#i wrote half of this at 11pm
starry-bi-sky · 2 months
Love and hate can sometimes cross wires - DPXDC Ficlet
She props her up against the far wall, and kneels before her, fingers deceptively gentle against her cheek. Danyal is cold and trembling, her once bronze skin now dull. She meets her other half— self— sister— mother— predecessor’s eyes, and they are still wet. But now they are sharp, focused on Her face.
Danyal takes a shuddering breath, one that wracks itself down her spine. One that She can feel sinking into her — their? — shared soul. “You’re going to kill me.” She says, matter of fact, something like grief choking in her voice, making it shake.
She blinks at Her mother—sister—friend— predecessor, a feeling She knows is horror but thinks is hatred filling up Her lungs. Her cool palm trails kind down to her throat, Her talon fingers wrapping around the fragile skin. With very little effort, She could break her little neck. “Yes.” She murmurs, a sound only the two of them can hear. “I am.“
Her mother-sister-other half— predecessor shudders again, and yet makes no sound. Simply goes limp with acceptance in her arms. She doesn’t bother to even fight; she looks tired. Make it quick, it’s like she says.
I will. She promises, running the gentle padding of Her thumb along her jugular. It’s the only mercy She thinks She’ll ever give. But first…
“Give me a name?”
(Mother— sister— mine—) Danyal stares at Her, confusion parting her slowly paling lips. There’s silence between the two, thickening the air like the rise of an oncoming storm. Hurt and rage begins to toil beneath Her skin. Was the thought of naming Her so abhorrent, that she’d rather not say a thing at all? Her name is nothing?
Before She can take Her anger out, Danyal breathes in sharp. The sound is painful, jarring like jags of broken glass. She raises a hand, her palm — rough and calloused, proof of her fourteen years of life, of hardship — finds Her cheek too. It’s almost loving, the way Danyal swipes her thumb across Her skin, her clammy fingers tucking a strand of hair behind Her ear.
An emotion sweeps across her, boiling and toiling, burning hot and consuming her whole. Thick, bubbling in her throat, curling behind her teeth and under her tongue and tinging her peripherals with spots. An overwhelming emotion.
It must be hatred, she thinks. What other feeling can encompass one so much?
When Danyal breathes out, so with it comes a name; “Layal.”
Danyal always did love the nights.
(If you ask the Mother of Monsters why she killed Danyal al Ghul, she’ll tell you it was because she loved hated her.)
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notebooknonbinary · 2 years
when Mike and Will are in first grade, they attempt to run away. This is spurred by two things: Lonnie Byers’ general presence, and the boys’ current favorite book series, the Boxcar Children. The thought of living in a train car seems super cool to them, and since they live so near to train tracks, they figure that there must be an abandoned train car or two somewhere nearby. They begin trying to gather supplies—as discreetly as two six year olds are able to, which isn’t very discrete. Jonathan, age 11, finds out almost immediately. When he tries to convince them why it’s a bad idea, they—with their little kid logic—actually convince him to go along with it, at least for a little bit. With the condition that he goes with (after all, there’s an older sibling taking care of the kids in BCC, right?). He helps them pack a little better, maybe talks to Joyce about the kids going on a camping trip (to get away from Lonnie for the weekend), maybe implying (lying) that there will be Actual Adults there with them. And there’s no need to make excuses to Mike’s parents—Karen is pregnant with Holly and the whole house is focused on getting ready for the new baby. Karen will likely just think he’s at the Byers’ house. So over a weekend (starting on a Friday after school), Mike, Will, and Jonathan go exploring— looking for a boxcar or any abandoned train car—mostly looking along the train tracks. They eventually find the Junkyard—which the kiddos get excited about anyway (even Jon bc Boxcar Children was his book first shut up), so they proceed to search for hidden gems. They find a bunch of little treasures (a cracked but useable magnifying glass, an old working radio, and even a set of slightly cracked dishes in the trunk of one of the cars), but their biggest discovery is an old Bus. Jonathan tells them that, at least for tonight, it’s almost as good as a boxcar. Mike and Will immediately agree and the trio set out to make the space livable (to kid standards, at least). Set up their blankets and sleeping bags, etc. Jonathan reads to them (from the Boxcar children ofc). And the weekend goes along in a similar vein. The younger boys get homesick by Sunday morning, ofc, so they agree that the Bus can be Their secret place that they go to sometimes. Like the boxcar in the Children’s backyard. (And then Jonathan forgets about it after a while bc I completely forgot about the whole bit in S1E7 where they’re trying to find the kids—won’t remember til they go to pick up the Party and then Jon will want to hit himself for forgetting. The rest of the Party (once they become friends) don’t know about it. It stays a Mike and Will thing—until the Bus is p much destroyed in S2 RIP Bus). Joyce never finds out. (At least not for a v long time—maybe it’s one of the memories Mike uses when Will is possessed by the MF) Not about This run away attempt anyway.
Will tries to run away the second time when they’re in fourth grade. Again, mostly bc Lonnie Byers and his A+ parenting. And plus Will thinks one less child might make things easier on his mom. By this time, Lucas and Dustin are their friends too (and thus voices of reason, bc Mike is an enabler who probably immediately offered up his basement). So they’re talking about it—going over the pros and cons (Mike is still advocating for his basement), but Karen happens to overhear and it’s immediately Game Over: Joyce is told. She is, ofc, devastated. And they have a long talk about how much she would miss him if he were gone (ouch I hurt myself😃). So that’s the last time he actually tries to run away (Joyce gives brief thought that that might be what’s happened at the beginning of S1, but with the confirmation that Mike is Not in the Know, she thinks it’s v unlikely).
(And then during/after the divorce, if Will wants to run away, he either runs to Mike’s house to spend the night, or he runs to Castle Byers… He runs to it in the Upside Down. He runs to it after his possession has been lifted—as his friends (Mike) begin to pull away. And, after a Fight with Mike, he runs to it one last time…then there’s no longer any place in Hawkins Will can run away to.)
When they move to Lenora, Will thinks about running away back to Hawkins. He doesn’t go through with it though, because Mike hasn’t really been responding to his letters, and thus there’s no one to conspire with. Plus, with El, he doesn’t want to leave her alone. She’s quickly become a sister to him, and he knows (even tho school sucks for her), she likely wouldn’t want to run away from Joyce and Jonathan—considering she already lost Hop.
Once Will and Mike get together post-whatever happens in s5, Will tells him about almost running away to Hawkins (to Mike), and, it turns out, Mike had almost the exact same thought (esp when he couldn’t come for Christmas). Like he told Will during SB, Hawkins isn’t the same without Will there. They talk about ‘running away’ from Hawkins after they graduate high school—basically going to college out of state. “It’s not really running away if I’m with you, though. You’re home.” Michael Wheeler is full of cheese.
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risuola · 1 year
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You give your boyfriend a nice, relaxing face massage when Sukuna, being bored out of his mind, takes over Yuji’s body.
cw: fluff, Itadori is 18 and is a vessel for Sukuna — 1,3k words
a/n: alrighty, this one I wrote randomly thinking of how the lines actually are quite a good guide for a face massage (also, if you never had face or a scalp massage, you're missing out!). i usually write Sukuna as his separate person, but here he's in a vessel. it's nothing but purely fluffed up piece of late-night babbling, enjoy 🩷
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It was already late, the clock showed almost 11pm, but you were not asleep. Yuji had just gotten home, taken a shower, and breathed out loudly, whining to heavens about how he had worked his butt off during the training session with Gojo. Your boyfriend came back all tired, and the hot shower didn't do much to soothe his strained muscles.
"I'm soooo tired," he whined again, and you couldn't help but smile at the adorable pout his lips had formed as he walked into the room you shared with him.
"'My poor thing," you cooed, kissing his forehead as he sat down next to you. "How about I give you a little face massage?"
"Yes, please," Itadori nodded vigorously and you giggled as you instructed him how to position himself and when you had his head comfortably over your lap, you warmed up a nice portion of face cream in your palms.
"Relax for me, baby," you told him, and he closed his eyes the moment your fingers made contact with his skin.
Yuji loved the magic your hands performed upon his aching muscles, and he found head and face massages particularly relaxing, so it wasn't surprising when he began to doze off in a matter of moments. With him half-asleep, you could take your time to admire the boy who had shamelessly stolen your heart with just one of his wide and extremely kind smiles, and as you glided your fingers smoothly across his forehead, down his temples, cheekbones, and jaw, you fell in love all over again. At first you were extremely gentle, stroking along his features, warming the skin as you went, before applying more pressure to the knots under his skin.
You rubbed small circles across his forehead, paying a little more attention to the space between his eyebrows and near his temples before lowering your hands to work the lotion into the large muscles over his cheeks. Using your thumbs, you forced the tension away with enough pressure to make Yuji purr softly. Then something unexpected happened. Black, tattoo-like lines appeared under your fingers and you slowed your movements, startled by the sight.
You knew that there is a curse living rent-free in your boyfriend, and you've seen Sukuna before, but he had never come out like that, for no reason, without a fight, without a single trigger, so you had no idea what to expect.
"Continue," he ordered, and you swallowed, pressing your fingertips back to his cheeks. Ironically, the lines that adorned his face made for a perfect guide for the massage, and you unconsciously followed them.
"Is there a reason for your appearance now?" you asked cautiously, keeping your fingernails away from the extra pair of eyes as you brushed over the bones beneath them.
"Nothing in particular," he replied lightly, looking up at you as his expression turned more serious. "Although I don't like you looking at me from above."
"You're literally on my lap."
"That's why I'll allow it, once. As for why," he relaxed his face again as you slid down his cheeks to work the muscle around his mouth and along his jawline. "Can you imagine how bored I am inside this brat?"
"I'm afraid not."
"You can't, that's right." A sigh left Sukuna's mouth. "What a pity, I'm bored out of my mind."
"I see, but please don't tire Yuji any more, he's already exhausted."
"You should worry about yourself rather than him being tired."
"I probably should, but if you were to decide to kill me now, you wouldn't get to experience the wonders of my scalp massage, so if you're okay with such a loss..."
You were really pushing his buttons here, being way too brave for your own good, but he seemed comfortable with the situation, which gave you hope that you wouldn't be decapitated anytime soon.
"Proceed then, and I'll make my decision afterward."
