#i’m actually coping a lot better than expected
lovedeluxe92 · 6 months
what no weed does to a mf
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honeydewandcake · 25 days
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“Shrimpo, you’re pathetic”
This was based on the note found in Shrimpo’s room! I have so many theories and speculations on everything in his room it’s actually making me go crazy
Read more if you want to listen to my insane ramblings!! ↓
So I have so many things to talk about —
Firstly, the punching bags and holes in the walls. Shrimpo’s hatred towards everyone is always usually verbally, but in his room there’s proof that it’s physically too. This leads me to believe a lot of things:
— Shrimpo is somewhat strong, at least strong enough to break through the walls.
— Shrimpo tries to at least control his anger. He could easily beat someone but he limits himself by only being a verbal bully. He must relieve all his more aggressive emotions in private in his room.
— The wardrobe in his room is partially blocking holes he presumably made. This could either mean that he is embarrassed or he’s trying to hide it to avoid getting in trouble.
Overall, it’s clear that Shrimpo’s anger is a lot more than people might have expected
Secondly, the papers. There’s plenty of other toons that also have crumpled paper in their rooms but to me Shrimpo is the most interesting. Shrimpo is definitely not the type who writes, but the note and trash says otherwise. A few things I immediately think of is:
— Shrimpo can write, but everything he writes is always deemed “not good enough” by him and thrown away.
— Shrimpo is either willingly writing things or being forced to write by others (possibly as a required thing by directors and such).
— The note on his desk can tell a lot about him. The fact that he only writes about the things he hates is expected, but the way it continues is more interesting. He repeatedly writes “hate” over and over and it gets bigger. To me, this looks like Shrimpo having a mental breakdown. It’s not uncommon for someone who’s venting out their frustrations to repeat a phrase or word, but the fact that it gets bigger makes me think Shrimpo is writing it more desperately. He could have been writing to relieve stress but it only made him more frustrated, causing a slippery slope into a terrible episode. If this was in writing and not text, I expect his note to be sloppier than it seems.
— Shrimpo’s discarded paper can mean anything, but the thing I immediately think of is ideas or failed writing. Someone in a server I’m in brought up the idea that the reason why Shrimpo has only posters of himself in his room is because he’s reminding himself of all his flaws. Maybe his writing helps him cope with that or he’s trying to come up with ideas of how to be better.
Shrimpo’s room also has many knocked over furniture. He has multiple desks, traffic cones, trash cans, and a coat hanger.
— This supports my theory that Shrimpo is a lot more aggressive in private. He knocks over furniture out of frustration, imagine someone flipping a table because they got upset at something.
— Shrimpo’s room could have been a storage room. It seems to be more bland (could just be Shrimpo not liking decorating) and it has a lot of useless things. Really, the only thing that makes sense for a room is the desk, wardrobe, and bed.
— A confusing thing to me is the airhorns in his room. Shrimpo could be using these or they just came with the room. If he did use them, it would probably be on other toons as a “screw you” signal.
Sorry I talked so much, usually I don’t like doing this but I needed to yap for a good 5 minutes about my favorite toon. I love you Shrimpo!! No one could make me dislike you!! I will make many, many more theories for you. . . .
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theemporium · 2 months
congrats on 10k! could i request 💜56. "If you don’t want to spend the night in an empty house, you could always come over to mine." with quinn pls and ty!!
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
56. "If you don’t want to spend the night in an empty house, you could always come over to mine."
“Well, home sweet home!” 
Quinn shot you a look. 
“God, stop looking at me like that,” you groaned, trying—and mostly failing—to hide your shaky hands from the boy as you shoved your key in the lock and pushed the door open. It felt cold and unsettling and disconcerting. 
So, an accurate summary of the last forty-eight hours for you.
“Like I’m worried about you?” Quinn retorted, following you into the house. His shoulders were tense, his eyes sharp and his whole body on edge like he was expecting something to jump out and attack you both. To be fair, it wasn’t wildly out of the realm of possibilities. 
“Like I am a caged animal you think is going to bite your hand off if you try to feed me,” you corrected, moving to shrug your jacket off like you would usually do before thinking better of it. Instead, you wrapped the fabric around you tighter. “This is how the rest of my life is going to be, guess I should get used to it.” 
Quinn frowned. 
“I mean, twenty-four hours ago, I thought I was having a psychotic break but it’s great to know that I’m actually a descendant of a very powerful witch who pissed off a lot of powerful people and now they are using me to get their revenge!” You laughed, bitter and toeing the edge of another breakdown. It was bad enough that Quinn had seen you cry multiple times in the last two days, you didn’t need him to see it again. 
“It’s a lot, I know,” Quinn murmured and before you could realise what he was doing, he was pulling you towards him and wrapping his arms around you into a tight hug. “You’re coping better than any normal person would.” 
“Guess it’s because I’m not a normal person,” you joked, but it fell flat. 
Quinn’s arms tightened around you, the warmth of his body seeping into yours. "If you don’t want to spend the night in an empty house, you could always come over to mine."
You let out a sigh. “Quinn, I—”
“Or I can sleep here, on the couch,” Quinn continued, pulling back enough to look down at you with his brows furrowed. “I don’t want to leave you alone right now. Not with a city full of angry ghosts coming after you.” 
You flashed him a small smile. “Don’t think you’re big enough to scare them off.”
He puffed his chest out a little. “I could be.” 
You snorted.
“You’ve had an intense few days. And I know you don’t want to be alone either,” he murmured, lifting his hands to gently hold your face. “You’re not alone in this. We are gonna work this out together, promise.” 
“A werewolf and an amatuer witch on the case,” you snorted but your expression softened a little. “You sure you’re okay with housing a witch with no control over her powers and centuries of emotional ghost baggage?” 
Quinn’s lips twitched. “If it’s you? Always.” 
You smiled a little. “Yeah?” 
“Yeah,” he nodded. “C’mon, let’s pack a bag and get out of here. I feel like I am being watched by a bunch of dodgy ghosts.” 
You snorted. “We probably are.”
“How comforting.”
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awkward-tension-art · 3 months
Clones and Your Grief HC's
I’m coping with the fact that a family member died by writing headcanons for copy-paste-men. Yes, this is entirely self indulgent. Yes, I am writing based on what I had felt/gone through in the last 24 hours.
CW: Death of family member, reader is gender neutral, This isn’t proofread at all, grief, mourning, If i miss a tag lmk
Clones: Rex, Fives, Wolffe, Hunter, Echo, Wrecker, Tech, Crosshair
Minors DNI
You got the call this morning. Right before you got ready for work, you got the call of your family member passing away in the night. no warning. all so sudden.
It felt like you were struck with a speeder. Then, you felt nothing. 
Logically, you knew it was shock. Your brain was overloaded, and you were unable to process. You weren't incapacitated yet, so you got up.
You have work to do.
So you went to work, shutting down and doing what you needed to do in order to make it through the day. You were in a daze the entire time. 
Time went by too fast but also too slow.
You don’t even know when you got home. You just know that you clocked out and walked into your apartment. Unsurprisingly, your clone lover, who had a key, wanted to see you that night.
He took one look at you and knew something was seriously wrong.
When you told him, the grief finally hit you. 
Will hold you, remaining silent.
He's lost brothers on the field and was forced to continue as if nothing happened. He knows why you shut down due to shock that morning.
So he understands.
He's just going to hold you tightly, and not let go until you do.
Rex is well aware that sometimes talking about it isn't going to help. So he keeps quiet and lets you speak when your ready.
He's a silent comfort. Let's you come to him if you need him to hug you, listen to you or cuddle you.
Immediately his arms are around you and he's whispering comfort
He might get teary-eyed too out of pure empathy.
He knows grief. he knows pain. and he knows what your feeling. So he wants to help you through it.
He had shut down too before, and only truly felt the emotion afterward. He gets how numbness might hit you in waves.
He'll go with you to the funeral if you want. he just wants to be by your side to help you.
Expect a lot of cuddling, honestly. He just wants to hold you and not let go until he's certain your alright.
He was one of 4 survivors of his entire legion getting killed. Trust me, he knows the feeling of grief.
His brothers and him all leaned on each other through their grief, and he's going to do the same for you.
He'll ask what you need, and act accordingly.
He's a steadfast shoulder to cry on. Like Rex, he doesn't talk much.
You'll have to go to him, he isn't going to push or pry. He knows if he tries to force you to feel what your not ready to feel, it'll do more harm than good.
He'll hold you, keep you close and try to give you everything you need.
He knows something is wrong even before you walk through your door.
He's the type to try and comfort with the usual words of 'It'll be ok' or 'they're in a better place.'
If this doesn't help you much, he's flexible and patient. He'll adapt to what you need from him. Space? you got it. Closeness? he's there.
He's going to catch on very quickly if you don't eat or drink properly, so he's going to be pushy in that regard.
Hunter isn't going to let you abandon yourself because of your grief.
Like I said, he's patient and flexible, he'll do whatever he needs to help you through your grief.
He's the softest out of all of them. He's going to hold you, kiss your face and just be there for you.
Like Fives, he's extremely empathetic. He'll shed a tear just because your crying.
He'll take care of you, honestly. bring you meals, brush your hair (if you want), help you to bed, everything.
Your his heart, and he's in actual pain that your grieving.
