#i wrote this in class too
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hearted-anon · 11 months ago
Hello, I know you had like a lot of lee!changbin fics but I think you could create like a lee!Minho and ler!bangchan. Maybe Lee know could get a lee mood that progressively gets worse. And then goes to chan and like acts bratty to get like a punishment. I don't know honestly. I've never written so idk how hard it is. Good luck.
Here kitty kitty~
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Words: 2k Note: AHH my first inbox! Sorry this took so long.. and lee know always looks so done with Chan.. cuties T/w: Use of tools, restraints, begging Lee: know Ler: Channie
Lee Know absolutely hated this feeling. The feeling of butterflies swarming his tummy, the way he would stamp his feet and giggle like a female high-schooler in those retro movies when he watched clips of him being tickled, seeing his bright smile that he was always quick to hide, he hated it.
And to say he absolutely despised lee moods were an understatement.
It started off as a weird tingling feeling on his body, not enough to hinder his performance but enough to make itself known. Then it progressively made its way basically everywhere, including his soul. It was tearing him apart, mentally and physically, jumping at every small touch his members would give, and scowling right after before storming off.
Worried the members tried their very best to reach out to no avail, only earning very harsh words that spewed from the bunny's mouth, telling them that it wasn't their business. It wasn't, but concerned frowns were all over their faces as Lee Know grew more secluded and solemn, as if he had made a cat den in his room at that point.
He scoured through the internet in his best attempts to find what kept him so flustered and so up at night, tired of ignoring his members as he didn't want to be so open about this weird new experience, and his eyes finally landed on exactly what he wanted. His heart dropped and his eyes widened, refreshing the page over and over again to clear his doubts as the words stared right back at him.
A lee mood..? Wanting to be tickled? That was ridiculous!
His thoughts were interrupted by a soft knocking on his door, making him groan to his absolute dismay. Flinging open the door in his frustration, he was met with none other than Chan, who wore concern as if it was his clothing around him, a bag of something in his hands. He looked him up and done as if a judge, before letting the leader inside with no questions asked. The kangaroo gave a small but warm smile, melting the bunny's interior in less than a second.
"What's wrong? You've been quite moody recently..." The older started off hesitantly, waddling towards the dancer to cuddle him when he noticed that Minho curled towards himself in bed with a very obvious pout. The younger let out a shriek of surprise, only heightening his mood more as an more obvious flush than his pout made its way to his face.
When the bunny didn't respond, Chan only spiralled deeper into worry, searching his bag to pull out what looked like a cat toy. It had a feather attached at the end, making Minho wonder in confusion, and more of the other one where it made his mind turn to mush.
"I heard this is good for gentle therapy, or something, but please?" The oldest pleaded with what could be considered the cutest little puppy face Lee Know had ever seen, making him babble in protest before ultimately giving in, by that it meant lasting for ten seconds. He was too cute; and it was a terrifying weapon towards the members at times, most likely also not knowing what he was even talking about.
With consent finally in place, the younger shuddered when he felt the fluffy item run gently under his chin, making him bit his lip to hold down his giggles. He must've made quite the scene, as Chan soon enough let up when it barely hit the minute mark, staring at the dancer's cheeks in mischievousness that bloomed behind his worried expression.
"Lee Minho, does it perhaps...tickle to you?" Chan chuckled lowly, the Australian accent prominent through his soft laughter as his fingers that once wrapped the younger in a comforting embrace curled into his side, the other hand toying with the feather item right in front of his eyes. The oldest finally caught the gist of what was happening, and was going to finally lure the cat out of its den.
"S-Shut up, old man." Minho internally cursed himself for stammering, squeaking when he felt fingers press into his side. He curled himself into the leader, wanting to crawl back into his den after just gaining a sliver of hope dangled above him that his stupid mood would finally be solved. But when it was someone that teasing, someone who was going to do this to him? He would rather dig his own grave.
"Nah ah~ Not how you talk to your elders, and I think you need a little lesson, hm?" Chan tutted at the dancer's predicament, giggling along with him when he noticed the flustered smile plastered on his face when he brought the toy closer. Of course he never touched the dancer, he wanted him to beg, beg for his reward that wasn't going to come unfairly to him.
"That's why you're so old." The cat hissed, his scowl returning to hide the swarms of butterflies that made his tummy feel like he was going to ascend. The leader might've been his only hyung, but he was really going to risk it all before admitting that he wanted to be tickled silly. Unfortunately or fortunately, Chan took it as his last straw, pinning the bunny's wrists high above his head and tying it down with his belt, the leather surface against his wrists so it wouldn't hurt.
The cat, now forced to leave its shelter had his eyes widened, crumbling before Bangchan's eyes while his knees were turning to jelly. He tugged and pulled at the belt that restrained his arm, finally realising the consequences of his bratty behaviour. No matter to Chan, he was going to make him pay with laughter soon enough. The younger squealed again when the same cat toy made its comeback down his arms, curse himself for wearing a tank top today in courtesy of his mood.
He clamped down his lips hard enough to bleed, whimpering when the feather went a little bit too close to his armpit before trailing back up, shaking his head in the light, ticklish torture that he was forced to endure.
"Here kitty kitty~ Are you going to tell me what you want?" The older cooed sweetly, earning a not so very nice snap of insults through held back giggles from the dancer. The leader heaved a disappointed sigh, when would Minho realise that it wasn't wrong to feel this way? It'll be fine, he'll ensure that that's the only thing he'll remember by the end of this.
"ARGH! Hyuhuhung stop it!" Minho shrieked when his other arm was tortured with Chan's nails, manicured to perfection that trailed down his smooth skin slowly and delicately, making it tickle much more than it should've. Out came no response, only the soft trailing of the feather and his nails that always went to dip near his armpits just to leave. Eventually the older got bored, although the younger was practically writhing in agony of anticipation, he wanted more.
