#i’ll try to get the same piercings as Dabi on the ear
dabislittlemouse · 2 years
fun idea: dabi giving u piercings
I’m pretty sure he has pierced himself and hasn’t gone to any professional for that, so I’d definitely trust him to give me piercings <3 in any place possible uwu
And if he’s obsessed with you he’d definitely urge you to get piercings, telling you how pretty you’d look with a lip or nose piercing, he wants you to be like him <3
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candycandy00 · 1 year
The Trade Part 2: A Dabi x Reader Zombie AU
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 Smut. 18+. Zombie Apocalypse AU. Oral, stripping, voyeurism.
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For a few moments, you just stood there, silent and unmoving. You were trapped in the van, with your only exit being blocked by its owner. How could you have been so stupid? One of the first things Toga had taught you was that you never place yourself in a position without at least two exits. The temptation of all that food and water had overpowered your instincts. 
The black haired man stepped aside and motioned for you to come out of the van. You did so, slowly, then as soon as both feet were firmly on the ground, you broke into a run. You only made it a few feet before you felt strong arms wrap around your shoulders and pull you back, right up against a firm body. 
“Whoa there, where do you think you’re running off to with my shit?”
The man’s voice was close to your ear, and something about the tone of it made you stop struggling and go still in his grip. He released you, but stood close enough to reach out and grab you if you made another run for it. 
You stared at him, trying decide your best course of action. Should you pretend to be confused and helpless? Just a damsel in distress who stumbled upon this van full of food? Or should you be honest? Or perhaps be friendly and compliant until you found a chance to run again? 
“Not gonna talk?”
You hesitated for a moment longer, studying his face. He was much better looking close up, with piercings you hadn’t noticed before and eyes so blue they could make the sky jealous. 
“I’m sorry,” you blurted out, “I just saw this van here and thought it had been abandoned. I’ll give you back the stuff I took.”
He grinned, the expression resembling a cat’s. “You just stumbled across my van, totally by accident, right?”
You didn’t like the way his tone suggested you were lying, but you tried to look innocent as you nodded. 
He laughed suddenly, the sound startling you. Then he narrowed his eyes and said, “What about all those times you were watching me from the trees? Were those accidents too?”
Your face froze in whatever dumb innocent expression you’d been wearing. In your confusion, you could only utter one word. “What?”
He took a step toward you, so close now that you could feel his breath when he spoke. After watching him from afar for so long, the nearness of him made you feel dizzy.
Oh God, he smells good. 
“The first time was when I killed the deer, right? I could tell someone was watching me. In the middle of the night I went into the woods to look around and what did I find? A girl sleeping in a tree. All by herself, completely defenseless.”
He said that last part in such a suggestive way, with a gleam in those blue eyes, that you couldn’t help imagining what terrible things he could have done to you that night. Then there was the small but growing part of you that kind of wished he had. 
You didn’t have a response to that, so you kept your mouth shut and glared at him as he went on. 
“Then that time I killed some zombies outside a store. I came back a few minutes later to get something I forgot, and there in the middle of the street was that same girl from the tree, being hounded by a zombie.”
“Thanks for jumping in to help,” you said sarcastically, unable to stop yourself. 
“Didn’t look like you needed my help,” he replied dismissively, seeming eager to move on to the next point. This was the one you were dreading. His lips curled into a wide grin as he continued. 
“Then yesterday I heard something in the woods while I was relaxing at the waterfall. When I came back later to check, what do you think I found?”
All color drained from your face as his words sank in. But he kept going, mercilessly. 
“It was that same girl, totally naked, frolicking in the water! She didn’t notice me at all, even when I was just a few feet from her while she was drying off. So I left and decided to set up a little trap for her.”
“Pervert,” you muttered, feeling your cheeks burn with embarrassment. He’d seen everything you had. 
“Hey, don’t forget the free show I gave you!” 
Ugh, he was right. You’d spied on him bathing first. You didn’t have any right to complain. But where was he going with all this? He didn’t seem particularly angry at you, but he’d just admitted to setting a trap for you specifically. 
You tried to play it cool, despite your increasing anxiety about this situation. “I already said I’d give the stuff back. What more do you want from me?”
His grin faded as his expression darkened. “You were following me so you could rob me. You would’ve stolen everything I have if given the chance.”
“No, I-“
“Don’t bother denying it,” he snapped. 
You winced at the sudden harshness of his voice, then fell silent. Maybe he was angry after all. You wondered if you should try running again. He was close enough to catch you, but perhaps you could distract him like you’d distracted those two men the night before. Maybe throw the stuff you’d stolen several feet away and hope he’d be surprised enough to turn his back on you? 
That probably wouldn’t work. He was focused intently on your every move. You remembered the rage he’d displayed when he’d killed the zombies, and a question slipped out of your mouth, quietly but clearly: “Are you going to kill me?”
He laughed again. “Why would I kill you? I just want to propose a trade.”
“A trade?” That surprised you, and confused you. “You have lots of stuff I want,” you said, glancing back at the interior of the van, “but I don’t have anything to trade for it.”
He looked you up and down, that cat-like grin back on his face. “Oh I think you’ve got plenty.”
It took you a minute to realize he was talking about your body. So… he wanted to trade supplies for sexual favors? Your face reddened, but it was a struggle to keep your expression neutral. A war broke out in your mind. 
He’s gorgeous! He gives me supplies AND I get to fuck him? That’s win-win!
No, no, do not go weak for this guy! He’s just a horny scumbag who wants to take advantage of you! 
But I actually want him! I’d let him do anything he wants to me for free!
You say that now, but what if he gets violent? What if he turns out just like those two who tried to rape you last night? Say no, and you’ll find out what kind of guy he is!
You tried to keep calm and collected as you looked at him and asked, “What if I say no?”
He shrugged. “Then you’re free to go. No hard feelings. I’m not gonna force you to do anything.”
You hesitated for a moment, trying to quiet the excited voices in your mind. You looked him up and down as he’d done you, more for show than anything else. You already knew he was custom made to appeal to every taste you had. Then you sighed and crossed your arms over your chest. “What will you give me for a blowjob?”
His eyes widened slightly, as if he wasn’t expecting that question. Maybe he thought you’d need a bit more convincing. Maybe he didn’t yet realize how thirsty you were for him. He seemed to think about it for a moment, then said, “How about… everything you can fit in your backpack?”
You fought hard to not appear too eager. You couldn’t let him find out you would have gladly sucked his dick for free. “Plus the stuff I already took?”
“Sure,” he replied. 
“Okay, deal,” you told him, and then you both stood there awkwardly for a few moments before you stepped closer to him and got down on your knees. 
You moved slowly, mostly because you were unsure of what to do. You’d had a little sexual experience, but not much. Nothing to prepare you for blowing a hot guy in the woods in exchange for food. You’d performed exactly one blowjob in your life and, honestly, you’d just found it gross. But you hadn’t been very attracted to the guy, so this was an entirely new experience. 
Your hands fumbled with the belt of his jeans, and he watched you with an unreadable expression as you moved on to unzipping and pulling open his pants. You saw the bulge right away, somehow even bigger than you expected. Carefully, you slid the front of his boxers down to allow his cock to spring free. It almost slapped you in the face. 
His cock was even more impressive up close. Perfectly sized, elegantly shaped, and a row of small piercings dotting the head. You reached up with one hand and gently grasped it, holding it upward, then you leaned forward and ran your tongue along the underside of it, from base to tip. You heard him draw in a sharp breath as you took the whole thing in your mouth. 
You moved your head back and forth, plunging his cock all the way in and then almost out, using your tongue to swirl circles around the tip. This went on for several minutes before you felt his hand come to rest on your head, his fingers softly threading through your hair. You kept going, enjoying the way his touch felt, getting lost in your own passion, living for the way his breathing quickened and the delicious little moans he was trying to hold back. 
Finally, he groaned louder and tried to pull out, saying, “I’m about to-“
You held on tighter, clamping your lips onto his cock. He exploded in your mouth, coating the entire inside of it with his cum. You kept his cock in your mouth until he’d completely emptied himself, then you licked the tip clean as he pulled out. 
He looked down at you with a surprised expression. “You don’t have to swallow…”
But before he could finish the sentence, you’d gulped it all down. Oh no, had you appeared too eager? You didn’t want him to realize you were getting the better end of the deal. You stood up as you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand and tried to project indifference. The man seemed to be at a loss for words, but was that a faint blush on his cheeks? 
“Well, I’ll be taking my stuff now,” you said in a cool tone, grabbing your backpack and emptying it on the ground. Your scant belongings fell out, but you could gather them in your arms later. Right now, you needed all the space you could get. 
“Sure,” he said, his voice a bit lower than before, “take whatever you want.”
You climbed up into the back of the van and searched around, carefully deciding what to take. The first thing you chose was a large leather “fanny pack”. You’d need it to put your other things in, so you folded it up and shoved it into your backpack. Then you loaded up on canned foods that would give you protein and carbs, a couple of bars of soap, a pair of socks, a small box of matches, and then as many bottles of water as you could cram inside. 
As you jumped down from the van, the man stood nearby, watching you. He was probably making sure you didn’t take more than the agreed upon amount. You had to stop yourself from thanking him. 
You pulled out the fanny pack and shoved your extra clothes and other meager items into it, then secured it around your waist. 
“Are you going to keep following me?”
You turned at the sound of the man’s voice. “Maybe,” you answered. “Why?”
He smirked at you. “Just thought you might wanna trade again sometime.”
You turned away from him so he couldn’t see how red you were getting. “Probably. We seem to be going in the same direction.”
He sat down on the edge of the back of his van. “Wanna hammer out some details? Things you won’t do, things I won’t share, stuff like that.”
“Sure,” you said, still looking away until you could calm yourself down, “you go first.”
He started immediately, which implied he’d already been thinking about it. “There’s a chest with a padlock on it in the van. Everything in it is off limits. That’s my personal shit.”
You hadn’t even noticed the chest, but now you were curious. “Anything else?” you asked as you pretended to still be arranging your items in your bags. 
“Oh yeah, you probably don’t want it but… don’t take all my hair dye.”
This caused you to look at him again. The hair dye was all black. He had black hair. You suppressed a snicker at the thought of him diligently dying his hair and maintaining his roots in a zombie apocalypse. Still, you wondered what his natural color was. 
“I won’t take your hair dye,” you said, keeping your tone flat to hide your amusement. 
“Your turn,” he said. 
You thought for a moment, trying to decide if there was anything you wouldn’t let this extremely attractive man do to you. Finally you said, “Actual sex is off the table.”
He looked surprised, and maybe a little disappointed, but he nodded. 
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to have sex with him. Of course you did, but not right away. Also, you were a little embarrassed for him to find out you were technically still a virgin. “I’m not doing anything weird either, like drinking piss or something,” you added. 
He laughed. “That’s not something I’m into.”
After a few more minutes of fake-sorting your stuff, you zipped your backpack and started to pull it onto your shoulders. 
“How about another trade?” the man suddenly asked. 
“Already?” Jeez, how horny was this guy? 
He looked around at the woods surrounding the van. “It’ll be dark soon. You can stay in my camp tonight, sleep in an actual sleeping bag. It can’t be comfortable to sleep in a tree every night. I’ll make sure nothing hurts you.”
The faces of the two men from last night flashed across your mind. They could still be out here, looking for you. And how long had it been since you’d actually stretched your legs out to sleep? You crossed your arms over your chest and asked, “So what do you want in exchange?”
He looked you in the eyes and said, “Do a strip tease.”
You almost stumbled from the shock. Somehow you didn’t expect that. He must have noticed your reaction, because he grinned and said, “What’s the big deal? I’ve already seen you naked.”
You frowned. “Yeah, so why do you want to see something you’ve already seen?”
He shrugged. “Why do rich people buy fancy paintings to hang in their houses? They see something pretty and they want to see it again and again.”
You blushed. Did he just call you pretty? You looked around. It would be dark soon, and the woods were already shaded. Would he even be able to see much? More importantly, could you stand the embarrassment of having this beautiful man watch you strip? But he did seem to like what he’d already seen… 
Oh, what the hell. 
“Okay,” you said, “I’ll do it. But I’m not dancing, and I’m standing close to the van in case anyone or anything approaches, so I can jump inside.”
“Fair enough,” he replied, standing up from his sitting position at the back of the van and moving several feet away from it to give you room. He was still standing a little closer than you’d hoped, close enough to see everything very clearly, even in the fading light. 
You stood with your back against the open van, the edge of it pressing against the back of your thighs. You took a deep breath and then pulled your T-shirt up and over your head. You dropped it inside the van, then unbuttoned your denim shorts and slid them down your legs, stepping out of them while keeping your ankle boots on. 
Standing there in only your underwear, you felt your face getting hot again. The man just stared, no discernible expression on his scarred face. You took your time unhooking your bra from behind, then pulled it off, dropping it onto the growing pile of your clothing in the van. You avoided looking at your lone viewer as you slipped your panties down, sliding them over your thigh holster and then over your boots. 
When finished, you had no idea what else to do. You instinctively covered yourself with your arms for a moment before realizing that was defeating the purpose of a strip tease, so you dropped your arms to your sides. It suddenly hit you then that you were outside in the woods, just standing there completely naked, in front of a man you’d just met. The thought made you feel frightened for a moment. But then you glanced up at the man, and saw his face. 
His blue eyes gleamed in the haze of approaching dusk, his lips slightly parted, a hint of a blush across his face. He looked at you as if you were one of those “fancy paintings” he mentioned. As if you were art. Suddenly, you didn’t feel frightened at all. Instead, you felt… beautiful. 
“Sit down,” he said, “and open your legs.”
He didn’t say it in a commanding tone, but rather the tone of someone desperate and needy. You could practically feel the desire radiating from him. It left you utterly defenseless. So you did as he said. You sat down carefully where he had been sitting until a few moments ago. The metal was still warm from his body heat. You maintained eye contact with him as you slowly spread your legs apart, giving him a full view. You really hoped he wouldn’t be able to see how wet you were. 
His eyes broke from yours to travel down your body, drinking in every inch. You’d never felt so exposed in your entire life. It’s not that no one had seen you naked before, but somehow those few and brief times hadn’t felt anywhere near so intimate as this. 
The man stepped closer, and you tensed up. He stopped just a foot away and said in a low voice, “Touch yourself.”
“That wasn’t part of the deal,” you said, still sitting there with your legs open. 
“I’ll throw in a hot meal. I killed two rabbits earlier.”
God, that sounded good. And you were so turned on already, your fingers were twitching. It was a good deal and you knew it. But… it would be incredibly embarrassing. After mentally weighing the pros and cons, you decided to go for it. 
You slowly moved one hand to your breast and squeezed, while the other hand slid down your torso and settled between your thighs. You rubbed yourself first, spreading the wetness around, then slipped a couple of fingers between the folds to stroke your clit. You tossed your head back and closed your eyes, moaning softly. 
Pleasure had been so scarce since the outbreak began, and you’d had precious few opportunities for it despite masturbating regularly before the world went to hell. You felt so good now, sitting on the edge of the van, gently rubbing your most sensitive places. You almost forgot you had an audience, until you blinked your eyes open and saw him standing there, so close he could touch you. The rapturous look in those blue eyes as they stared at you nearly sent you over the edge. 
You suddenly felt extremely vulnerable, being so exposed and doing something so deeply private and personal in front of this stranger, but that very feeling was in itself exciting. You met his gaze, and you couldn’t help wishing he would close the small distance between you and put his own hand between your legs. Or better yet, his face. 
But he remained perfectly still as he watched you. He wouldn’t touch you without permission, and that fact alone made him more desirable to you. 
You finally climaxed, clenching both hands, squeezing what flesh they could grip. When finished, you closed your shaky legs and sat there for a moment, getting your bearings. Then you stood up and began dressing. The man turned away from you as if giving you some privacy, which felt laughable now. But he waited patiently for you to finish and step away from the van before he climbed inside and gathered some items. 
He placed the familiar garden stakes around the perimeter and tied the wire and empty cans around them. Then he went to work starting a small fire. You took over stoking the fire as he skinned and cleaned the two rabbits. If he timed it right, he could have the rabbits cooked and the fire extinguished before it was totally dark. 
Everything went smoothly. The two of you were sitting on the ground, eating rabbit in the darkness an hour later. There were small glowing lights on the garden stakes that you hadn’t noticed before. Not enough light to be seen from a distance, but enough for the two of you to know where the perimeter was at all times. He also had the same lights on his van. It was a pretty genius way to keep aware of his surroundings in the dark without drawing in zombies. 
When you finished eating, you took a drink from your bottle of water and then pulled your knees up to your chest as you watched the man pick the bones of his rabbit clean. Neither of you had spoken much since your “strip tease”, but he kept looking at you as if he wanted to say something, so you decided to start a conversation. 
“What’s your name?”
He looked over at you and finished chewing before saying, “Touya.”
You smiled at him. “Nice to meet you, Touya.” Then you told him your name before he asked. 
“Can I ask you something?” he suddenly said, to which you nodded. “Why are you all alone out here?”'
You shrugged. “Groups scare me. The more people there are, the more ways the group can fracture. I’ve seen it happen, and it usually ends in violence. Much simpler to stay on my own.”
There was one group you met that seemed like they’d make it, that you sometimes regretted not sticking with. It was a group Toga had introduced you to. First, the two of you met up with a pair named Jin and Magne. The four of you then traveled a few days until you reached a secluded bar that somehow hadn’t been completely stripped bare yet. There you met a former stage magician that everyone called Mr. Compress (apparently his stage name) and two gamer bros named Spinner and Shigaraki who spoke exclusively in video game references. 
Apparently they had all met long ago online and formed a group. When the outbreak began, they’d all agreed to meet up at a specific location (the bar) if the internet went down, since that would be their sign that the world was ending and they’d rather take their chances surviving together. Most of them referred to each other by their online names, and they mentioned waiting for the last member, someone named Dabi. 
“He might not even show up,” one of them had said. “He’s from a rich family so he might just stay with them.”
The group had seemed welcoming and friendly, even if Jin was a little too chatty and you were getting sick of the gamer bros comparing everything to Resident Evil. But you had seen close-knit groups fall apart already, even in the early days before supplies became scarce. You really didn’t want to watch this group of friends, who clearly valued each other as much as family, turn on each other. 
You felt a little bad about leaving Toga behind, but at least there was another woman, Magne, in the group. You would have tried to convince her to go with you before leaving a teenage girl with a bunch of men. But Toga had seemed happy with them, and they all seemed strangely calm about the whole zombie apocalypse thing. 
One morning you packed up your things, said your goodbyes, and left on your own. They didn’t make a big fuss, which you appreciated, but they did tell you their general plan and where they intended to go, in case you wanted to meet up with them at a later time. 
Now, sitting across from Touya, barely able to make out his shape in the darkness, you found yourself thinking of that group for the first time in weeks. You looked toward Touya and asked, “What about you? Why are you alone out here?”
His face wasn’t visible, but you could make out the silhouette of his shoulders rising in a shrug. “I do better on my own. No one to slow me down.”
“No family?” Though you couldn’t see it, you got the distinct impression that he’d stiffened at your question. 
“I got family, but none I wanna be cooped up with during the apocalypse. I’d rather live out of my van than be locked in some bunker with my dad.”
There was a story there, clearly, but it was obvious that Touya wasn’t ready to give anymore details, so you dropped it. 
He spread out two sleeping bags on the ground, far enough apart to be respectful, and climbed inside one of them. He gestured to the other one and said, “Better get some rest while you can.”
You did so, and it was probably the best sleep you’d had since this whole nightmare began. The next morning, you woke up when daylight broke, and quietly gathered your things while Touya slept. You wanted to be long gone when he woke up, because you were just now feeling the embarrassment and awkwardness from yesterday’s events. 
As you moved through the woods later that day, still keeping close to the road but also just a short distance from the river, you heard a sound that froze you in your tracks. 
A gunshot. More specifically, a shot from a rifle. 
It was pretty far away, judging from the sound, but close enough to make you worry. It meant two things: the men who had attacked you two nights ago were still in the area, and any zombies from the surrounding towns or neighborhoods would now be heading toward that sound. The woods were about to get much more dangerous. 
Tag List:
@crunchtits @jabberwocky-92 @myst1cfish @missrosegold @dreamybxnny @hotvillainapologist @faetheral @touyasmaid
Note: There were some people who asked to be tagged but didn’t have an age listed. I’m very sorry but I won’t tag someone in a smut post if I don’t know they’re an adult. If you’d like to drop me a message telling me your age or list it in your bio, I’ll be happy to tag you in the next chapter! 
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bnhamixjuice-sfw · 3 years
ANON REQUEST: Hawks, Dabi and Aizawa: spot an ex he had a bad break up with, he sees her walking around struggling to hold on to a bag of groceries while pushing a stroller with a toddler in it that looks awful lot like them, and the he awkwardly confronts them when the bag falls out of her hands.
Tags: Manga Spoiler, Mention of cheating, Angst to Fluff.
“I’m so sorry Dove, I didn’t mean to–”
“Didn’t mean what? to deny that I’m your girlfriend in front of the media ‘cause you had a job agreement with the commission not to reveal me! okay Keigo you’re doing this for what reason exactly? Hero Reputation? More women you can use to cheat behind my back again and expect me to forgive you? I–I don’t want this kind of life anymore!”, you wailed in pure anguish roughly wriggling your wrist away from his firm clutch.
He felt suffocated when he needed to let you go for all the things that he did to hurt you, holding back the urge to chase you outside when you frantically closed the door, not looking back anymore on him. Leaving the top pro hero falling on his knees, lonely between these four walls of his house.
After all this time he can’t forget you, longing to see your face everywhere he goes even on pro hero awarding events or his usual patrol work with Endeavor looking for you through the crowds, praying to see your smile again that he misses the most.
His life was crumbling apart without you, but luck was on his side today when he spotted you not too far from where he was signing autographs for his fans while stealing some glances. As always, you’re still beautiful standing there.
Trying to fix your grocery bags while clasping the baby-carriage’s handle. He hesitated at first to approach you thinking you’re probably waiting for your husband to pick you up and your child. And that’s when a tuft of yellow hair popped out.
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“Mommy look it’s Hawks, Awtoglaph pweasee awtoglapph”, his excited pleas reached Hawks’ ears. pointing his fingers towards your ex-boyfriend who waved a hand on both of you.
Soon red feathers clumped together on the ground, preventing your bag to fall.
“Wow what do we have here, a kid full of energy today, so where do you want me to sign your autograph?”, stooping down beaming a smile with his eyes crinkling behind his yellow visor making your child gasp in awe.
He knew instantly that his suspicion was right seemingly looking at his own reflection with those golden honey orbs and black lines on those eyelids and small bump protruding behind the kid’s shirt, red feathers similar to his, messily cramped inside.
“Ke–Hawks here… ”, almost calling out his first name when you handed him a notebook and a pen.
Slightly feeling his gloved hand against your palm.
“Hawks look I hab wings too–”
“Honey we need to go home now or else you’ll miss your favorite show again, now say bye bye to Mr. Hawks”, you interrupted, sneaking a warning glare on him not to tell him anything before gently freeing your child’s wings out from his shirt’s makeshift holes.
“Little fledgling I guess your wings were moulting, so did your Daddy tell you about it”
“Hab no Dawdy but Oh you see… Mommy Lov’ Dawdy so much that she booboo cries” you were shock-stricken softly hushing your child out of embarassment.
“Well kid make sure to tell your Mommy not to cry okay cause Daddy loves her so much, yes don’t forget to tell that to her every day I–”, he stammered with his voice started cracking, overwhelming him with emotions too easily, swallowing the lump forming on his throat.
“Your father loves you too kid trust me, and surely there’s not a single day he’s not thinking of your Mommy, his only Dove–Ah I think I’m taking too much of your time Miss I-I’m so sorry”, halting it immediately, muffling a few sniffles before finally signing his signature.
Your heart began thumping so loud, not expecting him shamelessly grabbing your hand, burying you into a warm embrace in public.
“Wait Keigo stop this, everyone’s taking so many pictures of you”
“No I don’t care anymore, listen Dove I’m so sorry and I still love you, come back to me please I promise I won’t hurt you again, I’ll do better this time just let me make up for it, and for our son”
You can’t blame yourself for giving in, accepting him wholeheartedly knowing this is what you promised to him once.
To never let your future child experience the same heartache he suffered from his past.
He regret those cruel words that came out from his mouth the first time he was too fed up of your constant admonishment of putting a rest on his revenge against his family forever since you cannot bear to see him exhausting his body anymore, starting this heated discourse again between you.
“You always bring this up y/n every single day and it’s too annoying already, why are you siding on Enji too much Babydoll… come on just say it you really want us to have a perfect family, so cool to have a child with this debilitating quirk too right?”
Sucking your inner lips anxiously avoiding to tell him something about that last one, you felt his grip on your sholders constricting furiously waiting for you to answer him back, but your tears spilling from those precious eyes made his stomach churn in guilt realizing what he had done when you began screaming on his face that everything’s over, shoving him away and locking the door of your house shut.
He knew how much of a dick he was, the worst break up that’s been haunting him everyday with your terrified face forever etched on his mind
It’s been a long time since the last time he saw you after you moved from your old house and he cannot find you everywhere until today.
He saw you pushing a stroller on the side of the road and having a hard time balancing the bag of groceries on your other hand.
Perhaps you found someone better than him and additionally having a child; a normal child considering he’s not the father. that’s what he thought until something caught his attention.
Squinting his eyes, he was slack-jawed to find a familiar cerulean orbs and red hair on that young boy giddily calling you Mommy.
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He took this rare chance of talking to you again by catching your bag of groceries that you clumsily dropped, your eyes met recognizing your ex-boyfriend instantly when he removed his mask. piercing eyes gazing down below observing your child’s similar features.
“Babydoll why didn’t you tell me about him, our son?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about Dabi and refrain from calling me that nickname anymore, also stay away from MY son before I call the police”
You breathed heavily snatching back your grocery bag from his grasp, clutching the stroller’s handle in pure anger.
“Daddy you meanie, go home”, tugging his pants with those tiny hands.
It hurts you to see your own child begging for his father to go home, when you can’t even tell him how you often show his own picture to your child that’s why he recognized his own father easily, keeping him close to his heart and memory forever.
You can’t hate your only child’s father.
He was expecting him to cry on his intimidating face when he bent his knees down to look at his child closely, ignoring your earlier threat by patting his son’s head seemingly accepting this foreign fatherly instinct.
“Kid look I’m obviously a bad guy, I don’t want you to get in trouble so maybe next time when your Mommy allows me, don’t worry I’ll probably see you again next time pepperoni haired kid”, chuckling when he saw his son’s childish pout, letting him pinch his stapled cheeks annoyed at his nickname.
“Y/n this is goodbye then”, flashing you that thin smile noticing his lips quivering a bit as he stood.
Shoving both of his hands inside his pockets before turning around to walk slowly away from both of you ignoring your child’s tantrum cries calling for him to go back.
“Ssh… sweetie don’t cry okay–Wait Touya!”
He stopped on his tracks when you yelled his real name again, like how you used to call him that before out of endearment.
“We’re going to stay here from now on so same address, the usual okay knock thrice and use our anniversary day on pressing the doorbell and don’t forget our password, listen I’m doing this for our child only so you better show up tonight or I won’t ever give you a chance”
He disappeared quickly after that, and tonight he never failed to show up incessantly ringing the doorbell many times even greeting you that typical password; a kiss.
A yearning kiss, hands intertwining the moment you opened your heart once again.
“Shouta you keep missing my calls these past few weeks when I needed you the most, you barely have enough time to visit me when I was sick the whole week and now you’re late, fine I don’t wanna hear your excuses anymore”
Those bitter words pierced him like thorns, seeing you slip out that engagement ring from your finger and placing it on a table whispering those bitter words he doesn’t want to hear from you.
