#i’m but a compilation of soft actions
3am-phonecalls · 4 months
He opens his mouth to speak but can’t bring himself to form a cohesive thought much less vocalise it. He just hopes this moment lasts forever. She smiles easily at the sight of him and raises a hand to cradle his face. He moves into her soft touch, nuzzling against the warmth of her palm without really thinking about it. It felt natural, it felt right. Like that was how it was always meant to be.
2 notes · View notes
svt-luna · 16 days
hi! i really adore each member’s dynamic with luna 🫶 can i request for a chapter where the group’s over protectiveness comes to action when it comes to luna? it can be any member you prefer. thank you!
(pls keep on writing i really love ur blog 🤗)
ᡴꪫ ⋆ All EYES ON HER: SEVENTEEN’S ULTIMATE PROTECTIVE MOMENTS ࣪ ! ˓ ౨ৎ ࣪˖ ─── now playing…
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synopsis: A compilation on the countless times the members have fiercely protected Luna, proving that anyone who messes with her has an entire team to answer to.
hello!! I apologize for taking so long with this request, it took a long time for me to get to it but finally, it’s here now. you didn’t specify what kind I should do, so I decided on a youtube compilation instead, I hope you don’t mind! happy reading, my loves 🤍💛
╰ ౨ৎ LUNA-VERSE MASTERLIST ╰ ౨ৎ youtube compilations
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[added captions are in brackets] ᡣ𐭩
bold dialogues are spoken in english ᡣ𐭩
indented italics are additional voice overs ᡣ𐭩
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Ah yes, folks, welcome to this episode of ‘How SEVENTEEN is Basically Luna’s Private Army at This Point.’
I mean, if you didn’t already know, our girl Luna isn’t just the 14th member of SEVENTEEN— no, no, she’s also the epitome of princess treatment.
Miss thing, is protected by her 13 bodyguards… I mean, bandmates.
I cannot stress this enough… the amount of times these guys circle around her like she’s made of glass is honestly a whole genre of content at this point.
You’d think they signed a secret contract that says, ‘Thou shalt not let Luna so much as trip on a pebble or breathe near a stalker without at least five of us nose-diving in front of her.’
I’m starting to think they all have a group chat where their one goal is: ‘Keep Luna safe. At all costs.’ I mean, the devotion is real, people.
Anyway, buckle up because we’re diving into SEVENTEEN’s ultimate protective moments over the years. From stage accidents to creepy fan encounters— these boys do it all. *swoons*
So grab your popcorn, maybe a tissue, and get ready to witness Luna being treated like the literal K-pop princess that she is.
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I feel like this video itself just shows you how much the members are super protective of Luna.
On a side note, y’all weirdos really need to leave them the fuck alone
The airport was abuzz with the usual energy that seemed to follow SEVENTEEN everywhere they went. Fans had gathered on the other side of the barricades, screaming, phones flashing, as they tried to capture every moment of the members’ journey to the gate.
It was early— too early for most of the members to be anything but a little groggy. They had a long flight ahead to Seattle for their ‘Be the Sun’ tour concert, and it showed in the occasional yawn, tired smiles, and slow movements as they waited in line to enter their gate.
Luna stood in the middle of the line, nestled between Wonwoo, who was in front of her, and Seungcheol, who lingered protectively behind.
[In just a few seconds you guys would see how Choi Seungcheol became my bias]
[on a side note… look how hot he looks 😩 DADDY!]
Luna was chatting quietly with Wonwoo about the new show she was watching late last night, her voice calm as she ran through the reason why she got zero sleep.
Everything felt routine.
The members bowed and waved occasionally to the fans and cameras across the barricades, but it was all in the usual ebb and flow of their lives on tour. There was nothing unusual about the morning, just the soft hum of their conversations and the distant screams of their loyal Carats.
[I love how they still try their best to greet Carats despite being so tired 🥹]
And then it happened.
In the middle of her sentence, Luna was cut off by the sound of a man’s voice— a deep, rough yell from somewhere beyond the barricade. He was shouting her name, which wasn’t entirely strange. Fans often called out to her, but there was something different in the way this man shouted. It wasn’t the excited, breathless tone of a fan. It was urgent, desperate, and far too aggressive.
[guys I’m being so fr rn, this clip till this day pisses me the fuck off]
Before Luna or anyone else could process what was happening, there was a sudden movement from their side.
Out of nowhere, the man broke past security and somehow made it too close, far closer than any fan should’ve been allowed. He wasn’t behind the barricades anymore— he was there, within arm’s reach of the members.
[If I see him istg it’s on sight]
[I didn’t bother blurring his face cause… why should I?!]
The air around them shifted, the fans behind the barricades screaming in shock, but it was too late. Luna didn’t have time to turn and see him before she felt it.
A tight grip suddenly clamped down on her right arm.
It was jarring, a harsh pull that yanked her back, shocking her out of the moment. The man— eyes wild and frantic— was tugging her towards him, shouting about how much he loved her. “Luna, Jiyeon-ah! You don’t understand, I love you! I’m in love with you! I need you to know! I’m obsessed with you!”
[yeah we can tell, loser]
Luna’s breath hitched in her throat. The world around her blurred as the fans screamed louder, their voices tinged with panic. For a split second, her brain froze, and she couldn’t fully process what was happening. The man’s hand was too tight, too rough, and before she could pull away, she felt herself being dragged towards him.
[look at her face, motherfucker! look at how scared she looks]
But then, in an instant, everything shifted again.
Before Luna could even react, she felt a firm grip around her waist— a strong, grounding force pulling her back from the man’s grasp.
Seungcheol, who had been just behind her, moved like a flash, his expression steely as his arm looped securely around her. His fingers pressed tightly against her waist, holding her in place, but his other hand wasn’t idle. With a swift, practiced motion, Seungcheol reached out and grabbed the man’s arm, yanking it away from Luna with more strength than the man had anticipated.
“Let go.” Seungcheol’s voice was firm, sharp with authority but calm, almost dangerously calm, as he shoved the man’s hand off her with little effort.
[I– no words… there are no words]
[Honestly, if I were that sasaeng, I’d just tell my heart to stop right then and there]
[Choi Seungcheol is scary wbk]
At the same time, Wonwoo had spun around, his eyes dark with alarm. His hand immediately found Luna’s, grasping her left hand firmly as he pulled her back to safety, away from the chaos. The sudden switch from casual conversation to this whirlwind of confusion sent a surge of adrenaline through him. His usually stoic face was a mixture of concern and anger as he held Luna’s hand tighter, making sure she wasn’t being pulled any further.
[brb I’m gonna cry]
[Wonwoo was holding onto her for dear life]
The sasaeng stumbled backward as Seungcheol released him, but it wasn’t over yet.
The moment Seungcheol tore the man’s hand off Luna’s arm, the rest of the members immediately closed in, surrounding her like a protective shield.
[They look so worried 🥺]
[Jiyeon is so loved]
Security finally rushed in, grabbing the man and pulling him away from the members, the fans still screaming in horror and disbelief at what had just unfolded.
[Also what took y’all so fucking long 😠]
Seungcheol barely had time to check her well-being before he was pushed back into action, taking control of the situation as the leader.
As the fans continued to scream in both shock and confusion, Jeonghan was by Luna’s side in an instant, his face painted with worry. His hand hovered near her shoulder as he looked her over, asking softly, “Are you okay?” before Mingyu stepped up beside him, eyes scanning her for any sign of distress.
“I’m okay,” Luna nodded as she shook caressed the now red flesh of her right arm.
The members formed a tight circle around her, creating a barrier between Luna and the crowd as they took turns asking her if she was alright. Jeonghan, Mingyu, Seungkwan, Dino, Wonwoo, and Dokyeom stood close, their faces unusually serious, while Minghao, Joshua, and Vernon kept a vigilant eye on the situation, making sure no one else could get close. Even Woozi, Jun, and Hoshi, who had been half-asleep just moments ago, were now alert and focused, standing protectively near her.
[they baracaded her real fast]
Luna, is still in shock. Her heart pounded in her chest, her mind still trying to catch up with what had just happened. The touch of the man’s rough hand still lingered on her skin, but the warmth and safety of her members anchored her in the present, pulling her out of the chaos and fear.
Meanwhile, off to the side, fans caught a glimpse of Seungcheol in full leader mode, visibly angry as he appeared to scold their security team.
Seungcheol’s body language was sharp and commanding, hands gesturing firmly as he instructed them on how to handle the situation. No one could hear exactly what he was saying, but it was clear from his tone and expression that he was furious. His jaw clenched, his eyes steely, he pointed toward the barricades and the area where the man had broken through, making sure there would be no more mistakes.
[blah, blah, blah, proper name, place name…]
[What I’d give to hear what he’s saying rn]
Fans watching from the other side couldn’t help but be struck by how protective and authoritative he was, silently appreciating the way SEVENTEEN took care of their own.
Once all that was taken care of, Seungcheol finally turned back and glanced down at Luna, his voice now softer but still firm. “You okay?” His eyes scanned her for any signs of distress or injury as he gently caressed her arm, his brows furrowed with concern.
[I’m in love with him it’s not funny anymore 😔]
Luna nodded slowly, though her heart was still racing. “I’m okay, Cheolie… thank you,” she managed to whisper, her voice shaky but steadying.
“Thank you, Wonwoo oppa,” Luna turned to the man next to her who gave her a silent not, clearly still disturbed.
But Seungcheol wasn’t fully convinced she was fine… none of the members did. They could tell from how she twisted the rings on her fingers.
Seungcheol placed his arm around her shoulders, keeping her close as they moved forward, ensuring she was safe and that the man was well out of reach. Meanwhile, the rest of the members hovered around her. Jeonghan was beside her, now holding her hand, his grip tight and his presence still solid and reassuring.
[the way Cheol and Han kept holding her till they entered their gate 🥹]
The fans, who had just witnessed the entire event, were still in a state of shock, but now their screams had shifted. Instead of panic, there were chants of Luna’s name, filled with concern and admiration for how the members especially Seungcheol and Wonwoo had handled the situation.
It was only then, as the adrenaline began to fade, that Luna realized just how much she had been relying on them. Without them, without their quick thinking and protective instincts, she didn’t want to think about what could’ve happened.
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The concert in Japan was in full swing, the arena lights flashing to the heavy beat of SEVENTEEN’s ‘Fear’ as they performed for thousands of cheering fans.
[Another one of my favorite clips, ladies and gentlemen]
The energy in the air was electric, the members synchronized perfectly with their intense choreography and sharp vocals. Luna was in the center of the stage, dressed in a sleek black attire that matched the rest of the members— black leather pants that accentuated her legs accompanied by a black sleeveless top with a zipper running down the back.
The moment was flawless— until it wasn’t.
In the midst of a spin, as she did the choreography with the rest of the members, Luna felt the distinct sensation of her zipper giving way.
A chill ran down her spine as the entire back of her top unzipped, fully exposing her skin. Her black top was now hanging loose, barely held together by the fabric at the front.
But Luna, ever the professional, didn’t miss a beat. Her face remained fierce and intense, completely matching the dark, brooding mood of the song. Not a flicker of panic crossed her expression as she continued to sing, her voice steady, her movements sharp. Her body flowed with the choreography as if nothing was wrong, even though her mind was racing.
[her top was literally hanging by a thread]
[I don’t know how she does it. I would have panicked]
[It’s a good thing the zipper was at her back 🫥]
Some of the members noticed almost immediately. Being behind her in the formation, they had a clear view of her exposed back. Hoshi, who was a few steps to the side, caught a glimpse of her loose top during a turn, his eyes widening slightly in realization— however, he was a few steps too far to do anything about it.
Just as they transitioned to another part of the routine, Luna shifted her glance to the side and locked eyes with Dokyeom, who was right behind her. His eyes were filled with concern, his expression subtle but clear— her back was fully exposed, and they needed to fix it.
Luna, ever so composed, gave him a single, almost imperceptible nod. The kind of nod only someone who knew her well could catch. It was all she needed to convey her understanding.
[Again, it amazes me how fast they pulled this off]
[it took me like five times to understand how DK did it]
[Watch Dokyeomie closely]
Dokyeom, without hesitation, stepped into action while maintaining the choreography flawlessly. As they moved through the next steps, their bodies swayed and spun in perfect sync with the music, but every move was calculated.
Luna, still dancing and keeping her facial expression strong, swept her long hair from the back to the front in one fluid motion, letting it cascade over her shoulder. She exposed her bare back fully to Dokyeom, who was quick to react.
[HOT 🥵 HOT 🥵 HOT 🥵]
[maybe that’s why it’s so hard to catch DK zipping her up… Jiyeonie is too distracting]
With the precision and speed that only a professional dancer could pull off, Dokyeom zipped up the back of her top as if it were part of the routine. His fingers worked fast, pulling the zipper up in one smooth, swift motion while simultaneously stepping to the side, his feet moving in perfect time with the beat.
To any fan watching from the crowd, it would have looked like just another part of the choreography, so seamless was their execution. Luna barely flinched, continuing to sing with full power, her movements never faltering as she danced across the stage. The members around them barely blinked; they had seen what happened and knew the situation was under control.
[one minute her back was fully exposed and the next no skin at all!!?]
The arena was still filled with flashing lights and screaming fans, but among them, some of the more eagle-eyed fans caught the moment on their phones. Every angle of the stage showed Dokyeom's swift actions and Luna's incredible poise. Twitter was already lighting up with comments about how professional they were.
As the final chorus hit, Luna and Dokyeom made eye contact once more. Luna, still keeping in character, mouthed a soft, “Thank you,” barely visible to the cameras, but enough for Dokyeom to see. He gave her a quick wink and a nod, his lips curling up into a small, reassuring smile before they both turned their attention back to the performance, moving seamlessly into the final formation.
[I want to be so good at something that I am this casual on stage]
From that point forward, no one would have guessed anything had gone wrong. The performance continued flawlessly, but fans watching from the crowd and at home couldn't help but be amazed at how fast and professional they both were. It was a moment of pure teamwork, a quiet display of trust and coordination between members that reminded everyone just how close SEVENTEEN really was—onstage and off.
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Now, let me introduce to you ‘The Infamous Blocks’. There are three in total— ‘The Blanket’, ‘The Body’, and ‘The Bear’. I might sound like I am joking but I’m being so serious…
Lets start with the ‘Blanket Block’
The night was electric with excitement, the air buzzing with anticipation as fans lined the barricades of the red carpet at MAMA 2017 in Japan. The event was one of the most awaited of the year, and the energy surrounding the venue was palpable. Cameras flashed wildly, fans screamed with glee, and a sea of lightsticks waved as the SEVENTEEN van rolled to a slow stop at the edge of the carpet. The sleek black vehicle gleamed under the lights as if announcing the arrival of something grand. One by one, the members began to step out.
First came S.Coups, stepping confidently onto the red carpet, his sharp black suit catching the light just right. The fans erupted in cheers, phones already out and recording as each member made their way down the line. Mingyu followed, waving briefly to the crowd, and then Seungkwan, whose grin brightened as he acknowledged the fans’ excitement. Each member received their share of attention, but it wasn’t just for the boys the crowd was waiting.
