#i’m in the back doing crack drinking pepsi
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mood 😹
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nervoussagittarius · 6 months
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chris sturniolo x reader
warnings: suggestive and fluffy
☼ chris is always filling you in on new ideas he has. whether its for fresh love or it’s for anything he does with his brother. he’s scared to admit it but your easily his muse and he loves being able to tell you how you inspired a project or video
☼ chris’s love language is physical touch. he always has to be touching you in some way shape or from. although he loves being near you, he understands if you need to have your personal space for a little bit, so he always asks if he can touch you after these times. but it’s hard to get him to stop after he starts
☼ chris loves having physical touch given to him as well. he will never turn down any form of touch. like stated above, he understands when you need your space but that doesn’t stop him from craving your affection in these moments
☼chris likes to stay on top of everything going on in your life. he wants the vlogs and texts about what you’re up to. he doesn’t do it in a controlling way. he’s genuinely just curious and loves supporting and congratulating the little things. his responses usually look like “i’m so happy your food turned out good baby. thanks for vlogging the process for me”
☼ chris loves making you laugh. he’s such an unserious man. any chance he has to see your smile is what he lives for. nothing will stop him from cracking a joke even in the most inappropriate times
★ chris loves pda. he wants to kiss you and hug you when he’s out and about. he’s not afraid to slap your ass or grab your neck a little out in public so people know you’re his
☼ chris wants to go everywhere with you. doesn’t matter. it could be the littlest errand but he’s passenger princessing his way there
☼ chris might not have his license, but if you do, he refuses to ask you for rides. unless y’all have plans to go somewhere or he goes with you when you have to go out, he’s not asking you to drive him anywhere. he doesn’t ever want to be a burden because he knows sometimes you really just don’t want to drive. so he’ll ask matt even if you’re right next to him and it annoys you because you’re always willing to take him out.
☼ chris is a huge follower of the sidewalk rule. he loves going on walks with you when the weathers nice but he blocks you from the road at all times. doesn’t matter if there’s something you want to see or if you’re trying to cross the street, he’s holding you hand and pushing you away from being anywhere near the road.
☼ chris isn’t big on cheesy dates. he doesn’t really want to go sit at a restaurant or do any of the basic stuff seen in romcoms. he wants to go have adventures and have have spontaneous fun. he’s never one to plan dates he likes to turn random day to day activities into big events
☼ chris loves being a little spoon and he loves being held. he often just crawls into you when your sitting or laying down. he’ll take your arms and wrap them around him so you have no choice but to hold him. bonus points if you play with his hair or rub his back
★ chris hates sleeping alone. he doesn’t care where you are, if he wants to sleep he’s finding you so you can lay with him. especially after sex he just wants to be next to you so he knows you’re okay
☼ chris makes sure he has your favorite drinks stocked for when you come over. he knows how sad he feels when he runs out of pepsi so he doesn’t want you to have to experience that
☼ chris gets hangry really easily. once he’s hungry he needs to eat immediately or he can’t control his words or actions. he’s known to do stuff he doesn’t mean when he’s hungry so you know not to take it to heart
★ chris will always apologize first. it might take him a few minutes to get his head out of his ass, but it doesn’t matter the situation or the argument or which one of you was in the right or wrong, he’s saying sorry. the last thing he wants is to prolong something that can be easily fixed with an apology. he’s a firm believer of never going to bed angry and he loves make up sex to really prove he feels bad
☼ chris is never letting you listen to your music, but he will incorporate your songs into his playlists. he loves being on aux and he thinks he’s the king of it. always has some good tunes playing
an: i don’t know what happened here but the words just kept coming ig
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sincerelyemma13 · 4 months
if you wanna get high with me i’m in the back doing crack, drinking p p p pepsi ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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sturniololoco · 8 months
My little cousin's (they can't use Tumblr) - can you do a SLS protective but like she got cheated on so they comfort her and talk to the boy (if you can't that's fine ik it's kinda weird they are weird)
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Cheated On
Sturniolo Little Sister (SLS) x The Sturniolo Triplets
I don’t know why I ever agreed to come to this party with, my boyfriend, Jack, especially if he’s my even going to hang out with me.
My brothers dropped me off at Matts house, after I promised that he would drop me off by 12 o’clock tonight. Little to my knowlage, Jackhad planned to go to a party.
Where there was drinking involved.
I’m only seventeen, and I’m not stupid enough to go and mess around with things that could get me into trouble.
Jack was the complete opposite.
As soon as we got there, he took his hand off my waist and found some of his friends, and a cooler.
I went ahead and stood in the corner, drinking a Pepsi in a solo cup. This went on for another hour and a half, but I didn’t mind. This gave me an excuse to people watch. And Jack was having a good time, so I didn’t want to ruin his fun.
But it was getting late.
I pulled out my phone, texting Jack that it was already 11:45, and I needed to get home.
About 10 minuets later, I got no response.
across the room, I saw Henry, one of Jack’s friends. I walk over to him, and pull him aside from his beer pong game. He looked mad until he realized it was me.
“Where’s Jack?!” I half yelled over the loud music, screaming, and talking.
“He’’s upstairs, dunno why though.” He’s slurred with blood shot eyes. I rolled my eyes and quickly made my way up the stairs.
Trying to find my way around this mansion was harder then I thought, but I checked all the rooms but the one in the back.
Tired of searching for Jack, who should have been with me in the first place, I harshly push the door open.
I found jack to say the least.
Sucking faces with our high school whore.
They both looked up. The girls face lit up in a fake smile as she or off hi lap and brushed past me, going back to the party, leaving Jack and I Alone.
I didn’t move. Just standing there, not. Knowing what to do. Jack stood, and made his way over to me, grabbing my wrist.
“Baby, I-“ I ripped my hand from his grasp, readjusted my purse, turned from him, and walked out the damn door. I could hear him trying to catch up with me as I walked downstairs, out the front door, and halfway down to the next block over.
My eyes were dry.
“Baby girl, would you just stop and listen for a second, It wasn’t what it looks like! I-“ he started to say, grabbing my shoulder and turning me around.
“Really? Because what I saw was you making out with a girl who wasn’t me, and that’s a pretty hard thing to mistake.”
Jack stood there, moving his mouth, but no sound came out.
But I wasn’t staying any longer to hear his excuse.
“Bye Jack.” I turned the corner and walked down the street. Jack must’ve finally got the message, because he didn’t other following me.
Then it hit me.
The pain.
Tears began to fall and my throat began to ache. I sat on the curb with my face in my hands and began to sob.
