#i: lila x diego
journalofabird · 1 month
What happened to the other 36 children that were born on October 1st 1989?
Why is Reginald Hargreeves an alien?
Why did Abigail say "Thanks for protecting me on the moon" to Luther?
Why was Jennifer inside a squid?
What happened to Sloane when all the others got to another timeline?
Without the comics, there are still so many questions left unanswered in the umbrella academy show itself.. and it's driving me crazyyy
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ohrackham · 1 month
what was the point of lila thinking home was a feeling she didn't deserve and could never earn until she found diego. what was the point of them finding deep, meaningful love in each other. what was the point of lila opening her heart and confessing that all she really wanted was a family with him.
what was the point of developing diego and lila over two seasons, creating such a beautiful, chaotic bond, just to destroy it for no reason.
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ballerinarina · 27 days
𐙚 girls, seriously, please remember that diego learned punjabi for lila. don't ever low your male standards.
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xxximortalxxx · 1 month
As much as you guys hate to admit it, the Five and Lila pairing makes sense and was not at all utter bullshit as you guys are making it seem.
From the time Lila was introduced, she came in as a strong character that's wild, sexy, fun, and a bit deranged. She's a badass character! And what happens? She meets Diego in a point in her life where she was at the height of chaos and adventure. They fall in love, or in a toxic situationship filled with family drama and mother/father issues.
Now let's look at Five. His situation is overall fucked. Imagine being some kid that grew up with space/time travel powers and getting stuck in time, having to grow up pretty much before all of his siblings, and then having to come back in his KID body and still have to fix THEIR problems on top of dealing with his own mental issues that he acquired and loneliness. Reminder that he would not have had a partner due to his inconvenient life/appearance.
Lila and Diego are in this marriage with kids after trying to live a "normal" life. Lila feels stuck because she basically trauma bonded with some guy that happened to be there and was able to put up with her issues and vice versa. Diego was convenient. And from what I see, she really just wanted to make a family she didn't have. Their relationship is kinda out of obligation for their kids at this point, and neither of them are happy.
At this point, Five and Lila get stuck in time together after having previously been on opposite sides but coming together for family sake. From the beginning they matched each other's energy and even I would say they complement each other. They both have explosive personalities filled with sarcasm, snark, and a bit of humor. They both enjoy danger and a rough tussle. That's all they have known.
At this point, both Five and Lila have experienced so much in their lives, so much adventure already. They are ready to settle down, because sometimes love is the adventure you're looking for in this crazy world.
And look I get it. Badass lady is reduced to housewife trope that shouldn't exist unless within character. But can we really say this is out of character for Lila? She always does the unexpected, so her going off to be a spy is what we would expect, for her and Five.
And I also get that you guys think that Five would never betray his family like that. This isn't a perfect world and neither are these characters. If anything, we've seen Five do things for his own self interest over what the family/others want. Same for Lila.
Add in the loneliness of DECADES from Five and the trapped loneliness Lila feels within her marriage, and the fact they they go on another mission together over SEVEN years, mixed with their explosive dynamic and you have a pairing.
And explosion seems to be the theme for this season right? With Ben and Jennifer. Sometimes 2 exlosive chemicals become more stable rather than creating a blast. And maybe each other is what Five and Lila needed. They both understand each other in ways Diego could never understand Lila. Lila also understands Five's predicament like no other, having lived it first hand with him in the Seven years. It's only natural that they would come together. Lila and Diego were eventually going to divorce because they weren't compatible. Lila has always had the most chemistry with Five.
I get the cheating and in no way do I excuse it, but these characters have no idea when they will ever get back home and if. I think they would go absolutely crazy if they didn't have each other. In this time, they realized how similar they are and ended up being a better match. They found what they were looking for in each other. And you can't deny their connection like come on.
In my experience, in the real world, love is messy and not perfect. Sometimes finding love is your next adventure after you've live a life like no other. Maybe this will be good for them.
Also, they writers arent crazy or out of pocket, you guys just need to grow up.
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rhcenyra · 6 months
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DAY 3 — favorite dynamic(s) 
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chaosandstardust · 1 month
I haven't seen umbrella academy season 4 because I just don't want to but I'm seeing way too many people say things like "FIVE would never do that" and I'm sorry but LILA? Y'ALL THINK LILA WOULD?
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fivelila · 1 month
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Absolutely Everything. Not just Survival.