“It’s better if we end this relationship now before we regret something, I–I can’t imagine my future being married with you or even having a child with you who pathetically seek for time and attention from his workaholic father, sorry Shouta”, you covered your mouth trying to bite back your tongue from spilling about your unborn child.
Running outside the restaurant leaving him heartbroken that he can’t further speak out his words anymore because everything that you just told him was painfully true.
He doesn’t deserve you, blaming himself for not appreciating you enough despite of your effort of enduring the hardships of having a pro hero fiance who often risk his life for his students. A man who can’t even spend a time to take care of you.
Nevertheless, he wanted to mend back those strings that binds you to his heart, always pouring out his loneliness on visiting that Cat Cafe on his day off every week reminding him of memories you two share.
You often take him there to spend a date knowing he’s fond of cats and snapping lots of photos of him every time he ends up sleeping on the corner with cats huddling close to his face nearly suffocating him.
Keeping your engagement ring to him all the time was the only thing that calms him down whenever he’s in dire situation on his job, thinking how much he wish to meet you here again.
Unbelievably seeing you again one time, rubbing his weary eyes once and twice to know if it’s truly you. Indeed, he can’t forget that familiar caring smile of his beloved, finding you outside the cat cafe currently having a problem of organizing your bag of groceries.
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“Mawmmy, neko pweasee I wanna touch it!”, your daughter began whinning clapping his hands to get your attention.
He can’t believe his own eyes when your child resembles him too much with that obsidian dull eyes and sleek black hair minus for that pigtail hairstyle but that scowl seems a carbon copy of his own.
“Wait Baby I–”
“I think you need help Y/n”
You were flabbergasted to find your ex-fiance taking a hold of your bag of groceries with his whip that was about to hit the ground and voluntarily offering his Neko tote bag for you which you persuaded him not to.
“Mawmmy pwease I want that too, Neko”, her tiny hands reaching out determined to get it no matter what.
“Baby no–”
“Well your daughter love cats so much, you can give this to her, please just a friendly gift”, taking out something from his pocket leaning down a bit to his side to rummage on that keychain, letting you see his necklace around his neck with that old engagement ring of yours dangling.
“Found it, here kid I’m not sure if you’ll like this”
“Aww Mawmmy have that too um…right Mawmmy, so no thanks Mister”
There’s no way you were married that’s what Shouta suspected when he saw you not wearing any ring, and obviously that cat keychain was closely similar to his anniversary keychain that you two bought for each other.
“Y/n I can drive you two back to your house if its okay–”
“Mawmmy please say yes”
You sighed in defeat not having a choice in the first place and also giving freedom to your child to spend time with her father who doesn’t know about this.
His car was still the same, sitting beside him and your child now sleeping behind after getting so tired ogling on his car’s cat accesories.
You chuckled upon seeing your daughter’s face on the mirror messily drooling, leaning slightly on your side to wipe the corner of her mouth.
“Darling is she our daughter”
“Eyes on the road Shouta, and yes so what will you do about it. Do you expect me to ask for any financial support from you oh maybe spending your precious time for our daughter that I can’t even get from you years ago”, you sarcastically uttered, stabbing him rudely with those truthful words he was unprepared to hear from you.
“I understand if you’re still mad at me y/n, but I just want you to let you know that I want to set things right first before asking you to forgive me. Because I don’t want to miss this opportunity again to tell you how much I wanted to talk to you or maybe to see you in your white wedding dress”
You can’t resist how determined he was to get close to you again, feeling his hand slowly making its way on you.
Giving back that engagement ring to whom it truly belongs, and that was you, a dream he wanted to come true despite it being too impossible.
Turning your head away to wipe your own tears, proposing for the second time that you have been waiting to hear from him all along.
“She’s your daughter Shouta and don’t you dare make her cry of I’ll scratch your face harder than what your cat does”
“That’s too kind of you, I mean my cat misses your deadly belly rub too, you named him Mr. Pickles right, well I’m sure he’d be thrilled to see his Mom again and his new sibling soon”,
You both exchanged soft giggling catching up on one another by starting the conversation about your lives and so on and so forth, and apparently your child was eavesdropping on both of you.
Your daughter muffled a “Pro hero mission success” after accomplishing her goal, peeking a bit to see you wearing that shiny ring.
She knew it the first time she saw that stranger recognizing him from one of the picture you often place under your pillow, her daddy.
Well she did inherit Shouta’s intellectual skills after all.
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Do not repost this fic/headcanon.
Disclaimer: I don't own My hero academia nor its characters and plot.
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maibi · 3 years
Ok, maybe I do like him
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Dabi x reader
Summary: lowkey enemies to lo lovers. When Dabi found out you got hurt by someone, he didn’t particularly take it well
A/N: got this random idea off of tiktok and decided to write about it lolz also not completely proof read sorry
You didn’t like Dabi. You didn’t like how he walked as if he was the main character. You didn’t like how he always followed behind you just so he could irritate you. You didn't like his face, that smug smile that appeared when he succeeded in irritating you and that frown when you said to him to leave you alone. You didn't like him. And he didn’t like you.
“Look out!”
You spun around quickly, ready to punch whoever tapped your shoulder, but glared when you saw Dabi standing behind you while he was laughing. 
“I swear if you come closer to me one more fucking time I will destroy the rest of your not purple skin”, you said giving him a death glare.
“Oh no, I got so scared my tear ducts almost started working again”, he said with a fake concerned look.
“If you don’t stop I will make sure none of the ducts on your body work”, you said as you walked away from him.
“Oh come on, that was funny”, he said as he walked faster coming closer to you so that he walked next to you, shoulders almost touching.
“If that shoulder of yours touches mine I'll make sure it doesn’t touch anything anymore. And for god’s sake leave me alone”, you said, closing your eyes and breathing in heavily.
“Fine fine”, he said as he slowed down his pace. “But will you miss me?”
“No”, you casually said as you walked away from him and left his standing alone on the street.
You didn’t like him. But you still turned around to see if he was still following you. But you regretted that you did, because the second you turned your head slightly he was standing barely inches away from your face. “If you wanted a good bye kiss you could have just asked me one.”
You placed your finger on his forehead and pushed him away from your face. “Did you eat tuna for breakfast or something?”
He looked slightly taken aback, but smiled right after. “Why? Wanna have a taste?”
“If it means spending more time with you, than no”, you said as you turned around and put your hand in the air midway. “Hope to not see you around.”
“That breaks my heart”, he said in a playful tone as his laughter faded the more you walked further away from him. 
You didn’t like to give him the attention he wanted. You made sure to do the exact opposite. You knew he’d irritate you even more, but as much as you hated him it was in some way some an enjoyment. You were bored quickly so having him around wasn’t always as bad, though he never knew his limits.
You smiled to yourself and walked further down the street. You didn’t really have a destination in mind, you just walked. Wherever you would land is where you’d stay. It was a continues cycle. 
You weren’t really paying attention but when someone grabbed your hand you quickly spun around. “Dabi for god’s sake not no-”
You stopped talking the second you saw that it wasn’t Dabi. “Who are you?”, you asked with frown while looking the man up and down.
“You alone?”
“Why do you care about that?”, you asked. 
His grip on your wrist tightened and even though you didn’t like to admit it, it hurt. You tried to pull away but the size of this man made you realize it was as good as impossible. 
“Why don’t we go to my place huh? Have a little fun. I see you a lot, wandering around the city on your own, thought you might wanted some company”, he said as he inched closer to your ear. 
“I’ll decline, I'm not interested in that kind of stuff”, you replied, trying to pull your arm away from him. But no luck.
“Don’t be shy, I'll be gent-”
You didn’t think any further and just crashed your head against his face, making him stagger back, his grip didn’t loosen, but you punching your two fingers to his throat did. And the second he let go you ran. You tasted iron and when you brought your hand up to your face you noticed your nose was bleeding. 
Trying to wipe that all away was the reason you didn’t look in front of you. While running so hard you just ran into someone, making the both of you fall down. Your head felt a little dizzy, but you regained yourself so that you could run away. You just gave the person a simple sorry, not even looking at their face just so you get away quickly. But you were stopped by a pair of hands around your wrist and you felt a stinging pain.
You turned around and took a good look at the person and saw Dabi in front of you with a worried look on his face. “Shit face not now”, you hissed at him as you tried running again, but his grip on your wrist, that had been previously abused by the man, didn’t loosen. “Dabi I’m serious, let me go.”
He didn't react and only looked at your wrist. It had a red color and it already started to bruise lightly. He looked at you and pulled you closer to him. He looked deep into your eyes and brought his hand to your face. You flinched and closed your eyes, but he didn't move any further with his hands. “I’m not gonna hurt you”, he whispered. He brought his hand closer to your face now and slowly wiped the blood away from your nose even though it was still running. 
He looked at your wrist again. “Who did this?”
“For fuck’s sake Dabi it doesn’t matter just let me go”, you said looking behind him to see if the stranger was coming and when you saw him you panicked again. 
Dabi didn’t budge and with half closed eyes he stared deep into your eyes. “Don’t make me repeat myself. Who did this to you?”, he said in a murderous tone. 
He looked behind him and when he was the man coming closer to the two of you he knew exactly it was him. He didn’t have to think twice about your facial expressions because he knew you. He knew you too well. 
He let go of your wrist and walked up to the man. And he did something that you didn’t expect to happen. He protected you. He helped you and got himself hurt just so you wouldn’t have to fight him. Just so you could be safe. 
And strangely, you felt your heart skip a beat at that moment.
Later around the evening you were walking a limping Dabi to his place. You never knew he actually lived somewhere and you thought he was just a street bird like you. But apparently not. 
“You know, you didn’t have to go overboard like that”, you said in an almost whisper while you walked him inside of his place. 
He didn’t answer. 
You helped him sit on the couch and you slumped next to him. “We should get your wounds treated. Where is the first aid kit?”
“It’s okey, leave it for now”, he said, throwing his head back and closing his eyes.
“Come on don’t be a bitch about it and just tell me.”
He didn’t answer and just stood up with a sigh. He walked away, out of your field of vision and came back later with a pack of ice and the first aid kit. You reached out to take it from him but he placed it next to him and put the ice pack on your wrist with a towel around it. He took out some cotton pads and wetted them. He started to slowly rub them around your nose area to clean up the blood that had dried there.
You held his wrist and stopped his movements. “You made me drag you here to your place, but you walked perfectly fine to get the first aid kit?”
A smug smile appeared on his face, but it was weaker than normal. You didn’t really question it, but it stayed in the back of your head. “Dabi, I'm not in the mood to play around right now, you little dick!”, you said as he let out a breathy laugh.
“I can agree with many names you call me, but I can assure you dick is not small”, he winked at you. 
Your face flushed red and you hit his chest to silence his laughter. “I’m being serious here”, you said.
“So am I”, he said in a more serious tone as he continued cleaning your nose. 
You let him do that and while he was busy you stared at him. You never knew you’d come to the realization that Dabi wasn’t that bad of a person and definitely not bad looking. His blue eyes made you want to stare for a long time and his piercings were a different story you were interested in. But the main thing you were interested in was-
“Why did you help me out there?”
He stopped his movements and with his head slightly down he turned his eyes only in your direction. He didn’t answer yet and only stared at you. 
“I mean, I'm never really nice to you and we’re basically always at each other’s throat. So why exactly did you help me?”
“Because”, he said as he walked away with the blood stained cotton and came back empty handed, sitting next to you again, but closer ,“I care about you and I worry myself over you getting injured.”
He just casually explained it like that as if was nothing. You felt your face heat up, but because you knew he’d make fun of you, you turned your head to the side. 
“Your ears are red”, he pointed out and you could basically hear him smile.
“I’ll make your face red if you keep coming at me like that”, you said in annoyance. 
You felt him scoot closer, but you tried to not show a reaction. His hand came to your face and with his fingertips placed on your chin, he turned your head so that you were facing him. “You don’t always have to be violent against me”, he said in a whisper as he inched your face closer to his.
“Then make sure I don’t have to”, you whispered back as you closed your eyes and your lips met. You melted in his touch and something never felt so right but so wrong at the same time. This was person you were supposed to hate.
But you came to the realization. You came to the realization that you did like the way he walked so confidently as if he was the main character. You loved the way he followed behind you because you knew he did it to protect you. You liked his face, the way he smiled when he got your attention and the way it furrowed when you left him when he desperately wanted your attention. And you thought to yourself that maybe you didn’t hate him and that maybe perhaps he didn't dislike you either. 
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Late night devil, put your hands on me
Pairings: Dabi x Hero!Reader
Words: 7.7k
Summary: It was supposed to be a relaxing Saturday night while your roommate was out on a date. Finally some peace and quiet from all the work of the last few weeks. Just you, your bathtub and a good book. Too bad someone had a whole other idea.
Rating: M for Mature & F for Filth
Warnings: Mentions of dubcon, rough sex, choking and a lot of other things. It’s Dabi, you know what’s coming.
Also on: AO3
A/N: How much would I let a man ruin me, level: Dabi. This was supposed to be short and filthy and now it’s long and filthy. Enjoy!
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Ain't no one else who can burn me like that
“Have fun and good luck with your date,” you yelled from the hallway when your roommate was almost out of the door.
“Thanks, I’ll need it,” was the only reply you got before the door closed.
Your roommate had been nervous all day long, so it was no surprise to you that words were a little short right now. You just hoped it would go all right, it had been quite some time since the last date.
Which also meant you finally had some peace and quiet on your own this Saturday evening. During the week you two barely saw each other because of work so you would normally spend the weekend together which can be quite exhausting at times.
But today it was only you, a good book and a bathtub. The hero business was always buzzing, there was always a criminal to catch at some corner and the last couple of weeks had been tiring your body out so much that your agency had given you off for this weekend.
Being a sidekick was hard enough in such a renowned agency and you had the tendency to work too much, rarely looking after yourself. They barely had to kick you out yesterday evening and ban you from the agency for the weekend.
You were happy they did, really. Your body needed the rest.
As you were walking through your room, trying to gather the things you needed for a relaxing bath you kept thinking back to the last few cases this month alone. Two attacks from the League, kidnapped children and people getting set on fire for seemingly no reason with no pattern. You didn’t get the League sadly but could at least solve the other two cases.
The one with the children strained your body and your mind the most. It had been hard seeing all those kids in danger, almost getting drowned in acid as an empty threat from the villain. Your team had been able to get everyone out alive, thankfully. But all those crying and terrified children that would have a hard time getting back to their lives...it had been different.
You closed your eyes and shook your head. You shouldn’t think about such things when you are trying to relax and actually forget about work for once.
With a fresh towel and your book under your arm you walked over to the bathroom where you had the water running. It had been quite some time since you actually had the time to take a bath. Normally it was just showers and mostly not even long ones.
You took your clothes off and dipped into the water, letting out a sigh as the hot water moistened your skin.
You leaned back into the tub and closed your eyes for a moment, simply enjoying the warmth around you on this rather cool fall evening.
When you felt comfortable enough to reached over to grab the book you were currently reading, almost halfway done but still so much to go.
It was a fantasy story about love, revenge and a lot of faeries. It was a nice read and you actually really loved the story, you just didn’t have enough time to read it on a regular basis so your plan was to read as much as you could this weekend. You should be able to finish it because as soon as you were caught up in the story again, you knew you couldn’t just leave it be anymore.
As you were reading your book you really did get caught up in it again, the story drawing you in and-
Your head shot up from the lines in front of you, eyes looking towards the closed door of the bathroom room. A frown was forming on your face, there clearly had been a loud noise just now.
Was your roommate back already? Did the date go to shit? Was it another bird that flew against your window? It had just happened three days ago so what were the chances?
“Back already?” you hollered with a slight teasing tone on your lips. You would be happy if your roommate had been able to take his date back to your place already but you highly doubted it. It had been barely twenty minutes, you had only been in the bath for roughly ten.
There was no answer. Maybe it was really a bird or something fell from the table. Maybe it had been one of the neighbors in the hallway in front of your apartment but it sounded a little closer.
You shrugged and turned your head back to the book in your hand, trying to find the line where you were when you heard steps. You quietly put your book down and listened in closely.
You swallowed and took a deep breath. There wasn’t enough time to jump out of the tub and get dressed so you readied your quirk while your naked body was still in the water, the bath foam the only thing hiding you.
The handle of the door was pushed down and you were about to set your quirk off when the door opened wide and you were met with blue flames, briefly wrapping around your hands and burning them so you couldn’t use your quirk.
Blue flames.
You hissed in pain and put your hands under the water quickly, trying to cool them down. It wasn’t a bad burn but it still hurt.
“Calm your quirk, doll. It’s just me and we know how far you get every time you used it,” the black haired man said almost annoyed while standing there, leaning against the doorframe with that stupid smirk of his.
“What the fuck are you doing here? In my apartment? Don’t you have people to burn somewhere?” you snapped back at him and he put a hand on his heart, acting like he was affected by your words.
“Oh my, doll. Your words hurt me. I just wanted to visit my favourite hero on her day off,” he told you with a wolfish grin on his lips as he took a step forward. His blue eyes were looking you up and down and only then you realized once more that you were actually naked.
Your relationship with Dabi was...complicated, to say the least. It had started a few months ago when you were chasing him once more, deep into the forest and him setting trees on fire as you two passed through.
Your quirk had been almost useless against him but that didn’t mean you wouldn’t try to catch him. When he had suddenly vanished only to show up behind you, it had been the turning point.
Strong arms wrapped around your middle, pulling your back close to his chest. He put his hand around your throat and you could feel the heat radiating from them, seeing small blue flames dancing along his skin.
“Such a sweet girl, following me wherever I go,” he whispered against your ear and you knew that he could snap your neck within a second when you moved now.
“Let me go,” you growled as a weak warning but he just laughed against the skin of your neck when he started to nuzzle it, squeezing with his hand a little.
“What a weak protest. You actually like this, don’t you?” His voice was venom that was dripping into your body and you clenched your jaw.
“The others will be here soon,” you replied, ignoring his comment. 
You had met him a couple of times before, never catching him and you couldn’t deny his handsome features, especially those icy blue eyes of his but that wasn’t something you would admit to anyone. He was a villain, you were a hero. He killed people, you saved people. Simple as that.
Your eyes widened when the hand that was wrapped around your middle moved upwards and squeezed your right boob.
“What the-” you started but he squeezed your neck once more, preventing you from getting enough air.
“Shut up and let me enjoy this moment alone with you,” he growled before he spun you around, pressing you against the next tree. His hand was still wrapped around your throat, one of his knees now pressed between your legs.
A chuckle left his throat when he looked at you as you were gritting your teeth, trying to think of a way to get out of this.
“Don’t act so strong, little hero. I’m not going to hurt you that bad, you’re too precious for that,” he growled as his lips were so close to yours that you could feel them brushing against you ever so lightly when he spoke.
You couldn’t deny the attraction, the pull that made your body relax.
Something he noticed, of course.
“Good girl.” He licked his lips, looking at you like you were his prey that he had been hunting down. You for sure felt like that right now.
“y/n!” Suddenly someone yelled your name and Dabi let out an almost feral growl of annoyance while looking around, trying to find the person but from the sound of their voice, they must have been still quite far away.
You tried to answer but felt the fingers around your throat closing tightly once more.“Too bad, I was hoping to have more time with you. Well, maybe next time,” he whispered against your lips before sealing the kiss.
The villain was kissing you and there was nothing you could do about this, except gasp in surprise which he only took as an invite to invade your mouth with his tongue, tasting him and the faint metallic taste of his tongue piercing inside of you.
And as if you didn’t have a mind of your own, you kissed him back only to feel him grin against your lips only a second later. He had what he wanted and you knew it.
What a fool you were.
“Such an obedient doll,” he said with a chuckle when he pulled apart, leaving you breathless and feeling filthy at the same time. “I’ll be back for you.”
And back he came. Multiple times. He was pestering you over and over again and you didn’t stop him.
You gave yourself willingly to him and didn’t even know why. He was a dangerous man that had no problem killing you if he wanted to. Had no problem with killing everyone you loved just to get what he wanted and yet, you couldn’t stop it.
Whenever you saw him he was ready to stuff you full with his massive cock, splitting you apart and you were always begging for more.
Maybe it was the feeling of doing something forbidden that was always pulling you back to him. Maybe it was the fault of his eyes that sometimes had a hint of sadness and you just wanted to find out more. The burn scars of his body didn’t come out of nowhere after all but you would never dare to ask. It was all physical after all.
“Cat got your tongue?” he barked at you and got you out of your trance, realizing he stood right in front of the bathtub now, towering over you. “It’s not nice to ignore your guests, you know.”
You bit your lip from keeping the reply inside, still trying to ignore the pain on your hands.
“It’s not like I invited you. How did you get in anyway?” you asked, trying to sound nonchalant while his crotch was so close to your face. You kept your eyes on his but that wasn’t making it any better. His eyes were one of the biggest selling points after all.
“Balcony, it wasn’t that hard to just melt the lock,” he said with a shrug as he crouched down in front of you, face now on the same level. For a moment you wondered how he even got up here, you didn’t live that close to the ground but he probably had his ways. For some reasons the League of Villains were always able to show up in the most unexpected places and they had been seen using portals before even though you doubted he would use portals for such occasions.
“I hate you,” you replied, just thinking of the damage he had done to your door only to get in. You had no idea how to explain a melted lock to your roommate and there was not enough time to switch it out before they would notice.
“I know, that’s why this is so great.” While he said ‘this’ he gestured between the two of you.
You hated him.
You should just gather new strength with your quirk and at least distract him so you could grab clothes and leave.
You should kick him out, inform your colleagues so they can catch him. You should do something and yet you didn’t do a single thing when he let his hand run over your arm with a featherlight touch that was so unlike him.
You didn’t do a thing when his hand dripped below the water, tracing around your breast, your nipple, along your stomach until the center of your legs.
What a fool you were. A naive fool that couldn’t keep her physical needs in check. It wouldn’t be that hard to go out and find a decent man to just get your needs satisfied with.
And yet here you were, with one of the most dangerous, most wanted villains of your generation and you would let him do anything to you.
Kind of pathetic if you would really think about it but thinking was out of the window when his fingers find your clit under the water and you lean your head back with a moan.
Whenever he touched you it felt so electric, you had no explanation for any of this. You were nothing but a toy to him and you didn’t even complain.
“That’s my girl,” he chuckled when he watched how your body started to squirm, you arching your back so your boobs were outside the water. “And I’m barely touching you.”
You knew, for fucks sake. He was only rubbing small circles against your clit and yet you already felt like you were on fire.
One of his fingers dipped inside of you and you let out another moan, opening your eyes again to look down, watching how he was pumping one finger in and out of you, then adding another one.
“You’re so wet,” he chuckled and you turned your head towards him. His other arm was resting on the side of the bathtub, his head on his arm, looking almost innocent if it wasn’t for that wolfish grin on his lips that made you afraid he would just eat you up any second.
He was pumping three fingers in and out of you now and you were barely able to hold it together, your legs were moving on their own, splashing water around more than necessary until he pulled his hand away suddenly and your whole body stopped.
“What?” you said in confusion and heard his laugh, shaking his head and simply putting his hand in front of you, spreading his fingers apart and you could clearly see your wetness coating his fingers. He dipped his hand under water once more to clean them.
“What what?” he replied as if he didn’t know what you were talking about. Fucking bastard.
“I-” you stopped yourself, biting your lip. Your body was burning hot and you just wanted release but that’s just what he wanted to hear.
“You what, doll?” He grinned at you and watched you taking deep breaths, trying to calm your body down but with him so close that turned out to be quite the challenge.
“I want to cum,” you mumbled, barely audible even to yourself. God, you felt so ashamed even thinking about this.
“Excuse me? I must have water in my ears, what did you just say?”
Gods, you hated him. You hated that smug smile, that teasing tone, that pleased look in his eyes that he had when he got close to getting what he wanted.
“I want to cum,” you said again, this time louder and clenching your jaw in anger. You didn’t just hate him, you also hated yourself for this.
“Why didn’t you just say so, princess?” he chuckled and stood up, opening his buckle. You looked at him confused and he caught on, shrugging with his shoulders. “Well, you have to earn it first.”
Of course he wouldn’t just let you off the hook that easily. 
His pants and underwear dropped to the ground and he let out a relieved sigh when his cock sprang free, not straining against the fabric anymore.
“Open up,” he told you and you sat up straight in the tub, feeling a cool breeze especially around your breast, only causing your nipples to grow more. Something he clearly approved of because his cock started to twitch at the new sight that you were giving him.
Dabi took his cock in his hand, pumped it a few times before ligning it up with your open mouth. 
“Tongue,” he demanded and you pushed your tongue out, letting him put his dick it. He let it rest there for a moment before pushing inside of you slowly and you closed your lips around him.
“Hm, that’s good,” he said with a low moan falling from his lips and you got to work. After all this time you had figured out what he liked, figured out how to be careful of his piercing in your throat so you didn’t hurt yourself or him.
You shifted a little in the tub, trying to take him deeper and reaching forward to fondle his balls.
He let out a choked gasp and leaned forward, hands resting against the tiled wall of your bathroom while he tried to hold himself steady. For some reason it made you proud that you could do this to him because he always did way worse to you.
Wet sounds were filling the bathroom,  sounds of the water splashing a little as you were moving around and sounds of your lips and tongue swirling around his cock, making him moan from time to time.
But suddenly he grabbed the back of your head without a warning and pushed his dick deep inside of you. 
“C’mon, be a good doll and choke on it.” His words were ringing in your ears when he was hitting the back of your throat, tears gathering in your eyes and you felt like you couldn’t breathe. 
“Don’t be dumb, you have a nose for a reason,” he reminded you and you tried to breath through your nose before he pulled back out almost completely, only to push forward with more force and there was nothing you could do against it. You simply took his dick as far in as you could, opening your jaw to its maximum and yet, it still felt like it wasn’t enough.
He did this a few times and after one more big push and his tip once again tickling the back of your throat you felt his hot semen spilling down your throat and you were struggling not to choke. 
When he pulled out you were coughing, trying to catch a breath, some of his cum still on your lips.
You heard how he started to hum when he picked his pants back up and you looked at him with widened eyes.
His eyes landed on you once again as he was about to close his belt. “I really like this sight of you, you know. Wet, messy, my cum still on your lips.” He chuckled, more to himself than to you. 
The black haired man noticed the look on your face and he tilted his head a little to the side. “Hm? You want to say something?”
Obviously but you couldn’t. Your throat was still burning from the ruthless attacks only seconds before and you were trying to catch a breath to even form a sentence.
“I thought-” you started but had to stop, swallowing hard. He was once again just standing in front of the tub, looking down at you with that cold look of his. “I thought you’d...give me release.”
“Are you saying you don’t want me to go, princess? Because it really sounded like you wanted to get rid of me when I arrived.” He tried to hide his grin but you saw the edges of his mouth twitching, the staples moving ever so slightly, giving him away. Not that he would mind. He knew exactly that you were at his mercy and he knew that you knew.
“Gods, I ha-” Once again you stopped midway when you saw how his eyes darkened and you swallowed the rest of the sentence. “Can you please not go?”
“That doesn’t sound really convincing, maybe try again?”  He crossed his arms over his chest, his gaze fixed on you and it almost felt like he was trying to drill a hole in you with his look.
You took a deep breath. “Can you please stay and...fuck me?”
“Are you begging for my cock, doll?” Dabi asked and started to smirk again.
You hated this, him, you.
“Yes, please fuck me with your cock. I need it,” you said without thinking. You were tired of thinking, tired of fighting this. It had been a lost fight from the beginning, you knew this and even worse, he knew this too. 
