#i’m anti bullying and bullshit
a-b-riddle · 3 months
Friendly reminder✨
I’m not being paid for posting chapters or putting out content. This is a hobby. Something I do for fun. I am not receiving any sort of compensation for this with the exception of words of encouragement.
With that being said, you are entitled to your opinion, just as I am being entitled to block you.
Comment I don’t appreciate? Blocked.
Ask that is crossing a boundary? Blocked.
Blog that looks like a bot or a minor? Blocked.
Blog that supports something I don’t? (Pro-Israel, Anti-Choice, All Lives Matter, homo/trans/islamaphobia, or being a bully) Blooooooooocked.
I am not a business. This, as far as I am concerned, is a social media page and I can block you with and without reason.
With that being said, anon asks is no more. If you’re gonna say something, say it with your chest. 🤗 if you wanna send an ask and you don’t want it to be shared, just message me. I am more than happy to get messages.
Again, I’m not being paid to put up with any horseshit. Commenting ‘next part’ won’t make me write faster. Putting up some bullshit comment or ask isn’t going to hurt my feelings like you think it will. It just annoys me. Nothing more than a fly getting too close to my food. So with that, thank you to those who have respected not only my boundaries, but everything I have going on 🫶🏻
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Game over as late entry candidates never win. Democratic Party PAC’s and large donors have been saying for weeks they don’t want Harris. Prominent elected insiders have been also saying they don’t want Harris. The far left members such as AOC backed Biden right to the end because he gave them many liberal victories and had the guts to take on bully Trump. Many see Harris as still too centrist/right leaning within the party which is bullshit because the Biden/Harris agenda was super liberal on the home front and arguably the most successful first term ever. Kamala cannot and should not be blamed for foreign policy issues with immigration and Isreal. That was Biden, the State Dept, and Isreali backed Congressmen. I told everyone from the start that f-ker Netanyahu was deliberately ignoring Biden’s demands for peace in order to make him look bad while giving Trump a boost.
The Republican oligarchs and their foot soldiers wouldn’t let a white into the Oval Office so expect their turnout to be large to block a women of color.
Ultimately this is due to the oligarch inspired attack launched through CNN against Biden. Their refusal to fact check Trump and the anti-Biden hysteria was the root cause of this mess. They have been on his case since he announced he would be running against Trump four years ago. Van Jones, Dana Bash, Scott Jennings and all the other pundits and anchors at CNN can go fuck themselves! And the same for the oligarch puppets at every other news outlet that jumped on the anti-Biden bandwagon.
It’s no coincidence that all these things happen at once beginning with the debate. The mass hysteria over Joe’s age, the false claims by CNN of him having dementia and Alzheimer’s, the outrageous SCOTUS decisions, the dismissal of Trump’s classified documents case, and every else. We’re seeing the not so invisible hand of the oligarchs at play. They own the Federalist Society and through them the SCOTUS and national judiciary. Oligarchs own the entire news media and social media companies. Oligarchs back the fake news talk radio, local news outlets, internet conspiracy sites and spend billions on Republican candidates. Koch and Walton each spend about a billion dollars in every presidential election year to back every Republican candidate for federal and state office. Now we have Muskrat giving the Trump Campaign $45 million a month. Can you imagine the sweetheart deals and tax beaks he will get?
Personally I’m going to back Harris 100% as she had the name recognition, experience, and the most political acumen. For VP it’s going to be more of a nuanced challenge. Two women or another person of color will sadly not fly in this turbulent time and we must do all we can to prevent a Trump takeover. The odds are stacked against us like never before but please don’t throw in the towel. Our freedom depends on it like never before.
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queerxqueen · 11 months
"I just want to clarify that I’m well informed on the situation that is going on but Byler has only one chance of happening. Meanwhile Palestinians are dying anyway. They have been for years and will continue to die. Since when do y’all care about them and their lives? You started talking about it only when it became trendy.
Fake activists, move on and continue eating expensive food in your comfy house and not giving a fuck about people far away from you dying. That shit happens everyday and if you get involved your psyche will be hurt. Let the politicians deal with this instead of bullying a random actor that didn’t do anything harmful"
browsing through the noah schnapp tag to see what he did now and seeing these words was a literal slap in the face how can someone post this and think theyre a good person???
(When I first read this, I thought you were saying that shit in my inbox and was ready to throw hands, so I was very relieved to see you were just sharing the bullshit from someone else's blog.)
I just searched in the tag and saw this exact post. How fucking horrifying. Instant block. I doubt anyone could reason with this person.
"Palestinians are dying anyway. They have been for years and will continue to die." Can't believe anyone typed this genuinely and without pause. Just say you don't care about Palestinian lives and stop there, you'll get your point across better.
"Since when do y’all care about them and their lives? You started talking about it only when it became trendy." Many people are only just now beginning to really educate themselves on the history of Israel and Palestine. I'm among them - I used to be one of the folks who thought it was too complicated and nuanced to take a stance on. Then I read Palestine: A Socialist Introduction, started reading from news sources and independent journalists outside of mainstream western media, started listening to Palestinian and anti-zionist Jewish voices, and realized how false that was. I take responsibility for not educating myself sooner. But it's actually weird to frame people educating themselves and having empathy for people dying as jumping on a trend.
"Let the politicians deal with this..." Ah, yes, let's leave it to the politicians, who notoriously have our best interests in mind and would never do anything to cause harm. (/sarcasm) "... instead of bullying a random actor that didn’t do anything harmful." If you think sharing violent zionist rhetoric such as "you stand with Israel or you stand with terrorism" or trivializing the deaths of eleven thousand Palestinians with stupid stickers calling zionism sexy, in front of your audience of millions as a celebrity, is "not harmful" then we clearly are not going to agree on anything.