Lifting up the dancer's shirt, the trailed the toy around his belly button, his nails now drawing tiny hearts around the area with a knowing smirk on his face, awaiting the crack he was wanting the dancer to finally have.
"NO! P-Plehehease not this!" Minho begs, just wanting the stupid toy to finally dip into his navel, but nothing happened, and neither did Chan say anything. He just continued lazily tracing around his navel, leaving Lee Know to suffer in the anticipation that he brought upon himself.
"Fine! I'll beheheg! T...Tickle mehehe!" He finally caves, unable to take the gentle tracing anymore when they neared too close to his ribs, then down to his hips, then around his sides, but all of it was futile when his hands refused to move anywhere near the certain area, only focusing back onto his stomach eventually.
"The cat finally comes out of its den, how cute~" Chan taunts relentlessly, before putting the cat toy aside to rummage through his bag again. He came out with what looked like a hair brush, with the softest bristles ever. Minho gulped, he was so dead, he hoped his members had prepared his coffin in advance as the brush hovered over his tummy.
"I was going to brush your hair with this, but maybe I could give that stomach a cute little hairdo!" Obviously he was joking, it'd be another world if his tummy could grow hair. Lee Know shook his head, stamping his feet onto the bed as if it would save him from the leader's fingers. He squeezed his eyes shut, preparing in advance for the brush to finally torture his waist.
However, he was met with his throat tearing out a squeal when he felt lips attach to his stomach, blowing a long and loud raspberry onto it. There was no sign of the brush, only those torturous nails scribbling gently all over his bare armpits that drove him up the wall. How dare Chan trick the cat? What a bad person Minho thought, well through his cackles.
"GAHAHAH! NOHOHO!" He squealed out, pulling at his arms that didn't want to come down with the belt holding them up, his face starting to heat up if it wasn't red enough already. Again, silence, but only because the leader was busy with giving all the raspberries to that tummy, his hands switching to kneading right into the middle of his armpits, making Minho shriek and cackle with laughter that bounced off the walls.
"PLEHEHEHEASE! MERCY!" He pleads to no avail, only earning a low giggle that vibrated against his stomach, only tickling him more. He babbles for mercy when everything suddenly stops, only for the older to pull down his pants slightly to reveal his v-line that was staring back at Chan hungrily. Well maybe that brush wasn't going to be used, but he was dead.
"Minho, I'm hungry, would you care to make me food?" Chan asks mischievously, giving a chance for the younger to breathe, which he was grateful for as he sucked in as much air as he could.
"Y-Yes! Anything you want, just pleAHAHAHA HYUHUHUNG!" The moment the bunny nodded, thinking he would be finally let off the hook Chan went right for the exposed sliver of skin, nibbling and giving raspberries as rough as he could, his fingers kneading and vibrating into his inner thighs.
He was sent into another bout of loud hysterics, he felt so content, so overwhelmed but happy with the electrifying sensations that coursed through his body, digging his heels into the bed from the intense torture as he thrashed around in his grip. Arching his back, he couldn't do anything but that, crashing back into the bed soon after.
"Nah ah ah~ You wanted this, where do you think you're going?" The leader smiles innocently, as if he's not tearing the cat into pieces in this very moment. Silent laughter made his way down the dancer's cheeks, shaking his head as he felt like he was going to ascend, trying to close his legs shut together to no avail when the fingers didn't let up.
Tears soaked the pillow case, he had no idea how long it had been succumbing to the torture before he was let up, trembling in exhaustion and totally not with a side of happiness. His arms were released, but it felt like he was paralysed, every muscle in his body was not cooperating with him right now. He couldn't feel his legs, nor his arms, just take his whole body as a living lump that he couldn't feel anything anymore. What he could feel was a certain pair of arms embracing him though, pulling him in for a real cuddle this time.
"You're so....bahahad." Minho grumbled, pouting when the giggles wouldn't stop getting the best of him. Chan simply smiled, melting the dancer's heart when those eyes crinkled and his dimple showed through, making him forgive the leader in an instant. He felt his eyes droop when the brush that never got its chance to shine went through his hair, feeling his heart finally lift from its chains of being embarrassed.
Maybe next time he wouldn't be so embarrassed, as Chan pressed a soft kiss to his forehead.
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kaiserouo · 1 year ago
Tired Ghost
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misiahasahardname · 4 months ago
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mephone4 is Not a good teacher
(for an object show highschool au i made up… probably not gonna post more about it lol)
BONUS: chocolate bar, an unfinished doodle with mephone and two, and something i drew after tpot13 released and forgot to post. i think
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(yes two is a god. as are the other algebraliens (besides x). the lore i made up for the algebraliens in this au is so strange…)
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buttercupshands · 10 months ago
MHA didn't create some miracle way of helping others. It was never promised to be this way. And when it came to villains...
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Spoilers for manga all the way to chapter 423.
The only way to get anything in life in MHA was to be born "normal" like everyone else and that way of thinking never left Izuku with Toga getting the same treatment she did before from everyone from her family to her "normal" classmates. It was Ochako who helped Toga even if just a little by lifting the weight of all the feelings that Toga had.
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She couldn't save Toga the way one could save a civilian by saving them from harm. If it worked that way Dabi would've saved Toga even before Ochako could apologize for failing to notice Toga. She was so lazer focused on saving everyone else, that she was just another villain to stop, not a human.
Even if by the end of it Ochako helped Toga to deal with her grief, acceptance as it was wasn't something possible when a quirk makes you want to drink someone's blood from jealousy.