[they looked too good to be true this night]
Inside the van, Luna sat, fixing her dress, her hands smoothing over the soft fabric nervously. She knew the moment she stepped out, all eyes would be on her. But more than the eyes, it was the cameras. The predatory gleam of lenses ready to snap her from every angle made her feel vulnerable, and exposed. Tonight, she was wearing an elegant, sleek black dress— classy but form-fitting— and she knew the moment she stepped out, the cameras wouldn’t be kind if they caught anything inappropriate.
Jeonghan, who had just stepped out of the van, paused at the door and leaned back inside. His pink hair gleamed under the overhead lights, but his gaze was focused entirely on Luna, not the crowd.
He noticed her slight hesitation and saw the way her hands twitched with uncertainty as she adjusted her dress. He leaned in closer, his voice soft and comforting, though the words were lost to the flashing lights and the fans’ endless chants. Whatever he said, it calmed her enough for her to take a deep breath and prepare to step out.
[I’m desperate, please]
But before she could fully exit the van, Jeonghan reached inside and swiftly grabbed a dark blanket that had been folded near the seats. With a smooth, practiced motion, he unfolded it and held it open in front of the door, shielding Luna from the prying eyes and flashing cameras that would’ve otherwise had a clear view of her legs and dress as she maneuvered out of the car.
He didn’t rush her, didn’t make a big deal of it; his movements were calm, unbothered as if this were second nature to him. The blanket draped in his hands, blocking the lower part of her from view.
Luna, catching the gesture, couldn’t help but feel a wave of warmth and gratitude. Her face softened as she adjusted her dress under the cover of the blanket. She took a moment to gather herself, making sure every inch of fabric was in place, every crease smoothed out.
She met Jeonghan’s eyes for a brief second, and the silent exchange between them said more than words could have. A nod of reassurance. A small, grateful smile.
[she just swooned… don’t at me]
Jeonghan, still holding the blanket like a shield, waited for her signal. Only when Luna gave him the okay— a subtle but confident nod— did he let the blanket drop.
[HE– I– can’t. I need him in my life]
In a smooth motion, he tossed it back inside the van and extended his hand to her. Luna stepped out gracefully, her confidence restored as her feet touched the ground. The cameras immediately went into overdrive, capturing every inch of her, but Jeonghan remained beside her, his hand still on hers, helping her as they moved forward together.
[please, I’m begging… I can be a pet… I can bark]
The cheers from the crowd doubled as Luna appeared. The fans, who had been screaming the members’ names, now turned their attention to the only female member of SEVENTEEN, and the energy shifted.
But Jeonghan never let go of her hand, guiding her with a quiet but firm presence. He knew how these events worked, how easily one wrong angle could lead to unnecessary scrutiny. And so, even as they posed together on the red carpet, his body was angled ever so slightly in her favor, offering her the subtle kind of protection that no one would notice but her.
[look at them]
The fans closest to the barricades noticed it, though. They had seen the entire interaction, from the way Jeonghan covered her with the blanket to the way he never once let her fend for herself. And it didn’t go unnoticed how he tossed the blanket away only once he was certain she was completely comfortable. Luna's smile was as radiant as ever, but beneath it was the comfort of knowing that, even in a sea of flashing lights and camera lenses, someone always had her back.
[one of the most iconic Jeongna moments]
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Next is my favorite out of the three… the ‘Body Block’
The night sky over Seoul was illuminated by the flashing lights of countless cameras, the red carpet stretching out like a sea of glamour and anticipation. It was the Cartier event of 2022, an evening that promised to bring together the city's most elegant and well-known figures.
Among them were Luna and Mingyu, two of Cartier’s most prominent models and brand ambassadors. Their presence alone was enough to send a ripple of excitement through the crowd, but the fact that they both wore red, in perfectly coordinated outfits, had the press buzzing.
[I’m sorry– they looks so hot and intimidating]
Luna stepped out first, her heels clicking softly against the smooth surface of the red carpet. She was the embodiment of grace, her tall, slender frame draped in a stunning, floor-length red dress.
The dress was an exquisite piece— a bold, deep crimson that shimmered under the camera lights. It was strapless on one side, while the other featured a delicate, thin strap that wrapped over her shoulder, highlighting the gentle curve of her collarbone. The material clung to her figure in all the right ways, its fabric flowing down to her feet like liquid silk, pooling elegantly around her ankles. A daring slit along one side revealed a hint of her leg as she moved, but it was done tastefully, maintaining an air of sophistication and class.
[she doesn’t look real 😭]
[like– I’m convinced she’s a hologram]
Mingyu followed closely behind her, equally striking in his tailored red suit. The suit jacket was perfectly fitted to his broad shoulders, the crimson fabric complementing the sharp black of his shirt underneath.
[I AM SORRY— sir?!]
[I am loyal to Seungcheol… am I?]
Together, they made a captivating pair, their outfits harmonizing in a way that felt almost intentional, like they were meant to stand side by side on this particular night.
As they posed for the cameras, the flashes were relentless, a barrage of light capturing their every move. Luna stood tall, her chin slightly raised, one hand placed elegantly on her hip while her other arm hung loosely at her side. Beside her, Mingyu struck his own pose, the definition of cool confidence, his dark eyes locking with the cameras as they both stood center stage, an image of luxury and refinement.
[They’d be so hot together… I didn’t say that 😀]
And then it happened— so quickly that it could have been missed by anyone not paying attention. As Luna shifted her weight, turning her body slightly to change her angle, one of the thin straps of her dress slipped from her shoulder. The movement was subtle, barely noticeable at first, but as the strap fell, it revealed the bare skin of her shoulder.
Luna’s eyes flickered downward for a moment, a small crease of surprise appearing on her otherwise composed face.
Without missing a beat, she calmly reached up and tugged the strap back into place, her fingers grazing the cool fabric as she pulled it back over her shoulder. Her expression remained neutral, her movements composed— professional, as always. But Mingyu had seen it. The moment the strap fell, his attention snapped to her, eyes narrowing with concern for a fraction of a second.
[I’m convince every single member has spidey senses when it comes to her]
In a split-second decision, Mingyu moved. He stepped directly in front of Luna, his tall frame blocking her from the cameras with an easy, natural movement. His back was now facing the cameras, shielding her from their view as she adjusted the strap. His broad shoulders and the crimson jacket became a makeshift curtain, offering her privacy in an instant.
Luna looked up at him, her fingers still smoothing over the strap of her dress as she finished fixing it. Their eyes met, and for a moment, no words were needed. A small, appreciative smile touched her lips, her eyes softening as she gave him a simple nod of thanks.
Mingyu, always effortlessly cool, returned the gesture with a brief smile of his own, his eyes flickering with a silent understanding. Then, just as smoothly as he had positioned himself in front of her, he moved back to his original spot, turning to face the cameras once more, as if nothing had happened.
[they are so obedient too]
The photographers continued their frenzy, completely unaware of the quiet, protective exchange that had just taken place between the two. To them, it had been a seamless transition— nothing out of the ordinary. But to those paying close attention, the subtle moment of protection from Mingyu was not only graceful but instinctual, a sign of the quiet care he had for Luna, his fellow ambassador, and friend.
Together, they resumed their poses, their red outfits glowing under the lights, and once again, they became the perfect image of poise and elegance. But those who knew— who saw the quick flash of concern in Mingyu’s eyes and the gratitude in Luna’s smile— recognized the deeper connection between them, one that went beyond their roles on the red carpet.
The event continued, but that brief moment lingered, caught by the lucky fans who were watching closely enough to see the exchange, a testament to the unspoken bond shared by the two.
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And finally, the ‘Bear Block’
The soft glow of the hotel room’s ambient lighting bathed the cozy space in a warm hue as Minghao and Luna sat side by side on the edge of her bed, engaging with fans in their casual Weverse live. Luna’s hotel room was comfortably minimalistic—soft cream-colored walls, sleek furniture, and the faint scent of lavender wafting through the air from a diffuser on the nightstand. Behind them, a plush teddy bear sat tucked into the pillows, a gift Luna had received from a fan earlier that day, its little beady eyes gleaming under the camera's light.
[the 97 line twins]
It was a typical live stream for the two— comfortable and relaxed. Luna, in her soft oversized hoodie, was leaning back against the bedpost while Minghao, dressed in his usual stylish yet casual attire, lounged next to her. Their conversation flowed naturally as they laughed and answered fans’ questions. Minghao would occasionally break into Chinese, his voice smooth as he spoke in his mother tongue, and Luna, always eager to learn, would repeat his phrases with childlike excitement, though her pronunciation was less polished.
[they are so cute 🥺]
[I love this duo so much]
Minghao chuckled each time she got it wrong, his eyes crinkling in amusement. “No, no, like this,” he’d say, gently correcting her, the fondness in his tone unmistakable. He would then patiently translate the meaning into Korean for her and their fans, smiling as Luna exaggeratedly repeated the words again, determined to get it right.
[I am so soft for them]
The chat was buzzing with messages, and the number of viewers kept rising steadily as more fans joined in, thrilled by the duo’s easy-going dynamic. Luna, always full of energy, glanced at the screen, her sharp eyes catching one of the rapid comments. She leaned forward to get a better look, her long hair cascading down one side of her face as she brought her face closer to her phone.
"Wait, what does this say—" Luna began, her voice trailing off mid-sentence. Just as she was about to read the comment aloud, Minghao, who had been fiddling with the teddy bear on the bed, made a swift movement. In a fraction of a second, without a word, he gently but firmly pressed the soft bear against her chest, covering her entirely from view.
[this cracked me up 😂]
[the fact the Hao just shoved the bear in front of her was just hilarious]
Luna froze for a heartbeat, her eyes widening in surprise as she realized what had just happened. Her body had leaned forward just a little too far, and in her oversized hoodie, there had been a chance she might have inadvertently revealed something on camera that wasn’t meant to be seen. Minghao, with his ever-watchful eye and sharp instincts, had noticed it instantly.
[Hao really said: “not on my watch.” 🧸]
Her breath hitched for a moment as she glanced at him, her face a mix of shock and silent gratitude. Minghao, his expression calm and collected, simply nodded at her in a way that conveyed everything without words. He didn’t make a big deal of it; his actions were smooth and almost invisible to the casual observer. His nod was one of quiet understanding, a signal that she didn’t need to worry— he had her back.
[He’s also so fucking hot, lawd]
Luna’s heart swelled with appreciation, but she played it cool. With a soft exhale, she shot him a small, grateful smile. “Thank you,” she muttered under her breath, barely audible but enough for Minghao to hear.
He gave a subtle smile in return, his eyes crinkling slightly as he continued to idly hold the bear in place, casually moving it as though it were part of their lighthearted banter.
Luna straightened back up, her posture relaxed once more, and resumed the conversation as if nothing had happened.
Luna’s smile returned as she read through more comments, her face as calm and composed as ever, a professional through and through.
They continued answering fan questions as the live stretched on, but the silent gesture lingered in the air like an unspoken promise— proof that, no matter what, Minghao was always watching out for her, and Luna was never truly alone.
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“It says here that you are known to cause fights.” PD Na said.
The sudden statement caught everyone off guard. The members burst into laughter while Luna sat there, shocked and confused, unsure of how to respond.
“Me?” she asked, pointing to herself, her voice tinged with disbelief. “Fights? Where did you hear that?” She laughed, still trying to process the unexpected accusation.
[She’s just that bitch. She didn’t even know]
PD Na pointed at his paper, a teasing grin on his face. “We did our research. It says here that you caused a lot of fights when you were a trainee.”
A chorus of agreements erupted from the members, with many of them pointing at her and Jeonghan, nodding vigorously.
“That’s right!”
“He’s right!” they echoed, their voices overlapping as they teased her.
"This is amazing," Dokyeom laughed harder.
“What?” Luna turned to look at her members, her confusion deepening as she tried to piece together what they were talking about. "Huh? What are you guys talking about?"
Then her eyes landed on Jeonghan who was already watching her, and it all clicked. The realization dawned on her face, her expression shifting from confusion to understanding, and then to amusement. “Ah,” she laughed, finally catching on.
Jeonghan, always the instigator, just grinned back at her, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
[he’s proud too]
As the memory clicked into place, Luna laughed harder, her laughter bubbling over as she covered her mouth with her hands. “This is amazing,” she marveled, still giggling. “How did you guys find out about that? I had completely forgotten about it.”
PD Na watched her with amusement, leaning forward slightly. “Can you tell us about it?” he asked, clearly intrigued.
Luna glanced at Jeonghan, who nodded in agreement, his smile knowing. She turned back to the group, preparing to recount the story. “It was when I was a trainee, and I was new at ‘PLEDIS’. This happened about five months after I joined,” Luna began, her hands moving animatedly as she spoke. “This one time, I just had the hardest day. The training was intense, I was sick at that time as well, and I remember stressing over my exams because I was still in school.”
Everyone listened carefully, their expressions a mix of curiosity and amusement. Her members, who knew the story well, giggled quietly, already anticipating where it was headed.
Luna continued, “I hadn’t eaten the entire day. I came to the practice room, and I had an apple. Then, one of the trainees came over, and he was teasing me.”
She paused, mimicking the boy’s actions by raising her hand as if holding something up high. “He took my apple, raised it up, and teased me to take it. He kept doing it and wouldn't give it to me up to the point that I just started crying,” Luna admitted, laughing at the memory of her younger, more vulnerable self.
“Aww,” the members and producers chorused, a mixture of sympathy and amusement in their voices.
Luna pressed on, “Then, all of a sudden, Jeonghannie oppa came in.” She placed her hand on Jeonghan’s leg, and though he made no move, he continued listening to her, his smirk growing as he anticipated the end of the story. “He saw me crying, took one look at the apple, and then he went…”
Luna mimicked Jeonghan’s deep, angry voice and stern expression, saying, “‘Give it back'.”
The room exploded into shrieks. The members erupted in howls and laughter, some leaping out of their seats, while others covered their mouths in teasing disbelief. The laughter was contagious, filling the room. Luna and Jeonghan remained seated next to each other, smiling as the room buzzed with the chaotic energy of their shared memories.
[only same reaction]
As the laughter in the room finally began to die down, Luna continued the story, still smiling. “The trainee still wouldn’t give it back and thought Hannie oppa was joking with him,” she said, recalling the moment. “Then he went, ‘I said give it back,’ but the trainee just laughed at him. Oppa was one of the oldest, so it was a bit disrespectful…”
PD Na, fully invested in the story, leaned in slightly. “Then… what did he do?” he asked, his curiosity piqued.
Jeonghan, his voice calm and deep, answered this time, his eyes still carrying that signature droopy look as he smirked lazily. “I cursed him out.”
The casual delivery of his words contrasted with the intensity of the moment, making the members erupt into a chorus of teasing.
"Ooh, he cursed!"
"He really cursed him out!"
"He cursed!" they repeated, pointing at Jeonghan and laughing even harder.
Luna nodded, trying to keep a straight face, before wrapping up the story. "Then after that, we left, and he bought me food."
[out of all the things PLEDIS could’ve fucking released in that training room it could have been this!]
Before PD Na could reply, Seungkwan jumped in with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "There was also this one time. Maybe a year after that incident."
PD Na raised his eyebrows, intrigued. "There's another one?"
Luna, confused, turned to look at Seungkwan, who was seated behind her. "What else is there?" she asked, genuinely puzzled.