Once my breathing was somewhat controlled, I pullout my phone. To call Matt.
It wrung once before he picked up.
“You’re Late SLS/N.” He said when he picked up. Glancing at the clock, It read 12:08.
“I-I know, I’m sorry. I really need a ride.” I say, my voice cracking.
“SLS/N, are you okay? Why are you crying.” I could hear him standing up ad grabbin the keys, telling Chris and Nick to get in the car.
“MattI’m fine. I just need a ride. I’ll text you my locations.” I finished, hanging up the phone, before I break down again.
It’s not long before I see head lights and Matts car pull up. I quickly scramble into the backseat next to Nick. Matt begins to drive away.
“Hey what’s wrong, sweetheart?” Nick asks, rubbing my shoulder.
“Nothing.” I say, wanting to forget that this night ever happened. Wanting to forget what I saw when I walked into that bedroom.
“Really, because that mascara shit all over your face says something different.” Chris says, eyeing me through the rear view mirror. Matt is quick to slap him on the arm while still watching the road.
“SLS/N, you can’t just call me, past your cerfew, crying and looking like shit and expect me not to worry.” Matt says, not doing much of a better job than Chris.
At that I crumple into Nicks side. He pulls me o him while I cry, shushing me while I couch and cry onto his shirt.
We get home and we walk into the house. I held Nick’s hand, not wanting to be alone. Mat, Nick, and I all go in and sit on the couch. Chris goes to the bathroom, and comes back with a warm, damp rag. He neels in front of me and whiles the mascara streaks off my face.
“Goddamn, what is in this stuff?!” He says, still scrubbing my face, though a little bit harder. I laugh through my tears and sniffle, regaining my thoughts and ready to talk.
Chris sits on my other side, and they all await my answer to why I was so upset.
“Umm. I-I…Jack cheated on me.” I say blankly, trying not to let my emotions get the better of me again.
“Aw SLS/N.”Nick says giving me a hug, which I gladly accept. “Can I be honest?” He asks me.
I nod.
“He was a fucking douchebag and I hated him anyway.” He states, not breaking the hug. I giggle, squeezing him tighter.
While this was going on, Matt and Chris look at each other. Giving each other a knowing stare.
“Guys…?” I say.
“Hey!” Nick says, snapping them out of it. “Why don’t we have a little movie night to get the sprits back up. Hmm? That sound good?” I nod, standing up and going to get a drink and some candy from the fridge.
Nick’s POV
I waited for SLS/N to walk into the kitchen before I spoke.
“I’m fine with whatever you two do, but if you get arrested, I’m using your own money to bail you out.” I say.
Chris and Matt smile at this and get up, Matt grabbing his keys, and Chris starting to head to the car before SLS/N came back.
I hear the car pull out of the drive way, knowing that they’re on their way to Jacks house.
I walk back into the living room, only to see Nick, and no one else.
“Nicky? Where did the boys go?” I ask.
“I uh… I think they went to get some more candy. They said we could start the movie without them.” He says, patting the seat next to him for me to sit down. I grab a blanket from the basket in the corner and snuggle up with Nick.
Chris’s POV
Matt and I walk back into the house, me with bruised knuckles and Matt with a cracked lip.
In the living room, Nick and SLS/N are asleep, a show playing on the TV. Matt walks over and gives SLS/N a kiss on her head, then says,
“Im going to bed, Man. I’ll see you in the morning.” He gives me a half hug, then heads to his room.
I lay on the couch, scrolling through my phone, when I hear movement from the other side of the couch.
“Chris?” I hear SLS/N say in a sleepy voice, sitting up and rubbing her swollen eyes.
“hey kiddo. C’mere.” I say, opening my arms as she crawls over to me. She lays her head in the crook of my neck, and I rub her back. She sighs softly and falls back asleep. I kiss her in the head and drift to sleep myself.
Matt’s POV
I woke up around 630 today and went out in the living room to wake SLS/N up for school. She was laying on Chris, who was scrolling through his phone. She groaned when I told her we needed to go so I could drive her to school. -
Pulling into the school, I could tell she was getting nervous. I grab her hand and give it a little squeeze.
“hey, don’t worry about him. Everything’s gunna be fine.” I say. She nods, giving me a smile.
“Call me if you need anything.” She nodded again and leaned over to give me a quick kiss on the cheek, before getting out of the car and going into the building.
Walking into school, I immediately felt better, especially when I saw Jack with a black eye and a busted lip.
My brothers are crazy I thought to myself, shaking my head and smiling. I snapped a quick pic behind Jacks back and sent it to our siblings group chat, then went about my day.
Idk y this was so hard for me to write 😂 I fell like it sound corny! Keep at it with the requests tho!!!
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sukiipjs · 8 months
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↳ nick sturniolo x masc reader
↳ words - 1441
↳ summary - you and nick have a fun date at the carnival, enjoying all the food, all the rides, and each others company<3
↳ contains - swearing, use of y/n, pet names (babe), it’s just fluff
↳ song - can’t take my eyes off you by frankie valli
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nick 🙉
| i’m coming to pick you upppp, u ready?
me and nick are celebrating valentine’s day, he doesn’t know where we’re going yet buuuut im taking him to the carnival, where we had our first date, also one of his favorite places.
im all ready and i sit in my car, texting nick for a moment before turning the key and backing out of my driveway, driving to his. after a while i finally reach his house and i park, getting out of the car and stepping up to his door.
nick 🙉
| open up, i’m here 🫶
right after that sends i hear the door unlock as it flys open, nick standing right in front of me, a huge smile on his face before he pulls me in for a hug and a kiss, “happy valentine’s day babe” i smile after pulling away from the kiss, “happy valentines” he says back softly before taking my hand and leading me inside, closing the door behind us.
i lean on the wall by the fridge as nick gets us each a pepsi, i crack mine open and take some sips, “well…? where are we going?” the question makes me smile as i shake my head a little, “can’t tell you yet, you’ll see though, soon enough” he rolls his eyes, drinking his pepsi.
we sit and talk for a few minutes before getting up, nick grabbing his things and heading out the door. he walks up to the passenger seat about to open it but i run up and grab the handle, opening it for him, “after you” i bow a little as i joke, he laughs and rolls his eyes again, “whatever y/n” i run back around to my door and get in it, turning the key and pulling out of the driveway once again.