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We got a bittersweet ending with Toga, in which she probably died from blood loss just like her double did in MVA. If it wasn't for Twice she would've died back then.
Giving away her blood for Ochako wasn't a redemption or a way to save Toga in the end, more as it was her being true to herself until the very end.
Just like Twice chose to stay with the League even if Hawks offered him a way to survive that battle. He refused and died protecting his friends who accepted him instead of choosing to betray them and accept Hawks' offer.
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After Twice's death... It was a matter of time that more 'active' LoV members would join him as well. As sad as it is, we now can return to Izuku.
Who, after his time OFA-AFO quirk space, now wanted to help a "crying boy" he saw in Tenko just as before with Katsuki in chapter 1. He didn't forgive Tomura and didn't excuse the way he chose to solve his problems.
It didn't mean that Tomura would survive in their battle, even if Izuku didn't see killing others as a way to solve problems. He didn't understand Tomura, but he still wanted to try, and try he did.
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The rest of this post was nothing more than a contextual prologue to understand that it's not the first time a hero failed to save a villain and in Twice's case we know that he died and his death was the reason Toga started thinking about her own possible death and Dabi finally revealed himself as Toya.
The goal of saving a "crying boy" never was an end-goal for Izuku in the Final arc, since helping Tomura deal with his feelings just left him hollow with a goal that clashed with Izuku's. As being a hero for villains meant destroying the world for them to help them live freely.
But that was before AFO resurfaced.
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Sadly after that Tomura who was talking about making his own choices for a while now stopped doing that. Even if he still had a goal of helping villains and only villains, Tomura was almost gone. And his goals were now unreachable.
Izuku helped Nana who in turn kept Tomura from fading away entirely. In MHA there were countless situations where Izuku's help affected people by helping a different person to keep hope, All-Might being the first one and Nana being the last one at the moment.
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Hollow after Izuku helped him to get rid of his hatred Tomura could do the only thing he did - accept the situation as it was.
Accepting AFO as his Sensei, accepting Stain's ideals and Overhaul's deal was the way he solved his problems. Just like Izuku had a problem of understanding something outside of his norm, Tomura was accepting too many things, which lead to his downfall after accepting AFO's quirk.
Just like Twice could've given up everything that he had for his friends so did Tomura.
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With Izuku helping as much as he could let Tomura to finally rest as he wasn't really living ever since waking up in the hospital. With his body now affected by AFO's wishes instead of his own until the end.
In a way Izuku didn't succeed in his wish for Tomura to stop ever since PLF war arc. As he "kept fighting to destroy" no matter how hard Izuku tried to stop him.
The only thing he succeeded in was changing Tomura's mind about himself, instead of viewing himself as a monster he accepted that he was a human just like Izuku said. A "crying boy" who couldn't really destroy Izuku's hands in the end.
For a group of Villains who weren't supposed to get profiles of their own at the start of the series, League is slowly fading as the most memorable group that there was in MHA, getting backstories, their own Villain themed arc all the while being as human as anyone else.
As sad as their story is they were not "unlucky", they didn't need a happy false ending where they would need to change to be normal - they chose to live this way and they lived it to it's fullest.
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femboy-central · 9 months ago
… if you want to read my essay on how gay Nick Carraway is it’s under the cut
Until recent years, very few authors had the courage to express homosexuality in their work for fear of institutional punishment or negative social reaction. With stories like that of Oscar Wilde, writers were accurately terrified to explicitly explore the diversity of the sexual and romantic interests of their characters. Despite this, they were not stopped and authors chose to implement their gay characters with artistic subtlety. F. Scott Fitzgerald's most well known novel, The Great Gatsby, homes one example of this type of character. Although he does not live in a time period where he can be open about it, Nick Carraway is a homosexual man and this fact is crucial to truly understanding his self and his relationship with Jay Gatsby.
Perhaps the most damning evidence of Nick's sexuality is the fact that the only sexual encounter he is implied to have had is with Chester McKee after the party in New York (28), but it is not all. Nick's homosexuality is most casually clear in the descriptions he gives of the people in his life. Although he does acknowledge past romantic relations with women, he does not read as particularly interested in them. When questioned about a rumoured fiancée out West, Nick remarks that he is very opposed to "being rumored into marriage," (15) and in his first meeting with his supposed love interest, Jordan Baker, Nick compares her to a cadet (an exclusively male occupation at the time) and points out her most masculine features as ideal including her small breasts and erect carriage (8). In comparison, Nick's descriptions of the men around him are rich with intrigue; Nick notices how Tom Buchanan's eyes establish dominance in his face and the way his muscles move under his clothing (5). When Nick speaks about the train conductor on the hottest day of the summer, he critiques people who think of kissing flushed lips and laying with a partner in the heat despite no one else in that scene expressing those feelings (87). The suddenness of this flustered complaint implies that Nick is reacting to his own desires; desires he wishes he did not have.
While Nick is at least vaguely attracted to multiple men in his story, there is one he is consistently interested in throughout: Jay Gatsby. From their first meeting where Nick goes on about how pleasant a smile Gatsby has (36) onwards, Nick is very fond of Gatsby, going so far as to emphasise that he is the only rich person he did not end up disgusted by (2) and that all of the East was haunted for him after Gatsby's death (137). In Gatsby's life, Nick even expressed his affections to him in whatever ways he could. For example, when Nick agrees to reintroduce Gatsby and Daisy, he does not allow Gatsby to reimburse the favour (62). Also, after Myrtle's death, Nick only leaves Gatsby's side because he feels like he is intruding (112), returns to a bed he can not fall asleep in, and takes the first opportunity available to meet Gatsby again at dawn (113). Nick listens to Gatsby's story then (114), something nobody else would do in favour of spreading scandalous, borderline slanderous rumours.