“My, why didn’t you say this sooner?” he replied with a chuckle and looked almost a little too gleefully for a second. “Up.”
“Up?” you repeated his words back at him and looked at him confused.
“Out of the tub, doll. You’ll get all wrinkly otherwise and as much as I’d love to leave bruises on you, I’m not interested in having them on myself. Meet me in the living room.” With that he left the bathroom so casually as if he would live here. As if he wasn’t a dangerous villain.
You got out of the bathtub, legs a little weak. You used your towel to dry yourself and thought about putting on clothes for a moment. That would be the perfect time to get back on track, to gather your things and get out. He was distracted and you would have your chance to get away from him.
Only problem, you didn’t want to. The pull was too strong. It was something feral that was boiling in your stomach, something raw that you couldn’t stop.
Your clothes were ignored and forgotten as you made your way over to the living room. Only dimmed lights were on and you saw how the balcony door was opened a bit, letting cool air inside.
It made you shiver so you wrapped the arms around yourself.
“Cold?” he asked and you spotted him in one of the dark corners. “I actually appreciate the look.” 
Dabi walked towards you and pinched both of your nipples at the same time, already hard from the cold and now even harder. Arousal was building up between your legs again.
It felt quite humiliating to stand in front of him like this, naked in dimmed light. If your neighbors would look carefully they might even spot what was going on through the big windows of your living room.
Normally you only had quick fucks with clothes on, simply pushed down to the knees and ankles, him forcing himself inside of you, trying to get as much out of the little time you had together.
But this? This was different. You didn’t just have fifteen minutes, you probably had at least two hours or however long it would take for your roommate to return. A lot of things could happen during this time.
You felt the heat radiating from his body, standing so close to you but he was fully dressed and not naked.
“Tell me again, doll. What is it you want from me?” You weren’t sure if he just loved his own voice so much or if he only wanted to hear you say filthy things. Maybe a bit of both.
You closed your eyes for a moment, trying to clear your brain. Thinking wouldn’t help now. You just had to give in to your urges. Forget who he was, who you were.
“I want you to fuck me,” you replied after opening your eyes and he took a step forward, causing you to take a step backwards out of instinct. One more time, two more times, wall behind you.
The cool wall was not really comfortable against your back but the heat in front of you was close to burning your skin. You wondered if he had activated his quirk without the flames to cause this heat or if it was just your body reacting to him.
“Are you sure you can handle it, doll? It won’t be like the other times. We’ve got time. I’m going to split you apart and make you mine, there’s nothing to stop me this time,” he growled, his voice so deep and dripping with lust.
He put his hands next to your head, trapping you with his whole body. It sounded almost like he was asking for your consent, not something he would normally do. He liked to take the things he wanted.
“What if I say no?” you blurted out, surprised at the words leaving you but the curiosity was too strong. Curiosity also killed the cat.
He grabbed your chin with his right hand and forced you to look him deep in the eyes.
“Can you?” he asked with a raised eyebrow and his blue eyes looked at you so intensely that it felt like he was looking directly into your soul. As if he could see that you would not refuse, could not refuse.
“Please use me.” You didn’t directly reply to his question but your words were enough of an answer.
Without wasting another moment he pressed his lips against yours. You felt relief and your body relaxed, even more so when you opened your mouth and let him in. He always kissed like he was a dying man and maybe he was. You didn’t know, wouldn’t know if you asked him. It was not your place to know.
His hands started to wander over your naked body, groping your breasts, then down to your ass, fingertips running through the slit of your ass before grabbing your cheeks and hoisting you up, pressing you more against the wall, all of it without breaking the kiss.
“You really are special, you know?” he said when he pulled away from the kiss and you tilted your head, asking what he meant without using words.
Dabi started to kiss along your neck, licking and sucking the soft skin there. “You’re so defiant, so rebellious whenever we fight and yet here you are, acting like my willing slut.”
He was right about this but you couldn’t explain it to him because you didn’t have an answer to yourself. You knew it was wrong and yet, you still wanted him, all of him.
Thankfully he didn’t expect a reply to his words, not that you were able to answer the moment he bit down hard on the flesh of your neck, bruising and almost breaking the skin there.
The villain in front of you was marking you. Marking you as his and people would probably see the mark at some point, asking you questions and you had to make up a stupid excuse. You couldn’t tell anyone the truth.
Your legs were wrapped around his middle and you could feel his cock once again straining against the fabric of his pants, pressing against your center, begging to be freed.
Dabi growled against the wounded skin on your neck, a feral sound that left his throat and you felt how his hands got hotter while holding your ass. You tried to ignore the pain that was slowly growing stronger and suddenly, it stopped.
He lifted his head from your neck to look at you and you leaned forward into another kiss, wrapping your arms around him.
The black haired man started to move with you in his arms, carrying you across the living room before dropping you without a warning, turning you around and pressing you against the window next to the broken balcony door.
You only had a moment to prevent being pressed completely against the glass, hands in front of you.
“That’s not how we play, doll”, he said, followed by a disapproving ‘tsk’ and he took your wrists, pulled them towards him and put them on your back so you were completely pressed against the cold glass in front of you.
Thankfully it was rather dark in your room but you were sure if some people from the apartment block over there or even just from the street, they would be able to spot you.
You felt humiliated once again, pressed against the window with your cheek , nipples on display for everyone.
“Imagine all those people being able to see you now,” he said with a dark chuckle behind you, hands grabbing your ass before pressing his chest against your back, towering over you and also getting a good look on the street below you. 
You were pretty high up here but not high enough to not get noticed. 
He slipped a hand to the front and ran his fingers through your folds. “Looks like that turns you on.”
You were almost embarrassed with how wet the thought made you. You didn’t want it to happen and yet, when he was saying those things to you, you couldn’t stop being aroused by that.
Dabi lifted his wet finger to your face and used his free hand to grab your hair to pull you back a little. Even though your hands were not held in place anymore now, you let them rest at your back, they were still trapped with his body anyway.
He lifted your face and held his wet finger in front of you. “Lick.”
Without another thought you opened your mouth to let your tongue swirl around his long finger, licking your own juice off of him.
You felt filthy and used but loved every second of it.
He let go of your hair and you put your face back against the glass, letting the cold glass cool you down for a moment before he grabbed your hips and pulled you back roughly. This time you had to use your hands to brace yourself against the window or you would have fallen over.
You felt the tip of his cock dancing around your entrance and you hadn’t even noticed that he had taken off his pants once again. God, you were really dazed with lust and need if you couldn’t even notice this. So much for not letting your guard down around a villain.
Without a warning he pushed deep inside of you, making you scream in surprise and you had to bite down hard on your bottom lip to stop yourself. The balcony door was broken and open after all, they would not only be able to see but also to hear you.
“You feel so good, doll. My cock buried deep inside of you. Is that what you wanted?” You felt his piercing rub against your most sensitive spot inside of you and you moaned, nodding slightly.
“Yes, it feels so good,” you replied, trying to keep your voice down, afraid you might give someone outside a clue about what was going on in here.
Dabi started to pull out and push back in, first with a slow rhythm, actually giving you time to get used to his thickness, time you normally never had. During your usual encounters he would leave you split open and with a burning. Not that he cared. It wasn’t a pleasant feeling but it made you remember him for days afterwards.
This time was different. He let you adjust, giving you time and you wondered what plans he had in that sick mind of his.
Your hands started to get sweaty against the glass, slipping down millimeters from time to time whenever he pulled out of you and pushed back in.
It didn’t take long for his rhythm to get faster and all you could do was moan and take him. With every thrust he hit the right places, his hands gripping your waist tightly, fingernails digging into your skin.
Soon enough you could only hear the slapping noises of skin meeting skin, his balls hitting against your from behind.
Suddenly a loud slap rang into your ears and the pain came only a moment later. It wasn’t the normal pain of getting spanked, it burned. 
You gasped in surprise and saw blue flames from the corner of your eyes when you turned your head around.
“Don’t hold back with me, princess. I want to hear those moans.” It wasn’t a request or a reminder, it was a threat, the blue flames speaking for themselves. 
You hated yourself for actually liking it.
When he pushed deep inside of you with the next thrust you let out the moan he wanted to hear, trying to forget that you were right in front of a window, that the door was open, trying to forget everything but him and how he made you feel.
“That’s it. Stop thinking. I’m the only important thing that exists for you, my little doll.”
You repeated his words in your mind over and over again, letting him fuck you hard from behind, letting him take control over you. It felt good to let go for once.
Your mind was taken back to reality when you felt how he started to massage your butthole from behind.
Once again you turned your head to look over your shoulder, your gaze meeting his and he started to grin. His thrusts had become a little slower while he kept rubbing soft circles around the sensitive skin of your back entrance.
“What are you-” you didn’t get to finish the sentence when he started to slowly press a wet finger inside. You weren’t sure if it was your own wetness or just spit.
“I told you to stop thinking. Are you deaf or just a brat?” He sounded way more aggressive but even this tone sent more arousal down your core and you felt yourself getting even wetter. Something he must have felt too with his cock buried so deep inside of you.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled and he nodded, pushing the finger inside deeper. It burned but not as much as your cheek that he had slapped moments before. It was a different kind of burn.
“I can actually feel my cock from here,” he said with a chuckle and wiggled his finger inside your back entrance, causing you to moan loudly. It was a completely new sensation for you. You had done it yourself before but this...this was different.
You closed your eyes and your legs started to get weak when he picked up the pace again, one finger buried deep inside your ass. The whole feeling had shifted, the penetration felt completely different now and you were barely able to handle it. He was really fucking you stupid at this point.
When he added a second finger you moaned loudly, not sure if it felt good or if it was just discomfort, you weren’t sure of anything anymore at this point.
His hips snapped at you roughly and you could feel wetness running down the insides of your thigh.
“You sound so sweet when you take all of me.” He sounded so amused, knowing he had you at his mercy, there was nothing you could do at this point. “But I want more. You better not resist or it will hurt.”
Without having the chance to even process what he said he pulled out of you, leaving you to feel horrible empty. You started to whine, almost desperate noises leaving your mouth and when you tried to look back you felt it.
His wet tip at your ass as he started to push it in. You wanted to protest, wanted to say something but you tried to focus on relaxing so it wouldn’t hurt.
It hurt anyway, his thickness was too much for you.
You were a sobbing mess by the time he had all of himself buried inside of you, his piercing rubbing against you on a whole other level now.
Tears were in your eyes but to your surprise, he didn’t move. Let you adjust once more.
“Good girl,” he replied and stroked your back. It was actually comforting, something you had never felt with him before.
When you sobbed once again he slapped your ass hard, only making you whine louder.
“Don’t be like that now. I’ve told you I’d split you apart. You gave yourself willingly to me,” he said with a slight edge in his voice. He was right, of course, you just didn’t expect it to be like that. 
He was rough and yet gentle. He made you sob and moan at the same time. You wanted this, you had agreed to this and after a long moment of silence and adjusting, it actually started to feel good.
Dabi must have felt how your tights rings started to relax around himself because he patted your cheek he had slapped before almost gently.
“See, not too bad. Better brace yourself.” He pulled out of you slowly only to slam it back inside and your body surged forward, pressing back against the window, your hands stopping the collison.
“Well, actually,” he started again and grabbed your wrists again, pulling them to himself once more and pinning them on your back like before.
Once again your face was pressed against the window, your back was arching so far back it almost hurt but the feeling of satisfaction that was soon added to your rollercoaster of emotion was overshadowing everything.
The way he was buried deep in your ass and kept fucking you hard from behind felt so good, made you feel alive, made you forget the world around you.
“You’re such a willing slut if you want to be. Not a single thought in that mind of yours right now, pressed against the window with no care in the world if anyone sees you now or not,” he said and watched you in your state. You almost felt high from the feeling, his grip on your wrists was strong, his words were dripping sex to you in this moment.
“Do you want to be seen by people, doll?” he asked and you swallowed, trying to form a thought to answer his question.
“I don’t care, just fuck me. Fuck me hard.” Your reply was music to his ears and he was happy to give you what you wanted.
His hips started to snap against your behind, his dick going outside and back inside almost forcefully. You moaned loudly now, not holding back anything anymore. It felt too good, everything had become such a haze. 
You had never felt this way with anyone before and you knew that was his way to make you his, to claim you, to make you come back for more.
You knew you would.
He reached forward with a hand and pinched your clit for a moment before letting it wander towards your breast, stroking them for a moment until his hand closed around your throat.
You swallowed hard and he growled behind you.
“Stop being scared, it’s annoying.” To emphasize his words he gave you another, single hard thrust that made you squeal, a sound he could feel against his hand that was comfortably wrapped around your throat.
“You’ve been so good, don’t ruin it now,” he mumbled and you barely heard it between your moans and the sound of wet skin.
Your body was sweating already and you could barely breathe, even less with his hand wrapped around you.
Dabi suddenly pulled you back, making you choke briefly with his hand. The angle of his cock changed and without even realizing it, your tight rings clamped down around him and you came, wetness coming out of you and running down your thighs.
“Anal orgasm, hm? Never seen that before,” he chuckled and sounded almost proud but you weren’t sure if he was proud of you or himself.
You felt his cock twitch when you were clamping around him and he already sounded out of breath with every word that left his mouth.
“I’m close, doll.” At least one warning this evening but the tone in his voice told you he wanted something. You knew exactly what it was.
“Please, come in my ass. Claim it, it’s yours,” you moaned out between sobs and quick breaths, breaths you weren’t able to take anymore when his hand tightened around your neck, pressing yourself back roughly against him.
You felt dizzy when you felt his cum seeping inside of you. It was still so much even after you had swallowed quite a bit before.
Your insides became hot when he painted you with his cum and you whined, trying to catch a breath but he didn’t let you.
Only when the world started to spin and became slightly black at the corners of your eyes did he let go of your throat and you immediately took a deep breath.
“Don’t pass out on me now, princess.”
Your chest was heaving and you tried to get as much air in your lungs as you could. He pushed you forward slightly and pulled out of you.
Your own wetness was running down the insides of your thighs while his cum came out of your other entrance.
He chuckled slightly and slapped your ass, something that made you realize how weak your legs actually were. You were about to meet the floor but he caught you without any effort.
“Got you better than expected,” he told you with a grin that you didn’t see but heard.
Dabi lifted you up and carried you over to the couch, putting you down on your stomach. When he wanted to turn around he stopped you.
“Stay. I want my cum to stay in your ass, just as a reminder,” he said with a cheeky wink and you felt exhaustion washing over your body.
For a moment he vanished from your sight and returned fully clothed to your sight. He crouched down in front of you and pushed some hair out of your tired face.
“Cat got your tongue again?” he asked, trying to provoke you into saying something stupid as you always did.
“Shut up,” you mumbled weakly and he laughed at your weak attempt. A dark laugh but different than before.
You wanted to say so much more, so slap him for making you almost pass out, yelling at him for being so rough but you just couldn’t. Your body and your mind were tired and you didn’t have the energy to fight it. That would have to wait until your next meeting.
“Don’t worry, I’ll see myself out. I’ll even use the front door this time.”
You just hummed in approval, hoping he wouldn’t seal anything on the way out. Tiredness was coming over you and you barely felt how he threw a blanket over your naked body before you fell asleep.
“I’m back,” you heard the familiar voice of your roommate while you slowly woke up from your slumber.
You smiled slightly when waking up, a yawn leaving your mouth when he started to turn around on the couch.
It took you way too long to realize where you were and why you were there.
Still naked on the couch, covered only with a blanket with Dabi’s cum in your ass. Balcony door still melted, imprints of sweat against the window next to it, and the bathtub was still filled.
Your roommate walked into the living room and turned the light on maximum from it’s dimmed state.
“Date was okay but I don’t think she is the girl for me,” the young man you shared your flat with replied and he was looking at your widened eyes.
He squinted his eyes at you and took in the surroundings. He wasn’t stupid. He would know. The state you were in would give it away if not anything else.
The small grin tugging at the edges of his lips told you that he knew.
“Looks like someone had fun on their own while I was gone. Please clean that up tomorrow, I don’t want to sit on any bodily fluids,” he replied and waved with his hand, a blush forming on your cheeks.
“Of course,” you replied, still tired. All you wanted was for him to go to his room so you could either fall back asleep on the couch or make it to your bedroom. When you shifted on the couch, it was clear that you would go nowhere. Everything hurt and your legs were still weak.
Suddenly his two colored hair peaked back out around the corner, followed by his face and he grinned at you again.
“Actually, I’m quite jealous. I wish my date would have gone that way,” he told you with that bright grin of his and you threw a pillow after him.
“Go to bed or I’ll give you a scar that matches your other one!”
You only heard the young man laugh as he made his way down the hallway and you waited until you heard the telltale sound of his bedroom door close.
Once again you shook his head, mind filled with Dabi as you fell back into a deep slumber.
It was only the next morning that you noticed all the hickeys on your neck and the imprint of his hand on your ass that he burned in on there. It wouldn’t be permanent but it would for sure be there for a few days.
'Cause I'm a sucker, I'll do 'bout anything
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palbabor-writes · 4 years
this is for @libiraki​. ily pwetty lady (づ◡﹏◡)づ warnings: tw.dubcon, tw.cucking, SMUT/18+ only, vouyerism, fingering & other dirty things
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Paralyse par·a·lyze /ˈperəˌlīz/ verb cause (a person or part of the body) to become partly or wholly incapable of movement.
It should have worn off by now.
It’s not supposed to take this long, to feel like this. It had barely hit him; there’s no way he hadn’t dodged it in time. Fucking, stupid, quirk. Why bother to activate it? What’s the use if it doesn’t kick in for hours? It hadn’t helped the man; he’d died all the same. 
Goddamn it.
Shigaraki tries to shift his fingers, his toes, his shoulders. He can sense that his brain is sending the right signals, that the correct neurons are firing, sparking, fizzing within his heavy muscles; they have to be, because he can sense the ache that they leave behind. 
But nothing changes. He’s locked in place, his head craned against the floor, eyes narrowed, teeth gritted, a thin line of drool slipping down his useless lips. 
Dabi had knocked him from the thin mattress, forcing you to crouch down beside him, telling you how to position him, to lift his chin a little more, to ensure that Shigaraki can see everything that’s unfolding before him. 
Dabi’s not supposed to be here.  
No, Dabi had said he was going to be away for the next few days, pounding the pavement and scouting for new recruits. He must have finished early, or given up. He always had some kind of excuse, some brisk wave of his long fingers, staples glinting against the dim light of the bar top, assuring his “boss” that he’d get to it, eventually. 
Shigaraki isn’t even sure how the asshole had gotten into his room.
For his part, Shigaraki had been useless for hours, collapsing soon after his return, his body hitting the floor with a dull thud, scattering dust and a sharp collection of gasps from his followers. You’d reached for him, hands tugging his head up, begging him to tell you what was wrong, what had happened.
He couldn’t say, couldn’t answer, his jaw tense, already locking up from the paralysis quirk he’d been unlucky enough to fall under the spell of.
You’d done your best to prop him back up and Kurogiri had ensured that the two of you were warped to the dark sanctuary of his bedroom seconds later, sequestering him from the prying gaze of the others.
Someone must have told Dabi. Must have said that Shigaraki was incapacitated, weak, vulnerable, leaving you, by default, ripe for the taking. 
He’d never liked that you’d elected to pair off with Shigaraki. Always snapping and baring his teeth at the two of you, angry that you’d somehow managed to slip through his mottled fingers. 
Shigaraki had done his upmost to play up on those frustrations, pleased he could rile such vehement emotions from the flame user. He’d flaunted his access to you, touching you, kissing you, marking you with dark bites and bruises. Apparently, he’d struck more than a nerve. 
Well, if turn about is fair play, Dabi’s done his best to ensure that Shigaraki has got a good view.
You’re splayed across the bed, one leg braced under Dabi’s burned skin. There are bright pricks of red and purple that litter your inner thighs, evidence of his all too hot touch against you. He hasn’t left you with a single scrap of clothing and your naked skin prickles against the heat of his fingers and the cool sucks and licks he leaves behind, evidence of his ravenous want. 
“Stop being so quiet,” Dabi chides, cerulean eyes lifting to yours, fixing you with a sharp glare. “How can he hear you if you keep biting your tongue like that? It’s not fair, is it boss?” His head whips around and he barks out a cruel laugh, teeth bright as he leers down at Shigaraki’s prone form. “Anything you wanna see? You fucked her in the ass yet?”
You gasp out a sharp whimper at his final question and squirm under his grip. Dabi looks back at you, staples pulling against the lift of his smile. “Ooooh, think I can take that as a no. Well babe, let’s put on a show for him. Let him see how to really please you, cause’ I know he hasn’t. I know you need something else, something better than the weak fucks that pent up incel has been giving you.”
One of his hands curls under your chin and you lower your head, teeth snapping, trying to catch one of those long fingers as they dance away. He just chuckles and puts more of his body weight against you, his head dipping to the line of your throat. 
“Don’t be like that. Who knows? You might like it. Might like it so much you’ll want more.”
As he presses his nose to your pulse, taking in a sharp inhale and sighing blissfully at the heady scent of you, his other hand has wandered to the apex of your thighs. Deftly, he pushes past your dampening curls and moves his middle finger along your folds, delighting in your sudden, unbidden reaction. 
Your hips coil upward, betraying you with a swiftness that makes your head spin. He’s careful to keep away from your pulsing entrance, pinching at your slippery labia as his tongue traces a wet line to your ear. 
You shake your head, angry with yourself, lifting from the tattered mattress, eyes peering into the darkness, searching for that familiar mop of white hair; looking for him, the one that you really want, you remind yourself, the man that you need. Not Dabi. Not him. You don’t...you don’t want...oh...fuck–
“There we go. I’ll make you a deal, say my name and I’ll touch you where you want me to. How does that sound? Hmmm?”
“D-Dabi! Don’t...I–”
Dabi’s found your clit.
His calloused thumb and forefinger are pinching around the bud, frigging and tweaking it until faint dots pass over your eyes. Your head drops back to the bed and your hips roll, legs unconsciously spreading, your traitorous cunt betraying you, offering you up. 
“Mmm, you look real pretty like this, so pink and...and...fuck babe, look how wet you are,” Dabi pulls away from your heat, catching the spidery strands of your arousal, stretching them across his fingers.
“No! I didn’t...I don’t want this....get off me! You...fucking...disgusting...ah–”
Your voice fades away as you watch him, eyes drifting to half mast, lungs burning as you try to contain your budding excitement. He’s licking his digits into his mouth, slurping hungrily at the wetness of your cunt, head turning back to the stiffened man behind him.
“Look at her! Can you do this? You ugly fucker? Can you make her wet from just one touch? Do you even fucking know what to do with her? You don’t deserve this, you haven’t earned it. Bet he can’t even make you cum, can he babe?”
He’s looking down at you again, one dark brow arched. “Let’s show him how it’s done. Come on doll, let me hear how much you want me.”
It’s all the warning that you have, all the preparation he allows before his fingers are slipping past the tight ring of your entrance. You neck arches under you, breasts lifting as your back bows off the bed. Before you can blink, his lips are around your tightening nipples, passing from one to the other as he strokes and teases, searching for something within you. 
“Such a good girl, saying my name like that and you’re so sensitive,” Dabi coos, tongue tickling under the curve of your breast. “Tomura, does she do this for you? Nah, I doubt it. Look how much she likes me!”
The only sound from the paralyzed form of Shigaraki is his labored breathing. It rasps across the room and it makes you shiver to know he’s watching. Before you realize what you’re doing, your arms are lifting from your sides, cupping against the back of Dabi’s head, holding him to you as you writhe and buck under his talented fingers.
Dabi gifts you a low groan, teeth dipping out, worrying your tender skin under his soft bites. “Yes, just like that. Tell me babe, tell me what you want. I’ll give it to you, I’ll make it so good you can’t fucking think.” 
You voice is frozen, trapped within the confines of your throat, but your body is speaking for you, answering him with hazy want. On an upward cant his fingertips hit something within you, something that makes a broken sigh escape your trembling lips. You can feel his grin, his lips curling, warm staples passing over you as he taps against the spot again. 
“There,” he moans, rewarding you with another press. “You like that, huh?”
“I–” you falter, mouth falling open and hips lifting. “I don’t...I don’t...”
“Don’t what?” Dabi teases, lifting his dark head from your breasts, raising those preceptive blue eyes to yours. “Want me to stop?”
“No!” you hear yourself cry out, ashamed that you’re so fucking weak, so fickle, but you can’t help it. You want more, you want him.
“Mmm, you’re ready for something else, aren’t you?”
He waits for your answer, fingers stilling within you, making your pussy clench and suck at his stationary digits, vainly asking him to continue. You lift your head, eyes pulling away from his to rest on Shigaraki, searching the vermillion, looking for some kind of answer. 
“Don’t look at him, don’t even think about him,” Dabi scolds, slick fingers snatching your chin, demanding your full attention. “Do you want my cock babe? Do you want me to fill you up?”
Your mouth has gone dry and you can’t think, not when he’s looking at you like that, not when you know Shigaraki is watching, listening, taking all of this in. He must be hard, he must be so hard and he can’t relieve himself, can’t grind his hips over the cold ground, can’t...
Dabi’s hand cracks against your side, slapping against the swell of your ass and driving you into him, bare breasts scraping against his loose shirt. “I said, don’t think about him. I’m all you need and I’m going to make you realize that, one way or another.”
He shoves you back down, a large palm spaying over your collarbone as he rids himself of his dark pants, freeing his heavy, dripping cock and giving it a few quick tugs. 
Your eyes drift downward, widening as you take in his thick girth and gleaming piercings and the gasp that leaves you is all the encouragement he needs. As soon as the exhale leaves your lungs he’s driving forward, splitting you open and flashing you a wild grin as you brokenly call out his name.
“That’s it baby, say it again, tell me again. Say my fucking name,” Dabi laughs, pulling his hips back slowly, watching as his length emerges from your cunt, glistening and wet.
“D-Dabi,” you groan, toes digging into the sheets, bracing yourself for another rough cant, ready to feel him again. 
“Again,” he pants, picking up his pace, his thumb reaching for your throbbing clit. “Say it again. I don’t think he can hear you.”
Shigaraki is mumbling something, his voice hitting a frantic note. It might be your name, it might be a curse, it could be anything, but, at this point, you’re too focused on Dabi to care. He feels good and those piercings of his are heating up, scraping against you until you’re a shivering mess.
“Harder!” you beg, fingertips reaching for the skin of his mangled hips, curving over the slope of his ass, pulling him into you. “Fuck me harder, Dabi. Give me more!”
“Such a good girl,” Dabi laughs, slinging your shaking legs over his shoulders. “Hurry up and break outta that quirk boss. I wanna see what she feels like with two of us. It’s waaaay past time you broke her ass in. Just think how tight this cunt of hers will feel then. Ah, fuck...yes baby, just like that, do that again.”
Shigaraki is gasping behind the two of you, his throbbing cock leaving wet drips against the front of his pants. You look so good. Goddamn it. Why the fuck do you look so good? He should kill Dabi, just reach out for that nasty skin of his and crumple him to dust, but he’s right. Shigaraki wants to see what you feel like with two dicks. Will it make you tighter? Will it feel good? How loud will you scream for him when he shoves past the puckered ring of your ass?
His arms are starting to tingle and he can feel his toes again. Not long now, he thinks, watching as Dabi pounds you into the ratty mattress, dragging more whines and gasps from your pretty lips. He’ll get his due and he’ll show you what a fucking slut you are, show you just how much you need him.
