#i’m gonna set the bar really low and say that i hope it’s not the worst thing you’ve ever read
borbealis · 2 years
Dear @bookfansworld happy belated holidays! I hope they were healthy (we had sickness and some family members found that bothersome- henceforth I will always wish good health) and happy!
The drabble below is your Byler Secret Santa gift! I hope you enjoy it! I had fun writing it and learned a lot in the process. ❤️
(#no beta we die like men #fantasy #byler #angst? #fluff? #idk how to tag things actually)
In which one Will Byers is trying to understand one Mike Wheeler.
Byler Fantasy AU Drabble
“What was that?” Will demanded coming to stand in front of Mike who was rooting around in his saddle bag for a rag.
“I don’t know what you mean.” Mike said.
“Don’t be like that. You know what I’m talking about.”
Mike was silent and refused to look Will in the eyes, choosing instead to busy himself using the rag he had found to clean the blood off of his sword.
Will stared him down. “Why did you push me aside?” He asked. Mike shifted on his feet but kept his eyes trained on his hands as he carefully slid his rag along the edge of the blade. “I had it under control, Mike! You almost got yourself killed jumping between us like that!” Will shouted.
“Will!” Mike said finally bringing his eyes up to meet Will’s. “Would you just leave it alone?”
For a moment neither of them spoke. Will’s hands were clenched at his side. His face resigned. “I thought you were different than the others.” He said, breaking the silence. “I thought you trusted me to protect myself and to ask when I need help.”
“I do.” Mike said defensively.
“Then why did you push me aside?” Will asked. An unreadable expression flashed across Mike’s face and his hand tightened around the hilt of his sword where he held it at his side.
“Mike, please. I don’t understand.” Will said quietly.
“You really want to know?” Mike asked.
“Fine.” The sound of metal scraping against metal rang out in the silence as he slid his sword into its scabbard. “I did it out of duty. Duty to the crown—to your mother.” Mike folded his arms across his chest. “I did it because you’re the crown prince now, and ever since Jonathan died I-” Mike faltered then continued more slowly. “The Queen has spoken with me about the importance of your safety. She requested that I be willing to do whatever is necessary to ensure that you survive this quest.” Will’s face had gone pale at Mike’s words, but Mike continued. “If it had been her choice alone, she never would have allowed you to come.” Mike paused a moment then added, “If it had been my choice, I wouldn’t have either.”
“I see.” Will said stiffly. “So, you don’t trust me after all. That was just a lie.”
“What? No, it wasn’t!”
“It was! It was a lie because if it were true, you wouldn’t share my mother’s feelings. You wouldn’t say that you believed I could handle myself and then wish that you could have left me home!”
“That’s just- that’s just not true! You don’t understand.”
“I don’t? Then explain it to me.” Will countered.
“I- ” Mike stopped. He wore an uncharacteristically vulnerable expression on his face. “I can’t.” He whispered. Disappointment filled Will’s face.
“Why are you lying to me, Mike?” Will asked softly. “What happened to us?” He shook his head and turned away from Mike, walking towards his horse that was tethered to a tree a few steps beyond Mike’s.
Mike felt guilt set in immediately as he watched Will walk away. He noted the tense set of his shoulders and the way his hands moved in short, abrupt motions as he examined his horse’s tack—tightening straps and making sure each buckle was safely fastened. Mike groaned and kicked the ground in frustration.
“We should keep going,” Will said over his shoulder. He untied his horse’s reigns from the low branch they were fastened to and swung himself up into his saddle in one graceful motion. He gently nudged his horse forward until it was standing near Mike. “Are you coming?” Will asked. He sat on top of his horse looking down at Mike from above. His posture was immaculate even while riding and at the moment he looked every bit the royal that he was. Mike had never felt the distance between them so strongly.
Mike shook his head. He suddenly felt that if he didn’t explain everything to Will now, he would never get the opportunity again. “I’d like to try and explain myself again if you’ll give me a second chance.” Mike said. Will’s face was a picture of confusion, but he nodded.
“No lies this time?”
“No lies.”
“Alright.” Will agreed hesitantly.
Mike felt sick with apprehension, but he knew he couldn’t change his mind now. It would leave Will even more hurt. Mike didn’t want to be the cause of that again and he owed Will the truth. He begged the powers that be, if there was such a thing, that what he was about to say would be received well even though he knew it could never be reciprocated.  
“I shouldn’t have said what I did just now.” Mike said softly. “It may have started out that way, as a role that I performed out of duty alone, but now-” Mike took a deep breath. His heart felt as though it would beat right out of his chest. “For you I would risk everything—life and limb. Whether you were a prince or not. Even if I had never sworn an oath to the crown.” Will’s eyes widened and his mouth parted on a breath his horse began to shuffle its feet uneasily. Mike wasn’t sure if he had just created a chasm between them that he would never be able to bridge but now that he had started, he couldn’t stop and he rushed on to explain himself.
“When I was younger all I ever wanted was to be seen. To belong. I didn’t think I would ever have that… I came close to it with the party but even then, I always felt that there was something missing. When the Queen elected me to lead the party assigned to protect you things changed. I met you.” Mike stepped forward and took hold of Will’s horse by the bridle. He held it still and gently stroked its neck in an effort to calm it down. “I got to know you and knowing you changed me. You changed me. And just now when I said those things… I didn’t-” he faltered.
“I was afraid of the truth.” He said. “Because the truth is, I love you, Will. And I could never forgive myself if anything happened to you. I could never forgive myself. And if you were gone—I’m not sure I remember how to live without you.”
“Mike,” Will said softly.
“You don’t have to say anything, Will.” Mike said. He scrubbed his hand gently between the ears of Will’s horse and avoided Will’s eyes.
“I want to.” Will huffed. He dismounted and came to stand next to Mike. When Mike still refused to look at him, Will reached up and took hold of Mike’s hand where it had gone motionless against his horse’s neck. Mike’s eyes flew to his in surprise and Will smiled. “I feel the same way, Mike.” Mike’s mouth fell open in surprise and Will laughed.
“Did you think I was going to hate you?” Will asked.
“I was afraid you would.” Mike admitted.
“I couldn’t bring myself to hate you even if I wanted to, Mike. Even just now I couldn’t have hated you even though I was so upset. You’re the most important person to me in the whole world, I just didn’t know how to tell you. I love you.”
“I think you’re the best thing to ever happen to me.” Mike said softly.
“Definitely.” Mike said. He threaded their fingers together and smoothed his thumb over Will’s knuckles. “May I kiss you?” Mike asked shyly.
“I would like that.” Will replied with a smile.
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charliemwrites · 10 months
Part 5 of Obsessive!johnny
(CW: extremely dubious consent; I’d go so far as to say straight non-con. No violence. Please be safe, beans! 💕)
It’s your own fault - or no. That’s a dangerous way of thinking it not your fault. But you got complacent. Got desensitized to that looming sense of danger, the threat hiding in the shadow of his eyes. That little voice in the back of your head became background noise, not the guide it used to be.
All it took was a slip of your carefully crafted mask understanding Johnny’s “love” for you. Just one careless comment, a tone too honest.
You don’t even remember what you said now. Just that the feverish light in his eyes changed instantly. Like a shift in sunlight through colored glass. What frightened you was how his expression changed, shut down hard. His jaw tensing, brows going deceptively smooth.
“Is all this not enough for you?” he asks, taking big, measured steps towards you.
You start backing up, heart tripping over itself. “That’s not-“
“How many ways do you need me to prove it, hm?” he asks. “I’ve apologized a hundred times, bonnie, haven’t I? Is that not enough for you? I’m still not worth it to you?”
You put your hands up, all your carefully crafted and scripted responses fleeing in the face of this new, unfamiliar Johnny. He’s - he’s angry at you. Not because of you, or for you, but at you.
“I’ve been patient, haven’t I?” he continues, low voice wavering with something frightening. “Do you know how hard it is, seeing you cry for a life that wasn’t good enough for you? Do you have any idea how hard I’ve been trying?”
You swallow thickly, try to rally your scrambled thoughts. He just working himself up more and more and that voice that fell so quiet is screaming now. So loud it’s hard to make your mouth work.
“I-I know. I’m sorry,” you manage. “Im just… I lost my temper and said something I didn’t mean…”
His eyes narrow. “Oh, no, hen. I think you meant it.”
He up close to you now, barely a centimeter of space between your bodies. The heat of him is suffocating. You’ve never been so aware of how much bigger than you he is. It thrilled you when he’d loom over you at the bar, cocky confidence and easy smiles.
You meet his eyes.
And for a moment, he softens. You have the briefest golden flicker of hope.
And then he sighs. Deep and resigned. Your stomach flips.
“It’s my fault,” he mutters finally, shaking his head. “Haven’t been treating you right, have I?”
You don’t dare answer.
“Treating you like you’re one thing when you’re really everything.”
You open your mouth, try to speak, to reason with him. He just shushes you with a hand on your cheek, thumb pressing your lips closed.
“Always spoiling you like the princess you are, when sometimes you need to be treated like a slut.”
He jerk’s you around and shoves you onto the bed, plants a big hand between your shoulder blades and presses.
“Hush up, baby, it’s alright. You don’t have to pretend to be all prim and proper,” he soothes, knocking your feet apart. “I don’t think any less of you for needing cock. Only natural.”
Your underwear rips like wet paper, accompanied by your high-pitched squeal of alarm. He makes a low, rough noise. Pure, animal lust. The fabric of his pants chafes against the backs of your thighs.
“Oh, there she is,” he purrs, “just like I thought.”
You cry out as rough fingers drag through your slit, gathering the slick you can’t believe is leaking from you.
“I’ve been so bad to you, bonnie, not treating you the way you need. No wonder you got all fussy and snappy.” The hazy thought that he might not he talking to you at all anymore burns through you. When you shift, trying to close your legs self-consciously, a sharp slap to your clit collapses your knees.
“We’re gonna set you right, babygirl,” he growls. “Won’t be able to worry your pretty little head anymore.”
He plunges two fingers into you without preamble. The stretch is vicious, but it doesn’t hurt. Not really. You’re too wet. Still, you scream - because Johnny’s spent so many hours playing with you, learning you, that he knows exactly where to press and curl and rub his fingers.
“Wait, wait,” you gasp, tears already collecting in your eyes because he’s being mean about it, twisting to grind his thumb against your clit. It’s too much, you’re not ready no matter what your body says. “Soap, don’t- ngh!”
“Gonna show you why you’re better off here. Right here. Gonna give this pretty cunt what it needs.”
The third finger is a stretch. You try to get away, try to crawl onto the bed to run, but he stomps a boot onto the chain around your ankle and flattens you to the mattress.
“Keep pretending if you want, baby,” he murmurs, “I know what you really need now.”
He’s withdrawing his fingers while you’re still pleading and babbling. You’re horrified to realize you don’t know if you want them back. It doesn’t matter though. Because Johnny’s cock is splitting you open before you can decide, thicker and longer than you’ve ever taken. He curses and groans as he pushes into you, inch by hot inch. Until you feel the fat leaking head tap at your cervix and he grinds, balls kissing your clit.
“T-too much!” you sob. “‘S too much!! Johnny, Johnny, please!”
Heat floods you as he shudders, hips jerking hard and rough. By your head, his fist is white-knuckled in the sheets.
“Did… did you just…?”
“Say my name again,” he snarls.
You blink wetly. “W-wha…?”
“Say. It. Again.” Each word punctuated by a brutal thrust. Something drips down your thigh.
“J-Johnny,” you keen, trying to beg for mercy.
“Jus’ like that.” He’s still hard. Still so fucking hard it’s like you’ve been edging him for hours. Like he didn’t just flood your poor pussy with cum.
“Been dreaming of you saying my name. Haven’t all this time,” he pants, rocking into you hard and fast. Any semblance of restraint is long gone. “Now I know why. Finally fuckin’ earned it. Gonna keep earnin’ it from now on.”
He fucks you so hard the bed leaves dents in the wall. Forces a hand beneath your pelvis to pinch your clit between two fingers and hurtles you shrieking into an orgasm. He doesn’t stop, doesn’t pause for a single beat. Just hitches your knee up onto the mattress and somehow fucks into your harder, faster, deeper. His fingers rub cruel circles into your oversensitive clit and you burn.
“No, no, wait, Johnny- ah! No, I’m gonna - it feels like-”
Wet heat gushes from you, spilling down your thighs, all over the bed and floor. You - you -
“Fuck, you squirted everywhere, good fuckin’ girl, princess.” He slows just a bit, presumably to appreciate the mess you’ve made. You’re too far gone on shock and awful pleasure to do more than sniffle and hiccup pathetically.
And then a death sentence.
“Do it again.”
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rinhaler · 7 months
As promised!!! Since I love your writing, I had this imagination spark while listening to Chase Atlantic's "HEAVEN AND BACK" song, oddly to say I associate Rin Itoshi in every CA songs. Basically could I request a steamy one-night stand of him meeting reader in a big crowded bar where Rin is likely a bass guitarist? Sounds cheesy of it but XD
GLAD U SAID BASS PLAYER MY BOYF PLAYS BASS 😭 sorry this took SO long to post but I hope u like it :3
warnings: 18+ MDNI, fem!reader, alcohol consumption, (kinda fast) enemies to lovers, fingering, love bites, pet names (baby, sweetheart, princess etc.), squirting.
words: 2.2k
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It’s been years since you’ve been to a gig. Especially one like this, in a dingy dive bar for a barely known local band. The guitarist is a friend of your cousin’s. And she just about begged you to go.
The place is pretty packed and the music definitely isn’t the worst you’ve heard. In fact, you found yourself swaying your hips and tapping your toes along to the beat. As the night went on and on, you were surprised to find that they were actually good. Good enough to be searching for their latest single when they promoted it at the end of their set.
“Play nice please,” your cousin begs. “I really like him, and I think tonight might be the night.”
“I knew he wasn’t just a fucking friend.” you laugh. She crosses her arms across her chest as embarrassment surges through her, but you still decide to tease her. “You really needed me to help you get some dick?”
“Shut up!” she blushes. “You always have guys falling at your feet so I thought it might rub off on me.” she pouts.
You clear your throat when you notice the guy in question heading your way. She turns around, instantly, smoothing her hair down and putting on the highest, girliest voice she can muster. He seems interested enough without her needing your help, but you decide to stay a few extra seconds for moral support. She giggles at every sentence and smiles giddily whenever he speaks.
“Tone it down, you’re good.” you whisper in her ear before slinking away to the bar.
You signal for a drink, thankful for the low-cut top you’re wearing as everyone else seems to be instantly ignored in favour of you. There’s a scoff beside you, one you choose to ignore until he watches you receive your pint of beer.
“Is there something on my face?” you ask.
“No.” he responds. “I’m jealous of your drink, princess.”
“Excuse me, can you get this guy a beer too?” you yell. The bartender nods with a smile and quickly acquiesces. “Will that put a smile on your pretty face?”
He smirks but shakes his head as he ignores you. He thanks the bartender as he receives his own drink, the frothy head attaching itself to his lip before he licks it away. He grunts a little as he feels a passerby knock into the big black case on his back. It’s only then that you notice it, and pieces begin to fall into place.
“Oh fuck. You were in the band.” you smile excitedly as you angle your body to face him. “I wasn’t gonna come tonight but I’m glad I did.” you giggle as you pull up your phone to show the bands single saved in your music library.
“Thanks.” he nods. “Why did you come?”
“Uh my cousin is trying to fuck the guitarist.”
“You’re Ada’s cousin?” he asks, expression changing to one of slight annoyance. He takes another swig of his beer before elaborating. “Zantetsu hasn’t shut up about her and she’s always crashing our practices. I hope they get it over with, it’s getting in the way.”
“Oh you’re a serious musician. Gotcha.” you roll your eyes. “You know you play the most boring instrument out of everyone, right?”
“Excuse me?”
“Drummers are the hottest, guitars are the most iconic, everyone’s drawn to the singer. And then there’s… you. No one can even hear you over all of that, you know.”
He scoffs once again. You can tell he wants to fight you on it and fill your head with facts about his instrument of choice. But it’s almost like he already knows you and how stubborn you are. He could tell you anything he wants, but you’ll die on the hill you’ve decided to climb just to piss him off more.
“They’d sound like shit if it wasn’t for me.” he mumbles before taking another drink. “The bass is the most important part, you’re clueless. It’s like you’ve never listened to music in your life.”
“Clueless?” you repeat. “Besides, you’ve got a pretty face. I’m sure if your attitude wasn’t so rotten and you were the lead singer you’d be drowning in pussy.”
“I do alright.”
You squint your eyes sceptically. There’s no doubt that he has the potential to pull a girl or two. And, admittedly, you’ve had one very hostile conversation with him. But you can tell from his sulky demeanour that any woman he has a chance with is likely scared off by his attitude.
He tries to ignore you for the remainder of his drink.
God, he tries.
But he’s overwhelmed by the desire to put you in your place.
“There’s no way you’re getting girls.” you interrupt him immediately. “Like, no way. Maybe one or two, but you’re not doing better than the lead. He’s gorgeous and he’s the face of the band.”
His smile is wicked as he holds his near empty glass, swilling the golden liquid around the bottom before he puts it down on a coaster. “You really don’t get it, do you?” you’re a little taken aback as he bites his lip whilst looking at you from the corner of his eye.
His expression makes your heart beat a little faster. You find yourself shuffling in your seat as you see just how strikingly handsome he really is when he’s trying. And then it hits you, he’s trying. He’s showing you what he’s capable of and you’re falling for it. Even with the knowledge, it’s too late. All you can think about his that sharp jawline and striking stare.
“You know what they say about bass players.” he says quietly, but loud enough for you to hear. His barstool spins so he’s facing you. You take a sharp inhale as he slowly leans in towards you, the smell of beer on his pretty lips makes you heady and excited, waiting with bated breath for him to continue. “They’re good with their fingers.”
You can’t stifle a laugh as he pulls away, giggling like your cousin had been moments prior whilst flirting with the guitarist. It’s embarrassing, letting him see you reduced to this after trying to irritate him. You clear your throat and try to gain your composure.
“You’re disgusting.” you respond.
“Mmm, you want to find out though, so,” he shrugs, finishing the last dregs of his drink. “I’ll wait by the entrance for ten minutes, if you don’t come find me, I’ll leave without you.” he walks away without even looking at you.
You don’t get a chance to say a word before he seamlessly weaves through the crowd and out of sight. Without thinking, you’re already on your feet and checking the time.
Ten minutes.
You rush through the bar to find Ada, tapping on her shoulder to pull her attention away from Zantetsu. “I’m leaving. Seal the deal, please.” you wink. She nods, laughing as you kiss her cheek and rush towards the entrance.
If you didn’t know any better, you’d think you saw his face light up when he realised you were actually going to take him up on his offer. He plays it off, though, trying to appear cooler and more aloof as you approach him.
“It’s barely been two minutes.” he tells you.
“I’m not gonna let you hear the end of it if you’re all talk.” you smirk.
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The minute he gets you inside of his apartment, you can’t keep your hands off each other. Your lips are on his in an instant, your breath stolen as he lifts you from the ground and encourages you to wrap your legs around his waist while he carries you into the kitchen.
He helps you out of the vest top you’re wearing when he sits you down on the counter so you’re down to your jeans and bra. You tilt your head as he peppers your neck in a combination of soft and sloppy kisses.
Your heels fall off without effort as you instinctively open your legs, rolling your hip against his clothed abs.
“My roommate is out,” he tells you quietly, still kissing you all over. You moan softly as he starts leaving soft bite marks across your skin. “He’s such a clean freak, he’d lose it if he knew—”
“It’s okay,” you giggle, you cup his face and direct him to kiss you again. “Help me get my jeans off.”
He wastes no time unbuttoning them and yanking down the zipper. He keeps his eyes on yours as he helps you shimmy out of the wide-legged jeans, smiling at you as you both hear them crumple on the ground.
“Gonna show me what a stud you are?” you ask, spreading your legs to reveal your dark, lewd panties. There’s a glint of amusement in his eye, which soon turns into a toothy grin as he runs his finger along the damp slit. “Fuck,”
“You’re soaking for me already, good girl.” he tells you. He begins to rub your clit over the lace covering your flesh, and you’re immediately putty in his hands. Your legs quiver slightly, and you rush to close them, but he pries them apart before leaning in to kiss you. “Keep them open for me.” he demands before slipping his tongue between your lips.
“Haah.. haaaah~!” you whimper, his featherlight ministrations seeming like magic as he continues to tease your clit.
“Fuck,” he grunts, fingers curling around the waistband of your panties before he begins to tug. “Off. Get them off.” he demands, ordering you to wiggle on the counter until he manages to peel them from your cunt and slip them down your legs. He distracts you with a kiss as he shoves them into the back pocket of his jeans.
Your tongue lolls out of your mouth as he resumes circling your now bare clit. Your face is picturesque, he thinks, as your eyes become heavy and your pants are more uncontrollable.
“Are you faking this to piss me off?” he wonders. You shake your head slowly. “You’re so sensitive…”
“S-Shut up,” you bite your lip before giggling. “Haven’t gotten any in a while.”
“Well we can’t have that. Better make up for lost time.” he grins, fingers traversing from your throbbing clit to your entrance. His jaw hangs low, moaning in faux sympathy as he starts to stretch you immediately with two fingers. “You’re so tight baby, takin’ me so well.” he tells you.
He doesn’t wait for a response before his head sinks to nestle in the crook of your neck as he assaults your skin with a cacophony moans and sucks, decorating your flesh with his name in a purple and blue masterpiece.  
Your cunt squelches as he presses his fingers deeper and deeper into your gooey interior, eagerly searching for your sweet spot and hellbent on targeting it. He hears you squeak, body almost falling limp with a particularly delicious curling of his fingers. You feel his smug expression against your pulse point, but instead of mocking you, his canines gently graze against it.
“She’s so loud for me, baby. Your sloppy little pussy loves me.” he breathes. You throw your head back as he continues to delve deeper and deeper until you can no longer fight off the urge to scream his name.
“FUCK, Rin!” you cry. “There! R-Right there!”
“There, princess?” he asks, though it’s rhetorical. He already knows what you want and what he needs to do. You’re happy you goaded him. But he’s happier to know he’s proving you wrong. “You’re squeezing so tight… won’t be able to play with your pussy or my bass if you break my fingers.”
“Sto- stop. Goddddd Rin I’m gonna c-um. Gonna cum!” you warn him, as if he didn’t already know. You wrap your arms around his neck in a needy display that makes you sick, but you don’t care enough to stop. He doesn’t mind, either. Making out with you passionately, swapping spit as drool dribbles and pools from each of your mouths. His lips remain connected to yours by a single string of spit as you break away to moan through your high.
He swallows them, though. Transfixed by the feeling and pride that you’re offering your prettiest sounds for him to devour while your legs quiver violently on either side of his hand.
You throw your head back as your pussy begins to squirt and douse his fingers. He doesn’t even flinch, immediately using his free hand to swipe across your clit to extend your pleasure and further the mess spurting from the apex of your thighs.
“She really likes me, baby.” he smirks at you, an expression so smarmy you’d punch him if he hadn’t made you feel so good. “You came so fast for me.”
“You’re welcome.” you giggle, leaning forward to kiss him. “I got what I came for so I’m gonna leave now.” you tell him as you pretend to free yourself of his hold. He shakes his head, lower lip tugged by his teeth as he tries to supress a smile.
“Nuh-uh, sweetheart. Nowhere near through with you yet.”
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© 2024 rinhaler
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hydrngea · 1 year
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a/n : this was a very self indulgent fic that’s very unedited but i hope you enjoy!! this is gonna be a series of short somewhat connected blurbs of gymbro!rafe :))
summary : your first time at a new gym doesn’t start off too great until you meet your new gymbro. | rafe cameron x f!reader, rafe is a gym rat in this, reader is extremely thirsty and downbad lol, fluff.
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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
it took you a good 2 months after moving to the obx to try out the local gym.
you know, you know. there’s nothing really to be afraid of; you know how all the machines work and you don’t have to worry much about your form. it’s just now that you’ve moved away for college, you don’t have your best friend working out side by side with you. and it’s got you nervous.
you finally mustered up the courage after a long facetime call with her. you were gonna do it. expand your horizons.
you felt instantly relieved when you walked into the gym and it was empty. you always thought that nine o’clock at night was the perfect time to go, since all the machines and benches were empty a couple hours before the gym closes.
you look around. there’s about 4 people in the gym other than yourself.
there’s some guy in the corner by the deadlift platform that seems to think he’s batman;with a weird all black getup, wearing…combat boots?
another two are a really cringe high school couple. bleh.
and then the last one by the bench presses.
woah. he’s hot. you think, panning him from far away and taking him in. he’s literally lifting triple the amount of weight you can. you didn’t even know the arm had so many muscle groups.
alright, maybe this new gym isn’t so bad.
you find your way to an open bench and put your stuff down. you stare at the plates for a good minute or two and wonder what would be the best the start with. you decide on a safer weight to warm up. it has been more than a few weeks since you’ve benched.
you lay onto the bench and place you hands into position, puffing out your chest while sucking in a tight breath.
you push up on the bar and immediately regret your overconfidence. the weight moves too heavy, yet you still force yourself to continue with reps.
you’re so close to hitting 6 reps, but suddenly at the end of the forth one your arms give out and the bar begins to fall on you chest.
you do your best to prepare for the blow, but it never comes. you blink a couple times and realize a pair of strong hands have pulled up the bar from you and a handsome face mirrors yours.
oh god. it’s him. the cute guy.