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lalalian · 23 days
anti shifters are actually worse than yall think
‘you’re mentally ill’ ’get help’ and then they try to explain why they’re being a whole ass bully with ‘but im just trying to help’
so if you think we’re mentally ill, why treat us like bugs… you wouldn’t tell a depressed person that they’re a weak ass piece of shit for being depressed, would you? you wouldn’t dox a person with dementia, would you? So are you trying to help, or are you trying to feel superior to us?
I’m gonna be honest, I wouldn’t harass a person who believed the earth was flat. I absolutely don’t believe the earth is flat; why? Not only bc it’s not destroying their lives, but because there are so many different tests to prove the earth isn’t fucking flat.
You can’t prove shifting isn’t real just as much as we can’t prove that it is real. I can’t bring a piece of a different dimension back to this reality, sorry!
‘but if shifting was real, wouldn’t this be a big breakthrough in science?’
TW: mention of babies undergoing surgery without anesthesia
…Humans discovered that babies could experience pain in the mid 1980s. The 20th century. Babies underwent surgery without anesthesia. Only muscle relaxants were provided to prevent them from thrashing around while they’re literally being cut open.
If someone were to say in the 1970s "babies literally can experience pain…"
"but wouldn’t that be a huge scientific breakthrough….?"
Did we have the same advanced technology in the 20th century as we do in the 21st century? No. We didn’t even think we would be able see to our fucking bones without hacking our flesh open until 1895. We didn’t have the same technology then. We won’t have the same kind of technology 100s of years from now.
Nobody is forcing you to believe in shifting. YOU are the one commenting, hating, dehumanizing people. Just because we can’t prove something with the technology we have now, doesn’t mean we won’t in the future.
Just because shifters believe in shifting doesn't mean we're a cult. There is no cult leader. People come and go from the shifting community like water and without shame. Nobody is shamed, doxxed, or outcasted by giving up shifting. Nobody has to pay to shift. People who haven't shifted aren't shamed. People who have shifted aren't better than those who have not, and instead of acting like they're better than anyone else, most just provide tips or post storytimes. Shifters aren't forcibly isolated from the outside world, and the vast majority of shifters have non-shifter friends (including me). Questions about shifting and the logistics of shifting are more than welcomed by the shifting community; people want to learn more about shifting. Nobody has unrelenting, unconditional loyalty to 'the leader'. Literally if a shifter is a piece of shit, they're called out on their bullshit. Shifting is not a means to better 'the leader', which, again, there is no leader. Who tf would even be the leader of the shifting community anyway...
ugh it makes me so angry when ppl call shifting a cult. literally, i saw one girl put up a chart on tiktok that LITERALLY CONTRADICTS HER CLAIM that shifting is a cult. but non-shifters in the comments were eating it up... did nobody look at the chart.........????????????????????
We do not have the means to prove shifting as of right now, well maybe besides for bringing back skills-- but yk besides that (even then I’m sure people would think we’re lying)
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zeroducks-2 · 4 months
Zero you mentioned hating on people who get prissy about people shipping characters they dont actively ship and it sparked a LONG burning question of mine concerning bias shipping culture in Batfam fandom. Fans who attack and complain and make a big show of hating on ‘batcest’ ships ARE SO DUCKING HYPOCRITICAL OH MY LORD. I don’t understand why it’s considered okay to ship Dick x Barbara or Barbara x Bruce, or Steph x Tim. But seen as a cardinal sin to ship Jason x Dick, or Jason x Tim or Bruce x Dick??? Especially when the only argument antishippers make is ‘that’s gross their brothers/father and son and that’s incest 😤’. I’m sorry? Did you not just post nsfw Dickbabs content? Did DC not make Steph and Tim romantic love interests? Is that not incest too? Considering the fandom classifies all of them as family, and in a lot of fan spaces and fanfics, are they not interacting and being written as a family unit? I see SO many people blog about Bruce seeing Babs as his first daughter, or being making weird headcanons on Bruce and Steph’s relationship and donning it ‘tired uncle!Bruce and weird niece!steph core’. Like you obviously see them connected to Bruce through familial ties, and yet you’re okay with them dating Dick and Tim who are legally adopted by Bruce and who are also known as his sons? The irony. The hypocrisy. The ducking mockery of it all. Personally, I don’t think the issue that antishipper have is the ‘incest’ part but rather the ‘gay’ part of it all. Game of Thrones taught me that the general public actually don’t care about fictional incest between characters as long as it’s not between two male characters. Because lord forbid the’s a couple of queers in media.
I have been talking about this many times and I have no qualms talking about it some more:
The whole idea around "batcest" makes no sense. These are people who did not grow up together, aren't related and never even lived under the same roof. Incest is not a spectrum, incest means sexual intercourse with a relative within the prohibited degree of consanguinity, consanguinity means BLOOD RELATIONSHIP, and these people DO NOT HAVE IT.
But even then, they are a bunch of hypocrites because I have not ever seen anyone batting an eye over Dickbabs or Timsteph (or Jaybabs, or Timbabs - yeah depending on the time period or the media, poor Babs has been passed around a lot). Their relationship is the exact same as the boys' when it comes to shared experiences. Steph has even been a Robin. But nobody cares because 1, DC is not pushing the "family rhetoric" with the girls all that much since they treat them as lower importance characters (when they're there at all), and 2, it's not queer relationships.