How much you need both of them. 
notes: sigh, it got too long :(             
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vixenpen · 4 years
Dabi smut with a teacher. Like in some quirkless au or something (He’s scarless but hella pierced and tatted), he had to pick up kid!Shoto one day and he sees his hot black teacher (Sis got thickness and curves for days, even in simple clothes) So he consistently picks up Shoto (even when he doesn’t have to) just to hit on her and when he finally scores a date with her, he’s at his limit after seeing her in casual wear and how amazing her personality is.
I LOVED this request. I had so much fun writing it and the details were amazing! I hope you enjoy
Hot For Teacher (Dabi x Black Reader) Quirkless AU
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“Ah, come on kid,” Dabi sighed, expelling a stream of smoke as he waited at the curb for his baby brother to get out of school.
He rolled down the window to air out the car and watched the stream of middle schoolers burst through the double doors and head to their respective busses or cars.
“Shooo,” Dabi groaned, “where are you? I got shit to do, kid.”
He enjoyed hanging out with his youngest sibling, and he had no problem picking the kid up, but he also had a business to help run. If he didn’t get back to the shop in an hour and a half like he’d promised Hawks, he’d get an earful about responsibility and time management and blah, blah, blah.
He leaned back in the driver seat, deciding to give Shoto another fifteen minutes before he texted the kid.
Just then another wave of kids exited the building, Dabi’s bright blue eyes scanned them before landing on the finest woman he’d ever seen in his life.
Her cream colored silk blouse popped beautifully against her rich brown skin and a pair of slacks hugged her wide hips. Her makeup made her dark eyes sparkle and red lipstick painted her pouty mouth.
Dabi sat up, turquoise eyes running up and down that beautiful body of hers as the sexy teacher strutted past to talk to parents and wave good bye to students. When she turned around, his eyes slid down to the fattest ass he’d ever seen and he licked his lips.
Damn it must be hard as hell for her students to concentrate in class.
She turned again and began walking back towards the school. Fuck! If he didn’t stop gawking he would miss his chance. He couldn’t let that happen.
Holding his cigarette between his lips, Dabi quickly stepped out of the car and took leggy strides to catch up with the teacher.
“Excuse me.”
She turned around, her big dark eyes landing on him. Immediately Dabi knew she was sizing him up and wasn’t impressed. She gave that same disapproving teacher look Fuyumi gave whenever she was put off by someone.
Regardless, he flashed her his most charming smile. He may not be a goody two shoes like these other khaki wearing dads out here, but he knew he looked damn better than any of them.
“Sorry to bother you ma’am. I was just hoping you could help me out.”
“Sure,” she smiled back, showing off a pair of pretty white teeth. “Let’s start with that cigarette. It’s against our school policy to be smoking on the premises so if you could.” She cocked a brow expectantly.
Dabi cocked his own pierced brow back in response, but quickly stubbed out his cigarette on a nearby janitor’s cart and threw it away in the accompanying trash can.
Her smile widened. “Great. Now, how can I help you?”
Dabi chuckled. “Well, ya see, I just got this new phone and cleared out all my old contacts. Ya know, new year, new me and all that,” he shrugged, “anyway, my contacts are pretty empty now. So, I was wondering if I could get yours.”
She let out a little snort of amusement.
“That’s your pick up line? How many Girls have had the misfortune of hearing that one?”
“You’d be the first,” Dabi smirked back. “Figured the usual ‘hey beautiful, what’s your name’ line wouldn’t exactly help me stand out.”
“Trust me, you don’t need help standing out.” She replied, eying him again.
“Then that means I’m ahead of the game, right?” He held out a hand, “I’m Dabi.”
Tentatively, the teacher shook it. “Ms. Y/n.”
“Ms. Y/n, huh...” Dabi repeated slowly, his eyes ran over you with a barely masked longing. “Not ‘Mrs’?”
“Not yet.” You replied.
“How soon are you looking to change that?” Dabi asked, his smirk growing a bit smaller and more intimate.
“Who said I was looking to change it at all?”
“Certainly not me,” he replied, “that’s why I asked. I would love to talk more about how much you don’t want to change it over dinner sometime though.”
You fended off a smile. You were not about to give this over confident asshole any encouragement.
“Sorry, but I make it a point not to date my student’s parents.”
“Well, it’s a good thing I’m not a parent then.”
“Oh? So you just like to stroll on the campuses of random middle schools and hit on the teachers for fun?”
Dabi chuckled again.
“I’m here to pick up my little brother. Ah, hell, speaking of which, I actually could use your help with that. Kid hasn’t come out yet and I’ve already been here over half an hour.”
Your pretty face immediately crumpled with worry.
“What’s your brother’s name?”
“Todoroki Shoto.”
“Oh!” You looked surprised. “Shoto. I think I saw him headed towards the baseball field. I think the team has practice today.”
“Dammit! Really? Well, I better go say hi to the kid anyway. You mind, uh, leading the way?”
“Sure.” You shrugged.
Turning, you took the lead and guided Dabi towards the baseball diamond behind the school. You could feel the man’s eyes on your ass the whole way, and couldn’t help but put an extra switch in your hips as you did. Much to his appreciation.
You had to admit the man was fine as hell. The black undercut with lines cut in the side, his multiple piercings and even the colorful tattoos you saw peeking from under his fitted black tshirt were hot as hell. However, you had long since given up on bad boy types. You preferred nerds. Still a little light flirting wouldn’t hurt anything, right?
“There he is.” Dabi stated once the two of you verged on the field. He held up his hands to his mouth and called out: “Yo, Sho!”
The boy looked up, heterochromatic eyes widening in surprise.
“Why didn’t you tell me you had practice today you little half and half?”
“Why don’t you ever check mom’s texts?” Shoto shouted back. “She told you to come later.”
You snickered as Dabi pulled out his phone and checked his text messages.
“Huh. Well I’ll be damned.” He muttered to himself. “Alright, kiddo, I’ll be back in an hour!”
“Can you stop shouting and leave now?! I have to concentrate.”
Dabi laughed before turning back to you.
“Anyway, thanks a lot for your help Ms. Y/n.”
“Just doing my job.”
“Still, I would love to thank you properly. Maybe over coffee.” He said, sounding hopeful.
“Before it was dinner.” You quipped, playfully.
“I know. I‘m just planning for future dates.”
You giggled, shaking your head. “It was nice meeting you, Dabi.” With that you turned and strutted off.
“I hope you know I’m gonna keep trying until I get a yes or no.” He called after you.
As you entered the school’s back entrance you could hear Shoto shouting: “Can you please stop hitting on my teachers? I have to see them everyday!”
Unfortunately for Shoto, his plea seemed to go in one overly pierced ear and out the other because almost everyday since then, Dabi made it a point to stop and talk to you when he came to pick up Shoto.
“Hey there, Ms. Y/n. My contacts are filling up fast. You sure you don’t wanna reserve a spot?”
“Sorry Dabi, but my no dating policy extends to immediate family members as well.”
“I hated to cancel our reservations, but you’re left me no choice, Ms. Y/n.”
“Nobody told you to make reservations, Dabi.”
“Dinner was lonely the other day. If only I had a beautiful black queen to keep me company.”
“I’m sure There are plenty of black queens out there that would have loved to accompanying you to dinner.”
“Yeah, but they wouldn’t have been you.”
Dabi was unrelenting. Always complimenting how amazing your outfits looked on your skin tone, how flattering your make up was, or if you wore a new hairstyle or new jewelry.
You couldn’t lie. The attention was both flattering and refreshing. Since becoming a teacher, you usually only got hit on by studious academic types. Attractive yes, but straight laced and all the same with their game
Unfortunately a disturbing amount of married dads also tried their luck with you.
But Dabi was different.
He may have been a far cry from your usual type, but he was always perfectly respectful and even funny. Not to mention he was much closer to your own age than other men that came on to you.
He must have started bribing Shoto for help or asking him about your interests too. Because sometimes when he would see you, he’d have a new book to give you or your favorite iced tea from a cafe you always frequented. Which, admittedly, was pretty damn cute.
The tatted up alt boy was actually growing on you. So one day, when both of you least expected it, you finally agreed to give him your number and go on a date.
That was the first time you ever saw him straight up smile. Not smirk or grin. He actually beamed. Just like a little boy who’d been told he could have a puppy.
Ok, ok. You admit it—he was cute.
Hopefully, that charm would extend over to dinner.
When the big date came, Dabi cleaned himself up. Opting out of his usual dark attire for a deep blue fitted Ralph Lauren polo and skinny khakis. He even took out some of his piercings in an attempt to look more presentable. He thought he cleaned up pretty nice if he did say so himself, but it was nothing compared to what you strutted in wearing.
Dabi had gotten used to your stylish but conservative work attire. He was so used to your hot teacher look, that he forgot you probably had some regular clothes in that amazing wardrobe of yours.
And damn did you pick out the most show stopping dress you had. You wore a wine colored dress that cut low in the front showing off those juicy tits of yours and stopped above the knee. The heels you wore made your thighs look even yummier and your ass was jiggling out of control with every step.
Down boy. Down boy. Down boy.
He scolded himself.
“Well, don’t you clean up nicely, Dabi?” You teased.
“I’m Touya tonight, beautiful.” He struck a pose like a GQ model. You laughed. “Dabi was that guy that kept hitting on you, Touya’s the guy that’s gonna try not to screw it up.
“Oh,” you ran a manicured finger along his solid chest, “well, I agreed to a date with Dabi, but I guess Touya could be fun too.”
Dabi licked his lip, and your eyes fell on his tongue piercing, hungrily.
“Depending on how well the night goes, you might see Dabi come out later tonight.” He replied, suggestively.
You rolled your eyes, but could feel your cheeks (and your pussy) warming.
“Boy! Come on.”
Dabi as Touya opened the door to the restaurant and ushered you inside.
The restaurant he took you to was definitely a high end place; complete with soft candle light, a jazz quartet, and a maître d’.
The chemistry the two of you had definitely translated over dinner.
Dabi was just as funny as he always was and he was genuinely interested in getting to know everything about you. He hung on to your every word about the funny things your students did in class. He enjoyed hearing your college stories. He even knew some of the books you enjoyed reading and could talk literature easily.
You discovered that he was the co-owner of a tattoo and piercing shop. He was the oldest of his siblings. And he enjoyed traveling and learning new things.
Dabi enjoyed vibing with you. He loved that your personality and sense of humor was just as amazing and substantial as that body he wanted a piece of so bad.
Dinner rolled into drinks and lasted well into the night. By the time the two of you were done it was damn near four A.M.
From that night on, you and Dabi became practically inseparable. He picked you up from school right along with Shoto for dinner after work, swung by with coffee, bought you any and everything you wanted (he does come from money after all) and after a year of dating, you became more than just a ‘Ms.’
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dabiboy · 4 years
Ok, so I tried to keep this one as canon as possible, so I hope it turned out good and you guys like it!
Tiny Thing [Dad!Dabi]
Your relationship was not even a relationship. The two of you were together, yet there were days in which Dabi went missing for weeks, and you had no idea if he was coming back alive. And didn't change when the happy not so happy little accident happened. He let you make the choice, keep it or... Just finish with all of it. After days and days of thinking, you have decided that you were going to keep the baby, and of course, you gave him the liberties, either if he wanted to stay or just go away, at the end of the day a kid was not a game, neither something simple or temporary. It was a surprise when he said that he was going to be there, not all the time, but he was going to try. It was not only his past that haunted him, but also the fact that he was a villain. How were you going to explain your hero friends? family? How could he tell the LoV that now he had a kid? The two of you just couldn't, and that creature was your best secret.
Everything was set for that Friday morning, your best friend was going to babysit Kaji as you were out for half of the day, but things are not always how you expect them to be.
''I'm coming!'' You said, letting the ten-month-old infant on his crib as you went to open the door. 
''Hey there'' Your jaw dropped when you saw the black-haired man standing in front of you.
''Dabi? What are you doing here'' Your voice was full of surprises, but you quickly pulled him in so no one could see him. 
''Told Chapstick he could fuck off today'' He smirked, sliding his hands on each side of your hips as he kissed your jaw.
''As much as I would like to do this, and ask you where have you been, I can't. I'm already late and-'' He interrupted you when it hit him.
''The thing. How is it?'' Dabi asked, moving away from you so he could see you.
''The thing has a name, Kaji. And it is your kid'' You raised an eyebrow.
''My thing'' He replied back, making you roll your eyes. 
''He's fine'' you punched his chest softly ''Ema is coming today to take care of him.''
''Who the fuck is Ema'' he asked furrowing his eyebrows ''Where are you going?'' Dabi asked again. 
''My best friend, and I got a call from the job. They need me there until two pm, so she will be here in a few minutes.''
''I can take care of him'' He stated simply raising his shoulders, and you opened your eyes in surprise. 
''You what'' 
''I can take care of him today, is my son after all.'' he said again ''I'm not gonna burn him alive as my father did with me, so don't worry princess''
You hit him on his shoulder again, making him laugh at his dark joke. And you thought for a second, was it a good idea? You trusted him, but not the people that were after him. What if the League finds out? What if some hero arrived at your door and saw him with a kid, without knowing he was indeed his father? Those questions were screaming inside your head, but you decided to give it a try. It was the first time in three months he was back, and... You wanted Kaji to spend time with him.
''Ok, fine. But call me if you notice things start getting messy, or if you suspect something, got it?'' You said with concern, the baby boy was your life. And certainly, your love for Dabi remained the same even though things were informal between the two of you.
''Messy as in he threw up on me, or messy as in there's a bunch of villains coming over?'' 
''You know which one'' you said and started moving quickly, grabbing your bag. ''Listen, gotta go now or else I'll lose my job. He's sleeping in his crib, the toys are all over the place, if he doesn't stop crying you'll have to pick him up, his favorite toy is the one that looks like you, he has to eat at one pm, then take a nap. But I should be back soon, I'll call you''
For more than you wanted to stay more time with the two of them, you couldn't. Your incomes were the only thing that allowed you to live in the apartment, and of course to give Kaji what he needed. You left a soft kiss on Dabi's lips before going back to the baby's room and press a kiss on his forehead. You were going to call Ema on your way to the job to tell her there was someone else taking care of the baby. 
Dabi just stood there, and look at the number of colorful toys scattered on the floor, why had he said that he was going to take care of the baby? He had no idea what to do, but a part of him wanted to spend time with Kaji, his son.
He walked slowly towards his bedroom, and saw at the crib with some kind of panic, confusion, and maybe a little sadness because he had lost enough of his life already. The boy sleeping in the crib was just like him, the same facial features, and he was thankful he had your hair color and not his, not another reminder of his past. It was still hard to believe that he had a son, that tiny innocent creature had no idea of the father he had, but he was trying, trying hard not to be so shitty. Dabi rested his forearms on the cribs, looking at him.
''Fuck you're cute, you little accident'' He said to himself, trying not to wake him up. ''So you're just gonna sleep there until you find something better to do, huh? Fine then''
Dabi started walking around the room, looking at the plushies, interactive toys, everything. Was his childhood like that? He had some good memories, but the bad ones were more. And looking at the little thing sleeping on the crib, he couldn't even imagine putting him through the same hell he went. He was a bastard, but not a psycho. Nor a selfish hero.
He had no idea how many minutes he spent looking at the toys in the room, until he heard a babbling. Dabi turned around, and there he was. Awake, showing off his turquoise eyes. The same eyes he had. There was no doubt he was his son. Once more his forearms were on the edge of the crib.
''Hope you remember me, you came out of my pants anyway'' He raised an eyebrow. The infant moved his tiny hands, and also his legs. But right after a few seconds, he pouted his lips and started crying as if there were no tomorrow ''Shit, don't cry. C'mon you thing'' Dabi almost pleaded, and he grabbed the first toy he saw, moving it in front of him ''Look at the toy, c'mon''
But the cries didn't stop, on the contrary, they just kept increasing. Was he hungry? did he miss you? maybe he wanted to go back to sleep, and Dabi had no idea what the hell to do until your voice echoed in his head ''Pick him up'' and then he cursed to himself. He was smart, so it didn't take him too much time to know how to lift him, however, he was scared he might hurt him.
''Is this what you wanted?'' He asked when the baby's cry was slowly fading. Kaji looked at Dabi, right in his eyes and it felt like looking at a mirror. He was thinking about everything he has done, all the crimes he had committed until now, how could he be holding a bundle of innocense in his arms? It was as if Kaji heard his thoughts, because he started crying again, louder than before. Dabi hissed and started walking around the apartment, trying to calm him down. ''I know I have an ugly ass face, but you'll get used to it, your mom did so you can too''
Dabi looked around the toys in the living room, looking for the one you said looked like him. Was it a blue one? Or maybe one that was ripped or something. But right in the corner was a pirate teddy bear, his ears and nose full of rings, more like piercings. He scoffed and picked it up, it doesn't look like me, he thought. He moved the plushie, trying to call Kaji's attention with it.
He sat on the floor, letting the kid there too, trying to ease his crying while moving his favorite toy in front of him. But it wasn't working either. And Dabi was frustrated.
''For fuck sake.'' He cursed, using his hand to cover his face, a few gleams of tiny blue flames leaving his hand. And the crying stopped. ''Did you like that?'' Dabi asked, moving a little bit away from him so he could do it again, and when he did, Kanji laughed with puffy eyes. ''You little bastard'' Dabi smirked, repeating his actions and the boy clapped in happiness.
It looked as if the blue fire caught his attention, since it was the only thing Kaji was looking at, not even his toys. Dabi kept using his fingers to light up little but multiple blue sparkles. ''Ok, I need to stop this or else I'll burn the entire apartment down, and we don't want that, do we?'' In a gesture that surprised himself, Dabi left a soft pat on Kaji's head.
The two blue-eyed boys stood there, sitting on the floor. Dabi didn't even notice his own expression, a tiny smile on his face as he saw every little action the kid did, how he crawled around the living room, or how he chewed some toys. But at some points, the toys were boring again, because he started to climbs Dabi's thigh, a way of asking for his attention. Dabi picked him up again, holding him right in front of his face.
''What is it no-'' Dabi hissed. And he hissed in pain because the baby grabbed his chin, pulling at the skin, and by doing so also the staples ''You little fucke-'' He interrupted himself again, as he tried to pull his hand away, and when he did the kid giggled ''There are better things than my dirty staples'' He lifted him on the air, making Kaji laugh again. ''Yeah, you're cute''
Dabi was smiling again, repeating the action of lifting his arms with Kaji on his hands. It was a weird feeling, was it unfair? The baby had no idea what his father did, the things he had done. His smile was slowly fading, the little boy's eyes were pure, shiny and innocent, how could he clap at that man's face? Dabi was feeling guilty, he wasn't worthy of that cute little thing.
''Listen,'' He sat him on his lap, flexing his knees so Kaji could lay his back there. ''I'm a shitty father, but... Damn, I am a shitty father,'' He scoffed at the affirmation ''I'm trying, okay? I know I'm fucked up but I'll try not to be shit with you'' He pocked at his chubby cheek with his index finger.
Hours went by, playing and talking at him as if Kaji could understand every word, even the bad ones. The clock on the wall stroke 1pm, and being functional he stood up holding the boy in his arms, walking to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, he found a tiny dinosaur bowl, the content? A disgusting green color, probably many vegetables crushed in order to make that kind of... Soup. Dabi looked at it with a disgusted expression, but he had no idea how to cook for a kid so Kaji would have to it anyway.
The black-haired man took the bowl and the kid back to the living room, sitting him on his tiny chair. He heated the food with his hand, and took the spoon to try to make him eat. Kaji seemed to enjoy it, until he slapped a full spoon against him, staining Dabi's cheek. He cursed and his face had a deadpan expression As if my face wasn't fucked up enough already he cursed under his breath and took a napkin so he could clean up himself. The rest of the lunch went smooth, and once the bowl was empty he left in on the table.
Dabi remembered your words, Kaji had to take a nap after his lunch. Big failure. Twenty minutes, thirty five, an hour, and the baby was still awake. To his eyes, his father was funnier than a nap. But then he thought you should have been home by now, but that changed when you called him. A trip to another city, you said. And a part of him was happy, and the other was worried. Was he going to be able to take care of him the rest of the day? Maybe. He took a deep breath and kept with his task for the day.
They went back to the floor, the kid sitting between his legs as he kept playing distractedly with his toys. There were moments when Dabi lift him up, and made him set his little feet over his, and trying to make him walk, but Kaji was having the time of his life rather than learning how to walk. Dabi took some pictures of him, even he got a selfie. And there was no way he was going to let Toga near his phone again, they couldn't found out about Kaji. No way.
When night arrived and after his dinner, Dabi tried to make him sleep on his crib, but then a thought haunted him. What if something happened? What if someone entered through the window and take Kaji away while he was sleeping? He couldn't do that. So he picked him up again and went back to your room. Dabi opened the bed and set the kid in the middle of it. He got rid of his boots so he could lay by his side, and resting his weight on the side of his body he laid a hand on Kaji's tiny belly, preventing him from falling.
''I meant what I said earlier, tiny thing'' He whispered ''I'll try not to be a shitty dad. Just give me some time and I’ll figure this shit out’’ '' He closed his eyes.
Taking care of a baby was tiering, and eventually, Dabi could feel his eyelids heavier and heavier. He didn't even notice when he fell asleep next to him, not moving an inch away from Kaji. He didn't want that.
You arrived home at two am, and you were quite scared because Dabi was not answering your calls, and when you got home all the lights were off. The door of your room was open, and you slowly walked in. And the sight made your heart clench. Dabi was asleep, and Kaji was peacefully sleeping by his side, his tiny hands over Dabi's hand, somehow holding his fingers. When you took a step in, Dabi woke up and move away from Kaji a bit.
''I was... I was making sure this thing was breathing'' He said, raspy voice and tired eyes. You laughed softly at his embarrassment  ''How was the trip?'' he asked in a whisper. 
''It was fine, longer than I expected tho'' You laid on the other side of the bed, kissing Kaji's forehead and caressing his head. ''Was it hard?'' You asked him.
''I think this creature loves me more than you do'' Dabi teased and tried to sit on the bed, but the baby whined a bit. 
''I think you're right. He doesn't want you to leave'' You looked at him ''And honestly, I don't want you to leave either, Dabi'' He scoffed.
''I guess I can make an exception for the two of you today'' He laid on his side again, and Kaji curled up next to his side. ''And you owe me my payment, dollface'' Dabi said, laying a hand on Kaji's back. Your heart melted again.
''And what is it?'' You asked in amusement.
''Your shitty kisses, because I haven't got one since I fucking got here'' He smirked, closing his eyes one more time.
You didn't know in what stage your relationship was but at that moment? It didn't care. You were there, with the two men you loved the most by your side, and even if it was one night in a hundred, it was a night you were going to keep in your heart and soul forever.
Tag list [open]: @angelofdarkness1020 @totallytouya @pemichh @hecatve
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evnovia · 3 years
— 8:54am
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+ pairing. dabi x reader  + word count. 1.174 + warnings. kinda explicit mentions of violence/wounds + author’s note. that one scene from the new suicide squad movie had me rushing home to whip this very random and unneeded scene up
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Slashing through the neck of another hopeless officer, you shove his limp form into another burly man headed your way. His breathless gasp is cut short when you skewer your blade through both their bodies and effortlessly flick their dead weight off to the side as you push open the front door.
The overwhelming brightness of the light outside burns your irises, having become well accustomed to the dim interior of the police station. Your narrowed eyes scan the length of the empty street before you, nonchalantly searching for a taxi.
Trying to rub off the copious amounts of blood staining your skin only spreads the crimson colour over a larger patch of your arm, countering your attempts to clean up your ragged appearance. The torture you had undergone is horridly evident in the tattered, grisly state of your clothes, unveiling the open wounds festering in the flesh underneath.
It’s sure to be a pain in the ass later, but the adrenaline high from your murdering spree leaves you up in the mellow clouds, where your nerves fail to report the presence of the many lacerations eating away at your skin. Right now, all your concerns lie with the pint of ice cream you left waiting for you in the freezer, warning everyone in sight that their necks were on the line if they so much as looked at the frozen treat the wrong way.
To your despair, not a single soul stirs nearby—no pedestrians for you to threaten, no vehicles for you to highjack, no shops for you to snag some spare cash from. You spin around to head back to the station filled with fresh corpses before you spot a lone policeman rounding the corner of the building.
“Thank fuck,” you sigh, whipping a dirtied blade out from your belt and beginning to advance on the unsuspecting man. “I really didn’t feel like walking all the way back there. Since you’re helping me out here, I’ll end this quickly.”
He evidently catches wind of your voice, stiffening at your rapidly approaching figure. An illegally high-pitched screech rips through his vocal chords as he shakes his fists back and forth, hopping from one foot to another with his harsh features scrunched up in… elation?
You aim for his exposed neck to end the torment he wreaks upon your unsuspecting eardrums, but he swiftly dodges out of your line of fire. Huffing at the man’s agility, you suppress the tick raging near your temples from the delay in your plans. The weaklings inside the station were nowhere near this stranger’s ability.
Today’s officers didn’t prove to be as challenging as Shigaraki made them out to be, leaving you sorely disappointed by both their cowawrdly methods of torture and their physical prowess—not that you minded ripping this man’s jaw off in exchange for all your troubles. “If you don’t stay still, this might hurt a bit.”
When everything from the strands of his scraggly, unkempt hair to the royal blue fabric of his uniform begins to melt into a gray puddle, you abruptly halt in your advance. “Toga-chan?”
She howls out your name as her stark naked figure bolts into your arms with a force that nearly topples the both of you straight to the rough pavement. You carefully pocket your knife and delicately wrap what’s left of your outer coat around her shoulders, wiping the grime off her soft cheeks. “What’re you doing here?”
Toga giggles, snuggling deeper into your chest. “We’re here to save you, silly!”
Your hands around her torso tighten, still unfamiliar with the sudden throbbing that hammers at the organs within your chest. “Save me? We?”
Two towering men appear from the dark shadows behind the buildings, sauntering up to you. From the tophat and the creepy mask, you detect Mr. Compress flanked by a startled boy with jet black hair and scars covering the lower half of his face. Mr. Compress accusingly points his cane at you. “And to think Shigaraki made us come all the way over here for this.”
“He told you to save me? Shigaraki did?”
Mr. Compress hums his affirmation, and—without waiting for a response—wanders off to inspect the body count lining your bloody trail of escape, most likely to report back to Shigaraki. You stay stunned in your spot, shifting your gaze between the three of them before lamely spitting out, “I-I mean I can go back in there, the chains and ropes and everything are still there. You can come and save me as planned!”
Dabi’s deep chuckle sends a chill down your spine. “I don’t know, doll. The lack of armed soldiers guarding your cell kinda kills the fantasy.”
You can’t rip your eyes from the piercing cerulean that stares you down hungrily, exasperation and pride swirling in their depths. Stroking Toga’s locks in order to feel the pleased purring rise from her chest, you outstretch your other arm and flick your fingers as a signal for him to come closer. “I’ll let those idiots catch me again if it means you’ll come to my rescue.”
“It’s not the same.” He wolfishly smirks at your wicked countenance, features glazed over in a dangerous desire. Dabi stalks over, circling around you to bury his chin into the crook of your neck with his excessively warm chest against your back. “Couldn’t you let me swoop in as your prince charming for once?”
You croon, “‘M not sure if prince charming would be very inclined to burn down a police station with dozens of people stuck inside.”
“Ah, it seems like I never fit into that role from the very beginning then.” His hot breath fans over your ear, a tingling sensation racing over the lengths of your arms as goosebumps follow in their wake.
One of his hands sneaks their way underneath your jaw, directing your head towards him to slot his plush, dry lips against yours. His tongue traces the seam of your mouth, resorting to firmly nibbling at the corners until you grant him access past your lips, which he immediately takes advantage of. You groan, pleased with the way his tongue meshes with your own.