“easy there, sweetheart.” his gruff voice cuts through your thoughts you immediately fall in love.
he places the bar onto the hinges with ease and you quickly sit up on the bench, face burning. your hands are as red as a tomato from the right grip you had on the bar, and your wrist aches from the failed lift.
you pull your headphones off of your head and turn your neck to look at him, “i’m so sorr-“
you begin to apologize but he cuts you off with a chuckle.
“nah, what are you apologizing for? i’m sorry for not asking if you wanted a spot earlier.”
earlier? did he notice me earlier?
“this used to be my warm up.” you say with your head low, a small scoff coming out during the beginning of your sentence.
the stranger shrugs, “well for the first few sets it looked like you were handling it just fine.”
you raise a brow, not able to control the sudden urge for flirtation that comes upon you. “were you watching me?”
he crosses his arms over the bar and leans against it, shaking his head which caused his hair to shuffle a bit and his muscles to flex in the most mesmerizing way ever.
you’re sure you gawking at him and that you should probably avert your eyes from his body but you kinda can’t help it.
“of course i was. couldn’t stop but notice the pretty girl that walked in.”
you roll you eyes at the comment, shaking your head. “i doubt that i’m pretty.”
he scoffs. “you’re the prettiest girl in here.”
“is that because i’m the only girl in here?” you question, undoing your loose ponytail to redo it.
“you know what i meant, pretty girl.”
“mm. sure…pretty boy.” you test out the nickname and he smiles at you for the first time. you swear your feel butterflies all over your body at the simple action.
he takes a step out towards the front of the bench to face you. “how ‘bout we spot each other so we don’t get hurt, pretty girl?” he suggest, a lop sided smile curving onto his gorgeous face.
god. why are you so down bad for a guy you just met?
“why not?” you acquiesce, sending him your own mirroring grin in return.
you think it’s safe to say this won’t be the last time you’d visiting this gym.
taglist (dm/use ask box if you’d like to be added!) : @maybankslover @mrsstarkey1 @a-aexotic @tee-swizzle @penny4yourthoughts @sangytv @poguesworld @willowpains @sweetestdesire @softsatnin
reblog + comment and i’ll do the same for you :))) my dms are always open if you’d like to make a friend !!
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l3viat8an · 1 year
Nsfw content MDNI
Late night mini brainrot hit again~! And again it’s 1am….yea enjoy~ :)
CW: my usual typos- Fem reader! ‘n Mammon being greedy, pet names. Maybe a bit of breeding kink (honestly not sure if it counts) but Mammon cums inside so yea-
"C’mon, need you, need you so bad darlin’." Mammon practically whines as his hands run all over your body, caressing and kneading every inch of skin he can reach.
He’d felt needy since he saw some lower level demon chatting you up at the bar and it had set him off, you were his damnit!
Other demons needed to back off! And-
Fuck, he can’t wait anymore!!- Getting back to his or your bedroom, seems unimportant and instead, he starts moving over to one of the couches in the living room, pushing you down to lay on it and climbing on top of you.
Hoping nobody walks in.
The only thing running through his mind is you~ your body, your moans, how soft you look underneath him and did he mention your pretty moans? Maybe you’ll beg him, maybe you’ll-
He’s pulled from his thoughts when you whine,
"’m right here Mammon.” as you buck your hips against his. You smile, looking up at him so sweetly. And leaning up to place a slow kiss on his lips, which he reciprocates, kissing you back even harder, greedier, as he deepens the kiss~
Grinning when you break apart and he greedily moves to tug your and his clothes off.
Pausing only a moment, to look you over and breathe out a small “Fuck,”
when he see how wet you are “All this for me?” He teases, working two fingers inside you easily to prep you a bit, “Mammon.” You whine a little louder, hips moving up to meet his hand and his grin only widens “Just fuck me already…” you look up at him and he blinks a few times before nodding, “Well, since ya really need me that bad…,,,,how could I say no?”
He still teasing for a minute, enjoying the half frustrated look on your face as he rubs his cock over your pussy, coating it in your slick.
As your about to beg again, he finally pushes in and both of you let out satisfied moans.
He holds still for a minute before starting to move, slowly at first then speeding up, until his hips are ruthlessly thrusting into you, heavy breathing mixed with moans escaping from both of you.
One of his hand grips your waist tightly, likely to bruise, and his senses all focus on you, nothing else. Just you.
One of Mammon’s hands moves down to play with your clit, his skilled fingers, always feel amazing!
And he’s enjoying the way it makes you clench erotically around his aching cock.
"go-gonna come, Mammon!” you whimper-yell as his fingers rubs harder clit and his hips thrust into you with a needy pace.
Your hands move to grip onto his shoulders for support.
"Then cum for me, sweetheart," Mammon say, his voice low as he clenches his jaw with concentration. his words push you off the edge, and your body practically shakes with how hard you came.
"Fuck, your greedy little pussy's milking my cock- s-shit" Mammon moans.
"I’m gonna fill you up, need it after- after seein’ that -hahh- fuckin’ demon flirtin’ with my human,”
"please, please, please.” You chant, in response, just wanting to feel more of him and Mammon smirks.
"Yea? Want it that bad? Then I suppose- I just have to fuck you until yer dripping with my cum."
His hips stutter into your and his breathing starts becoming uneven.
A few more thrusts and then he pushes in as deep as he can hitting that sweet spot inside you and stills, painting your walls white his cum.
You relax against the couch as he leans down to press hot, open mouthed kisses along your neck, before smirking against your skin and saying, “We're far from done, c’mon ‘n turn around for me doll~”
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kyleoreillylover · 10 months
Show, Don’t Tell 📸
Sami Zayn x Fem!Black!Reader x Jey Uso
Summary: You finally snap and betray the very man you helped build up-Roman Reigns, and Sami and Jey want to help you pick up the pieces. But it's easier said than done, and with the rich history between the two of you, you understandably don't want to listen to a word they have to say. But Jey and Sami decide that to fully get through to you, they have to show you-rather than tell you-how much they love you.
warnings: smut!! threesome, angst to smut to fluff. word count: 15,895 tag list: @southerngirl41 @venusesworld @jeysbae @reci1996 @tbonesteakwithasideofmashngrav @hope4more @selena-tyler-564 @saintaquarius
a/n: I finally gave in and wrote a samijey fanfic because they are just so cute and hot and cute and pretty and ughh!! I'm a sucker for both of them, especially for sami, just look at him 🥹 Hope ya'll enjoy this!
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incoming text from unknown number: i saw what happened. just want you to know i’m here for you. me and jey are here for you. hope ur okay.
outgoing text to unknown number: leave me alone.
incoming text from unknown number: okay, icing me out, using your typical defense mechanisms. clearly you’re not okay. and i'm gonna make sure you are, whether you like it or not. 
outgoing text to unknown number: seriously, fuck off.
incoming text from unknown number: i didn’t give up on jey, you really think i’m gonna give up on you? i’m saving you from yourself, because i care for you. see you later. <3
You let out a huff as you shut off your phone for good and pocketed it, the city skylines passing by as your uber drove through the bustling streets. The moon shined down on the city, casting shadows that danced along the buildings. You leaned back in your seat, trying to push away the memories of the night as your mind raced with conflicting emotions. Hurt. Pain. Suffocation.
All those feelings swirled within you, making it difficult to focus on anything else.
You scratched at your skin, feeling the restlessness creeping in, the pain grounding you in a way. The Uber pulled up to your hotel, and you stepped out, feeling the cool night air against your face.
You finally did it. You betrayed the man who you helped build up, who helped you both get to the top of the industry, your own best friend.
And you couldn't feel more sick.
The weight of your actions bore down on your shoulders, the guilt twisting in your gut as you entered the hotel lobby. The receptionist offered a polite smile, but you barely acknowledged it as you headed straight for the elevator.
Acknowledge. You scoffed, feeling like the last thing you wanted to do was acknowledge anything or anyone at the moment. Everything was like a reminder of him. A reminder of how you had let him use you, and it felt like a knife twisting in your heart.
As the elevator doors slid open, you stepped inside and pressed the button for the 2nd floor. The soft hum of the elevator did little to soothe the turmoil inside you. Each passing second felt like an eternity as you ascended, thoughts racing, memories flashing before your eyes.
The doors pinged open, and you walked down the hallway, the click of your shoes on the polished floor echoing in the silence. You walked across the hall and opened the door to the bar, ready to find some solace in a drink or to avoid your problems- and the one person who you knew was trying to find you. The low hum of conversations and clinking glasses drowned out your emotions momentarily.
You slid onto a barstool, the cool wood offering a brief distraction from the whirlwind in your mind. The bartender approached, a friendly smile on their face.
"What can I get for you tonight?" they asked, wiping down the counter.
You hesitated, your mind still reeling. "Something strong, god knows I need it." you murmured, your voice barely audible over the ambient noise.
The bartender nodded knowingly and began to prepare a drink. You didn't offer a smile when she set down the glass in front of you, the amber liquid reflecting the dim lights of the bar. Taking a deep breath, you wrapped your fingers around the glass, the coldness seeping into your skin.
Just like the chill in your heart.
Everything felt cold. The air. Your skin. Your soul. Your mind.
You took a sip of the strong drink, the burning sensation down your throat momentarily distracting you from the chaos in your mind. But it was a fleeting respite. The bitter taste lingered, mirroring the bitterness that consumed your thoughts. You brushed a strand of your curly hair from your face, trying to focus on anything but the mess that your life had become, the mess you had become.
You weren't supposed to be like this. You were supposed to be untouchable, strong, always in control. successful, strong, and in control. But now, sitting at that bar, you felt none of those things. Even though you finally took control, you felt like everything was spiraling out of your grasp. Every sip of the drink brought a mix of numbness and a sharp sting of reality.
You didn't know how long you were sitting there, but you know you eventually got bored of sitting alone in the bar, drowning in your thoughts and the bitter taste of the drink that did little to ease your pain. You knew you had to eventually get up, relish in the fact that you have some kind of control left in your life, and that started by facing the man who you wanted nothing more from then for him to finally leave you alone.
Your keycard dinged as you approached your room door, the soft sound echoing in the hallway. With a heavy sigh, you slid the keycard into the lock and pushed open the door.
"You finally stopped avoiding me?" A familiar voice called out from the room, interrupting your thoughts.
"Fuck off." You replied coldly, slipping off your jacket and settling it over a chair.
"I told you, being mad won't make me leave you alone," You turned to the voice, and locked eyes with the chocolate-brown eyes you loved to hate. Or tried to hate.
Sami sat on the edge of the bed, a concerned look etched onto his face you'd grown used to. His usually wild hair was tamer than usual, and the dim lights of the room illuminated the weariness in his expression. He looked tired, but his eyes held a determination you couldn't ignore.
"How did you get in here?" You ignored his words, your voice laced with frustration.
Sami sighed, standing up and taking a step closer. "Bianca gave me your keycard. She was worried about you too."
You clenched your jaw, feeling the anger simmering beneath your skin. "You two need to learn how to mind your own business."
"You can yell at her after you're done yelling at me," Sami's words made you pause, and he continued, his tone softer, more earnest. "I know you're angry, and you have every right to be. But you're also hurting, and I want to help."
You scoffed, the bitterness in your voice unmistakable. "I don't need your help. What I need is for you to leave me alone and get the hell out of my room, and get the hell out of my life."
Sami took a step closer, ignoring your cold tone. "Maybe you don't need it, but you deserve it."
You glared at Sami, frustration bubbling within you at his persistence. Why wouldn't he just leave you alone? "I deserve to have a moment alone to myself, not have you out of all people suffocating me! Let's make this short and sweet. I don't care what you have to say, so leave me alone!"
Sami didn't listen to you- in fact he came closer to you, his gaze softening as he closed the distance between you. "You might not care for what I have to say, but you'll care for what he has to say."
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, before your eyes widened in realization and anger. "Sami…You didn't-"
"He did."
Your head whipped around at the sound of the new voice, freezing as you saw Jey standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame with a conflicted expression on his face. His presence in that moment was both a comfort and a stab in the heart that still held him dear to you.
"What are you doing here?" you snapped, feeling a surge of emotions you couldn't quite place. Confusion, anger, hurt, and something else you didn't want to acknowledge.
Jey pushed himself off the door frame, his eyes locking onto yours. "I needed to talk to you. Sami let me in."
"Well, I don't want to talk to you," you shot back, your voice sharper than you intended.
Jey winced at your words, taking a step into the room. "Then just listen to me."
"You really think I wanna listen to anything you have to say?" Your eyes were red with emotion as you tried to keep your composure. Sami's heart beaten with guilt as he looked at your fallen face, but he knew if he wanted to get through to you he was gonna have to bring the big guns- and that was Jey.
"I saw what happened tonight." Jey started, trying to settle the atmosphere with his calm, honey sweet voice, but you weren't having any of it.
"Good," you retorted, bitterness lacing your tone. "The same thing I did to Roman might happen to you if you don't leave me alone."
Jey winced at the the mention of Roman, his expression pained, He took another step forward, his eyes pleading. "
"I know how you're feeling."
You laughed bitterly, and the sound faded into the air like a haunting melody. "You have no idea how I'm feeling."
"I know you feel like you are sick to stomach, like you've betrayed someone you cared about." Jey spoke softly, his eyes holding a depth of understanding. "I know because I've been there too. I know what it's like to be torn between loyalty and doing what's right."
Your fists clenched at your sides, your emotions churning inside you. "Of course you know that! All you do is feel sorry for yourself and play the victim card, and I'm sick of it! I've been sick of it since you left The Bloodline, and you clearly haven't changed a bit since then."
You moved to the counter, putting some distance between yourself and Jey, trying to shield yourself from the flood of emotions his presence evoked. You needed to get them both the hell outta here before tings got messier than they already were.
Jey flinched at your words, hurt flashing across his features. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his voice. "I'm not asking for your forgiveness. I'm asking for a chance to explain."
"There's nothing to explain!" Your voice rose in frustration, the whirlwind of emotions spinning out of control. "You chose your path. You walked away from everything we had built together. And now you have the audacity to show up here and act like you have any right to speak to me?"
Jey's expression shifted from hurt to anger, and he walked over to you, his eyes glaring at you with an intensity that sent shivers down your spine. "And what was I supposed to do? Stay and let Roman control me? Control us? I made my choice, and it's the same choice you made tonight, so don't act like you're any different than me."
Your breath caught in your throat, his words striking a nerve. You glared back, trying to mask the vulnerability that threatened to spill over. "I didn't ask for your opinion."
Jey chuckled at you, the sound hollow and bitter. "There you go again, deflecting shit when things get too real. You shut people out instead of facing the truth." He paused, his gaze never leaving yours. "I'm not here to make excuses. I'm here to make things right."
You stared at him, his words echoing in your mind. You couldn't deal with this right now. You couldn't deal with your emotions threatening to pour out right now. Sami- you could hold him off for a moment, but Jey's presence alone cracked through your defenses. You felt the walls you had built around yourself crumbling, and it terrified you.
"I don't want your apologies," you finally managed to say, your voice barely above a whisper. "I just want you both to leave."
Sami stepped forward, his expression softer but still determined. "Please, just listen to him."
You shook your head, feeling overwhelmed. The alcohol had dulled the edges of your emotions, but facing both Sami and Jey in that moment was a stark reminder of everything you were trying to suppress. "No. I'm going to bed, and I expect both of you to leave as soon as I go to my room."
You made a move to push past them, but Jey's hand shot out and grabbed your wrist gently, stopping you in your tracks. His touch was unexpected, sending a shiver down your spine. You looked at his hand, then slowly raised your gaze to meet his intense, conflicted eyes.
"I ain't letting you leave." Jey's voice was harsh yet pleading, and his eyes were the same as he stared at you, almost begging for your understanding. "I know I hurt you, but I couldn't let Roman's control consume me. And I can't let it consume you either."
You tried to pull your hand away, your voice filled with frustration. "Let go of me, Jey. I'm not doing this."
Sami stepped closer, a hand on your shoulder, squeezing it gently in a comforting gesture, as if trying to squeeze out the tension between the three of you. "Please, just hear us out. You can even slam the door on our faces after. You don't even have to talk, you just have to listen."
You glared at Sami, his touch only adding to your frustration. "I said I'm fine. I don't need either of you here."
Jey's grip on your wrist tightened slightly, not in a forceful way, but enough to make you stop and look at him. His eyes were searching yours, the intensity in them reflecting his inner turmoil. "Then why haven't you kicked us already? If you really wanted us gone, you woulda been called security on us."
You hesitated at his words. They were right. You could've easily made a scene and had them removed from your room, but something stopped you. A part of you wanted them to stay, to hear them out, even though you were fighting against it with every fiber of your being. But you were fighting it with all your might, trying to maintain control over a situation that was slipping further away.
"I don't owe you an explanation." Your voice was cold, but your face was betraying the facade you were desperately trying to uphold between the two men who knew you better than you knew yourself.
Jey released your wrist, but the weight of his touch lingered. "You don't owe us anything. But maybe, just maybe, you owe it to yourself."
His words echoed in your mind, the emotions within you intensifying. You turned away from both of them, gripping the edge of the counter as you tried to steady yourself.
Sami's hand left your shoulder, and you heard him move closer. "Tonight, you finally took a stand for yourself. You stood up against something that was suffocating you, just like Jey did. I know it feels like the world's crashing down on you right now, but you did what you thought was right."
You scoffed, feeling the turmoil within you reaching a breaking point. "You have no idea how I feel! You have no idea what it's like to feel like everything you 've built is crumbling around you!" You pushed Sami's chest away, turning to face them both with a cold stare. "You had a choice, Sami. You walked away, with no consequences. But I have to face these emotions myself. I have to face the man I created myself. Unlike you, I am not weak!"
You turned to Jey and pointed a finger at him accusingly as you continued. "And you. You're right."
Jey gazed at you, and it was as if you could see the hurt that ran rampant in his eyes, his lips twisted into a frown. And he knew you were feeling the same thing, no matter how hard you were trying to hide it. "You had to do what you had to do with Roman. Be your own man. But guess what, it was too late! Cause where was that man when I needed him the most?" You gestured wildly at your surroundings. "You were gone! Roman asks you once and you answer to him, no questions asked. And I had to pick myself off the ground while you acted like everything was okay when you chose him over me!"
Yeah, you and Jey were in a relationship , you had feelings for each other, known each other for years and had been close friends, the romantic and sexual tension that existed between the both of you was undeniable. And when you both finally made that leap and got into a relationship behind Roman's back and Roman found out, he told the both of you that relationships would distract you both in the factions, and then told Jey he was just looking out for you and that you wouldn't make the right choice-but he would, and that's to just be friends or else.
Jey heeded his warning and ended things between the two of you-saying he didn't want Roman to hurt the both of you- but you were already hurt by him, and hurt by Jey the most. Jey didn't even realize he was actually playing into Roman's control, but when he finally saw the light, it was too late, you had started building yourself back up without him. If he wanted to be friends, then he would get what he wanted, but it wouldn't be the same. But you would never let yourself be hurt like that again.
And then, when he left the Bloodline, you cut off all contact. You didn't get the chance to voice your feelings because everything fell apart in the blink of an eye, so you wouldn't let him know your true feelings unless it was forced on you.
But Jey had never gotten the message. He kept coming back, and coming back, and so did Sami, and you were sick of it. You were sick of their constant appearances, sick of their stupid faces always trying to comfort you, and most of all you were sick of yourself for letting them affect you this way. So you thought being mean would be enough, you thought keeping everyone at arms length would keep you safe, keep you sane… It never worked. Every time they showed up, and they were supposed to leave you alone, they'd somehow find their way back, making you question what was truly important to you…
And now, staring into their eyes, after you finally snapped on the man who you called your best friend after months of verbal manipulation and abuse, you felt the walls crumbling all around you. You felt the tension you had been holding onto all these months finally crackling into a raging fire inside you, a fire which you hoped Jey and Sami could finally quench. But instead they seemed to have ignited even more.
"I didn't chose him over you." Jey spoke softly, and his eyes were even softer as he gazed at you. You felt that fire inside you again, burning brighter now, hotter and stronger than before. "I chose to protect you. And now, you have to choose the same thing for yourself."
You closed your eyes briefly as you fought the feelings and tension you always felt when you were around them. The heat that rose inside you threatened to burn you from the inside out. But you refused to give in. There was too much pain running through your veins to allow you to fall to pieces right in front of them.
The silence that filled the room was deafening, until it was finally broken by Sami. "Look, you can be as snarky as you want, you can insult us as much as you want, but that won't change the fact that when I look into your eyes, I see someone who needs my help." Sami hesitantly came closer to you- his brown eyes boring into yours. “Someone who's lost everything, and has nothing but hope left. That's not you. And if you continue to run away from this-"
You scoffed, cutting him off, not wanting to listen anymore to whatever he was going to say. You couldn't give in to them.
"Just stop! Just fucking stop! Stop acting like you care about me, or about me, or about us. Just… just stop!" Tears welled in your eyes, and it made you want to scream. The tension grew so strong, you thought your head was going to explode. You felt the walls collapsing, the flames starting to lick at your skin.
Jey shook his head, taking a step forward towards you. "Are you tryna convince us or yourself? Cause all your doing is deflecting, deflecting, deflecting, acting like we ain't know every inch of you and what makes you tick, what drives you crazy."
His voice was loud, commanding, hot, and demanding, causing the temperature in the entire room to skyrocket. "Acting like we ain't know you're just tryna make us mad so we'll just leave, well get this through your fucking skull-we ain't gonna go anywhere, we are staying here whether you like it or not. Cause we fucking care about you! Because we 're here for you! We're gonna help you and show you that you fucking deserve everything good in this world, you deserve the best, you deserve us!”
His eyes were filled with a fire that matched yours that made your body heat up even more his voice low yet so demanding, his words harsh yet so caring. “Now, you gon' sit there, and tell us that you don't need help, you don't wanna accept our help because you think its weakness or somethin'? Well, that's just bullshit, baby. And we ain't gonna stand by and watch as you try to pretend like everything's fine when its not!"
Your eyes were blown wide, watching Jey take another step forward, anger blazing bright in his eyes. The heat radiating off of him, making your body heat up even further. You swallowed roughly, unable to speak, unable to process what you were hearing. A tear escaped your eye, rolling down your cheek.
You didn't bother wiping it away.
But Sami did.
His gentle touch wiped away the falling tear, bringing your attention towards his concerned expression. His beautiful brown eyes stared deeply into your eyes, looking straight past the facade you were putting up. Sami wasn't fooled, and neither was Jey.
"Please, sweetheart. Stop lying to yourself." His deep voice whispered soothingly, his face inches away from yours. "Stop lying to us. Let yourself be free." His lips were inches away from yours, and the walls you had built so tightly were slowly fading into dust.
You looked up into his soft eyes, and you knew exactly what they were saying. You knew exactly what he was thinking. "Let yourself be happy."
You didn't know what it was about those words, but they broke something inside of you, shattered the tug and war you were doing with your mind and heart, and you finally listened to your heart and pulled Sami down into a kiss.
He immediately responded and wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him. It was soft. It was sweet. It was everything you craved from him, and all you've ever wished he would do for you. It ended as fast as it started, and you pulled away, only just barely managing to hold in a whimper. Your heart pounded in your chest, and you knew that you were shaking. Sami soothingly rubbed your trembling back, trying his best to calm you down, but it just caused you to shiver.
"It's okay. You're okay." He whispered soothingly into your ear. He brought his hand up, caressing your face gently. "We got you babe, I promise." He said to reassure you.
You looked up, and your eyes flickered to Jey, who stood by the door watching you intently. His intense gaze made your skin heat up with yearning and lust. Your heart caught in your throat when he moved from the door and approached you. His presence seemed to fill your entire being, and you couldn't pull your gaze away from him.
He stopped just in front of you, and you could feel the tension and tension between the three of you growing thicker by the second. He slowly raised his hand, his thumb gently trailing along your jaw. You couldn't breathe, couldn't move. All you could do was watch as he leaned down, his lips so so close to yours.
"I will always love you, and this time, I'ma choose you for good." He breathed. And with that, his lips met yours.
The warmth and love pouring into you so strong, you were afraid you would melt. You loved him. And you knew he loved you, and the moment you felt it, you felt it with all your might despite your anger, and it made the walls inside you crumble once again.
Your fingers found their way into his hair, tangling themselves into the strands, and you kissed him back, desperate for more. You needed more. You needed him.
You missed how he smiled against your mouth. And you missed how his hands found their way to your lower back, pushing you flush against him, his fingertips grazing the skin under your shirt. And you missed how you weren't able to break apart long enough to breathe.
It felt like hours until Jey finally broke this kiss, panting slightly. His breath brushed against the side of your neck, sending tingles throughout your body.
His hands slid down the small of your back, grabbing each of your hips, holding you firmly against him. His warm breath tickled your skin, and you couldn't help but gasp lightly when his teeth grazed your collarbone. "Since you don't wanna listen to us talk about how we love you, we gon' show you how much we love you instead."
He nipped your collarbone again, letting out a pleased groan at your reaction. One of his hands slid up to cradle the side of your face, pressing a lingering kiss to the corner of your mouth.
Your eyes fluttered shut, savouring the feeling of his lips on yours. You missed being held. You wanted to be held. You wanted to be loved.
