#i’m just in my own lil corner over here like oh hey
dinsdjrn · 1 year
oh hi it’s meg!
updates for u all - i have a mystery illness from travelling so i’m gonna be in bed for the next few days (likely miss vid for the third time😵‍💫)
i’m getting a foster dog on tuesday
update schedule!
tomorrow - track two of everything i wanted
this weekend - gone from austin part 2
skeletons in the closet (devils we keep)
and we will see how i’m feeling/ where the weekend takes me!
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: established relationship, Eddie is an emotionally constipated lil guy who's scared of his own feelings, adorable nervous energy, so much fluff its gross
AN: BRUV i wrote this in about a half hour ago and now its up and i BARELY edited this so please be gentle! I love you guys, have the best weekend!
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I can’t fucking say it.
Eddie has been pacing back and forth in his room for the past 45 fucking minutes.
He’s tried saying it looking in the mirror, looking at his feet, hell, he even tried staring out the fucking window.
He can think it—that’s the easy part. Those three little words play in his head like a god damned broken record.
When he’s not around you, he’s thinking it. When he’s just left you, or on his way to you, he can feel it on the tip of his tongue.
Oh, but when he’s with you? It’s like a big flashing neon fucking sign buzzing in his brain:
It should be easy, no? To look you into your dreamy eyes and tell you.
Let’s try this again.
Eddie bounced back and forth on each foot, shaking the nerves from his hands. “C’mon, Munson. Don’t be a chicken shit…”
He let out a few quick breaths. “Okay, okay…”
Eddie’s brain is screaming at him. Telling him to say the fucking words he’s been thinking and feeling for the past 4 months.
Really the past 3 years he’s knowns you, but that’s neither here nor there.
He feels out of breath just sitting on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands.
“I can’t fucking say it, holy hell.” Eddie scrubs his face, feeling like a complete coward.
Always running from what scares him.
He heard the door of the trailer open, and the familiar chime of your keychain follow.
“Eds? I’m back! and I got you a surprise!”
Whatever nerves he was feeling vanished. You’re the most calming presence Eddie’s ever met. Like…a warm blanket. A cup of tea on a rainy day. Lover's lake, right as the sun was starting to rise.
Magical. Healing. Golden.
You were everything to him, and he couldn’t even fucking tell you.
“Babe?” You called again, looking for him.
“Y-Yeah! Yeah, in here, sweetheart.” He stands quickly. Drying his sweaty palms on his pants.
You round the corner into his room, and Eddie swears you get more beautiful every time he sees you. You smile at him, “Hey, handsome.”
“There’s my pretty girl.” He says without a second thought. “You and Buckley have fun at the mall?”
Eddie pulls you into him completely, and you melt. He’s so sturdy and strong but so, so gentle with you. You inhale him, he inhales you.
“I did, Robin keeps me from flying too close to the sun,” you laugh. “I did, however, get you a little something.”
Eddie pulls back, looking at you. “What? Why?”
You’re beaming up at him, “‘Cause I love you, ya silly goose.” You bend down, and grab the bag at your feet. “Here, opening it!”
Eddie doesn’t even have time to process how easily you’d say it.
You’ve never once pressured him—never made a big thing about saying it. It came with no strings when you said it the first time.
You’d spent the day with him, doing nothing particularly important. These were Eddie’s favorite. It’s just him and his girl, no sharing you with Robin or Dustin or any of those other gremlins.
You had an early shift the next day, so you kissed him goodbye, and grabbed your bag. Eddie kissed you once for every step you took toward the door.
“Baby, nooooo,” he whined. “I’ll let you sleep, sweetheart. No funny business, scouts honor.”
You laughed, “Oh, you were Boy Scout?”
Eddie shifted his feet, “I could’ve been.”
You kissed him deeply at the front door, “I’ll be back before you know it."
“Fine, fine,” he said dramatically. “I’ll just be here…alone…wallowing in my sorrows.” Eddie flopped back and fell backwards over the couch.
Your giggle echoed off the walls of the trailer. “I love you! I’ll see you in the morning!”
The door shut behind you, and Eddie shot up like a rocket, and stiff as a board.
You love him.
You said you loved him.
And he didn’t say it back.
It’s haunted him since.
Eddie took the bag from your hands, and pulled you gently to follow him. You sat down together on the edge of his bed.
You spoke to him as he opened it, “Okay, if you don’t like them, just be nice because it took me 40 minutes to decide between two sets and this one spoke to me and I wanted—“
“Honey, honey.” Eddie chuckled. “Take a breath. Whatever it is, it’s perfect." He tapped your nose gently, "‘Cause it’s from you.”
Eddie unwrapped the tissue paper, revealing a black acrylic case. He removed the lid, and his jaw nearly hit the floor.
“Holy shit, baby.”
Inside the case, was a brand new set of black onyx and ruby red DND dice.
“You like ‘em? Robin almost left me in the store because I just couldn’t decide—“
Eddie put the dice down quickly, grabbed your cheek, and kissed you tenderly.
He brought his other hand to your face as well, cupping it gently as his mouth moved over yours
When he was done with your mouth, Eddie kissed your nose, your cheeks, your eyes, your chin, any part of you he deemed not smothered in affection enough.
His lips had barely left your skin before he spoke, “I love you. God, I love you so much, sweetheart.”
Your smile—it could light up the whole town.
“Y-Yeah?” You asked hopefully, “You do?”
Eddie nodded, his hair tickling you cheeks. “I really, really do, baby. I love you. Thank you for thinking of me. For taking the time to do something that I never woulda done for myself. Thank you for just…” Eddie sighed, kissing your forehead. “Just for being mine. Christ, I’m so lucky.”
It wasn't about the gift.
Eddie had it all when he had you, and now he's going to make sure you know it.
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bookuce · 5 months
Change My Mind (Jey Uso)
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SUMMARY: Josh and Alina are great friends most days. Other days they want to tear each other apart. Some days, they’re in love with each other, but neither of them will admit it.
*DISCLAIMER: This is a multi-part series. I do not own any of the characters in the writing except for the OC. The book also uses the real names of the wrestlers. Josh is Jey Uso, Jon is Jimmy Uso, Trinity is Naomi, Alina is just Alina. The book is not realistic and does not take place during real events, but some actual events could pop up in the story eventually*
PAIRING: Jey Uso x Black OC
TROPE: Friends to Lovers
WARNINGS: Language
The sound of Alina’s heels clicking against the concrete floor beneath her echoed throughout the semi-empty hall. She was following chatter with a mic in hand. She was due to do an interview with Trinity about her upcoming championship match. She’d turn the corner, spotting the blue interview set down the hall. “Hey, Alina.” Greets one of the crew members as she arrives on set. She would flash them a quick smile, wiggling the top of her fingers at them.
Over in the corner, adorned in glowing green lights and neon hair, stood Trinity. She was deep in a hushed conversation with her husband Jon. “Alright, Alina is here, everyone! Places!” Exclaimed one of the producers. Alina would move to stand on a blue X tapped to the floor. Trin gives Jon a quick kiss before rushing over to her.
“Hey, Alina!” Jon sings. “How you doing?” He waves, flashing a goofy smile at her. Trinity looks over at him before looking back at Alina.
“Ignore him, please.” Trinity begs.
“It’s what I do best.” Alina sings.
Trinity glances down at the floor, making sure she’s standing on her designated X before looking back at the tall interviewer next to her. “Speaking of ignoring—.”
“Starting in five, four, three, two!” Count down the producer.
“I’m standing by with Naomi ahead of her match with Bayley tonight for the Smackdown Women’s Championship. Naomi, you’ve been on a roll the last few weeks, getting a huge win over Nia Jax last Friday that got you this opportunity tonight. What’s the strategy for tonight?” Alina asks, moving the mic towards her friend.
“The strategy is to go in focused, and be aware of my surroundings. The only reason Bayley even has that title is because of Damage Control. And that’s okay because they, just like Bayley will, can feel the glow.” Trin would skip off camera, leaving Alina to end their interview.
“Thank you, Naomi. You heard it here first, Naomi is focused and ready for her championship match with Bayley later tonight.” There was a five second pause before the producer called for the scene to end. Trinity comes back over to me, linking her arm with the interviewer’s.
“So, have you talked to Josh?” She asks, pulling them over to Jon.
“Don’t plan on it.” Alina says quickly. She’s been avoiding him since last week. He called on the hour, every hour for the first few days, but now he’s dialed it back to text messages. Her inbox says one hundred and twenty unread messages now—eighty-five of those belong to him.
“Ay, You gotta quit stressing my brother out, Uce.” Jon says, earning a gasp from Alina.
“Oh, I’m stressing him out?” She shouts. “He’s the one that chased my date off with that weak ass intimidation tactic he uses. I was fine!”
“That man was not finna last, Lina. Hell, the last one didn’t.” He says. “If anything he did you a favor.”
“Jon.” Trinity pushes his shoulder.
“Don’t Jon me. I’m right!” He points his hand out at Alina. “What was his name again? Bill?”
“William.” She says, folding her arms.
“Square ass name. See, that was destined to fail.” Alina scoffs gently, shaking her head at him. The date with William went great or so she thought. Things started to change when they came home to Josh on her doorstep. Josh and William didn’t see eye to eye immediately. “He just wants the best for you, Uce. It’s all love.” He explains. “Ain’t that right, lil bro?”
Alina’s heart dropped into the pit of her stomach. She turns away from her friends, only to catch Josh approaching them. His eyes were fixated on her. She slips her arm out of Trinity’s. “I gotta go.” She said, turning to walk the opposite direction as Jey. He would stop, watching as she tried to put distance between them again. Something about that pissed him off.
“Girl, if you don’t bring your ass back here.” He said, storming off after her. “Alina, you hear me talking to you!” She doesn’t respond to him, her eyes flitting around the hall. Suddenly arms snatch her up, lifting her into the air. “I’m not chasing you, damnit. We finna talk this out.” Josh would glance around him before moving into a random dark room on his left. He places her back on the floor and turns on the lights.
“I ain’t got nothing to say to you, Jey.”
“That’s not my name.” He scolds her.
“Jey!” She presses on. He sucks his teeth at her, closing the door behind him.
“Man, you something else with yourself.” He says. “What I do, hm? Since I’m always pissing you off.” Josh knew why she was upset, but he wanted to hear it from her mouth instead of everyone else's.
“Boy, I do not have time for this.” She says, moving to walk around him. He steps in her path, blocking her from going any further. “Jey, if you don’t get out my way.”
“Or what?” She steps to the right of him and he follows. “Nah, We finna have this conversation like two grown ass adults, Lina. That’s what we are right?” She gives him a stern look. “Mad at me over some boy that wasn’t gonna make the cut anyway.” She takes a step back.
“He was a great guy!”
“Shit, couldn’t be if you mad at me.” He says. “He looked like a fucking square anyway. What was his name? Bill?”
“William!” I exclaim.
“Man, same thing.”
Alina crosses her arms over her chest, moving to sit down on the couch. When Jey saw she was calming down, he moved to sit down on the coffee table in front of her. They sat there in silence for a moment. Josh watched her while she watched a wall. He knew what she wanted; an apology, but like always, she was gonna make him work for her forgiveness. “So what was his excuse?” He asks, finally breaking the silence.
She would remain silent for a few more moments before finally speaking. “He assumed you were my man and didn’t want to be in the middle of it.” Hazel eyes would glance over at the Samoan sitting in front of her. This was the third—no, fourth time a man dipped on her because of him. It was starting to get out of hand. Josh looked down at the floor at the answer. He would sniffle, the right corner of his mouth twitching as he did so. He wasn’t her man but he did wish he was. This has been a feeling of his for a few months now.
“He wasn’t the one then.” He said this to her often. She was probably tired of hearing that come from him, but it was true. None of those dudes were the one. Him on the other hand…
“I give up then.” She sighs. Josh looks up at her at the statement. “The love I require is unrealistic and I know that now so I'll stay to myself.”
“Nah, we don’t give up around here. You gonna find someone…just be patient.” He pleads quietly. He presses his fists to her bare knees. If she was to guess he was speaking for himself, she would be true. He, just like her, didn’t want to fuck up the dynamic of their friendship. If things didn’t work out, it would trickle down into their friend group and they didn’t want to make things weird for anyone; not even for themselves. “Are we good?” He asks finally. “I don’t like when you’re mad at me.”
She stares at him, pretending to be deep in thought. “I didn’t hear any apology.” She says.
“I’m sorry, Alina.” He says quickly.
“I don’t like the way—.”
“Alina.” He snaps, causing her to laugh out loud at his irritation. “You’re lucky I love you.” He says, standing to his feet. Alina would stand shortly after him, their fronts now touching. Eyes watch eyes for a moment before awkwardly venturing off in opposite directions. The interviewer would shimmy to the right, freeing herself of his suffocating energy.
“I should get going.” She says.
“Yeah, me too.”
Alina walks over to the door, her hand outstretched for the knob. She pulls the it open, catching Trinity and Jon standing near it. The couple steps back from the door, trying to make it seem like they weren’t prying.
“We were wondering where y’all went!” Trin says.
“Y’all together yet?” Jon asks, getting straight to it. That was Alina’s cue to leave the scene. She squeezes by Trin and Jon, making her way down the hall.
A/N: Hi! this is my first time writing fanfic in FOREVER. Let me know what you think or if I should write more! I have a lot of cute little drafts with Roman and Jey! If you want to be added to the tag-list just let me know! ☺️
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togrowoldinv · 1 year
At a Coffee Shop
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Natasha always comes into your coffee shop and orders the same thing. One day you ask her if she wants to try something new
Note: Very soft lil fic based on this request. I haven’t had as much time to write this week, but trust more fics will pop out of me randomly lol. Enjoy this one!
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 1, Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 2, Main Masterlist
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Working as a barista and owning a small town coffee shop, there are always customers that you dread seeing every day. But then there are those customers that you love seeing.
Some of them are older ladies, or working mothers that you always make your best for knowing that they’ll need it to get through the day.
But your favorite customer recently has been a very attractive redheaded woman. She’s a bit mysterious. Often she wears sunglasses inside or a hat, but it doesn’t hide her beauty. You see it in her smile.
When you return to the register now after a meeting, she’s the first one in line. Today she wears a hat, but her face is not covered in any way.
“Good morning,” you say. “What can I get you?”
She always orders black coffee and a blueberry muffin. Today is no different.
“Thanks,” she says after you accept her order.
You pour her coffee and get her muffin out of the display. She watches.
“Oh, hey we’ve got a new blueberry treat if you’re interested,” you tell her. She raises her brow just a bit and you explain. “I’ve noticed you always get a blueberry muffin, so I thought you’d like to try the new one.”
“Oh, maybe,” the woman says. “Tomorrow?”
It’s the first time she’s acknowledged she comes every day.
“Tomorrow it is,” you say. “Have a good day!”
“You too,” she says.
You hand her the coffee and muffin. She chuckles softly when your hands touch and a light blush is on her cheek.
When she’s left the shop, you turn to your colleague.
“I need you to take over register. I have to come up with a new blueberry treat by tomorrow,” you say.
“I knew you didn’t have anything new,” they tease you. “You think she’s pretty.”
“Maybe,” you admit. “I’ve been wanting to try a new recipe anyways.”
They laugh at you and take over so you can work on the kitchen. You try your best and finally by the end of the day you’ve got a perfected blueberry breakfast for the girl.
She walks in the next morning with a smile on her face. Not even a hat or sunglasses on. The full sight of her red hair and piercing green eyes is enough to make your heart skip.
“Good morning,” you say as per usual. “How are you today?” You add.
“I’m excited for a blueberry treat,” she quips.
“I have the perfect one for you,” you reply. “But I do require a review of my product.”
“I can do that,” she says.
You make her coffee and plate the treat for her.
“Here you are,” you say. “I’m y/n, by the way.”
You hold out your hand for her to shake. She takes it.
“Natasha,” she says.
“Beautiful name for a beautiful woman,” you can’t help but say. A blush fills her cheeks. “Let me know how you like it.”
“I will, y/n,” she says. You love the way your name sounds coming off her lips.
She goes to a table in the corner as you move on to the next guest. You steal glances her way, noticing how she is enjoying the treat. Natasha stays until the morning rush has calmed down.
“So?” You direct the question in her direction once it’s just the two of you in the front of the shop.
“You’ve outdone yourself,” Natasha says.
You grin at her. In your head, you even do a happy dance.
“Thank you,” you reply. “That means a lot. I can add it to the menu now.”
“I was the first person to try it?” Natasha asks.
“Yes ma’am. First and only opinion I wanted,” you explain.
“I’d like to have it every day, so please do add it to the menu,” Nat says.
“I will, but it’s always going to be on the house for you,” you tell her.
Natasha smiles at that. She stands up from the table and walks to the counter.
“Do you know who I am?” She asks the question softly. Like she’s worried about your answer.
“You’re Natasha. The woman who comes in here and buys a black coffee, a muffin, and now maybe a blueberry treat every day.”
Your words take her by surprise. Of course you know she’s the Black Widow. You suspected it before but now with no disguise on you know for sure.
“And maybe the woman who could take you out on a date?” Natasha asks. “I mean- only if you’d want to and-“
“Yes,” you interrupt her nervous rambling. “I’d love to go on a date with you, Nat.”
She smiles the brightest smile you’ve ever seen. You hand her your phone and she puts her number in.
“I’ll call you,” Nat says. “And I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“I’ll be here. Have a good day, Natasha.”