And this is ultimately what makes me go insane about queer kids parroting anti bullshit. Censorship is the weapon used by bigots to criminalize, punish and ultimately erase queer people from existence, it takes to study queer history for five minutes to understand this. You can see it happening in every fandom space where every type of queer ship gets put through some sort of moral sieve, and they WILL find reasons why it's unethical to ship it. Did you know that now shipping Dick/Wally is problematic because "Wally has a wife" ? So basically they're turning the very reason why fandom was born (exploring something different from the standardized heteronormative/amatonormative way of doing everything when it comes to narrative) into something pRoBLeMaTiC.
And these little fucking idiots keep spouting queerphobic nonsense while feeling morally righteous, not understanding that they are playing the game of the same people who if they could would shoot them in the street for being anything but straight and cis. And I'm not even taking into consideration the amount of harassment that comes from antis who think bullying and suibaiting someone over the perceived honor of fictional characters is okay.
BTW it's working. Just to name one, tumblr is not even doing its little rainbow capitalism number this year, because it's not a good look to be queer friendly anymore. Antis are helping the people who want us dead get to a spot where being anything but "normal" is illegal. When it happens, and if we keep going the way that we are now it will happen, it's going to be their fault too.
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Let all the villains merge in All Stars.
Gabby became way more interesting as a villain. Fiore was more fun when she wasn't just a bullied child. Yul is at his best when evil. Grett is an anti-hero anyway. Ellie should have been more evil. Riya should have be more morally gray. Alec.
You can keep Ashley, Ally and Toms plots to pre-merge. It's not like the yellow team is doing much anyway. Give a bit more time to Magenta and Cyan team can stay the same.
So final 9 is the 7 Villains and...Aiden and Jake. They start off haters (this can stay - I like this) but become fast friends like is seen in Episode 12 and 13.
Now at this point the villains decide that they want to scrap each other. It starts with Ellie trying to take a shot at Alec and get control - which fails miserably. It could be a nice callback to Ellie's "there's no honour among thieves" and it would make the comeback challenge more interesting in terms of Ellie.
Fiore could be taken down for being a "liability" to the villains (read - Alec can't work his fairytale bullshit magic anymore). I think it'd be more fun for the story of Fiore. She worked when she was underestimated - but now she's measured and estimated. But she proved that she didn't need surprise to make it far.
Then it's Yul for being a general piece of shit.
Then it's Riya because she's such a strong competitor and she's too close to Alec, which I think would be fun. She went from losing because she was alone - and it causing her emptiness - to losing because she was too social - and yet it makes her happy.
Alec can win an immunity and clutch to the end of his game, and Grett gets voted out because her arc is done. She proved to the haters that she was more than her self-image, she made friends, broke up with her shitty boyfriend and she got further (it's not lost on me that Grett's arc is just Ally's but better - at least as far as All-Stars has shown us), but he goes immediately after, leaving Gabby...and Jake and Aiden.
It would amuse me to no end if Jake and Aiden yaoibait their way to the end off terrible jokes, a tongue and cheek friendship that would absolutely turn romantic if neither of them were in relationships and so many immunities. Give them competence, something to do! Make them the underdogs and show how their story is one of rising to the top.
And the villains, who were all powerful and strong? They lose. They blow up their own games through hatred and malice, while the two who chose friendship and love make it through to the end.
Gabby wins btw. She getting that bag for her and her girlfriend (even if I don't see her winning actual All Stars).
yaoitbait jakeden... fuuuck i’m so delusional about them oh my god (mod alec getting caught up on two lines of text)
i absolutely ADORE the idea of the villains ultimately going down despite trying their best and losing to two twinks who just decided Yeah We’re Okay Actually. it would’ve made for an interesting plot both from the perspective of the villains and the twinks and would’ve given them even more depth. i hope we can see more of them soon i miss them already
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songofthesibyl · 4 months
Just saw yet another post where Tamlin is listed as being worse than Amarantha, and I’m truly getting tired.
The uneven application of morals and logic—not even in the books, but within the fandom—is so blatant, so over-the-top, that I would say it’s trolling, but it’s not been just people stalking the -anti tags to troll people, it’s within original posts, and friendly reblogs as well. Being annoyed that they would be judged, that people would dismiss their trauma and experiences for liking or not liking a character. And then turning around and saying, about people who like Tamlin or Nesta, that they must not know what real love is, that they must have been abused and liked it, questioning their morals, that they are “abuser apologists,” that they should be studied, should go choke, be shamed, that they would be the kind of people to defend Harvey Weinstein, over and over and over. And then these same people get annoyed when people don’t like Rhysand or the IC, and say people take these books too seriously, that it’s just faerie smut, that they are just fictional characters and it’s silly to see them as more than that. Then pulling Tamlin out of the narrative so he is a real human man and not a fictional 500+ year old faerie. Tamlin’s magic exploding is akin to a real world situation. Rhysand’s magic exploding is fantasy violence. There is no objective truth here. This is all based on people’s opinions. Canon is canon, but everyone has a slightly different version of that canon character because they are made-up characters, and not real people. It’s all in someone’s head. And whatever is not on the page is open to interpretation unless it later gets defined in canon. But it never stays limited to literary critique, or character analysis. It always goes to judgment, bullying, mocking, and harassment of actual people. Every time. It’s been like this since I started being in this fandom, and it remains incredibly pervasive, and I simply don’t get what’s so attractive about it, what’s fun about it, why this is the particular form of wasting time that people prefer. And I don’t know why it still bothers me when I know it’s going to happen every time I enter a social space.