But you also knew that you couldn't let yourself be selfish. Not now. Not after everything you had done. So you pushed him away, forcing yourself to look him in the eyes. "No." You whispered, your voice hoarse. "I can't."
"Shh.." Sami interrupted you gently with a finger to your lips. "Don't push us away again. Not yet."
His lips met yours as Jey's sucked on your neck, making you arch your back and moan softly, the sound echoing around the quiet room. You felt Sami's hand creep up your shirt, stroking your thigh, and you whimpered, feeling his tongue slip into your mouth, kissing you with fervor that made you melt . Your hands trailed over his muscular chest, and you sighed as his hands slid around to your ass, squeezing it slightly before pulling away, looking deep into your eyes.
"You are worth so much more than anyone thinks." A whisper. And your knees almost gave in to his soft tone.
You yelped when Jey pulled you up with his muscular arm around your waist, picking you up bridal style as you squealed in excitement, wrapping your legs around his waist and clinging onto him for dear life. Sami smirked, wrapping one arm around Jey's shoulder as Jey picked you up bridal style, carrying you out of the room and towards your bedroom.
"You didn't have to carry me." You whined lightly into his ear, biting back another smile as he laughed softly, setting you down on the bed and leaning down to place a soft kiss to your neck again.
"And have you run away from us? I ain't letting that happen." He sucked on your sweet spot right underneath your ear, eliciting an immediate moan of pleasure that made you bite on your bottom lip, trying to hold it in. Jey chuckled and nipped at your neck once again, sucking on the tender flesh.
The bed dipped, and you turned around quickly, watching as Sami pulled his top off and crawled over to you and Jey. He climbed onto the bed, his eyes never leaving you and Jey, his lips curving up into a grin.
His grin widened when you pushed Jey off of you gently and sat up, taking off your shirt as well. Sami watched, his eyes trailing every inch of your body as your muscles tensed as you removed your bra, exposing your breasts, and your nipples hardened instantly in the cool air. He licked his lips and Jey had a wicked smile on his face as his panting intensified at the sight, and you smirked at him through a seductive grin, running your fingers through your hair and turning around to look back up at them, giving them a sexy wink.
"You said you were gonna show me how much you loved me. Was that just talk or are you gonna back it up?" You asked teasingly, uncrossing your legs and taking off your pants in one go.
They both grinned back, standing from the bed and taking off their clothes before moving to climb on top of you, hovering over you, their large and powerful bodies covering most of yours. The height difference was evident, but you didn't complain.
"We're gonna show you, alright." Sami murmured lowly in your ear, nibbling on it, causing a sharp inhale and his name to pass your lips, and he couldn't help but smile. He loved it when you moaned his name.
Jey lowered himself onto your lips. His lips were soft, and he tasted salty as you ran your tongue across them, tasting him, enjoying the taste as you moaned quietly into his mouth. His lips moved against yours passionately, and you couldn't help but moan loudly into his mouth and wrap your arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. You bit his bottom lip playfully, drawing a grunt from him, and you felt how he tightened his grip around your thighs.
He lifted you up, his grip still firm, and he walked backwards, dragging you with him, till you fell back onto the bed. He followed suit, sitting inbetween your legs and cupping your face with one of his hands. The other tangled into your hair, pulling your head forward so that he could capture your mouth again.
Your hands roamed over his body eagerly, exploring every inch of his skin you could reach, loving the goosebumps forming wherever you touched. Sami shuffled behind you, and you gasped into Jey's mouth when you felt his erection pressed into your back, his body leaning behind yours against the bed. Jey took advantage of your gasp and began nibbling on your lips, pulling away just as quickly as he had started. But not before licking at your bottom lip and grinning devilishly down at you.
"Mmh..you taste so fucking delicious babygirl." He mumbled huskily against your lips as you tried to catch your breath.
"Fuck yeah she does." Sami mumbled in agreement, his hands rubbing your naked skin, making you shiver with desire. "I'll get to her real soon." Sami muttered against your mouth before attacking your neck, his fingers dancing down to cup your bare breasts possessively.
Jey's hand found it's way to your legs, and he rubbed your thighs roughly, eliciting a moan from you, making you writhe against his lap, making him chuckle as his lips continued to explore your body. You arched your back, your hands reaching up to tug lightly at Sami's hair, wanting him to continue where he left off.
Sami growled into your neck, kissing up and down your skin as Jey hands teased your thighs, his finger gently rubbing against your swollen, wet folds, making you gasp loudly and shudder, your fingers digging into Jey's shoulders. Sami leaned forwards and caught the tip of your nipple between his teeth before biting sharply, earning a choked scream from you.
"Oh god." You panted as Jey's thumb began massaging your clit, his finger brushing back and forth, teasing the sensitive bundle of nerves inside your pussy and making you groan and lean your head back against Sami's chest.
"Relax, you deserve this" Sami breathed, his hands tightening around your hipbones, his thumbs rubbing circles on your hips.
"No, I don't." You grumbled back, but Jey's fingers moving faster made you choke on a moan, his fingers crooking into that spot that made you moan out uncontrollably, teasing it with each stroke, your eyes rolling back in your skull and your jaw clenching tightly. Jey kissed his way up your chest and rested his forehead against yours, his breath hot against your cheeks.
"Don't say shit like that. You deserve this." He said firmly, his dark brown eyes boring into yours. He circled the spot once again, making you cry out, his fingers dipping further inside your pussy. "You deserve everything, okay babygirl?"
You didn't think you did though. You thought you didn't deserve anything ever again. All the things you'd done to people. All the pain and hurt they had experienced. They had suffered because of you. Because you chose to do what you did. You chose to not stop the monster you made until he inevitably hurt you as well. You let your pride override your emotions. You let your love for giving your best friend everything in the world cloud your morals until you could no longer see the good side of anything. It was always about the future. Always about plotting away the future you instead of saving yourself right now.
"Stop thinking about it." Sami said softly, as if he was reading your mind. He tweaked your nipple, making you forget about everything instantly and whine loudly and arch your back, making you feel Sami's cock pressing against your butt, sending tingly shocks straight to your center.
"Shit..Sami..oh my God.." You panted, closing your eyes and tilting your head back to try and breathe better, but Jey's fingers were still working your pussy, stroking at your clit as Sami held your hips firmly, keeping you still as he moved his fingers inside your pussy, making you moan louder. "Please..fuck.." You panted out desperately, begging Jey to hurry up. Jey smiled and looked down at you, shaking his head slightly as he leaned down and placed a feather light kiss to your lips.
"Say you deserve it." He whispered, his voice low and deep and so full of lust and passion. You opened your eyes and looked down, unable to find the words to respond. You shook your head, and closed your eyes again. You didn't deserve i-
"No..say it." Sami ordered softly, harshly squeezing your boob hard, causing you to cry out and arch your back again. His gaze softened and he pulled away from you to kiss your cheek before leaning down and taking your right nipple into his mouth. You bit your lip, fighting off the urge to moan at how amazing it felt, and you heard Sami suck harder on your left nipple, causing you to whimper louder. You squirmed underneath the warm weight that was laying on you, your leg tangling with Jey's and his arm still holding you close, your hips shifting beneath his.
"You deserve to be loved. You deserve to feel loved, baby. So tell us, say it again." Sami growled against your shoulder before sucking on your earlobe. You gasped deeply, your body tensing as you gripped the bed sheets underneath you. Your heart pounded heavily in your chest as Jey slowed down his pace slightly and stared down at you while his hand fingered you slowly, your walls clenching tight around his finger making you shake from pleasure. Your breathing was heavy and uneven, as you were lost in ecstasy.
"All that shit Roman told you, get that outcha head. You know damn well he was wrong." Jey whispered in your ear as your moans turned into loud gasps. "You hear me? Get that shit outtcha head, cause you deserve nothing less than all the happiness the world has to offer." Jey kissed the hop of your head sweetly, in contrast to his thumb was rubbing your clit as he spoke and his fingers worked furiously against your opening, his thumb circling you slowly and teasing you, making you bite on your own lip and arch your back, moaning loudly in the process.
"Say you deserve that shit!"
"I deserve it!" You finally said out loud with a moan, your voice sounding hoarse from crying and panting through your cries. Jey grinned triumphantly and moved his thumb to brush your nub gently, making you moan again, this time louder. A sudden wave of heat washed over you, and you could practically feel yourself building up again.
"Good girl." He said happily before trailing kisses up your jawline to your ear and then whispering in your ear seductively. "We ain't gon' hurt you like him baby, we're gonna show you just how much we love you."
The warmth spread from your toes up to your groin, making you arch your back off the bed as he pistoled your pussy and sped up with the force of his hand thrusts. As he went faster, you squeezed your eyes shut and cried out. You were close, so so close, but you didn't even have to tell Jey or Sami. They already knew. They always knew.
'Let go for us, baby. We're here for ya. Let it all go.' Jey purred into your ear in a gentle tone while stroking your clit, watching you on the brink of an orgasm. Sami's free hand cupped your other breast, stroking your nipple lightly, as he sucked on your other breast as well.
"We're not gonna leave you, baby. We got you." Sami's soft voice cooed in your ears softly while his lips sucked on your breasts harshly as if he couldn't get enough of the salty taste.
Your moans grew louder and louder, and you felt Jey's hand gripping yours tightly enough to leave bruises.
'Come on baby, come for us.' Jey commanded and suddenly you couldn't hold back any longer. You didn't know what set you off; the way they were guiding you, their soft voices and even softer touches, but all you know is that you let go and let out the loudest scream you've ever screamed, your muscles tensing in agony and pleasure all at the same time as you came undone.
White spots danced in your vision as your mind went blank. The only thing you could focus on was the intense feeling coursing throughout your body. The feeling of being with two men who loved you and wanted you. Who cherished you. The feeling of being worshipped and desired. The feeling of someone wanting you more than they've ever wanted anyone else.
Sami's hand on your face and Jey shaking your shoulder brought you back to reality, your eyes blown out with pleasure and dazed, blinking repeatedly to clear the hazy haze in your vision. You opened your eyes to see Jey and Sami stared down at you lovingly, their faces flushed and their eyes glowing.
"We wore you out, babygirl?"Jey asked softly, smiling down at you while tracing random patterns on your naked thighs, his thumb gliding along the crease where your thighs meet. Sami hummed in agreement as he followed suit and softly traced the same patterns on your leg.
You scoffed at the thought, smirking up at them. "No chance in hell you guys are wearing me out." They mirrored your smirk and chuckled lowly, and your smirk turned into a gulp at the look in their eye when they slowly moved their bodies closer to you.
"Oh really?" Jey asked, licking his lips slowly, his eyes never leaving yours. "You wanna bet on that?" Sami added, his hand sliding over yours, his fingers curling around your own until you intertwined your fingers with his, both of you staring at each other intently. Their eyes locked together as they waited for your answer silently.
"Yeah. You wanna bet?" you breathed, your stomach fluttering wildly as you saw the hunger in their eyes.
"Well I can't exactly make the lady pay me back right?" Sami murmured, moving his head lower till his lips were brushing the edge of your collarbone, his breath tickling the skin. He began to trail kisses along the curve of your breast. "Like we said, we're here to take care of you…" Sami mumbled as his fingers trailed down the edge of your shirt to stroke your bare stomach.
"Take care of her." Jey whispered quietly, caressing your thigh with his hand, his gaze fixed intently on your face, his eyes darkening at the sight. Sami stopped moving his lips and instead brushed his tongue against the corner of your navel before kissing it, and licking it again as his fingers stroked your inner thigh slowly, his fingers gliding over your folds and rubbing gently in circles.
You squirmed under their hands, your breath catching in your throat. You tried to speak but no words would come out of your mouth. All you managed to do was shake your head from side to side as you closed your eyes and clenched your jaw tightly, trying to stop yourself from whining from all the pleasure rushing through your body.
"You ready for some love now, babe?" Jey whispered huskily, Sami's fingers slipping out of you with a whine that turned into a yelp when he pulled you up and laid you down on your back.
You gasped loudly as they climbed onto you, sitting on the bed as Jey leaned forward and rested his forehead on top of yours, gazing into your eyes with lusty brown hues. He reached up and cupped your face softly with one hand, pulling himself up so that he could lean over and kiss you softly, his tongue dancing inside your mouth in harmony with yours, it has been so long but it felt so familiar and it felt right and you missed it so much.
Sami started moving his hips in sync with yours, rubbing against you while Jey continued to kiss you and touch you as if he needed to commit every part of your beautiful body to memory. And oh god did he do just that, making your body feel loved yet also made you ache in the best way possible.
You were preoccupied with the dizzying taste of Jey's addicting mouth on yours, but you felt Sami let you go and shuffle around the room, before returning, feeling his weight shift the bed as you and Jey were kissing each other like your life depended on it, melting into each others touch and kisses.
"God, you taste good." Sami groaned, licking the side of your neck, causing you to break away from Jey's mouth to look up at Sami. His cute little dimples showing as he smirked down at you and gave you a quick peck on the lips.
You rolled your eyes fondly and bit back a smile at his cuteness. This man did not know what he did to you, how he made your heart beat for him even when you tried to fight it back. How every time he touched you, you could feel your knees giving way under you, because the feeling of your body being consumed by him was too strong, too intoxicating to resist.
How he made you was the first person in a long time to make you feel at peace with his infectious presence; his sweet smiles, soft giggles, playful jabs and jokes. How his eyes shined deep like the stars you used to dream of looking at, sparkling and warm with emotion. How everything he does makes you fall in love with him a tiny bit more.
Jey grabbed Samis hair and pulled him closer, his lips fiery hot as his lips devoured Samis', their tongues colliding fiercely and passionately, making your pussy heat up at the sight- especially when Sami let out a guttural moan and kissed Jey back just as hungrily, his hand cradling Jey's chin and forcing Jey to open his mouth wide to swallow more of his lover's lips.
You couldn't help but bite your lip at seeing the heated passion in their eyes, their tongues tangled, biting and kissing deeply, making you wetter and hotter, your legs trembling, and your clit throbbing, the intensity and want building.
Both men groaned into each other mouths at the feel of their dicks being palmed, and Sami bit down on Jey's bottom lip hard, licking it to soothe the bite before breaking away from Jey's lips and leaning back, panting heavily and holding Jey's cheeks in his palms, looking down at your grinning form , his brown eyes blazing in desire and need as they searched yours, drinking up every detail of your face greedily.
"Baby, as much as we appreciate that, this is about taking care of our girl." Sami said hoarsely, his breathing ragged as he watched you pout, your eyes pleading with him to just let you please them. "I'm not a doll that'll break any second, I don't need to be taken care o-
You yelped when you were pushed back, the air leaving your body when Jey's lips crashed harshly against yours, his teeth scraping your bottom lip roughly, your mind immediately filled with nothing but the taste of Jey and his minty breath as he devoured you like he was starving for you, and you for him.
Jey's large calloused hands held tightly on your waist, his fingers digging painfully into you as he ground against you, your breasts bouncing wildly on his chest. Your moans echoed throughout the room as you clutched at Jey's shoulders, your nails grazing the skin there.
When he finally pulled away, his honey brown eyes were glistening with passion as he looked you over, running his tongue across his full bottom lip slowly. Fire was all you saw in his eyes, the fire you've craved every since you first met, the fire you've been craving the past couple months ever since he left the Bloodline and you iced him out. You wanted more, wanted to see those eyes turn black as sin as you begged him to fuck you, wanted to see the flames dance in them and unleash from his soul.
And as he licked his lips and you stared into those dark pools of fire, you knew you were gonna get what you wanted.
"You so fucking stubborn, you know that?" Jey growled and gripped your hips firmly as he pressed a few kisses to the corner of your lips, your cheek, your temple, and stopping at your neck, clashing his teeth lightly over your pulse point.
"You.Are.Our. Girl." he growled in between the kiss as his grip tightened on your hips. You arched your back slightly as he took advantage of your sudden change in position, his cock slightly brushing against your entrance making you shudder as he sucked in a sharp breath against your neck and kissed his way back up, his rough beard scratching the sensitive spot where your neck and shoulder meet.
"And that means you let us take care of you, okay baby?" He said softly into your ear before nipping your earlobe playfully, his hands traveling underneath you to push you up slightly. You were so deep into his words and seduction you didn't realize Sami was behind you until you felt his breath on your neck and his hands on your waist, the feel of his bulging cock on your ass bringing a moan from your lips as your whole body tingled with anticipation.
"Whatever shit he who must not be named put into your head-" You giggled at Sami's way of mentioning Roman, and his eyes lit up at the sound.
"-You are amazing, you deserve to be loved and cared for, by someone who loves you, someone who will treat you right. And I can't promise that we'll be perfect, I can't promise we can give you the same influence that Roman has given you. but…we can promise you we'll take care of you and love you better than he ever will, like you deserve, because you are so fucking precious, I don't think you even know how amazing you truly are…."
The tears stung your eyes as his warm words and gentle loving voice penetrated through your thick layer of emotional pain.
It had been the one thing that'd been consuming you for the past 3 years, the main thing that you thought would make you happy- the thing that brought out the dark and twisted sides of you that you didnt bother hiding in the first place, but came out even more because anyone standing in the Bloodline's way would get crushed in an instant, just like you did. And Jey was the only one to break through your armour and shatter it like glass. Then Sami broke it into pieces and shattered them completely, and then healed them again, and again, and again. Every piece Roman destroyed, he repaired, and every piece you fell apart, Jey fixed alongside with him.
And right now, looking into his pretty face, looking into his big brown eyes shining bright with love for you, and Jey with his handsome face smiling and eyes full of adoration as he looked at you, you didn't want to just feel fixed. You wanted to become whole again; to be complete.
You wanted to feel complete. You wanted to feel loved despite the darkness within you, because they brought out the light inside of you that you've buried so deep inside your bones that you forgot the feeling existed. But they brought it back.
And it was the most beautiful feeling in the world.
You let out a watery chuckle as a sadly beautiful smile appeared on your lips as tears pooled in your eyes. "I think loving me comes with its own set of challenges, and I have so many of them…" You chuckled dryly as you cupped Sami's cheeks, your eyes burning and your emotions bubbling beneath you. "I don't want to hurt you. I'm just like him. And I want you guys to realize that now instead of later when you get hurt by me."
Sami exchanged a look with Jey before he lifted your chin, his hands cupping your jaw lovingly while he stared at you so intensely that you almost thought your skin would melt off your body just by his gaze alone. "You are no monster," He said softly, his touch on your skin even softer. "You're our angel. And the only thing that would make us leave you is if you left us right now."
You closed your eyes at the statement, your eyelashes fluttering lightly against your cheeks as you let out a small giggle, which turned into a sob as the last remaining remnants of anger melted away from your heart as your eyes flashed open to reveal the tears spilling freely on your cheeks.
"I-I'm so sorry, Oh my god, I didn't mean to make you sad and cry-" Sami panicked , his hands moving from your jaw, wiping his thumbs over your cheeks tenderly, his thumb gently tracing over a tear track. "I'm sorry!" He repeated in a whisper as his thumbs brushed across your cheeks again, his thumb still moving gently around your cheek.
"Sami, sami, chill out, those are happy tears!" Jeys stopped Sami from panicking, placing a hand on Samis' chest and keeping a firm hold on him, preventing him from continuing his ministrations and making him stop and look back at you and see the sad smile on your face and the glint in your beautiful eyes. You couldn't help the smile you gave Sami as you wiped the last traces of tears away from your eyes and smiled sweetly as you placed a soft, chaste peck on his lips.
"You're fine, baby. Jey's right, I'm fine." You smiled, your tone reassuring as you squeezed Samis' shirt and leaned into Jey who was currently hovering over you protectively. Jey knew you too well. "I just...never had someone say that to me before, y'know? Say all this sweet stuff and really mean it." You murmured and Jey sighed quietly, his lips forming a tight line as he gazed at you with the most gentle yet heated expression in his eyes, causing butterflies to erupt in your stomach as he ran his thumb over your lips.
"You deserve to be treated right." His husky voice sent shivers down your spine and made your knees go weak. He moved closer to you, your faces inches apart as his hands caressed your thighs as the heat emanating from his touch sent shivers down your spine.
You swallowed nervously, watching Jey move even closer to you, his face mere centimeters from yours, his eyes burning into your soul, burning holes right through your body. He stared at you like he knew exactly what you were thinking -he was always able to tell what you were feeling -as the tips of his fingers traced your hipbones, your thighs, your chest, your collarbone…his fingers trailing down your arm as if he couldn't bare not touching you anymore and just wanted nothing more than to pull you closer, to touch every inch of your body, to devour every inch of your soul, to show you how much you meant to him.
"And I'ma make sure you know it." He whispered into your soul before capturing your lips in a passionate kiss, one that left you melting into him, your arms encircling his neck tightly, pulling him impossibly closer to you, his warm hands holding your cheeks as he deepened the kiss. He slowly backed you against the bed, kissing you passionately while his lips continued their torture against yours.
"Lean against Sami, baby. We gon' be laying down awhile." He whispered hotly against your lips, and you could feel Sami's hands on your thighs as he held you steady so that you wouldn't fall as his body was pressing up against yours, your back arching and your breasts jiggling with each movement as he pressed you against him.
You listened and turned around and was met with a kiss from Jey, his tongue hot and probing against yours. You moaned into his mouth as he took control of the kiss, and he was doing so perfectly. Teeth clashed against each other, tongues flicking one each others mouths, the heat pooling in between your legs at the feel of his cold chain on your warm skin contrasting the warmth radiating off Jey's skin where his body was pressed against yours.
Every breath you stole from each other was like a re-introduction to each other written in fire, burned and blistered by your lips. Every kiss was an apology to each other in the form of tongue and teeth, as every time one of you breathed out another sigh, the other groaned in pleasure. Every pounding of your hearts and gentle touches to your skins was like new love letters that you wrote while you missed each other that you were going to keep reading every night.
And every time you felt something else brush against you as you lay there in Jey and Sami's embrace, everything in your head went silent, as if there wasn't anything to distract your mind. You knew they were safe. They protected you. No matter how many times you told yourself they didn't, deep down you knew you were lying to yourself.
And you weren't gonna let you lie to yourself any longer.
"You ready, baby?" Jey whispered against your lips after kissing the tip of your nose before pressing his forehead against yours, his hand finding your waist, gently pulling you closer to him.
"Yes." You replied honestly, your eyes sparkling with realization and hope. "With you both, I'm always ready."
Jey's lips turned up into a sweet smile that matched the stars that seemed to be in his eye's that made your heart swell, and Sami's grip on you hips softened even more as he smiled too. Your lips connected once again, this time with more passion and emotion. You wanted to memorize how this moment felt for eternity. And you hoped forever would come sooner rather than later.
Once you pulled away panting, Sami kissed alongside your neck before slipping something to Jey, and when Jey caught it with ease you realized it was a condom.
You groaned internally when Jey brought it to his mouth and ripped it open with his teeth, never breaking eye contact with you, the heat radiating off of Jey's eyes as he stared intensely at you, licking his lips, making you shiver in anticipation. You heard ripping coming from behind you and knew that Sami was doing the same thing.
"Are you trying to kill me?" You faux glared at Jey as your heart hammered violently against your ribcage.
"Not yet, sweetheart." Jey smirked as he slipped the latex on and started kissing along your jaw, Sami kissing along your collarbone and shoulder until Jey reached the end of your neck, leaving you gasping as Sami sucked your pulse point gently, sending shocks through your entire being as his kisses trailed down your side and stopped at your hipbones before sliding down again, pausing briefly to suckle on the flesh.
Sami removed his lips from your hipbones and pressed a soft kiss against your exposed shoulder, your skin tingling as it warmed instantly from his presence. You inhaled sharply when you felt Sami's cock nudge against your ass as his hand slid down your thigh, gripping onto your ass, squeezing hard, causing you to let out an involuntary gasp as a mixture of pain and pleasure rushed through your whole body.
"I swear to god if you don't move in the next five seconds you're gonna die-" You were the one cutting yourself off with a moan when Jey slid his cock into you without warning, stretching you out inch by inch with no mercy, his eyes burning into your soul as your mind shut down, only conscious of his thrusts, his tongue lapping at your throat.
Only able to feel the coldness of his chain on your skin, only able to hear the uncontrollable moans you were letting out as Sami continued sucking and nibbling at your earlobe as Jey slid deeper and deeper inside of you, and it felt like your insides were being devoured alive.
You could barely think or get a word out, let alone breathe properly because everything felt unreal, everything felt so real, so surreal. It felt like you were floating in space, floating in clouds of clouds that looked so fluffy but felt so heavy as you tried to hold yourself together.
Then Sami pushed you a bit farther back and pushed his cock into your core, and you lost it.
"Fuck! I can't -oh my God!" You were moaning and squirming uncontrollably, the feel of him filling you up alongside Jey and every thrust he made was like heaven itself was entering your body, and the angels were singing praises as your toes curled. And when Jey thrusted in time with the music, a beautiful melody filled your ears as if the angels had joined in on the heavenly choir of praise, the sounds of your moans mixing beautifully with the sounds of their grunts and Jey's harsh breathing.
Jey chuckled against your skin at your blissed out state, making you shudder and shake. "Oh yeah, baby. Feel good now?" His hot breath tickled your ear, his fingers digging into your flesh while his lips continued kissing you senselessly, his lips caressing your skin and his cock moving in rhythm with each thrusts of Sami's.