"It happened a year before we debuted," Seungkwan leaned forward, his voice carrying a nostalgic tone. "Noona is beautiful. She's really beautiful. Even back then when she was younger, she hasn't changed at all. Not once. She looks the exact same. The only thing that changed is her height." He emphasized each word to PD Na, while Luna listened quietly, her members nodding in agreement.
"She was an extremely popular trainee," Seungkwan continued. "A lot of boys liked her."
With that, a chorus of agreements spilled from the mouths of the members. "That's true," Mingyu said, nodding along with the others.
"There was a time when two trainees were literally arguing about her because they both liked her, and they decided to talk to her about it and make her decide," Seungkwan added, glancing over at Luna with a grin.
"I remember this," S.Coups chuckled, his eyes lighting up with the memory.
Luna’s eyes widened as she finally recalled the story. "Oh, right! Once they saw me, they started arguing in front of me," she nodded, using her hands to illustrate the scene.
[She explained that as if it’s the most normal thing in the world]
"Right. They were literally fighting in front of her," Seungkwan affirmed. "The members present tried to make them stop, but one thing led to another, and they both grabbed Luna by each hand," Seungkwan demonstrated the movement, grabbing Wonwoo’s arm to illustrate the point.
"Jeonghan… He was the angriest I've ever seen him in my life," Seungkwan said, raising his hand as if swearing to the truth.
Seungkwan then stood up, pulling Wonwoo to his feet to act out the scene. "Jeonghan went up to them and just…" He mimicked Jeonghan’s aggressive stance, facing Wonwoo head-on, his expression fierce.
"Jeonghan had really long hair back then, so it was swaying like this," Seungkwan added, shaking his head from side to side, imitating the way Jeonghan’s hair had moved during the confrontation. "'Let go,'" he said in a deep, angry voice, perfectly mimicking Jeonghan.
Another chorus of amused, teasing "Oohs" erupted from the members, while Luna sat laughing, her shoulders shaking with mirth.
S.Coups, still seated, shook his head with a grin. "I had to get him off. It was the first time I saw Jeonghan angry as well," he confessed, looking at Jeonghan with a mixture of admiration and amusement.
PD Na directed his attention to Jeonghan, raising an eyebrow with an amused smile. "It seems like you're involved in a lot of these stories."
[He knows what’s up]
Before Jeonghan could respond, Dokyeom cut in with a knowing grin. "Jeonghan is the most protective of Luna."
Luna quickly interjected, shaking her head with a smile. "No, it’s because he was the first person I became friends with when I joined. He was the person I was most comfortable with."
Jeonghan finally spoke up, his tone nonchalant as if the answer was obvious. "How else am I supposed to react during that situation?"
[right. right. right.]
Hoshi chimed in, nodding in agreement. "He’s cool."
"Very cool," Minghao said.
[He’s hot too]
Seungkwan, ever the dramatic one, couldn’t resist adding his flair. "I swear it was like a drama," he said, his voice filled with exaggerated emotion. "It was like you could hear the song play… 'Almost Paradise'…'" He sang the familiar tune, sending the room into another round of laughter.
PD Na, still chuckling, looked back at Jeonghan and Luna. "It’s because she’s your best friend. You two are the closest."
Both Luna and Jeonghan nodded, confirming the bond they shared.
"She's like your younger sister," PD Na added thoughtfully.
Jeonghan, who had been nodding in agreement, suddenly faltered. "N– y–yes," he stuttered, quickly changing his answer.
The subtle exchange of looks between Jeonghan and Luna that followed didn’t go unnoticed. Jeonghan's eyes lingered on her for just a moment, while Luna remained composed, though there was a fleeting glint of something unspoken in her eyes. It was a small, almost imperceptible moment, but the hesitation in Jeonghan’s response added a strange tension to the room that only the members noticed and understood as if there was more to the story than they were letting on.
PD Na, oblivious to the undercurrent, chuckled again. "I never thought you would be the type of person to fight," he remarked to Jeonghan, amused by the contrast between his usual calm demeanor and the stories being told.
The room burst into laughter again, and in perfect sync, both Luna and Jeonghan replied, "You’d think."
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It was the encore stage of SEVENTEEN’s ‘Be The Sun’ concert in Los Angeles, the never-ending loop of ‘Very Nice’ ringing through the arena as the crowd screamed and chanted along. The energy was electric, and all fourteen members were spread across the stage, bouncing with uncontainable excitement.
[it’s always this song btw]
[shit always happens during this never-ending song]
They’d already run through what seemed like a dozen rounds of the song, yet the adrenaline kept them going, fueled by the roars of the fans.
Luna, like the rest, was in high spirits, hopping from side to side, her voice blending with the sea of cheers as she waved down to the fans in the pit.
[SPIT ON ME– w-what?!]
She had found herself at the very edge of the stage, close enough that she could see the eager faces reaching up toward her, arms outstretched and phones recording every moment. Luna smiled and waved, her fingers making heart signs as she interacted with the fans who screamed her name in delight.
[She’s adorable and hot at the same time]
[like– how does one achieve that skill]
Her hair was slightly damp from all the jumping, and she pushed it out of her face, not noticing the sheen of water accumulating by her feet. The other members had been throwing water bottles into the crowd moments earlier, and the puddles left behind were nearly invisible under the bright concert lights.
In the heat of the moment, Luna took a step forward, her foot catching the slick surface beneath her. Her sneakers slid out from under her, and for a brief, terrifying second, her body lurched forward, dangerously close to toppling off the stage. Her balance was gone, the crowd gasping in unison as they watched her stumble.
But before gravity could pull her down, two pairs of hands shot out— firm and fast. Dino, who had been dancing nearby, immediately grabbed her left arm with a firm grip, his reflexes kicking in as he sensed her falling. At the same moment, Vernon, who had been casually walking past on her right, caught her other arm, his hands locking around her elbow with precision. Together, the two maknaes stabilized her, each holding on tightly as she regained her footing.
[Someone bubble wrap Jiyeonie I’m so serious]
For a moment, everything seemed to pause. The three of them stood frozen, catching their breaths as the arena’s lights flashed around them.
[the way the three of them just froze]
Luna’s heart raced as she realized how close she had been to a disastrous fall, right in front of thousands of fans. She turned to look at Dino and Vernon, their hands still gripping her arms firmly. Their faces mirrored a mixture of concern and relief, and they exchanged a silent understanding in that brief, weighty second.
Luna, her chest heaving, mouthed the words, “Thank you… I almost died,” her eyes wide with mock dramatization.
Her words, though lost in the chaos of the concert, were picked up by eagle-eyed fans close enough to lip-read the exchange. Dino let out a relieved laugh, his lips quirking into a smile, while Vernon gave a subtle nod, eyes flicking toward her with a smirk, as if to say, “Yup, you almost died.”
In the span of a heartbeat, the moment passed. Dino and Vernon released their hold as she straightened herself, shaking off the near-incident. Luna turned back to the audience with a bright grin, as if nothing had happened, raising her arms and encouraging the crowd to scream even louder.
The fans, unaware of just how close she’d been to falling, cheered even harder, oblivious to the small protective moment that had unfolded before their eyes.
As the three continued dancing, the members spread back out across the stage, the concert’s rhythm never missing a beat.
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Hoshi’s live had started like any other, full of laughter, easy conversation, and the familiar warmth of interacting with fans. As he sat in front of the camera, casually talking about everything from the group’s upcoming schedules to his favorite food that day, the comments section filled with excitement, fans from all over the world typing out their love and admiration for SEVENTEEN's energetic tiger.
But then, the live took an unexpected turn as both Joshua and Luna suddenly appeared on screen. Joshua casually strolled into the room, his ever-present smile lighting up his face as he greeted the viewers. “Hey, everyone!” he said, settling down beside Hoshi.
Luna followed quietly, a soft, polite wave to the camera as she sat next to Joshua. Her presence, while usually met with joy from fans, always came with its fair share of negativity as well, something she’d long since come to terms with as the only female member of SEVENTEEN.
At first, the chat exploded with excitement.
“OMG Joshua!!”
“YAY, Jiyeonie is here too!!”
“Look at these visuals!!!”
But quickly, as always, the tide began to shift. Hidden between the floods of hearts and cheers, darker comments started appearing.
They always did.
“Why is she even here?”
“We only wanted Joshua and Hoshi, not her.”
“She ruins it as always.”
“Please leave, no one wants to see you.”
Luna sat quietly, her eyes flickering over the comments, her usual smile frozen on her face. She had grown used to this, a side effect of being the only girl in a thirteen-member male-dominated group.
[look at her face!]
No matter how much love she received, there were always those who couldn't accept her presence.
Over the years, she had developed a thick skin.
She knew she didn’t need to prove herself to anyone, that she was just as much a part of SEVENTEEN as any of the others, but that didn’t make it any less uncomfortable to read such words over and over again. It was as though the hate was a dark cloud that hovered just beyond the warmth of the stage lights, waiting to seep in whenever she let her guard down.
Joshua, sitting next to her, immediately sensed the shift in her demeanor. His sharp eyes noticed how her usual bubbly chatter had quieted down, how she glanced at the screen but didn’t engage as much as she normally would.
[I am just happy she has them 🥺]
[she doesn’t deserve the hate]
Without a word, he gently wrapped an arm around her shoulders, his touch comforting and protective. His gaze met hers in a brief exchange, asking the question without saying a word: Are you okay?
Luna looked up at him and gave a small nod, her lips curving into a soft smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. It wasn’t the hate that bothered her, not anymore— it was how people could hold so much anger and vitriol for someone they didn’t even know. Still, she remained quiet, determined not to let the negative comments ruin the mood of the live.
But Hoshi, ever the observant one, wasn’t about to let it slide. His bright, playful expression faded as he leaned closer to the camera, his eyes scanning the comments section intently.
[ngl his shift in attitude gave me fucking chills]
[Hoshi really went from 🐹 to🐯]
Luna watched out of the corner of her eye as his fingers moved across the screen, quietly and deliberately reporting the hateful messages one by one. Only she and Joshua could see what he was doing, but fans started speculating in the chat as well, noticing the change in his expression and how his focus shifted from conversation to something else entirely.
[he was mass reporting the shit out of them hoes]
Then, after a few moments of silence, Hoshi sat back, his face serious, his usually playful tone replaced with something much firmer, more resolute. His voice carried an edge that left no room for argument, yet he wasn’t aggressive— just calm, measured, and unwavering. He addressed the chat directly, his eyes staring straight into the camera.
“If you don’t have anything nice to say, then you should just leave,” Hoshi said, his words clear and firm. “This live is for all of us to have fun and spend time together. I won’t tolerate disrespect toward any of my members. If you don’t like it, that’s fine— but I won’t have people being rude. That’s not what SEVENTEEN is about, and that’s not the kind of fans we want. So if you’re here to spread hate, you’re not welcome.”
[SHIT– I… 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️]
He paused, his expression softening just slightly, but his message was unmistakable. “Let’s all just be kind to each other, okay? That’s the kind of energy we need.”
The chat exploded with a mix of reactions. Supportive fans immediately flooded the comments with love for Luna, agreeing with Hoshi’s words and calling out the haters who had been leaving negative comments. But there were still others who continued to protest, claiming they had a right to their opinions, or that they hadn’t said anything wrong.
Through it all, Luna stayed quiet. She occasionally responded to a few positive comments, forcing a smile here and there, but her heart wasn’t in it. Joshua and Hoshi tried their best to lighten the mood, playfully nudging her to join the conversation, but the damage had already been done— not because she was hurt by the hate, but because it confused her.
How could people carry so much anger, so much spite, for someone they didn’t even know? It was a question she couldn’t answer and one that weighed on her more than the comments themselves.
[she looked sad the entire time]
[I’m so sorry, baby 🥺]
As the live continued, the mood eventually lightened again, thanks to Hoshi’s relentless energy and Joshua’s calm, steady presence. But for Luna, the evening felt a little heavier, her mind drifting back to the reality of her position as SEVENTEEN's only female member. She would never let the hate break her, but it didn’t mean it wasn’t exhausting.
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The air was buzzing with excitement inside the venue as fans eagerly waited for the fan sign event to begin. The members of SEVENTEEN sat in a line, comfortably seated behind a long table on the stage, each with their markers in hand, ready to greet their Carats up close. The stage lights cast a soft glow over the group as they casually chatted amongst themselves, waving occasionally to the fans in the audience, who were waiting for their turn.
Luna, seated between Joshua and Minghao, was twirling her marker absentmindedly, her attention drifting between the other members' conversations and the distant murmur of the crowd. The relaxed energy around her was something she always cherished at fan signs— a rare chance to connect with the fans on a more personal level.
But just as Luna was about to engage in a conversation with Minghao, a loud, booming voice from the audience broke through the steady hum of the crowd.
[Honestly… valid]
The sudden, bold declaration reverberated across the room, sending ripples of surprise and laughter through the fans. Luna, completely caught off guard, froze mid-spin, her eyes widening as she looked up toward the sea of fans. Her heart jumped in her chest, not from the proposal itself, but from the unexpected shock of it all.
[She’s adorable]
[She’s also concerned]
A chorus of laughter and amused giggles rose from the audience. Luna, still recovering from the jolt of surprise, reached for the mic in front of her, her lips curving into an amused smile.
She was about to reply, maybe tease the fan back, but before she could even bring the mic to her lips, the response came— not from her, but from the thirteen members seated beside her.
[And there they go…]
A resounding, collective, and very loud “NO!” erupted from her bandmates. The word shot across the room in unison, like a protective shield around her, each member adding their own flair to the rejection.
Seungcheol was the first to react, playfully crossing his arms over his chest and giving a mock glare toward the fan as he leaned back in his seat. “Absolutely not,” he added, shaking his head as if to cement the point.
Dino and Jun, sitting a few seats down, followed suit, their arms shooting up into the air in exaggerated protest. “No, no, no!” They chanted, shaking their fingers dramatically, their expression both comical and stern.
Hoshi, always one to escalate things, leaned forward in his chair, his voice loud and booming as he pointed into the audience. “You’ve got some nerve!” he said playfully, though his eyes sparkled with mischief. “Jiyeon’s not going anywhere, you hear me?”
The fans roared with laughter, thoroughly entertained by the group’s immediate and united defense. Even Woozi, known for his quieter reactions, shook his head silently, his lips forming a firm, resolute “no” as he glanced down the line at Luna, his protective instincts subtly showing.
Mingyu, seated at the far end, leaned into his mic. “Good try, though,” he deadpanned, earning another round of chuckles from the audience.
Luna couldn’t help but laugh, her shoulders shaking as the members continued their playful scolding. It was a chaotic chorus of no’s, some loud and exaggerated, others quiet but firm. The overwhelming display of protection from her members warmed her heart, and she could see the amusement spreading among the fans as well.
Even the fan who had shouted the proposal was laughing along, clearly enjoying the playful banter his boldness had sparked.
As the ruckus continued, Luna finally leaned back in her chair, shaking her head with a grin. The mic still rested in her hand, but there wasn’t much for her to say— her bandmates had already spoken loud and clear.
Then, amidst the fading echoes of laughter, Jeonghan, who had remained relatively quiet during the exchange, finally spoke up. His voice was calm and smooth as he brought his mic to his lips, his usual playful smirk replaced with something more composed.