Though, if you shut down the same way you did that morning, he's going to worry
He understands how quickly someone can spiral in grief, and he's going to move the entire galaxy to help you.
Like Rex, he's holding you and never letting go.
He's going to try and distract you, make jokes, get you outside into the sun, or get you moving at the very least
He won't allow you to close yourself off. He'll give you space, but he won't let you shut him down completely.
Also wants to attend the funeral with you, if you allow him. He'd be holding your hand the entire time. Though, if it's a family-only event, he understands.
He's pretty quick to pick up on what you need. You need someone to hold you? he's there. You need to get your grief-driven anger out? He's got a pipe ready and some scrap piles that need beating up.
He's going to be by your side through it all.
First thing he asks is 'What happened?'
Admittedly, he gives some standard responses, such as 'I'm sorry for your loss' and other things like that.
If it doesn't help much, he stumbles slightly. He knows your going through mourning. He knows whats happening logically. but he can't logic his way through this.
So, Tech is going to act with his gut feeling, and try his best to help and comfort you.
He does some researching and looks more into how best to help you through your grief. He's fully prepared depending on the stage of grief you've hit.
He'll talk you through the bargaining phase. Help you get your anger out. Make sure your eating and taking care of yourself through the depression phase.
He's with you, to the best of his ability.
He's not going to say a lot. his words are minimal at best, instead opting to physically comfort you.
He becomes...protective. more so than usual.
It's because your at an extremely vulnerable position emotionally and mentally. He'll be damned if he lets something or someone cause you any more pain and grief.
He's going to attend the funeral with you. if its family-only he's going to go anyway and remain at a distance. Practically shadow you.
Crosshair is going to be extremely sweet and soft holding you. He doesn't want you to bottle up your emotions, so he's going to just wrap his arms around you and let you cry.
Again, his comfort is more physical rather than verbal.
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jedi-enthusiast · 2 months
Ok, I just realized something kinda hilarious since I’m bouncing between writing TGW and writing my Fallout 4 fic ‘and still, we stand’
I love writing morally grey characters, but I absolutely refuse to write morally grey characters in Star Wars, because like-
Let’s use ASWS as an example:
Arryn- (MC) -has been through a lot of trauma, so she doesn’t trust people at all and- (because of the specific trauma she suffered) -her gut reaction to most situations is violent. She hurts people, she kills people, she lies, she cheats, she always expects the worst of people…all to protect herself from ever being hurt again.
Her emotions are completely understandable, given what she’s been through, but that doesn’t mean her reactions are right.
A big part of her character development is learning that she doesn’t have to follow the “hurt others before they hurt you" way of thinking and that, when they're given the chance, most people will choose to be good. Yeah there's still jackasses and cruel people out there, this is Fallout after all, but no one expects her to be particularly optimistic or even for her to change her way of thinking all that much.
What she learns is that she doesn't need to distance herself from the people she cares about to avoid pain, she can trust people and lean on them when she needs to, and that she doesn't always need to expect the worst from people---because, more often than not, they'll surprise her if they're given the chance.
By the end of the fic, I'll be honest, Arryn doesn't necessarily change all that much---she still doesn't trust easily, she's still pessimistic, she still has a lot of baggage and unhealthy coping mechanisms...but the point is that she's grown. She's trying to be better, whatever that would look like fore her.
I cannot do that with Star Wars.
Because with Star Wars so many people have this idea of- "oh, this morally grey/terrible person is correct because fuck emotional control and being a decent person" -for reasons I don't understand.
If I wrote a fic, like I wanted to, about a Sith who was being trained by Dooku---but who eventually flipped sides because she started to care about the clones and, through that, started to have her views called into question---and had the Jedi try to help her to which she, due to her trauma, lashed out at them...
...an unfortunate amount of people would say that she was in the right.
They would say that she shouldn't control her emotions, that her accusations against the Jedi and Republic are valid, that she did nothing wrong during the war and her apprenticeship with Dooku.
And, personally, I don't want to have to write a fic where I'll constantly be having to write a 4k meta in the author's note section about why she is in the wrong and it is bad that she's doing what she's doing.
Which fucking sucks because, personally, I think I could do a really fucking cool story with the whole- "Sith apprentice changing sides during the war and all the drama/emotions/etc. that comes with that" -and I think I could execute it better than a lot of the people actually making content for Star Wars.
(looking at you Felony and Headland)
But, due to the lack of media comprehension and the---frankly stupid as fuck---attempts of the anti-Jedi crowd to make the Jedi out to be the "bad guys" of Star Wars, I refuse to write the fic I want.
So yeah, there's my rant of the day.
Sorry if it didn't make sense.
It's 1 am.
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stars-and-inkpots · 1 year
A Distance I Can't Close (Yet) | Astarion x Reader
Astarion's thoughts get the better of him sometimes, and old habits die hard. But you know him too well, and you are both patient and incredibly stubborn.
Pairing: Astarion/reader
Tags: Astarion's Past Abuse, Unhealthy coping mechanisms, hurt/comfort, angst, angst with a happy ending, self-hatred, self-loathing, mentions of sex, mild suggestive content
Notes: I listened to A Pearl by Mitski for an hour and projected a lot and this was the result
Ao3 Link: A Distance I Can't Close (Yet)
You’re far too patient with him. Far too patient when he’s like this . In one of those moods where everything is wretched and awful. One of those moods where he is wretched and awful. He snaps at you, shies away from your touch even though he wants so desperately to move closer. What he wants and what he feels he should do makes this awful dissonance in his mind. You’re so gentle with him, and it makes him feel sick. 
Of course, whenever you try to ask him what’s wrong he brushes you off. Paints on his usual smile and says everythings fine. He can’t fool you anymore. He knows this. He feels guilty every time he answers, watching you frown and walk away again. 
But then there’s the fear that blossoms in his chest when you walk away. The fear that one day you’ll realise that he’s a lost cause. You’ll grow tired of waiting for him to talk. How can you love him if he gives you nothing to want? He needs you to want him. He needs you to love him. He pushes you away so much, and yet the thought of being alone again fills him with such an unbearable terror. And yet, there’s a part of Astarion that thinks you deserve better than him. You deserve to love someone who doesn’t recoil at every touch. You deserve someone who will believe you when you tell them you love them. He’s paranoid, he’s fragile, and he’s pathetic. 
He hears your voice, but it sounds more distant than it is; like he’s only an observer in his own body. 
“Astarion, are you alright?” 
You don’t touch him. He’s more than aware of that. Your hand hovers uncertainly above his shoulder. Of course you don’t want to touch him. 
“Excellent as always, darling,” he answers, voice smooth and not his own. He can’t tell you the truth of how he feels, it would only make you more inclined to leave him. 
“Alright.” You sound resigned. 
Panic flares in him again. You are getting tired of him. 
He can fix this. 
He needs to fix this. 
“I’m sorry, love, I was just distracted. I assure you, I’m fine. Though, would you do me the honour of accompanying me in my tent later?” He forces himself to bring his hand to your face, fingers brushing along your jaw. He feels guilty for having to force himself to make such a gesture. He should want to touch you. He should want to be close to you.
You smile, seemingly believing him this time. 
“Of course. I’ll be there soon, I just have to speak with some of the others quickly.” 
You leave again, and he watches as you make your way over to Halsin. Jealousy gnaws at him for a moment, but he quickly pushes the feeling down again. 
Everything will be fine. 
He can fix this. 
When you finally arrive back at his tent, Astarion is already inside waiting for you. 
It’s cosy; the small lantern leaving the room pleasantly dim while shadows dance across the tent walls. Astarion is sitting on the mass of blankets and pillows he’s put together. He closes the book that you’re sure he wasn’t actually reading and sets it aside. He gestures for you to sit beside him, but there’s something about his smile that makes you uneasy for a reason you don’t yet understand. 
“Hello, lover,” Astarion says as you sit down. He leans closer to you, resting a hand on your knee. You smile, but it fades a little when you remember your earlier conversation with him. 
You know he doesn’t tell you everything. You don’t expect him to. Healing from everything that’s happened to him couldn’t be easy. You just hoped that he really understood when you said that you would always be there for him. You will stay by his side however he’ll have you; be it friend or lover. 
“Astarion, are you sure everythings okay?” You bring a hand up and tuck one of his curls back behind his ear. You don’t miss how Astarion tenses the second your fingers touch his skin. 
“Like I said earlier, darling, I am perfectly fine. I just missed you is all.” He moves to kiss you, and you let him. The kiss isn’t soft like you expect it to be. It’s rough, heady, and makes your face flush. Astarion’s hand on your knee moves slightly, massaging circles into your thigh. 
He sits in your lap, knees on either side of your hips, straddling you. When he kisses you again, it’s all tongue and teeth. Then he’s kissing along your jaw and down your throat, and you can’t help the near whimper it drags out of you. One of his hands finds the edge of your shirt. 
The realisation of what's happening hits you all at once. 
Despite the intimacy, Astarion is too rigid. His shoulders are still tense; all of his touches are too methodical and forced. 
You hold his face in your hands, pulling him away from your neck to look at him. He looks at you, but you know he’s not really here with you, his eyes distant. He’s doing this because he feels he has to, not because he wants to. 
“Astarion, talk to me.” 