I am deeply frustrated by Rhysand as a character right now, but I don’t hate him. I don’t wish he had stayed dead, I don’t want to write fanfic of him suffering. I actually thought I might like ACOMAF the most out of the first three books for awhile even though I didn’t hate Tamlin. I felt for Feyre in her panic attack in ACOMAF, I felt for Tamlin in ACOFAS. I think his and Rhysand’s history is one of the most interesting unexplored parts of the story. I love the image of them standing facing each other as newly-made High Lords, the blood of each other’s families on their hands, one wreathed in shadow, the other crowned in light. It’s a great image. But all this bullshit just really makes me not want to participate anymore.
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odinsblog · 1 year
TERFs dni
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“Mutual abuse” does not exist. Dynamics of abuse are fundamentally about a power imbalance in which the abuser consistently uses harm to gain and maintain power and control over their victim. It does not become “mutual abuse” when the victim responds with violence or harm. 
I’ve seen that many of y’all are capable of understanding that a cop hitting a protestor is different from a protestor hitting a cop because there is a massive power dynamic that makes a cop able to act with impunity and places immense restrictions on the protestor.
I’ve also seen folks recognize that using harm to take maintain that power and reacting to harm inflicted on you with violence have a distinctly different moral weight/impact.
But you see that same shit play out in an abusive relationship and throw your analysis out the window.
The question to ask is not what individual actions everyone involved has done, it’s a question of where the power is. You cannot understand abuse and how it functions unless you start asking where the actual power is and until you learn how to see it.
Since some of y’all are clearly struggling with this I’m gonna help you out: the term “toxic relationship” exists for a reason. There are plenty of relationships in which the people are just shitty to each other. Not all bad relationships are abusive ones. Abuse is about POWER.
^^ that said: don’t assume that from an outsider’s perspective that you have the ability correctly and consistently determine that a relationship is toxic rather than abusive. Because folks defaulting to saying harm in a relationship is “just toxic” similarly silences many survivors. (source)
“Mutual abuse” is the adult version of a principal telling a kid defending themselves from a schoolyard bully, “Well, it’s really the second punch that starts the fight.” Utter bullshit. This false equivalence messaging sides with the oppressor, and tells weaker or oppressed people turn the other cheek and not to defend themselves. Unsurprisingly, this “both sides are equally guilty” narrative is most often trotted out in defense of white men, especially in cases of domestic abuse.
It reminds me of when I used to hear the old phrase, “Well, everyone’s a little bit racist” that was used to equate the justified rage of Black oppression with white supremacy. Again, the problem with this argument was denying the POWER imbalance. Black people absolutely can express prejudice against white people, but because it is white people who control the criminal justice system, Hollywood, social media platforms, banks and lending institutions, the education system, etc., the collective “prejudices” of Black people will never be the equivalent of white racism and anti-Blackness. If every Black person in America got pissed off at white people on next Tuesday, not one damn thing would change for white Americans. You wouldn’t see more white people missing out on job promotions, you wouldn’t see more white people getting stopped and frisked by the police, and you wouldn’t see more whites getting denied home loans or entrance into elite colleges. Nothing would change for them because they control all of those institutions.
It’s not precisely the same thing, but in both cases, dismissing or ignoring the POWER imbalance is exactly the same.
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dykeulous · 2 months
the trans movement was sentenced to doom the second it stopped focusing on the rights of dysphoric individuals & started being about this religious cult-like genderist “brain sex” and “man/woman soul” added with a grain of gncphobia & homophobia. like. do you people hear yourselves? you preach atheism and then believe in gender spirituality or whatever the fuck it is.
i understand dysphoria is hell but?? old school trans people would watch in horror. this whole postmodern trans activism is doing nothing in favor of dysphoric folk. if anything, it actually gives them more dysphoria. and i’m attesting to this. gender dysphoria/social dysphoria is purely rooted in the patriarchal gender-based society, unlike sex dysphoria/physical dysphoria– which is innate– and postmodern trans activism feeds into people’s gender/social dysphoria instead of easing it. i would know, as someone who’s spent quite a long time in tra spaces: they enable the gender system, and put a rainbow sticker of gender abolition on their movement, when they’re actually avidly anti gender abolitionism. the tra community only worsened my dysphoria, there, i said it. they made my dysphoria worse, then talked down on me & discarded me when i dared point out the nonsensical bullshit in their ideology. and then they wondered why i joined radical feminism. think. for a second, think about the numerous trans people your movement has harmed– stop being so fucking selfish, so proud, so egoistic. their community constantly does whataboutism, strawmanning & nitpicking– they want everything & everyone to be ideologically pure, and don’t accept nuance, ever. they shame & ostracize their fellow people to hell & back, and then have the audacity to question why more and more dysphoric folk are turning to radical feminism. for one second, please, use your brains.
before you call radfems a cult, please read this.
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i don’t recall a single time i’ve seen a radfem dedicate their entire account on “tra dog whistles/signs someone may be a tra/tra block list”. i’ve seen many tras do this to radfems. i don’t recall a single time i’ve seen a radfem throw misogynistic slurs at women who disagree with our movement. i’ve seen many tras do this. i don’t recall a single time i’ve seen a radfem suggest someone to leave their home/cut their friends & family off. i’ve seen many tras do this. i don’t recall a single time i’ve seen a radfem successfully get a tra’s account termed, suspended, or deleted– i’ve seen many tras do this, and not only to radfems, but also to their fellow tras for daring have differing & varying opinions, and they even went as far as to relentlessly bully, and in some severe instances, doxx someone. so, yeah. think about the culty behavior of your movement. your movement does not appreciate & straight up discourages critical & independent thinking. reflect on that for a bit the next time you decide to call radfems a, “racist, transphobic, cult hategroup”.