Nick claims he is not a judgemental person, but proves himself wrong as the novel progresses in regards to every person he has met but one. Despite remarking that he disapproved of Gatsby "from beginning to end" (118), he was equally endeared to him. Nick also claims to be an honest person (44), which he proves not entirely true either. Realising Nick's true feelings for Gatsby reveals the intricacy of his character and calls into question the reliability of his narration. Although his intentions are always sympathetic, Gatsby is by trade a bootlegging criminal and yet even after meeting Meyer Wolfsheim and being told about his business (54), Nick plays ignorant about Gatsby's involvement. To Nick, the idea of Jay Gatsby is related only tertiarily to the idea of "Wolfsheim's men". Nick makes this clear every time he visits Gatsby after Wolfsheim's men begin working at his house by how suspicious he always is of them, even describing one's face as “villainous" (86). Nick does not judge Gatsby as the same as these people nor the Buchanans despite not being so different in truth because he is already in love with him and truly wants to believe he is a good person at heart. Even Tom Buchanan is aware of this on some level, showing his cognisance after Gatsby's death by telling Nick that "(Gatsby) threw dust into (Nick's) eyes just like he did in Daisy's" (138).
To ignore Nick's sexuality is to intentionally misunderstand his character and The Great Gatsby as a story. On his surface, Nick Carraway is a single objective voice in a world of desires and deceit, but as much of The Great Gatsby does, his character requires the reader to look below to his own human biases if they intend to comprehend him.
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shalomniscient · 1 year ago
hello! can i request some ruan mei filth with sub reader 🤭🤭
ask and ye shall recieve 🫡🫡 sorry this took a while, i'm personally used to imagining ruan mei as a power bottom, so writing her as a dom took a little longer to cook LOL
good god, let me give you my life || ruan mei x reader [NSFT][MDNI]
cw. vibrators, fingering, praise, mild bondage
notes. sev try not to name fics after take me to church lyrics challenge (impossible) also sorry again anon this turned more introspective than my filth normally gets.....................
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On a lonely planet at the edge of the universe, Ruan Mei gazes down on you like a goddess. Your hands are bound above your head, clasped together as if in prayer as pleasure creeps like vines up and down your body. This bed is the altar, you the sacrifice. You wouldn't have it any other way, especially when Ruan Mei ups the intensity of the vibrator between your legs, causing you to arch your back with a breathless gasp.
"Sweet thing," she murmurs, her voice drifting like leaves in the wind, "look at you."
Her finger trails up and along the left side of your body, from the bone of your hip, higher and higher until she reaches the curve of your breast. Her hand lingers there for a moment, warm against your left rib, before she cups your breast, swiping a thumb over your stiff bud. You whine at her touch, trying to chase the sensation, squirming against your bindings.
"Please," you whisper. "Please, please, I need you—"
Ruan Mei coos gently at your begging, her other hand coming to brush the hair out of your eyes. When you look up at her, desperate, with those lovely, teary, pleading eyes, how could she ever deny you?
You cry out her name as her hand slips lower and she pushes the buzzing toy just a little deeper into your slick cunt. It nudges against that spot inside you, and your thighs snap shut around her hand as explosions burst behind your eyelids, a big bang breathed to life by a loving god. Ruan Mei's gentle praises are echoing, distant as you float on that cosmic high.
When you finally come back down, Ruan Mei has shut off the toy and tenderly withdraws it from your sensitive cunt. It comes away with a wet, slick noise and you shiver at the sensation, your leg kicking out reflexively at the overstimulation. Ruan Mei squeezes your thigh in consolation, then lies down next to you, undoing the bindings on your wrists.
"Are you alright?" she asks softly, and you nod, your tongue feeling too heavy to form words. Instead you nuzzle close to her, your arms winding around her waist as your breath begins to even out again.
It’s moments like these, the quiet afterglow, that Ruan Mei wonders why you’re here—with her, at the edge of the universe. It is not an insecurity; no, Ruan Mei does not doubt that you love her. She does not need to test for that. She knows it, innately, intrinsically. But it is a sort of… morbid curiousity, in a sense.
One day, she will leave you—become something beyond comprehension, beyond your reach. Possibly, she’d forget you entirely. There’s always been a countdown on this love, and you know it.
So, why? Why stay, when it would be better, easier, safer, to leave?
It’s your voice that draws her out of her swirling thoughts. Your cup her cheek, affection bleeding through the smile you offer her.
“I can hear you thinking,” you murmur. “What’s on your mind?”
She contemplates deflecting the question. But Ruan Mei is a scientist above all else, and she cannot bear unanswered questions. Uncertainties. So she takes a deep breath, and asks, “why do you stay?”
You consider her for a moment, then tilt your head curiously. “What do you mean?”
“Why do you stay?” Ruan Mei repeats. “You know what I desire to achieve. Once those desires reach fruition… there will be nothing left of us. Of this.”
“Won’t there?” you counter after a beat of silence, seeming almost amused. “All Aeons have their followers.”
“You would walk upon my Path?”
You laugh at that. “Well, I love you. So haven’t I already?”
Ruan Mei falls silent. In the end, what’s the difference between love and faith? How might the reception of devotion differ between a god and a man? Does it? Maybe this is the link between divine and mundane that she’s been searching for. Maybe part of the heavens she’s trying so hard to reach is simply lying next to you, in this bed, in this lab-turned-home at the edge of the universe.
For now, she files these thoughts away, and kisses you again. Her lips taste like plum pastries, sweet and inviting. She kisses you slowly, mapping the shape of your lips, comitting every dip and countour to her memory. She wants to weave you within her, embroider the image of you into the tapestry of her existence so that she won’t forget a single thing.