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agaypanic · 1 month
i wanna watch the umbrella academy again (i only watch S1 when it came out) bc i like the cast, but ive heard about the show’s ending and what happens between five and lila and i do NOT wanna watch that💀
plus i wanna write fics for the characters (five’s look in the new season is so hot, the middle part was the move fr) so id obviously have to watch the show for character accuracy. but idk if i can live through the luther x allison stuff again and after everything ive seen/heard, i refuse to watch the last season. i am NOT built to handle angst and awkward/uncomfortable situations like that
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kacievvbbbb · 10 days
The character assasination of Lila being more happy to see the family than five. FIVE survived an apocalypse and a deranged bureau for 46 years so he could fight his way back to save his family FIVE. isn't happy to see them after getting lost against his will for 7 years.
Like he thinks the cleanse is over and done with he thinks he's coming back to peace and his family happy and together and Lila is more excited to see them than him? Five who has traversed space and time for his siblings, who has outrun apocalypse after apocalypse after apocalypse for them. and 7 years is enough to destroy all that make him wish for a time without them? I call bullshit.
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jin-likes-to-write · 1 month
Imagine Five during the 6 year gap from season 3 and 4 goes to a coffee shop near the C.I.A and meets his soulmate? Like someone who was destined to be with him at any time line. They work at the coffee shop and slowly introduces him to more types of coffee and they fall in love but they just are cute dummies that can’t admit it.
To say I LOVE all the softness we got with Five this season.
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imnotyetfound · 4 days
My take on Five/Lila - and why they were endgame
I’ve seen so many people say that Five and Lila didn’t make any sense, and I just disagree. I've tried to really motivate why, and also why I see them as endgame. Feel free to agree or disagree.
First of all, Five and Lila share a common background of being raised plus trained as survivors and weapons. Five was molded by his time in the apocalypse, the Commission and his ruthless upbringing within the Hargreeves family, while Lila was similarly trained and manipulated by the Handler. Both of them were forced into brutal, high-stakes environments from a young age, developing a sense of independence, ruthlessness, and survival instincts that the rest of the family can’t fully relate to. We see this especially in Five and Lila’s difficulties in showing emotional vulnerability and trusting others. This shared experience means they both understand the cost of their traumatic upbringings and can relate to each other’s emotional scars in ways others just won’t be able to. So already by this, they’re somewhat bonded from the start.
In other similarities both Five and Lila possess extraordinary intelligence and tactical thinking. They challenge each other in a way no one else does. This has been an ongoing thing between them, bouncing off each other and sometimes teaming up. It’s also what drew them to work on another mission together in S4, there has always been some kind of pull/push there. Personality-wise both Five and Lila have a dark sense of humor and a cynical outlook on the world. But despite the cynicism, they still manage to eventually relax and find humor in each other’s company. The lighter moments we’ve seen between them at times have been an interesting contrast to their otherwise serious and violent lifestyles. 
I do believe their shared backgrounds and personalities created a bond that was then further strengthened during the years they spent lost in the subway together. Isolated from the rest of the world, they literally only had each other for company. The intimacy and trust that grew between them was inevitable. When you have no one else to rely on, you’re going to develop a relationship stronger than under normal circumstances. So over those years, they must have grown close in ways that no one else could fully understand. Even though we didn't get to see every detail of how it unfolded (because the season was way too short), it’s not difficult to imagine.
I’d also say they naturally grew a bond stronger than with any other character at that time, except for the one between mother and child which is why Lila’s need to be with her children would always make her go home if given the chance. Five knew this and it’s the reason he kept the solution from her for months. 
Now, to my thoughts about their actions in regards to Diego as this is often brought up. The argument that Lila cheated on her husband with Five is understandable from a moral perspective, if we see it as just that without any context. But when you consider the circumstances it is way more nuanced. You have to look at not only the environment they found themselves in, but also the emotional and psychological journey they went through together. Their relationship was ultimately forged over a shared background and then several years of isolation. Then you add to the fact that Diego seems to have treated Lila like crap in the years leading up to the isolation, she said it herself he was always moping around and complaining while she sacrificed her life to stay at home and take care of the kids. She even told him she needed a break to reassess their relationship. I do believe her and Five had somewhat already begun an emotional affair before the isolation, the way they were sneaking off together and clearly wanted to keep their thing separate from Diego and the others. Yet they still didn’t get physical until they settled down, believing they weren’t gonna find a way back.