“You too, y/n.”
With that, Natasha walks out of the shop. You swear you see her do a tiny celebration dance before she walks normally down the street.
Now you really have to keep making more blueberry treats for her. And for everyone else. But mostly for Natasha.
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ashlynredonovitch · 8 months
Hello! I love your work! Wondering if I could request a Wonka fic where y/n is having a panic attack and willy finds her and helps her through it! then noodle comes in and they all have a lil family moment ^_^ (willy and y/n are platonic!)
Hi anon! thank you so much for the request! Sorry they have now taken a while longer to get out. My whole family was hit with the flu, including me, and I'm not able to write much because I just keep getting headaches. Hope you like the story!
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Warnings: panic attack, anxiety, slight mention of a possible ED if you squint, malnourishment
Hope you enjoy!! :)
I just finished folding more of the laundry after it finally dried, thankfully finished after the long day of doing laundry with the wash crew. We had taken so long that Scrubitt and Bleacher hadn’t let us eat for an extra hour and a half, and since we still hadn’t gotten it done, I took the rest of the load so the others could go eat. Noodle would bring me my dinner later anyway if I didn’t eat. 
It was my fault anyway, I just was going slow today. I was on barrel duty for the majority of the day, and if the first step of the laundry is slow….the rest of it is slow as well. So I automatically felt bad that I was the reason for withholding everyone’s dinner. 
Scrubitt hadn’t let me eat though, so I would just have to wait for Noodle to bring me my food in a couple hours when she could sneak it in. I was craving something though. It gets worse if I’m thrown in the coop because then you don’t get anything at all. At least I’ll have a chance tonight. If only Willy was here. Him and Noodle are getting more milk for his chocolates while they had a chance to escape before roll call. 
I knew the panic was building up, but it just felt like I could ignore it. The feeling in my stomach from how hungry I was felt like a gnawing pain, I couldn’t even focus as I just collapsed in the corner of my small room. My mind a a million thoughts, but I probably couldn’t even try to name one, all of my focus was on the half-tempting smell of the food my fellow workers were consuming. 
I hate crying, I hate it. The feeling in my chest as it gets tighter and tighter to the point I can’t breathe, I hate the feeling of uncontrollable tears that can’t stop. For some reason though, I can’t, there are no tears. Just painful attempts at a breath. 
“She’s in there. I didn’t want to disturb her, but I’m worried,” I hear Piper say as I heard two sets of footsteps down the narrow hallway, oh, it couldn’t be. I’d be too lucky. 
A light knock was on my door, but I couldn’t even begin to try to lift my head up. 
“Y/n?” The voice questioned through my door, before gently opening it. It was apparently my lucky day. “Hey what’s going on?”
“I- I can’t-” I started before my own breathing stopped me. It felt like I was being choked. 
Willy looked concerned as he examined every inch of my face, or what I could tell from where my head was on my knees. “It’s okay, you’ll be okay. Noodle, go grab a towel!” He hollered as I could see that he tried to reach out to put his hand on my shoulder. 
Apparently once he felt my trembling shoulders he decided I wasn’t well, even without me answering. As Noodle ran in with a towel, Willy instructed her to put water on it. “You’re trembling terribly, here take this.” He offered me his plum-colored tailcoat as he put it over my shoulders, as I stayed curled up in the ball. 
“Thank you,” I managed to whisper out as he tried to loop his arms under me to help me stand. 
“Of course, you know I’d do anything to help you, y/n.” He says earnestly as he guides me over to my small bed. “Here, get under the covers.”
He instructed Noodle to do something else gets that I couldn’t hear. Which I soon would understand as Noodle rushed in with the extra blanket from Willy’s own bed, as he laid it across me. It finally felt like my chest wasn’t being weighted down with a boulder, the comfort of my friend greatly easing my mind. However….
“Y/n, have you eaten anything today?” Noodle hurriedly asked when she stopped. That’s when Willy looked frantically over at me as well, as he sat on my bed. 
“No, I made everyone fall behind earlier, so Scrubitt wouldn’t let me eat.” I say as the tears started to slow, hopefully the last of the bunch as Willy slowly massaged my scalp with his hand. 
“I’m gonna go fix that, I’ll be right back.” She said as she skidded across the floor. 
Not before I let out a quiet “don’t get thrown in the chicken coop” causing the man behind me to let out a quiet laugh. 
“I was really scared when Piper said you isolated yourself in here.” Willy told me, as I tried to look up at him from where I was laying. 
“Sorry,” I told him nonchalantly, I didn’t want anyone to worry about me. 
“Don’t you dare apologize, you were having a panic attack, I just got worried. How about after you get some actual food in you, I’ll make your favorite chocolate to cheer you up?” He asked as he continued to rub my head. 
I smiled as I felt the other muscles in my body relaxed, “that sounds really nice.”
“You’re safe now, y/n, Noodle is going to get you dinner, and then we’ll find some funny combination for tonight’s chocolate.” He smiled at me as I listened to him talk, nodding my head at his eagerness. Never had someone been able to help me through an attack that quickly. Even though it had felt like hours, Willy just had a certain charm about him that made it easy to relax. At least now I know someone is there to help me should the need arise again.
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vitentia · 1 year
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pairings ━━ best friend!ellie x oblivious!reader (no fem pronouns but female anatomy)
warnings ━━ swiftly solved miscommunication, fluff, mention of throwing up
synopsis ━━ PART 2 of BAGS ━━ after that game night at Ellie’s your friendship had been…awkward to say the least. you’d try to catch her in passing to say hello but she’d be so busy she would just give you a quick hello and keep walking. you just couldn’t understand why after all that talk about not leaving you alone, was she doing the opposite. but maybe it’s for the best, maybe you should start moving on.
playlist ━━ glue song by beabadoobee ft clario ,
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“And we live in The United States of America, specifically right here in Wyoming which is a…”
“State!” The small children answered unanimously.
“Good job everyone! High fives all around.” You exclaimed, holding your hands down for the children to slap. A knock on wood caught your attention.
You looked up and saw Maria walking over to you, waving to the children sitting on the floors with a kind smile.
“Hey Maria.”
“Hey hun, can we talk for a second?” She gestured to a more secluded corner in the makeshift school room, you agreed and followed her nervously.
“Is there something wrong?”
“No, of course not. I just wanted to let you know there’s been a switch, Cyrus is gonna take your patrol for this week so consider it a free day. Not many of those going around.”
Your mouth fell open. “But I thought I was supposed to do a double with Ellie.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry, this was kind of a last minute switch so you’d be taking Cyrus’ place with Ellie next week for a supply run.” She suggested upon noticing your downturned expression.
“Yeah, sure.” You agreed solemnly. Maria rubbed your shoulder and walked back out the double doors, leaving you alone in your own self pity. Even though you were bitter about her ignoring you, you thought this new patrol pairing would give you the chance to confront her without talking yourself out of it, again. And now all that planning was spoiled.
Your misery was short cut by the children, as per usual.
“Bye bye teacher!”
Called out the children as they packed up their papers and pencils and ran out the doors, you called out a goodbye but by then they were all scattered out. You sighed to yourself before noticing one little boy still sitting in his floor spot and scribbling some doodles on his paper. Crouching beside him, you decided to start a conversation in that high pitched voice best used to talk to kids.
“Wow, this drawing is amazing, where do you learn how to do it?”
He smiled bashfully and continued his pencil coloring. “My sister showed me.”
“Is your sister coming to pick you up or would you like me to walk you home?”
He shook his head, his bowl cut hair swaying back and forth along with it. “Nu uh, my big sister is picking me up today. She draws really nice.”
“Mhm, well, how about we wait for you sister outside, yeah?” You proposed, holding your hand out for him to take and standing up with him.
Just then, rushed footsteps came barreling into the school room and a short haired, out of breath Asian girl comes into the room.
“Sorry I’m late!” She took a couple more breaths and held her hands on her knees. “Jesus, this school needs a bell or something.”
You chuckled at her and brought the boy over to the porch outside the school where she greeted him. “I’d rather not ring the dinner bell, Cat.”
She stood to her full height and brought the young boy under her arm, purposely messing up his hair. “Wassup lil man? Did ya learn anything?”
Despite her teasing, he excitedly looked up at her and showed her his drawing. “Yeah! I learned what a state is!”
“Oh yeah? What state are we in now?” She quizzed him
“Jackson!” He proclaimed proudly.
She raised her eyebrows up and looked at you. “Wow! You must’ve had an amazing teacher then, huh?”
You rolled your eyes and nudged her shoulder. “He does. Kids get confused sometimes.”
“Mhm, totally.” She nodded sarcastically. “Ready to get some grub, bud?”
“Yup!” He responded happily and looked up at you, “Aren’t you hungry, teacher?”
“Uh, yeah I think I need something to cheer me up.”
“Well then, let’s get a move on, people.” Cat clapped her hands together and placed one behind her brothers back to guide him in the right direction as you followed next to her.
A cool breeze whistling past you seemed like the only noise for a few minutes as you each decided who should speak first, you sighed to yourself, feeling melancholy as the thought of summer leaving earlier than you wanted passed you by.
“So, what’s got you down?” Cat spoke up first.
You looked up from the ground, surprised. “Oh, uh, I was supposed to be on patrol this week but Maria pushed it back.”
She made a funny face at you. “Wow, you might be the only person in Jackson who complains about not being on patrol and getting a day off.” You both chuckled lightly at her words but you couldn’t help how quickly your mind flashed Ellie’s face for a second.
“Not the only one.” You mumbled under your breath.
“Yeah, no, not the only one. You and Ellie love being outside these walls, I still don’t get why.” You flinched at her name coming out of her mouth, not expecting the girl to just speak about her ex so openly after their breakup.
“I guess I feel…stuck sometimes. I don’t know…” You shrugged, looking down at your feet as you reached the outside of the cafeteria.
“Well, hey, if you’re gonna feel trapped for having a day off you might as well enjoy the good food that comes with it, right?” She said in an attempt to cheer you up.
You held the door open for the two as your eyes drifted away, meeting a pair of familiar green ones that nearly froze time for a second. Ellie raised her hand to wave at you, a role you usually took on, and received a tight lipped smile from you before entering the cafeteria.
Guilt ate you up as you went to sit down but Cat drifted all your worries away while you spoke. She made hilariously dry jokes and you laughed at both the irony and the contorted faces her brother made when he found the joke stupid and for a minute, Ellie didn’t invade your mind.
It felt nice talking to someone other than your usual two friends and had you crossing your fingers for a chance to start a new chapter in your life. A chapter without you hopelessly pining after Ellie for your entire teenage years.
By the time you stepped into the next week, you had managed to shove your feelings for Ellie down into a tight hole of dirt and misery in order to continue with your assignment. You barely slept the night before, too busy coming up with outrageous scenarios that would never happen and freaking out over the lingering thoughts of her lips on yours. None of it was good and all of it felt disastrous.
Your movement were sluggish and slow as you packed all the essential items you needed for the journey, purposely trying to avoid seeing her face earlier than necessary.
Unfortunately, that had an opposite effect.
“Hey.” Ellie greeted you with a small smile when you opened your front door. “You ready?”
You released the breath you held every time you saw her face and nodded, picking your bag up off the floor and walking out with her. The two of you walked in silence towards the stables for a minute, each wanting to speak first but neither having the balls to actually do so.
“Did…” you mentally cursed yourself for breaking the silence first, “did Maria tell you exactly where we’re going?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah.” Ellie fumbled behind herself for the short pockets of her book bag before finally pulling out a neatly folded map. She opened the map to its full extent and leaned closer to you to point to your destination.
“Yellowstone National Park?” You read out carefully. “What kind of supplies are we gonna find in a…park?”
“A National park.” Ellie emphasized, stepping into the stables to greet Shimmer.
“Okay, what are we gonna find in a National park?” You questioned, reaching down to grab a rope and saddle for your horse until Ellie stopped you, her hands hovering over yours.
“Wait! Uh, Maria said only one horse for this supply run.”
“You’re joking.” You deadpanned.
She shrugged, “Sorry.”
Reluctantly agreeing, you following Ellie on the opposite side of Shimmer towards the front gates where patrol officers sat in their seats fighting sleep. The purple and gold hue that fell over Jackson from the quarter rising sun would’ve made you lull into a sleep, had it not been for the short brown haired girl that clogged your mind like a bad sinus infection.
You snagged an apple from a nearby bucket and shoved it in your pocket before snapping the patroller out of his sleep and announcing your leave. He called for others to open the gates as you took your seat behind Ellie on the horse, hesitantly wrapping your arms around her waist.
Again, silence overcame the two of you, begging to be addressed.
But for the first time in a long time, Ellie spoke first.
“I’m…I…” she sighed, seemingly frustrated.
“Take your time.” You said in a teasing tone.
“Shut the fuck up.” She snickered, giving you quick look over her shoulder before facing the open road once more. “I’m trying to apologize for…you know.”
“No, I don’t know.”
“Oh, fuck off, you’re really gonna milk this, aren’t you?”
You smiled happily and placed your chin on her shoulder. “I am.”
She rolled her eyes but continued. “I’m sorry for, you know, ignoring you these past few days, but in my defense I had very good reason.”
“Which is?”
“I can’t say.”
You clicked your teeth and lifted your head off of her, “Fuck you.”
Ellie chuckled under her breath and the three of you, including Shimmer, pushed forward on your trek. However, this time was different. There was no lingering sense of resentment on your end and no awkward tension on hers. It was rare you two argued or ever stopped talking for an extended period of time but when you did, it would only take mere minutes to rekindle what was there before.
Ellie hated communicating properly and you loved making her, it’s how you two flowed.
The trip there would only last a day but sitting behind Ellie on Shimmer, your eyes falling forward and your cheek leaning on her shoulder for support as you both swayed side to side was a time that you deemed immeasurable. If this was the only way you could have her, you’d treasure it. Ellie as a friend is better than going without her at all.
“Morning sunshine.” Ellie said with a laugh after holding your nose closed and causing you to wake up with a sharp inhale.
“Oh ha ha, dick.” You huffed and kicked her in the leg.
“Ow! What the fuck?!” She cursed dramatically.
“Yeah, not so funny anymore, is it?” You laughed at her and got out of your sleeping bag, cracking your bones like a grandma and packing it all up again. “Where’d you put Shimmer?”
“In the garage because we,” she placed her hands on your shoulders and looked into your eyes, “are walking.”
Your excited smile dropped into a straight line, “Seriously?”
You groaned and threw your down into your palm. “And how long are we walking for?”
She pretended to think, “Mhm, about three ho-“
“Three hours?!” You shouted, looking at her in shock.
“What? It’s nothing you haven’t done before.” She shrugged and bent down to throw your bag over her shoulder. “Besides, I let you sleep in and according that clock right there, it is about…9:30.” She pointed at a grandfather clock nearby.
You looked between her and the clock. “Do you even know how to read a clock?”
“Nope. Let’s go.”
You groaned but followed beside her through the wildlife, barely coming across any infected but managing to witness a few squirrels here and there scurry past you in a frenzy. Ultimately, you two ended up in front of what you assumed to be a ticketing or entrance area with flyers and brochures splayed out wildly.
“Welcome to Yellowstone National Park.” Ellie read the large sign and picked up one of the brochures still sitting neatly in a box, flipping it open and gathering an accent of sorts. “Let’s get a move-on, darlin’”
“Please tell me you’re not going to do that this whole time.”
She gave you an offended look, “What? You don’t appreciate some good lo’ southern hospitality?”
You stared at her for a second before shaking your head and walking ahead. “It’s neither southern nor hospitable. Think more…ear crushing?”
Her jaw dropped, “Oh you are mean. You are a mean mean girl, darlin’.” You giggled at her continuation but covered it up with a groan.
“I hate you.”
“Love ya, too, darlin’. As your tour guide today, I simply must inform you that these here waters are highly dangerous and some are even acidic enough to burn the flesh off that pretty little skin, and we certainly do not want that.” Ellie read off the brochure, tugging your ear in her direction to get your full attention.
You were lucky you’re out in the open or else your increased body temperature couldn’t be blamed on anything more than pure embarrassment and attraction.
“Ow! Bullshit, there’s no way it can burn off flesh. It’s just water.” You shrugged, pulling your head away from her and wearily looking over at the clear blue lake you were nearby.
“False! See here it says some hot springs can reach up to 198 degrees Fahrenheit, and I don’t know about you but I do not want to swim in that.” She pushed heavily into her fake southern accent and read off the brochure as if she needs glasses.
You snickered. “Surprised you can swim at all.”
She chose to ignore your comment and carry on with her little bit. “Here look, map says we’re approaching one right now.”
Ellie grabbed your hand without warning and pulled you in the direction of the boulders that surrounded the running lake to get a closer view. The lake spanned for miles in both directions and connected to a river, making its color crystal blue and giving it a smooth current.
“Are you sure this is a hot spring? Looks pretty normal to me.” You asked, leaning down to get a closer look but being weary of the boulders edge.
“Yeah look, says right here.” She pushed the brochure in your direction and when you turned your head in its direction, you felt an abrupt tug on your jeans.
Tripping over your own feet, your hands landed on Ellie’s shoulders as your legs entangled together, the only reason your remained upright being because of her. You nearly lost your breath, clutching her biceps in shock and a little bit of fear.
“Woah, careful there. Wouldn’t wanna fall in, darlin’.” She joked, your noses nearly touched until you registered her words and leaned back slightly.