“Sorry, but that question is sensitive for us,” he said nonchalantly, though there was a glint in his eyes that made it clear there was more truth to his words than his tone let on.
[Translation: “Only I get to ask her to marry me.”]
The laughter in the room softened, and for a split second, a quiet fell over the stage as Luna and the rest of the members registered the weight behind Jeonghan’s words. It was a joke, of course, but Luna knew Jeonghan better than most— and she could tell he was serious.
He always was when it came to her.
Luna’s laughter faded into a softer smile, a silent understanding passing between her and Jeonghan as their eyes briefly met across the table. He gave her a small, reassuring nod, and she returned it, appreciating the subtle way he always looked out for her. Even in moments like this, where the line between playfulness and sincerity blurred, Jeonghan’s protectiveness always shone through.
The fans, blissfully unaware of the deeper meaning behind his words, erupted into laughter once again, the lighthearted atmosphere quickly returning. Luna, feeling the warmth of her members’ care, picked up the mic at last and shook her head, addressing the original fan who had proposed.
“I think you got your answer,” she said with a teasing smile, the laughter in her voice unmistakable.
[Translation: “Only Yoon Jeonghan gets to marry me.”]
The fans cheered, and the rest of the members continued to playfully banter as the fan sign officially began. But throughout the rest of the event, Luna couldn’t help but feel a sense of gratitude for the family she had in SEVENTEEN— their protectiveness, their loyalty, and their unwavering support. It wasn’t always easy being the only female member, but in moments like this, she knew she wasn’t alone.
And there you have it, folks! Just a small glimpse into SEVENTEEN’s ultimate protective instincts when it comes to their one and only Luna. I mean, if you ever had any doubts about how loved this girl is, well… think again.
Thirteen men— yes, thirteen— willing to risk it all, fight the world, and probably even dive into traffic if it meant keeping her safe. So, a quick reminder to all: Never— and I mean NEVER— mess with Bae Jiyeon unless you want these maniacs after you.
But hey, can you really blame them? Luna’s got their backs, and they’ve got hers. It’s a whole family thing at this point.
Thanks for watching! Don’t forget to comment on more wholesome SEVENTEEN content you want to see next! See you next time— unless you’re out there trying to propose to Luna… in which case… good luck with that!”
@/lunababybae • 10 months ago ╰ Luna’s sasaeng attack pisses me off but angry and protective Cheol makes up for it 🥵
@/moonlight_1997 • 10 months ago ╰ Jeonghan caressing Luna’s red arm 1:25 idk if I am to feel soft over him touching her like that or pissed off that her arm is red because of that sasaeng 🙃
@/saythename • 8 months ago ╰ Seokminie zipping Jiyeonie up that quick during Fear is a skill and a hot skill at that!
@/jeonwoowonwoo • 7 months ago ╰ They are all so protective of her, it’s super endearing 💖🥺
@/mrsbaebae • 7 months ago ╰ THE THREE BLOCKS ARE ICONIC!!!
@/gyuuuuudaily • 6 months ago
@/bbbiiibbiii • 5 months ago ╰ That exchange of looks from Luna and Hannie at 19:57 😍😍😍
@/missbitchhhh • 3 months ago ╰ note to self: “How to get Svt to notice you = ask Luna to marry you.”
@/shadowmyshadow• 2 months ago ╰ I have completely erased that Hoshi live from my mind. Seeing Luna sad and quiet like that breaks me 🥺
@/kpppopieaddict • 1 week ago ╰ They are all down bad for her wbk (I am too).
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Taglist: @yeoberryx @minminghao @angie-x3 @jennwonwoo @k13endall @heeseungthel0ml @chisskaa @megumi2020 @yoonzzziino @lllucere @smh-anon @yveclipse @randomworker @bunnystrm @iamawkwardandshy @gratefulbunny1 @bmo-bri @syren-ash @megseungmin @multiplums @unlikelysublimekryptonite @night-storm7 @cookiearmy @seokqt @btskzfav
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finelinevogue · 9 months
a montage of love
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summary - a fan has put together a small video of some of your best moments together
word count - ~1.5k
pairing - boyfriend!harry x youtuber!reader
The video screen filled with pictures of you and Harry along with the title ‘A quiet love like Harry and Y/Ns’.
The ten minute video was a fan-made compilation of moments between you and Harry that were quiet love moments. Moments where you didn’t say the words ‘I love you’ out loud, but the actions were louder than words anyways.
The fan put a disclaimer on the screen and claimed that they didn’t own any of the content.
You was a YouTuber so a lot of the content came from her channel, since Harry was always so proud and happy to be on your channel.
The video then started.
>>>>Clip 1:
The background was noise, since you were in a restaurant.
You and Harry were sat on the same side of the green velvet booth, shoulder to shoulder as if it were a pain to be sat apart.
The camera was placed on the table in front of you. You didn’t want to film the whole evening, since it was along time you and Harry couldn’t afford to waste, but you wanted to record a little just for memories.
Harry’s hand comes into view to hold yours that’s resting on the table. When you accept his hand, he brings them both up to his lips to give your skin a soft kiss.
“I love you.” He said quietly, but the camera picks it up.
“I love you too.” You blushed and rested your head against his shoulder affectionately.
“You want the last bite of my chocolate cake?” He asked you.
You nodded against his shoulder and he brought his other hand, fork loaded with a chocolate bite delight up to your mouth for you.
You ate it swiftly, not allowing any crumbs.
That bite was Harry’s way of saying I love you, again, but just in a different way.
>>>>Clip 2:
Standing in front of the floor length mirror in your house, you filmed for a winters walk vlog.
Lulu, your dog, padded around by your feet, awaiting her walk.
You were showing your outfit.
“My leggings are from H&M; cheap and cheerful my lovelies! The hoodie is from Harry’s wardrobe, but I believe it’s not cheap and cheerful. Don’t ask me why it isn’t, when it’s literally just a blue hoodie…”
You often joked about Harry’s incessant need to buy expensive clothes when he could be better spending it elsewhere… like on you!
“The coat is from Zara, I think, but I bought it from Vinted. Grabbed a great price for it and we’re preventing fast fashion in this household. And finally my ugly walking boots are from Go Outdoors. Sexy, I know!” You joked.
Harry walked in behind you then, dressed in a similar attire only with black running shorts over his leggings.
“Ready?” You asked him.
“Not until you bloody zip your coat up.” Harry huffed, picking up the keys from the key bowl by the front door.
“I don’t need to.”
“Yeah, nice try you.” He laughed and then his was before you, taking matters into his own hands and zipping up your coat for you.
Technically one of your hands was filming and the other was controlling Lulu, so there wasn’t much you could do anyways.
“So annoying.”
“Huff and pout all you like, but I’m saving you from a life of misery and cold.” He looked proud of himself after he zipped you up.
“Happy now?” You sarcastically asked.
“Not without a kiss I’m not.”
You pretended like that was a chore, but really you were excited to give him a kiss. The video stopped then, because you weren’t one to expose your PDA to the public.
>>>>Clip 3:
In the same video, you filmed your walk with Harry and Lulu.
You went on a walk alongside a canal, stopping off around at a little book swap along the way. Harry picked up a book and so did you, Harry offering to carry them both as you were walking Lulu.
You were walking canal side when Harry tugged on your hand and pulled you across him.
“What are you doing?” You laughed, Lulu happily walking ahead of you both.
“Making sure you’re less likely to fall in the canal, especially if Lulu tugs you.”
Harry was now walking canal side, holding your hand with his.
You made sure the camera caught the moment where you kissed his cheek in silent thanks, forever indebted to his gentlemanly capabilities.
>>>>Clip 4:
The room is bright as the sunset burns through the room.
You are sat on the floor, in front of the sofa in the living room, filming a segment of a video where you answer fan questions.
“What did Harry get you for Christmas?” You read out the question that you were asked via Instagram.
“He decided to get me a weighted blanket, because every time he goes away I find it quite difficult to fall asleep. The idea of the weighted blanket is to mimic him lying across me, which makes me feel more safe and calms me into sleeping better.”
You blushed as you answered, picking up your cup of tea to take a sip of it to hide your embarrassment.
You paused to think about you opening that gift and how happy you had been in that moment. Harry knew not to buy you anything that was expensive or materialistic. He bought you something practical and perfect, plus the he bought it in your favourite colour; yellow.
It was such a thoughtful gift and even more thoughtful coming from a man who could’ve easily bought you a meaningless yacht if he wanted.
The front door then unlocked and you turned to see who it was.
“Hey, m’love.” Harry said as he walked through, Pleasing tote bag on his shoulder and wrapped for winter.
“Hello, you. How was your day?” You asked him, watching him take off his coat and shoes.
“Busy, but good. Yeah, we wrote an entire verse which I’m proper happy with.”
“I’m just filming a bit for my next vlog, but I’ll make is dinner in a bit.” You promised, knowing he would be hungry after a full day in the studio.
Harry walked over to you, with a bunch of colourful tulips in his hand. He crouched down beside you, waving into the recording camera before handing over the flowers to you.
“For me?” You pouted at how sweet the gesture was, “Why?”
“Does there have to be a reason?”
“Harry…” You whined, feeling like you could cry. “Thank you.”
“It’s okay. You’re worth more than that, which is why takeaway is on me tonight.” He kissed your forehead - aware that the camera was still rolling.
“It’s always on you, honey.” You joked.
“That’s right. Treat you so well, don’t I?”
You couldn’t argue with him there.
“Did you eat today?” You asked him, concerned for his wellbeing as much as he is for yours.
“I did. Mitch brought us a couple boxes of sushi.”
“As long as you’ve had something, that’s all I care about.”
“Oh what would I do without you, my love?” Harry asked you, kissing your cheek.
“That’s one word for it.”
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twinklix · 10 months
hello!! is it okay to see a soft doting dom felix x sub fem reader? i do see quite a lot of weird nsfw lix imagines and i can never read them as im pretty normal and subby and it’s rare to see nsfw imagines like that! same with hyunjin tbh <333
₍ ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎˚ ✧ anything for you | L.FL
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Soft Dom Lee Felix x Fem reader | wc 1.6k
an; Hi anonie! I’m sosososo sorry for the wait. the last year was hectic i've been away but i'm back to writing now! I hope you like this! i also have a way longer felix fic planned out that was originally gonna be my response to thus request ! <3
Warnings; smut, fluff, established relationship, oral (f receiving), felix is head over heels, praise, soft dom x sub, pet names (baby, angel, beautiful), unprotected sex (wrap it up!), mentions of aftercare, lmk if i forgot anything (not edited)
18+ MDNI
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"is there anything else you need?!"
He asked this like it was a life or death situation. Furrowed brows adorning his usually calm and sweet face.
"No lixie," you tried to wave his worries away with a laugh, "im fine."
His face softened as he moved to sit beside you on the bed. You turned toward him and took his face into your hands. A smile spread across his face as his eyes met yours. He got like this whenever you left for more than two days, and this time it was a month.
"i just want my baby to be happy... i missed you so much" his gaze shifted down and you released his face.
"i am happy baby! All i need to be happy is you."
A bout of relief swelled in his stomach at your reassurance. He finally let himself breathe, sighing out to try and calm himself down.
“In fact, I’ll show you how happy you make me..” His gaze, now a questioning one, drifted back to you. Before he could inquire further, you reached for his hand, leading it slowly under your skirt, eyes refusing to tear from his widening ones as you did so.
He felt his fingers brush over the fabric of your soft panties. You were wet. VERY wet.
Big doe eyes met his even bigger shocked ones.
“i missed you baby~” you practically mewled, desperation laced deep in your voice, all your neediness from every night of the past month compiled together and rested in your panties where his finger slowly began dragging up and down.
The way you squirmed at his unexpected action made his dick stir in his pants. God he missed you too.
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At some point he had moved you to lay beneath him on your shared bed as he hovered above you, admiring everything about you.
“wanna taste you angel..it’s been too long.”
His wish excited you and you nodded up at him eagerly. He sat up and watched with lust filled eyes as you spread your legs, skirt pooling at your legs and putting your panties on display. The wet spot he had felt before, visible to him now.
After a soft “fuck” was mumbled, he reached forward to pull your panties down your legs (with your help). The view in front of him was something he had dreamt about constantly for the past month and now here it was. All for him.
“please baby”
Your plea reached his ears and as much as he wanted to stare at you forever, taking in the sight of your wetness sticking to your thighs, dripping from his favourite place on earth, he wanted more to taste you, feel you and mostly make you feel good.
“anything for you, angel.”
He dove in, arms wrapping around your soft thighs to hold them open as he licked a stripe up your slit.
“taste just as sweet as i remember..” he groaned before wrapping his soft lips around your bud, sucking just the way he knew you loved. And he knew he was right when your hands reached down to thread through his blonde locks. Geez, when did his hair get this long you thought. Your soft whimpers made a beeline to his dick, making it painfully hard.
A strong feeling swirled through your stomach, one that you hadn’t felt in a month. The change in your voice and the tightening of your grip in his hair must have alerted him of your situation because he suddenly pulled his mouth away.
Your hands untangled from his hair and you pushed yourself to sit up on your arms, glaring at him with furrowed brows.
“it’s okay baby, i’ll give you want you want..” You looked at him questioningly as he sat up. “..but i want you to do it while i’m inside you.”
In a moment he had stripped you of your skirt, shirt and bra, taking in the sight of your body like it was the first time again. Red spread across your cheeks as you reached up to his pants, looking up at him for permission, feeling shy that you were the only one naked. After a nod and soft hand smoothing over your hair, you unbuckled his pants and helped him out of them. Them along with his shirt and boxers were discarded on the floor along with your clothes.
Before you even got a chance to look at him, his mouth and hands were on you, kissing you like you were the only source of oxygen in the room. His hands ran along your waist and breasts like he was trying to confirm you were really there after all this time and this wasn’t just another wet dream fuelled by his longing for you.
“Beautiful.” He mumbled into your mouth, voice somehow deeper than usual. He reluctantly pulled away from your mouth as he softly pushed you to lay down.
You were so needy for him, desperate to feel him after so long. He thought you looked so adorable with hands reached up to him trying to bring him closer. “want you lix..please..it’s been so long.”
And who was he to say no to you?
He positioned himself at your entrance, looking at you to see how you bit your lip and watched impatiently to feel him inside you. He pushed himself inside slowly, immediately letting out a deep groan at how tight you were.
“Fuck..” He breathed out as he bottomed out, burrowing his face in your neck to inhale your scent that he missed so deeply.
Having him inside you made you feel full in so many ways. On one hand you felt so complete and content to be with him in this way and to be able to express your undying love for each other in the most intimate way. But on the other hand, the way his length filled you completely made your walls clench and brain go empty, thinking only of him.
“Gonna move now baby.” He told you softly, moving to hover above you. He pulled himself back out to the tip, making your breath hitch, before pushing back inside you swiftly.
You moaned out softly as he developed a steady rhythm, instantly getting lost in the feeling of you.
His eyes shut as he leaned down, pressing his lips to yours, resting on his arms beside your head.
The kiss was filled with love and passion. It was just another way for Felix to express his upmost adoration for you.
He angled his hips slightly, repeatedly hitting that one spot inside you, making a string of moans be muffled by the kiss. He pulled away to look down at you, his pupils blown as he watched you lost in pleasure.