Also, it’s important to here consider the strength of the bond, as I mentioned earlier, that Five and Lila must have developed over those years. They knew each other better than anyone else by the end. Spending every day together in a survival situation with nothing else around would likely create an unparalleled level of intimacy and emotional closeness. This bond would probably transcend Lila’s previous relationship with Diego, and maybe even Five’s bond with his siblings. It’s been years since he returned to them and they had all grown in separate directions. Lila and Five however had recently experienced something life-changing together, and it is unfair to dismiss the strength of their connection as something unethical or out of character when their reality had shifted so drastically from when the show started.
Another important point here is how the relationship with Lila allowed Five to finally be "human" and emotionally open in a way he hadn’t allowed himself to be before. Five was obviously emotionally detached as a result of both his past trauma and the burden of being a hyper-intelligent man in the body of a boy. With Lila, he had the chance to just feel love and trust without worrying about anything else. So I do think this outweighs his “betrayal” against his brother as people claim.
Now on to how and why Five and Lila were endgame. I’m convinced that Lila did love Five despite her choice to leave their isolation. To me this was cemented as she didn’t deny her feelings when Diego asked her straight out. If she wanted to make Diego feel better she could have easily denied her feelings for Five to reassure him. Yet even when asked twice she couldn’t do it. There was also Lila’s look of relief when Five returned to them at the end. It was Five who Lila allowed to comfort her after she said goodbye to her family, trusting him in her most vulnerable moment instead of blipping back to Diego and the others. These events showed the deep trust and emotional intimacy that still existed between them after returning to “the real world”. Despite her saying it was over. I also want to add here that Lila took Five’s hand as they were dying, the look between them was for me at least silently saying they loved each other. 
So all in all I do believe that the connection and love between Five and Lila was authentic. It also made sense. They’re able to understand each other’s emotional complexities, including their darker tendencies, without needing to change who they are. Still their time together seemed to actually have softened them both when they finally had the chance to settle down, almost as if they were healing from past trauma together. This would forge a relationship that no one else could replicate without going through the same experience. Making Five and Lila a reasonable endgame, which they also were in my eyes considering they died holding hands.
Summary:  Five and Lila's shared background of trauma, matched intelligence, and similar personalities means they make sense. They shared a bond that was only further strengthened during their years of isolation. For 7 years they only had each other to rely on. This inevitably created an intimacy and relationship that couldn’t be compared to what they had had with anyone else. Outweighing what they did to Diego when you consider all context. Lila and Five ended up being human and vulnerable with each other on a level they hadn’t been with anyone else. Ultimately Lila’s refusal to deny her feelings for Five, her relief when he returned, him comforting her as she sent her family away and then finally them dying hand-in-hand, showed that they were endgame.
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I've seen a lot of takes on the whole bracelet debacle (Lila not liking the bracelet, Lila rejecting it because she's rejecting Diego's love, etc.) but at the end all of them revolve around Lila and Diego's marriage falling apart.
And I'm extremely confused by it, because for me it was very obviously related to the fact they are...poor?
I didn't go second guessing the reason why Lila traded her bracelet with a vacuum, especially when it was shown that they struggle to make ends meet, with 3 kids and Diego having a job that clearly doesn't pay enough. So yeah, it obviously made sense to me that she would trade something valuable and pricey for something useful, especially if it could help her everyday life.
Of course Lila loves bracelets, but on top of being pretty, Five's bracelet is a handmade artifact with no real value. And that's what clocked in for me when they had the conversation. Especially as a follow up to their bracelet story.
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ohrackham · 1 month
lila put on the bracelet diego made in the asylum and didn't take it off once throughout the whole season. she kept it on even when the handler made fun of her for it, and diego held onto it to ground himself after she dropped it and disappeared. when he gave it back, it was his way of showing that he would always choose her over anyone or anything else.
the bracelet was such a big deal in their relationship—a key part of their story for two seasons—and you made sure we remembered it. you kept reminding us of it. the scene where diego chose lila over his hero complex was highlighted by that bracelet. then not only do you have five give lila a bracelet of all things, but you have diego, of all people, say that lila hates bracelets. no, she doesn't. writers don't even care anymore.
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everythingyoulikee · 8 days
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stephsageek · 1 month
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ghysry · 17 days
In the last scenes of TUA S4, specifically the one where everyone is grabbing onto eachother as they disappear or whatever, I wish the directors had at least the decency to put Five between Klaus and Viktor so he could hold on to the people he cherished (not to say he didn't like the others but the guy definitely had favorites) in his life,,, or maybe even next to Diego?? So he could hold hands with his brother?? That he loves very much?? And not his wife?? (there is no five x Lila in ba sing se.)
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