#i’m also drawing something small so i’ll finish that soon
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bootsukki · 3 days ago
fic masterlist!
full masterlist!
taglist (closed!): @adelinesthoights @bellssforyou @halfp4stmidnight @avis-writeshq @carm1lla @sunghoonsgfreal @reirain @cherrypieyourface@aynfp @keldracula @kurroomii @chilichopsticks @shanchiikiss @starstrikeer @yzaelki @just-lilita @chiiibeaa @baby-bunnyxn @zarisluvr @xxpr3ttyk173rxx@albakugo @swoozleee @aeristocrats @frog-and-moon @amterasuu
(i don't know if i'll delete this tbh)
As you’re about to answer Yachi’s question, your phone pings and you grab it, opening your messages.
t.k: hey, do you have a lot of homework?
you: yeah, ig, why?
i thought that instead of going out for dinner we could grab something from the store or order take out and work together
if u want, of course
yeah, fine by me! Are you okay with that?
wouldn’t have proposed it if i wasn’t
i also need to talk to you about something
You heart leaps. Has he seen you talking with Atsumu? Has Kageyama told him?
okay, see you soon then? I need to grab mail from downstairs and prepare my stuff but I’ll be there in 10-20 mins?
cool, see u
Yachi was still looking at you when you finished texting but you simply smiled.
“I’m going to grab the mail from downstairs and then I’m leaving.”
“Oh, okay. Will you be back soon?”
“I don’t know, I guess so but still, if you need something, I’ll literally be next door.”
“Oh, okay!” As you stand up from the sofa, Yachi smiles, grabbing the TV remote and turning on the device. “Have fun.”
“You too, are you finally going for drinks with Yuki?”
“Maybe, we’ll see.”
You nod, making your way to your bedroom, which looks a bit messy, considering you spent almost an hour deciding what to wear to the volleyball match. Humming a song, you quickly put away your clothes in the closet and tidied everything on your desk, making sure you put all the important things in your backpack to study and make your way out the apartment in less than five minutes, saying goodbye to Yachi.
You knock on Tsukishima’s door and wait for a few seconds until Yamaguchi opens the door. His hair is a bit wet and he smiles, moving to let you in. You leave your backpack next to the living room table and notice that the shower is running.
“Is Tsukki showering?”
“He is.”
“Mind if I leave my backpack here while I go and grab the mail?” It’ll take me two minutes.”
“Sure! Tsukki is probably finishing soon, want me to get you something to drink while you’re out?”
“I’m fine, thanks.” You open the door again and wave at him, closing the door behind you. 
You make your way downstairs, walking down the stairs instead of taking the lift, walking past some neighbours that were either going out or into their apartments. 
The keys to the mailbox jingle while you grab them and you unlock it, finding some envelopes from the student’s office and a envelope filled with small hearts and clouds meant for Tsukishima.
One of your eyebrow raises, not surprised about the fact that his mail was in your mailbox, but stunned at the drawings. The letter comes from one northern city of Miyagi, which you don’t know much of and you quickly look around the envelope to find a short but cute message on the back.
“Hi, uncle Kei!” filled with smiley faces and other hearts. You didn’t even know he had a nephew or niece. You didn’t even know he had siblings.
You smile softly, making your way upstairs again, knocking on his apartment again. This time, it is Tsukki who opens the door for you, his hair is completely soaked and he’s trying to dry it with a towel. He looked… relaxed. 
“Got part of your mail.” You give him the envelope. “A love letter.”
“Is it?” Tsukishima looks at the envelope and you can see the smallest smile making its way to his face. “Oh, yeah, I get a lot of these. Jealous?”
Tsukishima sends you a glare as he makes way for you to enter and you quickly take a look at the living room. Somehow, during the two minutes you have been out, Hinata and Tanaka had made their way into the apartment. You nod at Tsukki and grab his hand after taking off your shoes, leading him into the living room as if you haven’t noticed the other boys and giggle.
“Not jealous…” You pull him a bit closer to you, grabbing his arm as you placed your head on it. “Are you ready t-Oh.” Your eyes land on Hinata and he looks at the way you are grabbing Tsukishima, clearly surprised. “Hi guys, didn’t see you there.”
“Hi there.” Tanaka says. “Don’t worry about us, we are waiting for Yamaguchi to finish his little routine so we can go out and give you… privacy.”
“How nice of you, Tanaka.” Tsukki adds, softly pulling away from you and leaving the envelope on the table before looking at you. ��Do you want to buy something for dinner or should we order?”
“I don’t mind, whichever you prefer.”
“Are you coming to our party of Friday, (Y/N)?” Tanaka asks.
“I haven’t even asked her yet, idiot.” Tsukishima interrupts him before looking at you. “We usually have a get together after a successful match and…”
“Yeah, I’ll go.” You answer and Tanaka cheers. “It’s not like I’m doing anything this Friday.” 
“Then, I’ll count you in. Bring some friends if you are up for it. If you bring the blonde girl, you’ll probably gain points with Yamaguchi, he’s got the biggest cr-”
“Tanaka!” Yamaguchi screams from the end of the hall. “Shut up!”
“Oops.” Hinata and Tanaka smirk. “Sorry, captain.”
Yamaguchi, blushing, made his way to the living room, pushing the boys towards the door. Between laughs, the three men bid goodbye and left the apartment.
“Made you green tea.”
“Huh?” You mutter, looking at Tsukishima. “How…?”
“Started boiling water before my shower and I… I remembered that you liked green tea because you drank it when we meet at Suno’s, so… but I can make another thing if you are not…”
No! I love green tea. Thank you, Tsukki.”
You watch him as he makes his way towards the kitchen, grabbing two mugs and filling them with the tea he prepared, towel laying on his shoulder. You feel your ears go warm and cough slightly, sitting down in a chair, looking at the envelope in front of you.
“So… Nephew?”
“Actually, niece.” Tsukki leaves the steaming tea in front of you and you nod, muttering a quick “thanks”. “She’s 6. Maya, she’s my brother’s daughter.”
Tsukki grabs the envelope and opens it, taking out two pieces of paper. One has, in messy handwriting, a message you cannot understand while the other has a drawing of, what you assume is Tsukki and the little girl. There are volleyball balls, dinosaurs and lots of hearts in it. Tsukki smiles and for some reason, you can’t keep your eyes off of him. 
“Do you have siblings?” Tsukki asks you, still focused on the drawing. 
“I do. Shota, he’s 17. He’s in that… weird age when he doesn’t talk to me a lot but he’s great.”
“How long has it been since you last saw him?”
“He lives in Tokyo and I haven’t been there for a year or so.”
“Tokyo?” Tsukki leaves the drawing in the table, grabbing his phone and opening a take-out app, searching for some sushi restaurants around. “Do you want sushi? By the way, I thought you lived in Hyogo.”
“Sushi is fine. I do but my parents are divorced and my dad works in a big publishing company in Tokyo. Shota insisted on living with him because he doesn’t like our city that much and he prefers Tokyo, so…”
“Are you going there for Christmas?”
“Maybe, I don’t know, really.” Tsukishima gives you his unlocked phone, showing you the website of a sushi restaurant and you quickly select your favourite pieces. “I haven’t thought about it. Family dynamic is weird when your parents are divorced and live in different cities, I guess.”
“I get it.”
“What about you?”
“Yes, you told me you have a brother.”
“Oh, we…” Tsukki locks his phone after ordering and he stands up. “We don’t talk that much.”
“Mind if I grab my things real quick?”
“Yeah, of course.”
Tsukki makes his way to what you think is his bedroom and you, feeling a bit embarrassed, grab your laptop from your backpack too, turning it on. Tsukishima appears, not long after, with a big book and some notebook and sits down next to you.
“I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable with my question about your brother.”
“It’s fine, really. We only talk when I talk with Maya.” Tsukishima sends you a quick smile. “And… I also have a weird family dynamic. I… don’t have a dad. Like, he’s not dead, I guess. I’ve never met him, like at all.”
Tsukishima opens his book and scoffs.
“Whoever he is got my mum pregnant with Akiteru and left her alone during pregnancy but came back when he was six or so, to do the same, get her pregnant and leave her.” Tsukishima flips through pages while you listen. “When I was a teenager I would… I would wonder why my mum gave him a second chance but I guess love is blind, right?”
“Tsukki, I…” You don’t know what to say, you didn’t expect to have this sort of conversation with him, but you only nod. “Yeah, I guess so.” 
“By the way, sorry about Tanaka and his party invitation. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.”
For a moment, you relax, grateful that this is not some sort of question about Atsumu.
“It’s fine. I want to go.”
“I just want you to know that these kind of parties are not small. We usually join the soccer and baseball team and celebrate victories together and there are a lot of people.”
“Oh, that’s okay.” You start typing on your computer. “Just, let me know like dress code or something, I don’t want to go and look bad.”
“You never look bad. You always look pretty.” Tsukki adds. “I mean… You always… You have… cute clothes.”
You nod and look at your computer, hoping the light hides your pink cheeks.
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“This chair is killing me.” You mutter as you look at the hour on your phone. 00:06. “It’s getting quite late.”
“Do you want to go?” Tsukki asks you. You have been working for almost three hours, with a food break in the middle. The truth is that, weirdly, you were really focused on your work and you were about to finish an essay, so you quickly shook your head. “You could sit on the couch if you want.”
“That’s a good idea.” You grab your laptop and move towards the couch, sighing when you body hits the plush cushions. You lay down on the sofa, placing your laptop on top of your chest, typing. 
The warmth of the laptop and the sensation of your relieved back makes you a bit sleepy and your start dozing off.
Tsukishima keeps working for a bit. He’s so focused with his task and the soft music playing through his headphones that he doesn’t notice that you have fallen asleep in the sofa until he stands up to grab water from the kitchen.
He stops, taking off his headphones, to look at you. You hair is splayed around your face and your chest rises with every breath you take. Without even thinking about it, Tsukishima walks closer to the couch and moves your laptop from your body, saving the document you had been working on and turning it off, leaving it on the dining table. 
He doesn’t have the heart to wake you up. Not when you look so peaceful, so he carefully leans down. Should he leave you here and just give you a blanket? The couch is not that stiff and it wouldn’t be the first time someone has fallen asleep for a whole night but on the other hand… 
He carefully picked you up, trying his best not to wake you up and walked to his bedroom. With a soft kick, he opened the door and placed you in his bed, grabbing some blankets from his closet and tossing one of them on top of you, before grabbing one more and, looking at you one more time, leaving the room.
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mintfullyyours · 2 months ago
Past Lives
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summary: the past always finds a way to haunt you
PS: honestly probably shouldn't have been a one chap fic. I had so much more I want to write. Also had to look up this man's bio to get the cannon ages right. I guess also older reader but Si and reader are around the same age. Thank you for reading!!
For your consideration: angtybf!price drabble, Amnesiac!Simon, wallpaper w/simon
tags: tattoo inaccuracies, fluff, angst
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“This is dumb.” You giggled, as Simon Riley held his arm out for you.
No one ever said it was a good idea to tattoo your significant other but when you’re both 17 and in love, everything seems like a good idea. That's why you're both sat on the floor of your room with a tattoo gun in hand that Simon pawned off somewhere.
"You want to be an artist." He gestured towards his bicep, "Make some art."
It was a pipe dream -- Become a famous tattoo artist and make enough money to get out of this small town.
“You sure about this?” You ask, leaning forward as the sound of the machine whizzed to life.
“Sure.” Simon shrugs, pulling his sleeve higher up. “Why wouldn’t I be?” He puffs out his chest, “Life is too fucking short to care."
His words caused your cheeks to tint pink. You leaned forward and started permanently etching the key template you two had drawn together. This night marked the first tattoos of many and there wasn’t anyone else you wanted to share this moment with than him.
Smiling at your finished key, Simon lifts his arm examining it with a scrunched face. “I've seen worse.” He purses his lips and you smile, quickly pecking his.
“By the way, have I told you about this thing called chapstick?” You tease, handing over your arm to the table.
Simon scoffs and takes over, drawing onto your skin: a heart-shaped lock.
You watched as he diligently shaded the areas, heart swelling with pride. Simon was everything you could’ve asked for in a partner. He admires his work as he wipes the excess ink and knowing you’re staring, he asks,
“What’s on your mind, love?”
Shaking your head, you give a smile, “Nothing, nothing.”
“It’s something.” He takes cling wrap to protect your new tattoo, just as you had for his own, “Tell me.”
Silence as you rest your arm flat on the table and he does the same, heart and key. Two halves of a whole. It’s not that you were ignoring him, you just didn’t know what to say. 
“Just that you'll always have a piece of me” You smile down at the fresh ink.