Your voice pulls him back to the present for a moment, and you watch as the careful facade crumbles, if only for a second. It’s replaced quickly with fear. 
“What’s wrong?” He asks, seemingly confused. “Have I done something wrong? What changed?” He sounds hurt, almost panicked. 
“It’s okay, you haven’t done anything wrong,” you’re quick to reassure him. “Do you really want to do this? You know I never expect anything from you, right? I came here content with the idea of just spending time with you, I never expect anything more. I love you, Astarion. You don’t have to do anything to ‘earn’ that love. You have it. You will always have it so long as you want it.” 
Your words finally get through to him, and he finally breaks. Still holding his face in your hands, you watch as the tears begin to fall. You shift slightly, letting go of his face to hug him while he cries into your shoulder. 
“I’m sorry,” he chokes out between sobs. “I’m sorry.” 
You hold him tightly, fingers brushing through his hair while you whisper reassurances. 
It takes some time, but eventually he stops, and you aren’t sure if it’s because he doesn’t have the energy to continue crying or because he’s truly finished. 
“I’m sorry,” he apologises again. 
“You don’t need to apologise. You have nothing to be sorry for.” You kiss the top of his head. “You should never feel like you owe me anything. Healing takes time.” 
“You deserve better than me.” 
“Enough of that,” your voice is gentle and soothing. “There is no one else I want to spend my time with. I could live hundreds of times over and I would still choose you. Everytime. You mean so much to me, Astarion. You cannot change my mind; we both know how stubborn I am.” 
Despite it all, you feel him smile against you, albeit slightly. 
The two of you sit in silence, still holding each other. Eventually, you move the two of you so you can lie down, but you keep holding him and he very clearly has no intention of letting go either. 
“You don’t have to deal with it alone,” you whisper quietly after a while. “I mean it, I’m here for you. Whatever you need, be it reassurance or space, just tell me.” 
Astarion finally looks up at you, and you wipe the remaining tears on his face away with your thumb. He holds your hand on his cheek, keeping it there for a moment. 
“Thank you.” He looks like he wants to say more, but stops himself. Instead, he kisses you. It’s different from your earlier kiss; this one is patient and careful. This kiss holds no attempt at seduction, no expectations of something more. When you part, you press one more kiss to his forehead before he tucks his head back under your chin. 
Astarion can feel the steady rise and fall of your chest, grounding him. 
How you still love him is a mystery to him; a gift he does not believe he deserves yet, even though you are so adamant that he does. He will try though. He will try for you. Healing will take time, as you said, but knowing you will be there with him regardless makes it a little easier. 
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pattypanini · 6 months
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Lay All Your Love On Me Chapter 5- Rules
Josh Kiszka x Reader AND slight Jake Kiszka x Reader
Word Count: Around 4k
AN: Hi everyone! Here is the fifth chapter of Lay All Your Love On Me from me and @mar-rein12! Thank you so much for all the support, we appreciate it all. Here is the taglist incase anyone wants to be added to it: TAGLIST. This is our last 'smaller' chapter but its filled with lots of good stuff. We hope you enjoy chapter 5, Rules.
Also get ready for smut because it doesn't end from here, only gets worse. LOL. And get more use to Jake, because we’re going to be seeing a lot more of him soon 😘
Next chapter coming this Thursday!
Warnings: 18+, SMUTTTTT, Unprotected sex, Tit fondling, Fingering, Oral (F receiving), Angst, Flirting, Cursing, Hickeys, Alcohol, not good coping mechanisms, jealousy, heavy petting. (lmk if i forgot anything!)
Y/n’s POV:
Walking to class the next morning was an experience. You both ended up sleeping through the alarm and had to get ready at his house. So that meant having to go to class in his sweats and t-shirt from last night. Charlotte wasn’t the happiest that you didn’t walk with her to class, in fact you ended up being half an hour late to your lecture, but telling her about the night distracted her from her anger.
“He may or may not have eaten me out..” You raise your eyebrows, as you tilt your cold brew up to your lips, taking a swig. 
“WHAT THE FUCK!” Charlotte covers her mouth to keep her drink in. 
“Char, quiet down please. I don’t think all of Starbucks wants to know about my night,” you scolded her with a chuckle. It had become routine to go to Starbucks after your first class due to the break you both had before your next one. 
“Well… how was it? Was he good?” Charlotte presses. 
“It was really good. A lot better than I expected, I’ll say that. His talkativeness definitely translates into the bedroom.”  
“Omg, I bet you're looking forward to practicing now. I mean you guys are, like, practically married at this point.” She wiggles her eyebrows at you, in a teasing manner. 
To be honest you weren’t looking forward to practice this afternoon knowing that Lindsey would be expecting a cover of your adventures of last night, and that Josh would be listening to it to hear what you rated his performance. So fucking cocky. 
“Umm yeah, sure I guess I’m excited.” You respond, knowing you were completely lying to her.
You finish your drinks and say your goodbyes, making your way to your hour and a half long class that you would spend most of the time online shopping. 
First week of April 2023- Spring Semester- Junior Year
The rest of the week, practice goes fairly smooth. It was now the beginning of April and you were enjoying your time at practice, feeling very confident in your role. You still had a little over a month before the real deal but everyone was making good progress. But of course something was nagging at you. Josh was still talking and flirting with that bitch, Sophia. Yeah you were a little jealous, but so was she. She wanted Josh so bad and can’t take seeing Josh being flirty with you. 
When everyone was trying out, Sophia explained that she would be soooo perfect for the role of Sophie. Apparently, she's not as perfect as she thinks because you’re the one that got the lead. Guys only want her because she has a fat ass, but she’s just a fucking airhead. All looks, no brains and definitely no personality. She was very rude to everyone she met except for guys. You didn’t understand how Josh couldn’t see that. Or maybe he did, and he just wanted you to get jealous. Asshole.
By the time it hit Friday you were so done with the week. You were kinda excited to hangout with Josh this weekend since you barely talked during the week, but you couldn't seem too desperate. 
You walk over to Josh who is still talking to Sophia way after practice ended to talk to him about the weekend. “Hey Sophia, are you done talking to Josh?”
“I’m actually not sooo.”
“It was a rhetorical question dumbass soooo, bye.” You give a bitchy smile, sending her on her way. Josh turns to you with a confused look on his face. 
“Uhhh what the fuck y/n?”
“Did you really have any interest in what she was saying, because your body language alone shows literally anything but interest.”
He rolls his eyes, waiting for what you have to say.
“Are we hanging out this weekend?”
“Why so desperate for me y/n? Did Monday night really change you.” He says smirking, eyeing you up and down.
“Sorry for wanting to be around you, besides I can’t be hanging out with anyone else, but you don’t seem to be holding up your end of the bargain so I guess it doesn’t matter. So what are you doing tonight?”
“I’m going to the Alpha Delta Phi house tonight for their party, but you're not coming, those guys would be all over you.”
“Is Sophia coming?”
“Yeah but only because she heard I was going, but you're not coming.”
“Okay fine. I’ll just call Mark to have him over. See you on Monday.” You turn, beginning to walk away before you feel a hand grab your shoulder, turning you Josh’s way.
“No you're not!” He says looking deep into your eyes with anger, and jealousy. “If you're coming you're staying with me, got it?”
You nod your head with innocence and leave without another word. Tonight was going to be fun, and Josh would finally realize why no other girl could ever replace you.
The shower was relaxing, especially after a week of long practices and stupid classes. You just wanted to unwind and get a little drunk at tonight's party. You weren’t super thrilled when Sophia said she wanted to come to the party, not that you care about her being around everyone. You just didn't want to hear her yap all night, that was your job. 
You wanted to pick out an outfit that you knew y/n would like, but she really hasn’t expressed what she likes on you, so you opted to stick with your basics, a white t-shirt, khaki shorts, and high top white vans. 
You quickly shoved your pen in your pocket and keys and you and Jake started heading towards the main road. You texted y/n that you would meet her outside the frat house at 11:15 before you went in. You wouldn’t let her walk into that damn house alone, even though she probably has a million times.
The walk to the house was quiet. Jake has obviously been flirting with y/n, but she wasn’t reciprocating it so you didn’t worry. When you finally got there you waited outside and sent y/n a text. 
11:13pm Josh: We’re here, where are you?
11:13 pm y/n: I’m on the street, chill.
You waited a moment and scrolled on your phone until you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turn to see her. Holy shit. She was pure beauty. Y/n stands there wearing a plum corset top with black leather pants and black docs. Her long hair was curled loosely and fell over her shoulders perfectly. Her makeup was gorgeous and perfectly accentuated her features. You hadn't realized how long you had been staring for before y/n said something. 
“Josh, hello? Are you good?” She flashed her perfect, white teeth at you.
“Oh yeah, we can head in.” You notice her necklace is off centered and reach forward to fix it, lining the initial in the middle of her collarbone. 
“Thanks Joshy.” She smiles at you and makes her way up the stairs as you turn to look at Jake.
“Pick your jaw off the floor Jake, she's not yours bud.”
“We’ll see about that, brother.” He pats you on the back, a stupid smirk plastered across his face, following y/n’s footsteps.
I’m gonna kill him. 