“sooooo? now will you tell me?” i turn my head to him for a quick moment giving him a look then turning back, “it’s a surprise, not yet.” he groans and laughs a little.
as i drive he pulls out his phone, looking at himself in his camera, taking a few pics and some of us. it’s about an hour drive to get there, not that bad though. nick leans against the window of the door, either scrolling on his phone or talking to me.
eventually we’re close, to the point where he would definitely know where we’re going, “can you tell where we’re at?” i smile looking over at him for a second, he sits up a little, moving his head off the window and looking out it, his face lights up as a big smile plants on his face. he quickly turns his head to me after seeing where we’re going, “no fucking way.” i laugh, “see? the surprise was worth it,”
we get to the parking lot as i park into a place and stop the car. “you like this?” i ask, turning to him as i put the keys in my pocket, “i love this.” he smiles, leans towards me, sealing our lips together before we pull away, smiling wide then stepping out of the car. he walks over to my side of the door and we start to walk to go inside the fair and get our tickets.
“so, what should we do first?” i smile as we sit on a bench, figuring out what to do. “well… what about a roller coaster?” my eyes widen a little as i shake my head, “uhhh no. definitely definitely not.” i’ve never been on a roller coaster and honestly i’m really scared too, nick loves them and our first time here i just watched him go on one. “cmooon. you could love them, you don’t know” he nudges me as i roll my eyes, “ehhhh… how about later!” he scoffs and laughs a little, “yeah sure. i’m gonna make it happen though.” he tilts his head toward me laughing.
“here let’s go get some funnel cakes or something,” i get up from the bench as i hold my hand out for him, he takes it and gets up too. we walk over to a stand, we get two funnel cakes and a lemonade and we sit back down at a table.
we talk and laugh as we eat, we finish up, throwing away the styrofoam plates and the cup of lemonade, “fine.” he looks over to me confused, “fine what?” i sigh a little as i smile at him, “i’ll go on a roller coaster,” his jaw drops then it turns into a smile, “OH MY GOD! FINALLY.” i scoff and put my hands over my face to hide for a moment, “whateverrrr, don’t be so excited. i’m fucked,” i laugh a little, trying to not be so nervous.
he takes my hand immediately and we run to his favorite roller coaster as the attendant puts us in seats, other people getting in too. i lean over to nick a little as i grip my hands onto the bar in front of us. “i’m scared..” he laughs a little and puts his hand out so i can hold it, i take one of my hands off the bar and squeeze onto his. “don’t be.” i sigh a little as i hear the ride about to start…
the roller coaster speeds up and it goes up high then drops fast, i grip onto the bar as i scream maybe as much as i ever had, “HOLY FUCKKKKKK,” i can barley hear nicks laughs as he screams too, not in a fearful way like me though, luckily for him! the wind blows in our hair as the ride twists and turns, the ups and downs getting to be more and more.
eventually it stops and me and nick get off, “we should not have eaten before that, oh my god.” i put my hand on my head for a moment, my dizziness fading. nick laughs a little as he fixes his hair up, “well? do you like love roller coasters now?” i laugh a little as we lean against the back of some stand, “yeah, no. i mean i don’t think i’m scared anymore but.. i definitely do not love them” he laughs more, “oookay, whatever.” he rolls his eyes a little.
“well i did your roller coaster, let’s do bumper carts,” i smile looking over at him and taking my hand off my head finally. “okay, fair” i love bumper carts, nick thinks they’re boring, whatever though!
we run off to the bumper carts, playing for a while, then to the house of mirrors, then to other rides and places. it’s been a good two hours and the suns already setting. we go over to get more food, two slushies, nick is cherry and mine blue raspberry.
“ferris wheel?” i swallow my sip of the slushy as i nod, “definitely.” our mutual favorite ride, especially at this fair, it’s slow and has a perfect view of the sunset, nice to just relax for a moment.
we get in the cart of the ferris wheel as it slowly moves around. the sun almost fully set as the fireworks they have at night are almost ready.
nick pulls out his phone and takes the perfect picture of our shoes on the ride and the sunset in a beautiful view, “that’s so cute,” he says as he shows me the picture, “you’re so cute,” i say giggling a little, looking up from his phone to see his eyes. he laughs and turns his head a little even though i see the slight blush on his face, “whatever,”
as we sit on the ferris wheel, watching the sun fully disappear as the fireworks start up, lighting the sky again, also in perfect view. nick leans his head on my shoulder as we sip our slushies, my arm moves around to his shoulder, leaning my head on top of his slightly.
he takes his head off my shoulder and turns toward me, we look at each others eyes before he puts his hand on my face, pulling me in and closing the gap between our lips, “this is so perfect, thank you so much y/n,” i smile as i pull him in for another kiss, “i just wanted to make this really special, i’m so glad you like it,”
he puts his head back on my shoulder as we rest. “i love you nick,” i smile so much even though he doesn’t see, i stare at the fireworks and thinking of how this moment could get any better, “i love you too.”
☆ °:. *₊ ° . °
taglist : @slutforchriss @mattsleftnipple03 @mattsdinosweater @ccolleenn @mixvchelle @leah-loves-lilies @sturn-wrld
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sadie-bug345 · 5 months
gang as sodas‼️‼️🫶🫶
i’m BAAAAACKKK i had a minor mental breakdown over stupid guys but it is okay because we are back in the game🫡 ANYWAYS LETS GO
hard sprite fan
probably accepts sierra mist or starry WHATEVER ITS CALLED NOW
but he does so begrudgingly😐
also probably vibes w Hi-C or brisk tea or smth random like that
8/10 mcdonald’s sprite lover
dr pepper for sure
that or some other cola
but he enjoys the sweet perfection that is dr pepper🤌
probably cracks one open like every three hours
the caffeine keeps my boy running
which is real cause who has the naturally occurring energy that allows him to stab socs and hide out in a church for a week🤷‍♂️
9/10 iconic
hot take but i feel like my guy either LOVES and CRAVES soda OR he is just like meh about it
like his name already is a lot
so some days when he’s more down he’s just like
usually though he’ll lean into it and accept his love for soda and himself
probably doesn’t like the carbonation or ice in it or smth
like he’s got some weird excuse for not enjoying it (my dad asf)
but when he does give in and drink one, it’s like tab or something so random for no reason😭😭
maybe he’ll ask the waitress for some specialty soda he remembers as a kid and then has a lil fit whenever they’re just like “🧍‍♀️…what?”