You finished his facial massage with a few light strokes along his features and wiped your hands with a tissue to remove any excess cream that hadn't absorbed yet, before you sink your hands into his hair. "Could you flip over to your stomach?" Once that was done, and Sukuna turned almost too obediently as you guided his head back to your lap, you used your fingers to brush through his blush-toned hair, pushing it back and purposefully scratching the skin between the strands as you dragged your hands to the nape of his neck. Once again, you used circular motions and quite a bit of pressure to stimulate the circulation and relax the tense muscles. You knew it was pleasurable, you knew how Yuji's body reacted to your touch and the fact that it was the King of Curses at this moment couldn't change that. The only thing different was the silence, which would normally be filled with constant mewling and whimpering from your boyfriend, but you couldn't expect those from Sukuna. Frankly, you'd be startled if he suddenly started purring.
As you worked your magic, the man remained calm, his cheek pressed against your thigh and his arms behind your back and around your legs, and it didn't really bother you too much. His touch was almost non-existent, he just kept his hands there because they had to go somewhere.
"Do you find this acceptable?" you asked quietly, lowering your fingers to graze the back of his neck. Your thumbs slid down the line of muscles that connected them to his shoulders, and he moved his arms down, giving you more access to that area.
"Acceptable is a good term," he muttered, exhaling deeply as you firmly squeezed the shoulder muscles, working out the tight knots there. Normally, this would turn Itadori into a whining mess, needy of affection and ready for endless cuddles, but for Sukuna, you put more effort into what you were doing. It felt strange. Technically, it was still your boyfriend's body that you had touched many times before, but somehow it felt like you were massaging a foreign man. Even though your fingertips knew the dips and curves of his silhouette, your mind found it hard to process.
Lost in thoughts, you let your hands go lower, onto the shoulder blades and near the spine, following the line down, working your palms into his toned back, only snapping back to reality when one of your hands brushed over the stitches. Oh yes, Yuji had injured himself the day before and because of Shoko's absence, he had to have the wound stitched up. He shouldn't be training with that at all, but he's so stubborn...
"Sukuna?", you addressed him quietly, trying to sound as respectful and polite as possible.
"What do you want?" he replied, his voice indifferent, but he knew from your tone that you needed something from him.
"There is a wound on Yuji's back. Could you heal it so that I can massage that area as well?"
“I don’t mind the pain. I don’t feel it,” he informed bluntly.
“But I can’t massage over stitches. I know it’s nothing for you, so pleaseee?”
"You're pushing your luck, you know that, right?" Sukuna laughed. Oh, how sneaky you were, he loved it, and it's only because he really enjoyed the massage that he granted your request. The sewn-up wound healed before your eyes and black stitches fell away. Your whole face lit up as you ran your hand over the spot.
"Thank youu," you smiled, and as if on autopilot, your body bent forward. You planted a soft kiss on the top of his head before you could think twice and only realized what you'd done when it was too late. Oh. "I'm sorry," you muttered quickly.
"You're so fucking clingy," he scoffed. "Humans..."
"Don't be mad, I'm just grateful," you cooed, returning your nails to his scalp to hopefully distract him from wanting to cut you to ribbons, and it seemed to do the trick as he melted over your thigh, relaxing his body once again.
In few minutes the black markings disappeared, your boyfriend was back and you were left confused but relieved.
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leighsartworks216 · 1 year
I'm All Yours
Astaron x gn!Tav/Reader
I wrote this to cope with the fact my roommate has people over, all getting drunk and high and playing loud music at 11pm when I have class tomorrow. I'm losing my mind
Warnings: none
Word Count: 462
You sighed. Every muscle in your body ached. Every bone felt like jelly. A light breeze could knock you over, and perhaps you'd even welcome it. Alas, you had better things to do than collapse in the wind.
Tentative, you peeked through the tent door. Warm orange candlelight hit your face, carrying with it the smell of old books and perfume. Lounging in the center of the mess was exactly the man you needed to see.
"Can I come in?" Your voice is heavy with the day's struggles, words almost slurring together.
Astarion looks up from his book with a grin - more of a smirk, really. "You don't need to ask, darling," he assures. "You are always welcome to join me in whatever I may be doing."
You push the flap aside and trudge in. It's instantly apparent that you do not belong here, with all these comforts and refineries. Your clothes are worn down and dirty. And you weren't fairing much better. But you push away the doubt and toe off your boots. Astarion must notice the way you struggle a bit more than usual with such a simple task. He hums, smirk softening into something more sincere.
"What do you need, love?" he coos. You melt with the care the question brings, all tension pulled from your body with those five words alone.
You kneel before him, hands in your lap and half-lidded eyes pleading with his own. "You," you admit quietly. It's embarrassing to say out loud, but he sits patiently as you work through it. "I just need to be wrapped up in you. Safe."
He opens his arms, book dangling open in one hand. "Come on then, dear. I'm all yours."
You waste no time crawling into his arms. Your body lays on top of his, chest to chest and legs intertwining. His free hand immediately tangles into your hair. Long fingers comb and massage and pet. Astarion relishes the soft sighs you breathe into his neck. Although the position was clumsy at best, you find a way to wrap your arms around him.
There was a time when your full weight over him would have been terrible. The crushing, suffocating weight of a body reminding him too much of cramped quarters and unsuspecting victims. Now he welcomed it any time you needed it.
"Thank you," you breathe into his skin. He tugs lightly at your hair. You sigh with the comfort.
"Anything for you, my love. Sleep well." With a kiss to your temple, he rests his hand on your back, book propped open to the page he left off on. His other hand continues to lazily play with your hair. You drift off to the sound of pages being turned and the smell of bergamot.
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౨ৎ good morning ౨ৎ
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summary: reader and bucky are very much in love and have their morning routine down to a tee. bucky manhandles the reader a lot but not in a weird way, just in an "i love you and can't live without you" kinda way.
warning: fluffffff (bucky and reader are EXTREMELY in love and love to show it)
wc: 1.8k
pairing: domestic!bucky x reader
a/n: I wrote this between the hours of 11PM-1AM when i was feeling especially psychotic. I am so sleep deprived I’m sorry. But I just came up with this sweet little scenario and had to write it down. This is why I shouldn’t be allowed to daydream.
You opened your eyes, groaning as soft sunlight filtered through your open blinds. You tried remembering the dream you had just abruptly woken up from. Something about a tall, muscular, brown-haired man. The man of your dreams. The man whose arms were now around you from behind, caging you to his warm chest.
You turned around to find Bucky gently stirring in the light of the sunrise. You reached your arms out around his shoulders as he slowly blinked his eyes open. You were both morning people and were glad for it because it meant the two of you were in sync. Neither of you got much sleep, what with Bucky being plagued by his nightmares and you by your insomnia. However, you were in it together, making hell sightly more endurable.
“Good morning, sunshine,” he mumbled with a sweet smile, burying his face in your chest. You squirmed slightly in his arms as his thick beard scratched your chest. You were coming to like his grown-out facial hair. It made him look like a soft teddy bear rather than a violently beautiful Greek god. Yes, you quite preferred this look to his freshly shaven one with his chiseled cheekbones and jawline of steel on full display. With his beard, he looked somewhat more approachable, more domestic, and more lovable than ferociously intimidating.
“Good morning, my moonlight,” you whispered. He was the moonlight to your sunshine, the darkness to your light. He complimented you so perfectly that it sometimes made you want to cry.
Bucky interrupted your thoughts by pulling your body on top of his. “Mmh, I love you so much,” his voice was slightly muffled as his face was still smushed against your chest, and he wrapped his thick arms around your back, securing you in place on top of him.
“I love you too, baby boy,” you combed your fingers through his hair. It was much shorter than it used to be, but it was starting to grow out like his beard. You were not complaining, however. The long summer days the two of you spent swimming in the pool caused his hair to curl at the ends, and it was a lighter shade of brown now than it was during the colder months.
“Wanna stay here with you forever,” Bucky mumbled into your chest, peppering sweet kisses to your neck and jawline before lazily moving his lips all over your face.
“C’mon, Bucky, you say this every morning,” you giggled. “We gotta get up soon, bubs. We have things to do and people to see.” You pushed his face away, scrunching your nose when you caught a whiff of his morning breath.
“They can wait,” he muttered, half-heartedly batting his arm at the air like a petulant child. You almost giggled but caught yourself. You couldn’t encourage him on like this. You actually did have a lot of errands to run later in the day and a long to-do list to accomplish. While you wanted nothing more than to indulge Bucky (because, duh, why would you want to do anything but lay here in your soft bed, basking in the morning light with the man you loved), you knew you needed to be an adult and put your responsibilities first if you wanted to prevent your life from falling apart. You decided to give him ten more minutes. After that, you would force yourself to get up.
You almost fell back asleep, tangled up in his arms. In fact, you probably would have if it hadn’t been for your grumbling stomach. You were past the point in your relationship where this embarrassed you. In fact, you were grateful to your stomach for choosing to be so loud because otherwise, you might not have gotten out of bed all day.
But before you could leap out of bed and berate Bucky for almost making you fall asleep again, he leaped up, carrying you like a child. Of course, he would get up when you were in danger of being hungry. “Can’t let my pretty doll starve, now can I?” he smirked down at you.
“Barnes, you have five seconds to put me down!”
“Five, four, three, two…,” Bucky ran into your shared bathroom, clutching you in his arms like you were a football. “…one! Touchdown!” he plopped you down on the toilet’s closed lid, holding onto your shoulders for balance as he let out a belly laugh.
“I hate you,” but you were smiling a mile wide even as you said it.
“Aw, that’s too bad, doll,” Bucky fake-pouted at you, backing away out of the bathroom. “Because I lava you very very much.” He said the last part in his silliest baby voice, scrunching up his face to give you air kisses as he turned to leave.
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help grinning like you had won the lottery. Truthfully, you had won the lottery because if wealth was measured in happiness, you were ecstatic, floating above everyone else. It was the same silly routine every morning, with Bucky forcing you to cuddle him in bed for at least a half hour and then bolting up with you in his arms whenever your stomach grumbled. He knew you were grumpy when you didn’t have any food in you, so he started on breakfast when you got ready in the bathroom. When you offered to switch roles, he said this was optimal since you liked to brush your teeth before breakfast, and he brushed his teeth after. Your heart melted at the memory. Your boyfriend got your breakfast ready for you when you came downstairs. Every single morning, without fail. It was the little things that made you fall in love over and over.