Something about tonight made you think you were going to need a fair amount of alcohol. You make your way to the kitchen where bottles are scattered across the counter tops. The rooms were dark and overstimulating with all the music and people. You make your way across the room on the creaky floors into the kitchen. You grab a cup for you and y/n and attempt to find her in the ocean of people. When you finally find her dancing with some of her friends you tap her and hand her her drink. 
“Thanks Joshyyy.” She smiles, takes a sip, and continues to dance. She already seems a little tipsy.
“Did you drink already?” You ask, taking a sip of your own drink.
“I meannnn, I had a few shots before I came, but I’m tot-ally in control.” She says slurring her words. She grabs you by your shirt pulling you into her, forcing you to dance with her. In her drunken state, you feel a splash of something soak into your white shirt. “Josh, oh my god, I’m sorryyy.”
“Fuck. Uh, it’s fine,” You were pissed, slightly embarrassed as well. Annoyed, you stomp away from her to find some napkins.
As you enter the kitchen, you locate the napkins and look over to y/n’s direction. You see she’s already found another guy. She leans her head on the mystery man’s shoulder, loudly speaking into his ear. 
“My number is 517, wait, that's not close. Um, haha. Uh, 273- 5. Wait fuck- its actually 274,” she screams into his ear, laughing hysterically. “The last four digits are-”
You’ve had enough, you race towards her leaning into her ear. “What did you not understand about our deal?” You say through gritted teeth, speaking just loud enough so only she could hear. 
“I’m only being nice. Cool it.” She snaps back at you, defensively. 
“Fine. I guess I can be ‘nice’ too, hm?” You walk away from her, beginning to regret letting her come along. You grab your pen from your pocket and take a quick hit, followed by another sip of the mixed drink. You make your way to the dance floor, looking for her. When your eyes spot her, you quickly make your way over.
You reach your hand out to her, inviting her to dance with you. “ Care to dance?” You offer her a syrupy, sweet smile. Your eyes plead with her to say ‘yes’.
“I thought you’d never ask,” Sophia takes your hand and you guide her so her back is pressed against your front. The song Kill The Lights begins to blare through the speakers, undoubtedly rupturing anyone’s eardrums who were in close vicinity. The strobe lights flicker around the, otherwise, dark room. Your hands land on her hips, grinding her ass into your semi-hard dick. She looked lovely tonight dressed in an emerald green bodysuit paired with black skinny jeans. Her tits practically falling out of her top and her jeans perfectly highlighting her curvy hips. 
“You look pretty tonight, Soph,” You lean down and whisper into her ear.
“You don’t look too bad yourself, Kiszka,” she retorts, biting her lip and grinding harder into you.
“Oh fuck,” the friction of her grinding was beginning to get to you. You break away from her, turning her around to face you. “Want me to fill up your drink?”
“Please,” she hands you her cup and you scurry off to the kitchen, yet again. It appeared to be your favorite place tonight. You find yourself looking y/n’s way, to see her staring back at you. 
Y/n’s POV
Are you fucking joking. After everything you guys talked about, he still takes it as a fucking joke. Well, maybe you weren't one to talk, but two can play at that game. You make your way through the crowd, in search of a Kiszka twin, and certainly not the slutty, fuckboy twin. You see him standing leaning against the wall, beer in hand. His black button up only buttoned to his navel, enticing you even more. “Can you dance?” You ask him, batting your lashes at Jake. 
“Fuck, yeah!” You grab his hand forcefully pulling him to the dance floor, and right pass Josh so he can see you and his twin walking by, hand and hand. Blame It by Jamie Foxx and T- Pain begins to play and that was enough to get you in a certain mood. You left no time to start grinding up on Jake, pressing your ass into his dick. 
His hands began feeling up and down your body, going from your ass, around your hips, up to your waist. As you look deep into Josh’s eyes you grab Jake's hands and begin to reach down pulling them higher so they are just below your tits. Your hips sway against him, feeling his dick harden into your ass. 
“y/n…” Jake mumbles into your ear, seductively. “Damn..” You move his hands to sit right on top of your tits and he gives them a light squeeze. “... you’re so fucking beautiful.” 
You would hate this type of PDA normally, but tonight you were just in the mood for revenge.
“I know you’ve been wanting to touch me, Jake,” You turn around to face him, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
“Yeah? Who says?” His brow quirks up, challenging you. He pulls you closer, your bodies now flush together. 
“Says me, and all the flirting you’ve been doing lately.” You tilt your face up to his, looking directly into his chocolatey brown eyes. A few moments of silence pass as you both continue to dance.
You feel a hand wrap around your bicep and pull you away from Jake. 
“What the actual, fuck, do you think you’re doing?” It was Josh. His eyes darted between you and his brother. 
“Just having some fun Josh since you wanted to leave me stranded on the dance floor! You expected me to dance all alone? I don’t fucking think so,” You snap at him, ripping your arm out of his hand, turning back to Jake.
“Where were we?” You shoot him a small smile, simply to get under Josh’s skin.
“No, it's time to leave, let's go.” He says pulling you away from his brother, dragging you out of the party.
You rip your hand out of his, yet again, and cross your arms as you walk with a purpose to get back to your dorm, whether he would follow or not.
“You’re no fucking fun Josh! You expect me to just stand there while Sophia is grinding on you. I may have been a little drunk but I’m sober enough to realize that you aren’t following the rules. So, OF COURSE, I wasn’t going to either. I didn’t think you could be so dense Josh!” You practically scream at him, as he follows close behind you. 
After a long quiet walk you finally make it to your dorm, with him still hot on your heels. Charlotte, without a doubt, would be staying at someone else's dorm tonight so you would be alone. You swing the door open trying to shut it infront of him, but he stopped it before it could fully close. As you make it into your bedroom, you slowly peel your pants off feeling over-stimulated, leaving you in only your corset and undies. After struggling to get your pants off you flop onto your bed, facing up to the ceiling. 
You close your eyes for a brief moment, and feel a presence above you. 
“You’re being a fucking brat you know that, and its making me crazy, y/n.” He begins to put his hands on both sides of your head, hovering above you. His lips dangerously close to your ear. “You don’t know what you do to me, mama, do you?” You shake your head, obviously knowing you make him horny. “Well I’m gonna fucking show you, and there won’t be any more confusion.”
God, you don't know how long you’d be able to keep it together before you unleashed everything you had on her, but you had to work up to it. You wanted so badly to put her over your legs and spank her hard to teach her a lesson, but since she drank you didn’t think that would be the best move. Hooking your fingers under her panties you pull them aside, giving you full access to her beautiful wet pussy that you know you didn’t contribute to. But you knew you’d contribute to her not being able to walk tomorrow. 
“Who made you this wet, mama?” You already know the answer but you just want to hear her say it out loud. 
“Y-You Joshy.” She says with innocent eyes. Anticipation written all over her pretty face. 
“No, I said who fucking made you this wet, huh? Was it the guy in the corner or my fucking brother. Don’t you dare lie to me,” You say, grabbing her face slightly, making her look into your eyes. 
“It was Jakey, I’m sorry baby.” Jakey? Not the fucking pet names.
“Don’t be giving him fucking pet names, those are for me and me only, got it?” She nods again, and you let go of her face.
“There seems to be a lot you need to learn mama, and we're gonna make sure you know all of that before the end of the night.”
You kneel again before her, wasting no time to get to her wet heat. You bring your fingers up to the entrance of her mouth, “Open.” She opens her mouth up, sticking her tongue out slightly. What a dirty whore. You shove your fingers deep down her throat, making her gag slightly. As you bring them out she sucks on them, making your already hard dick throb under the fabric of your shorts.
You shove them deep into her pussy, curling them up to hit all the good spots. As if you had hit a button, she begins to arch her back and moan. 
“Let it all out, let me hear you baby. Your moans make me so fucking hard. They turn me on so much, mama.” You quicken the pace of your fingers.
“Josh, oh my god. You’re perfect holy fuck. Your fingers fill me up so good.” You’d be filling her up even more soon.
You notice her tits bouncing in her corset, that needs to come off, immediately. You remove your fingers and flip her onto her stomach. You start unlatching all the clips and turn her back over to back to peel it off the front of her. Her marks had faded from the other week.
You lean forward, making quick work of your mouth to create new purple bruises that would match her corset perfectly. Kissing each one of them before connecting your mouth with hers. 
“Are you ready for my cock mama?” You ask quietly.
She frantically nods her head, you could tell she needed it, but we weren't going to give it to her that easy.
“Beg for it baby, tell me how much you need my hard cock in that pretty pussy of yours.” 
“Fuck Josh I need it so bad. Wanna feel you inside” You begin to unlatch your pants pulling them down to the floor. “You're gonna stretch me out so good with your huge cock.” Bending down to her pussy, spitting straight onto it. “I wanna cum around your cock, please Josh.” You grin feeling like she gave you enough. You slap her pussy before thrusting into her hard, not giving her much time to adjust.
You lean forward, one hand on the bed, one on her tit. You lay a sloppy kiss to her lips and fuck into her hard. You could tell you were hitting the right spots. She was moaning and bracing herself by grabbing your biceps, which very quickly escalated to her nails scratching down your back. Fuck. It fucking hurt, but hurt so good. 
As you continued to pound hard into her you felt a new angle was needed. You pick yourself off her and begin to grab her ankles, and pull them up to your shoulders. Letting them rest there as you fuck her even deeper now. 