“fuck..” His deep voice growled out between groans. “.. s-so…fucking beautiful.” His words were coming out stuttered. That pressure already building inside him.
He leaned down again to press wet kisses and soft bites to the sensitive spot of your neck that always made you even weaker for him.
“baby..” You moaned out, reaching up to tangle a hand in his locks.
He hummer in your neck, his thrusts speeding up to bring more sounds of pleasure from your lips.
“That’s right baby…let me hear you.. just wanna make you feel good.” And after he said that, one of his hands snaked down your body, applying pressure to your swollen clit, causing you to tighten around him impossibly more.
“So close lixie!” Those words were such a relief to your boyfriend because he knew he couldn’t last much longer. Not when you felt this good around him and sounded this pretty below him.
The fingers on your clit, along with his thrusts sped up as he groaned out.
“B-baby!” You alerted him loudly that the coil inside of you was about to snap. But he already knew. he could tell by how your walls pulsated around him, practically squeezing his cock.
“i know angel.. i know. let go for me beautiful”
You didn’t need to be told twice as your orgasm washed over you with another loud moan. He couldn’t take it anymore either as he pushed himself inside you as deep as possible and released inside you, panting and groaning.
His hips rocked a few more times to help you both ride out your highs (and because he wasn’t ready yet to be apart from you). Only when overstimulation settled into him did he slowly pull out, instantly connecting his lips to yours as you wrapped your arms around him.
“i love you so much. you’re so perfect. i can’t be apart with you that long again.” The words poured out of him desperately between kisses, all emotions and love for you pouring through him.
“i love you too lixie.” The words were breathy as you slowly came down, smiling up at him warmly as he pulled away from you.
His eyes fell to where your mixed releases spilled from you. His heart swelled knowing he was finally connected with you again after all this time.
Your gaze moved to where his was as you giggled, sitting up on your arms. “i should probably clean myself up.” You giggled but felix shook his head, quickly and softly moving you to lay down comfortably again.
“Your not moving baby. You’re not lifting a single finger!” He declared dramatically making you giggle again. “I’ll do everything for you.” He informs before leaning down to kiss you once more.
“I’d do anything for you.”
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just-orbiting-you · 2 months
Before you judge me I would like to clear it I’m a JK biased army and have loved seeing jikook since 2017. 3 episodes in, I realised this is the most detached jikook interactions I have ever seen. Some would say they are meeting after a long time (which is terrible imo if I see them as a couple) and there’s cameras so it’s obvious there might be awkwardness amongst the two but THIS also isn’t their first rodeo so all of it is pretty saddening. All that skinship doesn’t faze me anymore cause how JK was treating JM was something I wouldn’t even treat a friend (and never a LOVER) that I have met after years. Especially if that friend is sick and suffering. I tried to explain myself that maybe he tried to lighten the atmosphere by giving JM time to rest while entertaining us thru other ways but apart from jokes, there wasn’t a hint of reassurance from his side. And you could say he built a stone shrine but i just that’s how JK is. He’s spontaneous, saw some stones and built it. We don’t even see him wishing for JM as everyone says. And this is so opposite of the JK I have always seen with JM. Sure I got to see his caring side with how he shared food and drinks with the staff. That’s the considerate JK I love and have seen through years. But I couldn’t locate this JK in any way with his interactions with JM. Again they were meeting after a time… okay yes they were but in this same period that they haven’t allegedly met we saw JK giggling and asking JM to meet multiple times in his Weverse lives in 2023, watching compilations of JM related content and I thought it’s so obvious that this guy is missing JM and loves & cares for him and that’s what is the blatant difference in Wlives and AYS JK like it’s two different people.
I have never really been threatened by Tae’s presence in Jikook matters cause I simply never saw any thing romantic like in their interactions but Jikook has been a different story to me with all the growth in their dynamics, GCF tokyo, rose bowl and so much more. Through all this period, I have only seen the soft loving dynamic between the two so AYS has been a huge shock for me. Even if they weren’t together it would be sad but definitely okay for me but even in last episode JK said hope you get a bad stomach again this time or saying why didn’t his boat flip and trying to push the kayak and all of it was a no-no for me because it was surprising to see him say these things when I know he’s always been a considerate and respectful guy every time. Is this only me?
i understand this conversation was happening last week, but it is coming back again i believe. i hope my answer to this illuminates that i am sort of over this level of scrutiny of their words and actions, because it gets us nowhere and i am often left feeling a little sad. id rather let us enjoy this content for what it is right now and see what the hell comes out of it. also please be respectful if anyone chooses to add on to this conversation thanks.
my immediate reaction to the show was a similar level of confusion and slight disappointment at the perceived difference in ays' jikook. the bickering over the parking, the crude bathroom humor, and jungkook's comments about jimin's kayak like you mentioned all were also shocks to me too. but as time went on, i tried to let go of it. i needed the reality check that we will truly never fully understand jikook's bond.
we are used to finding small crumbs in larger scale pieces of content - sort of like ays ep 3. and oddly enough those are the softer moments. little little small things like jungkook's hand on his knee and his concern after jimin got hurt. that's the jungkook i am used to. but you zoom out of those moments and they feel different - why? we've never seen them just exist. this may be a regular part of their friendship dynamic that we have just never seen. i do think jungkook growing up does play a part as well. i found him to be much more loud, talkative, and brash then i previously assumed. but the reminder that they are people who will change overtime is very needed and valid.
i don't really know what to make of it, but i don't want to make inferences. yes, it is jarring in places, but i don't exactly know what it means for their friendship because... i am not apart of their relationship. the only thing i know is jimin still decided to spend time with him, keep the show going, and eventually enlist with him. jimin hasn't had problems speaking with jungkook about his actions in the past (rainy day fight call out), so i truly think if jungkook did something to hurt him, he would say so. i trust them to manage their relationships themselves.
i know this gets into speculation territory, but i feel like the camera may play a bigger difference then we think. jungkook says at the end of ep 2 that "we should become entertainers so good we can do this til we're 50." jungkook is also the one concerned with the theme of the show and are you sure?! as a whole. jimin just seems to be trying to make the most of his bad fortune on these trips. i think if anything, jungkook is turning to joking and silliness for the sake of the show's entertainment factor. also, we are only seeing select, edited clips from a 72 hour-long trip. jungkook does check in with jimin verbally a few times across the first two eps and i'm hoping he did help jimin out as much as he could, but that all could very well be cut out. from the editing point of view, it's not about those tender moments. why include jimin getting continuously sprayed with water guns and a bunch of poop jokes (aka embarrassing him on camera), but seemingly none of these quieter conversations and intimate moments that most likely did happen? it's for the sake of the show and its narrative. it would be really funny if a lot of this pops up in the behind the scenes footage. there's always a grain of salt you need to take while watching these contents, since we sincerely will never have a full glimpse into their relationship.
thank you for your ask anon! i appreciate your honesty on this show.
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conkers-thecosy · 1 year
Bagginshield-tober / Day 6 / Recovery
Hey folks! Here's my offering for day six of the "Bagginshield-tober" prompt list, by the lovely @smolestboop 💛
You can also find these little snippets compiled into one fic on AO3 - day seven is posted there too, but it's only a short one!
This one is a liiiiittle angsty, so be warned, but as always there's an element of hurt/comfort and a fluffy end, which hopefully balances it out.
Hope you enjoy!
It had been three weeks since Thorin and Bilbo had begun to share one another’s beds.
It was perfectly innocent, of course, and Bilbo had gone out of his way to explain that in hobbit culture it was more than acceptable to share a bunk with friends or family for comfort. Co-sleeping, he called it. In truth, it wasn’t the first time they had done so, as on the road to and from Erebor, they had often slept side by side for warmth and safety. Not just the two of them, either - all of the company had piled in wherever there was a space.
Now in Bag End, they never began the night in bed together. They would say goodnight as they always had, then head to their respective bedrooms. It was September now, and much cooler, so they were able to shut their doors once again. Still, since that first night when Thorin had been incapable of ignoring Bilbo calling his name in such distress, they had both come to an unspoken agreement; if one had a nightmare, then the other would knock on their door and quietly ask if they wanted company.
It seemed to settle them both, and often once they were in the same bed, feeling the weight and warmth of the other beside them, they would both settle into a much more peaceful slumber than if they were apart.
Tonight it was Thorin who had cried out, and Bilbo who had come to him, quietly asking if he had need of him. Thorin had accepted the comfort, wishing he was confident enough to ask the Hobbit to start the night with them sharing a bed, and spare them both the distress. He would only say it was platonic, and of course it would be, but in his heart he wished fervently that it might turn into more, that it might in turn answer another question that he longed to ask, but dare not.
He was shocked and shaken to wake again the same night from another nightmare, despite Bilbo already being beside him. Awakening with a muffled cry, his body taut and chest constricted, he was confused for a moment to find a small hand pressed gently over his heart.
“It’s alright, you’re alright,” Bilbo shushed him softly. “Just a nightmare, Thorin. It’s not real.”
Thorin looked up with wide eyes as Bilbo leant over him, sleep-tousled and concerned, and felt immediately ashamed. He didn’t know why, couldn’t hardly think straight, but it felt like some kind of failure to still be woken so, even with Bilbo as close as he was. Like he was too broken, too used up to ever recover, that he would always be haunted by the horror of his own actions.
“Try to breathe,” Bilbo pressed, his voice quiet, as though afraid they might wake others despite being the only ones in the smial. “It’s okay.”
“I’m fine,” he grit out, turning on the mattress so his back was to Bilbo.
There was a long pause, and Thorin squeezed his eyes shut, trying to breathe normally again through sheer willpower and shame alone. Then Bilbo spoke carefully.
“Would you like for me to leave?”
Thorin’s heart squeezed painfully in his chest. Had he frightened Bilbo? Did he want to leave? But no, surely if that were the case, the Hobbit would simply have gone without a word. He had been trying to offer comfort, and Thorin had snapped at him for it, but only because there was something so unsettling to be looking that the version of Bilbo that tormented his dreams, and waking to be faced with the same visage, only soft with concern for one who did not deserve it.
Still, Thorin knew he was greedy by nature. Selfish. Hateful. He could not help but reach for the things he wanted, even when it was wrong to do so.
Another silence followed, shorter this time, before Bilbo sighed quite quietly. “I will not be offended if you wish to be alone, Thorin.”
“No, please,” Thorin shook his head against the pillow, hating how pathetic and weak he sounded. “Please stay.”
Bilbo immediately settled himself back on the bed, and the dwarf was surprised when, instead of simply laying side by side as they always had, not touching and being very careful of one another’s space, an arm was draped carefully over his waist. His heart jumped again, only for a different reason, and he felt the Hobbit press his soft, warm body flush against his broad back.
“I’ll stay as long as you like,” Bilbo promised, his breath puffing against Thorin's shoulder and disturbing his hair very gently. It was hard to breathe again.
Thorin didn’t know how long they lay like that, Bilbo holding him as a lover might, his small hand finding its way back over his heart, the warmth of it seeping through his sleeping tunic and into his skin, into his very bones. His breathing became even again, and he knew that Bilbo was still awake, if only from the way he was still holding him almost protectively. There was a time not too long ago where he would have scoffed at such a notion, but now… now he felt safer than he had in a long time.
“I’m sorry for waking you,” Thorin murmured into the night.
“Don’t apologise,” Bilbo replied, his words like a caress against Thorin’s skin. “You’re still healing, and it takes time.”
Thorin closed his eyes and sighed. “I may never heal fully.”
He felt Bilbo offer some approximation of a shrug from where he was pressed up against his back.
“Maybe, but it will get easier, I’m sure of it,” the Hobbit said. “And I will be here to help, no matter how long it takes. I will be here for the duration, I promise.”
There was such conviction, such earnest faith in his words, that Thorin had no choice but to believe him. He did not remember falling asleep after that, but he must have done almost immediately, the lingering promise of forever giving his fraught mind the peace he so craved, and a fresh hope for eventual recovery.
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bottomlouisficfest · 1 year
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We hope you’ve enjoyed the fics from weeks 3-4 of the Bottom Louis Fic Fest 2023! Every two weeks, we’re compiling all of the fics from that period into one roundup post so they’re easy to find for anyone looking to catch up on fics they missed. Enjoy these amazing fics and give them the love they deserve!
only you and you alone (can thrill me like you do)
A fic by camilevol6 on AO3 | @svnflouwervol6 on Twitter
13k | Explicit | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Harry wrinkles his nose as he fights Louis' dress to get his hands underneath it, panting deeply. "Alpha..." "I'm still hungry, Louis," he claims with a severity that is derailed by his ragged breathing. "I thought I heard you say you were going to take care of everything."
Sugar Water
A fic by neversaygoodbye on AO3 | @tomlinsunsfringe on Tumblr
9k | Explicit | Tumblr post | Twitter post
When his most familiar begins to feel all too unfamiliar, Harry finds out what it means to love like real people do. Or, Harry comes back home from Princeton and has to face the consequences of his actions. The songs for this fic are 'Changes' by Cam and 'The World Spins Madly On' by the Weepies.
A fic by babby_cakess on AO3 | @_babby_cakes on Twitter
5k | Teen & Up | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“We have fifteen minutes.” Harry glanced down at the watch on his wrist. “How fast do you think my tongue can make you come?” Still against the wall, Louis felt a shiver run from the back of his neck down his spine. In three years walking on moving planes, he'd never had such zero control over his legs. At least not until now.
Stockholm Syndrome
A fic by Hazzascul_07 on AO3 | @hazzascul on Tumblr
14k | Mature | Tumblr post | Twitter post
"That's it!", Harry screamed in his face, "I'm done with you! I'll take you to your home, where you belong, where your father will be waiting for you with a belt in his fucking hands!" He could not go home. He was finally free. He will do anything to not go back to that place. He desperately and uselessly tried to free his hands, stumbling on his feet. "NO! No! No please, please, please don't take me back, please! I'll behave, I'll listen to you, I swear! Don't take me back, Harry! Please! Alpha!!" By now tears were flowing down his cheeks. Screw his stupid brain and his stupid heart. He was too good for the world. He was too hopeful to think that Harry was any different from his father and his brothers. It was true, all the alphas were the same. All with their disgusting need to control and breed and ruin the life of an omega. To take and take and take, and never give anything back. It seemed as if expecting goodness from the world was a crime and he was the biggest sinner.
all the small things you do (remind me why i fell for you)
A fic by Ashisinlove on AO3 | @Ashisinlove28 on Twitter
54k | Not Rated | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 68: Pack alpha Harry only wants to marry for matrimonial benefits but no other omega wishes to marry him for his reputation of being a big scary wolf who snarls at everyone for even breathing the wrong way. Omega Louis, to improve his pack’s condition, decides to be Harry’s pack Luna but is taken aback by how soft and sweet Harry actually is with him. AU where Harry is intimidating pack alpha but is very sweet and lovely with his soon-to-be mate and would do anything for his pack Luna, even make fool of himself in front of everyone just to see his giggle.