You finished your skincare routine and headed downstairs to find the same scene as every morning: Bucky with a kitchen towel over one shoulder, plating whatever he made for breakfast. Today, he had made a fluffy stack of pancakes and scrambled eggs. He had even gone the extra mile to put spinach and chopped tomatoes in the eggs and had added fresh berries and banana slices on top of the pancakes. The sight of the sticky sweet syrup oozing down the sides of them was enough to make your mouth water.
You snuck up behind him and snaked your arms around his torso. “I love you, I love you, I love you,” you punctuated each one with a kiss to his shoulder blades and neck. “Did I tell you how grateful I am to have you in my life?”
“Only about a HUNDRED TIMES A DAY,” he turned around quickly in your arms, grabbing you under the thighs to lift you up. He clasped his arms together, forming a sort of seat in midair. You threw your arms around his shoulders and crashed your lips onto his, melting into him, his pillowy lips warm on yours.
You barely noticed that he had backed into the fridge until you felt the cool metal against your back through Bucky’s thin cotton T-shirt. You continued kissing him voraciously and suddenly remembered Tony scarfing down a Burger King cheeseburger when he had returned from his brief kidnapping in the desert.
You broke away laughing at the mental comparison you made of yourself kissing Bucky to Tony when he was starving after being in the desert.
“Whatcha laughin’ at doll?” Bucky panted, a slight smile creeping onto his lips.
“Oh, nothing,” you panted back. “Just shut up and kiss me.” You were back to business, your lips back on his, feeling like a dog deprived of its bone. Bucky opened the refrigerator door, never once breaking the kiss. You kept your eyes closed, one hand still raking through his soft hair as you used the other to grab the milk carton from the door. You secured it in your hand without faltering, then brought your hand back to rest against his shoulder blade as Bucky shut the door and walked you back over to the counter. Once you safely sat down, you pulled away, gasping for air, desperate as a fish out of water for more of him. His hands were on your hips, his name was on your lips, over and over again like your only prayer.
Bucky grabbed his mug of coffee from where he had left it in the coffee machine and brought it to where you sat, a bright smile adorning his face. You returned the grin and poured a smidge of milk into his cup. When you had first started living together, you were aghast to find that Bucky drank his coffee black without a single drop of milk or spoon of sugar. It had taken some convincing, but you were thrilled when he finally agreed to stop torturing himself and drink his coffee with milk like a normal human being. Although he still used less than a tablespoon of milk and no sugar or creamer, it was a start.
You, on the other hand, were the exact opposite, preferring matcha as your morning drink of choice, which required your mug to be 95% full of milk with the other 5% being, of course, the matcha powder, ice cubes, and copious amounts of honey to satisfy your sweet tooth.
“Oh, I heated up some water and mixed in the matcha powder for you already,” Bucky pointed at the mug beside you, his other hand still warm on your thigh.
“Thank you, bubs,” you leaned down to press a chaste kiss to his lips. His cheeks pinked at the suddenness of it, and he ducked his head, shying away from your gaze.
“Aw, it’s nothin’,” he smiled up at you, eyes sparkling beneath his thick lashes. “Here, lemme get you some ice.”
The momentary loss of his hands on your thighs made you whine slightly, but he was back as soon as he left, ice tray in hand.
“Here you are, babycakes.”
You took the tray, beaming at him, then plunked precisely three heart-shaped ice cubes into your cup. You handed the tray back to Bucky, and he left to return it to the freezer before returning to stand between your thighs from where you sat on the countertop. You poured a generous amount of milk into your cup and reached for the honey to drizzle some in. Stirring your drink, you clinked your mug with his before taking your first sip.
You sighed reveling in the mild sweetness of your drink. It was just the way you liked it.
"Alright, doll, let's get some breakfast in you before we run today. We doing intervals or easy?"
"I actually wanted to go for a long run, Buck," you held his gaze from behind your mug.
"Cold plunge after?" he smiled already knowing your answer.
"Yes," you nodded your head vigorously, giddy at the prospect.
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romanestuffsposts · 5 months
Oksy so it's a very random start rn but last week I was with a friend and she gave me a speacial cookie but didnt told me what in it was so i ate it and started to feel fuzzy and later I was vomiting and had a head ache and stuff and than she told me that it was a space cookie with weed in it. I was so scared when I start to notice that I dont feel good but she just made fun of me. Now i cut the contact and need comfort (when I noticed that I was not feeling good I was walking home and when I was home I was still so scared and crying that I cried in my dads arms crying myself to sleep)
Daddy stucky x little reader where she was in the same Situation and they found her crying, scared and throwing up with much comfort ❤️❤️
Hi there love! 💜
First of all I’m so so sorry that it happened to you. You are the only one who can make the decision for yourself, if you want to take a space cookie then it has to come from you and no one else ! It’s just respect. It made me so mad when I read what you send me, not mad at you but mad at your friend (who is really not a good friend btw). I can totally understand how you felt afterward and how betrayed you must have felt.
I once took a space cookie at a party at my cousin’s house and I saw everyone laughing and running everywhere while I was on my chair, completely lost. I moved my eyes from left to right and I had the feeling that the world was spinning. It wasn’t really fun because I didn’t enjoy my night because of that (two hours after I ate it I was in bed imao). But it was my choice, I was with people I trust and I wanted to take it. That’s the difference. I felt sick too (probably because it’s was the fist time I ate weed- I already smoke it but not eating it) but it was my decision.
Those kind of experience can’t come from anyone else but you. That’s just how it is and nothing else is acceptable.
I hope you recover from that horrible experience sweetie, you’re so strong and I’m so happy for you that you had your dad to comfort you. Be careful my love <3
I hope you like how I wrote this fic, lots of love babe ❤️
warnings : mention of drugs, taking drugs against your will, feeling dizzy and sick, comfort, reassurance, trust issues, pet names, paci
Pairings : Daddies!Stucky ; daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : you didn’t chose your friends correctly
You always had a hard time making friends. Not because you’re a bad person or because you’re mean to everyone that look at you but because you’re discreet, you’re shy and you’re scared to go to people.
But once you make a friend, you’re ready to do everything for that person. You’re that kind of friend, the one who gave the half of your meal if your friend doesn’t have anything to eat. Your the kind of friend that will sleep on the floor so the other sleep in your bed. You’re the kind of friend that pardon everyone because for you, everyone can have a second chance. Mistakes happen
You wouldn’t call it a mistake this time tho.
You were enjoying a sleepover at your friend’s house, everything went good, you were having fun and you even made new friends that were also invited. One of them came with a plate of cookies and you can’t lie and say you hadn’t thought of them all evening.
Apparently they knew each others for years and at first that scared you but once you met them your nerves actually relax a bit. They’re used to do things together and lived plenty life experience together while you did it alone but that’s fine, you’re here now, you’re with them so everything is good.
Around 11pm, the one that came with the cookies open the box and give one to everyone. Everyone seemed excited and you didn’t question it because you were too, not for the same reasons tho.
You ate that cookie so fast that your stomach isn’t really happen. You went to grab another one when your friend stop you ‘’wait just a few minutes before taking another, trust me’’ she winks
Trust me
You shrug it off and went back to playing, you were enjoying the night when all of a sudden, everyone start to be a little bit weird, too weird to your liking.
The more you try to understand why one of the guy is laughing hard just because he has a fly on his drink, or why your friend has a hard time opening her red eyes that you start to feel weird too.
You stand up thinking you needed water but soon realised that mistake. Once your butt leave the seat, it feels like the world start spinning around you. You look around you, scared and lost, everyone were enjoying their time while you just wanted to crawl in bed and recover.
You tried to go to your friend but when she wasn’t ghosting you she was just telling you that it was fine that you didn’t needed to worry about anything and just enjoying the feeling.
You didn’t felt listen or understood at all and that alone make you feel even more sick. With all the strength you can get, you pick up your bag and leave the house.
You live a few blocks away from your friend- ex friend, so you decide to walk home, not really knowing what to do else. You don’t know if your Daddies are home or if they took advantage of the fact that you were away to do something together.
While walking home you start crying, you felt betrayed, you may not be the most thoughtful girl but you’re definitely not stupid, you know there was something in the cookie, you just didn’t realised it on time.
You’re relieved to see your door’s house and has a warm feeling in your chest once you close it behind you. As the click of the door closing is heard, your back fall onto it and you slide down the door, until your touching the ground.
You soon hear footsteps coming toward where you are ‘’baby ?’’ Your Papa walk toward you and kneels down ‘’what are you doing here ?’’
‘’is everything okay, baby girl ?’’ Your Daddy asks as well. You shake your head, tears sliding down your face.
Your Papa rests his hand against your cheek ‘’take deep breath, love. You’re at home, with us, nothing can harm you here’’
You take shaky breathes and squeeze your hands ‘’baby tell us what’s wrong’’
‘’I- I didn wanted to. I just wanted cookie, I promise I didn k-know’’ you cry harder.
‘’Hey hey shhh, it’s okay little one, keep taking deep breathes we won’t get mad at you’’ your Daddy reassures you.
‘’I feel bad’’ you cry and wipe your eye with the back of your hand
‘’How do you feel bad ?’’ Your Papa asks, taking your hand away from your eye. He hates when you do that because you’re always too harsh with yourself and he doesn’t want you to get hurt ‘’explain to us’’
You sob ‘’I don know i-‘’ you breath out ‘’everything is spinning and- and i tired’’ you whine.
Your Daddies look at each other, it doesn’t take them a long time to connect about what had happened. You talked about cookies and then feeling bad and finally everything is spinning. They immediately understood.
Your Daddy stand up and lifts you up in his arms, you immediately roll yourself around him. He waits until your Papa finishes removing your shoes and sockets before going to the couch. He sits down and rests you on his laps ‘’it’s okay my love, you went through something you shouldn’t have to without your consent but you’ll be fine’’
‘’nothing will happen to you, you’ll feel bad for a few more hours but that’s all’’ he kisses your forehead ‘’papa will be back soon with a glass of water, it’ll make you feel better’’
‘’Close your eyes babydoll, the world will not spinning as much as it does when your eyes are open’’ he quietly says, his fingers sliding down your hair to calm you down
‘’Here princess’’ your Papa sits on the couch and help you drinking the water. The fresh liquid that slide down your throat help at making you feel more relax and calm, just like your Daddy said it would.
He takes your feet on his laps and gently rubs them while speaking softly to you. Your eyes are still close but your other senses are multiplying, the touches of your Daddies help at calming your nerve and the reassurance behind the truth your Daddy said earlier about you closing your eyes and the water thing is really good at relaxing you.