“As you for me.” Simon cups your cheek gently guiding you to look up at him. You were weak against his touch, “So what’s wrong?”
A sigh escapes your lips, knowing the truth has to come out eventually. “We can’t keep this up forever, you know? Secret meetings. Midnight getaways. I just… I want to be with you but not like this.”
“Alright. Then tell me.” His thumb brushes away the tear that fell from your cheeks, “What can I do?”
A moment of silence as the truth wracks your brain. “Come with me!” You blurt out, “I’m moving… To the States for Uni. And I––” The thought of getting away from this small town brought comfort to your mind.
“I want you to come with me, Si.”
The blonde pauses for a moment as he lets your request sink in. Leaning forward his lips capture yours in a gentle kiss, you closed your eyes allowing him to take the lead. Far too soon, he separates your lips and presses his forehead against your own. Eyes still closed as you let your lips curve into a smile, you’ve never felt more loved than right here in this moment. 
“Wherever you go, I’ll follow.” He states.
But that was then and this is now.
Two decades and some years later, you found yourself as an owner of a tattoo parlor in Los Angeles. The place was in a neon-lit, upstairs studio. Cozy and intimate. If you looked close enough flecks of Manchester littered the room.
But you could never go back, not after what he did.
In the break room you were putting on a fresh pair of gloves, Javier the cashier knocks on the door with the clientele briefings.
“Just one. Booked the whole day.”
You arch a brow but Javier nods and leaves the room. Taking one last glance into the full-length mirror, glad you chose to work in a tanktop that showcased your tattoo sleeves. Most clients felt at ease knowing you have the experience of being tatted so you wasted no time blending in one piece with another.
Exiting the break room, you look up and come to a complete stop.
He wore a leather jacket, smelled of gun powder and smoke with a black KN95 mask to cover his lips. But you knew this man.
Every fiber of your body knew this man all too well. Teenage lovers that whispered secrets against bare skin. There was something in the air, something electric between two passing bodies.
There was a slight squint in his eyes, you couldn't tell if it was a smile. You couldn't remember the last time he smiled.
The fucking nerve.
He thought he could waltz in here after all this time and what? Think nothing of it?
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” You mumble, turning your heel. “Cancel it. I’m sick.” You emit a fake cough and head back into the break room.
You’d rather be anywhere than here. 
Javier rolls his eyes, “I’ll leave you to close up.” He says, heading out. You stop and weighed your options. You could close. Losing the money was no big deal, especially if it means saving your sanity.
But accidentally stabbing Simon a little too harshly with a tattoo gun also seemed like a good idea.
You chose the latter and make your way over to your ex. He’s watching you, ever vigilant. Your spine straightens ever so slightly. You haven't heard much of his whereabouts since he left for the military but it wasn't pretty.
“Don’t hey me.” Your hand reaches for his broad shoulder and forcefully pushes him down onto the leather seat. Simon Riley had filled out and by the looks of the ink on his skin, he'd added to his collection of tattoos. Dark black ink covers his once blank canvas.
He looks shaken, as though the sudden touch and command woke something in him. 
You take the seat across from him, the table dividing you both. Glad the partition was there otherwise you might strangle him yourself, which was still an option. You unpack the tools, feeling his eyes glued to your every movement. Heart pounding in your chest, why did he still make you feel this way? 
“Whatever you have to say, don't.”
“Okay, ” He says, handing over his left arm to rest on the table. He lowers the KN95 mask too. You took a look at him and your breath hitches at the sigh of scars that marred his face.
He was still so beautiful to you.
“Just something simple. Something that says… I’m sorry.”
Your ears burn at his apology. He had no right to bring back feelings from so long ago. So you point at the blank skin, “How about  Idiot instead?”
Simon chuckles deep and your lips slightly tug upwards, you missed that. From his jacket he pulled out a template, it was a complex design that you estimated would take three hours. You rubbed your temples, knowing he did this on purpose. 
“Fine. But no talking. I don’t want to hear a word come out of your mouth.” You state, dipping the gun into the ink cartridge and getting to work. 
Finishing the last touches, both of your arms rested on the table as you shaded in his piece.
He cleared his throat as though to begin a conversation.
“Not a word, Riley.” You warn, gaze locked on his arm. 
“Hear me out.” Simon pleads. 
“No, I––”
“I went to the airport!” He cuts you off. Your eyes snap to his at his admission. 
Simon took your silence as a cue to continue his statement. There was stirring in the pit of your stomach. 
“The day you left for the States. I was there too. I made it so far to the gates but…” His eyes clouded over with a memory so clear in his mind. “Got scared. Fucking scared of uprooting my life and then holding you back from something greater."
Simon sighed, "I joined the military not long after you left."
"Oh so much for not being scared of war torn countries." you quip.
"We have different definitions of fear."
He had a point but you were stubborn and would be damned to let him change that.
“You wanted this.” He gestures around the parlor. "You needed it."  
“No, I needed you.” You interrupt him. You couldn’t continue to hear how he was so close yet so far away the day you left Manchester. The day you both were supposed to leave. “You didn’t think I was scared? I loved you and the day you stood me up crushed me into a million pieces. Fuck, two decades later and I’m still putting those shattered parts back together.”
The anger bubbled in you as did the pain of having to live a life without him. No rhyme or reason until today. But you also understood how important family was, for both of you. So you weren’t punishing him for not coming but rather for not telling you. 
You sigh with defeat, “What made you think you could make that decision for me, Si?”
With his free hand, he gently turns your right arm over to reveal the heart tattoo. Smiling as he lines it up with the key that was on his own. 
Two halves of a whole.
“I know your strength.” He admitted, "A bond like ours, once in a lifetime."
Silence falls between you. Anger was a heavy heart to bear for all these years.
“'m sorry, Love.” Simon leans down to place a kiss on top of your inked heart like it would heal the wounds on your own. Heat built in your core from the simple act of intimacy. 
“I will spend the rest of my life apologizing and making it up to ya.” Your man-child sighs, “You’re right, 'm an idiot. But I love you and will continue to love you if you let me.”
You allow his words to sink in. Love. You loved the man in front of you even after all these years. 
Still, one question remained, “Why now?”
Simon looks at you with the smallest smile, “I've seen a lot of shit. Killed men. Died, m'self. Came back... A ghost." He admits, the words falling freely. "Maybe doing all of that so to make the world a better place for one person who never left my mind."
With that, his hand reaches for the back of your neck as he pulls you into a kiss. You close your eyes and find yourself reacting to him. His tongue slips inside your own as you both battle for dominance. Exploring each other and trying to unravel secrets with such a kiss. He felt like a dream against you, one you never wanted to wake from.
You moan and whimper, realizing how long it had been without his touch. The kiss satisfied every need you had.
The kiss grew urgent, long gone was the gentle embrace. Lips still connected, you moved the portable easel that separated you both, and Simon guided you to straddle his lap. Clumsy, sure. But soon enough your legs secured both sides of his waist and never once did you break. 
He tasted like whiskey and cigarettes. 
Simon leaned back on the chair as his hands roamed underneath your shirt to touch bare skin. His touch felt like fire to your skin. You moaned in his mouth at his touch and ground your hips against his cock, feeling him harden beneath you. He bucks upwards and you relish in the control. 
You felt his fingers reach to pull the hem of your shirt up but placing a hand on his chest, you gently push him back. He groans with protest. You inhale a sharp breath, “I’m not doing this unless you commit to me, to this life. And if you can't, tell me right fucking now because we're both too old for this."
He leans up to press his forehead against yours. It’s his next words that cause your own emptiness to fill fully and wholly with love. 
“Wherever you go, I’ll follow.”
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remxedmoon · 2 months ago
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the house of change.
HI. OOPS. I MAY HAVE GOTTEN A LITTLE DISTRACTED? i was supposed to post these ages ago. hell, i finished these before i even started having tablet problems. super sorry for the wait! anyways, redrew a few backgrounds! along with a lot of other redraws (mostly cgs) that’ll prrrolly get their own posts? they’re already in the drive 👍
wow for once an update is actually short. some notes below the cut anyways!
hiii. so uh. i might’ve burnt myself out recently! yes you’re allowed to point and laugh. this was going to happen eventually, drawing nonstop for 2 and a half months straight was not sustainable. so! i’m taking a bit of a break from the redraw project! like an actual one i think. i’ve been getting into a bunch of other stuff and i have some drawing ideas i really want to work on! don’t worry, not dropping the project or anything. i think i’ve earned this break a few times over lol
okay onto the actual update. if you can call it that i added this stuff weeks ago lol. i’m not doing any of the moving backgrounds for the record! i wasn’t even planning on redrawing these originally. i just had so much momentum after finishing the enemy art that i needed to do Something. and these were actually pretty quick to do! makes me wish the game had more backgrounds……..
procreate doesn’t have a mosaic tool or anything to my knowledge, so i just made a copy of the drawing and made it super small lol. makeshift pixel tool 👍. this is also what i have to do whenever i draw loops star…
also, just because i got a ton of questions about it: yes you are allowed to use my art for phone wallpapers or backgrounds or Literally Anything. i get really excited about it actually it makes my day. go nuts!!!!!
okay! wow! not a lot to say this time around. i’ve still got a backlog of redraws to post, so hopefully i’ll be back here soon!! enjoy!!!
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yveswon-zz · 5 days ago
readers and writers - itoshi rin x gn!reader
read read.. hehe you'll see why ;P oh also very out of character rin
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type.. type.. type.. type.. 
itoshi rin was getting tired of the sounds of your keys. he loved you- there was no lie in that but he hated your odd writer habits. it was supposed to be your ‘silent working’ while he slept beside you
he was enjoying his nap and he would have fallen into a deeper slumber if your constant typing didn't bring him back to reality. it wasn’t like you were finishing a last minute assignment or emailing your professor for an extension 
you were a fanfiction writer
a tumblr writer with a rough 20 count following. you wrote more than an average book length and gathered a small amount of attention from the platform readers. you would spend every night, typing away on your desk instead of studying 
“what are you doing?,” rin asks and scoots over as if he didnt know what you were up to 
“writing,” you replied and lifted your head up 
you let out a small laugh seeing his hair tossed around as if he came back from a long battle. he could barely keep his eyes open, letting himself melt by your touches. you stop typing for a while, moving your hand to brush the odd hairstyle he created while sleeping
“i created a pretty interesting plot,” you said again. “i’ll be done soon- i just wish more people would notice my work” 
“what do you mean,” rin tilts his head a bit confused 
you let out a soft sigh and let your computer sleep for a while. “im grateful for the support i’m getting but i wish i could grow more and meet more writers” 
rin wasn’t someone who understood the fascination of writing fanfictions. ask him and he would go on about how utterly stupid the idea was… well before he met you. he loves and respects you so you will never catch him speaking bad about writers 
he sees the hard work you put into your work and he admires your interest. this was something you loved. if you can support him with soccer, why can’t he support you for your writings? he even made his own tumblr account to hype up your work (he still hasn't told you about that- whoops!) 
“you.. want to meet writers?,” rin repeats your last sentence 
“mhm,” you hum a confirmation. “meet more writers and learn from them!” 
how can rin help you with that. should he pretend to be a writer and make your wish come true? pay for your support? no. he knows it’s not right and you would be upset at him. he thinks for a minute before getting up from your embrace 
“have you applied for mikageecorp?,” rin suddenly shoots you a question 
“.. mika what??”
he gets out of bed to grab his phone. your puzzled look gave me the hint that you had no idea what he was talking about. he pushes his phone to you, gesturing you to take it and read whatever he wanted to show you 
“it’s a fanfiction networking blog,” rin starts off his explanation. “they reblog your work for you to attract more readers and writers” 
you continue scrolling and a smile draws on your face. “so i can make more writer friends!” 
rin nods to your excitement. “they have a community and discord server so you can directly connect” 
“wait,” you pause with another question. “how do i apply for it?” 
“there’s a form on the page. give them a follow and fill up the form idiot,” rin points to the link 
“i need to start,” you open your computer and quickly reach the account 
rin watches you and rests his head on your shoulder. “the mods are friendly and you can reach out to them when you need to” 
“rin i love you for this,” you give him a kiss on his hand. “and i applied! how long will it take for them to see my application?” 
“they’ll see it as soon as they can. stop being so impatient,” rin lets himself smile a little at your enthusiasm 
“also, how did you know about the blog? are you on tum-” 
“shut up and kiss me” 
INFO: if you read this far, hai :D! i'm yves, the co founder and your new friend! this was a promo fic in hopes to attract readers and writers. if you're interested, do check out @mikageecorp <33
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@yveswon-zz - do not copy or translate without permission
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thecuriousbeauty · 6 months ago
You're on your period- Harry Styles Blurb
Word count: 1178
Synopsis: Periods really suck. But not so much when you have a sweet boyfriend to take care of you. (FLUFF!)