“Didn’t you say this water is dangerously hot?” You whispered, unavoidably flickering your eyes between her green ones and her lips.
“I did.” She couldn’t fight back the mischievous smile that grew on her face as she took your moment of vulnerability and took a large step backwards with you in her arms.
Ellie tightened her arms around your waist as you stumbled into the water with her, the initial spike difference in temperature causing you take an unwanted breath in and sucking in a bunch of water. You pushed yourself off the rocky ground and swam up to the surface with Ellie right in front of you, holding you up by your waist as you choked out all the water in your lungs.
When it didn’t subside once you reached the top, Ellie grew concerned.
“Are you ok-“ before she could finish her question, her head was ruthlessly dunked underwater and water immediately sprung up her nose.
When she rose to the top, her hands never straying from their position, you two were in the same boat. Coughing and laughing.
“Okay, maybe I deserved that.” She said as rubbed the water out of her eyes.
“Maybe? You told me this water could kill me, you asshole.”
Ellie shrugged and drifted her hands lower, resting them under your thighs and pulling you higher up on her stomach, the water giving leeway to her skinny stature. If you were blushing, you wouldn’t know and you hoped she doesn’t either but you couldn’t help but avoid eye contact.
“I thought we were supposed to be on a supply run.” You mumbled, keeping your eyes trained on the soft water flowing by your bodies gently. The cold temperature turning warm from your furnace of a body.
“Actually, this is the reason.”
Nervously, she dripped her lips under the water for a second before rising back up and holding her gaze onto your eyes. “The reason I’ve been so standoffish recently is because I was planning this whole trip.” Your jaw dropped. “After you told me about your bad experience at the lake I decided to do something better. For you. Give you a happier time to think about than that.”
She smiled but was met with a splash to the face
“Wh…why didn’t you tell me, you dick. I thought you were…I don’t even know, I thought you were flaking on me after I spilled my guts.” You rambled on but Ellie just laughed.
“That would defeat the purpose of a surprise, genius. Besides, this was supposed to happen later this week but then I saw you hanging my ex and I thought it’d be better to push it forward.”
You blinked, “What? What does Cat have to do with this?”
“She was taking your attention away from me, of course. Can’t have that.” Ellie joked, but you weren’t laughing.
Instead you unwrapped your arms from around her neck and let them fall loose around her shoulders.
“That’s not funny.” She gave you a confused look. “So, you admit you string me around like some lost puppy on purpose? And for what? Personal enjoyment?”
“Hang on, I-“
“Jesus Ellie, I-I’ve had a crush on your for, god knows how long questioning whether you were just naturally this nice or if you liked me back and-and, what? You just do this because you can? Because I let you?” You confessed accidentally, so caught up in your own anger you didn’t realize what you said.
Ellie called out your name and pushed you closer to her chest, making sure your eyes connected so you can see the seriousness in hers. “Hey, stop. That’s not what’s going on, like, at all. I don’t string you along just for fun, not that kind of fun anyways. I do like you, I like you and the love you show me. I like when you follow me around because it makes me feel special to you, I like when you do everything I say because maybe if somebody like you likes me, I can pretend I’m not as useless as I really am.”
“And I like when you protect me from myself because I’m extremely self destructive and my whole life would fall apart if you don’t love me the way I love you.” She cut you off.
The lake water took a stand still, waiting for you answer as crowds of birds flew by in the sky above and called out to you below. For a minute, the whole world came to a stand still. Just you and Ellie, like always.
“Not as a friends?” You sniffled
She chuckled and looked down before meeting your eyes again, “Definitely not as friends. Unless you wanna be friends that do this.” Ellie tightened her grip around her thighs and waist and pressed her salty lips against yours, distracting herself so badly she nearly forgot to keep herself afloat.
You giggled at the water going up her nose again and how it forced her to pull away to cough. Your hands found purchase around her neck again. “No friends. Just you and me.”
“Anything you want darlin’.” She said in her terrible southern accent.
You rolled your eyes but laughed regardless. “Enough with the accent, I beg.”
“It’s good!”
“It is not!”
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I tried to tag people but idk how tumblr works so here we are!👐
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wooahaes · 2 years
strawberry cheesecake
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pairing: non-idol?han x gn!reader [reader has a uterus/is menstruating]
word count: 1.0k~
warnings: menstruation tw. food tw. this was meant to be non-idol but honestly read it however you like, idc. reader gets kind of emotional bc have you ever had really good food when ur having a bad day? its healing. also this isnt proofread.
daisy’s notes: oh to have a cute boy and enjoy cheesecake w him and then take a lil nap while being comforted... han would understand me on the cheesecake part. he would. also this has been sitting in my drafts for three months. be free.
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“Oh, hey! Sorry to bother you, but, uh... Why did Jisung tear ass out of here like... maybe ten minutes ago?”
You’d been half-asleep when Chris called you for the third time in five minutes. Work was tiring, you were exhausted and ache-y, and you had opted to collapse into bed for a quick nap before you made dinner and relaxed for a few hours. Of course, fifteen minutes after you laid down and barely five minutes after you fell asleep, your phone had started ringing. And of course, it was the Christopher Bang himself, calling about your boyfriend like you kept tabs on his every move.
“No clue. Bye, Chris--”
“I’m asking because he mentioned your name,” he said before you could hang up. “Did something happen? Like. He heard someone mention what time it is, said ‘oh, shit’ and then booked it out and said he’d be back in maybe an hour. I mean, we’re not busy or anything, but if you needed something--”
“What?” You squeezed your eyes shut. Fuck, you were still feeling a headache coming on. “Chris, I don’t know why he would--”
Immediately, you heard the sound of your front door being bust open and the sound of footsteps. Your bedroom door opened after a moment, and there stood Jisung with a plastic bag in one hand.
“Is that him?”
“That’s him,” you said. “I’ll, uh, I’ll text you later.”
Jisung quickly made his way over to you, setting the bag aside carefully as he sat down in front of you. “I didn’t forget!”
You stared at him. “Uh. Hi, baby--Everything okay?”
“This morning,” he opened the plastic bag, “you said you wanted cheesecake after you got off work. I was going to bring it by sooner, I just--I got caught up with the guys, and then--”
He pulled out two containers of cheesecake from one of your favorite cafes to frequent with him. The strawberries and whipped cream were packaged separate, and there was something cute about the way Jisung was careful to make sure they were still sealed as he set them on top of your slice--setting his own strawberries with yours.
“And then I had to order and wait and--and it didn’t take long, but I was supposed to come straight here, and...” He trailed off, looking up at you. “Do you feel okay? Did you eat? And take medicine?” He frowned. “Baby.” He set the containers aside as he began to look you over. “Is your head hurting? I know you sometimes get migraines--do I need to grab medicine?” he said, his voice a little softer now. “I promise I didn’t forget until now--”
You gently clasped a hand over his mouth, “Honey. It’s okay.” You said, “I forgot I even said that.” You couldn’t help but smile, pulling your hand away so that you could plant a tiny kiss against the corner of his mouth. “But it’s really sweet you brought me cheesecake.”
Jisung was blushing when you planted another tiny kiss against his lips, just soft and chaste as could be. “Do you want it now? I can put it in the fridge if you aren’t hungry.”
“What about you?” You said. “I thought you were hanging out with the guys.”
He reached for his phone, pulling it out--angling the screen just right so that you could catch a glimpse of missed calls and texts from his friends (which must have come before Chris decided to outright just call you instead). “I think I scared them.”
“Chris said all you said was my name and ‘oh, shit’ before you booked it out,” you said, “so they probably thought I was dying.”
He frowned at his phone for a moment before looking back up at you. “I can stay long enough to eat cheesecake with you,” he said. “I’ll text the group chat.”
Jisung had looked away from you, watching you break into your cheesecake. When you tried to return his small container of strawberry sauce to him, he pushed it back to you--insisting that you could have it today. He finally looked back to you a few moments later after sending a quick text, only to notice the way you were sitting there, fork still in your mouth and tearing up.
“Is it bad? I can go somewhere--”
You shook your head, fighting back tears. Jisung had ran to get you this cheesecake and was apologetic because he knew how bad your periods could get. Maybe it was the hormones, but something about the combination of a caring boyfriend going out of his way to make you happy and the sweetness of a slice of cheesecake was enough to make you want to cry. 
“Do you need medicine?” He asked a moment later, watching you. His hair fell into his eyes, and you watched the way he brushed it back. “Just tell me what you need, okay? Is today bad?”
Another shake of your head as you took another bite of cheesecake, rattling off something about how you just really loved him. He had smiled at you a moment later as your words fully sank in, and he shifted so that he could be sitting closer to you.
“I really love you, too,” he said with a soft chuckle.
Despite what he said earlier about staying long enough to eat with you, you managed to get Jisung to cuddle with you for what was meant to be a few minutes. He pulled you into his arms, already starting to curl up closer and closer to you.
“You said you’d go back,” you reminded him, yet still snuggling in. He was holding your heating pad in place, and the last thing you truly wanted was for him to leave you when your cramps had yet to die down. “Jisungie,” you whined, just to tease him. “Neglecting your friends for me...”
He planted a tiny peck into your neck. “I’ll go in a few minutes.”
(And yet he stayed right there with you, dozing off faster than you did... even with the numerous texts from most of his friends later on asking where he went. Chris merely texted you to make sure both of you rested well.)
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taglist: @twancingyunhao​
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harringtonstilinski · 6 months
Always The Babysitter - Chapter Twenty-Two: The Flayed
Author: @harringtonstilinski​ Characters: Steve Harrington x Olivia Henderson(OC) Word Count: 3,322 Warnings: lil' angst, lil' fluff, falling elevators, confessions?? 👀 Smut: no | yes; A/N: Hi, friends! You're welcome, bye!! If you like this chapter, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
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Yup. We’re still falling. And still screaming, Steve having joined us. We were holding on to each other for dear life.
“Sweet shit, I’m gonna die!” I cried. Yes. I was crying. I was scared shitless.
Dustin’s screams of, “Shit! Shit!” came through the rest of our screaming.
“We’re going down, we’re going down!” Steve yelled.
“Ya’think?!” I yelled back at him. “We’re gonna fucking die!”
“Yeah, no shit, Harrington!” Robin yelled at the same time I did.
“Why don���t these buttons work?!” Dustin yelled.
I swear, we were all about to start having a screaming/yelling match. If we weren’t in the situation we were currently in, I’d be laughing my ass off, but… I couldn’t do that because… of the situation we were in.
I had Steve screaming in my ear, my own screams I’m sure going right back into his, Dustin and Erica were fighting over the buttons. Robin, I’m sure, was probably holding on for dear life, screaming at the top of her own lungs.
“Come on, press something!” Steve yelled.
“Just press the button!” I screamed.
I have no idea what happened next, but what I did know was that I was basically sitting on top of Steve, my whimpers sounding through the air as Steve held on to me, both of us breathing heavy.
“My groin,” Steve groaned.
“What?” I asked, looking at him.
“You fell on my groin.”
“Oh, shit!” I quickly made to stand up, giving him a moment to gather himself in that… region.
“Is everyone okay?” Robin asked.
I went to answer for myself, but Steve cut me off, saying, “Yeah, I’m great, now that I know that Russians can’t design elevators!” while walking toward the control panel.
“I think we’ve clearly established that those buttons don’t work,” Robin said.
“They’re buttons. They have to do something.”
“Yeah, if we had a keycard.”
“A what?” Steve and I asked.
“It’s an electronic lock.” Robin moved to the control panel, standing on the other side of Steve as she said, “Same as the loading dock door. If we don’t have a keycard, it won’t operate, meaning–”
“We’re stuck in here,” I breathed, my eyes dancing around the floor.
“Just so you nerds are aware,” Erica said. “I’m supposed to be spending the night at Tina’s, and Tina always covers for me. But if I’m not home for Uncle Jack’s party tomorrow and my mom finds out you four are responsible, she’s gonna hunt you down, one by one, and slit your throat.”
“I don’t care about Tina,” Steve said. “Or Uncle Jack’s party! Your mom’s not gonna be able to find us if we’re dead in a Russian elevator!”
“Hey,” Dustin said. I looked at him, his eyes cast up above my head, pointing. “What if we climbed out?”
Stacking up a bunch of boxes, Dustin was the first to climb out, Steve following him.
Feeling on the verge of a panic attack as Steve asked Dustin about climbing, I sat down in a corner, pulling my knees up to my chest. Resting my forehead on my knees, I sighed and closed my eyes.
I wasn’t sure how long I’d been like that, or how long I’d even been asleep for, but I stirred awake, feeling fingers lightly stroke my arm. Looking at their owner, I smiled a little, seeing Steve sitting next to me.
“How’d you sleep?” he asked.
“Honestly, I didn’t even know I fell asleep,” I chuckled. Looking up at hearing Dustin’s voice, I heard him repeat the same thing over and over again. Groaning, I went to get up, but Steve’s hand on my arm stopped me.
“I’ll go,” he said before pressing a kiss to my temple. He got up, going over to the boxes they’d stacked to begin his climbing. “Hey. You gotta take it easy on that thing, okay? You’re gonna drain the battery.”
I couldn’t hear anything else after that, other than Steve shushing my little brother.
“So,” I heard Robin say. “How long have you and Harrington been a thing?”
Smiling a little, I said, “Like, 8 or so months.”
“Anything beyond kissing and hand holding?”
Darting my eyes between hers and Erica’s, I said, “Little ears, Robin.” Turning my sights up the ceiling of this damned elevator, I heard Dustin say, “What are you doing?”
Narrowing my eyes a bit, I whispered more to myself, “What?” before hearing what sounded like a stream of water. Getting up from my spot, I turned around and looked at the wall, sighing to myself and closing my eyes. “Baby, move your stream!”
I sighed again just before I heard something banging. Turning to see what it was, I watched Erica smack the container filled with that green stuff against a metal barrel. “Wait, Erica, don’t do that!” 
“Hey, hey!” Robin said, running towards the young girl. “Be careful, careful, careful!”
“We don’t even know what that is.”
“Exactly, Olivia,” Erica said. “It could be useful.”
“We can survive down here a long time without food, but if the human body doesn’t get water, it will die.”
“I hate to break it to you, little Sinclair, but this-” I pointed to the green stuff in Robin’s hands, never taking my eyes off Erica. “-is not water.”
“No, but it’s a liquid, and if it comes down to me drinking that shit or dying of thirst, I drink.” She smiled at the end of her sentence, causing me to roll my eyes.
“God, you are a Sinclair,” I muttered.
Robin pressing her ear against the wall of the elevator caused my eyebrows to furrow in utter confusion as I said her name, a “shush” coming out of her mouth in response. She moved the table, climbing it before poking her head out of the shaft door. “We’ve got company.”
Erica and I quickly moved to the table where I made sure she climbed the boxes carefully to reach the top of the elevator before I followed her out, Steve helping me to my feet before closing the door.
The five of us either knelt or squatted while Steve watched the guards through the small square holes as they moved inside the elevator to retrieve a couple of boxes before going back out. I watched as my boyfriend looked at Erica, who was holding on to that green goo for dear life.
Just as soon as the guards left and the door was closing, Steve jumped back down into the room, just in time to put the container under the door, holding it up a few inches. One by one, we all crawled under the door, Steve looking at it on his way out, the glass on the container starting to give.
Once the glass gave, the liquid started to sizzle on the ground, like food being placed on a hot Hibachi grill.
Quickly standing, Steve said, “Jesus Christ,” as the goop ate into the floor.
“Still wanna drink it?” I asked, looking at Erica.
A few seconds later, I heard Dustin say, “Holy mother of God,” before we all turned to face what he was looking at; a super long ass hallway that seemed to stretch for what seemed like the whole country.
“Well…” Steve said next to me, grabbing my hand and lacing our fingers together. “Hope you guys are in good shape.”
Putting my hand on Dustin’s shoulder as Steve walked me by him, I said, “He’s looking at you, Roast Beef.”
“Let’s go, come on.”
“Why me?” Dustin asked.
“Because you’re wearing a Roast Beef shirt,” I said, walking beside Steve down this gigantic hallway.
“I mean, you have to admit, as a feat of engineering alone, this is impressive,” Dustin said.
Steve was giving me a piggyback. He claimed it was to help keep his strength up or something, I don’t know. All I did know was that I really wanted to nap.
“What are you talking about?” I asked, groggily.
“It’s a total fire hazard,” Steve added, slightly shifting me.
“No stairs, no exit. Just an elevator that drops you halfway to hell.”
“They’re Commies,” Erica said. “You don’t pay people, they cut corners.”
“To be fair to our Russian comrades,” Robin said. “I don’t think this tunnel was designed for walking.”
“Speaking of,” I said, turning my head to face Steve’s profile. “Do I need to start walking again?”
“No, baby, you’re good,” he said, turning his head to kiss my cheek.
“Get a room,” Robin grumbled before adding, “But think about it, they developed the perfect system for transporting that cargo.”
“It all comes into the mall like any old delivery,” Dustin said. “And Steve, put her down. She’s not helpless.”
“And then they load it up onto those trucks and nobody’s the wiser.” Shifting me again, Steve wondered, “You think they built this whole mall just so they could transport that green poison?”
“Shift me again and I’m walking,” I said.
“You’re slipping.”
“Then let me walk, dingus.”
Steve set me down as Dustin said, “I very seriously doubt it’s something as boring as poison.”