‘’How about you sleep with us tonight ?’’
They know you’re not in a big danger but it reassure them too if you were with them for the night.
You nod your head and before you can put your finger in your mouth, your Daddy slides your paci in it.
‘’We won’t let her hang out with these people, right ?’’ Your Daddy asks as his eyes wonder around your sleepy face.
‘’As if she would want to hang out with them again’’ your Papa scoffs as his hands still rubs your cold feet
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badhairred · 2 months
Me at 8am: I don't feel like writing today.
Me at 11pm: I wrote 9k words and it's not even half the chaper✌🏻
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philosophiums · 3 months
hi sam!! 1, 2, 6, 8, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 30, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 50, 51, 55, 57, 66 (lmhs), 71, 72, 76, 78, 79 😊 i just love picking another writer's brain hehe
KSJDBVJKDFBV MARIAM IM CRYING HELP 😂 *cracks knuckles* okay let's gooooo 💜 (there's gonna be a read more somewhere)
questions from here!
1. Do you daydream a lot before you write, or go for it as soon as the ideas strike?
Truly depends on the length of the wip! For short stuff that I'm confident will be under 10k, I just go in swinging. For longer stuff, I'm daydreaming constantly, even during the writing process. When I had a desk job, I would spend Work Time thinking and then write stuff out in my notes app, but now that I operate a moving vehicle for 7+ hours a day, I just spend the majority of that time Daydreaming, Thinking, and Planning for LMHS.
2. Where do you get your fic ideas?
It's about a 60/40 split between original thoughts (as much as anyone can claim to truly have original creative thoughts that are 100% not inspired by anything else) and ideas that are based on or inspired by the premises of other fics or by fanart (sometimes not even from the same fandom).
6. What’s the last line you wrote?
From LMHS, last line of chapter 3: "Sun shining on their backs, sweet snacks in their stomachs, and laughter in the air, the three of them take off together, venturing once again deeper into Changyin’s busy streets."
8. Post an out-of-context spoiler from a wip.
Not written out yet so I can't post a snippet, but in LMHS, water is so important to Megumi's character, way beyond just bending.
12. Do you outline your fics?  If yes, how detailed are your outlines?  How far do you stray from them?
Sometimes! I did outline LMHS, though that was mostly an attempt on my part at keeping track of all the thoughts @hinamie and I were throwing at each other. It's not very detailed at all, just a bullet point list of things like "they travel to [location] - remember that [this character] is with them" or stuff like that. It's a guide for the like... movement™ of the fic, but less so the nitty gritty details, which I kind of enjoy discovering as I go (be it while I'm writing or while Hina and I are talking). But the last long fic I wrote (250k) did not have an outline. I just followed my heart and the vision I had of the end of the fic <3 The back half of that fic did have a canon timeline to follow, though, which made it easier.
14. What is your favorite location and position to write in?
SJKDBJKSDB I do about 95% of my writing in a big leather wingback armchair in my living room, usually with one leg hooked over an arm of the chair. The other 5% is bleary-eyed, 2am in bed, notes app, half-finished sentences with just the worst spelling you've ever seen.
15. What’s your favorite time to write?
It used to be between 1am and 3am, back when I was unemployed/working a job I didn't have to properly sleep for. Now, the only time I seem to be able to write is from about 8:30pm to 11pm. It takes me forever to unwind after coming home, so I can really only get myself to focus way at the end of the day. 100% if I went back to a desk job or stumbled into a pile of money that could let me stop working, I'd be right back to typing away well after midnight.
17. Do you have a writing routine?
Sit down > open word doc > reread last paragraph > dissociate > walk away > come back three hours later and write SKJDVBDKJBVJKDFBV
18. Do you enjoy research?  Which fic of yours required the most research?
I don't necessarily enjoy it, mostly because when I'm researching, I tend to get pulled down a rabbit hole of stuff I don't need to know and will never use. However, I do find that I end up doing impromptu "shotgun" research a lot while writing. Literally while writing the first chapter of LMHS, I had to pull up some research on trees just to make absolutely sure I was describing something correctly. It's 100% an inconsequential detail, but at least I know I wasn't pulling it completely out of thin air KSJVDBDKJVB I don't think I could honestly say which fic required the most research. If we include the amount of time I spent on the respective fandom wikis for character/canon details, then Swallow the Stars for sure. But if it's only for Other Stuff™, then I think they're all about equal.
19. Do you enjoy creating OCs or do you prefer to stick solely to canon characters?
I love making OCs in general, but not really for fanfic. I'll make an OC for an inconsequential side character no problem (did this a couple times in Swallow the Stars), but, for the most part, I prefer to stick to canon characters. I've never written a fic from the POV of an OC, and I doubt I ever will. I would much rather explore the dynamics between canon characters than insert a new main character into a story that already has one.
22. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process?  How do you come up with titles?
Depends! I've done all three before SKJDVBDKJVBF Sometimes, a title comes to me right away, and I can sort of circle around it while I'm writing (this is more common for me with short fics). Sometimes, I get a few thousands words in, and have played with the themes long enough to have it just sort of come to me. Other times, I'm fully edited and just staring at the words begging a title to appear so I can post KSJDVBDKJFVBDFV LMHS had a title before I even started writing, because I wanted to have a title when I posted the fic announcement. As far as how I come up with them, I've pulled directly from words in the fic, I've gone on random quote generators and pulled from those, I've sat down and literally just strung words together based on a theme or a single specific word I wanted (LMHS, for instance, came from a desire to use the word "haunt"). It just kinda depends and is different for every fic!
23. Is writing the beginning, middle, or end of the story easiest? Hardest?
The beginning is easiest because it's fun character introductions and scene setting, not a lot of plot yet. The middle is by far the hardest because that's where the plot is beefiest and where a lot of the transition spaces are, and at the same time you're starting to gather up the threads you want to tie off at the end.
24. How do you choose whose POV to write in?
I choose based on whose thoughts I'm imagining most when I'm first thinking of the story! When I'm new to writing for a fandom, I will sometimes have to start a fic 2 or 3 times to find the voice that comes easiest to me, though. I have a tendency to lean towards the quieter characters, but that's not always true! For example, Andrew Minyard's POV is easier for me to write in, but I have more fun writing Neil, so I tend to gravitate towards Neil for AFTG fics.
25. What’s your favorite part of the writing process (worldbuilding, brainstorming/outlining, writing, editing, etc)?
World building my beloved..... I love coming up with Reasons for things that I want to happen, tying things into the setting and the history and making sure it works for the characters as well. The moment when everything connects is so magical.
26. What’s your least favorite part of the writing process?
Writing KJDBKJDFBVJKDBFV Words are just.... so hard 😭
28. What area of writing do you want to improve in?
Detailing! Descriptions! I am constantly fighting with myself over how much detail I actually need to include in my descriptions, because on some level, I want to describe it as much as I possibly can so that it can be envisioned easier, but on the flip side I know for a fact that no matter how much I describe something, no one will ever see it exactly the same way I do. And so then I pull back too far, I think, and keep my descriptions bare minimum, which I think is just as unhelpful. I need to work on finding a balance. Maybe metaphor can be my friend here.....
30. How much do you edit your fics?  Do you edit as you write or wait until you finish the first draft?
I usually go through for edits a minimum of two times and a maximum of 4 times. I always do an initial read-through for details that I missed or clarifications I need to make or continuity problems, stuff like that. Then I'll go through for grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, etc. If I end up rewriting a lot during that second edit, I'll go back through yet again just to double-check everything. And, more often than not, I do a last read-through right before I post. Though, inevitably, there's always something that I don't catch until it's already posted KJSBDVKDJBV
42. What’s your favorite title that you’ve come up with?
I'm really quite keen on Like the Moon Haunts the Sun !! It's longer than what I usually go for with titles, but it's sooooo thematically fitting and just really really pretty imo. But, This Is What Hollows holds a special place in my heart because it's a bit different and yet perfectly fitting for that fic. Plus, it was titled loooong before I came up with a way to include it in the actual writing of the fic, and I felt like an absolute genius when I managed to do that organically.
43. Is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet?
I have a world mostly built for a fantasy setting with dragon gods and stuff that I've planned out all the lore for and yet cannot for the life of me actually think up a plot that would be interesting to write SKJVBDJKVB I have characters, I have setting, I have themes, but a plot? Evading me. And it's been haunting me for like 7 years.
44. What is your favorite genre to write?
Urban fantasy 100%!! I love writing magic systems without having to do historical research SKJBDVKJDVB Also just the idea of magic in a place that we live in is so special to me like... there is magic everywhere in the world, but sometimes that magic really does come from a spell book like Yes Please.
45. What genre/trope do you tend to write the most?
Found family trope my beloved,,,,,,,, don't look too closely at it; it doesn't say anything about me as a person I Promise.
47. Is there a trope that you’ve written before but are now sick of?
Not a trope, but when I was younger and Working Through Some Shit, I included a, I guess, circumstance™ that I will not actually say (bc it's like. triggering) in just about every fic I wrote, but I'm past the point now (thank god) of needing to vent through it, so I truly don't think I'll ever include it in anything ever again.
50. How would you describe your writing style?
HHHHHHH I have no idea. I think I am incapable of looking at my writing objectively enough to describe it.
51. Does what you like to write differ from what you like to read?
Very much so! I love reading prose that is rich in metaphor and simile, but for the life of me I can't write like that. I don't have the gift of constantly being able to turn a phrase so beautifully, but god is it gorgeous to read.
55. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics?  Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
I don't even want to think about the words and phrases I overuse because I'm sure there's plenty JSKDBVKJDFVB I do have a recurring theme of like... healing, though. This deep inner struggle of the characters to get to a better place is just... so important to me. I want them to heal, but more than that I want them to want to heal.
57. How conscious are you about including symbolism or foreshadowing in your fics?
I'm certainly conscious of it, but less so on the first draft. I think foreshadowing has a way of sneaking into my writing naturally (especially because I write chronologically), and then I can really hammer it in during the edit. Symbolism is purely being brought in during the first edit unless it's something so important that it was underlined a lot during the drafting/planning stage.
66. What’s a fun fact about LMHS?
It started as me just randomly thinking about ATLA and sending a question to Hina about what she thought the main trio's bending elements would be, and it just tumbled out of control from there SKJDVBDJKVFB
71. Do you spend more time reading or writing?
Writing, which is... saying something because I really don't spend a lot of time writing on a day-to-day basis. But I haven't read a published book in.... 4 years? And I don't read fanfic very often either, despite my bookmarks tab being overflowing with fics that I would like to read at some point. I just feel like I never have the time or energy to sit down and read.