Swap me for your shadow
A fic by lunarheslwt on AO3 | @lunarheslwt on Tumblr | @OWildeLarry on Twitter
17k | Explicit | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“…I’m just … so in love with him.” Louis blinked. What??? This hushed revelation from Harry came like a gunshot- loud - and made his heart plummet. He could hardly process it, as he stood there freezing in the wind, hidden behind the balcony door. Harry was … Harry was in love?? Since when?? The shock and confusion that had fallen over him like a bucket of ice was slowly washed over by a feeling that ran hot and acidic. Somehow, it gripped around his lungs tighter, more cruelly. Harry was in love with someone….and it wasn’t him. If Louis thought being in love with his best friend was a knife that continually twisted into his heart before, it was nothing compared to when Harry started to go around talking about having fallen for someone else. A 5+1 fic; 5 times Louis has to listen to Harry’s vague confessions of love for his ‘omega friend’ and the 1 time Louis snaps and confesses his love for Harry.
White Noise Frequency
A fic by whoknows on AO3 | @crazyupsetter on Tumblr
6k | Explicit | Tumblr post | Twitter post
In the dark, something crashes. Louis stirs, barely opening his eyes as he gropes across the bedside table for his phone. Muffled cursing is coming from the hallway, probably about ten feet away from the bedroom door. Allowing himself the tiniest of smiles, Louis yanks the phone free from the charger and slips out of bed, leaving the blankets pooled on the floor. He doesn’t bother with shoes or clothes, moving silently across the floor in his bare feet. Eyes open now, adjusting to the shadows in the dark room, he waits behind the door, crouched down. There’s no more noise. Louis waits, breathing slowly, steadily. He’s awake now, fully alert. He’s got a loose grip on his phone, and he doesn’t glance down at the screen no matter how much he wants to. This really shouldn’t be happening anymore. Three years, two new houses, an upgraded security system and actual money to throw at the problem means this definitely shouldn’t be happening anymore. In the dark, something crashes. Louis stirs, barely opening his eyes as he gropes across the bedside table for his phone. Muffled cursing is coming from the hallway, probably about ten feet away from the bedroom door.
Tainted Love
A fic by Darling28 on AO3 | @darling-28 on Tumblr | @sunfLOUwer__ on Twitter
39k | Mature | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Broken awards, cut-up blouses, childish pranks and lots of nastiness? This is apparently all that remains of Louis and Harry after a sudden break-up and they walk a fine line between love, revenge and jealousy. Will the two find their way back to each other or are they both too hurt? ↫•↬ ↫•↬ ↫•↬ Prompt 4: Exes to Lovers AU where Harry and Louis are celebrities who have had a bitter breakup and they write songs/post shady captions to rile each other up. Louis says in an interview that he has moved on from dating pop stars to football players because they have better stamina.
A Package Deal
A fic by alltheselights on AO3 | @alltheselights on Tumblr | @alltheselightts on Twitter
19k | Explicit | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis knows Harry hasn’t fucked and run because he can hear him talking quietly in the next room. He shouldn’t care enough to get up and find out who he’s talking to—he knows cops get phone calls at all hours of the night and day—but Louis has always been too curious for his own good. He pushes himself up off the couch and pulls on his underwear, which he finds several feet away, folded in a small pile. Harry must have done that while he was still asleep. It feels a little silly to be tiptoeing around in his own home, but Louis does it anyway. When he finally peeks around the corner to the kitchen, he sees Harry kneeling on the floor with Biscuit, and that alone is enough to disrupt Louis’ usual heart rate. When he realizes that Biscuit is allowing Harry to scratch around his ears while he mutters to him quietly about what a pretty boy he is, well, okay. Now Louis might need a defibrillator. For the past three years, it’s just been Louis and his one-eye orange cat, Biscuit. When Louis starts sleeping with Harry, the aggravating cop stationed at the emergency room where he works, he has no reason to think anything will change. Unfortunately, Biscuit and Harry have other plans.
it was all by design ('cause i'm a mastermind)
A fic by tempolarriefics on AO3 | @tempolarriefix on Tumblr
22k | Explicit | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“You can’t be serious. You think I would be so awful to work for - you would rather quit?” “Don’t be all high and mighty about it,” Harry scoffs. “Surely you would do the same.” “I’m not being high and mighty. It’s called being professional.” “Really?” Harry pushes. “You’d work diligently under me with no complaints? You’d do whatever I asked of you?” “That would be my job, so yeah.” Harry shakes his head. “I’d work you so fucking hard,” he says slowly, “that you’d have to quit.” Or, the childhood friends to strangers to coworkers to enemies to lovers fic that you never knew you needed.
Remember to give these fics kudos and comments, and spread their fic posts!
All roundups will be linked here:
Weeks 1-2 Roundup
Weeks 3-4 Roundup
Weeks 5-6 Roundup
Weeks 7-8 Roundup
Weeks 9-10 Roundup
Week 11 Roundup
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jaynovz · 2 years
Silverflint BDSM and Kink Fic Rec List
Guess who is finally compiling this? Eyooo! 
If you’ve been around for longer than thirty seconds you know that character study through hardcore smut is my favorite thing on planet earth.
Powerplay and kink exploration aren’t only to titillate us, for me they are fundamentally about vulnerability and trust. Tools I can use to peel away the facades of the characters, to put them in intense situations in order to reveal their tender juicy insides, pushing them through arcs they may not otherwise have been able to experience.
Uh, but yeah also they’re about factory reset via prostate orgasm.
I’ve devoured every single example I could get my hands on and written a fair amount of it myself. So, for your viewing pleasure, here are my must-read Silverflint stories exploring BDSM or kink.
Enjoy~ 👀👀
Let me see you in your darkness by ember_firedrake:
Summary: "I have an exceptionally low tolerance for pain. I'd say anything to make it stop."
An alternate take on 1x03 where Flint decides to punish Silver for stealing the schedule, and both of them are unprepared for their reactions.
Notes: A s1-s2 series where SilverFlint fall into some BDSM and then catch feelings. This is one of my fave BDSM series of all time, I def took inspiration from it for a lot of my stuff. Includes: impact play, knifeplay, blindfolds, restraints, wax play. They get very intensely emotional which Jay laps up with a GIANT SPOON. Note that the ending of the series is bittersweet. Best entry is my heart is under arrest again if you’re pressed for time.
Any Port in a Storm by Farasha:
Summary: Fairlead: A ring or hook that keeps a line running true, preventing it from rubbing or fouling."
I don't want to be a pirate, I'm not interested in the life, I'm not interested in the fighting, I'm not interested in the ships. Don't care much for the sea while we are on the subject." - John Silver
Notes: This series is my second favorite with BDSM. It has less in it than let me see you in your darkness but it starts right off with rough sex and powerplay so the dynamic is similar. It follows through s2, the boys fall into a sexual relationship that contains BDSM elements and they, well, catch feelings lol.  Plentyyyyy of vulnerable stuff. This one has a happy ending. The best entry is Kissing the Gunner’s Daughter if you are pressed for time.
A Ship is a Republic by robotboy:
Summary: Flint and Silver train every day on the cliffs, and Silver starts to realise he likes being told what to do.
Notes: I think of this as both the quintessential cliffs era as well as the quintessential Silverflint spanking fic. This author’s treatment of the pirate boys’ dynamic was a MAJOR INSPIRATON when I started writing my own fic, thank you for your service.
What It Feels Like Not to Hurt by robotboy:
Summary:  So. This is a 9k slow burn watersports fic. That's a thing that now exists in this fandom. But it's mostly about Silver recovering in the warship cabin and working out how much of his humanity is tied to humiliation. To echo my esteemed colleague purplecelery: 'I'm gonna gently suggest that anyone who's not usually into this take a gander anyway because you might be surprised.'
Notes: This is Thee Gold Standard (heh lol) for watersports, absolute mastercraft character study through kink. Set during the s2-s3 break, warship recovering times directly after Silver’s amputation.
find you and hold you down by vowelinthug:
Summary: Sorry, Silver, Flint doesn't have time for any of your bullshit. He's all tied up right now.
Notes: Flint gets captured in a nebulous early s3 during the raids and Silver finds him chained up. Bondage and breathplay oh my~~
I’m Honest With Nobody Else by samedifference61:
Summary: “Give me your hands,” Flint says, voice soft but commanding, a captain’s call to action. And Silver is visibly thrown at that. The look of surprise colors something crackling and bright in the blue of his eyes.
Notes: Set in the s3-s4 break on Maroon Island, jealous Dom!Flint, bondage, semi-public sex, comeplay. Om nom nom.
I’ll Carry You Home Tonight by x_etoile_x:
Summary: “What are you doing?” Flint asked in a sharp undertone as soon as they were alone.
In lieu of an answer, Silver slid his hand further up Flint’s thigh, watching carefully to gauge his reaction; he recognized the subtle signs of the effect he was having. This was dangerous, but he wasn’t wrong: Flint’s breath quickened, the rise and fall of his chest becoming visible; he was perfectly still but brimming with tension, muscles quivering, like a highly strung horse about to bolt.
“What does it look like?”
Notes: Pirate date night, set in nebulous s3-s4 break. The boys go have a nice night out in Port Royal and get up to some absolutely kinky shenanigans. Impact play, orgasm denial, and D/s dynamics but also soft shit and Feelings.
Also there’s a podfic. That’s how much I liked it, I recorded it lmao.
Another Way by x_etoile_x:
Summary: Silver doesn’t get the chance to turn back and attack the Spanish soldiers when he and Flint are captured on the warship, so he needs to come up with a different plan. Things get out of control. A retelling of their time on the warship at the beginning of S2, in the aftermath of this.
Notes: Nicknamed Dubcon, Silver does some sexual performativity to save both their lives aka facefucks Flint in front of the Spanish soldier. Then role reversal at the end with Dom!Flint tying and gagging the boy and riding him into the sunset. Delicious powerplay, delicious character study and shifting dynamics.
Hey look, another podfic! Yeah I like this one a normal amount too.
The Soft Animal of Your Body by x_etoile_x:
Summary: Silver has a problem. Flint has an interest, as it turns out, and tells a story.
Notes: Part two of what I consider the Silverflint watersports trilogy. It’s also desperately sweet.
A Vulgar, Holy Thing by Lupismaris:
Summary: A quiet night in harbor leaves Silver brooding and pensive. So much had changed since he found himself with the damned page, he’d hardly be recognizable to the boy he was then. He’d relearned his body, relearned his place in the world, after Charleston, but now, despite his best efforts, Flint was causing him to relearn it all over again.
Notes: A non explicit entry on this list! The powerplay here is done in a sort of indescribably tender way that makes me ache, it’s gorgeous, the pacing is perfect. One of my all time favorites, and uh, “pup” as a nickname for Silver is GOOD, my stance on this is well-documented.
As Good As Gone by spinninginfinityboy:
Summary: “If I have learned anything these past few days, it is the importance of understanding one another.”
There’s a heaviness to the words which speaks of some deeper meaning, but if there is one, Flint cannot parse it. It has been a long time since he cared to try. If there is a world in which he does not have to spend his every waking moment second guessing John Silver, that is the world upon which he has set his sights. The alternative seems only exhausting.
One way or another, Flint and Silver learn how to communicate.
Notes: Set in nebulous late s2, during the journey to Charles Town. The best hatefuck I’ve ever had the privilege of reading, Flint gagging Silver with a gold coin, lives in my brain rent free wtf.
while the world burns by princesskay:
Summary: Flint kisses Silver in the longboat after the shark hunt. When they reach the Maroon island's shores, Silver tries to navigate whether it was a moment of reckless passion or genuine desire and is surprised by the truth.  
Notes: Contains the softest most loving spitting in someone’s mouth I’ve ever read in my life. Also there is a sequel with watersports and omorashi which is the softest most loving pissing fic I’ve ever read in my life.
after the winnowing by princesskay:
Summary: After Charles Town, Silver convalesces at the governor's mansion in Nassau while Flint chooses what happens to the gold - and their futures. Flint tries to take care of him, but are the kind gestures what they seem?
Notes: Featuring silk pajamas, overstimulation, comeplay, intense D/s with somewhat newly amputated Silver, in the break between s2 and s3.
the sack saga by princesskay:
Summary: sub!Flint is plundered, pillaged, and destroyed; Silver reaps the spoils.
alternatively, a treatise on cock & ball torture
OR the most insane character study via bdsm I have ever had the privilege of inflicting on the world
Notes: A seven part series. An exploration of kink, especially cock and ball torture, within the bounds of canon, beginning in 3.1 and following the show events all the way through til the very end.
In my humble opinion, this is the crown jewel of all Silverflint BDSM fic, there is simply nothing else like it. An EXTREMELY thorough and nuanced character exploration through kink that will tear your heart out in the best way possible. For my part, it rivals the actual ending of the show for devastation and having me sob in a puddle. Uh, also, it is the most sun-scorching intense smut I’ve ever read in my life. NOBODY does sub!Flint like Kay. I simply cannot recommend this highly enough.
I have so many feelings about it that the only way I've been able to fully express them is to do audio adaptations lmao.
Cornered by Thiebes:
Summary: It was only a dream.
Notes: Starts with accidental somnophilia which is a favorite trope that I don’t see very often! Also, honorable mention that this author has also written some pirate hazing chair sex with Silverflint side pairing that ahem you should check out. 
Join your hands to your hearts by jauneclair:
Summary: Madi's approach to diplomacy in negotiating relationships is not what Flint expected.
Notes: MadiSilverFlint during the s3-s4 break. Domme!Madi does impact play with both boys to everyone’s benefit. This is my FAVORITE dynamic for this triad, expertly handled.
don’t let me in with no intention to keep me by brinnanza, jaynovz
Summary: Silver sees red and the words are out of his mouth before he can stop them: “I’m not your fucking dog, and I don’t come when you call.”
There is a beat of silence. Flint’s moustache twitches. The air all evaporates out of the room, consumed by the flash of fire in Flint’s eyes, and Silver can’t breathe, suddenly lightheaded.
Notes: Woof woof, bitch. Here it is, the puppy Silver fic that started an Awakening. Set in early s2, this story explores petplay with sub!Silver and soft Dom!Flint. Including muzzling, cockstepping, drooling, praise kink, face licking, and indulgent inspection of the prize poodle. We continue to blame Luke Arnold and the Fetch Phillips Archives for this (affectionate).
Also exists as a Jay podfic!
for that devious dance between you and me by jaynovz:
Summary: What madness is this that has possessed him, to be taken by such thoughts after so long? He’d thought himself past such consuming desires, and how can it be this lying, scheming thief who brings them to the surface again? But Flint, still deep in shadow, has moved closer to the couch where Silver is laid out before him like an offering, a divine temptation to which it would be so easy to succumb. Surely this is another of Silver’s manipulations: he makes a display of himself, and he must know the reactions he draws, what he looks like, it's frankly obscene.
The whirlpool of depravity has caused Flint’s breathing to grow heavier in the quiet, his mouth gone dry and fingers twitching with the urge to do something. Suddenly, he realizes Silver is watching him in return.
Notes: Set in s1 after Flint returns from the Andromache chase. Featuring Silver shackled and at Flint’s mercy, or is he? Highlights are the hairpulling, choking, little bit of blood and comeplay, and the push and pull of complex D/s dynamics. 
did the twin flame bruise paint you blue by jaynovz:
Summary: A few people milling about in the center dance floor migrate towards the bar, and suddenly through the crowd Silver spots him. The person he’s both hoped and feared to see the entire evening.