She was melting beneath you, becoming a sloppy mess. Her moans picked up, you could tell she, and yourself, were close to a breaking point. You kiss her ankles softly, which contrasted to the hard pounding you were inflicting onto your pussy.
“Where do you want me to cum baby?” You say through heavy breathing.
“Cum in me Josh, I wanna feel you fill me up.” Holy shit. You weren’t going to question it. As you get closer to your release you begin to feel squeezing around your cock.
“God, y/n, if you keep squeezing me like that I’ll come right, fucking, now.”
“FUCK JOSH, I’m gonna cum. Please don’t stop, harder!” She begins to buck up against you, meeting your thrusts.
“That's it baby, cum for me. You're such a good girl for me” 
With that she let out one final moan, filling the room with pleasure. You weren't too far behind her. You continued pounding her hard and within a few seconds came right into her pussy, just like she told you to. 
You fell into the spot right beside her in bed.
“You think you learned your lesson?” You tease, looking over at her. 
“Definitely Josh, it’ll be hard not to think about you.”
“Yeah? Why is that y/n”
“Because I’m going to be thinking about you every single time I try to walk.”
You can’t help but laugh at her comment. You wanted to make her feel good, make her want you even more. 
You couldn’t be bothered to get dressed, instead you pull the blanket up from the bottom of the bed, press a kiss into her head, and fall asleep next to the girl of your dreams.
@demonrat444 @gvfstuddedmajesty @jordie-gvf @jazzyfigz @slut4lando @gvfmarge @peaceloveunitygvf @jjwasneverhere @areuirish @mar-rein12 @woyayaofdreams @freyjalw @musicspeaks
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 6 months
What are your opinions on each of the songs? (you can answer with as much or as little detail as you'd like)
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Big shocker that the songs from the 2 good episodes are in S and the only one that isn’t is still B tier/sar
The first 2 songs in S made me either tear up/shake violently or cry, and therefore they deserve to be up there IMO. Out for love is also just genuinely catchy and had actual build up to it. Also God “Ready for This” just. OOUGGGHHH IT SCRATCHES MY BRAIN SO GOOD LIKE A WARRIOR CATS MAP. I like it a lot. You cant have multiple characters sing about working together and expect me to NOT cry.
“Stayed Gone” isn’t one I listen to often but it’s so peppy and fast and full of hatred I can’t help but enjoy it. Also everytime the song starts my brain does this
I dont know anything about Welcome Home
I have. Issues. With “Loser, Baby” but aside from those the song holds a lot more weight to it than I usually give it credit for. And for as cheesy as the start if it is, the line before of Angel talking about self destructing resonates with me a lot. Also Husk lays down in a puddle of vomit and no one talks about that ever.
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I think the first song in B is “Happy Day in Hell” and I’m adding it there 1. Because it is the first song 2. It gets a reprise thing 3. Charlie almost gets hit by a truck. Other than that it’s not really my favourite but I respect the impact it has.
“Hell is Forever” just fucks. End of story. Alex Brightman killed it.
“Respectless” is good I love Velvette’s VA, but the sudden start of the song and the ending are so out of left field the first time me and my friends watched this show we had to pause cause we lost our fucking minds. Could’ve been better but I’d listen to it again, yeah.
“Hell’s Greatest Dad” is silly and funny and maybe I’m biased as a violin player and jazz enjoyer but a lot of the instrumental tickles my brain so nicely. I will say though it confuses me so much because why does Alastor care about being seen as a father figure?? My mom said it could just be him wanting to show up Lucifer and that’s it but I dunno.
“More than Anything (Reprise)” AKA “Charlie and Veggie Kiss Scene - Hazbin Hotel”
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This song sounds like it’s straight out of Barbie & Th Diamond Castle and I’m honestly pissed the girls in the movie didn’t kiss so I’m coping with this. ALSO THE FACT ITS A REPRISED SONG ABOUT LOVE MAKES ME A BIT CRAZY. I never noticed this was the same song Lucifer sang to Charlie SOMEHOW but that’s actually really cute.
“It Starts With Sorry” Has a big part in Sir Pentious’s character growth and just his character in general. I’ve been working on this in my Pentious rant but I never see people mention how much this song probably meant to him. Yeah it’s super corny, but he was fully expecting to be killed and had just been told to kill himself. This was definitely huge for him and I’m not gonna be convinced otherwise.
“You Didn’t Know” is really good but Lute’s part is by far the best and I pray to GOD she gets her own song in S2 her voice actor can SING. GODDAMN! I am very interested in Lute’s character development and I love seeing what people do with close-minded characters like that and hopefully Vivzie doesn’t condemn her to Vivziepop Woman Syndrome. If she isn’t important in S2 I’m going to be pissed but I dunno maybe S3 if we get one.
“More Than Anything” Wish my dad was like this! This song is incredibly sweet and I appreciate it a lot. Honestly might go way higher on the list if I keep thinking about it.
“Whatever It Takes” Sorry you will never be Imagine Dragons. Vaggie doesn’t sound anything like herself cause her VA is making her voice so much more gruff for her character, which is fine! I like her voice (the voice direction is not very good but I digress) it’s just her voice is so high in this I can’t even tell it’s Vaggie.
“Welcome to Heaven” is boring, but we got a Molly cameo!
“Poison”. Read this and this and this. -10/10. I’d rather make out violently with Elon Musk.
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ryuichirou · 5 months
Do you think any of the NRC students slept with someone that you wouldn't expect in a heat of the moment situation and never talked about it again? For example people you normally wouldn't ship together or don't see having much interaction but maybe they slept together since they were both in the mood and knew since they don't interact they wouldn't have to worry about bumping into the other and feeling awkward, maybe even multiple times since it's an easy no strings attached
Anon, it’s been days and every time I think about your ask, I focus my entire being on activating 100% of my brain and opening the third eye. A part of me is saying “I don’t know, I think we already ship everyone who could bang even if it’s just for once”, but another part of me is saying “but imagine the juicy gossip?” lol
To be honest, I ended up with a lot of possible options. Not all of them have to happen in the same universe because some of the boys ended up being more promiscuous than they probably would be LOL Also, we do ship some of these couples, to be completely fair.
Ace and Riddle – an accidental hookup, a classic “instant regret” situation. Argued for a long time, got super heated, and then boom, it happened. They didn’t say anything to each other afterwards and started avoiding each other for some time.
Jade and Riddle – I guess this is another accidental hookup? Riddle isn’t sure if this actually happened or Jade is just messing with him. But he is very flustered, confused and isn’t sure if it happened (did it?) because Jade is Floyd’s twin. Would that make things better or much, much worse? In any case, it was a momentary weakness… maybe induces with something that he shouldn’t have drunk.
The devil on my shoulder whispers “Rook and Leona”… And I’m not sure whether I should listen to him or not. The fact that Rook is still very obsessed with Leona suggest that he didn’t get any… But the possibility is never zero. I feel like Rook would.
Jamil could fully go around having sex with random people with 0 strings attached with his unique magic, to be honest LOL But it’s probably too troublesome because it would require him explaining to the hypnotised person what to do. I feel like we talk a lot about Jamil having these arrangements now that I think about it… while someone like Azul would be a regrettable long-term arrangement, someone like Floyd could be a one-time thing. Initially. But then both of them would kind of want to repeat it, so I guess it doesn’t count lol
Oh! Ruggie and Jamil! This would have the most perfect “one-time sex no strings attached” situation in NRC. Both of them are such no bullshit people lol
Epel and Ace both are horny-but-no-homo enough to end up with an arrangement where they would try to hook up once just as a training of sorts (if Ace doesn’t want to go for Deuce for some typical Ace reason). The main reason why it didn’t continue was because both of them were crushing on other people, and this coping situation just didn’t really work for them lol But whatever happened between them is a huge secret.
I can’t think of anything specific for Idia but it would be silly to leave him out, so let’s imagine him somehow getting Kalim’d because he got invited to his dinner party and then the whole thing was a blur. Kalim doesn’t strike me as someone who would have sex with a lot of people, but Idia was so cute that night! He kept saying that he really had to get back home, but his body was saying other things! <3
Sebek is a huge one when it comes to accidental heat-of-the-moment fucks, but he is very bad at never-talking-about it part, so Sebek/Idia wouldn’t work here (he won’t leave poor Idia alone after that lol). Sebek/Jamil would though, as well as Sebek/Leona… in every scenario Sebek is very confused though and is having a hard time keeping it together lol
Malleus is a wild card because I can see him somehow hooking up with Trey; it’s Trey’s energy of a regular guy who ends up fucking the most gorgeous people, I guess. Trey has no idea how and why it happened: was this a blessing? Should he be grateful? I mean, it was very good, but… should he be concerned about the fact that he fucked the future king? Malleus is perfectly satisfied and pleased though, so maybe Trey should be okay…
I ALMOST FORGOT ABOUT AZUL AND MALLEUS, these two fucked during the Glorious Masquerade event, this is just a fact. But also it could've happened at any other point, but only once, either as a result of Azul being a total suck-up who really really badly wants to get on Malleus' good side (and what better way to make connections than by fucking a person I guess)...or as a result of Malleus being adventurous and flirty, once again.