72. What’s your favorite writing compliment you’ve gotten?
I have gotten a similar comment from multiple people that is about my characterization of canon characters within AUs and how it still feels like the canon characters but with realistic changes based on a different setting, and in fic writing I can't think of higher praise. Like... that's exactly what I want. I don't want the characters to be exactly the same as canon because their circumstances have changed, but I still want them to be recognizable. That's always what I'm striving for, and it makes me happy that people notice and think it's executed well enough to comment on.
76. How do you deal with writing pressure, whether internal or external?
Poorly KDEJVBKJDEFVBJKDFVBJF Really though, I struggle managing pressure when I'm writing. And it's always internal, because external pressure on fics just makes me petty since it's Free Labor, and people who complain about a slow upload schedule or whatever just make me Mad. But internal pressure is HHHHHHHHHH I am Going Through It with LMHS. I want it to live up to expectations, but I also want to finish it quickly, but I also want it to be lush and complete, and there's always this voice in my head telling me I'm not writing fast enough or good enough. Mostly I work past it by reminding myself that the time will pass anyway and that it's a miracle that I can even write ~1k words a day with how tired my job makes me. And on the days when that doesn't work, I have loud music KSJDVBDKJVBJDKFV
78. What motivates you during the writing process?
Up to the point where I start posting (for my last long fic, I was >100k in before I uploaded the first chapter), the motivation comes from a simple desire to write that particular story. For me, it can't come from anywhere else. If I don't want to write on a fic anymore and I haven't uploaded yet, I'll just stop. However, once I start posting, comments and general interaction with the fic gives me a huge bump in motivation. Engagement and talking about the story and the characters and the plot just makes me so excited to keep going so that I can drop the next plot twist or cliffhanger and read everyone's reactions. This time, for LMHS, I am very very lucky to have my own personal cheer squad of one (Hina) motivating me daily through memes and character discussion and new pieces of art and other various things <3
79. Do you have any writing advice you want to share?
The best actual constructive writing advice that I can give is: Do Not Edit Something Until You're Done. And yes, I mean the entire story - do not go back and reread/rewrite until you're done with it. Nothing will make your forward momentum disappear faster than going back to edit. If you're too hung up on details and perfection right away, you're never going to get done. You have to just write and accept that things will need to be reworked. Make notes for yourself on things to fix later or whatever, just do not scroll back up and start editing before you're done with something. It will only make you disappointed that where you pick up again isn't going to look as nice as what you just edited.
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brrrkdslek · 1 year
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❒ ateez x gn! reader
❒ idfk, gossip girls???
❒ your friend ditches you and is replaced with your favourite group, ateez.
❒ 0.8k
❒ fyi i was like half asleep when i wrote this. im not even gonna bother to edit btw im not making fun of anyone n shit just go with it pls im begging😭🙏🏻
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your heart stops for a whole minute as you watch ateez walking across from you, just getting off their flight.
you rubbed your eyes multiple times as you shamelessly gawked at the boys that walked farther and farther away from you. damn, is this how lucky you are???
apparently not as you waited at the parking lot, checking your phone every few seconds waiting for your friend to arrive to pick you up.
you squatted down as fatigue took over your body and knocked you to the ground. you sighed, not even bothering to move.
just then, your phone vibrated in your pocket as you pick up the call. "jiwon! where the hell are you, i'm fucking starving!"
"uh... i might not be able to make it, heh." your eyes widen as you silently cried. fuck it's already 11pm, who's gonna take you home now???
you decided to sit there and cry your ass off until a miracle happened, which it did. you cried and whispered words of curses directed to your supposed 'best friend'.
"waaa, that stupid bimbo... i bet she ditched me 'cuz she's hooking up with some man whore," "who did?" you jumped as you looked to your right.
is that,
jung. fucking. wooyoung. question mark.
you stare at him for a few seconds before suddenly slapping yourself across the face, taking him by shock. "fuck! focus y/n, you shouldn't be fucking hallucinating right now..."
you sighed as you looked in his direction again. his figure still and very real. "wait, what the hell? you're real???" you put your hand over your mouth, why were you so fucking unlucky????
wooyoung then laughed as you stared at him like he was on something, "ah- sorry, i've just never met a fan like this before! wait, you're an atiny, right?"
you nodded, face still red from embarrassment. "what are you doing out here at," you glance at your phone, "almost 12am?" wooyoung shook his head, "no, what are YOU doing out here? and why are you on the ground crying????"
you explained your situation to wooyoung as you cursed your friend in anger. you also told him that she hooks up with the randomest dudes ever and worst of all, she's your roommate.
the miracle finally happened when wooyoung offered to drive you back, not mentioning that he was with his members too.
as you approached the black van, he opened the passenger door, pulling san out and shoving him in the back. you side-eyed wooyoung as he kicked and shoved san into the back, no explanation.
"yah! jung woo- ow, don't kick me!"
"what the fuck are you doing???"
"hey, get off me!"
"what is going on???"
the members clamoured as they adjusted their seating due to the extra fatso being shoved in. extra fatso as in choi san of course!
"you saw nothing!" wooyoung exclaimed happily as he opened the passenger door for you, you got in and sat awkwardly as the members gawked at you.
maybe you should've stayed outside until you got kidnapped by a sexy man/ woman and lived in their basement forever, okay maybe it wasn't that bad.
"uh, who are you?" okay maybe it was that bad.
"uh-" wooyoung got into the driver's seat and started the car, "our little atiny's friend dumped her on the streets so we're gonna take her home!" ouch, why's he word it like that???
mingi's face lightened up, "you're an atiny!? ooo, who's your bias?" fuck, you didn't expect that. um, what were you supposed to say now???
suddenly your phone rang. for the first time ever, you thanked jiwon for calling you at a random time. wooyoung put on some music and started driving, "oh- right, where do you live?"
the members tease wooyoung for his stupidity as you entered a location on the gps, then answering the phone. "hello- what?"
the members eyed each other quietly as they, not very discreetly, listened in on your conversation. not like they couldn't, right?
"what did you say just now?" "uh- so my hookup might've stolen your yeosang photocard." you gasped so loud. wooyoung looked over, "what, what is it?"
the members eyes widen with curiosity, silently rooting for you as you screamed at your 'friend' on the phone. unlucky day it was.
you hung up, turning to wooyoung, " actually, take me here instead." you enter another location. "what- wait why, what happened?"
then began your rant of your slut of a roommate. how she was messy, never giving you space and always up your ass about everything. you also mentioned that you were finding a new apartment so you could finally get away from her.
"what! that's so insane, she let the guy sleep naked on the couch??" seonghwa cringed in disgust. "yeah, he was so damn ugly too." san snorted and laughed, "i even have a picture, you wanna see???"
the rest of the car ride was filled with gasps and 'no way!'s and 'omg's and more! but of course, the boys deliver you to your location safely and you've never felt happier.
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Wet Dream
Eddie x fem!reader, smut 18+, 2.8k words Inspired by these lyrics from Wet Dream by Wet Leg: What makes you think you're good enough / To think about me when you're touching yourself?
CW: mutual masturbation, sub!Eddie and then not so subby Eddie(so technically switch!eddie?), praise, enemies to lovers vibes, hate sex (unprotected p in v, wrap it up kiddos)
here ya go ya filthy animals (me included bc I wrote this and am feelin a lil depraved rn)
Eddie Tags: @eddiemunsonfuxks
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You and Eddie Munson have had a rivalry since he started at Hawkins Elementary in 5th grade. Neither of you are sure how it started or why but both of you were always so annoyed with each other whenever you were in the same room with each other—so much so that the Principle was on a first name basis with your parents and Eddie’s Uncle Wayne, and they were on a first name basis with each other.
You won’t deny that Eddie is hot. You even agree to it when your girlfriends all fawn over him and his hair and his voice and his waist and his hands, god his hands. But you only ever admitted to you slight attraction to Eddie in the secrecy of girl’s night—and all your gal pals know not to say a word about it to anyone.
And then, Eddie started dealing drugs once you both started High School and Reefer Rick stopped selling to you and other high schoolers since he had an inside guy now. Taking away your go to dealer gave you a new reason to dislike Eddie. Now your attraction was annoyance and while picturing his lithe body and rough hands had definitely become a part of your ‘self care’ routine, just the thought of him soured your mood.
Your friend Paul was happy to be your little deal mule once you offered to throw in an extra $20 for his ‘services’ though. But then Paul got a lil greedy and only gave you half of your order the last two times you asked him to get you weed from Eddie. You obviously gave him a lil knockabout that might’ve resulted in a black eye and a busted lip, and you having to get your weed yourself now.
So that’s why you’re here. Pounding on Eddie’s trailer door at 11pm on a Friday night after you worked up the guts to get your own weed since you smoked your last mini joint—your attempt at making your last ounce last—yesterday night. But Eddie won’t open the fucking door.
“Eddie!” you berate through the door as you knock again.
No answer.
“Stupid, fucking asshole, he probably won’t open the door because it’s me. What a dick,” you mutter under your breath. “Paul mentioned a key somewhere on the porch for in case Eddie was asleep or in the bathroom or something when he came by. But where the fuck did he say it was?”
You lift up the doormat, nothing. Check in the mailbox by the door, nothing. Raise up one plant, nothing, next plant, nothing. The only thing left is a giant stone that looks way too heavy, but as you go to lift it it comes right up.
“Styrofoam with a wood insert for weight. Clever,” you laugh as you remove the key from its spot under the fake rock.
You knock three times again before giving a warning, “Eddie I’m coming in! You’ve got 20 seconds to put away any porn magazines!”
Putting the key in the handle, you turn it until theres a click and open the door. Stepping inside, you notice that it’s surprisingly clean compared to what you thought Eddie’s place would be like. You walk further inside and drop the key on the table by the door. Shoving your hands in your jean jacket pockets you call out again.
“Eddie? I know you’re here, your van is parked outside.”
You don’t get a response but you do hear noises coming from a room down the hall. Curious, you move towards it. The giant DIO poster on the door obviously means it’s Eddie’s room, but you could also tell because the door was cracked just enough for you to see Eddie face twisted up in concentration, forehead a little slick with sweat.