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hologramcowboy · 26 days
what the hell with all the shitty antis who spend all their time attacking other fans suddenly screaming “I have mental health issues” when they get called out for their shittiness?
I’m seeing it more and more. Some of the more notorious SPN fans, who use their limited time on this Earth to not only attack the actors but the fans, start posting about their “depressive” episodes and their mental health issues the minute they get any substantial blowback on their awfulness.
It’s infuriating and also completely offensive to people who have MHI and haven’t dedicated their lives to being completely awful.
As someone dealing with her own shit, I get that MHI present in many different ways. But none of those include being a bully for shits and giggles.
People see your bullshit. You aren’t fooling anyone.
this also implies to you and you shitty JP stans, you don't know how to grow up and don't know shit about the world but you like you do but you don't, go see a psychiatrist and permanently admit yourself into a psychiatric ward, along with your tumblr friends and fellow anti jensen friends, and maybe then you will learn that you are a toxic bitch and no one besides other toxic people likes you
Anon, gaslighting people is abusive. You dislike a blog or post? Easy, don’t read it and filter your tags accordingly instead of acting absolutely insane in my inbox. I’ll repeat it again, the only diagnosis I have is depression, nothing more and I never use it to defend myself, I simply bring it up because obsessed stans like you try to gaslight me into thinking there’s something wrong with me simply because I don’t like what you like. That’s not only psychotic, it’s inhumane. Instead of projecting, go see a therapist, please.
JP fans are far above your thinking so no wonder you have a problem with them, bet you have a problem with everyone in general.
I am sorry for your diagnosis but does it give you license to be a bully? Because you’re doing exactly what you state you are so strongly against. Odd.
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girlactionfigure · 1 year
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Don't conflate Jews with a white civilisation that tried to EXTERMINATE them
I see twitter’s righteous ones are bullying Anne Frank again, a 15 year old Jewish girl exterminated in a concentration camp. She’s being bullied once again because she had “white privilege.” That lucky bitch. Did she take a moment to acknowledge what a lucky white bitch she was whilst hiding in a cupboard? Of course she didn’t. These stupid white girls are so full of themselves they can’t see beyond their entitlement: stupid Karen.
Of course the notion that Anne Frank had “white privilege” is anti-intellectual filth.
It is mind filth from morons whose historical illiteracy is equalled by their utter ignorance regarding Jewish identity.
Of course having one’s murdered body tipped into an unmarked pit is the antithesis of privilege - but let’s break down the whole story for the idiots out there.
I’m a Jew. Like the Franks, members of my family were murdered because they weren’t white. They were Jews. My history isn’t white history. My history is the history of Jews. My ancestors were told where to live, what to do. They were persecuted by white Europeans. Because they weren’t white. They were Jews. A civilisation of their own.
Let’s finally dispense with the “Jews are white” bullshit - whether from pure antisemites or those handful of Jews who run round like headless chickens to be accepted - seduced by non-Jewish peer pressure and disconnected from the reality of our history as a scattered and abused Levantine People.
Don’t conflate Jews with a white civilisation that has tried to exterminate them specifically because they weren’t seen as white European. 
Jews in Canada and America - you’re not there because you’re white. You’re there because you’re a Jew. Your family most likely had to flee some place to finally end up there because Jews weren’t safe in Europe. Because they weren’t white. They were Jews.
I’m obliged to make the point that most Jews on planet earth don’t even have white pigmentation. From Ethiopian Jews, to Yemenite Jews, to Ashkenasi Jews - we have diverse levels of melanin.
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I’m obliged to make this point as a way to neutralise the general thrust of this skin deep bullshit - but I do it with the heavy caveat that skin colour is not a metric through which the Jewish People have ever defined themselves. 
We should reject non-Jewish attempts to dominate reality and coercively frame Jews according to the traditions and standards of the non-Jewish world. Jewish civilisation evolved long before modern Europe. During this time Jews formed an anthropological system for understanding themselves and the universe that simply does not scan with Western modes of categorising ethnic groups according to the uncertain metric of skin tone. 
A Jew is a Jew. Membership of the tribe is not contigent upon colour. Though most are born Jewish, and though most can trace their genetic ancestry back to the Levant, Jews are also a tribe in which it’s possible for non-members to join regardless of genes or melanin level. Circumcision doesn’t ask the colour of your schmeckle. Epidermis is not what connects one Jew with another. We are connected through shared history, customs, culture and the mental fabric of an intellectual, spiritual and secular inner world shaped by Jewish ideas and philosophy. The fact that the individuals sharing this ontological universe have various complexions isn’t a story of ethnic differences, but a tale of tribal unity. It points to one People forcibly scattered around the globe but with origins stemming from one geographical region. Not white Europe. Not white America. But Middle-Eastern Israel.
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So why are we seeing an attempt to assert Jews are white when previously Jews were attacked for NOT being white? Well firstly, lets acknowledge that neo-Nazis and kitchen table racists still don’t regard Jews as true members of white society. Nothing has changed there. 
The reverse notion - that Jews ARE white - is being pushed by progressives, the left, social justice warriors, self-declared anti-racists, the woke and Israel haters of all creeds. 