I could also see Malleus hooking up with Floyd, and in that case it would be the perfect storm of Malleus feeling adventurous and a bit petty at people who didn’t pay attention to him + Floyd feeling in the mood for some dangerous games. Both of them would be very aware of what’s going on and would go all-out. It was the first time in Floyd’s life his partner didn’t ask him to be slower or gentler, only asked provoking questions, as if to piss him off.
Another person Floyd could end up hooking up with is Vil, but in that case it would be a result of their unresolved sexual tension that’s been building up overtime. Vil could end up hooking up with Jade for the same reason actually, but it would be more of a calculated thing in that case, in a “I know what you’re playing” sense. 
Bonus: Trey has slept with multiple random students on his campus during his first year, but he stopped doing that when Riddle enrolled. With some of them it was Trey’s first time talking to them, and he wasn’t really able to continue the relationship since then, so I guess it kind of counts?? He doesn’t like talking about it though, it ruins his image a little bit lol
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havockingboo · 2 years
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Oh man this au already got me in a death grip noooooo I know y’all are looking at me like “king……bro 💀 what are you doing with these poor skeletons” I’m literally so sorry I made another au to cope with DJDFKDVM IT WASNT MY INTENTION
so yeah if you haven’t guessed, this au will heavily focus on papyrus being the older brother in the family, high expectations that were pushed onto him since he was a kid. Was proud of himself at first for being the oldest and being the most mature one and being the responsible then!! Doesn’t realize that will have long lasting effects on him as he grows up being a perfectionist, horribly controlled emotions and some pent up anger and temper. Oh yeah, it’s one hell of an au.
Has a dad that practically feels like he’s absent, emotional neglect, family issues that are buried or completely ignored and thrown out but then bite you in the ass at the worst times!! Oh what an au this will be..
Sans doesn’t smile very much in this au, he’s uh. hella tired himself with all the bullshit his family has to deal with in itself. As the youngest, you’d figure you’d be given more attention and care but no, with a dad like his and a brother that can barely take care of himself mentally and emotionally, he wasn’t getting any of that. He even has a bit of a temper himself but he actually controls it better than his older brother does. That doesn’t stop him from being sarcastic(which a lot of people still mistake him being serious, it’s the never changing expression on his face and tone) He goes through a lot in this au too, on the surface he appears done with everything, anti social, forever resting bitch face but bro!! He still is a very fun guy to chat with, he still got a lot of jokes to tell he just uh…wishes people would notice when he talked or well..even paid attention to him anyway. again being the youngest ain’t easy.
And Gaster…………………………………we don’t talk about him SDJSDKDFLMF ah yes the typical “father who thinks his love for his children will be enough, giving the basic necessities and every now and then ‘praise’ before he disappears for 3 days or a whole week to do work.” He figured, I raised these boys myself!! they know how to take care of themselves without me! which is true but little did he know he should’ve given them more hugs when they were younger lmao. Now they’re messed up!! He loves Sans and Papyrus. He really does he just, failed to show the proper love and attention he was meant to give but woo. Gaster himself also has a temper EVERYONE IN THIS FAMILY HAS A TEMPER but his?? Oh it’s bad. Those long shifts then coming home late at night can be like walking on eggshells. That’s why Papyrus is always on his best behavior when he’s around!! Before he runs to his room and never comes out until he’s asked for something. Sans is always cooped up in his room, wanting to avoid any interaction with his dad. Gaster wishes his sons talked to him more, but he messed that up a long time ago…
Whew okay uhhhh…… that was a lot!! But yeah this family has a loooot of issues that will never get fixed cause they can’t handle emotional problems for shit. Besides Papyrus but well I that’s another thing ha
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glitter-soda · 5 months
I’d like to break down my current feelings and gripes about the trans movement, both to inform my followers and maybe start a discussion.
The vast majority of trans people are relatively normal and are just trying to live their lives in peace.
Trans women are trans women. They are male, and by definition it is much more accurate to call them men than women, but I do believe they are something of a separate category. The same goes for trans men, in reverse.
Definitions like “a woman is anyone who identifies as a woman” and “a lesbian is a non-man who’s attracted to non-men” are ridiculous and frankly offensive. The word lesbian is taken. It means “female homosexual”. Literally nobody is stopping you from making your own term, so stop trying to forcibly redefine ours.
Male socialization and female socialization both exist and are important. Trans women were socialized male and trans men were socialized female.
The sheer amount of vitriol towards “terfs” and anyone else who questions anything is just…disgusting. It’s acceptable to send them graphic rape and death threats, doxx them, assault them at protests, and celebrate when they get sick or die. I don’t know how to explain that that’s not normal fucking behavior, especially since “terf” is thrown around very casually these days.
Biological women should be allowed to have spaces that don’t include any males, regardless of the purpose. Lesbian bars, female only gyms, female only domestic violence/rape shelters, and literally anything else are fine and should be allowed to exist without being vandalized or threatened with shutdowns.
The former point includes female only sports teams. Males are biologically very different from females and it should’ve be offensive to anyone to say so. Both sexes have advantages and disadvantages over the other, it just happens that many sports are designed in a way that makes it easier for males to succeed.
Abolishing female only categories in award ceremonies, scholarships, and the like in the name of inclusivity is stupid and completely forgets the reason they were established in the first place. Male bias exists and women will almost never be included because of it.
I’m not against transitioning because I believe in total bodily autonomy and find language like “mutilation” to be incredibly gross and callous. However, I think it’s bad and dangerous to be presented as the literal only treatment for dysphoria.
Children who express any form of questioning or gender nonconformity should not be immediately assumed to be trans. A little girl saying “I want to be a boy” may mean “I want the freedoms that boys have and this is the only way I know how to express it because I’m six”. For actual trans kids, puberty blockers are dangerous and minors should only be allowed to socially transition.
The entire idea of being non-binary is frankly silly to me. I believe it to mostly be a poor coping mechanism for sexist stereotypes. Again, do what you want, but don’t expect me to take you seriously.
The way a lot of information and discussions that don’t support the current trans narrative are censored or lied about online is really bad and honestly borderline cult-like. Very few people actually know what radfems believe because people are discouraged from reading anything straight from the source. The Cass Review was picked apart in bad faith and many of the articles that “sum it up” are just straight up full of false information. Detransitioners are swept under the rug and told to shut up and stop trying to ruin things when they try to talk about their experiences. The trans community needs to do better.
And most importantly:
I do not want trans people dead. I believe in my heart of hearts that the vast majority of actual radfems and gender criticals do not want trans people dead. Neither ideology is hateful or inherently against trans people.
(Y’all just hate being told “no”.)
(Also I probably forgot something, so feel free to ask or discuss idk)
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missywritesfor7 · 2 months
❤️‍🩹Lifeline | MYG❤️‍🩹
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Synopsis: It’s long been controversial for idols to date, but idols dating each other can be really beautiful or a complete nightmare. When Yoongi's relationship with another idol is discovered, he decides maybe it’s time to break the taboo and show people it’s ok for idols to date. Instead, they find themselves caught in the midst of one media frenzy after another and struggle to keep their relationship as strong as it had been the past 2 years. Yoongi finds a self destructive way to cope, and it causes even more problems than it solves. As they fight for their relationship and their careers, they discover that sometimes, the only way to truly be free is to let go.
Pairing: idol!Yoongi x idol!OC
Warnings: nsfw, alcoholism, cheating, depression, anxiety, Yoongi goes through a bisexy ho phase, Yoongi is also in his alcoholic phase, post-military BTS
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Ch 32: Insecure
BTS is getting deeper into their comeback preparations as the release date gets closer. With that also comes increased stress from everyone. It’s a time of their schedule getting gradually busier and their energy being constantly drained. Promo shoots and numerous interviews are stuffed between dance practices, meetings about merchandise, and now world tour preparations.
Yoongi feels like a lot is riding on this comeback. The guilt he carries towards Army regarding the last tour is great and he will do everything in his power to make it up to them. At the same time he owes it to his brothers and Hyeri that he can get through the tour without fucking everything up.
Hyeri is feeling positive about the way things are going between her and Yoongi. She’s gained a bit more trust and feels more and more optimistic about the future. Things between them continue to strengthen and Yoongi can feel it. Just knowing that Hyeri trusts him even a little more than before is more than enough to make him feel smitten like a school child. The only problem is this school child still has a few things to work on. Like his own trust issues and insecurities.
Hyeri’s drama shooting has been going great. It’s been a bit of a challenge, but she’s been acing every scene. The chemistry between her and her costar Na In-woo is better than anyone could have asked for. The director, writers and producers love their chemistry so much that they decide to make a slight change in the script to show just how strong their on screen relationship is.
“So you have to do what? With who? For what reason?” Yoongi asks Hyeri as they face each other across the dinner table. Yoongi got home early and made them a simple dinner of bulgogi and veggies. What he wasn’t expecting was Hyeri coming home to tell him the script change that was presented to her.
“It’s like the climax of the show,” Hyeri says, only repeating what the show runners told her.
“They can’t come up with anything that doesn’t involve you fucking your costar??”
“It’s not like we’re actually fucking,” she justifies.
“You’re going to be naked!” He pouts.
“That’s not the same as fucking,” she defends.
“Close enough.”