Realizing what he’s probably doing, you turn around quickly and start to step away and towards the front door but you stop dead in your tracks because Eddie just moaned your name.
“Y/N, fuck me, yes.” His voice was rougher than usual, laced with lust. You squeeze your thighs together, because even though you despise him that was fucking hot as hell to hear. But then you remember that you despise him and instead of walk away you swing open his door and ask a very hard and very surprised Eddie a question.
“What makes you think you’re good enough to think about me when you’re touching yourself?”
Eddie’s eyes are wide as he removes his hands from his hard dick and quickly tries to cover himself with a blanket.
“Fuck! Y/N what the fuck are you doing here?” He asks frantically.
“I came to get weed because I ran out and can’t trust Paul to give me what I pay for anymore.”
“You could’ve fucking knocked!” he yells in annoyance.
“I did! A lot! For like 10 minutes straight! It’s not my fault you were horny and too busy thinking about me to stop touching your cock and come sell me an ounce of weed!” Your chest rises up and down quickly after your outburst. “And again, Eddie. What makes you think you’re good enough to think about me when you’re touching yourself, huh?”
Eddie shrinks beneath your domineering gaze, trying to curl away from you. “I–“
“Ah ah ah,” you tsk, shifting closer to the edge of his bed. “Look at me, and answer my question.”
Eddie’s eyes meet yours and you can tell he’s a little subby baby, which brings a smile to your face.
“I–I’m sorry. I just, I won’t, I–“
“Why are you such a nervous lil boy, Eds? Do you think I’m mad at you?”
Eddie looks at you slightly confused, “you’re not mad?”
“Oh no baby, I’m not mad. I’m just surprised, and a little upset you didn’t ask for permission first.” His eyes go wide as you toe off your shoes and sit in front of him on his bed.
“‘m sorry,” he whimpers, bowing his head. “Can I?”
“Hmm, I don’t know,” you say, running a hand up his bare leg towards the blanket bundled on his lap. “Do you think you deserve to imagine me sucking you off when you rub yourself?”
His leg twitches under your soft touch and you can see his lower stomach muscles tighten at your dirty question.
“Tell me, Eddie baby, do you think of my mouth on your cock or my pussy?”
He groans and bucks his hips into the blanket slightly, muttering a silent apology.
“Answer me.”
“Both,” he gasps as your hand finds its way under the blanket, fingertips brushing his balls.
“Good boy,” you praise and Eddie whines. “I think I’ll let you finish fucking your hand.”
Eddie’s eyes go wide again, big brown eyes searching your face for a lie.
“But,” you pause. “You have to follow my directions, and look at me the whole time. Ok?”
He nods silently and eagerly.
“Words, Eddie. Gimmie your words.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Good. Now take off the blanket and let me see you.”
Eddie’s hand reaches for the blanket covering himself and removes it slowly, dick jumping as he does.
“Fuck, your cock is so pretty Eds,” you say shifting a pillow behind you so you can sit comfortably, legs criss crossed. “You wanna touch yourself?”
“Ok, go ahead and stroke yourself, but keep it slow. Don’t want you cumming too soon.”
He does as you say, his dominant hand coming to grip himself at the base of his dick and slowly bringing it to the tip. He repeats the motion three times, eyes locked on yours the entire time.
“Good, now squeeze at the top this time.”
He does, and lets out the deepest groan you’ve heard from him yet. It grows from the center of his chest and releases as he squeezes his sensitive tip. You shift your hips at the sound, slightly grinding yourself on his bed. His eyes flick to your center as you do so and you decide in that moment to give him some fodder for his imagination. His eyes follow your hands as you reach down to rub yourself over your jean shorts, your strokes matching Eddie’s speed.
“Slow down baby,” you say as you unbutton your shorts and pull the zipper down. He doesn’t follow your directions and instead moves a little faster, so you halt your own movements. “Hey, Eddie, eyes up here.”
His eyes flick up immediately to meet yours. “Good boy. Slow down.” He nods and does as he’s told.
“Eye’s up still okay?” you half say, half ask. Once you’re certain he won’t look away, you resume your movements, placing your feet on the bed and lifting your hips to remove your shorts and panties. Settling back into the pillows with your legs butterflied to make sure Eddie can see you, you nod at him, allowing him to watch your hands as they trail down your clothed stomach to your mound.
You lightly trail your pointer and ring fingers down your lips, and run your middle finger through your slit on the upward stroke, Eddie sighing at the sight and sound of your arousal. You tease and circle your clit a few times before giving him his next instruction.
“Play with your balls while you watch me.”
Eddie’s free hand that was previously strangling the sheets to his side reaches below his dick to play with his heavy sack. The two of you stay like this for a few minutes, watching each other intently. Eddie touching and teasing and squeezing his balls while you circle and pinch your clit, working yourself into a heady haze, the coil in your belly starting to tighten.
“Ok baby. Stroke yourself to my rhythm,” you gasp shifting your fingers from your clit to your entrance. You circle yourself once, twice, before inserting a finger.
“Fuck,” Eddie mutters at the sight of you fingering yourself. His hand resumes it’s place on his throbbing cock. You match each other’s pacing, Eddie fucking his hand as fast as you ride your own.
Both of you are panting as you watch each other, Eddie’s eyes glued to where your fingers disappear into your cunt, and yours glued to the rough fuck of Eddie’s hand on his dick. “I–fuck–I’m close baby. Are you almost there? Are you ready to let go?”
Eddie can’t talk, his hazy desire covers him in want, but his eyes meet yours, his mouth dropped open in a moan. “Let go, Eds.”
He does, covering his stomach in his release as the coil in your stomach snaps and you coat your hand with your own release. Your moans echo through the room, paired with the wet sounds of you finger fucking yourself through your orgasm, Eddie’s eyes still glued to your glistening cunt.
“Fuck,” you say, pulling your fingers from your pussy and wiping them on Eddie’s now very dirty comforter. A sigh falls from your lips as you smile at Eddie.
“I want to be in you so badly,” he admits in his post-nut haze.
“Is that so?” you tease, shifting your legs behind you and getting up on your knees. “Wanna feel my pretty pussy on your cock? Squeezing you so good?”
“I fucking hate you,” he laughs as his dick begins to harden again.
“Mmm but you were such a good boy just a few minutes ago. Doing as your told? Such an obedient baby.”
Eddie’s eyes flick to yours as you crawl closer to him on the bed.
“I wouldn’t mind riding your pretty cock,” you say.
You hover just over his dick, hands braced on his bare chest, and you can feel the heat of it on your pussy as you slowly lower yourself onto him, running your wet cunt over him. He hisses as his tip catches your hole.
“Just fucking ride me already, Y/N. Stop fucking teasing,” he says through gritted teeth.
“What happened to my nice boy that was just begging for permission to think about me while he touched himself?”
“He came. And now he wants to fuck you.”
“Ah what a real gentleman. This is why I don’t like you,” you spit out, rubbing yourself over his cock again to rile him up.
“You don’t have to like me to ride me,” he smirks up at you.
“Yeah but I don’t know if I want to give it to you now. I kind of want to make you beg—oh fuck.”
Eddie didn’t let you finish. He grabbed your hips and slammed up into you, knocking the air from your lungs in a throaty moan.
“Not so hot when you’re not in control huh?” he teases. Smiling up at you as he fucks up into you. You move your hands from his chest to his thighs behind you, and start to bounce on his hard cock.
“Fuck Eddie, you’re so fucking big,” you gasp as his mushroom tip hits your g-spot with every bounce. Eddie’s hands grip your hips tightly, sure to leave a bruise.
“Yeah? Do I feel good?”
“Shut up.”
“Awe but I wanted another compliment,” he laughs as one hand leaves your hip to find your clit. He rubs circles around the engorged bud and lets you ride him at your own pace now.
“I still despise you Munson.”
“Feeling is still mutual, Y/L/N. We’ll just fuck and go back to hating each other. No big deal.”
Your thighs begin to burn and your movements slow. Eddie notices and lifts you up and off of his cock.
“What are you–?”
He flips you on to all fours and kneels behind you, lining himself up and entering you again, slowly this time. You squeeze around him once he’s buried to the hilt, and then he’s pounding into you at a relentless pace. His body engulfs yours as he leans over you, hand pushing your upper back into the bed as he continues to bottom out with every thrust into your wet pussy.
The sounds in the room are animalistic. The squelching from his dick moving in and out of your cunt, your moans muffled in the comforter, Eddie’s hot and heavy breath coming out in puffs on your shoulder. He leans back up, wrapping one hand in your hair to bring you up with him. Untangling his hand from your hair he wraps it around your stomach to keep your back to his chest while his other hand reaches down to give attention to your clit again.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you pant out, coil in your belly tightening again. “I’m so close.”
“Yeah,” he laughs teasingly. “I can tell, your cunt is gripping me so hard right now.”
“Shut it, Munson, and make me cum.”
“Fuck, fine, but god knows I’ll bust as soon as you do so where do you want me?”
“Inside, I’m on the pill and impatient.”
“Shit,” he mutters into your neck. Eddie puts more pressure on your clit as his thrusts become sloppier. “Cum, come on, let go.”
And you do. You both do. As soon as Eddie feels your release cover his cock, his release coats your walls. He ruts up into you a few more times before pulling out of your warm, wet cunt and leaning back on his headboard. “Never took you for a domme-type, Y/N.”
“Never took you for a hard switch. I definitely prefer you as the sweet little obedient sub from earlier though.”
“Not a word of that to anyone, okay. I’m the dom with most hookups, you just caught me in the moment.”
“You really think I’d admit to people that we fucked?” You reach for and grab your panties and shorts before sliding off the bed to slip them on. “I can’t let people know I caved,” you laugh. “So, how much for an ounce?”
Eddie laughs, “not gonna lie, I forgot that’s why you were here.”
“How much for an ounce, Munson,” you sigh slipping your shoes back on.
“Why do you want so much?”
“The fewer times I have to see you outside of school the better.”
Eddie feigns heartbreak, “ouch, Y/N, that hurts.” He pouts as he reaches into his bedside table and pulls out a bag of weed. “I’ll do it for $80. We can call it the Wet Dick Discount.”
“This is another reason why I don’t like you,” you mutter, handing him the money.
“Listen, I got off, you got off, I got money, you got your weed. I think it was a solid interaction.”
“Yeah well, don’t expect it to happen again.”
“Have $160 next time then. Or plan to see me a little more often in your free time.”