5/10 for the nostalgia
chooses alcohol anytime
but if he CANT
it’s so random but my guy will down glasses of root beer like it’s nothing
he just thinks it’s the “toughest” soda ??
idek really why he does the things he does
8/10 cause i love me some root beer too
pretends to get super mad whenever the waitress is like “we only carry pepsi products😔”
he’s like “😟…NO‼️”
probably a cream soda enjoyer
which is actually so real
like you kinda ate with that
typa guy to get every soda from the soda fountain and combine them all just for laughs
and then actually chugs it
6/10 bc why are you torturing your taste buds like that
grape soda enjoyer😭😭
im sorry i cannot with grape soda it tastes like medicine to me
also probably likes orange soda which is actually solid
he likes the fruit flavors more than anything which does hit but like not 24/7 my guy
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onetrueloveontheside · 2 months
L-L-Let’s do drugs
Make love with our teachers
Come on, date a townie
Let his tattooed ass beat ya
I’m a fan of pro-ana nation
I do them drugs to stop the f-food cravings
If you wanna get high with me
I’m in the back, doing crack, drinking p-p-pepsi
Everyone from home says that you’re so cool
Come on everybody, to the boarding school
Everyone from town says that you’re so cool
Come on, get down to the boarding school
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julietslvr · 5 months
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« i’m a fan of proannna nation
i do them drugs
to stop the food cravings
if you wanna get high with me
i’m in the back
doing crack
drinking pepsi »
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dollyyshi · 2 days
i’m a fan of pro - ana nation , i do then drugs to stop the f-food cravings , if u wanna get high with me , i’m in the back doing crack drinking p-p-pepsi
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pinklana7 · 16 days
why is there so much pro ana content on this app omfg
like shut up bitch i’m hungry
im a fannn of pro ana nation i do them drugs to stop the f-food cravings if you wanna get high with me im in the back doing crack drinking p-p-pepsi !!🎀
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coneyislandbabu · 2 months
let’s do drugs make love with our teachers. come on date a townie let his tattooed ass beat ya! i’m a fan of pro ana nation i do them drugs to stop the food cravings. if u wanna get high with me i’m in the back doing crack drinking pepsi!!
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mygloviesme · 1 year
cool about it. || myg
no. 11: so i take some offense when you say,
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predebut/debut!yoongi x female idol
summary: kanako is an established idol with a growing career and a secret relationship with a producer from her label, haneul. when she’s asked to work with yoongi and rm to create a track for her, she gains unexpected feelings for a certain upcoming rapper. with her increasing fame, her controlling boyfriend, a set of six boys who seem to have grown an attachment to her, and a new boy who’d give her the world, how will she figure out a way to balance it all?
(definitely inspired by boygenius)
word count: 2.8k
genre: ANGST, friends(?) to lovers, slow burn, fluff
chapter warnings: toxic relationship (not w/myg), mentions of mental health, drinking, throwing up (i read up on the drinking laws in sk, so as far as i know none of them in this story were partaking in underage drinking)
inspo song: y2k mostly
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MARCH 7TH, 2012, 7:15PM
There’s a smile that doesn’t leave my face for hours on end. We’re all around a nice wooden table, eating up the hot pot Seokjin has made for us. We did help, but it was mostly a step-by-step instructed by Jin himself. I gawk at the boys, almost in disbelief that I could be this happy, this content. All I had to do was let them in, and as hard it’s been, I’ve seen the other side. This moment was worth everything I’ve ever been through. These seven boys were the gasoline that lit my dying fire. Yoongi sits next to me, his hand laying over mine. It’s so natural to him. The way he touches me is instinct, just like the way when I step into any room, he’s the one I look for. 
I can’t even think about the pain anymore, as much as I want to sink back comfortably in it. As much as my body craves the familiarity of toxicity and yelling and screaming and fighting. It’s the adrenaline I get when Yoongi looks in my eyes like we’re an old couple. Like we’ve known each other for decades and he knows exactly what will make me laugh. In a crowded room I’m the one he looks at to see if I laughed at his joke. 
“- And I told him that was just pure bullshit!” Namjoon exclaims, his hand making expressive gestures as he tells his story. Everyone is listening so intently but I’ve forgotten what he was even on about, but I don’t care. I could listen to them banter for hours. I’m still an observer, a listener. I nod and hum whenever he looks in my direction for validation. I want him to know I’m listening, even if I’m not. I lean my elbows on the table as I pour myself another shot of the apple soju Jihyo brought. 
Oh yeah, she’s here too. With much more reluctance than when we asked her for alcohol, it was difficult to convince her to stay for dinner. But she eventually gave in, seeing Seokjin’s puppy dog eyes as he gave her a long ‘pleaaase?’ I knew even I couldn’t resist that. Speaking of someone else who was very much reluctant, Jungkook. After lots of arguing and protesting we came to a long conclusion that he wouldn’t be a part of the drinking. He was too young, and who would we be if we encouraged underage drinking? 
Still, he sat happily with his bottomless Pepsi. 
Admittedly we began all becoming very red in the face. Slowly Jimin’s antics became more slurred and silly, standing up to dance only to nearly trip on the floor. Taehyung laughs uncontrollably as he picks up Jimin by his armpits, almost falling himself with how hard he’s cracking up. Hoseok runs to connect his phone to a speaker, playing music. 
He urges everyone to dance, getting a sigh from Seokjin. “I think if I dance I’ll projectile vomit on the floor!” He complains, Hoseok dragging him from the dining room to the middle of the living room. They begin flailing their arms and legs but look very convinced that they’re actually dancing. I sit and continue eating, staring as they seem to be content in their own little bubble. Jihyo has been quiet, as usual, so I give her a playful shove as the rest of the group talks amongst themselves. 
“Are you having fuuun?” I say jokingly. She laughs in embarrassment, covering her face. 
“Yes I am. Are you?”
“Yes, but I need to pee. Wanna come with?” I ask, the classic girls-going-to-the-bathroom-together shtick. I want to ask her about Seokjin, or to just give her a pep-talk so she can be more…in the moment. She nods slowly and looks a little confused but I drag her off anyway, giving Yoongi a peck before we head to the bathroom. The hallway where it’s at is long and dark, and as we walk further the blaring music becomes more faint. I’ve never been to a club but I imagine this might be how it feels. 
Once we enter the bathroom I shut the door behind us and hop on the counter, swinging my legs playfully. “So…Seokjin.” 
She blows a raspberry and plops herself down on the unopened toilet next to me. 
“What about him?” She says, playing with her fingernails. There’s a cheeky smile that grows on her lips that I catch. “I see the way you look at him!” I exclaim. 
She rolls her eyes and gives her head a short tilt, looking at me. “Yes, and what? It’s not like anything can happen. It’s so wrong in so many ways.” 