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You felt like you were going to cry as you opened the freezer and saw that you were out of ice cream. You were looking forward to binge eating that ice cream and watching your favorite show when you get back from work. You had a particularly long day, or maybe you just felt like that because of the piercing pain from your period cramps and your hormones being all over the place. 
You shut the door of the freezer with a sigh, dragging yourself to bed. You curled up, clutching your stomach as another bad wave of pain hits you. You forgot to take some pain meds when you were downstairs, and you were just too tired so you just layed there.Your boyfriend, who you now remember, had helped you finish the last of the ice cream when you had a movie night last week wasn’t home yet, so you phoned him.
“Hey baby! You back home?”, Harry answers and you pout, just wanting to crawl into his arms. “Harry..”
“What’s wrong, darling? Are you okay?” He doesn’t like it when your voice isn’t sounding peppy.
“Nooo..”, you draw out, making Harry frown  as he gets in his car, being done with the studio for the day. “Why is that, baby? Anything I can help with?”
“We ran out of ice cream..can you get some for me please?”, you ask softly, making Harry’s heart melt. He loved when you asked him to get things for you, even if it was something small. 
“Of course, love. You aren’t feeling too good, are you?”, he coos, joining the dots as he remembers the date. He keeps track of your periods too. 
“Nuh uh. I’m having a war with my uterus right now.”, you tell him, making him chuckle softly. “I can’t imagine what that’s like. Anything else you need, baby? Stocked up for the week?”
You really have the sweetest boyfriend. “Yeah, I’m good. Just need you.”
“Aw, I’ll be home soon, my love. You get some rest, yeah?”
You hummed, closing your eyes already. “Love you.”
“I love you too. Oh, what flavor did you want?”
“Flavor?”, you smirk, and Harry laughs. “The ice cream flavor, silly.”
Harry didn’t just buy you ice cream. He got you your favorite packet of chips, some chocolate and some other snacks you liked. He kept it all in the kitchen and went upstairs to find you. You had dozed off while waiting for him, and he smiled as he took you in, walking to you quietly. He leaned down, gently brushing his fingers across your forehead, brushing away strands of your hair that fell onto your face. 
He thought not to wake you up and just slide into bed so he could give you a cuddle, but he spotted a stain on your shorts that would leak into the sheets soon. He didn’t mind, but he knew you would, so he gently kisses you awake with some kisses. 
You wake up to his feather soft kisses on your skin, a contrast to your aching stomach. You open your eyes and Harry gives you a smile. “How’re you doing, love?”
“Not good, it hurts.”, you mumble, sighing as he presses a kiss to your temple. “Oh, baby. You wanna take a warm shower, maybe? You’ve uh, got a bit of blood on your shorts.”
Your eyes widened and you quickly looked down to your shorts and around the bed. “Shit..I’m sorry babe, I fell asleep and didn’t realize-”
“-Hey, hey, it’s okay, sweetheart.”, he says, giving you his hand to help you out of bed. Thankfully, the blood hadn’t seeped into your sheets yet. “See, the sheets are fine. If it wasn’t, I’d change them, nothing to be sorry about.”, Harry tells you, and you smile softly, leaning to his side carefully, giving him a side hug. 
“I’ve got you some snacks too. After you’re feeling all fresh, we can cuddle up on the couch with a movie, hm?”
You nod, pressing your lips to his, giving him a kiss. “That sounds good.”
Harry lets you take care of your business and shower. He also got changed and set up all the food with a movie, bringing your fuzzy blanket to the couch. He got your heating pad and your pain meds ready as well.
You slouched over downstairs in one of Harry’s shirts and another pair of your shorts, making him smile at how cute you looked. Your hair was up in a messy bun, and you had no makeup on your face, but to him, you were gorgeous.
He opens his arms, and you fall into them, crawling onto his lap. “How was your day?”
“Good, good. Got some recording done, but I’ll probably do the same part again tomorrow. I missed you.”, he says, pressing a kiss to your cheek, holding you close to him with arm as he leans over to grab the pain meds. “Here, take these, love.”
You swallowed them down with the water he gave you and rested your head on his chest, snuggling up to his warmth. 
While you tell him about your day, he slides the heating pad under your shirt to keep it over your tummy, before adjusting you on his lap and bringing the fuzzy blanket around you. One of his hands slips inside to rub your lower back in firm circles, with just the right amount of pressure, making you feel relaxed. When you told him about your ice cream craving, he immediately grabbed the tub and gave you the spoon so you can start digging in. 
“Thanks for all this, you’re the best.” You kiss him. 
“Only the best for you.”, he says, smiling as he watches you scoop some of the ice cream into your mouth and hum as the cold desert with the luscious chocolate hits just the right spots. “That good, huh?” Harry laughs.
“Yes! Here, I’m willing to share.”, You fed him some too. “Mm, that’s good.”, he agrees. You watch the movie for some time.
“Is the pain going away?”, he asks, pressing kisses to your hair and you smile, kissing his jaw. One of his hands still stayed on your back, and the other was playing with your hair. “Mhmm. You make it better.”
“I’m glad.” He smiles, stroking his thumb over your cheek. “Hate to see my baby in pain.” You blush, looking up at your handsome boyfriend. “I really like you, you know?”
He scoffs out a laugh, pinching your cheek. “You really like me? Give that ice cream back.” He moves his hand to your side, his fingertips dancing over your skin as he looks at with a glint in his eyes. He adores you. 
You giggle, going to grab his hand as it threatens to tickle you. “Correction! I really love you.”
“Hm, you better.” Harry nudges his nose against your cheek, pulling you impossibly closer to him. You laugh, and he takes your chin, giving you a kiss. “Cause I really love you too.”
Taglist:-- @livypops12352568 @harrydeary, @harryswifee, @harrysbxtchh, @gracelovesethan, @kiwitsayedsugar, @angeldavis777 (Lemme know if you wanna be added to the taglist!)
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faerygrant · 2 months ago
winter baby
warnings: smut, breeding kink, general filth, swearing.
notes: carmen rushes you into the staff bathroom during family, in order to fulfill the goal the two of you are hoping to achieve by next winter.
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Attending family at the bear had recently become a normal part of your daily schedule. Not only did you get to enjoy the staffs expert cooking, but you were also granted a little more time spent with your favourite man. Carmen always insisted you joined the staff, because to him and them, you are part of the bear family. You’d never been one for exhibitionism but recently both you and Carmy had decided you wanted to add a Berzatto baby to your home by next winter. Ever since that conversation, the two of you were insatiable. Disgusting almost, in the bedroom, the shower, Carmen’s office and you hated to admit it, but also in Richie’s car.
So here the two of you were, sat at the table with the staff, as Tina went on with a story, something about her time at culinary school, you weren’t sure at this point, especially with Carmen’s hands discreetly wrapped around your upper thigh. As Tina continued with her story, and laughter filled the room, Carmen had become bold enough to start touching you. You couldn’t stop the gasp that left your mouth once his fingers made way into you, his eyes flying to yours, so dark and full of need…hunger.
“You good?” Richie is the first to look at you, and you quickly nod in embarrassment. “Yeah I’m fine, just bit my tongue.” He nods, buying into your lie, as does the rest of the table. Carmen seemingly impressed with your acting decides to push his fingers deeper into you. “Y’did good f’me, but I’m going to remove them inna sec.” He whispers, pressing a kiss to your ear, to mask the small conversation the two of you were having. “Bu— why?” You silently whimper, as you feel him slowly pull his fingers out. “Theres no need wasting your orgasm, you know my seed will only take if you finish, so I need you to go to the bathroom right now, I’ll meet you in there.” You nod, at the same time you feel his fingers fully leaving from inside you.
“Excuse me guys, just gonna use the washroom.” You announce, and the staff all nod, oblivious to what was really about to go down. As you push open the bathroom door, you wait patiently, wondering what kind of excuse Carmen would be coming up with, as to not draw any suspicion to the real, dirty reason he was following you into here. Soon enough you heard a tap at the door and you made quick work of unlocking it, and in came Carmen.
“Take it out, need to fill you.” He groaned as he wrapped his arms around you waist, proceeding to hike up your skirt. You swiped your underwear to the side, revealing your aching pussy. Fumbling forward while he balanced you on the wall, you pulled his cock out of his pants. Red with want, you spat on your hand, smearing it along his length as best you could. Being sure to coat the head thoroughly, slipping down to your waiting entrance.
You couldn’t stop the loud yelp that left your mouth, pleading with him for more, “Fuck, more Carm…”
You closed your eyes, humming as he plunged in deeper. Both of you sucked in a breath as he seated himself fully, “Gimme a baby Carm,” your lips met his with a feral hunger, Carmen rested his forehead on yours, “I promise I will give you one, but right now I need you to focus on taking it all ok?”
“Need it all carmy, want it dripping out of me…”
A small thrust, jolting your head to slam back into the wall with a thud. You giggled a little before slinging your arm around his neck. Carmy kissed your forehead, softly thrusting inside you, barely moving more than an inch. Deep pressure that settled in your gut like a rock, you tightened around him.
You whimperd again, “Yessss…”
He huffed against your sweating skin, thrusting shallowly inside you. Bumping you against the wall in a soft thud, you clutched just shoulders. Digging in through the fabric as you leaned forward. Bringing your lips to suction to his throat, echoing a moan when you made contact.
Carmen choked as you ran your teeth across his skin, voice booming in your ear, “Jesus-fuck angel, I’m gonna cum.” He ground inside you hard, rumbling around your sensitive walls over and over in small circles. You squelched around his length, holding on for dear life.
You wanted his cum-you’d been thinking about it since you left for work in the morning, and on your way to the restaurant. Nodding as he slammed his hips into yours, stilling. You panted on his shoulder, staring into the mirror on the opposite wall.
Wide-eyed, mouth popped open in pleasure, peering over his massive shoulder. Broad back flexing under his signature white shirt while he fucked you, clenching at how submissive you looked. Legs open around his hips, eyeliner running down your face.
“Don’t want a single drop going to waste, okay?” he huffed.
You didn’t break eye contact with his striking blue eyes, nodding in agreement.
“Yes, Carmy.”
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loverofstufflof · 10 months ago
Six Ears design
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because I am once again not doing alright!!
Some of you may remember my Wukong design where I just mess around to draw a cute monkey, and I am back on my BS yet again! The voices will not shut up about these stupid monkeys!!
I was hoping to finish the entire roster of primates this weekend, but unfortunately life is not yet done slapping me in the face, so here is the one that’s been rotting my brain the most.
Design notes!
Because of we already have a stone monkey, I am keeping things on brand and making all of the primates elemental! Obviously, Míhóu is wood! (More on this when I finish the other two)
His ears are leaves that correlate with seasons! Is it summer? Past ear will be spring, and future ear will be winter, so on and so forth. Yes, they still function as intended, just able to photosynthesize as well.
Same as Shíhóu, I took references from baby langur monkeys and rhesus macaques. I think it makes sense that they’d be approximately the same species, considering the plot.
I couldn’t think of any clothes for him? I guess it makes sense for Wukong to be the only clothing-wearer, because he’s the only one that contacts society, but it still feels weird drawing him nakey.
Little patches of lichen litter his wood-fur in random places (wherever feels cutest), though most notably on his tail. I’m considering reworking it slightly so they specifically go on fluffy/differently coloured parts of actual monkey fur.
Considering the fact that the only proper description we have for Míhóu is when he looks identical to Wukong (and also his namesake) I’ve decided to just ignore trying to follow canon in that right. Makes things more fun.
And that’s all my notes! Really sad I can’t get to Yuanhou and Mahou quite yet (I have so many ideas for them) but I hope I can get to them soon!
Other than that, I’ve made some small refinements to my Shìhòu design—mainly his staff. It felt a bit too Monkie Kid for me. I’ve always wanted to really lean into the “he’s just hulking around a large pillar” idea, so I did some research on Chinese pillar designs and reworked it to resemble a huabiao! Something I’ll likely show when I put out my Gibbon and Baboon art.