You nodded, but any words you wanted to say were wiped away and your head fell back on Sami's shoulder in bliss when he hit a particular spot inside you, making any and all doubts in your head go away.
"So beautiful," Sami growled against your neck, your jaw going slack at his sexy tone and even sexier words. "Being such a good girl for us, trusting us to take care of you and look after you right?" He pulled out just slightly before sliding back in smoothly, your eyes closing and body shaking as you moaned loudly, "Let us do those things for you, baby." He pleaded against your skin, and his tone made you weak in the knees. Another timed thrust and you became even weaker.
"That feel good, right baby?" Jey cupped your jaw and forced you to look directly at him. His handsome face was contorted in pure ecstasy and glistening beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, but the look in his eye was intense, fiery, lustful, as if all the galaxies were in his irises and you were just the fuel that was burning them to life.
"Yes…baby" You gasped softly and gripped his shoulders, your nails digging into his back.
Jey smiled at your response, and your back arched instinctively as his lips found its way towards your neck, biting your collarbone gently, causing another wave of pleasure to surge through you.
"Shhh…." Sami mumbled against your skin as his hands traveled to your breasts, pinching lightly at your nipple, making you squirm and moan in arousal. "Relax. Relax." He urged you, making you relax your muscles as he kept massaging your breasts in time to the pace of his thrusts and Jey's thrusts.
How could he think you could relax when your nerves felt like they'd been electrocuted? You couldn't stop your hips bucking up underneath Sami who held them still, but you could feel how close you were becoming to losing control, to falling apart completely. The only thing you could do was bite your bottom lip to keep yourself from crying out from sheer pleasure.
"Don't hold back, baby." Jey encouraged gently, giving you little chaste pecks against your neck as his hips pounded against yours faster, almost frantic as you moaned loudly, unable to control your voice anymore, and your cries drowned in the sound of Sami's deep, raspy breathing against your neck.
You wanted to feel like this forever. Live in this moment forever. With Jey. With Sami. In the arms of the two men whose love was so unconditional and strong that you would probably die from the pure bliss it produced within you.
Even though you wanted nothing more than to stay in that exact moment forever, you could feel the heat building up in your belly, spreading throughout your body and your thighs were starting to tremble under the pressure of their thrusts, the warmth inside of your legs spreading further down your legs, which made you arch your back with an audible moan.
"Please..faster." You whimpered out between pants and whimpers as you made both men grunt at you clenching around them so tight it almost hurt.
Both men grunted harshly, pushing deeper as they slammed themselves into you relentlessly, their moans louder and their thrusts harder, and it was the best high you've ever felt. You couldn't believe that you were already getting addicted to it, addicted to the sensations coursing through your veins, the overwhelming feelings of complete ecstasy and euphoria flowing through your veins.
Sami's hand slid down to your pussy squeezed your clit roughly, rubbing it as their thrusts increased, hitting you harder and harder, until you were shaking and gasping and crying out and panting, trying but unable to hold back, unable to hold yourself back.
Jey noticed and leaned over to whisper something in your ear, "Go ahead." He spoke softly, as if he wasn't making your whole body shake underneath him. "Take all you need." He added. He puncuated that with a hard thrust inside you, causing you to cry out loudly and make your eyes roll to the back of your head.
"Move her." Sami ordered softly, his thrusts and hand rubbing at your clit making all thoughts leave your body. Jey complied and understood what Sami meant instantly, grabbing your legs and putting them on his shoulders, and you squealed as he pounded his cock even deeper with the new angle he took.
"Jey! Fu-" You cried out in surprise as Jey moved your legs in a different direction, his thrusts stronger, deeper and faster, his strokes rougher and deeper than before.
"I know, baby." Jey hummed, pulling his dick out and slamming it back in, making you arch up once again, making you gasp for air. "Good girl. Keep going. Give it all you got, baby. You can take it." He praised, and you were close, so so close, teetering on the edge of heaven and earth and beyond, and you weren't sure where you belonged, but you hoped wherever you ended up wasn't without Jey and Sami.
"I-I'm close…. You panted, feeling Sami's hand grip your hip and guide you closer, Jey's hand gripping your ankle. At your words both men's hips jerked forward simultaneously, causing you to scream and cry out again even louder and scream their names.
"Let go for me baby…Let go.." Jey begged, his thrusts hitting you harder, faster, and harder, and you could feel it all bubbling inside of you, waiting to come to the surface.
Sami pounded himself softer and slower and then faster, and you could feel your body trembling as you were about to fall off the precipice. You felt like the waves were crashing against you, drowning you, taking you away to another world, somewhere unknown but safe, and you wanted to be swept up in it's shores.
"Sami.. Jey.." You moaned as the waves crashed against you, the waves swallowing you whole. "I'm gonna.. I'm gonna…."
"Come for us baby… Come now." Sami ordered, his thumb stroking the wetness inside of your pussy slowly while he and Jey thrusted in unison and your entire body shuddered at the sensation.
"Look at me, sweetheart." Jey's gruff voice broke through the haze clouding your mind and the wave that was threatening to swallow you vanished.
You opened your eyes, and met Jey's golden ones. They stared back into your soul, their lust and desire and possessiveness and affection shining brightly in his eyes. They were dark brown with hints of gold in them, and you could literally see every thought and emotion hidden behind them and it scared you how much he loved you.
"Let go for me, baby. I love you, we love you. Do it for me." He purred and your heart clenched at his words, and you didn't know what it was about them, but they made your knees give in and your body finally succumb to the waves that were trying to sweep you away and drown you.
Heaven and hell had disappeared for you for a while; there was only darkness and fire and Jey's piercing gaze and and Samis' fierce touches that burned you alive as you rode out those waves, and Sami's warm hand on your face bringing you back to reality after they rode out their own waves as well.
"Are you okay, babe? You did so well for us.” Your eyes fluttered open at Sami's hand on your cheek tenderly, looking straight into his eyes lovingly. Jey was right beside you and his chest was heaving as he caught his breath. He kissed your forehead tenderly.
You gave them both a bright smile that melted their hearts as they gazed back at you lovingly, their expressions softening as their eyes filled with adoration.
"That... was the best sex I had in my entire life...." You admitted truthfully and they chuckled.
"I think that was the sweetest thing you've ever said to us after everything that happened." Sami teased as he brushed a curl of hair that had fallen across your face.
"Shut up, it was not." You giggled, swatting his hand away playfully.
"So you telling us to fuck off and leave you alone doesn't count?" Jey sarcastically challenged as he grinned smugly back at you, sitting up on the headboard right next to you, resting his arm around you.
“Okay, could you blame me when I thought you guys hated me after I basically iced you two out after all the shit that happened? I mean, I understand it. Honestly, I do.." You sighed heavily, turning slightly away from him.
"Hey." Jey pulled your chin round so you faced him again, and cupped your cheeks gently in his hands, forcing you to look at him. "Don't put all the blame on yourself. It wasn't just you either. I fucked up by letting you go when I should have never let you go in the first place, expecting you to forgive me and move on like nothin' ever happened."
His thumb grazed your bottom lip gently as he looked deeply into your eyes that were filled with a mixture of guilt and regret, making his stomach flip at the sight. "It's the same thing I did with Sami when I tried to push him aside. It's all my fault."
"Hey, hey hey, it's no ones fault okay?" Sami interrupted your guilt ridden self pity party, moving in between you and Jey and wrapping his arms around you both tightly, leaning back against the headboard. "We are all human, and that means mistakes. But that doesn't mean we can't move on ." His tone turned serious, his eyes holding a firm glint in them. "The past is done. All that matters now is the future and right now, I want our future to include each other."
Sami turned to you and looked deep into your eyes, his words leaving you in awe of his honesty, at how sweet his smile was, how gentle his touch always was, and how raw his voice was. "I want you with me for as long as you will let me. I want to be the one you go to when you're lonely or when you're hurt, I want you to come to me when you feel like you're going crazy, I want you to trust me enough to not shut me out when something is bothering you, and I want to wake up to you and Jey in my bed every morning because that would be heaven." Sami's grip tightened on you and Jey as he continued speaking, and a lump in your throat formed at hearing his words, and you didn't have to look at Jey to know he was teary eyed as well.
"Sami…" You whispered softly.
"Let me finish please." Sami smiled softly, his thumbs caressing your cheeks and wiping away some stray tears which were falling down your face silently. "My point being: I love you, I want to spend the rest of eternity with you, and I need you in my life more than anything. And I'll gladly spend however long you want me to, if I can." Sami's eyes twinkled with such sincerity and care, so much care and passion, that it made your heart melt all over again.
Your heart was stuck in your throat as he finished his speech, feeling the tears stinging your eyes again but you blinked them away and held Sami's love striken gaze as best as you possibly could without bursting into loud sobs and throwing your arms around him. His honestly raw honesty made you fall in love all over again, and you didn't realize before how badly you needed that kind of honesty in your life, and you know you owed it to him to give him exactly that.
"Sami, I love you too you absolute fool." Your comment made both men laugh despite the emotions running through all three of you, and you wiped at your eyes, your vision blurring with tears of happiness and relief and joy. "And you're a dumbass if you think that I'm just gonna walk away from this, walk away from you both. You've made me feel like nothing else in the entire fucking universe ever has, and I'd be an idiot if I didn't let myself fall for someone who loves and adores me as much as you do."
You sniffled as your lips trembled uncontrollably, Jey's arm rubbing soothing circles on your shoulder making you turn to him as well. "I love you guys. I promise that."
Sami's eyes shone brighter, the emotions swirling within them making them shine brighter than any star ever had before, and you couldn't believe you were the one making the stars shine with pure love and light, as if they had been created solely for your sake. You were staring at them as if the moon was rising on the horizon and the clouds had suddenly parted, Sami smiled like the sun itself, and Jey's eyes were shimmering like diamonds as if you had just bestowed upon them the most beautiful jewels imaginable.
"God you don't know how long I've waited to hear you say that." Sami's voice cracked a little and in one second planted his lips firmly on yours, silencing you. The kiss was slow, loving, and sweet, everything you ever wanted and needed. When you eventually pulled away, Sami's hand rested on the side of your neck, caressing your skin tenderly. Jey cupped your jaw and tilted your face until you were looking directly into his eyes, his smile wide and full of warmth and love.
“I love you, and I'm never letting you go like I did once before, not now, not ever, and definetly not ever again. This time, I mean it, baby girl."
His words were like a warm blanket wrapped around you, calming you down and easing all of your worries, your stress, your fear, and your sorrow, and it left you with the biggest smile on your face ever since you saw it. The warmth emanating from Jey's eyes as he stared into you was almost intoxicating, but even more so when Jey leaned in closer and pressed his soft, warm lips to yours.
Unlike the kisses you shared with him earlier, this kiss was slow, gentle, passionate, and meaningful; it was a way for him to make up for lost time and remind you he would always be there for you, he would always be here. He said that with every movement of his lips against yours, and with every caress of his fingertips on your skin sending tingles throughout your whole body.
You pulled away from him breathless, and rested your foreheads together as you smiled lovingly at him and traced your finger down his perfect facial structure slowly and carefully.
"I hope you'd love me considering all that's happened tonight." You laughed lightly, your brown skin glowing softly in the low light of the room.
"Anddd you just ruined the moment." Jey complained, shaking his head jokingly. You smirked and leaned forward, pecking his nose affectionately.
"Oh poor baby, can't handle my charms." You teased, laughing when Jey pouted at you and shifted over to Sami's lap, pulling him into a tight embrace. "I'm going to someone who actually appreciates me and won't make fun of me."
"Then you went to the wrong person, cause teasing you is my favorite pastime." Jeys groan of annoyance made you laugh harder, causing Sami to chuckle as well while kissing Jey's hair.
You smiled at the sight, squishing yourself in between them and resting your head on Jey's chest and your legs on Sami's lap, snuggling into the warmth of their bodies.
"Guess this means I'm officially your girl now, huh?" You inhaled Jey's scent deeply, trying to wade off the slight nerves at your question. Jey noticed and stroked your skin comfortingly, smiling lovingly when you cuddled even closer to him. He missed this part of you, the moments when you felt safe and comfortable enough to show how vulnerable you really were and to relax completely, to just be yourself.
"Baby, just like Sami said, we ain't letting you go, even if I gotta handcuff you to my bed, but you prolly would like that." Jey answered, laughing at your indignant squeak and dodging your playful swats to his shoulder. He intertwined your fingers before you could swat him again and squeezed your hands gently, earning him a soft smile in return.
"But forreal, I can't handle not having you by my side again. I want us to start fresh and be happy, and I wanna call you my girl, our girl."
You smiled even wider at his words, knowing it wasn't a question but a fact. And it was a fact you wanted to be true, you wanted to have this forever, and you knew you couldn't let them slip by your fingers because of your fears or your doubts anymore.
So you turned slightly to face him, and cupped his face in your hands with your thumbs tracing the curve of his cheeks lovingly. "I'd want nothing more." You said sincerely, causing Sami to squeeze your hand in excitement and Jey to smile widely, his eyes lighting up with happiness. Sami leaned back in to place a soft kiss on your cheek and then your lips, the gesture so intimate and loving and sweet that it nearly broke your heart. Jey leaned forward and planted another chaste kiss on your lips after Sami gave you a peck and smiled brightly.
"Well I guess congratulations are in order." You giggled at Sami's remark and looked at Jey with a smug smirk on your face.
"You're right, Sami. And my first act as your girlfriend is going to the bathroom, and you both are very much welcome to join." With a wink, you got up before they could catch you and walked towards the bathroom, your butt swaying seductively as you strutted away.
Jey and Sami's eyes landed on your bare ass as it swayed seductively, making their hearts beat faster, their breaths shorten, and their mouths water for more. Their eyes followed your figure as it disappeared out of view, before turning to each other and exchanging knowing looks.
"First one to get to the bathroom get's to join me in the shower!" Your voice called out through the door teasingly, your giggles reaching their ears despite the distance between the two of you.
Jey and Sami looked at each other again, seemingly communicating silently with each other, before Jey smirked at him and pushed past him (albeit gently) to run to you , his steps echoing loudly in the room. "Man, move ya slow ass!"
Sami chuckled to himself as he watched Jey chase after you, feeling incredibly accomplished and proud that he had gotten everything he wanted. The man of his dreams, the woman of his dreams, and it couldn't be more perfect. And as he made his way to the bathroom, and the three of you participated in more rendezvous activities in the shower, he made his way to the bathroom, and the three of you participated in more rendezvous activities in the shower, he knew this utter perfection is what he wanted to live for. To fight for, to love, to cherish, and to give.
And he and Jey wouldn't let it go without a fight - not if you were willing, anyway.
Unbeknownst to the three of you, your phone was ringing incessantly, but it was on do not disturb. But maybe you'd regret that decision sooner or later.
incoming text message from roman🖤: You think I don't know what you're doing? I've known you for years,you really think I wouldn't know that u ran off to sami and jey after you made the biggest mistake of your life? You think I'm gonna let what you did slide?
incoming text message from roman🖤: Everything I'm about to do to the people you care for, and you'll have no one to blame but yourself if you don't rectify what you did.
incoming text message from roman 🖤: Don't say I didn't warn you.
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suugarbabe · 10 months
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[Chapter 5]
word count: 4.3k
warning: smut, fingering 18+ content MDNI
an: Theo is not mentioned in this chapter and I’m so very sorry but chapter 6 is very Theo heavy so I hope that makes up for it 🫶🏻
You and Enzo had made a routine of apparating to the club together. You had been doing this for about a week before the incident with Monti, but ever since that night Enzo was very firm that you arrive together. The first few days after it happened, he carried a lot of guilt with him for letting you go to the alley by yourself. It took heavy convincing, but you were pretty sure that you were able to convey how much it wasn’t his fault, and that you were glad he was there to help protect you.
Since that night, Mattheo had barely been around the manor. You could count on one hand the amount of times you actually saw him at the manor over the last two and a half weeks. It was more like you heard him more often than you saw him, and most of the time he was yelling. All of the other boys were being yelled at regularly, but Draco seemed to be taking the brunt of it. You weren’t sure if it was because they were family, but it made you feel kind of bad for him.
It really made you upset not seeing Mattheo that long, not really interacting with him. Maybe upset was not the right word, but if you thought too long about it you felt queasy. There was something about the dynamic between you and Mattheo that made you feel one of two ways, either incredibly, seething, fire burning, hell raging mad - or - light headed and butterfly stomach and warm and yearning and pining and wanting so much of him you thought you might physically implode.
You were thinking about all these things as you were doing mindless work getting the bar ready for the night when Pansy walked into the room, mouth running a hundred miles a minute as you heard her pleading with whoever was on the other end of the cell phone pressed to her ear. When her conversation finally ceased, Pansy set the phone down on the table in front of her. Her head was hung low, like she was trying to recenter herself. You looked over at Enzo, who simply shrugged his shoulders.
In the next moment Pansy was screaming with rage as she pointed her want towards the stage nearest her, deep red exiting her wand and the stage effectively exploding in front of all of your eyes. Your mouth was agape, not expecting to ever see this side of Pansy. Enzo only shook his head in annoyance, taking out his own wand and giving it a swift flick, causing the once exploded stage pieces to slowly float back to their original position until it was like Pansy didn’t have an outburst whatsoever.
“What’s the problem, Pans?” Enzo broke the silence, clearly having dealt with this side of Pansy plenty of times before. Pansy let out a deep sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose. “One of the main stage dancers is not coming in tonight and I have no one to replace her. You know how particular Mattheo is, he’s going to have a fucking aneurysm over this. Roxy is good, but she can’t do the whole stage by herself.” Pansy leaned her head back, closing her eyes and letting out a few more expletives.
Enzo couldn’t contain his amused smirk, “This is why I’m glad I don’t have your position, Pansy. It is far more easy being me than it is being you.” You scoffed, quickly quipping back, “Yeah until you’re basically dying and whining like a toddler when someone is trying to save your life.” Enzo gasped at you, fake hurt in his eyes. But the interaction managed to put a smile on Pansy’s face, if only for a brief moment. “Really, you guys, I’m not sure what I’m gonna do, I really don’t want to deal with an angry Mattheo tonight.”
You gnawed at your bottom lip, wondering if what you were about to say would be helpful or just start another argument. You really wanted it to be helpful, you wanted to show everyone how valuable you could be in a crisis, prove yourself of sorts. Especially after the last time you were given a task you basically caused them to all have to show their darkest sides of themselves in order to save you. You glanced over at Enzo, knowing that immediately after you spoke your thoughts he would protest.
Enzo’s eyes widened before you could even speak, shaking his head as if he already read your mind; which in fairness was highly possible. Regardless, you turned back towards Pansy, the words flowing from your mouth before Enzo could protest for real, “I could do it.” Pansy’s head snapped up at your words, you quickly reasoning as to why it was a good idea, “I wanted to be a dancer when I first came to the club anyway, I know I can do it. Not to mention I watch the stage every bloody night, I could probably do Roxy’s routine in my sleep. And Roxy and I already have a good relationship so there would be like…chemistry or whatever.”
Once again you managed to make Pansy smile. “That’s brilliant!” She exclaimed at the same time that Enzo barked out, “Like bloody fucking hell you are.” Both you and Pansy turned to Enzo glaring. “Okay, remind me to never be in the same room as the both of you when you’re upset, because this is fucking scary,” he took a step back from both of you, “but I’m serious, Angel, no way. Mattheo would fucking kill you if you went up on that stage.”
You rolled your eyes so hard you head went along with it, “Oh, please Enz, Mattheo would never hurt me, let alone kill me.” Enzo scoffed, “Right right, I forget, you guys have that special relationship.” He emphasized the last two words with air quotes. You narrowed your eyes up at the sandy haired boy, “What are you insinuating?” Enzo doubled down, not breaking eye contact with you, “I’m saying that your relationship is different with Mattheo than any of us. He lets you get away with a hell of a lot more than any other person in this family.”
“Oh, bullocks,” you spat back at him. You were irritated beyond belief, Enzo never spoke to you this way. “Fine,” Enzo held his hands up in surrender, “how bout you just go tell him about your little plan then, hmm? I know he’s here.” You looked over at Pansy who just shrugged her shoulders. Turning back to Enzo you crossed your arms stubbornly, “Fine, I’ll go ask him.” Enzo huffed, “Well fine!” You shouldered past him, “Fine!” He called back at you again, “Fine!” For good measure you threw one more over your shoulder, “Fine!” Pansy covered her face with her hands, shaking her head, “You guys are worse than having bloody children, I swear it.”
You walked with determination back towards Mattheo’s office. With each step the air felt like it was getting thicker, but you urged yourself to keep moving, to prove to Enzo (and everyone else) that while you now worked for Mattheo it didn’t mean that he controlled you. With a flick of your wand his office door swung open to reveal an irritated Malfoy and Mattheo with a satisfied smirk on his face that was less than comforting.
“Can we help you?” Draco sneered, clearly annoyed by the boldness of your intrusion. You stood just inside the doorway, arms crossed. You gave Draco an irritated look before turning to Mattheo, “Pansy said one of the main stage dancers isn’t showing up today, so I’m going to replace her. I know the routine and have a good rapport with Roxy so-”
“No.” Mattheo cut you off with a firm statement. You huffed in annoyance, “Yeah that’s not really an option here, boss, if we don’t find someone to go up there then the club will lose money and I know that you don’t really like that and it’s bad for bus-”
“I said no,” Mattheo’s voice boomed again, “I’ve told you before, Birdie, you are not a dancer. You are a bartender. You are not going to be a dancer, will never be a dancer, under any circumstance. Is that clear?” You glared at him, holding his gaze as your lips formed a thin line. You opened your mouth to protest again but Mattheo flicked his wand, mumbling a quick depulso and pushing you back through the doorway before slamming it shut.
You’re a right git, Mattheo, you said to him. No means no, Princess. Don’t play with fucking fire, Mattheo thought back. You stood outside the office trying to weigh out your options. You were about to lean towards just giving up, when you heard Draco’s voice, “C’mon, what’s the harm, really. It’s just one night, and you know she’s right fit, she’d bring in so much money. She’s right about us losing out with just Roxy up there.” You smiled at a bit at Draco actually being on your side, maybe he wasn’t such a tosser after all.
“Absolutely fucking not, she’s not doing it. I swear to fucking Salazar if she goes on that bloody stage it’s your head, Cousin.” You didn’t have to see his face to know Mattheo was seething and poor Malfoy was on the receiving end of it. The fiery anger in his tone only fueled your own further.How dare he think he can decide what you can and cannot do? You didn’t care if he was the owner of the club, he had no right to tell you what decisions you could make. You were tired of him acting like he owned you.
With a deep breath you walked away from the office door, heart pounding as you made your way back to the bar. You felt like your heart beat was in your head with every step you took, the bass of the music in the club not helping ease this. When you got back behind the bar you closed your eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath to try and center yourself. In the time you were in Mattheo’s office a large amount of clientele had appeared, the current dancers working hard to milk them for all their money as Enzo bounced back and forth behind the bar.
As you got to the bar you turned around toward the booze, grabbing the most expensive tequila the club had as you slammed four shots down in front of you.“Y’alright, Angel?” Enzo’s eyes grew wide as you picked up one glass at a time and quickly threw them each back, the alcohol burning your throat in the most calming way. Picking up the last shot Enzo’s large hand enveloped your wrist, “Slow the fuck down, what are you doing? Trying to blackout on the job?”
Your eyes pierced his, a storm of determination brewing behind your pupils, “Enzo, let go of my wrist or I’ll hex your fucking cock off.” He shook his head, stubbornness higher than ever, “No way, Mattheo will have my throat if I let you get fucking sloshed.” You groaned in frustration, rolling your eyes and stomping your foot on the ground like a toddler having a tantrum.
“Why does everyone act like Mattheo is my fucking keeper?” You leaned your head toward the shot, tipping it in to your mouth while Enzo still gripped your wrist. He rolled his eyes at your actions, finally letting go, “Why’re you doing this, Angel? Was I right about the meeting with the good ol’ boss?” You looked toward the stage as the dancer finished up her routine, crawling on her knees and swaying her hips as she picked up the large bills from the stage floor and stuffing them into her bikini top and barely there bottoms.
Enzo followed your gaze, laughing nervously, “Oh no fucking way, hell no. You’re not…no, Angel.” You turned to face him again, pulling off your tank top to reveal your rhinestone bikini top, “Who’s gonna stop me?” You shoved your tank top into Enzo’s chest, walking toward Blaise at the Dj booth to tell him what song you wanted and what stage name to announce. Enzo glanced around the club nervously, praying to Merlin that Mattheo wouldn’t notice, or that at least whatever stage name or song you played didn’t alert him to your little rendezvous.
Enzo stared at you as you walked towards the dancers changing rooms, trying to get you to change your mind, He’s gonna have your ass if you go through with this Angel, you know that don’t you? Entering where the rest of the dancers were you just shook your head, answering Enzo, Let him! You quickly found Roxy, walking up to her and telling her your plan. She gave you a questioning look, but after assuring her that Mattheo would only be upset with you and not her, she helped you get ready, hair, makeup, the works before going towards the main stage entrance.
As Mattheo left his office to find Pansy and talk solutions, Blaise began introducing the next entertainers to come on. Being none the wiser to your plan, he did everything you asked. Flicking a few switches on his sound board the main stage began to illuminate, catching the attention from most of the patrons and earning some whoops and hollers from those that were excited for the main event.