There’s an obvious silence that floats. We both know what she said could also apply to me and Yoongi. I nod slowly and purse my lips in a fine line, “It’s good to have a bit of fun though.” I state. 
“Is that what you and Yoongi are?” She shifts herself so she faces me more comfortably, “I mean like, do you guys plan on ending it before he debuts?” She asks curiously. 
“Why would we do that?”
She stares at me like the answer is obvious. And it might be to most, but to me it’s a bad ending. It’s the worst possibility, the worst thing that can happen. A thought I get when I’m overthinking. It’s not an option. Not now, not ever. 
“It’s really risky, Kanako.” She says. The age difference between us is now more visible than ever. I’m now talking to professional staff member Jihyo. This was not the fun gossip that I was planning for us to have. 
“I know.” I state, staring down at my feet. “I don’t want to- it’s not my intention to…ruin his career. Or anything like that.”
“No that’s not what I’m saying at all-”
“But it is, isn’t it? That’s what you’re insinuating.”
I’m aware I’m being a bit petulant. I know that it’s childish that I can’t face the facts. 
“I meant overall. For you, for Yoongi, for both of your careers. But I’m just worried about you. What happened wasn’t…normal.” Oh. She’s talking about Haneul. Suddenly I’m feeling the alcohol, the burn in my throat that still lingers. I play with the drawstring of my sweatpants, but everything is just a bit hazy in this moment. “Yeah, let’s uh- get back to the party, or whatever.” I mumble, hopping off of the counter. 
She sighs and holds her hand out as if to say hold on, but I’m already out the door. I didn’t mean to ruin things again. I didn’t mean for things to get awkward or uncomfortable. But that’s what I’m good at, right? My drunk thoughts are kicking in.
Is that what you call this, drunk thoughts? Does this mean I’m a sad drunk?
I notice Jihyo stays behind in the bathroom, probably because she actually needed it. And this dark hallway I’m walking through instantly feels like it’s eating me alive. I travel my hands along the wall as I walk, staring into the smooth white that’s looking more like a dark gray. I’m getting more and more blue, wondering what went wrong. 
How just a second ago I was so glad that I ended up here, but now I just think, how the hell did I end up here? How is it possible I got dealt with all of these bad cards? The only person in my life that knew exactly what to say, what to do, how to hold me, is dead. I have no other relatives, no other people who know what it’s like to have the blood I do. The Fujishima family tree is as empty as can be. It’s only me. 
And then of course when I finally give in to someone who I think loves me, they mold my brain to become nothing less than useless. I’m now exactly like him. Drunk, sad, and ready to scowl at anyone who wants to give me an ounce of pure care. 
The boys have now moved to the living room, sipping on the last bottle of soju. Yoongi’s eyes light up when he sees me, smiling and gesturing to me to come over. As I try to walk, I feel a set of arms wrap around me quickly. The smell of soju is strong but their familiar scent is one that can’t be missed. 
“Kanako…oh why were you gone for so long? I missed you!” Jimin whines, rocking my body back and forth. This much movement is too overwhelming for my dizzying vision. I give him a pat on his hand and let out an uncomfortable laugh, “TothebathroomwithJihyo.” I speak rather unclearly. 
Jihyo appears from the hallway and gives me a reassuring smile, but I don’t give one back. I break from Jimin’s embrace and walk to the living room to plop myself next to Yoongi. I groan and wrap my arms around myself, placing my head on Yoongi’s shoulder. “Why are you so sober?” I ask him. He gives me a playful laugh and wraps his arm around my shoulder, snuggling closer. We watch the boys as they shuffle around, every so often falling down only to get back up and continue. Why are they so excited and happy? I feel terrible.
“I can handle alcohol pretty well. Speaking of, you don’t look so good.”
“I don’t feel good.”
“Are you gonna be sick?” He props up, his eyes now alarmed and ready to aid me. Like always. That is a painful truth. 
“Yes and no. I feel dizzy but I also feel like I hate myself.” I let out a huff. His gaze softens and he places a kiss on my forehead. “Don’t say that.” He whispers.
I shake my head, “I do. I don’t understand why all of this happened to me. Why my mom died or why I let Haneul ruin my fucking life.” I say, everyone listening in now. The bubble has now bursted. 
Yoongi darts his eyes back and forth from me and the group, “Baby you didn’t let him, stop talking like that.”
I glare at Jihyo, “What I did was risky and I should’ve known better. Isn’t that right Jihyo?” Kanako…
She folds her arms and notices the growing stares she’s getting, “Kanako you know that’s not what I meant.”
“Fuckyou.” I mutter. 
The group seems taken aback and unknowing of what to do. You’re embarrassing yourself. What used to be house music has now become background music. It’s fading into the back of everyone’s minds as the moment becomes more intense. 
“Kanako let-let’s get you to bed.” Namjoon stutters, reaching towards me to help me up. Yoongi is quick to assist, going to the kitchen to get a glass of water for me. Namjoon throws my arm over his shoulder and gets me off the couch, beginning to walk me to my room. Yoongi follows but no other words were being spoken. It’s all so awkward and fast. I knew what I said was wrong and uncalled for, and my intentions were far from reasonable. 
I had never felt the need to hurt somebody. When it came to arguing with Haneul, I took his hits like they were painless. Like his words didn’t mean half of what they actually did. But the feeling I had bubbling, along with the rising vomit when I saw Jihyo was nothing short of anger. I guess I am becoming more like Haneul than I thought. Angry. 
Namjoon places me on the bed, grabbing the sheets to pull them over me. Yoongi hands me the glass of water, “Drink.” He says, and I do so. It’s far from refreshing but I finish it like I have an unquenchable thirst. I give the glass back to him to which he places it on the stand next to me. Namjoon throws himself beside me which causes a wincing reaction from myself. 
“Sorry, just tired.” Namjoon mumbles. His eyelids flutter like he’s doing everything in his power to stay awake. Yoongi sits beside my body and rubs my blanketed legs with comfort. He knows that I’m drunk and not in my right headspace, so he leaves his words unsaid for now. We’ll talk about it in the morning, I can imagine him thinking. 
There’s an approaching sound of jumbled footsteps and I raise my head to see what it is. The five other boys come into my room, most red-cheeked and sweaty. Why are they so sweaty?
“Jihyoleft.” Jimin says and tosses himself in the middle space between me and Namjoon. I groan and push his body with annoyance but he is insistent that that’s where he’s going to be. The rest of the boys pile onto the bed until there’s not one spot uncovered. Jungkook places his head on his hands while he lays on his stomach, looking to me. 