And that’s all I got! Have this concept sketch from months ago while I head out to scream into the aether :3c
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hearts4werka · 4 months ago
NNN day 21 | Uninvited Judgements
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summary: you were invited to a party by one of your friends, of course you brought Matt, your boyfriend along despite him being slightly younger, everything was going by smoothly and everyone was having great fun until you went out to the bathroom and when you came back you saw your drunken friends surrounding Matt, not suggesting anything good by their loud laughter…
warnings: ANGST, heavy language, arguing, party setting, drunk guests, bullying, age discrimination, age gap, all of the drinking characters are of age please drink responsibly and be aware of the possible consequences! & possibly more
authors note: nnn is soon coming to an end and the Christmas season will start which means… more Christmas fics! (And more smut) I am already feeling the spirit and love this season so much, also sorry for not posting this fic when I was supposed to but something personal happened and I couldn’t finish it that day and I hope y’all understand , but anyway luv y’all sm and hope y’all enjoy this one
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The music bounced through the walls of the small apartment, a vibrant background to the laughter and conversation that filled the air. Matt adjusted the collar of his shirt, visibly feeling a little self-conscious under his excitement. He was still getting used to being around my friends, most of them were several years older than him. We had been dating for a few months now and while I loved spending time with him, he couldn’t shake the feeling he was still trying to prove himself.
I took his hand and squeezing it gently. “I’ll just be gone a minute,” I said, leaning in to kiss him softly. “Just need to use the bathroom. You okay to hang out here?” “Yeah, I’m good,” he replied, forcing a smile. “I’ll grab a soda or something.” As I slipped away into the crowded bathroom, Matt leaned against the counter and glanced around. Most of the partygoers were off in groups, cups in hand and laughter mixing with the music. He was about to reach for a drink when he noticed a couple of my friends gathering near him, their faces flushed and attitude high from the alcohol they have consumed.
“Look who it is!” one of my friends Mary slurred, her eyes shining with mischief. “Little Matt. What’s he doing here all by himself? Waiting for his mom to pick him up?” Matt felt heat rush to his cheeks, an uncomfortable mix of embarrassment and irritation. “I’m fine,” he muttered, trying to brush off the comments but the lack of a reaction from him it only encouraged the others. “Oh come on!” another friend chimed in with her laughter ringing loud. “You’re dating a woman who could practically be your aunt! What is she like, 25?” The group burst into drunk giggles, clearly enjoying the show of the younger guy, considering him as an easy target.
Matt clenched his fists at his sides, feeling a swirl of emotions and his gut twisted in upset. The teasing only got worse, the insults sharper, the references to our age gap digging deeper until he just couldn’t stand it anymore. “I’m not a kid for gods sake,” he shot back but his voice barely cut through the intense crowd. Their laughter only grew louder, cutting off his words. When I finally returned with a bright smile lighting my face while Matt was the opposite, livid and his skin prickling with anger. I noticed the tension immediately as I maneuvered through the crowd toward him.
“Everything okay?” I asked concerned looking from him to my drunken friends who had just finished their turn of jokes. “They think it’s hilarious that I’m younger,” he said, unable to keep the annoyance from his voice. “Why do you even hang out with people who think it’s okay to make fun of someone like that?” I looked caught off guard while blinking rapidly. “I don’t think they meant anything by it, Matt. They were drunk and you know how that goes. They joke around, they don’t always know where to draw the line.” “A line?” he snapped and frustration spilling out of his expression. “It feels fucking disrespectful to make jokes about someone’s age! Like I’m some boy toy you’re just playing around with. Do you think I like being the center of their jokes?”
“Matt, just chill out for a second,” I ushed, raising your hands for him to calm down. “You know they didn’t mean for it to hurt you. It’s just banter! They were drunk—” “No, it’s not just banter!” he raised his voice louder than he intended. “It’s condescending and you’re just brushing it off like it doesn’t matter!” I felt my heart racing, a mixture of anger and hurt beginning to swirl in my veins “You’re making a huge deal out of this. They’re not bad people, they were having a good time! You can’t just get upset over everything people say when they’re drinking!” “It’s not ‘everything’! It’s just this! Ugh!” he exclaims, frustration lacing every syllable that left past his mouth. “Sometimes I feel like you don’t even see how it affects me. You just make excuses for them.” With that, one of my friends—a guy named Jake who had been listening nearby—snorted. “Who knew Matt had such thin skin? Can’t handle a little fun?”
Matt’s gaze flicked toward Jake, becoming stiff in his stance. “And you’re an ass.” “That’s rich, coming from someone who’s basically a kid,” Jake retorted and shaking his head. “Matt, just ignore him,” I pleaded but he was too far gone now. “No, fuck this…” he muttered, stepping away from the group who had been laughing at his expense. He turned to me with his eyes blazing. “I’m not playing this game. I’m not gonna sit here and take your friends’ bullshit. I’m done.” Before I could get a single word out past my lips, Matt turned on his heel and moved toward the exit, the door slamming behind him. The sound echoed in the now silent apartment as everyone exchanged glances, the party suddenly feeling much less exciting.
I tried to process what had just happened, a storm of emotions swirling inside of me. My friends still buzzing from the drinks, didn’t have the capacity to understand. They were just drunk and careless. But Matt? His feelings were painfully real and visible for anyone and my heart sank knowing I would have to find him and somehow make sense of this mess my drunk friends have put me in now.
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@hearts4werka |
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𝐆𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 🏷️ | @sturnsxplr-25 - @strnzzvsp - @luvvs4chriss - @sturniolosweetheart33 - @pussypie456 - @choclatestarfishwithahat - @venusxsturnio - @bagsbyclair0 - @sturnstvs - @dykes4chris - @hoe4matt - @cayleeuhithinknott - @strnilolover - @marrykisskilled - @phone4pills - @emely9274 - @cupiidk1lls - @lily-strnlo - @nicksgirlfriend - @sturniolosiphone - @sophand4n4 - @zombiesturniolo - @luvleyangeldust |
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whatswrongwithblue · 5 months ago
Okay, so Charlie and Vaggie the day Vaggie got her wings back. Charlie was holding back when she said they looks nice, Charlie thought they looked really fucking nice. Can you have Vaggie teach Charlie how to preen her feathers? Or even Charlie playing with them and finding the nice spots? and then kiss and other stuff I'm nervous asking for more so soon.
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also hamster gif as a payment.
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I apologize that this took me so very long to write up. All I can say is writer's block is a bitch and I hope you like it! Also not beta'd so I apologize for any errors.
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Vaggie threw herself onto the bed face first and groaned into the pillow.
Everything hurt. She’d forgotten in her years since falling just how many muscles were used in flying and she had been training non stop since getting her wings back in order to prepare for the upcoming battle against Heaven’s exterminators . . . and Adam.
Only she may have pushed herself a little too hard that afternoon and was now paying the price. Overworked muscles from her neck, shoulders, back, and even down in her buttocks screamed in protest that she hadn’t warmed up properly, definitely hadn’t cooled down properly, and now she had a lovely build up of lactic acid and micro tears in all the supporting muscles for her wingspan.
She knew it was a bad idea to lay down in the state she was in but she was too exhausted and shakey to even make it to the bath that Charlie had drawn for her. She could smell the lavender in the Epsom salt diffusing through the air out of the open bathroom doorway, tempting her and drawing her into its welcoming warmth, but when she tried to move again, all she managed was another groan before slumping back into bed.
“Vaggie,” Charlie soft voice said from beside her, drawing her girlfriend’s name out with a disappointed sigh. “You don’t have to push yourself so hard.”
Vaggie mumbled a reply into the pillow.
“What?” Charlie asked with a giggle.
“I do if we want to win,” Vaggie repeated.
Charlie sighed again.
“We wont win if you injure yourself before the battle even begins.”
“Uuuuuuggggghhh,” Vaggie complained and slumped into the pillows again, her wings splayed pathetically out to her sides and limp.
“Okay, if you wont get up and go take a bath, I’ll just have to figure out some other way to help you!” Charlie stood and clapped her hands together, before taking off into the bathroom, leaving Vaggie to wallow in her misery and pain.
A minute later, Vaggie heard something being sat down onto the nightstand next to her and then she was unceremoniously being hoisted up into a sitting position. She tried to slouch forward into Charlie’s arms but Charlie pushed her away and began pulling up her shirt.
“Whoa there, little lady,” Vaggie said with a tired chuckle. “I don’t think I’m up for that right now.”
Charlie blushed before she composed herself and puffed out her chest, placing a hand over her breast and turning her nose up as if offended. When she responded, she had a fake, hotty and snobby tone to her voice.
“Please. I am much more  sophisticated when I am in the mood for amorous activities.”
“Okay, then,” Vaggie said with an amused grin, “what are you doing trying to take off my shirt?”
“I want to give you a massage! Duh!”
“Do you . . . know how to massage wings?” Vaggie asked, trying not to sound skeptical.
“There’s never a better time to learn a new skill than the present!” Charlie replied with her usual enthusiasm and Vaggie rolled her eyes, though she was, as always, amused by her girlfriend’s antics.
“I guess,” she reluctantly agreed  and let Charlie finish undressing her until she was down to her bra and underwear and began placing warmed up oils along her skin.    
Charlie began along Vaggie’s spine, right between her wings and shoulder blades, alternating small soothing cirlces and long strokes along the sides of her vertebra. A quiet lull came over them as Charlie moved her way down Vaggie’s back, lingering just at the base of her spine before moving back up and applying deep pressured strokes with her palm along Vaggie’s ribs.
It was torture.
And it was heaven.
Vaggie felt all her overworked muscles finally beginning to relax and although the pain wasn’t completely  gone and she knew she would still feel sore in the morning, she was already feeling an incredible amount of relief.
Then Charlie slipped her hands underneath the bottom of Vaggie’s underwear and began applying the same sweet, deep pressure to her muscles there and Vaggie felt a whole new kind of heat spreading through her body.
“Uh . . . Charlie?”
“What? You said ‘even my ass hurts’ before you flopped onto the bed. I’m just trying to help,” Charlie answered, but Vaggie could hear the mischievousness in her voice.
Charlie lingered in that zone for far longer than she had Vaggie’s back, making it clear it wasn’t just a simple massage at this point before she worked her way back up along Vaggie’s spine, hands as innocent as ever.
Until she  touched Vaggie’s wings.
With gentle pressure, Charlie’s fingers worked the upper ridge of muscle that ran along the top of Vaggie’s wings, especially at the base where they connected with her body. Vaggie bit her lip, hiding her face in the pillows, embarrassed at how easily her body was responding to touch in that area. No one had ever touched her wings like this before, so she had no idea it was such an erogenous zone.
Charlie’s fingers ghosted over the first bend in the ridge, her fingertips just lightly brushing over the feathers there, and Vaggie’s whole body shuddered.
“Oh, these are sensitive?” Charlie teased but her voice was low and sultry.
Vaggie didn’t respond verbally, just gave an almost imperceptible nod of her head and let Charlie continue to work her magic.
Charlie repeated her pattern from the beginning; down along her spine, back up and along her ribs, back down to her glutes, and then finishing off at her wings. This went on for 3 more cycles until Vaggie was flushed and desperate for more.
She felt two fingers pressing between the apex of her thighs and Vaggie eagerly lifted her hips up, giving Charlie easier and unabashed access to her core. Charlie worked her there with as much attentive tenderness as she had shown every other piece of Vaggie’s anatomy, only slipping her fingers underneath the now soaked piece of cotton when Vaggie had begun to moan and push her hips into Charlie’s touch.  
Charlie slipped two fingers inside Vaggie’s tight and warm depths, curling them down and stroking the most sensitive point of her walls as her thumb reached lower and worked circles around her clit. With her free hand, Charlie slowly rubbed upwards along Vaggie’s spine, teasing along the feathery edges where her wings joined to her back.
Vaggie whimpered and Charlie felt her sopping heat clench tighter around her fingers, almost there, her nervous system flirting with a climax, and Charlie purposefully kept her pace slow and gentle, leaving her right beneath that pinnacle of pleasure.
“Charlie, please,” Vaggie cried, her face flushed and buried sideways into her pillow.
With those two little words, Charlie gave in and ran her fingertips along the upper edge of Vaggie’s left wing, letting her touch dance along that bend halfway down that seemed to be the most reactive to touch. Vaggie gasped and Charlie curled her fingers tighter around Vaggie’s core, increasing her pace and pressure both inside and out.
Vaggie’s back bowed as she cried out, all of her once relaxed muscles now tensed as her orgasm crashed over her; a tsumani of pleasure that seemed to continue on and on, until it finally receded, along with Charlie’s touch, leaving Vaggie a melted puddle of sweat and trembling muscles.
But miraculously, it seemed all the pain and stiffness from her workout was gone, washed away by the flood of hormones and her girlfriend’s talented hands.
“Well, that’s one way to do a cool down,” Charlie said, and though her face was still turned into the pillows, Vaggie could hear the smirk in the blonde’s tone.
“I . . . yeah,” Vaggie sighed, unable to come up with a smart response.