“Says the person who got his dick sucked in damn near every city on tour,” she huffs.
“That’s…ugh…Hyeri…” he stutters knowing he can’t counter that.
“What?” She challenges with furrowed brows.
“I just…ugh,” he huffs. “Why is it even necessary for them to add that to the script anyway? They can’t just suddenly decide you’re going to be naked.”
“I’m not even going to be fully naked,” she rolls her eyes. “The cameras aren’t going to show anything, it’s a tv drama not porn.”
“So why is the scene necessary??” He fusses. He never had a problem with Hyeri playing roles that involve her kissing her costars, but never once did he think about the possibility of her being asked to do a sex scene. Something in him isn’t quite prepared to see her being touched by someone else in ways that only he should be touching her, whether staged or otherwise.
“Because it is, Yoongi. Even if I try to explain why it’s necessary you’re still going to be upset about it.”
“So tell them no.”
“Are you not hearing a word I’m saying??” She’s starting to get aggravated by the conversation. She figured he’d be a bit apprehensive about the idea, but she didn’t think he’d push back this much.
“I hear you,” he defends. “I just don’t see how it’s fair for them to spring this on you in the middle of shooting. They should have said something from the beginning.”
“It doesn’t really matter now, I’m doing it anyway,” she says grabbing her empty plate and getting up to put it in the sink.
“No you’re not!” He says following behind her.
“Says who?!” She shouts. “This is my decision to make and I decided that I’m going to do it!”
“Because I want to!” She stomps. “It’s part of my job and I’m ok with doing it!”
“Fucking on screen is not part of your job!”
“Neither is fucking everyone on tour and getting robbed, but here we are!” She shouts throwing her hands up. She didn’t want to go there. She didn’t want to go anywhere this conversation-turned-argument has gone, but she can’t believe his audacity after all he’s put her through that wasn’t an act.
“So you’re just doing this to get back at me?” He huffs.
“No! For fucks sake Yoongi stop being so unreasonable! This isn’t about you! I’m not looking for revenge, because believe me if I were I would have done it long ago and it would have been much worse than me ACTING in an intimate scene.” She turns away from him and begins storming to the bedroom.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!” He asks following behind her.
“It means get over it,” she says trying to put the conversation to rest before she says anything else that could further ignite the flames blazing between them. It’s not easy though because while they’ve been working on trust issues, she’s not fully healed from his betrayals and she is very close to exploding in a way that would hurt him. She doesn’t want to hurt him, but she’s tired.
“Get over it? Hyeri what the fuck? I thought we agreed to discuss shit like this before you make decisions!”
“You have some fucking nerve, Min Yoongi!” Her last ounce of peace has gone out the window. “You are being a big fucking hypocrite right now! You sent me through hell and fucking back! Do you know how many times I stopped myself from going out for revenge? Do you know how many times I had the chance to go home with someone else but I didn’t because despite you not giving a shit about being faithful, I still chose to come home to the drunken cheater you were?! Now you want to make it seem like I’ve committed some huge fucking sin by doing this scene for my job because you’re too fucking insecure to handle it!”
Yoongi stands cemented in place by her words, he can’t say anything in response because she’s not wrong. He fucked up and he shouldn’t be so upset with this, but two wrongs don’t make a right and he feels she’s only doing this to get back at him. To him it’s like a low blow, and though justified, he still doesn’t like it. He’s also a bit upset that she can completely read right through him so easily and now he has to deal with his feelings of insecurity that he was hoping had subsided, though it’s clear it hasn’t.
“I’m going to sleep in the guest room,” Hyeri huffs grabbing her phone charger and storming out.
Yoongi lets out a heavy sigh and throws himself on the bed with a grunt of frustration. He feels like no matter what he says she’s going to use his cheating as a justification for anything she does that he doesn’t like.
Hyeri feels no matter what she says he’s not going to be ok with the scene until he deals with his insecurities himself. It’s not about getting back at him or trying to hurt him, it’s about work and she truly does not care about being in a sex scene. She made her boundaries clear to the film crew and they agreed to respect it. At the absolute most there may be a little cleavage visible, but other than that the most erotic thing about the scene would be in the sounds and movements she makes.
Since Yoongi wants to be completely unreasonable about things, she decides those sounds she’ll be making will be her best, most arousing, sounds of perfectly choreographed dry humping ever broadcast on prime time television.
Yoongi slept on it and woke the next morning not feeling much better about the situation. There’s not much he can do though because he knows he’s not going to change her mind, and she’ll bring up his insecurity again if he tries to fight it again. He also knows that he’s not entirely in the right. This is her work and he knows she’s great at it no matter what role she plays, but fuck seeing someone else touching her like that. What if she likes it? Maybe too much? Can he handle that being on screen for the world to see? He’s not sure, but still he tries to talk to Hyeri when he catches her in the morning before she leaves. He tried apologizing but she didn’t seem to want to hear anything he had to say. He gave her one final “I love you” as she grunted an “I love you too” through her teeth on the way out the door in response. Yeah, that hurts.
When he got to his studio, Yoongi spent about two hours stuck in his mind. He decided to send Hyeri a text attempting another apology. He simply let her know that he’s sorry for the way he reacted and he respects her decision to agree to do the scene, he just wishes she would have at least discussed it with him first. It took a few stressful hours before she responded to him also apologizing for not bringing it up to him before making her decision, but she also reiterated that it’s still her decision to make and he needs to realize what she does on screen has no bearing on their relationship. She feels better now than she did before because she just finished shooting the scene. She left everything she was feeling out on that set so that she could respond to Yoongi without any remaining animosity. He won’t be too happy when the scene airs, but she’s definitely feeling better right now.
The following day is filled with meetings for Yoongi and the guys. Hyeri was already asleep when he got home the night before and she was gone by the time he woke in the morning. They continued to text but haven’t had a face to face conversation since their argument, though he really wishes they had a chance to. Instead, he’s hoping his day of meetings will fly by and he can get home to catch her before she falls asleep.
Before their first meeting Hobi offers to bring everyone something to drink from the coffee shop. Nothing sucks the ever living life out of Yoongi like a day full of monotonous meetings, so he orders the same delicious cake-like coffee for a sweet boost to get through the day.
“You decided to get your own this time?” Jimin jokes once Hobi delivers the drinks to them in their meeting room.
“I just got it for later, I’m going to drink yours first,” Yoongi teases.
“You won’t!” Jimin playfully snaps.
“I feel like you just like that drink because it tastes like cake and you can cheat on your diet without cheating on your diet,” Taehyung says looking at Yoongi with suspicion.
“Yoongi doesn’t cheat with sweets, he cheats with noodles,” Jin chimes in.
“Why is this suddenly about me?” Yoongi chuckles turning red from the attention. “Aren’t we supposed to be talking about some BT21 rocks or something?”
“It’s TinyTan jewelry,” Jin laughs. “Do you not read anything on the calendar before showing up?”
“Can we get started?” Yoongi takes a sip of his coffee and slumps in his chair.
Everyone laughs and gives Yoongi a hard time for a few more minutes until the team of varying staff members arrive to discuss Tiny Tan merchandise. Yoongi is thankful for his coffee as the meeting progresses. He enjoys the creative process when it comes to merch, but a lot of that has already been done and they’re only fine tuning the little mundane details that usually puts him to sleep. The following meeting is a bit more interesting as they are getting the final look at their upcoming album. They get to see everything put together as it will be when the physical albums go out. They wanted to try a few new things with the goodies included in the album and everything seems to be looking great.
By late afternoon Yoongi is feeling an enormous boost of excitement with all of the comeback talk. The announcement will be going out the next day and that’s when things really start happening. The secret will no longer be so much of a secret and all of these preparations will finally be out for the world to see. Then the tour. Something Yoongi dreaded before, but now at this point in his healing he’s beyond ecstatic. He has to prove himself to everyone and even if he has moments of doubt, he’s at least confident in himself and how far he’s come. He’s so pumped that by the time he makes it to his final meeting that evening he’s on his third cup of coffee and ready to marathon his way though time just to get to their comeback day quicker.
What makes things even better is Yoongi getting home that night to see Hyeri there and still awake. She’s laying across the couch scrolling her phone when Yoongi notices her then runs to wrap his arms around her. She’s a little taken aback by his sudden love assault, but she enjoys it nonetheless.
“I take it you had a good day?” She asks returning his squeeze as best she can while pinned between his body and the couch.
“I’m just really excited!” He beams. “I’m ready for this comeback. I'm ready to perform. I'm just ready to do everything right this time."
"This is my comeback comeback," he giggles childishly. "I have a lot to prove to make up for the past and I'm feeling really good about it because I know I wont let the guys or our fans down, and most importantly I wont let you down." He gives her a barage of pecks on her lips as she giggles from his clearly caffiene fueled energy.
"Really? This is the most excited I've seen you in a while." It's cute to her, but also refreshing. Especally after the fight they had the other night.
"You think so?"
"Yeah," she replies. "I mean, you've been excited before, but it seems like a bit of a different excitement this time. It makes me excited too," she smiles.
"You should be, because I'm going to steal your heart and blow you away," he laughs.
"What?" She laughs.
"I had coffee."
"Really?" She says sarcastically. "You don't say. Did those meetings bore you that much?"