Blaise held his wand to his throat in the booth, doing his introductions, “Please welcome to the main stage your favorite girl R-R-R-R-Rooooxxxxyy,” he drawled out. “And accompanying her tonight is someone new to the stage,” at this Mattheo stopped dead in his tracks. He looked over towards the bar only to find Enzo looking towards the ceiling and avoiding his eye contact. He looked across the club at Pansy, who was holding her hands up in surrender. Blaise’s voice continued, “Let’s give a very warm and wallet generous welcome to…” Blaise paused for dramatic effect, lowering the lights around the stage and putting a small spotlight at where you were about to walk out, “Cherrí.”
The amount of whistles and cheers that occurred when you stepped out into the light was almost deafening. You tried to give your most sultry smirk as you walked toward the pole opposite Roxy. You grabbed hold of the cool steel as you began walking in a slow circle, Blaise putting on the song you requested; Cherry Pie.
You grabbed hold as high at your height would allow as the lyrics began, following Roxy’s typical routine and pulling the bottom half of your body up the pole, hooking your knee around the bar and leaning backwards as it spun, now hanging upside down while you grabbed the pole above you
She's my cherry pie
Cool drink of water, such a sweet surprise
Tastes so good, makes a grown man cry
Sweet cherry pie, yeah
Maneuvering your body around the pole proved to be a lot easier than you anticipated. Following Roxy’s lead you would stay on the pole while she walked and danced around the stage, shedding a layer of clothing here and there and crawling seductively towards the bills that were being thrown on stage. When she walked back toward the other pole, you took a deep breath, knowing it was your turn to do what she called crowd work. You took one last spin on the pole, the whistles from the men directly in front of you fueling your adrenaline along with the song you chose.
Swingin' to the drums
Swingin' to guitar
Swingin' with the bass
In the back of my car
Ain't got money
And I got no gas
But we'll get where we're goin'
If we swing real fast
I scream, you scream
We all scream for her
Well, don't even try 'cause
You can't ignore her
You slowly slid the skirt you wore down your thighs, the man in front of you’s eyes roaming your body like you were his last meal. You shimmied your hips, pulling your skirt down teasingly slow and bending over in front of the men to give them a full view of your arse. Bills flew to the stage as you finally stepped out of your skirt, sinking to your knees and spreading them wide to sit back on your heels. You let your hands roam up your body, over your breasts causing the hanging rhinestones to shake and glimmer in the light, then dragged your hands up and into your hair, throwing your head back as you bounced slightly on your knees.
Crawling on your hands and knees across the stage you were sure to arch your back, swinging your hair back and forth in time with the song, throwing winks at men that looked like they wanted to tear you apart like an animal but instead threw money on the stage. Walking back over to you, Roxy held out her hand, helping you up slowly so your body’s slowly dragged against each other as you stood up, giving the whole audience a show.
The song ended and Blaise turned on an interlude as you and Roxy maneuvered around the stage to grab the bills that were left. As you were picking up some bills while still trying to look sexy and sultry on your hands and knees a man held out a large bill in front of your face. You reached out your hand, but he quickly grabbed your wrist. You were about to protest or even hex whoever it was. But as soon as you saw the tattoos on the fingers that held you all your nerve endings tingled.
Slowly, you looked up. Taking in the sharp black suit jacket, crisp black dress shirt, all to go along with the onyx eyes that belong to Mattheo Riddle. To any average onlooker it would seem like there was a glint of playfulness in his eyes. But you’d seen that look before, many times during your lessons. If this look told you anything, it was that you were going to regret your last few decisions.
His voice was low when he spoke, you almost had to lean closer to even hear him as he grit his words through his teeth, “Office. Now.” It was a command and not one you were going to ignore. You sat on your bum, swinging your legs over the edge of the stage. Despite his rage Mattheo still assisted you. Grabbing your hips, albeit harshly, and lifting you off the stage and setting you down on your feet.
Once standing he gripped your wrist again, leading you to his office like a child about to be scolded. You looked toward the bar, Enzo meeting your gaze and miming locking his lips as if to assure you he didn’t tell the boss on you. Once in his office Mattheo released his hold on you, “Sit.” You walked toward the chair in front of his desk before his voice cut through the silence once more, “Not there. On the desk. Facing my chair.”
You gulped, trying your best to keep your face stoic despite the rising heartbeat in your chest. You walked slowly around his desk, slowly lifting and perching yourself atop. The wood was cool against your bare thighs, Mattheo not even giving you a chance to put more clothes on before dragging you through the club. So there you sat, clad in only your bikini top and thin panties. You tried your best to control your breathing as Mattheo came to stand in front of you.
He gripped each one of your thighs just above the knee, his touch setting your skin aflame. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from his hands splayed across your legs, squeezing the flesh as he spoke to you, “Are you proud of yourself?” You tore your eyes from his hands and looked up at him, confusion clearly written on your face. “Oh, don’t play innocent now, Princess. Not after that fantastic performance you gave,” he wore a shit eating grin as your face fell. Mattheo’s grip on your thighs tightened slightly as he spread your legs wide enough to step between them.
“I was just-” Mattheo gripped your throat, effectively silencing you before you could begin. “Ah, ah. It’s my turn to talk, you just get to sit there and listen.” A shiver ran up your spine as his hand that was still on your thigh slid up higher. “You really pissed me off just now, Birdie. Blatantly defying me after I told you no. I told you from the beginning, no dancing, and yet what did you fucking do?” He hung his head, letting out a light chuckle as his thumb kneaded the inside of your thigh, “Do you know why I won’t let you dance, Princess?”
You shook your head the best you could with the grip he had on you. His smirk grew in to a devilish grin as he leaned in close, whispering in your ear, “Because if you’re going to be a slut for anyone, it’s going to be me, and only me, do you understand, Princess?” You nodded, squirming on the desk at his words. Mattheo met your gaze, taking in your current state of desperation, “Do you like that, Princess? The idea that you only get to be the perfect little slut for me?” He slid his hand between your thighs, dragging two fingers along your folds over your panties. He smirked at the dark wet spot that was already forming, pressing his thumb lightly against your clit. You jolted at the contant, a pathetic whimper leaving your throat.
“All this for me, Princess? Or is some of this for all those men throwing dirty bills at you being a whore?” You groaned at the degrading words, shaking your head, “N-no, it’s all for you, Teo. I swear, just for you.” Mattheo growled at the nickname, eyes darting down quickly to your parted lips before meeting your gaze again, “Good, because it’s about time for everyone to know who you fucking belong to.” With the grip he had on your throat he finally brought your lips to his. The kiss was anything but gentle, lips harshly pressed against one another as his thumb started circling your clit again. You whimpered at the action, Mattheo taking the opportunity to allow his tongue to explore your mouth.
As his lips trailed lower, along your jaw and to your neck, his fingers gripped the top of your panties before tugging harshly and ripping the thin material off your body. You gasped and could feel Mattheo smirk against your skin. When he found a particular spot to suck and bite near your collarbone he ran his finger up your folds, coating them in your slick before circling two fingers over your clit. “Fuck…” you moaned out, trying your best to take in all the pleasure you were receiving.
Mattheo’s lips found yours again as he circled his fingers around your hole teasingly, swallowing the whimpers as they left your lips. Without warning he slipped a finger deep inside your cunt, your back arching and bringing your chest flush to his. “Fuck, Princess, you’re so fucking tight, don’t know how you’re ever gonna take my cock when you can barely take a finger,” Mattheo groaned against your lips. You mewled against him, hands gripping the edge of the desk like a vice, unsure if you were able to touch him or not, but too lost in the pleasure you were feeling to try.
He added a second finger, thumb finding purchase on your swollen clit, slowly finger fucking you on his desk. He broke his lips from yours to watch your cunt swallow his fingers over and over as he pumped them into you. “Fuck, Princess, you’re taking my fingers so well. Those other men would die to be in my position right now, but that’s not who you want, is it, pretty girl?” You shook your head vigorously, chest heaving. “Words, gorgeous, let me hear them. Let me hear what I’m doing to you.”
You tried to keep your eyes from rolling in the back of your head and answer him, “N-no, fucking hell-” Mattheo curled his two fingers now with every outward thrust, pushing against your g-spot in the most delicious way no one else every had. The blissful stretch created an overwhelming feeling of pleasure, “Don’t want them, j-just want you.”
You could feel the pressure building inside you, the waves of pleasure clouding your vision. He quickened his pace, his long fingers hitting places you have never been able to reach and sending jolts of electricity through your entire body. His thumb made tight circles over your clit and you clenched around his fingers. “I can feel you clenching around me, Princess. Come on, be a good girl and let go f’me.” It was like his permission was all your body was waiting for as you fell over the edge into your orgasm.
Your vision blurred as you let out a pornagraphic moan, Mattheo continuing to finger you through your high, your legs shaking with pleasure. As your breathing calmed Mattheo slowly slid his fingers from your cunt. He stuck out his tongue, bringing the glistening digits to his mouth before lewdly sucking them clean causing you to clench around nothing.
“I swear to Salazar I can’t wait to fucking devour that cunt of yours,” he grabbed hold of your thighs, gripping them tightly as he captured your lips in another searing kiss. You couldn’t help but moan at the taste of yourself on his tongue. Mattheo rested his forehead on yours, his own chest rising and falling along with yours to catch your breath. “Never forget that you’re mine, Princess.” He leaned back slightly, grabbing hold of your chin. His eyes held an intensity to them as they locked with yours, your breath hitching in your throat as he spoke three final words.
“I own you.”
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miguelschamp · 7 months
could i request more fics for isaac😭😭💙
this love
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pairing: isaac lahey x reader
summary: after years of not seeing isaac, he shows up at a hangout you’re having with your friends
warnings: mentions of alcohol, characters are aged up
a/n: hi anon ! thank you so much for the request. i hope you enjoy and anyone else who would like to request anything please do. i’m low on motivation lmao
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“lydia, i’m really not sure if i can make it.” you say into the phone, “i mean i have so much to do for work.”
“that’s the point. it’ll be a break from all of that.” she says. “and we haven’t all met up in awhile. it’ll be fun.”
you shut your apartment door behind you as you set your bags down, “lydia…”
“please, y/n/n. who knows the next time we’ll all be able to hang out. you know how stiles is about this stuff.”
she was right. you knew stiles was worried about all of you drifting apart. and while you guys had all gone off and got your own jobs and homes, you still met up whenever you could. just standing there now, you can imagine stiles’ puppy dog eyes looking back at you.
“yeah, okay.” you sigh, “i’ll see you guys tonight.”
“yay ! okay, i’ll see you later. bye.”
“bye.” you say before you hang up.
the bar is loud as you walk through the door. you were dressed in a pair of light washed jeans and a crop top. it was a very simply outfit, but you knew your friends would be dressed the same.
you hold your purse close to you as you walk through the bar. your friends were sat all the way in the back as usual. the booth you guys always take whenever you met up there.
a small smile takes over your face as you see stiles telling a story with his hands flying all over. as you get closer, scott looks over at you.
“hey, y/n/n.” he smiles. everyone else at the table turns toward you as you get closer.
“hey, guys !”
“y/n !” lydia says as she gets up to hug you. you laugh as she squeezes you before letting go.
“how are you guys ?”
“great.” stiles nods before taking a sip of his drink. he steps aside as scott gets up.
“i’ll be back.” he says before walking off
“here, y/n/n.” liam says sliding a drink over, “i was the only one nice enough to actually order it for you.”
“because you’re the only one who remembered it, asshole.” malia says
“it’s still odd knowing you can drink now, but thank you.” you chuckle. “where’d scott go ?”
“oh, uh,” stiles starts, “he went to go grab someone.”
you furrow your brows as you scoot in beside lydia, “who ?”
“guys !” scott calls out. you turn in the direction of his voice and your eyes widen.
“oh my god.” you mutter
“hey.” isaac smiles
“hey, isaac.” stiles says awkwardly, “glad to see you, buddy.”
“you’re back from france ?” lydia asks
“uh, yeah.” he nods
scott pats his shoulder, “he’s staying, too. i figured i’d invite him to the meet up.”
“the more the merrier.” lydia shrugs. she looks over at you before nudging you, “right, y/n/n ?”
“huh ?” you blurt out turning to her before looking back up at isaac and smiling, “oh, yes, yeah. the more the merrier.”
isaac smiles nodding. you hear stiles chuckling from the other side of the table. you leg flies out and kicks him in his shin under the table. “ow !”
it had been about two hours since isaac had shown up and everything seemed to be going okay. everyone fell into casual conversation as usual. you laughed along with your friends before looking down at your empty cup.
you turn to lydia, “hey, i’m gonna go grab another drink.”
“okay.” she smiles. you slide out of the booth before heading toward the bar.
you sit on a stool as a bartender comes up to you. “hi, can i get a margarita please ?”
“of course.” she smiles, “coming right up.”
you give a grateful smile back, “thank you.”
as she walks off, you look down at your hands. you look over as someone sits in the stool next to you. your heart beat accelerates as isaac’s blue eyes stare back at you.
“hey.” he says
“hi.” you smile
silence falls between the two of you. you and isaac dated for about a year before he left for france. of course, it hurt, but you knew leaving was probably what was best for him. especially considering he didn’t actually have any family left in beacon hills.
when he left, you guys didn’t keep any contact. you truly thought he wouldn’t ever come back to beacon hills. but as he sat next to you six years later, he looked just as beautiful as he did when he left.
he was of course older and his features were more defined. he had stumble growing across his chin. and to be honest, you loved it. he was older, but he still looked like the same guy you fell in love with.
and as isaac sat across from you, he couldn’t imagine anyone more beautiful. your eyes were still sparkling and full of happiness. your skin and your smile just as gorgeous and as captivating as he remembered. whenever you guys were sat with your friends, he thought you would’ve caught him staring. and now with the two of you alone, he was afraid he wouldn’t ever be able to keep his eyes off of you.
“how have you been ?” he asks
“um, i’m good. i’ve been really busy with work and stuff.” you chuckle, “but i’m good. how about you ? how was france ?”
“it was great.” he smiles, “it felt good to take the time for myself. i really needed it.”
“i understand.” you nod. you look over as a glass is set in front of you, “thank you.”
“no problem.” she says before turning to isaac, “would you like anything, sir ?”
“no, thank you.” he says. the bartender nods before walking off. “so, what do you do for work ?”
“i’m a web developer for a fashion company.” you say
“seriously ?” he asks. you hum in agreement, “that’s amazing, y/n/n. i remember you talking about that a couple of years ago.”
“yeah, it’s not exactly what i wanted to do, but i’m still involved, so it’s amazing.”
“yeah.” he says as you look down at your drink. his eyes soften, “y/n ?”
“hm ?”
“i’m really sorry.” he says. you look over at him with a frown, “i’m sorry for just leaving like that.”
“don’t be.” you say shaking your head, “i understand why you left. honestly, thinking back, i probably would’ve done the same thing.”
“i wanted to call you.” he nods, “and i would’ve, but i didn’t know if you hated me or didn’t want me to contact you. i probably should’ve asked scott, but i knew he had a lot going on.”
“it’s okay, isaac.” you say. isaac can feel his heart skip a beat at the way his name sounded coming from you.
“so, we’re okay ?”
“of course, we are.” you say, “we always will be.”
isaac smiles wide, “great.”
you pull away from your straw to face isaac. his blue eyes following your every move. as you looked at him, you notice the look in his eyes. the same look he would give you anytime he saw you when you were dating. the same look that he still had whenever he told you he was leaving for france.
the look that told you that he loved you and would do anything for you. it was still there.
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Love Thy Frenemy (Frenemies/Tenderness AU)
ONE: It’s a Start
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Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Frenemy!Reader
Summary: There’s a new customer that’s been coming into the White Dog Pub, where you tend bar. He’s stoic, gruff and difficult to engage, but you’re a bartender. You know how to get the most deadpan of customers to talk, and this aloof mountain of a man is no exception. You’ll win him over, one way or another.
Tags/Warnings: Alcohol consumption, Eventual smut- but not in this chapter. That’s really the only warning I got. I don’t even think I used profanity. Weird, right???
(Notes: Sooo... I decided to attempt my first series. *(nervous twitching)* Not gonna lie, I’m freakin’ out a little bit, y’all. Is it gonna suck?! I don’t know! I hope it doesn’t, for everyone’s sake.
This is set in the Frenemies/Tenderness AU, same as ‘Try a Little Tenderness’, with Simon and his frienemy ‘Doll’ (or ‘Dee’ for short), which can be found here. 
We’re just establishing the relationship between Simon and Reader at this point, along with a little world building. Sorry, horn-dogs. No smut this round, but we’ll get there... eventually. Hope you enjoy.)
Word Count: 1576
‘Fate leads the willing; the unwilling it drags’   —— Seneca 
He was a quiet one. A silent giant. 
He came into the pub every night, mumbled out his order in a low gravel and took the same seat at the end of the bar. He’d been doing this for more than a month, some nights staying until last orders, other nights only long enough for one drink. He never speaks, at least not to you.
He’s close with your boss, the owner of the White Dog, Ollie Turnbull. Ollie’s always pleased to see him, giving him a familiar pat on the back as he growls out, “How ya doin’, Riley?”
The two men will sit for hours, sometimes, leaning their heads together as they talk in low murmurs. You suspect Riley’s a soldier in the military, like Ollie once was. He just has that look about him. He holds himself the same way your father used to, like a coiled spring wound too tight, even when seemingly relaxed. You’re certain if anything ever went down inside the pub, he would be the first to react, Ollie a close second.
You’re curious about him. He’s an ‘odd duck’, as your nan was fond of saying. He has his little quirks, odd little idiosyncrasies that set him apart. For one thing, you’ve never seen the man without a hoodie. He wears different styles and colors, but they’re all dark in hue with a deep hood he keeps pulled up over his head at all times. He never pushes it back, always keeping his face half-hidden in shadow.
And then there’s the mask.
Sometimes it’s a fitted hood with only his eyes exposed, other times it’s a neck gaiter or a black surgical mask. When he takes a drink, he always lifts his mask from the bottom, never revealing his entire face. You’ve seen the hint of various scars around the edges of his masks, jagged lines turned silver with age, but they don’t seem severe enough to be horribly disfiguring. He’s hiding, you realize, but from what you’re not sure.
Riley’s sitting in his usual spot again tonight, every now and then his eyes shifting left or right, always on alert. He casts his gaze over you every now and then, too, lingering for a moment before looking away. You can’t help but wonder what he thinks of you.
It’s been a slow evening, just a handful of regulars showing up for a pint, but not staying long. There’s only one other customer at the bar, dear old Ned, and you’re pretty sure he fell asleep half an hour ago. You’ve already restocked and finished all your prep work for the night, so you’ve pulled out an old paperback of short stories to read, but you’d much rather be getting a head start on your cleaning. The sooner you’re done, the sooner you can leave.
Heaving a sigh, you walk down to the end of the bar, waiting for Riley to acknowledge you before you speak. When his dark eyes peer up at you, you give him a little smile. “Sorry to bother you, but do you mind if I start cleaning? I can top up your drink first.”
His gaze darts over your face before he glances down at his glass and shrugs. “’S fine wif me. ‘M good.” His voice is gruff, but not unkind.
You nod, offering him a grateful smile and lay your book face down on the bar. “Thanks,” you call over your shoulder, already heading for the supply closet.
You gather your cleaning supplies and get to work, wiping down tables and turning up chairs. Every now and then you glance up to check on your two customers. Ned, bless him, is still snoring. Riley, however, is leaning slightly forward, torso stretched so that he can look at the book you’ve left in front of him. You watch as he turns the book around to get a better look at it. It makes you smile.
Finished with the tables, you head back towards the bar, noticing how Riley stiffens and quickly turns the book back to its previous position. Pretending not to see, you grab your bottle of water, taking a sip as you lean your hips against the back counter, facing him. When he inevitably lifts his eyes, you meet them and motion to the book.
“You like to read?”
He shrugs. “Some.”
You nod and take another sip. “What genres?”
His brows knit together. “Depends.”
“On what?”
He heaves a sigh and leans back to cross his arms. “On what ’m in the mood t’read.”
“Oh. Yeah, I get that. I’m the same.” You take another sip then recap the bottle, pushing yourself off the counter. You fiddle with the ties of your serving apron as you scramble for something to say. “You, uh, need a top-up before I get back to work?”
He stares down at his glass and then slides it forward. “Yeah.” Again, he sounds gruff, but his tone has softened the tiniest bit.
He watches you pour the drink, eyeing you with an almost cautious expression. When you slide the glass back to him, his eyes flicker down to the book. “I’ve read tha’ one before. Which story’s yer fav’rite?”
You tilt your head and give him a considering look. “’Sticks’ by Robert Wagner.”
He nods, a gleam of approval in his sharp gaze. “Good choice.”
You give a slight nod at the compliment. “And yours?”
His eyes blink down at the book then back to you. “Same.”
“Good choice,” you say with a crooked smile, returning the compliment. You replace the bottle of Dewar’s on the shelf, then turn back and nod at the book. “You can borrow it, if you like. I just brought it in case I got bored. I’ve got plenty more at home.”
“’M good. No thanks.” he mutters. He leans forward again, shoulders hunched, and drops his gaze.
You deflate inside. Damn, I lost him. 
Not wanting the situation to get any more awkward, you try to soothe him with a casual, friendly tone and an easy smile. “That’s okay. Offer still stands. If you change your mind, feel free to take it with you.”
His eyes slant towards you and he gives a curt nod. Good enough.
You go back to work, sweeping around the tables in silence until you see him stand and lean over the bar to slip his glass into the dish water. He snags a towel and wipes down his area, before pushing his seat back into place. It’s a thoughtful gesture, something you wouldn’t have expected from him. Picking up his overcoat, he shrugs it on, then adjusts his mask as he walks towards the entrance. When he opens the door, he pauses, and his head turns in your direction. “Left some tenners on the bar for m’tab.” Another short pause. “’Night.”
You smile and give him a little wave. “Good night, Riley. Drive safe.”
His head snaps up and his posture goes rigid at the use of his name, caught off guard by the familiarity, but he quickly recovers. Relaxing his stance, he nods and takes a step out the door, uttering just loud enough for you to hear, “You, too, doll.”
He then slips out the door into the night, leaving just you and snoring Ned in the building. You stare at the entrance a moment longer, then go back to your sweeping. Your brain slowly sifts through the conversation as you work, picking over the words he spoke, digging for any hidden nuances you might have missed. He’s a hard one to read, but you think you did okay. At least he spoke to you without being prompted. It’s a start.
When you finish cleaning, you go wake Ned and call his wife to come pick up her husband. He smiles at you, bleary-eyed, and pats your hand. “I was awake, luv. Jus’ restin’ m’eyes.” You smile and nod, but don’t really believe him until he grins and adds, “Never heard tha’ big fella speak a’fore. He must’ve taken a fancy to ya.”
A slow smile spreads across your face. “Think so, Ned?”
“Oh, aye. Never seen ‘im go out o’ his way to talk to anyone else. Well, ‘cept for Ollie, o’ course. Don’t think the lad keeps many friends. Bit of a loner, tha’ one.”
A horn beeps twice outside, so you help Ned to his feet and walk him out to his wife’s car. Waving goodbye, you head back inside the pub to turn out the lights and lock up for the night. Grabbing your coat and bag, you make a beeline for the entrance, thrilled to be leaving early, but then realize you forgot your book on the bar. Huffing out a sigh, you turn around and go back to get it, only to discover that... 
It’s gone.
He took the book.
A pleased little smile lights up your face and you bite your lip.
He even told you good night... sort of.
You shrug. It’s a start.
That pleased little smile is still on your face when you lock the door and head for home.
>> Next
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64yrsold · 1 year
ACHES 5. sunshower
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18+ (please see masterlist for cw) aches masterlist previous (4)
“You live close to the bar,” he noticed, hands tight on the steering wheel. I wished he’d reach over, hold one hand to the inside of my thigh. 
“Yeah,” I clasped my hands together, “Convenient, I suppose.”
“Sure,” he nodded, his hand opening on the wheel as he turned right. “You go there a lot?”
“I guess,” I uncrossed my ankles, and crossed them again. “Not a concerning amount.”
“‘Course not.”
I listened to the low hum of his car. He kept the radio off, which made me focus on the sound of my breathing. 
“Do you live in the city?” I asked, since he asked about where I lived. And I didn’t want to admit that I did go to the bar a concerning amount.
“No, I’m just visiting for a bit.” He looked over his shoulder as he changed lanes. All his stops and starts were smooth, and he never went too fast around corners. The way he drove nearly lulled me to sleep.
“You have family here?” 
“No,” he laughed, then cleared his throat, “No.” He flicked on the heating, adjusting the vent to wash over my stiff hands.
“So you’re gonna disappear on me in a few days?” I joked, hoping he understood my sarcasm.
“This car turns into a pumpkin at midnight,” he shrugged. Then, more seriously, “I’m here a week longer.”
“Well,” I patted his shoulder, “Thanks for giving me one of your evenings.”
“Two,” he corrected, with a shiny smile. 
“That was more of a night, I think,” I returned his smile with a bigger one, squeezing my interlocked fingers back together so I wouldn't reach out for him again.
“Sure was,” he looked at me, winking. My heart rolled over.
We had slept together.
I swallowed, not unhappy, but feeling embarrassed. This was a new fucking low, completely blacking out and sleeping with a stranger in a random hotel room. I could’ve been killed. I could feel all the excitement of the evening seep from my pores, leaving an adrenaline-like emptiness. My pulse battered its way up my neck.