Shrugging after grabbing Steve’s hand, I said, “Maybe I’m just talking out of my ass here, but what if it’s a gate?”
“Yes, you’re talking out of your ass,” Dustin said, before continuing, “It’s gotta be much more valuable, like promethium or something.”
“What the hell is promethium?” Steve asked.
“It’s what Victor Stone’s dad used to make Cyborg’s bionic and cybernetic components,” Robin said.
“It’s a radioactive metal,” I said, looking at Steve’s confused profile.
“You’re all so nerdy, it makes me physically ill,” Erica said.
“No, no, no,” Steve said. “No, don’t lump me in with them.”
“He’s definitely not a nerd,” I said.
“Why so sensitive, Harrington?” Robin teased.
“He’s afraid of losing cool-points to a 10 year old.” Looking at Steve, I smiled, seeing a not so happy look on his face. Shoulder bumping him, I said, “Oh, come on. I’m just teasing.”
“I’m just saying that I don’t know jack shit about Prometheus.”
“Promethium,” I corrected. “Prometheus is a Greek mythological creature.”
“All I’m saying is it’s probably being used to make something,” Dustin added.
“Or power something,” Robin said.
“Like something to open a gate with,” I suggested.
“You’re still on that?” Dustin asked.
“Jeez, Dusty, I don’t know! I mean, with the shit we’ve dealt with for the last two years, it could be possible!”
“I was thinking more of a nuclear weapon, Liv.”
“Walking towards a nuclear weapon,” Steve said. “That’s great. That’d be great.”
“But if they’re building something,” Robin said. “Why here? I mean, Hawkins. Seriously. Of all places. At the very best, we’re a toilet stop on your way to Disneyland, but maybe that’s it…” Her and Erica continued walking as Steve, Dustin and myself stopped walking.
“You think the Russians know?” Dustin asked.
“About the–” Steve said.
“What I’ve been saying during that conversation?” I said, crossing my arms.
“They could,” Dustin said.
“So, it’s connected?” Steve asked.
“You two aren’t listening to me, are you?” I asked, looking between both boys.
“Maybe.” Dustin.
“How?” Steve.
“We’re breaking up.” Me.
“I don’t know, but it’s…” Dustin said, glancing at me.
“Possible,” both boys said.
Steve looked at me like what I had said just now registered. “Wait, we’re breaking up?”
“Oh my god,” I muttered, walking forward to Erica and Robin.
“No, wait, are we? Because that would suck!”
Turning around to face him, I quickly put my hand on the back of his neck, pulling him towards me. My lips met his in a passionate kiss, but before it could get too hot and heavy, I pulled away, pressing my forehead against his. “That the kiss of someone who wants to break up?”
“No,” he whispered. He went to dive back in for another kiss, but a throat clearing stopped him.
“Before you decide to have sex with my sister, can we please get going?” Dustin said.
The radio going off with a Russian man’s voice coming through the speaker brought Steve and I back to reality.
“Walkie,” the boys said, rushing over to Erica.
I had to steady myself on the bars next to me, Steve and my brother having almost knocked me down.
Robin had the walkie in her hand, reciting the Russian words, all of us kneeling on the ground. “It’s the code.”
“Wherever that broadcast is coming from–,” Dustin said.
“It’s close. And if there’s one thing we know about that signal…”
“It can reach the surface.”
Robin looked up at the ceiling before saying, “Let’s go.”
We somehow made it to a hiding spot behind what looked like a big A/C thing, the five of us crammed between it and the wall.
“Steve, are we clear?” I asked. “It’s getting crampy in here.”
He leaned forward a second before moving his whole body out of the way. “Okay, clear.”
One by one, we piled out of the hiding spot, following Steve. 
“Okay, that was close,” Robin said.
“Too close,” Dustin added.
Did I mention that we were almost spotted by a few Russians? No? Oh. Well… we were.
“Baby, this is dangerous,” I said, speed walking to reach him, my fingers sliding between his.
He tightened his grip on my hand, almost like he was telling me he was going to protect me from danger… like he always did. “Baby, we’re fine. The rest of you, relax. Nobody saw…”
“What?” I asked, looking from him to in front of us. “Holy shit.”
I couldn’t describe the room we were looking at because I didn’t know how to describe it. It seemed like a hub almost. There were guards keeping… well, guard. People in what looked like hazmat suits, doctors. Looked a little insane.
I made eye contact with a guard on accident, pulling Steve to a new hiding spot where we all crouched down, pressing our bodies against the railings next to us to try and hide our bodies.
“Red Dawn,” Dustin said.
“Oh, shut the hell up, Dustin,” I gritted.
“I saw it,” Erica said. “First floor, northwest.”
“Saw what?” Steve asked.
“The comms room!”
“You saw the comms room?”
“Are you sure?” I asked.
“Positive. The door was open for a second, and I saw a bunch of lights and machines and shit in there.”
“That could be a hundred different things,” Dustin said.
Turning my sights to Robin, she said, “I’ll take those odds.”
I looked at Steve, shrugging a little bit. “We need to find a way out, babe.”
He sighed like he didn’t want to have to do this, but knew there wasn’t another way out. He shook his a little before looking around the red metal box we were hiding behind. Everyone else followed his lead while I stayed put. When he pulled his body back, he faced me a little. His eyes stayed locked on mine while his hand went to my cheek, his next words directed at the whole group. “We’re gonna move fast, and we’re gonna stay low, okay?”
“Okay,” I whispered.
Steve placed a kiss on my forehead before turning back to face the front, moving in a crouched position to the grates that were catty corner to us, myself and the other three following his every move.
We stayed there for a moment before moving again, Steve turning to shush us for a moment. I watched him turn his head back forward, tucking his hair behind his ear. Damn, if that didn’t do things to me.
Hearing a door panel beep, I did my best to look around him, watching as a man in a lab coat walked out with an opened file folder in hand.
Steve slightly stood to watch the man pass by before reaching back for my hand and pulling along with him, telling the rest of the group, “Let’s go!” as we moved to the closing door, reaching it before it actually closed.
We silently went inside of the room Erica talked about as Steve stayed at the door, ready to close it once our little group was inside. I turned around, spotting a man in a Russian Army suit sitting in a chair. 
The man turned to face us, setting down his headset and standing to face us. He moved to grab something from his waist, both of my hands moving to Dustin and Steve, both boys standing on either side of me.
As the man did this move, Robin stepped forward, hand out as she said “Tread lightly!” in Russian, saying it again at his confused look before he asked us something in Russian.
“Silver cat,” she said, making a tail motion with her hand behind her as she said it again. I only knew she was saying this code to him because we heard a million times as she was translating it.
The Russian man said something else that I didn’t understand before Robin looked back at us for a moment before saying, “China?”
The guy scoffed, reaching for what I now know to be a gun a split second before Steve yelled and ran towards him.
“Steve!” I exclaimed, feeling a hand tug me back.
Steve wrapped his arms around the guy's waist, sending him back before he was tossed to the side by the Russian. He went to swing, but Steve backed out of the way, dodging the guy’s fist. Russian Dude grabbed Steve’s uniform and slung him over to the table next to them, Steve’s chest meeting the tabletop before he elbowed the guy’s stomach as he grabbed onto the back of the sailor uniform Steve wore.
Steve grabbed the intercom thing, switching it between his hands before smacking the guy across the face with it, sending his face to the table he sat at before hitting the floor unconscious. Steve breathed heavily, moving his hair out of his face. 
“Dude!” Dustin said, gaining Steve’s attention. “You did it! You won a fight!”
“Holy fuck,” I said, regaining his attention after he looked down at the man. “I love you.” I rushed forward, grabbing his face with my hands, my lips meeting his in the same kiss we shared in the hallway.
We pulled back a little, pressing our foreheads together for a moment before he breathed, “You love me?”
I nodded, smiling a little. “Yeah.” Pulling back to look into his eyes, I ran my fingers through the side of his hair. “I do.”
“Good,” he smiled. “Because I love you, too.”
“While that’s beautiful and all,” Dustin said. “We have a mission to accomplish.” I watched as he moved towards the guy, taking the keycard off of his belt.
“What are you doing?” Erica asked.
“Getting us our ticket out of here.”
“You want to walk all the way back?”
“Well, we can hang out for a little, relax, have a little picnic maybe,” Dustin replied, sarcastically.
“Have a picnic?” Erica said. “We came here for the radio!”
“This plan is way better,” Dustin said. “If I knew Steve could knock out a Russian–”
“He did say he could take him out yesterday,” I said, turning to face Dustin a little.
“Oh, don’t defend him.”
“Why not? He’s my boyfriend,” I retorted, crossing my arms. “You’d do the same with Suzie with a Z from Utah.”
“So, you believe me about Suzie?”
“We’re not talking about Suzie!” I exclaimed.
“Then what is this about?”
“It’s about getting out of here–”
“Guys,” Robin said, gaining all of our attention. “There’s something up there.”
We all followed her up the stairs and through the door as quietly as we could. We walked up the pair of windows, looking out at what I was right about.
“Holy shit,” Dustin said.
A laser device that was being used to open a gate.
Leaning down a little bit towards my brother, I said, “Told you.”
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A/N 2:  hi, friends! pls be kind and reblog! it really helps us content creators out <3
Additional Note: i absolutely love it when gaten screams shit. it's the best thing ever, lol
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Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24​​ @stixnstripesworld​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​​​ @quanticobae​​​ @mischiefandi​​​ @kellyashcroft @lauren-novak​​​​
Steve Harrington Taglist: @madaboutjoe
If you’re tagged and didn’t want to be, please let me know.
*Please don’t post my writing anywhere else without my consent. The author of this work will always and forever be @harringtonstilinski​.
All characters, story lines, and plot aside from y/n and her storyline & plot, are all of the work of The Duffer Brothers.
*These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.
Posted on March 25, 2024
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bleach-your-panties · 9 months
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Sincember Event❄️❄️
Rating: Crack/Suggestive🍧🍭
▶️: what you want for christmas - quad city dj's, 69 boyz, & k-nock
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Nahoya basically screamed out as his brother Souya trailed behind him just looking like he wanted to disappear into thin air.
You walked next to your own twin who had a mischievous grin mirroring Smiley’s on her face.
“Oh no…I’m covering my ears now.” You placed both on either side of your head on top of your pink ear muffs.
Once her mouth closed, you shot her an irritated and embarrassed look.
“You do know that children live in this neighborhood, right?” 
She shrugged with her smile never faltering.
“You know what I always say. Fuck them kids.” 
Not having the mental capacity to uphold this conversation, you gravitate to Souya’s side.
He looked down at you with his typical angry expression plastered across his face, but his cheeks were tinged the slightest bit pink.
“Can we please pretend that we don't know them? Better yet, let’s drop them off at the homeless shelter around the corner. I'm sure the residents there would enjoy two clowns for entertainment.”
You laughed out loud at his suggestion causing the wrinkles in his forehead to visibly relax.
“That's not a bad idea, actually. Though on the other hand, if they get thrown out we'll have a major complaint from the city to deal with.” 
“Yeah, you're probably right about that.” Souya scratched the side of his fluffy blue head.
You and your twin, S/N, had been knowing Nahoya and Souya Kawata for some years now.
After a particularly long, drawn-out meeting of your all-girl biker gang, the two of you decided to grab something to eat one night, thus causing you two to stumble into their restaurant. 
Nahoya was quick to engage the both of you in conversation as both brothers worked on preparing your orders.
When they saw your gang jackets, they began telling you stories of their glory days when they were both known as The Twin Devils.
Ever since then, the four of you had been inseparable.
Which is why you're now all out trekking through a light snowfall in your old neighborhood, singing Christmas carols to inspire some holiday joy.
Well, you don't know what Nahoya and S/N are singing…
“If you two are done sharing a brain cell, we can hit up the next street over.” You said with a shake of your head. Long tresses flipped over your shoulders with the movement.
“Don't be a buzzkill, N/N! We’re just having a bit of fun!” 
“Yeah, N/N! Listen to your sister!” Nahoya chimed in when no one asked.
“Why should I? I'm the older twin and the captain!” You laughed.
The four of you rounded the corner. Every porch was decorated in multicolored Christmas lights with beautifully ornate wreaths attached to the doors.
You and S/N didn’t bring your bikes since Nahoya insisted on driving you all in his brand new, shiny black Cadillac truck which he'd left parked on this street and dared somebody to touch.
“These Christmas carols are for old people. It’s time to make things a bit more interesting.”
“More interesting than what you two were just doing?” Souya complained with a roll of his eyes.
Smiley just ignored him and, with that signature grin of his, pressed play on the radio in the car:
Hey player! What you gonna get her for Christmas?
Girl, what you gonna get that boy?
(Come on come on come on!)
What you gonna get her for Christmas?
Girl, what you gonna get that boy?
You almost screamed when Nahoya hopped up on the roof of the truck and started dancing, scared that he was going to fall.
I want a lil bit of this and I want a lil bit of that
I want a whole lot of this and I want a whole lot of that!
“Look here Santa Claus, this the deal
On Christmas, you got to keep it real
Imma go to da club on Christmas Eve 
And when I come home I wanna see,
Gifts underneath my Christmas tree
With a big booty girl that you left for me
Stockings on my fireplace
Full of that eggnog alizé
And if it ain’t too much to ask
Can you leave me a lil extra cash?
Cause I ain’t gone lie
All these Christmas lights got my light bill high”
You and Souya just looked on in slight astonishment as Nahoya belted out the lyrics like second nature, while also rolling his hips and popping his dick…
S/N started laughing and dancing on the side of the truck.
“I ain’t got no chocolate chips
To go along with no glass of milk
But I got some chips and dip, baby” 
Kool-Aid to sip, baby”
He had an arm thrown behind his peach-colored head as he dipped his pelvis back and forth.
“Imma leave the club at a quarter ‘til four
And all I wanna see when I hit the door
These twelve things on my Christmas list
And it goes a lil something like this:”
“Well, if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em I guess.” You grinned at Souya who blushed again then shrugged.
You started shaking your tambourine and hitting it against your open palm while Souya started beat-boxing into his hands.
“I want a 12-disc changer
11 filly blunts
10 karat gold
9 Sega tapes
8 gold teeth
7 pairs of jeans
6 pack of beer
He paused dramatically, 
“5 fresh gold chainnnnnns”
Souya snorted hard into his hands, making you giggle.
“4 thirty smokers
3 pack of draws
2 girlfriends
With a Cadillac to put it all in!”
You turned to Souya with a smile, “Hey player, what you gonna get her for Christmas?”
He immediately responded, “Girl, what you gonna get that boy?”
“OH BABY, BABY!” Nahoya screamed out.
Hey player! What you gonna get her for Christmas?
Girl, what you gonna get that boy?
(Come on now!)
What you gonna get her for Christmas?
Girl, what you gonna get that boy?
(Ride out now!)
I want a lil bit of this and I want a lil bit of that
I want a whole lot of this and I want a whole lot of that!
“Say what?!”
S/N jumped in with the next verse:
“Christmas Day, the birth of Christ, no doubt
That’s what it’s all about
Smiley stop the beat for a sec
Show some respect
You all paused before resuming.
“Santa Claus, what’s up with you?”
Tell S/N what you gone do
Cause I want everything I say
When I wake up on Christmas Day
Help me out if you can
Cause I need a real good man
Cute with a whole lot of cash flow
Standing underneath my mistletoe
And it ain’t no ifs, ands, or no buts
Gone and fill my stocking up
With a lot of shoes, a lot of clothes
A lot of cash, a lot of gold
S/N want a lot of stuff
So if you think you got enough
Get ready, cause my Christmas list
Goes a lil something like this:”
“You better be taking notes, Smiley.” You giggled. He just continued grinning while Souya and you squatted down and rode the beat with her.
“I want 12 hundred dollars
11 pairs of shoes
10 fingernails
9 packs of weave
8 male strippers
7 bus passes
6 diamond rings”
She paused just like Smiley had,
“5 months free reeeent!” 
The three of you burst out laughing at her.
“4 bangles
3 pocketbooks
2 earrings
And a man with a lot of money!”
“I’m right here, baby!” Smiley threw his arms in the air.
“Oh baby, come on!” You and Souya started bumping elbows and rolling your hips like Smiley was while S/N twerked against the passenger side door.
Some of the houses’ lights flicked on and a few people even came outside to dance with you all.
Ahh, baby baby!
Come on!
Ahh, baby baby!
Come on now!
Hey player! What you gonna get her for Christmas?
Girl, what you gonna get that boy?
(Come on come on come on!)
What you gonna get her for Christmas?
Girl, what you gonna get that boy?
Hey player! What you gonna get her for Christmas?
Girl, what you gonna get that boy?
(Come on come on come on!)
What you gonna get her for Christmas?
Girl, what you gonna get that boy?
Hey player! What you gonna get her for Christmas?
Girl, what you gonna get that boy?
(Come on come on come on!)
What you gonna get her for Christmas?
Girl, what you gonna get that boy?
After your little performance, one of the neighbors offered to fix you all a plate of cookies and some hot cocoa since they were so entertained by your display.
Your sister went along with the twins to help them carry the stuff out while you sat down in Smiley’s truck to catch your breath and put your tambourine away. You would need it for church on Sunday.
You knew it had to be getting extremely late now since the houses started to go dark. Nobody wanted a high ass light bill to pay in January.
The driver side door opened and a weight settled into the seat beside you. As you turned your head, the light over your head had already gone dark again, preventing you from seeing who it was.
