). or you could go by the normal ask game rules. or you could answer them all at once in a single post. up to you :D
(fans of ragnarok and the series can participate too if you’d like! the questions are aimed mostly at the 2011-2013 era fans, but i’m not gonna ban people from having fun)
post dividers by @/cafekitsune
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pick a favorite movie: thor (2011), the avengers (2012), thor: the dark world (2013)
how did your interest in loki begin? (optional: how has it evolved over the years?)
what do you think happened in the time between loki’s fall from the bifrost and avengers 1?
how do you interpret loki’s “death” in thor: the dark world? (“it was an illusion,” “loki was actually wounded but it was part of the trick,” “loki didn’t intend to pretend to die at all,” etc)
do you have any headcanons/theories about loki’s biological mother?
have you watched any deleted scenes from thor 1, the avengers, or thor 2? if yes, choose one deleted scene that definitely deserved to have stayed in.
which do you prefer: jotun loki with horns (a popular fanon design), or jotun loki without horns?
pick one (or more) of loki’s powers and explain how you think it works.
favorite loki quote?
favorite tom hiddleston quote about loki?
how would you describe thor and loki’s dynamic to someone who has never seen the movies?
do you think laufey actually abandoned loki to die, as odin said, or do you prefer the theory that laufey put loki in the temple for their protection?
do you have any headcanons about asgard? (phsyics, culture, environment, history, etc?)
do you have any headcanons about jotunheim?
do you have a favorite loki fanfic? (if you’re a fic writer, you’re allowed to choose your own)
do you think loki would keep a journal? if yes, what kinds of things do you think they’d write/draw/glue/etc in it?
choose any ship involving loki and share your opinions of it, whether positive or negative.
what do you think loki’s biggest fear is? (if not *the* biggest, one of the biggest.)
find an insect/arthropod that reminds you of loki (aesthetically, behaviorally, etc).
what hobbies/interests do you think loki has, outside of magic and fighting?
headcanons about loki’s childhood?
what styles of midgardian outfits would loki be most comfortable in?
headcanons about loki’s jotun form?
what song lyrics remind you of loki?
loki’s worst moment?
loki’s best moment?
say you go back in time and get hired as the director of a mcu loki movie, series, or episode that you dislike. assuming you’re already changing the biggest stuff you criticize, what is the pettiest thing you’d change?
if you could have one of loki’s powers, which would you choose?
if you could watch one movie/tv show with loki (as in, you are both sitting on the couch together and watching it), what movie/show would you choose? what would loki think about it?
imagine you were in loki’s place — you’re the frost giant baby that odin took from jotunheim. what do you think your life would be like?
has loki ridden a bilgesnipe? (would you ride a bilgesnipe?)
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snimon · 9 months
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Digimon Games released a survey asking about what kind of things we'd like to see in future Digimon video games!
Take the survey here and let 'em know what you want!
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unganseylike · 1 year
even after all these years the gang learning about noahs ghostliness is so funny to me. like obviously they are freaked out that their friend is dead and was murdered. but no one is having a revelation about ghosts being real its not even mentioned. its like yea yea we all accept the existence of ghosts. back to the one living in our apartment.
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andy-clutterbuck · 1 year
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5x09 | What Happened and What's Going On
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khytal · 1 year
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this shit is so stressful
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clfixationstation · 4 months
one thing that I will criticize about Mikasa's character is that she doesn't understand Eren's (and Armin's) dream at all. The only insight we're offered into Mikasa's perspective of their dream is that she doesn't understand it and doesn't know what they're going on about. Like?? She doesn't get Eren's basic motivations?? Unless I completely missed something, Mikasa doesn't know that Eren wanted to explore an unoccupied world with Armin or that he desires 'freedom'. Which again, are Eren's base-level motivations. And she just. Isn't allowed to know??
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redwinterroses · 2 years
I love the agreed-on design choices that have turned into shorthand for recognizing characters. Pink hair and a crown? Technoblade. Green stripes and wings? Philza. Blonde with a red sweater? ...well, you could be looking at one of two characters, but if the wings are purple or parrot it's Grian and if he's got white wings and cheek bandaids it's Tommy. Space-age armor = Xisuma. Fangs and suspenders = Rendog. Tall with a dark mustache = Mumbo Jumbo. Any sort of scarring = probably Scar. Red eyes = Tango. Indiana Jones in blue = Pixlriffs. Snakes for hair = Cleo. Any kind of black+white+neon green theming = almost certainly JoeHills.
I dunno, I just love that there are certain design choices, things that aren't always even represented by the player's minecraft skin, that are so ubiquitous. I can look at a design that looks nothing like anything I've seen before and have a good shot at recognizing the character immediately. It's just kinda cool.
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blue-ink-pearls · 2 years
I am a graduate student working on a final year project about the publishing industry with a focus on Science Fiction and Fantasy.
As part of the project I need to collect data on the degree of interest in those genres and how people interact with the publishing industry. 
The survey is only 13—14 questions (depending on what genres you like) and takes less than 5 minutes.
I would really appreciate it if you could take this survey and reblog it so that others can find it.
Thank you so much!
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