…it definitely happened again…a few times…of course the Wet Dick Discount was only ever given to you…
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no1sharkenthusaist · 1 year
! hsr headcannons for several characters ! [modern au]
♪ In-ter-net-o ya-me-ro ♪!
Y u m i - c h a n i s n o w o n l i n e !
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Characters : Dan Heng, Serval, Blade, Gepard, March
Plot : no real plot, just headcannons about honkai Characters in a modern au setting
Tags : modern au, headcannons, fluff, slight crack, wrote this at 11pm while heading home from a road trip
authors note : omg got a steam deck for my birthday (may 30th) and I. AM. IN. LOVE !!! I could talk abt it for hours and hours but i have my discord for that ehe. Anyways, ive been having fun rediscovering my old childhood games and thats when i had an epiphany. Hsr or genshin boys in a ddlc type scenario!!! Feeling so swag abt the idea. Also i got out of school so more uploads yaya. Thank u all for the support on my intro page yippee. I promise not to let you all down
╭( ・ㅂ・)و ̑̑ enjoy !
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Now playing : Scrawny - The Wallows
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He definitely dresses like with collared shirts and kinda has that accidental soft boy look
English major frfr
definitely listens to lovejoy/wilbursoot and bo burnham
Water drinker enthusiast (even tho he forgets to drink half the time-)
burnt out gifted kid
messed up sleeping schedules
Hes that quiet guy everyone has a crush on to some extent
He looks cold and serious during lectures, but hes actually just daydreaming and has his head in the clouds
Probably stays with the same group of kids he met in middle school because he cant socialize
I think said kids would be march, stelle/caleus, himeko And on ocasion blade, kafka, and silverwolf
Welt would be a chill english teacher that would let Dan Heng sit in his classroom during lunch
he likes going to concerts a lot
Learned to play guitar in middle school but doesnt like playing in front of people
Consider yourself lucky if he plays in front of you
Extremely oblivious to romance
Girls will try to flirt with him but he will just have a blank and confused look
Spends his free time in book stores shopping for records
Ps5 gamer frfr
Theater kid (had a hamilton phase)
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Now playing : Shut Me Up - Mindless Self Indulgence
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Shut me up by mindless self indulgence on loop
Like its probably to an unhealthy level
Always has headphones in(that gepard gave her for her birthday)(And so loud to the point you can hear the music standing next to her)
(went deaf at the ripe age of 13, after that it was all "huh?" /j)
Shirts from old bands, baggy jeans, fishnets, etc
Had an alt phase
Bad habit of smashing guitars
Dropped out of college after first semester
Had a band in highschool with Blade and Dan Heng that received noise complaints on a regular Basis
Really extroverted and easy to get along with
Loves going to concerts (especially the ones that get crazy like halfway through )
Probably gets in fights during black friday
Addicted to coffee (gepards needs to step in and help her drink something else)
Likes bitter stuff more than sweet stuff
Cares very deeply for her friends
The type of gal to go on road trips with friends and go Camping
Goes to protests every other tuesday
Probably banned from several places
very passionate about things she loves
Loves scary movies and Rollercoasters
The six flags employees have memorized her name
(shes just so cool i wanna be like her fr)
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Now playing : Consequences - Lovejoy
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Theater kid (would never admit it tho)
Kafka teases him about it so much
met kafka and silverwolf in detention
The teachers hate the three of them
Alt kid and never got out of his emo phase
Besties with serval, change my mind
Kafka probably pushed him to join boxing to get his anger out in a less…destructive way
Loves the sleepovers he has with kafka and silverwolf
Broke silverwolf's tv while playing wii sports
Goes to college, no clue what he wants to do so hes just doing liberal studies
Adopted a small stray cat he saw on the ground during a storm
he tries to be tough and mean, but hes a big Softy
Loves the Beetlejuice musical(and mean girls but we dont talk about that)
has probably been on probation on multiple occasions
Probably vandalized the car of someone he didnt like
Kafka has to sweet talk everyone out of getting blade in serious trouble
Hes really good at basketball, he just doesnt like it so he never pushed it further
Doesnt really like or understands sports
probably listens to videogame osts 24/7
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Now Playing : Pretty Face - PUBLIC
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Getting serval out of trouble isnt a choice, its a lifestyle
Which is ironic, as he is a criminal justice major
But he still will always be her biggest supporter
Dresses (like a costco dad) soft boy by pure accident
Completely oblivious to anything and everything
Enjoys gardening and has a lemon Tree
Cave Town enthusiast
Lemonade Enthusiast
Sends people those "reminder to drink water and be happy" messages
Straight 4.0 GPA student. The teachers loved Him
Was really shy so he didnt have many friends growing up (Serval had to help him out)
Hates rollercoasters, serval drags him around six flags and he screams his head off
Poor guy :<
Still loves it since he loves hanging out with his sister
Student council secretary
No clue how the internet and technology works
Strong sense of justice
That has gotten him involved in several issues
Which ironically, serval got him out of
Wholesome cinnamon roll, pls protecc
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Now playing : Cupid - FIFTY FIFTY
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That one girl in class that no one could hate
Class representative and student council public relations officer
Photography major (duh)
Social butterfly and very easy to talk to
Want to go out to go eat something sweet while having fun? March has you covered !
March Makes friendship braclets and sells them so she can go shopping
has a secret stash of candy hidden in her dorm
March has a babysitting gig and comes to peoples houses with candy
Shes a little kid magnet, they all love her so much
had a club penguin phase with Dan Heng and they both shudder just thinking about it
learned all her profanity from watching Dan Heng play Call Of Duty
sucks at english, fries her brain like a hashbrown
k-pop girlie
dresses really cute with cardigans and pastel pinks
(watched aphmau, Her favorite one was a mermaid tales and mystreet) [submitted by someone on my discord who wants to stay anon]
plays overwatch and says things like "Hey, thats not nice!"
lowkey kind of a teachers pet-
Loves webtoons and collects the physical releases
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! Thats a wrap !
! Join my discord HERE !
! Likes, reblogs, comments are greatly appreciated !
and thank you for reading ^^
♪ Overdose 君とふたり やるせない日々♪
! y u m i - c h a n i s n o w o f f l i n e !
t h a n k y o u f o r c o m i n g ~
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
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loversj0y · 1 year
omg I’ve never done this before (sent a fic request im a bit embarrassed) but hear me out. hear me out. thief!reader accidentally breaking into warden!wilburs house teehee haha
listen i wrote this so quick so it the quality is scuffed i apologize but oh man. this idea is top tier, hc format but if you’d like me to expand, just lmk!!
thief!reader breaking into warden! wilburs house
slight suggestive material! btw :3
wilbur soot x gn! reader
flirty lil shit :33
- okay, listen, in your defense, you didn’t know he was a prison warden
- and its not like you were stupid. this wasnt your first break-in
- you spent a week watching his habits from afar, taking note of when he left for work and came back, keeping track of any variations
- he worked nights usually, so from about 11pm-7am, so you figured you’d have the perfect 8 hour window to sneak in, take some cash, and leave before he noticed anything
- when he left for work that night, you were quick to sneak in
- you quickly started exploring, trying to find something of value
- there were a LOT of lighters
- after 30 minutes of searching, you found a small safe and started working on figuring out the code, not noticing the sound of quiet footsteps behind you
- until you felt a hand wrapping around your mouth and waist, pulling you against his body
- “and what exactly do you imagine you’re doing here?”
- oh fuck.
- he was hot too.
- he moved his hand off your mouth, sitting you down. your heart jumped. partly because of the gun on his waist, mostly because of how gorgeous he was
- he was grinning though, clearly enjoying this.
- “you know, if you’re going to steal, you really have to be smarter about it.” he laughed
- god, his laugh…
- “are you blushing right now?”
- that just made you blush harder. he leaned over you, gently placing a hand on your jaw.
- “i-“ you were a bit of a stuttering mess “i knew what i was doing.”
- “clearly not, love.” he tutted “or else you wouldnt be sat here. but its a good thing you’re cute or else we’d have a much bigger problem on us.”
- what
- “you’re lucky im not actually a warden. i’d have you locked up right now” he grinned
- that didnt honestly sound half bad if he was the one doing it
- he smirked, leaning closer, his lips just barely touching yours
- “what? are you nervous?”
- you absolutely were. however. your close proximity also made you crave his contact
- you leaned forward, pulling him in for a heated kiss
- he returned the intensity, kissing you back and making your head spin
- while you didnt leave with any cash, you did leave with a new potential partner
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meta-squash · 25 days
Yet another piece for @shamelessdvdcommentary. I really appreciate getting to ramble on about my fic and also my thoughts on Mickey and characterization and things!
Abrade Summary: The immediate aftermath of 3x06. Mickey can't stop thinking about it.
[TW for discussion of rape aftermath in this post/fic]
Give us some stats - (when you wrote it, word count, how long it took to finish, is it a one-shot/multi-chapter, etc) This fic fell out of my fingers in one go, I think I wrote it in about 2 hours at 11pm in January 2019. It's a oneshot, 2,834 words.
What was the initial inspiration for your story? I had a mental image of Mickey sitting on the couch by himself just staring at nothing and then Terry leaning down and telling him to clean up, and I had also just read something for a different fandom that had very little punctuation and a lot of run-on sentences. I liked the anxiety and panic in that, and my brain switched on.
What was your favourite scene to write? I really liked the little detail of Mickey dumping the entire box of detergent into the washing machine because he just doesn't have the capacity to think about or care about measuring. I also really like the end, seeing/feeling that scene in the abandoned building from Mickey's point of view and his inability to react to Ian yelling at him.
How did you come up with the title? Just the idea of being emotionally/mentally/physically raw and worn away. The Mickey we see in the show post 3x06 is trying so fucking hard to keep the walls up and keep up appearances. But he feels so vulnerable and skinless and hurt, and I wanted to see that immediate aftermath reaction where he's all by himself and doesn't necessarily have to fake it for anybody and/or literally can't fake it because the trauma is too painfully fresh.
Are there any little moments or references you hope readers will notice? That almost the entire fic is long punctuation-less run-on sentences until the very end, after Ian yells at Mickey in the abandoned building and leaves and Mickey starts shooting his gun again.
Favourite line in the story? There are lights on in your house and you don't know if dad is home or what's going to happen when you step inside or who knows what happened since you left but fuck it because you're already half-dead right you always knew this was going to happen right you probably fucking deserved it right you're a goddamn Milkovich fucking a dude in your own goddamn house what the fuck else did you expect to happen certainly not a fucking celebration certainly not a fucking hug certainly not a surprise party Terry already got his surprise goddamn party.