When you felt a soft brush of curls against your cheek and the deep smell of men’s cologne you certainly knew  that it wasn’t your sister.
“Hey, took you long enough. Where’s S/N?”
He just chuckled and palmed your chin, bringing it up so he could breathe his warm breath over your glossy lips.
“Don’t worry, my brother is keeping her occupied.”
ʳᵉᵇˡᵒᵍˢ ᵃʳᵉ ᵃᵖᵖʳᵉᶜⁱᵃᵗᵉᵈ ᵃⁿᵈ ⁱ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᵗˢ🫶🏽
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hockeyboysimagines · 2 years
Hi bestie!
Can I get a lil urban rom com with Matty Tkachuk pls🥺 with smut prompt 22?or just choose what you like
like hook up with him then find out his your new neighbour (it's corny i know but)
Luv you!
Hey bestie!
Love this request. Since I used your requested prompt in the first part I added smut prompt 19 as a little extra for you🤍hope you enjoy this!
“I know you can be louder than that”
You were still thinking about the words that your mystery guy had whispered in your ear before he gave the most toe curling orgasm you’d ever had and probably would ever have going forward.
It was both amazing and sucked, because while the sex had been incredible you had no idea who he was or where to find him. The odds of you ever seeing him again were slim to none.
Or so you thought.
What happened last night was a rare occurrence. It wasn’t often that you went wild but when you did you went WILD.
You could count the number of times you’d gone home with someone on one hand, and you’d still have fingers left. But given the opportunity you’d fill up both hands and all ten toes if it meant he was responsible for all of them. Sex aside, the most memorable thing about him was his smile. It was wide and genuine, the kind that made his eyes crinkle and made you want to smile back at him without even knowing who he was. That’s what had started it all. That damned smile.
You sighed and threw yourself down on your sofa. There was a loud racket from down the hall, and you assumed someone new was moving in, which is why you didn’t bother to check. It wasn’t uncommon to get new neighbors now and again, and while you normally would have introduced yourself, you were too busy sulking about your once in a lifetime sexual encounter to get off the sofa.
As the morning wore on the racket became almost impossible to ignore and when multiple voices now joined in, your curiosity got the better of you. Grabbing your keys and stepping into your shoes. You locked your door and as you turned the corner you collided with a person carrying a box, and both of you stumbled and the box fell, contents spills across the walkway.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry-“ you gasped, leaning down to start picking things up.
“It’s fine don’t-“
You both glanced up at the same time and your mouth fell open a little.
Your mystery guy from last night was kneeling in front of you, staring at you the way you were staring at him.
“Oh my god.” You said leaning back a little, smile stretching across your face.
“Well well. I thought this place looked familiar.” He chuckled and extended one hand, that smile spreading across his face “Matt. We didn’t do introductions last night…I don’t think.”
“I don’t know. We were both pretty trashed.” You said with a giggle extending a hand also “Y/N”
“Nice to meet you…again that is. I was kicking myself this morning for not getting your name or number last night and figured I’d probably never see you again.”
“Guess the universe had other plans for you.”
“Not complaining. So you live here I’m assuming?” He asked straightening up. He had been hot last night, especially illuminated by the neon at the bar, but in the daylight?
He was even better looking.
He was also wearing a very tight T-shirt and even though you’d seen him in no shirt, and no clothes period, you couldn’t help but stare at the veins the went from his forearm down to his hand, and the muscles that were clearly visible through his shirt.
“I do. Guess we’re neighbors now then huh?”
He smiled and picked up the box “Guess so.”
“Well if you ever need to borrow a cup of sugar come to me first.”
“And if I need something else?” He took a step forward eyes peering into your own.
Wow we’re they blue. You’d really missed out on the fine details last night. But in your defense you hadn’t been thinking with your eyes.
“Depends on what it is.”
His eyes twinkled as he jerked his head over his shoulder in the direction of his apartment.
Your heart was beating in your ears as you followed him, excitement bubbling up inside of you. While this probably wasn’t going to result in some kind of a relationship between you, it could result in some awesome, semi-regular sex that you were more than okay with.
You watched as he set down the box and closed his front door, lock clicking as he turned to you. You were backed up against the kitchen counter, the same one you had in your own apartment, and watched as he very slowly made his way over to you. He was sweaty, curly hair everywhere but he looked hotter now than he did last night, if that was even possible. His lips pushed up against yours, hands low on your waist. It was slow for just a few seconds before he swiped his tongue across your lower lip, and pushed it inside your mouth, hoisting you up on the counter. His hands came up to either side of your face, as he pulled away and came in at a different angle. You felt like you were drowning as his mouth moved heavily against yours as you let a breath escape. Your tank top strap slipped off your shoulder, exposing top of your bra. He slid down the other one, your shirt coming to pool around your waist. You let out a breath as he pulled away for a second, looking down, one hand coming to rest between your legs. You gasped, eyes moving up to meet his own, as he gently moved your underwear to the side and rubbed a small circle before he slipped two fingers inside.
You wanted to scream at the top of your lungs but instead you bit your lip and let your head fall back eyes sliding closed. The sensation between your legs was almost blinding you when he suddenly pulled his hand out, and picked you up, carrying you back to what you presumed was his bedroom. You both landed on the mattress with a small “oof” and his mouth was immediately back on yours. You pulled his shirt over his head and quickly pushed his shorts down, kicking out of your own shorts and allowing him to pull your underwear down. He spread your legs apart, eyes moving up your body until they landed on your face. He slotted himself between your legs before he leaned up and whispered in your ear.
“I’m going to make you feel so good”
He pushed slowly inside of you, your back arching up off the bed. His head fell forward as he pulled out and pushed in again with a small gasp.
It was even better than last night, as you glanced down and watched the muscles in his abdomen flex as he moved in and out of you. Your reached up your hands placing one of either side of his lower back, digging your nails into his skin. He leaned forward kissing you roughly before he pulled out of you and flipped you over, pulling you on to all fours before he backed you up and pushed back inside of you.
“Oh my God.” You moaned out as he hit a spot you weren’t even aware existed, one hand splayed on your lower back. The other hand wrapped around your hair and twisted it giving it a very firm tug. The sensation of your hair being rugged and the warm friction that had built in between your legs was too much as you felt your body heat up and for the second time in 2 days, he’d given you an earth shattering orgasm that had you screeching as he pushed sloppily in and out of you. You collapsed under him and closed your eyes as he pulled out slowly and landed next to you. After a few moments he glanced over, giving you that smile that had started it all.
“I think I’m going to like living here.”
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storiesofstratos · 6 months
Chapter 16: Confronting the Storm
Jack and Nico run into an unexpected face at Cyrus's restaurant..
So this was our culprit. Another superhuman, and the guy who stabbed Daniel. I felt the anger bubbling up just under my skin. I wanted to yell, grab him, do something really. But there was no way I could stand a chance against him, I just had to keep calm, think this through logically, and–
“Hey, asshole.”
God dammit Nico.
The guy turned to look at Nico, a mix of confusion and annoyance on his face. “The fuck you talkin to? Me?”
“Yeah, you! You think you could just get away with stabbin our friend and nobody would do anythin’ about it??”
“Stabbin your..? I didn’t–” The realization seemed to dawn on him slowly, and he gritted his teeth, “Shit, the other guy.” He stood up quickly, “Hey boss, cancel that order! Somethin came up!”
“Where do you think you’re goin??”
“None of your damn business. Don’t even think about followin me girl,” He threatened as he walked out the door, clearly wanting to get away from the situation.
“Oh that’s just great. Nico, why did you have to say anything?? Now he’s– wait, where are you going?? Dammit NIco!”
Of course she was following him. Why wouldn’t she be following him? I got up from my seat, putting money down for our food and following the both of them out the door. Not like I was gonna risk him hurting her too. 
We both followed in hot pursuit, passing through each alleyway that he did, ducking around every corner. He kept peaking over his shoulder, picking up the pace every time he saw we were still following, until eventually we were practically sprinting after him. Was this even worth running for? Probably not, but I had a few questions of my own for him at this point.
It wasn’t until we’d cornered him in a back alley that he finally turned around. “God dammit, you followed me all the way here, of all places?? You fuckin idiots, you’re gonna–”
“Well well well…” A voice came out from the shadows, which made the punk tense up.
“Shit– I told you, you shouldn’t have–”
“Johnny!” A gruff looking man put an arm around the punk’s shoulders, “You did good kid. You brought us a couple of prime marks all on your own. The boss is gonna be real happy with you over this one.”
“Boss??” Nico chimed in, “You bastard, you were setting us up!”
“Wha– I wasn’t!! I told you dumbasses not to follow me!”
“Now now Johnny boy, is that anyway to talk to your new friends? C’mon, let’s just be civil about this! You two, empty your pockets and we might let you walk away.”
I was more than ready to just do what they said to get out of there, but, naturally, Nico had other plans. Sometimes she was worse than Daniel, but at least HE had super strength to back up his big mouth!
“Not a chance in hell! We’re not givin’ you anything!”
The man laughed, pressing the baseball bat he was holding against Johnny’s chest. “Well ain’t that cute? Johnny, why don’t you teach these lil kids why they don’t say no to the Steel Hawks?”
“Huh?” The older man leaned in close, like he was trying to intimidate him, “The fuck did you say to me? You should know better than to talk back to your superiors, you little shit stain!” There was a loud bang, as the man punched Johnny square in the jaw, knocking him off balance and onto his ass.
Johnny grit his teeth as he sat on the ground, looking down. I looked over at Nico, who seemed to be coming to the same conclusion I was. “Johnny, right…?”
Johnny looked up at us, his cheeks red hot, probably embarrassed, his face somewhere between anger and sheer humiliation. I opened my mouth to speak once more, but the older man cut me off.
“Shut the fuck up! Now either you give us your money or I’m gonna–”
The gangster stopped in his tracks, slowly turning to face Johnny, his knuckles white as he gripped the baseball bat in his hands. “What the fuck did you–”
“I said,” Johnny slammed his fist on the ground, “Shut, the fuck,” He lifted his hand to the sky as he yelled, “up!”
Almost as if it was at his command, a sudden gust picked up… but not from any natural angle. It was coming straight from below. It was almost a spectacle. As if to show it was unnatural, a green wind current burst forth from the cracks in the pavement, strong enough to push the man up off the ground, about ten feet into the air. The man let out a sudden yelp of surprise, and started to scream as he fell.
But Johnny wasn’t done. He clapped his hands together, and another gust pushed the man back, into the wall, strong enough to cause cracks to form in the bricks. “I’m sick and tired of you! Harassin’ me!” Each sentence was accented with another strong gust of wind, pushing and pulling the guy every direction. “Fuck this gang, fuck your boss.. And most of all, fuck, you!” He finally let the man drop, groaning in pain as he finally hit the pavement.
“Shit…” Johnny grumbled, before snapping his head in our direction. “You two. This is all your fuckin’ fault! If you’d just listened, just left me alone! I wouldn’t be in this goddamn mess right now!”
Nico, who seemed so confident and guns blazing before, was shrinking. “S-Sorry man, I didn’t…”
“We didn’t know what was going on. But, can you blame us?? You got into a fight with our friend! What were we supposed to do?”
Johnny turned his attention to me, “I dunno, maybe, not chase after the guy you know has stabbed someone?? Ahh, fuck me, I’m so screwed! When this gets back to the boss, they’re gonna kill–”
“Kill you? Dude, you’ve got wind powers! How are they even gonna touch you?”
“Kill my folks!”
That stopped everything. Nico didn’t even want to approach the subject, but I had to ask… “...They’re gonna kill your parents??”
“Yes! Only reason I’m even working for them is because they’ve got my fam! I didn’t wanna do any of this shit! But this guy, the boss, he’s got powers like me, only they’re… different. He can control metal and shit, even turn himself into metal and do all kinds of crazy shit, I can’t touch him!”
I turned to Nico, and she looked back at me. “...I think I have an idea, Nico. How good do you think you are at de-escalating?”
“Clearly not great but… if you’re thinking what I think you’re thinking, I say it’s worth a shot.”
I breathed a sigh of relief. “Well… I was worried if it’s a crazy idea, but, if you think it’s a good idea, at least now I know it’s crazy.”
Johnny just looked between us, confused. “What are you to talkin about??”
“Johnny, right?” I looked up at him, he wasn’t that much taller than me. “I’m Jack. This is Nico, and you should come with us. I think we might have a solution to your problem… hopefully.”
Johnny just threw his arms up in the air. “Christ. Why not? Not like this situation could get any worse. Lead the way.”
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The dragon and the fox S2P2!!!! Pardon this one is just a short scene but its funny as fuck and i had to write it
S2P1 here
Very beginning here
Zayne remembered now why he hated government buildings so much. Of course he was stupid to insist to Winston that he cluld figure out his way to the cafeteria on his own, and yet somehow he had ended up on the roof of all places, still entirely clueless as to where the hell he was.
“Fuck. Gods if only this were a heist! Then I could just bust my way through walls until I got out.” He mumbled to himself before a slow, honey-sweet voice sent a startled jolt up his spine.
“Whats a little thing like yourself doin all the way up here? Thought only I had dibs on this little lookout.”
Zayne swiftly whipped around to face the sudden voice that had come from behind, his feet casually sliding into a firmer stance as he prepared to fight for his life if needed.
“Woah there pardner, didn’t mean to spook ya!” Chuckled the stranger as he stepped out of the shadows hands raised and a cigarette between his teeth.
The man wore a loose fitting flannel and a pair of worn jeans held up by a tacky belt with a buckle that read “BAMF” in all it’s clichéd glory. His face was ragged with stubble and his hair was a deep auburn, curling around his ears in bed-ridden waves. His eyes shone a deep sienna in the warm light of noon and a tattered red shawl fluttered in the breeze kicked up by the waves that slammed against the rocky cliffside gibraltar sat upon. He would be rather attractive if it werent for the smokey stench of tobacco and the hilariously cliché cowboy hat atop his head, or rather, his entire costume of an outfit.
“And who are you supposed to be?” Zayne scoffed, loosening his posture slightly but not dropping his guard. “Some hillbilly lost from their cheesy western movie?”
“I ain’t a hick like that.” The man chuckled softly as he removed the cigarette from his mouth. “Name’s Cassidy, Cole Cassidy.”
“That supposed to be a Bond reference?” The little ninja remarked snidely as he crossed his arms.
“Hey James Bond was an excellent action hero!” The cowboy snapped, a twinge of redness brightening his cheeks as he flubbed around, caught off fuard by the sass. “That’s besides the point though, who are you supposed to be then sugarcube?”
“Zayne Shimada, Overwatch’s newest recruit.” Zayne introduced with a small, prideful smirk.
“A Shimada huh?” Cassidy smirked as he continued his approach, looming over the shorter man. “Lil small to be a proper agent aint-“
Cassidy’s words were swiftly cut off into a high whine as Zayne’s fist went rocketing into his crotch with the speed of a viper-strike, bringing the cowboy down to his knees, tears sparkling in his eyes as a familiar shape rounded the corner of the rooftop.
“Ibotei! There you are,” Genji called as he approached the two boys. “I figured you got lost and- oh what happened here?”
“He called me small in a mean way.” Zayne shrugged as if he had done nothing wrong, which, in his mind, he didnt really.
“Uncle-“ Cassidy whimpered breathlessly as he glared up at Genji. “Fuck Gen- yer brother’s got one hell of an arm-“
“That he does! And I thought I taught you better than to pick a fight with a shimada when we sparred.” Genji laughed as he extended his hand to help the cowboy up.
“Didn’t know that extended to family!” Cassidy groaned as he was hoisted up by his teammate. “But damn! Taught me better for sure! Didn’t know such strength was hidden behind such smokin looks though-“
“Don’t make me hit you too.” Genji warned less than playfully as he gave Cassidy a light shove. “Though it has been a while since we last sparred, I’m glad you stuck around after all that happened.”
“Well, not like I had much of a choice as an active outlaw y’know.” The cowboy laughed dryly, dusting himself off. “Though from what I’ve been hearin, Zayne aint so innocent neither.”
“Did what I had to, and had a bit of fun along the way.”
“Aint that right?”
“Alright you two, enough ‘bonding’, I need to show my brother around the base, maybe have him meet less annoying people.” Genji teased with a firm jab to Cassidy’s ribs.
“Hey will y’all quit beatin on me already?” Cassidy chuckled, giving Genji a soft jab in response. “I don’t need to be beat any further to hell today.”
“Sure, sure.” Genji chuckled, the roll of his eyes implied from the shake of his head, though hidden behind his visor.
“Seriously though, its nice to have you back Genji. Even if you are way more talkative than back then.”
“A lot has changed since then, for example, I’ve got better jokes than your stupid puns now. Learned from some of the best around.”
“Well I for one can’t wait to hear em.”
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pupuseriazag · 10 months
Blue Tarantula 3/??
(Before I get distracted again and say "Oh sure I'll upload the next one after eating dinner I'll post is as well so lets see, I'll leave this one a lil more longer because I dont remember in which page theres a POV change... is it a spoiler? maybe 👀)
Becoming Blue Tarantula was already weird some years ago. But learning there's actually multiple universes and confirming it was not a play… it's… a very weird feeling. I had known about what a multiverse is because people don't ever stop talking about them…but it had never been confirmed that it's an ACTUAL thing, you know? Like when you see something on the tv or online and you know it exists… but when you actually see it with your own eyes you cannot believe it.