Because in the era of identity politics, whiteness has become synonymous in these circles with toxicity, privilege and power. These circles have simply absorbed and exhaled antisemitic cliches of Jewish power - in spite of Jews being the number one victims of racial and religious hate crimes. 
By incorrectly placing Jews at the apex of societal power and lumping us in with white people, those who would define themselves as anti-racist are regurgitating antisemitic tropes of Jews as an obstacle to be confronted if a better world is to be created. 
The contradiction between Jews being simultaneously toxic to Nazis because they AREN'T white, and toxic to the woke because they ARE white is easily resolved. They both see Jews as possessing unfair power and they are both seeking to deprive Jews of fraternal kinship based upon the codes of their particular world view. The whooping, hallooing, feral attacks on the murdered Jewish child Anne Frank shows just how detached from reality these fundamentalists have become.
Jews were once told to go back to Israel because we WEREN'T white. Now that we've returned home we're told to leave Israel because we ARE white. 
It's the confused dance of a world that simply doesn't want us anywhere. 
If haters can depict Jews as white Europeans, then with the wave of a magic wand, we are transformed into colonial invaders who don't belong in a non-white Middle East.
The premise is absurd.
When white Europeans went to the Americas and Africa they didn't find ancient manuscripts of William Shakespeare - because they were colonisers.
But Jews in Israel find ancient manuscripts written in Hebrew, the same language they speak today, describing the same rituals - because they are a People indigenous to the middle east.
When white Europeans went to the Americas and Africa they didn't find churches - because they were colonisers.
In Israel you can't move for Jewish artefacts, archeology and ancient synagogues found everywhere. Yet we are still harassed with misplaced taunts of being white, European colonialists.
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H/T @scartale-an-undertale-au
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 1 year
I saw your post about "feel free to vent" and god, I don’t even think that I love that pathetic guyfailure in your way, but I follow you and read your posts, because they bring me joy (although I don’t always agree with everything you say) and you’re one of the few people who’s willing to talk about how unhinged, pathetic and entirely deranged jiang zongzhu is. I’m so fucking tired of jc fandom, the way they turned him into something entirely unrecognisable from his canon self, turned him into weepy little bitch with gaping hole for every single "gege" on the block to fuck.
They make me genuinely hate him. I see that oc!jc committing identity fraud and I hate him. I hate him so much. My only content in this fandom is the novel, it’s the only thing that provides me with content. How fucking delightful he is there? I don’t fucking get. Jc stans say you’re a fucking jc anti or whatever the fuck, but no one actually hates jc more than his fucking stans do. the fucking torture of watching your fave being flandarised. their fucking omegaverse rotten brains yelling and crying about his tiny waist and childbearing thighs. Have you seen the art of him? What kind of caricature they turn him into? Fucking twink that will be blown away by the wind and his "geges" that will catch him midair and fuck everliving fuck out of him because uwu he did nothing wrong, he’s innocent, he’s little precious baby boy meowmeow tsundere. They yell so hard about how misunderstood he is, but they’re the ones misunderstanding his character most. They have no respect for canon material. Most of them haven’t read the fucking novel because they HaTe wAnGxIAn sO mUcH, they pick up disgusting fanon bullshit and run with it claiming it somehow to be canon.
Canon!jc would fucking rip that oc!jc in tiny little shreds, torture him violently and vomit on his corpse.
what have they turned his relationship with jin ling into? what are they fucking doing to that precious golden brat? why no one fucking enjoys their canon relationship that don’t lack complexity and depth. Why do they turn him into weird kid obsessed with his uncle? who has no life outside his uncle, who fights "jiujiu stealers" like it’s his full time job??? Jin ling is his own character, he’s going through so much, his fucking family is insane, he’s dealing with bullying, he’s working his ass off to impress his uncle who put high expectations on him.
what they turn "geges" into? they come and yell how lwj has no personality, that he’s just a "top" but then they do exactly the same shit with other characters? they’re genuinely making me hate lxc. I despise xicheng with burning fucking passion. I’m in a ooc competition, and xicheng stans are my opponents *insert squidward here*
chengxian makes my fucking blood boil because THATS ONE WAY TO ENTIRELY MISUNDERSTAND BOTH OF THEIR CHARACTERS AND TURN COMPELLING "BROTHER" CONFLICT INTO THE MOST BORING FUCKING SHIT THAT THE EARTH HAS WITNESSED. they way they just go OMG WWX LOVED JC SOOOOOO MUCH LWJ HATES JC BECAUSE HE KNOWS WWX LOVES HIM MORE THAN ANYTHING, HIS SACRIFICE IS AN ACT OF LOVE, HE LOVED HIM, HE DID IT OUT OF LOVE. why would they entirely erase wwx’s character development like that? wwx’s entire fucking arc is about learning to see his self worth, learning that the life he had at lotus pier wasn’t it, FUCKING HELL yllz literally was comforting himself with thoughts of never meeting the jiangs. My guy literally was lying there unable to sleep and was thinking about how running away from dogs and being a beggar is infinitely better than the jiangs. It’s literally in the fucking book. I don’t fucking GET IT.
I remember one time mentioning that of fucking COURSE, the manhua would erase the "golden core reveal" as in how jc lost it, because ultimately wangxian is the most important part of the story and jc is some guy wwx finally gets rid of in order to digest his traumas in a safer space and find happiness elsewhere because clearly he wasn’t happy at lotus pier. and they fucking??? came up with an AU???? as a response to me????? where wwx comes back to lotus pier because HE LOVES JC MORE THAN ANYTHING WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO very good argument, very nice talk.