(A foolish notion. You already are.)
You moan into her mouth and she swallows it greedily, like a fledgling god hungry for faith. Her hand travels down your body again until her fingers find your pussy, still slick with your own cum. You whine as she drags her finger through your soaked folds, her thumb rubbing on your clit.
“A-Ruan,” you breathe out, and Ruan Mei trembles. You say her name like a prayer, like she’s already divine. Distantly she thinks, as she sinks two fingers into your tight, welcoming heat, that it’s the epithet she cherishes most, because it’s the one that names your love. You grip her shoulder and cry out as she works her fingers in and out of your cunt, oozing wetness like ambrosia. Your back arches as she curls her fingers just right against that spongy spot. She kisses your neck as she feels your muscles tense around her fingers.
“Let go for me,” she whispers against your skin like a commandmenf. “Let go, sweet thing.”
You cum with a wordless scream, your nails dragging down her smooth back. She slows the movements of her fingers as she helps you ride out the orgasm, slower and slower until she finally withdraws. Your eyes are shut and your breathing laboured from your second orgasm of the night, but you have never looked more beautiful to Ruan Mei.
“I love you,” she says quietly, pressing her forehead against yours. You offer her a smile like a sacrament, and for a moment she’s terrified that you’d ask her to stay—terrified that she’ll say yes. But you don’t, and instead your return those words to her, pure like revelation.
You will be the only thing she’ll regret leaving behind. But for now, while she has you here in her arms, she’ll cherish you more than anything else.
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smallmightsupremacy · 1 year ago
it's been ~2 years and we still don't know what Bakugou's letter said
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sealofarchives · 6 months ago
Could you do a headcanon of the Rottmnt Leo of how he would react when he realizes he is in love with the reader? (neutral gender)
Headcanon/Oneshot: The slow realization of Leo falling in love with the reader. (Requested prompt)
A/N: Accidentally went with a slight oneshot but, hopefully this has what the request is looking for.
Insomnia won another night as Leo gave up trying to stick to a normal sleep schedule. Now scrolling on his phone bored from the lack of funny videos on youtube. And decided to try and organize the photos he saved on his device. Until he found a few photos of you two together.
Going backward from the most recent picture and then eventually. Seeing the first photo of you with him.
You weren't really one for photos so... Your face had a bit of trying to smile like what you usually do at awkward family gatherings. But, still had fun around this self confident red slider turtle.
A digital memento of the white lie of
"I was supposed to check out this place ahead of time but..."
"Naaaah, where's the fun in that!"
"Might as well hang out with (Y/N) for a bit so it doesn't seem like a boring escort mission."
His focus now taking mental notes at the later pictures where.
You felt comfortable enough to speak up about your personal space and sometimes not in the mood for a hug. Which he, Raph, and Mikey are guilty of giving surprise affection and very much took the issue in a serious manner.
Resulting in you sometimes out of your comfort zone and taking the lead when something has your full attention. The pictures almost being subtle examples where you can finally be yourself.
Memories of a safe and mutual trust built between you and the turtles' small friend group.
Even joining in on some goofy poses that he can't help but, tease you about it on some random night out.
His heartbeat almost stopped at a past video where he surprised you with a plushie of your favorite character for your birthday.
He saw himself blushing being pulled into your bear hug that almost choked him out of breath. While Donnie recorded the said video as the softshell turtle snickered at his brother's obvious sign of a crush. Leo gave a light glare at his brother until seeing the sweetest smile on your face. The video ending just as the blush deepen close to spreading acrossing his light blue mask.
He remembered how Donnie immediately went with a dating survey. The what type of person you date icebreaker. And a bit of payback of Leo stealing the second slice of your birthday cake.
"Totally not taking notes for your potential future spouse."
Leo facepalmed how much he had to hide any bit of jealousy to avoid ruining your special day. But, it stung hearing you laugh at Donnie's idea and going along with it. Thinking of it as a fun what if game.
Since you almost give the same attention to him. His snarky attitude is rarely at you with how often you're never bored by his routine techno babble. Along with how much patience you have. Dealing with two turtles who deny having some ego problems.
Leo lazily put his phone away on top of his bed.
With a slow sigh to relax his nerves, he replaces his sleep mask with a fresh light blue mask and stood up to wear a dull blue hoodie.
Holding one of this signature swords as he opens up a light blue portal.
("Sorry Donnie but, I'm not into the idea of sharing (Y/N) with you.")
("I feel more at ease with them by my side...")
("Even if I don't have the words for a proper heartfelt confession...")
("I know they can help with me with that.")
Leo held onto to his phone staring at the new phone wallpaper.
Just the two of you. Almost posed together like a couple while attempting to stay focus for a boring grocery shopping list.
He shook off the embarrassing feeling and will pick a different one later but, for now.
The instant text message reply of you still being awake at these late hours gave him another push to ask you out on an actual date. As he jumped through the portal to your room with no hesitation.
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cobra-wives · 4 months ago
said it on discord, but i'd love to say it here - i feel like, if they choose to show kwon's death as kreese and silver's turning points - both as the ones who began the cycle of violence that he eventually got himself killed in - the symbolism of someone literally killing themselves on a knife meant to symbolize winning the prize is NOT lost on me and i love that storytelling choice.