“We’re here,” he parked the car, “Ready?”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
“So, at that point, I wasn’t even really listening to her,” he rambled, chin resting neatly on his open palm. His fingers tapped his cheek steadily, a metronome which I watched closely, waiting for the seconds to dissipate. “I mean, who says something like that? So I told her–”
“Matty,” I interjected timidly, setting my fork on the pristine napkin, “I think I should go.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” he sat up straight, picking up his cup of wine, “Let me take you home.”
“Thank you, but,” I grimaced, clearing my throat. I smoothed the white tablecloth in front of me. “I think… I don’t think it’s working.”
His glass paused on his lips, “You don’t think it’s working?” He blinked slowly, voice distorted from the cup.
“You’re really lovely,” I smiled, and he set his glass down quickly. I sighed, “I just don’t think I’m the girl for you.”
His eyes looked down at his thumbs, which traced the edge of each other slowly. “Why not?” he was quiet, mumbling.
“Listen, I’m really sorry,” I urged, standing from the table, “It was great getting to know you.”
“Yeah,” he stood, reaching out, then tucking his hand behind his neck, “Yeah, you too.”
“I’m sorry,” I squeaked for a final time, letting my eyes linger on his furrowed brow. My lips formed a goodbye, but I couldn’t manage to speak it aloud. I turned, leaving him in the restaurant alone. My heart was thudding painfully in my chest.
“Wait!” I heard him call, and I stopped on the sidewalk. I didn’t look back, frozen as I heard him run up behind me. “I didn’t sleep with you.”
I turned to face him, his eyes wide with panic.
“No,” he shook his head forcefully, knocking a few curls loose onto his forehead. “You were drunk. I… I would never.”
“I thought you were drunk too,” I picked at the corner of my thumb, ripping the skin into jagged pieces. “You were drunk when we left the bar.”
“I, um,” he was frantically scraping his hands through his neatly gelled hair, “I just sober up quickly, to be honest.”
“Okay,” I tried to find some sort of courage to tell him I had completely blacked out.
“I don’t know why I fucking winked at you,” he laughed, without humour. “I’m so fucking nervous, I’m trying not to fuck this up.”
“I don’t want to either,” I assured him, noticing his shoulders relax as I spoke. He thumbed at the corner of his mouth, pursing his lips. His hands were busy without a cigarette occupying them.
“I really like you,” he took a careful step forward, slipping a hand behind my elbow. He held it there gingerly, like a hummingbird over a flower. “I got you something.”
“What?” I frowned, “You don’t need to buy me anything.”
He smiled, “Just let me show you first.” He reached into the pocket of his jacket– which I was still wearing– pulling out a small jewelry case. It was sleek and expensive. He looked at me with a star in his iris. “Marry me?”
“Um,” I sputtered, my mouth opening and closing stupidly.
He laughed quietly, “Kidding.” 
“Oh, fuck you,” I sighed, then fell silent as he opened the case. Inside was a delicate silver bracelet, simple with small diamond stars dangling at even intervals. “I can’t take that.”
“It might be a bit big,” he fussed, taking the bracelet out of the case, “Give me your arm, sweetheart.”
“I can’t have that,” I traced my fingers over my wrist, shaking my head. The bracelet sparkled like sunshower between his fingers. 
“The diamonds are fake,” he reached for my hand, clasping the bracelet around my cold wrist easily. “Fits perfect.”
“Promise they’re fake.”
“They’re fake.”
“Because if–”
“I want you to have it, please. To remember our first night.” His eyebrows tucked into each other, pleading. 
I didn’t remember our first night. “Okay.”
His hands were still on my wrist, his thumb pressed to the inside of it.
“I can take you home now.”
His palm moved to cover mine, holding my hand firmly. He pulled me to his car, opening the door for me. When I fastened my seatbelt, he stared down at me, leaning against the roof of the car. I looked up at him, watching his mouth twitch and threaten to speak. He just let his pupils fill his irises, licking his bottom smiling lip. He closed the door.
-> next (6)
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ghostofthemost141 · 10 months
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Pairing: Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish x F!Reader, Third POV, no use of (Y/N)
Word Count: 3,142
Themes: Some Angst and Fluff, Some Suggestive Talk so !18+!, brief talks of Domestic Violence from an ex
About: You mourn the absence of your boyfriend while he is on a long mission.
Notes: Preface warning, I am still getting used to writing both British and Scottish into my fics so it ain't gonna be the best lmao but I am trying! Nickname for you here is Bonnie cause why not. Also let me know if you prefer First or Third POV for the fics. Hope you enjoy my first Soap x reader!
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The warm vanilla scent engulfed into the living room almost instantly after you lit the candle. It was your favorite scent ever and it reminded you so much of your loved one. When you and Johnny first started going out, Johnny had some kind of strong vanilla scented cologne on. So anytime you smelled vanilla, it instantly made you think of him. You would always light a candle every time you missed Johnny. And while you shedded a few tears mourning his missing absence in y’alls home, the vanilla scent would enter your nostrils and comfort you. You missed him dearly tonight. You last heard from him early this morning. It was nearing five this morning when your phone rang. Luckily you were a light sleeper and instantly woke up to it, rushing to answer it. 
“Johnny?” You tiredly spoke into the phone. 
“In da flesh. Well almost.” Johnny jokes. 
You smiled to yourself, hearing his strong accent on the other side of the phone. 
“Sorry it’s early, Bonnie.” Johnny apologized, feeling bad for waking you up. 
“Don’t you ever apologize for waking me up, Johnny. You know I will always take the opportunity to talk to ya.” You reassured him, “when are you coming home?” 
“‘Opefully soon, my love. I’m sorry.” 
“It’s okay, Johnny. Just missin’ ya is all.” 
“Oh really?” 
You could hear the smirk from his side. 
“Why? You don’t miss me?” 
“Aye. You ‘ave no idea, Bonnie. Some days are harder than others, if you catch me drift.” Johnny whispered that last part. 
You knew exactly what he meant by that. 
“Aw you poor thing.” You say with a chuckle and Johnny did the same. 
“Oi, you were the one who sent me tha’ pic of ya.” 
He got you there. While he was on long missions, you liked to go out, buy a new underwear set, and send him a picture of you in it. In your defense, it was something for Johnny to look forward to when he got home. 
“Well did you like it or not?” 
“Steamin; Jesus of course I did. You’re so gorgeous Bonnie, but you can’t be teasin’ me like dat.” Johnny told you, making you blush a little. 
Even though Johnny and you have been together for a couple of years now, his little charms and flirts still get you red in the face to this day. There was just something about him. It’s how you met. 
“I often think about how fate brought us together.” 
“Oh yeah? ‘Ow so?” Johnny asked. 
As you retold it to Johnny, you couldn’t help but feel grateful with what happened. You were at the bar one night with your ex boyfriend. You didn’t care for going out to bars but you did it for your ex. That night, he was being more of an asshole than usual. Talking you down, ignoring you, flirting with other girls, and just being overall shitty. He left you by yourself to go talk to another girl that across the bar. As soon as he had left, you broke down in tears. You wanted to leave him, but he was a big manipulator and even scared you a little bit. You hung your head low to avoid unwanted attention and to avoid being embarrassed, but of course that ended being the opposite. 
“Aye, you okay there, lass?” 
A thick Scottish accent spoke to you. This was the first time anyone has ever approached you when your ex would wander off to do whatever with some chick he met. You wiped your tears and turned to where you heard the Scottish accent. Your heart started racing once you made eye contact with his bright blue eyes. They were so bright that they could light up a pitch dark room. The second thing you noticed about him was the mohawk that was on the top of his head. You hadn’t seen one of those haircuts in years. 
“I thought they left those in the 80s.” You softly joked, making the Scottish man laugh. 
“Oi, don’t dish the ‘hawk till you try it.” The man laughed, running his fingers through it. 
You laugh in response, clearly getting the vibe that he is a jokester. 
“What’s a pretty lad like youself doing crying at a bar at this hour?” The man asked. 
Right away you could tell he was asking out of genuineness and not trying to hit on you, despite having a hard time understanding what he was saying. 
“My boyfriend being an asshole.” 
“That bloat that walked away to flirt with another woman?” 
You nodded, confirming that it was indeed him. 
“Bloody wanker he is.” 
You couldn’t help but snort at the insult the Scottish man spoke. 
“I’m sorry I don’t mean to laugh.” You apologize to the man, hoping he didn’t find any kind of offense. 
“Whatever makes you show that pretty smile of yours, lass.” 
You could hear Johnny chuckling over the phone at your bad impression of him. Normally he would be mad at anyone that mocked his accent, but he didn’t mind that you did it. The rest of the phone call was just you both messing with each other until Johnny had to go. 
“I’ll be home soon, ya?” 
“Okay Johnny. I love you.” 
“I love you too. My Bonnie.” 
You hated hearing that droning beeping noise that came after he hung up. You just wanted him by your side again. You and Johnny have been together for three years now and while you don’t want to rush him, you really, really wanted to tie the knot with him, especially in his line of work. Even though he reassures me that he is fine and while he does sometimes come home with injuries he didn’t leave home with, it just scares you to death that instead of Johnny coming home, it will be his comrade Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley, telling you that Johnny was KIA. You know that he does a great job in what he does and he is one of the greatest fighters out there, but you just wanted him. Little did you know that right now in this very moment that Johnny was in fact in town. You just didn’t know it yet. 
“Yeah, that one right ‘here.” Johnny spoke to the counter person. 
The person behind the counter grabbed the piece Johnny pointed out and made sure it was the right one. Johnny had never bluntly asked you what you liked, just observed you enough to know what you liked and didn’t like. He’d rather do that than ruin the surprise he had waiting for you. He still had a few more stops to make before he could make it home to you. 
Back at home, you were doing the dishes when you heard your phone peep. You quickly dried your hands to see what it was. It was a text from Johnny. You opened it up to see it was a landscape photo of the mountains. You figured he took it to show you, for you had a fond love for beautiful landscapes. 
“You on a stakeout? Beautiful picture.” You text him back, not expecting a response back. 
“Not as beautiful as you, Bonnie. But yes I am. I had to snap that for you real quick.” Johnny quickly texted back, lying through the phone screen. 
His plan was going according to plan, he just had to keep up with the lie a little while longer. You smiled at his text, totally believing what he was saying. He was completely blindslinding you, but in a good way. As the potent vanilla scent grew stronger, so did your emotions. You really missed Johnny, more than ever. You know he loves his job, but you secretly wished he didn’t have it. If he didn’t have that military job, y’all would be able to spend all the time in world with each other, do renovations around the place, and even start a family together. You both have talked about children and Johnny is always over the moon when that topic gets brought up. It just would be hard with the job he has right now. Of course, you care about his feelings so you never would say that outloud. It was selfish to think that way. He does lots of good for the world and makes sure you’re safe at home. But some days, you would prefer if the world was burning down in flames but you two be together. Just the two of you against the world. 
“I miss you, Johnny. I miss you so much that I could cry. I miss your warmth in our bed and everytime I smell vanilla, it makes me think of you. I just wish you were home right now.” 
You knew he wouldn’t be able to respond right away but you just had to get your feelings out there. You could feel the tears start rushing down your face as the message was delivered. You sat your phone down, held yourself and sat on the floor. You’ve never felt this sad in a long, long time. The last time was when your ex boyfriend hit you to the point of falling on the ground. Johnny immediately came to your rescue upon hearing your screams over the phone. Johnny could’ve killed your ex that day, but he didn’t. He only didn’t because he wanted to be with you and he can’t do that if he is in jail, even though ‘the bloody wanker deserves it.’ Meanwhile, while at the florist shop, Johnny saw your text and felt his heart break a little reading it. He understood your pain and how you felt. Little did he know what he had planned for you at this very moment. 
“I know, love and I am sorry. But I promise when I come back home, things will be different. I can’t talk right now, but I promise it will be.” 
Johnny hit send and placed his phone in his pocket, to quickly hurry home to you. You read the text the second your phone dinged. You wondered what Johnny meant by that. Your head was racing of what he could mean, but none of it made sense. Not wanting to bother him anymore, you just read it and shut your phone off. You did your calming breaths that Johnny would make you do when you were overwhelmed or upset. It works like a charm every single time. 
“You’re okay, Bonnie, you’re okay.” You spoke to yourself with the nickname Johnny gifted you. 
You might as well change your name legally to Bonnie for he seems to call you that one more than your real name but you didn’t mind it. Not one bit. You decided instead of sitting down and moping around, you would get up and knit and craft some gloves for Johnny to wear. During missions, you have taken up on the art of crafting and then indulged into stuff Johnny could wear that would be appropriate for work, but also have a piece of you and home with him at all times. Last time, you were able to make some socks that had Scotland’s flag colors on it. He loved them so much and he was wearing them when he left home a month ago. You just hoped they brought him some kind comfort like they did to you when he wore them. You got all of your crafts together, got onto the living room couch with some wine, and turned on the tv to you and Johnny’s favorite show: Masterchef. You had no idea the Scottish man had a niche for cooking competitions, let alone cooking in general but he did and he loved cooking with you especially. 
“Now why in the fuck would you combine goat cheese with apple pie filling? Sounds disgusting.” Johnny commented at one of the contestants. 
You giggled in response, half paying attention to the TV due to you crafting something. 
“You should enter in the show if you think you're better than everyone else.” You remarked. 
“Bloody hell, no I could never. All them females be flirting with me nonstop. It gets so tirin’ telling people you’re taken ya know?” 
You rolled your eyes at Johnny’s comment. 
“Just keep boosting your ego, MacTavish.” You retort back in a joking matter. 
You were currently rewatching an old season, for you don’t like to watch anything new without Johnny. He always insists that you can, as long as you don’t spoil anything, but watching shows was y’alls thing that y’all can’t do separately. You were measuring out leather that would match Johnny’s hand measurements and cutting them out, putting them to the side. The wine you had on the tableside next to you was a Saint Marc Merlot that Johnny got you when he was last stationed in his home country. It's a delicious wine but you only had it every once in a while since it was a wine you can only buy in Scotland. Johnny has promised you that one day he will take you up to his home country one day. He swears you will love it. And you cannot wait for that day to come. Johnny has never broken a promise to you so you know it will happen soon. The vanilla candle you lit earlier was burning down low so you knew you were going to have to blow it out soon. Don’t want to burn the house down before Johnny gets back. Finding a good stopping point, you sat the leather gloves down to the side and walked up to the candle. You hesitated on blowing it out. You know you have to, but that lingering, lonely feeling came back to mind. The vanilla scent comforts you yet hurts you cause it makes you think of Johnny. You loved him so much that it hurts. But he said things would be different when he came home and you can only hope it’s the thing you’ve been secretly wanting to happen. But again, you never would say that outloud. Feeling content with yourself, you leaned, sucked a deep breath in, and-
You quickly leaned back and stared at your front door. You weren’t expecting anyone and Johnny certainly didn’t tell you he would be coming home. Unless it’s…
No, don't think that way. Just see who it is right now. For all you know it could be the damn mail delivery driver. You gathered up your emotions and walked to the front door, swinging it open. 
“Hello, my love.” 
Johnny was standing there at your front door, holding a bouquet of flowers, with a gift bag hanging off of his arm. Your heart started racing and the tears fell down your face. You did not expect the love of your life to be standing there at your doorway. You were totally surprised. 
“Johnny, you absolute cunt.” You cursed at him as you wrapped your arms around him, squeezing him into a hug and your tears staining his chest. 
Johnny laughed at you cursing at him, even though that meant you were just really happy to see him. 
“My sweet, sweet Bonnie. You really did miss meh.” Johnny said, placing a kiss on the top of your head. 
Without hesitation, you placed a deep kiss on his lips. Johnny kissed back and even snuck a nibble on your bottom lip. 
“You jerk.” 
“Aye! You’re the one whose been teasin’ me to hell and back.” Johnny remarked, referring to the picture you sent of yourself to him. 
You giggled innocently, just happy he was here in the flesh. 
“Come in.” You led Johnny inside and shut the front door behind him. 
“What’s all this?” You referenced the stuff he was holding. 
“I can’t surprise me lady?” 
“Of course you can, you know me.” You say. 
Johnny handed you the bouquet of flowers, which was a mix of all of your favorite flowers. You turned around and walked to the kitchen to find a vase to put the flowers in. From the kitchen, the living room was blocked from view but you figured Johnny was just relaxing after coming home from his mission. 
“How was your leave?” You ask. 
“Aye, could’ve been better but Simon was actually in a decent mood the whole time.” Johnny spoke back to you. 
Johnny has told you enough about Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley to know that he prefers working alone and yet he and Johnny work so well together and seem to be getting closer with each mission they have together. While you know Johnny loves you and always loves spending time with you, you are happy to hear that Johnny is starting to get a close guy friend. 
“That’s good, that’s good.” You say as you put the flowers into the vase full of water you had. 
You then sat the vase of flowers in the kitchen window so it could get some sun, turned around and headed back into the living room to find Johnny down on his knees, holding something in his hand. 
“J-Johnny.” You stuttered out, completely shocked by the sight you were seeing unfold in front of you. 
“My sweet. You are the most beautiful, most kind, most carin’ lass I have ever been with in my life. I know that I want to spend the rest of me life with you. So now, I gotta ask,” Johnny started as he opened up the little box he had in his hand to reveal a beautiful ring, “will you marry me?” 
The pent up tears and emotions finally came out, but for a different reason. Johnny ‘Soap’ MacTavish was asking you to marry him. 
“Oh my god..” You croaked out, barely able to get your ‘Yes’ out. 
“Soo, is that a yes?” 
“Yes, of course you damn idiot.” You said as you jumped onto him, hugging him tightly. 
Johnny fell onto the ground on his back, while keeping hold of the ring, and holding you tightly. 
“I love you, Johnny.” 
“I love ya too, Bonnie.” Johnny said it back, “there’s another thing too.” 
“W-What?” You ask, pulling back. 
“We will finally be able to start the life that you want.” 
“You..You mean?” 
“I am a retired man, love.” 
You squealed in excitement as you hugged Johnny tightly once more, happy to hear what he told you. This was truly the start of your new life together. 
“I can’t wait to be a MacTavish.” 
“And I can’t wait till I make you mine forever.” Johnny said. 
“You already do that in bed.” You remark, making Johnny’s face flush red. 
“Away ‘n bile your head.” Johnny joked, planting a kiss on your lips. 
This was truly the fantasy fairytale love life that people have written about for many many years and it’s all thanks to Johnny MacTavish. 
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nickfowlerrr · 2 years
Prompt: How would pwyc bucky handle another woman shamelessly flirting with him in front of reader (who becomes seething with jealousy!). Wanting to put reader’s mind at ease but also somewhat enjoying her possessive and jealous behaviour over him as it makes him feel wanted?
angel in hiding. devil in disguise.
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pwyc series masterlist
pairing: pwyc!bucky x curvy!reader
warnings: 18+ ONLY. fingering. pet names. jealousy (duh). if i’m missing something important pls let me know.
words: 3.3k
notes: i swear i tried to finish this before halloween lmao. also - no clue how to play pool so idk what i wrote 💀. thank you so much for sending this in, anon! sorry it took literally months for me to actually write it but i hope you enjoy. also i’m considering rewriting this prompt with a bit more angst so if that’s something anyone’d like to see pls let me know. anyway, thank you for reading! 🖤
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The costume was a tight fit to say the least. It hugged your body and showed off your figure more than you knew would be possible, but you shouldn’t have expected anything less from a costume Bucky had chosen. You really didn’t want to even show up tonight, but he insisted. When you tried to get out of it by telling him you didn’t have a costume, he smirked and before he said a word, you knew he had planned for this conversation before he even got home.
“It’s a Monday night, Buck,” you complained.
“And? What exactly do you have going on tomorrow that you can’t stay out late?”
“That’s not the point,” you tried to evade his question.
“You’re coming. Whether you like it or not. It’ll be fun,” he smirked before he handed you the bag that held the dress and accessories he picked up. “We’re leaving at 8.”
He left, giving you no room to object any further. Not that it would have done you any good if you had. You bit your lip as you worried.
All you could think about while you were getting ready was the last time you had dressed up and gone out for halloween. You had been publicly humiliated and left the bar in tears. As you stared at yourself in the mirror, it was like you could hear the taunting laughter from the memory echoing in your mind. You tore your gaze away from your reflection and quickly wiped at your teary eyes when Bucky knocked on the door.
“I’m almost done,” you said, irritated.
“You okay?” he asked, sounding worried while he ignored your attitude.
“‘M fine. I’ll be out in a second,” you responded, once again eyeing yourself in the mirror. You knew he knew what you were feeling, so what was the point of telling him. He could piece it together himself. You fixed your makeup quickly and made sure your hair was how you wanted it. There was no sense in nitpicking the costume, you had no other options anyway. You opened the door in a huff and looked exhaustedly at Bucky who was dressed as a devil. He smirked widely the second he took you in, eyes scanning you up and down before he walked closer. His hands smoothed along your curves - from your waist down your wide set hips where they settled before he pulled you closer.
“An absolute angel,” he simpered while his wandering hands found your ass, squeezing firmly and eliciting a little gasp from you.
“An angel and a devil..it’s a little on the nose, don’t you think?” you asked with a raised brow.
“What better duo than that?” he responded. “You look fucking gorgeous, sweetheart,” he complimented again, his hands beginning to wander even further.
“Okay,” you stressed, stopping his hand from creeping under the hem of your dress. “I’m still not happy about this, and youre not gonna distract me with compliments or sex,” you accused. “Let’s go.”
“That’s the spirit,” he joked.
“Come on, the sooner we get there, the sooner we leave,” you said, trying to push him backwards to the door.
“How much of a difference does 15 minutes make?” he said, voice low as he eyed you, his body not budging an inch despite your effort.
“You get me out of there by 11 and you’ll have a lot more than 15 minutes,” you bribed.
“Deal,” he grinned, leaning down to kiss you, rough at first before he slowed down and softened his lips against yours, savoring the taste of your lips on his.
You pulled away nearly out of breath when he took your hand and started for the door.
You don’t know what had gotten into you, but the visceral jealousy coursing through your body was making you sick. You had gotten to the bar an hour and a half ago, greeted by everyone in the club and quite a few of their significant others. There were a handful of groups of college students and a few groups of your average joe’s just hanging around, too, nearly everyone in costume. Bucky had led you to the back right away, the area reserved for him. It was less rowdy and you were happy to see some familiar faces around the table when you got there.
“Hot!” Kate yelled when she saw you, pulling you in for a hug. You could smell the tequila on her when she did.
“Are you seriously drunk already?” you questioned when you pulled away, only receiving a giggle before she laughed loudly. Near maniacal.
“It’s Halloween!”
She saw Peter passing and spun to follow him, loudly shouting, “How’d it go? She give you her number?”
You couldn’t help but laugh at her obnoxiousness and the blush lighting up Peter’s face when she said it, shushing her as she got near.
Bucky was at the bar getting a beer for himself and a ginger ale for you, but after a few minutes went by and he hadn’t returned you decided to go meet him.
When you walked up to the bar, you saw him sitting on one of the stools as a tall blonde leaned over the bar while she spoke to him. You were never a jealous person. But she was just a little too close and she was talking for a little too long. You were noticeably bothered by it as Yelena came up beside you.
“She’s been hitting on him since the moment he got there,” she told you matter of factly, accent made thicker with the vodka in her bloodstream. You turned ever so slightly to look at her before you returned your gaze to the slender girl still blabbering on about who knows what.
“Really?” you asked.
“Why would I lie?” she returned, letting you know how stupid she thought your question was. “Yes, really.”
Just then you saw Jack bring a slim glass of ginger ale to Bucky who took it with a “thanks”. As he was getting up to walk away, the blonde reached out and put her hand on his bicep, stopping him for a moment. You couldn’t see his face, but you could see her clearly. The sickly sweet smile she gave him accompanied by a giggle as she squeezed him ever so slightly had you gritting your teeth. Your eyes were narrowed in on her every move before Bucky finally turned around. He saw you instantly and cursed under his breath as he approached you. “Hell, sweetheart, did I tell you how fucking good you look in white?” He extended your drink to you with an awed smile and you took it without a word before you spun around and walked back to the table you’d been at previously.
“Sweetheart,” he said as he followed behind you.
When you got to the back, you sat at the empty booth off to the side, Bucky sliding in across from you.
“Something the matter, angel?” he asked, though he certainly knew there was.
“What was that?” you asked, annoyance clear in your voice.
He raised a brow as he watched you, something akin to amusement playing in his eyes.
“Don’t tell me you’re jealous,” he started playfully before you shot him a glare.
“Do you think this is funny?” you asked, irritated.
“Honestly, sweetheart? Yeah, I kind of do.”
You scoffed and made to get up before his hands caught yours and stopped you.
“Baby, come on,” he laughed, “you’re my soulmate. What the hell do you have to be jealous of? There’s no one else in the world I want aside from you.”
“Smooth talking isn’t gonna get you anywhere, Barnes.”
“Are you seriously mad at me? Or are you just trying to find a reason to leave early?”
“If you really don’t see an issue here, I honestly don’t know what to say to you.”
“Baby -” he began again.
“Don’t ‘baby’ me right now,” you said harshly, cutting him off. “Soulmate or not, it doesn’t exactly make me feel good when I see someone shamelessly flirting with you at a bar. Imagine how you’d feel. You’d flip the fuck out.”