“Okay,” Charlie chuckled, “c’mon you.” Before Vaggie knew it, she was being pulled up by her arm and dragged out of bed, though her shaking legs barely held her up. “Time for that bath. And maybe you can teach me how to preen those feathers of yours.”
Vaggie’s face heated up all over again at the thought of Charlie having her hands on her wings for the rest of the night.  
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angstywaifu · 1 year ago
Love Letters
I hope you guys like this one. Little bit shorter, but I think it still works well! I'm just so use to writing for Garrick. But I will get better! Thank you @fw-gt for another lovely request.
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Bodhi and I had taken to hiding out in my room today. Bodhi’s head was in my lap, his light snores signalling he had fallen asleep while I read my book. He had been out on a supply run with Garrick and Xaden last night and they had gotten back very late. I had watched him struggling to stay awake all day in class. As our last class had ended, he had not objected as I’d grabbed his arm and said we were going to relax in his room. It was almost tradition for me to drag him to one of our rooms. He would sleep while I would read or draw.
Bodhi shifted in my lap, rolling onto his side and grabbing onto my thigh with his hands. A soft smile on his lips as he does so. One of my hands subconsciously drops down to his hair as I lightly play with his hair. A content sigh falling from his lips followed quickly by another snore.
Our peaceful moment is temporary as my door is flung open, banging against the wall loudly revealing a slightly out of breathe Xaden. Bodhi bolts upright from my lap, eyes darting around the room till they land on Xaden who is staring at us with the biggest smirk.
“Sorry to wreck your moment love birds but I need to borrow you for a moment Bodhi.” Xaden’s demeanour changes instantly and we both know its to do with supply runs.
Bodhi sighs and nods his head slowly before climbing over me and moving to follow Xaden. Just before he leaves he quickly darts back and smiles at me.
”Oh I forgot to tell you, I got some snack’s last night. They’re in my top draw if you want any. I’ll be back soon.” And with that he’s gone.
I sigh and shake my head. Those boys were stretching themselves thin with the amount of supply runs they were doing. But it needed to be done. We needed to keep a good relationship with the Gryphon riders. Though I couldn’t complain as Bodhi usually managed to get food from back home that we couldn’t get here. I try wait as long as I can to go and see what he had gotten, but I’m quickly drawn to it as I was starving after gym today. And dinner was still a little bit away. I walk over to his desk, placing my book down on top as I reach for the top draw.
I pull open the draw with a tug, and on top is a small package that must have the food. It’s smaller than normal, but sometimes we could only manage to get a little bit from the Gryphon riders. I pick it up to open and see what he’s gotten when something underneath catches my eye. There’s a pile of what looks like letters. Normally I wouldn’t notice or care, but the one on top is open and at the top is my name. My name in Bodhi’s hand writing. The food is instantly forgotten as I place it next to my book and grab the pile of letters. I should respect Bodhi’s privacy. But he’s written it to me. So surely I would be getting it at some point. As I grab the top letter I notice the one below it is also written to me.
As I shuffle through the letters, my heart beating faster as I look at each one. They’re all addressed to me. I place the pile down as I look over the half written letter on top.
Hi Y/N,
Here I am again. Writing a letter you’ll never see. Ironically as I write this you’re asleep on the bed behind me. You look so peaceful. You already know this but I moved your book and placed your bookmark in so you wont lose your spot.
Valentines Day is coming up. If only I had the guts to tell you how I feel and ask you out on a date. The guys keep telling me I should, you should hear the shit they throw at me when you aren’t around. They seem convinced my feelings aren’t one sided. But I can’t risk what we have. I’d rather stay in this friend limbo than potentially wreck it all by you not sharing my feelings. I just really hope no one else asks you. I don’t know what I would do.
As I finish where the letter currently ends the door flies open to reveal Bodhi, Xaden and Garrick. As Bodhi’s eyes drop to what is in my hands his face goes the palest I’ve ever seen. Xaden and Garrick who are just behind him must know about the letters cause their faces also go slightly pale, just not as pale as Bodhi.
”Well we’re going to leave you two to it. Have fun.” Says Garrick with a smirk, pushing Bodhi through the door and closing it.
Bodhi doesn’t look at me. His eyes focused on the letter in my hand. The silence almost deafening. Neither of us wanting to make the first move or break the silence. My heart is thundering in my chest. Bodhi likes me. He likes me. I should be overjoyed at the news. I am. But right now it feels like there's a massive void between us.
I place the letter down as I fully turn to face him. “I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have read them but I saw my name and got curious.”
His eyes stay glued on the letter now on the desk, not daring to look at me even as I walk towards him. As I look up into his brown eyes I can’t quite make out the emotion in them. But I can tell he’s scared. Like his worst nightmare has come true. I reach out and grab his hand, he jerks his hand away at my touch as if I’ve startled him. His eyes finally meet mine. He still looks nervous, but theirs a different emotion in them now. He takes a deep breath as he takes my hands in his.
”Now that you know. What would you do? What would you say if I asked you out on a date?” His voice wavers slightly as he asks me. He’s gotten the confidence to ask me, but I can tell he’s scared shitless about what I might say.
His brown eyes stare intently into mine. As a small smile forms on my lips I notice the corner of his lips turn upwards at the corners. He moves forwards till our shoes are touching. His hands release mine, and take place on my hips. My hands taking place on his chest at the close proximity.
”How about you ask me and find out.” My hands moving up from his chest to his neck, lightly grasping at the collar of his jacket.
He took a deep breath, his eyes never leaving mine as his question filled the silence in the room. "Y/N, will you go out with me?" His voice was soft, barely a whisper, as if he was afraid that speaking any louder might shatter the moment.
The words hung in the air between us, a question asked in earnest, his vulnerability laid bare. This was Bodhi, my best friend, asking me to take a leap of faith with him, to step beyond the boundaries of our friendship and into something deeper, something more.
I felt a smile tug at the corners of my mouth as I nodded. "Yes, Bodhi," I murmured, matching his soft tone. "I'd love to go out with you."
The tension that had filled the room evaporated instantly, replaced by a warmth that seemed to radiate from Bodhi. A broad, beaming smile broke out on his face, his eyes sparkling with a mixture of relief and joy. He pulled me closer, his grip on my hips tightening as he leaned in, pressing his forehead against mine. His laughter echoed softly around the room, a sound that was as relieving as it was infectious.
“I’m kind of glad you found those letters now.” He whispers to me.
”So am I.”
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doc-pickles · 1 year ago
waking up in vegas | matthew tkachuk x hughes!sister (pt.5)
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series masterlist
summary: your families come to visit you and matthew in florida for christmas
warnings: none I think???
a/n: this is the definition of a filler chapter. it’s here solely so I can post my next chapter this weekend. enjoy!
“Y’know moving a week before Christmas wasn’t really my best idea,” you groan as you shuffle through your closet for what feels like the tenth time. “I can’t find what I’m looking for and at this point I’m not sure it even exists.”
It's two days before Christmas and Matthew’s family is in town to celebrate the holiday with the two of you. Your parents and Quinn are also coming, your other brothers stuck in New Jersey with a game to play tonight.
“What’re you looking for?”, Matthew calls from the hallway and you groan from inside your closet.
“A green and white sweater that doesn’t make me look like I ate a bowling ball for lunch,” you sigh as you flip through the racks of your closet. “God damn it!”
“Is it striped?”, Matthew asks.
“Yes! Did you see it?”
Matthew walks into your room with the aforementioned sweater in hand but freezes. It’s then that you realize you’re only wearing leggings and a sports bra, your now very obvious cleavage and baby bump on full display.
“Let me-“
“I’ll just-“
You reach out for the sweater just as he steps forward, your bodies bumping against each other. Matthew’s hand darts out to wrap around your waist, steadying you and unintentionally bringing you closer to him. Your eyes meet and the heat burning between you two is so tangible you can feel its flames licking your cheeks.
“Matty,” you whisper as one of his hands moves up to brush against your cheek. You lean into it,
the soft touch from his calloused hands stoking the fire burning in you. “You feel so-“
“Matthew! We’re here!”
Chantal’s voice douses the fire threatening to consume both of you. You take a step away from Matthew, taking the sweater from his hands and slipping it on quickly, “I just need a few minutes to get ready.”
Matthew nods, still staring at you. He shakes his head and walks out into the living room to greet his parents and siblings. As soon as your bedroom door closes you release a breath you didn’t know you were holding. You work on grounding yourself for a few minutes before heading into the living room, immediately hearing Chantal and Taryn shrieking.
“Look at you!” Chantal gasps as she takes in your small baby bump, hands moving to the swell. “Oh you’re practically glowing, sweet girl. Your mama is gonna die when she sees you!”
You blush under Chantal’s compliments, meeting Matthew’s eyes over her shoulder. His eyes are glued to you, a dopey smile on his face as he meets your eyes. His stare confirms one thing for you; the fire between you two is still burning bright.
Your parents and Quinn arrive and your mother spends the first 20 minutes fawning over you. Brady and Quinn get into an argument about fantasy hockey while Taryn and Emma watch them with amused smiles and rolling eyes. Matthew sticks close to your side, not letting you get much further than a few feet away before he’s right next to you again.
Dinner is easy, something you’d worried about for a few days. But the way Quinn and Matthew chirp lovingly at each other across the table puts you at ease.
After dinner is finished and the boys have done the dishes you all settle into the living room to watch the Devil's game. You find yourself squeezed in next to Matthew on the couch, his arm casually swung over your shoulder as you lean into him.
“Let’s see if Jack can score me a few points in fantasy,” Brady says, leaving him, Quinn, and Matthew to begin a conversation about their league.
As you all watch the game, a strange feeling makes its way across your stomach. Your brow furrows for only a moment before a dull pain jabs you in the side and you let out a groan.
“You okay?” Matthew whispers, trying not to draw attention to the two of you as he looks you over with concern.
“I’m fine just feels-,” you’re cut off when another jab comes from the same spot. A third jab is right behind it and your eyes widen in realization. “Oh my god.”
Before he can ask more questions you grab Matthew’s hand and place it on your bump. You wait for a moment before there’s a small kick against his hand. A grin forms on his face as Matthew lets out a loud laugh, attracting everyone’s attention.
“The baby just kicked for the first time,” you explain with a smile, laughing as nearly everyone runs over to place their hands on your belly. The baby, however, decides that they don’t like the attention and instantly stops.
When everyone returns to their seats you lean into Matthew, his arm curling around your shoulder as his lips brush your forehead. His hand remains on your bump the rest of the game, both of you staying curled up with each other.
After the Devils secure their win you all share dessert before your families are excusing themselves. Your parents are flying to Jersey tonight to see Luke and Jack while Quinn is heading back to Vancouver. The Tkachuks are heading to St. Louis in the morning, leaving you and Matthew to celebrate Christmas on your own before he leaves for an extended road trip the next day.
“Dinner was delicious, you did a great job,” Matthew’s voice is soft as he comes up behind you in the kitchen, boxing you in where you’re grabbing a mug from the cabinets. “Thank you.”
You turn in his hold, smiling up at him. You two are close, only a few inches separating your faces as you stare at each other, “You’re welcome, it was fun and I’m glad everyone could come down.”
Matthew’s breath fanned across your face, his fingers coming up to brush your cheek just like he had earlier. Your eyes fluttered closed, relishing the feeling.
“You look beautiful,” he whispers. “So pretty, especially carrying my baby. You’re glowing.”
The words have an instant effect on you, a sigh leaving your lips in contentment. You know your panties are damp without having to check, your second trimester hormones having your body on edge all the time.
“Matty…,” you whisper, eyes fluttering open as you meet his dark gaze. You’re both so close to breaking the tension between you and letting the fire burn. But there’s hesitation still and you know Matthew can see it in your eyes.