"winning the prize" has always held the same messaging of the american dream that kreese and silver were originally aspiring towards - you're going to hurt someone, you're going to kill yourself in the process, but you have to get there so bad and it ties so DAMN WELL with the messaging of generational influence and the cycles of violence. kreese is emblematic of the darker facets of this cultural ideal, highlighting themes of ambition, competition, and the relentless pursuit of success, often at the expense of morality and compassion.
it's kreese's silver knife - the dagger he's attached to his never ceasing grudges - and it ending up lodged in his champion's chest.
it's tory asking if it's worth it - to win, even if you're putting your friends down - and eventually, choosing her friends.
it's kreese implanting those thoughts in her head about individualism - projecting his own feelings about his life, about silver and betrayal and lost friendship to circumstance.
this story may struggle at times with where it's finding the ground of its messaging, but the themes of violence and competition being associated with that of cobra kai, and nonviolence and camaraderie with miyagi do, are not lost on me at all. and if they actually move forward with this theming (and honestly, make something better out of whatever the hell they're doing to miyagi), they can close this story out in a really nice way.
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xxplastic-cubexx · 1 month ago
Who tf said in my class if you interact with a telepath you cant get into heaven is that why charles’ halloween costume was the devil 😭😭😭
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myimaginationplain · 2 months ago
This beautiful piece of fan art by @/stickymaelk on Twitter made my brain start whirling around an Arcane x Soul Eater AU that I'm sure I won't be able to get out of my head for a little while, so here are my fledgling headcanons:
Jayce & Viktor are obviously partners, with Jayce being the meister & Viktor the weapon. Viktor has a very closed-off soul & finds it near impossible to partner with anyone other than Jayce (ala Soul). Jayce has a very large, kinetic soul-wavelength that he can use to attack sans his weapon ala Black☆Star, though he wouldn't necessarily want to. He has an easier time pairing up with other people compared to Viktor, but most other weapons would find his wavelength overwhelming. Jayce grew up in Death City with his mother. They're probably the first of their class to make a Death Scythe. I absolutely see the two of them getting into a Maka-&-Soul-esque dilemma where Jayce develops a complex around needing to protect Viktor at all costs, despite it being the weapon's job to protect their meister. The handle of Viktor's hammer-form takes on the aesthetic qualities of whatever cane he's using at the time.
Caitlyn is the first meister in Kiramman family history (maybe she gets it from Tobias's side?) & her deciding to pursue this path has created a rift between she & Cassandra. Caitlyn & Jayce hit it off during their first week at the DWMA & she was extremely disappointed to find out he wasn't a weapon. Caitlyn goes through her entire first semester without having chosen a weapon before Death Scythe Grayson reccomends she pair up with Vi; the two of them never would have seriously considered the other before, but they work like a charm. Maybe they eventually have a little breakup arc where their partnership dissolves & Caitlyn picks up Maddie as her new weapon, but they can't resonate the same way she & Vi could.
Vi & Powder are kind of a combination of the Thompson sisters & the Nakatsukasa siblings. Like Liz & Patty, they're both modern firearms. But whereas Vi only has one form (a rifle) like Masamune, Powder is a multi-form weapon like Tsubaki; she can turn into a handgun, a canon, a grenade, a time-bomb, etc. Vi lowkey wishes she were a meister so that she & Powder could've been partners, & has a bit of an inferiority complex about not being a good enough weapon. The two of them were taken in & raised by the DWMA along with Ekko. Maybe their parents were all meisters and/or weapons who were killed by witches or something. Powder absolutely gets injected with Black Blood at some point. At some point before either of them had official partners, Jayce & Vi tried to pair up & it was an absolute disaster (their souls are like the immovable object vs the unstoppable force, lol).
Ekko is a meister & Powder's partner. The two of them decided to be a pair before they were even officially enrolled at the DWMA. Ekko has a grigori soul (ala Maka), which helps to counteract Powder's madness post-Black Blood infusion. If they ever formed a team of weapon-meister pairs like Spartoi, then Ekko would definitely be the leader. Powder worries that she's dragging Ekko's as a meister potential down with her.
Mel has a Stein-esque soul, in that she can meister any weapon with ease &, like Jayce, can fight without a weapon (she's more adept & eager to do so than Jayce is). Her most common weapon partner is Elora, & sometimes Sky (I definitely see Sky having Marie's healing wavelength). Maybe Elora is killed in battle (sorry girl) or decommissioned some other way, & Sky becomes Mel's primary weapon after that? The Medarda's are a long, unbroken line of prodigious meisters & weapons, & Mel definitely feels the weight of that legacy. Mel is revealed to be part witch ala Kim.
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nocturnalhe · 3 months ago
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OK so one. to me (tbf this is all based on my experience i have, not that i’m papa or whateva ..) he’s so estranged to his brothers not because they share a different mother (that too also headcanon diff mom obvs cuz nihil is a slut but perchance.) but because he’s neurodivergent. of some sort. maybe not adhd or maybe on the army of audhd but who knows? me know. while sister might treat him more dear to her because he’s her son, it’s also bc coddling i can imagine bc he’s had trouble growing up bc. ND. that can be an add on why he’s never really ‘close’ with his brothers.
also the lack of focus. it’s shown in that one chapter where he’s instead playing his games instead of getting to his responsibilities as a papa. ALSO ‘findally!’ HE KIND OF HAS A SPEECH IMPEDIMENT OK TRUST.