“That’s enough of that, you sickos.” Mr. Compress pops back out of the empty station, a hand resting on his hip. “Go get a room, preferably somewhere far away from poor Toga.”
One idle glance to the girl wrapped in your arms, making a home in the space between your collarbones, and all three of you recognize the far-off look in her eyes, coupled with the light blush dusting her cheeks. Her mind is definitely filled with delight at the extensive rivulets of blood dripping off your wounds. You stroke her cheek affectionately. “Toga-chan’s pretty little brain isn’t able to come to the phone right now, please leave a message after the beep.”
Dabi scoffs, sliding off your shoulder to waltz up to Mr. Compress’ side. “Better hurry back before Twice eats all your ice cream for breakfast.”
Your enraged gasp spurs the villains into action.
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some-kindofgnome · 4 years
these violent delights, pt. i
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In an immersive theme park where cutting-edge technology makes your wildest dreams come true, the line between fantasy and reality begins to blur. enter westworld, where artificially intelligent automatons known as ‘hosts’ are programmed to fulfill your every delight.
(westworld AU, eventual host!dabi x reader, host!keigo takami x reader, eventual shouto todoroki x f!reader)
part one | part two | part three
featuring: hanta sero, denki kaminari, katsuki bakugou, momo yaoyozoru, eijirou kirishima
part one: you prepare to enter the park for the bachelorette party your bridesmaids wanted. meanwhile, westworld’s capable employees prepare to roll out the latest programming update.
wc: 8.7k
pt. i warnings: smut (18+!), sci-fi dystopia, artificial intelligence, medical/surgical procedures, body modification. gun violence, robbery, kidnapping, drinking, death, no beta we die like teddy
notes: this is part one of my entry for The Smut Pile’s Western Collab! this is my very first server collab and I am so thrilled to be kicking it off with this plot monster. this is the first of three parts- it leans a little heavy on the world building, so stay tuned for parts two and three. the action dials up from here, promise! i’m excited to be putting out one of my first plot-heavy stories on this blog!
please note: part one borrows several events from season one, episodes one and two of the series. the story will branch off in its own direction in parts two and three. you do not need to be familiar with Westworld to enjoy this fic- so please give it a try! 💖
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“This doesn’t feel right.”
Livestock Management technician Hanta Sero drifts idly from tool cart to operating table with his raven hair pulled back. He’s clad in a protective latex apron and gloves, approaching the table with a blowtorch in one hand and a long, slim pair of forceps in the other.
“That’s what it says here.” Denki Kaminari stands across the black-tiled room, his back reflected in the glass walls of the operating facility. He scrolls mindfully through a folding datapad with a crease of deep concentration in his golden brow.
Snapping his datapad shut, he lifts his chin to find Sero’s conflicted gaze across the lab.
“The specifications were pretty precise.”
“I know what the briefing said,” Sero retorts. “I just…”
He ignites the blowtorch and takes a deep breath, letting his gaze over slowly over the pale, unmarked flesh of the body stretched out on the table in front of him.
“What?” Kaminari takes in the sight before him. He lifts his eyebrows. “Oh. Well-“
He gets up from his stool, tugging his gloves back over his shirtsleeves and crossing the room toward Sero and the body in question. He picks up a scalpel, making a clean little cut just below the subject’s left nipple without any hesitation.
“Dude, stop!” Sero reaches with the hand still clutching his forceps, blanching as a thin well of blood trickles onto pristine flesh.
“He’s offline,” Denki chuckles. “He can’t feel a thing. You’ve patched these guys up a thousand times, Sero. What’s the problem?”
“I dunno,” Sero muses, drawing the back of one glove nervously over his temple. “I dunno. I think they’re starting to get too real. It’s messing with me.” He shoots Denki a weak chuckle and shakes his head.
“What do they need this guy all burned up for, anyway?”
“Momo told me he’s for the new narrative,” Denki replies, puzzling over the red hair and immaculate pale skin of their unsuspecting victim. “Some kind of grizzly new villain who’s supposed to stir up trouble.”
“Better make him extra fucked up, then.” The blowtorch, extinguished in Sero’s panic, is ignited again, but he’s still hesitating.
“Hey,” Denki prompts. “Why don’t we start with the system update? That’ll kill some time. And then- hey.” He reaches across the tool cart, grabbing for the bottle of black hair dye that came with the host’s modification kit. He shakes it in Sero’s face, letting a smug grin cross his features.
“I’ll do the carpet if you do the drapes.”
Sero and Denki find their rhythm easily enough. Before long, the tension dispels and they’re letting conversation flow smoothly between them, making weekend plans while Sero pushes polished silver staples into the now-scarred flesh of the transformed host.
“This guy’s older than he looks,” Denki quips from the tool cart, where he’s selecting an appropriately sized needle for the delicate work ahead of him. “His systems haven’t been updated in years.”
“I’ve never seen him in the park before,” Sero admits. He’s finishing the clean row of staples that trail from the corner of the host’s mouth to his ear, struggling to push the staple into the skin at the edges of his face. The sharp prongs don’t hold as well in the spots where the muscle and flesh thin to just skin stretched over bone. He looks up in frustration, shaking the spots from his concentrated gaze.
“Whoa,” he starts as he spots the way that Denki’s moved up between the host’s lean thighs. “You’re really gonna-“
“That’s what it says in the briefing,” Denki presses. He’s got the aforementioned needle in one hand and a bowl of curved barbells in the other; he’s gone a little grin about the gills, too.
“Sick fucks,” Sero snorts, shaking his head. “Doesn’t feel very historically accurate, does it?”
“Please,” Denki pushes. “If you think this has ever been about history, you’re in for a nasty surprise.”
“Christ, you wanna talk about nasty surprises,” Sero replies, blanching and averting his eyes while Denki inserts the first piercing. “Just wait’ll the guests get a look at him.”
"Bakugou's outdone himself this time," Denki agrees, brow furrowed with sympathy and panicked concentration as he unscrews the first barbell. "Those idiots won't know what hit 'em.”
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“Bring yourself back online.”
Head of Programming Shouto Todoroki sits in front of the park’s newest addition, datapad spread across his lap. Sero and Denki’s work paid off; the new host is looking fiercer than ever.
Not new enough for Shouto’s tastes, though. He can still see the blue glint when “Dabi,” as his new narrative calls him, shifts into wakefulness and lets his eyes flutter open. He shoots Shouto a sinister grin but does not move from his seat.
Shouto doesn’t want to believe what they’ve done to him. He’s still nude, putting all his new modifications on brilliant display. The staples in his flesh look angry and inflamed. The scars, done perfectly to appear long-healed, still make his blood curdle.
He can’t even think about the flashes of silver that catch the light when Dabi crosses his legs.
“And who are you supposed to be?" Dabi growls an opening line that shakes Shouto more than it ought to. He sports a brand new drawl that fits the world he’ll be slotted into soon enough, but it’s too much, bouncing off the pristine glass and shiny tile beneath his bare feet.
“Lose the accent,” Shouto commands. Dabi's expression shifts a little, but he does not drop eye contact.
Shouto can’t help but wonder if they all stare like this. He hasn’t been alone with a host in a very long time. Especially not one with this kind of significance.
“Do you know where you are?” He presses, determined to push forward. The sooner he gets Dabi through analysis, the sooner he can pretend like the unsettling host doesn’t exist.
But Dabi’s voice with no drawl is even more spine-chilling.
“I am in a dream.”
“And… do you want to wake up from this dream?”
Dabi’s eyes drift away in a direction they’re not supposed to. For a moment, he casts his gaze down and to the left, letting it sweep across the edge of the room as his brow creases with terrifying subtlety.
The gesture is minuscule, almost as if he's recalling a distant memory. For a moment, Shouto can only admire its beauty.
Then he realizes it’s not supposed to be there.
“Yes,” Dabi continues, his voice soft and lilting and almost wistful. “I’m terrified.”
“Freeze all motor functions.” Shouto’s heart pounds in his chilled throat. His extremities have gone cold. But Dabi follows his instructions to the letter, freezing before he can even blink. Shouto questions why he expected any differently.
Not two minutes later, Head of Behaviour Momo Yaoyorozu ducks gracefully into Dabi’s glass prison. Shouto is still sitting exactly where he began, perched on a little rolling leather stool. Six feet away, Dabi has not moved, bare and frozen on a stool of his own.
"I got your page," Momo soothes, shutting the door quietly behind her and unfolding her datapad. The hinges go rigid when they sit flat, blending seamlessly into a broad tablet that she taps and scrolls quietly through.
“I checked his programming on the way over. There’s something new here,” she concludes. “But I don’t know who added it. Must have been one of the interns, or-“
“I know who it was,” Shou answers grimly, already scrolling meticulously through the lines of code that make up Dabi’s new personality. Momo freezes, looking up at him with cold surprise.
“You don’t think…”
“I do,” he confirms. He takes a deep breath to quell his racing heart and shoots his closest colleague a shaky look. “You’re going to want to see this.”
“Incredible,” Momo gasps a few moments later when Shouto asks Dabi the same series of questions and gets the same frightening response. He knows why it shakes him as much as it does, but it hasn’t occurred to him that someone like Momo would actually… appreciate them.
“It’s like he’s-“ she starts, then stops herself. The conclusion she’s drawn should be as impossible as it sounds. But it’s staring them both in the face.
“Like he’s remembering something.” She finishes her thought this time, and Shou clenches his jaw.
"He must have slipped the code into the update," he determines. "In the programming, he's calling them Reveries."
“Kind of poetic,” Momo muses, still admiring the way that Dabi’s eyes seem to mist as they stare into the middle-distance. “It makes him look so real.”
“The code pulls memories from his earlier programming,” Shouto continues, looking up at Momo and waiting for her to be as spooked as he is.
He’s almost frightened that she’ll be defensive. But she’s sharper than he’s given her credit for, and that revelation is enough to pull her from her stupor.
“That could cause a lot of problems,” she muses. “Especially if the loops haven’t been closed properly. They’re supposed to be wiped after every cycle, but if there are links pulling them back…”
“I know,” Shouto emphasizes. Momo straightens, planting matter-of-fact hands on matter-of-fact hips.
“What are you gonna do about it?”
“I don’t think there’s anything I can do,” he confesses, turning back to catch another blood-chilling glimpse of the all-too-familiar host. “I can’t just pull the programming out from under him. He’ll know.”
“You can’t send him into the park with it. If it’s slotted in with the update, he could spread it to the other hosts.”
Shouto pushes his datapad aside and leans forward, steepling his fingers as he sighs deeply and descends into even deeper thought.
Momo’s right. With the Reveries included, the update has potentially disastrous consequences. But that’s operating on the assumption that his father makes mistakes, which most people would confirm is simply impossible.
If he clears the programming before letting Dabi go through, however, he’ll be facing the wrath of his father.
Shou purses his lips, lacing his fingers together but leaving the pointers extended and pursing his lips against the smooth joints.
“I think we’re going to have to.”
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The glossy, perfect train- the first of many you'll take today, as you're told- pulls into a station that's even whiter than the train itself. Polished white floors and perfect whitewashed columns are the first things you see out the massive panoramic windows as the cars pull to a complete stop. When the doors glide open, your maid of honour touches your sleeve as the other girls filter out of your private compartment and onto the platform.
You’re far from the only ones disembarking the train. The rest of the platform is soon crowded by immaculately-dressed guests from all over the world. They bow and shift like a flock of starlings, moving in stark contrast past the perfectly-still bodies of the white-clad staff waiting to greet them.
A tall, statuesque woman with raven hair steps forward, addressing your maid of honour by name. She gives you an apologetic wave and a see you in there before disappearing amid the writhing sea of people.
You’ve been reading up on this place for weeks, scouring pamphlets and websites and guest reviews for every detail about the induction process you can glean from public knowledge. Details of the park itself are kept very private, but you’ve learned all you can about the way you’ll be introduced to it.
This place was not your first choice for the occasion at hand, but your friends practically insisted. You know it’s for selfish reasons- it’s the only chance they’re ever going to get to see the place for themselves- but you can already think of several places you’d rather celebrate your coming nuptials.
Not exactly your typical bachelorette party fare. But your friends agreed to wear matching dresses in that shade of pale green you couldn’t stay away from, so you’re giving them this.
Before long the platform is nearly cleared. You’re just starting to make your way toward the escalator, wondering what exactly became of the host who was supposed to greet you, when a soft croon of your name over one shoulder nearly shocks you out of your sandals.
Your host has arrived, and he’s even more gorgeous than you feared. Graceful and lithe-looking, he’s clad in a pristine white suit and turtleneck that contrasts the bold flashes of his golden hair perfectly. He shoots you a smooth smile, lit by razor-sharp tawny eyes and as he turns his face to catch the light, you can see that his jaw is grazed by the barest hint of scruff- perfectly groomed, just like the rest of him.
"Hello," you greet, trying not to lose your breath. You clasp the fingers of your right hand around the ring finger on your left- the remnants of your favourite new nervous habit. You've taken to twisting your engagement ring in moments of idleness or anxiety, but for safety's sake, you've left the flashy diamond at home.
You know you’re engaged. That’s what matters most.
“Good,” the host croons. You’re getting quickly used to his honeyed brogue, strong and low and sweet as he takes your hand and drops a suave kiss to your knuckles. “I’m glad you found your way here.” He jerks his head toward the emptying escalator, eyes never leaving yours.
“Follow me.”
As you’re ascending through the polished storeys of the park’s immaculate headquarters, your attendant rattles off a long list of mundane medical questions. He’s tapping away on a datapad as he walks, and you’re sure that whatever information he’s taking down will be swept away for later use.
Finally, he brings you to a plain-looking white door. He tucks away the datapad and slips his hands into his pockets. He’s graceful and perfect- too perfect. You’re starting to suspect that he’s no ordinary employee.
“Go on,” he urges, nodding toward the door. You shoot him a sideways little glance but step forward, hooking your fingers around the polished handle and pushing it open. You step inside.
The interior of the room- or closet, as it would be better described- is lit almost exclusively by glowing strip lights hidden in the crevices of the doorway, racks of clothing, and bordering a large series of mirrors that stud each wall.
It’s the biggest walk-in closet you’ve ever seen. And it’s filled to the brim with racks of clothing, all appropriate to the vague late-19th century setting of the park.
“Everything is bespoke,” pipes your immaculate attendant as he shuts the door behind him, “and exactly your size.” Painfully, you remember being asked for your body measurements in anticipation of this visit. Did they custom-tailor everything for each guest?
Or are you being given special treatment?
“You can pick out anything you’d like,” he continues, moving toward you, “and your other clothes will be waiting for you when you’ve finished your stay.”
“I don’t even know where to start,” you muse, fingering the raspberry-coloured silk of a lavish-looking day dress.
“The clothes you choose will determine the course of your experience.”
Your attendant is right beside you now, so close that you can see the way his golden eyelashes brush his tanned cheeks. He’s leaning in to examine the silk same as you, but his shoulder pushes just a little close to be solely practical. As he grips the material between lithe fingers, he lifts his gaze to yours on purpose. There’s a charming lilt to his smile that you can’t help but admire.
He pauses, dropping the silk and turning to face you head-on. Though the smile has slipped from his features, he still eyes you with interest.
“You want to ask, don’t you?”
Your brain catches up immediately, confusion swelling and fading in the span of a heartbeat. It tightens to thick dread in your chest.
He’s right. You do.
“Are you real?” The words sound even more ridiculous in the air between you than they did in your head. But ever since you boarded the train it felt like you could never be sure. And he’s perfect. Too perfect. Even the way he takes your question seems scripted and rehearsed.
He gives a low chuckle and takes your hands, stroking smooth thumbs over the backs of your knuckles. Then he peeks up at you from beneath flawless dark lashes and flashes a hint of pearly canine as he speaks.
“If you can’t tell, does it really matter?”
You don’t need him to expand.
“Come,” he prompts gently, dropping one hand to pull open a drawer of delicate slips and shifts, sitting in neat, folded piles of undyed linen. Some are plain, others trimmed excessively with lace and ribbons. You’re drawn to the coloured ribbons immediately- pale peach, soft blue, mint green. But the brassy gold of your attendant’s eyes is even more magnetic and you can’t look away for longer than a handful of seconds.
“You know,” he continues, squeezing your fingers gently and moving back in to run his knuckles up the inside of your wrist. Every single one of his touches is delicate, fluttering like a songbird against your skin. But there’s nothing gentle about the way he looks at you.
“Some of these clothes are a little difficult to put on alone.”
He does not explain further, but he watches as you’re drawn to the same conclusion that he is.
You have to roll this one over in your mind for a long while. You left your engagement ring behind, but the engagement itself still stands. Then again, he told you to enjoy yourself here. ‘Make every use of the park’s benefits,’ he’d suggested.
He’s just a computer, you tell yourself. A glorified sex toy. Maybe he walks and talks and flirts like a real human being, but…
There’s something about him that’s making it hard to turn him down.
After a silence long enough for any normal person to question, you look up at your attendant once more. He’s patiently awaiting your response, having gone uncomfortably still. You're not even sure he'd blink if you stare long enough.
You give a tight little nod and he’s smiling again, the same lazy smile as before. His default expression, you’re beginning to gather. He reaches for your coat.
“Wait.” You stop him with one hand on either forearm. He’s touched you before, but it’s still shocking how warm he is. Even though the sleeves of his perfect white jacket, he feels unquestionably alive.
"Don't you have a name or something?"
“Of course I do,” he responds. “Would you like to hear it?”
“Um…” Your brow knits. “Yes.”
He slips around behind you, curling his fingers into the open folds of your jacket and beginning to slide the weighty material off your shoulders. As he does, he leans forward, letting his lips draw close to your ear and making you shiver.
“Call me Keigo.”
“Keigo,” you repeat. It’s pretty and rolls easily from your mouth in a slow purr of desire. You can’t help yourself anymore. Keigo’s been programmed to put you at ease, but he’s doing much more for you now.
He undresses you methodically, pausing only briefly to run a hand down the curve of your waist or dip his fingers under the point of your chin when he catches you looking down. Even when you’re standing completely naked in front of him, he does not move to touch you in any untoward manner.
Whatever unspoken arrangement you thought you had formed is obviously not as unspoken as you’d hoped.
With his help, you select some period-appropriate undergarments. He helps you into your breezy linen shift first, lovingly tying the drawstrings into a neat little bow at the centre front. The corset is not as uncomfortable as you'd anticipated, fitting you devastatingly well. Keigo’s skilled hands pull the laces with precise tension, and the whole time he breathes soft commands and inquiries over your shoulder.
“Too tight?” He whispers, holding the laces taught at your waist. You take a slow, deep breath, then shake your head.
He ties the laces off and helps you into two petticoats- one of plain white cotton, the other of decorative silk and lace. Then he sits you on a cool, leather-covered sofa on one edge of the room and drops to his knees in front of you.
“Uh-“ you start, but he produces a pair of silk stockings from seemingly nowhere, smirking over the tops of your knees.
“Let’s get this out of the way.”
He pushes your airy petticoats up from your ankles, letting the backs of his palms brush the insides of your knees. He shoves the material up to your thighs and your confusion is multiplied now- is this what you think it is?
The way he admires your thighs as you shyly press them together certainly makes it seem so.
"Keigo," you gasp, curling your fingers against the edge of the sofa. The leather is supple and delicate beneath your touch like you could tear it if you wanted to.
He looks up just in time to watch you hook a bare thigh over his shoulder, and his brows shoot into his pointed hairline.
You’ve decided what you want out of this trip.
"Dove," he chides, setting down the stockings and pushing them gently aside. He takes both hands up the backs of your calves, stroking perfectly manicured fingernails into the tender skin at the backs of your knees.
He drops a kiss to the inside of your thigh. His face disappears behind the swath of frothy white petticoats gathered in your lap, but you feel his hot breath on your skin clear as day.
“If you wanted something from me,” he purrs, “all you had to do was ask.”
“I’m asking now,” you hum, letting your head fall back against the back of the couch. He’s easy enough to convince. Somehow, the fact that you didn’t have to work very hard for this almost makes it feel more acceptable.
“Here’s my answer,” he replies, sinking his teeth into the flesh of your inner thigh. You let out a strangled gasp, thigh jolting against his face as he slips his hand under the other leg- still hooked over his shoulder. You let out a low, shaky breath, trying not to think about the mark he’ll leave.
He pushes your leg away after biting it, shoving your knees apart and leaning eagerly forward. His head is fully buried under your gathered petticoats at this point, and you can feel him nosing his way into the crook of your groin, sliding a few free fingers up to prod gently for your hair-dusted folds.
“Wet already, bluebird?” He chuckles into your skin, sending shivers up your spine. “I’m flattered.”
“Stop,” you groan. There’s heat rushing to your cheeks with every word that tumbles out of his pretty mouth. You don’t want any of this to stop, but the heat between your legs is the one quickly growing unbearable.
“Do you want me to?” Keigo sits back almost immediately, ridding you of the delicious tingles his close breath were sending across your skin.
“No, no!” You yelp sharply, indignantly, digging your bare heel into his back to keep him close. He stops as soon as you apply pressure, letting out a quiet little chuckle.
“Keep going,” you pant, curling your toes against his pretty jacket.
“Your wish is my command,” he hums, already leaning into your flesh again. He does not hesitate this time, burying his head between your legs and giving the weeping slit of your cunt a long lick.
His first touch is all it takes to remind you how long it’s been.
“Fuck,” you gasp, low and languid. He doesn’t hesitate to close his lips around your swelling clit and suck. He makes sharp, sloppy noises with his lips and tongue, and the way they resonate in your ears near-doubles your pleasure. He’s eating you out perfectly, with terrifying precision. The strength of his jaw and tongue remains almost painfully consistent.
All the better for drowning him out. Despite his easy-flowing attitude and suave charm, he’s not a person. And it isn’t unfaithful to want him like this.
Even if you know he wouldn’t like it.
Keigo is diligent and careful, plunging his tongue in and out of your needy hole before finding the nub of your clit again, hard and sensitive. When he flicks the tip of his tongue against the tender front of it your legs spasm and you cry out softly as sensitive goosebumps rush across your ribcage.
“Like that,” you plead breathlessly, drawing your foot up between his shoulder blades as the tension builds. “Again, please.”
You’re holding the swells of your petticoats up around your thighs for him, but your fingers are beginning to clench in the delicate material. You’re not going to last long at all beneath a tongue as talented as his.
“Don’t worry, dove,” he purrs into your body, sending thick vibrations through every nerve in your system, “I won’t leave you unsatisfied.”
As he settles into his rhythm again, he plunges two fingers into your messy depths. He curls them tightly inside you, massaging your tender walls with a blunt and careful touch.
It takes little more than a few methodical strokes to make you fall. You cum with a tight little squeal, closing your thighs tightly around his head while you spasm and buck and sigh. He’s attentive enough to keep pumping his fingers through your orgasm, drawing out the pleasure as much as possible and greedily lapping at the wetness that trickles from your clenching pussy.
"That's it," he soothes, easing you down from your high with one calming hand on the column of your twitching thigh. As you settle, sweat-soaked, back into your seat he surfaces, sweat and shiny, sticky fluid sticking in the bristles of his perfect scruff. He licks his lips and you realize you’ve unconsciously mirrored him, doing the same.
In the moments directly following your peak you say nothing, looking down to meet his brassy gaze as deep uncertainty settles into your gut.
What happens now?
Keigo sits back on his haunches, pulling the folded pocket square from his breast and mopping up the mess on his chin and jaw like he'd done nothing more than spill a glass of wine or splash water over his lips.  
“Much better,” he croons, reaching for the discarded stockings from before. “Feeling a little more relaxed?”
You swallow hard.
“I’d say so.”
His smile is surprisingly bright and sunny.
“Good.” He hooks his fingers under your knee again, unhooking your leg from his shoulder. Sliding a palm down to your ankle, he fits one stocking deftly over your foot and slides it up your calf, continuing his work as if uninterrupted. He fits the stockings over your knees and ties them off carefully with slips of silk ribbon, sitting the knots just below your knees so the stockings won't fall. Then, he gets to his feet and offers you a hand.
“Let’s pick out the rest of your clothes, shall we?”
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The park is even more immersive than you imagined. The photos do it no justice. When you step off the (genuine steam-powered) train at Sweetwater Station, it’s accompanied by a very real twinge of anxiety. The village is like a scene out of a Clint Eastwood movie. Only there are no cardboard sets here. The saloon doors really swing inward. The shops and businesses that line the main street are built from real, weathered lumber. The dust that’s kicked up by the hosts that go about their daily lives is already beginning to coat your new boots.
You sneeze.
“God bless you,” greets a kind stranger in a rough-hewn grey coat and white hat. He’s got a very apparent drawl to his voice, but the glint in his blue eyes is kind.
Back at the facility, guests and hosts were easy enough to distinguish from one another. Out here, it’s a little more difficult. You’re not sure whether to believe that everyone is real or assume they’re all fake.
Luckily, there are four women beside you whose humanity you are acutely aware of. You’re lucky enough to have found your bridesmaids on the train in- all clustered in the bar car, but together nonetheless.
And they’ve insisted on keeping the party going.
“C’mon, bride-to-be,” your maid of honour chides, grabbing you by the hand and pulling you out of your reverie. “I know exactly where we need to go first.”
“It’s not even noon yet,” you protest, but the others are already miles ahead of you. You’re dragged easily into the broad, dusty street and toward those broad, swinging doors. The saloon stands proudly in the centre of town on a prominent corner with faded signs advertising its wares. And your maid of honour eagerly bats the doors open, striding boldly into the sun-soaked saloon.
The tables are surprisingly crowded for this time of day. It’s most likely a flood of guests, disembarking the train and heading straight for the local watering hole for a real taste of the action.  Beyond their idle chatter tinkles the bright keys of a player piano against one wall. You can see the player scroll turning in the piano’s upright fixture, but that doesn’t change the unsettling way that the keys seem to press themselves.
It’s an eerie fixture in a town populated by walking, talking player pianos.
The man behind the bar bleeds Old West stereotypes from every pore. He’s got a huge, exaggerated greying moustache and a tweed waistcoat with shirtsleeves bound back for work. He’s polishing an empty glass with a cotton rag, but you spot him just in time to watch him politely greet a guest and reach behind him for a frosted bottle of unlabeled whisky.
The only other fixtures in the place are the women patrolling it, clad in colourful, lacy outfits that you’re certain violate some kind of historical convention. But they’re all breathtakingly beautiful, bosoms heaving over tightly laced corsets and fluttering from table to table like songbirds. They seem to provide little more than decoration and, as you settle into a table not far from the door, they fade easily into the background.
Until one of them screams.
You’ve read as many stories as you could scour the internet for before coming here. You know this place can get intense. Details of the park’s narratives and interactive storylines are kept under wraps as much as possible, so you can’t be sure whether this is out of the ordinary or not.
But when you whip around to find the source of the blood-curdling shriek, it doesn’t feel scripted.
It doesn’t feel scripted when the pretty girl in peach lace flings herself to the feet of a brand-new guest, here with his wife and their young son gaping from across the table. It doesn’t feel like she’s supposed to be wracked with sobs having never exchanged a word with this man.
It doesn’t feel like she should be pleading with him.
But the sobs wrack her body anyway, and her rosy little cheeks are flushed deeply now as she sniffles and blubbers.
“My daughter,” she begs hoarsely. “My girl, my daughter, please, I know you have her. Give her back to me, please. I know you took her. Give her back to me, I’ll do anything.”
Whether the father-of-one knows what she's talking about or not he's white as a sheet, stumbling backwards against the edge of his wife's table and pushing his arms forward, trying to keep her away.
The player piano finishes its tune, keys stilling as the saloon’s patrons look on in shock. And for an honest handful of heartbeats, the saloon is silent save for the host’s ragged sobs.