“What you said wasn’t nice.” He says, Yoongi sighing. “I was hoping to leave that conversation when she’s more sober.” Yoongi speaks like I’m not there. 
“I know guys. I’m sorry. I’m drunk. It’s not an excuse, it's an explanation.” I reply, the embarrassment of the situation seems to sober me up just a little. This night was very fun and very disappointing, no thanks to myself. 
“Did she say something to you in the bathroom?” Seokjin asks, his position being draped over a now sleeping Namjoon and Jimin. I place my hand over my head as a headache comes to fruition. 
“Something like that. But Yoongi’s right…let’s talk about it tomorrow.” I mumble, and they all comply. I scoot over as much as I can so there’s just enough space for Yoongi to squish in next to me. With a lot of difficulty, might I add. Seokjin and Hoseok settle on the floor, although there’s many beds in this house for them to go to. Jungkook stays at the end of the bed in a fetal position. 
It seems everyone is too tired to even go across the hallway, but their company is something I never mind. Even if Jimin’s elbow is poking my side. 
“Sleep…over…In…Kanako’s room…” Jungkook says sleepily. 
I can’t wait to wake up and not feel like as much shit as I do right now.
MARCH 8TH, 2012, 10:34AM
Nope. Still feel like shit once my eyes open and meet with the blinding morning sun. There’s curtains, but they’re sheer. I understand it’s for aesthetics, but God do I wish the sunlight could not exist for a second. Most of the boys aren’t in the room anymore, only Yoongi and Jungkook. We’ve seemed to have moved to a more comfortable place in the bed during the night so it’s not as packed as it once was. Yoongi is on my left side and Jungkook on my right, like usual. 
Jungkook always clings to me when we sleep together, like I’m his teddy bear he can’t live without. Yoongi starts with a hand draping me but turns over to his own side whenever he’s drifting off to sleep, which leaves Jungkook the one to hold me at night. I don’t mind too much but I’ve never experienced a friendship quite like his. If that’s what you could even call it. Sometimes I feel like his mother more than an older sister or best friend. 
I do his laundry at times, remind him to eat, get him a plate of food, then tell him to stop playing with his food. It’s weird but I do put my foot down when need be. 
Oh God, I am his mother. 
I unlock myself from his embrace and sit up, stretching every part of my body. I feel sore and dizzy, and that’s when my eyes widen when the room begins spinning a little too much. Like a maze, I jump around the bed to avoid the boy’s sleeping bodies to run to the bathroom that I have in my room. 
I don’t bother closing the door because I’m so close to throwing up all over the floor. I hover over the toilet and gag like a cat, the noise being so inhumane and so humiliating. I pause for a second before vomiting once more, feeling my hair being lifted by one hand and another rubbing my back. “D-Don’t look at me.” I breathe, not knowing who it is but knowing it could be anyone in this house. And that alone is too embarrassing for me to continue functioning. 
I think the coast is clear and lift my body up slowly, only dropping down to my knees once more to push out another round of stomach fluid. I spit out the chunky bits that reside in my mouth and groan, grabbing a fistful of toilet paper to wipe my mouth. I flush the toilet once I’m done and turn around to see a tired Jungkook rubbing his eyes. 
“Kanako, that was an unusual amount of throw up.” He says tiredly.
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click here to read more of this story!
an: aaaaaand it’s out!!
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pearl-blue-musings · 2 years
elllleeeee !! i saw you’re having another wine night :3 i hope u dont mind if i join!
a favourite character .. sugawara koushi from haikyuu! i participated in one of your wine nights once n you matched me up with him and i’ve been obsessed ever since :)
a favourite drink n snack .. i have had a recent obsession with cola! coca cola is better than pepsi .. but i’ll drink either! hehehe :9 as for a snack .. ive been craving gummy bears like a bitch recently ? my cravings are so weird this time of year
something that brings me comfort! a warm blanket, a warm drink, n my favourite people surrounding me :) best feeling, i swear!
tooootally not nearing my period and h-word as hell …. could i bother you for something suggestive ?? hehehe DONT LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT
thank u so much, my love! pls feel free to ignore if youre getting swarmed with asks, okay? kiss kiss <3
Suga suga suga suga is my first haikyuu crush and he’s just amazing
Your laptop shines brightly on your bed as you wrap yourself in your blankets. You hear the beeps on the voice call and wait for your boyfriend to finally log on. You shoot him a text to remind him of your date. There’s a buzz and a bloop from your screen.
“Ah sugar I’m sorry I’m late!” Sugawara’s cheery smile wipes away any doubt you might have had about him and this choice. You smile back and crack open your Coca Cola. His eyes widen as he looks around your screen. “No gummi bears tonight?” His pout is contagious as you pout with him and look around your room. You get up and trot to your kitchen to grab a bag. You happily jump back into bed and wrap yourself in your blankets.
“Got them!” You quickly open the bag and eat a couple. “How are you Kou? Are the kids behaving any better?”
You see him sit back on his bed with a content grin. “They’re okay, just wondering where you are is all. You sure you have to be gone for a month? Can’t you do the job here?” He leans into the screen so it’s just his face. “Can’t you see how much I miss you? I’m a clingy man” he puts the laptop back on his lap and keeps eating his food. The two of you always looked forward to your dates, but since you have only been dating about 6 months it was a weird time to be away from him for a month. You’ve never been this serious about anyone so when this job came up you couldn’t say no. “Baby girl,” he whispers, “we’re going to be okay. It’s just a month, and before you know it we’ll be back together.”
You pout and cross your arms. “I know. And you’re gonna say, “oh it’s a great opportunity, love. And you’re opening new doors for your career,” and all that.” You’re laughing at the end of that and see him showing you a devilish expression. You know covering a professor is an amazing opportunity and they need you for a month while they recover from a sickness, but you miss your boyfriend terribly.
“Tch, and to think I was gonna do the thing with you.”
Your eyes widen and you unwrap yourself. “Wait, what?”
Sugawara shakes his head. “Too bad, I have the remote ready to go and everything. What a shame, I really wanted to-“ he’s cut off by the fact that you ran from your bed to your underwear drawer to grab the vibrator. He chuckles under his breath as he lowers his pants. You return a couple minutes later, with some muffled moans of you preparing yourself and inserting the vibrator as Sugawara licks his lips. “Spread your legs, sugar,” he clicks on the remote and your hips start to writhe. “I can’t wait to show you just how much Ive missed you.”