“I’ll see you in the morning,” he whispers as his lips brush your forehead softly. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” you murmur as you watch Matthew disappear down the hall. When you hear his door click shut your head falls back against the cabinet and you let out a loud sigh. “Well… fuck…”
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rottenomelet · 1 year ago
regimen - yandere geto suguru (1.5k)
(warnings: nsfw! i’m eighteen and you should be too! yandere geto suguru, degradation, no after care (is that a tag/warning?) hints of anal sex and like, barely even anal fingering.
note(s): geto basically hates the non sorcerer reader lmao like he is not sweet at all. also geto does not call the reader monkey. this is placed a few years after the kfc incident.)
you start your day the same way you have for the past seven months - getting plowed from behind with geto suguru tugging your hair.
your whine is muffled by the pillow he’s pushed your head into. the pillow is wet from your drool and you can hardly breathe, hoping that he’ll be done soon and your day can continue.
your wish isn’t granted, but then again, the universe hasn’t exactly been in your best interest lately anyways. you spend the next twenty minutes or so taking geto’s cock, only taking small gulps of air whenever his grip on your hair loosens and you can tilt your head up a bit. it never lasts long before he’s pushed your head back down, but your grateful for even that small mercy.
you try to focus on anything but the feeling of his cock inside of you. he’s not aiming for your pleasure, you know that well, but it feels betrayingly good whenever he slams into that special spot inside every once in a while.
you keep your noises to a minimum and save for his occasional grunt or groan, only the sound of skin slapping and birds chirping can be heard.
when he finishes, he finishes on your back. he’s never not once finished inside of you which is another small grace. geto’s reasoning is because, “i wouldn’t risk getting a stupid thing like you pregnant.”
as soon as he’s come down from his high, geto removes himself from you as if touching you gives him hives. without his hands holding your hips up, you collapse onto the bed and curl into the sheets. it’s almost as though you’re a puppet whose strings have been cut. he doesn’t say anything as he gets dressed and reties the knot in his hair.
“get cleaned up. i’ll be back tonight.” is the only thing he says as he leaves. the door closes and you only bundle up tighter, bottom lip caught between your punishing teeth. getting back to sleep is futile, you know, but you always take a few minutes to recuperate afterwards.
eventually you rise. you throw the ruined nightgown and sheets into the hamper and draw a bath. once you’re clean and your muscles have relaxed as much as they could in the hot water, you put on another dress. dresses, night gowns, babydolls: they’re the only things he’ll allow you to wear. something about easier access.
you numbly make your way to the garden. you don’t notice anyone in the hall or the paintings hanging up or the whispers around you. you don’t have the energy to care about any of it. once outside, you take your usual seat at your usual bench. a small ghost of a smile appears on your face when you notice a pastry and cup of coffee on the other side of the bench. you know it was the gardeners - they do the same thing every morning but it never fails to make you smile.
“good morning.” you say to one tending to the wysteria tree you’re sitting under. “thank you. beautiful weather we’re having.”
he doesn’t respond, continuing to trim and pluck away. you pay the silence no mind - you know they don’t speak under geto’s orders.
when you asked why no one ever talks to you, naively back in those first weeks, he laughed cruelly. “i told them not to. after all, i see no point in making anyone converse with the house slut.” you stopped asking questions after that.
the day goes on, with you sitting in the garden and the gardeners working around you. once the sun sets, you head back inside for a light dinner that you can barely get down. you go to your room, change into another nightgown, and wait for geto on the bed.
when he walks in, he only gives you a look before he turns to close the door behind him. you know that look and obediently, you put your head in the pillows and perk your ass up.
it’s disgusting, it’s dehumanizing how well he has you trained. but you know better than to fight back, you know what monstrosities await you only a snap away if you put even a toe out of line. so you’re pliant as he lifts up the edge of your gown, no underwear in the way because he refuses to give you any.
you hear the familar shuffle of his robes before that same warm tip kisses your cunt lips. no matter how many times he does it, the breath always gets knocked out of you once he slips inside. his cock is always bigger than you remember, always more consuming than in your nightmares.
tonight is what you classify as an unfortunate night. he’s slamming into that sweet part inside of you more than usual. you moan accidentally and go rigid when you do. but he either didn’t hear or didn’t care because he doesn’t reprimand you for making noise.
it feels good, the pleasure leaving your brain a little fuzzy. when he’s against that spot, it’s easier to focus on the slide of his cock in and out. makes everything feel better and better.
you try to fight the feeling of your orgasm but it’s a losing battle. he goes deep, balls kissing your untouched clit and that tips you over the edge.
when you cum, you bite the pillow to muffle the scream. your world explodes with colors before completely whiting out. you tremble with the force of your orgasm. it’s been weeks since geto last forced you to cum - your body’s unused to the sensation. you can feel your pussy tighten around him, hear him grunt at the sudden warmth.
“you fucking whore.” his hand threads through your hair and tug until you’re looking up at him. his bun has completely fallen apart, sweat soaked messy strands framing his face.
“my cock feels that good? you came and i barely touched you.” his thrusts start back up again, punishing and hard. “this is why i keep you here - a little slut like you couldn’t survive without my cock.”
“say it. say your a slut.”
you know what will happen if you don’t do what he asks. “i’m a slut.”
you thought it wouldn’t be possible but he speeds up. he thrusts harder and harder each time. the sounds of skin slapping get louder, the bed creaks and groans as geto screws you silly. the overstimulation is driving you insane, your poor pussy aches for a break but all you can do is allow your eyes to roll into the back of your head and bite your lip.
“say you’re mine.” his grip on your hair tightens and you yelp without meaning to.
“i-i’m yours!”
“fuck, fuck. say my name.”
you hesitate.
you’re not allowed to say his name. that was the first thing he told you - that it didn’t matter to him what your name is, and that his name is too important for someone like you to know. you only figured it out a week after that by listening to the maids gossip in the halls.
you’ve only called him by his name once. you learned after that to fear those two words.
‘is it a trick?’ you wonder. he hasn’t tried to trip you up in months but you could never know with him.
you don’t have anymore time to think before he delivers a punishing thrust. he doesn’t like to wait.
“g-geto… geto-sama.” you whisper. gods, you’re practically shaking. please, please don’t be some trick.
one, two, three more thrusts and geto’s pulling out just in time to cum all over your butt. his hand lets go over your hair as he comes down from his high. you drop, gracelessly, onto the bed, too worn out to try to sit up. your head falls into the pillow and you just lay there, trying to remember what your name is.
you expect him to let go of you like you’ve burned him. to quickly get his things and scoff at your cum and sweat covered body and then leave you to your own devices.
but he doesn’t immediately jump away from you like he usually does.
instead his hands travel from your waist to your cum coated ass. his left hand pulls your cheek apart as his thumb slides from the other cheek to that untouched hole. his thumb teases that unused entrance, circling it but never entering, making a mess of his cum on your butt.
you’re trembling as he does. in the past, he’s threatened to fuck your butt, just to see you quiver. but he’s never really gone through with that particular threat.
is he going to do it as punishment for saying his name?
luckily you don’t have to worry for long before geto stops. he removes his hands and then himself. he routinely gets dressed and reties the knot in his hair.
and right before he’s about to leave, he says, “get cleaned up. you know the drill.”
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corvid-canidae-art · 9 months ago
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There’s so many wings… I am filled with hubris for making a fursuit/kintype mask of my one kintype with like 6-8 wings just for their head alone. Also yes I’m hand sewing all the feather details on the wings because I don’t trust my sewing machine enough to make all those itty bitty curves without eating my minky up so it’s taken me forever to sew these (hence why I haven’t been updating in a while on this angelkin mask!) but I’m back on it!! I’ve decided to make this a full fursuit head with a faux fur and minky neck + hood, and I’ll probably make another small pair of wings to go on the neck. RIP to my hands lmao.
btw while sewing the wing details on I’ve been listening to Malevolent (the fiction podcast) and it’s sooo good it’s so so good guys!!! I’ve been looking for something to listen to after I finished TMA and this is perfect oh my god. I love John sm I love that guy… love Arthur.. my scrunkle… I gotta draw fanart of them soon.
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stranger-fanfiction-n-things · 10 months ago
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This is an Original Character fanfiction. All Stranger Things characters and content are owned by Netflix and The Duffer Brothers.
a/n: We have another Lucas/Diana scene with complex emotions! I kinda feel bad for Diana. She's going through so much personally on her own but she's putting on a brave face while also trying to fix everything by trying to find Barb. It's a lot for a 15-year old to deal with.
Warnings: Swearing.
Word Count: 3082
I snap open my eyes lurching forward in panic only to smack my head against something hard. 
“Son of a bitch!” 
Lucas curses stumbling backward. My head hurts so much it’s developing a pulse. 
“What the heck, Diana!” Lucas snaps, holding his head. 
“Why were you hovering over me like that?” I grumble, rubbing my forehead tenderly. I’m too tired to scold Lucas for swearing.
“Mom told me to wake you. Everyone is downstairs eating breakfast.” I groan flopping back onto my pillow. I don’t know what time I fell asleep or even when I did. But looking down I see I slept on my sheets with no blanket. All I remember is figuring out—I lurch forward again and Lucas flinches. “What’s the matter with you!?” 
I ignore him crawling to the foot of my bed and sure enough, files and papers are scattered across my room. I push my tangled curls out my face, climbing off my bed and crouch in front of my papers. Everything came rushing back. The monster is a true predator and attacks based on primal instinct. We need to lure it to us with blood.
“Are you okay?” 
“Yes, of course.” I reply, organizing my notes. “Why do you ask?” I need to call Nancy and then we can get Jonathan to help us find the thing. 
“You’re mumbling to yourself like Sméagol.” 
I scrunch my nose, putting a small stack of papers in its respective file. “Sméagol?”  
“Gollum.” Lucas sighs. 
I stop what I’m doing and squint at him. “Gollum?”
Lucas rolls his eyes, waving his hand. “Never mind.” 
I shrug, returning back to my task. Where can we lure the monster? It can’t be in the forest, that’s where it lives, at least that’s where it lives where it came from. To have the upper hand, we need to trap it in an enclosed space where it can’t attack us. But where? Hawkins is a small town, there’s nowhere to put this thing without drawing attention to ourselves—
“What’s with the flowers?”
I snap my head to the side not expecting Lucas to still be in my room, especially after our collision. I blink. Flowers? Oh. I close the filing bin stumbling toward the dresser. The flowers Eddie got me are in a small jar of water. I was so spooked out last night I didn’t notice them. That also means Mom was in my room yesterday. I trace a finger along a petal and the butterflies flutter in my stomach. Suddenly the petals of the flowers turn to teeth and I recoil snapping my hand back. 
“Seriously, Diana. What the heck is wrong with you?” 
I open my eyes and the flowers are just flowers. No teeth. Just flowers. “Nothing. I’m fine.” I back away rubbing my head. The throbbing pain has turned to a dull ache. 
“Are you sure?” Lucas asks. “You seem…” I arch my brow waiting for him to finish the sentence. A momentary look of discomfort crossed his face and he decides against saying what he really wants to say. “Chipper.” 
“Ha. Ha.” I deadpan. “I didn’t get much sleep last night, if that’s what you’re referring to.” 
“I can tell.” Lucas mumbles under his breath. I ignore his comment going into my closet to find clothes to wear for the day. 
From the corner of my eye, I see the trash bag with my soiled clothes in the corner and my heart begins to beat slow and heavy in my chest. I need to figure out how to get rid of that without being questioned. I lick my lips and clear my throat sifting through my clothes. “Tell mom, I’ll be down soon. I’m just freshening up.” 
Today we are going kill the thing and find Will and Barb. Then everything will be okay and life can return to normal. I can go back to dance and be the best damned Lead Marzipan Hawkins has ever seen. However, I need to find an outfit to start this chain of events. I find a pair of old denim overalls Mom gave to me from when she was a teenager. They’re a little big but comfy. I pull a plaid button up shirt and rummage through my shelf where I keep my long sleeve tops and pick out a white long-sleeved shirt. Throwing my clothes over my shoulder, I crouch down to my knees looking for a pair of sneakers. After all that running I did last night in boots, I need to be prepared today. Classic black and white converse it is. 
I am surprised to still see Lucas in my room when I drop my clothes on my bed. He’s staring at the flowers on my dresser and I hope he doesn’t ask about them again. I’ve already been interrogated by Erica. I pass him to get to my dresser finding a pair of socks to put on. It is not uncommon for Lucas to be in my room while I’m doing something. Usually, he’s lying down on my bed reading a comic book explaining what’s happening to me even though we both know I have no idea what he’s talking about or I’m practising a variation asking him for his opinion on what looks better. But right now, my room feels the same way his room felt on Monday. Cold. Lucas is right beside me yet, I feel miles away from him. 
I tilt my head to the side, studying my brother. Though intensely calm, his dark brown eyes held the smallest hints of concern. When he rubs the back of his head wincing in discomfort, my big sister alarm immediately goes off. 
“What’s wrong?” Lucas stiffens at the question and my eyes go wide. I march to him reaching out to touch his head. Lucas leans back, frowning up at me. 
“What are you doing?” He grunts, nostrils flaring.  
“What happened to your head?” 
Lucas presses his lips together as though holding back what he really wanted to say. I tuck a curl behind my ear and sigh, leaning beside him. 
“If something happened to you at the Wheeler’s—” 
“Nothing happened.” Lucas grumbles, stubbornly. 
“Okay, well, something did happen or else you wouldn’t be here still. I’m awake now.” 
“Fine. I’ll go then.” He grumbles, marching to my door. My jaw drops and I rush after him blocking his path. 