It takes a few moments for the player scroll to re-align itself before the tune restarts, and as the familiar notes cycle back through the saloon the host re-centres herself, climbing to her feet. There's a hardened resolve on her tear-stained face as her target looks around, gathering his wife and son with a this is bullshit and turning to leave.
“Don’t you dare walk away from me-“ the host begins to snarl. She lunches for the man, hands outstretched for the back of his brand new jacket, or maybe the brim of his crisp Stetson.
“Freeze all motor functions!”
A deep voice booms from the door of the saloon, amplified and simultaneously muffled with the use of a megaphone. The girl, and every other host in the saloon, freezes in place as though they’ve been paused. They don’t just stand still- they’re paralyzed. The smiling bartender is stalled with a glass in his hand; he doesn’t even blink.
In the doorway stands a hulking man of at least six and a half feet, seeming nearly as broad across the shoulders as he is tall. He wears a black uniform, armored black vest and heavy combat boots with a head of brilliant red hair spilling over his shoulders. As he lowers the megaphone he’s grinning, the bare flash of a sharp canine catching the low light of the bar.
“Sorry for the intrusion, folks,” he declares, striding across the floorboards toward the frozen host. Her expression is paused in a sneer of sheer horror and aggression, her hand outstretched for the man who has long since stepped aside.
The red-haired guardian angel, who has the name Kirishima stitched neatly onto the breast of his protective gear in white thread, catches your gaze. He shoots you a familiar little wink and a nod, a soft y’alright? escaping his throat in a quiet little growl.
You lick your lips, nodding slowly. Kirishima averts his gaze and reaches for the frozen host. As soon as he touches her skin she goes limp, falling easily into his powerful hold. He hoists her body over one shoulder and surveys the saloon, touching two fingertips to his forehead in a bright little salute.
“Please, don’t let me intrude on your stay any longer,” he continues. “As you were, everybody. Resume.”
The last word seems to be a command for the hosts in the room, as they spin to life again. They resume their rounds as if no time had passed at all; as if nothing out of the ordinary had ever transgressed.
Spooked, but encouraged by Kirishima’s smooth removal of the offending host, the guests around you go hesitantly back to their conversations. The player piano, also halted by Kirishima’s commands, has resumed its delicate play, and slowly the environment returns to the way it was before.
Your friends are among those willing to brush off the incident.
"What happened?" mumbles your maid of honour across the table, as if the host were still around to overhear her. As if the host's friends might be listening in to see if anybody's talking about her.
“No idea,” quips one of the other girls. “Must be some kind of glitch.” She looks over her shoulder, watching the remaining hosts at the bar. “I wonder if it happens often.”
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“Absolutely fucking not.”
Head of Narrative Katsuki Bakugou slams a stack of papers onto the table in front of him, disrupting the intricate hologram that provides a real-time, scale model of the park to the room’s occupants.
“Katsuki!” Momo scolds, watching the hologram stutter and flicker. It’s not the first table he’s damaged.
“You’re not pulling my fucking narrative. It rolls out today. Do you have any idea how many writers I had busting ass on that thing?”
“It doesn’t matter now,” she retorts, tapping the screen of the datapad she’s got hooked tightly in the crook of her other arm. “You saw the host that Eijirou pulled, didn’t you? The fact that he had to step in at all means things got way out of hand…”
“Bullshit,” Katsuki retorts, sweeping his papers off the holo-table (and shattering the image one more time). “That was a fucking glitch. You don’t even have the results back from Behaviour yet.”
“I already know what they’re going to say,” Momo continues.
“That’s right,” Katsuki snarls. “I forgot you know everything around here.”
“She was carrying the latest update. There must be something wrong with the code.” Momo tries not to remember Dabi and his distant stare. She swallows the part about the extra coding slipped in by the man who could do no wrong.
She flips her datapad shut- it’s doing her any good, since Katsuki’s right. The results from Behaviour regarding the misaligned host won’t be ready for some time.
“You can’t. Pull. That. Narrative.” Katsuki’s squared up now, all the gathered papers tucked under his arm. His jaw is ticked, nostrils flaring as his eyes flash. “An entire trainload of guests is wandering around Sweetwater looking for the stories they fucking paid for. If you pull the plug, there’s nothing left.”
He’s right again.
“Look.” Katsuki crosses to the holo-table one more time, only this time it’s without the murderous intent in his gaze. For once he’s ready to use the table as intended, pin-pointing the broad, dusty street of Sweetwater’s main strip and bringing up a live feed of the bustling little town.
"Dabi is riding through here in less than two hours," he continues. "Dial-up his aggression a little. Make him shoot up the place. If you want to pull the hosts, at least let them go out with a bang.”
Momo isn’t convinced. But it’s the closest thing to a happy medium she can picture at the moment. Katsuki, as prolific as ever, knows how to think on his feet.
“How many d’you think he’ll take out?” She probes quietly, quirking an interested brow.
“Enough to keep the guests AND your Doctor Frankensteins entertained while I find us some more loopholes.”
Her mind races through more questions. But the panic, fluttering high and shallow in her chest, has somehow been replaced by a delicate sort of reassurance.
She flips open the datapad one more time, activating the remote host commands available only to an employee of her standing. Finding Dabi’s program file, she does exactly as Katsuki suggests and dials up the aggression in his behaviour stats by eighty percent.
“This had better work,” she threatens softly, but Katsuki’s already folding his arms across his chest, looking far too satisfied with himself. His ego is insufferable, but his talent is unmatched. Worth suffering for.
His mouth splits into a triumphant grin as he shoots an idle glance at the live Sweetwater feed. The only stage he’s ever needed.
“’Course it will.”
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The afternoon sun has nearly dipped behind the tallest rooftops in Sweetwater when your friends stumble out of the saloon. Your friends are already tipsy, giggling and clutching each other as they try not to trip over the hems of their skirts. They’re all a little too eager to pull out the extravagant lace fans that pair perfectly with their colourful dresses and fan at their heaving bosoms.
As you bound down the steps and into the dirt road, you dive seamlessly into the milling crowd of hosts and guests, starting to swim. If you’re about to be caught in the eye of a devastatingly orchestrated narrative maelstrom, you’re blissfully unaware.
“Give me the time,” Katsuki grunts from the Sweetwater side of the holo-table. Momo glances up at the digital clock on the wall.
“Thirteen fifty-eight, forty-two,” she notes. Katsuki’s got the camera feed trained on a lone trio of riders, clad in black and plodding steadily toward Sweetwater. He watches carefully, keeping an eye turned on the clock.
“They’re going to be late,” he grunts bitterly, folding his arms over his chest. Sero, Denki and Kirishima, who have all crowded around the holo-table on their lunch breaks to watch the show, snort in near-unison.
“I don’t think anyone down there’s keeping track,” Denki quips, smoothing his palms down the front of his crisp shirt, apronless for once. Katsuki shoots him a vicious glare.
“You wanna go back to your sewing room or what?”
Denki goes quiet.
Inside the park, the sun passes behind a cloud. The light shifts just enough to draw your gaze, and when you look up, you’re among the first to spot a few dark shapes approaching. They’re close enough that you can make them out as riders, all on horses as black as the wide-brimmed hats on their heads.
There’s something about them, their precise formation and the slow, plodding, deliberate pace of their horses that holds your attention. You can’t quite write them off as guests, no matter how much they stand out from the dully-dressed villagers around you.
You glance across the street just long enough to spot a WANTED poster tacked to a column not far off. You can’t make out any of the writing on it, but the face is distinct- dark, shaded patches covering his jaw, chin and lower lip, carving out two shadowy patches under his eyes.
There’s something about the narrow shape of his cheeks that pulls familiar.
But you don’t have to wonder much longer.
The three riders ride quietly into town, the crowd parting around them with little more than low murmurs and dull, lidded fear. They pull to a stop in front of the saloon, barely twenty feet from you.
The cowboy in the grey tweed coat who caught your eye fresh off the train approaches the riders. He’s got a revolver holstered on one hip, and he draws it slowly out of its pouch as he squares up with the horse at the lead of the pack.
“Haven’t you seen the signs with your mug on ‘em?” He drawls, his face drawn into an expression of tense righteousness. He jerks his chin toward the nearest one, the WANTED sign you’d seen seconds earlier. “You’re not welcome here, Dabi.”
The taller rider in the centre- Dabi- tilts his chin into the sunlight, and that’s when you catch sight of its purplish colour. His face glints with silver, a perfect match for the drawing posted across the street.
He does not hesitate, drawing his own revolver in one smooth motion and shooting the cowboy in the chest. The gun discharges with a crack that’s louder than you ever imagined it could be, punctuated by the screams of bystanders nearby.
As the village descends into panic you stand there dumbstruck, watching the chaos unfold.
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“Wait for it,” Katsuki grunts, hiding his satisfied grin as his colleagues watch in rapt fascination. Sero hasn’t blinked since the action began.
“You sure?” Dabi rasps, voice muffled by the feed. He produces a shiny golden badge and flipping it, like a silver dollar, onto the expiring corpse of the righteous host.
“No,” Denki whines. “He killed the sheriff?”
“Shut up and keep watching,” Katsuki growls, quelling the proud adrenaline pumping through his veins. There’s nothing quite like seeing his hard work come to life- supremely worth fighting with Momo over.
Dabi smirks, tipping the brim of his hat.
“Seems like invitation enough to me.”
He swings capably off his horse and you can’t deny your fascination with the mystery surrounding him. You should be terrified, but there’s something about the cool confidence with which he carries himself that you can’t quite put aside.
If the women flocking to the windows on either side of the street are any indication, you’re not the only one who feels that way. In a brief moment of lucidity, you take a glance around you. Your bridesmaids have disappeared, disappearing in the panicked mass of flooding crowds after the scarred rider fired his first shot.
He’s followed by a second rider on his right flank, both quickly disappearing into the bar. The third rider- a petite blonde woman swathed in a heavy coat- gets down off her horse and turns quickly toward her saddlebags. When she comes around the front side of her steed, she’s got a shotgun in her hands.
She’s loading it. The pandemonium amplifies. At her feet, there’s a long, thick coil of rope that’s partially unwound and trailing into the saloon. It’s unwinding slowly, with dull screams and shattering glass echoing from inside.
That’s all you have time to notice before another shot goes off in front of you. The little blonde girl’s levelled her shotgun, emptying her rounds at anyone who raises a weapon against her. You’re barely standing ten feet away. But she passes you clean over.
Is it because you're a guest? The only ones who have fallen at her hand are the hosts, capable of being hurt by her gunshots. The guests who haven't taken off are clustered in the windows of shops or hiding behind broad wooden columns, but there is no fear painted on their faces.
You know the hosts can’t hurt you. But there’s something about the thrill of it all that sends adrenaline pumping through your veins anyway. There’s a cool mystery to all of the black-clad riders.
A part of you wants to join them. If you can be anyone you want in here… why not one of them? Why not swing cooly down from your horse and terrorize, when there are no consequences to your actions?
You take one step backwards, then another. Your senses are finally coming back to you. You should run. Disengage. Maybe you can’t be caught in the crossfire, but you can’t stand dumbly in the empty street, either.
Something has to change.
Before you can make it to the safety of a storefront, a pattern of three gunshots in tight succession from inside the saloon triggers something in the blonde, still picking off hosts. There are bodies littering the street.  
She lowers her shotgun and hops back onto her horse, spurring it on with a sharp whistle. The beast takes off without hesitation, and it’s then that you realize the other end of the coiled rope is wound around her saddlehorn. As the horse strains its haunches and pushes forward the rope goes taut. And as the pair of them take off down the street, the spoils emerge: a heavy wrought iron safe, bursting out of the saloon doors and leaving nothing but splintered remains in its wake.
It bounces and rolls down the steps and slides smoothly as soon as it hits the dirt street. The blonde shooter and her horse disappear, safe in tow.
You wonder what became of the bartender inside and his friendly moustache.
Dabi emerges seconds later, a fresh rifle clutched lazily in one hand. His companion’s lost his hat in the turmoil inside- he’s blonde, too, with a deep scar splitting his forehead from hairline to brow.
"Let today be a lesson for every one of you," Dabi calls, re-cocking his shotgun as he surveys the fresh bodies and fleeing guests. You've stopped dead all over again, drawn to him like a magnet despite your best judgement.
He levels the shotgun, aiming it about five feet to your right. You follow his gaze. In the window over your shoulder, with her hands pressed to the glass, is a little girl no older than five. She’s watching Dabi and his riders with fearful fascination and does not seem to realize that she’s been targeted.
You don’t care if she’s a guest or not. She’s a human girl with big, lively eyes, and your adrenal glands work faster than your sense of logic.
Dabi shuts one eye, tilting his head. The corner of one lip curls ever so slightly as he concentrates, taking aim. “And that lesson is-“
“Stop.” You step in front of the window, spreading your arms and drawing his attention for the first time. When he looks at you over the top of his shotgun, his expression goes slack. He drops the shotgun and his eyes are wide, wider than they’re supposed to be, almost.
You’re close enough to see that they’re a shocking shade of blue. That blue strikes an achingly familiar chord in your heart.
You recognize those eyes.
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“What the fuck!”
If the holo-table didn’t weigh half a ton, Katsuki would’ve flipped it on its end. The feed is as smooth as ever, but his face has gone scarlet as he paces away from the table, scrubbing his hands over his face.
“What? What’s wrong?” Kirishima’s well past the end of his lunch break by now, but there’s no way in hell he’s going back to work before seeing the way this plays out.
“He stopped,” Katsuki growls. “He’s not s’posed to fucking stop.”
Dabi’s been stopped on the brink of a speech that took Katsuki days to put together. He’s been waiting to hear it delivered for weeks. It’s the speech that Dabi’s entire narrative was hinged on, forged out of countless sleepless nights and careless notes scribbled idly on coffee breaks.
“Holy shit.” There’s a genuine shock in Denki’s voice that’s enough to make Katsuki turn around. Denki’s gone white, Sero beside him, too.
“You’d better get over here and see this, dude,” Kirishima mutters, jerking his chin toward the feed. Momo’s watching over his shoulder, too, one hand pressed to her pursed lips.
“That’s a guest, isn’t it?” Sero quips. Silence settles over the room.
“I’ll get Shouto,” Momo declares, turning away and opening up her datapad.
“What’s going on?” Shouto bursts into the holo-room not two minutes later, mismatched eyes lit up with urgent concern. “Did I read your message right? I-“
Katsuki’s pacing the room, quieter than ever. Denki, Sero and Kirishima are still gathered around the feed, winding back the stream to replay the events that have sent them all spiralling. Momo’s the only one who even acknowledges his presence.
“Something’s happening in the park,” she explains, hushed and tight as she meets him at the door. “Another updated host is off-script.”
“How bad is it this time?” Shouto asks, hiding the dread that’s spreading in his gut. He had hoped that the girl from the saloon was just an unexpected glitch, but the results from Behaviour told another story.
Still, two deviances in just the first day of the update feels worse than he dreaded.
“You’d better take a look for yourself.”
Momo leads him to the holo-table and the feed, letting the other boys step aside. Shouto steps up to the projection, watching Dabi ride into town. Watching him break into the saloon with Twice and Toga, two other repurposed hosts, by his side.
He watches Toga ride off with the safe behind her and watches Dabi start his speech. And then, from a near-birds-eye view, he watches Dabi spot you of all people. Dabi lowers his rifle and strides toward you.
Shou’s heart leaps into his throat.
With dull horror he watches Dabi slip a leather-gloved hand under your chin. He watches you tilt your jaw into his touch. You’re fascinated by him. Even though the dust and pixels it's painfully obvious.
Dabi seems to notice, too, since he stoops low and hoists you over his shoulder without another word. You struggle, but he holds you fast. He strides across the road to his horse and sets you- still squirming and fighting- in the saddle, climbing on behind you and grabbing you tightly before you can escape.
Just before he spurs his gargantuan black steed forward, he pauses to glance over his shoulder. Shouto can’t be certain, but for a moment it seems like Dabi’s found the camera, staring plainly up at Shouto through its low-quality lens.
A breath passes. He looks away, gives a whistle, and disappears into the wilds beyond the town.
“That wasn’t supposed to happen,” Kirishima presses. “Katsuki, you didn’t program him to kidnap a guest, did you?”
“Of course not,” Katsuki snarls from across the room, his nerves fraying dangerously. “What kind of idiot do you think I am? Do I look like a walking liability to you?”
“Look, it’s fine,” Denki chimes in. “It’s not like he can hurt her or anything. Just chalk it up to the park experience. Tell her Dabi kidnaps random nobodies all the time.”
The room goes quiet as a crypt. Kirishima looks at Shouto. Shouto looks at Katsuki. Katsuki looks at Momo, and Momo takes a slow, deep breath.
“Do you want to tell him, Shouto?” she asks, “or should I?”
Shouto closes his eyes and tries to quell the panic rising in the back of his throat. He shoots Denki a cold look, jaw ticked but eyes blazing.
“That’s my fiancé,” he mutters, low and shaky. “Dabi kidnapped my fiancé.”
297 notes · View notes
abbyilr1967 · 4 years
Safe In Your Arms - Keigo x Reader
Summary: Hawks has been gone for work for almost a month, and one night as you’re alone in your shared apartment you are paid an unexpected visit from unexpected guests. 
A/n: This was requested by the very lovely @levis-odm-gear​ , I changed it up a little bit, but I hope you still enjoy. As usual, here is a link to my Masterlist. 
Warnings: swearing
Word Count: 1.6k
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Keigo has been gone for almost a month. The most he could tell you was that he was going away on a mission, and was unsure of when he’d be back. He had also told you that he would still be in the area to check in on you, from afar, of course, to keep you as safe as possible. Knowing you had Keigo out there watching over you like your own personal guardian angel made it a little easier to sleep at night. Tonight, however, you were in the middle of making yourself some dinner, your back turned to the rest of your apartment, as you had the t.v. on in the background to fill the silence. 
You move effortlessly through the kitchen as you prepare the ingredients you needed to prepare your dinner. Suddenly a hand flies out in front of you wrapping around your mouth, your assailant pulling you back against them. 
“Sh sh sh sh,” you feel their breath on the back of your neck. “Don’t fucking scream.” 
Your fight or flight instinct kicks in, and you kick your assailant in the shines. Their legs buckle and you wiggle yourself free, before sprinting for the door. 
Your hand is on the knob, you pull with as much force as you can, only to have it stopped by a large hand, you look at it in shock, and notice very distinct patchwork that starts at the wrist and disappears under the sleeve of their jacket. You know exactly who it is, you’d seen his image plastered all over every news outlet in the country. You whip around and are face-to-face with one of the most notorious villains in all of Japan. 
“Dabi,” your voice wavers. You hadn’t even heard him come in, and that’s what frightened you the most.
“Looks like I’m famous,” he gives you a devilish grin, face is just mere inches from yours. He plants both hands on either side of your head, effectively caging you between him and the door. 
“What do you want,” you bring yourself to lift your gaze to his eyes.
“It’s not what I want, but who,” he drags one slender finger down your right cheek. Your breath hitched in your throat. 
“You know what,” he places that same slender finger over your lips “I’m gonna cut right to the chase, I’m taking you.” 
Your heart rate picks up, and your breathing starts to become more ragged and uneven. 
“It’s ok Doll, we just need to use you as a bargaining chip so that Mr. Bird Brain will do our bidding.” he pauses, slowly lowering his finger from your lips. “So the real question is, are you gonna behave? Or are we gonna have a problem?”
Looking over Dabi’s shoulder through the tears that are beginning to build, you see a single red feather float in front of the balcony through the window, before sweeping its way out of view. Dabi tips his head down to meet your eyes, He uses another one of his slender fingers to tilt your head back towards him. Your eyes lock with his brilliant cerulean ones and he asks again. 
“Are you gonna have a problem?” You blink away the tears timidly shake your head no. 
“Good Girl.” He gives your cheek a pat before lowering his hand again. 
He takes a step back from you, giving you some room to breathe. 
“Get some shoes and a jacket,” he walks away from you, continuing his inspection of your apartment, as well as keeping a close eye on the door to the balcony. 
“You want me to get dressed?” you hadn’t thought your kidnapper would be concerned with your state of dress when they come to take you. 
“If you’re going to cooperate, I’d rather not have you complaining that your cold, or that your feet hurt while we wait for our ride,” he says, not bothering to look back at you. “So are you still going to cooperate?” He turns his head over his shoulder this time, and you give him a nod. 
“Then get dressed,” he says before he turns back around to watch the exits. 
You reluctantly move towards the closet and grab a pair of shoes and a jacket. You slip on the shoes and zip up your jacket, stuffing your hands in your pockets. 
“I’m ready,” you say, nervously playing with the ends of your sleeves in your pockets. Dabi turns back around and walks towards you. He uses his thumb and forefinger to grab your chin. 
“Such a cutie,” you pull your chin out of his grasp, and he scoffs.
“So bratty too,” his comments make you shudder. “Let’s go were gonna make a little trip to the roof.” Dabi takes hold of the back of your neck and begins to lead you out of your apartment. You can feel the difference in the texture of his skin, versus his scarred skin. He leads you out into the hall and towards the stairs to the roof. 
The air feels cold against your face as you exit the building to the roof. 
“Where the fuck he is,” Dabi mutters. “What the hell Kurogiri.” He pushes you out into the middle of the roof. You pray that Keigo sees you up here before that Kurogiri guy has a chance to make an appearance. Dabi’s hand is still planted firmly on your neck. 
“Let her go Dabi,” Keigo’s voice echos in your ears, but you feel Dabi’s grip on you tighten significantly as drags you to the edge of the building, so that your dangling over it, feet flailing as the panic begins to set in. 
The screech you let out was piercing. Your hands quickly find purchase on Dabi’s wrist as you pray that he doesn’t drop you. In any other situation, you would have marveled at his strength.
“Glad you could join our party,” Dabi exclaims. “So glad you could make it.” 
Keigo’s eyes lock with yours, and he can see the terror behind them. The sound of your struggled gasps and grunts fill the air. 
“What do you want from her,” Keigo takes a step foreword. 
“Ah, ah, ah, stay over there, or I’ll drop her,” Dabi threatens, leting his grip on your goes lax, pretending to drop you before grabbing onto you again. 
“Keigo don’t let him drop me, please!” you cry, letting the tears of fear roll down your cheeks, frantically reaching for anything to hold onto. 
“I’m gonna let him do anything to you Y/n,” Keigo equipes himself with one of this long feathers, which he can sharpen into a sword. 
“Fuck,” you hear Dabi curse under his breath, as you see the warp gate open behind Keigo. 
“Keigo Behind you!” you shout. 
He whips his head around to see the warp gate. You can see the panic start to set into the features on Dabi’s face, and you can see the gears turning in his head. 
“Sorry Doll,” You feel his grip loosen again, but this time he lets go fully. 
“Keigo!” you shreik. Dabi makes a dash for the gate, as Keigo sprints to the edge of the building. He throws himself over, flying as fast as he can trying to catch up to you. Your screams echo off the surrounding buildings as the ground grows closer. You close you eyes and await the impending impact, but it never arrives. Instead you feel strong arms envelop you. 
“I’ve got you Baby Bird,” you instinctively wrap your arms around Keigo, holding on as tightly as possible. “You’re safe now.”
All of you emotions come crashing down on you as you soar through the air, and you silently cry into Keigo’s chest. “I’m so sorry Honey, I should have been their sooner.”
His grip on you tightens as he holds you closer, determined to keep you safe.
 He carries you through the air, whispering soft reassurances to you until he lands on the roof of his agency. “Let’s get you inside Kid,” he says, allowing you to regain you land legs before helping you inside. 
He takes you to his office, setting you down on the couch before leaving to get pillows and a blanket that he kept there on the off chance he hadn’t made it home. He sets the couch up as a make shift bed, and wraps you in blankets before pulling you into his lap, where he proceeded to rock you. 
“I’m so sorry I wasn’t there sooner,” he places a kiss to the top of your head. 
“I’m so sorry,” followed by another kiss. 
“You have nothing to be sorry about,” you turn to face him, placing both your hands on his cheeks. “You were there for me when I needed you, and thats all that matters.” 
You were still a little shaken up after the events that has transpired that night, but knowing you had Keigo there made it better. 
“Let’s get some sleep, you’ve had a very eventful day Love Bird,” Nodding back slowly, Keigo pulls you into a spooning position so you can get some rest. Feeling his chest rising and falling against your back while he rubs his hand up and down your side and nuzzles against your neck allows you to forget, even for a minute, that this wasn’t going to be the last time something like this happens. You knew what you were getting into when you’d made you relationship official with the hero. 
But for now, you were Y/n, and he was Keigo, and that was all you needed.
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hxwks-gf · 4 years
» 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: dabi x fem!reader 
𝐰/𝐜: 1.8k 
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: swearing, sexual themes, smoking, angst without a happy ending (i’m sorry ;-;)
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭: so read something on kisses and what they mean like forehead kisses mean protection. A kiss on the hand means adoration. Stuff like that. One that intrigued me the most was shoulder kisses which means you're willing to share someone's burden with them. So I was wondering how Dabi would react to things like that considering all that he's been through it's obvious he doesn't trust anyone. So what if he one day stumbles upon someone who kisses him in weird places. He thinks she just wants to get into his pants but then he finds out what those kisses mean and then I guess I'll leave the ending to you.
beta’d by the lovely and talented @a-monsters-love xoxo
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Dabi cradled his phone between his shoulder and ear and leaned against the kitchen counter. “You want to come over tonight?” he asked into it, glancing around the state of his current living situation and making a face. “I don’t know, doll. I got some business to take care of.” 
“Take me with you, then.” 
He chuckled, taking the phone in his hand and facing the sink. “You know what kind of business I do, baby. Not a good influence on an angel like you.” 
“Don’t try to sweet talk me, Dabi. I miss you.” 
Dabi tipped his head back and sighed in defeat. “Fine. Only because you sound so desperate.” 
“Heh, that’s my girl. I’ll pick you up in twenty.” Dabi ended the call and shoved the phone into the pocket of his trousers, running a hand through his dark hair and sighing again. He knew he shouldn’t be doing this, taking you on his little business dealings so late at night. Despite you not being a stranger to the shittier side of town, he still had some strange urge to...look out for you? Dabi grimaced and shook his head. “Damn it.” 
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“Are you going out with that shifty dude again?” asked your roommate and friend, Isaki. She watched you from the ratty armchair in the corner, her various piercings reflecting the lights from the kitchen. “The one with all the scars?” 
“His name is Dabi,” you reminded her while pulling on your leather jacket with a grin. “And watch who you call ‘shifty’, Miss Sticky Fingers.” 
Isaki rolled her eyes and went back to flipping through the book in her lap. “If you end up on a missing persons poster, I won’t feel sorry for you.” 
You chuckled as you opened the front door. “Yes, you will, because I’m the one who pays the rent, freeloader.” 
“I don’t freeload, I pay for Netflix!” she shouted after you, but you closed the door before she could say anything else and skipped past the broken elevator and down the stairwell.
Dabi was waiting for you outside, leaning against the side of the building with a cigarette hanging from his scarred lips. Once he saw you, he stood up straight and grinned. 
“Hey, beautiful,” he said as you neared him. 
“Hi,” you said, pulling the cigarette from his lips and taking a long drag. “Miss me?” 
“Not at all,” he replied, grabbing you by the waist and yanking you against his torso. He bent his neck and kissed you deeply, tasting of cigarettes and midnight air. 
You slid a hand up to wrap around his neck, mindful of his scars, and buried it in the softness of his dark hair. He chuckled against your mouth and pulled away. 
“You’re dangerous,” he murmured, looking down at you in his arms.  