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circusgoth-dotcom · 1 year
Bedridden Blues
Ship: Anton Chigurh x Salem Nickel Newman
Word Count: 1022
Summary: During a shootout, Salem caught a stray bullet through the ankle, making his life on the run more like a life on the moderately fast limp. Anton insists he get his rest in when he can and bars him from overstrenuious activity- including taking anymore hits. CWs for mentions of violence, injury, food, and drugs, some suggestiveness toward the end.
Tag List: @futurewife @canongf
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About two days ago, Salem was shot right through the left ankle, by no real fault of his own… “Just one of those crazy flukes, I guess,” he had said once he and Anton had gotten away from the shootout before promptly collapsing. They had since gone off the beaten path to find a hotel to reside in, waiting for their next hit.
“What did I tell you about walking around too much?” Anton asked softly yet sternly as Salem re-entered their room. Anton had set out to get a scope of where exactly they were, so in the meantime Salem had gone down the hall to get a pop from the vending machine.
“I didn’t think you’d be back so soon and I was thirsty,” Salem limped to the bed and sat down, cracking open his can of Pepsi. “It’s not that long of a walk, Anton.”
“You have a hole through your leg and it’s not going to get better unless you lay off it.” Anton shooed Salem further up the bed, took his foot in his hand and propped it back up on a small pile of pillows at the end of the bed.
“You act like I’ve never been shot before.” Even as he said it, Salem grimaced, attempting to cover it up with a swig of his soda.
“You’re goddamn lucky you’ve never gotten badly shot.” Anton knelt beside the bed and took his partner’s free hand in his own. “I know, you like what we do, you’ve grown accustomed to living a majority of your time on the road, but can’t you just sit for a little while?? I’ve done all I can for you with what I could get my hands on, now you’ve gotta play the waiting game.”
Salem frowned as he continued to drink his Pepsi before finally setting it aside and looking down at his ankle. “When did you do all that cleanin’ and sewin’ and gauzin’ anyhow?”
“The first night we got here, when you were out cold.”
“‘Suppose that’ll do it.”
“Here,” Anton stood and strode over to the tiny television set on the dresser, picking up the remote control on his way, and turned it on. He silently considered the TV guide for a moment before changing the channel and bringing up Alien, in all the glorious, grainy quality of the 1970s. “Watch this. I’m going to take a shower.”
“Anton, you know I don’t like movies unless we’re seeing ‘em in the cinema…!” Salem groaned as he disappeared into the bathroom.
“Make do.”
Salem huffed and half-directed his attention to the TV across the room, exhaling as he leaned back against his pillows. He knew Anton was right about not putting too much strain on the wound, but the last time he had been truly cooped up like this was way back before Anton had even come into his life. Things were unfathomably dull, then.
Just as Salem felt he was about to drift off for the night, between the faint sound of Anton’s shower and the dull ache in his leg becoming background noise in his mind, the bedside telephone began to ring. Springing up in bed, Salem scrambled to pick it up.
“Anton Chigurh?”
Salem grabbed a notepad and a pen as he cradled the phone between his shoulder and his ear. “Just his business partner, who’s asking?”
“Someone who’d pay a pretty penny to find out who’s stealing his product and reselling it… tampered with. You’re not far from us, now, based on our sources. You ride into San Angelo and we’ll get you in contact with a middleman who’ll give you more information.”
“We don’t deal in vagueries, mister. Name the price up front and we’ll consider getting back to you.”
“$900,000, how’s that grab you?”
"You'll know by tomorrow." He promptly hung up and ecstatically waited for Anton to come back into the room. They didn't really do this for money- especially not Anton, who had a voracious taste for both the hunt and the eventual kill, and all the carnage that he would inevitably create in his wake, but they always appreciated cash to assure a roof over their head and food in their stomachs… the easy way.
"We got a call, Foghorn." Salem stated as Anton exited the bathroom in his jeans (he rarely wore anything "usual" to bed). He raised an eyebrow.
"You're using a nickname, you must be rather proud of yourself."
"$900,000 to go bust some drug trader's chops. Could be fun. We've gotta go to San Angelo tomorrow to get more information."
Anton thought for a moment. "I'll scope it out."
"But you’re not coming."
"My word is final, go to bed." With that, Anton twitched off the light and slipped into the second bed. Salem opened his mouth to retaliate, but he knew Anton wouldn't respond, even if he did, and thus resorted to silent stewing as he tried to fall back asleep.
"Let me come, pleaasee!!" Salem begged as Anton went through his morning routine. He spat out his toothpaste.
"It’s an hour's drive, it won't overexert me!"
He combed his hair. "No."
He put on his shirt. "For the last," and hoisted Salem over his shoulder as if he weighed no more than your standard bag of groceries, "goddamn time," promptly plopping him down on the bed while simultaneously minding his injured ankle, "I said no, Salem, and you're gonna sit tight here until I come back, unless you want to be in a mess of trouble with me, understood?"
His large hand traveled down their side until it came to his hip, his face inches above its as he gave its skin a flighty pinch. Salem winced and blushed.
"Understood, sir. Sorry, sir."
"That’s more like it, devil." Anton kissed him sweetly and even with all of their frustration, Salem melted, kissing him back with a smile and tousling the back of his hair.
"Well, at least be quick about it."
"I'll try. Room service will bring you breakfast in a couple of hours."
"Bye, baby."
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sp66 · 2 days
if u wanna get highhhh with me I’m at the back doing crack drinking pep-p-p-pepsi
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niskoo · 3 years
pairing: Bad boy! Jungwon x reader
genre: fluff, a bit of crack ig euwoa
warnings: mmm punch spilling on reader mmmm
word count: 1.6k words
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Parties were always the best, for most people at least. You were having a good time with your friends, at this random party at whoever’s house.
The beats of the enthusiastic song blaring over the speakers nearly deafen you, but you smile and vibe along nonetheless, feeling the ground shake as how many people jump at the dance floor. You turn to your friend, Niki, who’s yelling the lyrics in fake passion and serenading Taki (STFU IM PUTTING HIM IN BECAUSE I MISS HIM), tapping the both of them. “Dude I’m parched, I’m gonna go see if they have sprite in the kitchen.”
They both nod, ushering you off with a wave and a request of some punch for Niki whose throat is burning from screaming lyrics the past hour.
You start your journey to the kitchen of the unfamiliar house, walking around and asking a few strangers where it was. At some point you meet the host of the party, one of your seniors, telling you the directions and a tip of ‘if you can’t find it, just look around for a blonde dude, he’s there all the time, eating chips. His name’s Hueningkai,’
You think of this ‘blonde dude’ wondering if he’s thrown up by now because nobody can last that long with so many bags of chips.