He stood from his seat with a sigh and slid into your side of the booth. He turned your face to his and made sure you were looking him in his eye when he spoke.
“You’re right, I would. I guess I never thought you’d feel the same way if the roles were reversed, though. Didn’t think you’d ever get so possessive over me,” he smirked. “I gotta say, it makes me feel pretty good. But I am sorry it upset you. Even though I wasn’t really listening to anything she was saying and I didn’t give her any reason to think I was interested in the slightest,” he trailed.
“Why’d she grab your arm?” you pointed out.
“She asked if it was actually metal. I said yes. She grabbed me as I turned to leave and laughed asking if I could feel it. I said no and asked her to remove her hand and she did and then I turned around to see this stunning angel with eyes for me only and I followed her to the back of the bar. Let her really give it to me,” he joked lightly, his voice tapered off just slightly as he leaned closer and took your lips in his for a soft kiss. “Seriously, though, sweetheart. You have no idea how good it feels to know you were jealous over me,” he simpered in your ear. “Maybe I can show you,” he purred. You had to take a sobering breath as you pulled away from him.
“Maybe you can keep it in your pants for another hour,” you shot back.
Bucky chuckled under his breath as he let up.
“Fine,” he said, hands up as he left the booth. “I can be patient.”
An hour later you found yourself counting down the minutes before the clock hit eleven. You’d had a good time and weren’t totally regretting coming but your social battery was now depleted. All you wanted to do was go home. Bucky promised you’d leave after one more game of pool with the guys and you relented your complaints for the time being. He offered to show you how to play finally, but you declined. Yelena and Kate were well past drunk and you figured you’d spend the rest of your time waiting to leave listening to them talk absolute shit about everyone and anyone who passed by. It was ridiculous and they were so catty, but it was also hilarious and kept your attention from the blondie over at the bar who kept eyeing the pool table every other minute.
You knew, logically, you had nothing to worry about. But something deep inside you was on edge. Just waiting for her to try and approach Bucky again. You wouldn’t just stand by and watch this time if she did. The feeling was so foreign but so based. Bucky was yours and you’d make sure she knew it if you had to.
Not five minutes later, just like you knew she would, you watched her coming around the bar and head straight for the pool area. You were closer than she was and got up the second you noticed, walking right to Bucky. He was standing to the side of the table with one hand holding his cue up as he watched Steve line up his shot. You came right up beside him and put your arm through his free one as you leaned into his side. He looked down at you with a raised brow and you saw the quirk of his lip as he watched you lean your head against his arm.
“We’re almost done, princess,” he told you, wanting to assure you before you started complaining again. “We’ll leave soon.”
“Whenever you’re ready,” you said, taking him by surprise. But when he saw the blonde bartender from earlier, he quickly caught on to why you were being so clingy all of a sudden.
He breathed a laugh as he shook his head. “You’re really on alert tonight, aren’t you,” he smirked.
“Apparently I have to be,” you responded. “She’s been staring at you from the bar since you guys walked over here.”
Just as you finished, the girl made her way to you and Bucky after asking the rest of the guys if they needed anything. She paid absolutely no attention to you as she addressed Bucky.
“Need a drink, honey?” she asked sultrily while you burned a hole through her with your stare.
Sensing your aggravation, Bucky pulled his arm from your hold and instead wrapped it around you, pulling you further into his side while his hand laid on your hip.
“I’m fine, thanks,” he responded.
“You’re up Buck,” Sam said, pulling your attention across the table.
“Oh, I definitely wanna see this,” the girl simpered. “You’ve gotta be good,” she said, trying to talk to him. You couldn’t help the dirty look you shot her, it was almost like it wasn’t you. It was just your immediate reaction. She paid you no mind, though as her eyes were locked on Bucky.
As he moved his arm from around you and made to move around the table to line up his shot, your body and tongue seemed to move before your mind did. You grabbed his hand and pressed yourself to him again, “I changed my mind,” you said. “I wanna learn.”
“Of course you do,” he said quietly to you as he smirked, a sense of pride coming over him. Seeing you so territorial and jealous was really getting to him. He felt damn near giddy. Though of course he wanted to ease your mind, he also knew words alone wouldn’t cut it. He’d let you do whatever you wanted at this point. Hell, he’d get down on his knees right here and now if you asked him to, to show everyone that he belonged to you just as much as you belonged to him.
He could feel eyes on both of you, not just from the bartender, but from others all around the bar, too. And he was more than ready to let you put on a show. He gently led you to lean over the table to help you line up the shot properly while he stood directly behind you, enjoying the way the short hem of the stark white dress was riding up your thick thighs as you bent over provocatively. His hand shot to your waist as you wiggled your ass back ever so slightly against him. You bit back your smile as he gripped you just a bit tighter before he came over and really helped you line it up, explaining what you were aiming for and what balls you were trying to avoid sinking. You weren’t really paying attention, though. You were just enjoying the weight of the blonde girl's gaze on you as she watched, nothing short of bitter.
Bucky helped you make your shot and when you sunk the last ball he needed to win, he pulled you into him from behind while he celebrated with cheers and Steve and Sam cursed at their losses. Bucky’s arms wrapped around your middle as he kissed your face while you smiled. His face nuzzled into your neck as he left kisses there, too.
“I told you, sweetheart, no better duo than us,” he smirked. “I’m gonna close out then we’ll leave,” he told you. “How’s it feel to lose to someone who’s never played pool a day in their life? Either she’s a natural or you two just suck that fuckin’ badly,” he taunted his friends as you walked to the table Yelena and Kate were still at to grab your purse you had left with them. You had to pass the blonde to get there and as you did, you stopped to look at her, your gaze meeting hers. “Was he as good as you thought he’d be?” you asked innocently enough.
She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. She looked you up and down before she huffed and blinked away. “I’m not sure what you’re talking about,” she denied. “I have some tables to tend to,” she continued, avoiding you now.
“Of course,” you agreed, watching her turn around and walk to the other end of the bar without looking back. Bucky was at your side not a moment later.
“Ready?” he asked. You got your purse from the table and said goodnight to Yelena and Kate before you headed out of the bar for the night.
“So,” Bucky started. “Was that as terrible as you thought it’d be?”
“Hm,” you hummed. “Could’ve been worse,” you allowed with a shrug as you walked to Bucky’s rarely used car.
“I’ll take it,” he laughed.
“What time is it?” you asked as you leaned into his side once again.
“Looks like you kept your end of the deal,” you alluded, eyeing him as you approached the sleek black car. He smirked at that before he opened the door for you, guiding you in.
“Looks like,” he returned before he shut the door for you, walking around the hood to get in himself. Once he was seated, he started the car before he turned to you.
“And when we get home it's your turn,” he said headily as his right hand landed on your thigh, squeezing the soft ample flesh before he ran his hand over your skin, goosebumps rising at his touch as he got closer to your inner thigh.
“Who says we have to wait until we’re home?” you breathed, your thighs spreading for him as he inched closer to your center.
“For an angel you sure are feisty tonight,” he pointed out.
“Funny, cause for a devil you’ve sure been awful sweet,”
“Oh, princess, it only gets sweeter,” he said as his fingers made their way past the material of your panties, stoking the fire that he lit in you earlier. He drove with his left hand as he pulled out onto the street, his fingers knuckle deep inside of you, moving in and out of you, your pussy wet and wanting while you mewled and writhed on the leather seat. Each twist of his fingers inside you, every curl of them against your walls brought you closer. The white heat growing in your lower belly while he played you so easily was building higher and higher until you couldn’t hold it any longer. Your thighs tensed and your eyes closed shut in pleasure as your walls squeezed his fingers still inside of you while you came.
“Holy fuck,” he groaned while his thumb stoked your clit, prolonging your orgasm. “Feel good, princess? You’re clamped down on my fingers like you don’t want me to stop.”
You only moaned in response while he continued working you on his fingers, showing no signs of letting up anytime soon.
“Don’t worry, pretty girl. I’m not gonna stop. We’re gonna see how many times I can make you come on my fingers before we get home. And then the real fun begins,” he purred lowly. All you could do was mewl in response, back arching as he found the spot he was looking for.
“There it is,” he grinned. Your gasp turned into a moan as he rubbed against it repeatedly, bringing you close to your second orgasm already. You knew you’d be an overstimulated mess by the time you got home, but it felt so good you couldn’t bring yourself to care. When his thumb found your clit again, you were done for, panting his name as he worked you faster, his touch firm and titillating.
“That’s my good girl,” he praised as you came undone again. “You’re a literal fucking angel, sweetheart. So goddamn pretty. Especially when you look like this. So fucked out and dumb already and you’ve only had my fingers. Can’t wait to see you squirm on my cock.”
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stvrdrops · 1 year
star like you pt 1 | pt 2 ☆ shuri x fem!reader (fame au)
you’re a superstar and she’s your producer. when you collide together again for the first time in a while since your listening party the two of you feel a spark. 
warnings : i don’t think there are any!
word count : 2.9k+
note : hi !! this is basically my return to tumblr. i took such a long break because honestly my fixation on shuri ended and i lost a lot of my motivation. i also was figuring out a lot of college stuff and working on larger projects for my career. i didn’t want to push out mediocre content just to keep up with my posting, y'all don’t deserve that! this will be a series i plan on completing. it has a playlist attached in my masterlist but the song popular by the weeknd kinda sets up for how the story is gonna play out. so i would suggest listening to that one as you read. i hope you enjoy this ! ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
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“so.. what’s your name?” the man who approached you says with a nervous grin spreading across his face. it had been covered in sweat which made you guess two things. either he felt really hot in his navy blue suit, or he was entirely too nervous to be approaching you right now. you presumed it was the second option. this was only because just a few moments earlier you saw him chatting with his friends and how they would always look back at you.
you chuckle, “i’d rather you just ask me for the picture already, rather than play dumb about not knowing who i am.”
you turn your body to him, giving him your full attention. you watch as his eyes grow wide and he begins to play with his collar, as if it’s suffocating him. his sweat droplets glide down his forehead and absorb into his full eyebrows. you think it’s amusing, because you know he doesn’t just want a photo. he wants something much more.
“i’m sorry.”
“it’s fine.” you set your glass down, “so do you want the picture or not?”
“uh, yeah sure. i guess.” he says while fumbling to pull out his phone. you glance over to his buddies to see them with wide grins, so you decide to play along. you take his phone, brushing ever so slightly against his rough hands with your soft fingers. it leaves a trail of goosebumps rising against his skin that is hidden underneath the suit. 
“get in the frame.” you say as you focus the camera mainly on you. that was just how you liked it, having all the attention on you. you weren’t sure how you would’ve lived any other lifestyle than the one you’re living right now. best selling new album, grammy nomination number three with one win already under your belt, sold out tour for next year, and all while you were just twenty. should you have been drinking a martini? not legally. however, the bartender was more than willing to move around the rules a little bit if he heard who track seven was written about.
he shuffles closer to you, the only thing keeping him from moving any closer is the aura you omit. he knew you weren’t on his level, especially because he was just some niche internet celebrity that only the incels of twitter knew about. you weren’t even sure how he made it into this exclusive bar.
the camera from the phone clicks and your toothy smile turns into one that shows annoyance. you hand the phone back and watch as his face is stuck in embarrassment. you soooo got off on that.
“hope you have a nice night.”
“y-yeah, you too...”
he shuffles away and you watch as he keeps his head held down low. he passes by his friends who all try to congratulate him upon his arrival back, thinking something entirely different took place during the interaction. he just walks right past them and towards the exit of the bar. 
you turn your body back towards the bar and look back down at your glass. your acrylic nails play around with the olives at the bottom of the near empty drink. you hadn’t had a real motive for going to the bar. really you just wanted to escape your manager for a second and have a night out to yourself for once. living the socialite lifestyle meant you were hardly ever alone. your assistant stayed up your ass constantly and even lived in your guest house back at home in L.A.. you had to go out to places almost every night whether it be restaurants or brand launches with friends to keep up with the life that young girls only dreamt of. which, you loved it, but you also liked your own company a lot more than anyone else’s.
“here you are.” the bartender says, winking as he slides you another martini.
“who bought me this one?” you ask, considering you’ve been receiving drinks all night. to be specific, this was your seventh one. usually guys would send over fruity shots, which is what they expected you to drink. luckily you had a group of girls celebrating a bachelorette party right beside you. you had been giving them all of your drinks which they greatly appreciated. 
this time the drink had been a martini. the exact same way you had been getting them all night. how thoughtful.
“cutie at the end of the bar. she said she knew you.”
your eyes glance over in the direction of where the bartender’s hand subtly points to. sure enough you saw the girl he had been referring to. she knew you, and you did know her. she was one of the producers on your new album. she’s up and coming and you knew you had to be one of the first to brag about working with her. sure enough the song was a hit and even one of the tracks off the album being put up for grammy nominations. 
despite all that, you two had never actually met until your album release party. every conversation before that had been done on the phone since she wasn’t living in the U.S. at the time. it was safe to say you were surprised she was here in new york. even more surprised that she ended up at the same bar as you, on the same night, at the same time. you would say it’s fate. she would say she saw the paparazzi pictures of you entering the bar and she just happened to be in a hotel a couple blocks down. nothing an uber ride couldn’t fix.
she waves to you and flashes a smile. her pearly white teeth sparkle against her darker skin. you smile back, giving a little wave as well. she looked cute in her sleeveless shirt and dark green dress pants. Which you only saw due to her standing against the wall near the bar. the rest of the seats were taken, so she waited the long game and decided to stand until she made her move. her hair had been freshly faded and she had added a few more tattoos onto herself since the last time you two were together. you were unsure how you saw them despite the dim lighting, but you were just staring too hard to not notice. 
you felt a bit overdressed in your vivienne westwood dress that accentuated your chest and sat high on your thighs. it wasn’t anything too fancy, but the black kiki marc jacobs boots you were wearing were anything but casual. 
“oh yeah? tell her to come over.” you say back to him, and he gives you a look. “don’t worry i’ll tip you well.”
he smiles and walks away from you to the other side of the bar. you can’t see his lips moving, but you can tell they are because now she’s looking at him instead of you. then she looks at you, as if wanting you to say the words yourself. so you do, in a glance and a quick nod. her white teeth flash again when she smiles. she grabs her glass from the counter, filled with some type of expensive scotch. she had actually been old enough to drink, her being two years your senior.
your eyes trailed her as she made her way around. people crowded your vision of her every so often as they conversed with those around them, swiveling in their bar chairs. 
“hi.” she finally says when she’s standing in front of you, looking even better up close.
“hi.” you say back as you take her in.
“mind if i sit?”
“not at all.”
share slides so easily into the seat with this energy that makes your stomach suddenly feel fuzzy.
“how’ve you been?” she asks.
“good, yourself?” you ask in return, your fingers trailing themselves around the rim of her glass. she glances at the action out of the corner of her eye.
“i mean, a lot has changed. good change though, all thanks to your album. let’s just say i won't be out of a job anytime soon.”
you laugh, “so is this drink a thank you?”
“you could say that. it’s also just a kind gesture. i saw that guy bothering you earlier.”
“bothering isn’t the right word choice. he was harmless really.” you take a sip of the martini, “besides, i know how to handle myself.”
shuri stares at you for a moment, entranced by your being. her hands are resting on her lap but they ache to reach out for your exposed skin. ever since the album party she couldn’t help but think about you. work crushes were extremely unprofessional and she prided herself on never mixing pleasure with business. you were just that one exception for her and it made her head spin.
that night at the party you had barely even talked to her, but she watched everything you did. which, she would be surprised if anyone had not been watching you that night. the party was all about you. granted, it was partly about shuri too considering she had collaborated on it. she was nice to the people who came up to her and congratulated her work. she watched as you did the same thing.
she barely got the chance to talk to you, so the fact she was talking to you now made her feel like it may be one of the last convenient chances she gets. 
“do you turn down everyone who tries to flirt with you?”
“i’m not turning you down am i?” you ask her, moving your eyes from your glass to her. “why do you ask?”
shuri felt like she was caught, “i saw you do it at the party. i saw you do it tonight. i never see any media covering any dating stories with you so i’m just tryna see what the deal is.”
you raise your eyebrow, “so you’re trying to see if i’m fair game.”
shuri smiles again, this time it looks shy and innocent. it makes you swoon a little.
“yeah i guess you could say that.”
you can’t help but cling onto every word that she says because of her wakandan accent. it was so sexy the way she made every word sound so much more special than it really was. it had been sexy when you heard it over the phone and at the party, but it felt somewhat different this time. 
“what time is it?” you ask her, which catches shuri by surprise.
“um,” she quickly pulls her phone out of her back pocket and opens it, “eleven fifty-six.”
you sit and think for a moment. you had to be back up at five in the morning for a photoshoot but you figured it was still early enough in the night to have some fun. lucky shuri.
“okay. let’s go to wherever you’re staying at.”
shuri was shocked by your response. she knew she was attractive and had some game. however, you were a task she couldn’t even begin to imagine tackling. you were on this pedestal to the entire world that almost made it impossible to see you as a fellow human being. with your millions of followers and “i’m the shit” mentality it made you intimidating. you were the prize and shuri had her eyes on you.
“okay, yeah. i’ll get us an uber.” shuri says while searching through her phone for the app. “it says it will be here in ten minutes.” 
“cool, we can wait by the entrance.”
you get up from your chair and throw down a couple fifties. your drinks didn’t cost much but you did say you’d tip well.
shuri follows behind you like a lost puppy which makes her feel some kind of way. she wasn’t used to being the follower or the less dominant one. all you ever oozed was dominance and control. she was desperate to break that wall down and see what you were really like beneath it all. no one is ever that composed. 
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“so,” shuri starts as she leans against the wall next to the entrance, “what have you been up to since the album release?”
you can’t help but laugh, “everything i’ve been up to is posted on my socials.”
“oh, i know.” shuri checks her phone, “aren’t you going to ask what i’ve been up to?”
you hum, “shuri, what have you been up to?”
“nothing much. just done a lot of work producing wise. i’ve been attending a lot of events of my own recently.”
 “i saw on your insta. i’m glad you were able to find a free night.” you stare into her dark brown eyes.
“yeah, me too.”
a silence consumes the two of you despite all the talking and low music filling the room. you’d never quite felt like this with anyone before. this feeling of being okay with being around someone other than yourself. shuri could sense you weren’t a person who let their exterior down easily. not your real one anyway. the wakandan knew she had a huge task ahead of her, and she knew she wouldn’t be able to do it all in one night. however, she knew you were feeling her, and that was good enough.
everything was going great as she continued to get closer to you with every slight step. she figured it was good for her to get closer since you weren’t telling her to stop. it wasn’t like she made the distance closing unobvious. then, of course, her phone went off.
“the uber is here.” shuri says while turning her phone off and looking back up at you.
“are you ready?” you ask her.
“yeah?” shuri says with curiosity. why wouldn’t she be?
“no, i mean are you ready?” you ask again while looking outside of the window closest to you both. shuri follows your gaze and notices all of the people outside readying their large cameras. now she knows what you meant. once pictures hit the media of you two in date outfits and getting into the same car meant all hell would break loose. 
“are you ready?” shuri can’t help but ask. she was concerned about how much you’d have to deal with when the morning came. you were the shooting star and she was simply the sky that surrounded you. the attention would be on you, not her.
“i’m always ready.” you say while smiling and grabbing her hand. it made her eyes widen and she could feel the heat spreading across her soft face.
your feet pick up sooner than her own, so for the first couple steps you’re practically dragging her along. shuri eventually picks up the pace at the right time. she can see the paparazzi positioning their cameras on you and her before you’ve even exited the building. 
“open the door for me.” you say under your breath as you finally make it to the big glass doors. shuri very quickly follows your command and it makes you smile.
voices begin to flood the entire entrance area, and they're all shouting for you. 
“put your arm around my waist.”
shuri nods and does just that, confused by your motives.
you both begin walking down the sidewalk to the uber that seemingly couldn’t park any closer. clicks and flashes of light cloud your vision and ears but you were used to it. you hardly ever blinked anymore when one of them went right off in your face. however, shuri was struggling to make her way through it all. she wasn’t used to so many photos begin taken of her at once. she was someone who stayed in the background, never front and center.
“y/n, are you two an item?”
“maybe!” you answer with a soft, girl next door smile. you had been practicing it since you first got big.
“shuri! was this a date?” one of them asks as they shove a camera into her face. it was none other than tmz.
“well, um...” she fumbles to find the right words, afraid she may say the wrong thing and ruin her chances with you.
“it was a catch up. shuri produced one of the singles on my new album. you should def go and stream it!” you say, quickly recovering the conversation and making sure the camera grabs your good side. shuri is impressed by how good you were at giving the media not what they want, but just what they need.
“is her arm not around your waist? seems pretty romantic to me.”
“she’s making sure i don’t get lost in the crowds. besides, i don’t mind a cute girl on my hip.”
that part made her catch her breath a little. it was as if her heart stopped beating for a second and then continued on. especially when you looked up at her with sparkling eyes.
“sorry guys, we’ve gotta go.” shuri says when she realizes that you’ve both finally reached the car.
the paparazzi continued to take photos of the two of you as you hop into the car together. the driver doesn’t say a word. living in new york as an uber driver meant you picked quite a few celebrities. the less you talked meant a better tip.
shuri simply puts her hand on your leg, wanting to squeeze the skin beneath her fingertips. you lay your head on her shoulder, content with the touching. this was sure to be an interesting night as the two of you ached to touch one another in other ways. 
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So....the KFP4 plot huh? WHEW! I really needed DAYS to process all this & uh...I think I’m finally ready to talk about it?
Also before I start saying anything please note that I may share few more EXTRA details. Where did I get the details? Welllll? I may have cheated & decided to spoil myself a bit to get more stuff out. Although I promise I’m not gonna share any images & go deep to spoil movie. To be honest I myself only managed to get like only 5% extra details. Also reason I had to spoil myself to dig this deep by talking with the person who got this stuff personally from CinemaCon is that I’ve seen a lot posts saying most of you all have GIVEN UP on the franchise after the plot news was out. Granted some of the plot is not making sense. I myself had to read like 100x to process all in. But giving up on the franchise? I still can’t do that. KFP has a special place in my heart. I’m not saying I’m here to rescue by giving you guys hope. Instead I’d highly suggest you all to keep the expectations low....LIKE REAL LOW! The higher we’re setting the bar the more disappointing results we’re gonna get. Some things so far I found does give us a little hope of light & some are well....meh?  
So first let’s just start with the villain herself. The Chameleon. Turns Kate Mckinnon is voicing the villain & her design so far is actually not bad? So far it actually looks good. Only way I could describe her looks is that she’s giving me a bit Shen mixed with bit of Viper vibes. Elegance is the only word I can describe her. Since its only a storyboard image sadly. Its not even a concept art image. 
As for her abilities/powers! Ooooh I hate Dreamworks here for baiting us saying this Chameleon can ‘summon’ the old villains. I know they’re doing this for keeping this a surprise or something idk but whatever the CinemaCon fans saw are completely different from the whole summoning idea. Apparently turns out she IS THE ONE HERSELF who can turn into TAI LUNG, SHEN & KAI. SHE’S A SHAPESHIFTER! Which is no surprise since she is a Chameleon & they’re known for changing colors. So I really don’t see the point why Dreamworks made movie news blogs & reports saying & using the word “SUMMON” which is completely different from “Shapeshifting”? Another thing this is gonna disappoint a lot of Tia Lung, Shen & Kai fans because i’ve seen a lot over excited fans who are waiting for a rematch Especially a Po vs Tai Lung. I’m so sorry guys but these guys are not coming back. They originals are dead DEAD!
She’s also gonna shift into one of Po’s biggest challenger yet too. I’m not mentioning this one this is worth saving it for the movie or the trailer. I hope they save this surprise of the MOVIE ONLY
So far for me the villain actually does sound & look promising. Whoever came up with Chameleon shapeshifting idea is actually pretty darn smart. My only concern is that she doesn’t become one of jokester type villains since its Kate Mckinnon who’s voicing. So yeah...that’s the villain info
Now for the fox character Chen?Zhen?Zhan?Chan? LMAO y’all have no idea how many different spellings I had to come across to get this character info! The funny part is people are even changing the fox’s gender in some articles which is really weird because its Awkwafina who is gonna voice her. So far we only know that she’s gonna be shown as a thief first? And later as Po’s student? Her design? No idea. For now. 
Judging by Awkwafina’s past animated characters like Sisu & Ms Tarantula I’m assuming the character might be some playful, sneaky, childish, cunning type of a fox character since the fox is gonna be introduced first as thief? idk this is just my thoughts? Bonus if she turns out to be some annoying teenager or young adult who would try to get on Po’s nerves during their adventure.Kinda to give Po taste of his own medicine & realize how difficult it is for Shifu & Tigress who has to deal with Po’s shenanigans. 
Also I won’t be surprised if the Fox too has some very similar backstory like Po or Tigress. I’m really getting a feeling the story is gonna be about misunderstood fox who most likely could be either an orphan or abandon by family/villagers or something
Okay so now comes the plot. We all know that Po is gonna get promoted to higher master position & he has to find new Dragon Warrior...yaddy-yaddy-yadda!  Apparently their gonna show Po finding Chen/Zhen/Zhan/Chan (SOMEONE PLEASE CONFIRM WHAT’S HER REAL SPELLING!) in the museum where Po is....patrolling? (i’ll be honest this info is a little confusing because I really don’t see why Po of all people is patrolling at the museum especially since now he’s in a bigger position....like why?) So after he finds her & catches her & stuff & she tells about Chameleon & later go on this adventure (Oop! Dragon Knight plot?) to city where the Chameleon resides & here comes the typical Mike Mitchell writing. Take a wild guess what the city is gonna filled with? We had got Wolves for the Gongmen City right? Now what could be MORE DANGEROUS THAN WOLVES? Hmmmmm? Well.....