Did the storyline change in any way as you wrote the story? I don't think I had a real storyline planned. This fic fell out all at once, completely linearly. I just started going and then stopped when it felt natural. I remember typing so fast because it was just a sudden blast of inspiration.
What are you most proud about in the story? (plot, characterisation, dialogue, twist/cliffhanger, etc) I love the pacing. It's so panicky and frantic, it really makes you feel for Mickey. I struggled with it a little bit, because the lack of punctuation sometimes makes it a little hard to read/parse what's going on, but I actually really like that because it feels like it's just another way of illustrating how Mickey is feeling, all tangled up and lost and hurting.
Are there any ‘behind the scenes’ info you’d like to share - e.g. what’s going on in a characters head in a certain scene or how you came to write a certain line? I really wanted to show the way the emotional trauma shows up as a physical reaction and vice versa; Mickey being unable to put clothes on but also unable to be naked so he puts everything on vs Mickey feeling like he can't even look at another person without wanting to commit violence. Or Mickey feeling like he's too much inside himself but also totally dissociating, basically all the physical and emotional sensations and contradictions that come with trauma and how much they switch back and forth and stuff.
Are there any ‘easter eggs’ in your story - e.g. references to other stories you’ve written, a trope you often use etc? Mickey vomiting on the dishes in the kitchen sink. I established it in this fic but I've mentioned it in 3 other fics now. I think it's such a great detail in that it's small but so visceral and intense and awful. I think it's important that a reaction be equal or nearly equal to its catalyst in some way, and I think it's also really important in storytelling to indicate the severity of an event in indirect ways. I think the upsetting/humiliating/gross nature of vomiting onto dirty dishes and not having the mental capacity to do anything about it is a good way to indicate the awfulness of Mickey's rape and just how badly it's traumatized him even if he doesn't have the language or ability to talk/think about it.
Were you nervous or excited to post this story? I think I bashed this story out in 2 hours, barely proofread it, and then just put it out in the world because I was so excited by it. It was just a flash of inspiration. I wish I could remember what music I was listening to when I wrote it.
Anything else you’d like the readers to know about the story? It was the first fic for the Shameless fandom that I wrote in second person POV, and it reminded me how much I love that as a stylistic choice. It also became the unintentional prequel to my fic Proof Of What You Want, which also uses the second person POV mechanic. The grammar in this fic is all whack because of the lack of punctuation, but I really really wanted the reader to feel that same level of breathless tension and panic and confusion through the inability to "rest" via commas while reading. I think it's a mechanic that worked really well.
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fandomfluffandfuck · 10 months
ok how do u expect me to not share my thoughts with u after seeing this...
it's like 11pm rn and I have work tomorrow but ????? do I give a damn? no. Im thinking about bucky and steve in a modern world where steves phone is used only for looking at news articles and buckys is full of the kinda shit you would expect. he's got Instagram, tiktok (but he doesn't post videos, just watches the occasional cat video and reposts it only for thousands of people to like his repost and gush about his adorable love for cats).
ANYWAY I'm thinking one night he and Steve are chilling on the couch, half focused on the movie playing, Bucky scrolling on his phone for a bit.
then he sees the video in the link on tiktok and stops. he doesn't usually dwell on the videos he comes across on his feed. he'll acknowledge them and move on until he sees a cat doing something cute - then he'll shove his phone under Steve's nose until he sees. but. this video makes him squirm a little, seeing the guy's muscles squeeze right up against his boyfriends jaw. strong. perfect.
he looks up at Steve from across the couch, his feet in Steve's lap, studying him. looking at his arms.
"uh.. Buck?"
bucky looks at Steve's face and blushes bright red at being caught. he manages to push aside his embarrassment by asking Steve to watch the video and proposing that maybe they could.. recreate it?
"just to see what it feels like?" bucky asks, and when Steve nods, albeit reluctantly, he knows he's won.
he gets into position with his head on Steve's chest, gets his phone ready to record. he tells Steve when to flex and starts filming, mouthing along to the words of the song until...
until Steve flexes his bicep and buckys seeing it in the camera and he just sort of... stops. stops mouthing, stops blinking. mostly because the way Steve arm looks around his throat makes him want to moan, and because he knows his boyfriend is powerful and strong enough that he could definitely - if he wanted to - tighten his hold and keep Bucky there. unable to escape or move. like prey. at Steve's mercy to do whatever he wants with him.
Steve catches on to Bucky's thoughts, huffs a laugh before tossing the phone to the side and looking Bucky in the eye.
"You... like this?" He asks breathlessly, and who is bucky to sit there and lie?
"I think so?" he says, and Steve's eyes soften as he flexes again and this time, Bucky can /feel/ the muscles under Steve's skin, feels the way they squeeze his throat. he shivers and then a bolt of arousal makes its way to his core.
After that? bucky spends the rest of his night with one arm around his neck whilst Steve fucks his from behind. moral of the story: bucky now very much enjoys being choked.
thanks for receiving my word vomit <3
[Link] to a video on Twitter of two men lying on a bed, one has his arm around the others face, flexing and squeezing his chin with his bicep and forearm muscles.
I applaud you for having thoughts after seeing that. I just went... yeahhh 😏
As far as my thoughts after reading what you wrote?
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No fucking thoughts.
Not even a single one.
Empty head.
I just love how fucking dumbfounded you made Bucky. The moment Steve flexes, he's gone. Floating away. He's dumb. He's about ready to drool. Just, ready to die, because he could die like that, suffocated by Steve's stupid, perfect arms.
Poor Bucky is like--
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Oh, God... maybe not no thoughts...
Now I'm thinking about choking but also, just, Bucky crawling all over Steve whenever he comes home from the gym, flushed, sweaty, and bursting out of his tight, thin t-shirts even more than normal with his muscles plump and hard from use and his veins enbolded, too. He is obscene. A walking wet dream. Bucky can't help himself! He hangs off of his big, huge boyfriend, whining and begging to be squeezed, to be choked, to be thrown around, to be touched. He aches for Steve's broad, strong hands on him. Groping him. Defiling him. The feeling of his gym-honed calluses and blunt nails is practically orgasmic, making Bucky shiver every time. The air punched out of his lungs.
And don't even get Bucky started on how hotdirtygood the smell of Steve is when he comes home from the gym. Bucky just barely accepted that he's weird enough to have A Fucking Thing for his boyfriend flexing his arm around his throat, putting him in a chokehold, he can't handle uncovering his deeply buried armpit kink. Even if he just wants to faceplant in that firm, round chest--in those big, juicy biceps--in one of his armpits, inhaling deep and moaning helplessly. Steve's such a man. A man from that gorgeous jaw to his broad shoulders to his trim waist to his strong thighs to his stupid, square palms and thick fingers. Every inch of him. Bucky can't get enough of him.
Thank you for this 😮‍💨🥴
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indolamine · 4 months
hey y'all 🤍 here's a link for INFO on jiyeon, but i'll include some bullet points here with all you need to know. in case anything here sparks ideas for your muse and you'd like to work on a plot, hmu. i do prefer dscrd, so don't hesitate to ask. oh and i'd appreciate it if you could shoot me a dm first so my account doesn't get banned trying to touch base with the likes (say literally anything, hit me with a send it to me rachel if you'd be so kind). still, if you'd rather just hit like it's fine, i'll reach out once tumblr allows me!
jiyeon is what you'd call an Interesting Girl. someone you don't call or arrange schedules with, just happen upon. someone who never calls you but can be your best friend between 11pm and 3am. a fun girl, you just don't look too long.
both her parents are dead for all intents and purposes, which's proven to be a very character defining event in her life. one of her fathers passed away before she was even code, and the other chose to virtually die to work as a doctor for terrascape when she turned 18.
as single beneficiary to both her fathers, jiyeon found herself young, alone and newly rich. she's not particularly self destructive, but choices were made. luckily? for the most part, she was too stunned by grief and anger to blow away her fortune, which now affords her a cushy life she doesn't dwell too hard on.
she's emotionally stunted, still reliving the loss of her parents somewhere in her mind at every moment. she knows a lot of people, calls them friends but struggles to connect with them, blinking in and out of their lives. death is a constant thought, not quite a morbid fascination but more of a haunting. she knows, poor little rich girl.
she writes -- tries to, anyway. she's got some essays published, wrote for a column for a hot minute, it's her definitive trade of choice. but, and not to get too meta, the thing about writing is that you do have to write. that's the tricky part. merits were a good incentive, though once they're no longer an issue, she finds herself ignoring deadlines and putting off work on the novel she's been writing for the past 4 years. she instead "gathers experiences". she has many talents that she has no interest in seriously exploring, so she entertains herself while the high lasts.
between her writing and her party girl fame, at some point along the way she amassed a following on social media that she hesitates to cut loose. they make her more interesting than she, merely human, could ever hope to be, and she doesn't know how to kill the part of her that answers to their call. it's a lie when she says she doesn't look at what they say.
adult life for her breezes by in parties with half-friends and long bouts of reclusion. she wants to be a little of everything. she enjoys reading, skiing, playing silly little meta indie games about living in hyper realities. she doesn't commit to romantic relationships, yet enjoys the hunt anyway. she takes her time, and it never seems to align with anyone else's.
& here's a rolling list of canons that could also serve as potential connections for anyone interested, will add more as they come to me:
she once got involved with a couple for some brief months and it didn't end well
one of the few things she gets competitive about is skiing
she's fucked someone's significant other purely out of spite
she has a writing group whose meetings she misses often but she isn't the only one so she feels like it's a safe space
the person she plays a random weird rpg with incognito is maybe the most consistent relationship in her life, their chats can get very personal and strange and they can go weeks on no contact but go right back to where they left off
the events surrounding gyuok pique her interest because it's the first time terra residents could potentially be hearing from a virtually deceased and because he's essentially a virtual ghost which she thinks is neat
one of her published essays focuses on a celebrity she knows personally and doesn't portray them in the best light, which soured their relationship
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thepeculiarbird · 8 months
Sooo, I wrote a scene for a wip idea I have yesterday. I was half-asleep and still wonder how I was writing with my eyes closed. I just checked and oh wow, don't ever let me write at 11pm on phone in the notes app ever again. This is not my writing style and it's not good lol. I didn't even finish it.
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