forgetting his own lyrics on stage is so spot on too. ALSO special interest = RRRATS like yes king write a whole album dedicated to the plague and rats serve yo shit. also hc he made siblings dress as the plague doctors or more so the medical team at the ministry join him like yass fun little trip !!!! speaking of forgetting, forgetting his whole momma at the hospital which the whole point of going was to pick her up .. to tobias this is a bit to me this is evidence
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THIS ?? like obvs his contact was just bugging out BUT ☝️☝️ HEADCANON it’s bc sometimes with adhd it makes ya eyes bug out for example, zoning out , one eye goes that way and the other goes the other, maybe it’s just old ppl problems but on my tumblr . com blog it contributes to the adhd allegations
also the weird noises he makes. eugh. euggfhh. tht there too. like frank zappa. ayayaya
ERMMM i’m sure there’s more but i can’t think right now (right now? like rite here rite now ?) but if there’s any other things anyone wants to add on LET ME KNW BRUH!!!! I LOVE HEARING HEADCOANONS
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 3 months ago
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when you’re sad about the state of the world and the fact that it’s gonna get even worse and also it’s officially holiday season and you’re grieving so you listen to hadestown but then stupid fucking gay people ruin the mood
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youling-the-ghost · 2 months ago
fresh start - a hareth ficlet
Between his life being flipped upside down and having to work a completely foreign job, Hank was struggling. (this is mostly for @i-may-be-an-emu since you're like the #1 hareth shipper here lol) word count: 893
"Will ya quit looking so down, mate? People are gonna think that we abuse you or something."
"Sorry, Gareth."
Hank huffed out a sigh and leaned across the counter, resting his chin on the palm of his hand and mustering a sorry excuse for a smile.
He wondered about things. How were Thaddeus and little Betsy Sue doing? Do they miss him? Or were they living their best lives, playing Sunday board games with their new pops? How was it possible that his piece-of-shit cheating ex-wife won the custody case?
Hank had no answers.
"Oi, stop standing around and get back to work!" Gareth's words pulled Hank back to reality.
"Sorry, Gareth."
"Jesus fuck," Gareth breathed exasperatedly. "You're a pain in the ass, you know that?"
"Look, I'm sorry, Gareth, but it's been rough for me, y'know? From a businessman in Texas to—"
"Lovely story, but tell it after your shift, will ya? For fuck's sake."
"Sorry, won't happen again."
"Yeah, it better fucking not."
It was almost impressive, Hank thought idly as Gareth went to inspect a different section of the bar, how many swear words his boss managed to fit in one exchange.
A young couple walked in, arms hooked around each other and bodies practically melting into one. Something twisted in Hank's chest.
"Howdy, what can I get ya?"
The girl scoffed. "'Howdy'? What are you, a wannabe cowboy?"
"Uh, no. Not a cowboy, ma'am. Just a Texan."
"A Texan!" It was the boy this time. "Tell me, what's an American doing in London?"
Hank coughed not-so-discreetly. How much was he allowed to share?
"I just needed a change of pace, y'know?" was what he eventually settled for, and the couple seemed content with the reply.
There was something palpable between the young couple, like a taut rope stretched across a cliff, ready to snap at any moment. Neither person ordered anything, though both had a visible yearning for alcohol on their faces. Although the girl was sitting on the boy's lap and their limbs were so intertwined that it was hard to tell whose was whose, there was a gaping chasm between their souls. Hank could tell from the way their hands hovered over the counter and on each other's arms, but never intertwined with each other.
The eyes might be the windows to the soul, but the hands were the doors, Hank would so often say when his friends used to as him for relationship advice.
No one asked him for relationship advice anymore.
Hank let out a deep breath. It didn't matter, anyway. Those friends had long since stopped talking to him.
"Okay, that's it." Gareth's words cut through Hank's racing thoughts. "Finley, could ya cover this section for a bit? Hank, you come with me."
Oh fuck, was Hank's immediate thought. Second day on the job and he was already being reprimanded for misdemeanour. He gave Finley, his surly co-worker who definitely did not look happy to have to cover two sections, and followed Gareth to the back of the building.
"Okay, listen—" Gareth groaned. There was something unsure in his voice, something shaky and uncertain. It was nothing like the Gareth who yelled at him for staring off into space or sharing too many disturbing details about his personal life.
After a heavy pause, Gareth spoke up again: "Are you sure you're up for this job?"
Hank blinked. "Um, what?"
Gareth sighed and ran a hand through his blonde hair. "You've been spaced the hell out all day. If something's going on then I'm fine with giving you a break or some—"
"Wait." Hank could hardly belive his ears. "I'm...not gettin' fired?"
"'Course not." Gareth furrowed his brows. "What kinda boss would I be if I abandoned a struggling employee like that?"
"Oh." This was...different than what he expected. "But you're givin' me a break on my first day?"
"Look, I'd much rather have an employee take a day off than an employee half-assing all of his drinks and spacing out all the damn time."
"Ah. Right."
It was damn near impossible to snap himself out of the corporate mindset, Hank realised, but he was starting to get the hang of it. If his boss was okay with him taking a day off on his second day at the job, maybe he would also be okay with other stuff as well?
"Listen, Gareth, I don't need a day off—"
"You sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure. But, uhm," Hank awkwardly massaged the back of his neck, "could we grab a drink after my shift? I-It doesn't have to be at a bar or anythin', we can like—go bowling or somethin' too. I just—I need someone to talk to right now."
"Ah." Something about Gareth's posture shifted. He became softer, gentler, more welcoming, as if he was putting his guard down for the first time.
Then, Gareth chuckled, the corner of his mouth tugging into a smile. "Of course. I told you, didn't I? You can tell me your story after your shift."
"Oh. I thought you were just jokin' when you said that."
"Please, I'm always dead serious." The slightest hint of a smile on Gareth's lips vanished. "All right, now quit yapping and get back to work."
Hank couldn't help but laugh. "You got it, Gareth."
Maybe this change could be for the better, after all.