I guess the big dude did help me after all, if it was not because of his.. dumb intervention I would not be here… I’ll have to go thank him for that and apologize for attacking him.
I decided to take a walk around the place… Just to make sure I was not falling into a trap and to calm down my previous anxieties, I took a better look at the floors and the people walking around, some of them even saying hi while passing by. 
Lots of them swinging around together, talking, laughing, enjoying themselves… I even found out they got a “training” room and people were testing their web shooting abilities… it looks fun, maybe I’ll give it a try later.
I lost track of time and night came as I explored this place myself, and I found myself again in the dimly lit hallway.
“Quiza deberia buscarlo y pedirle perdón…” Was my thought as I walked straight to that triangular door, I expected it to not open and ask me a password…but it opened right away.
I entered thinking he was going to be there but no, apparently one long ass corridor was not enough and he needed to be even more hidden, but now in a place that looked similar to a research or lab with a lot of machinery that was beyond my knowledge. 
The red dim lights of the holographic screens were the only thing guiding me towards him, the silent hum of their mechanical parts softly reminding me of some expensive buildings I had the opportunity to get into. A softer blue light coming from a distant corner, probably pointing me where this dude is.
I still couldn't believe all of the things that happened and I'm still not sure if my choice will be the correct one…or if I’m walking towards my ultimate demise. 
I kept walking until I found myself in a taller room, a harsh blue light coming from up illuminating a place I am sure needs more light than that. Desktops and more machinery that only this man probably knew what did.
And there he was in the middle, on top of a weirdly shaped platform that hovered over the floor. His back facing me and him being surrounded by what looked like thousands of those orange screens and a massive console that definitely did not look like if it was taken out from a sci-fi movie set… except of course, these ones actually work.
I heard the faint sound of a little girl talking and laughing… Is he watching something? I saw him move another screen closer to his side, with the photo of a little girl and him… Is he a dad?!
I approached him slowly, thinkin how to start my apology… I should just go for it. “¿Miguel?”
He moved the screens away quickly, turning his torso to see me. 
“Hey… ahm…” 
“¿Quieres que te envíe a casa?”
“¿Huh? No no, olvida… Olvida lo que dije cuando estaba enojado.” 
“Supongo que Parker logró hablar contigo.” 
“Si.. y ahm…” I came closer to his platform. “...Lo siento. Por atacarte y… reaccionar de esa manera.”
He lifted an eyebrow.
“Sonara estupido y reite si quieres, pero realmente pensé que ustedes eran trabajadores de Alchemax que me habían secuestrado.”
“...También lo siento por no agradecerte que me salvaste de una muerte dolorosa, no... no estaba del todo bien en ese momento… Sigo sin estarlo pero vos me entendes.”
“Ehem” The holo lady nudged his arm and he sighed.
“Yo… también lo siento por no controlar mi ira. Y por no tomar en consideración lo que estabas sintiendo.”
“...Y por tratar de obligarte a unirte a nosotros sin tomar en cuenta lo que tu querías.”
It seems I was not the only one being “scolded” for my attitude.
I awkwardly offered him my hand, and he returned the gesture, shaking it slowly.
“Supongo que estamos a mano.” 
“¿Qué decidiste? Solo quiero saber, no lo digo con intención de forzar-”
“Me voy a quedar.”
“...¿Estás seguro?”
“Digo, no es como que tenga cosas tan interesantes pasando en mi universo.” I placed my arms behind my head. “Pero-.”
“...Antes de decidirme totalmente, te voy a hacer unas últimas preguntas.”
He crossed his arms. “Te escucho.”
“Todavía no se enteramente quién es Miguel O’Hara. Se que así te llamas… y juzgando por lo que sabes de mi, ya te sabes toda mi vida… Y si voy a poner mi confianza en vos, necesito saber quien sos.”
“Supongo que es justo que te hable de eso.” Miguel came out from his platform. “Querías saber también qué pasa si no arreglamos las anomalías ¿Verdad?
“Bueno.” His eyes moved to the holo lady. “Yo viví una en carne propia.”
As if he gave her an order, she made several more holograms appear, showing different images as he explained.
“Supongo que estarás familiarizado con el concepto de “canon””
“Maso, ¿Qué tiene que ver eso?”
“Todos nosotros estamos conectados por ello. La vida de un spiderman tiene etapas las cuales son “canónicas” para todos. Ya sean momentos felices, logros importantes… y desgracias.”
The holograms showed me some people I recognized, everyone mourning a dead person… and then there was me, mourning Gwen.
I immediately covered my mouth and looked away. “No, no-. No me mostres eso.”
“No te lo estoy mostrando por crueldad. Es para que entiendas una cosa.” He approached me. “...No fue tu culpa que ella muriera.”
I turned my eyes to him. “Qué estás diciendo… ¡Sí lo fue!”
“Que no, Rox. Estaba destinado a que sucediera. Hicieras lo que hicieras, ella moriría.”
I took a glance again at the hologram, painstakingly having to hear my own sobs and crying when I found her on the ground.
“Todos pasamos por algo así, Rox. No fuiste el único.”
“...¿Que te paso a ti?”
The holograms changed.
“Investigando las anomalías me tope con un universo donde tenía una familia.” His eyes turned to the images. “Pero la versión mía de ese universo murió. Y lo reemplace conmigo.”
“...Y… ¿Que paso?”
“Rompí el canon de ese universo… y lo perdí todo.”
People running away from something began to appear in the holograms, with one resembling Miguel holding his daughter in his arms… until she vanished like the rest of the people and city.
I widened my eyes in disbelief… That.. That’s what’s going to happen to my universe if we don't stop it...? A cold shiver ran across my back imagining the situation.
Miguel stood in silence for a moment, it's not easy to recall such hurtful memories.
The holograms disappeared right after, leaving the two of us back in the blue light…
I didn't know he… wow… Now I feel worse for being a dickhead to him. He genuinely just wanted to help me avoid that happening to me… 
“...Lo siento de nuevo. No sabia que te había pasado a vos personalmente… Si hubiera sabido-”
“Ya pasó.” He lifted his hand. “Tienes tus razones para haberte comportado así.”
“Igual, Miguel. Fue muy mierda de mi parte…” 
“Entonces… ¿Qué decidirás?”
“Me unire a ustedes.”
“¿Estás completamente seguro?”
“...Si.” I finally said, looking at his eyes.
He gave half a smile. “Me alegra que lo decidiste.” Then produced one of those bracelets from behind and offered it to me. “Todo tuyo.”
He helped me put it in my wrist, and it lit up displaying the apparent number of my universe.
“Te sere sincero Miguel, para mi este bolado todavía… todavía se siente irreal.”
“Te acostumbraras, solo trata de no quitartelo mientras estés en otro universo.”
“No, no, me refiero… Todavía siento como que en cualquier momento voy a abrir los ojos y voy a estar en la grama del estadio.”
“Te diste un golpe muy fuerte ahí.” His voice sounded more serene, caring even. “Tenía miedo que tus heridas fueran demasiado severas y necesitaras alguna cirugía.”
“Tengo huesos fuertes, ¿Que puedo decir? De pequeño tuve un accidente de auto con mi papá y quebré el vidrio con la cabeza.” I pointed at my forehead. “No se me abrió nada ni me quebré la frente.”
Miguel made a worried expression, and Lyla appeared.
“Well that explains the skull scar” The what?
“Ignorala.” But- “Me alegra… Me alegra que estés a salvo."
Miguel was about to approach me when a hologram popped beside him
"Uhh, Miguel? We got a situation of a lost bad guy in Earth-602567" 
"Thanks Peter, I'll send someone right away".
Miguel turned his eyes to me.
"¿Quieres hacer tu primer encargo?" 
"Tampoco es como que tenga urgencia de regresar a mi universo." 
“Bien.” Miguel stepped off his platform. “Vamos.”
“¿Vamos a ir caminando?” I began to follow him.
“No me gusta hacer portales en el laboratorio, se vuelan los papeles.”
“Suena como que alguien deberia ser mas ordenado” 
Leaving the lab he touched some stuff in his bracelet, opening one of those portals 
"Tu primero." He replied before his mask appeared on him… Damn I left mine in the infirmary. 
I approached the portal, stepping in scaredly and feeling the force of the portal dragging me in.
I lost balance and ended up spinning up until I was able to somewhat balance myself awkwardly while Miguel was behind me, chill and composed. 
"Show off" I muttered to myself and almost lost balance again.
After some moments we reached the other side, because of my position I ended up slipping on the floor, but managed to stop myself before falling on the edge of the rooftop we appeared.
I looked around in awe. The buildings were just as tall as those in very big cities, crystal windowed skyscrapers and several other smaller (but still tall) buildings. 
Migue then came out almost the same, but landing on fours and easily lifting himself. 
"¿No te mareaste?"
"Me pregunto como putas no me desperté cuando me llevaste" I got up groaning softly.
"You'll get used to it." He handed me a piece of cloth. "Vamos."
I unfolded it and it was my mask? No, a new mask to replace my old one… gods, this dude.
“Rox.” He called me and I put on the mask, following him to where the bad guy appeared.
We managed to get into a back alley, with the sounds of punches and stuff being thrown increasing until we were able to see the dude who called Miguel.
“MIGUEL!” The dude called him while being held from his chest by a glitching green man, oh this gotta be someone’s goblin. 
He turned his head around, greeting us with a creepy smile and sharp teeth… my senses warned me and I pushed Miguel aside. Just as I thought, the goblin had called his plane thingy and jumped in it, preparing to escape.
“¡Pero que-!” Miguel looked up and with his web (laser?) launched himself off to catch him, managing to cling his talons on the glider to unstabilize it.
As Miguel tried to climb it I noticed they were approaching a building, probably about to hit it when both me and the other dude shot our webs at the glider and the goblin, then dragging him to the ground as he and Miguel fell.
Miguel, of course, landed safely. Can’t say the same about the goblin who fell on his back.
“Good job guys.” Miguel approached us, but I saw behind him was the Goblin yet again trying to attack him. 
“¡AH NO!” I shot webs at his body, putting him against the wall of the building, finally pinning him down.
Miguel turned at him surprised, then at me. “Thank you.” 
The other dude began to cough, probably out of air from all the fight he did before we came here. “Thank you so much, Miguel.” 
“Thank you for warning us. Sorry we took so long.” He lifted his bracelet again. “Lyla, scan the place. Rox, tie him up.”
“Yes, you.” He didn't say another word and waited for me to do it.
The goblin was still kicking and moving, trying to get rid of my web to escape. 
“Hey don't move, you’ll make this harder.” 
He mumbled around, calling me names and even saying what I was going to die of, pretty usual stuff I guess.
I tried to tie him, but his non stopping move was pissing me off. “Ok I fucking warned you.” I kicked him with my knee on there prompting an “oof” from the other spiderman and finally controlling the goblin enough to tie him with my web.
And just in case, I pushed my thumb on one of my fangs, letting some of my own venom come out to put it on my web. In case he tries to touch it.
Neither the other spiderman or Miguel noticed. So… Mission accomplished?
After that we returned, Miguel told me he would contact me with anything he needed me to do so I was pretty much free to go. I took it as a sign to go and explore the HQ more while he returned to his lab. 
I tried to see if I could find where he keeps his cameras... In case I was…curious… of where he could see me. 
What I found was that surprisingly most spidermen are... Very polite? Most of them said hi while I walked and some even asked my name or why my suit has that design. A complete opposite of Miguel's serious personality. 
I decided to stick around some more, finding a door to the outside of the building and sitting on one of the crystal walls, away from all the fuss and sounds of people talking and now being greeted with the sound of the wind. 
The night sky is beautiful from here, I can see more stars than back home… Even the height of the buildings was just… so intimidating.  
And the lights coming off from another entrance caught my attention, I got closer and realized it was the window from Miguel's lab. 
He was there, in the same place in front of the monitors… but sleeping on his seat like he couldn't simply move away and go to sleep on a bed. 
"Este pendejo…" I mumbled nodding my head sideways. 
I returned inside and went to the infirmary I had woken up, took one of the blankets and went inside his lab. Reaching his platform with my webs.
His face had a frown while some soft snores came out from his nose. I weirdly found it cute how even sleeping he had such a grumpy face. Poor man didn't even let his facial muscles rest when sleeping. 
But also, he didn't sense me again. So I carefully placed the blanket on top of him, giving one last look to his sleepy face before leaving. 
I took a peek at the screens, he was still looking at the photo of him and his daughter…I guess that explains his stressed attitude… I feel some sort of relatedness with him.
And how hard is it for the both of us to let the past go. 
Two months have passed after I joined the spider society, the numbers of spiderpeople have increased and I've grown accustomed to it. Jessica was one of the newest and Miguel decided to have her as a third in command, she is so kind to me and sometimes we eat together. She even let me ride her bike around Miguel's universe… let's just say he wasn't happy about it, but I didn't care. 
Speaking of him… we haven't really talked after that day, he usually keeps to himself in his lab and doesn't really socializes with anybody… which certainly rubbed me the wrong way since I thought we c-
…What am I even saying? Forget about it. 
The only moments he talks to us is to send us to capture another bad guy and rarely goes himself… last time he went was to convince this british dude to join us.
He… Wasn't excited to say, but thanks to me he joined us and you know? Hobie is a pretty cool kid, I could use more like him back at home fighting the regime. I even talked with him about it and he seemed excited to join me in a fight someday in my universe. 
I like to drop by his universe once in a while with some food. Well, he is not the only one I try to share it with, Jessica loved the tamales I gave her last week and Peter said his wife enjoyed them as well jaja… 
I guess you could say my life has improved somehow, the situation back home is still shitty and I still cry to sleep sometimes… but now I know I have people who I can talk to and enjoy a good moment with, I even noticed I have less eyebags.
And yet… I don't understand why I still feel so lonely and sad when I'm by myself.
And Miguel's silence is starting to stress me out. 
So one day without thinking, I found myself getting into Miguel's lab without calling, casually walking towards him while he was "working". I assumed he had already noticed I was there so I didn't try to be stealthy. 
And there he was, on the high of his platform, his back facing me and the faint sound of holo buttons being pushed. I crossed my arms and leaned on the corner, observing him from behind while he did his thing. 
The blue light from above defined his back muscles and outline of his body, his very few movements in silence and occasional sigh were almost relaxing… and for some reason I found myself smiling endearingly.
Just because I was able to see him again. 
He moved some of the screens away to drag one closer to him, from away it looked like… a camera in my universe? He analyzed it for some seconds to then press a button to change the camera. He did this around 5 times, everytime changing them more quickly as if he was searching for something. 
"Layla." I heard him call his assistant
"Mhm?" She replied while she filed her nails.
"Show me where’s Rox." Ah, me? 
"They are actually riiight behind you." Layla pointed at me with her thumb.
Miguel turned around quickly, trying to regain composure. "What are you doing here?" 
"I wanted to visit you." I replied, separating myself from the wall. 
"I'm busy." 
"I didn't say I was going to interrupt you." I walked closer. "Although it seems you already get distracted spying on me. Why do you have cameras around my neighborhood?" 
"That's classified and none of your business." He coldly said. 
"Wow why are you being so fucking rude out of a sudden? I thought we were friends." 
"We are not friends, we are just colleagues." 
I opened my eyes widely not believing how fucking rude he had turned, this is exactly what happens when I let my guard down. Suddenly I'm feeling interested in someone and they turn out to be a major asshole.
He turned around before I could reply and continued his work as if nothing had happened. I felt my body starting to shiver and swallowed my ego.
"Ta bien. Come tres mil hectáreas de verga entonces, Miguel." I turned around to leave when I heard him muttering something.
"About damn time." 
I stopped dead in my tracks, oh this motherfucker is dead. I turned around slowly, eyes wide open while looking at me
"The fuck did you say? Oh, you now feel so mighty and powerful that you think you can treat others that way? WHEN THEY ARE JUST TRYING TO BE NICE?" 
Miguel stood still, his back turned at me while I could see his patience running thin. And mine was already broken.
"Yeah thats what I fucking thought. Next time someone tries to be nice with you maybe, just fucking maybe be POLITE or did the spider that bit you took out your manners?" 
I took out a plastic container I had brought with me from home, one filled with platanitos fritos I wanted to share with Miguel… this is exactly what happens when I try to be fucking nice for once. 
I threw it on the ground and gave it a kick towards Miguel, with the container not even touching him but instead landing on his platform.
"Hay ve que putas haces con esa mierda, hartatela si queres, cerote. Pero que esta será la última vez que me vas a ver amable con vos." I finished the discussion and left the lab furious, I don't care if he eats them or if he throws them. I don't want to see him anymore. 
I touched some stuff on my watch, opening a portal back home. I purposely avoided the streets I had seen on his cameras, then got into my house from the backside.
I took off my mask and threw it to the ground as soon as I entered my room, throwing myself on the bed and laying in silence.  
Why is it that when I try to be nice and open myself… this always happens? I thought we could support each other knowing we had gone through shit. I thought that was the reason he wanted me to join…
What happened to the words he said to me that day? Did he just… manipulate me? 
Of course he fucking did. Of. Fucking. Course. There was no denying it. I fell flat to his trap, I let his kind words deceive me and make me believe that because we had things in common we would get along and understand each other.
But no. It happened again. It fucking happened again. 
I held back my tears as much as I could, I do not want to let out tears for someone like him… but I'm still not strong enough against my own feelings. 