I’m so confused and after my near-death experience, lack of sleep, and head trauma, my patience is running thin. I clasp my hands together closing my eyes and count down from five in my head. “I’m just trying to help,” I say as calmly as possible, opening my eyes. “You know you can tell me anything.” Lucas doesn’t say anything, but the line between his forehead disappears. “Is it about Will? I know the past few days have been hard and I am so sorry if I haven’t been there for you as much. But I’m here for you, you know that right?” 
Lucas looks down, twisting his mouth. “I know,” he mumbles. “It’s just…” 
I can see the cogs turning in his head. It’s like he’s fighting within himself about something and it worries me. Usually, I am in tune and hyper aware of his emotions and what’s happening in his life, but with everything that’s going on with Barb and what happened in the woods, I feel like I’ve fallen off in being there for him. 
“I can’t believe he’s gone.” He whispered. 
I swallow down the lump forming in my throat and pull him in my arms. On instant, Lucas hugs me back and I inhale his boyish scent of coconut and the outdoors. We’re going to find Will and bring him back, I promise. 
“You’ve always been there for me.” Lucas mumbles. “I don’t want you to feel like you haven’t. You’re always worried about me and how I’m doing, but Barb is missing too, I heard mom and dad talking about it. I’m here for you too, you know.” I bite my lower lip and squeeze him tighter. 
As a big sister, my biggest fear is not being there for Erica and Lucas when they need me, especially if something is wrong. There is this pressure to be perfect and put together; to be a role model to them. I don’t want to disappoint anyone. To hear Lucas say that, makes me want to tell him what happened to me last night, but I decide against it. I need to keep him and everyone in this house safe.   
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Lucas went downstairs after and I freshened up in the bathroom. When I made my way down to the kitchen with the trash bag and backpack in hand. I discreetly place it at the corner by the staircase behind the island, out of sight before making my presence known.  
“Good morning,” I greet, pulling my flannel shirt up on my shoulder. I must’ve taken longer than I realized because everyone was cleaning up. Erica stood beside Mom on a stool helping her pack the dishwasher while Lucas and Dad cleared the table.  
“Morning, sweetheart.” 
“What’s up with your hair?” Erica comments, scrunching her nose.
Leave it to Erica to point out every small detail. I was in a rush and didn’t have time to do my hair like I usually do, wetting my hands and combing my curls through with my fingers. I didn’t think I looked that bad. I frown patting my hair down. It did feel a little more voluminous than usual.  
“She looks fine.” Mom assures, giving Erica a look. My sister makes a face that says “if you say so”, dunking a plate in soapy water. 
“I made you a plate,” Dad says, pushing a bowl of yogurt and berries, on a plate with bacon and toast. I glance at the bacon on my plate, cringing and pick up the toast instead.
“Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome.” 
I sit down scooping my spoon in my yogurt. My stomach gurgles. I can’t remember the last time I’ve eaten. It’s been a whirlwind of chaos that keeps getting more and more deep. Lucas scrapes leftover food into the trash handing Erica the plate to douse in soapy water to give to Mom who is packing the dishwasher. My eyes wander back and forth between everyone; at their normalcy. I miss when things were normal and I was going to rehearsals and hanging out with Nancy and Barb. Not figuring out where she went, what took her and how to kill it. 
I glance at Dad as he wipes down the table. I haven’t seen him since yesterday afternoon when he drove Lucas to the Wheeler’s house after the funeral. Since the funeral I am positive Mom has filled Dad in with what has been happening in the house the past couple of days. Hopefully not about Steve nor Eddie. Although, I don’t think so or else Dad would’ve said something or at least alluded to it. He is less confrontational than Mom. I can tell he’s being cautious and giving Lucas and I the space to process our losses, but I know he has questions. Dad looks at Mom and she nods her head. Dad sighs, wiping his hands in a dish towel. 
“Lucas and Erica can you excuse us? Your mom and I would like to talk to Diana alone.”
“You can talk to Diana, Dad. I promise you won’t even know I’m here.” Erica smiles, scooping up suds. Lucas rolls his eyes. 
Dad doesn’t say anything, waiting for Erica to leave the kitchen. Erica drops the act stepping down from the stool, not without grumbling to herself and Dad softly hits her head with the dishtowel before handing it to her to wipe her hands. Lucas looks at me wondering what’s going on following Erica into the living room. I shrug. Mom and Dad have never both wanted to talk to me about something and the yogurt in my mouth feels like lead. I chew slowly on a piece of strawberry eying my parents. Mom sits down beside Dad, both of them share a glance. 
“What’s wrong?” My stomach is in knots. Dad clears his throat. 
“We got a call last night from Officer Callahan,” he begins, looking me in my eyes so I know it’s serious and important. I stop eating. “He said they found Barb’s car at a bus station a few miles away.” I swallow staring at my Dad repeating what he said over and over again. Each time makes my blood boil. 
It doesn’t make sense. Barb’s car cannot be at a bus station miles away because Nancy and I saw it three blocks away from Steve’s house the day after we found out she was missing. A car does not magically disappear like that. Something’s wrong. I shake my head dropping my fork on my plate. 
“Sweetheart, I know this is difficult to hear.” Mom starts. 
“No.” I slam my hands on the table. I don’t miss the way Mom flinches or the way Dad’s eye grow wide at my sudden outburst.  
“Diana.” Dad warns. 
“No, you don’t understand. Nancy and I saw her car the next day. It was in the exact same spot we parked the night before we went to Steve’s house!” 
Dad looks at me as if I’ve grown two heads. “Who is Steve and why were you in his house?” I clench my hands into fists grinding my teeth so hard they might crack. 
“It doesn’t matter who Steve is!” I shout. “What matters is that something is wrong. Barb didn’t run away. You know her. She’s not like that and she wouldn’t do that without telling Nancy and I!” 
Mom gives me a look that says I’m going to be calm and patient, but don’t push it. “Diana there’s no need to yell. We understand—” 
“No, you don’t! Nobody understands! Nobody cares!” My voice is shaky and I swallow the lump forming in my throat. I have never been so frustrated in my life. Barb is missing and everyone is acting like she left on her own. No. She was taken by that thing in the woods, but I can’t tell anyone because I’m still trying to wrap my head around what I saw and where I was. “Where are the search parties for Barb? The whole town was looking for Will, but what about Barb?” I cry. “What about Barb?”
The doorbell rings and I wipe my eyes suddenly feeling hyper aware of where I am and what I said. Mom and Dad stare at me, bewildered into silence. 
“I got it!” Lucas shouts. I hear grumbles between he and Erica probably fighting over who can get to the door first. 
“Diana!” Erica won the fight. “It’s Nancy!” 
I push my chair back, rushing to the corner by the staircase where I hid my backpack and the trash bag. Quickly wiping my tears with the back of my hand, I hoist my backpack over my shoulder, snatch the trash bag and march to the front door. I can hear chairs scraping against the floor and two sets of footsteps following after me. 
“Where are you going?” Mom asks. 
I excuse myself passing Lucas and Erica avoiding eye contact. Shame eats away at me for my outburst, but I ignore it pulling my shoulders back and standing tall. My whole family is gathered by the door watching me. 
“To hang out with Jonathan and Nancy again.” I sniff. “I’ll be home later.” I open the front door and Nancy is waiting patiently. Her lips spread to a smile, but it falters upon seeing my face and my family behind me.  
“Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair.” 
I stomp down the steps down my long driveway where Jonathan is parked on the street. I hear Nancy jogging to catch up with me. 
“Are you okay—what’s that?” 
“My clothes and shoes from last night.” 
“Oh.” I open the lid to the trash bin at the end of my driveway and drop the bag inside albeit a little rough. “Are you okay?” 
I let out a sigh, running my fingers through my hair. “My parents just told me that Officer Callahan called. They found Barb’s car at a bus station.” 
“What? How is that possible? We saw her car!” 
“I know,” I huff, marching to Jonathan’s car. “It doesn’t make any sense and no one is listening to us. Nobody cares! We’re truly on our own and I’m so…frustrated.” 
“We are alone and it sucks, but it’s better off with just us knowing what’s happening.” Nancy explains, opening the car door. “I have a theory on how we can kill that thing.” I open the back seat door climbing into the car. I return the half-smile Jonathan shows me before realizing he’s in the same clothes he wore last night. “I was looking through my biology textbook,” Nancy continues, before I can question him. “And this thing is a true predator and hunts alone like a bear. I also has a strong sense for blood like a shark. We can lure it to us with—” 
“Blood.” I finish, getting myself comfortable. “I was thinking about how it hunts too.” I push forward leaning on the centre console. “When we were in the forest, it didn’t notice us behind it when it was eating that deer which means it hunts based off pure instinct. It’s vicious in its hunting style. It waits for prey to draw near before it overwhelms it by ambushing. In order to catch it we need to think like it. Use its foraging behaviour against it.” Jonathan and Nancy stare at me processing my small rant. Jonathan looks thoroughly impressed and Nancy looks concerned. I rub my lips together, shrugging my shoulders. “I didn’t sleep either.” 
“It’s strongest in the woods, where it lives. We’ll have to draw it to us.” Nancy finishes. 
“Trap it. Kill it.” I confirm. 
“We know what to do, but how do we do it?” Jonathan asks, looking between us. The car is quiet for a minute while we all think. A baseball bat, a gun and a mallet isn’t enough to lure the thing to us. We need equipment and a contained space to trap it. I lean back grabbing my backpack.
“How much cash do we all have?” 
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Taglist 🤍: @tinydramatist
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sionnaach · 1 year ago
Trigger warnings for drug and alcohol use, a lot of swearing, and death (and dying. and dying. and dying)
Here it is. The Russian Doll AU
(or at least the first chapter)
Someone is knocking on the bathroom door.
Nico stares at his reflection in the mirror.
He’s twenty-five today. He’s managed twenty-five whole rotations around the sun, by some miracle, or divine intervention by whatever God(s) that enjoy watching the relative shitshow that is his life. According to Piper, the frontal lobe finishes developing at this age, but Nico doesn’t feel any different, any more mature than he had yesterday, or the day or week or year before that.
Same old Nico, for better or for worse.
The music is muffled behind the closed door, and he isn’t sure what song is playing, but it’s loud and heavy and he’s glad that there is at least something to his taste at this party that his friends insisted on throwing for him. In his (Piper’s) apartment.
The knocking continues.
He sighs and washes his hands before leaving.
A girl he doesn’t recognise glares at him when he opens the bathroom door, shouldering past him and slamming it shut behind her. Rolling his eyes, he makes his way to the kitchen, passing groups of people he doesn't know or can't be bothered remembering who are all wishing him a happy birthday, placing errant hands on his shoulder or clapping his back as he moves through the crowd. Someone hands him a shot, which he is marginally more enthusiastic about taking.
Piper grins at him from her position behind the kitchen counter, a lit joint in her hand that she begins to wave in the air like a particularly drunk conductor at his approach, her voice a lilting sing-song. “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday-”
“Piper,” Nico interrupts her singing, plucking the joint from her hand and taking a drag. “How long have we known each other?”
“About ten years?”
“And in all that time, when have I ever asked you - or anyone, for that matter - for a birthday party?”
“Never, I know, but this is different Nico. you're officially a quarter of a century. That deserves celebrating!” She reaches for the joint, whining when Nico holds it out of her reach with a wry smile. “And it was Leo’s idea.”
Leo, who was currently nowhere to be found.
“And that makes up for a bunch of strangers invading my personal space.” He grumbles, taking another hit before Piper snatches the joint out of his hands again, taking a draw herself.
“Don't be a grump, you know plenty of people. Plus! Hazel and Frank should be here soon, and Percy and Annabeth said they'd swing by at some point. You can stop pretending that you have no friends.”
There’s a loud cheer, and a voice that belongs, undeniably, to one Leo Valdez can be heard even above the music.
“Chef Leo is back in business!”
Said chef is suddenly beside him, Jason in tow, both bearing two huge platters of Leo’s “famous” tofu tacos, which they place down on the counter once Piper clears up enough free space, pushing empty beer bottles and glasses to one side.
“You’re welcome, birthday boy.” Leo says with a grin, bumping their shoulders together. “I’ll give you first pick.”
“How generous of you, Valdez.” Nico grouses, but he grabs one of the tacos anyway - they are good, even if Leo is a bit too up his own ass about his cooking ability.
“Happy birthday, Nico.” Jason says with a smile, holding out a small present wrapped in the most obnoxious wrapping paper he has ever seen (another one of Leo’s fine ideas, he’s sure.) Nico licks the taco juice from his fingers and takes the gift from him.