James Flint stands not fifty feet away from Silver, chatting with Eleanor, his mouth quirked in a half smile as she says something amusing. There’s no fanfare or drama or some grand entrance like Silver has been conjuring in his mind over and over again… No, Flint is suddenly just here, winked back into existence, careening into Silver’s life. Silver has not seen him in a year, (barring the weak moments obsessively checking Flint’s rarely updated social media), and now Flint is right across the room.
Notes: My novel of a modern au, nicknamed Break Up AU, more an exploration of the most fucked up toxic ways to do kink and powerplay lmao. Bad BDSM Etiquette serves as a plot point, as does cuckholding kink and exhibitionism. There is a veritable buffet of different types of sexual encounters, definitely the most powerplay and varied kink exploration I have done by density, and also the most sophisticated/complicated. It features my favorite Flavor of desperate sub!Silver and possessive Dom!Flint heavily, though some role reversal surprises await you as well. 
Saps by yeaka:
Summary: There’re no fluids aboard save what John produces.
Notes: Trans!Silver providing for the crew via sex fluids during the doldrums while Flint supervises. The voyeurism and somewhat by proxy of it all, the edging, the cannibal vibes...?  This ficlet rewrote my brain chemistry.
The Oak & the Reeds by Little_White_Lie:
Summary: They didn't do it, but they could've done it. If only someone had seen that beneath the impenetrable armor of Captain Flint, there was a man named James McGraw who ached to be touched. If only something had made him bow.
Fuck you Jon Steinberg and Robert Levine, they could've made it if Madi had given Flint a hug and Silver had blown his back out.
Notes: Set in early s4, a rewrite of canon from the perspective of the boys entering into a powerplay relationship after Silver returns from the sea. Absolutely choice Dom!Silver and sub!Flint content with fealty dynamics. As well as the pre OT3 content Jay craves.
As always, I love to get feedback on entries that I may have missed. Mwah.
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nerdieforpedro · 8 months
Weekend Update 02/11/2024
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Nerdie! It's the middle of the month, how are you?
Good. Nothing to complain about. Mainly relaxed and then worked Thursday and Friday. My orientee made me laugh.
Oh? How so?
She said that now that she's had some different preceptors she enjoys my balances of being a bit hands off since I know she's experienced, but still checking in during the shift to see how things are going. (Puffs out chest and also wonders if that's a good or bad thing.)
I mean, if she said it's fine, it should be fine right? Now did you do anything writing this week?
I did a bit. Not as much as I normally do. I'm gearing up for projects I have either agreed to or planned for myself.
My two fics are quite different. One was silly and sweet and the other was filth. Nerdie in a nutshell really:
Is it for the wallet of the shoebox? (Tim Rockford x plus size female reader) Tim being silly in a bookstore leads to a serious conversation and a partial photoshoot at home. Comedy and domestic fluff with slight spice.
One Pass for the both of Us (Lucian Flores x female reader x Benny Miller) You and your boyfriend Lucian have the same hall pass. All smut with sweatpants and gold chains.
Working on two things I promised people. One requested fluff and the other action and smut.
I decided to start a new series (because clearly I don't have enough - Dieter, Frankie and Tim give Nerdie a death glare) 👀 because this Pedro character was in my WIPs way before the three of you! Might even help me brainstorm…
Two Hearts by the Ocean will feature Javier Gutierrez x Abigail (plus size OFC). The vibe is sweet summer romance. Mainly fluff every Wednesday, not sure how many parts, at least five. Let me know if you'd like to be tagged for it. I have a few people in mind but if you'd like to be added, let me know. 😆
Roc & Doc and Weddings 101 with Dieter are still ongoing, no worries. Tim and Dieter have calmed. Frankie is a bit pissed still but you have the longest masterlist Fish! You don’t care…well. Okay. 🫡
I might be trying to figure out how to write Ezra. I love reading fics with the man, but his speech patterns have so many nuances to it. I've been studying @morallyinept aka Jett's Pedro Pascal Character Database that she's been compiling and her entry on Ezra from Prospect has been invaluable. It's an excellent reference for Pedro character fic writers or if you just wanna know more. She also has one specifically on Ezra’s speech patterns that I swear I’ve read at least four times.
It's me, I'm the problem. 😭 I’m either overthinking or not focusing on the right parts. Ugh…
Fics I read this week: ( I took time off work and had plenty of time to read - still didn't get to everything. 🥸)
Movie Night by @munsonownsmyass (Zach Ellison x reader)
No game at all (but I can do this) by @for-a-longlongtime (Marcus Pike x Tim Rockford - Frankie Morales floating in thots)
Wouldn't It Be Nice - Chapter one by @lady-pug (Agent Whiskey x female reader)
02 x birds - Frankie Morales x reader by @trulybetty
Mon Amour by @saturn-rings-writes (Jake Lockley x black female reader)
The Stars by @youvebeenlivingfictional (Poe Dameron x reader)
Mutual by @morallyinept (Ezra x female reader)
Dinner Party by @lavendertales (Steven Grant x fem reader)
The Mercenary and the Whore by @absurdthirst and @storiesofthefandomlovers
Comedy of Errors (MK Spring Bingo #3) by @soft-girl-musings (Steven Grant x GN reader)
03 x snowfall - Marcus Pike x reader by @trulybetty
Ambrosial by @spacecowboyhotch (Din Djarin x fem. black reader)
Half of you - part 1 and part 2 by @foxilayde (Santiago Garcia x female reader)
God Speed by @magpiepills (Tim Rockford x female reader)
Not for nothing @magpiepills (Ezra x female reader)
Perfect Fit by @lowlights (Frankie Morales x plus size reader)
To the Flame - chapter 5 by @pedroshotwifey (Dark Javier Peña x female reader)
Come back to me by @reallyrallyauthor (Poe Dameron x female reader)
If you’re not looking at @immarocketman ‘s art, then I feel sad for you. It’s beautiful 🤗 They put out a sketch of Din/Cobb this week that’s apparently going to have a fanfic written about it by @theywhowriteandknowthings
There was also an excellent head cannon about Sarah’s younger years by @clickergossip that resonated with me on Black girlhood. ☺️
That's about it until next week! 🥰
Stay hydrated and safe!
Love Nerdie 💜
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timeforaciggy · 5 months
Hey can you please do a jerma x reader where the reader is really overwhelmed by life and work? Just something fluffy and comforting? also just wanted to say I really like what you've written so far and hope you keep writing more!!
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I am SO sorry if this is bad. I am so sleep deprived but I wanted to write this while I still had the energy to. But thank you for the request anon! If anyone feels up to it let me know what you think of this one. Can’t tell if I’m yapping or cooking.
Also please keep on sending in your requests! I know I haven’t posted much yet but they’re all being worked on.
Looking down at the kitchen floor you honestly think it seems like a good enough place to just lay down and fall asleep. You could probably fall asleep standing up if you closed your eyes for long enough.
Instead, you opt to grab a glass of water, some Tylenol, and ibuprofen. Even the stairs seem too much of a chore to go up to. Your bed just a dozen or so stairs away waiting for you; practically unused for two nights straight. ‘It can wait another night.’ your actions mirroring the notion as you shuffle over to the couch and carelessly fall back into the cushions.
Finally shutting your tired eyes. No tv. No sound. No nothing. Just an ironic poetic backdrop of nothingness to fall into as your dream contains of the exact same things. Just nothing, really. Even your brain is too worn down to think up anything memorable to show you in your sleep.
Checking the notifications on his phone for the tenth time, he’s kind of fed up with the pit in his stomach that’s been growing since the last time he’s heard from you earlier that day. Grabbing his keys, phone, and wallet. After making sure his own house is set, he’s already in his car. Tapping his fingers anxiously on the wheel to a non existent rhythm, he pulls into your driveway. Using his own key to unlock your door and let himself in like usual.
But it was unusually quiet and dark. ‘Not even a lamp on?’ He pauses briefly in place, immediately noticing a soft yet barely audible snore coming from the couch. His phone’s light leads the way to the sound. He can’t help but hurt a little (a lot) looking at you passed out on your couch.
Your phone’s alarms impeccable timing even blaring out at first, desperately labeled for you to ‘wake up’. But you being you, you press the lock button in your sleep silencing it. Even unconsciously not wanting to be woken up. You look so peaceful but so exhausted in the saddest way and at the same time.
“oh, sweetheart…” is all that’s said; spoken in a sad sigh composed of an empathetic heartbreak for you. He pauses again, effortlessly compiling a plan of action he knows you’d do for him and had done for him before. As you sleep like a rock- within 30 minutes Jeremy’s already placed a DoorDash order, set out your coziest pjs, and called your work letting them know there’d been a “family emergency” and that you “weren’t going to be in tomorrow”- something about a sick relative out of town. Of course writing down what was said, just in case anyone pestered you with details. Or rather, since you would probably worry people would pester you with details.
Soon after, he’s gathered your favorite go-to takeout making it look nice, and setting it on the coffee table along with turning on a dim but warm lamp. After staring at the choices on the tv he settles on a favorite comfort show for you. Before hitting play, he has another genius idea. He goes upstairs to snatch your favorite pillow and blanket from your room before bringing it back to gently lay it on you. He sets the pillow on his lap and gently rests your head down and you instantly curl up into him pulling the blanket up to your chin. Still blissfully asleep he’d rather you just get more sleep than bother you to wake up and eat right away.
He grabs the remote and presses play as you relaxed into him even more so while he’s absentmindedly trailing his fingers through your hair. He can’t help but look down in awe at how peaceful and comfortable you look. Not knowing how long it’s been since you’d slept he honestly didn’t care if it killed him not to move as long as you could stay as content as you looked right now.
After an episode had passed you’d started to wake up a bit. You can’t help but jolt awake with the feeling of panic. The fear-fueled list rushing through your head of everything that sleep had instantly devoured. It sped like a check list all at once; sleeping in to begin with, sleeping through all your alarms (again), ‘I forgot to reply to Jeremy’, what time is it?’ ‘am I late for work?’ ‘did I sleep all night?’
Everything just stopped though. As soon as you started to stir awake and heard, “hey hey hey, everything’s alright- you just took a short nap.” Your heartbeat finally beginning to slow down. An instant anvil amount of weight lifting off your chest, letting out the biggest sigh of relief. His calm and reassuring tone, the gentle waves of hair he’d resumed moving his fingers through helping put the air back into your lungs.
Your head fell right back onto the pillow on his lap. You rubbed at your eyes, resting your hands there. “I’m honestly so fucking sorry, I didn’t mean to sleep in, I meant to text you when I got home-“ “I know, I know, and it’s okay.” His face matched his voice in pure genuineness.
“How long has it been since you actually slept?”
“Probably about two days maybe…” answering as honestly as you can remember.
“I’m so sorry, hun.” His thumb rubbing circles on your hand as he sighed
“Well, you’ve got time to catch up on it now.” He adds
“I hope you don’t mind, but I kind of called off work for you tomorrow-“
“What? What’d you do?” The concern instantly returning to your face
“It’s fine- I just told them a family emergency came up and you weren’t gonna be able to make it in tomorrow, I wrote everything down. Don’t panic! I got our stories straight” With every ounce of sincerity, he still couldn’t help but chuckle a little, and you couldn’t help but laugh either.
“Okay, yeah, I think I can spin that.”
“I think you can- shall we continue?” He asks gesturing to the tv, jokingly.
“Yeah, yeah. Let’s continue.” You laugh back
Until he stops to stare at you seriously “Wait wait wait. Under one condition…”
“What’s the condition?”
“That you take some time off for yourself. I know you picked up more shifts than you needed to, and you’re genuinely working yourself too much. I want you to care about yourself as much as I do. Please?”
“You’re right, I’ve been ‘fuck it we ballin’ so much that I balled too much and it kinda fucked me. So yeah, easy deal. I accept the condition.” Saying it so seriously had the both of you laughing. Ending the night on a much better note than it had started.
You both spent the rest of the night, the next day, AND the next night in a comfortable loop of catching up on sleep and enjoying your time off together.
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dearweirdme · 1 year
Sorry to add my two cents, but this is to go along with your response to some of these anons about stop looking at the details and look at big picture first.
Get to know the individuals before you decide they’re a couple. There’s a lot of content and it’s impossible to really consume it all, and I know a lot of times when people ship, they watch content *for their ship*. My advice is to take the shipping glasses off for a bit. Watch group content: behinds, memories, lives mostly, where they’re a little more free with their actions. Pick a member and just *watch that member*. See how they interact with people, how they express themselves. Don’t just watch ship compilations because sometimes they make big things out of their usual behaviors.
Both Tae and ji kookers love to point out when JK touches the others ass. You watch content, and JK is a known “slapping all my hyungs in the ass” love language expert. Jimin flirts, so much, with most of them. His love language is touch and he shows this often by flinging himself bodily on whoever is closest when he laughs. He respects people’s space but will be draped over those that accept it, usually Tae and JK. And his main form of comforting those two (and some of the others) is that neck touch. (I couldn’t find one of my favorite vmin moments but the live anon linked reminded me of it, where Tae tries to say something but the others are all talking and he eventually goes quiet. Jimin turns to him and touches him gently and says something like “go on, I’m listening.” Jimin is that sort of friend and it warmed my soul because he’s so so caring and considerate.) (Actually, if you watch vmin and jikook there are a lot of similarities.) Tae and Yoongi both have a tendency to quietly see a need and fulfill it without saying anything (passing a water bottle, staying by Joon’s side that one muster, etc).
This is getting long but the point is you can’t really point out what’s special about a relationship if you don’t have some sense of how they relate in the first place. The members all have such beautiful friendships and relationships and you’re really missing out if you only are looking at it through the perspective of a ship and mining for evidence devoid of both the context of the moment and the person as a whole.
Sorry to rant. I have a lot of feelings, clearly. I just find if you’re really getting so concerned about another ship 1) evaluate why it means this much to you and why you’re stressed about it, maybe take a step back and 2) watch more content with more members and appreciate the bonds. There was a time I let aggressive jkkers get to me to a point it was difficult to appreciate their actual bond because I knew what jkkers would see it as, but I took a step back, realized their opinions don’t actually matter and it’s not that important to let it get to me, and watched more source jikook content. They have such a lovely friendship if you can appreciate it without looking at it as a “rival” relationship and separate it from their shippers. No one’s really threatened by vmin because they’re able to do this. Approach jikook the same way.
Lost the plot a little at the end, thank you for reading! Remember guys, if you’re not enjoying yourself and it’s stressing you out, take a step back and take a break. Remember why things made you happy in the first place.
Hi anon!
I love this ask, because that is exactly how it is. It’s exactly why I can be sure of no existing romantic relationship between Jk and Jimin and it’s also why I feel Tae and Jk are real. One of my biggest pet peeves is that some see Jk and Jimin and Tae in such a different light than I do, and I have often felt that some shippers base the characters of all three on their supposed relationship, rather than the other way around. Like.. Jkkrs often see Jk as this dominant, petty, rulebreaking person, while I see so much softness in him. They see Jimin as this submissive, fearful, person who needs Jk to protect him, when Jimin is so strong himself. They see Tae as an attention seeking, not-caring person, when Tae always cares about everyone. No wonder that people get confused about members relationships (platonic or romantic), they don’t even understand the individuals.