I’m so fucking sick and tired, I muted jc’s name and tag on twitter and here even though I genuinely like the guy. It pains me. It causes me fucking brain damage. I want to enjoy my fandom experience, I want to be able to talk about this dudenobody and have fun. I so hate being here, I want to be free.
I’m so sorry to vent like that. 😭
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I will use this as a general jump start of fandom griping regarding this entire debacle since this, this right here, should not be a normal thing that fandom has to send anonymously due to being scared of the vitriolic backlash received.
I have been nice, I have been sarcastic, I have been a troll, and despite my initial kindness and patience when I first started interacting with this fandom, I was met with consistent death threats and homophobia about a fictional male character and why I am less then patient now for Jiang Cheng stans. Other people should not HAVE to apologize for not enjoying a completely made up fandom persona and getting bit at for this. By all means go ahead and enjoy a fanon persona, by all means ask for supporting evidence when someone is arguing they do not like a character.
I interact with other Jiang Cheng fans just fine outside of this, they are not the ones I speak of in this. The ones I am addressing are the vitriolic ones that are angry about anything close to being taken as "anti" regarding an in story antagonist that does exhibit antagonistic behavior time and again with leading text and citations. It doesn't matter if he is someone that is enjoyed, somehow it's "wrong".
And hey. I DO disagree on several different interpretations in this fandom, but NONE of them have ever garnered the hate I have gotten in my 3 years in this fandom the way I chose to discuss Jiang Cheng. When told to use another tag, it was done, but again it was done incorrectly, when I stopped using anti at the behest of other fans, I did because hey, it was able to reach a wider audience, that did enjoy the character himself and wanted deeper understanding outside of fanon only that pervaded the tag meant for "Jiang Cheng".
I certainly do not deny his instances of kindness, but how dare I ascertain that all if this in context is not a reflection of positivity for him within the plot he is meant for, no matter time and again saying he has an opening for himself to do better in the future for others that have yet to be hurt by him, or are willing to salvage what they still have.
I should not have to be told I just want to fuck a dude as a "joke" and a comeback because of how I go and point out what he's like in the work. That is casual homophobia and shockingly sexual harassment. Or be told to think of it as a sibling who uses drugs and it's therefore alright to demean said character, or deny the blatant abuse this character exhibits or uses because he also had been abused by an adult.
I do not need to be tolerant of a side of fandom due to all the above treatment and others deal with.
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genderkoolaid · 2 years
Hey. I saw your post calling out Armenophobia, (especially regarding recent developments in Artsakh), Anti-Assyrian bigotry and genocide denialism.
I personally think more countries and the media in general should be giving Azerbaijan no end of hell for their bullshit. I mean they’ve been doing it to Russia for their recent fuckery in Ukraine (putin’s latest blood soaked vanity project), so why shouldn’t they hold Azerbaijan accountable? I seriously think they should. Not saying anybody isn’t, but that it should be made much more visible. Same for Turkey’s fuckery in Syria with the Assyrians and Kurds. Sorry, went on a ramble. What I’m saying is I agree with you. Idk what else to say for now��I just set my account up the other day.
I’m not Armenian or Assyrian myself (I’m Irish (from the northern but still stuck under the British)), I just don’t like seeing smaller countries and unrepresented peoples and nations being bullied by larger rogue states is all. I’m sure you’ll agree.
Oh absolutely. I can't let myself think about how ignored Assyria and Armenia are for too long or I start getting really angry but god yeah. I see Kurdistan brought up on occasion, but virtually never hear about Armenia, Artsakh, or Assyria unless its Assyrians and Armenians talking about it. The only times you hear about it are when Western Christians are using them as puppets to justify their own insane victim complexes, as if indigenous Christians that have been subject to genocide and land theft are equivalent to white Christians living in predominantly Christian countries that appeal to Western Christianity constantly. There's also the fact that Rojava also has issues with poor treatment of Assyrians, but western leftists never talk about that when they do bring up Kurdistan.
Artsakh is going through hell and has been, Western Armenia is still under Turkey's control and people constantly refer to it as Turkey, Assyrians are being driven out of their indigenous lands through violence and poverty (and were also promised their own country by the British, which they were never given because of fucking course), and its never talked about by western leftists. The same goes for other marginalized groups in West Asia like Ezidis.
Like Azerbaijan literally set up a fucking wax museum to show off racist depictions of Armenians and encourage children to pretend to kill them, is literally starving Artsakh right now, not to mention all their acts of horrific violence. And yet you don't hear any sort of widespread outcry against Azerbaijan. Because I guess it wouldn't be beneficial enough for the US to make a big deal out of it.
Anyways time to plug some places you can donate to Assyrians, Armenians and Artsakh:
Assyrian Aid Society of America
Shlama Foundation
Armenia Fund
Armenian General Benevolent Union
The Artsakh Relocation Project
Post on different ways to donate to Artsakh + photos
Also: book pdfs on the Armenian Genocide, the Assyrian Policy Institute pdfs on the Assyrian Genocide, and the Greek Genocide Resource Center
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the heartstopper post you just reblogged reminded me of the post i meant to make a bit ago (before i found this blog) to vent about the microaggressions in the heartstopper fanbase
i’m so so so tired of people calling tao and elle’s subplot romance boring and pointless. i’m even more tired of people saying tao is toxic and a bad friend!!! he’s a person too!!! he’s not just a plot device so you can get back to your white boys’ kissing.
not to jump and point fingers, but i really do think that a major reason people find elle and tao “pointless” and “boring” is just racism. you are not immune (/directed at everyone).