I hid my face under my blanket and the pillow, letting my tears flow as I felt so… so hurt. 
Some minutes passed and I felt a faint orange light appear in my room. 
"Rox? You there?" It was Jess.
"I'm sleeping." I tried to sound as ok as possible. 
"So you left the hub mumbling curses just to go to sleep?"
"Mhm, everythings ok." 
"You know you can tell me anythi-" 
"I'm fine Jess." 
"Are you hiding?" 
"Helps my spider powers to get more sharp." 
I heard her sigh. "If you need anything, just call me. Ok sweety?" 
"Got it, thanks Jess." I feel sorry for lying to her… but I just don't want to talk to anybody or show myself more vulnerable. Even if she may be able to help me.
The light disappeared and I sighed. At least that will keep anybody from bothering me for some hours… 
I took off my watch and suit, and decided to get some sleep, letting the dreams of a better life drift me away for some time… If only I could take some time to rest for a few hours.
Except I forgot I can't, and the distant explosion made me get up immediately and put on my suit, mumbling some words as I left, traveling as fast as I could.
I got on top of the ceilings nearby from where the explosion had happened. It was an abandoned construction of some apartments… and some people helping some injured kids on the basketball court beside it. 
“Por la gran…” I jumped to meet them, immediately trying to check if they were ok. “¿Que paso que paso? ¿Cómo estamos?”
“El Kevin subió a traer la pelota porque este maje la tiró para allá.” One of the kids said while holding his arm hurting.
“¿Y el dónde está?” 
“Sigue arriba…” 
“Va, voy.” I quickly threw a web to one of the open floors, smoke still coming out from it.
I knew neither police or firemen would arrive on time, so sadly I was the only option they had to go and help. I walked around as carefully and quickly as I could.
“¡TARANT-!” I heard the voice of a kid being muffled on the upper floor and ran towards it, then stopped as the smoke dissipated.
And as it disappeared I saw the kid, being held hostage by none other than Daniel… Or as he calls himself “Doc Oc”.
Even though this man did not practice medicine and rather studied management.
I untensed my posture and rolled my eyes, of all people I expected to cause something so petty like this had to be Daniel. A crybaby dude who relies on a tentacle machine to help him.
“Te habías tardado en venir.” He said trying to be as threatening as he could.
“Mira, no tengo tiempo para otro de tus berrinches. Soltá al bicho y nos damos verga, vos y yo”
He held the boy high with one of his tentacles. “Agarralo entonces si pued-” 
Before he could start with his rambling I shot a web at the boy, dragging him strongly and the grip of the tentacle giving off easily. He flew towards me and managed to catch him and put him aside. Then runned towards Daniel.
He stood in place, angry and shooting his arms towards me, but not being able to catch me or even touch me. I jumped behind him and kicked his head in the air, throwing him away to the edge of the building.
“CORRE CORRE CORRE” I yelled at the kid and he ran away safely.
Daniel tried to grab the edge to not fall. “¡TE VOY A MATAR!” His tentacles helped him get back up, standing still on the edge with an enraged expression. 
“¿No te cansas de que te haga mierda? Porque ya das pena, maje.” I replied smiling confidently and taking a fight stance.
“¿Ah si? ¿YO DOY PENA? ¡A VER COMO TERMINAS SI TE ENFRENTAS A DOS!” He let out a creepy ear to ear grin and took out a gun from his pocket, shooting at the sky.
I heard some movements bellow and jumped as soon as the floor caved in, and while in the air I saw what looked another man with similar tentacles… with some of those tentacles glitching out
Oh no…
I landed on the wall of the apartment next to it, trying to think how the fuck was I supposed to deal with two of them. I instinctively touched my arm to reach my watch… FUCK I LEFT IT AT HOME.
“Is that the “spiderman” you said is giving you trouble?” The man walked (or well, his tentacles moved him) towards Daniel. 
“Yes, it's that one.” He replied while still grinning like an asshole.
“Didn't knew you spoke english, dipshit. I guess you’re not that much of a pendejo.” 
“You think you’re so great and powerful, but I know you’re just a little bitch, and I will be glad to see you DIE.” He launched himself towards me, some of his tentacles ready to impale me.
But I know Daniel’s movements and machinery, he is still slow so I avoided it easily.
“GOT IT.” And suddenly I was grabbed by one of the other dude’s tentacles, shit shit shit.
I tried to move my leg to burn the tentacle, letting myself free for a moment before both my arms were grabbed from behind.
“FUCK” I began to throw kicks but it was impossible.
Daniel’s laugh began to sound more and more maniacally as he approached. “AHORA SÍ. PREPÁRATE PARA MI VENGANZA.”
He prepared his tentacles, savoring the panic I had and how “finally” he had me there.
“THINK FAST” A familiar voice came from nowhere, Hobie! 
“¿Qué?” Daniel looked to the side and his face was greeted by the slam of an electric guitar, launching him away from the scene and this time falling to the ground unconsciously.
“HOBIE!” I greeted him smiling… Thank god he got here.
“Someone told me you need some help, didn't think it was actually for a fight.”
The other tentacle dude tried to move me away, using the free tentacles to try to grab Hobie.
But as he tried he kept glitching, missing Hobie as he broke the ones keeping me captive.
“Are they both from here?”
“No, the old one is from a different one.”
He handed me one of the traps. “I’ll distract him, go get it.” 
We both nodded and ran towards him, Hobie making sure he was looking at him as I slid the trap, stopping right below him and capturing him as he slammed himself from side to side, trying to escape it and failing.
I fell to my knees to breathe as Hobie called Jess to come get the anomaly. I couldn't hear anything but the beat of my heart pulsating in my ears realizing I could’ve almost ended up badly injured.
“You ok?” Hobie got closer, helping me get on my feet. 
“Yeah… I just need.. to breathe…” I coughed a little.
“I guess I got on time, innit?”
“You did… you did…” I took a deep breath. “Thank you bro.” I weakly fistbumped with him.
“By the way.” He took out something from his jacket. “You left this at your house.” He handed it to me and I put it on.
“Yeah… I had to leave in a hurry to help.” 
Hobie put his hands on his jacket. “So. What did Miguel do to you?”
“Huh?” The question took me off guard.
“Did he hurt you?” He asked with some worry.
“No, nothing happened.” I lied.
A portal opened behind us.
“Speak of the devil.” Hobie said when Miguel came out from it.
I immediately moved to where Hobie was, I'm still not in the mood to talk to Miguel. 
“How are you feeling?” 
“Like shit.” I crossed my arms. “I couldn't get my rest and had to jump over here.” I took off my mask, breathing a little better.
“I can imagine that.”
“I’ll go get some sleep th-”
“Rox.” Miguel called me from behind… goddammit. 
I sighed with my eyes closed, turning around slowly to meet him getting closer.
“I need you to come over with me.” He said with a serious voice. “Right now.” 
I nodded sideways with my head “Ok.” 
He guided me aside, away from the others until he stopped.
“Are you injured?” Was the first thing that came out of his mouth. “I tried calling you and you did not answer.” 
I bit my tongue, trying hard not to slap him. The hell was he now worried for? 
“Oh, so NOW you want to talk? I thought you said we are not friends.” 
“I-” He paused himself, unsure on what to say. Put his hands on his hips and locked eyes with me. “I’m sorry.” The words finally left his lips, feeling like it took a lot of him to say it.
“You’re sorry?” 
“I'm sorry for saying that. That’s not what I meant to say back there.” 
“So what? You explode at anybody that interrupts your work?”
“Rox, listen to me.”
“I am listening! Tell me the fucking reason already.”
“I didn't want you to know that I…”
“...That I often spy on you, to protect you.” He said almost in a whisper, like if he admitted defeat.
“Miguel what the fuck are you even sayi-”
He lifted his finger, singing me to wait a moment. “I care. About you.” He continued “And I do not want anything bad to happen to you. So I got worried when you didnt answer.”
“Then why hurt me when I tried to be nice?!”
“Because I know I shouldn't care too much about you. Or anybody.”
I could not believe what he was saying, I took a moment to just stare at him blinking confused.
“Ok Ok. Para un momento.” I placed some fingers on my forehead. “So you’re telling me you basically got scared that I caught you spying on me and hurt my feelings after I tried to socialize with you because you don't think we should care about the other too much?”
He nodded looking sideways, now avoiding my gaze.
“Miguel. Nothing bad is going to happen if we get along. Or even if you get along with anybody else.”
“I know it will.”
“You don't.” I snapped my fingers. “Look at me.” He turned his head to meet my eyes, his expression being the saddest I’ve seen this man, but still frowning and trying to keep his tough guy facade. “Nothing bad is going to happen. We all got eachothers back, remember? You were the one who said that to me.” 
“I’m done talking about my feelings for today” He walked past me, stopping for a moment. “...Come to my lab later, please.” He said in a gentler voice, leaving to guide the others on where the bad guy had to stay.
I… was confused. Miguel's words resonated in my mind while I tried to make sense of his already messy way of expressing himself. 
Did he want to see me again? By what he said it looks like he does, but why is he so hesitant to tell me what he wants? 
He doesn't hesitate when he wants people to leave him alone and certainly is not hesitant to act like a bitch… 
This man truly is a whole mess… and yet I find him intriguing and interesting… but so fucking annoying.
I arrived at the HQ some hours later after showering and buying some food that I may or may not be bringing to share with him and try one more time, I know, I know. I'm a clown for even accepting his apologies.
After all, he said he wanted me to go to his lab, right? I should not feel unsure, but yet I do.
I got inside his lab and walked up to where Miguel was, and I found him sitting on the same floating chair I see him sleep in sometimes. 
"¿Miguel?" He turned his head around, taking off some reading glasses he had on. 
"Pensé que no vendrías." 
"Me quería bañar antes… y también traje comida." 
"Ya veo." He glanced at the plastic bag in my hand
"¿Vos ya comiste?"
"No, he estado trabajando.” 
I shot a web to impulse me onto his platform, surprising him but doing nothing nonetheless.
"Queres… ¿Comer juntos? Creo que traje comida de sobra para una sola persona." 
"Guardala para despues" He said without looking at me, I stood in silence… this man really is dense in these things, huh? 
"Miguel, compre suficiente para dos" 
"...Entonces quédate lo otro y cómetelo mañana." 
I grabbed him by the chin, forcing him to look at me. 
“Maje, compre dos platos de comida iguales a propósito para compartirlo con vos porque quería mostrarte que si quiero hacer las paces por tercera vez y ser amistoso con vos. Ahora, ¿Vas a comer o no pendejo?”
"Pudiste haber dicho eso desde el inicio" He said standing up and his platform started going down. 
After he did so I placed the plastic plates for the both of us in one of the many tables he had around, waiting for him to stop checking some stuff in his lab. 
"Se me olvido preguntarte si te gusta el pollo." 
"No me molesta." He replied, still checking a machine.
"...¿Tas bien?"
He placed his hands on his hips trying not to get mad. "Things have gotten missing around here, parts of the machines and other stuff."
"That's… actually weird, who else was allowed to get in here?" 
"You, Jessica, Peter and me." He finally sat down looking at the takeaway plate.
I opened mine showing my panes con pollo and taking one of the two out. "Son panes con pollo de mi ciuda. No creo que te vayan a hacer daño." 
Miguel opened it in a similar way and grabbed one. "¿Como un sandwich?" 
"Mhm" I took some bites and smiled unconsciously. These are so good… I would moan out loud if I was alone.
Miguel took a bite and that's when I saw his fangs more clearer, and by each bite he took I could only imagine him biting m- 
"It's very tasty." He lifted his eyebrows in surprise. What? Did he not expect them to be good? "Do you eat these frequently?" 
"Only for special occasions." I gave him a sincere smile, almost not noticing the crease in his lips letting a short smile form.
After some more bites I noticed Miguel had some sauce on his cheek, one he hadn't noticed. I searched for napkins but the lady didn't give me any.
"Miguel, you have sauce on your face." 
"Hm? Where?" 
I signed to the place on my own cheek, he wiped it with his thumb and licked it in a way I could say felt very erotic, but still missing one of the parts.
"You still have some on your cheek, Miguel." I reached nearby, wiping it away gently, with him almost paralyzed unsure of what I could do. "There." 
"You're welcome." 
I like to believe Miguel was ready for me to take the chance and slap him, but why would I? I mean, I DO have reasons to do so, but I appreciate the fact that he tried to explain to me why he was so hesitant to be near me… which reminds me:
"Hey, Miguel." I called for his attention. "How… are you feeling? After what happened in my universe?" 
"I'm not good at talking about it." 
"I noticed." I tried to not sound sarcastic. "But do you feel a little better?" 
"I feel less stressed." He confessed. "I still feel stressed about everything, but at least this won't be an issue." 
"You see?" 
"I will only ask you to not say anything that we speak here with the others. I will spend time with you, not with them." 
"So basically our little secret?" 
"...Why do you have to say it like that?" 
I let out a playful laugh. "Just messing with ya." 
"Yeah, you tend to be very messy."
"El comal le dice a la olla, take a look at your own cuchitril." 
"Fair" He finished eating and closed the lid of his takeout plate. "Thank you for the sandwich-" 
"Pan con pollo."
"Pan con pollo, eso." He continued. "I also want to thank you for the other food earlier."
"Oh? You did eat them?" 
"They were…very oily. But really good." 
"I'm glad you enjoyed them then." I finished mine as well. 
"Do you tend to share food with everyone?" He changed the subject, I guess now it's my turn to answer questions.
"I… like to give stuff to people. Food or little thingies that remind me of them, and so" 
"I see…" He saw me let out a short yawn. "You should get some rest." 
"I'm fine, don't worry." I said stretching my arms up. "I can handle being awake for a couple more hours… although you look like you may need some rest yourself." 
"I'm fine. I tend to not sleep that much." 
"Aaand that is bad for you, Miguel." 
"I say the same for you." 
"Oh no, I do sleep." I crossed my arms. "I may go to sleep very late but that's why I tend to wake up extra late." 
Miguel got up. "I still have work to do, so I don't have time to sleep." 
"Need some help?" 
"No, I'm fine." 
"Actually we could use your help Rox." Layla popped out.
Miguel tried to shush her. "I can do it on my own." 
"We need you to check the cameras on an anomaly we're surveilling!" 
"Oh what is it?" 
"It's nothing, go get your rest, Rox." 
I got up and stretched a little more while Miguel argued with Layla. 
"Ok I'll do it." 
"You don't have to." 
"Friends help friends, right?" I walked past him, jumping onto his platform while Layla explained the layout of the screens to me.
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moonflower80 · 1 year
Underforest-chapter 7
I walked into the town. It was sunny, and no rain appeared. A slight breeze flew by, and I saw people walking around, saying hi to Sans. “Hi Sans! Huh! Found a lil monster?” said a bunny lady. “yup. found em walking around, all scared an stuff. well, you’re ok now, eh, kid?” I nodded. I pointed to the shop near the inn. Sans walked me over there. It was warm inside, and another nice bunny lady looked at me. She was sewing some clothes that another small bunny nearby was fidgeting about. “Mom! I want the clothes to show my friends!”
“Im hurrying dear.”
“Oh! Hello Sans, how can I help?”
“hey, ms bun. how are ya?”
“Oh, I'm alright, sans. Did you find any beetroot?” Sans nodded, smile growing wider. “yup, a whole garden's worth and more, all hidden behind a pile of rocks.” He handed some beetroot to Ms Bun. Ms Bun gave him some money, then looked at me. “Oh! Hello!” she greeted me brightly “Sans, was this child lost in the woods?” Sans nodded “yup.”
“Don’t worry child, we’ll keep you safe! Just don’t go in the forest, alright?” I nodded. “Now, Sans, wanna buy something?” Sans shook his head, then pointed to me “the kid does. they got a lotta money.” I bought some food, and an umbrella. Just as I was going to buy all my new stuff, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. A small doll decorated with leaves and flowers sat on a high shelf. I pointed to it. “Hmm? Oh! That old doll.” She handed it to me. “This was an old, old doll. I heard that the king’s children owned it. Heh. You can have it. You remind me of one o’ them.” She handed it to me. It was made with care, but now some of the seams were falling out, and the stuffing inside was drooping sadly. I could feel an uneasy presence as I placed the doll in my knapsack.
I paid for my stuff, and left with Sans. “well, kid. it’s getting kinda late. head back to the inn, and we’ll talk tomorrow.” I went back to the inn, waved to the innkeeper, and went upstairs. I fell asleep quickly, and dreamed. I saw a child drawing. They had a purple and yellow shirt, and khaki shorts. They turned toward me, and they had my face! They walked towards me, and right before they touched me, I woke up. It was still late. I heard mutterings from outside. Giggles. I peeked the window open a tad. I saw 2 small shapes, sneaking towards the forest. I knew something bad was going to happen, I knew! I quietly changed into some clothes, put on my scarf, and grabbed my backpack.
After some hesitation, I grabbed the doll. It looked like a little goat-person. A lot like Toriel, but with a purple and yellow shirt, and little khaki shorts. Odd…. I rushed outside, tip-toeing after the 2 shapes. The trees seemed to glare at me. The shapes stopped. “W-whos there?!” someone whispered loudly. “Cory, shut up!” the shorter shape said.
“S-sorry Izzy.” I walked closer. “D-don’t come closer! We’ll…” He paused. “Izzy.” Another figure, the girl I heard earlier, spoke up. “Yeah?”
“Where's the long stick?”
“Uhm..I dropped it.”