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cuddlepilefics · 3 months
Hi there! I wanted to say I love your works, especially your Fluffy Ateez Oneshots🥰🥰 I have something is like to ask. I’m currently writing a skz series with my close friend, who, as a matter of fact, is a little. In the series some of the members are littles, as well as her OC and my oc is her primary caretaker. I’ve tried doing my own research and ask her questions, but our schedules don’t always overlap, and I want to make sure I write the scenes either little space mentioned or with a little correctly. May I ask you for some advice? Is there anything in particular you would recommend for me or and pointers you would give for writing littlespace ? (Idk if that fully made sense😭😭😭)
Hey, I'm happy to hear that you like my work. Someone asked me for advice 1-2 years ago and I compiled a list of littlespace writing advice back then, which I'm happy to share:
-make sure ro use many soft adverbs (e.g. gently, patiently, soothingly,...) when describing the caregiver's actions as those are all characteristics of a *good* caregiver
-littles rarely just walk, depending on headspace age and current energy level, they can crawl, waddle, skip,...
-for the speech, I switch all 'r' and some 'L' to 'w'
-you can change some of the 's' to 'sh' for a soft but noticable lisp
-what I often see in writing and use myself, is the little talking about themselves in third person e ish..."
-cute plural forms (e.g. huggies an' kissies)
-lots of pouts
Feel free to always message me on DM if you have any questions about writing littlespace or littlespace in general 💕
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heybaetae · 1 year
maybe 5, 6 and 21?
5. What do you dislike most about making graphics / gifs?
not knowing when/if my photoshop OR laptop will crash in the middle of making something before i’ve made any saves to it. i got a new laptop last christmas but there’s something that makes it crash suddenly at least once a day and it has happened plenty of times while ps is running. luckily, the program manages to recover the unsaved file when i reopen it but it’s very annoying when i’m concentrated lol. other than that, i hate when i’m trying my best to color something and i simply have to give up. or the quality of something is so bad that i can’t make it look good. after you’ve gone through screencapping and waiting for the files to load and convert to frames, some decent time has gone by and it suuuucks to just be like…nevermind. it happens often.
6. Your favourite graphic and or gif creators
my current fave thing on this whole site is this comp @kimtaegis made me for my bday a few weeks ago 😭 annie is in my list of fave gif makers obviously. i also have a huuuge soft spot for @jiniekook’s work!!! @bladesrunner makes some of my favorite tv/film gifs and i recognize her coloring every single time. @userjiminie is incredibly talented and makes some of the coolest conceptual sets i’ve ever seen! @userjungkook97 pours so much love into her gifsets and i get really excited whenever she posts something new. @userarmyhope literally never disappoints with crisp, clean gifs and perfect coloring. of course @jung-koook for her dedication to churning out massive sets almost daily. this is not even close to everyone whose work i adore, but it’s off the top of my head at the moment. <3
21. How much time do you spend on a single graphic / gif?
depends on what it is! a more elaborate comp can take me up to a couple days or more, especially if i have to search for and download a lot of footage. for example, my recent jungkook bday set took me about four days to finish, but i started it early enough that i was just taking my time and i used easily accessible content from youtube. if i need something from a dvd or a concert, that can take me a while to locate. i’ve spent ages reverse image searching very questionable screencaps just to find the origin of something for a tiny gif in a compilation set lol. but a basic gifset can take me a half hour to an hour or longer depending on how many gifs i’m including and how big they are, since bigger gifs take longer for my actions to process.
Ask a graphic / gif maker
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lostdrarryfics · 2 years
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Welcome to the eighth day of our anniversary celebration!
The Big Find is a 10-day long Drarry fic-finding marathon to celebrate the blog’s first anniversary. Below is the Day 8 compilation of lost fics, both old and new, that we’ve been unable to find. Our aim is to get as much attention to these lost fics as possible, to help people finally find their missing fics! Anyone can participate by reblogging, reading through each list, providing additional fic details, and informing us the title, author, or link of a fic, and their respective number in the comment section. Happy finding!
8.1 AO3, Drarry is in front of a destroyed(?) part of Hogwarts and they’re with Neville, I believe. And Harry places a flower crown on Draco. He look so soft and Neville was quite taken aback for abit but didn’t say anything (I think). I believe it’s 8th year. (original post)
8.2 Draco is living alone in a very big flat, and he needs a roommate. Him and hermione are friends and work together or something? But I think she suggests Harry be his roommate and it kinda goes from there. Draco gets super drunk and goes to his moms house and like vents to her about his feelings for Harry. (original post)
8.3 I read on ff.net I think, a long time ago. It take place after Hogwarts. Harry and Ginny broke up, Hermione give Harry a magical device/spell/potion supposed to help him find his soulmate. The “spells” is supposed to give a green aura to an object belonging to the soulmate. When Harry use it, it make Draco’s wand green. Harry end up giving the wand back, reconnecting with Draco and then after a few chapter and some adventures, they end up together. But they hide it for quite some time. There is a follow up fic. With some actions and dark wizards. There is a big fig at the end, in the ministry. Draco is possessed and try to kill Harry, Ginny (who inherited some kind of power) cast a spell on Draco to save Harry but Harry gets in the way to save Draco, he ends up in a strange room with a pink swimming pool. Harry almost dies. Draco is dévasted. But something happen with a necklace Harry’s wearing (gifted by Narcissa) and he comes back to life. Ron hear a conversation between Draco and Harry and réalise there are together but he doesnt say anything. When she learn about it Hermione confront Harry and they end up fighting about it. Later Draco confront her, telling her she’s a bad friends for upsetting Harry that way, especially on that day (the fight between Harry and Hermione took place on Halloween). Hermione apologize to Harry later on. (original post)
8.4 8th year, sub harry, Draco and Harry are sharing the same room. Harry develops feelings for Draco. One day Draco sees Harry masturbating in bathroom and they start a relationship. Draco tells Harry that I am in charge as long as you are within the or something. Also makes him read books and memorize stuff during bed. (original post)
fic is not lumos by birdsofshore
FOUND! 8.5 creature fic, not sure what creature it is, i’m fairly sure that the creature is harry and draco is his mate, he’s very possessive of draco, like he can barely control himself when someone else touches him or something, i remember this scene where draco is talking/fighting with blaise (maybe someone else) and he like gets very close to him so harry gets all possesive and dangerous and he almost kills blaise or whoever, and then harry (or maybe hermione) gets very upset with draco because he basically used harry to threaten blaise (original post)
8.6 ffn, bottom harry, the story was like fairy tales but a little twisted, like modern AU, or the one that was of Snow White; in that Voldemort married Lily after he killed James with the promise of not killing Harry, he had the same mirror that say Harry would be the most powerful wizard and Voldemort didn’t want that, so he didn’t let Harry go to Hogwarts and didn’t tell him he was a wizard, but Lily trained Harry in secret so he could kill Voldemort some day and have their revenge. Harry was so girly in that one, he picked flowers, knew how to knit and do it all the time Voldy was around, and he had a Journal were he tell his plans and training but Voldy thought he was writing poetry about girly things; after Harry run away to Weasleys Voldy kill Lily and marry Narcissa after killing Lucius too, Draco was angry for that and that’s why Voldy grow more and more paranoid every day, specially when the talent of Draco for potions become obvious he feared being poisoned by Draco, and after Draco find Harrys journal he fall in love with him, and after knowing the poison he and Snape brewed was for Harry he try to find him, he found him but Harry was already poisoned but alive so he started with brewing a cure, he talked to Harry while he was doing that but he didn’t knew Harry was conscious and hearing everything so he also fall in love with Draco, after Harry wake up they fuck and go to fight Voldemort together, they win and live happily ever after. (original post)
8.7 8th year, In the great hall (towards the end) Draco and Harry kissed/got together/the conflict ended. I believe Ginny was sort of a villain that caused some strains in their relationship, she lied and manipulated them, I think but not sure what exactly she did. Oh, I think she scolded Draco? Then Ron and Harry heard this? I’m not sure if they came together, but Ron apologised in her behalf and was sorta nice. (original post)
8.8 Draco and Harry are in a relationship but Draco has an arranged marriage (I think secretly from Harry). This is after Hogwarts. His father has been pressuring him to go through with it but Draco thinks if Harry can learn the proper etiquette, he can change his mind? Bit fuzzy on the details but Draco asks for Pansy’s help. (original post)
8.9 Harry and Ginny were about to get married, but they got an invitation to a party(?) where they had to wear masks, and they both agreed that this was the last time they’d have sex with anyone else before they got married. But when they get there, Harry ends up having sex with Draco (he doesn’t know it, then Draco reveals himself), and Harry and Draco leave to go to Draco’s house. They drive in Harry’s car, but I think Draco has a really nice car too. The next morning, they’re having sex again, and Lucius walks in on them, wondering whose car is in the driveway. And then I think Ginny and Harry break up. (original post)
8.10 Christmas fic on AO3, it had a secret Santa theme, it was at the ministry and Draco obviously had to give Harry something. Draco in WWW where he was about to buy a chess board, spoke to Ron for a bit and turns out Harry already had one; in another scene he was about to buy Quidditch tickets but turns out since Harry was friends with Ginny he was gifted the tickets every now and then, and sometimes even gave it to other people; and so it goes, Draco’s ideas being frustrated. At the party Harry already gave his gift to whoever he pulled from the hat, Draco was nowhere to be seen, and so Harry grabs his gift and BAM it was a portkey and Harry was scandalized for a sec but then he saw Draco in nothing but a ribbon and they did the ding dong before the ministry’s panicked auror team arrived. (original post)
8.11 8th year with redeemed Draco. Harry is pining for Draco, Draco likes Hermione, and Hermione and Ron are together. I remember the reason why the light side started to trust Draco was because he saved Hermione and carried her to the medical ward. Harry is skeptical at first but learned to trust him. I also remember drarry witnessed Hermione and Ron get together. (original post)
8.12 They’re at hogwarts. Draco somehow turned into a spy and after losing nearly everything, Harry still doesn’t trust him despite being in a relationship. He says something along the lines of “I’m leaving you once I’m strong enough”. Draco bottomed on the fic and it was his first time, literally the day after he gave himself to Harry after losing his family and all, Harry implied he could still be a spy for Voldemort and still didn’t trust him. (original post)
fic is not the spy who loved the boy who lived by Alisanne
8.13 Takes place near the end of the series or something, and someone casted a spell or hex or something to Harry, making him enter like another world or something. In this world, he recalled everything before he wakes up (Voldy, his friends, hogwarts, etc..) but he’s back in the cupboard, and he thinks this is a dream or whatever. Sooner or later, in the beginning or throughout the story, he starts to slowly forget. I think he was with the Dursleys and they were actually nice to him or something but he attends school with Dudley. Since back in the normal world, Harry’s body is unconscious and his friends are trying to fix it. Somehow, Draco comes in the picture and goes in to try and convince Harry to come with him and end the war. But like, Harry likes this world and wants to stay (seeing that if he goes back, he’ll need to fight stuff and his life on the line) (original post)
FOUND! 8.14 Harry is this really cold person. It turned out he’d made a horcrux at some point, and it was this picture of Dorian Grey type portrait he kept either in the basement or the attic. (original post)
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Biweekly Media Roundup
- Wednesday (TV) - I’m enjoying this so far. I’m pretty much always down for any premise revolving around a monster school, the mystery is pretty interesting, I like the overall aesthetics and costume design, and I do think the writers did a pretty good job with most of the central cast’s characterization. I have some complaints on the overall monster design and on Wednesday herself, who I think is fine as far as entertaining characters go but is callous to the point where I genuinely don’t understand why any of her peers would ever want to spend time with her, but as far as first seasons go it was solid, and there's always room for improvement later. It definitely stands on its own as a little murder mystery drama mini-series, though I do desperately want to watch the movies again now.
- Defunctland (Youtube Channel) - I don’t normally include Youtube videos here as I watch too many to count but Defunctlands latest documentary on the Disney Channel theme somehow made my cold heart feel things so here it is. 
- Chainsaw Man (Anime) - Finally caught up with the anime and uh. Holy shit. Makima was already a stand-out in a great cast of likable weirdos with her soft spoken voice and androgynous drip but seeing her full abilities in action was really something. Horrifying, well executed, adds so much mystery and intrigue to the show, an excellent addition all around. I am seeing why this series was so hyped up, as while it wasn’t quite what I was expecting it to be I’m definitely having a lot of fun with it. Excellent animation, a little bit of introspection, and some very cool monster concepts, I can definitely see this becoming one of my faves in the future, though it’s raunchy/occasionally gory nature makes it a show I wouldn’t recommend to everyone withought knowing their tolerance for those things first.
- Spy X Family (Anime) - Glad the tennis arc is over, I don’t hate this new love rival character but her and her schemes are far less interesting than Anya’s school issues and everything Yors got going on so I’m excited to get back to that.
- Mob Psycho 100 (Anime) - Not much Mob left, gotta savor it while I can.
- Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-Kun (Anime) - While I adore these characters, I’m not really liking this season as much as the last ones, I hope we get to a new arc soon and maybe get more background on the adult cast or get to see the kids just hanging out more. For this series I want more wholesome comedy not prolonged action tactics- there's nothing wrong with the latter but it’s just so much better at the former.
- The S Classes That I Raised (Webcomic) - Too bad this has such a small Western fandom, as I’ve been thinking about these little guys quite a lot this week. Han Yoojin’s mom energy is just incredibly endearing and the webcomic designs of Moon and Riette are very ...woman yes good musclular  strong arm woman I love mhhmm. I think I’ll make a compilation of Peace photos to put over on my monster blog as the artist really captures the adorable + chaotic little gremlin energy well with the little flareon-thing. This series has now joined my ‘constantly checking for updates’ list for the near future.
- Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (Video Game) - I haven't played this game, but I have been enjoying the character designs. Rika in particular has great casual butch energy. 
- Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint (Webnovel) - This has been here for a good chunk of the year but thanks to an audionovel version I’ve been catching up on it a lot. Just got a bit past the “Incarnation Kim Dokja will be killed by the one he loves the most” arc which sure made me feel things oh boy. I plan to binge read the whole novel over the holidays and let it break me like I know it will.
Listening to: Red Flags by Tom Cardy, Tot Musica by Ado, Shout Out to My Ex by Little Mix, Stay by Reinaeiry, People Watching by Conan Gray, Happy by P!nk, Comatose by Skillet, Fallout by Marinas Trench, All the Boys by Panic! at the Disco, Lent by Autoheart, A Good Song Never Dies by Saint Motel
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siixkiing · 2 years
❛❛ I’m sorry. I should have asked first, just… it reminded me of you. ❜❜ Rai's here to comfort monkey dad uvu
☯ soft caring sentence compilation ☯
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"Aw, kiddo...you really didn't have to do that."
Still the action touched the golden simian's heart more than words could ever properly express right now. To think that this young man — one who had come to view as his own son, would think of him in that moment. It only solidified in his heart that this was HIS kid, blood didn't matter.
Reaching a hand out to playfully ruffle those brown locks, bright smile adorning his face. Raimundo soon finding the Great Sage pressing a forehead against his. A gesture that was meaningful and practically sacred — showing a great level of care and love with it.
"Thank you — "
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" — don't know what I did to deserve you in my life."
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