“You like me because I’m dangerous,” you shot back, taking another puff from the cigarette and blowing the smoke to the side. “Isn’t that right?” 
“Something like that.” Dabi watched you through half-lidded eyes as you took one last drag and dropped it to put it out with the toe of your boot. “Ready to go?”
“One more,” you said, standing up on your tip-toes and placing another kiss on his parted lips. As you pulled away, you gently took his bottom lip in between your teeth and dragged them across the soft flesh. He groaned into your mouth and his grip tightened on your waist.
“Don’t do that, doll. You know how much I like that.” 
“Why do you think I did it?” you teased, stepping out of his embrace and dancing away. You glanced over your shoulder at him.
His eyes were focused on your ass, but flicked up to your face a moment later with a roguish grin. 
“Are we going to take care of business, or not?” you asked, arching an eyebrow.
Dabi pushed himself off the side of the building and joined you, draping an arm around your shoulders and guiding you down the street, his other hand tucked in his pocket. As the two of you strolled along the dimly lit sidewalks, you couldn’t have felt more safe by his side.
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“Are you ever going to tell me who you work for?” you asked him, pulling your post-sex-mussed shirt over your head and picking up your discarded pants. 
He chuckled as he lit another cigarette, watching you with lazy, lustful eyes. “I’m sworn to secrecy, doll. Besides, for all I know you could be a spy.” 
“I’d make a lousy spy,” you said, buttoning your pants. “I can’t ever keep a secret.” 
Dabi took a drag and placed an arm behind his head. “Why do you want to know who I work for, then?” 
You shrugged and sat on the edge of the bed to put your boots back on. “Curiosity.” 
“Curiosity killed the cat, you know.” 
“That’s true,” you said with a smirk, forgetting your boots and climbing back onto the bed. He looked up at you as you straddled him, placing your hand on his bare, scarred chest. You leaned down and pressed tantalizing kisses along his jaw, down his neck, and back to his lips. “But satisfaction brought it back,” you murmured against his mouth. 
“Jesus,” Dabi groaned, his free hand traveling along your thigh and under your shirt. “Keep talking like that and I’m not letting you leave this apartment.” 
You laughed and slid off of him. “Isaki’ll kill you.” 
“Not the first time someone’s tried.” He dropped his cigarette into the nearby ashtray and leaned in for another kiss. 
“Funny,” you said, reaching out and cradling his scarred cheek. “I don’t want to overstay my welcome.” 
Dabi sighed and leaned back. “Alright.” He turned around and swung his legs over the side of the bed, his back facing you. 
You bit your lip and looked away. You wanted to stay, sure. You loved being around him. The sex was always amazing. But you also knew that he wasn’t the relationship type; you were afraid that if you got too comfortable, you would wake up one day and he would be gone. That, and the fact that it didn’t take a PhD to figure out that his line of work was dangerous, even for you.
The only thing you could do was lean forward and press a gentle kiss to his exposed shoulder, as a means to express that he meant more to you than just some hook-up. Dabi tensed beneath your lips, but said nothing. After a quiet moment passed, you pulled away to retrieved your forgotten boots.
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Dabi leaned against the railing on your patio and exhaled the cigarette smoke into the cold night air, scrolling through his text messages on his phone with his other hand. The moonlight illuminated his scarred face and dark hair as he took another drag. 
Laughter from within your apartment pulled his attention away from his phone and he looked up through the glass sliding door. Immediately, he felt that strange feeling in the pit of his stomach that always seemed to arise every time he saw you, and this time was no different. You were laughing at some stupid joke your roommate said, head thrown back to expose that beautiful neck he loved to sink his teeth into while he fucked you. But...he also noticed your smile, your sparkling eyes, and the way your shirt had slipped off your shoulder in the midst of your laughter. This wasn’t happening.
Dabi took another drag and irritably tapped a finger along the side of his phone as he exhaled. He tore his gaze away from your smiling face and stared down at the screen, eyes scanning the text he had gotten from Shigaraki, something about another dumbass mission he needed to go on with Twice, of all people. He’d rather get stuck with Toga. 
“Christ,” he muttered, putting the cigarette out in the ashtray and tucking his phone into his pocket. He glanced up at you again, only to find that you were now gazing back at him with such a lovely, oblivious expression on your beautiful face. Dabi had known how you felt about him for a while now, you were always so painfully obvious. And maybe in another life he would feel the same way. 
But this was his life, and the text on his phone felt like it weighed a hundred pounds in his pocket. His mind wandered to the last few nights you had spent together, all shared breaths and moans and tangled legs. He remembered the way you had placed those tender kisses along his shoulder. Out of sheer curiosity, he had looked up what they meant, and it only made what he was about to do that much harder. 
Dabi slid open the glass door and slipped inside the apartment again, rubbing his hands together to get rid of the cold. You looked up from whatever you were cooking in your small kitchen, a grin splitting across your face. 
“There you are,” you said cheerfully, wiping your hands on a towel as he approached you. 
“Hey doll,” he said, instinctively reaching out and tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. He pulled his hand away like it had burned him. “Something came up and I have to head out.” 
“Oh,” you said, crestfallen. “Alright. I’ll walk you out.” 
Dabi gave a goodbye gesture to Isaki, who said nothing. He shrugged and followed you out into the hallway. 
“Duty calls,” he tried to joke through the awkward silence, but joking never really suited him. 
You gave a half-hearted chuckle. “Right.” 
Dabi tucked his hands into his pockets and stared at you. “Look...there’s something we gotta talk about, doll.” 
“You don’t have to say anything else, Dabi,” you said, turning your face away from him. No, he wanted to cry out. Please don’t look away from me. 
But, “It’s for the best,” was all he could say. 
“Of course it is.” 
He chewed on the inside of his cheek and looked down at your bare feet, knowing that he would never again get the chance to run his thumb along the inside of the arch while the two of you laid together in whatever bed he had for the night. He brought his eyes back up to your face, noticing the way your jaw was clenched and your eyebrows were pulled together. 
Maybe in another life. 
“Take care of yourself,” Dabi finally said, turning to walk away. 
“You should learn to take your own advice,” you softly replied. 
He looked at you over his shoulder and smiled. “Yeah, maybe I should.” And with that, he disappeared around the corner and left behind the one thing that had brought him happiness in all his tortured years of living. 
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navegandoaciegas · 4 years
don’t feed it - it will come back
Pairing: Dabi x f!reader, Shoto Todoroki x reader
Warnings: 18+ only, smut, semi-public sex, quickie, tw:cheating, dabi identity spoilers, slight yandere!dabi?, AU where all events are the same except they happen when class 1A are Pros already so all characters are 21+, Dabi is not a villain yet.
A/N: title and lyrics by Hozier. Minors DNI.
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Don't let it in with no intention to keep it, Jesus Christ, don't be kind to it, Honey, don't feed it, it will come back.
You smelled him before you saw him, seared flesh and ashes, expensive cologne to make up for the stench, the same perfume your boyfriend wore, and that you’d bought for Dabi so that Shoto couldn’t smell another man on you.
Dabi. Your addiction, your escape.
His mismatched lips were rough on yours. The staples that patched him together scratched your cheeks, grounding you to reality before you could get lost in your own head, too deep in that special space you shared with him.
“The hell you think you’re doing?”, you hissed, “I‘m on patrol. What if Deku saw?”
You looked around the dingy alley frantically, hoping that your colleague would be busy poking his nose somewhere else. Unfazed as usual, Dabi offered you a lopsided smile, pressing his body against yours, marred forearms resting at the sides of your head, trapping you between him and the wall.
“If he saw,” he hummed, “he’d go tell his little friend how much of a slut his girlfriend is.”
You considered unleashing your quirk and blasting him into the opposite wall just to wipe that smirk off his scarecrow face. Dabi saw it in your eyes, and offered you a more gentle smile, mellow words to placate the fire in you.
“You’ve been mean,” he whispered, something resembling a pout twisting his disfigured face, “Avoiding me and all.”
You snorted at his antics, shaking your head. “I’ve been busy, ‘s all. Hero work. Patrolling, y’know, what I should be doing now.”
He didn’t relent, unbothered by your reluctance. “I waited for you the other night. Two whole hours and you didn’t show up. Didn’t even warn me that you wouldn’t come.”
“Shoto surprised me with a date.”
“Well, I’m surprising you now.”
He sounded like a child throwing a tantrum while looking like a devil himself, a dangerous glint in his turquoise eyes, skin stretched thin over his teeth, staples barely holding him in one piece.
He leaned over you, slow and tantalizing, hot breath fanning over your face.
Seeing him like this never failed to make your brain go haywire, duties forgotten, loyalty buried too deep to even feel guilty anymore.
Just like that first night together, when all the expectations burdening your shoulders had seemed too heavy to carry. When the shoes you’d have to fill had looked too big for you. Daughter of heroes, strong quirk, the public’s favor, a loving boyfriend.
People would have killed to be in your place, and all you’d wanted to do that night was to be someone else, someone whose life was not set in stone the moment they were born.
It had felt like such a dirty secret, blending in with the crowds of civilians on a Friday night, in need to experience all the things that you’d missed on. Clubs and alcohol, dancing with every man or woman that would grind onto you, it had all seemed so bright and liberating.
Then you’d met Dabi, and a drunken conversation on something you couldn’t recall on the cramped dancefloor had ended up in a hook up in the restrooms.
You’d silently cried yourself to sleep that night while Shoto slept peacefully beside you, red and white hair tickling you as he nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck.
Your mistakes had only escalated from there, something like an avalanche waiting to crush you, and the man you’d sworn you’d never seen again was the one holding you in his arms in this very moment.
You knew better than to give in, but you still did despite it, parting your lips while boring your half lidded eyes in his, letting him swirl his tongue around yours, toying with the metal bar on it.
You felt your body flush while his hands roamed over you, groping and kneading your ass, your hips, your tits through the elastic material of your flashy Hero suit.
“I bet you missed me too,” he chuckled, palming you between your legs, the heel of his hand pressing against your clothed lips.
Heat pooling in your belly, you ground your pussy on him, trying to relieve some of the tension in your fluttering cunt.
“Eager, are you? Todoroki Shoto doesn’t fuck you like you need?”
You rolled your eyes, catching yourself before you could moan in his ear.
“He fucks me just fine,” you groaned, fisting his stained white t-shirt, “Just make this quick, I got places to be,” you snapped, slotting your hand between your bodies, palming his bulge through his slacks.
“Brat,” he huffed, stifling a laugh, “and if he did you wouldn’t be humping my hand like a bitch in heat.”
Another warning glare and Dabi rolled his eyes, mumbling something about your over sensitive ass. You pulled him in a kiss to shut him up before your temper got the best of you.
He felt so different from athletic, sturdy Shoto. Slouched shoulders, thin arms, ribs dangerously poking through his emaciated skin. So frail and weak that he couldn’t even lift you in his arms to fuck you against the wall.
Maybe spending your formative years around men like Kirishima and Bakugou, and dating Endeavor’s son himself, had fucked up your standards beyond repair, and maybe Dabi was just a normal civilian with a regular body.
Whatever the case, the thought of your boyfriend was gone as soon as it flashed through your mind, and you hastily began fumbling with the buckle of Dabi’s belt. With a click it snapped open, and you undid his fly, reaching under his boxers. You pumped his hard cock, twisting the velvety skin up and down, thumb teasing his slit. You knew how feral he got when your promise ring rattled with his piercings, so you made a show of it, feeling him throb in your grasp.
“Fuck,” he grunted, hips snapping to fuck himself with your fist.
Teeth clattering, rough hands, his breathy panting in your ear, the arousal pouring out of you. Even the fear of Midoriya catching you drove you more insane than it should have, your walls pulsing in anticipation.
Scarred hands undid your own utility belt, shoving your spandex leggings down your thighs, sliding in your cotton panties.
“So wet for me already, and I barely even touched you?” he gloated, bony fingers spreading your arousal around your folds before dipping in, knuckles deep in your warm cunt, “Sucking me in, hm? You like being touched like this, fucked like a whore, don’t you?”
His thumb roughly toyed with your clit while the rest of his fingers flexed inside you, stretching you out, preparing you for his cock.
“Fuck- God, fuck me already, I don’t have all day,” you grunted, biting his upper lip.
He rolled his eyes then, glaring at you. “You sure know how to set the mood right, koneko-chan.”
He twirled you around then, pushing you flush against the wall, a hand on your shoulder, the other pumping his cock.
Your eyes almost bulged out of their sockets when you felt his tip prod at your entrance.
“You’re not fucking me without a condom,” you hissed, wiggling in his hold, angling your hips away from his.
“Please, just this time, I promise I’ll make it good for you,” he pleaded, shamelessly rutting against your ass.
“No fucking way, get a condom or you’re not getting any.”
“C’mon, just this once, I missed you so much, I wanna feel you all, feel your pretty pussy on my cock, please,” he whined, his hard on between your spread cheeks, “You should make it up to me anyways, y’know, for ghosting me, leaving me alone all night, waitin’ on ya. Wasn’t nice of you.”
You knew that when the blood drained from his brain and travelled to his cock, Dabi wasn’t his smartest. And you had to admit that you were curious to feel the piercings scattered on his dick pressing inside your cunt, eager to know if they really felt as good as he claimed they would.
But you knew better than to give in. Some risks just weren’t worth taking, and some things were better reserved in the intimacy between you and Shoto in some twisted, sick loyalty that you couldn’t bring yourself to breach.
“You’re not getting inside me without a condom, God only knows where you’ve been before,” you scoffed, tugging his hair to unlatch his leathery lips from your neck before he could leave a mark of his existence on you.
The smell of smoke, ash, and seared flesh you could explain. You made that work, somehow. You doubted that your boyfriend, as oblivious, trusting and lovestruck as he was, would mistake love bites for anything else, though.
“Less places than you have for sure, koneko-chan,” he snickered, trailing open mouthed kisses below your jaw, nipping your soft skin between his teeth, “The ladies aren’t lining up to get a taste of me, believe it or not.”
“Jee, I wonder why,” you deadpanned.
“You talk a lot of shit for someone who hops on my dick like it’s her job.”
“Shut the fuck up, Dabi-chan,” you laughed, no bite to your bark.
You were getting antsy with his insistence and with the prospect of Midoriya walking in on you getting railed like a cock drunk whore behind a dumpster by a sketchy guy while you should have been patrolling instead.
Not very heroic of you.
He relented then, and you heard the distinct crunching sound of foil being ripped open.
He rolled the condom down his length, and you bent over, forearms against the rough surface of the wall while he angled your ass and kicked your legs open wider.
“Just sayin’, you’re missing out on me.”
You couldn’t hold the moan that erupted out of you when he snapped his hips, slanting his cock inside your soaked cunt. Your walls sucked him in, stretching around his girth.
You were so pent up and aroused that you almost came at the feeling of him sheathing himself in you, filling you up to the brim. He gave a few tentative thrusts before setting a faster pace, sliding his cock in and out of you.
Your mewls and whimpers and the sound of his balls slapping your ass reverberated in the alley.
You knew that if anyone saw you, your career would be over. The media would have a field trip, and Endeavor would lay down his life to make sure you’d be shunned from society.
And fuck, if the risk didn’t make you clench on Dabi’s dick.
You could feel a bruise form on your tailbone where he gripped you, and a few scratches and shallow cuts on the back of your thighs where his belt dug into your soft flesh.
“Fuck, your pussy is so good, you fuckin’ slut,” he moaned, hand reaching between your legs to play with your swollen clit, “You love my cock, don’t you? You whore, you love being fucked like the bitch you are, hm?”
You gritted your teeth, nails digging into his scalp as you held onto his head, arching your back so his cock could hit deeper inside you, onto that spongy crevice that made pressure built fast and steady in your core.
“And you like being my toy, my pathetic little plaything at my beck and call, don’t you?”
He didn’t answer, clenching his jaw as he kept pounding into you, lips enveloping yours in a bruising kiss.
Sticky webs of drool covered your faces, mixing in with the blood that streamed down his face where the staples couldn’t hold him in place.
“I’m close, I’m so close, fuck-, go faster, yes, right there,” you moaned, feeling the knot in your lower belly get tighter with each drag of his cock against your walls.
“I-, I’m right here with you, babe, just let go, come on my cock, show me how good I make you feel. Fuck, show me he doesn’t fuck this pussy as good as I do, you were-, God, you were made for me-“
His rambling turned into low static to you while jolts of electricity travelled through your body, jerking your limbs as he continued fucking you through your high until he too came, chanting your name like a prayer.
You were the first to move away, wincing as his cock slipped out of your cunt.
Mind buzzing, you barely looked at him, hurriedly pulling your suit back on, adjusting the belt on your waist while Dabi tucked himself in, the small, blissed out smile gracing his handsome face soon twisting in something pained and darker when you scurried away without sparing him a second glance.
The low buzz of ambient music filled your apartment as you stepped in, and a pang of guilt stabbed your heart when you noticed the candles scattered around.
Shoto was on you as soon as you shut the door, a rare, gentle smile on his pretty round face, telling you about the improvised self care night he’d put together for the both of you.
He pressed a kiss to your lips, grimacing at the lingering taste of smoke on you.
“I know smoking helps you decompress, love. But maybe you could switch to electronic?” he asked, hopeful. You knew he hated the idea of you damaging your health as much as he despised the taste and smell of cigarettes.
The concern made your heart jump in your stomach, and when you grazed into his eyes, his turquoise eye, you almost startled yourself at the similarity of someone else’s.
Guilt was really playing tricks on your mind.
You pecked his cheek, reciprocating his smile.
“You’re right,” you sighed, hoping he wouldn’t notice the bitterness in your words, “Know what? I’ll try stopping smoking altogether for you, hm?”
Perched on the fire escape of the building facing yours, Dabi watched his little brother hold you tenderly, swaying you around in a clumsy dance.
He crushed the cigarette under his shoe, and rose to his feet, bile rising in his throat.
He willed himself to be patient, knowing that one day, when he’d burn down the world, he’ll be the one you’ll be dancing with through the flames.
Omg, this is my first time writing for a bnha character and I hope I did okay! Please let me know what you think of this! Your comments are what keeps me alive ❤️🥺
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drxwsyni · 4 years
warehouse shenanigans w/ soft!yandere dabi x reader (predator/prey dynamic)
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yes I did use yagami yato’s Dabi nickname. sue me.
warnings: implied stockholm and unhealthy relationship? (idk reader is chill with dabi’s tendencies)
It wasn’t that you didn’t like being with Dabi. He took care of you, made sure that you felt loved and safe. More than anyone else had ever done.
But after so long, an undeniable truth did arise—you were bored.
A person could only stay cooped up in an apartment for so long. And while you did have plenty of entertainment, the need for something a little more exciting had taken root in your being.
So, it was how you found yourself in this predicament.
It didn’t take much running to stumble upon an abandoned warehouse. Dashing through the corridors, you broke off into a random storage room. There were large wooden crates, you utilizing them as an opportunity for a hiding spot. To secure your position, you pulled a piece of plywood overtop of the boxes, creating a concealed little nook.
And so you waited.
You knew Dabi had followed you here, because you only got about thirty feet away from his apartment before you heard him calling out to you. And while you recognized that distinct teasing in his voice, telling you that he knew you weren’t seriously trying to leave him, he still managed to instill a certain enticing fear in you.
Whether you actually lost him as you entered the warehouse, or if he was just holding back was beyond you. It didn’t matter, when the door to the room you were holed up in was unceremoniously kicked open.
Heavy boots sounded against the concrete floor, a clear identifier to who had made their entrance. Of course, his smug voice bouncing off the walls served the same purpose.
“C’mon out, sweetheart. I know you’re in here.”
You heard his footsteps delve deeper into the room. Slowly.
The deep baritone of his voice sent chills down your spine, amplified by the echo given off by the fairly empty area. “Y’know, if you wanted to play that badly, you could’ve just said so.”
He wasn’t wrong, but you had a strange desire to push the man’s buttons. That, and you didn’t know if he’d let you do something this risky if you asked. Still, you kept silent, a hand clamped over your mouth in an attempt to stifle any noise.
It sounded like he was pushing things to the side. Searching every crevice, the noise of wood scraping against the floor meeting your ears.
“If you come out now, I’ll go easy on you when we get home….maybe.” Dabi snickered to himself, knowing full well how in for it you were the second he got his hands on you.
You could tell he was getting close, the rummaging nearing your position as he swept the room for your hiding spot.
Dabi was nothing if not dramatic at times like these.
The crates to your right were kicked over, the brittleness in the wood causing them to crumple under the impact. The commotion earned a frightened squeak from you, and the second it escaped your lips, you knew you had lost.
“Hm, what’s this?”
You didn’t have to be looking at Dabi to know that there was absolutely a shit eating grin plastered across his face. The thumping of your heartbeat picked up, anticipating what was to come.
Aside from his boots colliding with the concrete, a deafening silence overtook the room―until the low and threatening sound of his voice filled that void.
“Could it be….”
His footsteps came to a halt right next to your hiding place. The plywood was ripped from its spot.
“...a little mouse?”
Your gaze shot up, and they were met with Dabi leaning imposingly over your crumpled form on the floor. Blue and wild eyes pierced yours, holding nothing but danger.
Not a second went by before you were scrambling away, dead set on making a break for it. Or at least, that was until an arm snaked around your waist, hoisting you into the air.
“And just where do you think you’re going, huh?”
Your legs kicked around, unable to connect with anything while you were suspended. A fit of uncontrollable giggles escaped you as he playfully spun in a circle with you in his arms.
“Noooo, let me go!”
He laughed at your demand, the taunting lilt to it making you shiver. “Not gonna happen, sweet cheeks. You’re in big trouble.”
In mere seconds, Dabi had maneuvered you to be slung over his shoulder, surprising you once again with how strong he was.
“H-hey! It’s your fault for not bringing me anywhere, I mean you could’ve at least—”
You yelped when a hand came down on your ass to silence you, prompting you to squirm fruitlessly in his iron-like hold.
Dabi began heading for the exit of the warehouse as he spoke. “We’ve been over this, you’ve got everything you need back at the apartment.” He shifted you so that he could pin your still struggling legs down before continuing. “And maybe if you weren’t such a little brat, I’d actually be able to take you somewhere nice for a change.”
You perked up at the notion—not knowing that Dabi had ever actually considered letting you roam a little more freely. “Wait—really?”
He chuckled at your disbelief, pushing the front doors open. The cool air of the night hit your body, causing you to pull yourself closer to the heat radiating off of him.
“Yes, but before I let any of that happen, someone’s gotta learn their lesson on what happens when they misbehave.”
Unconsciously, you tensed at the notion, knowing his methods of reprimand would have you in for a long night. It wasn’t that Dabi would hurt you, it was just that he would take advantage of all your little weaknesses he’d come to observe. And you knew that he’d make you betray yourself in all the best ways, and somehow get you to enjoy it at the same time.
Sensing your bubbling anticipation, Dabi satisfyingly smiled to himself. He made his way through the deserted back streets, not bothering to put you down for fear of any more shenanigans.
Your fate was determined. You’d never be able to get away from him, and really, you didn’t want to.
“...Let’s get you home, little one.”
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dekus-afro-pic · 4 years
Touya Todoroki/Dabi x fem!villan Reader
Summary: You were the only outside person to witness your best friends death. You grew up watching his murderer walk around and call himself the number two hero. While causing trouble on the wrong side of town you’re confronted by a familiar stranger.
Warnings: HUGE BIG BIG BIG BNHA290 SPOILERS, Cursing, blood, murder, mentions of suicide, a heated make out session at the end
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“Touya when are you coming back to schoo-”your soft voice was cut off by a warm hug.
“I’m leaving soon y/n” he mumbled.
You wrapped your arms around his bandaged body. “Where are you going?”
“Somewhere fun. Somewhere safe” he pulled away. You stared at his glossy eyes, tears forming in your own.
“Your running away? I’ll come with the you.”
“Not exactly” he puts something in your hand. “I’ll see you soon Y/n”
You looked down and saw that it was a bracelet with a blue flame. You looked back up and he was already gone. Disappearing into the wooded area. You walked away, bracelet still clutched into your smal hands.
You looked back at the wooded area, only to see it was engulfed in blue flames. You run back towards the boy, smoke filling your lungs.
“TOUYA” You scream, emotions taking over. Your natural disaster quirk activates, trying to put out the flames with water. But the flames were too hot. Smoke blurring your vision and clouded your lungs. You heard tree branches falling all around you. One hits your arm, burning your soft flesh. “God DAMN IT TOUYA” you choked.
“Go home y/n” a deep voice told you. You turned to see the number two hero standing over you. “He’s gone”
“HE COULD STILL BE IN THERE! YOU’RE NOT EVEN TRYING TO HELP HIM. YOURE HIS FATHER, DO SOMETHING” You screamed at the man. Your limbs started to feel heavy and your vision was blurring. You tried to take another step but was met with the hard cement ground.
You never forgot that day. You even have dreams of it on the rare occasion of you sleeping. You knew one thing for a fact: you despised heroes.
Years later you still held the same hatred for heroes. Especially Endeavor. Every time you saw a hero you scoffed. Nothing but selfish bastards.
“Awwwn look at you all.” you tease at a group of tourists. “I almost feel guilty....almost. Where are your precious heroes now hmm? Your heroes that you love oh so much are nowhere to be found. Oh well guess you guys have to-”
You send a small tornado their way stopping it mere inches away from them. “Die” you smirked.
“Oi” you hear an oddly familiar voice speak. “What are you doing on this side of town”
You turn around and see a rather tall and handsome man. His hair was dark and he wore a long coat.
“Oh look. The infamous Dabi. May I please get your autograph” you mocked
“Watch it doll. Don’t want to barbecue you” he threatened with bright blue flames.
You froze. You haven’t seen blue flames since Touya died.
“That’s a pretty bracelet you have there” he inched closer “mind if I swipe it?”
“Over my dead body” you spat, snapping back into reality.
“That can be arranged brat” He spat back. He made his way towards you but stopped at the outburst by one of your hostages.
“HEROES!” One of the hostages yelled.
You looked pass the ravenette to see one of Endevour’s side kicks. You knew this because you’ve been studying the mans every move. Every person he’s hired. You even know where his youngest son goes to school. That poor child, having to be forced into hero studies.
“The number 1 Hero sure does sit on his ass all day. He’s never made an attempt to show up to one of my parties” you pout.
“He has better things to do than-”
“Blah blah blah oh shut up” you interrupt, striking him with a strong bolt of lightning. Surely killing him. “I never get to have any fun”
You turn to see that the man had left the store. You look back at your hostages and smirked “guess I’ll get going now. Not before I give you guys a gift” You stomp your foot on the ground hard, causing a mild earthquake. You walk out of the store laughing at the hostages screams.
You make your way to a nearby alleyway. Climbing up the fire escape, you make your way to the roof. You sit on the edge, watching how the city lights up at night. You watched as hero’s quickly made way to your ex hostages. Some being brought out on ambulance stretchers.
“Pathetic” you mumbled, playing with your blue flame bracelet “They weren’t there for you Touya. You see this shit? It’s not fair”
“Not fair at all” a voice said behind you.
You quickly stood to your feet to face the stranger. But, it was just the same raven haired man from before.
“What do you want man” you groaned. “I already told you I’m not giving you my bracelet”
“But it’s mine” Dabi teased. Part of him wanted you to remember him. To hug you and tell you how much he missed you. The other part wanted to hide. He was dead to you after all.
“Please” you sassed “This isn’t yours. I had it since I was a kid. Either fight me or get off my rooftop”
The man, oblivious to you, already knew how long you had the bracelet. “Look at the bracelet y/n”
You glared at him, looked down at your bracelet and back up to him. He held out a small blue fire in his palm. Almost identical to the one on your wrist.