Your quest continues, as you push through groups of dancing people and occasional sobbers, so far not a single blonde dude, which is really surprising.
At last, you find another part of the crowded house, and there’s a blonde guy with chips sitting on the counter. You smile in delight at the success of your mini expedition, quickly approaching the lad, “Hey, are you Hueningkai?”
The boy nods enthusiastically, swallowing the few chips in his mouth, “Yeah? You need anything?”
“Is this the kitchen?”
Hueningkai nods, gesturing all around him, “Hell yeah it is! What do you want?”
You can see the bottles of sprite and pepsi behind him, shaking your head and pointing at them, “I found it,” the teen nods and shoves a few more chips in his mouth, telling you to help yourself.
You gladly do, grabbing 2 plastic cups and filling them with your designated drinks you craved. You leave right away, after seeing a group of friends mixing a bunch of drinks and trying it out.
Now, is the hard part. You don’t remember the way back, and you have 2 full cups in your hand. How would you ever survive? By walking and warning others of the drinks in your hand, just like what you’re doing right now.
You excuse yourself through crowds, to which they diligently make way for you. You’re somehow in the dancing circle, with people jumping all around you. You bite your lip and try maneuvering away, sipping a few gulps from your cup to make it easier to walk around.
You eventually empty it instead, it’s better to walk around with just one cup. The moment you throw your empty red cup away in the already stacked trash bin, you hear a familiar voice around you. Almost too close to you.
Whipping around, you find out your assumptions were correct. Yang Jungwon and his brothers are not too far from you, chatting lively and laughing at some joke Jay Park makes.
‘Ah fuck!’ It was with no doubt that you had a huge crush on Jungwon, how could you not? You don’t even have to name reasons to seem whipped for him. Cursing under your breath, you quickly turn to see other ways of going around his group of friends.
Unfortunately, there is a huge mob of girls jumping and yelling the lyrics to one of the songs of Olivia Rodrigo’s album ‘sour’. You would totally join, but there is a drink in your hand and you’re having an internal mental breakdown.
You contemplate ditching Niki and his drink to bop along to the song, but a sudden push to your shoulder causes the drink to spill all over your shirt.
You freeze in surprise, pulling your shirt to let it dry quickly as the person who pushed you panics and tries to help. You don’t realize who it was, chuckling and shaking your head and mumbling small reasons of how it was alright.
“Ah, shit... I’m really, realllyyy, sorry.”
This time, you are completely aware of the voice, becoming more self conscious when your head snaps up to meet Jungwon’s guilty eyes. “I- it’s really fine, Jungwon, it was just an accident, right?” (Behind Jungwon, Sunoo squeals and flees away in fear of getting caught as the culprit of pushing Jungwon.)
Heat spreads across Jungwon’s cheeks and neck as he hears you breathily chuckle name, and you swear you could see the light tint on his face. “I- uh- you know my name?”
A hearty laugh erupts from your throat, as you simply nod and pull tighter at your shirt, “Of course I know your name, it’s the most popular among the girls, you know?”
At that, Jungwon’s smile grows shyer and smaller, scratching the sudden itch at his wrist, “A-ah, I see.”
The tension is awkward after that, just standing and looking at each other as everyone around you jumps and screams lyrics. You look back at the kitchen, gesturing to it and stiffly turning its way, “I better get some tissues,”
Your crush jerks up, already walking and beckoning you to another way, “Let me help you, the bathroom is way cleaner.” His fingers enclose around your wrist, lightly pulling you with him to the bathroom. You can only stumble on your feet, and words, and stare at his hand around your wrist in astonishment.
The bathroom is reached, and just as Jungwon said, it’s a lot cleaner. And a lot lonelier as well. Your hand is finally free from Jungwon’s gentle grasp, and he ushers you into the bathroom, “Call me if you need help. Or when it’s a bit more faded.” Before the door is closed at your face.
You can feel your heartbeat erratically beating in your chest, it has your knees wobbly and stomach twisting unhealthily as you process what’s just happened. Turning around to face the mirror, you clasp both your hands on your face, smiling at yourself in pure glee.
Your glee didn’t last too long though, as you felt your punch soaked shirt sticking to your stomach uncomfortably. Quickly, and with much force, you grab the tissue roll next to the sink and rip a long stripe off, before scrubbing the material on your shirt.
After many minutes, your shirt is left with a pink-ish stain and wrinkles of how much you’ve probably stretched and rubbed at it. You finally decide to let Jungwon in, unlocking the door for him to enter.
As soon as he enters, there’s a guilty expression plastered all over his face, and even his body language can describe how bad he feels. “I’m so sorry I did this.” A chuckle and a pat at his arm is his only response, and he continues with what he’s been thinking of saying while waiting outside.
“Y-you know Y/n,” Your gleaming eyes bore into his, causing his chest to tighten up and the confidence to slowly slip away from his mind, “Your outfit’s really nice- well it was nice until I ruined it- b-but you still look great! I mean you look worse from before- but that’s from the punch! Oh god I thought I practiced this...”
Jungwon’s small outburst causes something in you, affection, you would recognize, and you laugh out at his attempts at a conversation. “Thank you Jungwon, you really cheered me up,” there’s a small laugh in the end from you, and it causes him to giggle out as well.
“U-um, you can cover the stain w-with my Jacket? Here, you can borrow it for the rest of the night,”
It’s no use arguing, Jungwon is already shrugging the soft material off, and swinging it over your waist to tie it. “Nobody will notice,” he mumbles as he ties a tight knot around you. You’re sure a bunch of girls will notice how it’s his hoodie he uses almost everyday though.
“Now, let’s get back! I can get you another cup of punch, and protect you from it if it spills, and we can just enjoy the rest of the party!”
And yet once again, Jungwon’s grasp is wrapped right around your wrist, but this time to run enthusiastically with him back to the kitchen, where he gets a new cup and hands it to you. He keeps his word and warns (read: yell) at people to be cautious of the drink nearby. You end up giving the punch to Niki, who quickly chugs and continues serenading Taki.
You spend the rest of the night talking to Jungwon, and eventually meet the criminal of pushing Jungwon into you, sharing what kind of face masks you like and recommending some to each other. If it wasn’t for him, you wouldn’t be exchanging numbers with your crush, without him you wouldn’t be texting him halfway home because of his sweater you forgot to return, without him you wouldn’t be running around and yelling in happiness when he replies with a ‘keep it, it looks better on you.’
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