“Thalia said she’s sorry she couldn’t come, but I’m sure you already knew that.”
“Someone needs to open tomorrow,” Nico responds with a shrug. “We went out for a drink last week, so she already got her well wishes in.” She had also sent him a text this morning, telling him he better still be hungover when he’s back at work the day after next or she would know that he hadn’t celebrated hard enough and that she ‘hadn’t raised a quitter’.
Tattoo artists were a different breed. He should know, being one.
He waves the box, gentle to not damage the contents. “I’m gonna put this in my room, I’ll be right back.”
Upon leaving his bedroom, Nico comes face to face with the last person he wanted to see tonight.
“You have got to be kidding me.”
He’s still in his scrubs, evidently having arrived straight from the fucking hospital. With anyone else that fact might have been sweet, but for some reason it just serves to irritate Nico further.
Maybe it’s just Octavian being here in the first place that is pissing him off.
“Nico!” Octavian cries. (Seriously, who the fuck calls their kid Octavian? That should have been the first warning sign. But Nico was notorious for seeing red flags and running straight on by.) He flashes him that too-perfect smile. Nico glowers in response.
“Why are you here?” He snaps, not even trying to hide his annoyance.
Octavian visibly deflates at Nico’s less than warm welcome, voice faltering. “Well, it’s your birthday, isn’t it? This is your party?”
“I sure as hell didn’t invite you.”
Another knife in the wound, and Nico feels a small degree of satisfaction as Octavian’s face falls into a frown.
“Can I please just explain-” He tries again, but Nico cuts him off.
“I’m not being your fucking rebound or side-piece or whatever the fuck that whole situation was again.”
“Nico-” Octavian reaches out a hand to touch him, to grab his arm or shoulder, but Nico flinches back violently, all but baring his teeth.
“Fuck off.” he snarls, shouldering by roughly, hitting against his arm and leaving Octavian standing in the hallway.
He needs a break.
Or another joint. Or a lot of alcohol. All of the above.
Piper is still in the kitchen, talking to Jason. She catches the look in his eye, and immediately holds out the joint again. Nico accepts, holding it between his teeth while he also pours himself a glass of the nearest booze - an unlabeled bottle, his favourite.
He takes a hit, hands the joint back to Piper, and downs the glass in fluid succession. The alcohol is terrible, and it burns his throat, but the weed is at least starting to ebb some of his general frustration at the night.
“Who invited Octavian.”
His friends stare at him.
“No one?”
Jason sighs, pushing up his glasses to rub the space between his eyes. “I’ll get him to leave.” He squeezes Nico’s shoulder reassuringly, before heading back the way Nico came to kick out his… Ex whatever.
“I didn’t invite him.” Piper reassures him once Jason is gone, the most serious she has been all night. “I know Leo didn’t either. I’m sorry, I don’t know how he even figured out-”
Nico sighs, and pours himself another drink. After a pause, he pours one for Piper, too. “It’s fine,” he holds out the glass, and they clink them together before swallowing. “He knew it was my birthday anyway, probably just showed up. Like a fuckin’ stalker.”
“You really need to work on your taste in men.”
“Tell me about it.”
“I'm going to the shop.” Nico tells Piper once they’d worked their way through three quarters of the mystery alcohol.
“Oh! could you grab me a box of Marlboros, please-and-thank-you.”
“Yeah, sure.”
He slips through the crowd and makes his way to the front door and grabs his leather jacket from the coat rack, pulling it on. Woolen collar aside, it's probably not warm enough to deal with the January cold, but fuck it; he has an aesthetic to uphold. Nico pats his jacket pockets, making sure he has his keys and wallet before heading out the door of the apartment.
Luckily for Nico, as a gust of frigid air hits him upon stepping onto the street and has him questioning if he really needs the booze and smokes, the nearest corner shop is only a short walk from their apartment. Walking quickly, he’s there in five minutes. The chiming of the doorbell announces his arrival, and the cashier looks up from her position at the till.
It's Lou Ellen working tonight, one of the few workers who’s name he actually remembers.
“Hey Nico,” she gives him a lazy salute in greeting, and goes back to… writing? He thinks she’s writing something. It’s hard to tell from where he’s standing.
“How's it going?” He asks, coming up to the counter, where he can see that she’s doing what appears, to his non-college educated mind, to be a college paper. He wouldn’t have been able to make sense of the formulas written on the paper if they were right side up, never mind trying to decipher them from this angle.
She shrugs, still focused on her coursework. “Same shit, different day.” She sets her pen down, returning her attention to Nico. “What you after?”
“Pack of Marlboro please, and… A bottle of Smirnoff.”
“Gotcha.” She turns to the racking behind her, plucking out a pack of cigarettes, and a bottle of vodka from a shelf that is just within her reach.
“Got your ID? Tattoos don't count.” A slight smile is pulling at her lips as she places the bottle and cigarette pack on the counter before them. The first time they had met, Nico had forgotten his ID in the apartment and had tried to use the full sleeve(!!) of patchwork tattoos that take up his left arm to convince her that he was over twenty-one, Actually, Thank You Very Much.
She hadn’t relented, and he had to make an extra twenty minute detour to retrieve said ID. Anything for alcohol.
“Yeah yeah,” he mutters, pulling his wallet from his jacket pocket and brandishing his currently useless driver's license before her. Lou Ellen, knowing full well he’s of legal age, gives it a cursory glance, enough for the cameras to believe that she was adhering to the law, before waving him off. She flashes him a grin.
“Happy birthday, by the way.”
“Thanks.” he shrugs one shoulder, pulling out his debit card to pay.
There's a yelp, a crash and the sound of shattering glass from the other side of the shop, startling them both. “What the fuck-” he starts, as Lou Ellen groans.
“Jesus, Will-” She rounds the counter as another figure - Nico hadn't even realized there was anyone else in the shop - appears at the top of the aisle, hands raised sheepishly. He’s about their age and tall, bundled in a warm dark navy parka. Blonde curls are poking out from underneath the beanie on his head.
More importantly, he’s also hammered.
“Sorry, I'm so sorry. I'll clean it up.” Drunk Guy starts, but is cut off by a raised hand, as Lou Ellen herds him, bodily, both hands on his arms and pushing, towards the back room. That's definitely against company policy, not that Nico cares.
“Like hell you will.” She says gruffly. Glancing back over her shoulder at Nico, she throws him a withering look and inclines her head at the walking disaster before her. “Sorry, I gotta-” Nico takes the hint. All things considered, at least he’s not dealing with anything like that tonight.
“Don't worry about it. Good luck.”
“Cheers. Hope you enjoy the rest of your birthday!”
He pockets the cigarettes and grabs the bagged vodka, and with a wave in Lou Ellen’s general direction, he’s back out onto the freezing New York streets.
Nico draws his jacket tighter around himself, huddling into the fabric the best he can. Definitely not warm enough.
He pulls the box of cigarettes back out and fishes the lighter he keeps in his jacket pocket. If Piper is going to have him buying her smokes, the least she can do is share, he reasons. It takes him a minute to light the cigarette, hands going numb in the cold. He takes a drag, exhaling a puff of smoke into the air.
Someone is sitting on the street across the road. A teenager, eighteen, maybe, and he’s strumming an idle tune on the guitar in his lap. The song, and the teenager, with his mop of curly brown hair ducked so Nico can’t quite see his face, seem familiar.
The kid looks up and Nico meets his eyes. Even from this distance, he can tell they're a little too blue - but that’s definitely an after-effect of the weed. They stare at each other, and Nico can’t shake the feeling that he should know who he is.
He should probably get back to the party.
Usually the cold helps to sober him up, but Nico feels drunker now than when he left the apartment. Maybe the alcohol was reacting badly to the weed. He needs to get back to apartment and eat about five of Leo’s tacos to sober up a little.
In his rush to get home, he forgets to look both ways when he steps out onto the road.
There is the screech of tyres and the blaring of a car horn and suddenly he’s airborne. Nico’s entire body feels like it’s on fire. A sickening crunch as he hits tarmac, something is wet and sticky, all around him, and dark eyes are staring out at the street but not quite seeing -
Someone is knocking on the bathroom door.
Nico is staring at his reflection in the mirror.
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ziyanx · 1 year ago
in your arms
myoui mina x reader | fluff
wc: 900+
warnings: not proofread
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a/n: first time posting on here :)
You had come back from work early tonight so you were excited to see Mina after working nonstop these past few days, but much to your disappointment, you didn’t spot Mina anywhere in the apartment. As soon as you stepped into the front door of your shared apartment you could sense the emptiness of the entire place. All the lights of the apartment were turned off, Mina’s shoes were not there, her jacket on the coat rack also wasn’t there. You walked into the kitchen and saw a yellow sticky note on the fridge. You placed your briefcase down on the kitchen island and walked over to the fridge while loosening the tie around your neck. 
I promised the girls to go out with them so you don’t need to make dinner for me! I’ll be back in a bit &lt;3
You read the sticky note and let out a small sigh. You were happy that she was hanging out with the other girls, but you still couldn’t bury the slight disappointment within you because you were looking forward to spending time and cuddling up with Mina since these were one of the rare days that you came home early. You folded the little sticky note with the small penguin drawing on it up and tucked it into your pocket before opening the fridge, trying to find something to eat.
You spent a while scavenging the fridge and at the end you decided to make ramen. You flipped through random channels on the TV while you waited for the water to boil up. Nothing really caught your attention so you put a random cartoon up and went back to the kitchen to finish cooking your ramen.
After you finished cooking the ramen you brought the bowl over to the living room and sunk into the couch. You blew on the noodles while keeping your eye on the TV. You still haven’t changed out of your work clothes, but it was whatever since you were starving and couldn’t hold your hunger back for any longer.
Without noticing, you devoured the noodles and by the time you looked down at your bowl, you had finished your food. You started to wonder if you should’ve cooked more for yourself, but then again you were too lazy to do so, so you paused the TV and washed the plate before heading to the bathroom to wash and change into more comfy clothes. You came back out of the shower in comfortable pjs and a thick blanket wrapped around you. Unpausing the TV, you found a comfortable position to lay down on on the corner of the couch. 
Time passed and when you checked the clock it was already midnight. You were starting to get worried but you trusted Mina and the girls and decided to just take a small nap.
You began to stir awake when you felt something, or someone stroking their hands through your hair. A feeling of warmth and comfort consumed you as you let out a small sigh. 
“Seems like someone’s awake now,” A familiar voice said softly. It was the same voice that you’ve never gotten tired of hearing even through all these years.
Your brain took awhile to take in the situation, but once you did, your eyes widened in shock, “Mina? You’re home?”
“I’m home, baby.” Mina smiles fondly at you, her eyes practically shining like the stars. 
You let out a content hum, feeling her soft and delicate fingers brushing through your hair. Mina was the only person who could quite literally make you melt with just a touch. 
“What time is it?” You asked her, seeing how dark it was outside.
“It’s past midnight, I came home only a few minutes ago.” Mina tells you, her voice quiet and soft.
“You should sleep, love,” You muttered, letting a small yawn escape from your mouth. 
“I will, but I want to watch you fall asleep first.”
“Creepy,” You grinned playfully.
“Hey!” Mina giggles, flicking your forehead gently.
“Ow,” You said, faking the pain as you held your forehead with your hands.
“Sorry, I just think you look cute when you sleep,” Mina gives you a kiss on your forehead to soothe your pain. “Now go back to sleep okay? You need lots of rest.”
“Well you’re coming to sleep too then!” You pull Mina down, now you both laid side by side on the couch, your faces barely inches away from each other. Mina’s little giggles were music to your ears and her smile lit up your whole world- you just couldn’t get enough of her.
“I still need to wash up, YN,” Mina tells you, trying to get up, but you pull her back down with you. 
“It’s okay, I can sleep with a stinky penguin for a night,” You smiled, giving her a small kiss on the lips.
“Hmph, I’m not stinky,” Mina pouts, turning her face away from you. 
Your heart swelled up from her cuteness, so much so that you thought it was going to explode any second. “Awww, I’m sorry minari, you aren’t stinky, you smell amazing and I can’t get enough of it!” You buried your nose in the croak of her neck, inhaling her sweet lavender scent.
“Stopppp, I’m ticklish!” Mina tried her best to push you off while laughing hysterically but you were holding onto her like a koala. 
“Come on now, we should sleep before we have trouble waking up tomorrow,” You said, your arms snacking around her waist and pulling her closer to you so now both of your bodies were flushed together. 
“Okay okay,” Mina lets out an airy laugh, “Goodnight my love,”
“Goodnight my little penguin,” You kissed her lips again. The both of you savor this moment and fall asleep in each other’s arms.
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