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This really reminds me of one episode in LoA where Po had to deal with his past bully which was also a BUNNY! Funny part of that episode was that even Tigress had hard time believing Po couldn’t fight his bully bunny enemy & constantly reminded Po how tiny the bunny is which pissed & offended Mantis off. Anyways back to the main topic.
Now I’m not gonna sugar coat this one. The plot STILL very much does sound very off & very animated series level of writing. Also the person has confirmed this movie is gonna have more of comedy BUT (here’s the hopeful part or at least I’m hoping) the thing is all this info is just like 10 or 20% of the plot. There could be chances that we could still get some emotional stuff since Dreamworks is known for hiding & saving the emotional stuff strictly only for the movie. Remember Puss In Boots? The trailer gives us more of action & the idea of the plot meanwhile the scenes like Puss feeling guilty about not attending his own wedding, the anxiety scene, Goldie’s wish scene & Perrito’s back story all this was saved for the movie. So yeah I am still keeping 5% hope we do get some heavy stuff especially if this movie really does turn out to be the FINAL CHAPTER. Who knows that those storyboards were only the main stuff just to give idea & furious five too MIGHT be there during the adventure but their all split up or something? Idk man I’m just saying.
Where is Shifu? Furious Five? Po’s dads? The Other Pandas? OKAY....uh...so far uh....sadly I’ve no freaking idea where the hell are Po’s dads or the pandas? I’m just gonna assume all the pandas have settled down in Valley of Peace & living regular lives. Po’s dads I’m assuming running the restaurant? There’s sadly no info on this one. Although I really wished his dads would’ve played important role in this one since its gonna be lot difficult for Po to take in his new position & to pass his Dragon Warrior title. 
As for Shifu & the Five. We are gonna get them but we’re told they’re NOT gonna be part of the adventure or what so far the storyboards was shown at Cinema Con din’t have much of them. I am still like 3% hopeful for this one since the guy mentioned these were only the boards which were shown there could be chances the changes can be made. But if the movie really is only focusing on Po, the fox & the Chameleon than I’m assuming we might get very few cut scenes of Furious Five & Shifu. Back & forth scenes like they did in KFP3. Either that or the Furious Five are having some other separate mission & hence that’s why Po decides to go solo with the fox. 
Now for the big question; Why isn’t Po giving his Dragon Warrior title to any from the Furious Five? Especially to Tigress?! OH BOY! When I came across the articles saying Po is gonna have to find new Dragon Warrior replacement my mind too immediately went on Tigress! HECK! EVEN MY MOM SAID THIS! Also I had the whole KFP1 movie flashed in front of my eyes Especially the scene of Tai Lung screaming at Shifu telling him about how he filled Tai Lung's head with Dragon Warrior dreams & trained him hard till his bones cracked & Shifu & The Furious Five being sour & bitter towards Po in beginning...I understand now...I FREAKING UNDERSTAND THE PAIN THEY WERE GOING THROUGH TO PROCESS THE FACT THAT THEY ALL TRAINED THE HELL OUT OF THEMSELVES FOR THIS DAMN TITLE EVEN GOING TO EXTEND THE GET THEIR BONES CRACKED & END UP GETTING NOTHING & instead some random noodle folk panda fell from the sky with no whatsoever kung fu skills gets the title...YUP I UNDERSTAND THE RAGE NOW. AND THIS SHIT IS HAPPENING ALL OVER AGAIN I SWEAR TO GOD THIS DRAGON WARRIOR TITLE IS SUCH A FREAKING CURSE!! GODDAMN OOGWAY!!
BUT...BUT...Here's the thing what we also see is that Five...ESPECIALLY TIGRESS never had that desperate goal for Dragon Warrior title in the first place. We all know at this point well aware that Tigress only wanted to get the Dragon Warrior title is because she wanted to make Shifu proud but after seeing Shifu finally being more compassionate and the older playful self again thanks to Po. Tigress doesn't hold that grudge or jealousy anymore towards Po. Which same goes for the five since they were already warming up towards Po before Shifu & Tigress.  
I know most of us & myself deep down all wanted Tigress to get the title since she has gone through hell the most right from her Bao Gu days but Tigress has made it very much clear that she's moved on from the whole wanting Dragon Warrior title and she's become her own warrior
Now in Tai Lung's case. Even though Tai Lung says he did all that training to make Shifu proud but it was clear that Tai Lung was already blinded & thirsty for the Dragon Warrior power the most (Thanks to Shifu). Heck! Shifu himself admits this that his pride blinded him so badly he turned Tai Lung into a monster.
So yeah I know right now we're all disappointed that Po isn't giving his title to any of the furious five but to some random fox (who is a thief...wow..nice choice Po) but let's not forget that's how even Po's story started & we'll just have to wait & watch to see Po taking Shifu's role as master & trains this fox character. 
Also I’ll make a separate post on how Chen?Zhen?Zhan?Chan? (I SERIOUSLY STILL HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HER REAL SPELLING IS) on how she could earn the Dragon Warrior title. That’s not gonna be a spoiler post that is just gonna be an analyzing post or how I can see it happening
And lastly can we trust Mike Mitchell?...OOOOOH BOY! Judging by his past projects I would say it’s a little concerning but lets not forget even Joel Crawford had made some not so very successful projects in the past as well & years later Puss In Boots 2 became one of his best & successful projects yet. I’m not so concern of Mike my main concern is what exactly happen to Jennifer Yuh Nelson for not being part of this so sudden? I remember in interview she had mentioned if she really decided to make all 6 chapters like Jeffrey Katzenberg suggested she really wanted to make a complete beautiful necklace franchise for Po’s journey! Heck to be honest the third movie itself WAS ENOUGH AS A PERFECT END TO THE CHAPTER! It really did give us a perfect trilogy I honestly don’t know why or what made them to give us fourth. This whole retiring thing & passing on torch has been a very common plot trend in most animated/anime/comic medias lately. Anyways. Too late now. Lets see how this chapter turns out.
So....uh..yeah I guess that's it? I tried my best to keep this post with some positive stuff just to you know...lighten up? The thing is we can't say much anything right now because the movie is still in beginning/mid (storyboarding) stage. Its still too early. Changes still can happen hence we cant say much yet. Jack himself mentions that its too early for the trailer. So yeah its very common at times last moments some ideas could have changes.
Only word of advice to the pandom I'm gonna give is be a little more patient. I myself needed DAYS to process & break it down. If we have waited this long we just going to have to wait a little longer. My guess on getting the first teaser we could most likely get it in... August or September (this year)? I'm calculating according to how we got Puss In Boots trailer. The trailer was released in June & the movie was released in December.
We just gonna have to play the waiting game a little long & PRAY!! LOTS & LOTS OF PRAYERS (& INNER PEACE) THIS MOVIE DOESN'T RUIN THE FRANCHISE!! That is all for now. Feel free to share your thoughts or can private DM me!
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thetragicallynerdy · 11 months
So many of your WIPs sound really intriguing but I'm gonna go with "and we will build a home from the wreckage - jim olu cowboys" (for now 😉)
Hahaha aww thanks friend!!
So this one is actually partially posted already!! It's still in my WIP folder because all of the chapters are in one big document because I'm terrible like that.
The premise is: Jim, an outlaw in ~1770s old West, is on the run from Spanish Jackie's gang after being shot. They try and break into Oluwande's barn to get shelter, and he catches them, and gives them a place to stay and heal. The town Oluwande lives near is run by notorious US Marshall Stede Bonnet and his partner, a retired Blackbeard.
If you feel like reading the two chapters that are up, it's posted here! It updates SLOWLY. Like, it's been 9 months since the last chapter.
Here's a long snippet from probably the next chapter!
And if anyone feels like dropping me an ask for the WIP folder game, my long list of WIP titles is here!
“Oh – Oluwande –" Stede gives Oluwande a smile. "Fang wants something from you. He’s in the kitchen! Go on, go on back –“
Oluwande gives them a sympathetic look, then disappears. If the suspicious timing hadn’t already set them on edge, that would have done it. They watch him head back towards the kitchen with growing apprehension. And then he’s gone, and they are alone, but for Stede and Ed.
Ducking under their hat and hunching their shoulders, Jim knocks back the rest of their whiskey and reaches for their coin purse. But Stede is already sliding into view, that too bright smile on his face.
“Jim,” he stage whispers, loud and too cheery in the quiet of the near empty saloon. “I’ve got something for you.” He sets a yellowed piece of paper on the bar in front of them, sliding it over.
They don’t need to pick it up. They already know what it is, as soon as he fucking sets it down. But they pick it up anyway, everything in them going cold, numb. They’d hoped – they’d hoped.
Jim stares down at their face, their name, the $1000 bounty. This isn’t the one from Jackie, the insultingly low one. No, this one comes from [COUNTY NAME], government certified. This one – this one they can’t run away from.
They look at Stede, then at their bounty poster. Side eye Ed, wondering how quick they can reach for their knife. If they can strike first, maybe they can be non-lethal –
“Wouldn’t do that if I were you, mate,” Ed says, voice coiled like a snake as he wipes another glass clean. “Not a good idea.”
Their hand does not shake. They nod, stare down at the poster again. “Outside, then?”
“What? No, no one’s going outside –“ Stedes smile drops. Jim can’t make sense of the upset on his face, the guilt. “This isn’t – I’m not challenging you to a dual.” He makes a weird sort of grimace at Ed. “I should’ve burned it, shouldn’t I? Oh, I thought maybe I should –“
They don’t understand. They don’t want a duel – don’t want to have to leave, don’t want to have to kill this bright and odd man, don’t want to have to ruin Oluwande’s home – but they will. They will, if they have to, so why is Stede saying no –
Oh. Oh, that’s – that’s worse.
God, they need to leave. They won’t let Stede throw them in prison, won’t let him make them rot behind bars until they finally hang –
They glance at Ed. Stede, they know they can take, with a knife or a gun or even just their bare hands. But Ed – Ed is fucking Blackbeard. And they’re good, they’re very good – but they don’t know if they can beat him. Not with a still healing wound, and not without having seen him fight. And the way he watches them now, nearly lazily, tells them it would be a terrible idea.
“Don’t think so,” Ed says, still cleaning and cleaning his glass. “Think Jim here’s the sort that needs to see it burned themselves.”
Jim grits their teeth. They’re scared, and they don’t understand, and that always makes them angry. “What the fuck are you talking about, burning it?”
“Oh – oh dear.” Stede looks dismayed. “You thought I was bringing you in, didn’t you?”
“Aren’t you?” They spit out, and they barely manage to keep the torrent of curses in.
“No,” Stede says, voice going gentle. “No, I’m not. I’m giving you your bounty poster, so you can destroy it. If new ones come in, and you’re still here – well, we can destroy those ones, too.”
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negasonicimagines · 1 month
Afraid / Part 6: A Disgusting Delight
Wade visits your past, present, and speculates on if your future should really involve him. Later, you decide to have some fun for the first time in a while.
“Wow, this is really nice. You did all this?”
“We were given a budget by the school for the operation, a stipend of sorts. Once we got set up with the computers and stealth suits, and reimbursed the school for the use of power and the internet bandwidth, we had a lot of rollover. Logan gave me creative control, of course, but it’s not like it was my money or anything.”
“Seriously, though, as grim as it sounds, have you considered doing, y’know, this? Maybe working in a funeral home or however that works? This is really- Is that Goodnight Moon?”
“Yeah, it was, um… It was his favorite. The last book I read to him, before… Y’know.”
“It was my favorite when I was a kid, too,” Wade reveals. “That’s neat, you laminated it and stuff so it doesn’t get damaged or anything.”
“Thanks,” you reply sharply. 
“It’s like you said. I should’ve been here. Go ahead and yell at me or whatever you wanna do.”
“Not here. Not in front of him,” you respond, your voice low and weak.  
“Right, of course, I’m sorry. Theodore, huh? Where’d that come from?”
“I like names with nicknames. Gives a bit of versatility, y’know? He could be Teddy with me, or his friends, but if he wanted to be more- More professional, he could-”
“You thought he might make it?” That doesn’t sound like you. Sure, you’re emotional, but there’s a certain logic to it, even if it’s twisted. You’re not unrealistic like that. 
“I hoped he would. That maybe… I mean, yours didn’t activate until you died that first time, in the fire. I knew he wouldn’t beat the cancer, but I thought maybe he would- I thought- I hoped-”
“He would come back,” Wade fills in the blank. “You thought he might come back.”
“Naive, just like Miss Frost always said.”
“No. It is not naive to have hope. To love someone and care about them. It’s not. You did what you could and gave him a better life than he could’ve ever had there. That’s not naive, that is incredible.”
“Did I give him a better life? Or did I just prolong his pain for my own selfish desire to have a family?”
“Shut up. Just- Shut up. Don’t you dare say that. You did the right thing.”
You don’t say anything, tears silently streaming down your cheeks. 
“You’re crying again,” he notices.
“I gotta get better at not doing that. I never really tried, there wasn’t a point if no one could see it,” you explain. 
“No, it’s okay. It’s good that you can cry. Lotta people like us can’t anymore. We’ve seen too much.”
You nod. 
“I think I’m ready to leave now. You can stay if you want,” you tell him. 
“No, I’ll go with you.”
“You ever gonna come back?” you ask. It’s a loaded question and he knows you know it is as you point it at him. He thinks on it, before answering:
“I don’t know if I could do it by myself. Doesn’t feel right. But if you want me to, I’ll come with you.”
“Okay. That would be nice, every now and then,” you agree, turning around and walking away. Wade catches up with you. “We haven’t seen Logan in a couple of days. I should probably check on Laura, too.”
“You wanna divide and conquer?” he offers. You nod before taking off. Damn, he should’ve asked you where Logan was. 
He strolls back to the school, looking through every nook and cranny before making it to the kitchen. You’re sitting with Laura at the bar while Logan fries up some bacon. 
“Want some? BLTs,” he offers. 
“Oh, no, I already ate, thanks,” you assure him. 
“Need to get some meat on those bones. You shouldn’t rely on that telepathy shit.”
“I’m fine, I promise. I swim, remember?”
“You coach swimming. Never seen you do it,” he says, and he’s right. How come Wade didn’t notice that? 
“Okay, yeah, it’s been a while. If it means that much to you, I’ll start hitting the gym more often.”
“Yeah, you should,” Logan agrees without hesitating. Is that what Wade’s supposed to be doing? He was so focused on his feelings and yours that he hadn’t even taken into account your physical wellbeing in all of this. You had a donut for breakfast and then chips for lunch, declaring a lack of appetite due to stress. Stress or no, you should be eating.
“Anyways, you two sure you’re settling in okay? I can get you set up with counseling, reintegration courses, whatever you need.”
“We’re just fine,” Logan insists. “Happy to be here.”
“And you?” you ask Laura, who goes pale before turning a little pink. You chuckle at her loud thoughts. “I’m flattered, but you’re a little too young for me.”
“You said you wouldn’t do that,” she grumbles.
“Can’t help it if you’re screaming at me,” you remind her. “You’re not the first or the last. Consider it forgotten. Seriously, how are you settling in? Remedial classes working out okay?”
“Yeah, I’m set to get my GED next month.”
“That’s awesome!” you cheer. “I told you you could do it.”
Wade can’t help but feel like he’s glimpsing into your life without him. You’re smiling more than you do when it’s just the two of you, at least recently. He could delude himself into thinking it has something to do with being more comfortable around him, but he knows the truth: you’re happier without him around as a walking reminder of everything you’ve lost. 
He walks slowly back to the office. Ellie’s settled into her position remarkably fast. 
“How do you have time for this?” he wonders.
“Oh, I just wrapped up a contracted position, so I’m in between jobs right now,” she explains. “I’ve been considering getting a teaching certification and working here, anyways. The Computer Basics teacher is set to retire soon.”
“Wow, you, a teacher? That’s… Actually not that crazy. Um, I’m gonna be out of town for a little while. Do you think you could keep an eye on Y/N, let me know how she’s doing?”
“Oh, fuck no. Not this bullshit. What happened?” Ellie asks, looking up from the computer. “Well? Spit it out. Don’t make me get Yukio.”
“I just… I saw her, without me. I mean, it was different when I saw her coaching, that’s her job. I saw her with Logan and Laura and- I don’t know. It looked… Right. She seemed happier.”
“Levi always seems happy. That’s, like, Levi 101. You gotta dig a little deeper, she doesn’t wear her heart on her sleeve like some of us. Don’t get me wrong, though, I’m not judging. I made that mistake, too.”
“What do you mean?”
“Oh, back when we were roommates, she seemed so happy all the time. I really did hate her for it. Even after everything came out with the case, she still sang in the shower and skipped along to class. I figured she was happy to trade her parents for Miss Frost. I hated her for that, too – Miss Frost favoring her so much. 
“It wasn’t until years later, when everything went down with Theodore… I realized that she was in pain the whole time. She had to be. I felt so stupid, but I didn’t know how to apologize. The timing was never right, and did I even have the right? I wasn’t special, I wasn’t the only one who resented her. And yet she’s being so nice to me right now, welcoming me with open arms to a project that’s deeply personal for her. Why?”
“Because she knows you have a good heart and that you’re going to do your best,” Wade quickly reassures her. If Negasonic of all people starts crying in front of him, he’s gonna lose his mind – especially because he knows that she’s beating herself up over memories that are partially false at best.
“And there’s your answer. Don’t make things worse by leaving. Just stay. If she didn’t want you around, you wouldn’t be,” Ellie flips it back onto him. “If she trusts you enough to let you see her pain, you should appreciate that for what it is instead of being jealous of the people she pretends for. You’re clearly special to her.” 
“Wow. That was super insightful. You should really give the teaching thing a go. I’m sure Y/N would be happy to give you some pointers,” Wade suggests. 
“I don’t know about that…” Ellie trails off, looking disturbed.
“What? Why? Scared she’ll turn your brains to scrambled eggs?”
“No! No, I… I don’t know. It just doesn’t feel right.”
Well, aren’t you clever? He’s guessing that’s your work, an invisible wall between you that she doesn’t understand. 
“Well, I think you two would make cute work buddies, so figure it out,” Wade declares. He’s got her hook, line, and sinker. Let her revisit those memories, figure it out, and confront you. 
You deserve it in more ways than one. 
A new routine falls into place for your growing team. Laura joins the fight, despite your protests. You’ve had to be reminded more than once that you were younger than her when you started digging. 
“Come on, it really bothers you that much?” Eloise asks after she hands Laura another assignment – you’ve instructed her to only give Laura survivors. Laura lurks, waiting to hear your answer. The two of you followed Eloise here after dinner. 
“I think it’s wrong. We pulled her out so she wouldn’t have to worry about it anymore. Now, all she does is worry about it.”
“That’s fair,” Eloise admits. “But it’s good for her in the way that it’s good for Logan, Wade, and even you. Fighting back and making sure it doesn’t happen to anyone else eases the pain, doesn’t it? Here’s yours.”
“I guess so,” you admit, taking the memo and folding it up. You clutch it as you ask:  “Why does it even matter to you? It’s not like I’m keeping her out.”
“Just curious. It’s been nice getting to know this version of you. I like her glasses,” Eloise remarks. After that night, you continued wearing them when you weren’t actively on a mission. It’s saved you some headaches, literally. “They make her seem a little more human.”
“As opposed to?” you ask. 
I know you can read my mind, she thinks in response. She may not remember how she learned, but she still remembers how to push thoughts in your direction. 
So? Sometimes it’s nice to hear things the traditional way, you reply. It’s not like I’m constantly reading you, either. I can control it. 
“An alien, or- Something.” 
“A monster,” you say, but it’s not what she’s thinking at all and you both know it. It’s happening all over again. “Maybe you should take some time off. This can be really taxing.”
“When’s the last time you took a day off? And I mean a full day — not even thinking about it or making plans for what you’ll do when you get back.”
“That’s different. I didn’t have a backup before.”
“You do now. Wade and Laura are available to pick up the slack. It was a rhetorical question, anyways. I don’t want to take time off. This is important.”
“You’re not a monster,” Laura pipes up from the corner. You’d almost forgotten she was there. “Does she think that?”
“No, no, I… I was projecting. Ellie thinks kind thoughts about me, or she’s had the luck of doing so during my random security checks. Good vibes only, either way.”
“Good vibes only, that is so 2014,” she teases you. 
“Shut up,” you laugh. “That was only-”
“Ten years ago?” And not far off from the time you met. 
“Yeah, whatever,” you scoff. “Anyways, I’ll work on this and keep you posted.”
“Please do. And Laura-”
Logan’s daughter’s head whips toward Eloise, as if challenging her. Her crush on you may have faded as time went on, but she’s still incredibly protective. 
“Thanks for looking out for her. You’re a really good friend.”
“Thanks,” Laura huffs. God, I can smell it on both of you. Just get over yourselves already. 
That’s your sign that you need to go out tonight and forget about everything else. 
“You know what? You’re right. I’m taking the night off. This isn’t too urgent, is it?” you ask, holding up the piece of paper. 
“Nah, she should be in that town for at least a couple more days. Enjoy yourself.” 
“Cool. See you tomorrow.”
“Yeah, see you.” 
You head back to your room, digging your favorite outfit out of the closet. Flirtatious yet tasteful, clinging and giving you room to breathe in all the right places. You touch up your makeup before putting on a nicer pair of shoes and setting out for the bar — Ultraviolet.
It’s a town away, so not the most convenient of drives, but at least it still exists. Not many lesbian bars do. 
You slink in to find that the party’s already started, bass thumping in your chest and drinks sloshing onto the floor. 
That’s when you scan the crowd. 
Not a single one in sight, your prey thinks. They’re all with their friends, or a girlfriend. Oh, there you are. Yeah, she’s perfect. And perfectly alone.
You pretend not to notice her, instead heading up to the bar. You skim her thoughts and memories for a bit. No STDs, likes bondage… You’ve found a winner for sure. 
“Oh, hey, Y/N. Haven’t seen you in a while,” Megan says from behind the bar. 
“Yeah, sorry… Been busy with work.” This is perfect. You’ll keep her talking for a bit in the hopes that your friend will notice that you’re about to order a drink. 
“What do you do again?” 
“Oh, I coach swimming at Xavier’s,” you remind her. 
“Right! And I assume you want your usual?”
Damn it. Being a creature of habit sucks sometimes. She hasn’t noticed yet. 
“Oh, I don’t know… I was thinking of getting something else. Maybe a Cosmopolitan.”
“That’s just the basic version,” Megan chides you. “What, you don’t wanna give me as much of a tip?”
“Megan, I would never, you know that,” you assure her. 
There she is. There’s loneliness in her eyes. I might not even need this to take her home with me and have my way. 
“Then what’s it going to be?” Megan playfully asks.
“Whatever it is, put it on my tab. Riley,” your new friend finally introduces herself. 
“Hi, Riley. I’m Y/N,” you reply.
“That’s a beautiful name. I shouldn’t be surprised.”
“I think I will go with the Pink Fetish,” you decide. “Thank you, Riley. You don’t have to do that, though. I’m…”
“Going to dance with me?” Riley finishes your sentence for you as Megan sets down the drink before tending to other customers. 
“I suppose so,” you agree. “I’m not the best dancer, though. I’ll definitely need to drink up beforehand to have any chance of being comfortable embarrassing myself like that.” You look out over the floor, pretending to be apprehensive and distracted as Riley slips the ketamine into your drink. Bingo. 
You turn back and smile at her sweetly before taking a sip of the drink.
“Wow, this tastes better than usual! Megan must’ve been practicing,” you declare over the music before chugging down the rest. Riley looks a little nervous. 
“Let’s go dance,” she insists. 
You smile and nod as the weightless feeling takes over you. You feel giddy, but it’s not just the drink. You’re getting laid, the only way you can without worrying about the other person’s consent: knowing they’re going to purposefully disregard yours. 
You sway to the music as Riley’s hands roam your body. You start to lose your balance quickly, though. 
“Oh, jeez, babe, you did drink that pretty fast. You’re not usually this much of a lightweight. Let’s go home,” she suggests, playing the role of concerned girlfriend. It makes your stomach twist.
“Aw, what? Home? But we’re just getting started, I hardly know you. Just a little longer, come on,” you insist, giving her a chance to get out of this by playing dumb. She’s actually pretty gorgeous, with dark eyes and darker hair. She stands at eye level with you, but you’re wearing heels, so in reality she’s taller. It’s a shame she feels like she has to do this to feel powerful, in control. She’d be a total catch, otherwise. Well, she’s still a catch, but only for you. 
What’s not a shame is that once you’re done with each other, she’s going to have a brain aneurysm and you’re going to leave her to rot alone. 
“Let’s go,” she insists. Putting up a bit of a fight, are we? Maybe I didn’t give her enough. Oh, well. She’s coming home with me whether she likes it or not. 
“Aw, okay,” you whine, letting her push past the crowd and pull you along towards the doors. You can’t wait to see the bruises she’ll leave you with. Unfortunately, you won’t remember everything. 
You never do.
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