“I swear to you I will scream if this means what I think it means” you whispered, slightly shaking your head.
“Don’t scream. We’ll both get caught up here and sent to prison”
“Right. No screaming. Can I...” your voice was shakey as you inches closer to your best friend “Can I hug you?”
He nodded his head opening his arms, waiting for your embrace. He didn’t expect you to jump on him so when you did, the both of you fell to the ground.
“Touya oh god I missed you so much. You look so different. Stronger and just so different” you ramble. You hold him tight, scared that he’ll leave again. Then you remember he left in the first place. You looked down at him and electrocute his leg.
“Shit y/n what was that for” he growled pushing you off of him.
“That’s for leaving me alone for so long” you spat. “I thought you were dead. For so long I’ve tried to kill myself so I could be with you. For so long I’ve been killing people who got in my way of killing Endevour. AND YOU WERE ALIVE ALL THIS TIME?”
“I know. I’ve been watching you” he groaned “I told you I’d come back for you didn’t I?”
He reached out his right hand. Waiting for you to place your hand in his.
“If you’re going to kill me-“
“God y/n” he took hold of your hand and dragged you back to the fire escape.
He led you to an old bar. At least that’s what it looked like on the outside. You were surprised when he led you to the back, where the rest of the group resigned.
“Everyone this is Y/N. Y/N this is everyone” Dabi “introduced”.
You waved at the group of people who all said their own version of greetings. Your eyes wandered to the group’s leader. Well, more like his back.
“Hey Shigi. Did you ever get that cream I recommend?” You snorted.
He turned to glare at you. He flipped you off while he went back to playing his video game. You and him have butt heads on numerous occasions. The two of you always running into eachother while recking havoc on the city.
“Come on” Dabi whispered in your ear. “I’ll show you to my room”
The room wasn’t small but it wasn’t quite big either. It had a bathroom attached to it and one of those closets that have the sliding door. The room smelt like cigarettes and cologne. In other words: Dabi.
“You smell just like your room,” You joked, making your way to his bed. “Burnt”
“Your jokes are hilarious as always Y/N” he retorted sarcastically “ go take a shower. You stink”
“Ouch my feelings. What will I wear?”
He pulled out a shirt and some boxers and handed them to you.
“Skinny legend” you snorted, lifting up the underwear.
“I bought those after Tomura told me he ran into you. I was planning on kidnapping you then. But I got sidetracked” he rubbed his neck nervously. He sat on his bed and turned on his tv. “Now hurry up and shower”
You stepped out of the hot shower and slipped the shirt over your head. As expected, it was too big. You opened the bathroom door cautiously just in case Dabi was asleep.
The lights were off, along with the tv, as light snores filled the room. You set your dirty clothes on a vacant chair and crawled into his bed.
“It took you long enough” the man mumbled. He hooked one of his arms around your leg and pulled you closer. His body was soothingly hot, no doubt due to his quirk.
“I had to rinse the stink off of me” you jabbed back at him. You buried your face into his neck “Go back to sleep”
You waited until his snores resumed to get a closer look at his body. Tracing a finger along his staples you took note of how he reacted to it. You traced his nose piercings before kissing his cheek.
“You missed” he mumbled, awoken out of his sleep for a second time.
“I did not. You get no smooches until you tell me you love me” you smirked.
Dabi glared at you and sighed. “I love you y/n. Now can I kiss you? I’ve waited too many years to do so”
You leaned foward and placed a soft kiss on his dual textured lips. He grabbed your hips and sat you on top of him. Running his hands along your sides, he slipped his tongue into your mouth. His grip on your ass hardened as your hands tugged at his hair.
The two of you pulled away for air, panting. You looked him in his eyes and smiled.
“I love you too”
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kinsurou · 4 years
Forgive me Lord, for I am sinning
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Pairings: Dabi (Touya) x Reader
Word count: 5.4K
Warnings: Smut (18+), Incubus!Dabi, Swearing, Dirty talking, Alcohol, Oral sex, Unprotected sex, Hair pulling, Slight mentions of breeding, Dabi being a little shit, Slight comedy.
Part 2 of the Incubus!AU. This one's a bit different from the first part. Special thanks to @dragonhrte for beta reading this monstrosity for me, and my friends @hawks-senseis @shoutogepi @honeytama @gr0vndz3ro @wakaoujisenhime @sailor-manga for listening to my non-stop ramblings as I worked on this piece! ❤
If somebody had said that after visiting your stranded family, you would end up coming back home bonded to a demon after getting laid inside the same church that brought nightmares upon you for years. You would have laughed at them before asking them to hand over some of whatever it was they may have drank.
But now, as an all too familiar weight drapes over your body, emitting such heat, that it covers your body with a thin layer of sweat despite the intensity of the air conditioner. Followed by a pair of warm lips slowly kissing the back of your neck, as they descend all the way to your lower back. Lastly, the pair of hands squeezing their way in between the mattress and your front to play with the soft mounds in your chest. 
It all makes you think twice about everything you once believed to be nothing but myths and bedtime stories a parent would tell their child so they would behave.
An eyebrow twitched in annoyance as those hands pinched your nipples teasingly, tracing a small pair of piercings adorning the erect nubs. But you made no effort to move from your position in bed, trying to get as much sleep as possible before the start of the day.
“...What do you think you’re doing?” But your tired, sleepy voice was simply ignored, and the owner of those hands leaned down to purr softly over your ear as they started biting the lobe softly.
“Well...I firmly believe there’s no better way to start the day than with some nice morning sex.” Sharp fangs nibbled gently over your neck, right over the spot where a burgundy mark branded the sensitive skin. ”C’mon little one, I’ll be quick.” 
Taking a deep, tired breath, a hand reached out for a small spritzer on the bedside table. Without even bothering to open your eyes, you quickly proceeded to spray the creature looming above your previously sleeping self, who by the way, started hissing painfully by the moisture damping his face.
“What the fuck is that?!” This time, you actually rose half-way from bed to glare at the demon rubbing his smoking face as if his life depended on it. Teal eyes were dangerously lowered into a glare, but honestly? After spending nearly two months stuck with Dabi, he didn’t scare you one bit anymore.
The demon that took you under the eyes of God and the little shit in front of your bed are two completely different individuals by this point. Now, every single day was spent being followed around the apartment by a horny demon trying to either seduce you or feel you up in order to satiate his hunger. Of course, it always backfired on him.
“Holy water.” The spritzer was pointed at him yet again, and he flinched back slightly, glaring at the plastic bottle with nothing but disgust “When I said I was mad at you, It was serious! Why are you still here anyway? Didn’t you get your own place next door?” 
“Not really, just used my hypnosis on the old lady to get in.” He shrugged “If it makes you feel any better, I gave her back the keys some time ago. Told her I found them laying around.” He followed with a sly grin, that somehow riled you up even further “By the way, she thinks I’m your boyfriend.”
He got spritzed again, Much to his chagrin.
“So, ‘Touya’...” At the mention of his “name”, Touya looked up from his spot on the couch, frowning slightly after what happened that morning. Those little tantrums of the devil’s spawn usually lasted a few hours before he was back to his casual, lazy, and annoying self. “How did you become trapped in the church in the first place?” 
“Why? Want to send me back? Sorry doll, but there’s no way I’m going back.” He got up from his seat and slowly approached while you were busy having some food. Coming up from behind, his face came from one side to give an alluring kiss to your jaw. “Especially now, that I have such a nice, little vessel all for myself.”
Even though you kept ignoring his approaches, those small shivers that went through your body with his every touch, were more than enough to nourish him for a while. But it’d be a lie if he said he wasn’t expecting a full meal like the one from that night. 
“And what’s with this ‘vessel’ shit? Why me? There were plenty of girls back home, so why did you pick someone like….me of all people?” You jerked away from him, much to the demon’s disappointment, and picked up the empty dish, getting up from the chair to let it sink into the soapy water from the sink before turning to look at him with a frown.
“It’s just like I said before.” He twirled a lock of your hair between his fingers. “There’s something different about you. Besides, all of them are just like those instant meals you like, full of artificial shit. Like that cousin of yours, what’s their name again…? Meh, doesn’t matter, you know who I’m talking about, don’t you?”
You rolled your eyes and huffed knowingly, fully aware of who he was talking about. The family’s golden child. The one who’s never disappointed the family and is their little star. But behind closed doors? They were probably worse than you.
“But you’re different, want to know why?” He got so close, that you could feel the heat of his body through his clothes. His face was so close as well, and it was strange looking at him without all those stitches and scars. Now that you think about it, it’s been a while since he stopped using this “Glamour”. 
“Because you’re not someone who’s afraid of speaking your mind, so what if you’re not their golden child? You’ve always stayed true to yourself.” A hand made its way inside your shirt, claws roaming seductively all over your back. You couldn’t help closing your eyes and gasp quietly as ‘Touya’s hand kept grazing your body with that burning, lust-filled touch.
But as soon as his lips grazed your own, the loud shrill of your phone caught the both of you off guard and nearly caused you to bump ‘Touya’ in the face.
Flushed face turned away from the demon, you turned all your attention to the device. The caller’s ID made you smile in excitement once you saw the name of your best friend, there was only one reason she would call you this early during the weekend.
“Hey, What’s up!” Her cheerful voice made you walk away from the sink, leaving a frowning demon behind. Touya only glared at the device as he saw you talking happily with the girl on the other side of the line. He caught the word “party”, and couldn’t help but smirk smugly once he realized just what that meant. He was really going to enjoy this.
“Alright, I’ll go get ready, see you there!” Ending the call with a squeal, you ran into your room to look for a proper outfit and do your makeup. He just followed behind silently and leaned against the open door, watching you get undressed with a hungry glint in his eye and a devilish smirk.
“Ugh...Which one should I wear?” You mumbled to yourself, looking at the two tops in the bed with a pensive look. Black or Blue top?
“The blue one looks better.” The demon’s voice surprised you for a bit before a loud shriek was heard as he got the other top thrown at his laughing face, but you had to admit he had good taste. The top he suggested had been sitting at the bottom of the closet for a long time anyway, so it was the perfect time to use it!
Grabbing a pair of black jeans, you quickly got dressed and began putting on makeup, just enough to make your eyes stand out with the lights from the club, and a beautiful shade of red that complimented your skin just perfectly. Lastly, a pair of boots that fit the outfit just perfectly. From his place, Touya gripped the fabric thrown at his face strong enough to slightly tear through it with his black claws. Pupils dilated at the sight of those boots adorning those beautiful legs of yours.
Checking the hour, you still had some time before meeting up with your friends. Snatching a small handbag nearby, you made sure everything was in place. Money? check. Keys? check….A condom, just in case? Check.
“I’ll be back later. If I find any of the neighbors at the door, I’m exorcising you myself!” You looked at Dabi with an annoyed squint, remembering the last time he got in trouble for scaring one of the nosy neighbors from the other building, claiming they had it coming for trying to peek through your window.
He said nothing as he saw you rushing out, a wicked grin appeared on his face as he thought of the surprise you might get tonight. It was going to be so much fun.
Two hours later, you were having the time of your life with the others. Taking shots, dancing to the loud music, and sharing looks with one of the hottest strangers you’ve ever met in your life while sitting at one of the barstools. Too intoxicated by the high from the party to notice the burning sensation around the skin of your neck.
“Sooooo, why haven’t you texted these past weeks?” Your friend sat down at your left, resting for a bit from dancing her heart out with this other girl that kept making eyes at her, much to her flustering. “She’s totally checking you out! Atta girl” She couldn’t stop giggling like a teenager at your remarks. 
“I’ve been busy, lots of stuff that needs to be taken care of.” Like how to get rid of the demonic hobo that keeps stealing the instant ramen. But your friend only gave you a look while downing another shot of some liquid courage. 
“The last time you said that we had to take all of the stuff you dropped at your ex’s home after you broke up with them. You’re seeing someone, aren’t you?” She gave you a knowing grin. This girl knows you better than your own family, but what were you supposed to tell her?
Yeah! I went to visit my family and ended up fucking a demon at the church, who just happened to move in with me and won’t stop trying to get laid! 
At this rate, you’d probably end up locked up if someone could hear your thoughts.
Downing another shot, she stood up from her seat and made her way back to the dancefloor and into the arms of her admirer. Thinking about the situation back home left you thinking about Dabi, and that day back at the church. He may try to get into your pants nearly every single day, and yet, he usually stopped his approaches after a while.
Despite all the stress he caused, sometimes he'd go out of his way to help out, even though most of the time he kept messing with your stuff...Maybe...he wasn’t so bad after all…
“Gah! What am I thinking?” Shaking the thoughts out of your head, the drink in front of you was quickly downed.
“Something troubling that pretty face?”  Another voice came from your right side before you had the chance to order another drink. Looking back quickly made your face get warm. The same guy that kept looking at you was standing right there. Just having him this close made something stir inside, as well as a burning sensation at your neck that was brushed off in favor of admiring this beautiful stranger.
“You can say that again, haha….” He sat down beside you, before ordering two beers and handing one over to you.
“Well, hearing a pretty one out is my specialty. Cheers for our troubled lives, am I right?” He raised the bottle before taking a big gulp of the cold, bitter liquid and you followed after him, the night passed by with some small talk and laughter as your face began getting warmer because of the alcohol.
And by the time the clock struck past 1 am, you were already close to this stranger at the far corner of the club.
….Or at least you tried to.
Another two hours passed by, and the sound of the door being slammed loudly caught Touya’s attention as he read one of your favorite books at the same spot from that afternoon.
“You….!” A furious growl came out of your throat. He didn’t bother looking up, already feeling the heated glare at the back of his head before hearing your marching to the bedroom, and he just grinned in realization once he caught a whiff of your scent. 
Dropping the book carelessly behind him, Touya walked nonchalantly inside the bedroom, spotting you taking off all the make-up, half-ruined by your sweat.
“Something wrong, little one?” You turned to glare at him furiously, before throwing the cotton pat at him, which was quickly dodged. But he couldn’t dodge when you pulled him by the collar and began shaking him in anger.
“What did you do to me?!” He felt the frustration coming out of your body, and he also saw it on those fiery eyes of yours “I was this close, THIS CLOSE to getting laid with one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met in my life!” Your faces nearly touched each other ���But right as we were about to do it, not only does this fucking mark starts burning like crazy! I couldn’t feel anything as he touched me!” 
You smacked his chest rapidly, trying to let out all that pent-up anger inside, if only this bastard could actually react to your punches, it would actually be satisfying to hit him, but he wouldn’t even flinch.
Before a hand could land on his face, he quickly caught it mid-air, pulling you closer by the waist with something dark in his eyes. Bright, glowing eyes looked down at you. 
“That’s just a side-effect of being a vessel. You can actually be pleased however you want, but there’s a catch.” The way he grinned gave away his answer even before he continued to speak. “As long as we’re bonded to each other, only a master can actually please their vessel.”
You pulled away from him, holding the wrist he held closer to your chest. Like he could tear off the limb in an instant if you weren’t careful enough.
“Besides, think about it. Why would you want to be pleased by a mere mortal, when you know just what exactly your master can offer? Or have you forgotten that night? When you could only scream how much you adored my cock?” 
As much as you wanted to pour the contents of the spritzer on him...he had a point. Why in the world did you want someone else when someone that made you feel such wonderful things, was living under the same roof as yours?
It’s a trap.
Looking down at the floor, you bit harshly at your lip and headed towards the bathroom. After everything that happened tonight, you really needed to freshen up.
Getting undressed and stepping under the running water in the bathtub was easy. Allowing the cold stream to run down your body, trying desperately to ease the aching heat between your legs was the hard part. With each passing second, the increasing heat became insufferable, but no matter how chilled the water felt, the aching wouldn’t go down one bit.
Lust began clouding your thoughts the more time you spent under the cold bath, it was starting to become downright painful and as much as you tried pleasing yourself, it just wasn’t enough.
Walking out of the shower with a soft towel carefully wrapped around your body, you tried to distract yourself blow-drying the damp locks of hair. Trying to ignore the clenching between your thighs. Despite having just taken a shower, there was already slick running down your legs. 
Whimpering, you walked out of the bathroom. Colliding with Touya’s hard chest as he stood in the way between the bathroom and the hallway. His whole body trembled as he let out a low, dangerous growl as soon as he caught a whiff of your scent. It would be a lie if you said that sound didn’t scare you…and at the same time, excited you.
Slowly tilting your head up to look at him, you were met with the same dark eyes from that time at the church. And before you realized what was happening, he had already pushed you against the wall, caging you in the spot with his arms. 
But he just ignored you and crashed his lips upon yours with a bruising force. Sending an overwhelming shock from head to toe that nearly made your body give up and fall down on the floor. It was fierce, strong, passionate. You couldn’t even begin to fully describe it, but it was perfect.
“I could smell you from the other side of town.” He broke the kiss, allowing you to catch your breath before he kissed you again as eagerly as before. This time you were ready, and gladly began kissing him back with the same strength. Moaning into the kiss and holding onto him for dear life as his middle finger began prodding its way inside you. He swallowed your every noise happily, enjoying the way your body began trembling as his hand gave you a slight taste of sweet relief, that was so desperately needed.
Then he broke the kiss one more time, teal eyes engulfed in black as he admired your warm face and half-lidded eyes. “That sweet scent of your body, crying out to be pleased, begging to be satisfied until you become nothing but a limp mess underneath your master.”
He looked at your eyes closing with nothing but bliss, begging for more of his unholy touch. Nothing mattered to you anymore, all you wanted was for Touya to defile your whole being like he did the very first time.
“Ahhh….Please…” Lust glazed eyes fluttered open to look at him, and he almost wanted to take you right there, right now “Take my body however you want, Master…”
In an instant. He pulled his hand away from your core, yanking the towel away in the process. With little to no effort, Touya lifted your body with both hands and wrapped your legs around his waist, before taking your begging self to the bedroom. And this time, nothing would stop him from having you, and if he had to obliterate someone to ashes, in order to get what he wanted, he would.
He set you down in front of the bed and sat down on the edge, spreading his calves wide open, just enough for you to fit in at the same time that he leaned back on his lean arms. Face leaning against his knuckles as he looked at your trembling self.
“What are you waiting for, little one? Your master is waiting.”
Nothing but pure, concentrated arousal fueled your every thought. One knee bent down on the floor, the other one followed soon after. Finally, you sat in front of the demon, resting both hands over your knees, and waited for his next commands while staring at a growing bulge, easily noticeable under the layers of black denim. 
“Time to worship your master’s cock, little one.” 
Shaky hands made contact with the zipper of his jeans, slowly tugging it down. A small purr was heard from above you, and the room slowly began to get warmer as the demon’s pants slowly became looser around his waist.
“Look what you do to me. I’ve never wanted to fuck you more than I do now.” He growled in contempt once his jeans were undone and his underwear was pulled down. That all too unique cock sprung out before your half-closed eyes, already dripping with precum. Having it this close to your eyes was way different from last time. 
You could see every detail of the ridges at his sides, and this time, there was something else you definitely did not see, or feel the last time. He smirked widely, showing off those longs fangs of his when he saw you look up at him with curious eyes.
“This is new...When did you get a Jacob’s ladder?” Your hand grasped around the erect member, taking as much of it as it could. Thumb tracing a small vertical line at the underside of it, right in between the row of piercings decorating his shaft, all the way from the base until it stopped right below the tip. The slightest touch was almost enough to send the demon into a frenzy.
“Shortly after leaving the church. But what can I say? I wanted to surprise you.” He didn’t move one bit as he stared at you with those bright eyes. His hands cupped the side of your face, nails scratching gently at your cheek, and you couldn’t help leaning towards his warm touch. “This cock isn’t gonna suck itself. Come on little one, get those pretty lips of yours to work.”
Too lost in the haze to even bother giving the demon a snarky remark, you happily obeyed his orders. 
Slowly, your hand started touching his length with cautious, but firm strokes. The more you kept touching him, the heavier his breathing became. 
“Your hand feels so good.” As much as you wanted to keep on teasing him, the trembling between your legs just kept getting stronger. Desire kept growing inside you like vines, snaring themselves painfully against your very soul.
Leaning forward, your lips gave the tip of his cock a tender, delicate kiss, and not only the feeling of those soft lips against him, but the dazed look in your eyes made Touya grip the blanket with force, growing nails digging into the material underneath, much to your chagrin. But right now, that didn’t really bother you. The only thing that mattered, was worshipping the throbbing cock in the palm of your hand.
Might as well give the demon what he wanted…
“Mmmm...Is my master enjoying this?” You kept moving your hand while peppering his tip with more kisses. Starting at the head before leaving a trail all the way down to the base. Not once did you break eye contact with him, and he couldn’t really complain about the view. 
“Stop with the teasing already,” His hand pulled harder on your hair, leaning down until both of your faces were so close to each other, that you could practically feel his jagged breathing fanning against your warm face, and those hypnotizing blue orbs nearly digging a hole in your soul. “Now’s when the real worship begins. You know what to do, little one.”
You couldn’t hold back a gasp as he pulled harder on your soft locks, and he took advantage of that little noise, to push that pretty mouth down on his cock, hissing in delight at the warmth of your mouth.
“Shit…! your mouth feels so fucking good, it’s just as nice as your pussy!” Both of your hands came forward to rest on top of his thighs while moaning around the pulsing length. Small vibrations made him tilt his head back with closed eyes and a satisfied groan.
He tasted so good, that the pent-up frustration accumulated over the past week because of him, dissipated in an instant, and all you cared about was showing him...just how much you loved, your master’s cock.
Not waiting for a command, you began bobbing your head immediately, taking as much of him as possible, while continuing to stroke whatever bit couldn’t fit inside your mouth. Saliva and pre-cum mixed together into a lewd mixture, slowly dripping down your chin with each bob of your head. 
The grip in your hair became firmer the more your tongue kept tracing circles on his tip. Touya could hear your little, satisfied hums the more you attempted to take him deeper with each thrust of your head against his hips. Thighs shaking desperately once the taste of his precum reached every corner of your tongue.
“As much as I love the way you take my cock with that filthy mouth,” With a single maneuver, he pulled your face away from him despite the little whines you gave, wishing to taste him just a bit more. “I can’t wait to leave bruises all over that pretty skin.”
Unwilling to wait any longer, Touya pulled you off the ground, and with a grin, he threw you face down on the bed. The mattress dipped down on your side by the weight of the demon climbing over your withering body. 
“Get on your knees, right now.” The authority in his words was almost enough for you to melt on the spot. Obediently, you positioned yourself just as the demon said, and felt him grab on your hips with a force that would certainly leave a path of dark bruises. 
When he began rubbing himself against your soaked folds, the friction from those firm ridges sent an exquisite sensation through your whole body, it made him laugh darkly once he heard those small, silent gasps as you waited eagerly to be filled. 
A sharp pain shot through your backside when his hands smacked the skin of your ass, and although it was painful, it felt so good at the same time.
“What’s the matter, little one?” Another smack was given, making you yelp from excitement “You like this don’t you? What a filthy slut!” 
When a third smack was given, tears ran down your face desperately. All you wanted was for this demon to ravish you at once. Not a pinch of pride or shame remained inside. You wanted him, and badly.
“Ahh...Please, master…” A hand snaked its way underneath, spreading those slick folds wide open as an offering to the demon. “Please, fuck me already. I can’t take it anymore!” 
“Good!” One of his hands pushed lightly on the head of his cock, guiding it towards your warm, little hole and with a swift thrust, Touya buried himself all the way in. “Cause I’m gonna fuck you senseless, make you feel so damn good, that the thought of being with someone else will never cross your mind ever again, little one.”
Oh god, it was even better than last time. You could feel every single ridge, and those piercings brushing snuggly against your walls as he began with a fast pace immediately. His every thrust turned you into a mess underneath him. 
Why did you even want someone else in the first place when you had this? If you had to settle for one dick to satisfy you for life, then maybe this wasn’t so bad after all.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Your face buried against the bed with a lost smile and eyes rolling into the back of your head. In addition, your hands kept gripping the sheets with a death grip as Touya began hitting a spot over and over again that knocked your breath away. Watching you squirming underneath him was truly a sight to behold, nothing could come close to how beautiful you looked in the demon’s eyes.
“I can’t get enough of this delicious pussy, it feels amazing having you taking my cock like this…!” He held your body closer to his, hands kneading your chest in synch with his every push. 
Your moans became louder with every single hump of his pelvis ramming against your ass, it brought you closer and closer over the edge. Until that all too familiar knot in your stomach. 
“Master!...I’m coming! I’m coming!” Your whole body began trembling from the upcoming high, inner walls clasping around the throbbing girth humping your insides so wickedly good. 
But then, Touya stopped moving so abruptly that it almost made you cry out in frustration. Was this his revenge for the spritzer?
But that’s wasn’t it. Instead, he flipped you over and pulled those beautiful legs to rest against his shoulders. Nibbling softly on the soft flesh of your inner thighs made goosebumps appear all over your body, and with a grin, he once again slammed his cock inside that warm, sloppy hole he adored. Picking up his brutal pace from before caused the headboard to slam loudly against the wall with each jab of his hips against yours.
“I want to see that look on your face again. That look in your eyes as I fill this delicious pussy with my cum!” You couldn’t stop gasping for air the more he kept shoving his length into the depths of your warmth, savoring the feeling with eyes closed tightly in nothing but pure enjoyment.
"Take it you little lamb! Take all of your master's seed until you become big and swollen with my offspring!"
He gave another rough thrust, hitting that same spot from before with an intensity that made you cling onto him for dear life, wrapping your arms around his neck. The heat from his body was searing hot, a little more and it could burn you alive at any moment. When you opened your eyes again, the sight you witnessed was hypnotizing.
His body was engulfed in blue flames, and despite being so close to him, that fire around him didn’t burn your skin in the slightest, but instead, it began burning away at his skin, and you realized it was actually destroying his disguise. When he lifted his head from your neck, you saw the same scarred face from that night at the church.
But his unnatural appearance didn’t bother you anymore, too lost in the high as Touya...No...As Dabi let out a deep snarl and with a powerful thrust, that tight knot in your stomach burst. Making you scream as an orgasm overtook your senses.
The look in your face sent Dabi into a frenzy, the sound of his length sloshing into your sloppy core resonated through the bedroom, and with a couple more thrusts, he slammed himself deep inside, clinging onto you as he filled your womb with his scalding seed. 
You both stayed in place, breathing heavily while clinging to each other. Slowly, he pulled out and crawled back, the motion caused your legs to plop on the mattress and he watched in satisfaction as his seed kept leaking out of your drained body, before getting up from the bed and walking out of the room.
For a good ten minutes, you didn’t bother moving, wincing slightly at the sticky sensation all over your whole body, and when every single spasm kept making your body leak with Dabi’s cum, you felt even stickier. The bedsheet laid there completely torn to shreds, soaked and slightly charred. 
“Come here.” Dabi walked back inside the room without his human disguise. Carefully he picked you up bridal style and took you back to the bathroom, where the bathtub was nicely filled. He helped you get in and lean back against the edge as the steaming hot water helped your worn-out body to relax. “There we go.”
“Why are you doing all this? I thought demons didn’t care about us mortals.” From the corner of your eyes, you spotted him picking a small towel from the shelves before he approached the tub again, he soaked it slightly in the tub, before using it to wipe your face.
“Well, I need to take good care of my vessel.” This time, he used the towel on your hair, the warmth felt nice on your sensitive scalp after having your hair pulled for a good time. “And honestly? I like this. You have guts standing up to a demon. Can’t say I don’t like the thrill though. So, as long as we’re bonded, just sit back and enjoy your daily life while I make sure to give you whatever you need.”
You hated to admit it, but it was a tempting offer. Either way, you’re definitely going to hell anyway....Maybe this deal wasn't so bad after all.
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