“I thought it was a branch!” I walked next to them. “Uhm..hello.” I said “AAAAA!” the girl, Izzy, screamed “SHH! Keep it down, and I won’t tell.” I told them. They took off their cloaks. The little bunny from the shop, and a dragon. “Ok, what the heck is going on,” I said. “Sorry,” said the bunny. “Um..I’m Cory,”
“I’m Izzy.” said the dragon. “I’m Frisk.” I said. “Nice to meet you, Frisk.” said Cory. “Errr… We haven’t seen you around here.” said Izzy. “Did you come from the forest?” “Yes,” I said. “I…came from the side near the ruins.” Izzy looked relieved “Phew. I thought you were one of those spooky monsters.” she said. “What monsters?” I asked. “Monsters that wrap you up and steal your lifeforce! Then, they disguise themselves as you.”
“Spooky!” I shivered. “BUT…Theres always something different about them. A different tail, a freckle, a cut where there was none. Heh heh…” said Izzy. “Heh…where's Cory?” We looked around. “Hi guys!” Cory appeared. “Oh, hey Cory! Geez, you scared us.” said Izzy. “Haha! Don’t worry. Come on guys, I saw something cool! A really cool bug.” Cory started to run ahead, then stopped. “Guys?” Izzy had stopped. “Cory doesn’t like bugs.” Her eyes lit up, she opened her mouth and fire blasted at Cory. Cory dodged, faster than lightning. ‘Cory’ dashed at us, eyes red and arms out. This was the monster Izzy had been talking about. Blue, jagged rocks shot at us. Izzy stood still. I went to protect her.
“Don’t!” The rock passed through her. Then she went back to blasting fire. “Blue means stand still! Orange means move!” She moved around, spraying fire at the monster. A bunch of blue rocks circled her, and she was hit. “No!” I ran towards her, but was hit with one of the sharp rocks. The monster, now in its true form, a tree-like golem, stood over us, arms ready to pound us into dust. I cowered. Suddenly, it glowed blue, and it was slammed into the ground. “hey kid. tell me about this later. for now, get the other kid and RUN.” I hesitated. “NOW, CHILD.” he yelled at a volume that was so much louder than his normal, quiet tone.
Me and Izzy ran back to the hotel and waited. About an hour later, Sans came in, carrying a small pouch. “you two care to explain why you were in the forest at such a late hour, followed by an explanation of why cory is lost now?” Izzy spoke up. “It was my fault, sir! I convinced her to help me calm the spirits of the forest! I'm so sorry!!”
Sans’ expression calmed down, and he gave the dragon a neutral expression. “i understand. if the spirits are this angry… they must feel it too. they must be aware that there is a human within our forest. frisk. come with me. now.” I followed him out the door, and into the forest. He made a small cage filled with bones, probably so no one could get inside. “do you know why the forest is haunted?” I shook my head. His eyes darkened, as he began to tell a story.
“Long ago, a human fell down here. Their name has been forgotten to the sands of time, but they were known to be a kind child. They helped the residents of this forest, they never harmed or raised their voice at another monster. They were kind. They were bent on helping us escape.
One day, a group of fire elementals attacked her. They tortured her. They almost killed her. Luckily, they were stopped. I stopped them before they could kill her. But… she was beyond my help. She believed that everyone was evil.
She snapped.
She killed many people and animals in both Raindin and Sundin, and left many more wounded. Finally, she found me and my brother. She threatened him. She threw her knife… but I caught it, and threw it right back into her heart. She died, and our town was safe. But the people who died… their souls were unable to rest. I don’t know, but me and my father have been trying to see if the spirits are haunting the forest, since we buried their remains there, long before it ever started raining there. That only started happening 10 years ago, maybe a few years after the incident.”His eyes darkened, as if he was remembering something awful. “What happened to your father?” I asked him. “he’s gone. the forest took him.” He was silent. I don’t know why, but I ran through the bones and into the forest, with Sans in tow. I was gonna calm the spirits of the forest.
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minisugakoobies · 2 years
Sorry I Motorboated You | JJK
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This is just straight nonsense prompted by @btsgotjams27 💕 Couldn't stop thinking about the Koobies and wrote this lil drabble. I hope you enjoy!
Genre is crack. Rating is M (18+) just because. WC: 899
No warnings, other than reader really has a thing for Jungkook's chest. But who doesn't? 🥴
Disclaimer: Obviously I don't own BTS, they just inspire me.
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“I said WHAT?!”
Your voice echoes down the hallway as you stare at your friend in horror. There’s a fierce pounding in your head, thanks to last night’s party. All you can remember is winning at flip cup and then celebrating with your friends in the hot tub outside of the beach house you’ve rented for the week. Everything after that is a beer-soaked blur.
To you, anyway. Not to Jimin, who is smiling at you in a way that makes your stomach lurch. Nope, wait, that’s the alcohol. Groaning, you lead him into the kitchen in search of something greasy for breakfast. 
“I really said that?” 
“Oh yeah.” As he whips up something for the two of you to eat, Jimin fills you in on the previous evening’s events. Apparently, you’d decided to finally say something to your longtime crush, Jungkook. The two of you have been dancing around each other for weeks, exchanging shy glances at group hangouts, flirting a little here and there, but neither of you had made any moves. 
Until last night. When you’d shot your shot. In the most embarrassing way.
“It’s not that bad,” Jimin says, patting your shoulder. 
“Not that bad?! How can I ever look him in the eye again?” Leaning against the island bury your face in your arms, groaning loudly. 
“Well, you’re about to find out,” Jimin suddenly informs you, and you lift your head as Jungkook strolls into the kitchen.
“Morning, Jimin,” he nods. Then he greets you with a soft smile, and your stomach flips again. Nerves, this time. 
He’s clearly not in the same hangover boat you’re in. Looks refreshed, like he got a great night’s sleep, long raven hair framing a face free of dark undereye circles or blotchy skin like you have. Seems completely untroubled. 
Jimin doesn’t even bother to come up with an excuse, just leaves the room as quickly as he can. Traitor. As Jungkook stares into the fridge, you decide you have two options here. One, address what happened last night to clear the air. Or two, run. 
Two is super tempting, but it won’t solve the problem. Given how relaxed he seems, Jungkook might not be upset about what you did, but you know your guilt will eat at you. So with a sigh, you straighten up, turning to face him, and prepare yourself for abject humiliation. 
“Hey, Jungkook?”
He hums, still rifling through the fridge.
“Um, I wanted to apologize for last night.” 
Jungkook stills for a second. “Apologize?” 
“Yeah. I’m sorry for, um, all those things I said. And, uh, did. When we were in the hot tub with everyone.” 
When he turns around, your stomach swoops again. He’s smirking, eyes narrowing as the corner of his mouth curls. His tongue flicks out to lick at his lip ring. “What.”
“What things are you sorry for? What specifically,” he clarifies, taking a step towards you. 
“Everything I said…" you trail off, staring down at your hands.
“Like what?”
He watches you quietly with arms crossed. Oh god, he’s gonna make you say it? Fine.
“I’m sorry that I s-said that I like your,” your face burns, “your boobies.” 
“That’s not what you called them.” He grins. He’s definitely enjoying this.
You are not. “Jungkook,” you whine pleadingly.
He just tilts his head at you, waiting. You swallow your pride. “Your Koobies.” 
He nods, but doesn’t say anything, and you know he’s waiting for more. 
“And I’m sorry that I,” you pause, girding yourself, “that I shouted, ‘HONKA HONKA,’ and made grabby gestures with my hands.” You start to mimic the action only to stop yourself in shame. 
His mouth twitches, but he doesn’t laugh, just takes another step. Your back hits the island as he leans over you, both hands on the counter behind you. “Anything else.” 
You’re never ever drinking again. “Yes. I’m sorry… I’m sorry…”
He motions for you to go on. 
“I’msorrythatImotorboatedyou!” The words come out in one long breathless shout. Horrified, you cover your face with your hands. 
Thankfully, Jungkook doesn’t laugh at your pain. He doesn’t say anything at all, but after a few seconds, you feel his warm fingers close around your wrists, and he pulls your hands away from your eyes. 
And places them directly on his pecs. 
The sound you make is 50% shocked yelp, 50% strangled moan, and 100% undignified. And then he flexes, and the meter tips to 100% moan. Even more mortifying.
“If I’m being honest, I’m glad you broke first,” he confesses, smirk returning. Biting your lip to suppress the unbidden noises you keep making, you give him a confused look. “You looked so good in the hot tub last night, I thought I might've been the one having to apologize this morning.” 
“Oh.” His arms slide around your waist, and you press your hands further into his solid chest, fingers playing with the collar of his t-shirt. “I mean, I probably would’ve let you motorboat me as much as you wanted, if I’m being honest.”
“Nah, that’s okay,” he replies immediately, and you can’t help but feel crushed at the instant rejection. But then he shifts closer, mouth hovering over yours and you gasp into his kiss as his hands slip down the curve of your back to grab two handfuls of your ass. “Unlike you, I’m more of an ass man.” 
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© 2022-23 by sunshinerainbowsbts/minisugakoobies. Crossposted to AO3. Please do not copy or repost.
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 3 years
(The Bad Batch) He Sees You Wear His Blacks
(Author’s Note:  This is actually how the most recent Crosshair fic “This is War” came to be.  It was originally part of this, but I decided to make it it’s own thing
These are just lil blurbs for each Bad Batcher about you wearing his blacks for the first time.  Enjoy!)
   His mouth stretched wide open in a yawn as he made his way through the main hall of the Marauder to his bunk.  After the day the squad had, he was finally ready to settle down for a nap.  His tired eyes widened in pleasant surprise at the sight of you already curled up on his bunk.  You were laid down with eyes closed and hair messily splayed out on the pillow, enjoying a sleep so deep and peaceful that you didn’t stir upon his approach.
   Wrecker’s smile was nearly giddy as he pulled back the covers to climb in next to you and get cozy.  He paused, noticing suddenly that you were wearing his extra set of blacks as pajamas. Though snug on him, the fabric hung loosely on your form, and you had the sleeves rolled up past your wrists.
   It was so cute that Wrecker couldn’t resist leaning down to press a kiss to your cheek.  He really hadn’t meant to wake you, but the action drew you from your slumber with a quiet groan.
   “Sorry,” he said sheepishly.  “Didn’t mean to wake you.”
   You offered a sleepy smile that had his heart thudding at a quicker pace.  “That’s okay.  Cuddle with me?”
   He was beyond happy to grant your request, finally getting settled beside you and pulling the covers up over the two of you.  “You look cute in my blacks,” he commented in a low voice, bringing a hand up to stroke your cheek.
   “Yeah?” you yawned.  The new warmth he brought was already lulling you back to sleep.  “You look cute in your blacks too.”
   He chuckled, seeking a kiss with the brush of his nose against yours.  You met his lips in a single, soft peck before snuggling up to his chest, his arm tightening around you.  “Goodnight, _________.”
   “Goodnight, Wrecker,” you mumbled, already drifting.
   “Here,” he said, holding out the mass of dark fabric in your direction.  You lifted your gaze to him, mouth pressed in a firm line, and accepted the clothing, being careful not to get it wet.  Hunter couldn’t help but observe you in silent mirth.  The way you stood there with shoulders sagging, clothing drenched, and hair a soggy mess made you look like a damp lothcat.
   He didn’t mean to find amusement in your disheartened state, but part of him admittedly found you adorable.  You were scouting ahead when a downpour hit. You’d arrived back at the Marauder soaked to the bone. Your sleep clothes were hanging in the refresher to dry- it had been time to do some laundry- so Hunter had offered you his extra set of blacks so you could hang the rest of your gear to dry.
   Despite your mood, you caught the glint in Hunter’s eye and couldn’t help but smile.  “What?”
   “Nothing,” he denied evenly, though the corner of his lips were turned upward.
   You gave a playful roll of your eyes before stepping into the refresher to slip out of your damp clothing and into the blacks.  When you’d hung the rest of your clothes to dry beside your pajamas, you emerged from the refresher hugging your form as your body warmed itself up.
   Hunter had already busied himself with giving orders to the squad down the hall, but when his eyes skimmed over you passively he had to stop and do a double-take.  He glanced away momentarily.  “Tech, be sure to keep me updated.”  Then, his gaze was back on you.
   He liked everything about it.  The sight of you wearing his blacks and his scent covering yours, showing everyone else that you were his…
   All previous amusement was completely gone from his expression as Hunter approached, stealing a glance over his shoulder to ensure no one was paying attention before leaning in for a firm kiss, arm wrapping around you to pull you closer.
   “I’ll be sure to let you borrow my blacks more often,” he murmured.
   Echo tipped his head back to sip the last of his beverage.  He had to admit, Cid served up some decent drinks.  Catching movement out of the corner of his eye, Echo nearly choked on his drink when he took a second look.  There you were, taking a seat next to him at the table, wearing your usual clothes but with the top half of his blacks instead of your own shirt.  His heart went into overdrive.
   He coughed a few times to clear his throat before facing you.
   “Oh, hey,” you greeted, eyes lowering sheepishly.  “I’m sorry I didn’t ask...Is it okay if I borrow this?”
   “Trust me,” he said, his tone heavy with approval.  “I’ve got no problem with that.”
   “You sure?”  The way you looked at him with eyes wide and lips parted in concern left him breathless, which sent him into another coughing fit.  You leaned forward to pat his back gently.  “Love, are you okay?”
   His final sputter turned into a chuckle, and he shook his head.  “I’m fine.  You’re just...you look good.  Beautiful.”
   The smile that spread across your face was stunning, and Echo found himself smiling for the first time today.  You had a habit of doing that to him: changing his grumpy mood entirely.  He watched as you ordered something and got more comfortable in your seat, reaching a hand across the table to rest over his.  He entwined his fingers with yours.  Echo realized that he still hadn’t stopped staring, and he embarrassedly glanced away, feeling very much like a shiny seeing a beautiful woman for the first time all over again.  You’d been dating for some time, and usually he was a little smoother than this.
   “You’re so sweet,” you said, bringing his hand up to kiss it.
   He accepted the token of affection with a reassured smile.  “And you” -he kissed your hand in return- “are welcome to borrow my blacks whenever you’d like.”
   You quickly pulled on the top half of Crosshair’s extra blacks that had been folded neatly at the end of his mattress.  He’d be done scrubbing his prized rifle quite soon, and you wanted to be found waiting for him upon his return to the bunk.  Once you were cozy in comfy pants and his shirt, you pulled back the covers and crawled in.
   A few minutes later, the door slid open, and Crosshair entered.  He halted, eyes sweeping over you as he stood there.  He seemed to unfreeze when you smiled and held out your hand towards him, beckoning him closer.  He took it and tilted his head down at you.
   “Someone made themselves at home,” he said.  His tone was casual, but you could tell he was pleased-and even amused- by the way his eyes crinkled at the corners in the beginnings of a small smile.
   “Mhm,” you hummed, scooting farther in to make room.  “Care to join me?”
   He released a sigh, as if it was some chore, and climbed into the bunk beside you, though you didn’t miss the smile that finally did appear as he watched you get settled against his chest.  He grasped a bit of the fabric of his blacks between his fingers.
   “Looks good on you.”
   “Yeah?” you glanced up at him, pressing your lips absently to his collarbone.  He took a deep breath, releasing the fabric, and held you tighter in response.  Crosshair didn’t speak for a few minutes, only rested his chin on your head as you buried your face in his shoulder.
   “Yeah,” he finally said, giving you a kiss against your temple.  “Looks good on you.”
   “I have a hypothesis,” you stated, unfolding the dark fabric that you’d found in a messy heap hanging off the side of his bunk.  You’d brought his blacks back up to the cockpit with you where Tech was busy tinkering on a few things in the co-pilot chair.  The others were off-shift, most likely napping.
   “Oh?” Tech responded without looking up from his project.  “And what’s that?”
   You watched him for a moment from behind the chair.  While you had to admit he looked rather attractive with his broad back to you while he worked so diligently on Wrecker’s busted comm device, you wanted his attention.
   “It’s a secret,” you replied.  His focus gave you the opportunity to slip on the top half of his blacks that you’d found over your tank top.  “I want to conduct an experiment before I tell you.”
   “If I’m made aware of this hypothesis, are you concerned that it will compromise the collection of data?” he finally swiveled the chair to the side so he could peer at you over his shoulder.  It was obvious he noticed you wearing his blacks because his eyes widened ever-so-slightly.
   “Something like that,” you said with a nod.  You approached him, and his eyes moved with you while the smile on his face grew.  Once you were beside him, you casually looked at the repair in progress over his shoulder.  “How’s it coming?”  It took him a minute to tear his gaze from you and glance back down at the device in his hands.
   “It’s coming along rather nicely, I’d say,” he replied.  Then, that cheeky smile returned.  “Or rather, it was until you showed up looking like...that.”
   You shrugged innocently.  “Looking like what?”
   He fell silent again as he met your gaze, mouth pressing in a firm line as if he was internally debating something.  You held back a smile at the sight of the wheels in his head turning.  Finally, he set down the device on a nearby panel.
   “You look…”-he sighed, reaching a hand to take yours- “like I could kiss you.”  With a gentle tug, he pulled you just close enough to lean up and press his lips to yours.  “You look good in my shirt, my dear.”
   You hummed against his lips and pull away to smile.  “My hypothesis was proven.”
   He lifted an inquisitive brow.
   “If I wore your blacks, you would kiss me.”
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