"Yes," he laughs. "It is what it is. It just got me excited for our comeback. The announcement is going out at midnight so I want to check online to see how everyone reacts. I really hope they like everything we've put together for this album and tour."
"I'm sure they will," she assures him. "But I'm starting to lose the feeling in my legs." She pokes his shoulder to get him to ease some of his excited weight off of her.
“Right,” he laughs kissing her once more then sitting up next to her. “Are you going to be at our first show?”
“Yes,” she says sitting up. “I’m not going to miss it this time.”
“I’ll make sure it’s perfect for you,” he smiles.
He means that. Every practice he thinks of Hyeri watching him from within the crowd. He wants to make her proud for once after letting her down so much. This comeback has to be perfect.
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xailey56 · 1 year
I’ve decided that instead of processing or thinking about the egg news instead I’m just going to talk more about Slimeriana because I am so normal about them and I have so many thoughts and this time instead of it being about Slime I want to talk about Mariana. I think it’s interesting that when he was talking to Jaiden and Roier that he told them that things between him and Slime were better and that they are actively trying for another baby. Obviously from a meta perspective this is a case of Mariana the content creator improving something he definitely didn’t talk to Charlie about beforehand since he’s, you know, gegging it up, but I find it very interesting from a lore perspective how this reflects on Mariana’s character in general. I could say that he’s simply delusional since we know this is not currently actually happening, but honestly I think I would describe him more as aspirational or hopeful. I think since at first he was still hung up on Foolish that he didn’t expect to fall in love with Slime but I very much think he has fallen in love with him. Even though their relationship has been rocky I think he really enjoyed being with Slime and raising a child with him and I think he both wants to have this back and thinks he can have it back. He and Slime have had their good moments and I think especially after the funeral he saw the opportunity to move forward and have more of them together. Honestly he is coping a hell of a lot better than Slime at this point and I really do think it’s because he has hope that they can work through things together. It’s always been about doing things together for him, he’s said so to Slime multiple times. Meanwhile Slime is out here feeling like he isn’t worthy of love and is refusing to actually get any sort of help dealing with his grief and I just need the two of them to be on the server at the same time and I need Mariana to make Slime realize he is worthy of love because he loves him and I am so normal about this I swear.
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Maybe this is something that just bothers me but every time a TB stan says that Rhaenyra (the heir) has more power than Alicent (the queen) I want to rip my hair out. I hope I'm making sense here. Like, Alicent is the QUEEN, she's the second or third most powerful person in the realm. Asking for Viserys to kill her as punishment for giving Rhaenyra a cut is absurd. I don't think I explained what I mean quite well and I'm sorry for that.
Hi anon, sorry it took me forever to respond!
I think I get what you mean, and in Olivia Cooke’s words, Alicent has every right to say “I’m the f*cking Queen actually” because she is. But at the same time, even when she has certain power being Queen Consort of Viserys she is not ruling in her own right. She sure is worthy of respect and Rhaenyra is expected to show this respect (even resentfully) when Viserys and Alicent are married (e.g. she goes to the hunt because it’s Alicent’s command etc) as well as post-Driftmark, when Rhaenyra refers to Alicent as “Your Grace” and there are many more instances like this.
HOWEVER the throne is never Alicent’s, and while she rules to some degree, she never has absolute power. She never can have the power that Rhaenyra would have if she becomes Queen in her own right. So yes, technically Rhaenyra is supposed to listen to Queen (Consort) Alicent and show respect as long as she’s an heir but she can very well do whatever the hell she wants when she becomes Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen because she’d have absolute power and control.
This is why I say their relationship is complex. As to who makes a better Queen, this is another long argument as per the books. At the same time, hotd Alicent has displayed a natural inkling toward ruling the kingdom, she’s interested in the smallfolk’s peace and wellbeing whereas Rhaenyra (and Daemon) like to be ostracized and feared “for what they are capable of.” That tells a lot, in my opinion about where their interests and ambitions lie.
As for the second part of your ask, it is absurd to ask Viserys to kill her, when he knows that he would anger half the lords in his kingdom as well as his Hand and house Hightower and his children and god knows who else. As much as I hate Viserys, he would never get rid of Alicent because he wanted someone to stand by him in his illness and weakness as a ruler, father, human being, you name it. Alicent was the only one who could cope with his sh*t so he knows he has literally won the jackpot and that no other woman would be as compliant. He’d never give the word to execute her in my opinion.
In many ways Alicent was for Viserys a collectible, so he’d keep her with him for as long as possible.
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gardenofhope · 1 month
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what if I took lula and luca and made them purple. what if
boo!! lore jumpscare, I guess. my friends reminded me that I should do whatever I want and they’re right so. I’m going to ramble now, these are basically copy pasted from discord so do not expect anything fancy. I’m not a writer T.T
- so like. the twin’s mirror counterparts would act pretty different from them obviously. mir lula would be the complete opposite of lula, being loud and brash and being very willing to pick a fight. if you look at her the wrong way she WILL fight you. mir lula hates being the mirror counterpart of someone she deems as weak in her eyes, and goes out of her way to prove to herself that she’s stronger and better than lula. mir lula is kind of coping hardcore by doing her best to be just. kind of a bitch LMAO. mir lula is like of the embodiment of lula’s own lack of self worth but turned up tenfold. if the two were left together mir lula would immediately tear into lula, while lula would just listen bc she believes it to be true anyways… god help her. luca wouldn’t let anyone be such an ass to his sister, definitely not even her mirror counterpart, and mir lula would see luca as a weakling like she does lula, mostly because mir luca seems more put together than him. either way she hates luca and luca hates her.
- as for mir luca… he has a bit of an ego with all the unhealthy habits luca has. he also will be rude to you if he deems you unworthy of his time, mir luca is a bit of a workaholic and spends a lot of time working on new projects. he thinks he’s better than you and does not care. he’s more proficient than luca is with his magic, reflecting how luca desires to be better at it himself. luca can be a bit egotistical sometimes, and is quick to get on his bad side if you fuck up even the slightest bit, which is why mir luca is the same way but turned up a few notches. luca does feel like a burden at times and mir luca feels a similar way, so he tries to hold himself in high regard to compensate for that, and works constantly to make himself feel useful. mir luca and luca get along okay actually, they can talk abt the technical aspects of own projects together, and mir luca does hold some respect for luca actually. although lula might feel a bit awkward around him bc he’s more serious than luca, mir luca would enjoys lula’s presence. lula usually being polite and kind would be a breath of fresh air in comparison to being around mir lula so much LMAO
- another thing is, I think secretly both mirror twins would be a little jealous of how close the actual twins are. mir lula and mir luca do care about the other deep down, but they have a very hard time showing it properly… on a surface level they both have the mentality of “you’re the only idiot around here I can actually trust.” but there’s times where how much they care abt each other the way lula and luca do slips through the cracks… but they don’t show it properly. like mir luca fussing over mir lula coming home with injuries bc “she’s taking him away from his work” as he’s tending to them [he secretly worries for her well-being, he thinks her constantly picking fights isn’t good for her. she pushes herself too much and he can tell it’s causing physical and mental strain on her]; and mir lula bringing a homemade meal to mir luca when he’s in the middle of working bc “what use is he if he starves to death” [he forgets to eat often and it worries her, again he has a few unhealthy habits just like luca… a poor sleep schedule, constantly trying to keep himself busy, and again, not eating well isn’t good!!]
if anyone read all of this imagine me giving you a tasty homemade cookie I baked myself. okay? okay bye
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Am I the only one who thinks that Jamil was being a hypocrite in Chapter 6? Man's really told Leona "nobody understands me" and "you don't know what I've been through" when literally every overblot victim has been through shit.
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I’m pretty sure that most agree that Jamil’s being a hypocrite. No one has said he wasn’t one. And you know what? I think that was the point. It was written that way on purpose.
None of us fans really seriously wail on Jamil (or on other characters) for being a hypocrite because that kind of behavior is to be expected of him/them. We were told at the very beginning of TWST that NRC’s students are often self-serving and think more of themselves than of others, and that they don’t care to accept help from their peers. It’s unrealistic to think these boys would be better people when not even a full year of time has passed to allow for them to sit and reflect on their actions. Like… it can sometimes take several years’ worth of therapy to come to that realization of, “oh, well maybe I fucked up in that situation or I said something insensitive to person B”.
This is all a normal part of their journies of self-discovery and growth. Of course they’re going to deflect blame and worry about themselves first and foremost. Those aren’t always healthy coping mechanisms by any means, but it’s been made clear time and time again these characters are still works in progress when it comes to thinking beyond just themselves and opening up to others. A large part of Jamil’s hypocrisy, for example, comes from a fixation on his own past instead of stopping to consider the situation Leona may be in. Trauma can box you in and make you feel like you’re alone, like no one can relate to you. Maybe you fee so defeated you already anticipate not being heard out (which is entirely believable for Jamil, who has been talked down to his whole life and told to be servile). Then when you have nothing else to compare to (I doubt Jamil is cognizant of Leona/the other OB boys’ pasts in detail, nor how much he has in common with Leona until they actually had a conversation), of course his own problems are magnified or seem so much worse.
There’s a lot of different psychological factors entangled in this. What’s most important is to not dismiss the hypocrisy, but to understand it as an integral part of a character and their background and personality.
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