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haerieee · 1 year ago
{ ᵏᵃʳᵐᵃ ʰᵃᵗᵉˢ ʸᵒᵘ ᵃⁿᵈ ʸᵒᵘ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ᵏⁿᵒʷ ʷʰʸ, ᵗᵘʳⁿˢ ᵒᵘᵗ ʰᵉ ʰᵃˢ ⁿᵉᵛᵉʳ ᶠᵃˡˡᵉⁿ ⁱⁿ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ʷⁱᵗʰ ˢᵒᵐᵉᵒⁿᵉ ˢᵒ ʰᵃʳᵈ ᵇᵉᶠᵒʳᵉ }
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y/n stared confused and a little annoyed at her seatmate who refused to take part in their paired project.
"nah, im tired"
"but we have to finish this"
"yea yea just do your part then send it to me, i'll do it at home"
karma rested his head in his arms on the table, facing away from her. seriously what did y/n even do? all she did was become his seatmate by luck and occasionally ask him math questions because he's smart. so why did he have to be so hostile?
he made y/n so uncomfortable. She admits she did have a crush on the redhead but has said nothing and done nothing to him about it, making his coldness much harsher on her.
during their pe lessons, karasuma made seatmates partner up to spar with each other.
y/n glanced at karma, and he glanced back before looking away and walking out of the field to skip the class.
"did both of you get into an argument?"
nagisa asked, knowing his friend was not the type to be so cold to someone without a reason. sure karma can be unfriendly and aggressive to people, but it was to those who did or said something bad.
"no he just hates me for breathing"
y/n sighs and rolls her eyes before asking if she could spar with another person.
"why would you pull that off?!"
karma is angry, but y/n was confused, was he angry at her for trying to defend their group when they got attacked by students who are much bigger and older than them? or did he have some grand plan and she fucked it up?
"akabane i-"
"what if you got seriously hurt? you wouldn't even stand a chance against those guys!"
he gripped your shoulders tightly.
"then what should i have done? you were getting kicked!"
you smacked his hands away and got up, brushing the dirt off your skirt. you looked over to your elbow which got scrapped when the students shoved you and winced a little at the pain.
"you're really a fucking idiot you know that."
karma held your arm to look at your wound, then poured water to disinfect it. y/n took the bottle out of his hand and stepped back.
"i can do it by myself, after all, you don't want to waste your time with a fucking idiot you hate."
karma was stunned, he knew he was an ass to her these past few weeks but she thought he hated her?
"what are you even saying y/n, since when have i hated you?"
y/n looked at karma incredulously
"don't give me that bullshit, you were so cold to me when i did nothing to you."
he was cold to her he knows, he was trying to avoid her. why? because he felt something with her, something foreign, fuzzy and warm. whenever he was with her his heart would like someone squeezed the life out of it. it was so annoying but he was always addicted, so he avoided her to stop what he was feeling.
karma sighed, "i don't hate you. really. its just,,"
he looks away ashamed of how vulnerable he is now in front of her. he combs his hair back with his hands in frustration and also to hide his red face.
y/n hoped for a suitable answer as to why he had shunned her this whole time because it really did hurt her quite a lot.
"i feel something with you, its so weird, i don't like it."
karma says, eyes never looking at the girl in front of him. he couldn't bear to see what expression he had on her face, it would truly kill his heart.
"it's...ah you know what never mind."
he tries to control the damage that's done, he thinks that anymore he says, y/n would never want to see him again. y/n grabs the hem of his black jacket to stop him from avoiding her, something she should have done all along.
"no, karma, what feelings do you have with me. don't try to run away again"
y/n gripped tightly, feeling like if she let go he would be gone for real this time. she calls out his first name for the first time showing how desperate she was.
"i really really like you. alot."
ah. he did it, he admitted his feelings. it's done, whatever relationship they had is gone now.
"what? is that why you acted like that?"
oh my, karma is so fucking cute, y/n thought seeing his face flush even redder
"so annoying, i can't believe i feel so weak when i'm with you. i can't even fight properly. i can't even focus on anything in class."
karma kept trying to hate how he feels, perhaps its because he never knew what it was like to give love since his parents were always either overseas or at work.
"annoying? you are so stupid. you liked me for a month and you found it annoying, i liked you for 6 months you ass!"
y/n smacked his shoulder, then winced at the pain from her wound, making karma grasp her arm to check it. he looks up to her as he processes her words.
"6 months? u like me?"
"yeah 6 months of always looking at you and noticing what you do, i was so happy talking to you and then suddenly you went cold-"
before y/n could finish her rambling, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her, engulfing her in an embrace. karma held y/n tight and buried his face into her neck, his heartbeat beating too quickly he felt faint.
"i like you, ahh i like you so much, fuck"
y/n laughs and hugs him as tight, caressing his hair.
"you finally admitted your feelings, idiot."
y/n pulls away and cups his warm cheeks, smushing his face a little which made his lips form a pout. he furrowed his eyebrows at her action. karma leans in and pecks y/n on the lips, and she gasps.
"how dare you be so bold now when you were avoiding me the whole month, tsk"
y/n playfully chided him and he laughed before apologizing and then kissing her again.
"oh? i guess both of you are on good terms now?"
kayano nudged your shoulder and you smiled and nodded.
"now you have a chance to get him to like you, y/n!"
y/n looked at karma, who was with nagisa and sugino. and then her phone chimed.
karma <3: should we skip class and go on a date? >:)
y/n laughed, "i don't think i need to anymore, kayano"
after that, karma and y/n disappeared for the rest of the school day to hang out with each other. ♡
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ᵃⁿʸʷᵃʸˢ ⁱ ʰᵒᵖᵉ ʸᵃˡˡ ˡⁱᵏᵉ ᵗʰⁱˢ !
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sleepless-in-starbucks · 3 months ago
(guy who still has studying and a writing final to do voice) finally. i can write fanfiction again
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