Well I mean it is racism (specifically anti asian racism and misogynoir) but its also transmisogyny.
Like ok so with Elle because she is a Black trans girl there's the transmisogynoir (the intersections of misogyny, transphobia, and anti blackness) but also Tao is like fiercely protective of his friends and his relationship with his friends and he's seen two of his closest friends Charlie and Elle experience intense bullying already.
Like the whole reason that Tao grew out his hair and he's got that funky hairstyle in the first season is because he wanted to grow out his hair with Elle. It was a show of solidarity (kinda how family members of cancer patients might shave their heads when a cancer patient goes bald because of chemo).
Honestly its very upsetting that Tao is getting the same treatment that Lucas got in stranger things. they're both cynical because life has taught them to be cynical but they get dismissed by the fandom as mean and aggressive.
Also also also, there's belief that heterosexual couples don't' experience any sort of discrimination which is just colorblind bullshit. like when do you ever see an interracial (with no whites) heterosexual couple and one of them is trans????? newsflash you don't!!!
anyways you should still make that post and drop the link here.
mod ali
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jcryptid · 1 month
I love my friend group actually bc it’s always like “this person is definitely a vampire!”
“And this one is the spitting image of how I imagine my favourite podcast character!”
“This one is a feral animal (and I have a sneaking suspicion they’ll turn into a fox and root through my garbage if my turn my back on them for even a second). I am still working on house training them.”
“This one is absolutely some kind of eldritch Fae horror posing as human. Every time I see an apocalyptic mutated hell scape, I think of them.”
“This one likes making friendship bracelets with colourful beads but will absolutely stab a bitch with no hesitation. They found out I was enby years before I did and was subtly dropping hints to me in all that time. Somehow their whole body decided to pull some absolutely insane shit on them, and at this point even the doctors are impressed.”
“This one is a pixie and we all call them ‘Mother’. I’m pretty sure I’ve never met someone who made me feel like I still have time to make up for my childhood”
“This one is the living embodiment of everything anti-vaxers fear and turns everyone they meet Autistic. They’ve called me on my bullshit more than once,”
“This one is loving embodiment of what conservatives fear, and turns everyone trans, and is also dating the autism virus. Together they are terrifying. We actively warn new cis friends of their immense power. ”
“This person we picked up on a train to the middle of nowhere. They have a toadstool named Terry and treat every bug they meet like a new friend. I’m pretty sure they aren’t human either, or at the very least not entirely.”
“This person is my go to for chatting about and sharing fanfiction. We are both unapologetically seeing feeding each others fanfic addictions, and have no desire to get clean.”
“This person is 6ft and has the demeanour and fashion sense of a fluffy pastel unicorn. I met them at a youth group, I scare away the men at bars for them.”
“This person helped me figure out I was touched starved by giving me hugs and gave me all their favourite recipes they made us during final exams”
“This friend helped me understand what sharing in fandom with friends could be like, and we did our first cosplay together”
“This friend and I trauma bonded during high school and adopted a legion of younger teenagers”
“This friend pulled me out of quicksand that one time, and gets mad when I don’t update my fanfic”
“This friend is always there to chat when pulling all nighters”
“Me and this friend have a relationship exclusively built on bullying each other for the most mundane things”
“I feel like it is my god given duty to protect this person at all costs”
“This person is my go to if I ever have a group project bc we work so well together.”
“This friend said some of the wisest shit I’ve ever heard, and they have all the experience in things I was too scared to try”
“I have no idea who this person is but I must have met them at some point bc I invited them to the discord chat and they’re always there for us”
“This person is my go to if I need a scary as fuck monster design. They are definitely some flavour of undead.”
“This person is constantly bidng their time for the perfect moment to say the funniest fucking thing you’ve ever heard. No one ever sees it coming. It’s uncanny, and frankly impressive.”
“This person is secretly absolutely a kids tv show host. And not the human kind, they’re probably made of felt to be honest.”
And so on.
What a strange and wonderful group of people I’ve collected in my life. 🙃
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firecrackerhh · 9 months
You know why so many people in this fandom are fucking defensive af? Cuz antis and criticals feel the constant need to shit on us and fucking victim blame us when god forbid we are rightfully pissed off at their fucking ridiculous behavior.
“No wonder antis and criticals don’t like you guys!” Well FUCK my dude, maybe if every anti and critical wasn’t such a raging cunt maybe we would be more fucking charitable!
You fucking expect us to treat any of you with any degree of respect when it’s beyond fucking obvious you don’t have any for us??
Nah, fuck you. I’m not fucking catholic, I don’t do that turn the other cheek shit.
You want kindness from us?
Fucking earn it.
I don’t deny that a lot of hazbin people are obnoxious and at times downright rude but I don’t think antis and criticals are any fucking better. If anything they’re worse. At least the fans just want to have fun. Anytime we’re shitty it’s because some dumbfuck with the IQ of the paint chips his parents clearly ate as a child wants to come in and ruin our fun time. Antis and criticals are miserable fucking people and I don’t respect them in any way whatsoever.
They just want easier people to bully. I think antis and criticals just don’t like how fans refuse to lie down like dogs and take their fucking bullshit. That’s why they’re always like “the fandom should do something about this person who doesn’t take my abuse!!!” It’s fucking crybully bullshit and I don’t respect bullies.
Anyone who wastes their time harassing someone who hasn’t done anything to them is a fucking pathetic person who, if they’re so insistent on being a fucking piece of shit, should take a nice long walk off a short pier.
🔥🧨~Firecracker out~🔥🧨
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